#I'm sorry but literally neither of them knows what a normal person even acts like
mixelation · 11 months
I’m sorry I have to ask how would a throuple Deidara/Tori/Itachi work in this au? Who drives who craziest? What does the village think? More importantly, what does Kushina think?
i'm not saying i'd make this ~canon~ to the reborn au, but if i did i'd write it like this:
so it's actually kind of tricky to add deidara to the itatori fake dating power couple because despite both of them acting insane about it, they're actually almost entirely on the same page about what they want out of a relationship. neither of them are super into actual romance or physical affection, but having another person socially bound to show up and back you up is nice even if neither will admit it. itachi will die if he has to learn to be vulnerable with someone else but following tori around like a weird ghost at social events is just how life is sometimes, and if he says something out of line she'll roll her eyes and not cry over it. tori thinks itachi is rude and controlling and also there was that period where he actively wanted to kill her, but if she insists a good boyfriend would help her with X, he'll.... usually do it, even if X is an absurdly selfish demand.
and i think deidara does want active sex life, and he won't ADMIT it but he likes being dated. he thinks tori and itachi's relationship is really weird and also very annoying to him personally, how dare they. so we need something stupid and contrived to make the throuple even happen. such as:
tori and deidara are roommates.
deidara obviously knows their dating is fake, because he KNOWS them. also because usually when itachi comes over, tori just like. ignores him
like itachi is only there because he likes having Away Time from home, and spending the night at his girlfriend's is a normal reason to not be home. he knows tori wants her own alone time. he's just going to quietly hangout in their living room and then crash on the couch
deidara: ....but why are you H E R E
itachi: ? i literally just explained it?
i think at some point it's going to become obvious to the wider konoha populace that there's something off about ItaTori.... like itachi is konoha's most eligible bachelor so people are Watching because everyone KNOWS mikoto periodically interviews kunoichi about a potential marriage match, and no one has seen them even kiss a cheek, and also a few people have definitely noticed tori being Obnoxious On Purpose. itachi IS an asshole but bc the entire canon is obsessed with him, i've decided only his inner most circle has realized this. clearly tori is his evil, overbearing girlfriend he can't get out of a toxic relationship with
itachi: no :( if the rumor gets too bad this won't work any more and then i'll have to date an actual 18 year old :( tori i care about her problems so little. what if she tries to kiss me :(
tori, sailing right by the idea they should attempt to be more publicly amorous, because LOL: okay we're going to have to redirect with an even juicier rumor then.... let's see, what do people know.... we're not into each other enough, and also they think i'm a gold digger*.... i've heard people wondering what happens when you spend the night here.....
*she kinda is
tori: oh!
tori: i'm your beard because you're fucking deidara :)
itachi decides this is GREAT because he knows "publicly date a woman who could make you heirs while fucking your boyfriend on the side" IS the solution to the uchiha heir being gay. they barely have to change anything. they just have to catch him shoving deidara against a wall at a couple parties and then dragging him into a private room
the thing is deidara reacts exactly correctly to itachi doing this. he gets red and flustered. he acts embarrassed and twitchy when asked about it later. he's been obsessed with itachi for years.....
anyway they forget to tell deidara what itachi was doing until AFTER the rumor mill gets around to him, and deidara has to go scream alone in a forest for a while
deidara wants to blow them both up but then he looks deep down inside his soul and actually he would. like. to fuck itachi.......
i think deidara gets more frustrated with the entire thing more often because he has more interest in the whole stupid arrangement not being fake, so if i wrote it i think his addition would catalyze it moving into more of a "real" throuple, instead of "friends who mutually enjoy tricking other people for fun and profit social benefit"
as for who annoys each other most.... i think deidara has it in his head that tori > itachi because he decided it eons ago when he had more of a grudge against itachi, and he's not actually very good at changing his mind. so he's more forgiving of tori's annoying quirks while itachi is more likely to drive him insane. tori is actually more likely to actively annoying itachi, because most of deidara's annoying habits are very "it happens and then it's done," whereas tori is irritating over longer periods, and also sometimes entirely on purpose. for tori, i think itachi is generally more likely to pick at her nerves, but also since they've been In Cahoots more, she's more likely to forgive/understand him than in original flavor plasticity, and also deidara is less good at Cahoots which can annoy her
i'm imaging the fake dating starts when they're 15/16, with deidara being added a couple years later, so they're not actively under kushina while it's happening but she's invested in checking in on them when she can. because she doesn't have a front row view of the budding "romance," i think kushina just kind of assumes.... tori and itachi realized they were both Like That in the same direction and that's why they seem like a weird couple to others. she's more skeptical of the "tori is itadei's beard" rumor because that seems.... wrong. but when she talks to deidara about it he gains the most pained expression in the universe and she's like "oh no" because ACTUALLY this is a WILD LOVE TRIANGLE---
anyway when they become vaguely official, she's happy for them! also she's told minato every single detail with the same excitement she relates bad movies she watches, sorry if that makes mission reports weird---
i don't think the village at large would be... super into it? and also confused. they already don't like tori not being a Perfect Girlfriend, and the beard rumor was very exciting for a few months, but itachi being gay (bi? why is tori still there?) ruins a lot of personal fantasies, because either you want to marry him, marry your cousin to him, indulge in the fantasy of what being married to him is like, or you're one of those dudes who idolizes other dudes and your dude-idol's sexual life being your own fantasy one is very important. also don't tell deidara or tori how obsessed with itachi the village is they know and they don't like it.
caveat to the above: i think there's a subset of konoha that's really, really interested in deidara's sex life because. uh. hands. so "what do you think he does in a threesome" is probably semi normal bar banter, sorry deidara
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aerequets · 1 year
sugar, spice, and everything nice
rating: G
genre: fluff, humor
synopsis: After the fifth time Loid turned around to see Yuri feigning immense interest in their coffee table, he sighed, long-suffering and in disbelief of what he was about to say. “...do you want to come see what I’m making?”
a/n: this is the first fic i'm posting that was not written in one sitting past midnight :D milestones yall! also i think the first fic which isn't twiyor centric? anyways i know some people love yuri and many, many people loathe him. i'm more on the neutral end, where i acknowledge he's a funky guy and if i ignore the weirder aspects of his love for yor and pretend its just intense attachment issues due to trauma etc then i think he's swell. i didn't really know how to write him since in the series itself he's used more as a plot device than anything else, and loid's view on him reflects that, so hopefully this doesn't feel too weird. also ending fics is hard im sorry 🙏🙏
anyways i've talked enough, one last thank you for everyone who leaves reviews and kudos, i don't get to respond to them but i do read them all and appreciate the love <3 enjoy
“Yooor!” Yuri sang as he shoved the door to the Forger residence open, bouquet of flowers in hand. “I got off work early so I decided to come… and…”
His voice petered out as he took a better look inside the apartment he’d just forcibly entered. The chihuahua girl and her polar bear of a dog were in the living room with some noxious cartoon blaring on the TV set. That damned Forger was in the kitchen, messing around with something that definitely didn’t smell good whatsoever. Most importantly, there was a glaring, offensive lack of Yor!
“Where is Yor?” He asked, accusingly pointing a finger at Loid who finally looked up from his work. “What did you do to her?!”
Loid’s eye twitched. What made Yuri assume he could just barge in whenever he wanted and find Yor waiting for him? “She got called out for a late night shift.”
“Don’t lie to me, you—” Yuri’s other senses finally caught up and he begrudgingly confirmed that whatever Forger was messing around with did smell good. Really good. And vaguely familiar? He sniffed the air deeply, trying to figure it out.
Anya looked up from her cartoons. “Are you acting like a dog, Unkie?”
“I’m not the dog here!”
Loid debated with himself as Yuri stood in the doorway, neither coming in nor leaving. The polite, Loid-Forgerly thing to do would be to invite him inside to wait for Yor to come back. That was what upstanding gentlemen, good members of society—far from the blacklists of the SSS— acted like; gracious, affable.
The thing was, he didn’t really want to.
He watched Yuri argue with Anya about dogs (“there’s an actual dog, and then you, chihuahua girl. I am a normal person!”) and groaned. Come on. What would Yor think if she heard Yuri came by and I turned him away? It would be no good if he displeased her. He had to do this for the sake of Strix.
“Would you like to come in?” He called from his spot in the kitchen, none too welcomingly.
(Doing it for the mission didn’t mean he had to be happy about it.)
Yuri was torn from his impassioned argument with a literal first grader. “Tch… I guess since I’ve brought flowers, I might as well put them in water,” he muttered. “No other reason!”
He came in. He split the gargantuan bouquet up into six different vases. He made some comments about how Anya’s cartoon was impossible according to the laws of physics. Then he just stood in the living room, trying—and failing—to act like he wasn’t peering at Loid’s activity in the kitchen, still loudly sniffing the air. Really, even if Loid didn’t have senses sharpened to a knife’s point, it would be difficult not to notice Yuri. To make matters worse, every time he turned back, Yuri would suddenly whip around and act like he definitely wasn’t loitering, the way they did in bad sitcoms. Is this the way the SSS carry out their own covert operations? he wondered.
Aside from Anya’s cartoon playing in the background, it was painfully quiet, the only sounds coming from Loid's activity in the kitchen. It seemed like Yuri wasn’t going to strike up a conversation, and Loid wasn’t inclined to, either. But then why is he just standing there?
 After the fifth time Loid turned around to see Yuri feigning immense interest in their coffee table, he sighed, long-suffering and in disbelief of what he was about to say. “...do you want to come see what I’m making?” 
 Yuri squinted at him like he was affronted at the mere notion. “Hmph. I guess I could.” The speed with which he made his way to the kitchen offset his haughty tone. He glanced down into the various bowls Loid had set out on the counter, one filled with sliced apples, another with some uncracked eggs, and a third with flour, sugar, and spices laid out, but not yet combined. 
 “Apples,” Yuri said, almost dumbstruck. He forgot to keep the scowl on his face as he picked up an aniseed from the third bowl and brought it to his nose. It seemed like he finally found what he’d been sniffing around for. “You’re making apple cake?”  
 “Close,” Loid said, surprised by Yuri’s flip in demeanor. “Apple streusel pie. Do you make apple cake?”
 “Not me. But… this smell is…” Yuri mumbled, smelling the anise. “I don’t really remember, but this thingy smells familiar to me.”
 “It’s star anise. And people often say that smells are stronger links to memories than visuals,” Loid offered. “Maybe it’s something you used to have.” 
 Yuri’s eyes widened. “Oh. Now that I think about it…” He held the aniseed up to the light. “I think Mom put this in apple cake once, on Sis’ birthday.” He cut a glance to Loid. “Apples are her favorite.”
 Loid knew—that was why he was making apple streusel. But he was more astonished at the fact that Yuri brought up an old memory to him at all. Right now, with Yuri looking at the aniseed with an almost wondrous expression, it struck Loid how much of a kid Yuri was. 
 Yuri was only twenty years old. When Twilight was twenty years old, he was still new to WISE, training hard and getting his ego beaten down even harder. He’d thought he knew everything there was to know back then.  
 Could he blame Yuri for thinking the same way? 
 For the first time, Loid found himself regarding Yuri with something that wasn’t annoyance. Sure, the guy was more attached to Yor than superglue, but again, could he be blamed? He was a kid clinging onto the only thing left from his childhood. 
 Yuri turned to him with a grim expression. “I think I should take over this baking project of yours.”
 Any feelings of tenderness were dashed in an instant. “What?”
 “Apples are Yor’s favorite, and I know her best, so I should make the apple cake.”
“Apple streusel. ”
 Loid resisted the urge to physically kick Yuri out of the kitchen. Don’t tussle with an SSS officer. Don’t tussle with your wife’s brother. Don’t tussle with a kid! “Are you forgetting the last time you came and destroyed the kitchen?”
 “You may have won then, but I won’t back down from this fight,” Yuri hissed. Loid gaped, a headache building in his temples. Since when was this a fight?
“Is this round two?!” Anya’s voice suddenly piped. The two of them turned to see her standing by the counter, looking strangely excited. She’d abandoned her cartoons to stretch up onto her tiptoes to see the counter. “Papa versus Unkie?”
“We aren’t doing that,” Loid said at the same time Yuri declared “I’m going to wipe the floor with him.” They turned and glared at each other.
Bond trotted up to Anya and nudged her with his nose. She paused, turned to the dog, and then brightened up.
“I just thought of a way better idea,” she announced. “Let’s all bake for Mama together!”
