#I hope I made sense
fabuloustrash05 · 3 months
I always found it strange how in TMNT 2012 they reveal that Lord Dregg was a robot and never talk about it again after that.
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I have a theory/headcanon regarding this reveal, or at least a guess as to what they were going for with this concept. I think what they were going something similar to Skulker from Danny Phantom mixed with Oogie Boogie from The Nightmare before Christmas.
Oogie Boogie is a revealed to be a giant sack of bugs, and when revealed he falls apart, showing a singular roach was controlling all the bugs in that sack. Like a hive mind of sorts.
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And Skulker is a revealed that his body is just a robotic suit and his true form is a tiny little ghost that controls the suit.
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So what if for Dregg’s concept, inside that robot suit of his there’s actually a tiny little cockroach (cause Raph’s afraid of cockroaches so I think it be funny irony) alien controlling the robot, creating a hive mind of other tiny bugs to cover up the robot body, dubbing himself the king of insects.
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awinterrosesstuff · 1 month
The reason why I like Tara so much is because she resonates a lot with me.
When we're introduced to her, Tara is a very shy and introvert girl who doesn't know how to express her opinions and feeling into words well. But she's not passive either. She takes decisions. She goes to Sunnydale and leaves a toxic place. She's trying to make connections by joining a group of witches. She's the one who goes to Willow to prevent her about the things she found during her research.
When she meets Willow's friends, she doesn't really know how to act with them. Shd's kind of socially awkward. She feels she doesn't fit in the group. And I don't blame her for it, I was like that too. I always found harder to talk to people when I'm with several persons. In her case, they're friends for years. Willow, Alex and Buffy are very close.
But when her family comes to take her, things change. She takes a new decision. She tries a sort so that her friends don't see as she thinks she is. Funny thing they actually see her the way she is. By the end of the episode, her father is confronted to Willow, Buffy and the others who easily take her side and defend her. Like Buffy says perfectly, Tara is part of the family now. And that's exactly what she needs and deserves : a new family.
She's really a member of the groupe. Her magic abilities and knowledges are well respected by the scoobies. She's loved... I actually really like her relationships with Willow, Dawn & Buffy. She grow and matured with Willow, discovered love and more about magic. Dawn is like a little sister to her. She takes care of her when they have time together. With Buffy, they clearly trust one another. Tara is very empathic towards her, doesn't judge her. Her reaction concerning the Spike/Buffy relationship is quite interesting.
By the end, Tara finds her own voice. She expresses her feelings, asks the good questions, gives advices and makes people think about what they do - Willow and Buffy. She evens makes a joke or two there and there. And when Anya "attacks" Willow, she comes to her defense quite easily... Tara at first wouldn't do anything like that.
To me, Tara is a flower that bloomed throught the show. She found what she needed and was a breath of fresh air when put beside the others. And I was very sad with her ending and the way she was taken from us.
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coolbattlegirl · 2 years
Overblot!Yuu and Overblot!Grim Headcanon(s) Part 2
Since you guys seemed to love the last one, I have come back to feed you part 2! This time I would like to talk about how these two overblot!
If you haven’t yet read part 1 here is the link
It’s a bit long so please bear with me! I tried my best to write this! 
And if you guys have any questions, input, or whatever, I would be ecstatic to hear it <3 Anyways, I’ve spoken long enough! Enjoy my tribute to overblot headcanons~!
So Yuu has no magic, right? But with all the time they spent in Twisted Wonderland they are bound to gather/absorb at least a tiny bit of magic inside of them, since they’re literally surrounded by it. 
But Yuu can’t really do anything with it as they don’t have the ability to cast it(and I’m like 95% sure they’d die immediately if they overblot cause they had no magic in them) And for those who say that they’re magicless and magicless people can’t overblot, so it wouldn’t make sense.
You’re not wrong. But I think that everyone in twisted wonderland are born with magic inside of them, but some are born with only a speck of it. Thus making them have “no magic”.
“But if magicless people have a speck of magic in them why wouldn’t they overblot?”
1. They don’t have enough to cast magic meaning there’s not enough to cause an overblot. 
2. They don’t have the special relationship and connection Grim and Yuu has going on.
Now that we got that out of the way, let’s continue. Because Yuu has little to no magic in them, It would mean that Grim would be what causes the overblot to actually occur. Since he’s been eating all sorts of nasty rocks with our time together with him. (Even if Yuu had despaired with a bit of overblot in them, it wouldn’t cause them to outright overblot. They’d just be sad. But our pal Grim here, is here to help!)
