#I have done it once and it was kinda of meh
hxdrostorm · 1 year
// Mmm I've been considering making one of those hub blogs with sideblogs dedicated to specific fandoms
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hwiyoungies · 10 months
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wonwoo - BOOmily outing #3
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ncthandrake · 2 years
I've been having soooooo much fun with the photomode mod for the dark picture games, more so than I thought I would honestly!!!
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court-jester-stuff · 11 days
Sharing a room with a not so stranger
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Azriel x reader
Warnings?: reader is shorter than Azriel, not beta we die like suriel, kinda rushed? idk it's 23:54 so meh enjoy
Note: the library is based of off the acropolis and what I image Olympus would look like, so is all the rest of the Day Court. pictures from pinterest
"So sorry to bother you," a voice said from behind you. "Can I ask you for a favour?" Turning around you came face to face with Elain. She was dressed beautifully, a light pink coloured dress with a corset with flowers embroidered onto it, sleeves of the shoulders with on the shoulders and wrist embroidered the same flowers as the corset. Her hair was loose with a few braids which all had flowers in it. Truly you’d be lying if you said she didn’t look pretty.
“That depends on what the favour is of course.” You answered her with a smile. In all honesty you hoped it would be something entertaining, these past couple of days have been fun here at the Day Court but you were slowly growing bored. This whole event was to celebrate summer solstice, the Night Court was specifically invited by High Lord Helion as a means to grow a stronger alliance. A full two weeks of celebrating and getting to know each other.
Elain looked behind her and when you followed her gaze you could see Lucien standing in the doorway smiling at her and giving her an encouraging nod.
“Would you, by any chance, …” she trailed of looking at me with an air of hesitance. Giving her a little push you asked:
“Would I…?”
Elain sighed a little but finished her sentence. “Would you mind if Azriel and I switched rooms?” She paused to let the words sink in. “I would really like to try giving this a chance and we already asked Azriel and he’s fine with it, but only if you are. And I know you two aren’t all that familiar with each other but I would really appreciate this.”
At last she stopped talking to gage your reaction only to see a little smile on your face. “My dear, I would not mind at all. You two deserve this moment to try and see where this all leads you.” She perked up at your words and you could see Lucien visibly relax in the corner of your eye. “If Azriel is comfortable with this all then I do not mind.”
She thanked you and said that they would be sure to inform Azriel of you agreeing before they both took their leave.
Once they did take their leave you started thinking about what you just agreed to. In all honesty you and Azriel hadn’t really spoken in quite a while. As members of the Inner Circle it was kind of inevitable but that still didn’t change the conversations you had had with him.
He never seemed to speak much, especially not to you. Only during the rare times that he would ask for help with an injury would you two really talk. And even then it was mostly you talking to him about how to take care of the wound even though he has probably done so a million times.
You’d always find him looking at you with deep eyes whenever you’d look up from your work. He never really seemed to take his eyes off of you while you were working. Whether he was guarded or something else you couldn’t quite decide.
Outside of that there were a few conversations you had had with the spymaster. But lately that had started to change. You were in the habit of sneaking away during each social event to lend yourself a moment of fresh air before stepping back into the crowded rooms. However these last couple of, hell, years you always seemed to get the company of a certain shadowsinger wherever you had decided to sneak of to.
Not that you mind, in all honesty you couldn’t deny the pull you felt towards him. Each conversation, each interaction left you yearning for more. You wanted to hear him speak to you, you wanted to know who he was outside of this persona he had been given.
Deciding that you should try to make things easier for the both of you lead to you walking back to the room you previously shared with Elain with the goal in mind of tidying up a bit. Once there you put away any clothing that was lying around, noting that all of Elain her stuff had already been moved.
The room wasn’t big by any means, in fact you and Elain had specifically requested a smaller sized room. There was a wall with a huge window opposite of the door with the bed against the left wall and a couch on the opposite side next to the window.
Once you deemed the room clean enough you realized that the room might be cozy for you and Elain but Azriel would have trouble getting comfortable in the bed were there someone else in it. Deciding that there wouldn’t be enough space on the bed for both you while allowing his wings to rest comfortably and without the fear of accidental touching, you made the decision to move a pillow and blanket to the couch. Moving that what was on the night stand to the little table next to the couch.
A knock on the door made you pause. Assuming that it was either Elain or Azriel you went to open the door, only to be surprised by a smiling Helion.
“High Lord.” You said with a small bow of the head. You’ve always liked the man, he was polite and kind. A bit of a flirt maybe but still aware of boundaries. And he ruled his court exceptionally well.  All people were well taken care of and very rarely did they find themselves in conflict with other courts. Compared to the Night Court which carried the looming darkness of The Court of Nightmares and Hewn City that was very admirable.
“Oh you, there is no need for such titles. Call me Helion, please.” He chuckled a bit at the formality of it all but still kept a smile on his face as he corrected you.
“Well then Helion, is there anything I can help you with?”
His smile widened a little at your question. His eyes sparkling a little. “I heard that you take care of a large portion of all the knowledge that is stored in the Night Courts library, I must say it is quite the collection. One to be proud of.”
Mirroring his smile you replied with a hint of proudness to your voice. “Yes, indeed. I travel a lot and when I do I can’t help but try to take at least one book with me to further the collection you speak so highly of.”
“Well, the Day Court does have quite the library as well and I thought that I could interest you in taking a look around.” He gestured with his hand down the left corridor.
Your gaze followed the direction from his hand before looking back inside the room. Everything seemed in order for when Azriel would arrive. “Is it just down the hallway?” You ask.
He shakes his head with the same smile on his face that has been there since you opened the door. “Why don’t I show you there, it’s a bit of a maze in here.”
You nodded and walked out into the hallway, closing the door behind you before making your way to the library. The empty hallways were filled with easy going small talk between the two of you before you eventually reached the library.
To say that it was beautiful would be an understatement. It was truly breathtaking. It looked like a place where gods would walk, the high ceilings and windows with no glass allowed as much natural light in as possible. The walls were a cream colour with beautiful paintings on the ceilings.
You should remember to tell Feyre so she could come get a look.
The bookcases were white with golden accents, they crowded the entire room except for the space right before the window. Leaving enough space for several couches and a table surrounded by chairs. Even the wood of the furniture was a light colour.
You don’t know how long you simply admired the space but when you turned around Helion was looking at you with a proud smile and a look of admiration on his face.
He clears his throat and says: “It’s beautiful is it not?” You weren’t really sure what to say. It was beautiful but outside of the beauty of it you were also surprised by its sheer size. Maybe it was the lighting but it looked so much more spacious than the library at the House Of Wind.
“It is very beautiful, I honestly don’t really know what to say. The lighting and colours are so much brighter than those of the ones we have. Even the books match the pale colours. And the amount of books here is admirable. This truly is a fine library.”
“Well, I am more than happy to have shown it to you. Please, feel free to look around and spent as much time here as you please. I’m afraid I cannot stay with you for much longer, duty calls, but rest assured that you are more then welcome in this library. Or even my court.”
You smiled slightly at his words and told him you would keep it in mind. It wasn’t for long before he excused himself and left you to your own company.
You roamed around looking for any books that peaked your interest and finally settled on a handful of them. You found another window with seating space, albeit this on smaller, and settled down on the plush couch facing slightly away from the window.
You don’t know how much time you spend sitting there but when you finally looked up from the third book that you were reading you realized that the sun had set and the sky was now adorned with stars. Granted, there weren’t as many or as bright of ones as in Valaris but it was a sight none the less.
Deciding to call it a night you got up and realised just how long you had been sitting in that same position you stretched and gathered the books you had laying around you. Walking up to the desk you left the books there for someone to find in the morning.
The hallways were quiet now, beside your own steps and breathing there as nothing to be heard.
Ones you had made your way back to your room you were very careful while opening the door as to not startle or wake up Azriel.
When the door was open far enough to slip inside you did so carefully, the room was bathed in moonlight and given the light you could see Azriel’s sleeping figure on the bed. He had moved himself fairly far to the window leaving enough space for a second person to lay down next to him if needed.
But you didn’t need to and getting in the bed would mean having to move his left wing out of the way and you weren’t about to touch the one place that Illyrians loathed to be touched.
Quietly making you way to the bathroom you quickly changed into night clothing and treaded very lightly to the couch. You laid down and when you finally settled you felt something twirling itself around your fingers. Looking down you realised it was a shadow. You smiled at it, mouthing good night before it parted from you to return to their master and with that you went off into slumber.
When you woke up again there was not yet any sunlight in the room. You looked over at the clock on the wall above the door and noted that it was almost time for sunrise. You looked over at Azriel realising he was still fast asleep and decided to take one of the books of your little makeshift nightstand before shuffling to the open balcony.
It must be a dream for winged people to be able to simply fly up to their rooms from the outside without having to first enter and walk both the hallways and stairs.
You sat down on a sofa that was located opposite to where the bed stood so you could keep an eye on Azriel in case he were to awake.
Before long the sunrise started, it was truly magnificent. The colours weren’t simply red, pink and yellow. No, you were sure you could make out nearly the entire rainbow from the sky.
You once again felt a little coolness around your fingers which finally prompted you to look away from the scenery.
“Hello you, we meet again.” You smiled softly at it while speaking in a whisper, mindful of the early time. “What are doing over here, hm? Shouldn’t you be guarding your master?”
It moved around your fingers and palm before deciding to return to the figure on the bed. Looking over you realised you had been caught making small talk with a shadow.
From the bed a tired looking Azriel looked at you with eyes of wonder. “Good morning.” You greeted. “You should go back to sleep, it’s still very early.” Which granted it was. Looking at the clock once more you saw that it read six.
He hummed as if in thought before turning his head into the pillows and stretching. His legs coming out from beneath the blanket and his wings stretching wide. They nearly hit the wall on his right from how wide they were.
He relaxed again before letting himself fall back into the mattress. For a bit you thought he had taken your advice but alas he started turning so he could sit up in bed.
His hair was frizzled and stood a little upright. He had dark circles under his eyes and a sleepy look covering his face. He blinked a few times before moving to sit with his legs over the side of the bed. The blanked had fallen and you couldn’t help but look at his chest, the muscles well defined, quite a few scars, some bigger than the others and a tattoo covering the entirety of his upper chest. It looked just like the shadows that had started swirling around him again.
Curling through his hair and around his ear, likely whispering little things they noticed or deemed important enough.
Deciding the stop gaping at the male you moved your eyes back to the other side, the sunset nearly over by now. Even though only a matter of two to three minutes could have one by the sun had risen fast. Likely a Day Court thing. It shone brightly and you could feel it’s light gently ceres your skin.
Feeling a presence nearby you noticed that Azriel had started moving towards you, yawing in the process before settling down next to you in the sofa.
You sat in comfortable silence for a bit before he spoke. “The sunrise is likely the only thing I enjoy about this court.” You smiled gently at his words before looking over at him.
He was looking at the sunrise with a small smile on his face before he turned his attention to you. His eyes seemed to soften a little bit more when they met yours.
“How did you sleep? I heard you come in quite late and you were up early.” He noted with a small furrow of his brow. Although the gentle smile stayed on his face.
“I slept pretty decent actually. I had lost myself in a book in the library so I was back rather late, I am sorry if I woke you.” You replied back, spoken in soft voices.
He assured you that you had not awoken him, rather he himself were still awake.
“I noticed one of my shadows with you this morning, they don't usually do that. Have they done that before? Because I’ll tell them off if they make you uncomfortable, although I must say that it did not seem that way just now.”
You beamed slightly at his words. “I don’t mind at all, in fact they are rather nice.” You smiled a little brighter as some of them immediately darted towards you, some playing with your fingers other roaming around, a few even went into your hair.
Azriel looked slightly startled as they did this. “I think last night while I went to lay down was the first time. Whichever one it seemed to have wanted to come say goodnight to me.” You thought for a bit, admiring them before realisation hit you. “Wait, actually, I think they might have done that before. Back during Solstice a few of them curled around my arm when I passed you. I completely forgot about that.”
You looked over at him and he seemed to be deep in thought, his brow was really furrowed now and his smile was no longer. When he didn’t seem to snap out of it you placed your hand on his wrist.
He blinked in surprise before looking at you hand on him which had him frowning once more.
You removed your hand before clearing you throat. “Sorry, I would have taken your hand but you seem to always shy away when people do that. I shouldn’t have assumed that your wrist would be any different.”
He looked up at you expression unchanging. He opened his mouth to say something right as a knock sounded from the door. You looked over at it before deciding to go over and see who it was. You looked back over at him to see him still staring. You gave him a little smile, after apologizing again you stood up and made your way to the door.
You opened it just after another knock sounded and were surprised to see your own High Lord.
He looked slightly surprised by you before giving a smile. “Well good morning, it seems our dear Azriel is in good hands then.” He chuckled softly, mindful of those still sleeping.
Just as you were about to ask him what was wrong or what he had meant you felt a hand on your waist. While the other grasped the door besides your head.
“Can we help you Rhys?” Azriel sounded kind of agitated, a clear difference from simple moments ago. You couldn’t help but wonder if it was because Rhysand was here or because you touched his wrist.
