#I’ve always referred to her as cold for a reason
darkfictionjude · 23 days
After all the Nia-related exasperation lately I wanted to write you this:
THANK YOU for creating characters that act and think like real human beings. THANK YOU for creating a strong and complex female love interest. THANK YOU for giving her proper critical thinking skills and a not-pea-sized-brain. I will tell you this - if I were in Nia’s shoes, I would AVOID MC AT ALL COSTS.
For real. She saw her bf having violent outbursts. She knew they were bullied by their older sister. And then SUDDENLY MC’s sister ends up brutally murdered and SUDDENLY MC is being sent to a mental institution. In real life there were multiple occasions when sane suspects tried to claim they were mentally ill so as to avoid imprisonment and to be sent to some mental hospital instead. I know, it doesn’t really apply to our MCs ‘cause it is well known they are ill, but damn it, everything just kind of coincides too well in the eyes of everyone (that’s why some students at school also think MC killed Orla).
I get it some of readers here are sad she didn’t reach out to MC when they were in a hospital. But it was said (many times btw) that she had her reasons for that. I get it some of readers here are sad she thinks MC killed Orla. But it was said (quite a bunch of times already btw) that she has her reasons. We just have to wait and find them out without jumping to conclusions. We don’t know everything. What really matters is that Nia still sticks out to MC and clearly cares for them (she gets angry at Imre for trying to involve MC in the investigation, claims that MC is strong if you play around with choices etc). Or at least it matters to me.
Sorry if it comes off as too aggressive.
Hahaha this is was something read, love the passion nonnie.
Yeah Nia is a person who has a very clear idea of the world and who she is. She doesn’t change it for anyone. Her biggest thing is that she likes facts, wanting to be a doctor she feels emotions if not checked override things and make you see things distorted. She’s not a robot she just doesn’t allow herself to be carried away.
Like I’ve said, just because a character doesn’t fawn over mc doesn’t mean they are against them or hate them. They’re just human and the characters don’t know MC is mc, y’know? I like that Nia doesn’t treat mc with kid gloves, she respects them enough to treat them as an equal. She doesn’t act like you’d expect because I’m trying to make her feel real and real people don’t do what we want even when they love us
I would love more polemic female love interests to be honest. We have some many complex male interests, we need all kinds of women and I’ve always loved women like Nia in fiction. Dominated by logic but allowing moments of emotion
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wandasfifthwife · 2 months
finding you ₊✩°。⋆˚ ⁺
— wandanat x fem/afab!reader
༺ tw || discussions of sexual acts/kinks but nothing (yet), reader deals with stress/anxiety, dom/sub dynamic/relationship, dom natasha/wanda w/ sub reader, reader’s personality is described to be shy/anxious/introverted, not proofread
༺ a/n || I’ve never personally been in a dom/sub relationship, so if I get things wrong that’s why! If you’re getting into one— don’t use this as a guide/reference 😭
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— 🌷masterlist ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ 3.2k words₊✩°。⋆˚ ⁺ next part🌻 —
The city was truly a different world at night just with the way everything seems to take a breath of life. It was cooler, a breeze making its way through the buildings to cause goosebumps on any person walking by. It was cold enough that your friend had thought to try and hurdle you under their jacket, something you forgot to bring.
They didn’t seem to mind, pulling you under the warm blanket of a coat and rushing the two of you towards your apartment. You had just finished dinner—using it as a way to bond and meet up since work has separated you both for too long—and now we’re heading back to your apartment.
“You’re back,” one of your roommates speaks up from their location on the couch, “how was dinner?”
“Great, but I was freezing. You were right about bringing a jacket tonight, I really should’ve.”
“The winds tunnel through these buildings, it’s always good to pack a jacket.”
“Yes well thank you. Is it alright if my friend stays over?”
Your roommates waves a hand, dismissing her claim and focusing back on the tv show. The sounds of whatever bachelor show was playing quiets once you’ve shut your door behind you.
Your friend pins you with a look as she lays down flat into your bed, “what’s the deal with that person from work?”
“It’s really nothing, I think some people are just going through a rough time.”
“Okay well whatever—babe, it’s still not okay.”
There’s a creak in your bed once you’ve decided to join her, the old thing hanging on since you’ve not been able to afford a new one.
“Yeah sure they’ve made some rude comments, but they weren’t that bad.”
“Not to mention they also stole your idea and they’ve been aggressive towards you for no reason—tell them that they’re being a bitch.”
The emotions liked to confrontation are like sinking to the bottom of a body of water, suffocating. Your friend lies beside you, waiting, but her raised eyebrows give away her impatience, waiting to argue with you over your hesitation. A sigh makes it way out, a vocalization of how you’re feeling on the inside, “I really don’t know if I need to.”
“It’s less of a have to and more of a should do. Just be a bitch back,” she makes a poor attempt at reeling in her aggression after your expression of disgust, “or at least talk to someone higher up.”
“I’ll maybe talk to someone later—“ you put a hand up to silence her oncoming attack “—and that’s it. I appreciate you caring.”
“I just want you to be able to stand up for yourself.”
“I know, and I love you for that, but I’m done with stressful topics. I’d like to just talk about exciting things.”
She deadpans, “but this fun.”
A laugh filled amusement fills the room, your foot coming to shove her. There’s a pause after, ears turning into the smaller and more minute sounds. Dramatic stage music, though silenced by your door, it’s loud enough to still make an entrance in your room along with the sirens outside. The sheets rustle as your friend moves onto her side, body facing towards you. It was a gentle breeze until she began to fight off a grin, the thoughts in her mind almost driving a crazed expression in her face.
“Have you thought anymore about what I said?”
“You talk a lot, which of those many conversations are you mentioning?”
“The stress-relieving one.”
The words are quick to bring a similar crazed expression on your own face, one similar to your friend’s but more terrified.
“Aw come on. I do it and it’s worked wonders, I still know—“
“I’ve heard enough for one night, you’re too public with it—how’re you not embarrassed?”
She rolls, resting her head on you, “you’re shy, I’m not. I don’t care what others say.”
“You’re weird.”
Her shoulders upturned in a shrugging motion, the vibration from her low hum ticking your stomach. The floor creeks again when she slings her feet off the mattress to find something to eat, leaving you alone for a minute. It seemed to stretch forever due to waiting every second to ask her a burning question. It was nearly on fire when she finally came back, the words tumbling from you.
“Who’re the people?”
It was, technically, four words that set off an hour and a half conversation.
Your friend’s persistently paid off after about two months of bringing it up. It started out as a question to check up, formed into a joke/tease, and ended up as a proposal. You’ve eventually thawed, only tonight feeling comfortable enough to ask, allowing yourself to be curious. It was curiosity, but you strayed far away from any sexual conversations, feeling that topic would actually throw you over the edge.
You pick at your nails, a nervous habit to ease the discomfort of the vulnerable conversation, “what do you do?”
“You mean my role? It’s what I said before, I’m a dominant in our relationship.”
“How often do you do it?”
Her hand swats at your shoulder, enabling your fidgeting to become actions of aggression. You shove back, “fuck off.”
“Anyways, it depends on each relationship, but for us we fall into it most nights. Usually they come home and I can pick up the signs. I came to understand their body language about a month after us dating that they’re feeling a specific way.”
“Too intimate.”
“Oh yeah, it’s intimate and entirely built on trust. It’s why I love it so much,” your friend reached a hand over, stretching to reach until her fingers wrap around her phone, “I’ll send you their number. It’s entirely up to you from this point on. But genuinely though, if anything I say is making you uncomfortable let me know. I truly have just wanted to help.”
It wasn’t brought up again. An episode of some old show capturing the both of your attention the rest of the night, her scratchy laugh engraved in your mind from how often she found the dialogue hilarious. A small red mark forming from when she got too excited, jumping on the bed and bouncing your body to move and hit a dull item nearby. Thankfully you don’t have neighbors that occupy the room below you.
It was a sad goodbye when you both had the knowledge of how busy your schedules were. You had a form of contact, your phone, but you didn’t always have access to her in person. The lights in the apartment were shut off, the dark almost navy hue covers the room. You clicked your phone on, squinting from the onset of light before checking your recent text from her, “their” contact information sitting open on your phone for the night.
It turned out to be a weak battle, with the conflict being between man vs man. You had daily arguments with yourself, both sides—heart and mind—fighting with valid reasons. You don’t know if they’d be a weirdo overtime. They could not win your trust, or understand you, step over you like your coworker at work has been.
It could be a waste of time to be so intimate with someone and have the time come to a close, so you make a new space in your contacts for their number. You had a simple message typed out, introducing yourself and how you got their number, and then prompt turned your phone off.
The waiting period consumed you.
Brushing your teeth, you’d flip your phone to find that the notification was another spam email from a store you visited two years ago, reminding you to unsubscribe yet again. At work, you’d even pulled your phone from where it rested under your thigh to check whenever it buzzed. It was impossible to deny when the evidence was written all over your face, but you liked to believe you didn’t care.
The earth spun a whole two times and you’d still gotten no response. You checked your phone less, initial nerves transforming right into worry. Were you bothering them?
“Stop fretting,” your friend told you over the phone and then proceeding to let out a laugh at your embarrassed rant, all about how you regret reaching out.
“Hey, I wouldn’t have hooked you up if I thought they weren’t interested. It’s barely been two days.”
“You’re right,” your phone sat across from you, giving you the perfect view to stare at her personalized contact photo,
“Give it time.”
You had another speech about to spill about how you’re not going to obsessively check anymore, but that buzzed sound you’ve grown to respond to rapped against your wooden table.
Your lungs contract, closing when a contact with no profile photo and definitely no name appears. Your friend’s voice becoming background noise as your focus snaps to the unopened message, watching it as it slides away.
“Okay well I have to sleep. Love you, stop freaking out.”
The call ends abruptly, a habit of hers you’re usually frustrated with but now you’re grateful. Nerves at a new high for the day when a second message comes in. Feet patter on the hound, carrying you to climb into your room.
Realizing they’ve messaged you back is both an energy drainer and giver. Lights bright on your face while you’re unlocking your phone, clicking on the chat button. Your mind makes up the worst scenarios in hopes to keep your expectations low, but as your eyes sweep across the text a smile appeared on your face.
Long text summarized, they’d love to meet you in person and brief information was shared. They’d agreed to meet halfway at a coffee shop in Manhattan named, “coffee project nyc.”
The closest subway station was swarmed with a dozen people, the time on your phone being the explanation behind why others were brushing against you on the train. They contained to when after the train had arrived, pulling you along with them like a terrible tide.
Your phone map is a virtue, showing you the route until the cafe is in sight just across the street. It was across the street but your feet were stuck to the side you were on. Seconds passed like milliseconds, speeding up like your breathing.
The door had a little bell, one that rang when you walk through and sit down at the closest open seat to you. Eyes set on your phone screen like you were doing something meaningful by scrolling through already opened texts.
A new text appeared, a statement, telling you that they’d arrive. It wasn’t the intention, but you realized you hadn’t told them you had also arrived. The bell rung as it did for you, signaling to you and the others in the building that another had entered.
Her tone was clear when she spoke to you, leaning so she can look at your eyes. An air of calm around her when she introduced herself, saying how nice it was to meet in person.
“Is there anything you’d like from here? Natasha’s in line to get herself something.”
“Oh no,” you internally wince at how high your tone is pitched, “I’ll just pay for my own later!”
“It’s on us if you’d like any,” she repeats the offer with a smile. The scent from all the coffee beans and tea leaves is too addicting, filling your senses and pulling at the right heart strings to make you weak.
“If it’s okay could I maybe get a tea?”
“That’s perfectly fine. Natasha hasn’t ordered you yet, you can go tell her your order,” she says, words emphasized by her finger directing you to find the women fifth in line. An apology comes out as a whisper, feeling bad when you have to cut between two people holding a conversation.
“Hi,” you breathe, feeling nervous about being pushed to her warm body by those in line and others trying to move about.
“Breathe,” she says, pausing your sentence until she’s seen you visibly take a breath.
“Sorry,” you say, the unwarranted apology causing her eyebrows to furrow.
“Why sorry? You don’t have any reason to be.”
You say it again but she makes no pays if no mind, a gentle hand coming to rest under your forearm.
“Would you like something?“
The words you had spoken to wanda are repeated, asking about ordering a tea with another apology following right after. You fear she’s upset, but every movement she makes is kind, soft.
“You don’t have to apologize. Go wait with Wanda, I’ll bring it over once it’s made, okay?”
You thank her what feels like ten times, hoping each one is more sincere than the other before stepping away, mindful of the kicked up carpet. Wanda’s smiling at you, reaching over to push your chair out.
“Did you get a tea?”
“I did, thank you two—seriously—I appreciate this.”
Her response comes out as a hum, the words, ‘of course,’ mended together through the one sound, “how was your ride over? You mentioned the trip only being a few minutes, correct?”
“Usually yes.”
“Have you been here before then?”
“Not really, I don’t go out often. If I did I’d ruin my budget plan.”
The smell of the store is amplified once the cup is placed in front of you, the gentle steam floating off the top smelling exactly like the aroma in the small room. The seat to the right of you is pulled out, taken by Natasha a second later. Hers smells of coffee, a darker roast you’re familiar with from one of your roommates making it in the morning.
She picks through the sugars on the table, ignoring Wanda’s advice to leave the sweetness alone; Wanda mentions again how it impairs her dreams, giving her terrible nightmares instead. Natasha acknowledges what she says and still pours two in, her defense being the brand labeling itself as a ‘natural sugar’ as opposed to some other popular companies.
You turn to Wanda, “do you like to drink coffee or tea?”
“I do,” she says, fingers brushing under yours to stabilize the tilting hold you had on the cup, “every now and then I’ll get a tea.”
She quirks a quick smile, the mood fading fast once she’s turned her attention to Natasha and how bright the coffee has become. Natasha pulls the cup away from her extending grasp, bringing the cup to her lips with a grin.
“Do you work?”
“I do! I work in marketing at a real estate company, basically meaning I create pamphlets and design their websites. Do either of you have a job?”
Natasha keeps the mug in her hands, not letting go despite the heat, “we do. I work as a mechanical engineering, Wanda’s does corporate finances.”
You later worry about how your emotions are written on your sleeve seeing how they noticed the slightest change in your body language. Wanda lets her hand drift off of yours seeing as you’re now paying attention to how you’re holding it, “what do you do?”
“Nothing crazy like that. I sell art pieces, occasionally teach somewhere like an art class or work as a substitute for a school if needed.”
“Did you go to school for art?”
“I did, somehow passed to with how strict a few teachers were.”
They then ask to see a piece you’ve done, listening to every word you’re saying on every detail of each individual piece. You show ones you’ve sold, ones you’ve given as gifts to friends/family members, and some you’ve painted for yourself. You ease into the moment with every passing minute, tense muscles and fidgeting movements calming.
The room is small, but busy. A multitude of conversations being held in one place, all forming and coming together like the infamous background ambiance.
A watch on Wanda’s wrist catches light when she flicks her sleeve down to check the time, a deep sigh coming from her when she realizes it’s past 9:30PM, “it’s getting late.”
Natasha hums, grabbing your cups and stacking them to take to the dish bins nearby. You stand when she does, grabbing your coat to toss over your shoulders.
“We can walk you home if you’d like, it is quite dark out.”
You take a glance as well, the scarcity of light on the street enough for you to accept her help. The sidewalks are small, pushing you to walk so close to them you’ve stepped on Natasha’s shoes two times already. They keep close to you, sitting beside you in the subway ride. You’ve told them that you’re grateful they’ve offered to walk you back, but that you also feel bad for taking up their time. They keep reassuring you, every time gentle, if not gentler than the last.
