hookhausenschips · 1 day
Word Count: 9.5k (yup she’s a long one)
Summary: In Eastern Europe, Y/N, Blade's daughter, embarks on a harrowing mission to rescue their mentor, Whistler, from vampires. Joined by Oscar, a vampire warrior, they navigate a dangerous alliance to thwart a vampiric threat. Amidst battles and betrayals, Y/N and Oscar form an unlikely bond that tests their loyalty and strength, proving that even in darkness, unity and resolve can prevail.
Warnings: Violence, Gore, Vampirism, Explicit Language, Death, Betrayal, Some Sexual Tones, Use of Weapons?
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A/N:let me know what you guys think! I literally rewatched all three movies while in this Tornado Watch and say fuck it😂
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**Y/N’s POV**
The cold air of Eastern Europe gnawed at my skin as my father, Blade, prepared for our mission under the pale light of the moon. Our objective was clear: locate and rescue Whistler, who had been taken captive by vampires, tortured, and believed to have been turned into one of them. The sense of urgency was palpable, as Whistler was not just a mentor to Blade but had been a surrogate father to me as well, teaching me everything from the mechanics of vampire weaponry to the subtle art of survival.
The warehouse where Whistler was being held loomed large and foreboding as we approached. Blade was silent, his jaw set, his eyes revealing a rare flicker of concern that he usually kept hidden beneath layers of stoicism. I mirrored his intensity, my hands steady despite the roiling emotions within.
Together, we infiltrated the warehouse, dispatching vampire sentries with swift, practiced movements. The air was thick with the smell of decay, a stark reminder of the grim scene we were about to face. When we finally found Whistler, he was chained, his body a canvas of bruises and wounds, barely clinging to life. The relief on Blade's face when we found Whistler alive was short-lived, quickly replaced by a hardened resolve as we carefully transported him back to our compound.
Once back at the safety of our headquarters, the tension did not abate. Scud, Blade’s somewhat cocky and irreverent weapon specialist, watched as we settled Whistler into a makeshift medical area. His approach to the grim situation was jarringly different, carrying a certain irreverence that often grated on me.
As Blade and a medical specialist tended to Whistler, trying to reverse any potential vampiric transformation and heal his physical wounds, Scud leaned over to me, a smirk playing on his lips. “You know, if he turns, I’ve got just the thing to put ol’ Whistler down. Quick and painless—well, maybe not painless.”
My response was immediate and icy, my eyes narrowing as I stepped closer to Scud, my presence imposing despite my youth. “Listen, Scud,” I began, my voice low and menacing, “that’s not just some turned vampire you’re talking about. That’s Whistler. He’s family.”
Scud’s smirk faltered under my gaze, the weight of my words cutting through the casual bravado he so often wielded like a shield. “Hey, I didn’t mean—”
“Words mean things, Scud,” I interrupted sharply. “How you talk about him, it matters. He’s not some target practice. He’s one of us. And we’re going to save him, not joke about ending him.”
Scud nodded, chastened, his usual cockiness deflating under the seriousness of my tone. “Right, Y/N. I got it. I’m sorry.”
I held his gaze for a moment longer, ensuring my point had truly sunk in, then turned back to my father and Whistler. I watched silently as they administered a serum to counteract the vampire enzymes, my heart a mixture of hope and fear.
As Whistler’s condition slowly stabilized, I remained vigilant, my resolve fortified by the ordeal. I had not only reaffirmed my dedication to our cause but also my role as a protector of my unconventional family. Scud’s subsequent demeanor showed a newfound respect not only for Whistler but for me as well, his jokes and quips now tempered with a visible measure of thoughtfulness regarding our dire circumstances.
In those tense, weary hours, I grew not just in the eyes of my allies but also in my own, stepping firmly into my role alongside Blade, ready to face whatever darkness the night would bring next.
As the urban twilight descended upon Prague, cloaking the ancient city in shadows and whispered secrets, a pair of hunters prepared for a rendezvous that would challenge the very essence of our lives. Y/N, daughter of Blade, the notorious Daywalker, was an enigma wrapped in leather and steel. Raised amidst a symphony of combat and survival, I mirrored my father’s deadly skills and unwavering mission to hunt the vampires that plagued mankind.
Tonight was pivotal. Blade had reluctantly agreed to join forces with the Bloodpack, an elite squad of vampire warriors. Our common enemy, the Reapers, posed a threat serious enough to unite the fiercest of foes. As the meeting place—a derelict warehouse that time forgot—loomed ahead, my grip tightened around my weapons, my senses sharpening.
Within the shadowy confines of the warehouse, the Bloodpack awaited. Among them stood Oscar, standing slightly behind, who caught my attention. His demeanor was calm, almost detached from the revelry, his eyes, a piercing shade of brown with hints of green, surveyed the room, pausing momentarily on me with an unreadable expression. In that fleeting exchange, a spark of curiosity ignited.
Blade’s entrance with me and Whistler was met with palpable tension, the air thick with animosity and mutual distrust. “This truce is temporary,” Blade stated unequivocally, his voice a low growl as he scanned the vampires before him. I stood slightly behind, my expression unreadable, my stance defensive yet poised.
As the group’s uneasy introductions circled, Reinhardt, the brash leader of the Bloodpack, made a pointed comment about humans and their frailties. It was Oscar who defused the brewing storm. “Strength often lies where least expected,” he remarked diplomatically, his gaze lingering slightly on me, acknowledging my presence not as a liability but as a formidable ally.
Standing just a few feet from the unfolding confrontation between my father, Blade, and Reinhardt, I felt the tension escalate with every taunt and gesture. The air in the dimly lit room felt heavier, charged with a potent mix of anticipation and hostility.
Hey, me and the guys were wondering…” My father turns, “What?” “Can you blush?” Reinhardt’s whispered question to my father was meant to demean, to unsettle. I knew the intent behind it—the implied weakness, the racial undertone. My hands clenched instinctively, anger flaring within me at the disrespect shown. It was a provocative, dangerous play, aiming to provoke Blade into losing control. But my father wasn't just any opponent; he was Blade, seasoned and ever-strategic.
My reaction was instantaneous. My hands clenched into fists at my sides, and a hot rush of anger flooded my veins. The remark was not just a challenge to my father’s composure but a personal insult to my heritage and our shared struggle against the darkness. I took a step forward, eyes blazing, ready to defend my father’s honor with more than just words.
However, before I could act—whether to speak sharply in defense or to let my fists fly—Blade placed a calming hand on my shoulder.
As Blade’s response unfolded, I could feel the shift in the room. He didn’t just address Reinhardt; he threw down a gauntlet. The challenge was clear, and the sarcasm in his tone, "Oh, I get it. I see now. You've been training for two years to take me out. And now, here I am. Ooh, it's so exciting, isn't it? Okay. Here's your chance." was dripping with contempt. He was calling out Reinhardt’s bravado, exposing it as hollow. My heart raced—part pride, part worry—as I watched him handle the escalating situation with calculated aggression.
My father takes out a silver stake, “Come on, what are you waiting for?” He points it at himself, “Here I am. Right here in front of you. Adolf here gets the first shot. Come on.” Reinhardt looks at Nyssa. “Come on, what are you looking at her for? You need permission? Maybe you need a little bit of incentive. Okay, I can help with that.” He swirls the stake then hits Reinhardt with it, visibly agitating him. “What's the matter, you miss that? It's okay, I can do it again.” He does the same thing again.
When Blade reached to hand Reinhardt the stake, my grip tightened around my weapon. The risk was palpable; it was a test, a deadly dance on a knife's edge. Could Reinhardt overcome the urge to strike, or would he give in to the crowd's fervor and his own bruised ego?
The taunts from Verlaine and Chupa in the vampire language added fuel to the fire, voices rising around us like a chorus of the damned urging bloodshed. Despite this, a part of me admired Blade's control and audacity. He was masterful, turning the psychological tables on Reinhardt, making him the center of a spectacle that he had originally aimed to direct at Blade.
Blade insistently says, “Come on. What, do you need a manual?” He hands Reinhardt the stake, “Do it!”
When Reinhardt finally lunged, the tension broke like a snapped wire. My father was ready, swift with his counter. The device he placed on Reinhardt’s head was not just a physical restraint; it was a clear message. This explosive threat, this leash of sorts, was Blade asserting dominance, ensuring compliance through the imminent threat of destruction.
“Now you got an explosive device stuck to the back of your head. Silver nitrate. Rigged to go off if anybody tampers with it. I'll have the detonator with me. And you. If you so much as look at me wrong.”
As my father coolly announced the nature of the explosive device, my respect for his tactical mind deepened. This was the Blade I knew, the warrior who had raised me, who thrived not just on physical prowess but on psychological warfare. He had turned a potentially dangerous insult into a demonstration of power, securing his leadership and our safety.
In that moment, I realized more deeply than ever the layers of warfare we were engaged in—it wasn’t just physical battles against vampires or Reapers. It was also about dominance, respect, and psychological edges. As Reinhardt absorbed the reality of the explosive device attached to him, his face a mixture of fury and fear, I felt a shift in the dynamic of our forced alliance.
Standing there, watching the scene unfold, I knew that this encounter would set the tone for our uneasy collaboration. My father had just solidified his command in the most dramatic of ways, and I felt a surge of both pride and an increased awareness of the dangerous game we were all playing.
As we prepared to leave the room, I caught my father’s eye, an unspoken understanding passing between us. We were in this fight together, and his actions had just drawn a firm line that even our allies dared not cross. This was our reality, our battleground, and we were ready for whatever came next.
**Oscar's POV**
Standing off to the side, I observed the escalating verbal duel between Blade and Reinhardt. I had seen Reinhardt provoke many opponents in the past, but Blade was unlike any we had encountered. When Reinhardt whispered his derogatory question, I felt a twinge of disapproval. Such tactics were beneath them, especially in a situation that demanded cooperation and focus against a common enemy.
