#I just rewatched episode 11 and I am feeling so many things
waitineedaname · 1 year
I could pick a million different things that make me emotional about the kageyama brothers, but right now I'm thinking about ritsu reflecting on the original ???% incident during the final arc and how part of the reason he was so hurt by it wasn't just the actual physical injury or the trauma of the incident itself, but also the fact that shigeo wouldn't fucking talk to him about what happened. It's extremely likely that ritsu has been lying about what happened that day ever since it happened, like he probably told his parents that same lie about the bullies hurting him and shigeo protecting him, and the only other person who would know the truth is shigeo, but shigeo started shutting him out after that. I get the impression that before, they were the kind of siblings who told each other everything, which is why it hurts so badly that shigeo shut down so much and stopped letting his brother in, especially when ritsu is just a kid dealing with the weight of a lie like that to protect his brother. Idk, it just puts ritsu always being like "you know you can talk to me about anything" in a different light
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pinkeoni · 11 months
The Great Jonathan Byers Conspiracy
(Or, Jonathan was framed and I'm going to prove it)
So I started a rewatch of the show and I'm on episode two of s1. I get to the part towards the end where Jonathan is taking photos of Nancy. So I think "Okay. This is the part where we see Jonathan take a photo of Nancy topless, right? We see him notice Nancy take her top off and then raise the camera to take another photo, right?"
But that's not what happened
The scene happens as follows. We see Jonathan snap a photo of Nancy— with her shirt on— before the scene cuts inside of Steve's room.
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Nancy then removes her top. Nancy and Steve start making out and we cut back to Jonathan who lowers his camera.
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This is the part where I expected Jonathan to lift his camera up and start taking more pictures. That's how I remember it happening. But no, we instead see Jonathan focus his attention back to the pool and snap a picture of Barb instead.
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So what the hell? Am I being gaslit?
I remember so distinctly a moment where we see Jonathan consciously raise the camera to take another picture of her topless, and yet it's not there. I do still want to clarify however, that the topless photo of Nancy does still exist. We see it clearly in the following episode. So yes, Jonathan did still take a photo of Nancy topless, we just don't see him take it.
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But according to a lot of people online, we did see it, the Duffer Brothers just removed it.
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I remember hearing about this when it first cropped up, which was partially prompted by the Duffers joking to "George Lucas" Will's birthday in season 2, which they never ended up doing anyway. They also stated on Twitter that no scene had ever been digitally edited, and didn't plan to in the future.
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So the Duffers must be lying, right? Otherwise why how would so many people remember seeing that scene? I guess there’s no way to be sure without a DVD or Blu-Ray of the show.
But wait, I have a DVD of season one. I got it for Christmas! But I’m staying at my parents house and I don’t feel like driving three hours just to prove a point. I guess all is lost for the moment.
It was at this part of my spiraling that I sent a crazed two minute voice memo at 11:00 at night to my roommate and good friend @lemonsoured filling him in on my conspiracy, and then leaving instructions to go downstairs, locate my season one DVD on the living room shelf, put the DVD into my PS4, go to the end of episode two and take a phone recording of the scene in question.
And lo and behold, the scene of Jonathan taking pictures of Nancy, exactly as it appears on Netflix.
So I am aware that in the video there isn’t much to indicate that this is in fact a recording of the DVD and not a recording of the Netflix version, so you’ll just have to take my word for it. But still, ask any DVD or Blu-Ray owner for what is on their disk, and I can garuntee that they’ll all give the same answer.
Because the shot of Jonathan taking the photo of Nancy never existed. The Duffers aren’t lying. The masses collectively lied to themeselves.
But how did this happen? How did a massive audience full of people, including myself, come to believe that there was a moment of Jonathan consciously taking that photo?
I’ll tell you why. It was a psyop to defame character!
Usually when a new season of Stranger Things rolls around, there comes the flow of comments on twitter saying “Hey, remember when Jonathan took a photo of Nancy changing and now she’s in a relationship with him?” which is usually done in the name of trying to bring down Jonathan and build up Steve.
And I’m not doing this to try to claim that Jonathan is a completely innocent baby who actually did nothing wrong. After all, the topless photo does still exist and as @notmybabies pointed out in the replies of one of posts, Jonathan chose to go through the process of developing it anyway. So he’s not completely off the hook. If the Duffers did want to eradicate Jonathan’s faults, then they would have digitally edited the topless Nancy photo to a different one, something that would have been possible.
But you ever notice how it’s always “Jonathan is a creep” and never “Steve called Nancy a slut and Jonathan a queer?”
I adore Steve, but what I’m trying to see is people seem to try and diminish the depth and complications of both of these characters, and it usually results in fans making Jonathan out to be a sex depraved pervert who has always had it out for Nancy, while Steve is their angel who could do no wrong. Steve couldn’t have had a good redemption arc if there wasn’t a place for him to grow from!
They never want to acknowledge that Jonathan was a lonely kid who made a bad mistake which he apologized for while looking for his brother and that Steve was a different person before he decided to change. Eliminating these character’s depths is eliminating what makes them interesting characters! Neither are completely pure and neither are completely evil!!
So in conclusion:
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 3 months
02/29/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Cast & Crew Sightings; VicoOrtiz; Gypsy Taylor; Samba Schutte; How to Help: Ranker Polls; BBC News; New Appreciation Events; Rhys' 50th Birthday; NewarkNewark Watch Party with @adoptourcrew; Watch Party Reminders; PeopleOfEarth; TheseThems; SaveOFMDCrew; Calendar;Fundraiser Goals; LeapDayBingo; FanSpotlight; Collages;Trading Cards; LoveNotes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika
= Cast&Crew Sightings =
= Vico Ortiz =
Sorry were you planning on getting anything done today?
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Vico has so much going on! "These Flowers Might Be Ours" read by Vico is available now on Amazon.co.uk!
Also too, ActNow: LA's LQBTQ+ Acting Class will be doing a scene study with Vico starting March 10th!
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= Gypsy Taylor =
Our favourite costume designed Gypsy Taylor was interviewed by @screenaustralia! Check out the Podcast episode here. Src: Gypsy's Instagram
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= Samba Schutte =
Just a little celebration of Leap Day!
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== How to Help ==
Polls are still up! So that Ranker poll is still there! It's still taking responses, please feel free to stop in and push OFMD up! (You could even do it on multiple browsers!... not that I'd recommend something like that). Our friend @patchworkpiratebear was kind enough to make a helpful infographic since it is a bit of a goofy set up. Link to the Ranking
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Step 5: You can actually rank the other shows and they still affect the ranking of OFMD.
== BBC News ==
So this was a cool catch by @queerly-autistic, our friend over here on tumblr and twitter. "A Pirate Comedy with a cult following". Talk about making noise!
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I know I've seen several asks lately regarding whether or not the time slot change for OFMD on BBC was a good or a bad thing. @queerly-autistic had some great insight on this. Please check out their thread here. "It's a really great slot to have the show advertised in, and I was so surprised and thrilled to see them giving it that space (and specifically pushing people to watch it on iPlayer)"
== New Appreciation Events! ==
March 21: Rhys' 50th Birthday
Do you have prepared best wishes for our pirate captain? 
Use the hashtag #youwear50well in your social media posts! Also, here's a neat list of time zones to ensure our birthday wishes will be the first thing Rhys sees (depending on whether he's in NZ or LA at that time!) Tweet/Insta at the times of your zone to ensure timely impact. 
12 AM on March 21 in New Zealand is: 
    12 PM on March 20 for AEDT/Sydney
    11 AM on March 20 for GMT/London
    7 AM on March 20 for EST/New York
12 AM on March 21 in LA is: 
    6 PM on March 20 for AEDT/Sydney
    7 AM on March 21 for GMT/London
    3 AM on March 21 for EST/New York
Thank you so much to our lovely friend @yronnia and all the other folks working on this project! Super cool!
= More Watch Parties! =
Please join @adoptourcrew for a @NewarkNewark watch party on March 5th at 10 pm GMT/ 2pm PS / 5pm EST!
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== Watch Party Reminders! ==
Coming down to the end of s2 Friends! #People Of Earth continues tomorrow and then a whole rewatch on Saturday! 10 pm GMT / 5pm EST / 4pm CST / 2pm PST!
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Join @adoptourcrew on Friday 3/1 for a watch party of #TheseThems! Times haven't been secured quite yet but mark your calendars!
Watch Party Hashtags:
#These Gems
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== Save OFMD Crew ==
= Calendar =
Tomorrow is #ImmoderateCitrus Day! (National Sunkist Citrus Day in the US). Feel free to reach out to the @saveofmdcrewmates about citrus-related faves: food, drink, clothing, recipes, or art!
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= UK Advertising Fundraiser =
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The truck stretch goal was met! The final stretch goal is getting petitions up in the tube in the UK! As always friends, donating is not a requirement but if you want and can afford it, that's great too!
== Leap Day Bingo ==
Today was Leap Day Bingo! Bingo credit to the lovely @OFMDBingo42 on Twitter or @Our_Flag_Means_Bingo on IG! There are several versions, see how many you can find across our socials. 😘
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== Fan Spotlight ==
Febuary 29 bring the February LOVE #OurFlagMeansDeath Collage Fest to a close! Thank you again @wndrngnomad for taking the time to make such lovely dedications to our favourite show, cast, and crew!
Wanna see them all? Check them out here!
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== Cast Trading Cards ==
Appropriate timing considering all the Vico sightings we've been seeing lately! Our lovely @melvisik has done it again. I didn't realize Vico was in Harley Quinn!
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== Love Notes ==
Yes, YOU!
With your awesome face, and your sweet ass smile!
Who do you think you are bringing all the swagger and charisma up in here? You're gonna blow this world away with that kind of powerful aura!
You are kicking ass today! Seriously, give yourself a big hug and a fist pump and say, "HELL YEAH!" because you are rocking it!
Now get out there and do whatever you're doing-- sleeping, playing, working, strutting, etc-- and show the next 24 hrs who'se's boss!
Love you crew <3
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== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Today's Darby is brought to you by none other than @sherlockig.
Daily Taika is by @memzhay. Why are these related? Idfk know, they just felt like generally the same vibe. Rhys being a cat chasing a string, and Taika a pup playing dead. (It's opposite day cause it's Leap Day, I guess).
Don't ask me how my mind works. I gave up many many moons ago.
