#His riffs weren’t even that good
stuckinapril · 1 month
I stay up nights thinking ab how my ex’s biggest flex is he’s a skater stoner who played the guitar
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the girl next door 8
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as age gap, manipulation, chronic illness, noncon/dubcon, coercion, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: A new neighbour moves in and upends your already disarrayed life.
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself.
This lewk but silverfox
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Your head is throbbing. The hangover of your night of crying greets you like a drumbeat. You cradle your skull and shudder, roused only by a clink from the kitchen. You grumble and sit up, blearily checking the clock beside your bed. The digital numbers stamp your vision. It’s too early for your mom to be up. You can’t even remember the last time she was awake before you. 
You know she won’t be happy about having to make her own coffee. You get up, clumsy steps carrying you to the door as you rub your temples. You go out into the hall, your tee shirt caught in the top of your striped linen sleep shorts.  
You squeak as you stop in the doorway of the kitchen. It’s not your mom. You’re so surprised, you can’t move. You drop your hands, hugging yourself as you stare at Steve’s back, his broad shoulders stretching the leopard print of your mother’s robe. The insinuation of the piece of clothing, makes you choke. 
He glances over his shoulder before you can flee. His gray hair is slightly mussed and you can see his boxers poking out past the short hem of the robe. You sway on your feet. 
“Good morning, sweetie. Want some coffee?” He asks, sleep dragging in his voice, “pot just finished brewing.” 
“Oh, um... I’ll make my own.” 
“More than enough,” he insists as he takes out another mug from the cupboard. His familiarity with the place makes you squirm. 
“Erm,” you bite your lip. 
“Here,” he turns to you with a mug. “You like sugar? Milk?” 
“Black,” you answer as he nears. 
You accept the cup as he holds it out. His lack of shame makes you even more uncomfortable. You are an adult. It isn’t that absurd that your mom would have... needs. It’s just not something you know much about. Nor had you ever really thought about her finding someone like this. She only ever griped about your father and every other man she knew. 
“Wow, I would’ve thought you had a sweet tooth,” he remarks. 
You shake your head, “thanks.” 
You turn to escape with the comfort of the coffee. He hums as if disappointed but you let the sound fade behind you. You close your bedroom door and quickly cross the room, as if to get as far from him as possible. 
You just weren’t prepared. You’re still reeling from the night before and your bout of tears. Ugh. You’re just stupid. You get so swept up in stupid emotions and then you mope around. You sip the coffee and set the cup down. 
You look down at your bare legs and cross them, pulling subconsciously on your tee shirt. Oh gosh. You’d been walking around in front of him like this. 
You grab the cup again. You focus on finishing it, on letting the temperature sooth you. You hear your mother’s voice but it’s distant and indiscernible. When you empty the mug, you go to your bed and sprawl out. You’ll probably just stay in here all day; out of the way, alone. Not much you can do with a headache. 
You close your eyes and drift into a shallow half-sleep. You can feel the day brighten outside the window and hear the chirping birds but your room is shrouded in fog. A knock breaks through your stupour. You groan and roll onto your side. 
The door opens and you lift your head to look at your mom. 
“You’re not staying in your bed all day,” she stomps into the room, “get up. Go for a walk or something.” 
“A walk?” You sit up, head wobbly. 
“I don’t care where but you need to get out of this house,” she snarls, her lip quivering. You won’t ask if she’s used her inhaler, she’s already worked up, “get out of my way.” 
You blink and nod. You stand up and go to your dresser. She huffs, “and don’t make a whole thing when you leave. Just go.” 
You pull out a pair of thin pants as she slams the door behind her. You frown and change, quickly making yourself tolerably presentable. You don’t know that even if your clothes were nicer or your face prettier, that you would ever feel acceptable. 
You take a book and go into the hallway as quietly as you can. The smell of maple makes your stomach growl. You glance down toward the kitchen and stay close to the wall. You creep down to the entryway and slip your feet into your shoes. 
“Hey, off to somewhere?” Steve startles you as he peeks out of the kitchen, a spatula in hand. 
“Um,” you look back and forth. 
“She’s just going for her morning walk,” your mother chirps as she appears from behind him, “aren’t you, honey?” 
You nod stiffly. Morning walk? You can’t remember the last time you walked past the end of the avenue. 
“Oh, I wish I’d known. I’d love to come with. Maybe explore the neighbourhood,” Steve says, “what about breakfast? You wanna eat first?” 
You look at your mom. She grimaces. You shake your head. 
“Not hungry. Thanks.” 
“Hm, alright,” he frowns, disappointed, “I’ll put some aside for you. Maybe another day.” 
He goes back into the kitchen and your mom mouth’s one word, ‘go’. 
You do as she says and you leave. You clutch your book tightly as you come down the front steps and try to figure out what to do. There’s a bench near the park you can sit on and read. A chapter will take a while and you should try to spend more time outside. 
Your eyes narrow against the sunshine. Your head still hurts and your now your stomach is clenching violently. Just the smell of food had you ravenous. Well, there’s be cold pancakes waiting for your return at least. 
You find the bench. It’s not where you remembered. It wasn’t by the entrance but further inside. Still, it’s early and there’s no one there. 
You sit and watch the birds for a while before you open the book. A few squirrels skitter by, chasing each other’s tails, and you smile. You like being outside. You just don’t enjoy the people outside. 
You put your head down and start the chapter. You can’t really remember what happened in the last one. It’s been a while since you were able to focus enough to read a book cover to cover. 
As the morning light shifts, a woman and two children appear at the park entrance. The follow the path to the play place and you watch from afar. Soon, several other kids arrive to join the fun. Their parents stand around the parameter in pairs and clusters, chatting as they watch the younger crowd. You should find somewhere else. 
You stand and notice someone walking toward you. You watch Marge as she approaches, and another woman, you think her name is Callie. You smile at them nervously. Are they mad? You don’t have kids, why are you sitting there? 
“Good morning,” Marge chimes in a sing song voice, “you’re up bright and early.” 
“Morning,” you murmur and peer between the blondes. 
“And how’s your mother?” Callie asks with an edge. 
“Okay,” you swallow dryly, hugging the book to your chest. 
“Mm, great, that’s great. Your lawn looks much better,” Marge praises. 
You nod and slant your mouth. 
“You’re so lucky to have such a helpful new neighbour,” Marge smirks, “he seems so nice.” 
You just stare back at her. You don’t know what she wants you to say. Sorry? Should you have done it yourself? You were going to but the mower broke. 
“What’s his name?” Callie asks. 
You frown. 
“You can tell us,” Marge steps closer, “really? We’re just curious. We want to welcome him to the neighbourhood. I made him lasagna and I wanna know what to call him when I show up.” 
You feel your chest locking up. They remind you of the girls in highschool who would take your lunch tray. You chew your lip until it’s raw. 
“We know he’s been talking to your mother. And you. It’s a small neighbourhood, hon,” Callie chirps, “just tell us his name.” 
You push your shoulders up and sidestep away from them. The bench presses to your knees as you retreat. They turn on you, following with hands on their hips. 
“Don’t run away, hon. We’re neighbours--” 
“I don’t know,” you say. “I gotta go home.” 
Marge sighs and Callie blows a raspberry, “boo,” the former says, “fine, run home to mommy.” 
You turn away and barely keep from doing just that. You don’t know why they care but you wouldn’t guess anything good. They have wanted you and your mom out of the suburb for as long as you’ve been through. Maybe they think Steve would be a perfect ally in their crusade. 
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lovings4turn · 5 months
୭ 🗝️ ✧ ˚. 🪩 teas’n, pleas’n . . . (e.m)
— eddie is a man who possesses a lot of musical talent. luckily for you, his fingers’ capabilities extend far beyond plucking the strings of his prized guitar
+ contains: language, smut, afab!reader + fem nicknames
+ divider from cafekitsune
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god, you were a terrible person.
eddie had been wanting to show this to you all day. he’d practically dragged you back to his trailer the second he’d picked you up, all so he could lead you into his bedroom and grab his precious guitar from her place on his wall.
despite his excitement, he’d taken the time to place a pillow against his headboard so that you would be comfortable as you watched him. the caring nature of his action made your heart swell, and the broad grin he’d shot your way as you sprawled out across his mattress only intensified that feeling.
now, as he stood a few feet away from you, mastering a particularly tricky riff with little difficulty but a lot of vigour, you couldn’t even focus on appreciating the sheer talent it took.
it’d probably taken him days, weeks, possibly even months, of endlessly listening to his 'dangerous toys' cassette and playing along, aiming to nail every last note. it wasn't only a means to impress the other members of corroded coffin, no; eddie’s main intention in learning the song was to impress you. and yet, you weren’t even fully paying attention to him.
instead, your eyes were locked on to the way eddie had pulled his bottom lip between his teeth, an expression you’d seen many times before, but under a very different circumstance. instead of gripping the neck of his guitar, his hand would typically be around your throat as he fucked into you fast and deep, filth spilling from his lips as he approached his high. it definitely didn’t help that his head was thrown back, exposing the curve of his neck and therefore the faint smattering of purple marks that you had left a few days prior.
his ring-clad fingers travelled up and down the guitar’s neck with such ease and dexterity, moving so fast it should be considered criminal, and the action made the deep blue veins of his arms and hands pop out beneath his skin. better yet, eddie’s eyes were closed, allowing you to continue your lustful admirations without the looming fear of being caught.
whilst eddie was no doubt running through the memorised tabs in his mind, you were picturing something a lot less pure. the guitar was the least of your concern, and you squeezed your thighs together in an attempt to create some sort of friction.
it was only natural for your mind to go somewhere else.
countless times before you’d seen eddie’s hands repeat similar movements between your legs, calloused fingers moving in and out of your cunt in just the right way to make you see stars. he was good with his hands and the smug little shit knew it, and god you had to stop thinking like this before you got too turned on.
for once, it seemed fate was on your side, as you managed to return to your senses just as eddie played the final few chords. his eyelids fluttered open to reveal those brown, doe eyes thar you adored so much. the smile on his face was impossibly infectious, causing your stomach to flip with a cocktail of love and guilt at his look of pure joy.
“well? what’d you think, sweetheart? am i on my way to becoming the next van halen?”
you grasped for something to say, begging that your mouth would form some appropriate response to his question, spit out a compliment that proved you were definitely paying attention to the music, and not to the way his hands would feel in between your thighs.
“hello?” eddie waved a hand in front of your face, soft chuckles escaping his lips. “earth to y/n. did y’like it babe?”
you blinked slowly, mind finally catching up to what eddie was asking you. before you could formulate a proper sentence, your mouth produced the first thing your muddled brain could think of.
“it was hot as fuck.”
that was not at all like what you wanted to say at all. the farthest thing from it, in fact. how hard was it to tell him it was impressive? curse your brain for being so impossibly horny right now.
eddie’s playful grin was quickly replaced by a smirk, the corner of his lip pulled up as he moved towards you. with a surprising amount of grace, eddie slotted himself in between your legs, lips ghosting over your own painfully.
just as you moved to connect your lips, to convey everything you had wanted to say to him before your mind has betrayed you, eddie pulled back with a tsk.
“ah, ah, not so fast. you weren’t paying attention to me, were you?” though teasing, his voice was laced with an undertone of incredulity.
though your mouth opened, you closed it almost immediately, floundering as you attempted to remain calm. your lack of a response told eddie everything he needed to know.
“huh. so, how about you tell me what exactly you were thinking about in that pretty little head of yours?”
you shook your head in an act of defiance, but it was no use. rough fingertips made contact with your chin, forcing your eyes to meet deep brown ones.
"don't get all shy on me now, sweetheart."
eddie's words were mocking, the corner of his lips quirked up into an amused smirk. yet, he was only human.
finally, his bitten lips pressed against your own. whilst one hand cupped your jaw, the metal of his rings cold against your flushed cheeks, the other dropped down to your chest, bunching up the fabric of your shirt.
his fingers moved tantalisingly slow, trailing from your navel down to the skin of your thigh. with a teasing purr, he grazed his hand against your dripping pussy before turning his attention to the other thigh. any attempt to mask just how much he was loving this had clearly failed - you could read him like a book.
"so fucking wet f'me, shit. been wanting it this the whole time, huh?"
all you could do was whine, bucking your hips up in an attempt to meet his hand. eddie merely tutted and swatted at the flesh of your thigh, shaking his head as he looked up to meet your eye.
"ah, ah, babe. you gotta ask for what you want." his hands trailed up and down your skin with a featherlight touch, leaving goosebumps in the wake of his warm palms. "want to hear you say all of the dirty little things you want me to do to you. i'm gonna fucking wreck you, princess."
you were in for a long night.
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mikedfaist · 4 months
Boyfriend!Riff Headcanon: Part I
In the meantime, while I work on the first chapter to Love Will Tear us Apart, I wanted to put together a little headcanon list, and quite frankly I got carried away. Enjoy! (I can always do a part II if you like.)
Riff is protective.
Even around his boys. He knows they aren’t dumb enough to try something on their leader’s girl, but that doesn’t stop him from showing them that you are his.
Like the time he fucked you in front of them when they were partying at an abandoned warehouse.
You two were in a dimly lit corner, and the boys pretended that they didn’t notice, but they didn’t stop talking about it for a couple weeks.
Riff is also affectionate.
He doesn’t care who is around, or what anyone will say. He loves the attention.
He loves to grab you from behind and kiss your cheek, wrap his arms around your waste and squeeze you until you’re playfully slapping him away.
He also loves to be doted on in private.
Most nights you’ll be little spoon, but it’s after a rumble that you’ll find yourself brushing your fingers through his hair, holding him, kissing his battered knuckles.
Sometimes he’ll rest his head on your chest because your breathing and heartbeat put him to sleep fastest.
He is what we call “baby boy”.
He always walks you home at night, and if he’s stuck up somewhere, he’ll have one of the boys meet you.
But one day there was a mix up, nobody was there to meet you, but your apartment is only a few blocks away, and you weren’t bothered. The boys had been dealing with increasing conflict with a rival gang, and someone must’ve slipped up.
But it’s that night that someone from this rival gang messes with you – they see you’re finally alone -- and you don’t get home on time, and you aren’t at your bedroom window when Riff arrives.
Riff is protective.
What comes after that changes the footing of the Jets. The rules are changed.
Riff would die for you.
The rumble that follows is the worst yet, and as he prepares, he gives you his bracelet. A promise that he’ll come back.
And he does, every time.
He loves to make love to you, but he also loves to fuck you.
It’s after a rumble that he is so needy, driving on such an adrenaline high, that no amount of touch is good enough.
He could have every inch of you and it still wouldn’t be enough.
His favorite place in the world is wherever you are.
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starrayblogs · 5 months
Not So Rock-Hearted || Floyd (Trolls) x Reader
a/n: MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! or happy holidays~ i hope you all had a wonderful day, and i hope this new chapter is a fun read! likes/reblogs are appreciated, and asks are welcomed c:
tags: @brights-place
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✩ previous chapter
v. Keep on Watching
It’s the day of the Secret Holiday Gift Swap.
And you’re panicking.
“Barb!” You barge into the longue room and watch as the mentioned troll shouts, jumps, and drops her invitation. 
“What the- I know I told you you’re welcome anytime, but you can knock-” She tuts when she recognizes that it’s you, bending to pick up her card again.
“I got him!” You pop up in front of her, grabbing her by the shoulders and stopping her from picking up her card again.
“Who’s ‘him’?” Barb raises a brow, leaning her head away and tucking her chin to further emphasize her confusion.
You let her go with furrowed brows and a dreaded look in your eyes. “I got Floyd!” You say, out of breath, like you’ve just sang your heart out.
“Wait, what’s wrong with that?” Barb places a hand on her hip, finally having the opportunity to pick up her invitation.
“Uh- what isn’t wrong with that?” You extend your arms and shake your head in quick, short motions. “I’m already having a hard time confronting my feelings for him, now I have to think about him even more!” You exclaim, letting your weight fall on your butt and your back against the couch. 
Barb laughs, taking her seat next to you with her knee up. “Man, I would have never assumed you’d be a softie underneath all that edge. Then again, that’s any of us actually…” She trails off a bit before letting out an amused sigh, turning her head to you. “Seriously though, don’t complicate things too much.” She shrugs.
“Easy for you to say, who did you get?” You cock your head in her direction, watching her open her card.
“I got…” You hum, watching her pull out the name. “Aww, cool, I got Riff! I totally know what to get ‘im.” She smirks confidently, tucking the piece of paper back in the pocket of the card. 
“Good for you,” you quip quickly before catching her attention. “But what do I get Floyd?” You ask worriedly.
“Uhh… Well, what do you think he’s like?” Barb asks. You look ahead of you, thinking back to him.
“He’s… kind. Very kind, it’s like his whole charm. He’s sweet too, like cotton candy. And he’s reeeaaally cool, I mean come on! The hair was one thing, but spending the weekend with him… When he sang, I immediately got hooked on his voice.” You inhale deeply. “It’s gentle. Like the way he speaks to me, it’s like he cares about me…”
“Maybe because he does.”
You swiftly turn your head to Barb with a deadpan look, who raises her hands up in defense before motioning for you to go on.
“Ugh, he’s just! So…!” You plop your head down on the couch behind you, reaching for a pillow behind you and plopping it on your face.
“So… from all that, what do you think is the best gift for him?” She asks again, but you sigh. You remove the pillow from your face and glance at her. “Hey, you’ve got three days to think about it. I’m sure you’ll come up with something…” She reassures you, patting your shoulder.
And you did, but you weren’t confident with it.
You clear the cough in your throat as you hop off your bike, adjusting your guitar strap. You look ahead to Pop Village, seeing all the other trolls and their gifts. “What if you just handed the gift to Floyd and told him I got sick?” You rapped to Barb, holding your gift nervously.
“Dude.” She looks at you with a ‘seriously?’ face. “No. Poppy always said, it’s the thought that counts when it comes to gifts.” She pokes a finger to your chest. “And every rock troll knows how much you thought about this gift.”
Your cheeks warm up a little, and you let out a long sigh. “You’re right, you’re right.” You hop a bit on your feet, telling yourself to relax a bit. You look at the colorful light bulbs hanging across the entire village, lighting up the night, and smile a little.
“Come on, the gift swap’s about to start.” Barb starts walking with her gift in hand, and you follow her to a big stage where Poppy and Branch stand atop it.
“Welcome to our second Trolls Kingdom Secret Holiday Gift Swap! I’m so glad to have you all here again, and with some new faces this time.” Poppy grins, pointing in the crowd and having a light shine down on the pointed area. You see that it’s Viva, her Putt Putt Trolls (which she told you about), and Brozone all condensed in one area. 
The crowd welcomes them with a cheer, but you find your eyes on that pink-haired troll. You chuckle when you notice the piercing in his ear turned into a snowflake to match the holiday. You turn away and look at his gift in your hands, frowning a bit. You look up when Barb speaks.
“You’ve got this.” Her hand moves to pat the place where your heart would be. “Time to let someone new in this, ya know?” She chuckles and you do the same, following it with a whiney ‘yuck’.
“That’s the sappiest thing you’ve ever said.” You comment, and she shivers.
“Yeah, I think Poppy’s rubbing off on me.” Barb shakes her hair as if there was dirt on her. “But, you know what I mean.” She smirks, nudging your shoulder.
“Now, who’s ready to gift-swap!?” Poppy announces and fireworks shoot up into the sky. “Reveal your secret troll!” She hypes, and the crowd starts moving to find the person they got (who was scrapbooked on the invitation, conveniently).