As Blade turned the tables on Reinhardt, not just defending himself but taking control of the situation, I was inwardly impressed. The Daywalker's cunning use of psychological warfare, his ability to maintain composure under verbal assault, and his strategic positioning in the volatile situation spoke volumes about his capabilities and experience. This was not merely about maintaining authority; it was a lesson in leadership.
When Blade equipped Reinhardt with the explosive device, making it clear that any wrong move would result in severe consequences, I understood the depth of Blade’s resolve and the seriousness with which he took the threat of internal betrayal. This action, though extreme, effectively cemented Blade’s leadership and set a clear boundary for the entire team.
My reaction was not just one of passive observation. I analyzed and learned from the interaction. This was a pivotal moment that delineated the power dynamics within our uneasy alliance. It showcased Blade’s dominance and strategic mind, elements that my respected and recognized as essential for our survival against the Reapers.
As the tension in the room eased with the resolution of the confrontation, my respect for Blade grew. I saw a leader who could not only fight but also think several steps ahead, qualities that were crucial in the war we were engaged in. My understanding of the necessity of Blade's actions, even if they were severe, shaped his approach to the alliance going forward.
For me, this incident was a clear indication that while our alliance was fragile, it was also under the guidance of someone capable of leading them through the direst of circumstances. This realization might have softened my initial reservations about working with Blade, setting the stage for a more cooperative and respectful interaction as we prepared to face the Reapers together.
**Y/N’s POV**
The night air was thick with the muted throb of distant music as my father, Blade, approached the entrance of the House of Pain, a notorious vampire nightclub hidden beneath the bustling streets of Prague. Tonight, however, our purpose was graver than a typical hunt; we were to meet with the Bloodpack, a formidable group of vampire warriors specially assembled to combat the Reaper threat. This was where alliances would be tested and formed, under the pulse of electronic beats and amidst the throngs of the undead.
As we descended into the club's depths, my senses were on high alert. The crowd was a mix of the dangerous and the decadent, vampires reveling in our nocturnal existence.
The plan was simple: blend in, gather information on the Reapers, and prepare for a coordinated strike. As Blade mingled with Reinhardt to discuss tactics, I found myself paired with Oscar. Our initial exchanges were clipped, each measuring the other's worth and intent. "Stick close," he murmured, leading me deeper into the club. "Reapers could be anywhere, and they won't hold back just because you're Blade's daughter."
I bristled at the comment but followed, my hand never straying far from my weapon. The club was a labyrinth of shadows and light, the perfect hunting ground for creatures like the Reapers, who thrived in the chaos of such environments.
Our first sign of trouble came when a sudden commotion erupted near the bar. A vampire, his features contorted in agony, crashed through the crowd, his body morphing grotesquely. It was a Reaper, its hunger unleashed. The crowd panicked, scattering as the creature attacked indiscriminately.
Myself and Oscar acted instinctively. Fighting back-to-back, We found ourselves an unexpectedly effective team. My human-vampire hybrid abilities combined with his elite vampire warrior training created a symphony of destruction. Each move was perfectly timed, strikes deadly and precise. I drew my sword, slicing through the crowd to get a clear shot at the beast, while Oscar intercepted another Reaper diving towards us from the balcony above.
We fought back-to-back, a rhythm developed between us that was surprising given our mutual suspicion. Each move was calculated, with my blade and Oscar’s strength complementing each other perfectly.
The fight was brutal. As we battled, I found myself thrown against a wall, a Reaper’s clawed hand inches from my face. It was Oscar who saved me, tackling the Reaper at the last second, his fangs bared as he ripped into the creature's neck with his knife. As the last Reaper fell, we finally had a moment to truly see each other.
Oscar was injured, a deep gash across his shoulder where the Reaper had struck.
Breathing heavily, I approached him. "You saved me," I said, my voice a mix of gratitude and surprise.
"It seems we make a good team," Oscar replied, wincing as he touched his wound.
The club was in disarray, the remaining vampires and a few brave humans fled, leaving only the sounds of distant sirens and the heavy breathing of the fighters. I found some cloth and pressed it against Oscar's wound, my touch gentle. "Let's get you patched up," I insisted.
This act of kindness did not go unnoticed by Oscar. He looked at me, his expression softening. "We're not so different, you and I," Oscar said, wiping his blade.
I was ever wary and kept my weapon ready. "Except I hunt your kind," I replied, my voice steady.
"A common enemy makes strange allies," Oscar remarked, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.
As we made our way back to Blade and the others, there was a newfound respect between us. We had saved each other's lives, a bond forged in battle that could not be easily broken. Blade eyed us as we approached, a nod of approval directed at me. He had seen many things in his life, but the sight of his daughter, fierce and proud, allying with a vampire was something new.
As we stood side by side, looking out over the city we had defended together, we realized that our journey was just beginning. In a world shadowed by night and blood, our bond, formed in the heart of conflict, might just be the key to a new understanding, bridging the gap between day and night.
In the shadows of the House of Pain, amidst the echoes of chaos and the rhythm of pulsing music, a daywalker and a vampire had discovered an unlikely alliance. Together, we would face whatever darkness lay ahead, not as enemies, but as comrades. And in a world divided by light and shadow, our newfound trust was a beacon, guiding us through the night.
**Oscar’s POV**
I paused in cleaning my weapon, feeling the weight of the evening's fight still clinging to my muscles. Raindrops pattered softly outside our temporary refuge, mixing with the harsh scent of blood and mud that coated them. Despite the fatigue, my mind remained sharply alert, aware of the ever-present tension between myself and the Bloodpack.
Reinhardt approached, his massive frame blocking the dim light, casting his features into a harsh, menacing silhouette. "Getting cozy with the hunter's daughter isn’t part of the deal, Oscar. She's Blade's kin—same as him, just younger. Don't forget she'll turn on you the first chance she gets," he hissed, his voice barely more than a growl, reflecting the deep-rooted mistrust that had been bred into each of them from the start.
I straightened up, cleaning the last of the blood from my weapon with a deliberate slowness. I met Reinhardt’s intense gaze with a calm that belied his wariness. “She's saved my life, and I've saved hers. In battle, trust is what keeps you alive." My voice was steady, asserting a truth he'd come to believe despite the complexities of our entwined existences. "I haven’t forgotten what she is, but she hasn’t treated me based solely on what I am either.”
Reinhardt snorted, the disdain clear on his face. "Just remember where your loyalties should lie," he spat before turning away, his heavy boots squelching in the muck as he left Oscar to his thoughts.
Alone again, I continued my meticulous cleaning, reflecting on the precarious balance I maintained. Trust was a rare commodity in our world, and while Reinhardt’s warnings were not without merit, I believed in the bonds formed in the heat of battle. her actions had shown me a different perspective, one that suggested coexistence might be possible, however fraught it might be with dangers and misunderstandings. As I stowed his weapon, ready for whatever came next, I felt a firm resolve within me to prove that our alliance could be different, and could be more than just a temporary truce in a world bent on our mutual destruction.
As I meticulously finished stowing my weapon, I felt the tension in the air shift slightly. Nyssa approached her presence almost a calm in the storm that perpetually surrounded the Bloodpack. Her approach was less confrontational than Reinhardt's, her voice carrying a quiet authority that often served as a grounding force within our volatile group.
"Don't mind Reinhardt," she began, her eyes meeting mine with an understanding that seemed to reach beyond the immediate mistrust and suspicion that so often characterized our interactions. "He doesn't understand that sometimes enemies can align under common goals. Use this alliance to our advantage. And who knows, maybe this could be a turning point for a greater understanding between our kinds."
Hearing Nyssa's words, I felt a sense of relief wash over me. It was refreshing and rare to find someone among his own who could appreciate the nuances of our situation. Nyssa's perspective was a stark contrast to the usual cut-and-dry mentality that dictated so much of our lives, and her support was a vital affirmation of his own beliefs.
As Nyssa walked away, her words lingered in my mind, adding a layer of responsibility to his actions. I felt fortified by her understanding and support. It strengthened my resolve to maintain a balance of camaraderie and vigilance with Y/N, pushing me to consider not just the tactical benefits of our alliance, but the broader implications it could have for a future where both our kinds could coexist more peacefully. This interaction marked a subtle yet significant shift in his approach, grounding his next moves in a mix of cautious optimism and strategic foresight.
**Y/N’s POV**
Later, as we planned our next move against the Reapers, Oscar and I stood slightly apart from the group, talking quietly. Our conversation was no longer just about strategies and tactics but about understanding each other's worlds, finding common ground in our shared fight for survival.
As I methodically cleaned my weapons, the familiar rasp of Whistler's voice broke the rhythmic scraping of metal. I looked up to see his figure looming in the dim light of the workshop, his face etched with lines of concern, each scar a stark reminder of the battles he'd fought. The weight of his years in the fight against the undead seemed to pull him down a little more each day.
"Y/N," he began, his voice as gruff as the stubble shadowing his jaw, "I know you've got your father's strength and a good head on your shoulders. But vampires... they're not like us. This alliance, it’s dangerous, and getting close to one of them—even if he's saved your life—might cloud your judgment."
I paused, my hand stopping mid-stroke on the blade I was polishing. Whistler's words weren't new; they echoed the myriad warnings I'd grown up with. But hearing them now, in the context of our uneasy alliance, made me weigh his advice even more heavily. I respected him, not just as my father's friend and ally, but as a mentor. Yet, there was something different about Oscar that I felt needed consideration.
"I know it’s risky, Whistler. But Oscar—he’s different. He’s proven himself in battle, not just to me, but to Blade as well." My voice was firm, trying to convey the conviction I felt about Oscar's actions and his apparent dedication to our cause.