How would our “overblot” cause Grim to overblot as well?
Remember in chapter 5 where Grim went feral and hurt us? He was in the middle of eating a blot crystal at the time. And the injury caused some of his magic(which contained some overblot) to get into the injury. Since it has no where to go, it kind of just settles in our body lying dormant. 
Yuu is starting to lose hope of ever going home as a certain clown, *cough* Crowley this is all your fault- *cough* *cough* is taking a bit too long to find a way to get them home. 
Yuu misses their home and yearns to go back as they feel like they don’t belong here due to well… not being part of Twisted Wonderland. Sure, they made a bunch of friends here, but they still feel like an outcast to some degree. 
Grim feels bad for Yuu but also a bit relieved. Yuu is the first person he has ever felt a connection with, and he have mixed feelings on them going home. He feels bad about it and doesn’t want to tell them, but the bad feeling just keeps growing. 
As you all know, one can only bottle things up before it explodes. And that is exactly what happens. It’s almost like a chain reaction. Yuu despairs and it causes the dormant overblot to “wake up”. And since that overblot was mixed in with Grim’s fire magic, it also causes his magic and the overblot crystals he consumed to go berserk. 
I’m not good at explaining so, I apologize if it’s a bid hard to understand. To put it simply, Yuu is the match that lights the fuse, and Grim is the dynamite!
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sasukesun · 7 months
Do you have any posts regarding what you make of the pain arc and the convo Naruto and Nagato have at the end of it?
i don’t think i have? sometimes i think i should improve my tagging system but that’s almost undoable considering the amount of posts there are in this blog. that being said, what i make of their conversation is… it’s underwhelming. it’s just vague and shallow and it answers nothing, but i understand that it went how it went for multiple reasons.
i do blame kishimoto for being a sold out and letting them push for boruto (and we know they decided to go with it around the pein arc, so it’s not surprising the overall quality dropped from here, since things started to get way too forced), but i don’t blame him for losing the love he had for his story, for the exhausting routine he was submitted into, for not having full creative freedom (as he himself admitted that a lot of his ideas were unshonen), and i think all those are reasons why his writing is sometimes so frustrating.
what i find silly and vague is the fact that naruto goes “i will become hokage and find peace no matter what because jiraiya believed in me” and nagato just… accepts it wholeheartedly and kills himself? i just- i can’t buy it, kishimoto is just making his job easier here. i would prefer something more honest and realistic, such as naruto not having an answer at all, because he was so real for these moments here
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he is 16, why is he supposed to have an answer when the adults don’t? that’s actually realistic. however, i understand that kishimoto wrote himself into a corner here because naruto and nagato’s conflict had to be resolved…
what i make out of all this is that no one inside the story has a good idea on how to find peace/fix the system. despite the fact that naruto’s answer is shallow, nagato’s plan isn’t good either, naruto understands that nagato only wants to create a false sensation of peace, out of fear, nagato himself is aware of that. and if naruto wants to do it without turning to violence, maybe he could try to find a common ground with nagato here in this moment… with diplomacy? (maybe that sounds stupid, but i don’t see how it’s less stupid than nagato accepting everything wholeheartedly and dying for a vague answer — considering here that naruto wants to go on without violence in order to stop the cycle of revenge).
i’ve already said i wouldn’t mind if the manga ended with naruto not having an actual answer but it showed him at least working to find one, working to make the world a better place (together with sasuke especially because that’s well established in vote2, but together with other people as well). it’s “easy” for us to find a solution when we’re outside of such context, when we have years and years to analyse the content while kishimoto had an exhausting writing routine and not full creative freedom and had to come up with quick answers since naruto was published weekly. but yeah, there is also the fact that he made his job easier because of boruto, that he didn’t need to find good answers or conclusions when he’s going to keep the shinobi system. so there’s that too.
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wigglebox · 2 years
Queer? In my John Winchester?
It’s more likely than you think! 
Sorry — but not really. 
So, it’s 2022, there’s a Supernatural show on, and I am sitting at my desk wondering how to actually start talking about a queer reading for a character that many don’t like the idea of being queer.
No I’m not talking about Dean Winchester — I’m talking about John. 
I remember waaaay back when in Ye Olden Times of June 2021 when the show’s script commitment was leaked, myself and a few others on Tumblr tossed around the idea of “Omg what if they make John queer, he’s in a relationship with another guy, and then heaven forces them apart because he has to be with Mary.”
