#I started handing out bracelets and they were immediately very loudly like
secondstar-acorn · 26 days
not to be angry on main but to the person who was very loudly complaining about "just for once" and started making fun of me for handing out bracelets in the queue for starkid. why the fuck were you there
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quin-ns · 1 year
cowboy like me (JJ Maybank x Reader)
Word count: 3.3K
Summary: you and JJ realize you share a skill set and partner up
Tags: meet-cute, JJ steals and so do you, humor, fluff, flirting, dancing, mutual crush, love confessions, kissing, two kleptos falling in love <3
A/N: very much inspired by the song “cowboy like me” by taylor swift. it’s such a good song and I recommend listening to it if you haven’t. if you have listened, don’t worry this isn’t a sad fic. the focus pulls from the outlaws in love :)
cross-posted to ao3 • obx masterlist • main masterlist
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The meeting was an accident, but everything changed after you were walking passed JJ and bumped into him.
“I’m so sorry!” you told him, but JJ shrugged it off with a smile. He was in a good mood, a little buzzed, and now he had an excuse to talk to a pretty girl.
“No harm done,” he assured. “I don’t think we’ve met.” It was true, you looked unfamiliar. Maybe he’d seen you around school but at the moment he couldn’t recall. 
“I don’t usually show up to things like this,” you revealed. “I’m Y/N,” you said, holding out your hand.
“JJ,” he introduced himself, taking your hand in his and giving a quick shake. 
He was about to pull away, but he felt something cold against his fingertips.
You were nice and probably didn’t deserve to have your bracelet stolen, but JJ couldn’t stop himself from sliding the chain off of your wrist. He didn’t even know if it looked valuable or not, but years of impulsive behavior made it not matter. He palmed it in his hand and pulled back, looking nonchalant as ever.
“So you said you don’t really come to parties? Is there a reason you showed up tonight?” JJ was curious to get to know you despite the theft.
“A friend of mine actually asked me to come,” you replied. Looking off to the side, you pointed in a vague way. “She’s waving to me now, but maybe I’ll see you around.” JJ looked in that direction but got distracted when you playfully bumped into him, mimicking the accidental run-in that occurred before. You shot him a smile and a wink that had him letting out a small chuckle.
He watched you walk off into a group, a small spark rushing through him. You disappeared in the crowd and a sudden feeling of guilt overwhelmed him. The chain bracelet weighed heavy in his hand and JJ was already regretting what he’d done. Why did he have to be so greedy? He started to go after you, but stopped himself. If you had formed any sort of positive opinion of him, he was sure it would turn sour if the second time he talked to you was to confess to stealing off of you.
JJ frowned to himself, feeling stuck in a stalemate. Eventually he slid the bracelet into his pocket, thinking of a lie along the lines of “hey, I randomly found this and somehow know it’s  yours" or “your bracelet accidentally fell into my hand” but nothing sounded good.
The bracelet fell into his pocket and JJ immediately registered it was the only thing in there. His eyes went wide. 
Where was his wallet?
He whipped his head in the direction you had gone, realizing the side you’d bumped when you left had been the same side he carried his wallet in. 
“What the hell?” JJ muttered to himself, the pieces falling into place. 
He didn’t stop himself from going after you this time. He weaved his way through the crowd and spotted you easily. You were hard to miss, laughing at something some random guy had said.
“Hey, Y/N,” JJ greeted loudly, gaining your attention. He wasn’t angry, though. Not at all. JJ had been stunned at first but now he was just curious and impressed. There was a weird level of excitement, too, when you looked at him.
“Hey, there.” You focused on him, the random boy forgotten. JJ wouldn’t admit out loud that he enjoyed getting your full attention. “Lose something?” you asked knowingly, raising your brows a little and biting back a smile. 
“Actually, yeah,” JJ replied, unknowingly matching your expression. The guy wandered off, leaving the two of you alone. “You seen a wallet? I’m guessing it might be in your pocket.”
“I’ll tell you what.” You crossed your arms, squaring up playfully. “I’ll trade the wallet for my bracelet.”
JJ’s cheeks felt warm all of the sudden. He didn’t think you’d noticed that—didn’t make the connection. 
“That, um, that’s fair, yeah.” JJ pulled the bracelet from his pocket and placed it in your waiting hand. You slid it back on and gave him his wallet in exchange. “That was pretty smooth, by the way. Seems like you have some tricks up your sleeve,” he tried to say casually
“Takes one to know one,” you replied easily. “You were pretty slick, too. If I hadn’t pulled that same move before I probably wouldn’t have felt it,” you commented in a way that sounded complimentary. 
JJ perked up. Maybe it shouldn’t, but it felt nice to get some praise for a skill people usually looked down upon. He wasn’t rich, he had to do what he had to just to get by sometimes—and that caused a habit. Sticky fingers were hard to get rid of, especially when it gave him a rush. But looking at you, the way your eyes held intrigue instead of distaste, he started to suspect you understood.
You did, and it wouldn’t take that long for you to show him that.
That meeting changed everything for both you and JJ. You started going to the summer parties more often. Every time you did, you and JJ somehow “ran into” each other, neither wanting to admit to seeking out the other.
The two of you had started playing a game—one for your own amusement (and at the expense of others). Well, less of a game and more of thievery, but you two made it into a game. Seeing how many people you could pickpocket, different methods, seeing if you could charm and swindle people into giving either of you what you wanted. That one you saved for the kook’s side of town.
And by the time the rich folks in the country clubs you snuck into caught on, you were gone like bandits. 
One time you joked to JJ you were like outlaws, and he came back with, “How about cowboys? It sounds better.”
“Cowboys it is,” you agreed, heart leaping out of your chest when JJ swung his arm over your shoulder. 
You had no idea JJ had already fallen for you, but you did know you were falling for him. 
One night, the two of you decided to get some food and walk around town. JJ didn’t want to go home yet and you wanted to spend as much of the night with him as you could. There were no parties either, and the two of you just hanging out as friends had been normalized for a while.
You and JJ laughed and talked as you strolled around the familiar area. When you came upon a bar, a wicked idea popped into your head. When JJ looked at you, he knew exactly what you were thinking.
“They don’t card,” he said, trying to sound ambiguous.
“Interesting,” you replied with a cheeky grin, holding his gaze. 
Based on a whim, the two walked up to the bar, deciding to finish the night by going after some low hanging fruit.
“Do you have a plan?” JJ wondered as the two of you entered, scanning the surroundings. 
You spotted a drunk looking man sitting alone. You immediately noticed his wallet sitting on the counter in front of him and smirked up at your partner. 
“They make it so easy,” you replied. 
JJ watched, unable to tear his eyes away, as you waltzed over and took a seat next to the man. You were young—same age as JJ—but you could carry yourself with such maturity that you could fool nearly anyone. JJ would’ve been jealous of the way you laughed and flirted with the man, but in the end he knew you’d come back and it would be JJ who you’d truly be spending time and laughing with. 
After you successfully snatched the man’s wallet and brought it to JJ like a trophy, your confidence was up. It was easy to mill about, convincing more than one drunken man that you could’ve been the one. Of course, what you were really after was their valuables. You got another wallet (after the man bought you drinks, which you snuck off to share with JJ), and then a money clip. You also snagged a watch that looked expensive by laying your hand over a man’s to undo the clasps and maneuver it off without him noticing. You were especially proud of that and gifted it to JJ.
“I bet this cost you a fortune,” JJ teased sarcastically, putting on the accessory. Maybe it was bold to put it right in after stealing it, but you had filled your pockets—and JJ needed his empty for what he had planned. 
See, JJ took your winnings as a challenge and decided to go after older women who sat alone or in pairs. He used his boyish charm to get invited to the table and get access to their unsupervised purses. You sat back and watched, an amused smile on your face as they gushed over him every time. 
He returned to you (naturally) flaunting his treasures before hiding them away, just as you had done with him. 
“We should probably get out of here,” you suggested. You had a feeling the longer you stuck around, the more likely it would be that your new “friends” scattered across the bar would start to notice some missing things.
Instead, JJ did something you didn’t expect.
“Wanna dance?” JJ asked with a grin, riding high on the adrenaline. 
“Dancing is a dangerous game,” you warned. It was the kind of thing that could make someone fall in love, but you kept that thought to yourself.
JJ extended the hand, beckoning you to take it. He tilted his head a little, and the grin remained. “But you love dangerous.”
You gave in easily, accepting his hand. JJ pulled you to the small dance floor and the two of you immediately fell in with the crowd. You and everyone around you danced to the upbeat music. Most of the crowd on the dance floor was couples probably in their late twenties. Amongst them, it made it even more obvious that you were teenagers.
It didn’t seem to matter much though, you were just two more faces in the group. 
You and JJ danced together, somehow turning a random array of moves—lots of swaying and spinning—into rhythm. The song passed and shifted into a much slower, very romantic sounding song. You couldn’t make out the full words all that clear, but the ones you did made it obvious. 
Neither you or JJ stopped dancing despite the change. The only thing that changed was your pace. You both slowed down and moved a little closer. 
JJ had been in close proximity to you so many times, but this felt different. This made him just as nervous as it made him excited. He felt somehow more cautious but also more carefree. His mind was so full of contradictions that he had no choice but to push them aside and focus on dancing with you.
Truth be told, putting his attention on you was something JJ never found to be difficult.
JJ held your hand tight in his suddenly and spun you around, trying to impress you. You giggled, colliding with him when he pulled you in. 
“Gotta say, we’re the best looking couple here,” JJ whispered in your ear with a small laugh. 
You gave him a look. Not because of his odd way of trying to compliment both you and himself, but something else. Couple? you wanted to ask. You were maybe a little surprised by the comment, but you weren’t bothered. Far from it.
There was no time for you to actually ask him, though, because suddenly your moment was interrupted.
“Hey!” a man yelled, pointing at you and JJ. “You two! You stole my watch!” The two of you looked to him and sure enough, it was the man who’s watch JJ was currently wearing. He was more aware than you realized and maybe hadn’t planned on drinking the night away on an open tab like you expected.
A guy across the room perked his head up, attention drawn by the first. Neither of you saw it, but he must’ve felt his back pocket and realized it was empty. “That girl took my wallet!”
“He stole my ring!” a lady yelled, looking accusingly at JJ.
“Oh shit,” you cursed. JJ pushed you behind him, ready to take the brunt of the anger as they (and a few others) started closing in, realizing what had happened. The protectiveness that overwhelmed him would be something he admittedly felt a lot, but tried to not act on. You always insisted you could take care of yourself, but he couldn’t fight the instinct in the moment. 
You looked around and spotted a back exit door. It was closer than the front and it was your only way to avoid your marks.
Suddenly, JJ felt your hand grasp his. 
“Run!” you yelled, tugging him in the direction. 
He focused on the door as you dropped his hand, squeezing through the crowd in your own paths. Then you met at the door and took off in a mad dash away from the bar. There was some yelling behind you and neither of you looked back. You only tore your gaze away from the road ahead to look at JJ, and he did the same for you. 
The grin JJ gave you was wild, full of excitement. You felt the same rush. Not even the truck coming up behind the two of you could kill it. One of the barflies decided to be a hero and try to chase the delinquents (that’s what he kept screaming at you out the window) down. 
JJ grabbed your hand this time, his grip much stronger than it had been in the bar. He ran perpendicular to you suddenly and yanked you off the backroad and soon the two of you were sprinting hand and hand off into a small field.
The truck’s owner blared its horn as it sped past, but you could hardly hear it over the sound of you and JJ’s laughter. 
After slowing down, it took a moment of wandering to realize you’d ended up in a park. 
The two of you ducked under a playground structure, keeping out of sight. You sat down and pulled JJ with you. He landed at your side and the two of you caught your breath. Soon, heavy breathing turned into more laughter as the absurdity of the situation set in.
“He was ready to run us over!” you exclaimed, equally shocked and amused. You laughed again to yourself and looked over to JJ. It felt like it was just you and him in the world, and you liked that.
JJ was smiling, but there was something else there. Something in his eyes as you watched him watch you. 
He wondered if you could hear how fast his heart was racing, because it wasn’t just from the running. 
JJ was suddenly aware of how close the two of you were sitting, how you’d grabbed his hand to run, how pushing you behind him to keep you safe felt so natural for him. Every moment he flirted with you and how you’d responded replayed in his mind and how he was desperate to be the one to make you smile and laugh. How when he was around you he felt nothing but pure happiness. How he’d been intrigued by you upon first meeting and every time the two of you were together that feeling only grew and morphed into something else. Something more. 
JJ had never been in love, but he knew this is what it felt like. 
“Earth to JJ,” you said teasingly, waving your hand in front of his face. “You’re not gonna have a heart attack, are you?”
He snapped from his daze to chuckle briefly at your joke. “Nah, I wouldn’t do that to ya,” he responded light-heartedly. In the back of his mind, all he wanted to do was kiss you as you laughed again.
“Good, because I don’t think I can carry you all the way back to town.”
JJ was half listening to you and half focused on trying to bring back the courage he felt in the bar when he’d asked you to dance. 
“Pretty impressive that we’ve spent the whole summer together and this is the first time we got caught,” you mused in JJ’s silence, taking in your surroundings.
“Couple of cowboys on the run,” JJ suggested, smiling to himself. Then at you.
“I couldn’t have asked for a better partner in crime,” you said, starting to realize his hand was still in yours. You gave it a light squeeze, which brought it to your full attention. His too.
There was a beat of silence where you stared at one another, unable to acknowledge the contact yet finding it to be the only thing either of you could feel.
“Remember when I asked you to dance?” JJ asked, seemingly randomly. But it wasn’t.
You let out a small, amused sound. “It was about ten minutes ago, so yeah.”
JJ felt a little more at ease due to the teasing tone. He wanted to say something about how it was fun, how he enjoyed the feeling of being with you, but he couldn’t force the words out. Instead, he asked, “What did you mean when you said it was dangerous?”
Suddenly, it was as if there was a spotlight on you. Like you’d been shoved onto stage front and center without knowing your lines. Of course, you knew what you had thought at the time, but could you really say that? If you did, would you pay for it? 
“Dancing’s the kinda thing that can make someone fall in love,” you finally said, in that same warning tone that had been present in your own mind before.
Hearing you say that made JJ’s head spin. There were so many different ways he could take it, but there was a glimmer of hope as he wished for the best. Miraculously, his confidence returned. His heart was racing and his cheeks were flushed—and he couldn’t quite hold your gaze for an extended time—but JJ found the strength to say what he was thinking.
“It didn’t take us dancing for me to do that.”
His voice was low and a part of you wondered if you had even heard him right. But the nervous yet longing look in his eyes told you that you had heard JJ correctly.
“Can I just… say something first?”
You swallowed and nodded, bracing yourself for what words came next. Except, it wasn’t words at all.
JJ’s free hand—the one that wasn’t still holding yours—rose to cup your face. You were sitting side by side, but facing each other already. JJ was able to close the gap between you easily, and you went willingly.
It was like sparks flew the moment JJ’s lips pressed against yours. A switch flipped for the both of you as longing and desire poured out as your lips moved against one another’s. 
The kiss couldn’t have been more perfect. It was long awaited from both you and JJ. With so much build up in your minds, it was like magic when it finally happened.
Neither of you wanted to pull apart, but had to. Oxygen was pretty important, unfortunately. 
Your eyes met and JJ’s seemed to sparkle, like they were full of stars, even in the evening light. He cracked a smile, unable to contain his joy, and you couldn’t help but follow suit. 
“I, uh, know those weren't exactly words…” JJ started sheepishly, causing you to giggle. “I think it got the point across.”
“It definitely did,” you assured. “I never thought we’d be here,” you mused, not just about the park but about everything.
“Me neither,” JJ agreed. “But I couldn’t be happier.”
Like a true cowboy, JJ had stolen your heart. You never wanted love at first, but now you didn’t know what you’d do without it—without him.
You and JJ were destined to be partners in crime. And if he had it his way and you had it yours, it would stay that way forever.
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fanfiction4sooya · 9 months
Can you write wony birthday sex
Uuuh, I really like this one!! Thanks for the request, baby 💖💖💖 Hope you like it!
smut, porn without plot, birthday sex, fingering, scissoring, oral sex, semi-public sex, +18, wonyoung is a bit controlling, reader is shy shy shy;
You didn't really notice the subtle change on your girlfriend's demeanor, nor the way her usual soft expression started to darken when the song started to get louder and you all got more and more tipsy. Her birthday party was full of her friends, but all of a sudden Wonyoung could only pay attention to your body swaying under the dim light of the club.
"Let's go" It sounded slurred, but you heard her very clear.
"What about your friends?" You tried to argue when she grabbed you by the hand, pulling you away from everyone without a word.
"It's my birthday, you should obey me" She stared at you long enough for you to see her roll her eyes.
"Did I do something wrong?" She finally let go of your hand, stopping in front of a taxi to get in and pulling you in as well with a little yelp from you. "Wony!" You whined, kind of laughing as she told the driver where you were going, but you didn't really listen because of her hand groping your bare thigh.
Her touch had the ability to make you a horny mess, not being able to trust any of your own senses when she decided to touch you like that.
"I want my birthday present now" She whispered on your ear, massaging your thigh close enough to your clothed core. You covered your mouth so you wouldn't let out a moan as she bit your neck, licking it.
"I- Fuck - I gave it to you... the diamond bracelet... and the..." She brushed her fingers over your panties. "The party..."
"No" Her usual soft tone was completely gone, replaced with a lustful one. "I want to fuck you. Lights on, looking at your face as I stretch you" You rolled your eyes.
She was saying that because besides being girlfriends for about three months, you never allowed her to turn on the lights when you got intimate. You were just shy and well, a little bit vanilla.
"But Wony..." You tried to argue but she cut you off, dead serious.
"It's my birthday" She said, the alcohol making her even more stubborn. "You told me yesterday you would give me anything I wanted and you are all I want, the only gift that matters" She stared at your lips, licking them right then and there, not giving a fuck if the taxi driver was staring at you through the review mirror (He definitely was).
The way she touched you made your skin heat. Her breath fanning over you and those beautiful eyes basically fucking you were the only thing keeping you on earth.
The car stopped before you could straddle her, and she just angrily paid the driver and pulled you out to a five star hotel. Of course she noticed the driver eyeing you down, she couldn't help but let her jealousy win this time. A virgo's mind works in a very organized, possessive way: They hate when people want what's theirs.
She already had the key, which made you instantly realize that was her plan all along. She pushed you to the nearest wall, immediately kissing you, her tongue slipping into your mouth made you shiver and moan loudly as she started to unbutton your jacket right then and there.
You wanted to care. You wanted to tell her to stop and to take you to your room, turn off the lights and fuck you. But you were drunk, horny and well, you couldn't really say no to Wonyoung. Specially on her birthday, right?
She vigorously sucked your neck, making you short circuit for a second. Her thigh between your legs made your body feel like jello, her usual soft touches were rough and urgent as she moaned against your lips when she felt your wetness seep through your clothed pussy.
"My pretty girl, look at you..." She looked down and forced you to do the same, a wet patch on her thigh right under the line of her dress. "You are dripping for me" Her honey-like voice made you tremble.
"Room" You pulled her closer humping her leg, not giving a fuck if you were in a public hallway or not. You just wanted her. "Please wony, room" You incoherently babbled.
"So you will give me what I want?" Her eyes glimmered, her desire palpable.
"Y-yes" You rolled your eyes when she pulled your panties to the side, circling your clit as she smiled.
"Room" She imitated you, licking her fingers clean. You pulsed, your clit hard and strained inside your underwear. A G-string she carefully chose to you and now you know why.
She opened the door with one hand, the other slender arm holding you by the waist as she pushed you inside kissing you hard.
"Wony, it- it's too much" You said as she mindlessly pulled your jacket, kissing your shoulder as she did so.
"What's too much, sweetie?" She stopped just for a quick second, looking into your eyes for any sign of discomfort. Well, you discomfort was something else...
"I..." You closed your eyes, hoping you would get invisible if you did it. "I'm too horny" You whispered, surprising her. "I'm scared you'll think I'm being too loud" She bit her lip, her expression changing from playful to aroused.
"Oh, really?" She kissed you again, pulling her own dress over her head and standing in front of you only on her lacy underwear. You just now realized that she was never able to see you, but you were never able to see her. "Whenever you think you are being loud, scream twice as hard" She circled you like a predator, her hungry dark gaze making your head spin. "I want this whole hotel knowing damn well how good I make you feel"
She whispered this last part, unzipping your dress and letting it fall to your feet. She circled back, you looking up at her face as she hungrily looked down because of the size difference.
"Happy fucking birthday to me" She hissed, caressing your nipples with both thumbs. Bending down, she immediately took them to her mouth alternating between gentle and hard sucks.
Threading your hands in her soft hair, you rolled your eyes as she kept licking, sucking and biting. Her eyes attentive on your expression, the first time she saw your angel face contorting in pleasure for her.
She lightly pushed you to bed, kissing you.
"How did I spend so much time without seeing your beautiful face when you came?" She laid on her side, reaching for your panties to circle your clit over them. You closed your eyes, moaning loudly. "Gorgeous" She growled, pulling them aside to sink two of her slender fingers inside you.
"Oh my..." You shivered, her fingers were big and she definitely knew what to do. She curled them inside, pumping harder as you clenched, trying to hide your face on her the curve of her neck.
"If you hide I'll stop" She spat, fucking you harder. You whined, trying to force your eyes open to look at her. She looked animalistic, wild, horny. Oh, so horny...
You reached for her pussy as well and she lifted one of her legs to give you better access, her face contorting in the most beautiful way as you rapidly grazed your fingers on her clothed cunt. You felt yourself pulse even harder just by watching her, her fingers vigorously pumping inside you as you started shaking just like her.
Without a word, she took her fingers off of you, pulling your panties down until they were out of you.
"You look even prettier than I thought, fuck" She said, getting naked as well, staring at your pulsing cunt. Wonyoung was mesmerized and so were you, drooling over that sinful sight: her abs, toned legs and arms, her deliciously perky tits and her puffy drenched cunt. It was so wet and delicate it made you gulp. What a sight.
"Wony, fuck me looking into my eyes" You pleaded. "let me see your face, please" Oh, that made her clench. She never thought you, her shy vanilla girlfriend, would ever make a request like that.
"You don't need to tell me twice, baby" She said, spitting on your pussy, smearing it along with your wetness all over your swollen cunt.
Positioning herself between your legs, she bucked her hips once making both of you loudly moan. It felt deliciously soft and oh, so fucking hot to have her hovering over your pussy looking down at you like that with so much neediness.
your pussies sliding against each other felt sinful, verging on pure madness as she smiled whilst roughly scissoring you, her thumb grazing over your lips as you took it into your mouth, rolling your eyes as you felt yourself tipping over the edge, scratching her thigs trying to warn her, you eyebrows tightly knit together as you started to shake.
"me too ba-baby, shit" She kept the hard pace, squeezing your thigh as you kept sucking her thumb. "Cum with me baby, let me see you"
You both tried hard not to close your eyes, wanting to capture that moment in your minds. That desire, roughness, that love spilling from both of you. You pulled her over your body to kiss her, her tongue finally allowing you a little bit of dominance as you took advantage of her post orgasm haze, kissing her for what felt like hours, both shaking and sweaty, getting horny again.
"You are amazing" She said, smiling. Her body and yours feather like.
"Thank you for pushing me a little..." You shyly said. "I think I would've never given myself this experience entirely if it wasn't for you" You smirked. "I guess your birthday present was more for me though" You raised an eyebrow, your body tangled on hers.