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mybrainproblems · 5 months
hello, i'm finales georg...
i don't want to further clutter up the notes on this post while responding to the tags below but the persistence of the "finale is short/scenes are missing/extra ad break” conspiracies drives me absolutely bananas when i've watched the finale ten times and have posted about this A LOT trying to clear things up. (disclaimer that yes, i'm a goddamn destiel shipper but i care about Facts above all.)
ok but this is weird because i'd swear the episode was shorter (11 missing scenes!) but okay. maybe we all mandela effected ourselves into #beleving that. because it felt shorter. but i will die on the hill that it had another ad break. i understand this person has the thing #recorded with ads so i am thinking maybe different ad breaks in different idk time zones??? #because the finale did air an hour earlier in canada so maybe idk i am reaching here but maybe different states or whatever had different #ad breaks??? as for the last minute changes - wasn't the cover band asked for permission to use their version of carry on like a week before #the thing aired??? so even if the episode was 42 minutes and had no additional ad break - which i am side eying but lets say all was normal #i will always say they were changing thing until the absolute last minute (carry on my wayward son X 2 #the crew on the bridge which is not only giant 4th wall breaking but also wow they really got all those people in one place in times of #covid???) #anyway. tinfoil hat stays on sorry guys :/ (via @officialmisha)
short and snarky: there are plenty of real and sourced examples of network homophobia and scripted/directed destiel scenes being cut to point to. we don’t need to make this stuff up just bc the finale wasn’t what we wanted. so it’s not the mandela effect — it’s ppl repeating a conspiracy/rumor bc it supports their narrative and it’s easier and more fun to repeat something that supports a narrative they already believe (misha or something destiel was cut) vs the boring act of fact checking.
longer circumspect answer with links bc like many ppl i am in my debunking era and i rewatched "roblox_oof" last night.
like i said. i've watched the finale ten times. i’ve gone over the episode with a fine toothed comb and posted a detailed breakdown of timing marks on my blog. it’s actually extremely obvious where the ad breaks are once you know roughly where to look for them (they have a longer fade to black instead of a quick cut scene change). there’s no room for extra ad breaks and i think this conspiracy/rumor persists in part bc the episode feels so sparse in terms of cast and the fact that the episode’s momentum hits a barn post (and rebar) less than 20min into an hour-long programming block.
also i’m begging ppl to actually look at that timing mark post. it’s very straightforward and i spent a lot of time on it. i don’t care if ppl plagiarize it at this point if it means this conspiracy stops. i've got almost every second accounted for.
the "eleven missing scenes" that you're thinking of are probably from the finale script of questionable authenticity that @spnscripthunt acquired back in 2021 which can be found here. it's dated as the “final draft” from 11 sep 2020 and filming on 15x20 wrapped on 10 sep 2020. as noted at the bottom of this superwiki page "[the] script came from someone claiming to have been the person who did the closed captions for the show in Russia. There are some indications that it possibly may not be authentic, but this has not been confirmed."
if we go with the possibility that this was a transcript meant for subtitles, the "omitted" scenes were probably written but never filmed since it's the "final draft" and not a color revision (blue, green, yellow, etc). unfortunately, i’ve lost track of where i read it and a preliminary duckduckgo search isn’t bringing it up bc there's a program for script writing called final draft, but iirc the “final draft” version of a script is a transcript of what was filmed (e.g. there are parts of that 15x20 script that ended up being deleted scenes on the DVD). spnscripthunt also has an example of a confirmed final draft for 09x02 (funnily enough, also a dabb-penned ep). if anyone can confirm with a source that i have the purpose of the “final draft” version designation wrong, please let me know! i love being proven wrong with Facts.
i do want to acknowledge that the two “final drafts” do look different from each other and the 15x20 one doesn't look like a “real” final draft script since it lacks the revision/versioning dates that a script would normally have on the cover page. it could be that it was intended for subtitles; there's the chance it's been re-typed to anonymize it if there was anything indicating who the "owner" was, tho that seems a wee bit cloak and dagger to me. and again: it's considered of questionable authenticity. there are some things that don't quite line up but oh dear god i don't want to get even further out into the weeds than i already am.
i won't disagree that it's weird as hell that neoni only got asked about using their cover seven days prior to the episode airing (tiktok here). my personal theory is that they were hoping to get a more expensive song (maybe a zepp song, idk) and didn't manage to secure the rights in the end. again: this is pure conjecture on my part! but i could absolutely see someone working on the show hearing neoni’s cover and liking it and then maybe they were using it as a placeholder until it got down to the wire and they had to make a call/send the ep to networks. because yes, it is baffling they played a song and then a cover of it with only a 40 second break between. (i do actually really like the neoni cover! the placement is just weird and i think it could have worked if they had the kansas version at the beginning and closed with neoni's full cover.)
as to the 4th wall break COVID stuff: robert singer talked with variety magazine about filming the last two episodes and the logistics of filming during a pandemic. whether they should have been filming during a pandemic is a separate discussion but their use of office vs set pods, strict quarantining and daily testing meant that they had zero positive tests in the month they were filming (18 aug to 10 sep). so given all that, i personally don’t think it’s totally out of pocket to have everyone standing outdoors on a bridge for maybe an hour to get a drone shot of them together. (i won’t get into incubation periods and viral load, but if everyone tested negative that day and every day for a month prior, it was a fairly low risk scene to film outdoors and for all we know everyone was masked until the last possible second. there were plenty of outdoor masked protests in 2020 that weren't superspreader events.)
and before anyone brings up “but misha was in vancouver!” i know someone who looked into it and they said no dice, nothing matched up between the backgrounds in those pics and places in vancouver. his statements about “us” going back to set over the summer were pretty generic in hindsight and “we”/"us" could be him or the spn crew generally. unfortunately i’m not able to find those tweets but the use of “we” was likely so as not to give away he wouldn’t be returning to set. (bc we were absolutely casbaited!) and bc it comes up a lot: the "onion field pic" was from when they were filming 15x17 and was not taken while filming 15x19 and 15x20.
besides, it would be ridiculous to go through the financial and logistical headaches of bringing someone into the country to film during a pandemic, only to cut their scenes in the end! honestly, the script is pretty tight when the scenes are given so much breathing room! the only thing i could see being further cut down is The Monologue and even then, i don’t think there was any intent to cut it down given it was filmed in fairly long takes.
i’ve said it many times before, but i believe the finale was fucked long before they returned to set. walker got the green light in sep 2019 and it was being marketed heavily as a “follow on” show to spn given jared’s involvement. the demo they were courting for walker has little to no overlap with the demo for destiel fans — why would they want a finale that catered to a demo they weren't interested in courting? we just went through a historic double strike that exposed so much of the rot of business interests overriding creative vision. this isn't completely unfounded conjecture.
i will not apologize for the length of this bc i wanted to be thorough, but i do want to give context that i think the reason these conspiracies and rumors grind my gears so much is because anyone can fact check all of this. the truth is out there and absolutely none of it is that hard to find. the most time consuming/difficult part of this was finding someone who had a DVR’d copy of the finale from when it aired live and they actually found me themselves after i’d been low key asking around for a year!
and like. i get it. conspiracies are fun. but there are so many sourced instances of network homophobia and destiel being cut that it's like. why is this something folks are hanging onto? the cw is notorious for having upper level meddling with finales bc there's a follow-on show they want to shuffle fans along to and spn is no exception.
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gothicbarbie · 5 months
TOP 30 BL'S OF 2023
It's that time again! The end of 2023 is here, and 2024 is upon us! Once again, we were blessed with some truly amazing BL series and I have tried my hardest to rank them all. I could only narrow it down to 30 this time cuz there were so many good ones. If a BL is not listed, it probably means I haven't watched it yet, but it is likely on a "for later" list.
GOD TIER 10/10
1. The Eighth Sense (KOREA) Absolutely ADORE this series, it was so well done. Beautiful filming and locations, each episode felt very different in terms of setting, the pacing was nice, and the chemistry was really good too between the main pairing. It was great to get some nice kissing moments as well. Def. one of the best KBL's I've seen ever and easily fits into my top 5 BL's of all time.
2. I Cannot Reach You (JAPAN) One of Japan's best series imo. Very cute storyline, I found both characters extremely likable and fun. I love their cute friendship and subtle build up. I really enjoyed watching this one.
3. My Personal Weatherman (JAPAN) Another great one from Japan, with lots of high heat scenes. Parts of the storyline were a little confusing to me at times but I think a change of scenery could have benefited the series, but regardless, I still really enjoyed it week to week.
4. Kiseki Dear to Me (TAIWAN) Probably my favorite Tawain BL ever after We Best Love. I mainly just loved the chemistry between the two couples, they were both really fun to watch and had wonderful chemistry as well as lovely kissing scenes. Def excited to rewatch this one in the future.
5. Our Dating Sim (KOREA) It's hard to believe this was from 2023, but I recently rewatched the whole thing and it held up! It was a very fun and cute series, and the build up with the main pairing was so well done. It really felt like the writers took their time with this series.
6. Stay With Me (CHINA) Shocking to see a chinese series on this list, but this is one of my all time favorite BL series. Some people might argue that it isn't BL, but I highly disagree. We got a few "cheek" kisses and most romantic scenes were heavily implied but for me, it was still worth the watch. The ending was rough to say the least, and I really hope we get a season 2 to sort of rectify that, but regardless, I really loved it.
7. My School President (THAILAND) Another series that feels like it was SO long ago, but is def. at the top of my list for Thailand. Gemini/Forth's chemistry was on point and I loved the cute moments and subtle build up in this one.
8. A Shoulder to Cry On (KOREA) My only critique with this series is the lack of a kissing scene. I know for some people that isn't important, but to me it is and I was a bit frustrated to get nothing after such incredible build up, but regardless, the series was really nice and I loved the tension between the main two characters.
9. City Boy Log (KOREA) This one is still ongoing and not quite a BL series technically, but its scripted, and we get lots of BL moments, so I will count it in my list. I am loving the web style filming of this series and both couples a lot. I hope the main pairing gets the opportunity to be in an actual series together.
GREAT 8/10
10. Utsukushii Kare 2 (JAPAN) Sadly haven't been able to see the movie just yet, but the 2nd series was pretty well done. Not as enjoyable for me as season 1 but I still really enjoyed watching the main pairing navigate their relationship.
11. Never Let me Go (THAILAND) One of the better series from Thailand this year imo. I really liked the chemistry between pondphuwin and the episodes were packed with some pretty interesting storylines and build up, it was very fun to watch.
12. Ameiro Paradox (JAPAN) I've seen some people hate on this series, but personally I loved it. I found the chemistry between the leads to be super strong and I loved the build up to them recognizing their feelings. The kissing scenes were great as well. There were a few blah plots but overall I really enjoyed it.
13. Moonlight Chicken (THAILAND) Something about this series felt a bit more mature to me and it was a nice change from some of the cheesier bl's that try so hard to be funny? I really loved all the pairings in this series and the storyline was nice.
14. Tokyo in April (JAPAN) For me this one started out great but then kinda lost me near the end. I did love most of the storyline but other parts were super frustrating to watch. I enjoyed the manga a bit more I think? But still, it was nice.
15. Bed Friend (THAILAND) Loved this one on first watch but on rewatch it was just okay for me. I think some of the plots were just over-dramatic and too depressing. But the friends with benefits plot was well done and the chemistry between the main two was really strong. It was fun.