Barb waves you goodbye to find Riff, which you return until she’s eventually lost in the crowd. You look to where Floyd was previously, but can’t get a glimpse of him from everyone running around. You frown, beginning to aimlessly walk around the crowd to find him until someone lifts you up in a hug.
“Amiga!” You let out a sigh of relief when you realize it’s Viva. When you’re let down, you turn around and return a quick hug.
“Happy holidays, Veev!” You greet and she giggles, still holding her gift. “Who’s the special troll?”
“Barb! The one you always hang out with, have you seen her?” She tilts her head, pursing her lips. 
“Got separated, but I hope you find her. I don’t think you’d miss that bright red mohawk anytime.” You snicker to yourself. “I like your clothes.” You comment on her white leotard with red trimmings and her matching red-and-white striped leg warmers. 
“Aww, thank you, you too-” she’s cut off with a gasp when she does a double take on your hair. “Did you..?” 
“Yeah…” You run a hand through your hair nervously. “Does it look fine?”
“Fine? Fine doesn’t even cut it, you look amazing!” Viva squeals, looking up at your newly two-toned hair. “Guess I don’t have to guess who you got, hm?” She smirks, raising her brows teasingly.
“Yeah…” You smirk eases into a smile. “Have you seen him?”
“Oh, I got separated from him too…” Viva frowns, which causes you to do the same. “But, I have no doubt you’ll find him!” She recovers, jumping on her toes excitedly. “I have a hunch that this holiday is gonna end up so well~” She sings.
“Can’t hide it from you either?” You raise a brow, tilting your head embarrassingly. 
“I’m your childhood best friend, what is it you can hide from me?” Viva smirks, punching you in the shoulder. “I was the one who came up with the idea to put you two together for the morning last weekend.” Your jaw drops, pointing a finger at her.
“That was your doing?” She giggles and winks, turning her back to you and running off with a jolly ‘see ya!’. “Viva, we’re talking about this later!” You yell into the crowd, hoping she hears that.
Your cheeks flush again as you grumble your way to Branch’s bunker, hoping to wait for the crowd to die down and you’d eventually spot Floyd. You hold his gift gently in your hands, maneuvering through the others who are either still finding their troll or are celebrating with their gifts already.
Once you make it out of the cramped area, you walk slowly to the bunker. You kept your eyes on your gift, overthinking if it was good enough to give to him. Then you hear your name.
You hear your name in his voice.
You turn around and see him emerging from the crowd, holding his gift. “Floyd.” You say, out of breath. Your eyes flutter as you watch him walk closer to you. Both of you are now far away from the noise, just the two of you right outside Branch’s house. Just like how you arrived.
He opens his mouth, but then he notices how you look tonight. You’re still dressed in your usual fashion, but for colder weather. Then his eyes met your hair.
“Oh…” His cheeks darken slightly as he sees what you’ve done to your hair. Instead of the highlight in your hair being your favorite color, you dyed it white in the meantime. Your hair matched his. “Your hair…”
“Yeah… I figured I could rock the look, ya know?” You chuckle, trying to keep up your cool image. When he doesn’t laugh with you, your brows furrow, and you frown as you try to meet his eyes. “Do you… not like it?”
“You look great.” He meets your eyes with a wide smile, and, for the first time, you see both of his eyes. “I like that we’re matching.” He follows up with a soft chuckle.
He’s beautiful.
Your frown slowly lifts into a smile as you laugh softly. “Now we’re both cotton candy.” You joke, and he laughs with you this time. There’s a small pause between you two after it dies until he speaks up.
“I’ve been looking for you.” He smiles at you. Your cheeks warm up again, and your shoulders straighten.
“You were?” You repeat, and he nods. He holds out the gift in his hands toward you. Your eyes widen, and you nearly drop your gift for him in shock. “You got me..?” You look back up at him in disbelief.
“Happy holidays.” He simply says with that stupidly charming smile of his. “I hope you like what I got you.” He nudges the box into your hands, and you reluctantly take it after propping his gift against the wall. 
“If it’s from you, Cotton Candy, I’ll enjoy it.” You chuckle. There’s truth in your words, but you were still putting up walls. You unwrap it and reveal a box. You lift up the top and mutter a soft ‘no way’, tossing the cover to the ground. 
Inside was a guitar strap. You gently take it out and set the box on the ground, letting the strap unfurl to its full length to see its design. It’s a simple black strap, but it’s stitched with several symbols related to rock in your favorite color. You don’t notice how wide your smile has gotten, and it only gets wider when you notice the stitched shape of cotton candy on a cone.
“Do you like it?” Floyd asks, bringing your attention back to him.
“I love it.” You reply, holding it close to your chest. You take off your electric guitar carefully, detaching your old guitar strap for your new one. “I’ll wear it forever. Thank you, Cotton Candy.” You laugh softly, placing your old one in the mess of your hair and wearing your guitar again.
He smiles, watching you adjust the guitar to your back again. “So who’d you get?” He tilts his head a bit, and you inhale sharply as your smile drops.
“Oh, funny you ask,” you chuckle nervously, reaching back for his gift again. “I got… Uh, I got you.” You hold out the present to him, looking away with downturned ears and darkened cheeks. “I hope you like it.”
His eyes widen in genuine surprise. His hands slowly rise to take the gift in your hand, trying to guess what the present could be as he turns it around. “I wasn’t sure what you wanted, and I was worried the whole time, wondering if this would make you happy.” You explain, watching him carefully tear the wrapping. “Then, I figured that if you don’t like it, I would dye my hair to match yours to make you happy… If you thought I would look funny or, I don’t know.” You fiddle with your (new) guitar strap.
He stops just as he was about to open the box at your words with a furrowed gaze. “Why would I think you’d look funny?” He asks, upset. 
You open your mouth to explain, but no words come out. You shrug your shoulders.
“I would never laugh at your appearance,” Floyd says, stepping closer to you. “I like how you look. I like that you thought about me enough to go as far as dying your hair.” He lets out a small laugh. “You keep getting cooler to me.”
If steam could come out of your ears, you wouldn’t be able to hide how much his words made you feel. Your chest is light again, and your heart is tugging in his direction. Your lips managed to turn into a smile. How can he keep doing that?
He returns to the gift, taking off the cover. “Woah.” He murmurs as he pulls out the gift from the box. You fiddle more with your guitar strap as you wait for more of his reaction.
You got him a rouge-colored acoustic guitar. The sides, fretboard, and soundhole were trimmed white to match. Most importantly, the fretboard was in the shape of a cotton candy swirl and colored both rouge and white. You worked on that guitar for the last two days, getting as much help as you could, but you did most of the work.
“Do you like it..? I wasn’t sure if you could play instruments, and you seemed like a guitar-type guy, so I could teach you-” You began to ramble worriedly until you were interrupted by a few notes played.
You watch him play the guitar smoothly before he stops with a smile, followed by the brightest laugh. “Thank you!” He says, his eyes turned into crescents. “It’s been a while since I’ve played. This is amazing,” he says your name and your worries fly away.
You smile sheepishly, running a hand through your hair for a moment. “I’m glad you enjoy it.”
“I love it.” He corrects you, just like you did. You share another laugh together. 
You hold your gifts to each other gently. His hands are careful with the guitar, and your thumb is carefully stroking the stitched pattern of cotton candy on the guitar strap. 
You’re so focused on his smile as he looks at you that you didn’t even process what he said when you saw his lips move. “What did you say?” You blink your eyes, telling yourself mentally to get it together.
“I asked if you’d like to spend the holiday together. It’s the weekend, right?” He tilts his head with a smile.
“Just the two of us?” You ask, dipping your head but keeping your eyes on him.
“If you’re only okay with it.” He quickly replies, his brows raising with his smile growing sheepish. “I was hoping we could play some songs together.” He chuckles, mostly to himself, but your head rises with a smirk.
“Is this some trap to hear me play again?” You chuckle. He hums, shrugging his shoulders innocently.
“I don’t know what makes you say that.” You laugh a bit harder, and his eyes soften.
You aren’t as scary as he thought you were the first time he saw you. He was taken aback by you’re casual compliment about his hair at the cantina, his heart thumping a bit faster from surprise. When he met you again, he thought you were cool and confident, finding himself interested in you. Then you left your guitar behind, and he took up the responsibility to take care of it until the next morning. When he saw your edgy exterior drop when he gave you back the guitar, something tugged at his heart again. 
And it’s tugging at him again, telling him to find out more about you.
“Come on, I recently got my own pod. We can jam out there.” Floyd suggests, and you nod your head as your laugh dies down.
“Ohh, trying to get a VIP rock show, are you now?” You snicker.
“Stop revealing my plans.” Floyd points a finger at you, trying to contain his own laughs by turning around and leading the way.
You breathe deeply as your face settles in a grin. That felt nice. He makes you feel so nice, and you remember Barb’s words. Your grin drops to a hesitant, small smile as you watch him walk. You think for a moment, wondering if you should just take the leap and grasp that happiness right in front of you.
“Are you coming?” Floyd stops and turns around to find you still standing. You blink and fiddle with your strap again, but you make up your mind. Your smile settles softly as you begin to walk up to him.
You two walk away together, making small talk on the way to Floyd’s house. You two walk away, unaware of the crowd watching you.
“Are they gone?” One of them whispers from under the mushroom. 
Branch, who reveals himself by dropping his disguise (which was a fluff ball, with the help of his hair), steps out under the mushroom and looks in the direction you two walked off in too. “Clear.”
There’s a pair of squeals as everyone’s hair disguise reveals themselves underneath the mushroom. “We should’ve put a mistletoe on top of them!”
“Woah, too early, Poppy.” Bruce raises a hand with a light chuckle.
“My little rockstar is growing up.” Barb steps away from Poppy, pouting her lip with a hand to her chest. “It’s sickeningly sweet, but aww, but also eww…” She fake gags, which receives a friendly hit on the back from Poppy.
“They’re adorableee.” Viva coos, her hands pressed to her cheeks.
“If adorable, you mean Floyd can’t even recognize his own growing feelings.” Branch rolls his eyes as he crosses his arms.
“Like you were any better.” Poppy smirks, hand on her hip.
“I agree with boytoy over there, though.” Barb raises her arms and dips her head in surrender. “It’s all cute seeing them together, but I don’t think I’m emotionally prepared to be a possible confession dummy.” She contemplates, scratching her ear.
“How long do you think until they get together?” JD tilts his head with crossed arms.
“Oh, I think they’re just like this sad romance book I read where-” Clay starts rambling about his predictions, earning the approval of Poppy and Viva, with the others weirdly agreeing with him too.
✩ next chapter
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pedgito · 2 years
hii !! i love your work and i cant get out of my head rockstar!eddie MAYBE EVEN OLDER ROCKSTAR!EDDIE can u do something about him?? PLEASE im begging
author’s note: i’m back with more older!eddie because i literally can’t resist, it’s too good. i hope you enjoy!
cw: 18+ (minors dni), older rockstar!eddie, large age gap (early 20s, late 30s), shy!reader (if you squint), mentions of groupies, oral (m receiving), smoking, lots of dirty talk, deep throating, ect, if i missed anything lmk!
word count: 2.8k
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You really had no business being here—shoved into a crowd at a rock concert for a band you’d never heard of. Corroded…something. But, by some cataclysmic fate you’d been shove to the front, body nearly leaning over the railing as the men on stage performed their hearts out, the crowd singing along to every song, hanging on to every word and it felt unreal watch something like this live, and needless to say, you were entranced.
Your friend had disappeared a few minutes earlier for a bathroom break during one of the quick intermissions, but you weren’t sure how easily they’d make it back, everyone packed in tight, leaving barely any room for you to breathe. The men on stage interacted with the crowd for a bit, the long haired one—the lead, you could only assume. He was loud and overbearing, making a complete fool of himself—it was obnoxious, until his eyes landed on you, drawing you in.
What you had failed to realize is that the band indeed liked to bring people on stage, typically for a ridiculous serenade or a chance for someone to show off their musical skills, let out a wild guitar riff or an epic drum solo—unfortunately, you couldn’t handle either.
Your heart clenches in your chest at his subtle nod, grinning barely enough for his teeth to peek through—you shake your head slightly, a thousand eyes burning into the back of your head as the crowd starts to catch up, beginning to interrupt into a cheer of encouragement. He leans back, whispering something to his bandmates until they’re nodding in response, hopping off the stage and heading your way.
And if you weren’t panicking already, the sound of your heart pounding in your ears is enough to drive you mad. You weren’t a fan, didn’t know a single word, and would undoubtedly make a fool of yourself if you let them pull you up on stage, no matter how enticing their presence may be—there was no way you were letting that happen, not in front of thousands of people.
You’re pretty insistent rather, shaking your head the moment they approach you—and from an outsider's perspective you look insane, throwing away an opportunity of a lifetime for some people, all because of your own innate shyness.
“She said no, Eddie.” The younger guy with short cropped and dirty blonde hair shouts back at his bandmates.
Eddie. It’s less fitting than you expect, but you’re not really one to judge—he cocks his head slightly, squatting down on the stage as he waves you forward, fingers wiggling welcomingly.
And maybe if you weren’t surrounded by a crowd of people, you would’ve considered it. He can see the fear in your eyes, jumping down to approach you quickly.
“Are you sure?” He asks, leaning forward to speak into your ear, the roar of the crowd deafening. “Anyone else in here would kill for a chance like this.”
He’s not lying—women would throw themselves on stage and at him, men too, but he’s also constantly surprised by people everyday, though this is a complete first.
“Pick someone else, please.” You beg, eyes pleading, glaring at him simmeringly, “Not me.”
“Hey—what’s going on?” The chipper voice of your friend asks, tearing up behind you as they push through the crowd.
You’ve never been more thankful for the distraction, letting Eddie pluck your friend from the crowd and drag them on stage in your place, but not before whispering over to one of the men lined up by the stage—a couple of professional gentlemen lined up in suits.
He hesitates a step before he hops back on stage and within the distraction of the crowd as they were more entranced with what was happening on stage as your friend took a seat, Eddie tears back and leans toward you again, breath hot as he speaks against the side of your face, “I’ll get you and your friend backstage passes, so try not to run away after the show’s over?”
It felt like a fucking fever dream, wondering if this is normal behavior—which it’s so glaringly obvious that it isn’t, but you keep your naivety at the forefront, nodding quietly in response as his eyes lock on you to confirm, offering you a devious smile in return before he’s gone, back on stage and performing like it was second nature—because to Eddie, it was.
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“This is crazy—this is fucking insane—“
You yank gently at your friend, stalling their overactive movements, knowing they were about to jump out of their skin given the chance.
“Hey, cool—you two are our last ones.” Eddie’s voice echoes behind you, rounding the corner as he nods toward the open door nestled just behind him. “Come on.”
You were trying to seem interested, act like you genuinely wanted to be there—but you couldn’t fake it, taking in the large, unorganized dressing room sparingly, astounded by the idea that people paid real money for experiences like this.
Because while your friend is eating up, enjoying the droves of attention the other bandmates are showing them, you’re reserved, standing back behind as Eddie approaches at your side, unlit cigarettes tucked between his lips.
“You smoke?” He asks curiously, fiddling with his lighter in his hands.
“Yeah.” You answer slowly, offering him a skeptical look.
Eddie easily reaches for the case tucked in his back pocket, offering you a single cigarette. You can feel the tension as he flicks it toward you, wordlessly offering you the chance for a one on one, not that you have a shit. But, you were here—so why not?
“Sure.” You shrug dismissively, reaching for the cigarette as Eddie calls over his shoulder, motioning for you to follow him outside—but considering the dressing room reeked of the smell of weed and smoke already, you weren’t sure he went outside to smoke very often.
“We’ll be back, gonna have a quick smoke—“ He announces, speaking jokingly toward your friend, “I’m sure you’ve got a ton of burning questions.”
Eddie doesn’t light up until he’s outside, heavy metal door clanging shut behind him. He inhaled deeply, igniting the end of the cigarette before extending his arms forward, offering to light your own. You lean forward silently, eyes never leaving his as the flint sparks to life.
“Why are you here?” He asks curiously, shoving the light back into his pocket.
You look around dumbly, taking in the surroundings before looking pointedly at him, “You offered me a smoke, didn’t you?”
Eddie chuckles around the cigarette, pulling it from his lips with a loose grip, thumbs and forefinger gripping the base.
“I meant the show, sweetheart.” Eddie says, tone enticing.
The attraction you feel is…unnatural, bordering on the heels of taboo. He’s nearly twice your age, graying slightly in his beard, and you couldn’t tear your eyes away, slipping one hand under your shirt to rest against your hip as you leaned against the wall.
“My friend had an extra ticket,” You shrug, “and why would I deny a good time?”
“So, you enjoyed the show?” He asks teasingly, cigarette lingering near his lips as he smirks, full of smug attitude.
“What I could,” You admit, “I have no idea who you guys are.”
He snorts a laugh, simmering with a small amount of disbelief.
“Oh, is that hard to believe?” You retort, “God, you musicians are all the same.”
“Musicians? Do tell.” Eddie encourages, puffing a few times in quick succession. “I’d love your take.”
You flick the cigarette toward the ground, stubbing it out with your shoe. “Full of yourselves.” You tell him simply, “Like when I told you I didn’t want to come on stage—you looked offended.”
“Forgive me,” Eddie replies dramatically, “In the past fifteen years not one person has ever turned down that chance. I was a little surprised.”
“Why did you pick me?” You inquire, pressing for more information, catching the way his eyes wander. “Was I just the right amount of pretty for you?”
“Huh,” Eddie replies, “seems like someone else is a little full of themselves.”
You don’t reply, eyebrows raising in annoyance as you wait for his response.
“You looked lost, overwhelmed” Eddie admits, “I was just trying to give you a chance to escape the crowd.”
“By pulling me onstage in front of thousands of people?”
“Look, sweetheart—“
You shake your head insistently, rising to poke a finger into his chest, fingertip pressing against bare skin, flicking at his chain necklace, guitar pick slapping against his chest.
“I’m not your sweetheart—I’m not your groupie, either.” You tell him snippingly, “Do you really think I’m that clueless?”
Eddie gums softly, “And yet, you still followed me out here.”
You pull back slightly, pouting in subtle anger.
“That’s what I thought.” He replies playfully, “So, what’s your excuse?”
The silence is the only answer Eddie needs, knowing you're just as guilty for feeling it too—he extends his hand carefully, flicking the cigarette to a far off dark corner, hoping that you’ll accept his offer.
Whatever that offer may be.
The first touch is instant electricity and Eddie pulls you in with ease, sliding his open palm down your back, resting just above the curve of your ass, other hand releasing yours to squeeze at the side of your neck, pulling you tight against him. His eyes are dark and peering down at you, head slightly turned up as he speaks.
“You can still run away, if you want.” Eddie offers, “I won’t be offended—though I have to admit, you’re much too pretty for me to let go that easily.”
You shake your head silently, skipping the niceties and rubbing a firm hand over the front of his jeans, cock growing hard under your touch. “Should I?”
Eddie tilts his head slightly, confused.
“Run away?” You clarify.
“Remind me how much you know about me?” Eddie asks, knowing that his life wasn’t ever private anymore, not anyone.
He’s lived a majority of his adult life in the limelight and made every possible mistake along the way—it’s refreshing, looking into the innocent and untainted eyes of someone who knew nothing about him; good or bad.
“Not a thing.” You reaffirm, a sharp edged smile on your face as you lean further into him, pressing the line on your body against him.
“Perfect.” He breathes, before tipping your head back to capture your mouth, tongue tasting like whiskey and smoke, the faint mix of sweat and fancy cologne lingering in your senses as you open up to him, lips parting willingly.