Whistler sighed deeply, the lines on his face softening with a paternal concern that I knew came from a place of deep affection and fear for my well-being. "Just remember what's at stake. And remember who you are and where you come from. Don’t let your guard down completely."
His words hung in the air, heavy with the tension of unspoken fears and unyielded trust. As he walked away, leaving me to my thoughts and my weapons, I felt the solitude of the workshop wrap around me like a cold embrace. Whistler’s advice wasn’t just a caution; it was a reminder of the lineage I carried and the expectations that came with it. I knew I couldn’t afford to let my guard down, yet I also wondered if there was room for trust in a world so riddled with shadows and deceit. It was a delicate balance, one I was still learning to navigate.
The plan was simple yet fraught with danger. We were set to penetrate a notorious Reaper nest deep beneath the city’s crumbling Gothic quarter. As the team dispersed, I found myself teaming up with Oscar.
Making our way through the serpentine catacombs under Prague, the suffocating darkness seemed to pulse with impending threats. My training had sharpened my abilities to navigate silently, but it was Oscar’s heightened vampiric senses that truly complemented my skills, leading us deftly through the most perilous shadows teeming with danger. Suddenly, a swarm of Reapers ambushed us. Our survival hinged on flawless coordination. Positioned back to back, we blended into a fluid dance of combat—my sharp blade slicing through the air while Oscar unleashed his raw, vampiric strength.
As we dispatched the last of the Reapers, we found ourselves momentarily safe, but the respite was brief. Another group, larger than the first, surged towards us. In the heat of battle, a Reaper caught me off guard, its claws nearly fatal as they swiped towards me. In a flash, Oscar was there, his body a shield against the onslaught. With a swift, fierce motion, he dispatched the threat, his eyes never leaving mine.
Our breaths heavy, our bodies pressed close in the narrow passageway, something shifted. The adrenaline of survival faded slightly, and I became acutely aware of Oscar’s presence—his chest rising and falling against mine. He looked into my eyes, an unspoken understanding passing between us. And then, in the dim, flickering light of the catacombs, Oscar leaned in and kissed me. It was a kiss that melded gratitude with passion, sealing our shared ordeal with a promise of something more yet to be explored.
After the kiss, the intensity of the moment lingered between us, a palpable connection that neither of us could ignore. With our breaths still mingling in the cool, damp air of the catacombs, we pulled away slightly, eyes locked. The urgency of our situation returned, reminding us that we weren't out of danger yet. But that brief moment had changed something fundamental in our dynamic.
"We need to keep moving," Oscar whispered, his voice husky with emotion. His hand reached for mine, fingers intertwining as if to affirm that he wasn’t ready to let go. I nodded, and together, we continued deeper into the catacombs, our steps now lighter, buoyed by the newfound bond between us.
As we navigated through the twisting tunnels, we communicated with looks and subtle touches, our senses heightened not just to the lurking dangers around us, but also to each other. Every glance and touch sent a thrill of connection that was as new as it was undeniable.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, we emerged from the catacombs, blinking in the dim light of dawn that filtered through the city above. We had successfully gathered the intelligence needed to dismantle the Reaper nest, and while our mission was accomplished, it was clear that something new was beginning for us.
Once we regrouped with the team, Oscar and I maintained a professional demeanor, but the glances we exchanged spoke volumes. As we debriefed, our hands brushed under the table, and a smile would tug at the corners of our lips, the memory of our kiss in the dark catacombs lingering in both our minds.
Oscar broke the silence. “You fight like the Daywalker,” he noted, a tinge of respect in his voice. “Trained by the best,” I replied, my guard momentarily down as I assessed the vampire who had fought at my side.
“What made you join the Bloodpack?” I asked, curiosity coloring my tone.
Oscar’s answer was tinged with a darkness akin to regret. “Choices often aren’t choices at all when you’re what we are. But we do what we can to bring honor to our existence.”
The conversation marked the beginning of a fragile respect between us. As we rendezvoused with the rest of the group, we shared a look of mutual understanding. The mission progressed with increased cooperation, and the group dynamics shifted subtly as they observed the pair’s effective partnership.
Following the mission, Blade noticed the change. In the dim light of the debriefing room, he observed me and Oscar conversing with an ease that had been absent before. While part of him wanted to pull me away, to remind me of the line that divided our worlds, another part saw the benefit of this alliance, albeit grudgingly.
Later, as we prepared to part ways, Oscar pulled me aside. "Can I see you tonight?" he asked quietly, the anticipation clear in his voice. I nodded, my heart racing with excitement. "Yes, I'd like that," I managed to say, my voice barely above a whisper.
That evening, as Prague lay bathed in the soft glow of streetlights, Oscar and I met again, this time far from the shadows of our battlefield. As we walked through the quiet streets, talking and laughing, the connection we had felt in the catacombs grew deeper, promising the start of something new and thrilling. The perils of the night behind us, we were eager to explore the possibilities of what lay ahead, together.
Blade pulled me aside during another meeting, his gaze locking onto mine with an intensity that, despite the years, still managed to unnerve me a little. His voice was low, almost a whisper, but the underlying urgency was palpable. "Listen, I’ve seen many things turn sour fast. Oscar may be an ally now, but never forget what he is. Our mission comes first, and our emotions must be second."
I could feel the weight of his words, each one laden with the hard-earned wisdom of countless battles and betrayals. It was a caution that echoed the many lessons he'd drilled into me since childhood—never let your guard down, always have an exit plan. My response came as a soft but firm acknowledgment of his lifelong teachings. "I haven’t forgotten, Dad. I’m careful." Yet, as I spoke, a part of me wrestled with the notion of trust and partnership. Was it really possible to fully put aside emotions in the face of potential betrayal, or was that just the ideal we strived to meet? As Blade nodded and clapped a reassuring, if somewhat heavy, hand on my shoulder, I knew this was yet another moment where I had to navigate the thin line between caution and collaboration.
The stench of decay in the sewer was suffocating, blending with the adrenaline and fear that pulsed through my veins as Oscar and I set up the UV bomb. It was supposed to be a straightforward part of our strategy to eradicate the Reaper threat, a beacon of searing light in the dank darkness of our lair. Yet, as I toggled the lever to activate the bomb, it jammed—resistant and unyielding. A cold knot of dread settled in my stomach as I tried again, a sinking feeling telling me this wasn't just a mechanical failure.
Nothing happened when I pulled the lever.
A spike of adrenaline shot through me as I tried again, urgency twisting in my gut. That’s when Reinhardt’s voice crackled mockingly through the comm in my ear. “Having trouble, princess? Maybe check the manual.”
Anger flared within me, but there was no time to dwell on it. I shoved at the lever, my frustration mounting as it refused to budge—an obvious sabotage. “Oscar, keep sharp,” I barked, my voice tight as my fingers worked frantically over the device. He nodded, his stance protective, scanning the shadows for any hint of a Reaper approaching.
Reinhardt’s laughter echoed in my ear, grating against my nerves. “Tick-tock, Y/N. Wouldn’t want to miss the fireworks, would you?”
Fury flared within me, white-hot and blinding. "Reinhardt, you son of a—" I began but cut myself off. Time was slipping away, and anger wouldn’t help us now. I glanced at Oscar, his eyes wide with realization and alarm. He nodded once, sharply, understanding the gravity of the situation without needing words. We were on our own.
With a growl of effort, I jostled the lever hard. Then finally slamming with all my strength it gave through. My eyes widened hearing the ticking of the timer.
"Let's move!" I shouted, grabbing Oscar by the arm. We raced through the waterlogged corridors, the sound of our splashes sharp in the oppressive silence. The timer on the bomb was ticking down rapidly, too fast. We had moments, maybe less, before the UV light would burst forth, deadly to anyone in its vicinity.
Ahead, I could see Blade, Nyssa, and Asad near an enclave in the tunnel. We were too far, too separated from us by debris and distance to make it to them in time. My mind raced—there was only one option left.
"Into the water, now!" I yelled to Oscar, not slowing my pace. As we neared a deeper section of the flooded tunnel, I didn’t hesitate; I pulled us both into the murky water, pushing Oscar down beneath the surface. The cold enveloped us instantly, a stark contrast to the heat of my raging heartbeat.
Clutching Oscar tightly, I positioned myself above him, ready to shield him with my own body. As we submerged ourselves fully, the faintest glow began to illuminate the water around us, signaling the bomb's activation. The light grew rapidly, a blinding burst that enveloped everything.
The force of the UV explosion rocked through the water, sending painful vibrations through my body. I held Oscar closer, my arms locked around him in a protective embrace, determined to shield him from the worst of it.
Then, as quickly as it had begun, the light receded, leaving behind an eerie quiet. We surfaced, gasping for breath in the sudden darkness that seemed even more oppressive than before. I shook my head to clear it, water droplets flinging from my hair.
"Are you okay?" I asked Oscar, my voice rough with concern and lingering anger.
"Yeah, thanks to you," he replied, his voice steadier than I felt.
We regrouped with my father and the others who survived, all of us shaken but alive. The betrayal stung deeply, but it also hardened a resolve within me. Reinhardt’s treachery wouldn’t go unanswered. I stayed close to Oscar, the weight of what we’d just survived bonding us even more firmly.
Nyssa was bleeding and horribly burned despite Asad's sacrifice. Blade crouches next to her when suddenly I hear sparks of electricity before a pain shoots through my neck and everything goes black.
Waking up I noticed that I wasn’t in the sewer anymore. Looking around I see Damaskinos, the weird lawyer, Scud, and Reinhardt in front of me. My father was next to me. While Whistler, and Oscar to the right of us tied up. “Oh, the princess is awake,” Reinhardt spoke. I glared at him, “Fuck you, you burnt gobble-necked bastard.”
