#I can stop drawing Yakuza whenever I want
angrybatart · 2 years
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I had to draw it after seeing that in the tags.
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glassartpeasants · 3 years
Like Father, Like Son
Overhaul x F!Reader
Warnings: Angst, unhealthy/toxic relationships, child abuse, mentions of needles
A/N: This is a post based on a head cannon made by @yandereacademia which you can see here. I promise I will continue the DDLC AU but I needed to get this angst outta my system because I’ve been really stressed lately lol. Also the original storyline is kinda bumped up to fit the story
The only reason you were with the sociopath called Overhaul is because of a stupid mistake you made about 5 months ago. If you could go back in time you would’ve never drank that much until you were blackout drunk. You had somehow managed to sleep with the germophobic man after you both crossed paths when you both were blackout drunk. Which leaded where you are now. In the Shie Hassakai base, pregnant with his child. 
Once you showed him the test he demanded- no, MADE you quit your old job ad live in the base with him. Not in his room of course.Who knows what germs you could be carrying! You don’t get special treatment even if you are the mother of his child. And If we’re being honest, he doesn’t really see it as his child. More like an heir. How else would the Shie Hassakai live on? 
He doesn’t even see you that often. He sends either Chrono or Mimic to look after you. Sometimes Setsuno. You liked Setsuno since he actually treated you like a human rather than a burden. Chrono was a bit better than mimic. Mimic was just a plain ass. 
Your entire pregnancy was all about check ups. Healthy food, did I mention checkups? It was almost every Tuesday and Friday that he made you come into a little doctors room and inspect you and give you ultrasounds. You felt more like an incubator rather than a mother, but you digress. Once you got the news that the child was a boy you bet your ass Overhaul was way more worried about you than he originally was.
You wanted to run really. You saw what horrible things Overhaul had done. You didn’t want your child to end up like Eri or to turn into a shit human being like Overhaul. You wanted your child to grow up compassionate and kind, not a stone cold murderer with no remorse for human life.
Maybe once your child is born you can teach him those things in secret...
2 years after the child is born
You were right, Overhaul wanted nothing to do with the baby until it was old enough to be taught the ways of the yakuza. He wasn’t even impressed when the baby started talking and walking! You wanted to yell, scream, argue, and just hurt the man in general. A child needs support, not a unimpressed look everytime they do an accomplishment. 
You always supported your son. Showing him how proud you were whenever he handed you a drawing of him and you. Overhaul barely even saw the kid which affected him to the point where the kid didn’t even draw him in pictures.
You were happy that your baby didn’t see/look up to Overhaul as a fatherly figure. Man didn’t deserve to be called one or be one. You were worried if Overhaul would use your son as a experiment like he was using Eri.  
Speaking of Eri, you finally convinced Overhaul to let you see her and comfort her after he used her for the bullets. She was such a sweetie and especially loved how you would sing her to sleep whenever she has a bad day. You didn’t get to see her a lot, but you did what you could when you did. If only you could make Overhaul see what he was doing to everyone around him...
Your son just turned 8
Everyday your son looked more and more liked his father. Not to mention he inherited Overhaul’s quirk It wouldn’t have bothered you that much if it weren’t for the fact that he started looking up to his father. Whenever your so was getting put to bed by you, he would always tell you about how much he wanted to be the next leader. He would tell you how he watched Overhaul to paperwork, sat next to him in meetings and such. The finally straw for you was when he told you that Overhaul let him use his quirk on a living breathing human being. To say you were furious was an understatement. All you saw was red. 
You smiled at the boy before pressing a kiss to his head and walking out his door while whispering goodnight before your started your expedition to give Overhaul a piece of your mind. You’ve stayed quiet for to long. You couldn’t just let him expose your child to such violence at such a young age! All you saw was red as you walked to his office door. Giving it a harsh knock you were allowed entry.
Upon entering you notice that you are the only one there with him. Just the two of you. You were afraid yes, but your anger out did it.
“Did you seriously let our son use his quirk on someone at such a young age?! He’s only 8! He doesn’t need to be exposed so early!” You yelled at him with your hands on your hips. You knew if you pointed at him you could say goodbye to that finger.
“He’s going to be the next leader. It’s only natural to start him off early. And I don’t remember giving you a say in the matter.” His voice cold and stoic but a hint of annoyance caught your ears.
“8 is way to early! Please Overhaul, Just give me 2-3 more years without him experiencing what you do.” You begged him. Tears threatened to spill from your eyes. You only wanted what was best for your son. Your heart stopped when you heard Overhaul get up from his desk and his footsteps come near your now slightly shaking form.
“Bold of you to assume I would let him miss out on very needed skills to become the next leader. We both know that if it weren’t for him, you would have been dead the second i found out I slept with you. That boy is the only thing that kept you alive. So, from now on, I expect you to never come to my face. Talking about him needing to be kind and compassionate, is not the way of the yakuza. One more incident like this, than I’ll make him kill you myself.” Your eyes widened as you looked at the man in front of you. You can feel your blood run cold in your veins as it circulates through your body. Tears streaked down your face as you felt so defeated. Your entire body felt like you’ve been crushed by a car. 
You turned around and walked out the door and into your room. Locking the door your jumped onto your bed, grabbing the pillow before screaming into it. Your tears stained the pillow case as your body shook. You felt so hopeless and so helpless. Where was a hero when you truly needed one?
The next day
You were just finished changing before your son barged into your room. You were about to say good morning to him before he started screaming at you. Shocked you told him to calm down, but in the corner of your eye you saw the purple feathers that you have learned to fear walk by.
“What are you saying? Please calm down!” You say as you try to soothe your screaming child.
“How dare you try and take me away from dad! Dad told me everything!” Your son flailed his arms up and down while stomping on the ground. His screams soon turned incoherent.
“Baby! I would never-”
“Liar! Dad told me that you wanted to leave him! He said that you thought he didn’t deserve a son!” You didn’t say that what was he on?! You only wanted to protect him! You loved your son to the point you would die for him! What had Overhaul said to him!
“Please sweetie calm down-”
“No! I never want to talk to you again!” Your son ran out the door before slamming it shut. Your heart felt shattered as you heard Overhauls voice on the other side, ’calming’ your distressed son. You felt your world crumbling around you as your son was the only thing that kept you happiness in these dark times. Him and Eri. Oh Eri, if he grows up that means...
You felt vomit rise in your throat at the thought of your own son hurting such a sweet, innocent, little girl. You fall to your knees as tears spill down your cheeks. You couldn’t just run away from the Shie Hassakai ever. The base is fully guarded, and has high max security cameras. Not to mention the probability of them finding you and your son right away. If you even tried, you would probably get you and your son hurt. Maybe even little Eri. 
Your whole body felt numb. You just wished it was a horrible nightmare.
5 months later
As the weeks pass by, you felt your hurt break more and more everyday. Your son had kept his word when he said he ever wanted to talk to you again. You haven’t heard your baby's voice since that day. Hell, now you barely even see him! You see Eri more than your actual son now. ANd seeing Eri was not that often.
You felt hopeless. You wanted nothing more to do than crawl in a hole and die. Every night was spent crying over your son and how your life and gone so down hill so quickly. You didn’t even feel like moving. You just sat in the corner of the room since it felt like the only warm spot in the entire room. This little corner felt like some sort of sanctuary in this horrible place you call home. 
Your son just turned 13
Day whatever of the last time your son talked to you. And day whatever since you’ve left your room. You had no reason anymore. Overhaul officially banished you from ever seeing Eri again. Your world was crushed once more. At this point you felt like your whole existence was useless. 
Your days grew darker by the minute as your mental health seemed to be slipping through your fingers. You only ever moved when you needed to go to the bathroom or to drag the food plate that was brought to you by some employee of Overhaul. You barely ate anything anyways so you really saw no point in doing anything anymore. 
It only hurt more knowing that today was his birthday. You had asked the employee that brought you food if he had a party or just something to celebrate. You felt the last of your hope crushed once you heard his answer.
“The only thing he got was a official Shie Hassakai mask.”
Your son turned 15
You body was weak. You had refused to eat anything seeing no point in it anymore. You were always tired. Only getting up to go to the bathroom then sitting back in the corner that once gave you sanctuary. 
You heard footsteps on the outside of your door as the familiar voice of Overhaul was on the other side. Another voice rang in your ears and it hit you like a train once you realized who’s it was. It was your sons. His voice was so much deeper than the little boy’s you had once heard. It only deepened your sadness. You blinked but didn’t even turn your eyes once you heard the door opening. 
“We can test the serum out on her first. She’s too weak to fight back.”
“I didn’t know my mother had a quirk.” You couldn’t even make your eyes turn to look at them. You didn’t want to see the monster your son had become. Your heart couldn’t take anymore heartbreak, You felt like you would crumble into nothing.
You felt a light get shine into your eyes. You didn’t even blink during it. Once the light was gone you got a clear look at your once loving son. A mask covered his face just like his fathers did. He looked you in the eyes and you did the same. You wanted to cry but held it down. 
A latex hand grabbed your arm before you felt the needle being poked into it. You didn’t even flinch or wince. Almost as if you were a lifeless doll. A hand moved up and down your face as if to see if you were even alive or ‘there’.
“She isn’t responding to anything. She didn’t even wince. She’s breathing but she looks like she’s sick.” All that was one ear and out the other. Finally you felt the needle leave your arm as a sigh escaped Overhaul’s lips. 
“Well wait for about an hour or two and see the effects. For now, we have to do more tests on Eri. Lets go.” So...he was apart of the team experimenting on Eri. You felt like throwing up. How could the boy who you raised to be kind and compassionate turn into such a disgusting monster.
The sound of their footsteps leaving the room hit your ears. From the corner of your eye you say your son about to leave before you spoke up,
“You are not my son.” You saw him stop in his tracks as he turned to look at you. His eyes a bit wide but said nothing.
“I never want to hear you call me your mother ever again. Your a monster undeserving of one. I can’t believe I gave birth to someone like you. I never want ot see your face again.” In your monotone words they’re were spikes laced in venom. You couldn’t even look your own son in the eyes. As they we’re the same as his monster of a father. 
“Get out of my room and never come back.” You heard him close the door slowly as you let out a breath once you finally saw him gone. You can barely stand to see the monster your child had become. But, you didn’t see nor hear the way his breathing became ragged. Or how his eyes felt like spilling tears. Or how his body slowly shook at your words. 
‘It shouldn’t hurt. This shouldn’t hurt me. Why does it hurt so bad? Please stop it. Her words shouldn’t affect me. Why does it hurt?’
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imaginesfora3 · 4 years
can i get... sakyo w 43 just bc i live for tiny bits of affection like tht and it feels in character to just. tiny top of head kisses when no one else is looking.
Furuichi Sakyo: 
43. A kiss pressed to the top of the head.
“You need to take a minute and breathe.”
That’s not what you were expecting to hear when you were unceremoniously pulled from the hallway where you’d be innocently walking, minding your business. The room is dark initially but the light is flicked on and you come face-to-face with a scary yakuza who’s glaring down at you. For a moment you forget where you lived and who you lived with, wondering if you were about to be kidnapped until it dawned on you that it was simply Sakyo. The fact you had completely forgotten your boyfriend’s identity for a split second really clued in on how terrible your mental state was, having spent the last few days being so busy you hardly slept.
You had a feeling that’s what all of this was about.
“If you keep pushing and pushing you’re going to burn yourself out and end up in a worse shape than before.” Damn Sakyo for making so much sense, damn him for sounding so worried about your well-being when you hadn’t even thought about it while you were in your work frenzy the past two days. “I don’t want you to hurt yourself.”
“I get it, I get it, I’ll go like… Take a nap or something instead of helping out in the kitchen.”
“I’ll let Fushimi know.” Sakyo opened the door to let you out of the room but you’re stopped by the feeling of his fingertips gliding down your back, drawing your attention back to him. Before you can say anything Sakyo approached, leaning down to press a kiss to the top of your head before exiting the room, holding the door open for you; he let out an annoyed noise when you continued to stare at him rather than moving, foot tapping impatiently as he was clearly a busy man.
“Maybe you should take you own advice and take a break.”
“I’m saying you should come nap with me after informing Omi that I can’t help him out with dinner tonight. You know, some couples actually spend time together.”
Sakyo scoffed at you but pushed his glasses up, a nervous habit he would fall into whenever you used to flirt with him. Now that you were together he’d become a little more used to your come-ons but there were rare moments of raw affection and emotion that left him falling back into it, revealing to you how he truly feels without a word needing to be said. God knows nothing would happen if you couldn’t pick up on the little things about Sakyo that gave away his true feelings and though he’d gotten much better at this little thing called communication, he made sure to surprise you with how thick-headed he could still be.
“I’ll think about it.”
“I’ll see you there♥”
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arysthaeniru · 3 years
...I hear you’re doing drabble giveaways? :) I would love some nishitani/majima!! I saw you wanted to write a nishitani lives au and i hope you end up doing it because I would love to see how you write them ❤️
Aaaahhhh, thank you for this request <3 I hope you enjoy this little snippet, I really like Nishitani’s dynamic with Majima, because it’s so much about temptation and vices and flagrant hedonism that makes Majima value himself more as a person. Nishitani’s whole shtick is about pleasure and when Majima of Yakuza 0 is convinced he doesn’t deserve that, it makes for an excellent dynamic. 
Somehow Nishitani has found Club Sunshine. Majima notices him on one of their busiest days, on the tailend of dealing with a problem customer, who'd had issues with the quality of their champagne. He's cloistered himself in one of the back booths, entertained by Saki-chan.
Majima snaps to attention and rushes over to the booth, even though Saki hasn't made the hand signal for help yet. He snaps his fingers, once, twice. "Out." He says, shortly, and feels a slow curl of rage within him as Nishitani just turns to give Majima a once-over, slow and lingering, smirk spreading over his face.
"Majima-kun, I didn't think ya'd turn down a payin’ customer." Nishitani drawls, with a self-satisfied grin.
"Payin’ customer or not, yer trouble. Out." Majima snaps, stiffly.
Saki turns to look at Majima, anxiously, but she doesn't seem especially perturbed by Nishitani's presence. What is it about his charm where somehow, girls who dislike being taken for granted, are magically alright with Nishitani's presence? The girls at the Grand too, had been surprisingly unfazed by Nishitani breaking Majima's 'Look-Don't-Touch' rules. "Majima-san..." she says, in that tone that means she's worried about him.
"Ya all good here?" Majima asks Saki, gently. For all that she's a strong woman who is used to taking care of herself, Majima wants her to know she can rely on him to defuse anything uncomfortable for her.
"Don't be so paranoid, Majima-kun. We're getting along just fine!" Nishitani squeezes Saki's bicep, in an overly-friendly way, and Majima scowls when Saki just giggles, not even vaguely discomfited.
"Not talking ta you, am I? Shaddup."
"I'm fine, Majima-san." Saki says, with a sunny smile.
Majima grimaces to and turns his gaze on Nishitani. It's a busy night. He really can't insist on running Nishitani away, not if he's going to behave himself and get them money. He's got other girls to take care of. "One step outta line, and I call the police, pronto. Ya won't get ta fight me at all." Majima says, firmly, and turns on his heel to walk away, before he can get a response.
Inbetween getting refills for Yuki and towels for Erranda, Majima hears snippets of their conversation all evening.
"I like my lovers strong, intent. Makes everything more fun, ya know?" "Nothin’ draws the eye more than a girl who's confident in herself." "Gotta love somebody who can take care of 'emselves."
The whole time, Saki just laughs, handles herself with her usual graceful aplomb, steers the conversation in pleasant, easy directions, showing off her prowess as the former star of Club Jupiter, perfectly adept at handling rougher types.
Majima seethes, quietly and tries to not watch them, listen to them. But he can't help it. Whenever he has even a momentary breather, his peripheral senses can't help but turn towards Nishitani. He justifies it to himself as keeping an eye out for trouble, but if he's being really honest with himself, that's not the primary reason.
Majima's always been drawn to strength. It's the one thing that has always shaped his path, shaped his destiny. It had been what had drawn to him to Saejima, like a moth to the flame, in the middle of those Tokyo streets as a youth. It had been what convinced Majima to chain himself to Shimano’s yoke, get the man’s motifs and markings all over his back. It had been what made Majima so comfortable in Fei Hu’s shop, and so familiar with Lee’s rough approach. A mixture of sheer adrenaline, blood-thumping through his entire chest, a shot of courage, fury and wild chaos, and desire, slow and cloying, curling up in the pit of his stomach, making him light-headed and short of breath. Majima’s life has been defined and drawn around strength, power, desire, ambition.
And Nishitani’s powerful. He’d felt the surges of his strength, precision and cleverness throughout that short fight through the Grand’s centre-stage. If Majima had slipped even once, if Majima had been anything less than perfect, propelled by the fury of confusion, he would have died to Nishitani’s blade.
That shouldn’t be as much of a turn-on as it is.
Especially not when considering Nishitani’s about twenty years past his prime. He’s from the same generation as Shimano, Sagawa, those old fucks who’ve caged him in, trapped him down. With freckled sun-spots smattered over wrinkling skin, and touches of grey to the roots of his hair, and his scarred, calloused hands, Majima shouldn’t be drawn to him in that way. Old, pervy fucker, he should represent everything Majima hates most about the generation of yakuza above him.
