#I'm not very good at writing Xiao to be honest
transmascaraa · 6 days
hi! guess who's returned after finally graduating :)
can i request a drabble where our bsf (lyney/wanderer/gaming) goes to prom with us + slow dances with us? maybe a little confession too..
i sincerely apologize if you've already done a fic like this already! i haven't opened tumblr for a while now—
— 🧷anon (p.s. how are you :0?)
multiple characters headcannons!
prom confession.
characters: lyney, gaming, wanderer, xiao x gn!reader
author's note: added xiao js because🤷‍♂️ ANYWAYS congrats on your graduation!! mine is like the 14th of june so i still have a bit left but yeah! i've been alright these last few days i guess, nothing special going on really lol i hope you've been well too :p also the only SIMILAR thing i did was this with gaming, but it isn't exactly like what i'm gonna write now lmao so i hope you enjoy these hcs^^
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☆ Lyney
-lyney, as your bsf, is like a really trustworthy and loyal one, PLUS interesting af
-and as you HAD to have a dance partner at prom, you chose him because he was the only safe option, really.
-you asked him if he wanted to dance with you and he was a bit surprised at first but agreed after a bit. SO the music started, and you started dancing together.
-y'know, that waltz dance pose.
-and it was peaceful enough for lyney to be honest with you about something.
-he didn't care about your answer anymore, he just had to get it off his chest
-no more "magician lyney", no more "fatuus lyney".
-just "lyney".
-so when there was a pause in the music, he pulled you closer and whispered in your ear:
-"want to try and be lovers?"
✷ Gaming
-like any time, any day.
-he was also a very good bsf, definitely always something interesting to hear from him
-AND it's entertaining to spend time with him in the first place lol
-so being that close, you decided to dance together for prom since neither of you had another choice.
-and he put one of his hands on your waist, and the other intertwined with yours, as you started dancing together.
-peaceful as well.
-adoring each others presence in the moment.
-sharing a few compliments here and there, making eachother giggle and smile and blush
-when nobody was looking, and nobody could hear either of you—
-"i love you." you both said at the same time.
-it was awkward, but it worked out just fine^^
✧ Wanderer
-uh kinda difficult to become friends at first lmfao
-but you definitely manage to do it after a while and even become bsfs
-and like originally he wanted to go to prom alone
-but he felt bad for you just standing in the corner while everyone else danced with others so he just kinda dragged you to dance
-no words exchanged, only his embarrassed face not wanting to look at you directly.
-his heart was racing and he was doing his best to not fuck up the dance
-not until you pulled him closer and smiled warmly at him.
-he was flustered, but still looking you in the eyes, despite wanting to seem unbothered and uninterested.
-you kissed him on the cheek while whispering:
-"do you want to be more than friends?" to which he embarrassedly nodded, not keeping any eye-contact with you after that.
✿ Xiao
-so uh you'd HAVE to be the one trying to become friends with him at first (but it kinda js works out even tho it's difficult since he doesn't understand mortals)
-although, with your help, he understands humans AT LEAST a BIT more than he used to.
-he went with you to prom because you had told him that you have nobody to dance with, so you decided to ask him.
-he didn't really get the concept of prom but he did it anyway.
-of course, while you were dancing with the music playing in the background, he felt a lot more open.
-so he started telling you in detail about how he felt about you. he didn't know it was love.
-he told you about how pretty/handsome/fabolous you were in his eyes, how he wished to spend all his life AND afterlife with you, how important you were to him and that he'd protect you if he had to—
-"i love you too, xiao." and he didn't know how to function properly after that.
just yes i love it
it was really interesting to write ngl i had such beautiful scenarios in my head smh
| 🧷anon | @mariaace <3
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fallingdownhell · 1 year
Could I request headcanons of Diluc, Xiao Zhongli, and Ayato with a demonic water dragon s/o?
Her dragon form is huge, with a serpent-like body, covered in scales blacker than the night, has 2 pairs of horns (the top pair curve upward and the bottom pair curve downward), sharp fangs and claws.
I'm gonna be honest, I have never written anything like this. It's new, but I like to challenge myself, so thank you. Hope I could satisfy you with the way I went about it.
Characters Included: Diluc; Xiao; Zhongli; Ayato
Content: gender neutral reader; shapeshifting; established relationship (Diluc; Ayato); getting together (Xiao; Zhongli);
Word count: 2,5k words
Hope you like it and sorry it took me so long to write.
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he would be absolutely clueless
he thinks you're a normal human just like him, only that you are a little obsessed with water and always want to be close to a big body of water
It's a good thing that Dawn Winery is so close to a huge lake
he always knows he can find you there, sitting by the shore if he can't find you anywhere else in the mansion
today however, something was not right when he went looking for you down at the shore
he saw you sitting there, feet in the cold water of the lake, nothing unusual about that
but... was there something laying behind you? Why was is swinging side to side from time to time? And why did your head look kinda weird, too?
Diluc didn't know what to think or expect, but he went closer to you nonetheless, not wanting to assume
When he did get closer, he noticed that those things seemed to be attached to you
As he was pracitcally behind you now, he finally made his presence known and you immediately jumped up, scared out of your mind since you didn't notice anyone approaching you. You even let out a deep, warning growl until you realized that it was Diluc
You started to relax a bit, but as you saw how he was looking at you, you realized that you forgot about something very important
Before you could run away - which you were definitely trying to do just now - Diluc grabbed you by the wrist, silently begging you to stay
You reluctantly do so, expecting to be bombarded with questions, which... never came?
He was just standing there, taking in your half-transformed state and with each passing second, you grew more and more restless
Soon enough, the questions started to come, but instead of being all over the place, he seemed to keep his cool, asking you one thing after the other
He even asked to see your other form, but you declined that, not wanting to shock him any more than you already have. He accepts that, but deep down, he really does want to see it
Surprisingly to you, he doesn't seem too put off about that reveal. Sure he has to get used to the fact that you are... dragon? Half-dragon? Diluc isn't too sure, but he doesn't mind
After all, this detail didn't change anything about the feelings you both had for the other. So why would he change his views of you? It was just another aspect of you and he could understand why you kept that hidden from him
Not many people would react to such a revelation the way he had reacted
Does ask to see your full form from time to time, but never pressuring you. He's just really interested, he was fascinated by the color of your scales at that time already, he couldn't imagine what it would look like when your entire body was covered in them
When you finally agree, he is mesmerized by your sheer size and the colours, absolutely can NOT take his eyes off of you
Swears to protect your secret and falls even more in love with you when he learns that you can also transform into a half-half form
Overall a pretty positive reaction from him, which you would have never thought would happen, but you sure as hell aren't complaining about it
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Immediatley knows.. upon your first meeting he just knows that something is up with you
you are no adeptus, but you aren't a human being either
yet he can't seem to figure it out, either, and that bothers him
he is supposed to protect this land, yet how can he do that when he can't even pick out what exactly you are
would keep taps on you and your activities, trying to determine wether or not you would become a threat he has to exterminate
he follows you around for quite some time. In fact, it almost becomes a routine for him and he doesn't realize it but at some point, he also knows your usual schedule by heart
why does he want to smile whenever he sees you interact with the children of Liyue Harbor? What is this warm feeling inside his chest?
Panics when he realizes this and tries to keep his distance from now on, but he quickly learns that he can't seem to stay away from you for too long
there's just something about you that keeps pulling him in, wether he wants to or not... and he also still has to make sure you're not a threat.. at least, that's what he tells himself
if he were to be honest, deep down, he was already convinced that you're not dangerous, but he needs and excuse to come and see you
that is, until one fateful day
he was fighting against some demonic creatures at Yaoguang Shoal. There were many of them and they kept coming, his karmic debt starting to wear him down as well
he was threatening to be overpowered, not being able to control the pain any longer since he had been fighting for quite some time already, when a huge shadow appeared out of nowhere
as he saw this huge dragon form approaching, he mentally prepared himself for a fight, but also for the possibilty of his death... when suddenly, against his expectations, the dragon attacked the demonic creatures instead of him
stunned for a second, Xiao quickly recovered and joined the fight again, this time at the side of this unexpected ally
with the help, it was over pretty quickly, but Xiao kept his guard up, not being able to predict what would happen next
then, the form of the dragon started to glow, then began to shrink until it was as small as a human. The glow kept fading and then the next moment, he was facing you
Xiao was confused, the emotions for once being obviously displayed on his face as he looked at you, connecting the dots in his head
"There, now you finally know. Can you stop stalking me now?"
You said this, with a teasing smile on your lips, indicating that you were aware of him all along, but seemingly not minding it that much.
On the other hand, Xiao was mortified. Without any reply, he teleported back to Wangshuu Inn, where he tried to process what had just happened
He kept to himself for a few days, and probably would have done so for longer, if it wasn't for you, seeking him out to talk to him about all the things that had happened
from this point on would be where your relationship started to bloom, Xiao slowly coming to terms with his feelings for you
he is not bothered by your upbringing at all. In fact, this meant that you were "blessed" with a long life just like him, so he wouldn't have to fear losing you far too soon again
sure, he still has to get used to it, but he is fascinated more than anything else. Constantly asks you questions, wanting to learn all there is about you
would care deeply for you, and depending on your believes, would keep it a secret from others if you were to ask this of him
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just like Xiao, he also knows immediately that something is up with you
but unlike the adeptus that watches over Liyue, Zhongli figures it out on his own rather quickly
after all, he spent many years as a dragon himself, so of course he would recognise someone of that species
but it still gets him thinking... because, dragons don't exist that largly anymore, especially not the ones with the ability to shapeshift
he really wants to approach you and talk to you about this topic, but he also knows that he can't, as it would probably come across as creepy, especially if he were to bring something like that up in broad daylight with people surrounding you all
so, instead, he invites you out for a day. You spend the entire afternoon and evening together, ending the little get-together with a walk around the almost abandoned harbor at night
This is when Zhongli decides to bring this topic up, having felt the urge to ask you throughout the entire day
when he does, your eyes widen, not having expected anyone to ever get behind your little secret. You were scared.. scared of what he might do to you and him telling everyone else
Zhongli on the other hand, only now realized why you were looking so scared. He wanted to assure you that he would not tell anyone, but he also knew that you were not likely to believe him at all. He had to prove himself somehow..
and the only way he could think of would be to reveal his true identity to you, as well
at first, you obviously don't believe him, because... who would? A random person, claiming to be the God of Contracts, watching over the entire nation of Liyue? Yeah, as if.
But then, you have no choice but to believe him when he transforms into a half human, half dragon state infront of your very eyes
you suddenly feel extremely connected to him and instead of saying anything, simply follow his example, revealing half of your dragon form to him
Zhongli is mesmerized by the beauty the colour of your scales take. He wants nothing more than to trace along them with his fingers, the urge almost too strong to resist, but he does
you two begin to bond over that shared experience, your connection growing stronger and stronger with each passing day
your identites are a secret to everyone except you two, which only helps in strengthening that shared bond
it's hard to say who falls in love first, but it's not like that matters. It happened and that's the only important thing, since it led to the most fulfilling and loved relationship you ever had
Zhongli was enamoured with you, willing to do anything for you. Plus, he was an expert at keeping things hidden from other people, so you would never have to worry about people finding out about you. At least if you don't want that to happen
Either way, Zhongli swore to always stay by your side and protect you, and he plans on keeping this promise....always
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he would be just as clueless as Diluc
sure, he and his people did make a background-check on you before Ayato started to pursue you romantically, but that didn't bring anything unusual to light
nowadays, you and Ayato were engaged, with you already living with him at the Kamisato estate
he loved the open affinity you displayed towards water. He could often find you sitting outside, looking out towards the sea, lost in your own thoughts
you never seemed to care about the weather. More often than once had he found you sitting outside at night, the cold not seeming to bother you at all
At times like these, he would go grab a blanket before he sat down behind you, wrapping you two into the warmth of the fabric as you lean back against his chest, still looking towards the ocean
you also once told him that you adored the fact he had been blessed with a hydro vision. According to you, it made him smell like the ocean you so adored, his touch cool and calming on your skin
at first, he was a bit taken aback by the statement, but once he thought about it, he couldn't help but seeing it as a compliment towards him
at some point, the guilt starts to build up inside you, feeling bad that you hide such an important thing about yourself
you feel like he should know before you guys get married, since it might change his view on you. And what if he someday finds out by accident and then accuses you of lying to him?