He kisses sure of himself, hands never faltering or straying away, squeezing in the places that had you squealing softly into his mouth before eventually traveling to cover your ass fully, squeezing the flesh in his palms as you pull back, allowing him to chase your lips slightly before pulling away, voice low as you speak, “Can I suck your cock?” You ask sweetly and Eddie’s never been so genuinely taken back in his life.
He’s used to quick fucks and nothing else, getting what he could from these short encounters and never thinking twice.
“Fuck yeah,” Eddie replies with a chuckle of amusement, unfastening his pants as you sink to your knees, helping him with his belt, “—shit sweetheart, hold on—“
His quickly strips himself of his jacket, dropping into the floor wordlessly—you spread it out under your knees, knowing it won’t do much but you’re thankful for the gesture, showing it in the way you pull his jeans down his hips enough until you can get a hand around his cock, pumping it in long, slow strokes as it rose to full hardness.
“You know what you’re doing?” Eddie asks, thumb rubbing tenderly at the side of your chin, tilting your head up to look at him. You nod confidently, bottom lip pulled loosely between your teeth as he gently shoves your hand away, gripping himself firmly and lining the head of his cock at your lips, dragging your bottom lip with it as he waits, jaw tensed.
“Open for me, sweetheart.” He tells you kindly, the hand cupping your chin tipping your head up higher, your lips parting obediently until he can slip the tip past your lips, dragging the fleshy head over your tongue, allowing himself a few languid strokes until you’re hollowing your cheeks out, lips wrapping around him at the perfect pressure, swirling your tongue teasingly against the sensitive slit. “Can’t take too long—they’ll come looking,” Eddie speaks idly, mouth hung open slightly as he watches you take more of his cock, your hand coming up to gently swat his away, directing it toward your hair, allowing him to grip a fair portion as you forced yourself deeper, hand wrapping around what you couldn’t cover.
He’s more than you’ve ever taken otherwise, but not so overwhelming that you feel like you shouldn’t, that you can’t.
“I’ll be quick.” You say, breath ghosting over his shaft as your mouth travels down, paying the perfect amount of attention to his balls, rolling the tight sack over your tongue until he’s groaning loudly into the chill air, squeezing at the chunk of hair he had in his grip, “I swear.”
You tease him further, stroking at his shaft with his balls still heavy in your mouth, nose nudging at the properly kept curls settled at the base of his cock, moaning in a effort to pull another desperate noise from him—it works, Eddie grunting through his teeth as he pulls you away, urging you direct the attention toward his aching dick, your tongue peeking out to lick at the small bead of precum, eyes never leaving his face.
You really hadn’t expected to spend your night like this, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to pull away, struck by his intense and heavy gaze, staring down at you with an adoration you’d never felt, with anyone.
“God, those fucking lips,” He comments, thumb rubbing carefully around the edge, the stretch of his dick in your mouth was obscene, no doubt—he could barely keep it together, “where’d you learn to use your mouth like this?”
“Lots and lots of practice,” You tell him honestly, voice dripping with a tone of sweetness that doesn’t nearly make up for the depraved words that come out of your mouth. “—want you to fuck my face, Eddie.”
His eyebrows furrow in disbelief, barely visible under his long bangs, but you can see it—he nods slightly, pulling you back abruptly before repositioning himself, forcing his cock into your mouth slowly until it won’t budge, nudging the back of your throat, eyes watering at the soft intrusion. You nod slowly—it’s all Eddie needs before he’s pulling out again, thrusting back into your mouth harshly.
You moan around him, genuinely startled by his ease of flipping control, face tense and eyes squeezed shut as he fucks your face with fervor. He throws his head back lazily, groaning with every nudge at the back of your throat, gagging when he pulls you forward, holding you still, coming down your throat with no warning—not that you weren’t not expecting it, eyes watering from the intrusion as he pulls you back gently.
“Fuck, I’m so sorry—“ Eddie quickly apologizes, “I didn’t mean—“
You swallow the salty, heady cum that sat in your mouth, smiling at him devilishly; the grin enough to have him falling to his knees.
“Stop trying to be a gentleman, Eddie.” You laugh softly, rising from your spot on the ground and thrusting his leather jacket into his hands, watching as he haphazardly stuffed himself back into his pants, looking disheveled. You could only assume you looked the same. ”I know it’s just an act.”
“Oh, sweetheart—you don’t know a damn thing about me.” Eddie chides, reaching forward to flick a stray hair from your face. “Remember?”
Your snort softly in defiance, sizing him up briefly.
Eddie figured it’s a long shot, but he takes a leap.
“So, we’ve got a show here next week, too—“
“Mmm, no.” You quickly retort, shaking your head shyly.
“I can get you tickets, full VIP treatment.” Eddie confesses, shrugging the jacket back on his shoulders, “It’s a sold out show, you know?”
“And I’m not a groupie.” You reinforce, “Remember?”
You were only half serious—but you couldn’t justify showing up to another show, letting this become a thing. The thrill was exhilarating, knowing you could have something most people would die for, something you knew was far from appropriate.
Eddie laughs briefly, nodding in response. He steps forward unexpectedly, devouring you in a breathtaking kiss, all tongue and teeth, nothing like the softer kiss from earlier. He wants you to remember it.
“Well, if it’s fate,” Eddie says against your mouth, “I guess I’ll see you again.”
“I guess so.” You smile back, playfully biting at his lip before pulling away, heading inside before he can say another word.
And Eddie would try his damndest to make that happen, unbeknownst to you, not that you would’ve minded—Eddie enjoyed the chase.
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pinkdaiisies · 1 year
hey I was wondering if you could write something where warren and reader say ‘I love you’ for the first time? <3 the warren brainrot is real 😔😔
I Do Love You Warren Rojas x Reader
summary: walking to a diner with your favorite drummer and some very lovely words are exchanged. fluff
notes: omgomg thank you so much for requesting!!!!! i haven’t written anything in so long, and i’ve really been wanting to write for warren!!! i hope you guys like it!! <3 also it’s pretty short and sweet so sorry that it’s not longer…
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being a female bassist was hard. especially when you were dating the drummer in the band you were in. interviewers always made snarky comments about your guys relationship, and groupies always ignored warrens hand that was always around your hip at parties.
that’s why you and warren decided to take it slow. you didn’t want journalists marketing off your guys relationship. or paparazzi sneaking pictures of you guys making out on the side of the tour bus. (which may or may not have happened…)
Warren: Man she was horrified when those pictures came out…. i thought it was pretty funny.
Y/N: He said that? of course he did….
the band was in the process of recording Aurora. you and warren often spent long days at the studio, and on weekends when you weren’t partying with the rest of the band, he would take you on romantic dates.
Eddie: Those two were inseparable. you would never see one without the other. many people didn’t take relationships that seriously during the 70s… but man, those two were really in love. i’ve never seen warren be so in love with a girl before.
during gigs, warren would stare at you nearly the whole show. he wouldn’t miss a beat either. he loved watching you feel the music.
one day the recording session ran later than usual. it was almost 1 am. since you guys didn’t eat dinner warren had the great idea of grabbing a bite at the 24 hour diner around the block. the entire band agreed and started walking.
as you guys walked out of the studio, warren noticed you shiver as the cold night wind breezed through your hair. he immediately took off his denim jacket and put it around your shoulders.
“thank you.” you mumbled as you slipped your arms through the sleeves. you instantly felt relieved as the denim blocked the wind.
“no problem pretty girl.” he gave you a smirk that made your cheeks redden. “you know, you did really good today, the riff you wrote for kill you to try is amazing babe.” although billy is extremely stubborn, he gave you almost all creative freedom on your part. he knew what you were capable of and he trusted you enough to sound great.
warren always knew how to compliment you. and although you guys have been dating for a couple of months, he still gave you butterflies in your stomach.
“thank you, i like how billy let you start off the song all by yourself.” warren grabbed you around the waist and gave you a dramatic kiss on the cheek as a way of saying thank you.
Eddie: Like i said. inseparable.
Karen: Those two were the cutest couple ever. You can tell what they had was real.
The band walked fast in front of you, while you and warren lingered a couple feet behind them. you felt warren’s gaze linger on you in your peripheral vision.
Warren: Man, back then she had these jeans that she looked gorgeous in! she also had these chunky gold hoops in. i’m pretty sure she was wearing both of those that night. plus she always looked hot as hell in my clothes! if you were there you wouldn’t be able to stop staring either!
your boyfriend’s staring made you anxious, even though you know that he would never think bad of you.
“why are you staring at me?” you asked him with a smirk. if it were sunny out, warren would be able to see your red stained cheeks.
“what, am i not allowed to stare at my pretty girlfriend?!” warren replied.
“you’re so cheesy.” you giggled, which was music to warrens ears. he loved hearing you laugh.
“ohh you know you love me.” warren joked.
“i do love you.” the words slipped out of your mouth before you even comprehended them.
now it was warrens turn to blush. he wasn’t expecting your words. he looked at you stunned, and hesitated a bit. his hesitation worried you and you were about to take it back before he spoke.
“i love you more.” warren looked at you very seriously, taking in every single one of your facial features. he looked at you like you were the only girl in the world. you smiled.
you guys kept walking as a comfortable silence fell over you. warrens arm rested comfortably around your shoulders as you rested your head by his neck.
Karen: Those two were extra flirty and quiet that night at the diner. i figured something was up, but i didn’t think too much about it.
Y/N: That night was the first of many where i told him that i loved him.
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moralesmilesanhour · 9 months
my neighbor's a punk
summary: you move into a new apartment with a noisy neighbor. inspired by this prompt list! wc: 922 A/N: just wrote this for some practice. I'm getting better at writing longer drabbles, I think! As always feel free to reblog and leave your reactions in the tags or comments. As of the date this is being posted, my requests are also open! (pls check my pinned beforehand)
You had never seen a garden so beautiful.
Vibrant blossoms of yellow and orange greeted you as you hauled two medium-sized boxes carrying the last of your things through the entrance of your new apartment. Their fragrance wafted through the humid summer air, delighting you and confirming that they were, in fact, real. But for the past couple of days that you had been in the process of moving in, you’d never once spotted a gardener or seen the sprinklers turn on. Curious.
The modest apartment had only a couch to occupy the living room, which was currently still dotted with cardboard boxes. A freshly-ironed shirt and work pants lay neatly folded on top of one. You stepped over a few to get to the kitchen, where various unopened appliances were strewn about the counter. Grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge, you made a note to finally put everything away in the cupboards tomorrow evening after work.
No TV meant your only sources of entertainment for the time being were your phone and your laptop. It was now evening, and you were slouched on your sofa in the midst of a harrowing ‘Game of Thrones’ episode when a violent guitar riff ripped through the air and made you jump.
These thin-ass walls…
Whoever was playing (very well, you might add) seemed to be next door, so it didn’t take long to follow the sound to the correct number. You knocked impatiently and rang the doorbell too, for good measure. It took a minute for the music to come to a halt before the sound of heavy footsteps approached the door and you heard it unlock.
Once the door creaked open, you weren’t sure where to look first.
Your eyes darted back and forth between the array of piercings on your neighbor’s face and dangling from his ears, the wicks styled to shoot out from his head like an explosion, and his bright red plaid pants before landing on a pair of large eyes set deeply within a dark, angular face.
Judging by the way his pierced brow quirked up in amusement, you weren’t the first to give him a weird look, and wouldn’t be the last.
You remembered how to speak.
“Oh, um- hey,” you began, “I live next door, and I heard you playing–”
The young man’s face lights up and he interrupts, “Oh, d’you like it? It’s a song I’ve been workin’ on for the past few weeks. Finally got the bridge down.”
You blinked. 
“I mean…it’s not bad. It’s great, even, but–”
“Say, I haven’t seen you around before,” he pointed. “You new here?”
The man spoke with a strong Cockney accent, you noticed, with a tinge of something else that made a couple of vowels run together.
“...Yes, I moved in two days ago,” you sighed. “Now that that’s out of the way, I was about to ask if you could maybe play a lil’ quieter? You’re very loud.”
The realization seemed to dawn on him that you weren’t here to applaud his sick guitar riffs, and he winced. You almost felt bad for disappointing him, but you had a show to binge.
“Ah shit, my fault. Got too used to playing on full volume after the last neighbor moved out,” With a hand placed over his chest, he promised, “Won’t happen again.”
You nodded with a tight smile. 
“Thanks. Goodnight,” you said as you turned to leave.
The next few days were quieter, though you could still hear the neighbor’s guitar through the walls at a much more manageable volume. Sometimes you would hear the man humming to himself in his baritone voice. Eventually, you were so used to it that you found yourself falling asleep to the sound.
One Saturday morning, though, you awoke to the peculiar sound of silence. Normally by now you’d be hearing the first few chords of…whatever the guy was working on, then he’d reach the end by mid-afternoon. Part of you wanted to check up on him, but reason held you back; you’d only spoken to him once. Maybe he was just taking an off day.
Unable to return to sleep, you decided to shower and take a walk outside while the air was still comfortably cool.
As soon as the early morning sun hit your face, a familiar head of hair came into view.
There stood your neighbor–band t-shirt and all–in the garden in front of the apartment. Watering the flowers.
Mystery solved.
“So you’re the reason the plants haven’t died yet,” you laughed, causing his head to snap up.
He grinned, and lifted his watering can proudly. “Sure am. Bring some color into the place.”
“I thought it was awful quiet around here,” you remarked. You toyed with the hem of your t-shirt. “How’s the, uh…song going?”
Something between delight and surprise graced his features and made him look boyish. 
He smiled, revealing a crooked front tooth as he replied, “Almost done with it, actually.”
There was silence for a beat, and the both of you shifted awkwardly where you stood. 
Suddenly, a lightbulb went off. 
“Mind playing it for me when you’re done?”
The tall man seemed about ready to run laps around the block at the suggestion.
Quickly setting his watering can down, he replied, “Thought you’d never ask, mate!”
He jogged his way around the perimeter of the garden and over to you. “Can I get your name while we’re at it?”
“Y/N.” You stuck out your hand, and he shook it.
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yenqa · 1 year
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synopsis : prince sunghoon had a boring life. never had he ever gone out with his friends or fallen in love like a normal teenager (not like he liked the idea of falling in love). instead, he was forced to prepare for when he would be crowned king. but when your band, le sserafim is invited to play at the royal palace. his perspective on love would change all because of you.
featuring : le sserafim, hyung line of enhypen and a mention of jungwon
warnings : swearing, angst, parents w broken relationships, crying, kissing, reader wears makeup for performance, sunghoon is REALLY bad at conversations, will update as writing!
wc : 8.4k (woww!)
pairing : prince!sunghoon x afab!reader
a/n : it’s out!! sorry for the wait everyone and its a little weird but i hope you enjoy! thank u sm to @redm4ri for reading over it and making sure everything is good 🫶 also if you find anything we both missed… suck it up and ignore it
taglist : @chaechae-23 @ssjxmh @favorjtecrime @ineedsomezzz @aki1e @chaewon-slays @blu3ming-hoon @sd211 @foxsunoo @yunjinluvrr @homelycat @222brainrot @shinrjj @harufluff @viyqe @yoonsaves @sweetjaemss @jiawji
perm taglist : @jwnghyuns @ja4hyvn @trsrina @redm4ri @badmuni
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you enjoyed playing the guitar riffs and singing until your lungs went out. you enjoyed the small portion of choreography you had and the energy it brought to the crowd. but as much as you enjoyed the melody itself, you enjoyed the lyrics even more.
to you, no celestial was about breaking the standards and just being yourself (ex. lyrics “angel-like perfection, bye” in first verse). but the song also meant that you can’t be perfect, and to not be afraid when someone realizes that. no celestial gave you a sense of freedom, like nothing else mattered but the sounds of your voices. and you would do anything to have that freedom.
well, it was the kind of freedom you already had until the attention’s eye was on you. now, you couldn’t even meet up with an old friend before someone turned it into a dating rumor. it was hard to ignore those rumors and continue on, but that was what you had to do to make it far.
and, you weren’t sure if it was worth it until now. staring in shock as you open the intricate blue envelope decorated with gold lining. on the back, is text stating “The Royal Palace”. Yunjin squeals in excitement as you carefully pull out the paper, reading the contents hidden inside.
Dear, Source Music
It has come to our attention that your band, Le Sserafim has been spiking in popularity in our kingdom. As the Prince’s birthday is coming soon, we would like to formally invite Le Sserafim to perform at the Royal Palace on December 8th to entertain our guests. Please arrive at 3:30 pm or before as you’ll be performing at 4:15. All food and drinks will be provided for you, outfits will also be provided and we’ll have to schedule an appointment to get some measurements. Please tell us what kind of concept to go for, and we’ll do our best to achieve that. We trust that the band will perform well as always. Thank you.
Yang Jungwon
you look at your members in disbelief as they do the same before kazuha breaks the silence.
“we’re going to perform at the royal palace!” she excitedly squeals, as the room explodes into excited laughter, deciding what songs will be performed.
“well we have to perform fearless! it’s our hit song,” yunjin begs, trying to get nods of approval from the group's leader.
chaewon sighs, looking back at yunjin, “we’ll have to see how many songs we can perform and if they want us to perform any particular ones. we can ask our boss at our next meeting. he’ll probably have all the details we need,” she smiles warmly at her members, stretching out her arms and engulfing them in a warm hug.
“wait- when’s our next meeting?”
no celestial was not on the setlist. nor did your boss even think about performing it.
as the stubborn girl you are, you immediately asked why no celestial wasn’t on the list, and your boss laughs at you. stating that the palace didn’t choose the song and it wasn’t the right place for it. you thought that the song would be able to be performed anywhere (except, maybe a funeral but that’s not the point) but it apparently went against palace rules. it was stupid to you, isn’t that what the song’s telling you not to do? follow the rules?
you were surprised the great mermaid was picked, considering the amount of ‘foul language’ in the song. but since the prince was turning 21 (or 20 you couldn’t remember) you were sure a swear word wouldn’t hurt him.
it wasn’t until late at night when it hit you, you were performing for the prince in a month.
all the decorations, outfits, and people were too much for him.
yes, he loved having the party, but having every single person he’s had any interaction with invited? just seemed over the top. he wished only his closest friends to come, but every year his parents would try so hard to marry him off to some random girl his age, which always ruined his mood (and his plan to have a small birthday party). sunghoon knew this year wouldn’t be different, so he didn’t look forward to it, simple as that.
when his parents revealed they were inviting a band to perform on his birthday. his lips had slightly upturned. would it be tomorrow by together? or seventeen? maybe even red velvet? his face immediately dropped when he heard the name. who the hell was le sserafim?
after he was dismissed sunghoon immediately looked up the band that was recently introduced to him, playing the first few songs that popped up.
out of the seven songs he listened to, he liked the song “sour grapes” the most. sunghoon didn’t look much into the lyrics of songs, as a song was just a melody he sang along to. but the rare times sunghoon did (which was when he was listening to sour grapes), he didn’t understand most of the lines. what did they mean by love is sour grapes? because to him, he didn’t think love resembled any kind of fruit.
well, what did love resemble to him? sunghoon didn’t know. after seeing his parents grow apart over the years, sunghoon wasn’t one to ask about the subject. and nor did he ever want to be.
the small number of lyrics he understood, made it even more obvious why love wasn’t that appealing to him. it would always end in heartbreak, which is why he vowed to himself to never fall in love. but deep down, he knew it was something he could never admit.
he was scared.
after practicing for three hours straight, chaewon decided for an hour's break. of course, no one disagreed which left you immediately leaving the building and deciding to walk around the kingdom.
the town was always a safe place for you to walk around since the palace is near your building and heavily guarded. after getting drinks for yourself and your members, you decided to head back to the practice building.
as you walked around you always stopped to watch some young kids playing outside, enjoying the laughter and happiness they brought to voice. you smile at their enjoyment, amused at the stupid games they make up.
you try to push your body away, as your head wants to keep watching. until you bump into someone, making you drop the drinks you had previously bought for your members.