16. A Breeze of Love (KOREA) I might have enjoyed this one a bit more had I seen the eps slower. Because I binged it's hard to get a good grasp on it but I did really like it. I liked the chemistry between the main couple and there was a sweetness to it I enjoyed.
17. Love Class 2 (KOREA) I think I slightly preferred the overall storyline of season 1, but in this one I preferred all the couples. For me that was the biggest draw. It was a tad bit confusing at first, but then it started to come together near the middle. Not the absolute best from Korea but enjoyable.
Good 7/10
18. Bump up Business (KOREA) Great chemistry between the leads but unfortunately the plot fell a bit flat for me. I feel like they could have done so much more with it. The kiss was also extremely weak, but that was expected. It was a nice series to binge, but not one of my favs this year.
19. Destiny Seeker (THAILAND) Parts of this one were really odd and I think part of my issue was having wonky subs, but regardless, I really enjoyed the series and especially the chemistry between the main pairing. Loved watching their story build, their banter was so fun. I also liked the side pairing but wish they had a bit more focus.
20. Why R U Korea (KOREA) This one did not remind me of the OG at all, which is fine, but overall I found this series to be a tad slow. There were good and bad moments.
21. Love Mate (KOREA) Some of the KBL's this year get a bit confusing and I mix them all together... this is one that sort of got lost in the shuffle for me and I would need to rewatch to give a better opinion on it but I know I did enjoy it.
22. HiStory 5 (TAIWAN) Sadly didn't enjoy this season of HiStory as much as past seasons but it was okay. I think it had some good moments but overall left me a bit underwhelmed.
23. The New Employee (KOREA) Didn't love this one as much as others have seemed to. I didn't find the chemistry to be that strong and I also am not fond of office romances, but it was okay.
24. Dangerous Romance (THAILAND) This one was forgettable but again, had some enjoyable moments. I think I liked it more in the beginning rather than the end.
25. If It's With You (JAPAN) Sweet series that simply just fell flat for me because it just felt too short so I couldn't really get invested in it. But it was cute.
26. My Story (FILO) This one was good, I liked both pairings a lot and there were some decent kissing scenes, but there were also a lot of cringey moments and moments I had to fastforward. For The Philippines I think it was one of the better series this year, but it's not at the top of my list.
27. Sing My Crush (KOREA) Another KBL that is so quick that you can binge in one night... this one didn't deliver for me as much as it did for others. The chemistry was good and it was sweet but I just found myself a bit bored of it. Still cute tho.
28. The Director Who Buys Me Dinner (KOREA) The plot is weird AF and I am not a big fan of like historical past lives romance type of plots but I did enjoy the chemistry between the main two. It might be a bit higher if the ending wasn't so weird...
29. Starstruck (KOREA) Another KBL that is a bit forgettable to me but from what I remember I enjoyed it.
30. Bon Appetit (KOREA) See above. lol.
Honorary mentions: These were good but not quite good enough for my list. I liked them but had small issues with them. Either cheesey or boring plots, or the chemistry was lacking for me. Also they are in no particular order:
1. His Man 2 (KOREA) - Not BL at all, but a reality series which was AMAZING. LOVE LOVE LOVED the ending pair... but couldn't put it on the main list because it's not scripted.
2. Minato’s Laundry 2 (JAPAN) -season 1 was amazing, this one didn't hold up. Hated how awkward they were as a couple and it just felt too unrealistic to me. Regardless, i still love the chemistry between the main two and liked seeing them again.
3. Hidden Agenda (THAILAND) - love joondunk and wish they would get a better storyline. This plot was all over the place but the chemistry was there. The kisses were top tier!
4. Only Friends (THAILAND)- i did love the messiness of this one and there were some fun pairings with hot scenes, but overall I felt the SL was a bit chaotic and some characters never really grew. I wish they had leaned into the sexy/messiness of it a tad bit more tbh.
5. Stay by My Side (Taiwain) - cute but a bit forgettable. I did enjoy the chemistry a lot in this one tho.
6. You Are Mine (Tawiain) - same as above, except the pairing wasn't as exciting for me.
7. Our Dining Table (JAPAN) - i know everyone loves this one and it was very cute and sweet, but a bit too slow for my taste.
8. End of the World With You (JAPAN) - some interesting plots and fun to watch, but overall a bit messy and problematic at times? lol.
9. Til the World Ends (THAILAND) - see above.
10. Jack O Frost (JAPAN)- decently cute series but the tone of it was a bit too depressing for me.
11. The Day I Loved You (FILO) -started great but was too emotional/sad for me after a few eps in.
12. Unintentional Love Story (KOREA) - seems a lot of people loved this one but it wasn't really my cup of tea. I found the plot very slow and the main couple was kinda bland imo. But I am willing to rewatch it and give it another chance soon.
13. Between Us (THAILAND) - technically this started in 2022 but it finished in 2023, so I'll include it. It was okay but not great. Much better series for bounprem but still found myself a bit bored.
Watched these ones in 2023 but they didn't make much of an impact in me. They had good and bad bits but to me, mostly bad. lol (No particular order)
1. Jun and Jun
2. Past-tenger
3. Love Tractor
4. Egoist Movie
5. Happy Merry Ending
6. Be My Favorite
7. A Boss and a Babe
8. Step by Step
9. Naked Dinner
10. Wedding Plan
11. My Dear Gangster Oppa
12. Cutie Pie 2
These series were forgettable or annoying imo and and I wouldn’t necessarily recommend them to anyone. However, they might be worth skimming through like I did? Good luck! lol. (In no order)
1. Hit Bite Love
2. Naughty Babe
3. Laws of Attraction
4. Remember Me
5. Love Bill
6. 609 Bedtime Story
7. All the Liquors
8. Be Mine Superstar
9. House of Stars
10. La Pluie
11. Our Sky 2
12. Venus in the Sky
13. Tin Tem Jai
14. Middleman’s Love
15. Future the Series
16. Tie the Knot
17. Luminous Solution
18. Bake Me Please
19. Our Winter
20. Stay Still
Shows I watched in 2023 but that are from previous years:
1. Bad Buddy (loved it!)
2. Advance Bravely (weird but enjoyable)
3. Why You Y Me (good)
4. Ghost Host Ghost House (okay)
5. La Cuisine (meh)
6. Win Jamie’s Heart (forgettable)
7. Kabe Sa Doujin (blah)
8. Catch Me Baby (skimmed for netjames only)
9. 21 Days Theory (what is this again?)
10. Innocent the Series (already forgot it)
Tried and Quit: I just couldn't get into these at all... I will probably not watch these ever.
Crazy Handsome Rich
Dinosaur Love
Low Frequency
Love Syndrome 3
If a show is from 2023 and not listed above, then likely I plan to get to it later. Either I tried the premiere and it didn’t capture me at first, I couldn’t find the episode when I tried to look for it, or I simply just haven’t had time for it yet.
A few on my list that i plan to watch because I heard good things about them are: I Feel You Linger in the Air, Lost in Translation, Beyond the Star, Shadow, My Universe. Plus many others. Let me know if there is a show you really loved that I didn't mention so I can check it out!
Oh, and here are all previous lists since TUMBLR is being a little bitch and not saving the tags.
2022: https://gothicbarbie.tumblr.com/post/705139242020618240/my-top-20-bl-series-of-2022
2021: https://gothicbarbie.tumblr.com/post/705227666795741184/my-top-15-bl-series-of-2021
2020: https://gothicbarbie.tumblr.com/post/705674738528354304/my-top-15-bls-of-2020
2019 and earlier: https://gothicbarbie.tumblr.com/post/705678223200174080/my-top-bls-of-2019-and-earlier
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wen-kexing-apologist · 5 months
Late top 5 ask because I just thought of it: 5 shows that you are always down to rewatch
What a great question that is also such a mean and incredibly evil thing to ask me, wen-kexing-apologist, Chronic Rewatcher lmfao
So fun fact I have seen KinnPorsche 14 times, Our Flag Means Death 11 times, The Old Guard 11 times, Heartstopper 11 times, The Eclipse probably 6 times, Bad Buddy and ITSAY 4 times, etc, etc, etc. And those are counting all the times I have watched a show all the way through. This is not counting the number of times I have actively gone back to watch specific episodes or specific scenes.
See the problem is sometimes I hyperfixate and then I just have to watch it until it is out of my system, sometimes an OST pops in to my head and then I get the urge to watch the show again, and sometimes I agree to edit the transcripts for the backlog of @the-conversation-pod and @bengiyo and @shortpplfedup start talking about a show and I'm like "ahhh good times! I should rewatch that!"
So you can imagine the stress I am under. I'll have to do this by category
Show I Am Constantly Rewatching: Bed Friend
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gif by @perths
I know what you may be thinking, and yes you are correct I am in this rewatch for Uea's emotional journey. Uea is my sweet summer child, I love him, I have adopted him in to my family, his happiness is my happiness and I love love love watching him go from a quiet, reserved, unhappy character who keeps getting put in unfair situations through no fault of his own in to this confident, vibrant, happy person who is on his way towards healing. Often times it can be hard for me to pick A Favorite thing; a favorite character, a favorite scene because there are so. many. good. ones. But I am constantly, and I mean constantly rewatching the scene in Episode 8 where Uea tells King about his past. I have lost count of how many times I've seen it, no even kidding I watched that scene before I went to bed just last week. I will always always be down to watch that show because I love seeing how far my boy is able to grow with just a little bit of love, care, and therapy.
Show I Would Rewatch for an Instant Mood Boost: If It's With You
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gif by @jimmysea
I have a difficult time understanding/feeling emotion in my body unless I abstract it in to fiction. So when I experience strong emotions it is typically when something super happy or super tragic happens on screen, in a book, during my D&D game, etc. One of my absolute favorite things is when something makes me so happy that my body is no longer able to contain it and I have to do the Neurodivergent Hand Flappies(TM). I think I spent 80% of this show grinning so hard it hurt my face and doing the Neurodivergent Hand Flappies because it just...they made me so happy. Amane is so sweet, and he deserves happiness, and he is getting his happiness and he's just full of sunshine and I already rewatched this show like immediately after it finished. This show joins my This Could Fix Me list.
Show I Would Be Down to Rewatch for Emotional Catharsis: Eternal Yesterday
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gif by @duckflyfly
I have not rewatched this show...yet. But I want to, and I know that I will eventually. I can only imagine that it is sadder and more evil the second time around. I cried soooo hard over this show. But it is beautiful, and it is healing, and the pain is a good type of aching pain that comes with coming to terms with grief. With acknowledging grief. With finding where the beauty and peace lie within death and memory, and the way its claws dig in to you and leave you changed forever. Ghosts can be warm, and this show makes me warm despite it all.