The street becomes familiar again, the lights from your balcony coming into view. The little store building with the apartment complex above it, your little home. It’s never fully quiet, but at this minute in the hour it almost feels like it’s just the three of you. An occasional car, bike, and stranger may walk by, but you barely notice.
“Would you like to see my apartment?”
“I wouldn’t mind a tour,” wanda says, her words making you smile and excitedly being to unlock the door. It’s late enough that either your roommates are out or asleep, leaving you and them to walk into a silent space. It’s entirely too quick tour; only showing them your balcony, bedroom, living room, and kitchen while trying to be quiet for the one roommate trying to sleep.
Wanda calls your name, finding you in your bedroom after hearing where your voice came from and following it. Your room is reflectively dark, only light source coming from the dim lamp by your bed. The one you’ve been meaning to repair.
“How’re you feeling?”
“I’m good, a bit tired.”
“I mean about this.”
Your lips fall slightly ajar, taken a bit off guard. She’s not rushing you at all, leaning against your vanity. She’s even gone far enough to not make you even more nervous by moving her gaze anywhere but you.
“I—“ you freeze momentarily when you realize Natasha’s come to stand in your doorway, “I’d like to if that’s okay with you.”
“We’d love to. Later tonight I can send you some papers for you to look over whenever you feel ready.”
You nod, thanking them with a smile. They bid you goodnight, both mumbling sweet words about the night. They both pull you into them, wrapping their arms around you in a gentle embrace before pulling back. You’re inside with heating AC and yet when they pulled back you felt colder.
Once the doors shut, the rooms entirely too quiet, the silence emphasizing the emptiness of their disappearance. They already made an impression, their good nights making you feel twice elated. It shows in your night routine, a smile etched on your face from the night. How beautiful they are, how someone they wished to also see you again, how they were mindful and intentional.
You had gotten dressed, wrapped up in your sheets with your phone settled between you, scrolling through the sweet text they sent after and the documents. The first were fine, but the last few brought nerves to the surface. Explicit acts and suggestive themes filled the page, maybe half you’ve never heard of. They were reassuring though, stating that you’d all run through them together once finished. During the whole process they were helping to answer any questions or concerns you had until you were ready to print and fill it out. After a week and a half you make your relationship official.
— 🌷masterlist ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ taglist below₊✩°。⋆˚ ⁺ next part🌻 —
@simpforlizzie @maggieromanov @angelbeingatitspurest @cerberus-spectre @olicity-boo @huggingkoalas @wandasbunnyy @babykingslayer @marigoldenblooms @godhatesgoodgirls @evmaximoff @tobiaslut @lzzysfreak @caporaI-nino @mommysfavouritegirl
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superhaught · 3 months
Incurable Cravings (Chapter Two)
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(GIF by goodtitsbigheart)
Pairing: Regina x Reader
Warnings: makes reference to previous explicit content, mention of eating disorder, mild angst/arguing
Word Count: 2500, Part 2/?
Part 1 / Part 3
Regina and Reader reflect on their past as they try to be close again.
This is now an AU where Regina George and Leighton Murray are twin sisters split up in a custody battle.
Regina turned the light in the closet on and pulled her phone out. She examined herself in the camera app and adjusted the way her hair fell around her shoulders, “meet me at my car after school.”
You watched her apply a fresh layer of lip gloss and touch up the edges of her lips then she met your eyes, “this is the part when you respond.”
“Oh, yeah… okay. I’ll meet you.”
Regina put her phone away and stood up straighter as she reached out and began fixing your hair and swiped her thumb over your lips, removing the traces of her lip gloss from your skin, “I’ve always liked your hair… it’s not fair that you have these curls naturally,” she mused. 
“Thanks…” you whispered softly.
“Why are you being all weird now?”
“What? I’m not being weird.”
The blonde rolled her eyes and crossed her arms in front of her chest, “yes, you are. Just a minute ago, you were being all bold, like I’ve never seen from you before. Now, you’re all terrified and squirrely.”
“I’m just… processing.”
“Well, do that shit later. It’s ruining your glow.”
“What does that even mean?”
“Nevermind.” Regina put her tube of lip gloss back in her bag and then slipped past you to exit the janitor’s closet, “My car. After school. Don’t disappoint me.”
She didn’t give you time to issue a response. She left you and strutted off to show up fashionably late to her 5th period class. 
You took a deep breath. Your mind was reeling but Regina was probably right, you should put it all out of your mind for now. At least until school was over. At least until the two of you could talk more in depth about what happened, which, you prayed you would have the chance to talk later when you met her for whatever she was planning. 
You slipped out of the closet and began to head in the opposite direction of Regina, toward your locker, until you were grabbed by your shirtsleeve and pulled aside. 
You sighed when you saw who it was: Janis. 
She stared at you, as if expecting you to immediately offer an explanation. 
“Janis, what?” You asked, annoyed.
“What do you mean ‘what?’ What the fuck just happened between you and Regina?”
“How is that any of your business? You haven't talked to me for three years and now you just expect me to spill?”
Janis relaxed at that, “well… I guess I just thought, when it comes to Regina…”
“Well you thought wrong, Janis. I’m late for class.” You pulled yourself out of the girl’s grip and walked away.
You felt bad for being cold to Janis, but Regina was the reason your friendship didn’t survive in the first place. There was no way that you’d be able to get along now that it was even more complicated. Janis would have to figure out how to be okay on her own. 
The rest of your day seemed to move at a snail's pace. You watched the clock as you sat through your calc and stats classes, waiting for the dismissal bell to finally ring and let you go. 
You’d never packed up and got out of the building faster. A quick text to your mom of “going to study at a friends’” was enough to explain why you weren’t coming straight home, and like an obedient little puppy, you walked over to Regina’s Jeep in the student parking lot. 
She was there waiting for you, leaning against her door and swinging her keys around her index finger, “good, you still know how to listen.”
You raised an eyebrow at her, “where are we going?”
“My house, duh.”
“Kay. I bet your mom will be surprised to see me.”
Regina sighed, “I’d rather her not see you at all… but that’s unlikely… just get in, will you?”
You started to make your way around to the passenger side, “No Gretchen or Karen?”
She gave you a judgemental expression, “did you somehow lose all of your sense when you fucked me? Jesus Christ… no. It’s just us.”
“Jeez, sorry Gina.”
“I thought I told you not to call me that,” Regina sat in the driver’s seat and turned the engine on, “whatever.”
You got in and Regina turned the radio on before leaning over and buckling you in herself. The simple act gave you butterflies. You cleared your throat and turned away from her while she checked herself out in the rearview mirror and put on her sunglasses. 
You nodded and then she peeled out of the parking lot. Once she was on a long stretch of road, she took one hand off the wheel and put it on your thigh. Your breath caught in your throat and you stayed quiet and still for a minute but then couldn’t help but break the silence when she came up to a red light. 
“When was the last time I was at your house, do you think?” You were being deceptive by asking. You knew exactly when the last time you were there was. 
“I don’t remember,” she shrugged. It was barely perceptible but you caught it, her eyebrow twitched. She was lying. She remembered, too.
The last time you were at your house was also the last time you were all together. It was the party. 
Spin the bottle was Regina’s suggestion because of course it was. You and Janis had no idea that Regina had a plan to manipulate the entire night. Regina knew that Janis was in love with her, but Regina didn’t want her to be and she was pissed off at Janis for something. 
Like always, Regina got exactly what she wanted. She spun the bottle and it landed on Janis. Regina kissed her and then immediately stabbed Janis in the gut, revealing the brunette’s crush in a very painful way. Regina pretended to make it about some guy, but it wasn’t about the guy at all. 
Janis ran off crying. You glared at Regina and said, “that was awful, Gina,” and began to run after Janis but Regina stood up and grabbed you, dragging you to her bedroom before you could comfort Janis. 
Regina squeezed your arm and shut her bedroom door. You couldn’t help but chuckle at the memory, apparently this was a pattern for the two of you. 
“Why are you mad at me? I did this for us, now it can just be you and me.”
“What are you talking about, Regina?” You asked. 
“Aren’t you sick of Janis’ stupid crush ruining our time together?”
“I never said anything like that! Janis is our friend! You shouldn’t have done that, Gina.”
“Well, I don’t care. It’s done. I’m done with her.”
After that, everything went to shit. Janis was a wreck. Regina was a nightmare. You couldn’t be in the middle of it anymore. Any hope you might have had of the three of you recovering was dashed in the chemistry lab fire incident. 
You went your separate ways, then. You never really forgave Regina but she wouldn’t leave you alone. Janis avoided you both like the plague most of the time. You knew that something crazy happened last school year when that new girl, Cady Heron, came to school, leading up to Regina’s accident. But you honestly took it as a reprieve. Your academic stress last year was killing you, so having Regina off of your back was wonderful. But that didn’t stop you from leaving a basket of her favorite treats on her front porch while she was recovering. You didn’t know what else to do.
Regina pulled into her driveway and you looked up at her house in awe. Had it gotten bigger?
Regina got out and came over to open your door for you, “come on.”
You followed her inside and Ms. George was right there waiting for her daughter’s arrival. The woman nearly dropped her glass of wine in shock, “oh my fucking god is that who I think it is?!” She screeched and ran forward, setting her wine glass down before trapping you in a hug.
“Hi, it’s nice to see you again,” you said, awkwardly patting her back.
She squeezed you and shook your body side to side then pulled away, “let me get a good look at you, oh my goodness, you’re even prettier! Don’t you think so, Regina?”
“Mom, can you like, chill, please? Jesus…”
“Sorry baby,” Ms. George let you go at that point, “well, welcome home, sweetheart. I’m so glad you’re back. You two have fun, I’ll be up with snacks in a minute.”
Regina grabbed your hand and dragged you up the stairs to her room. It was frighteningly easy to fall back into old habits. You set your bag down in the same spot as you always did and crashed onto her luxe bed like you always used to, while Regina examined herself in her floor length mirror. 
Regina poked and prodded at her face and neck for a moment and then Ms. George came into the room with a tray of food. 
“Here you go, my lovelies,” she set the tray down on the bed, “and I brought your meds, honey.”
Regina flashed her mom a glare and then returned her attention to herself in the mirror. Ms. George sat criss cross on the bed across from you. 
“Thank you so much, I’m starving,” you said, helping yourself to the chips and juice. 
“What have you been up to lately?? Regina never talks about you anymore, tell me everything! Are you dating anyone?”
You laughed, “I haven’t been up to much besides school, if I’m being honest. I’m making college plans and trying to do some more volunteering on my breaks. I’m not dating anyone right now,” you glanced at Regina quickly and you caught her raising her eyebrow curiously, “don’t have time.”
Ms. George asked you some questions about college stuff and then Regina shooed her away. The blonde came and sat down on her bed and took the small medicine cup off of the tray and dry swallowed the small handful of pills all at once. 
You gave her a look.
“What?” she asked.
“Come on, what’s going on?” you gestured to the cup as she set it back down.
Regina rolled her eyes, “it’s just stuff I have to take now, since the accident. Painkillers and stuff for my heart, don’t worry about it.”
You frowned, “you can’t tell me not to worry.”
“Can you drop it, please? I’m not in the mood.”
“Fine.” You helped yourself to more food, “aren’t you hungry?”
“No,” she said, shrugging. She started scrolling through her phone absentmindedly. 
“Regina…” you began.
“What is your problem?”
“Are you… you know…”
“Am I what? Do you think I can read your mind?”
“Are you restricting again?”
“I’m sorry, does fucking me make you think that you suddenly have the right to be on my case now? Back off, will you?”
“Then what the fuck is this? We can have sex but I can’t care, now? Is that it?”
“I don’t know!” She snapped, smacking the mattress out of anger. “I don’t know, okay?”
You didn’t say anything. You didn’t know either. You had no idea what the fuck this was. You leaned back against her pillows and sighed, “I’m sorry, Gina.”
“I’m sorry, too.”
“I just… if I’m going to be in your life again, I hope you’ll talk to me. Like we used to… that’s all.”
“I understand… I’m just not used to it anymore.”
You nod.
“Can we work up to it?” She looked at you with wide eyes. There she was. That vulnerable, sweet Regina that you used to know.
You smiled softly, “yeah.”
Regina slid closer to you on the bed and cuddled into your side, letting you wrap your arm around her back. She opened tiktok and started scrolling through her fyp with you. 
You rested together for another half hour and then you convinced her to let you work on homework and she even let you help her with her math assignment. 
“It makes so much more sense when you explain it,” she said. Successfully solving a problem. 
“I charge fifteen dollars an hour for tutoring,” you tease.
“Oh shut the fuck up,” she shoved your shoulder and chuckled, “I’ll pay in kisses.”
“Oh, really?”
“Mhmm… is that acceptable?”
“Hmm…” you grin, “I think some kind of kisses payment plan can be arranged…” 
Regina leaned in and gave you a light peck on the mouth. You smiled and turned your attention back to your book. 
“You know, don’t think that this makes up for the past three years of relentless bullying you’ve subjected me to…”
She smirked, “you would be a lot more convincing if I actually believed that a part of you didn’t enjoy it the whole time.”
You stuck out your tongue at her and she mirrored the gesture. You both laughed and you felt grateful that it felt light and easy at this moment. 
The sun began to set and you finished up with your homework. 
So, Janis tried to confront me in the hallway earlier… after we left the closet…”
Regina groaned, “of fucking course she did… she just won’t give up.”
“You hurt her… really bad… I mean, can we blame her?”
“It’s not like she’s fucking innocent!”
“What even happened that pissed you off so much? You never told me…”
The blonde rolled her eyes, “it’s a long story… and not mine to tell. It had to do with Leighton.”
“Leighton? Your sister, Leighton?”
“Yeah, who else?”
“Sorry, I just didn’t know Leighton and Janis had anything to do with each other.”
“Like I said, it’s a long story. All you need to know is that Janis dug her own grave and she should have known that I was gonna burn her for hurting my baby sister.”
“Your twin sister,” you corrected.
“I’m older,” she responded indignantly, “I’ll tell you more if Leighton says it’s okay.”
“Alright. How often do you two get to talk nowadays?”
“Not as often as we’d like. And we never get to see each other because mom and dad can’t even communicate. We have plans for being more in touch after graduation.”
You nod. She continues, “I’m worried it will be weird, though. I mean, we’ve had our own lives for almost five years now. She already knows where she’s going to school… early decision to Essex… I just feel like we’re the ultimate nature versus nurture experiment and now it’s like we’re not even related.”
“She’ll always be your sister. I’m sure you have more in common than you think.”
Regina nods slowly, not meeting your eyes. You hear Ms. George shout from downstairs that dinner is ready. 
“Gina, promise me you’ll eat something. For me, okay?” You give her your best puppy-dog eyes in hopes of convincing her. 
“I hate when you do that…”
“Pretty please?”
“Fiiiiine… ugh, I hate you.”
“I lo-” you catch yourself and pause, “I care about you… that’s all.”
She leads the way downstairs and you don’t know if she noticed your slip up.
Next Chapter
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theemissuniverse · 7 months
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SUMMARY : just what the title says. You are a powerful sorcerer from Earthrealm. You’re Bi-Han’s consort
WARNINGS : some is suggestive
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Noob Saibot : You have a strange taste in allies
(Y/N) : Cassie is cool, Bi-Han. I’m not completely stone
Noob Saibot : I will never like a Cage
(Y/N) : People say you changed me
Noob Saibot : I made you stronger
(Y/N) : And for that I am bound to you
Noob Saibot : I’ve always known you were a great warrior
(Y/N) : Was it when I beat you at the tournament?
