#I love fancy silly shoes
kitty-lennon · 11 months
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I swear one day I'll find a way to not have a blurry mess of a drawing but it's apparently not today. Anyway backgrounds aren't my strongest point but I'm SUPER proud of how roobie turned out... Even if he doesn't look like him but Mario's cousin.
OK now I'll dissappear play the sims while listening to Welcome to Night Vale and reappear who knows when with more drawings!! (oc fan art ??? More likely than you think)
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trollbreak · 7 months
Hey do y’all remember joruna? Decides puppet’s taking her to the ball this year :3
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jealousmartini · 1 month
⋆.˚ how I like to manifest ! .𖥔˚
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To be honest, my kind of manifesting is like a lazy type because of how silly and laid back it is. It's good for loa babes like me who just wanna have fun manifesting, but don't wanna do too much.
But because of how complicated manifestation was made in the past years, you guys might see my manifesting as creative.
It just depends on how you, a master manifester, personally like to manifest compared to how I do things.
I like to call this process :
𐙚 shop, purchase, spawn ⋆.˚
Some of you read that and might be thinking "why is it shopping themed-" Silence. hear me out.
– what does it mean to "shop" and how to do it?
To shop means to browse, to look for, and to figure out what you want.
Like you would do before you go to a shop or even while you are in a shop, you would see something you like and wonder to yourself, "oo I really want this " or "Wouldn't it be so nice if I had this" or "Omg I have got to have that" something amongst those lines. This is the first half of my shopping process.
The second half is to look for whatever tickles my fancy and add it to my basket. But how do I do this, and where do I look for my desires? Literally anywhere. But my favourite shopping area is definitely pinterest (just like any other manifester), so let's use her as an example: To shop on pinterest would be to scroll or search for whatever my desire is. To place in a basket would be to sort it into a board.
– what do you mean "purchase", how to do it?
To purchase means to buy something; usually using digital or physical money. Or, in my case, to finalise the fact that it is mine/decide it's mine, by using affirmations!
Affirmations is my currency. When I give some affirmations, I lose some affirmations in order to "buy" my desire.
What I mean by this is that it's like a trade offer with myself. In order to buy my desires, I must trade in some limiting beliefs I have about the desire with new ones that support the fact the desire is now mine. Do you get it?
I traded my old beliefs for new beliefs for my desire in return!
– what does it mean to "spawn", how to do it?
To spawn means to appear very quickly or from nowhere in seconds. For me though, this would just be a simple word for "instant delivery" or "instant reality shift".
Now this is all spawning is. It is me shifting my reality to one where everything is the same but my desired affirmations have materialised instantly. To spawn a desire is to instantly shift to a reality where my affirmations about having my desire has materialised.
I love to spawn my desires instead of going through the process of having to collect it from somewhere (which IS still the manifestation of my affirmations but I'm just too lazy dude☠️😭)
𐙚 the world is a supermarket, and everything is free ! .𖥔˚
This is where my silly imagination gets creative, yall. I'm about to put you guys on some "shops" where you can "purchase" your specific desires from. Here are some obvious ones:
— what you can "buy" on pinterest !
Clothes, Shoes, Accessories, Wigs
Face claims, Body claims
Houses, Apartments/Penthouses
Food claims
Vehicle claims
Aesthetic claims
— what you can "buy" on tiktok ! (And youtube)
Song/Audio claims
voice claims/Accent claims
Face claims, body claims, personality claims
Fame claim
Aesthetic claims
Closet claims
Significant other claims (platonic or romantic)
Relationship trope claims
Room claims (bedroom,bathroom living rooms etc)
— what you can "buy" on Google maps
Houses, Apartments/Penthouses
Islands (😭)
Environment claims
Vacation spots
— what you can buy with your phone camera
I really love using my phone camera to shop for new desires guys because you can take a picture of ANYTHING.
You want to live in a specific neighbourhood? Take a picture of it and purchase is. Want the cutest clothe set you just saw in the window of a store? Take a picture and purchase it.
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Anyway thats all I have to say for now.
Tags I'm tryna put some cool loa babes on. Tell me what you guys think : @esotericc-angel @etherealkissed88 @edwadio @livingmydreamlife5555 @theshifterbear @nondualiber @ponchigg @ningsols @themanifestingbrat @4ellieluv @dollfaceirene @babygothprincess @revrealities
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theostrophywife · 4 months
poison paradise.
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pairing: theodore nott x reader.
song inspiration: toxic by omido.
author's note: smutty unhinged theo won the poll. here’s your silly little treat. this came to me in a dream proving that even my subconscious isn't safe from theodore. this is pure filth, but ya'll already know that that's what i do best 🤪
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The taste of cherry chapstick lingered on your tongue as your eyes rolled to the back of your head. Lost in euphoria, you cried out just as a wave of pleasure crashed over you, dragging you to the depths of sensual self-indulgence. 
Back arching off the bed. Fingers gripping the sheets. Moans echoing off the walls. 
This was hedonism at its finest. 
The heady scent of sweat, skin, and sex permeated in the air long after your orgasm passed, inducing you into a foggy haze as you scrambled to anchor yourself back to the present. Between your legs, your girlfriend lifted her head up with a pleased smirk and pressed a chaste kiss against your lips. 
The kiss tasted like cum and cherries, a sweet and intoxicating combination that sent your head spinning. Hannah hummed, her pretty doe eyes focused on you while your own fluttered open. 
“Babe, I’ve really got to get to practice now,” she whispered softly. “I’m late enough as it is.” 
You chuckled, twirling a strand of her red hair between your fingers. “Whose fault is that? You’re the one who dragged me in here, love.” 
Hannah grinned sheepishly as she pulled your red and gold skirt down. “Can you blame me? I can’t control myself when you’re strutting about in your cheer uniform.” 
“Then go out there and give me something to cheer about, babe. I expect a win against Slytherin tomorrow.” 
“If Potter doesn’t kill me first for being late,” she said with a final kiss to your cheek. “See you after practice?”
You nodded as you tossed her jersey over. “I’ll be here.” 
After taking a much needed shower, you sat in front of the vanity and blasted music as you diligently adhered to your skincare routine. The best thing about having a girlfriend was that you shared everything. Since dating Hannah, your makeup, clothes, and shoe options doubled overnight. 
As you combed through your hair, a sudden knock at the door caught your attention. You figured it was just a courtesy from Hannah’s roommate. Merlin knows that the poor witch had walked in on you and your girlfriend in countless compromising positions. 
Tightening the scarlet robe around your waist, you sauntered over to the door, fully expecting Emma to greet you from the other side. Instead, a looming figure eclipsed the doorway. You were surprised to find none other than Theodore Nott staring back at you. 
While you two weren’t exactly the best of friends given the rivalry between your houses, you and Theo were civil. You sat beside each other in Herbology and occasionally shared a laugh every time you caught him muttering sarcastic remarks under his breath about the ridiculous bloody plants that Professor Sprout had you wrangling during class. 
“Well, what do we have here?” you teased, cocking your head at the dead eyed Slytherin. “A serpent in the lion’s den? What brings you behind enemy lines, Theo?”  
Theo smiled back in response, shuffling a bit and allowing a glimpse of the wine bottle and bouquet of roses cradled in his arms. “Waiting for my girlfriend to leave so I can set this up for our anniversary.” 
You grinned. “Oh, how romantic!” You had always been a sucker for cheesy gestures. It was the hopeless romantic in you.  “Come in, then.” 
To his credit, Theo kept his eyes firmly on your face as you ushered him inside the room. Taking the hint, you quickly excused yourself to the bathroom and changed into something a little less revealing than your silk robe. When you came out, Theo was sprinkling rose petals on the bed. 
“Those are gorgeous,” you fawned over the flowers. “You’re definitely getting laid tonight.” 
Theo smirked in response as he set the vintage wine bottle into a fancy crystal ice bucket. “That’s the plan.” 
Slipping into your fuzzy slippers, you cocked your head at the arrangement. “Wait. I think you set it up on the wrong side. Emma’s bed is over there.” 
Theo nodded absentmindedly. “Yeah, I know. This is for Hannah.” 
Whatever warm, fuzzy feeling his sweet gesture invoked suddenly soured at the mention of your girlfriend’s name. “What do you mean it’s for Hannah?” 
“Hannah,” Theo repeated slowly. “As in, my girlfriend, Hannah.” 
The words hit you like the Hogwarts Express. Surely, Theo was mistaken. He had to be. That was the only explanation. “This can’t be right. I’m sure I heard you wrong. You can’t be dating Hannah.” 
The confusion in your face was mirrored in Theo’s features. “And why is that?” 
“Because I’m dating Hannah.” 
Theo stared at you. You stared back. The room fell silent as the declaration hung heavy in the air. 
“Wait,” he backtracked, furrowing his brows. “What? That’s not possible.” 
“We’ve been dating since term started.” 
“We’ve been dating since summer,” Theo countered. Disbelief dawned over his handsome features. “This is for our three month anniversary.” 
Desperate to make sense of the situation, you pulled out your phone and scrolled through your photo album. It didn’t take long to find a recent picture of you and Hannah. “See?” you said, pointing at the screen. “This is us sharing a hot fudge sundae in Hogsmeade just last weekend.” 
Theo’s mouth gaped open as he pulled out his phone in response, scrolling through his pictures just as you had done moments ago. “This is us swimming in the lake last July.” 
The photo of your girlfriend smiling up at the camera while Theo’s arms wrapped around her bikini clad body made your stomach plummet. The confirmation left a bitter taste on your tongue. There was no reason for Theo to be making this up, which left only one possible conclusion. Hannah was dating both of you. At the same time. 
You pursed your lips. “Hannah played us both.” 
Theo looked about as dejected as you felt. “I can’t believe I didn’t realize it,” he muttered to himself. 
“All that tension between you during the quidditch match,” you recalled. The lingering looks that Hannah and Theo shared during last month’s scrimmage flashed before your very eyes. In hindsight, it was obvious that there was more to it than rivalry. 
“You know, I think I saw her kiss you on the cheek in the halls once, but she said that the two of you were just really close.” 
“Oh, we are,” you said rather bitterly. “She’s kissed a lot more than my cheeks. Gods, how could I have been so stupid?” 
“You’re not stupid,” Theo said softly. “How could we have known? Outside of Herbology, the two of us don’t really interact. We’re in different houses and our social circles rarely overlap. If you think about it, it’s actually the perfect plan.” 
“Yes, bravo to our girlfriend for being the cleverest fucking liar in the castle.” You winced at the title. "Correction, ex-girlfriend."
Nott nodded in agreement. "Definitely ex-girlfriend."
"What a bloody mess."
Theo rubbed his temples. “Well, fuck.” The sentiment of total and utter confusion was one you knew all too well. “I am way too sober for this.” 
Without a word, he swiped the bottle of wine from the crystal bucket and popped it open. You stared at him with slight bewilderment, which he responded to with a nonchalant shrug. “What? It’s not like I’m going to drink this with Hannah now after I found out that she’s been lying to me for three whole months.” 
While Theo was taking the perfectly understandable approach of getting absolutely pissed off his arse, you weren’t willing to take the hit so easily. You were angry. Correction, you were fucking livid. Seething in the heat of your fury, you snatched the wine bottle from Theo’s grasp and chugged a good amount. 
“That’s a vintage from my family’s vineyard. You’re supposed to sip slowly to really appreciate the flavor—“ Theo grimaced as you leveled him with a glare. “Or drown yourself in it. That’s fine, too.” 
You swayed on your feet as you gestured dramatically. “I can’t believe she cheated on me!” 
Who the fuck did Hannah think she was? You didn’t need this bullshit. She was the one who chased after you. Before she pursued you, you were perfectly fine ruling this school under your thumb, flashing pretty smiles and innocent doe eyed looks to the unsuspecting masses. You were head cheerleader, for fuck’s sake! You could’ve had your pick of boys and girls in this whole bloody castle. Even worse, Hannah dragged Theo into this too. While the Slytherins certainly had a reputation, he seemed sweet if not a little sardonic and cynical at times.
”I can’t believe she cheated on you.” You added, surveying the now tainted roses and wine. Indignation weighed heavily on every word. You and Theo were both hot as fuck and a complete catch. Neither of you deserved this. “We can’t let her get away with this.” 
Theo sighed in response, taking the bottle from you and drinking a decent amount before wiping his wine stained lips with the back of his hand. “If I’m being honest, this isn’t the first time a relationship has imploded on me. Usually, it’s my fault. But I can’t say I’ve ever gotten cheated on. My ego’s taken a little bit of a blow, but what can we do? She fooled us both.” 