But he can’t help it. Nishitani’s presence is like a livewire, electrifying, dangerous, addictive. And Majima couldn’t look away, even if he wanted to.
When the evening shift draws to a close, Majima leaves Youda and Yuki to be in charge of wiping down the place and saying goodbye to the last of the customers. He dips out for a smoke instead, to try and gain control of his fraying nerves, to pull himself back into a modicum of calm. He can’t lose himself in this.
He’s not yakuza anymore. Just a man desperately trying to stay alive long enough to let Saejima kill him. And a man trying desperately to preserve any sense of goodness, keep that fragile spark of a girl safe inside that cold warehouse... none of him has room for Nishitani’s advances.
And yet...
“You ever consider lettin’ yer hair free, Majima-kun? Just for a moment?” Nishitani drawls, voice dangerously close to Majima’s. They’re outside the club now, and he’s not a paying customer anymore. That makes this interaction dangerous.
“No.” Majima says, puffing out a cool breeze of smoke straight into Nishitani’s face. The fucker doesn’t even flinch, just grins, that lightly mocking smile.
“Not even once? Shame that. Pretty things like you only gets better when they cut loose a little, live free.” Nishitani says, sauntering around to prop himself up over Majima, trapping him into the wall. It’s at once a threat of aggression, and a threat of something else, something more sensible. His hand comes in close, as if to caress Majima’s hair, but he stops just short of doing it, balances it against the wall instead.
Perhaps he senses Majima’s internal tension, perhaps he knows that Majima will deck him the moment Nishitani lays a hand on him. Or maybe it’s something like respect for Majima’s rules. (Majima dismisses that thought immediately, Nishitani wouldn’t know respect if it came up to him and sucked his dick.)
Despite himself, Majima swallows a little, as he takes another deep inhale of the cigarette. “The fuck do you want? I ain’t tellin’ you where Makoto is.”
Nishitani grins. From up close, Majima can smell the alcohol on his breath, whiskey, cigarettes and something else, a little deeper. It’s not exactly a good smell, but it’s a familiar smell, a comfortable smell. Nishitani is the epitome of the yakuza lifestyle that Majima had grown up desiring.
“Don’t worry, Majima-kun. I ain’t here for that today. Got a little proposition for ya, instead.” he says, licking his lips. Majima can’t look away from his mouth, the slight pinkness of his tongue against his surprisingly dark lips, and so he almost misses Nishitani’s next sentence. “Got a job I need ya ter do for me.”
Majima frowns. “The fuck would I do that for?”
“Issa job only you can do” Nishitani grins, and waggles his eyebrows. “Compensate ya handsomely, of course.”
Majima rolls his eyes, but honestly, for cash-money, he’ll do just about anything for anybody, short of prostitution. Anything to get his debt to Shimano and Sagawa square. “What?” he asks, pretending to be bored, pretending none of this interests him.
“There’s this gambling club I run that’s been real trouble, lately. Won’t listen to a damn word I say, and they seem to be squirreling some cash away, some big winnings they managed to poach from a pack of fools. Can’t have that sort of shit on my turf.” Nishitani says, with a casual ease. “I’d send my boys in, but ya see, someone seems ta have done a number on ‘em, and they look about as threatening as a flock of pigeons, all covered in bandages like they are.”
“You could do it yerself.” Majima says, gaze darting down to Nishitani’s feet. Just over the edge of his socks, Majima can see the bandages, and he’s noticed that Nishitani holds himself with a limp. He’s clearly still injured from their fight, when Majima had shoved his fucking knife right inbetween his tendons.
“I could, but ya see, they know my face. They’d gear up for trouble the moment I stepped within a five-foot vicinity. You on the other hand...” Nishitani leans in, that smug grin only getting bigger.
Majima snorts, before he can stop himself. “Ya say that like everybody in this town doesn’t know my face, too.”
“Lord of the Night.” Nishitani agrees, and his voice hums with approval. “But ya see, yer reputation precedes you. Everybody knows ya don’t start fights, ya end them. So if you started a fight at the gambling parlour, not a damn soul would expect it.” There’s a crazed glint to Nishitani’s eyes, reflecting off the neon signs from the bars around them, and Majima shouldn’t be considering this at all, but he is. The thought of going in and smashing heads of people who actually deserve it always gets Majima’s blood simmering. He can’t help himself. He’s a creature nurtured on a diet of violence, and the Hole has changed him. It shaped him in the image of its own cruelty, and Majima had let its madness into his soul, or he would never have lived to see the sunlight again.
Majima wonders what had made Nishitani this way.
“The fuck would I jeopardize my rep for? For you?” asks Majima, dangerously.
“I’ll owe ya one, just the pleasure of seein’ ya go crazy in there.” Nishitani says, leaning inwards, mouth just centimetres from Majima’s ear. “Whatever ya want, name it.”
Majima’s skin is alit with goosebumps, he feels like a leaf in the breeze, one touch would undo him, undo all of Majima’s tightly laced boundaries, would unravel everything that has kept him safe and alive. If Nishitani pressed even an inch closer, Majima would agree to just about anything he asked. And they both know it, it’s the electric spark between them, Nishitani’s complete understanding of how fragile everything about Majima’s existence is.
But Nishitani doesn’t touch him, just lets his breath caress the inner curve of Majima’s ear and pulls back, eyes glinting with maleficent amusement.
He wants Majima to make the step on his own. He wants Majima to come apart at his own behest. Fucking sadist.
“Well. Let me know. Ya know where ta find me.” Nishitani says, slow and languid. “Be seein’ ya, Majima-kun.”
He saunters away without a care in the world, and Majima lets the cigarette drop from his mouth and presses his back against the wall outside Club Sunshine, desperately trying to quell the fire within him that blazes in indignation at letting Nishitani just walk away from him.
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the-currian · 4 years
I don't know if you do requests, but I really loved your yandere winter troupe headcannons, they sent chills down my spine, and I was wondering if you'd be open to doing a yandere headcannons for autumn troupe?
I don’t really consider my blog a request blog, but I will accept most requests that are sent my way!! Ask, and you shall receive lol I hope you like this one, too!!
A3! Autumn Troupe Yandere Headcanons
(No Azami because I’m only playing the English version and don’t have a good grasp of his character yet)
Banri Settsu
This guy is used to getting everything he wants – definitely a possessive-protective type.
Thus, unconsciously or not, he views you as his toy – a pretty little doll thing to do with as he pleases. Refers to you as his babydoll.
Intent on keeping his tough-guy image, but still with a need to keep you, his hand grips harshly against your waist when in public, his face contorted into a menacing scowl to let everyone know you belong to him. If anyone even looks at you the wrong way, a growl will reverberate from him through your body, followed by some curses as he glares at the offender.
If the offender is particularly aggressive and refuses to be driven off, he throws back the aggression tenfold by a passionate and heated assault on your lips until the goddamn person gets the memo and leaves.
In private he’s much more openly affectionate. If you try to leave his embrace, he won’t relent, only allowing it to end on his terms, scoffing at you because did you forget who he is and what he is capable of?
Sakyo Furuichi
Probably the most dangerous of the whole troupe – if not the whole company.
Sakyo is busy with yakuza-related business but has the power and resources to watch over you. Through this, he is able to learn anything and everything he can about you.
He used this to give you gifts offhandedly, saying things like “It seemed like something you would like.” when giving you things that were exactly what you wanted. You find it intriguing at first, wondering how he always seems to know what’s exactly on your mind.
Really good at manipulation. “I know I can’t be with you that often, but I’m really trying here. Going into this relationship you told me you didn’t mind my profession. What’s changed? Are you disgusted by me now? About my lifestyle?”
Stages a kidnapping with his gang to make you become dependent on him. He takes you to a hideout secluded from your normal day-to-day life. Whenever you probe a bit too much, he brushes you off with “It’s just until the danger passes.” “It’s for your own safety.” “I don’t want to see you get hurt. I just love you so much.”
And it works. You believe him.
However, that doesn’t mean that you don’t get antsy while in seclusion, and you end up attempting some things that Sakyo would definitely not approve of. Somehow, your plans always get thwarted by one of Sakyo’s associates or Sakyo himself dropping by at inopportune times. To be honest, he finds it adorable that you think you can escape him.
Sakoda is the tattletale. He shadows you whenever Sakyo himself can’t. Doesn’t mind the Sakyo’s behavior at all; as long as the boss is happy, right? Is definitely Sakyo’s worst enabler.
Omi Fushimi
The two of you start out as friends. Gradually you spent more and more time together until you grew closer. Both of you became attached to one another but you hadn’t realized just how attached Omi would be.
He asks you to be the subject of his pictures for his photography club. His members sung their praises, but Omi didn’t care for them much as he realized he didn’t like that the other guys in the club were talking about you. When they ask him if you could be their subject he gives them a flat ‘no’, storming out of the club room.
((lol as soon I finished writing that bullet I realized it’s literally this but in a more sinister context:))
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It becomes an insidious obsession for him. Having impromptu photo shoots with you, taking candids of you on dates, until one day…
When you get back home you discover pictures of you in some quite intimate situations when you were all by yourself. Sometimes, they are accompanied by notes on the back. Never let anyone else see you like this. You’re mine. You should be more careful with your windows, darling.
Does not tolerate admirers at all. Does not engage. Picks you up like a potato sack or a blushing bride, depending on his mood, to carry you away from those villains.
Treats you like a queen. Truly, madly in love with you. He sincerely just wants to love you. Showers you with love and affection.
He is incapable of blaming you for anything you say or do against him.
He’s usually calm and collected, but if you intentionally draw out his anger to the breaking point, he may just strike you (he’s not called the Mad Wolf for nothing)
After that incident he closes himself off from you for awhile, apologizing on a daily basis. Even when you reassure him that it’s alright and it wasn’t his fault - it was yours - he doesn’t accept that; it haunts him for a long time.
Taichi Nanao
 At first, Taichi is content with watching you from afar – watching from the sidelines. He never felt worthy enough for you. He’s always dreamed of romance and doesn’t want to screw it up.
That all changed one day when he noticed someone was taking up too much of your time for you to be comfortable, so he decides to confront them.
You just so happened to be passing by, stopping out of curiosity when you heard your name come up. You come across what seems to be Taichi reprimanding a guy that’s been approaching you a lot lately.
‘Serves him right,’ you think, ‘The poor guy doesn’t know how to take no for an answer.’
“Stay away! They’re mine, not yours! I love them, but even I wouldn’t dare take up too much of her time like that, you creep!”
In hindsight, perhaps you should have seen this coming.
Oblivious of the future to come, you break up the fight and pull Taichi aside, confessing your feelings for him, thanking him for standing up for you.
“R-really?” Taichi beams, tears coming to his eyes. “I promise to never let you go! You’ll see, I’ll become a man worthy of you!”
When you start dating he stops stalking you in favor of bombarding you with texts and calls – he always wants to know where you are, who you’re with, when he can see you next.
This boys craves attention – he’s like a puppy, really. He desperately seeks opportunities to be physically close to you.
Manipulates you into staying with him by sabotaging your image in public, causing a scene. (Hey, if he could sabotage the Autumn troupe, what’s stopping him with you?)
“That was really low of you to use me like that just so you could get in with the Mankai company.” “W-what are you talking about? I didn’t use you!” “Why would you do that? Am I not good enough?” Taichi chuckles ruefully. “Then again, I should’ve expected this, huh? I’m never good enough. It was sill of me to think that maybe you would be different–“ “Taichi, I do care! Please, please don’t say that!” “Really? Actions speak louder than words. You’re gonna have to do better than that. Show me.”
Juza Hyodo
Ordinarily chill. He just wants to see you happy. Whatever you need, he’ll go lengths for you. …Anything.
Physically rough with outsiders. If you’re ever threatened he will become ruthlessly protective. No amount of you pleading or crying will stop him from exacting revenge on the perpetrator. And at the end of it, he’ll pull you into his arms, stroking your hair, ignorant of the fact that he’s smearing blood in it because all that matters is that you’re safe.
He won’t restrict you from going outside but he makes sure that you’re firmly at his side, having you in his grip to keep you protected but more to let everyone know that you’re his.
Boy has a terrifying aura and he definitely knows how to use it.
If you ever confront him about his behavior, he’ll simply stare at you with a piercing gaze, getting you to drop it. If you are particularly persistent he’ll tug you into his embrace, hoping to distract you.
If you still refuse, pushing him away, he will give into his anger. Although he would never physically harm you, he’s not against threatening you into submission. His tall frame looms over you and he growls your name in a commanding voice as he traps you between a wall and his threatening stature, practically crushing you against it. Still, any crying or pleading from you is met with a threatening silence, and despite your stammers of fear he continues this until he is able to calm down.
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Sakyo and Tasuku Relationship Headcanons
@hack3rg-d707: Hmm okay how about a relationship headcanon for Sakyo and Tasuku! Than you so much again💕
Thanks for the request and I hope you enjoy it!
Sakyo Furichi
This man loves to mess and taunting his S/O. He’s not afraid of using his sharp tongue to make a lighthearted remark about his S/O’s ditziness. No matter how many times his S/O swats him away after a rude comment, Sakyo can’t help but hurl another one at them. But don’t worry, he’ll never say something that actually hurts their feelings. He knows where to draw the line.
To add to his teasing, Sakyo is a major cheek-puller. Whenever his S/O is being silly or stupid, he’ll pull on their cheek and sigh about their latest shenanigans. As a form of retaliation, his lover ends up pulling at his cheek for revenge. He manages to catch their arm before they can get near his face, but he’s not annoyed. To his lover’s surprise, he’s quite amused and simply chuckles.
When it comes to news about their relationship, Sakyo likes to keep things private for multiple reasons. First, it’s no one’s business about what he and his lover do together-- there’s no need to turn their relationship into a reality show. Second, he’s also got some dangerous enemies. Being super public about his relationship would only draw unwanted attention to his lover, which is the last thing he wants.
As I said earlier, Sakyo initially isn’t a cuddling person. However, he does like to lay on his S/O’s chest while talking and destressing from his duties. It takes some initiation from his lover before Sakyo goes out of his way for a cuddling session. However, when he’s in a good mood, he’ll be the big spoon and circling his thumb over his beloved’s back as the couple sips on a nice bottle of champagne. 
Unfortunately, Sakyo doesn’t have much of a life outside of the Mankai Company and his yakuza stuff, so his partner likes to drag him outside and do fun things. It takes a while for him to warm up, but he’ll end up giving in when his lover is halfway across town, tugging on his arm as they approach the hottest nightclub in the city.
Although Sakyo doesn’t kiss often, his kisses are really nice. They tend to be on the more passionate and intense side. He likes to take his time, feeling his lover and showing them how much they mean to him. It’s nothing too wild, but there is always a lingering moment after he pulls back. His S/O is slightly offended that he’s that good of a kisser.
I mentioned this in my Izumi x Sakyo Headcanons, but this man always plans the most elaborate dates. Despite his busy schedule, there’s a lot of thought and effort that goes into his dates. Granted that most of the heavy lifting is done by Sakoda, Sakyo does immense planning for the occasion. There’s never been a bad date with him in charge.
Tasuku Taskuro
Tasuku is a casual and relaxed lover. He isn't too big on extravagant dates or complicated schemes. However, that doesn't mean he's lazy-- he’s just a laid-back person who doesn’t need much. He loves his lover and his lover loves him, which is all he really needs.
Tasuku definitely does sports with his S/O. They tend to play soccer (since that’s his favorite), but they also do other things like basketball and badminton. Either he plays against his lover and lets them win, or he plays a tag team with the others, having his S/O on his team and kicking butt together. If his S/O is feeling tired, they’ll watch you watch him from the side and cheer him on. Sometimes, they’ll go all out by bringing decorated posters while cheering with pompoms.
The couple is also workout buddies. They keep each other motivated, especially when his S/O wants to give up and just snack on a tub of ice cream. When Tasuku is feeling unmotivated, his S/O will hold his legs while he does his sit-ups, leaning to give small kisses while he tries to lift his to raise his head high enough so he can meet his lover’s lips.
Similar to Sakyo, Tasuku also doesn’t have much of a life outside of the Mankai Company. He spends all his free time towards enhancing his acting skills, dedicating hours towards practicing his lines. If his S/O can’t force him out, then they’ll join him for some romance practice. It takes the actor some time (and a lot of throat-clearing) to get into his mojo. Once he takes off, it’s almost impossible for his S/O to not swoon. 
A lot of times, the theme for the romantic exercises will mirror his mood. If it’s something soft and sweet, you can bet that Tasuku is in a pretty good mood. If he’s trying to recreate jealousy and overprotectiveness, then his S/O might have gotten a little too close to some of the boys from the winter troupe. Nevertheless, it’s always fun and exciting to see what he comes up with for every practice.
I'm pretty sure that Tasuku is a good kisser. He has some experience (since he was so popular with the girls, I'm sure he's had his fair share in the past)-- so he knows what he’s doing. His kisses are fairly simple and soft, lasting for quite some time (nothing too crazy though). He's also a sucker for small kisses on the cheek, especially when he's about to go for a run or head out to his day-time duties.
When he has to go on errands or any sort of car ride, he will ask his lover to get in the car with him. This is especially true when he wants to avoid trips with anyone else (especially Homare). Together, the couple drives around and takes their sweet time on the errands. They make a few pit stops at some local markets and chill out at a local ramen shop. The rest of the company is super jealous when they find out, but Tasuku doesn’t care.