Noob Saibot : That is when I fell in love with you
Noob Saibot : A shadow feels nothing
(Y/N) : So you say
Noob Saibot : But for you - it is different
(Y/N) : You might have some competition, Bi-Han
Noob Saibot : I am not worried of a failed Empress
(Y/N) : I love a man so assured with himself
(Y/N) : You are the only one to see my potential
Noob Saibot : You were worthy of my teachings
(Y/N) : And I will forever be in debt to you
Noob Saibot : Raiden was a fool for not seeing you excel
(Y/N) : His foolishness led me to you
Noob Saibot : I should thank him
(Y/N) : That demon is getting on my nerves
Noob Saibot : There is no reason for jealousy - I care not for her
(Y/N) : Sareena’s soul will be mine
(Y/N) : Kuai Liang mourns you
Noob Saibot : He is wasting his time
(Y/N) : I agree. I like this you better
Noob Saibot : Shao Kahn refers to me as your concubine
(Y/N) : *laughs* You love it
Noob Saibot : Yes. Very much so
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Cassie Cage : You and Bi-Han remind me of Morticia and Gomez Addams
(Y/N) : Who?
Cassie Cage : How do you not know them?!
(Y/N) : I’ll have my lover deal with you
Jax : Didn’t Scorpion toast him?
(Y/N) : Didn’t Ermac rip off your arms?
Raiden : I told you that following in line with Bi-Han was trouble
(Y/N) : You are just mad that I am not a lap dog like Liu Kang
Raiden : It saddens me to see you like this
Johnny Cage : (Y/N) and Bi-Han sitting in a tree-
(Y/N) : I will burn your tree to the ground.
Johnny Cage : Sheesh. Tough crowd.
Liu Kang : You were the best female warrior in Earthrealm
(Y/N) : Such a pity that all the women you know are next to nothing
Liu Kang : It is a shame to see what you’ve become
Kabal : You and Bi-Han freak me out
(Y/N) : I’ll do more than freak you out
Kabal : You two are a match made in hell
(Y/N) : I hate bugs
D’vorah : This one does not care for your hate
(Y/N) : The realms will cheer in pride when I exterminate you
Sub-Zero : You and my brother are not suppose to be together
(Y/N) : You share blood. You are not brothers
Sub-Zero : He made you as cold as ice
(Y/N) : Your ancestors mock you
Kung Lao : I don’t need you of all people telling me that
(Y/N) : They beg me to release them from their pain
Shao Kahn : I am quite surprised to see you turn out like this
(Y/N) : I was not surprised to see Kitana become Kahn
Shao Kahn : All you and Bi-Han do is talk
Sindel : I’ve never been attracted to such power before
(Y/N) : You are not my type, Empress
Sindel : That shadow has you wrapped around its finger
(Y/N) : You murdered my lover
Scorpion : I was deceived by Quan Chi
(Y/N) : You’ll be pleading for your life as your wife did
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Cassie Cage : You and (Y/N) make the cutest freak show
Noob Saibot : I will never understand why (Y/N) likes you
Cassie Cage : Because I am the greatest!
Kano : Where’s your girlfriend?
Noob Saibot : My consort pays no mind to you
Kano : Damn. How’d you know I was thinking bout her?
Johnny Cage : There’s no way (Y/N) chose that
Noob Saibot : I cannot believe you procreate
Johnny Cage : Says you and everyone else, former frosty
Noob Saibot : You crave for (Y/N)’s touch
Sindel : I crave her power
Noob Saibot : Only I hold all her power
Noob Saibot : You never appreciated (Y/N)’s gift
Raiden : I did not want her to become the villain she was destined to be in previous timelines
Noob Saibot : You only pushed her closer to me
Liu Kang : You corrupted (Y/N)s soul!
Noob Saibot : You were not a man and did not confront the feelings you had for her
Liu Kang : Who told you this?!
Noob Saibot : Your mother greets you from beyond the grave
Jacqui Briggs : I’ll finish you. Then your little girlfriend
Noob Saibot : You are no match for (Y/N). Do not embarrass yourself
Scorpion : Your lover wants to avenge you and kill me
Noob Saibot : Such a shame your wife can’t do the same for you
Scorpion : Now, I will kill you
Kabal : So do you and your shadow thing tag team (Y/N) or-
Noob Saibot : I’d worry about your lungs giving out
Kabal : Jeez. It was just a question
Noob Saibot : Challenging (Y/N) is a mistake
Sub-Zero : To get to you, I must get to her
Noob Saibot : She will greet you with death
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Kung Lao : So you really did have feelings for (Y/N)?
Liu Kang : It is a thing of the past
Kung Lao : I don’t know if she downgraded or upgraded
Sonya Blade : (Y/N) is not your friend, Cassie!
Cassie Cage : I know she’s one of the bad guys but she makes great smoothies!
Sonya Blade : Why do I even bother?
Liu Kang : History would be different if you didn’t doubt (Y/N)
Raiden : It is a mistake I think about often
Liu Kang : Not often enough
Scorpion : (Y/N) will stop at nothing to get her revenge
Sub-Zero : Rage is an emotion you two share
Scorpion : Her rage has grown too powerful
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meiiie · 7 months
dave lizewski, i’m so into you. (pt. 1)
summary: you say something unexpected about Kick-Ass while discussing with your friends which hero you prefer the most.. Kick-Ass? Or Red Mist? little did Dave know or so you thought, you knew it was him all along..
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a/n: uhh this is just a silly little imagine.. no one is probably going to see this post anyway but i’m new to this so this isn’t really the best thing i wrote, i hope u still enjoy reading this LOL i’ve also added my OC named Melilah who will be your best friend in this, um slight nsfw mention near the end but no actual action, thats it i think! yeah that’s it, happy reading :)
(pairing: dave lizewski x fem!reader) link to pt. 2
word count: 1.5k
It was a normal day, going to school, attending your classes, eating lunch, procrastinating your school works, submitting homework… attending more classes… rinse and repeat. But today was not what you expected, like.. at all.
ring ring… ring ring… you pick up your ringing phone while walking down the street, on your way to the convenience store.
“hello.?” your voice turns out more tired and groggier than you expected “hey when are you getting home sweetie? the food is getting cold and its already almost 6:30 pm, where are you?” your mom says with a worried voice, you could already imagine her face by just hearing her voice
this week has probably been one of the most stressful weeks of your entire life, class has been giving more school works, more due dates, you probably see your life flashing before your eyes right now “um yeah i’m on the way home already, don’t worry mom!” you say attempting to make your voice sound enthusiastic “well you better not be hanging out with that pretty boy.. actually maybe you should invite him for dinne-”
“mom— i—“ you cut her off but then you sigh giving up to even explain. “…he’s just a friend i swear..”
this supposedly ‘pretty boy’ your mom is referring to is Dave Lizewski, this guy in your class who you were paired up to work on a major project so he’s been at your house a few times already. surprisingly you get along with him really well? you’ve even become a part of his friend group including your best friend Melilah. She always points out the fact he always stares at you whenever you all hang out in Atomic Comics and during classes, but you’ve never really thought about him that way, or maybe you were considering it?
while walking down the road the street lights flicker a bit and you see someone trying to hanging onto the ledge of a billboard of some sort. you hear the figure shout at the cat sitting, waiting for him to fall “FUCK YOU MR BITEY!” his voice echoes, but wait.. why does his voice sound so familiar…? “okay okay okay, but call me and update me on where you are okay? be here quick, i love you!” your mom says- *THUD* you quickly look at the direction where the person, you assume, fell “UH yeah i’ll call you! i love you mom, BYE!” you say hastily, almost whispering.
beeeep.. beeeep.. you hang up the phone call, quickly putting your phone back in your messenger bag and hide behind a car. you spot a green figure, uh, “what in the world is that…” you think to yourself. the figure is wearing a weird.. cosplay suit.. it’s almost as if he looks like a green condo-
your thoughts are interrupted as he storms off looking frustrated, most probably because of the cat he couldn’t save.. he walks hurriedly into the dark alley. for some what reason you felt a little curious, just a little bit. so you go and follow the ‘super hero’, “this is so stupid.. someone remind me why I’m doing this to myself?” you whisper to yourself as you hide behind a pole, (you think this helps you stay hidden but you should’ve seen dave’s face when he saw you) trying to get a peek at the stranger. he takes off his mask angrily, you watch his curls fall into place, there are some scratches on his face from the fall, “damn why does he look so fine” you say in your thoughts and then you realize.
those are the blue eyes you see everyday in school, THAT’S DAVE LIZEWSKI. you silently gasp covering your face. his eyes dart at your direction, he shudders at the sound of your noise then next thing you know you start running away like a cockroach flew at your direction “WAIT!” he shouts, good thing you ran quick enough so he probably didn’t see your face, key word: probably.. actually there was no reason to be running from him at all- but you just felt like it..? considering you’re still in your denial stage about your feelings for him, who wouldn’t? you open the door to your house and get in as fast as you could just in case he followed you. the tv is bright and the news displays the text in bold ‘SUPERHERO KICKASS SAVES THE DAY’ you stare at the tv in shock because that’s… how… he’s Dave..?
your mom pops out of the kitchen “hey your back home! i thought you were going to call me to update me where you were..- oh yeah that superhero… what’s his name? Kickass? apparently he stopped a bunch of guys yesterday who were trying to beat up another guy that was in front of a convenience store and a bunch of people saw it then recorded blah blah blah you get it” you just stare at the tv in shock. “hello…? earth to y/n?”
it’s been almost 2 days, you’ve been avoiding Dave, trying not to make eye contact with him, passing by him in the halls, not even acknowledging his presence, even avoiding the hangouts to Atomic Comics, despite the fact you still have to do a major project with him. you open your locker getting books out of your locker, “hey have you heard about those two new superheros? Kickass? and Red Mist?” Melilah questions and your eyes widen at the question, only being reminded of Dave “yeah- well- i think its kinda dangerous doing that you know? being a um.. a superhero? why are people even so into them nowadays?” you say hesitatingly “ugh you are such a buzz kill, anyways Todd and Marty invited us to hangout… in Atomic Comics…” she looks like she’s about to ask a question, but she hesitates “go on.. continue” you gesture her to reply “why are you like.. i don’t know avoiding Dave? we’ve all kind of noticed that you know and the tension is killing all of us..”
you close the locker door and bring her to an empty classroom, you say “okay i know this sounds a bit crazy but DAVE IS KICKASS.” she “pffts” at your statement then turns to look at your face again, “oh.. your being serious” she says “YES I’M BEING SERIOUS?? i was on my way to the convenience store right and Kickass or Dave- i don’t know anymore was trying to save this cat then falls from this thing- anyways he walked in the alleyway so i was like ok i’ll just follow him! what could possibly happen!? then he took off his MASK SO THEN I RAN AWAY AND HE WAS LIKE ‘wait!🤪’ BUT I KEPT ON-” Melilah tries to comprehend everything, slowly nodding… slowly.. she whispers loudly “OKAY KEEP IT DOWN SOMEONE MIGHT HEAR YOU, okay so are you SURE this was Dave?” still whispering
“a HUNDRED percent.” you say trying to defend that you weren’t just seeing things
she sighs “well what are we going to do? I already told them we were going to be there..”
“you said WHAT?”
“okay okay chill they didn’t say Dave was coming, they obviously noticed how awkward it was with you guys so why would they invite him right haha.. haha…..” she laughs nervously
after both of you gather your thoughts you find yourself already settling down in a booth, in Atomic Comics, contemplating your life decisions. fidgeting nervously already imagining what’s going to happen. hoping not to see him. Melilah comes back after gathering a bunch of comic books to read while waiting for them to arrive. “hey stop fidgeting your going to be fine, plus he doesn’t know you know. right…?” you both just stare at each other. you both start praying in unison—“lord give us the strength to-“
“give you guys the strength for what?” Todd interrupts, you look behind him frantically to check whether Dave was there or not. to your surprise, he wasn’t. does he know? did he see my face when i ran? what if he doesn’t like me anymore? wait. why did that even matter? Todd and Marty took a seat beside Melilah leaving you alone sitting at the other side of the booth, obviously planning something.. “guys what do you think of Kickass?” Melilah asks, you kick her leg from under the table making a face screaming WHYAREYOUBRINGINGHIMUP. in fairness the both of you didn’t know whether Todd and Marty knew about it too, you shoot a glance at her giving a ohhhhiunderstandnow look to what she’s doing (spoiler alert: you've got the wrong idea, she was in fact not helping you) “i think he’s fine i guess, to be honest Red Mist is way cooler though because of his cape and all..” Marty says with Todd nodding his head to show that he agrees
“well- for one i think Kickass is wayy cuter, i’d fuck his brains out if i got the chance.” you say out of your thoughts completely regretting saying the said statement- “Really?” Dave says out of nowhere observing the conversation from behind your booth, making you jolt “y/n that just came out of nowhere what in the world.” Melilah says right after staring at you for a few seconds while Dave is making eye contact with you, smirking like he knows something. the conversation falls quiet.. real quiet… “okay wrap it up you two.” Todd interrupts, i wonder what happens next?
a/n: and the rest is history, I hope this was good enough lolol hope you enjoyed reading! (pt. 2 coming soon)
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a-simple-gaywitch · 2 years
Amidst the Chaos
Spencer Reid x Reader
Summary:  Spencer and (Y/N) didn't get along, and it annoyed the whole BAU. But when a traumatized (Y/N) shows up at Spencer's apartment late one night, their whole relationship shifts
Warnings: PTSD, trauma, references to torture, other canon-typical topics
Word Count:  3827
Author’s Note: not necessarily my best fic, but i’ve been working on it for over a year so... here it is
Orpheus - Sara Bareilles
AO3 Link
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“Don't stop trying to find me here amidst the chaos. Though I know it's blinding, there's a way out.” ~ Sara Bareilles, Orpheus
“Guys, I want you to meet our newest team member,” Hotch said to the BAU as they settled around the table. “This is Agent (Y/N) (L/N).”
You gave a shy wave to the group in front of you, but your smile was bright enough to light up the entire room. “Hi.”
“She’s coming to us from Organized Crime. I trust that you’ll all welcome her to the team.”
“Honestly, I’m just happy to be given a chance to work with all of you. It’s been my dream to work at the BAU for years.”
“We’ll have time to get to know Agent (L/N) better on the plane. But for now, we have a case,” Hotch said. “JJ?”
“So,” Derek said, taking a seat next to you on the jet. “What was Organized Crime like?”
“Honestly? Boring as all hell. It was mostly stopping money laundering and drug cartels,” you said. “Not as glamorous as Goodfellas makes it seem. Besides, the BAU was always my end goal anyway.”
He chuckled a bit. “Yeah, I get that. We’re glad to have you on our team. ” The conversation between you and Morgan flowed easily and before you knew it, you had become like brother and sister. The rest of the team grew to love you too. Well, most of the team. 
Spencer seemed icy and cold toward you, and no one could offer a valid explanation. By all accounts, you should have gotten along. You loved Halloween just as much as Spencer did and you always had at least 3 books on your person at a time. You had a borderline unhealthy addiction to caffeine and sugar and spent more time in the office than your apartment. But for some reason, you and Spencer just seemed to constantly be at each other’s throats. 
In your defense, Reid had started it. 
For whatever reason, Reid disliked you right out the gate. He tried to be civil toward you, but something about you just bothered him. 
He originally just tried to avoid you when he could, but with the nature of the team’s dynamic, that didn’t work out well. 
Spencer found himself doing small, petty things to annoy you, like putting your favorite mug on the top shelf where you couldn’t reach it or borrowing your pens and “forgetting” to return them. Something about seeing you mildly inconvenienced and annoyed as opposed to your normally happy and bubbly self made him feel better. He knew it was fucked up of him. 
Eventually, the animosity became mutual. You and Spencer were rarely paired together on cases because Hotch couldn’t stand the constant arguing between the two of you. Mostly, Hotch tended to pair you with Derek who you began to see as a brother. 
Spencer would never admit it, but seeing you and Derek be as close as you were stirred some kind of jealousy in him. He figured it was just because he had been friends with Morgan first, that was all. 
