#Henry obviously can't sleep in the bed with us so he sleeps in his little hammock
rulesforthedance · 8 months
Me before moving in with N: I can only sleep if it's perfectly dark and perfect silent. I struggle to sleep with other people and can only do it if they don't touch me. I can't sleep if anything's blowing on me. Is there anything we can do about your snoring? We should keep both beds so there's a place for me to sleep alone a couple times a week. I don't know about having the dog and cat in here I don't think I could sleep like that
Me now: Where is my FAMILY? It's FAMILY BEDTIME! (Yells until everyone gets into bed and then sleeps like a rock while the dog and cat come and go and snuggle me and step on me, N and I roll in and out of holding each other as she snores, and the loud air conditioner blows on my head all night)
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resowrites · 1 year
Growing Pains - oneshot.
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Summary: Henry does his best to reassure his pregnant wife about her changing body…
Pairings: AU!Henry Cavill x Wife!OC
Warnings: fluff, banter/British humour, language, dialogue heavy, nondescript OC body type/appearance, some talk of body image issues, hastily written/lightly proofread.
WC: 1320
A/N: My work must not be copied, reposted, or translated elsewhere. Likes, follows, reblogs and comments are thoroughly welcome and appreciated! Gifs/pics not my own. I hope you all enjoy and thanks for visiting!
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Growing Pains - oneshot.
"Are these scales broken?" Her voice echoed from the bathroom, causing Henry to look up from the book he was reading.
"No, why?"
"It says I've gained three pounds!"
"… So?"
"What do you mean 'so?'" He blinked, unsure of the correct response.
"Well… you're pregnant. Surely you expected to start gaining a bit of weight?" Her mouth dropped open.
"Three pounds is hardly a 'bit' of weight, I'm not even out of the first trimester!" She harrumphed and began stepping on and off the scale.
"Careful, you'll break them."
"Why, cos now I've gotten so fat?!" She snapped.
"Okay, this is obviously gunna be a long one," Henry muttered as he temporarily closed his book.
"What was that?"
"Nothing! Ollie, I don't know what you expect me to say, just try turning them on and off again." She began fiddling with the underside of the scales, though a much deeper frown appeared on her face.
"Now it says 'error,' oh God, am I so big I've busted them?"
"No, now come to bed."
"What happened to the manual scales you had?"
"I dunno, all we've got is the kitchen scales--"
"And how am I expected to use them?!"
"Well, I suppose you could always weigh yourself bit by bit and then add up the numbers?" He could see her nostrils flare. "Or I could fill the bath to the brim and measure the volume of water spilled--"
"Carry on matey and I will drown you in that bloody bathtub!"
"See? You don't want my ideas you just want to mean. Well, I'll bid you goodnight, madam." Henry then turned over to go to sleep.
"Oh no you don't!" She ripped back the bed covers.
"You know those scales probably are broken, you must have burned a good two hundred calories just this last half an hour having a go at me--"
"Oh shut up!"
"Why?! All I've done is try and help you!"
"No, you haven't, you've just been a little turd as per usual."
"Well then stop being ridiculous and come to bed, you look fine."
"Just fine?!" He sighed.
"Ravishing, exquisite, magnificent… now come to bed." She stepped off the scales a final time and turned to look at Henry pleadingly.
"Darling, I need you to be honest."
"Uh oh…"
"Is my arse the size of Japan?" He struggled not to laugh.
"… Which part?" She huffed and threw a toilet roll at Henry. "Oh come on, you were begging for that! If you're that concerned about your arse, come over here and let me get a good look at it…"
"I think not, pervert. God, I can't believe I've put on so much weight, at this rate I'll have a backside a hundred miles wide by the end of my pregnancy!"
"That's about the size of Osaka isn't it?"
"Henry, this is not a joke!"
"Well, are you sure you weren't three pounds heavier beforehand?"
"Calm down, I was only trying to help! You look beautiful Ollie, always have, always will." But she wasn't listening.
"Perhaps the weight's gone to my chest, do my boobs look bigger?"
"How would I know? You won't rest them on my face for me to be able to tell." That time she threw a towel at him. "Will you please stop chucking the contents of our bathroom at me?!"
"No, I will not. Now answer me, do my boobs look bigger?"
"I dunno, stand to the side--"
"Well, what a bloody surprise! Anyway, you don't want reassurance you just want someone to be mad at. It's not my fault you're pregnant!"
"Oh no, then whose fault is it? Our Amazon driver?"
"Oh that reminds me, did my protein powder come today--"
"Alright, alright. And if you're looking for tampons to throw they're on the second shelf in the bathroom cabinet." She then got so mad she slammed the bathroom door, causing Henry to giggle. "Do you want me to bring in your pillow so you can be comfier?"
"Fuck off."
"Suit yourself. I wouldn't sleep in the bath though, it'll make your snoring echo." She unexpectedly opened the door.
"You're right, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to overreact. Come here…" She held out her arms for a hug and he darted out of bed, eager to oblige. But without warning, she shoved Henry into the bathroom and locked the door.
"What… what are you doing? Ollie?! Let me out!"
"No, I don't think I will. Goodnight Henry, if you get cold wrap yourself in the shower curtain--"
"Wait! I'm sorry okay?!"
"No, you're not, you were rude and unsupportive of your pregnant wife--"
"Yes, and I'm sorry--"
"Don't interrupt! You have to learn Henry, and if that means you spend the night in the bathroom, then so be it."
"Well at least let me say goodnight to the baby!"
"Nope, they're annoyed with you too."
"How can you tell?"
"Cos I've got heartburn--"
"Then let me out and I'll bring you up a cup of tea and Rennies--"
"Nope, not good enough." He wracked his brains.
"Alright then, how about a foot rub?" She considered it for a moment. Henry seized his chance. "And you don't look bigger to me, but even if you did it wouldn't matter. I'd love you if you weighed a thousand pounds--"
"Are you trying to tell me I look ginormous?!" He swallowed hard.
"No! Just that I don't care what happens either way. I love you, darling - big arse or small." Henry could practically feel her anger radiating toward him. She then became eerily quiet and he half expected an axe to crash through the bathroom door. "Ollie? Is everything okay? Can you open the door? I'm not sure I locked all the knives away in the kitchen…" But what Henry heard in response sounded like whimpering. She was crying. His heart lept into his throat. "Ollie, let me out, please. Ollie? Oh, darling… I'm sorry, okay? There's no need to get upset, I was just joking! You know I never know what to say, I'm a man, alright? Stupidity is second nature to us… Ollie? Just open the door so I can see you're alright." Reluctantly she agreed and the look on her face made Henry's stomach drop. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. "Now, you listen to me. You're growing a human life. It's messy, difficult, and yes, your body's going to change. But it's the last thing I want you to worry about--"
"But what if you won't find me attractive anymore!" She wailed.
"Don't be daft--"
"Henry, stop acting like we're a regular couple. You could have anyone--"
"Stop right there. I chose you to be my wife for a reason. And no, it wasn't just the sex," she rolled her eyes. "Now, you and your lovely arse are going to get into this bed so it can be appreciated in all its glory--" she quickly dashed to the wardrobe, removing something Henry could only get a glimpse of. When he saw what she put on, he burst out laughing. "I didn't know they were remaking Little House on the Prairie!" She threw an alarm clock at Henry though he managed to catch it one-handed.
"Stop it! You said I was attractive no matter what!"
"Yeah, but there's a limit! Did my mum loan you that?" He pointed up and down at the long, cotton nightie.
"No, she did not! And if you don't mind, I'm already feeling self-conscious!"
"Well, there's no need to wear a potato sack! Hang on, I think I've got some long johns I can put on…" She threw up her hands in defeat and swiftly removed the nightdress. Henry let out a low whistle. "Much better! Come here, you…" She giggled as he chased her into bed.
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xoxiu · 1 year
twinkle - ot7 x reader
chapter 11 table of contents masterlist
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summary: she had just wanted attention, that’s why she kept texting the strange number, updating him on everything in her life. little did she know how dangerous this relationship actually was. it had been jimin’s idea to kidnap the girl, but the ability to travel across the world to actually do it had been all hoseok’s doing. convenient how some things work, right? they knew that they were destined to have their baby with them, whether she wanted it or not.
tags/warnings: kidnapping, forced age regression, spanking, noncon, mafia au, drug use, stockholm syndrome, caregiver!bts, little!reader, nonsexual, diapers, panic attacks, fluff and angst, sickfic, referenced child abuse, unrequited love
Namjoon came home to a dark, silent house- an experience he hadn't felt in what seemed like decades. Ophelia had yet to fully settle in, so coming home to one of his housemates fruitlessly attempting to put her to bed was a common occurrence. He tip-toed up the steps (if he was the one who woke Lia up, his friends would not let him see the light of day. Lia tended to be a heavy sleeper, however, so there wasn't much need to be overly quiet) and to the nursery. Peering in, Namjoon blinked once, twice in confusion when he noticed the empty crib. His mind blanked, and he rushed to his bedroom to get Jin.
The bedside lamp's gentle light illuminated the room just enough for Namjoon to see his boyfriend reading on their bed with Lia resting on his chest. Namjoon's heart rate quickly evened out, and a smile crept onto his face at the loving sight. He softly closed the door behind him, causing Jin to focus his attention from his novel to the new presence in the room. Namjoon saw the stress and worry on the elder's face, his smile faltering in response. "What's wrong?" He asked, perching himself on the edge of the bed.
"Lia's sick," Jin whispered, stroking the girl in question's pink hair. Namjoon frowned and laid on the bed next to Jin- he moved Lia's hair slightly to see her pale, sleeping face. She felt hot to the touch; Namjoon could tell she had a high fever before Jin could even mention it.
"She must have injured her anal cavity from refusing to use her diapers. Almost immediately after that, she started spiking a fever and puking." Jin chuckled out of exhaustion, "Long and rough day; Hobi looked ready to faint until I made him leave."
Namjoon's heart hurt at the thought of his baby suffering. Even in her sleep, she looked distressed. While he was slightly offended Jin didn't bother to call or even text him about Lia, it didn't feel right to bring that up when there were bigger issues to deal with. Maybe in the morning, everything will have magically fixed themselves, and Namjoon would finally have his happy little baby. 
Nothing felt right to Henry. Nothing felt real. His sister disappeared without a trace and it felt like nobody was trying to find her. He stared up at his blue ceiling- he took down all the glow-in-the-dark stars a week after Ophelia left. It was her idea to put them up there, and it felt wrong for them to be there when she wasn't.
"I used to have a bunch of these things in my bedroom when I was little," she said with that signature Ophelia smile- wide and genuine, a smile that gave Henry a sense of home.
"They're gay," Henry quickly dismissed such a baby-ish decoration, but his big sister didn't take any offense. Every time Henry invaded her room he was infatuated with those small stars. It was obviously just an act- his way of saying 'I'm 12 now and I can't admit I like things.'
It's been a month. Ophelia left- no, she was kidnapped. Ophelia was kidnapped March 14. She turned 18 on April 7. Her senior prom was next week- April 19. 
Henry somehow got more depressed at that thought- Opehlia was so excited about prom. After school one day- two weeks before she was kidnapped- Ophelia took Henry dress shopping. He begged and pleaded to be dropped off at home before she went to the dress shop, to which Ophelia whined that all the good dresses would be taken in that short time frame. And so, Henry sat in the boutique for what felt like hours watching his sister try on dress after dress. "You don't even have a date," Henry complained.
Ophelia, the ever kind and caring Ophelia, simply turned around and smiled at her younger brother. "That doesn't matter. Do you want to go with me? They have a chocolate fountain that I know you'll love!"
"Ew!" Henry was disgusted at the thought of being his sister's date. Looking back now, he realized she only did it out of love. She could have gotten mad at Henry for pointing out her single status, but instead invited him to join her. From the movies he watched, most older sisters would be disgusted to have their little brother tag along to any event, better yet prom. Yet here Ophelia was, thinking of Henry's own interests above her own.
God, he did not deserve her. 
The front door opened, quickly followed by hushed voices and a baby's squeal. Henry's heart stopped for a moment until he remembered that it couldn't be his parents (it couldn't be Ophelia, either). Quickly after Ophelia disappeared, their parents ran off. Ophelia's older friends volunteered to watch over both him and Rose so they wouldn't get thrown into foster care. To Henry, it seemed like everything tied to Ophelia was full of goodness. 
The squeaking of his door made Henry flip over to face whoever was entering. The sudden light from the hall made him squint- had he really hidden away for that long? Grace stood in the doorframe, Rose on her hip and her own daughter, Ashley, holding onto her hand. Or, well, finger.
Henry knew little Ashley well; before Rose was born, he would tag along with Ophelia every time she went to visit Grace and Ashley. It shocked him how big she has gotten, being nearly two years old now. The thought of baby Rose ever becoming sentient kind of scared him.
Henry remembered how much joy Ashley brought both Grace and Ophelia, with Grace dubbing Ophelia "Auntie Lia." The two had been friends since they were little, and Henry knew Grace basically all his life. A little over a year ago, Grace brought the two siblings on a vacation over spring break.
"I got a sugar daddy, so don't worry about money or anything."
"Tell him to hit me up sometime," Ophelia gave Grace a playful wink. Grace gasped and softly hit her younger friend in the arm.
Their dynamic was sisterly and close, and Henry almost felt like an intruder when around them. The hotel room they stayed in that week was almost like a mini apartment, with a living room and a separate room for the beds. After exploring the rest of the hotel by himself, Henry returned back only to find the living space empty and soft voices coming from the 'bedroom.' He sat in front of the door, doing what most little brothers did and eavesdropped. 
"It's weird to think of how much you and Henry have grown up," Grace's voice hit Henry's ear first.
"Stop acting like you're ancient- you're only three years older than me," The familiar playfulness in Ophelia's voice made Henry feel at ease.
"I know, but I still you the two of you as the little kids from across the street." There was a pause until Grace continued speaking, "Am I doing this right?"
"What right?" Ophelia asked.
"This," Grace replied, referring to the sleeping baby lying between the two of them, "I have no idea what is right when it comes to parenting. Do I breastfeed? Do I use cloth diapers? When do I introduce solid foods? Do I co-sleep?"
"Shut up, you're doing fine," Ophelia gave her reassurance through the teasing way only best friends can do. "And for the record, aren't we kind of co-sleeping with Ash right now?"
Grace snorted, "Only because we couldn't get her to nap in her pack and whatever it's called. I'm just terrified I'm going to kill her or something."
"Don't say that! Both of you survived for six months so far, just keep it up for another six months, and then maybe a few more after that."
Both the girls laughed but kept it quiet as to not wake the sleeping child. A peaceful quiet filled the hotel room after that, and Henry nearly rose from the floor until Grace spoke up.
"I really do love you, Lia."
The now two-year-old Ashley climbing on his bed snapped Henry back to reality. Through his teary eyes (although he'd never admit he cried), he saw the hopeful expression on Grace's face. Once their eyes met, her smile only grew larger.
"We got a lead."