“Not necessarily, I simply wanted to check in on you both. I had heard from Feyre that Elain and our dear Azzy here had switched rooms.” He said the last part while grinning at you.
Before either of you could say anything else Azriel decided that the High Lord and his brother had overstayed his welcome. “If you aren’t here for a decent reason could you let us be?”
He surprised you with that but the high fea before you seemed unbothered, maybe even pleased.
“Of course, of course. I wouldn’t want to bother you two. Remember that meeting we have at nine.” He barely finished speaking when Azriel pulled you back into him begore closing the door.
You both stood there for a moment until you decided to turn around. Only then did you notice how close he really was and how very bare his chest still was.
After a second of standing in a daze staring at his chest and tattoo you seemed to come back to reality when you moved backwards a step, which in turn caused your back to hit the door. You looked up and Azriel followed your step until his arm was pressed into the door above your head.
He leaned in slightly while you tilted your head upwards to try and look at him properly. If you didn’t know better you’d say he was blushing.
“I don’t mind you touching my wrist. Or my hand.” He paused while looking at you. He leaned in even more, noses nearly touching. “I never mind when it’s you.”
You both held eye contact between each other until his gaze flicked over your face as if searching for something. Eventually he pulled away and you smiled at him, hoping he couldn’t hear the loud drumming of your heart.
Later you found yourself once again in the library. Azriel left at eight, presumably for the meeting Rhysand was talking about. And given that you were once again alone in your room and that you could read the books you had with you you could read another time you decided to return to the library.
A good portion of the day had passed, before you knew it the empty plate upon which the dinner that one of the helpers had given you had been cleared and replaced with coffee.
You finished yet another book and decided to try and find a book you had been looking for for a while. While strolling through the aisles you couldn’t help but have the feeling that you were being watched.
You wondered if it was something alike the House or Byraxsis. Although you doubted that something as ‘terrifying’ could be found in the Day Court.
Not to lie you had always enjoyed the presence of Byraxsis, you would read to it after a long day. And sometimes, just sometimes they would ask a question or ask for a book you could read.
You missed them sometimes, although the same cannot be said about Cassian.
When you reached for a book you noticed that you were once again joined by a little shadow. You smiled at it before returning to looking for your book.
When you were about to enter another aisle the little shadow decided to pull you a different way. You ended up three aisles down from where you were going. The little shadow kept going before stopping before a specific bookcase. You looked around it for a bit, curious at what the littlz thing would want to show you and that’s when you saw just the book you were looking for.
When you went to thank the little one, you realized that it was nowhere to be found.
Shrugging it off you decided to focus on the matter at hand. To get the book that was placed about a meter and a half above you. You tried to reach it by standing on your tiptoes before someone reached out above you to take it of the shelve.
You immediately recognized the scars on the hands, the siphons and the little shadows that had once again decided to dance along your skin.
Lowering your hand you turned around to see Azriel leaning over you in the same way he had been that morning. Except this time he was smiling softly, it tugged on a heart string to see him smile like that. Gods what you wouldn’t do to see him smile like that more.
“A bit short aren’t you.” It wasn’t a question as much as it was a tease. You huffed but smiled and thanked him for the book. But just as you went to reach for it he held it out of your reach. The smile on his face widened at your playful glare. You reached for it again but this time he held it above his head. So you decided to step closer until you were practically chest to chest and place one hand on his chest and raise one to reach for the book.
He seemed surprised by your boldness and movement that his arm went slack and you managed to lower it and grab the book.
You smiled at the look on his face and patted his chest. You took a step back.
“I’m surprised to see you here. Wasn’t expecting it.” You said softly to respect the space.
He shrugged and smiled. “Maybe I wanted to read and saw a damsel in distress.” You laughed a little, denying being a damsel or in distress. He leaned in closer with is head and upper body and added. “Or maybe I just wanted to see you.”
You flushed at that and he laughed quietly, deciding that you were red enough he gestured for you to follow while he offered his arm. Which you took.
He led you to where you had sat yesterday and took a book of his own. He sat down besides you on the couch and started reading.
You finished your book rather fast and decided to read another and another. As did he, only he didn’t read nearly half of what you read.
Once it started getting late, and both of you began to get hungry he announced that you should be retire to the bedroom. You obliged, still you toom the books with you to the front desk so they could be placed where they needed to be. He smiled at you once that happened and once again offered his arm.
Back in the room, you both decided to wear something more comfortable. Azriel had once again ditched his shirt and opted for loose black sweatpants instead of his leathers.
The food was delivered to the door and you both ate in silence until he spoke up.
“Why did you sleep on the couch tonight?" You raised your head from your food and blinked at him. “I mean there was enough space for us both and as much as it is pretty that couch does not look comfortable.”
You smiled perhaps a bit sheepish and said: “I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable, you had already moved so for to the right and still there was little space. I definitely would have touched you, which I thought you were uncomfortable with. And I would have had to move your wing and even now that is a boundary I will not cross. Especially not in your sleep.”
He smiled softly at you and his eyes softened. “I wouldn’t mind you sleeping in the bed with me. Not at all.”
And so that’s how you ended up next to the shadowsinger. It was well past midnight and it appears that Azriel had found sleep, the same could not be said for you.
The blanket had little weight and was very thin. But getting out of the bed would mean waking Azriel zo you bared with it.
After a count you turned your head to Azriel to find him already looking at you. Startled at first your eyes widened before turning into a smile to match his own. You turned on your side to look at him better and did he look good.
His sleepy smile paired with that dammed look in his eyes.
“Why do you look at me like that?” you asked.
A beat passed, then he sighed and said: “Because you are simply stunning.”
A blush crept up your face. “So are you, dammed handsome truly.”
You thought that he would laugh or say something back but instead his face faltered. It hurt to watch that, you frowned and wondered why that happened. Did he not believe you? Does he think you’re lying?
No, that’s not possible, I mean look at him. But his smile went completely and you felt such dread seeing it ago, and that’s when it happened.
“You…. You’re..” You weren’t sure what to say. It’s like your entire world got flipped upside down.
“Wait, you can feel it?” He said, leaning on his elbow. Your mouth opened and closed before you nodded with disbelief. He knew?
His smile started returning before he started reaching for me. Although he stopped abruptly, he looked at his hands and before I knew is I had taken them in mine and placed a kiss on the knuckles, the back of them and both palms.
His eyes glossed and his voice sounded so little as he asked: “You don’t mind? You don’t mind that it is me that is your….” His voice trailed off at the end.
“I do not, truly I am utterly delighted.” You took the side of his face in your hand while guiding him to lay back down. “I am more than happy to be your mate, Azriel.”
His eyes scanned mine for a lie, a single hesitation and when he found none he said upright and brought both wings to the correct sides. He gestured for me to sit up so I did. He laid back down with now the wing beneath me.
I hesitated and he told me once again: “I don’t mind when it’s you.”
So begrudgingly you laid down on his arm atop his wing while the other draped over you, along with his arm and shadows. The added weight was welcome and so was the warmth against the chilly air.
“How long have you known?” You ask.
“Remember Solstice two years ago, when we were having one of our conversations again?” You nodded. “And how all of a sudden I had to make the worst excuse ever to leave?” You nodded again.
“Well, you had said that my shadows were adorable and you called them ‘little ones’ ande then it just… snapped. I panicked cuz I did not know what to do, I almost spilled it all right then and there but I felt like you deserved better… or at least for it to be natural. Honestly even before the bond I really liked you, you should ask Rhys and Cass. They have some stories of me trying to impress you and it going terrifically wrong.”
You laughed and stared in wonder, you mate is a dork. And you love him. So you told him just that.
“I would love to het to know you better, truly. But know that even before and now still, I love you. My mate is such a dork and I’d love to hear all the stories.”
His arms wrapped around you tighter and the shadows seemed to do the same. And so you both laid there in each other’s arms.
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bobbin-buckley · 5 months
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Wednesday Addams Headcanons
Wednesday Addams x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Fluff and Smut (aged up!!)
-When you both met Wednesday hated you she only disliked you because you were better than her at lots of things
-She didn’t actually really hate you she was just mad because she actually loved you
-All she would do is ignore you when she discovered these feelings. Enid told her that she should put on her big girl pants and ask you out
-Wednesday was always blaming you for this feeling, it wasn’t partially your fault I mean you’re so goddamn pretty
-She finally accepted this feeling and asked you out on a coffee date at WeatherVane. It went nicer than Wednesday expected, you exchanged numbers (you had to help her), gave her a kiss on the cheek and planned another date
-Sooner or later you asked Wednesday to be your girlfriend and how you really liked her
“The feeling’s mutual” she’d say
-After not even a few months of dating Wednesday was pretty protective of you
-If a guy were to flirt with you she’d give them a death glare causing them to flee
-You didn’t mind the Over-Protective-Wednesday-Addams it was honestly sweet that she cared for you so much, even if she wouldn’t show it physically
-Wednesday wasn’t much for physical touch, she was rather more for words. Eventually she adjusted to some touching like pinky holding, hugs, kisses on your knuckles, a kiss on her cheek or forehead
-some physical touch is always behind doors, Wednesday hates pda. The closes thing to pda you’ll get is her pinky holding under a table. It’s quite cute infact
-Wednesday was never for pet names but she’ll call you “Cara Mia” “Mi Amor” “Mon Tresor” “mea vita” in Spanish, French or Latin
-Enid tended to tease Wednesday about you, how she was so head over heels for you without even realizing it
-You guys eventually get a room if your own together
-Fencing matches, watching/listening to her play cello, hearing her type on her type writer, going to the raven with her, investigating together, she offers to grave dig with you and you actually enjoy it
-You’ll give her ideas for her writing and sometimes she’ll write them in
NSFW (Everyone is Aged up)
-More dom for sure, if you’d fight her over it she wouldn’t be slow thats for sure
-Honestly most times you guys have sex she prefers it vanilla, unless she’s feeling kinky and mad then roughness will come in
-Sex at night, never usually during the day because she’s worried Thornhill or Enid will walk in
-She’s moderately quiet there’ll be groans and whimpers from her, while as you…she wants to hear you scream but in the environment you’re in it won’t work out
-Enid almost walking in on you guys
-She’d definitely do knife play and pain play, she won’t be crazy about it like actually stab you. She doesn’t wanna hurt you too much. (So she’s still soft even during intimate)
-probably owns a strap, a black strap ina box under her bed (uses it once in a while)
-Will throw thing out of the room and will lock him in a drawer if he ever attempts to spy
-She really tries to pleasure you, she’s never done nor thought about having sex with someone (obviously this is aged up)
-She loves pleasuring you, even if she likes to make you hold your orgasm or pulls away before you cum but other than that she likes to please you well
-I’d say she is the type to do queening (face sitting) she loves having you sit on her face, like actually sit she likes the thrill of not being able to breath while tongue fucking you
-She is soft during sex, making sure your okay if she does something different or if she accidentally hurts you
“This okay?”
“Okay…I’m going to put it in Amor”
“Shit, are you alright?” “Wednesday Addams apologizing? No way” “shut up…but seriously”
-Whenever you’re top (rare) she wants you to be rough with her she loves pain. You are always unsure about it but she claims she’s fine
-Aftercare is a meh for her. She’ll make you a bath but you’re kinda on your own from there (depending on how you feel) like if she went rough and you’re super tired and can’t walk she’ll help you to the bathroom but otherwise ur good
Where are my little gays at?
Sorry for a late upload I’ve been going through something and I broke up with my gf so it’s been hard for me to find motivation but I’m alive! I think?
Anyways, I’m starting something for Tara rn I think you guys will like it cause I love it
But have a good day/night! 😃
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Self-aware isekai'd househusbands, what a great idea that was. The Vil piece was so fun that I wasn't more!
Can you write Riddle as an isekai'd househusband? Thank you!
Self-aware au
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, blood, murder, death, violence, stalking, unhealthy relationship, obsession
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Your totally normal isekaid househusband
Imagine, you are the male equivalent of a magical girl in villain version who got isekaid into the normal world
One would think that world domination or something to that would follow, right?
Well no.... said magical girl is right now starting holes into a cookbook
And he kinda likes it- no, he loves to study the culinary arts
Not just for anyone of course
Riddle has become a little helping hand in your home after you found him one day drenched to the bone outside of your little safe haven
But at this point the two of you might be married with you being the breadwinner
In the morning he wakes you up, makes you breakfast, hands you your lunch when you are heading out, cleans the house, spends his time doing... things, greets you when you return gives you food and does more things that would stereotypically be considered as stay-at-home-partner activities
How calm... how sweet... how-Riddle, what are you doing?
Riddle wakes up one hour before you usually do. So what does he do in that hour?
So, half an hour before you wake up he prepares breakfast but the thirty minutes before...
Well he is just standing there, staring at your sleeping figure
Ok. Creepy but at least the time from breakfast till him being done with chores is normal
So uh... remember those “things” I mentioned earlier? Well...
There are those noisy neighbors everyone has, right?
So uh... please don't mention them annoying you in any way. Please don't. Just don't. Oh why? Hehe... don't think too much about what I just said, yes?
