#I feel like I'm talking to a wall here DOES NO ONE ELSE GET ANGRY ABOUT THIS
"Why does everything need to be Gay now it's so shallow to make men attracted to each other when they could be Pure Platonic Friends -"
oops sorry I can't hear you over the sound of me Doing What I Want Forever because I have been watching movies, TV, and animation since the 80s and have watched enough shallow heterosexual romances that would have been stronger as mlm-wlw solidarity friendships to fill the space between stars in a galaxy
#also 1) friends can fuck each other so you're not safe especially since gay guys do this a lot#2) why can't there be a cast with MANY mlm characters where some are strictly friends and some are partners#(bc this is a real thing that happens in the real world shocker I know but sometimes friend groups have several mlm folks)#3) as an aromantic vaguely ace spec person I get the need for good platonic relationships#but uh queer people reading mlm romance into something (often based on their own experiences or representation needs)#that creators refuse to delve into#or god forbid writing it into their own work#IS NOT THE BIGGEST PROBLEM HERE#i can't believe it's the year of our lord 2024 and i am still seeing this thinly veiled homophobic take everywhere#2006 called and it wants its 'I don't wish evil on gays but i dont condone their gay stuff' attitude back#Also when I think about all the shows and movies that came from source material with wlw or mlm characters who were all but TOTALLY erased#Or I think about media about queer historical figures who were utterly straightwashed or had their queerness demonized#or reduced to a footnote or Non Controversial background noise#My rage about this increases like 10000 fold#Anyway TLDR ultimately I fall under the mlm umbrella and that's part of the reason I write the shit I do and I'm not the only one#And I write cheeky posts about it but I actually am genuinely disturbed sometimes at this sentiment#Because no one says it outright but there's this massive undercurrent of an assumption that we don't exist#And we don't create#And we don't create things FOR OURSELVES not even bc precisely because of all the times we were told#'Well that's not really marketable so if you want to see it maybe you should create it yourself'#I feel like I'm talking to a wall here DOES NO ONE ELSE GET ANGRY ABOUT THIS#LIKE HOMOPHOBIA ISN'T OVER YET#ESPECIALLY NOT FOR MLM PEOPLE WHO AREN'T CIS AND WHITE#Like stop calling sex and/or romance shallow when it's gay and SUSPICIOUSLY 0 OTHER TIMES oh my fucking god
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penny00dreadful · 1 year
Brain worm! 🪱 Just a lil silly somethin written in a daze.
Eddie had to wrench the wheel back so he didn't run the fucking van into a tree.
Did he seriously, seriously just see what he thought he just saw?
As soon as there was a gap in the road Eddie swung the van around and pulled into the gas station he had just passed, trying to keep as low a profile as possible.
Which was no mean feat considering the state of his catalytic converter but once he'd pulled up into a dark corner, a glance in the wing mirror told him he hadn't been spotted.
It also told him that, yes. He'd been correct on his initial passing glance. He was actually seeing this shit.
Eddie glanced down at his clothes. Ripped up jeans, his 'Hell Awaits' Slayer t-shirt depicting a giant inverted pentagram, demons and hellfire, chains, rings, leather jacket, battle vest, boots.
Yeah, he looked sufficiently scary.
Night was starting to fall around him so he still went unnoticed as he slid carefully out of the van and made his way over to the two lone figures just barely lit up by the harsh artificial exterior lights.
He planted himself just behind, what looked like, some middle class dad type who was standing just a little too close for comfort.
Eddie crossed his arms and spoke to the second figure barking out in the lowest tone of voice he could muster.
"Just what the fuck do you think you're doing, young man?"
The middle class dad whipped around. The second his eyes landed on Eddie he had a look on his face like the devil himself had just manifested behind him.
Without a second of wasted time he scampered away, tail between his legs, leaving Mike Wheeler standing there, wide eyed, pale faced and terrified.
"Edd-" Mike swallowed, slowly backing away as Eddie advanced. "What are you doing here?"
Mike's back hit the wall and Eddie took one more step forward, looming over him. "You don't get to ask questions, Wheeler. You get to answer them. Now I'm only going to ask this one more time: Just what THE FUCK are you doing out here?"
"N-nothing! We were... I was just-"
There was a clatter and some hushed expletives before the rest of The Party appeared around the corner.
"He's not here alone!" Dustin shouted, apparently under the impression that that was going to calm Eddie down in any way at all.
"And you think that makes this better, does it?"
"Yes! Safety in numbers!"
"There is no safety in whatever the hell I just witnessed!" Eddie exploded. "There is no safety in being at a remote gas station on the outskirts of town at night and talking to strange men for whatever reason!"
The kids all looked to be in various stages of shock, clearly not expecting Eddie to lay into them so fiercely but he didn't care. He refused to feel bad for them.
"Tell me, oh braniacs, what would have happened if someone had come along and snatched Little Wheeler up, huh? Would you have chased after the car on your bikes?" He sneered. "How would you have contacted anyone? How long would it take someone to get here? What if one of you had been attacked? Or robbed? Or murdered? What would you have done then?! How could you all be so stupid?"
"It's not stupid! We weren't being stupid!" Dustin shouted back. "We have our walkies-!"
Eddie laughed, cold and mean and so, so angry but Dustin continued to dig his own grave.
"You all never let us try anything! You never give us a sip of beer or a smoke or any of your weed which we know you still have-"
"Watch it, Henderson." His voice was low and dangerous.
"So we were just trying to get someone to buy something for us, that's all!"
"Oh that's all? That's all, is it? And you have money to pay for this purchase?"
Dustin scoffed. "Of course."
"So tell me, what would have happened if someone went in there and bought you your beer but then decided that wasn't payment enough? What would you have done if he started asking or demanding something else?"
"Like what?"
"Oh I don't know, what could a grown man possibly want with a fifteen year old little boy?" Eddie shook his head. "You know what, I'm not having this conversation out here. Get in the van."
"But... our bikes-"
Eddie observed in stony silence, his face thunderous as the kids all loaded their bikes into the back of the van before they scuttled in themselves, quiet and cowed.
He slammed the drivers side door closed before turning his key in the ignition and pulling out of the gas station, the silence in the car suffocating, bouncing off the walls.
"Um..." They were nearly halfway back to Hawkins by the time Will's small voice cut through the air. "You're not going to tell our parents, are you?"
Eddie looked back at him in the rear view mirror. The kids were all watching his reaction with worry and Eddie refused to drop his anger in the face of Baby Byers. Not this time. Not for this. He had to stay angry because if he stopped being angry he might just lose himself in what if's.
"No. I'm not going to tell your parents."
The kids all sighed in relief, somehow still believing they were being let off the hook.
"But I am going to tell Steve."
The explosion nearly shook the van. The kids were all screaming, begging, nearly crying not to tell him.
"No! No, Eddie, please!"
"You can't tell him, he'll kill us!"
"Yeah, then he'll bring us back from the dead just to kill us again!"
"You can't do this to us!"
"You know what he's like, Eddie! You can't sell us out to him like that!"
"I can and I will!"
"Can you... can you- shit. Can you please tell him, like, gently? So he doesn't freak the fuck out? He's your boyfriend, he'll listen to you!"
"You all are in no position to be asking for favours right now." Eddie brought the car to a stop in the Harrington driveway. "So here's how it's going to go. We are going to go inside. You are going to tell Steve exactly what just happened. Then the two of us are going to explain to you exactly why what you all just pulled was so monumentally dangerous. Whatever he decides to do with you all after that is up to him. He is your babysitter. You all bestowed that title on him. I am just the babysitter's boyfriend. It's out of my hands."
"Oh, but... you could be our babysitter too?" Dustin tried, a clear and pathetic attempt to make the incoming shitstorm go smoother.
"Not a chance, Henderson." Eddie hopped out and made his way around, throwing open the back doors of the van and gesturing to the now open front door where an extremely distinctive swoopy haired silhouette stood. "Go and face your fate."
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leatherandlacerry · 27 days
ride, cowgirl
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Prompt: Harry and Townes(ladybug) share an encounter at a busy bar that just happens to have a rodeo themed night.
Warnings: 18+, daddy kink, exhibitionism, degradation, switch!townes, swearing
Word count: 2.9k
Authors note: hi! This is a snippet from my fic on wattpad called Grapejuice Blues. I thought it would be a good little intro to the tumblr world but I will be putting out a one shot soon. Let me know if you like it:)
It's not fair.
The asshole knows what he's doing.
Harry looks up from his conversation to send me a smirk. His face is stupid, a stupid pretty face that makes me feel completely normal.
But his eyes always found a way to get to me. A pretty green with leaves of golden sunlight. I looked into them and saw something that terrified me, hope.
My heart skipped a beat when the girl in front of him started to rub up on his arm. There was this urge in me to do something but I couldn't. This bar was filled with decent men I could sleep with, but no. The cowboy-themed night was a cherry on top, he looked good in a hat.
As much as I can sit here denying it, I don't like seeing him with other girls. I didn't like seeing him with Forest and I didn’t like this.
I'm not dumb, I know I have no say over what the fuck he does or who he does. That doesn't make it any easier to ignore it.
Who does he think he is? He goes around acting like he’s the boss of anyone who walks in his path and I’m supposed to let him? Fuck that, not even to mention how he kissed me not even 45 minutes ago.
Before I can logically think I'm walking up to them. My feet carry me in his direction, his focus now on my next move.
"Sorry, am I interrupting?" I ask, tapping the girl's shoulder. The bitch turns around so fast I step back. She looks me up and down with a disgusted face.
"Clearly," she snaps, turning back to Harry. He just sits there with an amused face, watching this play out.
If he can walk around and demand what’s his, so can I.
"Damn Harry, I didn't know your type was cunt," I scoff, watching Harry's eyes widen. The girl once again turns back to but with a look of rage.
"What the fuck did you just say?!" Now I feel bad, I don't know what's come over me. I don’t know what I’m doing, I’m not mean like this but he gets me so angry sometimes.
"Take your desperation somewhere else, 'cause he's not fucking you tonight," She spits, leaning back onto Harry who honestly looks uncomfortable. I was going to walk away but after that, I have some things to say.
"Do you seriously think you’re getting lucky tonight Dolly Parton?" I bite back.
"You're such a bit-"
"That sucks, he owes me an orgasm," I push past her to grab Harry's hand without another word. He doesn't say anything and lets me pull him away.
I push through the crowd to make my way to the nearest bathroom. "This is the woman-"
"Shut up," I cut him off.
We make it there and surprisingly it is empty. I lock the door behind us and go to double-check the stalls. Once I get to the biggest one, I turn back to decide what my next move is.
I don't get that luxury because a pair of hands are on my waist, pushing me against the door of the stall.
Harry's lips find mine in a second. We make it into the stall, falling against the wall. His moans fill my mouth as I grab onto his hips.
"Her voice was fucking annoying," He groans, pulling my body into his.
“Look at you twins, stop talking”
I shut him up as I knocked his cowboy hat off onto the floor, feeling his damp hair under my fingertips. I give one of his curls a slight tug, he breaks the kiss with a gasp.
Soon enough he's back on me, sucking away at my bare neck. Almost immediately he finds my sweet spot which has me rolling my eyes back. His teeth graze my skin every once in a while just using me as he pleases.
"Didn't know I owed you something," He mumbles, watching as he grinds his hips into me. I now see the red lipstick smearing over his lips
"Yet here you are," I tease, tugging on his bottom lip with my teeth. He loses himself before placing a sloppy kiss on my lips.
It's all happening so fast and the mix of alcohol is adding to the intensity. Don't blame me, it’s Tito’s problem now.
"Are you trying to use me, ladybug?" He asks with a smile, his hand wrapping around my neck. His thumb and middle finger press against this point that has my head swirling.
The pressure and rage create an addictive bliss but I have to stick my ground.
"You could be useful for once and get on your knees," I mumble out, finding my mix of dominance with him. He doesn't seem like he would take direction well so I'm not sure where this is going to go.
"Please?" I plead out, not knowing what to say.
His mouth parted, and I felt my hand slide down his thigh. He nods his head and lowers himself to his knees in front of me.
I feel proud that I've gotten him to this point twice now.
"That was easy,"
"Like you," he mumbled, eyebrows scrunched together when he started to pull my skirt up. I wore these lace bottoms just in case anyone was seeing them tonight.
Harry disappears under my skirt, his hot breath spreading across my core. I throw my head back at the feeling, curling my hands into fists.
The bastard toys with me at first, sliding his thumb across the wet patch on my underwear. Hed applied subtle pressure that had my knees buckling but not for long.
His lips were on the inner thing, just mere centimeters away from where I was aching.
"So wet, all for me?" He peers up with his eyes, curling a finger into my underwear so he can pull it to the side. I softly moan and give him a nod to keep going.
He's not having any of that.
"Words, baby," He demanded, blowing air straight into my clit. Naturally, my legs tried to shut but he wouldn't let that happen.
"Yes Daddy," I let out, practically begging him to give me what I wanted.
"There's my girl,"
Finally, he licked a stripe up my cunt, groaning at the taste. He took my clit into his mouth, sucking ever so softly to the point where it was driving me crazy.
The way his tongue dips into my cunt, curling inside to have me almost falling over. I could fall in love on the spot.
or not.
I gasped, my heart dropping as the door burst open, thankfully I locked our stall. Harry looks up at me but not stopping his assault on my clit.
There's a group of girls mingling and drunkenly laughing in the bathrooms now. I go to push Harry away but it feels too good.
He takes his time between my legs as I bite back my moans. My fingers have now made their way to his hair, tugging more as I get closer.
"And then he dumped me for my sister!" This girl bursts into tears as her friends comfort her. I can't believe this is happening, but I couldn't find it in me to stop.
Harry smiles into my cunt, placing a kiss straight onto my clit. Suddenly he’s back on his feet, grabbing my chin to capture my lips.
There was something about his lips that made my mind go all fuzzy. The soft yet plump touch that I'm graced with couldn't be matched.
His hands roaming my body made me feel safe. It felt as if it was just him and I here, no one else.
We continue to make out until I feel his hand rubbing between my legs. He starts to suck on my neck more, whispering dirty nothings into my ear.
"You're such a slut for it, with all these people in here?" He whispers into my ear, plunging his finger into my soaking hole.
There were only a couple of seconds where he slowly moved his finger in and out. The tip of his middle finger circled my hole then surprised me when he would slide it in.
At first, he was testing the waters and not giving it to me fully. His fingers were much longer than I thought, reaching spots inside that I didn't even know could feel like this.
He curls them inside me, not breaking eye contact at any point. My eyes flutter close, feeling his grip on my jaw.
"Look at me, you owe me that," He whispers against my lips before placing a soft peck on them. It felt more like a plea rather than a demand. Either way, he could say anything at this moment and I would be on board.
Then he picks up his pace, watching me fall apart in the palm of his hand, literally.
"I know, baby, I know," He reassures, making it even harder to think straight.
He doesn't hold back in the slightest, rapidly fucking me with his fingers. I wasn't sure how much more I could take with being quiet. The girls on the other side of the door were getting louder so it was a little easier.
"Harry, please-" I gasp into his chest, fisting at his shirt.
"What a piece of trash, fuck that guy!" Another drunk girl slurred her friends. This reminded us that we're not alone and we could get caught at any moment.