“What can we do?” You repeated incredulously. “Obviously, you haven’t dealt with a Gryffindor’s wrath before. This is a matter of pride, Theo. She hit us where it hurts the most. I say we hit her back.” 
Theo blanched, his watercolor eyes glazed from the alcohol. The wine was no joke. You never would’ve known it from the smooth taste, but this shit was strong. “As upset as I am, I hardly think violence is the answer. My mum told me to never raise a hand against a lady and I don’t intend on breaking that promise. No matter how angry I may be.” 
For the first time in that fucked up night, you managed a laugh. Something about that was so endearing to you. “Relax, Nott. I don’t mean we hurt her physically. That’s not really my style. I have a much more effective way to enact revenge.” Your lips curled into a smile as Theo hung onto every word. “We’re going to wage psychological warfare on our ex-girlfriend, Theo.” 
“I’ll confess I’m a little bit scared,” Theo declared as he gulped down the last of the wine. “And a little bit turned on. Guess that says a lot about me, huh?” 
You smirked as you retrieved the wine bottle and gingerly set it on the nightstand. Theo glanced up at you curiously, anticipation evident on his handsome face. “What exactly is the plan, dolcezza?” 
Whether it was the alcohol or your anger, a devious plan started forming as you looked over your ex-girlfriend’s now ex-boyfriend. “Hannah comes back from practice in an hour,” you stated, toying with the neck of the bottle. “She’s expecting to find me in bed waiting for her.” 
Mischief danced in Theo’s eyes. Up close, you could see flecks of green swimming in his blue irises. Those mesmerizing eyes—the very same ones that had the entire castle weak in the knees—locked on yours. Now that you were single through no fault of your own, you had no reason not to ogle Theo and ogle you did. Your gaze flickered over his lean physique, examining his solid chest and broad shoulders before snagging on the sliver of skin that revealed the hard abdominal muscles beneath his light grey shirt as he stretched. A cocky smirk graced his handsome face when he caught you looking.
Merlin, he was fucking pretty. 
How had you not noticed that before? Oh, right. You were too busy being a good girlfriend. Well, fuck that. 
“Oh?” He murmured, his gaze flickering over you. 
Though you changed into a baggy shirt and cotton shorts, you might as well have been naked with the way Theo was looking at you. His dead eyed stare burned holes into your skin and a shiver crawled up your spine as he gravitated closer. 
“And she will,” you said with a smirk, closing the gap between you. “You’ll just be in it with me.” 
“Oh,” Theo hummed salaciously. 
“Wouldn’t wanna waste those pretty roses you got, do we?” 
The low rasp of your voice seemed to entrance Theo as he shook his head, appearing dazed as you pulled him in by the front of his shirt. “No, no at all. We should…” The nervous bob of his Adam’s apple sent a thrill through your body. “We should definitely make use of them.” 
With a grin, you led him towards the bed. Theo walked backwards, his eyes never leaving yours even as he landed on the mattress. The golden glow of the lamp kissed his sharp cheekbones, its warm hue coloring the slope of his nose, which were smattered with moles and freckles, before emphasizing his wine stained lips. The red roses fluttered around him as the bed dipped, soft petals tickling his skin as he settled against the headboard.
Theo felt like he was under a spell as you crawled over him. He couldn’t tell whether he was dizzy from the wine or if it was just the effect you had on him, but either way, he wasn’t complaining. There were worse things to suffer from than a pretty witch straddling his lap. 
Instinctively, Theo gripped your waist while you settled over him. The sight of you leaning over him, your face mere inches away from his felt like a fever dream. One that he had no desire of waking up from. 
“I thought you liked girls,” Theo whispered softly as your lips brushed over his. Teasing, taunting, tasting. Fuck, what he would give to have you devour him whole. 
“I do,” you replied, tickling his cheek with a rose petal. Theo shivered as the low rasp of your voice pulled him in. “But I like boys too. Especially pretty ones like you.” 
Theo couldn’t help but blush. Obviously, he was aware that he was attractive, but he’d never been called pretty before. He was surprised to find that he really fucking liked it. 
“Don’t flatter me, dolcezza. Not unless you plan on following through.”
“I’ve never been with a Slytherin before,” you whispered huskily. “Tell me, Theo. Will you sink your teeth into me tonight?”
A part of him pondered the slightly fucked up situation that Theo managed to get himself into tonight. Was he really about to fuck his ex-girlfriend’s ex-girlfriend in her own bed? Yes. Did he feel an ounce of guilt over what he was about to do? No. 
Honestly, fuck Hannah. But more importantly, Theo needed to focus on fucking you. 
“Fuck yes.”
When you leaned in and pressed your lips against his, it was over. There wasn’t a single trace of self control in him as he kissed back, his mouth hot and eager against yours. The infamous Gryffindor boldness didn’t disappoint as you moaned into his mouth, your fingers threading through his silky brown waves before tugging in a way that made Theo weak in the knees. As he parted your lips with his tongue, you grinded against him and laughed seductively when he whimpered in response. 
“Yeah?” you purred as you rolled your hips. “You like that, pretty boy?” 
“Bloody fucking hell,” Theo groaned before he kissed you again, rougher this time. 
There was something satisfying about the way he grabbed you, his big hands guiding you to grind over him, providing a delicious friction between your clothed sex. Theo was hard and throbbing underneath you. By the feel of him, you knew you were in for a ride. The sheer size of him was going to absolutely destroy you. 
You pulled away and a glistening trail of spit extended between you as a result of your sloppy make out. Theo panted as you tugged at the hem of his shirt, keeping your eyes trained on him while you licked a path down his abdomen. He watched hungrily as you grazed your teeth over his hard muscles, flicking your tongue expertly while he shuddered underneath you. 
“I can see why Hannah went for you,” you hummed against his tan skin. “You’re hot as fuck. Your abs are unreal and your happy trail,” Theo groaned as you pressed soft kisses along his torso. “It leads to something delicious, doesn’t it?” 
“Fuck, bella. You’re killing me,” Theo groaned as he fisted your hair in one hand. The whimper that slipped past his lips as you palmed his cock was utterly shameless. “You’ve got a filthy fucking mouth, Y/N.” 
“Yeah? Shut me up, then.” 
His head lolled back against the headboard as you released his cock from his boxers, stroking purposefully and savoring the filthy moans that echoed against the walls. Those pretty eyes of his were nearly black with lust as he looked down at you, biting his lip while your tongue swirled over the head of his cock. Licking up his precum, you smirked before fully wrapping your lips around him. 
Theo tugged at your hair and bucked against your mouth as you sucked, licked, and pumped every inch of his thick, hard cock. You knew you were good, but the desperation in Theo’s voice all but confirmed it. 
“Dio mio, right there. Fuck, you’re perfect. Your throat was made to be fucked. You can take it, bella. Choke on my cock, just like that.”
You gagged as he hit the back of your throat. Sucking dick had never been your favorite, but sucking Theo’s dick was something else. He looked so pretty with his waves plastered to his forehead, rosy cheeks flushed as he fucked your face with a dominance that had you growing wetter by the second. Tears streaked down your cheeks as you choked on his cock, but it was worth every second to hear Theo moan your name. 
“Fuck, Y/N,” hissed Theo after a particularly rough thrust. You could tell he was close by the way his body seized underneath you, but you weren’t done with him yet. You wanted more and so did he. “So fucking close, but I don’t want to come yet. I need…Fuck, I need more.” 
You released him with a pop, but kept stroking him with your right hand. “Use your words, pretty boy.” 
“I want to feel you,” Theo whined. “I need to feel your pussy clenching around my cock, principessa. I need you so fucking bad. I’d get on my knees to be inside of you. Please.” 
“You sound so pretty when you beg,” you said as you kissed his temple. “Who am I to refuse?” 
Theo watched as you shuffled above him, barely breathing as you slipped out of your clothes. When you threw your shirt off, Theo cursed to find you completely bare before him. He cupped your tits, flicking his thumb over your nipples before wrapping his lips around them. You could tell he was eager to please and that alone was a huge fucking turn on. It was rare to find a man who cared about pleasure beyond his own, which is why you usually preferred women. Theodore Nott seemed to be the exception. 
With rapt attention, Theo helped you lower down onto his length. He kept his eyes on you as you adjusted, gasping when your walls stretched to accommodate his size. 
“You know, I thought the rumors about you were exaggerated,” you groaned as you sank lower. “But I’ve never been so glad to be wrong.” 
Theo smirked as he nibbled at your earlobe. “What kind of rumors, dolcezza?” 
“That you had a huge dick,” you responded, sounding slightly winded once Theo was finally fully sheathed inside of you. “And that you fuck like a—“ You moaned when Theo shifted his hips to rut into you. He was so big that the minuscule movement felt like you were being split apart. 
“That I fuck like what, bella?” 
Never one to be outdone, you tugged at his hair and grinded against him. “That you fuck like an absolute demon.” 
“Yeah?” He drawled, sliding in and out of you with a cocky smirk. “Well, you’re no angel either, Y/N.” 
“You haven’t seen anything yet, Theo.” 
The sight of you bouncing on his cock and riding the fuck out of him was almost too much. Theo was mesmerized as you used him to get off, head thrown back as you placed your hands on either side of his legs before bending in an angle that he wasn’t even sure was possible for a human to contort to. 
Damn, he should’ve fucked a cheerleader sooner. He should’ve fucked you sooner. 
“I guess you’re not the only one who listened to the rumors. They said you were flexible, but goddamn, this is something else. You’re something else, Y/N.” 
“Oh fuck, Theo,” you keened as you gripped the sheets. “You’re so big. It feels so fucking good, baby.” 
“I like the way you moan my name,” he said. “Gods, I could’ve had this all along. Why was I even wasting my time with Hannah? Sei una fottuta dea.” 
“I have no idea what you just said,'' you panted, picking up the pace. Your legs ached from the effort, but it felt too good to stop. “But I’m soaked now.” 
“I said,” Theo grunted as he fucked up into you and tugged your hair back. “You’re a fucking goddess, Y/N.” 
When he rubbed circles on your clit, you absolutely lost it. The room spiraled around you as you came hard, creaming Theo from tip to base. He pulled out suddenly, making you whine at the loss of contact until he replaced his cock with his mouth. Theo flattened his tongue, licking up along your soaked folds. His nose brushed against your already sensitive clit and you cried out as he lapped you up like a man starved. 
“Can’t take anymore,” you whined, tears pooling in the corner of your eyes as you pushed against Theo’s broad shoulders. “It’s too much. I’m so sensitive.” 
Theo gripped your ankles and spread your legs wider. “Where’s that Gryffindor bravery, bella?” He chuckled, tracing circles on the inside of your thighs. His mouth glistened with your cum and rose petals stuck to his skin as he looked up at you. “Surely you can take more. We barely just started. I want you drenched in tears. Shaking, crying, and moaning my name. Right now, you’re not even close.” 
He sucked on your clit and you swore to Godric your eyes rolled back so hard that you saw heaven. Theo was determined to drive you to the brink of insanity. “I know you want it, baby. Let me make you feel good.” 
“Oh gods,” you cried out as he filled you with two fingers. It wasn’t as much of a stretch as his cock, but the way he curled them inside of you, touching that sensitive spongy spot within your walls made you whimper all the same. “Fuck, yes, gods. I want it. I want you, Theo.” 
A satisfied smile graced his handsome face before Theo flipped you over, pressing you headfirst into the pillows as he feasted on your pussy from behind. There wasn’t a single thought in your head as he unraveled you with his tongue and fingers. It was a deadly combination that had you on the edge quicker than you thought possible. 
“Turn around, principessa,” Theo cooed. “Come ride my face.” 
For Godric’s fucking sake. The man was absolutely insatiable. You liked to think that you had excellent stamina. Most of the time your partners struggled to keep up with your pace, but Theo was seriously challenging that. You didn’t know if you could come three times in a row without passing out, but tonight was as good as any to find out. 
Theo rewarded you with a sloppy, open-mouthed kiss before positioning your thighs on either side of his head. You held onto the headboard above him. Part of it was for balance, but mostly to keep yourself from collapsing all together. You felt so overstimulated that the line between pleasure and pain was blurring by the minute, but still, neither one of you had any plans of stopping. 
At this point, you actually couldn’t give less of a fuck about revenge. Hannah had long become a thing of the past. It seemed ironic that you and your ex-girlfriend were in this exact position mere hours ago yet you couldn’t even recall anything past the Slytherin fucking you with his tongue. 
“Theo, oh my fucking gods,” you cried out as you grinded against his mouth. “Right there. Yes, that’s it. So good.” Theo squeezed your thighs in response, which elicited a hoarse laugh out of you. “You like when I praise you, pretty boy?” 