"Fuck, no. You have no idea how much I waited for this moment" Her voice changed again, her eyes darkened. "My birthday is not over yet..." She switched your positions, pulling you to be on top of her. "How about another present right in my face?"
She pulled your pussy over her face, admiring you. What was supposed to make you feel embarrassed before now made you feel proud. You completely forgot your shyness.
You sat on her face, her tongue swirling up and down as you held onto the headboard and she held your thighs.
That was going to be a long, long fucking night...
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What if Eddie is super poor on fem readers 18th birthday because the van needed some emergency repairs. He feels bad so he takes her camping and makes pot brownies, fixes up an old chain as a bracelet for her, makes her s’mores and promises to give her 18 orgasms. He doesn’t get to 18 lol but he gets close haha
Pairing: Eddie Munson x fem!reader
A/N: Hello! Thank you so so much for this request! I’m so sorry if took me so long to get to, but I’ve loved working on this! I really hope that you like it as much as I loved making it! I don’t know if you were looking for full smut but I don’t really write smut(yet ;) ) so I made it more suggestive than descriptive if that’s okay!
Word count: 1.9k
Warnings: fluff, language, suggestive scenes and language, Eddie being hopelessly in love with the reader
**pictures not mine, found on Pinterest**
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Eddie rubbed the back of his neck anxiously as he looked over everything he had packed in the back of his van. The two of you had just made it to the edge of Lovers Lake, ready to camp for the night. It was your birthday, you were turning 18 today and he was worried that you wouldn’t like what he had planned for you. This was the fifth birthday he would get to spend with you and he was excited to celebrate you as best as he could, even though he wasn’t able to do everything he had wanted for you. You and Eddie had met in the 7th grade and became fast friends, Eddie had immediately fell for you, a young boyhood crush that had never left him. The two of you had been best friends for years as he pined from afar. Until one day, two years ago, while cuddled up on the couch watching a movie, you turned to him and asked, “So when are you finally gonna ask me out on a date, huh, Munson?” He remembered the bright, cheeky, smile that appeared on your face when he had blushed and stumbled over his words. And how soft your lips had been when you cut off his rambling with a sweet kiss.
“Whatcha smiling about, honey?” You mused as you wrapped your arms around his waist from the side, resting your head on his shoulder as you looked at him with a fond smile.
“Just thinking about when you told me to ask you out.” He teased, wrapping his arm around you as you laughed lightly.
“Best decision you ever made.” You said cheekily, repeating the words he had said to you many times in your tender moments.
“Damn fuckin’ right it was.” He chuckled, pulling you fully into him and peppering kisses in your hair as he swayed the two of you to the song pulsing through the speakers of the van from the mixtape he made you for the day. “Something happens and I’m head over heels, I never find out until I’m head over heels.” He sang along softly, screeching out the high note loudly before relishing in your giggles as he started spinning you around, dancing along to the song.
Eddie spun you out, holding on to your hand as he shot you a devilish wink before pulling you back into his chest as the song faded out. You beamed up at him as you found yourself back in his embrace, “I love you, silly boy.” You said happily.
“I love you more, sweet girl.” He said before capturing your lips in a heated kiss, pulling a soft moan from you as you clutched his vest tighter in your hands. You could feel him smile in clear satisfaction against your lips before he pulled away from you, his smile widening at seeing the dazed and hungry look on your face. “Soon babygirl. Very soon.” He cooed, biting his lip lightly as he gazed at you.
He led you backwards until your legs hit the edge of the back of the open van. He lifted you easily to sit you on his mattress that he had laid in there for you to sleep on tonight. Not wanting either of you to have to sleep on the cold, damp ground when he could cuddle you in his sheets like you would most nights. “You stay here and eat these while I make up a fire.” He said softly, dropping a ziplock bag full of brownies in your lap before placing a gentle kiss to your cheek. “Start with only one, sweet thing. They’re extra special.” He grinned with a wink as you smiled brightly, pulling one out to eat as he started gathering the dry logs he had brought for the fire.
“Eddie Munson knows how to start a fire?” You teased as you took a bite of the gooey chocolate, a faint hint of weed mixing with flavors of the sweet dessert.
“You learn a lot of things in the scouts, sweetheart.” He smiled at you as he worked.
“You were a Boy Scout?” You asked curiously, having never heard about this before.
“I was!.” He exclaimed, “Well,” He looked at you sheepishly, “I was until they kicked me out.” He laughed, taking a look at your questioning expression, “Turns out, they really care about that whole honesty thing. And some other kid ratted me out for lying about my badges.” He took a moment to bask in your laughter. “I never was good at tying knots.” He said, shooting a smile your way before going back to his work.
Some time later you found yourself feeling light and fuzzy as you laid on your side on the mattress, watching Eddie work with a dopey little grin on your face. You watched hungrily as the muscles in his arms flexed deliciously as he lifted the wood and carried it around, wishing that you were in those toned arms right now. You whopped loudly as he bent forward in front of you, his tight ass on full display as he lit the paper he had laid in the wood. He turned back to you with a raised eyebrow once the fire was lit, beaming as he saw you fall into a fit of laughter at your own silliness.
“You doing alright, baby?” Eddie said with a knowing smile as he walked over to you. “Feeling all..floaty?” He asked with a little wave of his hand, trying to remember the word you always used when you were high.
“The floatiest.” You giggled, sitting up so you could pull Eddie to sit down on the mattress next to you so you could watch the sunset together over the lake. You wrapped your arms around his arm, hugging it to your chest as you sighed dreamily as the sky turned pink and orange.
“I have this for you sweetheart.” Eddie said bashfully, handing you a small cardboard box. “I know I couldn’t do as much as I wanted to today, this old pile of shit just had to act up right before.” He chuckled lightly as he hit the side of the van. “But I made this for you. I hope you like it, sweet thing.” He said, watching you anxiously as you lifted the lid.
There sitting in the box looked to be a thick, silver chain. You pulled it out, running your fingers over the cold metal until they found a small metal ‘E’ in the middle, clearly having been bent into form by the boy sitting next to you. You beamed up at him as you held it and your wrist up to him. “Will you put it on me Eds?” You asked, sharing a smile with the metalhead before he closed the clasp around your wrist. “I love it so much, baby.” You said before placing a soft kiss on his cheek. “Thank you, for this-” you said, holding up your wrist, “and for all of this.” You finished, gesturing to the scenery around you. It truly felt magical and like you were the only people in the world. “It means more to me than I can say.”
Eddie felt his heart skip a beat in his chest at the way you looked at him, like he was the most important person in your world. And maybe he was, you were to him after all, but he had always had a hard time believing you felt the same. But when you looked at him like this, with more love and adoration in your eyes than he ever thought possible, it felt easy, like breathing air. You made him feel like he was worth a damn.
“It was my pleasure, angel.” He said, the adoration in his eyes making you flush under their intensity. “I love you, Happy birthday.”
“I love you too, Eddie.” You said happily as you snuggled into his side.
“What some s’mores baby?” He questioned, holding up a bag of marshmallows with a smile as he watched your eyes widen in excitement.
“Yes please!” You exclaimed, giggling at your own eagerness.
“I’ll make you some baby, stay right here.” He said, kissing the top of your head as he detached himself and walked to the fire with his supplies.
“I’m going to have another brownie while I wait!” You announced, pulling another piece out.
“Be careful baby, I have some more- eh- gifts to give you later.” He warned, shooting you a heated look as he looked you up and down like you were the sweet dessert on the menu. And to him, you were.
You felt your skin heat up and flush under the look and you bit your lip lightly as all sorts of dirty thoughts entered your mind rapidly. “I can’t wait, pretty boy.” You shot back before taking a bite out of the treat.
A little while later the two of you were giggling together staring up at the stars as you ate your s’mores, you were showing him all the constellations you remembered as he made up names for all the ones you didn’t. “Oh that one? That’s the bat, when the God Ozzy bit off the beast's head, he was honored by becoming the constellation we see in the sky now.” He said, pointing to a random cluster near the horizon.
“Oh of course, I forgot they left that one out of the books.” You laughed, shooting your boyfriend a teasing smile as you finished the last of the s’more he made you.
Eddie smiled back at you, “Here baby, you’ve got some chocolate…” he said leaning in before capturing your lips with his. You let out a squeaked of surprise as he smiled into the kiss at your reaction. He kissed you hungrily as he leaned you back onto the mattress, relishing in the low moan that came from you as he prodded his tongue into your mouth to deepen the kiss.
He pulled back after a few moments, his breathing heavy as he looked at you heatedly. “I promised you a few more gifts right, sweet thing?” He asked, his thumb rubbing a small circle into your skin as he gripped your hip. A knowing smirk on his face as he watched you bite your lip and nod your head.
Eddie leaned over you again, his lips ghosting over yours lightly, teasingly pulling back whenever you tried to kiss him fully. “I’m gonna give you at least 18 orgasms tonight, okay baby?” He asked, his eyes intense as he gazed into your dazed, lust-filled, ones. “Think you can try to give me 18, pretty thing?” He cooed, kissing you lightly as you nodded into the kiss enthusiastically. Eddie smiled against your lips. “Good girl.” He mused, kissing his way down your body, determined to make you feel as good as possible on your special day.
He didn’t make it to 18 that night, but he made it very close before you were a whining, moaning, mess under him. You were fully exhausted and more blissed out than you had ever felt before. “Thank you for the best birthday, Eddie.” You said sleepily as you cuddled into your boyfriend's warm, bare, chest.
“My pleasure, pretty girl. I love you so much.” He beamed happily, holding you tight to him as he pulled the covers around you both as you drifted off mumbling how you loved him too.
Taglist: @srapalestina @yvonneeeee @aroseinvelaris @anaisweird @mrslovesmayahawke @harrys-titties @becca-alexa @catacina
(So sorry! I realized I forgot to add the tag list!)
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tinyidle · 2 years
Hey, I just wanted to point out.
I was the one that first asked about Seonghwa+ CNC but I made myself anonymous b/c I was worried about the criticism I could receive.
But now I just don't really care honestly so I'll one-up it.
Yunho+ CNC
Definitely can see it with his size kink, he would love it if you wrestled for dominance & then he'd pin you & have his way for you.
'Are you trying to run from me? Aww, that's so cute. Just let me use you baby, & then I'll make you feel so good afterwards'.
first off, im glad you sent the ask! im actually pretty open to nearly every kink there is (except those that require feet, blood, and things that can put you in prison lol), so ask away! i don't mind them at all!
also yunho, omg.
along with this prompt, omfg.
currently rolling around (nsfw; warning: rough s*x, consenual non-consensual, implications of heavy trust) [make sure that with anything bdsm or harsh kink-related that you guys know boundaries !!]
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yunho talked to you about his kink, being careful to explain it to you so that you wouldn't be scared off or think of him as weird. after discussing it, you agreed to it. your indication for letting him have his way would be whenever you dropped something and walked over it, specifically a colorful cloth.
one morning you were dropping your cloth all over the place while yunho was getting ready for work. luckily for the both of you, his work told him that because of him taking in extra shifts from earlier that he had enough hours to have a few days off. he took these days as a way to play with you like he wanted.
later on that morning, after playing some games on his ps5, he went to your smaller frame in the kitchen and, while seeing you drop your handkerchief for the nth time, he growled. you looked shocked, but with the shock came a small burst of pleasure rolling in your gut.
"can you stop dropping everything?" he asked. he knew what you were doing, but at the same time you were a bit worried you took it too far.
"i- im sorry," you apologized.
"good," he smiled, and to that, you smiled as well. you loved how he reassured you that he wasn't mad at you, no matter how hard he tried to act like he was. when you turned around and went to get your bracelet from the counter, and it dropped, yunho smirked and decided to play with you. now.
he picked up the bracelet, and before you could even get out the words 'thank', he picked you up and landed you on the couch in front of the ps5 currently playing some random youtube video that played a music compilation that somewhat set the mood.
you got up and ran to the kitchen, trying to 'escape' your boyfriend's hungry gaze. yunho loved the chase; he felt like he was actually playing with you. he tried to catch you as you maneuvered around the small kitchen place with the island in the middle. somehow in the middle of your chase, he caught you by the arm and swung you around.
you tried to still run away from the tall man's grasp. "yunho, i don't-" you started off before moaning loudly from his large hand being forced down your pants, effortlessly prying through your panties and breaching your hole with one swift movement.
yunho chuckled up seeing your resolve dissipating "you really thought you could run from me?" he asked to no one in particular, taking his hand out and seeing how wet and sticky it became from your arousal. he lifted you up again and carried you to your shared room before dropping you on your bed, making you bounce a bit.
still you tried to defy him, just for fun. when he did his best to take off your clothes, you blocked his hands with your own. soon enough he got tired of your antics and smacked your thigh. while you cried out in pain, he took your distracted self to pull down your pants and take off your top. "you're very cute, you know." he said before taking the fingers he used in your cunt and putting them against your lips. you sucked on them almost immediately.
"let me have my way with you, then afterward ill make you feel as good as you want, okay sweetie?" you nodded and yunho shook his head. he wanted to make sure your head was clear enough to continue this. "will you let me play with you? baby, please answer."
some part of yourself went back into you and you smiled. "yes yuyu. make me your toy." yunho smiled back and kissed you before taking off his own clothes and pumping some of himself in his hand before shifting up and sticking his hard length in your mouth. you gagged and teared up greatly due to the lack of air his thickness gave you, but you took it as much as you could.
when he felt that he got wet enough, he pulled out your mouth. you gasped loudly for air, which was quickly shushed by your boyfriend. he laid back and asked you to lay on top of him, back facing his chest. you did so, and you felt your legs being lifted up over your head and yunho's hands holding your thighs. he let go of one of your legs and lifted up his heavy cock and rubbed it along your dripping core. "im sorry if this hurts baby, but i want to try this position so badly."
"yunho... OH MY GOD!" you were confused until you felt the bulbous head of your boyfriend pierce through your cunt and reach deeply from under you. allowing himself to feel you throb some, he held onto your legs in this makeshift full nelson and started quickly pistoning himself into you. you immediately started furrowing your brows in the painful pleasure. at first, you tried to pry his hands off your legs to allow you to have some time to feel in control.
but then you remembered. you weren't in control. yunho is.
yunho realized your hands were too free and found a way to pull your hands away from his arms while reaching down far enough to slap at your clit, making you shriek. "fuck, tiny! why cant you allow me to have my playtime? let me play with your tight, little body." he heard you cry out small 'so much' phrases while your head lulled to the side before he used his hand to wipe away your unseen tears that he knew were there.
you felt yourself cumming with yunho plunging himself unto your spot, and you tried to warn him, to which he went harder with the purpose of reaching his own climax. it was until you felt yourself spilling out clear fluid and shrieking in pure pleasure when yunho came deeply inside you. he dropped his knees but still thrust inside of you while you sobbed out that you felt too sensitive.
"just wait a bit more, i need to cum again." he moved into you a few more times before cumming again deep inside you, with some of it spilling out. he knew you needed to get off again, so he furiously rubbed over your swollen clit, making you thrash around in tears before once again squirting on your boyfriend's dick. your lower halves were a mess.
carefully, yunho slowly pulled out of you and lifted you up to bathe you too before laying you down on the couch outside in order to change the bed sheets. once he did he picked you up and lay you down on the bed, massaging you all over (except your core ofc). once he finished massaging all your sore spots, he for the first time this morning, gave you a loving kiss. you reciprocated the kiss despite your overwhelming tiredness. "go ahead, sweetie," he coaxed as he saw you nod off. "go sleep. ill be waking you up later to play with you more." yunho left open-mouthed kisses all over your skin, making the touches leave you craving for more while you slowly fell asleep.
you're gonna love the next few days for sure.
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leaderpinhead · 8 months
Kalim - Heart of Gold
For context, Emir is an OC I created. He is Kalim's cousin, and he is older than Kalim and Jamil by one year. Aaliyah and Ahi are also OCs and I literally just created them for this piece.
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“Hurry, Jamil! Emir! We’re gonna miss it!” 
Kalim ran through the stalls of the Zahab Market. He waved at the few vendors closing their stalls, enthusiastically returning their jovial greetings. He skirted around the corners, tripping over his sandals when he took one too quick. He heard the distant trumpet of a horn. Gasping for breath, he ran faster. “It’s starting!” 
“Kalim!” Jamil’s voice sounded distant behind him. “Slow down!” 
Kalim heard a familiar jingle of bracelets. He glanced over his shoulder. His older cousin smiled back at him, the bangles Kalim had given to him yesterday as a birthday present jangling on one wrist. Jamil was only a step behind Emir, frowning at the back of his head. 
Kalim saw Emir turn before he had to focus ahead of him to avoid a cart of churros rolling across his path. “What’s wrong, Jamil? Najma runs faster than you.” 
“Only because she wants to cut off your braid!” 
Kalim laughed. Watching his cousin run away from Najma after using her scarf as a leash for his cat, Jai, had been funny. She had refused to come with them today because Emir still hadn’t returned her scarf. 
Kalim sprinted out from the awning welcoming tourists into the Zahab Market. The street was packed with bodies, forcing Kalim to come to a sudden halt. He stood on his tiptoes in hopes of seeing around everyone, but that wasn’t very possible when you were the same height as everyone’s waist. With a huff of impatience, Kalim waited for Emir and Jamil to catch up to him. 
Jamil immediately grabbed his wrist. “You can’t run off like that! My parents would have my neck if anything happened to you.” 
Kalim laughed and grabbed Emir’s hand. He waved their arms so that their matching bracelets would sing together. “Don’t worry, Jamil! My father said it was okay for us to watch the parade from here.” 
Jamil sighed and said something, but the crowd chose that moment to loudly cheer. Panic pushed Kalim forward. He had to get to the front of the crowd, or he wouldn’t be able to see anything! 
“Master Asim!” 
Kalim automatically turned towards the voice. His head tipped sideways to keep track of the large man pushing through the crowd. “Emir? Isn’t that…” 
Emir groaned and pulled Kalim through the crowd. Jamil, still holding Kalim’s wrist, loudly sighed. “Did you leave home without telling anyone? Again.” 
“This is why you’re my least favorite Viper.” 
“Shouldn’t we let your guard know we’re okay?” Kalim asked. He strained his neck to try to see through every gap in the crowd they passed. It didn’t look like the parade had officially started yet. “Then they’ll let us watch the parade!” 
“Yes,” Emir agreed. He still pulled Kalim away from his bodyguard. “From a far-off balcony on the Asim estate.” 
Kalim didn’t like that idea very much either. He looked for a place to hide so the bodyguard would pass by them. An alley between two buildings made a small enough gap for them to squeeze through. Kalim swung the other two toward the gap. “This way!” 
They squeezed through the gap and waited. Kalim had to stand on his toes to see over his cousin's shoulder. Sure enough, the guard ran right past their hiding place, still calling Emir’s name. Kalim grinned at his plan’s success. “Now we can watch the parade from down here!” 
A sudden weight landed on Kalim’s head, causing him to yelp. A chitter sounded right in his ear. Kalim shouted when a tiny hand started pulling at his earring. Emir and Jamil reacted at the same time, both of them twisting in Kalim’s direction. Emir’s eyes widened. “A monkey?” 
Jamil tried to shove Emir aside, but the alley was too narrow for him to push around the older boy. “Kalim! Stop standing their looking...at least shake it off!” 
Kalim tried to shake his head, but the monkey only clung to his hair harder. Kalim’s squeal matched the monkey’s shriek when the earring refused to give. Giving up on that piece of jewelry, the monkey skittered down his arm. It yanked a bracelet off Kalim’s wrist and ran down the alley with its spoils held high above its head. 
“My bracelet!” Kalim cried. His shuffled sideways after the monkey. “Give them back, Mr. Monkey!” 
Kalim ignored Jamil and followed the monkey. When it reached the end of the alleyway, it jumped up onto a stall and started swinging from one stall to another down the street. The street was empty of its usual foot traffic, which made it easier for Kalim to keep up with the animal. His eyes stung with tears. “Please, Mr. Monkey! Give it back!” 
The monkey ignored him and kept jumping from one stall to another. It used the fabric roof of one stall to launch itself up the wall and scramble into a window. Kalim stopped in front of the stall. His breath hitched, gasping for air. His eyes stung more. “My bracelet...” 
“Don’t let it get away!” 
Kalim watched in awe when Emir climbed the crate next to the stall. He used the fabric roof as a trampoline and bounced himself just high enough to grasp the edge of the windowsill. With a determined grunt, he pulled himself over and through the window. 
Kalim didn’t hesitate following his cousin’s example. On his first bounce, he caught Jamil staring up at him with wide eyes. “Why do you always follow your crazy cousin?” 
Kalim giggled through his frustrated tears. He didn’t wait for Jamil to climb onto the crate before reaching for the window. It took a few more jumps—his cousin was already a bit taller than him and Jamil—but he was eventually able to grab the windowsill. He tumbled through the window with a small cry. 
After righting himself, Kalim brushed off the thin layer of dust from his pants. He glanced around the dimly lit room, which looked like a room in one of his father’s storehouses, only covered in more sand and dust. Kalim followed Emir’s voice through the small maze of crates and barrels. “You will return what you stole!” 
“I didn’t steal nothing,” a higher pitched voice insisted. The monkey shrieked in agreement. “You can’t prove Ahi did either!” 
“I watched your monkey take that bracelet right off my cousin!” 
“Your cousin should be more careful not to drop his things.” 
“So you admit, you stole it.” 
“I only said he should watch what he drops. Clearly, he dropped his bracelet, and you have nothing better to do than accuse poor street urchins of stealing!” 
Kalim quickly found his cousin behind a wall of barrels. He blocked the only way around the wall, pushing a small girl into the corner of the room. She scowled at him from behind roughly chopped bangs. Her tiny chin tipped backwards so she could glare down her large nose at his cousin. The monkey that had stolen his bracelet sat on her shoulder, baring its teeth at Emir. Kalim saw his bracelet peeking out from the girl’s pocket. 
“Quit the act.” Jamil stepped around Kalim and stood slightly in front of Emir. He placed his hands on his hips like all their mothers did when they were in trouble. “Return the bracelet before we report you to the market police.” 
The girl tipped her chin back even more. “Who do you think you are? You come into my house, accusing me of stealing? Where’s your proof?” 
Jamil and Emir both pointed at her pocket. Emir said, “That’s Kalim’s bracelet, and we can easily prove it.” 
“Oh, yeah? And how do you—.” 
A loud rumble interrupted the girl. Kalim’s eyes widened, and he almost looked around the barrels in search of the tiger he swore was just on the other side. The monkey made a little noise and patted the girl’s choppy hair. The girl, who had frozen mid-sentence, slowly closed her mouth. She swiveled her hips slightly and started again. “Like I was saying, how do...” 
She was interrupted by the rumble again. Bending slightly forward, she patted the lower part of her stomach. Jamil made a huffing noise. “Is that seriously...” 
The girl pointed a shaky finger at Jamil. “You can’t prove nothing!” 
Kalim blinked at the shaking arm. The longer he stared at the girl, the more he realized how tiny she was. She couldn’t be much older than Najma, who was the same age as Kalim’s second sister. Neither of them, with their olive skin and round cheeks, looked as tiny as the girl did. Even in the shadow of the corner, Kalim could see the sharp peaks of her cheekbones, the rough callouses on her fingers, and how her stained shirt billowed around her when she pressed her arm protectively against her stomach. 