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whatzaoverwatch · 4 years
The Reaper of the Opera Chapter 11: The Point of No Return
I keep saying that each chapter is my favourite scene, but that’s because I love this production so much (favourite musical of all time). But I can safely say that this scene always gives me chills whenever I watch any adaptation. Kind of interesting too because both the film and stage play are different to one another. I am biased to the Phantoms outfit in the film version, but I love the setup of the stage play even more. So have a mix of both. Also credit again to @stormcallart and their design for Phantom Reaper.
First Prev Next
Evening/Overwatch Opera House
The theatre filled once more for the nights production. Folks of all classes were curious on this newfound production to be seen. The Press keen on any new information, especially with the Reapers appearance at the masquerade ball. “Who was this masked man?” they all buzzed about “Could this be the source of the rising star Madame [Name]?”. The energy was at its peak, especially with the sight of several yakuzas guarding the doorways. Guards keeping tabs at every corner, communicating to one another within their earpieces.
The plan was set in motion with everyone on their guard. Genji and Hanzo reserving their places upon Box 5. Hanzo at the ready with his bow for the event. Genji with his blade as they scanned the crowd. Reinhardt and Torbjorn at their booth with their own protection, not accompanied by Torbjorns wife and daughter as he warned them of the events that would occur.
The performers backstage settled in their places. Tension between them all as McCree watched over each of them. Keeping an eye especially on Ana as she was to remain by his side. Not a trace of their spirited friend could be seen. Waiting for the moment he makes his presence known.
You had your place all set up, dressed in a rather extravagant dress that was made by the hands of Reaper himself. A red and black gown that exposed your collarbone and chest in a heart shaped neckline. A corset that hugged your curves while the skirt was patterned in embroidered roses. The finishing touches by Lena before she left you with a worried embrace. A complimented look to his aesthetic and it made you uneasy.
His music and his say were finally his to behold. Making every part of this suited to his needs. But it was all to lure him into a sense of satisfaction. To draw him out so that he would be concealed once more. Perhaps it was too cruel for you to go along with this. Breaking the trust of the man who opened himself to you. But he in return broken the trust you had in him. He needed to be stopped, once and for all.
The lights of the chandelier began to fade, presenting Baptiste in the spotlight. Looking rather unsettled for once in his life. Relaxing himself when he saw Lucio standing in the orchestra pit with an encouraging look.
“Good evening. Tonights performance is something you have never seen before,” He announced, looking around the audience to see the guards at every end, “A creation by one of our more…caring…patrons that will be performed by our troops. What you see before you is all a part of the show. So please, sit back, and enjoy.”
The curtains began to rise as the performance slowly began. A long table rested on centre stage as various dancers and performers took part in an estranged feast. Two men began to boast about their ruling over a kingdom, arguing over one another about who ruled their land better. Leaving the Shimada brothers rather unsettled about the theme of the play. Soft murmurs and whispers came from the crowd as they were curious on how the production will play out.
Arriving to a point of the production where one of the rulers devises a plan to use your character to seduce the other leader into giving the remainder of his kingdom to him. Playing you off as one who has yearned for him to take you as his bride. Your character was to eventually fall for the one you were to seduce, making it a more vulgar character than you had ever been. Drawn onto the stage by one of the performers, you were instructed to sit as he went to go find his companion. Leaving you alone upon the stage to look around.
Finding your eyes gazing over at the box Genji and Hanzo were in, your nerves began to fade knowing they were watching over you. Not finding any shadow over by the chandelier, nor within the crowd before you. Wondering if Reaper had any intent on arriving. Just as you were about to question if this was all for naught, someone began to sing from behind you.
“You have come here, in pursuit of your deepest urge. In pursuit of that wish which till now has been silent, silent.”
Your eyes widened at the familiar voice, you glanced over your shoulder to find the very man who made all this possible. Now wearing a black mask over half of his face, his undercut hair run with short curls while his beard was trimmed finely on his face. Dressed in an open button white shirt, scars littering a good chunk of his skin only to be covered by a burgundy half cut coat. A cape draped upon its side. A black sash wrapped around his waistline with pants that matched the coat and black boots to finish.
Your heart raced watching him raise his finger to his lips to the final words. Leaving you to listen as the audience watched in awe. The brothers noticed the sudden change to the performer, Genji straightened himself in high alert. Hanzo already having his bow ready just in case. Jesse looked dumbfounded at his sudden appearance, wondering how the hell he slipped past all of the guards. Looking down at Ana, even she was quite surprised to see him appear onstage. The managers turning to the brothers in confusion, only to be settled by Genjis hand, waiting to see what this monster had planned. Everyone left to watch as Reaper proceeded.
“I have brought you, that our passions may fuse and merge. In your mind you have already succumbed to me. Dropped all defenses, completely succumbed to me,”  Walking around the table, he presented himself by your side, raising his hand towards you in a sense of control. Watching as you took his words as his own. The turn of his cape showed a hidden gun from inside. For only you to see, “Now you are here with me, no second thoughts. You have decided…decided.”
Finding yourself rising from your seat, he circled around you. Taking in your form with his eyes, finding yourself locked in place by his stare. It was no question his eyes were undressing you. Exposing you as his creation and relishing in your beauty.
“Past the point of no return, no backward glances. The games we’ve played till now are at an end. Past all thought of it or when, no use resisting. Abandoned thought and let the dream descend,” In your trance of his tender voice, you felt yourself unarmed when he took his place behind you. Grasping you close to his form, pressing his torso against your back to let you feel his dominance. Leaving no open shot for Hanzo to take aim; Genji tensed up, watching Reaper hold you with such passion. Resisting the urge to pounce at the spirit at that very moment. Watching Reapers eyes look up to their direction, knowing very well how much it sicked him. His hands tightening against his blade, Reapers voice sung in the theatre, “What raging fire shall flood the soul? What rich desire unlocks the door? What sweet seduction lies before us?”
Pulling away from you, he trailed his touch alongside your arm. Stepping away as he took your hand to his lips. His breath warm and gentle to his words. Leaving you yearning for more as he walked away from you. His song mesmerizing you as he had done many times before. Realizing how vulnerable he made you with such simple tricks. Teasing your temptation to the core, yet you had to keep your focus on the reality of the situation.
“Past the point of no return, the final threshold. What warm, unspoken secrets will we learn? Beyond the point of no return...” He watched you carefully, seeing the conflict remain on your face. Like the budded rose he had found you as long ago. Waiting for you to bloom before him once more. Leaving you to look over at the brothers as you slowly sang your piece.
“You have brought me, to that moment where words run dry. To that moment where speech disappears into silence, silence,” Turning yourself towards Reaper, watching his chest rise and fall at your very presence. Stepping closer as your hand ghosted over his chest. Feeling his pulse even at this distance. Resisting every urge to touch him while he focused upon you, “I have come here, hardly knowing the reason why. In my mind I’ve already imagined our bodies entwining, defenseless and silent.”
Your words bringing much deeper meaning that what they were written. Having your inner darkest thought be exposed in the song. Finding the reason as to why you had given in so easily to his hypnosis. Perhaps some part of you wanted to fall for him. To give into the temptation of being in the darkness to serve as his light. While the rather intimidating presence and past, he still had some form of attraction far beyond being your teacher. It was the key to open himself up to the plan. Heart racing as you pushed him gently towards the table, letting him take his sit as a smile formed on your lips.
“And now I am here with you, no second thoughts. I have decided…decided,” Stepping against the long table chair, climbing upon the table as he gazed upon you like some sort of goddess, pleasing him with the sight of your movements, “Past the point of no return, no going back now. Our passion play has now at last begun. Past all thought of right or wrong. One final question: How long should we two wait before we’re one?”
Watching him reach for you, you couldn’t help but play along with his desire. Kneeling before him, your hand took his ever so gently. Feeling them shake upon your boldness, guiding his palm across your curves. His touch now more hesitant than before. As if he was battling the conflict of what he wanted from you. The desire to sing his songs, or to be his and his alone. A teasing display left a rather disgruntled Genji to watch it unfold. Broken to see you showing this side of you before your kidnapper. Bringing his hand now to your lips, you barely let them caress yours before you pulled back.
“When will the blood begin to race, the sleeping bud bursts into bloom? When will the flames at last, consume use?” Giving this chance of his dazed look upon you to move yourself off the table.
Snapping out of your sudden desire as you wanted this to be the moment the brothers could strike. Before you could have the opportunity to escape, he quickly rose from his place to grasp your wrist. Holding you in place to the duet you were forced into. Catching his burning lustfilled gaze upon you once more.
“Past the point of no return. The final threshold,” The two of you sung, every step you took backwards brought him just a few steps closer. Finding yourself unable to move away as he grasped you by the hips. Turning your backside to his once more, his arms around you in a rather passionate and possessive hold. The embrace leaving you helpless as you whispered the final lines, “The bridge is crossed, so stand and watch it burned. We’ve passed the point of no return.”
His lips grazed ever so gently against your nape. Hands caressing every part of your form before everyone. The music playing along to the passion before the stage. The audience left stunned by such a performance. Genji had already risen from his seat, the heartbreak evident on his face. Hanzo could see how distraught he was becoming seeing you fall into the Reapers grasp. Reinhardt and Torbjorn looking rather shocked as even the dancers backstage were brought to tears. Jesse knew that this was their moment as he beckoned the Yakuza to take their places. Hearing nothing from their ends as something wasn;t sitting right. Ana watching as she could see her old friend standing before her. The silence between you two faltered as he began to sing once more.
“Say you’ll share with me one love, one lifetime,” His words striking Genji in the heart. His eyes glossed in restrained tears. Hearing the vows he once gave to you now being sung by him instead, “Say you’ll free me from my solitude.”
Opening your gaze to his words, you had realized what he was singing about. Those words being spoken by Genji months ago from the previous performance. Realizing he had never left you in silence and had always desired to be with you. Turning yourself to face him, he took your one hand to place against his chest. A fallen heartbeat could be felt against the rough flesh.
“Anywhere you go let me go too,” He sung to the heavens, his eyes soft as you rested your other hand against his cheekbone. The love he wanted to give you was finally coming to blossom, wanting nothing more than your life with him, “[Name], that’s all I ask of-“
Before he could finish his song of ever lasting love, you found yourself quickly removing his mask. Revealing the dark and foreboding secret from within. The mask covering more with in fake skin as it tore to reveal his true self. His hair silver as snow while his flesh was burned and caving into his jaw. Revealing a set of sharp teeth that covered the one side of his cheek. His eyes became black and red, completing the monstrous look before you.
Screams of horror filled the audience as Reaper looked at you with hurt and betrayal. Your eyes widened at the truth as you couldn’t help but drop his mask. A face you could’ve never imagine was hiding inside. The monster that everyone said he was, yet you could only look upon him with guilt. Unable to fix what you had done, you were prepared to run, only to have him lock you in place. His grip on you tightened, his teeth seething in rage as he looked around to see that the brothers were ready to attack.
Already taking care of the Yakuza beforehand under their noses. McCree realizing this when one of the men fell beside him. Clenching at his bleeding gut and begging for help. Seeing as Hanzo was aiming his bow at him, he turned you over as a shield. Pulling out a shot gun from his cape, aiming it towards the chains from above. The shot causing the audience to yelp in peril as the chains snapped easily.
Genji looked to where he aimed, realizing that he fired at the chain that held the chandelier in place. Watching the crystallized beauty descend into the audience. People scattered in chaos, trying to avoid being crushed. Lucio quick on his feet to exit the pit, assisting some members out as fast as he could.
“GET OUT OF THERE!” Reinhardt shouted below in fear. Torbjorn watched in horror of the the actions proceeding.
The chandelier crashing onto the floor and breaking the seats with its weight. Jesse and Ana overlooking the chaos as he watched Reaper continue to hold him hostage.
“Don’t let him escape!” He called out to the brothers.
Hanzo lining his shot to the both of you. Seeing as there was no open shot that wouldn’t hurt you in the process. Beginning to pull this string of the bow, his hopes to firing at the perfect spot was ruined by Genjis concern over you.
“HANZO DON’T!” He shouted. The action startling him to shoot the arrow. The brothers watched the arrow fire against the stage lights. Causing the arrow to pierce a few wires, the spark causing a fire to overcome the stage.
The flames alerting the dancers as they escaped without question. Jesse stepping back, protecting Ana from the electrical fire surrounding you and Reaper. No where to go as no one was able to reach you at this point. The play going up in flames as the attendees tried to escape with their lives.
You look mortified to the sight before you, pushing with all your might against the Reapers grasp. No remorse on his face as he watched the madness ensue. Never letting you go, no matter how much you begged and pleaded. Holding you in place, slamming his heel against a part of the stage. Opening the floor beneath you both, falling into the darkness with your screams following suit. Genji watched as you disappear once more before his very eyes.
To be continued
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creepercraftguy · 4 years
Kuzupeko ship meme
And now for the ever popular Kuzupeko. This one is one I’m feeling a bit indifferent about considering what kinds of characters Fuyhiko and Peko are compared to each other, but I did it before and I can do it again ;)
Who confessed first?
I think Peko would be a bit oblivious to her “Young Master’s” feelings towards her, so Fuyuhiko would take some initiative. Knowing him though, he’d do everything he can to set the right scene and mood.
Who initiated the first kiss?
Who asks the other out on dates?
It’s hard to say. I think it’s about split down the middle (Scrum Debate for your answer)
Who is the bigger cuddler?
Fuyuhiko doesn’t like to be cuddled. Peko unfortunately, likes cuddling.
Who initiates holding hands more often?
Peko probably.
Who remembers anniversaries?
They both do.
Who is more possessive?
Possessive is not really the right word for it. Peko still has the bad habit of seeing her attachment to Fuyuhiko as a duty, so she’s very possessive but not always for the right reasons. 
Who gets more jealous?
Fuyuhiko is jealous of how calm Peko usually is even in tense situations.
Who is the most protective?
I want to say Peko, and I wouldn’t necessarily be wrong, but I think Fuyuhiko is very protective and defensive of her too.
Who initiates sexy time the most?
I think Fuyuhiko would. Again, Peko isn’t the most romantically minded person, so he’d probably have to do it in order to get her in the right mood.
Who dislikes PDA (Public Display of Affection)?
They both don’t like it much. Of the two of them, Fuyuhiko likes it more, since he’d be happy for Peko to be flirty with him on any occasion, but it’s moreso a byproduct of them keeping their Yakuza relationship a secret for several years.
Who kills the spider?
Who asks the other to marry them?
Fuyuhiko would pop the question first. Again, he’d work hard to set the right mood and time though. He’s the type of person who plans these things carefully.
Who buys the other gifts?
Fuyuhiko usually buys things for Peko when they go on shopping dates (I immediately think of this post)
Who would first bring up the idea of having kids?
Once again, I imagine Fuyuhiko doing this again, but Peko could also be the one to bring it up. The two of them didn’t have the greatest upbringing from what I remember, not like in an abusive way, but being raised in a life of crime isn’t exactly the greatest way to live, you know? I think if either of them were to ask the other, they’d want to do it with the idea of raising them right. (So far I’ve made it look like Fuyuhiko is the one who carries this relationship, but that’s not what I mean. I just think Peko would be a little inexperienced when it comes to stuff like this)
Who is more nervous to meet the others parents?
We can ignore this one, because there’s no point in answering it. Peko was abandoned by her own parents and taken in by the Kuzuryu clan, assigned to serve directly under Fuyuhiko, so she’s already acquainted  with Fuyuhiko’s father.
Who sleeps on the sofa/couch when the other is angry?
Fuyuhiko tries to, but Peko doesn’t let him.
Who tries to make up first after arguments?
Most of the time the arguments start, it’s just Fuyuhiko getting angry at something either he or Peko has done and overreacts. He therefore apologises first to her, but she rarely is ever angry.
Who tells the other they love them more often?
Fuyuhiko, but Peko tries.
Who accidentally pushes a door instead of pulling it or vice versa?
Fuyuhiko, but Peko sometimes does it sometimes too.
Who doodles little hearts over the desk with their initials inside?
Fuyuhiko does instinctively, but then realises what he’s done and violently scratches it out.
Who starts the tickle fights?
Surprisingly enough, Peko does, mainly when Fuyuhiko’s stressed and she does it in order to relieve him of it. Fuyuhiko tends to lose the tickle fights, but at the same time, he knows where Peko is ticklish.
Who starts the pillow fights?
Fuyuhiko starts them, and it usually stops when one of them is tired out or accidentally gets hurt, but that doesn’t really happen a lot.
Who is the last to fall asleep while watching the other with a warm smile?
Peko is sort of used to looking after Fuyuhiko when he sleeps, but it has a whole different meaning when they finally get together.
Who kisses the other awake in the morning?
Who mistakes salt for sugar?
Both of them, mainly Peko, because Fuyuhiko actually is a pretty decent cook.
Who let’s the microwave play the loud beeping sound at 1am in the morning?
Fuyuhiko. Peko isn’t a heavy sleeper.
Who comes up with the cheesy pickup lines?
Peko. She can’t flirt for shit.
Who rearranges the books in Alphabetical Order?
Fuyuhiko is unexpectedly tidy and proper. Peko also does this though.
Who licks the spoon when baking?
Peko gets the sudden urge to lick the spoon, and a bit of chocolate always gets on her nose. Fuyuhiko then proceeds to laugh as he watches her try and lick it off.