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Henry Danger Reader Insert | Captain Man x Reader: SEASON 5
Episode 25: A Tale Of Two Pipers (SMUT)
Season 5 Masterlist
*It's me! Hi! I'm the problem. It's me.  IT'S SMUT TIME, GUYS.
For all los inocentes amongst us, I must warn you that we have lots of bad words, lots of bad actions, and lots of bad ideas, so you'll probably want to avoid this section until it's safe again. I'm sorry, I know this scars you, but I can't help myself (neither can Ray).
Hope all you filthy filthers enjoy!
Ruth, the antihero xoxo
"Sweet girl...Hey, sweet girl..."
(y/n)'s eyelashes fluttered open as the velveteen voice crooned in her ear. Each eyelid must've weighed a hundred pounds, given how she struggled to open them, a near inhumane grumble leaving her scratchy throat as she managed to wake up just enough to be aware of her surroundings. 
Darkness. That was the first thing that struck her - how black everything was. The lights hadn't come on yet like they usually did as part of their usual routine, but she didn't notice anything out of place in her tiredness. 
Warmth. That was the second thing her brain registered - how warmth everything felt. From the thick sheets to the human furnace spooning her, every part of her was toasty, snuggly and safe, just how she liked to be in the morning, but something didn't feel right. She hadn't gone to bed that late since the crime was slow. If it was eight AM and she'd gotten eight and a half hours of sleep, why did she feel like she'd been hit by a truck? 
Judging by the stirring behind her, it had something to do with the friendly giant pressing his face into her neck and pulling her closer to his body. 
Her doofus. That was the third thing she couldn't ignore - him so obviously not asleep even as she begged to drift off again. Goddamn, his hands got everywhere, didn't they? She could put down one drifting up her waist to him, shifting in his sleep, but when he kissed down her neck as his fingertips slid under her cotton shorts' waistband ever so innocently, she knew he was wide awake - if a little sleepy. 
"R-Ray? What are you doing? It's—" she muttered, not bothered about how deep and raw her voice sounded since she was tired, plain and simple, no arguing. His deep chuckle against her skin answered none of her questions; instead, it deepened them as he tried to entice her into whatever game he was playing, and it was working. 
Her core tensed as he teased his fingers in and out of her shorts - the ones that made him groan when she came out of the en-suite wearing them since they gave the tiniest peek of her ass - as his other arm slipped out from underneath him so he could slither it under her instead. Suddenly, he was everywhere, crowding her into the mattress as he curled her into his embrace so he could have his way with her, spare hand drawing around her body until it could paw at her breast and tweak her sensitive bud. 
She was all too ready to whine and let the soft high he gave carry her off into slumber once again, given that no one else could tire her out as he could, but as he nipped at her jaw, growling lowly and possessively in the back of his throat, something caught her eye. Had he been a fraction less skilled at feeding off her pleasure, she probably wouldn't have noticed, so it was a stroke of pure misfortune and his intimate knowledge betraying him when he swiped a finger over her clit and caused her eyes to fly open. 
That's when she saw it; the gentle, iridescent, green glow in the darkness for when Captain Man and Miss Danger had to be up and out in the middle night. She'd never been angry at her alarm clock since it wasn't its fault they had to get up at godforsaken hours to save some unfortunate souls, but dear God, she wanted to take a sledgehammer to it and her goofy, horny, soon-to-be husband when she registered the digits glaring at her. 
"It's ten to five! AM! What the—why are we awake, doofus?" She barked as she jerked out of his hold, much to Ray's disappointment since his hands had to retreat and her warmth left his. The heroine shot out of bed with much more energy than she felt she had and snatched the clock from her bedside table, bringing it closer to her face until the numbers dazzled her poor, tired eyes too much, and she slammed it back down. 
Despite that tiredness, though, her mind wasn't playing tricks on her; it was four-twenty in the morning, they were awake, and Ray was trying his hardest to turn her on. 
Give her strength. 
"...Want you. You know I can't resist fucking you in the morning," he replied cockily, shrugging as if everything was perfectly normal and reached over to guide her back into his embrace, this time bringing her face toward his chest since it made it much easier to pin her arms to the pillows and roll on top of her. 
She hummed appreciatively as he lowered his head and pecked at her neck, sucking and nipping her delicate skin so he could trick himself into thinking he'd left his marks on her, not that that was ever questioned. He reached her collarbones and was about to drag her shorts over her hips when she snapped out of the trance he always seemed to put her in and opened her mouth to argue again. 
"Well, can't we do that at a normal time? Like, I don't know, when we normally wake up? 'M tired..." (y/n) whined, angling her head to give him more room and lifting her hips so he could get any offending garment out of his way, which didn't help what she was saying, but now she was needy and sleepy. He wouldn't let her sleep, that much was evident from the hot, hard and heavy length resting on her thigh, straining through his underwear, so at least she could solve one of those problems and let him do all the work. 
"Going out early, sweet girl. Don't you remember? Today's the day, and I want to start by having you spread out underneath me so that I can have my fill of my sweet girl," Ray hummed absentmindedly as he pulled her bottoms over her ass, down her legs and over her feet, tossing the shorts over his shoulder and not caring when they nearly took out one of (y/n)'s favourite houseplants. 
But she didn't scold him, not even when the clothing skimmed a leaf, because she was too preoccupied pondering his words. What day was today? Not their anniversary; that date was practically tattooed on her brain. Not either of their birthdays; she never forgot those. She couldn't remember any other significant date or figure out what it was. 
"Hmmm? What's today?" She muttered, distracted as his hands drifted down her thighs, fingertips lightly pressing into her soft flesh as he pried them open and looked upon his prize hungrily.
"Today is the start of my lifelong commitment to fishing, darlin'. How could you forget?" he whined from between her legs, hot air fanning over her most vulnerable region as he spread her like a goddamn feast. He couldn't resist for long, so his whimpering disappointment channelled into a buzz against her sensitive, slick cunt that had her back arching off the bed as he tentatively and casually raked his tongue from her clit to her wet hole - as if he had all the time in the world. 
A long groan released into the air, not from pleasure but pure annoyance. Even on five hours of sleep, the heroine worked out of what he was talking about and was thankful she had him where he loved to be; otherwise, she might've smacked that smirk off his face. Ray was always cocky when he got to hear her breathless and begging him to fill her needy pussy with his fat cock, but pair that with his latest obsession, and he was insufferable. 
Nearly as insufferable as waking up at the crack of dawn to satisfy whatever he had his mind hooked on. 
"Oh, god...you're actually doing it? I--I t-thought you were--joking!" She panted when his lips met her clit and formed a seal around it, allowing him to leisurely suck and roll his tongue against it as he swiped his fingertips through her delicate petals. He was being a tease; that was obvious, and her voice wobbled when she protested the intolerable activity of fishing. 
Seriously, there was nothing worse save for golf. (y/n) couldn't stand either and whined, begged and pleaded with her lover not to turn into one of those, dare she say, middle-aged men sat on a riverbank in the pissing, driving rain with nothing but ducks and soggy sandwiches for company. He scowled at the middle-aged accusation but was appeased with several kisses that soon had his frown upside down, and he even insisted that he wouldn't be alone out there, not if she went along with him. 
"Fishing is my calling, pretty girl. I'd never joke about it, so now, I've got to wake up early every day, have you for breakfast and go down the river," he replied cockily as he plunged a finger deep into her cunt, marvelling with soft eyes at how well she took him, despite having seen her fluttering walls hundreds of times before. 
"There--fuck, right there-- is--is no way I'm waking up at this time every day."
"Even if I fuck you like this every day?" The hero questioned smugly as he watched her eyes squeeze shut and her teeth chew her bottom lip as he slowly pushed his finger against her slick walls, aiming for the spongy spot that made her melt into their pillows. He would fuck her anyway, whether he went fishing or not, since he adored the look on her face, but he could try.
He could imagine it now; them, huddled under a blanket after he threw in the bait and set his rod down until the fish started to bite. She'd snuggle into his arms to stave off the damp cold, complaining about how he dragged her out in the drizzle. 
He'd whisper in his throatiest voice about how much he loved shoving her hips into the mattress that morning, igniting a new warmth within both of them when he subtly pulled his cock from his jeans and sat her on it, telling her to stay silent unless she wanted anyone on the desolate riverbank to hear what was only meant for him. 
Ray snapped back from his daydream when his fingers found their mark and drew a wail from her lips as he added another finger on autopilot. God, he was between her legs, and he was already thinking of having her again; that's how greedy she made him, and he gladly drank it in, revelling in his greed since it left him insatiable for the woman he fell in love with and proud of how he made her fall apart.
"Ray..." she whimpered, threading her fingers through his hair as her core clenched, chasing her high as she pieced together a coherent argument. The thought of experiencing this every day was heavenly, having this God between her legs, worshipping her as he'd never set eyes on anyone else but fishing. She hated fishing and everything that came with it. 
"I fucking love this...but I am not sitting in the cold, wet and miserable as we wait for a load of poxy fish to eat a worm--faster, I'm near--God, yes," she bit back as a third finger joined the others, plunging into her drenched cavern over and over as he felt her end approaching, which added to his smugness. 
"Oh, you'll be wet, but trust me, you won't be miserable," Ray grinned cheekily into her folds, lapping at her clit as she grumbled at his big-headed insinuation but continued to roll her hips against his hand. 
He dragged her over the each as the grumble turned into a squeal, the heroine cumming hard with her head thrown back, exposing the gorgeous column of her throat that Ray so desperately wanted to see covered in his marks just once. He wanted to wake up and see the aftermath of their lovemaking, feel her scratches down his back whilst she felt the soreness he left every time she walked. Just once. 
"That's it--let me taste the sweet cunt of my sweet girl. You know how much I love it when you soak my face," the man groaned as she convulsed against the sheets, gasping and panting his name into the air as he caressed her hips, thighs, tummy--anywhere he could feel her satin skin under his fingertips. He buried his face in her cunt until it was too much for her, slightly disappointed when she pushed him away, but it only meant he could crawl up her body and nuzzle into her neck. 
Her arms looped around his neck, pulling him closer as his warm body covered hers, slotting between her legs like it was where he was meant to be, even though he was content enough to lay there in her embrace. His lips fell to her collarbone, where he licked and sucked rapidly fading bruises into her skin while she panted and nosed his forehead. 
Her heart felt so light at the love he gave her, so gentle and tender, despite his achingly hard length between her thighs, which must've been near impossible to ignore. 
But he did it for her, preferring to stay with her and lavish her in affection since her orgasm made her glow - a sight so glorious he couldn't help but squash his desire to revel in it. He wanted her badly but continued kissing her décolletage and massaging her tits until a new fire bloomed in her belly. 
"Please, Ray. Need it--need your cock inside me. Please..." (y/n) begged, arching herself into his body, hoping to be as close to her soulmate as possible as he groaned at her admission and fumbled to grasp his leaking member. 
"Such a needy little thing you are. I love it--I love you," he grumbled into her mouth as he caught her lips and dragged himself through her drenched cunt, swallowing her breathless moans as if he needed them to live instead of oxygen. 
"I love you too--oh!" she gasped a reply, reeling when he pressed his flared head to her opening, breaching the resistance there, although she gladly welcomed him after a split second. It was like returning home, his length sliding into her with no complaint. Warm walls gripped him tightly, feeling as perfect as ever, something he'd never get used to, especially not the thrill it sent up his spine that made him remember his exploratory teenage years. 
"You still fit like a glove. My perfect girl...more than I deserve."
"You're--m-more than I deserve, R-Ray." Such sweet words couldn't be called an argument as he gently rocked into her, in no hurry or competition, to see how quickly he could make her cum again or how long he could go. It was perfectly all right to lay there in the safety of their bedroom, making love in the twisted sheets, both trying to prove they loved the other more when, in reality, they each loved different things but just as much. 
"Come fishing with me--please," he begged, smiling into their kiss as he whined underneath him and turned her head to press her face into the pillow so he wouldn't hear her groan. 
She bit into the fabric, smothering her moans too, which displeased her lover since he lived for those sweet sounds and craved them more than anything, so his hand gently gripped her jaw and turned her to look at him before tenderly stroking her cheek. 
Even in his dominance, hips so disciplined in their slow, steady pace as he buried inside her as per his instincts to make her his, he was gentle--never losing her comfort for a second as she relaxed into the finest sheets, on the softest mattress, in the home he gave to her. 
"But it's boring!" His sweet girl complained, pulling at the hair on the back of his head with one hand as the other trailed his bulging biceps, giving them the attention they sorely deserved, given their size from the time and effort he put into the gym. 
He chuckled at her reaction and gave a sharp thrust of her hips to make her squeal, enjoying the music in his ears as she sang for him from the brief burst of more intense pleasure. It didn't last; he returned to the gentle pace, aware of how he'd woken her up so early for his selfish reasons, reigning in his desire to consume her entirely, and opted to send her back into her dreams, only this time, she'd dream of what he gave her. 
"I'll make it worth your while."
"W-we'll come home smelling of dirt, damp and fish with t-twigs in our--our soaked hair and dirty clothes, trampling mud all over--over the f-floors--m-my clean fl-floors."
"You make it sound so fun, my love. Come with me..." he begged one final time, pressing his body fully against hers, swallowing her essence as he made love to the one he wanted by his side everywhere, even if his rarely used reason told him it was too much to ask. 
"I c-can't!" She suddenly cried, from both the rising heat sweeping through he body as he brushed her sweet spot with each stroke and a sudden thought that passed through her head. Perhaps there would be salvation because she had other plans as much as she sorely wished to spend all morning with miserable people in a bleak field doing a tragic activity.
"Why?" Ray asked curtly, sounding pouty at her outburst and the news he'd be on the bank alone with no one but his fellow fishermen and whatever trash talk they had to say. 
They'd brag about which secretary they lusted over, how their wives spent too much on the credit card again, longing for their glory days, and all the while, he'd be moping without his sweet girl, missing her blazing heat and wishing they'd let him reel in his catch alone. 
"I have Schwoz's exercise class--with--with Jasper and Charlotte! Fuck, I'm getting close, doofus!" (y/n) cried and viciously threw her head back against the pillow as she desperately chased her second orgasm with nothing more than his torturous pace to lead her there. Her hand snaked down to her clit where she rubbed it gently, without rush or impatience since she knew he wanted this to be slow, but she needed the extra push. 
"Ugh, not them! Pick me, darlin', pick me.." Ray begged, his abs tensing when he felt her hand between them, the image making him thrust harder but at the same speed. The need to cum crept up his spine, too, making him eager to feel her snug pussy clench around him, making his chest ache at the thought of losing her to his helpers or, worse, Jasper. 
"I promised him, doofus. He asked first," she told her breathlessly, hanging off his body as she refused to unhook her arms from his neck, even as he leaned on his forearms slightly to fuck her down into the mattress. 
Her sensitive nipples brushed against his chest, sending sparks throughout her body at the thought of a God amongst men having her in his bed as she silently celebrated not having to go fishing; instead, she got to do "Schwozercise". Yay. 