Amid the chaos, my heart was pounding so hard it felt like it was going to burst through my chest. “I thought he'd never leave,” Reinhardt said. Tied down and helpless, I watched in horror as Reinhardt, with a smug grin plastered across his vile face, as he shot my father in his leg and struck Whistler. “The wolf has lain with the sheep long enough.”
My throat burned from screaming, the cords straining as l yelled for them to stop.
Blade, always one step ahead, seemed to have a plan. He took out a detonator, and for a moment, hope flickered. “Reinhardt, you can kiss your ass goodbye.”
Then nothing. Laughing Scud says, “I'm sorry, man. B, you're wasting your time, man. The bomb's a dud. It was never supposed to explode. It was just supposed to make you feel in control.” “Thought you had me on a short leash, didn't you, jefe?” Reinhardt speaks as he removes the bomb and tosses it to Scud, “Much better.”
“See this?” Scud exposes a vampire glyph on the inside of his lower lip, “I'm one of Damaskinos's familiars. They needed my help to bring you here to control Nomak. The old fuck, he was always just bait. I mean, look at him. He's your only real weakness, man. You may be fast, you may be strong, and all that other bullshit. But in the end, B, you're just too human!” He then punches Whistler in the face
The revelation that he was a familiar, a spy, sent a cold shiver down my spine. His betrayal wasn't just a strategic loss; it was personal. The mocking tone he used, the way he claimed to have always loved me—it was nauseating.
The pain intensified when Scud struck Whistler again. I tried to lunge at him, anger boiling over, but Reinhardt grabbed me, his grip iron-tight. My father, despite his own pain, shouted insults at our captors, his spirit unbroken. My threats to Reinhardt and Scud were fueled by a burning desire for vengeance. “I’m going to enjoy killing you both.” Scud’s face showed faux sympathy, “Oh sweetheart don’t act that way, I’ve always loved you.” Reinhardt laughs as Oscar struggles with his restraints when Scud gropes me.
Whistler seethed, “Why, you little shit.”
Scud punches Whistler again, “You think they scoped out my security system? I let them in, asshole! I practically handed them the keys!” He then turns to my father, “You heard cue ball, right. Pretty soon, they're gonna all be daywalkers, man. And when that happens, I'd rather be a pet than cattle. You got me, B? What do you think about that, man?”
Blade smiles, “Two things: One, I've been onto you since they turned you. And, two, it's not a dud.” He activates the detonator. Scud looked down at his hand, “Oh, great.” The detonator explodes, killing Scud and showering the area around it with his remains. I shrink away from the sight. Whistler smiles, “I was just startin' to like him.”
My father and I are dragged into a large, cold, clinical autopsy room, laid out like specimens on metal tables. The vampire guards lay us each on a steel autopsy table. We struggle against them, but Blade’s just too weak from loss of blood. Eventually, my wrists and ankles were clamped down, and the cold steel against my skin was a harsh reminder of our vulnerability.
Back in the Eugenics Chamber
Reinhardt is examining Blade's sword, “I wonder how many vampires he's killed with this thing.” Whistler replies, “Not nearly enough, son.” Reinhardt pulls out his pistol “Keep talking, honky-tonk. It just makes my sending you into the next world all the sweeter.” Oscar rolls his eyes, “As if you’ve got the balls you coward.” Whistler not an ounce afraid, “Been there, done that. Do your worst, chickenshit. We'll settle up after.”
Autopsy Room
Damaskinos enters, followed by Carter Stevens. The guards remain posted at the main entrance of the room. Damaskinos approaches, looking down at Blade and his daughter.
Blade stares back at him, still defiant, but fighting a losing battle. I sneered at Damaskinos. Y/N is dying and she knows it. Her breathing is shallow. It's an effort just to keep her eyes open.
Damaskinos says, “With every century, humans become more repulsive to me. Once, you were souls to be taken, corrupted. But you have disgraced yourselves to being nothing more than blood and meat.”
I flinch as two surgeons snap on surgical gloves. Stevens is enjoying seeing my father and me helpless. Stevens grins, “We're going to harvest you both.” He begins injecting fluid into us. “Bone marrow, organs, everything. Your tissue's too valuable to let go to waste.”
Blade weakly mutters, “Nomak is still out there.” Damaskinos shrugs: “True, but thanks to you, we know his weakness. We can keep him contained. It's just a matter of time before we hunt him down.” I mutter, “Too bad you're out of it.”
Damaskinos is amused by our seeming lack of concern, “And why is that?” He asks. “Revenge. That's what Nomak wanted all along. To pay back the people who created him.” My father answered.
Stevens shakes his head, “You may be right. Fortunately for us, he has no idea where this facility is located.”
I smile, laughing tiredly. My father speaks, his tone even “He does now. He's been watching us since the tunnels. Following us. We led him right to you.”
My father lifts his hand, unfurling his previously closed fist. There is a deep gash in his palms. “Just like a trail of breadcrumbs.” My father muttered. Damaskinos stares at Blade's hand, then looks to the floor. A line of blood droplets lead back to the doors through which he entered.
“FATHER!” Nomak roars. Damaskinos' eyes widen in terror as he stumbles backwards, activating an alarm. The tension in the room skyrocketed as the facility went into lockdown mode, the emergency lights casting eerie shadows.
Nomak's arrival was like something out of a nightmare, his fury palpable as he tore through the security door. It was chaos, and in that chaos, Whistler and Oscar took advantage of the distraction. Whistler folds his legs up under him, working his cuffed hands over his feet. A grate moves up from the floor. Whistler and Oscar emerge, rushing to Y/N and Blade's side. As he starts frantically releasing Blade while Oscar helps Y/N.
Oscar redoubles his efforts. He helps me from the autopsy table. I am sinking, starting to fade. Oscar slaps her face, shaking her. “Come on, Y/N. Talk to me!” “Blood…” I weakly say.
Staggering through corridors, injured and weak, we were barely hanging on. But my father’s resolve never wavered, and neither did mine. As we made our desperate escape to the blood cask, gunfire erupted around us. Each shot that rang out seemed to echo my pounding heart. Whistler and Oscar were hit, their pain evident, but they pushed us onward.
My father, gripping the guard rail for support, dragging me and him along. Reinhardt fires. A shotgun blast hits Blade, grazing him but otherwise missing him. As Reinhardt curses and prepares to fire again --
Blade makes it to the end of the catwalk, pitching us out into open space. Time slows to a crawl as we tumble downward, plummeting into the blood cask below.
We sink from view, disappearing beneath the churning slurry of crimson. A beat passes as Reinhardt and his men draw closer, apprehensive. The moment we plunged into the cask of blood was surreal. Submerged in the thick, crimson liquid, time seemed to slow. Then, an explosion of BLOOD gushes over Reinhardt and the others. When we emerged, it wasn't just as survivors, but as avengers, transformed and empowered. The guards fall backwards, blinded, slipping.
My father and I surface from the cask in morbidly glorious slow motion. Now, only instead of a river of mud, we are covered head-to-toe in crimson. Majestic and glistening. Like primordial gods. My father rears back his head, letting loose a triumphal ROAR. I smile darkly.
Reinhardt's men hesitate. One look at our eyes and they can see we tapped into a well-spring of fury even we never knew we had. My father and I are super-charged and ready for war.
After we killed an entire legion of Damaskinos's security guards there was one person left who should’ve been gone a long time ago just like his scumbag friends.
Reinhardt speaks, “Well…” Then he sets down his shotgun before continuing, “Like my daddy said right before he killed my mom, ‘If ya want somethin' done right, ya gotta do it yourself’. He then unsheathes my father’s sword, “He also said…”
Reinhardt attempts to kill my father with his own sword, only for Blade to grab it. My father leans in close, “Can you blush?” I knocked the sword out of Reinhardt's hands, As I caught the sword and cut him down, a sense of grim justice filled me. We had faced unimaginable horrors, but in this moment, we were not just survivors; we were warriors. Blade's question to Reinhardt, a taunt in the face of his imminent demise, was the perfect punctuation to our victory.
Together, we had turned the tables, not just surviving but asserting our defiance against those who would see us fall.
Nomak could still be heard in the building. My father looked at me and I motioned him to go. He ran towards the commotion after I handed him his sword. I ran to the catwalk upstairs to Whistler and Oscar. “I’m alright kid,” Whistler said as I looked him over. I nodded then moved to Oscar, he was healing already but the wound to his side wasn’t pretty. “You need blood,” I told him. He shook his head at my tone. “I’ll be fine, just do it, please. You’ve saved me enough.” I spoke and I moved my curls away from my neck. Helping guide his face to my neck I shivered feeling his fangs scrape against my skin. I winced feeling him bite into me.
Soon we made our way to find my father. He stands, exhausted. Then he looks to where Nyssa rests. He moves to her side, kneeling beside her. She smiles up at him, bravely, but frightened all the same. Blade inspects the wound on her neck. It's clearly fatal.
Nyssa coughed, “How does it look?” My father said with genuine sadness, “Not good.” Nyssa nods. He has only confirmed her existing fears. “It won't be long now. I can already feel it burning inside me –“ She grips my father’s arm, her eyes welling with tears. “I don't want to become what Nomak was –“ she pauses, her voice straining “I can't. I want to die while I'm still a vampire.” Blade sighs. The burden is all too familiar to him.
“What do you want me to do?” He asks “I want to see the sun rise.” My father, his face is a mask of sad resignation. He lifts Nyssa into his arms. She closes her eyes, resting her head on his chest.
As I watched him carry Nyssa in his arms toward the light of the approaching dawn, my heart ached. It was a poignant reminder of the brutal world we inhabited, where moments of beauty were all too often overshadowed by loss and sacrifice. Inside the safety of the facility, Oscar and I stood by the doorway, our own wounds and exhaustion forgotten in the face of Nyssa's impending farewell.