Local cases were always extra stressful on the team. Something about unsubs being so close to home made the cases more personal. As such, tensions were running high and no one had slept in over 24 hours as the team worked to nail down a profile. 
“This doesn’t make sense,” you muttered as you looked over the crime scene photos. “The crime profiles as disorganized but the victimology and timeline profile him as organized.” 
“How you doing there, Pretty Girl?” Morgan asked, setting down a carrier of coffee cups. 
You sighed and picked up the cup with your name scrawled on it. “There’s discrepancies in our preliminary profile and I can’t…”
“Did you try comparing notes with Reid?”
“Derek, I love you, but are you insane?”
“I’m serious, (Y/N).”
“So am I. Any time I try to have any kind of civilized conversation with that man he turns it into an argument.”
Thankfully, Hotch came into the room at that point, stopping the conversation. “We have two potential leads. Morgan, you’re going with Blake to the first address. (L/N), you and Reid are going to the second.” Hotch tossed you both keys for SUVs. “Reid and Blake have the files. They’ll fill you in on the drive.”
“Yes, sir.” You grabbed your coffee from the table, along with Reid’s, and headed out to the car. When you got to the parking lot, Reid was already leaning against the car, flipping through a file folder. “Reid. Here.”
As you handed him the coffee, he said, “What, was everyone else busy?”
You rolled your eyes. “I don’t know. I’m just following Hotch’s orders.” You unlocked the car and climbed in. “Where are we going?”
“21 Rock Creek Road, Somerset. We’re interviewing Linda Walsh, the neighbor of our first victim, Savanna Curtis.”
“Great. Can you type it into the GPS?”
“Why? I can just give you the directions.”
“Because the GPS is more accurate.”
“(L/N), I have an eidetic memor-”
“Eidetic memory, I know. But you’re telling me your memory can predict traffic patterns? I don’t think so. Just use the damn GPS.”
“Fine.” Spencer typed the address in, muttering under his breath.
“Thank you. What information do we have on Walsh?”
“72 years old, she was reportedly in the house when Curtis was attacked and taken to the secondary location. Hotch wants us to interview her and see if she noticed anything that might help us with the profile.”
Soon enough, the two of you pulled up to the witness’s house. Before even getting out of the car, you felt like something was wrong. 
”Wait, Reid.” You grabbed his arm as he reached for the door handle. “Something about this doesn’t feel right.”
“What do you mean?”
“Look at the windows. All of them are dark. Not even a television glow. Something’s off.”
“I hate to say it, but you’re right.” 
You hopped out of the car and pulled your gun from your side, following Reid up the path to the house. He knocked on the front door. 
“I don’t hear anything from inside.” He knocked again. “Go around the back, see if you can get in that way.”
You nodded and walked around the house. You could hear Reid continuing to knock as you went around. As you rounded the corner, a sharp pain entered your shoulder. You yelled and turned around, but not before a blunt object hit you in the temple and your vision faded.
Spencer was panicking. You were missing, and it was his fault. He was pacing in the front yard of Walsh’s home while the team and the local authorities worked to catch up. 
“Reid, what happened?” Hotch asked. “We need everything.”
Spencer relayed every detail from the moment the two of you pulled up to the house, still pacing. “I shouldn’t have told her to go off on her own, it’s my fault-”
“Kid, breathe,” Morgan told him. “You didn’t know this would happen. What’s important now is finding her and bringing her home safe.”
The team did a thorough inspection on Mrs. Walsh’s home and learned a good deal. Mrs. Walsh wasn’t home, as was reported. However, her son, Devin, was clearly staying with her. It didn’t take the team long to figure out he was the unsub. 
When you awoke, you were in a secondary location. Your head was throbbing behind your eyes and your shoulder was in agony. Your arms were tied behind your back, but that was the only restraint to your mobility. You looked around, trying to figure out where you were. It was a large, open space, you guessed a warehouse, probably abandoned. It was dark, except for the glow of the streetlights outside and an industrial lamp in the center of the room. You didn’t have much time to assess your surroundings, though, because Walsh was waiting for you to wake up.
You knew the facts of the case. You saw the photos. He kept the women for 24 hours, torturing them until their bodies were barely recognizable. Then, he’d kill and dump them.
But you also knew your team. They were relentless. And they would save you.
“We’ve seen what he does to his victims. We’re in a race against the clock here,” Morgan argued with Hotch.
“But we still have to keep our heads and follow the law. If we don’t get a warrant, any evidence we do find goes right out the window.”
“Guys, Garcia found something,” JJ said. She put her phone on speaker. “Go ahead, Garcia.”
“So, Walsh’s dear old dad was the owner of a warehouse in the 80s. The warehouse is still in his name but has since been abandoned. And before you even ask, yes, I sent you the address.”
The SUVs pulled up to the warehouse and the team jumped out. The plan was to enter the building slow and quiet, but that changed when they heard you scream, followed by a gunshot. Then, everything went silent. Completely silent.
Everyone rushed into the building. The team was terrified of what they were about to find. What they saw, no one could have expected. 
You were lying unconscious on the floor, in a pool of blood. Also on the floor, with a bullet hole through his forehead, was Devin Walsh. Standing with a gun in her hands was 72 year old Linda Walsh, tears running down her face. 
“I had to,” she said, looking at Hotch. “He was gonna kill her.”
“We need a medic!”
The team was sitting around your hospital bed. The doctor had said you probably wouldn’t wake up for a while, but they were determined to have someone there with you when you did. 
“We should take shifts,” JJ suggested. “That way there’s always someone here and the rest of us can get some rest, too.”
“That’s a good idea. Dave and I can take the first shift,” Hotch said. “We’ll do four-hour rotations in pairs.”
They talked through who would pair up and take what rotations before Rossi shooed the rest of the team out.
Eventually, Reid and Morgan were on their “shift.” Morgan glanced over at Reid, who was staring at the same page of a book. 
“You ever gonna flip that page?”
“What if she doesn’t wake up?”
“Kid, you heard the doctor. She will.”
“But what if she doesn’t? It would be my fault. I’m the one who made her go off by herself. We were supposed to be a team and I couldn’t see past-” He cut himself off, shaking his head.
“Hey,” Morgan put his hand on Spencer’s shoulder, “it’ll be okay, Reid. I’m gonna go grab a coffee. Want one?”
“Sure.” After Morgan left, Spencer looked at you and sighed. Your body was wrapped in casts and bandages. “Hey, (L/N),” he said, reaching out and resting his hand on top of yours.
One thing you didn’t expect about being in a medically induced coma was to still hear everything going on around you. You could hear the doctors and nurses moving about your room. You could hear your teammates. You heard Hotch and Rossi talking about the paperwork they’d have to file on the case because an agent had been seriously injured. You heard the music Penelope insisted on playing, and you heard Spencer. 
“Hey, (L/N),” you heard him say. “I don’t know if you can hear me but,” he took a deep breath, “I’m sorry. Not just for this. I mean, obviously for this. I never should have split us up, I never should have sent you around the back of the house, I never should have-” he stopped himself. You could hear the tightness in his voice. Was he crying? No, Reid wouldn’t be crying over you. Would he? But he continued. “I was awful to you. I mean, I was an asshole,” he said with a dry laugh. “There’s no other word for it. I was an asshole to you and there was no excuse. I’m so sorry, (Y/N). I-”
“One cup of sugar with a splash of coffee,” Derek said, coming back into the room. 
“Thanks.” Reid took the cup in both his hands, grateful for a distraction from his guilt. 
“Any change?”
He shook his head. “None.”
Derek sighed. “You know, part of me was really hoping she’d wake up in the five minutes I was gone.” He gripped your hand that wasn’t casted up. “We miss you, Pretty Girl.”
Your coma lasted for about 3 weeks. The doctors kept you in the hospital for observation for another full week before finally letting you go home.
During your recovery, your apartment was practically a revolving door. Just about the entire team came by to check on you and keep you company, with the exception of Spencer. You couldn’t say you were too surprised. However, something about it upset you. Hell, even Hotch and Rossi took the time to stop by and check on you. 
Derek and Penelope were probably your most frequent visitors. You were honestly grateful for their visits, and for the help it brought. With your injuries, simple day-to-day tasks were more difficult for you, and Penelope and Derek were more than happy to help you out. Derek took your grocery list and all your other errands while Penelope helped around your apartment. You were even more grateful when they forced you to attend a dinner party at Rossi’s. Penelope was at your apartment, helping you pick out a dress for the event.
“I don’t know, Pen.”
“(Y/N), I’m telling you, purple is your color.”
“Yeah, but I don’t want my dress to match my bruises.”
Penelope just rolled her eyes and tossed the dress on your bed. “Do you really think I’d pick out a dress that didn’t make you look good? Let’s go, you haven’t had a proper shower in a week.”
Penelope helped you get ready for the dinner party before getting ready herself. She helped adjust the strap of your brace when your doorbell buzzed. 
“That’ll be Derek,” you said. Penelope answered the door to Derek standing outside, leaning against your doorframe. 
“Well, look at these pretty ladies. You ready to go?”
“Yeah, I need to get out of this house,” you said. “I haven’t seen anything but these walls in weeks.”
When you pulled into Rossi’s driveway, you were more than excited to see the team. The team, in turn, was excited to see you. You were smiling and laughing, more and more of your normal self. 
When Spencer saw you walk through Rossi’s front door on your crutches, a lump formed in his throat. Ever since seeing you in the hospital, he’d been wracked with guilt. It was the main reason why he hadn’t visited you like everyone else. He tried to avoid you the whole night. Thankfully, you were so happy to be with the others that you didn’t seem to notice. But Blake did. 
“Okay, what’s going on with you?” she asked Spencer, handing him a drink. 
“What are you talking about?”
“You’re avoiding everyone tonight. Why?” When Spencer stayed silent, Blake followed his line of sight. He was watching you talking with JJ. “Ah. Why don’t you go talk to her?”
“I can’t, Alex. Believe me, I’ve tried. For months. Any time I try and have just a normal goddamn conversation with her, what comes out is sarcastic and cruel. I-I don’t know why it happens.” He ran his hands over his face and groaned. 
“You’re in love with her.” Blake wasn’t saying it as a question. Seeing the panic in his eyes, she said, “Don’t worry, it’ll stay with me.”
The heavy sheets of rain outside pounded against the apartment windows. It was the kind of cold rain that seeped into your bones, despite a warm home. It was late, but Spencer was still awake, reading. He couldn’t sleep, which wasn’t unusual for him. He heard a knock on his door. Spencer set his book down on his coffee table before walking to his door. He glanced out the peephole and took a step back in shock. Spencer opened the door to see you standing there, soaked and visibly shivering, in only your pajamas. Your eyes were bloodshot and you were sniffling. 
“(L/N)? What are you-”
“I’m sorry. I know you probably don’t want me here and I don’t even know how I ended up here, I just started walking and-”
“Wait, wait, you walked here? In the torrential downpour?” When you nodded, Spencer opened his door wider. “Here, come in. You must be freezing. What happened?”
You stepped through his door and began to ramble, “I don’t know. I woke up from a nightmare and I knew I-I couldn’t stay in my apartment alone so I just started walking and somehow I ended up here and I’m sorry.” Your teeth were chattering as you continued to shiver. 
Spencer grabbed a blanket off the back of his couch and draped it around you. “No, no, it’s, um-” Spencer cleared his throat. “Do you want to talk about it? I’ve found that sometimes just saying it out loud helps.”
Once you nodded, Spencer held his hand out and led you over to his couch. You were silent for a few moments, staring out the window at the rain streaming down. 
“I was back… there,” you said when you finally started talking. “In the dark. I-I couldn’t see anything but I knew he was there. Then I felt his hands on my throat and-” You cut yourself off, shaking your head. Your whole body was shivering, but Spencer didn’t think it was from the cold anymore. 
Spencer moved to put his arm around you but stopped, dropping his arm back to his side. “I know how you feel,” he said. “After Hankle, I couldn’t handle looking at the crime scene photos because I knew what the victims were thinking right… you know… right before.”
“Do they ever stop? The nightmares?”
“I don’t know. Mine haven’t.” When he saw the defeat on your face, he added, “But it does get easier.”
You nodded, still staring out at the pouring rain. You cleared your throat. “Well, uh, I’ll, um, I’ll call a taxi and get out of your hair.”
“You don’t- uh, you can stay, um, if-if you want,” Spencer said. 
“Reid, I don’t want to impose-”
“You wouldn’t be!” Spencer assured you. “I could use the company, actually. I’ve been trying to find someone to watch Stardust with me. Penelope says I need to watch more pop culture and I know you’re a fan of Neil Gaiman.” He gave you a soft smile. “Please, (Y/N), stay. I promise, you’re not imposing.”
When he saw your face crack into a small smile, he felt a swarm of butterflies rise in his stomach. “Okay,” you said. 
About halfway through the movie, Spencer felt you slump against his shoulder. Before he knew it, you were fast asleep. He was frozen there, not wanting to disturb you. He knew how rough the past few months had been, and it was obvious to everyone you weren’t sleeping. Maybe it was the guilt, maybe it was more, but Spencer felt like it was now his responsibility to take care of you, if you would let him.
The whole team noticed the shift between you and Reid. Where you would previously stay as far from each other as possible, you were now actively seeking each other out. You chose to sit next to each other in the briefing room and on the jet, something you had never done before. On the trips back from cases, you would rest your head on Reid’s shoulder and sleep while he read a book. But, no one said anything about any of it. No one wanted to burst whatever weird bubble was surrounding the BAU team. 
That was, until Blake, Derek, and JJ spotted you knocking on Spencer’s motel door one night during a case. The two were sitting up in the lounge going over the case files yet again when they spotted you, in your pajamas, sneaking out of your own room. 
After watching you slip into Spencer’s room, JJ said, “You don’t think they’re…”
“Reid and (L/N)? No, there’s no way. They can’t stand each other.”
“Well, they do say there’s a thin line between love and hate,” Alex noted, turning the page in her book. 
“I don’t know about you two, but I need to know what’s going on,” Derek said, getting up from the couch. 
“I’m coming with you!”
“Guys, I really don’t think that’s a good idea,” Alex warned. “Just talk to them about it in the morning.”
“Do you know something, Alex?” JJ asked. 
“Even if I did know something, it wouldn’t be my place to tell you.”
The next morning, you felt eyes on you as you drank your coffee. You looked up from the case file to see Derek staring at you. 
“Were you going to tell me about you and Reid or…”
“What are you talking about? Me and Reid?”
“(Y/N), come on. You two are practically attached at the hip when just two weeks ago you couldn’t fucking stand each other.”
You shrugged. “We worked out our differences, I don’t know what to tell you.”
“Alright, what about you sneaking off to his room last night?”
Your face paled. “It’s not what it looked like.”
“Care to explain then?”
You sighed, looking around to make sure it was just you and Morgan. “You know I haven’t been sleeping since, well, everything.” Derek nodded. “Well, a few nights ago I ended up at Reid’s apartment in a panic. It was pouring out so he let me just stay and I slept better than I had in years. And, you know, he’s not too bad to hang out with either,” your face flushed with your last statement. 
“You’re not too bad to hang out with either.”
You jumped, turning around to see Spencer in the doorway with cups of (good) coffee in his arms.
“Spencer, when did-”
He handed you a frappuccino. “Just now. I take it you weren’t as sneaky as you thought?”
“Shut up,” you whined, nudging him with your arm as you stuck a straw in your drink. Spencer just laughed and took a seat next to you.
“So, you’re just, like, friends now?”
You and Spencer looked at each other, seemingly having a conversation without speaking.
“I mean, I’d say we’re a bit more than just friends,” you admitted, smiling at Spencer. He kissed the top of your head. 