No, you definitely don't want that to happen, so you decide to tell him
You write Ayato a little note, telling him to meet you down at the beach where you two can talk in private
he is a bit concerned at this, trying to think if he did something wrong or if he might have upset you in any way
instead of meeting you after his work, he decides to abandon it alltogether, making his way to you immediately
you're a bit surprised to see him this early, but you also welcome it. This way, you don't have time to overthink things and just tell him
When you tell him that you want to share a secret with him, Ayato is perplexed at first. He thought that there was nothing kept hidden between the two of you, but he also didn't want to judge just based on this statement
so, he tried to keep an open mind and signaled for you to tell him. When you did, it was obvious he didn't believe you. He didn't need to say anything, his eyes were telling it all
so, with a deep breath in, you started to transform entirely, your form growing huge, scales as dark as the night decorating your entire body, until Ayato was a mere peck of dust next to you
He watched all of this happen, equally terrified as well as fascinated. He honest to god thought you were joking, that this was one of those pranks people like to play on their significant others
you, after having proven your point, transformed back, now looking unsure, not knowing what to expect of his reaction
he, in the most diplomatic tone ever, told you that he would need some time to think, which you nodded, understanding that request fully
so, you waited. And those days were the absolute horror for you. Luckily, it didn't seem like Ayato told anyone, the people of the estate still talking to you and treating you like they usually did
but you haven't seen or heard anything from Ayato at all
the first time he comes to you again is after five days. And what he does confuses you even more. He just comes up to you, kissing you on the cheek and greeting you good morning like nothing had happened
before you have the chance to ask him about it, he is gone again, so you wait until you catch him in a quiet moment
And when you ask him about it, he just shrugs his shoulders. "Well, you're still you. That fact doesn't change anything. You're still my spouse and I still love you."
You're beyond relieved that he's not bothered by it, having expected the worst already
Ayato on the other hand, doesn't want to admit it, but that little revelation made him even more whipped for you than he already was
But that's something that you don't have to know about...
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peachseashell · 7 months
Hi :)
Can I request Xiao and Wanderer (separately) with an autistic s/o pls? Gender neutral reader if it's possible thank you!!
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗ Special to me
Xiao and Wanderer with an autistic s/o
Gender neutral reader
Genre: fluff
Warnings: food textures (sensory issues), reader is kinda emotional and Introverted, Wanderer is kinda toxic and possessive, mentions of anxiety.
Notes: I was actually so excited to write this because I love these characters and I'm also diagnosed with autism so it makes me so happy writing about something that I can easily portray! So thanks for your request ml 💕
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- He has little knowledge of human and abilities and basically anything about them apart from they work, eat and sleep. He never really fussed over it much until he met you and learned that you're quite different from all the other mortals he's encountered.
- You have to teach him about your needs, preferences, feelings, opinions as he doesn't always understand. He's scared that he won't know what to do when you're in an emotional state because he knows you feel things differently from others.
- I feel as though Xiao is a good listener and can sit in silence while you ramble on about anything you want, even thougg he may not understand a single thing about what's coming out of your mouth. He's also learned that he needs to be careful how he words things in case you misunderstand or take his harsh words to literally.
- This may just be me, but physical touch is something I'm not particularly fond of at all and I don't know if this is an autistic thing or just me. But anyway, Xiao's more than happy to give you your own well deserved space and alone time; though sometimes he can be very touch starved in my opinion.
- However, if you don't mind affection I can see Xiao warming up to you and leaning in closer and resting on you. This affection is mostly displayed during inside areas, usually when you're both very calm. Bedtime is when you can catch him most vulnerable and cuddling up to you like a snug bug in a rug.
- Xiao understands your eating issues and that sometimes your picky. You both share the dislike of certian textures and flavours, not just food but the feel of objects as well. For example, if a blanket is too scratchy or fish is too slimey, or shoes are too squeaky. Sensory issues are probably something he has in common with you.
- I feel as though Wanderer is very educated on this topic. Even if he is a puppet, I think perhaps he must of come across an autistic person and became curious, therefore leading him to want to learn more about it during his time as a fatui harbinger or maybe at the Akademiya.
- 100% remembers your likes and dislikes, never forgets them; keeps a secret diary all about you because he loves you so much. Buys you things to help with fidgeting and stress whenever you're distracted and loves hearing you ramble on about the littlest and strangest topics.
- No matter how confident he may be that he can look after you. He's helpless in a situation when you're completely exhausted and panicked or upset. Lets you shout at him to be honest because he knows it's not really personally against him. This may sound cruel, but he may leave you to let it out on your own in case he upsets you even more, the best thing he thinks to do is give you space.
- Of course after he'll cook you your favourite meal and dry any spilt tears, isn't he just so dreamy? Doesn't like to admit it but he loves it when you have nobody to turn to but him because he's the only one who understands. Holds your hand when you're nervous whenever you two go out and the anxiety takes over you.
- will hunt anyone down who makes fun of you for any habits, preferences or anything you have that makes you slightly unique; he just hates people who can't accept that disabilities aren't something to joke about. he just doesn't want to see you hurt because of someones stupid opinion, it makes his non existing heart twist and break.
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welcometoteyvat · 4 months
fake ga-ming voicelines (prerelease, some more delusional, some less. please give more hcs about him)
edit: apparently voiceline leaks just dropped so PLEASE no spoilers <3 if these are wrong that's too bad they're canon in my heart!!!
About Yun Jin: Besides being a great opera performer, Sir Yun's taste in tea is impeccable! Although she keeps asking me to join her at Heyu Tea House... their tea just doesn't have the same flavor as the tieguanyin from Xinyue Kiosk. Speaking of her, one of our clients has just developed a new strain—I promised to bring some for her when I come back to Liyue Harbor!
About Xiao: You mean Senior Xiao! Hehe, so you know him too! Next time, can you bring him along with you to one of my performances in the harbor? I've been trying to get him to come for a long time, but he always refuses... oh, good idea! Next time I'll hold it at Wangshu Inn, just for him!
About Xiangling: That girl always by Guoba's side, right? Man Chai seems to like her a lot, especially the cornbread buns she makes! To be honest, some of the things she cooks are a little too spicy for me, but otherwise she’s an excellent chef with unmistakable talent. No wonder her companion is a minor deity… wait, what? A major deity?
About Keqing: Thanks to her invitation and sponsorship, our Mighty Mythical Beast performances have been getting more and more attention in the harbor! She's very straightforward and speaks her mind about everything, and always has novel ideas! Although we haven’t talked much, I really admire her mindset and determination. It’s not easy to forge your own path forward, especially for someone of her standing.
About Chongyun: I've run into him once or twice on the road to Liyue Harbor. He didn’t seem to like talking that much when we met, but I’ve heard he’s actually quite outgoing! He wields a greatsword too—maybe he can train with me as the suanni’s tail? Of course, I wouldn’t force him to do anything he doesn’t want; I'm sure he's already busy! It would just be nice to have a wushou partner for once.
About Xinyan: I managed to catch one of Xinyan's performances when I had some free time after work. There weren’t many people in the audience, but her music was so energetic it completely made up for the quieter atmosphere. Originally, I was thinking about asking her to join our lion dance troupe as a drummer, but I’m glad to hear she's made a name for herself since then! I should properly introduce myself sometime!
About Zhongli: He once asked me whether I've heard about the legend of the solitary suanni after one of Iron Tongue Tian's stories. When I said yes, he launched into a really detailed discussion of Chenyu Vale's local belief system, and even told me some stories I haven't heard about a carp adeptus. It's amazing that he has so much knowledge on all sorts of folklore, as a funeral consultant no less!
About Xianyun: ... Who? im sorry i was going to put something about the adepti here but gave up trying to think of something and now it's just a joke line. suggestions welcome tho 🫶
About Yelan: Ah, that lady—sometimes I see her lingering around Yanshang Teahouse. They place regular orders of tea leaves from Yilong Wharf. She's very polite and even petted Man Chai once or twice, although I feel like there's more to her than meets the eye... well, business is business, and they've never caused any trouble for Sword and Strongbox, so whatever she does isn't much of a concern to me.
very long notes:
generally i feel like what's mentioned in chara voicelines tend to have a lot less substance than the actual relationship, so in my head some of them are closer w gaming than i wrote.
always welcoming suggestions!!!!! PLEASE share the brainrot with me i'm dying here OTL please please.
i'd like to write an "about xingqiu" but i bully my richboy son and he's already had like 12 other people comment on him in canon it's fine if ga-ming doesn't know him
everything's just for fun etc etc. don't take it too seriously
watch all of these be completely wrong!!!
similarly if any of these end up being right, i will SCREAM
the only ones i really really want to happen are with yun jin and xiao if they don't have voicelines i'll die
senior xiao comes from my headcanon (copium) that they'll keep the mentor disciple relationship (?) from that one concept art if you know you know. it also comes from this absolutely delicious fic
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noodles-n-soba · 2 years
How they'd be asking you out for prom and how prom will be with them
A modern au
Characters: Bennett, Diluc Heizou, Itto, Kazuha, Venti, Xiao
A/n: Not me sweating, crying, rolling on the floor, typing with the speed of lightning, being even faster than Venti gliding to write this for y'all~ (School SUCKS) Please enjoy!!
Cw: Might've mixed up grammer and verbs etc- Im not good at consistently writing WHEN I TAKE A WEEK TO DO SO *cough* SCHOOL..- *sobs*
 The moment he sees you walking down the hall after you getting everything needed out of your locker, his face takes a strawberry red color.
".. Why are you blushing like that??" Fischl asked, shoving a strand of hair out of her face to see what made the poor boy turn into a tomato.. Only to see you walking in their direction with your bag in your hands.
"I mean..!? Why is thee overflowing with embarrassment? Is it because of that stunning highness? Of course, they are truly YOUR highness..!" She corrected herself, hands smoothly waving around and head turning every now and then so she'd make a grand act out of her words.
Your eyes fell upon the guy with the bandages and the girl who was moving around quite.. Eyetakingly, you couldn't help but just notice them. Once you realized who they were, you walked towards them with a beaming smile on your face, causing the guy to hit an overheating mode..
"Fischl! Hi! Benny..!" Normally, Bennett wouldn't have been so nervous, but this time of year, his only chance to do this!! He had to!
"Ah! (Y/n), good to see you..! I had a question for you?" Bennett started, Fischl giggled softly but regained her posture rather quickly afterwards.
"Oh! Ask away." You replied, your smile seeming equal to the sun and moon, your beauty unmatched for..! Why was he crushing so ha-!?
Out of nowhere a bag filled with books hit him on the back of the head.
Completely startled you and Fischl crouched down beside him, but the poor guy just kept on muttering nonsense,  eventually going out cold. ,
"A-Ah! Someone!! Help! Get a doctor or something?!" You shouted around, how the hell did this even managed to happen..?
"I caused quite some trouble didn't I..  heh.. " You sighed deeply as both of you turned your heads to Bennett on the nurse's office bed, a bandage wrapped around his head.
"I sincerely cannot accept the reality of a fool throwing their daily education supplies to your head.." Fischl stated disapproving, if you had to be honest.. You really thought the same.
"I'm really unlucky, ain't I?" Bennett mumbled, you simply smiled awkwardly and nodded softly.
"Speaking about which, I really wanted to ask you if you wanted to go to prom with me.. But when that someone threw that bag at me I didn't really had the chance.."
With widened eyes Fischl looked at the boy, making him realize what he just blurted out outta nowhere.. You blinked a few times, but softly chuckled.
