#I planned to do more than just flat colours but I just don't think that's happening
chi-arts · 1 year
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Some Shadowidomauk for the soul!
This is actually my favorite ship to ever in all of critical role and somehow I only drew them now :’)  I totally blame Molly’s design for that lmao
also shoutout to altogether infinite, possibilities for continueing to feed us <3 go read it on ao3 it’s so, so good!
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abiiors · 11 months
haunt // bed - pt. 1
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a/n: a while ago, i wrote do me a favour after which i said, i would write a matty hate sex fic. well this is it (and perhaps a bit more than anyone asked for), read dmaf again if you want to refresh your memory, or don't. there are 3 parts to this + an epilogue. i also know very little about western weddings, so ignore the inconsistencies lol.
a note about the banner: the photo in it is only meant to describe the dress, not the race, body type, hair colour, etc of the reader <3
minors dni! part 2, part 3
wc: 2.7k
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see u in an hour xx
charli’s text flashes on your screen, illuminating a small corner of the dimly lit room. it’s not that late in the day, in fact, it’s quite early—only about 10 am. you’re supposed to be hurrying around the room, checking for any last minutes things you might have forgotten. you won’t be back home until tomorrow after all. yet here you are, surrounded by the things that should have been packed in your bag last night. 
the dress, laid out on your bed, feels like a weapon; red silk slippery enough to slide between your fingers effortlessly. “a wily vixen”, that’s what charli had called you when she'd seen you in it for the first. the thought of that day—bridesmaids dress shopping with four other excited girls—brings a small smile to your face. 
everything laid out here is a weapon really; your four-inch, sharp heels, the delicate and dainty diamond jewellery, the makeup you plan on wearing—blood red lipstick, a perfect shade match for the dress. an expensive crystal bottle of the same perfume you have used for the past six years. 
familiarity breeds contempt. familiarity is also an excellent knife to twist in someone’s gut. because everything here, today, is meant to maul and wound him.
see you in an hour babe, love you. you write back and chuck your phone onto the pillow where it bounces a little before nestling between its creases. you stare at it, maybe your body still yearns for a call that will never come? no more can’t wait to see you up there. no more cheeky selfies in a state of half-undress. just a smooth, black screen.
right then…time to get going. 
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charli has been flittering around the room for the last twenty minutes. her white dress fits her like a dream, her makeup is a work of art and her excitement about marrying george is so palpable in the room that at least one person squeals or sighs every five minutes. 
most importantly, the smile on her face is a permanent fixture. and every time you look at it, a warmth spreads through your body. she deserves this—the happiness, the celebration. the happily ever after. no matter how your marriage ended, you won’t stop believing in it for her. 
“so!” charli walks over to you and takes your hand, “how do i look?” she twirls and the dress swirls around her, the tiny crystals catching light and making her shimmer like starlight.
you laugh in response, “like george is about to go into cardiac arrest the minute he sees you!”
the pair of you giggles like teenagers. you can so clearly picture it before it has even happened. the joy and love that will shine on george’s face; his excitement, quiet yet infectious and for a brief moment you’re transported back to your own walk down the aisle. 
small, unsure steps, worried about falling flat on your face in those tall heels, but all of that had evaporated the second you had seen his tear-stained face. and the bright smile that had bloomed a split second later. 
but that’s how long the ache lasts; a brief moment. it’s bad enough that you’re going to have to be civil to him, there’s no need to make it worse with unnecessary nostalgia. 
besides, there’s her to think about. 
she in question is a beautiful, leggy blonde who is at least seven years younger than him. not that you’ve seen either of them today…yet. it’s only because you and charli got drunk one night, four weeks before the wedding, and she felt bad about keeping it from you that matty had a plus one. and that’s how you fell into the rabbit hole of scrolling through this girl’s Instagram profile at two in the morning. 
if you thought you knew his type, you would be dead wrong. physically speaking, she is the exact opposite of you—someone who looks like they belong on a giant billboard in times square, perfect and stunning. then there’s the more questionable aspects of her feed. the flat tummy tea adverts and the paid partnerships with various brands that are always under fire for being unethical.
but that’s the ugly green monster rearing its head. it’s not like you aren’t known for indulging in vanity every once in a while. 
she will be here today, no doubt, clinging onto his arm like a decorative little thing—woah, where did that snide thought come from?! you shake your head to yourself, at least a little embarrassed. he’s not even here yet and he’s already screwing with your head; pushing you back into old jealous and insecure habits. someone clears their throat. 
nora, one of charli’s longtime friends, has her champagne glass raised. a toast. she takes a deep, shaky breath and smiles tearily at the room, about to give her sentimental speech when a resounding knock echoes and cuts her off before she has even begun. 
five heads turn to the locked door and you happen to be standing closest to it. 
‘i’ll get it,’ you tell no one in particular, hand already on the doorknob. the possibility of it hits you way too late. 
it hits you right as his clean-shaven face comes into view. 
it has been ten months. ten months since you gave up the last name healy and changed it back to your maiden name on all your official documents. it had felt like a form of catharsis, getting it done with such urgency back then. but you also remember the days when you would be asked to state your full name and stagger a little at how odd it sounded to no longer have healy in it. to not have a ring around your finger to fidget with. no one to hold you at night. 
but back to now. back to here. 
it’s not hard to see that he has changed a lot in the last ten months. he looks serious; not necessarily sombre—it’s his best friend’s wedding, after all—but mature, more grown up. the grey in his hair, in his beautiful curls, is now much more prominent. the crow's feet around his eyes are more or less the same (and it sends a small pang through you; has he not laughed recently?). his mouth holds—held—a faint smile that’s already slipping, already morphing into a thin line. the exact same face that you woke up to for years now turning into a mask of carefully arranged neutrality.
“charli,” he whispers roughly and then clears his throat, “here to check on charli.” and just like that, he steps past you and into the room where he’s engulfed into a hug by the bride (and slapped on the bum by another bridesmaid but you ignore that for now).
pointedly, you also ignore the sting that comes with being sidestepped so easily. 
you stand by the door, back still to the room, for a second longer than necessary. it doesn’t even register that you’re letting the warm spring air in. is this really how little seeing you impacts him? it must have. because if he’s here then she is also here. 
“tell him i’m fine!” charli’s voice brings you out of your thoughts, making you shut the door softly. “and tell him not to meddle, i’ve got my girls.” she looks at you over his shoulder and throws a wink. your gut tells you it’s nothing but a charity gesture, just trying to gauge the tension between you two. guilt gnaws at you—she shouldn’t have to play peacemaker, she shouldn’t have to worry about two adults behaving themselves. 
“only doing my duty here,” matty raises his hands defensively, “keeping the groom happy.” 
the rest of them tease and taunt him playfully while you take the time to admire—no, simply look at—his suit. it’s nowhere near as nice as the one he wore at your wedding, of course not. but it’s beautifully made, tailored to fit and accentuate his muscles. and there are a lot of those now, that much is evident from the way his sleeves stretch over his biceps. he fills it out nicely, not that he didn’t before, but something about the fabric straining across his arms does funny things to your stomach. funny, you thought that feeling was a thing of the past. then there’s the navy trousers that compliment his backside rather nicely. 
there’s a part of you that is appalled at all these observations you have been making but there’s another part—bored and much more matter-of-fact—that reminds you that there’s nothing under those clothes that you haven’t seen, touched, licked or sucked before. there’s nothing new. he is still the same as he was before, just now with a few extra muscles. 
“go away,” charli’s nudges him gently toward the door. “we’ll be out in fifteen.”
he hugs her just before he leaves, dropping a friendly kiss on her head. after everything you’re glad no one had to pick sides in the divorce. you’ve at least managed to hold the friend group together, even though the same can’t be said about your marriage. 
matty leaves just like he came in, sidestepping you and making sure he’s looking straight ahead. there’s a brief second however—a fraction of one really—when he slows down and breathes in. his adam’s apple bobs roughly and his face struggles to hold the blank expression. 
but it must have just been you projecting right? no one can go through that much in half a second. 
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“there you are, darling,” denise walks in on you mid-smoke. “i was looking for you.”
she’s in a beautiful pink dress that brushes her knees and makes her look ten years younger than she is. you blush slightly at having been caught smoking; it’s a recent habit, not one she would be aware of, and you don’t want her to judge you for it. 
“denise,” you try to hide the half-smoked cigarette, “you look beautiful.”
she pointedly looks at your hand and laughs. “my son does enough of that.” then she straightens up, as if bringing matty so casually into this conversation was a mistake. you suppose it was—it does make your heart skip a beat. 
“i just wanted to say hi, darling,” she adds hastily, “and look at you…” her eyes scan you from head to toe, linger on your face for just a second before she smiles again. “simply stunning.”
“thank you.” your voice comes out in a whisper, fighting to get past the lump in your throat. you didn’t think there would ever come a day when she would have to so formally stop by to ‘say hi’. yet here you are, almost a pair of estranged mother and daughter. 
