#I still can't believe Tyler was this close to me
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Heart of Gold (5 Times Gale's Heart Gives Out And +1 time Ken's Does) Barbed Wire Hearts Universe - Chapter One
God I can't believe I can finally publish this after so many problems preventing me from both writing and editing it, it feels like it's been too long! But here's the next instalment in the BWH universe. Only one chapter written and edited so far, but I'll be updating when I can with more. This is to add some much needed little details and lore for upcoming plot fics in this series.
For now though, enjoy! This chapter is only a short one, just to give the general start to the fic, but following chapters will be a little bit longer as the story continues (and don't worry, the big plot fics will be longer as always haha)
@swifty-fox @onyxsboxes @stoneinyourshoe @carnevol @trashbag-baby666 @slowsweetlove
Ken stared at the little box that Curt was brandishing in front of himself with a raised brow, taking in the self-satisfied smirk behind still fading clown paint from the day before on the other man’s face. He let the exasperated sigh escape him from where it had been building since Curt first showed him the box.
“You can’t be serious, Curt.” 
Curt wiggled the box at him, the item inside rattling gently in response as Curt’s smirk grew. “Oh I’m deadly serious,”
Ken eyed him, judgment clearly written across his own expression as he snatched the box from Curt’s fingers. He looked down at the box, eyes scanning over the words with another sigh, albeit gentler than the one before. 
“You’re gonna give Gale a Fitbit, because you wanna, and I quote ‘record the uptight bastard’s stress and heart rate because it would be funny’?”
Curt shrugged nonchalantly, reaching out and plucking the box from Ken’s fingers with the tip of his tongue caught between his front teeth.
“Yes. I think you’re missing the whole point here, Kenny. Have you seen the guy? Man is one big walking ball of stress, especially around Bucky and his bullshit, and all he says is that he’s ‘fine’.”
“So you just wanna prove him wrong so that you have something to brag about, basically?”
Ken raises one eyebrow at Curt and watches as the other gapes slightly, expression turning chastised but no less mischievous underneath Ken’s scrutiny. A hand comes up to scratch at the back of his neck.
“Basically,” Curt affirms, looking slightly sheepish, and Ken can’t help the knowing smile that curves his lips. 
“Uh-huh,” Ken hums. He stares down at the box again where Curt is starting to peel the edges of the tape holding it closed with the edge of his fingernail. 
Curt pauses and glances up at Ken through his lashes, scanning over Ken’s face before his shoulders sag and he rolls his eyes.
“Look, I’m not trying to be a dick. Call it genuine curiosity and slight worry for the sake of one of my best friends and his well-being.”
“With bragging rights,” Ken tacks on with his own answering eye roll.
Curt laughs, goes back to picking at the tape again with a wide grin. “Exactly! See? Now we’re getting on the same page here, Kenny my boy.”
Ken breathes out through his nostrils, watching Curt work away at the tape until he flicks the opening flap upwards and starts to extract the packaging holding the little black watch from its confines.
Curt holds it up, like a prize dangling from his thumb and pointer and looks at Ken with no less pride on his face. “You can even hook it up to your work phone so you have 24/7 access to Gale’s heart rate. Just in case there ever is actually cause for concern. It’s got a little alarm setting and everything.”
He waggles the device towards Ken’s face, eyebrows rising and falling in a suggestive gesture until Ken once again snatches it from Curt’s hold.
The little watch is cool in his palm, and he turns it over to observe it before glancing up at Curt again, lips pursed.
As much as Ken wouldn’t put name or face to it, he couldn’t deny that there had been a few times through the course of getting to know the men in their circuit that he had observed and noticed that Gale, in particular, had a bit more weight sitting on his shoulders in comparison to most of the others. 
When he had first met the blond cowboy, all done up in his roping get-up with his stoic steel-hard expression and sizeable buckle sitting on his belt, Ken could admit that even though he wasn’t a competitor himself, that he couldn’t help but be a little bit intimidated by the air that Gale often exuded. Especially when in competition mode.
Despite only being a rodeo EMT, it was hard to come by anyone involved in the circuit that hadn’t at least heard of the great Gale Cleven and his achievements in the arena. Coupled with the known talk that the guy was ‘all work and no play’ and advice of ‘just don’t get in his way and you won’t have to worry’, Ken had truthfully dreaded the day that he would have to meet the man and have him under his jurisdiction of care and medical expertise. 
The day he had met him, Ken felt like the world was trying to swallow him whole as he was faced with meeting most of the crew that he would be looking out for and tending to if any of them sustained injuries in the arena. He had shaken hands and introduced himself a number of times, friendly smiles and warmth being directed at him as easy as breathing before the group had all but parted in the tail end of their greetings and Ken was faced with Gale.
The blond cowboy had walked up to Ken with his shoulders straight, blue eyes questioning while also exuding an air of careful scrutinization as he’d looked Ken up and down, and Ken had felt like he was about to be snapped up like a bird between the jaws of a cat and crushed between sharper than needle fangs. 
He’d stared at Gale, not game enough to break eye contact as the other thrusted his hand out in Ken’s direction, still adorned with worn but expensive looking brown leather gloves. The strength and power behind Gale’s grip alone once he’d taken his hand in to a firm handshake was enough to have him shivering in his sneakers. 
But as Gale had introduced himself, Ken had watched as a slight look of warm fondness had broken through Gale’s expression, lips curving upwards in to a perfect smile full of straight white teeth directed at him, and felt his shoulders relax from their timid posture.
“Welcome to the crew, Ken,” Gale had said to him, words soft and sweet and dripping with unintentional charm. “Heard you’re one of the best we could possibly ask for. You might have your work cut out for you though, with this band of hooligans.”
Ken couldn’t help the smile that had slowly crept its way on to his own face in answer to Gale’s obvious attempt at easing his nerves, and he had felt his shoulders sag as Gale had dropped his hand, but feeling no less welcome. 
It was from that point forward that a sort of easy friendship had blossomed between Gale and himself, the terrifying tales of strict and hard-faced Gale Cleven all but melting away in his mind until any time he heard Gale’s name whispered with unease from the mouths of any of the other competitors from different circuit teams made him smirk knowingly. 
The guy was all bark and no bite, as far as Ken was concerned. At least when it was towards his own team, and he had come to realize that whenever Gale would be the first one to comfort or build up the confidence of the other boys without a second thought. 
It was all a structured hierarchy, and Gale had been appointed the unquestioned leader of the group and the overseer to most of the happenings and organizing both between and during the rodeos that they travelled to and from over the course of the season.  
It was with that unsanctioned leadership, though, that Ken could also see the immense strain heaped up on top of the cowboy’s shoulders in the thick of it all. And he would be unhesitant to admit that there had been a few times that he had observed Gale in the quieter moments where the weariness and need to keep on a brave noble façade was obviously eating away at him. 
Especially once Ken realized that the group’s main bull rider John Bucky Egan was more than just a friend to Gale, and every time the man went in to that arena and sat on one of those great muscled animals, Gale turned a few shades whiter every time Bucky’s dismounts were a little less than graceful. 
Ken had also noticed, through several different interactions both with himself and with other members of the group, that as much as Gale would unthinkingly dole out support and softness and strength, that when it came to himself, it was a completely different story.
He had noticed on more than one occasion the cowboy shying away from support directed at him, waved it off with a strained smile or an off handed comment that left Ken with a sour taste on his tongue and a worry settling in deep in his bones like a festering flame. 
As much as Gale gave it, receiving it was a whole other ball game, and was met with such a conditioned resistance that Kenny often wondered what was laying in wait underneath Gale’s carefully composed surface. What scars were carefully concealed under a strong expression.
He was thankful for John in those moments, seeing Gale respond to Bucky’s carefully extended supports more than anyone else, but even then it was barely a sliver of open acceptance to the gentle touch, cards still close to his chest and roped back against him and away from prying eyes.
Ken looked back up to where Curt was still standing in front of him, now holding out the charger for the Fitbit and Ken’s work phone that had been sitting on the counter being waggled in his direction underneath an imploring look. 
He stared at it for a few seconds, mind running through all the pros and cons and the precarious thought of ‘what could possibly go wrong’ cycling through his head, and let his shoulders sag with an exasperated sigh. He tried to ignore the gleaming smile Curt shot him as he took the charger and phone from his hand. 
“Fine,” Ken gave in, switching on the phone and opening up the app store to download the accompanying app that would sync with the watch. “But I’m doing this purely for Gale’s well-being, and to give myself some piece of mind.”
Curt laughed, a smug but joyous lilt to its tone as he walked up to Ken and patted his shoulder. “Yeah you keep telling yourself that, Kenny.”
Ken rolled his eyes, a small smile working its way on to his lips as Curt pressed a loud smacking kiss against his cheek as the other made his way to the door of the trailer, swinging it open and stepping out to leave Ken to hooking up the devices. 
“You’ve still got paint on your face, by the way!” Ken called out behind him as an afterthought before looking back down at his phone. 
He could hear Curt’s laugh echo back to him from a small ways away outside. 
“All part of the charm, baby!”
Surprisingly, Gale had accepted the watch from Ken without so much as a second thought, albeit a small look of question directed at him as the watch was passed into his hands. He had turned it over in quiet observance a few times, lips pursed and brows furrowed before he’d carefully pulled back the sleeve of his shirt and fastened it to the surprisingly delicate circle of his left wrist.
Ken couldn’t help the way it lifted a nervous air from his body and mind at Gale so trustingly taking the watch paired with Ken’s words of professional reassurance, and had to remind himself that as much as Curt had palmed the whole endeavour off with the pretense of it being a joke, it also gave Ken some peace of mind to now have a bit more of an insight into the medical signs of one of the most important cowboys in the team. 
He also couldn’t deny that Curt’s curiosity had bled into him as well in the face of the act.
“Can’t say I ever really put much thought in to actually using one of these things,” Gale confessed to him, eyes still curious as he looked down at the face of the watch with interest. The time flashed back at him as he turned his wrist, experimenting with the movement of it a few times. 
Tapping the face of it, the small screen cycled through his steps, distance travelled, energy burned, and finally the rate of his heart, which Ken couldn’t help but notice was currently sitting at a steady 89 as they spoke.
“You can thank Curt for that,” Ken chuckled, pointedly and casually adding in Curt as the culprit as well so he wasn’t the only one being thrown under the bus. “He figured it’d be a good idea to keep an eye on you fellas, your health and what-not seeing as how you’re all meant to be tip top athletes. And you’re one of the only ones who doesn’t actually have one.”
Gale looked up at him, a knowing smirk on the blonde's lips as he quirked one brow. “You mean Curt’s morbidly curious and just wanted something to brag about to John when I blow my top at him.”
Ken couldn’t help but laugh at Gale’s words, the sound punched out of him in surprise as Gale hazarded the guess and got it as close as he possibly could. He had had a feeling long before he’d even set up the watch that Buck would be clued in to exactly what was happening, especially once Ken name dropped Curt in the scheme. 
“It’s alright Ken,” Gale assured him, smile still colouring his face as he winked. “I won’t let him know I’m on to him if you don’t.”
“Sweet,” Ken grinned, holding out a fist towards Gale in a silent ask for a fist bump which the cowboy gladly reciprocated without a second thought. 
Gale gave another small look down at the watch as he let his hand fall back to his side, carefully pushing his sleeve down over it as it went to hide the little device from view.
“I’m actually a little curious myself,” Gale added on as an afterthought. “Might actually come in handy.”
Kenny nodded, casting his gaze over his shoulder towards the arena where Brady and Rosie were currently trotting their horses around in circles around a fake practice rig shaped like a steer. He could hear them laughing good-naturedly as they threw their ropes over it, joking amongst each other in friendly competition as Brady missed and Rosie whooped in triumph, arms coming up high in celebration. 
Jack, Benny and Everett were perched up on the rails watching with smiles on their faces and chatting amongst themselves, Meatball at their feet chasing something in a patch of tall grass against one of the posts. 
Ken pointed his chin in their direction. “This lot seems in a good mood today.”
Gale looked up to where Ken’s gaze was directed, and Ken couldn’t help but note the small fond smile that slipped on to Gale’s expression. Likened it to that of a proud parent looking at their unruly bunch of teenagers.
“Yeah it’s a lazy day today. Figured with more than a week until the next rodeo I’d back off and let them have their fun. Don’t need me breathing down their necks 24/7.”
Ken looked back at Gale with a questioning expression that he hoped Gale didn’t notice. Underneath the pride, Ken could sense a sudden hint of doubt mixed in Buck’s words, smile still evident but more muted as he stared over at the others. His blue eyes were slightly distant, and Ken felt his chest constrict just a little at the sight.
“I’m sure they’ll need your instruction sooner or later with how that’s going,” Ken tried, grinning as he turned to watch Brady expertly lasso Rosie around the middle with the other cowboy’s laughing squawk of offense. Brady’s replying laughter reached them seconds later with a shouted insult barely audible, and Ken could see the fond smile return to Buck’s expression. 
Buck rested his hands against his hips with a gentle sigh, smiling up at Ken before dropping his eyes towards the ground. “Yep, yeah, I’d say you’re right.”
Ken saw a suddenly questioning frown pull at Buck’s brow as the other looked back up towards the arena, eyes scanning over the expanse of it, the stands behind and then flickering around. “Speaking of, you seen Curt or Bucky anywhere since earlier?”
Ken felt his eyes slightly widen in realization as Buck’s words sank in and a pit of innocent fear started to curl its way in to his gut. 
“I can’t say I have, and I don’t know how I should be feeling about that,” Ken confessed to him with a grimace.
Buck blew out an exasperated breath, shoulders squaring as he tipped his hat at Ken with a smile before making his way past him. “Terrified, would be the correct term, I reckon.”
Ken couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped him at Buck’s words as he watched the blond walk casually over to the others. 
The sounds of the crowd spectating the rodeo from a small distance away reached Kenny as he took a long drag of his cigarette, smoke curling its way out in to the air on his exhale in a wispy array of patterns before disappearing into nothing. He adjusted his seat on the step at the back of the med van, the back doors open to reveal the sterile and organized inside, medical equipment stored carefully and tucked away ready at a moments notice if needed while the current rodeo was in full swing. 
This one had been going on without so much as a hitch so far, which Ken and a few of the other EMTs were thankful for, leaving them meandering around outside the van without much to do to occupy their time besides talking amongst themselves or scrolling on their phones to pass the time. 
They knew at some point they’d probably need to patch up a knee or do the mandatory check over for concussions or other types of damage, but they were taking the peace while they could and being lax in the moments they were afforded. 
It left some room for a tiny hint of boredom to thread its way through, but Ken would rather feel that unconcerned drag of time over doing vital signs on a bull rider that got too big for his chaps or be knitting together another cowboy’s split open brow while trying to stem blood flow with a stern hand and hint of exasperation. 
The audience noise crescendoed in to a flurry of whoops and hollers by a few octaves, but being where he was Ken couldn’t quite see what event was currently happening around the edges of the towering bleacher seats. It was only still halfway through the rodeo so he knew that nothing truly spectacular was happening at this point, and he was content to sit, sneaker propped up on the tow-ball of the van and scroll for a few moments on his socials while sucking down the last few dregs of what he guessed was his third cigarette of the day. 
Thought on the disapproving glance that Curt would be sending his way if the other wasn’t currently out behind the bull chutes painted to the nines in clown makeup and baggy shorts and suspenders waiting to run in and save the day once the bull riders were performing.
Also thought on the way the other would tut in disgust but still pluck the still burning cigarette from his fingers before stealing a drag in the face of Ken’s knowing smirk. 
Almost too lost in the depths of his thoughts as he brought the cigarette up towards his lips for another inhale, Ken couldn’t help the way he jumped, startled and nearly losing grip on the burning stick as a sudden continuous beeping blared at him from the pocket of his jacket.
Frowning, he propped the cigarette in between his lips and reached down to clumsily fish what he realized was his work phone from the deep pocket and pull it out. 
It was only when the bright words of warning that the current connected device was picking up irregular rhythms did he also manage to look up in time to see Buck, pale faced and looking a little worse for wear stumbling from somewhere over towards the camp grounds in the distance before leaning one shaking arm up against a telegraph pole.
Distress was obvious in the tense line of the cowboy’s shoulders, shuddering on a deep inhale and face pointed towards the dirt with tightly squeezed eyes, and Ken quickly stubbed out his cigarette in to the grass by his shoe and flicked it away as he half rose, alert.
“Buck! You okay, man?” Ken called out, worry tainting the tone of his voice, hand that was holding the still beeping work phone tightening until he could feel the plastic creak underneath his grip.
He kept his eyes trained on Buck’s figure, worry seeping even further in to his awareness when the other only managed a haphazard glance in Ken’s direction, a gloved hand waving out in dismissal before he turned his eyes back to the ground at his feet, arm falling back against his side.
With a groan of effort, Ken hoisted himself up off of the step of the med van and started in Gale’s direction with purpose. He turned off the work phone, silencing the noise and shoving the device back in to his pocket without a second thought. 
The closer he got to Buck, the more he could hear the ragged exhales the blond was attempting to get under control and see the trembling shudder wracking the other’s taut shoulders.
Ken reached up one hand, resting his palm on Gale’s shoulder and leaning down to try and catch Gale’s line of sight where it was currently still trained downwards, brows furrowed in obvious distress.
“Talk to me, buddy. What’s happening here?” 
The professionalism that bled into Ken’s voice in the situation finally reached through to Buck, blue eyes glancing up to Ken’s face with a blank look that morphed into a humourless smile for a second or two before falling again. 
“‘m fine, Kenny,” Gale huffed, shoulder trembling more violently underneath Ken’s hold for a fleeting moment. “Don’t gotta get all serious on me, now.”
Ken chuffed out a laugh, a bit disbelieving as his eyes raked over Gale’s shaken form. “You sure? Because from where I’m standing your words aren’t exactly hitting home for me, Chief.” 
Gale flicked a dismissive hand in his direction again, body straightening marginally like he was trying to put Ken’s mind at a little bit more ease if he showed less weakness. It made Ken frown in reply, the minute beeping originating from underneath the cuff of Gale’s shirt where he knew the watch would be reaching his ears amidst the ambient sounds of the rodeo around them.
