#I just put 5 candles on the cake cause I felt like it
3dogbones · 4 months
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Did you all know it is Lust Sans’ birthday? I made something to honor him! Sad that Lust is so misunderstood heheh, but I still love him!
Lust Sans belongs to NSFWshamecave, and is it just me or would some of Angel Dust’ lines fit him perfectly? Eh, I am drowning in Hazbin Hotel right now haha.
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its-me-im-coraline · 3 years
Birthday Surprises // Damiano David
words // 984
warnings // none
pairing // Damiano David x F!Reader
author's note // let me know if you want to be tagged. its a little stupid, with a little stupid humor cause i saw something like that online and i just... it inspire me
request // yes by @ starslazyandcozy, happy belated birthday babe, I hope you like it.
summary // Reader has her birthday and thinks Damiano has forgotten but the man has a few tricks up his sleeve.
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It was a special day today. Her birthday was finally here and she could not wait to spend it with her lover. Y/N woke up that morning full of excitement - it would be the first birthday with Damiano - but the aforementioned man was nowhere to be seen. His side of the bed was empty, and cold by the time Y/N woke up, only a note there , folded in four and left on the pillow.
Good morning, amore. I did not mean to leave so early but I was needed at work. Seems some of our demos have been ruined and we might need to re-record them. There’s breakfast already made (I did promise, didn’t I? I made some waffles - yes I put syrup on top) and coffee is at the coffee maker (oh I wish it will stay tasty till you wake up).
I’ll try to be back before lunch. There’s this new place at the end of the town square - Thomas told me about it - and I thought we should go.
Have a good day dolcezza, I love you.
♡ Damiano
Not a word about her birthday. Nothing at all! Y/N tried to not start the day on a bad note, instead taking a deep breath and deciding to go and enjoy the breakfast Damiano made. Maybe he did not entirely forget. Maybe he did not have time to even think about it when he left. He must’ve already made the breakfast before they called him to go. Yeah, yes, that’s the only logical explanation. He will surely text me later.
But later never came. Y/N spend the morning entirely alone - well with the exception of Damiano’s cats. There were phone calls occupying the phone all day, from family and friends and all of that, but nothing from the one person she expected to call her the most. The man had gone in radio silence, not even a text shot her way.
By the time striked 15.00 PM Y/N was convinced Damiano forgot. Of course he did! It’s not like he does not have entirely too much on his plate. He’s so busy, I understand, she tried to convince herself but she knew that she was actually pretty upset. It did hurt that Damiano did not remember her birthday, after a whole year of being together and over 5 of being friends. It was impossible, or at least it seemed to be, but as the facts show it did happen.
“Amore, I’m back,” called Damiano entering the apartment, “are you ready to go?” He walked in the house all excited (and with a few surprises up his sleeve) but it was not reciprocated. “Amore?”
Y/N was sitting on the couch asleep in a state that the man could only explain as (very mildly and kind of falsely) depressive. There were dry tears in her face, her hair was a mess. Damiano simply could not believe it. He felt guilty, having a few ideas as to what got his girlfriend in that state but he wanted to make sure. So he did the most ‘logical’ thing he could: wake her up.
His fingers started softly running through her hair, landing on her back and rubbing it over the thin material of her his t-shirt. “Dolcezza, hey, hey baby, hi,” he whispered seeing as she slowly opened her eyes. “Happy birthday baby.” A soft kiss was all that followed his words and a soft smile of relief as he saw his love smiling as well.
“Did you sleep well?” He questioned, never pausing his very relaxing actions.
“Not really,” she said truthfully, “I thought you forgot.” The confession felt very freeing to Y/N. It had almost stressed her out - the possibility of her lover forgetting such a day.
“I could never forget you, amore-”
“Yeah but you never said happy birthday all day,” she whined a bit, slightly joking but slightly actually complaining about his actions. To his defence he was not planning on ignoring his lover, only giving the birthday wishes and gifts a little later that day, in an attempt of a surprise.
“I only wanted to surprise you,” he explained, pulling Y/N out of the couch as he got up and walked to the front door. There, by the door, on a comfortingly old chair, sat a bouquet of flowers and a big pastry shop box with two candles and a little stick that throws fire sparks taped up top and two candy bars (Y/N’s favorite). “The lady gave me those for free. She said I was - and I quote - so funny, she had to gift me at least those because she has not laughed this much in a while. I don’t even know what that means,” he laughed making Y/N laugh with him before embracing him strongly.
“Hey, get off! You have to see the cake.”
“What did you do Damiano?!”
“Nothing, open it up!” If he could be ‘too excited’ then Damiano was just that. He had this stupid little boy-ish grin all over his face, all but yelling ‘immature teenage boy’ in the most positive sense that could have. He could be an adult rockstar at 23 but sometimes his humor matched a 15 year old.
Y/N did as told, opening the box of the cake and almost falling to the floor while laughing, tears in her eyes. In the open box sat a cake in the shape of a crooked penis with a lopsided smile and a few words written on it. ‘Another year you’re alive. It will be my pleasure’. No wonder the lady found it so funny.
“Do you like it?” Questioned Damiano, not much that curious about the answer, his own entertained smile turning into laughter soon.
“I love it,” replied Y/N and kissed the man softly, “thank you.”
“Happy birthday, amore.”
tag list: @bieberhoodforever @tabi-toast @ginny-lily @moriro-da-regina @the-killer-queenie @makapaka11 @teenyweenynightghost @superchrystaldrug @selenophiliaxx
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clairecrive · 3 years
Ooh okay this is TOTALLY self-serving but i’m doing it anyway—could you do a (fem)reader x remus where the reader is juggling all sorts of things—working at the ministry and taking classes at night or something along those lines and feels like she’s wasting what are supposed to be her golden years and so she gets upset one night and remus is incredibly good about calming her down and comforting her about it?
"Cake by the sofa"
A/n: not to make this self-serving anon but writing this felt like therapy lmao. Today I offer you some much needed Remus fluff.
Warnings: none, pure fluff
Word count: 1.3K
Tags: @ashlovesthemarauders, @jupiterandbutterflies , @hannaxmaria, @seldomabsent (if you want, you can add yourself to my taglist by filling this form)
The subway was always jam-packed at this hour and you hated it. You hated it and you couldn't avoid it in any way. This was your assigned entrance to the Ministry of Magic. Any other day it would be fine, you'd put on an audiobook or some music but today... today was just too much. Not to mention that the incessant noise was making it impossible to talk to Remus.
You had left before he'd wake this morning and realizing that you haven't spent some quality time with him in ages broke your heart.
"Bunny, you there?" Did you already mention that the connection was shit underground?
"Sorry, love I'm here what were you saying?"
"I asked you when you'd be home tonight."
"Oh," you hummed trying to recall the schedule for today. Thankfully, ministry jobs were 9-5. Sure, they'd usually call you to make extra hours but you couldn't remember if you had to do so today.
Then it hit you, you had taken on a night shift at a local muggle newspaper. It was actually demanded from your superior at the Ministry as a way to make sure that muggles stayed in the dark about the Wizarding world.
"I'm going to be late again tonight, actually." You grimaced at the words. Remus had never pressured you and he himself was a very busy man. Between his job, your jobs and the Order, you rarely see each other, to the point where you were mostly roommates rather than boyfriend and girlfriend.
"Again," he mused and you could hear the weariness in his tone. Sighing, you landed on a wall. You were in the Ministry now, work could wait for another five minutes. This was more important.
"I'm sorry love. I know we haven't properly seen each other in a while."
"That's not what I'm worried about, bunny. You're working too much."
"I could say the same for you, Rem." You pointed out softly. You didn't want to come off as a hypocrite since you also were always busy.
"I'm fine, bunny. It's you that is wearing herself out."
"You don't have to worry about me, I'm fine. Huffing, you rolled your eyes at his apprehensive nature even though he couldn't see you.
"You know I do."
"I love you and I miss you." You confessed changing the subject. You were afraid the distance between you cause by your crazy schedules would eventually drive you apart. So, every time you could even if it was out of the blue, you did this. It was both for reassuring him but for yourself as well.
"The feeling is mutual, my love." Hearing him saying it back had an instant soothing effect.
"I'll see you soon, hun."
You ended the phone call after wishing him a good day and him doing the same. Sighing you put your phone away, your mood souring further as you made your way to your office where you were going to spend the entirety of your day while you only wanted to be with him.
Work was important to you and you knew that Remus shared this same attitude but at the same time, you knew that if it got down to it, you'd choose the sweet-hearted werewolf over anything else.
Making a mental note to speak to your superior about your weekly schedule, you'd settled behind your desk (not so) ready to face today's workload.
*+* *+* *+*
When you finally made it home, later that day, you were ready to bid today adieu. Sighing heavily, you closed the door behind you, the keys rattling as you locked it.
The hallway was dark but you could see that the light in the kitchen was on.  You were light on your feet as you headed there since you didn't know if Remus was awake or he had just forgotten to close it.
When you entered the room though, the sight that met you made you halt. Your eyes flickering all over the room as you took it in. The light had been left on purposefully. The table was laid, carefully set with your favourite pieces, a couple of candles and a few rose petals adorning it.
Realizing that this was most definitely Remus' doing, you smiled as your eyes moved over the room to look for him. But he wasn't in the kitchen.
"Rem?" you called for him softly as you stepped into your small living room. And here he was, snoring softly on the sofa.
Kneeling, you smiled as you took in his peaceful expression. This alone, his angelic face and comforting presence alone would have been enough to soothe your frustrations.
Carefully, you pushed a piece of hair away from his eyes before your finger gently trailed over the scars on his face. He looked exhausted and your heart ached at the idea of waking him up but you knew he had tried to do something nice for you so you wanted to at least thank him for that. Also, the sofa is fucking uncomfortable.
"Baby," shaking his shoulder gently while peppering his face with small kisses you set to draw him for his slumber.
He groaned at the disturbance but you saw the moment he registered that it was you who was annoying him as he turned his head so that your lips could meet his instead of his cheek.
"Hi, bunny," he peeked at you through his lashes, eyes still unfocused with sleep as he pecked you again.
"Hi," you parroted him like a fool. He had always had this effect on you, even more so now that he looked out-of-this-world cute with his tousled curls and red lips.
He mirrored your smile, leaning in your hand that was cradling his face enjoying your touch. As sleep slowly unclouded his mind, the realisation settled on him. Eyes wide, he shot up almost knocking his forehead with yours.
"The dinner," he exclaimed, cheeks red in embarrassment as he looked at you sheepily.
"I saw. It was very sweet of you Rem but you didn't have to." Rising, you settled beside him on the sofa to reassure him.
"I wanted to do something nice for you but of course I had to ruin everything," he groaned letting his head fall on the headrest of the sofa with his face hidden behind his hands.
"Hey," leaning over him, you gently pulled his hands away, " you didn't ruin anything. I love it and I love you for doing this." You kissed his palm to drive your point home.
"You're just as tired as I am, honey."
He knew you were right. He was just as exhausted but still, he was upset that he hadn't been able to do this for you. Letting out a big breath, he used the hand you were holding to pull you to him. Kissing you gently he settled his forehead on yours, intertwining your fingers.
"I had even baked a cake," he mumbled on your lips.
"Well, why don't we eat that and then go to sleep? What do you say?" you proposed pecking his lips again.
"I say that I love you."
Giggling you lightly bumped his nose with yours before rising from the sofa to retrieve the dessert.
When you came back with the plates in your hands, his slice twice bigger than yours, you handed him his before taking your place beside him again.
"So, how was your day?" He asked before digging in,
"Not as good as this cake, for sure." You let out an obscene moan to prove your point but you knew it did well for his ego judging by the look in his eyes.
He thanked you for the compliment with the most adorable shade of pink adorning his cheeks. You cooed at him before asking him the same question.
It wasn't much, just the two of you sharing this insanely good cake Remus made but it was exactly what he needed after a pretty shitty week.
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Tᕼᗴ ᑕᕼᗩOTIᑕ ᗩᑎᘜᗴᒪ
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6)
Chapter 3: Au Revoir Gotham My True Home
Marinette explained what happened and that she didn't mean to cause trouble, she didn't know why the bats were looking for her (author to audience... it's because she looks like one of his bat kids gone rouge.) When she asked how they knew the Bat was looking for her, she found out that Selina was actually dating the Bat... So Marinette was very surprised at that, her family talked about it and a few days after her birthday she'll be going to Paris, France with Selina to be with a family friend of hers. Marinette was now really thinking she was cursed, but she made sure to take it in stride and spend as much time with her friends and family as possible.
"Doan wawhry suguh, we'll make sure tuh visit as much as possible, yuh can even visit us durin' summuh and wintuh break." - Harley held back the tears as she hugged Marinette, Bud, Lou, Ivy, Selina, Ed and even Frank joined in on it.
……… ………
Marinette was out with her friends still not sure how to tell them, she started with the obvious.
"Sooo... tomorrow I turn 10... the double digits." - Marinette
"Soon you'll be one of us!" - Garfield gave Marinette a side hug with a big smile, god he made it harder to tell them
"So what do you want to do? We can celebrate, tomorrow and the day after that, and the day after that, heck we can celebrate for the whole week while we're at it!" - Garfield
Rachel noticed the sad smile Marinette had as Garfield continued talking.
"Is there something you need to tell us?" - Rachel's words stoped Garfield in his tracks, he then looked at a slightly teary Marinette, and he felt a slight tinge of pain in his chest.
"I- um, I'm moving this Saturday... I'm sorry I really don't want to, but- *hic* I-" - Marinette was cut off by Garfield giving her a hug, he rubbed small circles on her back as she let out a few sobs. Rachel patting her shoulder to try and comfort her.
After they were like that for a few minutes, they decided to get ice cream
……… ……… ………
"I'm sorry." - Marinette eating her chocolate chip ice cream
"It's not your fault Mari, besides, we can officially say we have a pen pal in Paris." - Garfield with his chocolate mint ice cream trying to lighten the mood, managed to get a chuckle out of Marinette.
"We can still video call, or text you. And your parents said you can visit on summer and winter break." - Rachel just starting her strawberry ice cream
"But what if I need a friend to talk to when I can't sleep? Or if I need a movie buddy? Or gaming buddy?" - Marinette
"There are online multiplayer games we can play you know." - Rachel
"Yeah, and I'm sure you'll make friends over there really quickly, I mean you already know a few other languages, including French, so there isn't any communication problems." - Garfield
"I wish you guys could come with me..." - Marinette almost done with her ice cream
"... Didn't you say you always wanted a hamster, maybe one that's unique, like a the rare Green Gotham Hamster?" - Garfield with a mischievous grin
"Selina's family friends own a bakery, so no pets allowed. Sorry Rare Green Gotham Hamster, I'm afraid you're staying native to Gotham." - Marinette said patting his shoulder.
"Wait they own a bakery?! As in you can be on a sugar high 24/7?! Take me with you!!" - Garfield
……… ……… ………
Soon it was time for them to go home, when Marinette got home, she continued packing what she would need, making sure that her Siren plushies where safely secure, and then went to eat dinner.
The next day she made sure to get up early, Garfield and Rachel knew where she lived, and wanted to make sure everything was ready for them, setting up the games they would play into the night, and the movies they would watch after that.
She then went to the Gardens to greet her Mom and the plants, doing the usual routine of checking all the plants, complimenting and watering them. During which a sleepy Harley walked over giving Ivy and Marinette a morning kiss before going to make her coffee.
At breakfast she didn't see her Aunt yet, she assumed she was robbing someone rich again.
……… Over to Catwoman ………
"Come ta mama." - Catwoman mumbled as she used her claws to cut the glass surrounding an old elegant purple sapphire that belonged to one of Gotham's founding fathers' wives.
……… Back to Marinette ………
About an hour after breakfast Garfield and Rachel came over, holding Marinettes' rapped presents, they started the day off with trivia games, which they called the MIQ (which can mean either Marinette Isley-Quinzel or in this case Memory Intelligence Quiz) which Marinette and Rachel came to a tie followed by Ivy, then Harley, and Garfield. They then moved on to board games, Marinette decided to play The Game of Life rather than Monopoly (because lets be honest, who has ever finished that game in the time of a signle day? An extreme speedrunner... maybe.) while the adults got the cake ready. Surprisingly Garfield won, he got the acting career, a sports car, a nice old fashioned mid modern house, a wife, and 3 kids... Marinette got the fashion designer career, got a motorcycle, and a small, but nice victorian house, a husband, and one kid... and Rachel got the scientist career (because science is just simplified mortal magic), a delorean car (and even said "Since science is magic I can make it fly, so technically, I don't need roads where I'm going."), a modern cabin in the woods, single (she didn't want a significant other to interrupt her magic science) and got a pet bird.
Once Selina and Ed came over, they began the party, playing games like DDR, Ultimate Mecha Strike 2, and Racing games.
When it came time for Marinette to blow out her candles, she wished that everything would be okay, and that she will be able to come back to Gotham permanently, and blew them out.
She then got to open her presents, she started with Harley's, and got a custom baseball bat that was a dark steel blue, with a light grey handle grip, and it had the words "Quinn For Da Win" on it, putting a smile on her face, when she opened Ivy's gift she got seeds of her favorite flowers to plant over in Paris. She then opened her Uncle Ed's gift, which was a small watch that had special A.I., it had a cover over the inside screen that would flip open to reveal another screen. The cover was silver with a blue question mark, and when it opened, it showed the time, and the location you where in, it could also act as a GPS, and a phone (it could even play music AND had an incredible battery life span). She then moved on to her Aunt Selina's gift, finding a small purple sapphire in the shape of a cat paw, surrounded in silver. She then opened Rachel's gift, it was a travel mug that said "Coffee lives in my veins." (Marinette started drinking coffee recently) which made Marinette laugh, and then she got to Garfield's gift. When she opened it, she found a handmade charm bracelet, it had animals that she really liked around it, and there was one that was a small tiger, with it's eyes and nose having a light green peridot stone, to represent the first day they met. She put the bracelet on her right rist and thanked Garfield for it, and gave everyone a big hug.
She spent the rest of the day playing with her friends, having a wonderful time, and getting a massive sugar rush from all the cake they had. When it came time for dinner they were running low on energy, but were back to normal after Harley snuck some coffee into their food... The only thoughts that went through Garfield and Rachel's minds where "That's why Mari drinks this stuff..."
After dinner they played all kinds of video games, and ended it by watching Back To The Future. They fell asleep some time after 2am.
……… ……… …….
The next morning they all had breakfast and then spent the day playing parkour tag over roofs and playing I spy games. And at the end of the day Marinette gave her friends a big hug, before heading back home. She spent her time with her moms, Uncle, and Frank, playing more boardgames and discussing what she should do to make friends...
"Just be yawhself, we love yuh fawh who yuh are, and I'm sure everyone in Paris will love yuh too... if dey doan, den dey most likely have a massive defective reject of a brain." - Was Harley's opinion
"Riddle the f-ck out of their brain, if they can solve all of them, and like you for you, then they are worthy." - Which was Ed's opinion
"Use a chemical based compound from the magnolia flower, combined with three tulip petals, one rose petal, and pollen from a lilac to create a befriending potion." - Ivy's words made everyone silent before Ed spoke up
"... Harley if you're being mind controlled blink." - Ed deadpaned, which had Marinette cackling
"I'm not bein' mind controlled, also yuh nawhmally say ‘blink once or twice’ not just ‘blink’ I could blink at any random interval and yuh woun't know what tuh tink, and here I thoughtcha were a genius." - Harley with her head on Ivy's lap as Marinette starts wheezing.
"I think y'all broke her." - Frank just pointed to Marinette as she was still cackling and wheezing while in the fetal position.
That's when Selina walked in...
"What the hell did you guys do to Kitten?!" - Selina dropping the bags she got from some high end shop, and after they made sure Marinette was still alive they continued their game... and Marinette may have actually written the list of ingredients for that position, but only as a last resort. When it was time for them to sleep Marinette spent the night with her moms, like she use to when she was 4.
She got up early to make sure everything was ready, she had her sketch book in her backpack, as well as some pencils, ear buds, snacks and a picture of her with her family and friends. She decided to wear her new watch and charm bracelet as she finished checking her bag, she then went into the garden to say goodbye to all the plants, and to give Bud, Lou and Frank one last goodbye. She had about 3 hours before her and her Aunt were to head to the airport, and she spent that time with her moms, almost never leaving their side.
……… ……… …….
As the plane took off she looked out the airplane window, saying goodbye to Gotham, until her next visit home....
Chapter 3 complete, also just in case I didn't describe her B-day gifts good enough, here's what they look like (꒪꒳꒪)
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Hope you're all having an amazing day, staying safe and rockin' all positive vibes,!BUG-OUT! 💮🐞💮
〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜Tag List〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜
1st Place★: @jumpingjoy82
2nd Place★: @myazael
3rd Place★: @solangelo252
@fandom-trapped-03, @zorua-adorable, @blueblossombliss, @thefangirlwholiterallydies, @woe-is-me0, @lady-bee-fechin, @jayjayspixiepop, @kashlyn, @toodaloo-kangaroo, @buginetye, @our-preciousss , @vroomtaka, @alessialeone6997
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mariesocuniverse · 3 years
NCT 127′s Guide to Taking Care of Mae
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1. Make sure she’s well fed
“Food’s here!”
The members cheered when they heard the manager. They’ve been in the practice room for a while and needed a break. Everyone gathered in the center of the room and handed out plates.
In the corner of his eye, Doyoung noticed Mae fiddling with her chopsticks. She had a small portion of tteobokki on her plate, and nothing else.