“What?!” The evening was spiraling way out of control. All Loid had wanted was to make some apple streusel for Yor since she was working late so often and deserved a treat (because if she got too tired or fed up, it would reflect badly on their fake marriage). Now he was meant to bake with her hyperactive brother and his equally hyperactive daughter—two people with an entire lack of abandon in the kitchen?
“No way,” Yuri sniffed, and for once Loid wholeheartedly agreed—until he continued, “I'm gonna make such a good apple streusel Yor will forget why she ever married you."
“This is not your kitchen,” Loid said, patience evaporated. “You aren't making anything, not here at least.”
“What, are you scared?”
“I'm not going to argue with you about this—”
Anya sighed loudly and tutted as if she were an exasperated adult. “Mama will be happiest,” she said slowly, “if we all make it.”
That got both men to pause. Well, thought Loid, I am making this to cheer her up in the first place. Anya's not wrong…
Agh. If it makes Sis happier, then shouldn't I…?
Anya smiled in satisfaction. In the snippet of the future she read from Bond's mind, it seemed like everyone was getting along and Mama was smiling really wide, so Papa and Unkie had to stop fighting in order for that to happen. As fun as round two sounded, that future seemed better.
(Also, in that version of the future, everyone was too distracted and happy to notice Anya sneaking extra dessert. Double win!)
“Yay! What do I do?” Anya asked, eagerly hopping up on a stool. “Can I put the crumblies on top?”
“It's not time for that yet,” Loid replied. “Though you can help me make the topping if you want. Er, Yuri, if you want to get started on the custard, you can crack the eggs…”
“Right, eggs,” Yuri repeated before picking one up and smashing it into the bowl, shell splintering. Loid and Anya jumped.
“Not like that!” Loid cried.
“Even I learned how to crack eggs,” Anya unhelpfully supplied, leading Yuri's face to glow red. Loid felt a tinge of pity (he knew how Anya's words could burn firsthand) and cautiously asked, “Did you ever learn to crack an egg, Yuri?”
“It was fine to do it this way before Yor ate your food,” he mumbled in response. Loid was silent for a few seconds before turning to the fridge and pulling a fresh egg out. “This is how you do it.” He demonstrated over the bowl, noting how Yuri carefully tracked the movement. “Tap gently enough to make a crack in the shell. Then pull it apart like you're opening it. Yor learned this way too.” He threw the empty shells away before adding, “Not everything has to stay the way it was before, you know.”
A muscle in Yuri's jaw jumped, but he said nothing and instead set to cracking the other eggs, a little clumsy but decidedly better. Loid then got Anya to whisk the powders together ( “Gently,” he insisted, since it seemed Anya had some sort of floury vendetta) and he cut the butter in for the streusel topping. Yuri began haltingly asking for instructions on what to do next, which Loid was glad to provide.
Time passed like this, with Loid and Yuri slowly warming up to each other via baking. During the process of whisking, mixing, pouring and arranging apples, it seemed like Yuri forgot to be thorny with Loid, and Loid forgot to be cross at Yuri's presence. Anya, too, quickly forgot why she was helping at all and went back to watching cartoons, in wait for when the streusel would be ready for her to eat.
It was when a warm, cinnamon-sugary smell was filling the apartment and Loid and Yuri were cleaning up that the front door opened. Yor trudged in, tired and sore from the night's assignment and ready to collapse into bed. She froze upon seeing six fresh vases and a very familiar pair of shoes in the doorway.
The TV was playing one of Anya's cartoons, but the living room was void. Yor, weary and blood still pumping, immediately assumed the worst. Oh, no. What if Yuri came and got in a fight with Loid? What if he found out we're fake married?! Where's Anya? And—
She, too, had to pause and finally breathe in the mouthwatering scent hanging in the air. There was just something about it…
Abandoning all caution, Yor slipped inside, keeping her steps light just in case something really was wrong. But it smelled too good for there to be any real damage—was that sound logic, or was she just hungry? In any case, she made sure not to draw attention to herself as she poked her head into the kitchen. 
“And for pots that have a lot of gunk in them, you can just boil a bit of water with soap and vinegar  and wait till it foams. Makes it easier to clean,” Loid was telling Yuri. “Yor taught me that, actually—oi, Anya, don't open the oven yet.”
“Makes sense.” Yuri was scribbling something down in a notepad, punching down on the dots and lines. “I'll triple-star that one since it's a tip from Sis.”
“Is it ready yet?” Anya was alternating between excitedly jumping in front of the oven and plastering her face up against the glass. Bond, too, was sat next to Anya with his tail furiously thumping on the ground. “It smells sooo good!”
“It'll be just a minute. Come on, back up from there, both of you.”
Yor was so shocked at what she was seeing that she dropped her purse, alerting everyone of her presence. They all gawked at each other; Anya and Bond were the first to react, scrambling up from their spots. 
“Mama! You're back!” Anya exclaimed, hugging her mother's knees. Bond barked and Yor pet his head absentmindedly, still trying to process what she was seeing. 
“I am,” she said faintly. “Yuri…? When did you get here?” 
“Sis!” Yuri said, also snapping out of his stupor. He sheepishly tucked his notepad away. “Um, a bit ago, I guess. I came to visit you, but you were out, and…"
“Did you guys bake together?” Yor asked, daring to hope. Yuri and Loid exchanged a glance before Loid smiled.
“He's a quick learner.”
"Loi-Loi is an okay teacher, I guess,” Yuri reluctantly added. “We made apple streusel. Do you remember Mom's apple cake?”
Yor inhaled, closing her eyes. The memory was fuzzy, but distinctly sweet, as if the taste of the cake remained. “Yeah. This smells really similar.”
“Yuri had the idea of adding cloves and cardamom,” Loid said. “It worked out quite nicely.”
“Yeah, it was my idea,” Yuri said proudly. Loid rolled his eyes but said nothing more on the subject. No wonder it smelled so familiar, Yor thought. She could hardly believe Yuri even remember the apple cake. Or that he'd shared enough about it with Loid that they were able to replicate some of it in the streusel.
Something warm and sweet  was filling up in Yor's chest. Was it the sugar in the air? She breathed it in, cheeks apple red and sore from how widely she was beaming, previous tiredness all but forgotten. She hadn't realized how much she'd subconsciously wanted Yuri to warm up to her family before. Her family. His family now, too. It didn't have to be just the two of them. 
“Ah—are you crying?!” Yor's eyes had gotten a little shiny, which naturally led to Yuri bursting out bawling. “I missed you toooo!”
The oven dinged and Loid pulled out the streusel as Yor joined them in the kitchen. As the adults got to chatting, Anya snuck around and victoriously stabbed a forkful of the piping dessert, blowing on it vigorously before chomping down. She grinned around her fork. 
Victory was sweet. 
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canarydarity · 9 months
I couldn't hold back I had to share some more. One of my favorite aspects of the rancher dynamic is that they're both scoundrels. They're stubborn and have tempers and love revenge and Jimmy was just. on board with bringing up a warden to wreak havoc on the Red Velvet Keep. They can enable each other's insanity
sometimes. (not aLL the time) but sometimes people make Jimmy too...passive. but my god he is the most defensive person literally ever in the entire world...Jimmy would so much rather go directly for escalating a situation and making it worse than roll over. He's the perpetual target right? His first instinct is kinda of like when an animal tries to appear bigger and threatening so you won't mess with it,, he immediately goes for doubling down and trying to appear untouchable,,,, of course. he is jimmy. this does not work. AND WHEN IT DOESNT, HES STILL TOO STUBBORN TO STOP,, he. his self-fulfilling prophecy the situations he gets in always worsen for him more than anyone else,,
but that kind of stuff is what Tango's good at...like Tango bringing the warden to the surface in dl is nowhere near an isolated event for him he does things like that all the time. and so you're right they are so similar in some ways (and I could draft an entire post about this itself, they are so so so similar sometimes) with this propensity for revenge but more than that its like...tango is able to arm that feeling in jimmy, that need for chaos where he's the perpetrator and not the victim. Cause it never quite works out when he tries on his own...not that it necessarily works out always for Tango as well, or even works out that specific time with the warden, but he gives jimmy something to DO about it rather than just. try and act threatening and then backtrack and give in when it doesn't work.
and. while we're here. I'm so sorry I get carried away very easily talking about them. but about the STUBBORNNESS. when I said they were similar in many ways...one of those things (though it presents maybe differently on the surface) is the insecurity and idea they each hold about themselves that they are...less capable than the other players...their insistent need to always take the blame. and so. this being something they share...AND the stubbornness...AND the fact that they both have a quick draw temper...this can easily both be good for them and bad for them.
good for them in the sense...they're both SO insistent on blaming things on themselves that they end up taking blame OFF OF the other. like. it's always an assumed "I'm in the wrong" and then the other makes the same comment and they work so hard trying to debunk why it can't POSSIBLY be the others fault they come to the conclusion NEITHER of them deserve the blame after all. GOOD!
bad for them in the sense....remember what I said about Jimmy's instinct being to double down? I do think this similarity and stubbornness and temper would make it so easy to. delve into a fight. only in just the perfectly WRONG combination of circumstances. And I spent like 3 months analyzing how this dynamic would come up in a uhh fight between them and wrote a uhhh 6K word fic I've dubbed "the fight fic" that I never published because I was like man. would the entire rancher community hate me if I suddenly posted 6K words of the ranchers fighting with no warning? LMAO
but. anyway I feel like I digressed so much there haha I'm normal about them <33
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ghostfoolish · 8 months
I gave up on the proshipping discourse when I saw an (adult) proshipper sharing the smut they wrote about a 13 year old character. Like I'm all for ship and let ship but that will eternally be weird to me. Like it wasn't trying to explore these deep subjects it was just blatantly horny and I'm just like... there's proshipping and then there's just making excuses tbh
That and, one time I made a post about how AO3 hosts literal child pornography (once again, not talking about genuine complex writings that involve important subjects. There is real written child pornography on there and you can find it entirely accidentally and I am traumatized from just scrolling past the description). I got a lot of anon hate about it from people assuming I was an 'anti shipper' (I don't even really know what that means), when I was just trying to say 'maybe a bit more moderation is needed because I was exposed to something gross and dangerous against my will'. And ofc because of the subject matter I got called a pedo and told that I was actively searching for that stuff. That was the day I turned anon off for good tbh
This ask turned out longer than I wanted it to but really all I was trying to say is that from anecdotal experience this whole 'anti Vs pro' is a really useless and reactionary way of talking about these complex and nuanced issues, that inevitably just turns into a morality pissing contest on either side. I've seen the way people on either side make it their entire life and personality and fully assume that everyone is either an anti or a pro and neither side allows for any nuance.
oh no it got even longer I've disgraced myself... apologies for ranting in ur inbox my friend and have a splendid day staying out of stupid discourse and whatnot! 🐌
No no your ask can be a mile long and I’d still appreciate it because I think this kind of discussion is needed. It very much is a pissing contest between two sides who see their side as the most morally pure and correct when both sides have done some the craziest shit in fandoms that I’ve ever seen. Then they both wanna act like you’re the one taking crazy pills for not liking either of them and being a normal person 💀💀
I’m so sorry that happened to you and the 13 year old to cause being harassed by proshippers especially sometimes feels like you’re in a lose lose situation because they move like those goth/emo cliques in highschool who talk about how bullied they are but then turn around and bully others. Then when you try to buck back at them they start crying. It’s frustrating. Especially if it’s on the topic of ao3 needing moderation. But that’s why I discuss all of that on this blog for people who are ex proshippers and anti shippers to feel seen because both communities left me with a lot of scars.