Theo hummed against your clit and squeezed your ass in confirmation. “You’re so pretty when you’re eating my pussy,” you cooed, brushing his wavy locks back. “But you’re even prettier when you’re fucking me.” 
That seemed to be all the encouragement Theo needed. Before you knew it, your back was against the mattress as he hiked your legs over your shoulder. Theo slipped in easily, thanks to the juices coating both his tongue and cock now that he was filling you up again. 
“How’s the view now, principessa?” Theo asked with a cocky smirk. 
You bit your lip as he pounded into you, holding your gaze with every sharp thrust. His tanned skin glistened with sweat and his muscles flexed while he buried himself inside of you again and again, watching you take all of him with rapt attention. His balls slapped against your ass every time his hips snapped to yours, drilling so deep that you struggled for words.
“The best in the castle,” you quipped back, putting on a serene smile as Theo grunted and fucked any and every coherent thought right out of you. 
Neither one of you noticed the door opening nor the sound of the broom hitting the floor. You were too busy staring into Theo’s pretty eyes to care. 
He turned your head towards the door, but didn’t stop fucking you as Hannah watched with her mouth hung wide open. Theo made sure that your ex-girlfriend had a clear view of the money shot as he claimed you with his mouth, moaning your name against your lips as he came with a loud cry. He filled you to the brim and you could feel him leaking out of you and onto the sheets as your eyes rolled back.
Theo collapsed on top of you, sweaty and sinful. As you lay boneless and blissed out of your mind, you couldn’t quite believe that you’d just fucked your ex-girlfriend’s ex boyfriend. In her own bed, nonetheless. If that wasn’t poetic justice, you didn’t know what was. Merlin, you hadn’t gotten shagged like that in—well, ever. The Slytherin really knew how to slither in. You lifted your head to find Theo already looking at you. When you made eye contact, the two of you burst into laughter.
Your ex-girlfriend, on the other hand, was not as amused. “What the fuck!” Hannah screamed. 
Her shrill voice brought you out of the post haze aftermath of your earth shattering orgasm. Completely unbothered, you stretched lazily and waved your fingers at Hannah. Theo smirked as he tugged his sweatpants back on, but opted to remain shirtless as he pulled his oversized shirt over your head like a proper gentleman. You were grateful, since you had absolutely no desire to walk around in your ex-girlfriend’s clothes. Plus, it didn’t hurt that Theo looked absolutely delicious from the afterglow.
You bit your lip, already thinking of all the ways you’d like to have him. Again and again. As often as possible.
With a little smile, you met Theo’s gaze. It was clear that neither of you had any intention of calling it an early night. You had a feeling that you had a lot of sleepless nights ahead of you. Theo looked like he wanted to tear you apart and you were more than willing to let him. “My dorm?” 
“Whatever you say, dolcezza,” Theo said as he slipped his fingers through yours. “You could lead me off the astronomy tower and I’d follow.” 
Theo didn’t bother looking at Hannah as the two of you passed her. You, on the other hand, couldn’t pass up the chance to get the last word in. 
“By the way, we’re breaking up with you. Have fun cleaning up the mess.” 
Theo chuckled darkly as he tugged you out into the hallway, smacking your arse as the two of you raced back to your dorm. Behind you, your long forgotten ex-girlfriend gaped as she watched her ex-girlfriend and ex-boyfriend walk away hand in hand.
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mistydeyes · 8 months
This is my first time doing this!!!!! can you please do 141 with a rich reader! Like she buys them cars,supplies,homes,etc but not in a sugar momma way like “ I’m make money……..and my love language is gift giving” like imagine them walking into her house mansion and is like “this is 10 times bigger than my flat building” and she’s like “oh shush….besides this is your home now” or when she picks them up to go to the pub she pulls up in their dream car and their like “love your car” she like “it’s yours” and throws the key. And when they give her gifts she ADORES them (it’s some purfum she likes) she’s just loves spoiling her baby and they don’t know how handle Being so special! CAN YOU PLEASE MAKE A REACT ON THIS ITS BEEN ROTTING MY MIND
hehe thank you so much for requesting! we love expensive taste and a woman who's love language is gift gifting!!
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summary: When the 141 met you, they had no idea what kind of life you came from. However from extravagant vacations to luxury vehicles, you make sure to treat your man right.
pairing: Taskforce 141 x fem!reader
warnings: swearing
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Looking at John, you can tell he enjoys the more expensive taste in things. Holidays are always a joy for you both as you spend your hard-earned salary on practical yet extravagant gifts. For your anniversary, you wanted to impress. Earlier in the year for your birthday, he had gotten you a bottle of Baccarat Rouge 540 and you were over the moon. It had it's own shelf in your home and he always made sure to compliment the rich, sultry scent when you wore it. This inspired you as you dragged John to the bright red building in Grasse. You had spent the last week in the south of France, seeing the sights and enjoying the extravagance of wine and pastries. He had been wondering where you were going as you maneuvered through the streets and eventually walked up the path. "This is the final part of a French tour," you smiled as you entered, "a perfume-making class!" As he chuckled at the idea, you checked yourselves in with the minimal amount of French you knew. "What made you pick this?" he asked as you waited for your perfume instructor. You looked around at the various creations and bottles that glistened in the afternoon sun. "You always talk about wanting to find the perfect scent," you commented, "especially when you have one of your fancy military balls or ceremonies." He nodded as he cozied himself onto the leather couch. "Well looks like this is the perfect place to do so," he smiled, kissing you on the forehead. "Don't worry, I'll make sure to pick an expensive-smelling one for my luxurious husband."
"This can't be right," Johnny mumbled as he arrived at your address. You told him you lived in the English countryside and he expected a cottage fit for a granny. He was not expecting a castle that looked like it stretched various football fields. The exterior was extravagant and he was calculating the price of your marbled columns before you opened the door. "Johnny, a pleasure to have you," you smiled as you let him into the foyer. He took a minute to look at the not one but two staircases you had leading to the upper floor. Furthermore, the interior looked like a smaller version of Versailles. He thought he knew luxury when he saw Price's flat but that was a shoe closet compared to this. "Are you alright?" you questioned, putting a comforting hand on his shoulder. "You live here?" he asked and gasped at the way his voice echoed amongst the mansion. You laughed for a moment before looking back up at him. "Yes, I do," you replied as if it was a silly question, "it's quite nice." He turned back to you with a shocked face. "This is more than nice," he said, gesturing to your extravagant home, "I was not picturing this during the drive." You blushed a little at the realization that this wasn't the typical home he had been accustomed to. "Well do you want a house tour?" you offered and he immediately took the offer, "let's start with the first library." "There's multiple?"
Kyle looked at his watch as he wondered where you were. "The missus running late?" Price asked as he searched for his car keys. "Probably had a meeting or something," Kyle said, looking back down at his phone, "perks of dating a CEO I guess." Just as Price offered him a ride, a silver Rolls-Royce Spectre came revving in front of the two awe-struck men. "Sorry I'm late boys," you said as you got out, "hope Kyle stayed out of trouble long enough, John." "He's a good one, Y/N," Price replied as he gave you a quick hug. He smiled back at you before waving off and walking over to his own vehicle. "This a new company car?" Kyle asked as he examined the pristine exterior and the practically silent hum of the EV engine. You had a small smile on your face as he tapped the front of the car and looked into the windows. "It's new but definitely not company-issued," you smiled, wrapping your arms around his torso. "Didn't think you needed a new car," he continued and the suspense was killing you. As you opened the car door and sat in the red leather passenger seat, Kyle looked at you dumbfounded. "You want me to drive?" he questioned as he moved the seat back into a comfortable position. "Of course, babes," you said, practically bursting with happiness, "you should drive your own car home." There was a brief moment of mixed screaming and excitement as he realized this was his. Once he was finished (and you stopped laughing), you turned on the seat warmers. "Go ahead," you smiled, "take us home in your new toy."
Simon was never one to gorge himself on the finer things in life. He would save 80% of his paycheck and spend the rest at the grocer's or off-license. He often would have to hold you back from ordering items for him or buying something at Armani on a whim. "Return it." you could hear Simon say behind you and you sheepishly closed your laptop as you knew you had been caught. "You need new jeans though," you tried to convince him but he shook his head. "I could get a pair of Wranglers for less than £47.50 on sale," he responded and that's how most conversations ended. However, you had spent your time finding him an expensive gift that you knew he would value. "What's this?" Simon asked as you pushed over a small parcel. "I know you don't celebrate your birthday but I got you something," you smiled before sitting down with him on the couch. He shook his head as he ripped open the packaging. Inside was a small box that depicted a pair of sturdy-looking earplugs. "For when you exercise or go on runs," you commented, "they're Beats Fit Pro." He opened up the box and you watched as he adjusted them into his ear. "You know I can just use those wired ones," he said before trying them out. You shook his head as he admired the noise-canceling quality. He was enjoying the gift no matter how much he said it was unnecessary. "Well if you don't like them I can always return them," you joked, reaching your hand across the couch to get them before he pulled it away, "yeah, that's what I thought."
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smilesrobotlover · 4 months
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I wanted to design the resistance for my au Love at Twilight so here they are! It was challenging to make characters 10 years after everything without changing their design too much 😅 idk it’s hard, I used the concept art for help.
There’s some Ashei concept art where she has full chest armor and I think it looks soooo cool. It also had some fur which also looked cool, so I like how she turned out! Shad didn’t change too much, just removed his silly socks and tennis shoes lol. Auru was difficult cuz he’s a much older man so he’s probably wearing more comfy clothes. There is concept art of a big baggy shirt so I tried to put that in this design. And I struggle with colors but I kinda like how he turned out! I already discussed Rusl’s changes, he just doesn’t have any ordon clothes. Link meanwhile doesn’t care and has his heroe’s outfit with his ordon clothes lol. He doesn’t care about his hair it’s just always doing it’s own thing. Sheik is just sheik from concept art with brown hair, Telma was hard but I added a circle apron and changed her colors. Idk how I feel about her design. I added some Gerudo influence tho cuz I like the idea of her being somewhat related to the Gerudo. And since I’m kinda wanting the resistance to be a group of outsiders it kinda fits. And then Renado, he’s a new addition to the team, and he gave me struggle but I like how he turned out. He looks fancy which fits the mayor vibe!
Overall I like these guys
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strawb3rrystar · 1 month
totally didnt trip and run here…why would that happen.
anywho, stolas x stellas cousin!gn! reader :3 idrc if its platonic or romantic this man needs a friend/someone to care ab him and actually show it (staring at blitzø)
if platonic, then it could be that they have a marriage of convenience and stolas is off put but them but they reassure both him and octaviva that they arent like their cousins lol and from there they befriend stolas and be his rock for whenever blitzø shuts down and pushes stolas away
if romantic then it could just be a silly slow burn with stilas veru confused bc he loves blitzø but also is beginning to like his new spouse?! (then they could talk and the cousin could be like “dude we dont gotta be exclusive. esp since u still like the imp dude. if u want, take thing slow, see where u end up and how you feel.”)
and when reader shows affection stolas is taken aback bc all the people in his life aren’t really forward with their own affections?
soz if this is lengthy 😭😭 i love this sad bird sm and just want him to have someone to rely on that isnt his kid or his BF
It wasn't just a marriage of convenience.
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Pairing: Stolas x GN! Stella's cousin! Reader
Warnings: Stella slander (im sorry), very slight blitz slander (again, sorry)
Word count: 816
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Stolas wasn't too keen on remarrying, especially when he found out it would be his ex-wife's cousin. He expected to be just like the rest of your snobby family.
The first time he met you, your beak upturned in a smile that could've been fake. But there was no faking the look in your eyes. The way you were hanging off every word as he talked. That was the most genuine thing about your family. Your eyes always gave you away. Stolas learned that quickly with Stella. Even when she was trying to be nice, her eyes always revealed her true feelings.
After the wedding, Stolas realized the heels of your fancy shoes didn't echo in the hallways like Stella's did. Her footsteps always sent chills down his spine because they were always filled with fury. No matter where you were in the palace, you could always hear her coming.
The first time you threw a ball, it wasn't for a selfish reason, it was for your friend's birthday. Unlike Stella's amazing idea of a 'not divorced' party. She would glide across the ballroom with fake poise, her head turned up at everyone who was below her. But you move so effortlessly and with such elegance that you could put your cousin to shame.