"Fine. Just promise me you'll be waiting in the shower when I get back... And I want you playing with that pretty little clit of yours just like you are now. Get this pussy all wet and ready for me," Ray groaned at the thought, imagining himself coming home, stripping off and stepping into the steam-filled bathroom to see her nude figure under the spray, hand dipped into the V-shape between her thighs, inviting him in after a long morning's work. 
"Of course, Captain--a-anything--" (y/n) panted, her arm loosely hanging around his neck as her walls began to tighten and convulse, falling apart as his hips stuttered in their ploughing pace. Ray could barely hold on any longer, feeling himself slipping as she tightened around him, His thrusts stayed solid and ruthless, but he lost his rhythm the second she fell over the edge, groaning as she strangled his cock and writhed in his arms.
It was that damn nickname that did him in the end. Nothing made him weaker than hearing it fall from her lips, and when paired with his fantasy, he couldn't help but settle his entire weight on her and let himself go. He pressed himself into her as much as possible, balls against her slickened lips as he shot his precious load into her, professing his eternal devotion to her as electricity ran up and down his spine. 
"Fuck--fuck--gonna come home to you, my sweet g-girl--come home to you--my wife," he mouthed against her neck, feeling her all around him, consuming his every sense as if she was inescapable. He sank into the feeling, groaning and sighing into the stain softness of her neck as the remnants of her perfume tickled his nose, and she mewled against his hairline. 
Her twitching and writhing in his arms was the most significant privilege of his life, knowing he wrenched her like that--fucked her so hard she thrashed against the pillows and swore to the heavens that no one had ever done the same, and that made him so proud. 
"I'll be waiting, doofus. Always waiting," she gasped as he bit into her flesh, sucking a fleeting bruise there as his eyes fluttered closed at the thought. His sweet girl, at home, fucking herself with his name on his lips as he came to her on his knees, hoping the sound of the water would drown out her music for everyone else in the Man Cave as he took her over and over again. 
Perhaps the morning wouldn't be a complete disaster after all. 
*AND WE ARE SAFE. Honestly, that wasn't my favourite smut to write, and Wattpad decided to die halfway through, so I was frustrated in the middle since I didn't want to lose half the chapter. 
Still, I am a mastermind, so ONWARDS WITH THE EPISODE. I'll be making a few tweaks to make the plot fit in with my grand masterplan, but nothing major <3*
~The Man Cave~
A few hours later and (y/n) hauled herself out of bed, cursing the name of the man who'd woken her not three hours earlier. She felt like death or perhaps twice her age, given how heavy her body was, her bones creaked, and her muscles ached. 
The right side of the bed had long grown cold by the time she rolled out and bravely touched her feet to the freezing floor as her human furnace kept his promise and rose with the sun. Ray was up and out by the time she woke up again, claiming she was resting her eyes as they snuggled into the sheets after the early start. 
At first, it seemed like kindness from him, letting her sleep, but now, it seemed to be a curse as she danced in time to her "instructor". Schwoz, in his wisdom, claimed to be some nutjob fitness instructor and jumped around the Man Cave with her, Charlotte and Jasper as his disciples, but it wasn't so bad for them. 
They'd had a whole night's uninterrupted rest - lucky them. 
"Six--seven--eight--again!" Schwoz panted as he demonstrated the routine, which was nothing extreme, merely a light warmup of star jumps, lunges and skipping. Compared to what Ray made her do for hero training, this was nothing compared to (y/n) as she copied what he did, barely breaking a sweat in her favourite yoga pants - the ones that made her butt look cute and her hips look so...grabbable. 
"One--two--you can do it! I know it's hard, but don't give up!" The man gasped as they punched the air, his face red and his chest heaving as the exercise proved too much for his little body. It was strange; they hadn't been going for that long, and he was already beaten. 
"We just started, like, five minutes ago," Charlotte informed him awkwardly. She was getting sweaty, but she still had plenty of energy to go, unlike Schwoz, who seemed to be on the verge of a heart attack. 
"You've got to push through the pain!"
"Nothing about this is painful," Jasper frowned, skipping lightly from side to side like he was shown, only to share a confused glance with the exhausted-looking woman next to him. He didn't want to know why she looked so tired, but he'd stake one hundred bucks on it having something to do with the absent fisherman. 
"Except for watching you," (y/n) smirked as she jumped up and down and stretched her arms, laughing at the shaking man. Sweat trickled down his temple as his feet dragged, head lolling as he prepared to give up, which was ironic since this was meant to be his routine. 
"Life begins where your comfort zone ends!" He gritted out, rambling and spluttering whatever came to his head, even if it sounded more like complete crap than anything inspirational, causing his pupils to frown at his random outburst. 
"Are you even listening to us?" Charlotte asked, moving to the upbeat music, but it was no use. The room was swimming, his lungs were on fire, and Schwoz swore his hands were about to drop off as all the oxygen left his body, sending him spiralling into a dizzy state. 
"Teach a man to fish, and he'll ski for a lifetime!"
"All right, he's lost it!" Jasper called it, recognising how far gone the handyman was. It wasn't so bad when his sentences meant something, but now he was unintelligible and nowhere near fit to be their instructor, so they took a pause to stop him from dying, not that they needed one. 
"I'll get the oxygen..." (y/n) sighed and walked to the side where a canister of pure, thick oxygen was waiting to be used as it had been done previously. Schwoz needed it every two seconds to make it through the exercise, which was both painful to watch and contemplate, given how unfit he was.
"No, no, no, there's no room for oxygen breaks in Schwozercise," he gasped, Charlotte grabbing onto his elbows, so he didn't keel over as (y/n) brought him the oxygen and helped to slip the plastic mask over his face. 
"You've taken two oxygen breaks already," Jasper pointed out as he clawed for every breath, thankful when he was offered the mask and the life-saving air it gave. He glared at the nonchalant boy as he stood there with his perfectly healthy lungs and fit body; he'd know this pain one day when he was middle-aged and out of shape.
"And I hate myself for it!" he snapped before inhaling deep lungfuls from the tank whilst the teen busied himself with turning the music off. The girls tended to the drama queen, carefully patting his back as (y/n) supported the mask so Schwoz's poor, weak muscles didn't have to strain themselves, and nothing had ever felt sweeter than being able to breathe without gasping again. 
"Oh, thank you, baby girl," the genius rasped to the woman, who immediately scrunched her nose up at the odd nickname since he rarely called her anything other than her name. She didn't care if he was dying; it sounded strange coming from him as she was only a baby girl to one person, and he preferred to deem her sweet anyway. 
"Don't call me that. Everyone knows I'm a sweet girl, but only to my doofus, Schwoz."
"What's wrong with her, baby boy?" Schwoz frowned and looked at Jasper, who couldn't see anything wrong with the pet name since he owned his. Although, if Ray heard Schwoz calling his precious girl that, he'd be cruising a pay cut and a punch in the teeth. 
"No idea, big poppa," Jasper replied as he rolled his shoulders, hoping to stay loose and limbered for when they resumed their workout whilst the girls shared a disgusted look, but Schwozercise was soon forgotten. 
Out of nowhere, a deep rumbling sound came from the elevator as a bright, white light seeped through the cracks around the door, instantly drawing their attention to it. Nothing like that had ever happened before, and they couldn't help but stare at the door, wondering what was going on as Schwoz sucked on the tube for his dying organs. 
"What was that?" Charlotte asked what everyone was thinking, but the question was soon answered, and a whole new set unfolded as the door slid open to reveal two...hobos. 
They looked like hobos; two dirty, unkempt, vicious-looking women with raggedy, scraggy clothing and worn, leathery faces. They looked like they'd been to hell and back with dark, greasy makeup smeared across their faces to mask their eyes and their clothes--god, their clothes. Every rip or tear had been stitched and patched to make them last longer, and on their old leather belts were blasters as thick as their arms, which struck fear into the helpers' hearts as they made a mad dash toward them.
The only thing they could make out of any value or class about them was the grubby yet still sparkling rings on the older woman's hand--the one who hid her face in shadow, thanks to the hood on her dirty coat; they looked old and well-worn but also well-loved in a way as if she'd had them for many years. The glint was familiar, as were many other things about the women, but in a moment of panic and fear, the teens, Schwoz and (y/n), couldn't cross-examine them, not when they started shouting and bawling. 
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"Henry?! Henry, we need to find Henry! Henry!"
"Right now! We need Henry! We must find him! Henry! Where are you?" They yelled as they hurried across the room, shouting to find the boy, even though he was there. All the four could do was stand and stare as they sniffed around the place, glancing around the computer before heading behind the secret door, hitting the exact button like they knew their way around the Man Cave, and it was utterly baffling to comprehend. 
"You guys saw them, too, right?" Schwoz asked hesitantly, turning to his friends because he was almost sure he was experiencing some hypoxia-induced fever dream, but apparently, he wasn't the only one who'd gone mad. 
"Yes, I did."
"Yeah, kind of hard to miss."
"Not gonna lie, she kinda reminded me of Jasper's mom," (y/n) retorted as she rubbed her tired eyes, assuming her mind was playing exhaustion tricks on her, but if the others saw them too, then she must've been more lucid than she thought. It was peculiar, though; one of the kooky, shouty women seemed so familiar like an invisible magnetic force was pulling them together, and when their eyes met for a brief moment, it was like she knew them. 
"Oh, but like prettier and more normal," the boy replied, agreeing thoroughly, but he had to point out that his mother was much more insane than those two whackjobs that'd just stormed in. His mom made them look sane, which was saying something. 
"Someone tell us where Henry is!" A voice suddenly shouted from the sprocket, causing them all to look and gasp when they saw the kooks emerging from the corridor. Jeez, they knew their way around, and by the looks of things, the younger, blonder, shoutier one of the two seemed keener to find the absent sidekick. 
"It's imperative that we find him!" The elder added as they trotted down the metal steps, her voice sounding raspy from a lifetime of usage, but behind the harsh demand, there was a familiar kindness. 
"Hello?! Are we talking to ourselves? I got to tell him—" the madder one screamed as they hopped down toward the group, gesturing their hands wildly at the thought of Henry not being around. They were all met with blank, gormless expressions as the helpers struggled to form sentences to describe what they saw - what must've been phantoms. 
"Hi, Charlotte! How are you?" The older one suddenly paused in the middle of their mad rush to smile warmly at the girl, who felt her jaw drop as she knew her name. And then - just like that - they were going to again, running in different directions like spooked mice as her wide eyes met (y/n)'s, causing her to gasp softly when the same brightness and hue stared back at her. Was that?—no, her mind was playing tricks again—what a stupid, impossible thought. 
"Did he go up the tubes?"
"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Jasper tried to stop the blonde as she dashed toward the tubes, somehow knowing how they worked and where the kid could've gone. If she let them get a word in edgewise, they would've told her that Henry wasn't at work yet; he'd yet to arrive, and with no boss around to send him a few angry, needy texts, he wasn't going to be quick.
"Wait a second—wait, wait! You cannot use the tubes—ah!" Poor Jasper; all he wanted to do was help out and create some order, but when he attempted to gently grasp the kook's shoulders and turn her away from the tubes, she decked him. Truly, completely, brutally decked him. 
In one fell swoop, she tugged the kid over her body in a shoulder throw, leaving Jasper in a battered, crumpled heap on the floor as the wind knocked out of him. Her strength was impressive, to say how small she was, and almost instantly, her (y/c/h) friend was by her side, her eyes narrowing after an almost remorseful wave passed over her face. 
"Looks like she's been Schwozercising," Schwoz snickered as he looked at the groaning boy and the attackers looming over him. Any other time and it would've been funny, but when he smirked at the girls to share in the joke, all they returned were two concerned glances, with Charlotte cowering behind (y/n) as she clenched her fists and bravely took a step toward the women. Miss Danger could take them any day...hopefully. 
"Where. Is. Henry?!" They questioned together, punching out each word furiously as they glared at the four friends. No matter what they said, they wouldn't listen, and whenever they put their hands on them, it turned into a free for all. Had Ray decided not to be a middle-aged bore; he could've sorted them out in no time, wildly when the older woman clawed at Charlotte's hair, flicked Schwoz on the nose, pushed Jasper onto his butt, and wrestled with his sweet girl. 
Where was Captain Man when they needed him?
The truth was Ray hated the riverbank. He hated it and the stupid river with its foolish fish, and he hated the silly men who sat there, saying nothing except for the occasional brag about their vast catch, their blonde, bimbo secretaries or their new Jag. 
The only relief came from his moderate success in reeling some tiddlers in and when his watch beeped to say it was time for duty. So, he hurried back to the Man Cave, eager to get to work but, more importantly, anxious to show his catch to his precious girl, whose attention and praise he craved, only to find himself hooked instead. 
For the last few hours, the hero was caught in a trap of his own making, having stepped into Junk-N-Stuff in his waders with a dumb, Crocodile Dundee-esque hat with all his rods and baits tucked under his arm, only to get himself tangled in the beaded curtain shielding the Man Cave from the world. And, of course, rather than remaining calm and slowly working his way out of the mess, he made it worse, squirming and jerking until the web was so hectic there was a knot around every rod, a bead in every crevice, and a string restricting both his arms. 
"Ahhh! Come on!" He yelled as he fought against the infuriating curtain, cursing his much younger self for installing it to be cool and edgy, when his precious girl - then, merely his helper - told him it was unnecessary. He shouted for her, begged and pleaded that someone downstairs would hear his screams echoing down the elevator shaft or on the computer, but it was useless. No one was coming, and his heart cried out for the gentle creature he abandoned in bed that morning - a stupid mistake he hated himself for. 
What he wouldn't give to go back there now and fulfil their promises to each other, but because he was an incompetent, careless fool, he was miserable, something anyone and everyone coming into the store could hear. 
"Dude, what is—? Are you okay?" Henry's startled voice came from the door as he entered the shop, ready and eager to report for work, only to be met with his boss in yet another sticky situation. 
"No, I'm stuck!" Ray shouted as he struggled against the beads, creating an enormous racket and nearly taking Henry's eye out when a string jumped up at him. 
"What happened?" He asked. 
"Okay, you know how I get up every morning before dawn and go fishing?" Ray prompted, causing the kid to frown at such an awful idea - the first he'd heard of it. Why would he want to do that? Indeed, he'd much prefer to stay in bed, in his Man Cave, with his fiancée tucked in his arms, doing whatever they did under sheets (the things Henry didn't like to think about). Indeed, he wanted to do all that and not go out to sit in the rain at dawn. So, why fish?
"Well, starting today, I do," the man insisted, drawing a snort from his young sidekick as he pictured the hell that must've occurred earlier that day when Ray bumbled around the bedroom to find his socks whilst his lover told him he was a doofus. The thought made him giggle, making his boss frown as it was evident he was poking fun at him. 
"Oh, wow, I bet (y/n) loved that..."
"Shut up," Ray bit back, glaring in the face of Henry's smile, although he was correct in his assumption. His darling girl whined when he pulled himself out of her embrace, and it goddamn nearly broke his heart to see how she hugged his pillow and smushed her face in it to pretend he was still there. He was a selfish, selfish man, but he'd never let her go - that was the problem. 