Show I Would Be Down to Rewatch for Content: I Told Sunset About You/I Promised You the Moon
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gif by @thii-nii
I think I am in @shortpplfedup's camp about how you find new things to think about every time you watch this show. I actually desperately, desperately own I Promised You the Moon several rewatches because I have seen ITSAY four times at this point and IPYTM once. I am currently rewatching IPYTM with a friend who is seeing it for the first time, so that should help. But the first time I watched this show I was unable to function to notice anything, and it wasn't until the third time I'd watched ITSAY when I was rewatching it to prepare for the podcast panel, that I finally was able to form any level of coherent analytical thought to it. So I would rewatch this at any point just to see what more I could pull out of it.
Show I Would Be Down to Rewatch But Haven't Yet: 180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us
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gif by @dingyuxi
Bold, based on how intense of a reaction I had to this show, I know. But this was one of my favorites, I never wrote anything about it because I was too busy having a literal mental breakdown over it, one that was so bad I almost had to bail on the entire show with like...20 minutes left of it, and I originally nixed my plan to show it to a friend. BUT I have watched the specific scene that did me in (and only that scene) and it went over fine once I knew to expect it so I do want to watch the whole thing again. I have a friend who I have been forcing to watch BL shows I liked and I watch them with her, and this is on the list. However, I am currently running her through I Promised You The Moon and What Did You Eat Yesterday? Season 2 so this show is still quite a ways out from a rewatch because I am not a total monster and want to give her some modicum of emotional break between those two shows and 180 Degree.
Show I Would Never Rewatch: Enchante
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I hate this show truly an unreasonable amount. I hate Theo so much oh my fucking god. I refuse to watch this again and I'm mad that I finished it.
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k-nonsense · 2 years
(Old ranking - go to my blog for updated rankings)
My rankings/reviews of all the k dramas I have seen so far (up to 26 now). My top 5 has been cracked by 2 shows! Netflix k-dramas are just killing it. I would recommend any show I gave a C grade or higher. I bolded the 5 new dramas I’ve added.
*= reserving the right to change ranking after season 2.
1) Hometown Cha Cha Cha: An absolute masterpiece. It’s a heartwarming fish out of water story about a big city girl who finds herself in the quirkiest little seaside town. I wanted to stay in Gongjin forever. Grade: A+(Netflix)
2)*Extraordinary Attorney Woo (S1): The most delightful show ever. Never have I ever rooted for a lead harder. She is the most endearing lead you will ever find. And the male lead is THE standard by which all men will forever be judged. Grade: A+(Netflix)
3)Business Proposal: Bumped this up again cause it’s the show I have the urge to rewatch the most. I can’t stop thinking about it. It’s got every trope you can think of and it does them all to perfection. Plus it’s hilarious. Grade: A (Netflix)
4)*Alchemy of Souls (S1): Episodes 1-19 were the perfect blend of fantasy, adventure, mystery, comedy, and romance. With so many characters who are so lovable. Episode 20 will destroy you. Counting the seconds till season 2. Grade: A (Netflix)
5)Her Private Life: Super funny and charming. The romantic leads have incredible chemistry. The premise is so good! Might be the one of the most rewatchable kdramas. Grade: A (Netflix)
6)Rookie Historian Goo Hae Ryung: Great strong female lead. Very good messages. Couldn’t stop watching. The most adorable prince I’ve ever seen 💜Cha Eunwoo💜 Grade: A (Netflix)
7)Sh**ting Stars: Probable the biggest turnaround of any show I’ve seen (The “Africa” part was so problematic). However it turned out to be one of the funniest and swooniest KDramas out there. There are 5 couples and you will cheer for all of them. Grade: A- (Viki)
8)Strong Woman Do Bong Soon: The main couple is absolutely everything! Just fast forward through pretty much every side plot (they are not important) and you’ll love it. Grade: A- (Viki)
9)So I Married the Anti-Fan: It’s campy, fluffy, goodness, with a fierce female lead and a K-pop star enemy/love interest. Fastest binge of my life. Grade: A- (Viki)
10)Start-Up: Exceptional acting, compelling storylines, intriguing plot twists, great cinematography, intense love triangle. It’s just all around high quality. Grade: B+ (Netflix)
11)Run On: Cute, fun, silly and pretty light. I especially loved the supporting cast. Strange storyline but it was a fun easy ride. Grade: B+ (Netflix)
12)Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-Joo: A bad-ass yet vulnerable female lead. The main couple just had a lot of fun together. Refreshing. Grade: B+ (Viki)
13)I Am Not A Robot: I was surprised I really liked this one. This goes in the zany premise category but it was surprisingly pretty grounded for how crazy the set up was. It’s funny, emotional, good story telling. Great character development. Grade: B+ (Viki)
14)Shopping King Louie: Adorable! Luis is too cute. I love it how he bops along like a penguin and his cute little screams at bugs. And Bok Sil is the warmest character, you just have to root for her. So many light fluffy feels for this show but it does drag a bit in the second half. Grade B (Viki)
15)Fight For My Way: Such lovable leads. Love the fierce female lead and adorable himbo male lead. It’s like a coming of age story but for 30 year olds. Storyline was ok. Second couple was skippable. Grade: B (Viki)
16)What’s Wrong with Secretary Kim: More PSJ is always a good thing. This drama did all the tropes in ways that didn’t always feel fresh, but it was very romantic and hilarious. A true classic. Grade: B (Viki)
17)Touch Your Heart: If you can just stick it out through the first few very shaky episodes, you will enjoy this adorable, fluffy, series. Grade: B- (Netflix)
18)Doom at Your Service: It was sometimes real sad yet ultimately a heart warming mystical story. Grade: B- (Viki)
19)True Beauty: Fun, cute, teen drama however, it’s a little too “antsy teen” for me. Cha Eunwoo though💜 Grade: C+ (Viki)
20)Suspicious Partner: Great story, great characters, attractive actors, beautiful romance, interesting plot, sometimes funny, sometimes suspenseful, but with 40 episodes, the plot was dragged so far out that it became hard to get through. Grade C+ (Viki)
21)Crash Landing On You: The first half is GREAT but the second half is way too melodramatic for my taste. It’s a very interesting storyline, the main couple has insane chemistry, and there are very lovable side characters. Grade: C+ (Netflix)
22)My Love From the Star: The main relationship is incredibly intense. I just wanted to find out what happened to them so I ended up fast forwarding through everything else. The age difference in the flashbacks creeped me out. Grade D+ (Viki)
23)My Secret Romance: The story of a total screw up female lead falling for a manipulative, gaslighting, hottie. It was problematic yet fun? So 🤷‍♀️ Grade: D+ (Netflix)
24)Our Beloved Summer: I LOVED V’s “Christmas Tree” OST however I struggled to keep watching. Boring storyline but great acting. Grade: D+ (Netflix)
25)Goblin: The age gap is too disturbing for me, like call the police disturbing. However, the Grim Reaper who is one of the most adorable characters I’ve ever seen. Grade: D- (Viki)
26)Extra-Ordinary You: I have never felt so betrayed by a second half of a series as I did in this one. All of the character development that it seemed to be leading to was replaced by a pretty sickening codependent relationship. Grade: D- (Viki).
Currently Watching: Today’s Webtoon (kinda blah), She Would Never Know (idk yet), Romance is a Bonus Book (loving it), 100 Days My Prince (so far so good).
Looking Forward To: Love In Contract, Alchemy season 2!
What are your thoughts on these shows? Do you agree or disagree with my rankings? Any k-romcom recommendations that are not on the list yet?
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butmakeitgayblog · 7 months
I just got to 2x15 and I used to be an ardent defender of The Betrayal™️ like “well DUH it was OBVIOUSLY the right decision to make, Clarke would’ve done the same thing!” which yeah I still kinda stand by canon-wise but like… writing-wise is it just me or is the whole thing kind of dumb 😭 Like they were already winning??? There was no point in not just killing Emerson and Cage and all the others and freeing the Sky People and civilians??? The Sky People have made powerful allies, can cure Reapers, and are the only reason they’ve made it this far and she just leaves them to die??? I don’t know, unless Lexa was like, really fuckin sure that Clarke could handle things just fine on her own, it doesn’t make any kind of logical sense to me if I really think about it for more than a few seconds.
It feels kind of out of character for Lexa too, like the Grounders inside Mount Weather are an army waiting to be set free to defeat the Mountain Men, are likely willing to die for the cause and the greater good (which Lexa literally said in the previous episode that you should be able to tell your people to die for you!) — like, bad thing: many of the Grounders inside the Mountain die fighting. But good thing: the Mountain Men are defeated and in the long run the Grounder suffering under their oppression which has lasted 97 years finally ends. It seems like a worthy sacrifice to me and I just think it’s an odd, contradictory heel-turn for Lexa to suddenly make.
I don’t know am I making any sense here or am I literally the only one overthinking this 😂
Oh bby I have talked about this before
And I'll do it again 🥴
No it really did make no sense beyond juat setting up the adversarial plotline between Clarke and Lexa and furthering the dynamics between Skaikru and the clans.
Realistically, logically, strategically - it made no sense. None. Cuz, even beyond just what you're saying, Lexa taking the deal in turn means the MM keep the skairats. Whom they were harvesting bone marrow from. Which allowed them to walk freely outside.
Considering???? That they had every intention of wiping out the Grounders, whyyyy in god's fucking name would Lexa "I got a phat ass and love stinky blonde bitches" Kom Trikru willingly provide the very key that would allow them easier ability in the future to annihilate her people??
It's? Illogical? And fucking nonsense?
But I'm supposed to believe that she made that choice? I'm supposed to believe that someone who won her conclave at the age of like 11-12, who beat and bartered 12 warring clans into submission, who found her lover's severed head in her bed and then still accepted the murderer into her alliance for the best of her people... I'm supposed to believe she would take such a short-sighted, lopsided deal? Really? Really?
I mean when you look at it from just a narrative perspective, yes of course it makes sense. Sacrifices have to be made yada yada, my people or yours blah blah blah, she loves her but had to choose her people bing bong balsjdjslk. I get it, I do, and it was a very compelling moment to watch. Truly, I love that episode, it was devastating and shocking and they acted it so gd well it still holds up. Like every rewatch makes my lil gay heart clench, and I'm not kidding. But take even one step back and look at the entire picture of the situation and actually who Lexa is as a person and leader, and the whole fucking plot just falls apart
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Doctor Who Thoughts! (Ep 1 and 2)
Since the spoiler situation is so risky this year, I'll keep my usual episode notes below a read more for now. Took these non-chronologically while watching and rewatching (becuase even though I'm ridiculously busy rn with thesis and work stuff, of course I'm doing that), so it's less of a reaction and more of a moment-to-moment breakdown.
