#that creators refuse to delve into
"Why does everything need to be Gay now it's so shallow to make men attracted to each other when they could be Pure Platonic Friends -"
oops sorry I can't hear you over the sound of me Doing What I Want Forever because I have been watching movies, TV, and animation since the 80s and have watched enough shallow heterosexual romances that would have been stronger as mlm-wlw solidarity friendships to fill the space between stars in a galaxy
#also 1) friends can fuck each other so you're not safe especially since gay guys do this a lot#2) why can't there be a cast with MANY mlm characters where some are strictly friends and some are partners#(bc this is a real thing that happens in the real world shocker I know but sometimes friend groups have several mlm folks)#3) as an aromantic vaguely ace spec person I get the need for good platonic relationships#but uh queer people reading mlm romance into something (often based on their own experiences or representation needs)#that creators refuse to delve into#or god forbid writing it into their own work#IS NOT THE BIGGEST PROBLEM HERE#i can't believe it's the year of our lord 2024 and i am still seeing this thinly veiled homophobic take everywhere#2006 called and it wants its 'I don't wish evil on gays but i dont condone their gay stuff' attitude back#Also when I think about all the shows and movies that came from source material with wlw or mlm characters who were all but TOTALLY erased#Or I think about media about queer historical figures who were utterly straightwashed or had their queerness demonized#or reduced to a footnote or Non Controversial background noise#My rage about this increases like 10000 fold#Anyway TLDR ultimately I fall under the mlm umbrella and that's part of the reason I write the shit I do and I'm not the only one#And I write cheeky posts about it but I actually am genuinely disturbed sometimes at this sentiment#Because no one says it outright but there's this massive undercurrent of an assumption that we don't exist#And we don't create#And we don't create things FOR OURSELVES not even bc precisely because of all the times we were told#'Well that's not really marketable so if you want to see it maybe you should create it yourself'#I feel like I'm talking to a wall here DOES NO ONE ELSE GET ANGRY ABOUT THIS#LIKE HOMOPHOBIA ISN'T OVER YET#ESPECIALLY NOT FOR MLM PEOPLE WHO AREN'T CIS AND WHITE#Like stop calling sex and/or romance shallow when it's gay and SUSPICIOUSLY 0 OTHER TIMES oh my fucking god
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theoddest1 · 4 months
Let's Actually Talk About The Issues With Vivziepop
Okay, first off, hello you beautiful people! Sorry about this foreboding title, but I needed to catch y'all attention on this so I can break down the issues that I and many have with "Hazbin Hotel" and "Helluva Boss" creator, Vivienne Medrano. Now I am sure you all on here are already aware of at least a couple of the controversies that revolve around this particular creator and if you have seen my posts floating around already, some have been greeted with the problems surrounding her social media presence and just her overall as a person. I know seeing another callout on her seems very very tiring at this point, but I felt that a lot of the current callouts missed key details that were not at all addressed or properly delved on. I plan on shedding light on my issues with her and I hope you get where I am coming from when I say that she sucks.
Okay, I am starting off with Vivienne's blatant use of bully mentality, her agreeing or encouraging her fans to call people who see flaws in her works sub-humans or harass those who find issue or simply jest about her works trademark cussing and and overcrowded designs. She has had this issue for YEARS and refuses to grow up and act her age despite many telling her, even her own fans at times, that she shouldn't be acting so unprofessionally. Clearly, she doesn't care and thanks to her fanbase caring more about her feelings than her being better she feels as though she doesn't need to change or do better. This goes for her friend group as well, who defend her tremendously and act as though she is never in the wrong. Name one time a friend of hers called her out for acting childish, I'll wait.
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Now, you're probably wondering, "Wtf could they have done to warrant such a response?"
Criticism...That's all they did. (White Text is random peeps they would speak with or maybe mutuals)
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Keep in mind...they used to be a fan as well. They were also a minor at this point
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But, Viv doesn't care, this person's critical yet harmless tweets about her shows is what lead to her painting them in a horrible light and making them out to be someone who has attacked her personally and as "nasty".
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Rich coming from Viv since she is completely fine doing exactly that for "Ava's Demon". Not only does she criticize it, she takes a shot at the creator as well, but GOD FORBID others do the same towards her.
And according to someone who knew her well, it's all cause they felt creeped out by her.
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Her hatred for criticism is so prominent that Ima makes that a section of its own. But let's get back on the topic of bullying.
Vivienne has a fanbase filled to the brim with pushy and overall annoying individuals who have harassed, threatened, disrespected, and wished harm on many people, all cause someone had a negative thing to say about Vivziepop's mid af show. One of the earlier known instances is the one revolving around a MEME of all things.
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This was what started it all, and it led to both parties blocking each other and people being mad pushy and calling them an idiot and the like over their opinions. Now look, their take and you're opinion on said take is fine so long as you stay respectful and humane about it all, but don't dogpike someone all cause they think HH sucks. And while Viv can not control her fanbase, for they are not a hivemind (some of y'all act it tho, ima keep it real) she is seen here ENCOURAGING the behavior. Tell me how someone who doesn't even like your trash ass show has the sense to tell people not to harass others, someone with a smaller following, but not your grown damn near 30 year old ass?
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Oh, but people wanna act like she can handle criticism, is a sweet person, and grew from her past experiences. Fam, she was 27 in this screenshot [December 16, 2019] and has shown no change from 2013 to fucking 2024. Over a decade of the same petty ass behavior, and keep in mind, according to several of her old friends and workers, she is worse behind close doors. WORSE. She's already acting like she got no damn sense out in the open, imagine behind closed doors.
Last but not least, a glimpse into her outright blatant slander towards Dollcreep, a once good friend of hers that she even visited and spoke with frequently!
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She stated that they fetishized pedophilia yet according to the victim and friends of the victim who were once friends with Viv as well, Viv actually threatened to end their friendship if he hadn't drawn NSFW art of her character and his character having sex [Addi was 15 at the time this was drawn]
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On top of that, she liked the post, something she didn't need to do. The art also depicted things she had regularly drawn on her own. Addi being tied up forcefully, being sexualized, being harmed to some degree through bondage, etc. The claim that she forced DC to draw this out is backed up by her own art depicting similar elements. Also, if my memory serves me well, Viv and Doll were 17-18 years old [Doll was 17 Viv 18] and have a 1-year age gap. The way Viv frames things here is as if DC was way older and imposed some sort of power over DC, which sources say otherwise. If anything, Viv had a LOT of control throughout all of this drama, which deserves its own section.
I'll be making posts that talk about the different issues regarding Viv, so one post isn't too long (this one is already lengthy enough) and that you can just pick at one post targeting certain issues around this creator.
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anna-the-undertaker · 9 months
Are there any Obey Me! writers who are willing to write darker themes like religious abuse, physical abuse, or mutilation? I just watched apostle again, and there is a scene (spoiler) where the mc is branded with a large cross on his back and it made me start to wonder how the obey me cast would react to finding out that their mc had the same thing done to them by their overly religious family...
Like, mc disobeyed, or spoke out against them and their ways, or refused to follow their teachings/admitted they were an atheist, or commited an act that was in their eyes a sin, and that was their punishment because they believe they are doing gods will.
The cast finds out because, as a result of the trauma, mc doesn't like to be touched, and being around these biblical beings makes them severly uncomfortable and something happens and sends them into a panic attack and the feeling of their clothes touching the scar makes it worse forcing them to claw at themselves until they can get it off, revealing it to the person present or they are found that way curled into themselves.
I dont have the energy to write it myself cause im recovering from a kidney stone 😩 and I dont know who I could request this from because I know there are people who would be uncomfortable writing something like this since it can be a very sensitive topic, but I am really craving some obey me content that really shows the horror aspect that would be abundant being surrounded by demons. The game opens the perfect opportunity to delve into such matters, and I need it to scratch my brain.
If anyone knows of a creator who would be willing to write it, please let me know.