Gale sniffed, eyes flickering towards Ken again in what he could only name as chastised. 
“Was wondering though,” Gale started, tilting his chin towards his sleeve as he brought up his other hand to pull it back and reveal the Fitbit. “That ain’t normal, yeah?”
Ken gave Buck an exasperated look before turning his attention to the face of the watch, and felt his eyes widen marginally but managed to conceal the sudden unease in his expression so that Gale wouldn’t pick up on it.
Knew he had failed when Gale shot him a frown with accompanying worry reflected in his own eyes.
“I’m guessing no,” Gale grinned, forced and fake as he swallowed underneath the scrutiny of Ken’s expression. 
“No, not so much, man.” Ken answered, simple and direct. He adjusted where his hand was on Gale’s arm, moving it more up underneath in a concealed attempt at support as he tugged slightly. He was still very aware of the shudders wracking through Gale’s frame, the beads of sweat sitting on the cowboy’s upper lip and across his brow underneath the brim of his hat on an ashen pallor. “Why don’t you just come over to the van with me and I’ll give you a quick look over, yeah?”
Gale shot him an unreadable look, but allowed himself to be guided back to the open back of the med van thankfully only a short distance away. 
Ken helped lower him down so that the blond was occupying the seat against the low step that Ken was only on a few moments before, movements a little bit stiff and uncomfortable and made sure that Gale was comfortable before he stepped up in to the van. 
He glanced back at Gale’s figure, reaching out and getting the vitals pack hooked up on the far wall and snatching the blood pressure cuff off of the built in bench as he turned.
Jumping back down onto the hard packed dirt, Ken knelt down in front of Gale who was still looking pale but not as frantic as the younger man started retrieving different equipment from the bag that he sat in front of him.  
Gale eyed everything speculatively with that ever present frown still evident on his face. “I’m fine, Ken. Really.” 
Ken glanced up at him with a strained smile as he pulled the velcro of the blood pressure cuff apart with a stark ripping sound, reaching up to secure it around Gale’s upper right arm with perfect and practised precision. 
“Just taking precautions.” Ken assured him. He started manually pumping the small decompressor attached to the cuff. He unlooped the stethoscope from where it was draped over the back of his neck and lifted Gale’s sleeve up enough to be able to press the cool metal against his inner elbow gently. “Alarm went off for a reason, Buck.”
Gale rolled his eyes at Ken good-naturedly, but Ken could see the hint of worry reflected in the blonde's eyes as he flickered his gaze down to where Ken was listening to the thrum of his blood underneath his skin, wincing at the tight restriction of the cuff around his bicep. 
“Dumb is what it is, I don’t even feel that bad any more.” Gale grumbled. 
A few moments of silence went by as Ken listened intently to Gale’s pulse, holding his breath but allowing it to pass back out in a gentle exhale as everything seemed to be normal at least as far as blood pressure went. 
Pulling the stethoscope away from Gale’s skin, he rolled the cowboy’s sleeve back down to cover cool but clammy skin and ripped off the cuff from further up. “Yes, well, as true as that may be right now, I just want to check you over in case. False alarm or not. I don’t particularly feel like having to explain to Bucky why you keeled over dead from a heart attack on my watch.”
Gale let an amused snort escape him at Ken’s words, lips curving up into the semblance of a smile as he kept his focus on Ken’s rummaging around in the med bag below. 
“Point taken,” Gale mumbled, and Ken felt his own lips quirk up in reply. 
The next few tests went by without so much as a suspicious blip or reading, and as much as Ken was confused, he was also incredibly relieved that Gale didn’t seem to be suffering from anything life threatening. As a small after thought, he reached out and gripped Gale’s wrist wearing the watch gently and turned the face of it towards himself, eyes scanning over the lit up surface and feeling satisfied when no warnings or alerts glared back at him. The heartrate had also gone back to a steady pace, and he let Gale’s hand drop with a sigh.
“Well, whatever was happening, you seem to be fine now,” Ken informed him. He looked up in to Gale’s face from where he was still crouched in front of the other, taking in the now more normal looking complexion and clear blue eyes staring back at him in curiosity and their own brand of confusion. “It might have been just a false alarm.”
Gale sighed, peeking down at the watch hidden back underneath the sleeve of his shirt with a blank look, posture relaxing that small increment more so he was slouched in a lazy lean, an elbow propped up against his knee.
“Fat lot of good a false alarm is,” Gale grinned. One of his hands came up to wipe the remaining perspiration still sitting against the ridge of his brow underneath the rim of his hat. That same hand then rose up to point an unthreatening finger in Ken’s direction, a mock expression of seriousness moulding on to his features. “But not a word of this is to be spoken to Bucky, under any circumstances.”
Ken chuckled, pushing himself up to stand and wincing at the ache that accompanied the movement from being crouched down in the same position for so long. He stretched out his back with a groan. “For once, I do agree with that statement.”
Gale looked affronted, mouth gaping slightly as Ken’s words but Ken could see the humour reflected there. “For once?”
Ken raised his hands in mock surrender, feeling something in his chest warm at the sight of Gale’s barely concealed amusement as he reached out a hand in Ken’s direction for help. Ken gladly accepted, gripping the other cowboy’s hand and pulling him easily to his feet until the other was standing tall and firm in front of him. The other did sway slightly, and Ken held out a hand in concealed readiness in case he needed to keep the other balanced, but in a blink any tilting had disappeared.  
The sounds of the rodeo pierced back in to both men’s awareness, and Ken watched as Gale’s focus turned out towards the arena with a sharp turn of his head, the small smile that was there slowly slipping back into something that Ken couldn’t quite put his finger on. He allowed his own gaze to wander over in the same direction as Gale’s before pursing his lips and glancing back towards Gale’s face. The other looked lost in thought, blue eyes far away amongst whatever was running amongst his thoughts as the sound of cheering echoed across the grounds in a muted distant roar. 
Licking his lips, Ken hesitated for a few seconds before parting his lips and letting the words that were sitting on his tongue escape in to a more simple question than the true ones he had. 
“You sure you’re okay, Buck?” 
Gale seemed to come back to the present at Ken’s words, face whipping back to look at Ken with a blank numb expression before his lips pulled up in to a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. Though they were soft as they looked at the younger man.
He reached up and let his hand fall in a friendly comfort against Ken’s shoulder, patting it twice before allowing his arm to fall. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m good. You don’t gotta worry, Kenny, promise.”
Ken let himself smile back in reply to Gale’s words, but he knew that it didn’t quite reach his own eyes either as the image of Gale only a small time before all but hyperventilating and looking moments from death leaned up against that telegraph pole flashed through his mind in vivid technicolor. He could almost hear the ghost of the beeping of his work phone buzz behind his ears. 
He almost asked again, taking in the way that Gale had suddenly started gnawing at his bottom lip between perfect white teeth until the plush skin was red and looked moments from breaking apart underneath the ministrations, but something squeezed in his ribcage and he swallowed the words down. 
42 notes · View notes
add1ictwithapen · 30 days
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stills from the video I took at an evening with twenty one pilots in Berlin :):)
94 notes · View notes
flowrmoth · 2 months
...and then what happened? pt. 2
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Synopsis: ellie helps you get ready for another date, but you unexpectedly come back to her apartment a bit earlier than planned...
AN: i have no words for this, just enjoy. i got a little too carried away. hope i did it justice. (i don't know how to write smut all that well lol), also can we agree that ellie definitely whines and whimpers in bed? thanks
WC: 6.6k (jesus)
Warnings: mdni!!! smut!!!, pining, kissing, oral (r!receiving), masturbation, finger sucking, lowk loser!ellie who still gets bitches even if she doesn't do anything, lowk perv!ellie, fem!reader, ellie being sooo desperate for u she cant help herself, seriously the girl is pathetic, no use of Y/N or readers appearance
Part 1: HERE
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Faded red and purple.
Those are the colors Ellie is looking at currently while examining her neck in the mirror. She's looking at the hickey closely, touching and feeling it with her fingers, the colors of it not as vibrant as they were that Saturday night.
The night that Ellie remembers, oh so well. The night that has been on replay in her mind for the past week and a half, haunting her every second of the day. It plays like a movie, over and over, until she runs out of new details to remark. She flips the images of you like a book, mesmerized by the way your body felt on hers. She remembers your skin like she remembers a painting, so soft, so warm, so inviting.
She wishes for nothing more than to touch you like that again, but she can't.
Because you're going on another date tonight.
Ellie drops her hand from her neck and shuts her eyes, head dropping low. She looks at her hands, gripping the white marble of her bathroom sink until her own knuckles turned the same color.
Why can't she get over it, like she does with other girls? Why does it have to be so hard with you?
She knew she was fucked from the moment her eyes landed on you a year and some months ago, while attending Dinas party. The way you strutted in, all smiles and pearly whites, extending your pretty hand to greet hers. Dina had warned Ellie not to mess with you, for Ellie had 'ruined' a handful of friendships between Dina and her friends who couldn't help but fall for the brunette girl, even if it wasn't her intention.
Ellie at the time, scoffed at this, treating it like a joke, but she soon saw how unbelievably difficult it was to not look at you that way.
She swears that she tried so hard not to hang around you, avoiding you like the plague. Every time Dina or Jesse would invite her to come out she would make up some type of excuse that would rid her of her friends.
"Ellieee, pleaseee! We haven't seen you in so long! Don't be a party pooper or I'll come there and take your stash and smoke it all." Dina pleaded with a whiny voice on the phone for the 10th what time.
"Oh my god, okay, who's coming?" Ellie rolled her eyes at this, anticipating Dina's answer.
"Yes, Jesus, finally you're getting your ass out of that bed! Uh, it's gonna be me, Jesse, Tyler..." she continued on until Ellie heard your name fall from Dinas lips. Her breath hitched in her throat as her heart danced in her chest.
"D, wait! I'm sorry! I just remembered, I have a physics assignment for tomorrow. I... I swear I'll make it up to you! Also, I do other shit than lay in b-" Ellie had to think quick and uni assignments always worked for these type of situations.
"I can't believe you. You owe me big time, Williams! I better have three blunts rolled by tomorrow! Be ready, bitch." and with that Dina hung up the call while Ellie sighed out a shaky breath of relief.
That's how it always went back then, they would call and Ellie would say no, she can't, she's busy.
But she couldn't keep at it for too long, you were becoming incredibly close with Dina and Jesse and Ellie knew she had to face you eventually. So, she started going out, and every time, her heart would flutter when she saw you. Her excuses were long gone and gradually, she tried to make time to see you as much as possible. You were, of course, just as eager to see her, finding her incredibly cool and funny, not to mention good looking.
Pretty soon you were inseparable, and nowadays Ellie finds herself waiting for your texts about your weekly sleepovers or a game of pool at your local bar.
Ellie steps away from her sink, wiping her hands on her grey sweatpants. Her gaze once again falls on her puzzled expression. She tries not to think about your date tonight, but so far she's been failing miserably.
Fuck my life, she thinks.
She gets out of the bathroom and heads towards her couch, wanting nothing more than to put on a dinosaur movie and smoke away her feelings. She plops down on the cushions and searches for the missing TV remote. Out of the corner of her eye, Ellie sees her phone on the coffee table light up and your name and picture flash on the cracked screen. She nervously reaches over and clears her throat before answering the call.
"Uhm, yeah? What's up?" Ellie cringes at the sound of her raspy voice, these being the first words she had spoken today.
"Ellie! Where are you? I've called you, like, 5 times already. Are you home? I need help getting ready and my roommate brought her boyfriend over and, ugh, I just can't deal with that. Can I come over?" you ramble, obviously in a rush since it was already 5 PM and your date started at 8.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm home. Come over!" Ellie said rather enthusiastically, much to her dismay. She shuts her eyes in embarrassment.
"Great! You're a life saver, love you! Be there in 15." you say happily and end the call.
Love you!
The words you uttered so nonchalantly hung in the air while Ellie tried not to take them to heart. She puts the phone back on the table and looks around.
Fuck, she had to clean up the place at least.
Ellie frantically got up and started moving things around, putting them back in their designated places. Food delivery bags, sweets and cigarette butts were all over the place. When she was satisfied, she figured she should change into something... better smelling than she had on currently. Ellie hadn't left the house in, at least, 2 days, not having the energy to interact with people. She spent them catching up on homework and watching movies. She tried to tell herself that it wasn't because of your newfound crush, but that meant she would be lying to herself.
Ellie threw the shirt she had on into the hamper and put on a fresh band T. She changed her sweats into a pair of grey shorts and put on some citrusy deodorant, maybe even spraying some into the living room to freshen it up. She quickly brushed her teeth and messed with her hair.
By the time she was done, you were already knocking on her door. Ellie looked at herself in the mirror one last time before deciding that she looked decent enough and opening the door for you to come in.
As always, you give her a big, warm smile and throw your hands around her neck, giving her a hug. It took Ellie a second to respond but she returns your hug with a light squeeze.
"Hey, you." she rasped into your hair, inhaling your coconut shampoo.
"Hey, Els! Hope you don't mind me being here. You know how Alex gets when her boyfriend comes around, I just can't." you say while rolling your eyes. You kick off your shoes and scan the room, heading towards Ellies couch and putting down your big bag.
"Yeah, I get it. Like when Dina and Jesse can't keep their hands off each other. Yuck." Ellie laughs, moving to sit down next to you.
"Exactly!" you start shuffling through your blue duffle, pulling out some clothes and a big, glittery makeup bag. "Is it okay if I use your bathroom? I need to do my makeup perfectly and the lighting is so good there." you ask Ellie with pleading eyes and a smirk, which she simply couldn't say no to.
"Of course, you don't even have to ask." Ellie throws you a lazy smile.
"Thank you!" you tell her excitedly, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. You get up with all of your stuff and stride towards the bathroom.
Ellie feels her cheeks getting warmer and redder. She gets up and follows you, "So, uh, are you excited to see, uh... her?" she utters with a nervous laugh, already forgetting your dates name even if you reminded her a million times. She leans on the doorframe of the bathroom and crosses her muscly arms.
"Yeah, I am excited to see 'her'." you look at Ellie through the mirror and put up quotations marks, like you're mocking her obvious bad memory with names. She rolls her eyes. "Sorry I forgot her name, jeez."
I don't care what her name is, she wants to say.
"It's Sophia, for the 100th time. We're going out to this sushi place, I heard its really good! I also heard that its really fancy, so I really have to up my game." you laugh, putting your hair up and examining your face.
Ellies face contorts at this and she can't help but let out a scoff, "I thought you hated sushi? Fish in general? What the hell are you gonna eat?" she asks you with furrowed brows.
"I mean, yeah, its not my favorite but I can try it. Maybe this time it'll be good!" you try to sound enthousiastic, but Ellie was right, you've always hated fish and everyone knew that.
"Why is she taking you there if you can't eat anything on the menu? Did she even ask you what you like? Remember when we went to Jesses place and you tried that fried fish he cooked and threw up?" Ellie starts questioning you, her tone dripping with jealousy. She looks at your face in the mirror and manages to catch your worried eyes, just for a flash.
"Ellie, its fine. She insisted we go there, so I didn't complain. I'll try some and if I don't like it, I'll just get a drink. That's all. Now, let me do my makeup in peace, dummy!" you usher her out, getting slightly annoyed because she was right, but you still wanted to make it work with this girl so you didn't say anything when she suggested you go to this restaurant.
Ellie simply can't believe you're going out with someone who doesn't even know you that well. You're pretty vocal about your likes and dislikes, so either this Sophia isn't listening to you or she doesn't care.
The fuck does she have that I don't? I would treat you better.
With an annoyance in her step Ellie, once again, lays down on her coffee colored sofa and opens up TikTok, mindlessly scrolling while waiting for you to finish getting ready. After a while of watching dog videos and replying to Joel's unreadable texts and his wrong use emojis, Ellie decides that rolling a blunt for when you leave is a great idea. She definitely need to get her mind off of things.
After what seemed like an hour, you come out of the bathroom. Your hips sway as the black bodycon dress you picked hugs you in all the right places, your hair frames your face like its a masterpiece and the makeup you did enhances your features perfectly. Your hands are behind your back as you make your way to the living room.
"Els, need your help with something." you say shyly, while turning your rear side to the girl.
She looks up from the table and her eyes land on your bare back. Your black, lacy bra sticking out from underneath the dress. Her gaze widens and her breath stops for a second. She wonders if you have matching panties on.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
"Can't reach the zipper. Will you zip me up?" you giggle while trying to zip up the dress, but fail miserably instead.
Ellie swallows the lump that formed in her throat and gets up from the couch. "Y-yeah, of course." She says in a hushed voice.
You relax your shoulders as her own tense up. Her long fingers move towards the zipper that sits on the small of your back. One of her hands finds its way to the black zipper, while the other rests on your upper arm. Carefully, she picks up the small bead and starts moving it up you back.
You feel Ellies breath fan against you, her body heat radiating off of her. She's so close that she could see every damn freckle and baby hair on your neck, and that's precisely where she would plant a kiss right now if she could. The dip of your shoulders and collarbones were driving her crazy. She tried to drag the drop as slow as she could, just so she could stare at your curves longer.
One of the straps of your dress slip down, and Ellie picks it up and places it back. Her fingers graze your trap and it feels like fire. She sneakily caresses the spot before returning to her task.
"There, all, uh, all done." Ellie smooths down the dress slowly, picking off any lint that stuck to the soft fabric. She rests her hands on your hips, just for a second. Just to see what it feels like. You turn around with a smile and thank her. Ellie lets go of you and scratches her ear while her eyes linger on your body.
Don't be a creep, Ellie. Don't look at her chest. Don't.
You put your stuff back into the bag your brought over and take out the black open-toed heels you bought last week. Sitting down on Ellies sofa, you strap them on and get up to see how they feel. Ellies eyes never leave you.
"So, what do ya think? I look okay?" you question Ellie, swaying over to the body length mirror that hangs in the hallway. You do a turn and send Ellie a killer smile, like you're posing for a photo. Ellie thinks she's gonna explode.
"You look fucking- great, fuck. Of course you look good." Ellie shakes her head as if you asked her the most ridiculous question to exist. She leans back on the couch and observes you as you examine your face.