The shutters over the doors and windows slowly rise. Blade shoulders open the front door, moving across the lawn towards a bluff overlooking the ocean.
The pre-dawn air was chilly, wrapping its cold fingers around me, yet I couldn’t tear my eyes away from the scene unfolding outside. The sky began to lighten, a canvas of soft blues and pinks stretching wide over the horizon. The ocean’s waves crashed rhythmically below, a natural lullaby to the tragic yet beautiful moment before us.
Nyssa’s face, illuminated by the first light of dawn, was serene yet resigned. Nyssa's eyes widened in expectation, her breath catching. She looks up at Blade, stroking his face, and smiling. “Each day is a little life. Remember?” Blade's response was unspoken, communicated through the tear that escaped his stoic facade. It was a rare glimpse into the depth of his emotions, revealing a vulnerability that he seldom showed.
I felt a lump form in my throat. The simplicity and depth of her words struck a chord, resonating with the harsh truths we’d all come to accept. Life, no matter how fleeting, was a collection of these small moments, each one precious.
The sun, now peeking over the horizon, cast a warm glow that seemed to hold the promise of peace, if only for a moment. They kiss then as the sun rises in full glory, flooding the world with its brilliance.
As the sunlight grew stronger, bathing everything in a golden light, Nyssa's transformation was both tragic and beautiful. The way she clung to my father, seeking comfort in her final moments, was heart-wrenching. I felt Oscar's hand squeeze mine, a silent support in the face of such profound sadness.
When Nyssa finally turned to ash, the sight was devastatingly beautiful. She didn't suffer; it was quick, almost gentle as if the sun itself had reached down to cradle her. Blade’s mourning was palpable, the way he held onto the empty space where she had been, unwilling to let go.
As my father faced the sun, eyes closed and face serene, there was a sense of closure, of acceptance in his posture. It was as if he was allowing the warmth of the sun to fill the void left by Nyssa’s passing, embracing the pain and the peace that came with it.
Standing there, watching my father, I realized that each battle we fought, each loss we endured, was shaping us. Not just as warriors, but as beings capable of profound sorrow and resilience. In that moment, I understood that we weren’t just fighting for survival, but for these small pockets of time where we could feel, love, and remember. Each day, indeed, was a little life, and despite the darkness, there was always a possibility for light.
As my father turned away from the sunrise, his movements slower, weighed down by grief, I felt Oscar tighten his grip on my hand, grounding me. We lingered in the doorway as Whistler walked out to my father, neither of us eager to step away from the raw, emotional tableau we had just witnessed. Oscar finally broke the silence, his voice a low murmur barely audible over the crashing waves. "There's something hauntingly beautiful about saying goodbye like that, isn't there?" he asked, his gaze still fixed on Blade’s retreating back.
I nodded, unable to find the words to express the whirlwind of emotions I felt. "It makes you realize how precious every moment is," I managed to say, my voice thick with emotion.
Oscar turned to look at me, his eyes reflecting a mix of sorrow and something else—perhaps a newfound appreciation for the fragility of life. "It does," he agreed. "And it makes me want to make the most of every moment we have."
The weight of his words hung between us, charged with an unspoken promise to face whatever lay ahead together. It was a commitment, not just to battle, but to life itself—to finding those moments of beauty amidst the chaos.
We finally stepped back into the facility, the normalcy of the interior felt starkly contrastive to the profound scene outside. The hum of machinery and the sterile, metallic smells seemed out of place with the natural beauty and emotional intensity we had just experienced.
As we walked down the corridor, the sound of our steps echoing off the walls, I glanced at Oscar. His profile was set, determined, yet there was a softness there that hadn’t been as apparent before. In that moment, I realized how much he had changed, how much we had all changed. We were bound together not just by our mission but by our shared experiences and the losses we had endured.
Oscar’s words, laced with both sorrow and resolve, resonated deeply with me. I could see in his eyes a determination, a shared vision that stretched beyond the current moment of grief and into the many battles we would face together. His commitment was not just to the cause but to us—to our life together amidst the chaos.
As we navigated the corridors of the facility, moving away from the aftermath of the sunrise, a plan began to form in my mind—a plan that involved Oscar not just as a partner in battle but in every aspect of life. I knew the risks, the uncertainties of our existence, but the thought of facing it all without him was unimaginable.
Turning to him, I stopped and took both of his hands in mine. The cold metal of the corridor seemed to drop away as I looked into his eyes. "Oscar," I started, the intensity of my feelings grounding my voice, "these missions, this fight—it's going to continue, maybe for a long time. But whatever happens, I want you there with me. Not just as a fighter, or a tactician, but as my partner. All of it—every fight, every quiet moment, every sunrise. Will you do that? Will you come with me, wherever this leads?"
His response came not just in words but in the gentle squeeze of his hands and the immediate warmth in his eyes. "Yes," he said firmly. "There's no one else I'd rather be with, through all of this and beyond. Wherever you go, I'm with you."
With that affirmation, a weight lifted from my shoulders—a weight I hadn’t fully acknowledged until that moment. Our path wouldn’t be easy; we had seen too much, lost too much to harbor any illusions about the future. But with Oscar’s promise, the journey ahead seemed not just bearable but hopeful.
As we rejoined my father and Whistler, now with a shared purpose shining clear between us, our steps were a bit lighter. We were more than just comrades; we were partners in the fullest sense, ready to face whatever challenges awaited, knowing that together, we could find those precious moments of life amid the battles we fought.
This commitment shaped our future operations and decisions. We planned together, fought together, and in those rare moments of peace, we built a life together—one carefully constructed moment at a time, treasuring each day as if it were both the first and the last. Our partnership became our strength, our beacon through the darkest times.
My father’s reaction to my decision to formally bring Oscar into both my personal and professional life was marked by his typical stoic demeanor, yet beneath his reserved exterior, I sensed a careful assessment taking place. Blade has always been a complex figure, grappling with his own solitude and the responsibilities that come with leading a war against darkness. His approval, therefore, was never going to be overtly enthusiastic or warmly affectionate, but rather conveyed through subtle signs of acceptance and strategic planning.
Initially, my father was quiet, his eyes frequently meeting mine with a discerning look. I could tell he was evaluating not just Oscar’s suitability as a permanent team member, but also how his personal relationship with me might affect our operations. Blade's primary concern has always been the mission and the safety of his team. He watched Oscar and me closely in the days that followed, observing how we interacted during both high-stress situations and downtime.
One evening, after a particularly grueling strategy session, Blade finally addressed the situation in his usual direct manner. "You two seem solid," he remarked casually while cleaning his weaponry, not looking up. "That’s good. Just make sure it stays that way in the field. We can’t afford distractions." This was his way of giving his nod of approval—it wasn't just about personal feelings; it was about maintaining operational integrity. His acknowledgment was a testament to his trust in our judgment and our ability to balance our personal relationship with our professional duties.
My father’s acceptance was also reflected in how he began to include Oscar more frequently in strategic decisions, often deferring to Oscar's expertise in technology and intelligence. This shift was subtle but significant, signaling Blade's recognition of Oscar's value to the team and his trust in my choice of partner.
Whistler’s reaction, on the other hand, was far more straightforward and warmly paternal. Having been a mentor and almost a father figure to me, Whistler always showed a more openly protective concern about my well-being, both on and off the field. When he first realized the depth of my relationship with Oscar, his response was mixed with cautious optimism.
"You sure about this, kid?" Whistler asked me one day, his voice tinged with concern as we worked on repairing some equipment. I affirmed, explaining how Oscar supported me and strengthened our team. Nodding thoughtfully while puffing on his ever-present cigarette, Whistler finally cracked a small, wry smile. "Well, I’ve seen the guy in action, and I gotta say, he’s got guts. Just watch each other's backs, alright?"
Over time, Whistler took it upon himself to offer both practical and personal advice to us, sometimes sharing anecdotes from his own past to illustrate the importance of trust and communication in relationships, especially in our line of work. His stories were often sprinkled with humor and hard-earned wisdom, helping to ease the tension and build camaraderie.
Whistler also became a sort of informal counselor to Oscar, taking him under his wing and guiding him in both the technical and tactical aspects of our operations. This mentorship helped Oscar integrate more smoothly into the team and reassured me that our relationship had the blessing of someone I deeply respected.
Both Blade and Whistler’s reactions, in their own ways, underscored a crucial aspect of our group dynamic—while we were warriors fighting against a dark and powerful enemy, we were also a tight-knit family, looking out for one another and valuing each member's happiness and well-being. Their responses reinforced the balance we strove to maintain between our personal lives and our responsibilities to the team and the mission.
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hookhausenschips · 1 day
I apologize for not being active recently, I finally got a new job I start on Monday and I’ve been brainstorming a new story😁😁
Here’s a snippet of it:
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Can you take a guess on what movie series I’m basing this from?😇
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hookhausenschips · 6 days
There's a version of the "don't go grocery shopping while hungry" rule specifically for writers where you should never under any circumstances be allowed to touch your draft within 3 hours of reading a really good story. Because sometimes when you read something great your head goes "fuck this is so much better than my stuff I should make that more like THIS instead!" Look at me. That's the devil talking and you should close the document NOW.
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hookhausenschips · 6 days
What “Ghetto” Names Really Mean
“Tinashe” -  Means “God is with us” in Shona ( An African language spoken by nearly 80 percent of people in Zimbabwe.)
“Lakeisha” - A Swahili name meaning “favorite one.”
“Ashanti” -  Name of a powerful African empire in West Africa.
“Tanisha” - Hausa of West Africa name meaning “born on Monday.”
“Zola” - Means “quiet, tranquil” in Zulu.    