Ep 1: Space Babies
"I was adopted and the planet that took me in... they were kinda posh. They'd use titles like the Doctor, or the Bishop, or the Rani, or the conquistador. Say Doctor for a thousand years and it becomes my name." So we're right in with the recap. Good. Also still leaning on the Timeless Child thing, which I have mixed feelings about. I love it not being ignored... but I would still rather it not become THE origin for the Doctor. At least not without acknowledging some of the ambiguity on how exactly the Timeless Child is linked to the Doctor. (Personal favourite explanation: they're just the Other. They're not a previous 'incarnation' of the Doctor, but a previous 'REincarnation', something which we know existed on Gallifrey even prior to regeneration, and opens up its own questions about Gallifrey.)
A little odd emphasis on the titles, given it's such a renegade thing. Makes me think of entry-level fans who assume all Time Lords use such titles.
Love the Rani name drop though, of course. A bit odd to get one now, considering there was JUST almost one in The Giggle. Russell what are you up to...?
"You're the Doctor, but you're… the police?" "Police box, no! No, no, no, no, that's a disguise." "Oh." Ruby takes a deep breath realising she didn't just join a cop.
You CAN'T just spring This is Gallifrey on me like that Murray Gold. Not this early.
"I am the last of the Time Lords"... ugh again. Thanks Chibbs.
Also still a bit interesting that all Time Lords are assumed to be gone, given there's nothing as catostrophic as the Time War that caused it, just the Master raging out. There's still plenty of room for surviving renegades and such. (cough!Rassiloncough!) Pretty sure the Division agents in Flux were Time Lords too, though who knows if they're from the 'present' era. More on this in Ep 2.
"And I am so, so glad to be alive." Wow, you can tell 14 went through his break. Quite a turn around from 12 hesitating to regenerate and 13's hidden struggles.
The Doctor healing the butterfly... on one hand, it's not unprecedented with stuff like 10 and the TARDIS crystal, 11 healing River's hand or 12 and Davros, but compared to those cases it's a little odd seeing it done so easily for something with no tech or inate regenerative ability.
I find it interesting that Lizard!Ruby looks almost Silurian, but clearly isn't given her hair and antennae.
The TARDIS trip gags of this and 'mavity' are a fun stylistic switch for the show, but I do hope we don't get too many of them.
"Is that a matter transporter like in Star Trek?" "We've got to visit them one day." Assimilation^2 canon?! /s (but seriously, love stuff acknowledging the 'everything is canon' nature of the DW uni-/multiverse).
So much emphasis on the coincidence with Ruby. RTD loves that trope doesn't he?
"Baby farms boost the population. Sometimes a world goes sterile or... I don't know, goes mad and bans kissing." Or in the case of Gallifrey... maybe both, depending on how you follow Platt or Parkin's lore for the looms.
Don't think I didn't spot that Mavity easter egg on the overlay.
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The phone call is a nice moment... even if entirely RTD ripping himself off.
So... the space babies! It's charming, it's campy, it's fun... it doesn't really work... I'm still glad for it, because what is Doctor Who if not being exceedingly ambitious with a dumb idea (if anything I'm glad that even with Disney money, DW's production value shines through!), but the babies expressions always match so poorly to the dialogue that it's pretty distracting. I hope kids will like it though.
I kinda wish these were just child actors, instead of cgi, babies, and voice acting. It would have made a lot more sense in the story, and probably been cuter tbh. (Side note: didn't Disney ask RTD to propose a more ambitious first episode? I wonder if that had some part in this.)
"I made this for you. It's a little flower." Some of Eric's expressions with the dialogue do make me crack up a bit though.
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Also glad to see more "[blank] in space" formula episodes, since that was one thing the RTD era always really shined with.
The waiting for Mummy and Daddy thing is very charming too. As is the Doctor and Ruby taking time to give them all hugs.
The multi-pronged satellite design weirdly evokes the Division's timeship design. Definitely just a funny coincidence though. It's cool seeing less 'one-way-up' station designs though.
"Did we grow up wrong?" 😥 (Also with looms on mind, this weirdly feels like a reverse 'childe' situation.)
"Oh 'Nanomatrix electroform'." With the revelation that 'Nan-E' is a person, I like to think this is the Doctor just bullshitting his way through.
The snow and the memory changing is... interesting. More later.
"Oh, I thought my birth was crazy!" Let's not get into it Snail.
The shutting down of the baby station, yet it being illegal to actually stop birthing them even though the station has a limited lifespan feels VERY topical to me, in a weird way. It evokes the post-Roe abortion bans in America, and how pro-life people only care about the fetus, regardless of viability or post-birth care.
"That's the fate of every refugee in the universe. You physically have to turn up on someone else's shore." Again politics, quite explicitly with the use of 'shore' rather than orbit or a similar term that makes sense in an interplanetary context.
"Children will return to the upper levels, or have no /expletive/ dinner. Let Nan-E say fuck!
I love all the actual info in the screen art. If I was an active wiki editor I'd love to take the time to break down all the system info.
At first I thought the bogeyman would be a more 'fantasy' creature a la the Goblins, between it's storybook nature and scaring the Doctor, so it being an artificial creature designed to be scary down to its sounds was a cool twist. Also being made out of bogies?
The fact the story also firmly decides that it's worth saving too? That it's "one of the children"? Muah! 👌 No notes.
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The way the airlock works with the 'oxygen field' is a little counter-intuitive and confusing, but I'll allow it. I take it as a safeguard force field gradually powering down, hence the slow depressurisation.
"A great pile of sh-" Let the Doctor say shit"
I buy the methane working to get them to Mondo Caroon a bit less. Hopefully planetary orbit is close enough for refugee status.
Again, Eric's face cracks me up.
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TARDIS key! I like this tradition.
A bit cruel to not take Ruby to Ruby Road after bringing up the mystery during the episode, even if it makes sense. Clearly also a bit of a callback to Father's Day.
The emphasis on Ruby's adoptive mum vs bio mum is good.
This arc with Ruby feels weirdly like RTD giving his own take on a Series 6/7 story arc, even down to the ambiguous TARDIS bioscan like with Amy.
When the Doctor mentioned Time Lords and titles again, I was bracing myself to see something related in the scan, so didn't even realise it was snowing until the wide shot. But it said her species was human, so nevermind...
"My name was..." Such a tease! I doubt he's actually giving his birthname, even though it's not unprecedented for the Doctor to tell people. Probably either just explaining the title or something.
Ep 2: The Devils Chord
Maestro emerging from anything playing music is so Wordlord-core.
"Henry get away from him." "Them." Woo!
I could have sworn 'Timothy Drake' would be a real person (at first I assumed he was somehow linked to the Beatles), but a quick google doesn't seem to find anything? All I found was a modern-day composer, who seems to have done an album based on Voyager data. Weird choice to go with just a random person sharing the name of a DC character.
Henry Arbinger is neat. If he's actually a seperate character, I guess he's technically the Toymaker's grandson? He does seem to pre-exist Maesto's imprisonment.
Maestro is so good throughout the whole episode.
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The fourth wall breaking with the theme! Transition into the main theme could have been smoother though. I kinda wish they just kept a full piano version all the way through, like Capaldi's guitar.
Speaking of the theme, it somehow appearing in universe on the jukebox?! Really funnily lines up with a later joke in retrospect.
"My mum she had a girlfriend: Claire." Between this, the "heartbroken lesbian song" later and Maestro, this episode really starts to showcase the queerness of this era.
Ruby's first plaid dress is so Clara-ish. As for 15… while I don't mind the Doctor being a bit more casual, seeing him wandering the TARDIS in jeans and trainers is kinda meh. The period costumes are great though. Always happy to see those.
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Speaking of 15 and Ruby. They continue to be a delight.
Not gonna lie, as someone who's never really listened to the Beatles but knows their songs only vaguely, it took me a moment to realise there was something wrong with their 'dog' song.
Wasn't expecting the Cilla Black cameo!
Very weird doing a historical with living people. Particularly Paul McCartney, given he has a fairly prominent role, along with John Lennon.
Probably a bunch of easter eggs I'm missing because I don't know the Beatles. I only just discovered while writing that the "Mr Epstein" the Doctor mentioned was their manager.
Weird that we've had two mentions of the First Doctor and Susan in 1963 in two episodes. With it being Feb 11th here… cue more fan debate about when exactly they arrived in London, especially if you account for the "bad smog" in December 1962 line.
"You've got children?" "I did have. I will have." Now he could just be referring to the First Doctor's future, but I can't help but imagine this as a Miranda Dawkins reference! In fairness, he does say that "Time Lords get a bit complicated" which doesn't really match that interpretation. Could also connect it to the future!Other + Other'sGranddaughter!Susan interpretation of things I suppose.
"Where is she?" "I don't know. The Time Lords were murdered. The genocide rolled across time and space, like a great big cellular explosion. Maybe it killed her too." Uhhhhhhhhhh, WTF does that mean? It doesn't sound like the Master's actions, unless he went on a killing spree beyond Gallifrey? My best guess is it's referring to the Time War (in general, rather than just its ending - which tbf does at least match our current knowledge about Susan's fate). If it does refer to it, it kinda seems to ignore both the Moffat and Chibnall arcs with Gallifrey, both its return and its destruction again, by referring to the Time Lords as being 'murdered' in that genocide. Sounds more like The Ancestor Cell than anything tbh. The wiki connects it to the Death particle, but I doubt that.
Maestro giving the Giggle, already connected to music, and the Doctor immediately grabbing Ruby's hand and running running?!
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The Doctor removing the sound with the sonic sure is... another sonic power. I've never been one to complain about the sonic use, but between this, plugging in the sonic last episode and the holograms and force field in the anniversary specials, this is getting a bit much. I'll allow it in this case though, as I assume it's working through the TARDIS translation circuit.
The sound design is great this episode.
Also again, the fourth wall breaks rule.
"That thing must be part of the pantheon" Wait... it's obviously linked to the Toymaker but... the pantheon as in the Pantheon of Discord? Like the Trickster's part of?
"One trick once: that's all you get with gods."
June 2024. Woah, so it's been a big time skip! 6 months from Ruby's perspective, and she has been travelling at least some of that time. The Doctor might know what's up with Ruby by this point?
Kinda crazy how much emphasis we've gotten ever since Flux on time's malleability, with the time tracks shifting so easily. Really supports my idea that the Ravagers' attempt to undo the Anchoring of the Thread has had an ongoing effect.
The ash turning to confetti when Maestro appears!
"Lord Temporal" ooh, how Obverse Books of you Maestro!
"Child of the Toymaker" Huh. That works surprisingly well with the version of the Toymaker's origin that has a sister (Hecuba from "The Queen of Time"). Interesting, considering The Giggle seemed to lean more in the Crystal Guardian direction.
"The Music of the Spheres" I know it's an actual term, but you can't say that without me thinking of the Prom minisode.