“Damn, I owe JJ 10 bucks,” Derek muttered before saying, “But seriously, I’m happy for you two. It’s about time you realized you were perfect for each other.”
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venuszn · 6 months
☆ : The Sun & Moon
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Summary / Reader is hurting from the breakup between her and Bada.
Cw / Heavy angst, Avoidant and Anxious dynamic, Situationship, Emotional codependency, Bada is emotionally unavailable and is also hurting.
Authors note / I totally did not write this in one sitting to vent out the emotions I am feeling nope did not do that at all. Lol anyways I might be in my angst era this one was easy to write (it was therapy). Also, if you got the moon reference at the very end then yay. As usual you can always request and lmk what you think ! 💗
Wc / 1.3K words
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Nobody prepared you for this. You did not prepare for this.
Of course, you have been here before. The situation, not being one of unfamiliarity, but you had hoped it would have evaded you for years to come or perhaps even forever. But yet, you find yourself at the very place you dread. The bottomless pit of the feeling named abandonment. You were truly and utterly alone.
How does one mourn the loss of a person still breathing ? Of a person still of flesh and blood. How does one attempt to manoeuvre this emotion and steer themselves onwards and upwards, out of the coldness of the darkness. Nobody prepared you for this.
You drag your feet out of bed, body heavy and thoughts accompanying. Bada should be beside you, but she is not. You look to the bed and you can almost see her laying there, fringe messily draped over her forehead as she would hold you from behind; her soft fingers gently tracing your skin as the both of you would lay there intertwined in body and heart. She always slept on the right and you on the left - that was how things were supposed to be. Now you wake up to nothing but the faint ghosts of what could have been.
You still sleep on the left.
As you gaze into the dirty mirror, a person you cannot recognise lazily gazes back. Her eyes empty but weeping with emotion. But no tears. Your eyes flicker to the toothbrush holder - yours stands in lonesome.
The irony if it all doesn't escape you - how does a person afraid of abandonment initiate the abandoning ? A person who is tired and at their breaking point.
You had always believed that Bada was the one. Nobody had ever made you feel the way she did. Nobody had understood you the way she did and with her you felt an unwavering sense of home - if she was the moon you were the sun.
But perhaps there’s a reason why the sun and the moon are long lost lovers, the beauty of their differences being the harmony that keeps them in balance, but forever doomed to chase the other to the ends of the earth.
You would have chased Bada to the ends of the earth. But would she have done the same for you ?
Despite how many times Bada tried to provide the reassurance you sought, insecurity remained at the back of your mind. You tried your hardest to be the sun for Bada. You saw how she was struggling, how there were times where she couldn't be emotionally present for you but you still shone your rays over her. Overshadowing your own troubles you gave her all of your light, hoping that she would soon start glowing.
But she didn’t.
The mourning had already begun.
As the days passed you felt Bada pulling further away. Your biggest fear. The moon can’t pull away from the sun, what would happen to the existing balance and harmony that they shared ?
“I’m sorry. I can’t give you a relationship right now. I’ve told you this.”
“I know.” You say as you sit on the bed, head down and playing with your fingers.
“So what should we do ?”
“I don’t know . . .” Bada never knew.
“I need you to make a decision, Bada. I’m here right now because I care about you a whole fucking lot. Probably a lot more than you care about me. How many times do we have this conversation a month ? You say you can’t give me a relationship and I say ‘It’s fine’ and I stay because you want me to stay and I want to stay. I don’t want to leave you.” You choke out, swallowing the lump rising in your throat.
Bada sighs and runs her long fingers through her hair in defeat. “And I don’t want to leave you either. But I also know that I'm not ready to give you a proper relationship. I want to treat you like you deserve to be treated. I want to do all of that and more for you but I just can’t - not right now.”
“So when ?”
“I don’t have the answer to that.”
“But you want me to stay ?”
“It’ll hurt like a bitch if you leave.”
“Then I'll stay.”
It was a vicious cycle. You and Bada were heavily dependent on the other - truly the sun and the moon.
A period of time passed where the both of you deluded yourselves into pretending that everything was fine - that you were not both teetering on the edge of gravity. A relationship but lacking the security. It was nothing but a ticking time bomb ready to implode.
Gentle touches and hushed sounds. Innocent kisses and those filled with longing. You both continued the facade - ignoring the faint ticking sound of the inevitable in the background.
Bada would lean down and eagerly kiss you - when asked.
She would wrap her arms around you, engulfing you in her comfortable embrace and give tender kisses to your forehead - when asked.
“Bada, why don't you kiss me first ?” You had asked one day, feeling the insecurity creep up once more.
“Oh, I’m not used to initiating affection. It’s not something I've done in the past but please don’t think I don’t want to kiss or touch you. I do - that's why I always do it when you ask.”
“Oh, alright.”
You knew Bada, you knew she would never intentionally cause you pain. You understood her behaviour and tried your hardest to accommodate your differing personalities. You truly cared for her and so you stayed and stayed everytime.
But just as all things began they must also come to an end.
What will happen once the sun stops shining ? How many aeons will it take till it finally gives up - till the fuel runs dry and it begins to die.
“Bada, if you don’t want to do this anymore we don’t have to . . .”
Bada had pulled further away that week and you were at a loss. You were exhausted.
“It’s not that. It’s not about you specifically. I’m just not okay right now, you know this. There’s a lot going on and I don't know when I'll be ok . . . This isn’t fair to you, I know.”
“I think we should end this.”
Your eyes don’t leave Bada’s face as you read her expression - nothing.
Maybe you had both come to terms with it.
“I’m sorry. I tried to be happy for you and tried to pretend that everything was okay - that we were okay.”
“We haven’t been okay for a while now. And I wasn’t happy either. But it's fine. One of us had to make the difficult decision that we had been avoiding so at least now it’s been made. I hope you can be happier now, Bada.”
“I didn’t want to disappoint you . . . I don’t know what else to say right now.”
“That's okay. You don't have to say anything more, I'll be going now.”
You had taken a few of your things from her place and left through the door, unsure of if you ever wanted to return to collect the rest of your belongings. Your heart had never ached like it did in that moment.
You were no longer the sun.
The reflection gazing back at you was not one of brightness and warmth. You were barren of warmth and light as you wondered if you should have confessed to the moon and complemented its beauty.
The words, accompanied with the rise of tears, fall from your lips and into the deadness of the air.
“The moon is beautiful, isn't it ?”
Tag list / @princhii , @lil-elliesgf , @wiselight @nimixe ! [OPEN]
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On a more serious note, now that I’m halfway into Farscape season 1, I can’t help but think about Peter Quill/Star-Lord from “Guardians of the Galaxy” being a lesser John Crichton. Because, as I’ve written before, James Gunn was so obviously inspired by Farscape:
1) John and Peter are the good ole American protagonists who were taken to deep space against their will. They connect with people through pop culture references and their good heart.
2) Aeryn Sun and Gamora are the stone cold warriors who used to fight for the bad guys but are now on the side of good. They also have a romance with John/Peter.
3) Ka D’Argo and Drax are the proud warriors who are seeking to redeem themselves. They also are so stiff that references and simple sayings go over their heads.
4) Rygel is sorta kinda like Rocket Raccoon in that they’re the scheming loudmouths who look out for themselves.
5) Pilot and Groot fulfill the role of the lovable support character who helps everyone in the crew.
6) Zotoh Zhaan doesn’t have a perfect GOTG counterpart, but I really do feel that James Gunn split her traits between Nebula (who got the rage and tragic backstory) and Mantis (who got the mind powers).
Anyways, back to the main point. While Peter Quill does come off as a John clone, I think the way John’s arc was handled was superior to the way Peter was written. I think the main reason is that I can see why John would be his crew’s leader (or, at least, the crewmate keeping everything together) while Peter feels like he’s the leader because the plot says he should be.
John starts off as the goofball who can’t do anything right. No one trusts him and they think of him as the idiot who they just keep around. But as season 1 goes on, you can tell that he’s the glue who’s keeping the crew together. He’s the crewmate who got everyone to open up, especially Aeryn (who was trained to be cold and emotionless) and D’Argo (who distrusts everyone because of his traumatic past). He’s like that one friend who you feel like you can talk to about anything, especially since everyone else in the crew is dealing with their own problems.
So when we get to the episode where John is ready to leave, it makes sense that everyone feels hesitant to see him go. Aeryn is starting to fall for him, he was one of the few people who D’Argo would consider a friend, he helped Zhaan through some of her toughest times, and he generally got along with Rygel.
As for Peter Quill, I’m not saying he was badly written. It’s just him being treated as the team’s leader is not as believable. It’s like, imagine if John Crichton was written to be as emotionally closed off and standoffish as everyone else in the crew. While this does make Peter stand out as his own character separate from John, it also makes you wonder why Quill was written as the team’s leader. I’m sure that’s why it was a recurring gag that Quill was always struggling to be seen as the leader, whether it was from Rocket or Thor. The writers knew that wasn’t 100% believable, so they wrote it into the story.
I don’t get that with John. He might be the resident goofball, but he’s also why the crew hasn’t fallen apart.
TL;DR Peter Quill/Star-Lord was obviously modeled after John Crichton. But the MCU character who feels more in line with John as a character is Clint Barton/Hawkeye.
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xxmaxwellxx · 2 months
Hello! Me again! I’ve finished writing another story. Again, any constructive criticism and feedback is appreciated! I’m also thinking of making another part to both the stalker story and this one. If anyone is interested in something like that please comment, dm me or send a request! As always sorry for any errors, I’m slightly dyslexic and if I missed anything in the warnings please tell me so I can fix it! (Also if anyone has any requests please don’t hesitate to send one in! I’m trying to grow my account and be better at writing so requests are very helpful!)
Tw: merman, general Yandere behavior (body horror? No gore just a very unique merman)
Gn reader (referred to with they/them pronouns!)
The seagulls screeching above are oddly comforting. Over my time as a researcher, I've learned that if the seagulls aren’t flying overhead, a storm is near. And luckily for me, the seagulls are in the sky and very vocal. I grab a shrimp from my dads cooler and throw it up towards the birds, watching one swoop down and grab it before joining the others. I always admired how intelligent they were, following boats in the hopes of getting food. I reach back into the cooler for another shrimp before my dad yells at me, “Hey!” I whip around at his voice, “Don't waste all our bait on some gulls! If you keep feeding them, they're going to swoop down and eat all our shrimp!” I giggle at his words. He's always lectured me about feeding the birds. The boat slows to a stop and my dad leaves the wheelhouse and lowers the anchor as I take my sweater off and put my flippers on. I wore my favorite sweater over my wetsuit, the wind out at sea surprisingly cold.
My dad sets up his fishing rod at the edge of the boat and I go to the other side to avoid his fishing line. He always fishes when I go diving, not to eat but to keep himself entertained while I'm gone. He never keeps the fish, just writing down the type of fish, how big and how old he thinks it is before throwing it back. He has multiple notebooks he keeps on his boat from years back when mom would go diving. She was always my role model, she was the reason I got my degree in marine biology and my scuba permit. She was the reason behind gaining a passion for fish, the reason my room was filled to the brim with marine animal stuffed animals. She had to stop diving, when I was young she got sick, and it was too dangerous for her, but that's why I'm here. I'm going to continue her studies for her, so she can still see the ocean she loved so much from her bed.
Putting my goggles and mouthpiece on, I excitedly roll off the deck and into the water. Right below me is a magnificent coral reef filled to the brim with color. Hustling and bustling with fish of all colors of the rainbow. Clown fish in the anemones, iridescent parrot fish, yellow butterfly fish, stripped Angelfish, a few yellow finned Damselfish, Surgeonfish and small Goby all swimming in and out, over and under the coral. I take out my camera and snap a few photos, not just for mom, but also for the other researchers back at the lab. They sent me out with a few videography robots to study the effects global warming has had on the reefs, but I don't think they'd mind if I snuck a few to my mom. I drift further and further away from my dads boat, distracted by taking photos.
A few photos of the vibrant parrot fish, a few of clown fish seeking residence in sea anemones, a few of the small goby fish and a lot of the vibrant coral. I keep wandering further, always keeping the boat in view when something catches my eye. A hole. A large hole. No, not a hole, a sea cave. I peer inside and see dots of color. I wouldn't hurt to venture in, would it? For science, I tell myself, for research and the betterment of knowledge, I tell myself, but I know I'm just too curious for my own good. Upon my entrance I see various seaweed, algae and sea sponge species. The further I go, the less light. The less light, the more things produce their own. I see a few small fish and algae glow but something big catches my eye, something really big, too big, and oh so colorful. Swirls of orange and blue and too humanoid to be a fish, but too fish to be human. It has what looks like hair, long and glowing blue on one side and orange on the other, with many streaks of the opposite color mixed in. a long tail with swirls of the same colors, and it goes up it's body onto what looks like a torso and arms. It has arms? Why would a fish have arms? Cave dweller or not, fish are not supposed to have arms.
I quickly pull out my camera, I have to document this. What I didn't account for was the automated flash, it has a light sensor and if it's too dark, the flash turns on. Suddenly the cave is lit up with light from my camera. I panic and fiddle with my camera, trying desperately to turn off the automated flash, but my efforts are in vain. A clawed hand grabs the lens, and I turn my attention to the creature in front of me. A wave of fear washes over me as I look up to a humanoid face, my heart rate picks up as I notice the scowl he wears. I start to hyperventilate as he leans in closer and reaches a hand out towards my face. A clawed hand coming towards my face. He's going to hurt me, isn't he? My fight or flight kicks in and in my panic I choose fight.
I quickly raise my legs and kick him in the stomach, making him curl into himself and let go of my camera and propelling me away from him. While he's distracted, I grab my falling camera and rush out of the cave and towards the boat. I didn't notice how late it's gotten, the sun setting over the horizon as I pull my self out of the water and onto the ledge. I quickly dislodge my mouthpiece and throw my goggles further onto the boat, trying to regulate my breathing once again. What was that? Human? Fish? Some kind of sick hybrid? Should I tell dad? Tell the team? Did I even get a clear picture of that thing? If news gets out, what will the press say? What will the scientists do? If it has the conscience of a human, it will be cruel to report on it. What if someone hurts them? Kills them? What do I even do?
My thoughts are broken by my dads voice, “Everything alright?” he always asks that after I come up, but he sounds worried this time. “Yeah… Yeah, I'm fine.” I'm lying through my teeth, I know it, and I'm pretty sure he knows with the look he gives me “Well, if you're sure. I made dinner while you were gone. It's on the table whenever you're ready.” he tips his hat and walks away, presumably to go eat the aforementioned dinner. I sigh and take off my oxygen tank, hanging it with the others before going below deck to take a shower.
My dad snores in his bed as I eat the dinner he made. Vegetable dumplings with a side of soy sauce and ramen. Simple, easy to make and oh so good. He always made the best food. I'm scrolling through my camera roll as I eat, checking if my team can use any of the photos I took when it pops up. I almost drop my dumpling when I see it. The creature on my camera roll, slightly blurry but still visible with glowing eyes. I want to throw up. He's objectively beautiful, but he's earth shaking. Merfolk aren't real, they're evolutionary impossible, and yet here he is. I suddenly don't have an appetite anymore, it's too much to handle. I put my food in the fridge and lay in my bed. What am I going to tell my team? What am I going to tell dad? That despite every odd on the planet, merfolk are real, and I had an encounter with one? They're going to think I'm crazy, right? What about the picture? Would that really be enough proof for them? Would they accuse me of editing the picture? What possible excuse could I come up with to explain it? If they do believe me, I don't want them to hurt him. Would it just be best to delete it? Export the photo off the camera and keep it for myself? These thoughts keep me up well past my bedtime.