It felt odd to be living with you at first. To be sleeping in the same bed. But you mostly kept to yourself during the day. Stolas finally could get some peace and quiet now that Stella's constant torment was gone. During dinner, when you were all sat at the table, you would have an actual conversation with him. Octavia seemed to like you as well, the two of you would talk about things that she liked. And you would hangout in the library at night.
You weren't trying to be a new parent for Via. Or a new spouse for Stolas. You were just simply existing in the same space. Not trying to disrupt the environment before you. Maybe that's why he was just so drawn to you. You cared about his problems, listened to him, but didn't pry. Even when your cousin was brought up, you were never angry. You were just an observer.
But now Stolas was in a dilemma. He likes Blitz, but now he also likes.. you? It sent his head into spirals, rethinking the last year of his life. It was so bad he couldn't concentrate on the words in his book. Because just a few feet away his spouse sat at their vanity, putting some eye drops in their eyes. Stolas takes a deep breath, going over every outcome in his head. Before he knew what he was doing, the words were coming out of his mouth. "Uh, hey?"
This gains your attention, and you turn to him. But not just your head, you did a full body turn towards him. Satan you were so beautiful. Stolas would compare your beauty to that of the stars. Your head tilts every so slightly, your eyes fill with affection. "Yes?"
"I'm having a bit of a problem.." Stolas admits, setting his book on the nightstand. By the time he looked back at you, you were already sitting on the bed with him. "What kind of problem?"
"I think I'm starting to love you..." He mumbles scratching the back of his neck and then smoothing down his feathers. "Why is that a problem?"
You already knew about his relationship with Blitz as he would often express his issues to you. It was a very simple question, but it made Stolas even more confused. "Because I can't like two people at once."
He shakes his head, his hands in his lap. You raise an eyebrow, then chuckle to yourself. "Stolas, we don't have to be exclusive. Especially since I know how special that Imp is to you. We can take things slow, see if we like it. If not, we can go back to how things are, I won't be upset."
His eyes widen at your words. His body felt like it was on fire. But not the 'I'm horny' kind of fire. More like 'I love you so much I think I'm going to explode' kind. "Could I.. kiss you then?"
You smile, the type of smile that made his heart melt for you. You inch over to him, taking his wing in yours. "I would love nothing more than that."
It was one of the most love filled, passionate kisses that Stolas had ever experienced. His claws grabbing at you like you'd slip away if he didn't. Your claws touch his face delicately, as if he were a glass figure that would shatter if you pressed too hard. When the two of you pull away, Stolas buries his face into your neck. And the two of you cuddle into each other for the rest of the night.
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Star's notes -> You know I love it when I get requests from you Adonis!!! <3
(Thank you, @sweetadonisbutbetter for requesting!) (Requests are open!)
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Taglist -> @samohxt2-0 @sunshines-bright @astrolovedy @saints-wrapped-in-plastic @sweetadonisbutbetter
@little-miss-chaoss @sunr1s3-strab3rr1 | Join the taglist
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fanficriter · 10 months
Dating the BNHA Boys!
Warnings - None
Characters - Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugou, Shoto Todoroki, Tamaki Amajiki
Notes - Isn’t my best work but oh well :3
Gender Neutral Reader
Izuku Midoriya
- Silly lil guy
- Took him a LOT of courage to confess to you
- Just kinda stood there dumbfounded when you reciprocated his feelings
- Poor boy is lowkey insecure
- He’s silently insecure about his scars :(
- If you kissed his scars i think he’d go insane
- Will probably cry
- He has little notes about how pretty you are in his quirk journal thingy
- Will go in rants about how amazing you are to his friends
- “Y/N is just so perfect and i love them and i don’t know what id do with out them they’re always there for me and-“
- If you have long hair, he always keeps a pack of hair ties incase you need them 😭
- When you tell him about something you like, he will write it down so he remembers
- Was soooo nervous when he first held your hand
- Always blushes without fail
- His hand are rough, but also rlly soft? (i need to make hand hcs holy shit)
- Doesn’t really like sparring with you bc he doesn’t want to hurt you, but he will if you rlly want to
- He will train together tho!
- He loves giving you tips, and watching you use your quirk
- Likes setting up little picnics with you bc he’s quite literally the perfect man ever
- He is a CUDDLIER
- Absolutely loves cuddling with you
- Loves it when you face him and dig your face into his neck
- Definitely talks in his sleep
- He loves taking you on dates to a bunch of different restaurants and such
- Gets so nervous when kissing you
- He loves it but he gets flustered way to easy
Katsuki Bakugou
- Malewife fr
- Will cook for you, though he acts like it’s a chore, he loves your reaction to all his different meals
- Deaf bakugou hc is my favourite thing ever i’m sorry
- He can still hear, (kind of) but he needs to wear a hearing aid
- He knows sign language, but really only uses it around his mom bc he’s embarrassed😭
- If you know sign language, you’ll win his heart IMMEDIATELY
- You were definitely the one to confess first
- Actually rejected you at first (he still liked you at the time)
- But after a few weeks, he confessed to you
- “I actually feel the same way or whatever… just didn’t wanna feed your ego to much…”
- Knows how to style hair weirdly well
- Will always make excuses to do your hair
- “Oi, c’mere, your hair looks like shit.”
- He’ll never admit it, but he LOVES head scratches
- Will lay on your thighs without warning, expecting you to scratch his scalp
- Sparring together is a MUST
- Don’t expect him to go easy on you
- Isn’t to big on PDA, but he’ll kiss you in private all you want
- The first few times you guys held hands, he was kinda scared that he would accidentally explode you 💀
- Doesn’t really take you out for dates a lot, it’s usually just movies and popcorn in bed
- But on the rare occasion when he DOES take you on a date, it is at the fanciest restaurants known to mankind
- Or hiking, he likes hiking
- It took a while for him to be comfortable with cuddling, but he loves spooning you, or holding you as you bury your face into his chest
Shoto Todoroki
- Confessed to you pretty soon after he realised his feelings
- Straight to the point
- “I’ve recently developed feelings for you.”
- Has a small smile when you said you liked him back
- He stares at you a lot
- Loves admiring you
- Also gives the weirdest compliments?
- “You have a nice facial structure, it suits you”
- “Thank you??”
- Will pick flowers occasionally and give them to you
- Literally buys you everything
- With his Dads credit card (You have no idea)
- You see a pair of shoes you like? BOOM. They are yours in 0.5 seconds
- He just buys everything bro CALM DOWN
- Loves taking you on fancy dinner dates
- You have to meet his siblings btw
- Mainly bc his sister WOULD NOT SHUT UP AB MEETING YOU
- She loves you
- So much
- It’s actually a bit concerning
- Doesn’t necessarily not like PDA, he just doesn’t feel the need to initiate it
- He can be a bit oblivious, so if you want PDA, just tell him!
- He has no problem with it
- Not really a cuddly person, but he will cuddle you if you want!
- Your relationship is definitely based on a lot of communication 😭
- As time passes, he will start to do those things without you having to ask, he just needed to get used to it
Tamaki Amajiki
- oh my god okay
- He confessed first but it took him SOOOO long
- Needed so much encouragement from his friends
- Then he just blurted it out while he was at your house one time
- “I- I love you!!”
- Almost died when you said it back
- Actually saw god when you tried holding his hand the first time
- CANNOT do PDA i think he would die
- Definitely an act of service man, he is too shy to do anything else
- Can’t reach somthing ? he’s on it. Your bathroom need cleaning? Consider it done!
- Also likes making you random little gifts
- Kiss him on the cheek i dare you
- He will EXPLODE
- Your always helping him calm down in public
- “Y/N i wanna go home”
- Further into the relationship he will slowly get used to physical affection
- I don’t think he will ever not get flustered tho
- He loves taking you out too eat
- Really likes picnic dates
- I feel like he meditates often to try and clear his head (there is a lot going on in there 😭)
- Will always invite you to meditate with him
- He actually really likes cuddling with you
- He almost dies every time but
- Loves when you spoon him
- Also loves laying on your chest (or the other way around)
- Absolute chef in the kitchen
- Always cooking u meals
This took my life 3 weeks to write i kept putting it off so it’s not as detailed as i’d like it to be but oh well
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darkbluekies · 1 year
I'M A SILAS SIMP!!! Can we get a date with him? Like a cute date and we get scared cause maybe we're falling in love with him pleeeease
My Valentine<3
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Mafia!yandere x reader Valentine's special
Summary: Silas hates Valentine’s, but this year, he's going to spoil you. You find yourself actually enjoying his love and start to question if you really hate him.
Warnings: a bit of nudity (not sexual), kissing, Stockholm syndrome
Word count: 1.8k
Valentine’s day. Normally Silas absolutely despises this day. It’s just a cringy holiday to make people try to believe in love that doesn’t exist. This year though, he plans to go all out! It’s his first Valentine’s day with you, his little darling! He wants you to loosen up and see how much he really cares for you. He has everything planned. First you’ll go to a nice restaurant and eat dinner then to a hotel for some ultimate luxury.
He’s got you a cute outfit for you to wear today. He hopes that it’s going to make you feel a bit happier about today. He knows that you don’t want to go anywhere with him. 
“Here you go, pretty”, Silas smiles and places down a paper bag on the bed. “Dress yourself. I have big plans for today.”
“I’m not in the mood …”, you mumble without looking at him. 
“I think you will be. Look in the bag, baby.”
The curiosity takes control and you sneak a look into the bag. Red clothing and new shoes. 
“Put those on”, Silas smirks. “I think you’ll look really good.”
He sinks down in his armchair, spreads his legs and leans back to watch you. You get up from bed and lift up the new clothes you’ve gotten, feeling it in your hands. 
“Are you going to watch me?” you ask quietly. 
“Of course”, Silas smiles, eyes darker than the darkest night. “It’s Valentine’s day … let me enjoy it as much as I can.”
You roll your eyes. “Do you want me to give you a show, mister? Is that it?”
“I mean, I’d love to-”
You grab the pillow and throw it at his face. Silas chuckles and hugs the soft thing, leaning his head back at the wall. You keep your eyes glared at him as you change clothes. Silas will never get enough of seeing your body. It feels like he’s getting blinded by your beauty everytime he sees you. You signal for him that he can stop staring, that you’re done dressing yourself now. 
“Wow”, he breathes and walks over to you. “You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen. I’m so happy to have you, I hope you know that.”
His hands hold your waist in a tight grip. 
“You look perfect, my love”, he whispers. “Let’s go now. We’ll have so much fun.”
He holds his arm around your waist as he leads you down to the car. His chauffeur opens the door for the two of you and Silas tells him to stop looking at you. The chauffeur apologies when he realizes that he’s been looking at you a bit too long. Silas holds your hand on the car ride, kissing the skin over and over again. You keep your eyes out the window, hating the way you actually feel a bit warm inside. You blame it on the day.
“Can you please look at me?” Silas begs. “I want to see your pretty eyes.”
You glance over at him and he smiles. 
“There we go”, he cooes. “Do you know where we’re going?”
“No”, you answer truthfully. “And it’s kind of freaking me out …”
“Don’t be scared, beautiful. Everything today is in your favor. You will love everything I’ve prepared for you.” He seems to become alert. “Oh, we’re here. Driver, stay here.”
Silas opens the door and pulls you out on the sidewalk. You look around and finds the sign of a fancy restaurant in front of you. With a gasp, you cover your mouth. 
“I know how you’ve been dreaming about eating here”, Silas says and takes your hand in his. “And now I’m going to grant you your wish.”
You take another look towards the restaurant. The lights look dim and there doesn’t seem to be any people inside. if there’s a day a restaurant should be full, it is Valentine’s … 
“It looks empty, Silas”, you say. “I don’t think it’s open.”
“Silly thing, I’ve booked it for us”, Silas chuckles. “I can’t stand watching other people look at you. I had to get the entire restaurant for myself so I can have you all to myself too. Let’s go inside and get some dinner.”
Silas opens the door and leads you inside. The staff start to welcome you and show you the table they’ve prepared for you. You think that they seem a bit tense and you can’t blame them. Silas temper and occupation is enough to cause a whole city to leave in panic. 
You sit down in front of him with your hands in your lap. A waiter comes to give you the menus and you notice that yours doesn’t have any prices listed in it. 
“How am i supposed to know what things cost if I can’t see it?” you ask. 
“That’s the thing, Y/N, you shouldn’t see”, Silas says with a fond smile. “Choose whatever you want. Don’t think of the price, just pick what you think is yummy, okay?”
“Are you sure?”
“I took you here, didn’t I? Choose whatever you want, little thing.”
You look through the menu as if your life depends on it, afraid to choose the wrong thing. The chances of coming back here might be slim. Finally, after almost ten minutes of intense reading, you end up with salmon. Silas smiles and tells you that you made a good choice. In this dim light, he almost looks sweet. Of course, he chooses steak.