Kalim stepped around his cousin and friend. The monkey hissed at him, but it didn’t stop him from walking closer to the girl. Her eyes slightly widened at his approach. She backed herself tighter into the corner until her back was completely pressed against the wall. 
“Are you hungry?” Kalim asked. Kalim dug into his pocket. The girl’s eyes narrowed, and she turned her torso more towards the wall. Kalim hummed when he found what he was looking for. He held out the pack of crackers his mother had slipped into his pocket before he ran out of the house. “You can have these! I was planning on eating them later, but I can always get a small cake at one of the stalls.” 
“Kalim.” Kalim couldn’t tell if the sigh came from Emir or Jamil, but it was Jamil who spoke. “Why are you trying to feed a thief?” 
The girl shot a suspicious glare over Kalim’s shoulder. “How many times do I have to say it? You can’t prove I stole anything!” 
“You can keep my bracelet.” Kalim knew it was his cousin who gasped this time. He smiled wide at the girl despite the returning sting in his eyes. “It was a bracelet my grandmother gave me before she died. I was supposed to keep it safe for her, but you can have it. Father once said it could feed a whole palace!” 
The girl stared at him with wide eyes. The monkey suddenly hopped from her shoulder to Kalim’s. Kalim tensed for a brief second, but he quickly relaxed when he felt the monkey’s tiny fingers digging through his hair. He giggled when the monkey tickled the back of his neck. 
The girl slowly uncurled from the corner. Her hand lashed out faster than Kalim could see, snatching the crackers from his open hand. He smiled when she nibbled on the corner of one before shoving the whole thing in her mouth. The monkey chittered and jumped back to her shoulder to accept a cracker too. 
She watched him through narrowed eyes while she thoroughly chewed. She shoved another cracker into her mouth, and her posture uncurled a little more. Kalim couldn’t help but feel good seeing her cheeks bulging. “Do you want to go watch the parade with us? There’s supposed to be dancers and everything!” 
The girl shook her head almost immediately. Before Kalim could feel any disappointment, he found the bracelet shoved into his face. He started back a step in surprise and scrambled to grab the bracelet when the girl just let it go. The girl shoved another cracker in her mouth, and her monkey companion did the same. “Here. I can’t do nothin’ with it anyway. Even that shady stall at the back of the Camel Bazaar would report me to those stuffy officials.” 
“So now you admit to stealing it?” Jamil muttered. Kalim glanced over his shoulder. Jamil frowned at the girl, but Emir stared down at his own wrist, fiddling with the matching bracelet their grandmother had given him. “We should still report you. I bet you’re a regular pickpocket in the bazaar since you’ve trained your monkey to do it. I bet he’s not even registered with the authorities.” 
“Ahi don’t need to be registered.” 
“Case in point.” Jamil sighed and shook his head. He met Kalim’s eye. “Kalim, you should report this to your father. To pickpocket anyone in the Asim family is...” 
Ahi suddenly shrieked. The girl rammed into the barrel next to her. The stacked barrels wobbled in such a way that wasn’t normal, but Kalim only had seconds to watch them tip forward before his cheek scraped against the floor. The weight on his back lifted only after the hollow thuds ended. “I figured it was a trap. I can’t believe you let her trick you into following her back here. Why else would she let you corner her?” 
“You think I didn’t know that was what she was doing? Why do you think I stayed at the far end of the barrels? I could have easily ducked out of the way, which doesn’t even matter because they were just cardboard!” 
Kalim pushed out from beneath Jamil. He left his friend and cousin to argue while he ducked around the fake barrels and followed the girl to the window. He got there just in time to watch her bounce from the stall roof into the stacks of hay on the opposite side of the crates they climbed earlier. Her choppy hair collected a few pieces of straw that she couldn’t simply shake from her head. 
As if sensing Kalim’s eyes, she turned back up to stare at him. He waved at her. “Bye! Oh! What’s your name? I’m Kalim!” 
Ahi chittered back at him and waved. The girl stared up at him for a long second. Her tongue poked out from between her lips. “You’re way too nice. Almost a dumb kinda nice.” Kalim tipped his head slightly. She took a few steps towards the end of the street. She twisted her torso to stare back up at him. “It’s Aaliyah. Now go watch the parade with your dumb friends.” 
Kalim grinned and waved at her until she vanished around the corner. Aaliyah—Kalim liked her! She was kinda like Najma. Kalim slipped his bracelet over his hand and back onto his wrist. Najma liked to pretend she didn’t like Emir too, kinda like Aaliyah pretended she didn’t care his bracelet was the only thing he had left of his grandmother. 
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emometalhead · 10 months
My Eras Tour Concert experience!! (7/28/23)
Let's start at the beginning! Immediately after we got through the gates, people approached my friend and I about trading bracelets! (We also gave bracelets to the parking lot attendants!!) The energy was so fun! On our walk from the parking lot, and the entire time we were in the stadium, I was complimenting people's outfits. Everyone looked gorgeous!!! I have never seen so much glitter and sequins!!! It was so cute!! Btw the first bracelet that someone chose to take from me was "Three Sad Virgins" lol.
We walked around the stadium for like an hour. We talked to quite a few people, and traded several bracelets. We met up with one of my dad's former co-workers too! She was super sweet, and I gave her a bracelet. We went to the Capital One booth to do the Taylor elevator video thing, and it turned out really cute!! It's posted on my Instagram if any mutuals want to see. Since we were walking around and stuff, we ended up not watching the openers. It wasn't a horrible loss for us, because none of us were familiar with their music.
We were shocked when we found our seats. Our view was incredible!! We were directly in front of the stage, and we were in the first row of our area. No one was in front of us. We literally could've sat through the whole thing and still would've had a perfect view. (That being said I stood the whole time lol.) I got so excited when I heard Misery Business and Immortals play btw!! I love that Taylor has Paramore and Fall Out Boy in her pre-show playlist! Also I hadn't seen the clock countdown before. The crowd energy was insane, and I was legit about to cry before she even came on stage.
I didn't cry when she came onto the stage, but I did scream a lot lol. As expected, it was super fun to sing along to Miss Americana and YNTCD. Also as expected, my dad sang along to YNTCD! He recorded lots of stuff for me throughout the concert too. Being able to yell "shade never made anybody less gay" was a great experience btw. I started crying during Lover, and I cried again during The Archer. I really wasn't sure which songs would make me cry, but I've got to say I didn't expect Lover lol.
Onto the Fearless era! That was my first time hearing the song Fearless! She didn't play it at my reputation tour concert. It was so much fun!!! I was jumping around and dancing through the whole era. I saw my dad singing along to YBWM! As excited as I was myself, I was also happy that my dad got to hear songs he was familiar with this time. I will always cherish the memory of doing heart hands with Taylor + everyone in the stadium.
You guys have no clue how loudly I screamed when I saw Haim come onto stage in their Bejeweled dresses!! I'm so obsessed with them! Hearing no body, no crime live was incredible. What surprised me most about this era was the fact that I sobbed through marjorie. (Very intense, ugly crying.) That song does make me cry often, but I failed to consider how hard it would hit live given I recently lost one of my grandmas. The song is a beautiful tribute, and I love that Taylor gets to honor her grandmother in such a special way. My dad hugged me through most of the song while I cried. champagne problems was exactly as cool live as I expected. The crowd energy was WILD!! I will always love the intensity in Taylor's eyes when she drops the f-bomb line lol. tolerate it live was also incredible. One of my favorite songs forever and ever!! Btw we cheered for over 3 and a half minutes after champagne problems. (That's a whole minute longer than night 2.)
I have no words for how hot reputation Taylor is. I ascended watching her. I can't believe I essentially got to see a second reputation era. I have the least to say here because I had already heard the songs from this era live, but I had so much fun dancing around and I am just so so gay.
Now for Speak Now!! I had entirely avoided spoilers of what the stage looked like for this era. I was in awe of how beautiful it was! I am so happy to have heard Enchanted live, and the fireworks were perfect!! (The fireworks were not part of the show, but still very cool. Levi Stadium is across a parking lot from Great America, so we experienced the amusement park's firework display during Speak Now and Red.) I cried again during Long Live! I thought I'd be safe since I heard it during the reputation era, but my love for Taylor got to me lol. I love her so much, and I am so glad she gets to be celebrated each weekend.
The transition into the Red era was fun! I hadn't seen anything about it online, so it was totally new to me. This is the era that I could tell my dad had the most fun in. He sang along to 3/4 songs. He didn't know the words to All Too Well, but he did record the entire song for me!! Also he sang the correct words to Trouble lol. This era was so fun to dance around during. I hadn't heard any songs from this era live previously, and my dad and I fueled each other's hype!
God the folklore era was amazing. I had so much fun screaming along to betty!! It's been one of my favorites since the album came out. My inner 2020 self was LIVING!! My jaw locked during illicit affairs, which really sucked, but beyond that it was a wonderful time during this era!! The stage setup was gorgeous!!!!!
Oh. My. God. The 1989 era!!!!!!!!! So damn fun!!! I was jumping around and dancing the whole time!!!! I don't have the words, but it was EVERYTHING!!!!! I was so hyped and also knew we were right around the corner from the surprise songs!!
The surprise songs were right where you left me and Castles Crumbling!! You guys don't understand how insane my friend and I went. We knew Aaron Dessner was at the show, and we jokingly were like "haha what if we get rwylm or peace". We had also been talking about those songs in the car prior to knowing Aaron was there, and my friend said that rwylm was one of her biggest hopes. (It was in my top 10 too!) So imagine how excited we were when Taylor brought Aaron on stage and the song started. We looked at each other, screamed, and hugged. It was such a good moment. Then after, we just had no clue what to expect from the next song. Taylor started playing the piano, and the crowd went silent. I screamed so loudly it hurt my throat when she sang the first line of Castles Crumbling. I had been intentionally avoiding speaking my surprise song hopes out loud, because I was scared of like jinxing it or something. It was everything to me to hear that song. I was completely not expecting it, but Taylor knew I'd go crazy for a Speak Now TV vault song and she delivered!!!! Those song choices were perfect. It was fun going on Twitter after the show and seeing all of the memes from people that weren't there. Usually I'm right there with them and Like everything, but I got to be like "yeah sorry I was actually there" lol. Btw now that the second night has happened, I'd just like to confirm that we won lol.
Last but not least, the Midnights era!!! So cool! Just so so cool! I made my dad record Vigilante Sh*t, because I was losing my goddamn mind. That was the sexiest thing I've seen in my life. Holy wow. No thoughts just gay. I was sad because I knew we were at the end of the show, but I was having too much fun to really think about it. Taylor is such a force. Her care for her fans is so evident, and I'm so grateful she broke curfew to be with us. My love for her is infinite, and I'm in awe that I got to see my favorite person irl for a second time.
Btw I got my favorite outfits for most of the eras, and I still can't get over that. I will never stop talking about this concert!!!! My dad is going to show me his videos on the TV today, and I'm looking forward to reliving everything!! Shoutout to the #1 Swiftie dad for taking so many photos and videos! I didn't take out my phone during the concert because he was totally on top of it all. He let me live in the moment, and I'm very appreciative. Also I know he recorded me a couple times, so I'm curious to see that footage lol.
Here's some photos that my dad sent me!!
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trufflemacandcheese · 2 years
The curse - a different love story
#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9
April didn't lose a second of time. Raph hadn't responded after the eerie noise appeared, and she immediately got on her way.
She had a bad idea and her movements were hasty as she grabbed her backpack and helmet and stormed out of her apartment to her scooter. She had the address, and thanks to Donnie, her nondescript vehicle was VERY fast.
She put on her helmet and gave it one last try before taking off.
"... April."
‘“Raph, what happened?! I'm coming to you! Stay where you are!"
"April. Donnie. He… He…”
April suddenly got freezing cold. Panic crawled up her neck. She kicked the scooter into gear and almost screamed into her bracelet-disguised communicator.
She drove off and accelerated quickly. Donnie! PLEASE DO NOT!
A short time later she was in Upper Manhattan and from afar she could make out the cloud of dust. Please don't please don't, don't, don’t, don’t. She repeated the words like a mantra in her head to keep herself from thinking too far ahead.
  Maybe it's not THAT bad. Definitely bad, Raph sounded destroyed, but definitely not the WORST! Oh, please NOT!
After a few blocks, she could spot the fire brigade and police, and she stopped a short distance from a completely destroyed building.
April looked shocked and had a horrible inkling of what must have happened. The dust was still in the air, and she had to cough.
"Mam, unfortunately you have to go away here" a policewoman approached her.
  The emergency services were about to cordon off the area, and some onlookers had already gathered.
"I'm April o'Neil, journalist" said April as she got her backpack out front and started to rummage around for her press card,
"Could you just tell me what happened here?"
The woman in uniform looked annoyed, but answered when she saw April's card.
“This building collapsed about 15 minutes ago. There was an explosion inside. That's all we know at the moment. PLEASE keep your distance!”
She turned and walked away behind the newly erected barrier. The firefighters began to gather, but appear relaxed and unhurried.
"Don't you want to look for survivors!?" April shouted after the cop
"No need!" she called over her shoulder without turning around, "It was still a shell and nobody was in there!"
April found the turtles on a rooftop at the end of the next block. Raph had told her the number, his voice still broken.
She climbed up the fire escape and with every meter she got closer to the edge, the lump in her throat grew. That sound from the communicator earlier. That was the collapsing building. A fight must have taken place there.
The explosion? What lunatic planted such a powerful bomb in an empty building. Was Donnie injured during the fight? 
The young woman tried to arm herself. For the worst. Probably Donnie was badly injured, and they had to get him medical help somehow. Which was always difficult because the purple one had the most medical expertise.
Hope his wounds aren't too bad. I hope he isn't...April took a deep breath and pulled herself over the edge of the roof. There were Raph, Leo and Mikey. They looked like shadows. Leo stood apart and trembled. Mikey knelt on the floor, face buried in his hands, upper body tilted forward. He sobbed heartbreaking.
 Raph crouched next to Mikey and tried his best to comfort his little brother. Tears streamed down his face. He looked up and saw April. It tore her up inside to see her friends like this. They were her family. Her brothers. Her everything. She took a few steps, then she suddenly became aware of something. "Raph... where's Donnie...?" Mikey howled loudly and Leo also collapsed again. April could see the struggle on Raph's face as he tried with great effort to control his voice. “... Under there….” and he pointed to the collapsed building. April covered her mouth with her hands, and a wave of loss rolled through her. But suddenly all their communicators lit up brightly!
Here is the link to the story on wattpad. And this is the link to AO3 I will always update there first
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cepheusgalaxy · 4 months
Hi, I'm back! This weekend I was busy as hell so the 3rd and 4th day prompts are gonna come later, but I managed to today's! Cws: torture, stress position, swearing, mean whumper.
Febuwhump day 5: Rope burns.
The boots stepping on the floor loudly tell him that they’re coming.
Aiden looks up. Voile is back.
A sharp pain bursts on his neck and he puts his head back in place. It fucking hurts. Everything hurts. There is a collar on him, and if he tries to lift his head, the elastic rope that connects the collar to the table tenses up and it’s not long before he feels like he’s gonna lose his head.
He bites his lip when Voile enters the greenhouse, with their black combat boots being the only thing he can see. He can’t bring himself to lift his head up again, but he can hear their smile.
“My, my”, they say. “You are trembling, aren’t you?” They got closer, and Aiden tried to supress a shiver, but it wasn’t like they could help themself. There were ropes holding them in place, their torso forcefully bent foward, their legs slightly bent and their elbows supported on the table trying to hold his weight. They were there for hours on end and Aiden had the impression that they would pass out soon.
“I suppose you are ready to tell me where they are?”
Voile kneeled in front of him, entering his field of vision, somewhat annoyed.
They resisted the urge to spit on their--her, actually. Aiden could now see the green bracelet on their arm--face, and the only word that left their lips was a trembling, but firm, “No.”
She let out a laugh and slowly got up.
“Well, then I suppose you wouldn’t mind if we continued then, would you?”
Aiden closed his eyes shut. When would it all stop?  Voile leaned on him, and Aiden seriously thought he would fall when she put all of her weight on his back. The stupid ropes held him in place. They were too tight.
A few moments later, his restraints started to loose.
First, their ankles, that were tied together and cuffed to the floor. Then, their wings, spread open by a metal bar and reaching the sky. And lastly, their arms. Despiste their hands being still bound to the table, Aiden couldn’t help but sigh in relief. Voile walked to the front of the table, a small key dancing in her hands. Finaly, she freed their hands, and not a second later, they collapsed on the floor, breathing heavily, trying to curl around themself. But they couldn’t. The rope had been agressive and their skin hurt a lot everywhere, and now they could see the dried blood around the friction bruises. The places where they were restrained were painfully red, and the very places where they laid on the floor were hurting. Their skin was still too sensitive and sunburnt.
His eyes followed Voile when she started moving, and he unwillingly tensed up knowing that something was about to happen and he wouldn’t be able to rest just yet.
Actually, when was the last time he was allowed to rest, again?
She went to the back of the greenhouse--well, at least it wouldn’t be the gardening tools--and came back with a bottle. Aiden was confused for an instant, but then Voile manhandled him to sit in front of her--he could barely move on his own--and opened the bottle. The smell immediately invaded his nostrils.
His heart rate spiked. He tried locating any kind of blade that she could be carrying and his mind raced with panic--the last time she’d used alcohol…
“Oh, come on, don’t make that face”, Voile roughly pinched their cheek and it hurt more than it should. She smiled. “I think you’ll like what I have for you today.”
Hours later, Aiden got a chance to rest.
He was laying on the floor, trembling, his wings curled around himself, his skin burning like fire, his almost healed wounds opened again, new ones tracing red on his face and limbs and Voile’s laugh playing over and over on his mind. They wished--they couldn’t help themself. They… they knew it was wrong and that it was better this way--but they wished Quinn came to rescue them.
A sudden whimper cut through the silence and Aiden inhaled sharply.
He wished to go home.
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btsqualityy · 3 years
I Choose You
Taehyung x Reader
Genre: ABO (Alpha/Beta/Omega) dynamics, crushes-to-lovers, kind of a soulmate!AU (it’s based on their scents), fluff, and smut
Warnings: Oral sex (Male and female receiving), unprotected sex, dirty talk, soft Dom!Taehyung, impregnation kink, and creampie 
Author’s Note: This fic is based on a prompt from the Spring Fest “Spring Will Come Again” hosted by @bangtanarmynet! I hope you guys enjoy it!
Prompt: Every Spring Fest, the unmated Alphas had to choose a mate but when Taehyung felt a pull, he didn’t expect it to lead to you.
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“Come on!” Taehyung whined loudly. “Just tell me!”
“You know that I cannot tell you who is participating in the Mating Ceremony Tae,” Jimin giggled. “It’s against pack rules.”
“Alright, well just give me a clue,” Taehyung tried to bargain. The two of them were sat outside in the territory that belonged to their pack, deciding to enjoy their lunch in the newly nice weather.
“You know, to be an Alpha, you have no sense of patience,” Jimin laughed.
“And for you to be an Omega, you have no sense of loyalty to your best friend,” Taehyung pouted.
“Oh God, he’s pulling out the pouts,” Jimin groaned playfully. “If you’re so impatient about not being able to know who’s participating in the Ceremony beforehand, then why are you even doing it?”
The Mating Ceremony was an age old tradition in Taehyung’s pack that occurred every year, right at the start of the Spring Festival. For people who still believed in soulmates, the Mating Ceremony was an unbiased opportunity for those people to find the one that their soul desired. The Omegas and Betas would gather together, with their faces hidden, and it was up to an Alpha to use only their sense of smell to find the scent that they liked the most. 
Of course, a lot of people felt that scents weren’t the only important thing when it came to building the foundation of a relationship as time has passed but it was still an honored and revered tradition nonetheless. 
“Besides the fact that literally everyone that I know has found their mate during the Ceremony?” Taehyung huffed. “The fact that I’m almost 26 years old and haven’t found my mate yet.”
“Oh please, you say that as if you’re old and if you’re old, then I’m old,” Jimin said as he rolled his eyes. “And I’m definitely not old.”
“Well, you say that because you’re not alone,” Taehyung pointed out. “My parents found each other 27 years ago, Yoongi hyung found you three years ago, Joon hyung found Aareum the year before that, and hell, even Jin hyung found Jungkookie last year. Too long, didn’t read, I’m gonna die alone if I don’t do it.”
“I feel so bad for your future mate because you are so fucking dramatic,” Jimin laughed as he reached over and stole a French fry off of Taehyung’s plate.
“You’d have time to warn them if you’d just tell me who’s joining this year,” Taehyung tried to persuade him. “Come on, what’s the point in having the Head Omega as your best friend if he doesn’t supply you with useful information?”
“Oh, and here I was thinking that I was your bestfriend because I’m your platonic soulmate,” Jimin scoffed. “Look Tae, the entire point of the Mating Ceremony is to let your heart and your nose do the deciding for you. If I tell you who’s participating and who’s not, it’ll cloud your judgement and then the whole thing will be moot.”
“Ugh, fine Mr. “I wanna be ethical”,” Taehyung sighed as he stood up from the table. “I gotta go and finish up my gift for the Ceremony so I’ll see you later.”
“See you later, Pouty Pants,” Jimin giggled as he waved his hand and Taehyung began to walk around the territory. He wasn’t lying when he said that he needed to go finish working on his courting gift, but he figured that it wouldn’t hurt to take a walk around the pack’s territory before he did.
Taehyung’s pack was pretty tight knit, though it was considered to be considerably larger than the other surrounding packs. Even though Taehyung’s family weren’t the ones who founded the pack, his great-great-grandfather was one of the first members to join the pack so Taehyung‘s family line literally had stakes in the very beginning of the pack. 
Growing up, Taehyung had been pretty well known around the pack but after he presented as an Alpha, it was as if he were a celebrity. Every unmated Alpha, Beta, and Omega seemed to be after him and admittedly, he had enjoyed the attention for the last few years but now, he was ready to find his mate, settle down, and start a family.
Just as Taehyung walked around the corner that separated the school building and the doctor’s house, he collided with a figure that had literally rushed into him. 
“Hey!” Taehyung yelped, gasping when the papers that the person had been holding fell down onto the ground. 
“Oh my gosh,” you whispered, bending down and beginning to pick the papers up. Taehyung bent down as well, helping when he realized who you were.
“Y/N?” He called and you looked up at him, your eyes widening when you realize who he was.
“Oh Taehyung, I’m so sorry,” you apologized, bowing your head to him.
“No no no, it’s ok. Don’t worry about it,” he assured you. “Just let me help you with these.”
“I already ran into you, you don’t have to,” you tried to say but Taehyung just cut you off.
“I want to,” he chuckled and you just decided to let it go as the two of you finished picking up all of the fallen papers. Once you were both done, you stood up straight and Taehyung handed the small stack of papers that he had collected over to you. 
“So, where were you off to that has you in such a rush?” Taehyung wondered with a smile. 
“Well, uh, the start of Spring marks the halfway point in the second half of the schoolyear for the pups so I was in a rush to get their progress reports finished,” you explained and Taehyung couldn’t help but to smile at how shy you still seemed to be around him. 
The two of you knew of each other from around the pack and you went to school together, being as though the two of you were born in the same year. Because of that, you both had a lot of mutual friends but the two of you never hung out much because you were really shy and seemed almost scared of Taehyung so he always made sure to give you your space. 
“Ah, you do work in the school building,” he chuckled.
“With the seven to nine year olds,” you smiled. 