Every time she tried the reach for a portion of food, she glanced at their managers, who eyed her hands.
He sighed and started piling more food on her plate, despite her protests. Doyoung could see the managers glaring at him, but frankly he could care less.
“Doyoung hyung I’m on a diet.” Mae said to him softly, trying to push the food away. He clicked his tongue.
“You’re already skinny enough, you need to gain weight if anything.” 
Mae relented and let Doyoung pile food on her plate. She took a bit of her tteobokki and hummed in appreciation.
“Thank you Doyoung hyung~” 
2.Make sure she’ll well rested
“Hello everyone! Welcome to-” “shh”
Haechan lowered his voice. “Hello everyone. Welcome to Haechan cam with a 37.5% viewer rating.”
He moved quietly through the waiting room. The group was getting ready for another performance.
Haechan frowned. Mae was taking a nap on the couch, hair and make up done and her outfit ready to go.
She was sitting on Johnny’s lap, the latter gently weaving his hands through her hair.
“Mae has to go through hair and make up first since she can’t change with us...”
Johnny made a “shhh” motion with his hand and smiled down at the girl.
“Lets let Mae have her rest, okay?”
3.Give her a lot of attention
“Jaehyun hyuuuuuung!”
Jaehyun let out a little “oof” when he felt the small girl tackle him. He was recording something for the NCT YouTube channel when he felt the girl hug him.
He giggled and pulled her close to him, “How may I help you Mae sshi?”
“I just wanted your attention.” She said, staring at him with her bright eyes.
Mae had seen him taking a break and took the opportunity. He grinned and looked at the camera.
“Our Miyoungie likes to get attention from her hyungs~”
4. Play games with her
Mae did a little dance as Mark pouted. He had lost his fourth game of Mario Kart in a row. The other members were watching in amusement.
They made a deal that the loser buys the group milk tea and he didn’t want to accept his loss.
“Okay you definitely cheated!”
“How can I cheat at Mario Kart?”
“I don’t know but you did!”
The two continued to bicker about the game. It only took Johnny separating the two to end their argument.
“Mark you remember my order right?”
“Yah Lee Haechan!”
5. Make sure she’s safe
NCT 127 navigated their way through the crowd at the airport. They had a schedule in America and had landed in Korea a few minutes ago.
Yuta had a tight grip on Mae’s wrist and the two of them moved around.
Mae made a noise when she tripped and fell to the floor. One of the fan sites accidentally hit her leg, causing her to fall and nearly get trampled by the fans
Luckily, Yuta quickly helped her up. Once he was sure Mae was fine, Yuta glared at the crowd, giving a silent warning to those around him.
He wrapped an arm around Mae and quickly ushered her away towards their van.
6. Make her food
“Mae can you come here?”
Mae was Taeil’s official taste taster when it came to food he cooked and new recipes he wanted to try out. Today seemed to be a new recipe for ramen.
She always loved Taeil’s cooking and always watched him when she had the time.
She skipped over and patiently waited for Taeil to finish cooking. Taeil lifted his chopsticks and quickly fed Mae the noodles. Her eyes lit up and gave him a thumbs up.
“Master Moon never disappoints!”
7.Make her laugh
Mae clutched her stomach as she watched the performance in front of her.
It was NCT World Field Day and she was currently watch OFN doing their fan performance. Jungwoo’s expressions made her burst into giggles.
She could always count of Jungwoo to make her laugh.
She started laughing harder when Jungwoo started approaching her and cawed at her.  
“Why are you coming near me?!?”
8. Work Well together
“Yah! That team is too strong!”
The group has been divided into groups and Haechan and Mae has partnered up. Complaints were immediately through into the air.
“Can’t we separate those two?” Doyoung complained. He’s been at the end of Maechan’s teamwork and he didn’t want to go against them again.
Mae and Haechan high fived. “Maknae power.” Mae said, a mischievous glint in her eyes.
“Why is it you always work well together when you’re teaming up against us?”
“Survival of the fittest and Haechan and I are strong.”
9.Hype her up
Mae was doing her solo shoot for their magazine shoot when she heard cheering behind the cameras.
“Mae you’re so cool!”
She giggled when she saw Taeyong behind the staff cheering her on.
“Thank you hyung!”
The staff laughed as Taeyong kept yelling compliments as the shoot went on. Mae was getting embarrassed at this point.
“You look like you came out of a manga!”
“Taeyong hyung!”
10. Give her hugs
Mae and Winwin were cuddling each other on the couch. Their shoots were over and were spending their break together.
“Winwin hyung you give the best hugs.” Mae said, snuggling into his side. Winwin smiled and patted her head. She was one of the only people he like having physical affection with.
“You give good hugs too.”
The two sat in silence and they watched the other members get their pictures taken.
“I want a hug too!”
“No Haechan! Winwin hyung is mine!”
11. Give her lots of love
“Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you!”
Mae entered the meeting room only to see her members singing to her, a cake on the table.
She smiled as she was guided by Jaehyun to her seat and clapped to the best of the song.
“Quick make a wish!”
Mae quickly blew out her candles as the other members cheered. She got startled when Haechan snuck up on her and put frosting on her cheek. 
The group then crushed Mae into a group hug, with her squished in the middle.
“Mae we love you!”
“I love you too!!”
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Manager!Seijoh Part 8
a/n: okay so since my halloween special was a flop ill write this instead but uwuwuwuwu its also my birthday today so hehe this is kinda a special request too :D
for more seijoh content, check this masterlist out!
- IF IT WAS YOUR BIRTHDAY! omg :0 i think we can all agree that the ramen shop will get GOOD BUSINESS that day. but it was a total surprise when the upperclassmen basically JUMP you after exiting your last class. vball practice? deliberately cancelled cuz today is YOUR day. kyo leading you, iwa making sure your eyes are closed while oikawa keeps teasing you on how you’re letting a group of men take you BLIND (cue the PUNCH). your smile is worth the XXX amount spent c,:
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okay yay happy birthday to me uwu
i kinda put this request off since my borfday was right around the corner so hahaha to the anon who requested this, here it is!!!
okay anyways!!!
so today is your borfday
obvs this could be any day lmao it doesnt have to be today but it can be any day just pretend the calendar was different lmao
you were born today and your parents and natsu obvs celebrated it the morning you woke up
like you were peacefully holding your squirtle plushie and snuggling close to get more sleep bc it was still early
but natsu quite literally kicked your door down and your parents walked in with a large cake with candles
okay ill stop now
ofc you were startled bc what the hek 
like you were so surprised that you rolled off the bed and landed harshly on the floor
instead of being yanno ‘yey! its my borfday!’ you were like ‘dear asahi kill me’
waking you up at the buttcrack of dawn?
lmao 10/10 not recommend
natsu felt really bad and he pulled you up from the floor and situated you back on the bed while your parents backtracked back downstairs
‘ohmygosh babygirl im so sorry i didnt mean to hulk smash you to the floor’
im sorry sir what 💀
this whore
you waved him off but he still felt guilty so he just pressed kisses to your forehead to soothe it
meanwhile youre just leaning against him, eyes closed, bc you grew up with natsu always doing this whenever you got hurt so it was such a soff moment for you
eventually, he was able to bring you downstairs and your parents were lowkey scared lmao but you smiled at them
‘thank you for the cake’
they breathed a sigh of relief and you sat down on the chair to eat breakfast
‘here darling’
you accepted the bowl of rice from your madre and you ate your birthday breakfast with them while yall are saving the cake for later during dinner
when you finished, you were getting up and shouting up the stairs that you were showering first
hehe natsu was all like ‘lmao why? its like 4 in the morning’
you froze, foot hovering over a step and you sighed
‘excuse me what 💀‘
yea no
you were dragged back to the kitchen and you were all pouty bc duh who the hek wants to wake up that early but your parents saved themselves by giving you your parents early
(literally anything you guys want they gave you okay? but only like 3 lmao not a bajillion things)
you were still grateful for everything and you felt very much appreciated
since it was still early, you just decided to screw it and got ready to go to school early and set up the gym for early morning practice
natsu volunteered to go with you to school but you shook your head
‘nah, im okay. the walk is peaceful’
he huffed, crossing his arms, but nodded anyways
‘fine. only because its your birthday’
hehehehe the amount of freedom during your day of birth
you were of course the first one in the gym but you didnt mind bc you actually liked the quietness that was so rare inside there
you turned on some (f/m) (lmao favorite/music) and you were sweeping, unknowingly swaying and dancing slightly
at around 5:40, the third years have arrived and since theyre the eldest, they usually get there first
omg the blush explosion on their faces when they saw you twirling around with the mop and ofc oikawa being the little poopie head he is, he swooped in and held your waist
you got startled but seeing the soft brown eyes of your captain made a soft smile appear on your face
‘hello, oikawa-san’
you whispered and he nuzzled his face to the side of your head softly
‘morning, y/n-chan’
before he could go on, iwa threw him away behind him and you giggled
mattsun raised an eyebrow at your odd behavior
‘hm? why are you so happy today, y/n-chan?’
you stopped then chuckled
‘nothing much, mattsun-san’
you didnt really want to tell them it was your birthday bc tbh you didnt think it was a big deal or anything
the others werent complaining bc they rarely see you so lively and upbeat and they loved it
you were humming under your breath for gods sake
the other boys have trickled in and again, they also went ‘?’
your soft smiles, giggles, and joy was everything to them 
god bless for this beautiful morning
poor kindaichi cowered in fright as he braced himself for a scolding from you for missing a block but he got even more scared when you just patted his head
‘its okay, yuu-kun. there’s always a next time’
yea there was something wrong
unfortunately, school was starting and they weren’t able to start questioning you and there aint no way kindaichi and kunimi were going to do that themselves without the upperclassmen who could calm you down if you got too defensive
you were skipping down the hallway and you even looped your arms around your first year friends and they shared a confused look before being dragged by you
during class, darling kunimi was too busy and distracted by your quiet singing of some show that takeru watched when you were over
yes, yes it is
but he didnt say that and instead turned away so fast that you felt the wind beside you
DID A 180 CRAZY~~~
he texted the separate bros group chat about you still being all happy and they were all curious as to what makes you so happy
during lunch time, kindaichi usually went over to go eat with you and kunimi right?
but he was surprised when he just saw kunimi there without you
‘i dont know’
‘what do you mean you dont know?!’
nah fam we not dying yet
natsu texted you earlier that he had a bento for you that he made himself and he wanted you to eat it instead of the one your mom made
you were passing by the building entrance door thingy and caught the attention of the third years who were at the rooftop eating their lunch
there was also other students outside and they watched your flowery aura skip over to the equally attractive hiroshi natsu
he cooed and you smiled up at him
curse him and his tall height
he let you hold the f/c cloth covered box so he could cup your face and kiss over your booboo again
‘wo mow, matsu-’
translation: no more, natsu!
you whined as he kept kissing your forehead and you were turning red at the attention from the other students
dang oikawa crushed his juice box at the sight even though he knew natsu was just a cousin
‘ill save you, y/n-chan!’
he shouted, already flying down the stairs towards you and the other third years after him to keep him from doing something stupid
but they also lowkey wanna see you too
but by the time they reached the entrance, you were already walking away and even passed by the quartet, giving them a close-eyed smile and a cute ‘hello!’
the 3 were distracted by you and were coddling you while oikawa ran out and shouted after natsu’s retreating form
‘natsu! oi, natsu!’
as if the boy was purposely ignoring him, natsu kept walking forward
his scream finally made him turn around and natsu’s face held a teasing smirk
‘oya? chibi-chan?’
oikawa huffed and panted as he firmly walked over to natsu
‘tell me, hiroshi natsu. why is y/n-chan all cutesy and happy today?’
then the smirk fell, replaced by an actual, genuine annoyed look
oikawa blinked
‘what do you mean ‘hah’?’
natsu waved his hands around in a frenzy of shock
‘so you mean to tell me, you, oikawa tooru, the dude who literally woke up the neighborhood at the buttcrack of dawn a few weeks ago, in love with my cousin, doesn’t know what today is?’
‘was i supposed to,,,, know?’
natsu’s face became a meme and the guy was so disappointed that he just turned around and continued walking
oikawa gasped and clutched natsu’s arm, begging and pleading to tell him
ofc the little shite natsu is, he smirked down at oikawa’s kneeling form
‘hmm, gotta say, chibi-kun. i like this view~’
‘tell me, natsu-chan!’
the puppy eyes of oikawa tooru not only affected girls but also boys fully socked homosexual boys so natsu had to turn away, fighting down a blush
stay loyal to katsuki
stay loyal to katsuki
stay loyal to katsuki
wait, no, probably tetsu
or kenma
or both
or keiji
‘-me! natsu-chan!’
that snapped the pink-haired boy out of his thoughts and crossed his arms, glaring down at oikawa
‘hm, why do you wanna know so bad? youre on your knees, begging me for information you shouldve already known since you claim to like her so much’
oikawa pouted and he sniffled
‘i wanna know everything about y/n-chan. i wanna know what today is so i can make her as happy as she is today forever!’
‘youre so cheesy’
natsu chided and oikawa pouted even harder causing natsu to sigh and pinch his nose
‘the girl was born today’
oikawa’s face lit up and he hurriedly stood on his feet, hands on natsu’s biceps since he could barely reach natsu’s shoulders bc of his 6′5 height
‘its her birthday today?!’
‘i literally just said that-’
‘oh my gosh! we need to plan something!’
oikawa started but then frowned
‘but we’re in school so it would be too late to do a surprise when we finish’
his mumbles 
filled their vicinity and natsu finally realized where exactly they were so he tugged the still mumbling boy over to the side out of people’s view
ohmygosh if i saw 2 handsome, tall, hot boys there, id be staring too omg
‘oi, oikawa’
he still didnt budge until natsu had to kick him at the leg
rip not his knee yall
tooru flinched and hatefully glared at the boy but natsu pointedly glared at him right back
‘before you start bitching to me, i was just gonna suggest i can help you and your little plan to woo my baby cousin’
as if he wasn’t irritated in the first place, tooru lit up and he excitedly clung onto natsu
‘really? you’ll really help me?’
natsu rolled his eyes and tried to pry the brunette off of him but he felt the grip tighten
‘listen, oikawa, as much as i like having pretty boys hang on to me, i’d really appreciate if you just back off a bit and actually understand what im saying’
can i just say how long their lunch break is?
and not at natsu trying to get with oikawa and oikawa completely missing it
‘you can go do your education scam system thing while i can go set things up over at that one noodle place she likes’
natsu explained
oikawa was about to smile until he paused and leaned away
‘theres a catch. i know theres a catch’
then natsu smirked, confirming oikawa’s suspicion
‘ill think about what i really want but for now, i just wanna see that one doggie boy you guys have. also, your friend with the big arms’
lmao imagine the surprise in oikawa’s face
‘why? you want me to?’
‘YES! i mean, well-no but YES!’
thats how oikawa ended up telling the boys about the last minute birthday surprise for you and the help from natsu
‘yea, apparently its her birthday. also, iwa-chan, kyoken-chan, you need to talk to natsu-chan’
‘hah?! why?!’
you were minding your own business during class until you saw kunimi raise his hand
‘yes, kunimi-kun?’
normally, you wouldve just looked away but you noticed him grab his bag when the teacher wasn’t looking which prompted you to sigh since he was skipping class
i mean, whats the point of skipping class when the day is about to be over in like 15 minutes anyways?
‘make sure to come to practice’
you whispered when he passed and he smiled, making you raise an eyebrow bc that was a smile you knew that had a hidden meaning behind it
when the bell rang, everyone nyoomed themselves out of there and you were just walking past the door when a body came crashing to you which made you distracted and allowed a chance of vulnerability
there was a pair of hands covered your eyes from behind, hands grabbed your own from in front, and an arm around your waist started to guide you forward
‘um, just so you know, i have the power of god, anime, and iwa-san by my side and i wont hesitate to kick you in the di-’
‘its so cute when y/n-chan threatens us’
a voice from in front of you hums and you smiled
‘you wont think im really cute once youre on the floor clutching your di-’
‘oi, y/n, ill wash your tongue with soap’
‘yes, iwa-san’
you continued to walk, completely trusting at the hands of your boys, when you felt yourself being pulled to turn a corner
‘iwa-san? aren’t we going to the gym? why are we exiting the gates?’
the boys exchanged a look of amazement at your sense of intuition and the accuracy of your guess despite being deprived of your senses
‘dont think you can lie to us, y/n-chan! how could you not tell us its your birthday today?!’
you heard mattsun a few feet in front of you whine and you giggled
‘its not important’
then kyotani scoffed, you knowing it was him by feeling him twitch by the arm around your waist
‘boke, of course its important’
‘so your punishment for lying to us, we’re kidnapping you’
makki teased and you rolled your eyes beneath iwa’s hands
‘oh, shiver me timbers’
the walk continued, you still being dragged around, and you heard oikawa laugh
‘oh dear, its a sight to see, ain’t it? if only you can see the looks people are giving us, y/n-chan~ a group of boys taking a little girl like you? how could you trust us to not do something to you-ACK!’
you cut him off when you lifted your foot to kick right where it hurts the most
forget his weewee
its the knee
poor child crumbled to the floor and had to be picked up by baby watari
‘oh wata-cchi, youre the only one who cares about oikawa-san!’
you heavily sighed at the exagerrated theatrics of your captain
‘the one day. the one day when he could be a normal person for once’
you grumbled but stopped when you heard iwa laugh by your ear
‘he’s right you know. you technically lied to us when we asked if there was something special’
you shivered and you leaned your head back
‘its okay, iwa-san. we can talk about it after this event. make sure to give me my present, okay?’
but iwa chuckled and he promised you that you would love his present
kyotani’s arm tightened around you, as if prompting you that he was still there and he wanted your attention too
‘careful there, pup’
he warned when you almost tripped over air
‘hehe, i know ill always be safe when youre next to me, kyo-san’
you teased and he was lucky your eyes were covered bc you would see the way his cheeks tinted red
‘s-shut up, idiot! maybe i shouldve just let you fall and hit your head! not like its gonna do damage since theres nothing there anyways!’
you just giggled and he retaliated by pinching your waist to which you squealed and gripped his hands
then the smell of the ramen broth entered your nose
‘are we-?’
‘nope! not there yet, y/n-chan!’
oikawa’s voice made you whine and complain but then he stopped, making everyone else stop too
‘okay, iwa-chan, kyoken-chan, release her!’
both grumbled something about you being treated like a pokemon but stopped when your eyes widened and contorted into confusion
oikawa grinned and your eyes met to see the way his eyes crinkled, a tell-tale sign that this one was a rare genuine smile
‘come on! lets go!’
you let him take you inside the restaurant until your feet stopped, eyes wide when you noticed the streamers and the cake by the corner
your parents stood with natsu by the table and a large smile decorated your face
‘you,, you did this for me?’
you whispered and the team made noises of agreement
‘we had to do something for you to celebrate the day you were born. its a special day because you came into the world and we were able to meet you’
yahaba grinned and you gave him a big hug but you leaned back a bit so that the others would know you’re talking to them too
‘everyone, thank you. i love you’
they all scoffed a bit to hide their flustered state but they still smiled and each gave you a hug
‘oi! come here and eat the food! oikawa’s paying today!’
natsu shouted, which caught the attention of some customers in the restaurant, but they just ignored it bc theyve seen you and the team so many times that yall practically lived there
‘what?! i didnt-’
oikawa started but your mother came up to him and clasped her hands to his, sharing the same exact grin you have
‘you must be oikawa tooru. y/n has told me loads about you’
excuse him while he descends to heaven bc your mother is practically another you
iwa was already acquainted with your dad so they started talking and you just stood back, observing your two families interact with each other
you were so unbelievably happy that it hurts
kindaichi noticed you and he slinked away from the debate between makki and mattsun to go sling an arm around you
‘so? what do you think?’
you turned to him with glassy eyes
‘im so blessed. so blessed to have these amazing people with me’
poor babie panicked a bit bc he didnt really know how to comfort a crying girl but he just wrapped his arms around you
‘hehe, its kinda the other way around actually. we’re blessed to have someone like you’
he whispered and you giggled then playfully hit his shoulder
‘so cheesy, yuu-kun’
he leaned away from the hug and gave you an offended look
‘but its true! i dont know what we did to have-’
oikawa shouted from the other side, cutting off your soft moment with kindaichi
‘what are you doing, natsu?’
you noticed your cousin wrapping his arms around your captain and trying to drag him away but poor tooru was scrambling to escape
‘we made a deal, didnt we, darling~? i know what i want now and youre going to have to give me you’
oikawa screamed
a/n: can we please pretend i posted this on november 3? bc i was dumb and forgot to post this and KLDJLSDKFJDSKD IM SO ANGRY but its okay at least i am able to publish this haha
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littlemindblabbles · 3 years
Birthday Boy
In honour of Jaemin day, please be prepared for some overwhelming amounts of cheesiness.
Pairing: Jaemin X Y/N
Summary: (Fluff) You just wanted to make Jaemin’s birthday memorable. 
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“Uh, I don’t think I’m doing this right, why is my batter bubbling? Taeyong help!” You panic into your phone, which was propped up on the kitchen counter while you were frantically stirring a big mixing bowl. Taeyong, the person you were currently video calling, furrowed his brows.
“Bubbling, it shouldn’t be doing that. Did you fold in the batter like I told you to? You can’t just mix it normally.” 
“Oops, I thought folding was just another word for mix. Sigh, I guess this batch is a fail too. I’ll try again tomorrow, thankfully there’s still 2 days before his birthday. Thank you Taeyong, sorry to bother again.” Your boyfriend’s leader insisted once again that it was no trouble, before ending the call. 