When you return Riddle emerges from the kitchen, asking you if everything is alright
Following to that he scolds you for staying out too late
That crazy maniac is running freely out there! All those poor souls lost to them
Your neighborhood might have a... uh... “spontaneous death through decapitation” problem
The crime scenes are clean or rather they are until you enter the room in which “that” happened and you find a surprisingly clean you-know-what sitting there in a chair with their you-know-what laying in their lap, a white rose tucked somewhere in that meat pile as well
Of course Riddle knows that his actions aren't good in any way but when you good him that the old creepy neighbor next door had been scaring you for so long he saw red and...
Let's just say that magic makes it incredibly easy to leave a crime scene without any trace
Ah yes, roses! Let's talk about something easier on the stomach!
Riddle plants of course roses. White ones
Sometimes you even get a few of them, them now being red
You once asked why the roses are red considering that he always plants white ones which he answered with him painting them red just for you
Ah yes, you totally forgot that little thing about his dorm. And isn't it cute? Such a pretty red as well... although the paint is a bit fragile and falls off in flakes if you aren't careful
His pastries are a bit dangerous to eat, he adds sometimes odd things because someone wrote a tip in a baking forum as a joke, but his lunches are pretty good
When you try to help him though he is strictly against it. Especially when it's about doing the laundry
Meh. Probably nothing. Although... you have found splatters of that red paint once or twice on a piece of clothing of his before... probably go it on there the last time he painted the roses red
Though, you do wonder... where is that cleaver that had been missing from the kitchen?
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darylsfavoritegirl · 4 months
hey pookies
Summary: Yall remember that episode where Daryl and Beth stay in this cabin after losing the prison (season 4, ep 12 to be exact) and thet play games like i have never.... and spend such a quality time and it's one of my fav episodes EVER! so it's fem!reader and Daryl but they play truth and dare and sort of open up about their feeling towards eachother because they're again friends with benefits lmao but it gets tense somehow👀😭😭 they find themselves in the midst of an argument etc etc and it goes on
This was requested by @duffmckagansbandana but ive also been fantasizing about this idea forever!! kalp kalbe karsiymis eheheheh
Warnings: Daryl being a dick because he is drunk and kinda slutshames the reader. Daryl grips the reader's wrists and it kinda hurts (?) a little bit of suggestive content. mentions of domestic violence/abuse
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You held a glass of moonshine that Daryl found when you entered the wooden cabin. You were observing him securing the cabin incase something would occur.
"Looks secured enough to me." You mumbled spiritlessly. You took a sip of your moonshine as Daryl turned to you with a weary gaze.
"Ya really think dis the best time to get hammered?" He uttered in an evident blaséd tone. You ignored his question as he went back to securing the walls, windows. You wanted him to join you, drink booze with you, speak with you. The glass in your hand got warm before you could even consider to drink one more.
You observed his biceps flexing as he was fixing a hole on the wall. He was finally done. He turned to you, took a deep breath. You could see the sweat droplets on his forehead. His sleeveles black tshirt had damp spots around the neckline.
"You went the extra mile there." You said, failing to hide the waggish smirk bearing your face. He didn't respond to your statement but you saw the curls of his lips going upward.
He sat across you on the floor. His eyes were glossy, faint. You smiled softly as you poured him some moonshine. He gaped at you, anticipating you to stop. It was moonshine after all, God knows how long it had been sitting in this junk.
"Hey slow down." He uttered thinking you were gonna gulp down it yourself.
You saw his eyes following your motions when you passed the glass of moonshine to him.
"What? It's for you."
He didn't look at the glass once, his eyes were fixated on you
"Someone's got to keep watch." He spoke
You rolled your eyes in a cheeky way.
"No harm in drinking one glass."
"Go on." you added. Your eyes were pointing the dusty glass that was infront of him.
He gave in. He put the glass near his nostrils, sniffing the drink before taking a sip.
"That's a real drink right there." You said in a jolly tone.
" 's warm." He grumbled. He enjoyed drinking with you. The way you looked so content only made him cheer inside.
"Meh tha's a drawback." You said. You were popeyed. He couldn't deduce the basis of your zeal, yet he didn't question it furtherly.
You two spent a few minutes there, studying the cabin, studying each other when you decided to come up with something.
"You up for playing truth or dare?" You said in a hush that only left Daryl with a confounded face.
"What? Like kids?" He tittered lightly.
"You got a better idea?" You said with a significance of rebelliousness in your voice. You glared at him, waiting for a response.
"I'm worried about the others too but we can't spend this time just stressing one another." You muttered, avoiding an eye contact with him as you looked down at your drink and tapped the glass with your index and middle fingers. It was the reality. You were worried about the others, maybe even too much. However the best thing you could do at the moment was to hope for their well-being until you and Daryl started looking for them. He must've read your mind, he always did.
"Fine. Yea go first." He mouthed. Your mood shifted into a cheerful one by with just 4 words coming from him. You leaned forward slightly.
"Truth or dare." You queried. He leered at you in a gloomy way. You knew he was gonna end up savoring the game, one way or another in spite of feeling childhish at that moment.
"Truth.'' His tone barely above whisper.
You both took a sip from your drinks consecutively whilst you went on a ride in your head to come up with something to ask.
"What was your first impression about me?" You asked, not being able to hide the eagerness in your voice.
His eyes watched you cautiously. His gaze shifted somewhere else, trying to reckon the first day you met. A subtle smirk appeared on his face.
"Thought yea wer' cocky. Too cocky, even." He scoffed softly. You both stayed in quietude to remember the very first day you encountered with eachother. You chuckled.
"That was my coping mechanism. Confidence."
"Cocky." He opposed you in a childish manner, his eyebrows furrowed lightly at you.
You leered at him for a minute. You knew he was also thinking the first days when they took you in. You were drawing too much attention to yourself, pretty much everyone thought you'd be dead in a fortnight, though you didn't.
You sighed. Neither of you enjoyed thinking about any day in prison, it ached you in deep down. Neither of you could envision what your next move should be, spending this time in a wooden cabin in the middle of the woods didn't make it any better. You were in the midst of a chaos and it felt as if all your efforts were in the aim of lightening your agony.
Daryl reached for the moonshine jar that was sitting near you. He started pouring himself another drink. He almost filled the glass to the brim, peeking at you clandestinely incase you'd tried to stop him. You caught his leer and softly shrugged your shoulders indicating that you didn't mind.
He leaned against the wall of the cabin as he grunted. He took a big sip from his drink. You heard his gulp, the booze going down from his gullet. You couldn't help but chuckle at the sound, maybe you chuckled a little more than necessary. Gosh, you were getting lit; you thought to yourself.
Daryl guzzled up his second drink in less than a minute and poured himself another.
"Easy." You managed to say between your slowly-fading chuckles.
"And it's your turn." You hinted.
"Truth." You uttered without him having to ask.
He clattered an "Ahh." sound between his sips to imply he was notioning for a question. His eyes were locked on the ceiling, thinking, you glimpsed at his narrow, blue eyes. His gaze met with yours.
" 'S there sumthing ya didn't tell me 'bout the person ya wer'?" You looked dumbfounded, not catching what he could've meant by that. He must've read you like an open book. He scoffed " 'Fore all dis. 'Fore the world went to shit."
You couldn't fathom his question. He knew so much about you. He knew about your family that you stopped seeing after you moved to USA. He knew about your favorite childhood cartoons. He knew about your days as a school girl. He knew how you ended up in Georgia. He knew so much about you. Although he had never been the type to corner you with your life before the apocalpyse, you acknowledged that there must've been a lot of things you didn't tell him whether it was due to your choice or you never felt the need to do so.
"Yes." You said in cynicism. He remained silent. It was rather explicit that he wanted to investigate more; that he wanted you to elaborate.
Yet, you didn't. If he wanted to know more about you, he should've asked you more bluntly. You didn't avoid his piercing gaze. You could feel your nerves and brain going number with your increasing sips from the moonshine.
"I'm pretty sure there are atleast dozens of things I haven't told you about the person I once were."
He echoed a nonchalant glare. You, once again remained silent. You knew he'd always turn into an impossible and preposterous person to read whenever drunk. You questioned yourself. You questioned if this was a good idea after all.
He sighed. His eyes were narrower than before. He is getting wasted, you thought to yourself. You shifted your position wretchedly, grabbing your drink with both hands. You tried to put a constrained smile on your face.
The silence was unbearable so you spoke up. Your voice was raucity.
"So truth or dare?" You asked.
He gazed at you with a piercing look. You played the game not more than 5 minutes and the air had already started to feel stuffy due to intensity between you two. You couldn't understand why.
"Truth." He grunted involuntarily. He was only playing the game to pass time, to investigate and even corner you. His gaze was stern. Your smile faded away lightly. You thought of asking something private, asking something that was just about you two. Before you could even debate on that idea, you uttered
"Have you ever seen me as someone more than this?" You got hot. The alcohol was hitting you. You couldn't think clear, you spoke before giving it a second thought. You could feel your cheeks blushing. Your cheeks would never blush out of embarrassment nor humiliation. They would always blush when you did something extra, futile, stupid.
You didn't need to elaborate it. He knew exactly what you meant. He knew you had been wondering if he ever thought of you more than an appealing teammate whom he'd share a warm bed now and then. He had asked similiar questions to himself, always leaving them unsettled. He didn't want to give in, ever. He had to have a demenour where he wouldn't let anyone get too close. That was Daryl. Those were the obstacles he'd build towards anybody. You lifted your head only to meet his blue eyes. Daryl spoke the second he locked his eyes on yours.
"Ain't much of a world to keep your mind busy with that kinda stuff." He grunted. You got even hotter inside of your head.
"So, no?" You gawked.
"Didn't say dat." He looked at you with blank eyes. He didn't even get defensive whilst you were going nuts and trying your hardest to not make it plain. It was the intoxication. You were never like this. It was safe to say you did care about his feelings but you weren't a fool. You knew exactly how he'd close up, how well he'd hide in his shell.
"OK. It's your turn." You huffed as you darted away your eyes. Your temper highly depended on booze at the moment. You didn't need him to think that your mind was way too preoccupied with his words, the words that came out of his mouth with such ease. You hated the power he had on you sometimes.
He grunted with vexation as he shifted his position and leaned against the wall a bit more. Daryl rested his elbows on his knees, swinging his glass that had a little drink left in it in a motion. He kept eyeing you, so did you.
It was apparent that you both were bored to death, yet no one put forward the idea to stop it.
"Ya ever think 'bout the old world?" He grunted.
You raised your head, his eyes were squinting right at you.
"Didn't say truth." You hissed.
"Ya ain't gon' say dare neither."
"Right." You mumbled. He was biting on his pinky's nail out of lack of interest.
"Don't do that." You said as you grimaced.
"Ya gon' answer?" He insisted, his brows were slightly furrowed as he, not surprisingly, kept biting on his finger nails.
This game was all about you two finding something to bicker. You sighed. You were not looking at him but you could feel his eyes roaming all over you.
"Wish I could go back to those times." You whispered looking at the floor. Daryl's face darkened. You knew his life before the fall wasn't the greatest and perhaps this new world of silence, isolation was a jackpot for him. You caught his leer. Both of you remained in serenity.
You took a sip from the moonshine and asked the first thing that came to your mind.
"OK Daryl. Have you ever stolen something? like something big?" You begged with wide eyes. Only his eyes made you question yourself and your foolish question.
He kept swinging the glass in a slow motion as he narrowed his eyes at you. He wasn't offended. He wasn't angry.
"Ya know I didn't." He remarked. You sensed a sense of sorrow in his eyes yet you didn't step back, you never could when you were drunk.
"That's what you told me." You spoke, emphasizing the word "told" as if you were making it obvious that you didn't believe him. You kept your wide-eyed gaze. An undertone of exhilaration was on the surface of your voice.
"And after all, we barely knew eachother when we talked about this, right?" Stupid you, still couldn't make out what his gaze could've meant.
"Maybe you weren't being honest." You uttered.
"Come on. You must've done something with Merle." You insisted.
His gaze never left yours. You drank too much, you lost your basic human decency. Yet he responded spiritlessly.
"Was bein' honest." You could perceive that was the moment he lost all his interest in the game.
"Ain't no reason not to be, Merle was an ass."
He sighed. Great, now you reminded him his dead brother; at a time like this, in a place like this. Your smile and exhilaration vanished. Drunk you was never stable, you sighed as you looked down at your drink.
You lifted your head only to see him getting up, throwing his glass to the floor only for it to shatter in pieces. You flinched and leered at the pieces. You couldn't dare to look to his side. He grabbed his crossbow on the broken wooden table, slunged it over his shoulder.
"Imma take the first watch. Rest." He demanded. He breathed out before he left the cabin. You stayed there, not being able to move an inch. It was like you froze. You leered at the pieces of glass on the floor once again
"Fuck me." You groaned. You exhaled audibly, looking around the cabin. That was the moment when it hit you, he was drunk; way too drunk. God knows how he was holding up outside.
You immediatly got up, going out of kilter. You had been sitting for a long time, your body was cramping and you kept hitting to the dusty tables and chairs that were sitting in the middle of the cabin. Your head was spinning. You sauntered towards the door, grabbed the door handle. It made a squeaking sound that left you scrunching your nose.