“I remember, I remember,” he nodded. “Well, besides that, how are you?”
“Good, good,” you replied. “Busy as ever this time of year, but good. How about yourself?”
“I’m good, just preparing for the Spring Festival, ” he told her. 
“Oh, are you doing the Mating Ceremony this year?” You asked and he nodded his head. 
“Are you?”
“I’ve never done it before and I don’t think I’ll start now,” you giggled. “It’s not really my thing.”
“What, finding your soulmate isn’t your thing?” Taehyung teased.
“No, I meant that not being picked by anyone wouldn’t be my thing,” you clarified. 
“Oh please, somebody would definitely choose you,” Taehyung said. “I know that we don’t talk much but anyone can see that you’re a good woman and a great Omega. I bet that any Alpha would be proud to have you be their mate.”
“Oh,” you uttered in surprise, and Taehyung couldn’t help but to feel a little sense of pride at how flustered he had made you. “T-Thank you Taehyung.”
“You’re welcome,” he grinned. 
“W-Well, I have to go,” you murmured. “See you around?”
“Yeah, see you,” Taehyung agreed but he didn’t know if you’d even heard him because you were already walking, almost running, away from him.
Even though the Spring Fest was being held during the first week of April, Taehyung had made the decision that he’d be participating back in December of the previous year and this was because he wanted to make sure he had enough time to prepare his courting gift. A courting gift would show his future mate that he was serious about them so it took Taehyung a lot of thought to decide what he wanted to give his future mate. In the end though, it was actually Taehyung’s mother who helped him. 
He off-handedly mentioned that he was trying to figure out a gift and she ended up giving him his great-grandmother’s engagement ring. It was a ruby that sat on a nest of gold diamonds, with a gold band to accompany it. Taehyung was familiar with it because it was a family heirloom and he was so honored that his mother trusted him with it. 
When the first day of the Spring Fest arrived, Taehyung made sure that the ring box was nestled safely in the pocket of his slacks before he checked his appearance in the mirror. Wanting to look his best, he settled on a button up dress shirt that was a deep maroon color and paired it with black slacks. He added a few simple accessories like a few rings on both hands and earrings but he skipped any necklaces or bracelets, wanting to makes sure that nothing would get in the way of someone being able to smell his scent. 
“Let’s go find our mate,” Taehyung whispered to himself, making sure to fix his hair one last time before hurrying up and rushing out of the front door of his house. 
The Mating Ceremony was to be held in the large flower garden that was towards the back of the pack’s territory. The logic behind it was that finding your soulmate amongst beautiful things would help your relationship with said soulmate be beautiful as well. 
When Taehyung got there, he immediately spotted Jin and Jungkook sitting together on a bench so he walked over to them. 
“Hi Tae hyung!” Jungkook greeted him happily. 
“Hi,” Taehyung replied. “You guys came for moral support?”
“You know it,” Jin nodded. “You look really good Tae-ah.”
“Ready to find your soulmate?” Jungkook wondered.
“Thank you, and hopefully,” Taehyung sighed heavily. “I’m so nervous.”
“Don’t worry hyung, all you have to do is trust your nose,” Jungkook told him. 
“Kook’s right, you know our senses will never purposefully lead us wrong,” Jin added. 
“Thanks for the advice guys,” Taehyung chuckled, reaching out and ruffling Jungkook’s hair a little. Suddenly, a voice erupted over the loud speakers that had been placed around the garden. 
“The Mating Ceremony is about to commence,” the voice that Taehyung recognized as Jimin announced. “If you are offering a gift, please get into position.”
“Well, that’s my cue,” Taehyung said.
“Relax and don’t worry,” Jin advised him. “Just...let it happen.”
“Ok,” Taehyung nodded before turning around and walking over to a large wall of white roses. Falling into line with several other Alphas and Betas who were also participating in the Ceremony, he waited with baited breath as another line of Omegas and Betas stepped into the garden and walked over to stand right in front of the wall of roses. 
Every Omega or Beta had a veil or mask over their face so that they couldn’t be seen, and their own choice of outfit but most of them were dressed pretty formally, just like Taehyung was. 
“Alphas and Betas who are presenting gifts, you know the rules,” Jimin spoke up again. “No sneaking a peek at anybody until you offer them your gift and they actually accept it, no trying to force your gift upon anyone who makes it clear that they do not want it, and trust your instincts! Happy finding!”
Taehyung then closed his eyes, taking a deep inhale in order to smell the air around him. He picked up a few scents here and there, with hints of chocolate and mint but none of them especially stuck out to them. He then opened his eyes and they slightly widened when he saw some of the Alphas and Betas already offering gifts to some of the Betas and Omegas who had been waiting. He had to admit, it kind of shocked him because it was seemingly so simple for them but not for him. Deciding to follow everyone’s advice and trust his senses, he shut his eyes again and took another deep breath it, and that was when he smelled it.
The initial wave that hit his nose was reminiscent of tangerines, and then that was mixed with the scent of berries that seemed to almost intermingle with the tangerine scent. Those were two very typical scents, especially for Omegas, but what really caught Taehyung’s attention was the scent of pink champagne. It was something that he had never smelt in a scent before and before he could even realize it, he was moving towards the source of the scent.
When he realized that he had stepped up to the person that the scent belonged to, he took a second to look over them. It seemed to be a woman, who had on a flowing white dress along with a small matching white veil. Taehyung reached out and extended his wrist towards their nose for them to be able to smell his scent clearly and when the woman let out an appreciative hum, Taehyung’s heart clenched because this was it. He had found the one. 
Taehyung reached into his pocket and took out the ring box, extending it towards the woman. The woman then reached out and took the box from it, a soft giggle coming from her as she did so.
“Thank you,” the woman said and Taehyung’s eyes widened because he recognized the voice, he just couldn’t remember where from. When the woman reached up and lifted the veil back from her face, Taehyung wanted to kick himself for not immediately recognizing who the voice came from. 
“Hi,” you smiled. 
“I cannot believe that I didn’t know that it was you,” Taehyung huffed.
“Well, that’s kind of the point Taehyung,” you giggled from your spot on his bed. After the ceremony had ended, Taehyung invited you back to his house so that the two of you could have some alone time.
“I just didn’t expect this,” he said as he sat down next to you.
“Are you...upset that I’m your mate?” You asked wearily and Taehyung immediately shook his head.
“No!” He exclaimed. “Even though we don’t talk much, I know that you’re amazing. Hell, Jungkook raves about you all the time. I also meant what I said the other day.”
“W-Well, that’s good,” you replied shyly. “By the way, I’m sorry for not talking to you much over the years.”
“Ah, don’t worry about it,” he shrugged. “I just figured that you were shy and I don’t mind that.”
“It wasn’t shyness, though,” you blurted and his eyebrows rose. 
“The truth is, I’ve had a crush on you since you presented,” you confessed. 
“Y/N, that was almost 10 years ago,” he gasped in surprise. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Because I never thought that I had a chance,” You chuckled. “For years, every unmated Omega and Beta and even some Alphas have been after you. When you look at them and then look at me, I’m not as interesting or as beautiful when compared to them. I don’t know, I just don’t think that I measure up.”
“Hey, don’t say that,” Taehyung admonished you. “You’re gorgeous Y/N-ah, and the sweetest person I know.”
“Really?” You deadpanned.
“Absolutely,” he nodded. He could tell that you didn’t believe him though, so he decided to be honest. “You wanna know something?”
“I’ve had a crush on you too,” he admitted, making your eyes widen. “Not for as long as you have, but at least two years. I just never made a move because you seemed so shy around me and I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable because I figured that you just weren’t interested.”
“Seriously?” You gasped and he nodded. “We’re a big pair of idiots then, huh?”
“Definitely,” he laughed as he reached over and grabbed both of your hands in his. “It’s a good thing that we both decided to participate in the Ceremony then, huh?”
“Another confession? I only joined because I was hoping that my Omega would be able to say to your Alpha what I’ve never been able to bring myself to say aloud,” you told him. 
“And what is that?”
“That I want to be with you, Kim Taehyung,” you replied. Taehyung felt his Alpha preen at your confession and it wasn’t that Taehyung had doubted the validity of the Ceremony but actually being able to feel the connection between the two of you only solidified everything for him.
“I want to be with you too Y/N L/N,” he smiled. “Can I kiss you?”
“Please,” you giggled and Taehyung let go of your hands to set his hands on your cheeks, leaning forward and pressing his lips to yours. The kiss began soft at first, the both of you feeling a little nervous since this whole thing was so new.
It wasn’t until you laid back on the bed, pulling Taehyung down along with you that the two of you became more comfortable, you opening your mouth and allowing his tongue to slide against yours. Taehyung set his hand on your thigh, gently tracing random shapes with his fingertips as you kissed each other passionately.
“Y/N, I have to ask you something,” he murmured and you pulled away from his lips to look up at him. 
“What is it?”
“Are you a virgin?” He wondered and you felt your cheeks warm up immediately. “I’m not trying to be intrusive or anything, I just want to know so that I can gauge how comfortable you are.”
“Do you remember when I dated Xiumin?” You asked him and he rolled his eyes.
“That dickhead? Yeah,” he huffed.
“I lost my virginity to him.”
“Well, I can’t say that I’m in love with that piece of information,” he admitted.
“I only dated him because I was trying to get over you, which sounds really bad when I say it out loud,” you laughed. “That was around the same time that you were dating Jisoo.”
“Ah,” he said as he set his fingertips over your lips to silence you. “We don’t mention that forbidden name.”
“Ok, sorry,” you giggled. 
“So, if I told you that I want to have sex with you tonight,” Taehyung began, making your lower half clench around nothing. “Would you want to?”
“Yes,” you rushed out. “I want to.”
“Good, because I want to too,” he smiled before leaning down and kissing you again. You moaned into his mouth when he moved over so that he was on top of you, his lips never leaving yours as he did so. He then trailed his lips downwards, licking and sucking on the skin of your neck. 
“Ohh,” you sighed in pleasure, reaching down and tangling your fingers in his hair. Taehyung pulled away and reached up to grab your hands, untangling them from his hair and holding your wrists firmly when he placed them back down on the bed above your head, holding them there. 
“You keep these here for me, ok?” He asked and you could tell from his tone that he was both asking for permission and clarification. 
“Ok,” you whispered and he smiled. 
“Perfect Omega,” he murmured as he went back to kissing your neck and you had to clasp your hands together because you were too tempted to reach down and touch him again. After he had left a few marks on your neck, he brought his hands up and grabbed onto your breasts which made you gasp.
“As beautiful as this dress is Y/N-ah, I think we should take it off now. Yeah?” Taehyung suggested and you nodded your head rapidly. He moved off of you so that you could sit up and he moved around the bed on his knees so that he was behind you. He reached out and pulled down the zipper on your dress, and you reached up and pulled the dress down off of your shoulders. Once your arms were out of it, you got up onto your knees and pushed it down your legs and onto the floor. 
“Fuck, you’re gorgeous Y/N-ah,” he muttered huskily as he took in the sight of you in your stark white bralette and white lace panties. Your Omega preened at his praise, making your cheeks warm up.
“Really,” he smiled, moving back around your body and leaning down so that he was face to face with your breasts as he reached out to grab ahold of them. “I’m so fucking lucky.”
“I’m the lucky one,” you whispered as he pulled the material of the bralette to the side, causing both of your breasts to fall out. Without another word, he leaned forward and sucked your nipple into his mouth. You couldn’t help but to fall back on the bed, Taehyung falling along without a problem and not letting up on the onslaught that was his tongue.
Once your nipple had stiffened to a peak, he switched over to your other nipple and gave it the same treatment. You could smell your scent from in between your thighs, the notes of berries and pink champagne becoming stronger and stronger the wetter you became. 
You knew Taehyung could smell you too, because you could feel the outline of his hard cock against your inner thigh. 
“Fuck, Alpha,” you whimpered. “Wanna suck you off.”
“Whatever you want baby,” he agreed easily after pulling his mouth away from you, sitting up and reaching down to unbutton his slacks. You sat up, watching with hooded eyes as he unzipped them, pushing them down a little bit so that he was able to pull out his cock and your mouth literally watered at the sight of it. 
Taehyung’s cock wasn’t enormous, but it was definitely longer than average and it looked to be thick. You reached out and wrapped both of your hands around his length, and you felt yourself become wetter when you realized that you couldn’t even wrap your hands around him completely.
“Fuck, I can smell you baby,” he grumbled and you moaned softly at the pet name. “Do you like what you see?”
“Mmhm,” you nodded, leaning forward and wrapping your lips around the head of his cock. He exhaled harshly, looking down to watch as you did your best to take as much of him in your mouth as possible. You actually managed to do pretty good, doing your best to breathe through your nose as you sunk down closer and closer to the base of his cock. 
“Oh fuck,” he huffed. “Such a good girl, taking Alpha’s cock down your throat.” Bringing your hands back up, you stacked both of them on top of each other as you jerked him off while suckling on the head of his cock. 
“God, that feels good. Makes me want to fuck your throat,” he grumbled. “You gonna let me do that one day baby? Gonna let Alpha use your mouth?”
“Mmm, yes Alpha,” you gasped after releasing him from your mouth, your spit acting as lube as you continued to jerk him off. 
“Fuck, lay down for me,” he instructed you. “I have to taste you.” You didn’t hesitate to follow his instructions, laying back on the bed and resting on your forearms as you watched him push his slacks and boxers down and off his legs before he moved onto unbuttoning his shirt. 
He wasn’t overly muscular but you could still see the outline of what would be a six-pack, and your inner Omega loved the fact that your Alpha would be able to protect you if need be. 
Taehyung laid down on his front in between your legs, pulling your panties to the side before leaning forward and licking a stripe up your pussy, from your slit up to your clit. You gasped, your thighs involuntarily coming to together but Taehyung’s hands came up to push them back down. 
“Be still and let me make you come baby,” he whispered and you nodded numbly. He then went back to licking at you, making you whine and squirm underneath him. 
“Huh, holy shit,” you gasped, your chest beginning to move up and down quickly as your orgasm approached you. “Please don’t stop Tae.”
“Mmm,” he moaned against you, shaking his head back and forth over your clit which made his tongue do the same. 
“Do that again,” you requested and he obliged you, shaking his head back and forth rapidly and you felt your orgasm winding to it’s end in your abdomen. “Fuck yes, I’m gonna come.” Your head fell back onto the bed and just as you closed your eyes and felt yourself about to tip over the edge into ecstasy, Taehyung pulled away from you. 
“What?” You whimpered as you opened your eyes, looking down at him. 
“I want you to come on my knot,” he told you. He reached out and grabbed the band of your panties, pulling them down your legs and throwing them onto the floor. He then settled himself in between your thighs, leaning down and letting his cock rub against your clit. 
“If you want me to come on your knot, you shouldn’t do that,” you whimpered.
“You could come like this?” He wondered in awe and you nodded your head. “We’re gonna have to test that out one day.”
“We have the rest of our lives for that,” you promised him. 
“You got that right,” he smiled, moving his hips so that he could slide inside of you. You wrapped your legs around his waist, your hands gripping onto his arms as he slowly opened you up. 
“Fuh, fuck,” you stuttered, your eyes fluttering closed at how good he felt inside of you, stretching you out in the best way.
“God, you’re so tight but you’re opening up so well for me baby,” Taehyung grunted, making sure to push his hips as close to yours as he could so that he could go as deep as possible. “You really are my mate, huh?”
“Yes,” you whispered, your mind barely being able to comprehend his words because the feeling of being completely and utterly clouded all of your senses. He continued to roll his hips against yours, his cock dragging against your walls as he did. 
“You have no idea how much I’ve wanted this, how much I’ve thought about this,” he muttered. “I’d see you walking around the territory all shy, keeping your eyes low so that people wouldn’t approach you and all I could think about was that you were the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen and how much I wanted to fuck you with my knot.”
“Mmm, knot,” you slurred, making Taehyung smile because of course knot was the word that you caught. 
“I’d watch you with the pups, teaching them and being so gentle and patient with them and my only thought would be about how I wanted to fuck some pups of my own into you so that you could be their mother,” he groaned, his hips stuttering slightly when he felt your walls clench around him like a vice grip. “Oh, you want that? Want Alpha to give you some pups?”
“Fuck yes,” you moaned wantonly, moving your own hips so that you were fucking back onto him. “Want your cum, want a pup.”
“I’ll give it to you baby,” he swore as he began to fuck you faster. “Alpha will give you anything you want.”
“W-want you,” you whined as you felt your orgasm quickly building back up again. 
“You have me baby,” he chuckled deeply. “You always have, I think.”
“A-alpha, g-gonna c-c-come,” you managed to utter as your body moved up and down the bed, the force of Taehyung fucking you literally moving you on the bed. 
“Go ahead so that I can knot you gorgeous,” he encouraged you. You reached down and set your fingertips on your clit, only managing to make two circles on it before you were coming. Your thighs spasmed and clutched around Taehyung’s waist, the rest of your body shaking on the bed from how forceful your orgasm was. 
“T-Tae,” you whimpered, your body shivering even after the crest of your orgasm had passed. Taehyung leaned down, pressing soft kisses against your face that were in stark contrast to how he was still fucking you. 
“So good for me baby,” he whispered. “Came so prettily for me.”
“Kiss me,” you pleaded weakly and he just smiled at you before pressing his lips against yours. The force coming from how hard he was thrusting into you caused your mouth to fall open and Taehyung didn’t hesitate to stick his tongue inside, exploring around.
You literally felt his cock pulse inside of you and before you could pull away in order to ask, ropes of his cum flooded into you. His knot inflated immediately afterwards, making you moan as it forced its’ way inside of you. 
“Holy shit Y/N-ah,” he panted as he hid his face in your neck, collapsing on top of you. “I don’t think I’ve ever come so hard in my life.”
“Me either,” you admitted with a giggle. “I loved it though.”
“Me too,” he muttered as he pulled himself up so that he could look down at you. “I know this is probably a weird thing to ask given what we just got finished doing, but you accept the fact that you’re my mate right?”
“Tae, of course,” you smiled. “My Omega would hate me if I rejected you and you know our wolf side doesn’t lie.”
“I guess I just wanted to know if it was as strong for you as it was for me,” he mumbled and you placed your hands on his cheeks, making him look down at you. 
“You’re my mate Kim Taehyung,” you told him. “I knew it and felt it the moment that you gave me your wrist and I smelled your scent.”
“I knew it too,” he smiled. “I’ll give you your bite in the morning, I’m just too tired right now.”
“No complaints from me,” you laughed. “Coming so hard can definitely take a lot out of a person.” Taehyung then laid his head down on your chest and you reached up, setting your hands in his hair as you began to play with the sweaty strands.
“I’m so glad that my Alpha chose you,” he muttered sleepily and you could feel the goofy smile spread onto your face before you leaned down and kissed the top of his head. 
“Me too Tae,” you sighed in contentment. “Me too.”
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helpimhyperfixating · 3 years
Mother’s Day - Jotaro x Reader
Is it mother’s day? Absolutely not, but people are nice to me so here is a cute fic
Word Count: 1844
Stretching softly in your barely awake state, you softly reached your hand to your right, only to sleepily open one eye. Your husband wasn't sleeping there where he usually would be.
Shrugging it off, you just rolled onto your right side and curled a little in on yourself, missing the warmth he usually gave you. Did you steal his warmth every day and bully him by putting your freezing cold feet and hands on him? Yes. Did you regret it? No. Did you wish he was here now so you could put your freezing feet under his shirt and on his stomach or back? Absolutely yes.
While musing about your cold feet however, you already slowly drifted off to sleep again. It was Sunday, there was no reason to get up.
- - - -
Tapping on your nose and cheek suddenly brought you out of dreamland, making you groan softly.
"C'mon, Jojo. Wake mommy." You heard that being whispered in the familiar voice of your husband, followed by an attempted hushed giggle. Your cheeks were then grabbed and squished together into a fish face, making you groan once more as you rolled onto your back.
Slowly opening your eyes, you were met with the adorable sight of Jotaro holding Jolyne, his hands on her torso as he held her hovering over you while she held the biggest of smiles, having her hands on your cheeks as she kept smushing them together repeatedly.
A distorted chuckle left your lips and Jolyne was set onto your stomach, making her let go of your cheeks. "Morning." You sleepily drawled. You never really were a morning person.
Jolyne's bubble seemed to be unable to hold and, as she practically vibrated of excitement while she sat on your stomach, it burst. The little girl flung herself forward, practically knocking the wind out of you while wrapping her arms around your neck and burying her head into the pillows behind you, screaming, "Happy Mama Day!"
Shocked, you automatically put your arms back around the girl, hearing Jotaro softly chuckle from besides the bed. "'Mother's Day' Jolyne, it's Mother's Day."
"Oh." Jolyne sat up, now sitting on your chest as she looked down at you. "Happy Mother's Day!" She shouted, shooting her hands high up into the air as if in a 'tadaa and surprise!'
Your eyebrows shot up in surprise and you looked to the left to see Jotaro with a rare soft smile on his face, now holding a tray. Honestly, you had no clue that Mother's Day was even coming, so to say you were surprised was an understatement.
"What's all this?" You asked, the disbelief audible in your voice, making both Jolyne and Jotaro grin a little wider.
"Surprise." Jotaro spoke softly before leaning down and pressing a kiss to your forehead.
Trying to copy her dad, Jolyne put her hands on your windpipe, leaning her full weight on it and cutting off your air supply briefly as she leaned forward and pressed a kiss to your head too before sitting back up, shuffling her butt a bit to sit comfortably on your chest while beaming a smile.
Despite the brief loss of air, you couldn't help the giant grin that spread on your face.
You opened your mouth to speak something when Jolyne suddenly gasped loudly, putting both of her little hands over your mouth, crossed over one another.
"Daddy! We forgot 'it'!" She whispered loudly while looking at her father; as if the hands over your mouth were supposed to keep you from hearing her speak.
"Go get it then." He encouraged and Jolyne immediately jumped into action, lifting her hands from your face before getting off of your chest as if dismounting a horse, carefully sliding and hanging off the bed until she got onto the floor, immediately taking off and disappearing from the bedroom, leaving you and Jotaro.
Shaking his head, Jotaro got closer and you sat up in response, resting against the headboard so that he could place the tray on your lap.
Once it was situated and he was sure the tea wouldn't spill, he gently took your chin between his forefinger and thumb and tilted your head towards him, pressing a soft and loving kiss on your lips.
"Good morning." He mumbled softly after pulling away a bit, looking into your eyes.
"Morning." You replied, the smile returning to your face.
"You had no idea it was today, did you?" Jotaro spoke, his face still so close to yours.
"Absolutely no clue." You admitted. "But it adds to the surprise!"
"Mommy!" Jolyne shouted as she came sprinting back inside, nearly dive-bombing onto your bed if it wasn't for Jotaro's quick reaction who grabbed her mid-air.
Not even caring that she was grabbed and now hanging in the air, Jolyne was giggling, firmly holding onto a piece of paper and waving it in front of your face, not giving you the opportunity to properly look at it.
"I made this for you!" She called out and you took the drawing from her. As you moved it back from your face a bit so you could properly look at it, Jotaro pulled Jolyne back and just carried her rugby style as he walked to the other side of the bed, putting Jolyne down on the foot of it while he himself lifted the covers and slid back under.
Immediately, Jolyne crawled over to you both, worming her way in between before Jotaro could slide up against you and starting to try and get under the covers with you both.
