#I am not a huge history nerd except for a few things
ramblingandpie · 1 year
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neonbrutalism · 1 year
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Ship Comics!MattFoggy (Part 1)
Hello My MattFoggy Friends.
Are you sad about Daredevil: Born Again more than likely not including Foggy? Do you agree that he is so crucial to Daredevil and also he and Matt are married?
Then let me introduce you to ... the Daredevil comic! Because if you thought Matt and Foggy were married in the show, wait until you read the comic.
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One thing I hear a lot is that there's almost 60 years of Daredevil comics, way too much complicated history and detail and you can't be expected to read all that. And to that I say... correct. And you're not expected to. I myself have not read all of volume 1 nor parts of volume 2, 5 or almost any of 6/7.
You just gotta pick what seems interesting. I like the Waid Run! I started there and have picked and chosen other runs. Nobody actually expects you know the complete history of the characters. It doesn't matter! Did Matt dad die before or after he met Foggy? Did they go to Columbia or Harvard? How old are they? How long did Matt and Elektra date?
The answer: who cares? Not even the comic writers can keep that straight. Just go with what you want to happen! Nobody is going to call you out. If you want dead characters alive, go for it! If you want to import characters from the MCU into your fic, please feel free! It's a 60 year soap opera. Do want you want. If you really want to know, just read a wiki summary.
If anyone gets weird or salty in your comments … that person is making some very weird choices. Do not engage. Good God, it's a fanfic. Do whatever you want. Just reply "lol, yikes" and move on. I am 35 years old and I am giving you grown-up with a job in an office adult permission to do that!
The major differences between the comic and the show are:
Matt is a redhead. Matt having red hair is pretty much the only difference that remains constant. Everything else is different and changeable writer-to-writer. Except early in Volume 5, when he was drawn to look like Charlie Cox and the miniseries between 5 and 6 where in some issues, everyone was copied from the Netflix show and it was weird.
Foggy's hair is usually short but he has 1990s anime girl bangs like Sailor Moon. If you like long-hair Foggy, sure, he can grow it out! He's sometimes blonde.
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In earlier runs, Matt is sometimes shown to have been blinded as a teenager, 14 to 16. In more recent runs, he was a child like he was in the show.
Jack Murdock died when Matt was either in college or in law school, either before or after he met Foggy. It changes depending on the writer. He's also been written as dying only a few years after Matt was blinded.
Matt doesn't just have enhanced senses... He has an entirely new, unique sense, radar sense, that functions separately from his other senses. I don't know how. So, if he loses his hearing, he can still understand the world around him.
Stick trained Matt and once, pushed him off a building but didn't abandon Matt until he was in college. Comics Matt doesn't quite have the abandonment issues Netflix Matt has. He has a whole lot of other ones.
Matt wasn't crushed by Midland Circle. But he DID basically die in the storyline Born Again and have to be nursed back to health by Maggie.
Matt's not actually very religious in the comic. He was raised Catholic and he gets more religious when he's especially distressed (and due to inspiration from the show) but for the most part, he is not a very devout Catholic. However, in volume 6 and volume 7, he is (but it's kind of a weird ninja cult way idk i'm trying not to editorialize in this)
Foggy's class. In the show, he is from a lower-middle class family that loves him and Matt. In the comics, Foggy's family is very wealthy and they are pretty disappointed in Foggy. His birth mother, Rosalind Sharpe, is a huge asshole and hates her son and Matt both, but has tried to use them in the past for her own gain.
They're both huge nerds. Foggy's supposedly "cool" in the show but he is not, I assure you, in the comics. Comics!Foggy almost certainly cannot recognize a Taylor Swift song. Comics!Matt likes experimental jazz. I want to give them both swirlies.
What if you want to write comics-verse with Butcher Shop Foggy and Religious Matt? Then do it! It's fine! It's a big multiverse!
I just want my MattFoggy friends to have content.
Now on the downside, as this comic's been going on for a while, Matt (and other characters) are kind of assholes to Foggy about his weight. I ignore that bit. As with all comics, you have to ignore some shitty stuff sometimes because it all varies writer-to-writer.
Anyway, you came here for some MattFoggy Married Evidence, right?
Okay, here we go, presented with the help of my friend @froggynelson and all my chums on Discord and the Avacados in Love server...
In no particular order, a small selection of Matt and Foggy being in love.
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One time, Matt got possessed by a demon and Foggy free-climbed a castle to rescue him. He is the only person able to get through to Matt to help save him. Shadowlands is otherwise, unfortunately, bad.
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Something else from Volume 1 is that Matt was supposed to be the better lawyer of the two of them. Of course, since then, everyone's agreed Foggy is the better lawyer. But really, they're better together than either of them are apart. (This is the bit that made me think "oh they're GAY gay")
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In volume 3 and 4, Foggy had cancer. Matt gave up his (already compromised) secret identity and moved to California in order to help him.
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It was extremely sad!!
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They had to fake Foggy's death!
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He got better :)
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Now Tumblr's post editor is chugging at this point, so please join me in part 2 - The Quest for More MattFoggy.
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neverinadream · 1 year
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Summary: If you truly knew how stressful it would be to write a dissertation, you'd have never gone to university in the first place, but you have your safety net waiting to catch you if you fall off the path.
Pairing: Christian Pulisic x Fem!Reader
Requested: Yes
Song Inspo: Sleepy - Ashley Kutcher
Warnings: some angst, some fluff, childhood friends, talks of stress and the possibility of dropping out, not proofread
Notes: so the dissertation topic discussed in this is actually my own dissertation, it's boring, i know, but i personally loved it - but of course i would, i love history just as much as this nerd loves chess. this isn't my best work, so i apologise in advance for the awkwardness of some phrasing and the abrupt ending. anyway, feedback is always appreciated
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Collapsing back against your bedroom door, your book bag falls off your arm and lands on the floor with a hard thud. The carpet cushions so much of the blow, but the sound was sure to catch your roommate's attention. You're more careful as you remove your second bag, deciding that having a broken laptop in the middle of writing of your dissertation wasn't the brightest of ideas, hanging it up as you trek across your room to get changed.
Already, it felt like a huge weight had been lifted off your shoulders. Literally. You had about eight books stuffed into your book bag, filled to the brim with information on English War Poets and the First World War. But your head still felt heavy from studying all day, and your body was tired from a shocking sleep schedule and an abundance of stress.
With both your laptop and phone now charging and the contents of your book bag tipped out onto your desk, you escape the confinement of your bedroom for the much needed comfort of your roommate's embrace. This wouldn't be the first time the two of you had found yourselves tangled up together, and it surely wouldn't be the last either. He had this ability to calm you down like no one else could, which you just chalked it down to being because you had known each other since the dawn of time. Was that an overestimated statement? Sure. But you hadn't known anyone longer than you had known Christian, with the exception of your own family, of course.
Neither of you says a thing when you finally make an appearance. You don't need to. Instead, he just opens himself up to you, waiting for you to join him on the sofa, where he had spot on his chest saved only for your head. Both of your legs become a tangled mess, with one of yours wedged between his, half straddling his thigh as you lean over his body to rest your head on the centre of his chest. His hands drift slowly down your back, the tips of his fingers brushing over you, before following the same path back up your back.
You could lie like this for hours, listening to his steady heartbeat, basking in his calmness, breathing in the sweet smell of his cologne, and never get bored.
"What was that loud thudding noise?" Christian asks, breaking the silence after a few minutes. Curiosity had gotten the better of him. He removes one hand from your back and reaches above him, grabbing the TV remote to quickly turn the volume down. "You didn't drop your laptop again, did you?"
"No." Your hand drops to play with the drawstring on his shorts, wrapping it loosely around your finger. "Just my book bag," you mumble, unravelling the string and wrapping it the opposite way round your finger.
"That was your book bag? What did you do? Bring the whole library home with you?" He asks, a little in disbelief.
"No, just half of it."
A chuckle rumbles deep within him, vibrating his chest as it finally makes its escape past his lips. "All that just for an essay?" He stops tracing your back, letting his fingers drift lower to your waist. "Isn't that a bit much?"
"It's more than just an essay, Chris, it's the equivalent of about four of my essays all rolled into one big jumbled mess of information that I am not even ready to write," you stress, explaining to him the importance of your dissertation, "if I don't pass this, I can pretty much kiss goodbye to my entire degree." Running your hand tiredly down your face, you produce a sigh of defeat. You didn't know just how much more stress you could take. "Which, I'll be honest, I'm not entirely opposed to the idea."
"You don't mean that, do you?" You had never been known to back down from a challenge. Christian had witnessed you push past obstacles and find new solutions to any problem that got in your way. Hell, you had even helped him do the same on more than one occasion. So, naturally, he had a right to be concerned. "Y/N?"
"I don't know," you shrug your shoulders, now untangling yourself as you sat up, "maybe." You rub your hands into your tired eyes, though it does nothing to rid you of your sluggish state. You draw your knees up to your chest, pulling them tight against you so you could prop your head against them. "I-It feels like my head is just constantly on fire," you mumble, turning your head to face him. He was now sat at your side, one leg bent and tucked under the other as it hung over the edge. "And I just want it to stop."
Every little bit of new information you absorbed was like a new seed being planted inside your brain. A seed that would only grow if you kept absorbing more information. From a tiny seed grew a small bush bustling with fascinating facts and a timeline of events spanning across decades. And from there, more branches would sprout off, forming more bushes, until it felt like there was a whole garden of knowledge just waiting to burst out of your skull. But there was no off switch to how much you felt like you needed to learn, meaning you burnt yourself out as you constantly made your way through books and academic papers.
Christian reaches across and touches your face, soothing you as he rubs soft circles against your cheek. Instinctively, you close your eyes, humming as he continues to do so. Every single thing he did, even the littlest of actions, helped to calm you down. But it hurt him to see you like this, to only know a fraction of what you were feeling, and be unable to help you. It made him feel useless.
"You're not touching those books tonight," he orders, trying to encourage you into indulging yourself to a night of pure laziness. Your eyes snap open, and your head lifts away from your knees. "No," he shushes, shaking his head as you open your mouth to protest his request, "I don't want to hear some half-assed excuse about needing to study. Look at you, Y/N. You can barely keep your eyes open to look at me-"
"I'm looking at you right now, aren't I?" You interrupt him, not tired enough to dish out your usual dose of cockiness. He gives you a blank expression. There's no subtle rolling of the eyes or an amused chuckle to be heard. Just two honey dripped eyes staring blankly back at you. "Look, I need-"
"You don't need to be doing anything tonight, okay? All I need you to do is be lazy with me," he talks over you, ignoring you when you grumble a partial disagreement under your breath, "can you do that for me?" He twists and turns himself to face the TV and rests one arm on the back of the sofa as he reaches across with the other to grab the remote. "C'mon," he mumbles, beckoning you with his free hand to move closer to him, "you want the remote?"
Resting your head back onto his chest, you allow the steadiness of his heartbeat to gradually lull you back into a state of calmness. "No," you finally answer, letting your hand wander to resume playing with the drawstring on his shorts, "Just pick what you want."
"Gossip Girl, it is then."
You burying your face impossibly deeper into his chest, getting yourself lost in his natural warmth, "Gossip Girl, again?" You words are lost to his chest. "This is, what, your twentieth time rewatching it?" For a second, you tilt your head up, catching him already looking down at you. "You really need to get yourself a girlfriend."
"Wow! You're really gonna tell me what to do? Little Miss 'I Just Thought About Dropping Out'?" He fills his empty hand with your own, slotting his fingers between yours, and lifts your joined hand to his lips. "Besides, I don't need a girlfriend," he breaks it with some kiss to the back of your wrist, "I got my perfect girl right here, already in my arms."
"See, this is why you need a girlfriend," you tease, giving him the smallest smile that you could possibly conjure up. It wasn't much, but it had been the first time you had smiled all week. "That way, you can stop testing out these cheesy pick-up lines on me."
"Okay," he hums, resting his head upon yours as you switch to resting your hear on his shoulder. The episode continued to play out on the screen, but neither one of you was paying attention to the TV. You had both watched every season of Gossip Girl multiple types to know the opening episode like it was the back of your hand. "But if I got a girlfriend," Christian ponders, "who would be your cuddle buddy and listen to you ramble about people named Ivor Sassoon?"