“Amandla” -  Zulu and Xhosa word meaning “power”. The word was a popular rallying cry in the days of resistance against Apartheid.
“Zendaya” - Means “ To Give Thanks” in Shona
“Latonia” -  A Latin name. Latonia was the mother of Diana in Roman mythology.
“Lulu” - Swahili and Muslim name meaning “pearl” or “precious.”
“Ciara” -  Means “dark-haired” in Irish Gaelic
“Lateefah” - A North African name meaning “gentle and pleasant.”
“Mercedes” - Means “Gracious gifts/Benefits) in Spanish
“Kaya” -  Ghanaian name meaning “stay and don’t go back.”
“Amara” -  The Swahili word amara, meaning “urgent business.” Also the Hindu name meaning “immortal.”
“Shanika” - African Bantu name, meaning “young one from the wilderness.
“Zuri” - Means “beautiful” in Swahili.
“Onika” - Word of African origin meaning “warrior.”
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hookhausenschips · 8 days
Lando Norris- SigRHO🐩
Soro Series
F1 Masterlist
Join my taglist here!
Faceclaim: none, just beautiful black women
previous; Logan Sargeant- Zeta
📍Southern University
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liked by user1, user2, user3, lewishamilton, and others
y/user/nnn: it’s all in the details🐩💙💛
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y/bff/n: so proud of youuuu💚
> y/user/nnn: wrong colorrrr💛
user3: eeeyippp🐩
lewishamilton: congratulations on crossing!
> y/user/nnn: thank you lew!!
landonorris added to his story!
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seen by maxfewtrell, oscarpiastri, georgerussell63, and others
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lando.jpg: took a trip to NOLA
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carlossainz55: no invite🥺
y/bestfriend/n: @/ y/user/nnn see I told you, he’s the one that was at the basketball game!
y/user/nnn: no shit sherlock
•Instagram DMs•
message request from y/user/nnn
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y/user/nnn added to her story!
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seen by landonorris, y/bestfriend/n, soror1, and others
landonorris added to his story!
seen by y/user/nnn, y/bestfriend/n, maxfewtrell, and others
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liked by landonorris, soror826, riabish, and others
y/user/nnn: just a couple months left of senior year🥺
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liked by y/user/nnn, savnorris, maxfewtrell, and others
landonorris: My dearest Y/N, today marks a monumental achievement in your journey, one that fills my heart with immeasurable pride. Witnessing you conquer the challenges of academia with unwavering determination has been nothing short of inspiring. From late-night study sessions to moments of self-doubt, you've shown resilience beyond measure. As you walk across that stage, know that you carry not only a diploma but the culmination of years of hard work, sacrifice, and passion. Your commitment to excellence shines brighter than any trophy I've ever won on the track. So here's to you, my love, for reaching this remarkable milestone. I am endlessly grateful for your presence in my life, and I cannot wait to see where your boundless intellect and ambition take you next. Congratulations, my brilliant, beautiful graduate. The world is yours for the taking, and I'll be cheering you on every step of the way💛💙
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y/user/nnn: Lando, your words mean everything to me. To have your unwavering support and love throughout this journey has made all the difference. Knowing that I've made you proud fills me with such joy and gratitude. None of this would have been possible without you by my side, encouraging me every step of the way. I'm so lucky to have you as my partner, my confidant, and my biggest cheerleader. Thank you for believing in me, even when I doubted myself. With you beside me, I know I can conquer anything. Here's to us, and to many more milestones together. I love you, honey🧡
y/user/nnn: great I’m crying again
oscarpiastri: congratulations y/n! Please come get your boyfriend he’s crying and snotting all over me
landonorris: now why would you say that😒
carlossainz55: ¡Tan orgulloso de ti Star! Felicidades por un hito tan grande❤️ [So proud of you Star! Congratulations on such a huge milestone]
y/user/nnn: Carlos🥹🥹
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hookhausenschips · 8 days
Logan Sargeant - Zeta
Soror Series
F1 Masterlist
Join my taglist here!
Faceclaim: none, just beautiful black women
previous; Max Verstappen- Delta
next; Lando Norris- SigRHO
liked by user, bffuser, soror1, and others
y/u/n: Late nightsss💙🌫️
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logansargeant added to his story!
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seen by oscarpiastri, alex_albon, landonorris, and others
oscarpiastri replied to your story:
Where the hell are you?
definitely not a party👀
Jesus Christ keep it in your pants please
Okay dad geez🙄
I didn’t even get her number or anything
•Texts Between Oscar & Logan•
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liked by logansargeant, landonorris, oscarpiastri, and others
y/u/n: sis•ter•hood💙🤍
the solidarity of women based on shared conditions, experiences, or concerns
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landonorris: hmm
oscarpiastri: hmm indeed
logansargeant: both of you stfu
•Texts between Oscar & Logan•
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•Instagram DMs with Logan & Y/N•
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y/u/n added to her story!
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seen by oscarpiastri, logansargeant, landonorris, alex_albon, and others
[caption 1: sir could you please back up with that horrendous hairline PLEASE]
[caption 2: Sassy✅ Cunty✅ Bitchy✅]
[caption 3: the face you see before being kidnapped and shipped to a land far away]
logansargeant added to his story!
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seen by oscarpiastri, y/u/n, alex_albon, and others
landonorris replied to your story:
Do I at least get credit for you both getting together?
Not even if you ever get your first win Norris
I hope she fucking dumps you
y/u/n added to her story!
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seen by logansargeant, oscarpiastri, landonorris, and others
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liked by y/u/n, oscarpiastri, alex_albon, gerorgerussell63, and others
logansargeant: blue was always her color, beautiful lover💙
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y/u/n: what a fucking simp🫵🏽😂
y/u/n: god I love you so much, let’s go makeout
oscarpiastri: please no
alex_albon: about time, he wouldn’t stop yapping
logansargeant: now I never will🤭
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hookhausenschips · 8 days
Is This Your Man?
Daniel Garcia x Musician!Reader
Requests are open
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hookhausenschips · 8 days
Can I request an Imagine or Headcanon with either Hook or DG where the reader's love language is biting. Like she'll just bite them randomly and how do they react?
I will do you one better! How about both?
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This man gives no fucks, like at all
the first time you bit him he looked at you like you grew three heads.
he thought you were hungry or something so he offered you some chips (bless his soul omfg)
but then you did it again later on down the road
you both were walking around the city with the lads before Dynamite
He had taken off his hoodie while talking to the boys about something with merch, you weren't really paying attention
All you could do was focus on his arms, feeling the urge that you had tried to bury suddenly grow stronger
So as he's talking you grab his arm and sink your teeth in
Dante, Darius, Anthony, and Action all looked at you in shock
Hook had paused once he realized what had grabbed the attention of the four men
He shrugged as they gave him a questioning look after you let go, "She's like an alligator or something." and went back to discussing the previous topic
He was used to you biting him he could sense when you had the urge to bite anything and he'd give his arm to you like he was rewarding a puppy with a bone
he gets asked all the time why he's almost always covered in bite marks
sometimes he'll brush the person off or sometimes he'll answer them "I'm my girlfriend's chewtoy."
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Daniel Garcia
Now this mf right here he would act like he hates it but deep down he loves it
he'd act annoyed
"Y/N!" *que chasing*
if you know who nia and chris are, it's like that
there's a compilation fans have made from Isiah's vlogs of you biting Daniel
he'd try to reprimand you for biting him, he learned from that mistake cause you always go to bite his finger every time
you've caught it on some occasions
He would wake up with new bite marks almost everyday
"You've lost biting privileges" he'd say after you bit him
You just can't help it, dude is beefy
One time he bit you back and your brain short circuited
You were frozen in your spot for a good 9 minutes before you came back to reality
Then you bit him slightly harder
Marks upon marks, some new and some fading
He will never grow used to it but he does love it, don't let him fool you
Hook Taglist: @shawtys-things @gethooked
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hookhausenschips · 8 days
Burning Rubber
Where the street racing life meets the world of Formula 1. Wrecks, feelings, cars, and adrenaline. What could go wrong?
Lando Norris x Professional!Drift Racer & Street!Racer Reader
A/N: Updated Every Wednesday 😇
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Meet The Team
Chapter One
▶️ 1.2
Chapter Two
▶️ 2.2
▶️ 2.3
Chapter Three
▶️ 3.2
Chapter Four
▶️ 4.2
▶️ 4.3
Chapter Five
▶️ 5.2
▶️ 5.3
Chapter Six
▶️ 6.2
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
▶️ 8.2
Chapter Nine
▶️ 9.2
▶️ 9.3
Chapter Ten
▶️ 10.2
Chapter Eleven
▶️ 11.2
Chapter Twelve
▶️ 12.2
▶️ 12.3
Chapter Thirteen
▶️ 13.2
Chapter Fourteen
▶️ 14.2
Chapter Fifteen (tba soon)
▶️ 15.2
Chapter Sixteen (tba soon)
▶️ 16.2
▶️ 16.3
Chapter Seventeen (tba soon)
▶️ 17.2
Chapter Eighteen (tba soon)
▶️ 18.2
Chapter Nineteen (tba soon)
▶️ 19.2
Chapter Twenty (tba soon)
▶️ 20.2
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hookhausenschips · 8 days
The Game Of Strangers
Max Verstappen x Reader x Lando Norris
F1 Masterlist
Word Count: 2,304
Summary: Meeting up with two strangers at a club may lead to a very fun night. A very fun game.