Picture of the scene im talking about below -
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dollwritesarchive · 2 years
𝓌𝒶𝓉𝒸𝒽 𝓂𝑒 𝒸𝓇𝓊𝓂𝒷𝓁𝑒 ⎹ 𝓛.𝓐.
❝ ғᴀɴᴅᴏᴍ ⤻ attack on titan / kinktober 2022 / @dollsanime-library
❝ ғᴇᴀᴛᴜʀᴇᴅ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀs ⤻ levi ackerman x scout!reader ( f! )
❝ ʀᴀᴛɪɴɢ ⤻ nsfw! none of my writings are meant for anyone under the age of 18, and any minors interacting will be blocked on site.
❝ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs ⤻ literally all smut, masturbation ( him ), handjob, oral sex, facial
❝ ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ ⤻ 2.4k / mini musing
❝ ʀ��ᴀᴅ ᴍᴇ ⤻ i do not consent to having my work reposted / translated / stolen in any capacity for any reason. please reblog and leave a comment to support content creators! my work is very rarely proof read so mistakes may be present. all characters / pairings i write for are 18+ with no exceptions.
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you weren’t supposed to see this.
just turn around, go back to bed, and pretend you didn’t see your captain touching himself.
the words kept repeating themselves in your mind, over and over, but your legs refused to move— your feet refused to carry you away from the cracked door you hid behind, and your eyes refused to look away.
if he catches you watching him, there’ll be hell to pay. but even that, the probability of your notoriously calloused captain doling out a punishment so wicked that you would rather be eaten by a titan, was not enough to spur you to stop watching when Levi moaned. thin brows knit tight together, he was leaned against the wall, his uniform trousers shoved down around his thighs, the hem of his shirt bunched up and clenched in his teeth, and even in the pale moonlight, you can make out each and every pad of strong muscle underneath his ivory skin as it contracts when he breathes, or when his hips jut forward to meet his furious pumping. his eyes are closed, but his countenance isn’t soft— it’s contorted in pleasure, and there’s a rosy tint to his cheeks. “Fuck.” he hisses against his teeth, and your face is aflame.
he must have thought that he was the only one awake.
clenching your thighs in a feeble attempt to ease the tension building in your lower half, your eyes are wide and unblinking. they scour every inch of him as if he were placed on display just for you. his fist gliding up and down, kissing his base briefly only to careen upwards and massage the swollen tip. he’s thicker than you expected, nested in a bed of thick, dark hair and etched in bulging veins. you drink in the visage— every throbbing inch, up to the reddened, plump head. he was gorgeous. sinfully so.
your own fingertips gripped the door when his thumb ran over his slit and his head dropped back against the wall with a snort of air through his flared nostrils. you had to wonder if he was always so rough with himself, fucking his own hand at a velocity that made you dizzy ( and incredibly jealous of his palm ). the brutal self treatment seemingly stemmed from a habit of needing to finish quick, and you could imagine he’s very rarely able to savor it. you’re suddenly longing to give him all the slow, skillful worship he deserves, with your tongue sliding over your lower lip, you imagine the way he might taste upon it, and your core soaks through.
another muffled groan, and this time your fingers twitch— wanting desperately to delve into your panties and tease yourself to his rapid pace. it was so, so wrong. you knew that, but you rub your thighs together to ease the nerves between them and bite down hard on your lip.
he was driving you mad without even touching you.
you could watch his hips work, rocking to a quick, consistent rhythm, fucking his fist, all night long. if only you hadn’t forgotten you were leaning against an old, wooden door, that moaned when you pressed yourself into it harder to get a closer look, and his eyes opened, sharp, and cut to the doorway.
you were made before you even fully registered that you’d given yourself away.
“Spying on me, cadet?” he asks, his voice still thick with lust. you hadn’t even noticed his shirt was no longer gripped between his lips, but hanging in a wrinkled slump against his solid abdomen.
“No!” you answered, maybe a bit too quickly, stumbling against the door, but you grip it tight, hoping to use it as a barrier between you and a very angry Levi. “I mean… I mean no, sir, captain.. Levi… sir…”
his expression doesn’t change. “Don’t lie to me again.” he warns, “Were you watching me?”
your cheeks were on fire, and you so desperately wanted to look away, but Levi hadn’t bothered to pull his pants back into place, or even cover his manhood. instead, he kept his grip at the base. you nod, bashful, and stutter, “I’m so— so sorry, I knew I shouldn’t have, and I didn’t mean to, I just heard something so I came to make sure you were ok—“
“Did you like it?”
your mouth hangs open, unsure if you’d heard him correctly. surely, you hadn’t. surely, he hadn’t asked that. “W—what?”
your eyes were glued to his cock, and you watched his thumb slowly, gingerly caress a pesky vein near the head.
“Watching me.” he elaborated, his countenance expressionless, eyes as cold as ever, but they were glaring right through you. expecting an answer. “Did you like it?”
“I…” you’re hopelessly distracted by the gentle stroke of his thumb, and the way he twitched with each swipe. “Y—yes, sir…” it was hardly a whisper, but you were much too humiliated to speak any louder. finally, you force your gaze to avert, and you stare at your bare feet and shaking knees. “I’m so sorry, I won’t… I never meant to—“
“Are you going to stand all the way over there while I finish or are you going to get in here and help me with this?” he was asking through his teeth, teasing the sensitive head with his thumb like you’d watched him do only moments before, and your stomach did a cartwheel— knots bundling up within your gut. your eyes flicker upwards, nervous to see if he was just testing you, but he was leaned back again, shoulders resting against the wall, and his fist curled tight around his base and dragged upwards, stroking himself hard and slow. when he sees the perplexity plastered on your features, he answers for you. “Come in and close the door.”
it was almost impressive how swiftly your feet carried you into the room, and you push yourself back against the door until you heard a low whine and a solid thunk, but you were still just staring, wide eyed, at the scene before you. this was a dream. it had to be.
“Come over here.” he murmurs, sucking in a breath. his lids looked heavier than normal, his pupils blown out so his slate gems appeared abysmal. you do as instructed, and stop just a few inches in front of him. you open your mouth to speak, but he beats you to it. “On your knees for me.”
“Yes sir.” if you would’ve dropped any faster, you might’ve hurt yourself. your knees find the hard, dirty floor and plant themselves against it. you stare up at him, your view of his face obstructed by his cock standing at attention, demanding to be taken care of. you’re completely entranced by it, both hands coming up, more than willing to take over for his, and he lets you, eliciting a soft sigh when you wrap them around his base.
you stroke slow at first, both fists working at the same pace in opposite directions over the slick, pulsating muscle. and you wanted to watch his face because you could hear him huffing and puffing like a starved animal, but you couldn’t take your eyes off the cock in your hands. you could feel it throbbing under your fingertips, you could see the tip leaking precum in lazy dribbles, and when you gave the swollen tip special attention with teasing, butterfly strokes with your digit tips, he jerked and squirmed. “Like this, captain?” you ask, but your eyes never leave his sex, your tongue flicking impatiently at the seal of your lips. you kept leaning closer, inhaling the rawest scent of him, and with each intake of his smell, you grew more and more tempted to gather the warm pre cum with your tongue just to know what it tasted like.