“i don’t…” she starts but shakes her head minutely, “i don’t want to condescend you. but are you okay? with matty bringing that girl, i mean.”
that piques your interest. “that girl?” you stifle a little giggle. “sounds like you don’t like her…”
denise shrugs, leaning against the wall and looking at the bushes in front of her. “she’s okay, i guess.” then she takes a bit to smooth out her dress. “but she’s not you.”
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“dearly beloved…” the officiant, charli’s godfather, begins, which you tune out instantly. weddings are lovely and romantic, wedding speeches are dull and boring. besides, like it or not, something else has captured your attention. 
you stand behind the bride, holding the ring she’s supposed to put on george later. and right in front of you stands matty, holding the matching platinum band in his hands. adam and ross stand behind him, smiling and occasionally laughing along with the rest of the guests. you tried it at first too, to only keep your attention on george—who looks very handsome and beams wide the whole time—but it’s impossible when you feel your ex’s piercing stare right on you. 
you would have thought he would stick to the little ignoring act from before. instead, his eyes have lingered on you from the second you walked down the aisle as a part of the processional. tracking your every move, every small step. frankly, it’s insulting. does he think you would ruin the wedding as some sort of diabolical revenge against him? you scoff internally; of course, he would think such self-centred thoughts, it’s just all about him, after all.
you raise an eyebrow at him. what’s your fucking problem?
he smiles back; an arrogant curl of his mouth that turns his face from sweet to insufferable within a matter of seconds. you, his eyes seem to say, you’re my problem. 
well too fucking bad then…
you huff and look away to the side at the guests. it’s only about fifty people from both sides. just family and friends—a lovely kind of intimacy the couple had asked for. you smile at george’s parents who sit in the first row. his mum dabs at her eyes, clearly overwhelmed with emotion. and behind them sit denise and tim. right next to her. 
she’s exactly what she looks like on her instagram page. dainty and beautiful, picture-perfect elegant. her whole face looks like it could be hand-crafted by the gods (or very expensive surgeons according to the snide little voice in your brain) but her eyes are bone dry. 
that’s because she doesn’t belong here, your brain chimes in. not among your friends and your family. 
well, ex-family…
her name doesn’t immediately come to the forefront of your mind. all you know from that drunken night is how charli made you block all her socials at the end of it. as if you were going to go back to them again and again. as if you have no purpose in life other than obsessing over your ex’s new girl. 
she sighs, then looks out the window with a bored expression on her face and you have to focus your attention back to the bride and groom before you do something drastic. not before you catch matty looking at you from the corner of your eye, however. 
not just at you…he’s staring at the plunging neckline of your dress that shows off your cleavage wonderfully. with the big window to your side, it’s so clear to see every little detail of his face—his teeth gnawing on his bottom lip (he’s unaware that he’s doing it. you know that for a fact). his pupils that are blown out wide, making almost the entirety of his eyes look black; dark and hungry. 
your mouth curls into a smirk, arrogant enough to mirror his own. well, this is interesting. 
matty’s mouth presses into a thin line. even now, after you caught him so red-handed, he’s trying to deny it. but you don’t miss his ears turning the telltale shade of pink. 
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“...and i promise to love you for the rest of my life.” george’s voice breaks on the last word, the tears flowing freely but he smiles through all of it. in front of you, charli’s shoulders shake. they haven’t even put the rings on each other yet and they’re already emotional. it makes you laugh, and surprising, you feel the tears escaping your eyes.
i promise to love you for the rest of my life. that’s what matty had said too. i promise to dance in the kitchen with you and do all my silly little romantic gestures. i promise to never let you fall. i promise, i promise, i promise…
so many of them unkept, so many of them just pretty words spoken on a perfect day in front of a tearful audience. 
“i do!” charli squeals before the question is even finished, making everyone laugh. a wet chuckle escapes you at her infectious joy. 
“do you, george, take charli to be your lawfully wedded wife?” the officiant asks. 
“i do,” he says patiently and charli sticks her tongue out at him. 
you sincerely hope they stay like this for the rest of their lives—polar opposites who complete each other. not people who are so similar, they don’t know how to exist in the same space anymore. 
matty smiles, first at the couple and then, shockingly, at you. husband and wife he mouths. 
jarringly still, you smile back. 
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i would love to hear what you think 🤭
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OC interview
Thanks to @bloodmoonloveletter here, @mk-writes-stuff here, @illarian-rambling here, and @elsie-writes here!
Last did Wade here.
Doing Jazlyn now because I don't talk about her enough and I'd like to develop her character more!
Are you named after anyone?
“Nope. The one and only, girl. I'm just Jazlyn!”
When was the last time you cried?
“Oh, pfft! I don't cry. Maybe out of sheer boredom listening to Dr. Ass-ghar ramble on about her rules and how I'm not following them! Like, girl, I can't help that I have fire powers and lit something on fire! That would be like getting mad that Gabe got a little dirty. Oh, and her meetings are the wooorst. Yeah crying for my life in there.” [It was during Ewan's clarinet solo actually]
Do you have kids?
“Girl, what? I'm not even eighteen yet! Close... I'd love kids, honestly. A lot of them! I'd have so much fun with them!”
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
“Look, I know I come across as someone who uses sarcasm, but I'd rather just flat out say what I'm thinking. Why be like ‘wow that was so riveting’ when I could say, ‘this is the most boring crap I have ever seen in my entire life’? So much easier, no mental hoops. Besides, Ewan is the most oblivious to sarcasm I have ever seen.”
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
“Their confidence level. I can usually tell how someone feels about themselves based on how they stand. Posture is the key, but also what they're doing with their hands.”
What’s your eye colour?
“Brown. With some golden flecks when the light hits them right, according to Ewan.”
Scary movies or happy endings?
“Easy, scary movies. This question is stupid - they aren't opposites. However, nothing is more fun than a horror movie. Love getting the blood pumping. Yelling at the characters for being massive dummies is also the best. Horror is the most entertaining to watch with others. Ewan thank the Lord is also a horror enthusiast. We make a habit to have at least one or two horror movie nights a month.”
Any special talents?
“Oh, several. I am pretty athletic. Took cheerleading a while back and now I am on my high school basketball team. At first, I wasn't sure I would like basketball - my coach in middle school pulled me aside and recommended it due to my height, but I love it now. I am also getting pretty good at learning archery. Lighting the arrows on fire makes that more exciting. I am also pretty good at martial arts and my pyrokinesis. Working on breathing fire without burning my throat. Thank the Lord I have Wade to heal me so I can try again!”
Where were you born?
“I was born in flippin' Utah. I know--lily white state, you'd never guess. Ewan and I plan to move somewhere else once we can. Can you believe he was born in Alium? That ain't fair.”
Do you have any pets?
“Ewan and I plan to one day get a dog. We have been planning on moving in together for a while.”
What sort of sports do you play?
“Like I said, basketball. I would love to learn how to play this Alii fireball sport. It's very similar to basketball, but pyrokinetics pass around fire. That sounds like so much fun, man. Did you know they have to keep a healer at each game because not all pyrokinetics are immune to fire? And the audience can get hit too if they're not careful! This sounds like such a fun sport.”
How tall are you?
“I have finally passed six-foot-three. Alii heights are a blessing and a curse.”
What was your favourite subject in school?
“I hope you tell me PE counts as a subject cause I ain't saying anything else. School sucks, girl. I have gotten detention for the lamest reasons imaginable.”
What is your dream job?
“I would love to be in sales. Something about convincing people to do what I want is inticing. Planning on getting a marketing degree when I go to college next year.”
Tagging @leahnardo-da-veggie @eccaiia @mysticstarlightduck @monstrouswrites @mrbexwrites @gottestod-writes @willtheweaver @winterandwords @i-can-even-burn-salad @elizaellwrites @chauceryfairytales @somethingclevermahogony @faeriecinna + anyone else who wants to!
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
Blanks below the cut
Are you named after anyone? When was the last time you cried? Do you have kids? Do you use sarcasm a lot? What’s the first thing you notice about people? What’s your eye colour? Scary movies or happy endings? Any special talents? Where were you born? Do you have any pets? What sort of sports do you play? How tall are you? What was your favourite subject in school? What is your dream job?
^for an easy copy and paste
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maximwtf · 1 year
Hello! If it's not too much of a bother - Can you make a part 2 for the peridot x sapphire reader? I really like the story so far. It's completely fine if you don't want to :D.
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Peridot x Sapphire! reader /pt.2/
Pt. 1 - "Watch out!"
words: 1830
google docs pages: 4,5
Warnings: none?
opening: A sapphire has been assigned to join Peridot on her research concerning the kindergartens and the cluster on earth. What is there to do after she reforms?
AN// Agh, I’m sorry this took so long to make! I got very heavily hyperfixated on Striker from Helluva and couldn’t do anything besides draw him + work getting in the way- But, I was finally able to escape all of that and give you all this! :”D
Gif by: me
Not proof read!