"It's Ivor Gurney and Siegfried Sassoon - you just mashed two people together," you instantly correct him, the two names burned into your brain like they were your own, "and, yes, I think you might be correct. If you got a girlfriend, I'd lose my safety net."
Upon hearing your own words, a smile tugs on the corners of his lips, but he quickly bites it back as the TV screen fades to black and reflects the two of you cuddled together. "I'm your safety net?" He asks, often considering you as his own place of safety. Lifting his head, he kisses the top of your head, breathing in the smell of your strawberry scented shampoo; a scent he considered to remind him of home. "Good," he mumbles, his words muffled by your hair, "because I'll always be there to catch you when you fall. Always."
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@shanoontje @maseandkepa @theblxefox @blueathens  @ofxinnocence @1-800-benji-chilwell @mrschilly @geek-and-proud @in-my-body-bag @laurasstufff1 @mountchilly @spicysainz @greykitkepa @thoseboysinblue @breakablehcaven
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bestjeanistmonster · 1 year
I recently found your S&T swap au and I am in love. It’s so good! And your art is so adorable you do not understand
Ok, so I had some thoughts while looking through your au.
Are their personalities different due to how their pasts are different?
And, I’m pretty sure, there were like ancient depictions of a form looking like Sonic saving the world and stuff so I wonder if like sonic was “destined” to be the hero but in this case that isn’t the role he had. Meaning Tails has to prove to himself and others that despite what destiny tried to say, he is a hero.
Aww thnx so much 🥺!!!
These are very good thoughts and there are a quite few differences in personality so I’m just gonna do this in sections:
Sonic’s not too different to how he is in canon, I think swap sonic still has like the same demeanour and attitude, like they’re not that different in terms of being pretty chill, too cool for school and generally being a little shit
He leans more into the piloting thing and he likes to fly fast. Do not insult his piloting skills unless you wanna annoy him
no one really expects him to be a super genius they’re always caught off guard by it when says something really scientific just casually (except the people who are just used to it)
He tends a danger to himself most of the time, being sent to the hospital every couple of weeks cuz of of his experiments, inventions or just straight up forgetting he fit the blowtorch on the floor. (A lot of the times is a some dumb stuff that he does for ‘science’)
Zero sense of self preservation and a tendency to just casually play off injuries (“Relax shadow, all the bleeding was internal, that’s where the blood’s supposed to be-“)
filled with lots of energy and from the lack of usage of his speed to let some of it out, always constantly moving. Constant leg bouncing disease and rambling at record speeds (only tails can understand him the most when he’s in ramble mode). He’s also a really fast thinker
When his speed is brought up he gets a bit visibly uncomfortable and changes the subject, pretending that it never happened
Hes bad at taking compliments, he just brushes it off and tries to either discredit himself or awkwardly change the subject. When he was younger he was even worse
The boy would not see sun in days if allowed to hyperfocus on inventing, tails often has to drag his ass outside when that happens
The tornado is his baby
He’s more confident & independent from doing hero stuff and travelling
He’s a huge history nerd, whenever they go to angel island he ignores sonic & knuckles he goes straight for the ruins.
He knows random trivia facts
He owns many notebooks and has about 6 in total so far
In his travels he loves to learn about different cultures and traditions
Tails’s 8 year old brain at some point just comes to the conclusion that he straight up can't die cuz after everything he's been through he's still alive and so Tails slowly becomes more reckless with his well-being because of it much to sonic’s chagrin
This kid is really curious, you would be surprised how many of his adventures started out as innocent curiosity. He gets side tracked a lot because of it. (Once Sonic asked him to go get some groceries from the supermarket, returned in gold armor with a sword and a country. He forgot the groceries)
He reads a lot of comic books for catchphrase and megamind voice presentation.
People often underestimate him due to his age and adorable appearance and he uses it to his advantage
Cusses frequently
Does not hold back on insults. Someone could be debating whether or not to fight this eight year old but then he opens his mouth and they’re like “nah, the kid deserves it.” And squares up
Destined hero thingy
Tail’s definitely did have to prove to others and himself that he was a hero despite it not being destiny, and sonic had to prove that just because he was ‘destined’ to be a hero doesn’t mean that has to do it it in a way that’s foretold of be a hero at all
But despite this Tails does have a bit of imposter syndrome and feels like, despite all that he’s achieved, he doesn’t deserve to be called the ‘hero of mobius’.
He was just a little kid who wanted to help
But sonic called bullshit on that and told him that’s exactly why deserves to be called a hero, a little kid standing up against seemingly impossible odds and challenges over and over again just because it’s the right thing to do.
I’m thinking that maybe the prophecy will come into play later down the line but I’m still deciding
Thanks for the ask!!!
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slug-cube · 1 year
on mha fandom changing deku: it bothers me so much. that boy is insane. he broke his arms on purpose daily for like 2 seasons before a doctor was like stop that maybe? so he decided to break his legs instead. he can throw a bus. he's weird and off putting. he's everything to me.
(also it bothers me when people write bakugo to be all suave and cool like because (and i say this with love) that guy's a loser. but that's a whole other thing)
YES THANK YOU. i would litteraly document these losers if i had a chance to. like midoriya is that one cryptic fucking creature everyone assumes is harmless, and katsuki is a phony deliquent. hes nothing but a nerd and i do not give 2 FUCKS on what everyone else has to say about that. they are litteraly both huge, fucking losers. they are both just GUYS. just teenage boys doing shit.
one more gripe i have with a few people: i hate when ppl just wash their hands of their history because its to complicated or they think they could never possibly love each other because of what happened. but ship them anyway. the WHOLE POINT of that ship is still loving someone despite their flaws or their past of being an asshole. people dismissing that and making their past never happen is something i could never agree with. i also dont agree w/ people saying they "fall in love" later in life, NO WAY. you look at these assholes that are so clearly obsessed and intertwined w/ each other and go "yeah no. they dont love each other yet or cant because of blah blah" FUCK OFF!!!! midoriya has been stake claiming his nerd since day 1 btw. "kacchan" is an endearing nickname that he uses for bakugou, WHOM, BY THE WAY, has NEVER!! stopped him from using that nickname.
bakugou has also, just recently, stake claimed his nerd. nobody uses midoriyas first name "izuku" from what i can tell, they just call him by his hero name. deku. so that means "izuku" is bakugous own form of "kacchan" now
they have been both obsessed with each other since middleschool. midoriya always stayed around in bakugous bubble and bakugou has always watched midoriya despite not wanting to. complicated feelings and all that on BOTH sides. midoriya couldve at least tried to cut bakugou off if he wanted to, but instead said fuck that im going to stay near him anyway. (its almost like? they both couldve been part of the fucking problem? wow. nobody has thought of such a thing before. wowza.)
anyway, my point? idfk i just wanted to rant. but i am and always will be obsessed with both of them. nobody gets me. except my mutuals and followers. but the fandom can fuck off as a whole. yup.
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fishcarton · 6 months
hello!! i don’t mind what you call me, but for the sake of simplicity you can either refer to me by my tumblr alias or call me jam :)
i am an autistic cisgender minor, i go by she / her pronouns !!
i’m into thg, ee, splatoon, and a few other things!! i’m an artist and i like reading + writing too
what can i expect from this account?
i’m glad you (DIDNT) asked!! honestly don’t expect too many posts, this is.. kinddd oofff just my little dumping ground for whatever i feel like uploading
but you can expect art related posts or things related to my aforementioned interests!!
i am a very laid back person in the topic of boundaries, i’m a-ok with a lot of things!! obviously there are a few exceptions to this that will be stated below
account boundaries: do NOT repost my art on any platform!! MAYBE if you ask nicely i will let you use my art as a pfp or something on one of your socials (WITH CREDIT!!) though, do not interact with my content at all if you are within the basic dni criteria (homophobic, racist, you get the gist) i won’t hesitate to block you!!
personal boundaries: please refrain from involving me or any of my characters in explicit / nsfw content, as stated before i am a minor and that is just WEIRD!! this goes for weird and unwanted comments revolving around me or my characters too (as long as it’s not something outright nsfw i will make an exception for suggestive comments about my adult characters <3)
don’t be afraid to ask to be moots!! usually i will happily accept but if i don’t please accept that :,D
extra / not important but still silly things
i rlly like marine life and most science topics (except for electricity. electricity can SMD!!! /j), i’m a massive history nerd too, tudor dynasty and victorian era specifically but.. other history eras are alright too i guess, i’m a huge overachiever and frankly just a nerd in general tbh..
i’m also into law and crimonlogy atm, not in a true crime sense but crimonlogy and lore is just kinda intriguing atm
currently i want to be a lawyer too but it depends if that dies out with the law & crime phase :P
UHMHM YAHH THATS ALL I THINK.!!!! again feel free to ask to be moots and anything else that was on here runs away giggling mischievously
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cryptidkriszee · 2 years
Interoduction Post I guess ?
Alright hi!
First of, excuse my akwardness, I don't know how to do social stuff.
I am Willow or Kriszee and I use any pronouns except she/he. I just feel kinda meh about them.
I am enby as well as a pan oriented aroace.
I have a lot of different interessts and am in a lot of different fandoms, so the content I post can vairy strongly, though there are a few things that I am constantly interessted in.
These are (as far as I remember):
Mythology (any; I mainly know stuff about greco-roman, norse and a little bit eygiptian mythology, but i want to learn more)
American Revolotion
Greco-Roman stuff
Ancient Civilisations
History of navaltravel and ships and stuff
Queer History
Women in History
Music in History (including folk music)
Fashion History (mostly for females)
Political stuff
Flower Language and Symbolysim
Some fandoms that I am in are:
Harry Potter (f jkr tho)
MCYT (I watch a lot, so I'm open for talk about most creators and SMP etc.)
Legend of Zelda
I can't remeber more at the minute, but there are a lot more, so...
Hobbies (that I can remember right now):
I write (mainly stories, but I also write some poetry; might post some stuff here sometimes)
I make music: I sing, play flute, tin whistlea and a bit of piano and guitar - i play in an orchestra as well as in a folk band and am in my school choir
I read - A LOT
I like watching documentaries on things that interest me
generally a huge nerd
I sew (I wanna learn more arts and crafts)
I like swimming
I draw (sometimes; I wanna get better)
I garden
I cook and bake
Other (sometimes mildly important) facts about me:
I am german, so english isn't my first language (though i like to think that I am fairly good at it)
I have obssessions with some words or phrases (e.g. 'as well as') and i don't like the letter 'a' for some reason
I ramble a lot and can't stay on topic for very long
am I mentally unstable? heck yea
I cannot for the life of me maintain a schedule
I don't have the best memory, so this post is probably missing a lot
I am a vegetarian (but I hate people who try to force others to be vegetarian/vegan/ live any certain lifestyle)
First post, so I have no idea how this works
still figuring stuff out
please ignore bad formating
That's everything I remember right now, I might make another post at some point with things I missed.
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p-taryn-dactyl · 1 year
15, 28, 43, 57, 62!
15: favorite book you’ve read as a school assignment?
A List of Cages by robin roe was during the summer before my freshman year of high school, a while back, and I remember annotating it, loving the plot, enjoying the assignment which was to take notes and annotate the pages if the book was our personal one and then we…didn’t do anything with it except a handout that said “did you do the reading?” with checkboxes labeled yes and no. I was so disappointed but I remember loving that book. There’s also Brain On Fire by Susannah Cahalan, which is just an amazing true story (the movie is ok but the book is just *chefs kiss*. I’m actually using it in my final project in my psychology course this year!!
28: five songs to describe you?
Damn. This is a hard one….i had to consult the counsel (my group chat) for guidance [edit: some were helpful…others weren’t] [another edit: i did take a few quizzes to find what songs describe me bc i was thinking of songs that i associated with me and idk if thats what this meant lol, can you tell i overthink things?]
no body, no crime by taylor swift
better than revenge by taylor swift
dear reader by taylor swift
human by gabrielle aplin
hi, it’s me by ashnikko (but I’m the best friend)
Ik it was mostly TS but i listen to her a lot so
43: hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket, or bomber jacket?
once upon a time i was recognized by the oversized jean jacket that i wore…not anymore. I love cardigans and leather jackets buttt i have the soul of an elderly librarian so definitively cardigan. (I love librarians, my Grammy was a librarian and she’s the best)
57: the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?