"I-!! It wasn't my intention to just bring it to you like that I-" "I'd love to go with you.."
Till the night of prom he's still surprised how you accepted his request..! And the way he didn't even thought about anything he said.. Well, guess he was very lucky once in a while.
And in some way, the night went somewhat smooth, even though he tripped about three times while dancing, Razor somehow crashed into him which made him sit on the side with an icepack on his arm and someone accidentally spilling their drink on him towards the end.. And still after all of this, he called his day successful... Purely because he received a kiss on the cheek from you!!
Though, that made him lose consciousness for somewhat a minute.. Not necessarily that "nice"..
Seeing the school all tidied up, posters everywhere notifying everyone prom would be in a few days, hearts hanging on every wall saying "will you be the new queen and king this year?!" made him cringe so incredibly hard.
At first he didn't even wanted to go, but when he overheard your conversation in class, saying you wouldn't miss out on your last prom.. His cogs seemed to work the other way around.
Though, he felt fairly disturbed when he also heard Donna say she wished that he would take her to prom.
"Whats the deal Diluc? You're looking quite.. Sour." Kaeya brought out grinning. It didn't even take a second or Diluc retook his normal pokerface as he answered: "Nothing."
So, he had a week to ask YOU for prom.. How tho? He wasn't going to do it in front of everyone in class, or when Donna was close.. Nope. The only thing he could do was text you to ask if you.. Were in the mood to do something. As in.. A restaurant or something? Ugh he didn't even knew how to ask you if you wanted to go out with him..
At last, a day or two before prom, he finally sent you a text asking if you would like to visit some accommodation with him.. He was a bit discreet, but you didn't hesitate to say yes!
"I'm glad you could come, (Y/n)" Upon arrival he checked you out, a bit stunned and speechless for a second, but like the gentleman he is, he held out an arm for you to stick your hand through.
Surprised by all the luxury surrounding you, absolutely not expecting to go to such an expensive restaurant out of nowhere, you enjoyed the best dinner ever..! Well, time to raise the question.
"... I know this is a little sudden and stuff, but I didn't really find an opportunity to ask this at school. I wanted to ask you if you'd like to go to.. Prom with me.."
Surprised by his question, no, more the fact that he was planning on going.. That's a first.. But also WITH YOU..? It made your entire face lit up.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought it up so abruptly. Apologies.." Diluc mumbled as he folded his hands together and held them in front of his face.
"N-No! Not at all!! I'm a bit surprised by the fact that you want to go with me..!" You immediately answered, slightly panicking.  Diluc looked back at you, waiting patiently for your final decision.
"And.. I would love to go with you.." You never saw so much emotion in his face, extreme relieve and a small smile. This guy really managed to capture you this easily with his charms and actions huh?
And you really never regretted this decision.. The night of prom really made you giggle, roll around and kick your feet whenever you thought back about it.
Never had you expected him being such a good dancer, the two of you really stole the spotlight. Your gown/suit was truly beautiful, but people also stared at high ponytail Diluc.. And his eyes? They were only on you.
The two of you even became prom queen/king and king, which made Diluc cringe quite a bit.. Again.
Oh, and you officially made an enemy. Donna. 
He wouldn't even be ashamed to ask you.. No shame whatsoever.
Though, he had some nerves running through his body whenever he approached you.. Trying to bring up the question, but every time he somehow avoided asking you.
He was absolutely captivated upon seeing you, forgetting what the hell he was about to ask... Just having a conversation about other random things.
Whenever it was time for you to move to your next class or you getting dragged away by your friends, he would mumble a soft "shoot" before Kazuha would try waking him up from his thoughts.
"Ah, you should try asking them another time. You still have 2 weeks left, there's no rush." 2 weeks.. He didn't liked to procrastinate on this kind of stuff, not at all..!
About a week before prom he heard a rumor this really hot dude asked you out to be his prom date.. Being so incredibly stressed out he didn't think about the fact if you said yes or no to him..
The moment he saw you sitting in the library, he approached you and placed his bag on the floor as he took a seat right in front of you. Surprised you looked up from your work, not expecting to see Heizou here.
"Say, (Y/n)? Prom is around the corner huh?" He started casually, but truth be told, his heart was pounding in his throat right now. A little confused you softly hummed.
"I'd feel very honored to be your date.. You'd look so beautiful that night, I just know for sure.. And I'd love to be standing next to you.." How the hell did all the nerves vanish in such a short time?? The comment made you blush in an instant.
"...!" You nodded while you closed your textbook and laptop, softly smiling and eyes wandering to absolutely everywhere except Heizou's eyes.
"I'd love to.. Im sure we'll make a pretty good couple.." And with that you stood up from your chair, red cheeks clearly visible to the dude right now.. He realized that he was worried about absolutely nothing!
When he saw you the night of the prom, he was absolutely speechless.. You looked so beautiful..! He was so proud to be walking next to you.
He found out that the guy really asked you for prom, but you said you had to think about it.. Well, nobody really realized that you just wanted Heizou to ask you and that you yourself were too shy to ask him.
You actually almost lost your shit when he kissed you! It was so sudden, yet the mood was right..  But he just couldn't resist, at least.. that's what he told you the day after.
He'll bring you to his favorite spot after prom.. Watching the stars for the remainder of the night and enjoying each other's company. Your entire night felt like a dream..
This idiot didn't even knew there would be a prom until Kuki mentioned it to him.
The first thing that popped up in his mind was: "I'll go and rock that party.. Everyone's gonna love this.."
Till Kuki said he wasn't allowed to destroy the place.. And that he needed to search a prom date.. Because, yeah just because. She knew he'd be way more calm if he had that sort of distraction.
And the first person who popped up in his head? You! He was going to approach you head on and ask you if you wanted to be his promdate.
It really didn't matter where you were, he'd just bluntly ask you if you wanted to be his promdate.
If you had to be honest, thinking about how that prom would be (chaotic), how he'd act (chaotic) and just everything (chaotic..).. You kinda doubted, about to politely decline.. Till you met his eyes, sparkling out of excitement and your heart skipped a beat.
"Ofcourse.." You eventually replied, kindly smiling to him. He was so excited, running out of the classroom to announce to everyone he had a prom date!
In no time everyone heard the great Arataki Itto had a prom date who was his number one..!
The night of the prom was actually so incredibly magical.. 
Itto in a suit..! Itto in a suuuuit! Man, you couldn't take your eyes off him..! You had never seen him in a suit, most of the time he had two buttons of his uniform undone and his tie loosely around his neck.. Though you never knew if it was because he didn't wanted to tie it, or he just couldn't..
"Maaan.. (Y/n)! You're brighter than these disco lights..! What a mighty fine date you are." His face already gave away how excited he was to spend this event with you,
He was pretty clumsy at the slow dancing, so this guy literally walked over to the dj table, requested another song and started breakdancing..! So he eventually did throw around the entire prom.
You were having such an unforgettable night, having so much fun and felt like you really had zero boundaries. He really made you feel free and somewhat... Rebellious. Though, if someone would ask you about these feelings, you'd have a "no." Ready.
And the night didn't end there, Itto would casually carry you on his broad shoulders and shout out "HERE'S THE ROYALTY! LOOK AT THEM!" Yep, yall really stole the spotlight that night.. You thought it was pretty embarrassing, but when everyone started clapping, you really were struck dumb.
Apparently the two of you were dancing the entire time, how you didn't notice? Well, your eyes and mind were on Itto the entire time.. He truly captivated you.
He wouldn't think too much about it, if you would be his prom date he'd be happy, if you didn't wanted to he'd just be as okay as ever.
Again, someone who doesn't really want to make it something explosive, so he asks you whenever you are alone.
It was a rainy day outside, so you walked under your umbrella towards the busstop, till you heard someone shout out your name.
Seeing Kazuha running towards you, completely soaked and his hair pretty much covering his eyesight you were stunned, but didn't hesitate to reach the umbrella out towards him
"Thank you so much.." While he catched his breath he tied his hair in a somewhat neater ponytail.
"Im sorry, but, are you heading to the busstop too?" You asked purely out of curiousity, cheeks flaming heavily as you stared into his eyes. Kazuha nodded. "I, in fact, am.."
You really couldn't deny you had a crush on him the moment yall were placed in the same class, aka around 2 years ago, I mean.. Who could resist such a cute face! You really wanted to ask him out for prom, but you had 0 balls.. Ugh.
"Ah, (Y/n), I'm normally not a person who visits late night events with a lot of people, but it seems fun enough with you. Do you want to accompany me to the prom Friday?" As if he had read your mind..
You accidentally dropped the umbrella out of nowhere, it falling on both your heads and made you hiss out of pain.. He immediately asked if you were okay, holding your hand before he crouched down to pick the umbrella.
How come this guy be so charming!!! Everything he does is so.. Ah!
You stuttered so much at this rate trying to thank him, your hands brushed while you tried to take back your umbrella, okay this wasn't going well at all..!
"I wanna be your prom date yes! Of course.." You eventually said, he smiled softly as he nodded.
That night you actually expected the place to be cramped, but if you had to be honest.. Kazuha really was the only one that caught your attention, not even realizing how full it was.
Asked if you wanted to dance, asked if you wanted to pose in front of the camera with him and even if you liked to go around the food table with him and eat something. In short, he would do nothing without your consent.
Had an arm wrapped around your waist the entire night so he wouldn't lose you in the crowd, or was it purely because he liked it? You never really asked or questioned it, I mean.. You found it comforting in some way..!
Kazuha eventually took you to the beach that was a 2 minute walk away from your school to look at the sea and waves, calming your minds while talking... And the fact he had his arm wrapped around your shoulders, snuggling up with you, made your cheeks heat up the next morning when you thought about it..
Prom! Finally! You had been looking forward to it. Putting on your prettiest, shiniest clothes.. Stealing the show with.. Uh. Yeah. Who.
While you were pondering about your prom date, one of your closest friends Venti headed your way.
"Oiii! (Y/n)! Whatcha doing." He brought out oh so loud and casual, immediately dragging you out of your bubble.
You explained to him how prom approached, but you really didn't got the chance to ask someone out.. And at that exact time a thought struck your mind which let your entire face run red.
"…" While Venti ranted about his plans for prom, how he was gonna choose the most beautiful person to take with him and how he'd love to sing them a song under the moonlight and treat them to something nice, you felt yourself getting a little sad.. What if he didn’t take you? You always avoided the thought of crushing on him, but this time.. You did really realize think that it was getting a little serious now.
"Oh! Look at the time, guess it's already time for me to leave..~" He platonically placed a kiss on your cheek, he was the one who claimed it was 'platonic' by the way, and left the classroom. You sat there completely frozen in place, till your other friend tapped your shoulder.
The rest of the day went pretty fine, you finally arrived back at your locker with some other friends.. Unlocking it while you talked and placed your bag on the floor so you could transfer your books from it to your bag. Till someone mentioned the pink envelope in your locker.
Surprised you looked at it, hesitatingly grabbing it and stuffed it in your bag. You'd look at it at home..
"Awhh! (Y/n), why not open it now?" One of your friends brought out excited, you shook your head disapproving while you swung your bag over your shoulder. "No way."
Once you finally came back home, you couldn't help but be extremely excited to read the mysterious letter.. So, first things first, you ran to your room, closed the door behind you and threw your bag on your bed.. Opening it and held the envelope in your hand.. Well, there goes nothing.
You kinda squealed the moment you were done reading the letter, realizing that it was Venti… WHO ASKED YOU OUT FOR PROM! IN A POEM- Bye-
You literally screamed for a few minutes straight till one of your parents asked you what the hell was going on..
Well, you spoke to Venti about prom the next day, preparing everything the coming days… and being SO excited!
The night went great, but how did someone sneak alcohol in? I mean, y'all were seniors.. But still, the teachers didn’t really allow any beverages. Still, before he got drunk.. This dude actually danced with you..
He was so gentle, you didn’t even knew he could dance..! And he seemed so elegant..!? You were very impressed.