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lastoneout · 1 year
oc rambling time owo
Anyway Eugene really is so genuine and earnest that sometimes he says the most romantic shit to Ophelia and has no idea until he see's her blushing and it's adorable cuz like they ofc take a bit to get together for real but Eugene is absolutely accidentally flirting with her all the time and it's not even really an accident he very much means what he says he just didn't mean to say it so openly
and you KNOW this shit annoys Sasha, I mean at first they find it very funny but after a few months of Ophelia being like "okay maaaaybe I like him but there's no way he likes me" they are banging their head against the wall like "Ophelia despite you eventually giving him permission to listen to your old music recordings he refused because he knows that makes you uncomfortable AND he said, and I quote, "already gets to hear the sound of your voice every day and that's more than enough" I'm pretty sure he's fucking in love with you"
like literally Eugene is out there being so bad at hiding his feelings saying shit like "The color of your hair reminds me of the ocean, I always catch myself looking at yo- I mean it, uh, your hair- haha a-anyway it's beautiful that's all" and "Sorry if I take too many pictures of you, I'll stop if you want...I just like to save things that are important to me" and "My favorite part of the morning is when you wake up. The apartment is more than fine! But it's rather...boring, when you're not around. I much prefer getting to share coffee and talk with you"
and Ophelia is like "idk man he's just being nice" and Sasha has to stop themselves from strangling her bcs she just doesn't get it she doesn't even notice how Eugene goes from being kind and pleasant to a fucking glowing blushing mess the second she's in his line of sight OR how he tries to always stand close to her and how he blushes a lot especially when she smiles and he looks like he's never seen something so beautiful when she laughs and he's always offering her his sweater SHE JUST THINKS THAT'S NORMAL bcs that's how he acts around her lmao she's never gonna get it
(And ofc Eugene is way too nice and has WAY too much deep seated self loathing to even CONSIDER that Ophelia might feel the same way despite the fact that if you know what to look for she is ALSO doing a massively shitty job at hiding her feelings lmao she's a quality time/acts of service/gifts bitch and she is going all out!! going with him to the library like every day, happily listening when he gives her the complete abridged history of ceramics or info dumps about seals or whatever else he's been reading about, her bangs are the ONLY thing saving her from it being 100% obvious that she too is always looking at him, buying him stuff she thinks he might like even though he tells her not to waste her money on him just bcs she can at least see how touched he is when she does(and he's never had the luxury of owning more than the clothes on his back and she Must Correct This), despite not being much of a morning person she starts waking up earlier and earlier just so she can talk with him over coffee and breakfast, and my girl may not have quite as many pics of him on her phone but she spends so much time looking at the ones she does have like she has it SO BAD)
but ofc neither of them realize the other likes them!! at least not normally, nah these repressed, dense bitches have the most dramatic confession ever bcs it basically takes a life or death situation for them to get their heads on straight and stop pretending they don't love each other so much it's disgusting
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stonebutchwritings · 11 months
I didn't hear about this until recently, but I had to leave that femme server after your partner sent a photo of a bra on the ground and brought up having loud sex. I don't know why anyone would think that's okay in a server that is supposed to be SFW. I know I'm not the only one they made uncomfortable
gonna separate this into two parts: 1. a rebuttal of the idea that my femme ever acted predatory and 2. a sincere apology and hope for you on behalf of the mods and my femme.
1) that was in a conversation about being stone in a content warninged situation where literally the MODS were participating. STONENESS IS INHERENTLY SEXUAL AND THE MODS WERE PARTICIPATING?? but regardless bras alone are not sexual??? are u realizing u can see a bra in walmart?? they are also sometimes for children so its really weird to sexualize... a bra? without anything even in it??? this is a free the nipple page so like. you’re not going to get anyone with that??
2) there was just an allusion to it (youre making it sound rlly graphic when she just said, under a fucking content warning and spoiler, that she left a window open and was embarrassed bc ppl might have heard "something" which might literally have not even been abt sex if she hadn't content warned), and she deleted it as soon as she was told it was a sfw server?? there werent even rules on the server yet. even the mods said it wasn't explicitly nsfw when they contacted her and she deleted it, they just said it was probably going to trigger someone's boundaries, which isn't something anyone can predict ESP autistic ppl.
i get that you’re uncomfortable but under the banner of sfw there are so many things that ppl are confused abt, and it's completely normal for ppl to send things that are on the fence. i talked abt my upcoming phalloplasty before i on my own was like oh maybe ill move this to an 18+ server. it's normal to have conflicts and confusions esp when there's not any clear defined and specific rules (or rules at all at the time of that last thing). demonization isn’t going to help you at all? you have every right to be uncomfortable and not want to be in a situation but calling someone fucking predatory because you have personal boundaries they werent aware of or able to control is really shitty? is this how you deal with every interpersonal conflict? like someone doesn't trigger tag because they didn’t know and you call them ableist? regardless the mods are supposed to be able to navigate these situations with care and discuss things clearly so as to accommodate autistic individuals and make sure that people grow. my gf would’ve never deleted anything if no one ever told her that it wasn’t allowed, and she would’ve probably posted something else alluding to something else even if in another way-- by your expressions of what you believe to be right to do you would prefer she be uncorrected and keep expressing unknown harm to others because your solution is just. remove her? which creates more harm by isolation?
cw sexual abuse
my femme is a survivor of online sexual and interpersonal abuse of power by an adult towards a child and it's really fucked to imply that about someone who is literally saying stuff that is completely allowed when being discussed (there were no rules at the time of 2nd one) and also sfw if viewed in the light of others. your boundaries are not anticipated and neither are the boundaries of the server. communication is key, and it wasn’t present here as the mods seemed to change their own rules around.
cw over
that being said i’m really sorry you felt uncomfortable and i’m sorry the mods didn’t create a comfortable envirionment for you by being more responsible with having a space with minors (rules should've been there from the get-go) and making sure that there were clear and defined rules (allusions and content warnings not allowed). it's also completely upsetting that they would change the boundaries up on you by allowing a convo on stoneness when they didn't allow that earlier/later. i hope you have friends to lean on and respond to this with and my femme is also very sorry you experienced that. if you don’t feel comfortable dm'ing for resources on processing interpersonal discomfort and feelings of harm around sex pls reach out to someone or do your own research, i would highly recommend that. my femme would also personally apologize if you feel comfortable with that but again, bc of your experience of harm with my femme that's def not necessary unless you want it.
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tellywoodtrash · 2 years
Hi TT.
I'm the anon who came out to you. I briefly considered calling myself the queer anon but I think some people might take offense with that and I'm terrified of using pronouns or even an initial incase it can be traced back to me somehow. So I'm just going to call myself love if that's ok.
Sooo hi. Love here. I need someone to talk to again and my friend group basically abandoned me. I didn't even get to share who I am. All they needed to know was that I support the LGBTQ community and suddenly they " don't even know who I am". It's funny because they're right. They don't know who I am. No one does. And it's just so hard to live like this. I'm constantly terrified of being outed. I use vpns and I'm always on incognito mode but I'm also deleting my browser history 5 times a day just in case I missed something. I don't have anyone to talk to so it's super lonely. And what really sucks is that all of these changes happened just for me. No one around me has any idea that anything is going on. We go about every day just talking about things we normally used to talk about. It's just really frustrating to always have to pretend to be something I'm not. And to act like my life hasn't completely changed.
I just really wish I had someone special. To confide in. To seek confront from. To talk about the things that I actually love. Someone who would just accept me for who I am.
I don't really know what I'm hoping to get out of this message and I'm really sorry for rambling on. I just needed someone to talk to.
Thanks for always being supportive and super nice about everything.
Hi Love!
I'm sorry that your friend group isn't fulfilling their purpose. It's neither their fault nor your fault, really. That's just life. We grow into different people and then the older parts of our life no longer fit into the new mosaic that we are. That doesn't mean that the time you spent with them till now wasn't meaningful. It is, and in a lot of ways, made you the person you are. But now, you're growing in a different direction, and that's okay.
I'd like to suggest you make more online friends. As one of the "olds", I've been on the internet since I was a pre-teen and made many a meaningful friendship on the internet; friendships that I have maintained to this day, 2 decades later. Some I've had the opportunity to meet in real life, some not yet, and some I know I shall not meet ever, due to the circumstances of life. But these people have been there for me through literally thick and thin and have always been a comforting presence who add value to my life. They've accepted the parts of me that I don't feel comfortable sharing with the IRL people in my life. Some of these girls I met right here on this blog, and they've grown into indispensable parts of my life. You just need to put bits of your authentic self out there, and reach out to the people who seem cool, and go on from there. Of course, all the safety rules matter (talk without exchanging personal details for the first few times, etc.), but this could be the start of a friendship that changes your life. Their distance from your real life also means that they'll be more supportive of you, and less torn about the other peer members and that kinda nonsense. So give it a try; find online spaces that you feel comfortable in, and reach out to the people you vibe with. I hope you find your tribe, sooner than later!
Sending you lots of love and hugs!!!!!!!!
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sugarcherriess · 1 year
okay its 2am rn and suddenly came up with this angst? it probably exists somewhere..but anyway you can imagine any member for this one im going for Kevin ig?
so youre just chilling on the couch when you see ur bf being all dressed up and was about to wear his shoes. "Where are you going, babe" "Out, at a bar with friends?" he says in a kind of sarcastic? tone. You sigh and say "Alright, text or call me when youre on way home" you say with a kind of forced smile. Your bf has being going out a lot, what you dont mind but hes coming late wasted, sometimes doesn't even bring the keys or is too drunk to find them and open the door so you have to wakw up at 4am (on a work day too) jusr to let him in and taking care if him.
he rolled his eyes and says "I am not a child I'm literally older than you. You don't have to treat me as a child" he said annoyed. "Fine, i don't give a fuck. Don't call me or text me. Do what ever the fuck you want i dont care. Bring your keys with you. i dont care if you pass out on the street or infront the front door. i will not open the fuckin door. Dont stay safe i guess. Sorry that your partner cares about you, bitch" you slam the door in his face, kind of regretting. Did he got hurt? Ou wanted to open tge door again to see if he's okay but he's gone anyways.
At the bar, hes completely frustrated, trying not to drink alot not to disappoint you. He would go back, and apologize to you. He did regret what he said. You just care about him, like a normal partner. He takes a few shots to relax a bit but his thoughts are on you only. why did he say that? but why did you overreact? No, you didnt. You only care about him. He indeed acted like a child. He regretted to hurt your feelings. He knows that youre kind of sensitive..
meanwhile at home you just stared at the black screen of the TV trying to forget it by scrolling on your phone. You cried your best not to cry. Did you overreact? Do you treat him as a child? No, you only cared abiut hus safety, right?
a few hours later at around 11pm you eventually fell asleep on the couch. Hearing sounds from keys wake you up but you still pretend to be asleep. You noticed hes crouching to your height, just staring at you. He knows your not asleep but just let it be. He takes a blanket over you, letting you "sleep". You hear him whispering " I am so sorry baby i know you only care about me. It's true i acted like a child. I truly don't deserve you. I am sorry i understand that you wont forgive me easily. i love you" He hesitated not to kiss your forehead. You need space. it's true his words really hurt you...
(you can continue if you want) 🐼
i know its kinda cliche i tried not to make it that tgey are not that forgiving so easily. i am sorry its REALLY basic but pls remember my english isn't the best and i really have problems finding good words or in general express anything.. and i have NO creativity and neither do i write bcuz i just CANT im sorry adonis ily 🐼
No because Kevin is def the type to say all that as a joke and then it going too far because neither of you wanted to be called the one that takes shit too seriously. But also if i ever had a fight like that with kevin personally i would not stop crying because what the fuck 😟😟😟
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reanimatestar · 2 years
for the Oc questions. 💀 for Carxes, ⚡ & 💗 for Ru'en and finally 🍵 for Eskandar
💀 has your oc ever lost anyone to death? multiple people? people close to them? how does the loss make them feel?
carxes lost his mom when he was a wee babe, he wasn't really close with her on account of. being. a baby. <3. he mostly feels sorry (i thiiink that's the right word for it?) because of the impact it had on his dad
💗 relationships? who are their friends, their family relations, lover(s), foes? what sort of personalities really tick them off and what others do they like? is there anything that’d ruin a friendship for them?
ru'en has a bunch of friends but he's not especially close with them because. the one-sided 5d mind chess. because as everyone knows if someone cares about you they must have some ulterior motive /s. he was never very close with his extended family and his parents. Uh. they're not on speaking terms any more <3 they're not as close to their sisters as they used to be or as much as they want to be but. it's better than nothing <3 any enemies he had he. ended up killing. hate wins <3 romance-wise he's had a bunch of casual flings but their longest and most significant romantic relationship was with the red prince. <3
while i'm at it: the relationship timeline with the red prince is essentially: Hm! That guy's Weird! (merryweather) => that guy's Weird but he's a good fighter and maybe he's not so bad. maybe. on second thoughts maybe not. but then- (fort joy) => not officially together but they keep having gay sex and caring about each other (driftwood) => de facto lovers with neither of them willing to address the elephant in the room (sadha) (nameless isle and arx) => Good Lord We Cannot Keep Doing This You Literally Have A Wife And Children (post-game) => not officially broken up but it's basically Over (a few years post-game)
the kinds of people he dislikes are. Hm. this sounds bad but. they don't really like people they can't control. AKDHJKHFJKHKJ in most social situations he usually has a good idea of what makes that person tick, how to act to give off the impression that will get them what they want, et cetera (this is partly because of their clairvoyance and partly because of the one-sided 5d mind chess. it's mostly the clairvoyance <3), so when someone comes along that blindsides them that's. Not a great experience for them. top ten normal thought processes. <3 similarly they don't like manipulative people. pot and kettle and all that. he likes people that he's familiar with because there's that aspect of predictability. they also like people who are nice to him even if there are ulterior motives to it let a girl dream <3
a big deal breaker in any relationship with them would be any kind of betrayal or deception or manipulation. <3
⚡ what are your oc’s phobias? is there any reasoning behind these? how do they calm themselves down after getting scared? what are they like when they’re afraid? is there any chance of them overcoming their fears?
ummmmmmmm there's the above point about regarding people they can't control. also being restrained because the whole sourcerer persecution thing. also magisters because acab <3
when he's scared he usually tries to put up a front, often his usual brand of cheerful naivete. failing that they'll try to downplay it or hide it with anger <3 they usually try to calm themself down by distracting themself it. don't really think he'll get over these any time soon. Um. sorry :pensive:
🍵 are there any rumours about your oc hanging around? nasty ones or just good humoured? got any gossip to share about them?
eskandar has a fair bit of rumours surrounding them because like. new creepy guy who asks some very specific questions while refusing to answer any and wears a mask all the time. there's bound to be some rumours surrounding them. they're mostly pretty nasty. <3
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amberskyyking · 8 months
Lil excerpt from my latest chapter, cause I'm proud of it. Luz over here saying the quiet part out loud about the Republic and the Clone Wars in her convo with Riyo Chuchi.