Coming out to myself. I actually came out to my friends before myself, which sounds weird but hold on. I knew i was queer so i told them, the ones i was comfortable with, about my sexuality. But i wasn’t in full terms with it. I grew up very religious and the way my church and family spoke about homosexuality just made me feel like an outcast. Thankfully, I’m proud of who i am today and while I’m terrified of the day I come out to my family, i know i can make it through the tough times if they come
My belief in god isn’t a struggle per se but i much prefer my relationship with them today than my past relationship with them. In the past i was a nightmare, just a total bitch and even though ik today it was because of how i was raised and what i absorbed and all the internalized homophobia, i still know it’s not an excuse to unlearn all my taught hatred so I’m pretty proud to say that i am a much, much better person today ✨character growth✨
My fear of death. While i haven’t completely overcome this, ive come to better terms with the fact that one day i will die and the only thing i can do is live life to the fullest and just live, not to force myself into a box of what i have to do but just enjoy being alive while i am. My new fear however is the ocean, just being alone in the middle of the sea, no boat just me…my heart beat very fast as I typed that
62: seven characters you relate to?
Percy Jackson. I have neither ADHD or dyslexia but i do wear my sarcasm and humor as my shield. Also, i just feel like he would be such a good friend and compliment to my personality
Tony stark. I do have anxiety and depression but i am not a billionaire or genius. I just get him, ya know? I can easily put myself in his place and see his thought process.
Daniel Jackson. Huge history nerd over here and he’s just the best, i love him
harry potter…my man is way too underrated for the main character. Same thing as tony, i just feel connected to his character
yelena belova. Idk why but i just feel like she’s what i could be if i was put in her situations ya know
alec lightwood, i too am a disaster gay and would be speechless at the sight of magnus bane
Nebula. I know what it’s like to be overlooked and forgotten but thankfully, like nebula, ive a found family that sees me
Thank you so much!!! I’m sorry my answers were so long lol 😅
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aelie · 2 years
Fashion on the Outer Rim
Disclaimer: I am not a professional costumer. These are only observations that I’ve made over decades of being a huge nerd about fashion history and Star Wars. And my fashion history is mostly limited to European/western fashion. I’m making this to help a friend with references for drawing Star Wars art, and using tumblr as the easiest way to share it.
If you want to talk, know that I rarely check tumblr except to post fic-related things.
I suspect that life on the Outer Rim is very similar to living out in the American West in the 1800s. That means very few changes of clothing, as cloth is expensive. Garments are going to be multi-purpose and well taken care of. There will frequently be aprons, sleeve covers, undergarments, and accessories to protect the clothes from both bodily fluids and from stains. Clothes will be frequently patched and repaired until they can't be fixed anymore, then recycled into other uses.
That being said, there are definitely more sources of inspiration than just the American west! Basic East Asian clothing has a large influence on the design as well, with the use of wrapped garments and robes. On Tatooine, there’s also a lot of Southwest Asian and North African inspiration with the style of robes worn by both moisture farmers (well, Uncle Owen) and the Tuskens.
Here is the link to a pinterest board I’ve put together of both actual Star Wars art and costumes and inspiration references for future Star Wars art and costumes. I'll be adding to it occasionally.
Some tips on choosing clothes for your characters:
Undershirts are probably going to be common. They’d be very simple shirts with very simple seams with solid colors. Most undershirts in the past were white because color-fast dyes were really expensive, but this is Star Wars, so color everything to your heart’s content. Because they are the fabric that is against the skin, the shirts will have to be something that can really take a beating (aka be washed frequently) - meaning that lots of buttons and patterned fabric would not work very well.
Pants/Trousers/Jeans etc. are likely to be in a thick, tough fabric with thick seams that can endure a lot of wear and tear. Ironically, your best place to look for really tough pants are old style Levis. Those things were made to be used and abused. Color-wise, you’ll see a lot of solids, but in all shades of the rainbow.
Regular shirts would probably have the more fancy seamwork and loads of buttons than undershirts because they wouldn’t be washed as often as the undershirts. This is where you’d find your button-ups, your bib shirts, and your Lando shirts. You’d also find fancy embroidered tunics, your shirt pockets, your lacy trims, and your super bright patterned fabrics. The Jedi uniform-what-is-not-supposed-to-be-a-uniform-but-totally-is is supposed to resemble the clothing of the poorest in the galaxy, so shabby up some Jedi robes for spacers and smugglers. Tunics of varying lengths and styles are also a good place to look for inspiration.
On colder worlds/in colder climes, you’d see a LOT of layering like you do on Earth. For long skirts, though, you’d see a lot of petticoats under the main skirt to add to warmth. Also, stockings/tights, and wraps around the tops of boots to keep the cold and wet out.
Accessories wise, vests are awesome at protecting shirts and for carrying stuff! Sleeve covers used to be a thing to protect your clothes from food or dirt or stains, and would likely be used (it’s also a really good way to reuse old clothes!). Sleeve garters were similar - it would hold your sleeve up at the bicep so your cuffs would be pulled back. Aprons would probably be very common, especially in messier trades. Shawls would help with warmth, and scarves and hijab-like hoods are also commonly seen throughout Star Wars media. And let us not forget the humble and ubiquitous jumpsuit, or the omnipresent and tasteful poncho!
BUT KEEP IN MIND: these are all just my interpretations and opinions on a more realistic approach to clothing on the Outer Rim. This is STAR WARS, baybee! The only hard and fast rule is the RULE OF COOL.
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Do you have any advice for someone who's curious about writing their own fan fics?
First, I want to apologise that it took so long to get to this but I've been thinking about it because there are a lot of common tips out there that WORK that I wanted to touch on but I also wanted to go into my own experience as a fanfic writer.
I don't know how long this will be so I'll add a cut here.
So, I started out I think like most fanfic writers, and writers in general. I dabbled in writing stories for myself over the year but over time most of these became stories about the content I consumed and as a history nerd, I actually started fanfic writing about historical settings and figures. Yes, I am that lame.
But, this is the first lesson I learned as a writer. Write what you love! Write what gives you passion. This is the only thing that I feel has kept me trying over the years. I concoct my plots because they are fun to me, the bonus is that I can share it with others who find them fun as well.
Anyway, on my adventure as a writer, I touched on various fandoms throughout my juvenile years. Yes, I was among those who wrote some Harry Potter stuff and then I did a bit of LOTR along the way, and some older TV shows and movies I don't think are even on Ao3. But these were fics I never really shared online with the exception of a few forgotten pieces on Quizilla and AO3.
It's important to try different things in writing and fun to refresh by trying different fandoms. Focus is good at first, sticking with one fandom until you get your feet under you but it's only natural to branch out.
The next step in my journey was creating a blog that was intended for fic writing. Now it wasn't a long term plan to keep writing. Nope. I merely had an idea after devouring too many hobbit fics. I submitted to a blog that actively shared hobbit fics and I credit that blog as the big springboard for me actively posting my stories online.
That's another thing I learned. To put myself out there but also to interact. I not only reblogged and read fics on this hobbit conglomerate but I reached out to other writers I admired. Of course, not everyone responds online or is there for anything but writing, but I made friends I still have even after switching fandoms.
And this wasn't self-serving. I really legitimately wanted to have friends online because I was very lonely. Writing was my outlet for connecting with people. It was mutually beneficial to be able to chat and just have a good time. Much of the good times in that era of my writing were the jokes we made about the characters that never really became anything but dumb niche memes.
I did that for a few years and really wanna go back to a few of my series. But anyway I also found that I learned a lot just from writing! I wrote whatever little dumb idea came into my head because they were challenges, everything was new to me, and practice makes perfect.
As well, I entered a few challenges before having a few of my own. Challenges are a great way not only to challenge yourself to try new things but to get seen.
Next, I came out of my cocoon as the dark writer I am today. When I started, dark fics weren't entirely popular here and I still of course get some negative feedback today. Well, that comes with any form of writing. However, finding something I truly wanted to write and being able to explore my own experiences in my writing was a whole new avenue.
It's good to write what people like and what they wanna read but it's more important to write from your own motivation and perspective. You never know who's going to relate to the little tidbits you put into your work. Pushing your own boundaries is as important as pushing the boundaries of others.
So all in all, to put it into bullet points with a few tacked on:
have fun
write what you want not what others demand
write for yourself and not for likes/reblogs
interact for fun not for visibility
push boundaries and try new things
get involved in writing events
don't be afraid to be silly
focus on yourself and your passion and don't worry about others
reading is as important as writing to hone your skill
make time for yourself and don't stress
Just remember that tumblr (and even Ao3) is a huge platform built up of pockets and niches. You're never gonna reach the whole site but you will reach the people you need to on here. We're all just working to share our creativity and explore concepts!
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ikingsley · 3 years
Ina x MC: That Day
Ina x MC: That Day
Loosely based on chapter 6 of QB. Read the other parts of the series here: The Dance, A Small Detour, One Chance.
Summary: Ina and Luna discuss their past.
Warnings: Sadness, I guess. Warning for coming out stories?
Tag: @samanthadalton @domakir @kulaykape @hellyeah90sbaby @dopeyouth @kwaj05 @thedaft1​ @swimmingshoebakerydreamer (Let me know if you’d like to be added or removed)​
Author’s Notes: Sorry, I’ve been real busy, but here’s another installment of my series.
Luna strolled into Ina’s office at a quarter past seven. It’d been a long day for both of them. Ina had a full day of lectures and quizzes while Luna had midterms approaching. 
“Professor,” Luna said, putting down her bags.
“Good evening, Luna. How are you?”
The two made small talk while Ina pulled the stack of quizzes she needed graded. But as well as Ina could hide her emotions, Luna felt there was something off about Ina.
“Here’s the answer key,” Ina began. “It’s all multiple choice so it shouldn’t take too long.” 
Ina handed Luna a red pen. But Luna wasn’t paying attention to Ina. Instead, she scoured through the stack of papers, pulling one out and comparing the answers.
“Whose is that?” Ina peered over Luna’s shoulder. “Oh, that’s right. You took this quiz today.”
Luna hummed in reply. “Aww man. I got one wrong.”
This time, it was Ina’s turn to tease Luna. “Nerd,” she scoffed.
“Shut up.”
The two worked in silence, except for Ina going ham on her keyboard. That research paper wasn’t going to write itself.
“Why are you typing so vigorously?” Luna commented absent-mindedly.
“Hmm...I don’t know, maybe because this paper’s due at midnight,” Ina said quite uncharacteristically. Ina, the polite and beloved anthropology professor, was not one to be so brash.
Rude! For no reason! Luna thought. While Luna was pondering the true reason for Ina’s disrespect, Ina stood up and began pacing back and forth. Finally, she stopped, slumping onto the couch that sat at the corner of the room.
“Ina?” Luna questioned, getting off of her chair. Like usual, her initial intuition was spot-on, something was, in fact, off. 
Ina laid on the couch, her head resting on the couch’s arm. When Luna finally approached it, she took a look at Ina. Her face was slightly glossy, tear-stained.
“Scoot over,” Luna said firmly.
Ina huffed a little, but she moved further into the couch. Luna faced Ina, acting as a handkerchief, wiping away Ina’s tears.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” Luna finally broke the silence.
“Okay. We can just lie here together. It’s okay.” Luna wrapped her arms around Ina. Ina subsequently buried her face in her shoulder, her tears falling slowly, wetting Luna’s shirt.
The two stayed like this for a few more moments, until Ina sat up, wiping the lasts of her tears. “I apologize, Luna. I owe you an explanation.”
“You don’t need to-”
“Please, I want to. I feel like you should know.”
“Only if you’re sure.”
“I am.” Ina had gained her confidence back. “I know we haven’t known each other for long, but I trust you. Maybe it’s naive or too early, but well...I feel like I could tell you anything, and you wouldn’t judge me. So here goes.” 