"I was pulling some crappie out of the crick when I got triple-beeped!" The man explained, gesturing to the meagre, slimy fishies in his bucket, which were honestly not worth bringing back, but if it made him happy... And besides, there were more important things to focus on, like why they were needed. 
"Yeah, me too! What's the emergency?!" Henry asked, but his curiosity made Ray's frustration worse. Would he be there if he knew?
"I don't know! I was trying to get down to the Man Cave and my sweet girl when my Man Pole and my Man line, and my Man Lures all got caught in this stupid curtain. I'm stuuuuck!" He whined, stamping his feet in a tantrum-like dance that Henry wasn't in the mood to deal with, but he had to get to (y/n) to calm his boss down, but he was in the doorway, so really, he had no choice. 
"I don't have time for this. There's an emergency!"
"Then, help me!" Ray snapped as the kid chose to ignore his moody whimpering, and rather than carefully unpick the knot tangled around his hands, the boy reached up at unhooked the curtain from the arch, freeing his boss in one way or another. 
"Get me out of this thing!" he growled as the blood finally returned to his numbing hands, and being able to move his arms and body was an improvement on staying put, but no matter how much he tried or struggled, the beads wouldn't fall from his still bound wrists. 
Squirming and wriggling to get free, Ray didn't realise his bucket of fish was next to him until it was too late; one wrong move in his bid for freedom and he plunged his foot into the shallow water, squishing the poor critters into a watery mess - not something to present as a prize to his sweet girl. 
"Dude, stop messing around!" Henry scolded him over his shoulder as he headed for the elevator; sure, the guy could free himself now that he'd unhooked him. He had to learn, or at least how to do it without (y/n). 
"Does it look like I'm trying to mess around?" The hero asked indignantly as he wrestled with the beaded curtain - or what was left of it - managing to bundle it into a ball, which was a lot easier to work with, even if it still wouldn't leave him alone. 
"Come onnnnn!" Henry shielded his eyes from the flying debris as his boss tugged at and wildly whipped the curtain to try and break free, but it wouldn't budge. If anything, his flailing made it worse, but that didn't stop a passing thought from breaking Ray's concentration, causing him to pause his efforts and smile charmingly at his sidekick. 
"Hey..." he smirked, making the kid wonder what his deal was as the rustling of the beads stopped, "you should come fishing with me sometime, buddy..."
"...I'm good," Henry replied, giving his ridiculous getup and chaotic appearance a sly once-over before meeting his eyes again. Pure disdain etched itself into his face as he figured that since he didn't want to go, Ray was now trying to recruit him, although he had no intention of being on the same par as him in any way, shape or form. He'd seen enough to know fishing was for losers, morons and doofuses. 
As they struggled in the elevator downstairs, it was a different game. The intruders were - annoyingly - strong for their sizes; despite having a superheroine on their side, the helpers soon found themselves overwhelmed without the aid of Captain Man and Kid Danger. 
Whilst (y/n) went toe-to-toe with the elder, they grappled with the crazy blonde, thinking since they outnumbered her three-to-one, the fight should've been easy. Oh, how wrong they were. 
In the blink of an eye, the kook kneed Schwoz in the gut and knelt on him, pinning his tiny body to the floor, so he was utterly helpless, crying out for his friends as he regretted all the times he skipped out on Schwozecise for cake and sitting down. 
Of course, Charlotte and Jasper ran to his aid, bravely jumping on the woman's back to try and subdue her, but that was futile too.
It was like she predicted their every move, dodging when they thumped her, jabbing them when they least expected it, and without any warning, she slipped her arms around their necks and held them in tight headlocks, pinching their ears to get them to squeal. 
And honestly, it was working. 
Closer to the elevator, (y/n) laughed as the hooded figure in front of her raised her fists calmly, indicating that she wanted to challenge Miss Danger. Now, (y/n) wasn't one to brag since she was by no means the best fighter in the world, but Captain Man taught her, which gave her an excellent set of skills and the confidence to take the challenge in her stride. 
Whilst the fight between the kids, Schwoz and the other nutter, was rather pathetic, theirs was...epic. Knuckles scrapped across cheekbones, boots barrelled into stomachs, elbows collided with noses, and (y/n) had never been more thankful for her super-regeneration as she lost and regained strength to keep fighting as she blocked, dealt and tolerated hits, but she could swear something wasn't right with this bitch. 
It was so weird--like, despite her age, she could fight forever with nothing, not even the slyest of punches, wearing her down, and Jasper and Charlotte couldn't believe it when their friend found herself in checkmate after a trick gone badly. 
She didn't understand; no one ever knew how to deal with her special move - the one where she flipped bad guys on their heads before they even realised it, but this woman did. She knew everything, and without warning, she had the mighty Miss Danger pressed to the tiles of her own home, making threats, and under her future husband's very nose. 
They must've had a death wish or something. 
"Where's Henry?!" They barked at the groaning four. Schwoz groaned from the weight on his back, Charlotte and Jasper whined from the oxygen deficit from the woman's harsh grip around their throats, and (y/n) cursed her captor's surprising strength as she awkwardly twisted her arm behind her back--so, it was a good thing that the elevator dinged to bring in the cavalry, who were not expecting the sight before them. 
They stepped out into the bright room, still catching up on Ray and his troubles, but his jaw dropped when the kid looked across the room. He'd expected to see his friends chilling, maxing, relaxing--all that jazz, but no. They were being brutally assaulted by two...well, he didn't know exactly what to call the two weirdos holding them down, but he knew it couldn't be a good thing judging by Ray's furious reaction. 
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, what is going on here?!" He asked with wide, concerned eyes as Ray finally stopped messing with the curtain and gazed at the scene with hard eyes. It didn't take a genius to work out that he hadn't planned on bringing in these women; instead, it took every ounce of his restraint not to storm in there and prise that psycho off his sweet girl's back for daring to lay a finger on her. 
Their eyes met; Ray felt his heart lurch as a pained breath escaped her lungs when the woman pressed her knee between her shoulder blades, keeping her immobile until she and her companion looked in the direction of the voice and found who they were looking for. 
Before Ray could pummel either, the intruders released their victims, who quickly scrambled away to give their poor, aching limbs a chance of recovery, and stood up with wondrous expressions on their faces. 
"Schwoz, are you wearing my unitard?!" Ray asked incredulously when the small man got up, revealing the strangely tight spandex that (y/n) swore she'd seen before but dismissed when they started exercising. Now, she knew where it was from; her doofus went through a phase when he wanted to push workout routines for weenies and moms with too much time on their hands. And whilst she silently agreed that the leotard was ridiculous, it didn't half flaunt his muscles and every nook and cranny of his body perfectly. 
"It's one-size-fits-all," the genius replied coyly, fanning Ray's annoyance because the garment would now be misshapen and ruined for his Greek god physique - not that he wore it much these days. 
"Doofus! I'm so glad you're here!" (y/n) gasped as she stood on shaking, aching knees and ran to her lover. Ray opened his arms as wide as he could, which wasn't particularly wide with his predicament, but the heroine didn't care. She looped her arms around his neck and snuggled into his warmth and the safety it brought, unaware that behind her, one of the freaks looked at them with a soft look of longing. 
It wasn't until the hard, wooden pellets pressed into her skin that (y/n) realised her doofus had worked his magic again. She pulled back with a confused look, wondering what the hell he'd done since he was meant to be fishing and then coming home to her. 
"Ray, what's all this...is this the curtain from upstairs?"
"Sweet girl, are you--?"
"I'm not talking about the unitard, the curtain or (y/n)! I was talking about these crazy old ladies!" Henry exclaimed as he watched the lovers fall into the same old routine where no one else in the room existed except for them. They were so in love, and nothing else mattered when they were in each other's arms, not even the strangers staring at him with oddly offended faces. 
"Thank god you're here!" They breathed out as they beheld the boy, soft smiles on their faces as one reached an arm out toward him and the elder placed a gentle hand on her companion's shoulder. They seemed reminiscent and nostalgic, as if they were watching childhood movies, and it was especially true for the one with her hood covering most of her face. They couldn't get a good look at her, so they didn't see how she gazed at the hero and his helper, pining for something so similar that she'd left behind to come here. 
"Hey, who are you? How do you know my name?
"Watch out! She's dangerous," Charlotte warned the boy as he moved closer. She didn't want him to get decked like she, Schwoz, and Jasper did with the blonde and (y/n) with the mysterious one, although she doubted Ray would let anything else happen to her. 
"Okay, don't come any closer, ladies! We don't wanna hurt you," The hero bit back, glaring at the women when all they did was look at him with vile love and affection--as if they held him in the highest regard. He cradled his sweet girl to his chest as best he could, ignoring how the nutter with the wrinkled hands and strangely poignant rings on her finger kept staring at him. Another admirer, perhaps?
Not even his cruellest insult could offend them because, despite how crazy, insane and improbable it sounded, they loved him and Henry equally. Like family. 
"Hey, I'm not done with---yeeeeeee!" Jasper gasped as he stumbled towards the psycho who'd accosted him before, thinking he could get the upper hand on her this time with the element of surprise. However, much like before, his fingertips barely grazed her shoulder when she throttled him. 
In one smooth move, she dragged the kid around her body and sent him flying into a trolley, which was sure to leave poor Jasper with a few bruises - maybe even some internal bleeding as he tumbled over it. 
"Curly! How dare you--you---let me at her!" (y/n) growled, lunging for the woman as her face twisted from shock to fury in point five seconds. She couldn't bear to see one of her beloved babies writhing and groaning on the floor, and if it weren't for the strong arms looped around her tummy, holding her back, then that freak would be dead meat. 
"We also don't want to be hurt by you," Henry gulped as Ray fought against his pretty girl, whispering soothing words in her ear as she glared at the unknown woman. It wasn't fair that she couldn't enact her revenge, but she let it go - for now - too distracted by Ray's thumb rubbing her arm and his lips on her neck to pay them too much attention. 
"We wouldn't hurt you, Henry," the woman adjacent to the violent one said, her lips turning upwards into a barely seeable smile that had Ray's gut clenching. He didn't like this; for some reason, he recognised it, and it made him feel gooey, warm and excited, which only ever happened with one person. 
"And I certainly wouldn't hurt you, doofus..." the smile became a grin as her hands reached up to the edge of her hood, and as she pushed it back, their faces paled in a mix of shock and horror as her features became more apparent. 
"I'm your sister."
"I'm your wife." They said together, smiling at either their "brother" or "husband" as their jaws hit the floor. It couldn't be...but now they saw them clearly; the similarities were plain. The blonde had Piper's fire, spirit and dirty, both literally and figuratively, hair, whilst (y/n)...god, (y/n). It was definitely her, and as the younger stared at the older, she felt like throwing up. 
Age had wearied her; that was clear. Time etched lines into her skin, which weren't there in her youth, but they showed a lifetime of smiling, especially when she beamed at her lover's younger self and showed the creases around her eyes and mouth. She remembered what it was like to be that young and carefree, and seeing how things used to be made her happy even if their life wouldn't be precisely the same as hers. 
"What?" The hero and his sidekicks spat, eyes wide and almost fearful as they took in the kooks, assuming that it couldn't be true since they were so dirty, violent and hardened, not what Ray envisioned for his sweet girl as she grew older. 
No matter what his brain told him or how his heart lurched at the idea of his dream coming true, he had to take it as a lie because it didn't make sense; why would his "wife" be so shabby? Did he break his promise? Was she happy, content and cared for>
"It's me. Piper!"
"And I'm (y/n)..." the women swore, looking sincere and gentle as they stepped toward the trio. Jasper, Charlotte and Schwoz were near the point of passing out, but it was nothing compared to how (y/n) was feeling. A million questions whizzed through her mind as she studied the person in front of her; same coloured hair and eyes, awful fashion sense, same nervous shuffling when all eyes were on her...same engagement ring on her left hand, plus a new addition. 
"From the future!"
"What?!" Everyone gasped as they stared at the newcomers, frozen in disbelief at what they claimed. Henry was staring at his little sister; she wasn't so little anymore. She was older, wiser, haggard and drawn as if she had suffered for many years. 
Ray stared too, unable to believe everything, like how he somehow managed to do it - they got married in the end. She still wore the ring he bought her, and presumably, he would wear one too. He would live a long life with her, which made his heart soar, only to be shot down when he reasoned that she could just be saying that to toy with them. 
(y/n) didn't know how to feel - this woman was her, but like Ray, she didn't want to jump to conclusions. Okay, maybe she went crazy in old age, and strangely enough, her heart twinged with slight jealousy when she - the other her - stared at her--their--her? doofus like he was her soulmate. And he was.
"What?" Ray just had to ask for good measure, feeling somewhat lightheaded as his "wife" took a step towards him and (y/n), causing her to jump into his embrace as he backed up. They didn't want to get too close and sought comfort in each other as she froze and smiled softly. Would they believe her if she said they'd never fallen out of love in all the years they loved each other?
Before anyone knew what was happening, Old Piper grabbed Henry by his face, marvelling at his smooth, unblemished skin and boyish features. She hadn't seen him like this in nigh-on thirty years and loved poking and prodding him like she did when she was younger, inspiring her companion. 
"I know, you're scared..." Old (y/n) started, holding her hands up to show she meant no harm as she approached her husband and younger self, both of whom looked at her warily. 
"Scared doesn't even begin to explain it..." (y/n) replied, swallowing the lump in her throat before bravely stepping forward to meet her halfway. The one claiming to be Piper hadn't hurt Henry yet, so she figured everything would be all right for her too, so, despite Ray's protests and firm grip on her hips, she got closer. 
"Don't--she's dangerous, sweet girl!"
"Doofus, I wouldn't hurt my younger self. That would just be hurting me," the older woman giggled, reaching out to touch (y/n) as if neither could restrain themselves. Every sci-fi movie told them not to poke around stuff like that, but curiosity got the better of them; what would happen if they embraced like the brother and sister next to them?
"I am not your doofus," Ray seethed, bristling at the word since it didn't feel right, not when his true love was right there. Besides, he still wasn't convinced that these women were who they said they were, even if the heroines both stretched out their left hands, both adorned with the same glittering ring. 
"But she looks just like me, Ra--ow!" (y/n) rolled her eyes at his scepticism, feeling it in her gut when she saw their matching rings--one was older and well-loved, but it held the same sparkle, and when their eyes met, she just knew. 
She'd always sworn that no one would ever love Ray more than her, but when she looked at her, this woman followed his every move and softened when he gave her the slightest bit of attention. Did she really behave so desperately around him?
"Ow!" However, neither accounted for how the universe didn't like their meeting. The second their fingertips met, electricity zapped between them, forcing them apart like two points of time met when they should never have touched. The heroines pulled apart instantly, quickly learning their lesson about looking with their eyes and not their hands, but Ray was much more stern. 
"Don't you dare hurt her!" He growled, tugging (y/n) back into his chest protectively as he practically bared his teeth at the stranger, cautious now that the slightest contact caused sparks to fly--and not in the way he liked. 