Something is off. I feel like I'm being watched. I turn my gaze from the ceiling to the glass floor. It's him. The thing from the cave. It smiles, reveling razor sharp teeth. What have I gotten myself into?
They're mine. It was set in stone when we met.
When I heard of the cave shells, I knew I had to check it out. Supposedly there were shells that glow in the dark and I just had to get my hands on one. Avoiding the moray and brushing aside small lantern fish, I make my way deep into the cave. I've been there for a solid hour, going from tunnel searching the sand. I was getting frustrated. Where are those shells?! A flash catches my attention. Whipping around, I see a human. They look exactly like the rumors. Humans are real? And what's that box in their hand? What was that light? Was it a mating signal? Do they like me? I swim over to investigate the box, laying my hand on it, the thought crosses my mind. This was probably a mating gift! Immediately after I realize what it is, they kick me and swim off with the box. Humans must be a species that want to be chased before they mate!
I quickly swim after them when they go up above the water onto a strange piece of metal. That must be their home! My suspicions are proven correct when I see them sitting in a strange object and eating. Merfolk only eat in their homes, so it must be the same for humans. They crawl onto something squishy and cover themselves with something.
I dare to get closer to them, my face bonks against something clear, this must be the glass the other merfolk were talking about. I place my hands upon the glass, watching my mate. Eventually they look down at me, my friend Erin told me humans like when you smile, that smiling was a show of friendliness to humans.
Rest assured, little human, the next time you're in water you will be mine. Our mandarin babies will be so cute!~
(Merman is based off a mandarin fish, look them up! Very unique fish!)
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devourable · 1 year
So, I love all of your OCs so far! I’ve been wondering: how would the yanderes feel about a darling with a young kid? (To make it simple, other parent isn’t in the picture, aside from maybe sending money.) Please, thank you, and have good day!
i decided to answer this for all of my yandere ocs bc im a sucker for found family/single parent tropes 🫶 cw! spoilers for future ocs + mentions of child neglect
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🚼 the yanderes x single parent darling
⛪️ | abraham would be a bit surprised, to say the least. but he comes from a community where people get married and have kids the moment they’re out of high school (if not the moment they become adults) so while he would be sort of caught off guard, he’d adapt pretty quickly. he’d definitely fantasize about becoming a little family unit, probably even subtly propose the idea of expanding every so often. he wouldn’t exactly love your child — at least, definitely not the way he loves you — but you wouldn’t be able to tell with how well he treats them.
🚬 | the delinquents would be more like four older brothers more than anything. theyre all a bit too young to take on a proper parental role, nor would any of them have a real desire to, but they’d definitely have fun sharing their singular shared braincell with your kid. your child would probably grow up to be a massive little troublemaker thanks to their influence, but that’s why you love them, right? if the other parent is still involved one way or another though, they’d immediately put a stop to that. no reason to be involved with your ex now that they’re in the picture.
🌲 | mykolas would be curious of your child. he’s never seen such a young human up close before (considering he was always accused of eating them) so having a chance to actually be around one would be a new experience for him. he’d quickly start to refer to your child as his own, calling them his cub more than their name and carry them around on his shoulders or head whenever they go out together. it wouldn’t be uncommon to see him protectively curled up around them while they’re taking a nap.
🪸 | similarly to mykolas, the mermaids would be sort of curious about your child, though arguably less so as they have seen human children before. they have a very vague understanding of how to care for your child and would constantly search the sea for things that could come in handy for caring for them — you can expect to have a constant supply of eroded toys and suspiciously good quality clothes for them. they’d also try to teach them things that they’d teach the fry of their pods, though obviously they can only do so much teaching something that isn’t meant to live in the sea lol.
💪 | valentina grew up as a parentified older sibling, so while she wouldn’t particularly enthused about taking the role again so soon after getting out of it, she’d be capable of adapting to the role. she knows how to take care of a child and would ensure your kid’s cared for when they’re being watched by her, but she probably wouldn’t be able to establish much of an emotional connection to them without making an active effort to. but she does love children, so she’d learn to love yours too.
👑 | althea would hate your child. plain and simple. she’d view them as the living embodiment of you not keeping your promise to her, of you giving your love to someone else before she had the chance to have you to herself. while she’d never overtly mistreat your child, she’d be incredibly cold toward them and try to find reasons to avoid interacting with them. they’d be spoiled relentlessly with the hopes that if she gave them everything they’d need to live, neither you or her would have to deal with them.
🥩 | rhodes wouldn’t think much of your kid for the most part, but they’d express a gentle fondness for them the few times they do meet them. they’d affectionately greet them, offer them a treat, and hold a little conversation with them to keep them busy for a bit while you run errands or eat or whatever you need to do. they’re kind of awkward with children given they have nothing in common with them and have little experience with them, but surprisingly they’re a natural with yours.
🫀 | melchior has no interest in human kids. therefore they wouldn’t care much for yours, seeing your child more like a pet or something along those lines rather than a sapient being. their treatment of them would reflect that; they wouldn’t be necessarily mean or anything, but they’d be a bit patronizing and talk at them more than they’d talk to them. it isn’t out of malice, they’d genuinely think that that’s how you interact with children and any attempts to correct them would be met with confusion and frowns.
🕷️ | the alt kids would be wonderful parents to your kid. they’d more or less be sort of a mix of abe and the delinquents, but with the added bonus that they’d care deeply for your child as they’d see them as an extension of you rather than a mix of you with someone else. they’d come up with a system to help your child have a good upbringing and stick with it — faust would take up helping them study, anton would teach them manners and etiquette, and delta would help them with their social life. they’re so good for you and your child, see? they live for the idea that them treating your child well and loving them will make you love them all more in turn.
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myaswriting · 1 year
oh baby !
dad!trevor zegras x black!fem!reader
friends to lovers to parents
warnings: swearing, kissing, baby, talk of birth, pregnancy, young pregnancy. young parents, traditional parents (of reader), references to smut no actual smut
author’s note: hello everyone. i’m so sorry i’ve been so inactive i had emergency surgery last week so i’ve been dealing with recovery as well as the days leading up to it i was very sick. but!! here is some dad trevor to brighten the day!! i hope you guys enjoy.
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trevor was always a goofball. he never took anything serious. this became a problem as he got older. he knew when he was very talkative and liked to crack jokes. he was amazing at it after all. he knew he could get out of anything by simply just, talking or telling a few one liners to save the day.
you not so much. you were dramatic, sue me. you worried about everything. it was in your nature. trevor was never careful. he was never aware of how serious things can get. you solved problems with reason and strategy. you never had a reason to not stress.
trevor was your best friend. the only man you’ll ever let that close to you. you were childhood friends who did everything together. of course you had your girl friends that you loved dearly, but trevor was your soulmate.
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september 2019 - Boston University
you loved rainy days. you would spend all day watching movies or even reading. rainy days made you feel zen, at peace.
today was not one of those days.
you sat on the cold tile floor, makeup smeared, and tears lining the brim of your eyes. you couldn’t breathe. this couldn’t be happening.
it was one time. one fucking time.
you shakily lift the third pregnancy test you’ve taken today.
= pregnant
“fuck, this can’t be real,” you sob holding the stick close to you. you shake breathing in trying to hold your sobs in.
it was nearly twelve in the morning and you had class early. you really hope you don’t wake up your roommate but you really can’t stop sobbing. you have only been here for 3 weeks and you already fucked up. you parents were going to kill you. there was no doubt about it. the worst part of this all was the fact that you had to tell trevor.
oh trevor…
you slowly stand up from the floor and set the stick down. you open the bathroom door to see your roommate kayla staring ar you with worry in her tired eyes.
“hey babe what’s going on,” she quietly asks with a hoarse voice from sleeping.
you sniffle before hugging her. “i’m pregnant,” you sob breaking down once again. she gasps and pulls you back.
“y/n, what?” she looks up with wide eyes. you bite your lip nervously handing her the pregnancy test. she looks down at it and sucks in a breath. “it’s trevor’s?” she questions.
you had told her about your little sex adventures with your hometown best friend, not even thinking about the consequences of having raw sex. raw sex with your best friend. raw sex with someone you’re going to lose… your heart breaks at the idea of telling trevor. you don’t even want to tell anyone. you felt trapped and scared.
“he’s.going. to hate me,” you sob in broken sentences. the pounding in your head gets louder the more you cry.
kayla grabs your hands and holds them tightly. she looks into your eyes and tells you a story about her mom. you knew from over the summer and talking to her that her mother was 17 when she had her first child. things weren’t easy but she did it.
“you are so strong, trevor is a good guy,” she smiles softly holding your jaw lovingly. “he’s still your best friend, just talk to him,”
little did she know that the friend ship sailed away months ago after you started hooking up.
can we meet for lunch?
trev <3
yeah ofc meet me at frankie’s?
yeah 11:45 don’t be late
trev <;3
yes ma’am 🫡
you chew your nails waiting for trevor at the cafe near campus. you look out the window and see trevor walking towards the building. he was dressed in sweats and a hoodie. god he looked so good.
trevor makes his way inside and looks for you. he smiles when he sees you sitting there. you try to cover up the fact that you’re nervous as fuck. he makes it to the table and sits down across from you smiling.
“hey cutie,” he says fixing his beanie.
“hi,” you say quickly avoiding eye contact with him.
he frowns looking at you with confusion. you were never this quiet. sure you were not as loud as trevor. no one was. but you were chatty around people who made you happy. this was odd. this wasn’t you.
“y/n what’s wrong,” he frowns deeper heart beating out of his chest. were you mad at him? was he in trouble?
you sigh feeling the tears starting to well in your eyes. you shakily breathe in and out before looking him in the eyes. “i’m going to tell you something z, you have to promise you won’t get mad,” you say holding back tears.
“yeah, yeah. of course. what’s going on?”
trevor feels sick. what could she possibly have to say. the first thing he thinks of is that you have a boyfriend and you have to stop fucking. that thought quickly brought a sour taste to his mouth. he felt a huge tang of jealousy hit his chest. no other man should have their hands on you. you were his.
you slowly lift up your purse pulling out the three tests setting them on the table. he sucks in a breath, eyes wide looking at the blue and white device on the table.
“are these…” he whispers lifting one up to make sure he wasn’t dreaming. you bite the inside of your cheek nervous.
“yeah, they’re m-mine,” you whisper holding back sobs.
he feels his heart swell up with something. happiness? pride? love? he couldn’t pin point it. this was news that he never thought he’d hear, but he wasn’t one bit mad about it.
“please say something,”
“baby this.. this is crazy,” he smiles looking at you.
“what..?” you breathe a shaky teary laugh.
trevor gets up and moves into the booth with you. he grabs you and pulls you into him kissing your head a million times.
“we can do this. no, we will do this.”
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april 2020
you make your way through the halls of yours and trevor’s shared apartment. waddling your way through the days. as covid 19 was taking the world by storm you and trevor have had nothing but one on one time. talking, singing, rapping, reading, you name it. anything to your belly. after 3 months into your pregnancy trevor took you out on a real date and asked you to be his official girlfriend.
your parents were not thrilled with the news. they called you all kinds of names and made you feel extremely small and stupid. they told you that if you dropped out of school they’d disown you. they even went on to say that they don’t know if they can be in your life if you choose to keep the baby and not give it up for adoption. you have cried and cried about your parents not being excepting. you worried day and night about them. heart broken at the fact they didn’t want anything to do with you.
julie and gary have been nothing but loving and supportive. they were scared at first. worried how this would affect trevor’s future. but after getting drafted they no longer worried. they knew their son could take care of you. he was a good man, he takes care of his siblings in ways that made you feel safe knowing he was going to be the father of your child.
your pregnancy was fairly easy you had little trouble. you dealt with little morning sickness and even went to the gym with trevor as often as you could.
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july 21, 2020, dylan mae zegras arrives.
8lbs 3oz, 23 inches long. a perfect baby girl. she came quick and dramaticly.
you were watching tv in the living room waiting for trevor to get home. you were slowly packing things up for the big move to anaheim. you felt wettness pool in your pants. you groan thinking it was probably sweat from being 9 months pregnant and sitting with a heated blanket. you stand up slowly feeling a contraction hit you like a truck.
“no, no, no,” you cry holding your belly. “this can’t be happening,” you cry out walking towards the kitchen. you unlock your phone and call trevor. he was at weight training and wouldn’t be home for another hour.
“hello,” you hear him on the other line. just as you were about to speak another contraction hits, harder. “baby are you okay?”
you whimper out a “it’s happening,”
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dokidokitsuna · 3 months
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Fantasy Seal- Incident Resolvers
-I decided to go with the throwing needles as Reimu’s (first) phantom weapon. I’ve just always liked them; they feel like such a unique part of her arsenal, and it makes sense for her to start with a weapon similar to Sakuya’s knives, since he’s the first person she learns from.
-I love it when an anime cast has a variety of school uniforms; it’s such an underrated design choice. ^^ And in this case, it gives me a chance to put the characters in designs with more obvious references to the canon.
-Sakuya’s younger brothers are possessed by a mysterious pair of vampires, who also seem to be siblings in Gensokyo. Most of their ‘incidents’ are fairly harmless pranks involving weather phenomena, doppelgangers, and destruction of private property.
-Remi is the older twin, with a cold and calculating personality. Of the two, he is much more purposeful about embarrassing Sakuya and making their incidents an inconvenience to him specifically.
-Flandre is the younger twin, who is moody and sharp-tongued, but quiet most of the time. He’s a bit of a pushover, and tends to go along with what either of his older brothers tell him to do…unless he gets angry, at which point he becomes very difficult to reason with.
-Sakuya has a bit of an unfortunate dynamic with his brothers (which I’ve definitely only thought about a normal amount): basically, he spoiled them with constant attention for far too long, and now that he’s getting older and doesn’t have that kind of time anymore, they resent him and try to get back at him for “ignoring” them…a development that happened to neatly coincide with the discovery of their powers. The end result is a trio of characters who love each other deeply but simultaneously make each others’ lives hell…so, just a normal sibling rivalry, pretty much. ^^
-Is this actually ‘Sanae’ (as in, not just the name of this representation of the character, but the actual same character with the same backstory)....??? I’m still a little undecided, but I’m leaning towards ‘yes’. ^^ I just think she fits well into this AU the way she is, as someone who’s canonically a human descendant of a god– only in this case, since Gensokyo isn’t a place she can move to, she instead becomes a bridge between the ‘fantasy phase’ and ‘material phase’, who can mediate between the two layers of reality and teach others to do the same.
-Plus, she’s older now! I love aging up characters!! :D Cool old ladies for the win!!!
-Meanwhile, a real incident is brewing at the local university…
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lightlycareless · 5 months
What would say would be the easiest and fastest way to fluster Naoya? I was reading your work on the one with having an s/o who’s to shy to ask for anything(it was something along those lines but I’m sure you know what I’m talking about :D) and he was such a tease so I’m curious to how Y/N could get her revenge lol
For anyone wondering btw, this is the ask anon was referring to ❤️
Aww this was kinda cute ngl but it also got me thinking, how do you even get back to someone as Naoya??? that man is like, idk, prank proof and such? Like I feel you'd need to go to extremes in order to really hit him where it hurts, but even then...
Luckily, there is one way :> and it's all detailed right below hehe.
Warnings: none. it's fluff. Naoya is slightly miserable, good. shouldn't mess with his wife that much.
Happy reading!
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So, first things first, do not try to out-tease him.
You will not win against Naoya, because no matter how much you try, or the lengths you go to fluster him back, you’re quickly reminded that he excels in just about anything he puts his mind to…
Thus, the best way for you to get your revenge, and perhaps the only that works, is to simply…
Ignore him.
Don’t see him, don’t talk to him, don’t engage with him—nothing. You are to be ice cold with everything that pertains to him, and soon, you begin to see how easy it is to make him regret his decisions. (a bit)
It starts quite simply: by not giving him his usual good morning kiss.