Who buys candles for dinner, even when there’s no special occasion?
Who draws little tattoos on one another with a pen?
Peko usually does when Fuyuhiko talks to her about whether or not he should get a real one. She draws one carefully on him with a pen when she thinks about where he would put it (he never ends up getting one though) and she also finds it fun.
Who comes home with a souvenir/fridge magnet whenever they go on holiday?
Peko has a weird fascination with them, particularly one’s that look like cats.
Who convinces the other to fill out those couple surveys that you usually find on the back of magazines?
Peko would actively look for them in order to get a better understanding of how relationships work (#KuzupekoRelationshipGoals)
Who has the other as their phone background?
Fuyuhiko has Peko as his background. He loves her that much (eat your heart out @thewildwilds)
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror?
I see Fuyuhiko doing this and I laugh.
Who asks if they can join the other in the shower?
I don’t exactly know a scenario, but I see Fuyuhiko asking Peko if he can. Peko would probably be embarrassed, but would agree.
Who loudly proclaims their love while drunk?
Fuyuhiko, without a doubt.
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Kira (12)
CHAPTER 12: Truth Lies in The Eyes
Loki x fem!Reader (Kira)
Series: Will contain fluff, smut, bloodshed, violence, anxiety, tears and the cries of my wilted soul.
Chapter content: okay. So...this is both happy and sad. This is haad.
Warnings: Flirtation. Confessions. Blood.
Word count: I went back to office today and clearly it’s going to take some time time to go back to normal. I’m more concerned about mom though. SHe had her entire day set around grandma. I really need to find something where she can invest her time but I’m not able to think of something
MASTERLIST & Taglist in bio, my love
It is not always that you wake in the morning with the feeling of having experienced a luxurious sleep in not the softest but clean-smelling sheets, not the most expensive but a snug mattress, sounds of birds chirping outside the window, a warm arm resting over your chest, the warmth of the comforter keeping the cold currents at bay while dust bunnies float in the sun rays blessing the room with the most delicate glo-
Now, wait a second.
Loki tries to stir and open his eyes before pausing dead where he lays when he feels your arm rest over his chest while your head lies insufferably close to his own arm, clinging to it. Within the intoxication of sleep, he is reminded of the nights when he would cling to his mother as a child whenever there was a nightmare that prevented him from sleeping. That thought brings out a tender afterglow on his face when he takes the opportunity to wonder if you think him as your safe space- even if it's unconsciously so.
He watches your light breaths, your brows devoid of that unspoken stress you always seem to carry around with you. It's an upgrade for him to watch you sleep in a thunderstorm to waking up to you sleeping in the most peaceful morning. That heavy snoring that's building up reassures him that you are having a trouble-free sleep till a loud thud jerks you awake and forces Loki to pretend to still be sleeping.
"Kira! I'm headin' out. Jane's here!"
Your slumber-laden eyes try to find anything that can tell you what time of day it is and who called out your name before slamming the door so loud. But all you get is the surprise of finding yourself almost lying over Loki- your one arm resting on him while the other arm latches onto his, drool all over his bicep- thankfully covered by his t-shirt- where you lay with your mouth open.
Cursing yourself, you try to wipe away the wetness as discreetly as possible, slowly freeing your hand from under his arm, mouthing a sorry and getting up from the bed to tiptoe to the bathroom, shutting the door and cursing 'shit' loud enough for Loki to hear and smile with his eyes still closed.
"So, you know she's out on a date?"
"With Billy Russo?"
"And you are...?"
"...eating my brunch?"
Solaris thwacks Loki with the newspaper, making him give out a sarcastic 'ouch' without even twitching while she tries to burn him alive with her stare.
"How thick can you be?" She snaps.
Loki wrinkles his brows at her before going back to his newspaper. "I don't know what you're talking about, Solaris," he simply states, relaxing into his chair.
"Do not 'I don't know what you're talking about me', Loki. I've seen the way you look at her. I'm just surprised someone as meticulous as you has to be shown that you have a thing for her." Solaris throws her napkin on the table and takes one good sip of her wine.
Loki's eyes go away from his paper to her. He sighs and folds the paper neatly before picking up his glass of wine. "What makes you think I don't know what I'm going through?"
Solaris can't help but cock a brow at him. She is contemplating her thoughts but everything is ending up in her hitting him with a newspaper again. "Then what the fuck are you doing sitting here?"
Loki takes in one measured sip of the juice. "Solaris, it's not for me to choose who she likes. I cannot decide for her."
This makes her tilt her head with a faint smile and narrowed eyes. "Really? And what assurance can you give me that you will be fine once she makes Russo her choice."
The juice is twirled a bit as those ocean eyes are fixated on them before contents are gulped down. "I've been fine till now, haven't I?"
Solaris chuckles. "Oh, Loki."
"What?" He is genuinely confused at the humour she's finding in this context.
"Why do you think I left Wakanda when I decided to be your ally?"
"I thought you changed your mind."
The glow on Billy's face melts you a little. It is heart-warming to see him light up when he sees you walk into the cafe that oddly seems to be deserted for a place that's housing thousands of people on the last day of the expo. Billy takes you to the table by the lake, drawing out the seat for you before settling down opposite you.
"Best seat in the house. With an equally amazing view. Though clearly not as beautiful as the one sitting in front of me," he declares, making you let out an uncomfortable smile.
A violin plays a sombre melody at a distance on the platform by the lake- you're guessing just for you. Waiters bring out entrées, setting them down the table and disappearing just as they came. Not at all creepy.
"I took a little liberty in deciding the menu. Really wanted you to try the best," he mentions before getting up to open the wine.
"Oh, no. I don't-I don't drink wine," you state quickly, not wanting him to waste something so seemingly expensive on you who didn't even know the first thing about them.
"Something else, then? Mojito? Caipiroska? A long Island?"
"I'm good. Thanks. Really."
Minutes pass as Billy pulls you in his conversation, making you giggle- and eventually laugh- as he narrates his past days and the horribly humourous decisions he made.
"Wow," you chortle, "I am surprised you are even alive right now, Russo!"
"Trust me, so am I," he chuckles.
You pick at your ravioli, the smile still plastered on your face while Billy is studying you intently.
"I really wish I had more time to get to know you, Kira. I've never seen someone sit through my stories as you did today," he giggles.
"Well, I'm sure we'll meet on another such expo or big event soon," you add with a smirk.
His head now rests on his fist, his dark eyes staring at you with some melancholic emotion till you ask what he is looking at.
"What do you think of me, Kira?"
You stop chewing to gulp down your food, having not really expected that question. "I think you're charming, Billy. You really know your way around people. And you certainly know how to treat a woman good. Which comes to me thanking you for lunch today. It was amazing but you didn't have to put so much effort into it. Though I'm guessing this is quite normal for you."
That's when you see him blush.
"I-It's not," he stutters, moving his hands through his hair, catching your eyes by the nervous movements. "This is the...erm...first time. For me."
"Oh." You don't have much to say to that.
"Well, if it helps, it's the first time for me too," you simply shrug.
"No," he exclaims.
"Yeah, no need to pretend."
"No, I am serious! How have you been single till now?" Billy is genuinely interested to know.
"Well, clearly I can't ever think of teaming up with Loki for a business," he states, making you furrow your brows and scoff, "he simply does not know what he's missing out on."
"Hey, I'm still is assistant!"
"My point exactly!"
"W-no! You idiot! That's not what I meant! Oh, my-I'm sorry for calling you an idiot."
"I appreciate the honesty, darling," he asserts before both of you burst into giggles.
"So..." Billy continues once the laughter dies down, "have you ever considered working anywhere else?"
"Working with something else. I'm sure you had something in your mind before you ended up at Sun Corp."
You take a swig of your juice to avert your gaze. "Not really. No. I just had a few hobbies. But that's what they're. Hobbies."
"So, you like it there? At Sun Corp?" Now Billy is trying to avoid your gaze.
"Mm. It's g-"
"Would you like to come with me?"
The eye-lock is momentary but you know what he is trying to say. And you, on the other hand, sit there mouth agape, processing his words and all the possible scenarios inside your head.
"I'm sorry to interrupt the lunch, Mr Russo," a familiar voice calls out from behind you. You turn around to watch Robert giving you his signature smile. He clearly has no idea what timing he has. "May I have a word with you, ma'am?"
You're scraping the legs of the chair before he has even finished his sentence. You excuse yourself and walk away, knowing Robert would never interfere with your personal time if it wasn't something very important.
"Everything okay?" You ask him with genuine concern. Robert doesn't stop walking. So, clearly neither can you. He takes out a folder from his jacket pocket and gestures you to have it.
"The Adachis are clear. They're an honest business. Showered with respect even from the Yakuza."
You open the file and look through the findings; which are as normal as a family with constant scrutiny and wealth can be.  "That's amazing. But why are you running by me? I'm sure you have a direct line with Loki."
Robert wets his lips and analyses the surroundings out of habit. "This is your project. I'm just contributing. My work is to dig up dirt and hand over the worms to the person who knows what to do with them."
You raise your brow at him. "...okay. Weird analogy but okay."
Robert's phone chimes and he takes it out to see the incoming message.
Call it a stroke of luck or misfortune, for you see the screen open to find a picture of the man- too familiar to go unnoticed- with the caption 'the job's done', right before Robert taps it close and returns his attention towards you.
"Why don't take the file and go over to the chalet? I'll meet Loki there in...five minutes?"
Robert nods and turns around to walk away, leaving you with a million questions inside your head.
"Everything alright, Kira?"
Billy's voice is too close to you, and if that's not enough, you feel his breath right on the hairs on your ears, forcing you to turn around and look him directly in those heavy pupils.
"Yeah, everything's fine. I just have to go take care of something," you state as casually as you can.
"Is it necessary to go?"
You blink and open your mouth to speak but then your eyes get stuck to his. The crisp blackness of those eyes wanting to engulf you inside them and keep you here forever; wanting to play with you more, already hearing you call out his name.
And something hits you at that moment.
"Yes. It is... necessary to go," you hear yourself saying, "Goodbye Mr Russo."
"What about those two companies you were looking at earlier? Anvil Corp and-"
"Kira hit a dead end with those two. Though we could consider investing in-"
"Don't invest in Anvil Corp."
Your sudden announcement through the front door is a surprise for both Solaris and Loki who sit on the breakfast table discussing their potential market as well as investors.
"Kira," Solaris turns to you, "why do you think that? Russo has a gold star business."
You try to catch your breath all the while trying to stay poised. Your eyes catch the confusion in Loki's before going back to Solaris. "I don't trust that man. I wouldn't want you to trust any part of your hard-earned business with him."
The faint brakes in your voice are clear to Loki's ears. His instincts are broiling up, knowing something happened.
"The Adachis on the other hand-"
Your words are interrupted as Heimdall walks in and stops to stand by you.
"What." Loki isn't very happy to see him for he usually is the bearer of bad news.
"The Adachis want to talk business with you."
Loki, Solaris and you look at Heimdall as if they heard it wrong the first time. "Apparently Megumi loved something about you two. So she's willing to get into business with you...two."
"Him and Kira?" Solaris wants to be clear. Heimdall nods.
"Wow. No mention about me?" Solaris asks sarcastically, to which Heimdall simply shrugs.
Everyone looks at Loki and he simply shares a thoughtful look with them before taking in a lungful of breath, turning everyone to the metaphorical edges of their seats.
"Alright. Let's talk to the Adachis today and sign it," he declares, getting up and buttoning his jacket.
Everyone seems delighted with the idea. Everyone except you. Loki seems to notice it better than anyone. You seem happy but the joy does not seem to reach your eyes.
"What do you think?" Loki asks you once everyone's gone to pack up their stuff and the two of your remain to get your things in order.
"About what?" you ask him. You truly seem to be missing in the room.
"The business deal."
"Oh! I think it's great. I don't think there would be a better company to tie up with. Except the Stark Industries, of course."
"Kira I-"
"Yeah, I know you have your issues with Tony. I get it," you raise your hands in defeat.
Loki smiles and goes back to putting your jacket- the one he wore- into your bag, while you stand there with your back to him, contemplating your next few words all the while trying to fold your trousers.
"I have a question to ask."
Loki looks up from your luggage. "Shoot."
"Will you ever let me know before you make a decision that affects me in some way?"
Now he's confused.
"Like affects you and me in some way. Our work relationship...in some way."
Loki does not know what you're thinking, but all he can think about is this morning when he made the choice of letting you sleep over his arm while he enjoyed the unspoken comfort you brought him. Was that creepy of him?
"Of course."
Something inside you cracks.
"Thank you for being honest with me."
"Everything okay?"
The meeting with the Adachis where Tony and Pepper where present seems like a trance. Everything had gone smoothly. Now, you sat in the jet on your way back home.
Loki's home, you found yourself correcting your own thoughts.
"Yeah," you whisper, never turning to Loki, instead looking out the window at the orange and pink hues that dusk was painting on the clouds, "everything's fine."
"You have been quiet through the entire trip," Loki states, his hands busying themselves in the magazine in front of him in order to pull up a nonchalant pretence. He even noticed how you'd not touched your meal nor caught a shut-eye throughout the flight.
The captain announces over the speaker to fasten the seatbelts for the landing
"Why does that bother you so much?"
The sting in your voice reaches Heimdall and Robert in the back, who share a look with each other before turning towards an equally confused Loki.
"I beg your pardon?"
"Harrison Wardwell."
The name brings a torrent of realisation over the three faces, like washing away a mask of intimacy for you.
"I'm guessing by the looks on all of your faces, you know exactly what I'm talking about. What did you do with him? Got him demoted? Sacked? Or something worse?"
The plane tilts for the landing. What is worse than the fear of the height right now is the fact that your voice does not rise even once.
Neither of the men speaks.
"None of you have the right to avenge me. None of you. And you, Loki Odinson, have no right to make decisions for me. I hope you understand that by the time this plane lands."
The plane hits the tarmac and goes the length of the runway before coming to a halt- the runway journey seeming like an eternity for these men- when you're the first one to unfasten yourself from your seat and get up.
"Kira, listen to me," Loki nearly commands, taking your arm in his light grasp.
"What did you do with him?" Is all you ask him.
He cannot look away from your eyes because you are holding him there, forcing the truth out of him. And for all he knows, he's already lost you.
"He's been fired."
"He will be charged before the end of the day."
Your arm slips away from his grasp and he watches you walk away, not knowing what to do.
His voice falls on deaf ears.
"Robert," he declares, sending the man down to escort you. Anger rages through his blood at the chutzpah you display by walking away from him.
How dare she?!
You walk out the exit.
I am above her.
Your strut shows no sign of doubt.
She is supposed to do as I say. She is supposed to live as I tell her to!
You disappear from his view, leaving him standing there with Heimdall telling him to do the same.
Then why does it hurt?
"I need to go to the office."
Robert looks in the rearview mirror at your face looking out the window. He is waiting for you to ask him or say something that would indicate how mad you are at him.
You do look at him finally. "I can take a cab if you don't feel like it."
Maybe not yet.
The car is driven to the office building devoid of conversation. You get out without any word about when you might come back. Robert gets out to escort you in but you refuse. He tries to reason with you but the request is just words in the wind as you walk inside the building.
The night has already fallen and the summer loo has turned into a full-blown chilly fall wind. Robert waits in the parking lot, pacing to and fro-not really bothered by the chill- looking at his watch and his surroundings. You were not supposed to know. This was not supposed to go this way. No matter what reason he comes up with, in no scenario are you content with the outcome till he realises it really was not their decision to make.
A tired sigh leaves his lips and his eyes close in a small prayer. The faintest sound from one direction catches his attention. He looks at that side of the parking lot but is disappointed that it's not you. It's no one really. The corner is dark, dimly lit by the lamps in the centre of the lot. Your reaction really has him on edge right now.
He takes in a lungful and starts to walk in the direction of the sound to see if there's anyone there. But the clack of your boots is easily recognised by him, forcing him to turn in your direction and escort you back to the vehicle.
"Kira," he calls out for you softly, watching your six- well, the entire three-sixty, really- while trying to get you to talk to him, "I beg you to please listen to me just this once."
"I think enough's been said and done, Robert," you spew back, never turning around or slowing down your pace.
"Kira, please. If you've ever considered me a well-wisher, a friend, you need to know it wasn't Loki's fault. He just wanted t-"
You do turn around. You turn around enough for Robert to see the faint crisp dust bunnies of the chilly night lined up right to face your chest and later your back in a faded red hue.
"Is that what you people do? Protect him fr-"
You turn around for him to not let you finish your words when he is looking at you with an expression you cannot place within the next few seconds while he grabs you in an unbreakable hold, forcing you down with him. You turn around to fall down when you hear something like a cracker going off in the silent night as Robert lands over you, his arms still securing you.
You can feel the gravel scrape your arm and leg. You can hear the sirens go off around you. You can feel the floodlights sting your blurred eyes. You can sense the heaviness upon you as you try to get up and move Robert to help him up.
But nothing in the world readies you for the wetness over your chest that comes from the red colouring Robert's shirt before gathering into a pool below the two of you.
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arkus-rhapsode · 5 years
My Hero Academia Chapter 223 Review
Well, I’m back! Yeah, if you wanna know why I took a break it was because whenever there is a villain centrist chapter it is usually pretty good. But it seems I underestimated Horikoshi and this isn’t a mere chapter. No, this is basically like the pro hero arc and that it will focus on the villains as protagonists for a little while.