And boy, did Ina open up. It was unlike anything Luna had ever witnessed from the mysterious professor. But she wasn’t complaining. This was arguably what she loved most about Ina. 
“It was my freshman year of high school and I was sitting in my US history class. I was such a little nerd,” Ina recalled fondly. “Anyway, this girl walked into my class and god, I was smitten. What she made me feel...I’d never felt before. I mean, I hadn’t been with any guy, but this was different. Sure I’d thought some guys were attractive, but every time I looked at her, I got butterflies.”
“Aww! I’m imagining a little nerdy Ina staring at a pretty high schooler now.”
“Mhm. Well, we got assigned each other for a project. And we hit it off. She was brilliant, passionate, caring...I really liked her, but I thought it was just as friends. One afternoon, we went to the library together to prepare for the presentation of the project. She asked me if I liked girls, and I hadn’t really considered it. Some sort of internalized homophobia, I guess. I went home that day just deep in thought. But God, she made me feel so alive. It was something I’d never experienced before. And then I just started thinking of kissing her and I never wanted to stop. I think I knew then and there that I liked women.”
“Well? What happened after?” Luna asked, invested in Ina’s anecdote.
“A few days later, some teacher was berating her for not knowing an answer to something rather trivial and I found myself defending her. I guess my protective side came out.”
“Not the only thing that came out then...” Luna smirked.
Ina scoffed but had a huge grin on her face. But just as quickly as it appeared, her smile faded.
“When we left school that day, she uh thanked me with a kiss. And that’s how I knew for sure that I liked her. A lot. I asked her out a few weeks later and we were together for a little over a year. At the time, she meant the world to me. We’d do everything together and she was my first for a lot of things, my first kiss, my first love...”
“A year? That is...surprisingly long for a relationship at that time. Why’d it end?”
“Her parents were incredibly supportive. They knew about us since the beginning of the relationship. Mine...did not know. I had told Lilian, and she listened and supported me a lot. We were always pretty close. Well, after a year together, Emma asked to meet my conservative parents. I was both giddy and nervous, but I thought I was ready. I truly thought love was unconditional. Maybe I was naive to think acceptance was guaranteed. And well, I told my parents that I had someone special for them to meet. In retrospect, I should’ve told them more details. Maybe they were expecting a dashing young man that could escort me to Prom in the following year or whatnot. And well, Emma came over for dinner and I told my parents about us. They...were shocked. Their perfect little nerdy daughter was gay. They didn’t handle themselves well that night. They said some unforgivable things to Emma. We tried to work through it, but we were young and broke up a few weeks after that.”
“Ina, I’m so sorry.”
 “I...it’s okay. It’s been a while now. They didn’t throw me out of the house, but they didn’t talk about my sexuality at all. Emma was always my ‘friend.’ No one in the extended family knew. It was like they were ashamed of me. Lilian was the wild child and I was the apple of my parents’ eyes, but they never looked at me the same after that dinner. It was a tough time. Lilian and my friends at school supported me. If it weren’t for them...I don’t know where I’d be now.”
Luna caressed Ina’s check, wiping away the flowing tears.
“I just existed in their house for a while. I had a brief period of dating guys who were’t too good for me, probably out of my parents lack of support. Trying to be straight. But there was never any feelings between the two of us. They just...weren’t Emma. The last guy I dated was sweet, but I felt nothing for him romantically. And then Lilian was pregnant. And that was the last straw for my parents. They kicked out Lilian and I left with her. After all those years of her supporting me, I needed to support her. They said some inexcusable things to her and I’m glad we left. But it was incredibly difficult. Lilian and I struggled a lot. We had to work odd jobs just to pay rent whilst still going to school. Today’s the anniversary of them kicking us out. Today I have to be strong for Lilian’s sake, but I lost my parents that day too. I guess it all just hit me now.”
“You don’t need to apologize. Come here.”
Luna wrapped Ina in her arms once more. Then, she held Ina’s face, staring intensely into her eyes.
“You are the strongest woman I know. Strongest person I know. But it’s okay to not be strong too. You don’t need to pretend to be strong 24/7. Strength and weakness...that’s what makes us human.”
Ina smiled at Luna, tears falling freely. For a moment, they just stared at each other. Ina then leaned in, closing the gap between them. She captured Luna’s lips slowly, but as the kiss prolonged, the passion increased. When they finally pulled away, both women were out of breath.
Ina cleared her throat, standing up and beckoning Luna to get on her feet.
“Dance with me.”
Luna took a second to play a song on her phone, but she then gratefully accepted, leaning into Ina’s arms as they moved slowly.
Tu cabeza en mi hombro 
Quiero yo tener siempre
Acaríciame, cielo
Si me quieres tú
Ina smiled again at Luna, a hand rising from Luna’s waist to cup her cheek.
“I hope your coming out story is better than mine,” she jested.
“Well, yeah I guess. When my family moved to the States from Venezuela, my mom always emphasized the importance of getting a good education, being prudent, all of that. I was very involved in high school, and I was a part of a lot of science extracurriculars. My freshman year of high school, my mom forced me to join mock trial to improve my public speaking. I thought it was useless since I knew I wanted to do neuroscience. She drove me to every practice, every conference...I fell in love with it. The more I did research for trials, the more passionate I became about public policy, law, and civil rights. And of course, gay rights. I guess that’s how I knew. Mind you, I was one of those kids who cuffed their jeans and got called out for not sitting in chairs properly.”
“It makes so much sense now. And you are...extremely well-spoken. Anyway, how’d you tell your parents?”
“We were at a mock trial competition. I had just used Obergefell v. Hodges as legal precedent to win the trial. My parents picked me up and I told them all about the case. My dad kinda stopped me mid-sentence and asked me if I had anything to tell them.”
“I told them, but they said they already knew. They didn’t care who I’d be with, as long as they’re someone decent, kind, protective...the whole nine yards. The only problem is that they’re just very nosy about my love life. If I texted someone and smiled they’d look to see who it is. They also acted as if each person I’d bring home to meet them was the love of my life.”
Unreasonable jealousy flashed through Ina’s eyes, but her voice remained steady. “Did you bring a lot of people home to meet your parents?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” Luna smiled smugly.
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morwensteelsheen · 3 years
farawyn and borodred for the ship ask game thing?
thank you so much!! :)
okay i’ll start with borodred because for some unfathomable reason i actually got there first —
1. What made you ship it?
One of my favourite Types of ships is the Elder Statesmen Of War-type set-ups, where it’s less about people brought together through theatrical romantic gestures and more about the steadiness of people who are going through similar (immensely difficult) circumstances, who know that in their hearts they’re always going to put their duty to that cause first, but still seek out human comfort in other people who will understand what their priorities are and why.
I think there’s also a lot of similarities about the kind of helplessness they both face despite having this tremendous innate strength. Both of them still have to deal with family dynamics that are complex (made more complex by the war) and that can’t be fixed just by their own sheer will power; both of them die these utterly unnecessary deaths (not that death makes a ship but I think in this instance it actually points to the constant tragedy these guys face); and both of them are meant to be the principal figures of their families and people and are ultimately sidelined by the cruel mechanisations of war and the forward march of history or whatever wanky term there is for it — my apologies to ep thompson's ghost, dont haunt me bro.
Plus there’s obviously the interesting thread raised when Faramir starts bitching about Gondor and likens Gondor (and by very explicit extension, Boromir) to Rohan. That always made me go ‘Hmmmmmm, wonder what else Boromir liked about Rohan,’ lmao.
Anyways for me the ship is the equivalent of Star Wars’ Kanan and Hera or (my OTP to end all others) Luke and Wedge, just people getting by on love and duty and without big ol fancy romance.
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
The fanon, I think, really makes it, as with so many other LOTR ships. battlefield manners, by themightypen is essentially the definitive take for me on them — these two guys who are just so fucking exhausted, man, but still overcome by defensive love for their families, even if their (foster-)siblings are naïve fools. That I just love, love, love. Plus I think they’re unique for their ability to pretty comfortable explore the relationship between Gondor & Rohan in advance of the Ring War without having to stray too far into AU, which I always appreciate.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Not really, tbh, except in that I don’t think Boromir is necessarily as laddy as people like to portray him. I’m happy to play into it in, say, my modern AUs because I think that’s a fun and sweet niche for him, but I am a bit 🤪 about Boromir as this kind of reckless, drunken playboy (not least because I think that’s a much funnier niche for Faramir to fill, at least when he’s younger). Chapter Four of Swaddledog’s Hearts and Minds gets my preferred Boromir characterisation absolutely spot on, I think.
And now, sigh, the ultimate OTP, Farawyn —
1. What made you ship it?
For starters, I think I am obsessed with Éowyn in a way I’ve never quite been obsessed with any other fictional character. I came to reading LOTR at this moment in my life where I was intensely frustrated about everything — trapped inside permanently (helplessly!) because of the pandemic, just starting a new political organisation that I truly believed in but that was still making me feel like shit, facing down an untenable about of work, and, fundamentally, really, really hating being a woman and what that means. And along comes Éowyn, who is bitter, who is cold, who is ANGRY, and who doesn’t perform joy or softness or gentleness just because people expect her to. She’s this seminal Woman Of War in so many ways, I think the kind of person a lot of us wish we could be. She’s got her emotional taps cut off at the source, she holds her head high and faces down unimaginable personal and political terrors, and at the end of it all still has this abiding love for her family that, I would argue, is almost unparalleled by anyone else in the book.
After all that, she gets this incredible moment of emotional catharsis (or what we expect to be emotional catharsis): “no living man am I!” She undertakes THE greatest martial act of the Ring War, and in that moment there’s this unbelievably sophisticated dialogue happening about gender (“Éowyn it was, and Dernhelm also”), and leadership (Merry finding his courage not because of the immediate scenario of the Witch-king, but because he’s spurred into it by Éowyn’s presence), and love and care.
And then we learn that no, actually, this glorious act of violence wasn’t the emotional catharsis we thought it would be. She gets to ride to war, she gets to throw herself headlong at death, and in the end that hopeless act of individualism isn’t really what does it for her. She’s still left desolate and despairing, and actually all of her problems haven’t gone away.
And then we need to rewind a bit, because along comes Faramir, who is gentle, and is kind, and does seem to believe in joy, but not because people expect it — actually it's made abundantly clear nobody expects it — but because it’s something quite innate to how he figures the world. And he’s a huge fucking nerd too. I have a lot of thoughts on Faramir’s flaws and why I find them endearing, which I won’t put here, but almost immediately you get this sense of a guy who’s quite melodramatic, good humoured, and very much not made to live in a time of war.
But he’s also clear-headed about war and what it requires (tactically, if not strategically, though that’s a post for another day), but who is kind of cynical and weary of it in his own unique way. And it’s a unique cynicism given his personal circumstances because he’s the second son of The great family of Gondor, he’s apparently — though with some big ol’ question marks hanging about the extent — very able to command some of the elite units in the realm, and what’s more than that, he’s got all these fantastical powers (the light mind reading to start, to say nothing of this apparently magical ability to command animals too. bruh.). By all accounts he should be this brazen hot mess, but he’s not. He’s desperate to claw his way out of this war-torn cage of expectation his people have for how a man should comport himself in time of war. Is it a little naïve? Sure. A little fussy? Absolutely. But does it point to that same desperation that Éowyn has? Yes! But also the practicality, like, neither of them are really enjoying the circumstances they live under, but good fucking god are they both able to Make It Work.
So finally we get to the Houses of Healing and what is the finest and most aggressively romantic writing of LOTR. Seriously, it’s so fucking much. It’s breathtaking. It reminds me quite viscerally of this fabulous quote from Les Mis:
The power of a glance has been so much abused in love stories, that it has come to be disbelieved in. Few people dare now to say that two beings have fallen in love because they have looked at each other. Yet it is in this way that love begins, and in this way only.
At some point I will devote more time to talking about the two reasons line, and the blissful Queen of Gondor speech, but I think to me that big, important line is: “And then her heart changed, or at least she understood it; and the winter passed, and the sun shone upon her.”