Oh, he also confessed and asked you to be his S/O when it was complete silent, lemme tell you.. You almost passed out because of the pressure, all those eyes peeking at you and just… HIM ASKING THE QUESTION?!
And ofcourse, you said yes.. No doubt..! After this he got drunk and.. You had to carry him home..
Buuuut, not before he sang you a song under the moonlight, treated you to 'something' nice (probably a bottle of wine), and told you how beautiful you were..~
He doesnt do these kinda events.. His words by the way.
"What am I supposed to do at a prom.. It's useless."
You sharea a quick glance before you continued talking to your friend who had been ranting about prom the entire day. A once in a lifetime experience, it would be great..! Didn't sound appealing at all to Xiao to be honest.
So, someone in the squad offered to go as a friend group, no romantic stuff involved, just a fun trip for everyone. Xiao seemed pretty reluctant, but when you tried telling him he wouldn't regret anything, he eventually got convinced.
He did say in an indirect way he wouldn't hang around with everyone but with you which kinda surprised you.
"You seem a bit holden back, I refuse to hang around these people the entire night.. Before I know they get themselves in a dance battle, you don't seem like the type to do such things." Man he really wasn't in the mood to go to prom eh..?
When yall arrived at the place, Xiao had such a sour face expression. The fact he was wearing a suit, there was music BLASTING and there were so many people really worked on his nerves.. You hooked your arm through his and told him it'd be alright.. This seemed to calm him down.
While your friends were going all in, dancing, drinking, partying, you noticed that Xiao disappeared into the background..  Sharing angry glances with everyone who seemed to approach him. When you finally made your presence, his anger seemed to finally sooth itself.
"..." Yeah you really felt bad for dragging him along actually.
"Sorry for dragging you with us, this really isn't your type of event hm..?" You tried, scratching the back of your head as you awkwardly grinned. He simply crossed his arms and closed his eyes.
"If you want we can leave, they won't notice anyways.."
And from this point on, the night got truly exciting. You actually didn't knew Xiao owned a car.. ? But okay, first, he opened the trunk and offered a hoodie.. It seemed like he knew he'd leave early, because he had all those clothes prepared.
After changing, you two made yourself comfy in the car and he looked at you.
"You got anywhere you wanna go?" He asked abruptly, you thought about it but eventually shook your head. "Not really, and you?"
He had something in mind, visiting a calm restaurant which was open 24/7.. The service was so nice, the atmosphere was a lot better than the prom and the fact that you could finally calm down while ordering!
After ordering the two of you decided you wanted to eat outside, under the sky filled with stars..
"Thanks for dragging me out.." Xiao softly mumbled, you blinked a few times as your gaze fell upon him.
".. Of course, and I mean.. I was the one who convinced you to tag along.." You replied, feeling your cheeks heating up slightly. Out of nowhere he wrapped an arm around you and gave you an heart sparking hug, leaving you entirely dazzled.. Even if it was such a short one, it really impressed you.. Normally, Xiao wasn't like this..~
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ciaran · 4 months
I read a good fic recently on it and I was wondering. Would you ever be interested in writing zhongvenxiao? Or just venxiao maybe?
i actually do have a zvx WIP, but I'm not sure I'll ever find the time to return to it. I'm not terribly interested in venxiao, to be honest—firstly i prefer both of them to be bottoms, and that doesn't work out so much without a third party involved, and secondly because i... don't like writing xiao as capable of or interested in being romantically or sexually active without zhongli's influence. i don't think he's incapable of it, it's just way more interesting and crunchy for me when Zhongli is the center of xiao's universe and all his desires revolve around pleasing Zhongli in some way. a lot of the VX I've read has been focused around this idea of...this dynamic between ZX as unhealthy and in need of a repairing intervention, and i also don't enjoy that terribly because i want xiao to get to be an equal romantic partner without having to grow out of his dependence on zhongli, and thus the most interesting versions of zvx exist in the narrow spaces between all my various stipulations and becomes very hard to capture.
all of that is to say, thank you for your interest but i don't know and i wouldn't look forward to it!
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waheelawhisperer · 1 year
Top 5 designs from your formative years that defined your tastes
Bearing in mind that my formative years include a range that spans from "the moment I was old enough to understand concepts more complex than hunger and crying" to "the moment I started writing this post" and that a lot of designs have influenced my tastes over the years, here you go:
Goku and Vegeta, Dragon Ball Z
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As a Latino I am quite literally obligated by law to put Goku and Vegeta on this list, but I was also huge into Dragon Ball Z as a kid and I actually think that show is what awakened the love of martial arts within me that still persists today. Toriyama's aesthetic is incredibly distinctive and had a great deal of influence over my initial forays into art and character design when I was much younger. These guys end up at #1 because DBZ has done so, so much to build my perception of combat and fight scenes and scale and and just sort of how a series should work that, like... I can't imagine myself getting into anime at all if I hadn't watched this show. Given how much of my taste is drawn from anime (although there's quite a bit coming from western media as well), my personal preferences would've taken a much different trajectory in that scenario.
Jotaro Kujo, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
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I don't think any character has influenced my tastes in the modern era more than Jotaro, to be honest. He's one of the reasons many of my characters wear a hat/long coat combo and why the men in particular tend to be tall, buff, and stoic and have deep voices. He also influenced my appreciation of cool poses and characters that just beat the shit out of people with their mighty fists, as well as intelligent and analytical heroes at a time when I was used to seeing heroes just be stronger or grittier or more determined than their foes.
Samus Aran, Metroid/Super Smash Bros.
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I'm pretty sure that Zero Suit Samus was the start of my irresistible desire for tall badass blonde ladies with big boobs. I have a type because of her. Let's just leave it at that.
Charizard, Pokemon
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I think dragons are super cool and Charizard is a big part of why. Kid me loved Pokemon, a love which extended into adulthood, and Charizard was my favorite for a very long time. I'm pretty sure he's also where my fascination with fire powers came from. Also, the narratives around Ash's Charizard's fights in the anime did a lot to shape my perception of storytelling in combat.
The Good Hunter, Bloodborne
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The other reason a lot of my characters have hats and long coats and are very gruff and stoic. Bloodborne is arguably my favorite game I've ever played and had a huge influence on my tastes and aesthetic. I particularly loved the Gothic Horror aspects of it (never been as big on Cosmic Horror tbh) and it really reignited my love for big brutal weapons that just fuck enemies up. It's also the reason the ocean is fucked up and awful in many of my original settings.
Honorable Mentions:
So fucking many not gonna lie but I'll just list a few. Funnily enough, a lot of my western influences actually come from books more so than TV/movies.
Jackie Chan - DBZ started my love for martial arts, but watching a bunch of Jackie Chan movies when I was younger grounded that aspect of my taste in something a bit more realistic than aliens who could fly throwing around energy blasts and leveling mountain ranges.
Godzilla - This is how I learned I love watching giant monsters fight. Monsterverse Godzilla has had a lot of influence on my tastes recently because I love the way he fights and the way the people making the Monsterverse movies drew from real fights between animals to build his fighting style.
I had a huge crush on Cynthia Pokemon as a kid but I had to pick between her and Samus and Samus won by virtue of timing.
Brutaka from Bionicle is cool as shit.
Yang Xiao Long from RWBY and Nearl from Arknights did not build my tastes so much as reinforce them. Hard.
Arknights in general has been one of the big influences on my original work not gonna lie.
MCU's Iron Man, Halo's Master Chief, and the Marines from StarCraft all helped codify my ideas of what powered armor should look like.
Esdeath from Akame ga Kill heavily reinforced my desire to be femdommed despite most of the rest of that series being steaming dogshit
King Arthur - I read so voraciously and from such an early age that my family couldn't keep age-appropriate books stocked faster than I could read them, so at some point my dad said "fuck it" and handed a collection of Arthurian Cycle stories written for adults to an eight-year-old and I have loved chivalric romance and knights in shining armor ever since.
There's so much more but I don't think I can possibly list them all
Thanks for sending me this. Everyone please ask more, I had a lot of fun answering the ones I've gotten so far
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silvysartfulness · 2 years
I wanted to start with, I love your story Heaven Has A Road But No One Walks It. I wanted to ask a question not really to do with it.
I was wondering, how do you write for Xue Yang? Like what is the process?
I'm currently trying to write multiple fanfics with him in it, but I suck dialogue and it's a "thing" of mine to try and write as close to the character as possible, while also getting them to do what I need/want them to do.
I was wondering how you go about writing for his character.
Thank you so much - I'm very flattered you like Heaven Has A Road so much! 💚
As for your question, hmm...
My writing process is very much based on immersion, to "step inside" the characters and try to see the world through their eyes, feel what they feel, think as they think, see what would be the logical thing for them do do or say in any given situation. And of course the first step in being able to do that (and to write any character well, to be honest) is to understand them.
Which may seem obvious, but can also be more complicated than just liking a character and wanting to write them!
The first step for me whenever I hyperfocus on a new character(s) is to gather all the information I can about them. Watch and rewatch canon. Listen to interviews and the actors talking about how they approached the role/ character. For The Untamed, I also read most of the other adaptations (MDZS, the manhua and donghua) etc. Just... collecting everything said about the character and the world that is their context.
Next step is to analyze it (which to be fair, for me, goes hand in hand with the information collecting stage) to figure out why the character acts the way they do, given the information we have!
Only once you have a very deep understanding (and a healthy bunch of headcanons and personal guesses!) for what makes the character act the way they do, can you apply that pattern onto new situations in a way that makes the character's actions seem reasonable.
For Xue Yang, the process went something as follows
Observations: Xue Yang has problems with empathy and parsing emotion, his own and others', in general. He's prone to lash out, and will hurt others without remorse. He hides his true emotions behind a grin. He is restless and animated, even in scenes where he stands or sits still. The few times we've seen genuine emotion is when he talks about the childhood trauma of losing his finger, and when Xiao Xingchen rejects his story and so by extension, him.
Both the Untamed and the book tell us that he's a brilliant inventor (MDZS described him as the only one who could give the Jin the demonic cultivation knowledge they wanted, the Untamed has WangXian's suspicions immediately jump to him while speculating who could possibly have recreated the Yin Tiger Seal.)
He kept a low profile those years in Yi City, only tricking Xiao Xingchen to hurt people as part of his revenge plan in the beginning, and then just... settling down. Seemingly happy. And finally giving up the last 7-8 years of his life to try to undo Xiao Xingchen's death.
Translations make it hard to get a good grasp on his speech pattern, but again, taking in different adaptations and different subtitles helps in narrowing down what he's actually saying, giving something to build upon. He's described as being witty, he uses puns, is often very direct to the point of rude even when he's happy. It's a start.
Analysis: A lot of Xue Yang's issues go back to his childhood trauma. He "had no parents or money" and was forced to deal with the horrific abuse inflicted on him by a powerful nobleman all on his own. For a child that small, and an injury that bad, it would have been life-threatening. His is a trauma-shaped personality.
He's highly intelligent, sought after by the Wen and Jin both, the only one able to decipher Wei Wuxian's notes.
He chases thrills and highs, often to extremes, but when offered stability and kind encouragement, he settles down. The fact that he spends the rest of his life trying to recreate that life in Yi City shows he really treasured having that, possibly for the first time in his life.
As far as we can tell, he's the only character in the show we see use demonic cultivation and spiritual cultivation simultaneously.
Headcanons and theories: Xue Yang has ADHD. You can see it in his physical restlessness, as well as his brilliant outside-the-box way of thinking. He also struggles with Cluster B personality disorder issues (antisocial and borderline personality, more specifically) caused and/or exacerbated by his childhood lack of family, and the physical trauma he suffered (issues including contempt for authorities, risk-seeking behaviour, lack of empathy and remorse, criminal lifestyle, violent outbursts, abandonment issues, alexitymia and difficulty grasping and reacting to emotions in both himself and others). He also suffers from chronic pain - crushing is one of the most severe kinds of physical trauma, and will mess up not only the bones that he described as all broken, but nerves and tendons as well. There's very little chance he would have escaped having his hand crushed without permanent damage and pain.