“oh my god i’m so sorry! did it spill on you?” you frantically ask, crouching on the floor to pick up the wet cups on the ground.
you stand up to see a man around your age, his fluffy brown hair slightly covering his eyes and clothes too formal for a walk around the town. his face seems too familiar, almost like you’ve seen him before.
“it’s fine, sorry about your drinks, can i get you new ones?” he offers, a slight rasp evident in his voice.
“oh no, it’s okay! but do i know you? you look really familiar,” you ask curiously.
his state quickly turns to panic, before answering “n-no i don’t think so.” he curses himself for being so nervous.
“oops! sorry then, well my name’s y/n nice to meet you!” you offer him a hand, which he shakes.
“my name’s sunghoon nice to meet you too.” shit did i just say sunghoon? he realizes, horrified at his clumsiness.
“oh like prince sunghoon?” you mention, flashing him a bright smile.
“yeah haha…” he awkwardly replies, helping you throw away the dripping drinks in your hand. “are you sure? i’m sorry i feel really bad,” he rambles, looking at you with concern.
you swiftly pull out your phone to check the time, realizing you wouldn’t make it back in time if you went back to get drinks. you smile at him, showing him the time on your phone, “i have to be back soon! but maybe if we ever meet again you can pay me back,” you smile, and he smiles back before you run off, waving to him.
fimmies chat
lawl i just met the cutest guy !!
are u forgetting ure semi famous…
did u rizz him up
do u think y/n rizzed him up
be honest
no i didnt forget!! and i did rizz him up so good
yunjin dye.
anyways i didn’t get his number </3
did u get his number
youre so lucky he didnt recognize u
but come back soon breaks almost over
im omw
you were too nervous about playing for the palace, you played your bass thousands of times in front of a crowd, you think, doing whatever to calm yourself. you had known all the chords by heart (including no celestial which your band decided to sneak in), you had warmed up your voice, and you had memorized and practiced the dance for hours and hours. you were going to do fine.
when you guys stepped onto the stage all that was heard were claps and a couple of cheers, you quickly made eye contact with the queen giving her a small head nod. you step in a line to bow and introduce yourselves, before getting to your instrument.
the first song you were performing was “the great mermaid”, sakura tapped her drumsticks three times, signaling for you to start the song. your hands instinctively moved to the right chords, strumming accordingly. as each chord passed, more was to be played. your hands shakily played each one, trying to sing your parts as stable as you could.
you felt a sigh of relief when the song ended, you placed your guitar on your hips, resting your hands while listening to the audience's boring claps. no shouts or cheers, just repeating claps, prim and proper. as chaewon introduces your next song you scan the audience, locking eyes with the young man on the throne, wait-
was that sunghoon?
your eyes widen as you hurry to your position in the dance, waiting for the music to start.
was sunghoon the prince? why didn’t he have a disguise? or some kind of security? did i seriously meet the prince on accident and didn’t notice?
you quickly came back to life, focusing on the dance you were currently doing.
your hips had to be on point, your legs had to be fully extended and in place, your arms had to be in the exact place, and your facial expression had to be on point. you hoped your expression looked how you imagined it.
you glanced at your manager noticing his approving, almost proud smile. you almost smile in response, containing it in quickly moving into formation.
the next few songs were a blur until you got to no celestial.
you nervously spoke into your microphone, introducing the song.
“for our last song we are performing a song called “no celestial”! this song is similar to our first one “the great mermaid” so if you enjoyed that song, you might like this one.” you wink at the audience, as you notice the manager giving you a look of disbelief.
you ignore it. adjusting your bass, starting up the next song. once you got to the pre-chorus you could feel your manager's glare burning in your scalp, you glance at sakura, exchanging nervous glances as yunjin sings her heart out, without a care in the world. by the time the song ends, you’re exhausted, and your legs and arms feel overworked,
you say your goodbyes and bow to the crowd as you walk off into the dressing room, where your manager waits with a menacing stare.
“hi sir…” you hesitantly start, he raises his left eyebrow at you.
“who came up with the idea of playing no celestial? the queen was giving me dirty looks! you’re lucky i’m not getting thrown in jail tomorrow. did you come up with the idea of playing no celestial for the palace y/n?” he yells, fuming with anger.
you look down at your feet, as your members watch, unable to prevent anything.
“yes i did.” you quietly answer.
“what’d you say? god you need to speak louder y/n,” he bluntly scolds.
“i said, yes i did,” you speak menacingly, he looks taken aback, almost surprised.
“this is your last warning y/n, one more and you’re out of the band, okay? i’m sick and tired of you taking your position for granted.”
“yes sir.” you bitterly answer, your body twitching trying to hold in your tears.
“now go! i can’t look at you right now,” he sighs.
you take your chance to quickly walk out of the dressing room, avoiding any servants walking around (and your members if they followed you). you slowly push open a door and find yourself on a path, surrounded by flowers and bushes tailored by the most perfectionist workers. each step there seem to be more and more plants unknown to you. you stop to look at a certain flower, reading the name on the index.
“the alstroemeria caught your eye?”
you jump at the sound, turning around to see (prince) sunghoon, walking next to you with a grin. you quickly bow, wiping your tears “oh! i’m so sorry for being here, i don’t know if i’m allowed here, so i’ll go!” you ramble, his smirk growing at the sight of you.
“it’s okay, y/n right? you did really well today,” he looks you up and down, slightly biting his lip.
“thank you, sir! happy birthday to you too.”
“no need for formal names, sunghoon is fine.”
your eyebrows furrow at his words, tilting your head slightly, “are you sure? it’s really no bother.”
he smirks at your comment, “you seemed fine with it two weeks ago,”
your eyes widen as his grin switches to a sly smirk, “i just didn’t recognize you,” you argue. “you don’t recognize the prince?” he raises one eyebrow. you huff at his response, opting to change the subject instead.
“shall we walk?” you ask, referring to the path you were earlier following. he nods as he starts leading the way through the abnormally large garden, making sure you stay away from any ditches or rocks.
“so, how was our performance? what was your favorite song?” you ask. he doesn’t think for long before deciding.
“sour grapes.”
“no reason why?” you give him a grumpy look which he notices, so he continues. “i like the melody, and lyrics.” he bluntly states, looking back at you for approval. “did you like the last song? no celestial?” you ask, silently praying he did.
“it was good, but i prefer slower songs.”
you nod accordingly, noticing how the loud ballroom music fills your silence, quite different from the songs you had performed. you walk to an empty field, which sunghoon explains that it’s empty because his parents gave up on the garden, deciding to do something better with their time and money. you frown at his story, why give up halfway in?
your legs grow tired, so you ultimately declare a break, in the middle of the field. sunghoon agrees, teasing you for your tired state.
when you sit down comfortable silence overtakes you two. you both calmly listen to the classical music, still clearly heard from the castle. after a few minutes, sunghoon light’s up with an idea, quickly standing up and offering his hand to you.
you, confused, look up at him. “what? are you trying to shake my hand?”
he laughs, “no, but would you, lady y/n have a dance with me?”
you grow flustered by the idea. you’re about to take his hand, before realizing you aren’t sure how to ballroom dance. you shyly mutter, “i don’t know how to properly do it”. he chuckles softly, taking hold of your hand, and pulling you up.
“i’ll teach you.”
sunghoon wasn’t sure why he was feeling so tense when he’d started teaching you. he’d be crazy to think that he wasn’t flustered by the way your hand was on his shoulder and the other intertwined with his, or the fact that you broke out into a smile every time you’d accidentally step on his foot or miss the spin. you were just pretty, he told himself, praying his hands didn’t feel clammy.
his hands were soft, and smooth contrasting with your calloused, and rough hands. but he didn’t seem to mind by the way he was smiling.
soon, your bodies blend together, like the sun and moon, forming an eclipse. taking each step in sync with the other. you can’t find your eyes anywhere else but locked on his. he smiles at you, and you smile back. you two dance until your feet get sore again after several songs. too tired to sit, you lay back on the slightly wet grass, staining the back of your stage outfit. sunghoon grins, laying down next to you, admiring the stars with you.
“sunghoon, do you know any constellations?” you ask, trying to make a familiar shape out of any of them.
sunghoon extends his hand out, scooting closer so you can see. he points to a particularly bright star, then another, and another he repeats that until he puts his hand down.
“that’s the ursa major, you’ve heard of it correct?” he looks over to you.
you chuckle, “of course, i know what the ursa major is. it’s so pretty, isn’t it?”
sunghoon stares at you, your bright smile facing the sky, your happy eyes almost in disbelief you're seeing such a beautiful sight, your makeup for the performance now slightly smudged but still gorgeous on you.
sunghoon thinks you’re the most beautiful star.
his eyes don’t move away from you before responding “yeah it is.”
he diverts his eyes when he sees you looking back at him, “the ursa major is used for navigating, because it completes a full circle around the north star.”
you nod, taking in the bright stars, shining straight at you.
sunghoon notices your silence, deciding to start a new conversation.
“what’s your perspective on love?”
sunghoon quickly realizes his mistake when you choke on your saliva, clearly not expecting him to ask you that question as you sit up. his face turns pale, hurriedly patting your back. “sorry, was that too far?” he asks.
you chuckle at his reaction, your laugh filling up his silence. “no,i just wasn’t expecting it. but i’ll give you an answer.” sunghoon gives you a nod, silently telling you to keep going.
“i think my opinion changes, like when i wrote sour grapes, obviously i didn’t like it. but now i think it’s quite the opposite,” you answer, sunghoon carefully thinks about your words, nodding approvingly.
“what about you sunghoon? what do you think about love?”
he stays silent for a while before answering, “i don’t believe in true love, i think it’s made up,” he states bluntly.
you slightly tilt your head, “and why do you think that?”
“well because my parents they’re-”
you’re caught off guard when the sounds of panicked yelling come to voice. “prince sunghoon? prince sunghoon!” people frantically call, you can see the silhouettes of people running around, trying to spot their beloved prince. you look over to see a just as panicked sunghoon. he quickly stands up, pulling you up too. his expression turns almost disappointed before saying,
“i have to go. it was nice talking to you y/n, i hope we meet again.” he gives you a small smile. taking your hand, and placing a soft kiss on it. he looks into your eyes after, then runs to the voices. leaving you a flustered mess.
walking back to the dressing room happily excited to tell your members about the interaction you just had, you realize why you had even been out in the garden. because you were upset, but sunghoon distracted you from that.
you smile to yourself, sunghoon was quite the distractor.
you often found him around the place you first met, waiting in the only pink chair at the cafe. every time the bell above the door rang, his head shot up looking for your familiar face. every time it was you, his eyes crinkled, which you guessed was a smile considering his face was hidden behind a mask. you would always wave to him, setting down your stuff before ordering a drink. this became a routine for you two, you would arrive at two ten and leave at two fifty, to get back to practice on time.
after practice you (and sometimes with eunchae) would always walk to a specific bench near the river, admiring the dark city with the quiet noises of running water. arriving at eight twenty-ish every time, you would place your purse down right in the middle of the bench, so no one would sit next to you.
that may seem selfish, but it was for your safety as an idol. the park was almost always empty, with the exception of people there for the same reason as you, to admire the scenery.
you were almost dumbfounded when you noticed someone sitting at your bench, the body covered by their hood twitching every so often.
your steps slowed down, unsure of what to do. until you heard small sniffles from the body, with broken cries and sounds of snot. you weren’t the most social person you’ve met, so you don’t know why your body led you down to sit next to them, asking them “are you okay?”
the person doesn’t spare a glance at you, staring directly at their shoes instead. you study their face, realizing the person was someone you knew.
“sunghoon? what’s wrong?” you blurt out, his head whips towards yours, his panicked expression clearly gone when he looks at you with soft eyes.
he quickly remembers his state, wiping his tears as quickly as he can. “nothing,” he mumbles, knowing you’ll recognize his blatant lie.
you hesitantly place your hand on his back, softly rubbing it. he lays into you, sobs coming out of his body like a river, coming downstream. your throat tightens hearing the cries that fill the park, disturbing the few that passed by every so often.
noticing his hiccups become less and less apparent. you hesitantly ask, “do you want to talk about it?”
he nods, swallowing the lump in his throat. he chokes out, “it’s just the pressure i have on my shoulders, being the next king and all. i have no one to rely on or even ask for help. my parents are too busy fucking arguing to even give me the time of day, and it’s just so stupid they put all the kingdom’s problems on me because it’s training. when in reality it’s just them being ignorant and immature.”
you nod slightly, pulling him in a soft hug as if he’ll break if you hold any tighter. you wince at the feeling of his damp tears on your sleeve, reminding yourself that there was a more important matter.
you two hold each other in comfortable silence until sunghoon sits up and wipes his tears away. you look at him with worry to which he says, “i don’t really want to talk about it anymore if that’s ok,” he looks at you with uneasy eyes.
you give him a warm smile, “that’s fine sunghoon, do you want to talk about anything?”
“no, i don’t really have anything in mind,” he answers.
you nod trying to fill the void of silence somehow. spotting a moving figure near the waterline, you point to it, “hey there are some ducks!”
sunghoon follows your finger to find the animal you were pointing at. eyes crinkling at the sight. you watch his amused face, not realizing the smile growing on your face.
“didn’t know you were such an animal person,” you chuckle, as sunghoon rolls his eyes.
“it’s not like i see them much, ya-know being trapped in the castle and all that,” he remarks. you throw your hands up in defense, “sorry, forgot about your prince duties for a second.”
“yeah whatever,” sunghoon jokes, turning to gaze at the stars, just like at the castle.
you take this time to look at his face, looking hopefully into the sky. like he was hoping a shooting star would come. you let out a breathy smile, to which he hears turning to look at you, making eye contact.
realizing he caught your stare, you look away, your cold cheeks now growing in temperature.
sunghoon chuckles at your reaction, not realizing his reddening cheeks either. he pulls up his sleeve, glancing at his watch. you lean over, looking for the time stating 9:02.
you gasp loudly, making sunghoon whip his head up, looking at you with confusion. “what happened?” he asks.
“i have to be back by 9:15, curfew and all. i’ll see you soon, okay?” he nods, a smile present as he’s waving goodbye, watching as you take off running to get back on time.
sunghoon can’t seem to get rid of his smile after you leave, touching his upturned lips softly. he isn’t sure why his smile’s still lingering even after you left. he doesn’t smile for a while after jay or jake leaves him.
despite the chilling weather that most definitely left him shivering, he can’t get rid of the warm, fuzzy feeling inside of him. maybe he was sick, or maybe he was just prepared for the cold weather. but he knew there was a different reason. one that he wasn’t ready to admit.
imagining your member's reactions when you tell them you had met up with sunghoon once again. you push open your dorm room at 9:12, barely making it back without getting a scolding from chaewon.
entering your shared room with eunchae, you take off your jacket, zipping it up to place it on a hanger.
“y/n! you went to the park without me!” eunchae whines from her bed, stretching out to cover it.
you laugh at her position, mentioning nonchalantly, “sorry eunchae! i saw sunghoon there though.
she dramatically gasps causing all the other members to rush in with looks of worry. “what happened?” chaewon asks, standing in the doorway.
“y/n met up with sunghoon at the park!” she exclaims. yunjin reacts first, running up to you dramatically, shaking you by your shoulders. the members exaggeratedly gasp at you, kazuha even pretends to faint.
you roll your eyes, pretending to busy yourself on your phone.
“y/n you have to tell us what happened!” chaewon hurriedly sits down on the edge of the bed, to which everyone else follows.
“nothing really happened,” you giggle, unable to stop the redness from spreading from your cheeks.
sakura pushes you softly, “oh boo, i know something happened, just tell us what!”
deciding to not mention the crying part, you mention everything else.
watching the member's reactions could honestly entertain you for days. whether it was a simple touch or action you two did together, they always had an exaggerated reaction towards it. when you mentioned how he had caught you staring at him, yunjin had dramatically fallen off the bed. hitting the carpet floor with her hand clutched repeatedly.
after you finished the story, they left as giggly as you came in. you quickly get ready to go to sleep, not wanting the exhaustion to get to you before you brush your teeth.
laying on your bed, you weren’t sure why they were so dramatic over some interactions you had with sunghoon. i mean, you were just a boy and a girl hanging out.
nothing weird about that.
okay sure, he did have really nice hair, pretty eyes, and a really gorgeous smile. and he was so sweet and funny but also comforting, and you like being around him and always wanted to be around him. but what does that have to do with-
no, it couldn’t be it, you weren’t that far in deep right?
was love what you were feeling? love for the man you had randomly met in the kingdom? love for the man you had barely met but had spent hours talking to?
yeah, maybe you did love him.
and maybe, you wanted to plant his soft lips onto yours the next time you saw him.
but he was too good for you.
like the brightest, most beautiful star in the sky, loving the dimmest, and unpleasant.
it would never work.
you sigh, pulling over the blanket over your cold body. peacefully closing your eyes.
you would think the oldest person had the best advice, but truly she was set on you doing one thing.
“confess to him!” sakura exclaims as soon as she hears the news. rolling your eyes at her idea, she lightly frowns.
“what? can’t you just tell him? i don’t get it.” she huffs, slightly lifting the hair on her face. you furrow your brows, “and risk him not liking me back?”
“okay so what if he does like you back?”
that simple question leaves you speechless, it’s not a crazy question, but as stupid as you sound, you didn’t think that would happen. nor was that a chance you would want to take.
“i don’t think he does, i mean we just met recently! he barely even knows me.” you’re shortly given a questioning look, followed by “don’t you meet like, every day?”
you sigh in defeat, “okay yeah we do, but that’s not the point! the point is that he doesn’t like me back.”
“look, he might not like you back, so why don’t you get it over with? the worst he can say is no.” her shoulders lift for a second, continuing back to focus on her phone.
“okay, no is definitely not the worst thing he could say. he could say like, “ew no you peasant! get away from me you dirty scab.” sakura dramatically sighs.
“are we talking about the same guy? the same guy who spent hours talking to you outside his own party?” you huff.
“yeah, but it’s still a possibility! you never know how royals are,” you argue. she quickly bites back, saying.
“exactly!” her eyes widened, “you don’t know how royals are, so you never know if he likes you back! which i’m sure he does.”
“okay so i confess to him, and he says no. what if our relationship changes and we can’t fix it because i made things so awkward? what would i do then?” you cry, she furrows her brows.
“you never know until you try.” she finishes, finally laying back down to go to sleep.