"Come inside." You quaked, not looking at him. You were exhausted, maybe from the moonshine or maybe you were just, exhausted.
" 'm fine." He grunted. His back was facing you.
"Your drunk as much as me." You huffed with withered eyes. You were leaning against the door frame, your hand still gripping the door handle lightly.
Daryl scoffed.
"Your actin' like a child." You muttered under your breath. The alcohol was getting the best of you. His back was still facing you.
You leered at his messy hair, his vest, his arms gripping the crossbow. He was swaying in a slow motion, resting his weight on his right leg now and then.
"Just hate tha' ya still think 'm sum kinda redneck asshole." He muttered. He sounded rather disappointed, fed up with this whole situation.
"I don't." You whispered. Your eyes were wide, you couldn't process his words. He remained silent, typical Daryl.
"Daryl, I don't." You hissed as you grabbed the side of his vest, forcing him to face you.
He looked at your face with blank, stern eyes. You couldn't recognize the Daryl you knew in him. He didn't change his position, gripping the crossbow firmly as ever.
You were getting sentimental at his demenour. Your eyes were getting watery, you couldn't find words to utter. Nothing changed in him, in his cold stern stare that would make you hate yourself. He could never hurt you, that's what you told yourself but even a gaze of his could make you shatter inside. He got too close to you to a point where you could smell the booze from his breath. Deliberately, he rested all of his weight on you, cornering you against the door frame. You couldn't breath. He leered at your eyes with his blue piercing eyes for a hot minute when he spoke
"Ya'd be crumblin' 'n all if I spoke to ya 'bout your past." He hissed.
His glare was fixated on you as he got inside of the cabin. You breathed out quickly and wiped a tear that was to fall down on your cheek and looked at the woods.
"What the hell does that supposed to mean Daryl?" You turned to him. He was going through his backpack.
"Think ya kno' what I mean." He mumbled under his breath.
He grabbed a canned food and sat on the edge of small ladder. He wasn't looking at you but your gaze was at his fingers trying to get the canned food open.
"What if I don't?" You said calmly but at alert, waiting for his respond.
"I dun' kno'. Sellin' yer body for attention. Ring any bell?" He snapped, lifting his head to meet with your gaze. You stood there with complete silence, trying to process his words. His voice was pretty tall, which made you flinch.
"That's really low Daryl." You scoffed. You weren't offended, you were just astonished that he'd bring up your past as a barmaiden to hurt you.
"Right." He mocked. He was still on the small ladder, trying to open the canned food. He sighed as he threw it to the floor. He got up, completely ignoring you.
"Atleast I wasn't drifting behind Merle's ass, doing whatever he'd told me to do." You barked. You had lost yourself. You didn't care what your words would mean to him.
He turned to you, his arms flexing due to his firm grip on his crossbow. He got closer to you, his face was reddening. You could see his vein on his neck throbbing, he wasn't taking his eyes off of you. He clenched his jaw, lowering his eyebrows and leering at you with narrowed eyes.
" 'S tha' what'ca think?" He fumed.
"That's what I know." You uttered as you pout your face. You ran your hands through your hair to take a deep breath.
"Ya know nothing." He barked. He wasn't blinking.
"You were nothing." You whispered. Your eyes were getting red. You could feel them sting. Your vision blurred. Yet his rage was full of spitefullness. He gritted his teeth
"Pickin' up lonely dudes to get 'em pay ya was sumthin'?"
"Sumthin' yer dam' proud." He shouted as he pointed his index finger right at you.
You swallowed slowly. You were not looking at him.
"Just leave me be." You managed to mumble between your shaky, shallow breaths.
"No, I ain't gon' do dat." He boomed. He threw his crossbow on the mattres you two incompetently tried to turn into a cozy bed. He got closer to you, immediatly grabbing your wrists with his hands.
You looked at his hands grabbing both of your wrists quakingly. You weren't sorrowful nor furious. You were affronted at his grip on your wrists that left you in discomfort and almost, pain. You raised your head to meet with his hard-nosed gaze. You shook your forearms fiercely several times, hoping he would free you but he didn't. How could he do this do to you? Out of all the things out there, he chose to grip both your wrists. That was something you'd always highlight when you'd talk about the abuse you had to go through back when you lived with your family. How your father would grip your wrists and squeeze them thightly until you'd feel like passing out. You always told him how small it made you feel, how worthless. Didn't he say "What a dick" referring to your father. Now there he was, doing the exact same thing. You wouldn't believe it.
"Can't run yer mouth now, can yea?" He spat out. His voice was growing taller and taller. You tried to get to your other wrist with one hand only he would not let you;
"Daryl, you're hurting me." You panted, quickly exhaling. Your chest was going up and down rapidly, leaving you all panicked and crumbling under his brawny, firm grip. You looked directly into his eyes, looking for mercy; hoping this night would end without either one of you dying. His hard-nosed gaze not shifting into a softer manner at all.
You were still numb from the moonshine, so many thoughts pondering your head. You wanted to kiss him, end whatever this was. You were highly influenced by booze. You didn't care. You wanted to kiss him. You didn't know what the outcome would be.
So you did, you got on your tiptoes; your bodies were already too close. You closed your eyes and kissed him harshly on the lips. His grip on your wrists loosened, you almost toppled onto him which he didn't let it happen.
His strong hands grabbed the both sides of your face, pressing his lips onto yours like he pleaded for more of you. It all happened so swiftly that he shoved you on the wall harshly. He waited for a split second, his lips brushing yours. You could smell the pungent odour of alcohol mingled with the smell of cigarattes you smoked earlier that day. You didn't care. You wanted all of him. He panted rapidly against your lips. You stayed like that for a moment, his hands flawlessly placed on the temples of your head; the only thing you could hear was eachother's shaky breaths. You pressed your lips onto him once again. A tear that you had been holding so long fell down your cheek, you didn't mind. It was a joyful tear. You were both taking eachother breaths away that left your heart ponding like crazy. He rested all of his body weight on you, which you didn't complain this time. You could feel him growing under his jeans.
Your hands reached the collar of his vest and helped him take it off. You grabbed his bare shoulders and digged your fingernails into them. His hands shifted to your waist from the sides of your face. There was that void feeling in your stomach once again. How small you were compared to him, how you were like an insect which he could've crashed with his fingertips seconds ago.
You gasped when his hands went under your t-shirt, grabbing your hips and waist and stroking your skin. It became a sloppy kiss but you both liked it. Your whole body curved into his body, small moans escaping your mouth. He started going down on your neck from your plumpy lips. Your grabbed a fistful of his hair gently with your right hand, softly pushing his head down on your neck as he kept pecking on your soft skin.
You made up.
Why is it actually so awkward do write even a basic kissing scene. it was painful. idk much about this fanfic it was way better in my mind but idc
@duffmckagansbandana deserves some credits too!! we exchanged so many thoughts during this :))
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jiyeonnnn · 1 year
pawn, jsc
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pairing | j. sc x m!r
synopsis | years after your debut, you've finally reconnected with someone you once adored. this is the night you re-tie the broken strings of your relationship.
cw | sub!top sungchan, dom!bottom reader, masturbation, dacryphilia, praises, implied fwb to lovers. 680 words (kinda short, but meh)
note: im back
"you're so tense, channie~ relax~" a cold gust of wind ran through sungchan's body pleasantly as you whispered to his ear, fans of your hot breaths hitting his face pulled him to his senses of how close you both are to each other.
he squirmed as he felt your thumb rake over his sensitive, leaking tip. you spat once again on his cock and started jerking his shaft at a seductive pace that left him fucking your fist in a matter of seconds.a chuckle escaped your mouth upon seeing his reaction. he's so goddamn needy.
"you're so fucking needy, y'know, puppy? do those pathetic members of nct not take care of you very well?" a whimper came out of his mouth as you had tightened your grip around the base of his length. your action immediately sent the younger jung into an overdrive of thoughts— failing to form coherent words that only a series of disordered nods were sent to you as a response, afraid that he'll get deprived of his most awaited orgasm since earlier. and it is damn well true, shotaro, ten— heck even the most precious taeyong— weren't enough to satisfy his needs for a warm sheath around his dick.
their moans, actions, and expressions were nothing to sungchan. to him, it all seemed like a disarray of greedy sluts that want nothing from him but his cum. the only thing that kept him going were the imaginations of your poetic, melodic and alluring voice filling up his ears every time he hears those "pathetic sluts", as he'd like to call them, moans every moment he thrusts into them. the curves of their bodies weren't quite well-fitted to his calloused hands that did nothing but hold you anytime back then. it drove him crazy that no one has ever leveled to your craziness of making him feel satisfied every night. you're all that he needs, and vice versa.
"i'm always right here, y'know~ always ready to take care of my precious lil mutt~" his skin crawled the moment your salacious lips went into contact with his jawline, trailing down a path of kisses down to his neck and shoulders, claiming and putting your marks to what belongs to you. jung sungchan is yours and no one else's.
your words have always worked on him, causing an unseemly amount of cum to spout from his tip and coat his belly as he leaned his head on your shoulder for support and murmured your name in a low voice.you chuckled at him. pumping him exquisitely through his high, as a poem of sweet nothings fell out of your mouth before leaving a little kiss on his forehead. "that was quick, my prince," you cooed as sungchan could not hold his embarrassment back; cheeks flushing with a very red tint, soft tears brimming his eyes as he looked at you ever-so-loving.
he, of course, did.
you shifted, and sungchan felt his heart drop to his stomach for a brief moment. his fears were allayed as you began to strip off each article of clothing from your skin, exacerbating his cock to clench erected as you straddled him bare.
"i'm not gonna leave you here like this, hyungie~ y'know i care about my puppy so much~" you cared for him, genuinely. you care about him enough to occupy his thoughts every moment he wakes up, leaving him boggled if he has captured your attention for the week or if you've moved on to another, stringing them along like you've done him.
however— every moment that you're with him, making him the center of the universe that you've both created together, even if it's just for a weekend, a day, hours or an inebriated night at a music platform— he swears it's love. sungchan is deeply in love with you. he doesn't care about his broken pride, his ruined reputation, or even his better judgment; he's happy to be a recurring pawn in your game.
"i love you, channie~ and we have all night for me to prove it to you."
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mothwingwritings · 11 months
There’s Honey On The Moon Tonight
F!Reader X Kaoru Hanayama
Maaaaan it’s been so long and I am SO sorry. I kinda got out of my groove for a bit and life got overwhelming and draining, hence the radio silence. I wanted to come back with a little fic to get me back into the swing of things and since I have wanted to write for Hanayama for some time, this came about. It was based around a yandere prompt I saw that was “I love you so much, you have no idea what limits I would go to prove that to you.” I actually started writing this for Jack, had all kinds of issues, and decided to write it for Hanayama instead lol. I may still possibly post the little Jack fic I plucked at, but I am overall pretty meh about it so we’ll see. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I really want to work on writing some shorter stuff for a while. I am so in awe of all of you that can churn out these small masterpieces. My ass does NOT know when to shut up and when I start to write my brain is like no… You must explain EVERYTHING, which (whether my mind believes it or not) is not something that needs to be done. ( ͜。 ͡ʖ ͜。) So going through a lot of trying to unlearn that.
ANYWAY I will be quiet and leave this hear for your perusal. It is my gift for coming home (finally) and working to get back up to speed! Thank you all for reading anything I write, and thank you if you like it! I am constantly floored by how wonderful you all are, and I appreciate anyone that reads my stuff more than you all know. (╥﹏╥)
This fic is set a few years in the future, you and Hanayama are both adults and at this point he is even more of a Yakuza big shot. You play the starring role of his forced little mob princess wife, isn’t that sweet? I love romance! ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
WARNINGS: Yandere, very dubcon (dare I say even noncon?), power imbalances, grooming, unwanted touching/kissing/heavy petting, forced marriage, mentions of violence and hints of cruelty, mentions of sex.
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Some people may call this ‘the dream life’.
Sitting on this private beach, you soaked in the last of the sun’s rays before it dipped beyond your view. The world was bathed in a swirl of pinks and oranges as the sun sunk into the sea, the gentle lap of the waves coming so close the water nearly touched your toes. The sand beneath your feet was soft, still warmed by the quickly setting sun. Gulls cooed as they circled above you, the flap of their wings diminishing as they began to fly off for the night. You were envious of them as you watched them soar freely, pained by how easily they could fly away to their home.
If only you could be so lucky.
Drops of salt water dotted your arms, mingling with what was left of your sunscreen. Though you had long since applied it, the remnants of the lotion and sea water left a slightly uncomfortable film on your skin, flaking under your nails when you scratched at it. A gust of wind blew, sending a chill through you. Absentmindedly you wondered if despite your preparations, you had been burned.
“Do you plan to stay out here all night?”
Your breath caught in your throat, an all too familiar voice shattering the tranquility of the evening. You had been so caught up in your thoughts that you didn’t notice the lumbering form coming up behind you, his arrival marking the end of your solitude.