                 “Keeping up hopes”
The light from the warp pad faded, allowing you to feel a cool, exotic, breeze on your form. With a firm hand you pressed the green gem tightly in your palm, making sure it was still there before taking a step off the warp pad. No possibilities or futures were swarming your mind, it was all clear. The shock from it all must have stunned your ability to see. 
With that you hurried away from the pad. A safe place to hide was a must, there you could wait until Peridot was ready to reform, and while she was coming back you could think of a plan. It seemed to be clear that the gems from earlier didn’t want you or Peridot around here. While in such deep thought, a cave wall came across your path and on that wall seemed to be an opening. An opening big enough to walk in it, which you did. There your gem began to glow, illuminating a beautiful light against the wet cave walls. With a few rocks on the floor of the cave, you set Peridot’s gem on the most flat one, sitting down next to said rock. It was so quiet, yet no visions were coming to mind. 
Your hands travelled up to your face, moving some of the hair out of the way of your eye. Now, more clearly you could see where you were exactly. From the opening of the cave you could see big green leaves, strong tree trunks and colourful flowers here and there, all different shapes and sizes. Some form of a body of water must have been nearby, since you could hear water slosh somewhere in the distance. From the roof of the cave fell down drops of water, which you could only see against the light that came from outside. They fell down, joining the small puddles on the cave floor. What an odd planet. 
A soft gasp left your mouth when the silent dripping sounds you had gotten used to suddenly got a little louder, and soon took over all sounds near by. The chirping sounds from earlier and the water in the distance disappeared, covered by the millions of water drops. Your gaze stayed on the cave opening, hand over your mouth. All the leaves were moving, bouncing at the force of the water droplets. They fell from the sky at a rapid phase, the dark clouds hiding some of the light from earlier behind them. But somehow, it was nice. 
While admiring the sight, a green glow emitted from right beside you. The green gem had risen up, and the bright light began to take form. This startled you, the hand from your mouth going up to your eye again, brushing the hair over your eye. Just then, the gem had chosen its form and Peridot fell on her legs, only much smaller this time. She swung her arms for a moment, before realising that things were different. “Where are my limb enhancers?!” Came from the green gem, making you bite back a smile at the sight. Professional. “I could not save them.” You replied, looking down for a moment. “I do not know where we are, but we need to move soon. We’re on their planet, which they know better than us.” You shook your head a little, standing up from the ground. Peridot listened, clearly embarrassed by her form, but she didn’t say anything more about it. Her gaze wandered to the opening of the cave, seeing that the sudden rain had almost gone out, just as suddenly as it had started. “We should go.” You suddenly say, as a vision hits you. There might be something here that can help you, but it all depends on Peridot. “Go where? I have no flask robonoids and no way to contact Homeworld.” Peridot whines, desperate. This Peridot really should start trusting you more. “Come. We’ll see.” A hum leaves your lips as you slip out of the cave, feeling the wet ground under you as you walk. By following the vision, it leads the two of you forward. No words are exchanged, not until something appears from behind the leaves and trees. It’s covered in vines and moss, someone walking by might not even see it. It’s an old gem ship, crashed here and left to rot. “There.” You point at it, jumping from the little cliff that the two of you had ended up on, gracefully floating down in front of the ship. Peridot growls silently, murmuring something as she drops her legs down the cliff fist, then allowing herself to drop down, sliding the last half. “We can’t fly this.” She groans, dusting herself off. “No, but we can use parts of it to perhaps build new flask robonoids. If the vision I saw is the most likely one, there should be more old abandoned gem tech like this on this planet.” You reply, going up to the door of the ship. As you approach, the lights near the door barely light up, only flickering under the vines. “Who is we? You’re not assuming I could build more from junk like this?” Peridot complains as she follows along. “I saw a future of you doing so.” You reply, not mentioning the other ones that had flashed by, where it all failed. Without hearing a word from her, you open the door to the ship, hopping in with the green gem following right behind you.
Even the inside had been taken over by nature, vines and different kinds of moss growing in the wreck. “Peridots like me weren’t made for this kind of stuff. Look at me!” She shrugs, seemingly stressed over her new form. “We don’t have many options, I’m afraid.” A sigh comes from your side as you look through for pieces to use. Peridot’s eyes are on you, and with some thinking she nods, even if you can’t see it. She understood to trust you and joined in on looking for usable parts from the ship. 
By moving from warp pad to warp pad the two of you continued to avoid meeting the crystal gems the best you could, while your future vision led you on to find more crashed ships to collect parts from. Peridot seemed to be getting better at piecing together the materials, the newer versions always looking better than the old ones. As time passed like this, the green gem grew more confident in her new found skill to use whatever she had near to build. 
The sound of gears turning got your attention, watching the first usable robonoid take its first steps. You had to bite back a smile yet again, but the ground under you froze a little. “Good job.” You said. Peridot seemed like she had stars in her eyes at the sight, but they soon faded. “We’ll need many…many more of these to fix the galaxy warp.” She sighed, leaning against a tree with her eyes closed. “Are you giving up now? We have everything we need, we just need to be careful.” You said, voice stoic as ever which made you sound so sure of your words. So sure you’d be able to leave soon. But inside your mind, so many of the futures ended badly, no matter how far you got. 
The green gem kept building more of the flask robonoids while you made sure to change your location based on the least likely place for the gems to show up in. From the time you had escaped from the with Peridot’s gem to now, you had only come across them a couple of times, of which only one had they seen the two of you, resulting in another getaway. But now, there was finally enough robonoids. Tonight you’d both either get caught or go back home. 
The same cave this had all started in served as your last resting place. All the robonoids were hidden somewhere in the closeby area, in the case that the gems would show up. Peridot broke the silence. “Do you think they’ll be mad? The diamonds.” She asked. It felt like she had changed as a person while on this ‘venture’. Though, you could say the same about you most likely. Visions came to mind, flashing back and forth. The future was unclear. They’d blame Peridot for failing the mission, and even if you’d walk off here free the truth was that Peridot was most likely going to get the punishment. Yellow Diamond wasn’t one to take it easily if one of the Sapphires was put in danger like this, and there wasn’t much you could see yourself doing about the green gem’s faith. Upsetting. “We’ll be fine.” You said, with a forced smile. 
The night set, but the butterflies in your body didn’t. This could be the end for the both of you, or the end for one of you or..anything could happen. Whatever it was, you were headed straight at it. With the flask robonoids at your feet, you all gathered on the now familiar warp pad and a bright light overtook your forms. It transferred you to the galaxy warp, a cool breeze hitting you in the face as you arrived. Peridot ushers the robonoids to work, all of them starting to slowly fix the warp. The green gem taps her foot against the ground, growling under her breath. You stand a couple steps behind her, mind filled with all the possibilities from before, new ones mixing into those. Suddenly, the robonoides step off and it feels like a millenia passes. The galaxy warp almost ‘blings’ and the cracks on it disappear. A squeal escapes the green gems, but it all soon fades as one of the warp pads illuminates a bright light and transports the gems you had met before on the same platform as the two of you. They don’t take a second to say anything, a clear plan in mind as they charge at you. 
Your eye opens wide, now the most possible future locking in. You lunge forwards and while doing so, you take a hold of Peridot’s hand. Due to her form being smaller now, you’re able to swing her easily to the galaxy warp. With a quick duck you avoid getting hit by one of Pearl’s spears, and with a tight grip of Peridot’s hand you both activate the galaxy warp, making your perfect escape. 
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airenyah · 5 months
15 people, 15 questions
I was tagged by @belladonna-and-the-sweetpeas <333
Are you named after anyone?
no. there's a video game character with my name and occasionally people will bring this character up and ask if i was named after her but no, i wasn't. my parents don't play videogames
2. When was the last time you cried?
i honestly don't remember, i don't actually cry all that much. (so if you see me say things like "i'm crying" in the tags then i'm actually only crying in my heart, i'm not shedding any actually tears dfkfkjdf)
last time i cried was either bc i was really angry or really extremely overwhelmed with life during a period where i hadn't slept much or was on my period or so. orrr what is actually even more likely is that the last time i cried was when i cried from laughter while being with friends. i cry from laughter a lot, actually
3. Do you have kids?
nope. i think i could be a good mother if i had to, but ngl, motherhood and parenting doesn't sound very appealing to me. i am planning on becoming an aunt tho. i'll let my brother provide the grandkids and i'll just borrow them occasionally, spoil them, and then i can always give them back when they get too exhausting or annoying 😂
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
i play baseball for fun once a year with old summer camp friends. other than that i'm not very athletic. in elementary school i used to go to schwimmkurse (swimming courses) which was super fun and it's one of the few sports that i'd consider taking up again if i were to do any. i've always liked swimming (but only in places where i can see the ground and where the water isn't too cold. i feel really uneasy when i can't see the ground and i also freeze easily so i'm not a fan of cold water)
5. Do you use sarcasm?
sarcasm? me? neeeeever, not at all 🤭
(^^^this answer is sarcastic, the genuine answer is yes. yes, i do. <- for those struggling to understand sarcasm, esp in written form <3)
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
uhhhhh good question, i don't actually know???? maybe their face, idk
7. What's your eye colour?
blue-gray ish. and i have a yellow/green circle around each pupil. i actually really like my eyes, they're my fave part of my appearance 🥰
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
happy endings for sure!! i could never get into scary movies, idk
9. Any talents?
languages, i guess. at least i'm known as the language genius in my family and my friend groups. but to be honest, there's still a lot about language that i don't know and i don't feel like i'm all that great (esp when my language learning progress feels slower than the one of others. which is totally fine by me bc everyone should go at their own pace, but i just don't like it when people call me a language genius bc i feel like in reality i'm not really living up to that. i just happen to know a little bit more about language than those around me, but compared with actual experts? yeah no, i in no way compare...)