Having been bitterly abused by the world, he lashes out in turn, reveling in cruelty and violence and the sense of power it gives him, the feeling of never being vulnerable again. But when shown patience, kindness, fondness... He treasures it. He can't fully grasp it, but he yearns for it, for the sense of connection he's never had, for the stability, discovering healthier coping mechanisms and outlets than all he had before... Finding someone who accepts him as he is. That life becomes so important to him that when he loses it, he can never move on, only wasting away in a dead city, trying desperately to get it all back.
At a surface glance, Xue Yang is careless, cruel and laughing at the world. Underneath, he's full of restless rage and resentment. And under that... he is afraid.
He can't admit that, even to himself, but a lot of what he does is about proving to himself that no one can hurt him again, and if they do, at least he's not afraid. Wang Haoxuan said in one interview that Xiao Xingchen not only made Xue Yang feel loved but protected, and that really hit me hard. Because that's really it. His life in Yi City didn't just make him feel happy. It made him feel safe. Maybe for the first time since he was that sunny, carefree child.
So having mapped out this solid character profile and what mechanisms lie beneath his actions, I can go on and put him in any number of other scenarios and be able to guess pretty well how he might react!
Does he feel threatened? He always strikes out at any perceived threat with disproportionate force to neutralize it before it can hurt him. Is he happy? He can be very dedicated to the people important to him. Is he sad? He can't parse his own emotions very well - when Wei Wuxian confronts him about why he wants Xiao Xingchen back, he refuses to admit it is because he misses him, even if that might have actually won him more sympathy and a better chance to get Wei Wuxian's help - instead he sneers and maintains it's just so he can keep tormenting him. A lot of strong emotions just translate to "feeling something weird... must be rage" for Xue Yang.
I have some more Xue Yang analysis meta posts scattered around my tumblr blog - I don't have links handy, but if you just scroll my xue yang tag, you should be able to find them. Meta about his relationship with food/hunger is one, another is a more in-depth analysis of his trauma-shaped personality and personality disorders, and yet another of his only perceived worth being tied to his usefulness.
Long rambly response, but I hope it can be of some help! 😁👍
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demonsfate · 5 months
Imma be honest, chief. I liked Xiaoyu in Bloodline :/ I enjoyed her moments with Jin and Hwoarang, although I understand and agree with your post. I did like her in Blood Vengeance, but that was probably one of the only positive aspects of the movie. While they got her right, they also massacred Jin 💀 Seems like they miss a lot with both of them most of the time, at least in different media. The comics are not that good either. Do you think 8 will do them right again? I know for sure they're trying with Jin. I think, from the little glimpses we've seen of Xiao, that she might be her normal game self.
She was alright in Bloodline, but I meant like in terms of accuracy to her game self... she just doesn't feel like Xiao. Though, there were moments with her were kinda a pass for me. (The whole Devil Jin fiasco scene LOL. The scene with her against King is pretty silly - mostly due to the other scenes established in the show. Jin breaking Leroy's leg to the point he has a permanent limp, but Xiao can be thrown into a tree hard enough to leave an imprint and she just has a concussion lol)
The only positive aspect in BV in my opinion were Xiao and Alisa's characterization. If they had just made the movie a full fledge slice of life comedy between those two instead of trying to shoehorn all the Mishimas in it, I think it would've been better. But yeah - it's really sad how bad Jin was in that movie. Mostly bc he felt influenced by Tek6 Jin (thank FUCK Xiao wasn't influenced by Tek6 Xiao. Then the movie would've been unbearable.) Like him saying he doesn't care if the world gets destroyed by his and Kazuya's fight. Uhhhhhhh... do the writers need to be reminded why Jin wanted to kill Kazuya in the first place? Wasn't it to... oh I don't know... save the world?
So far, Tek8 is doing REALLY good with Jin characterization wise. Now story wise? Ehhhh... too soon to say. It has a lot of Tek6 references which kinda hinders it a bit. But so far, with the way Jin's behavior is a vast improvement and does remind me of his old self. As for Xiao, I'd say she was already improved quite a bit in Tek7. In fact, it's probably thanks to Blood Vengeance that Xiao was fixed. Considering she was massacred in Tek5, and then brutally tortured in Tek6, but it was Tag 2 where she was obviously influenced by Blood Vengeance. Instead of being a yandere like she was in Tek6, she went back to being shy about her crush regarding Jin (like she was in Tek4, just like in that game - in Tag 2, Miharu teases Xiao about her crush and she gets annoyed. Thank fuck she's not like "I'm gonna kill people so I can marry jin! :D" Jesus Christ) And Tek7 already removed her REALLY, beyond childish intros/outros that Tek5 added. (Such as the one where she's shaking and Scared, the one where she goes "uh-oh!" the one where she acts confused that she even won, and the one where she smacks her butt and says "bye-bye!" even if, admittedly i liked that one just fine. The rest were ughghughhh) And since it seems like she's gonna be important in the story this time around, I think Xiao is gonna be really good in Tek8, too. But as said - she was already being fixed faster than poor Jin was.
I think I'm gonna make a post about my opinions regarding Jin's depictions throughout all the adapted medias. (Since most of 'em are Bad, too.) but I will say the one thing I enjoyed about the comics - referring to the Tek7 one - is Jin and DJ's relationship. Whilst the comic doesn't exactly depict how I write their powers / being in control works, it does depict their dynamic quite well. It being a weird toxic one where DJ goes from being mocking to Jin, to DJ being very supportive and acting like he cares. It does that extremely well to what I've always pictured it, and I hope Tek8 will depict their relationship similar.
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dimpledlianfang · 2 years
A surprise for you all~~
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Another day of xue yang teaching~~
Xue yang: welcome back!!
Jinling: how do you manage to keep kidnapping us?!
Xue yang: it's a gift.
Xue yang: aww. New students!! Welcome to the best class you'll ever have.
Huaisang I didn't want to be here.
Xue yang: that's the whole point of kidnapping, headshaker!
Mingjue: Xue yang! You told me that Lan xichen was in trouble?!!!! How dare you trick me!
Xichen: *living his best life drinking tea* hii dage!!
Mingjue: he's completely fine.
Xue yang: aren't you happy? That tea could have been poison or alcohol.
Jingyi: alcohol was an option? I want some!
Xue yang: you're too young.
Jiggy. Did you do my homework?
Yao: of course Chengmei. Here are the sweets.
Xue yang: thank you.
Su she and mo xuanyu: *sleeping*
Xue yang: you two are so rude. Time to wake up!!
Xue yang: I'll slap them awake.
Mingjue: nah I got this. Jiggy isn't hot!
Huaisang: yea he isn't! And I stole your makeup.
Su she: *waking up* who invited you and what did you saying about him?
Mo xuanyu: give me back my red paint!! And Yao gege is flawless.
Xue yang: ahahahahahaha. THE SIMPS ARE AWAKE. 
Xichen: A-Yao. Can I borrow a pencil?
Yao: sure.
Xue yang: oh, return of the dragon. But the dragon is 4L cultivation.
Su she: so you didn't bring one?! What would Zongzhu use. Selfish Lan.
Xue yang: let Lan lips do his thing.
Mingjue: *cracking up* Lan lips?
Sizhui: oh my goodness.
Xue yang: yep that's his name.
Lan xichen: see what you have caused.
Su she: Lan twink.
Xue yang: hahahahaha.
Yao: I think I like Lan lips more *laughing*
Jinling: you guys are so lame! Except for xiao shushu.
Xue yang: oh right! I have to appoint more stereotypes. Ok Huaisang is That B****.
Huaisang: excuse me?! What did you call me?
Nmj: don't let me break your remaining fingers.
Yao: dage, please spare Chengmei.
Xichen: *closing his eyes and meditating*
Xue yang: let me finish. Huaisang is That b**** who knows everyone's business. And hates the hot cheerleader, a.k.a, Jiggy. 
Huaisang: why do San ge get to be the hot cheerleader. I want to be the hot cheerleader!
Xue yang: you once were. But got fired. And your dage won't let you.
Mo xuanyu: yang gege you're so good at writing fanfics.
Xue yang: thank you do much! Now I'm writing, 104 Ways To Us A Knife.
But I have always wanted to write an Au, where my friends and enemies are the characters.
Jingyi: that's so messed up!
Su she: who am I in your fanfics?
Xue yang: between a (Jiggy) simp and a nerd. Or a collegue of mine.
Su she: fair enough.
Xue yang: so Huaisang is That b**** and Dage is that hot body builder dude. Who hates the cheerleader but secretly likes him. As for the cheerleader, he's very smart and talented. And that's what the guy, as well as Lan Lips admire.
Mo xuanyu: and what about the dimples?
Xue yang: of course. That's his weapon. It makes Lan lips drunk. It makes him stutter! It once swallowed his heart!
Su she: *disgusted* I feel like he's forcing my Zongzhu, to be honest.
Sizhui: woww. Sorry Mr. Xue, all I know is Wangxian.
Jinling: are they a thing? Xiao shushu are you also a cutsleeve?
Jingyi: wow. I heard that Lianfang zun's dimples are so deep that SENIOR LAN LIPS can stick his finger in it.
Heard it from Huaisang qianbe.
Huaisang: me?! I don't know for sure ok!
Xichen: *meditating* Buddha, please grant me inner peace.
Yao: *facepalms, while laughing* Muffin can we start the class.
Xue yang: shoot! Yea right.
You have all tied me up in your class drama.
Xue yang: you want Huaisang's fan, what do you do?
Huaisang's: why me?!
Xue yang: cuz you're weak.
Su she: I'll grab it and disappear.
Jinling: I don't like fans.
Mo xuanyu: Yao gege would buy me a fan. So I don't need to steal it from Huaisang gege.
Yao: I bought fans for Huaisang. But if I must.
I'll tell him that something is wrong with his currant fan. Then he'll give it to me, hoping that I will fix it or buy him a new one.
Jingyi: I will shout GIMME THAT! Then snatch it.
Huaisang: *hiding behind his fan* take them all dage.
I'm scared.
Xichen: I'll ask politely.
Sizhui: same.
Xue yang: *rubbing his face* oh Lan lips. Why does it always have to be Lan lips. And wangxian's love child.
Xue yang: you all are smart. But not xue yang smart.
Xue yang: I would put him in a choke hold, from behind. Then I'll snatch it along with some of his money. Hehehehhehehe.
Mingjue: what a gremlin.
Huaisang: please don't do that. I have a weak bladder.
Xue yang: oh gosh. I didn't know you were into me. Lol!
Mingjue: he gets scared easily. Xue yang.
Xue yang: medium rare dage! Stop spoiling it for me!
Anyways I'm not into Huaisang.
Maybe Su she is.
Su she: hell no! And he insulted my Zongzhu. *pouts*
Xue yang: aww. It's alright little simp. We all agree that Jiggy is hot.
Mingjue: is this some kind of simp club?
Xue yang: no. Wait. Is it?
Jinling: why is xiao shushu so popular. I know he's a sect leader but.
Jingyi: I think it's because of the money he has underneath his hat.
Sizhui: what if he's kind, Jingyi. Lol.
Yao: why are you all simping in front the juniors. That's inappropriate.
Mo xuanyu: we can ever be appropriate, Yao gege.
Yao: *looking at xue yang eating a piece of candy from off a dirty counter* you're right.
Xue yang: next question!!
Xue yang: who would you stab if I give you a knife?
Yao: my enemies.
Mingjue: right! I agree. But I don't want to agree with Meng Yao.
Xichen: a fierce corpse.
Mo xuanyu: enemies! Like Yao gege.
Jinling: Jingyi.
Jingyi: you won't be able to, if I stab you first!
Su she: xue yang.
Xue yang: I thought we were friends, Shanshan.
Su she: lol I wouldn't, even though you get on my nerves.
And Zongzhu forbids me.
Xue yang: Gosh, he forbids me as well.