“Are you happy to be out?” Silas asks when the waiters have taken your orders.  
You nod hesitantly without looking at him. Silas smiles and leans over the table to take your hand in his. The grip is gentle.
“I’ve never celebrated valentine’s day before”, he admits and smiles sheepishly. “I thought it was stupid. But not anymore. Not if it is with you. I’ll spoil you, baby, as if every day was valentine’s day. I’ll worship you and treat you like royalty. I love you, so so much.”
You squirm in your seat at his words. Normally, every syllable feels like spiders crawling down your skin. You wish he didn’t say these things, you never know what to respond. But today, instead of spiders, it feels like electricity. It makes you freeze with realization. No …
“What’s wrong, baby?” Silas asks with furrowed brows. “Are you feeling well?”
You meet his dark, worried eyes and feel your heart skipping a beat. 
“Yes, I’m okay”, you say quietly.
“If you don’t feel well, we can go straight back home.”
You shake your head quickly and decide to change the subject. 
“Can’t you tell me about yourself for once?” you ask. “You always want to know about me. I want to know about your life.”
“My life? Like what?”
“You certainly didn’t want to be a criminal when you were a kid. What was your original dream?”
SIlas smiles shyly and scratches the back of his neck. “A truck driver.”
“Truck driver?”
“I liked cars. But then I started hanging out with the wrong kinds of people and now I’m here. I’m not mad about it though. I have more money than I ever could have gotten being a truck driver.”
“Money isn’t everything. Not when you’re harming people.”
“I punish people who are cruel to me. If people didn’t bother me, I’d not kill them. But they don’t get that easy memo.” Silas smiles. “Enough about that. I don’t want to talk about work on this fine day.”
The food comes before you have time to ask him something else. You dig in. The food melts in your mouth and you wonder if you’ve got a taste of heaven. 
“Is it good, baby?” Silas asks and takes a sip of his crimson wine. “Do you like it?”
You nod. 
"Let's say we travel one day", Silas says. "Where would you like to go?"
"Somewhere warm probably", you say. "Or to the mountains. Either really warm or really cold."
"Interesting … I'll remember that."
The dessert is a strawberry ice cream with hot chocolate sauce.
Silas doesn't let you see the bill and when you ask him about it, he just smiles at you. Gently, he guides you back to the car where the driver is watching a movie on the monitor inside.
"Stop watching garbage while working", Silas says. "Otherwise I'll spoil the movie for you. I swear, I'll do it."
The driver apologizes quickly and turns on the engine. 
"Where are we going?" you ask.
"The grand hotel", Silas smirks. "I've booked the best suite they have.”
Silas’s grip on your hand is tighter than before when you step out in front of the grand hotel. You understand why. The hotel is filled with people, potential threats. Silas practically drags you with him to the lobby. The poor receptionist is trembling when Silas speaks to her. She never looks at you.
"Come with me", a man smiles. "I'll show you to your suite."
Silas thanks him and pulls you with him through the marvelous lobby, over to the elevator. The man chats with Silas and you notice how he’s trying to not sound frightened, but his body language exposes him. 
The room is bigger than you could ever have anticipated. You look around with big eyes. Silas captures you in a backhug, kissing your cheek. Once again, you’re filled with warmth. Terrified, you freeze. You shouldn’t fall for him. You really shouldn’t. But … it is Valentine’s day after all. If there’s one day a year to give in and be in love, it’s today. You turn around in his embrace and look at his lips, hesitating, contemplating. You’ve never taken the initiative before and you have a feeling you will regret it, but you really want to. Maybe you’ve gone insane. Maybe you’ve gotten manipulated, but oh, how much you want to kiss him. 
“Do you want to kiss me?” Silas smirks. “Is that why you’re staring at my lips?”
“I think so”, you say. 
Before you can react, he’s crashed his lips against yours. You gasp as all the air knocks out of your lungs. His kisses are rough and dominant, but his hold of you is sweet and gentle. He’s sucking the air out of you in a hypnotizing way that leaves you wanting more. You wrap your arms around his neck to pull him closer. 
“Y/N, Y/N”, Silas pants and pulls back from you. “Patience. I have more planned. You can’t break my mind yet.”
You whine slightly as he withdraws his lips from you. Now that you’ve finally let loose, why does he have to stop you? He chuckles and pulls you to the bathroom. The bath is already prepared for the two of you with bath bombs, bubbles and champagne. 
“Here is some chocolate”, Silas says and holds up a box. “What do you say? Should we take a bath?”
You nod. A few minutes later, you both sink down into the hot water. Your not sure if it's the water embracing you or Silas hugging you, but frankly, you don't care. Not now. Silas give you one of the champagne filled glasses. You clink the glasses together and gulp it down. Silas pulls you close to him and lets you lean on his chest. You can feel his heart beat through his muscles. For once, it feels human.
“Isn't this nice?” he whispers and you can hear the skft smile in his voice. “So relaxing.”
You nod and close your eyes. Maybe being with Silas isn’t too bad afterall. Despite his cold outer, he can be a quite romantic person on the inside ...
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mochiimadness · 20 days
Hey! could you do 2012 tmnt how they would react if s/o is a dancer? Sorry for bothering have a good day/night!
Fearless Leader
He is so quiet when watching you dance
You’re not sure what he’s thinking exactly,
Kinda unnerves you at first
So, in the middle of a particularly tricky move, you look over to see him watching you and just ask
“Do you not like dancing or something?”
You’ve never seen him panic so fast
He’s immediately animated, frantically waving his hands in front of him
“No, no, no-! It’s not that, I was just- you’re just- your dancing is so impressive!”
Leo didn’t even realize he had been staring so hard
After years of training and fighting, he sort of just- analyzes movements, studying them.
(Which actually made him decent at dancing but he doesn’t do it often)
He’s absolutely impressed by your dance moves, he got too busy caught up in analyzing, and appreciating how you make each flow, to realize he might’ve been coming off as judgmental
After explaining, you offer to teach him a thing or two
Are there stars in his eyes??? He’s already standing next to you ready to go
Loves to learn moves from you!
Makes the cutest concentrating face- especially on harder moves
(He sticks his tongue out a little, don’t tell him though because he’ll stop!)
You two could spend hours in the dojo just practicing dance moves.
He’ll bring refreshments and snacks!
Offers to teach you ninjitsu or meditate in return <3
Mean Green Fighting Machine
Raph can definitely bust a move
He can also vogue- I don’t make the rules, he just can.
Enjoys watching you dance!
He’ll even challenge you to a dance battle
Doesn’t matter what style of dance you choose,
He’ll do his own thing while throwing in a few moves he’d seen you do.
You find out how well he actually pays attention to your practicing during these dance offs.
Raph is actually decent at mimicking moves he sees others do
Surprisingly good at ballet
And of course,
✨Hip hop✨
Loves having these friendly competitions with you.
…even if he sometimes gets butthurt at losing
Just pull him into a silly little dance and all will be well
No fancy moves, just enjoying the music
“Aw c’mon Raph, you did great!”
“Hmph, still lost >:/“
“C’mere and dance with me already!”
“Alright alright I’m coming!”
Never actually gets angry about losing
Will pout a little though
Loves to see you grin about it <3
Is so incredibly supportive and proud of his s/o!
Donnie dances like a dork /pos
He can either do the robot or some really awkward dance movements
It doesn’t bother him much-
Or at least it didn’t until he met you
Donnie loves watching you dance
You make it look so easy!
Gets a nervous if you ask him to dance-
Literally spends hours watching tutorials trying to learn how to dance better
He wants to be able to dance with you properly!!
Absolutely swoons if you offer to teach him
He picks up a few moves but still is pretty awkward overall
Once you tell him that you don’t mind,
He adores to dance with you
He genuinely enjoys just watching you dance too!
Finds it ✨fascinating✨
Gets you a good bag to store your dance stuff in- like your shoes and clothes
Decorates it with little dance charms and pins
And a purple turtle ofc
He also builds you a small music box with your favorite music!
That way you can listen and dance to it whenever!
"I uh made you this portable music box with your favorite tunes! You can listen to it wherever, whenever- if you want too of course. If not it's totally fine and-"
"Woah! This is great, D, thanks!!"
"Really?? :D"
You can practically see his tail wagging (it is actually)
Dr. Prankenstein
One word-
Is your number one hype turtle
Always excited to see you dance!
Especially if you do any hip-hop/break dancing
If you do, he 100% joins in
Mikey is an awesome break dancer!
You'll always have a good time dancing with him.
If you don't do any hip-hop/break dancing-
He still loves to watch and join in when he can
Very good at following the flow of the beat
Can dabble in pretty much any dance style,
He's the fastest at being able to pick up on new styles/moves
After a few moments of watching you,
He's able to replicate the move you're doing!
Ofc it's not perfect (most of the time anyway)
But it's still pretty impressive.
Loves to just dance with you.
If you preform you better believe he finds a way to watch
Doesn't matter if the place is crowded and it's in the middle of the day,
Mikey always finds a way to come out and support you
(you may or may not have nearly screamed after seeing him pop out of the ceiling rafters but shhh)
If you ever need someone to give you feedback too,
Mikey's your turtle!
"S/o!! I saw your dance today, it was awesome!"
"How did you even-?"
"Oh, I found a crawl space under the floor and propped it open a bit, no biggie :D"
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This, and many others, have been sitting in my ask box for over a year now.
I hope you enjoyed it, I apologize for the wait. Have a good day/night!
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haikyu-mp4 · 1 month
Something borrowed
word count; 466 – gn!reader, set during timeskip in my mind but works for high school as well
I could not decide who suited the idea best, so this is for Osamu, Tendo, Akaashi, Yamaguchi, Asahi, or anyone you want it to be<3
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Your date was at your doorstep, ready for your first proper date. He got flowers, was dressed in a nice shirt and pants under his proper coat, and put some extra attention into his hair. His mind was all over you from the second you opened the door, admiring everything about you, including your hair which he had never seen look so nice before.
“Come inside, please. I was just getting my shoes on.” you chuckled. Said chuckle died down the second he stepped inside and closed the door. You stopped and scanned him, from nice ankle-cut shoes to his red ears. “You can’t go like that.”
He stiffened, nervously looking from you to his outfit. It took so long to choose what to wear, and he really felt like he nailed it. Everything was supposed to go so well, what’s wrong with his outfit? He clears his throat, about to say something along the lines of I’m sorry, but you keep talking while turning to the old dresser that stood by the wall next to him. You pull open a drawer and get a hat and scarf.
“We're walking in the snow, you’ll catch a cold!” you scolded him, but it felt oddly affectionate and it had his shoulders melting. You wrapped the scarf around his neck while he watched you and you were about to put the hat on when he carefully grabbed your wrist.
“My hair…” is all he managed to say with a nervous chuckle. You still stepped a little closer, humming some silly Christmas song so it seemed like you couldn’t hear him as you carefully nuzzled the hat onto his head. You pat his ears over the hat and then picked up another hat, smushing it down on your head before accepting the flowers and putting them away. Before leaving, you pressed a kiss to his cheek and took his hand, loving the flustered air around him.
The two of you conversed the whole way to the restaurant, happily enjoying the snowy weather and spending about 10 minutes extra on the walk because you were clinging onto each other to avoid slipping on the ice. It had you both laughing with a mix of nervous embarrassment and pure enjoyment.
You sat down at your table in the decently fancy restaurant, and he’s helping you with your chair before sitting down himself. What a gentleman. As the waiter put your menus down, you pulled your hat off your head and stuffed it in the pocket of your jacket. He looked at you and felt enchanted by your smile, doing the same with his borrowed hat and hoping the top of his head looked about as unruly as yours. Even if everyone else thought you looked silly, at least you were matching.
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silly-honeybee · 5 months
What Blue Lock boys would get you for Christmas🎁
~🐝 Happy late Christmas my lovely sillies! I have been rlly busy lately so I haven’t had time to write💔 so I hope you enjoy this lil headconon on what the Blue Lock boys would get you for Christmas!
Characters: Bachira, Isagi, Chigiri, Nagi, Kunigami, Reo, Kaiser, Alexis, Hiori
Headcanon ~ Fluffy fluff ~ fem!reader ~ not proofread
Warning(?): mentions of bras and panties in Kunigami’s part. (don’t know if that makes anyone uncomfy or not so I’m putting this here)
Bachira Meguru
Silly things. He’d get you some silly and unnecessary things—
Like he’d probably get you a shirt saying “I love pizza” or something stupid😭
But he’d also get you some pretty cute things.