Levi’s jaw was practically sewn together, grinding, and he stares down the length of his torso at you. “Just like that.” he moaned in approval, and your pace picked up, boasting an inflated ego. you could tell by the way he twitched and squirmed that he was right on the edge. “Fuck, just like that.” you thought about asking him how often he did this, had his underlings get him off, but you could tell this wasn’t the usual. if he had been in this position at all before now, it would’ve shocked you. Levi Ackerman was a man that took care of himself, and you knew that by how sensitive he was to your touch— he wasn’t accustomed to anyone else.
but he caught you staring; he must’ve seen the hungry look in your eyes, or the way you licked your lips, because he shifted, one hand dropping to hold your chin, urging you to meet his hazy gaze. “You want to suck it, don’t you?” he asked, and the husk in his baritone struck straight to your core. there was a very obvious damp patch in your panties, threatening to soak through your trousers, but even your quivering cunt was not enough of a distraction to take one ounce of concentration from pleasing your superior.
you nod, practically pleading with a puppy dog pout alone. “Can I… please, sir? Please let me suck your cock. I need to taste you.”
you could watch how his muscles tightened, teeth grinding when you begged. a hardly audible groan dies on his tongue, and his thumb eases between the seal of your couplet and urges it open, before he nods. “Open up, cadet.” you do as instructed, allowing his calloused fingers to prod inside your mouth and test your gag reflex, whilst you put both arms behind your back. your tongue hangs out of your mouth, dribbling saliva, but it isn’t long before his thumb and forefinger, now wet, grip your jaw to line himself up with your mouth.
the very moment his cock touched your tastebuds, your eyelids flutter in content— Levi’s taste was so damn addictive. with a slow rock of his hips, he nests in your cavern, and the first couple of inches glide in easily. your lips stretch around his thickness, and you moan. you’d never felt such carnal pleasure simply from sucking cock before now.
“Huh…” it’s a stuttered, raspy moan you never thought you’d ever hear from Humanity’s Strongest, and your eyes widen, staring up at him. “That’s it,” he hisses, falling into a steady rhythm that you were all too eager to lean into and meet. “‘S good…” bobbing your head to welcome as much as him as you could take without gagging, you wiggle the tongue pinned to the floor of your mouth against his most prominent vein, and you watch his head drop back again as he grunts in ecstasy. his hands blindly find the top of your head, and both rest there, guiding you into his quick tempo.
Levi’s pace was a difficult one to keep up with, and you found yourself whimpering and clucking every time his broad tip battered the back of your throat, but you noticed that he never once pushed you down— never forced you to take more than what you were willing to, and his hold was gentle enough that you felt like you could pull away if you needed to.
but you wouldn’t dare.
not until you were satiated.
when his cock twitched against your tongue, and he hummed, “I’m ready,” it was breathless and needy, but he was petting the top of your head, pumping himself into your mouth, “how do you want it?”
reluctantly, you lean back, letting his cock slip from your swollen lips with a vulgar pop, but your hands are back on him in a fraction of a second, pumping fervently, and you lean close, swirling your tongue around the tip as you pant, and look up at him, “Cum on my face, captain.” you urge, squeezing him. he moans, hips stuttering, “Paint me… Claim me—“
Levi grabs your face again, whilst the other grips himself at the base and he comes apart, letting you milk the orgasm out of him until streamers of his release hit your chin first, then your lips, and your cheeks. you squint to avoid getting any in your eyes, but you’re smiling, elated to be given exactly what you asked for, and your tongue scoops some of the warmth from your lips and draws it into your mouth. you moan in utter delight, and only let go of him when he pries your hands off and steps back, breathing ragged, but you can’t be too upset, you’re savoring all he’s given you.
“Thank you, captain.” you purr, sitting back on your calves. your knees were much too weak to try and stand up right now and you knew that. “Should I—“
“Get cleaned up and get some rest, cadet.” Levi said, and you were amazed at how steady his voice was; his breathing had already evened out. “We only have a few hours left before we have to move out.”
you pout, mildly disappointed, but nibble on your lip, and wait until he looks back at you with an arched brow.
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
“I can’t sleep in here with you?”
his expression changed, for a split second Levi Ackerman looked surprised, then he scoffed. “Cute, but no.” you’re forcing yourself to your feet, using your finger to guide the rest of his essence into your mouth, and he’s watching, dressing himself, before he looks away and mutters, “But… maybe you can sneak away from the squad every now and then.” he could see your eyes light up even in the dim glow of the dusky room, and he added quick. “Don’t make it a habit.”
you beamed as you skipped over to the door, determined to do the exact opposite.
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witchofthesouls · 5 months
do you realize how awesome that would be between a cybertronian and an atlanian having a few similarities ?
also I had a lot of thoughts that had me sort of stuck.
Like the beginning part of how the atlanians were trying so very hard to out run an explosion. Perhaps a little tie to Quintess? something must of had their attention that they thus gave knowledge to them but later something that caused their downfall, just like Quintess and his creations. perhaps that was price?
would the Cybertronians know at some point, be it accident or intentionally, they seek them out? Even if they had no tie to the primes, it would still be one within of Primal. though the same could be said in reverse. either way, who knows what they may have inhereted by the line. Scratch that, the Guardian would more than likely prevent them from going further but say they do get past the Guardian and they do come across an Atlanian and thus their broken home beneath the surface.
I had forgetton that the stone(?) defense does react to danger and does choose someone of royalty. I did forget about the part where Kida was chosen and thus looked... crystalized? like energon. but also could not be touched cuz you'd wind up being like them too.
I unfortunately do not remember the all parts, only bits and pieces of the movie so feel free to ignore this.
There had been some talk that other ancient civilizations had their own massive technological marvel wonders in that movie verse, so perhaps there's something in the legends and myths…
I can't help but to think of it in a universe where Earth-is-Unicron or Unicron-yielded-Gaea because 1) we all need to utilize that way more, 2) makes sense with all the chaotic fuckery on the planet, and 3) would make a lot of sense on how it managed to store/grow Energon without tipping off a nearest spacefaring civilization, seems to be a reverse Cybertron in its makeup (dirt, metal, and water), yet able to support Primus’ own creations if utilized correctly, and build on the connection between Earth and Cybertron.
We're cousins. We have to fuck around with it. Especially with the same idea that Cybertronians and humans are cousins to the Quintessons since those multi-faced, space squids are Quintus’ descendants.
So that would make so much sense why Atlantis’ mobile weaponry was modeled after sea creatures. The Atlantians are taking advantage of the squids’ natural predators for extra psychological damage.
Imagine if the Leviathan ship came after the Quintesson invasion after a lot of tinkering between mechanical and organic components? The Atlantic answer to Quintessons’ space whale transport.
King Kashekim's dying words gave us so many details of the Heart itself and how it's able to make choices. Look, if that doesn't feel like a divine instrument or a Primal Artifact, then I don't know what does!
As a timeline, we could put the Downfall after repelling the Quintessons. King Kashekim would have had access to greater tech compared to other ally civilizations at that point, who's to say he wasn't looking to expand Atlantis’ dominion, especially after a massive undertaking and decisive win?
As for being searched by Cybertronians, it would depend on the universe. It would totally revamp the G1 episode with Atlantis and TFP would have really fantastic world-building on sentient Artifacts, Optimus not being the last of the Primes, and delve into the impact of cultural/religious instruments and “who” could claim them. Could the Autobots take the Heart and doom the inhabitants to ensure Decepticons don't raid it? What happens if the Heart refuses to cooperate? It may be a Primal Artifact/Titan, but who holds its loyalty? The descendants of its creator, especially with an unbroken lineage, or a pure Cybertronian Prime?
Could they even get past the Leviathan in the first place? This isn't a submarine where a standard mech could punch through its hull. A Leviathan is a proper war machine on a galactic standard and capable of transporting the Cybertronians themselves. Would it obey Optimus or not?
There are so many directions this could go. It's fascinating!
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crowcaws · 4 months
I've had some thoughts brewing ever since I finished NATLA, and watching Friendly Space Ninja's review of PJO really brought up a lot of feelings after sitting on it for a month so I'm going to try and articulate those thoughts here.
It's very interesting this fixation on the "word of god" and its involvement making or breaking a screen adaptation, to the point where you get unwavering devotion when a creator is on board, and outright disdain when a creator isn't on board. Both are completely reactionary takes that are unhelpful, especially when adaptations can be, sometimes, excellent without their original creators involved, and awful (cough fantastic beasts cough) when they are involved.
Regardless of whether or not NATLA was bad (it wasn't, it was just fine) I love that people are going "HA I bet Netflix regret losing BRYKE!" as a sort of gotcha, as if Korra didn't prove like a decade ago that Bryke are not infallible screenwriters. As if those same people, when the show was first announced and Bryke were on board, didn't even think to consider that Bryke are just two of the writers that made a great show.