but yeah out of all the skills that i have, languages is one my best ones. and i'm also really good at organizing (aka keeping a million lists and making sure all the props are at the right spots and with the right actors and there's enough spares of everything etc lol)
10. Where were you born?
austria 🇦🇹🇦🇹🇦🇹
(NOT the place with kangaroos just so we're clear dkjgkdjf)
11. What are your hobbies?
(internally) crying over fictional characters, then blorbo-posting about it. sometimes i'll also subject irl-people to my blorbo rants (mainly my mother and some of my friends)
i also take violin lessons and thai classes for fun
12. Do you have any pets?
technically no, but really yes. my mom and my brother share a dog and my parents also have two kitties. i go home a lot bc i don't really like staying in my own flat in the city where i study so they do feel like my own pets as well, esp the kitties <333
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^this is nika (the dog) and coco (boy cat). they're besties <3
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^this is minou (girl cat). she's the youngest and the smallest of them all, so we nicknamed her "die kleine" (the small one (f))
13. How tall are you?
155 cm
14. What was your favourite subject in school?
german, it was the easiest for me
fun fact: the only subject in school that i ever got a frühwarnung in was english lmao. ("frühwarnung" = early warning and it's what you get when you're about to get an f in your report card for a subject. i got an f in english in my report card for semester break, so i had the whole summer semester to get my grade up to a d)
15. What is your dream job?
director!!!! in theater or film, idk, but i just really wanna be a director. and maybe take some minor acting roles on the side, idk. for now i still feel too shy to do any professional acting, despite having gotten acting training for 3 years djkkdjfg
i'm really looking forward to next summer, bc i get to be assistant director at this one theater that i've worked at as an intern for the past two summers. the assistant directors that i've worked with so far at this theater have both sucked and both times i ended up more or less taking on the job myself anyway (to the point where they even paid me for my work despite my position usually being an unpaid one) and so this summer i was like "uhhh guys so what if for next summer's production i just work as an assitant director right away instead of an intern?" and they were like "omg you're hired" 😂
tagging following 15 people:
feel free to ignore if you don't want to do it or tag me in/send me yours if you've already done it, i'd like to read it <3
@newyearknwwme @moonkhao @visualtaehyun @lurkingteapot @callipigio @waitmyturtles @sunnenfinster @cornflowershade @celestial-sapphicss @killiru @gaym3bo1 @nongnaos @dimplesandfierceeyes @gillianthecat @ranchthoughts
bonus: @telomeke i know you've already been tagged, so this is just to ask you to tag me when you've thought of all your answers, i wanna read yours too 👀
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avonne-writes · 1 year
everybody thinking Lucerys is the one blessed with the Valyrian gene of men being able ti reproduce (bc he was tiny at 14, but he’s long since hit a growth spurt) and he’s overtly cautious, whenever aemond tops they always use condoms (throw cation to the wind when Luke goes though, it’s not like aemond can get pregnant, right? He has none of the typical features that would be attributed to somebody with the gene-)
that is until aemond presents Lucerys with a positive pregnancy test and perhaps the scariest scowl on earth…Luke should be terrified but he’s kinda excited! he didn’t have the gene! aemond did !
aemond pregnancy cravings though? that’s what terrifies everybody. he’s moody now…jsut see what he’s like in a few months.
Such a great idea! Thanks for sharing it. 💕
Imagine Luke coming home to a completely dark flat. He finds Aemond curled up in the bedroom. Thinking it's the same sickness that has been plaguing Aemond in the past few weeks, Luke sits down behind him and strokes his arm.
"Is it your stomach again? Are you nauseous?"
Aemond barks an accusing laugh. Suddenly, he jumps up and storms out of the bedroom to the kitchen, where he opens the fridge. Luke follows him warily and asks what’s wrong.
"I saw a doctor today." Aemond says while pulling out a jar of pickles and some peanut butter.
Luke begins to worry. Aemond has been throwing up almost non-stop in the past month, what if it’s something serious? When he peers at Aemond’s face more closely, he sees that his eye is red-rimmed and his cheeks seem pinker than their usual pale colour.
"What did they say?" He swallows, putting a comforting hand on Aemond's back. He tries to ignore the mournful way Aemond devours a pickle with a spoonful of peanut butter.
"Do you remember the night after we went to the movies?"
"Of course."
How could Luke forget? It was a warm summer night, and Aemond's kisses were sticky-sweet and loving. They savoured every moment as they undressed each other and stroked their hands over bare skin. Luke asked to top, and Aemond, pliant and drunk on affection, let him do it without a condom. Why would they need one when Aemond couldn’t get -
Luke freezes. "What?"
Aemond takes a few steps away, fists clenched, then grabs an envelope from the counter and slams it down in front of Luke, next to the massacred pickles. Luke’s hands are trembling as he opens it - it can’t be that Aemond inherited the gene, right?
What falls out of the envelope is a series of ultrasound pictures. Black and grey globs that don't make any sense to Luke, shapeless smudges... and letters that swim in front of his eyes as though he forgot how to read.
"What?" He croaks again, looking up at Aemond with a pounding heart and a sense of elation that starts to rise in his chest like a tide.
"What do you think?!" Aemond snaps, face getting redder in rage. "You knocked me up!"
Luke gapes, glancing at the images again. "Baby B?"
Aemond pinches the bridge of his nose and bursts into tears that he struggles to swallow. "It's fucking twins."
"Oh my God." Luke's lips split into a smile. He raises his eyes to grin at Aemond but finds him turned away, standing by the window and taking unsteady breaths. It's a sobering sight. Luke remembers how scared Jace was when Cregan got him pregnant, and those two had actually planned the baby. And he and Aemond got a two in one deal!
"Hey. It's okay. We're gonna figure it out." Luke says gently as he approaches Aemond and wraps his arms around his waist.
He’s shorter than Aemond, but not too short to rest his chin on Aemond's shoulder and rock him from side to side. At first, Aemond refuses to move with him, but Luke has always been stubborn and eventually manages to melt the ice. He thinks of those grey little globs, somewhere under his palms, and his heart swells.
"We’re getting married tomorrow." Aemond mutters, voice rough as gravel.
Luke doesn't tell him that's literally impossible, just smiles into Aemond's neck. "Does that mean you're keeping them?"
"You’re an idiot." Aemond growls. "And don't think I won't fuck you while your spawn is in me. This doesn’t change anything."
Luke chuckles. "How about you show me it doesn’t?"
Aemond twists around in his arms, then gives Luke a biting kiss. He tastes like peanut butter, but Luke doesn’t mind. "Bedroom. Now."
Then, of course, everyone is scared of Aemond's pregnancy mood swings as you said, but they're all in for a surprise because Aemond is utterly mellow in his pregnancy until the very last stages. He’s calm, content and agreeable. Luke wants to keep him pregnant forever. It's only a few weeks before his due date that he gets unbearably angry at even the slightest inconvenience.
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mixamatcha · 7 months
So I mentioned that Eddsworld OC from 2017;
First of all, here's the redraw art. If you wanna know more about the OC and see my old design/art, that'll be under read more :]
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Originally this character was my main OC, Her name used to be Eva
I was really obsessed with that name. I wanted to legally change my own name to it for a long while before I figured out I was trans. Before we continue with info, here is the old art of her that I re-discovered on Amino;
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Her backstory was very simple, just a basic, less than paragraph statement that was easy to wedge into any group chat roleplays I came across. She was a mechanic working for RL, I never stated what kind of mechanic, so I suppose she was just ambiguous mechanic number 8 or something. Other than that, she was just a self insert of my 13 year old self. I used to ship her with Tom (which is funny because Tom is now actually my least favorite of the main guys) I made her theme blue because CLEARLY if you're dating and you don't wear the same colour you're doing SOMETHING wrong (sarcasm to the max).