Anything matching, plushies, shirts, bracelets, etc..
He is indeed a goofball(we love him for that), but of course he knows how to give serious gifts(somewhat)..
The wrapping would be horrible, I gotta say that.. probably a bunch of holes basically revealing what the present was before you even opened it.. (he’s trying his best)
Oh well, whatever he gets you just know that he means it with a lot of love💕
Isagi Yoichi
He’d probably get you nice things for the winter, like a fuzzy sweater, scarf, boots..
Or he’d find a cute dress that he thinks would look nice on you, if you don’t like dresses then a cute pair of shorts or pants..
But, in general he would make sure to get you something he knew you liked, he thinks about you a lot, yk? ^^
(This is rlly short I’m sorry🙏)
Chigiri Hyoma
This man will spoil you.
You like Sanrio? Sanrio it is. You want makeup? Makeup it is. You want the full series of your favorite book? Books it is!
He never disappoints on Christmas, he knows what you like even if you haven’t told him—
Like he just noticed a certain detail of you having quite a few of this and that. He’d then proceed to Google about it and then find nice things from it🫶
Nagi Seishiro
He’d probably be a little clueless on knowing what you’d want.. (not in a rude way).
So what he does is probably look back on the comments you made on certain characters you two have played in a game or what not. And the ones you liked he’d find some merch of that character..
Kunigami Rensuke
He’d definitely be brave enough to casually walk into the woman’s section of Target and get you a brand new bra and panties.
Based on his sister’s at home, they always seem to complain about their bras becoming loose and slack after a year..
So he assumes that maybe that happens with you too? He wants you to be comfy at all times💕
(I love this man😭)
Reo Mikage
He’d also spoil you like Chigiri, but probably in a more *ehem* Reo way..
Like he’d get you tons of stuff, too much to count. This man has money💰🤑
Every. One. Of. Those. Gifts. Have been thoroughly thought through as he was buying them.
He wanted to make sure everything was perfect💝
Michael Kaiser
Probably getting you something fancy..
A fancy robe, shoes, dress, etc..
Would also treat you to a restaurant date, Egon or something idk 🤷‍♀️
Alexis Ness
He’d get you anything you want😭
He’s such a sweetheart about it too, he would wrap your gifts in cute wrapping paper.
Every one of the gifts having a little tag in the shape of a heart saying: “To my love, from Alexis💕”
He’s such a cutie istg😭🙏
Hiori Yo
You two probably played animal crossing at some point together, so he’d definitely get you a plushie of whichever one was your favorite character!
He probably would accidentally reveal the gift before you opened it.. oopsie💕
~~~🐝 end
~🐝 I’m so sorry if some of these were short😭 like idk how to write for Kaiser,I sagi or Nagi- and there is no Rin included here bc I have no idea how to write for him🧍‍♀️ anyway! I wish you sillies a lovely rest of 2023💕
See you guys next year😋🙏 (I’m so funny haha)
Also look at this Bachira plush I got for Christmas AAAAAAA MY BBY😭 MWA MWA💋💋💋
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thedevilrisen · 6 months
can you do a jack hughes imagine after a break up inspired by the song logical???
i love you’re writing
Sure thing angel!
Master manipulator 
God, you're so good at what you do
Three dates and she was a goner. 
His charming smile, charismatic, playful tone, gentleman like manner when he picked her up, dropped her off and was with her in public.
Jack Hughes was, in her opinion, destined to be her forever. After three dates turned into daily events, whether it be Netflix and chill, a fancy dinner or just a spontaneous late night drive. Three months in she met his family and when the season approached with an unsavory haste she made the bold move to follow him to Jersey.
Then it started.
And I'd put myself through hell for you 
Hear all the rumors lately
That you always denied
Throughout the preseason, you were just naively learning the lay of the land. Jack being his usual charming self helped, he introduced you to the other wags and showed you around the city, he quelled your fears and held you while you cried about missing home.
Scared and quite frankly, alone in this new city you just continued following blindly.
Three weeks into the season, Jack had seemed to settle back into his habits. The good and the bad.
Partying most nights after wins, most you weren’t invited to go with him to. You always obeyed him, if he asked that you stayed home, you did. Even though this meant you spent most nights at home, crying yourself to sleep after scrolling through social media and seeing the various photos of Jack with other girls. Close enough with these girls that the tabloids were speculating about who he was dating.
How silly you were to trust him when he came home, kissed the tears off your cheeks when you confronted him about them and reassured you that you were the only one he wanted.
You mean all the words you said.
I’m sure that girl is really your friend.
“Jacky, talk to me. What’s going on, you barely talk to me anymore!” she had exclaimed in frustration after Jack had again stumbled in reeking of floral perfume and alcohol.
“What are - hic - you talking about, baby! We live together, it’s hard not to talk to each other!” he grinned dopily at her whilst toeing out of his shoes, shrugging off his jacket and stumbling towards her. “Let's go to bed, I’m tired!”
“Alright Jack.” she sighed disappointedly accepting his over the top embrace as he pulled her clumsily down the hallway to their shared bedroom.
“Hey Jack, could we talk about something really quickly please.” she called out into the hallway from the door frame of the bedroom.
“Yeah sure, but make it quick. I’m going to Nico’s for drinks and I need to leave soon.” he spoke distractedly looking at his phone as he walked down the hallway and into the bedroom, shutting the door behind him.
“Ok, uh. It’s about more photos that have surfaced of you… with other girls.” you spoke quietly but after the look that crossed Jack’s aggravated face your rushed, “I know you wouldn’t do anything! I just get scared.”
She had every right to be.
“She’s just a friend Y/N! You have no right to be scared! Are you really that insecure!”
'Cause loving you is loving every
Argument you held over my head
Brought up the girls you could have instead
“Y/N I swear to God! If you talk to me about one more picture of me with girls I might be dating! I might just!” Jack screamed
“You might just what Jack?” You yelled back “what might you do!”
“I might just go to some of those girls! They’re perfect Y/N, they would bug me about this plus, they have very nice bodies!” He yelled, and under his breath I swear I heard him mumble “better that you.”
And now you got me thinking 
Two plus two equals five
And I'm the love of your life
'Cause if rain don't pour and sun don't shine
Then changing you is possible
“Y/N, you can’t keep coming to my place like this after you and Jack have a fight saying you can fix him.” Your friend chastised, soothingly rubbing your hand and you sobbed in her arms on her entryway floor.
“But I can!” You sobbed “I can-plea-let me!”
“Honey, for your own sake.” She whispered resting her head on yours.
‘Goodbye Jack,’ you mumbled to the apartment you once called home. ‘I hope your happy.’
A single tear rolled down your check as you dropped the note.
No, love is never logical.
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butwhyduh · 5 months
Another Year’s End
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Summary: New Year’s Eve was never boring. This is told through multiple perspectives. Cuts between each individual. The only warning is fire.
Jason x reader
It was honestly hard to believe that you were currently living in a penthouse overlooking the glittering side of Gotham. You had moved out of a lace that should have probably been condemned with a broken heater and leaky windows and non-existent air conditioner in summer.
It had been an interesting year, as you were learning all of them were being connected to the bat family. Jason was currently asleep on the couch nursing a broken arm in a new sling Alfred had fashioned only a few days previous. You had practically forced him to take pain medication this morning because he was almost in tears while trying to cook.
Now you could get ready in peace. You could never get used to turning on the bathroom heater while walking comfortably on heated marble floors before stepping into a massive shower bigger than your old bathroom. You had a row of soaps and could turn without knocking a single one over. It was an everything shower so upon leaving the bathroom hours later, you felt like a new person.
Jason was up and moving in the bedroom. He was pulling clothing out of the fancy side of his closet. You also now had a fancy side of the closet. Jason had no less than 5 different ties laying in front of him and 2 different jackets.
“Which one for tonight. These are the pants and shoes,” Jason said without turning. You could never be silent enough to trick him.
“This jacket and one of these two ties,” you said after a minute. You held both ties up to his chest. Jason had a silly little half smile on his face as you looked at them both. “This one. Brings out your eyes.”
“Were you just using that as an excuse to stare into my eyes?” He teased.
“Of course.”
“We’ve got about an hour before we go. I’ve still got to shave and probably shower-“
“Definitely shower,” you corrected. “Do you need help covering your cast?”
“How about joining me and helping me wash my back,” he said with a glimmer in his eyes.
“Not even close. I just dried my hair,” you replied. “After the party,” you added with a wink.
“Hmm,” he replied before going to the bathroom.
You moved to the fancy side of your closet and looked at the clothing Jason had bought you over the past year. He didn’t tell you how he got paid so much more and you didn’t ask. You paused for a second. Were you basically a mob wife just enjoying the money brought in from nefarious activities without a thought?
Jason singing from the bathroom broke your thoughts and you continued on getting dressed. No, he wasn’t working as a crime lord anymore. (Your parents would probably love to hear that one.) not to mention you had a thought that Bruce was giving Jason anything he wanted to have a better relationship.
“The red one,” Jason said and you jumped. He stuck his head around the corner of the bathroom. “Please?”
“Sure. Finish your shower and don’t get the floor all wet,” you chuffed. He grinned before going back in the bathroom. It was only a few minutes later that he came out dressed in only a towel. You tried to ignore how ridiculously fit he was, it really didn’t matter how many times you saw it, he was distracting.
“Zip me up?” You asked. He nodded and kissed the back of your neck before slowly pulling the zipper up your spine. You could feel goosebumps forming. That was before he comically grabbed your ass. “Jay!”
He shrugged before tossing you your jacket. “Couldn’t resist.”
Dick x reader (different character)
Dick was running late. His fiancé was all dressed and he was running out the doors of the precinct to the Porsche.
“No, no, no,” he gasped as he saw the yellow boot on a tire. Yeah, he double parked but he was just dropping something off. Dick looked around and saw no one. It wasn’t his proudest moment but he pulled out a set of lock picks and took the boot off. That took him 5 more minutes behind.
He drove like he stole it while haphazardly throwing off his normal jacket to put on his fancy evening jacket. Trying to put a tie on one handed while speeding on the highway was not easy. You called him as he passed a cop car.
“Fuck!” He said.
“Excuse me?” You answered.
“No, I’m getting pulled over,” he said as the familiar red and blue lights shines behind him.
“Wow. We were supposed to leave 15 minutes ago,” you reminded him. He cringed.
“Yeah, give me like 10 minutes and I’ll be there,” he promised. You hummed a reply before hanging up.
A cop came up to the window and Dick answered with his badge out. “Sorry officer. GCPD business.”
The cop stared at his badge uncomfortably long before nodding. “Be safe.”
Dick showed up to the apartment a little frazzled but otherwise okay. You met him at the car. You took one look at his tie before reaching over to fix it. It was atrocious. You also fussed with his hair a bit.
The drive over wasn’t bad. It was dry and the roads had been cleared of snow recently. And Wayne manor was as glittery and fancy as always. Other people had long since arrived and you both avoided the crowds by coming in the serving entrance.
“Oh hi,” you said to Jason and his girlfriend who were coming in at the same time. “I’m glad we’re not the only ones a little late.”
“Fashionably late,” Jason replied. “Jesus, Dick. What did you do to your collar?” Jason reached over and straightened it.
“I came straight from work. Alright now?”
“Yeah you’re fine. Have you seen Tim?”
“Didn’t see his car,” Dick replied. The ballroom was packed as usual with Gotham’s richest and most influential. The colors this year were rose gold and bright diamond. In fact, there was a display of some of Gotham Museum’s finest diamonds to one side. They were donated for the night after Bruce’s ridiculously high yearly donation. On the opposite side sat a huge Christmas tree decorated with what looked like more glittering gold and diamonds.
Security was posted all around but to Dick, there was far too many people for the few guards. Bruce was to the side of the display with Selina. They were quite the pair with her long black dress with an impossibly high slit and his perfectly tailored suit. He seemed happy and relaxed but Dick knew that could be an act.
“I found Damian,” you called. Damian was sitting with his date at a table towards a back corner. He was wearing a turtleneck with a blazer and his date wore a nice sweater over her dress. They looked cute and more importantly warm, you thought. You wished that you had thought to wear a jacket. You weaved your way to the pair.
“Hey!” Dick said to Damian before forcing the boy into a hug. “How are you?” He hugged Damian’s girlfriend as well.
“There isn’t enough security. I told Father,” Damian replied. Secretly Dick agreed.
“You worry too much. Have you seen Tim?”
“Not yet,” Damian replied. “I don’t know why we insist on having balls here.”
“Preaching to the choir, kid. Let’s go get some drinks,” Jason said to his date.