Because fandom has a problem where it doesn't actually care or consider if the original creators are a good fit or not, if their involvement will harm the adaptation or help it, or if their recent work is still up to scratch with their original work. Fandom just wants a security blanket in the form of a name on a credits list, to the point of almost cult-like devotion that makes or breaks their opinion of content before it's even released.
This devotion is how you end up with fans doing logical backflips when their perfect book accurate Percy Jackson adaptation that "Uncle Rick" promised is now changing a bunch of stuff for not very good reasons, and now they have to either do mental gymnastics to justify questionable choices or admit that Rick can be wrong.
Percy Jackson had Rick Riordan on board and that series, let's be honest here, was just fine too. It wasn't groundbreaking, it did not surpass the source material on most points (I say most because all that Sally content was inspired) and fell short in a lot of ways that have been outlined by critics more articulate than I. Some of that, I suspect, was due to Rick's fixation on this adaptation being the antithesis of the 2010 movies to the point where it feels like they refused to let the show be fun and colourful in parts where it should have been. His involvement, as a book author delving into screenwriting, cannot be proven to have been more beneficial than if he had simply consulted and set boundaries and left it at that.
And of course Joanne is a fuckwit. But even creatively, you can't tell me that the fantastic beasts movies were better for her meddling.
But back to PJO and NATLA: I genuinely feel like we got very similar end products with both shows. An underwhelming foray into live action adaptation that suffers from too few episodes and disappointing characterisation save for a few standout roles (In this case, Sally, and Zuko and Iroh), and some problems aside that each show varies on, but ultimately still delivers something entirely and completely watchable. Percy Jackson has at least a tiny bit better characterisation overall, but cannot hold a candle to the fight choreography and special effects in NATLA (partly because in PJO they had a bad habit of cutting away or writing out every time anyone was mean to do something heroic or actually fight.) And yet you cannot speak a bad word about PJO, but NATLA is torn to shreds.
Back to NATLA and the Bryke: Almost nobody, in this whole time from the NATLA announcement to airing, has made comment on the absence of Aaron Ehasz, who was not involved with Korra either. They were happy to celebrate when Bryke was involved, and mourn when they departed, but you should have been mourning Aaron this whole time, if anyone. Aaron wrote Tales from Ba Sing Se, if you weren't aware. Arguably the most memorable episode of the Last Airbender, so emotionally rich and captivating that even hearing the instrumentals of that song in NATLA brought me to tears.
So why wasn't Aaron's absence ever felt? Well, that is because the fans saw "original creators" in headlines and ran with it without question as a sure sign of victory (and then failure when Bryke departed). Because fandom doesn't really care WHOSE name is in the credits, fandom just wants that sense of security -- and it's a false sense of security, because Annabeth and Katara both still ended up gutted of their depth at the end of the day. The presence of Rick didn't save Annabeth any more than the absence of the ATLA writers doomed Katara.
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socksandbuttons · 8 months
Honestly? I didn't like KC, but I feel very sorry for the fact that Old Moon literally sacrificed her life for him only to allow himself to be killed in the end without even trying to defend himself. It is noted that the writers saw the man more as a selective plot device and not as a character
Kc is a chatacter they COULDVE delved a bit more into but i assume cause of story and numbers in the youtubes they had cut him short i would say. Either they wanted a villain but couldnt commit to it. Or they shorten his whole 'people arent always bad' thing plus the deal with creator which literally never gets brought up again and never will.
Edit: went on tangent didnt read fully oop
But kcs willingness to die was more sticking to not what people wanted of him at first and more 'i refuse to die trying to kill and fight'sort of deal
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ligiawrites · 1 year
About March 31st, 1964
Hello, my lovesomes!
As some of you know, Mara from my newest book, "Some Thing Called Myself," not only discovered she's becoming a zombie, but she's falling in love with two monster hunters that hate her kind—and she's doing that while dealing with the scars left behind from her experience during the Brazilian Military Dictatorship, which happened from 1964 to 1985. My book begins in 1990, but Mara (28) saw everything happening firsthand during the student riots of the 80s, and that's part of why I'm here today.
Today, March 31st, 2023, marks 59 years since the coup that put the Brazilian Military Force in Brazil's seat of power. The Military Dictatorship lasted for more than two decades, exiled, violated, tortured, and killed a number of people that is unknown UP TO THIS DAY, and the actors behind it, the jailers, the torturers, the killers, the generals, degenerated, are still free today, with only a tiny, minimal number of them facing justice for their acts.
After the regime ended in 1985, the Brazilian Government refused to confirm any deaths. In 95, ten years after the end of the Dictatorship, the Government admitted only 434 deaths and disappearances, and solely of people who were part of political movements (theoretically not including people without political association). In 2002, though, the amnesty commission compensated people directly affected by the Brazilian Military Dictatorship…. Today, the number of people who received compensation has already surpassed 30 THOUSAND people, which is a much more realistic number of how much violence and suffering the regime caused.
We're not in the 20th century anymore, but there is still much impunity, violence, and power abuse from the Entities who should protect us, and it's up to us, as a collective of people, to put things right. Without delving too much into modern Brazilian politics (I already did that a lot in the past four years, mainly to comment on the violence against the Brazilian Indigenous people, the racism, misogyny, and homophobia under the Bolsonaro Government), I'll leave you all saying that we need to look into the history of our countries and to find parallels with what's happening today. Much of what happened during the BR Dictatorship also happened in the past decades, and we all (I definitely include myself in this) must start looking at the past with a critical eye to understand how we arrived at what the world is today.
To me—queer, woman, Brazilian, born and raised and hurt in the lower class of big São Paulo, but lucky enough to have gone to high school and college with a scholarship—March 31st is a day to remember and ponder.
And I invite you all to do the same about your country. If you feel like it, send me a DM or leave a reply with a period of your country's history that also makes you thoughtful like that! :3
I also invite you all to read my new book! If you want to experience Mara's story, please check "Some Thing Called Myself" on Wattpad and YONDER, the next-generation reading app from the creators of WEBTOON and Wattpad.
If you're excited about the book and would like to support my writing career, Wattpad is having a Spring Sale right now, so make sure to check it out before it ends on April 3rd, so you can read my whole collection! 8D haha
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Um beijão, Ligia
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nerdynikki94 · 9 months
I used to think it was impossible for me to hyperfixate on a show/ship without reading and writing nonstop fanfic about it. But then, a year and a half ago, I watched OFMD and I staunchly refused to read or write any fanfic, because I needed to wait it out and see how the amazing writers planned the story to continue. (I'm ecstatic for October 5th.)
I still considered myself to continue obsessing over my queer ships, especially when I watched Galavant and fell into a bit of a Richard/Gareth hole (but there are very few fics, I planned to write one but kept going back to my Macden fics).
Then, I watched Hannibal, and I tried to read fics, planned one too, but I just couldn't get into it, and preferred obsessively rewatching the show instead.
Now I'm literally refreshing fanvids of our Ineffable Husbands from Good Omens on YT daily, but completely unable to even glance at fics.
It's funny to think how far we are coming with queer characters in media, and I'm just so excited to see shows that refuse to queerbait. They aren't using a viewership by playing with never-ending hints and nods but zero follow through. They are acknowledging that acts of abandonment or betrayal have consequences, regardless of the initial intentions. They refuse to do that kind of disservice to the respective narrative journeys of these characters.
Yes, they may be angsty and a bit sad right now, but Goddammit, we are finally getting sincere, star-crossed gay love stories. Tragic, but not in your typical heartbreaking Brokeback Mountain -esque media from the past (no hate, love the movie, thought the short story was okay).
These queer love stories are giving the same kind of painful passion as some of the best dramatic romances around (one of my fave genres). What a time to be alive! Because it's not an unhappy ending until it ends. The best love stories have to have nearly impossible obstacles. That is how the relationships are tested.