You giggled softly at her while Jotaro good-naturedly rolled his eyes, helping her lift the covers in the end. Once she was situated, he let the blanket go again, the three of you now sitting underneath it, leaning up against the pillows and headboard of the bed.
"This is already really well made, Jolyne!" You suddenly spoke up and she looked up at you, a large and happy smile on her face. "Can you tell me what I am looking at here, I would love to hear the artists thoughts." You spoke as if you were a reporter, leaning down slightly and tilting the drawing so that all three of you could look at it.
There was a good reason you had subtly asked Jolyne to explain. Because, while the drawing itself was very much appreciated by you, you couldn't exactly make out what your daughter had tried to draw.
"That's you. You're a mermaid." She pointed to the figure with a tail on the middle. That was indeed the one thing you had been able to decipher. "That is me." She then pointed to a red blob with several branch-like lines coming out of it.
"And what are you?"
"I'm an omctopus!" She cheered happily, still unable to pronounce the word correctly, or just flat out refusing to now, despite how often Jotaro had tried to correct her. "Cause I can now be sneaky and grab so many things at once with all my arms!" She smirked evilly, rubbing her hands together as if concocting an evil scheme right then and there.
"Ah, that makes sense." You chuckled a little nervously. "And... this?" You hovered your finger over the last figure on the drawing. You already knew it had to be Jotaro, not only because of process of elimination, but mainly because of the white hat that sat atop the brown crayon mass.
"That's daddy. He's a walrus 'cause he's so big and always warm."
Jolyne held such a cute and innocent look and you couldn't help but just burst out laughing at her statement, absolutely losing at and nearly knocking over the tray with breakfast on your lap as you howled.
Luckily for you, Jotaro was not offended and had the brain to lift the tray away from you, allowing you to move as you wished as you laughed, clutching your stomach.
"You don't like it?" Jolyne asked when you calmed down a little and you immediately turned to her, gently grasping her face while still giggling.
"No, Jolyne, I love it. This is the best Mother's Day gift." You smiled and kissed her nose, making her scrunch it up before happily beaming at you, quickly turning to her dad when you let go of her face.
"Aha! My gift was better!" She boasted, pointing at him.
"Well, I can't compete with a walrus and an octopus now, can I?" Jotaro spoke while holding the most deadpan expression, making you try so hard to stifle your giggling again. Jotaro then huffed a bit in amusement and set the tray back down, one half of it now on your leg and the other half on his own, making it hover over Jolyne's lap - to which she happily took hold as if she was the one to keep it steady and in place. "Here is my inferior gift. Even though it is from both Jolyne and me." Jotaro said as he reached his hand over Jolyne and to you, passing you a small box.
Gently taking the box from his fingers, you sent him a grateful smile. "Thank you." You softly said. This was already way more than you ever could have expected. Hell, you didn't even know it was coming.
Grasping the small box with both hands now, you slowly lifted the top to reveal plush padding. On top, sat a beautiful bracelet; the silver chord holding an intricate pattern while the focal point of the jewellery was undoubtedly the three beads in the centre. All of them see through, two of the beads were a little larger; an aquamarine one and a silver one, the both of them encasing a smaller green bead that sat snuggly between the others.
Your little family.
A soft 'awe' escaped you and you looked up at Jotaro, your eyes a bit glossy. "Thank you." You softly spoke and Jotaro leaned over Jolyne to press a soft kiss to your lips, shielding her eyes with his large hand so she wouldn't see. Once he pulled away and leaned back, removing his hand from Jolyne's eyes, the little girl was pouting grumpily at her father. "I love this so much." You started, eyeing your daughter to see her deflate a bit, the pout turning less angry and more disappointed. "But nothing can compete with me as a mermaid." You spoke and Jolyne lit up again at your words.
"Queen of the mermaids!" She then called out and you raised your brows up.
"Queen even?"
"Mhm!" Jolyne nodded in confirmation. "I made you the queen!"
"Oh, well then definitely nothing can compete with that." You giggled, smirking a little as you glanced at Jotaro who just held a tiny soft smile as he looked at the scene in front of him.
He then noticed your stare and snapped out of it, clearing his throat. "How about breakfast?"
"Oh, well, maybe that can compete with it."
"Nooooo! Mommy!"
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itsapeterthing · 3 years
Honor || Peter Parker
Tumblr media
pairing: peter parker x reader
summary: your best friend peter parker who has a secret crush on you catches your boyfriend cheating with another girl
a/n: reblogs and replies are super appreciated!
word count: 3.1k
warnings: mentions of cheating, swearing, angst, fluff
masterlist || request
Peter sat on the edge of the rooftop, kicking his feet back and forth while monitoring the street below him through a pair of binoculars. It was a slow afternoon and a chill hit him as he watched the sun begin to set over the bridge in the distance. He was beginning to wonder if maybe he should head home for the evening, get some homework done and eat when his binoculars landed on a couple sat on a street bench with their tongues practically down each other’s throats.
“Gross.” Peter grumbled, moving his binoculars on from the couple to skim the remainder of the street.
Although his sight had shifted to the other end of the street, his attention was grabbed by the sound of the girl’s voice from the couple he had just had the displeasure viewing, calling her boyfriend’s name.
At the sound of the name, Peter quickly swung his pair of binoculars to land on the couple again. He knew that plenty of people could have that name and that it was probably not even worth checking out, but he couldn’t help himself.
“Ian,” The girl laughed pulling away from the boy’s lips, but still in his arms.
Peter began to feel a knot twist in his stomach and his heart started beating rapidly. It couldn’t be him, right?
As he shifted the binoculars a bit more to land on the boy’s face he immediately recognized his face. How could he not? There was no doubt that the boy holding another girl in his arms was none other than your boyfriend, Ian.
As soon as he recognized him, Peter could feel nothing but rage. Ever since the moment that you had first mentioned him, Peter hated him. Before he had even met him he hated him because he had you. After he met him, he grew to hate him even more. Peter didn’t trust your boyfriend and had always had a bad feeling about him in his gut since the two of you had started dating a month ago which he now realized he was right. He didn’t feel good about it, however, he just felt sick looking at the sight in front of him.
How could he do that to you? He had you- Peter’s most favorite person in the world- who he would lay down his life for- and he had the audacity to cheat on you. Peter had been in love with you since he couldn’t even remember when and you still chose him- the guy he was now watching cheat on you in front of his own very eyes.
“Shit. Shit. Shit.” Peter swore to himself, pulling himself up off the ledge and throwing his binoculars to the side.
As he stood on the ledge, he didn’t know what to do. How was he supposed to handle it without exposing himself as Ian’s girlfriend’s best friend? However, Peter’s logic was probably the last of his guiding principles at the moment as he thought about how hurt you would be when you found out.
Without much thought, Peter shot a web at the lamppost across the street, swinging himself to land right in front of the couple.
At the sound of Peters feet loudly hitting the ground, the girl jumped away from Ian’s arms with a yelp escaping her mouth.
“Hey guys!” Peter waved to the couple sitting in front of him, attempting to mask his anger.
“Spider-Man?” The girl asked, eyes wide and her hands shooting to cover her mouth. “Did we... did we do something wrong?”
At her question, Peter shook his head adamantly, moving his hand to rest under his chin as he began to pace back and forth in front of the couple.
“No, ma’am. Nope. No no no no.” He stated. “I was just wondering- are you two dating?”
When the girl answered ‘yes’ confidently, Peter stopped in his place turning towards the couple. Restraining himself from going after Ian on the spot for not only cheating on you, but dating a completely different girl behind your back, he continued.
The girl shifted her gaze from Peter to Ian before landing back on Peter. “Why? What’s wrong?”
Peter shrugged, crossing his arms and beginning to pace back and forth once again. “I don’t- I don’t know, ma’am...”
Peter felt bad that he was worrying this girl, but then again she had the right to know and Peter was going to drag this out for your cheating boyfriend for as long as possible.
The girl leaned forward in her seat. “What is it?”
Peter then halted in front of the bench. “It’s probably nothing.” He shook his head.
“Well,” Peter began, gesturing his hand from himself to the boy in front of him. “I just thought... you know.. that I saw him here the other day with another girl, but she looked nothing like you so that can't be right. Maybe it’s just my eyes, you know, I see a lot of people, but I could’ve sworn-”
“Hey man, what the fuck!” Ian shouted at Peter.
The girl who was previously sitting beside him, stood up and walked backwards away from the bench. “Ian, is that true?” She asked.
Ian shifted his view from Spider-Man to the still unnamed girl that he had been kissing a second before. Before answering his girlfriend, however, Ian finally focused on Peter, glaring his eyes and pushing himself up from his seat on the bench.
“What the fuck’s your problem? Who do you think you are coming in here and starting shit? Don’t you have actual shit to worry about?”
When he came a little too close for Peter’s liking, Peter spoke up again. “Hey, dude, back up-”
“Who the fuck do you think you are?”
And with that sentence, Peter had had enough. Holding himself back from kicking his ass right then and there, but still wanting him out of his face, Peter raised his hand, instead shooting a web at the boy causing him to be thrown back into his seat with a grunt, held down by Spider-Man’s webs.
Before another word could slip out of anyone’s mouth, the unnamed girl stepped forward, ripping off a bracelet that had previously adorned her wrist and threw it at Ian who was still restrained.
“Don’t call me.”
“Wait!” Ian called, watching the girl walk away with her back towards him. Despite his pleas, however, she continued without another look. “Baby, wait! I can explain.”
At the sound of him calling her baby, Peter grimaced under his mask. The sight of him struggling under the webs admittedly made Peter feel good, but the absolute rage he felt at the excuse of a boyfriend sitting in front of him remained.
When she left his point of view, Ian swapped his attention back to Spider-Man, shouting.
“Seriously, who the fuck are y-”
Without the girl there to watch him and barely anything to hold him back from his own anger, Peter stomped towards the boy, grabbing the collar of his shirt and shoved him back against the bench.
“I’m Spider-Man and you fucked up.”
As Peter watched the fear in the guy who he had hated for so long’s eyes, he felt a sense of pride for getting at least a minuscule piece of revenge on your behalf.
He shoved your boyfriend back one last time before letting go and walking in the other direction without a word. He heard Ian calling for him from behind, but he refused to acknowledge him, instead making his way towards your apartment.
He didn’t know what he was going to say to you. As much as a part of him was happy that the relationship between you and Ian would surely be over, he already knew that it would hit you hard and the last thing he enjoyed seeing was you in any form of distress.
The sun had already set by the time he reached your street. It was dark and there was barely anyone on the road, luckily enough for him so he could climb up to your window without raising any suspicion. 
With a light knock on the glass, he soon after heard shuffling around your bedroom before seeing your smiling face opening the window.
His heart sunk in his chest knowing that he was about to ruin your day and wipe the sweet smile he loved so much off of your face.
As soon as he climbed inside and sat on your bed, he pulled off his mask. Without even a word having come out of his mouth yet, you asked.
“What’s wrong?”
Peter fiddled with the mask in his hands, not meeting your eyes. He was a horrible combination of angry, sad and worried. Of course you would know something was wrong without him even opening his mouth- you could read him like a book. Although he knew he had to tell you about what had just happened, he didn’t know how and he hated the idea of hurting you.
“Peter?” You asked again, this time sitting down beside him on your bed.
Peter shook his head still refusing to meet your eyes. “Y/n...” He began.
His not answering and the somber sound of your name leaving his lips caused you to begin to worry. You rested your hands on Peter’s leg that was bouncing anxiously to calm him and let him know that it was okay.
“You’re scaring me, Parker.” You told him. “I can handle it. What is it?”
Peter knew that you could handle it. You could handle anything. The night that he told you that he was Spider-Man, you barely even flinched- just making him promise that he would be safe and that he would remember you when he was “buddy buddy” with the Avengers. He remembered laughing that he could never forget you. He never could.
He knew that you would be able to handle it and get over it- you had only dated Ian for a month- but he knew it would still hurt.
“I was... I was just patrolling and I saw... Ian.” He told you, your boyfriend’s name slipping out of his mouth in a snarl.
“And um-“ He paused, scratching the back of his neck, still refusing to meet your eyes. “He was... he was with some other girl.”
Peter continued on with details but you had already stopped listening by then. You knew enough of what was going on just by him saying it and you couldn’t deny how you felt sick thinking about it.
Peter ceased his rambling, finally allowing himself to look at you and when your eyes were focused on the other side of the room, and beginning to glaze over he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you towards him.
“I’m so sorry, Y/n.”
You knew however much he hated Ian, he meant it. You trusted Peter more than anyone, but until you were pulled into his hug, you had tried to contain your feelings. You wrapped your arms tightly around him and hid your face in his neck, similar to the way you had the first time he had taken you swinging around the city.
“Is there something wrong with me, Pete?” You asked.
He could tell even without super hearing that your voice was cracking and that you were close to crying. His heart broke hearing you, but he pulled away, holding your shoulders at arms length and forcing you to look him in the eyes.
“There’s nothing wrong with you, Y/n.” He told you seriously. “Why- why would you think that? He’s the one who messed up.”
You didn’t know how to tell Peter that you weren’t necessarily upset about losing Ian, but instead how you were cheated on and disrespected in such a way. You never told Peter but the whole reason you had even started talking to Ian in the first place was because you had feelings for your best friend. You felt as though you could never tell him and even if you did, you felt that Peter would never like you back, so you kept it in, instead attempting to fill the hole with a random boy like Ian.
“I don’t know. Maybe I’m not worthy of love or something.” You told Peter, wiping the tears that had fallen onto your cheeks.
Peter almost felt his heart burst in his chest when you told him that you felt unworthy of love. He didn’t know how to tell you that this guy wasn’t worthy of your love, respect or your attention. He didn’t know how to tell you that he knew for a fact that you were worthy of love because he chose to love you every day despite the fact you didn’t in return.
Your best friend moved his hands and held either side of your face, holding his world in his hands.
“Y/n, listen to me.” He told you, his eyes searching yours. “That guy was a jerk. You know I hated him and I hate even more that he hurt you. You deserve all the love in the world, Y/n. I mean you’re super cool and nice and- and beautiful and funny and um... you just deserve the best. The best of the best.”
You trusted your best friend more than anyone but it also hurt to hear him saying all of that. How he could be saying all of this about you and not love you the way that you loved him?
“Why don’t you love me then?”
Your voice was almost a whisper and so light Peter almost didn’t catch it. When it slipped out of your mouth you hoped he didn’t, but he did.
You watched as a look of hurt washed over Peter’s face. “You know I love you, Y/n.”
You shook your head. “Not like that, Pete.”
You were frustrated that he didn’t understand what you meant. For God knows how long your life has felt like some cosmic joke where it granted you the most perfect boy in your life, but he would only love you as a friend and at this point you felt defeated.
You pulled Peter’s hands off of your face and pushed yourself off the bed, now standing in front of him.
“What do you mean?” Peter asked.
You scoffed. “Really Peter?” You crossed your arms. “When are you going to get it? Don’t get me wrong I liked Ian, but.. I’ve always.. he wasn’t...”
Peter stood up from his seat on your bed. “You’ve always what?”
“Oh my god, Peter! I’ve always loved you!”
When you realized what you had just shouted at your best friend, you went still and the room was silent. You almost couldn’t bare to look at Peter after just admitting that you were in love with him, but you did anyway. He stood still in his place with his eyes wide.
With your heart racing in your chest still, you softened your voice.
“I’m so sorry, Peter. I didn’t mean to-”
“You love me?” He asked, cutting you off.
In this moment, Peter was glad that you didn't have the same abilities as him because if you did he knew all you would be able to hear was the loud thumping of his heart in his chest.
Unable to speak, you nodded.
Peter didn't even know what to do with himself. Both of you had spent all of this time and wasted so much energy, pretending to not be in love with each other and here he was now, learning that the entire time you felt the same way. He didn’t want to waste a second longer.
“Can I kiss you?”
Still unable to speak and shocked by his question, with wide eyes you nodded adamantly.
As soon as you nodded your head, Peter tossed his mask onto the bed, made his way towards you and kissed you with his hands holding either side of your face.
You knew Peter could hear your heart racing in your chest as your lips met his and wrapped your arms around his neck.
The moment he kissed you, you never wanted it to stop. You had pined after him for so long and you always assumed it would be futile- that Peter could never possibly want you as more than a friend- but as you kissed him, all that time didn’t seem wasted, but worth it because despite everything the two of you had been through he was now yours and that was all that mattered.
Pulling away, Peter leaned his forehead against yours. “I love you too.”
You smiled, pecking him one last time on the lips before pulling away entirely. Without a word, you made your way to your desk, picking up your phone.
“What are you doing?” Peter asked.
“I have to call Ian to tell him we’re over.” You informed him, searching for his number.
Peter, however, pulled the phone away from your hand, smirking.
“I think I have a better idea.”
Twenty minutes later you were following Peter as he led the way down the dimly lit street to find the bench he had left your cheating boyfriend on not even an hour before. When he finally stopped, the two of you stood in front of the bench and you you couldn’t help but laugh at Peter’s handy work, Ian still held to the bench by Spider-Man’s webs.
At the sound of your laugh, you watched Ian stir in his seat, meeting your eyes.
“Y/n?” He asked, opening his eyes wider in surprise when he recognized you. “Y/n! Thank God you’re here. You have to get me out of these things.”
“I don’t know, man.” Peter told your boyfriend, now stepping into his line of sight. “I feel like Spider-Man must have had a pretty good reason to leave you like that.”
At the sight of Peter, Ian scowled. “Fuck off, Parker. What the hell are you doing here?”
Before Peter could say anything, you moved to stand in front of him. “Peter saw the whole thing.” You told him and with that you swore he looked like a deer in headlights. “We’re over, Ian.”
With that, you grabbed Peter’s arm. “Let’s go, Pete.”
Peter nodded, placing his hand on your lower back, guiding you in the opposite direction of your now ex-boyfriend. When you weren’t paying attention, though, Peter turned his head, flashing your cheating ex a shit eating grin while giving him a thumbs up before resting his hand once again on your back. Your ex continued to shout profanities at you and Peter as the two of you walked away, but all that mattered to you was that you and Peter were no longer in hiding, both finally knew the truth about each other’s feelings.
“I couldn't say it before,” You told him. “but nice web work by the way.”
Peter laughed. “It dissolves in a few hours, but he deserves to stay there all night if you ask me.”
You smiled, pulling Peter to a stop. You turned to face him, gripping the fabric of his sweatshirt. “Thanks for defending my honor, Spidey.”
Peter smiled back at you and even under the dim street lights you could tell he was blushing. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Y/n. That was all Spider-Man. You have him to thank.”
You hummed in response leaning in closer to kiss him but just as you were about to meet him you pulled away.
“Oh... well why am I kissing you then? Where’s Spider-Man?”
"Okay! Okay!” Peter threw up his hands, giving in to your teasing. “You're welcome! You don’t have to thank me though. I would defend your honor any day.”
You smiled, pulling him in one last time by tugging on his sweatshirt. This time, meeting his lips, smiling.
“I know.”
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freddie-weaselbee · 3 years
Someone Blue//F.W.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader 
Warnings: Slight language, angst, a lot of confusion, fluffy ending
Summary: Fred spots a familiar face at his brother’s wedding, and has a sinking suspicion about why she’s acting so upset during this time of celebration. 
Prompts: Enemies to Lovers (kind of) and Weddings with the dialogue prompts “you look like you need a hug” and “did you need something?”
Word Count: 3.2k
A/N: Day 1 of @theweasleyslut‘s 2k writing challenge 
Angelina looked absolutely ethereal, skin glowing in the shimmering lights as she glided across the grass as if it was a ballroom floor. Her white dress was slightly stained, mostly from when her now husband tackled her to the ground after their first kiss as a married couple, and yet it only made her seem all the more angelic. 
George’s feet seemed to never touch the ground. He was moving at record speeds, prancing and hopping and skipping around the dance floor, dragging his wife along with him. It was the most joyful Fred had ever seen him. 
Not when they left Hogwarts, not when they opened their shop, not even when Angelina said yes to the proposal could have compared to the happiness on George’s face. Nor Angelina’s. They were in a pure state of bliss. 
The rest of the wedding-goers seemed to match their energy. Fred couldn’t go anywhere without being bombarded with drunken laughs and horrid dancing, and the occasional congratulations or two from some tipsy guests who didn’t know that the man they were talking to wasn’t the groom. 
All in all, it was an amazing night. The field behind the burrow had become a traditional wedding venue for the growing Weasley children, so far hosting Bill, Percy, Ron, and now George’s days to remember. The tents and lights were all set up as they were with Bill and Fleur’s wedding, except this time there was no risk of Death Eaters ruining the event. Hopefully. 
However, while making his way around to talk to (and flirt with) the guests, Fred happened to notice one person who did not fit the overzealous tone. Well, he didn’t really happen to notice. Rather he’d been staring at her throughout the entire night, watching her somber mood break through her happy façade. Not that he’d ever admit that to anyone. 
You were standing by yourself, but you weren’t secluded from the action. Rather, you were right in the middle of things, on the very edge of the dance floor, staring out at the masses of bodies swinging their partners around. Your arms were crossed over your chest, a defensive position that Fred had seen so many times in you before. 
He turned away and tried to ignore it. It wasn’t any of his business if you were upset. The two of you were barely even friends anymore. You had cut him out of your life so many years ago and never looked back. To this day, Fred still didn’t know why, and it killed him. 
He wanted to walk away. To go the other direction toward a beautiful guest wearing a flowing red dress, hair done up perfectly. The stranger would be the smart choice. A fun way to spend the evening, dancing around and snogging under moonlit trees. But, against his better judgement, Fred’s heart wouldn't let him leave. 
Sighing, Fred lifted his feet and made his way in the other direction, to the girl who couldn’t care less about him. 
You stood unmoving, except for a subtle sway to the music. People brushed by you, but you paid them no mind. You were too focused on something else. As Fred drew nearer, he was able to follow your line of sight to the people in question. The newlyweds. 
Fred bristled before softening slightly. Of course. This must be about George. Back at Hogwarts, Fred was positive you had the biggest crush on his brother. You were always tagging along with their jokes, even when they got you into huge trouble. You definitely spent more time alone with George than Fred, sharing whispers and stares at the expense of the older twin. He could never get George to break and tell him what you two talked about. George even took you to the Yule Ball in your 6th year. You had never looked as radiant as you did that night, except for maybe this moment. Fred wished he had asked you to dance at the ball, but he never worked up the courage to. He didn’t want you to internally grimace at the thought of dancing with the “lesser” Weasley twin when George was right there. 
In his recollection of memories, Fred hadn’t noticed how close he had gotten to you, and how you were no longer gazing at the couple dancing. You were now staring at him. 
“Did you need something?”
Fred was shaken out of his imagination, met with an annoyed glare but soft smile coming from you. His surprise was immediately replaced with his signature cocky grin, leaning his hand onto one of the wedding tables while keeping his gaze on you. Unfortunately, his hand accidentally dipped into a wine glass, but he quickly pulled it out and hoped you didn’t notice. You did. 
“Well, that’s not a very nice way to greet one of your oldest friends, now is it?” Fred wiped his wine-covered hand on his suit pants and slipped it into his pocket, pretending to be unbothered by his previous mistake. 
You turned your eyes away from him, once again gluing them to the dance floor. “I think it’s fitting, seeing as how you were creepily staring at me for about 5 minutes before I said something.”
Fred’s ears grew pink at the accusation. “I, umm, I didn’t realize it was that long. Or that you noticed. Sorry.” He bashfully rubbed the back of his neck, pretending to glance around at other guests who might interest him more. 