So without furthur ado, let us begin.
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We open on the current time with Shigaraki fighting against Gigantomechia. And as expected, they aren’t doing so good. We get some narration from Spinner on it.
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We also see that just a flex from Gigantomechia’s arm causes a burst of power.
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Though that seems to just be a portion of his abilities. As it seems this guy can fight for more than 48 hours before needing rest and recharge. And even in his sleep he’ll be able to attack you. He also grows larger in battle, though no word if it has like reset after awhile. With what the doctor said about Gigantomechia, I’m wondering how much of this is a quirk or just strange physiology.
We see that Shigaraki is the main target and the others can tag in and out.
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I kinda love this moment as we learn that the doctor gave them some money and Toga went and bought a new coat with it. I don’t love it because the joke, I love it more in the context of Horikoshi being like “I need an excuse to draw Toga in something cute.” Even though her primary clothing was sweater.
Its not a nitpick, so much as it, just one of those moments that makes you laugh when you think about it. Though, Spinner brings up this important point that Toga had joined for Stain and there is almost nothing about Stain left. Accentuating that point is Spinner not wearing his stain costume (Yet). And remembering the highway chapter, Spinner is the most introspective and one holding Stain to the highest belief.
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And here is where we really see the point of this mini arc and that’s basically the parallel of Izuku’s journey. When Shigaraki takes a break from fighting and we see him all battered and bruised,he’s equated to a young boy chasing his dreams. And considering the reckless self destruction Izuku subjected himself to, we see Shigaraki doing the same. While his wounds aren’t self inflicted, he is still throwing himself at something that, in pure power, he is outclassed and will get hurt.
And yet he’s not stopping. Shigaraki’s dream matters more to him than by his physical health.
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We get a funny as hell scene with Twice and Compress when Twice gets called by Giran. However, on the other line is the CEO that was torturing Giran. He tells them to check the news.
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We see that severed fingers have been placed around Japan in places where the League of Villains have operated. I also would like to take this moment and acknowledge the All Might Statue in Kamino. That’s a really nice touch.
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We see the CEO and I’m skipping ahead and we find out his real name is Rikiya Yotsubashi (I’m wondering if he goes by that name or if he uses an alias as Destro’s last name was Yotsubashi and it would be telling if you shared a name with a guy who was the leader of a people’s army.). His villain name is Redestro. Which is kinda lame. Maybe its suppose to be like “Reborn Destro,” but the extra ‘Re-’ just makes it sound a bit goofy. Maybe if it was like Destro the second or something. Wait where was I?
Oh yeah, we see Redestro with the hostage Giran and he explains his view point. Tearing down society and rebuilding it in a way that allows people to utilize the full power of their abilities. This really sounds like he wants to be Armstrong from Metal Gear and make this sense of “true freedom.”
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Shigaraki tries to brush them off, seeing it as just another Overhaul. But unlike Overhaul they don’t really have anything like the quirk bullets that will make it worth teaming up with.
But they find out that Giran was tortured, those fingers at the sites of their crimes are Giran’s, and he tried to erase his client data and wouldn’t give up the villains after everything. However, the liberation army was able to restore the data thanks to the help of a member of the liberation army is an IT guy. Speaking of we get our intro to all the heads of the liberation army.
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Yeah this is bad. I’ll talk about this later, but these guys are far different from Overhaul. Not just in power and motive, but scale. Also lets look at each member individually (Mainly cause I want to get a bit of snark in).
Tomoyasu is the head of an IT company called Feel Good Inc. Which I really hope is a Gorillaz reference.
Hanabata is a politician, though that would make sense. If they’re trying to regain control of society, best have someone in a position who can affect laws. Also his party is called Heart Seeker, and I really hope that doesn’t allude to the idea that because he’s hot, people voted for him.
Kizuki is the head of the publishing company printing the Destro books. Also, I knew about Shueshia being the company that published Jump beforehand so this parody got me when I first read it. Also, with the fact she’s selling the books and that an arc ago we had Hawks saying he wasn’t happy with the idea of someone profiting from it. So did Hawks ever interview Kizuki? Hori get on the canon version of that and fanfic writers get on the smutty version of that.
And while Redestro is obvious, I will at least take this moment to say, I like his design. While Overhaul had that cool aesthetic with the plague doctor mask, Redestro looks like a middle-aged business man. He’s not drawn as some super hot, Light Yagami looking guy. He look normal and a bit unattractive. Its unique I feel. Usually that kind of character design is the one assisting their Bishounen bosses.
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We see that Redestro has satellite cameras on them and that he could sick the heroes on them. But we get a bit more insight into him. The one who must lead the way is Destro and it seems the League after they forced All Might into retirement are the face of evil to the world. As such, Redestro must destroy Shigaraki himself.
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While this seems lik one of those cliche “I’ll do it myself moments.” I actually think from the way he speaks, Redestro really does have his dad’s philosophy ingrained in him and he wants to show of the extent to which it grants. Also he probably has like a trap set.
Our chapter ends pretty well actually and I’m hyped.
Post Chapter Follow Up: There is really no negatives in this chapter aside from not much action and maybe one of two pages that feels like filler. But as a whole, its good.
The biggest strength of the chapter is Shigaraki’s journey. Again, as spelled out last week, the whole point of this is that Shigaraki must surpass all for one. Just as Izuku must surpass All Might. As Izuku grows stronger, so to must Shigaraki grow as a villain. He betrayed and outplayed the Yakuza, but he did it with the help of the heroes targeting Chisaki. But now, now he has a beast that won’t recognize him and another beast declaring war on him.
It doees sem like this arc will end with Shigaraki earning Gigantomechia’s respect by beating Redestro. But I’m very curious to see how that goes. As we see, Redestro is a far different villain from Overhaul. Overhaul was calculating and strategic, but he was just as underground as Shigaraki. He had men and disposable equipment, but he was still pretty small. Just a piece in a growing underworld.
But Redestro is actually far larger. Not only does he have more money, but more influence on the public as saw with his choice to go into support tools. He however waits in the shadows a lot more. Which you would have to do as a public figure.
Also we see how much more different than Redestro is in his goal. Like Shigaraki and Overhaul, he wants to change society, but he’s actually far closer to Shigaraki than Overhaul a Overhaul wanted to control societ. He was trying to refit the concept of the Yakuza into the modern age and make a way where he controls both crime and society. Basically making him the “Overlord” or “Godfather.” But Shigaraki and Redestro want to destroy current society. They likely wanna lead it, but they are going to literally change the fundamental structure and replace it with a new one. Shigaraki is just being more open about it.
So yeah, this’ll be Shgaraki’s moment. If I had to predict, if he beats Redestro, it’s likely that he’ll take all of his Liberation army and his support tool manufacturing centers. So this is Shigaraki looking to profit big time off of this.
Also, I love all the small touches in this chapter. From background detail to dialogue, there are the little bits of visual storytelling that I love.
Final Verdict: 9/10
Good buildup
Great characterization
Really makes you think about the complexities of the villains in this world
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thestarshiphope · 5 years
The Ultimate Mission
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May I have everyone’s attention please?
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It’s time we begin the preparations for our mission.
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It’s about time.
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So what’s the plan?
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First, we need to collect the remaining members of the designated group.
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The only ones here are me, Tsumugi-chan, and Ouma-kun, right?
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Shuichi’s still at home, so that’s five out of sixteen. 
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We going on our own Ultimate Hunt?
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You...could say that, I suppose.
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So we get the kids back together, then what? We just get back them all back to Project Gofer?
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What if they don’t wanna come with us?
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Then we do everything in our power to convince them to join us. We can’t let them all give up. 
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I promised I wouldn’t, no matter how hard things might get.
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M-me too. I’m with Kaede.
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And I’ll do whatever it takes to help convince everyone too.
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We can also be sure that the path there wouldn’t be wide open. There’ll be a lot of winding narrow routes we have to take.
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I wouldn’t usually suggest this, but maybe we should split up? We can cover more ground and we could get the kids back faster.
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Hmm. We’d have to exercise extreme caution and stick together in small groups, but it might be worth considering.
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I can go with them whenever necessary.
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Uhh...excuse me? I think you’re all forgetting something here.
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Erika, what’re you-
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Kaede, shut up. First, don’t talk about us like we’re not here and we don’t have a say in the matter. I hate that.
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Second, I think you’re forgetting some of the biggest problems with this whole thing. My idiot sister and her friends decided to give up their talents after they left. I don’t think they’re gonna be much use as “hopes for humanity” in the first place, but as Commons they’re even more useless.
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Third, even if we do somehow get them back to that institute place, there’s the little issue that Red Rain is still running around this shithole of a country looking for them. And getting a whole bunch of ultimates and former ultimates together is just gonna draw a big target on all of our backs!
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Anyone got any plans for that? Anyone at all?
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Soooo....who’re you exactly?
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This is my twin sister, Erika.
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Erika! Dear, sweet, mouthy Erika. You make a lot of good points, I gotta say. 
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It’s true that Red Rain activity has only gotten worse over most of the Greater Tokyo Area, and that people are being slaughtered by the hundreds every day. Going through that with an ensemble of Ultimates would be a terrible mistake.
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But I do have some ideas in mind for that.
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What kind of plan?
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Well, for example...
*Junko pulls out a knife*
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If we killed you all, that would throw them off our trail, wouldn’t it?
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K-k-kill us?!
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B-boss, get behind me! I won’t let her hurt you!
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Huh?! But...you-!
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Upupupupupupu! Kidding! Kidding! Sorry, sorry, I just had to see the looks on your faces!
*Mukuro yanks one of her pigtails*
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Oww!! Ow! 
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Sorry about that. My sister has a sick sense of humor.
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I was only half-joking though.
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Red Rain just needs to think you’re all dead. Then we get you all to the Institute to get your talents back and to Project Gofer nice and easy.
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While I don’t agree with the presentation, that may be our best bet.
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That’s...a lot to get done.
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And only a week to do it.
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I looked into the future and I saw that we all make it there safe!
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Really? Y-you’re the former Ultimate Clairvoyant, right? That’s great news!
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His predictions are also off 70% of the time.
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And th-that’s not great news!
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Still better than wrong 100% of the time!
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Can we focus, please?!
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Anyway, you can leave the fake death thing to me. I’ve got some ideas in mind.
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I’ll trust you with that.
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And what role will Nevermind-san have in this?
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Two things: she and her family will be providing us with support and, if necessary, transportation to other parts of Japan if necessary.
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And once the rocket has left the planet, she can take us somewhere we may be safer.
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Wait, you’re not all coming with us?
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From what we understand, the ship only has just enough room for you all.
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We ain’t gonna take that from you kids.
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But...but you can’t just-! Grandma! Uncle Leon!
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Sweetheart, it’s okay. Really.
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I’ll be happy knowing that you’re alive and okay out there.
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It’s alright. I’ve had a good run. I’m happy with how my life turned out.
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And if I’m not gonna make it, might as well make my last days on Earth mean somethin’.
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I’ve never been afraid of death.
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If it’s to protect you all, I will gladly lay down my life.
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You all have a bright future ahead of you, I’m certain of it.
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I’m a Yakuza boss. I ain’t scared of shit.
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With Fuyuhiko, my life has been full of nothing but purpose.
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I became prime minister and restored my family’s honor. That was enough for me.
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I did some good shit with my life and helped build things. The best damn houses anyone could want.
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And I think...I’m about ready to see my brother again.
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Hell’s gonna be under new management after I show up! Someone has to show ‘em how it’s done!
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There’s a lot in my life I regret. Things I can’t change or undo.
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But being here, seeing you all again, it’s been the best experience I’ve had in a long time.
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I still remember when I came to Hope’s Peak Academy. Back then, I was just a regular guy. I feel like the only reason I got in was thanks to the lucky student lottery.
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But being there, meeting you all, the time we’ve all shared together, all the memories and experiences we’ve had along the way, I wouldn’t trade those for anything. 
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And most importantly, no matter what, even in the face of something like this, as long as we have hope, we never give up. That’s not just you kids, but it’s us too. We’re all the hope for mankind’s future. And I know that nothing- nothing- is gonna stop us!
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*Both at the same time* Makoto, I love you so much.
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Ha! Jynx!
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That never gets old.
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Kaede, Erika, no matter what happens, I love you both. I’ve always loved you both and I’ve always been proud of you. And I’ll be happy knowing that you’re okay up there.
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We came together because we couldn’t let you all sacrifice everything when you still have so much ahead of you.
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We’ve lived happy lives ourselves.
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You’re really all laying down your lives for us? You hardly even know most of us.
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Why would that matter?
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No, forget it. Never mind.
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You all...
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I promise, no matter what, I won’t give up anymore. And I’ll do whatever it takes to help the others. We’ll survive.
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*(Kaede notices something in Erika’s eyes. Anger? Resentment? Guilt? It’s gone before she can really tell)*
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This whole journey, I’ve got your back.
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Just...count on me.
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Thank you, Erika.
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*Back in the present, Kaede(?) wakes up in an empty room somewhere aboard the ship*
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daehwvns · 5 years
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hey guys, i’m june! i’m 21, from the pst and my pronouns are she/her! my son here, daehwan, is a mix of beauty and chaos because...well, he’s beautiful but has a lot of issues deep down lol. if any of y’all would be down to have something going on with daehwan, just send me an IM or like this post and i’ll message you instead! under the cut is his story so far :)
( min yoongi, cismale, he/him, twenty-seven ) — daehwan shin, better known to the media as ares has been working for the yōkai for around 6 years. rumor has it, he can be insightful & plucky but also blunt & virulent which is why he makes the perfect crowd control.
** daehwan’s mask looks like this -- basically inspired by the devil, with the horns and everything. he wants it simple but not too boring either so he settled for black plus the details it has.
tw: death
daehwan was born in morioka, japan to a wealthy family. his dad is a businessman and owns a large share of a pharmaceutical company based in seoul while his mother was a doctor.
daehwan’s upbringing was…sad, in a way, because his parents were barely there when he was growing up. daehwan’s father was always away, doing business out of morioka or the country but whenever he’s back home, he would always pressure ( not encourage ) him to do better in his studies. his dad was strict and daehwan hated his ‘nurturing’ ways because to him, it didn’t help him be better in any way.
but his mother, on the other hand, was the opposite of his father. she was very nurturing and supported daehwan in the best way she could; often encouraging him to continue his passion for the arts ( painting and drawing ) but she lacked the time to be with him due to her work and usually being assigned as the head of medical teams sent to work abroad.
basically, daehwan was often left in the hands of his nanny hired by his parents and this made it difficult for him to really bond with his parents, especially his dad. so he grew up and matured in ways that wasn’t necessarily always fit to make the best decisions.
despite his upbringing, daehwan was a good student at school. he’s pretty smart but sometimes, too smart that some of his teachers find him a nuisance lmao. nevertheless, he survived high school and went to uni to pursue a degree in fine arts.
however, at 19, daehwan’s mother died on a plane crash on the way back to japan and this hit him pretty hard ( his mom was the only one who supported him so even when she lacked the time to be with him, her death still affected him heavily ).
daehwan ended up quitting uni and because he found no purpose in living in the empty house that his parents had ( his father was still m.i.a even after his mother’s death ), he left morioka and moved to tokyo.
at 20, daehwan starts out his life in tokyo and worked as a tattoo artist. he started out in small tattoo parlors before ending up in a well-reputed one where his clients consisted of people who had some form of affiliation with gangs to actual yakuza members and while he should’ve find such clients frightening, daehwan found himself intrigued by them.
in the same fashion was how he ended up meeting ( and eventually befriending ) a person who had ties with yokai ( potential plot ). he hung out a lot with this person and in one of their night outs, some drunk guy started shit with him and his friend and...well, things didn’t end up pretty, especially on the other guy’s end lol. needless to say, daehwan beat the shit out of the guy and before the police could arrive to the scene, his friend dragged daehwan away from the place -- saved his ass the jail time it could’ve served sksks
that scenario, however, sparked an idea in his friend’s mind and ultimately resulted to daehwan being recruited into the group as a crowd control.
soon he found himself tangled up in the illegal yet fascinating world of yokai, and daehwan, to say the least, loved it. he was drawn to it and the people surrounding this newly discovered world that his transition came by rather smoothly.
now daehwan works for the group for six years and has no plans of ever getting out of the world he now lives in. he knows he can’t get back to how things were for him --- not that he had anything nor anyone to get back to anyway.
daehwan is a relatively affable guy. befriending people is usually not a problem to him unless he didn’t like them right off the bat ( or vice versa ) and if that’s the case, there’s no way he’ll show his good side to that person lol all they’d get for him are caustic comments and him laying out reasons why he doesn’t like them lmao
he’s insightful and could sense someone’s bullshit pretty easily. daehwan is also very self-reliant and would usually want to handle things on his own ( unless the ordeal is too much for him, then he’ll ask for someone’s help though with loads of hesitation on his end ).
as such, daehwan is headstrong af and if he knows he’s right, he won’t stop until you know for sure that he’s right and isn’t scared to speak his mind ( and a lot of times, that could be a problem ).
he likes making money ( probably why he found the whole underground scene fascinating because of how relatively easy it is to earn money if you know what to do; in his case, he does ) and a bit self-indulgent ( likes to party, drink and fuck lol ) and this lands him in trouble from time to time.
violence tw: this boi is also hella plucky and it can either be a good or bad thing, depending on the situation. additionally, him being virulent meant he’s not afraid of starting or finishing a fight even with someone who’s way bigger than him. doesn’t really give a fucc if he goes home with his face ruined so long as he knows the other a-hole learns their lesson and/or got a good beating from him lmao
daehwan also likes...flirting. he’s subtle most of the time but get him drunk and he can get vocal. would most probably hit on anyone as long as he found them attractive lmao
can get really soft with the people he loves/cares about though and can get overprotective as well. he’s a soft boi but also not a soft boi at the same time lol
all in all though, daehwan is a pretty good person who has the tendency to act first before thinking of the consequences later. save this boi from himselfksksks
quick facts
he’s skilled at painting and drawing and is an excellent tattoo artist.
he’s still working as a tattoo artist and has very recently opened his own small tattoo parlor in tokyo. basically, tattooing is like...a side job for him at this point (because he definitely earns more with yokai) but he loves the art -- loves making art with ink so don’t think he’ll drop this hobby/job anytime soon.
can tattoo people using a machine or using the traditional japanese technique called “tebori” -- which is basically tattooing manually by hand with a wooden or metal tool.
daehwan is bisexual. if he finds someone attractive or the connection is there, he’ll pursue them. that being said, he have had relationships and flings with both males and females in the past.
he has 8 tattoos and counting. one of them fills his right forearm, one on his right hand, while four are on his left arm, another one on his left shoulder blade and one on the back of his left ear. that being said, he makes sure to always wear clothing that covers his tattoos entirely when carrying out their ‘jobs’ so as to not be recognized by anyone by them.
speaks 3 languages: korean, japanese and english.
he’s korean japanese. basically, him and his parents are/were ethnically korean born in japan.
he stands 5′10 and has a pretty muscular build but not that muscular, if that makes sense? he’s not the big buff guy people might expect a ‘crowd control’ person to be and the result is often him being underestimated by anyone who tries to start shit with him. only when they get the beating from him that they’d realize how wrong they were for doing such because boi has such good brawling skills matched with an ‘idgaf’ attitude and idk about u but that’s pretty scary and dangerous ksksk
has a 1 year old husky doggo named ‘chan’. daehwan goes full softie with this good boi like...that’s his son ;~; slander or hurt his dog and daehwan would come biting your ankles sakjdlajsd
will probably add more later when i think of something!