Just thinking about how I've always hyperfixated in the past vs. how I do now. I realized it's because I finally have hope. I can't consume fics because I trust the creators and writers of canon so explicitly that I know they will continue showing how they respect the viewers while also acknowledging the significance, the absolute necessity of delving into the arcs and development the characters need to find within themselves.
I believe David Jenkins and Neil Gaiman are determined to do right (as Bryan Fuller would be, if ever given the chance to continue), not by all the vastly different opinions of the countless countering fans, but by the way they have shown genuine acknowledgement to the romance and enough respect for the love interests to make them face challenges that help them grow. Queer characters are the leads' now, and they are fully-formed yet ever-changing, unique representations, flirting with fun stereotypes, without reducing them to the worst and most inaccurate social stigmas.
So, I'm ever-resolute to hold out for canon, because I don't want to get my head so full of incredible fanfic that I have my opinion change from constantly switching perspectives.
These writers are changing the game so much that I can't help but trust that - even beyond just the romantic aspect - they actually care about the development of the characters, they aren't defined by just being gay, they are complex.
In other words, I'm in a perpetual state of refreshing Macden fic updates every time I want to read something, and trying to conjure the desire to write again, so I can get back this other Macden fic, after having spent the past two years straight writing the most fics I have for any ship in my entire life.
But, yeah, it's totally crazy to realize that the reason I can not read any of the amazing fics out there for Our Flag Means Death, Hannibal & Good Omens is because these shows are already so enthusiastic and welcoming of their queer characters.
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genevivesverses · 6 months
Edward Gorey: History of an Eccentric Creator
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While styles of artists like Tim Burton, Laika Studios, and Neil Gaiman are widely known, it's notable to me that the adoration for Edward Gorey's distinctive style doesn't always receive the same level of recognition.
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Gorey began drawing at 18 months (!) and taught himself to read by age three. He skipped several grades and engaged in various school activities and publications, he left Francis Parker School with high scores, earning scholarships both to Harvard and Yale. At 17, with pending WWII draft notices, Gorey briefly studied art at the Art Institute of Chicago before joining the U.S. Army during World War II, serving until after the war's end, mainly at the Dugway Proving Grounds in Utah.
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In 1946, Edward Gorey enrolled at Harvard, majoring in French Literature, and delved into various artistic pursuits, including publishing stories, poems, designing sets, and directing for the Poets Theatre. Despite somehow ending up on both the Dean's List and under constant threats of expulsion, he excelled. In 1953, upon being offered a position at Doubleday Anchor in New York City, Gorey became a prominent figure in design, illustrating over fifty covers and gaining recognition as a major commercial illustrator. After stints at other publishing houses, he turned freelance in the early 1960s, illustrating well over five hundred books for others while also crafting his own works. His career began with the 1953 book "The Unstrung Harp," a precursor to graphic novels, praised by Graham Greene and recognized as a "minor masterpiece" by The London Times. Edmund Wilson's acclaim in The New Yorker marked the start of Gorey's exceptional fifty-year career, resulting in 116 written and illustrated works.
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From displaying art at the Francis Parker School in 1939 to showcasing at the Mandrake Bookshop during his Harvard years and even as far as California, Edward Gorey's artistic journey was expansive. In 1967, Gotham Book Mart invited Gorey to exhibit at its newly opened second-floor art gallery, a collaboration that spanned thirty-two years. This partnership led to occasional publications of new Gorey works by Gotham Book Mart and collaborations with figures like Samuel Beckett and John Updike. Gorey's love for theater blossomed into involvement in off-Broadway productions, summer Cape Cod plays, and the 1973 design of "Dracula" for a Nantucket theater. The Broadway adaptation, "Edward Gorey’s Dracula," opened in 1977, achieving immense success, earning two Tony Awards, running for nearly three years, and touring globally.
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Having frequented Cape Cod for years, Gorey's connection to the region deepened in 1979 when he used royalties from the New York Dracula production to acquire a two-century-old sea captain's home in Yarmouth Port. By 1983, he made the decision to bid farewell to New York City and establish his residence on the Cape. Amidst this shift, Gorey intensified his involvement in small experimental plays, maintained an active presence in publishing, art exhibitions, etching creations, and juggled a demanding workload of commercial projects. In 1980, he was commissioned to design animated introductions for Boston Public Television's Mystery! series, a collaborative effort with animator Derek Lamb that remains an enduring testament to Gorey's artistic legacy, encapsulating the essence of several of his works in a concise half-minute.
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Gorey, known for maintaining the mystery and refusing to "explain" his books, revealed a glimpse into his philosophical inclinations during a single interview. When pressed about his beliefs, he identified as a Taoist, leaning towards surrealism. Examining his early teen art unveils evident influences from Di Chirico, Dali, and Ernst
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Edward Gorey's multifaceted body of work, encompassing humor, complexity, seriousness, and provocation, has solidified his position as a significant American figure in literature, art, and theater that should always be remembered!
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youreignhere · 4 months
Mental Health & The Lack of Mental Health Care in the K-Pop Industry
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The K-Pop Industry has helped brought forward the Greatest Performers, Dancers, Singers and Groups to this day. The industry is a Billion Dollar powerhouse for South Korea and has boosted the Nation’s connection to the World.
K-pop has played a huge role in Korea’s Tourism boost, the rising love for Korean Dramas and Movies being appreciated by International fans. With the growth of Korean Media, for example Youtube Videos by Korean Content Creators are being viewed by Foreign viewers, all of this contributing to the overall Economy of South Korea. While K-pop has only been around since the early 1990s, over 30 years old and it has changed the entire Music Industry for the better.
While K-Pop may have many great things, there are also a lot of dark sides within the K-Pop Industry as a whole. Today, we’ve decided to write a semi-well-researched rant about some things that we have a problem within the K-Pop Industry. Starting with the Overworking Crisis and the Lack of Mental Health Care in the K-Pop Industry.
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Before we begin, feel free to like the blog and lease note, if you want to support or request a Blog Topic, please follow me here and Message us on Twitter. We will link all the sources used within the blog and in a Google Doc visible for all.
This Blog is also supported by affiliates as we’re not in a country that allows Stripe Pay, so Medium can’t support us. We are grateful for any comments, likes and shares even if you can’t support us financially.
Bare in mind, this post contains references to Suicide, Depression, and other Mental Health Disorders with references to Trauma. We will do our best to pay respect to the Names mentioned. May they all Rest in Power. Please continue with caution if this may trigger you in any way. After all, your mental health also matters and I will not fault you for finding something more comfortable to read.
Now, if you are still with me, let’s get into the nitty gritty.
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Chapter One: Toxic Productivity in the K-Pop Industry
Before we delve into Mental Health, I would like to start with Toxic Productivity, or in simpler terms, Overworking. From what we have witnessed online and sometimes in person, Idols just collapsing after a performance or when the lights go down. They are so tired that they can barely stay standing or walk off a stage.
But what exactly is Overworking or in other words Toxic Productivity? And how has this become the norm in both Western & Asian Culture, specifically the K-Pop Industry?
Better Up dot com says that “Toxic productivity describes the drive to produce while neglecting other important aspects of our lives. We value productivity over everything else, like rest or quality time with loved ones.”
This has become Hustle Culture or that “Grind” Mindset that many on social media push to their audiences. While there is nothing wrong with working hard, working to the point of exhaustion, to the point where you forget or disregard your own needs or those that rely on you, is Toxic and even Physically Harmful.
Companies and even the media have pushed that “Grind” mindset for years but fortunately Millenials and Gen Z have picked up on the bullshit and many are fighting against the system or simply disregarding that system by refusing to work countless hours for barely minimum wage. But the sad fact is that companies don’t care that the Hustle mindset is Toxic or unhealthy, they only care about the revenue they can bring in the more their employees work and as you can tell, even the K-Pop Industry and Korea as a whole has companies like this.