It’s not about Éowyn changing herself entirely (though, I think, it really does bear mentioning that she does change, and that’s every bit as important to understanding that scene as it is romantic), it’s about Éowyn coming to terms with how to live with herself as herself, and how to live in communion with someone else. She can’t just cut people out anymore, and she can’t just treat them as objects of infatuation as she did with Aragorn, she has to reckon with people as they are. And that’s sort of the moment where I knew I was about to plunge fully off the deep end with these two and never know a moments’ peace again, lmao.
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
Someone on here once called Farawyn a love letter to women and, by god, yes, exactly that. I love the capacity for emotional intimacy, that is beautiful in ways I can’t express. To me, though, my favourite thing is the promise of life they speak of. Not as in oh they shag loads and have babies (though not opposed to that, obviously), but in the sense that unlike Aragorn and Arwen, who are always going to be buried under/burdened with the crushing weight of history and tradition, Éowyn and Faramir are going out yonder those hills and they’re going to do some real cottagecore farming shit. Obviously with all the trappings of rank and nobility and whatnot, but they, unique to anybody else in the books, get to sow this new idea of what life should be. They are, outside of Aragorn, the single most powerful people in Gondor. Éowyn’s got the ear of a king, a steward (which is essentially a prime-ministerial deal here), and functionally her own prince (if the hobbits are to be believed when they refer to it as essentially hers). I suspect that, in life, there were remarkably few arguments she wasn’t winning, and that Ithilien probably trended towards the jumped up noble hippie camp Tolkien so desperately wanted Oxford to be (or, in other words — Cambridge, lol).
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Yeah, man, everybody stop treating Faramir like he’s a big fucking crybaby and Éowyn like she’s some kind of shrieking 2010-era tumblr girl.
One of the single most important lines defining Faramir’s character is when Denethor roasts his ass for always trying to appear noble and lordly, if you ignore every other piece of textual evidence we have about him, what part of that line makes you think Faramir’s some simpering daisy? And why would you want to link tremendous emotional intelligence and care with being too limp-wristed to function, lol??? Like I struggle loads with writing Faramir, because I have never once in my life tried to be noble or self-restrained, so find it hard to get into that mindset, but better, I think, to imagine him too closed off than to do this wilting flower song and dance lmao.
And stop making Éowyn out to be this over-emotional angst machine. She’s got problems, yes, and she’s sure as shit got a lot of angst, but at almost every point in the book where we’re overtly dealing with her emotions, she’s sublimating them into something else. One of the most serious times we see her cry is when she’s fighting with Aragorn about riding out, and after that moment she literally tries to kill herself. Those tears aren’t standard, man, that’s a real watershed (lol) moment for her. You have to read around what the text is saying to get a better feel why everybody’s constantly calling her cold and distant.
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gingerbreadart1 · 3 years
Really loving the latest artwork and lore! You are so creative! Can't wait to see what's next! No rush though, I know the good stuff takes time.
Oh my gosh thank you!!!!! I'm having a bit of a writer's block when it comes to the actual story, so I've been kinda messing around and doing research about different things. Idk if it's obvious yet, but I'm a huge nerd. I especially love science and sci-fi(duh) as well as biology! I actually wanted to be a doctor with some kind of focus on congenital disorders when I was a kid. Weird kid, I know. Anyway, I love thinking about lore and nerdy shit, so I'm gonna take this opportunity to do just that! Beware under the cut is a very long essay about space, civilizations, rambles, and math. Lots of math.
So, I have no idea where I want to start, but I know what I want to talk about so I'm gonna pick something and roll with it. First thing's first, the Kardashev scale.
Because this isn't an English class and I don't have to re-word shit, I'm gonna copy and paste from wikipedia for this one: "The Kardashev scale is a method of measuring a civilization's level of technological advancement based on the amount of energy it is able to use. The measure was proposed by Soviet astronomer Nikolai Kardashev in 1964." Cool? Cool.
So yeah, basically it's an easy way to say how advanced a civilization is, and it's broken up into three types.
A Type I civilization, also called a planetary civilization—can use and store all of the energy available on its planet.
A Type II civilization, also called a stellar civilization—can use and control energy at the scale of its planetary system.
A Type III civilization, also called a galactic civilization—can control energy at the scale of its entire host galaxy.
Just to give you a grasp of what that means relative to us, humans are estimated to be a type 0.73 civilization. We're expected to get to type 1 in a few hundred years or so. Here's where math comes in. Note: I hate, and am not good at math. So, take all of this with a grain of salt.
So, a Type 1 civ. is usually defined as one that can harness all the energy that falls on a planet from its parent star (for Earth–Sun system, this value is close to 1.74×10^17 watts), which is about four orders of magnitude higher than the amount presently attained on Earth, with energy consumption at ≈2×10^13 watts.
Before I go any further, I want to ramble a bit about their star
For my own personal headcanon that the Irken planet is slightly dimmer than earth, I'm gonna make the Irken star a K0 type star. For reference, the sun is a G2V star, meaning it's a yellow dwarf. A K0 star is kind of inbetween red dwarfs and yellow dwarfs. Quick explanation on the letter-number thing, (as best as I understand it, disclaimer I am not an expert) The letter is the classification of a star based on heat and luminosity, going O, B, A, F, G, K, M, L. O being the brightest and hottest (and largest typically) and L being the opposite. The number is size. A higer positive number means a smaller star. A G2 yellow dwarf is smaller than a G-3 yellow dwarf.
Make sense? God I hope so. Anyway, I picked a K0 star for a couple reasons.
They live longer. Our sun has a lifespan of about 10 billion years, but a K type star has a lifespan of 18-34 billion years. Because of this some scientists think they're a prime place to look for life because of their long stability.
They emit less ultraviolet radiation, which can damage DNA, making the developement of life less likely to be hindered by this star
They're 3-4 times more common that G type stars, so it's literally more likely that the irken sun is a K type anyway
They're dimmer and cooler (but not by much) than G type, which fits into my own personal HC about a dimmer sun.
ANYWAY now to get back into the first topic, the Kardashev scale. The irken sun has a temperature of 5,240° Kelvin (8,900° F/4970° C), a radius of .85 (367,445 m/591,345km), a mass of .78 (3.42^30lbs/1.551^30kg), and a luminosity of .40 or 1.531^26 watts.
Compare all this to our sun (Temp of 5,780°K, radius 1, mass 1, and luminosity of 1, being 3.827^26 watts), basically the Irken sun is smaller and less powerful.
Back to the Kardashev scale. Modern day earth is .73, right? I imagine that Irkens are somewhere in the high 1's, like 1.7. The reason I'm not placing them in two is because I don't headcanon that they've built a dyson sphere or a matrioshka brain.
For those who don't know, a Dyson sphere is a hypothetical megastructure that completely encompasses a star and captures a large percentage of its power output. These bad boys are imagined to look kindof like this
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Cool as hell right? Also not something I think Irkens would be focused on. they're more about outward and conquering expansion rather than efficiant energy consumption and useage.
With that in mind, I'm going to say on the civilization range Kardashev scale Irkens are 2.000279. The reason for that tiny decimal amount is because a level 2 civ is one that has full control over their solar system, and a level 3 is one that has full control over their galaxy.
Galaxies are huge. Really huge. The Milky Way galaxy (In W&C Irkens are in the Milky Way as well) is on the smaller side, but it still has 100 billion stars, and 100-400 billion planets. Of those planets, an estimated 300 million to 50 billion may contain life, but most people stick it down at the low end of 300 million. So I'm going to use that number as well.
To figure out where they are on the scale, I have to figure out how large the Irken Empire actually is, so I looked at some other fictional empires.
In Star Wars, there are 1.5 million planets under the galactic empire, and an additional 60 million colonies (which can be as small as a space station or something idk)
But in Star Trek, there are only 150 planets in the federation.
In Dune, it's the whole Universe.
So there's a lot of variation here. Personally, I think under a thousand planets is a good number for a rapidly growing Empire that has unrealistic visions of grandeur, so I placed the amount of planets under their control to be 837 and called it a day.
Thus, 2.000279 on the scale.
Now with that number I'm gonna assign Irk a year. Physicist Michio Kaku suggested that it will take a few thousand years for humans to reach type two status, so I'm going to use that as a starting point to work on.
One might tack on a few thousand years to 2021 and call it a day, but I can't do that because the Gregorian calendar is religion based, and irkens probably don't have Jesus so it would be weird to base make a year for them based off of the Gregorian calendar. So instead I'm going to use the Holocene calendar. If you haven't heard of it, you're missing out! It's a very cool calendar that respresents and encompasses all of human history, and it's a very simple change: It adds 10,000 years to the current calendar, so for example, it is the year 12,021 on the holocene calendar. Cool right? The reason for this 10,000 year addition is 12,000 years ago is right around the time humans actually started settiling and building structures and beginning to farm. Thus, the birth of human civilization.
So I'm gonna be unrealistic and apply that 12,000 year first farm -> cell phone period to Irkens, and then tack on... idk let's say 2700 years. Cool beans, now we have a 15,700 year old Irken calendar. Except, 15,700 human years isn't equal to 15,700 Irken years. They're different planets, with different rotations, so they have different years. I have a previous post where I mention some basic statistics about the planet, go check it out! But for here, know that an irken year is 1.3 times longer than an earth year, so their calendar is actually going to be in the year 20,410 in the same amount of time. Let's say it's 20,417 just for funsies.
Hip hip hooray, Irk has a calendar! A year! Woohoo!
And with that, this post is long enough so I'm gonna end it here, but I plan on making a subsequent post that deals with evolution, speciation, and whatnot so stay tuned!
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horrorslashergirl · 4 years
Slasher OC: The Hacker
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Full Name: Xander Shawn Rivera (Although none knows his real name as his killer persona)
Nickname(s): Xan, Hackerman, The Hacker, Erron, Cyber Killer, Shawty, BlueRain, Blue
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Nationality: American
Place of Birth: New York City, USA
Current Location: New York City
Occupation: As a civilian, he works in the IT department of a company; As his killer persona he is a Dark Web Criminal, Master Hacker, CEO of Online Drug and Weapon Store
Base of operation: New York
Languages: English
Height: 6'3
Weight: 185 lbs
Body Type: Atheltic
Skin Color: Warm Ivory
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: He has an undercut hairstyle, much longer on the top, with bangs covering sometimes one eye
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Eye Color: Smokey grey, giving off eerily serene, sometimes studiously expressionless
Clothing: As his civilian persona, Xander prefers easy clothing that doesn't attract attention, keeping the image of a boring 30s male, he opts for dark jeans, T-shirts with symbols from video games or simple graphic T-shirts, and hoodies in colors of black, dark grey or light grey, dark blue. His shoes of choice are either vans or converse, comfortable and practical. Xander's clothing could be described as nerdy.
As his killer persona, he chooses black clothing or midnight dark blue, black converse, or black high Nikes, a bulletproof vest under his hoodie, utility belt where he has his holster with the bowie knife. He wears a neon blue Purge-like mask to hide his identity, and he upgraded the mask, installing mini-video cameras close to where his eyes are so that he can record any of his murders or information in order to blackmail.
Other features: He has a dragon tattoo on one of his pectorals, a tongue piercing and he has a cock piercing right on the tip also known as Prince Albert piercing, plus his scrotum ring piercing. He also has blue braces. He also has some faint freckless on his nose and around.
Face Claim: Desmond Harrington
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Weapons: Bowie Knife, Beretta 92 Gun, Wilson Combat EDC X9
Scent: He wears Dior Men Cologne Sauvage, the fragrance is announced as radically fresh, raw and noble at the same time. Top notes are Calabrian bergamot and Pepper; middle notes are Sichuan Pepper, Lavender, Pink Pepper, Vetiver, Patchouli, Geranium and elemi; base notes are Ambroxan, Cedar and Labdanum. Other notes of his scent would be tabacoo, a sugary energy drink smell.
Favorite Food: McDonalds, Subway and Burritos
Favorite Drink: Energy drinks, especially the Monster Energy Drink ones
Great knowledge in IT and hacking
Torture methodology
Driving skills
Skilled usage of weaponry
Bulletproof outfit
High intelligence
Computer skills
Murderous expertise
Skill in hand-to-hand combat
Psychopathic nature
Airplane Pilot Skills
The man known as the infamous Hacker was long ago someone completely different.