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ultraviolet-psyche · 6 years
dabblin’ in kuzusouda drabbles 2
Well, a lot of people actually seemed to really like those drabbles I’ve written, so I’ve kind of decided to make it a regular thing and publish Kuzusouda drabble dumps every so often. I’m even publishing them on AO3 now - you can find these same drabbles under the work titled “The Dragon and the Shark”! Here’s the newest batch, and I hope y’all enjoy!
Fuyuhiko always cringes whenever he remembers the time Kazuichi had tried to serenade him. He knew that his boyfriend had good intentions and just wanted to show his love and appreciation for him, but still, Kazuichi obviously didn’t have any sort of musical talent.
Apparently, Ibuki had been giving him one-on-one guitar lessons over the past week, but despite her efforts, the song he played for Fuyuhiko was terrible. Almost none of the right notes had been hit, Kazuichi’s nervousness was made very obvious by his quiet, monotonous singing, and the lyrics… well… they left something to be desired. (Apparently Ibuki had written them herself - that explained a lot.)
Despite all of that, Fuyuhiko appreciated the effort - but he made it a point to inform Kazuichi that he’d rather have something simpler done to convey his affections.
“Stop bitin’ your fingernails. It’s gross.”
Kazuichi looked up from the blueprint he was constructing for a clock he was going to make. Fuyuhiko sat in the seat adjacent from him, eyes narrowed in disapproval.
“It helps me concentrate,” he argued. “If I can’t concentrate, I’m really gonna mess this up.”
“I’m even more concerned ‘bout you doin’ it than anyone else ‘cuz of your goddamn teeth,” said Fuyuhiko. “You’re gonna make yourself bleed if you’re not careful.”
“A little blood ain’t gonna hurt anyone,” said Kazuichi.
“Says the guy who’s sensitive to it.”
“I’m only sensitive to it if there’s a lot of it!”
Fuyuhiko rolled his eyes. One day, Kazuichi really was going to accidentally draw blood from his fingertip, and of course he was going to make a huge fuss over it, no matter how much he denied it now.
Guess that’s just what happens when you can’t shake off a particular habit.
Much as Kazuichi loved sleeping in the same bed as Fuyuhiko, there was one thing that really annoyed him - he was one hell of a blanket hog.
It usually happened just as Fuyuhiko was about to drift off to sleep. He’d inadvertently pull the blanket further towards himself and cocoon his small, thin body inside it, and if Kazuichi was lucky, the blanket would barely cover his ankles.
But the most aggravating thing was how Fuyuhiko would stubbornly deny it every time Kazuichi confronted him about it. It was almost as though he had no memory of the incident at all.
So one day, Kazuichi took another blanket from the linen press in the bathroom and, that night, as he and Fuyuhiko were preparing to go to sleep, he blissfully curled up in his own blanket, ignoring Fuyuhiko’s confused stare.
But it didn’t take long for Fuyuhiko to start hogging that blanket, too.
Kazuichi was 100% convinced that Fuyuhiko had a tattoo somewhere on his body. He was a Yakuza, after all, so he had to have a tattoo of some sort - right?
“Wrong,” Fuyuhiko replied after Kazuichi had asked him that very question. “I don’t have one.”
“You’re lyin’!” Kazuichi claimed. “Take your shirt off. You’ve got some epic dragon tattoo on your back or somethin’, don’t you!?”
“You’ve seen me shirtless plenty of times, fuckhead.”
“But you prolly got one very recently, and I just haven’t seen it yet!”
“Kazu, I was walkin’ ‘round the beach in my swimmin’ trunks yesterday, remember? You didn’t see any tattoos on me then, did you?”
“Right, yeah, I remember now…” A brief silence followed. Then Kazuichi’s lips turned upwards in a knowing smirk. “You’ve got one on your ass, right? Right!?”
Fuyuhiko’s only response to that was a kick in the shins.
odd socks
When it all came down to it, Kazuichi was a fashion disaster. Much as Fuyuhiko hated the gaudy yellow jumpsuit he always wore when he wasn’t lazing around the house in a pair of shorts and a tank top, the outfits he came up with for going out in public were even worse.
They were about to go see a movie with Peko and Sonia, and the outfit Kazuichi had picked out for that was ridiculous. Every single garment - T-shirt, bomber jacket, jeans, sneakers - was blindingly yellow with bright pink accents… except for one thing.
One sock was yellow, and the other was pink. They both peeked right out of Kazuichi’s sneakers, and they looked horrendous.
“I’m not lettin’ you go out like that!” Fuyuhiko growled. “You look like you just had buckets of pink and yellow paint splashed all over you!”
“I’m only tryin’ to stand out,” Kazuichi said with a shrug.
Fuyuhiko sighed as he gestured to the outfit he’d laid out for Kazuichi on the bed. “Put all that shit on instead,” he instructed. “I picked that outfit out for you ‘cuz you clearly can’t do it yourself.”
“You remind me of my mom,” Kazuichi grumbled.
He was rewarded with a light slap at the back of his head.
Sometimes, when the weather was particularly chilly and he needed to go outside in order to shovel the snow out of the driveway, Fuyuhiko would wear a thick blue beanie. Whenever he wore that beanie, he would look like an entirely different person depending on his mood. If he was in a good mood, he’d somehow look even cuter than he usually did - almost like a newborn baby. But most of the time, Fuyuhiko simply looked like a thug, and his soft, round cheeks and doe-like eyes did almost nothing to help that.
And Kazuichi was certain that Fuyuhiko knew how much he loved seeing him wear that beanie, and that he’d have thrown it out by now if it weren’t for the fact that Peko was the one who had taken the time out of her day to knit it for him.
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fifteenstrawberries · 7 years
You have one piece fic I know you have one piece fic please post a one piece fic :D
I still don’t know why you like this one so much?
For those of you who are not my twin sister and beta reader, this is a scene from a One Piece/Castle crossover I wrote a couple years ago, basically imagining how the Water 7 arc from One Piece would happen if it was set in the Castle universe. 
Castle is a police procedural show where a wealthy and eccentric author and a hard-nosed by the book detective team up to solve murders. One Piece is crazy anime pirates getting into crazy shenanigans in a crazy world.
If you’d like to see something else, check out this post for the full list.
And without further ado, here’s the fic!
“Are you sure we shouldn’t be going after this guy without more backup? I mean, he is a pirate.”
“He’s not a pirate, Castle. He just has a pirate flag on his boat. Plenty of people do that without actually being pirates.”
“But what if that’s just what he wants you to think? Maybe he’s just waiting for us to get up there and as soon as we do, the rest of his pirate crew will come swinging over from the next building with cutlasses between their teeth— maybe we could hire some ninjas instead–”
“Castle, are you going to take this seriously?”
“I am taking this seriously!” Award winning author Richard Castle pouted at his partner, Detective Kate Beckett, as the two of them climbed the stairs to the hotel roof, “You’re the one who’s dismissing the very real possibility of a pirate attack.”
Detective Kate Beckett of the NYPD paused on the landing, sighing and rubbing at the tension headache that inevitably formed whenever Castle got stuck on one of his ridiculous theories. “Castle. For the last time. We are here to question suspects in the attempted murder of Thomaso Ghiaccio. Not to accuse them of piracy. That’s the coast guard’s jurisdiction, not ours.” She continued climbing, “I’m still not sure why we’re on this instead of Major Crimes.”
“The chief probably just wanted his best detective on it.”
“That’s what he told me, but I’m homicide. I don’t usually get cases where the victim is still breathing.” She grimaced, remembering their trip to hospital to get witness statements from Ghiaccio’s teary secretary and the rest of his shaken employees. She’d seen the doctor’s report. The guy was lucky to be alive.
“It makes a nice change. To be able to stop a killer before they’ve actually killed someone instead of hunting them down after the fact.” Castle offered.
“It does,” Beckett admitted, “But still, this case! A prominent Italian engineer gets gunned down in his apartment without any sign of a break in. His employees are split between accusing a rival ship-building company or their most recent disgruntled customers, and are ready to lynch both of them, just in case. The rival company apparently has mafia ties, the customers sailed into town a week ago flying a pirate flag—they’re not really pirates, Castle, don’t even start. It sounds like something you would write, honestly…” She stopped dead, looking at the man beside her—the wealthy, well-connected, best-selling author, who had installed himself in her precinct and her life in search of ‘inspiration’ without so much as a by-your-leave—with growing disbelief. “Castle. You didn’t.”
Castle at least had the grace to look guilty. “You said so yourself, it’s a really interesting case.”
“Castle. Tell me you did not use your influence with the chief to land us this case because you wanted to investigate pirates.”
“Ask me no questions and I’ll tell you no lies.”
“… I hope your pirates make you walk the plank.”
“Hey—! Wait, do you think Alexis would avenge me? She takes fencing. And she’ll probably bully you into helping her track them down… I can see it now. ’Allo, my name is Alexis Castle, you killed my father, prepare to die. No Alexis, don’t give in to the dark side—!”
“Focus, Castle.” Beckett instructed, rounding the corner of the final flight of stairs. “The roof’s just ahead.”
“Sorry,” Castle dropped his arms, running a little to catch up with Beckett, “You really think they’ll be on the roof? And if they’re not, ooh! Could we start a man-hunt? Because the only thing that would make this case better than it already is would be a city-wide manhunt for the attacker.”
“The manager saw one of them headed up these stairs.” Beckett said, deciding to ignore the bit about a city-wide manhunt for the sake of her sanity, “It’s as good a bet as any. Though why the alarms wouldn’t sound—ah,” She frowned at the wires hanging loose in front of the door, yanked out of the roof alarm, “They’re lucky we’re not building inspectors.”
“Thank God. Can you imagine trying to write a book about building code violations instead of murders? ” Castle said, and opened the door.
The first thing Castle noticed about the teenager leaning against the air-conditioning unit opposite the door was his hair. How did he even get it that color? It was a bright, almost glow-in-the-dark green. Combined with three piercings in one ear, cargo pants, ratty white wife-beater, and sullen glower, he looked like every boy he’d ever warned Alexis about, distilled into the archetypical punk.
The first thing Beckett noticed about the teenager was the unsheathed katana in his left hand.
Her hand dropped to her holster, drawing her gun and clicking off the safety in one move, “NYPD, drop your weapon.”
The teen glanced at her, his gaze dropping to the badge on her belt before he grunted in acknowledgement. “Yes. Choto, I am almost done.”
Beckett stiffened, about to demand that he put away his sword now, not when it suited him, but the teen had swiped a piece of thin paper along the edge of the blade and sheathed it before she could do more than open her mouth. He shifted onto his knees slowly and placed the sword on his far right, just out of easy reach. Then he leaned back again, slouching against the air conditioning unit, and raised an eyebrow as if to say, happy?
Castle was impressed. He wasn’t sure if it was teenage insolence or straight up arrogance, but either way, it took major guts to bait Beckett when she had her game face on.
Beckett twitched, eyes narrowed, looking like she still had half a mind to arrest him on general principles. But she holstered her gun, the only concession to still-twitching nerves the hand she rested on the grip. “We’re looking for Lufisacio D. Monkey.” She said, “Do you know where he is?”
That earned them a sharp look that even pulling a weapon on him hadn’t gotten. But his gaze shifted somewhere behind them, to the billboard toward the front of the building, and he yelled, “Oi, Luffy!”
“Hã?” Another boy’s voice called out, somewhere above them.
“Satsuyo?” Beckett asked under her breath, not really expecting an answer as she looked for the owner of the second voice.
“Japanese slang for the police,” Castle replied, just as soft. He was still watching the green-haired teen, eyes alight, “You know, I think this guy might actually be yakuza! Well, no maybe not, no tattoos and he still has all his fingers. On a more important note; why didn’t you tell me that our prime suspect’s name was Lufisacio?”
“Because I knew that you wouldn’t shut up about it if you knew and it was a long drive.” Beckett muttered, then called louder, “Sir, would you mind coming out please?”
Gravel exploded beside them. Another teenager—shorter than the first, wearing a red basketball jersey and cut-off jeans– landed in a crouch. He straightened, placing the straw hat hanging around his neck back on to wiry black hair.
Beckett noted bandaged limbs and wondered where he had gotten the scar beneath his left eye.
Castle noted the sixteen foot difference between the top of the billboard and the roof, and wondered if the young man made a habit of jumping from high places.
Lufisacio D. Monkey glanced between the two of them, “Zoro said you are a polícia?”
“Yes,” Beckett said, “I’m Detective Kate Beckett, this is my partner Richard Castle.”
The teen, somewhat surprisingly, brightened, “Richard Castelo? O autor?”
“If, by that you mean the famous, best-selling author that has been translated into dozens of languages around the world, then yes, that’s me.” Castle smirked a bit, holding out a hand.
“Que barato!” The teen grinned widely, seizing Castle’s hand and shaking it enthusiastically before turning back to his friend. “Zoro, mee-te!”
“Ah, ah, wakkatte.” The green-haired teen waved lazily, then linked both hands behind his head and closed his eyes.
Unperturbed by the lack of enthusiasm, he turned back to face Castle and Beckett with the same wide grin, “Nami and Robin read your stories all the time to us. They are very good!”
“Glad you enjoyed them,” Castle was matching him grin for grin by this point, “It’s always good to meet a fan.”
“You will sign our books?”
“Unfortunately,” Beckett broke in, “I’m afraid neither of you will have time for that.” She was immune to Castle’s reaction at this point, but she wasn’t quite prepared when they both turned puppy eyes on her. She had to steel herself before continuing, “We just have a few questions for you, Mr. Monkey—”
“Vovô?” The teen interrupted, looking around in alarm.
His friend snorted, mumbling something that sounded vaguely like, “aho, teme-ga.”
Whatever it was, Luffy relaxed, turning back to them with a grin, “My name is Luffy. Mr. Monkey is my vovô, my grandpa. Entendes?”
“Luffy is a lot better than Lufisacio.” Castle said, with a sympathetic smile at the awful name.
“Sim.” Luffy made a face, and glanced at Beckett, “Detetive, you have questions?”
“Yes.” Beckett said, pulling up a picture on her phone. “Do you recognize this man?”
“Avô Tom. Yes, I know him.” Luffy nodded. “He looked at our ship when we brought it for repairs.”
The president of the entire company personally evaluates a ship for damages? There’s got to be something up with that. Beckett nodded, making a mental note, “And were you satisfied with his work?”
Something in Luffy’s face shut down. Aha, Beckett thought. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Castle lean forward.
“Sim … talvez.” Luffy stared down at his feet, “Não.”
“English please, Luffy.” Beckett said, a touch impatiently.
“He said Allons-y Allégrement could no longer sail.”
“Is that your ship?” Luffy nodded, “Did you have an argument?”
“Sim,” he shrugged, “I wanted Avô to fix her. We brought lots of dollars to show we could afford the repairs, but he said it did not matter how much money we had, it was impossible.”
“Why was that?”
“Allons-y Allégrement is a wood ship. Her quilha, her keel … he said it was broken.”
“Did you believe him?”