Better Up goes on to state, “Productivity equals revenue, so companies want employees to value it as much as they do. This frame of mind is considered toxic because it’s culturally contagious. The more a society promotes overworking as valuable, the harder people work. And it can also have negative consequences like burnout and poorer relationships.”
Companies that encourage overworking have a special space in Hell. I am sure most of you guys reading think the same and feel the pain when your Fave rapper, singer, dancer or group is tired and obviously working too much. Especially after learning just how much Overworking or Toxic Productivity can Physically affect a person. Overworking of course leads to burning out- which let me tell you guys, is so horrible- but it is also proven to lead to adverse health problems, neck chest and back pains and even stroke to name just a few. Just take a look at this 2016 article reporting on some Idols who suffered the effects of Overworking.
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At this point, I don’t even care if they have to put out that reality series or work on a new song. I’d much prefer if they took a week off, no actually. I want them to take an entire month off. I just want them to visit family, relax, don’t touch a lick of music or choreography. Have the free time to catch up on trends and just sleep. God, some of them just need to sleep for a month, shaking my head.
Sometimes, this isn’t the companies’ fault and more so the Idol/s pushing themselves too much, mentally and physically, all for the sake of their loving fans. Due to Korea and many times, Black & Asian, even Western Culture pushing this “Hard & Long Work Hours guarantees Success mentality”, ignoring the fact that Suicide has become rampant due to the pressure on many Teens or Young Adults in or out of the K-Pop Industry. With the stress to perform well academically starting at the young age of 10, it has been ingrained into many, in or out of the K-Pop Industry.
However, as we know, Overworking does more harm than good and I wish I could just grab certain Idols and just shake them until they see sense. I know at the end of the day, many of them choose the life of an Idol and are adults who can make decisions for themselves. I just don’t agree with some of their choices (that’s pretty fair too, not like they are going to care about what some stranger on a blog says lol).
If you have any experience with Toxic Productivity, please let me know in the comments, I would love to see everyone’s thoughts on this as a whole, because we pretty much see it everyday in our normal lives as well.
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But before we head into the next chapter, I would like to take a moment to help you save money on the latest in K-Pop Merch. Please bear with me, as this Blog topic is going to get a bit deeper as we dive into Mental Health and I would like to make this a quick break as well as an opportunity for you, the reader.
This is your chance to grab a cup of water and if you happen to like Korean Snacks, Fashion, Skincare and K-Pop or are looking for a place to get it all, do I have news for you. I have partnered with Daebak Company to help you get all your K-snack, K-Skincare, K-Lifestyle and K-Pop needs in one place!
You can use the code UREIGN for 10% Off your purchase. They have more than 10k five star reviews and ships Internationally. Daebak Co. is committed to bring Korean to you with Official and Luxury K-Pop Merch, Snack and More! Try out their Daebak Box, a monthly subscription service where you can choose from their Snack Boxes, the Mystery Box or a One Time Box as a surprise for a loved one. Just check the link in my description or use the code UREIGN to save 10% on your Order!
But that’s not all, if you check out the link here, you can find more ways you can support the blog and save money when shopping for stationary, kawaii clothes, k-pop merch and more. Remember to use the code UREIGN when you shop at Daeback Co for 10% off but If you are just looking to save up to 40% on the latest K-Pop Albums and Merch, then A-Kpop is the place for you. That’s right up to 40% on Official BlackPink, BTS, and TXT when you use the link to Shop!
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Chapter Two: Mental Health & Mental Health Care in the K-Pop Industry.
Let’s start with, What is Mental Health?
This is taken from our past blog, Everyone has Mental Health; The World Health Organization states, “Mental Health is an essential component in overall Health, as Mental Health decides our emotional, physical and social well-being. This can affect any person’s contribution to their environment and overall life.”
To put it in layman’s terms, Mental Health helps how we handle stress or anxiety, relate to others and topics, and determine our choices or behavior in life. The World Health Organization, or WHO continues to state that, “Mental Health is key at all stages of Life.”
Just like Physical Health, Mental Health is equally important for every person. However, it has been pushed aside in the media, education, and by society as a whole. Mental Health is never brought up when it can decrease your overall health just as much as diabetes or a stroke.
Just like you have Physical Health, everyone has Mental Health. Please feel free to read more about what is Mental Health on our Everyone has Mental Health Blog Here.
Mental Illness or Mental Health Disorders (they can be referred to as both) are classified as a or many significant disturbances in a person’s cognitive, emotional, and even physical behavior. As of a 2019 study from the World Health Organization, 1 in every 8 people globally is affected by Mental Illness. Making that an estimate of almost 1 Billion people worldwide (as of 2021) are directly affected by Mental Health in one way or the other.
Anxiety and Depression are the most common for Entrepreneurs and in this case Musicians or Idols. You can read more about the link to Mental Health Disorders and how it connects to Entrepreneurs from our blog post here. Toxic Productivity and Overworking also connects to Mental Health Disorders, as overworking is known to harm your physical and mental well being. Sadly, many Idols show symptoms of these and other Mental Illnesses and unfortunately, there are many times where no amount of fame or money can help ease that pain.
Remember, K-Pop Idols are many times put on harsh diets, told to look and act a certain way or their real personalities would not be liked. They are constantly put in the spotlight and have to conform to rigorous schedules, while many of them deal with Anxiety, Depression and low self-esteem or Self Hatred. Not to mention the mental pressure that Society and many fans place on them to be “perfect”.
With the fact that many K-pop Companies rarely care that much about Mental Health, much less their Idols’ mental health, not taking into consideration just how much toxic productivity, anxiety and depression can physically affect a human being. Causing them to spiral and fester for sometimes years, in absolute silence. Until they feel absolutely alone, even when surrounded by loving fans and a family like group. Suicide, seemed to be a last and, sadly many times, most pleasing option of a way out of the Industry and pain.
Considering how many Idols we have lost just in the past decade due to the lack of Mental Health Care and Mental Health Awareness in the K-Pop Industry. We may not have been able to save them all, but if at least one or few had the ability to get the professional help they deserved, then we may still have many of our loved ones with us. Mothers, Fathers, Sisters, Brothers, would not have to mourn and Fans would not have to grieve.
Psychology and Psychiatry Professor, Lim Myung-Ho said, “For a long time, celebrities have mostly avoided meeting a psychiatrist or a psychological counselor as they were afraid that their health condition would somehow tarnish their image,”
We have lost brilliant and beautiful Lights, due to the fear that society has put on these human beings, as well as the lack of understanding for Mental Health or the resources to give Idols the help they deserve as human beings.
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Thankfully, since the last decade, there’s been a rise in Mental Health Awareness in the K-Pop Industry and Korea as a whole. Many Idols or Musicians in the Industry, like Solo Star, AleXa and Lim Jaebeom, the Leader of Got7, have opened up about his Struggle with Depression and Mental Health. Groups like BTS, Stray Kids and Ateez are known for making music that addresses mental health struggles and societal pressures.
Personally, I think it’s time that K-Pop Companies implement Mental Health days for K-Pop Idols, as well as have some professionals within the company have weekly to monthly mandatory mental health sessions with whoever needs or wants counseling and help. Just like if an Idol was Physically sick and had to go on hiatus, then an Idol should be able to take Mental Health Days for their emotional and mental, as well as overall physical well being.
Professor Lim also thinks that there are easier ways, as in Online Counseling, especially considering how fast paced most Idol’s lives can be, it would make sense to have Online Counselors if Idols simply need to distress or vent on the go.
Cho Jung-Hwa, a Life Coach at Starship Entertainment, home of Monsta X, said in a telephone interview, “K-pop singers have managers, hair designers and makeup artists, but they often do not have any experts to resort to when they feel emotionally taxed,” she said. “If they can get some direct help from a mental health trainer or professional, they would feel much better.”
She made some good points and I would like to stress that for the Idols or Trainees, it should be a safe and open discussion so that they can feel less isolated and have less to carry on their shoulders.