"And don't you hurt me!" He warned, too, jolting when Old (y/n) attempted to get closer to her husband, only to roll her eyes when he overreacted and got all defensive. Oh, how her doofus would laugh when she told him once the mission was over, and they'd reminisce about how he never lost that protectiveness and how it never failed to make her weak at the knees. 
"I am your wife!" She insisted, presenting her rings and the promise they represented, but he closed his eyes and blocked it out. This was crazy--too crazy to believe, so he held his real love close and pictured the day she became his wife because that's who she was. His future wife, not this... phoney. 
So, to distract him before an argument ensued, (y/n) began to untie the knots around his hands and torso, giggling when he explained his morning on the riverbank. 
She grinned when he exaggerated how many he caught, although no one could convince her that sharks lived in the Jandy River. She'd let him believe that one and worked quickly and efficiently as her twin stood around awkwardly, watching her companion as she fawned over her brother. 
"Henry...my brother. It's so good to see you again!" Old Piper said with pure happiness as she stroked Henry's face, unknowingly leaving streaks of dirt and grime on his face from her blackened fingers. She had some strange substance wiped all over them, and whilst (y/n)'s hands were cleaner, the same thick, sticky liquid stained her clothes. 
"Yeah, is there no soap in the future? Because your hands are kinda dirty," the kid grimaced and pulled her away from his skin, worried that the foul-smelling stuff would make him break out in a rash. 
"Oh, it's not dirt. It's cyborg-robot blood oil," Future Piper replied, grinning as though that was any better. Henry cringed as she continued stroking his face until he pulled her away again, wondering what they'd been doing to both be covered in it. 
"Okay, all right--let's put our hands in our pockets and never touch anything ever again," The boy said, swiftly shoving her hands toward her grubby coat, so she didn't smear him with any more of that blood oil or whatever. Ray finally broke free from the curtain and, with help from his darling fiancée, slammed it to the floor with a satisfied smirk of good riddance. 
"In the future, there are no pockets," she told him, drawing gasps around the room before sighing sadly as she remembered the good old days when you could put things where you wanted them. Nothing was free anymore, but she wanted to change that, and with the help of Captain Man and his wife, she hoped to rage against the system and go back to a more peaceful life. 
"No pockets?!"
"The future sounds terrible!" Schwoz and Jasper exclaimed in horror, thinking about all the troubles that would arise if they couldn't put their keys, PearPhone or any small item in their pants. 
"Pfft! They're not from the future!" Ray scoffed, glaring at Future Piper and (y/n) as they came to stand side-by-side, frowning back at him for doubting their word. The former heroine told her old friend that her husband would find it hard to believe; after all, no one in their universe ever saw the horror coming, but goddamn, he was stubborn...yet gorgeous. 
"They're just some crazy ladies who just wandered in here... Probably looking for turkey jerky."
"We are from the future, Raymond! In another universe, this is what happens! Why you gotta be so stubborn, you...you doofus?!" Old (y/n) exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air from exasperation as he looked at her and Piper in suspicion. A niggling voice at the back of his mind told Ray to accept it; no one else used his full name like that, and only one person called him a doofus with so much affection, but it was so weird. It was her, but it wasn't her--her after living a life he didn't witness. 
"But seriously, do you have any turkey jerky? Because I would love some," the blonde piped up, staring longingly at her former boss and mentor as if she hadn't eaten in days. Old (y/n) rolled her eyes when she faintly heard her stomach grumble; however, she refused to accept defeat, proving to be just as stubborn as her lover since no matter how hungry she was, she wouldn't cooperate if he wouldn't. 
But Ray wasn't cruel. When he saw them staring at the top pocket of his fly vest, he knew they were familiar with his tricks--for reasons he didn't want to accept-- and opened the flap to reveal the snacks that kept him going when he had nothing to do but twiddle his thumbs and wait for a nibble. 
"Here. Go nuts, Frizzie McGuire..." he called to Piper in a cold tone and tossed her a strip of dried meat, which she gratefully caught in her palms and gazed at like it was the holy grail. And, of course, he didn't miss how his "wife" released a pining sigh for her own strip, eyes soft and sad as her friend greedily ripped bites from the morsel. 
"And...and some for you, too." He didn't have it in him to call her a mean name, not when her face lit up, and she flashed him a winning smile. Instantly, ten years melted from her face, and whilst she was still old, he could see his darling girl for a moment, causing his heart to lurch and him to return to the safety of his (y/n)--where nothing needed to make sense since she always did. 
"In our future, the only food the robots give us is tasteless vitamin paste," Piper spat as if she was cursing these awful machines she mentioned, and everyone grimaced with them at the thought of eating nothing but mush. The future sounded terrible, but their desire for turkey jerky proved his point, and they were nuts and intruders. 
"Well, here in the present, you can't know about me, (y/n), Henry, or the Man Cave. So, Schwoz, go get the Memory-Wiper, please."
"On it!" The genius quickly ran off at his boss' command as the futuristic hobos looked at the heroes with fear, not because they were protective of their memories, but because they had a mission, and it wasn't just to cross dimensions to see how things changed. 
"We're running out of time!"
"Yeah, me--you and Piper are in great danger! We need to leave now and help her!" They implored the team, sparking worry in their chests since no one had mentioned danger. Young (y/n) could sort of look after herself, but Present Piper was small, delicate and untrained, and whilst she could be vicious, there was no way she'd survive on her own, so Henry immediately bristled as any older brother would, whilst Ray rolled his eyes. 
Yeah, like he'd ever let anything happen to the most precious person. Pull the other one. 
"Yeah, why are (y/n) and Piper in danger?" He asked in concern, ignoring how Ray made moves on (y/n) in the corner of his eye. The woman fought off his advances as much as she could since she wanted to hear what was or wasn't coming for her, whining for him to quit it when he bathed her cheeks, jaw, temples and lips with soft kisses since he didn't want to listen to the nonsense anymore, but it tickled so much, and he was so damn good at it. 
"You're seriously...buying...their story?" He accused between kisses, pulling away from his pretty girl in a second of respite to throw Henry a dirty look, only to receive an even dirtier one as the boy silently shamed him for paying more attention to his fiancée than the emergency. If there even was an emergency. 
"Well, you, (y/n), and Henry have travelled through time and dimensional portals before, so we know that time travel and multiple universes are possible," Charlotte, the Smartie, added, recalling all their previous adventures, which all seemed tame compared to this predicament. Ray rolled his eyes yet again, bored with the idea that his future wife from another world or something had come to visit, knowing that was impossible. 
This was a joke, except for the certainty that he and (y/n) would marry. That was a given, but he'd fight to his last breath to ensure that his sweet girl never ended up caked in dirt, oil, and God knows what else. Their universe was peaceful, not a product of Steven Spielberg's imagination. 
"It's true, doofus, remember? I died in one universe, and you turned evil, so it's not impossible to assume we grow old and filthy together in another, right?" His girl whispered to him, hoping his rational voice would help him process the overwhelming news that they didn't bathe in some universes, but he just groaned and smushed his face into her neck. 
"We need to leave now! Take us to your house--to our house. The house where we grew up!" Old Piper told her brother, her eyes shining as she recalled the carefree days of her childhood, back when she had nice clothes, warm food, her loving parents, and the only worry of who was the most famous person on EnvyGram. 
"So, if you want to put me down, Ray, we can get going. You know, before I die or something," Future (y/n) smirked, feeling her cheeks flush as she remembered the carefree days when she and her husband could barely keep their hands off each other. They still felt the same way, but with the robots, their many children, war, their adopted children, and their roles as guardians of humanity? Opportunities were few and far between. 
"If you really teleported here from a future dimension, why didn't you just go straight there? Hmmm?" Jasper asked suspiciously, eyeing the women as he tried to find holes in their narrative, which Ray greatly appreciated since he didn't like it when his wife or not-wife or whatever flirted with him, and the thought of his girl dy...no, he didn't want to think it. 
"Ooooh! Good one, Jasper!"
"Thank you!"
"What is coming for Piper and you...me...for us...we can't face it alone. We need help," Old (y/n) sighed, showing a brief glimmer of vulnerability as she dwelled on their danger. She treated it like a joke to try to make light of the situation, but she and Piper were terrified that they would lose this war. 
"You certainly do. Professional help because nothing and no one is going to hurt my future wife--this gorgeous creature over here. Not you," Ray sneered at her, defensively wrapping an arm around his real lover's shoulders to prove that he wasn't falling for their tricks. She was the one he loved, not some old bag who managed to sneak her way into his secret hideout to tell shaggy dog stories about him failing to protect his family.
"So, right now, you've got an appointment with Doctor Fist!" Running purely on instinct and his tendency to punch first and ask questions later, Ray swung at Old Piper - the closest lunatic to him. 
He put everything he had into it, wanting to take her down since she was probably a spy or something, but she was no longer some defenceless girl. The war in their time had hardened her into a lethal fighting machine, and with learned expertise, Piper blocked his attack with a brush of her arm before she swung him onto the floor in a well-timed shoulder throw, much like she'd done with Jasper. 
"Don't hurt him!" (y/n) cried, wincing with the others as Ray landed roughly and released a throaty groan. He writhed in agony as the wind knocked out of him, and Piper panted above him, a slither of regret on her face until she figured he'd asked for it, even if he - or his older self - meant everything to the woman who partially raised her. 
"He's fine... Except for his ego. That's probably a little bruised," her wiser self advised, reaching out to place a comforting hand on her shoulder before thinking better. The universe didn't like them touching, so she dropped her arms back to her sides, and they settled for an understanding smile, which Ray didn't get at all. 
"Okay, you're starting to bug me about as much as Henry's real little sister does," he groaned and rolled onto his tummy as he waited for the ache in his everything to fade away. Of course, both ladies irritated him since he was confident both were liars, but honestly, his sweet girl never annoyed him, save for when she stole sips of his coffee, but that wasn't the same. 
"I am Henry's real little sister, just as much as (y/n) is your wife, and we all have to leave now!" Piper exclaimed, ushering the boy and heroine toward the elevator with her companion, but they didn't want to leave. Whilst they wanted to believe them, it was still hard to, and neither wanted to go without Ray nor, at the very least, without knowing everything. 
"Well, maybe if you told us why something's coming for (y/n) and Piper, Ray would have an easier time believing you. Y'know, he'd do anything to protect her if you are who you say you are," Charlotte suggested, gesturing to her boss as her friend hurried over to help him to his feet, and everyone could see what they meant. He looked into her eyes and pulled the dopiest, widest, most lovestruck smile they'd ever seen as he accepted her soft hands and rose into her embrace. 
All she did was offer to help, but he looked at her like an angel - one he'd do anything for. 
"In our universe--in our future--I led a rebel army against the robots that enslave humanity before I passed my duty onto Piper, so she can continue the fight," Old (y/n) began to explain, barely knowing where to start since it wasn't every day she crossed galaxies, astral plains and timelines, but she left sanity behind long ago, as well as a chance at a normal life with her husband, which only fuelled Ray's scepticism as he sighed into his girl's neck. 
"The robots can't get to us in the future, so they're going to send a terrible machine to destroy us in the past. The Piper and (y/n) in every known universe will die, so there's no chance of us defeating them. It's coming today!"
"This sounds pretty bad, dude!" Henry told his boss as the woman finished her story with a pleading look, which she shared with Future Piper since they were highly aware of the time they were losing. However, Ray wasn't so sure...
"It sounds like these ladies have watched Terminator too many times," he snapped, hands gliding around (y/n)'s hips as he was nearing the end of his patience. All he wanted was to sneak off to their en-suite and fulfil his promise to her whilst she did the same with him, but they couldn't do that, not when he had to sci-fi freaks in his Man Cave. 
"Oooh! Oooh! Oooh!" Jasper suddenly piped up as he bounced up and down before showing his age and making the adults feel really old. "What's The Terminator?"
"Wow!" Ray grumbled to himself and buried his face in (y/n)'s neck before he spouted some offensive babble to Jasper about how he was an uncultured, Generation-Z swine who wouldn't know a classic movie if it hit him in the face. So, it was up to his sweet girl to explain, as it nearly always was. 
"Uh, it's this really old movie where pretty much all this stuff happens," she described briefly as her hand rose to stroke through the hair on Ray's nape, and she hoped no one noticed how his lips pressed against her pulse point to make her knees weaken. 
"Yes, The Terminator! That movie gave the robots the idea to enslave us all. That, and The Matrix--"
"Well, Keanu is yummy," (y/n) joked, only to gasp when Ray lightly bit her collarbone - a warning not to mention that name again if she didn't want to be turned over his knee. It was no secret she fancied him, and whilst he wasn't so bad as to despise every celebrity she squealed over - and he wasn't innocent in that area, either - he didn't want her squealing when she was in his arms. Well, not over another man, anyway. 
"And the sad first scene of Finding Nemo where--" Piper went on, but with the couple's blatant PDA, no one wanted a reminder of that harrowing scene, so all she got was boos and jeers. God, those poor little fishies; Henry couldn't move on fast enough, especially when he--horror of horrors--saw Ray's hand sneaking into (y/n)'s back jean pocket before she slapped it away with a naughty grin. 
"No, we're not going to talk about that. Look, dude. Maybe we should just go--just to be safe!"
"You want to be safe? We take these two to a looney bin!" Ray argued, pulling away from (y/n)'s neck and her sweet-smelling hair that tickled his face, but strangely enough, he didn't step away completely. If there was danger, as improbable as it seemed, he wanted her close, just in case. He'd protect her no matter what, but right now, they were the bigger threat, not Arnold or Neo.
"We need to leave now!" Old (y/n) insisted, turning to her younger self and Henry since they were more rational, not threatening to drag them away kicking and screaming. She and Old Piper pushed the kid toward the elevator, then turned to offer her hand to the heroine, who couldn't take it for space-time continuum reasons, but she understood the meaning. 
Ray, however, held tightly onto her waist and refused to let go--refused to let her go anywhere with them or without him. 
"Listen, if they're telling the truth, then you just got flipped by the future leader of the human resistance," Charlotte pointed out, causing (y/n) to smirk when she felt the man's arms go slack around her body. She had a good point there, and when she gazed up at him, she knew Ray was pondering it hard. 
"If they're crazy, then you just got beat up and dumped on your ass by some crazy lady who likes turkey jerky and her insane friend, who just happens to look exactly like me!" She giggled, gesturing to the women, who gave him a steely look as they nibbled the last of the jerky he gave them. 
"Got any more?" They asked, constantly hungry for actual food, and for a moment, Ray appeared as if he had an epiphany. 
"..." He thought for a moment, growing silent as everyone stared at him, but the peace didn't last very long. He was Captain Man, which meant he didn't like being wrong, and neither did he like getting beaten, so he made up his mind. Violence always wins. 
"Second time's the charm--let's dance, Crazy Susan!" He yelled, pushing (y/n) away, so she didn't get hurt and charging towards Piper. She was the one who started, and those eyes taunted him as she chewed her turkey jerky--as if she wanted to steal every last piece he had. 