Xander Shawn Rivera was born into a suburban neighborhood close to New York City, along with his little sister Chloe, their parents being Neil Rivera, their father who worked as a police officer of New York City, and their mother Olivia Rivera working for a company in New York into the logistic department.
Xander had a normal childhood, until when he was 14 when his mother left him, his sister, and his father for a rich man. Neil took care of the two kids, and because his mother left them, Xander started to hold a huge grudge on her, especially that his sister, Chloe told him many times that their mother would come back, and Xander got even more hate on his mother when she wouldn't come to visit them; never present for Chloes birthdays, holidays and such.
In high school, Xander was considered the biggest nerd; awkward and unsure of himself, he was a prime target for the popular kids. He wasn't the strongest in the physical department, being fairly tall for his age and a slender guy, he focused his attention more on learning, especially in the IT, technology, and robotic department of the school.
Being more captured by the cybernetic life, he spends all his free time learning how to hack, getting deeper into the Dark Web. First, he opened an online drug store and in time he started to do trafficking with dangerous weapons too. His father being at work most of the time, he had all the privacy he needed, and none had any suspicions of what he was doing, being seen as the non-interesting guy with social awkward skills.
In the last year of high school, one night while he was working, Xander received a call from the New York Police, telling him how his father was gunned down during an investigation with a drug-dealing gang.
With his father dead and his sister completely devasted, not to mention a plan for what he will do after he finishes high school, Xander came to a blocking point, and his sister left him too, to go live with their mother and her boyfriend, the rich asshole.
Being left all alone, Xander finished high school and took the job position in the USA army in the security and IT department, since all his reviews were exceptional. After a few years of working for the USA army, learning along how to fight, use weapons, and how to fly an airplane, he decided to quit, not satisfied enough with what his line of work offered him. The superiors treated him like shit and he was viewed just as their lap dog.
After he gave up on the army, he got a job at a New York company, but behind the boring nerdy civilian, Xander developed a new persona, that he earned from all around the Dark Web; The Hacker alias Erron.
Continuing with the illegal stores on the dark internet, he also got intrigued by the more horrible parts, like killing, assassins, torture, porn gore, and the list goes on.
Xander understood that there on Dark Web, he had full control of everything, it was his Kingdom and he was the King, he could be whatever he wanted there and he had all the skills and tricks... And his killer persona turned out to be one of the most wanted international criminals in and outside the USA.
As his civilian self, Xander is an introvert to say so, not indulging himself too much in social activities, but he still shows high confidence even as his normal persona. He prefers to keep to himself, being the boring and nerdy Xander Shawn Rivera that is pretty much invisible. It's an image he chose to keep in order not to raise any suspicions of who he really is. Despite being a Master in hacking and IT, he doesn't show it when it comes to his civilian line of work. He has a quote that goes like this: 'Never show your true potential just to be a cheap showoff. Wait for the perfect moment to strike.'
As his killer persona, like most murderers in horror movies, he shares their traits. He is sneaky, intelligent, cruel, aggressive, sadistic, destructive, and brutish by nature. He has no morality, his base of operation being on the Deep Web, where he is doing business. He scops up victims in various ways; down from online dating sites, to posing as a simple seller of a car or phone; he knows what to say to find out more about his victims. Once he tracks you down, he will know everything about you; your name, age, address and even hacking your webcam to cyberstalk you, finding the perfect moment to strike.
As the Hacker, he is very confident, playful, manipulative, and always has a plan B up his sleeves, and if plan B doesn't work, well... get ready for plan C.
The biggest trick is that you don't know anything about who the Hacker is, but he knows everything about you. He is the guy that invades your privacy and knows all your secrets, using all the information against his victims or people that dare to get in his way.
The Hacker is unpredictable, ruthless when he has to be, and extremely possessive of what he owns, because he worked hard for it, and this results in another intense trait of his personality; he is a big workaholic, sometimes forgetting to sleep and eat, especially when he has a huge deal to finish.
The Hackers street smarts and charisma is unmatched and he is one of the toughest criminals to ever walk the streets of America and surfing through the dark web. As the Hacker, he finds it much easier to talk, flirt, and get close to women. It's not necessarily that he is self-conscious, because he is not, and he has an explanation for why as his civilian self he avoids getting too close to the dating game.
'I have to be boring and awkward as to not raise suspicions, besides... why would I need a girlfriend to stick her nose into my business and fuck up everything? Pussy I can find and get anytime and anywhere I want. Thank you very much, motherfucker.'
He also shows traits of narcissism or egomania, loving to be complimented for his work and achievements, hen loves to be praised and acknowledges by those around him that he is the best, which clashes when he has to put on the good civilian mask and pretend he doesn't want to gut everyone's necks around him.
A psychopathic madman with a lust for blood and to be the best in everything he does, he can be considered a big perfectionist, but not in all domains. For example, he is a lame cook and always prefers to get take-outs or food that can be heated into the microwave. He doesn't have time to sleep, much less to spend his time at the stove.
Erron is very blunt and to the point in his conversations, and won't hesitate to tell someone how stupid they are. He lacks empathy and he doesn't work like other people; he is very logical and will use his brain/mind more so than his heart.
All in all, both Xander and Erron are one and the same person, switching personalities.
Selling illegal weapons and drugs
Grand Theft Auto
Snuff Filming
Drug/Weapon trafficking
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Quotes of The Hacker:
'I see you.'
'Lets see who pays the most.'
'I got many things that may interest you. Drugs, Guns, Maybe a young woman. Lets negociate.'
'I am everywhere.'
'Yes. I got your wife. You should have seen her face when I fucked her.'
'You will never win this game.'
'You think you can catch me? The police tried for years. Good luck, pal.'
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imagine-docx · 4 years
the cute barista and his crisis.
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Summary: You spent the night at home, while your roommates were out partying. Suddenly, a random number called you ranting to you about how much he hates life. [college!barista!]
Warnings: hella sexual jokes and references, swearing, and hating post-secondary, as per usual.
A/N:  hope you guys are still doing well and i hope you guys are staying safe! 💛 - Amanda
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday consisted of either early morning classes, midday classes, and the occasional class that ran past 8 pm. Fridays were the only day you can claim as yours, but of course, you had to work.
It was Thursday and the cool New York air was engulfing you and your roommates as the three of you made your way to the usual coffee shop that was a little bit off campus. “Gonna ogle the cute barista again?” Wanda nudged.
“Ah yes, young love,” Nat snickered. 
“Shut up,” you felt the heat rise up to your cheeks, “I think he’s cute, but he probably has so many girls fawning over him.”
“Remember, we are the one cute girls in the coffee shop,” Nat said, opening the door, “After you, m’lady.”
That resulted in you and Wanda letting out a laugh, “Okay incel,” Wanda responded. The three of you glanced up at the menu, “I’m feeling tea today, but what kind?” Wanda said.
“After that comment, poison flavoured,” Nat muttered.
You let out a laugh, “You’re quite spicy today, go for a spiced tea.”
Wanda stuck her tongue out at Nat, “That’s why she’s my favourite roommate,” Glancing back at the menu, “Is Russian spiced tea good?” 
“I don’t know, ask your favourite roommate,” Nat said.
The cute blond barista came up to the register, “You ready? Or do you need another minute?”
You felt Nat pinch your left ass cheek, and you nudge your elbow into her ribcage, “Yeah. Can I get a caramel iced coffee?” 
“Of course, what else?” He asked.
“Can I get a cinnamon dolce latte?” Nat spoke keeping her hand near your ass cheeks.
“Of course, and for you?” He indirectly asked Wanda.
“Russian spiced tea please.” She spoke.
“That’s $17.60, here or to go?” He asked.
“Here,” Wanda said, while digging in her backpack for her wallet, “Credit please?”
“Aww, we love it when our sugar daddy treats us,” You snickered, resulting in a laugh from Nat and the barista.
“It’s only because she bought dinner and you bought dessert last night,” she grumbled.
“Go take a seat, and I’ll bring the drinks over when they’re done.” He spoke, which resulted in a hums of thank you from the three of you and you guys walked over to the usual booth you guys inhabited when you were here.
“Is there a reason that my poor ass cheek got abused?” You asked.
“He was checking you out,” Nat bluntly stated.
“No he wasn’t, he was doing his job.” You stated. 
“And I am a natural redhead,” she sarcastically said.
“Wait, it's dye?” Wanda practically cried out.
The three of you laughed, and went over your plans for the next weekend. Nat had work and was doing rehearsal for the Russian dance competition that was happening in a few weeks. Wanda had to work and was also seeing her brother Pietro on Sunday. You on the other hand had to work, and had to have a comparative essay done by Monday. 
“You’re so lucky you’re done your midterms,” Wanda said, “I’m still struggling trying to wrap my head around platyhelminths.”
“But see, you watched me and laughed at me for only surviving off of coffee and fruit snacks for three weeks straight. Now I am prospering and living my life and you have a midterm on Monday,” you said.
“You looked like death around the apartment,” Nat laughed, and the cute barista brought over your drinks.
“Russian spiced tea, cinnamon dolce latte, and caramel iced coffee,” he said, passing around the drinks, “And a tiramisu square.”
“Uh, we didn’t order this?” Nat asked. 
“The table over there sent it,” he responded, pointing his head over to where a group of boys were sitting.
“Thank you,” the three of you hummed and there went the barista.
“You know,” Nat leaned into you, “He has a nice ass.”
“Nat,” You hissed.
“America is proud of that ass,” Wanda snickered.
Suddenly the group of boys that sent the dessert got louder, trying to get your attention. You rolled your eyes, “God, I hate men.”
“Except for the pretty blond one with a nice ass,” Nat said, digging into the tiramisu. 
“I second that,” Wanda said, taking a bite of the piece on her spoon.
Suddenly the frat boy cult got even louder, Nat rolled her eyes, and moved your hair from the base of your neck, “What are you-” Then came a long lick from the base of your neck to your jawline. Suddenly the frat boy cult shut up, “Jesus Christ, warn a girl.”
“Why are you acting all shy now? You weren’t this shy last weekend when I was doing body shots off of you at the back of the apartment,” Nat said, nonchalantly.
“You may have shut up the frat boy cult, but the cute barista is so red you can confuse him for a bottle of ketchup.” Wanda stated.
Two weeks have passed, and you would go into the coffee shop whenever you had over an hour worth of a gap, or before work. Today is one of those days. It was Friday, and you were due to start your shift in forty-five minutes. 
Walking into the shop, there was the cute barista working the front. You didn’t catch the way his eyes practically lit up upon seeing you. “Just you today?” He asked.
“Yes sir,” you said, giving him a smile.
“Caramel iced coffee?” He asked.
“Of course,” you said, digging in your bag for your wallet. 
“Don’t worry, it's on the house.” He said, “Here or to go?”
“To go, please.”
“You got it doll,” and with that you stood off to the side and waited for him to make your drink. 
“Caramel iced coffee,” he called out.
“Thank you, have a good day,” you called out before making your way to your shift.
“You know you look like a lovesick puppy,” Bucky said to Steve.
“That obvious?” Steve asked. 
“Yeah. Also, remember, Happy is gonna take that coffee out of your paycheque,” Bucky said patting Steve’s back.
“If it’s for her, Happy can have my entire paycheque.” Steve responded, going to clean up.
“Ugh, teenagers and their hormones,” Bucky spoke.
You, Wanda, and Nat sat on your shared living room floor eating the steamed dumplings and sushi that you ordered for dinner. “So you saw the cute barista boy today,” Wanda said, “Soy sauce please.”
Nat handed her the sauce before taking a california roll for herself, “His ass still thick?”
You nearly choked on the dumpling you were eating, “Fucking Christ, Nat.”
“You can’t miss that ass!” Nat tried justifying, “He walks in, and his ass walks in five minutes later.”
Wanda choked on her iced tea, “He wore this white shirt that was way too tight for him, God that left nothing to the imagination,” you said recalling the way his muscles moved when making your coffee.
“Someone’s having a wet dream tonight,” Wanda said.
You threw a soy sauce packet at her head, “No! I don’t even know his name.”