It felt wrong to like that thrill, but it only made us want to keep going. Just the possibility, it was only thrilling when I was doing it with him.
I feel the burn in my stomach start to swirl as I'm about to release. Harry takes notice using his other hands to slide his thumb into my mouth.
My lips wrap around it, looking up at him through my lashes. His sea-green eyes darken with lust as I bob my head slightly.
"You gonna come?" He taunts me, all I can do is nod my head weakly. A second later he's back on his knees, fingers still deep inside me.
There's now the mix of that and his mouth back on me that drives me off the edge. He shakes his head with his tongue flat on my clit.
"Come in my mouth, Townes," He practically begs, cuddling his fingers in just the right spot to have me finishing all over his lips.
All I can hear is his sucking up any part of my release that he could. I can't help but gasp as he rubs on my sensitive clit. My legs run weak to the point where they wobble.
"Why was the door locked?" Someone asks.
I look down at Harry with a grin, pulling him back up to taste my cum on his lips. Chills run down my spine when his warm hands never leave my skin. He clutched onto me for dear life.
"You taste good, Ladybug," He grins, sliding his tongue into my mouth. "Anything else I owe you?" He cheekily asked.
I shake my head, did he not want anything in return?
My hands reach out to graze the part of his waist that was exposed. His head drops to watch my next move, placing a hand on my wrist.
"You don't owe me anything," He says.
"I want to," I say, leaning up to kiss the corner of his lips. He blushes at me and falls to my neck.
"Did you forget we're not alone?" He whispers into my ear.
Fuck, I did forget.
I quietly groaned, kissing up his neck. This is odd, this is the most domestic we've been with each other.
"Time to make my exit," He mumbles, his thumb gliding across my bottom lip before placing a kiss on my cheek.
Before I'm able to stop him he's grabbed his hat from the floor and is unlocking the stall door.
The group of girls turns back to see Harry wiping his mouth and me fixing my skirt in the background. They all stare in awe as he walks up to the sink to grab a paper towel and turn back to hand it to me.
"You're lipstick-smeared, bug," he tells me.
"Ladies," He turns back to tip his hat to the group of girls gawking at him. One of them looks back at me with shocked eyes and a wide grin.
“Ride it, cowgirl”
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pupyuj · 9 months
either way yujin makes me feel so many things like she looks so gay filipina with a big ass cock coded with that hair like??? couldn't stop thinking about how good she'd be in bed specially when she's mad??? or jealous??? the normally sweet little puppy, now so fucking angry, she could ruin your cunt just by fucking it with her thick cock. ☹️
and can i just say... “hm, basang basa ah? putang puta ka para sa tite ko.” while laughing and slapping your tits. ☹️
okay terribly sorry for my non-filo followers cuz i'm gonna be mumbling some tagalog nonsense here yujin drives me crazysdbskddhk—
LISTEN... yujin is very filipina-coded to me IM SORRY LIKE she's your perverted, tambay-sa-kanto gf idk how else to explain it!! hand always on your ass, has no shame groping your tits in public IN FRONT OF PEOPLE, and never hesitates to pull you into her lap and press your ass against her bulge??? to everyone else, the two of look sickeningly sweet as they watched yujin whisper to you with a big grin,, but they don't know that she's berating you 😭😭
"letting me do this in front of our friends.. hindi ka na ba nahiya?" mmdjfdhks her hand nearly between your thighs and everything,, everyday you wonder how people never see all the things she does to you in public,,, at one point, she has literally fingered your cunt from behind through your shorts while huddled up with your friends watching a teleserye and standing outside a sari-sari store sdkhcskji,,
LITERALLY FUCKS YOU WHILE SHE'S TALKING TO HER MOTHERRR???? like you're in her room ofc but she's got you sat on her lap facing the door, fingers deep inside your cunt,, grins so widely while she watched you covered your mouth,, bcs her mother saw you as her daughter's sweet, innocent girlfriend (everybody did),,, what would she say if she heard you?? ☹️ "opo, ma!! we're coming down soon," yujin yells loud enough for her mother to hear outside the door,, and then she leans into your ear, laughing like the annoying piece of shit that she isnbdskdfhc,, "you're gonna come, right? right? huh? bilisan ko ba, ha?" yujin keeps asking,, you really didn't wanna do anything that would make you lose control but fuck her fingers feel way too good that you have to nod and let yujin push you over the edge,,
and omggg the mad + jealousy thing... you're one hell of a catch so yujin can be a bit paranoid sometimes,, esp when she sees people talk to you with obvious interest and it definitely doesn't help that you're very friendly and a bit touchy with your friends sometimes,, usually, yujin takes it like a champ because she knows you would never cheat on her but other times she lets her jealousy take over her and oh yeah it gets intense in the bedroom..
"sobrang landi mo pala... i didn't know you were such a fucking whore, (y/n).. why don't you just go ahead and let yourself get fucked by all of them??" she's saying while pounding into your cunt so hard that her bed rocks against the wall??? thank goodness nobody was home.. you were to scream as loud as you wanted,,, "tangina.. d'you actually like this? fucking slut..."
hehahjshdj living in a barangay and being that loud??? yeah the two of you are definitely a hot topic within the chismosa groups 😭😭
ya'll this kinda sucked i got distracted ICBBBB I'M LOSING MY MAGIC .. YOU GUYS...
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tomssexdoll · 2 months
hiii i am OBSESSED with your writings 😄! I saw you wanted requests so here you gooooo!! the reader is apart of the band and it’s during one of their concerts and the reader is singing and dancing “sexually” ( for example the Water by Tyla dance where she twerks and pours water on herself ) and either tom or bill ( YOU CHOOSE BAE ) get so turned on and it ends with smut ( it can be rough smut since they are jealous at everyone else seeing the reader dance this way ) I HOPE THIS MAKES SENSE ! have a wonderful day ! 💕
HIII tysmm <3 ur actually so kind 😭😭
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PAIRINGS: Bill 2010 x Female reader CONTENT: SMUT + a bit of angst SYPNOSIS: Y/N is on stage, performing with the band, its her turn to sing and she does a sexual dance, Bill gets super turned on by this and also jealous since everyone was watching her do it. He wants her all to himself. After the concert he drags her backstage and locks her into one of the little office rooms and fucks her brains out!! A/N: ILY TYSM FOR THE REQ UR AN ANGEL WARNINGS: dom!bill, sub!reader, p in v (missionary), fingering, rough kissing, hair pulling
As Bill was singing Dogs Unleashed, my part was coming up. I had something prepared that would make him go CRAZY. I had seen him eyeing me for the past couple months, getting possessive and jealous when other guys approached me. But I played it off, we were just friends weren't we? I loved teasing him, seeing him get enraged when another guy even looked at me.
I started singing my part and dancing provocatively,"touch me, treat me, love me, feed me", touching my boobs, down to my waist and then to my ass "touch me, tease me, love me feed me" turning around and slowly getting low on the floor, swaying my hips as I did, my mini skirt hiking up a bit. (yk the shawty got low low low dance thing)
I looked over at Bill, his hard on visible from where I was and anger in his eyes. I could tell I was gonna get a mouth full after the concert.
We finished the concert and headed backstage, afte Bill changed out of his costume and into a regular outfit he grabbed my arm and dragged me into one of the empty offices, slamming the door shut behind him. "What the fuck is your problem Bill?" I groaned, my arm starting to hurt from his harsh grip.
"My problem?" he scoffed, "don't act stupid y/n, you knew what you were doing when you were doing that fucking dance" he pulled me closer, our noses barely touching.
"Why the fuck do you always have to tease me" he said, his voice low and threatening, I chuckled "teasing you? what?" acting dumb, he rolled his eyes "don't act fucking stupid, I see the looks you give me and the way you purposefully talk to guys to make me angry", "but we're just friends, aren't we Billy?" I narrowed my eyes at him.
His chest was heaving up and down, obviously angry and turned on at the same time. Unable to register everything he was feeling in the moment.
"Just chill out, I'll come back when you're not going to scream at me" I rolled my eyes, I was on my way to walk out the door but he grabbed me roughly and pinned me against the wall. "Don't fucking move." he said sternly, his voice threatening and dangerous. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped, he had never made a move this far before. It was always grabbed my waist or pulling me away, but this, this was new and I liked it.
"Okay.." I said quietly.
Without hesitation he smashed his lips into mine, grabbing the back of my head roughly, his movements passionate and desperate. I wrapped my arms around his neck, tugging at his hair slightly as his other free hand roamed my body.
"You wanna act like a fucking tease? Fine..but i'm not letting it slide" he muttered against my lips, lifting me up and laying us down on the couch, not breaking the kiss for even a second.
"I should do that dance every time we perform dogs unleashed shouldn't I, if it makes you this mad" I smirked, pulling away from the kiss. He only got more mad and tugged at my mini skirt, pulling it off with one swift motion, pressing his fingers against the wet patch on my panties. "Already wet huh? You get excited on making me this fucking angry?" he grabbed a fistfull of my hair, pulling on it as I moaned, nodding.
He chuckled menacingly and removed my panties, rubbing in between my folds and then shoving his 2 slender fingers into my pussy, causing me to gasp at the sudden intrusion. "Fuck!" I groaned as he pumped his fingers in and out, curling his fingers at my g spot.
"So fucking good! Holy fuck!" I moaned a bit too loudly, he pressed his lips onto mine again, "shut up.." he muttered lowly. I smirked against his lips and moaned into the kiss, giving him permission to slip his tongue in my mouth. Our tongues fought for dominance, his movements in my pussy only getting harder and faster.
"G'nna cum.." I squeaked, looking up at him. He grinned, going faster, curling his fingers harder. I whimpered softly, throwing my head back and cumming on his fingers, my legs twitching slightly as he pulled his fingers out.
He put his fingers to his mouth, licking all the slick that was on it. "mm.." he closed his eyes, obviously savouring the taste of my juices.
I reached over and unbuckled his belt, sliding his pants down. He helped by taking them off, leaving him in his boxers. My pussy ached for his cock, my clit swollen and needy.
He could tell, moving closer and rubbing his clothes erection against my clit, small moans leaving my mouth as I bit down onto his shoulder. "Just put it in me.." I grunted, thrusting my hips up.
"So desperate, are we?" he chuckled, continuing to tease me. I was getting frustrated and he knew it, continuing to tease me. I guess this was my punishment for being a teasing bitch for so long. I whimpered and tried to pull out his cock, instead of him complying and putting me out of my misery he slapped my hands away. "You don't just get to be a tease and get what you want, don't even fuckng try" he growled lowly, continuing to rub his erection against my pussy.
After 10 minutes of teasing me, my pussy was throbbing violently, I needed something, anything to put me out of my misery. This was literal torture.
I cried out "just fuck me already! I get it, I'm a tease!", he smirked "that's what I wanted to hear" he pulled his cock out and allinged himself with my entrance. Pushing in slowly, every inch agonizing.
"Fuck! Too much!" I whimpered, his cock too big for my hole. He grunted, trying to push more in "shut up! You wanted this, so you're getting it!" he finally bottomed himself out, retracting his cock before slamming it back in, starting off with a brutal pace.
He grabbed my legs and pulled me closer, pounding his cock into my pussy, hitting that gummy spot in me repeatedly. "Holy fuck!" I moaned, his hands moved to my top, taking it off and playing with my tits. I wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling him in closer.
He grazed his thumb against my nipples, teasing them. I cried out in pleasure as he started to suck my nipples, licking and biting them softly.
His pace became even harsher, abusing my hole. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him in and kissing him roughly, slobbering all over each others mouthes.
His cock formed a buldge on top of my stomach, it slowly bobbed up and down as he thrusted in and out of me. He chuckled and pressed down on it, causing me to moan loudly, rolling my eyes back.
He did that a few more times before I smacked his arm "stop!" I rolled my eyes, he grinned and continued to ram his cock into me. A familiar knot started to form in my stomach, coiling down to my core.
"Fuck! I'm gonna cum!" I screamed out in pleasure, holding onto him tightly as I dug my nails into his back, cumming all over his length. He moaned loudly, feeling my pussy clench against his cock, releasing all of his thick cum into my pussy. He fell forward, collapsing onto me as we tried to regain our breaths.
After we put our clothes back on and went back outside everyones eyes widened at both of us. "Had a fun time in there?" Tom smirked, I rolled my eyes "shut up Tom" walking off to get something to drink, Bill trailing behind me.
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pablitogavii · 1 year
Doctora Pt. 2
Since many reached out to say they want a mini series, here it comes!
Pairing: Pablo Gavi x Reader
Part 1 is HERE! <3
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Pablo's POV
I couldn't stop thinking about that kiss and how her chapstick tasted like fresh strawberries on my tongue...fuck! I really wanted to kiss her again!
"¿Hola? Mundo a Pablo! You can pick your results after training" Xavi said and all I could think about was seeing her again not really knowing how to say that I want her to be mine.
"Gracias" I said and he smiled nodding approvingly as other guys joined us on the pitch.
"I can't believe we haven't heard you screaming from the changing rooms while getting your blood drawn" Pedri mocked me and I rolled my eyes still thinking about strategy for when I see her again. Should I play dumb and see what she does? But don't girls like confidence? Ugh! Es tan complicado!
"Ai! Ansu? Can I ask you something??" after training I seek some advice from one of my best friends still not deciding how I should act when I see her again. I haven't told him who I was talking about knowing that everyone on camp knows her but I presented him with a hypothetical scenario.
"Hermano, girls like to feel like they belong to a man who will pursue them tirelessly..so be possessive" were Ansu's exact words and I repeated them while walking towards the clinic.
When I came in and saw he laughing with one of the younger players while getting his blood drawn..I felt..jealous? Was she distracting him the same way she did with me!? Fuck! She can't do that with anybody else!
I came in with all my confidence on display as she turned around to safe me with that beautiful smile on her face. How can someone look so sexy in scrubs!? Focus cabrón!
"Hola nena" I said winking at her which certainly made the younger player angry but I didn't give a shit! He should know she is off limits and he has no chance against me!
"I will be right with you, let me just finish here first" she said which made the younger boy smirk this time and my jaw clenched as I sat down to wait for her to give me attention that I wanted right the fuck now!
Your POV
Pablo was angry, that much was clear from his demeanor when I came to give him his results. I was so nervous to look at him after the kiss we shared which I have to admit kept me craving for more.
He stood up after taking the paper walking towards the door and just when I expected him to leave without a word (probably forgetting about the kiss anyways), he locked the door walking back towards me.
He placed his paper on the table before going around to stand in fornt of me making me walk backwards until my back was glued to the wall and he was hovering over me dominantly.
"Um..what..are you doing Gavi?" I said with a shaken up voice which surely amused him as his smirk grew while his fingers raised up my chin like last time.
I closed my eyes expecting him to kiss me again (excited about it ofc!!) but just as our lips were inches from each other he spoke lowly.
"Did you miss me doctora??" he said and I opened my eyes blushing like crazy when I realized how close our faces were to each other.
"And..why..why would I miss you Gavi?" I said trying my best to be confident but his power was undeniable..he was making me nervous on purpose!