He hoped to gain enough speed to take her down in a tackle or maybe with a flying Superman punch, but she was too clever. Anticipating his move, she grabbed the lapels of his stupid fly vest and hauled him off-balance before using his immense bulk to flip him on his butt again. Another pained groan left his body as he lay there in a crumpled heap, wishing he'd listened to his sweet girl's warning and stayed in her arms; he rarely got hurt in them. 
"Aw, man, who taught you how to fight?" He asked as he laid on his back, staring up at Piper as she smiled softly and darted her eyes to her friend. The stories she could tell him...they'd break his heart and put it back together. 
"You and (y/n) did--in the future...with all your children," she replied, sending the room reeling into stunned silence as Ray and (y/n) locked wide eyes and felt their cheeks superheat. They--future--chi--oh, dear lord. 
"Okay, that checks out," Ray mumbled and laid his head back against the chilly floor with a dopey grin plastered across his face. 
Whilst hearing about him passing on his skills to make Piper a badass made him proud, his mind was foggy and pleasure coursed through his body as he thought of a future like that. Of course, he never wanted to train his children to be killers; that part sounded horrible, but children with his sweet girl. She would be the mother of his children, and they'd go on to do great things as husband and wife...pinch him. 
"We have children?" (y/n) asked quietly, eyes trained on the floor so no one would see the tears pooling in them. Her mind was racing a million miles a minute with question after question firing into her brain, but she could only think of one thing. He would be the father of her children, and she'd grow old with him just like they'd always wanted...pinch her.
"Yes. They're perfect--everything we ever wanted. All--"
"Don't tell me how many! No spoilers!" The heroine practically yelled at her other self, who froze in shock before a soft smile melted away the tension. She should've predicted that; after all, they were the same, even if a dimension divided them. 
"No spoilers..." she solemnly promised and made a mental note not to mention anything revealing since she'd always wanted to work things out for herself and not have anything handed to her. That would be too easy, and something else was eating away at her, much more than a general curiosity about what could come true. 
"Y'know, my Ray always says I have this strange look on my face whenever I'm thinking about something too much, but I never thought I'd see it myself," the old woman remarked, chuckling to herself as (y/n) broke out of her trance and realised she was talking to her. She'd learn in time that the nerves she balmed and despised were her greatest asset, which would eventually become more valuable than she'd ever know, but right now, she looked pensive...and nervous. 
"It's just...if you really are me, then answer me one thing to prove it," she offered quietly, which was a fair proposition, given that everyone in the room often behaved according to her opinions and orders. She was the boss, and if they gained her trust, they'd have a chance to complete their mission. 
"Of course, anything." Came the soft reply, and all (y/n) had to do was think of something no one else knew - a secret she'd never told, and it had to be something obscure, worthy of taking it to the grave, or just something only she'd ever thought about. 
Her favourite toy as a child? No, everyone knew about Marmalade, the ragged ginger cat plushie she used to drag everywhere like a real animal. 
Her first boyfriend? No one wanted to know about Simon, the chemistry nerd who asked her to prom, only to tell her about his comic book collections and the latest Star Wars movie. She was a nerd, but not that much of a nerd, and besides, it was all over when he earned a scholarship to God knows where - not much to tell. 
What her wedding dress looked like? That would definitely not ruin the surprise, not to mention that she wasn't completely sold on the idea of a mermaid cut or something poofy and stupid yet. All she had was something small and modest - nothing much. 
What then?
"...When did I first tell Ray that I love him? The first time," she asked after thinking long and hard, and the others smirked as they recalled that angelic moment when all their worries were over because the cat was out of the bag, and Ray sighed as he remembered one of the happiest moments of his life. They thought she'd go with something more abstract, but (y/n) wasn't so square. 
"Easy," Old (y/n) grinned, growing young again as her face creased at the memory. She recalled that moment with nostalgic heartache because it was so sweet but sad when she remembered how it haunted her for weeks after like she'd done something wrong. 
"He'd fallen asleep after we watched a movie in his room, but we stayed up for hours in his arms, wondering if he'd ever know how much he meant to us. Then...we just said it--whispered it at, like, three AM or something because he was right there and so perfect...but he wasn't ours. And, of course, he didn't hear us for another few years, being the doofus he is, anyway."
"...He's still a doofus."
"And still perfect," the older woman remarked, her eyes sparkling with love for the man on the floor--or at least a version of him. Her twin nodded with a grin at the sentiment, laughing to herself at how right she was. It was funny; he had so many faults, problems, and annoying habits that he was far from perfect, but she didn't mind. 
He was half of her soul, and as she gazed at the warrior in front of her, she knew she was far from her other half. 
"Yeah. Still perfect." And that made the universe-sized hole feel a little bit smaller. 
~Henry's House~
Fear rampaged through Henry's mind as he took his old-little sister on a walk down memory lane. 
Piper knew the paving stones that lined the sidewalk like the back of her hand, remembering how she used to avoid stepping on the cracks since that was where monsters lurked. 
She knew the trees that stood alongside the road, remembering how they changed colour with every season, like traffic lights. 
She knew the neighbours - most of them anyway, remembering how she used to play with a girl across the street before she deemed her too weird and lame to be a friend. Now, they looked at her strangely, whispered about her clothes, and the children she once laughed with ran from her scary looks. 
Things had changed, but not the house of her happiest days. It was still there; four simple walls containing everything from her first words to her high school prom - it was all there. However, when they got inside, the place wasn't as...tidy as she recalled. 
"Piper?! Piper?! Are you okay?!" Henry screamed as they burst through the door, only to be confronted with an upside-down house. The sitting room, kitchen--everywhere had been stripped and searched with cushions tossed on the floor, dishes smashed, chairs scattered, and lamps knocked over. Someone had been looking for something or someone, but no one was home. 
"We're too late!" Old Piper exclaimed in anguish, a sinking feeling settling into her stomach as the terror of failure entered her mind. Would she disappear soon? Would her world end in fire and death because she couldn't complete her mission? She looked at her brother and companion with teary eyes, but they didn't lose hope. 
"Don't you see?! It's over! The robot destroyed her! They'll be coming for you next!" She exclaimed, assuming the worst in the empty house as she glanced at (y/n), who looked up at Ray with worry. He still looked sceptical, but a flicker of protective concern flashed in his eyes at the notion of some death robot coming for his sweet girl.
'Let them come,' he thought to himself, 'let them see what happens if they dare to lay a single finger on her precious head, my precious girl.'
"Relax. If the robot got your sister, then, according to time travel rules, Looney Gaga here would suddenly disappear. She's here--your dumb sister probably fine, and my sweet girl is safe with me," Ray told Henry as he crossed the room cooly, his hand tightly gripping (y/n)'s, so he could guide her to the breakfast bar. He fancied snooping through the stuff in the kitchen, and his girl pressed herself into his side as he flicked through a something-or-other, seeking comfort only he could bring. 
"Doofus, the rules of time travel change every time we do it. I don't want to get got," she whimpered, shivering at the thought of being a robot's prey, and Ray immediately tossed the something-or-other to focus on her instead. He didn't like the fear in her eyes - an ugly feeling - and his arms snaked around her waist and torso to hug her to his body until her ear pressed against his chest. 
His heartbeat pulsed in her ear, comforting her since it lulled her to sleep every night, and she rubbed her nose into the patch where he dabbed on his cologne, the familiar scent tranquilising her even more. Safe and warm against him, the uneasiness dissipated from her stomach since no one could protect her like Captain Man, and when it came to her, he didn't break his promises. 
"No one's going to get you, darlin'. No one. They'll have to go through me first...understand?" He told her quietly, firmly, solemnly as he'd never meant anything more in his life. His eyes were intense and...questioning, which made her pause for a minute until she realised the question. 
He didn't know if she knew, and it ate him up. 
Slowly, she nodded, unable to form words under his pinning gaze, but the gesture satisfied his burning need to know if she knew. He would fight until his last breath if she was in trouble and tear galaxies apart to return to her if they were separated - that she had to know. 
"If the robot didn't trash this place, who did?" Old (y/n) asked as she inspected the room, brushing her fingers across a side table strewn with broken china whilst keeping a close eye on the couple glued together. Right now, she wasn't a concern since she'd always had a protector, but Young Piper didn't. 
"That would be me!" But she was arguably strong-willed, not to mention a sight for sore eyes. 
"Piper!" Henry exclaimed gleefully as he saw his sister appear at the top of the stairs, perfectly unharmed with a trash can tucked under her arm as she trotted down the steps. Strangely enough, with each step, she scattered a handful of trash across the room, letting the group watch it drop to the floor like falling snowflakes. 
"Wait--what are you doing?" 
"Well, I called my friends, but none of them wanted to come to your nerd party," she started, flicking more trash on everything as she neared the stairwell. She briefly looked at the newcomers in the room, recognising her brother, friend, and the weird boss-fiancé, but not the other two. She wondered why they stared at her like she had two heads, with wonder-filled eyes and quivering smiles, but she didn't stop to care about it since everyone was looking at her. 
"So, I'm trashing the place so that when dad gets back, he'll think you threw one."
"Can you call them back and tell them it's a cool party?" Henry asked, slightly offended that everyone saw him as a "two-friended nerd", but Piper didn't care. Her friends had met him, knew where he worked and what he was like at school, and they all saw him as a good-looking yet socially awkward kid. 
"They know you. Won't work," she smiled with her hands shoved deep in her pockets, and when he looked away, deep in thought about how low he'd sunk in popularity, she turned to the two weirdos in the room. One seemed vaguely familiar - like (y/n) in a way - so she figured she was some wacky relative who didn't know what a bath was, but the other? Not a clue. 
"Hey, who's this? Your mom?" She asked, gesturing to the blonde as she looked at Ray, who frowned in outrage at the insinuation. His mom didn't look like a hobo, and he immediately jumped away from Old Piper, who would've been offended if it wasn't for the relief flooding her body at her younger self not recognising her. Thank God. 
"No, she's not my mom!" 
"Your new girlfriend?" She joked when he exploded with anger from the first question and, seeing his interesting reaction, winked at (y/n) to let her know it was a joke. 
The woman bit her lip to smother a giggle, aware that her friend knew all about her undying love for the idiot next to her and that she'd never betray her like that, just as Ray wouldn't. But he didn't see the joke, and if suggesting Old Piper was his mom annoyed him, then saying he'd leave his sweet girl for her made him jump out of his skin. 
"Do you not see this?! Huh?!" He seethed as he snatched up (y/n)'s left hand and thrust it toward the girl so she could see the glittering ring still on her finger. He didn't need to fly off like that, and Piper also screeched with delight at how easy he was to torment, but he beat her to it. 
"I'll tell you who she is! She's y--ah!" He wanted to torment the girl back, wanted her to know that she turned into an unwashed nutcase, and he wanted to see her panic as he did when she hinted he wasn't half the man he strived to be, but suddenly, Old Piper and (y/n) snatched him and Henry by the ear. 
"Get her off! Get her off! Sweet girl!" He cried as the woman pushed him to the open door, calling for his lover to help him, but she didn't want to get a universal zap again, no matter how much his pained cries hurt her. 
The girl watched in utter confusion as the boys were dragged to the porch with her friend trailing behind them, and she wondered why (y/n)'s relative was attacking her fiancé. Did they not approve or something? He was odd and secretive but undoubtedly the right guy for her. 
"Your hand was on my mouth! Your gross hand was on my mouth! I can taste the robot blood!" Henry spluttered as he struggled to keep his balance on the porch, too disgusted by the dirt smeared across his lips to watch where he was going. He gipped and gagged at the rusty taste on his mouth, much like Ray as the hero practically shoved Old (y/n) into the bushes and buried his nose in his love's neck to fight the stench of dead robots on the other woman. 
"What's your beezer, geezer?" He asked sharply, glaring at the time travellers with his arms locked around (y/n), who did her best to keep him calm, but he was furious. No one dragged Captain Man by his ear like that...except his wife. 
"My beezer is you can't tell Piper who I am or anything about me!" The blonde snapped at her former mentor. 
"Why not?" Henry questioned with a frown, dreading several ideas, ranging from altering the fabric of the universe to Piper exploding from seeing her future self. Anything could happen, but it would be damn difficult to keep her and (y/n)'s identities a secret. 
"Because look at her!" Her companion exclaimed, pointing the finger at Piper, which made her frown slightly since it was mildly insulting, but she didn't mind that much. She didn't look much better, and fashion and beauty went out the window for their society once the faceless robots took over; all that mattered was the mission, even if Ray kept looking at Henry and twirling a finger next to his temple. 
"If Piper finds out that she ends up looking like this, she'll never want to lead the human rebel army. And then, the robots will win!"
"Mmmm, question!" Ray raised his hand, having scoffed at his "wife's" tall tale, none of which made sense to him. "Is everyone in the future a sucker?"
"Come on, man..." Henry sighed, growing tired of his boss' constant denial and suspicions against who he'd accepted as his sister and surrogate sister from the future. If he'd only open his eyes and stop being so pigheaded, he'd recognise the same, including how the older woman looked at him like he hung the stars in the sky. 
"No, you come on! We're supposed to believe this big bucket a' crappie?!"
"We should at least considered it, Raymond! There's a death robot coming for Piper and me!" (y/n) insisted, her palms flat against her lover's chest as he tried to push his way to the kid to start an argument, and the first thing he wanted to do was throttle a looney for stirring up so much trouble in his life. 
"His sister is fine! You are fine! You're safe 'cause you're with me, sweet girl," he replied, voice turning soft after being so harsh, and his hands slid up her forearms to grasp her wrists. He brought one up to his lips and pressed his lips to her pulse - a sign his promise wasn't broken. She was alive, well, and happy (for the most part), so they were panicking over nothing since nothing had turned up, guns blazing. 
"She's crazy! Let's take her to the hospital and--"
"AHHHH! There it is!"  The women suddenly shrieked over him, causing the group to jump and huddle next to the bench on the porch. Ray, (y/n), and Henry scanned the wooden slats for any sign of danger, but everything they saw was harmless, from the bushes to the plant pots to the unknown little boy standing closer to the driveway. Were he and his brightly coloured shirt what scared them so much?
"Stay back!" Old (y/n) ordered, shoving her younger self back into Ray, ignoring the brief zap of pain from their timelines crossing. They spread their arms across the group protectively as Ray wrapped himself around his fiancée, safeguarding her even though he didn't know what was happening. 
"It's here to destroy Piper and (y/n)!" The rebel leader growled, and Ray pulled (y/n) behind him, acting as an indestructible shield since there was danger, but all he could see was a child. A harmless, mild-looking child with thick brown hair, cute clothes and an emotionless face. Maybe he was a little creepy with his eery stillness, but he didn't doubt if he saw his sweet girl pinching his little chubby cheeks, then he'd have a broodiness attack. 
"What is?!"
"This little guy?!"
"Yes!" Old (y/n) nodded to the boys, keeping her younger self well back and ensuring she stayed behind Ray, even when she couldn't help but peek around his large frame to get a look at their enemy. She knew the robots didn't look like much, but that was their brilliance, an offensive play into a human's nature to protect their young, and it was surprisingly, despicably effective. 