“See that’s a problem, she can’t moan his name if she doesn’t know his name.” Nat laughed.
You threw a soy sauce packet at her head, “The both of you need to get laid.”
“So do you sweetheart, and by the big muscular blond with the thick ass who works at The Petite Bean.” Wanda said, nearly dodging another soy sauce packet.
The next Friday night you were at home by yourself eating a sandwich from the bodega that was next to your building. Wanda and Nat went to this party, you wanted to go, but after your shift, you were exhausted and just decided to call it a night. 
Taking the last bite of your turkey sandwich, you got up and threw everything out, and decided to go and take a long hot shower. You stood at the tv debating whether or not you should turn off the documentary on whales, but you decided not to as it helps serve as background noise.
You showered and threw on a massive NYU hoodie and some pyjama shorts. Getting out of the shower, you headed back to the kitchen, dug around in the cabinets for a snack of a sort, and headed back to your position on the couch. 
You were scrolling through your Instagram, when a random number called you. You answered because you never know it could be Nat or Wanda in trouble. “Hello?”
You heard a shaky breath from the other side, “Oh sorry, I have the wrong number.”
“Hey, before you hang up, are you okay?” You asked.
“Not really-”
You cut him off, “Did you want to talk about it? I have the time.”
“Are you sure? I don’t wanna bother you,” the man from the other side of the line said.
“Of course, shoot,” you said.
“Midterms got the worst of me. I’m practically failing chemistry, why did I take chem? Like I’m an art major, the fuck am I doing in science? Then the girl I dated for a little keeps coming by the place I work at with the man she cheated on me with, and that shit still stings. Then, there’s this cute girl who keeps coming by the place I work, and I can’t seem to talk to her. She’s like this ball of sunshine, and I don’t think I can talk to her. Do you have anything fucked up happening in your life? Or is the lord hating on me?” 
You laughed, “Unfortunately, no. With the chem thing, don’t be so hard on yourself. Courses get to the best of us, we are so reliant on a GPA, when it doesn’t even guarantee a job after practically killing ourselves for this degree. Failing one course isn’t so bad, just don’t fail more than three, that might result in academic probation. Honestly, if she cheated on you, fuck her. She doesn’t deserve any of your attention, if she was the one who gave you up. And with the other girl, just slowly ease her into it, ask her how her day has been, ask her about the weather, if she’s holding a book or something, try to bond with her about that.”
“You sound like a psych major,” he joked.
“Psych minor,” you corrected, “Socio major. From what I know you can’t be a science major. So what do you major in?” 
“Art history, and minor in regular history.”
“Oh, we got a huge history fan don’t we?” You joked.
“Biggest nerd in Brooklyn.”
That same night the two of you stayed talking until 4:30 am, before he heard you yawning and telling you to get some sleep. You both bidded your goodnights and the moment your head hit the pillow, you knocked out.
The following morning, or afternoon at that point. You stumbled into the kitchen to make a cup of coffee, and heard Wanda and Nat groaning about how they need Advil. You opened the door to Nat’s room and saw the two of them practically cuddling. You threw two bottles of water, and the bottle of Advil at them before heading to the washroom to brush your teeth. 
Once you were done, you sat on the counter of the kitchen drinking your coffee, you heard stumbling from the hallway. Suddenly, a disheveled Nat appeared, she was sporting bedhead, smeared makeup, a black lace bra and some random sleeping shorts that looked like they belonged to Wanda. “Good morning sweetheart,” you cooed.
She flipped you off before making herself a cup of coffee, “Never drinking again.”
“Nat,” Wanda whined, “Please I need a cuddle buddy.”
“You have another roommate,” Nat reminded her.
Wanda nudged your legs open and curled up into your frame, “My favourite.”
You laughed while patting her head, “What happened?”
“So much booze, free booze.” Nat stated.
Free booze to university kids was like feeding candy to a toddler. “Alright cuddlebug. I have errands to do, I gotta go shower.” You said trying to push away Wanda.
“No, please don’t.” Wanda latching onto you harder.
“She’s gonna make her way down to Manhattan to see the cute barista,” Nat joked.
“Harhar, I’m going to the bank and I need to mail out this return. The green dress was too big, had to order a size down.” You said, finishing off your coffee, finally pushing off Wanda, “Also why the fuck would I go to Manhattan to see the barista.”
“Dick makes you do crazy things baby girl.” Nat said.
While you were getting dressed your mind ran onto the man who called you last night and ranted to you about his life. You decided to call him back and check up on him. After three rings he picked up, “Hello?”
“Hey, you called me last night and we talked for an hour and a half about some super deep stuff, you okay?”
“Oh, yeah, thanks for checking up on me.” He spoke.
“Not a problem, if you ever need to rant, you can always text me.” You said shoving your wallet into your bag.
“Are you sure? I don’t wanna burden.” He asked.
“If you need a friend, I am here for you.” You said.
You two exchanged names, before both of you had to go. And that started your texting relationship with a man named Steve Rogers.
You came back home from your errands trip and brought bagels for the two hungover disasters you call your roommates. You walked back in and saw Wanda and Nat under the pink fur blanket watching the whale documentary you were watching last night. “My baby is back,” Wanda said excitedly.
“I bring bagels, because bagels make us happy when we are hungover.” You said placing the bag on the table, “Two rainbow bagels with strawberry cream cheese. Two poppy seed bagels with tuna salad on both.” You said handing each of them their own bagels. 
You grabbed your own two before plopping next to them, “If barista boy doesn’t domesticate you, I will.” Nat said.
You laughed before you felt your phone buzz in your pocket, you got a message from Steve asking about the bagel place you usually get your stuff from. “Who’s Steve?” Wanda asked.
“New mans?” Nat exclaimed.
“You’re replacing barista boy before you could even dick him down?” Wanda cried out.
“No, Jesus. I haven’t even met Steve-” Wrong phrasing you used there.
“You’re back on tinder?” Wanda asked, “I thought we were doing it together.”
“No, he accidentally called me last night and we talked for an hour.” You said nonchalantly taking a bite out of your bagel.
“A threesome with barista boy and Steve? Wow someone’s getting some,” Nat said, wiggling her eyebrows.
“Jesus Christ Nat.”
As per usual, you made your way into the cafe getting coffee before your shift. Noticing the barista, you again missed the gleam in his eyes when he saw you. He mustered up the courage, “Hey, how are you?”
“I’m good, how are you?”
“I’m doing good,” You smiled.
Steve felt his knees weaken at your smile, “The usual?”
“The usual,” you said, paying and going to message the roommate group chat about the tight light blue shirt barista boy was wearing today.
“Alright, here you go.” He said sliding you the coffee and a straw.
“Thank you, have a good day,” you said before slipping out of the shop and heading to work.
“So you took the girls advice and asked her about her day, look at you making big moves.” Bucky nudged Steve.
“One step at a time Buck,” he said, going to clean up his station.
“Hey, you better have not given her another free coffee,” Bucky called out.
After several weeks of messaging Steve, you learned he also attended NYU and both of you worked around your schedules, trying to meet up. The two of you finally decided to meet on campus. You picked a morning where you, Nat and Wanda had a two hour gap just in case something happened and he was in fact a 50 year old pervert with a thing for third year students.
You: hey i’m in the student centre
Steve: Hey, I’m sitting, I’m wearing a black jacket and a white t-shirt
You looked up and almost screamed, as if the gods were playing a joke on you. It was your cute barista boy. Okay, being rational, he could happen to be here at the same time, wearing the same out- nope, no way. “Steve?” You asked, approaching the table.
Looking up from his phone, he was shocked as well, “H-hi,” he stuttered out.
“Can I sit?” You asked.
“Of course.”
“So I guess you were helping me, try and talk to you,” he finally spoke out.
“Wait, what?” You asked, confused.
“The girl I was messaging you about, was you,” he sheepishly said.
You didn’t know how to respond, “Really?”
“Yeah, if you don’t feel the same that’s okay.” Steve said looking down at his fingers.
You took his hand in yours, “No, I like you too.” 
“Yeah, Nat keeps trying to get me to ask you out. But I kept talking myself out of it.” You said.
“How about I treat you to the finest thing this campus has to offer and we can talk about how we both are idiots,” he offered.
“It better be the Wendy’s,” you joked.
“Only the finest for the finest,” he winked at you, resulting in the blush staining your cheeks. He stood up and put his hand out, upon standing up you took his hand and was about to exit the student centre. 
You heard Nat speak loudly to Wanda, “She’s getting dick, I’m so proud of her.” You wanted the ground to create a blackhole and swallow you whole. 
Until you heard another voice, “BuckBuck! Our baby Steve is all grown up and getting pussy.”
You looked to see Steve blushing, turning back and flipping him off, “Fuck off Sam.”
Of course, both of your roommates were the worst.
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rpmemesbyarat · 3 years
RP meme from Tori Amos quotes
- Healing takes courage, and we all have courage, even if we have to dig a little to find it.
- I think that people who can't believe in fairies aren't worth knowing.
- I know I'm an acquired taste - I'm anchovies. And not everybody wants those hairy little things.
- Some of the most wonderful people are the ones who don't fit into boxes.
- I have so many different personalities in me and I still feel lonely.
- The violence between women is unbelievable.
- I'm too wacky for most weirdos. Who am I to judge?
- If they keep crashing stuff into the moon, the moon's gonna get pissed off, and the tides'll change, and all the women'll start PMS-ing together. Then you guys are going to fucking regret it.
- If you really want a challenge, just deal with yourself.
- I don't see myself as weird, I just see myself as honest.
- I see the dream and I see the nightmare, and I believe you can't have the dream without the nightmare.
- Some people are afraid of what they might find if they try to analyze themselves too much.
- Once the bleeding starts, the cleansing can begin.
- On some of my darkest days, Lucifer's the one who comes and gives me an ice cream.
- Most people would rather be sheep than stand on their own with antlers on.
- The sense of loss is such a tricky one, because we always feel like our worth is tied up into stuff that we have, not that our worth can grow with things we are willing to lose.
- When you've got the virgin and the whore sitting next to each other, they're likely to judge each other harshly.
- I think you have to know who you are.
- Get to know the monster that lives in your soul.
- Dive deep into your soul and explore it.
- I don’t want to renounce my dark side.
- The truth has always held an enormous interest for me.
- Healing for me is being able to sit next to the butcher and say 'Yes, I’m sitting next to the butcher now,' instead of saying 'there is no butcher'.
- This is very simple in the world of chicks; some are hoochies, some are not, and some should never try to be.
- We don't often see our own stories. Good artists are the ones that whisper our own stories back to us.
- Music is about all of your senses, not just hearing.
- Again, we go back to the power of words and how they can make you feel. They bring liberation or stagnation, they're chains.
- You don't have to apologize for growing and learning and changing your mind.
- Music has an alchemical quality.
- Certain relationships can just wear you down.
- Containment of your opinion is a must if you are going to nurture an artist's development.
- It's a good thing I'm curious, because sometimes I just research how a soccer player kicks a ball and the impact it has on his foot. I haven't used this yet, but I might.
- But over the years you can cultivate hate for the art you love.
- I don’t believe anyone’s story is boring. Every story has value because it belongs only to you.
- Sometimes I fantasize backstage about how people do their laundry. Woolite? Mixed-color loads? Do they fold? Do they press? Do they Shout it out? And the thing that kills me—do their whites come out dingy?
- Our generation has an incredible amount of realism, yet at the same time it loves to complain and not really change.
- We like our pain. And we’re packaging it, and we’re selling it.
- Festivals or radio shows can be the heavyweight championships of arrogantly detached clusterfucks.
- People who are addicted to power can live on the same street or attend the same school as us or even play on the world stage.
- None of us are this light and dark fantasy. What's dark to you may be light to me and vice versa.
- I don't think that many performers necessarily want to see their audience empowered. I think a lot of performers, no different from priests, need the hierarchy.
- Modern, celebrity-driven entertainment turns the stage into an altar, and so many celebrities refuse to be removed from those altars once they manage to ascend.
- All storytellers, all troubadours worth their salt knew their myths.
- The Sídh's historical myth is the source of the bastardized concept of a fairy—as if anyone gives a rat's ass.