"Well..maybe because watching me in a sweaty uniform does things to you? Or maybe because you let me have a taste of those sweet lips of yours doctora?" Pablo was enjoying himself and I was a blushing mess staring from his eyes to his lips wondering if he craved to kiss me just as much as I craved to taste him again?
"Tell me something, preciosa..do you use the same distraction on other players too? Maybe ones from La Masia?" he said and I knew now why he was so angry before. Pablo Gavi was jealous! He was jealous after seeing me with that kid from La Masia. Now was my turn to make him nervous!
"So what if I do? I'm a free woman after all..." I smirked shocked when his hand wrapped around my throat and his lips came so close to mine that they touched as he spoke.
"Wanna try that again nena? You can only distract me like that!" he growled now completely ruining my panties while staring at my lips before kissing me again but this time with more force..like his life depended on it..and I loved every second of it!
We kept kissing one another for a few minutes like it was the most natural thing in the world before I realized that I needed to pull away and make him deserve me first!
"I should go back to work Gavi.." I said knowing that if he stayed here any longer..all hell would break loose probably ending in his suspension and me getting fired!
"Tu me vuelves loco nena.." he said resting his forehead again mine and I felt my heart speeding up as he leaned down and kissed me one last time before pulling away.
"I'm gonna need this. See you soon doctora" Pablo grabbed one of your visit cards with your phone number before leaving and making you finally breathe heavily trying to wrap your mind about what just happened.
Pablo's POV
As more days passed, and we spend nights face timing each other I got so hooked that seeing her face became a mandatory part of my day. We also agreed to be 'friends' whatever the hell that meant but I was letting it go slow for now not knowing how long I'll be able to resist kissing her again!
Also, my results showed that I will need to do some physical therapy but overall everything seems to be alright. I never felt happier to be told I will have to spend so much time at the clinic.
"So you know how you said last night that you couldn't wait for the new season to come out??" I said while she was applying some cold jelly on my thigh before my physical therapy. She looked so beautiful when she was focusing on a task like this!
"Mhm?" he said and I did my best not to get hard from feeling her hand on my inner thigh but it was getting quite hard to be honest. But these little sessions definitely made me crave her touch so damn much!
"I know a guy who sent it to me before it gets released. What do you say we watch it together tonight at my apartment?" I said seeing her eyes open wide as she comprehended the words leaving my mouth.
"No freaking way! The next season is coming out in almost two weeks!" she said and I smirked nodding my head knowing that I made an impossible bargain that she won't be able to refuse. Or I hoped she wouldn't refuse.
"I'm Pablo Gavi" I said proudly and she rolled her eyes making me groan in annoyance. She was definitely different..
"But if I do this..promise not to take me to your bed Gavi??" she said and I smirked making her chuckle before doing a pinky promise before she finally agreed. I was so excited but I acted cool while she was there.
I was manically cleaning my apartment when I returned from trianing waiting impatiently for her to call and tell me she is in front of the gates. Time never passed slower!
"Come in doctora!" I said escorting her inside as she took off her jacket making my mind go crazy at the sight of her in grey sweats and a tank top..this was the first time I saw her wearing no scrubs.
"What!? I didn't know there was a dress code. I kinda look homeless " she said making me laugh as we both walked to the living room.
"You look perfect.." words just slipped past my lips before I could stop them and she smiled sitting on the couch comfortably.
Your POV
I couldn't believe I was currently sitting next to Pablo Gavi in his apartment watching one of my favorite TV shows. Despite not showing it to him, I knew what a 'lady man' the boy was and was definitely a little star struck that he was pursuing me.
He kept his apartment pretty cold so my arms quickly filled with goosebumps which he noticed jogging to his room in the middle of an episode. He came back with his big Barca hoodie and my heart stared speeding up immediately.
"Gracias Pablo.." I used his name for the first time and it felt right especially seeing how he smiled when he heard it. I wore his hoodie which he definitely recently wore since it smelled so strong of his cologne as we continued to binge the episodes.
"I should probably head home..it's almost midnight!" I said completely loosing track of time not to mention that I was so sleepy that I had to lay my head on Pablo's shoulder to keep watching the end of the episode.
"But there are two more episodes..don't you wanna know how it ends??" he quickly replied and I really did want to see the ending but also not sure how I am going to drive back home at three in the morning.
"Are you sure??" I asked and he nodded smiling wide in reassurance.
"Tomorrow is day off so I can sleep in. No worries!" he said and I nodded as another episode began.
I didn't even notice when I fell asleep only waking up when he raised me up from the couch carrying me upstairs bridal style.
"Um..what's happening?" I said followed by a loud yawn that made me blush as he chuckled entering his bedroom..it was huge, with a king sized bed and his jersey on the wall.
"I'm taking you to my bed" he said and you felt your heart speeding up while your eyes were staring into his deeply.
"You promised.." I reminded him and he smiled kissing my forehead before laying me down in comfortable sheets that smelled like Pablo...I felt safe.
"I'm not letting you drive sleepy but don't worry, I will sleep on the floor if you need anything" he said tucking me in and I blushed smiling wide at his kind gesture.
It was the middle of the night when I woke up from how cold I was since Pablo took off my hoodie thinking I will be too warm under the blankets. Boy kept his room so cold, I felt like I was in Canada!
I stole glance at him sleeping on the floor fearfully getting up and laying down next to him getting insanely close immediately feeling warmer.
"Mm what a nice surprise doctora..." Pablo mumbled being cocky even when he just woke up and I rolled my eyes nuzzling my cold nose further into his neck.
"I'm cold!" I whine and he smirks wrapping his arms around my body before pulling me on top of him and rubbing my skin as I felt much warmer and started to again drift to sleep.
Hope you like it :)
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asterias-record-shop · 11 months
Could you please do a spiderman!Ethan x reader where they are just friends but she knows he is spider man and helps stitch him up at the end of the day? And he ends up confessing to her one day? Thank you! Sorry didn’t read the end of your guide lines!
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      — it’s the haircut
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If there was one person Ethan could rely on after a save gone wrong, it was you. It was truly always and every time you.
He liked that. That you were always there for him, always cleaning him up after he went out on patrol.
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This time though, it was different. You were angry, very angry.
"How could you be so stupid, huh?!" You yelled at him, slapping the back of his head. Your slaps hurt worse than the actual criminals.
"Ow! Y/N, that hurts!" He basically whined, pushing away your hand before you threatened to swat at him again. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"
"Oh, it hurts. It hurts. You were just thrown into how many walls?!" You groaned, letting the needle fall into the small container after you finished stitching up his bicep. "For fucks sake, Ethan... you need to be more careful. I just... I don't know, I hate seeing you get home all hurt and stuff.”
Maybe it was your wording that made his stomach spin — home. He had never felt more at home with you, in an apartment that you made feel like a home. Ethan lost count of how many times he fell asleep here at your apartment, in your bed that always smelled like your perfume.
“I’m sorry,” Ethan whispered as you cleaned up a smaller wound with some hydrogen peroxide and softly patted it fry before spreading on some Neosporin. “Y/N? I’m sorry, I really am.”
“Why are you apologizing to me?” You ask, tilting your head to the side. “You’re the one that gets thrown through walls.”
“Yeah, but you’re the one that worries,” he whispers, shrugging. “You’re the only one that worries.”
“Don’t say that,” you whisper, softly patting on his bare chest, trying to keep your eyes off of his extremely toned abdomen. “I’m not the only one who worries.”
“Who else does?” Ethan finally looks at you, his confusion making your clench heart. “Tell me. Who else cares about me?”
“We have friends, Ethan,” you whisper, pressing a soft kiss to his head. “Please, just… be more careful, okay?”
“Are you done?” Ethan’s voice is hoarse as he looked down at his ripped suit, shaking his head. “I need to go get it fixed.”
“I can sew it,” you offer as you make sure all of his wounds were properly fixed, even though they would heal quickly later on. “If you want.”
“I appreciate it, Y/N, but you know it’s like… special,” he smiled slightly at you making you nod. “Thank you, though.”
“Yeah, of course,” you say with a slight smile as you twirl a strand of his curls around your finger. “How does all this hair stay under that mask?”
“A lot of gel,” he laughs, shaking his head. “I don’t know, I’m thinking of cutting it.”
“Think that would be cute,” you comment, completely ignoring your own wording. “Try a new look.”
Ethan paused. “You think I should cut my hair?”
You giggled, shaking your head. “I just thought it might be better to keep under the suit, but you manage however you want. Are you gonna stay or leave?”
“What do you want me to do?”
You shrug, shaking your head. “I don’t care. If you stay, though, I was on the phone with Chad before you got here so I need to call him back.”
Ethan’s face scrunches. “Why were you on the phone with Chad?”
“Why does it matter who I’m on the phone with?” You laugh, shaking your head. “We were just talking.”
“Life, what’s going on, I don’t know! We talk, what’s wrong with talking?” You giggled as you grab your phone, shrugging. “Are you going to stay so I can put it on speaker?”
Ethan shook his head, standing. “No, I need to go.”
“Oh,” it comes out soft as you watch him go to your window. “Okay. I’ll uhm… be safe.”
“Yeah,” Ethan quickly put on his mask, quickly going back to his dorm where sure enough, Chad was on the phone with you.
“Is Ethan home?” You were on speaker, making sure he had gotten home safe.
“I thought he’s been in his room, but I’ll make sure,” he could hear Chad’s footsteps as he quickly tried to push his suit off, quickly jumping into his bed to his it. “You good?”
“Y-Yeah, I’m good.”
“You hiding a girl or something? You look fucking gone.” Chad said, tilting his head.
Ethan shook his head. “No, I’m just getting ready to go get a haircut.”
“Oh, okay. Yeah, Y/N, he’s home. We were talking about Mittens, right?” Chad closed the door, continuing to talk to you as Ethan sighed, quickly dressing in normal clothes and going to a barber close by.
“Just… cut it.”
Later that night, you certainly weren’t expecting Ethan to basically fall through your window. You had been up all night taking care of the cat Chad found and wanted to see if you could take care of, who were you to say no to the black cat with perfect white mittens?
“Holy shit, Ethan! Ethan, are you okay?”
“I was thrown through a damn building.”
“For fucks sake, Ethan!” You groaned, assuring that the kitten was okay inside of the blankets and heating pad. “What did I say about being careful?!”
“I tried!”
So for the second time today, you were patching up Ethan as you tried to persuade him to take off the mask. “Does it look bad?”
“Then why won’t you show me?” You respond, trying to avoid checking him out while all he was wearing was navy blue briefs.
“Because why?”
“I just don’t want you to see it, okay?!” He groaned as you squirted alcohol on his cut, cursing. “Fuck, Y/N, that hurt!”
“Good, you asshole! Don’t fucking yell at me!” You shoved him, standing up as you opened the window. “Better yet, get the fuck out! You’ve been a fucking asshole all damn day, get out!”
Ethan felt his stomach start turning, shaking his head. “N-No, I’m sorry-”
“No, sorry doesn’t cut it! Get out, we’ve gone over this, Ethan, never fucking yell at me! Get out!” You shook your head, pointing out the window as Ethan rushed to stand, taking off the mask.
His new haircut was nice, a mullet like cut that you actually really liked. “I’m so sorry for yelling, Y/N, I am. I’m sorry I yelled at you, please… please don’t make me go.”
You inhale, quickly looking to the side when you heard the loud mews of the kitten. You quickly ran to the kitten, making sure it wasn’t too hot and watching as it starts to play with your finger. “Oh, you’re such a little thing.”
He stared at you as you bent down over the kitten, your linen shorts catching his eye as they ride up on your pretty thighs and the satin camisole you wore to sleep. He loved it, oh he loved looking at you.
“Still mad at you.”
“Oh.” He goes quiet as you coo at the small kitten, humming a soft tune as he sighed softly. “Please-”
You scoffed. “Shut up, Ethan. Don’t let that cute haircut get to your head.”
He stayed still, staring down at his stitched up chest as you turned around, raising a brow. “Why are you so pissed off?”
“I was jealous.”
“You talking to Chad.”
You pause, looking back at him. “He’s dating Tara, dude.”
“You think I would make someone cheat on another? You’re a fucking asshole, Ethan-”
“No, of course not,” he says, shaking his head. “I just… I don’t like the thought of you being with another guy.”
You turn, inhaling. “What the hell do you want, Ethan?”
His words make you gape at him, eyes narrowed. “What?”
“I-I… I want you.” He whispered, shaking his head. “To be my girlfriend. T-To… I want to love you.”
You inhaled, gasping as he easily moved to kneel over your body, humming as he pushed his nose to softly brush against yours. “Oh, Ethan-”
“Please,” he basically begged, his lips brushing against yours like two ends of the same magnet. “Please, I want… I want to kiss you. Will you let me kiss you?”
“Just be careful with the kitten,” you whisper, pushing your hands into his hair and pulling him lower, groaning as his lips finally pressed against yours. “Fuck, Ethan, what took you so long?”
“It’s the haircut.”
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© asterias-record-shop
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dxwnstxr · 1 year
Hi! Congrats on 200 followers :D
Could I get a NSFW hc 1 & 3 for Tecchou
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Rock my world
Fandom: Bungou stray dogs
Characters: guitarist Tetcho x y/n (reader)
Warnings: choking, dirty talk, angry fuck, jealous s3x, rough play, mentions of blood, spanking, harassment
A/n: I'll be writing this in third person! Also Tetcho would never act like this, but that's why the is fanFICTION and thank you! hehe~
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Your boyfriend was preforming today and you could be more excited. You were always so busy with work that you never had the time to see one of his concerts, but today was your day off and you were determined to use it supporting him.
The band that was performing is called the Hunting dogs. Jono played the drums, Tachihara played the bass guitar, Teruko was the lead singer, and your boyfriend, Tetcho, was the lead guitarist.
You stood close to the stage, getting a clear view of their performance. Tetcho didn't know you were here today. Infact it completely caught him off guard. Soon as he saw you his eyes widened and he smiled. After seeing you, he seemed for pumped and energetic. Though, just because he had to play the guitar, doesn't mean he didn't keep his eyes off you.
Tetcho kept on glancing at you through the whole concert. And of course it didn't go unnoticed by you. You found it cute. It made you smile as you jump along to the beat with everyone else. Your smile quickly faded though when two hands placed themselves on your waist.
You tenses and turned your head a little. An older man you didn't know had his arms wrapped around your waist, like he was holding you. Terror filled you. The man tried to focus on the concert not sparing you a glance, as he tried to be slick. Taking a look around, you could find a way out. People had started to crowd you and even if the man let you go, it'd be a hard struggle to try and move.
The only thing you could do was just wait till he leaves. Unfortunately for you, Tetcho saw the whole thing. He started playing the guitar harder and didn't seem to notice when he cut himself and blood started splattering on his white guitar. A chill went down your spine along with worry.
The concert soon finished and the man had left. He tried to give you his number but you declined, stating you were taken and extremely uncomfortable. The man groaned and rolled his eyes but then left you alone. You quickly went back stage to check on Tetcho but he wasn't at his daily spot.
You checked in the changing room but still, not there. Then you checked make-up, not there either. Every room he should be in, he wasn't and it made you worry. The only other place he could be was at home.
You tried to drive there as best you could. A million thoughts going through your head. Luckily, there wasn't any traffic and you were able to get one quickly and safely.
Opening the door with a click you step foot inside.