There has been progress, for example, KQ Entertainment allowed Song Mingi, Main Rapper and Co-Writer for Ateez, time off for his Mental Health due to Psychological Anxiety, from late 2020 to 2021 (a total of 8 months). While KQ is still a Family like and small Entertainment Company (that is still flawed), I would like to see this more, from Companies like JYP, Starship, Cube Entertainment and even Hybe.
“Celebrities are generally more impressionable than non-celebrities,” Lim Myung- Ho said. “They often take the brunt of the emotional labor too, because they frequently conceal their genuine emotions in front of the public. In the short run, having a regular mental health check-up may seem unnecessary, but in the long run, it will help the K-pop companies’ financial success by ensuring the mental stability of their stars.”
I would like to mention that SHINEE’s Jonghyun has a foundation in his Memory, created by his mother, that aims to help Idols and Trainees with their Mental Health. I highly suggest checking it out here and seeing how you can support them or even visit if you are going to Korea or in Korea. I have to admit, that is one strong and amazing woman, to take her loss and try and make some changes in the Industry for other Idols and trainees. I wish her the best and all my love to the Shawols reading this.
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You can probably tell by now, there’s still a long way to go, but I am glad to see some progress at least. I sincerely hope that those gone too soon are finally resting easy, seeing the growth and recognition that K-Pop has achieved and knowing that their art, their music will live on in the hearts of K-Pop fans worldwide. I just wish that it didn’t have to take, the passing of many amazing beings or the abuse of Idols, as well as countless backlash from fans, for it to finally start to have changes within the Industry.
Chapter Three: What can we do as Fans?
Kpop fans hold a lot of power; We can literally make or break an Idol’s or Groups career. I would honestly prefer to use that power for advocacy.
You have the power to raise awareness for these topics in the K-Pop Industry. Your favorite Idol is overworking and the rest of the group is tired but they continue to put out that reality show. Start a hashtag, bring up the topic to other fans or members of the community. Discuss it in groups and forums.
Remember Toxic Productivity does more harm than good so remind Idols that they are human too and not just a form of entertainment to us. Raise Awareness in respectful ways like starting a Twitter account and sharing your ideas or events with like minded individuals. Check out the Shiny Foundation, in honor of the late Jonghyun from SHINEE. Do your research and advocate for Mental Health Days or Mental Health care as a whole for Korea and Kpop Idols.
Raise Awareness in respectful ways like starting a Twitter account and sharing your ideas or events with like minded individuals. Do your research and advocate for Mental Health Days or Mental Health care as a whole for Korea and K-pop Idols. Support Idol from Companies like KQ or Starship Entertainment, that allow their Idols the time & resources needed to mend their mental state.
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Highlight Speakers on the topic of Mental Health in Kpop, like BTS, Jay B and recently Beomhan the Ex-F M Trainee that Spoke up on his own Mental Health Struggles.
Show support to content creators that touch on topics like this. Follow and share their content to bring more eyes on the issues. Share this blog with your friends and fellow fans to help bring more eyes and start discussions. Try making your own content, be it blogs on Tumblr, Tweets on Twitter (yes I am still gonna call it twitter) and Videos on Tik Tok or Youtube to bring more awareness on these less spoken about necessities in the industry.
If you get a chance to meet your Idols at fan meets or on a fan call, quickly speak to them about your own experiences with mental health, how they helped inspire you. Let your fave Idols know that they are not alone. That they and their feelings do matter.
So, what do you think? Should K-pop Idols and Trainees be allowed Mental Health Days and have access to mental health care? Did anything else I mentioned stand out to you, tell me what in the comments.
That was probably a lot, but this will be separated into more parts because I would like to talk about homophobia, racism, abuse and other issues in the K-Pop Industry soon!
If you like how this sounds so far, please feel free to check out my blog on Medium or Tumblr and follow for more. If you’d like to get more information on Mental Health you can read my post here.
That’s all for now, I will see when I see you. Remember, you can always, Reign Here.
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Hello guys, It’s Reign. Feel free to subscribe and comment below with your thoughts on this.
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All of the graphics in this blog were created by myself in Canva Pro, or taken from our Pinterest.
The links for any more sources and videos are here in this google document.
This Blog post does include affiliates as I’m not in a country that allows Stripe Pay, so Medium (where this is crossposted) can’t support me. You can save money on stationery supplies and K-Pop Merch using the link here!
All funds go towards bettering content quality and speeding up production (getting better devices, paying for medium, canva pro and more). It means a lot if you can support, even if it’s just by liking, sharing and commenting.
Feel free to correct or critique (respectfully) and I’ll edit any errors with links, information and grammar.
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theoddest1 · 21 days
Hello I am starry anon! I am just here to ask out of curiosity, after listening the tiring amount of Viv's drama and I had open my eyes now acknowledging how much of a immature and awful person she is. (Well actually I have been a long time after seeing alerting signs of her behavior and her writing on her show... Which it makes me uncomfortable.)
Sorry for the rambling, back to the question. Is there any tips or guides to not be like Vivziepop? Her shows isn't inspiring, especially the overall characters design and writing but I think sge inspires people to be caution to do and not to do in the indie animation industry (I also don't know many about indie animation industry, you may correct me.), or how they should and shouldn't behave around the internet. It doesn't have to be a whole guide, just tips or list only.
Thats all I hope you have a good day!
When it comes to tips on being NOT like Viv, it boils down to just being a good, hard-working person. When you're in an industry like this mainstream or not, you HAVE to be able to have a strong sense of self cause this sorta job will challenge your work and ideas. So criticism and growth are a must. Not everyone will grow at the same pace or handle the many eyes the same way, but being professional and mentally strong tends to be a useful trait to have when your delve into being a content creator period.
No matter how good a work is or how bad a work is, there will always come criticism. Critical views bring about building blocks or destroy em. How you take them matters. Viv, even when the critical comments are solid, tosses them to the side and refuses to grow. DON'T do that. Don't toss the solid and useful stuff for the sake of one's ego. It does more harm than good. It is almost as harmful as allowing the hateful words made to destroy rather than aid enter the mind as if it were food. It isn't. You have to know when something is good for you and when something is not. Never completely ignore everything and never accept everything. Have a balance.
Vivziepop wishes to only hear what she [wants] to hear. Not what she [needs]. She is like a child who was given everything and was never taught the concept of self-reflection. Never be that. Period. Be down to earth, but never buried. Be confident, but not too hot to handle. Be balanced and aware. Be fair to everyone. Imo, regardless of what occupation you have, being a balanced, adaptable person is a very solid way of living. If anyone has anything they'd like to add to helo the homie Starry out, that'd be epic af though
[I do hope I helped in any capacity. I didn't expect people asking for advice from me on here tbh, I felt like I'd be the last person to ask, but I am honored!]
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froggydoodles · 1 year
Assuming it got the necessary episode numbers it needed, along with not being destroyed by disneys censors the way season 3's tone was(i will never understand why they let true colors air like it did, but then kill any plans the creators had to follow up on it), do you think Amphibia would have been better served by having the the story make all the subtext with Anne, Sasha and Marcy completely open from day one? Like it actually just came right out and told us Sasha was in love with Anne, Marcy was in love with Sasha and maybe Anne, and Anne clearly was interested in Sasha?
Have Anne's rejection of Sasha at the gatehouse also involve her confessing her that she had been in love with her all this time(Thus that Sasha's greatest desire had always been in reach at any point), but that they were completely, utterly DONE after her betrayal in the throne room.
That way you get all the delicious drama of Sasha's heart breaking into tiny, itty little pieces, while also her having to make the choice to stand against Anne anyway, and then setting up the two of them having to deal with the fallout in season 3(And again, this would need the actual episodes and care that actual season 3 didnt get), their reconciliation, and Sasha and Anne's mended relationship having the capstone of sasha telling Anne everything. Her backstory, the full deal with her parents, her revealing how she fell in love with her in the first place.
Lots of things to delve fully into before the two of them actually taking the final step, and giving an actual relationship a go.