She imagines that you're getting ready for a date with her. Imagines giving you a kiss on the neck and planting her hands around your waist while you giggle at her and snap a photo of you two in the mirror.
"Okay, and what do you think 'bout this perfume?" now you were getting nervous, the time to leave for the date coming closer. You march over to her, heels clicking on the wooden floor. You lean down, pushing your neck into Ellies face so she could sniff you better.
You catch Ellie by surprise as she steadies herself. Her nose and lips nervously brush over your neck, just behind your ear. She takes a long inhale and closes her eyes, you signature scent filing up her senses. Your hair tickles her face.
"Smells good. As always." Ellie states quietly, not moving from the warmth of your neck. She wishes she could stay there.
"Thanks, Williams. I have to go, I'm gonna be late. So, uh, I'll let you know how the date went! You have my location if anything happens, yeah? Lock the door behind me." you put on your coat and bag and strut to the door.
"Wait, she's not picking you up?" Ellie hurriedly follows behind you. The fuck?
"Uh, no. Something's up with her car or... I don't know. I'm just gonna walk!" you say, not looking forward to the death of your feet.
"Jesus," she mutters "do you want me to drive you? It's cool." Ellies already picking up her car keys but you stop her.
You put your hand on her bicep, giving her a reassuring squeeze "Ellie, it's fine. I don't mind walking! I love walking, in fact! Don't stay up late, okay? Bye, Els!" you retort, you don't want to be a bother. Besides, walking is healthy. At least you'll get your steps in and the restaurant is 15 minutes away.
Ellie rolls her eyes, but she can't even say a comeback since you're already clacking away. She almost forgets to lock the door.
She drags her feet back to where she was sitting and finishes rolling her joint, the TV in the background playing a random movie. Ellie lights up the spliff and leans back, putting her feet up on the living room table. Finally she can relax and turn her mind off.
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The clock showed 12 AM and Ellie was fast asleep right where she sat. The spliff she smoked turned into ash and the movie she was watching ended a long time ago. The sound of her phone ringing jolted her awake, the ring tone she put specifically for you blaring loudly.
She quickly picks up the phone "Hey? Is everything okay?" Ellie muttered, still half asleep with closed lids.
"Hey, um, Ellie? Can I come over?" you slur your words slightly. Are you drunk? You sounded rushed and winded.
"Of course, angel, where are you? Should I pick you up? Are you okay?" Ellie asks in a panic, now wide awake. She didn't even notice the way her nickname for you slipped out.
"Yeah, everything's fine, just need to, uh, see you." you sniffle "I'm gonna be up in a sec." you tell her and hang up the call.
Ellie rushes to the door to unlock it and sees your fallen face. She stands to the side and lets you in as you take off your heels and fall face first into the cream cushions.
"What happened?" Ellie asks as she sits down next to you, placing a careful hand on your back.
"Nothing, I just... It was so weird. Everything was okay at first, we were drinking and laughing, and then we went back to her place and she was acting strange and kinda like an asshole, so I left. The sushi was shit, by the way." you chuckle, wiping the one tear that slipped from your eye.
Ellie had a concerned look on her face as she opened up her arms, inviting you for a hug. "Come here." You place your head on her warm chest and close your eyes, humming contently. "I didn't know where to go and you were so close, so yeah. Sorry if I woke you up, though." you whisper into her.
"It's okay, just glad that you're okay. Wanna take a shower? You can sleep here if you want." Ellie smiles at you while wiping smudged mascara from your cheek. Your painted lips tug into a smile and Ellie wonders how that shade of pink would look on her.
"Yes, please." you mutter softly and let go of her body.
Ellie gets up and swiftly makes her way to her bedroom. She rummages through her messy closet until she finds a pair of grey boxers, some socks, a t-shirt and a towel. Jesus Christ, I need to clean more often.
"Here you go." she hands you the clean clothes.
"Thanks, Els. I don't know what I would do without you." you smile at her hazily, your eyes having this sort of gloss over them, like the one Ellie saw that night. You make your way to the bathroom and close the door. She hears the water turn on and the sound of the shower curtains rustling.
Don't imagine her naked, you idiot.
Ellie lets out a sigh she didn't know she was holding as she settles into the daybed comfortably.
You finish your shower and plop down next to Ellie. The smell of her pine-like shampoo fills her nose. The thought of you showering with her stuff and using her towel and sleeping in her clothes makes her head dizzy with the sheer domesticity she so badly yearns for.
Ellies sprawled out in a laying position, one hand under her head while the other plays around with the TV remote. You wrap your arms around Ellies tattooed one, leaning your head on her shoulder. One of your legs rests on top of hers, hiking up your her boxers in the process.
Ellie can't help but gaze down at your body, the way her bottoms hug your thighs and how her shirt looks so fucking good on you. To say that you look hot would be an understatement. She knew she looked stiff as fuck but she didn't dare move a muscle. Ellie feared that even a slight movement would cause you to detach from her, so she stayed still.
"You okay, El?" you ask as you notice the change in her demeaner, shifting your stare to the side of her face. Even though the only light was coming from the TV, you could still se the slight nervousness that was present on the girls face.
Ellie snaps her head towards you and clears her throat "What? Yeah, angel. I'm fine, sorry. Just watching the show." she sends a smile your way as her eyes focus on the TV, your own burning a hole in the side of Ellies neck.
She puts a daring tattooed hand atop your thigh in a reassuring matter. You hum against her and turn your attention back to the documentary that was playing.
Ellies feels her heart palpate and she wonders how far the nearest hospital is from her apartment.
You lay like that for a while, comfort and warmth surrounding your tangled bodies. You didn't move and Ellie took that as a sign that her clammy hand on your thigh didn't present itself as a problem.
Ellie thought she was dreaming.
Out of nowhere you let out a chuckle, obviously remembering something funny. "What is it?" Ellie asks you.
"Nothing I just- nothing, doesn't matter." a giggle escapes your lips as you nuzzle closer to Ellies body.
"Weirdo." Ellie jokes with a squeeze to your leg.
After a 2 minute silence, you whisper something that sends Ellie into orbit "I didn't even come..."
What the fuck?
Did she heart that right?
Ellies body hardens as she questions. "Come- come where?" the embarrassing ask leaves her mouth before she can even think about what you meant. You laugh at her confused tone.
"No, Els, I mean, like, I didn't even come when I was with her." you hide your face in your palm and whisper the 'come' part, suddenly feeling embarrassed that you even admitted something like this to your friend. Ellie understands.
Oh my god.
The brunette thinks she might just die right here. You almost never talk about sex. I mean, here and there of course, but never intimately like this. You both knew more about Dinas and Jesses sex like than yours, everything you found out against your will. Ellie didn't even know if she wanted to hear about your love endeavours, she didn't know if she could handle the sheer thought of someone else's naming dripping from your lips in that way.
But this, this intrigued her as she continued to ask.
"What do you mean?" Ellie tries not to prod to much, still acting dumb.
"I mean, we were going at it but after she was done, that was it. She left me high and dry. She didn't even give me aftercare, she just went on her phone." you laugh feeling more comfortable to tell the story "That's why I left. I felt embarrassed."
This fucking bitch. she thinks about the girl. She couldn't comprehend what you were telling her. Someone was having sex with you? And you didn't finish? That wasn't their priority?
Ellie can't help but let out a scoff as her mouth hangs open with disbelief.
I would never fucking do that.
"Do what?" you question her, giving her a puzzled look.
Shit, did she say that out loud?
"I- I mean, I would never just leave a girl hanging like that. Making a girl finish is sometimes better than sex itself, shit." Ellie lets out a mocking laugh, the weed that still buzzed in her giving her confidence. This made your stomach swirl in a way that was all to familiar, the thought of Ellie in compromising positions.
"Don't feel embarrassed, she's a fucking idiot. Doesn't deserve you." her grip on your thigh hardens and you would be lying if you said that it didn't have any effect on you. Ellie wasn't the only one still drunk on substances, the alcohol you had earlier still present in your body.
"Yeah, you're right." you mutter out, hiking your leg upwards, your knee nearing Ellies crotch. This doesn't go unnoticed by the brunette.
"Of course I fucking am." she says like its fact, her eyes darting between your knee and the TV.
The comforting silence returns and soon enough Ellie puts on a TV show you both love, but you couldn't focus on anything but her body underneath yours. Its not like you didn't think about Ellie. Of course you did. Every fucking gay girl with eyes saw how attractive Ellie was. Her eyes, her crooked smile and that fucking tattoo that adorned her forearm were enough to make a girls knees weak. Dina had subtly mentioned how Ellie was a bit of a player, so you didn't wanna indulge in her games. As you grew closer to her, you saw how sweet she actually was. Yeah, she could be an ass sometimes, but that was just Ellie. You saw right through her hard exterior and discovered her nerdy and warm side. Still, you didn't want to compromise your friendship with her or Dina, so you just moved on.
You move your head to rest in the crook of Ellies neck, feeling her pulse quicken at the action. Racy thoughts were swirling in your head and your tongue was faster than your tipsy brain.
"Now I'm all pent up." the whisper came out so hushed that even Ellie barely heard it.
The air shifts and Ellie nearly looses her mind. You could cut the tension with a knife. What the fuck were you doing? Surely this isn't something innocent. Suddenly she could feel every inch of your body on hers, a cold sweat running down her insides.
What the fuck does she do now?
"Y-yeah?" she whispers even quieter then you, testing the waters. Fuck it, she thought. She could feel the warmth of your centre radiating on her thigh and that was enough for her. With her gaze still on the screen, Ellie moves her hand up your thigh slowly, landing near the bottom of your cotton boxers. She takes the hem between her fingers and plays with it. Maybe this seemed like a bold move, but her insides were doing fucking backflips. She patiently waited for your next move.
"Yeah, got all worked up..." you rasp out, craning your neck to the side and lightly brushing your lips on the red mark you left some days ago. You unhook your leg from Ellies waist and turn to lay on your back, still clinging to her right arm. Ellies hand slips from your ass and lands on the inner part of your leg. Nobody speaks a word.
Ellie thinks she might pass out.
Her fingers draw deliberate circles on your skin, still unsure of her movements. Slowly but surely, they dance up your leg and land again on the hem of your shorts. Ellies eyes are wide with blown out pupils, her breaths come out ragged and short. She can't keep her eyes off of you. Her digits linger for a moment or two, before her pinky grazes your sweet spot. The thing she yearns for. You let out a quick sigh of relief as you both come to an understanding of what's about to happen, but neither of you verbally confirm it. No words need to be said.
Your grip on her arm tightens, silently signaling for her to continue what she was doing. She moves her pinky up and down and if she moved just an inch, she would be right where you needed her.
Ellie decides that she would be taking her sweet ass time. She'd been waiting too long for this to be over in a matter of minutes. She finally feels like she's in control. Her bangs stick to her forehead, her brows are furrowed and they way she's biting her lip will definitely leave a mark. She couldn't see your face, but she imagines its mimicking hers.
You buck your hips up, just a tad, just to let her know its safe to go further. Ellie moves your leg with hers slowly as she opens up your thighs. She so badly wishes to see the view below, so sure that the cotton boxers were a darker shade of grey in the middle. Her throat is dry at the mere thought of your slick.
Ellie moves her hand to cup your cunt, the pads of her digits pressing against your hole lightly. She was right, you were wet.
You were wet for her.
The words keep repeating in her mind.
It takes everything in her not to flip you around and fill you up with her strap, but she can't. Not yet. Not now. Another time if her stars are lucky.
You let out a low moan that you were holding on to while digging your nails into Ellies bicep. Ellies tattooed hand moves up, her fingers tracing your bud with a light pressure, enough to elicit another groan out of you. Ellie groans quietly just at the sight of her hand on your pussy. Her pressure on your clit hardens and she moves her fingers faster. You instinctively open your legs more, giving her better access to play with you.
She halts her movements and you almost whine at the loss of her touch. She slowly lifts up the band of your boxers and slips her hand in. She doesn't know why but she's surprised at the loss of your panties underneath the shorts. Ellie remembers seeing the lace adorning your back just a couple of hours ago and wondering what you were wearing down below. Its a good surprise nonetheless.
You arch your back at the sudden contact of Ellies cold digits on your puffy clit. She circles it again before moving down to gather your slick on her fingers, returning them to your bud.
"E-Ellie..." her name falling from your lips in the most beautiful way Ellie has ever heard and she thinks she could come just from that. Your bury your face in her neck and she feels your every breath.
"Yeah, baby?" she rasps out, continuing to roll your clit around in hard but slow movements. You kiss her neck a bit harder this time, leaving wet trails all the way up to her jaw. Her smell is intoxicating to you. You need more.
"Need more, El." you mutter out shyly. It was embarrassing how quickly you soaked your panties for her. You didn't know that Ellies were even worse than yours.
She dips her head down and catches your lips with hers in a slow kiss. Ellie thinks she's on top of the world.
The touch was electric and Ellie felt as if you were the missing piece to her puzzle. You let go of her arms as you straddle her waist, tangling your hands behind her neck and in her hair. Ellie lets out a groan at the tug of her locks as her hands come up to rest on your ass. She kisses you with so much want and so much need, she doesn't even stop for a quick breath. You both slow down as her hand once again finds your wet centre and you can't help but let out a moan into Ellies mouth. She rubs you through your boxers, teasing you again.
"El, please..." you plead with her, you can't take it anymore. Your head falls into the crook of her neck as you leave another hickey next to the old one.
Ellie feels like a god when she hears her name fall from your mouth, so sickly sweet, so desperate, just for her.
"What do you want, baby? Hm? Tell me." she's not even that much of a dirty talker, but she needs to hear you say it. Needs to hear you say how badly you want her. The craving for you growing stronger.
"Anything. Do whatever you want." the words you say come out in a moan as you grind down on her rough palm.
In a swift motion she flips you over to lay on your back. Your legs wrap around her waist as she pulls up your chin for a deep kiss. Both of you are a moaning mess at this point. The pillows on her couch were thrown somewhere on the floor, the TV long forgotten. Ellie pulls her shirt above her head and you almost salivate at the sight of her abs, her Calvin Kleins peeking out from her shorts. Her messy auburn hair and bitten lips leave you wanting more. You pull her in by her sports bra to continue the kiss. Her fingers toy with the bottom of your shirt as she lifts it up above your tits, the cold air nipping at your exposed skin.
She kisses down your body, starting from your neck down to your clavicle. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting to do this." Ellies words sound breathless as she kneads your tits in her hands, running her fingers over your hardened nipples. She kisses them slowly, making sure to leave a few of her marks.
Ellie can't wait any longer, the need to taste you overcomes her completely.
She gets on her knees in front of the couch and settles between your soft thighs, kissing and biting them delicately. Her long digits drag over your tits all the way to your knees. "Can I taste you? Please?" and Ellie didn't even have to ask by the looks of you.
Ellie wishes she could take a picture right now. Your cute face is all blushy, bitten lips waiting for a moan to slip out. Your hair spills around you like you're a work of art. God, don't even get her started on how your perfect body looks under hers.
And who are you to deny her? Her whiny tone and big eyes are enough to send you over the edge.
"Yes, Ellie. Hurry up. Please." you sound just as pathetic as her.
Ellie eyes your heat, pressing a teasing finger right on your wet clit. She bunches up the boxers and slips her hand underneath, touching you with her cold knuckles and dragging them down your slit slowly. The reaction that this elicits from you makes her roll her eyes to the back of her head. She carefully but quickly takes off the cotton material and throws it behind her.
"Jesus, you're so fucking wet." and it feels so pathetic, how wet you got just from a few touches. You don't even wanna know how fast you'll come if she keeps this up.
Ellie finally bows her head down and licks a long stripe from your hole to your clit, making you buck your hips to her mouth from the action. She shuts her eyes and groans from your taste. Tastes so fucking sweet. She thinks she could live off of you alone. She continues gathering your slick on her tongue as she circles your clit, pulling you closer by your thighs. Her moans mix with your own and you don't think you could hold on any longer.
"E-Els, oh my god. Keep, fuck, keep going!" you croak out while arching your back, pushing into Ellies tongue.
"Hold on, baby. Don't come yet. Just a little longer. Shit, you taste so fucking good." Ellie grumbles between your folds, nose bumping into your bud as she nuzzles deeper. Her chin is covered in your wetness, dripping down the couch.
Her right hand unwraps from your thigh and reaches down into her own shorts. Ellie can't help it, her own slick pooling in her underwear. The thought of her face in your cunt making her go crazy. She speeds up her tongue while she simultaneously rubs her own clit. She doesn't even bother to take off her boxers.
"Tell me when you're close, angel. Okay?" the sound of her voice sending vibrations to your body. You nod frantically, too pent up to even use your words. All you can focus on is her heaven-sent tongue that's working on you.
However, you do notice her sneaky hand in her boxers, and the sight alone makes the tight coil in your stomach snap. Ellie's lapping at you like you're her last meal in the world while her wrist is working on her own clit. The sight is pitiful one, how she's about to come just from eating a girl out. Not just any girl. Her girl.
"Ellie, I'm close, fuck, 'm gonna- gonna come!" you whine with your hands tightly tangled in Ellie's hair. "Yeah, fu- you gonna come for m-me?" and as she utters those words and as her pace is just right, both of you finish at the same time, hot flashes running through your bodies. Ellie's hand and mouth are still not letting up as she works trough your orgasms.
She slows down and takes her hand out of her shorts and lazily wraps it around your thigh. "El- stop, stop, stop, can't take, fuck- can't take anymore." you hum out, your hand wiping the beads of sweat from your forehead. Ellie groans in reply, so pussy drunk on your taste that she just can't bring herself to let up. "Ellie! Please..." you push her head away, feeling overstimulated.
"Okay okay, sorry angel." her mouth detaches from your bud with a pop and she continues placing small licks on your hole, cleaning you up. She finishes with a few kisses placed on your clit and inner thighs.
Ellie quickly gets up with wobbly legs and goes to the bathroom to get a fresh towel to clean up the scene that just unfolded. As she looks at herself in the mirror, she sees your shinny slick dripping down her chin and she can't help but smirk at the sight.