And that wasn’t out of a desire to just have a slash ship. Those happen regardless, all the time, with little to no warning and little to no reason sometimes. Shipping happens. Shipping doesn’t have to be canon, doesn’t really have to make sense, and is a personal thing between you and your AO3 account. 
From my perspective, I had been wondering if they’d do it simply because the meta symbolism comparison — whatever — would be so great for Destiel and that ship’s journey. 
And, I still stand by that, and if anything, even more so now that I’ve had more time to think about it and see the characters on my screen. 
While watching 1x04 of The Winchesters, Masters of War, even mid-episode, Twitter and Tumblr and likely your Discord servers were all ablaze with “What was that look that John just gave Carlos in that uniform? Millie? What?” and especially after this tweet:
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Just gonna do one of these while I’m at it: 
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Anyway —
But for me, that wasn’t the only moment my brain starting firing when it came to the possibility of John and Carlos. 
First of all, since we know where John and Mary are eventually going to end up, this show can’t hurt me. I’m already expecting to be hurt. It’s not queerbaiting, it’s not anything like that. Also, especially now, very much not queerbaiting. Coding is not baiting. But regardless, I had gone into this show fully expecting to just start shipping everyone for everyone just because why not?
But after 1x04 I legitimately will be paying more attention to John/Carlos. 
For me, the most interesting thing about Destiel was that it kinda was born organically. Cas wasn’t meant to be a character that stuck around but the chemistry was too good to get rid of him, and the story just made sense with him there tbh. It was over the years and years that these two were on screen together in which it went from “Yay, a slash ship that’s not with his brother!” to “Oh my God are they going to make this canon? It makes the most sense!” 
The thing with Destiel is that since it was organic, it was born outside of the narrative. Cas was the first one to “make it up as we go,” he exists outside the narrative. 
The whole thing when it comes to Chuck Won theory for me is that Cas is a threat to Chuck because he exists outside of the narrative and kept trying to get Dean to go along with him — subconciously of course lol. [Side note, this is why I don’t believe Cas is in heaven, because if indeed Chuck won, Cas wouldn’t be there. Cas is ‘real’, he’s ‘truth’]. 
Destiel is a pairing, a love story, outside of the actual story while directly influencing the narrative that Chuck is trying to dole out to us. 
It was a brat, the suits/Chuck couldn’t control it, and once it started rolling down the hill, no one could stop it. 
Destiel was the character pairing that broke the narrative. 
Now, when it comes to The Winchesters, we have a bit of a thing going on here don’t we? We have four characers: Two young women, two young men. This is actually prime fodder for a shipping free for all. 
Carlos already expressed his once crush on Mary, Latika [to me at least] is kind of crushing on John, and John and Mary, we know, wind up together regardless. 
However — John and Mary are the narrative. That’s The Plan TM. That’s heaven’s outcome, that’s Chuck’s outcome, that’s the thing that needs to happen for the story to play out how they want it to. John and Mary don’t have a choice in this. 
But, they both still need a relationship outside of the narrative for contrast. 
The thing with Supernatural is that we never had Sam or Dean have ‘narrative compliant’ relationships. There was no need to have them hook up with someone to make children who are destined to bring about the apocalypse or whatever. That was all on them. That was supposed to end with Sam and Dean. 
But The Winchesters has a narrative couple, even if they don’t know it yet. For me, John and Mary still seem like just friends, they all do really, and while sometimes they’ll have talks in the van or heartfelt speeches to each other already with piano music softly playing overhead — it still doesn’t feel like romance. If anything, in 1x03 with John’s words about Mary and having to save her, it felt more like we’re inching more towards brother co-dependency than not. 
Since we have a narrative couple, and we already know what that is, we need a non-narrative couple. We need John and Mary to seek relationships with others, and probably get a little farther with it than just one date. We need something outside of the narrative that’s threatening to also take John and Mary along as well. John and Mary need their Cas, because they certainnly aren’t Dean and Cas to each other. 
“But Jen, why not just have John with Latika?” 
Because I said so! No, just kidding, because Carlos makes more sense to me in this case. 
It’s been clear to a lot of us watching that Carlos really captures the attitude and spirit of early seasons Dean. A little over confident, likely compensating for something. Withholding emotional stuff, maybe a little cavelier in his love life, and hell we even got a “why does paper even beat a rock” reference in 1x04. 
But in 1x04, it feels like Carlos was also set up with Cas parallels. 
Carlos was in the Navy, he was in the service, just like John. Dean and Cas were also ordered basically to “fight” by their fathers, and were essentially soldiers of their own corners of the narrative. 