Another gust of wind blew causing you to shudder once more. As it whipped wildly around you, your body grew colder. It was an unwelcome feeling, especially when just moments ago you were surrounded by such blissful warmth.
If only you could have just a few more minutes to yourself…
It had been a peaceful day, the nicest one you had had on this little honeymoon of yours. Kaoru Hanayama, your newly appointed husband, had been occupied most of the day, leaving you to your own devices.  The peace that awarded was something you sorely needed, seeing as none of this was anything you had ever agreed to willingly.
But now that he had returned all the contentment you had felt moments prior had been drained away, the joy of this island paradise tainted by his unwanted presence.
The night Kaoru proposed he had told you that he could not imagine living a life without you by his side, that his love for you had grown so rampantly that he could no longer bear the thought of not having you officially. He had long since coerced you into being his lover, leaving marriage the logical next step. Brandishing a ring so extravagant it bordered on gaudy, Kaoru got down on one knee. The upper echelon of the Hanayama group surrounded you in a constricting, tight circle, each set of eyes on you fixated on the scene with great interest… Thinking back on it, you had no idea how you didn’t pass out from sheer anxiety.
At that point, you were doomed to become his blushing, beautiful bride.
To you, Kaoru was husband in name only. This marriage would be just another trial that had been forced upon you since meeting the man, his ceaseless infatuation continually ripping your life asunder.  Needless to say, when he was off doing some important ‘family’ related things that ate up the majority of the day you didn’t have many complaints about his absence.
When he had departed this morning you did your best to look forlorn as he kissed you goodbye, shoulders slightly slumped as he ducked through the door, off to do god knows what to god knows who. Even as his now wife, you were never made privy to his ‘business’ dealings. So much of his life was shrouded in mystery, and you were just fine keeping it unknown.
You preferred when Kaoru was bogged down by work. If he was otherwise preoccupied that meant you had no expectation to be latched to his side, forced to play the role of obedient, doting wife. You abhorred the part you played in his life almost as much as you detested the man himself. It took years of whittling you down, making you shed piece after piece of yourself until you were everything he envisioned you would be, his perfect partner. He had molded you into his ideal love, and even though you knew you were sinking to a depth you were unsure you could ever escape, there was nothing you could do to stop it. It was hard going against a man who had the whole Yakuza at his fingertips, and the threat someone of Hanayama’s caliber posed against your family and friends was too high to risk insubordination.
So you acquiesced to his heavy handed flirting, playing along with his awkward and curt stabs at romance. You dropped everything for Hanayama, not because you wanted to, but because he expected it. And if there was one thing you gleaned about the mob life these past few years, it was what the boss wanted, the boss got.
He needed you in every way he could have you. You never had the option of saying no.
A heavy sigh came from behind you, annoyance radiating from your husband when you didn’t acknowledge him. Despite the irritation, the words he spoke came surprisingly gentle. “It’s time to come inside, (name). Dinner has arrived, it will be ready for us shortly.”
You wrapped your towel tightly around your shoulders, and with a deep shuddering breath, rose to your feet.
Silence hung heavy over the dinner table.
The meal Hanayama had served was nothing short of gourmet. ‘Only the finest for the finest’ was something he once joked to you, but he held firm to that ideal with every aspect of your life. The Oyabun’s wife was spared no expense, why would your meals be any different?  A caterer must have come with him to set the table up when Kaoru first arrived home, as it was set in a way that was far too charming for just him to pull off. Flowers and delicate candles garnished the surface, giving the whole room a romantic feel. Condiments and spices stood within arm’s reach, concealed in aesthetically pleasing containers, ready to season the cuisine as you saw fit.
Sighing lightly, you raised your glass for another sip of champagne. Even with the pretty presentation, you lacked the appetite to enjoy the meal. Picking at it lazily, you swirled the food around to make it appear as though you had eaten more than you had, like a child desperate to meet their parent’s approval so they could leave the table.
“Aren’t you hungry,” Kaoru’s deep voice finally interjected, his own feasting halted to shoot you a questioning glance. “You’ve barely touched your dinner. I thought you liked this restaurant? I chose to cater from them to please you.”
“Sorry,” You gave him a forced smile, “The food is delicious, but I think I may have snacked too much today, so I don’t have much of an appetite right now.”
You always had to choose your words carefully with Kaoru, his doting had a tendency to become overbearing if he believed you to be suffering from any ills. The last thing you needed was him fretting over you missing a dinner.  “I’ll have to box it up soon, that way I’ll have something to look forward to tomorrow.”
He grunted in response and an uneasy quiet once more loomed over the table. Hanayama did not seem totally appeased by your excuse, and refrained from placing his focus back on his meal. Dark, steely eyes bore holes into you as you sat hunched over, fixing your focus on anything but him.
He waited a moment before continuing, a look of brief tension flashing across his features.
“I know you are upset with me for leaving you alone all day, but you must know that I am sorry… Will you forgive me?”
To most people, this would be a shocking sight. It was highly unusual for a man like Kaoru Hanayama to be asking forgiveness so modestly, in fact, you were more apt to be groveling at his feet begging mercy than ever hearing the man beg pardon.
But things were different with you, they always had been. Try as he might to harden the soft spot he had for you, he never could seem to bring himself to give you the same detached treatment he gave others. And while his love for you was something he quite proudly displayed, he also refused to let his affections make either of you a target.
Being the Oyabun’s cherished wife put you in danger, his devotion to you making your demise extremely appealing to his enemies. The knowledge that your death would be a huge blow to the indomitable Hanayama was not lost on any who opposed him, but the problem laid in ever getting close to you. He certainly made it hard for anyone trying, finding a moment when you weren’t glued to his side was rare, finding you completely alone even more so.
However catching you by your lonesome was not entirely impossible, and leaving you vulnerable and ripe for assaulting was not something Kaoru could live with.
To combat this threat, he chose to lock you away so that no one could hurt you, touch you, see you, or ever be near enough to harm you. You were his and his alone, and he would let no other soul take you from him.
Ever since you had become ‘official’, the only people besides Hanayama ever allowed to have any correspondence with you were his closest inner circle and occasionally your family. But even then, Kaoru made sure he was always close by to monitor, hovering near to insure nothing untoward or upsetting could happen to you.
In your mind, the isolation hardly seemed necessary. No one ever questioned Hanayama’s might-one look at the man was all you needed to ascertain that he was a terrifyingly powerful figure. When you were in his vicinity your safety became his only care, any risk to that transforming him into a downright beast, bloodthirsty and rage filled beyond compare. Any unfortunate idiot wandering your way who held even a smidge of bad intent was in for a world of excruciating pain, followed by a slow and agonizing death.
But alone, in your own shared space away from prying eyes and hidden dangers, traces of that monster were nowhere to be found. When it’s just the two of you, Kaoru lets himself be overcome with his fondness for you, serenity overtaking his brute side. This display of vulnerability, these small moments of sickening intimacy, he saves solely for you, blanketing them upon you in suffocating layers until you can scarcely breathe.
“It was wrong of me to do,” He reached across the table, his thick hand encompassing yours in a tight grip. “A matter required my utmost attention, but it was not fair to leave my wife at any point during our honeymoon. This time is reserved for you and me alone, and I went against that. I just want you to know that I only left because I had to, and that I hurried back the moment I was able. I hope you can forgive me.”
If you could have done so consequence free, you would have burst out laughing. Of all the wrongs Hanayama had committed against you, giving you breathing room was the most minor of offences.
“It’s alright Kaoru,” you shook your head, keeping your voice even “I understand, and I’m not upset at you. I spent most of my day out enjoying the ocean while you had to get work done, so really I’m the one who should feel sorry for you in this situation, right?”
He smiled at your jest, a sparkle in his eyes as they drank you in.
“You are always my top priority,” Releasing your hand, he went to cup your cheek, engulfing the entirety of it. His calloused thumb pressed in a bit too hard as he stroked you, scratching at the soft skin of your cheeks apple. His hold was deeply uncomfortable, but you dared not move. “Don’t forget that, (name). Never question how much I treasure you.”
A chill ran through you at the intensity of his words, the rough feel of his palm reminding you of each violation his hands had ever committed against you. You watched as his eyes darted to your lips, a different kind of hunger overtaking his expression as he began to lean towards you, eager for a kiss. In a slight panic, you readjusted yourself, creating a moment to break away.  
“W-well, I really need to get this boxed up,” you spoke, pushing off the table until you were standing. Hanayama’s hand lingered in the air for a brief moment, still savoring the memory of holding you. An aggravated look flashed through his eyes, but was gone as quick as it came. “I don’t want to keep it out too long or else it will go bad. I’ll go grab a box.”
If there was going to be a time to escape him for the evening, this was it. You sprang into action, darting around the table as you made your way to the kitchen. The faster you could box up this meal, the faster you could excuse yourself and leave the room while Hanayama took his time finishing. Though it only would buy you a few minutes of privacy in the long run, any time to yourself was worth the effort.
But just before you could completely round the table, a tight grip around your waist snatched you from your course. In an instant you were tugged to the side, plucked up and planted until you were straddling one of your husband’s girthy legs.
Before your brain could even fully register what had happened, he was on you. Desirous, sloppy kisses littered your face as a salacious grin spread across his lips, a low growl rumbling from his chest with each smack of his lips. Your head was spinning at the speed it all occurred, a protesting whine all you could muster as his lips feverishly claimed yours.
Sweat mingled with the scent of his cologne, the heady scent a sign that his actions were quickly and effectively getting him riled up. Overcome with the essence of him, you could do little to fight his intrusion of your personal space, your balled fists pressing against his chest doing all they could to try and create distance. His tongue worked violently, the muscle forcing itself inside you until you were nearly choking on it. Your whole body was thrumming with discontent over how quickly Hanayama came to control your every sensation, his sheer mass totally overpowering all that you were.
The feverish grip he had on your hips kept you rooted, grasping you as if you were his lifeline. Bruises were already starting to form around the press of his fingers, your flesh searing in his hot hold. His hands began to forcibly gyrate your body, rocking you against his leg so that the short skirt you donned had ridden up completely, the sheer fabric of your panties the only thing keeping you from the raw friction of his leg. Your breath hitched as he jostled you against him, small pulses of unwanted pleasure resulting from the action.
His lips parted from yours, moving to latch on your neck. A dull ache emanated from the area he sucked, the bruises he had marked you with days prior not yet completely healed. Without warning, he bit into the tender flesh, causing you to jolt. A dark chuckle rumbled from within him at your response, his tongue laving up the small trail of blood the fresh wound had inflicted.
“My pretty wife,” he murmured in your ear, brushing the straps of your top off your shoulders, “Being apart from you made this day seem never ending. I longed for the moment I could come back and have you all to myself.”
He grabbed one of your hands off his chest, trailing it down his body until coming to a rest on the growing bulge of his crotch. He released a shuddering breath as he thrust against your unwilling palm, his hand guiding yours to trail his length through his tightening pants. Dread gripped you as he began to harden under your touch, his already impressive size growing with each hesitant stroke. Feeling him throb beneath you made your stomach turn, a horrible precursor to the pain you were about to endure.
“Feel what you do to me?” He rasped in your ear, hot breath fanning your neck, “This is all for you.”
“Please Kaoru, I-” Your meek voice began to object, but was cut off by another domineering kiss.
“You don’t have to beg me,” his voice was growing more ragged, breathing becoming choppier the harder he grinded your body against his, “Let me spoil you tonight, it’s the least my beautiful wife deserves for being such a good, patient girl for me.”
Unable to stand the torment of your touches any longer, he stood, throwing you over his shoulder in a display you could almost call barbaric. Making his way towards the bedroom, he smacked your ass harshly, eliciting a pleased hum at the pained gasp the act had garnered.
“I was going to offer dessert after our meal, but you have presented something much sweeter to me,” he chuckled as he entered the bedroom, tossing you to the awaiting bed, “And what you offer is something I would much rather devour.”
Tears stung your eyes as you watched Kaoru begin to shed his clothing, his scarred body coming more into view with each piece of fabric he cast aside.
“Get undressed,” he ordered, lust dripping from his features. His tongue darted out to wet his lips, before shooting you a cocky grin, “I can wait no longer. I love you so much, and you have no idea the limit’s I’ll go through to prove that to you.”
He took a step forward, inching his way up the bed, “But tonight, I don’t intend to stop until you understand.”
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crusadingcookie · 1 year
Hey i was wondering if maybe u can do a fic where reader is part of taskforce 141 and most of the time is super focused on the mission and her orders but seems out it it bc its her daughter bday or sum ,and they find out she used to have a family (husband,children the while shabang) but they were murdered or died in a terrorist attack. I just want something really angsty 😭💀
spring daffodils
Also on AO3!
Pairing: TF141 & fem!Reader, mentioned Reader x unnamed!Husband 
Summary: It’s been years since the tragic death of your husband and daughter at the hands of an enemy target you were tracking at the time. On the day of what would have been your daughter’s birthday, something in a mission causes you to break down in front of the rest of the task force. Or: 3k words of the reader crying and Task Force 141 comforting her
Word Count: 3k
Content Warnings: fem!Reader, angst, hurt/comfort, crying, brief argument with Ghost at the beginning but nothing too bad, Reader was married and had a child, mentions of death (including death of a child), brief mention of blood, Reader has the codename “Tigress”, this is all strictly platonic, Tigress has that widow trauma so no time for romance, no beta we die like Tigress' family, it's for the angst plot guys I swear
A/N: Thank you for the request, I’m sorry this is kinda late but I hope you enjoy it! The ending is a bit meh but I already felt bad with how late this is. I tried to make this as angsty as possible but with some comfort and a bit of fluff at the end. 