"Tetcho?" You shouted. Trying to hear for a response. But nothing.
Walking over to your guy's bedroom you opened the door. Tetcho was laying in bed, reading a book.
"I was calling for you, you know!" You spoke annoyed.
"Yeah I know"
"Than why didn't you say anything?"
"I don't know, why didn't you push that guy away?" Tetcho put his book on the dresser by the bed and got up.
"I couldn't, the people were making it to tight to move and you know that" you rolled your eyes.
"Sure they were. You sure you didn't just like it and let him stay?" He walked closer to you, making you walk backwards.
"Tetcho don't tell me you jealous!?" You spoke shocked.
You back up into a wall as Tetcho placed one hand against the wall behind you and another under your chin.
"I'm not. But I might have to remind you who you belong to"
"The he'll does that-"
He pressed his lips against yours, cutting you off. He tilted your head uo slightly and pressed his tongue against your lips. You parted your lips and he went for it. Pushing his tongue against yours then swirling it around. You practically melted at the feeling.
Tetcho pulled away and grabbing your jaw, pulling you back in. You could feel the anger radiating off of him. He patted your butt as a signal for you to jump and you did, wrapping your legs around his waist, he brought you to the bed, his lips not leaving yours.
He pushed you down against the mattress and started nibbling on your neck. You let out a sigh of pleasure at the feeling, as he peppered kissed down your neck to your breasts. He slowly went down, stopping at your waistline.
Tetcho looked up at you and you nodded in return. He quickly went to work taking off your pants along with your underwear. You watched his every move and he smirked. He parted your thighs and put your legs on his shoulders. As kuch as he wanted to just pound you, he knew you need to be prepped. He leaned in and locked your clit, making you tense and arch your back slightly.
After seeing your reaction he wasted no time, sucking harshly on your click and plunging his tongue into you. Your hand flew to his hair as you let out a moan. This continued on for only a few minutes before you could feel the knot in your lower region forming.
"T-tetcho I'm close~" you warned him.
He sucked on you one last time, giving you that last little satisfaction before stopping. You whined and he picked himself up and unzipped his pants.
"If your going to cum, your going to do it while your getting stuffed by my cock" He groaned, taking off his boxers.
He lined himself up before pushing it inside. You let out a mewle and your walls tighten, making him groan.
"Take it like a good girl~" He moaned.
Trusting the rest inside, he didn't wait for you to adjust. Quickly pounding, making you let out a loud gasp. All you could do was moan his name. And that's what Tetcho wanted. He flipped you around so your stomach was facing the bed.
"Ass up" He demanded.
You couldn't move, scared another noise would leave your lips. His hand met your rear harshly.
"I said, ass up"
You whimpered and lifted your ass to his stomach, making your back arch. He gripped your hips and pulled away for a second just to pound himself back inside, continuing his pace.
"Bet that other dude couldn't fuck you like this, hm?" He groaned.
He gripped your hair and pulled it, not too hard though. You let out a moan and yout mouth wouldn't shut.
"You agree?" He slowed his movements, waiting for your answer.
"O-only y-you can fuck me this good~" you mumbled. You weren't used to this pace, usually Tetcho was always caring and concerned when doing it with you. This was all new to you and you felt like you were losing your mind.
"Damn right~" He grunted, feeling your tighten around him. "You gonna cum on my cock~?"
"Mhm~" you whimpered, trying to nod your head.
His pace got quicker and he leaned down to your ear.
"Go on cum~" He whispered into your ear.
You couldn't hold it any longer. Gripping the sheets you came on him. You tightened around him, making him moan. Tetcho thrusted into you harshly and came, spilling his load onto you. He pulled out and thrusted back into you again, shoving his load deep inside you.
"Can you feel me filling you up~?" He teased.
You whined and nodded. He just smirked in reply and thrusted into you one last time before pulling out.
"Don't waist any now. Unless you want me to make sure it doesn't drip out~"
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𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐭𝐭
Hi! I finally made Nathan Prescott headcanons! TwT
I hope this is not as short as my other headcanons... And I hope you guys will enjoy! ^^
If you find english mistakes, sorry about that, it's not my first lengauge! 😅
Btw, if your want to listen some musics for my headcanons, or maybe later, I updated my Nathan Prescott playlist!
Enjoy! 💕
×❢ About my work ❢×
so much fluff, one part of dirty minded Nathan, the reader is in a realitionship with Nathan, Victoria is not a b!tch to the reader, a bit of swearing, talking a bit about Mark is hot, for any gender
Fandom: Life is Strange
Character: Nathan Prescott
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(The picture is not mine!)
𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐠: Everybody Wants To Rule The World by Tears For Fears
“Help me to decide Help me make the Most of freedom and of pleasure Nothing ever lasts forever
Everybody wants to rule the world
There's a room where the light won't find you Holding hands while the walls come tumbling down When they do, I'll be right behind you”
• You usally give him a lot of hugs
• He thinks that you're cute
• Sometimes you guys just sit in his rooms, you rest on his chest, while he's smoking
• You want to help him
• You listening his problems, thoughts, try to make his life a bit easier
• You care about him, and he knows it
• And he's so greatful about that and it makes him feel better
• You want to let know with him that you will always be here for him, no matter what happens
• You always want to make him laugh or just smile
• Because he looks so sweet when he does it and it's makes you happy
• You also love feeding his ego
• And he loves it when you do it
• "Damn, this shirt really looks good on you" you said with flirtatious smile on your face.
"I know." he said with a smug smirk.
You chuckle, while he looks for another clothes for the Vortex party.
• Sometimes you two just listen some music silently and alone
• Or Victoria joins to you
• When Victoria is here, you three talks about other classmates of yours
• Or about teachers
• "To be honest, Mark is hot." she said while does her makeup.
Nathan goes silent.
"Mr Jefferson?" you ask curiosly.
"Yeah! Don't you think?"
"Well…" you start thinking of you answer.
"You actually thinks that an old, hipster professor hotter than me?" Nathan says while he act he was insulted.
You chuckle while you give him a little kiss on his cheek.
"Never." you say kindly.
"Eww, get a room." Victoria chuckles.
You start to laugh.
• He doesn't really like to feel sad and uptight
• But when he does that, you always here to comfort him
• "When I was six years old, my father shouted me that I'm worthless" he says silently, while his gaze gets darker.
You start to feel angry while he says that.
"Welp" you start to speak in an uptight tounge "your dad is an asshole. And I think you're amazing!"
Nathan silently chuckles.
"Thanks Y/N!" he slowly close his eyes, but while you snuggle up to him. "I love you!" he says calmly.
"I love you too!"
• But sometimes he can get really dirty minded
• Nathan listened music, he got lost in his thougts while he waited for you to be ready.
"Okay, be honest" you say it as you finally got ready and walk over to him "do I look shitty, or very shitty?" you still adjust your party clothes.
Nathan gives you a smug, playful smirk as he looks at you.
"You look hot as always." he says with a smug smile while you start blush a little. "But trust me, you'll look more beautiful if I'll take off your clothes." he winks at you playfully.
You feel that your face starts to burn.
"Eww" you start chuckle "Why are you so dirty minded always?"
Nathan starts to laugh.
• Sometimes you guys out of the school, and play basketball, football or something else
• Or you guys just walking around Blackwell
• "You really want to see me playing basketball? Me?" you start pointing at yourself.
"Stop whining like a little girl! I'll teach you." he smiles at you encouraginly.
You sigh. "Okay, let's start…"
• He wants your attention everytime
• You sigh.
"Nathan, I need to study!" you say it tiredly.
"You can study later." he grabs your book and takes down to the table. After that he leans into your lap.
You smile at him tiredly as you shook your head.
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
𝓜𝓮𝓪𝓷𝓽 𝓽𝓸 𝓫𝓮 : Things I miss
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After a little more than two years of living without you, he's totally fine. No really, he is. He doesn't miss you at all. Not one bit. People would notice if he wasn't fine after all, wouldn't they?
Tags/Warnings: Angst, hurt & Comfort, Idol!Jungkook, Hybrid!Reader, Cat Hybrid!Reader, mentions of depression and depressive thoughts, heartbreak, homelessness, it's a bit heavy sorry, mentions of mental abuse and manipulation, betrayal, slow burn, eventual smut, dead dove do not eat
Dead Dove do not eat: warning for potentially triggering content that can't be tagged without spoiling the story.
Length: 2.8k words
-> Masterlist
Today, he's having a bad day.
They've had to shoot a music video today, some of the dancers being hybrids. They only really kept to themselves, didn't interact with them or him in particular at all, but one of them had bumped into him today, leaving all her white and grey cat hairs over his clothes. They're not that many, technically. It's barely noticable at all. And still, he's washing his shirt again just to make sure her scent didn't stick.
He himself has no way of knowing. You'd notice for sure though.
He's drinking on his livestream, because he knows he has to apologize again. People have seen the behind the scenes footage at this point, and he's scrolled through the comments just to find a whole bunch of fans confused over his yet again rather rude behavior. Most write it off and focus more on his honestly piss poor attempt at making sure she was alright after crashing into him- but he knows he should've acted differently.
It's like he's stuck in a loop he can't get out of.
"Ah, yes." He hums, almost using his glass mug of iced wine to hide. It'll be fine. Fans think it's cute, after all. "I wanted to.. apologize. You've seen the video, right?" He nods, seeing all the answers flow into the chatroom on his phone in front of him. He doesn't know what to really say now. Jungkook sucks at lying, and everybody knows it. "I think you all know.. that we, you know, as Idols, have to be very careful." He offers, thinking carefully over his choice of words in order to appease everyone. If he makes it less about himself, and more about the big picture, he'll be able to pull himself out of it with nothing but a scratch soon to heal once people forget. "I didn't.. Some might get upset if we talk, or get close to girls." He nods to himself, staring into his cup for a moment. "So.. ah, you understand, right? You get what I'm saying, right?" He tries to joke, though he knows they can sense he's nervous. "I don't want people to get upset at anyone." he finishes his tiny rant, and the chatroom fills with supportive messages and hearts, making him relax again in his seat as he changes topics to something else.
He sings, drinks some more, ends his livestream later on. Everything's fine.
Until someone rings his doorbell, Namjoon wanting to visit him. At this hour? Strange, but it's not like it's never happened before.
"Jungkook- is everything alright?" He asks, taking off his shoes at the entrance of the youngest's apartment. Jungkook hums something akin to an answer, stumbling a little over his own feet as he puts his galss mug into the sink for him to wash tomorrow. Tonight, he's just not in the mood. "What happened here?" The bandleader asks, and Jungkook turns to look at whatever Namjoon is referring to- spotting the rather angry hole in his wall.
"Oh." He just says, pouting a bit to himself as he tries to think of when it happened. Slowly, Jungkook looks at his hand, suddenly feeling like his knuckles are burning. And they are- they're bleeding a little, skin scratched open. He doesn't remember doing that. Or does he?
"Oh?" Namjoon worries. "Jungkook, what is wrong with you?" He almost scolds, and suddenly the singer wants him out. He doesn't want to be lectured, he's had that done to him year after year after year. He doesn't need this right now. He's done everything they all wanted- he sacrificed everything from his youth to his love to his potential future- how much more does everyone want from him?
He's got nothing left to give, really. They've taken it all.
"I'll stay over tonight, alright?" Namjoon sighs. "I don't think you should be by yourself like this. We'll talk tomorrow when you're sober." He offers, walking around to a room he remembers being a guest room at some point. But its locked- and as soon as Jungkook hears the hauntingly familiar slight creaking of the handle of that particular room, he snaps his head around, angry.
"Leave that." He barks out, irritated.
"Why is it locked?" Namjoon wonders, genuinely confused, and a little bit concerned as well.
"Because no one's supposed to go in there." The singer says, flopping down on the couch before he turns on the TV.
"Not even you?" The rapper questions, sitting down with a respectful distance next to his bandmate.
"No." He simply answers, not looking at him as he zaps through the channels. "Because it's not my room." He mumbles more or less, alcohol in his system making his busan accent stand out thickly.
Namjoon is confused for a good moment- until he spots the colorful stuffed animal on the couch, next to Jungkook, who carefully makes sure it rather sits on the small table next to the couch so it doesn't accidentally get squished by sitting on it. "It was hers." He states.
Jungkook squirms uncomfortably. "It is hers." He growls almost, visibly not alright with you being brought up as a topic at all. He's always doing that, sober or drunk- he hates talking about you, and for a while, everyone had simply thought that you and him maybe broke up on bad terms, that you left. But only recently have him and Yoongi found out about the whole company issues regarding you and him- from the first problems starting right after he'd brought you home to him, to the more extreme things such as the end of your relationship.
"Jungkook.." He sighs, feeling bad for his bandmate. While him and the rest of the band back then didn't really support nor like the idea of the youngest living with a hybrid, no one wanted him to go through what he's going through right now. Yoongi had noticed it quite quickly, considering that the producer had gone through depression and anxiety before- it takes one to know one, he'd said.
"No, don't.." Jungkook shakes his head, annoyed. "I don't wanna talk about it. Just go." He dismisses him, brows furrowed and a frustrated look on the singer's face. "I'm fine."
Namjoon sighs, before he gets up, and seems to search around. "What're you doing?" The singer questions, watching his leader roam around kitchen drawers for something- before he makes his way back to your old room, a key in hand. "Don't you dare!" He immediately calls out, terrified and voice laced with panic as he jumps over the back of the couch- though not in time before the door is opened. Namjoon gains a small tiny glimpse of it- your bed unmade, some clothes in a hamper, dust on the shelf closest to the door- before it slams shut again, and he's pushed aside. "Get out."
"Jungkook, you have to move on-" He tries, but the young man in question pushes him again.
"I said get out!" He barks again- and in all honestly, Namjoon has never seen him quite like this. He doesn't even look angry- it's something else that reminds him of back when he was still a 13-year old child, full of fear and uncertainty, shy and unsure of himself. It hurts him almost physically to see him like this- and he doesn't know how to help him. Or even, if he can at all.
So he leaves, because in that moment, that's all he can really do to make it better.
As soon as Namjoon is gone, Jungkook is still left in the same spot, key left in the door to your room. And slowly, carefully, he opens it to reveal the self-made time capsule, everything still the same way you've left it years ago, when he'd taken you to Hanako, never picking you up ever again. It the first time in almost a year that he's standing here again, and he feels exhausted, for some reason. The door clicks shut behind him as he leans against it, sliding down to sit on the carpet floor, simply staring at what's left of you in his home.
Things are barely illuminated by the citylights outside the window, see-through pink curtains only mildly coloring them in a rosy hue. Your bed is unmade, blankets and pillows without order as they're left from the last time you slept here, unaware that you'd never return. It even smells like you, faintly. But with an almost nostalgic hint to it, making it all hurt just a little more.
There's dust on the shelves and windowsill. On the several figurines you had, the snow globes you collected. He'd bring you one from every country he visited as a souvenir whenever you couldn't tag along- which was more often than not.
Hanako, back then, would have never been his first choice for you. But he didn't have anyone else apart from her- a former translator of his band, the only one who really seemed to at least mildly care about you. You're fine with her, you'll have a normal life- he'd made sure of that after all, had given her a huge chunk of money to use on you only, any need you might have. You'll live a normal life, happy, even if it's not with him.
