#I really liked wfa!!
batcho · 1 month
so basically I just read wfa and really liked it but don’t really know much about batman, does anyone have any recommendations for what I should read next?
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irn-bru · 4 months
my genuine reaction watching batman beat the ever loving fuck out of Jason in under the red hood when the only other batfam media I know is wayne family adventures
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thecruellestmonth · 1 year
Batfam™ posts are like
What are the BATFAM™'s favorite drinks?
Dick: sparkling hibiscus nectar infused with pistachio honey (bubbly and sweet just like him 💙) served in a World's Best Big Brother mug that was chipped in a hilarious incident when all three of his beloved siblings got into a wacky swordfight and sunshine big bro Dick had to make peace between them because he's a loving mother hen
Jason: vodka mixed with Earl Grey tea—in Crime Alley, street rats only ever drink alcohol because they're uneducated and miserable, but Jason also drinks tea because he's now elevated above his lowly origins (how quaint! He's Not Like The Other Poors) and to symbolize how much he LOVES his rich family
Tim: COFFEE!! brewed from a special blend of extra caffeinated Arabica beans, mixed with hazelnut non-dairy creamer (lactose hurts him just like everything and everyone in his life 😔) and one sugar cube for every hug he's ever gotten from his parents in his entire life (none) and also his tears
Damian: lemonade colored pink with Tim's blood (now Tim is dying of blood loss and it's all evil Damian's fault! how dare Damian be so cruel to Tim in this terrible scenario that I made up in my own head)
Cass: water
Steph: water (with a bendy straw lol she's such a character)
Duke: water
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breadandblankets · 3 months
read Wayne family adventures and want a more accessible path into comics than a billion issues reading lists?
scared of what you heard about Bruce in comics?
curious as to what duke fans get all huffy about when a new wfa issue comes out?
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violent138 · 2 months
HC that if Duke ever runs into the Condiment King while on daytime patrol he just leaves the guy so that the night shift is forced to deal with him. Which sort of goes like:
Batman: "Our first priority is containing the breakout from Blackgate--"
Babs: "Condiment King is robbing bodegas in Midtown."
Batman: "Later, right now we're going to split into teams of two--"
Babs: "GCPD is requesting urgent assistance--"
Tim: "Jeez, we know, we're dealing with the breakout."
Babs: "They're requesting assistance with the Condiment King, he's assaulting patrons at outdoor patios with the ketchup and mustard bottles."
Duke: *nearly falling out of his chair, laughing*
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butch-chastity · 1 year
i dislike that now that jason has been firmly established as "the robin who likes school" within the fandom some people now assume that other robins must have HATED school, as if dick doesn't do math for fun
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Hey batman/batfam people, I wanted to talk about something. I know this might not be received well, but...this is my blog. So if you disagree with me, feel free to block me! Literally that's what's great about this site. (I've been trying to do so on my end, but I thought I'd reach out a bit.....idk maybe try to form some understanding?)
I have been a batman fan since like...age 13 or something. Batman as a character means so fucking much to me, as does all his kids and massive extended family. (can't forget Alfred, Kate, Lucius, and Jeff Gordon!!) And I know that they mean a lot to you guys too.
In comic book and fandom spaces we talk a lot about misrepresentation of characters in fandom, but even in "canon" or rather published/produced content. I have beef with a lot of live action adaptions of Batman for example.
The thing with comic book characters, even more than some fandoms/pieces of media, is that there is SO MUCH content out there, that two people can say they like this one character but those two versions might be in total contradiction. But does that make one right over the other? does that make one superior?
Now, I hate Ben Affleck's Batman. And to fans of his, I'd say, you want the punisher, not Batman, because to me, that goes against who Batman is fundamentally. I read the comics, watch a lot of the animated stuff, and formed my own opinion and version of Batman. However, and this seems to be a controversial take, i really enjoy Wayne Family Adventures.