But, Carlos isn’t a soldier. He’s a medic. He’s a healer. First thing I thought of was “Oh, Cas healed people and Dean all the time.” That’s one of the things I associate with Cas a lot is just healing, both physical wounds and emotional ones. 
I find it interestingly fasincating that Carlos was put in contrast to John like this. Dean and Cas to me were on the same level whereas Carlos felt like almost the polar opposite to John. He didn’t illegally sign up for the war while underaged, he wasn’t really looking for a fight, and he did none of the fighting but instead helped those who were wounded in the fighting. Whereas John entered the war underaged, was a Marine, and likely saw so many atrocities unfold before him including the death of his friend Murphy. 
The Destiel parallels didn’t end there for me. 
It seems like we’re test driving John with the different characters. He’s with Mary, alone. Then he’s with Latika, alone. And now he’s with Carlos for most of the episode, alone. So it feels like it’s almost like I’m watching The Bachelor lol. You have the winner who was engineered by producers to be the pick at the end of the competition [Mary], the one who actually was in it to find love with the Bachelor [Latika] and the one that the Bachelor actually fell in love with [Carlos]. 
[I’ve never seen this show lmao I’m actually modeling this off of Flavor Of Love but shh don’t tell anyone]
Obviously, my saying John is in love with Carlos is literally just me saying that. Literally no proof of that right now. I’m just saying if we’re going to throw some tropes in there, that’s where I’d slot him in. 
So getting back to Destiel parallels — I found the jungle space that John and Carlos wound up in so interesting. It really reminded me of Purgaytory. Yes I’m spelling it that way. 
When Carlos stepped on the mine and said John’s name like that, like Murphy did but also just like that, idk. Struck something in me. But I also found it interesting that he was in there at all. All the other people that this god killed were on their own. But now it’s both Carlos and John, and the god is using Carlos to try and like, convince John to do what it wants John to do. 
Obviously, we know that despite his claims otherwise, John did wind up doing what the god wanted him to do and did in fact kinda give into his inner demons, which we saw play out the entire episode as John struggled hard. 
For me, John needs someone who’s going to tempt him away from the narrative, away from going down this bad path of running instead of confronting his inner demons, and away from the narrative pairing that will eventually be with Mary. He needs someone who will help steer him away from all of this, because the narrative has to have something to rip away from him. And progress would be that thing that the narrative strips away. 
And to me, yes I wouldn’t mind it being Latika either but I’m aligning her more with Mary at the moment. So for me, it’d be Carlos. Another ‘brother in arms’ [see what I did there], someone who does understand the trauma of seeing what he saw, and experienced more or less what he experienced. Someone who is that beacon of hope and light [even though I’m sure Carlos has his own issues obviously] that would make John want to confront his issues intead of run from them. 
So, when I see fun Destiel parallels to John and Carlos I like them, but I’m also thinking about the meta narrative implications of this. A queer ship, for outside of the narrative, that will wind up getting the axe in order to serve the narrative. Because isn’t that what happened with Destiel, and Dean’s right to reciprocate being taken away from him [literally. the final monsters ripped people’s tongues out and he never said Cas’ name after that phone call in 15x19]. 
To mark a full tragedy and degradation of John Winchester, it’d be great to me anyway if they do the same with him. 
Now —
I know post-episode there were some loud dissenters and those who aren’t happy about this concept that John could be queer, especially if it’s more upfront about it than Dean ever truly got a chance to do. 
And for that, I understand, however I’m choosing to view this as a good thing because if they can slap on as many callbacks to Destiel as they can with these two, but knowing that with these two it’s going to fail while with Destiel more or less succeeded*, I’m choosing to call a win a win. I also don’t believe symbolism, meta, and story for The Winchesters should be sacrificed because of decisions made for a separate show that began in 2005 and tried its hardest to deliver undeniably queer Dean in its 15 year long run. 
*Dean never go to say I Love You back, however I’m a continuation believer, and I also think the metaphorical silence was pretty loud.
A lot of folks choose to see adult John as homophobic, a headcanon/fanon trait that I can 100% understand where folks come from. However it’s not canon that he is, and it’s never been implied in the show either. Therefore, I feel like that point of debate is one I don’t really take all that seriously, because it’s someone’s personal reading of a character, and not tangible canon. 
A queer John Winchester would I think give us the chance to add more fuel to the Destiel fire, while also giving us the chance to grieve a love story that could have been, and grieve a person that John could have been instead of the one that he became. Queer people aren’t always good, kind, reasonable, and understanding. Sometimes they can, indeed, grow into being terrible people. 