“No matter what you’ve been told, Luz, no matter what you’ve promised, dealing with the consequences of Sarrish is not your responsibility.” 
“So?” Luz recoiled, but Riyo reached out to gently cup her friends hands before she could fully shut the idea down, offering steady reassurance.
“Everything to this point has been one thing but… It’s not fair for others to ask you to take such risks. Sarrish is a war zone, Luz. The Separatists are likely expecting Republic forces to return, they’ll be prepared for it. I certainly can’t justify asking you to go somewhere so dangerous, not while I remain safe in the Senate.” Riyo spoke remorsefully. “And neither should anyone else. You’ve done enough already. What happens when you push yourself too-”
“I’m going!” Luz cried. “I’ve been on Seppie worlds plenty of times-”
“For trade! Not like this!”
“Exactly! They’re expecting a battleship, great! I’m a cargo hauler, they won’t care, any stupid kriffing job will get me in.”
“You don’t know that.”
“Well it’s not like I’ll be trying to take back the whole planet or anything, Ri! The Republic is debating whether a full scale counter-attack is worth it, but I’m just trying to find the missing men. Not just clones, not just soldiers, men! You know how they’re treated Ri, I know you do! And it’s my friends out there! And their brothers! I can’t just - just leave them to die!”
Riyo looked up in shock at the outburst and met Luz’s eyes. For a moment they blazed with a kind of righteous fury, but as she held her gaze, the fiery look faltered and her expression crumbled.
“Sorry Ri… but I just… I’ve gotten to know a lot of them by now, you know?” She still spoke with passion, but it lacked some of her earlier venom. “Even between missions I just go to 79’s now. Have a drink, hang out, meet up with someone I spent some time stuck in hyperspace with.” For a moment it looked like Luz might smile as she spoke that last part, but it quickly dissipated. “You know, I never really understood the war. I always kind of just trusted there was a reason that people like you could see and I couldn’t. But now… People just die. The Republic created people to die! And we act like we’re the good guys?! I hate it. I hate it so much Ri, and I don’t know what to do with that. Did you know most of them actually believe that they’re expendable? That they’re literally meant to die? I heard it so many times, like it’s normal! Like karking Pong Krell is right there in their heads, that General is a monster, Ri, he needs to go down and - And the stories! Like you could just replace someone like Burr or Casey or… or Triggs -” 
Riyo froze halfway through Luz’s words, but her friends voice hitched in a way at the end that told her the last name was personal. She had, in fact, heard something similar from Essix during some of their recent discussions, and language such as that was used occasionally within the Senate too of course… It was something Riyo hoped to put an end to, one of these days. But hearing it spoken that plainly…
“Every time someone doesn’t have to die but gets left for dead anyways, it proves them right.” Luz’s voice shook, but she kept her gaze steady. “I c-can’t do anything about what happens on a battlefield b-but THAT I can do something about.”
Whole thing is on A03! https://archiveofourown.org/works/49707709/chapters/127614448
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fireflykaizoku · 3 years
Hey!! I'm obsessed with your soulmates swap aus, really i love them they're so good i can't even explain 😭
Could i ask you one with kid but no one can really see they exchanged bodies 'cause they are literally the same? Like y/n has the same character as kid so they seems literally the same as always and it's quite a problem.
Thank you if you do, have a nice day 💕
helloo anon my love! ❤ i'm so so glad you like them! i'm sorry i took long, by the way! but here it is, and i hope you like it! have a nice day ❤
— What are you looking at? — you snapped at someone at the bar. That person was looking at you for you don’t even know how long.
— (Y/N), calm down. It’s your birthday, don’t stress trying to fight again. — one of your friends asked, holding your arm. — Just leave it.
You sighed, taking a sip of your drink. It was easy for you to get irritated and start a fight, you had quite a temper, and honestly, you don’t know how your friends put up with you. The only reason why you didn’t get into more fights, it was because of them.
— I swear, your soulmate better be someone calm. — another friend giggled. — Imagine if they have that temper.
— It’d be a chaos. — you laughed, forgetting about the fight you almost started before. — But I guess the world couldn’t handle a couple like that. I hope they’re level headed.
It was late when you went back home, and you fell asleep right after, hoping you wouldn’t have a hangover the next morning.
Your peaceful slumber got interrupted with a loud bang on the door. Since when your roommate got so aggressive? You barely had time to open your eyes, and realize you were sitting on a chair, in front of a desk, in a room that wasn’t yours. It smelled like oil and metal. What an awful time to switch bodies with your soulmate.
You knew it’d happen eventually, but it wasn’t something you looked forward to, unlike your friends who acted as if it was such an event.
— Kid, the ship just docked. — someone said. — We’ll go get some supplies and head to a bar.
— Go away! — you screamed, still in shock while looking at that body which obviously wasn’t yours.
The man had scars on his chest and right arm, while apparently he didn’t have his left arm, replaced with a heavy mechanical one. You looked at the long coat over your shoulder, the vest and his pants and couldn’t help laughing at his fashion taste. How tacky.
— What a clown. — you whispered to yourself, still laughing. — Out of all people, this is my soulmate? How lucky…
You got up and headed to a bathroom, maybe when you washed your face and actually felt awake, you could find a solution to switch back and go home. Looking at the broken and dirty mirror, your soulmate was very attractive. He had red hair, no eyebrows, a scar on the left side of his face, and goggles. He’s someone you’d look at if you saw him at a bar.
— Now, how do I find him? — you asked yourself. — Well, if he’s in my body, I’ll call my house. I’m sure there’s a den den mushi here somewhere.
When you left the bathroom, you tried to find the transponder snail. It took a while, walking from room to room, but you finally spotted one in what seemed to be the captain’s bedroom. You started calling your house, hoping that your soulmate would answer.
— What?! — the man answered. — If you’re the person who is in my body, you better find a way to switch back.
— Look, I’m not happy with this situation either. I want to go back to my body, so what do we do now?
He sighed, obviously as annoyed as you were.
— I’m the captain of this ship, so you tell my crew to come here to your island so we can switch back. Don’t let people know what’s going on, I don’t want anyone to know about that. I have a damn reputation.
— Are you even that relevant? — you laughed.
— Watch it, just because you’re my soulmate it doesn’t mean you can talk to me like that.
You rolled your eyes, hanging up before replying. First, you went to the kitchen, feeling thirsty. Luckily they had some beer. You took one, and soon enough, you found one of the crew members that stayed on the ship. You demanded to go to your island quick.
— We need to go there. It’s important, and don’t ask any questions, I’ll be working on something or whatever.
You went back to Kid’s workshop, slamming the door behind you. Being in another body was annoying. You didn't know who this person was, you were far from home, and his mechanical arm was so heavy it was bothering you.
When a tall blonde man wearing a mask knocked on the door, opening it right after, you just told him to go away, threatening to throw something at him if he didn’t leave. After that, everyone left you alone.
The only time when anyone knocked on the door after that, was the next morning, when someone said they arrived at the destination.
— I’ll be back soon. I don’t want neither of you following me around, got it? — you asked and the crew nodded.
You left the ship, going towards your house. And when the door opened you saw your figure, which was very weird.
— Took you long enough! — he said with a frown. — How do we switch back now?
— I should’ve know you don’t understand about soulmates. — you sighed. — We need to kiss.
— Is that all? — he seemed surprised, thinking it was too easy to be true. — Then let’s kiss now!
— It’s not a simple kiss, you fool. It’s a kiss when we’re in love, which it’s probably not going to happen, so we need to figure something out.
Kid yelled, complained, cussed, and finally accepted how things really were. You two tried to talk without bickering on each other, trying to think of another solution. And after a long discussion, with you yelling at him, both decided that you needed to stay with him on the Victoria Punk until you could switch back.
The crew kept whispering, curious about who was that small person that their Captain just brought to the ship. Maybe an affair? A new member or an ally? No one dared to ask him directly, though, especially since he was in a bad mood.
Kid still didn’t want the crew to know, even though Killer was smart enough and could probably help. You spent many times together at his workshop, seeing him work while you complained you were bored. At night, you two agreed that sleeping in his room would be the best. The red haired man let you keep the bed, saying he didn’t want his body to be sick or in pain, apparently. Whenever his mechanical arm got too heavy, he tried to ease the weight or help you take it off.
Eventually, you had longer conversations with him, seeing you two had a lot in common, surprisingly.
The showers were a little weird, especially during the first few times, when he kept saying your body was very hot, making you feel flustered for the first time in your life. But after a while, it just felt normal.
It has been almost a month since you two met. The ship had docked and everyone was at a bar. A man was flirting with you, or well, with Kid, while thinking it was you. Indeed, you used to draw attention from people when you went out, and you forgot about that until a man was approaching Eustass, complimenting his beautiful looks.
Feeling annoyed, and perhaps even a little jealous thinking that other men wanted you, he got up from his sit and pulled you into a kiss. Of course, the crew had their eyes open. Who knew the mysterious person Kid brought was that straightforward, and who knew their captain would let someone steal a kiss from him.
The kiss wasn’t romantic or cute. It was full of passion and desire, it was unexpected and possessive, as if he was saying “you’re mine”. He bit your lip, and it felt like he was claiming you. Honestly, it was a good feeling, as if you’ve been waiting, without even knowing, for him to make this first move.
You felt butterflies, something you’ve never felt before.
When you opened your eyes, you saw his figure towering over you, and a grin that wouldn’t leave his face so soon. He pulled you closer, making it clear that you were his. He didn’t even ask, but your answer would be “yes” anyway.
— I can’t believe we finally switched back. — he laughed, flexing his arm. — I missed my body.
The crew gasped.
— Switch back? — Heat asked. — Wait, you were in (Y/N)’s body this whole time? And (Y/N) was in your body?
— I must say, I’m surprised. I couldn’t notice any difference. — Killer said. — You two are very alike.
At first, you two seemed offended until realizing the masked man was actually right. You two has the same personality, and it wasn’t what you expected your soulmate to be. Someone peaceful and quiet would be fun, but someone who could raise a little hell with you could be even better.
— You’re annoying sometimes, but I want you to sail with me anyway. — he said gently lifting your chin with his index finger, still with his signature smirk on his face.
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secretbangtnn · 3 years
Best Of Me| Two
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Pairings : →ot7 x reader, poly!BTS x reader
Genre : → vampireau, yandere!au, age gap, gore, obsessive behavior, ddlg/caregiver, poly, fantasy, supernaturals
summary : It’s quite unusual to find a little baby on your doorstep, especially that their area was not of the poorest - you could say that a vampire town was efficient with money and snobby creatures. However over time the first idea of just giving back the little girl seems more and more radical and those moody vampires slowly start perceiving deeper feelings to human they even wanted to kill.
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notes ~ I did it!!! Omg im so happy I finished it, hopefully the next one are going to come sooner. The first chapters are going to be with a baby oc - im sorry if its boring, but after it we can start with the real plot, the things are gonna get dark. Hope that you will like it, and remeber to give me some feedback - im whore for a comments and ask and beside they motivate me very much
taglist :
@missseoulite @gukkculture @silscintilla @the-falling-star @apollonshootafar @mwitsmejk @lovinggalaxies @b-e-t-x-s-o @jisoosbitch @ariverflowsonthemoon @maboiisuga @peachescream1723 @sichajeon
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Cries everywhere. Sobbing so loud that all the birds disappeared from their little birdhouse outside the window. And as funny the view was, a big ball of stress and nerves started collecting itself in the rather calm manor. Reason of all this mess was just one, so easy to notice.