“You can’t have alcohol with pain meds,” she reminded him and he grumbled while pulling on his cast.
Dick grinned at you while mouthing ‘good luck.’ Telling Jason no was like it’s own extreme sport. You sat next to Dick and grabbed a pair of champagne glasses from the waiter carrying a tray. Dick looked at his watch with a frown.
“You haven’t heard anything from Tim? He’s usually timely,” Dick asked Damian.
“He mentioned something about checking out a case before the gala. I’m not my brother’s keeper,” he replied.
“That’s what Cain said about Abel after he killed him,” Dick replied dryly. You smacked his arm at the snark.
“I didn’t kill him if that’s what you mean,” Damian replied.
“I wasn’t-“
“I would have done it long ago if I wanted to. He probably forgot about the gala with how wrapped up in the case he was,” Damian replied. Dick sighed.
“I’m sure you’re right. Want to dance?” he asked you. You took his arm and let him lead you to the dance floor. Dick was a fantastic dancer. The song was slow and he pulled you close to sway with the music.
Tim x reader (different reader)
“Timothy Drake please answer the damn phone,” you grumbled as it once again went to voicemail. You had called him 5 times and texted him many more than that. You had gone from mad that he was running late to concerned something happened. Dick’s girlfriend had texted you asking where you both were. You hadn’t responded.
You heard a clattering in the bathroom and you ran to see Tim dressed in his Red Robin suit slide into the window on fall to the floor.
“Tim!” You gasped and tan over to him. He yanked his hood off. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah just late,” he said before standing up too quickly and swaying. You grabbed him to steady him. He started walking to the bedroom. He grabbed a suit and started stripping off his costume. He had a fresh red bruise forming on his side.
“Were you really fighting right before a gala?”
“There’s a case. I’ve almost got it. Met some thugs. Nothing to worry about,” he said while moving to jump in the shower. Normally Tim was much more private than this. It was weird.
“Are you hurt? That bruise looks painful.”
“I’ll be fine. You want to drive?” He asked. He quickly showered and brushed his hair and threw on the suit in record time with practiced ease.
“I guess I can drive,” you said after a minute.
Ten minutes later you parked by the side entrance to a party in full swing. There’s something very intimidating about going to a fancy party in Gotham. You’ve always gotten the vibe that anything could happen at anytime and danger was one step off. Tonight the thought was even greater.
Tim just wasn’t himself as he pulled you into the building. He was a little less refined and a little clumsier.
“Tim, what is going on?” You asked.
“Nothing. We’re just late,” he said.
“Well maybe don’t drag me around when I’m in heels. I almost fell down,” you chided. He sighed.
“Okay, I’m sorry. Let’s go inside, okay?”
“Yeah,” you replied softer.
The glittering gold and diamonds were blinding and the building was incredibly full of people. You weaved through the crowd. You held Tim’s hand tightly in fear of losing him.
“Let’s dance,” he said and that’s when you knew something was wrong. He usually needed at least a full glass of champagne before dancing. You let him guide you to the dance floor. He was sloppy and you had to pull him back a few times as he almost hit people with his wild movements. He looked drunk and seemed to be less coordinated by the minute.
You saw Dick and his fiancé dancing and steered Tim towards them. They were dancing beautifully and you regretted interrupting them.
“Dick!” You called out. He turned to see you and Tim dancing. He smiled.
“Already a glass deep, I see,” he teased Tim.
“No, he’s not,” you said, worried. Dick’s brow furrowed.
“I’m fine,” Tim replied but Dick had already seen the sloppy movement and slower reaction timing.
“Why don’t we get a seat,” Dick replied. He mouth a ‘sorry’ to his date. The four of you moved to a table. “Buddy have you had anything to drink tonight?”
“No and I don’t like the accusation that I have,” Tim replied.
“Okay I believe you,” Dick said. He asked you a bunch of questions and tried to ask Tim who was becoming less coherent by the minute.
Damian x reader
“Sorry, I am in a poor mood. I just haven’t slept in 31 hours,” Damian admitted after you grew angry at his attitude.
“Why not?” You asked.
“There’s a case that I have been helping Drake with. We’ve been taking turns with surveillance. I didn’t have time to take a nap. I’ll be fine. A few hours shouldn’t be a problem,” he said confidently.
“We don’t have to stay at this party,” you replied. “Seriously if you need to sleep.”
“No Father needs me here. He needs someone watching after him,” Damian replied while looking around the room.
“Don’t you ever get tired of it, caring for everyone?” You asked gently. “Are you going to watch after your father forever?”
Damian suddenly stopped his surveillance and looked over at you. “I’m sorry. This case is getting to me. There’s… a lot on the line.”
“Like what?”
“Drake thinks there’s trafficking involved. A new drug to low inhibition,” he practically whispered. “I can’t really talk about it.”
“Take the night off. It’ll be there tomorrow,” you retorted with a smile. Damian nodded. “Do you want to get some snacks?”
“Sure,” he replied before grabbing your hand and pulling you through the crowd. As Damian walked towards the drink station, his relatively new height afforded him the ability to see over many guests. He spotted Dick fussing over Tim. Damian immediately pulled you towards them.
Just as Damian was arriving at the table, down from them around the Christmas tree, a group of older men lit cigars as they talked business. Jason and his girlfriend happened to be nearby. Jason wanted to quit smoking, he really did. But the fact that they were lighting up as he was quite stressed about the event was hard to ignore. He pulled his cigarettes from his jacket pocket despite his partners protest.
“Can I get a light?” He asked.
At the tables Tim was becoming angry at the concern the others had for him. He suddenly stood up and stormed off towards the tree. His arms swinging wildly as his balance was compromised. And fate for Bruce Wayne had never been kind. Because just as Jason was lighting a match to light up his cigarette, Tim Drake crashed straight into him and directly into the Christmas tree.
Jason jumped back with a yell in pain as his injured arm was jostled but the damage had been done. The tree that Alfred had bought a month previous and had painstakingly decorated with glittering bobbles and dried flowers went up in flames. The tree was incredible flammable.
Tim froze as he looked at the sudden bonfire. Jason dragged him away as the heat seared the air. Screaming could be heard all around and the mass of bodies scrambled for the exits. You froze in fear as the flames tickled the streamers hung from the ceiling.
“We need to leave,” Dick said. “Go to that exit,” he pointed. “I’m going to help them.”
“I’ll come too,” Damian said.
“No, get them out,” Dick commanded. Dimly they could hear Bruce announce something over the loud speakers. Chaos ensued especially around the diamond display. Damian grabbed your hand and you grabbed Dick’s fiancés hand who grabbed Tim’s girlfriend’s hand and the four of you made towards the exit. Bodies pressed all around as people panicked. Your ears rang from the screaming your lungs began to burn from the smoke.
Across the room Dick had just barely made it to Tim and Jason and Jason’s girlfriend. The pair were trying to drag Tim towards an exit with no luck. Jason was furious that he couldn’t use one arm. Dick simply scooped Tim up fireman style before marching towards an exit.
The sprinkler system finally kicked in. The fire remained on the tree but any spread was quickly stopped.
You shivered in the cold Gotham air outside the ballroom. People ran to their cars or stood watching as the tree continued to burn. Damian pulled off his jacket to wrap around your shoulders.
“Thanks,” you replied and he pulled you into a hug.
Tim’s girlfriend paced and stared at the exits hoping they would come out soon. “I don’t understand what is going on with him. Tim was not himself.”
“They’ll be out soon,” Dick’s fiancé replied. She looked terrified. Jason was injured and Tim was altered and there were so many civilians. Dick would try to get everyone out.
Fire trucks sounded in the distance as they raced towards the manor. Black smoke billowed out the doors and obscured any view. Inside was chaos as the sprinklers flooded the room. Dick finally made it to an exit and all but tossed Tim on the lawn before running back in to help others.
“I see Tim!” You cried and his girlfriend ran over to him. Visibly uninjured but very altered Tim sat on the grass in a daze.
“Are you okay?” His girlfriend asked and before he could respond, he vomited on the grass. It was electric green and Tim seemed to sag in relief.
“That’s something,” you replied.
“Yes, I think it’s our mysterious substance from the case,” Damian replied.
The last of the people had filtered out of the building and the fire had dimmed down. The firefighters quickly put it out. Dick and Jason and his girlfriend came out finally. Alfred found the group and sighed in relief.
“Thank heavens,” he said. “Let’s get you lot inside.”
They walked to the opposite side of the manor that wasn’t damaged by the smoke and moved into an informal den. Bruce and Selina soon joined them.
“There’s a problem,” Bruce started.
“Other than the fire,” Dick asked.
“And Tim?” Jason added.
“Yes, someone stole about 100 million dollars in diamonds tonight and the drug you were tracing made it’s way into the party tonight. This is now an open investigation,” Bruce said.
“Happy New Years,” Tim said from the couch as the clock struck midnight.
Part 1
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spaceman-earthgirl · 7 months
Supercorptober 2023 Day 31: Spookycorp
It's been a busy month and I didn't get to do as many of these as I have in previous years but I've really missed writing supercorp and this month has been fun. I really appreciate all the support through likes and reblogs (and comments and kudos on ao3), I would not have written as many as I did without you guys.
Enjoy this final prompt (even if it is something silly) and thanks again for reading :)
ao3 fic link. series link.
Kara is dressed as a banana. And Lena thinks she might be in love.
“What do you think?” Kara asks, a stupidly beautiful grin on her face. 
Yep, Lena’s definitely in love.
“I think you’re by far the brightest person in the room,” Lena comments. They both glance around and Lena is right, there are a range of different costumes around the room but Kara’s is, by far, the most eye-catching costume.
Kara grins again. “Alex bet me five sticky buns I wouldn’t wear this tonight, but guess who is going to have a delicious breakfast tomorrow morning?”
Lena’s not sure how one person can eat so much but there is no doubt in her mind that Kara will eat them all tomorrow. “I’m guessing you?”
Lena’s not sure how she does it, but Kara’s grin gets even brighter. She really is like the sun, bright and beautiful, drawing Lena in like no one else has before.
“It’s going to be so good,” Kara says. “She’ll also owe me a carton of ice cream if I can do five costume changes this evening.”
Lena takes a moment to process what Kara has said, thinking she’s heard her wrong. “You’re not going to wear this all night?”
“You think I’d come to a fancy party just dressed like a banana?”
“Honestly? Yeah. Somehow, this is very you,” Lena says, gesturing to Kara’s body.
“I don’t know what that means but I’m taking it as a compliment.”
Lena’s not quite sure what it means either. “You should. What other costumes do you have to wear?”
“You’ll just have to wait and see,” Kara winks, and Lena’s knees go weak.  “I better go, I have lots of outfits to wear tonight if I want that ice cream.”
The next time Lena sees Kara is not long later, but it takes her a moment to realise it’s her because she has in fact changed costume. Lena has to take a breath before she makes her way towards Kara.
“I see you’ve changed,” Lena says, trying to keep her eyes from the distracting view of Kara’s now bare legs. She’s wearing a skirt, but it’s a short one.
“What do you think?” Kara asks, swinging the tennis racket she’s holding up to rest of her shoulder. She’s dressed all in white. White shirt, white skirt, white shoes, and even white sweat bands around her wrists and forehead. “Think I’d make a good tennis player?”
Lena has to take another breath, because this is a look she never expected to see on Kara, but one she knows will now be burned in her brain.
“I’m not sure, maybe we should play some time and find out?”
Kara’s eyes light up, which Lena is pretty sure is just the competitive nature in her.
Lena spots the Scooby-Doo costume from across the room, the head towering over most people, and she doesn’t need to get closer to know that it’s Kara.
“Why are you dressed like a dog?” Lena asks when she does get closer. Because how can she stay away from Kara? Even if she does look a little ridiculous right now.
She’s drawing attention from other partygoers, clearly not used to people like Kara. But that’s the rich for you.
“I’m not just any dog, I’m Scooby-Doo.”
Lena rolls her eyes. “I know, because you made me watch both of those movies.”
“This was part of Alex’s bet, I think she’s trying to embarrass me.”
That sounds exactly like Alex. Lena presses her lips together, trying not to laugh. “I think you look cute,” Lena comments. “But I think you made a cute tennis player and a cute banana too.”
The costume hides half of Kara’s face, but Lena’s pretty sure Kara is blushing. Or maybe she’s just hot from the full body suit.
Lena hadn’t realised it was something she’d wanted to see until the next outfit Kara appears in is a Supergirl costume.
Kara looks incredible. She has a similar build to Supergirl, so from a distance, no one could be blamed for mistaking her for Supergirl.