The Winchesters is ultimately a tragedy. No one is going to win at the end of the day. It’s like watching a run away train and being unable to stop the characters from making the choices that we know will lead them not to safety but to mortal danger. 
But if they can give us peeks into what could have been, that’ll make it so much more tragic in a way that really resonates with us. 
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telltaleangelina · 2 months
The TE Lawrence quote ‘Sacrifice uplifts the redeemer and casts down the bought’ – you mentioned that it might be a clue to how Alec/Ralph’s relationship ended.  I wondered what your thoughts are on this?  I can never work out if it is that Alec wants to ‘look after Ralph’ or doesn’t want Ralph to ‘look after him’.  I mean, a bit of both I’m sure, but I still wonder what it looks like? And also, how was it reading that cliffhanger ending for the first time?
So, my whole idea comes from the fact that Alec and Ralph seem somewhat similar in personality to me. I got the impression that both wanted to take some responsibility; Ralph in literally everything, and Alec in a relationship...about the T.E. Lawrence quote: full disclaimer, I haven’t read the book it's from. I'm probably way off base, but just on its own, the quote to me came across as: complex men understand that sacrifice uplifts the one who partakes in it, and casts down the one for whom it is done. The first redeems the second, but the second will always be beneath the first; he is ‘bought’ (i.e. indebted) and also ‘cast down.’ When it’s mentioned by Alec, I assumed he was referring both to himself and Ralph as being those ‘complex men’ who also 'sacrifice.’ There was also a direct mention of Sandy prior to it being brought up, so I linked the whole thing both to Alec’s relationship (and impression) of Ralph (who he says is ‘complex’ but remains innocent about it), along with his relationship to Sandy (who I assume is the one ‘bought’).
So, the way I read it was: Alec identifies himself as a ‘complex man' who understands the implication of being the one to sacrifice for another person; he identifies Ralph as such a complex man too, but seems annoyed that Ralph doesn't understand that the people for whom he sacrifices are inevitably 'cast down' and 'bought.' He maintains an innocence about things in general and this bothers Alec. Later on, Alec obviously says that Ralph never let him do anything in their relationship, so I made a leap and connected this comment to the quote and came away with a vague idea that in their relationship Ralph probably would’ve been the one who 'sacrificed’ and Alec would’ve been the one who was ‘cast down,’ i.e. Alec was expected to depend on Ralph, who took all responsibility while Alec was never allowed to fulfil any similar role; Ralph never let himself depend on Alec, or let him help in any way. This would’ve been an inherently unequal relationship and I don't think Alec would've liked it (because again, I see him as similar to Ralph in the sense he wants responsibility; he himself also says most of their arguments resulted from Ralph's inability to just let him help or do anything).
Re the cliffhanger: the first time I read it, it did a number on me…I didn’t much understand it, because I was rushing to get through and see what happened with Ralph. When I finally got to the end, and read ‘I should’ve had to come back,’ I was honestly...flabbergasted, I think is the correct word? I didn’t realise that Laurie was lying, so it seemed the sweetest thing in the world. I remember the whole day after I finished the book, I kept thinking about those words and wondering what happened! The last paragraph seemed to indicate a happy ending (I read it like three times over lol), but I hated how abrupt it all was. It wasn't until some time had passed that I actually started to liked the abruptness. Also, it really made me want to read the Phaedrus!
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rei-doodles101 · 2 months
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My name is Rei!, I’m a somewhat new artist but not quite. I’ve been drawing for about 5 years non consistently!, but I’ve been wanting to make it more constant and really try to Improve my art. So I decided to make this account just to document my progress and such!, I’m not that focused on getting followers or likes since I’m treating it as a way to save my art, but I also would love for people to drop by and give me tips or to just follow me along my journey!. Anyway, I’m very grateful for you reading this far in, I’ll try keeping it constant posting but no promises! Thank you for reading!.
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sun-stricken · 3 months
100 year quest has completely flipped Gary’s character it’s awful. No one seems like themselves and the power scaling is ridiculous but I’d say Gray’s character was completely assassinated. I think Mashima has no idea what to do with the character and is just ‘dragons and boobs!’.
I don’t consider any of 100yq canon. At all.
Also nothing wrong with dub. Personally I watch with subtitles except for when I want to listen to it while doing something else (and as a kid I watched with the dub so it’s nostalgic with ft).