This was the third batch you messed up, and your fridge was getting a bit full with your failed cake attempts. Baking a birthday cake shouldn’t be this hard, but since you hardly step foot into your kitchen, you seemed to fail at that even. Feeding you both was Jaemin’s job, and rightfully so, because his cooking was delicious. But he had been so busy recently with schedules, you figured it would be a nice surprise to finally be the one giving him food, especially on his birthday. 
Hence why you sigh for what felt like the millionth time today, and placed your baking fail into the oven, not wanting to waste even more ingredients. While they might not come out at the right consistency, at least they tasted fine and as far as you know, were perfectly edible. And you would know since cake was all you had been eating for the last 5 days. 
Not wanting to depress yourself further with the thought of cake, you quickly clean up and focus on the other aspects of your boyfriend’s birthday plans. Jaemin did have practice for the first half of the day, hence you planned to surprise him at the studio for lunch with the other members. Thankfully, you weren’t in charge of food, that was Taeyong’s job, but you were tasked with bringing over the birthday cake. Any meeting with all 23 members would undoubtedly get crazy, so you knew lunch would probably stretch till late afternoon. 
In the last 2 years that you had been dating Jaemin, he had been the best boyfriend ever. Treating you exactly like a princess, always putting you as his first priority even when he was busy being an idol. The both of you have kept your relationship private for the most part, but the fans were mostly okay with you, fortunately. Of course you both sometimes argued, but it never dragged on for more than a day because either one of you would force the other to sit down and talk it out. Jaemin made you the happiest person on earth every single day, and for one day, you wanted to make him feel that too. Not that you didn’t think he wasn’t happy in your relationship, but you always wanted to do more for him, given how much he spoils you. 
It has to go well, everything will be perfect for him.
Nothing is going well, everything is gonna be ruined.
You were running late, and the cake in your hands was at a very high risk of melting. While you mostly loved the busy nature of Seoul, at times like this you despised it. Despite planing ahead and leaving more than an hour early, you got stuck in traffic. Now you were supposed to reach 10 minutes ago, and Jeno had updated you about 5 minutes earlier that they were done with practice and were currently trying to distract Jaemin while waiting for you to reach. Not wanting to waste all the members time, you urged them to start eating first. 
“Hi hi, I’m here. I’m so sorry I’m late! Traffic was so horrible, I’m sorry!” You rambled as you burst into the room all the members were gathered in, 23 pairs of eyes paused from looking at the food and turned to look at you. You were only focused one pair of eyes though.
“Baby, what are you doing here, oh my gosh. None of them told me you were coming, I would have waited for you to eat! Come come, sit here next to me.”
“That was the point Jaem, I was supposed to surprise them with you. But I ended up being close to 30 minutes late, so I asked you all to eat first. I’m sorry.” Your boyfriend just shushed you apologies and grabbed the hand not holding cake, leading you to the space next to his seat. 
“Ooh, what’s this?” Your boyfriend gestured to the bag with the cake. Taking a deep breath, you lifted the cake out of the bag to Jaemin. 
“It’s your birthday cake, I tried to bake it myself. You don’t really have to eat it, it’s probably really horrible I’m sorry-”
Your words got cut off because he grabbed the cake from your hands, placed it on the table and before you could stop him, Jaemin placed a hige scoop into his mouth. Worried about his reaction, you glanced at him nervously as he ate it. 
“Is it..okay? Does it taste funny?” To your horror, Jaemin started tearing up. “Oh my goodness, you’re crying. Is it that bad? I’m sorry, spit it out okay, I’ll throw the rest away!” Panicking, you quickly covered the rest of the cake, preparing to find a bin to throw it in, before a hand reached out and stopped you. 
“This is the single best cake I’ve ever eaten in all my twenty-one years of living. I’m crying because I’m so touched you made it. Guys, you all have to try this it’s amazing.” Jaemin annouced before pushing the cake to the centre of the table for th rest of the members to try. He then turned to you and gave you a quick peck on the lips. 
“Jaem, you better appreciate the cake. I think Y/N has like a fridge full of cake at this point. She kept remaking it to make sure it was perfect for you. It’s really good though, I’m glad my video call baking sessions paid off.” Taeyong called out from the other side of the room, causing Jaemin to turn to you again with wide eyes. 
“You did all that for me? Thank you so much, I love you. This is the best birthday ever.” He engulfed you in a tight hug and when you pulled back, you laughed when you saw tears glistening in his eyes again. 
“I’m happy you liked it, that’s all that matters. Unfortunately this the only exciting part. Dinner is just a cheesy budget candle-light dinner at my place with your favourite take out food. I think I hit my quota for cooking for the year, it’s back to your job now.” You smiled, ruffling his hair and holding both his hands. 
Jaemin lifted his hands to squish both yor cheeks, before leaning to give you a longer kiss that had his members cheering in the back. Ignoring them, he gave you the sweetest smile.
“That sounds absolutely perfect. After all, celebrating anything is perfect as long as I’m celebrating it with you.” 
Note: I’m cringing myself @ the end Im sorry. Here’s my masterlist for more fics!
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elias-code · 3 years
He Never Dies
Warnings: Blood, Abandonment, Suicide, Revival
Summary: TL;DR at the end, although it spoils it all.
Caution: this was written in less than an hour and it's super late at night and I'm in a lot of pain from my wisdom teeth surgery thing so it's really weird pacing-wise just letting you know.
--------------------This is super scuffed, enjoy!---------------------
Phil had somehow managed to fit twenty-two candles on one birthday cake, their flames signified the years gone by since the hybrid's birth. Of course, Technoblade was not turning twenty-two, and Phil knew that better than anyone.
The candles more closely represented ten years each, making Techno two hundred and twenty years old, although that was also a debatable number. He and Phil had lost count years ago. They never bothered trying to pick up the slack.
Phil and Technoblade met in a twist of fate. Phil, who had recently run out of glowstone, was in the nether searching for some. He'd scavenged all of the glowstone for miles surrounding his old portal, so he was forced to make a new one.
This portal spawned Phil in a bastion remnant, empty apart from the occasional magma cube or skeleton. Even the piglin brutes had forsaken this place, or so Phil thought.
There was one brute living in the bastion. He was the sole reason the sad, wilting towers stood empty. Standing at 5' 5", the toddler piglin-hybrid was almost as tall as Phil at just a few months old.
That toddler secretly watched the curious man fly from tower to tower with obsidian wings, draped in a forest green coat that fluttered behind him. A flash of jealousy lit in his eyes.
Finally, the obsidian bird passed behind the furthest wall of the bastion, out of sight from the brute. Seizing the opportunity, he tentatively put a hand in the portal and watched it disappear, shortly followed by the rest of his body.
----------------------Techno's perspective----------------------
By the time Phil realised he had a stowaway, I had already made myself at home. In the far corner, the warmest in the house, I slept on a blood-red curtain surrounded by every gold thing Philza owned. I clutched a dull knife to my chest, one I'd found in the kitchen stuck in a loaf of bread.
Thankfully, Phil didn't have the guts to wake me.
I soon became a child, then a teenager, and inevitably, I started asking uncomfortable questions.
"Phil, why don't I have wings like you?"
"Hmm?" Phil looked towards me, my eyes flooded with curiosity, "Well, you're... not an elytrian, Techno."
"What am I then?"
Phil stopped short, unsure of what to say, "You're- special."
I was quick to notice Phil's hesitation. I had been living with Phil for 13 years and I knew his tells by now.
"I don't want to be special,"
"Why not?"
"They only write stories about the special ones, and they always die."
Now, this was a subject Phil struggled to understand. Being immortal had its limitations, and not understanding fear of death was one of them. "Techno, everyone dies... that's the whole point of life."
And so I began to experiment. The only person I was ever around was Phil. The constant heavy snowfall brought all promises of animal life to an abrupt end. I wanted to know why it had to be this way.
I started with rabbits. The ones I could find in the spring. I tried to get ones that were roughly the same age, and I corralled them together. I watched them live, breed, eat, sleep, and eventually, when winter came, I watched them die. This experiment had gotten me nowhere, and so I moved on to sheep.
Eventually, when I was nineteen or so, six years into my experiments, I experimented on myself. I was done messing around with animals that never gave me results, they'd always live, eat, sleep, and then die, only to return to the earth and disappear along with the snow when the sun returned. There was no purpose to it, but there had to be. I needed there to be.
During this time, I was shelving my desires, desperate to find answers in such a dim time. If Phil didn't age, why did I have to? Why did everything have to die? Why did it feel so good to watch things die?
Phil found Techno in the snow, covered in blood, a knife in his chest. He wasn't breathing.
His mind was pleading with Techno to just fucking wake up, but even with the knife out of his chest, he refused to wake. Phil knew how to kill, not how to revive. He scurried, grabbing every vial, every trick in the book, trying to get his boy back.
Phil knew that ignoring Techno's queries would eventually cause problems, but he never thought they'd be so severe.
The obsidian bird prayed. He prayed to the Angel of Death to bring him back, to let the heart in his chest spring to life, even if he'd lose everything for it.
Fuck, Techno, I- you didn't deserve this, you don't deserve this, you can't die like this- I didn't want you to worry, you don't have to be different, I'll give you anything, just come back, just come back, please-
"And what would I get in return, Philza?" Her voice boomed in his head, warming his heart. "Anything..." The Angel of Death owed him a favour, he erased Her from history. She was eternally grateful for the peace and quiet he granted Her. "Anything? How about your wings then?" This time, Phil did not hesitate, "Give him back to me!"
The boy sputtered back to life, heaving up blood. Techno's mind raced, voices clamoured in his head. It was so loud. He clutched his chest, where the knife once was and discovered a pool of blood, but no wound.
Phil looked to him. Techno's heart and mind were heavy, but he was alive. He had a purpose. He needed to be there for Phil, the only other eternal partner he would ever meet. The blood god and the crow father, now flightless. Neither would be alone.
Sorry, this one is super weird and kind of spontaneous. It's not my best work but I wanted to get my headcanon Techno origin story out there.
Techno was abandoned in the nether, where he met Phil and became his only companion. Phil never aged due to his immortality but Techno did. Techno felt purposeless and so he searched for a reason to live. Eventually, he decided the only way to know for sure was to die, and so he did. Phil traded his wings to bring Techno back, but Techno returned with the voices and a new title: blood god. Plus, now they're both immortal, score!
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loviesun · 4 years
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hanging - [ han jisung ]
pairing: han jisung x reader
genre: angst, slight fluff
a/n: hello! this is one of my drafts that i just made a few hours before my birthday, this is really short tbh and happy birthday to me :] this isn’t really good but anyways i hope u like it and also i’m not sad for my bday i just thought this one would be good so HEHE
fine sunny day, the skies were shining, the sun and it’s rays radiating around the apartment. watching the by the window pane, laying your head in his chest, reading a book to entertain yourself
meanwhile jisung silently sleeps and listen to you humming softly, and he puts his hands on your hair and strokes it softly, your soft hair running through his fingers
just as you were about to finish reading, the sun starts to set and you couldn’t stop looking outside. the sun slowly going down, the sky started showing orange and red. and by the time sets itself your eyes closed in time
he noticed you were already sleeping soundly, admiring your features, he couldn’t even stop thinking how you look good while sleeping. he scooped you up and moved you to your shared bed and set you down slowly not to cause any harm, and he slides himself in the duvet sleeping with you.
the sun started shining around your room again and you were awoken by the sound of your phone getting notifications from your friends, confused as to why they’ve blown up your messages
seeing then greeting you a happy birthday made you realize, you completely forgot that your birthday was today, how you’ve made a such a fool to yourself not remembering it was your birthday, a phone call stopped you from dozing off
“good morning y/n! happy birthday, anyways do you have any plans today?” your bestfriend asked you, you could hear her getting the amount of excitement
“morning, i don’t have plans today i think. maybe i would stay at home and maybe just sleep cause i’m tired” you said still yawning wanting sleep more
“nope i’m not allowing you to sleep today miss, we’re gonna have some fun today and go somewhere, why would you want to sleep all day on your special day” laughing at you because you we’re still dozing off even if you guys were calling
and there you were, preparing yourself for your outing with your bestfriend. she told you she wanted to bring you to this place that can make you feel happy and calm
of course you couldn’t wait for it, so you hurriedly went your way to your meet place. you saw her and waved you hand at her, after how many months of not seeing each other there you were both, you missed her
“anyways you ready to go there?” she questioned you because you looked so happy and so ready to go there because she mentioned it would make you feel calm
“of course i am, i can’t even wait to go there. c’mon let’s go already” you said while dragging her, you couldn’t stop your excitement either
just as you both we’re on your way to the place you stopped by at a store to buy some drinks, and you couldn’t choose anything but buy iced coffee
arriving at the place safe, you were confused as to why it was just a huge studio with no designs in the outside, but you didn’t mind.
“welcome to, the museum art studio y/n! i know this isn’t much but i know how much you love doing art and watching sculptures. your lucky i found this place so you better thank me” she said while acting mad but she isn’t mad at you cause it’s your special day
“i- this is amazing, how did you find this?” you were shocked of course, you expected to be something small and weren’t expecting it would be an art museum
your heart couldn’t stop the excitement, you were overwhelmed, taking pictures here and there, it felt like finally i felt happy. but it ended quickly when the both of you had to seperatw your ways because she had some errands to finish
you were walking around the streets and decided to visit your boyfriend jisung, making your way to the building. the staffs let you in because you’ve been there for a lot of times now, you were excited to see him and hug him telling him what happened today
“baby! hi!” you opened the door to see his head down low balancing it with his hands, you felt something was gonna happen but you didn’t mind
he slowly looks up and see’s you smiling with joy but filled with fear and negative thoughts that can be seen righ through your eyes
“hi baby, i didn’t expect you to come here” he said while standing up hugging you tightly
“we’re you surprised? i’m sure you did hehe” you said while hugging him back tightly resting your chin on his shoulder
you pushed him back and started to doubt if you were gonna ask him if he’s okay or not but you had no choice since you immediately had to open your mouth
“are you okay sung? do you wanna talk about it?” you asked while holding his cold hands
“now’s not the time to talk about it y/n, just don’t mind that okay?” he said while brushing your hands off and sitting back to the desk
“but it looks like it’s something important, you know you can tell me right” you went near him and tried to hold his hands again
“i told you not now! gosh can’t you even understand for once?” he screamed at you, showing you that he wasn’t feeling the mood
you were terrified, lowering your head down and stopped yourself, you didn’t want to ask him again
“okay..i’m sorry, i’ll let you have your time here alone” you said while exiting his studio, you know he wouldn’t
your heart felt heavy, did he forget? did he forget about your birthday? we’re you the reason as to why he got mad? was it all because of you? all of these unanswered questions made you feel anxious
walking home you stopped by to a cafe to buy a cake for yourself, choosing the one you want.
“what would you like me to put here?” the staff asked you
“happy birthday to me..please” you couldn’t answer properly, you couldn’t stop yourself from shaking
“okay i’ll get this ready for you then” she smiled at you while decorating the cake for you
you wandered inside the cafe and decided to sit down one of the chairs by the window, looking at the cars pass by, the people laughing smiling. meanwhile you, feeling empty, lost and forgtten
“here you go! oh and here this is on me, happy birthday” she said while handing out the cake with a free drink for you
“thank you” you said while smiling at her and left the cafe
making your way to your own apartment, you didn’t want to go to your shared apartment because you know he’d sleep at the couch again
it’s been awhile since you came back to your apartment, it wasn’t dirty, it was all clean and neat. just the way you left them
you set yourself down on the couch and set down the cake you bought for yourself, hugging your knees lowering your head down
hearing lots and lots of notifications popping up, not until a sudden call went off, looking at the name it was jisung, calming yourself down before answering the call
“hello?” trying your best not to be obvious
“where are you? please tell me” he said, you could hear his heavy breaths
“i’m sorry.” ending the call as tears started flowing out
you stood up and looked for a lighter, went you way back to the living room and as you settle yourself down you see hundreds of messages from jisung and the phone call went off
you didn’t mind it and decided to light the cake up, you were now in 5 missed calls from jisung but you didn’t bother to answer it
as the candle started burning, it lit your dark apartment and started to sing by yourself
“happy birthday to me..happy birthday to me.. happy birthday-“ you stopped singing and started sobbing, tears were now sticking through your soft cheeks
you stopped yourself from crying and started wishing for your birthday.
blowing the light off at the same time the doorbell rang, you closed your eyes and stopped breathing.
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aphrodites-law · 4 years
A Bit of Clarity 🍂 (10/?) The visions had started last autumn, a year ago now. It had caused a bit of chaos for some, a bit of clarity for others. Two days ago, Clarke Griffin had been perfectly fine managing both her Café and her stress. But now she was curious - so deeply curious about the vision of herself entwined with the aloof Lexa Woods that it was leading her to complete distraction. (ao3)
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4] [part 5] [part 6] [part 7] [part 8] [part 9]
The play wasn't horrible by any stretch of the imagination. It was the most fun Clarke had had in a long time. She laughed so hard at parts that tears sprung to her eyes and her cheeks started to hurt by the end of it. The 1920s décor and costumes were stunning, the performances captivating, and the story the perfect balance between humor and social commentary. Even Lexa, who already knew the jokes and twists, still laughed loudly.
Clarke took as much joy from the sound as she did the play. When the curtain fell for the last time and the lights fully came on, she looked over at Lexa and found herself captivated. Lexa was still clapping for her cousin’s success, her face beaming with pride, and Clarke couldn’t really explain why it made her adore this woman so much more.
"Are you hungry?" Lexa asked her.
Clarke nodded mutely, unsure what to do with the intensity of her feelings. She let Lexa take her hand and lead her out of the theater, where the crowd spilled out of the great glass doors.
Cocoa Street was the longest street in Costial, cutting through the city in a curving fashion. Clarke's favorite part was the food trucks; rows of them on both sides with their own specialties and flair. You could very well order duck à l'orange with mashed pumpkin at one truck and a burger with fries at the next one. The Italian ice cream truck was between the rival crab cake trucks and the Noodle Brothers were right next to the Pizza Sisters. There were lines wherever you went, sometimes even street performers to soften the blow of the waiting time. It was absurd and it was wonderful.
They ate Chicago-style hot dogs and curly fries, slowly walking down the street as they laughed about the play. Lincoln had relied on alternate history to weave the visions into his tale, using them for comedic effect in the more dramatic beats. A secondary character had one in the middle of a monologue, suddenly passing out while a crowd rushed over to him. The visions were reenacted with tricks of light and masked characters, reminiscent of interpretive dances.
"Okay, I have to ask," Clarke brought up while they meandered down the street. "The castle on the hill - that's the Polis Hotel, right?"
Lexa nodded. "Lincoln has a complicated relationship with his heritage, to say the least. He's keenly aware growing up in a luxury hotel was a great privilege, but it also messed with his head. He basically shared a home with thousands of strangers for eighteen years."
"I'd always admired Polis from afar, but I can't imagine growing up there. Don't get me wrong, that was one hell of a party, but-"
"It's not a place for a kid," Lexa finished, in agreement.  
Clarke ate the last bite of her chocolate waffle and threw the paper in the trash. “You must be pretty familiar with it.”
Lexa glanced at her and smiled. "The cat and I go back."
"Right. That night was a bit intense, even for you."
Lexa let out a laugh, looking away with a hum. "You know, you make me sound quite strange."
Clarke bumped her shoulder. "You pinned me against the staircase - you are strange."
"I didn't… pin you," Lexa replied with a huff. "I was drunk, high off an excellent game of poker… and I saw you. And I needed to be close to you."
Clarke stopped them in the street, grateful they'd left the busy part. "And the Gazette?"
“What about it?”
"You offered me a side job. Just like that."
"Oh," Lexa remembered. "I genuinely thought you'd be good at it. Still do. Your style would be perfect."
That was surprising, but Clarke wasn't convinced. "It wasn't because of your vision?"
"It was a way to talk to you, yes, but I meant it. I know the visions were… well, the reason for this, that they nudged us together, but I'd noticed you drawing before."
They walked a bit further before Clarke took a small breath. "I, uh, may have looked at the pages in older prints."
Lexa glanced at her. "And?"
"It could be fun. I'm just not sure-" Clarke scrunched her nose. "I'm just so rusty. Art is what I got into college for, but then I took up business classes and… I don't know, it just felt so much easier. Don't get me wrong, managing the café kicks my ass every day, but I like the challenges. With drawings, paintings, whatever… it feels like putting your heart on the line each time. And nine times out of ten, your heart ends up getting trampled."
Lexa took her hand to stop her. "I would never suggest you do something that makes you uncomfortable. If it's truly just a hobby to you, a way to pass the time, you should keep it that way."
It wasn't like Clarke hadn't considered it. Drawing, sketching; it came as naturally as breathing. She'd done it since she could hold a pencil and she still did it whenever the world became too loud. It was an escape; a different way of thinking. Her own little world. Illustrating short stories could be a welcome breath of fresh air. A way for her brain to snap away from bills, calls, deliveries, and the hundreds of post-its in her tiny office.
"And for the record," Lexa added as she stepped closer, her voice impossibly soft, "I would very much stand in the way of whoever or whatever would try to trample you."
Clarke grinned, very much aware that, not so long ago, these were not words she could have ever imagined Lexa Woods telling her.  
* * *
As she had the last time, Lexa insisted that she walk Clarke back to her apartment. After a night full of laughs, great food, and Lexa's hand in hers, Clarke still didn't have her fill and so didn't tease Lexa too much for also wanting to enjoy every last second. When they made it to her door, Clarke turned around and leaned against it. Tonight couldn't end here.