Meanwhile, Marcy's entire storyline in season 2 leads up to her own confession, where she lays out her feelings for Anne and Sasha... Then gets rejected. Then have the trio still reeling from the aftermath of the rejected confession when true colors hits, and Anne and Sasha learn the truth... And Marcy's plan to have them spend the rest of their lives traveling the multiverse. Which puts the entire thing and all of marcy's actions in a completely different light, as she now comes across in large part as a stalker, someone who refuses to take no for an answer...
Then have Marcy's actual development, even inside her own skull during season 3, fully commit to this idea. That Marcy is a fully, all out terrible person who needs to learn to fully let go. Have her ultimately rejection of the fantasy sasha and anne be all about that, about realizing and coming to accept just how disgusting the entire thing is, that Anne and Sasha did not want her that way, and what a creep she's been refusing to accept it.
I'm sorry for my late reply, been very busy. I read the whole thing and I'll say it would be better if they would do things more openly from day one just the way you described. I also agree that it didn't make sense to force writers to tone things down after allowing the True Colors. They even show Marcy getting stabbed from another angle in Turning point but it would be wrong to show characters live normal emotions instead of going the " oh no! Anyway…" route. It didn't make a single sense. I'm not exactly sure if it was all Disney's limitations but Amphibia's writing was terrible in many ways, I don't even wanna talk about that nonsense ending.
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Do you have any current ocs that are revamped or ig refurbished old ocs? I have a thing where its hard for me not to associate my ocs with what I was going through or the people I was around/how those people interacted with or spoke or saw of my oc so I often feel icky about it yet then I feel bad at the idea of revamping them sometimes or worse scrapping,currently going through it now but it also seems freeing?I feel like allot of oc artists and writers have gone through this but idk <:o
technically guzzle is an oc i slide over into my fallout ocs from being a war boy oc from mad max fury road. I also changed him a bit personality and look wise but I don't have any like bad memories or anything. I just really like his concept.
I think I agree in places that sometimes revamping or scrapping a character is sad and that I don't really wanna do that esp if they hold a certain memory but sometimes it's nice to freshen up ocs or even just to tuck them away into the toy box for later. I never really used to make ocs I was attached to, but I know if I really wanted to I could delve back in there but a lot of my old ocs aren't really characters as much as they are just concepts or flat designs.
like my fallout ocs I have a gaggle of war boy ocs I made over the period I was really into mmfr and I don't think I'll ever really use them again, but it's always kinda cool to know they're in the bank just chilling. if I need to I can reach in but I don't feel like I wanna play with them. and I did when I went and doodled what they'd all look like in fallout as raiders. but other than guzzle I just put them back into the box.
I def also have a group of ocs I made a long time ago with an ex friend that I won't ever revisit or touch bc I don't like the person I made them with, but also bc they arent characters I feel attached to or even endeared towards.
ultimately I think ocs are just brain children you can do whatever you want with! I've seen creators start with one oc and then just create branches and branches and off shoots of the same character over and over again just changing slight things. I think it's a beautiful thing we can do as artists and creators. no one is going to be mad at us for refusing the core of an oc again (and if they are fuck em lol)
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professorsta · 1 year
Fandoms are weird nowadays! It's like people watch a movie or show and instead of trying to understand the message the creator is wanting to send, or the idea meant to be conveyed, fans just criticize, co-opt, and refuse to acknowledge the writers vision and intent. Explaining how they would have done it or how better it would have been if it was written their way. Supernatural for example was a show ripe with criticisms, but it honestly would have done the fandom a disservice if, from the get go, we didn't like and didn't care to see where Eric Kripke was taking the story. The show was filled with rich plots and characters with very interesting questions about morality, family, sin, good and bad, but none of that would have been appreciated if the fandom wasn't able to look past the dead end arcs and throw away character in the first couple of seasons (which allowed the grey areas lacking in depth, helping in bringing about the fandom btw) and instead tried to "salvage" or "save" the story by completely rewriting the world and characters. Building theories and finding evidence to fill in the missing puzzle piece in your mind is essentially what the point of a fandom was. It was seeing canon and going, there's more there that the creators aren't aware of, and I want to delve into it. Its taking all of it, the subtext, context, characters, and psychology (even if it's not to your liking), and using that to further understand the stories point of view. Like loose pieces of thread being tied back together to make sense of the whole picture. It not "this shows narrative shouldn't have concluded like that!" gives no examples in canon as to why and doesn't have an argument to back it up. "Here's how it should be!" completely disregards canon and the message the creator was trying to send and instead replaces it with a completely different one. Now people watch movies and film and get upset when the characters don't act a certain way, not caring to read into context and maybe try and understand from the narratives point of view as to Why they would act like that. They see how flawed and vapid some scenes and episodes are and don't take it for the chance it is, which is to further the narrative yourself. Most fandoms are bred from shows and movies with the biggest plot holes, with a-lot of characters, and a wide range of different characterizations for each of them so just embrace it and embrace the flaws in our creations, because perfection just leads to dead ends.
#this about the Wednesday fandom#like so many people in it I don't think even like#the show#I have my criticisms about it#I don't think it's better than Merlin I'll be honest#but I enjoy Wednesday's character and this isn't my show#so im trying to understand the path the writers and creators and directors want us to follow#and not let my own opinions on writing sway if it's just like#a matter of opinion#cus this isn't my show if I wrote and directed Wednesday it would look and be completely different#but it's not and having a different opinion on how the show should go isn't a critic!#it's a headcanon !#it's a theory !#stop making shows into what you want them to be and just accept them for what they are#supernatural is so shitty and amazing and vapid and shallow and lovely and heartfelt and has such shitty dialogue at times#as well as some of the best episodes and fanfics ever created#I love my shitty shows unabashedly and I'm not blind to their narratives#Merlin ends Sad and a tragedy I can't fucking rewrite that whole narrative and plot line#just because some think it was shitty or too depressing#without completely changing the whole shows vibes and morals and message#I may not agree with the message ! I don't agree with a lot of choices!!#but they were choices made in the canon and I can use other subtext#and other pieces of canon as evidence and support as to why#I think something else is true or better#but that's just it a theory#not canon which is Fine#Wednesday Addams
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ao3feed-obikin · 2 years
Exotic Pet
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/42289026 by MissGillette Three months after surviving Mustafar, Darth Vader arrives on Bandomeer to quell rebellious AgriCorps miners. He stumbles upon a man wrapped up in destiny and skilled in healing with the Force. - ‘Do what you must with me.’ Oh, he will. Those bright eyes roll back and flutter before the rest of him slumps as dense slack in Vader’s arms. Vader clouds the mind of every single Stormtrooper they pass on their way back to the Imperial shuttle. No one, most of all the Emperor, will ever know of this little treasure of his. This one is just for him, his plaything, his pet. He will make an honest attempt at healing the scars courtesy of Qui-Gon and Mustafar. And if he refuses to do as ordered or attempts to escape, then Vader will deal with that, too. He ought to focus on his next steps while a droid pilots them back to the Exactor, but Vader lingers by the man’s side and easily slips into his mind. All is unguarded, and Vader easily finds a name before delving for more, everything about him. Obi-Wan. Words: 5085, Chapters: 1/5, Language: English Series: Part 1 of Sith!Luke Vaderwan Obimilkers Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Relationships: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Darth Vader, Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker Additional Tags: Past Qui-Gon Jinn/Obi-Wan Kenobi, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Obi-Wan Kenobi is Not a Jedi, Explicit Sexual Content, Vaginal Sex, Cunnilingus, Creampie, Male Lactation, Breastfeeding, Dubious Consent, Captivity, Inappropriate Use of the Force, That's Not How The Force Works (Star Wars), Force Bond (Star Wars), Stewjoni Biology (Star Wars), Bottom Obi-Wan Kenobi, Top Anakin Skywalker | Darth Vader, POV Obi-Wan Kenobi, POV Darth Vader, Ambiguous/Open Ending, Post-Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/42289026
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