She makes her way towards you and now she really wishes she had a fucking camera somewhere here, because even the greatest renaissance painters couldn't have painted a better portrait. You turn your head to look at Ellie with you shirt sitting under your chin, your bottom half completely naked and as the cherry on top, your perfect smile and hazy eyes looking right at her.
She blushes as she sits down next you, tucking her hair behind her ears. "Hey, brought you a clean rag." she says, suddenly feeling very shy under your piercing gaze. "Thanks, babe." you tell her before pulling her down by her bra for a sweet kiss. Ellie immediately melts into you as you taste yourself on her lips. Her heart flutters at the word babe.
"Was, uh, was that good?" her pleading eyes look into your own as she questions you quietly. "Ellie, you're joking, right?" you giggle as you run your fingers through her auburn locks. She turns away from your gaze while a deep blush creeps onto her cheeks.
"Hey," you turn her head towards yours "I don't think I ever came that fast in my life." your blown out pupils meet her own and Ellie's stomach dances at your words.
You pick up her right hand, still looking deep into her eyes. A playful and dangerous look enhancing your stare. You bring up her fingers to your lips, parting them just enough for her digits to slip in, licking them clean from the girls come. Ellie sees white for a second. She pushes them in deeper, and now she can't help but imagine some other things she would do to you.
"Round 2?"
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bluecollarmcandtf · 6 months
How to Use Your Meat Suit
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I can't believe how awesome this weekend was! Let's just say that the perfect way to avoid a hangover is to just possess randos to take the hit for you!
It all started on Friday, when I took Tyler just as he got out of practice. He never saw it coming, and once his body was an empty suit for me to wear, I was ready to hop in and have the best night of my life!
I could actually feel the lingering adrenaline from his workout, and it was exhilarating! I tossed his bags aside and ran to my house party down the street, which was easy with his limber legs. Everyone went wild when I showed up as the star basketball player. They didn't care about his BO; they were just happy to watch me flex those freshly pumped arms.
Friday night went by in a flash of loud music and crowded dancing, but a lot of people started wondering why Tyler got piss drunk and began grinding against all the guys.
I don't have much to say for myself other than I may have put a little too much alcohol in his body and lost control. Drinking makes me horny, and I sure did not care about Tyler's former reputation. People might not think of him as the cool lady-killer he used to be, but that's not my problem.
Anyways, I dropped his body when a cop busted us around 4 am. I could barely stand, I was so drunk, so I'm not surprised Tyler collapsed to the floor the second I stopped puppeteering him.
I jumped into the policeman who'd shown up.
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It was weird to go from blackout drunk to stone-cold sober, but I quickly gathered my bearings. Now in control of the cop, I pried the drink from Tyler's sweaty limp fingers and sloppily swallowed it all! The crowd went wild, and the party raged on.
And just like that I went back to dancing and drinking, only I was now wearing the body of an on-duty police officer.
Being a little more sober, I spent the early hours of Saturday morning trying to hook up with someone. I think most of the guys there were a little too intimidated to be talking to a cop, but I eventually found someone.
This guy walked up to me and called me a pig. I think he was trying to offend me, but he only succeeded in turning me on. I pulled him close and oinked in his ear playfully. He got the message and dragged me to an upstairs bedroom. The rest of the night was a blur as I continued to down drinks, but I could definitely tell that my date was getting off on degrading the officer I had on.
The officer's body eventually collapsed to the floor in a drunken exhaustion, so I jumped out. It was almost midday by then, so I ventured outside and found someone else to possess.
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There was this construction site across the street. Several of the workers were idly chatting about the nearby house party that was still going strong.
Without warning, I hopped into the contractor; he was the only man there that wasn't fat, old, or ugly. He certainly smelled ripe, but I rather enjoyed how filthy he was. Wearing his masculine body instantly tented the pole in his jeans, but I didn't bother trying to hide it from his coworkers.
I quickly ordered them to take the day off, which left them mostly confused. I'm sure I was acting out of character, but I didn't care. I just waved the team away, and marched down the street to a bearby liquor store.
There, I fished out all the cash in the guys wallet to use on booze. It was a good thing his body was strong enough to haul it all back on his shoulders. Though the party was starting to wind down, it quickly revamped when I restocked the drinks. Before long, I was back to drinking and dancing on any guy who'd let me, only this time I was wearing the construction worker's body.
That party lasted all weekend. It quickly became a legend on campus for its good luck and neverending supply of liquor. No one knew that it was all the work of some friendly ghost. I just wanted everyone to have a good time!
The three guys I possessed didn't have the best time though.
Tyler woke up at some point with a splitting headache and no memory of all the twerking and flirting he'd done the night before. He did eventually hear stories, which left him feeling utterly humiliated. His teammates never let him live that one down.
I don't think the cop lost his job, but he was reprimanded for not reporting in after his shift. I think the officer was just glad none of his colleagues knew he'd woken up in the middle of a college party, his uniform soaked in alcohol and who knows what else!
That construction worker woke up just before his next shift. He was completely confused and hungover, but he stifled his worries and shuffled across the street. He was more than happy to just show up at work like nothing had happened.
I'm thinking about throwing another party next week. The Dean of the college has a pretty large house, and I'm sure his students would love to see me letting loose in his body...
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amnesique · 1 year
do i wanna know? — tyler galpin
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part 1 part 2
pairing: tyler galpin x reader x xavier thorpe
summary: after tyler defended you in front of your ex-boyfriend, you helped him get rid of the anger, that was still running through his veins, in your special ways.
warnings: SMUT (18+, minors dni!), briefly violence (towards another character), car sex, angry sex, unprotected sex, quickie, switch!tyler galpin, switch!reader.
the sheriff kicked all three of you, —you, tyler and xavier—, out of the cafe to scold you. you were somewhere behind it, xavier sitting down on the couch, holding his head back to try to stop the bleeding, while you were sitting with your arms crossed over your chest, somewhere on the left side, away from him, but close to tyler.
"i can't believe you, tyler! you've stooped so low as to pick a fight with someone over a girl!" said his father, clearly very disappointed that all the customers had to witness such a thing. he didn't know how he was going to get back inside and meet the people there.
tyler rolled his eyes, while xavier had a satisfied grin on his face, pleased that even the sheriff was against his own son. "he humiliated her in front of everyone!" tyler continued to be on your side, losing his temper as he straightened his back against the wall he was leaning to, with his arms crossed over his chest.
despite everything, the fact that the galpin boy didn't back down even when he was scolded by his father and continued to be on your side, to take your defense made you feel an emptiness in your stomach. no one had done this before, not even xavier.
it was nice to have someone willing to fight for you.
xavier let a weak laugh roll across his lips and in a split second, tyler rushed to appear in front of him, grabbing him by the collar and slamming his head back so hard he slammed into the hard wall of the cafe, causing you to take a step back and look in shock, hand to your mouth.
"do you want me to help you get your blood flowing even harder and you don't know how to ask me?" he said to xavier, his jaw clenched.
his words made you feel more attracted to him.
but it didn't last long because the sheriff stepped in, pulling tyler, by the shirt, away from xavier, "that's enough!" he yelled and pushed his son behind him so as not to have access to the nevermore student in front of him, who was still holding his nose and was whimpering weakly.
"go home! and take y/n with you," the sheriff added, running his hand over his chin in frustration. "i'll stay here, trying to convince thorpe not to sue the hell out of you for all of this."
"i don't think so," muttered xavier, continuing to add fuel to the fire.
if the sheriff wasn't there, xavier would've been six feet under just because of the look tyler gave him at that moment.
he turned his back and he motioned for you to disappear as he yelled at his son, "what the hell are you waiting for, son?"
forced by the situation, tyler tore his apron off him and threw it on the floor, barely accepting that he needs to move. but he did. with you very close behind him.
but he didn't say a word, nor did he wait for you, until you two reached his car, which was parked also behind the cafe.
he got in first, slammed the door behind him and when he heard that you got in the passenger seat and also closed the door he took off, barely giving you any time to put on your seat belt.
"what's wrong with you, tyler?" you yelled at him as he continued to press the accelerator. "you act like it's all my fault!" you added, seeing that he was ignoring you, and you couldn't deny that even though it scared you to see how fast he was driving, it also turned you on to see how his fingertips clenched around the steering wheel.
upon hearing your last words, he exhaled the air he was holding in his lungs and took his foot off the accelerator, letting the car return to a normal speed, while his breathing was calming down in a slow rhythm.
“no way it's your fault,” he whispered, not looking at you, and you might not have heard him if you weren't already paying attention to him.
"so what's all this about?" you asked him, feeling yourself starting to get sensitive, gesturing between the two of you.
he ran his tongue over his lower lip, eyes still fixed on the road. "i don't know what you mean," he answered briefly and to the point, even if he was lying.
"you do know!" you said, and took off your belt, so you could turn to him. and when he felt your hand touching over his thigh, his whole body stiffened. "you didn't say a word to me in this whole situation and even though you say it's not my fault, you seem angry with me too." you added and continued to move your hand up and down, to get his attention, as you kept glaring at him. with pleading eyes.
no matter how hard he tried to stay rational, to ignore your touches and the gaze, that he could've feel even though he wasn't even looking in your direction, it seemed like his intimate part was making decisions at that moment, at the expense of his brain.
his jeans were getting tight and his thinking was clouded as his breathing was getting heavier.
“stop it,” he said, trying to take your hand off him, but you resisted, resting your hand over the top of his jeans, trying to take them off slowly.
taking advantage of the fact that he had stopped at a traffic light, being a red light, you turned his head with your free hand towards you and being so close to his lips, and with your hand unzipping his jeans, you said, "let me help you."
"no," he said softly, trying to lie to himself that he didn't want this, but making a faint sound as your hand finally unzipped him.
you moved closer to his ear, and moving your palm over the bulge in his boxers, you said, "i know you want this."
remembering that last time he was way too lost under your touch and not only wanting to get even, but also because he was driven by the anger he had because of your ex, he pushed you off of him, he pulled his pants back up on his hips and zipped them back up, then he started the car when the light turned green. and although his gesture should've hurt you, you clenched over nothing at his action and you pressed your lips together to prevent any sound from coming out as you pretended to look out the window.
after a few minutes, finding a place where he knew no one would pass by, he suddenly stopped the car and at the same time the air stopped in your throat.
"what's going on?” you asked tyler, looking up at him uncertainly and ignoring the uneasiness that had settled inside of you.
"get in the back," was all he said, looking in the rearview mirror.
"y/n," he said your name in a tone that made you let him have full control of you, "i said 'get in the back'."
you gulped, the uneasiness leaving your body and giving space to impatience to install. and, biting your bottom lip in anticipation, you made room between the seats to slip into the backseat. you could already feel some moisture making its appearance between your legs.
letting you to wait, tyler exited though the driver's door and waited a few minutes with his hand on the back door opener. moments when you looked at him through the car window with the same pleading eyes from earlier, having the same effect on his jeans.
when he opened the door, you cautiously stepped back, leaning back with your head against the glass of the door opposite him, looking at him as if you were a deer caught by the hunter. you didn't even realize when your dominant part was over and his was just beginning.
he quickly closed the door, and then, with slow movements, he made room for himself by climbing over your body, with his lips close to yours. using the same teasing that you used on him. not just once, but twice.
you wanted so badly to kiss him, to taste his lips again, but when you tried to connect your lips with his, it took all the resistance in him to place a finger over your lips and to stop you, while leaning on you with his other hand, that he rested on your hip.
"please...", you said, although you didn't know what you were begging him to do.
a not-so-subtle smirk appeared on his lips, "what are you asking me to do, exactly?", using the same words against you that you had used when the roles were reversed.
and yet, what he wouldn't have expected was when you ran your tongue over his finger, sucking it. at that moment his dominance was slipping and he barely managed to be able to keep it on, as he withdrew his finger placing his hand over your neck instead, squeezing lightly. what he didn't know was that you were into it, but he found out quickly, when a squeal of pleasure left your lips.
to silence you, he kissed you, quickly, forcefully, as if he longed to do it again for a long time. and the hand on your hip made its way, between you two, under the dress that you wore, quickly finding its place over the material of your panties.
he felt the effect he had on you from the first contact with the material and he hurried to get it off of you, at the same time pulling down his pants and boxers in one movement. and yet, all this time your lips had not parted. besides, each of you were breathing harder, also existing a few moans here and there, from the both of you.
he hurried to line himself up at your entrance, suddenly pushing himself in and swallowing the moan you let out over his lips.
all the anger he felt towards xavier thorpe, your ex boyfriend, —and the fact that xavier had you before him and still he had the nerve to call you names, even though you were no longer his and you could do it with whoever you wanted—, was felt when in the first phase he withdrew a little and in continuation re-entering you as suddenly as the first time, with more force that time.
he continued to hit the place where you needed him the most, while the hand around your neck tightened his fingers around it from time to time, and the other hand made circles over your sensitive spot.
"i'm close—", you said between moans, but he was quick to come back hungrily on your lips, increasing the speed with which his hand moved.
continuing to move his hips into you with the same intensity, feeling you tighten around him, he pulled away from the kiss only to speak, with his forehead against yours, "i know, love, you can let go."
hearing his words, you allowed yourself to forget about everything and feel how you came down from the high place where he had brought you within a few minutes, while you let out unholy sounds, which also sent him, right after you, over the edge.
he got out of you, but he didn't rush to get off of you, letting his head fall into the crook of your neck and inhaling your perfume as you felt yourself full of him.
“i'm starting to think this is becoming some kind of a habit for us,” you said with a weak giggle that made him shiver. "i don't dislike it," then you quickly added to not give him the wrong idea.
he lifted his head to look at you.
"me neither," he said, rushing to kiss you again.
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hookhausenschips · 3 months
Another Life (Songfic Mini Series)
Word Count: 1,453
Summary: Y/N realizes her worth after HOOK cheats on her
Warnings: Angst, cheating, sad.
song: Another Life by Motionless In White
Hook Taglist: @shawtys-things, @gethooked, @hope4more, @redpool, @lovethathookhausen730, @dgcrimson-garcia, @brideofinfamy, @boneyjones7777, @saramusazzi99
Join my taglist here!
Reblog and like if you love this little series!
A/N: This is my interpretation of the song!
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Third Person POV
If I can't let you go, will darkness divide?
For the fiction of love is the truth of our lies
We were playing for keeps but we both knew the cost
Now the only way out's in your heart shaped box
The sound of tires crunching gravel echoed through the silent night as Y/N pulled up to their once-shared apartment. The weight of the truth she had discovered moments ago pressed down on her chest, suffocating her. Another life, just like the lies that had woven themselves into the fabric of their relationship.
She stepped out of the car, her legs feeling like lead as she trudged towards the entrance. Each step felt heavier than the last as if the ground itself conspired to keep her from facing the shattered remains of what she thought was love.
The door creaked open, revealing the dimly lit interior of their home. Memories flooded her mind, each one tainted now by the knowledge of betrayal. The laughter, the whispered promises, the shared dreams—all of it felt like a cruel joke orchestrated by fate.
Y/N made her way through the living room, her eyes catching sight of a discarded jacket on the floor. It wasn't hers. Her heart clenched at the realization, but she pushed forward, determined to confront the truth head-on.
The faint sound of voices drifted from the bedroom, sending a shiver down her spine. With trembling hands, Y/N pushed the door open, bracing herself for the sight that awaited her.
There they were, tangled in each other's arms, their whispers of affection like a knife twisting in my gut. He looked up, Tyler’s eyes widening in shock as he registered her presence. But there was no remorse in his gaze, only a cold indifference that shattered what little remained of her heart. Y/N couldn't bear to stay a moment longer. Without a word, she turned and fled, the echoes of their deceit following her like ghosts haunting her every step.
But I hate that it seems you were never enough
We were broken and bleeding but never gave up
And I hate that I made you the enemy
And I hate that your heart was the casualty
Now, I hate that I need you
Outside, the night air was cold against her skin, matching the emptiness that now consumed her. How could she have been so blind? How could she have trusted him with her heart, only for him to trample it beneath his feet?
Y/N wandered aimlessly, the weight of her grief dragging her down into a bottomless abyss. Each breath felt like a struggle, each heartbeat a painful reminder of the love she had lost.
With tears streaming down her face, she let out a guttural scream, the anguish of betrayal tearing through her like a hurricane. How could she go on knowing that everything she had believed in had been nothing but a lie? Y/N sat in her car, her hands trembling as she clutched her phone in her grasp. Tears blurred her vision, staining the screen with salty streaks.
"He’s happier here with me sweetheart," the words echoed in her mind, a haunting melody of betrayal. It was over. He was leaving her for the girl he cheated with, leaving behind shattered dreams and broken promises. Memories flashed before her eyes like scenes from a movie – the laughter, the late night drives to the next AEW show, the whispered promises of forever. How could it all unravel so quickly? How could love turn to ashes in the blink of an eye? 
As we rest here alone like notes on a page
The finest to compose could not play our pain
With a candle through time I could still see your ghost
But I can't close my eyes, for it
For it is there where you haunt me most
Where you haunt me most
She had trusted him with her heart, opening herself up to him in ways she never thought possible. And yet, he had taken that trust and trampled it beneath his feet, leaving her feeling like nothing more than a discarded toy. Rage boiled within her veins, a fire consuming her from the inside out. How dare he do this to her? How dare he throw away everything they had built together for the sake of a fleeting moment of passion?
But beneath the anger, beneath the hurt, there was a deep, gnawing pain – the pain of betrayal. She had given him everything, and in return, Tyler had given her nothing but lies and deceit.
With a choked sob, she threw her phone across the car, watching as it landed in a heap of shards on the floor looking just like her heart felt. Shattered. She wanted to scream, to rage against the unfairness of it all, but the words caught in her throat, suffocating her.
In the silence that followed, Y/N felt a wave of numbness wash over her, enveloping her in its icy embrace. She had given him her heart, and he had broken it without a second thought. How could she ever trust again? How could she ever love again?
I hate that it seems you were never enough
We were broken and bleeding, but never gave up
And I hope that I stain through your memory
As we echo through time in the melody
Now I hate that I need you
In the dimly lit apartment, the air hung heavy with tension. Y/N’s heart raced as she stood face to face with Tyler, her once-beloved fiancée.