"By the way, you were wrong earlier. My vision isn't the reason for this." Clarke waited a beat before playing her last hand: "It's not the vision I thought about that night after the rooftop."
Lexa's mouth parted open and she glanced at Clarke's lips.
"I was going to," Clarke continued, "but it didn't hold a candle to how you made me feel when you grabbed my hand."
Lexa swallowed when Clarke reached for her jacket to tug her closer. "How did I make you feel?"  
Clarke pulled her in until their foreheads touched. "Warm. Dizzy."
"Dizzy on a rooftop? That's a safety hazard."
"Are you trying to turn me on or are you trying to make me laugh?"
"They're not mutually exclusive."
They broke into laughter anyway. Lexa leaned in to kiss her, only to stop just as their lips brushed.
"You never told me about your vision," Lexa pointed out. "Not… not exactly."
Clarke smiled, smug. "Oh you want details, hm?"
"I'm a journalist. A thorough account would be nice, yes."
Clarke narrowed her eyes at her before crushing their lips together, unbelievably pleased when Lexa moaned and wrapped her arms around her waist.
"Shut up, journo," Clarke husked between kisses.
Lexa kissed her with little restraint then, moving until Clarke was pressed against the door. Each one of Lexa's kisses felt like something special; like finally she'd shed her old fears. Clarke didn't even want to think of not being close to Lexa right now. The night couldn't end - not like this. She pulled back and gazed at Lexa, trying to catch her breath.
This close, Clarke could commit to memory every detail of her face. She'd always thought she got a good look at Lexa at the café, even with the counter between them, but it was nothing compared to this. Lexa's lips were full and at their most tempting when slightly parted, betraying her own desire. Her eyes were hooded now, longing, and Clarke had little doubt hers reflected the same want. She threw caution to the wind:
"Come inside?"
Lexa hesitated, visibly torn.
"We don't have to do anything. I have a nice wine we can try. Some of Gus's tartlets left over. We can even sit with the box between us. I just… I don't want tonight to be over yet."
* * *
It was not what she'd had in mind. She swore it. Nevertheless, when Clarke found herself straddling Lexa on her living room couch with the box of tartlets discarded on the floor (the tartlets well finished by then), she couldn't remember why the hell not.
Maybe the air had already been too charged by the time she wiped her thumb over Lexa's lip to catch a crumb there, and maybe Clarke had liked playing with fire, but now she was well on her way to being burned. Lexa's hands palmed her ass while they kissed, but it was the boldest she allowed herself to be and Clarke was quickly reaching her breaking point.
"Touch me," she pleaded between kisses.
Lexa let out a choked moan when Clarke reached for her hand and guided it to her breasts. She paused, looking up. The green in her eyes had darkened, especially in the dim light, and she breathed deeply.
"I know, I know, just - something. Anything." Clarke leaned her forehead against Lexa's. "I feel like a fucking teenager."
Lexa let out a small laugh before kissing her sweetly, slowly. It had the soothing effect she had intended, and before Clarke realized it, Lexa had lied her down on her back. She hovered over her, then looked down at her cleavage and pressed her lips against the exposed skin.
"Is that better?" She asked.
Lexa let out a hum against her skin, pressing another kiss lower. Clarke brushed her fingers in Lexa's thick hair, digging just slightly in her scalp, surprised when Lexa let out a small moan and then froze with wide eyes, like Clarke had just found her secret.
"Oh," Clarke breathed out, her smile widening. She repeated the gesture, pressing her fingers just a bit harder.
Lexa immediately grabbed her hands and pinned them down on each side of Clarke's head.
"Don't do that," she warned her, breathless.
Clarke smirked. "I think I will."
"It was just a reflex," Lexa blushed. "It's been a while."
Clarke couldn't help but laugh, happiness bubbling in her chest at how comfortable she felt with Lexa's body slotted between her legs. "Well, I'm very happy to find out whatever draws out those sounds from you."
Lexa seemed to realize just how close they were, locked together with their fingers entwined. And just like the rooftop when she'd suddenly grabbed her hand, her expression changed. Confident. Eager.
She sat back, eyes trailing down Clarke's body before she let go of her hands to touch her thighs.
"You like control, don't you, Clarke?" She asked. She ran her hands up her thighs, caressing them slowly. "But not now."
Clarke nearly lost her breath, not expecting the way Lexa had shifted so quickly from embarrassed to self-assured. She watched as Lexa drank her in, from her bunched up dress to the fast rise and fall of her chest.
"Touch yourself," Lexa told her, and then leaned down to brush her lips against hers. "The way you did after the rooftop."
"I want to watch you."
Clarke nodded, her hand trailing down her own body to the bottom of her dress. Lexa watched as she reached beneath the fabric, eager to follow her command. She slid her hand beneath her tights, beneath her underwear, moaning at the relief when she finally touched herself. She knew Lexa could feel her heat; knew they were both reaching a point of no return. It had started when Lexa had kissed her at the start of their date, but Lexa's hands on her ass while they'd kissed had awakened her completely.
Lexa briefly glanced between their bodies, groaning when she saw Clarke's hand moving.
"Is this how you did it?" She asked. "Two fingers?"
Clarke let out an obscene moan, too far gone to care. "Three," she whimpered.
Lexa's jaw clenched, but her control was remarkable. "Did you imagine it on the rooftop? Me inside you against that wall?"
Clarke's eyes squeezed shut as she bit down on her lip. "Yes. Fuck."
She swiped her fingers over her clit, but the angle and her tights restricted most of her movements. She was fairly certain Lexa knew it. Lexa leaned down again, kissing her neck.
"How did I fuck you?" She asked by her ear, one hand reaching up to lightly brush against her breast.
Clarke panted, fighting the unbearable need to penetrate herself. She needed release, and fast, but a part of her was too stubborn to give in just yet.
"You pressed me against the wall," she revealed, burying her face in Lexa's neck. With her free hand, she dug her nails in Lexa's ass, feeling a thrill when Lexa bucked against her. "And then- I… I needed more. I needed you deeper."
"So I turned you around," Lexa guessed, squeezing her nipple over the fabric of her dress.
"I- oh, fuck, I couldn't stop thinking about you inside me; how well you'd fill me," Clarke said, her middle finger trembling from the angle, desperate to inch inside herself.
"Jesus, Clarke," Lexa breathed out in the space between her neck and shoulder. Her lips felt like heaven against her skin. Clarke couldn't get enough.
"Clarke," Lexa repeated, raising her head. "Look at me." It was softer then, more of a plea.
Clarke opened her eyes and felt her movements slow down. It was like experiencing déjà-vu, except of course that was impossible. They'd never done this. But she suddenly realized it had all started here. She'd had her vision on this very couch and here she was - not fulfilling it, exactly, but close. Yet what she'd seen and even felt had never been like this. It had been purely physical - an erotic thrill in her otherwise predictable life. But she hadn't felt her heart beating out of her chest. She'd had a sense it was more intimate than what she was used to, but hadn't been able to quite grasp what that meant. She knew now. Their intensity wasn't so much physical as it was emotional.
She felt safe with Lexa. They still had so much to learn about each other, but she felt safe. And Clarke had never realized the importance of it. Lexa had trusted her with her pain and her heart - that wasn't something Clarke took lightly. It was a feeling not even her vision could have conveyed.
"Fuck, wait, wait, stop," she abruptly panted, pulling her hand out of her underwear.
Lexa backed away immediately, but Clarke sat up to stop her from moving off the couch.
"Lexa, I… I want to be with you," she said, as if remembering her vision had suddenly clarified everything. "When you're ready, I want to be with you completely."
"I want that too." Lexa still seemed confused, or maybe surprised Clarke had done the equivalent of dunking ice cold water atop her own head.
“Right. And - this is fun. I-” Clarke’s eyes briefly closed as she bit her lip. “Fuck I really want to get off-”
Lexa smiled.
“-but not like this.” Clarke reached out to cup her cheeks. “Not without you.” She kissed Lexa briefly, barely a brush of lips, and watched as her eyes followed her every move so tenderly. “Not if I don’t get to touch you too.”
Clarke shook her head, kissing her way down Lexa's jaw and neck. "Not if I can't see all of you. Can't hear you moan my name." She licked over Lexa's pulse, enjoying the way her hips bucked against her. "Not if I can't taste you while you come undone."
Lexa pulled back and brushed away some of Clarke's wild strands of hair. "Such words… You should be a journalist."
"I hear they have egos."
"Oh yes, terrible."
"I'm glad I found one that's not so bad then."
They smiled at each other, then took a breath.
"Sorry," Clarke sighed. "I feel like I'm the one giving you whiplash now."
"No, it's only fair. If anything I admire your restraint."
Clarke leaned back against the arm of the couch. "Maybe you'll just have to work harder next time."
Lexa smirked. "I can do that." She glanced at her breasts. "At least I made new friends."
Clarke let out a laugh, enamored. "Alright, well, you and my tits can pick up this conversation another time. I need a shower and if you're not gone in two minutes, I'm definitely dragging you in with me."
Lexa hummed in agreement.
After Clarke walked her to the entrance and watched Lexa put on her shoes and jacket, they lingered in the doorway.
"Thank you for tonight," Clarke said. She had never felt like this before - a part of her desperate to find a way for Lexa to stay. A way to prolong the conversation. To ward off the night so that Lexa and her could just live in this moment a while longer. "The play, the food, this… Everything."
She hoped Lexa felt the same.
"Trust me, it was my pleasure," Lexa replied, her face still slightly flushed.
"You've set the bar high."
"You took me to a secret hike. I was just trying to catch up."
At Clarke's smile, Lexa bit her lip and toyed with the button of her jacket. "Anya used to say I reacted to everything with either fight or flight. I didn't prove her wrong when I left for Costial, but I don't want to run away again."
Clarke nodded in understanding.
“It just… creeps up on me sometimes,” Lexa continued. “I could be having the time of my life one second and the next my chest gets tighter and the world gets smaller. Suffocating.” She gave her a resolute look. “When I meant slow, I meant… I just need to be sure that feeling won’t come between us again." She glanced at her lips. "But… It also means that once we do cross that line, I intend to make up for lost time.”
Clarke swallowed, fighting the urge to drag Lexa back inside. "I'm a patient woman."
Lexa smiled. "Goodnight, Clarke."
"Mm. Text me when you get home?"
"I will."
[part eleven]
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h0neyjaehyun · 3 years
☁︎ 𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐥 ☁︎
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Summary // Its Tali's birthday and her brothers
Characters // Tali Flores + Miguel Flores (ft. NCT127+ Bang Chan + Karma Yoon + Song-ho + Allen.)
Era / Year // February 2017
Word Count //
Italics // English
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"Out of all days...you just had to pick our birthday to model." Tali said shaking her head.
Tali accepted her brothers invitation to model with him in February but didn't know it was going to be on their birthday. She had to leave early so the boys won't stop her from going. She had to tell her manager to tell Nct 127 manager to tell the members she had a schedule today so they won't worry cause they took her phone because of hate comments.(yes ofc we totally love that)
Miguel chuckled at her and put his arm around her shoulders.
"Come on its been awhile and its been awhile since we have spent time together." He pointed out.
She rolled her eyes at him, but did have a point. His modeling career has been off the charts going to different countries to model at points she joins him but they haven't spent a lot of time together properly especially on birthdays, one always seems busy.
"Come on people lets get these twins changed we gotta start." The photographer shouted and people started to scramble.
She has forgotten how this type of modeling was like and its a lot work and longer too. Since usually its more like oh they get two outfits each 5 poses and only one place to stay go while this...this is multiple outfits, different changes, different makeup styles each and places changes.
She mentally groaned remembering all of this, since she sometimes modeled here and there with her brother since he wasn't yet comfortable with other people aka girls. She didn't mind at first but its been awhile since she did this.
After she came out of the dressing room with her outfit that people helped her put on, her brother clapped.
"What?" She raised an eyebrow at him.
"You look great."
"Oh tha-"
"Cause you look just like me." He said with such confidence cutting her off. Tali gave him such a dirty look.
"What?" He said questioning her dirty look.
"Nevermind, I'm just wondering how I'm related to you." She said looking him up and down and walked out of the dressing room. Miguel looked at her with a disbelief look on his face thinking, I forgot how much of a bitch she can be.
While Tali was walking out her manager got gave her the phone. It was Doyoung. She answered.
"Hi Doyoung."
"Hi princess, happy birthday."
"Aw thank you."
"The guys are wondering where you are, we wanna celebrate your birthday."
"Oh.." She quickly looked back at her manager signaling her to come back over. She covered the mic quickly.
"Did you tell the manager to tell the members that I have a schedule?"
"Then why is Doyoung calling me where I am."
"Just tell him you are on a schedule all day."
Her manager waved off, Tali huffed and went back to the phone.
"Uh, I'm at a schedule right now sorry."
"I know, but we wanna come over and visit."
"Oh.... I don't know where we are I slept half way here, let me ask if-" She turned to see her brother shaking his head no, she frowned and mouthed okay.
"Sorry. I can't have visitors." She said glaring at Miguel.
"Oh, when can you come back home?"
"I don't know, I'm sorry." Tali said apologetically.
"Oh Tali don't be sorry, we should its your birthday."
"Oh don't worry, I'm not alone its okay I will hopefully see you tonight I have to go, tell the guys I said hi."
"Will do Tali." She ended the call with a pout and turned to her brother.
"Really, I can't bring them?"
"Nope, this is a brother and sister bonding time, its been awhile since we modeled together lets go lazy ass." He said dragging her to the set.
"Yeah yeah, Im comin."
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"Yeah?" Doyoung turned to Mark.
"Can we come over?"
Doyoung shook his head, all the members excitement went down drastically.
"Why not?" Taeyong asked quite upset, he wanted to see Talia.
"I don't really know, she just said no visitors allowed." Doyoung slouched in the couch.
"What is she doing anyway?" Haechan whinned.
"She is modeling." Their manager walked in past them to get water.
"Why? She didn't have a schedule for modeling yet." Taeyong said checking her schedule on his phone since she shares it with him because she has different schedules than them its easy to keep track of her so he knows when she gets home.
"She doesn't have it down, it was a favor for a family member, she accepted but she didn't know it was on her birthday she will comeback later don't worry." He waving it off.
The members were taken aback she never talks about her family so never thought she would do something for them especially model.
"Why modeling?" Jaehyun asked his manager.
"Because one of the family members is a model and asked her to model with them, you will see it in Vogue." He said walking off to his room.
The members eyes went big, they didn't think she had a family member that modeled especially one for vogue.
"I wonder how attractive her family is, like think about it." Yuta reasoned.
Everyone nodded Tali was pretty, what about her family?
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"Final one Tali you two get to go home!" The photographer said happily. Tali smiled and so did Miguel.
It was almost dark.
"Happy birthday asshole." Tali said putting him in head lock.
"Happy birthday bitch." As he was about to tackle her on the ground the heard someone clear their throat. They looked up to see four familiar faces.
"Hey guys, what are you doing here." Miguel said while Tali was releasing him from the head lock.
"To say happy brithday to you two idiots." Karma said hugging Talia then Miguel.
"Yeah, questionable why you guys are working on your birthday." Chan said hugging both of them in a tight hug.
"Ask Miguel he dragged me here." Tali said hugging Allen then Song-ho. Song-ho shook his head at her.
"Well, we all wanna hangout for your birthday tonight you two up for that." Allen asked.
"Yeah but what time?" Tali asked wondering if she needs to sneak out.
"Around 1am." Allen said checking his phone.
"Why so late, not that I don't mind honestly probably Tali needs a breather." Miguel said eyeing Tali.
"We are gonnna celebrate at the spot." Song-ho smiled widely with the rest aswell remembering all the memories from there.
"Looks like I'm sneaking out." Tali said with a huff.
"Ooh, like usually." Miguel teasingly messing up her hair.
"I came to drop you off aswell Tali." Chan said grabbing her bag.
"Thank youu~, see you guys later and Allen."
"Pick me up at the corner instead."
With that she left with Chan.
"So, you gonna sneak out?" "Yup."
"This reminds me of highschool when you used to sneak out, and you still get all A's, you amaze me Tali." Chan said shaking his head.
"Wow flattery will get you no where Chan." She snickered
"Ah wait don't pull that trick on me." Chan warned her while she laughed.
"Have fun Tali, while you still can."
"Is this why you are actually allowing this to happen?" She raised an eyebow at him.
"Of course, but you know our deal." He said eyeing her.
"Of course of course until I'm 19 or Korean age practically 18. But I can't get drunk either way neither can you, if we do....we will end up in bed with someone." She said eyeing him suspiciously as they got the front entrence to the apartment. He turned to her with a are you kidding me face.
"I have no-" "shhhh, you said that last time and you ended up like that." She cut him off getting out of the car.
"I hate you Tali!" He shouted
"Oh shut up you love me." She said walking in laughing.
She got on the elevator with relief. Just really thinking of all the things that happened in her life good and bad.
She got out of the elevator and went to the 127 dorm since she figured they wanted her there. She opened the door it was dark, she thought they all went to sleep which was her luck to get really until the lights turned on and saw the members.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TALIA" They all yelled running up to her and hugging the life out of her.
"Happy birthday Talia." Haechan said back hugging her.
"Aww thank you guys."
"LETS CELEBRATE!" Johnny yelled
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It was now 12:30 she was back at the dream dorm everyone was asleep and when I'm mean everyone I mean everyone. After Tali showered she saw everyone passed out not one soul awake she didn't party that much as she needed to go.
As usually she managed to actually leave without anyone noticing running down the stairs, and out the door she left.
Running down the block she saw a black car with 2 people in it who seem like Allen and Song-ho waving at her to jump in...literally.
She ran and jumped over the door and in the back seat as Allen pushed the gas and went to the spot where everyone is waiting. She felt the breeze going through her hair she hasn't felt that in a while. They stopped at a construction site and went up the stairs to see cake, balloons and a fire.
"Finally, I want some cake." Karma said walking next to her looping her arm with hers and pulling her to the cake.
"Okay lets Gooooo."
"Happpy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday Twins, Happy birthday to you."
They all sang. Then they both blew the candles.
"OKAY LETS EAT SOME CAKE." Allen yelled.
(Yes I know the bite for some people/ cultures, but Karma would kill them if they destroyed the cake.)
Song-ho, Karma, Allen and Miguel were drinking while Talia and Chan weren't.
"AY, why you guys not drinking, well Chan, I know why Tali is not." Allen asked quickly clarifying.
"Because I need to drive you and Tali home, and personally I would like to be conscious." Chan said matter a fact tone. Allen rolled his eyes at him so did the others.
"Come one lets go out I'm bored." Tali whined while pulling Chan.
"Okay okay, how about the park like we used too?"
Everyone nodded in agreement.
They were walking some airplaning down the street just goofing around. Tali sat on a swing with Allen looking at her.
"What is it?" Tali asked noticing him staring.
"....do you miss him?"
Tali was taken back.
"Yeah, yeah I do." She whispered but enough for him to hear, she knew who he was talking about.
"Wanna give him some flowers before we go any farther?"
Tali stopped swinging and thought about it for a moment.
"Sure its been awhile."
Allen smiled at her.
Everyone turned, knowing exactly who he was talking about. Everyone softened and smiled at the thought of visiting him.
"YEAH SURE." Karma yelled out loud walk towards them with Chan, Miguel and Song-ho.
"You think she is gonna be able to?" Karma whisper to the three boys before they reach Tali and Allen.
"Yeah...." Chan stopped for a second making Karma, Miguel and Song-ho look at him.
"She has to, if she wants to keep that promise."
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bush-viper-cutie · 4 years
Happy Birthday
Pairing: young!severus X reader
Word Count: 3,099
Rating: T for teen
Plot: It’s your birthday and you can’t wait to attend a big party where most of your fellow 7th years will be, including one Severus Snape. Ready to be more outgoing, you take a chance and participate in several fun activities that leave you wanting more.
Warnings: Bullying, kissing, steamy-ness
A/N: It was my birthday this week so I thought I’d write this quick one for everyone! If it’s your birthday this month then HAPPY BIRTHDAY and if it isn’t then a very late/early happy birthday to you :DD
Posted: 5/7/20
(y/n) = your name
(y/h) = your house
(e/c) = eye color
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~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Everyone who was anyone was going to be at the top of the astronomy tower tonight, ready to celebrate you and three other student’s birthdays. You made your way down the cold corridor, clutching your cloak tight to avoid a shiver.
Your shoes clacked on the dry stone and echoed through the corridor as you made it to the tower. You took it two steps at a time, ready for the best night of your Hogwarts life. You were normally shy, rather reserved, and focused on your studies all other nights, but tonight you were ready to be your dream self.
You could hear the music pounding on the door of the astronomy classroom and wondered how on earth no teacher had found out about it yet. You opened the door and the second you stepped through several people cheered, welcoming you in.
The room was open, of course since there needed to be a no ceiling for stargazing, but glittery streamers were still gently gliding high in the air, reflecting the changing lights of candles and torches on the wall. Some students in the back were playing their magical instruments of choice while laughing and keeping rhythm.
You turned and saw a pile of cloaks in the corner and added to it, freeing yourself for the night of your old self, ready to embrace the new you.
“(Y/n)! Over here!” a group of students were waving.
You smiled and ran over, jumping on your friend and giving them a hug, “This party is amazing!”
You looked around at all the students, spotting almost all (Y/H) seventh years – and some sixth years – along with dozens of other students from the other houses. No one was wearing their school uniforms, though the outfits seemed decent enough to get caught in.