"The robots disguise themselves as kids, so people won't think they're a threat!"
"Okay, why don't you hit the showers, pig pen? I'll handle this," Ray sneered at the woman, gently guiding his sweet girl over to Henry so he could keep her safe whilst he sorted out the unknown boy. 
As he strode over, he sized the kid up with a cocky smirk, seeing that there wasn't much to him with his puny arms, skinny legs, and a quarter of his height and body weight. He wasn't one for hitting children, but he'd do it to keep his soulmate safe, and the looks of things wouldn't complicate it. 
"Doofus, be careful!" (y/n) called out, gulping the lump in her throat as she watched her lover waltz up to the child as if he hadn't been told he was dangerous. She knew he would be all right, but she hated the thought of him going to fight whilst she was pampered and indulged like precious goods. 
"Darlin', I've got a pretty good sense for danger, and this little fella wouldn't hurt a--" Ray smiled gently as he bent down to the kid's level, hoping to have a pleasant conversation with the kid - a little heart on heart - with his best Captain Man confidence, but the second he got to close, the robot showed its malice. 
In the blink of an eye, it grabbed Ray by the shoulders and, with incredible strength, launched him high into the sky, throwing him a mile above the ground with little to no effort. His sidekicks, Piper and (y/n), gasped in horror as he screamed, watching as he zoomed higher and higher with no sign of stopping until he was all but a dot against the blue. When would he come back down? 
"Holy shit..."
"IT'S REAL!" Henry screeched as (y/n) turned pale and peaky, her stomach churning as she watched her lover leave her, and she dreaded to think about what would happen when he came back down. Oh, the pain he would feel; she made a mental note to make it up to him later that night, but first, they needed to survive. 
"We told you!" Her twin sighed, blocking the robot in its path so it couldn't get to her. With Ray gone, it was up to her to save herself; a paradox that sounded ridiculous in their heads, but that was the unbelievable problem they were facing. 
"We told you!" Piper reiterated, pacing frantically as the child remained frozen, biding its time or taunting them - they weren't sure. All they knew was they were significantly weaker without Captain Man, and Henry's panicking wasn't helping. 
"We have to protect Piper and (y/n) at all costs!"
"Yeah, I'm gonna protect them from the inside," Henry remarked, squeezing (y/n)'s hand tightly as he opened the door and dragged her in, hoping they'd be safer there. Ray would have his head if she were hurt, and he didn't fancy explaining to his parents why their dear Piper had been slaughtered--it didn't bear thinking about. 
"Thanks a lot, bro!" 
"Just keep me safe, Hen! Don't worry about a thing!" The women called out to him, sending very mixed signals as the kid slammed the door behind him as if the shitty wooden pannels would protect them. (y/n) didn't feel safe without her doofus fighting by her side, but having solid walls and makeshift weapons around her made things a little better; having Piper standing in front of her didn't. 
"What is going on?!" The girl asked as her friend and brother entered the house erratically, looking pale and pasty as if they'd seen a ghost. 
"Uh, what makes you think something is going on?" The heroine asked nervously as she raked a sweaty hand through her hair and glanced around the room. She couldn't look jumpier and antsy if she tried, constantly swallowing and folding her arms as if she was protecting herself - waiting to get. 
"Ahhhhh!" She didn't need to worry, though, because as if he felt her anxiety, Ray dropped in - literally. Out of nowhere, he plummeted through the roof, sending splinters of wood, fibreglass insulation and plasters raining down onto the floor, which he hit with a heavy thump. He got up almost immediately, living by the motto that he could walk anything off, even if he were crusty, dusty, and indeed rusty after enduring such a fall. 
"Doofus!" (y/n) breathed out and leapt across the room to jump into his arms, ignoring the dust that covered his body--and hers once she smothered him. He still felt woozy but hugged her, relieved to know she was still all right after his little detour. 
"Okay, I'm starting to think those crazy old ladies might be telling the truth..." he mumbled as he swayed from side to side, seeing two Henrys, Pipers and (y/n)s as the world spun. It was a good thing she was there to steady him; otherwise, he was confident he'd have keeled over, wobbling as the pain took an extra second to fade due to the enormity of it. 
"You're okay, Ray...we're both gonna be okay," (y/n) whispered against his forehead as he curled into her body, groaning lowly, rubbing his nose into her neck until he recovered, and the sight of him as wounded as he could be, and her friend so worried about something, made Piper's stomach plunge. 
"Someone better tell me what the heck is going on right now!"
"Uh, okay, don't--don't freak out, but there's a robot outside who is here to destroy you and (y/n)," Henry told her bluntly, causing his sister's eyes to widen dramatically as she heard the words "destroy", "you", and "(y/n)". She freaked out instantly, thrashing in her brother's arms and panting wildly as her eyes met the woman's, who nodded solemnly to confirm her fears. They were sitting ducks, and she had no means or knowledge to defend herself. 
"See, I just told you not to freak out," Henry smiled anxiously as (y/n) walked over to comfort her, placing her hands on the girl's shoulders and bringing her into a brief hug. They exchanged worried glances before (y/n) gave her a reassuring nod, her silent way of saying she'd be all right if it were the last thing she did. 
"But don't worry. We'll protect you," Ray swore as he shook off his nausea and confusion and got his head in the game, looking at the girls with smouldering eyes. Deep down, he cared deeply about both of them, willing to die for his future wife and even Piper, no matter how annoying she was.
However, his and Henry's legendary bravery diminished when the door suddenly swung open to reveal the menacing robot. It shoved Old (y/n) facefirst into the ground, causing her to groan and grow limp after the beating it had dealt before they noticed her friend hauled over its shoulder. 
Old Piper looked as if she'd taken one hell of a beating and the evil child showed its hidden strength by holding her like a sack of potatoes, terrifying the boys since it broke down the door without a second thought. 
"Wow. Our heroes."
"I feel so safe," (y/n) and Piper rolled their eyes as they quivered and shrieked like little girls, grasping each other's shirts instead of preparing for battle. Out of instinct, (y/n) stepped in front of her young friend and readied herself to stand as the last defence since Piper was the true leader, the one who'd avenge her if she was to...y'know. 
The child quickly dropped its enemy to the floor, not even flinching when she grunted from the impact. Then, it stared at them, and stared, and waited silently and motionlessly as if it were goading them into running, testing their nerves to see who'd flinch first or maybe just waiting for the opportune moment. 
Finally, after a moment, it moved and began stalking toward them, but it didn't rush. Instead, it inched closer, one step at a time, its eyes pinned on (y/n) and Piper with such accuracy that it made Ray antsy, and he couldn't help but move. To hell with it all, he'd draw the fire if he had to, anything to keep that thing from harming his darling girl because he knew murder in someone's gaze when he saw it, and that kid was bloodthirsty. 
"Okay, you may have gotten the drop on me before, but that's just because I wasn't expecting--" He growled as he approached the robot, pointing an angry finger at it since he felt like he hadn't been given a fair chance before. 
He'd hoped things would be different this time and intended to give it a piece of his mind, but tragically, it ceased him in the blink of an eye. Another blink later, he was hauled through the roof again, tossed skyward with immense strength, much to Piper's horror and (y/n) heartache. 
"No, not my doofus!"
"Ah! What the butt?!" One girl screamed as the other whined, pining for the hero who'd keep them safe no matter what came their way. Dust fluttered to the floor as Ray soared, and the universal travellers groaned on the floor, leaving them open to attack since no one stood in the robot's way. 
"It's okay--it's okay. I got this," Henry promised his sister as he pushed her and (y/n) into the kitchen, giving the woman a severe glance, to which she nodded and returned it. She'd keep Piper safe as long as he didn't get himself killed, which was a tall order as he stepped closer to their stalker. 
"Hey, buddy. I'm going to need you to stop. Just going to need you to stop moving," he told the robot as it kept walking towards him, disregarding every warning to stay where it was unless it wanted to know why people called him Kid Danger. 
"Red light. You have to stop if I say red light. That's--that's the rules of the game. Still...still walking."
"Relax," Piper instructed him as she picked up a trashed wooden chair and raised it defensively, "I speak fluent robot."
"Piper, be careful!" (y/n) warned her as she stepped forward, missing the heroine's grasp just before she could reel her back to safety. Ever an independent spirit, the girl decided to take her fate into her own hands, thinking that it was her life and death, so she could do what she liked with both of them, even if it knocked ten years off the lives of her brother and friend. 
"Adiós, roboto!" She smirked and swung the folded chair, so it cracked over the kid's head. However, the robot didn't crumble under the blow as she'd expected; instead, it stayed put, not flinching even as the splinters rained past his head.
"That's just Spanish," her brother remarked, but there wasn't time for joking, not when the robot continued to glare menacingly at Piper, who was now closer than ever, thanks to her ingenious failure of a plan. 
"Yeah, I think you just made him angrier," (y/n) gulped as the child stood still, seemingly analysing her and Piper now they were all out of ideas. It was damn near indestructible, at least with whatever weapons they had available from the trash around them, so it was a good thing the women near the door had had enough time to recover from their beating. 
"Let's see how he feels about this!" Old Piper exclaimed as she and her companion staggered onto aching knees and drew their idle weapons. They pointed the massive blasters at the robot, glaring as they waited for them to heat up and fire. Unlike the chair, they'd been designed and built in a time and place that matched the kid's sophistication, but they never got the chance. 
Typically, showcasing his excellent timing, Ray came through the roof just before the plasma left the chamber, knocking the women to the floor. It wasn't his fault, but that didn't stop the woman and kids from cringing as he collided with them, resulting in a groaning pile of arms and legs...and Ray on top of his wife. 
"Nice of you to drop by," Old (y/n) smirked through the pain as she came to her senses and saw the man hovering over her. It felt a little weird; after all, Ray had grown old with her in her time, and between getting old, rearing children and fighting a war, there wasn't much time for messing around. 
"What?--Ew, ew, ew, ew!" The man gasped as he looked down and got the fright of his life, his girl underneath him, but not in any way he'd ever imagined. It was her, yet it wasn't, and he jumped off her body like she had the plague, his terrified eyes meeting (y/n)'s bemused ones. 
"I--I--did I get him? Who'd I land on?" He asked, confused, hoping to God that he'd at least taken out the robot to make that awful experience worth it. He felt...icky after feeling her small, familiar yet unknown body beneath him, but he couldn't stumble out an apology to his sweet girl for...being on top of her, even if he tried. The world was spinning and not a lot made sense. 
"Your girlfriend," Piper remarked sarcastically, looking upon the situation with a mischievous smile since he should've been bothered. Logically, she knew the man would never intentionally do anything to hurt his fiancée; from what Henry said and what her eyes saw, he was utterly devoted to her, but that didn't make the situation and his ensuing blushes funny. 
"Not my girlfriend. I'm a happily engaged man...sweet girl, I'm so sorry," he bit back before turning to (y/n) with the saddest, most remorseful eyes she'd ever seen. If things had been different, she'd have been flattered that he felt so bad, but there was nothing to forgive. He'd done nothing. 
"What for? It's about time you two lovebirds got together," she giggled, melting his anxiety when he saw she wasn't mad, and a strong urge came over him - to stride over there and press his lips to hers, so she could see that he meant it. He was happy with her, not some random version of her from a future universe, but there wasn't any time. 
"We'll discuss that later. Right now, I've got boy problems," he said darkly, and the woman felt her thighs and tummy quiver at his smouldering gaze. 
He plucked his laser controller from his back pocket and pointed it at the evil child, changing his plan of attack since he'd learned his lesson. Close contact got him a free ticket to the clouds, so he tried melting its face off instead. 
"And this time, I'm gonna keep a safe distance--" he growled, but before he could press the button and open fire, the robot stretched its arms towards him, and to everyone's shock, they extended. Long, flexible silver poles reached across the room and hooked around his stomach, which honestly didn't shock him as much as he thought it would. 
"Wow...I'm not even mad," he remarked at the futuristic tech, but that was the only thing he managed to say before he was flung through the ceiling again. Mr Hart wouldn't know what to say when he came home to so many holes in his roof, but they didn't think about it when the robot looked away from the flying hero and at its prey. 
"No, go away! Hen, it's coming this way!" (y/n) gasped as the creepy kid began to stalk toward her and Piper, which caused the woman to push Piper behind her as they backed up. 
Seeing they were in trouble and quickly walking into a corner, Henry scooped up one of the dropped blasters and pointed it at his enemy, hoping to make the shot the time travellers couldn't. 
"Get away from my sisters, you--" He hissed, aiming as his finger twitched on the trigger, but before he pulled it, the robot disappeared in a flash of bright light. He recoiled in shock, wondering where it had gone as the room turned eerily calm with no sign of it - no one said it could teleport. 
"Where'd he go?!" Piper exclaimed as she looked around, terrified of the thing sneaking up on them. 
"Not where did he go. When did he go?" Old Piper prompted, drawing a few confused glances from the ones from the past because she'd seen what happened too.
"Uh...just now?" Henry told her, waving the blaster around as he didn't want to let his guard down and be empty-handed when the robot inevitably returned because it would come back. No way had it given up; that would be too easy, and it was programmed to kill, kill, and kill. 
"The robots can jump through time whenever they want," Future (y/n) explained in that same-old wise voice she used in this universe. She was still so clever, and Henry thought Ray would find it adorable if he took the time to hear it. 
"Oh, goodie."
"Of course, they can, okay," Henry sighed, wondering if there were other surprises in store for them. He'd prefer to hear them all now so they weren't caught off guard again. 
"He jumped forward in time to avoid getting blasted, but he'll be back any minute!"
"We have to leave!" The freedom fighters warned, growing antsy at their impending doom, and for all they knew, they might not be so lucky next time. If the child spawned behind Piper and (y/n), everything would be all over if it zapped, sliced or shot them. 
"Who are these ladies? (y/n), is this your mom or sister something? 'Cause I swear, she looks just like y--" Piper started, but Henry interrupted him as he took his PearPhone from his pocket and called the only person he knew could help them. However, it was a little difficult to hear the dialling tone when they conversed in his ear. 
"I need absolute silence."
"But they're nearly identical--" She tried again, reaching out to touch Old (y/n) and get her to explain before her brother reached out and hauled her back. How very dare he. 
"I need--I need absolute silence." It reminded him of whenever Ray craved attention, so he turned to his youngest sidekick and pestered him. He nagged, whined and pleaded for a conversation so many times over the years that Henry had it down to an art form by now. It usually ended with (y/n) returning and taking over, which happened when she put an arm around the girl's shoulders for the phone call. 
"Hey, Schwoz! Long story--turns out everything that those crazy ladies from the future said is true."
"You're from the future?!" Piper gasped, staring at her older self and friend with shocked eyes that made them nervous. They didn't want her asking questions, save she discovered something telling and decided the fight for humanity wasn't for her, so they followed Henry's plan and shut her down.
"He needs absolute silence."