Flats version for spacing
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I think I'll just call him Mix now, I mean, i go by that name online, and I went by Eva online when I first made him. He was always a self insert, so I think I'll keep him true enough to his source. I made his skin tone a little closer to mine and fixed up whatever was going on with his hair. I also gave him a sweater instead of a hoodie because.... I'm tired of drawing hoodies thanks to my silly little mascot;
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txt; "Peacefully Drawing Eddsworld"
I don't know if I'll use him for anything, but it's nice to go back and redesign something that used to be so important to me. This'll be the last drawing in this format for a bit, by the way, i'm a bit tired of portraits. I'm thinking of doing headcanon ref sheets for the main guys next! But who knows, plans can change :p
Thanks for reading!
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dragynkeep · 11 months
Some rewrite ideas that I thought could help keep Salem consistent: She and Ozpin have been in what is essentially a stalemate for the past century. They’re both immortal, and have lifespans upon lifespans to make their moves. Any premature strike on one of their parts could mean they lose. Consequently, they are both highly cautious and slow to act.
Humanity isn’t completely divided, but it’s not unified enough. There’s a constant push and pull between them, yet neither is so satisfied with the current state as to make their final move.
Salem almost has it easier; she doesn’t have to restart every 50-70 years like Ozpin. But she’s a bit more of a glass cannon, what with her weakness to the Silver Eyes. So her bursts of activity are mainly dedicated to culling the SEW, and it’s been largely successful. Silver-eyed children are unlucky, haven’t you heard? Rumored to attract Grimm. Maybe more than one struggling family in a rural village just couldn’t deal with the ostracism from the rest of their neighbors (because eventually they won’t be able to keep going. you can’t hack it on your own in Remnant). That successful doctor from Atlas can give their child a better life. That woman in red from the city, she has silver eyes too (contact lenses); she’ll care for your son because she understands. And in cities, well. People disappear all the time.
That Summer and Maria have lived long enough to become Hunters is impressive, but their careers were both cut short, and Maria was the lucky one of the two.
Ruby coming to Beacon is nothing short of earthshattering. Taiyang and Qrow kept her safe and thriving, but her Hunter aspirations are dangerous. If she ends up unleashing her power by accident, if the wrong people see, then she’s not safe anymore. All it takes is one wrong move. So she goes to Beacon, and Ozpin sees her silver eyes Summer’s eyes Tedrah’s eyes Cobal Indio Laven’s eyes and a dozen others he still remembers by name and her stubborn hope and realizes he can’t be so complacent anymore.
And a year later at the Vytal festival, a student from Haven named Cinder sees her silver eyes and realizes Salem needs to know about this. And then Salem finally stirs, for once and for all.
Of course some of the background information about Salem’s quiet war against the SEW can’t be stated from the beginning, but it doesn’t have to be. Just have some people quietly mention the superstition that silver eyes are a bad omen. Have Ruby mention how she was homeschooled as a kid. How she always wore sunglasses in public; sensitive eyes and all that. Her dad was sooo overprotective, haha!
Honestly I barely need to change anything. All I need to do is actually flat-out state some stuff. I came up with this in like. A half hour. I think I even managed to work in the “simple soul” idea to a good extent. But what do I know? I’m not a writer on RWBY.
honestly this was so good to read & really does show like what you said in that so little is needed to change to actually have some of these storylines make sense. & having some of this background decisions under wraps could very much be crwby's "plan" also but unlike this fantastic ask, we don't even get the bare minimum. people are still scrambling even now to come up with a justification for why salem has done sweet fuck all even at times of high probability that she would've steamrolled the good guys like in the colour war.
i did also love the tidbit of children going missing because it was just so subtly haunting & horrifying, all these silver eyed children have gone missing & there's no accountability to it because that's just the world they're in. love me some horror like that.
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merspots · 8 months
Knitted Tooka Cat
So, I knit, and one of the main reasons I do so is so I can make things that do not otherwise exist. For my birthday this year I decided to treat myself by buying a Loth Cat pattern with the intention of using it to create other types of Tooka Cats (because I love these weird little guys).
The pattern I bought was from https://www.etsy.com/au/shop/JessWorks, though it appears to no longer be listed there (or maybe it's just not showing up for me, lol). This is the first time I've bought a pattern, and I was very happy with how easy it was to follow. I used the White Loth Cat version of the pattern as it was the most straight forward. Any issues I had with making it were purely user generated and not a fault of the pattern.
And this was the result:
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Obviously this is not a White Loth Cat, but my aim when working on this little guy was basically to figure out how to use the pattern to make a Generic Tooka so I just chose some colours that went well enough together from my scrap yarn. Still, I think it turned out cute, even with the very yellow eyes!
My original plan when I started this project was to follow the pattern as closely as possible. Unfortunately that was my first hurdle as I don't know how to knit in the round and couldn't figure it out after a few restarts. So I converted the pattern for flat knitting which surprisingly mostly worked out okay.
Things I'd do differently next time I make this (and there will be a next time as I have bought yarn specifically for Tooka making) would be:
1. Changing where I start the colour change for the face, because it's lower down on the head than I'd like and causes the face to be looking down slightly. I did it in the short rows but next time I'll start it a row higher and might finish it a row earlier too.
2. Figure out how to do some shaping of the face to give it a bit of a muzzle as the way I did it caused what was supposed to be the muzzle to now be the top of the head. Like, not a big muzzle, but a bit more definition to that area of the face.
3. Change the way I do the top parts of the legs. The legs are completely closed up before being attached, and I found trying to sew what were essentially two balls to each other kind of annoying. Next time I'll adjust the pattern so the top parts of the legs have only the outside half as I find that easier to sew on to and personally feel that helps them look like they're part of the body.
4. Change the way I do the face details, or at least use a thinner black thread next time. I'd also love to try out safety eyes as I feel they might match the look of TCW's Tooka eyes better.
Anyway, I'm mostly just writing this as I think this guy turned out cute and because I hope that writing out my plans will help me remember them, lol. Also, if you have any name suggestions I am all ears because I feel this little guy deserves one and I just can't think of any at the moment.
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dribs-and-drabbles · 11 months
Laws of Attraction ep 2
I've waited with bated breath all day for this and it was finally available at 20:00 on iqiyi (with a vpn via a google search). I've watched Be My Favourite, My Ride, and Wedding Plan today so this is going to be a whole different vibe 😂
I love my feral unhinged gremlin. I can't wait to see what he does this ep.
How does Tin have no bruises on his body?
(I just can't stop seeing evil!Nanon in Film/Charn...smh...oh god I love him so much though)
(I just love these two actors together. This is might just push me to watch To Sir with Love/Khun Chai sooner rather than later)
Curious. Why would there be something at Tin's home related to Tonthai?
Me thinks the bodyguard has a conscience and will turn on Tonthai/his father eventually.
At least the bruises actually look convincing on these two as opposed to any other bl.
I love the dramatic music.
A green phone case!...is Tin green, I wonder? A green screwdriver...green in the scene of the grandma leaving in the taxi...this needs looking into...
They don't really know how to end a climactic scene. That fight -, first with Nan (I love her spirit!), then Tin, then with Chan, and Tin again - it was all so great! And then...it just stopped and switched scenes and the music just went flat. Anti-climactic.
Also, I'm certain that it's not Charn's favourite shirt...it doesn't have enough frill or flounce to it.
So Tonthai is more brutal and heartless than he was made out to be last ep. Aaaaaand I wonder where he gets it from (the apple doesn't fall far from the tree and all).
I wonder where the mother is 🤔
Oh! It's Tian's (atots) room, right?
Yep, Tonthai's a psychopath...or masking his true feelings because he's so disturbed from his upbringing and life...?
Ok, with this romantic music I can see how people are shipping him and the bodyguard.
It's a bit bright in this bar.
Oh, the subs look better this week, they got niece right, so maybe it is Charn and not Chan.
I forgot Charn has a sad, angsty past. I'm glad for the reminder, now I wonder when we'll find out more.
Oh, ohhhhhh, Tin/the family has a food stall. That's why they have so many plates, and that's what the furniture outside on the street is all about.
Right, so I think Charn is blue - which Tin is wearing in the police station - but Tin is green - Charn comes in wearing his blue but with green poking out of his left chest pocket over his heart (and not for the first time). Ahhhhh, I love colour-coding. (I think red is connected to the law and either the persona Charn has to put on as the ruthless lawyer or the person he was before he became jaded...time will tell.)
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The mystery deepens. So I think I was right that the ring is to do with a parent - Charn's mother, it seems, and being blindfolded in the woods may be a flashback connected to it.
Yep. Still enjoying it. Still hooked.
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no-light-left-on · 4 months
another snippet of my whale song au, one of the rare private conversations between Corvo and the Outsider. they don't exactly get along
Corvo finds the Outsider in his office at 11 in the evening after a meeting with one of his contacts. The hour is far too late yet he has to bring the records back and set them up for the next day.
…And the green-eyed brat is feeling at the edges of a painting to find one of his safes.