“Drinks are over there!” your friend pointed over to a table with several chalices, “Careful though, its spiked.”
You nodded and left your group to grab a drink. The liquid in the chalices were orange and smelled like pumpkin juice, but there was a slight sparkle to it that seemed unusual. You held it to your nose and noted that it smelled amazing, almost making you want to chug it immediately.
You tipped it to your lips and took a sip. You were immediately hit with an immense sense of absolute joy and happiness. Euphoria! You jumped happily and skipped back to your friends, falling onto one of the cushions on the bench, careful not to hit your head on a decorated telescope.
“MMM! Who brewed the Euphoria? It’s amazing!” you chugged the remaining liquid, cheered, and vigorously set your cup down beside you.
“Those Slytherins over there,” your friend pointed to a group of boys. “James made them brew it if they wanted to be let in.”
You looked over at the group and spotted Severus Snape, Mr. Perfect Potions in every class you had taken with him since first year. “Of course.” He was first to finish, the only one who could actually follow the teacher’s instructions, and everyone knew he was the one writing several of the Slytherin’s essays since fifth year.
You remembered asking him once for help on a potion and receiving it easily, which had surprised you at the time. It was after that encounter that you had begun to distance yourself from several of the Gryffindors that picked on him and others like him. They always talked about how awful he was… but he had been so nice to you that day.
He was leaning on the wall on the opposite side with his arms crossed at his chest and long dark hair falling at the sides of his face. He was always clean shaven and quiet, which made you wonder what he was doing in a place like this, especially, with his four bullies just a few feet from him.
You smiled, If Severus can enjoy a party like this, so can I. You laughed at that. Severus wasn’t exactly enjoying anything, just leaning against a wall with his two friends looking at everyone else enjoy things. “Snape can brew a mean Euphoria.”
“That I can’t argue with.”
Your friends continued talking for several more minutes until the last birthday kid arrived which meant the festivities could fully begin.
James stood on a bench and kicked some cups out of his way, “I’d like to thank every last one of you for finding that Gryffindor braveness inside of you and risking your weekends from now until we graduate in a few months to come to this party!”
You clapped with everyone else but rolled your eyes at his theatrics.
“Happy Birthday Remus, my friend, along with the three other students who share his birthday who have also helped put this party together,” he disheveled his own hair and jerked strands out of his eyes. “Let’s have cake!”
A giant cake appeared in the center of the room where five large blankets were spread out. The cake divided itself up into small pieces and James instructed everyone to gather around. A candle popped out of every piece and Remus, you, and the other students stepped forward.
The candles and torches went out and the cake candles lit. Everyone started singing the shortest birthday song most wizards knew and you blew out your fourth of the candles in one blow at the very end. Everyone clapped and Remus got an extra toast from Sirius and Peter.
Several students went back to talking and dancing, but a majority of the students stayed seated in the circle. You knew exactly what was coming. It had been the talk of the school for a month now and at first you knew there was absolutely NO Way you were participating… but now you felt really giddy and excited about it.
“Cake Talk is about to begin so,” Sirius looked at Severus and the other Slytherins, “anyone who doesn’t want to participate LEAVE.”
He stared at them a minute and laughed. Severus frowned and made to stand but his two friends held him down in his spot. Severus crossed his arms and stared back at Sirius, standing his ground.
“Fine then. Let’s begin,” he looked at Severus again and fake gagged, making several students laugh.
The cake floated higher in the air except for a single piece which stayed at mouth level in the air. A bottle of clear liquid appeared under cake piece and everyone clapped. The music was loud but you could still somehow hear the bated breathes of everyone as they waited for something to happen.
Suddenly, the blankets lifted two students from opposite sides of the circle and quickly carried them to the center.
“Ooooh,” the crowd cheered them on.
They looked nervous to face each other but nodded, waiting for someone to yell out a personal question.
“Have you two done it!”
Everyone burst out laughing, making the two students blush. You covered your mouth, remembering the rumor going around school last term about them getting caught in the broom closet.
“Boooo,” the crowd yelled.
The two students decided not to drink the Veritaserum to answer the question and leaned forward, eating the single piece of cake at the same time until their lips touched. The blanket picked them up again and sent them back to their original spots. Another piece floated down and the process began again.
The blanket chose several Ravenclaws, Hufflepuffs, Gryffindors, but now this was the first time a Slytherin was chosen forward. There were a handful of them in the circle, but the first one chosen was none other than Severus Snape.
He was sent forward, catching him by surprise, along with a male student. Laughter arose and Severus looked straight down, avoiding everyone’s eyes.
Sirius threw out the question, “Would you rather kiss the giant squid!”
“Cake,” Severus answered, causing a roar of laughter from the room.
“Talk,” the male student drank from the bottle. “I would rather kiss and marry the giant squid!”
“We all would, mate!” James clapped.
Severus and the other student were sent back and the cake piece stayed floating, waiting. More students went but your eyes were focused on Severus still. His arms were folded and his head was bent so low all his hair had come forward. Something was growing in the pit of your stomach. Guilt? Anger? This game was unfair and the Euphoria was either starting to wear off or it was no longer strong enough to hold back certain feelings.
The blanket was choosing again and this time James leaned forward and smacked the blankets with both hands. Severus and a female student were sent forward. This time Severus sighed and rolled his eyes, knowing exactly what was going to happen.
“What’s Snivellus remind you of?”
“Cake,” Severus folded his arms again.
“Talk,” she took a swig and burst out yelling, “A greasy slug!”
The Slytherins booed but the other students cheered. They were sent back again and two new students were chosen. Severus tried getting up to leave but the blanket had taken hold with a velcro-like strength.
You wished the game would end already. Him and most Slytherins were being treated so awful. You wished you were back by the punch admiring the music and blowing Whispering Bubbles over the edge of the tower with the other students.
You were staring off into the night sky at all the bright stars when you felt something lift you up and you turned as you were rushed forward to the center. You almost yelped but you held your mouth closed until you were set back down.
You looked up and saw the intense black eyes of Severus Snape. His arms were folded but for as long as you looked at him, he looked at you. You blushed and turned away, dreading whatever question was going to be thrown your way.
“You a virgin?”
“Course he is!”
Severus frowned and mumbled his usual reply, “Cake.” He looked away, almost agitated that everything was taking so long.
You looked around and saw you friends looking at you through almost closed fingers. They had warned you not to participate but you didn’t listen, all too eager to have your first kiss.
You breathed out and looked at Severus, making up your mind, “Cake.”
The crowd gasped and went silent. Severus looked up with parted lips, clearly shocked by your choice. He closed his mouth and swallowed, blushing deeply.
You looked at the cake and leaned forward, waiting for Severus to do the same. You looked into his dark eyes as he put his lips to the cake, ready to follow your lead. You took a bite out of the corner, followed by him, both heads tilting in opposite directions. His nose rubbed the tip of yours as another bite was taken, and then another.
He smelled wonderful, you realized. Like a library full of books and a freshly watered garden mixed with the obvious scent that belonged to him and only him. You swallowed the spongy bread with ease and found yourself eager to get to the center, ready to connect lips with him at the last bite.
You closed your eyes and breathed in the sugary smell of the expertly whipped frosting, opening your mouth and closing your lips around the tiny bit of cake, savoring it. You felt his lips touch yours and it felt like a jolt of electricity had traveled from your lips to your chest.
For a second you forgot where you were, the music stopped, and all you could feel was Severus’ breath incredibly close. You swallowed the last bit and pressed forward still, feeling a bit of frosting smear your parted lips as they connected with his. He tasted like vanilla and you found your tongue searching for any leftover sprinkles on his tongue.
He tasted even better than the cake and you couldn’t help but reach for him, grabbing his sweater and pulling him in closer. You shut your eyes tighter as you felt your lips grow warmer and begin to tingle. You felt the need to get closer, to press your body against him, but you had to remember where you were.
You pulled away and gasped, keeping your eyes locked on his as he caught his breath. He was blushing and smiling, entranced by the moment as much as you were. You wiped the white frosting off your lips and sucked it off your thumb slowly, wanting to capture his gaze even longer.
As sudden as the first time, the blanket lifted you up and rushed you back to your spot. You smiled and covered your mouth, searching for Severus’ onyx eyes again. He glanced up at you from his spot and looked down, an obvious smile playing at his lips.
The blanket no longer felt like velcro and you took the opportunity to stand up and walk over to the pumpkin juice hoping to still your racing heart. You turned and hoped Severus was following, but saw it was James and Sirius instead – the only two of their group of friends who had already gone and were free to leave.
You took a chalice and chugged it down, needing to lift your spirits to deal with James and Sirius and whatever they were about to pull.
“Well that was…” Sirius looked to James.
“Surprising, I’d say.” James looked over at Severus who was looking over from the back wall.
“Couldn’t have been that nice if you had to rush over here and chug the juice down,” Sirius yelled a little louder than you had wanted.
You glanced over at Severus who looked away, clearly upset by what he had heard. Even then as James and Sirius tried to make him seem unlikable, your heart was still racing and your lips still ached for his. You turned to them and shoved the empty chalice in their hands.
You walked towards Severus but he left for the other side of the room. You needed to tell him how much you loved it. How you felt like you wanted more, needed more of him. You sighed and waited by a bench for your group of friends to be done.
The torchlights were dimming, and the candles were going out as the hour went on. The night was close to being ruined and there was only one last event that could save it. There were less students but still an enormous handful, and Severus was with his friends talking and drinking one cup after another, that stayed behind.
Cushions from all four houses were being summoned and set on the floor as couples took their spots and claimed each other’s lips. You gulped and decided to use that ‘Gryffindor braveness’ James had mentioned and made your way to Severus.
Him and his friends were getting ready to leave when he saw you. He frowned, making himself look even less approachable than normal, and folded his arms.
“What.” His tone was harsh and it made every hair on your body stand on end.
“Will you join me?” Your voice was louder than you that it would be and was pleased. Maybe you were brave, and just never used it.
His face shifted along with his tone, becoming softer, “Join you?”
More candles were getting put out and you stepped closer, feeling your heart start to race again and your cheeks flush once more. His friends were annoyingly still around, obviously easily engrossed in the drama and you realized this room was the last place you wanted to be with him in.
You smiled, finding it easier to keep talking, “Join me in the empty Ancient Ruins classroom bellow this tower.”
You winked at him and saw his face light up. He nodded and pushed his friends away, thinking the same thing as you about privacy. You took his hand and led him down – taking your cloak with you – and ran giggling into the completely dark and empty room.
The second the door shut you pinned him to the door and pressed yourself against him, kissing him as deeply as possible. You could feel a rush of excitement overtake you and a wave of ecstasy wash over as he moaned behind his smile.
He pulled you in closer and wrapped his arms around, hugging you tight. You stood on your tip toes and unlatched his arms, grabbed his wrists like cuffs and pressed your knuckles to the hard surface behind him. This was the first time you had ever done anything like this and was surprised by your sudden actions.
You had him pushed against the door with his wrists pinned above his shoulders and was currently trailing kisses down his jaw, slowly turning them into bites around his neck. What surprised you most of all was how much he was enjoying it.
You could feel his chest rise and fall with his heavy breaths, matching yours. He turned his head, giving you more of his neck as you nibbled and pulled at his skin. Little red marks were appearing now and, pleased with them, moved back up along his jaw to his mouth.
The moonlight shining through the high windows created a magical glow around you in the silence of the room. Severus eagerly took your lips and hummed with pleasure. You let go of one wrist and trailed your hand down his body, allowing his free hand to do the same. He gripped your waist and pulled you closer, pushing you against him.
“Go out with me!” he blurted out quickly.
He let go of you and you stepped back, watching his face go red. Your happiness overtook you and you started giggling, unable to help thinking how incredibly cute he was. He was covering his face with his hands and shaking his head, his dark tendril-like hair swinging softly and only his nose poked from between his tightly pressed hands.
You smiled and continued giggling, attacking his nose and hands with soft kisses, “Gladly, Severus!”
He looked up and smiled, fixing his glittering black eyes on your (e/c) ones, “Really?”
You stepped closer and stood on your toes once more, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and kissing him passionately. He smiled behind the passionate kiss and wrapped his arms around you once more.
You broke out into a million pecks and finally responded, “I would love nothing more.”
He leaned down and rested his head on your shoulders, breathing softly on your skin, “Happy Birthday, (y/n).”
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
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carebearbliss · 4 years
How NCT 127 would confess to you
A/N: This took way longer than it was intended, but here it is! Hope you enjoy~
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Taeil went over the plan at least 50 times to make sure the delivery would be as smooth as he hoped it would be
Probably couldn’t really sleep the night before cause what if you reject him????
Plans on singing a love song specially for you, like a private mini concert in a rented out café you two frequent a lot
When you get to your usual hangout spot, the lights were out and you were confused af
But then as the lights went back on again you saw Taeil standing on a makeshift stage and the café was decorated with cute fairy lights and balloons and all
Then music started playing as he serenaded you sweetly and honestly you were already sold from the minute he started singing ngl
Kinda messes up what he prepared to say to you afterwards because he doesn’t want to screw it up but also when he looks at you his mind kinda goes blank
So happy and relieved when you tell him the feeling’s mutual that he lowkey almost tripped on the way back to his seat cause he lost feeling in both his legs
Lots of shy and awkward gazing and blushing on both parts, but when you meet each other’s gaze he gives you the brightest smile ever
Overall just really adorable????
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I swear 10/10 this guy had something elaborate and romantic planned out the moment he realized his feelings for you
Would probably pull out something kinda cheesy to impress you, like playing your favorite song on the piano (or teaching you how to play,       o o f)
I can see him taking you on walks around the city afterwards, someplace quiet with a nice scenery that would provide a nice backdrop for his confession
Tells you he’s gonna go pick up a call real quick, then kinda disappears
You get lowkey angry like wtf Johnny w h a t are you doing, but then he sends you text messages to a sort of scavenger hunt
Was actually planning on just telling you verbally what you mean to him and how he feels for you but then realized he’s not really good at doing that face to face so this is his fun alternative
Anyways, he gives you hints and directions through text message and at each ‘landmark’ he directs you to, you find small notes where he wrote down what exactly he likes about you and moments he realized he’s in love with you
Basically the boi wrote you a love letter but scattered around at least 7 different spots while he’s hiding who knows where
By the time you get to the final spot you see him standing in front of you with a large bouquet in his hands (for you) and this silly grin on his face
Lowkey almost moved you to tears as he told you he likes you
You spend the night looking at the stars and walking hand in hand as you two talk about anything and everything at the same time
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Y’know those smooth pick-up lines he pulls out of his sleeves? Yeah, prepare for those cause they are definitely coming your way
Would probably go for a sweet and sentimental confession
Lowkey tries to hint at his feelings for you by recommending love songs every now and then
One day he randomly shows up at your doorstep with your favorite flowers in one hand and a gift in the other (and also some snacks and sweets cause why the heck not)
I can see him gifting you something very meaningful, like a photo album with pictures of you two and places you went together or an entire playlist of songs that made him think of you
You thought it’d just be a normal hangout with your best friend
But then he tries to coyly recommend a song to you and asks you to listen to it and tell him what you think of it
5 seconds in you realize it’s actually him singing a self-made confession song for you
He gets embarrassed halfway through you listening to the song cause you keep staring at him with this touched expression on your face
But when the song’s over you’re just kind of left speechless until you tell him “me too.. I like you too” and it’s like his heart stopped skipping a beat and he was sent straight to heaven on earth
All in all just a really sweet and thoughtful confession asdfghjkl;
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Ever since Yuta realized how he felt toward you, he’s been trying his best to not impulsively blurt out that he likes you, especially because he’s not sure if it’s mutual
Occasionally can’t help but murmur “you’re so cute” under his breath when he’s spending time with you though
You know he tends to be quite playful and flirtatious around you, so whenever he tries to make advances you just play it off as him joking around (half the time he’s actually seriously stopping himself from stealing a kiss ngl)
One day he decides to ask you out on a date over the phone and you agree thinking it’s just him being goofy again cause what else could it be??
Yuta takes you on a hiking date, aiming to take you to this nice and scenic viewpoint and confess there
But things take a different turn when halfway through the hike you realize that he was actually being serious about this date and he realizes you thought he was playing around
Then he kind of goes off on this impulsive rant like ‘Damn it Y/N I’ve been flirting with you for an entire year why do you keep thinking I’m not being serious about this’ and yeah he kind of floops out that he’s been crushing on you ever since y’all met
So things didn’t really go as planned but you had a serious conversation about it and by the time you reached the viewpoint you were already holding hands and smiling fondly at each other :’)
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Has been torn for weeks about how to confess to you and it’s showing
He wants to plan something that would make sure you knew how much he cared about you, so he scoured every possible source he could find, including the internet, all his good friends he could confide into, and even asked his parents who confessed to the other and how..
Anyways, when Doyoung meets up with you he still hasn’t made his mind about how to confess
And technically he wasn’t planning on doing so either, until he saw how battered up you looked from an ugly fall off the stairs last week and how you tried to hide that wearing a big hoodie and sunglasses
During winter
You thought he didn’t notice though until he kind of had enough of your act and just pulled off the hoodie from your head and took off your glasses to reveal this bigass purple bruise on your face, still evident beneath your make-up
Doyoung couldn’t help seeing you so vulnerable and inattentive toward your own wellbeing and so gave you an entire lecture nagging at you to be more careful
Over the next few days he comes by unannounced to check the safety of basically your entire home to make sure you wouldn’t trip again and also takes care of your bruise and minor grazes on your arms and knees
And it just so happened that he accidentally murmured “How did I fall in love with such a clumsy human being” just when he thought you didn’t hear it
You replied with “How did I fall in love with such a nagging mom-figure” and well, the rest is history :’)
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Actually, you kind of knew for a while now that he probably had a crush on you because of that one time he accidentally sent a text to you that said “I don’t know what to do, should I confess to Y/N?”
You read the message before he quickly deleted it and since then both of you pretended that never happened
Anyways, I can see Jaehyun taking you out for a nice dinner at this new and trendy restaurant (complete with lit candles and fancy music and all)
He’d try his best to appear calm and composed, and he would’ve succeeded had his hands not been trembling when he poured more wine in both your glasses
Probably has this whole speech ready in his back pocket just in case he forgot what he wanted to say
But before he can start on that you casually say “So is this how you’re planning on confessing to me?” and Jaehyun automatically answers yes before he’s processed that you in fact knew all along how he felt for you
You let him finish his confession speech though cause he worked so hard on it, and you obviously accept to be his girlfriend
He even prepared a little surprise for you together with the staff, it was a cute cake with both your names in the shape of a heart
The date ends with you two talking and having fun conversations at the restaurant until it closed (and you had to be kicked out)
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I see so many ways in which Jungwoo would confess, simply cause he can be so shy and reserved but also really sassy and goofy at the same time
Anyways, I think he’d go for something a little more subtle than his hyungs would, kinda secret admirer style?
The first time you realized you had a secret admirer was when you found a note in your bag containing a compliment directed toward you and a cute drawing next to it
You thought it was really sweet and so Jungwoo continued sending you love notes and putting it in random but somewhat inconspicuous spots, like your locker, your books, etc.
This went on for a couple of months until one day Jungwoo decied it was time to make it known that he was the secret admirer, so he started announcing in a note that he was someone you knew well
That’s when you started finding notes at the most random of places: inside your phonecase, heck even the inside of your shoe
You had absolutely no clue who this person was and were growing kind of agitated at the fact that you couldn’t send him notes back, until Jungwoo slipped up once and complimented you in the exact same way as your secret admirer did
On the day he planned to confess, you were just casually studying together (or more like, you were trying to study and he was just staring at you boredly)
Jungwoo waited patiently until you finished, then told you you had something stuck in your hair
And as you reached for it, you found it to be a folded piece of paper stating “I like you”, with Jungwoo smiling knowingly at you
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Would be a panicking mess, let’s be real
Asks all the hyungs for advice on what to do
Mark would take you to someplace special for the both of you, like the place you first met or where he first realized he has feelings for you
He wouldn’t hold a big speech or make it into a big event, he’d want to keep it simple and to the point so as not to burden you too much
I see him just wanting to make it a fun day when you two meet up, confession or not
Like a walk along the river or at a park, some icecream, maybe even biking or (roller)skating around and picknicking
Tries to find the right timing to break the news to you, fails miserably at doing so most of the time
You knew he had something to say though cause he avoided making direct eye contact with you throughout the entire day
But when he’s ready, he musters up all his courage, coughs a little as a way of making clear that he has something to say, and then just goes for it
Panics halfway through the confession, like he just turns into this shy blushy mess, especially when he stutters or messes up his words
Kinda rambles his way through it but looks you directly in the eye when he says that he likes you
Would add something like “I hope this doesn’t affect our friendship” after confessing cause that’s legit been the nr. 1 reason why he was hesitating confessing to you
Overall would be really nervous about it, but also very sweet and sincere!