Warnings: smutty smut smut, praise kink, use of slut, whore yk the usual, semi sub lando, voyuerism, Max denies Lando, spitting, fluids being swapped, just filth
Author’s Note: I literally had a dream somewhat like this and I had to write it down. Enjoy this along with the last race of the year 💚
Arriving at the club with my friends I am immediately bombarded by the flashing lights and the bass from the music from inside. “Can you believe it?” My friend Bianca grinned. “Believe what?” Cleo replied coolly while looking at her nails. “That we finally get to come to this club duh. You either have to be famous or know someone.” Bianca said. “Well as long as you act the part, we won’t get found out.” I said as we got closer to the entrance. “Well we definitely look the part.” Cleo said. Bianca and I nodded in agreement, as I look down at my outfit then Bianca and Cleo. I can’t deny, we all looked hot. “ID ladies.” The security guard spoke. We handed him our ID’s and waited as he looked them over and then looked at us. He nodded his head towards the entrance and lifted the rope separating us from the club, “Have a great night.” He said as we took our id back and headed inside. We all grinned at each other, time to party with the big shots.
We all headed towards the bar and ordered our drinks. Then I turn to look at the dancefloor people watching. “We have to get into VIP!” Bianca yelled over the music while twirling one of my braids around her finger. I nodded and looked up at one of the VIP areas, leaning against the railing were two guys, one taller than the other. Once the bartender came bar with our drinks we headed onto the dancefloor. I guess tonight was older hip hop music, they’re playing Salt Shaker by Ying Yang Twins. I was grinding against Bianca and twerking. As the song was ending I told the girls I was going to find us a booth and get more of my drink.
Standing at the bar tapping my fingers against the wood I move my hips slightly to the beat of the current song. “I’ll have whatever the beautiful lady is having.” A voice spoke next to me. I turned and it was one of the guys from earlier. He was wearing a light colored button up shirt with the first two or three buttons undone, jeans, and tennis shoes. I raised my eyebrow, “You don’t seem like the type of guy to like a Mai Tai.” I spoke. The man smiled, “I’m open to trying new things tonight darling. I haven’t seen you here before, what brings you here tonight?” He said. “Just for some fun, I’m here with my friends.” I reply pointing at the Cleo and Bianca who were now grinding on two guys. “Or I was with them.” I say before looking back at the man. “Well lucky for you it seems your friends have made friends with mine.” He spoke looking back at me. “Oh are you saying it’s fate that we were to meet tonight?” I questioned. He smirked, “I wouldn’t say fate but I couldn’t just let you stand here alone for any creep to think they had a shot.” I raised my eyebrow as I spit the bartender was back with our drinks then lean up to his ear, “And what makes you think you have a chance?” I ask before grabbing my drink and leaving back for the dancefloor.
I felt hands on my hips and I began to grind against the stranger. “Seems wrong to let a beautiful woman to dance alone no?” The man asked, goosebumps erupted along my skin feeling his breath on my neck. I turn around and see it’s the other man from earlier, “And what makes you think I am alone sir?” I ask wrapping my arms around his neck. “Well it seems your friends are occupied.” He spoke, I smiled brightly at him. “Aren’t you quite the watchful one.” I said. “One of my best qualities liebling.” He said then leaned down and whispered, “Why don’t we take this upstairs?” I nodded as he grabbed my hand and lead me to the VIP area.
“Ah I seen you’ve brought our friend.” A voice spoke sitting at the booth. I see it’s the man from the bar. “Enjoy the drink?” I ask him. He smiled and nodded, “You have great taste darling.” His friend guided me to sit between the two as I thought ‘I taste even better’. “So do I get names to handsome faces or are you going to leave me guessing?” I asked. They smirked, “I’m Max and this is Lando. What’s your name Schatz?” The man named Max asked. “Y/N.” I spoke taking another sip of my drink. Sitting between two beautiful men was every girls dream. Even more so if I could have them underneath me. “So Y/N what brings you here tonight?” Max questioned placing his hand on my thigh as Lando began to kiss up my neck.
“Oh fuck yes, that’s it you can take it.” Lando moaned as he felt his dick hit the back of my throat. I gagged and felt more tears trail down my face. “So fucking beautiful.” He said wiping my tears. I hollowed my cheeks and continued to move up and down along his shaft. “Isn’t she such a good slut Lando?” Max asked as he sat in the chair across the hotel room. “So good.” Lando moaned. I looked up and the sight alone could cause me to cum untouched. His hair was messy, mouth agape, and his eyes shut tightly. “Are you close Lando?” Max asked. The male nodded but before I could deepthroat him again I was taken off. “No no no, Max please.” Lando trembled and begged at his now ruined orgasm. Max smiled, “All in due time schat. Now go sit and watch as I ruin her pussy.” I clenched my legs in anticipation as Max pulled me to my feet and tossed me onto the bed. As soon as the Dutchman crawls on top of me I pull him down to kiss me, moaning as soon as our tongues intertwined. I shivered feeling his hand trail down my body between my legs. Ghosting over the place I needed them both the most.
Lifting my hips to guide him, he pinned me down with his other hand. “So impatient. Don’t you want to be good for us schat?” He asked. I nodded, “Please I’ll be good. Just please Max.” I begged. He smirked hearing me moan as he circled my clit with his thumb then moving two fingers down to my entrance. “Please what hm? Who’s made you this wet schat? Sure hope it was Lando and I.” He spoke leaning down to leave more hickies across my collarbone and chest. I opened my legs wider feeling his thick fingers push into me. “All f’you. Just please, need your cock.” I moaned grinding against his hand. I could feel him grin, “Such a good girl schat. What do you think Lando, think she deserves to be fucked?” He asked looking at the Brit currently stroking his cock to the scene in front of him. Lando nodded, “Words Lando.” Max demanded. “Yes. She deserves it.” Lando moaned. Max sped up his fingers and I moaned louder grabbing into his shoulders. “Hmm see I’m not convinced. Maybe you need to be some more then maybe that will convince me our slut deserves to be fucked the way she deserves.” Max said pulling away from me. I whined at the loss, “Please please Max. I’ve been so good for you both. Just need your cock Max please.” I begged.
I felt a hand lightly start to smack my face, “Nu uh Schat, keep your eyes on him. Look at how good he’s being. Want him to cum in this sloppy pussy? Hm?” Max spoke as he continued to pound me into the mattress, I turn my head to look at Lando and moan louder feeling Max move my leg to his shoulder. Then he placed two fingers down my throat making me gag. Leaving them there for me to suck. Feeling me squeeze against him Max smirked, “Oh you would love that wouldn’t you? Being filled with both of our cum? Stuff you full like the good whore you are?” He moaned as he thrusted deeper if even possible. “Max m’close. Don’t stop, feels so good.” I slurred. “Never planned on it darling.” He whispered and littered my neck with more hickies. I could feel the knot in my stomach begin to tighten more. “Cum for liebling, you can do it. Show us how good you are.” Max said reaching a hand down to rub fast figure eights on my clit. White heat flooded my body as I arched into Max. My legs shaking and I screamed out in pleasure. “Fuck that’s it Y/N. That’s it, good girl. Such a fucking good girl.” Max growled as his orgasm washed over him. I pulled him closer as we began to catch our breath. After a few moments of silence, “What’s your color schat?” Max questioned. “Green.” I whispered. He nodded and looked at the poor Brit watching us. “Take care of our boy.” Max said kissing my forehead as he stood to go shower.
I looked at Lando and smiled, “Come here handsome.” I spoke. The man pounced on me in an instant. Wrapping his arms around my thighs, “Need to taste you again.” He spoke before burying his head between my thighs. I squeal and my legs clamp shut around his head, still sensitive from my previous orgasms. Lando moaned against me, slurping up all my body had to offer as well as Max’s cum that had dripped out. I whined as he stopped and crawled up my body. He tapped my cheek signaling me to open my mouth. I opened my mouth and I moaned as Max’s cum drip from his mouth into mine. I could feel my desire intensify, I pulled him down to kiss me. “Please Lan, need you.” I beg the racer. He nods, “Hands and knees love.” He spoke before kissing my forehead. I flip onto my stomach and get into position. His hands explore my curves then pushes me down onto my chest to make my arch higher. “Just like that love, you’re doing so well. Proud of our good girl.” He spoke before I feel him slide in. I moan in response, “Fuck you feel so good.” Lando moaned. At a particularly rough thrust I could feel his cock nudge against my g spot. “Shit Lando! Right there please.” I moan. “Yeah?” He smirked and slowed down, the snapped his hips “Right there?” He spoke as he began to grind against me. Gripping the sheets I moan in response. He begins to thrust faster, done with the teasing for now.
I felt a hand brush some of my braids out of my face and I opened my eyes and see Max sitting on the bed, dressed in sweats after his shower. “Doing so good Schat.” I smiled at him and he bends down to kiss me. Lando smacks my ass and I moan moving my hips back to meet his thrusts, “Fuck yes darling fuck yourself on my cock, show me how much you want to cum.” Lando moaned. My legs begin to shake as I whimper against Max’s lips. Pulling apart Max smiles, “Cum on his cock Y/N, you deserve it after being good tonight.” He says rubbing my shoulders. My walls begin to flutter around Lando’s cock. The Brit reaches around and starts to fiercely rub my clit. “Oh fuck don’t stop, don’t stop.” I repeat, my voice going higher feeling my climax clawing to be released. Finally the knot snapped in my stomach, my upper body collapses and I scream both their names. “That’s right darling, s’good. Feel s’good cummimg around my cock. Such a good slut for Max and I.” Lando says, talking and fucking me through my orgasm. Once, twice, three thrusts later and Lando cums inside me with a grunt. Collapsing next to me but not before kissing my shoulder.