“fine.” you grumble, tiredly walking back to your room.
maybe you could confess to him.
you quickly throw yourself onto the bed. landing with an ‘oof’ sound on your stomach. brainstorming ideas or even just imagining scenarios. you hadn’t realized until two minutes of thinking was that everything you thought of was probably a normal occurrence for him.
picnics? you were sure he had done it many times. a restaurant? his chefs probably cook better and you’re both famous. movie date? even you didn’t want to do that idea.
giving your mind a rest, you rolled around on your bed. kicking the blanket off your sweaty feet, you grabbed your phone. opening safari.
i mean, it can’t hurt to look right? you quickly typed up the words, embarrassed at the dilemma you were in right then.
you scrolled through the websites, opening “15 best date ideas for you and your boyfriend.”
sure you weren’t at that stage, but it had to have at least one good idea.
scrolling through the options you stopped on one, thinking of what could happen then. painting together, that seems like it could be fun?
you quickly prepare yourself for the text you're about to send, staring at it for a while before actually sending it.
sunghoon are you busy this weekend?
not on saturday, but on sunday yeah.
do you want to go painting with me 😁😁
sure, where?
yk the bench we met at like two days ago
we can meet there at 2pm ??
sure, see you then.
see youu
you slam your phone into your mattress, silently screaming to yourself imagining how the date would be. you prayed that sunghoon wasn’t some kind of artist who would laugh at the market's paint you had bought because it was such poor quality to him. sunghoon wouldn’t do that, he’s really sweet. you remember you check your calendar in the living room, writing down the date for saturday.
you scan the calendar, in three days you’ll confess.
you had managed to get there at 1:58 seeing sunghoon there already. scanning his outfit, you found the gold details on his navy blue suit to fit him well, it was similar to the letter the palace had sent you but you didn’t want to point that out.
realizing how professional he looked, you quickly feel embarrassed at your outfit. some simple jeans with a crop top and a sweater, and a mask covering your face.
“hello y/n,” he smiles at you, helping you place your stuff down.
“hello sunghoon! here-” you hand a canvas to him, “this is for you, and you know how to paint, right?” you mentally slap yourself, of course, he knew how to paint y/n!
his eyes slightly squint in confusion as he chuckles, “of course, i know how to paint y/n, what do you wanna paint?”
you lock eyes with him, trying your best not to get flustered saying, “i don’t know yet, probably like the river in front of us. what about you?”
he looks around, suddenly smirking at the idea he must’ve had. “i’ll surprise you,”
“whatever,” you playfully roll your eyes, handing him his canvas and palette. his hands brush yours, lingering longer than they should.
you ignore it, carefully dipping the paintbrush into the water, then into a light grayish blue. you gracefully spread the paint around, trying to replicate the water to the best of your abilities. the blue slowly runs out, your paintbrush becomes dryer than your liking. so you delicately press the paintbrush into the water, swirling it around before dipping it back into the same blue color you were using.
while you’re doing that, you glance at sunghoon to see him sketching a person with a pencil. “who’s that?” you ask, he looks at you seeing you stare at his sketch.
his eyebrows furrow, “you can’t tell?”
you scan the canvas again, noticing the outfit looking very similar to yours. you squint slightly, “are you drawing me?”
he grins, “no.”
“what? that literally looks exactly like me!” you argue.
“it’s your mom.”
you sigh, rolling your eyes and turning back to your canvas, he laughs at your reaction. “i hate you so much,” you lie.
“right. you know i can get you thrown into prison right?”
“yeah you could, but you like me too much to do that.” you boldly state.
he gives you a side eye, nodding sarcastically. “whatever you want,” he says, you triumphantly continue painting, finishing the sky before starting on the river and the scenery.
you add more paint to your original color, brightening it before starting your river. making sure you get each detail.
while you’re working on your river sunghoon starts painting the background, realizing he forgot to do that.
you two continue with small talk, conversing about favorite music, events that are coming up, and even events happening recently.
you’re reminded of his birthday party, how he never finished his answer before he got pulled away by the crowd (or whoever was calling for him).
the conversation slowly dies down, sunghoon decides to start a new one before you could.
“how’s it like being an idol? like getting to do whatever you want and still be liked.”
you give him a bittersweet smile, “i don’t really get to do whatever i want, but i probably have more freedom than you do.”
sunghoon sighs, “yeah, sometimes i really hate being a prince, i wish i had more freedom like you.”
“well, i don’t have that much freedom, but i don’t really care. i just do whatever i want and hope i don’t get caught,” you chuckle, sunghoon smiles at you,
“you don’t get scared of the consequences you could get?”
“not really. if anything, i can just debut again.”
sunghoon clearly taken aback by your confidence covers it with a smirk, “are you always this confident?”
“not with you,” you blurt out, not realizing your mistake until you see his face visibly turning red. he quickly turns away, pretending to add finishing touches to the painting with nothing but water on the brush.
now you realize, its time. you quickly build up your confidence, not wanting to stay in this awkward silence any longer.
“look- i don’t know how to say this. but i like you, so much.” you can see sunghoon’s mouth slightly open, eyes widening as well. you continue, “and i know your idea of love isn’t that fond. so i hope we can still be friends after this. but please take my feelings into consideration.” you slightly smile at him.
he’s still in shock when he answers. “y/n, i don’t like you back-”
you blank for the rest of his sentence. realizing now that you should have left those words unsaid. so, so many words that should’ve been left unsaid.
he stops talking, waiting for your reaction. you aren’t sure if you feel like crying or screaming, but one thing you were sure you felt was that you wanted to get out of there.
you nod in disappointment, taking your canvas and paint with an awkward goodbye. you walk away, trying your best to ignore the slight blur in your vision.
09 “SHE WHAT?”
was the first thing jay said when he told them about the date. jake gave sunghoon a look of disbelief, and heeseung laughed at him.
“dude, we know damn well she did not say that.” heeseung smirks, stifling a laugh.
sunghoon eyebrows furrow, “what? she did say that! and i don’t know how to feel! she also isn’t answering my calls so that’s why i invited you over, not to have tea and biscuits.”
jake quietly puts his tea cup down, missing when sunghoon rolls his eyes at him.
“okay so what’s your opinion on her?” jay leans slightly forward, looking at sunghoon with an eyebrow raised.
“well-” sunghoon abruptly stops. how could he put this into words?
for one he always has a smile on around you, whether it’s a smirk or a genuine smile. either work.
two, he thinks you’re pretty, like the moon in an empty sky, or a person seeing a sunset for the first time. but that would surely get him teased, so he keeps quiet on that one.
three, he thinks you’re kind, too kind for your own good. just yesterday when you had bought all the supplies for painting when you both knew he could’ve rented out the whole park for you two, or when he offered to pay for the drinks you got for your members after the time he bumped into you, to which you declined fully knowing his economic status.
yeah, you’re kind.
sunghoon barely manages to get out, “she’s… kind?”
jake scoffs, “just kind? after all the date’s you’ve had with her, you don’t think she's funny or pretty or anything?”
yeah i think a lot of things. he thinks. deciding to also keep that to himself.
“i mean she’s pretty and funny.” sunghoon blankly states, not wanting to overshare.
“c’mon dude! i know you’re thinking some poetic shit but are too scared to say it to us. we won’t judge!” heeseung argues.
jay laughs at heeseung’s last comment, knowing full well it was a lie.
sunghoon rolls his eyes for nth time, realizing he’d have to say something anyways.
“well i think she’s pretty, but like so pretty you can’t describe it.” he thinks for a moment, trying to put it simply, “also her smile,” sunghoon lets out a breathy smile. making his friends all seem disappointed.
“it literally just sounds like you’re in love with her. your girl problems are too easy,” heeseung sighs, taking a bite of the biscuit waiting to be eaten.
“well, i’m not in love with her! i just enjoy her company.”
“i enjoy jake’s company but i don't dreamily sigh about his smile,” jay adds, to which jake winks at him.
jay gives him a disgusted look, turning to focus on sunghoon and his problem.
“okay well i don’t want to be in love with her!” he says, throwing his hands in defeat.
“why? what’s so wrong with liking a girl?” heeseung asks, his voice slightly muffled by the food he was eating.
sunghoon furrows his brows in disgust. “okay, first of all, don’t talk with food in your mouth, and second of all…” he pauses, does he really want to get that personal right now?
the answer is no.
“second of all, i don’t want to fall in love just to be disappointed in the end.”
jake sighs, “man, if you don’t want to fall in love that’s fine, but just think about the good things that could come out of it.”
sunghoon nods, taking in his words. what good things would come out of it? unrequited love? heartbreaks? being married to someone else because you’re a prince?
he didn’t think anything good would come out of it.
so sunghoon decided he didn’t love you romantically. and he never would.
every text left on delivered, every call left unanswered and sunghoon didn’t know what was wrong.
well, yes he did know what was wrong but he wasn’t sure how to fix it. his friends certainly hadn’t helped and he had no one else to ask.
so maybe he had to take matters into his own hands.
his plan was to host a ball then formally invite you to it. you couldn’t decline an invitation personally from the prince could you?
then he would just go with the flow, talk to you and apologize and become friends again. easy, right?
convincing his parents to invite you to the ball was simple. even if his mom was a little uneasy, she was delighted he wanted to personally invite someone to the ball they were hosting.
for once sunghoon left them with a smile on his face.
now all he had to do was wait. he knew it would never happen but everytime he got a notification, his face lit up. frantically checking the message for any sign of the word “y/n”. but he never found one.
all sunghoon did that week was wait for a text back. it hurted his brain honestly, all his worries were constantly flooding it. everytime he tried to focus on whatever his teacher was saying he couldn’t. not when his friendship was at stake.
he wasn’t sure why he was so worried about you, considering you were just friends. but the more he thought about it, the more confused he got.
but when the day finally came, he wasn’t as ready for it as he should’ve been.
yes he mentally prepared himself, and he made sure everything at the ball was perfect. but he forgot the most important part.
planning the apology.
sunghoon wouldn’t say he was the best at apologies. when people say that the words should come from the heart he laughs. it’s not like the heart has a mouth to speak with, he always thinks. but this time, he’s really relying on those words said by others.
but stupid phrases couldn’t help now.
so, sunghoon took a deep breath. and foot by foot, he entered the ballroom.
wearing a grayish-blue gown with sparkle lined layers towards the bottom. you had a huge smile on your face, talking to another woman.
he was so busy scanning your features he hadn’t noticed all his friends crowding around him. they all continuously teased him for the love struck look in his eyes. one that i don’t have. he thinks, ignoring the comments they had made.
he notices the look in your eyes, slowly growing less happy as you scan the beautiful lady in front of you. your smile slightly falls, but still evident in your face when she leaves. you look around, locking eyes with him. your smile falls this time, not hiding the slightly dreading facial expressions you had.
sunghoon calls you over, seeing the bright smile on your face return to meet his friends.
you happily greet each of them, each sharing a small fact about themself. you try to listen to each one, even though you’ll most likely forget it in an hour.
finally, you shake sunghoons hand. ignoring the awkward tension between you two.
jake quickly starts a conversation, saying, “y/n! you were the band that played at hoon’s birthday right? what instrument did you play?”
you nod, “yeah i play the bass! i also do some singing but i’m not the lead singer,” you chuckle. jake nods, taking a sip of whatever drink he had.
you look at sunghoon finding his eyes already latched onto yours. you look away quickly ignoring the interaction.
jay senses the tension, finding an excuse to lead his friends away from you two.
sunghoon mentally lets out a sigh of relief, realizing he had to start his apology soon.
“y/n look- can we talk about last week?”
you sigh, nodding.
“i was just thinking about it and i realized how rude i was that day, and that i’m sorry for that,” he braces himself for your reaction, a wash of relief goes over him when he sees your soft smile.
honestly, you don’t even remember what he said, but he must’ve been pretty mean.
“you don’t have to be sorry for rejecting me sunghoon, i get it. let’s just move on. okay hoon?” you tease, to which sunghoon rolls his eyes, barely keeping his smile in.
he doesn’t think anyone else can call him that anymore.
sunghoon makes eye contact with his mother, urging him to join the dance floor ever so near him.
you give a knowing look to him, dragging him to the ballroom floor.
the floor is filled with people, sunghoon leads you through the people, all moving in a unison formation. you finally find an empty spot, stopping there.
he laughs, “you remember how to dance right?”
“of course i do,” you answer, placing your right hand on his shoulder, softly holding his other hand.
he starts moving you two around, twirling you and lifting you up. you two laugh every time a small stunt comes up. but for a majority of the time, you’re just waltzing around, engaging in some small talk.
“you know i’ve always wanted to play an instrument?” sunghoon asks.
you shake your head, slightly frowning, “if you told me i could’ve started teaching you how to play bass guitar!”
he laughs at your response, taking in the atmosphere around him.
sunghoon can’t ignore the fact that your hands have gotten softer than before, or that you had some makeup on that enhanced your features, or that everytime you would mess up you would laugh it off.
sunghoon can’t help but have a smile on his face around you.
he can’t help but enjoy being with you. he can’t help but look forward to spending time together. he can’t help but find you infinitely gorgeous and perfect.
he can’t help but fall in love with you.
and this time, he accepts it.
soon the music comes to an end, but you're too busy enjoying eachothers company to acknowledge it.
he randomly says, “i’m sorry for what i’m about to do.”
sunghoon knows he’ll regret this, but he does it anyway.
he plants his lips onto yours, softly kissing you. you’re shocked at first. before you return the kiss, wrapping you arms around his neck. you pull out to take a breath, looking deeply into his dark brown eyes.
he smiles at you, and you smile back.
maybe this time sunghoon will give love a try. and maybe it’ll work out for him.
this was the fourth time sunghoon had tried to sneak you out of your schedule, everytime he tried something new but it never worked.
but this time he had a new plan.
you had just finished your stage at music bank, and still had hours to go until awards were announced.
sunghoon’s job was to distract the staff, and let you sneak out unnoticed.
he arrived at the back door, starting small talk with the staff in front of the doors.
“hey have you seen my new selfie?”
“do you like this theme for the next ball?”
“which suit should i wear?” he repeatedly asks, nudging his head as a symbol for you to go.
you, watching throw a small crack in the door, open it and take off running out from the side which was slightly out of their view. you run as fast as possible. foot after foot, step after step. ignoring the weird looks sent your way, you finally stop at a familiar tree.
a few minutes later he comes running to you, waving at you.
before you say anything he tackles you into a hug, almost knocking you over.
“someone missed me huh?” you tease, softly caressing his shoulder.
“yeah i really did,” he smiles, giving you a quick peck on the cheek.
“how’d you even distract them for that long? they always keep their eyes on the door.” you furrow your brows, worried they were chasing after you.
he smirks, keeping eye contact while putting your hair behind your ear. you quickly get flustered, dropping the subject.
sunghoon truly was quite the distractor.
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thank u sm for reading! if you liked this plz check out my work “apple cider” :)) have a great day!!
yenqa © please do not copy, steal or translate.
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What would happen if Aunt reader had died rather than Lily? Like she takes the curse while protecting Harry but Lily and James are still alive?
Lily and James would be distraught. Lily especially takes it the hardest, she’s absolutely torn apart by the death of her sister. All this time she made it her life goal to protect and keep her younger sister safe, it was her responsibility as an older sister to do so after all, but in the end her beloved sister died protecting Lily and her family. Her sister died protecting Lily’s child and Lily would be forever grateful but that loss would never go away.
Lily would never truly recover from the loss of the Reader, she tries to go on with her life and raising Harry but she can’t help but think about how her sister should be alongside her every step of the way. Harry wouldn’t get to experience and make memories of his own with his precious aunt, he’ll never get to have any of it all because some crazed dark wizard stole it from him. From all of them. If anything the only thing he’ll ever really remember of his aunt is her sacrifice and the last words she ever said protecting him from Voldemort. Something that will later on haunt him once they’re made more apparent. But Lily wouldn’t let him grow up completely without the Reader, she makes sure he grows up knowing everything possible about his aunt, how much she cared about him, and how much of a prominent pillar she would have been to him. Every happy and meaningful moment ever regarding the Reader would be shared with him, to the point that he could recite them all on his own. Not to mention how much meaning was held for her among Lily, James, Sirius, Lupin and others as a whole. Lily would want Harry to know just how loved his aunt was and for him to grow up loving her all the same.
Petunia would wholeheartedly blame their sister’s death on Lily and her family, but mainly on Lily and Harry. If it weren’t for them her sister would still be alive. It overall causes an even more intense and detrimental riff between the two. Lily already blames herself enough for the Reader’s death but Petunia takes it to a whole other level. She even once told Lily that it should have been her who died, along with her freak child, that she selfish lives on when it should be their sister who should be here right now. Even though it was only ever uttered once it was more than enough to forever affect Lily, those words echoing in her head whenever the chance arose. Words she herself believed more and more as the days went on.
James would feel utterly defeated and useless. Of course he was happy and extremely grateful that his family was alive and well but his sister-in-law was his family too it was all at the cost of her that they were here now. If only he could have done something. If only he had his wand that night maybe the Reader would still be alive. If only. James knows very well what his wife is going through, they were all destroyed by the Reader death; Lily, him, Sirius, Remus, they all were going through it but he knew damn well his wife was having the hardest time and understandably so. All he could do was be there for her and help as much as he could/needed to with Harry to take some stress off of her. Although, caring for Harry seemed to be a way to keep herself occupied so her mind wouldn’t stray too far into the depths. James desperately tries to help Lily in water way he can, he doesn’t want to lose her either and there’s a good chance he might given just how severely she’s been affected by not having her beloved sister in her life anymore.
As heart wrenching and how selfish she knows it is to leave James and Harry, Lily would be more than temped to follow the Reader into the afterlife. She knows it’s terrible, she knows she needs to be strong for Harry especially and to be there for him but she can’t help but contemplate being reunited with her sister again and more times than not it sounds so appealing. But than Lily is reminded of the fact that her sister died so that Lily and her family could live, so giving that up would take away from the Reader’s sacrifice and Lily couldn’t do that. Instead she would live for the both of them.
Also, Lily would be absolutely over the moon if she and James had another child who grew up to look and act just like the Reader. Not only does she get a second chance at having a piece of her precious sister again but Harry will get to have some semblance of his aunt too. And seeing Lily so overjoyed is more than enough for James. The only difference is that this time around Lily will only be all the more intense and over protective of lookalike!Reader and she wholeheartedly will raise Harry to do the same. James takes notice of the overwhelming extremes his wife is taking this time around but he can’t blame her and would only enable her further.
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brights-place · 3 months
WAZZAP‼️ I was wondering if you could do a Riff x king of metal NSFW? like the readers like huge, but not like human size, you know what I mean, but like larger than the average troll. And he’s like really dominant and crap :33 (if you can’t do Riff, then you could totally do Barb also, I’m sorry for this being so specific I just love Riff☕️)
-U B E L🦴
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Riff X Metal! S/O NSFW
Pairings: Riff X Reader
Warnings: Nsfw, Cursing
A/N: Riff is so UEGHHVWUEHAJVIPM enjoy this NSFW post I have for all of you Riff fans like me! I wrote this at 2:15am Yall! And I was sleepy
Your tall figure stood before Riff who blushed yo towards his partner who’s bat wings slowly expanded while you smirked slyly “Riff honey your so cute” You smirked kneeling down as he flushed an darker grey as you grab his hands lovingly smiling at him as he spoke “Please don’t go soft…” riff whispered looking away well that’s what he was doing under his beanie you just thought you were staring at his eyes due to the beanie covering them.
An chuckle passed your lips as you kissed his cheek “I’ll make sure you won’t walk okay?” Riff nodded quickly as a darker shade of grey appeared on his cheeks. his gaze flickered down to your lips, giving you the signal before leaning into a kiss due to his impulsive desires. If you weren’t going to tell him anything, he’d get you to respond in another way.
Your lips were turning numb along with the rest of your body as you could feel yourself falling down the rabbit hole of lustful intent for your partner who laid on the sheets before you. Your hand wrapped around his shaft to jerk it off through the fabric, seeing a small dot of pre-cum began to form around where his tip was hidden from his pants.