It was his last act of love for you, even if you probably hate him for it.
But what else was he supposed to do? Let them take you back to the carecenter, where you'd be ostracized forever? They would've never been able to give you into anyone else's care after living with him, the company way too scared of you talking to the media even though he himself knows you'd never do that. They weren't very happy with his choice either- but they at least stopped bothering him after they made sure he really cut all ties with you.
Horrible, really. Just cruel. How much more does he need to sacrifice in order to gain anything from it? How much longer until everyone gets fed up with his attitude he's got no control over these days? It'll only be a matter of time until his actions are no longer excusable, won't it?
But it's alright, even if he doesn't feel like it right now.
He's okay.
The next few days are uneventful, and Namjoon never brings up the incident at all. It's probably for the best, or maybe he's even forgotten about it- it was really insignificant after all. He simply had a bad day, nothing else.
He's fine.
He really doesn't want to be here today however, the shooting with the fans making him horribly uncomfortable for more reasons than just one. He's already swaying on the spot, nervous about things he can't really pinpoint. Maybe it's everything, maybe it's nothing. He's not sure anymore what's the problem these days- maybe Namjoon was right. Maybe he should move on.
You won't be coming back, after all, no matter how stubborn he himself might be to this day. He can't help his behavior- but it'll be okay.
It's fine, really.
He knows that the fans understand after all, even if they don't know the reason for his rather rude behavior. He's grateful they excuse his actions with whatever theory they might come up with- he'll apologize later, give them at least some sort of bandaid to cover up the hurtful sting of his avoidance every single time.
But he can't bring himself to even look at them, not even after years in between what once was and now is. It's frustrating, really, how he can't seem to heal no matter what he does. You're stuck in his mind, every glance he takes at the young cat hybrid fan in front of him morphing into your face instead for no reason other than to spite him. But she's not you.
None of them are, or could ever be.
Jungkook can't even bring himself to think what might have become of you now. He's chosen not to know anything after all, has no way to contact you or find you again, your name and ID number changed to something he doesn't know and never will.
He knows it's better like this. For the both of you.
He loves his fans, he really does, but the way some of them will morph into monsters out for blood if they were to know of your existence and more so your connection to him; he knows he wouldn't be able to protect you down the line. You'd never be safe, you'd never be able to live a normal and happy life with him tied to your name and face.
It's the one thing he hates about his chosen life.
He poses for a picture the best he can, though careful not to touch any of the fans present in the photo. It's like the slight brush of the girl's cat tail against his pants stings him like sour acid, burning into his skin even though all that really sticks to him are a few hairs on his black cotton pants.
But even those, he immediately brushes off, bowing to the fans that leave, apologetic because he knows how awful that must've looked to her. He doesn't want to be like this, he doesn't want to come off as such an awful person, but be can't help it.
Later, at home, he makes a public post on weverse: an open letter apologizing for his behavior, and a promise to do better in the future.
Everyone understands, sends encouraging comments, and he feels even worse now, because he knows he won't change.
He can't.
Not when he's still got some of your old clothes in a backpack in the back of his closet. Not if he's still keeping your favorite comfort plushy on his couch, ready to be held by him whenever he feels particularly lonely. Not when he still tries to seek out your scent by jumping the same bodywash you did back when you still lived with him. Not when he can't let go of the past.
There's numerous theories amongst his fanbase as to why he's like this to hybrids in particular. From a past friend having died, to him being the victim of an attack at some point, there's a wild and colorful variety of explanations they've come up with over the years. Some are chilling to read, while others make him rather frustrated.
He hates that he tends to be portrayed as the vulnerable victim in all of them, when in reality, he never was and never will be. But he doesn't comment on any of the theories to keep them occupied. As long as they think they've got it figured out, they won't dig any deeper than they should.
Today it's a bit easier. Today, he's a bit lighter, having fun singing karaoke on his livestream, before he ends it to shower and go to sleep later. Today, it's not that bad, but he knows it'll only be a matter of time before he's hit with it again, memories and what-if's haunting him again like some curse put on him.
His phone rings, and he picks it up. An unknown number, probably a fan who's overstepped the line again. He denies it, before it calls again- tongue clicking as he accepts the call.
"Please don't ca-"
"Jungkook?" An older woman's voice asks, and he freezes, because even through the natural distortion of his phone's speaker, he knows that voice.
"…" he swallows thickly, collecting his thoughts for a moment before he answers back with a dark tone to his voice. He doesn't need this. "I told you to never contact me-"
"I know, I know, but I fucked up." She tells him, making him nervous. What is she talking about? "I fucked up bad, and now- the police isn't doing anything about it, and I don’t know who to call anymore.." she explains almost as if out of breath, and he's looking at nothing with furrowed brows. "Its been days, and I've honestly.. I don't know anymore, I need help, and at this point, you're pretty much my last chance."
"What are you talking about?" He wants to know, irritated by her cryptic rambling, while simultaneously feeling his blood run cold at the prospect of what she might be talking about. About who she might be talking about.
"She ran away, Jungkook." She says.
And all falls silent for a moment, as he processes what he's just been told.
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thelonewolf48 · 2 months
Hello, Blank the series community!
How are we processing the ending of season 1? Are you angry? Do you understand Khun Neung's actions? Do we want to hit her? Yes, you say? 🤣🤣🤣
I wanted to wait a bit (also got busy at work lol) to avoid any spoilers for anyone who don't watch Episode 6 and last one for a while... I don't know how I'm gonna cope with it tbh... I'm following 23.5 and other web series but tbh... never on the level of Blank... I have to admit that GAP did it first but Blank did it better... which, no shade to GAP because FreenBecky, my beloved, chemistry was so good too!
And to clarify, GAP the series also had its own set of problems, most of them regarding money and locations, but what they did, opened the door for more GLs. Some, with good and bad executions, but that's up to each person and their preferences to decide!
BUT ENOUGH OF GAP (the perfect GL, to me!) Let's talk about BLANK!
As a start... I didn't like that they began from when Aneung knocked on Neung's door... it ate like 4 more minutes with them, plus they didn't keep the same tension.
On Episode 5, the tension was felt thanks to the zoom on their faces that lasted quite a good amount of seconds and Faye's minuscule lean.
This time it was cut and then bam! KISS! (NOT THAT I'M COMPLAINING!)
I'm not gonna go on full detail because I believe we all watched the episode, there are a few technical things I want to point out but I won't because nah! There was some foreshadowing to the doom that was to come... and no, I don't say this as a person who has read the book 🤭
I will go straight to that last part...
I had to go back to read that last part in the book because I wanted to keep this as accurate as I can.
So, throughout the episode, we see Aneung's family praising how good of a Role Model Neung is for Aneung. This is the first red flag. Then we see Neung still having doubts about their age gap which I find normal in this setting, because it can happen. This is the second red flag.
The final nail to the coffin, and the one I think everyone should consider whenever questioning WHY Neung broke this as cruel as she did, is that she thought she used Aneung as a way to distract her own pain.
In the book, and the reason why I re-read it, Neung sounds more detached, more out of the moment, and at some point even more aggressive about it. In the series, Neung, although also feeling out of the moment, the scene takes a more soft and romantic approach. They show us Neung's walls falling and accepting that she does indeed love Aneung.
Also, the "brake up" is harsher. Feels like a slap.
Now, we have to consider that in the book, right after their love making Aneung goes to school, everything seems fine, heavy, but good enough. Things happen, that I won't reveal because it could be spoilers, but one of those things is that Fah calls Neung about the funeral and everything. Fah is the one telling Neung that she trusts Neung, she's a role model, and she knows she will take care of Aneung.
Here, there is something I wanted to point out. To hear Fah say it, right after what happened it's what triggers Neung to break Aneung's heart. As logical as Neung is, that is the conclusion she gets after everything.
Aneung is young, thus can fall in love again with someone around her age. This is the conclusion Neung forms in her head. Plus, she sees something else that triggers a reaction. Something we will see in season 2 😆 so, no spoilers but maybe some of you can imagine what.
Neung is very logical, very cutthroat, and as stubborn as their grandmother. We have to remember that, as the eldest, she was trained to be the next heir. So, her life was very, very different. If you see any royal family, the image they project is one of perfection. So, it's no wonder that Neung learnt how to mask her feelings. If something hurts, hurt it back a thousand times worse. Or better yet, just ignore it.
Neung, just like Sam after she became the heir, prefers avoid her feelings because she knows caring equals pain. So, why bother?
There's a whole process Neung does before she goes to Aneung, in the book.
But I have to admit that the series spin was chef kiss! I'm sure that Neung, after waking up, was blaming herself for letting things escalate so quickly.
I will defend Neung with my whole heart because the traumas she carries makes her scared. And like a feral animal, the only way she knows how to defend herself is attacking. She pushes and pushes until she proves to herself that she is right. Everyone leaves.
I could continue rambling and going and just word spit things, but I have to sleep 🤣🤣🤣
Don't share spoilers if you read the book! Unless people want them, I will keep my posts spoiler free! Either way, if anyone wants to discuss the book, you can send me a message too!
Once again, I say this Blank the series set the bar waaaaaaay too high! I can't deny it!
Anyway, guys, do you agree? Disagree? Let's have a respectful debate!
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shiftingparadise · 8 months
Hey, I’m unsure if you still write for MHA but I’d love a comfort fic/drabble about a reader who’s struggling with guilt and bad thoughts, to eventually get some support from Dabi? I’ve been struggling a lot so much lmao
I'm so sorry to hear you've been struggling. It's been a long time since I've written anything. So forgive me if it's not as good but I hope you like it. I'm here if you want to talk.
Warnings: none
Word count: 1776
“It’s my fault”, your voice shaking. “It’s my fault, right?”, your head now resting against the wall behind you. “It’s my fault that they’re-“. A sentence you fail to say out loud. A stinging sensation greeted your eyes. You were sitting in an ally, your hands resting on your knees as little clouds left your lips. It was a cold night and even though your mind failed to notice the cold, your body did. Leaving you shaking, your teeth grinding on each other. Were you angry or sad? Probably both. It was unfair. The way Deku didn’t flinch, the way Bakugo grinned, … All why you were frozen in place. Too scared to save the lives of innocent people. What kind of hero were you? A joke. That’s what you are. “I hate them”, tears now flooded your eyes. “I hate the way things are so easy for them, the way they always seem to save everyone while I’ve worked so hard for this. I’m not a pro hero. I’m a joke, a coward-“.
He knew you hadn’t noticed. His staring eyes. The way he was leaning against the wall just a little bit further. If it were someone else, he’d probably would’ve laughed, or done something to upset them even more. Probably killed them eventually if they’d dare to talk back to him but… You looked so ‘good’. So, innocent. As if you hadn’t done anything wrong in your entire life. And the way your tears were dripping down your cute nose, the way you cutely rubbed the palm of your hand on your eyelids… Not to mention your voice. So soft, so ‘good’. There wasn’t any other way he could put it. You seemed ‘good’ and here you were, talking down on yourself like that just because you couldn’t be like them. A feeling he understood all too well. The feeling of not being good enough.
“Why? Why am I like this?”, your eyes darted to the sky. Desperately searching for an answer. “If I just swooped in, if I just managed to move my feet they would’ve been saved. They would’ve been able to return to their families, their loved ones… I hate myself”, your sobs getting louder, not caring about your surrounding anymore. Because it hurt. The feeling in your chest, the way you could hardly breathe anymore. “I hate myself and everyone else does too, right?”, your eyes still looking at the sky, hoping someone would talk back. “That’s why I’m always alone. Why I don’t have any friends”. Right, this wasn’t just about the lost lives. It was about your hurt. About everything that you tried to bury in your past.
Alone. He was always alone. He never had anyone. He knew the way you felt. The desperation, the sense of hopelessness.
“You’re not alone”, a raspy voice travelled through the air and startling you.
“Creep”, the word flashed before his eyes. You were crying about being alone, thinking you were alone in that ally. Probably one of the times you even wanted to be alone, and this is what he chose to say? Not even a hello? Or a dry cough to let you know someone was there.
“W-who are you?”, you narrowed your eyes, not bothering to wipe your tears. The darkness around you made it hard for you to see. “No one”, the voice replied.
He already regretted this. That he let you know someone was there. That he was there.
“If you’re too scared to speak, then don’t bother letting me know you’re here”, you turned your head to the side.
Scared? He wasn’t scared, right?
“Then don’t cry in the middle of an ally”, a snappy remark that he immediately regretted. “Well, I’m sorry that I bothered you”, you quietly replied. Your heart felt heavy. The last thing you needed was a stranger that made you feel even worse.
“You didn’t bother me”, the voice sounded almost desperate. “I-I guess I’m… sorry?”.
Did he just apologize? Or tried to anyway.
“Who are you?”, you knew that voice. You heard it on the TV once, right? But if you were right then… “No one”, he repeated himself.
He noticed the way your breathing got heavier. The way you tensed your entire body.
“No one you should be scared off”, his hands now in his pockets, his eyes closed.
Hate. Once again, the word flashed before his eyes. He hated himself.
“I know who you are”, you tried to relax your body. For some reason you believed him. Even though a murderer was standing practically next to you. But you were one too, right? You didn’t hurt people on purpose, but you failed to save them while you were standing so close. Wasn’t that even worse?
“Then why don’t you kill me?”, his voice sounded cold.
“I don’t know”, your teeth digging into the soft skin of your lips. “I don’t know”, tears once again streaming down your cheeks. “Probably because I’m scared, right? I’m a failure”.
“H-huh?”, your breath stopped, your eyes wide open as rough digits stroked over your cheek. His eyes now staring directly into yours as he squatted before you.
This wasn’t like him. He was never like this, or not that he could remember anyways.
“You must be freezing”, he sighed as he let his head fall back. “Here”, his hands wrapped around yours. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to burn you”, he coldly looked into your eyes again. Your heart was racing as you could feel his hands getting hotter, causing a nice sensation against your skin. Like holding them in front of a fireplace. “Feels nice”, you softly whispered.
His eyes unwillingly widened at your small praise. He couldn’t remember the last time anyone said something similar to him.
“It’s fine if you’re not like them”, his gaze now fixed on your hands. They fitted perfectly in his. Your skin felt so soft against his scars… He could stay like this for hours. “It’s fine if you’re scared”, his eyes found yours again. “I don’t need life lessons from someone like you”, you suddenly pulled your hands away, leaving an empty feeling behind. What were you doing? He was a villain. He couldn’t be trusted. “Right”, a painful look in his eyes. “I’m sorry”, he lowered his eyes as he stood back up. “So, you want to fight me or are you going to let me go without a hassle?”, his voice cold again. You stayed quiet for a second as you looked up at him. He looked handsome. Painfully handsome. Even with all of his scars, even with his messy hair… but most of all, he looked lonely.
“Cold”, you turned your head to the side, “My hands”. “Huh?”, his brows pulled together. “Could you please do that thing again?”, your cheeks red as you held out your hands, avoiding his gaze at all costs.
Even if this was a trap, even if you were going to capture him… He couldn’t refuse when you looked like that.