Y/N’s voice trembled as she confronted Tyler, her eyes filled with tears. "How could you do this to me? I trusted you, Tyler."
HOOK shifted uncomfortably, unable to meet Y/N’s gaze. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I never meant to hurt you."
But the words fell flat, ringing hollow in Y/N’s ears. She could feel the weight of his betrayal crushing her soul. She remembered the late-night conversations, the laughter, and the promises they had made to each other. The engagement. But now, it all felt like a cruel joke.
"You promised you'd never leave me," Y/N whispered, her voice barely above a whisper.
Tyler reached out to touch her, but Y/N recoiled, her heart aching with pain. "Don't. Just don't."
The silence between them was deafening, broken only by the melancholic melody of the song. Y/N felt as though she were drowning in her sorrow, suffocating under the weight of Tyler’s betrayal.
"I never meant for it to happen," HOOK finally confessed, his voice strained with guilt. "It was a mistake."
But Y/N knew that apologies were meaningless now. The trust between them had been shattered, irreparably broken.
And I hear you now when you said it hurt
But it had to fall, fall apart to work
As I see you now in what's left of me
Is it too late to plead insanity?
With a heavy heart, Y/N turned away from Tyler, her eyes brimming with tears. She couldn't bear to look at him any longer, couldn't stand the sight of the man who had destroyed her world.
She took off the ring that once promised a forever together and put it in Tyler’s hand. As she left the apartment, the remnants of their relationship left at the doorstep, a painful reminder of what could have been. But Y/N knew that she had to let go of the past and find the strength to move on, to start anew in a world where love was not tainted by lies and betrayal.
'Cause I hate that it seems you were never enough
Yeah, we're broken and bleeding in the name of love
And I hope that we meet in another life
As she walked away, Y/N vowed to herself that she would never let anyone hurt her the way Tyler had. As the sun rose higher in the sky, Y/N felt a glimmer of hope begin to stir within her. Another life awaited, one filled with possibilities yet to be discovered. And though the road ahead would be fraught with challenges, she knew that she would face them head-on, no longer shackled by the chains of a love that had turned to ash.
For in the end, it was not his betrayal that defined Y/N, but her ability to rise from the ashes and rebuild herself anew. As she walked into the dawn of a new day, she knew that she would emerge stronger, wiser, and more resilient than ever before. 
I hope that we meet in another life
I don't hate that I need you
(I don't hate that I need you)
I don't hate that I need you
(I don't hate that I need you)
I don't hate that I need you
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moonydustx · 11 months
Love me
masterlist | requests here
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
Summary: a sudden breakup leaves you questioning what could have happened to Bucky, until you discover he just wanted to keep you safe.
Warnings: a little angst, drama, smut ( p in v, f receiving oral, dirty talk) A lot of tears, but with a happy ending. If I left something out, just let me know.
WC: ~ 3k
A/N: Just an excuse to write about make-up sex with Bucky. No beta, sorry for possible errors as English is not my first language. Also, I'm not used to writing smut, but I hope you like it.
Requests here!
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"You need to leave." Bucky asked, without even looking you in the eye.
"What does that mean Buck, did something happen?" you tried to touch him, but Bucky dodged your hands. "What is happening?"
"This mission made me think of many things..." he sat in the kitchen chair, Alpine didn't take long to pass between his legs, waiting for a caress. "I wasn't made for this life, for this." he pointed to the small space between you two.
"Wait, what do you mean?" your voice was already trembling when trying to at least understand what was happening. "Are you breaking up with me? Buck, two days ago everything was perfect, what happened? Please, I need you to explain."
"I already told you, I just..." for a second he looked at your face. The thick tears that ran down your cheeks made him feel his own throat close. He would have a few more reasons to hate himself after that. "I can not do this anymore."
"Is this your best explanation?" you charged and he just shrugged.
The noise of your engagement ring hitting the kitchen table bothered him, but not as much as seeing you walk out the living room door without even looking back. For the first time in a while, it was his turn to allow tears to flood his face.
One month, thirteen days and a few hours.
Maybe it wasn't the healthiest thing in the world to count the dates of the last time you saw your ex, the fateful day he kicked your ass.
You wish you were one of those people that you get over easily, or at least pretend to be by posting happy pictures on social media, but that wouldn't be you.
Your type was more to isolate yourself and drown in your own sorrows, which was also not possible due to work. You had to put on your best social mask and move on, even if you still didn't believe a word Bucky had said.
"Chef, there's a visitor for you." Tyler, one of your employees, caught your eye.
Before he even speaks, you can feel him watching you. Everyone there knew something was wrong.
"How urgent?" you ask with zero atention.
"It's an avenger, so I assume this is the most urgent we've ever had at this restaurant."
The knife in your hand fell onto the board, a chill running through your body. If it was Bucky, Tyler would have told you, after all, your ex-boyfriend had already spent a lot of nights accompanying you to the restaurant. Could be news about him, maybe not good stuff.
"Annya, can you take over for me?" you asked, hearing a "Yes, chef!" by far.
Your mind ran through different scenarios, the vast majority without a happy ending, while you took off your tame and cap.
The weight on your shoulders disappeared when you saw Sam smiling, waiting for you at one of the tables. As soon as he got to his feet, you hugged him.
"I thought I wouldn't have the privilege of seeing the head chef."
"Consider yourself privileged then, because tonight promises." you settled into the chair across from him. Despite the smiles and the mild climate, something told you that there was something more. "So, you came to try the new meat."
"No, not today, but I'm still trying. I'm here to talk about Bucky."
"Did something happen?" your heart immediately sped up, all those fears coming back like a flood.
"It's all right with him." Sam reassured you, noticing your posture change at the time. "I have some information and to be honest I can't stand to see him suffer over it any longer."
"Suffer for what?"
"You, what else would it be?"
"Sam, he chose to leave me. It still hurts, but there's nothing you can do about it." you explained, seeing him nod. "But if there's anything I can help you."
"I'd rather tell you and then you choose what to do. On the last mission, some personal information was leaked. About the team, about Sarah, the boys, you."
"Exactly what about me?"
"About you and Bucky, they used that to try and coerce him, that's what made him choose to walk away from you." he handed you a cell phone.
On the screen, a photo of you and Bucky leaving the restaurant at night, another of the two of you running together, another of you in a coffee shop.
"Who got this? I-I... Are we in danger?" you looked around for suspects, for cameras trained on the two of you, but found only people engrossed in their own conversations. "Who made this?"
"It does not matter now."
"How does it not matter?"
"Bucky sorted it out and whoever it is, they won't be bothering you anymore." Shit. Sam doesn't need to say more for you to understand what resolve means. "I'm only telling you this because I know you still like him."
"It takes two to make a relationship, at the very least." you responded right away.
"Just think, wouldn't someone who did all this thinking about protecting you love you?" Sam asked and laughed when he saw your confused face. "Oh man, you two deserve each other."
"Should I talk to him?"
"Well, he's in town, no plans for the next mission. Maybe you should." Sam shrugged and got to his feet. "Now that I've taken this weight off of me, I'll let you work, but I'll be back and you better cook the best steak I've ever had."
"Order noted." you said goodbye to him with a quick hug. "Thanks Sam."
"Don't thank me, I'm just doing my part as the future best man." he winked, eliciting a laugh from you and then left.
The evening at the restaurant, despite being full, seemed to take forever to pass. Amidst the food, your head wandered over the images you'd seen, what Sam had said.
It was past midnight when you got home. You took a hot shower, somehow trying to calm your mind, but that wasn't enough. Before putting on your pajamas, you thought a little more. You couldn't miss that opportunity, even if it was to close that chapter of your life. You got dressed and headed towards Bucky's apartment.
Your legs made you walk from side to side, restless in front of the door, your mind bubbled with possible excuses for a visit during the night. You knocked a few times and got no response, but you couldn't just walk away.
The keys you still had danced between your trembling fingers before they even reached the lock. Upon opening the door, you can see Alpine look up curiously, immediately jumping off the couch and going to tangle at your feet.
"Hello for you too!" you bent down, feeling the soft white hairs by your hand.
The door behind you closed by itself, giving you only the trouble to lock it again. The small apartment seemed untouched since the last time you were there, you took off your three shoes, leaving them next to Bucky's boots, an old habit.
The same brown cushions as the Alpine ration in the same corner. Your photo still next to the TV. If you closed your eyes, you could remember the day that picture was taken, your nervous laughter being on a Ferris wheel and Bucky's arms around your waist.
You've heard Bucky before you've even seen him in full. The murmurs came from the side of the sofa, and as you feared to find him, he was lying on the floor, only a pillow and a sheet protecting his body from the cold floor. He was muttering something incomprehensible, even from a distance you could see the sweat gather on his face.
Trying to get closer without scaring him, you knelt beside where he was lying, Alpine climbed on the arm of the sofa, carefully following your every move.
"Buck?" you called him in a whisper, not having much effect. This time, you chose to touch his shoulder, shaking it slightly, the nickname involuntarily falling from your lips. "Babe?"
As if out of breath, Bucky sat up, catching all the apparently lost breath. It took a few seconds for his blue irises to meet yours, trying to assimilate what was happening.
"Am I still dreaming?" he muttered to himself, it was only when he felt your hand take his that he seemed to realize reality. "You are here?"
"Yes." you replied, settling into a sitting position.
For a few seconds, you chose to just watch him. The disheveled hair and beard had been undone for some time, a little longer than usual. Next to his military dog ​​tag, hung the ring you wore. Regret took over your body for leaving behind.
"Are you well?" his husky voice interrupted you from daydreaming about the two of you's recent past. Trying to push those thoughts away, you just shook your head and tried to do your best on your own, but you already knew him to know that wouldn't convince him.
"I should be asking that. Was I having a nightmare?"
"Yes... I couldn't sleep and in the little time I could, some demons decided to take the time to disturb me." just as you had, he smiled and just like him, you knew that all was not well. "What are you doing here?"
"Needed to see you." your hand that clung to him let go, busy pinching your own hand nervously. "I've been talking to Sam."
"I don't know what he told you, but I can guarantee..."
"Please let me speak." you cut him off, afraid he would ask you to go again. "I know about the threats, I know about everything and I wonder what your head must be like. But what I want you to understand is that I'm okay with it."
"You do not understand."
"You can help me with this. It may sound silly, but, I don't know, I can learn to defend myself, I can spend more time around you. I just don't accept that our story ends like this, for fear of something that still it didn't even happen. I want to try, I want to stay!" you had to pull yourself together after dumping everything on him.
It could just be your impression, or maybe just the street light streaming in through the window, but you could have sworn his eyes were teary.
His hands pulled yours to lock around the back of his neck. In a rush of courage, you crossed your legs over his, settling in his lap. His hands slid down your back, locking onto your waist.
"Say you don't want me, that you don't love me anymore and I'm gone." you whispered and he immediately denied it.
"They said your name, they talked about you, about us and I didn't know how to react." he closed his eyes for a moment, sighing as he felt your fingers tangle in his hair. "I don't think I've ever felt that… that fear. I thought it would be easier to walk away than stick around and let them hurt you. But shit, it hurt. It still hurts not to have you around."
"If you want, I can stay away, just ask, I understand. I just need you to be honest." His hands, previously tied around your waist, went up to your face, wiping away a few tears. "Now if I stay, we'll get through this together. Please..." your voice came out a lot lower than you expected. "Ask me to stay, tell me you still love me."
Your current self was waiting for an answer, yearning to hear those damn three words. Your now self didn't have a shred of regret. If at any time you dared to rethink what had been said, that was left behind when you felt his lips on yours.
His right hand tangled in your hair, deepening his lips on you, while the other kept you attached to him, squeezing your waist. His tongue drew the roof of your mouth, such a good and familiar feeling. God, how you missed that.
"I love you." Bucky's voice murmured, moving just a few millimeters from your lips. "I love you." he stole another kiss, this time even more intense. "I love you, every bit, every part." the kisses began to go down the back of your neck, reaching that part that shivered your entire body.
"Bucky, please."
"Let me love every piece of you, please doll." he asked, letting his tongue run up to the edge of your ear. "Fuck, let me show you that I haven't stopped loving you for a second."
"You have no idea how much I've missed you babe." you whispered, pressing your still covered intimacy against him.
Heat was starting to build up in your core, making it impossible to think. His lips pulled away from yours, only for in a single thrust, he'd jump to his feet and keep you locked in his arms. It didn't take long for you to feel your body against the soft fabric of the bed. Bucky took a little time to admire you, there again. The red eyes, the shy smile that was still there, even after so long.
"I missed you so much, here, in my bed, being all mine" his eyes asked permission to continue and a slight nod was enough for your pants and your blouse to find the bedroom floor.
His metallic hand ran over your shoulder, gently removing your bra, with each new piece of skin uncovered, you felt his lips deposit quick kisses, the urgency to be able to feel each piece of yours.
"Do not tease me." you asked when his lips touched your nipple. The tongue circling the protruding point, eliciting a timid groan from you.
"You are so sensitive, so good." the wet kisses descended towards your intimacy, touching with the lips the thin and humid fabric that prevented it from going exactly where you wanted.
You even tried to fight back, but even strangled, Bucky could hear you.
"Don't hold back, babe." he pulled the fabric off, tossing it along with the pile of clothes on the floor. Distracted lips, sliding down your thigh. "Let me hear you."
"It's dawn Buck, I don't want them to think... Fuck!" his tongue went straight to your clitoris, eliciting a muffled scream.
"What you saying." he pulled back a little, just to admire her intimacy. "All this for me?"
"It's how I missed you." Bucky dove into your intimacy, sucking your spot.
You could already feel your body about to boil. His tongue slowly circling your clit, while one of his fingers slowly entered your pussy, soon becoming two.
Sweet nothings came out of your lips, begging for something you didn't even recognize and it didn't take long for your vision to become blurred when you felt his tongue being replaced by the vibranium hand, the fingers cold as snow in contact with your clit were more than enough to reach your peak.
"Don't stop, please, please Bucky!"
"Give it to me honey, I know you want to come for me."
For a few seconds, amid an almost hoarse scream, your previously blurred vision disappeared for good. Your legs were shaking as you felt him settle between them. The lips still wet from your juice slid down your cheek, making you blink slowly.
"Still with me doll?"
"Yeah babe." you took his lips, tasting your own and giving him the freedom he needed to enter you.
He thrust slowly, Bucky's face hid in your neck as he moaned low, murmuring sweet nothings to you. So tight love. How I missed this pussy, made for me. You are mine, all mine.
The speed gradually increased, the headboard of the bed knocked insistently against the wall and you just hoped that the neighbors had a heavy sleep.
"Love, I can't hold it anymore." his hand went down to your clit, circling the most sensitive spot on your body. "I can sense that you can't either."
"Just like that Bucky, keep fucking like that." you begged, feeling the heat take over your body again.
"Come with me my angel. I can feel you tighten around me, give me one more, just one more."
The moans of both of you came out in unison and leaving you on the verge of an orgasm, it was only necessary to feel his hot liquid invade you to reach your own peak.
Bucky stayed in there for a few seconds, until he got out of you and turned you on top of him, hugging you tight and sticking his nose through your hair. Your scent was intoxicating, your body against his made him feel again that that cold apartment was home.
"You forgive me?" the hesitant tone of his voice caught your attention.
"Nothing to forgive" you settled on his chest. "Just promise never to leave me for that again?"
He gently pulled your face, making you look into his blue eyes. "I'll never, never leave you again, that's the easiest promise I've ever made in my life."
"I love you Buck."
"I love you more my angel." you snuggled into his chest and little by little your eyes grew heavy, his hands sliding on your back, in a comfortable silence.
The last thing she heard before falling asleep was an indignant tone in his voice.
"Wait, do you really want to learn how to fight?"
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lllivia · 1 year
Happy birthday, cara mia
Wednesday Addams x fem!reader
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You were sitting at the weathervane cafe with Wednesday as usual, doing your homework. "Shit I'm kinda hungry, I'm gonna go buy a sandwich, do you want something?" you said getting up and almost tripping from a biology paper you lost on the floor. Looking up in amusement Wednesday rolled her eyes at your little sqeal "no thank you, I'll stick to my coffee".
Blushing slightly in embarrassment you walked over to the counter where Tyler was standing ready to take your order "Hi Y/N what can I get for you?" You looked through the glass counter for a second before choosing. "Hmm I'll take an avocado sandwich"
Walking back to your seat with your sandwich, some hot chocolate and a slice of red velvet cake you looked happily at Wednesday "Tyler gave me this for free since my birthday is coming up! He's so nice" Wednesday's eyes flickered up to yours fast after hearing that. "Birthday? You didn't tell me it was your birthday?" Trying to hide her panic, her mind flew rapidly across what she could do for you. "I didn't? Huh must of slipped my mind, I don't really do much for my birthday usually" munching on your cake you grinned at her wide eyes.
"I got to go, I think I just figured something out about the murders" Wednesday said quickly getting up and packing her things, hoping you'd believe her lie. "oh alright, want me to help you?" You asked setting your fork down slightly disappointed that she was leaving this soon. "No, I have to do this alone, I'll come by your dorm tonight"
Rushing into her dorm Wednesday slammed the door behind her, scaring Enid that missed her nail and got light blue nail polish all over her her hand instead. "HOLY SHIT WEDNESDAY, YOU CAN'T JUST COME IN LIKE THAT" Standing up ready to argue she noticed how the girl on the dark side of the room seemed occupied by something. "If I remember right Enid this is a shared dorm" rolling her eyes Enid skipped over to her roommate. "Soooo watcha doing, I thought you were on a date with Y/N?" She asked standing behind her as she was looking for paper on her desk "I was, before Y/N told me unbelievably late that her birthday is in a couple of days... And I want to do something nice for her. can you maybe.. Help me?"
Enid stood still as a statue for about a second before "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE OMG WEDNESDAY ADDAMS JUST ASKED FOR MY PARTY ADVICE" flinching slightly at Enid's scream she merely looked at her amused. "So are you going to help me or not, because if you aren't I can get Thing to help instead"
Later that evening Wednesday and Enid had already put up a big board of ideas, not noticing how late it actually was before now Wednesday glanced over the board once again before walking over to the door "where are you going, I thought we were working on ideas?" Enid said confused, turning away from her so called 'masterpiece'. "I'm sleeping in Y/N's dorm tonight, she wanted to watch some movie called 'Harry Potter' about some imaginary wizarding world or something"
The next day she was up and going before you even woke up, it was the day before your birthday and she was rushing to find the perfect gift that you'd enjoy.