“You still haven’t answered me.”
Fred cocked his head to the side in question. 
“Why’d you come over here? Was there something you needed?”
“Ah, yes well,” Fred began smoothly, “I saw this darling beauty from across the tent and I just could not take my eyes off of her--”
“Fred,” you interrupted. You were looking at him again, your gaze piercing through him, forcing him to tell you the truth, to tell you everything about him. His fears, his hopes and dreams, what he had for breakfast this morning. He wanted to tell you it all. 
“The truth, please.”
Clearing his throat, and his mind of whatever thoughts just plagued him, Fred decided to be honest. You deserved that much. 
“You look like you need a hug,” he said, shrugging nonchalantly. 
Evidently, those were not the words you were expecting to hear. You were prepared with about a dozen quips to say in response to whatever cocky joke Fred was about to make. But he didn’t, and nothing could have prepared you for what he did say. 
“I--I need a what?”
“Sorry, have you lost your hearing or was I not loud enough? It’s definitely not the second; you’ve told me on numerous occasions that I have the biggest mouth of anyone you know.”
There it was. But it still made you giggle, relaxing and gravitating closer to your companion. 
“I heard you,” you said, “just wasn’t expecting that from you, I guess.”
Fred took a half step closer, visibly glad when you didn’t move away. “Wasn’t expecting me to have noticed your behavior, or wasn’t expecting me to care if I did?”
It took you a few seconds to respond. “Both.”
He let out a sound of understanding before you both averted your eyes, looking straight ahead. Occasionally, Fred would try to look at you using his peripheral vision, and you would do the same. It became a kind of game--just an awkward back and forth between two people who used to be so close, and were now so far apart.
You game ended when one of the wedding guests decided to clink their glass, beginning a chorus of high pitched chimes to echo throughout the room. You watched as George turned to find Angelina, running to her to give her a kiss so full of love and passion that it took everything Fred had not to shout out a joke and ruin the moment. He could do that next time. 
He noticed you stiffen at the kiss, presumably because it was just another reminder of what you couldn’t have. George. 
“You know, I always wanted to be a Weasley.”
Fred was surprised that you had spoken to him, and even more surprised about the turn the conversation had taken. 
“I grew up with you guys,” you continued, not waiting for Fred to respond. “Molly was like my second mother, even though she always liked Hermione and Harry a bit more than me.”
“Join the club,” said Fred, causing you to laugh loudly, a sound he hadn’t heard from you in ages. Godric, how he had missed it.
“It’s just…” you trailed off, not knowing if you wanted to be open with Fred, someone you hadn’t spoken to in years. Chances were, you wouldn’t keep in touch much after the wedding, so you might as well. What was there to lose? “It’s just...seeing Angelina, one of my best friends, dance around, wearing that ring, getting to be an actual Weasley. It’s...it’s making me a wee bit jealous.”
Fred watched you fidget with a bracelet on your wrist and decided to push his luck just a bit more. “And you’re wishing that it could be you wearing the ring, married to a certain Weasley gentleman?”
The shock was evident in your expression. “No, no, it’s not--I mean I never…” Sighing, you decided to come clean. “Yeah, I’ve maybe been harboring feelings for a certain twin for, oh I don’t know, my entire life. No biggie though, it’s totally fine that he never asked me out.”
The ginger beside you threw an arm around your shoulder, handing you a glass of wine in the process. “Drink. It makes everything better.”
You glared at him, but took the glass anyways, chugging it down in a few large gulps. “Another, please,” you demanded, and Fred obliged. 
You started to ease into Fred’s side, as soft and comforting as you remembered it to be, before realizing exactly what it was you were doing. “Fred, can I ask you something?”
“‘Course. You can ask me anything.” The absolute last thing Fred wanted to be doing at the moment was talking about your undying love for his twin brother, at his wedding no less, but he didn’t want to leave you alone. Not seeing you for so long had had a harsher effect on him than he thought, and he didn’t want to leave your side. 
Taking a deep breath and gathering your courage, you asked him the question that had been plaguing your mind for years. The one that ate you from the inside out and kept you tossing and turning at night. The reason you had to separate yourself from your love in the first place. “Why am I not good enough?”
Your voice broke a tiny bit, but a lot less than you had been expecting. A tear did happen to slip out, and Fred quickly wiped it away, his fingertip resting on your cheek for a moment too long. 
“Y/N, love, come here.” Fred pulled you into that hug he had talked about earlier, holding you closely to his chest. If he thought you were going to appreciate the gesture, he was wrong. You pushed him away softly, refusing to let any more tears fall. 
“I’m serious, Fred. W-Why am I not good enough? I’ve made it clear for years and yet...nothing. And not even a simple rejection. I could’ve handled that, y’know. If I got a simple no, I could’ve handled it and moved on. But I never did, and it’s killing me. Why am I not good enough?”
It killed Fred to see you this upset, and it hurt him even more to see that the anger was directed at him and not at George. It was his brother that broke your heart after all, not him. “You are good enough!” Fred said, with enough truth and force that a little part of you believed it. “You’re, you’re too good! You’ve been by our side from the beginning and haven’t left it since. Well, we haven’t seen you in years, but that’s probably because of--”
You nodded, confirming what he thought. Your heartbreak had driven you away. 
“But other than that,” he continued, “you’ve been like my third arm. Any guy would be crazy to give you up, you know that?”
 A tiny smile grew on your face, but was gone as soon as it had arrived. “The timing...the timing was just all wrong, wasn’t it?” you asked. 
Fred nodded, watching his brother and his wife greet guests and take pictures that were sure to be on the mantle in the burrow as soon as the wedding was over. “Yeah, I guess so. The prick should’ve asked you out sooner.”
“Oh I agree wholeheartedly, he is a prick,” you said, poking his arm, a gesture that slightly confused him. “So, I’m guessing there’s no chance of anything happening now? No sliver of hope that maybe this could work out?”
He hated that he would be the one to crush your dreams, but he couldn’t let you keep living in false hope. “Well,” he said, “the wedding bands are on and they both said ‘I do.’ Kind of hard to come back from that. I’m sorry.”
You froze, now more befuddled than you had been all night. “I...what?”
Before Fred could say anything you reached to grab his left hand, checking his ring finger for something you knew wasn’t there, but you had to be sure. 
“Wedding bands? What in the world do you--” Realization hit you like a brick, and you wanted to slap yourself. Or Fred. Either one. But preferably the latter. 
“Frederick, my dear love, who do you think we have been talking about this whole time?” you asked, voice genuine but also teasing. 
Fred didn’t know what you all of a sudden found so amusing, but he was already doubting himself and he didn’t want you to make fun of him for whatever he had done wrong. 
“Umm, well you said a Weasley, and then you said a Weasley twin. So I thought the answer was obvious.”
“Say it,” you demanded. “Who have we been talking about? Who am I in love with after years of unrequited feelings?”
He felt like he was walking into a trap, but he couldn’t figure out what it was. He hesitated for a few seconds before your searing gaze forced him to answer. “George. We’re talking about my brother George.”
No sooner had his words left his mouth than your hand came up to slap his head. “You idiot! Are you serious right now?”
Fred stood flabbergasted, racking his brain for who else you could have been talking about. George was a Weasley twin. You said you were in love with a Weasley twin. Who else was there?
“It’s you, you big oaf!”
Oh. OH! There were two Weasley twins, and he was one of them. Which meant…
“You’re in love with me?!”
By this point, heads were turned to watch the scene and people were not-so-subtly whispering to their partners. 
You dragged a still surprised Fred through the crowd and out of the tents, finding a secluded enough area where you could talk. 
Fred’s brain had still not been caught up. “It’s me? You’re in love with me? But, but what about George?”
You furrowed your brow, wondering how Fred could have so easily mistaken your feelings for him as those for another. “What about George?”
“You’re in love with him!”
“I most definitely am not!”
“The Yule Ball!” he spat out. “You went to the Yule Ball with him when we were 16!”
“Yes,” you said calmly, “and you went with Angelina, but I don’t see you two getting married. We went as friends and I talked to him about you the entire night. In fact, most of the time when we hung out I was talking about you. Made him swear not to tell though. I was never good about expressing my feelings.”
Fred put a hand to his head, a growing throb threatening to overtake his senses. “But why were you so sad tonight? You wanted to marry George!”
“No,” you said patiently. “I was sad because Angelina and George’s relationship worked out the way I was wishing one between you and I had. They fell in love during school, dated a few years later, and now she’s a part of your family. I wasn’t wishing it was just me out there with your brother. I was wishing that it was our wedding.”
You blushed heavily and buried your face in your hands, embarrassed by your bluntness about your feelings. “Oh, Godric, I shouldn’t have said that, now it’s more awkward. I, umm, I should probably get going.”
Fred grabbed your wrist before you could leave, pulling you into his chest. His eyes were wide, mouth hanging slightly ajar as he gazed down at your muddled expression. 
“It’s me. I’m the one you love.”
He said it as more of a declaration rather than a question, but you could tell that he needed confirmation. 
“Of course, Freddie,” you said. “It’s always been you.”
His hand wasted no time in going to the back of your head, pulling your face into his and melding your lips together in your first kiss with Fred Weasley. After the shock wore off, you were hastily kissing him back, hoping against all hope that he wouldn’t pull back and proclaim what a stupid mistake this all was. But he never did. You kissed and kissed and kissed until you were the one who had to pull back in order to catch your breath. 
It took you both a few seconds to realize what had just happened, and for the first time you both were at a loss for words. “That was, umm…” you mumbled, trying to think of what to say. 
“I love you too.”
Fred’s words were rushed out of his mouth, voice deep ragged. “I mean, when you said it was me, not George, that you loved. I, well, I love you too. Always have. Guess I just thought that you had a thing for George and I had no chance. Pretty silly of me, huh?”
“Downright stupid of you,” you replied, giggling as he pushed you away with a bashful smile gracing his lips. 
“So,” he said quietly, inching closer to you once again, “is there a chance of anything happening now?” Fred repeated the words you had said earlier, making you smile wider than you had all night. 
“Depends,” you said. “Are you gonna get the courage to ask me out?”
Fred waited for a moment before answering. “How about,” he said, offering his arm out for you to link with yours, “we have that dance we never got at the Yule Ball. And then that date we never got after, and then that relationship we never got as well. Oh! And then that wedding, and then a dog, maybe a few kids, a big house in the country--”
“Woahhh, slow down buddy, you haven’t ever properly asked me!”
You took his arm and made your way back to where the music continued to blare and festivities raged on. 
“Y/N, love, may I have this dance?”
You pushed a strand of hair from his face, ruffling it up a little to give it that signature Fred Weasley style. 
“Of course, Freddie. And every dance after that.”
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@famdomhideout @amourtentiaa
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the first time saying I love you p. 2
Warnings: nothing! Maybe some swearing but all fluff!
Characters: Iwaizumi Hajime, Oikawa Toru, & Tsukishima Kei, all with a Fem!Reader
A/N: Thank you so much @livy384​ for asking for a part 2 of this idea!!! I was so excited to see someone wanted to see more of one of my headcanons haha. So here you go lovely!! A big thank you as usual to my inspiration babies @thisnoodlewritesao3​ and @satan-ruler-of-hells​ <3  Also I’m sorry I know Oikawa’s is shorter than the others but I’ve never written for him or thought about writing for him so i’m so very sorry if it sucks xD
pt. 1
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Iwaizumi Hajime Who says it first: Neither of you
It was supposed to have been a really cute date - Iwaizumi had remembered you telling your friend that there was a market near by that you’ve always wanted to go visit, but never had anyone to go with. Naturally, Iwaizumi tucked that information in the back of his brain and planned.
It was a Saturday and Iwaizumi had somehow managed to get himself away from practice, making you smile wide when he asked if you wanted to spend the day together. You knew he felt a little bad lately, being so busy with volleyball, and as much as you never blamed him for it, you were happy to be spoiled with his presence. When he started walking you towards the market, your eyes went wide, looking at all the cute stalls that you wanted to visit and the items you wanted to check out.
“Iwa!” You grinned up at him, shaking his arm excitedly. “How did you know I wanted to go here?”
He just shrugged and gave you a smile, patting your head gently, “Let’s find some cute things for my cute girlfriend hm?” You beamed and happily took his hand, the two of you going around to each stall.
There was too much to look at honestly and you wanted nothing more than to carry bundles of everything home. Iwa managed to sneak away from you for a second while you talked to a stall owner, picking out a necklace for you and holding it close to his chest for a moment, just thinking of you. Meanwhile, you managed to find a beautiful lucky charm to give him for his next game. He never really needed it but you always liked the gesture of being the one to give it to him anyways.
It was a perfect date so far.
And then Oikawa showed up.
“Iwa!” He grinned, waving from afar. You laughed, realizing that Oikawa had most likely followed you guys here. You never minded him tagging along on your dates (though the girls that followed him were sometimes a bit extreme), but Iwaizumi on the other hand... never seemed too happy to see his best friend.
Iwaizumi groaned loudly, annoyed at himself for casually mentioning that he’d be bringing you here this weekend, “Why are you here?” He grumbled, glaring at his friend as he made his way over.
Oikawa just pouted, “I just wanted to make sure you were being nice to Y/N!”
“When am I ever mean to Y/N?”
“I dunno, but you’re mean to me and I’m your best friend so I just assumed it was how you show affection,” Oikawa chuckled and gave you a wave, “Are you two having fun?”
You nodded and glanced around at all the other stalls you still wanted to visit, “There’s so much to look at! Are you looking to get anything, Oikawa?”
The boy just smiled and looked around, “I dunno, I’ll have to look around some! What did you two get?” He asked, nodding at the little bags and packages you were holding.
“Oh! I found this cute little decoration for my parents’ kitchen,” you explain, showing off some of the little knickknacks you found. “I wanted to find some sort of accessory for myself. Maybe like a barrette or a bracelet,” you admitted, eyes drifting away again as if you would be able to find something from where you were standing.
“Like this?” Oikawa asked, peeking into Iwaizumi’s bag and pulling out a little jewlery box, opening it to see the necklace that Iwaizumi had bought you.
“You asshole! Give that back!” Iwaizumi’s eyes went wide, realizing he had had his eyes locked on you the whole time you were talking because you were just so cute, he hadn’t even noticed Oikawa practically pickpocketing him.
Oikawa’s bottom lip just stuck out again, huffing and holding the item farther away from his best friend, “Why are you so mean? If you bought it for her, shouldn’t you give it to her? What, were you just going to let her buy something else for herself and waste her money?”
Iwaizumi’s whole face was red. He didn’t want to yell out his whole plan to the market, let alone to Oikawa when you were standing right there, laughing at the whole encounter.
“Stop being so shy, Iwa,” Oikawa cooed, smiling as he looked at you, “I’m sure she thinks it’s really cute that you buy her things to show her you love her!”
“Shittykawa, please shut the hell up,” Iwaizumi glared at his friend, still trying to grab the box away from him.
“Aw don’t put words in his mouth, Oikawa,” you giggled, smiling up at your boyfriend and his friend, “I think he just does it cause he’s sweet.”
Oikawa noticed the way you were so quick to dismiss his words, glancing between you and Iwaizumi, completely confused, “What do you mean?”
“Oikawa, I swear to god, please go before I kill you,” Iwaizumi was practically clawing his hands up to Oikawa’s neck, his whole body feeling flustered.
“Iwaizumi, did you tell her you didn’t want to be embarrassed in front of your friends? It’s okay! She can know I know! It’s not like you don’t talk about it all the time.”
“Talk about what?” You asked, growing more confused as the conversation went on.
“About how much he loves you! He talks about it all the time with the team!” Oikawa beamed, finally letting Iwaizumi grab the jewelry box from his hands.
Your eyes go wide, looking over at Iwaizumi, who seemed suddenly very concerned over kicking some dust on the ground. His whole face was red, eyes looking literally anywhere but at you.
“You love me?” You squeaked out nervously.
“No! I-I mean, yes but- hang on,” your boyfriend groaned. He had the whole thing planned out, he had wanted to tell you a whole speech about how much he loved you and now that whole plan was absolutely ruined.
Oikawa’s body froze as he watched the two of you, sheepishly laughing, “Oh... I spoiled it didn’t I? That’s what the necklace was for hm?”
“Shittykawa, if one more word leaves your lips-” Iwaizumi huffed, punching his arm with an annoyed look on his face.
“I’m sorry, Iwa! I didn’t mean to spoil your first love confession! But honestly, I’m such a big part of your life, maybe it’s better this way-” Oikawa grinned, obviously trying to lift up some of the tension.
“I’m going to count to three, and if you’re not gone by the end of it, I will literally bury you alive.” There was something different about this death threat, a growl in Iwaizumi’s throat building with his anger.
Oikawa’s smile tensed and he just turned to you with a little wave, “I suddenly remembered I have to be literally anywhere else but here. Have a nice date! Please convince him not to kill me!”
You had never seen Oikawa dash away so quickly, his figure gone almost immediately after waving goodbye.
Iwaizumi seemed so angry, all you could was offer a small smile, “You okay?” You asked softly, touching his arm gently.
He seemed to relax a bit at your touch, sighing and just turning to look at you, “Yeah. Please don’t listen to anything he says. He’s literally an idiot.”
You smiled shyly, rocking on your heels awkwardly, “So... you don’t love me then?”
Iwaizumi’s eyes widened immediately, shaking his hands in front of him quickly in denial, “N-No. I mean. Yes. Just don’t listen to him. But yes, I love you.” He hesitated for a moment, seeming to watch your eyes. “Unless you don’t love me back, then we can just pretend none of this happened,” he mumbled shyly, rubbing the back of his head.
You couldn’t help but giggle, pushing his arm playfully, “You idiot. Of course I love you.”
He blinked in surprise, staring at your face and trying to make sure you weren’t just joking with him, “Oh. Well in that case, this is for you.” He handed you the small box holding the necklace, watching as you open it to find a small pendant of your favourite animal. “The heart ones just seemed so cheesy,” he admitted with a shrug. “But I hope you think of me whenever you wear it.”
Your heart literally grew three sizes, this boy was being so cute and sweet. You nodded up at him happily, still admiring your new necklace, which was exactly what you had hoped to find at the market, “I will.”
He whispered another “I love you” to you as he helped clasp the necklace behind your neck, pressing a kiss to your cheek from behind and sending a tingle down your spine. 
He said “I love you” to you every hour after that - if his surprise was going to be spoiled, he was going to spoil you with those words over and over again, never wanting you to forget how he feels about you.
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Oikawa Toru Who says it first: You
Oikawa was literally the worst person to study with - he was always so distracting. How could someone who barely looks at his notes during your study dates be in Class 6? He was always busy with volleyball anyways, so how was it possible that he had any other time to do work?
“Hurry up and finish your work so we can go do something fun,” Oikawa hummed with a smirk on his face, having already finished his homework. He refused to let you look at his answers, or even help you, because “how are you supposed to learn, Y/N?” Smug ass look on his face how rude. “I might just have to go on some adventure on my own while I wait for you to finally finish.”
You just roll your eyes and mumble something about hating him making him laugh.
“Aww, is someone pouting?” He teased, ruffling up your hair happily. “I’m sorry, baby, I just love looking at your cute concentration face!”
You rolled your eyes, glaring at him playfully, “You’re refusing to help me because you want to look at my face? Take a picture why don’t you.”
“I already have,” he beamed, showing you the new background for his phone. You did not look the least bit attractive in your opinion, but Oikawa was smiling so happily at the photo, how could you argue?
“You’re an idiot,” you mumble with a huff, scribbling a half-assed answer on your sheet of paper.
“Aw come on, Y/N,” Oikawa smirked, sliding closer to you and tilting your chin up with a singular finger so you were forced to look him in the eyes. “You know you love me,” he teased in that fake sultry voice of his.
Normally, you’d just get a bit flustered - there was just something about those bedroom eyes of his eyes that made you squirm. But here, just sitting here with him and realizing that even when he took ugly pictures of you, this perfect pretty boy still wanted to be with you... you realized there wasn’t a single person you’d rather be with right now. Or ever.
“Ya you’re right,” you smiled up at him, pulling away from his teasing look and turning back to your homework. “I do love you.”
The expression on his face was probably photo worthy and later, you’d wish you had snapped a picture of it. The utter shock was enough to send all the blood flying out of his face, a nosebleed soon ensuing.
“Oikawa! Are you okay?” You asked with wide eyes, rushing to get tissues.
“F-Fine! I’m fine!” The fact that all the blood was rushing to his rosy cheeks probably wasn’t helping his nosebleed, only making it flow faster.
The two of you laughed when his bleeding was under control, Oikawa blushing enough to look like a marker colour, “You can’t just say stuff like that to a guy, Y/N! That’s so mean! Teasing me like that.” He pouted, crossing his arms like a child.
You tilted your head slightly, watching him for a moment before saying, “Teasing? What do you mean? I meant it, Oikawa, you idiot.”
His eyes would just widen and suddenly homework wasn’t all that important anymore.
“Oikawa! it’s due this week!” You insisted as he dragged you out of the house, your hand firmly held in his.
“Too bad! We’re going for ice cream!” He declared with a grin. “Oh and Y/N?”
“I love you too. Idiot.” His smile was as wide as ever but there was a genuine love in his eyes as he looked at you, soon leaning down to press a kiss to your cheek.
But don’t worry, later he’d help you with your homework. As long as you said “I love you” to him one more time.
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Tsukishima Who says it first: Him
Tsukishima says he loves you in actions more than he does words at first, throwing you snacks that he carries with him specifically for you, when he notices you getting hungry. He’ll bring an extra hoodie or wear one when he knows he’ll get too warm for it, because he knows you like to be comfy and warm. He offers to come over and study with you when you’re getting nervous over a test, holds your hand and squeezes it gently if he notices you getting anxious over something, and he walks you to and from home every day.
He loves you. And even though you can feel it through his actions, you weren’t quite sure if he was ready to hear that you loved him too.
Honestly, you would’ve been fine just going about your relationship the way that it was. But of course, what good would having upperclassmen in his volleyball team be if they didn’t annoy the shit out of him and talk about your relationship?
Tanaka had been going on and on in the club room about how badly he wanted a girlfriend, pouting to himself because he was still unsure of how Tsukishima, a salty brat, managed to get a cute girlfriend like you before he did.
“God it must be so nice to have someone to hug and hold hands with and tell them ‘I love you’ every five seconds! If I had a girlfriend, I wouldn’t let her leave my presence until she knew how much I loved her!” Tanaka was saying, Noya nodding aggressively in agreement.
Tsukishima’s ears perked hearing this, pulling his gym shirt over his head as he got ready to head home for the night.
“How did you do it, Tsukishima?” Noya asked randomly, a grin on his face. “I bet you’re secretly super romantic aren’t you? You got her flowers and chocolates and stuff huh?”
“How did I do what?” Tsukishima asked flatly, glancing back at them. The second years shared a look and then looked back at him, both tilting their heads simultaneously.
“How did you first tell Y/N you loved her,” Tanaka explained, his eyes narrowing as he watched Tsukishima’s eyes move away from them. “Wait a minute, you haven’t told her yet?”
“Tsukishima! You asshole! Don’t you know how lucky you are to have such a cute girl on your arm? Always doing cute things for you like that time she made you a bento box? Or when she comes to our games and always cheers the loudest for us?” Noya’s yelling was soon turning into a tearful whine, still upset that he didn’t have these things that Tsukishima did.
The blond boy just tried to turn away, packing up his things as his upperclassmen moaned.