“Jungkook!” Just like a ball of nerves now the big ball of dirty blankets and clothes hit the young vampire, making him stumble a little. Obvious disgust on his face with a piece of distaste on his tongue which just a second ago had been caused by the same thing he now fisted in his hands.
“You didn’t have to throw it at me!” Barked Jungkook staring at the broad shoulders of his oldest brother. Child now a little calmer, however still sobbing slightly, keeping the atmosphere at bay.
“You have brung the kid so you will hold the things he made. Be happy that I'm not forcing you to change the diaper instead.”
Disgust on all of their faces is now being something normal, having kids in the same room as them, definitely does not go well with hundred years old vampires. The only one without a gag reflex seems to be Seokjin, acting like a pro mother, just after her 3rd pregnancy with the next on the road. However all of them agreed with the statement that it was all but Jungkook's fault, which came with consequences for said boy.
Thus now sitting on the couch, five of the ramaing vampires, looked with a bored expression at the panicked and nearly vomiting jungkook. Youngest of them always had a soft stomach, never being the one to clean after disasters, forcing people to basically clean after him, and maybe that's why all of them felt such a satisfaction upon them while staring at the shitty situation.
Literally shitty.
Stumbling a little from the intense smell, Jungkook started to try getting rid of the used diaper in his hands, holding it with his fingers dingling it as far from his face as he could. Maybe the smelly object was not the only thing that should be named like a feces, knowing that a person who should just throw the diaper away, purposefully walked closer than intended to a couch with older vampires, stumbling not that accidentally and making the thing in his hand fly straight to a lap of a reading Namjoon.
A moment of silence, only lasting for a short second. Namjoon was never the one to shout or get mad, rather prefering to act calm and well put together, believing in a peace making and solutions not requiring usage of violence but when the heavy baggage on his lap suddenly started to warm his lap, he completely crushed his persona as well as book in his hands.
“Ups...hehe.” Jungkook laughed awkwardly, knowing well his fate. Doe eyes looked at the tall man, standing a little farther than him, just behind the couch. Jaw tightened so were the hands, keeping the last strings of calmness that were floating on very dangerous water.
“Listen, before you actually do something think of the time when you destroyed my ps4 and
I did not even complain.” Hands just before him similar to the way you would to with a wild animal, and in Jungkook's opinion, it was not that far from the truth, observing how Namjoons jaws nearly crushed from the tension.
“Okay okay, we all need to calm down, It was just an accident.” Cut in red head, standing in the middle of the war zone. It was stupid idea, definetly not the brightes of the sunny vampire, even if it came from the good intentions. Hoseok, just like an innocent child that got stuck in a big people argument, was the one that got hurt in the end.
And everybody knew that when Hoseok gets mad it's the extremity that anyone in this room is scared to experience once again. There is silent agreement between the rest of the brothers that was made after one of Hoseok's outburst, promising that no matter what the devil can’t come out.
The apple of discord laying now upon redhead’s feet, innocent like a little kitten that just waits to be petted, but in this case it wasn neither a fluffy ball of fur and definitely not something that should be touched.
Silence so loud, banging in their ears with an uneven breath. Second after second, rest that were not included in the middle, counted sitting on their heels with nerve wracking feelings.They stared as Hoseok’s shoulders rose and went down with each puff of air from his flared nostrils, neither of them dared to move, preferring to stay in a safe zone.
Just as red headed one wanted to take his first kill, a loud laugh echoed in a room, coming from a little child in Seokjin's arms, that probably just came back from being cleaned up. A fresh smile on its face, eyes sparkly looking straight at the scene.
“What are you doing, idiots?” Asked Seokjin, a visible vein on his forehead, sticking out under his free hand that now pinched a bridge of his nose. His eyes catching a glimpse of the used diaper, right on his favorite carpet. “You had one thing to do, one thing Jungkook.”
“It was an accident I swear on my ps4!” He tried explaining, shaking his arms. Seokjin saw to much lived too long to believe it, everybody knew it but even than they acted like bunch of idiots when something like this happen.
“Namjoon destroyed it, you said it yourself.” Spoke Jimin, sitting on a couch with a happy smile, pleased with himself. Younger's head immediately halted in his way, a look of betrayal on his face.
“You midge…”
“I don’t care, just clean it up, in the meantime me with the little snack are going to cook something, right my little cutie?” Cuted the older while caressing the child in his arms, turning his voice in a baby one. And just like this the scene came to the same point, the only difference was that neither Namjoon or Hoseok were in the room, probably running away as fast as Sekojins came.
Jungkook sighed, squatting down to take care of the said thing. Again the disgust and a feeling of nausea hitted him with a side giggles of his blonde haired brother.
Going into the kitchen he spotted the child that looked at him as soon as he appeared. Little smile and sweet laugh, making him soft and mushy for a while.
“I hope you know that you gave us a big problem with bringing a human child there.” Seokjin spoke, not looking from a cutting board, himself to immersed in said action
Jungkook knew, earlier thinking of it like a mere action, something that they can get rid of as fast as a lollipop wrapper. But it was not, and now looking at the kid, he realized how his careless behaviour could weigh down not only on his family but the whole society of vampires.
“Don’t just apologize, we need to take care of it as fast as we can, in the meantime doing everything to not harm it. If someone finds out it’s going to be a bigger problem, probably even straining the relationship with human - and that’s something we do not want.” Cuted older, in the end turning around pointing the sharp knife on Jungkook.
It was true, the delicate stattlement between those two societies is still new, fresh and hot, ready to burn anyone's fingers, anyones who is to carless. The today is a better world, something that all of the brothers know, remembering dark times - some of them being not older than mere hatchling then. World was a dangerous place to live in, vampires hunting humans, humans hunting vampires, a competition that never got settled, and they hope it never will.
“Try feeding it and come to the living room after you are done. We will discuss the next actions - good luck.” A little wink at the end, Seokjin wiped his hands off on the way patting the younger's back, harder than normally.
“Wait what?! You are not being serious right now, right?” Asked confused Jungkook, fastly turning around to an already disappearing figure. Cold sweat on his body as he looked at the smooth face of the older, that defended a flying kiss to his shocked self. “Why can’t you do it?”
“I can. But the human seems to take a liking to you.” And how absurd it sounded, the baby really looked at Jungkook like some god, sparkly eyes always following his bigger figure.
“Seokjin! Don’t leave me please, I can’t do it.”He whined, looking for the said man, to his luck he was nowhere to be found. It was going to be alright - he tried to believe in those words now clutching baby spoon, that he was sure they did not have, and a mashed food, looking more like dog food than actual meal.
His Eyes staring right into the sparkly and to obnoxious happy, making him even more irritated. In the end, Jungkook hated little children, being and acting like one himself
Little hands stretching towards him with a toothless smile on the side, getting bigger as Jungkook came closer. That was it, taking a big breath he come to the other side of the table - almost touching the stool where the human sat. Ready and determined to get the task done, treating it similar to a quest in the game, he took the little spoon with some of the smashed food, and started to get closer to the child's mouth.
And as the brothers again started to live their normal life, thinking that at least for now, everything is settled, a very obvious squeal shook the while house.
All of them now sitting on the couches and armchairs, taking nearly all of the space. Some of the observing the crawling baby with prominent couriousty some of them with disgust even fear, not knowing what future the baby will bring.
Namjoon although feeling the little distaste, knew or better had a plan with what to do.
Smile on his lips not reaching his eyes, however stumbling on the way of eye contact with some of his brothers.
“Okay so, definitely we need to do something with...this.” Said Jimin, look on his face full of distress and disgust resting on the child, that as if it knew of Jimin’s attention looked back full of giggles and reaching hands.
“That is obvious, we can’t keep human child.” Barked Yoongi, the one which rather prefered to stay quiet in those metters.
“Jungkook should take care of it, It’s not my fault he is to stupid to not question a left human on a doorstep.” Smug smile now on Jimin's face, as he gave the side glance to the said male, happy with triggering the younger temper.
“As If you woul…”
“Okay we get it Jimin, it was Jungkook's fault, but still it can affect us all, so try to be at least a little bit helpful or shut up” Interrupted Seokjin staring at both of them in turn. The oldest obviously tired of all of the drama, massaging his scalp, to relieve the tension a little. “Let's start one by one, any ideas?”
Silence, a loud silence throwing the tension to the already burning fire. Seokjin's vein once again appeared on his forehead, making Jungkook nearly knock from a terrifying sight of it. It was pulsating, green and bumpy.
“Maybe let’s put it back?” Asked the quiet voice, Sekojin ready to snap at the stupid idea thinking that some of the youngers don’t know limit of the unfunny jokes, only to find innocent eyes of Hoseok.
“That’s … well that is AN option, thank you Hoseok - keep it up. Any other ideas?” Seokjin’s hands molded into a thump, giving the tired smile to Hoseok, knowing of his still busing nerves.
“Why are we even trying so hard, throw it away i say.” Jimin mumbled while staring at the little child going his way, quickly putting his feet on the couch, scared of a chance of being touched by the human.
Tired sight left mouth of the olders, his vein fading a little - to Jungkook luck, and his hands now clenching his blonde lock. He was helpless, disappointed in his brother's ideas and intelligence. He was sure that, that was indeed an end, his family will be arrested for keeping human, and vampires are going to lose a peace they fighted for.
Everything because Jungkook wanted to take unfamiliar child to their house.
“What about the orphanage that opened like one month ago, can’t we just leave it there?” Cuted Namjoon, making everyone snap their head. Seokjin nearly crying, wanting to kiss his brother as much as choke him for his slow process of thinking.
“Couldn’t you say earlier?!
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im coming for your brand but i'm determined to expand on the friendships that live in my head jk that's not what this ask is about i just want to talk about peter's friendship dymanics
Ororo and Peter:
immediate squad bros
Bros. Broskis. dumb shit is done.
they think swearing = humor
"hey wanna go skydiving but without parachutes?" "fuck yeah peter let's get a fucking plane."
weed but in a wholesome way. i think it makes him feel more normal.
"haha peter i cant believe you hit your head on the- FUCK my head" you know?
"i want food" "me too" ... "so u wanna make food?" "no." "yeah me neither." "but i'm hungry" "dude me too." "ssscccooOOOOOTTTTTTT" "WE NEED SUSTENANCE" "SCOTT MAKE US SANDWICHES" "YEAH AND WE CAN SAY THAT BECAUSE IM A CHICK" "S C O T T"
when it comes to emotional shit:
i think that she goes to him for hugs. he really tries to be a good listener but he chimes in quite often, and he's uncomfy with giving advice. but he can always tell when she came to him for a hug and not to hang out. she has on multiple occasions walked into peter and scotts dorm and not said anything. and scott is just like "hey ororo." and she doesn't respond, and he's like wtf, as he often is. and peter just walks over and hugs her, and shes like "thanks" and waLKS AWAY. and it baffles scott. peter's always just like 🧍‍♂️ 🤷‍♂️. "what. do you want a hug?" "pppppffffttttt, NO." "jesus christ scott don't get your dick in a twist."
and he goes to her if he needs someone to listen and go "fuck yeah you're right" and nod
i don't have to elaborate any more because we have same brain
Jean and Peter:
at first they ✨hate eachother✨
ok not HATE
but jean tries to be nice to him directly after the whole "i'm your- i'm here for my family too" deal
so he was disappointed in himself
therefore very grumpy
and he was mean to her
so she stopped talking to him
and he was embarrassed that he acted out towards her
so he just pestered her
because he is 12 and doesn't know how to say "i actually want to be friends, because scott cares about you a shit ton and if you're important to my family then you're important to me, and you must be pretty fuckin' cool. i'm sorry so many of the students are spooked by you- but you can talk to me about it if you need someone to talk to. people felt the same way about my sister and she says i'm good to talk to. i'm sorry i was an asshole when we first met."
so the first time he sees an opening to make amends
is after he messed with scott
and then suddenly they were together alone in a room
and he didn't know what to do
so he was just like... "do you want some weed?"
and first she was no! in her head. BUT- this boy who has been nothing but purposefully annoying to her just offered her his version of a peace offering.
so she says yes
and he's like "really?"