He stared towards you as you tugged down his studded belt unbuckling it in your hands. Your E/c eyes tugged down his pants smirking as he covered his face embarrassed slightly as you told him how gorgeous he looked. He felt himself bare and exposed after you succeeded in getting his lower clothes down to his knees as a light whimper escaped his lips.
His eyes widened when noticing your smirk as he tried to suppress the noise trying hard to cover it up as much as he could, swallowing it and enduring it.
You couldn’t help but let out praises pass your ears as you gripped onto his waist as your other hand jerked him off playing with the slit as he let out another breathy noise eyes darting up towards you as an small chuckle passed your lips Riff looking away flustered You gave his flushed pink tip kisses, swiping your tongue slowly across it before obliging to his ask while pumping his dick with one hand, “You’re doing an amazing job, Riff. I’m so proud of you… Does that make you feel good, my handsome boy?” A sly smirk spread onto your face as you looked down to see riffs shocked expression, wrapping his entire mouth around him and hollowing his cheeks.
You couldn’t help but speak up "Your already wet from a little teasing Riff" You muttered sliding your hand teaisngly up and down the clothed slit staring at Riff with hunger. The raventte male stared up towards you watching you slowly lay your head between his inner thighs before looking up at him a wet feeling touched Riffs bud making him yelp out a moan seeing your teasing smirk
Riff couldn’t help but reach up clutching your hair as he let out whimpers and begs gripping the males hair not even remembering how many times he made him get to the edge and stop teasing before changing using his tongue "Just a little longer love I'll let you cum soon..." You muttered as your tongue continued to tease his tip.
Riff couldn’t help but feel dizzy at the feeling. His fingers clutching his fingers tighter to your hair and the bedsheets below as Riffs tongue stuck out as he let out heavy and loud breaths
Riff couldn't help but drool feeling his orgasm coming as your tongue made him start feeling light headed and so in love. you pulled away from him completely after you were about to make him let go. Riff could feel the tears pricking his eyes. "w-why I wanted-" He got cut off with a kiss on his cheek then below his eyes where small tears rested just moments ago. Your voice was gruff and tired "I'm letting you cum soon Love" Riff nodded his head obediently.
As the sound of something ripping being heard Riff couldn't help but watch your back while you chucked go the remainder of your clothes throwing it to the floor the clothes gone like Riff’s underwear, and clothes He let you kiss jis neck and play with His nipple piercings as he bit his lips feeling something enter him easily making an groan past his lips as he clutched to your forearm “F-fuck, you feel so good." you grunted out your hands wandered upon the Drummer is tone body while he awaited for you to adjust to him "Go ahead” riff muttered giving the the clear as Soft grunts and curses spilled from his lips. The sound of wet slapping, and riffs mewls and moans of how big you were filled the apartment the two were in as you grunted.
Your hands held onto his waist as you kissed riff as he clinged to you trying hard for Barb or other rock trolls to hear the noises he was making as his body shook
Your hands caressed riffs face. "I’ll make you look so fucked out Don't worry, love." His pace increased making riff squeal about how good it hit him "G-gonna cum!" The male moaned out loudly. " Yeah? Go ahead Darling I Won't stop it this time" Riff wrapped his arms around your neck. Breathing in your scent as his moans were muffled. his orgasm hitting hard The hot blinding sensation had his eyesight blurry with tears. his body shook under Yours. Thighs almost clamping together if you weren’t holding them harshly. "Fucked you g-good, didn't I?" you grunted voice slightly stuttering and getting breathy as you got closer to your own orgasm "Too much!" Riff whined. The over stimulation of all the pain and pleasure he felt was almost enough for him to start crying again. "Y-You can take it. Just ngh- hold on a little longer" You grunted as his hips faltered slowly as he felt the warm liquid fill Jim up as the both started panting. "Are you ok? Wasn't so harsh was I” He questioned. "No, it was really good.” Riff muttered
reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2023 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact
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girl-next-door-writes · 6 months
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Characters: Eddie Munson x reader
Summary:  When Eddie spots a familiar face in the crowd of a concert, he can’t help but feel it’s a sign.
Word Count: 1116 word
Prompt: Flirting then realising feelings have been caught. Tugging you closer by your waist. Intermission at a show. “You’re so cute, you know that?”
A/N: This is the seventh of my Build-A-Festive-Fics so thank you to the lovely anon who put these prompts together for my first request for my favourite metalhead.
The air puled with anticipation as the crowd converged in front of the stage. The hum of excitement, clinking of chains and other metal accessories were momentarily drowned out by the roar of guitar riffs and insane vocals of the warm-up act. The walls reverberated with the promise of a night filled with raw energy and intense music.
The scent of leather and sweat was heady in the sea of black t-shirts, which seemed to be the unofficial uniform of the band’s fans. The elaborate arrangement of speakers, amplifiers and drum kits littered the stage, creating an altar for the adoring metalheads to worship at. The stage lights cast an otherworldly glow, creating an atmosphere that was both electrifying and mysterious, an effect enhanced by the overuse of smoke machines and somewhat in contrast to the festive decorations strewn about the venue.  
As the lights dim, a surge of adrenaline courses through the crowd. The murmurs evolve into roars of excitement as the band takes the stage, greeted by a sea of raised devil horns and the rhythmic pounding of fists against chests. The first strike of the drum sends shockwaves through the place, signaling the beginning of an auditory assault.
The mosh pit swiftly became a chaotic ballet of bodies. Fans colliding and swirling in a whirlwind of limbs, guided by the primal rhythm of the music. Those on the periphery headbang with fervor as strobe lights flashed and the occasional burst of pyrotechnics punctuated the sonic landscape.
Amid the chaos and the cacophony, Eddie caught sight of someone he wasn’t expecting to cross paths with at a place like this. A smile tugged at his lips as he continued to bounce with the music, his eyes now firmly following your movements, rather than focusing on the stage.
As the final notes of a particularly exuberant version of Rudolph reverberated through the venue, there was a collective pause, a moment of shared exhaustion and exhilaration. The crowd, now hoarse from singing along and bodies weary from the frenzy, erupts into cheers and applause.
“We’re gonna take a break, but we’ll be back in twenty!” One of the band members yelled into the microphone to be heard, and the crowd seemed to move as one, now swelling towards the nearest bar.
Eddie's grin widened as he navigated the sea of concertgoers to stand beside you. The pulsating energy of the music still lingered in the air as he leaned in to be heard over the din.
"Couldn't resist the call of the metal, could you?" Eddie teased, his eyes sparkling with a mix of excitement and genuine happiness at finding you in the midst of the crowd.
You laughed, the shared experience of the concert already creating a bond between you. "Well, it's not every day you get the chance to hear these guys."
His hand came to rest on your waist, it felt warm and reassuring amidst the chaotic surroundings. "Guess you’re just drawn to good music and even better company," he replied, his playful smirk softened by a hint of sincerity.
As the crowd continued to disperse toward the bar and other corners of the venue during the intermission, Eddie led you to a quieter spot near the edge of the room. The distant murmur of the band preparing for the next set provided a temporary reprieve, allowing the two of you to catch your breath.
"So, what brings you to this metal mayhem tonight?" Eddie asked, his gaze fixed on yours, hoping that you weren’t on a date and that some big butch bloke was about to appear with a drink for you and a disapproving look for him.
You shrugged, enjoying the slight flirtatious edge to Eddie’s tone. "Just felt like losing myself in the music for a while. And hey, it looks like I'm not the only one."
Eddie chuckled, his fingers idly tracing small circles on your waist. "Well, lucky for me, I found someone worth losing myself with."
The compliment hung in the air, and a subtle warmth crept into your cheeks. “That was quite smooth, for you, Munson.”
He clutched his chest, as if wounded by your words, and action which elicited a peal of laughter from you that made his heart race.
This was the dance the two of you had been doing for a while now, him flirting outrageously with you and you finding his theatrics amusing while failing to see the sincerity. Somewhere in the middle of him just trying to make you laugh, Eddie realised he actually really liked you, liked being the reason for your smile, liked that you didn’t pull away from him when he touched you.
"You've got a strange sense of humor, you know that?" you teased, a playful glint still present in your gaze.
Eddie smirked, not missing a beat. "Strange? I think you mean irresistible."
As your laughter rang out once again, Eddie's lips curved into a genuine smile as he just looked at you. For a moment, the flirtatious banter ceased. The air between you held a newfound tension, not born out of jest but out of the unspoken truth that had started to weave its way through your interaction. The line between playful banter and genuine affection had blurred, and Eddie found himself genuinely captivated by you.
As he looked into your eyes, Eddie felt a shift in the dynamics of your interaction. The touch on your waist, once a playful gesture, now held a hint of tenderness. He didn't want to be just the reason for your laughter; he wanted to be the reason your heart raced, the reason you felt a connection that went beyond the lighthearted banter.
The moment was broken as the crowd seemed to swell back towards the stage, a rather large guy bumping you, causing you to stumble. Your hands came to rest on Eddie’s chest as his rested on your waist, trying to steady you.
“You’re so cute, you know that?” He murmured, almost to himself as his eyes met yours.
“You’re not so bad yourself, Munson.” You hummed, making no attempt to move.
A mischievous grin pulled at his lips, and he tugged you closer, chuckling to himself as he saw your eyes widen in surprise at his move. “Figured I’d keep you close, sweetheart. Wouldn’t want you to get trampled in the mosh pit.”
“Yeah, sure, has absolutely nothing to do with just wanting to keep me close.”
“Can’t it be both?” He grinned, dragging you back into the crowd, ready for the music to take hold again, hoping he could work up the courage to cross that line from playful flirting to something a little more.
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girls just wanna have fun 1
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as age gap, manipulation, blackmail, noncon/dubcon, coercion, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: you're struggle to push back against your controlling father result in a misguided crush. (Silverfox AU)
Characters: Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself.
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You bite your lip as you look at your reflection. The ribbed top clings to your figure, the razorback cut covers your cleavage but your lack of layers if obvious. If your dad was home, he’d freak out.
What the hell are you wearing? Put a bra on! 
You’re tired of telling him you’re an adult. You’re over his distrust. You’ve always been a good a daughter. What have you ever done to let him down? You kept your GPA high enough to get into college and your extracurriculars even made you a hot commodity. Yes, that’s exactly what you are. 
You turn and push out your bum, running your hands over the curve. The TikToks might call it a glow up. It’s that classic era of a woman’s life when she comes into her own. When she fills out just enough, when she knows the power she has. Well, you think that’s what it is. You don’t know, it’s all still a bit confusing. 
Hard to be your own woman when you still live at home, but daddy pays tuition so you play by his rules. Well, it’s summertime and you don’t need to turn in a 4.0 to make him happy until Fall. This is going to be your summer. No studying, no lame ass book clubs, you’re breaking free. Well, you’re gnawing on the bars. 
Your phone buzzes and draws you away from your narcissistic revery. Before, you weren’t really into yourself. You wore a school uniform and your hair was always the same style, nails clean and cut, no makeup. Your coming-of-age at least let you take a bit more control over your autonomy. Your dad couldn’t really keep you from spending the money you made at your campus work study. 
Another text from Shelby. You don’t click on the preview. It’s worse to leave her on read than to just ignore the notifications. She’s a good friend but you think you’ve outgrown her. The last time you hung out, she just wanted to play MarioKart. You wanted to go out and do stuff but she hates public places. You’re no more fond of strangers but you wanted a bikini. You ended up staying in and ordering off Amazon. 
You put the phone down as the whir of a weed whacker sounds outside your window. You go to it and look out the pane. You can’t help the curl of your lips. You watch your neighbour trimming the edges of his lawn. He’s overly diligent about his landscaping. While many others hire gardeners, he’s certain to tend to every inch of his lot. 
Mr. Barnes doesn’t seem the type for half-measures. You like that about him. No, you love it. You feel giddy just watching him. 
You spin and lean against the wall with a sigh. You have a terrible crush. On an older man. For all the novels and movies you’ve seen, it’s a common trope, but that’s fiction and this is real life. You can’t lust after your neighbour. Especially not him. 
Just because you feel a certain kind of way, doesn’t mean you need to do anything about it. You can still dream. You can pretend when you’re home alone or at night when you’re lying in bed, unable to sleep. You feel a tingle flow through you and shudder. 
You get a bad idea. Nothing’s going to happen, but you just want him to notice you. Just a little. Just for a moment. 
You turn to the mirror again and touch the sides of your white denim shorts, slightly distressed for effect. You wiggle your hips and clutch onto your courage. You spin and flit out before it can elude you. 
You scramble downstairs and stop to push your feet into your slides. You stop and take a breath, centering yourself on your act. You pull open the front door and flurry through, squealing as you scramble across the porch and nearly tripping down the steps. You throw up your hands, shaking them as you commit to your act. 
“Ew, ew, ew,” you chant shrilly and the whirring trimmer stops. “Oh god!” 
You hear a deep breath and a grunt. You put your hands to your head and cringe, turning to look at Mr. Barnes as he squints in your direction. You turn your grimace to a sheepish smile and drop your arms, rubbing one shyly, certain to push up your chest with the act. 
“Hi,” you poke out the tip of your tongue, “sorry I...” you laugh at yourself, “there’s a spider in my bedroom. I panicked.” 
He nods and squares his jaw, shifting the trimmer as he grips it. He comes towards the low picket fence between your yards. You drop your hands and hook your thumbs in your shorts pockets, rocking back and forth. 
“Sorry, didn’t meant to bother,” you push your shoulders to your ears. His eyes twitch, barely resisting a skim of your figure. Instead, he looks past you to the long drive at the other side of your lot. 
“Dad’s not around?” He asks warily, his voice rocky and deep, just like you hear it in your head. 
You shake your head, batting your lashes at him. Him and your father don’t get along. Maybe you have some daddy issues but you really don’t care. He’s just so hot. His slightly mussed silver hair and his still toned arms. He might have some years on you but there’s no guys your age who look that good. 
“Working,” you pout, “he won’t kill them either. He just puts them out in the yard and they come right back in.” 
“Mm,” he hums and leans the trimmer against the fence, “want me to take care of it?”
Yes, I want you to take care of me. Focus.
You let your eyes round and push your lip out, “if you don’t mind. They give me the heebies.” 
“Heebies,” he repeats the word flatly, “huh.” 
He comes around the fence and lets himself in through the gate. You meet him at the walk and step in front of him, leading him up the front steps. You can’t remember the last time he came over. Not since he moved in. Yeah, his brief acquaintance with your father ended in a city prospector measuring the lots and relaying the property line. Oof, your dad still hasn’t let that go. 
You’re overly aware of him behind you as you climb the steps. You hope he’s looking at your ass. Those shorts hug it in just the right way.  
The front door is still open from your feigned escape. You step inside and habitually leave your slides on the mat. Mr. Barnes pauses and steps out of his workboots. 
“Um, it’s in my room,” you point up the stairs, almost shaking. You didn’t really plan this far. 
“Right,” he follows your direction and you stay a few feet back, keeping up your frightful act. 
He climbs the stairs and you tell him which way to go. He enters your room and looks around. Shoot. Your head is empty. Something about him just makes you dumb. 
“It was in the corner,” you lie, “it must’ve skittered off. Oh no! You think it’s hiding somewhere.” 
“Probably won’t see it again,” he shrugs. “Keep a shoe by your bed.” 
You hum and nod. Your eyes linger on the small vibe on your nightstand. Whoops. You kinda hope he sees it too. He faces you and clears his throat. 
“Eucalyptus or peppermint,” he says, “those will keep them away. Spray a little around your windows and door.” He points around the walls. He looks a little out of place among your purple walls and your fluffy aesthetic, yet not at all. You can just see him on your bed. You gulp as you realise he’s still talking. “All good?” 
“Uh, yes, d—sir,” you smile and clench your teeth tight around your near slip. Had you really almost called him dad? Oh shit. Yeah, that can just be tucked away and never thought of again. “Thanks for trying.” 
“Yeah, no worries,” he shrugs and moves towards you. 
You just stand there. He arches a brow and gesture past you. You blink and giggle, “oh, uh, sorry. Thanks again.” 
“Mm, I’ll let myself out,” he says as he brushes by you. Just the scent of his sweat has you flustered. 
“Sure,” you murmur after him, your heart fluttering. “Bye, Mr. Barnes.” 
You listen to him go and as the front door shuts, you spin and float over to fall onto your bed. You lay face down and groan. Ugh, that only made everything so much worse. You want him! You need him! You lift your head and reach for the vibe on the nightstand. Hopefully the battery in this thing still has some juice. 
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drewsbuzzcut · 1 year
How It Started
mat barzal x model!fem!reader
a visceral in doses fic
warnings: angst, cussing, argument, mentions pregnancy and i think that’s all
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“Is it positive?” The question dares to bring a wince to your face. It’s not that you don’t want another baby, but the timing isn’t exactly good. When is it ever?
You muster up all your courage to look at the pregnancy test sitting on your bathroom counter, and to look Mat in the eyes. You know he can read you like a book, so he must know how you’re feeling right now. You know he sees the way your hands fiddle with each other, the way your lip is stuck between your teeth, and how you can meet his eyes. You know he knows.
Taking a deep breath, you finally grab the daunting test and flip it around. You’re quick to exhale the breath you weren’t aware that you were holding, almost feeling guilty that you’re relieved.
“It’s negative,” you tell Mat, watching him like a hawk to see what emotions will flash across his face. He doesn’t look upset, just concerned which in return makes you concerned.
“If you aren’t pregnant, what’s up with the vomiting here and there and the mood-swings?”
“Well, I’m stressed with work, but it’s nothing I can’t handle,” you explain your reasoning as to why you might’ve been feeling sick and moody.
You throw the test away, walking towards Mat and reaching out for him. As soon as he’s up, his arms are around you. His strong arms hold you firmly, warming you to the touch. It’s one of your favorite places to be. You turn to face him, throwing your arms around his neck and pecking his lips repeatedly to bring out his cheeky smile. His hands rest on the small of your back, massaging out the tension in your muscles.
“Oh! I forgot to tell you: I got asked to do a photo shoot on some beach! I think I’ll be flying out at the end of this week,” you inform Mat, extremely excited about this shoot.
You watch the way his smile falls. Your own starts to falter. His eyes turn cold and his hold on you goes slack.
“What?” You question, not being able to take any negative reaction from him.
“Do you think that’s a good idea?” He asks cautiously.
Your eyebrows furrow, eyes looking anywhere but at him, trying to figure out why he isn’t excited for you like he usually is.
“Why wouldn’t it be? I’m excited for this shoot,” you mutter.
“We literally just thought you were pregnant. You have been throwing up and moody, and you said it is because of stress,” he points out.
Your face turns into a deep frown, eyes glaring at Mat.
“What does that have to do with this?” You can feel your annoyance taking over, but you try to keep your voice calm.
“You’re stressed, so why put more stress on yourself?” Mat exclaims.
“I can handle my stress, thank you. Why don’t you just say what you really want to say?” You snap a bit.
“All I’m saying is that maybe you need to take a break,” he suggests.
“Take a break? I would never ask for you to take a break, and your job is more demanding than mine!” You’re having a real hard time not getting angry.
“That’s not fair!”
You could just scream at him right now.
“No? You know the last time we had a conversation like this was because someone put it in your head, so c’mon tell me who is laying it on thick? Tell me who hates me so fucking much that they want to cause a riff between us?” You accuse even though you know you shouldn’t.
“You know I love you, but right now I fucking hate this conversation,” he says, voice full of venom it’s so shocking to you.
“No, it's not a conversation. It’s a disagreement that’s about to turn into a big ass fight!” You almost blurt out, face turning red and eyes starting to tear up.