Actually, close up, she wouldn’t blame someone for confusing the two either. The blonde hair definitely helps, so do the sharp blue eyes that Lena finds herself lost in thought about far too often.
“What brings you here tonight, Supergirl?” Lena asks, eyes dropping of their own accord. Lena knows Kara is quite muscly under her usual blouses and sweaters, but it’s something else seeing her in a suit like this. Lena’s pretty sure the suit isn’t padded, that it’s all Kara.
Another short skirt isn’t helping Lena’s attention either.
“A Luthor party is always a target, I thought I should stop by to make sure everything was ok,” Kara smiles.
Lena’s actually surprised the real Supergirl hasn’t stopped by, she usually does to any L-Corp event. Most times, just a visit from her is enough to deter any possible threats.
Lena smiles, still playing along. “Thank you, I appreciate it.”
“Anytime. I better check the perimeter, make sure there’s nothing I’ve missed. Have a good evening, Miss Luthor.”
“You too, Supergirl. Stay safe.”
Lena’s about to break character (though she’s technically playing herself) but she’s cut off when Kara floats off the ground and then disappears into the air, leaving a very surprised Lena in her wake.
Kara’s next costume is an angel, which goes well with Lena’s devil outfit (which consists of a black dress and horns on her head) but Lena can’t even admire that, not when her whole world has been rocked.
She wonders for a moment whether she’d just gotten the two confused, but there was no doubt in her mind before that she was talking to Kara.
Kara is Supergirl, and she’s not sure how she didn’t see it before, she’d even just thought about how similar they both look, and she still didn’t make the connection.
At least Kara’s hurried excuses to leave when they’re together make sense now but still, she’s smart, she should have figured it out.
Now here she is, not sure what to do with the information. Or she does. The answer is nothing, she’s not going to tell anyone. And she wants Kara to know she can trust her too.
(And part of her can’t help but wonder why Kara hasn’t told her yet. She thought they were friends. Thought they were best friends but it turns out Kara has been lying to her this whole time).
“Looks like you’ve won your carton of ice cream,” Lena says.
There’s no time like the present.
Kara frowns. “No, that’s only four.”
“No, that’s your fifth outfit.“ Lena holds up a fist, raising a finger as she counts each one. “Banana, dog, tennis player, angel and…”
Lena trails off, for a moment wondering if she should just keep quiet. But they’re alone near the food table, no one close enough to hear them. And she wants Kara to know that she knows.
Before Kara can cut in, Lena holds up her last finger. “And Supergirl makes five.”
Kara freezes, Lena can see her processing what she’s just said. Lena’s not sure what she’ll do if Kara denies it.
Kara glances around, voice quiet when she finally speaks. “How did you know it was me?”
Relief washes over Lena, she’s not sure what she would’ve done if Kara had denied it.
“The better question is, how did I not see it before? You don’t even wear a mask. But tonight I was watching the crowd, waiting for you to appear. I think I saw you before I realised what you were wearing.” Lena shakes her head. “I don’t know how I didn’t see it, you literally look the same.”
“Don’t beat yourself up, no one sees it.’
“But I’m your best friend, I should have known.”
“I think I should counter that with, you’re my best friend, and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.” Kara reaches out, takes Lena’s hand. “I promise, it was me and not you. I trust you, I just didn’t know how to tell you with all the history between you and Supergirl. Or you and me, I guess. I just didn’t want to risk losing you.”
Lena squeezes Kara’s hand. “You’re never going to lose me, I promise. But no more secrets, okay?”
Lena feels like a bit of a hypocrite asking that, when she’s hiding a secret herself. But baby steps, she can work up to telling Kara she’s in love with her another time.
“No more secrets,” Kara nods. “I promise. After the party, do you want to come over? I can tell you everything.”
Lena swallows down the emotion that rises in her throat. “I’d like that.”
The moment lingers and Lena finds herself caught in blue eyes she’s often distracted by.
She breaks the moment, she has to, before she does something stupid. “So, tell me, if Supergirl wasn’t your fifth costume, then what is it?”
“You’re just going to have to wait and see. I still need that fifth costume change because I cannot tell Alex one of them was Supergirl and that’s how you found out or she’d kill me. She already thinks I’m not careful enough, next she’ll make me wear a mask or something.”
Lena laughs. “Your secret is safe with me.” She pauses. “All of them.” Kara needs to know she won’t tell anyone either.
Kara smiles, tangling their fingers together again. This time she doesn’t let go. “I know.”
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blouisparadise · 1 month
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Upon request, today we have the fifth part to our college/university rec list. If you'd like to check out the first several parts, you can find part one here, part two here, part three here, and part four here. Please be sure to like and reblog this post to help spread the word. Happy reading!
1) I Can't Get You Off My Mind (I Still Crave It) | Mature | 4,531 words
"You're an idiot," It was Lya's time to interrupt. "Why would you want another guy when you already have yours? Don't you ever get tired of those silly games?" "It is different!," Louis defended himself again, mouth open. "How come it is different?," Lya asked again. "I love Harry," it was easy like breathing. "He's the love of my life, I'm going to marry him," Louis looked around, until his eyes looked with Harry's, glossy and vibrant. "That guy was just a hook."
2) Azaleas Where Your Face Should Be | Explicit | 5,626 words
Note: This fic is locked and can only be read by AO3 users.
Harry and Louis having some sexy time and some sappy time and sometimes both at the same time.
3) Spaces Between Us, Hold All Our Secrets | Not Rated | 6,441 words
The thing about Harry is, is that he is the most wonderful guy you´ll ever meet. He is kind, compliments you on things you are usually insecure about, which shows he truly pays attention to who you are as a person. And he befriends everyone. Except Louis.
4) Cut Me Up, Kiss Me Harder | Mature | 9,431 words
A group of friends, a slightly drunk alternate version of spin the bottle, and the universe having a wicked sense of humour may just be enough to bring one bratty omega and a tired-of-said-omega’s-bullshit alpha closer than they’ve ever been. In more ways than one.
5) Hook You Up (Charm You Down) | Explicit | 9,600 words
Swiftly, Harry raises his right hand to his head. Bringing two ringed fingers up, he touches the brown hat sitting on his head, tipping it with a raise of eyebrows in the direction of Peter Pan. He punctuates the whole action with his signature smirk. The reaction is almost immediate. Like Harry hoped it’d be. Though he expected the grin he received, he can’t say he directly expected the man to come forward his way. But he surely isn’t going to complain. “Captain! Fancy seeing you there,” Peter Pan says when he reaches Harry’s space. And wow. Seeing it from up close, Niall was right. Face of an angel, totally Harry’s type and all that. 
6) The One Who Stays And The One Leaving You | Mature | 10,315 words
Fuck. He had just slept with none other than Harry Styles.
7) Behind Closed Doors | Explicit | 10,332 words
“You should ask that whoever he’s currently fucking.” Liam’s eyes grow wide. “No.” His tone is unbelieving, just like Louis’ would’ve been if you had told him what turn today would take. “Yes.” “How do you know?” Louis’ room mate’s eyes barely leave him as he tries to untie his shoes without looking. “Went to his dorm earlier, found a sock on his door handle. He’s such an arsehole.”
8) Sunshine On My Mind | Explicit | 12,704 words
Seeing Harry as an actual professor will never get old to Louis as his eyes soak him in. The casual attire of a student-teacher is gone and now Harry’s got on a button up under a sweater vest that both have stripes on it because someone with a face like Harry’s can actually pull that off. His beige trousers ride up high on his waist, loose and wide around the legs like he’s been preferring lately. By the time Louis’ done taking all of him in, he’s got a smile stretched wide across his face, cheekbones feeling like they’re about to burst just from happiness alone. “Hello Professor Styles."
9) You Know It Ain’t Fiction, Just a Natural Fact | Not Rated | 13,312 words
Harry is the golden boy of the college football's team, Louis is their professors' golden student and they definitely don't have anything in common. Falling in love would be dumb.
10) Kiss Me Once, Kiss Me Twice | Mature | 13,487 words
“You’re a fucking brat, you know that,” Harry muttered through clenched teeth, bones already burning with the pure desire and hatred mixing in his body. It was an intoxicating rush of adrenaline and something else that probably came with fucking Louis Tomlinson. He squeezed his neck just a little tighter. “I can’t stand it.” Their lips were brushing against each other, just moving with the ragged movements of their mouths and harsh breathing. “You’re a lying piece of shit dickhead,” Louis muttered right back. That was all he did, challenge and nag. He loved to have the last word and Harry let him because he used all his energy to fuck him mindless.
11) Wake Me Up With It | Mature | 13,699 words
“Oh god, I sound like a rapist now.” Louis gave a soft, sympathetic giggle, shifting on top of him, and that was when he noticed he was hard, as well. “No, Haz. You fucking me while I'm still asleep and waking up to a dick in my arse? That sounds fucking hot.” “I’d, like, discuss it before. Like get consent for it before.” “Obviously,” Louis rolled his eyes, staring up at Harry with a sad expression. “I’d let you do that to me, Harry.” “What?” Harry blinked, sure the world was ending by those words he never thought he’d ever hear in his life. The words sounded muffled to him, like he was swimming.
12) I Couldn't Face A Life Without Your Lights | Mature | 15,549 words
Louis and Harry are college students who haven't been the same in the past two years.
13) Give My Heart A Holiday | Not Rated | 17,222 words
AU where Louis and someone else both like Harry but Harry obviously likes Louis and is oblivious to the other person with scenes like Harry’s sitting with his legs on the coffee table and the other person wants to walk across and Harry doesn’t see them, so they have to say excuse me, but when Louis wants to cross he doesn’t even have to say anything because Harry sits up, puts his feet down, and gives his undivided attention to Louis.
14) There’s A Hole In My Heart (And It’s Got Your Name On It) | Explicit | 19,508 words
The four scream from the stands as the team huddles together, pulling their helmets and gloves off and slapping each other's backs as they celebrate their win. Louis had stolen a pom-pom from Mal earlier and he shakes it vigorously. His breath hitches when Harry looks up and their eyes meet. The hockey player smirks at him but looks away quickly. “Did he just-” “No.” Louis quickly stops Jade from even finishing that sentence because he’s about to lose his damn mind
15) Kiss And Tell (Me A Lie) | Explicit | 19,827 words
It takes three friends, a video game, and an arse tattoo for Harry to realize the truth.
16) Lovin’ Online | Not Rated | 27,627 words
“Huh?” Harry asks, muffled by his forearm. He feels lips on his face and the tip of Louis’ nose against his ear when Louis repeats himself. Brain sluggish with sleep, it takes a moment for him to process the words, but his eyes snap open, and he’s met with darkness. He's got to be dreaming, there’s no way Louis just said what he thinks he said. “What did you say?” He can see the vague shrug from Louis before he turns around to toss the towel with the pile of their discarded clothes. “Did you say…” he starts slowly, automatically slinging his arm around Louis as he gets back into bed and throws the blankets over them. “That we should make a sex tape?” Louis asks rather nonchalantly for such a big proposition. He cuddles easily into the warm body and confirms, “Yes, I did.”
17) Science & Faith | Mature | 36,442 words
Louis Tomlinson is a science major who's dedicated his life to proving that love doesn't actually exist. Harry's the philosophy major determined to prove him wrong.
18) You Could Be The One That I Love | Explicit | 39,797 words
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Niall waved off. “Now, let’s talk man to man to man. You two have had a crush on each other since uni. Now’s your chance to finally get something going. I could see the sparks and connection and attraction back then and I can still see it now, God damn it! You’re just denying fate at this point.” He looked impassioned, his blue eyes wide and imploring. Louis shook his head again and chuckled. “You can’t just snap your finger and expect us to, like, get it on.” “I’m not,” he reasoned. “I’m merely telling you to do something about it.”
19) Sink Into Your Sunlight | Explicit | 79,562 words
Louis hadn’t forgotten about Harry as much as he tried. It wasn’t due to the strange nature of their meeting, more so the magnetic pull he somehow had on Louis. He couldn’t fathom why this complete stranger stayed in his mind as much as he tried to stop it. Any time his phone sounded his heart skipped a beat at the thought of it possibly being Harry. In all honesty, it made him feel sort of pathetic. Gay guy falls for straight guy, what a cliche he had become.
20) Nothing Quite Hits Like You | Explicit | 81,098 words
For many centuries, Inferis Lamia had been a college strictly for higher magic alphas, where most rulers of the Underworld had reached their Divine Enlightenment to become the alphas they were now. However, that year, for the first time since it was founded many centuries ago, the academy would welcome omegas from the Underworld, giving them the same opportunities alphas had, the same education.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
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