I see a lot of hate on here for WFA (and on tiktok but they're another beast), which, it's not for everyone, that's okay! Not everyone has to like what I like. But what I don't agree with, is that people who like WFA are seen as "not true batman fans", "they haven't ever read a comic". "they only like the flat fanon versions of the characters", etc.
These comments I would like to rebut- some comic readers such as myself might enjoy WFA. There might be people that have never read a comic or even watched anything batman related but like WFA. Are they not valid to enjoy that and have their own fandom for that? Are they not allowed to be fans of Batman?
I also would ask, how much of WFA did you actually read? In it's nature, it's suppose to be the bat family on their time off, or more light stories, but it actually addresses things like Jason's trauma, Duke moving in to the Manor, Damian struggling to fit in at school, things like that. Now if you read pretty far and still didn't like the portrayal of the characters, that's fine, I'm not asking you to change your opinion, however I am asking you to make space for those who do enjoy it, or that WFA is their first introduction or only experience with the Batman and co.
WFA isn't perfect, but it holds a special place in my heart, and gives me more content for Not Perfect but Trying and Cares Dad Bruce Wayne which I am grateful for. And tbh I feel like it just shows other sides to the characters we don't see that often!
And again, obvi people have their opinions, I guess I'm just asking for us to be more aware and create a space where people can feel free and excited to talk about these characters that we all love. I enjoy content and discussions I see in the tags and different blogs but then I see the hate for WFA fans and it just puts a real damper on otherwise really good content.
Anyways, thanks for reading!
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groovyace · 2 months
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JASON POSTING AGAINNNNN FUCK YEAH!!! DC be brave and give him cool hair .. you can do it...
My haircut is hidden somewhere among these hairstyles. As are @magnusj and @twoheadedoddity 's. Feel free to throw some guesses around in the tags lmao. I would say my irls are gonna make fun of me for this.. . but considering i have just implicated them into it..
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arataka-reigen · 1 year
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Classic Damian Moment
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alltheshadesofamber · 2 years
Why does everyone want Jason to respond to his trauma “healthily”? 1, who gets to decide what’s “healthy”? Just because something isn’t relatable to you, a real person who is not and never has been a vigilante or died and been resurrected, doesn’t mean it’s “bad writing.” Everything Jason has ever done has been a reaction to what he’s been through, everything he’s been through has informed who he is now. 2, that is so boring, the Bats are all a bunch of maladaptive coping mechanisms in a metaphorical trench coat, that’s what’s interesting about them!
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batmanssleeves · 2 years
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Wayne Family Adventures (WEBTOON) -- Red Robin #16
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benbamboozled · 1 year
Wayne Family Adventures is good, actually.
You don’t have to love it. You don’t even have to like it.
But the disdain I see around it reminds me VERY MUCH of the worst kind of dudebro whining about “fangirls not liking comics right” from back in the day.
And I hate that.
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for all my eldest-daughter-syndrome-havers out there
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timewarpagain · 6 months
The new chapter of WFA sure is....
Uh, it's something.
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summerfrwrks · 10 months
[moot messages me wfa s2 ep100 screenshots of jaysteph and those screenshots also got rb by another mutual]
me: babs give me your codename (affectionately), i’m the real oracle here
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reineydraws · 1 year
Why didn't you draw Babs with the Batfamily . You stupid bitch . Don't treat Babs that way. She's the queen and far more popular than any of the batfamily members!
wow! your question is valid but your tone is rude and i dont appreciate it. dont tell me how to treat fictional characters when you dont even treat your fan creators nicely.
babs isnt in the photo because she's setting up as oracle; in the caption i mention she sent up a drone to take the photo. babs is great and i love her but there are 11 people in the original photo and i based this in the wfa 'verse where there are also 11 gotham capes (that ive seen so far) on the streets that have babs at the helm, in the clocktower, being oracle. as a result of this train of thought, i unfortunately ended up not picturing her. it isnt bc of any specific babs hate on my part.
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