“Tsk”, an unexpected smile on his face, “Come here”. He lifted you from the ground with your arm.  “I’m not going to sit on the ground like an idiot. Let’s go to my place, it’s warm. I promise”, he already started walking. For some reason he didn’t doubt you’d follow him. And you did. Without saying anything. If this was wrong, then why did it feel so right?
It was only a five-minute walk and for some reason it made him sad. He could’ve walked through entire countries with you walking beside him.
“We’re here”, he stopped in front of a tall building. To be honest, it looked like it was going to fall apart any minute. “Know it’s not much”, he scratched the back of his head, “But it’s warm… and safe”.
He knew he was a hypocrite. How could he say something like that when he killed people for fun?
“Hm”, you softly smiled. “Y-you still want to come in?”, he now sounded nervous. He couldn’t believe you actually trusted him enough to follow him like this. “Yeah”, your arms wrapped around your body, trying to keep the cold away.
How could he forget? You probably didn’t have a quirk like his, that kept him warm. He should’ve offered you his coat, or at least try to keep you warm.
“Let’s go inside. You must be cold”, he opened the door for you. It. Was a quiet walk to his apartment. Your mind and heart fighting against each other. “So”, he awkwardly kicked some boxes of fast food to the side as you entered his apartment. “Like I said, I know it’s not much but it’s warm”.
He felt embarrassed. He only had a small TV and a bed. Not even a chair or a couch to sit on.
“It’s enough”, you smiled. “Here, sit down please”, he quickly straightened his pillows. “You can sit here. I know it’s probably not comfortable to sit like this-“. “It’s perfect”, you sat down while leaning with your back against the wooden frame of his bed. “H-here’s a blanket”, he grabbed one from a box. You thanked him once again.
“Why are you doing this?”.
Your question pierced through his chest. He didn’t know why. He wasn’t like this. He never was kind to anyone.
“I don’t know”, he awkwardly sat down beside you. “I guess I understand the way you feel. That’s why I said it’s fine if you’re not like them. You don’t have to pretend all the time”. “Pretend?”, you pulled the blanket over your legs. “They’re scared too, you know? Everyone is. They just pretend they aren’t. It’s fine to be scared, to not show up sometimes. It’s fine if you can’t fake being happy, or brave, or …”, he hesitated for a second. “All I’m saying is, it’s fine if you’re you”. “But I-“, your eyes already glossy. “Don’t cry”, he turned to look at you. “You can’t cry. You can’t show them you’re weak-“.
What was he doing? He cried all the time, or he used to anyway. And yes, he felt weak because he did so, but when he saw you cry earlier… All he saw was a girl who was tired of being strong.
“You don’t need this, right? A lecture”, he shook his head, unsure of what was happening to him. “Cry your heart out”, he wrapped your arms around your shoulders, pulling you close. “Cry. Let it out. You’re not alone. I’m here with you. It’s brave to cry”, he tightened his grip as he heard your sobs. “You’ll never be alone again”.
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darnell-la · 1 month
Boyfriend - Steve Harrington & Billy Hargrove
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pairing: dom!billy hargrove x sub!steve harrington
warnings: hair pulling, rough sex, public sex, gay sex, anal, dominance, aggression, cheating, etc.
note: I wrote this during an exam. I'm so tired and I bet this is all over the place. Remember to comment, like, share, and leave a request! We love writing stories.
3rd person pov
“Ah, look here! Isn’t it Mr. Wheeler and her cocky no good boyfriend? I beat your score, Hargrove,” Billy said as he pressed Steve and Nancy as they walked outside of the kitchen.
Steve annoyingly pulled his sunglasses off as he took a good look at Billy. He’s always doing this, and every time, it seems like he’s angrier.
“So what? I’ve got better things to do in life,” Steve said as Nancy clinched onto him. “Oh right! Isn’t that goin’ to one of them bright-brained pretty boy schools?” Billy said as his friends laughed.
“Yeah, and you? Gonna cling onto someone all after high school?” Steve asked with a smirk, boiling Billy’s blood. “Oh, you’re good. You know where to find me dipshit,” Billy said before walking off with his crew.
“God, he’s so annoying. Why can’t he just leave us alone?” Nancy asked as she looked up at her boyfriend. “I don’t know,” Steve drily said before taking a deep breath. “You go with your friends while I find mine,” Steve said before walking off after Nancy gave him a peck.
As much as Steve hated Billy for finding him and causing something, he sure was scared when it was time to be alone. Without Nancy, he was alone and had no shit-talking left in him. He knew Billy wasn’t someone to fuck around with.
Steve made his way upstairs, making sure Nancy didn’t see him, or else she’d come looking for him later, and he couldn’t have that.
“Where you goin’ pretty boy?” Billy asked behind Steve as he made his way up the stairs as well. “Oh, rub it in, Hargrove. Just get me over with,” Steve said, making Billy chuckle.
“What? Are you mad? Now you know how I feel when I see you at every party with that bitch!” Billy gripped Steve's neck quickly and pushed him up against the wall. “Well-“ Steve tried saying.
“Don’t you open that fuckin’ mouth, Hargrove? I swear to god I’ll stuff you till you pass out,” Billy threatened as his face got red. This is the angriest he’s been with Steve, so Steve did as told and shut his mouth.
“Yeah, good boy. Keep quiet and be good for me,” Billy growled as he began to grind on Steve’s body. Steve tried to act like he didn’t want it. He always does, but just like now, he couldn’t. Not right after Billy begins to suck on his neck.
“Fuck,” Steve moaned as he tangled his hands in Billy’s hair as Billy grinned against his neck. Maybe this time, Billy will make Steve’s hickeys more visible because Nancy never does. He needs someone to catch them.
“You’ve been ignoring him all night. Kissin’ on that skank. I should fuck you downstairs for doing that shit,” Billy threatened him, hating how Nancy thinks she has him wrapped around her fingers.
Billy had enough of teasing himself. The fit man pulled Steve into an empty room, locking the door behind him. He knew people would try to get in, and he wouldn’t want Steve to be caught during sex tonight. He plans to go harder than usual.
“Angry much?” Steve laughed as he got up from being pushed into the ground so hard. “Yeah, and you’re gonna feel it,” Billy said, making Steve’s face drop. Usually, he first fully admits like he just did. That’s how Steve knew.
Billy pulled Steve to the empty bed in the room and threw him on it. Steve’s still a heavy man, but to Billy, he’s nothing. Especially when he’s riled up and ready to touch all over Steve’s body.
Billy angrily took his clothes off, struggling a bit with the fast he was trying to get undressed until he was done and moved to his boyfriend.
“I can’t wait until you break up with her. Gonna fuck you so hard in front of every girl that’s ever want you,” Billy said as he tugged at Steve’s jeans and boxers until they were off.
Steve stayed silent and let Billy throw him around like usual. “Ass is always so nice and clean. You shave every day for me, hm? So I can slip right in and fuck you rough and mean?” Billy harshly gripped Steve’s waste to move him around.
“God, can you be a little more gentle?” Steve rolled his eyes. Seconds later, Billy pushed Steve’s face into the mattress roughly. “Don’t tell me what to do,” Billy said through his teeth before spitting on Steve’s entrance.
Usually, Billy takes his time and gets Steve more lubed, but this time, he couldn’t. He didn’t want to. Billy pushed at Steve’s entrance, causing Steve to groan loudly, trying his best to keep every noise in.
“Look at you. Can’t even take it,” Billy chuckled as he pushed further, watching and feeling Steve’s asshole stretch. Yet, he’s still tight. “Fuck baby,” Billy groaned, finally fully in him.
“B-Billy,” Steve moaned, trying his best to keep his voice firm because he knew when his voice got higher, Billy owned, and he’d corrupt.
Billy laughed as his boyfriend gripped his cock. “Please, Billy,” Steve still kept his voice as his back had a hard time arching. “Please what? Want me to fuck you harder like always?” Billy asked, keeping his hand pushed down on the back of Steve’s head.
“Y-Yes, please,” Steve finally moaned. “Good boy,” Billy groaned before giving what his boy wanted him to give. “Oh fuck,” Steve moaned, trying to keep himself steady, but he knew he’d cum undone in just a few seconds.
“So pretty when you’re not walkin’ behind that bitch,” Billy lifted Steve’s leg up to get a better angle, and Steve couldn’t take it. He came.
“Pretty boy’s cumin'? So pathetic. Barley even fucked you like I wanted to,” Billy moved both of his hands until he could push down on Steve’s ass and hips, trying to stop Steve’s shaking, but his orgasm came too hard.
“Yeah? You love it that much?” Billy asked as his boyfriend began to moan loudly at the thrusts he was getting. Billy had to quicken his paste until he was slamming into the boy like a wild animal.
“Oh fuck! Fuck Billy, I- Billy!” Steve stuttered over his words as his eyes rolled back and he began to sweat. “Just wait until we get to your house. Parents aren’t home, so I can tie you up and fuck you all damn night,” Billy smirked down at Steve who tried to look up at him but couldn’t.
Steve eventually couldn’t speak anymore. He could barely moan, but Billy got it out of him. He’s never seen Billy this mad and talk this much about Nancy. Now he knows what pisses him off. Maybe he can use it for another good fuck session with his boyfriend.
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isobellenoire · 8 months
Solas is Neurodiverse.
This is of course my opinion, don't invalidate me, if you find comfort in this character then I'm glad, join the party!
• Info dumping (You boost his approval by asking him about magic & the fade... and oh my world does he have a lot to say about it!)
• Strong sense of justice... freeing the slaves, wanting to right wrongs. He feels so strongly about injustice, especially when he can sympathise (mages & elves) a strong sense of social justice is often linked with ND people because we are marginalised, mistreated and ridiculed. I can often get angry, irate and depressed when there's injustice in the world and for a lot of my ND friends it's the same.
• Likes to be alone (he still has friends who are spirits, but he doesn't actively seek out companionship with people) prefers his own company. (Hermit tarot... come on! I'm crying in INTP/INTJ here)
• Always reading, writing, he even paints a whole ass mural on the walls as skyhold in a short burst of time, hyperfocus/hyperfixation.
• Comes across as blunt. I've been told I'm blunt so many times it's infuriating when I don't mean to be, I'm just firm in what I know to be true and will say it without dancing around the matter.
• Speaks 'strangely' in a poetic rhythm. While not an exclusive trait, given everything else it holds merit.
• He does have a great deal of empathy if you romance him/get to know him, but on a surface level he seems distant because he doesn't open up personally! It takes a LOT to crack that egg. I'm 4 years into a committed relationship and I still get told I don't open up enough when I'm struggling with emotions because I keep them internalised... probably a trauma response but in Solas' case... yeah, definitely a trauma response.
• Comes across argumentative when talking about stuff to which the group (Dorian especially during party banter) will ask if he's upset with them, and he says he isn't. ND people are always stuffed in the 'uncanny valley' and seen as outsiders, or stand-offish... we're just not very good with social nuances in terms of delivery, but are deeply self aware of that and prefer to observe, and I argue Solas is incredibly self aware. (Knows when he is being 'selfish' or 'foolish')
• Incredibly knowledgeable on a lot because he's intensively researched it, has to know everything about that subject and becomes deeply immersed in it.
• He never lied about anytning, he just didn't throw it out there... Autistic people can lie you know... however not once did he lie, he just kept his secrets hidden, that's very different to lying. Lying wild be 'Are you Fen'Harel'?... 'No' I've kept secrets from people for a long ass time to spare their feelings and my own self interest. (Not as bad as it sounds ahah! Just an example)
• History nerd... C'mon most of us have a favourite time period that isn't this one...
• I mentioned the paintings, he's also an artist, as well as a dreamer. A lot of us have infiltrated science or the arts... or both! Most of the world's leading scientists and artists are ND. He probably has an idetic memory.
I have more if people care to hear it, but in my opinion and based on my own personal experience being AuDHD, I'd say he is. I resonate with his character more deeply than the others because no ND person is alike and we all have our own personal struggles/wins.
A similar example in media to Solas would be (and hear me out ahah) Walter White (minus the drugs) but intelligence and the way he speaks to others, hides stuff from people (and assumes an alias to seperate himself) I definitely see WW as Autistic. So why not Solas?
Can we please stop infantalizing ASD, and applying the manic pixie lense to it, there's so much more to it that just 'quirky'. Cole is practically confirmed, people have debated Sera being ADHD, but also they are painted with a similar 'childish' brush.
Thanks for coming to my ted talk ahah.
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apocalypse byler scenario part 8: will volunteers and has a plan with el to bait vecna. mike rejects the idea and is the only one who disagrees with it and gets angry. will gets upset he isnt trusting him, and mike storms out. lucas goes after him to talk him down.
summary: mike gets lucas'd with a hint of mike getting vecna'd with mystery oooo.. also wheelclair talk and friendship yayy
longest one so far, but i had so much fun with this!
''mike, this is gonna work.''
''fuck off.''
''okay man, you need to stop acting like you're the only one who's stressed here.''
''you all just agreed to give will to him on a silver platter! i'm not going to be a part of that.''
''that's not going happen, we just need it to-''
''-to lure him, i know! does that mean will 's nothing but a piece of bait now? is he that dispensable?!
''of course not! but we don't have any other options, mike. you were there. we tried every angle, but the only thing we can stop One from going after will is this plan or nothing. you think any of us want this?!''
''what if it doesn't work? what if he's one step ahead of us and we're in his trap already?'' mike feels himself shaking at his words. ''i'm asking for us to think harder. i know there's something else, there has to be. we can come up with another plan.'' mike says fast, desperation evident in his voice. ''i just-...'' mike trails off when he notices lucas staring at him like he just saw a ghost.
''..mike..your nose.''
he inhales sharply at the realization. he turns around quickly as he feels something dripping down his nose. blood. he wipes it off with his hands, acting as subtle as possible, distraught as he already was.
i'm fine, he tells himself, like he has been for the longest time. he's been been doing a good job of hiding it, but now that lucas caught this, he's at a loss on how to handle it.
i have to be fine. it's just a coincidence. my problems aren't worth enough to get his attention.
''mike? are you okay?'' mike feels him reaching out, and slaps lucas' hand away before he gets any closer.
''i'm fine.'' he hisses, hiding his bloodied hand in his pocket.
''..mike how long?'' lucas voice lowers.
the tall teenager bites his lips and shakes his head. ''it doesn't matter.''
''yes it fucking matters! how long has it been?!'' lucas voice echoes through the hallway.
''i'm fine, okay?! it's just a coincidence.''
''how can this be a coincidence? w-we need to tell the others. i'll get a walkman from nancy-'' he says, in the process of walking back.
''it’s been more than a week already.''
''what?'' lucas stops in his tracks.
''yeah. i had headaches, nosebleeds..nightmares. all of the symptoms. and yet, he hasn't visited me, and it’s been a week. as you can see, i'm still standing; unless im a fucking zombie now.''
''that doesn't make any sense.'' lucas says to himself, walking back and forth.
mike leans on the wall and crosses his arms. ''it's either it's nothing, or the fucker's treating my trauma like a candystore.''
''god, you still shouldnt have hidden it. you do understand we need to keep a close eye on you from now on?''
mike sighs, resigning. ''fine. but will is the number one priority. i could still be okay, but for him, we need to start thinking of an alternative.''
''mike, i hear you i do, but we don't have time. this plan? it's all we have. and hearing what i just heard, this could save both of you.'' lucas says as calmly as he could. in reality, he was just as terrified, especially now that two of his closest friends are in danger.