The motion is a blur, an instinct rather than intention, as Corvo grabs the Outsider’s hands and yanks them harshly away from the ornate frame. The Outsider yelps and stumbles until his back collides with the wall and Corvo has him pinned, bony wrists clutched in his own hands.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Corvo hisses. When he gets no response, he yanks at the Outsider’s hands, enough to pull him off the wall and for pain to flash through his eyes. He’s hurting him – Corvo knows that, somewhere at the back of his mind, but the exhaustion makes it hard to care. “What in the Void do you think you’re doing?”
The Outsider gasps and forces himself to meet Corvo’s eyes.
“Unhand me,” he demands, though his voice strains and tightens. His eyes are wide and glossed over the tighter Corvo’s grip grows. He pulls, shakes, but Corvo’s hold on him does not budge, and colour drains from his face.
“Unhand me,” he repeats, more urgent and desperate. He pulls back against Corvo’s grip and Corvo relents, his grip loosening until the Outsider can draw his hands back, closer to his body, and step away, and Corvo lets him.
This man is hardly a threat, crosses Corvo’s mind. Just a nuisance.
The Outsider cradles his hands to his chest. He rubs at his wrists, the skin having gone red with the force that Corvo held him.
“Don’t do it again,” he says, his voice flat. It’s flatter than Corvo remembers it from the bad old days, yet pleading all the same. Somewhere at the back of Corvo’s memory, he recalls Emily telling him about the Outsider’s untimely demise.
“Maybe don’t try to get into my shit next time,” Corvo retorts with less agitation than he hoped for.
“Don’t,” the Outsider says, toeing the line of plea and a warning, “ever do that again.”
It’s such a simple demand, and the first Corvo can recall him ever making since his arrival to the Tower. So Corvo nods.
“And stop-” His voice twists once more, grows thin until it is gone and the Outsider needs to breathe out before he can try to speak again. He’s shaking. “Stop calling me… that. Just stop.”
He has a name, now. A name he shared with hesitation and a name that makes him flinch every time Emily speaks it. He hates that name almost as much as his old title.
“What were you doing here,” Corvo diverts the conversation from all those thoughts.
“I needed something from you,” the Outsider explains.
“From my safe, you mean,” Corvo interrupts. “A hidden safe, no less.”
“You used it when I came here with Emily last week,” the Outsider rebuts.
Corvo remembers, if only vaguely, that the Outsider was trailing Emily for that short conversation.
“You had little issue opening it then. And you put in those plans Emily passed you, and I need them now, and you were gone too long and I did not know when you’d be returning, and I want to retire to my chambers and sleep.” He takes a breath, the sentence having left him with little break between them, and when he exhales he exhales the hysteria that underlined his voice. “But I suppose you are here now, so I can ask you give those to me so I can go over them with Emily tomorrow.”
They’re both exhausted, Corvo notes. The hour is too late for these conversations, and the Outsider is still trembling as he passes him by to open the safe and retrieve the plans from the safe. Anything to end the day.
“Thanks,” the Outsider breathes as Corvo passes the plans back. It’s the second time he’s thanked him that night. It should not bother Corvo nearly as much as it does. He grunts and the Outsider scurries past him to the doors to his chamber and bids him goodnight. Corvo does not echo the words and waits until he hears the door click closed before sinking into the chair at his desk.
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surplus-of-sarcasm · 1 year
Part 1
Sixteen, Pt.2
TW: References to difficult past experiences and a fear of heartbreak
So, @those-damn-snippets wants more and @syberianjade liked this storyline as per replies and I had a ridiculous amount of fun writing it, so heeere we go. 😊
Note: I don't have much experience writing romance, so if this feels clichéd or flat, please tell me. I want to learn.
Villain's heart hums out a song of anxiety, beating so fast it feels like it's going to be ripped out of their chest.
They'd tried so hard to rid themselves of these emotions, and it should've been easy because they had options, and this was dangerous. But the way they smiled whenever they found any pictures of Hero's civilian profile or even when they caught pictures of them on online newspapers, the euphoria they felt listening to Hero say literally anything in that enchanting voice of theirs, all those were things they could never ignore.
And after finding out what Hero's love life was like, and how they thought everyone just liked seeing them suffer, they were determined to prove them wrong.
Taking in a deep breath to steady themselves, Villain knocks carefully on Hero's door. It doesn't take long for the crime-fighter to show up, slamming the door just as fast as they'd opened it.
"Hero," they call out almost exasperatedly, knocking again.
Wordlessly, their nemesis opens the door and glares at them. Even with pajamas, mussed up hair and a murderous scowl colouring their features, Hero still looked breathtaking, so much so that Villain's words seemed to get caught in their throat.
"Did you come here just to stare at me?"
"As appealing as that would be, gorgeous," Their eyes trail over to the perfect curve of the hero's jaw, "but no, I have other reasons," they croon, flashing Hero a seductive grin. It helped them feel like they had things under control, and honestly, they were a sucker for making them flustered.
Hero's gaze wanders over to the large and rather flattering bouquet of flowers Villain was clutching in their hands. Periwinkles of a vibrant blue, bold, purple zinnias, jasmines and a striking stem of salvia as the centre piece. Flowers in Hero's favourite colours.
"You like it?" Villain asks almost hesitantly, bringing the blooms closer to Hero.
"Please don't," Hero whispers softly, in a tone so despondent, it breaks the criminal's heart.
"I know what you've been through gives you a plethora of reasons not to trust me. So, I'm not asking you to give me your heart straight away. Just think of this as an adventure. A taste of something new. A one-time thing if you ultimately decide you don't like the experience."
Their voice, when it was gentle like that, seemed to envelope Hero in a warmth they longed to feel, the way a weighted blanket did on a desolate winter night. No matter the risk, they could no longer live like this, with loneliness clawing mercilessly at their heart. They take the bouquet in their hands, and just like with its giver, Hero had great trouble taking their eyes off it.
"Fine. I'll bite." It comes out in a much softer tone than they intend.
"Excellent choice, I won't disappoint. Just go get changed, sweetheart." they smirk.
Hero walks out, dressed simply but beautifully, knocking the air out of Villain's lungs. Leather jacket and dark jeans that compliment their striking figure, hair carefully brushed out and dark, musky fragrance wafting into their nose.
Hero was going to be the end of them.
They smile at them, and hook their hand into theirs, making a flustered, ruddy colour highlight their flawless complexion.
"So where do you want to go?"
"I thought you had something planned, this being your idea," Hero remarks playfully.
"You've never been submissive, love." They pull their arm away and wrap it around Hero's waist, giving them a wolfish grin, their cheeks turning an even brighter red.
"No. Just curious. Impress me."
"My pleasure."
As cliché as it is, Villain takes Hero to one of their favourite places to get dinner. Exchanging stories and occasionally feeding them stuff off their plate with a fork, and watching in delight as they savour the food and their whole face lights up.
It would've been perfect if they hadn't spent ages bickering about who would pay, until Villain screamed at them that they were the one inviting them out.
The next place they go to is a gamble. Villain had always been the one who was asked out, and never once had they been taken there. "Do you like gaming?"
"Like it? When I was still someone's teenaged sidekick, I wanted to do it professionally. Like a civilian job," they all but squeak.
"Being hopelessly in love with you doesn't mean I'm letting you win, dear Hero," Villain cackles, clutching their controller.
Hero replies with a simple smug smirk that evolves into a smug grin when the score board shows they won, with an advantage of two rounds. They weren't kidding about the 'professionally' part.
The last part of their evening together is quite possibly Villain's favourite. This time, they just *know* Hero's going to love it.
They take them to what used to be an old park, now completely devoid of anything but a rusty bench or two. The sight of the stars glowing brightly against the night sky like diamonds woven into dark silk was beautiful. But even the stars didn't sparkle as brightly as Hero's eyes did.
Pulling Air Pods out of their purse, Villain asks Hero to pick a few songs they like to listen to, sticking one into their ear.
"Dance with me, darling?" they whisper, extending a hand out.
They nod, letting their fingers intertwine with Villain's. They kiss the back of Villain's hand, smirking at how it catches them off-guard, only the start of their revenge for all the flustering they'd put them through.
They slow-dance, Hero indulging themselves in the hopelessly flustered look on Villain's face as they dipped them and spun them around, wrapping their arms around their waist and slinging Villain's around their neck. Neither of them wanted it to end.
They finally tire out after hours of dancing in the moonlight, Villain snaking their arm around their waist. They go to Hero's house together, just quietly enjoying each other's company.
"See you around, Hero. I enjoyed tonight with you, and I hope you did too." They kiss Hero's forehead.
The crime-stopper remains silent for a moment, each second pulling away at the villain's heartstrings. They cross the distance between them, pulling them into a long hug and gently pressing a kiss into one of their cheekbones. "Thank you for tonight, love. If you want to, I can take you out, same time, next Saturday."