After walking through the small town in circles for at least an hour she finally spotted the perfect gift - a beautiful ring with a blue/grey crystal on display in the window of Uriah's heap. Walking in she immediately asked the lady at the counter to get it for her not caring about how expensive it was seeing it was for the love of her life.
Proudly walking back to her dorm she was almost ready for her girlfriends special day, secretly excited to see her reaction to what she had prepared. Closing the door behind her she walked over to her desk, ignoring Enid's grinning face that was awing at her. Packing the ring up neatly in some black silk paper she almost smiled. The day was starting to slip by so she decided it was finally time to go to your dorm to sleep.
The sun shining bright outside woke you up as you reached out trying to find Wednesday's resting body next to yours, only to find a cold empty space next to you, feeling sad you got up. Even though you didn't really care for your birthday you still hoped that Wednesday would at least wake up next to you. After getting dressed in your normal school attire you were about to leave your dorm when you saw a note laying folded on your desk.
"Meet me at weathervane at 11:00 - W. A."
Cursing to yourself you realized that it was already 10:32 and you didn't have much time to get there. Almost running outside you bumped into Enid "fuck- OH- HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N" Enid yelled unnecessarily loud causing people to turn around to stare, not really caring Enid grabbed both of your hands and spun you around squealing. "Enid, Enid- I'm going to throw up if you continue to spin me around" you laugh at your best friends behavior. "I'm just so excited, it's your special day after all cutie!!" She said and hugged you tightly, closing your eyes you hugged her back loving your friends kindness.
Walking into weathervane your eyes scanned the shop for your goth girlfriend, immediately spotting her sitting there with a big bouquet of roses, you smile widely at how adorable she looked with her freckles being more noticeable in the sunshine. Sitting down in front of her you gazed over the table, where there was every kind of cake from the cafe in front of you. "What's all this for Wens?" You asked curiously "well I wasn't really sure what cake you would prefer, so, I bought them all." Wednesday said in her deadpan voice, rolling her eyes at you like it was obvious, blushing you looked away, not used to this kind of treatment from any of your other former partners. "Also here, Enid said it would be romantic to give you these flowers" she said giving the gorgeous flowers to you. "Thank you so much Wednesday, I love them, and I love you, I really wasn't expecting something like this, thank you" you pecked her dark lips "of course, I would do anything to see you happy dolcezza" she responded smiling slightly - something she would almost only do with you.
"I'm sorry Y/N but I have something I got to do" Wednesday said in her most apologetic voice grabbing your hand. "Oh, alright, are you still going to be sleeping in my dorm tonight?" You said somberly looking down at the table "of course my love, I'll see you later" Wednesday said before getting up and leaving the cafe, again leaving you alone to your thoughts.
Finally back in your dorm you sighed getting a vase and filling it up with water from your bathroom, you went back over to your desk before putting the vase there with the flowers in it. Finding a good book on the shelf that occupied most of your wall you sat down on your bed and relaxed, trying not to be suspicious of what Wednesday was doing.
The clock was nearing 04:00 pm when you finally heard a knock on your door, but as soon as you opened the door, Thing rushed inside, signing as fast as he could. "Hold on Thing, you're going to fast, I literally can't understand a word you're saying" you said worried by the urgency. "Wednesday, hurt - woods - dorm Wednesday got hurt by the monster in the woods and now she's back in her dorm??!" You said now ready to run out to get her as thing nodded, putting on your shoes you hurried over to Wednesday's shared dorm where you knocked forcefully entering without getting any response.
The multiple people in the room shouted, everyone wearing colorful party hats - even Wednesday, who was weirdly sporting a big crooked smile on her face. "Happy birthday again Y/N!!!" Enid came up first handing you her gift. Opening the glittery bag up you noticed it was a bright pink sweater with a dog print wearing sunglasses on, kinda confused you thanked her profusely before walking over and saying hi to the other guests, Eugene had gotten you three glasses of honey from his hive and Ajax had gotten you one of those weird stuffed rats from Uriah's heap as a joke, when you finally got to Wednesday she was holding a small package in her hand. "This is for you my love" you took her gift gently and opened the wrapping paper, gasping you looked at the beautiful ring before looking up at Wednesday, the look of love being all over your face. "Thank you so much Wens, this is the best birthday I've ever had, also, if you ever scare me by saying you're hurt again I will kill you." You said glaring a bit at the end of your sentence, taking the ring from you Wednesday put it on your finger, a sadistic smirk playing on her lips "I had to surprise you somehow, happy birthday, cara mia"
💗🍰🥳 It's my birthday!! 🥳🍰💗
💗 Masterlist 💗
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callmekenya · 1 month
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The sun had long since set over the small town of Mystic Falls, casting a warm orange glow over the Salvatore brothers' mansion. Y/n, a charming and charismatic man, stood alongside Katherine Pierce, the infamous vampire, as they raided the Bourbon cabinet in the brothers' study. The air was thick with the scent of oak and vanilla as they poured glass after glass, their laughter and chatter growing louder with each passing minute.
As the night wore on, the duo's inhibitions began to fade, and they found themselves pouring their hearts out to one another. Katherine, with her piercing green eyes and raven-black hair, leaned in close to Y/n, her voice taking on a melancholic tone.
"You know, Y/n, I'm not as heartless as everyone thinks I am," she said, her words slurring slightly. "I'm actually heartbroken. Stefan, that idiot, is still pining after Elena Gilbert. Can you believe it? After everything I've done for him, he still can't get over that insipid little girl."
Y/n's eyes widened in surprise, but he nodded sympathetically, his own heart heavy with a similar pain. "I know how you feel, Katherine. I've been in love with Caroline Forbes for what feels like an eternity, but she's head over heels for Tyler Lockwood. It's like she doesn't even see me anymore."
Katherine's expression softened, and she reached out to place a hand on Y/n's arm. "Oh, Y/n, I'm so sorry. I had no idea. You deserve so much better than to be stuck in the friend zone."
As the night wore on, the two continued to commiserate, sharing stories and secrets they'd never dared to reveal to anyone else. The Bourbon flowed like water, and their laughter grew louder, but beneath the surface, they both knew that their hearts were breaking.
In that moment, surrounded by the opulent decorations and the Salvatore brothers' prized possessions, Y/n and Katherine found an unlikely bond. They were two souls, both lost and heartbroken, finding solace in each other's company.
As the first light of dawn began to creep over the horizon, Y/n and Katherine stumbled out of the study, arms around each other's waists, laughing and singing off-key. The night may have been filled with tears and heartache, but in the end, they'd found a strange and beautiful friendship – one that would last a lifetime.
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tiredly101 · 1 year
Trick or Treat
Enid: Do you guys like my costume? Is it trashy? I think it is. Maybe I should just change...
Yoko: No, you look great
*Bianca screams because Wendsday appeared behind her and grabbed her arm*
Tyler: Don't mind me and Wendsday, we're breaking off to go scare people.
Wendsday: That's correct
Tyler: Also we are to old for trick or treating
*Tyler runs off while Wendsday follows behind trowing serial killer vibes*
Y/n: Look's like both our lovers are getting arrested tonight Xavier
Xavier: Can't believe we are going to have to bail them out AGAIN
*Y/n nods while Xavier and them walk off holding hands to make their lovers come back (which worked as soon as their hands touched)*
Y/n: Trick or treat!
Some old guy: We're all out of candy kid so bug off
Y/n: Sooo, Trick then
*Y/n shoots the old guy with a nerf gun and continues to do so while walking away*
Enid: OMG! You are insane Y/n!!
Wendsday: Mon Cheri *softly kisses Y/n hand while keeping eye contact because she finds Y/n being a maniac attractive*
*Enid is scared shitless while Wendsday picks up the spider*
Tyler: You should throw in that guys house
*Tyler very discritly points at his own house*
Xavier: Wendsday while you do that I'm going to egg his house and Y/n is going to help me and possibly break a window
*Tyler playing really loud music to piss his neighborhood off*
Yoko: hey, guys, I've got like seventeen bags worth of candy... Someone please help me....
*Enid runs off to help Yoko*
*Bianca running up the street being chased by cops cars*
*everyone running until Y/n uses their wings and grabs Wendsday, Tyler and Xavier and flies off*
*In nevermore when Bianca, Enid and Yoko finally arrive*
Y/n: God dammit Bianca! I was this close to get a fire started at Tyler's house!
*Y/n makes a sign with their fingers about to touch*
*Bianca, Enid and Yoko all tired and scared shitless of Y/n when they pull off their bag a nerf gun... A really BIG nerf gun*
Y/n: hand over the candy... NOW!!!
In the end Yoko, Enid and Bianca gave all the candy to Y/n because they were scared and Y/n still shooted them because they were bored and also because they didn't get to start a fire...
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areyoudreaminof · 5 months
King Under Your Control-An Azris Playlist
It's the final entry to the ACOTAR Playlist Project? Can you believe?!
I wanted to finish with a bang. Azris, the crackship to end them all. I'm also of the opinion that Azris has some of the best writers in this fandom, and this playlist is for them. This tracklist was inspired by all of the art and fics I've been blown away by. @iftheshoef1tz, @ofduskanddreams, @secret-third-thing, and @krem-does-stuff specifically. But there are too many to name.
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LISTEN HERE and take a look at the tracklist behind the cut!
King-Years & Years
I was a king under your control And, oh, oh, oh I wanna feel like you've let me go, so let me go Don't you remember how I used to like Being on the line? I dreamed you dreamed of me calling out my name Is it worth the price?
Zephyrus-Bloc Party
And all you said in your quietest voice Was "I needed you as much as they do" And all you said in your quietest voice Was "I needed you as much as they do" How fast must we run before we can just take off in flight? How far must we run before they do not recognise us? So let's take this from the start, you'll be me and I'll be you
Casanova-Allie X & VERITE
I'm here lying on the bed of your tongue My heart listens to the sound of your war drum Steady tiptoeing to your neck of the woods I feel danger on your lips but it tastes good
Sex and Violence-Scissor Sisters
Everytime I spend myself it never runs too low Woah, woah, woah I can't escape my need for
Sex and violence Never let you see them hand in hand One is with the other The softest touches deeper than the ocean Give it to me faster, feel it, feel it
NEW MAGIC WAND-Tyler the Creator
Ayo, take one look in the mirror, implications so clear I live life with no fear, except for the idea That one day you won't be here I will not fetch the ball Eyes are green, I eat my vegetables
Ties-Years & Years
And you're a dancer, well, I'm a spy It's so beautiful to see you lie Are you having fun? Then give it up, you don't need that stress You're still hungry for another test Are you having fun?
Under the Sheets-Ellie Goulding
We're under the sheets and you're killin' me In our house made of paper, your words all over me We're under the sheets and you're killin' me Like all the boys before
Bad Habit-Foals
'Cause if I go Where the flowers grow Into the deep below Oh, would you forget me now? And if I could Make the days okay Wash the stains away Oh, would you forget me now?
Pink + White
That's the way every day goes Every time we've no control If the sky is pink and white If the ground is black and yellow It's the same way you showed me Nod my head, don't close my eyes Halfway on a slow move It's the same way you showed me If you could fly, then you'd feel south Up north's getting cold soon The way it is, we're on land Still, I'm someone to hold true Keep you cool when it's still alive Won't let you down when it's all ruin
Sweet Dreams-Angel Olsen
Every time I take a breath Something once living inside me has left Yes, it's alive but it's just passed through It's just left me and it's just left you On your own
Only He Can Heal Me-Bloc Party
When the trappings of the body Lead me to that hopeless place And I feel my spirit crumble Under strain and under guilt Lay me down in rivers cleansing Where the tall grass grows and grows And let me wait until My saviour comes home
In My Room-Frank Ocean
Got this lust for life in me, yeah Horny for the game, uh First they kiss, then they bite soft, uh Then that bitch wanna play it off, huh Fuck it, I'm pretty still in a pit of snakes While serpents shake some brand new scales I need a new face, I'm tired of these weirdos
Wolf Like Me-TV on the Radio
Dream me, oh, dreamer, down to the floor Open my hands and let them weave onto yours Feel me, completer, down to my core Open my heart and let it bleed onto yours Feeding on fever, down on all fours Show you what all the howling is for
Genghis Khan-Miike Snow
I know there's no form And no labels to put on To this thing we keep And dip into when we need And I don't have the right To ask where you go at night But the waves hit my head To think someone's in your bed
Dancing past the point of no return Let go, we can free ourselves of all we've learned I love this secret language that we're speakin' Say it to me, let's embrace the point of no return
I’m Done with the World (& It’s Done with Me)-Foals
The fox is dead in the garden The hedges are on fire in the country lanes And all I want to do is get out of the rain An autumn day, an autumn day My daughter's asleep in the garden The leaves are on fire in the country lanes And all I want to do is get out of the rain On an autumn day, on an autumn day I’m done with the world and it’s done with me All I wanna do is get up and leave Sun falls into the garden I’m on my knees
TAGLIST: @iftheshoef1tz @ofduskanddreams @krem-does-stuff @secret-third-thing @queercontrarian @born-to-riot @yanny-77 @acourtofladydeath @witch-and-her-witcher @fieldofdaisiies @chunkypossum @thelovelymadone @velidewrites @octobers-veryown @asnowfern
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hyperactivewhore · 3 months
I’m not a Hayley/Klaus shipper, but even I gotta admit they’re so similar. They are both so delusional that it’s kinda funny. Hayley genuinely thought she still had a shot with Tyler after helping in the murder of the hybrids. I don’t know what kinda drugs she was on at the time or if she was really that confident - but I actually kinda impressed by her delusions.
Klaus himself is simply delusional. He is on his own little planet. He has daggered his siblings so many times, has hurt them in unspeakable ways, and yet, he is continually shocked/hurt when they betray him - as if he didn’t hurt them first. Him being so depressed when Rebekah or Elijah betrays or hurts him is kinda funny. He’s like a kicked puppy. In his head, their betrayal is totally uncalled for - but him locking his siblings in coffins for centuries at a time is necessary.
They’re so delusional that it’s sad but entertaining at the same time.
Yeah, honestly, for me, it feels kinda weird to actually ship them due to how similar both of them are.
They obviously aren't platonic, considering they slept together, have a whole child and were obviously attracted to each other at one point, but I honestly cannot see them getting in a relationship and most of all managing to make it work.
While I do believe Hayley had slight character development and Klaus had close to none, they needed three and a half seasons to even be able to be in the same room without wanting to kill each other. Hayley hated the fact that Klaus was her daughter's father and Hope even believed her mother hated the fact she slept with her father once. Like it's crazy to me they slept together while complaining about how they would never get a chance with their corresponding crushes of the time. Their treatment towards Tyler and Caroline had simply been awful, and while Klaus had the chance to sleep with Caroline due to fanservice, Hayley never got to be with Tyler, who seemed outright disgusted anytime she flirted with him.
Shippers often act like Klaus and Hayley never had the chance to be together, due to haylijah, klamille, or Hayley's marriage to Jack, but it's just false because they had a lot of time to act on their "feelings" but they never did simply because there were none. Hayley was alone with Klaus for two months during her pregnancy yet nothing ever happened, Klaus even went back to screw Caroline and was busy sleeping with Genevieve while Hayley was in a swamp the last months of her pregnancy. They had seven years too, but nothing ever happened.
And let's not act like Klaus couldn't go for Hayley. If there was a woman he definitely could be with, it was her: they were both immortal, she was a part of his family whether he liked it or not and she was his daughter's mother. He didn't need to stay away from her to protect her, like he did with Cami, because she didn't need him to, but nothing happened either.
But I definitely get the appeal of Klaus and Hayley as a couple, I shipped them once too, but I honestly just can't see them in a romantic relationship, especially because they were just family in canon.
I kinda drifted from what I was trying to say, but thanks for the ask anyway!
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fandomtherapy44 · 3 months
Klaus x reader chapter 6 Bloodletting
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Summary: This story is from the perspective of Y/n Marshall the younger sister of Hayley Marshall. Side note I love Hayley one of my favorite characters. Basically Y/n will be pregnant instead of Hayley and I will be changing some things up but then that it should stay pretty close to the series. I hope you enjoy the story! Also, if you like I have a Castiel x reader
Paring: Klaus x reader
Word count: 3,238
Warnings: Some language, Typical the Originals violence, Spoilers for season one of The Originals, Pregnancy, Refence to sex
I got the divder from
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Chapter 6: Bloodletting
There were about forty vampires in the courtyard at the compound of Marcel Gerad of squaring up to fight to get a chance to get a special ring. “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Fight Night! And, the first rule of Fight Night is: the vampire left standing at the end of the night is one step closer to the inner circle, and one of these--[He holds up the hand on which he wears his ring]-- a daylight ring. If you can impress me with a little ultra-violence, you too can enjoy the warmth of the sun on your face. All you got to do is kick a little ass. Here we go!”
A woman and man step up. Of course, the women won victoriously. But not a moment later her neck was snapped by Klaus. Elijah and Hayley in tow. "Good evening! I'd like a word.” “What do you think you're doing?” Marcel was pissed that Klaus was once again stepping on his throne. “It appears that we've interrupted a collection of filthy amateurs! We've come here for the girl. Give her to us, or we kill everyone here... starting with you.” Elijah was always so methodical with his words.
“You two got a lot of nerve, coming into my home and making demands. And who is she?” He pointed out Hayley. “I'm about to kick your-” She tried to walk forward but was pulled back by Elijah. “Your home, is it?” Klaus has a sarcastic smile. “The girl! I will not ask again.” “I assume you're talking about Y/n? Yea high, H/c, sweet attitude? Who is she, anyway?”
“She's an old friend. You know how sentimental I am about old friends.” “Well, I ain't got her. And before you start whining, I did pay her a little visit earlier tonight. I was feeling nostalgic, so I took a trip out to the plantation where I used to be a slave. And, imagine my surprise when I realized that the Original family of vampires had taken up residence. Your girl, Y/n, answered the door, we exchanged hellos, and that was it. You don't believe me? Look around. Hell, I'll even help you find her. But the question that I'd ask is: if Y/n isn't here, then where is she?” 