Naoya immediately notices there’s something amiss, and when he eventually finds out what it is, he doesn’t say anything, hoping to see if you notice it too…  
Until he becomes desperate and takes the initiative.
He initially thought you had simply forgotten, an innocent accident; but when you don’t respond to his “good morning”, even going as far glance away when he tries to kiss you, Naoya immediately knows it was intentional.
Your husband is going to be in a terrible mood from that point forward, evident by the way murmurs sprouted amongst the staff of his highly irritable (yet gloomy) attitude—yet, this does not sway him from trying to get your attention.
“Well, guess I won’t be buying your favorite sweets if you’re going to keep avoiding me.” Is one of the many ways he tries to coerce you into speaking to him. Surprisingly, it doesn’t work. However, he is not out of ideas just yet.
“You know what? I’ve been wanting to go to this amusement park now that I have a few days off… but I don’t know, I still have to think about it. See who I’ll take with me and all that…” He’d say, his ace up his sleeve, while discreetly looking over to you as to catch your reaction, since he knows you’ve been dying to travel for months now.
Yet, nothing. Not even batting an eye, going on with whatever activity you were doing at the moment instead of acknowledging him.
And that’s when he knows it’s something serious.
“Y/N, talk to me.” He’d finally insist after a long, silent, but heavily uncomfortable dinner.
“Why are you upset now?” Naoya asks.
“Is that’s how it’s going to be? You’re not going to talk to me anymore?”
“…Can I at least know why?”
That would be the only instance you’d react, with a look on your face that lets him know there is a reason for your behavior, but most importantly, that he should know about it. But you continue to refuse to tell him, extending what he considered to be his punishment, even after he tried to force you to do so.
“Stop avoiding me!” Naoya says, grabbing your face and forcing you to see him—he thinks this way you won’t be able to do anything else but talk to him, and yet, your eyes are literally anywhere else but on him. “Seriously?!
And you were determined to remain oblivious of him…
Until Naoya begins to tease you yet again, by using his fingers to purse your lips up to a smile.
“Aw, don’t be like that, Y/N—give me that cute smile you always do.” He chuckles, hoping to ease this situation, with the same technique he’d used in the past. “See? Just like that, come on now, I know you want to laugh too—”
But you weren’t having any of it, not when he still took you as a joke, swiftly freeing your face from his hands and taking a step away from him, all with a frown that makes his heart sink to his stomach.
“Stop making fun of me!” you cry. “Seriously, that’s all you ever do…”
“That’s not true!” he immediately responds, attempting to defend himself. “I’m nothing but nice with you!”
Nothing of what you wanted to hear. So, after realizing he has yet to give you want you need, you decided to leave him alone, yet again, to either cool down or hope he’ll get the memo by this point, much to his remorseful solitude.
Naoya wouldn’t let this situation die, of course, not when your words still resonated inside his mind, quickly identifying there was a much bigger problem at hand and going off to figure out what you meant, what is it that you needed, and maybe vent as well, with the one person he knew he could always count on.
Receiving a reality check he didn’t precisely like, but indeed much needed, because after a few moments of reflection alongside Ranta, Naoya finds that indeed he hasn’t been as nice as he proclaimed, if anything, his behavior had gotten a bit worse these past few days, seemingly out of personal enjoyment to seeing you all flustered—careless of how you might perceive this, or how tiring and awkward it had become for you… and the rest.
“I obviously didn’t do it to make Y/N angry, I was just joking!” Naoya would say.
“Don’t tell me that, tell her!” Ranta responds—he guessed it was only a matter of time before you snapped.
And so, that’s what he mentally prepares himself to do at the end of the day, when alone in the confines of their shared bedroom, deep into the night.
Naoya is happy that even through all this commotion, the two still sleep in the same bed. Although the thought of you avoiding him even there is one that occasionally creeps in the back of his mind… fearing that this might be the next step if he doesn’t mend his mistakes.
“Y/N.” He eventually begins, sitting by the edge of the futon. You don’t respond, as expected.
It’s always hard for him to place his heart on his sleeve and admit that he was wrong, given his… background.
But he’s long learned that he loves you far more than anyone and anything in this world, and for you, he’d go to the end of the time just to see you happy. Something so redundant as shame would never stop him from doing what he needed to do.
“I brought you something.” He says, and through the corner of your eye, you manage to see there was indeed something in his hands. “I saw it the other day at a store, and it reminded me of you…”
Naoya then hands you a plushie, a white chubby duck—something you would’ve normally seen as adorable, but after all the things that have been happening, all you could do is frown as you look away.
“If you’re here to still make fun—”
“I’m not.” Naoya sternly responds. “…I thought you knew I would never do anything to upset you.”
“… but you did.”
“When I tease you, it’s only because I want to make you… blush, or laugh, nothing else.” He explains. “But, if you don’t want me to do it anymore, then I’ll stop.”
“That’s not the problem—I really don’t mind when you act that way.” You say. “It’s more that I don’t like it when you do that with important things. I don’t enjoy having to repeat myself a thousand times for you to do what I want you to…”
“Does it make you feel I wouldn’t do it?”
“No. It makes me feel like you’re not taking me seriously, at least to do it by the first time.”
Naoya presses his lips together, feeling enormously regretful for having planted those doubts onto you.
There’s nothing, no one, not a single person in this world, more important to him than you; and while it was always in his nature to react so… sardonically, he always complied when needed, especially with you.
But now that you mention it, he understands that perhaps he might’ve abused your willingness to take whatever he gives you—because more than his friend, you’re his wife, the woman of his dreams, and should treat you as such.
“I’m sorry.” He says. “I love you too much to ever want to make you feel that way, and it pains me to know that I have. …Will you ever forgive me?”
Your lips tremble slightly as you slowly turn around to see him, with teary eyes telling him that you didn’t like being away from him like this, but you didn’t know what to do in order for him to understand how unhappy you were.
Naoya surprises you yet again how different he’s become from the man you met all those years ago. Reminding you how much he’s grown, matured, done his part to make this relationship work…
And why you loved him so much in the first place.
“…With one condition” you begin, taking the plushie from his hands. “… if you promise me to stop being so playful with serious things, and… if you take me to the amusement park you were saying—it’s been a while since we went out on a date—…. I’ll forgive you.”
“Consider it done.” He says, leaning closer to you, intending to place a kiss on your lips, but you stop him by placing the ducky in-between the two, he raises an eyebrow. “Hmm?”
“And if you give me all the kisses I was supposed to get these days.” You murmur, a slight pout on your lips. He chuckles.
“You really are a spoiled princess, did you know that?”
You blush at the nickname, Naoya smirks.
“Ah, so you do like it when I tease you!”
“What? No!” you gasp. “I mean… maybe, when you don’t use the weird ones…”
“Weird ones? What are you even talking about?” he laughs, wrapping his arms around you and snuggling his face against yours, giving you a kiss, and another, and another, and another. “Little ducky”
“There you go again, naming me everything that crosses your sight!” you giggle, ticklish by his kisses.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, mochi.”
“Really? I didn’t even notice, pumpkin.”
“Stop it…” you whine, hiding your face against his chest out of embarrassment, he just continues laughing before placing a kiss on top of your head.
Naoya certainly tries his best to not tease you as much, however, he does fall back into old habits from time to time—but could he be blamed? It’s not his fault that he loved so much just how flustered you got… Or how easy you made it for him.
Sometimes you even wonder how you could tolerate him; one of the many mysteries of your relationship with him.
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now add to that 5 kids. y/n has the patience of a saint. DaMN.
Anyways, thank you for sending in this ask!! it's the small things that develop naoya's and y/n's relationship more and more :') kajfhjaghfjka we need more domestic fluff ngl 😭 luckily, I have two more things in mind hehe + pending asks 😏
I hope you have a wonderful week, take care, and hope to see you soon!!!
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frangipanilove · 3 months
XH6-S781, A Licence Plate of Reunion and Resurrection:
An attempt at a licence plate masterpost
Many of us believe Beth somehow survived a walker horde after Coda because she was put in the trunk of a car. I certainly do. I’ve always thought of Officer Lichari’s Dodge Magnum as the most likely candidate.
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Notice the license plate on Lichari’s Dodge Magnum; XH6-S781, we’ll run into it quite a few times in this post.
The whole idea of her being left in the trunk of a car seems plausible for many reasons, but mostly because it was foreshadowed in 4x12 Still, and we had a callback in 5x10 Them.
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When she was kidnapped in 4x13 Alone, it was by this car:
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Notice anything interesting about the license plate?
Yup, it’s identical to the one on Officer Lichari’s Dodge Magnum. It’s a different car though, this is a Cadillac Coupe DeVille. But it’s the same license plate.
In 4x15 Us, we see Daryl with the Claimers. He quite literally met up with them after he had been running all night, trying to catch up to the car that took Beth.
In Us, Daryl and the Claimers come across an abandoned garage and decide to stay the night. Daryl first approaches a yellow Lincoln Continental (same brand of car as the one from Still, where Beth and Daryl spent the night in the trunk, hiding from a massive walker horde).
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However, he forgets to claim it, and ends up sleeping on the floor between the Lincoln Continental and a blue Ford truck.
If you remember in this post from last year, and also this one, I argue that the license plate of the car Daryl and Carol use to pursue Officer Lichari’s Dodge Magnum, is a direct reference to the Lincoln Continental from Still, the one where Beth and Daryl spent the night in the trunk, the one that (possibly) foreshadowed Beth being left in the trunk of a car after Coda.
Here's the blue Ford truck:
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Notice anything interesting about the license plate?
Yup, same one. The XH6-S781 again.
Yesterday I wrote about the red fire engine, Engine 82, that Abraham, Eugene and the rest of Team Washington found after their church bus had collapsed in 5x5 Self Help. This was back when Eugene’s strategy for survival revolved around pretending to be a scientist, sitting on crucial inside information making him capable of stopping the virus and returning the world to normal. Of course he wasn’t a scientist with inside information, he was merely a smart guy with exceptional lying skills. He was starting to have cold feet about actually reaching Washington, and decided to sabotage the church bus by pouring broken glass into the fuel tank. The church bus crashed, almost killed them all, and subsequently caught on fire.
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Notice anything about the license plate? Seen it before, perhaps?
In 3x10 Home, we see Daryl and Merle argue their way through the woods. Daryl wants to go home, which is what they eventually end up doing. But not before encountering a family in distress on a bridge over the Yellow Jacket Creek. Merle’s first instinct is to leave them to be walker feed, then to loot them, but Daryl stands up to his brother and helps the family take out the walkers. He then sends them on their way, with all their posessions intact.
Remember in yesterday’s post, where I explained that bridges, along with stairs, ladders and elevators, are metaphorical “passages” between the “realms”, through which the characters can travel? These metaphorical passages can foreshadow "death", but they're also what allows for "resurrection".
Rick “died” on a bridge. He spent a long time in the “death” realm, in the “underworld, but he has now chosen to return to the "realm of the living" with Michonne, as we witnessed in TOWL 1x4 What We.
On the bridge over Yellow Jacket Creek, we see a Jeep Cherokee (read about why Jeep Cherokees are resurrection symbolism tied to the Cherokee Rose here).
Notice anything interesting about the license plate?
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You guessed it. XH6-S781 again.
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In a literal sense, the name Yellow Jacket Creek refers to a yellow piece of clothing, typically worn around the upper body (or trunk, if you will…) And who do we know who favors upper body garments in the color yellow?
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Why does all these cars have the same license plate? And, why is it that these cars with this particular licence plate all seem to be tied to situations that somehow all revolve around Beth, directly or indirectly?
Obviously, she was directly affected by the car that took her in Alone. She was literally in it. Probably in the trunk.
The car Daryl and Carol saw in 5x2 was Officer Lichari’s Dodge Magnum. Daryl and Carol were following that car SPECIFICALLY to find Beth.
The church bus breaking down in 5x5 Self Help, was what ultimately led team Abraham and Team Washington to find Engine 82, and we saw it right at the center of events in the final moments of 5x8 Coda, as Daryl carried Beth's seemingly lifeless body out of Grady Memorial.
The blue Ford truck from 4x15 Us is interesting because of a conflict between Claimer Len and Daryl. At its core, it revolves around a rabbit, which is 100% a reference to Beth, and I’ve written about why that is in this post from a while back. Initially, Len referred to the rabbit as “cottontail”. The Latin word “Coda” quite literally means “tail”. The rabbit represents Beth, and during the night, Len attempts to frame Daryl for theft, by placing his half of the rabbit in Daryl’s bag. The next morning, he accuses Daryl of stealing it.
The plan backfires, and the Claimers proceed to beat Len to death. Daryl gets the rabbit. The two halves of the rabbit are reunited.
The Jeep Cherokee on the bridge over Yellow Jacket Creek is resurrection symbolism in that it’s a reference to the Cherokee Rose symbolism (here), and there was a Jeep Cherokee at Grady, we see it in the closing shot with a grief stricken Team Family and the red Engine 82. Engine 82 is right up front, the Jeep Cherokee sits in the bottom left corner.
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Where does this particular license plate, the XH6-S781 come from, and what does it mean, specifically? Why does it show up in situations that in various ways are directly or indirectly related to Beth?
Here's my hypothesis:
Here's a shot from season 1. We see Carol's yellow Jeep Cherokee (because of couse its yellow. It's the reason they put a Jeep cherokee on the bridge over Yellow Jacket Creek. It has the same kind of dirty, yellow hue as Beth's polo. It's most likely the reason Beth was given a yellow polo in the first place) .
And we see a church van…
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...namely a white Dodge Ram Van, with the words Holy Cross Lutheran Church written on it.
And there's a cross.
Notice anything interesting about the Licence plate?
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Yes. It's that one again. Good old XH6-S781. The original one.
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So much to adress here. First, it's a Dodge Ram Van.
Remember that Lichari's Dodge Magnum, which very well could be the actual car they put Beth in, a car that was at the center of everything during 5x7 Crossed and 5x8 Coda, has an identical licence plate. And in Coda, they were very careful to zoom in on the Dodge logo, a ram. We were supposed to take notice. We were supposed to notice the ram.
Then there's the text. Holy Cross Lutheran Church. As someone who's been trying to explain the three/tree/trunk symbolism for years, how a car and a trunk symbolizes the tomb of Christ, where "death" turns into "resurrection" after approximately three days...remember the number three in the inside of the trunk from the Lincoln Continental from Still...
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The Dodge Ram Van is the origin of the three/tree/trunk symbolism. The original trunk.
The cross on the side of the car.
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This is why TPTB chose to put crosses on the Grady cars. They were all callbacks to this one, the original Vehicle of Trunk Resurrection!
The church bus from Father Gabriel's church in 5x5 Self Help? A callback to this van. Both white, both church vehicles, both with identical licence plates.
Follow me on a journey of Reunion and Resurrection, from 1x3 Tell It To The Frogs:
First, Glenn's Dodge Charger rolls into camp. Yes, it is significant that it's a Dodge, and it's significant that it's red, because Red Is The Living Color. We see the white Dodge Ram Van in the background as he exits the car and is greeted by the others.
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Then, we get our first real reunion, between Andrea and her sister Amy, right in front of the church bus:
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Then, Morales reunites with his family, again, right next to the church bus:
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Then, it's time for the big one, the Resurrection of Rick, the original Christ figure, the original Sirius figure:
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The church bus is in the center of the shot the whole time.
So, the answer to the question of why the licence plate with XH6-S781 keeps popping up in situations related to Beth...
...is because the resurrection symbolism we constantly see around Beth was introduced around Rick already back in season 1. Rick and Beth always have been two sides to the same coin. The white Dodge Ram Van with the XH6-S781 was the original vehicle of Reunion and Resurrection. When the licence plate has appeared on several other vehicles over the years, all in situations related to Beth, it is because of the resurrection symbolism it provides.