“Well maybe if you weren’t so hellbent on being stubborn, we wouldn’t be fighting.”
The way he says it transports you back to one of the first fights you had as a couple. It’s like you’re a child he’s berating, and because of your 5 year age gap, you think he probably still sees you as that naïve girl.
“I’m sorry that I want to continue to do my job. What’s so wrong about my job, huh? You’ve never had a problem with it before, why now?” You ask dejectedly.
“You’re gone all the time! We have two kids who are still babies! They need you here!” He says as if you were clueless about how a child needs both their parents.
“Oh and they don’t need you here? The last time I checked, you’re gone a lot longer than I am, and that’s that I take them with me when you’re not available!” By now your veins are popping out and your face is even more red.
“I told you we should think of a nanny,” Mat says quietly, almost as if he knew he shouldn’t say it.
“MAT! you’re unbelievable. I’m capable of taking care of my own damn kids. I’ve been doing pretty well for the last few years, so I don’t need a nanny,” you scream at him, all composure being thrown out the window. You watch the way he flinches, not expecting you to yell.
You both sit in the thick tension, letting it strangle you until there’s nothing left to do. Your eyes are glued on Mat, silently pleading him to take back his nanny comment and reassure you.
Nothing comes out of his mouth. His eyes won’t even look your way. The longer the silence settles, the more it starts to become clear that he believes your family will be better off with a nanny. He doesn’t think you can do it.
“Since you can’t seem to get it through your head that I don’t need to take a break, maybe we’re the ones that should be taking breaks, from each other. Maybe then you’ll see just how much you miss out. Maybe then you’ll realize that I can take care of my OWN kids,” you say, fighting through your tears.
He’s dumbfounded, staying quiet, but he eventually agrees because he’s already pushing you away and he doesn’t want to lose you completely. If he gives you what you want, then maybe you’ll be forgiving when the dust settles.
“Fine.” It’s stoic, but at least he said something.
“During this time we should figure out if we want to carry on with our marriage,” you mutter before turning to walk away, not getting a glance at his crestfallen expression.
As the night goes on, you and Mat move around each other, like asteroids constantly avoiding collision. The only time you say a word to him is to let him know that you’re taking the boys to your Hamptons house, and that you’d be staying there for a while. You initially think that he will try to stop you from leaving, but he just nods in understanding. It hurts.
Once everything is packed in your vehicle, Mat is gracious to help buckle Nolan and Angel in, making sure to give them extra kisses.
“So this is a breakup right?” Mat asks when you take the driver’s seat.
Please say no. Mat thinks to himself, knowing a break and breakup are two different things.
Oh, you think, not expecting him to want to break up.
What will this mean for your kids, your marriage? Will you have to eventually file for divorce?
“Yes, this is a breakup,” you whisper, gaze down and voice broken. You look up into the rear view mirror, checking on the boys and ultimately feeling guilty for how their lives are going to change.
You see Mat nod his head once again. Anger flows through you, replacing the blood in your veins. You’re upset that everything is getting ruined, so you look at Mat and say the one thing you thought you’d never say in a million years, “I hate you.” It’s tearful and false, but you know it’ll hit him where it hurts. You know it’s extremely childish. You start the car, not daring to spare a glance at him again, knowing you’d fall apart if you saw the sadness on his face.
It kills you to leave behind one of the biggest pieces of your heart. You can only hope that you’re doing what’s best for everyone.
a/n: So… yeah let the angst begin. This takes place before the two ig edits I recently posted. I hope you all enjoy.
Taglist: @literatureluster
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janamelie · 4 months
Rocky Horror Stage Show Review
As a glance at my blog will tell you, I rarely post about “Rocky Horror” as it’s not my main fandom, but I’ve loved it for 30 years and have just attended a stage show for the first time since the 90s so am writing down my thoughts for my own benefit and sharing here.
I was aware that the current production is somewhat different both from the film and the stage show I saw back in 1994 starring Jonathon Morris.  (Yes, I am a Gen Xer and was heartened to see how many others in my age bracket attended, many in costume.)
If anyone’s curious, this was the earlier Friday performance at Wolverhampton Grand Theatre in the UK.
I’ll get the negative part out of the way first and it’s nothing to do with the actual show.  Unfortunately there was someone near me who had an ongoing argument with someone who was with her throughout the show and at times it interfered with my enjoyment.  (It definitely wasn’t audience participation; I know the difference.)
She carried on doing it after the interval despite being spoken to by staff.  During Columbia’s emotional “I loved you!” speech, “Toucha-toucha-touch me” and other quieter parts it spoiled it a bit for me.  After the show ended a bloke in full Frank drag told her off publicly for “being an arsehole” and I'm afraid to say she deserved it.  If you’re not interested in a show, stay at home and don’t ruin it for the rest of us.
Science Fiction, Double Feature
I love this song and the Usherette’s actress performed it well, getting into the spirit of things straight away with stockings and wiggles.
Dammit Janet
Another really catchy song and the actors handled it well.  They both have strong singing voices which is good as I have seen a Brad who wasn’t that great in that respect.
The Narrator’s first appearance was amusing as he ad-libbed in response to the standard insults thrown at Brad and Janet: “They can hear you, you know!” (The actors were currently frozen onstage so he could do his bit and he joked they weren’t allowed to move or there would be dire punishments.)
The Narrator was a highlight throughout - it really does improve on the film version when the pompous character is actually in on the joke and interacting.
Over At The Frankenstein Place
Well performed again and I enjoyed the audience holding up coloured lights to accompany it.  Riff-Raff’s first appearance got so much applause he just started singing right over it.
The majority of the audience seemed to have seen the show before or at least the film although the Narrator did jokily “spoil” them with his line “Stranger than a sex-crazed transvestite from outer space - whoops, spoilers!”
A word on the audience callbacks which have of course been a staple since the 70s.  There was a reasonable amount but not too much.  I have seen shows which were closer to the film and people would yell after almost every line which got a bit much so this was just about right.
Our hapless couple enter the Castle and are immediately surrounded by Riff Raff, Magenta and Columbia who play it more as pantomime villains than in the film but this doesn’t bother me as theatre doesn’t have close-ups and needs to play to the gallery.  The Eddie plotline is hinted at and then of course it’s…
The Time Warp
What can I say about this one?  Always a showstopper and had everyone on their feet.  Brilliant.  Columbia got to do her tap solo which was a highlight as it is in the film.  And we’ve barely recovered from that before…
Sweet Transvestite
Woohoo.  Frank’s actor was great, as charismatic and confident as you need to be for that part.  He embraced the sensual nature of the role and had physical interactions with practically everyone, even Dr Scott and in the encore, the Narrator by ripping aside his trousers to reveal stockings and suspenders.
The lab scene whizzes by and soon it’s Rocky’s entrance with…
The Sword Of Damocles
Thoughts on Rocky’s characterisation - of course in the film they went for a non-actor who was well-muscled as required for the role and had him only speak when singing.  I actually think Peter Hinwood’s performance works really well as the whole point of Rocky is that he’s just been born and everything is new to him.
But in the stage show Rocky speaks and is more openly rebellious, even telling Frank to piss off twice.  This tends to mean casting a professional actor who isn’t as muscular as Frank’s dialogue implies but that wasn’t an issue here - the actor had both acting chops and muscles.  The relationship between Rocky and Frank is a lot closer to equal.
Rocky compliments Frank on his “good job with the bodywork” and we go into…
I Can Make You A Man
I’m going to be honest, this is probably my least favourite “RH” song which isn’t to say I don’t like it.  I just don’t share Frank’s muscle fetish.  But it was well staged and leads into one of my favourites…
Whatever Happened To Saturday Night?
This song rocks hard and Eddie’s actor did it justice.  Not sure it got quite as much applause as it deserved but I get it - we’ve just met him, he’s taken the focus off Frank and is about to be unceremoniously killed for that.  I adore the way the film stages the song with all the Transylvanians rocking out too.
So Frank chases Eddie offstage with a chainsaw and returns to reprise “I Can Make You A Man”.  I’ll add here that as far as I’m concerned, no production which includes this blatantly queer, unashamedly lustful song is in danger of becoming too “mainstream”.  Frank was all over Rocky, complete with gyrating.  Even this audience which were certainly the most tolerant in that respect that I’ve been in still reacted to the stronger parts.  Mostly with approval though.
I realise that things have changed since the 90s in that respect and as an elder queer myself, it warms my heart.  I do think it’s partly that the plot of “Rocky Horror” is better known now.  And thank God for that as I don’t need to be in another audience who apparently thought they’d come to watch “The Sound Of Music” and nearly walked out.
After the interval, it’s directly into the bedroom seduction scenes which are staged a bit differently from the film and earlier stage shows - we go straight into (strongly) implied oral sex with first Janet and then Brad, both of whom only then find out that it’s Frank rather than their fiance / fiancee respectively.  After which both agree to more sex without too much persuasion needed, as long as Frank doesn’t tell anyone.  
All I’m going to say is that “Rocky Horror” has always been problematic.  It’s basically an X-rated panto and taking it seriously is kind of missing the point.  I enjoy analyses of it though.  But when you’re watching it live the music tends to override all that as it’s such a good time.
The production manages to make the Frank / Brad sex scene even more gay by having Riff Raff pop up next to them. Nothing happens as he’s just there to tell Frank that Rocky’s loose but for a second you think there’ll be a m/m/m threesome.  Which would of course fit the undercurrent in both show and film that Riff Raff at least is attracted to Frank if maybe not vice versa.
I hope I’m remembering this next part in sequence.  Janet enters the lab feeling guilty and upset and meets Rocky who’s hiding from Frank (the aforementioned woman who wouldn’t shut up meant I missed part of the dialogue and it differs from the film.  Grrr).
I think Rocky says something to raise Janet’s suspicions so she uses the monitor to search the Castle’s rooms and gets an eyeful of Frank and Brad getting it on.  I’ve never been clear as to whether her hypocritical shock is due to the fact that Brad’s having gay sex whereas she had straight sex but at least it leads to another of my faves…
Touch-a touch-a touch me
I love this in the film and it was well done here.  My only quibble is that Magenta and Columbia were up in the rafters and just provided a chorus rather than the full-on sapphic frisson which Patricia Quinn and Little Nell treat us to in the film.  But I guess it would be hard to make that work on stage.
Exit Janet and Rocky, enter Brad who also uses the monitor and sees his beloved with Rocky.  I’m not sure how much emotional sense it makes for him to then launch into…
Once In A While
But I don’t care because this was actually a highlight which it’s never been before in stage productions I’ve seen.  I understand it being cut from the film as it would have killed the momentum stone dead.
But in this frantically paced stage production it’s a welcome quiet moment and as I said before, Brad’s actor had the voice to pull it off without the Narrator needing to take the piss out of him to keep audience interest.  
Oddly though, Janet reappears in the rafters and sings along with the latter part of the song which makes no sense since she’s supposed to be shagging Rocky right now.  I suppose it’s a way to indicate she’s having second thoughts about wrecking her relationship which fits how the show leaves Janet and Brad, hinting they’ll reconcile.
Followed by Frank whipping Riff Raff (offstage of course, they don’t want to cause actual bodily harm to an actor) for letting Rocky escape and wailing about Rocky’s betrayal as he finds it out via that extremely convenient plot device, the monitor.  Via which they also notice Dr Scott’s arrival.
Once Scott’s inside, Rocky and Janet reappear and we get that hilarious repeated “Janet!”  “Dr Scott!” etc exchange which was milked for maximum humour, ending in Rocky telling Frank to piss off which was a bit jarring for me being such a film aficionado.  Although Hinwood’s glare does kind of imply that.
Dr Scott brings up Eddie and rather than the film’s “unknowing cannibalism” scene we just get the actors passing a joint of meat around and pantomiming shock which is fine by me as that bit is gross, let’s face it.  
It’s like that meme - I can excuse murder, very dubious consent and incest but I draw the line at cannibalism.  Nah, just kidding, it doesn’t bother me that much.
Eddie’s Teddy
A nice ensemble number which I don’t have much to say about.  Fine.
Planet Schmanet Janet
Good song which delivers the necessary exposition regarding the Floor Show, followed by Columbia snapping and confronting Frank about how he uses people but instead of getting frozen as in the film she’s hit with drugged gas and has a lengthy trip played for laughs.
Not sure about this change as surely it’s enough to have her frozen like the others to explain her continued participation.  It changes the situation from Columbia voluntarily staying in the Castle even though she knows Frank doesn’t love her to her actively deciding to leave until she’s hit with the gas.  Not keen.
Having frozen everyone except Magenta and Riff Raff, Frank reacts to her question about when they’ll return to Transylvania by saying their loyalty will be rewarded and this is interestingly different from the film.  He says “You will discover that when the mood takes me, I can be quite generous” and pulls at her legs (she’s seated) in a way which makes it blindingly obvious he means sexually.
Her retort “I ask for nothing, Master” happens as Riff Raff chases Frank away from her in an obvious nod to their incestuous relationship (yes, we do get the “My most beautiful sister” line).  I really didn’t get the sense that Magenta has any sexual interest in Frank even in this production let alone in the film.  Riff Raff, on the other hand, is jealous as hell of him but also wants him.  (Although I was seated to the far side so may have missed some nuances.)
So, to the Floor Show.  “Rose Tint My World” is such a banger.  It was beautifully staged with stunning costumes and lighting as Columbia, Rocky, Brad and finally Janet pop through the curtains in their basques, stockings and suspenders in rapid succession for their solo verses and then Frank makes his starring entrance for “Don’t Dream It, Be It” and “Wild And Untamed Thing”.  Love it.
Then of course Riff Raff and Magenta crash the party and Frank pleads for his life with “I’m Going Home” which was sung and performed beautifully and again, got so much applause that the actors had to talk over it.   
Frank takes the time during it to have affectionate moments with all four of his most recent paramours which is a nice touch, especially as he seems genuinely upset when Columbia tries to shield him from Riff Raff and is mercilessly shot dead.  For a moment at least, then self-preservation takes over.  But in vain, and he and Rocky also die.  I’m sentimental (sorry Magenta, don’t kill me) so I like the confirmation that Rocky clearly did feel something for Frank even if he was scared of him.
Riff Raff orders Dr Scott to leave but not Brad and Janet.  Clearly an oversight somewhere as the Castle takes off into space in an impressive special effects explosion and there they still are to perform “Super Heroes”.  They first walk away from each other then change their minds, hug and walk off together, hinting all is not lost for their relationship.
The sweetly melancholy tone continues for the “Science Fiction, Double Feature” reprise.  But like the film, they’re nice enough to leave us on a higher note, in this instance by bringing the whole cast back onstage for an encore of the “Time Warp” (this time including Frank which I love) and part of “Sweet Transvestite”.
Excellent decision both to leave us on a musically upbeat note and to (sort of) fix the ending which does kind of fit the “Kill your gays” trope.  I know that’s because the show is a celebration of old sci-fi films which usually did kill anyone even remotely like Frank but these days, who cares how awful he is if considered realistically?  He’s not real, he’s literally an alien and there is no reason he has to die except for drama, so bring him back at the end.  He’s too good to waste.
So that’s it.  I had a great time and as always loved the inclusive atmosphere.
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elegant-fleuret · 1 year
figured it might be nice to post this on here for the peeps who don't use AO3
Title: A Very Basic Instinct Rating: Explicit Pairing: Rocket Raccoon x Reader Summary: Acting out in public leads to punishment in public. Even if Rocket asked you to do it. Them’s the rules. Song referenced: 100 gecs/CMTN ‘NEVER MET!’ 
Hanging out at the local Knowhere bar on a Saturday night was not exactly your scene.
Much rather be spending that free time at your tiny little home, cold drink in your hand, naked body encased by your soft plush blankets, a certain furry someone laying on top and languidly pumping into you.
Tonight wasn’t about what you wanted.
Few days before Rocket had requested you meet him at the bar that weekend. Not that he didn’t ask you to do things for him very often, but it was more of the ‘hold your ankles’ or ‘sit on my face until I pass out’ variety. Inside activities.
This was the first public request.
So he wanted you to go to the only bar on the floating home you lived on after not seeing him for nearly a full week. Oh, but you couldn’t talk to him or approach him and you had to be wearing that little black dress that drove him fucking crazy.
Them’s the rules.
And you weren’t one to break rules so you did exactly what he asked of you.
You ran your finger over the rim of your drink, trying in vain to not look absolutely bored with whatever the dude next to you was prattling on about. In an effort to impress you and get you back in his bed, no doubt. As if that was ever going to happen.
The relationship you had with Rocket, whatever the hell it was, was not one that had become expressively public. With Rocket being who he was and you being who you were… It just wasn’t anyone else’s business really. Common knowledge was just that you were a effervescent ray of kindness and Rocket wasn’t as much of a condescending asshole to you.
You took a sip of your drink. Cold and sweet with a hidden punch. Just like you. There was a brief message this morning that the guardians had arrived back but it was radio silence since. Momentarily you wondered if Rocket would show up and if he did, if he would even see you. A question that was answered seconds later when the doors to the bar flew open and the returning GotG group sauntered in. Rocket included.
In he sauntered, paws shoved into the pockets of his blue jumpsuit, oozing confidence and general badassery. Fuck he looked good. You bit your lip to suppress a moan, pressing your thighs together to quell your throbbing clit. Out of the corner of your eye you watched as he joined his group at a table, probably saying something sarcastic as his human friend began gesturing wildly.
In one swift move you slammed back the rest of your drink to quell your own nerves at this public-esque rendezvous that was supposed to happen. With a bright charming smile you patted the arm of the guy who was chattering on, thanked him for the drink, then excused yourself.
Rocket was subtle in how he watched your every movement for the rest of the night.
As if he didn’t immediately scan the crowded bar when he walked in, easily finding and locking on the hem of your dress that barely concealed the swell of your perfect ass. He would’ve picked you out in a second even if he didn’t specifically request you showing up exactly here wearing exactly that.
He followed your mildly chaotic path. How you flitted from the bathroom, to the bar to the jukebox, and all the way back to the cushioned booth directly across the room from him. How you subconsciously flattened the back of your dress over the leather material as you slid in and crossed your legs in a sad attempt at modesty.
A familiar midi piano riff opening rose over the crowded bar’s noise. Rocket’s ears twitched in recognition, his lips twitching into a knowing smile before his good mood was ruined by Quill’s complaining.
“Who the hell picked this garbage?” the human complained loudly, lips turned down into an exaggerated frown of disgust, “sounds like a Gameboy going through a paper shredder.”
Rocket rolled his eyes much more dramatically than needed just to make sure Quill knew he thought he was dumb. “Shuddup, Quill. Not every Terran song sounds like Fleetwood Mac.”
Offended on more than one level Quill shot back, “Oh what, like you’re an Earth music expert now?”
“Enough of an expert to know that this garbage,” Rocket twirled a finger above his head, “is 100 gecs and you,” he pointed at Quill, “are an uncultured douchebag.”
Quill sputtered in outrage as his brain tried to come up with a retort while Drax watched on waiting for the fight to get rolling. The incoming yelling match was interrupted by one of the bar’s many wandering waiters, who cleared his throat to get the group’s attention.
“Says from a friend,” the waiter tilted his head in your general direction. The group turned to look at you squirm in embarrassment, bringing your own drink up to shields your face as you twinkled the fingers of your other hand in a shy wave.
Adding insult to injury Quill took note of the singular drink handed to Rocket. “Woah, woah, just him?”
“What can I say, the ladies love me,” Rocket locked eyes with you and made sure you saw as he lifted the shot with a smirk.