People are allowed to like things without looking at supplemental or sequel material. That’s what’s great about fan fiction , about opinions in general. That anon is ridiculous.
ive heard ppl say that so many times that i literally cannot even attempt to read it,, i feel like itd read as some sort of bad fanfiction instead of canon media yk?
some people get so protective over fictional media that it can be hard to post hcs and aus and youre own depictions on events/characters without making it as generalized or close to canon as possible
also i never really understood why ppl can care so much about how other people consume media??? I like sub as much as i like dub its just a matter of connivence
You’re absolutely right in that last paragraph, some people just act like they have some sort of superiority bc they read manga/book instead of watching the anime/show/movie, or for watching is sub rather than dub when in reality it really is not that deep. We’re still consuming the same material
Thats also why i love fandom works too, i love seeing different interpretations and reactions to media. Its crazy how mych hate people can get for simply enjoying something enough to publicly post about it
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muppenthings · 1 year
For Gorm the Octomer (I hope I’m saying that correctly). Could modern day tablets with LCD screens be used with positive and negative reinforcement to teach consent?
Using red and orange illuminated on a screen with the bitter spray…And using Blues and Greens with a tasty treat. With the eventual hope of better communication and understanding? Starting from the basics and work upwards??? Eventually establishing colors with facial expressions or body language?
When a human is flailing about that is like orange, orange is not good. It’s just, Gorm looks like such a curious sweetheart. I would want to help them gain understanding and be less confused by us silly land dwellers.
Using color would definitely aid in getting your point across faster. Mimicking his colors, the strong blue = yes, while the bright teal/greenish = no. Even if that's simplifying it, he'd get the idea. I imagine he'll learn vocal "Yes" and "No" quickly. In the beginning, "no" for him would mean to abort an action. For example what he's about to do, pick someone up. Making him hold back if told "no" is gonna be difficult. He can be quite impatient so there has to be a strong motivator to keep him from acting.
I imagine he'll learn to be more patient and ask for permission because he gets more rewarded if he behaves. Like they're not gonna turn on a light projector for him at night if he picks apart a truck during the day. xD
Gorm learned from handling the past humans how they sound when scared, happy etc. He's just so overcurious, coupled with impatient, that he can't help himself. Besides, he's not trying to hurt them, just having a look, so he reasons. He has many scars from poking around at things and handling scared humans armed with knives and swords. He could use some lessons in self-preservation too. :,)
The arms are just gonna grab unless bitter sprayed. They act upon a given task by the central brain, aka Gorm himself. There's no thought behind them, they just act on reflex in line with the given task! Of course, if Gorm's attention is called directly to the arm (through pain, it getting stuck or it tastes something foul) he can control it consciously. So even if Gorm learns to hold back, the arms will not. So you always have to be prepared.
skmayor asked: Oops, my bad. I thought green was an active color for Gorm. Now I’m recognizing it as a negative color. I’d be impressed if a scientist took the time to try and interact with the octomer. Learning what different colors and flashes mean.
No worries, I haven't written out what the different colors signal! Yeah bright teal/greenish ones signal strong emotions, often negative. Ranging from him being startled, fearful, upset or angry. The humans are definitely trying to decode his colors and patterns. Humans are a curious bunch too after all! But it is difficult! There's just so many subtle differences in hues and how they flash and flicker. And up close it's hard to see all of him while interacting so they'd have to look at recordings to get the bigger picture. Then there's the accompanying huffs, puffs and teeth clacking that he also uses in communication! :)
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octopus-reactivated · 2 years
Whumper torturing Whumpee by showing them moments from shows that are so awkward that Whumpee will feel physical pain from second-hand embarrassment.
Bonus points: it's Whumper who responds stronger to second-hand embarrassment, while Whumpee is one of those people who look at fictional people in fictional social situations and is like "this does not affect me or my feelings"
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I hate when people see one (1) meme made by a group of people they don't belong too (lgbt+ or neurodivergent for example) and go like "the new generations humor is shit" "is this the pinnacle of comedy of nowdays?" "I hate [probably a marginalized group] humor" "[this group of people] is so unfunny"
like. You saw one dumb joke. You could have just ignored it. You could even say you found it unfunny. Sometimes only the creator of the joke found it funny. Perhaps it was satire and not even the creator of the joke actually found it funny. But of course you have to hate the whole group of people and their mothers
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rubyloops · 2 months
hello, popping in to chat about art. when did you start drawing and how did you go about learning?
hello hi!!
ohh jeez ive been drawing since before i can even remember. for most of my life and even now i can never go anywhere without my sketchbook on hand!
in regards to learning, i was pretty much self-taught up until college? so i don’t really have a good answer with how I learned, i just surrounded myself with people, both in real life and in online spaces, who also did art, and i took a lot of inspiration from them along with the media that i was into! im still doing that to this day, there’s still techniques & things that i want to learn and improve on. im studying art in college and that’s helping with my own work as well. art museums are my favorite places too—surrounding yourself with genuine, amazing art is wonderful
i don’t wanna talk your ear off about all my art stuff but!! it’s really important to me, art has been with me my entire life. so if you’re thinking you wanna start drawing i say go for it!! draw the things!! do it now !!!