"You might be bright, and hot, and... *dun du-dun* timey-wimey." Heck yeah. Only contention is it could have been slightly more perfect if Maestro played the four-beat baseline, since 'heartbeat of a Time Lord' and all that. I guess that's kinda synonymous with the Master though, which might have been misleading.
Though they do then play four beats when attacking the TARDIS (also awesome), so I guess they could have gone with it in the first place.
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"The only thing I can do is take us back to 1963!" Fast return switch time?
Him kissing the TARDIS better!
Weird emphasis on the TARDIS groan once they exit. Seemed disconnected from Maestro, but didn't come back again.
"I thought that was non-digetic" Perfect! So should we take this to mean that the Doctor can hear the show's soundtrack?!
The music while Ruby is dragged away. At first I thought it was "The Sun's Gone Wibbly", but listening closely it sounds closer to the music from the climax of Waters of Mars, itself very similar.
"Playing lovesick songs for heartbroken lesbians." I mentioned the queerness of the episode already, but can I also point out I think this is the first time we've actually used LGBT terminology in the show? We've certainly used the descriptors before and plenty of people have explicitly had partners of the same gender etc., but for example, Bill never called herself a lesbian, nor did Clara ever identify as bi. Only exception is 'gay', and even then it's mostly only been jokes (eg. the thin fat gay Anglican marines, Rose calling Nine gay as an insult etc.).
"How can a song have so much power, and power like him? The Oldest One. The night of her birth, he can't have been there. What for?!" Oooh, so the One Who Waits is connected to Ruby. Interesting... also another connection to the Guardians and/or 'pantheon'. Is the One Who Waits one of either of those? If a Guardian, then the only candidate is the Red Guardian (who was technically there that night being the Doctor), but that would be ridiculous to be the answer. If connected to the latter, then... the Trickster? Or more likely someone completely new, of course.
Ngl, at first a little part of me thought the 'reverse devil's chord' would end up being part of the theme song.
The Beatles were surprisingly underused through the episode, but them finding the chord is a decent use of them, even if it could be seen from miles away.
The wink launching into a song and dance number, less so! I was wondering when the musical scenes from the trailer were coming...
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Shout out also to the Murray Gold cameo on the piano, somehow playing himself according to the credits, despite this being in the 60s.
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I'm not familar with them so not 100%, but I think the two dancing with the Doctor and Ruby here are cameos from Strictly Come Dancing too? Specifically Shirley Ballas and Johannes Radebe.
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Speaking of "the twist in the end" pretty cool that "Harbinger" survives. It's unlikely, but I'd love to see Maestro return, maybe for a full-on musical episode?
The piano dancing was cute. Very 'Big'!
Overall thoughts in a few words?
Space Babies was kind of meh, even if I appreciate the campiness of it and the ending is pretty good. Pretty standard decent, if not great, episode.
The Devil's Chord however might actually be one of my favourites? Maybe even my favourite RTD episode, though I'd have to think through them all. And that's without being a Beatles fan and probably missing all sorts of flourishes.
Looking forward very much to next episode too, with Moffat back! I saw the episode was about the Doctor stepping on a landmine, but I thought that was a joke before the Next Time teaser. 😅 Apparently it's Ncuti's favourite episode of the season, which is a good sign!
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director's commentary on Trophy please 👀👀
Oh gods where do I even start-- my magnum opus, my beloved, the every-horrible-thing-I-could-think-of-happens-because-no-one-stopped-me (and boy did my best friend try) fic
This was so long I'm sorry-- as you can see, I always want to talk about this fic but have ✨anxiety✨. When asked about it though-- it's what my brain needs to allow it lmao. I do hope you enjoy :)
The first line was originally (as a thought) "I deserve this" , this was scrapped because the concept became irrelevant in later drafts (and now it may become relevant again-- who knows). The first bit before it cuts back to the race was originally the first of a back and forth kind of flashback thing. ex. chapter 2 would have taken place in the present with hints as to what happened, and chapter 3 would directly follow the events of chapter 1. If the way I explained that didn't make much sense-- that should be enough to show why this has since been changed💀
A single step away– but in the corner of his eye; a flash, a blur— and Zoom tackled him off the magnetar.
This was very intentional. I specifically wanted to mention just how close Barry was to winning as he did in canon. Makes everything that happens next all the sweeter, to me :)
There are many parts and lines that are going to hit so much harder later on and that's all I'll say about that matter for the moment.
“You really thought you could defeat me?” His low whine turned into a howl as Zoom pressed harder on an evidently broken rib. “Forgotten I’m the fastest man alive?” Zoom leaned further down and Barry bit his cheek to prevent a shriek. “Don’t worry.” Tone laced with venom, he wrapped a hand around Barry’s windpipe. Zoom’s mask was inches from his face, blocking the breach. “You’ll have plenty of time to remember.” He clawed at the hand desperately, struggling for air. 
This is one of my favorite scenes ngl. I wrote this whole excerpt after rewatching the Enter Zoom scene and wrote nothing else for the rest of that night lmao. Tis where you get the parallels between those first two lines and ones in that episode "You really thought you could defeat me?" is just slightly changed from "{Harrison Wells}, you thought you could defeat me {with this}?" And as I type this, I have discovered another layer to that parallel that is extremely relevant to the story. Holy shit this is awesome (I will not be saying. spoilers.) ANYWAYS; the other parallel line. "Forgotten I'm the fastest man alive?" comes from "Never forget, I am the fastest man alive." I love parallels. Let's just say that Zoom is very irritated and a little offended that Barry seems to think he {Zoom}'s less powerful than he is. May need a couple more reminders...
Knew I needed another really bad injury besides the broken rib to both bring the Enter Zoom parallels to a climax, and to make the next scene/s work. I thought "Hey! Speedsters can't run if their leg is broken!" and that was that.
“Now you can watch your precious multiverse die. Knowing you’re the one who destroyed it.”
This might be my favorite line and it is the only anything from the first draft of chapter 1 that made it to the final draft. Also I wrote it at 5 am because of course I did.
Somewhere behind the two speedsters, there was a scream
The person who screamed will not be revealed in this fic but I do know who it was and there is an in-universe reason for it besides simply directing the attention away from Barry. I wrote a companion piece off of that reason-- may post it if I feel like cleaning it up a little. But for now, feel free to theorize :)
And finally, to round out the chapter 1 fun facts and commentary-- something I've wanted to say since that fateful day it was posted.
Around 50% of chapter 1 was written on March 14th from 5-11 pm with no food, no water, and no bathroom breaks. I had the power of whump and the speedforce on my side and I was DETERMINED to post it on Barry's birthday and it fucking worked.
Fanfic Writers: Director's Cut
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mlobsters · 1 month
just wanted to say congrats on finishing the spnwatch. I'm emotional about it ending and I just saw you finished it last week! Ugh just wanted to say thank you so much for your reviews, the effort you put in each post is so valuable and special to me. I've been going through them as I watch on. I'm new to supernatural, currently on season 11, started watching it for the first time in August of last year. It's just been such a treat to have such a comprehensive journal to look back to of all the things you noted about each episode. I haven't gone through any posts I haven't watched but really just wanted to say thank you thank you thank you. From what I've read (and seen in the show) there were definitely so many lulls and times you could have stopped or set it aside and I'm just SOOO glad you continued and that I found your blog. Your #spnwatch tag will literally be in my routine for finishing an episode until I finish the series myself.
gotta admit i got choked up reading this. i knew there was pretty much no audience for this project and it was largely to help me process my feelings and thoughts, as well as an assist to my shitty memory; but it was a real time sink and it regularly meant i spent 2-3 hours to get through one episode since i was writing as i went. really means a lot to me that even just one person is going along on the ride with me and the trail (journal is a great word for it) i left behind. thank you for sending this. ♥️♥️♥️
i queued up, and bailed on, 1x01 last night because apparently i'm still not emotionally ready for it; but i am going to cover the episodes i didn't write up originally during my rewatch. i was spouting out some of my thoughts to a person at the time, i may or may not try to retrieve some of those initial reactions as well, depending on how i feel about sifting through old DMs.
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Tale of the Nine-Tailed Meta: Roleplay Therapy in Episode 11, or, What Am I To You?
Okay sure it’s an elaborate act to trick Evil Baddie #2 but in episode 11, when Rang and Yeon switch places, pretending to be each other to lure the Imoogi in and get Rang out of his deal with the Evil Baddie #2?? They need to sell the family drama, right? They could have done it a lot of ways but they chose this way. Why? Maybe because it's easier to sell a lie that contains truth in it?
So I rewatched. And rewatched. And have come to the conclusion (again) that the writers are geniuses. Because this is fucking family therapy disguised as baiting psychopaths. Please note that I have not done family therapy, this is just my take.
I shall explain *starts powerpoint* So:
The latter half of this season has been about these two siblings coming back to each other, and while key actions have taken place that show they care (the forest rescue, the underworld guy confirming that Yeon is Rang's most important person), they are still lacking on communication.
This comes up twice with Yeon--first, when he's numbly enraged that Rang has shown Ji Ah her past life, and is preparing to give him a verbal (and boardgames) beatdown. He asks what Rang would want to be in another life, making the kind of idle conversation that makes Rang uncomfy because wait, what's the catch? And Yeon admits that he's realized they haven't talked, actually talked about something other than schemes or hostile banter in so long.
Later, after Rang's near death experience, Yeon takes him out to his ice cream spot and lets him steal some ice cream--again, Rang is jarred by this surprising indulgence. We don't see any of their interactions in the 600 years or so interim between The Execution That Wasn't and the present day, but we have to assume that things have been, uh, tense.
And Yeon admits it again--the thing we are all thinking, why didn't you just reach out to him? I mean this for both of them, but especially Yeon because hello, you STABBED YOUR TEENAGE BROTHER and waited 600 years to clarify that you weren't trying to kill him. All this time, you could have reached out, and so much pain and time and miscommunication could have been prevented?? How awful, on top of your existing guilt, to recognize that that was all it would have taken, and that you almost lost the chance to fix it. And yes, it's more complicated than that, but still--these two struggle a lot with communication.
The scene in question:
Which brings us to the scene where they are pretending to be each other, and act the way they believe the other one would act. It's a good cover, and yet. And yet. It’s also actually the only way they can be honest about their insecurities in their relationship.
It's not really an accurate representation of "this is how you think," because they don't know how the other really thinks about so many important things. “This is how you would act” becomes “This is what I believe you think of me, or what I think you SHOULD think of me” 
I don't think it's a coincidence that this whole arc removes the final barrier between them as siblings: after this, they speak about their feelings a lot more openly and honestly, Rang gets onboard with the squad planning to fight the Imoogi, and all it took was Yeon reaching out, Rang deciding not to betray his brother, and the two of them sitting at a table revealing what they believe the other thinks of them after 600 years of poor communication.