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9/10 would go for an over the top public confession, just cause he can
You two met up at this arcade, your usual hangout spot to relieve yourselves from stress and play fun games together
You originally thought it would be just a normal day meeting up with your longtime friend, but turns out you were completely wrong 
Cause the minute you stepped into the venue, you were met with all kinds of festive decorations, balloons, and familiar faces shouting “SURPRISE!!!” at the top of their lungs
Turns out Haechan planned a surprise party for you complete with hilarious banners with him making heart signs
When you turned around to look at Haechan, he was kneeling on the floor holding a big bouquet of your favorite flowers and this giant teddy bear 
As he looked up to you, he asked you to be his girlfriend, to which you said yes and were met with a rainfall of confetti and cheering
You spent the day playing fun games with your boyfriend and friends
(And to Haechan’s discontent and envy, you kinda beat him at almost every arcade game there was to play)
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rmg91 · 4 years
It Shouldn’t Be This Hard
(To Propose To Your Girlfriend)
LOOK! I WROTE SOMETHING! I AM NOT DEAD! Just still distracted by the RP with Autumn. It's too fun, can you blame me? We have such a cute universe happening. Anyway, the muses finally spoke to me and I've been wanting to do a 5+1 for a while now and the right idea came to me. And while this may be a little late it's also my Broppy Day submission. Although when you ship Broppy, everyday is Broppy Day XD
So without future ado, enjoy!
This was it. This was the night Branch Hawthorn was finally going to propose to his girlfriend of two years, Poppy Meadows. Everything was going to plan and for that Branch was grateful for as he was nervous enough as it was. Both he and Poppy had been able to leave their respective works early to get ready, although Poppy just believed tonight was a fairly normal date night. Then, looking their best and with clear starry night above them, they gotten to Trollington's best restaurant, Chez L'amour, with minimal traffic interference and their reservation had not been lost or given away, things Branch had worried about. Now, with their belly's full of warm delicious food and wine -though Poppy was always quick to assure Branch his cooking was still her very favorite- and dessert on the horizon, Branch was ready to take the plunge.
The mood was perfect, candlelight gleamed and a soft melody was echoing around them and Poppy was looking so beautiful with her bright pink hair pulled up with some strands framing her heart-shaped face and her freckles lit up by the flickering candles and her own bright smile. And her eyes, those beautiful, amber eyes that he just loved to get lost in, were shining with warmth and love just for him. And that was something he still couldn't get over, after all those years of pining and yet so sure he didn't deserve her, he had gotten the girl of his dreams and she loved him. And he hoped she accepted what he was about to ask.
Reaching out across the table, Branch took her hand in his as he returned her smile and hoped the nervousness he felt wasn't obvious. He must have been doing a good job of hiding it so far but he didn't want her to notice now before he had a chance to ask. And maybe it was a little cliché to ask in a romantic restaurant setting but he had spent weeks thinking about this and building up his confidence and he wasn't about to chicken out now. Given her hand a squeeze, he took a sip of his water to wet his throat before speaking, “Enjoy your dinner?” Start small, don't jump into it. All part of the plan.
His gorgeous pinkette grinned and nodded, “Yup! And I can't wait for dessert! I have been dreaming about their triple layer strawberry chiffon cake all week!” She took a sip of her wine before returning his squeeze of their hands before a playful smirk overcame her face and she cupped her chin in her head as she leaned over the table, “You know...You never did tell me why you decided this would be our date destination~ What made you choose the fancy place?”
Branch chuckled and hoped it sounded normal, it sounded off to him, but he simple shrugged and tried not to look away from those wonderful and curious eyes, “What? Can't a boyfriend treat his girlfriend to a fancy dinner once in a while? Plus I know how much you love to dress up, thought it be nice.” And he had a small square box burning a hole in his pocket, just waiting to be pulled out. Absolutely nothing unusual going on. Nope. “And have I mentioned just how beautiful you look tonight? Because you do, absolutely stunning~” He even raised her hand to his lips to kiss her knuckles softly to complete his statement.
“Stooop~” She giggled, that perfect sound the best kind of music to his ears as a light blush dusted her cheeks, “Keep talking like that and you might get lucky tonight~”
“I'm already lucky~” And he was. So, so lucky that this brilliantly bright and bubbly woman had not only healed his torn soul and made him want to live rather than just survive but had given her heart fully to him to hold and cherish. Something he did every day so thankfully and would hopefully get to do well into the future together with matching rings on their fingers. Taking what he hoped was a subtle deep breath, for this was it, he wouldn't get a better time to, Branch opened him mouth to begin his speech, something he had been working painstakingly on for months, pretty much since he decided he was going to propose, but was interrupted by the sound of applause.
He and Poppy, who took her hand back to turn around, looked at the reason for it at another table where another couple sat. A brunette man down on one knee was slipping a ring on the happily crying blonde woman's finger as the other patrons clapped for them. Poppy bounced in her seat, adding to the applause, cooing before she spun back around, “Isn't that sweet?! I'm so happy Oak finally proposed! Oh, Daffodil must be so happy! Isn't that great, Branch? Our friends are gonna get married!”
“Y-yeah..Super great.” Branch hoped beyond hope he wasn't being obvious on how he really felt. Of course! Of course the universe would do this to him! It was all going so well! But then of course something had to happen to ruin his plans! Yes, he could still ask Poppy. No, it wasn't Oak's fault for asking his own girlfriend just before he could but he didn't dare take the spotlight away from the other couple. Poppy was right, they were their friends, and while he was sure neither would mind it still felt wrong to Branch to ask Poppy now after somebody else had beaten him to the punch. Sighing, confidence now deflating as he slumped slightly in his chair, Branch decided he'd just have to try another time. It was fine. Completely fine! That decision made, not that it made him happy, the blue-haired survivalist resolved himself to finish off the rest of this night as best he could. Not that Poppy had any idea, she was far too excited to think anything was wrong with him as she pulled him over to congratulate their friends.
And maybe this was for the best, maybe his second attempt would go better?
A few weeks later, some more planning, a few personal pep-talks and Branch was ready to try again. They were currently in her father's backyard, surrounded by all their closest friends, even Gristle and Bridget who managed to make it down from Bergenville, having a simple summer barbecue. Branch was manning the grill, keeping half an eye on the food and the other half on Poppy as she fluttered around their friends, having fun playing games and jamming out to the music Suki had brought along. And perhaps this would be a better proposal anyway. While Branch would have must prefer to propose in a more private setting, which made him wonder why he even thought of the restaurant version in the first place, Poppy would probably enjoy it more if it happened surrounded by the people she loved most. And she deserved everything that made her happy.
Adjusting a few hot dogs so they wouldn't burn, he closed the grill just as his barefooted beauty came skipping over, a cheery smile gracing her lips. Setting down his tongs, Branch easily and happily welcomed her into his arms as she wrapped hers around his neck and gave his nose a fond nuzzle, “Mmm~ Everything smells amazing! Can't wait to eat!”
Branch chuckled warmly, nuzzling her back as he rubbed circles with his thumbs over her hips, leaning closer to her, “Should be ready soon. I know everyone's getting hungry. But first...” He then closed the minimal gap between them, giving her a soft kiss that had her sighing and relaxing in his arms. Sharing a few more soft kisses, and ignoring the wolf whistles from Guy and Smidge, Branch subtly glanced at the grill and decided the food would be okay for a moment. Because he figured now was a good time to pop the question to the queen of his heart as he had her undivided attention. Subtly guiding her away from the barbecue, he distracted her with words and some more gentle meetings of their lips, “Having fun, I take it?”
She giggled, that wonderful, tinkling sound that always spread warmth through him and nodded, “You know it~! I'm so glad everyone was able to make it! It feels like forever since we last did something!” It really hadn't, the Snack Pack was still just as close as they'd always been but Poppy was always one for exaggerating when she could. And well...maybe it had been a few weeks since they'd gotten a chance to just relax and hang out without work or other engagements in the way.
Speaking of engagements....
Branch stopped the careful migration a few feet from the hot grill, in a good spot where everyone would be able to see what was about to happen and carefully nuzzled his and Poppy's noses together, hoping she couldn't feel the sudden rapid beating of his heart, “So I wanted to ask you something..”
“Hmm? Yeeess~?” She hummed, watching him with those sparkling eyes he really did drown in every time he looked into them.
“Well I-”
And for the second time his very important question was interrupted, this time by the back gate slamming open and a familiar voice shouting, “Sup, Losers!!! The party's just arrived!”
“Barb!!!” Poppy screeched happily, tearing herself away from Branch to run and jump into her cousins hold with a very enthusiastic hug. One the punk-rock queen caught easily before swinging the bubblegum princess around, laughing loudly.
“Sup, Popsqueak?! Came to see if I couldn't liven you and your sugary-sweet friends up a little!” The red-pink mo-hawked band leader said, finally putting the other woman down as her right-hand band mate and drummer came up beside her, in a much more subdued manner. “Yo! Boy-Toy! Add a few extra burgers cause I'm starvin'!”
“There's plenty!” Branch cried back as Poppy and the Pack swarmed Barb for greetings and playful jabs. He then sighed roughly, ran a hand through his hair and returned to make sure nothing had burned. It was fine. No big deal. There was still plenty of day left for him to try again. There was just an extra few people around to watch now. As he checked on the food on the grill, moving a few things around and taking the vegetable skewers off, Riff came over after getting his own excited hug from Poppy.
“Sup, man. Everything okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, everything's fine.” Okay, mostly fine. But having been around Poppy since they were kids, Branch knew to try to look for the silver living. He'd get another chance later that evening, he was sure. “Just weren't expecting you guys. Little surprised.” More like a little annoyed at the interruption but he'd get over it.
The dark hair drummer chuckled softly, “Yeah...but you know the boss lady. Loves to make a entrance. But hey! We brought beer!” He lifted up a large case of beer as a peace offering. Branch gestured to the cooler behind him, telling him to add some to it and thanked him, mind half on the cooking, half on thinking about when he'd get that second chance to talk to Poppy.
...Sadly for poor Branch, that chance never came.
Having spent the rest of his time at the grill, catching up with Riff, he had soon let everyone know food was ready and the group swarmed up for the delicious smelling entrees. Then as everyone are and laughed and enjoyed, Barb and Riff regaled everyone with tales of shenanigans and adventures of their world tour. Describing the pounding energy of their concert in Brazil to their little hot spring mishap in Japan after a show. Poppy was thoroughly entranced by her cousins tales and completely distracted from Branch's attempts to gain a little attention long enough for him to get the question burning in his throat out. Then of course the pop/rock duo started the karaoke with a bang, which as fun as it was, just distracted Poppy more and didn't give Branch a chance to regain any sort of romantic mood. By the time the sun was long set but the energy of everyone was still high, Branch had given up for the night. There was no way he going to propose tonight, especially after Barb convinced everyone to go clubbing.
They say third times the charm, right?
A week and some brooding later and Branch was ready to start planning again. He needed to come up with a good one too this time, something where they'd be alone, without anyone around and where he'd have Poppy's undivided attention. However he, himself, was slightly distracted and prevented from doing any sort of real planning as he and Poppy were currently passing Saturday night as they were prone to do. Snuggled up on the couch, lights dimmed and watching movies. There was even a light pattering of rain outside to add the cozy atmosphere they found themselves in.
A Rom-com Poppy had been wanting to see was currently playing, the screen flickering image's by as the main character's flubbed another love confession and Poppy snuggled up close to his chest. Branch's head rested on the arm rest, arms wrapped snugly around his girlfriend, rubbing mindless shapes where his hands rested on her waist. He knew as soon as the movie was over they would probably have to move to bed, sleeping on the couch was not that comfortable nor good for them after all, but right now he was in no position to move either of them. Bending his neck, he buried his nose in her pink locks and inhaled the fresh strawberry scent of her favorite shampoo, nuzzling gently. That was when it hit him, they were alone, there was no one or anything to interrupt him and he'd have Poppy's full attention. Yes, his inner romantic cried at the lack of romance but he had learned from Poppy to take the opportunity when it was presented to you, not to shy away. So, taking a subtle breath to calm his suddenly beating heart, Branch got ready to take the plunge.
Starting simple, he murmured softly, “I love you~”
“Mmm~ Love you too~” The pinkette responded in a light and airy voice, settling as deep as she could into his embrace.
Taking a moment to rub her shoulder and place a gentle kiss on the top if her head, Branch began a speech that he'd crafted and re-crafted hundreds of times already it felt like and it never felt perfect. Hopefully though now, he'd find the right words. “I...can't tell you just how lucky I am to have you in my life. You are...the greatest thing to ever happen to me and I am so, so grateful you took the chance on this ragged, broken and gray soul and made life bright again. You...Heh, you are my sunshine, making my days brighter and fuller and more fun than ever before. And yeah, you're crazy with your scheme's and your scrapbooking and leaving glitter everywhere but I wouldn't trade that for the world. Bring on the cupcakes and rainbows because I'm ready...ready to spend the rest of my life with you beside me. Call me selfish but I...I don't ever want to go back to the dark and dull existence. I want you and your sunshine to wake up next to until we're old and bent over and you're still rocking that pink hair. Poppy...I love you so much and if you'll have me, it would make me the happiness man in the entire universe if you agreed to be mine forever. So...I ask you, Poppy Meadows, will...” Deep breath, “Will you marry me?”
There, he'd done it, he finally asked Poppy to marry him and now all that was left was for her to answer and then he could go get the ring from it's place and he could finally see it on her finger. But as the minutes ticked by and he got no answer, Branch was beginning to worry. Had he fucked up? Did he say something wrong? Did she not want to? Was she in shock? Was she trying to find a way to turn him down gently?! Trying not to panic, and failing just a bit, Branch carefully turned his head to look at the woman in his arms, “Poppy?”
And found she was asleep, breath's even and deep and completely dead to the world and the proposal he had just cited.
Biting back a silent groan, Branch tilted his head over the arm rest and stared at the ceiling. Of course, why wouldn't this happen?! The universe truly must hate him if it had allowed him to finally ask Poppy only for her to be asleep and having missed the entire thing. Great, just effing great, now he would have to get up the confidence to try again and after three failed attempts he was starting to think maybe he shouldn't. But, as the beautiful girl in arms would tell him, he needed to get back up again and not give up. And it said something about her impact on him when he knew after a little time moping about the newest failed attempt he would do just that.
Besides, he couldn't fail four times in a row, right?
Another few weeks later and Branch was in the midst of planning something the would surely be his best plan yet when Poppy had decided a spontaneous camping trip up in the mountains would be fun. Unable to deny her but secretly lamenting the lost chance of being able to ask her under the fireworks display that was happening that weekend, Branch had agreed. So they packed up the car and drove off for a weekend spent in nature. Which normally would have thrilled Branch but he was still sort of disappointed in the loss of another romantic plan.
However, even though she had no idea she had off railed another proposal attempt, Poppy still managed to cheer him up with her natural exuberance and joy. And the more he thought about, a proposal under the stars with nothing but the quiet sounds of nature around them would be better anyway. He wouldn't have to compete with the sounds of the fireworks and worry about whether Poppy would hear him correctly or not. Yeah, this would be far better and far more romantic. So by the time they reached the campsite, Branch was in a higher mood then when they left, plans already formed around what he'd cook and how he would go about creating the perfect mood.
Arriving at the campsite in the late evening, Branch decided he'd wait until the following night to enact his grand plan, he'd waited this long after all. So he and Poppy went about building their campsite, throwing up the tent and while she piled the sleeping bags, blankets and pillows they had brought into a proper nest, he went to find them some firewood. Soon they had a nice cozy fire to sit by and after a quick meal of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, they were cuddled up in Branch's chair, Poppy having abandoned hers in favor of his lap. And having his loving, cheerful, kind girlfriend snuggled up in his lap had almost made Branch abandon all plans and just propose right there, he stopped himself. Waiting one more day wouldn't kill him, plus Poppy was already half asleep and he didn't want a repeat of his attempt on the couch. So, picking her up and carting her off to get settled in the tent, he quickly doused the flames before joining her, falling asleep with her in his arms and images of tomorrow night dancing in his head.
Too bad he hadn't foreseen the incident that had occurred the next day.
After a morning spent cuddling, flirting and in all good mood, something Poppy made sure to tease him about saying she had been right that the trip would be a good thing, his pink whirlwind had suggested a little hike after lunch. The day was perfect for it, sunny, a little breezy with fluffy white clouds drifting by in the sky, so Branch had agreed. Never mind that he was looking forward to the evening once the stars came out. So packing up some water bottles, trail mix, a few energy bars and gummy candies, they had set off on the local hiking trail.
Poppy of course either filmed or took pictures of anything she saw that she liked, which was almost any flower or butterfly that passed by and Branch was content to just let her be herself, in far too good a mood to be his usual sarcastic self. Well, almost, he did try to act normal as to not tip Poppy off. But she had still noticed something and when she asked him what had in such a good mood, he simply replied with why wouldn't he be with her by his side? Which had earned him a giggle and few kisses as she called him a flirt. Which, really, he wasn't going to deny that because he was flirting, the thought of finally, finally asking her to marry him making him almost giddy. Yes, he was still nervous as hell but this was the forth time he was trying and he'd be damned if he was going to let that stop him again.
Eventually they had arrived on top of a cliff overlooking the forest, the sight rather breathtaking. After a moment of admiration, Poppy was back to taking pictures and talking about nice everything was and Branch nodded and smiled back at her but his mind was elsewhere. He couldn't help as he watched Poppy gush as she was prone to do but to imagine the future, with her walking down the aisle in a gorgeous dress made by the twins, veil fluttering behind her as all their friends and family watched. And then she'd step up to him and exchange vows before they were dubbed husband and wife and he just knew she'd jump into his arms for that kiss as everyone cheered for them. Of course that little daydream soon came to a bursting stop with the next following of events.
There had been a rustling of bushes and before they knew it a deer was jumping out and running off, making both of them jump. Poppy had let out a little squeak and unfortunately for Branch, as he jumped back shocked out of his fantasy, he had gone a little too far and part of the cliff broke from under him, making him off balance and tumbling down to a lower ledge.
“Braaaaanch!!!” Poppy's scream echoed in his ears as he groaned, trying to regain his bearings.
“Branch, are you alright?!” Poppy cried down at him, worry clear in her voice.
“Y-yeah..I'm fi-Aaagggh!!!” Branch groaned, barely having sat up before having to clutch at his arm. Carefully pushing himself up, he pulled his hand away to find it covered in blood and groaned again as he covered his wound back up to stem the bleeding. Great, just fucking great. He was injured. And all because of a stupid deer. At least Poppy was okay. Looking up to check on her, his vision swam briefly and another moan of pain escaped him. Great, he probably had a concussion too.
“Branch! Branch, are you okay?!” Poppy was asking again, having wiggled her way down the steep incline to kneel beside him. She made a noise of distress of seeing him hurt and carefully cupped his jaw in her hands, “Hey. Hey, what can I do to help? Are you hurt anywhere else?!”
“I-I don't...” He hissed as pain pulsed through him, “Don't think so...Might have a concussion though...” He cursed under his breath before telling her to look in his bag for bandages, taking that brief moment of distraction to pat the inside pocket of his vest to make sure the ring was still safe. Which it was, so at least there was that.
Poppy quickly dug into his backpack, finding his first aid kit and pulling out the gauze roll. “Can you move your hand?” She asked softly, cringing at the sight as he did so, “Oh dear...That-That looks really bad....” She sniffed and Branch was about to start comforting her, telling her it probably looked worse than it was but she began to carefully move his sleeve away, causing another hiss to escape him. “Sorry...” She mumbled, wrapping his arm as quickly and gently as she could, sniffing and blinking back tears.
“Hey...” He said, squinting at her because damn his head really hurt, “It's gonna be fine. Please don't cry, Sunshine..”
“I know, I know...I just....that was so scary.” She wiped at her eyes and sniffed again, making Branch want to hold her and comfort her until she calmed down but it hurt to move just about everything. So he did the only thing he could at the moment and carefully brushed his knuckle over her knee, murmuring it was going to okay.
It was about then that someone was calling down to them and they looked up to see a forest ranger had found them. After Poppy explained what happened and that they could use a little help, she quickly finished wrapping his arm up. The next series of events happened rather quickly, at least they did for Branch who's consciousness was starting to go in and out a little and he struggled to stay awake. The ranger had help them off the ledge before helping Poppy carry him back to their camp, where she quickly began to pack everything up. The ranger assured her that he'd keep anything that was left behind and they could come get it later and that getting Branch to a hospital was most important. So then began Poppy's slightly frantic drive to the nearest hospital as Branch had continued his battle with staying awake.
In the end, everything was indeed alright. Branch had to have a good fifteen stitches in his arm and had to stay over night for observation because of the concussion but other than a few other scrapes and bruises, he was fine. But the incident had once again derailed any proposal plans that once he was patched up and allowed a moment alone, Branch had cursed the universe for. Couldn't he have one attempt not go awry?! Yes, sure, there had been other times he could have asked but damn it all, he wanted to do it right! He wanted a romantic scene to ask the love of his life to be his wife and not have it be an off hand mention or after a serious injury!! Was that too much to ask for?! Apparently it was.
So, slumping back into his pillows, Branch stewed and cursed the universe. And eventually started planning attempt number five.
And it had to work, it just had too!
Once it was apparent that Branch was fully healed and recovered about a month later, Poppy suggested another weekend trip to celebrate, though this time it was to the beach. Branch wasn't completely set on the idea, worries of how another proposal attempt could be ruined swarming his head, but once again he really couldn't deny Poppy anything. And she was so excited to go see the sea and enjoy the scenery, ever after he pointed out that the weather wouldn't really be right for any swimming. But ever the optimist, Poppy had said there was lots more to do than just swim and so they made reservations at a hotel and went off for a weekend by the sea.
And as he predicted, the weather had been on the cooler side and slightly overcast but that hadn't stopped Poppy from convincing him to travel around all the shops the little ocean town had to offer. And he had to admit, once again, that she was right. It hadn't been all bad walking along the boardwalk and stopping by whatever little shop or stand caught her attention. Plus her excitement was so genuine and true, Branch couldn't help but eventually relax and have fun too. So they spent the afternoon slipping in and out of various stores, some with pointless, cute nick-knacks, some with clothes and accessories that he and Poppy threw on for selfies or she modeled for him, other with oddities such as seaside myths. They had enjoyed some sea-salt ice-cream at some point before dipping into a little hidden book store and then they stopped for a dinner of fish and chips.