"I'd want nothing more, sweetheart." They give them one last kiss on their temple, breaking out of their hold.
It's Hero who can't sleep this time, thoughts of their new lover and the sight of their flowers now in vase by their windowsill keeping them up. They know that they're taking a huge, possibly foolish risk, placing their already wounded and fragile heart out on the line.
But they'd never felt something as strong as how they feel about Villain or as loved as they had tonight.
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not-xpr-art · 5 months
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my art inspirations vs my art (2015-now)!
a mini collection of artworks I've done over the years next to the work/artist that I based the style of my piece on!
when I'm basing my work on another artist's piece, I try not to just directly copy the composition, colours or brushstrokes of the original... instead I'm always interested in adapting the original style to my own in order to create more of an homage instead!
another thing I keep in mind is medium, since most of my works above are digital and most of my inspirations are traditional artworks, so I have to figure out how to adapt that artists style into a new format in order to keep it somewhat recognisable to the original!
list of artist inspirations & explanations included in this post are below btw
Gustav Klimt's The Kiss (1907) -> Wangxian digital drawing (2020), with a photo collage background made up of lots of golden things!
This is not the only piece I've done inspired by Klimt's work, but it's one of my favourites hence why I included it here lol! I love how Klimt combines realistically painted portraits with flat coloured backgrounds and patterns, the contrast is just so interesting to look at and is definitely something I use quite regularly in my own work.
Edvard Munch's The Kiss (1897) -> Destiel amalgamation traditional mixed media artwork (2021)
I was also inspired by a few other artworks but the pose is definitely based on Munch's work! I just love how the faces blend into each other that it almost becomes abstract, but is somehow still recognisable as a kiss!
Francis Bacon's 1972 Triptych -> Kaisoo painting (2015)
This is definitely one of the times my inspiration was more based on the ~vibes~ of the artist rather than anything in particular about one specific work lol! (so much so that I only know I based it on that particular triptych cos I wrote about it when I posted the artwork pfft...) Bacon's work isn't necessarily stuff I enjoy looking at (in fact it often makes me kinda uncomfortable), but I do like how expressive his work is!
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec's In Bed (1892) -> A study from the film Weekend (2023) (which I haven't actually released properly yet shh you'll have to wait until June for that lol)
I didn't actually initially plan to be an homage to this painting, but about halfway through me drawing it I realised it was reminding me of something lol! Henri's (yes we're on a first name basis cos I cba to write his long ass surname pfft) painting evokes such tenderness, a moment in time commemorated in paint, and it's that same emotion I hope my own work emulates!
Caravaggio's Young sick Bacchus (1593) -> Jimin holding some fruit and flowers lol (2017)
Not the only piece I've done inspired by Caravaggio (or baroque painters in general), but I'm still very proud of this piece, even if the proportions are terrible lol! The chiaroscuro of Caravaggio's work still makes me weep honestly! Plus, kinda weird, but I really love the way he paints grapes lol!
Goosebumps book cover (?? possibly 90s or 00s??) -> BBC Wreck fanart (2022)
I grew up with the Goosebumps books, and though I didn't have this particular publication, I remember absolutely loving the cover art! It's honestly kinda mad it's taken me this long to do an actual Goosebumps based work lol! Also the cheesy taglines are some of my favourite parts of the covers and I spent WAYYY too long trying to come up with my own pfft!
Gwen John's Young woman in a red shawl (1917) -> Luna f(x) fanart (2016)
I remember seeing John's work in Cardiff and just fell in love with her muted colours and rough brushstrokes! I don't think I necessarily echoed her work that well with my own (since it's a difficult technique to do in digital), but I still like it nonetheless lol
Lucian Freud's Guy Half Asleep (1981) -> Park Kyung Instant fanart (2018)
This was actually one of the first times I tried to make an artwork that was done digitally but actually looked like it was traditional! I'd honestly really like to do more work inspired by Freud's cos I love the lumpiness (technical term) of how he paints people! It almost feels like you could reach out and touch their skin when you see his work!
Remedios Varo's Triptych (1960) -> BTS Rapline triptych (2018)
I can't even remember where I saw her work first but I knew that I wanted to do something inspired by her work since I absolutely adored her use of colour and the stylism of her figures and backgrounds! I also really loved how her triptych acts as this journey through each piece, which is something I tried to recreate myself and that Rapline triptych is honestly still one of my favourite pieces I've ever done lol :')
Leonardo da Vinci's The Last Supper (1495) -> EXO 'last supper in hell' fanart (2019)
This is one where seeing it next to the inspiration is honestly hilarious lol! I was actually more inspired by the music video for Monster, which has a part in it paying homage to Da Vinci's Last Supper btw! I haven't really done much work based on Da Vinci, even though I really like his painting and drawing techniques!
And that's all (for now)! I know I will forever be inspired by artists and artworks of the past (and present) so maybe in a few years I'll do another one of these compilations lol!
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hymn-of-muse · 8 months
A Haunted Mind p2
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Part 2 of the last oneshot!
tw for mentions of manipulation, toxic relationships etc
requested by @mariabrightmoon
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It had hardly even been about an hour since Catra had gotten up and sat on the windowsill, staring at the stars while deep in her own thoughts.
Catra leaned her head gently against the surface of the window, forehead against the glasses and eyes shifting focus from the stars back to her reflection, staring at her own eyes for just a moment before closing them with a light scoff.
She felt something nudge the leg she had dangling over the side of the windowsill, said something letting out a concerned noise that resembled a worried meow of a cat.
"Hey melog..." catra sighed, reaching over to give the cat-like alien companion a pat on the head, scratching melog behind the ear as it emitted a purr in response to the affection.
"Guess I kinda do need your company..." she spoke quietly as she continued to pet her companion. "my mind's a mess, melog..."
The companion glanced back up at her with folded ears, shifting it's base to a more frosted-dark purple colour as if projecting how she felt through colour. 
"Yeah...I guess I'm kinda sad...feels more than that though. Like...regret? Ugh I hate that word" catra hissed at her own admission.
She did regret a lot of things though, almost everything she did in the past. Kidnapping, manipulating, bullying and more...she was no longer as proud of her actions as she appeared to be when she'd done them.
Catra did try apologizing, of course, she wanted to try and make up for it, be forgiven for causing hurt. She learned the best way to be able to move forward was to accept, forgive and forget, at least that's how one of the princesses had put it. She wanted to give that a try so she could move on..
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"Look, I just...this is really hard for me but I'm trying okay? So I just need you to hear me out" Catra had her hands raised in an act of assurance to try and come off as less of a threat.
"Alright... we're listening." Mermista crossed her arms and leaned back in her chair with a skeptical look towards the feline woman.
Catra was convinced by adora to join the princess meeting this time, a change to give everyone a formal official apology and ask for forgiveness. Probably the only chance she would get since the squad planned on heading back to space travel very soon.
Everyone sat around the large table, their attention all directed to her. Princesses, the king, allies...adora.
Catra took a deep breath before expelling it with her words. "I want to say that I'm sorry. For everything. All of it. Everything I said, all my actions when I was with the horde, everything that lead up to....to horde prime." Her voice wavered at the end but adora placed a soft hand on-top of hers and she kept going.
"I know i did a lot of bad things, hurt a lot of people, caused a lot of damage..but I just..need everyone to know I'm apologizing and I want to do better from now on. I want things to be better, I want to help fix things." She briefly glanced her eyes over everyone's faces to gage their reactions, and what she saw only made her feel worse.
"Sorry isn't going to make up for it, you know that right?" Netassa sounded like she would have raised her voice and snapped something worse at catra if her wife wasnt holding onto her arm to keep her calm.
"Yeah, you kinda broke my whole kingdom and stuff" Mermista pointed out with annoyance in her usual flat tone.
"And you ruined my ball and kidnapped glimmer and bow!" frosta added with a huff.
"The point is catra...you did a huge amount of hurt and damage...it's going to be incredibly hard to forgive you. We're not saying we don't want you here or that we aren't going to give you a chance to improve and do better going forward..but I think it's safe to say our trust in you right now is next to non existent, and most of us won't be forgiving you or accepting your apology.." Glimmer explained with a solemn look on her face.
"We like that your on our side now, sure! But...like glimmer said, we don't forgive you for what happened, and we don't fully trust you right now.." Flora chimed in with a sad look in her eyes.
Catras ears pressed back against her head. She wasn't sure what she was expecting in the first place, but maybe she should have expected this rejection...then it would hurt less.
"You can make all the apologies you want, try as hard as you want to 'be better'...but what you did? I mean you forced open a portal that nearly destroyed the world! Because of that we lost angelica! There is seriously no forgiveness for you there" Netassa scowled.
Catra felt her tail tuck between her legs and wrap around one of them, melog nudging her knee reassuringly.
"Right, yeah, no..that's..fair. I get that." Catra nodded, eyes on the table to avoid looking at anymore of their harsh stares.