"... yeah?"
and so ✨weed✨ like once
and then? friends!
emotional shit:
at first peter goes to her when he needs someone who will take him seriously
and she is always determined to
and he has a hard time articulating his feelings u know
and is about to just give up when shes like "can i?" and points to his head
peter is just "??????? OH SHIT RIGHT you read minds"
and at first she is lowkey offended he didn't remember what her powers were, but then she realized how relieving it was to have a friend who wasn't ever thinking about/ talking about her powers. someone who didn't give a shit about how powerful she was, and didn't think her capable of anything dangerous.
ANYWAY she read his mind and he asks for advice and jean's advice slaps
and the first time she confides in him is when there is literally no one else around
and she wants advice
the thing about peter is that she can only read his mind purposefully because whenever it happens accidentally all she hears is bbbbbbbbbbbbbzzzzzzzzzzz
so he was unpredictable, because she
didn't think similar to him
couldn't subconsciously read his mind/wouldn't read someones mind without their permission
she didn't know him super well
so she confides in him about how sometimes when younger students walk by, she can hear their fear. their fear directed towards her. and other stuff like that.
and she asks him for advice
and he thinks long and hard while they sit there in silence, because he's shit of thinking at advice
and suddenly he talks very loudly and abruptly
"COOKIES." "... what."
and she's like- ok so asking him for advice was a terrible idea
but then
"no, ok that sounds silly, but listen. you could make cookies and give them out. people love cookies, and lee makes fucking fantastic ones! i would help but i'm not allowed to use the oven anymore after the firework incident."
"who's lee?"
"jubilee. i'm sorry- i drop the words 'firework incident' and 'oven' in the same sentence and you ask who lee is?"
"i've always called her jubilee, jubes, even jubilation! i've just never called her lee."
"so you're not going to ask me about the fireworks."
"do you want me to ask you about the fireworks?"
"you're fucking crazy. you're an insane person."
"jeez! ok! what was the firework thing about?"
"no! you don't get to hear about the firework incident! you're only asking because i want you to. and you're not asking because you want to because you're crazy."
"thanks for the advice. i might actually try that. i'll be sure not to put fireworks in them."
"ok, ha ha, i'll see you tomorrow."
then he just WOOSHES AWAY
and shes like "cookies, huh."
jean and peter's friendship only means so much to me is because ✨juxtaposition✨ you know and scott and peter are fannon besties and wouldn't that make her knocking him out be so angsty and not just so that the writers can about erik and peter having to interact anyway bye bestie :))))
this just means So Much to me
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kerie-prince · 3 years
We're Worlds Apart (5)
Draco Malfoy x American No-Maj!reader
series m.list | general m.list | previous chp
warnings: cursing, mom being a dick :/, accidental peeping eyes, jealous draco
summary: Draco Malfoy is a pureblood wizard. Magic runs through his veins and has been since his birth. You're a Wiccan No-Maj; a non-magical being with ordinary blood through your veins, but practices what you call magick. And this very practice upsets your neighbor.
a/n: omg, i had to rewrite this WHOLE THING again. but now i know to write things in my google docs first
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(gif cred)
Everyone at the table was silent. Your mother sat processing what had just occurred moments ago. I practice, too. You always wondered why your brother never talked too much about her whenever you were on long phone calls with him. He was pretty vague about Stephanie, and now you knew why.
Actually, it made complete sense as to why he didn't tell your mom about Stephanie being a practicing witch, but you? That was what really confused you.
“So,” you decided to break the silence, “how long have you practiced?”
Stephanie had an excited glimmer in her eyes when you asked. “I'm still a baby, I started earlier this year.” Something about her aura was soothing and pure. You scooted your chair closer to her and continued your conversation. “So you’re a Wiccan? Or do you practice something else?”
“I practice Gardnerian Wicca,” she declared. From the corner of your eyes, you could see your mother holding back a scoff. Surely she was thinking Why the hell is she encouraging this?
The ding of the oven sounded like church bells to her as it gave her an excuse to leave the room and focus on anything else. The situation was quite hysterical. But questions were in order. As Stephanie left to use your bathroom, you pulled your brother aside. “Dude, why the hell didn’t you tell me anything?”
He flinched away from your hand and started massaging the pain away from your grip, “I didn’t think it was my business to tell.”
“But you told her about me?” You asked with crossed arms. Your brother’s logic was lacking. “It… might’ve slipped, but I only told her after she told me that she’s a witch. I don’t go around campus saying ‘Hey, I’m Y/B/N Y/L/N. I’m a communications major and y’know what? My sister’s a witch.’” You weren’t upset that he told his girlfriend about you. You weren’t ashamed at all. And you weren’t really upset that he didn’t talk to you about her. Because, in a sense, he’s right.
But you like being dramatic, so you figured that while you've got your brother in your house you’d act like a petty sister. “Whatever, man. But you could’ve told Mom beforehand,” you scolded with your arms crossed. He had a scoff in his laugh, “Tell Mom? We’re thinking of the same person, right? You know she would freak.”
“She’s freaking out right now! I’d have rather her freak out earlier before she made my house look like some stupid picture in a Martha Stewart kitchen advertisement,” you whisper yelled. To think that your house could have looked as it normally did annoyed you. Grandma’s tapestry you whined internally.
Stephanie found you two in your hallway and froze in an awkward stance, “Is everything okay?” You and your brother put on your best smiles. “Yeah, just wanted to see how my baby bro is doing,” you reached up to pinch his cheeks to which he swatted you hand away. It started a playful fight that made your guest laugh in amusement. The sound of your mother announcing that dinner was ready brought the little fight to a halt. “I’ll beat your ass later,” you challenged him, fingers doing an ‘I’ve got my eyes on you’ movement.
He couldn't believe it.
Theodore Nott and Blaise Zabini stood at his doorstep with their bags. Theo had his wand pointed out with confetti spurting out the tip. “Surprise!” he yelled.
Draco pulled them in quickly and nearly sprained his neck as he looked around to make sure no one saw his friend. “What part of 'muggle neighbors’ did you not understand” he scolded.
“Oh shit, sorry mate. I forgot.” Theo scratched the back of his head. He then glared at Blaise knowing that with his brilliant memory, he let Theo make a big mess of things. Theoretically and literally. An enchanted broom swept up the confetti on the floor.
“What are you guys doing here, I wasn’t expecting you two for another week?” Draco asked as he pulled each wizard in for a welcoming hug.
“Merlin, mate. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say that you’re disappointed to see us,” Blaise teased.
“That's not what I meant and you know that. I’m happy… just surprised.” The blond wasn't isn't used to showing this kind of side to himself. “What brings you two here early?”
“Have you ever known Theo to be patient for anything? Bloody git nearly dragged me out in the middle of work,” Blaise expressed. The Slytherin trio laughed as the two friends followed Draco through his new home. “Well, here’s the guest room. Set your things down and I’ll grab some drinks.”
For the first time since getting his phone and learning about take-out, Draco had ordered a couple pizzas to be delivered. Blaise and Theo were genuinely impressed by the whole thing. “Muggles sure do think of everything,” Theo observed.
“Almost shocked that Malfoy here adapted pretty well to them,” Blaise had a smirk on his lips before stuffing his mouth with his first ever slice. “Salazar, this is amazing.” Draco raised his eyebrows in agreement. The three men sat in the living room eating and caught up with each other.
The night was filled with laughter and tipsy hiccups. It was arguably Draco’s best night since he first moved to America. He hadn’t realized how much he missed their shenanigans since Hogwarts before it all went to shit thanks to a certain Dark Lord. He was ecstatic and couldn’t wait for them to meet his new friends.
In the middle of their laughter, Theo was seen squinting his eyes in a direction, “Oi mate, who’s that?” The two others followed his eyes which looked out a window. Sort of blurry due to the alcohol, Draco leaned forward to focus on what it was Theo was talking about.
When his vision cleared, he saw some heads moving around. And… arms flinging about? The sight was strange to say the least. Draco didn't exactly know what was going on, he watched as you stood in your living room in front of who he recognized as your mother. Sitting on your couch was some woman, and in between you and your mother was some guy.
“Is that the muggle neighbor you told me about?” Blaise observed.
“Yeah, and her mum. Don’t know the others, though.” Draco stated. He shrugged his shoulders and sat in a comfortable position. Blaise continued to look at the weird scene next door. The only pieces he could put together was that you definitely weren’t happy and neither was your mother. “She’s kinda fit, don’t you think?”
“No,” Draco didn’t hesitate to answer. His irritated voice was indication enough to not press on the matter more. And seeing as it was their first night in America, Blaise didn’t want to risk getting hexed before bed.
Draco looked at the clock on the wall which read 10:57 pm. “Shit,” he whispered. “I’m turning in. I have a meeting in the morning.” Theo was already passed out on the soft couch and Blaise walked himself to the guest room to claim the bigger bed. Once in his room, Draco chugged a bottle of water that was on his nightstand and went to sleep.
She finally went home. After the huge fight that broke out after dinner, your mother grabbed her things and left. Poor Stephanie had witnessed the mess and regretted coming. As much as she was glad to finally meet a fellow practicing witch, she underestimated your mother entirely.
It actually surprised you that your mother acted in such ways. Growing up, your mom never really made too much of a fuss of your Craft. But just out of nowhere, she’s making comments of this and making complaints of that. You wanted to forget Thanksgiving night all together.
Currently, you were pacing in your kitchen debating on whether or not to call Stephanie and make sure she was alright. She was nothing but sweet and kind. Didn't deserve to come home with your brother and have some woman blow up. Your mother hit some random nerve in the middle of your conversation that you carried on about what Steph’s practice consisted of and yelled about her whole family getting full of ‘damn weirdos’.
The best thing to come out of it was that you were able to bring back all your original decorations and stored all the stuff your mother bought in the garage.
Thinking about it started to give you a migraine. You walked to your bathroom and started to fill the tub with the hottest water you could take. As it filled, you went to the comfort of your room and undressed. You opted out on bath salts and oils; just the warmth of the water would be enough to settle your nerves.
Before you could remove your bra, you felt a weird shiver up your spine. Something in the air made you feel tense. You wanted to assume that it was negative energy that your mother left behind, but it felt different than that. No, you felt a presence in your home. Or worse, from somewhere else.
You turned around and widened your eyes in horror. A man that you didn’t know nor have ever seen before looks at you from the window of your neighbor, Draco’s room. As soon as it processed to him that you were looking back, he quickly shut the curtains again. At that moment, you wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out. You were so caught up in your thoughts that you forgot to shut your blinds.
You sat in your bathtub still shocked that a complete stranger almost saw you naked. Had you even gone further a couple seconds or ignored your instincts, he could have seen everything. You dunk your head into the water and scream under it. This day can’t get worse you thought.
But oh, how it can. You performed your house cleansing spell and as soon as you set the censor dish down, the doorbell rang. You opened the door and was face to face with the same man who saw you. “Hello,’ he said. You recognized the accent, how it sounded like Draco’s.
Shyly, you nodded your head and said a soft ‘hi’.
“Listen, I just wanted to say that I am so sorry for… for what happened,” presumably Draco’s friend apologized.You stood there a bit shocked and flustered. “I swear I’m not a bloody pervert. Mate doesn't have any light in his room so I’d thought I’d do him a favor. Guess that didn't turn out so well,” he sheepishly chuckled. It made you laugh as well. It was decided that it was just an honest mistake.
“It’s okay. I should’ve closed my curtains so I guess it goes both ways,” a blush was spread across your cheeks. The more you looked at him, the more you studied his gorgeous features. “I’m Y/N. You must be Draco’s friend,” you extended your hand out for him to shake. He took it in his and you nearly melted into his smooth skin.
“Yes, I am. I’m Blaise.”
Draco returned home with a pounding headache and stiff neck. He had never felt more tired than he did in this moment. He saw Theo sitting on his couch reading the Daily Prophet with one hand and holding a cup of tea in the other. It was funny to Draco because he explicitly remembers Theo promising that he would never become his father who did this exact thing.
Looking around his surroundings, he noticed how his other best friend wasn’t around. “Where’s Zabini?”
“I think he went out for a walk,” Theo guessed. “Think he’s been gone for about an hour now that I think about it.” He put his paper down and mirrored the look of curiosity that was also on Draco’s face. Seconds later, the devil himself walked into Draco’s home. The look on his face was the same he had back in Hogwarts. A look Draco and Theo knew all too well.
“How? Actually no, scratch that. Who?” Theo pressed on instantly. Draco was also interested as to how Blaise somehow seduced a woman a day into his vacation in the foreign country. “You gits really want to know who?” They both nodded. He stood hesitantly but kept the smirk on his face, “Your muggle neighbor, Y/N.”
Theo stood up and gave Blaise a high-five, “You still got the magic touch I see.”