“How are you both feeling?” Max asked as I closed my eyes in bliss feeling both men either rubbing my upper back or massaging my hips. Lando cuddled closer to me as I rested my head on Max’s thigh. “I don’t know about you but I could go again.” Lando said lightly biting my shoulder. I laughed, “You’re so insatiable.” “So are you Schat.” Max said. “Well when I have two handsome and sexy formula one drivers as my boyfriend’s I can’t resist.” I say while playing with Max’s fingers. “Well time to get you both cleaned up, come on into the bath you go. Nice and hot.” Max said moving to stand, I whined grabbing his leg keeping him where he was, “Let me cuddle my lovers.” “He’s right darling, come on. You can cuddle us in the tub.” Lando spoke standing up and heading for the bathroom. I shook my head, “Staying right here.” I protested. “What about round two in the tub darling? Take us both in that slurry pussy of yours?” Max said and smirking when I looked up at him. That fucker knew he had won me over. “Well when you put it like that.” I trailed off smiling. The Dutch laughed and picked me up headed for the bathroom to join our boyfriend, I felt my heart skip a beat. Being in love with these men and being loved by them is the best thing in life, aside from the sex. My heart couldn’t have been fuller, although I am about to feel very full again soon enough. Maybe we should play the game of strangers again at the next stop for the next race.
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hookhausenschips · 8 days
Max Verstappen- Delta🔺
Soror Series
F1 Masterlist
Join my taglist here!
Faceclaim: none, just beautiful black women
previous; Charles Leclerc- AKA
next; Logan Sargeant; Zeta
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liked by user1, y/bff/n, maxverstappen1, lewishamilton, f1, and others
y/user/n: What is a Delta?! Forever bleeding red. Keep an eye out on my YouTube on my experience crossing over for my sorority ❤️
Delta. Not The Airline
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maxverstappen1 added to his story!
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seen by y/user/n, f1, danielricciardo, and others
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liked by user, user468, formulagoss, and others
f1boilingtea: I’ve done my deep dive on Max Verstappen’s girlfriend and I found these videos, what are your thoughts on Y/N? Personally she seem like a sweet girl and she’s very beautiful.
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user: Max has good taste
user: Definitely not good for his image are u kidding?
user: it’s literally not that deep love. It’s a sorority stroll, not like she’s booty bald naked
user: 👀
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liked by maxverstappen1, landonorris, carlossainz55, danielricciardo, and others
tagged: maxverstappen1, danielricciardo
y/user/n: semester dump ft Maximillian and my boyfriend’s boyfriend
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danielricciardo: sleep with one eye open
y/user/n: something you should’ve done Danny
landonorris: I think he should keep the mullet
maxverstappen1: where do you get these pictures?
y/user/n: I have my ways darling❤️
Max Verstappen answers GQ’s burning questions
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liked by redbullracing, y/user/n, danielricciardo, and others
tagged: y/user/n
maxverstappen1: Hey gorgeous, I just wanted to take a moment to express how incredibly proud I am of you. Seeing you walk across that stage, receiving your diploma with honors, filled my heart with so much joy and admiration. Your determination, intelligence, and perseverance have always amazed me, and watching you achieve this milestone is truly inspiring. You've worked tirelessly to reach this moment, and I couldn't be happier for you. Your success is a testament to your incredible talents and the endless effort you put into everything you do. I feel so lucky to have you in my life, and I can't wait to see where your journey takes you next. Congratulations on this well-deserved accomplishment, my love. I'll always be here cheering you on every step of the way❤️💙
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y/user/n: you’re literally making me cry again🥹
y/user/n: I’m so in love with you, thank you for your endless support and for putting up with me when I wasn’t the best to be around
y/user/n: let’s go get married
danielricciardo: I object!
y/user/n: no one asked you Ratatouille🪓😃
landonorris: congrats y/n!
y/user/n: thank you my son I expect a podium finish
landonorris: yes ma’am 🫡
georgerussell63: celebration when?
y/user/n: next prix weekend👀
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hookhausenschips · 9 days
Look at evil peepaw do his magic
missing fernandos magic tricks rn
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hookhausenschips · 9 days
Charles- Alpha Kappa Alpha
Soror Series
F1 Masterlist
Join my taglist here!
Faceclaim: none, just beautiful black women
Credit to original owners
A/N: I’m so sorry it’s taken so long to post, I’ve changed so much because I hated all of them at first. Let me know what you guys think please!!
next; Max Verstappen- Delta
📍Jackson State University
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liked by charles_leclerc, user1, user2, and 852 others
y/user/n: nothing to see here😁
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bffuser: mega slay🤩
y/user/n: I’m cringing for you
user: 👀
liked by arthur_leclerc, leclerc_pascale, charlotte2304, and others
tagged: y/user/n
charles_leclerc: congratulations mon amour🥳🩷
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francisca.cgomes: that’s my wife!!!
charles_leclerc: get out of here sewer rat
francisca.cgomes: I will pay a mechanic to ruin your car🥰
y/user/n: Thank you for coming Charlie🩷🩷
user: this is such a hard launch omg
user: I knew Charles was being too quiet
y/user/n added to her story!
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seen by charles_leclerc, riabish, lilymhe, francisca.cgomes, and others
lilymhe has replied to your story:
hand in marriage
Charles doesn’t have to know about us🫦
just a crumb ma’am 😭
francisca.cgomes has replied to your story:
It’s purring👀
Come home the kids miss you 😚
charles_leclerc has replied to your story:
You put too much trust into that top mon amour
I miss you so much
Why are Lilly and Kika asking me if we’re serious and if I can fight? They’re scaring me😭
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liked by leclerc_pascale, charles_leclerc, lilymhe, and others
y/user/n: You wish you had a nickel
You wish you had a dime
You wish you had an AKA
To love you all the time
You wish you had a quarter
You wish you had a dollar
You wish you had an AKA
To make you scream and holler🩷💚🐩
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charles_leclerc & y/user/n
📍Jackson State University
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liked by charles_leclerc, francisca.cgomes, pierregasly, and others
y/user/n: Alumni Gala🩷
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francisca.cgomes: Um momento para o vestido? Tu e o Charles estão a falar a sério ou? [A moment for the dress?! Are you and Charles serious or?]
y/user/n: if you’re proposing I say yes, see you at the altar bby💋🫦
charles_leclerc: back off🤺🤺
pierregasly: am I chopped liver?
y/user/n: pierregasly no just an alpine driver😭🤢
pierregasly: die☺️
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liked by charlotte2304, arthur_leclerc, pierregasly, charles_leclerc, and others
tagged: charles_leclerc
y/user/n: onto Junior Year🏎️🛫
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JSUAlphaKappaAlpha added to their story!
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seen by soror4624, sororalum, y/user/n, and others
[captions: 👀🗣️]
JSUAlphaKappaAlpha & y/user/n
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liked by charles_leclerc, leclerc_pascale, carlossainz55, pierregasly, and others
JSUAlphaKappaAlpha: I am thrilled to introduce our new chapter president for the 2025-2026 school year, Y/N Y/L/N, a remarkable individual whose dedication to excellence and passion for service have already made her a shining example within our sorority. Y/N Y/L/N is a Political Science-Paralegal Studies major with a heart for uplifting others and a vision for leading our chapter to new heights. Her commitment to our sisterhood and her leadership skills make her the perfect choice to guide us forward.
Together, let us embrace this opportunity to make a difference, to inspire change, and to leave a lasting legacy of sisterhood and service. With unity and determination, there is no limit to what we can achieve. Thank you for your support, and let us embark on this journey together.
Here is what she has to say;
Dear esteemed members of the AKA Sorority Chapter at Jackson State University,
I am deeply honored and humbled to accept the responsibility of serving as your president. As we embark on this journey together, I am filled with excitement and anticipation for the remarkable year ahead.
First and foremost, I want to express my gratitude for entrusting me with this esteemed position. It is a privilege to lead such a talented and dedicated group of individuals who are committed to upholding the values of sisterhood, scholarship, and service.
In the coming months, I look forward to fostering a culture of inclusivity and empowerment within our chapter. Together, we will strive to create meaningful experiences that strengthen the bonds of sisterhood and support one another in our personal and academic endeavors.
As president, I am committed to amplifying the voices of all members and ensuring that each one of us has the opportunity to contribute our unique talents and perspectives to the betterment of our community. Through collaboration and unity, we will continue to make a positive impact on campus and beyond.
I am excited about the potential for growth and success that lies ahead for our chapter. Together, let us embrace the challenges and opportunities that come our way with grace, resilience, and determination.
Thank you once again for placing your trust in me. I am confident that together, we will achieve great things.
President, AKA Sorority Chapter
Jackson State University.
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soror1: so proud of you Y/N!!!
soror2: no one more deserving!
charles_leclerc: Félicitations mon amour, tu es venu jusqu'à présent et je suis impatient de voir ce que tu as accompli d'autre ❤️ [Congratulations my love, you’ve come so far and I can’t wait to see what else you accomplish]
y/user/n: thank you for standing beside me through it all Charlie🩷
leclerc_pascale: Félicitations ma chérie ! Nous devons célébrer quand nous vous verrons ensuite🩷 [Congratulations darling girl! We must celebrate when we see you next]
liked by charlotte2304, arthur_leclerc, and y/user/n
y/user/n: Thank you Pascale! Your support means the world to me🩷🩷
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liked by bffuser, charles_leclerc, arthur_leclerc, and others
y/user/n: That’s a wrap baby, onto the next chapter😭🩷💚
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sororalum: congratulations!
soror735: going to miss you beautiful😢
y/user/n: I promise to visit!
charles_leclerc: so many words I could say❤️
y/user/n: Charles🥹
arthur_leclerc: so can I call you my lawyer👀
charles_leclerc: absolutely not
127 notes · View notes
hookhausenschips · 9 days
Bring Nico back for more races, I miss the shit talking and sass from my little Barbie bitch
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hookhausenschips · 10 days
Race Control you had me fucked upppp
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hookhausenschips · 10 days
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hookhausenschips · 10 days
no one:
the track:
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181 notes · View notes