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POV: (Y/N)
I wake up and all I smell is dirty socks and all I see is the back of SUV window. I kick up at the window in some hope to somehow knock it out and climb out. The driver pulls over and gets out and opens the back. I kick him and he blocks me. “Seriously?” “Tyler?” I had not seen him for over like six months at this point. “You don't wanna fight me, Y/n. You know you can't beat a hybrid.” He zip-locks my ankles and picks me up. “AHHH! Let me go you asshole!” “Shut up!”
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Tyler had brought me to the backwaters of the bayou of this small shack next to the water. It would be prettier if I wasn't currently being held against my will. “Tyler why the Hell am I here?” He doesn’t answer, instead he brings out a pocketknife. “Ok, geese! I won't ask again.” He then cuts my ankle zip locks. “This is just in case.” He held the knife up, the gall of him. “Hey, aren't you the one you knocked me out in my backyard!?” “It's not your backyard, it's Klaus'! You're shacked up in that mansion with that psycho. A long way from the sweet girl I've met in the Appalachians, helping other werewolves.”
“Tyler, I am still the same girl, just a couple of things have changed.” “You mean that you're pregnant? A hybrid baby, yeah, I know all about it. I've been roaming around the Bayou, asking questions. Let me tell you what I learned! [He pulled down my sweater sleeve to show my birthmark on my shoulder] This crescent birthmark means you come from a big-shot family. Some kind of royalty for the werewolves of this region. And right here-- [He gestured around him]-- this is all that's left of them.”
I look around and see tents that are barely being held together by worn-down rope. “My family is out here?” At that moment I see a blond woman hiding by the trees. “HEY HELP!” I held my arms up. She ran away as soon as I did. “They can't help you! They're in the woods, hiding, because they were persecuted for decades by vampires.” Of course, those poor people, this man walks up. “Is that her?” “Excuse me!?” “Yeah, Dwayne. Get her inside.” Dwayne comes and picks me up like I was a bag of air. He must be a werewolf too or he hits the gym every day. “Tyler? Tyler!” 
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Back at the compound, Sabine was doing a locator spell to find Y/n while Hayley, Elijah, and Klaus were crowding around. “She's in the backcountry. Way up past Houma, deep in the Bayou.” “Bayou?” Hayley questioned. “There are stories of exiled werewolves, encampments. If Y/n went out that far, chances are she went to find them.” “Clearly, she hopes to make the acquaintance of more like herself. I suppose our company wasn't good enough for her.” Klaus quipped. “No, Y/n is not like that. She would at least tell me, if she's there she's not there by choice.” Klaus looks at Hayley with the slightest bit of worry.
The three of them had traveled to the Bayou. “We should head south towards the water.” Elijah pointed out. “You seem quite determined to find the littlest wolf.” Klaus commented. Hayley was just trying to sense her sister. “If I'm moving too fast for you, Niklaus, you're welcome to wait in the car. Do be certain to leave the windows down.” “ Ah, so I've touched a nerve? You've begun to admire her sister. Perhaps that's why you've been barking orders since your return, hoping to impress Hayley by assuming the role of family patriarch.” she had walked enough away that she couldn't hear them.
“If you're going to insist on treating her like a walking incubator, then that's your mistake.” “I do not see her as a-” Klaus stopped. “Have you found her scent?” They walk over to the SUV so does Hayley. “No, but I found someone else's. This vehicle reeks of someone I thought I was rid of... Tyler Lockwood.” “Tyler? why the Hell would he care to kidnap Y/n.” Hayley said. “He wants revenge because I went after his girl.” “Really over a high school girlfriend?” “Why do I suspect this is the least of your offenses?” “Well, there was this business with his mum…”
“Great so my sister is going to die now because of you! She’s here because of you!” “He needed to be taught a lesson!” “And what lesson will you be taught, Niklaus, if he retaliates by harming Y/n?” “So, you do care about her. Well, go on, then. Have at it, brother. Save her. Claim what spoils you can. I've sampled what she has to offer and let me tell you, she is exquisite–” Hayley slapped Klaus. “Don't you ever talk about her like that again!” She goes to keep searching but stops. “Oh, and Klaus if she is hurt or worse I will find some way to kill you.” With that, she walks, and Elijah follows.
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POV (Y/n)
I am brought into the shack and zip-tied to some type of iron oven aka not easy to pick up. Might as well ask. “Tyler, there's been two wolves watching Hayley and me lately. Protecting us, like they instinctively know that we are part of their pack. You're a hybrid, you can turn into a wolf whenever you want... Was one of them you?” He shakes his head no. “No, but you're right-- only hybrids can control when they change. And I'm the only one left, besides Klaus. Which is why we're here.” “Whatever you think you're doing, you know that whole Original family has made some sort of pact, or something, to keep me and the baby safe. So, if you hurt me, they'll kill you. Believe it or not I don't want to see you die Tyler.”
“Of course, the nice, sweet Y/n wouldn't want that but then again you conspired to help kill twelve hybrids. How did you even trigger your curse if you do not believe in killing huh? I'm generally curious.” He got close and up in my face. “An accident the same as you.” I looked to the side. “I don't believe you but that's not why we are here, Dwayne? You ready for this?” Dwayne looked really hopped on whatever he was about to do.
“Let's do it.” Tyler goes to dig out a large syringe. “What are you doing?” I asked with fear flooding my body. Dwayne holds me down. “Tyler, please. NO! Tyler!” “Klaus destroyed everything good in my life! So, I'm gonna take away the thing he wants most!” He jammed it into my stomach. “AHH!” I breathed heavily. As I see it leave my body it’s filled with my baby’s blood. Tyler goes and injects it in Dwayne and then snaps his neck. 
I just stare at the dead body now. “Don't get all judgy! Dwayne knew what he was getting into. He volunteered!” “To get killed!? How in the hell does make any sense?” “Dwayne is a werewolf who died with your blood in his system. The same blood you share with your hybrid baby.” I furred my eyebrows in confusion. “You're trying to turn him into a hybrid? That's impossible!” “I've been running with wolf packs all over the country. One of them was tight with a witch. She had nightmare visions about your baby and how Klaus could use its blood to make an army of hybrid slaves.” I breathed deeply in to control my anger.
“That’s enough from everyone! I don't care what anyone says about my baby it’s just that, my kid and if you keep on making threats on it, Klaus will be the last person to worry about.” “That’s cute and all but that's where Dwayne comes in. You see, he was happy to be the test case. If you haven't noticed, these people don't have much to live for. They'd all welcome the chance to become the superior species. Trouble is, all hybrids are sired to Klaus. They follow his every move. [He grabs a knife from his bag and sets it on the table] No way I let that happen.”
“How can you be so sure Klaus knows what the baby's blood will do?” “What do you think? Klaus Mikaelson, killer of men, women, and puppies, all of a sudden wants to be a daddy? Or, he's got an ulterior motive. Hybrids can walk in the sun. Their bite is lethal to vampires. They'll take over New Orleans by the end of the week. And you know what's going to stop Klaus then? Nothing.” Could it be true all this time? Suddenly Dwanye wakes up breathing a lot.
"You're gonna have to feed on her.” Dwayne walks over to me. “What? No! Ahhhhh!” He bites in my neck and it hurts like all Hell. He freaks out and runs out and Tyler goes after him. In the freak out he broke a chair I’m able to reach and grab a broken sharp leg. Tyler walks back in.“It worked, didn't it? He's a hybrid.” “If Klaus gets a hold of you, if he gets that kid? He wins.” He picks up the knife. “Maybe we can run if those are his attentions.”  “He'll find you, he'll take your kid away, and he'll make more hybrid monsters. Slaves who do everything he says.” “Please murder is not the answer, Tyler You're not like this.”
He walks closer and I stab him in the leg with the wood. “That was stupid!” He starts again but Dwayne walks in. “Get away from her!” “What do you care?” “I said get away!” “You got what you wanted, now get lost!” “Dwayne, he's gonna kill me! And he's gonna kill you, too! He said that hybrids are too dangerous to live! You need to stop him!” Dwane attacks Tyler and I'm able to grab the knife and cut my binds and I run like never before.
I ran behind a tree hearing footsteps get closer and I jumped out and slide kicked him to the ground and pounced and almost daggered him until I realized it was Elijah. “Elijah I am so sorry! I thought-” I helped him stand up. "You thought I was Tyler, and here I thought you were in danger. It appears I was mistaken.” “Y/N!? Y/N!” It was Hayley. “Over here!” She runs over straight into my arms. “Oh thank God are you ok!? The baby!?” “Yes both of us are fine, a little sweat and a couple of scratches. Nothing I can't live through.” “Let's go!” She tugs on my arm. “Wait guys there's something you need to know about the baby.”
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“Klaus must have known, that's the only explanation! He could care less about the baby. He just wants her to be born so he can use her to make more sired hybrids.” Hayley was pissed from what I told them and I don't blame her. “Look, we don't know if Klaus knew.” “Oh like Hell he didn't, he's Klaus !” “We can talk about this later after I take you two home.” Elijah of course is trying to break the tension. “Are you serious? Home to what?” Hayley replied back in her snappy sarcasm.
“Look, regardless of my brother's intentions, mine remain the same. I said that I would protect you and your sister, even, if need be, from Klaus himself.”  “Guy’s let’s talk about this.” “What’s there to talk about Y/n! And Elijah I can take care of myself. I've done it for a long time.” She walks away. And I am left to question just about everything at this point but especially Klaus.
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We had walked back to the shack where Klaus was standing. He had blood on his shirt in the middle. He saw me and looked like he wanted to run to me, but he didn’t. Instead, he looked between Elijah and I and started to think things that weren't true. “There you are! I see you've found our wandering stray. Perhaps you could shed some light on the situation. This-- [kicks the body over] -- appears to be a hybrid.” He pointed to me wondering why there was even a hybrid in the first place. “His name was Dwayne.” I answered kind of hesitating because I knew the bomb that was about to explode.
“Well, whoever it was, I didn't sire him. Any idea how that's possible?” Hayley gets pissed and jumps up to defend me. “[ She stomps toward him] As if you didn't know!” “Hayley please!” I pleaded to her. Elijah looked to me to make sure I was ok. And Klaus saw. “Ahhh, well, aren't you two fast friends? Oh, come on, then. What kind of horrible accusation have you conspired to levy against me?” Here comes the boom. “Guys let’s talk-” Elijah started to talk.
“Tyler Lockwood brought Y/n here to test a theory. [Klaus nods at him to continue] That the blood of her child could be used to sire hybrids. He claims that you knew that. Furthermore, that you intended to use this knowledge to build an army.” Klaus looked hurt and with that I knew that he did not know about the blood I knew because I've had the same look before. “And, of course, you assume it's true. I mean, why else would I show interest in my own flesh and blood? A heartbroken little crybaby points his finger at me, and my own brother falls in line, eager to believe it! How quickly you believe the worst, especially when it comes from her.” Klaus pointed at Hayley.
“Oh, spare me your indignation. When have you ever demonstrated any kind of concern towards Y/n or her child and sister, beyond your own selfish pursuits? And what was it you once said to me? [He impersonates Klaus] "Every king needs an heir!"” “My big brother. So, you doubt my intentions? Well, I can't say I'm surprised, standing next to the noble Elijah, how can I be anything but the lesser brother? A liar, a manipulator, a bastard.” My heart broke. “Klaus wait please-” I tried to soften this conversation after that because I knew how much pain that phrase brought to Klaus even more when he said it himself.
“And you, of course you agree with them I mean why would the big bad wolf be interested in his own blood. [He got closer to me] I knew you never would want to have a child with me.” “Brother, if–” Elijah was hurt too. “interrupts] You've said all that needs to be said, brother. [He steps back a few steps and holds his arms out in defeat] I'll play the role I've been given.” He speeds towards Elijah and bites him with his venom. Hayley and I are both shocked.
“You three enjoy each other's company. You'll have much to bond over, once the hallucinations and dementia set in. Consider that bite to be my parting gift to the three of you.” Before I even have a chance to say his name he speeds away. Hayley and I turn to Elijah to get him to the shack.
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About an hour later Elijah was on the old cot and Hayley and I were looking through old photos to see if we could find any hint towards our family. Elijah gets up to help us look. “You don't have to help us. We can dig through the werewolf antique show on our own. Besides-- [She looks at his neck wound] -- shouldn't you put some kind of ointment or something on that?” Hayley said to him concerned. “The bite won't kill me. Like Niklaus himself, it's more of a nuisance than anything.” I didn’t say anything, but I got mad at that moment. So before I got more mad, I went outside to get air. The pregnancy definitely did not help being hot.
Going outside I looked around and I finally had a chance to fully appreciate the beauty of everything like the Bayou water with the sun reflecting off of it. And the crickets making their own song. The fresh smell of no smog and instead weed flowers having a sweet nectar hanging in the air. Sometimes being a werewolf has its upsides. I couldn't wait to share this with our daughter. When I walked a little more on the deck my feet kicked into something it was big bible. I picked it up and flipped through it.
“Hayley, get out here!” Both of them came out. “What is it?” I held it and flipped through to the page that was saved. “A Bible, with a family history that goes back generations.” “What are these names? Who is Andrea and Elizabeth?” Elijah asked. “I think we are... those are the days that we were born.” I said realizing that my family just got a whole lot more intriguing. 
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Hey yawl! Hope you enjoyed the story! Sorry it's been a while since I've updated. I wanted to finish my Castiel x reader which the first season is now finished if you want to you can read that. So hopefully I can focus more on these chapters because I love this story so much. This chapter really stirred the pot between Klaus and reader, so I love that. I also hoped that I showed that Y/n could hold her own. I might skip next episode's plot and move on to the next one depends. So look out for the next one! XOXO Gossip girl ;) ;)
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baileys-3 · 5 months
THE SECRET DATING ERA: Chapter 28 NOW online on AO3
With today's part we leave episode 5x11. We'll follow on straight from the baseball game. And, if I asked you what you thought would happen next, I don't think anyone would come up with this version. And I didn't write it for "drama" effect, but because I think the whole change from "We're driving for 12 hours together" to "We're a couple now. But we don't know what's happening with each other anymore. " is not exactly easy. Especially not for Tim, who has a kind of “overprotective instinct” towards Lucy. So let yourself be surprised.
And let me know what you think of it in the comments. Many thanks at this point to all those who wrote comments and to all the kudos. And really... 34,500 clicks on the story... wow... awesome... unbelievable.
Many thanks again to @himynameiscookies. I love it when I get the corrected chapters back.
Sneak Peak:
Unbelievable. They won today's game. Genny still can't believe it. And yeah, the opposing team had also lost every match so far, so they weren't particularly strong. But still. They won. And the boys are delighted, as are the parents, and they are all sitting together in the little restaurant where they always meet after a home match. It's right next to the baseball field. It's a short walk from the baseball field to the restaurant that the Grizzlies team loves. The food is tasty and reasonably priced.
At the table sit Tyler, Matthew, Blake, Tim, and Lucy. Blake is staying with them during the school brake since his mother Lisa is at work.
The restaurant is bustling with noise and a vibrant atmosphere. Currently, the boys are more inclined to run around than sit still, which is permitted in this establishment. Therefore, she is sitting alone at a table with Tim and Lucy, without the boys. However, they are not alone as other parents are constantly joining them, eager to engage in conversation with Tim and Lucy or one of them. It's a constant coming and going and almost funny to watch. Lucy is a very social person and can easily start a conversation with anyone. On the other hand, Tim is more of a listener and doesn't initiate conversations much except when it comes to baseball. He is very knowledgeable about baseball and enjoys discussing it in great detail with other people. They have already had in-depth conversations about the last two Dodgers games with three different dads. Surprisingly, Tim doesn't mind all the attention and seems happy to engage in such conversations when Lucy is sitting next to him. Fascinating.
Of course, she herself is also fully involved in the conversations and enjoys them just as much. They really can't complain about a lack of entertainment. Which is why she can't broach the subject of Tim and Lucy – Tim and Lucy in a relationship sense – as she would have liked to do. It’s not like she is curious, she just wants to know a bit. Okay, maybe she is curious. But even if they can't talk, the two of them seem a little more relaxed in her presence.
A little more relaxed is a good word. She didn't realize her brother was such a touchy-feely guy. He always acts subtly, so that others don't notice it, especially the other parents. However, she keeps a close watch on them.
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smashlovesscream · 8 months
Songs that remind me of Stu and Billy
OKAY, SO I HAVE THESE BY ALBUMS (I'll hear a song I like and make myself go through the whole album to make sure there aren't other songs I like.)
IGOR (By Tyler, The Creator)
New Magic Wand
I feel like this is pretty self-explanatory
"My brother said I'm on the spectrum
Don't call me selfish, I ain't sharin'
This 60-40 (isn't) workin'
I want a hundred of your time, you're mine," 
(Both point of view of Stu and Billy. Billy kind of wanted Stu to focus on him and surprisingly not in a relationship way but in general ‘cause in the start it was just them.)
"I wanna be found, passenger in your car (Don't leave)
You wanna be mean, mixed signals don't park (I can make her leave)
She's gonna be dead, I just got a magic wand (Don't leave)
We can finally be together,"
(Mostly Stu. Wanting to leave a mark on the world but with Billy, if Billy dies, he wants to be by his side. If Billy lives, he wants to be by his side but he’s conflicted with his sudden changes when it comes to his actions. One moment a display of love and another of disgust. He’s somewhat into it but confused as well.)
"Take one look in the mirror, implications so clear
I live life with no fear, except for the idea
That one day you won't be here
I will not fetch the ball,"
(Mostly Billy, of course he’s tricked himself into thinking “I love Stu but only because he’s the only person I have left.” kind of way. He doesn’t realize how much Stu matters, just like how he didn’t know how much his mom mattered until he left.)
"I got a plan, 'bout to walk in the pen
If you can't understand, I'm a hawk in the gym
Eyes on the prize, got weight on my chest
That I need to get off, or I ain't talkin' to them,"
(Also Billy, he has his eye on the ball. Nothing is getting in the way of killing his friends and terrorizing his town, he believes in the euphoric feeling he got when he killed Maureen and knows it’ll multiply by thousands once he’s done with Woodsboro.)