It's fitting that the Evil Baddie #2 is there for it--Yeon hates the guy for what he did to Ji Ah and his involvement with the Imoogi but in this context, this guy also represents Yeon's failure to protect Rang. If he hadn't stabbed his brother...if he hadn't stabbed him and then walked away...this guy wouldn't have had the chance to coerce Rang into a fox debt...
The brothers have to face each other and themselves at the same time. And if they want to sell it, they have to show the discord that is real between them, they have to use real material.
Essentially, it's an almost therapeutic exercise: here’s what you look like through my eyes.
For Rang:
Rang thinks his brother is disgusted and uncaring about the trauma he’s been through. He (acting as Yeon) brings up Ji Ah as an example of someone who "doesn't complain even though her history is as tragic as yours."
This honestly hits home--Yeon has a bad tendency, I think, to compare them as some guilty sort of avoidance, a claim that Rang should just get over it all; while Rang and Ji Ah both lost parent figures, their life experiences have been dramatically different, suffering and resilience are not competitions, and I like that Rang calls out how unfair this is (to both him and Ji Ah).
Similar to Ji Ah, Rang has likely spent the evening wondering whether to sacrifice Yeon. His life is at stake here.
(I’m still not sure how Yeon figured that part out?? Please someone explain how Yeon figured out Rang was on a deadline???)
But like Ji Ah, we will never really know what decision Rang would have made on his own. My headcanon is that one of the reasons Rang and Ji Ah are so antagonistic toward each other are because they are incredibly similar in how they love--almost feral, and ruthless if they’re desperate.
For Yeon:
Yeon (pretending to be Rang) complains about things he thinks Rang is angry about, which really reveals more about things Yeon is upset about.
It's clear during his act as "Rang" that Yeon knows he has let down Rang’s trust in him, and feels guilt for not openly acknowledging that Rang was in as much danger as Ji Ah: “If you worried about me half as much as her, I wouldn’t have done this. I couldn’t have.”
I think this also goes back to Yeon's guilt for leaving Rang and the mountains burning in his single minded focus to rescue Ji Ah. Like he’s saying he blames himself for Rang’s actions all these years.  There are so many subtle moments highlighting Yeon’s guilt. Mainly in his efforts to pretend Rang is fine or downplay Rang’s feelings. But here, Yeon expresses it the only way he can, removed from himself.
And I think Rang (as Yeon) finally releases him from the weight of that guilt by just responding, “You idiot,” you are an idiot for carrying this weight and thinking you are totally responsible.
Because Rang was influenced horribly by the things that happened to him, but he also made his choices.
“I wouldn’t say we made up, I just let him off,” he tells Yu-Ri later. Obviously they made up, but I think that’s more accurate wording. He lets go of his anger because he finally sees himself as Yeon sees him, and finally hears Yeon’s most honest expression of guilt.
Yeon still doesn’t think he "abandoned" Rang (Yeon and I still need to discuss that) but he more tellingly admits that he knows his brother looked up to him and totally trusted his brother would protect him--his heroic love sacrifice for Ji Ah was also, ultimately, a betrayal of trust for his brother.
UGH this script. UGH these characters.
I love that the writers finally got them into some therapy for five minutes. They didn't have to do the whole song and dance, because sure the Evil Baddie #2 is watching remotely but they could have had a quick "well it's shitty to see you, drink your coffee you dumb bitch" chat or sit in tense silence like the rest of us do with estranged family members and it might have been convincing enough, but they took the opportunity to talk, really talk, through a safe medium of the other.
Love this show.
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ghostbird-7 · 3 months
Thoughts while I’m rewatching dead reckoning-roughly the first 2 hours
This movie is just so visually pleasing and engaging. I want to eat it. The shot from beneath the submarine looking up at the ice?? Fucking gorgeous.
I know logistically why they made the call but the Russian submersible crew speaking Russian accented English will always be funny to me. Also reminds me of the doctor who episode in 11’s run with the Russian submarine. It was Clara’s era. Anyway, they also do a great job of making us immediately empathize with the crew just based on their fear and confusion in the face of the enemy. It helps that that enemy is the same one the protagonist is facing, but it’s also just great acting on the crew’s part in a relatively short period. The existential horror of being trapped in a submarine of all things with a murderous ai is genuinely chilling.
I really love how old they let Ethan be in this movie. With most action franchises with an aging protagonist they refuse to alter the character, instead sticking to what’s been proven to work and MI has always done the opposite of that and it’s just so good. All his interactions with the new IMF agent just speak to his experience, and how many people he’s seen just like this guy, inexperienced and thrown in over their heads, not make it out. His fucking sadness after he welcomes the delivery guy to the IMF and he leaves is so good. TC your micro expressions will never not destroy me. Mildly controversial opinion but I didn’t think Grace and Ethan’s chemistry was in any way romantic or paternal, I think they’re going to be really great friends. Also “we live and die in the shadows for those we hold close and those we never meet” is both super corny and such a perfect representation of Ethan’s character it makes me screech.
I have complicated feelings about Ethan’s backstory retcon which I won’t go into but I do think they definitely made the right choice not doing the deaging thing for the flashback.
One of these days I’m going to write something exclusively about everything I love about Ilsa, but that day is not today. For now, even looking at pictures of her makes me a bit emotional. Rebecca Ferguson you have changed me, body and soul. Also that eyepatch being because she can’t wink is so funny. No ones doing it like her.
Ethan briefly gives his horse pats and I liked it. I feel like he’s a horse girl. In his heart. I like that none of the horses die in this sequence. I know it’s unrealistic but this is fucking mission impossible we’re talking about it’s not a docuseries and it would make me sad.
Ilsa’s costuming in this movie is so fucking good. The looseness and lightness of everything she wears really complements the economy of motion that Ferguson does so well.
Indira Varma win!!
In retrospect watching Ethan move so unimpeded into a meeting of some of the highest ranking us intelligence officers is such a great look at him as a character for newcomers to the franchise. He’s such a spy in this, it’s so good. It’s just a great standalone movie.
Kitttridge!!!! I hate this bitch, and I’m so glad he’s here.
In every interaction with kittridge ethan is such a bitch, I love him so much.
“It’s my job to use you. Just like it’s your job to be of use” is fucking heavy. The decades of being of use, and having the shit beaten out of him and his loved ones leaving or dying so he can serve, the absolute mindfuck of his loyalty to the IMF and to a greater extent to keeping the world safe and lack of regard for himself. I don’t have coherent words about this, but it’s great characterization and I’m so sad about it.
I love how much of an ensemble movie this is, by the way.
“The man himself is expendable” Briggs I am going to break your legs. He is my special guy.
I love how much this is a manifestation of Benji’s monologue in MI 3 about the Antigod. It was silly but he was not wrong.
Also Benji’s outfits and Luther’s hat… really good.
I cannot wait for them to tell us what the connection between Ethan and Briggs is because it’s SO weird
Benji and Luther’s relationship being given a chance to evolve is really good, it was a side of their team that had felt underdeveloped and it works really well here. Them not letting Ethan know gives us insight into some of the troubleshooting on missions that he just can’t cover because of his skillset and it’s really good. Also banter 👌👌
The return of his sleight of hand is gorgeous. “Putpocket” is horrible and super silly.
The entire scene where Benji is interrogated by the bomb is so good, Simon pegg is as always excellent, being forced to admit that he fears death, that he loves his friends more than anything else, all without any stakes, it’s just so clearly meant to humiliate and tear him into bits and it works and then he goes back on the job because all the things he said are true and now the machine Knows.
Pom is flawless in this movie. As a character, she’s delightfully unhinged. As someone who’s attracted to women, it’s. It’s nice for me. But also genuinely from a narrative standpoint it would be so easy for her to be extraneous but her presence is so strong it just carries. Her monster truck and combat boots and small ponytail compel me deeply.
Running scene running scene running scene running scene
I fucking love his little lawyer outfit.
That car chase scene is maybe my favorite in the series. You can see McQ and TC’s commitment to stunts as a carrier for narrative and character, it’s visually stunningly, it has Paris who I’m obsessed with, everything Ethan does is just impeccable and Grace plays the perfect foil. His deep discomfort with not being the one who’s driving, repeatedly reassuring her after the crash, his getaway driving skills, his little looks to Briggs (again what the fuck is up there), wanting to be the protector and being deeply embarrassed with the fiat. Not actually knowing how to drive it is such a great comedy moment and also blue screening when he can’t do it immediately. That 5 minutes of him just being so embarrassed and frustrated with himself. I want to eat it. It’s so good. And then of course he’s doing stunt driving in it and that’s also glorious. Grace going in circles in the fiat is so fucking funny. Also Ethan’s the worst fucking backseat driver it’s amazing. He is losing his mind. He is actually scrunching up in the seat, which he can do even in a fiat because he is tiny. It’s just quality television.
I knew they would do the train thing the second I saw the tracks and I just hate it. It’s really good objectively but I hate it every time.
Him having to just carry this wheel around for a solid 5 minutes-it’s his new rock. It’s his sadness object and he’s holding onto it forever.
Ethan’s fucking despair every time he sees his friends during a mission for the first time because he knows they might be hurt, the fact that that is consistently his first thought beyond relief or gratitude makes me insane.
Also the tacit acknowledgement that Ethan has just been working his way through the mitsopolis family is so fucking funny. It’s also fairly uncomfortable for Alanna because he seems substantially less into it than he was with max, but I digress.
I cannot wait for his hair to be longer, I think somewhere between MI 1 and 2 is the ideal length, but I hold a deep fear of the potential bowl cut.
The repeating pattern of all of Ethan’s friends withholding information from him is really interesting.
We all know Ethan’s whole shtick with you’ve gotta get out of here it’s dangerous I can’t protect you is a testament to how much he loves them but it’s also just..so much a trauma response. Every time he does it you can see him panicking and trying to change an eventuality he can feel creeping behind his shoulder.
The quiet moments between Ilsa and Ethan in Venice are really good. Their initial reveling in being able to wordlessly communicate and talking to each other in the context of work and danger has given way to this very comfortable worn in curiosity about each other, and a willingness to give of themselves to satisfy each others curiosity. It feels like they’ve sort of grown up a bit in their relationships with other people by having their relationship with each other and it’s just really cool.
Pom’s outfit with the mask at the party in Venice is so fucking good. I tend to try not to linger on attraction to female characters because it feels more creepy than it does with male characters, likely due to some of my internalized nonsense, but she really does feel so much for the queer gaze. She also has a sword. I’m just really into all of it.
Some of the things Vanessa Kirby said about learning about projecting power make so much sense watching her move, there’s this artificiality and stasis to her that feels innately threatening.
The loop back from Gabriel’s religious overtones and the themes of sin in the first mission impossible movie is fascinating.
I love it when he vaults over railings and down floors. The easiness of it, it’s just good to look at.