It was spring when you first met him. You were back home after a long, tiring time of non-stop tours and missions. You decided to take a small break of a couple of months before specialising further in your military career. A new café had opened near your home and you often found yourself there, spending the afternoon in the cosy shop. It was where you first met him. You had just picked up your cup of coffee when something bumped into you from behind, causing your coffee to spill all over the front of your shirt. You turned around, ready to have a word with whoever knocked into you when you were met with a ramble of apologies and promises to buy you a new coffee. Soon you found yourself sitting with the man in a private corner of the café, a hot cup of coffee in front of you and a promise of a new shirt to replace the coffee-stained one. One date quickly turned into two, the both of you enraptured with each other. And after a few years, a golden ring adorned your finger. After a year or so of the two of you being married, your daughter was born. A little human being who brought joy and innocence to your life, who did not know of the true horrors her mum faced to keep people like her safe.
And it was spring when they died. The trees were starting to bud and the flowers were starting to bloom again. The sky was finally clear after months of grey clouds and cold winds. Mother Earth was once again encouraging and welcoming new life when their light was snuffed out. A bitter irony. 
The family of crows which lived in your back garden sat in the branches of the tree overlooking your driveway. Watching as you made your way across the driveway and to the front door, observing like a bad omen. Only for you to discover the bodies of your husband and daughter. Shot dead in the very living room of your own home. It was like a silly game of Cluedo, whodunnit and with what? Except this wasn’t a silly game of Cluedo. You knew exactly who had ordered this to be done. 
Their deaths were because of your line of work. A tragic event born from a multitude of failures. The target you were chasing at the time with your old squad had sent out the hit on your family. In a last-ditch attempt to attack your squad in some way. And if he couldn’t get to your squad directly, then he would hurt them indirectly. And that he did. Somehow it got out that you had a family, it shouldn’t have. Someone back at base fucked up because that information should have been strictly secret to prevent these types of situations in the first palace. It should have been redacted behind a big block of black ink on your file. But in the end, your target was the one with the last laugh whilst you were forced to deal with the sight of your husband and daughter murdered in your own home. 
Since that day you have thrown yourself into your work. Sinking in an endless ocean of mission after mission, wanting to give up and stop swimming and yet just as the last breath of air leaves your lungs you find yourself breaking the surface yet again. A never-ending cycle of peace until the storm of grief strikes anew.
Without anyone left back home, it was easy to dedicate everything to the military and a few years later you found yourself recruited by no other than Captain John Price himself. This new task force, the 141, was the closest thing to family you had experienced in a long time. And yet, you still couldn’t find it in yourself to tell the boys about them. About your husband and your little girl. A part of you reasoned that there was no need for them to know, what was the point when their fate has already been engraved in stone and nothing can change the outcome of what happened. Or maybe you were just too much of a coward to confront what happened that day.
What you couldn’t ignore was the current date. Its significance is seared into your mind, a constant reminder of what could have been. Of what you have lost. And of course, the task force was assigned a mission on this day of all days. At first, the mission you and the rest of the task force were on was going well. You always prided yourself in being professional and focused when it came to missions. You knew the seriousness of the situation and followed orders given to you. 
And then it all went to shit. You were already feeling off the moment you woke up. Not even looking at the small desk calendar to remind yourself of the date. As if you haven’t been counting down the days. Like clockwork, waiting for the guilt and grief to wash over you until the tsunami passed and you waited until another 365 days passed to repeat the process.
You and your team had cleared the abandoned village the enemy had set up base in. You were ordered to search and clear one of the buildings in case there were any enemies in hiding. As you methodically made your way through the house you came across what clearly used to be a child’s room. Toys were strewn about, but what caused you to pause was the sight of a teddy bear dropped at the foot of the bed. Intel had informed you that the village was forced to flee as the enemy forces occupied the area, some resisting and resulting in civilian deaths. Your eyes zeroed in on the blood splatter on one of the teddy’s ears, the fake fur matted with the dried liquid. 
“Mum, can I get that teddy pretty pleaasee?”
“Alright sweetie, but only this one okay?”
“Yay thank you! I will name you… hmmm… Sir Stripes!”
You honestly did not remember much after that. The rest of the village was deemed clear and soon you were on the flight back to base. You fought to keep yourself together just for a few more hours until you were back on base and could grieve alone within the confines of your own four walls. Your team watched with concern as you sat, back straight and staring ahead at the hull of the plane. 
A hand on your shoulder jolted you out of your memories. You recognised the face of the pilot and it took you embarrassingly long to realise the rest of the team had already disembarked the plane. You mumbled what you hoped was an intelligible apology and made your way over to the locker room. Thankfully the room was empty, you loved your teammates that was without question. But right now, you didn’t think you could make it much longer until you broke down. With practised ease, you stripped yourself of your gear and it seemed you were lucky enough that no one came to find out why you were taking so long. You should have known by now that luck typically doesn’t go your way. Just as you put away the last of your gear a voice from the doorway interrupted you.
“Care to explain what’s up with you today?” With a deep breath, you turned and faced Ghost. Your lieutenant was standing in the doorway of the armoury, already out of his field gear, although he looked just as intimidating in his normal attire. 
“I don’t know what you mean, the mission was a success.” You said, attempting to feign ignorance. Of course, Ghost saw through that.
“You were out of it” Ghost replied, his eyes piercing into yours, his sharp gaze never leaving you. 
You stayed silent, hoping that he would drop it and let you go so that you could inevitably cry in peace. The two of you stood in silence, staring at each other until Ghost crossed his arms over his chest, looking even more imposing in the doorway.
“Don’t bullshit me Tigress. You were clearly out of it, hell even Soap noticed and you know it takes him long to figure this kind of shit out.” 
“The mission was a success, so I don’t see why this is an issue.” You huffed, starting to get irritated at the man’s persistent probing. Any other day you would be happy to know that the infamous Ghost cared. But right now? Right now you just wanted to be left alone. You just wanted to stew in your grief, let the dark thoughts remind you of what happened. You had to keep the walls up. They can’t know how fucked up your life was. How you failed to protect them. You don’t deserve their comfort.
Ghost shifted at the slight tone in your voice. If it wasn’t clear before that something was bothering you, now it definitely was. “It becomes an issue when one of my soldiers is not thinking clearly in enemy territory.”
“Look, Lieutenant, it's getting late, we’re all tired. This won’t happen again.” You sighed, exasperated by both the exhaustion from the mission and the emotional toll it took on you.
You pushed past the man and made your way to the task force’s shared kitchen area. Hoping to get a fresh glass of water and some snacks before your inevitable break down. Of course Ghost, the stubborn man that he is, followed you. He wasn’t done with this situation and in his own way wanted to make sure you were okay so that you wouldn’t be distracted in future missions. You ignored the rest of your team sitting in the room and beelined straight for the kitchen cupboard, taking out an empty glass.
“This isn’t a joke Tigress. One mistake and it can cost you your life out there” 
“I know that!” You exclaimed in response to Ghost’s voice, not turning around to face the man who had followed you to the common area.
“Do you? Do you know that? Because today, out there it seemed like one of my soldiers was ready to put her life in danger because she wasn’t aware!”
Ghost waits for an answer but when he gets none he continued, “I can’t have you out there acting as if there is nothing for you to go back to back home”
“Well, there is nothing back home!” You yelled out, setting the glass not so gently on the counter. Immediately you closed your eyes in regret of your outburst. 
Ghost faltered for a second, the rest of the team watching you with your back turned to them
You faced the wall, feeling the sting grow stronger in your eyes. You tilted your face up towards the ceiling, hoping it would stave off the tears. The muscles in your jaw tensed as you clenched them in an attempt to keep your composure. 
You took a deep breath and turned to face your team. They watched as you faced them, your lip quivering as you fought to contain the sobs building in your throat, eyes brimmed with tears threatening to spill down your cheeks at any second. You rapidly blinked your eyes at the moisture building up in them. 
“I’m gonna go to sleep,” you said with a shaky voice.
“Hey, don’t pull away from us, please. Tell us what’s wrong” Gaz was the first one to break the silence, he got up and moved to stand in front of you. “Are you alright?” he asked, stretching his arms out towards you in a silent offering.
At the sound of his gentle voice the walls you so desperately built to shield your own heart broke. And with them your last composure. You sniffled a few times, inhaling the air up through your nose as your face twisted with both the emotional pain and the effort of not breaking down. You shook your head softly at him, words failing you at this moment due to the lump in your throat and the tight coil wrapped in your chest. You practically dove into Gaz’s outstretched arms, allowing yourself for the first time in years to have this comfort. His arms came down to wrap around you and in the safety of his embrace, the first sob escaped from where you tried to bury it down. The tears quickly followed and found their way down your cheeks. 
The two of you stood there for what felt like hours, Gaz gently rocking you from side to side. Years of built-up grief and anguish finally escaped from where you had buried those feelings deep within your heart, bubbling up into a series of broken sounds escaping your lips. After a few minutes, your sobs calmed down to a few quiet hiccups and sniffles. Another arm joined to draw comforting circles on your back, you tilted your head from where it was resting against Gaz’s chest to see Soap standing next to you. A warm smile on the Scotman’s face. 
“I- um…” you trailed off, your words interrupted by yet another sniffle. 
“Take your time lass,” answered Soap
You sent him a watery smile and pulled your sleeves over your hands to wipe at your eyes as well as your running nose. You coughed to clear the croakiness in your voice and took a deep breath in an effort to calm down.
“I had a husband years ago. We were married and even had a little girl together. This was before I joined the task force and everything,” you paused to accept a tissue from Price, you blew out your nose before continuing. “And well, they were both killed because of my involvement in a case. The target we were tracking sent out the hit.”
“Kid, I had no idea.” Price said, taking your used tissue from your hand and replacing it with a clean one. He may deny that he is the dad of the team, but all of you knew he cared for every single one of you.
“I didn’t want any of you to know. I tried putting that shit behind me. Didn’t want to talk about it, so I left it out of my file.” You explained and with a weak laugh you continue, “she would have been eight today. Her dad would always buy her those supermarket cakes, and if I wasn’t home she would insist I get one as well so that I could eat some cake too.”
All of your teammates’ hearts ached seeing how much pain you carried, how long you probably suffered and grieved for their losses without having anyone to comfort you. Never before had they seen you with this much pain in your voice, you were always the one who got the job done on missions. Who seemed like they had their life together and returned on leave to a happy home life.
You looked up after dabbing at your eyes with the tissue to see Price standing in front of you. You didn’t think you had any tears left in you but at the sight of your Captain, the unofficial dad of the team, with his arms out wide offering you a hug and a soft look in his eyes you felt the tears well up once again. 
You accepted Price’s hug and you felt the distinct lump in the back of your throat build up again and as much as you tried to will it away, it persisted and soon more sobs were forced from you. The smell of cigars and smoke enveloped you in the warmth of his embrace. Price only pulled you closer to his chest at the sound of your sobs, allowing you to fully bury your face into his shirt, no doubt wetting the fabric with your tears.
Soon Gaz joined you two, tears of his own in his eyes. Price reached up with one of his arms and pulled the younger man in. Soap followed shortly after and finally, you felt gentle yet firm arms enveloping all of you. You looked up to see Ghost, a rare soft look in his eyes and a silent apology for having pushed you for answers earlier. 
You felt safe here in the big, warm group hug of your teammates and slowly your sobs dwindled until they completely died down.
“I have some pictures I can show you guys,” you disentangled yourself from the group hug to move to one of the couches and took out your phone, scrolling past pictures of the task force members as well as pictures of your old team. You finally found your favourite picture, it shows your husband and daughter together, a tiger plushie clutched in your daughter’s hands. Your team gathered around as you showed them the picture.
“Wait, is that why?” Soap began to ask and you nodded.
“They were her favourite animal. And when she found out about codenames, she practically insisted on that being my codename”
“So like a secret spy!”
“Yes sweetie, it’s a secret spy name”
“Can you choose your own?”
“We can, or it’s a nickname given to us by our friends”
“Ooo how about Tiger? No! Tigress!”
“That’s an amazing idea, honey”
You took a moment to stare at the picture, smiling at how happy they both looked in it. Your hand which held the crumpled tissue reached up to lightly dab at the tears welling up in your eyes again. You accepted another tissue from Ghost this time, where he got them from you had no idea but you were grateful for it anyways. 
The rest of the evening was spent with all of you sharing various stories from over the years. Tucked in between your teammates, tired from the emotional day, you felt a sense of home. Something which you hadn’t felt in a long, long time.