''we will make time.'' lucas groans at his friend's stubbornness and walks a short distance away from mike, head buried in his hands.
''why arent you on my side on this?! need i remind you he's your friend too?''
''look, i get it. we’re all scared for will. but this is his decision too, and he agrees this is our only shot. we'll be there to protect him, but you have to stop treating him like he’s helpless.''
''..i know he isnt helpless.''
and he means that. he still remembers how flabbergasted he was at the first time he saw will reach out for a rifle and shot a demodog with a flawless shot.
''then what’s the problem?!''
that did it. mike had no power to argue anymore and throws his hands up in the air as a sign of defeat. ''...fine. throw him in danger, like i give a shit. goes to show me what kind of fucking friends you are.''
mike turns to walk away, until lucas scurries to his direction that he's now in front of him.
''mike, listen. i…i know we havent talked since..everything. but i want you to know we're here for you, okay? whatever it is, we can get through it together. i dont want you to forget that we’re still a party.''
mike stiffens at the word 'party'.
that's what holds this party together, heart. because without heart, we'd all fall apart.
some heart he is.
lucas' voice brings him back to reality. ''i… i almost lost max. i cant lose my best friend too.''
mike was still looking away, as if he was thinking the next thing to say. he settled for a smirk, raising an eyebrow back at lucas. ‘'i'm still your best friend?’’
lucas rolls his eyes. ''favoritism is nonexistent in the party. youre all of my best friends.''
mike's smile turned to a frown as he looks down at his feet, not wanting to make eye contact with lucas. ''..even after we ended things?'' he sounded like he was challenging lucas. he was testing the waters, crossing his fingers hoping his friends didnt hate him the way his nightmares so realistically depicted.
''well..yeah, you were acting like a dick.''
mike presses his lip into a line and braces himself. knows he deserved to hear it, but it doesnt mean it didnt sting.
''..but it doesnt mean i cant forgive you.''
mike wasnt expecting that. he looks back to lucas, and he was wearing a soft expression on his face. mike smiles back but sighs.
''i still think basketball’s stupid. you could do so much better than those assholes. like really, out of all things you can get into..''
''you should try picking up a hobby asides from d&d. maybe itll give you new perspective before you start shitting on me.'' lucas bites back, though with no real malice in his tone.
the two boys share a chuckle. ''no promises.''
mike sits on one of the benches in the auditorium as he runs his hands through his hair. he hears shuffling next to him and as he looks up, he didn't expect lucas following along, sitting next to him. lucas leans forward, his eyes focused on him, expectant for mike to talk to him. it made mike realize how long it has been since he opened up to someone close to him, at least someone that isn't will. he opens and closes his mouth, trying to find the right words. he felt frantic for a long time, that he was waiting for lucas to walk away or to say they can continue another time. but he stood still, patient. guess there's only so much you can do trying to run away from your problems.
mike takes a deep breath. ''its not that i dont trust will to take care of himself,'' lucas hums as a form of acknowledgement.
''i'm just so scared of losing him again.''
''..okay.'' lucas nods, urging mike to continue.
''you don't know this, but in california, things between us were...rough. it's weird; when we were kids, will didnt hesitate with me. i used to be proud of knowing what he’s always thinking, but... it’s like i didn't even know him.'' mike glances back at lucas for any form of judgement, but he was still listening. mike feels his courage build up, and continues.
''and its my fault, i know it is. i ignored him all summer, all because i was too much of a fucking coward to face him.''
''well, you did try to call him right? i think both of you are just shit at communication.''
mike scoffs. ''yeah, but i still acted like an asshole when i got there. sure i was upset he didnt call, but it's mostly because-''
i had no idea how to deal with loving your lifelong best friend who just happened to be a boy while dating your girlfriend, mike thinks to say.
he considers another route.
''...it doesn't matter. more importantly, he’s under his watch and i feel like there's nothing i can do. that is, until he kills him and all i'm good for is burying or some shit.'' he widens his eyes, and sputters.
''i-fuck, what am i saying? its so messed up. i just... feel useless, lucas. i feel like i'm supposed to do something. i'm his best friend, and all i did was avoid him. he said he needed me, but i wasn't there for him.
so ever since this whole thing started, i never left his side. thats what i promised myself. i was no longer gonna run..and i missed being with him. i missed him.
..and now when i finally got him back, he's bringing himself in danger again.''
he sees lucas nod.
''im so tired of losing him. and when he said he was gonna give himself up, he might really...''
mike starts pulling at the skin of his fingers. this was the most he's talked about his feelings in his life. he then sniffs, quickly wiping a tear before it falls as he looks away from lucas. this was humiliating. ''jesus, that was a load. sorry, forget it. it’s all random bullshit anyway.''
lucas glances off to the distance. after a long moment of silence, he clicks his tongue and looks at mike. ''do you know the story of how vecna got max?''
mike shook his head.
lucas looks away, shameful. ''i didn't either. max didnt reach out to me. she was obviously going through something after starcourt, and she kept me at arm’s length to the point that she even dumped me. like, serious dumping this time.’'
lucas' lips curl upwards at his last remark. it seemed like a distant memory. too much has happened in such a short time.
''i thought i was doing well trying to reach her, but i realize i was thinking of myself a lot back then. i asked myself ‘why?’. i asked if she even cared about me, if she truly trusted me or not. but i didnt consider what she was going through. like, really going through. why she made all of these decisions and pushed us away.''
mike nods in agreement, resonating in lucas' words.
''i blame myself everyday. it..haunts me. i think about how, if i just reached out more, put in a little more effort in letting her know she didnt have to be alone, if i wasn't so selfish..none of this would have happened.''
''...i guess we’re both terrible boyfriends.'' mike whispers.
lucas looks at him with a raised eyebrow. ''you’re will’s boyfriend now, huh?''
mike didnt even notice the words slip out of his mouth until lucas mentioned it. it came so naturally. they weren't necessarily together, anyway...or were they?
and even more importantly, mike just implied to lucas he would consider will as his boyfriend.
mike feels his body freeze, his hands clammy and shaking, processing the gravity of what he just said. he was ready to beeline out of the auditorium door. he wasnt expecting to deal with the idea of coming out so soon, especially not to his party. ‘’i…’”
mike, still looking away, hears lucas chuckle. he snaps his head back to lucas for any sign of shame, but there were nothing of the such waiting for him, only lucas' bright smile. ‘’we are. we’re the worst boyfriends.’’
mike stares at lucas a bit more in disbelief. his friend gave him a knowing nod and put his hand on the former's shoulder, patting him almost pitifully with an exaggerated frown. ''..no offense, but i'm kind of surprised it took you this long.''
mike groans and swats lucas' arm away from him. they share a laugh that erupts the empty auditorium and collectively sigh. they continue to sit together in comfortable silence.
''will loves you, mike. you may not see it, but one of the main reasons why he's able to fight..him for this long, is because of you. you have a way with him. it's like you're his...''
''...his heart?'' mike grins, thinking about the true intent of the painting after will finally told the truth in a rough conversation they had.
lucas mockingly gags, sticking his tongue out. ''sure, his heart. anyway, there's no way you're losing him. i dont think he wants to lose you either. and that's why he feels the need to do this.’
mike exhales. he hates it when lucas is right. then again, he almost always is. the boy smiles to himself.
‘’maybe, after all of this is over… you can talk to him.’’
mike feels his cheeks warm at the thought of will protecting him, but more about opening up to him about his feelings. there's no doubt there's something going on between them, but there's still that underlying fear that he might be reading all of it wrong. everyone knew will was gay now, that was one thing; the real meaning of the painting is also another. but there's still that stupid voice that still says, but what if it's all wrong?
he brushes it off before lucas catches him and teases him to all hell about it. ''i'm still not happy with the stupid plan.''
''..i know. none of us are.''
''since when were you lucas the wise?''
lucas shrugs. ''they say trauma is the best teacher.''
''no one says that.''
''well, now i'm saying it.''
mike still felt a sense of terror accidentally outing himself, but he also felt a bit of comfort that he did it with lucas. he had a sense of making you feel safe, that mike wondered what he was so worried about. enlightened with what just happened, he let go of a weight on his shoulder he didn't know he had. maybe the nightmares can stop for tonight. and maybe, he can stop this before anyone starts worrying about him as well.
mike puts his hand on lucas' shoulder. ''..she’ll wake up, lucas.''
''i know. she has to.''
and even if it was just for one night, mike feels the nightmares cease.
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lostfirefly · 2 months
Life Must Have It's Mysteries (Ch.9)
I'm dying to share the new chapter with you! The idea for this chapter visited me at the very beginning of the story. And maybe it is a bit bad, but I wanted to include it in one of the chapters :) I also like the idea that for the girl he loves, Buggy would do anything. English is not my native language, errors may occur. As always, feel free to share your thoughts :) Masterlist is here.
Description: Catherine's trapped. Will Buggy save her?
Warnings: Fun, fluff, arguing, sadness (have some tissues ready), adventure, inappropriate jokes, swearing (as always). Shitty shit again:)
Words: 4251
Taglist: @gingernut1314, @operationroots, @hey-august, @rorywritesjunk, @yujo-nishimura (I hope you still like it!)
The title is taken from “Life Must Have It's Mysteries” by Hans Zimmer (OST Inferno).
Tumblr media
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8
“What did you do?” Buggy stared at the bars. His eyes were wide and jaw dropped. 
“I didn't do anything! I just ran my hand along the wall.”
“So maybe you shouldn’t run your hands along these fucking walls? Maybe you stepped on something there?” He tried to pull the bars. “Not moving! Fuck!! Can you get through these things?” He examined the gate from floor to ceiling.
“Are you kidding me?” Catherine tried to push herself between the bars. “Of course not. Look at the walls, maybe there are some drawings or something else there.”
Catherine examined the walls from her side, Buggy checked the walls from the other side.
“Nothing! I see nothing!” There was panic in his voice. “What should I do?” 
“You always tell me what to do. Look at this, Buggy. Click on this, Buggy. Put your pants on, Buggy. That's why we got this far. You're the only reason we got all the pieces of the fucking sceptre together. I couldn't have done it alone. I don't have too many brains.” He scratched his head. “Wait! Did you take an axe or something else?” 
“The axe. Here!” She quickly pulled out a hatchet from her bag and gave it to him. 
“Move away!” 
���Catherine, motherfucker, move away!” Buggy growled through his teeth.
“Don't get mad!” She barked back.
“I’m not mad!” 
“You call me by my full name, that means you're angry at me!” Catherine said loudly and came closer to the grate.
“Seriously? You want to talk about this now? Well, okay! What kind of reaction were you expecting? We're somewhere at the bottom of the fucking pyramid, where even tourists don't go. You're sitting in some fucking Egyptian bullshit because of your curiosity. I cannot get you out. Why wouldn't I be angry? Move away!” 
Catherine pressed herself closer to the corner and watched as Buggy hit the goal with his pickaxe several times with all his might. 
“It doesn’t open! Why doesn’t it open?” He kicked the gate angrily. 
“Buggy, stop. It cannot be opened. It’s a fucking trap.” Catherine whispered and closed her eyes. “That's it, I'll die here.” 
“What? No! There must be a way out. Are you planning to stay there? No way! I cannot lose you too!” Buggy looked around the walls. 
“I don't like to be a pessimist, my love. But you can't open it. This is perhaps some old punishment cell for thieves, or maybe a place for errant slaves. Which does not open like a regular door. Sometimes the guilty were released into such cells and they simply waited for their end.” Catherine walked up to the bars, leaned her back against the wall, and sank to the ground. “I don't know. I'm sorry.” She said quietly. 
“For what?” Buggy sat down opposite the grate, leaning on another part of the wall. 
“For dragging you here. For appearing in your life at all. If it weren’t for me, you'd be partying with some girl on the loose right now.” Catherine bent her legs and rested her forehead on her knees. 
“Cotton candy,” Buggy slipped his hand between the bars and took her hand. “I'm not very good at this romantic stuff of yours. But don't apologize for showing up in my life, please. You… Y-You're the best gift of fate for a pathetic loser like me.” 
“You're not a loser.” Catherine replied quietly, running her finger along his arm. “Try to find a way out. I'll die here in a few days. You'll find yourself another girl and live with her. And in your head, I'll remain just some girl who stupidly walked into a small room and got stuck in it forever.” 
“Are you out of your mind? Why would I want another girl? No one will piss me off and amuse me at the same time the way you do.” He grinned, resting the back of his head against the wall and exhaled. “You made me pancakes.” 
“What?” Catherine raised her head. 
“Well, you keep cracking up and wanting to know when I.. when I fell in love with you. Remember, after our adventure, I took you and your sister back to my house.” Buggy leaned closer to the grate and rested his head on it.
“After the first night…”  
“I'm surprised you didn't hit on me, by the way.” Catherine giggled and saw him start to blush.
“Damn! Do you want to know the story, or are you just gonna mock me?” He glanced at her and his cheeks burnt. 
“I wanna know! Let this be the last good story.” Catherine squeezed his hand and closed her eyes. 
“Nah, my little pie, there will be many more. So… Don't interrupt. I'm having a hard time telling it. I woke up the next morning because I smelled something yummy in the kitchen.” 
“Why am I not surprised you fell for the food?” She ran the tips of her fingers over his knuckles. 
“Fuck you, honestly. Why do you always do this? Ok. I didn't realize what the smell was at first. So I walked into the kitchen, and there you were in your zebra pajama pants cooking me pancakes. You were humming a song while you were making them. You still do it, by the way. I call it “a pancake song.” 
“You're so cute. And I’m humming? Really? Didn't notice.” Catherine felt Buggy's hand start shaking during the story and began stroking her thumb over his arm.
“Yes, you are. Well.. I remember you turned around to me with a plate, smiled and told me to sit down to breakfast. And I.. I looked at you and thought, “fuck, I.. I love her! I wanna wake up in the same bed with her, be in her arms, see her smile, see stupid pants with animals and eat these pancakes for the rest of my life.” Embarrassment made Buggy redder than his nose. “May I say no more?” 
“I remember that morning, too. You piled into the kitchen, suffering from a hangover, wearing only your pajama pants. So hot and sexy. But I really didn't think you were happy that I was there.” Catherine looked at him with the corner of her eye. 
“I'm not a complete jerk, cotton candy. Come on! The most beautiful girl in the world is sleeping at my place and then making me breakfast. Usually the girls just ran away in the morning while I was still sleeping.”
“Okay, it should be fair play. Do you want me to confess? I wanted to come over to your couch on the first night. But my sister kept talking, and I couldn't leave. All I could think was, “shut up, I love him and I want to tell him that right now”. And when I came out to see you, you were already asleep.”
Buggy giggled and scratched the back of his head. “I didn't sleep then. I was.. I was under the covers, pretending to be asleep. Well. I liked you, so I.. I don't know. I heard your footsteps and got scared. I couldn't think of anything better than lying still on the bed.”
“You're unbelievable.” She laughed and cleared her throat. “Listen, can you tell me one more story? How do you get out of jail? And why do you keep that prison photo in your wallet? But if you're not ready, that's okay. Tell this to my mummy later.” 