Huaisang: San ge.
Yao and others: *turning to face him*
Huaisang: well I don't know. I don't think I would. Have you guys ever saw me with a knife before.
Xue yang: get out of my class. You're suspended.
Su she: and never come back, or else I'll kick you.
Xue yang: do something worst!. Hang him up on a post or something.
Orrrr. Leave him on a roof. I think he's also afraid of heights.
That's why he's afraid of dage, because he's tall.
Mingjue: *death stare*
Xue yang: come fight me dage!
@verycatbluebird it continues😵‍💫
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bluexiao · 2 years
UWAAA hello, ms. blue aka HoS lover aka mrs. einstein !! this is honkai anon who loves dudu hehe <3 i haven't checked in for a while but thank you for the advices (to that anon who elaborated about HoS and VE too!) D;
i have now successfully finished thus spoke apocalypse and my main team is HoR and Goushinnso Memento with Felis (i didn't have a clue what the supply event was at first but i saw 'guaranteed in 25 drops' AND I RAN OVER THERE) as my support + my physical team is HoS with Knight Moonbeam and Celestial Hymn >:) and i'm trying to pull for Aponia rn! i already got Eden but it's hard because my source of crystals are coming from Main Story Expeditions and the Chronicles + events hhfhkgffk
BUT let me be honest with you... the story about the flame chasers / elysian realm / elysium everlasting GOT ME IN A CHOKEHOLD. and i can say, with certainty, that my fav honkai character of all time would be kevin. he's so well-written and the things he has to go through in the Previous Era... everything is just so 🤧 we love our icy noodle enjoyer kaslana guy ALSO HONKAI OCS YOU SAY??? FEEL FREE TO SHARE EM 👀
i have a flame chaser oc who has a very unique condition where she is incredibly weakened by an event. in the current era, she was deemed unfit to fight by kevin, so she resigned to live in elysian realm and intentionally??? unintentionally??? who knows integrated with her sim somehow. she also has had unrequited love for kevin ever since he first joined the MOTHs, but she knew Dr. MEI was and is still the one in his heart. but rn, she is only worried over how lonely kevin is... even in the pursuit of humanity, can he really bear to stand on top alone? he told her he could... and that was it. she knew she can't change his mind. — but she's still in the works! i'm curious about your ocs tho >:)
i still love the main story ofc but i'm getting way too attached to the 13 flame chasers :’)) btw, who are your fav flame chasers, blue?? mine are kevin, elysia and su! but they are all so great <//3 except you kalpas. get out jk jk + kosma reminds me of xiao tbh in a way HAHAHHA
i hope you've been well <3 have a good day and don't forget to grind on honkai today + hydrate and eat HDJWKDK say hi to carole for me <3 speaking of carole, i'm resisting the urge to pull for silverwing bronya instead jdwkkfkskfk APHO MY BELOVED BUT APONIA COMES FIRST
(p/s: i'm debating whether to start weiting for honkai because it is now a huge part of my life. but the honkai community on tumblr has quite the fanfictions drought and i am scared AAAAA <//3)
- otto is a clown anon (honkai anon is too generic so i am here to spread my otto slander agenda <33 kallen doesn't love you babes snap out of it jrkwkkrjer)
omg mygod im so sorry for the late reply!! 
but now I am an aponia main!! well, technically i still have more phys characters such as bk dudu and senti, then ss seele... but damn my aponia is TOO DAMN STRONG !! and btw did you get her?? aponia? i hope you were able to!!! congrats on getting new S characters tho!! aaaa i wish i have hor too:(( hor is probably the oNLY bronia i dont have (uhm wait except for silverwing) 
my favorite flamechasers... got to be su and kalpas~ i have a favoritism with eden tho because she’s an opera singer !! plus kosma... omg HE DOES REMIND ME OF XIAO TOO! i even thought they have the same jp voice but as i searched for their VAs I realized kalpas’ chinese va is the same as xiao’s chinese va!!!!! 
omg ur oc.... then ur oc would probably know mine because my oc (adila) is kevin’s daughter....... plus my other oc (dr. mimo) is dr. mei’s twin sis !!! 
and yes write for honkai! tho it is indeed sad that there are little to no fic or writing for them:(((
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teyvattherapist · 3 years
Hello, hello~ I see you opened your requests and I LOVE it.
Can I request a gn!reader with Diluc, Xiao and Albedo who are trying to confess to the reader, but always failed because reader is too busy and is like "sorry need to go." or "I have something to do."?
In the end they confronted them and won't let them go so they finally can confess properly!
I hope you know what I mean ^.^
Have a nice day, have fun and thank you🙌
-Anon (because I don't want my friends to find out I read stuff like this ;-;)
Haha, I'm glad! Sorry for the wait and welcome to my blog! I hope you enjoy<3
tags: gn!reader x Albedo, Diluc, Xiao(separate), fluff, tsundere Xiao, flustered Diluc, Albedo is the only normal one for once wow, busy busy bees.
-The least annoyed over this as the others. Still kind of annoyed. But not nearly as much.
-Albedo is also really busy, so trying to clear his schedule to meet your schedule and then you're even more busy its.. He doesn't do good with relationships as is.
-The last to assume you are avoiding him tbh. He's smart but he doesn't understand social cues well enough to draw that conclusion.
-This is why he has lured you to dragonspine because he "needs help".
-cant run now bitch -Khoi Dao as Albedo probably.
Teal eyes watch you as you place the appropriate items where they need to go in his little camp. He had asked you to aid him in organizing his camp, every time he does it it just gets messed up minutes later anyways, he said. You reached up, placing some assorted trinkets on one of the shelves in the small camp. When you turn back towards the alchemist he’s holding his pencil to his pad of paper, but his eyes are trained on you.
“What else do we need to do here? I need to get back to Mond-”
“Ahem, I do believe myself to be in love with you. And I would like to pursue a romantic relationship should you feel the same.” Albedo sounds so casual about it you almost didn’t process what he just exclaimed. He gave you a moment, setting his notepad down on the small wooden table while he waited.
You let out an awkward laugh as you examined him, his expression remained as it usually did. “You’re not kidding?” He shakes his head. “Oh well-” You clear your throat, stepping closer to him and reaching out to him. He takes your hands in his, intertwining your fingers. “I do really have to get back to Mondstadt, but I feel the same.” You squeeze his hands and he returns the gesture.
Thankfully Kaeya’s advice paid off..
-Help him. He’s tried so many times. What do you MEAN you need to go to Liyue for a weekend? Why do you need to take on Bennett’s commissions? Can you stand still for two seconds.
-No. No you can’t. Straight up thinks you’re avoiding him for some reason. Too salty to ask anybody for assistance in this matter. Just kind of broods.
-Sees you while he’s out doing his darknight hero duties and decides now is a great time to corner you in, what normal non Diluc people consider, the weirdest way possible.
-Aka he just kind of drops down from wherever the hell this Batman impersonator was hiding.. Directly in front of you. This was not how he intended to do this but it was getting ridiculous and Kaeya was making fun of him so here he is.
"Ah! Diluc! Archons, my heart." You press a hand to your chest as you meet his gaze. His jaw is set and he somehow seems more annoyed than usual. You lower your hand as his eyes flick away from your form, glancing down the dark streets of Mondstadt. "Is something wrong? You're out quite late." You smile at him and he finally looks back at you.
"Pardon my boldness, but given your recent schedule I have been unable to find a better time for this." He steps closer and you tilt your head, waiting for him to continue what he was going to say. "I would like to take you out to dinner sometime." He adjusts his gloves as he waits for the momentarily stunned silence to pass. Did he always do this when he was nervous…?
"Sure! I'll be free this weekend. Is anybody else joining us?" His smile is awkward, forced maybe? At your words.
"I meant romantically." Diluc clarifies, clearing his throat as warmth spreads to his cheeks. He could only hope his face didn't match his hair. Spoiler alert, it does.
You rub the back of your neck, not expecting this of all things on your walk home from commissions. "I'd love to, Diluc. I'll see you at five on Saturday." You pat his chest as you walk by him in the direction of your home. Leaving a stunned, very flustered wine tycoon.
-THIS GUY. The most annoyed AND the most broody.
-He has never felt like this before, and so he’s stepping out of his comfort zone to even tell you! And then you just? Cut him off? And run away?!
-Tries only once, the moment you’re out of his line of sight he just sort of up and disappears from Wangshu Inn? He just leaves!
-You find out from Verr, because she wants to know if you’ve seen him. "Last I saw him he was going to tell you he likes you." She says with a smile as if she didn't know he disappeared because he didn't manage to say it. Sneaky.
-So this is how you end up trying to lure him in with offers of almond tofu and annoyingly calling out ‘Adeptus Xiao!’ over and over again like he’s a grumpy cat(he is.)
Black and teal swirls of smoke appeared before you and you could only sigh in relief, this had taken the better half of your day. The smoke soon dissipated, Xiao replacing it with his typical scowl. “What do you want?” His tone is harsh, harsher than usual. But at least he isn’t dead or whatever, so you had that going for you.
“I heard some very interesting information from Verr Goldet!” You inform him, holding up the container of almond tofu, it jiggled. His amber eyes snap to the almond tofu, reaching out and snatching the container from you with a huff. A grumpy cat, indeed. “I have a few days off from commissions, would you like to tell me anything?” You clasp your hands behind your back, bouncing on the balls of your feet.
“Okay! Well, guess I’ll go then- Check in with Verr Goldet ok?” Xiao grabs your wrist before you could take more than a step away from him, polearm disappearing to make room for your arm. “Hm? Something wrong, Xiao?”
“Do not make me say it.”
“Say what?”
Xiao huffs but doesn’t let go of your wrist, this was so embarrassing. He knew you knew, you knew he knew you knew. Why bother with this charade? Though, he supposed, this humour of yours is partially what had drawn him to you. Xiao mumbles something under his breath and you lean in closer to hear him. “This is stupid, I like you.” He mumbles, again.
“There we go, was that so hard? I-”
“It was.”
“I like you too, Xiao. Let’s go back to the inn and enjoy that tofu.”
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sagau-fruit-bowl · 2 years
Keep in mind this is not the canon, this is me having ideas that make my found family loving heart very happy. 
Please enjoy but either way, oh well because I need to write this for my soul.
This also isn't very good, this is me rambling and it has been sitting in my drafts because I didn't know if I should post it or not.
For some context... ish. This is very self indulgent.
[Name] didn't always look their age, or act it to be honest, and when people think you're a god they let you get away with a lot of things.
So honestly [Name] didn't bother telling anyone their age, it didn't bother anyone, it's not like they had anyone flirting with them, it's not like it would gain them any respect, the only thing it might provide was an explanation for some more childish behaviors of theirs but if you look at Venti, you know it's uncommon of gods to be immature.
It only really came up on accident though someone was bound to find out someday.
It was supposed to be just another Teyvat meeting. Zhongli had some paperwork he wanted signed, Ei had some questions about offerings, Childe wanted me to help him fight Aether, Diluc was fighting the urge to drop kick Scaramouche, Xiao and Venti had gone somewhere and Albedo and Dainsleif were caught in a conversation about some kind of project, that wasn't everyone but it was normal.
However, [Name] found a bit of a problem in the paperwork and sighed. They really didn't want to lie about their age or have anyone know but unfortunately this piece of paper was about payment for items and required you to be of legal age, something [Name] was unfortunately not, so they slid the paper back over in Zhongli's direction who then looked up at them.
"Was there something wrong with it?" He asked and [Name] shrugged.
"I can't sign it. I'm not old enough yet."
Zhongli paused at that, staring at them for a few moments. "Please repeat that…"
"I'm not old enough to sign that. You need to be at least eighteen. to sign for anything regarding financial issues in that country, I'm not." [Name] did their best to reply casually and not make a big deal out of it and luckily for them, Zhongli seemed pretty relaxed about the whole thing. 
"How old are you exactly?" He asked.