“Tanaka, Noya, leave the boy alone,” Sugawara scolded. “I’m sure Tsukishima’s going to tell her on his own time! Aren’t you, Tsukishima?” His voice was so sweet, as if he was only trying to help him out, but Sugawara’s eyes told a different story - one where he was really trying to pry an answer from the first year.
All eyes were on him once again and Tsukishima was silently wishing he had left earlier without getting dressed. The question loomed over the club room like a raincloud, pressure on Tsukishima’s answer building the more the silence lasted.
“Sure,” he answered finally before leaving the room, shifting his bag on his shoulder slightly. He hadn’t really thought about it before. Why hadn’t he told you yet? He knew he loved you, it’s not like he was an idiot in denial over it. He had spent a good year in denial but he wouldn’t admit it. He knew he loved you but why hadn’t he said anything yet?
The idea of telling you made his whole face feel hot but why? It’s not like he hadn’t sent you songs about love, or watched those sappy romantic movies with you and thought about you the whole time. So why hadn’t he said it? It was just three words after all, wasn’t it? Three little words.
There you were, waiting for him again outside of the gym. You had that cute little smile on your face that you always had whenever you caught his eye. He loved that smile.
“Ready?” You asked happily, him holding out his arm for you slightly and you link yours with it and just look up at him with those gorgeous eyes. He loved your eyes.
“How was practice?” You asked as the two of you walked and he told you all about how annoying Hinata and Kageyama was, you always laughing when he expressed his annoyance. He loved your laugh.
At some point while you two were walking home, Tsukishima felt himself stop. He could feel Tanaka and Noya’s words starting to get to him, an uneasy feeling in his stomach making him feel... different. He knew if he didn’t say it now, he never would.
“Tsukishima?” You blinked up at him, noting the way he stopped so abruptly. “Are you okay?”
He took a breath - if you were going to reject him, that would be fine. Everything would be fine. No it wouldn’t, he heard that little voice in his head say. What the hell would we do without you?
Despite his conflicting thoughts on the matter, Tsukishima pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to silence them as he managed to get out weakly, “I love you, Y/N.”
You just stood there for what felt like forever. Why weren’t you saying anything? His heart fell a little as you just stared at him, your face not betraying any of your emotions.
“What?” You squeaked.
He sighed frustratedly, unsure if you were trying to give him a way to go back on his words, or if you were really this deaf. “I love you,” he repeated himself, his voice louder and firmer this time. If he was going to get rejected, it wouldn’t be because he backed down. He would make sure of it.
But soon your lips were curling into that smile that he loved, your eyes were sparkling up at him, and a giggle fell from your lips, “I-I love you too, Tsukishima!” You beamed, hopping a little where you stood in excitement.
He couldn’t hide how happy that made him. His lips turned into a smile and he reached up to pat your head, his arm wrapping around your shoulders, “Alright, stop looking at me like. It’s late, we should get you home,” he told you, scolding you as if you had been the one to stop first.
But it didn’t matter. Because Tsukishima Kei said he loved you and those were the last three words you had ever expected him to say, even though you had felt the same all this time.
For the first time ever, Tsukishima actually took the advice of his upperclassmen and made it his promise to himself that he would never let you leave his sight without telling you “I love you”, even if it had to be over text because he wasn’t quite ready to say it in front of everyone else yet. But he would tell you over and over again, because even when he was annoyed at you or in a bad mood, Tsukishima loved you and he didn’t ever want you to think otherwise.
Haikyuu taglist (let me know if you’d like to be added!)
@scphiredrafts​ @aurumk​ @devilkittymusic​ @thisnoodlewritesao3​ @satan-ruler-of-hells​ @trashy-simp​ @jeppiet​ @lucyheartfilias-wife​ @darkvadeeer​ @haikyuutothetop​ @wolfishwriting​
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allywritesforfun · 3 years
{Confessions} Karl Jacobs x Reader
summary: your favorite director came out with a new movie so Karl invites you over to watch it with him
pronouns: not mentioned
word count: 1910
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You and Karl have been pretty good friends ever since you moved into the neighborhood. He was one of the first people to welcome you in. You moved from your hometown to find more excitement in your life, and boy did Karl give you the excitement you always wished for.
At first, it was simple gestures of friendship. You baked cookies one day for yourself and had some left over that you packaged up and gave to Karl. You even took the risk of adding your phone number to the basket. To your surprise, he actually called that night to thank you.
Those calls became weekly, to daily, to no calls at all. Instead, you simply went over to his house. You two did easy little things, your favorite was making “neighbor bracelets” which Karl renamed as best friend bracelets. Both of you still wore yours today.
You’ve built a very good relationship with Karl, you both trusted each other with your lives. Both of you had the other's spare key just in case. The neighborhood wasn't sketchy, but life is life and the two of you were prepared to drop everything to help each other out.
Tonight was a special night. You and Karl were super excited about a new movie coming out of Netflix. Karl knew how much you loved the director, so he invited you over. You were ecstatic.
You offered to bring pizza since Karl provided the drinks. After you picked up the pizza, you headed straight to his house. You parked behind his car and welcomed yourself in, you two basically lived together at this point.
“Karl!” You called, “I have the pizza! Where we watching this?”
You heard a voice from downstairs, “I set up the basement to look like a screening room!”
You chuckled to yourself, that was such a Karl thing to do. Karl always went all out on everything he did. That was one thing you admire about him: he always lived his life to the fullest.
You stopped at the kitchen first to drop off your keys and your shoes and picked up some extra napkins, you weren’t the neatest eater.
You made your way carefully down the stairs, step by step. You had a history of being a bit clumsy and may or may not have dropped pasta down the stairs before.
You turned the corner to the right and stopped immediately. The room was beautiful, with an even more beautiful sight in the middle.
Karl really did surprise you this time. When he said he made it look like a ‘screening room’ you thought maybe some aisle lights and very original signs, but no.
The room was completely transformed. Everywhere you looked, you found something new. The first thing you noticed was the amazing set up around the couch. Karl moved the couch to the middle of the room in front of the projector. Above the couch draped satin sheets that made the set up look like it was from a fairy tale. At first you didn't notice the fairy lights spread out on top of the sheet, but it made the perfect touch. Next was a line of squishmallows leading up to the couch. You even laughed at the little outfits Karl put on them to make them look like workers. You followed where the little workers directed, which lead you straight to Karl.
“Surprise!” He jumped, arms wide open.
You set the pizza down on the coffee table in front of the couch. You took another look around and noticed the abundance of blankets that Karl had laid over to the couch to look really cute and really comfortable.
“Karl,” You covered your mouth in awe, “It's just a movie, you didn't need to do all of this!”
He grabbed your sweatshirt and pulled in for a hug, “But I wanted to! You were so excited for this movie and if it ends up being trash then I wanted to make sure there was at least something good about it!”
You put your arms over Karl’s shoulders and leaned into the hug. You always felt safe in his hugs. His hugs were unmatched. They always drained all of the negative energy out and replaced them with safe and secure vibes.
Karl waddled you two over to the couch and he gently set you down. He stayed up and grabbed the remote while you got the pizza ready.
“This was so sweet of you to do,” You told him. “Thank you very much. I think this might be one of my favorite nights with you.”
“That’s good to know, I’ll make sure I do this more often,” Karl laughed, causing you to blush.
You enjoyed every day with Karl and treasured your friendship to the point when you weren't aware of your own feelings for him. You wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of your life with him, but you wouldn't let yourself think in a romantic way. You feared losing due to unlevel feelings. Karl knew so many people around, so why would he pick the new person in town?
You buried your feelings so far down that you blamed your blushing on going down the stairs and getting overheated from it… because that makes total sense. Karl sat down next to you, about a forearm's length away.
“What type of pizza did you get?” Karl asked.
“I wasn't too sure on what I wanted myself, so I got half pepperoni and half sausage,” You answered.
“Oh good! I was feeling both today too, in sync aren't we?” Karl questioned.
You shook your head, “No, you’re obviously way ahead of me!” You made gestures around the room, “I would've never thought of something this beautiful!”
“Not as beautiful as you,” Karl said under his breath.
You heard it loud and clear. Karl gave you these compliments every once and while. But again, you pushed it off to the side and rationalized it by saying that he says it to everyone. You weren’t special or some sort of exception. What you didn't know was that you were the only one that Karl called beautiful. All of his other friends he called ‘pretty’, beautiful was just for you.
Karl started the movie and the opening seemed off. This wasn't the typical comedy that the director normally did, this was a horror movie. You shifted around in your seat.
“Are you alright?” Karl asked.
You nodded, “Yeah, I just assumed it would be a comedy.” It's not that you hated horror, you in fact enjoyed the storyline of most of them over any other category. It was the jump scares and suspense that you hated.
“Did you not watch the trailer? It was pretty obvious by the dark mysterious basement that it was a horror thriller.”
“No I didn't,” You admitted. “It's alright though. I'm sure the director made it one of the better movies.” “Oh my gosh,” Karl turned and made eye contact with you, “You’re scared aren't you?”
You almost forgot to reply by the eye contact. Karl had the best eyes that you’ve seen. They were so vibrant and you always got lost in them, no matter how hard you tried not to, “Pffft. Me? Scared? Nope, never. It's just a fictional movie that happens to have events that could very well happen tonight or at any point in someone’s life.”
“What the honk?” Karl asked. “You are scared! I can already see it in your eyes and movement that you're scared. Here,” He offered his hand, “Take my hand and you can squeeze it when you get scared.”
You gladly took his hand and refocused your attention back on the movie. It was off to an alright start. You could already tell who was going to die and what character would be your favorite. You didn't jump until a door loudly shut in the movie. You slightly yelped and squeezed Karl’s hand.
He laughed and squeezed back, “That made you scared? You’re in for a long movie.”
You shook your head, “It was a loud noise! How did you not jump?”
“I wasn't really paying attention I guess,” Karl admitted. “Your hand is just so soft and I was trying to think about what lotion you use.”
“Oh, I think I put some Bath and Body Works on them before I left. I took a shower and they got pretty dried out.” You were obviously very unaware of Karl trying to flirt with you. This became a regular thing. It was surprising how much Karl was into you. You accidentally rejected him almost every day, yet he never let up.
The movie progressed and got scarier with every scene. The plot really developed and you loved it. You were so caught up in the movie that you didn't even realize that you were laying down in Karl’s arms.
“Are you okay with this?” Karl whispered into your ear.
You didn't realize that he had his hand on your waist, resting on some exposed skin, you nodded back at him, “Yeah, of course.”
You saw Karl’s cheek turn to a dark red hue despite the darkness of the room. You smiled to yourself and leaned more into him, with the excuse, of course, that you thought there was going to be a jump scare.
Karl’s free hand danced his way around to meet yours, which he nonchalantly took. It was a perfect moment for the two of you, even though neither of you knew about your feelings for each other. This was your first time cuddling with him. You absolutely loved it. You loved the fact that you didn't even have to ask, it kinda just naturally happened.
The movie ended and you two stayed in the same position for a while. You talked about the movie which eventually led to telling stories. You let Karl do most of the talking, you enjoyed watching his eyes light up when he told you about his childhood. The only time Karl’s hand left yours was to either fix his hair, or give you head pats.
Both of you ran out of things to say and laid there in comfortable silence. Karl moved his hand up and rubbed your arm for a while, which made you pretty sleepy. You yawned and snuggled into Karl more than you already were.
You felt him lean down and kiss the top of your head, “Y-You know I really like you right?” He asked.
You nodded, “Yeah I would hope so, I’m here like almost every day.”
“No, I mean like- god this sounds childish but I like you, like you,” He confessed. “Like I invite you over all the time and want to hang out as much as I can because you bring me so much happiness and joy. Like, I’m falling really hard for you and I don't think that you picked up on it.”
You sat up in his arms and stared at him, “You’re joking right? Because you’re the only person that I’ve wanted to be with since I moved, but I didn’t think that I had a chance because you’re so sweet and kind, and you know all of these people so I just kind of ignored my feelings because I didn't want to lose what we already have.”
Karl cupped your cheek with his hand, “y/n, you’re the only one that's had a chance.”
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delaber · 3 years
Coming Home
Note: The fic no one asked for but I still wrote because I had to. Pretty sure this will be my last Rafa fic. It’s been a ride. Thank you!
Words: 7.7K
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It was one of those blisteringly hot days where all you wanted to do was to laze about in front of a fan with your feet up and eat popsicles in the hopes of cooling just a tiny bit down. The sun was scorching and there was little to no wind at all, making it close to unbearable to be out of the shade for more than two minutes at a time - but unfortunately, you found yourself stuck in the middle of a very sunny lawn at Nat's garden-themed birthday party. Several times during the day, you had caught yourself looking jealously towards the enticing pool area at the end of the lawn but unfortunately had to settle for self-administered time-outs in the shade under various palm trees that were lining the garden.
At one of said time-outs, the birthday girl Nat approached you with a huge smile and two drinks in hand, "oh, there you are!" She exclaimed happily as she reached the same tree as you and handed you one of the piña coladas she was holding, "I've been looking all over!"
"Sorry," you smiled at your best friend and accepted the cocktail she was offering you, "I needed to cool down for a bit," you said while fanning your hand in front of your face
"Ooh, great idea - make room for me," Nat too stepped under the shade of the palm tree and immediately started fanning her top, "Jesus Christ, it's hot today!"
"Well, you were the one to insist on not having gazebos for your party," you shot your best friend a small smile, "it ruins the aesthetic," you mimicked her words from a few days ago with a laugh.
"Oh, shut up!" Nat let out a chortle, "I clearly made a terrible decision."
"Yeah, you should always listen to me and Diggs," you chuckled while having a sip of your tropical drink, enjoying how it slowly seemed to lower your core temperature as soon as the cold liquid hit your oesophagus.
"Hey, speaking of; have you seen him?" Nat squinted her eyes while shooting her phone a glance, "he's not answering any of my texts."
"I talked to him over by the snacks a little over an hour ago," you pointed over your shoulder, "he said he had to take off for a bit."
"He had to take off?" Nat furrowed her eyebrows, looking directly at you with disbelief written all over her face. From her expression alone, you could tell what was going through her head; as Nat's long-term boyfriend, Diggs knew exactly how important her birthday was to her. "That's seems a bit out of character..." she mumbled sadly.
"Aww, don't worry - he'll be back in a bit."
"What was so important for him to do on today of all days?" Nat sounded crestfallen.
"Come on Nat, what kind of an errand could he possibly have to run on his girlfriend's birthday?" You rolled your eyes.
"...But he already got me a present," she fiddled with the shiny new bracelet around her wrist.
"Maybe he's getting you a surprise," you shrugged mysteriously.
"Really?" The sad look on Nat's face was quickly replaced by wide eyes accompanied by a broad smile, "A surprise?"
"Don't tell him I said anything!" you laughed.
"Well, did he tell you what it was?"
"Nope... He probably knew we'd end up having this conversation," you chuckled.
"Slick bastard," Nat muttered under her breath before her voice returned to normal, "well, I hope he gets back soon. Of course I'm excited about the surprise but I don't want him missing out on the party."
As if on cue, a loud clanking noise coming from the shrub-embedded gate at the other end of the lawn had both you and Nat whip your heads around; Diggs had stepped inside the closed-off garden with a huge smile plastered on his face, stopping as soon as his feet hit the soft grass. He scanned the area for the birthday girl, and when his gaze finally landed on Nat, you watched how his face immediately turned soft as their eyes met across the lawn.
"Ah, there he is," Nat sighed happily as she took in her handsome boyfriend.
"...yeah, but he's empty handed," you added with a sigh after a quick scan for a birthday present in his open palms.
"Oh, you're right. Must be something he can stow away in a pocket..."
"Or something that's too heavy for him to carry alone," you added.
"Either way I'm just glad he's back," Nat said dreamily and send Diggs a small wave to which he replied with a sappy smile and a wink.
"Ah, I'm third-wheeling so hard right now," you gagged and with a grin turned your back towards Diggs in the hopes of making it less awkward for yourself.
"Yeah, sorry babe," Nat was biting her lower lip, trying to contain herself as she gazed at her handsome boyfriend over your shoulder.
"You look terribly confused all of a sudden," you laughed as you took in Nat's furrowed eyebrows.
"Yeah, he's just... standing there - why is he not moving?"
"What? He's standing completely still?" you arched an eyebrow, looking at Nat who still wasn't sparing you a glance.
"No, he's... looking for something on the other side of the hedges. And he's talking to someone - I think?"
"On the phone?"
"No... - oh wait, looks like he brought someone along."
"He brought someone?" you repeated curiously, "who?"
"I don't know. I don't recognise him..." Nat looked confused as she squinted her eyes, trying to focus on what was happening at the other end of the lawn. Then suddenly, her face changed, "- hey, is that...? No - wait... - Oh my god! It is!" She finally whipped her head around, looking directly at you with huge eyes, "he's here."
"...Who is?" you looked at her confused.
Nat didn't have time to answer your question before a male voice that you didn't immediately recognise rang from behind you, "Ey yo, Nat!"
"I'm sorry..." Nat whispered, "- but I have to..." she shot you a pained look before she moved past you with a squeal as she briskly walked away from the shade under the palm tree.
Confused, you spun around and scanned the lawn for Diggs and his mystery companion. Diggs had put on one of his more colourful outfits, and your eyes were immediately drawn to him and the smug smile he was wearing as he took in Nat who was now running at full-speed towards a sharp-dressed man to his right.
"Rafa!" Nat exclaimed loudly as she fell into the well-dressed man's arms, "you're here! I can't believe it!" she squealed.
The mere sound of his name made the hairs on the back of your neck stand while the blood quickly drained from your face. You instantly felt your throat go dry and your head dizzying as Nat's words rang in your ears. Rafa was here? Rafa as in Rafael? No, it couldn't be...
You adjusted your gaze slightly but sure enough; there he was. In the middle of the lawn in a tight embrace with your best friend. None other than Rafael Casal.
That. Fucking. Prick.
"You're kidding me..." you mumbled under your breath.
What the fuck was he doing here?!
You immediately felt your heart rate increasing and your palms getting sweaty as you took him in. He had grown a beard and cut his hair short, making the area above his forehead strangely lonely without its familiar swoop of hair that he had been so fond of back when you had known him. Your eyes travelled across his face that was plastered with the toothy grin you had once loved, and down to the strong arms that you had once known every vein of. There weren't any tattoos on his arms that you didn't recognise but he had definitely built more muscle mass since the last time you'd seen him.
You had to admit that even though you were more than regularly annoyed with him, he looked good - he just didn't look like Rafa. Not your Rafa at least. He looked more man than jokester, a ghost of the boy you'd once called yours.
When the tight embrace in front of you finally ended, Rafa straightened up and looked over Nat's shoulder, his green eyes immediately piercing through you. He did a quick scan of you from the tip of your sneakers to the top of your head, and if it hadn't been for the fact that you knew that you looked good in your new dress, you might have grown flustered under his intense stare - but you didn't. He could stare all he wanted and meanwhile use the opportunity to think about what he had let go of - what he was missing out on!
He looked you up and down a few times and when his eyes reached yours, he sent you a tentative look and a careful smile that you didn't reciprocate. After all, pretending that Rafael Casal meant absolutely nothing to you was something you had perfected over the years.
When he finally realised that your face would remain stone cold and without the smallest trace of friendliness, he quickly looked back at Nat and sent her a broad smile as she began mumbling something to him about how he was the last person she'd expected to see today.
Meanwhile, you used the opportunity to march over to Diggs and pull him aside; "what the hell do you think you're doing?!" You hissed at him, your voice so low that only he could hear.
"Oh, I'm just watching my best friend and my girl reconcile after years apart," he smirked, his eyes still locked on the two friends talking excitedly in the middle of the lawn.
"Don't get smart with me, Diggs!" You said through gritted teeth, "why the fuck didn't you tell me that he was coming? You know how I feel about him! He's a snake!"
"Jesus Christ," Diggs rolled his eyes, "This is exactly why I didn't want to tell you. If you'd known that I was picking him up at the airport, you would've ended up faking an excuse to leave before I'd returned."
"And with good reason! You know what he did! I don't want to talk to him!"
"You need to resolve this shit between the two of you," he shrugged, "You need to learn to be in the same room as him. It's been way too long already, and it cannot go on like this forever."
"Oh, watch me!" You huffed childishly, looking over at Rafa's dumb smile as he said something incoherent to Nat.
"Bruh..." Daveed cocked his head and sent you an unimpressed look, "He didn't come to mess with you. He came for Nat... He misses her."
"- but," you tried to interject but Diggs immediately cut you off: "- And before you say anything -" he continued, "- look at how happy she is!" he gestured to Nat who had now gone back to hugging Rafa tightly, "I know that her loyalty to you dictates that she has to hate him or whatever, but she has clearly missed him too. So if you can't do it for yourself, please just behave yourself for Nat."
A guilty pang hit your chest when you looked at Nat's happy smile, and you realised that she had cut off all contact with Rafa for your sake. "For the record; I never told her she couldn't talk to him," you mumbled.
"I know," Diggs nodded, "that's just how good of a friend she is."
"Alright... I'll behave for Nat," you sighed with a slight scowl before you quickly continued, "- but I'm not going to talk to him! No way!"
Diggs shot his hands in the air in a surrendering manner, "hey: normal, regular behaviour is all I'm asking for! You can ignore him for all I care - just be civil."
You didn't answer Diggs but instead continued to scowl as you watched Rafa and Nat having a giggle about something. The sound of Rafa's obnoxiously loud laugh swimming in your ear canals made your stomach go annoyingly warm, and for a millisecond you actually wished that he was laughing at something dumb alongside you instead of Nat - or at least you wished for it until you reminded yourself of what he had done, and the familiar anger towards him soon returned.
"Aw, come on," Diggs let out a laugh when he saw your angry face. He gave your shoulder a playful shove before he put his arm around you, "let's get you a drink - you look like you need it."
"Yes, I need it!" you groaned as he led you away from Nat and Rafa, "- and a big one too 'cause my dumb friends had my nemesis fly in from New York behind my back."
Diggs laughed a little at your miserable tone of voice, "cheer up," he chuckled, pulling you a little closer, "...and to be fair, I did the inviting. Nat had nothing to do with this."
"God, you're the worst," you mumbled as you reached the self-service bar, "I cannot believe you'd spring this on me after what he did!"
"Come on. It's been three years," Daveed shrugged and smiled down at you before he pulled out two clean glasses.
"That's easy for you to say when you weren't implicated in it," you mumbled sourly without looking directly at him.
"I may not have been directly involved, but you know I still got caught up in the middle," Diggs sent you a short look before he poured both of you a drink, "- and I still am."
"How?" You said incredulously, "I literally never talk about him."
"Exactly," Diggs shot you a sideways glance as he screwed off the cap of a tonic water, "you never talk about him. It's forced."
"It's forced? Since when is not talking about your asshole of an ex-boyfriend forced?"
"I know you miss him," Diggs said softly and sent you a careful look.
You forced yourself to scoff as you accepted the gin tonic from him, "I have no idea what you're talking about! I literally could not care less about Rafael at all," you looked across the lawn and immediately caught Rafa's gaze that was aimed directly at you. His eyes were huge, his gaze soft and longing. You thought to yourself that he looked as if he was the one who'd been wronged all those years ago. As if you were the one who had disappeared off to New York before royally fucking everything up. Which you absolutely weren't!