“Please never say that again,” Blaise sighed. He went on to explain everything that just happened, how he accidentally saw you, how he went over and how you invited him in for coffee and talked for about an hour. Well, mainly flirted. Then he talked about how he acted coy and wanted to know whatever was nice in town and when you told him about a French restaurant uptown, he used it as a way to ask you on a date.
Blaise was explaining everything, but it all sounded quiet to Draco. He couldn’t hear a word out of his friends mouth after he said your name.
“Mate, you alright? You look pale,” Blaise looked concerned.
Draco snapped out of it and lied through his teeth, “I’m fine. Just tired and slightly hungover is all.” Lie? Why would I be lying about this? Wait… why am I lying about this?
“Oh, well I can make the thing my mum makes for hangovers if you’d like,” Theo offered.
“No, it’s fine. I’ll just get some rest.” Draco walked to his bedroom and removed the necktie around his collar. As he walked in, he saw how his curtain wasn’t fully closed. He opened it slightly and as he looked across, he saw you sitting in a chair in your bedroom. You seemed to have been in a haze before you looked up and met your eyes with his. You waved gently and Draco, as he always does now, nodded his head and closed the curtains.
This can’t be real.
next chp
(っ◔◡◔)っ taglist: @beiahadid @malfoy-styles-wife @fivenightslaughter @juneballoon999 @leydileyla @fangirlanotherjust @originalsoulcollector @opiomancy @lipstickandloveletters @ninacotte @daedric-sorceress @frecklesandfirecrackers @hahee154hq @disartrous @oh-those-barricade-boys @bornforfangirling
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dreamiesdotcom · 4 years
paper plane | z.cl
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Summary: There are five important truths about Zhong Chenle that you knew, and one important thing about him that he didn’t.
Word Count: 2.1k
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One: His touch gives life to sparks, something electric and safe on your skin.
The bus ride was just a normal part of your day until a boy sits beside you. He greets you with a wide smile, far too happy for the early hours of the morning, and then he introduces himself: “I’m Zhong Chenle, but you can just call me Chenle.”
“Y/N,” you try to be nice, forcing an awkward smile. He doesn’t bring his hands down, so you arch a brow, “What?”
“You never shared a handshake with anyone?”
“Heavens.” He sighs heavily, bringing his hands down. “You’re my friend now.”
You study his face — cherubic, too pretty, too outgoing, too happy. Overall, energetic and you can’t keep up, so you shake your head no.
“C'mon! Be my friend!” He whines, and you wonder how he’s acting so close to you when you literally just met. You look at him with a serious stare, and he rolls his eyes, “Fine. Shake my hand or be my friend. Choose.”
He raises his hands again, and you grumble, taking it to yours. Then, you pull away quickly, as if burned. Chenle sulks.
Silently, panic rises from inside of you — were you supposed to feel this warm? One touch of his and you feel on fire. It’s like being suffocated, slowly being eaten by an invisible flare, and yet, you feel fine with the difficulty of breathing that comes with burning into ashes from within.
Two: He is the most beautiful when he’s happy.
Who knew that the boy on the bus would be such a herculean twist to your monochrome life? Back then, you hid behind the shades, but then Chenle came along and followed you — sunlight follows him, so you got used to the brightness of days. His eyes turn into happy little crescents, his smile an instant summer.
He’s sweet, and soft, and it’s so heartbreaking to see him break.
You were throwing paper planes around the rooftop when you heard a sob. Slowly, you approached him. You squint at the darkness, the figure startling slightly at the sudden intrusion. You pick your plane up, clearing your throat.
“Y/N?” The voice calls.
You try to make the image in the dark, then try to remember whose voice it was — “Chenle?”
You finally see him, sitting in the dark and leaning on the railings. Beside him is a box, a familiar thing sitting beside him. You remember seeing it on his bedside table.
“It’s uh. Gift. My parents. It’s my birthday, ” he tries to smile, a pathetic attempt. “I guess I have two of it now?”
You try to meet his gaze, although he keeps on trying to look away. You smile, studying the snow globe — it is, without any doubt, the very same gift he got for last year.
“That’s an odd-looking paper plane.” An evil spark glints in your eyes, it’s beautiful nonetheless. “Wanna see how well it flies?”
He remembers a scene from his favorite movie, and watches as it crashes on the floor and breaks.
Chenle never felt so alive, and you never saw him this close: brighter than the sun and blindingly beautiful. His laughter rings as the two of you try to clean it up, and the happiness in him doesn’t fade even when you almost get caught by the security.
He’s bright, way brighter than the sun, and it’s so hard to look at him — but then again, it’s so much harder to look away.
Three: He has the voice of an angel.
Chenle insisted on walking together today, and as usual, you can’t refuse him.
The light rain is kind of annoying, now that you’re outside, and your only form of protection is this tiny umbrella — literally tiny umbrella — and even if you’re this close to him, you might as well just ditch the whole thing and be under the rain and there won’t be much difference. It’s just that there’s this book you carried today; it absolutely can’t get wet, not even a droplet.
“This is useless,” he frowns. “Let’s just find a waiting shed and let the rain pass.”
You nod silently, calming your heartbeat because it’s so cold outside and you’re almost drenched, but he’s so warm and he shouldn’t be. Comfort shouldn’t be found in uncertain places, much like a person’s company.
People are so inclined to change. It’s terrifying to find solace in them.
You find a shed after three minutes, and you stay there in silence for ten. The unwavering rain just gets heavier and heavier with each passing moment, and you shiver in the cold.
Chenle watches you with curious eyes and takes his jacket from his bag.
“Here—,” he drapes it around you, watching you shiver as you wear the sleeves.
“I'm… I’m sorry,” you say, stuttering. “I… I can’t… refuse… refuse this.”
“No need to be sorry,” he laughs. “I’m the one who’s sorry. I should’ve listened to you when you said we should take the bus instead.”
You try to laugh too, but you’re shaking so badly. You feel your head throbbing, falling into a dizzy haze. Your shivers don’t calm down, and you let Chenle hug you close to him for warmth. He hums a foreign tune as if to comfort you.
Hearing him sing is like first love, the kind that stays. The kind that doesn’t walk away because they’re so afraid to be loved.
The kind that he deserves, the kind you’ll never be able to give.
Four: He’s a little too perfect for this world.
“You don’t have to take care of me,” you weakly say, letting him help you sit up anyway. Your roommate is out somewhere, and Chenle let himself in to take care of you. “I really, really don’t want you to see me like this.”
“You’re still beautiful,” he smiles, and even if you don’t believe him, it does make you feel better. “Mom made you soup. Can you eat by yourself?”
You don’t think you can without a little difficulty, but you say ‘yes’ anyway.
The food itself is great — it’s refreshing for you who always had takeout, and it tasted like home in some way. Then, you remember his birthday — how sad he was that he’s celebrating alone with an expensive thing they already mindlessly gifted him twice. It makes something unpleasant swirl in your chest.
As you eat, Chenle busies himself with tidying up up the room. After several minutes of silence, it’s him who breaks it anyway.
“Hey,” he starts, “What does Agape mean?”
“Yeah,” he says with finalization. “Do you know what it means?”
“Selfless love,” you mutter under your breath. “There’s no use in knowing that word.”
He pauses his movements, places down the book, and makes his way back to sit beside you. You place the food on the bedside table, drinking the medicine he gave you. Then, you look in his direction as he asks: “Why?”
“Do you really think someone can learn how to love and be selfless at the same time?”
There’s way too much bitterness in your words for your heart to not be broken. He doesn’t know what kind of feeling it is that stirs deep inside him, but he doesn’t like it, and he must be beyond stupid to even dare to ask; “Have you ever fallen in love?”
Yes, you thirst to answer. More than I’m supposed to be capable of.
It’s a strong force, and it’s unknown. The urge to answer yes is an unscratchable itch under your skin, tearing through your bones and violently ripping your insides. Yes, I do fall in love — so many times that it’s unhealthy, you want to say, you want to open up, but it’s scary. It’s terrifying to give someone that kind of power over you.
Giving someone that kind of control… that kind of leverage…oh, how sweetly it could ruin you.
All that will follow after destruction, not so sweet anymore. Not so sweet at all.
“I fall in love with hopeless people,” you carelessly say, as if it’s any better than a simple 'yes’. At the very end, you unfold anyway.
The things he does.
The things he makes you do.
The things you do for him, anyway.
You muffle a laugh, “And maybe it says more about me than it does for the ones I fall for.”
But maybe you’re in love with him, too, and he’s far away from hopeless. Instead, he’s a fairytale — too good to be true, to loved to let go of even with time, too perfect to forget. He is new, he is unknown.
And heaven knows how much you feared what you didn’t understand.
Five: He loves you.
The first time you felt what utter heartbreak it is to know emptiness, it’s from seeing a happy family at a park. A little boy just your age is being cooed upon by his parents. Your gut swirled with jealousy then, even envy, and then unsatisfied greed; you want and want and want. You can’t do anything about it, but you want it so bad it tears you. Your mother ushers you back into the car with a stoic face.
Tonight is like many of the past nights. You sit on the rooftop wondering what it’d feel like to tip over, sad for no reason at all — there is a reason, you don’t admit it — like most days. You thrive and unfold in solitude. You cry in that place.
He shouldn’t be there at all, but Chenle watches carefully.
“Why are you here?” Your voice breaks, the weakest he’s ever heard it. He himself wants to cry.
“Because I like you,” he whispers more to the air than himself, neither of you wanting to hear anything but also craving so badly to just say it and get it over with. Chenle manages a heartwrenching smile, “I… I hate seeing you like this.”
“Well, this is me. Not all the time, but it’s me nonetheless — see? I’m no good for you,” you laugh, and it kind of hurts but it’s kind of true. Less of you would be good for him. None of him would be best for you because you won’t even have to think of trying to be any good at all.
“Like has no commitment. Don’t hold onto something so vulnerable.”
Again there’s that bitterness lacing your words, but this time, they’re not out of spite. They’re out of experience — from a heart that’s been torn to pieces and mended itself despite not wanting to heal. He knows you come with wounds, but now, he sees, and he doesn’t know how to handle it, and he hates himself for it, but he can’t do anything but look — he looks at you with such gentle gaze, a dull throb in his heart; except it’s not dull, except it’s killing him.
He smiles, “I’m here for you, anyway.”
He stands in front of you for a while. You stare blankly.
Once, you’ve thought there’s only so many ways to break a person’s heart. The worst as you’ve heard is to leave them alone with a broken heart, and make them realize there’s no way to mend it — but they do say that it wouldn’t be easy. Their true selves are guarded. There are way too many walls built around their hearts, sheltering it away from people’s prying eyes.
But maybe, just maybe, as you watch Chenle turn away with such blue in his eyes, hearts can break behind steel walls. Hearts are fragile little things, after all, and no faux security can save them from that fact.
Zhong Chenle is a particularly delicate boy.
Can you ever love someone so much? Something bigger and deeper than what shallow it felt to others, a greater force than gravity and life. Can you ever love someone like that?
Watching the nightlife like this is one of your favorite past time. To be alive so peacefully is a dream of yours, and that kind of peace can only be found when most people are asleep.
Emptiness felt heavy but so does whatever this is. Chenle looked as beautiful as his soul, and it doesn’t matter if this is just a sick trick of light — angel wings wrap around him, keeping him safe from what heartbreak you are.
“Tell me something I don’t know,” he whispers, hands an inch away from yours.
You remain looking up at the stars you’ve told stories of him, and you smile: “I don’t love you.”
Painful silence and nasty lies. The lines blur yet again and your world feels like crashing down but oh—oh, how right it felt to break for him.
It was blind hope and you were selfish, but you trusted him to know.
“I know,” he says, “I know that you don’t love me.”
And he didn’t.
(Six: You love him back.)
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Attention and Care
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pairing: Jimin x female reader
genre: angst, fluff, established relationship au
word count: 2.8k | reading time: 14 min
warnings: none
summary: Jimin must be the only person in the world who complains about his girlfriend not complaining... When Amy doesn't pester him to come home early (like the rest of the members) he starts thinking she might not care for him as much.
A/N: Amy=y/n basically, she’s the reader, I just wanted to use a name instead of y/n. It comes from Army! This is the first fic I write on here. I will post more soon and probably create a masterlist after I have a few. Also, there could be a smutty part 2 if you guys like this one!
Masterlist  |  Read on AO3
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Yoongi's phone vibrated on the table. The screen lit up and illuminated his face as he peeked over it. The rest of the boys groaned.
"Is it your girl?" Hoseok asked with his mouth full. "Are you going to leave already?"