To Beckett’s surprise, that question made him rally, He lifted his head, looking her in the eye. “I do not know how to fix ships,” He told her, “Meu tripulação does not know how to fix ships. If Avô Tom and his friends say she cannot go on, I must trust him.”
Which was not a ‘yes.’ Definitely something to look into.
“Still,” Castle interjected, “That must have been pretty difficult, just giving up on your ship like that. We saw pictures of her; she looks like she’s been through a lot.”
“Eh,” Luffy shrugged again, uncomfortable, “We need to keep moving. We need to buy a new ship. I wish it was not necessary, but it is what we must do.”
“Speaking of moving,” Castle said, “According to our records, you’re docked down at Liberty Landing Marina.” At Luffy’s nod, he continued, managing to sound only curious about a detail he was convinced would crack the case. “I can understand wanting to see the Big Apple, but what are you doing all the way in Brooklyn?”
“Cheap hotels.”
… Damn. Luffy can’t lie at all, can he? Beckett thought. If he was closed off before, he was positively stony now, and the contrast between that and the cheerfulness he had greeted them with made his reluctance to answer painfully obvious.
Hiding or not, Castle’s pet theory was going to have to wait. It was time to get down to business. “When was the last time you saw Mr. Ghiaccio?” Beckett asked.
“Yesterday.” Luffy glanced at her curiously. “Why? Is he lost?”
“Mr. Ghiaccio was shot last night in his home.”
“… Heh?” Luffy was staring, eyes wide and shocked, “Avô Tom was … fala serio!”
“He was shot twice in the front and three times in the back.” Beckett had to squash an instinctual rush of sympathy at Luffy’s expression, bearing on brutally. “He’s still alive. But only barely.”
“Não.” Luffy shook his head in denial.
Beckett and Castle shared a glance. Neither of them had understood all of what Luffy had said, but Beckett had broken the news of a loved one’s death to enough families that she could guess.
Which begged the question. Luffy was a suspect. The only possible suspect, according to Ghiaccio’s main foreman and quite a few employees.
Why was he acting like a victim?
“Quem—” Luffy began, stopped himself, and began again in English. “Who would shoot him? Why? He is a nice man, todos o amam. Who would shoot him?”
Beckett raised an eyebrow, letting her silence speak for itself.
When the silence crossed the line from ‘telling’ to ‘awkward’ and Luffy looked no closer to getting the message, Castle coughed slightly. “We were hoping you could tell us.” He said delicately.
Luffy gave him an exasperated look. “How can I know? We only come to town a week ago!” He crossed his arms with a considering frown, “Castelo tells good stories, but maybe he is not so good with real life mysteries?”
Beckett had to bite her lip to keep from laughing as Castle swelled indignantly. “I am too!” He all but squawked, and abandoned all notion of subtlety. “Why do you think we’re here talking to you? You’re the suspect!”
“Hãããããã?!?!?!?!” Luffy’s jaw dropped and eyes bugged as he gaped at them.
It would have been funny if they weren’t accusing him of attempted murder.
Any humor she felt at the situation evaporated. “Luffy,” She said, catching his attention, “Where were you between nine and eleven pm last night?”
“By a marina. Maybe in the park? Then walking to the hotel.”
“Is there anyone who could verify that?” Beckett asked, opening her notebook to write down names.
“Sim. My friends. We had lost one, but …” Luffy trailed off, looking positively grim before he shook himself and finished answering, “Todos de meu— all of my friends were there but her.”
Castle stayed quiet as Beckett asked the questions needed to complete Luffy’s alibi, considering the dark look that had crossed the boy’s face. It actually took some real effort for him to snap out of that, Castle thought, intrigued.
What are you hiding, Mr. Lufisacio D. Monkey?
Beckett was looking rather grim herself, though she hid it well under a layer of cool professionalism. “Would you mind coming down to the station while we check out a few things?” She asked.
“À delagacia?” Luffy blinked.
“Is he arrested?”
Castle started, glancing over at where the green-haired teen was no longer asleep.
The teen glowered suspiciously at them, “Is Luffy arrested or no?” He demanded.
“We just want to verify a couple parts of his alibi.” Beckett said smoothly, “He’s not under arrest.”
Yet, hung unspoken in the air. The teen’s eyes narrowed, trying to stare Beckett down.
Castle was rather glad that he wasn’t on the receiving end of that glare. From either of them. The green-haired teen was brimming with suspicion and hostility, and looked frankly dangerous despite his young age, while Beckett watched him with all the calm assurance of a senior detective of the NYPD, hand on the grip of her gun as if daring him to try something…. Darn it, why is there never popcorn when you need any?
“Dai jo bu, Zoro,” Luffy said easily, cutting through the tension in the air. The teenager broke off his staring contest with Beckett to give Luffy a worried scowl, “Even if I am arrested, está bom. We did not think to look in prison.”
“That woman would never allow herself to be caught unless she meant to be.” Zoro shot back.
Luffy shrugged, “Sim. But maybe a polícia know what we do not? Either way, I will go.”
Zoro scowled deeper for a moment, before sighing, “Shi, capitao.”
Luffy nodded, satisfied, then seemed to think of something and turned to Beckett in alarm, “Do you think Zoro is a killer too? His a-lee-by is to be with me, and if I must come with you—”
“Your friend isn’t under any suspicion.” Beckett assured him. Giving Zoro a look askance, she added “But if he wants to come with you, that would be fine.”
“Hmmmm.” Luffy crossed his arms, considering. He made a decision, going to crouch down beside his friend. “Zoro. You want to come?”
“… No.” Zoro rubbed his face, suddenly looking tired in a way that had nothing to do with his recent catnap. “No. I will wait.”
Luffy nodded, then stood up, walking to Beckett and Castle without hesitation, “Vamos!” He yanked the roof door open and ran down the stairs. His voice and footsteps echoed up the staircase as he called up to them, “You have a police car, yes? With sirens and lights? You will turn them on, yes …?”
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reapers-carino · 7 years
Beauty in Simplicity|Ch. 1 (Yakuza!Hanzo x Hostess!Reader)
It was much too early.
 Twisting your wrist you glanced at the time as it projected itself an inch above your skin, grimacing slightly at the time. ‘0714’. Carding a hand through your hair you couldn’t help the soft sigh that tumbled from your lips, the soft click-clacking of your heels against the concrete sidewalk picking up. This was ridiculously early for you. If Ayane hadn’t called you with this ‘urgent favor’, you had no doubt you would still be wrapped up in your comforter, dead to the world until 10 AM at the earliest. The older woman, who you affectionately referred to as mamasan, was your boss and dear friend but you swore that as soon as you made it to the club you were going to have a talk about your ‘business hours’. Still, you couldn’t be upset with her, it appeared that a ‘special’ client had reserved an early trial meeting and she wanted her ‘best girl’ there. Her flattery worked, obviously, pulling you out of your bed and sending you down the road towards the coffee shop on the corner before catching a cab to Roppongi.
 She had kept details scant, as was normal, not wanting any prying ears to possibly pick up anything over ‘unsecure lines’. The patrons of the club valued their privacy and every girl that worked there as well as mamasan were more than happy to comply. Club Rosebud was a members only club that served the elite; politicians, CEOs, oyabun of the upper crust yakuza families, military leaders and the like. As long as they paid their dues, respected the ladies and didn’t become too disrespectful or belligerent, they would always be welcomed back with open arms. The building itself was discreet; a Vishkar commissioned project, sleek and modern with solid black privacy glass covering the outside. Ayane had balked at the thought of subscribing to the neon signs that often decorated the hostess and nightclubs in the area, instead vying for a hologram that projected the name in stylish cursive and katakana,  hard light roses and petals constantly falling down and onto the sidewalk. It was chic yet discreet, beautiful and classy; the exact image mamasan wanted to convey and what kept their clients both happy and impressed.
 Club Rosebud location was a calculated decision on Ayane’s part, a street that existed an arms length away from the hustle and bustle of downtown, yet close to several embassies and five star hotels. The street was fairly calm; wide sidewalks leading to high-end cafes and bistros and a small two-lane road that had a small side lane that cars could take directly to the front of Rosebud. A side street led to a private entrance for those that required it, although it was most often used by the women that worked there as a quicker way to the back. This is where you often entered the club and where you were headed that morning.
 Lifting your wrist to the panel next to the door, you hummed idly as you waited for your credentials to be verified, the small security pad turning blue before the door slid open smoothly. You barely paid any mind to the environment around you as you moved through the warmly lit hall, continuing the softly hummed song as you made a beeline towards the back. The art deco theme left the place brightly colored and yet tied together with dark walls or decor, seating plush and comfortable and inviting. A long bar was attached to a door that led to the kitchen, the different bottles of high-shelf liquor on the wall looking like twinkling gems. There were private rooms, of course, with varying themes; Japanese-style tea rooms, traditional conference rooms, hell, there was even a small private theater. Anything the clients needed, Ayane wanted to be able to provide.
 You carried on past them, walking through a door that was affectionately marked ‘Roses’ Only’, signifying an employee only area. A little ways down was another door that led to the dressing rooms; a pastel explosion of a room that was fitted with a dozen pearlescent white vanities, soft lighting and two dozen or so rolling racks filled to the brim with clothing from designer clothing from all over the world. Tucking your purse underneath your personal space, you sighed as you sank into the soft pink skirted vanity chair, stretching before crossing your legs.
 ‘Know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight a hundred battles without disaster’- Sun Tzu.
 The quote from the great Chinese philosopher sat permanently affixed to the mirror of your vanity, a silent reminder of your life’s philosophy. You jokingly would tell the other girls you worked with that you were preparing for a battle; dressing yourselves in fine silks and chiffons like they were armor, your warpaint high-end cosmetics, your simplistically intricate hairstyles your helmet. The war ground is one that you had fought proudly on for years and would continue to do so for however long your spirit compelled you to, the battle of courtesans and their wealthy, upper class clientele.
 Your battle hardened statements were all in jest, of course, but you enjoyed the playful distance it allowed you to practice whenever you entered the club. You were skilled at your job and you knew what was both wanted and demanded of you. An amicable warmth, lively conversation, class and professionality, charm and attractiveness all wrapped into a package with a pretty little bow. You were fortunate. Within the walls of the club and the mouths of patrons and advertisers, you were sought after not only for your beauty and charisma but your intellect as well, known for being demurely scintillating. For now, however, you worked on accentuating the beauty that was seen before the brain, primping in front of the vanity in the changing room.
 You kept your vanity clean and tidy, makeup neatly stored away and sorted in a deep blue makeup case, your hard light styling multi-tool laid across the top of it. Assorted hairsprays, perfumes, brushes, accessories and jewelry were scattered, albeit tidily across the back of your small table. A place for everything and everything in its place. Your fingers moved over your items in a practiced manner, humming softly to yourself as you considered the look you were trying to go for this afternoon.  Bold, glittering neon matte lips had become popular recently, appearing on magazines and in talk shows but you felt that it was much too flashy, at least for the client mamasan had assigned you. Your look had to be perfect, demure and respectful, enticing and seductive. Chewing lightly on the inside of your cheek, you visualized several looks before opening your eyes and looking at your reflection. You had an idea.
 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸
 Hanzo rolled his shoulders as the hovercar came to a stop, eyes glancing up at the building, barely suppressing the groan that tumbled from his lips. Hanzo could feel anger begin to lap at his insides like fire, doing nothing to hide his agitated expression from his brother. Hanzo made a soft dismissive ‘tch’ in the back of his throat as he stared at the name, ‘Club Rosebud’, the fluttering flower petals aesthetically pleasing and yet...irritating.  
 “A hostess club”, Hanzo deadpanned, shooting his younger brother a scathing look. The frown on Hanzo’s lips only grew deeper as Genji returned the look with a shit-eating grin, clapping his hand down on his older brother’s shoulder and shaking. “This is the last time I trust you with picking the venue Genji.”
 “Relax aniki”, Genji says, his tone much too lackadaisical for Hanzo’s taste, purposefully sliding directly next to the man despite the car’s roomy interior. Genji wrapped his arms around Hanzo’s shoulder, the older pushing against the younger, drawing laughter from the man. “Rosebud is one of the classiest joints in all of Japan! I promise, aniki, even Prime Minister Sakamoto goes here!”
 That earned a small upward quirk of the eyebrow from Hanzo, skeptical yet easing the shoving match he and his brother were locked in.
 “I don’t think you would know ‘high class’ if it bit you on the ass”, Hanzo stated matter-of-factly, finally managing to untangle himself from Genji’s hold. Hanzo’s hands immediately began straightening the tailored black suit he wore, readjusting the deep blue button up with an agitated precision. He shot another glare his brother’s way, only earning yet another wide grin. “What exactly was wrong with Suzume?”
 “No offense but during the daytime that place is boring”, Genji said bluntly, nose wrinkling up at the thought of returning to the empty, musicless, patron-less club in the daytime. “It doesn’t create a ‘welcoming’ environment! We want to make our ‘partners’ feel welcome, Hanzo! Not bore them to death in an empty night club. Plus the girls here are gorgeous and they are very generous with alcohol. You know how that loosens lips, right? Plus today is only a trial run aniki! No pressure!”
 Genji wiggled his brows conspiratorily, a knowing smirk on his lips as he gently nudged Hanzo with his elbow. Hanzo gave a grunt, an unspoken, if temporary, concession that he would try this for the time being, twisting his body towards the door as their Omnic chalet opened the door. At the very least, if the location was subpar, Genji had actually come prepared for the meeting. The 25-year old had actually worn one of his nicer suits, albeit was a crisp snow white in color. The inner button up was a forest green, his cufflinks golden dragons with emerald eyes, much like Hanzo’s own white gold and sapphire ones. His younger brother had even managed to dye his garish lime green hair back to black, just solidifying how serious he was about assisting Hanzo with this transaction. Although the elder sibling had no doubts that his brother would soon dye it again when things were set in stone with the Americans.
 From birth, both brothers had been molded, trained to take over the Shimada-gumi, one of the strongest and largest Yakuza factions in the Tokyo area. The older the heir and the younger his right hand man, each imbued with their own skills. Hanzo was the tactician, blessed with a naturally analytical mind with a scathing wrath that could, and would, crush anyone that dare to buck against their Shimada reign. He was protective of what was his; his family, his assets, his livelihood. Genji was the amiable social butterfly, a man able to read the room and the people around them, able to draw people to him with his innate charm. Contrary to popular belief, he wasn’t a naive playboy, his ability to disarm people allowing him to gather his fill of information before flashing even a modicum of his true nature. Both had extensive training in both hand to hand combat and various weapons; pistols, assault rifles, swords, bows. Name it and it had been in their hands. And while their father, Sojiro, still handled a bulk of the responsibilities, he trusted his two sons with managing new business deals in his stead.
 Giving one last vexed grunt, Hanzo turned towards the door as Yosuke, their Omnic chalet pulled the door open. Hanzo stepped out into the subtle warmth of the spring morning, straightening up and rolling his shoulder before stepping to the side to allow his brother room to move out as well. Genji practically jumped out of the car, arms raised high as he waved at the elderly woman who was walking towards the two of them, both waving enthusiastically before each approached the other with open arms. She was short, definitely no taller than five feet tall, dressed in hōmongi-style black kimono, soft pink and creamy yellow primroses and tea roses stretching from her feet to her back then over her left shoulder and to the edge of both sleeves. As Genji spun her around, Hanzo caught sight of the simple graying bun she wore, adorned by a fresh pink-red rose pinned in her hair.
 Setting her down, Genji and her continued to talk animatedly as Hanzo observed, taking in the yellow obi with the intricately tied knot. An obvious refined taste was felt in the clothing, but her nature only helped to solidify her classiness. Her gaze was affectionate yet sharp, focused on Genji yet not missing anything happening around her. She wore very traditional clothing and yet her mannerisms were nothing if contemporary; hands on hips, grabbing Genji’s chin and pinching his cheeks. However when her gaze twisted to Hanzo, the playful chiding in her tone gave way to a warm professionality.
 “Shimada-san”, she said, stepping away from Genji and giving a respectful bow that Hanzo returned with one of his own. Straightening up, a small sage smile settled onto her lips as she returned Hanzo’s once over before giving a quiet chuckle. “Your brother has told me much about you. My name is Ayane Takahashi. Let me assure you that we, at Club Rosebud, are both honored to be at your service and understanding of your need for discretion. Genji has enlightened me on the company you are expecting and I do believe I have the perfect accommodations for your needs, Shimada-san.”
 Hanzo gave a short half nod, disguising the look of skepticism with a small bow to the elderly woman. Her eyes twinkled as she returned the bow, turning on the heel of her foot and beginning to move smoothly towards the building. Hanzo kept himself a few paces back, Genji walking backwards between the both of them, a Cheshire grin on his face. As Ayane approached the front doors, two well dressed men, obvious bodyguards, pushed the doors open from the inside.
 As soon as he stepped foot within a door they were greeted by a comfortably sophisticated ambiance; lighting warm but frosted, casting a well lit yet relaxed vibe. The soft scent of perfume hung in the air, constant yet not overpowering; base notes of vanilla, musk and amber were accompanied by notes of citrus and stone fruits. Plush fauteuil armchairs in colors of pink and key lime and powder blue and creamy peach were spaced around the room, some near wrap around black hard light tables, others stand alones with small cherry wood coffee tables placed in front of them. To the left of the room was a long bar counter, black marble with glittering gold flakes locked under a highly shined surface, ambient lighting shining beneath top shelf liquor and fine crystal glasses. The floor was hardlight as well, sturdy and slip resistance, twinkling lights following the steps of the three of them as Ayane came to a stop in the center of the room.