Now they were walking down the beach, hand in hand with Poppy happily swinging their arms between them as the sun sank slowly over the horizon. And Branch had to admit, now would be a pretty good time to try again. They were alone, the few other people on the beach far enough way that they wouldn't somehow get in the way, the setting was calm and relaxing with the sounds of waves gently lapping at the shore as the setting sun painting the sky beautiful pinks and oranges, and Poppy was none the wiser to burning the question that had been lodged in his throat for months now. And nothing was going to stop him now. So, stopping and playfully swinging her around so he could pull her into an embrace, Branch pulled her close for a soft kiss.
When they parted, Poppy giggling lightly as her eyes shone with love, Branch calmly stated, “I love you~”
“Heehee~ I love you too~” Poppy giggled, leaning in for another kiss that Branch was happy to return before the slowly parted once more.
“So there's...something I wanna say...” And ask but he didn't want to give it away just yet. And boy did he hope she didn't notice how his heart had started pumping in his chest. This was it, he finally going to ask Poppy to spend the rest of their lives together and even though this was his fifth attempt, the nerves had returned like it was that first try again.
“I'm all ears, My man~” The pinkette said with a grin, nuzzling her nose against his as she settled her arms around his neck.
Deep breath and ignore the flush that came anytime she called him 'her man', “Well...you see..” Please don't let her notice just how stuttering he was becoming, “You are...the greatest gift I could ask for and I-” And before any more could be said a loud, long horn of a boat sounded, causing both to jump and to look toward the ocean where in the distance a ship could be seen. Huffing, and not about to let one measly horn blast stop him, not this time, Branch tried to continue as Poppy giggled lightly, “Right. As I was saying...” Another deep breath, he could do this, “I love you so much and-” Another three blasts of the horn stopped him again and he glared at the ship as Poppy started to laugh quietly. “Anyway. What I'm trying to say, Poppy, is-” And another long, drawn out horn had him groaning before calling out toward the sea, “Oh come on!!!”
Poppy was now full on laughing, laying her head on his chest as he stewed about the stupid boat, before getting a slight grip on herself. Reaching up, she cupped his face and ran her thumbs over his cheeks, “Branch. Hee~ Branch, it's okay! Let me guess, you have a new poem for me?”
He did but that wasn't what he had been about to say. Still he grumbled, looking off to the side, “Maybe...” He also had a proposal he just couldn't seem to get out before something went wrong.
“Then...~” Poppy started, bringing his face back towards her so she could nuzzle their noses together again, “Why don't we go back to our hotel so you can tell it to me where we won't be interrupted? And then you can tell me all my favorites as you...do other things to me~” She then sealed her offer with a deep kiss. One Branch sank into with a sigh but not without lamenting silently the derailment of yet another proposal. Sure, he supposed he could always try again later that night but something in his gut told him it wouldn't be the right time. He just wanted to propose to Poppy in a romantic setting without anything stopping him! Was that too much to ask for?! Apparently...
“Come on,” Poppy murmured, eyes glazed with want as she pulled away, “We can go take a nice warm bubble bath as you recite your newest piece to me~”
Branch hummed and let her take the lead back to their hotel, still brooding over his latest failure. This was five times now he had been stopped and it was starting to wear down his confidence that he'd ever be able to ask her. Which meant it was probably time to ask for help from her dad and possibly Suki and Smidge if he actually wanted to succeed. Sighing quietly to himself, he squeezed Poppy's hand and hoped that the next attempt would finally be the one.
He could only hope, right?
Poppy hummed a joyful tune as she walked down the hallway to her apartment, another day of party planning behind her. She still couldn't believe some days that she got to do one of the things she loved most for a living! And she was her own boss! Well...sort of...Sky Toronto was still sort of her boss, sort of her partner but that didn't matter! She got to help people plan out their very best parties! And it was soooo satisfying! Especially after long days like today when her clients had a specific vision they wanted done. Which was fine because everyone deserved to have whatever they wanted to be happy with the party they were throwing but boooy, did it tired her out! But that was fine too because she was now home where her wonderful boyfriend hopefully had dinner waiting for them.
Coming up to their door, and smiling as she always did when she caught sight of their door plaque she'd made, she opened it up, singing proudly, “I'm hooooome~!” Before a fantastically delicious scent hit her nose and she groaned. “Ooooh my goooosh~!” She quickly dropped her purse and came around to the kitchen as her stomach gave a rumble, “That smells amazing! Did you make enchiladas?!”
Branch chuckled, that warm, fond sound that always melted her insides a little as he finished pulling the dish out of the oven, “I did. I even made them...chicken enchiladas like you said you wanted.”
“Yeeeessss~!” Poppy hissed happily, “Yes, yes, yes! I am starving!” She excitedly through her arms around him once his hands were free in a tight hug, “You are the best boyfriend ever!” After pulling him down for a quick, grateful kiss, the pinkette pulled away for a little happy dance. “Oooh, I can't wait to dig in! What else did you make?!”
Another one of those warm, fond chuckles came from the blue-haired hottie she had a claim on and he gestured to the stove, “Some Mexican Rice and..” He led her gaze to the table where some different dips and chips sat, “Some sides.”
“Aaaah~! Yes! Your guacamole is the best!!!” Poppy scurried over and took a chip full of green dip, humming in delight at the tangy taste and did another little happy dance as she stuffed another chip into her mouth. “Gosh! D'ish ish shooo goood~!”
“Do you maybe want a plate full or do you wanna continue dancing in place as you eat over the table?” Branch asked, amusement ringing through his tone.
“Oh, haha!” Poppy responded, hands on her hips, “I can't help it! I told you I am staving! Mrs. Sparks ran me all over town looking for just the right party venue and I barely had time to eat lunch. But I did!” She added quickly knowing he would scold her for not eating lunch. “Anyway, once we finally found the right place, I started throwing out ideas for decorations and food and I think we've got a nice solid base now!”
“Sounds like you a had a busy day.” He grinned as she nodded, stuffing another chip into her mouth, “Also sounds like you might need a margarita.”
“You made margaritas?!” Poppy cried, excitedly, looking at him with wide, happy eyes. Oh, she officially loved this man!!! “Can we have them blended?!” She asked, bouncing happily when he nodded and turned to get the pitcher out of the fridge, telling her to get the blender out. “Yeessss~!” She cheered, already halfway to the cabinet to pull out of the appliance. As she set it out on the counter and watched him place the pitcher on the table before getting in the freezer for ice, the thought that this was her life, that she had such a wonderful, thoughtful and sweet boyfriend by her side made her feel all warm and fuzzy inside. And that she wanted this for the rest of her life. She wanted to come home after a long day to dinner or even surprise him in return with the same, she wanted long, cuddly movies nights and lazy mornings in spent in bed. She wanted picnics and romantic date nights, days spent at home filled with laughter and singing or the occasional quiet as they both worked on their respective hobbies. Games nights with friends and maybe, just maybe...one day an adorable child that looked like the two of them. Poppy wanted it all with Branch right by her side in every way possible. So without really thinking about she suddenly said, “Marry me.”
“WHAT?!?!” Branch sputtered, pulling out of the freezer with a wide eyed, shocked expression, staring at her like she had lost her mind.
It took a moment for her to actually realize what she'd said but then she was beaming and nodding, bouncing over next to him, because yes, she very much wanted to marry this man, “You heard me! Marry me!!”
Branch stared and kept staring and eventually he hid his face in a hand as the freezer door closed and Poppy was beginning to worry when his shoulders began to shake. At first she thought maybe he was crying but then the quiet chuckling came which soon turned into full blown laughter and he was leaning against the fridge to support himself. Poppy pouted at him and crossed her arms, “I'm serious, Branch! Don't laugh at me!”
He tried and failed to say something a few times, each times getting cut off by more guffaws then before, before he gestured for her to stay where she was and turned to go down the hallway. Poppy was very confused, and a little hurt, that he was laughing because she meant what she'd said but she didn't have time to think much more on it as he came back, still chuckling. Standing in front of her, he finally got a grip on himself and grinned at her, stray snickers still coming and going as he reached out to cup her cheek, “I'm not laughing at you, Sunshine. Promise. I'm laughing because...” He took a deep breath before cupping his hands around something and bringing it into her view, “Because I've been trying to ask you the same thing for months.”
Poppy gasped, hands flying to her mouth, as she saw the small velvet box opened on his palm containing the prettiest ring she'd ever seen. A golden band that held a round, sparkling blue topaz in it's center, flanked by two smaller pink gems, the metal band twisted around them to hold them in place. “Oh Branch...” She sniffed, grinning behind her hands, because of course that was the reasoning behind his sort of off behavior the last few months, before crying, “Yes!”
He smirked at her, blue eyes twinkling, “Pretty sure that's suppose to be my line. You did ask first.”
“Oooooh!!!” She growled, well and truly starting to cry now as she grinned winder than ever before, “Just-Just shut up and put that ring on my finger!!”
“So demanding.” He cooed, smile just as wide and eyes damp as he did just that. Giving her hand a look that said he was finally happy to see that ring on her finger before he brought it up to lay a kiss on it.
Then they were both laughing and Branch was scooping her up and twirling her around, hugging her close. Poppy cried as she laughed, burying her face in his shoulder, the unbelievable feeling that she was engaged coursing through her as Branch spun them around. Soon he stopped and she lifted her face to see he was crying and grinning she as she was and she felt another giggle come before they both leaned in for a kiss. Kissing him with all that she had, they stood there, her in his arms as they moved their mouths against one another's as their tears mingled. Pulling back, both breathless and smiling and so, so happy, Poppy looked into Branch's eyes and chirped, “I love you~!”
“I love you too, Sunshine.” He grinned, the expression lighting up his face like she loved to see, “And I will for the rest of our lives.”
“Good~ Because so will I~” And she pulled him for another celebratory kiss and another and another before they were both laughing and twirling again. And eventually they got to that dinner, now a celebratory one, and made plans to tell everyone the following day but for now...for now they were just going to bask in the haze of excitement and happiness that surrounded them as they looked toward a very happy and bright future together.
Always gotta go full cheese at the ending right? Anyway, this was obviously done a tad differently than I normally do just because I tried to keep within Branch's perspective and then Poppy's when I normally write both in conjecture to each other and it was a bit of a challenge but I'm really happy with how this came out! And I hope you all enjoyed it too!
Until next time!
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rosethornewrites · 3 years
Fic: this body yet survives, ch. 5
Relationship: Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī/Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn
Characters: Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī, Lán Huàn | Lán Xīchén, Lán Qǐrén, Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Jiāng Chéng | Jiāng Wǎnyín, Jiāng Yànlí
Additional Tags: No War AU, Recovery, Trauma, Dissociation, Courtship, Courting Rituals
Summary: Wangji approaches the Jiang siblings with betrothal gifts, hoping for their approval. More of Wei Wuxian's self-esteem issues rear their ugly heads.
Notes: See end
Parts 1 & 2
Chapter 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
AO3 link
Wei Ying offered to help carry the baskets, or even the two cages containing a fat white-feathered wuguji rooster apiece, but Wangji refused to let him—it seemed improper to have him carry any part of the betrothal gifts. 
Fortunately, xiongzhang and the outer disciple were both able to help. Wangji could not recall the young man’s name, only that he was an average cultivator with merely adequate guqin skills. Wangji himself carried the cages.
On the way to the guest house Jiang Wanyin and Jiang Yanli were staying in, Wei Ying stayed close, one hand grasping the edge of Wangji’s sleeve, the other holding the box with his forehead ribbon with a sort of reverence. He kept looking at it, his expression tinged with wonder and disbelief. 
Wangji knew it would take time for Wei Ying to process the events of today; he wondered if perhaps everything was moving too quickly—telling Wei Ying he wished to court him, the clarification of his acceptance to GusuLan as a disciple, and now formally delivering betrothal gifts to his siblings. Wei Ying was still recovering, after all, but it was too late to change course now.
If he stopped now, Wei Ying might interpret it as changing his mind, and that would be so much worse. Wangji did not want to give him any cause to doubt, not after all he had been through. If he could shield Wei Ying from everything that might hurt him, he would—but he also knew that way of thinking could turn him into his father. 
He would not cage Wei Ying, even to protect him. 
Jiang Yanli was writing outside in the early afternoon sunshine when they arrived, and Wangji could see her immediate understanding and joy at seeing the decorated baskets before she schooled her expression and called for Jiang Wanyin. 
He froze coming from the guest house, a stunned look on his face.
Wei Ying noticed and stopped short, his expression shifting to uncertainty. He didn’t know how his brother would react, Wangji realized. Wangji hovered next to him, not sure how to help. 
Fortunately, Jiang Yanli seemed to know what to do. She came to Wei Ying and tucked her arm into his, pulling him forward, then called Jiang Wanyin’s name with a hint of exasperation in her voice.
Quickly, the three siblings were seated at the table, Wei Ying in the middle. He still looked uncertain, almost overwhelmed, and Wangji longed to go to him and draw him into his arms. 
He was relieved when Xichen stepped forward, that xiongzhang would handle this part. Technically neither himself nor Wei Ying should be present for this, but on a similar note the Jiang siblings were the family of Wei Ying’s heart, not blood, so nothing about this was strictly traditional. They were both orphans, and thus no parents were involved in this betrothal process. 
Xichen directed the disciple to place the baskets he was carrying and set his own down as well. At his pointed look, Wangji placed the cages with the roosters on the table as well. 
“Wei Wuxian received his ribbon today,” Xichen began calmly. “As only family and cultivation partners may touch it, Wangji thought perhaps he could show Maiden Jiang how he ties his into his hair.”
Jiang Yanli looked delighted, and Wei Ying opened the box to show her the ribbon. 
“Oh, it has little embroidered clouds,” she exclaimed.
“An inner disciple’s ribbon,” the outer disciple said, sounding surprised.
“Wei-gongzi has contributed much to Gusu Lan already,” Xichen clarified. “Shufu and I made the decision.”
Jiang Yanli eyed his hair, clearly thinking ahead to the lesson, and she smiled. 
“Oh, is that a new guan?”
To Wangji’s delight, Wei Ying blushed.
“Mine broke this morning. This one belonged to Lan Zhan’s mother.”
“A love token?” Jiang Yanli asked, her smile widening. “It is lovely.”
“You have a whole bag of guan,” Jiang Wanyin muttered. 
Wei Ying froze, his eyes going distant. The Jiang siblings looked startled by his reaction.  
“The guan in his bag all had lotus on them,” Wangji stated. 
He offered nothing more, but they realized anyway if the grief on their faces told him anything. As Wei Ying has predicted, they were sad, but there was a determination there as well. 
“I’ll go through your bags for you,” Jiang Wanyin told him softly. “Get rid of anything with lotuses.”
“I’m sorry we didn’t realize, A-Xian.”
Wei Ying attempted a smile, but it was weak. 
Both of his siblings looked as though they felt guilty for not having realized, but Wangji had only noticed this morning, had connected his fugue with the fallen lotus guan scattered across the floor. 
“I didn’t tell you,” Wei Ying murmured. “How would you know?”
“Tell us what’s bothering you, you idiot. We can’t help otherwise.”
The smile turned more true, and sheepish.
“I’ll try.”
Xichen cleared his throat delicately and gestured to the baskets on the table, and he and Wangji bowed and took their seats across the table as the outer disciple started to unwrap the cloth covering them. 
“Regarding the love token…”
Inside the baskets was white tea from Gusu Lan’s stores, aged decades to develop its delicate flavor. Sweet osmanthus cakes stamped with dragon designs—no phoenix, as both he and Wei Ying were men. A pair of dragon candles. One of the baskets contained cuts of pork, obviously purchased in Caiyi; this gift implied Jiang Yanli was a maternal figure. Another basket contained an assortment of seafood to symbolize a long and happy marriage. Oranges and apples, dates, dried tangerine and melon slices, lotus seeds, candies symbolizing prosperity, good fortune, luck, peace, and offspring—perhaps the hope he and Wei Ying would adopt? Sprigs of pine for longevity. Carved jade in different hues—green dragons and turtles, red and purple birds, white clouds, a black bat, orange fish, blue butterflies, flowers in all colors, and other auspicious symbols—all to show Wei Ying’s worth. 
Gold had a value; jade was invaluable. 
“We have brought a betrothal gift for you, Wei-gongzi’s siblings, to seek your approval for him to be wed to Wangji.”
“I asked him if he would consent to be courted, and he agreed,” Wangji offered.
Instead of responding, Jiang Wanyin looked at Wei Ying with what seemed like anger at first glance but was actually disappointment and grief. 
“You’re not coming back to Lotus Cove,” he said. 
It wasn’t a question, and he clearly already knew the answer. Jiang Wanyin’s voice was resigned and rough, as though he had held out hope all this time while knowing it was unlikely. 
Wei Ying flinched, his face pinched with his own emotions. His throat worked soundlessly for a moment. 
“I can’t,” he finally said, his voice shaky. “I’m sorry, Jiang Cheng.”
“Don’t apologize,” Jiang Wanyin told him. “It’s not your fault. After what happened…”
“I promised I’d be your right hand man,” Wei Ying murmured. 
His hand was fisted in his sleeve, Wangji noticed, his knuckles as white as the robe, as he fought his emotions.
“But I can’t go back. Not now. Maybe not ever. I’m sorry.”
Jiang Wanyin took him by the shoulders and shook him slightly.
“It isn’t your fault!” he hissed as Wei Ying stared at him wide-eyed. “You have nothing to be sorry for, A-Xian!”
Instead of releasing him, he pulled his brother into an almost violent hug. Then they were both crying, as was Jiang Yanli, who put a hand on Wei Ying’s back. 
“It’s enough that you’re here,” she said. “That you’re alive.”
Wangji knew from her expression she was seeing Wei Ying wan and bloody in the mud.
“You will always be his siblings,” he said impulsively, trying to stave off those same memories. “That cannot be taken from you.”
“Yes,” Jiang Yanli whispered. “A-Xian is the brother of our hearts.”
Jiang Wanyin released Wei Ying and fixed Wangji with a calculating look, measuring him as though trying to decide if he was worthy of his brother. Wangji did not begrudge him that—he should do so. 
“You’ll protect him?”
Wangji nodded. 
“He lies. He’ll pretend he doesn’t need help or protecting when he really does. You’ll protect him from himself?”
Wangji nodded again, reflecting on the way Wei Ying has, how he often put himself last in sneaky ways. He would need to compensate with that in mind. 
Jiang Wanyin nodded back, looking very much like he was struggling to find words. 
“He’s afraid of dogs. Terrified of them. Even the tiniest puppies. You have to protect him from them. And he forgets to eat. Even before, he forgot when he was working. He gets too focused and forgets to eat and sometimes even sleep.”
Wangji realized abruptly that these instructions were Jiang Wanyin’s way of expressing his approval. It would be his responsibility to care for Wei Ying. 
Jiang Yanli expressed the importance of spice, of nutritious and delicious foods, of hugs and affection.
“Xianxian is three,” she said softly, tweaking Wei Ying’s nose between two knuckles and then dabbing at his tears with her sleeve. “He doesn’t say when he’s hurting. He keeps it inside, like with the lotuses. He fears becoming a burden.”
Wei Ying sat still between his siblings, his face flushed, clearly overwhelmed by their discussion of him and his needs.
“Wei Ying is never a burden,” Wangji said. “Wei Ying is a joy.”
His face flushed deeper, and he hid behind his sleeves.
“You can’t just say things like that, Lan Zhan.”
“Mm, can.”
“Lan Zhan!”
“Xianxian deserves to be spoiled,” Jiang Yanli said with a smile, nudging him playfully. 
Wei Ying peeked out to shoot her a tremulous smile, but otherwise kept his face hidden. Jiang Wanyin shoved him lightly. 
“I won’t be able to get away with staying here forever,” he said regretfully. “I’m the heir. Eventually I’ll be expected home.”
He fixed Wangji with a scowl. 
“But if I can be sure Wei Wuxian is protected before I have to leave, I’ll feel better.”
“He is a Gusu Lan disciple,” Xichen pointed out softly. “He will be protected even without the courtship and marriage.”
“Unlike in Yunmeng,” Jiang Wanyin muttered bitterly.
Though Wangji knew xiongzhang hadn’t meant it in that way from the way he winced, he didn’t disagree with the Jiang heir’s interpretation. As a disciple—as head disciple—Wei Ying should have been protected, even from the fury of Madam Yu. She should have faced consequences for attacking a disciple alone, not protected by Meishan Yu with Wei Ying dismissed as a mere servant, as though he was property to be done with as she pleased. 
These things still angered Wangji a year later, and probably always will. 
“A-Cheng,” Wei Ying said. “It wasn’t—”
“You should’ve been protected,” Jiang Wanyin interrupted. “A-die should’ve protected you. We failed you.”
“You didn’t,” he whispered. “It wasn’t your fault.”
Jiang Yanli reached out and took Wei Ying’s hand.
“A-Xian, we want to be sure it never happens again. A-Cheng and I couldn’t protect you well enough, and Father should have protected you from a-niang, and he failed to.”
Wei Ying ducked his head, and Wangji knew he was trying to avoid thinking poorly of the man who he’d been raised to consider an uncle. But there were other issues as well—in truth, Jiang Yanli was no longer his martial sister, but he had called her that since he was young and perhaps hadn’t fully realized. Or, more realistically, he didn’t know what to call her otherwise. 