Honestly, the entire song is just Stuilly (Mostly stu point of view, he knows he’s gonna follow, he’s gonna obey with his little snarky comments and his small acts of deficiency but nothing to ruin Billy and his mindset.)
Are We Still Friends?
"Don't get green skin (green skin), keep contact (keep contact)
Don't say, "Goodbye, smell you later" (bye, later)
Nah, I can't
I don't want to end this season on a bad episode, , nah,"
I feel like this describes when the plan kinda goes to shit and Billy leaves Stu in the kitchen, then Stu tackles Sidney, and they both die. (Both of their POVs, the first two being Stu and Billy being the last two. )
PARALYTIC STALKS (By xxofMontrealxx)
We Will Commit Wolf Murder
"Something's terrorizing my psyche to get even
Lately, you're the only human
I believe in,"
"Now I'm considered ugly
From every angle
You're the only beauty
I don't want to strangle,"
(Billy's point of view, I really like how this song reminds me of this good disgusting feeling you get with someone. Anyways, how this fits him is his mom just left him, his dad betrayed his family, Sidney’s mother is to blame, Sidney can’t know nor will she even believe Billy, Randy isn’t as close to Billy like Stu is therefore he’s the one, he’s the purest thing right now.)
"I want to get all fucked up
And tell you how I really feel
(Billy again, feeling scared to admit he’s scared, sad, upset, angry, and overall feeling things but it’s digging at his throat and he wants to break down and dismantle in front of his partner in crime. His best friend. But can he really? Maybe with a push.)
Because your vibrant blackness
Coco artery is so unreal,"
(Stu this time because Billy is like a black hole that Stu loves. To Stu, Billy is that night time cold that is perfect to hide under the covers, the sun that beats on his back while he does yard work, and the thing that makes him feel seen.)
"When I die I want you to die too
Not try to stay in this all
In a dimension without you
Spit on this planet without you,"
Sports (By Modern Baseball)
"I wanna complete re-do, maybe change my name
Report the losses grab the claim, it's a shame it's such a shame
We're pissing away our time 'cause we're pissing away these beers
No monumental moment ever came from saying
"Come on dude, just take one more shot","
"Maybe I could just move away or go extinct like a triceratops
But I love loving, watching movies, sitting back and also breathing
My family and friends would be crushed, but is it enough?
(Oh no, it's not enough)
Oh, the future freaks me out, but I guess I could just
Curl up in a ball and think,"
Now, this song is mostly an AU I've created in my head where Stu wakes up after dying and tries to change Billy's mind about killing the friend group. Not 'cause he dislikes killing but because he wants to live with Billy.
She Wants Revenge (By She Wants Revenge)
Red Flags and Long Nights
"You can occupy my every sigh
You can rent the space inside my mind
At least until the price becomes too high,"
(I feel like this could be about Tatum 'cause the "price" being her demise? If that makes sense, Stu's POV.)
"I can find a reason that we should quit
I can find a reason to do it
I can find excuses for all my shit
She tells me just to work right through it
(Mostly Stu thinking about Billy, stringing him along to the plan, catching his feelings for him.)
She's pretty, and I like her but she's too well
'Cause I need red flags and long nights, and she can tell
It's not that it's my fault, it's just my style
Beginning with a look and then a smile,"
(Stu when he's with Tatum 'cause as I said in an earlier post, Tatum is like the sane Billy.)
Tear You Apart
"Its cute in a way, till you cannot speak
And you leave to have a cigarette, your knees get weak
An escape is just a nod and a casual wave
Obsessed about it, heavy for the next two days,"
(Stu being in love lol??? Idk but it's just giving me them vibes)
"It's only just a crush, it'll go away
It's just like all the others it'll go away
Or maybe this is danger and he just don't know
You pray it all away but it continues to grow,"
"I want to hold you close
Skin pressed against me tight
Lie still, and close your eyes girl
So lovely, it feels so right,"
"I want to hold you close
Soft breasts, beating heart
As I whisper in your ear
I want to fucking tear you apart,"
Basically the rest of the song is like this!! AGSJ
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talaok · 1 year
Could I request a fluffy (maybe smut after if you’re up for it, if not that’s okay!) Tyler Galpin x reader where they both go to the same school and are in a theater production with the 2 lead roles? I’m not sure what musicals you’ve watched but preferably a romance one. They rehearse so much together they end up dating and confessing after they do an onstage kiss 🥺
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Pairing: Tyler Galpin x Fem! reader
summary: you and Tyler have the two lead roles in Mouline rouge and you inevitably start feeling things for each other.
warnings: none
A lot
Your heart was beating so fast you could feel the thumps in your eardrums. You heard someone call out your name but you didn't stop as you continued running. Floods of people were coming your way and you kept bumping into them. You were definitely gonna gave some bruises tomorrow but you couldn't think about it now. It was 3:30 and you were supposed to be there 15 minutes ago. If only Alice hadn't started vomiting words without a break you would have maybe remembered to look at a clock. but she had, and you hadn't, and your legs and your very not-used-to-it lungs were damning you for it right about now. You finally turned right at the end of the hallway and you thanked every existing being as you caught a glimpse of the theatre's doors. Those laminated pea-green doors had never looked more beautiful as you finally reached them. You ran through them so fast you almost fell, but you didn't, instead, you stabilized yourself and freezed at the entrance, your eyes shutting close as you braced yourself for the scolding inevitably coming your way. You could already see Mr. Hanrl's wrinkles deepening as he squinted at you with those creepy black eyes, threatening to throw you out of the play if you arrived late one more time. And you could already see yourself apologizing and walking head-down backstage while desperately trying not to laugh at his incredibly squeaky voice. So it was a surprise when instead of "I can't believe you arrived late again" you heard another voice, a much deeper and warm one ask "what are you doing?" Your eyes snatched open and they widened incredibly as you saw Tyler looking at you confusedly from the stage. The room fell silent and you felt drowned by the absolute absence of sound. God this was stupid. He was still looking at you, an amused smile on his face. "I" you couldn't help but laugh "I was waiting for Mr. Hanrl to yell at me" you smiled, as you gestured to what you now noticed empty seat, where he sat for every rehearsal. "Wait why isn't he there?" you looked around, taking in the completely empty room "wait" you gasped incredulously "did I arrive early?" He laughed softly, the sweet sound traveling through the distance between you straight to your ears. "no" he smiled "not at all" you frowned "Rehearsal was canceled" "oh" your eyes widened "but then-why are you here?" he scratched his neck "I didn't get the message, and from the look of it " he gestured towards you "you didn't either" You smiled "No, I definitely didn't" silence again "so" you cleared your throat "I guess I'll go then" your pressed your lips together in an awkward grimace "It was- It was nice seeing you" "Oh" he said, almost disappointed "Y-yeah it was nice seeing you too" You tried to examine his face when you heard his tone dropping, but you didn't gather that much information to actually come to any type of conclusion. You waved hastily before turning around "wait y/n" you turned back around "we could-" he paused a moment "we could rehearse together" he bit his lip "you know, since no one is here and- and we have the whole theatre at our disposal " he started speaking fast "and we're the main characters and have so many scenes together" he was rambling, and your chest warmed "I think it would be good, no?" he caught his breath. You tried not to laugh. You didn't want him to think you were making fun of him, even if you sort of were. "Yes, it's a good idea Tyler" Oh how he loved when you said his name, it rolled off your tongue so easily, smooth like silk. He could listen to it forever. "great" he said, as you walked up to the stage. You were right in front of him "uhh" you hummed, rummaging through your bag "what scene should we do?" you said, finally finding the script. "well, last time we didn't get to finish the dressing room one" "Oh right" you smiled "that's a fun one " "it is" he agreed, reciprocating. "so we stopped just before you sang the last part of the song right?" "right" he nodded, as you did the same "so" he raised his eyebrows "I guess I'll start" You laughed softly "yeah, that seems about right" This was more awkward than you'd expected. he took some steps away, glancing at you amusedly one last time before clearing his throat. He started singing, and your mouth immediately turned upright. His voice was so smooth and low when he sang, it could fill the whole room the moment he opened his mouth. he was amazing, you had always thought it. Since the first rehearsal, he stood out. He was talented, and funny, and a great actor and- cute, god he was cute. It was hard at first to pretend you weren't fascinated by him, and you would still catch yourself sometimes staring at him a bit too long to be acceptable, but you got better. You could have a full conversation with him now, and as of lately you had been doing that a lot. Before rehearsal, after rehearsal, yesterday when he saw you in the hallway, and the day before at lunch. You had started to talk. A lot. And you absolutely loved it, he was so funny that at times you had to cover his mouth to make him stop. And he was clever, god he was clever. And not like, I can do math clever, no, he actually was smart, real-life smart. he knew what was going on around the world and knew how to engage in a conversation bout it, he knew about poetry, about books, and even if his favorite film was fight club (which normally would have been a huge red flag, if it wasn't for the fact he was the first man on earth to actually understand the meaning behind it) he still had great taste in them. And so talking to him came easily, and you started to enjoy it more and more as time passed. But now, now it wasn't easy. And you couldn't understand why. It was never awkward between you two, it was everything but. And as you started relieving all those encounters, all those times you had talked and talked and then talked some more, at times risking arriving late to class, you realized the common denominator. You were never alone. Other people were there, even if they weren't with you they were still present, they were in the hallway, in the canteen, on stage, there was always someone. And now it was just you, and him, sole. You didn't know why, I mean, it shouldn't have, but it did, it made sense. Being alone meant having no way out, no easy excuse, being alone meant privacy, and privacy meant having possibilities, chances, chances to do the things you stopped yourself from thinking of, from dreaming of, because there was no point, in deluding yourself of something when you knew it wouldn't happen. But it was hard, just knowing that those thoughts had been there at some point, it was hard pretending they hadn't. He was still singing, you noticed, as you awakened, and also closer to you. when had that happened? You just hoped you didn't look like an immobilized zombie all this time. he was smiling, like he was supposed to, and shit- you realized you were also meant to be doing the same. Right, you were rehearsing. Your expression changed, as you at least tried to get into the part. You were Satine, and Satine definitely didn't get distracted by a guy with a pretty voice. oh but she did. God, you were so fucked. He had walked up to right in front of you, and he put his arms on your waist as the song was about to end. His touch was warm, even if it was just against the t-shirt you were wearing, it still felt like he was touching your raw skin, burning it with his hands. You whimpered involuntarily, and hoped to god, or anyone listening that he hadn't heard. The slight sparkle in his eyes made you think otherwise. shit. his mouth closed into the happiest of smiles,( because he was a good actor, not because he was actually that happy to be close to you) as the song ended. You were inches apart, like you were supposed to be, like the script said, and your brain was buzzing and melting slowly and your heart was beating fast and you really fucking hated yourself. just be normal. my god. It shouldn't be that hard. He's just a boy. A normal, stupid, hot, funny, and clever boy. fuck He was still silent and your cheeks reddened as you realized you were supposed to say your line. "oh I can't believe it.  I'm in love" you paused for dramatic effect, and also, maybe, just maybe to catch your very weak breath "I'm in love with a young, handsome, talented duke" you breathed out incredulously. His eyes fell to your lips and you noticed how it also took him a moment to realize it was his turn. "duke?" he frowned, confused You laughed softly and his eyes glanced at your mouth again. Was he doing it on purpose? Was he that good of an actor? He must have been. "Not that the title is important, of course" There was something in his eyes- you'd never seen him like this"I'm not a duke" Your mind was completely somewhere else, but you could still somehow remember the lines "not a duke?" you said unconvincingly, and you felt like he wasn't there anymore, Tyler was there physically, but he wasn't the one holding you, talking to you. He stepped even closer to you, your two bodies now so close you could feel him, his warmth, his scent, everything. "I'm-" his eyes fell to your mouth again, and you really wished he would just lean in and kiss it "I'm," he said again, obviously distracted. This wasn't part of it. You knew. You glanced at him, and he met your eyes, a sparkle traveling between them, an understanding, a message, going from him to you. Everything suddenly fell silent and you began being very aware of your own breathing, your lungs inflating and deflating fast as you felt anxious, for what you didn't know, you just were. He smiled softly, looking straight at you and you swore your stomach dissolved. Was this really about to happen? Or were you imagining things? It was all so confusing All your doubts disappeared once he did it, he started leaning in. Not because of the script not because of the play but because he wanted to he wanted to kiss you You tilted your head to the left, granting him access and you could feel his lips, his beautiful pretty lips graze yours when the bell rang. he stopped so did you. You didn't want to look at him, he had regretted it it was fine it was a mistake you understood you took a step back, looking at the floor "I-I gotta go"
time passed and you never talked about that evening again. You remained friends, just as before. The day after he still sat at your table for lunch. You remember how scared you were. But then he started talking, and joking, and after the first 10 minutes, all was forgotten. Everything was fine, nothing happened, so nothing had to be weird. It made sense. That of course didn't mean your mind didn't travel back to it at times. For as much as you tried to stop it, the feeling of being so close to him always came back to you, and with that, questions. Questions like what would have happened if the bell hadn't rung, if you hadn't run away, or if he hadn't stopped. questions you were never gonna know the answer to.
"God I'm nervous" you sighed, as you sipped from your water bottle
"why?" he frowned "what do you mean why?" your eyes widened "the show's tomorrow" He laughed softly at your nervousness "you have nothing to worry about" he said, turning towards you "you're amazing y/n, you know that" he smiled "You're the best singer here" he continued " and not to mention actress" he chuckled "I mean, You knew all your lines on the first day" "you're gonna make me blush" you said like he already hadn't. "well maybe I like seeing you blush" You held your breath "you're an asshole" you rolled your eyes playfully He laughed, genuinely, wholeheartedly "I'm sorry" he smiled "if you want to we could run our lines some more" your heart fluttered, flashbacks from last time passing through your mind. "i-Uhh, sure" he smiled, like he knew, like he had just thought the same thing, because he had. "alright" he sat down on the stage, and you followed his lead. You had rehearsed for hours, you were tired. "so what's your least favorite scene?" he asked you were confused "what do you mean?" "Usually your least favorite scene is the one you need to practice more" he explained " y'know, because you don't like it, and your mind subconsciously tells you that it's ok to fuck it up" You frowned, as you smiled "and who said that" "I did" You laughed "oh well, then we're in great hands" "hey!" he feigned shock "it has always worked for me" "ok" you shook your head "so what's that scene for this play?" He thought for a moment "I think the balcony one is pretty tough" Your mouth slacked open in pretend offense "so the one you have to kiss me in" He laughed "Oh" he shook his head"not because of that" he said "definitely, not because of that" he glanced at you "you know that" definitely? "I did not know that" "well" he chuckled "now you do" "ok, so if it isn't because of my aberring mouth" you raised your eyebrows "then what is it for?" He grinned "the songs are difficult, and I have to be careful not to sing over you" You shrugged " you've never done that" "I know, but I could" "you wanna rehearse that one then?" you asked he raised his eyebrow smugly "you're that desperate to kiss me?" yes, most definitely. You punched his shoulder playfully "oh shut up" you rolled your eyes "and it's not like we were gonna kiss anyway" "Why is that?" "We don't kiss in rehearsal, Tyler" "We could make an exception" he smirked "I mean, it would only be right if we tried it out once before doing it on stage, no?" Your cheeks were red. "I-" you swallowed nervously "If-If you believe so" "I just think it makes sense" "y-yea. It does" you smiled shyly, and you could see relief wash over his face. "all right then" he stood up, to get to the center of the stage "come here sweetheart" he said sarcastically, and you knew it was a joke, but that didn't stop your heart from speeding up at the pet name. "right away my love" you joked, walking up to him. You felt electric, dizzy almost as you stopped right in front of him. he was tall, and his hazel eyes were hypnotizing. he put his hands on your waist, and you didn't give yourself time to think about it before you put your arms around his neck. "ok" you breathed out shakily "you have to say something before right?" he asked "oh right" you laughed softly, taking a moment to remember what it was you were supposed to say. Ok, you got it You looked at him "you're gonna be bad for business, I can tell" you said and he smiled, before he leaned in, placing his lips on yours. You felt so light you would have flown away if it wasn't for his hands keeping you grounded. And he felt right, like he was finally sure. He leaned away, and both of you smiled. "Well I think we're good at this part" he said "yup" you smiled, taking your arms off of him to take a step back. Something in his face changed when you did, what looked like uncertainty glanced into his eyes. "We're ready for tomorrow then" you smiled, to relieve some tension. "absolutely" he agreed
the red and blue lights were emerging from every direction and you felt like you were in a dream as you sang with him, with Tyler. The soft music resonating in the theatre, mixing heavenly with your voices. he walked up to you, in the same place he had been in yesterday, and as you sang together the last lines you felt your body warm, at that indescribable feeling. "you're gonna be bad for business, I can tell" you said, your voice echoing in the room, before he kissed you. Little shivers traveled down your spine, as the contact took your breath away. You weren't supposed to feel that way for a fake kiss, you knew. Just like he knew. The curtains closed as the music reached its climax and you leaned away, breathing heavily. You smiled once you noticed some of your lipstick on his lips. "we were great" you couldn't help but hug him. You knew it was the end of the first act, and that you were supposed to rush backstage to change, but you wanted to feel close to him, you needed to. "you're amazing y/n" he stroked your hair "I never doubted we were gonna be" You looked up at him, your chin against his chest "thank you" you said sincerely, tightening your hug. " I should go change" you said "me too" none of you moved "I-" you were about to let him go when he stopped you. "y/n" he said, the light illuminating only the left side of his face "I-" he took a deep breath, and you frowned "y/n I've been wanting to tell you this for the longest time" there was so much fear in his eyes "I really wanted to, but- but I was scared and-" he chuckled " and you made me so fucking nervous" you smiled too now "but- but now I have to, because if I don't I'm scared I never will" his pupils were scanning frantically your whole face "y/n I like you" he smiled anxiously "I like you, like- a lot" Your face lit up, as your body shut down. He had said it He had said it for real. "Tyler" you murmured "I like you too" you smiled "a lot"
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