[Name] internally sighed, hoping there wouldn't be any getting in trouble for this. "Fourteen."
Zhongli blanched and [Name] could tell they were likely going to get a rant regarding the fact they had signed so much paperwork, but he surprised them, simply asking "Why didn't you inform us?"
Again, [Name] shrugged. "No reason to. I have a bedroom I can act like a kid in if I so chose."
Unfortunately Zhongli shook his head "No, that won't do. I'll speak with the other archons about lessening your workload and finding you some friends in your age range."
[Name] held back a look of disgust. "No thank you. I'm doing fine, please just treat me according to how I act."
Zhongli nodded and [Name] hoped that would be the end of it.
Update, it was not the end of it. Two days later, [Name] had been called out to make an appearance in Liyue, some sort of holiday celebration. 
If [Name] was being truthful, they weren't actually listening during the meeting, planning their later adventure with Venti and Kaeya, unfortunately that meant they had no clue what they had said yes too.
They had arrived only twenty minutes before but found themselves facing both Zhongli and Childe at a restaurant that had been reserved and [Name] fought to the urge to berate the duo over just how much money this must have cost.
Not long into the meal, Zhongli brought it up again, this time, and [Name] was tempted to say he did this on purpose, with Childe in the room. 
"So, Your Grace, I've spoken at length with the other archons over how your duties will change now that we are aware of your situation."
Childe raised an eyebrow "Situation?" He asked.
"Don't worry about it." [Name] told him, glaring daggers into the archon's head, who simply smiled like the self assured asshole he is and spoke, much to [Name]'s chagrin. "Their age. Their Grace is in fact, a minor."
[Name] had to restrain themselves from making a I'm a Minor, and I'm Neurodivergent joke, but decided against it.
Childe looked over to them in shock "You're a kid?! But you act so old… that does explain a lot though."
[Name] rolled their eyes "I don't know if that's a compliment or an insult."
Childe grinned before pausing for a moment and asking another question "What about your family?"
[Name] also paused.
"What do you mean?" Zhongli asked.
Childe straightened himself in his chair as he explained. "Most human children really should spend as much time as possible with their family. I don't know how old they are exactly-" Childe was cut off by Zhongli "Fourteen" "Oh that's even worse. Your Grace, again I ask, what about your family?"
[Name] shrugged once more. "They showed me how to care for myself, I'm sure they'll appreciate that I'm putting those oh so important life skills to use."
Child shook his head. "That's not what I meant. I mean, what are you going to do about your family now?"
"I just told you, they'll be fine." 
Childe looked over to Zhongli who shrugged. He knew he wasn't the most aware of the emotional needs of human or godly children.
Childe groaned in annoyance and turned back to [Name] "I mean, you're gonna need somebody to be a sibling or parental figure."
[Name] stared at him. "... No. I refuse. Absolutely not. All of you act more like children than I do. Not a fucking chance."
To [Name]'s annoyance, Childe just laughed "I'd be happy to be your older brother. I'm sure my parents would also be happy to be your parents."
Zhongli nodded slowly in understanding. "If it's a parental figure you need, an archon like myself would be a much better choice to teach you about growing up into godhood."
[Name] buried their face into their arms and groaned.
When [Name] made a return to Mondstadt, they had a few more unwelcome interactions regarding their legal guardian.
It midday on a so far enjoyable Saturday afternoon, they sat in the training grounds of the Knights headquarters, watching Jean care for Klee and witnessing Bennetts usual stunts when training with Kaeya. [Name] winced at a particularly hard smack on the older man's ankles.
They almost didn't notice when the wind began to pick up, chiming in their ears and attempting to draw their attention.
[Name] tuned into their song just long enough to hear the wind call Venti's name before tuning out once more and mentally preparing themselves for his arrival.
As always when the bard arrived, it wasn't without his share of theatrics.
He had apparently jumped from the top of the knights of Favonius headquarters and didn't bother to use anything to catch his fall until the last moment.
[Name] wasn't startled at his arrival, the warning from the wind being enough, but Bennett sure was, resulting in missed swing from his mentor and a hard blow to his side.
Kaeya looked to the side awkwardly for a moment before regaining his usual demeanor. "And that, is why you don't take your eyes off of your opponent."
Venti simply smiled at let out a small '"ehe!" Before turning to face [Name] who looked at him in confusion as they greeted him.
"Good Morning Venti… Is there something you need?"
He grinned and [Name] just knew they had opened the floodgates to something they didn't want.
"I hear you need a family."
They resisted the urge to punch his stupid smily face.
"I don't need a family." They told him "I'm perfectly fine without a family here in Teyvat."
Jean looked over at the two in curiosity "What are you talking about?"
Venti grinned even wider but [Name] jumped to their feet and placed their hands over his mouth before he could speak, leaving his words as untranslatable noises.
[Name] answered for the muffled god. "Nothing, don't worry about it. Go back to your previous task."
Venti laughed behind their hand and forcibly pulled their arm away from his face. "Their Grace is a child~" he told Jean in a sing song voice.
"Really? You're gonna talk like that and claim I'm the kid in this situation?"
Jean stared at [Name] for a while before whispering "Are you really?"
[Name] rolled their eyes. "Yes. Yes I am. I am fourteen years of age."
She looked at [Name] with a level of pity that tempted them to throw her off a cliff.
"That must be so lonely… to be in a new world without a family… I would gladly take you in if you wanted me as your mother."
[Name] huffed. "This, this is why I don't tell people."
[Name] had no plans for returning to Mondstadt or Liyue for the time and visiting Snezhnaya would only make Childe's insistence worse, so Inazuma it is.
Arriving, they were constantly on guard for any comment that could have been made towards their age and when they could have sworn Ei was going to say something, they quickly redirected the conversation, requesting to plan a visit to the Kamisato estate, hoping, praying, to anyone who would listen and apparently themselves that nothing would be said.
When they arrived at the estate, all they wanted to do was discuss business. The first conversation ended up derailed however, instead of focusing on trade deals with Snezhnaya and moving towards family stories, Ayato had plenty of stories to tell about his dear younger sister.
It was a story that took place when Ayaka was around [Name]'s age that caused them to tense and one of the two to ask what was wrong.
Honestly [Name] had enough of avoiding the topic at this point that they simply explained, starting with the fact they were fourteen and ending with several tales of people insisting they have a legal guardian while in Teyvat.
"See, the issue is that if I choose someone to be my family, it's like choosing a vessel but twenty times worse. If I choose the wrong person, they'll hold it over everyone else's head for eternity!"
Ayato and Ayaka simply shared a look. "Perhaps" Ayaka began "You could be a part of our family. You'd definitely enjoy it and we promise to be respectful towards others." 
Ayato chuckled "For the most part at least."
[Name] simply shook their head. "I'm fine as I am. I really really am."
It was almost 3 weeks later when [Name] got a knock on the door to their bedroom. 
With a call for them to enter, [Name] put down the book they were reading onto their desk and directed their attention to the door as Childe, Ayato, Venti and Zhongli walked in, closely followed by Jean. [Name] knew this wasn't going to be good.
"Well good morning to you all as well… to what do I owe this meeting?" They asked after a long stretch of silence.
More silence filled the room until Childe broke it, a stack of papers that [Name] realized was in his hand was plopped down in front of them at their desk and [Name] looked at the papers in confusion. "What's this?"
The group looked between each other before Jean spoke up. "Adoption paperwork."
[Name] could only facepalm.
There was nothing stopping me and my found family loving heart had to. I'll probably expand on this idea further once I have brain power if y'all don't hate it.
@sayomiikaye @eccedentesiast-sapphic (this is part of the being tagged in random headcanons/ideas stuff but if you'd like me to not tag you in this kind of non-canon content, please do let me know.)
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aotaku12 · 2 years
"𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐀𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧?"
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✧ Summary | You come again to fight your weekly boss...except for the fact that you have been fighting this boss DAILY rather than weekly.
✧ Disclaimer | Very Self indulgent "Self Insert x Scaramouche" but could be read as "Scaramouche x Player!Reader" ✧ Warnings | Swearing, Possible OOC, No Logic, Brief Mention of Stalking
✧ Additional Tags | Gender-Neutral Reader, First Person POV, Gameplay References, Reader is the Player, Scaramouche as Weekly Boss (Non-Canon), Scaramouche Uses a Scythe, Self-Aware AU (?), Fluff
✧ Word Count | 826 Words ✧ Author's Notes | I just want Scaramouche Content so this is what I came up with at 1 am so don't expect much.
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'Shit...Maybe I should've brought Xiao and Bennett instead of my exploration team' I groaned as another wave of Electro hit me coming from his Scythe which I thankfully manage to dodge. "You're taking quite a while with your attacks." Scaramouche says with a sneer. "Oh fuck off!" I playfully remark as I use Kamisato Art: Suiyuu, casting eternal rain in the arena. "Seriously? You really could've thought things through much better than to cause rain against an electro opponent such as myself." He lowers the brim of his Mushi no Teriginu, as if trying to protect himself. I switch over and decided to cast Chonghua's Layered Frost only for him to dodge effortlessly. "I'm not done yet!" I cry out as I cast out Spirit Blade and seeing the shocked look on his face was definitely worth it. "Well, I guess you improved quite a bit. That last attack surprised me." Scaramouche says as he gets up. "Honestly, I didn't know what I was doing." I reply sheepishly. The Ley Line Blossom blooms, waiting for me to accept it's rewards. "Well. That's that. I look forward to spar again next week." He then vanishes in a flash of electro. I admit, even though I already got the rewards I wanted to spar with him again at the end of the week...then we ended up sparring every 3 days per week and now I've been sparring him every single day... I let out a sigh at how much of a mess I am in my head before entering the domain. "You again?" He greets me, deadpan, his scythe still in his hand albeit more loosely. "Archons I swear you are as bad— No, WORSE than Tartaglia for goodness sake." Scaramouche sighs as he pinches the bridge of his nose. I was about to open my mouth to give an excuse but he immediately cuts me off, "Don't you dare say that you got new units. You use the same team composition with only 1 party member switch." I shut my mouth after that and start fidgeting with my sword. "Be honest. Why do you keep coming? You know how the world works, Leylines only bloom once a week for me." He stated. "I um...I don't know if you want to hear it." I mutter. "Acting shy, are we?" He gives a sly smirk, letting go oh his scythe and vanishing it somewhere else as he approaches me. Under the intimidation of his sudden actions I start messing up on my words, "Well—! I! Um...!" "Go on...?" We were so close...we could kiss if we wanted to but no. I can't! I'm a loser who adores fictional men and write shitty fanfic about it no one can read. GOD WHY IS HE SO HOT!?!? "I wanted to see you..." I mutter. "What was that?" He asks, leaning over to hear me better. "I um...wanted to see you." "I didn't quite catch that." Oh now he's just teasing me! "I WANTED TO SEE YOU OKAY!?!? FUCKING H×××VERSE WON'T LET ME SEE YOU MORE OFTEN OUTSIDE OF WEEKLY BATTLES!!!" I let out a few heated breaths before thinking...'Archons, I'm so cringe' Then I hear a snicker...then a chuckle...then a full blown laugh! "Are you making fun of me!?!?" I exclaim but he continues laughing. "STOP LAUGHING!!! IT WAS NOT FUNNY" I cry out in embarrassment. Scaramouche recovers from his laughing fit. "You could've just asked you fucking idiot." "I DIDN'T KNOW THAT!!!" Now I'm full on embarrassed and he starts laughing again...this time it was a lighthearted one. "Come on then. We're heading out of here." Scaramouche grabs my hand as we leave the domain. He starts leading me outside and up a cliff where we can see the view of the sun setting on the glistening ocean, sakura petals falling as they were blown by the wind. I simply stare in awe at the scenery as he sits down in the shade of the sakura tree. "So, when did you fall for me?" He asks out of the blue. It took me by surprise I and up sputtering my words, "Wh— Why would you ask that!?" "Why not? Clearly you have taken a liking for me." He smirks. I grumble, embarrassed and flustered once again before saying one word "Lore." "Lore?" "Yes your lore!" Silence falls between us. "Now that I think about it, it sounds like I'm a stalker since I kinda know about your past..." "It doesn't matter, just be quiet." 'Well sheesh
dude, you were the one who asked.' I cross my arms. Scaramouche then pats the spot next to him, offering for me to sit. And I did. We just did a bit of small talk while watching the sunset. Slowly I simply fall asleep over his shoulder... And then my alarm wakes me up and makes me realize that shit will never happen FUCKKKKK
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ninlilwinds · 2 years
Genshin Characters With Stressed out Reader because of testing.