- The problem with Christianity is, they think everything is about outside forces, good and evil. There's not a lot of inner work encouraged.
- Over the last few hours I've allowed myself to feel defeated, and just like she said if you allow yourself to feel the way you really feel, maybe you won't be afraid of that feeling anymore.
- I'm the queen of the nerds.
- Don't give up. Don't listen to these foolish critics that are so small minded they don't get it tonight.
- Sometimes listening to music can motivate you.
- I think even in a good marriage, especially if you stay together long enough, there are going to be events that happen.
- An ounce of breast milk is even more potent than the finest tequila.
- Music is always a reflection of what's going on in the hearts and minds of the culture.
- Many people lock a part of themselves away. It's a bit sacred.
- I've always seen the songs as having a consciousness.
- Our world is a huge mess right now, and not big enough for masses of intolerant people.
- We are all fairies living underneath a leaf of a lily pad.
- That is some funky-fresh, pop lockin' shit.
- If I saw someone destroy a piano I'd fuckin' kill 'em. Wouldn't think twice.
- I experiment with things that are usually an internal experience, because that's just what excites me. And yes, it does sometimes give me visions.
- Some of those trips were eighteen hours long and I'll never forget, once I ended up sitting by the bush trying to ask the flowers why they didn't like me. It's like, Why can't I be your friend?
- You might not like my story because I'm not gonna tell you how it ends yet, and you need to travel it with me.
- I just imagined a huge juicy vagina coming out of the sky, raining blood over all those racist, misogynist fuckers.
- You can't control your popularity
- If you can't create physical life, you find a life force. If that's in music, that's in music.
- I started to find this deep, primitive rhythm, and I started to move to it.
-I held hands with sorrow, and I danced with her, and we giggled a bit
- I usually get myself into situations that cause sparks.
- I love feeling alive, I love walking out in the cold in my bare feet and feeling the ice on my toes.
- For the most part, pianos are female to me.
- Anger is natural. It's part of the force. You just have to learn to hang out with it.
- In our minds, love and lust are really separated.
- I think all the boys that write the screaming stuff would write the best love songs
- When you stop putting yourself on the line, and you don't touch your own heart, how do you expect to touch other people?
- Guys would sleep with a bicycle if it had the right color lip gloss on. They have no shame. They're like bull elks in a field.
- Your worst enemies are made when you ignore people.
- It's as if the horses have come to take us back, to descend, to find the dark side. By dark I mean what's hidden, not necessarily satanic.
- There's room for everybody on the planet to be creative and conscious if you are your own person. If you're trying to be like somebody else, then there is isn't.
- Sometimes you have to do what you don't like to get to where you want to be.
- You know that saying, bad things don't happen to good people? That's a lie.
- I'm not a habit, I'm a lifestyle.
- There are a lot of hidden nerds.
- People who become the front runners often used to be outcasts or loners.
- Um, don't get me wrong because I love boys, it's just that sometimes we don't need you.
- There are only ten ideas under the sun. What makes the difference is how you spice them.
- So I'm in Virginia, and I had crabs--I keep saying that! I had crab sickness, I had eaten bad crabs in Maryland!
- I'm a winter girl; I like coming out when things are desolate and everybody's ready to slit their wrists.
- You can only be you. A lot of times it's never enough for people.
- I've never played the guitar, except throwing it against the wall cause it was pissed off I couldn't play it.
- Truly, I was a sweetheart when I was little, like the Honeysuckle Faery. Sweet-pea. But sweet-peas are not popular after second grade. Sweet-peas become nerds really fast.
- I really enjoy having a giggle with a friend, but then someone crosses my line, then I don't really take it lightly.
- I sometimes forget I'm not 7'2" and a Viking.
- A boundary was crossed. And maybe I drew a boundary, consciously.
- It was a bit violent, a bit sexual.
- When nothing makes sense, music seems to come and bring me a margarita and sit down with me.
- You don't have to justify everything. Being pissed off is just absolutely okay.
- There is a level of the vampire in me, which is OK.
- It hurts me when a woman doesn't come through for me, more than a man.
- I'm a grown woman. I've earned my experiences, my scars.
- What is an angel but a ghost in drag?
- I'm beginning to accept and love the parts of me, of women that I was trained to hate all my life.
- People can be so vicious toward the imaginary world and it saddens me. You kill a lot of little people's dreams that way.
- Even if you don't read history or you aren't interested in anything that happened before the '60s, there are reasons why we think the way we do.
- That's how the story goes but I don't believe the story.
- I would find myself either the lovey-doveyest-woviest sweet pea, or a mad-woman.
- I believe in eating.
- You can't change what happened. And nobody's asking you to forgive.
- Why be afraid of these cuddly, soft, adorable things?
- I have good days. Like if I get really good coffee ice cream with just the right amount of chocolate syrup.
- A lot of people see themselves as victims, even when you have to stand in line for ice cream.
- It's so difficult to be critical of children because they need to discover themselves. We're always telling them, "No, the tree has green leaves!"
- I'm tired of being a rebel. Now I just want to be me.
- When things get really empty for me, empty in my outer life, in my inner life, the music world, the songs come across galaxies to find me.
- Do you know what it's like to be a girl and have blood running down your legs and think that you're dying, just because no one's told you that's what happens? It's horrible.
- An angel's face is tricky to wear constantly.
- Mess with me and you will not survive.
- I think that happiness is when you can let yourself feel every emotion you want at any time instead of being a lying little fuck.
- I'm not into this dieting thing.
- The cross has been used as a weapon, as it has been used against all women throughout the ages. And that's the greatest evil of all.
- I think you've got to find a giggle somewhere in stuff that would scare the poop outta ya.
- A cornflake girl is Wonderbread whereas a raisin girl is whole wheat bread.
- I would like to think I'm a raisin girl, because in my mind they're more open minded. Cornflake girls are totally self centered, don't care about anything or anybody.
- I like butter and the people who like butter."
- I'm known as that girl who has tea with the Devil.
- I'm not afraid of sadness.
- Everybody has creativity and each person has it in a different way. Some people aren't musical, some musicians can't even think about painting or gardening. There's so many different ways to be creative.
- I wanna be burned, definitely burned, like the witches.
- Give the kids tools, so they can go build their own houses; not the blueprint of what the houses should be.
- Look at me now. I'm breast feeding pigs.
- I wish I had more of a sense of humor.
- I can be so hard on people.
- If somebody's being a jerk, I would like to go wee on their head. And then I do that, mentally.
- The people on the internet know more about what I am doing than I do. Like, they will say that I am going to be in this mall on this day, and sure enough, I am there!
- I'm like a lioness who kills her own prey and no one else has to kill for her. But if some other lioness comes to me and says "I just got a good prey, do you want a piece?" I can say "of course" - and the other way around.
- There are things that I would disagree with Jesus about, and I feel really good about that.
- History has recorded some pretty nasty things that have happened to people. I think we remember. I think it's in our cells and I think it can still hurt sometimes."
- I don't believe in the saying that it all happens for the best, it's just not appropriate.
- Of course I believe in past lives, I mean, three quarters of the human race believes this, it's not like a great new thought here.
- I use innocence in my demeanor like a Venus flytrap.
- I do like to talk about things no one wants to hear at the dinner table.
- I'm not interested in being a really nice person; I want to be a creative, responsible person that's balanced.
- Boys are cute but food is cuter
- Do any of you dream about crocodiles?
-I know I dream about crocodiles. I'm obsessed with them.
- If people can't see things from the other side that's not my problem, it's theirs.
- I think I give equal time in my hatred, right?
- Sometimes I'm mad at some guy, sometimes I'm mad at some girl, and sometimes I'm totally loving some guy, so and sometimes I'm loving some girl.
_ Well, Pele is the volcano goddess and I thought of like, um, sacrificing some of the boys in my life to her but then I decided that that wasn't really a very good idea.
- Anger originates from envy and outrage, not being seen, not being heard.
- We don't know where souls go when they die. We don't know a lot of things. We didn't create the planets. We didn't do this all by ourselves. So, therefore, why wouldn't there be a creative force if it can create humans and planets?
- I've been hanging out with some of the Hell's Angels in England. They're some of the sweetest people I've ever met.
- Real friends have to be understanding of each other, and their faults.
- I think I'm really hard to get to know on a personal level.
- Thailand is calling me.
- People I see laughing all the time, check for razor blades in their anal-force underwear, because it's just a little lie.
- I'm not interested in taking drugs. I do hallucinogens once in a while for journey experiences.
- I hear the wine. It's like a structure. I see it as a piece. I hear it before I taste it. It's calling me. And then I start to hear it when I'm tasting it.
- Not that I use crystal suppositories, I'm not New Age.
- A peach tree says, 'Some of me will be juicy and some of me will be dry I'm not growing for you; I grow because that's what I do.' You always hear some person complain about how dry their peach is and the peach says, 'It's not our fault you have no understanding on the proper use for dry peaches.'
- My theory is that women were the Mona Lisas for a long time and now men are Mona Lisas with little goatees. They are our muses.
- If you're gonna tell a story, you have to grow into the head of the rapist as well as the raped.
- He was a lite sneeze, and not the flu. Most boys would like to think they're the flu, wouldn't they? But they're really just a achoo.
- If you call me an airy-fairy new age hippy waif, I will cut your penis off.
- It's a double-edged sword and if you pretend you don't want it you're a liar and that is going to rip your soul to pieces.
- I'm always dreaming that these bulls are chasing me. Half the time I don't get away - I almost get over the fence, and then they gore me.
- I believe in energy, everything is energy. And therefore sometimes magic can be created if somebody is open to letting energy do what it does, instead of being so cynical, that you miss magic happening.
- I feel like a work really has many sides to it when people have such extreme reactions. When a work is greeted with just, 'Oh, you know, it's nice', then it's not affecting people. So love it or hate it, that's okay.
- I am a real believer in looking at pain and taking it out shopping.
- The music is the magic carpet that other things take naps on.
- I just try to strip myself, peel myself like an onion. At different layers I discover stuff.
- Why is the world where it is? It's so deep-rooted, if we really start looking, and we might not like what we find. But I think we have to, we have to ask the questions.
- I'm beyond the fury of youth.
- I love young women who are angry. They're wild mustangs.
- I didn't want her looking and hearing me and thinking, "Oh my God, that's a scary lady!"
- They felt that it was detrimental material for their children and that it was blasphemous.
- They've decided they kinda' have you figured out.
- My nightmares are so bad, that I mostly reject it when my friends want to take me to a cinema to watch a horror movie. Then I say, "No, thank you. I will dream in a few hours."
- I don't know of anybody who's gonna be fulfilled if they get hit by a bus. You have to surrender to that eternal need to be fulfilled.
- How do you know I'm not having a margarita with Jesus tonight at 10 o'clock?
- Let's be honest, religion has not supported women and men exploring all sorts of their sides, their unconscious. It has not been supportive of, you know, go into the places without shame, without blame, without judgment, and just let yourself really see what's cooking in there.
- I think human beings are so much more capable of what they told us we're capable of.
- Anyone can attend yoga, kabbalah classes, church, lectures by the 'Dalai Lama', yada, yada, yada - but can you be present for your life, and live with the way you treat other people?
- Only a few people should have a "greatest hits". I'm not one of those people.
- I feel like our leaders have hijacked America's personality, and taken her to personality plastic surgery school. And they decided this is who she is.
- The playground is the biggest war-zone in the world.
- You have to read visionaries to have visions.
- They squash the baby bird because their bird got squashed.
- I love reading. I'll read the first sentence and if it makes sense to me I pick it up.
- It's ridiculous saying there's only one true faith, it's like saying there's only one map to get you up the mountain. I want to see those other maps, man.
- I kinda have all the aspects of my personality round one table for spaghetti.
- If it's too loud, turn it up.
- I was doing drugs with a South American shaman, and I really did visit the devil and, well, I had a journey.
- There is no passion without broken crockery.
- You have to ask, how could a nation nearly vote in somebody who isn't qualified for the job?
- We're living in a frightening time and I wish people would wake up and realise they're surrendering their civil liberties.
- Who wouldn't want to shag a queen?
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