“He could have officially adopted you, A-Xian,” she said gently. “He could have made you our brother officially. She wouldn’t have dared touch you then.”
“It isn’t too late,” Xichen interjected. “The three of you could become sworn siblings.”
The Jiang siblings froze, blinking at each other in surprise. They had not considered the option, but Wangji had not either. The act would send a clear message to the cultivation world at large, would serve as further protection for Wei Ying. 
“It would mean you still have a connection to Yunmeng Jiang,” Jiang Wanyin said after a moment.
Wei Ying looked flummoxed, surprised beyond words by the suggestion, and perhaps a bit torn. With his reaction to lotuses, his trauma, a connection might not be a good thing. 
“You could call me jiejie,” Jiang Yanli whispered, squeezing Wei Ying’s hands. “I’m not really your shijie anymore, but I’d really like to be your jiejie.”
That was apparently the final straw for Wei Ying, who let out a sob and buried himself in her arms. Jiang Wanyin managed a smile, putting a hand on his shoulder, but looked close to tears himself. Becoming sworn siblings would just make official the relationship they had had most of their lives, would solidify their connection to one another. 
“We can set up the ceremony for tomorrow,” Xichen said, smiling gently. “As Jin-furen and Jin-gongzi are visiting, they could serve as witnesses.”
Jiang Yanli glanced at Wei Ying in concern.
“We met her in Caiyi,” Wangji stated. “She has dissolved the sworn sisterhood and wished to commission Wei Ying.”
The news clearly comes as a surprise to the Jiang siblings—apparently in previous visits Jin Zixuan hadn’t mentioned it. 
“They are having tea with shufu presently, but likely intend to visit you,” Xichen added. 
The Jiang siblings were watching their brother with concern, and he managed a smile, straightening.
“I’m fine. Lan Zhan was with me. We rescued a turtle at the fish market and released it in the pond at the jingshi. And we got a book about turtles and poetry and oil for my hair and tanghulu.”
None of his rambling mentioned the Jin, and Wangji could hear exhaustion in his voice, despite how he tried to keep his tone light. From his siblings’ expressions, they could tell as well. 
“It was a long day for Wei Ying,” he said softly. 
A broken guan and slight breakdown, consenting to be courted, rescuing the turtle, shopping, encountering Jin-furen unexpectedly, receiving his ribbon and clarification that Cloud Recesses was now his home, and now this. Too much for him while he was still recovering, almost certainly. He wanted to take him somewhere quiet so he could rest, or to the meadow to bury him in soft rabbits. 
“You’re already protecting him,” Jiang Yanli commented approvingly. 
“We’ll need to establish chaperones,” Jiang Wanyin said, frowning.
They were agreeing to the betrothal, Wangji realized, and warmth spread from his chest in a way he usually only felt around Wei Ying. Joy. He was feeling joy. The siblings of Wei Ying’s heart had accepted their courtship. They would wed. 
Xiongzhang smiled and nudged him gently, clearly happy for him. 
“Wei Wuxian deserves no less,” Xichen agreed. “We want to make his worth very clear. Chaperones through the courtship period will be appropriate.”
Wei Ying looked embarrassed by this, as though he felt the fuss was too much for him. 
“A-Xian has faced enough questions over his worth. He is precious to us and will be treated as such.”
Jiang Yanli was watching Wei Ying, too, he noticed, and was speaking in part to him.
“A-Cheng and I will be happy to chaperone,” she finished.
“For times when you are indisposed, or if myself or shufu are unavailable, I’m sure we can have some of the outer disciples act in that capacity,” Xichen added. “They are often responsible for escorting guests.”
“Wei Ying may need rest before dinner, while you are visiting with Jin-furen and Jin-gongzi,” Wangji stated, watching him. “I would like to escort him to his quarters once Jiang-guniang has tied his ribbon.”
In truth, their lunch in Caiyi had been more of a second breakfast, too early to truly be lunch. There were still several hours left before dinner. 
“I’ll just take it off to rest, won’t I?” Wei Ying protested.
“And I will help you put it back on before dinner,” Jiang Yanli said. “I’m happy to.”
“Disciple Su can chaperone your return to Wei-gongzi’s quarters before he returns to his other duties,” Xichen said.
The disciple bowed. He had a somewhat petulant look on his face, but as Wangji recalled that seemed to just be his natural expression. 
“Yes, Lan-zongzhu.”
Jiang Yanli reached into the basket of osmanthus cakes and presented the disciple with one, bowing.
“Thank you for your help.”
He took the cake, blinking at her in a startled way, then quickly returned her bow and retreated. 
She moved around the table to study Lan Wangji’s hair, and he removed his ribbon and demonstrated how he wove it through his hair for her twice before she was satisfied she understood. 
Within minutes, Wei Ying was wearing his ribbon, the pale fabric making the skin of his face look less pallid, demonstrating how much healthier he looked in comparison to only weeks ago. He looked beautiful as a Gusu Lan disciple, with a proper ribbon—but he was always beautiful to Wangji, so perhaps he was biased. 
“It suits you,” Jiang Yanli told him softly. “The clouds almost look like wings from a distance. Perhaps the wings of a crane.”
Wei Ying blushed, and Wangji felt his ears heat. A pair of cranes alluded to a wish for a long married life. He had never considered the resemblance of the embroidery to wings, but he could see it now. 
“Or lucky roosters, like these,” Jiang Wanyin muttered, pointing at the cages. “I don’t know what we’ll do with them.”
Jiang Yanli brushed her thumb against the embroidery on the ribbon, smoothing what must have been a minute wrinkle. The gesture was almost motherly. 
“They’re for Xianxian’s wedding, to lead him to his husband. We’ll keep them until then, of course. They’re lovely.”
She sat beside him, and Wei Ying leaned his head against her shoulder, a beautiful smile gracing his lips. He looked radiant, if tired, filled with a joy Wangji felt as well. 
“Shufu and I will consult to select an auspicious date,” Xichen said. “I would be honored if you two would assist in the planning of the wedding.”
Jiang Yanli looked overjoyed, and Jiang Wanyin nodded, his expression of a man about to embark on an important mission.
“A-jie and I had ideas,” he said.
Wei Ying stared at him, open-mouthed in shock. 
“What, you thought we didn’t do that for you like you and I did for A-jie? Like I’m sure you two did for me?” Jiang Wanyin demanded. 
“Of course we made plans for you, A-Xian.”
“I didn’t expect to get married,” Wei Ying whispered. “I was going to help Yunmeng Jiang.”
Wangji was surprised by that, but perhaps he shouldn’t have been—Wei Ying was exactly the type to deny himself to do what he saw as duty. His siblings were looking at him in horror, as though just realizing that terrible truth.
“You were allowed to marry, you idiot,” Jiang Wanyin exploded, then took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. “Even if it meant marry out. You didn’t have to stay.”
“I did. I promised.”
Jiang Wanyin looked to his sister, clearly trying not to lose his temper. 
“Xianxian,” she whispered, looking like she felt helpless. “We would never want you to give up your future for Yunmeng Jiang. You always talked so much about Lan-er-gongzi, I always assumed…”
Wei Ying blushed and glanced Wangji’s way, then down at his lap. He was struck again by how exhausted he looked. 
“He did not know my regard for him,” Wangji realized aloud. 
Worse, Wei Ying had thought he’d been rejected, that he was despised. And, knowing him, he had probably justified to himself that he deserved it. 
He could see Xichen’s surprise, but his brother had always known how he felt, before he could even understand himself.
“He thought I disliked him,” he clarified for xiongzhang. 
A look of guilt passed over Jiang Wanyin’s face, and Wangji realized perhaps he had thought similarly, had said something to Wei Ying about it. But ultimately the fault lies with Wangji, for not expressing himself more clearly, not until it was almost too late. 
Xichen also looked somewhat guilty, as though he felt he should have done something himself, but Wangji wouldn’t let him blame himself.
“I will strive to be clearer. Wei Ying should know he is loved.”
Wei Ying made an almost strangled sound.
“Lan Zhan, my heart can’t take it,” he groaned, hiding his face dramatically again. “You’re too much!”
“As much as Wei Ying deserves. Wei Ying will acclimate.”
Jiang Yanli patted her brother’s shoulder, looking softly fond, but also concerned. Wangji wondered if she too realized that Wei Ying might disbelieve he was loved. Jiang Wanyin stayed quiet, but watchful, his jaw still clenched, his expression still stormy. 
“Xianxian will need to get used to it, I think. Lan-er-gongzi will need to use the courtship period to help him adjust.”
Wei Ying gave her a mock betrayed look, and she laughed gently and tweaked his nose. He blinked at her cross-eyed, looking like a sleepy kitten. 
“But I think perhaps you could use a nap.”
The lack of protest was enough of an indication, but Wei Ying swayed when he stood, steadied by his siblings. Jiang Yanli pulled out a handkerchief, then put some of the dates, dried tangerines and melon, candies, and an osmanthus cake on it before tying it into a pouch and pressing it into Wei Ying’s hands.
“A snack would do you good,” she said, leading him around the table to Wangji. “I’ll send A-Cheng for you when dinner is ready. Lan-zongzhu and Lan-er-gongzi are welcome as well.”
Wangji took Wei Ying’s arm in his own to help steady him and received a tired smile. Disciple Su frowned at him, as though scolding him for touching his betrothed, but he ignored him. Xichen smiled.
“I will discuss courtship etiquette and terms with Wei-gongzi later, Wangji. You are aware of them. I trust you to respect them.”
He nodded to his brother and led Wei Ying toward his quarters. 
Respecting courtship etiquette was the same as respecting Wei Ying, particularly to the rest of the cultivation world. Wangji was disappointed, in some ways, that he had been right; the trip to Caiyi was to be their last time spent together alone for some time to come, and part of it had not been.
But as Wei Ying leaned closer, starting to wilt, Wangji focused on him alone, ignoring the disciple accompanying them. He would ensure Wei Ying ate at least some of what Jiang Yanli had packed before leaving him to rest, and the disciple could simply wait as he did so. 
Wei Ying’s health came above all else.
Lots of symbolism in this chapter. Different colors of jade have different meanings. Green, which is the most prized, is for friendship, harmony, and renewal. Red for energy, life, and love. Yellow for optimism, success, and generosity. Orange for ambition, vitality, and libido (lol, like WangXian need help in that department). Blue for loyalty, freedom, and faith. Purple for insight, peace, and devotion. Black for elegance, security, and pride.
There are a lot of meanings involved in carved jade specifically as well. The bat, for instance, would represent happiness and longevity. Butterflies are a symbol of love. Dragons, power, strength, and goodness, as well as masculinity. Fish represent wealth and abundance, and when paired, harmony and connubial bliss. Different birds have different meanings as well, though Lan Wangji doesn’t specify which ones there are, or which flowers are carved.
I am not as familiar with betrothal customs as I would like to be, but it seemed killing and cooking the roosters would be crass at best, at least before the wedding. Apparently some customs include putting the betrothal chickens under the marital bed for the wedding night. In essence, this betrothal is different in a lot of ways because they’re both grooms and both orphans. Because of Wei Wuxian’s lack of blood family, the decision to go to the Jiang siblings is more a courtesy and recognition of their relationship than anything.
“Gold has a price/value; jade is priceless/invaluable” is a Chinese saying that seemed apt for a betrothal gift. 
Wuguji are black-boned chickens, specifically silkies. They’re a smaller breed, but prized in cooking.
Also, I keep meaning and forgetting to thank my amazing beta, @missyriver, for all her help!
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How Did We Get Here? - 5
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Summary: The pictures of (Y/N) and Chris keeps on getting out in the media for the public eyes. The fans are going crazy, but as they tried their best to hide it and keep their relationship to themselves, their feelings to flaunt each other is bigger.
Pairing: Chris Evans x Famous Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: AGE GAP 
Note: a sucker for a fluff and fanfics or imagine that makes me UWUUUUUU so imma push myself to write and smiling like an idiot the whole time for the last chapter!!! // Also using celebs paparazzi shoot’s pics bc it kinds of matches with the mood I’m going for. And for the last chapter I’m using dakota and jamie cause they’re really cute on and off set. HOPE YOU LIKE IT. 
*gifs and pics are not mine*
PART 1 - PART 2 - PART 3 - PART 4 
Chris and I had to fly separately to Italy for the premiere, I was there first as I was talking to Judd when I heard a loud scream from the fans. I look to my left and found Chris smiling (gif), escorted by two men in black suits. 
My face lights up when I see him, but apparently it looks like he already saw me first before I did. 
He looks so good. 
Chris waves to the screaming girls as he approaches me and swing me around. “Hi, handsome.” I whisper. 
He pulls away and take a look at me. I was wearing a black dress. Chris bites his lower lip as he checks me out. I pull out my tongue and scrunch my nose at him making him laugh. “So beautiful.” he said with a hand on his chest. 
“Don’t cry now.” I pat his shoulder making him laugh again. 
The fans were screaming as we talk to each to each other. “KISS!” one shouted and followed by another loud screaming from them. Chris and I laughed as we hug each other one more time. 
The premiere was like usual, we spend time sometimes together for a quick interview sometimes we do it alone. I spend most of the time talking to people, taking pictures with fr I was so tired and my feet hurts that when everything and everyone seems to forget about me and I’m glad, I ask Pammy to take me to the SUV in the parking lot to chill. 
The driver turn the AC on and leave me alone as I texted Chris. 
(Y/N): ‘I’m probably gonna go before you, my feet hurts so bad.’ 
As I lay my head back and put my phone on my stomach, just when I was about to shut my eyes, the door was open. “There you are.” Chris said as I smile tiredly at him. 
“I just texted you,” 
Chris pulls his phone out of his pocket. “You did, baby?” he checks his phone and nodded. “Oh yeah, you did. 
“How did you know I’m here?” 
“Pammy told me.” 
I nodded my head. “Right, she loves you that much, she’d spoil where I am hiding to you right away.” 
“Were you hiding from me?” 
I shook my head smiling goofily. “No.” 
He jumps into the seat next to me after calling the driver. 
I stay quiet  the whole ride, I didn’t even know where we’re going, we did make plans that we would stay together on tour since we didn’t have any other movies to shoot currently. Pammy told me that tomorrow or in 1.5-hous is Chris’ birthday, I have his presents in my suitcase just before I flew here. I had to double check to Wikipedia to make sure Pammy isn’t fucking with me. 
“Hey, did you booked the hotel already?” 
Chris turns to me, his eyes are tired, “Of course, booked it two-weeks ago.” I look at him surprised. 
“Yeah, I wanted to spend my birthday with you.” 
I raise my brow at him with a smirk. “Oh... so you’re telling me tomorrow’s your birthday?” Chris smiles, amused. He slides his arms around my waist shifting me closer to him, I shyly place my head on his shoulder as he puts another arm on my stomach and rest his chin on my head. 
“Do I get a special treatment for my birthday?”
I chuckle. 
“Special treatment? You wish.” I huff. 
When we arrived, there’s no paparazzi, Chris let himself out first, and as I was putting my heels back on, Chris opens the door for me. I smiled at him, puckering my lips as he leans forward to kiss me quick. 
He grabs my heels and carry it for me. I just can’t stop looking at him and think of how lucky I am to have him. Chris is hands down the most kind and caring person I have ever met in my life and now me being with him, I just feel more and more lucky every day. 
“I need to go to the bathroom first, give me the spare key.” 
I was thinking if Chris went up first I can ask for a cake for him upstairs. But, of course, “No, baby, I’ll wait for you.” I can’t help but smile.
I look around if I can have the front office guy look at me. As the guy, take a glance at me, I gesture him to follow me. Chris was looking at his phone, so for now, I’m safe to make a plan. 
“Can I help you Miss?” 
“Could you please send a slice of cake to our room at 11:58 on the clock?” 
He looks back to Chris then to me. “Right, what kind do you want?” 
“What do you have?” 
“We have the cheesecake, red velvet, classic chocolate-” 
“Classic chocolate it is.” I said to him with a smile. “Thank you. And I need one candle, and also please don’t knock, at 11:58 I’ll be right out.” 
He smiles back at me as I make my way to Chris whose eyes wanders around the interior design with its historical pictures on the wall. 
We walk into our room with him still carrying my heels. I didn’t let go of his hand until he has to open the door. I’ve never felt like this before and it’s weird, I never dated guys who were older than me until Chris, but with him, my heart race like I’ve never been before and I feel safe and I never felt like this dating guys my age. 
I look at my phone it’s 15-minutes until his birthday, Chris took off his jacket and say, “I’m gonna go shower.” I nodded my head. “I’ll do it in the morning, I’m too tired.” He smiles and kiss my head. 
Every time he kisses me, or even just a peck on my forehead, it sends electricity through my veins. 
I take off my dress, grabbing one of his white t-shirt and put it on as I remove my makeup while he was in the shower. I check my phone once again, 5-minutes. 
Chris walk out wearing the bathrobe and threw himself to be, opening his arms wide for me as I jump next to him making him chuckle. 
I keep on counting the minute. 
“I’m gonna get a drink, do you want some?” 
“That’d be great, thank you, baby.” I peck him on the lips and make my way out to the door. 
The guy from the front office stood there with a slice of chocolate cake with the candle in it. I specifically ask for one candle, ha, because of course, who likes it when your candle drizzles down to your cake? Nobody. 
He lit it up for me as I walk slowly to the bed and sing, “Happy birthday to you..” 
He looks at me with the cutest reaction (gif). 
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“Happy birthday dear Chris... Happy birthday to you.” 
I stood there for a second, biting my lower lip nervously at him as he stood up. Kissing me passionately before looking at the cake and back to me. “Make a wish.” I said. 
He shuts his eyes for a minute and blow the candle. 
“Thank you, (Y/N)..” 
“The surprise isn’t over yet!” I said handing him the cake and went to my suitcase to get his present. 
Chris placed the cake onto the table near us and open the present and pout in response of how cute it is. 
A matching sweater for him and Dodger, his got Dodger’s face on it and Dogder’s got Chris’ face. 
“Oh man... this is the cutest thing ever...” 
I look at him excitedly, I knew he’d like it because if my puppy’s still alive and someone give me those sweaters for my birthday, I would probably cry. 
“Thank you, I love it.” 
I kiss him once more. 
. . . . 
I took a shower when Chris was still asleep, and as I was having breakfast in the balcony looking at the view of Venice, I open Instagram and uploaded a picture of us together on set.
‘Happy birthday America’s ass @chrisevans there wouldn’t be Nala if Benji don’t exist. You are the reason many people smile today, including mine.’  
I smiled at the picture, it was the first time we had our kiss on set but many more off set. I put my phone and eat my breakfast with my feet up on the balcony wearing bathrobe and a towel wrapped around my head. 
A solid ten-minutes later, my phone didn’t stop buzzing from the notifications. I remember I turn off my notifications for Instagram. “What is going on..” I look it up and there was people tagging me in a photo by Chris. 
‘IS THAT @(Y/N/L/N)?!?!?!?! OMGGGGGGG!!!!’
‘Tell me that’s her and I’ll die happily’ 
‘Omg they’re spending his brithday together i can’t do it.’ 
It’s a picture of me, right now. 
‘Buongiorno, Venice.’ 
I look back and find him leaning against the door looking at me. I blushed. 
“Good morning.” 
“Good morning, birthday boy.” 
Chris walks to me and kiss my cheeks. 
“You’re so sneaky.” 
He laughed, “You look so good baby, I can’t just do it!” he jokes making me laugh. 
“Shall we go for a date today?” he ask. 
I nodded. 
After we went for a brunch, we were standing outside of the restaurant looking at the view. Chris has his hand wrapped around my waist as we talk about how we’re going to work “us” out when our schedules are busy. 
“Well, you’re more famous than me so, I can make the time for you.” 
He pfft’ed me. “No, I’m not.” 
“Oh yes. I mean, aren’t we supposed to be ready if things doesn’t work out?” 
He stays silence.
“But, it sucks if I have to meet other people or see you with someone else and I have to adapt to someone new, I don’t think I want that anymore.” 
I nodded my head, I feel the same way, I know I might be younger than him but exchanging one man to another is never my style. I’m not saying I’m ready to get married but, it’s nice to just have one person for as long as you also want it. 
Meeting people constantly sucks, and I feel too comfortable with Chris that I know for sure I never felt anything like this before. 
“You’re right.” I said. 
Chris just looks at me and say, “Gosh, I love you.” 
My eyes widens in shock. 
Chris’ face turns blue, even green and yellow looking at my reaction. “I’m sorry was that too soon?” 
I bit my lower lip, I am so nervous. 
We just stood there in silence, looking at other ways. I can feel tension between us in this silence, but I know I feel the same way. 
He turns to me. 
“I love you too.” 
His face lights up, the biggest smile I’ve seen. 
“You do?” 
I nodded my head as he grabs me by shirt closer to him and kisses me passionately. Deep and passionate, and we stay like that for as long as I wish it to be. 
And he said, it was easy to love me, but little did he know that it was easier to love him and it’s hard not to. 
I want time to stop ticking just for us. 
Articles about (Y/N) and Chris: 
‘Chris Evans and co star (Y/N/L/N) shares a passionate kiss in Italy!’  - X
‘It’s official! (Y/N/L/N) finally taking it to public with Chris Evans!’ - X
‘(Y/N/L/N) wishes Chris Evans on Instagram. The reason she smiles today!’ - X
‘Chris Evans take (Y/N/L/N) on  a romantic stroll in Italy holding hands.’  - X
. . . . .
@patzammit​ @joannaliceevans-fanficblog​
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