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spoiledskullz · 10 days
Does knuckles notices that Welkin isn't okay tho?
How he comforts her?
yes! Knuckles I think is one of the only people who kinda catch on to Welkin not being ok (she hides it REALLY well and ignores it even better)
Knuckles is pretty awkward and blunt, I think when he starts to catch onto something that isn't right he points it out and Welkin might deflect and say it's nothing
He won't pry but I think he keeps an eye on her a lot, picks up on the things she does that seem off
He doesn't outright comfort her because she won't allow him to
He'll comfort her once she allows him to, it would be through actions though and not through words and Welkin appreciates it regardless
It also kinda depends on the situation and how far along in their relationship they are 🤔 like for instance I have a story where something really bad happens and if it weren't for Knuckles telling her to take a break, she would just keep going LOL
This is probably their biggest obstacle in their relationship? because they both don't have the easiest time allowing the other to help/take care of them but they ultimately overcome it through years of being together lol
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wanderingmind867 · 1 month
245 people follow me while I only follow like 217 people. People might sau this is no big deal, and you're probably right. It's not a big deal if I get lazy and forget to follow new people. But I also just get all self-conscious when I realize that I follow like 30 less blogs than I have blogs following me. So I probably should try and look for more blogs to follow at some point. But if I don't, then we can just expect these posts to continue everytime I notice the followers/following gap.
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michelleleewise · 1 year
I have been writing my fanfics on Wattpad for awhile and I want to bring them over to Tumblr. Do you have any advice on how to get started on that?
Thought I would ask you bc I love how your fanfics are set up ❤️
Aaaahhhh!!! Can I just say how honored I am that you asked me.....and i am more then happy to help in anyway that i can🥰🥰🥰🥰
Ok, so I started here and only post here. I tried ao3 but am having a hard time getting everything over there, it's not as user friendly....to me anyway lol
I started off by making my masterlist, it has all the general info about what I write, who I write for, 18+ and all that and I make sure to keep that pinned to the top, so basically when you make the post there's an option to pin post, just hit that and it will keep it at the top of your blog.....makes it super easy for your readers to find 😁😁
Now let's say you write a one shot, you post it and then copy the link....then go to your mastelist post, put the title in and then highlight it and hit the chain link icon on the end, then paste the link and ta-daa!! Now with series or multichapters its the same basic steps, just a little different.
I make a mastelist for each series, so I use a pic/gif/moodboard as the photo along with the title, warnings/Summary and all that. Then I scroll down and put part one/part two etc depending on the amount of parts, and as you write each part paste the link to each one. And then I copy the link to the individual masterlist, go back to my main mastelist type the title and paste the link so that way when your readers tap on the title it goes directly to all parts of that story.
It's actually really fun to do!!! I hope I haven't confused you!!! Please feel free to message me ANYTIME and I'm more then happy to walk you through each step and answer any questions you have!!! Don't hesitate 😁😁
Oh!! And one last thing for now......HASHTAGS!!!! they are tedious and somewhat annoying but very important!! They help your writing be seen by as many people as possible. So, let's say you got your post ready, you all set to post it.....go down to the hashtag icon at the bottom and use as many as you can......it allows you to use 30 and I use them all..if you write Loki, you just put in Loki x Reader and it pops up suggestions, just tap it and it adds it to the post. If you look at any of my posts at the end you'll see the list of hashtags I use, and I'm more then happy to send you pics and visuals if it would help!! The hashtags throw a wider net allowing you to pull in a larger audience, so say a reader searches loki x reader your hashtag will pull and your story will pop up in their search 😁😁
Again, message me anytime and I'm always here to help!!!! 💚💚💚
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aroace-poly-show · 10 months
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thanks for enabling me <3
uhh major omori spoilers btw 👍 and also tw for suicide. i hope i can coherently explain my thoughts. my opinion btw. i’m gonna sound dumb i’m sorry i’m thinking about this too hard but please be nice to me <3
anyway my favorite area in terms of spook factor in omori is the red maze.
the red maze is a secretish area in omori, in black space 2 specifically. i think thats kinda notable. black space 1 and 2 are like repressed trauma headquarters.
the maze looks like this first going in. creepy ass fucking tree. (fun fact. the full area has a spot that looks like a noose hanging from a tree, and another spot that says “kill me”. fun.)