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sparring-spirals · 1 month
I got to say I really liked the episode (despite only having watched exu calamity of the exu series) and I think maybe Matt needed a breather after so many fast paced, lore filled episodes.
however, I am kinda bummed that the fcg processing has been put on hold for (at least) two weeks now and that means that, despite them being great actors that truly merge with their characters at the table, their reactions will be much less raw and there’s a chance some of them will forget tidbits of information, emotions they felt when it happened because they (as role players) will have had time to process it out of the game and it might create a dissonance in the game. tbf I kind of felt the difference even between the end of ep 91 and the beginning of 92 but it made sense because technically they were still running and couldn’t afford to process. idk. I have hope that we’ll still see that raw emotion, but I fear it won’t be as impactful as it could’ve been, especially if they’ll have to put the “reporting for duty” hat on immediately when they get to the camp
I think being a little bummed about the sort of unexpected hiatus on the Bell's Hells/Post F.C.G processing is super understandable! As someone who also really did enjoy the Crownskeepers return (hello im still yelling about Opal internally), I'm kind of in the same camp of being kind of thrown/disappointed about not getting to really dig into/sit with the Bell's Hells post-F.C.G loss. Like, LOVED the Crownkeepers, fascinating second half, kind of meh on the specific timing.
I'm holding my reservations about whether they're going to have to keep running/moving once we return to their portion of the story, since hey, until it happens (or doesn't!), we don't know, so I don't feel like getting too in my head about it until then.
That said! I do think that in general the cast puts characterization and staying true to the emotions of the character/story as a very high priority within the campaign. I think you're right that it won't be the exact same as if they had done a big emotional blowup/goodbye/processing scene in the same ep where they lost F.C.G, or immediately after. I don't think that means it has to be less impactful, just that- yeah, they'll have had more time to actually think/process it.
But they're also all professional voice actors who have, IMO, thus far shown how much they think about the inner lives of their characters and enjoy really digging deep into the emotional/interpersonal aspects of roleplay.
My assumption (my hope?) is that with additional time to think about + process a devastating/deeply emotional loss for their character(s), they'd choose to lean into that more, and not less. It wont be the same as the immediate raw reactions, thats true! But i dont think that means it has to be less impactful, even if they (as people) have had more time to process, and will be choosing how their characters, fresh off the loss, react. I dont think thats a guarantee it will be less impactful/emotional (maybe the additional thinking would actually enhance the reactions being true/insightful to the characters vs gut reactions from cast), but it will be different.
But if the cast chooses to lean into the heartbreak/emotions, and the circumstances of the BH in the upcoming ep enable it, I'm sure they can still kick my ass (emotionally), timeskip or not.
In general, I'm cautiously optimistic about what could happen next! Even if I don't love the timing thus far. I think there's still plenty of ways for me to get what I'm hoping for wrt F.C.G/BH. :] There are plenty of ways for me to get let down too, probably, but until it happens, or doesn't, I'm opting to not get too doomery about it. We'll see.
I uh. Hope that helps? A bit? Being bummed about specific things you were hoping for being off the table is totally reasonable. just hoping to lend an alternate way of viewing it, if desired.
(i wrote the sentence: "don't be lamenting your chickens before they hatch" and then went "what the fuck" out loud. i spent 4 hours at work today just doing systems diagramming and my brain is fried. clearly. keeping this here for my own entertainment.)
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moshpitgamma · 6 months
i NEED queen barb x fem reader PLEASEEEE
Fallin’ For You||🎸Barb x Fem! Reader
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Warnings: Mild Cussing, IT’S LONG😭😭
FYI: f/f= fav food, f/c=fav color, f/b=fav band, f/d=favorite drink
You were a f/c troll that was feisty and stubborn. You were into all tastes of music, but rock really fascinated you the most. So when your brother ran into your room to tell you he managed to get two tickets to see f/b, you were ecstatic as hell. Choosing an outfit was always your worst enemy. It usually ended with you bothering your brother about your outfit and asking if it’s too much or if it doesn’t have enough. But tonight you really put your all into it and got some pretty good results. (You can pick one here or choose one yourself idm☺️)
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“B/N I’M DONE” you yelled from your room. You didn’t get a response but you heard muffled stomps headed towards your room. And there stood your brother in his best f/b attire. “Damn didn’t know the living mob could dress” he jokingly said while trying to hold his giggles in as he saw the almost visible irritation mark coming up on your forehead. “Alright jackass not to much” you said not wanting to have a whole sibling fight before the best concert of your life. “We better get going before we be late n/n” your brother said walking towards the door to leave. “Alright I’m coming” you said following the other still irritated by the teasing he did on your outfit.
You have been up and dancing for about a good 2 hours and you were getting dehydrated from sweating and your throat was dry from all the constant yelling you were doing. So you decided to go get a drink. You told your brother where you were going and he gave you a $50 bill. “Why so much? I’m just going to get a f/d” you questioned your brother. “Damn n/n I’m hungry, that’s why you lil nosy” he said out of breath from all of the dancing, but still in a snarky way. “OK, shit I was just asking” you shot back while walking away from y’all seats, after he told you what he wanted from the concession stand.
Since it was crowded in the area you were in, you were squeezing past people saying occasional excuse me’s and sorry’s, but when you were almost out the horde, someone bumped into you and made you knock someone and their nachos. “OH CRAP, I’m so sorry are you ok?” You asked the stranger who still was on the ground after the harsh push. “Shit I just bought those you bastard” the mystery person yelled back as you (tried) to help her off the ground. “HEY! I’m not a bastard” you yelled back, getting irritated at the arrogant person in front of you. Once she was fully up she looked at who knocked her over and all of her snarky comebacks she had instantly left her mind. Before she could respond, you beat her to it.
“Even tho you was an ass to me you could’ve at least let me explain what happened” you said a little calmer than before but you noticed she started to stare. She was staring at you for about 3 minutes before you tried to get her attention again. “Yoooo are you good? Do you have a concussion?” You asked a lil panicked as you rushed to check her clothes and head for any injuries or damage.
While you were checking her clothes and head she couldn’t help but get the smell of your self intoxicating scent. Whiskey and chocolate was all she smelled and for some reason it left her with a wave of neediness and the need to know you. She still didn’t notice she was staring until she felt a sharp sting on her hand. “OW what the hell” she shrieked rubbing her stinging hand. “FINALLY! You had me worried over here. Thought you blacked out on me”you said while sighing a sigh of relief. All she could muster up was a “yea I’m good.” Barb never felt this way towards anyone before so she was kinda weirded out from how she was acting. “Well I just wanted to say sorry again and if I could buy you another thing of nachos to make up for your last batch” you offered feeling a different sensation in your stomach.
Once she heard your offer she couldn’t help but accept and for some reason she tried to strike up a conversation while you guys were waiting in line. “Sooo you like f/b?” She asked assuming you were here because of the merch you were wearing. “Yea I LOVE f/b. They just have a way of making how I feel come to life through music you know” you said smiling a soft and barely unnoticeable smile. Barb caught on to the tiny smile and flushed a little and felt her face get hot. “Barb” she said earning a confused “huh” from you. “Barb” she said again “it’s my name” she said in a confirming voice to dissipate the confusion you had. “Oh, my name is y/n”you said in a confident tone as you saw how she blushed at the sound of your name. Before she could respond you were already ordering y’all’s order. “Hi can I get a f/d, f/f, and nachos.” “I like extra jalapeños on my nachos” Barb threw in so the cashier could know.
You were astonished at how many jalapeños Barb had on her nachos. “Your mouth is going to burn like hell” you said in an amazed voice. When she heard you in an astonished tone she wanted to prove you wrong instantly. So she betted that if she could finish her nachos without a drink and succeed, you would have to give her your number. You never backed down from a challenge so you agreed and you had to admit she was cute so it was a win-win either way.
After 15 minutes Barb managed to eat all of her nachos without a drink and successfully won the bet. “Told you short stuff. I told you I could do it.” She said pridefully with a little flirtiness in her voice. Once you heard the little nickname she gave you, a blush appeared on you f/c cheeks. She saw the blush and mentally gave herself and her ego a high five. “I guess a bet is a bet” you said while pulling out a napkin and a pen. Barb was confused about what you were doing, until she remembered what was her reward for winning the bet. Now she was the one blushing, taking the napkin with your name and number on it. “I’m glad I ran into you Barb” you said before kissing her cheek and walking away. Little did you know when you were finally out of sight, she was already texting you and gushing over the kiss you gave her on the cheek like a little kid.
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choccy-milky · 2 months
I just wanted to say that your art and your fic are divine, and I'm obsessed every time you post. 😭🫶 Huge, adoring fan. Thank you for sharing Clora and all your work with us.
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AA TY APPLIN💖💖😭😭i love your posts too and your top quality memes BAHHA also the amount of stuff you write for the fandom?? i am on my knees you have done us all a SERVICE🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️i unfortunately havent read anything yet bc i wanna be done with my fic before i do, but im looking forward to the backlog of stuff ill be able to read from so many ppl in the fandom once i am💕🙏 THANK U AGAIN💖
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CHOCOLATE MILK THE GOAT💯💯💯ey gurl can i be the choccy to ur milky😏😏😏👉👉👉
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is 4 me...?😳👉👈 AND AW TYY🥺 IM GLAD U THINK SO💖💖 i am always happy to serve and keep fuelling the delulu seb train, for as long as my hyperfixation fuels me💪✏️ ngl this entire month of april has honestly been pretty meh and ive been in kinda a rough place mentally BUT im going to my moms at the beginning of may so hopefully bein around family and stuff will help🙏ty for asking tho and i hope ur doin good as well!! IM ALSO GLAD U THINK SO/LIKE CLORA💖😭it makes me die a little inside whenever i see someone say shes my self insert bc we could NOT be any more different in both looks/personality and i rly tried to make her her own person...but damn i wish i was gentle and demure like her but NAH BITCH IM LOUD AND GREEK AND ANNOYING AF bAHAHA🤪 and i also think shes the perfect match for seb and for me SO THANK YOU AGAIN LMAO😇💖 @cloudnessvi
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 year
Can you maybe do reader getting her ears pierced and Xavier being there for support. (I just had mine done and yes maybe I'm to big to being crying over it but it hurts😭)
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A/n: let me tell ya, I was scare shitless getting mine done too. Funny story though I had my ears pierced the same week I had to go swimming with my primary school.(which was every Tuesday afternoon)Needless to say I couldn’t go swimming for while until my piercings had healed and settled.
Also yes I’m making Ajax have snakebites also this was kinda meh and rushed.
“You’ll be fine y/n, after all it’s just a little pinprick.”
“Just a little pinprick? Xavier, my earlobes are going to be stabbed by a needle! No numbing cream, no nothing, just straight up raw earlobe stabbing.” You told Xavier as you sat nervously in the chair whilst the woman who’d be piercing your ears was collecting the necessary materials for the procedure; You’ve wanted your ears pierced for awhile now but after reading up on scenarios where something went wrong as you were in the midst of preparing yourself for your up coming appointment; your desire for getting your ears done quickly turned sour in your mouth.
Xavier sees that you were genuinely second guessing your decision and reaches out to hold your hand tightly within his. “It’s going to be okay baby, Your in safe and professional hands, they know what they’re doing and besides,” he leant towards you as though he’s sharing a secret, just between the two of you, “i think your very brave for getting them done.” He says as he leans back against the chair humbly provided for him. “Really?” You asked, still a little unsure of yourself. “Oh yeah! I don’t think I could get my ears pierced or, god forbid, get tattoos.”
You giggled at his over exaggerate attempts of cheering you up because it was defiantly working to some extent. You were grateful that Xavier decided to tag along because if he hadn’t, you would’ve for certain bolted out of the room and straight back to Nevermore with your tail between your legs. Having Xavier with you, sacrificing his hand as your temporary stress toy whenever you got short glimpses of the needle that would be prodding holes into your ear lobes.
You honestly didn’t know how you got through life at this point without Xavier being there to calm your overreactive mind and sooth your worries with his logic and reassurance; Yet sometimes you can’t feel as though you let him down for being the way that you were, even after he tells you otherwise. You still get that feeling within your chest that one day he’d grow annoyed of having to console you about everything and tell you to grow and deal with it like everybody else; However you knew this to not be true as it wasn’t in his character but that didn’t mean you feared for the nearby future when you wouldn’t have Xavier by your side. As for now you chose to appreciate and love him whist you still had him in your life, by your side to do so.
After your laughter subsided you gripped Xavier’s hand, smiling softly at him. “Thank you for coming here with me Xav, I honestly don’t think I would’ve made it past that doorway if it weren’t for you.” The long haired boy only huffed playfully as he leaned into once again, though this time it was to press a kiss to your forehead. “Don’t sell yourself short, sweet cakes for your a lot stronger then you believe yourself to be.” He utters into your hairline before pulling away. “I mean you haven’t bolted out of that door yet. So that’s an good thing!”
Just as he says that, the woman doing your piercings came back to the room with a selection of jewelled ear accessories ranging from small studs to ear stretchers alongside the needle and some materials to sterilise it so that you wouldn’t get infections or any other complications. The nervousness came back with a vengeance as the worst case scenarios came flooding back to the forefront of your mind as your breathing bang to pick up erratically; your grip on Xavier’s hand only increased in grip as your chair was pulled out flat as a board and you were instructed to lay down and to get yourself comfortable but with your body being bombarded with internalised panic, your movements became rigid and stiff that it too you longer then it probably should’ve to lay yourself down.