We've now seen Rick "resurrect" and reunite with his family twice.
The symbolism suggests the same will happen to Beth.
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maegalkarven · 8 months
So look in my mercy mirror.
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m!Dark Urge x Gortash, m!Dark Urge x Astarion.
Redeemed!Durge (but not morally), good run.
The team confronts Lord Gortash in his keep.
Karlach wants to kill the man; June has another idea.
TW: tadpoling (not graphic), June refers to Gortash solely by his name.
What are you doing?
Emperor’s voice rings in his ears - in his mind - slightly tinted with suspicion. Funny, for how much the mindflayer insists June can trust it, it doesn’t seem to trust June at all.
You said I need to gather my allies, he replies absentmindedly, hands working on taking this damn cork off and opening the bottle. Such a small thing it is, and how much it contains.
Enver was personally responsible for the creation of this new, nether-touched illithid parasite.
Enver and him; the details are hazy, but June can easily see himself fit into the narrative the lordling painted for him. He can see himself, on top of the world, with crown of Karsus in his hands, ready to conquer the entire Toriel for his father.
What a fool he was.
It’s changed now. He is a changed man.
“June?” Karlach looks uncertain and that hurts.
Hadn’t she learned by now to trust his judgment, had he not proved himself to be a good, loyal friend? The mere fact what she doubts him still is simply unacceptable.
She’ll see, June knows. Once he puts his plan in action, she will see the brilliance of it.
What use Enver’s death would be to her? It would not turn back the time, it would not give her back her heart or ten years of her life.
But this? This can turn the tide.
“It’s alright,” he smiles, but for some reason she doesn’t smile back. Damn it, did the smile come out wrong again? “Just hold him firm.”
She complies, but looks even more unsettled.
“This is...Not what I’ve expected,” Karlach admits. “You...What are you going to do with this thing?”
June smiles; this time the smile comes out right.
“I am going to fix it.”
Enver lets out a deep, throaty chuckle.
“And there I was, concerned they’ve somehow ruined you,” for a man beaten bloody and pressed down the cold tile floor he looks surprisingly content. “Worried Orin damaged your brain too much and somehow turned you into...” he trails off. “But I was a fool to fear that. No, you’re just as you’ve always been.” Another annoyingly long pause and then- “You’re going to tadpole me.”
“Yes,” June smiles.
Of course Enver of all people would understand.
He pulls the specimen out of its glass cage and holds between his fingers. Gently, ever so gently.
Enver’s eyes trail the movement.
“We worked so hard on these curious little things; you’ve worked so hard on them. It would be a shame for you to not test out your own creation, would it not?”
“June,” Wyll calls out and June doesn’t need to turn around to know his friend looks downright horrified.
Why can’t they see?
This is the right thing to do. Death is too simple, too easy. This? This will give Enver a chance to atone for his crimes. No, it will downright force him to cooperate.
And cooperation is exactly what June needs.
He is in your head, comes out an echo of a conversation long passed. Gortash, Gortash, Gortash – this damned lordling is all you can speak of these days! I doubt father approves of that, brother dear.
But June doesn’t care if father approves anymore. June doesn’t do his father’s bidding.
He is a free man, a free and a good man. And if he can change like that, who knows how Enver could?
“This is a chance,” he thinks and realizes he’s spoken aloud. “To work together. To fix the mess we’ve started. To make things right.”
“This is wrong,” Wyll argues. “You know this is wrong, June-“
“Juniper,” Enver speaks. There’s a strange glint in his eyes and it takes June some time to decipher it. There’s dread, of course, but also...Satisfaction? Like this is expected outcome. Like this aligns with Enver Gortash’s image of the world.
June frowns.
“You look entirely too pleased, my dear,” he comments lightly, crouching down to Enver’s level. The parasite dangles from his fingers, sharp jaws opening and closing in a rather rhythmical manner. As if it senses the prey nearby.
Enver manages a weak shrug, still pressed firmly down; Karlach looks distressed but her hold does not waver.
“No sense to panic over something I can’t change, is there?” True, but that does not explain the smugness. “And it’s a relief.”
“A relief?” June slowly reaches out, hand getting closer and closer to Enver’s face. Did he caress this face before? Were they that close?
The deep, annoying longing inside insists they were.
Close. Closer than Bhaal would permit, perhaps. Was he the reason for June’s little rebellion?
If so, it’s only right to repay for that.
“This thing with Selûne,” Enver frowns. “It was entirely...anticlimactic. I am glad you’re as ruthless as I recall you to be.”
June frowns right back.
“You’re delusional,” he replies. “I was ruthless once, but no more. This is mercy. I am sparing you, sparing your life. Enver, I am your savior.”
That makes the lordling look even more smug.
“Of course you are,” he smiles as if he knows something June does not. Annoying. “Now, shouldn’t you cut this ‘will he, won’t he’ business and finally-“
His voice cuts short as June drops the parasite on his face, as close to the eyes as he manages.
The creature crawls up and immediately buries itself into the depths of Enver’s skull. Clever little thing.
June watches, fascinated, as the man struggles while parasite takes a hold on him.
Then he raises an artifact.
Emperor? He calls out. Will you do the honors?
Of course.
A wave of pcionic power washes over them and Enver’s mind clears. He blinks; once, twice, brushes the uncalled tears away. Then looks up, straight at June.
“Not too bad,” comments plainly, asshole. Like June didn’t just turn his life upside down. “I assume you’ll force me to comply with your clever plans now?”
“Of course,” June thought it was rather obvious. “Now we’re going to save the day like the true heroes we are,” he smiles. “We don’t need any gods for that, we don’t need any cults. Bhaal and Bane can fight over the rubbish all they want, but we know better. We are going to have Baldur’s Gate eating from our palms. But first,” he feels his smile turn slightly malicious. “We’ll visit an old acquaintance. Halsik has everything prepared and stands at the ready.”
At that Enver perks up.
“You’re dragging me to Hell,” he comments rather cheerfully. “Again. If I didn’t know better, I’d think a trip to Hell is your idea of a date.”
June snorts, and Karlach snorts, and even Astarion, who was mostly silent through the entire encounter, snorts, though his snort is more unkind than the others'.
“No, silly,” June drags his hands up Enver’s torso until they lay placidly on his chest. Warm, he notices absentmindedly. Warm and familiar. Selûne’s Grace, am I in love with this man?
That would be...unfortunate, all things considered. But not entirely unexpected.
“We are going to break into the House of Hope,” he feels Enver stil underneath the touch. “I assume you’re more than familiar with the place, are you not?”
The lordling wets his lips, then grasps June and uses him as a leverage to stand up. Karlach almost doesn’t let him, but June waves her off and she, rather begrudgingly, lets go of the man.
There’s still a sense of unease about her, unease and...A hint of distrust? Of him, of June?  But he is fixing things, surely she knows that!
“And what exactly are you planning to get there?”
Enver is close, gods, he is so close and his breath is warm on June’s forehead and it’s hard to think- Fuck, they definitely were lovers and June is definitely not over it. Astarion is going to kill him. Or worse, going to be hurt by him, by that. Stop, stop, stop, he needs to stop-
Two things happen at once.
Enver’s hand finds its place on June’s waist and takes a sure, firm hold of it.
Astarion’s mind, gentle in a way a mind of a man intimately familiar with all the ways personal boundaries can be broken, making damn sure he is not breaking and entering into the depths of June’s mind unwelcome, brushes past him.
June lets him in.
Stop fucking fidgeting, his glorious lover complains immediately. You’re giving the bastard a leverage over yourself.
I’m sorry, June immediately blurts and does it with such a force he is sure both Karlach and Wyll heard him. He avoids thinking of Gortash being linked to them the same way now. I’m sorry, I didn’t know, or maybe I did, but didn’t want to acknowledge it, but he’s here and he is so close and I- I am sorry, I am so, so-
Do you take me for an idiot? Comes out a huff and how did Astarion manage to huff through a mental link? You might have emotional intelligence of a redcap, but I’ve been aware you two knew each other on a level what’s far beyond any niceties the moment Gortash stopped his own coronation to gape at you.
He didn’t gape at me, June argues, thought he isn’t so sure now. Was Enver gaping at him? He sure looked friendly, much friendlier than Ketheric and Orin combined. But gaping?
He stopped his coronation, Astarion repeats. To come down from his high horse and chat with you. To welcome you back. He took control over one of his steelwatchers simply to invite you to the damn thing. And you- now there’s an actual, visible huff coming from his lover.
June catches Enver watching Astarion closely; a loose, entirely self-satisfied smile on his lips, hand still on June’s waist, head leaning on his. Enver invades June’s personal space like it’s his life goal, like instilling his presence in June’s life is something he has at his top priority.
This is...flattering.
“No, the fuck, it isn’t,” Karlach says aloud, and it’s a cue for June to realize he might have been thinking too loudly. “This is disgusting is what it is, I can’t believe you would-“
“My sweet June has his strong suits and his weak ones,” Astarion speaks, giving Gortash the smile so sharp it should’ve splinted the man in half. “His awful taste in men is, admittedly, one of the later. Not me, of course,” he chuckles, but June hears the underlying self-degrading tone noneless. They should’ve made Cazador Szarr suffer more. “But other,”  vampire spawn gestures at Gortash. “Lesser men.”
“Lesser, you say?” And of fucking course Enver would take the bait. “I would-“
“Enough,” Wyll all but barks and for once they all comply. “We have bigger things to worry about but you two fighting over June’s affections,” June catches Karlach make a gagging face at that and Enver sending her a rude gesture in response.
Children, he is surrounded by literal children. Worst of all, these children are the ones saving the world with him. Ridiculous.
“Right, right,” he sends a grateful smile Wyll’s way and is relieved to see the man smile back just as warmly. At least someone is in his corner. Someone other than Astarion, but that’s given; June and Astarion are bound for life now, for as long as both of them live.
Admittedly, said life might include Astarion murdering June’s former, current – who could tell? – tyrannical lover in a cold blood. Or hot blood. In a pool of blood, definitely.
June isn’t even sure he would be very angry about it, mostly just...sad? He does seem to care for the said tyrant a lot. Oh, bother.
“We are going to break into the House of Hope,” he reminds these literal children who now are making faces at each other. If anything, seeing Karlach and Enver flip each other off would work for an evening entertainment. June will have to work on this destrusting undertone of her; talk her through it, explain things.
Karlach is a good person, she will understand. June is sure of it.
They’re doing this for the greater good.
“For what?” Enver cuts the chase off. “I assume not to make a deal with Raphael, he usually comes to his victims himself.”
“No,” June agrees. “Not for that, though he tried to strike a deal. He needs the Crown of Karsus, you see? And has something we need. But luckily, Raphael was kind enough to let us know he has it.”
“And why would we strike a deal with him,” Astarion hums. “When we can simply take what we need?”
Enver smiles.
“You are planning to steal from him.”
“No,” June leans into him almost involuntarily. He smells...good. He smells familiar. He smells like home. “We are going to steal from him. You,” a sharp nail hits Enver in the chest. The hand is immediately grabbed and held firm. “Are going with us. Care for some heist, my dear lord? Not Mephopheles’ vault, I’m afraid, but just enough for an evening entertainment.”
Enver smiles, wide and sharp and entirely wicked. An evil smile, people would call it. How he managed to convince people of the Baldurs Gate he is not villainous villain is beyond June’s comprehension. By brainwashing them, most likely.
“When let’s rob the devil,” the lordling speaks.
Then he kisses June.
And June can finally breathe.
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unlikelysaintdelele · 2 months
some interesting things i've noted during my ACOTAR reread Pt. 2
*SPOILER WARNING for those who haven’t completed the series*
I finished ACOTAR a few weeks ago but I haven't gotten the chance to transfer my notes until now. Once again, names have been color-coded!
Feyre couldn’t keep her mouth shut only around Rhys. It’s almost like her true self comes out around him.
Anytime Feyre calls on some strength, the image of Nesta comes to mind. She sees Nesta as strong and admires her for that.
A queen without a throne
Are tattooed bargains a night court specialty? I was listening through the graphic audio, as a reminder, so some things slip through.
Pearls in Nesta’s hair. It makes me think of the pearl jewelry Elain later receives from Lucien. I think pearl is meant to represent luxury, and it seems to complement their features.
Elain is the only one with their father’s eyes and I always found it interesting. How similar is Elain to her father? Her father favored her, but I think that’s only because Nesta was cold and Feyre was busy.
Warrior beast vs half-wild beast, Tamlin and Feyre bonding for being unrefined (Disney Beauty and the Beast reference?)
“Don’t ever disobey me again” is honestly not the vibe, Tictac.
I don’t like knowing Tamlin’s anger is on a tight leash with Feyre. He’s angry at her. It feels overprotective in such a suffocating way.
“There you are, I’ve been looking for you.” SOB
The most beautiful man she’s ever seen
Blue eyes so deep they were violet
They just stared at each other! As if in a daze! 
Night pressed in closer around him, smiling
Molded from the night itself, star-kissed night
I have a random “until dawn” note… idk
Cauldron boil me (double, double, toil and trouble… sorry, random silly thought)
Elain began learning to grow veggies! Reminder, the soil at the cottage was crap, it couldn't sustain the veggies. Elain could barely grow flowers. People keep forgetting that Feyre was their only access to nourishment because there was no other choice. Sweet Elain gets so much hate for not using her gardening skills to help, but it was set up so that she couldn't.
Nesta’s iron-will allowed her to resist glamour! I want more on Nesta’s strength. This is one of many reasons why I’ve been a Nesta stan since day one. I know she was cruel but we’re told why in book one. She wanted her father to do something, anything: be a father and care for them. I’m not saying it was any excuse to be cruel, but they were in a shitty situation and she showed her love for her family in other ways. Being willing to lay down her life for Elain? Going after Feyre even knowing it was risky? Asking to be taught to paint? She loves her sisters, she just shows it differently.
Heart of Stone was mentioned for a second time! hehe
Wyyyyyyyyrrrrmmmmmm. I’m a fan of giant worms (Dune, Star Wars). Fun fact about me: I went through a short phase where I just kept writing about worms.
Feyre deems Elain as stronger for being hopeful. She sees so much strength in her sisters and admires them for their differences.
Love Nesta! More Nesta love. She wondered what a woman might do with a fortune and a name. She wanted to travel! She wanted that independence! Pre-war Nesta hurts to experience. She’s opening up now that she’s safe socioeconomically and physically. It makes me wonder what else would have begun to heal if she got more of that peace and security.
Rhys: because I’m tired and lonely. The things he does and willingly puts himself through to protect his court and anyone else he can spare. Love his complexity.
(apparently there's a character limit for each block of text so here's a lil divider)
Honestly? I was vibing with the Tamlin romance, it was chill. The bite was nice. UNTIL Rhys appeared. Timtam just seems so stale in comparison. The chemistry is immediate between Rhys and Feyre, the tension is palpable. I’m still not over how Feyre chose Tampon over Lucien. why would I pick someone so clumsy with affection and who isn’t around nearly as much as the sassy redhead who bickers with me like an old friend? Rhys > Lucien > Tamlin is the order at the moment, and the order will stay until I have to consider the other boys (wait for me batboys).
Tamlin’s dad was Amarantha’s friend! They fought together in the war. Rhys’ father killed Tamlin’s, so Amarantha took Rhys in as a lover as punishment. Amarantha is so greedy honestly, and it's so gross. She wants Tamlin and Rhys but the only reason Tamlin hasn’t been forced like Rhys is that she wants to be chosen, she wants him to come to her willingly
Even in their last moments together, Rhys and Feyre are honest with each other. Honest in a way I've never seen her with Tamlin.
Very excited to begin ACOMAF, my fave book of the series.
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