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in the area you can find little toasts floating around. toasts are what a party member becomes when they hit 0 hp.
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letting them touch you turns the screen black for a split second, then they become this:
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little pixel hanging maris following you around in the dark. how fun.
letting them touch you makes you take damage. you can’t die though, lowest you can get is 1 hp. continuing to let them touch you though after a while makes them turn into this:
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mari but worse. fun. 👍
these are referred to as manniquen mari in game. letting them touch you makes them scream and turn into the thing on the left:
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and theres a lot of them that chase you around in the dark. screaming. this area is super fun and not stressful at all. 
a bonus: continuing to run around in the dark like this with them chasing you prompts a text box. it keeps popping up randomly once you’ve been here a while. it says the following:
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(ignore the big face to the side. that is a glitch, it’s not supposed to happen. i had to get this from a different yt video since i can’t transfer videos/photos from my switch right now 💔)
the red maze makes me so fucking anxious this shit scares me so badly. i hated being here but also i really liked it cause i at least think its a really cool horror thing. its a part of this horror game that actually really scared me. got me really anxious. good job omori 👍
also unless you can find your way out or find a way to one of the ladders you’re stuck in the dark with the hellmaris and screaming and guilt. unless you decide to stab yourself. which you can of course do. 
 a side note, and tw for animal abuse/death and lots of mentions of suicide: the way this game can make you like. get used to and even prefer suicide as an option is something i think about sometimes. like the mewo room (i forgot what its actually called) where it gives you the option to either stab yourself or cut mewo open is so fucked up cause you can be almost RELIEVED to see that you can stab yourself instead of cutting open mewo. idk. its a thing i think about sometimes. (technically there isn’t really a choice cause cutting open mewo does nothing, and you still have to stab yourself anyway but like. this still applies to the red maze. you could go through the anxiety of trying to find a way out in this maze but its easier to die which is SUCH a fucking thing i think about. like. idk. yeah just a thought 👍)
this area is like. interesting to me. its such a heavily repressed area, since it’s a secretish area in repressed trauma headquarters part 2. this is on the hikkikomori route, where sunny never faces the truth and idk i like this area cause it genuinely gets me really anxious and i like the scary factor and also cause its like more of the game showing no matter what the truth will always haunt sunny. the guilt and trauma of what happened will always be there, heavily repressed but still there, in the very back of sunny’s mind. “look at what you’ve done.” idk i think that like really emphasizes the guilt. also to me it also makes the player feel kinda guilty especially if you’ve already done the sunny route/good ending. look at what you did, look at what your choice has led to. (i did another whole ramble on a similar note but about playing forever and what i think about it. i like playing forever a lot btw :3)
i think its pretty clear that what happened and mari’s death will always haunt sunny just from how the hikkikomori route ends (with sunny leaving the house, something still following him into the car to his new house), but idk i think its cool how much stuff in black space 2 really really emphasizes how much this will always haunt sunny no matter how much he tries to repress it. there’s more i wanna talk about but again i can’t get my screenshots rn 💔
anyway. bonus areas from the red maze i’d like to mention:
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^ these are in one area, down a really really REALLY long chain of ladders. the hellmari face is what you find at the very end. i wanna talk about the toy box (second photo, thats what the box is.) 
the toybox is where, in the route where you find the truth, you find sunny’s old violin. on this route though, its locked. you can’t open it. you can’t even interact with it. its just there. idk. its another detail i like. the violin that is so heavily tied with the truth is in this secret very repressed area, locked and completely unable to be interacted with. the key that sunny needed to face the truth and omori is in there, but he’ll never even touch that box. its buried under layers and layers of repression.
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^ this area is called faces of omori. if you can see in the background, a chart of omori’s expressions is there, it scrolls down quickly ingame. a thing i wanna note, iirc, it also has faces for omori’s scared emotion. it was cut and never used in game but i think thats a cool detail. anyway i have absolutely no fucking clue what this area is about. but i think it’s cool 👍
uh i feel like i was just repeating myself a lot. sorry. i am not great at analysis but i think about this game all the time and i wanted to unleash my thoughts at least semi coherently 👍
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