"No, that's not it…" Yoongi mumbled, picking up his chopsticks again and going for the barbequed ribs at the center of the table.
"Ah, hyung. We don't even get to eat all together anymore," Jungkook complained. "Don't go yet."
"What are you even talking about, we're together all the time. We work all day."
"Yes, but we don't eat like this. You all go back to your girlfriends or whatever," the youngest continued, pouting.
"Well, what did you expect?" Jimin laughed, covering his mouth with his unoccupied hand. "We want to spend time with the people we love, too."
Jin waved his hands around. "Ah, leave him. He's just sulky 'cause he's still single." Immediately, he let out a short, high-pitched scream when Jungkook punched him on his side. As the two continued arguing, Yoongi's phone vibrated again. This time he picked it up and read through his texts, and before he could even reply to his girlfriend, the members spoke up again.
"She's really impatient, isn't she?" Hoseok joked.
"Does she miss you so much? Are you going to go to her?" Taehyung added.
"Honestly, it's getting somewhat late. I'll leave in a bit too." Namjoon seemed to take his hyung's side, although in reality, he knew someone was waiting for him, too.
"Ah… sorry guys," Yoongi said and got up, eyes still glued to his phone. "I'll leave first."
There were a couple of sighs and complains, but he didn't stay long enough to listen to them. He grabbed his coat and was out of the room. It wasn't like they weren't used to this, anyway. Every time they decided to hang out like this, someone would bail or call it an early night for the sake of spending time with their partners. Whether it was Yoongi the one to go first, or Hoseok, or Namjoon, once someone broke the group, the others seemed to disappear very easily.
"Oh, come on, Jimin," Taehyung looked at his best friend with sympathetic eyes. "You know how it is- she'll start getting jealous and be moody if I stay here too late. She hasn't seen me all day, you understand that, right?" He talked while he put on his coat.
"Neither has my girlfriend, but it's not like she'll make a scene because I'm out having dinner with my friends," Jimin replied.
Tae glanced at him one last time. "Well, what can I say? You have a very cool girlfriend. Goodnight!" he called and left.
"Yeah right!" Jungkook scoffed. "He's only using his girl as an excuse. I know he really just wants to go see her instead of stay here."
Jimin looked down at his mostly empty plate. He took a deep breath as he played with the leftovers, pushing them around in circles. "I don't know…" he mumbled. He quietly took his phone out of his pocket, under the table. It was 10:13 pm and there were only three of them left. And he had no texts, no missed calls. He put his phone back in his pocket and looked at the boys again. "You see how they always get calls and stuff? Maybe they really are waiting for them at home. What if they get in trouble?"
"For what? Having a late dinner with their members? It's not like we're hanging out with other women, anyway."
Jin suddenly stood up, earning a death stare from the maknae. "I'm leaving too. I promised I'd be back by 10, I don't want her to worry, you know?"
Jungkook didn't even protest. He just looked at the only other member left there with a defeated look in his eyes. "Jimin…" he sighed. "You're the only one who doesn't dump me. Even though you're in a relationship, you still find time for me. I appreciate that."
The older boy bit his bottom lip aggressively. He rolled his eyes and went back to playing with his food. "Sure. I have a girlfriend, that doesn't mean I'll stop hanging out with you," he said sounding almost angry. Jungkook just thought he shared his frustration.
"Exactly!" he exclaimed, stuffing his mouth with whatever meat was left on the table. Jimin eyed him, momentarily wondering how he could still be eating. He took out his phone again, just enough to check the screen, and sighed when there was nothing new.
"You really do have the coolest girlfriend, hyung," the boy spoke after he swallowed. "She never complains, right? I like Amy. Should I just come over to hang out with you two after this? Since everyone else left?"
His eyes widened at that and he whipped his head to the side. "No!" he said before he had come up with an excuse as to why. "Uh… well... I'm really tired today, Jungkookie." He lowered his voice and started rubbing the back of his neck for extra effect. "I want to go to sleep. Maybe you can come tomorrow?" But Jungkook just narrowed his eyes at his lame act. "Amy will have probably fallen asleep already, anyway. That must be why she hasn't called me yet."
That seemed to convince him a little bit. He dropped his shoulders and pouted. "Alright," he agreed. "Let's go home. Tomorrow all three of us can watch a movie or something after dance practice, right?"
Jimin was already on his feet before Jungkook finished his sentence. "Yeah, a movie sounds good. Let's go."
He arrived outside your shared apartment at 10:54 pm. Looking at the closed door, he wondered whether you had actually fallen asleep. He knew you were quite a night owl, but he just thought maybe that would be a decent excuse. Or maybe it'd be worse.
"Oh, you're here?"
He almost didn't hear your voice, lost in thought as he were. But it brought him back to earth, and he noticed you sat at the corner of the couch, a lamp by your side and a book in your hands. You smiled warmly and marked the page you were at before closing your book and getting up to walk to your boyfriend.
"What's with the long face? Did something happen?"
"Huh?" Jimin's eyebrows shot up, only then letting go of the door handle he was clenching. He ran a hand through his hair, avoiding eye contact. "Uh… no, nothing."
You tilted your head to the side and gave him a playful but incredulous look. You put your hands on his waist and pulled him slightly towards you, but he didn't come as easily as he normally did. "You sure? Because you're literally pouting right now," you remarked, placing a peck on his puffy lips.
"It's just that…" Jimin ran a hand over his face, rubbing his eyes. He pulled away, his shoulders heavily going up and down as he sighed. He looked at you with the corner of his eyes. "What did you do while I was out?"
"Oh, well…" Your eyes lit up and you cracked a cocky smile, swaying slightly as you smoothly started walking towards the kitchen. "I don't know if you noticed anything when you walked in, but I actually–"
"Did you even care if I came back?"
You froze in your place. Your smile dropped, a frown taking its place in your face. "Jimin… what?"
He just gave you a casual shrug, as if he was just spitballing. "I don't know, did you care when I came back, or if I came back at all?"
"What are you even talking about?" You walked closer. "What do you mean?"
"I mean… Do you care whether we're together or not? Do you care about me?"
You placed your hands on his shoulders to look at him better. He wasn't avoiding your eyes anymore; instead, he was piercing through them with his unblinking, watery ones. "Jimin, baby, did you drink? Of course I care about you, what kind of question is that?"
He simply said: "Oh," and munched on his bottom lip. You grabbed both his cheeks, but he pulled you away. He turned around, not to go anywhere. He just stood there, facing the wall.
"Baby, why would you ask me something like that?" you repeated.
"Oh, no reason. Just 'cause you never seem to care if I'm with the boys instead of you. You never care if I work all day or don't see you for weeks. You don't even care when I have to work with other women. That's why I'm asking; do you even care about me?"
You closed your eyes shut and shook your head. Did you hear that right? "Wait… When you say I don't care about you, you mean I don't complain and I don't get jealous?"
Jimin finally turned back around. He ran both his hands through his hair, pulling at it. "I- I'm not saying I want you to complain, I just– I mean, why don't you ever ask me to spend more time with you?"
"Because I know you have work and other responsibilities! I respect that. Did you not want me to be understanding or something?"
"No but… like, when I'm not working. You could say we have to be together all the time. You only get to see so little of me, and you don't even want that?"
You laughed. How was this even a real argument? You looked towards the kitchen and your laughter turned bitter and stopped abruptly. "Are you serious right now?" Jimin's eyebrows dropped at the sudden change in your tone. "You think I like that you're working all the time? That we can't even go on a date, that I only get to see you with the stopwatch? When you leave for months to go on tour, do you think I throw parties back here? No, I go to sleep every night alone, with nothing to distract me."
Jimin took a step back. He hadn't expected you to talk back like this. Or actually, he hadn't expected you to have thought about this before, which you clearly had. "If you feel like that, why don't you show it? Why don't you say anything?" he said trying his best to keep his sulky posture.
You took one look at his pouty lips and remembered it wasn't your place to get angry right now. You had admittedly gotten a little offended that your boyfriend would even think something like that, but you should be reassuring him he's wrong, not opening up a new argument. You sighed while slightly rolling your eyes. Your hands found his chubby cheeks and you pulled him close.
"Because I know this is difficult. I knew the moment I decided to get into this relationship." You caressed his cheekbone and moved a hair strand away from his eyes. "It's difficult for me and it's difficult for you, and I didn't want to make it even more so by complaining all the time. Jimin…" you whispered his name as delicately as you could, giving him no other choice but to look at you, "–of course I want to be with you as much as I can. If it was up to me, I'd be with you 24/7. But I understand you can't spend all your free time on me. What do you want me to do, keep you on a leash? Ban you from seeing your friends or anyone other than me?"
Your boyfriend looked down and kicked his foot, his tongue probing at his cheek. "That'd be better than not even sending me a text while I'm out…"
You started sulking, too. It was true, you didn't send him any texts that evening. And maybe, just maybe, that could be an excuse to feel a little neglected. But it just happened so, and he was reading too much into it. "I knew you were with the boys, I didn't want to disturb you…" you mumbled your explanation.
Jimin didn't raise his head, but raised his eyes, looking up at you, still with that same pout. "All the other guys constantly get texts and calls from their girlfriends asking them to come home, it's not like one more text from you would be a hassle…"
You bit your lower lip. "I didn't know…" You pulled him closer and left a tiny peck on his lips. "I'm sorry, I didn't know baby." You pecked him again. "From now on, I promise that I will text you anytime I miss you, just to let you know. And if you can come see me, even better."
Although his expression didn't change much –his frown might have gotten even deeper, actually– you could tell that his mood had taken a 180° turn. Jimin made a sound of contentment in the back of his throat. His small fingers crept up your pajama shirt and grabbed it tightly. He quickly pecked your lips, too, as if he was trying to do it before you could stop him.
"You don't need to worry about seeming clingy, Amy. Give me all the clingy you got, I really don't mind," he spoke sheepishly.
You chuckled. "You don't mind? You seem like you desperately need it, actually." You managed to get a glimpse of your boyfriend's blush before he buried his face in the crook of your neck. "Ah, what am I going to do with you…" you laughed, fluffing his hair and rubbing his back. "You know, you must be the only person in the world who complains about his girlfriend not complaining."
Jimin pulled back looking all offended. "I'm not complaining! I'm just- it's just, you know, complaining is a lot better than not saying anything. If you don't say anything then I'll just think you don't care."
Before he could pout again, you grabbed his face and squished his lips together. "No… You know, I can't always tell you everything," you said. "And sometimes it's better that we're not together." Jimin's eyes looked like they were going to pop off his head. You just went over this whole argument, and this is what you decide to say? He opened his mouth all wide and round, ready to go off in his thick satoori accent, when you squished his lips even more and hushed him. "Tonight, for example, just because I didn't text you didn't mean I wasn't thinking about you." You finally released him, taking his hand into yours and walking towards the kitchen. "I tried to ask you this when you came in but… didn't you notice anything?"
Jimin frowned. He looked around, perked his ears, sniffed the room… His mouth formed a tiny 'o' and he looked at you innocently. "What's that smell?"
You pouted at him, trying to look a little hurt, while you opened the oven. "Well… while you were out with your buddies, I got kinda bored. And I decided to bake you a cake for when you come home."
"A cake?" Jimin chirped and moved immediately to grab the pan from your hands. It wasn't anything too elaborate, a simple chocolate cake with no decorations or anything. You just liked baking stuff when you had nothing much to do. "For me?" your boyfriend asked, suddenly regretting ever starting an argument with you.
"I'll eat too, what did you think?" you chuckled.
After you had cut a few slices, warmed up a couple of cups of milk to go with it, too, you watched your boyfriend munch on the warm cake from across the counter. You noticed how he was sitting, with his legs spread out and his arms supporting most of his body weight. He looked tired, something you had missed when he walked in due to his energetic temper. You stuffed your face with the last bite of cake and stared at his thighs. He wanted clingy, right? You got up and walked to him, sitting on his lap while making sure you didn't put too much weight on him. You snaked an arm over his neck and used your other hand to feed him a few more bites.
"So…" you purred. "Do you think I should make you feel good tonight to show you how much I care about you?" Jimin stopped chewing, looked in your eyes, and swallowed. A smirk started forming on his lips and he almost opened his mouth to talk, when you continued. "Or should you make me feel good as an apology for ever doubting me?"
Your fingertips fondled with the tiny hair at the back of his neck and you felt how he got goosebumps just by that. Not ever looking away, he clapped his hands together to rid them of any crumbs, and grabbed your waist, urging you to straddle him. His smirk appeared on his lips again and his stare got darker, pupils dilated, head slightly lowered.
"Hmm… I think we got time for both."
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