“First time?” The kind woman asked, flashing you a smile as they began to set up. “Yeah. Is it that obvious?” You responded, still a little rigid with fright. “Your not the first person who’s came in here for an piercing. I remember there was a Gorgon kid who came in here the other week asking for snakebites.” You and Xavier shared a look of mutual confusion. “The Gorgon’s name wouldn’t happen to be Ajax Petropolus by any chance?” Xavier asked as he gave your hand another reassuring squeeze. The woman looked over at him with raised brows, “yeah, how did you know him?”
Xavier shrugs, “he’s a friend of mine. After he got his snakebites he had nothing but high praise for your professionalism, which is why we’re here today.” The woman only smiled at the compliment, “that’s how I keep my business running,” she say before turning back to you. “You ready champ?” You breathed a heavy sigh before looking over at Xavier who only smiled at you encouragingly, lifting up your intertwined hands to show that he was still here for moral support. You looked back at the her as she patiently awaited your answer that you replied with confidently, “I’m ready.”
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striveattemptfail · 2 years
rating jason's helmet from red hood/arsenal (2015) as inspired by @homosnapeiens' ranking of batfam outfiits
only rating the helmets with lips bc they're an affront to humanity and i refuse to suffer alone tonight LMAO
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ah a flashback/photo with the OG outlaws
mostly smooth helmet, few angles and hard lines -> good
why? it reminds me of his pill helmet from the morrison run LOOOL
that said the smile is uncanny and terrifying
and the fact that it has teeth????
idc if the white on the lips is just lighting, it makes the helmet look like it has teeth and chaksmdndndjsaksjd
nooooooo why
i will have nightmares about a red hood helmet with teeth
but alas it is one of the only times we see a smiling helmet, and a happy jason, and thus bumps up its rating
5/10 but it's cursed i tell ya
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too angular, very harsh lines 👎
this mask's jawline could probably slice a man in half
eyebrow line so strong if red hood headbutted someone there'd probably be an imprint of his eyebrows on their face LOLLL
why does it have a circular knob for his ear???
why does the helmet extend down his neck???
it just looks so uncomfortable and weird
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his nose is so defined here
how tf does he breathe in this???!?!?
pouty pouty mouth is frowning >:(
frowning so hard his lower lip is sticking out like he's A Model >:(
cheeks sucked in to emphasize his cheekbones like he's A Model (•̀へ•́)
is the helmet skintight?? does that mean whenever he has to wear this he's always frowning??
i like the shine on his noggin tho
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lemme get this right:
is that a domino mask on top of a helmet??
is he still wearing another mask underneath this???
bc if so that is three layers of eye protection
and ya i get that maybe it's just the design, and it's probably not an actual mask fitted over the helmet, and is probs just extra material to emulate a mask
but how is his face not just heavy from having to lift all of that???
also once again with the hard lines and angles and exaggerated face features
and this one extends down the neck again??? it even covers his adam's apple 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
overall it's a no from me
it kinda reminds me of deadpool's mask tho
maybe that's what he was going for??
2lbs of gear on his face/10
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what is presumably just another angle of the previous helmet, but this one doesn't go down the neck
or maybe his suit is covering where his helmet extends???
from this angle it also seems there are circular knobs where his ears are supposed to be again
roy's face says it all tbh
deadpool's mask looks better/10
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these two are from the same issue!! just a few panels apart!! so i'm doing them together!!
why didn't i do that for the deadpool helmet? bc now i'm running outta steam and getting lazy!!
anyway this is unremarkable
his cheeks are sucked in and for what?? to show off his cheekbones??
smooth surface like the first helmet i reviewed, which is a plus 👍
but lacks the smile and happy expression of being with his polycule besties, which is a negative 👎
he's got heart lips tho, which is strange, but i guess that means this helmet is kissable LMAO
chu/10 2/10
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last one thank fuck
more of the same from the last helmet, but with sharper lines and angles
it looks like this helmet was made with a vacuum sealer tbh
mainly i wanted to include this for the bonus reactions that come w this image
if afro curls' pupils were drawn slightly pointing upwards, that'd be my exact reaction to this helmet
BONUS: roy!!
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god i thought i was done ;-;
a bonus no-lips helmet with roy bc i hate everything drawn in this panel
the helmet is a solid 2/10
too many weird lines, that round knob at the ears again, overall design is meh but at least doesn't have lips
but roy's face
baby what the fuck happened there??? (respectively)
i'm a "roy harper is an attractive man" truther but my god does shit like this make it difficult to be one
wtf is that smile??
why are your eyes opened so wide??
why does your mask look like it could give you a paper cut???
red domino mask + green hat = christmas decor headass combo
i LOVE their banter here tho
your honour they are idiots to lovers confirmed 😌😌😌
paolo pantalena why??????/10
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sof-writes · 9 months
make me sing (too) ; choi jisu
content warning: nsfw! intro longer than the actual smut, some profanities, some good old fingering. (shoutout to my vanilla girlies worldwide)
word count: 1684
a/n: it's been a looong time since I wrote something, so I'm sorry if this is kinda meh (took me 3 sessions to get this one done ngl). I kinda wrote a sequel to make me sing so I didn't have to think of an entirely new storyline lmao.
anyway still let me know what you think! also, if you notice any differences between my old works and this, please let me know. I feel like this is kinda lacking but I can't exactly put my finger on it. 🕵️‍♀️
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The door to the studio opened slightly, causing you to swivel your chair. Your eyes caught Choi Jisu carefully peaking from behind, as if about to enter a forbidden area.
"Come on in" you said before directing your eyes back to one of your screens, carefully ordering the files you just recorded with Ryujin for the group's next comeback. "All the other members' parts have already been recorded so it should be easy to grasp the vibe we're going for with this song"
Jisu just hummed as she walked up to your desk, putting her iced coffee, which was kinda watered down due to the extreme heat outside, down on the corner of the glass surface before taking the free chair next to yours.
"So..." you started, shoving the piece of paper with the lyrics a little closer to her "I figured we could start with the lines in the first verse and then move on to the chorus" your eyes shifted from the paper to her face. Jisu just nodded in silence while biting her cheek, concentrated and seemingly lost in thought.
"Sounds good" she finally looked back at you, eyes meeting in a rather awkward manner– a little too much time passing without any word being said. By the way the corner of her mouth curled up in a seemingly amused way, she noticed it too.
"Like I said, you're the last one today so I think we'll be finished rather quickly" you said, trying to get rid of the unfamiliar awkwardness that hung in the air.
"Quickly?" she repeated while tapping her nails on the glass surface of your desk, presumably in an attempt to regain your attention. "Finish quickly?" she said once again, a hint of mischief evident in her voice. You sighed internally. Knowing Choi Jisu, she was about to make some lame joke or wordplay.
You looked at her once again, getting ready to roll your eyes at what was about to follow, but her face didn't look like she was about to tell another one of her lame jokes.
Instead, she narrowed her eyes a little and licked her bottom lip. "You know..." she started, leaning forward slightly as she lowered her voice "I heard Yeji finished very, very quickly too"
Time froze, your breath stopped. You shook your head once, as if trying to process what the hell Jisu just said.
"I—" you tried to speak, but your mouth was dry and you could literally feel your heart pounding in your chest.
So many thoughts were going through your head. Questions. Concerns. Worries.
First of all, how did Jisu know about what happened? Did Yeji tell her? Why the hell would she do that? Who else knew? This could literally be the end of your career.
"Don't worry" Jisu said while nonchalantly running a hand through her wavy blonde hair. It was like she could read your mind. "For as far as I'm aware, I'm the only one who knows"
Like that made things any better...
"And if you make it very quick with me too, then I promise not to tell anybody"
Now those words made you huff in disbelief. Twice. Before finally letting out a sarcastic chuckle.
"Are you seriously blackmailing me right now, Choi Jisu?"
The words didn't come out nearly as confident as you wanted them to. The dryness that had spread across your mouth and throat caused your voice to crack towards the end of the sentence.
Your eyes were fixed on her fingernails which traced the cupholder of her iced americano. The current situation somehow turning a normal gesture into something oddly sensual.
Her eyes tracked your line of sight "I mean" she tapped her index finger against the plastic cup a few times before redirecting her gaze directly back at you "Dropping hints obviously didn't work, did it?"
You huffed once more. Obviously. You were not trying to slip up by fucking one of your business relations again.
"Just what the hell do you expect me to say?"
"Gosh, I don't know?" 'Ride my fingers, get on my face, take off those clothes?' something like that could work"
She said it so casually. Like she had no shame. Like she didn't care.
You knew you had to try and talk some sense into yourself. Into yourself and into Choi Jisu. But you were so mesmerised by her boldness that you could literally feel your resolve crumbling down piece by piece.
"Sure then..."
The words came out before you could even realise.
"Take off those clothes" you added, almost as if daring her.
You once again found yourself in a situation where you couldn't believe what you were doing, yet you couldn't stop yourself either.
Jisu's hand, which you had been mindlessly staring at the entire time, left the plastic cup with a swift movement. She got up from her chair, your eyes now carefully tracking her actions in anticipation.
She started unbuttoning the lilac crop top she was wearing, revealing a white lacy bra underneath. The top elegantly slid down her delicate arms before falling to the floor of the studio without a sound.
Her arms didn't rest though, they quickly guided her fingers to the button of her jean skirt, then the zipper, and soon enough the skirt joined the lilac top on the floor.
When she hooked her thumbs around sides of her panties, your eyes shot up to meet hers again.
"Keep them on" you said, staring straight into her slightly narrowed eyes. She raised an eyebrow, but didn't protest.
Without any further words, you simply tapped your own lap. One simple action seemed to get your hint across.
Two steps were enough for her to close the distance. You felt her slender arm looking for support around your neck as she settled onto your lap.
From that moment on, everything went automatic.
Your right hand reached for her back, while your left hand grabbed onto her thigh, softly massaging the inside of it as she slowly started grinding down on you. Intense eye contact remaining unbroken.
Until she leaned in, that was.
It was different than it had been with Yeji. The sense of distance you had kept with the latter seemed non-existent with Jisu. The kiss was needy, urgent. Lips moving hungrily as if you were partners that hadn't seen each other in months.
Your right hand roamed her back, desperately looking for the hook of her bra while your tongue explored her mouth.
As you finally unhooked her bra, she pulled back from the kiss, gasping for air.
"Shit" she sighted as she steadied her heartrate, helping you take off her bra before slightly shifting in your lap, aligning her back with your chest.
"Already out of breath?" you joked, knowing damn well your physical condition was absolute shit compared to hers.
No reaction. Instead, you could feel her fingers wrapping themselves around your hand just to guide it to her damp panties.
Jisu stretched her neck, lips aligned with your ear, warm air hitting the shell of it every time she breathed out "I know I may not seem like that type..." her grip on your hand loosened "but hate small talk and jokes during sex"
That was your cue. Less talking, more action.
Your hands got to work, one tracing from her stomach to her chest while the other quickly found its' place under the moist fabric. And damn was she wet.
You dipped your middle finger between her lips to collect some of her undoubtedly delicious juices before starting to draw quick circles over her clit.
The moment you touched her, her head immediately fell back on your shoulder. "Oh God..." she moaned, the fact that her mouth was so insanely close to your ear making everything even more intense.
Your left hand grabbed one of her breasts, a perfect hand full, which caused her to sigh out again.
The way she was shifting around in your lap made it hard for you to hit her spot just right, but the angelic moans you were rewarded with each and every time you got close were more than enough to keep you going.
You could see droplets of sweat forming on the skin of her neck as her hand reached for yours, making you squeeze her breasts rather roughly.
"Don't stop" she urged, in English this time, her low voice sounding so unbelievably sexy. "Don't..." she repeated, as if you were ever planning on doing so.
The warmth of her body on top of you, the warmth of her breasts in your hand, the warmth between her legs, you couldn't get enough of it.
You were pretty sure her juices were leaking through her panties at this point, but you couldn't care less. All you wanted was to keep touching her, keep feeling her.
It seemed like she was trying to tell you something, but her stream of sweet moans made her words incomprehensible.
The first drop of sweat trickled down between her breasts and oddly enough, it seemed to motivate you to speed up your movements.
"Don't–" she managed to get out once more, before finally coming undone. One final load moan escaping her mouth before the muscles in seemingly her entire body started contracting violently.
As the wave of her orgasm washed over her body, she tried to steady herself by grabbing your arms. Yet at the same time, she was making it impossible for you to help her ride out her high.
Only now you realised how dry your throat had become. You swallowed once before letting out a deep sigh.
Her grip on your arms loosened as she regained her posture, one of her hands reaching up to her forehead to wipe away the beads of sweat.
"Yeji was right..." Jisu finally said, stopping mid sentence in order to get up from your lap. The sudden lack of her body weight making you realise just how much your top was drenched in sweat and your shorts were drenched in... Well...
"Yeji was right, you truly are insane"
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