Before reading: So this is my first actual post. I'm pretty new to this please have a bit of patience for any typos or anything of the sort. Reason for writing this is because of all the finals I have going on. Just took a pretty important test today, so this is for myself more than anything.
Characters: from Monstadt- Diluc, Kaeya, Venti. From Liyue: Zhongli, Xiao. Inazuma: Arataki Itto, Thoma. Other: Childe
Diluc knows what it's like to be under pressure. He constantly has to work for his wine industry and manages to keep everything under control
Which is why when you come to him stressing about an exam, he knows just the tricks to help maximize your potential.
He teaches you all the ways he's learned speeches and documents last minute and help you study
Keeps his calm when you start to panic about not being able to remember a concept
He pays very close attention to what seems to me working best for you and focuses on those methods
When your mind doesn't seem to retain any more information, he tries to reassure you that you did your best, and it was time for a break
During the break he'd have one of his maids bring u a drink (like hot chocolate, tea, or coffee) and sits down next to you on the sofa. There he'd hold your hand and caress it lightly as you rested your head on his shoulder.
Never fear, your amazing boyfriend is here.
Despite not looking like it, Kaeya is a master at retaining information. He's had years of practice from memorizing documents in the nights of Favonius offices to speeches when master Jean isn't present, to having to remember subordinates and other people.
So, he gives you the methods that work best for him
He would praise u as u studied and occasionally chime in with a silly trick to memorize a concept like a silly rhyme or something.
When/if you fall asleep from studying, he'll pick u up gently and carry you to bed.
The day of the exam he's ready with a strong breakfast he woke up extra early to get at the Good Hunters and an encouraging 'good luck' kiss
I'm gonna be honest, I see this troublemaker laughing at your panic
He just doesn't understand why your so stressed. He's never had the stress of having a test before.
Once he sees how serious you are about this, he decides to help you
He brings snacks for you so you can think better and makes sure your always comfortable.
The review material you aren't using he looks at and memorizes himself. After your done with the current thing you were studying and go to what he was looking at he shows you cool rhymes and small little songs you can sing to remember the material
Later in the night he brings out his lyre and plays a calming tune, which ultimately makes you fall asleep
Which was his mission, for he could see just how exhausted you were from all that studying
Tucks you in and kisses u goodnight
If its history, then your in luck. If it's not, he'll try his best
Zhongli is generally calm, so when your panicked he remains composed, much like Diluc
He makes you some calming tea to help you clear your mind and focus. He also makes sure the area is quite and is there to help you figure out any concept you don't really understand
After your done studying, he reassures you of how you'll do great. You did make it this far after all.
Helps you fall asleep that night because your too anxious by telling you a funny story and stroking your hair gently
honestly, he doesn't understand why mortals would need such a thing like exams and tests. Haven't you been learning this material all year? Why do you need something to prove you know it? And why does it cost so much from your grade
Kinda holds a grudge against exams for having you so stressed
He doesn't know many of the subjects well, so he just watched you from afar as you study
He's mostly hiding in the Wangshu Inn's tree branches and observes your every movement. The tapping of your pencil, when you tie your hair up, your eyes fluttering closed
Once he sees you've fallen asleep, he makes his way over and picks you up gently placing you in bed where it is more comfortable
Before he leaves, he looks to see what exactly you were learning and scoffs. When are you going to use that in life? Are they really stressing you out over this?
He learned that day that he doesn't like exams, even though he's never taken them
Arataki Itto
He was about to ask you if you wanted to go beetle fighting with him when he saw you hunched over your desk, eyes closed and a paper stuck under your cheek
What in the world happened to you!?
After you stir and see his confused face, you explain how you have exams and have been studying so much it's completely exhausted you
Oh no no he can't have you so stressed out and tired
He won't help you study, he'd distract you
Please you've been studying enough. Time for some fun. Beetle fighting and exploring Inazuma
But to be honest, he also doesn't help you because he can't really understand what any of the papers are saying. What is a mitochondria??? Or a cell???
He helps you relax and mentally prepare
He knew your exam schedule before you did, so he helped you prepare beforehand.
He's a busy man, helping the Kamisato clan and all, so he has to finish his duties as well
But he keeps a close eye on you since he knows you have tendency to overexert yourself and end up passed out
As he cleans, he estate he has you in his line of vision
He's pretty proud of you. Look at you go. Knows for sure you'll pass with all the time and effort you've put into this
Once he's done cleaning and settling his matters, he whips up some snacks/food, since he knows your probably hungry by now
Takes a break and eat with you too
Once you're done with your break, its back to studying, but it's he encourages you. He has full confidence that you can do it.
You have an exam? Oh no worries he's got you covered.
Need a tutor? Found. Review books? Got them. Can't contact your teacher? No worries.
He helps you in every way possible. He wants you to be the best you that you can be
But don't ask him any questions on the reviews, because he does not know
Don't get me wrong, he's very smart. But his harbinger duties have made him forget more of the scholar side and focus more on the strategic, undercover witty side
Any other way, though, he will help
The morning of the exam he's left a note since he had to leave early for some harbinger duties saying how you got this and to be confident in yourself since you worked hard.
Thanks for reading so far. Let me know how I did and any pointers you have!
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kasdeyalilith · 2 years
Hello! Can I request angst/comfort for Itto? His s/o is usually very talkative especially about topics they're passionate about but because they get dismissed a lot by their friends and family lately they become quiet and insecure thinking they are annoying Itto when they talk. Thank you so much if you decide to do it.
Of course! Thanks for requesting hope you'll like this fic. That topic tho, it happens to me every time but I'm Ittoless in real life and in game *laughs in pain*. I'm sorry it took so long, I dedicated my whole energy at getting Xiao ehe.
Warnings: Angst
Itto x Reader (angst to fluff)
Clasping your hands together, you beamed at your finished artwork. You can't wait to show it to your friends and family and ooh Itto! Your big lovable baby.
The painting depicts the Lanterns floating in the air, lighting up the entire harbor of Liyue. You've always wanted to travel there and participate in their event as you heard that sometimes the adepti will grace the people for a moment. So you took the artwork and immediately presented it to your family.
"Mother! Father! Look! I made a new painting! See? It's Liyue! I haven't seen their Lantern Festival firsthand so this might be wrong in some angles but isn't it beautiful?! The fireworks are just so beautiful! According to my friend Chyou, they light up the lanterns and write their wishes on it! I really want to-"
"If you're done talking can you leave? Your father and I are very busy with the shop. We don't have time with dreams and whatnot, what if you go and help around here more huh? You're greatly influenced by that Itto fellow"
"Sorry Mother, I just thought that-"
"Thought what? I don't need you thinking about useless things. Now get out of my sight"
You simply nodded and removed your artwork. You are not really startled by their reactions; it's always been that way. But that doesn't make the pain go away; you spent hours painting and expected your parents to be proud this time. You didn't even get to the part where you painted your parents holding a lantern. Getting up, you tried to ignore your parents' criticism and show this artwork to your friends.
"Really you spent all that time painting that? I mean no offense but I think you should do something else that can really contribute to your life. You're always talking about your paintings and I'm only trying to be your good friend by listening but it's getting tiring you know? If you're done looking down can I go? I'm just being honest ok? As your good friend"
She left after you only gave her a hesitant smile; you can't even defend yourself against their accusations. You're so pathetic. Maybe they're right, maybe all of this is pointless. Painting isn't going to get you a job in Inazuma; they're all about business anyway. Your eyes and throat burn from holding back your tears. Even though it was against your will, you began gathering all of your paintings and store them away in your basement.
Itto invited you to go around the beach near the city today, and you answered yes without hesitation since you can't fight the heaviness you're experiencing inside your own house. He rambles on as you walk hand in hand; he's always talking about different topics, but largely about his beetles and how he's going to try this new training approach where you put them in a basin and have them run ten laps around. You giggled at your lover's musings and forgot about what occurred with your friend and family for a bit, but memory can be harsh at times when you recall their words. The smile on your face fades as you think about what happened again.
The Oni didn't miss the way your mood shifted; he's been noting it a few times recently, and even though he attempted to cheer you up with his stories, you always returned to your gloomy state. You're not even mentioning your paintings! He loves it when your face lights up as you tell him in detail how you came up with the concept for your painting; he has never met anybody as talented and lovely as you, and he tries to tell you that every day. Itto frowned as you made that expression again, as if you're on the verge of sobbing, while biting your lower lip to keep it from quivering. His heart shatters, and he wraps his arms around you, resting his head on your shoulders.
"What's wrong? Did I do anything wrong?"
"Uhm no, I-I'm just.."
You're sobbing now, thinking that he must be annoyed with you as well, and that he's going to leave too. I should've kept my mouth shut; if I had, they'd still like you to be around.
"Hey.. hey shush, come cry it to me. There, there. Here you can use my handkerchief. I'm sorry if it's a little dirty, I used it to carry some berries"
As a response, you merely buried yourself more in his chest; he's incredibly warm and comfortable. You're surprised when he pulls out his comb and begins brushing your hair; it's quite soothing. Itto didn't stop combing or cuddling you when the cries faded to sniffles.
"Did something happen? or is it my horns? It's my horns right? I told them to paint it in rainbow but they chose pastel instead!"
You can't help but lightly chuckle, and he beams at that.
"There it is! You feeling alright now? Did someone hurt you? Want me to put some onikabuto inside their trousers?"
"No, no it's ok Itto. I'm just feelin down that's all"
"I noticed and you're not talking much too even about your painti-"
Without intending to, your eyes started to water again.
"Hey it's ok, it's about your paintings? what happened?"
"It's stupid, let's not talk abo-"
"I want to know, please? I hate to see you like this and I want to be there for you when you badly need me. Besides you can't shake an Oni like me! I'm the one aaand Oni! after all"
"I-fine but only because you're gonna be a big baby if I don't tell you"
Itto only smiled as an answer, happy that you're opening to him again.
"It's nothing big really, I...I just finished a new painting and I wanted to show it to people who are close to me bu-but they always dismiss it so I thought that they're right. I should stop painting but it just hurts so much, painting is a part of me. If I don't stop it I'll lose my friends and family too and I don't want it to happen"
"Don't think like that! I apologize for yelling, but you're a great painter, and if they don't see that, it's their loss. I know a lot of people that enjoy what you paint, including myself! If people can't appreciate beauty, they should begin scrubbing their eyes! You're talented ok? Don't even doubt about it. I'm not just saying this because I'm your boyfriend, but you paint as if you're breathing life into even the most mundane objects, like a house or a tree. Heck, I believe you can bring those things from your paintings to life! That's how talented you are!"
He's on a rush, but he can't stop until he makes you realize your worth. He is furious at anyone who even considers making you doubt yourself.
"Thanks Itto even though that's a little far-fetched"
"But it's not! I, the great Itto, will vouch my life-"
"Ok, ok I understand but thanks Itto. I don't know what I'll do without you" you genuinely smiled at him
"Well you're not gonna shake me off easily, I'll stick to you like how a beetle sticks unto trees. They're the toughest little guys you know?"
"Of course my cute Oni, I'm gonna stick by you too"
Itto kissed your cheeks before releasing you and grabbing your hands to head to the dango booths. Later that day, he made you paint him and you and joked that he's the great Itto so people wouldn't dismiss your artwork as useless. He eventually brought the painting home, and it now hangs in his living room as his most prized treasure.
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