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The moment was clear in her mind as the stars light outside the ship. She understood perfectly why none of them trusted her, she certainly didn't forgive or trust herself all that much either.
The rejection hurt a little less now after some time processing it, but it still stung to think about how they might never ever forgive her, and she'll live with the guilt for the rest of her life..
Melog gave another worried meow before biting her wrist and tugging her away from the window. It wanted her back on her feet.
"Alright alright...I'll come back to bed" catra sighed quietly and stood up, following her companion back to the room she shared with her girlfriend.
Riddled with guilt and hoping adora was still sound asleep, melog lead her and her haunted consciousness back to bed, where she curled back up next to adoras snoring sprawled out body.
The minute her head hit he pillow she felt her eyes grow very tired and the alien curled up by her legs. Cratras eyes became heavier as minutes ticked by while past events kept running through her mind, though she did still managed to completely fall asleep after a bit
It would be another dreamless night for her..
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reblogs are appreciated!
feel free to request more angst, fluff or whatever comes to mind!
be sure to check my pinned post!
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johannestevans · 10 months
How did/do you choose a decorating theme and color palette for your place?
I want to do something cool with my own place but there are so many options that I don't know where to start.
Just wondering if you have any method or advice you would be willing to share.
For me, in everything, I always start here on the Jolly Roger:
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And dial it back just a little.
Originally I was looking at small houses, and now I'm getting an apartment instead - in all instances, the plan for decorating my home was always going to be what I felt most cosy and comfortable.
I abhor bright white walls and pale beiges - in general, any design that might be palatable or easily salable to a real estate agent or someone who works in a office strikes me as anathema to life and soul - but what drives me is far more what I'm drawn to rather than just what I hate.
I personally love rich reds and greens, oranges and browns, and dark yellows and golds - I incorporate a lot of these colours into my wardrobe, and I knew I'd be decorating a space with them too.
For all I jokingly refer to the Jolly Roger, I'm far more drawn to elements of Victorian and Edwardian middle and working class interior design, with some elements taken from the early 20th century up to the interwar period in bachelor's flats, so my style is picking and choosing from furnishings from England and Wales around the 1870s-1920s, which is a massive variety, but limited enough that I can visualise from it.
And then I add the accents and the smaller elements - nautical bits and pieces, sailors and ships, brass anchors and octopus, etc.
My main hall might have more of a blue and white nautical theme than the red and gold of the living room and bedroom, just because that's an easy palette to go for whilst still being nice and welcoming, and I have a lot of blue and white pieces already from where I live now.
I think it's useful to think a lot about what colours you like, but specifically like... which ones make you feel comfortable and cosy, or whatever other emotion you want to feel from your rooms.
Part of the reason I hate white walls so much is because I actually get quite uncomfortable and overstimulated when rooms are very bright, and I'm drawn to Victorian styles because they severely limited natural light, with very little artificial light on that whiter/bright yellow end of the spectrum, and more golden and red tints, which is much easier on the eyes.
As for furniture, I like mine to be solid and to take a lot of wear, thus my attraction to a lot of antique stuff made of heavy woods, as well as my desire for a hard leather chair with good back support and similar sofa and chairs - I can always put blankets over them if I don't like the leather, but leather is easier to clean than upholstery and more hardwearing, too.
What colours do you like, but also, what fabrics, what textures, upholstery? If you're very worried about knocking into furniture or if you're a clumsy sort like me, you might prefer to have dark wood furniture of a solid wood - when you knock into it, it doesn't move, and scratches are easy to cover up.
If you prefer more natural light and an airier room, you might prefer lighter woods, and you might like the flexibility of more modern furniture that you'd be able to buy flatpack - it'll be easier to take apart and exchange or modify, and it'll also be much easier to move around the place if you like to rearrange your furniture regularly, which I don't.
I'm also going to be entertaining regularly as well as working from my home filming interviews and whatever, so having a home where it really fits my personality and my "personal brand" is gonna be great for me professionally, but more importantly like... when I'm hosting friends and loved ones - and coworkers - it'll be in a space that feels very distinctly mine and is an extension of my personality, which features a lot of brocade and damask.
Nicely, you might say that I favour the ornate and the darkly colourful and burnished, that I like vintage styles and antique stylings - more realistically you might say I'm old and crotchety, dated in my preferences, and a vintage gay.
Much as I favour the nautical things and have all sorts of sea creatures and sail ship inspired bits and pieces, you might have a similar favoured aspect of your personality that you'd like reflected - your passion for music or a particular art movement, your favourite books or films, a certain aspect of fashion or architecture, etc.
Whatever you can think of, whatever you end up wanting to reflect in your design tastes, I'm sure you can find some delightful freak who's made a Pinterest board for something similar already!
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my-st0ff · 2 years
Song: Head Over Heels - Tears For Fears (lyrics in bold)
Summary: Post revolution / Connor's deviancy, he comes to your flat one stormy night with a confession.
These New Feelings are Odd
Connor x gender neutral reader
You stirred your coffee with one hand as the other held your head up - your elbow planted on the kitchen counter. Whilst you stirred you watched the storm with half-closed lids as it was visible from the window above said counter.
Knock knock
It took you a moment for your tired brain to register the two careful knocks on your front door. You rested the spoon on the side of the inside of the cup and trudged to your front door with quite a bit of caution as your mind raced to try and figure out who was at your flat at 11pm at night for no apparent reason.
You sighed his name in relief upon opening the door.
"what're you doing here?... Here get in here your soaking"
You usher him into your fairly spacious flat. Pondering on why he'd not even put on a hooded jacket. So far he had remained silent and kept his head down - definitely worrying you a hell of alot.
"Connor... What's going on?"
He finally looks up at you with his beautiful glazed brown eyes, his face glistening as it was still slick with rain.
"I... I wanted to be with you alone, as in not at the police station around others. Since that's only really when I get to see you..."
He spoke with what sounded like nerves, his formal and to-the-point way of speaking seemed to be being interrupted by his yet to be controlled how he'd like them to be emotions.
You reply understandingly.
"is there something specific you wanted to talk about?"
You ask with your eyebrows raised, giving you a soft and considerate expression as you peered down at his lowered head.
"I suppose I was trying to relax and was drastically failing to do so because of thoughts related to you"
Your heart flutters just a little at those words, you definitely cared about him more than most - if you know what I mean. You wonder over to get your cup and then towards the sofa, Connor following shyly behind trying not to spew all his feelings there and then.
"here, sit down"
You smile warmly up at him from the sofa. Once he plants himself next to you, you begin to dig through the pillows and throws on your couch to find the nice (your favourite and most soft) navy blue blanket. You slide the jacket off his shoulders carefully and replace it with a blanket, wrapping it around his shoulders whilst he watches your face with tender eyes. His android heart going like a mocking bird.
You smile up at him.
"what is it about me then?"
You ask innocently.
He asks, completely lost in administration of the varying specs of colour that filled your iris's.
"you said you couldn't stop thinking about me"
You say lowly with a little heat in your face from having to repeat that back.
"well I was thinking, at first, about your work at the DPD and I suppose I thought of your future. And how you were telling me about your ideas of moving on from your detective work and I... I... What if I don't get to ever see you again?"
He looked up at you with an expression that almost fully convinced you he was going to cry. You didn't question him or the way he was feeling, all you wanted to do was make him feel better. It broke your heart to see him so worried.
"Connor, if that's how you feel we don't have to lose contact once I move on"
"so your going to"
He cuts you off.
"your not going to continue your work at the DPD?"
"I was planning on leaving fairly soon, yeah"
Connor bit his tongue to try and stop himself from crying. You reached out a hand to cup his face.
You whisper.
"what's this really about?"
"(Y/N), thoughts of you... And your presence won't escape my attention and haven't been able to for - well since I met you... before I had even deviated"
The sides of your mouth curve upwards again and you rub your thumb in circles on his cold cheek with affection.
"it's okay. Connor I've..."
You swallow, hard.
"I've loved you since I first met you... The real you, not the machine they tried to make you, I could always see through all that"
He nuzzled his face into your hand as your other one came up to show affection to the other side of his face. He sniffled into your palm and brought his own hands up to grip onto yours around his face, his eyes squeezed shut.
"sh sh it's alright"
You say and he shuffles in so that he can nuzzle his wet face into your warm chest.
"(Y/N) I love you"
His voice wobbles and sounds strained.
"shh, I love you two"
You whisper and place a kiss to the top of his head.
"p-please don't leave me - please"
He sounds desperate and it sinks your heart.
"Connor even if or when I go I promise it doesn't mean we can't see one-another. I'm not going anywhere... I just wish you'd gone and said something about how you felt sooner"
You huff in a half-laugh. You scratch the top of his head through his hair, calming his crying until it's just small hiccups and sniffs.
"your staying with me tonight okay?"
He nods tiredly into his chest.
Hope you enjoyed(:
Remember requests for scenarios and headcannons are always open.
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