 “This”, Ayane started, sweeping her arm left to right across the room. “Is our general sitting room and bar. This is where most of our one on one meetings between our ladies and their patrons, although small private rooms are readily available if requested. Our bar is one of the, if not the best, stocked bar in the area. However, if you do have a particular brand which isn’t located here, we will be more than happy to order it for you. We also have a fully stocked kitchen and chef on call, so if you have any requests for your guests or if you’re anything like your brother, we can supply almost any sustenance you’d like.”
 There was a satisfied smile on her lips as she casted a brief glance over here shoulder, able easily read the subtle impressed look that rested on the elder Shimada’s face. Hanzo had seen some of the clubs that Genji frequented and this definitely differed from the playboy’s normal. Hanzo had half expected a gaudy interior, fraught with the acrid smell of cheap liquor and perfume, cigarette smoke clinging to everything. This was actually...nice. More than nice if he was being honest. Genji smiled, breaching the gap between his brother and him and clapping a hand down on his shoulder.
 “Nice isn't it aniki”, Genji practically sang, the smug smile on his face only growing as Hanzo rolled his eyes yet didn’t push him away. That was as good as an admission as he was going to get from the hardass.
 “Security seems lax”, Hanzo stated, more to his brother than Ayane as if to pull some of the wind from his presumptuous sails. Ayane turned completely with that, her grin slick and filled mirth.
 “Oh Shimada-san we take security very seriously here”, Ayane said stated warmly, reaching into her sleeve and pulling out a tablet from a hidden pocket. “We value privacy here and you cannot uphold privacy without superb security, right? Every single guest, employee and Rosebud members are authenticated into our systems. If you are not in our system, you do not get in. If by some chance, let’s say, some paparazzo snuck in here we have automated security systems that not only notify our security team but short circuits any electronics they have on their person. If they happen to fight back, well, we do have other means as well.”
 Hanzo hummed softly before looking at the woman and giving a small smirk at the dangerous glint in her eye. Well, it appeared that this place could be...acceptable.
 “Shall we continue”, Ayane asked with a soft chuckle and a graceful turn back around. She didn’t wait for their acknowledgement, steps picking back up as she led them down a warmly lit hallway. “The conference room your brother requested is one of our mid-sized rooms, more than enough space to accommodate up to twenty people if need be. Light refreshments and drinks will of course be provided within the fees for the room, as well as the services of my girls. Now you both are in for a treat. I have picked two of my loveliest, most charming girls to attend to both of you personally. It always looks nice to have a pretty lady on your arm, especially with those Americans doesn’t it? Oh and Genji, do watch out. She is not happy with you.”
 Ayane waved her hand over a small console built into the wall, the screen coming to life as her credentials were instantly accepted.
 “These doors are secured as well”, she stated simply as the console turned green and the doors began to slide open. “Just as an added measure of privacy. Ah, Aiko, Hitomi, come and introduce yourselves!”
 Ayane stepped to the side as the doors to the roo fully opened, allowing the two Shimadas to enter before her. Hanzo hummed in approval as he looked around the room. Two bright, avant garde chandeliers hung over a mahogany conference table; glasses, holopads and bottles of premium spring water sitting in front of each plush, leather upholstered chair. A small bar was tucked into the corner, a small holopad denoting an automated bartending system. Across from the table was a large screen, obviously for projecting any presentations, pictures or videos to anyone who hooked up to their system. What set the room apart, however, was the sitting area that had been included. A large, cream wrap around couch sat spaced apart from the conference table, fluffy pillows and throws of various shades of orange adorning the piece of furniture. Two women were just beginning to turn as Hanzo’s eyes finished assessing the room, his focus now on them.
 “Genji-kun”, the shorter of the two squeaked out, a playful, scolding look on her features as she stormed over to the younger Shimada. The woman was petite but the heels she wore placed her just under Genji’s nose. She was dressed in a glittering blue lace bodycon dress, her light brown hair styled in loose waves around her shoulders. Her hands rested on her hips, her frown faltering as Genji grinned back at her, bottom lip quivering as she tried to keep her expression downturn. “Where have you been mister?”
 “Ai-chan”, Genji exclaimed, taking a half step back so he could give the young woman an exaggerated look up and down. Aiko rolled her eyes at him before cocking her hip to the side and continuing to stare him down, any real malice in her actions lacking. “You are looking as beautiful as ever. Did you do something with your hair? It accentuates your cheekbones!”
 Aiko’s face lit up, her hand moving to wrap around a lock of her hair before moving to her cheek, the hard look on her face melting away as she dissolved into a fit of giggles.
 “You’re lucky flattery works every time”, she stated simply before throwing her arms open and laughing as Genji’s arms wrapped around her in an affectionate huge. The two began talking back and forth rapidly, the increasing volume and pitch of their voice making him cringe.
 “So excitable. I’m envious, I wish I had an iota of that much energy. Although, I highly doubt I’d get half as loud…”
 Hanzo’s gaze snapped to the left, eyes dancing over the woman he could only assume was the ‘Hitomi’ Ayane had mentioned. She wore an ombre strapless chiffon dress; the bodice fitted and white, the color gradient slowly trickling downward until it was a warm orange marmalade color around her feet. Her exact shoewear wasn’t clear but she stood right at Hanzo’s chin,dark eyes glancing up at him as she addressed him. A rose gold bracelet with pink and white diamond hung loosely around her wrist, shifting with the subtle movements of her hands as she commented on the pair in front of the two of them.
 Her dark hair was half up and half down, loosely pulled back with a twist and secured by a pink crystal hair comb, the shape a large sakura blossom flanked by smaller closed buds. Her makeup was simple yet elegant; a soft pink glow across the cheeks, lips glossed with copper and bronze eyelids, mascara and eyeliner tight. Confidence poured off of her in waves as she stood next to the man, the smile on her lips demure and inviting, eyes respectful yet curious. The eldest brother was intrigued. While attractive people were not a rarity to either brother, he couldn’t help the way his heart picked up as he looked her up and down. Hanzo hid the gulp that unconsciously wanted to follow as he stared, his eyes locking onto hers before snapping to her hand as she extended to him.
 “Oh where are my manners”, you asked softly, head tilting to the side as you admonished yourself. “My name is Hitomi. It is nice to make your acquaintance, Shimada-san.”
 Hanzo lightly grabbed your hand in his, feeling a rush of lightning arc through his system at the physical contact. This was new. Lifting your hand to his lips, he pressed a chaste kiss against the back of it before looking down at you with the slightest ghost of a smile on his lips.
 “The pleasure is all mine.”
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poutypanic · 7 years
Yes, My Love
You’re the wife of a yakuza mob boss by the name of Hanzo Shimada (i mean you knew this already). You both work hard for the family, and on particularly hard, and frustrating days; the two of you like to get out your frustrations in a particular way. 18+ fem!reader
AO3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/11166291
These sessions are few and far between, as they are far better when they are sparse. Neither you or Hanzo ever want to get used to this. This is something that is saved for those days when you both need to let out an exceeding amount of stress. Today is one of those days.
You’re standing in front of Hanzo, with a hand placed firmly on your hip. Staring him down and wearing nothing but a simple pair of killer heels.
Hanzo tries to approach you, but you wag your finger back and forth, “No touching.”
You get right to it. "Take off your clothes." You snap your fingers and point at a spot in the middle of the room, “Stand right here.”
Hanzo hesitates, but only for a brief moment, before he starts doing what he was told. It always takes a little adjusting for him to get into the correct mindset for his current role. Your breath hitches as you watch him gingerly get undressed. Hanzo takes the time to look you in the eyes with each peel and pull. He stands in the spot you directed him to and holds his hands together above his head, like the good slut that he is. He waits right underneath a pulley, that is supporting the shackles he’ll be bound by very soon. The way Hanzo looks at you is heat-inducing. He is wearing a constant smirk on his face that says, “Wreck me.”
And you’re going to.
After you get him shackled, you run your nails along his jaw just harsh enough that red lines blossom from ear to chin, "I'm gonna make you feel good. You're just gonna have to earn it first."
Hanzo already knows your rules, but he loves hearing your commanding tone, so you repeat them.
"You can beg me for what you want, but you will not demand it. You will address me as my most treasured pet name. Do you know what that is?”
Hanzo smirks, as if he’d ever fail that question, “Yes, my love.”
“Good man,” you coo, “And you will say please and thank you. I am in charge here, and you are not. Do you understand me?"
Hanzo’s chest heaves with breaths of anticipation, “Please, do whatever you want to me, my love.”
“Hmpf.” You wrap your arms around him. Both of your hands come down hard onto his ass, and Hanzo grunts in response, more from surprise than pain. He actually thought you were being sweet. “I don’t remember asking you to give me your permission. I know I can.”
It’s not easy to get a pain response from Hanzo. This is a man who’s been tortured for information, and more than once. You’ve found that the one thing that gets the best response is the cane. You grab a hold of your favorite one: a rattan cane with a red leather grip. When Hanzo sees what you’ve chosen, a wicked smile spreads across his face.
You run the cane along his stomach, and his muscles convulse at the mere graze.
You ask, “My dear, do you like my choice?”
“Yes, my love.”
You line it up on his chest, and promptly take it back and bring it back down. It whistles through the air and hits his chest with a sweet crack. It barely elicits a response from him, other than, "Thank you, my love." So you do it again, and again, until he’s gritting his teeth, grunting with every whip, and barely able to get out the thank you's that are required. When you let up, his whole torso is shaking, and his cock his rigid and wet.
You let the cane drop onto the ground and run your tongue along the welts that litter his chest. He watches you, as Hanzo never takes his eyes off you while you’re dominating him. Your hands run all along his torso taking care to dig your nails in whenever and wherever you can. Your husband is quite the specimen, a sight you never get tired of, especially when he’s shackled and completely at your mercy.
“It never ceases to amaze me,” you take a chunk of his pec between your teeth and bite down hard enough to leave a mark, “Just how sick you are.”
You bite him with full force again. This time right over his nipple. His mouth drops open, and the shackles struggle and protest against his the pull of his grip. You stay there licking and sucking on his nipples until they are raw and oversensitive. Every once in a while, you’ll lightly graze your knee up the length of his cock and savor the pathetic whine it drags from him every time.
“I have a reward for you.” You pause to drag a nail from his chest all the way down to the base of his dick, “That is, if you please me first.”
For a moment it seems Hanzo forgets about his situation. He leans forward, and the chains jingle in protest. He had been trying to take your mouth with his. He closes his eyes and chuckles to himself. You’re watching him internally chastise himself for nearly breaking your no touching rule.
“I know I can please you, my love. I am begging you; let me.”
The way his amber eyes widen and intensify in both color and shine have you nearly weak in the knees and resolve. It takes willpower to not lift your leg up, wrap it around that lithe body, impale yourself on that cock, and ride till completion.  Instead, you grant him one kiss. While your lips are firmly pressed to his, you can feel the tightness in his face, a sign that he is using his own self-discipline to hold back.
“Soon enough Hanzo.”
You leisurely walk around him, leaving marks with both your nails and mouth as you go. You pause at his back, snake your hand along his face and into his mouth. You didn’t even have to ask him to open up. He eagerly let you in. As you pump your fingers in and out, he sucks and moans on them.
You take your slicked fingers and glide it between his cheeks. Hanzo bucks back into you, trying to get you to give him what he wants. But he doesn’t get to have that yet. Instead, you tease him by rubbing your slick fingers around his hole, only to guide them forward so you can cup his balls in your hand.
You do grant him a small piece of pleasure. You reach around with your free hand and stroke him. You sigh, because every time you wrap your fingers around him, you are reminded just how fat his cock is. Your fingertips can’t even meet each other without a painfully tight squeeze. Hanzo hangs his head, and small groans come with each stroke. You lay a kiss on his shoulder blade. How cute, he’s falling apart before you have even gotten to his reward yet.
“Am I making you feel good?”
“Yes, my love.”
“Then what do you say?”
“Thank you, my love.”
It’s time for him to earn what he is really after. You give the shackles enough slack, so that you can command him to get on his knees. He drops down and watches you with anticipation in his eyes, as you saunter your way back towards him. Each step deliberate enough to make a nice clicking noise against the hard wooden floor. Using the chain for leverage, you lift up one leg and throw it onto his shoulder.
You drive the heel of your shoe into his back, “You know what to do.”
You’re barely able to get the command out before Hanzo buries his face in between your thighs. He takes your folds into his mouth getting them nice and slick with his saliva. He hums and moans, not only because he is enjoying himself immensely, but because he knows you love it when his voice vibrates over your pussy. He looks up at you to see that you are now the one with your mouth wide open, with a blissful look on your face.
When he directs his focus to your clit, you say his name over and over, until the muscles in your thigh start to twitch against his cheek.
“Oh, Hanzo. You’re so good. A perfect slut. You please your woman so well.”
You come hard all over his mouth, and even when it’s over, Hanzo keeps going, trying to do the same thing you did to his nipples to your clit. Hanzo is testing you. He never forgets who’s in control, but still would like to see how long it will take before you break. You test him back by raking your nails over his shoulder, knowing full well you’re drawing blood.
Even then, he does not stop, and you have to yank him away by his hair and snarl, “Enough!”
While you have a strong grip on his hair, you use it to drag him down onto the floor. His face is pressed into the mat, and his ass in the air.  While you are strapping in, you take the time to really admire that beautiful backside, and the way his muscles connect in a perfect sculpture of human anatomy.
He looks up at you from the floor, eyeing the toy you now have securely attached to your crotch. It’s double sided and fills you up nicely, so it will fill him just as nicely. You have a horse bit clutched in your hands that you have full intentions of putting into his mouth, but first, you want to hear him beg.
“You better beg for what you want, Hanzo.”
He growls deep in his throat, “Fuck me.”
“What, did you just say? That sounded that a demand to me, Hanzo.”
He closes his eyes, “I am so sorry, my love. Please, fuck me. I need you to fuck me.”
“You want me to give you what you need?”
He grunts, “Oh yes, my love.”
You loom over him, bend down, and roughly insert the bit into his mouth. You make sure it’s securely attached and grab a hold of his chin, turning his face so that his cheek is resting against the floor.
“I want to be able to see your face at all times, so you will stay just like this.”
Hanzo nods. That will have to suffice in place of a, “Yes, my love”. Hanzo is so turned on and ready, that he’s breathing heavily through his nostrils. His cock is dripping pre-come onto the floor and twitching with such momentum that the tip keeps hitting him in his belly button. With lube on your fingers, you slide them down onto his eager hole. You massage circles, pretending like you’re going to insert a digit or two, only to let up on the pressure.
Just the mere sensation of your fingers has Hanzo whining against the bit. The anticipation for what is soon to come is building pressure within his body. When you do finally give him the insertion that he craves, he goes quiet, his breath catching in his throat, and his back arching at a most beautiful angle. While he’s still frozen, you start working your fingers in and out. Spreading them apart, getting him ready for the main course. Hanzo pushes back on your fingers, greedy, and wanting more.
“If only you could see how you look, like a true wanton whore.”
If you weren't so turned on, and if your walls weren't clenching down on the toy that rests inside of you, you might have considered taking that cane to his ass before fucking him.  But now you’re feeling just as needy for the main event. So you position yourself behind him and guide him back onto the hard and thick false cock. With every thrust into him, the toy pushes back into you and hits your sensitive spot repeatedly.
Hanzo’s got a death grip on the chains, his teeth bared, gritting against the bit, and he’s groaning with each thrust. He pushes back with you, matches your rhythm, wanting to get as much friction, and as much penetration as possible. There are few things that are better than having him like this, watching as your hips fuck the outer extension of you in and out of him. Knowing he wouldn't trust, has never trusted a single other person, to make him feel good like this.
“Are you going to come for me Hanzo?”
He lets out a noise that somewhat resembles a yes.
“You better. I’d hate to be disappointed.”
You know in order to make it happen you need to fuck him like he’d fuck you. So you give it all you’ve got and fight the burn that resides in your hips, in your thighs, and in the muscles in your stomach. It takes some determination and doesn't exactly happen quickly. But then the muscles in Hanzo’s back start to twitch and convulse, long whines reverberate in his throat, and he’s lost the rhythm. This is how you know you've gotten exactly what you’ve been working for. However, you’re not done and will not stop using his hole until you catch your own end.
You hold him close to your hips so you can rut into him in short bursts. Causing the toy to hit the right spot in quick enough succession that you're coming and emitting your own pathetic whines, and whimpers. With a wide swing of your hips, you push into him one last time before pulling out. The after-hums he is emitting are musical and satisfying. As if he’s giving you a ten out of ten for your hard work.
You smack his ass and demand, “Roll over.”
As he does so you remove the harness, and toss it over to the side. Now that Hanzo is on his back you can admire the pool of come that you had milked out of him. You climb on top of him, and rub yourself against his length that’s still half hard. You take in the look of him, all exhausted, hair sprawled out, with your marks all over his body. The look of that delicious bit that is still in between those pristine teeth and those plush lips.
You lean forward pressing your chest to his. You could live with leaving him just like this. Just get up and walk right out of the room. But you’re a merciful wife, so you remove the bit and the shackles. For the first time tonight you give him a real kiss, “What do you say?”
“Thank you, my love.”
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