“I don't keep that photo in my wallet. I just hid it. I don't know, I was afraid you'd find it and leave me. But you're not gonna get off my back on the prison thing, are you? Well…” Buggy squeezed her hand, and scratched his cheek with his other hand. He exhaled and told the story of the escape. 
Catherine couldn't stop laughing. “First, I won't leave you until I’ll die in this cage. Second. Really? You had help from a sixteen-year-old kid? The great clown Buggy had teamed up with a teenager. Delightful! And that's how that wax man knows you.” She looked at his face, which was all red with embarrassment, and stroked his hand.
“Fuck you. Stop laughing at me!” He scowled.
“I’m not! Thanks for telling me. Too bad you can't split up and sneak in here. I'd hug you goodbye. I’m so happy I met you. I love you so, so much, my Buggy Bear. Remember that, okay?” 
“I love y~… Cathie-pie. Wait!” Buggy got up abruptly from his seat and ran somewhere.
“What?” Catherine got up off the floor and tried to poke her head between the bars. “Ouch! Where are you?”
“There's something here!” He shouted out of the darkness. 
“What's in there? I can barely see anything out here. Do you have some kind of clown night vision or something?” 
“Shut up! I don't know, some kind of shit.” 
“Wow, Buggy the Clown. You're just a master of descriptions. Some shit. What does it look like?” 
“I don't know. A small board with squares on it.” 
“Describe m~. Oh, my God!” Catherine jerked sharply away from the grate, seeing his flying hand. “At least give me a warning that you're sending your parts to me.” 
“Give me something, I'll show you what I see.” 
She placed a pad and pen in his hand, and the hand disappeared into the darkness. “Buggy? Are you still there?” 
“I'm coming!” Buggy walked over to the cage and showed her the drawing. “There's this thing.” 
“What the fuck is it?” Catherine stared at awkwardly drawn curved lines. “How old are you? Five years old? Can't you draw at all?” 
He rolled his eyes. “Oh, I'm sorry I didn't take an academic drawing class, somehow I didn't think that fucking skill would come in handy in my thirties when I'm stuck at the bottom of the fucking pyramid. Actually, I thought you were going to send me a phone.” 
“Wa~. I..” Catherine was silent for a second. “You're pissing me off.” 
“That's great! You send me a fucking notebook, and I'm pissing you off.” Buggy leaned sideways against the cage and crossed his arms. 
“Lord knows, I'll come to you in spirit and ruin your life.” Catherine shook her head and looked at the drawing. “Wait. This looks like a senet.” 
“What the fuck is this? Is this another fucking god?” 
“No, it's a game. There's a legend that this game was thought to be an amulet of a guide to the world of the dead. But there's also a myth that it was the game of the god Thoth. He created this game to win the soul of the goddess Nut from the moon god Khonsu. I told you about that too, but I wouldn't be surprised if you forgot.” Catherine waved her hand at him. “Because it was in the first pyramid, and then we spent the night in a motel where you ruined me in every way possible.” She blushed. 
“Oh! I remember that night! Trust me, that hot sex session we had there superseded any memory of those dead gods." Buggy giggled idiotically. 
“Geez! Wipe that satisfied smile off your face, clown.” Catherine narrowed her eyes. “Do you have at least something stuck in your head?”
“If you wanna know the answer, ask me something next time you stand naked in front of me. Or you’ll lie naked under me. " He winked at her.
“You're disgus~ Wait!” She began to look around the floor, walls, and ceiling. “There's a sign of Osiris on the ceiling. And in the corners is Thoth, Nut. And there's Khonsu in the middle. Why didn't I notice them right away?”
“You were too busy nagging me.” Buggy said mockingly. 
“Fuck you, honestly. This isn't a punishment cell. We're apparently in some sort of burial chamber. Wait!" Catherine pulled a notebook and the map out of her bag and quickly flipped through the pages. “Oh, my God! It's written right here. Don't get me wrong, but I think you're going to have to play this game to win my soul from the moon god.” 
“Excuse me?” Buggy goggled at Catherine and his head separated from his body in surprise. “I have no idea how to play it!” He reattached his head back to his body. “Is there no other way? I don't know. Recite some Egyptian spell again. You're always muttering something under your breath and all that shit opens up.”
“What is the probability that a room with a game in it, and gods painted on the floor playing it, has nothing to do with this cell? I'm sorry, I don't have the magic dust to open the fucking door. All I have is you, clown!” Catherine answered angrily and pointed her index finger at Buggy. 
“But I don't know how to play this fucking game. I can't do it.” He raised his voice. 
“Buggy, you're panicking!” 
“Yeah, I'm panicking. Join me! I’m sorry, cotton candy, but I'm clearly not fit to be a savior.” He leaned his back against the gate.
“Hey!” Catherine softened her voice, came closer to the grate, took his hand and looked at him. “What are you saying? You’ve already saved me so many times. Why don’t you believe in yourself? You’re smart, although you don’t use your brains sometimes. Come on, free me from the clutches of the moon god. Only the love of my life can do this. Otherwise, I will come to you in the form of a ghost and will torture you until your last breath.” She reached her other hand through the bars and stroked his hair. “I believe in you, my blue-haired hero.” 
Buggy exhaled heavily. “Alright. Let's do it. There's no choice anyway. Tell me how to play it.”
“Look. The game consists of 30 squares, referred to as houses.” Catherine began to show him the drawing.
“Don't interrupt me! But yes! These squares are arranged in three rows, with ten houses in each row. Each gamer has 5 pieces or figures, call them as you want. Only one piece can be placed in each house at a time. Also, you have 4 sticks. These are usually popsicle sticks with one side painted black and the other painted white. When it's your turn, you'll throw the sticks. And I will tell you how many steps to move the pieces. The goal of the game is to get all of your pieces off the board before the other player. At the beginning of the game, you must place your pieces on the first row. Player 1 will place his pieces on the first, third, fifth, seventh, and ninth houses. Player 2 should place his pieces on the second, fourth, sixth, eighth, and tenth houses.”
“Player 2?” Buggy asked. “Where can I find the second player? Are you suggesting that I should play with an imaginary friend? Or dig up a mummy?”
Catherine examined the walls again. “No. With me. You'll have to play with me. Of course! I'm sitting here, next to all these gods. If you win, they'll free me. If not, then I'll stay here.” She shrugged cheerfully and smiled.
“And you're so calm about it?” He blinked. “It was easier to escape from prison than to solve these fucking Egyptian riddles. Only this box is nailed there. How to play?” 
“So you’ll sit there and tell me everything. How will you come up with drawings like these...” She drew them on a piece of paper. “Let me know. Oh, and also the pieces have to move straight along the line, and when you get to the end of the line, you stand on the next line and move to the other side of the board. Like that. In the shape of a Z letter.” She drew a diagram of the movement. “Just bring me my sticks. I'll throw them and tell you how many steps to move my pieces.” 
Buggy sent one of his hands for the sticks, while the other held Catherine's hand. She felt a shiver in his hand and began stroking her finger across his palm. The hand quickly went back and brought the sticks, and he gave it to Catherine.
“Well, I'm off to rescue you from that Egyptian shit.” He kissed her hand and disappeared into the darkness. 
Catherine heard a noise and a muttering and chuckled softly. “He can't help but grunt.” She whispered under her breath. “You okay in there? Ready?” 
Buggy sat down on the floor with a lurch. “Wait a little while. I'm arranging the pieces according to your drawing. Done. Ready now.” He picked up the sticks in his hands, shook them a little, and threw them on the floor. “Throwing. Two white and two black.”
“Shit. Then move two steps forward! But you lose your next move! Then I throw twice.” Catherine began to write down all the moves in a notebook.
“It’s a good start. Fuck!!” He muttered. “Shit. One. Two. Done!” They both fell silent. “You're alive, cotton candy? Have the mummies of the Egyptian gods come for you yet?”
“Go to hell and don't scare me! I'm fine! Throwing sticks! Three black and one white. And then an extra move. My piece must now stand in place of yours. Get yours off the board, you've lost one of your army.” 
“Fuck! I told you, I’m a bad player!” 
“It's okay. I'm throwing it. Three black, one white. One step forward. And I have an extra turn again. Damn! Throwing! Yes! Two white and two black. I lose my turn.” Catherine made another note.
“Got it! One. Two. Done! Throwing! Three white and one black sides.” Buggy carefully rearranged the figures.
“Shit! Three steps forward and you lose your move!”
“What the fuck? Fucking Egyptian games!!” Buggy muttered. 
“Everything is fine! Calm down, please. Throwing! Two black, two white. I lose my turn, but you lose your piece again. Now there are only three left.” 
“How am I supposed to win? Only three pieces left!” Catherine could hear the irritation in his voice.
“It's okay. Throw it!”
“Damn! Four black and one white.” Buggy exhaled heavily. 
“Yes! Move five steps forward and throw again.”
“Oh, I like that! One, two… five. Throwing again! Two white and two black.” 
“Two steps forward and you miss a move. I throw. Four white. Move my chip four steps forward and I throw again. Three steps forward. I lose a move, but you lose a piece.” Catherine continued to cross out boxes on her notepad.
“Can you stop doing that? Fuck! How do I get to the end with two pieces?” He growled through his teeth.
“I didn't make the rules, Buggy!”
“Fuck! I'm throwing! Two black and two white.” He mumbled loudly. 
“Move to two. And you lose a move!” She heard him growl back. “It's all right! I'm throwing it! Okay, I have four whites and I throw again.” 
“One. Two. Four. Done!” Buggy mumbled. 
“Cool! Now it's my turn again. Three whites and I lose the move.”
“Got it! One, two. Three. How are we doing?” Buggy asked loudly.
“The moon god or Osiris are winning so far.” Catherine replied with a nervous laugh in her voice.
“Fucking Osiris! Four black.”
“Haha, you can be proud of yourself, clown. You knocked out one of my pieces. Move five squares forward. And throw again.” Catherine giggled.
“Got it. One. Two… Five. Throwing. Four white. One, two, three, four. Hey, Cathie-pie! I've reached the first drawing. It's like three bottles of rum.” Buggy answered happily, and Catherine heard him clap his hands.
“God, show some respect. That's not rum. It's Nefer hieroglyphics. It's a house of beauty. Drop your sticks. If four blacks come up, you’re gonna lose me to an Egyptian god.” There was silence in response. “Buggy? Are you throwing?”
He suddenly came back and sat with his back to the cage. 
“What happened?” Catherine asked and put her hand on his shoulder. 
“Don't say that again. It's not a funny joke, Catherine.” 
“You're going to lose me to an Egyptian god. Don't say this shit. It's not funny. You… You're my Cathie-pie. I can't lose you. I can't. I don't want to be alone again.” Buggy rested his head against the bars.
She stroked his head. “Sorry, my love. When I'm nervous, I make stupid jokes. Everything will be fine. See?” She showed him the piece of paper. “You're almost there!”
“You just said that if I throw four blacks, I'll lose.” Buggy glanced at Catherine with sad eyes. 
She smiled in response. “Not gonna lie. This option is possible.”
“I always lose. If you were with him, he would never let you get stuck in this kind of shit.” Buggy said quietly.
“Fuck him! You know, for some reason I’m sure that my blue-haired knight in shining clown armor will not lose his beloved girl to some god.”
“Where did you see the armor? I'm wearing jeans and a sweatshirt.” He sneered, took her hand and squeezed. 
“Still counts as armor.” Catherine stroked his head and asked softly. “Will my Buggy Bear save me?”. 
Buggy breathed out. “He'll try. Otherwise, he will be bored because there is no one to piss him off with this stupid nickname.”
“My hero! Look. Throw one and move here.” She showed him the drawing with three curved lines. “This is the House of Water. If a 5 is rolled, the piece remains in place. If a 4 is rolled, your piece leaves the board and you are the winner. In a different outcome, the piece goes here to the House of Revival. And then you have to start the game practically all over again. We don't want it. Don't cheat, please. And then I throw the sticks again after you.”
“Fine!” Buggy sighed heavily, stood up and walked into the darkness. “I’m throwing these fucking sticks.” 
Catherine clenched her fists and squeezed her eyes shut when she heard the sound of sticks being thrown. “Well, what's there?”
“Let your Egyptian gods go fuck themselves. It’s one!” Buggy snapped his fingers.
“I told you! You're great! I'm throwing. Four blacks. Move my piece to the House of Water!”
“Okay, but just keep in mind that you're not making it any easier for me to save you, Cathie-pie. A little more, and your chip will overtake mine.”
“Now you throw! Remember? If a 5 comes up, the chip stays in place, if a 4 com~.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Buggy muttered. “I got it. I'm throwing.”
“Don't be mad.” Catherine closed her eyes again. “What's there?”
“Five. Sorry.”
“It’s okay. At least something else didn’t fall out, and that’s good. Now I’m throwing.” She shook the sticks in her hand. “You and I are the perfect couple, clown. I have five too.” She laughed. “It’s your turn now.”
Catherine buried her face in her hands. “Well, what's there?”
“Your Egyptian gods love to mock me as much as you do. Five again!” Buggy laughed nervously. 
“It's okay. My turn now.” She put the sticks in her palms, whispered a little and threw them on the floor. “Fuck yes! Also, five. Your turn. Throw it again.”
Catherine heard the sound of falling sticks. “What's there?” The answer was silence. “Buggy? What happened?” She tried to look through the bars. “Hey? Are you still there?”
Suddenly, a flying head appeared near the bars. “Four!”
“Where is your body?” She pointed into space.
At this moment he connected the head with the body. “Fuck, Catherine! Did you even hear what I said? Four! I won!”
“What? Seriously?!” She pulled the bars. “But.. Why doesn't it open?”
Buggy grabbed the bars and pulled them a couple of times. “What the fuck?”
“You didn't cheat?” Catherine narrowed her eyes.
“Do I look like a person who cheats?”
“Are you seriously asking me this now?” Catherine pursed her mouth and raised her hands questioningly. “Then I don’t understand.” She sat down on the floor and rested her feet against the adjacent wall. “Maybe the game didn’t work. But why? Although maybe sometimes drawings are just drawings. Go away, Buggy. Try to find a way out and go home. If you don't find a way out, come back here, we’ll die together like in a stupid snotty novel.” She laughed nervously.
“Fucking Egyptian gods!” Buggy rested his forehead against the bars. “What the hell? Cathie-pie.. I.. Wait! What is this?”
“What? Where?” 
“There are some small inscriptions on the bars.”
Catherine jumped up from the floor. “Where?” He pointed his finger at the words. Catherine squinted and began to read the inscription. “Your rebirth is in Thoth’s nest. Come to save me, o, silent Thoth.”
They both heard a click.
“Come here quickly!” Buggy opened the door and pulled Catherine out of the cell by the scruff of the neck. “Or else, something fails somewhere again, closes, or worse.”
Catherine looked at him with wet eyes. “You won! You saved me! Again!” She threw herself on his neck and pecked him on the lips several times.
“Of course.” Smack from Catherine. “I.” Smack again. “Saved.” Smack. “You.” Smack. “Nobody dares take my cotton candy away from me.” He put his arm around her shoulders. “Write it down in your notebook. Buggy the Clown - 1.” He extended his other hand and showed his middle finger to the room with drawings. “Your Egyptian dead dudes - 0.”
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