Rafa had been annoying as hell all night! Whenever you were no more than a few milliseconds away from letting down your hair and forget about the fact that your nemesis was attending the same party as you, you could hear his annoying foghorn of a laugh in the group of people next to you. And although you were trying your absolute best to avoid him completely, he still seemed to be all over, somehow always within a ten-foot radius from you, his cutting-torch-like voice constantly poking at your eardrums.
You were successful in avoiding him up until around midnight when you unfortunately were careless enough to lay down your guard for a few seconds too long, not realising that he had approached you at the self-service bar while you had been looking around for a lime for your drink. "Hey," you heard a low growl behind you as you were cutting the citrus into wedges.
You didn't have to look up from the table to know who the voice belonged to. "Rafael," you said neutrally while screwing off the cap of the tequila bottle you were holding, pouring up a couple of ounces of liquid without sparing him a glance.
"Hmm... Ra-fa-el," he repeated slowly, dragging out the name and smacking his lips as if savouring how it rolled off his tongue, "you know what? I don't think I've ever heard you call me Ra-fa-el before."
With your gaze still firmly placed on the tequila-filled glass in front of you, you arched an eyebrow but didn't say anything as you continued working on the cocktail, desperate to not give in to his antics.
You could feel his gaze burning on your skin, his eyes following your every move as you poured Cointreau into the cocktail glass and quietly waited for him to leave you alone again. He didn't budge, however, and when he realised that you intended to keep your silence, he quietly asked, "...How are you doing?"
"Great," you said and pressed your lips firmly together.
"Good..." Out the corner of your eye, you could see his head bopping up and down as he took you in, "I - uhm - I always liked you in green, you know," he grinned cockily. You knew he was just acting this way to get your attention but annoyingly enough; it was working for him. His comment made you dart your eyes towards him, shooting him an unimpressed sigh that he reciprocated with a careful smile, anxious to see if his compliment had tugged at your heartstrings. But even though his words had made your head dizzy and your diaphragm contract considerably, you still managed to keep a straight face as you took him in. His gaze was soft and satisfied, and a strange feeling hit your guts when you looked into his green eyes for the first time in over three years. Seeing the familiarity of his overly confident gaze made you realise that he hadn't exactly turned into the destructive villain that you had made him out to be after he had moved to New York three years ago. Behind the masculine beard and the buzzcut, the jokester with the soft chin and the long quiff was still in there. Your Rafa was still in there, and for a tenth of a second it made your heart ache as you wished for a time that he had long ago ruined.
He had clearly realised that you were checking him out because slowly, yet surely, his smirk grew considerably while he maintained eye-contact. It made you furious! He. Did. Not. Have. The. Upper. Hand. Taking in your angry expression, he shifted the weight on his feet while giving out a low chuckle, "I guess what I mean to tell you is that you look good. Like really good! - even when you're fuming."
"You look old," you stated flatly to make him stop feeling so overly confident.
To your dismay, however, he wasn't the least bit hurt by your comment but instead spluttered happily and let out a loud laugh, making the crow's feet around his green irises dance around as his eyes squinted tightly together in amusement. He looked irritatingly handsome, and it made you even more annoyed with him; he wasn't supposed to be amused by your low blow, he was supposed to be devastated!
You chewed your bottom lip as he annoyingly confident ran a hand through his beard and took you in with his forever playful smile. The fairy lights surrounding the self-service bar caught something shiny around his wrist as he caressed his chin, and you recognised the piece of metal immediately. It made you scoff, "you really still have that?" You nodded towards the golden band around his arm that you had given him for his 25th birthday some years ago. Even though it had been quite expensive, you'd figured that he had thrown it out long ago.
"You're kidding me?" He said incredulously, furrowing his brows and fiddling with the shiny links around his arm, "of course I still have this! It means a lot to me, I wear it every day!" He sent you a tentative smile, once again checking to see if he was so lucky that his words had defrosted you.
He wasn't.
"What?" He asked with an amused twinkle in his eyes when he took in your unimpressed face, "I swear; It's one of my most treasured possessions."
"Rafael... Just..." You let out a small sigh and folded your arms across your chest, "- just drop the pleasantries and tell me why you're really here," you demanded, "I highly doubt you're here to small talk."
"Aw come on - I'm just here for Nat's party. I didn't come to stir shit up. I promise!" He looked at you with honest eyes, still with a trace of a smile on his lips.
"Then why are you attacking me at the drinks table?" You were surprised to hear how steady you managed to keep your voice when it felt as if your entire body was shaking.
"I just wanted to say hi," he shot you a careful look, taking in every movement of your facial muscles, "You've been avoiding me all day."
"Wonder why," you clicked your tongue against the roof of your mouth, looking away from him.
"I know it seems like an unnecessary question but are you still angry with me?" He asked, his smile still in place but suddenly a bit stiff.
"I was angry at first. Now I don't really care about you anymore," you smiled overly-sweetly.
"Yeah okay," Rafa's stiff smile faltered a bit and it looked as if you'd finally managed to knock him slightly off his course. This probably wasn't how he had imagined the conversation to go. It was a nice feeling to see him slightly panicked. "Ehm..." he smacked his lips, "would you like me to leave?"
"Yes," you breathed, but even you could hear the thickness of the lie in your throat. Even though you were keen on keeping your distance to him, you were still terribly curious as to why he had passed you up three years after your horrible break-up. After all, it had ended in lies and angry tears.
His smirk turned amused, and he could barely hold back a triumphant chuckle when he spoke, "I can tell you're not being serious," he tilted his head to the side.
"My God, you are insufferable!" you said through gritted teeth, "just tell me why you're here!"
"Well..." he licked his lips before he slowly stated, "Sofía's pregnant."
He had barely finished pronouncing the word pregnant before you felt the blood immediately drain from your face. "You're... having a baby?" You breathed and blinked a few times, bracing yourself for his answer. After everything that had happened, you couldn't believe that the mental image of Rafa with someone else was still able to make your stomach ache horribly, and you were immediately reminded of the fact that you hadn't left him because you had fallen out of love with him.
"Am I having a...-? Oh God no!" He laughed when he understood, "Sofía as in my sister! My sister is pregnant! I'm about to be an uncle. Tio Rafa."
You felt a wave of relief wash over you when his words finally settled, and the blood quickly returned to your cheeks making them unbearably hot. "Well, congratulations then, I guess," you mumbled, trying to conceal your flustered face.
"Thanks!" He smiled proudly and put on a goofy expression.
"I still fail to see what your sister's pregnancy has to do with me."
"Well, you see..." he licked his lips, "Sofía and her boyfriend are constantly talking about baby-stuff, and who in their lives are important to them, and insurances, and dying wills, and things like that - and I guess it kinda made me think about stuff in my life too," he gave out an awkward shrug, shooting you a careful look, "you know... Unresolved matters and so on..."
"...and then you thought about me?" You scoffed.
"Yeah," he nodded carefully, "I miss you."
"Rafael..." you closed your eyes and sighed in disbelief.
"Oof," he winced and it made you open your eyes and look at him. "- could you stop calling me that?" He looked pained, "It's - it's weird!"
"Well it is your name, isn't it?"
"I know, I know... Hearing it from you is just - it's just weird..." he mumbled while rubbing his neck, "only strangers call me by my first name."
"We're practically strangers."
"We are?" He looked taken aback.
You shot him a sideways glance, "yes, we are Rafael," you sighed and watched how his nostrils did an involuntary twitch at the sound of his given name.
He merely grunted while shooting you a weird look.
"What?" You asked incredulously, "you don't agree?"
"No. No, not at all," he shook his head, "I know you."
"Not anymore you don't," you turned back to your drink, stirring it a little just to give your shaking hands something to do.
"I know every freckle of your body..." he said quietly, his voice so full of emotion that it made your heart ache. "I know why you have a scar on your left knee," he continued, "I know all your guilty pleasures. What makes you tick. Your likes. Your dislikes. Of course I realise that we didn't end optimally but you can't pretend that we don't know each other," he ran a hand through his beard.
As soon as the words had escaped his mouth, you shot him an angry look, "we didn't end optimally?!" You hissed at him, "well, it was your fucking choice to end it that way, wasn't it?"
"Ah, so you are still mad at me," He stated flatly, taking in your expression.
You managed to turn off some of the fire you felt in your eyes before you spoke, "No I'm not, Rafael. As I said, I don't care about you at all," you said coldly, "Is that all? Can I go back to my best friend's birthday party now, or are you in the mood to ruin yet another one of my nights?" You shot him a deadpan look.
"I can't force you to talk to me," he said quietly, his eyes huge with disappointment.
"What do you even want to talk about?" Your voice was laced with frustration, "it's been three years! I've moved on - I don't need this, Rafa!" You wanted to smack yourself when you realised that you had let his pet name slip.
"I just want to apologise. Properly..." he said quietly while awkwardly rubbing his elbow, decent enough to let the use of his nickname slide.
"Apologising is not going to change what happened."
"I know... but you still deserve a proper apology from the guy who hurt you."
You gave out a scoff but didn't say anything.
"Look," Rafa continued, "can you please just give me ten minutes alone with you? Some place quiet. Ten minutes and I swear, I'll never talk to you again if you don't want me to. I just want to tell you how sorry I am. I think we both need it."
You weighed the pros and cons. Maybe it would actually be good for you to get some closure so you could finally forget about him? You decided that you might as well try. It'd be nice to stop thinking about him for good. "Fine! You have ten minutes and not a second more!" you said sternly, "but let me be very clear about one thing: I am not doing this for you!"
"I know," he nodded slowly, and followed you to a deserted bench a little away from the rest of the party.
He sat down next to you with a content sound, "Cig?" he asked while holding out a crumbled package.
"I quit," you pushed the package away, your fingers briefly brushing over his. It made him smile slightly but he quickly concealed it by clearing his throat.
"Good for you," Rafa nodded while lighting a cigarette for himself, taking a long drag while looking at you. "So..." he said quietly, "I hear that you finally landed that job you used to work so hard for."
"If you just wanted to smoke cigarettes and small talk, we didn't have to go all the way back here," you crossed your arms.
"Tough crowd," he laughed, "come on. Just humour me for a bit... I miss talking to you."
You scoffed, "you have nine minutes and fourty-five seconds left, Casal."
"Nine minutes and fourty-five seconds," he nodded in agreement, "so... that job of yours - congratulations! Your hard work finally paid off, huh?" He tried again.
"Have you been stalking my linked-in?" You said sourly.
"Nah, Diggs gives me little updates," Rafa chuckled awkwardly, "-or he did for a while at least. Up until about a year ago when he got real angry with me," Rafa clenched his teeth tightly together, looking uncomfortable.
"Diggs got angry?" You said in disbelief. Out of the two, Rafa was definitely the hot-headed one.
"Oh shit, yeah!" He nodded with a laugh, "I know it's hard to believe because it's such a rare occurrence but that just made it so much scarier! For a second, I thought he would punch me in the face!"
"Well, that should teach you to keep your abnormally large nose out of my business," you scoffed slightly.
"That's what he said too," Rafa chuckled, "-and that if I wanted to know how you were doing, I should give you a call myself," he sent you a small smile, "- but I knew you would have my balls in a wrench if I suddenly called you up out of the blue."
He smiled, "yet here we are. Talking quietly without screaming at each other. My balls free as ever."
"You're lucky I left my wrench at home today, Casal."
He let out an amused snort and took another drag of the cigarette, "yeah, I can't believe my luck this evening," he smiled without looking at you, "hey, while we're on the subject of updates; I - uhm - I also want to let you know that I heard about your dad. I was very sad to learn about his passing."
You felt a sharp pain in your chest, and you held your arms a little closer to your chest, "Diggs told you about that too, huh?" You mumbled, unable to look Rafa in the eye. Even though little over two years had passed since your dad had died, thinking about him still hurt.
You felt Rafa nod beside you, "Yeah. He called me right after it happened... I know your dad meant a great deal to you. Meant a great deal to me too to be honest..." he sighed.
"I know..." you thought of the special bond the two men had always shared. Even long before you and Rafa had fallen in love, your dad had hoped that you would end up together.
"I was seconds away from flying home to see him off at the funeral, you know - but given how you and I ended things, I didn't think you should deal with me on top of losing your dad..." he shot you a sideways glance.
You decided not to tell Rafa about how you had woken up on the morning of the funeral, wishing that he had been there. Wishing that everything had magically gone back to normal overnight. Instead, you merely mumbled, "you should've come. My dad would've loved that... He always liked you."
"Yeah, I liked him too," Rafa nodded, "I still think about him every time I hear a terrible joke or see someone in a Laker's shirt."
"Oh god, all those fucking shirts," you groaned and thought of the hundreds of basketball shirts that your dad had had stacked neatly away in his closet. You couldn't believe that you had completely forgotten about them.
Rafa chuckled, "what did you end up doing with them? I imagine that you donated them in your dad's spirit."
"Naturally," you nodded and felt yourself uncross your arms for the first time since you'd sat down. "My mom kept one, and the orphanage got most but we auctioned off the rarest ones and gave the money to charity. That was what he wanted, you know."
"Ah, what an icon," Rafa sighed, "well, you should be proud of him and the work he did for the community. He was a great man. A proper role model for the bay."
You nodded in agreement while scanning Rafa. It was nice to talk about your dad with someone who knew him but who hadn't seen him fragile and sick. Someone who didn't think of him as his diagnosis, and you realised that for the first time since his passing, things actually seemed fairly back to normal. Sitting side by side with Rafa actually felt welcome and normal. Maybe you'd grant him a couple of minutes more of your time.
Rafa's eyes skirted away from you, and he nervously cleared his throat before he continued, "Uhm... not that it matters but did you - did you ever tell him about what happened between us?"
"My dad? No..." you shook your head with a sad sigh, "he loved you like his own son, and I didn't want to break his heart. So I just told him that we couldn't make the whole long distance-thing work."
"Oh, right... Thanks," Rafa nodded.
"I didn't do it for you."
"Still... I'm glad he didn't get to know that side of me. I'm not so sure he would've liked me if he'd known the truth about how I broke his daughter's heart."
"I'm not so sure either..."
"I - I hated myself after, you know," He looked over at you with a pained expression after a couple of seconds of silence, "I have never regretted anything more in my entire life."
"What? Not going to the funeral?"
"No. You know... What I did..." he said sheepishly.
"The minute I woke up I - I wanted to undo everything," he looked at you pleadingly, "I felt so fucking terrible. Still do. I can't even think about it without wanting to stab myself. It is without a doubt the worst thing I have ever done, and I am so sorry for the pain it caused you," he said softly, "please understand that I didn't do it because I didn't love you. It wasn't because you weren't enough or something like that. You were perfect to me. I take full responsibility for the fuck-up, and I am so, so horribly fucking sorry!"
"Rafa, it's..." you gulped, the words somehow stuck in your throat. You were having a hard time acting as if his words meant nothing to you.
He carefully put his hand on top of yours before he continued, "do you think we would've been able to work around the long distance if I hadn't...?"
"Please don't..." you whispered and sent him a soft yet warning look, "I don't want to talk about what might've been."
"No, no of course not..." he nodded quietly, "I just - I can't believe it's been three years... Fuck baby I've missed you so bad," he carefully moved his thumb over the back of your hand and searched your face with furrowed eyebrows, "You have no idea of the relief I felt when I finally saw you today," he said quietly.
"Don't do this..." you closed your eyes and whispered.
Rafa continued as if he hadn't heard you, "I know we didn't work out the way neither of us pictured it but that doesn't mean you weren't the best thing that's ever happened to me..." he sounded desperate, and you couldn't look at him. The words he was saying was making you want to fall into his arms, "...I never should've let you go."
"Rafa," you sighed and summoned all your strength and looked into his glossy eyes, "you didn't let me go," your voice barely a whisper, "I broke up with you."
"I know, I know," his voice was oozing with pain, "but I hope you realise that I would've done everything to win you back. I would've come back to California if you'd only asked me to. Fuck the record deal."
"There was a reason why I didn't ask you to come back," you shot him a glance in warning, "you know that."
"Still, I should have done... something."
"You did exactly what I asked of you."
"Yeah... I stayed the fuck away from you," he mumbled. You could tell that he was replaying your last tearful conversation in his mind before he heaved a big gulp of air and glanced over at you with a valiant look in his eyes, "but I've come back to remind you who I really am."
"You don't have to remind me of anything... I remember who you were. What we had."
"Then let me be that guy for you again," he looked at you pleadingly.
"What's the point when you're still 3,000 miles away?" You sighed, "It's not as if we'll happen upon each other at the supermarket and go out for spontaneous coffees."
"Could be," he said with a small shrug, "I - uh - I'm moving back," he nervously ran his fingers through his short hair, "I want to be close to Sofía and the baby - and you."
"You're coming home?" You gulped. You couldn't believe him. Was this a good thing?
"Yes," he breathed, "And I want to try things out with you again. Please give me another chance..." his fingers moved from your hand to your knee. You briefly considered his words while you felt his thumb caress you through the green fabric of your dress. Right now, you were fighting hard to not give in to his embrace and the familiar set of lips in front of you, but you weren't sure how you'd feel about it come morning, so you remained poised.
He sensed your hesitation, however, and carefully put his forehead to yours "come on, baby," he said quietly and softly kissed your cheek, his lips warm against your skin.
"I don't know," you gulped as you involuntarily closed your eyes and breathed him in.
"It's okay," he said with whispered words, the stubble on his chin rough against your cheekbone, "you don't have to give me an answer right away," he gently kissed your jawline while his hand travelled from your kneecap to your fingertips, clearly desperate to remind you of what you could have back if you only agreed to let him in again.
"Rafa, I don't know," you said quietly although it was becoming harder and harder to remain steadfast and ignore his burning lips on your skin.
"Just consider it," he kissed the corner of your mouth, "I'll crawl. I'll beg," he whispered and pursed his lips against yours, "I'll do anything," he moved his body closer to yours, "just consider it," he whispered and placed a particularly gentle kiss to your already buzzing lips, "please baby."
You couldn't help yourself any longer and you involuntarily twitched your lips against his before you felt yourself being completely engulfed by him. The passionate kiss you shared was soft and bittersweet, reminding both of you of what had been.
His hands were caressing your neck and hairline and he hummed into your mouth as he savoured the feeling of finally having you kiss him back. "Fuck I've missed this," he gulped when he broke away and put his forehead to yours, his hand still on your cheek, "does this mean you'll at least consider it?"
"I'm still angry with you," you whispered without really answering his question.
"I know, love..." he caressed your cheek, "I was stupid," he searched your face, "it was a stupid mistake."
"Don't reduce it to a stupid mistake, Rafa," you whispered.
"Poor choice of words," he mumbled, "what I mean to say is that I hope you can forgive it," he placed a soft kiss to your jawline, "- forgive me."
"Even if I did forgive you, how do you expect me to ever trust you again?" You said quietly, and you knew that you couldn't dance around the elephant in the room any longer. "Rafa you had another girl's lips wrapped around your dick not even twenty-four hours after crying in my arms at the airport," you said with a heavy heart and watched him cringe his face at the harsh truth, "twenty-four after you'd sworn you'd do anything to make our relationship work despite the distance."
Rafa was still wincing when he spoke, "not that it's any excuse at all but I was exhausted and drunk and heartbroken," he croaked, "I had just left the love of my life behind in California... and this other girl was suddenly there and she got me high as balls and she-" he sighed without finishing his own sentence, "trust me when I say that it was the worst night of my life," he closed his eyes in a sad attempt at holding the tears at bay.
"Well at least you got a nice blowjob out of it." You smiled humourlessly, "I just wound up with all the lies you threw in my face."
"I never lied to you..." he mumbled, "I came clean as soon as you confronted me."
"How big of you!" you scoffed.
"Baby... I didn't tell you because I was so embarrassed," he gulped, the tears now evident under his green irises, "I wanted to throw myself off a cliff! I knew that if I told you, it would be the definite end of us," he looked at you with huge, bloodshot eyes, "I couldn't do that."
"I need you to understand that the worst part of it wasn't that you cheated on me. The worst part was that you pretended that nothing had happened at all," you couldn't tell whether the tears you felt in the corners of your eyes were from being angry or sad, "Imagine how dumb I felt when Diggs finally broke down and told me what you'd done," you said and Rafa suddenly couldn't hold back the tears any longer either.
"I wanted to tell you. Trust me, I wanted to," he sobbed.
"You had three weeks to say something to me for fuck's sake!"
"I'm so sorry," he whimpered.
"We facetimed every night for three weeks and you didn't say anything! You made a complete fool of me!"
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" his eyes fixed at his own feet.
"Rafa, look at me!" you said in a harsh tone of voice.
Immediately, his red eyes found yours. He looked as ashamed of himself as he possibly could, "I was a coward," he whimpered, "-and I knew didn't deserve you."
"Then what makes you think you deserve me now?" You said coldly.
"I have spent the last three years trying to forget about you and what happened but no matter what I do, you still linger in the back of my mind. Even after all this time you're the only one I can ever see myself with. I always return to you. On sleepless nights, you're dancing on the back of my eyelids. I see you in other girls when I pass them by on the street. You're in all my poetry. All my songs. I think about you constantly. Maybe I don't deserve you but I at least had to try."
"Rafa you broke my heart," you looked him dead in the eye and he visibly gulped, "you betrayed my trust and you did it in the most despicable way I could ever imagine. It's been three years and I still cannot believe that you of all people would do that to me. You were my ride or die."
"I can still be that," he said desperately, clinging on to the last bit of hope he had in him, "I'm still that guy! The guy who cheated on you that wasn't me! I wasn't myself! I'm aware of the agony it caused, and trust me: I've learned from my mistakes," he looked at you resolutely before he whispered, "I'm still your ride or die."
His words made your stomach hurt and you felt the heat rise throughout your body as your throat clenched tightly together. You felt suffocated and stood up from the bench so fast that black spots distorted your vision. "I can't do this!" you said desperately, "it's too much!"
"Okay," he gulped, looking up at you with desperation written across his face.
"I have to go back to the party. Nat expects me to be there for her."
"Alright," he gulped. He was having a hard time concealing his obvious disappointment.
"Don't look at me like that!" you whimpered, "what did you expect? That you could shed a few tears and everything would be alright again?"
"No, of course not..."
"Then don't look so fucking disappointed! You're making me feel like the bad guy and I haven't even done anything!"
"I know," he gulped.
"Yet you still think a drunk conversation erases everything? That I will take you back just because you're feeling sorry? You obviously don't realise the damage you caused."
"Then tell me!" He too stood up from his seat, "I want to make things alright again," he pleaded.
"I don't need you to make things alright again! I was doing just fine before you showed up!"
"Okay, I'm sorry," he sheepishly picked at his own elbow, "I just thought that maybe you felt the same way about me."
"I don't want you back!" You said roughly.
As soon as the harsh words had escaped your lips, you could see the heartbreak on his face; his cheeks paled, his lips quivered, a single tear left his right eye as he looked away. He ran his hand over the corners of his mouth, unable to look directly at you, "right," he said as a fresh set of tears formed in his eyes, "I'm sorry... I - uh - I had to try,” he sobbed although he was fighting to hold his voice steady, “I - uhm - I don't know what to say…”
"Don't say anything..."
"...so this is it?" His eyes found yours, "...for good?"
You nodded slowly but didn't say anything.
You watched how he opened and closed his mouth repeatedly without any words escaping him. He looked flustered, panicked almost when you turned around and stepped away from him. You could hear him panic-shift around behind you but he still didn't talk. He had probably expected you to take him back with open arms - anything but this!
Good. He deserved to fry a little.
And maybe you'd call him tomorrow. Just maybe.
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