The chorus of groans followed his companions heads as they turned back to him as he tipped the shot back. Which was perfect timing for you to slowly uncross your legs, taking a moment to spread your knees wide open, before recrossing. You hid your own satisfied smile as Rocket’s eyes widened and he choked on his drink.
The rest of the night went rather uneventfully. You sat by yourself, chatting with a few other patrons who you knew, had a few more drinks. Like he laid out before Rocket didn’t approach you, keeping himself busy hanging out with his crew. You wondered if he was still watching you.
When you finally decided that you had enough of unwanted drunk people hitting on you you paid your tab and made your way towards the door without so much as a cursory glance back. It was way past your bedtime and you were starting to get tired. Either Rocket was going to fuck you or you were going back home to fuck yourself.
The chilled night air on Knowhere picked the hem of your dress up. You shivered, hands flying down to make sure you didn’t flash your crotch to the entire street. Forgoing a sweater was not a good idea. Without a second thought you turned to walk back towards your apartment.
The quick sounds of ground crunching behind you went unnoticed but the two hands that suddenly grabbed you sure didn’t. Momentarily your heart rate spiked in fear until you felt a familiar brush of fur against your exposed back.
Before you had time to react your body was pushed down the alleyway and slammed into the side of the building. Sandwiched tightly between the cold metal siding and the burning hot body behind you. Internally you congratulated yourself for deciding on flat sandals instead of your heels, letting his foot shorter body slot against yours. Smaller hands gripped hard into your shoulders where the length of their body didn’t reach. A wet snout dug hard into the hair behind your ear with a harsh inhale. Hot puffs of air hit the shell of your ear in time with the heaving of the chest that held you firmly in place.
Rocket’s voice was low and graveled, “You’re a real big fuckin’ cocktease, ya know that, toots?”
“I don’t…” the metal siding stuck to your cheek as you tried to look back so he could see the big innocent puppy dog eyes, “I don’t know what you mean?”
You knew exactly what he meant.
He knew you knew exactly what he meant.
“Y’know what I mean.” Verbal confirmation from him made you giggle despite your position. The following open palmed slap on your exposed ass-cheek cut that short. Your pained whimpers at the sting went ignored as the paw dragged up under the hem of your skirt, the other working its way up to grab the hair at the base of your neck. Rocket nearly snarled as he ghosted his fingers across the bottom of your ass-cheek, “Not wearin’ any panties under a skirt like this. Very bold. Tryin’ ta show your cunt off to everyone in the bar, eh?”
He punctuated the end of his sentence by grinding his clothed pelvis firmly into your bare sex making you gasp and squirm against his strong hold. You knew he wasn’t actually mad, the stiff length of his cock pressing into to you was a dead give away on that. Beside he was the one you told you to ‘wear a lil somethin' skimpy, make me really want you’ tonight. Going commando was just your own creative addition to it.
“Not the whole bar,” you meekly retorted back, feeling the cheeks of your face burn with embarrassment as the cheeks of your ass burn from pain, “just you.”
Rocket chuckled low in his throat as he pressed his snout harder into your hair. Apparently your answer satisfied him very much. He kept his tortuously slow pace as he ground his clothed cock against you
“That’s right baby, all for me.” Without warning he pressed the palm of his hand against your clit, blunt clawed tips of his fingers slipping into your dripping hole. “This pussy is mine.”
You gasped in surprise at his audacity to finger fuck you right out in the god damn open. In the dim light of the alley your eyes scanned, head turning as far as it could, as anxiety started to win over the pleasure.
“Rocket,” you squeaked out, easily ignoring just how good his fingers felt inside you with how apprehensive you were, “I’m nervous.”
In a flash Rocket’s demeanor changed. The fingers in your pussy stopped moving while the paw in your hair loosened its grip. Even his stance deflated, hips canting off of their lewd dry humping against your ass to instead press against you in an attempt to shield you from the outside. Comforting, protective.
The soothing petting of your hair gave you confidence to answer his unspoken question. “What if someone sees?”
“That’s what you’re nervous about?” Rocket snorted out a laugh. “Baby, anyone watchin’ you get fucked should thank their fuckin’ gods. But if you don’t wanna play outdoors we can go back to your place an’ I can rail you there.”
You hemmed and hawed in contemplation. PDA had never been your style and neither had voyeurism. But the mutual trust between you and Rocket had led to a lot of freaky, perverted debauchery that you never would have tried otherwise. With overwhelmingly positive outcomes and cumming so incredibly hard. And you couldn’t deny how fucking hot the thought of him rawdogging you in the public alleyway of Knowhere was.
The soft fur around his lips tickled against the shell of your ear, “Up to you, sweetheart.”
Thoughts mulled around in your head. Anyone else you would have said no, nope, no way, you were not about to pop your pussy in public for them. But Rocket, time and time again, showed you a kindness and trust that you hadn’t seen him show to anyone else. And you wanted to make him feel good.
Your answer came as you arched your back to press your ass against him, hips swaying slow.
“There’s the good little slut I know. Now, where was I?” without waiting Rocket sunk all four of his fingers into your wet cunt much to your delight, “Oh yeah, announcin' to the entire fuckin’ universe that this is my pussy and I’m gonna do whateva I want with it.”
In that moment what Rocket wanted was to move his fingers in and out of you at a painfully slow speed. With great effort you held back your moans at the shallow thrust of his hand inside you, his wrist gliding against your clit with each move. You pressed you ass further onto his clothed cock as he humped you in time with the rhythm he was finger fucking you to.
You had forgotten about the fingers resting at the nape of your head until they fisted your hair at the root and yanked hard. Pain erupted along your scalp, stabbing pinpoints of pulsating agony, and you let out a hiss that quickly turned into a whimper as his fingers receded from your pussy.
Rocket clicked his tongue, chiding you, “Nuh-uh, nope, you keep your fuckin’ hips still.”
The faint sound of metal on metal zipping barely registered. But the swollen head of Rocket’s cock sliding past your soaked hole did. You bit your lip in anticipation, trying with all your might to follow his command and not fuck yourself down on him.
“Think flashin’ me your pussy would make me forget the other rule you broke?” While he mused on what he wanted to do to you next he kept sliding his cock between your dripping folds, not enough to actually give you the pleasure you wanted. Just enough to make sure his cock was coated in your juices.
You pouted your lips, confusion overpowering the delicious mixture of pleasure and pain. “Huh? I don’t- I did everything you said?”
“Eeeerg, wrong! You’re wrong. Maybe that jackass you were talkin’ to distracted you too much,” Rocket taunted. He finally decided on giving your clit three quick slaps as punishment, chuckling darkly to himself as you yelped and squirmed in his grasp. “At least ya sent me a drink I liked.”
Indignant at the accusation you pushed back against the wall and put actual effort into trying to struggle out of his hold. “Sent you a drink! Didn’t talk to you, I sent you over a drink. Never said I couldn’t do that!”
He roughly grabbed the soft fat of your hip, digging his claws in until you yelped. “Smartass.”
Rocket twisted the strands of your hair until you followed the path, head tilting to the side to expose the delicate column of your neck. With every beat of your heart your jugular vein jumped under the tautly pulled skin. He wanted nothing more than to sink his teeth into it. From prior biting sessions he knew that your skin was just a little too thin for his sharp teeth and he really didn’t want to get into any bloodplay right now.
Instead he opted to press his tongue into your vein, following the throbbing line up under your chin before falling back down to the dip of your clavicle. The wet pressure nearly made you scream in pleasure as your knees literally shook at the intensity of burning need pooling between your legs. Your cunt clenched around nothing. A movement that did not go by unnoticed by the raccoon currently teasing you.
“Aw, lookit you. Really desperate for my cock, eh? Say it.” Rocket demanded as he ceased all movement. His grip on your hair and hips held you in place as you pathetically tried to stop yourself from thrashing at the loss of contact. “Say you want my cock.”
“I want your cock!” you repeated immediately. Without prompting you clarified, “Rocket Raccoon, I want your cock. I only want your cock.”
He let out a low whistle, “See, this is why I like you. My lil over achiever.”
Striving to be a kissass worked in your favor as Rocket pulled back, canted his hips just so, and impaled you on his cock in one swift thrust. No matter how many times, in how many different ways he put his cock in you he couldn’t help but revel at the feeling. At how wet and warm, enveloping and inviting. Like you were made just for him.
No matter how romantic that thought felt Rocket still gave you no time to adjust and proceeded to fuck into you like the animal he was.
And it was glorious.
It took every ounce of self restraint to keep the obscene moan inside your throat. With your head still snatched back, Rocket switching between sucking little circles of bruises onto your neck and slobbering over the unmarred skin, his other hand locking your hips in place as he rutted into you. Those little blooms of pain mixed so perfectly with the intense pleasure of him fucking into you. God his cock was perfect, he was perfect.
Autopilot kicked on and your hand found itself furiously rubbing your aching clit.
“Stop that.” Rocket let go of your hair to slap your wrist away, ignoring your whimper. “You don’t get to come til I says so.”
The hard baculum bone in his cock hit perfectly against the delicate bundle of nerves inside your pussy. Every hard fuck into the spongy part of your walls had you seeing stars and feeling like you wanted to piss all over yourself. All you could to was try to brace yourself against the wall with your chest, knees locked in their bent position, as you took the brutal fucking Rocket decided you deserved while making sure you didn’t come.
Another thing that didn’t go unnoticed by his keen senses.
“Ya like that, eh? Ya like my cock in you?” he slurred, excessively proud in himself. Rocket’s smirk was self serving as he purposely made sure his cock was hitting you exactly where he knew it would drive you wild. Which was exactly what was happening. He could feel as you contracted and released your inner walls, knowing how close you were to creaming all over him, and yet how obedient you were instead. It made his heart flutter, knowing that you were so willing to deny yourself the pleasure to fulfill his selfish demands. Fuck, he loved it so much it.
“I’m close,” Rocket grit out through clenched teeth.
You gasped, staving off your own orgasm with nothing but pure willpower, as you replied the unspoken question, “In me, Rocket, cum in me!”
Rocket groaned at how fucking hot that was as he picked up his pace, more than happy to oblige. Not that he would let you know that, choosing instead to growl out, “Who’re you to be makin’ demands right now? Dirty fuckin’ girl.”
A high pitched growl puffed out of his open mouth, lips pulled back in a snarl and teeth bared, in time with each frenzied thrust. His hips snapped once, twice into you as the burning coil in the pit of his pelvis snapped. Buried as deep as he could go Rocket howled as emptied himself in your cunt, pulsating as every drop coated your inner walls. Behind him his tail stiffened, hair standing on end, twitching in time with his spasming cock. He thrusts became shallow as he fucked the shock wave of his orgasm out.
All at once his body released the rigid tension held in his muscles. He leaned his chest against your arched back, slotting in perfectly to lay the side of his face between your shoulder blades. Perfect pussy, perfect body, perfect height. That’s what you were, perfect for him. Between him trying to get his breathing back to normal he pressed small kisses against your clothed back, catching himself before he started to nuzzle into you.
Rocket jolted slightly when you clenched your walls around his spent cock making sure you had milked him for every last drop. He could feel like vibration of your taunt muscles in your back against his chest as you kept your own climax at bay. Still clinging to being as obedient as possible.
“Bein’ such a good girl for me,” Rocket praised. His claws receded out from the sore flesh of your hips, moving to gently sooth the abused skin with a soft pet. “I think you deserve a reward, hmm? Tell me, how do you wanna come?”
His voice was so soft that it made your head spin. Feeling his hot cum settling in your pussy impaired your brain functions. All you could string together was an incoherent, “Wannseeyaa…”
“Use ya words, princess.”
You took a deep breath, hoping the extra oxygen would help the cortex of your brain make your mouth for the correct sounds. “See you- wanna see you when I come. Please, Rocket? Please?”
It took all the strength in his body to not melt at how saccharine sweet it sounded when you pleaded with him. He grunted as he dismounted you, relishing in the keening wail you couldn’t control at the loss of fullness and then the squeal of surprise as he lifted your entire body to spin you around.
He straddled your thighs around his hips, settling your ass-cheeks on his hipbones, your feet planted firmly on the ground and back pressed against the wall. Delicately you grasped his shoulders to steady yourself. Rocket reveled as you easily sunk back onto his spent but still hard cock, the blissful sigh you let out mirroring the relaxed expression on your beautiful face. While Rocket wanted more than anything to watch as your pussy sucked his cock in over and over as you rode him, he let the hem of your dress fall over your thighs.
Instead he watched your face. Your brows furrowed, edges of your blunt teeth deeply biting into your bottom lip in concentration. Lines from where your face had been pressed against the wall indented the soft apples of your cheeks. And your eyes, those big beautiful eyes of yours, with pupils blown so wide he couldn’t even see the color of your iris, staring directly into his.
Rocket gulped nervously.
Funny how he could handle blowing his load in you but looking you in the eye was uncomfortable. The intimacy of it was very unsettling but it was something that he was slowly getting used to. In this relationship you had formed he might have been the one aggressively taking the lead but you? You were the one really in control, your every emotions laid bare before him, the pure trust and compassion you felt for him, including the look you gave him right now. Like he was everything to you, that you could force all the adoration you felt for him right into his soul if you stared hard enough.
In a brief show of weakness he was the one to look away first, eyes darting down to watch your bobbing cleavage. But you didn’t let him ogle you for long.
“Rocket,” the way you said his name should be a crime, so sweet and full of love. He bristled for a moment as your hands threaded delicately through the fur on his neck, up his face, until you cupped his cheeks in both hands forcing him to look back up at you. He noticed you took extra care to avoid the metal buttons drilled into his flesh. “I’m gonna cum.”
Rocket forced himself to relax in your grip as he stared you down, feeling the pressure of your weight as you impaled yourself as far as you could down on his cock. He met the force with his own, paws anchored around your waist to help keep you locked in as you ground yourself against him. The wet fur of his pelvis gave a much difference sensation than that of a humans, you had freely offered that information up before, and he watched in abject fascination as the crescendo of your orgasm rose.
“C’mon, princess, make that pussy gush for me,” Rocket affirmed before pressing a soft lick against your parted lips. It made you squeak, fingers digging into the fur on his cheeks making sure he wouldn’t look away.
“Oh, Rocket, you’re so good to me,” Adoring babble spilled from your mouth in a way that made Rocket almost bashful. It took great effort to keep your eyes from rolling back but you stared at him as your orgasm finally made it’s appearance. “Thank you for letting me come, Rocket. Thank you, thank you, thank you-aaaah!”
Your hips bucked shallow, clit rubbing at every movement against his pelvis, the hard bone in his cock nestled perfectly against your g-spot. He could feel it as your walls flexed, the muscles of your stomach contracting, seconds before you spasmed. The involuntary fluttering inside your cunt as you came was a decidedly human thing and Rocket thought it was the coolest thing ever each time.
With very little effort Rocket held your body up as you went slack against him. He could do nothing but marvel at your visage. The yellow lighting in the alleyway created a soft halo around your head, a sheen of sweat glistened your exposed skin, as you let out a blissful sigh. You looked down at him through heavy lashes as you simpered, fingers smoothing over the fur you had been gripping.
“Holy shit, Rocket, that was,” you took a second to roll your hips against him then snorted out another giggle, “I just came so fucking hard.”
Your constant praise was making his ego swell up even larger than normal. Rocket snickered, adjusting his hips so you sat on his softening cock a bit more comfortably, hands languidly running over your hips. “Duh, that was the plan all alongs.”
You dismounted him with an obscene squelch then paused. In your still bent position you lifted up the front of your dress and flexed just in time to watch a thick, creamy line of mingled cum drip out of you. Before it had a chance to hit the ground you caught it with your fingers, locked eyes with Rocket, then popped your fingers in your mouth with a soft hum of satisfaction.
“Staaaahp it.” Rocket pressed the palms of his hands into his eyes and threw his head back with a low moan at the sight, cock already twitching back to life for round two. “You’re so fuckin’ hot it hurts my feelings.”
If you didn’t cut that sexy shit off Rocket was going to fuck you again, a fact that you knew very well having had it happen time and time again. Yet you played dumb, carefully standing straight up and stepping back to give Rocket room to fix himself up. Which entailed him tucking his flaccid cock back into his jumpsuit not bothering to wipe off your juices that coated his pelvic fur.
“D’want me to walk ya home?” Trying to sound nonchalant Rocket focused on the mussed up fur on his arm, grooming himself with a few licks.
Post coitus, no matter how many times it happened, was still an awkward situation for him. It lead to post-nut clarity which lead to him feeling things for you that he still found hard to articulate.
“No, it’s ok, I have things to do in the morning.” You smiled and, before you could stop yourself, licked your thumb to smooth down an errant tuft of fur of Rocket’s head. “And we both know that if you stay the night I won’t get any sleep.”
Caught off guard by the tender gesture he let out a small yelp, nearly gagging on the fur on his arm he was licking. Rocket looked up at you with wide eyes, tongue poking out of his mouth, ears perked up to attention. If you could see his skin you bet it would have been tinged red with a blush. A very unusual response to someone catching him off guard and touching him so intimately. But it was a reaction that was happening around you more and more.
The sound of your soft giggle brought him out of his stupor.
“I can not handle how fucking cute you are, ugh, okay okay,” you took a deep breath and shook off the intruding thoughts to rub Rocket’s ears. Instead you leaned down to press a kiss against his forehead, another on his cheek, the last one pressed against his more than willing lips. You felt him take a deep breath through his nose and relax against you.
Using the last of your willpower you broke the kiss, straightened up, and pressed past him before he tricked you into changing your mind with his charm. “Night, Rocket. I’ll message you when I get home. Maybe we can do something tomorrow?”
“Tomorrow, yeah, sure,” he mumbled still a little awestruck. The adoration he felt from you with just a kiss was palpable and it made his head spin. Rocket stood still in the alley, watching you walk away until you turned the corner out off sight. God he was so fucked.
“GAH,” Rocket spun, blaster holstered on his hip drawn and ready to shoot Drax in his stupid fucking complimentary bar nut eating face. “The fuck, man? How long have you been there?”
“From the beginning of your copulation.” Drax’s eyes freakishly glowed in the dark. He slowly raised his hand out of the complimentary bar nut bowl with a little complimentary bar nut held between his thumb and forefinger. “Why haven’t you declared your mate so that no one else attempts to claim her?”
“It’s complicated,” Rocket groaned, raking his paws down the fur on his face, ears flattening against his head. Of course it would be Drax, one part of the four-way tie between who the absolute worst person it would to be to find this out. “Do me a favor, eh, and don’t… don’t mention this to anyone. Ok?”
Drax shrugged, slowly crunching the bar nut in his mouth. “I do not see the repercussions of such an announcement. It is very obvious she finds your mating skills favorable. No matter how freaky it is to watch.”
Rocket narrowed his eyes, lips starting to curl back in a snarl, fur on his tail puffing out as it twitched in anger back and forth.
“But I will not tell the others,” Drax added on after a moments thought.
Rocket watched his friend turn, heading back into the bar with far less adoration than he did watching you walk away. Now that someone knew about it Rocket would have to talk about specifics with you, sooner rather than later, just to get the story straight. Leaving out the part where that someone who you knew had watched Rocket bang the absolute shit out of you. He groaned in annoyance and ran his paws down his face again, mood effectively killed for the night.
It quickly soured even more when he heard the distinct slurred voice of Quill asking, “Where’ve you been?”
Followed by Drax billowing out, “In the alleyway watching Rocket make love to his lady friend. But don’t let him know I told you.”
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