Getting closer to Ilsa’s death scene is complicated. I understand why it had to be someone, and why that someone should be her. I understand that Rebeca Ferguson was done with the character. I’m just sad because I like her, and I’ve managed to separate that feeling from a reflexive anger at the narrative choices that were made, which I admit I sometimes have an issue with. Him finding her body and just sitting and breathing and looking at her is fucking brutal. Also the entity using Benji’s voice to misdirect him is A Lot.
The brutality of that back alley fight scene is such a good establishing look at Paris’s fighting style and a great character moment for both of them. We get her first moment of fallibility and we see what he’s made of when his back is literally against the wall.
I know either rogue nation or ghost protocol is supposed to be Ethan’s fever dream nightmare scenario, but dead reckoning feels so much more like that to me. An enemy he can’t hit, who has a better chance of predicting his insanity, who uses an almost literal ghost from his past to kill the people he’s built himself around in the present. He also is forced to jump off a cliff and be a passenger in a car. It’s all not coming up Ethan in this movie is what I’m saying.
For the rest of the movie we don’t see a lot of his grief, mostly his anger. Don’t get me wrong, the bit we get is very good and did make me cry a bit, and I know how much they’re packing into one movie, but I hope we get more of it in the next film. Anything else seems like a bit of a disservice to Ilsa’s character.
It bothers me every time that Grace doesn’t have contacts when she’s playing the white widow. She sits almost directly opposite her brother, they make full eye contact a lot.
Ethan’s “your life will always matter more to me than my own.” And Grace’s “you don’t even know me” and Ethan’s “what difference does that make.” Hm. I am having complex feelings, consisting mostly of distress. Her looking at Benji and Luther, and them both acknowledging the weight of Ethan saying that and confirming it’s the same for them, AUGH.
What the fuck is going on with the cryogenic tube/coffin Gabriel was in on the train?? I know he was probably using the mask to communicate with the entity and he had to do that convertly but the whole thing is just weird.
I’m gonna pick this up when it’s not about to be a Monday. Tune in shortly for a continuation of me losing my mind over some action movies, I guess.
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freneticfloetry · 5 months
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Lone Star fandom is starting a rewatch next week, and the Tumblr tag games are playing along! Every week, a different prompt will be posted to feed the fic rec gods.
Rules: This week’s prompt: a begins fic that you loved. A begins fic (‘begins’ coming from the 9-1-1 origin-story episodes) will delve into the backstory of a character before canon. Please feel free to use the banner above, to make your own, or to not use one at all! Finally, please use the tag ‘Rewatch Read-Along Begins’ and at the end of the week @911lonestarrewatch will post the link to the tag for the comprehensive list of fic recs!
(Header gif courtesy of @guardian-angle22!)
Okay, not only am I still wading through all the wonderful @tarlos-santa fics, I’m still making my way through this fandom’s deep back catalog. I don’t actually have many Begins fics to reference just yet, where Tarlos is concerned, but I couldn’t let this tag game go by without reccing two of my favorite fics ever far and wide. (Thanks to cig and @lemonlyman-dotcom for said tags.)
Sweet Dreams and Flying Machines by @carlos-in-glasses
There’s a very particular backstory that unfolds here for both of our boys, told through the watershed moment of 9/11. The way it shapes and changes them in the days and years that come after, colors the way they both see and show grief, is just astounding. It’s breathtaking. It’s masterclass, galaxy-brained shit. And the same can be said about the fic as a whole, which sees their separate experiences coalesce in the aftermath of TK’s fateful flight. Just gorgeous.
What Is Sown, What Is Grown by @never-blooms
Is it a question of nature vs nurture? Is it an ode to the weariness of cultural code-switching? Is it both hard look at and love letter to all the things in our blood that make us before we’re even born? All of the above, and so much more. This is Carlos, before, and during, and after, and all the ways he reconciles those states inside himself. Beth’s point of view and personal history shine through every single syllable here, no matter what language they’re in, and the result is something hauntingly beautiful and altogether unique in this fandom.
Open tag!
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the---hermit · 2 years
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Yesterday I did not feel like posting at all, it was a good day, I went to my therapist appointment, and then I just chilled all day. I actually binged watched the whole Fleabag series after having it on my to watch list for years. It had been so long since I binged watched so many episodes in a day, and it kind of brought me back to my early high school years, it was weird. But I had missed getting so into a series that I don't realize time is passing. I loved the show, and I will surely do a rewatch in the future. Today was a bit more normal I practiced my thesis presentation in the morning and took the afternoon off as I have been doing lately, which is proving to be a great combination to prepare for my graduation while getting back some energies.
Productive things I did today:
practiced my thesis presentation
practiced Irish on duolingo
Self care thing I did today:
read first thing in the morning
took the afternoon off
Tranquil's studying challenge // day 11 and 12
Show us your current study space, as it looks right now.
My study space is currently half my study half my brother's room, cause after a year he got back home indefinitely, he works all day so I got to keep my bookshelves and desk in his room. Ever since I moved my study space in that room a year and a half ago (I think?) things changed so much. To have a separate room to study from my own room has improved my mental health so much, and I get much more natural light here which is amazing.
Who's the last person you held hands with?
I have no idea. My grandma, maybe? I am just guessing I have zero memory of the last time I held hands with someone.
📖: A Certain Hunger by C.G. Summers
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neurodiversebones · 10 months
what are some of ur favorite episodes, if you don't mind sharing? i'm in the mood for a rewatch but don't know where to start 😭
gonna do this by season !!! there are SOOO many that i adore lol
season one :
- 1×09 , man in the fallout shelter (MY COMFORT EPISODE OF ALL TIME my mom and i like to watch it together and i can recite parts of it from memory)
- 1×17 , the skull in the desert (for the brengela content mostly LMAO)
- 1×22 , the woman in limbo (BRENNAN ANGST !!)
season two :
- 2×03 , the boy in the shroud (MORE BRENNAN ANGST !! so much good brennan development + brennan/cam moments here)
- 2×08 , the woman in the sand (brennan hot im so gay)
- 2×09 , aliens in a spaceship (not a hot take this is everyones top 5 but <33 god its SO GOOD)
- 2×11 , judas on a pole (i love max keenan ....)
season three :
- 3×05 , the mummy in the maze (BRENNAN/CAM/ANGELA'S COSTUMES IM SOOO GAY .....)
- 3×09 , the santa in the slush (this is the first episode i remember watching when i was a kid + im a SUCKER for a christmas episode)
- 3×12 , the baby in the bough (ACCIDENTAL BABY ACQUISITION !! i have done 'dancing phalanges !!' to my nieces btw .)
- 3×13 , the verdict in the story (I LOVE MAX KEENAN)
season four (currently where i am in my rewatch) :
- 4×04 , the finger in the nest (RIPLEY BRENNAN IM SOBBING)
- 4×08 , the skull in the sculpture (idgaf abt the case but ANGELA GIRLKISSER)
- 4×12 , double trouble in the panhandle (CIRCUS BRENNAN !!)
- 4×14 , the hero in the hold (ghosts confirmed ?? b&b angst ??)
- 4×21 , mayhem on a cross (SWEETS ....)
- 4×22 , double death of the dearly departed (watched this ep after taking a 40mg+ edible . i had never been high before . insane experience .)
- 4×26 , the end in the beginning (AU EPISODE !! B&B KISSES !!)
season five :
- 5×10 , the goop on the girl (CHRISTMAS EPISODES !!!)
- 5×12 , the proof in the pudding (bones canonically solved jfk's murder and thats just . a thing .)
- 5×16 , the parts in the sum of the whole (i fucking love this episode its everything to me)
-5×17 , the death of the queen bee (I LOVE A GOOD HS REUNION TROPE)
- 5×21 , the boy with the answer (i love a courtroom drama episode)
season six :
- 6×03 , maggots in the meathead (ONE OF THE FUNNIEST EPISODES OF ALL TIME)
- 6×09 , doctor in the photo (god this episode is so sad but its SO good)
- 6×14 , the bikini in the soup (valentines ,,,, i LOVE holiday episodes guys)
- 6×21 , the signs in the silence (brennan w kids makes me emotional)
- 6×22 , the hole in the heart (oh yk . the agonies)
- 6×23 , the change in the game (hi its wanda im at the bowling alley . bowling . I'M PREGNANT, BOOTH . YOU'RE THE FATHER . THE ADELE FADE AT THE END . IM CRYING)
season seven :
- 7×06 , the crack in the code (BANGER setup to an arc i have complicated feelings abt . this ep has such a spooky vibe i love it)
- 7×07 , the prisoner in the pipe (BABY !!)
- 7×13 , the past in the present (THE END JUST MAKES ME SO SAD I LOVE THE ANGST)
season eight :
- 8×06 , the patriot in purgatory (i love having all the interns YIPPEE)
- 8×07 , the bod in the pod (im just here for camastoo . you are my carburator .)
- 8×14 , the doll in the derby (ANGELA ON ROLLERSKATES ....)
- 8×15 , the shot in the dark (ghosts are real part 4 . christine brennan triggers my mommy issues . i want her to hug me .)
- 8×23 , the pathos in the pathogens (ANOTHER TOP TIER FAV EPISODE THE ANGST IS SO GOOD)
season nine :
- 9×04 , the sense in the sacrifice (YIPPEE LOVE !! PELANT DEAD !!)
- 9×06 , the woman in white (brennans vows make me sob every time .)
- 9×10 , the mystery in the meat (COWGIRL BAR FIGHT IM SO <33)
- 9×11 , the spark in the park (brennan talking to the professor makes me SOB .)
- 9×24 , the recluse in the recliner (tbh i never understand the fbi conspiracy arc but this episode is crazy)
season ten :
- 10×02 , the lance to the heart (you put the lime in the coconut ....)
- 10×10 , the 200th in the 10th (INSANE OLD HOLLYWOOD AU ITS SO FUCKING FUN)
- 10×15 , the eye in the sky (booth angst booth angst)
season eleven :
- 11×09 , the cowboy in the contest (I LOVE UNDERCOVER I LOVE COSTUMES)
- 11×10 , the doom in the boom (HODGINS ANGST)
- 11×12 , the murder of the meninist ("we love going viral" "so do infectious diseases")
- 11×13 , the monster in the closet (PUPPETEER ARC !!!)
- 11×18 , the movie in the making (comfort episode I LOVE A MOCKUMENTARY AND ALSO THE CAMASTOO PROPOSAL)
- 11×22 , the nightmare within the nightmare (this episode scared me so bad bc i watched it at 4am 😭 THE FUCKING ZACK REVEAL IS CRAZY)
season twelve :
- 12×07 , the scare in the score (I CRIED SO BAD ....)
- 12×09 , the steal in the wheels (i giggled i <3 silly undercover time)
- 12×12 , the end in the end (i fucking wept . i love tge finale im so emotional abt it .)
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