"Some crazy-strong robot kid from the future showed up to my house and threw Ray through the roof a bunch of times..." The kid described to Schwoz, and in the quiet room, everyone heard the loud laughter coming from the line. 
"Yeah, I know it was pretty funny, and yeah, (y/n) got all pouty. You know what they're like, but listen. This kid can, like, warp through time, so..."
"Hey, (y/n/n), your fiancé hasn't come back down yet," Piper butted in, looking skyward at the mention of the holes in the roof, and now she mentioned it, (y/n) realised Ray was taking a lot longer than before. Even against the azure backdrop, they couldn't see him, making her nerves whisper doubts and taunts in her mind. 
"Oh god, how high did that damn robot throw him?" 
"I know, it's pretty funny...or not. I'm concerned--poor Ray--definitely concerned," Henry giggled as he pulled away from the phone, but then he received one of (y/n)'s death glares, and he backed off, his face dropping into a sympathetic frown. Not worrying about her doofus was a mistake; after all, how could she go on without him?
"...Got it. Okay." The phone call finished quickly, and the boy turned to the girls, who were eager to hear what Schwoz had planned. 
"Schwoz says he can whip up a time trap if we lure this kid to the Man Cave."
"Well, how do we do that?" Old Piper asked, knowing that the robot couldn't be bargained with, and they were very crafty - too clever to be duped into following them blindly. They'd have to be smart, which they all were; she wasn't sure if they'd succeed after years of victories and losses. 
"We're gonna use (y/n) and Piper as bait," the teen replied, causing the girls to look at him madly since it was a reasonably brilliant plan - risky but brilliant using the child's target against them, just not so good for the "bait".
"No!" They protested but didn't have time to argue as the robot teleported into the room again. A whoosh later, they turned to see its unnerving eyes fixated on the woman and girl, causing them all to scream. 
"Hey, robot! Here's my sister and friend! We'll be in the Man Cave--byeeeeeee!" Henry quickly took control of the situation, wrapping his arms around the girls and guiding them towards the door before the kid could move closer. Keeping their blasters trained on him, the time-travelling warriors were the last to leave, firmly closing the door behind them as the child followed them. 
Meanwhile, Ray returned from his adventure, crashing through the roof and staying there as his clothing snagged on a splintered floorboard. All anyone could see from the living room were his dangling legs, but no one was there to help him since they were on the move, so for the second time that day, the hero found himself stuck. 
"You guys, that robot kid just threw me into space! And I was wrong! The Earth is definitely round!" He shouted to the empty room, kicking his legs out as he thought about his sweet girl and how proud she'd be now that he'd realised all that science stuff was right. 
If only he knew that Henry was using her as bait. The kid hoped he never found out because if he did, he'd probably rip his head off for putting his precious fiancée in danger. 
After running like that, (y/n) was sure she'd qualify for the Swellview Marathon next year. The store ahead of them was on high alert, with its stoutest defenders - Charlotte and Jasper - ready to take on the robot hot on their heels. 
The kid was creepier than the heroine first thought because to say it only ever walked after them; it always seemed to be there - three metres behind at all times. Seriously, it could give those zombies and ghouls from horror movies a run for their money, as always spawned, no matter how fast they ran, so all they could do was get to Junk-N-Stuff as quickly as possible. 
Piper and (y/n) were the first to burst through the door, practically pushed into the store by Henry, who kept looking over his shoulder to see if Old (y/n) and Piper were still with, plus the robot. It wasn't giving up, but luckily, they had Jasper Dunlop and his ski boots to save them. 
"Why is it after us?!" Piper screamed as she ran into the store, cowering behind her brother's crazy friends, who looked like they'd swam through a lost-and-found box for protective gear. Technically, it was whatever excess stock they had in the back, so, complete with padded vests, football helmets, toy shields and sturdy boots, the kids were ready to...try and help. 
"We warned you!"
"Yeah, but you sounded crazy," (y/n) argued when their future selves got all self-righteous and smug, even though they acknowledged how insane everything was. 
"You still sound crazy," Henry added, pushing his sister and friend further away from the door, hoping the counter would provide them extra cover when the robot beat the door down. Oh, how (y/n) wished Ray was with them; she didn't know where he was, but she wanted to hide in his arms and forget all this was happening. Why couldn't she have a typical day for once?
"What are you doing?"
"I'm locking the door!" Charlotte told the boy as she turned the lock. The kid could teleport through time and had mile-long arms, but a shitty, wooden door could defeat it. Still, what she didn't know...would hurt her. 
"Why? We need the robot to follow us into the Man cave!"
"Yeah, we're gonna use Piper and (y/n) as bait!" Old Piper and Henry explained, causing the girls to gulp at the thought of sitting and waiting whilst leaving their lives in other people's hands. It didn't seem right, but they didn't have any other ideas. 
"Hey, we don't want to be bait!" (y/n) complained, as she rightfully should, only to draw a sarky comment from the boy shielding her as she covered Piper. 
"Okay, well, no one wants to be bait..." He replied, thinking himself so clever and witty until she gave him a dry look to shut him up. If it was such a lighthearted situation, he could do it, but there wasn't any time to be petty. Charlotte had some alarming news. 
"Schwoz needs a few more minutes to set up the time trap, so we came up here to try and slow down the robot," she explained, making the children even more nervous. Knowing that it was on its way and they weren't prepared, Piper grasped (y/n)'s hand and squeezed it tight, to which the woman could only give her a watery smile. 
"Is he even out there?" Jasper asked as he peered through the glass door, looking highly stupid in his big, padded helmet and vibrant vest. He could barely walk in his ski boots, but at least they'd offer him protection, which was less than the girls had as everyone crowded around the door. 
"Yes, he's out there!"
"I don't see him..."
"I don't know," they murmured, Henry, the time travellers, and helpers coming together to look up and down the street to see if they could spot the kid and his brightly coloured shirt, but there wasn't any sign of him. Naturally, they all felt safe in the store, thinking the strong brick walls would protect them should the robot want to break in, but no one thought about his time-jumping abilities. 
"AHHHHHH!" (y/n) and Piper screeched as they turned around to see the child staring at them menacingly. With a single whoosh, it teleported into the room and snuck up behind them, forsaking the locked door and every other precaution the group took since nothing stood between him and its prey, or at least, (y/n) bravely pushed herself between it and Piper. 
"Piper, (y/n), quite screaming! We're trying to look for the robot boy! God..." Jasper groaned as they made all that noise, thinking they were being hysterical. The girls couldn't take their eyes off it as they kept looking out the window, and if it weren't for the impending doom, then they would've been furious with his rude tone. 
"He's right there!" Piper yelled, her face tucked under (y/n)'s arm to see where the kid was. She felt safe with the woman, knowing she was Miss Danger and an excellent fighter, which was still a bit weird, but things made sense now. She just hoped she lived to see an actual mission. 
"What?" Henry frowned before he turned around, catching a glimpse of the creepy child they were hunting. The protectors screamed at the sight, spooked at how it had managed to sneak in silently. 
"Go, go, go!" Henry quickly said (y/n) and Piper, hurrying to usher them to the elevator before the kid could get them. Leaving Jasper and Charlotte to stall the kid with one of his genius ideas, they skidded into the back room, which sadly didn't have the invincible beaded curtain there anymore as a last-minute barrier. 
"Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up!" (y/n) panicked as they heard screams from the other room, none of which they wanted to contemplate since it could've ranged from torture to a severe punch-up knowing that monster. Typically, the sidekicks would've gone back to help, but their mission was to keep Piper safe above all else. Charlotte and Jasper would be fine - probably. 
"C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon..." Henry murmured to himself as he spammed the elevator button, begging the door to open as the woman next to him kept poking his shoulder. He couldn't make the elevator come any quicker, but the second the door was open, the trio fell in, eager to get downstairs. However, to their surprise, no one else followed. 
"Hey! Aren't you coming?" The heroine called to herself and Old Piper, assuming they'd want to follow them down and protect them to the last second, but they stayed behind, lingering in the doorway between the Man Cave and the secret store. 
"No. We're going to stay here and try to buy Schwoz some more time," the blonde replied, giving them one final look before they faced their fears. It was a noble and courageous thing to do, and Henry decided not to waste their kindness, even when they kept talking. 
"It's not going to be easy. That robot kid can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear."
"Okay, thanks--byeeeee!"
"Don't die!"
"Good luck!" They called to the women, who watched the elevator doors slide shut and their faces slide out of view with baffled expressions. Nothing like leaving them to face the robot alone, but they shook off the shock and drew their blasters, ready to give them as much time as possible, despite its crafty tricks. 
Downstairs, Schwoz had built one of his brilliantly confusing and complicated machines out of the Time Jerker's old portal, the one Drez used in his last escape, and whilst it was in two, burnt and broken, it still had plenty of use.
However, judging by how he continued to fiddle with it, he still wasn't finished. Pipes and tubes ran from one socket to another in a series of glowing snakes that tangled so complexly that not even (y/n) could make heads or tails of them or the millions of blinking lights scattered across platform like stars across the inky black sky. 
He had his toolbox open next to him and used (y/n) and Piper as assistants as he tweaked and tightened every inch of his machine, spending so long that the girls grew fidgety with the worry that it wouldn't work. Anxious about what was going on upstairs and the fact that they were spiralling to when the robot inevitably got downstairs, Henry activated the secret stash of weapons Ray kept hidden on the Man Cave's floor. 
An entire selection of weapons rose from beneath the tiles, and he didn't hesitate to eye up the biggest blaster they had, knowing it would be up to him to fight the kid once it made it through the elevator door. 
'Keep her safe, kid. No matter what, he could imagine Ray saying, which he used to justify touching Captain Man's favourite blasters. He got so touchy about people getting their grubby fingermarks on them, but losing his sweet girl would be devasting, and her safety was worth an afternoon cleaning a few triggers.
"Hand me the nebuliser rod!" Schwoz ordered Piper as (y/n) handed him an electric ioniser, but unlike the woman, she didn't know what all these strange gadgets were. Maybe she could handle a hammer or screwdriver, possibly a spanner or wrench, but his toolbox looked like torture equipment, and his time-trap thingy was as confusing as a rocket ship. 
"What's a nebuliser rod?!"
"Just hand me anything! I'll make it work."
"Here! Just hurry up, you coconut head!" (y/n) snapped as she shoved a bulky tool into the genius' hand. It wasn't like her to be so sharp and curt; usually, she loved helping out because being intelligent, sweet and smiley meant Ray got all dopey, mushy and cuddly, lavishing praise and attention on her when she was finished since "his girl is so smart". 
But, her temper shrank when the stress became too much, and even her closest friend tested her patience. 
"That thing's on its way," Henry mentioned as he heard the elevator scrape against the shaft. Everyone upstairs had spared them a few minutes, but now, their time was up, so as the metal box slammed into the ground in its typical fashion, he grabbed the most potent, most dangerous blaster on the rack and prepared to shoot whatever came his sisters' way. 
"How much more time do you need to make that time trap, Schwoz?"
"Another minute, at least!" The small man replied as his fingers danced over the electronics at the speed of light to the tune of the robot smashing the door down. With (y/n) pushing Piper into a corner, the kid readied his blaster as the elevator dinged and slid open, revealing the robot's menacing glare. 
"No problem," Henry said bravely as he stalked toward the kid as it headed for the girls. Not taking any chances, he pointed the gun at it and fired point-blank, sending lightning-blue plasma straight at its face, but their technology was too primitive for the robot, which deflected the shot simply by stretching its palm in front of its face. 
The blast bounced back and hit Henry in the chest, sending him skidding across the floor next to Schwoz's invention. A burning pain spread through his chest - not deadly, but enough to sap his energy as his sister and friend gawped in shock. 
"Okay, it might be a problem," he grunted when he glanced at the useless weapon, realising that it hurt him more than the kid, who he swore had a smug smirk plastered across its cybernetic face before it moved again. 
"Hurry up... Hurry up!" Piper shouted at Schwoz, growing frantic now the robot was looking in their direction, and in her mind, the handyman wasn't working fast enough. Some might say he was dillydallying, but she saw it as taking the piss, which was okay for him - he wasn't being hunted. 
"Work faster! Work faster! Work faster! Work faster!" (y/n) joined in, whacking the genius' shoulder with each order falling from her mouth. It didn't help Schwoz's concentration, but when he looked up to give her a sharp telling-off, he saw the utter terror on her face and paused. He'd never seen her so frightened, except maybe when she thought Ray would marry someone else, but that was different. It broke her heart but didn't take her life. 
"Okay!" He snapped, tinkering quickly as Piper clutched (y/n)'s shirt and breathed raggedly in her ear. Poor kid; she was petrified, cowering behind her friend as the evil child got closer, and all she could do was watch and say a prayer. She'd never see her parents again, or her friends, or get to attend (y/n)'s wedding to that doofus, but Henry had one last fight in him.
"Gotcha!" He breathed out as he scrambled to his knees and looped his arms around the kid's body in a tight hold. He hoped to wrestle him to the ground, and the girls cracked a smile when they saw how he held him back. 
They thought they were safe - gathering a few seconds for Schwoz - but it was impossible when Henry tried to pick the robot up or pull him over. 
"Oh, this kid's a unit," he grunted as his feet slipped across the floor whenever he tried to shove him one way or another. It was like trying to push over a brick wall, and his brain flicked back to one of his last physics lessons in school - back when he went. Something about equal and opposite forces pushed him back, and the smooth tiles gave little to no friction, making a desperate, if slightly hilarious, for the girls watching. 
Things got even worse as the child slowly brought his hands together until palm touched palm, creating an electric charge between his hands that quickly spread throughout his body. The current jumped from him to Henry, shocking the kid as he refused to let go until his hair stood on end and a burning smell permeated the room. 
"How'z it going over there with the trap, Schwozzzz?"
"I just need to attach more flashing lights!" He replied, glancing at the fried boy, who, despite everything, still held onto the robot to stop him from moving. The trap already had a gazillion lights, blinking and twinkling a million different colours every few seconds, and honestly, they didn't seem to be doing much. 
"Is that really necessary?!" Piper asked hysterically, growing jumpy again as she watched her brother lose strength and focus. After being electrocuted, he wouldn't have the power to carry on, leaving them defenceless. 
"Not at all, but look how cool they are!" Schwoz replied, grinning at his creation, lit up like a Christmas tree, and it would've looked lovely at any other time, just not when they were on the verge of dying. His casual tone earned him several death glares, mainly from (y/n) and Henry, as the boy started to crisp up, his hair standing on end as his clothes singed. 
"Schwoz!" They yelled at him as the voltage became too much and pushed Henry to the floor. He couldn't move if he tried, too beat after taking the pain, so he used the last of his strength to watch in horror as the robot started walking again. 
"Give it!" Piper screeched as he got closer and closer; there were less than two metres between them, which was close enough, in her opinion. Not taking any chances, she grabbed the doohickey Schwoz had been working on and slid it across the tiles until it was in front of the child, ready for use. 
"Now, hit it, Schwoz!" (y/n) yelled as the robot looked at the device in confusion, wondering what the pathetic humans had put in front of it. Without another word, Schwoz hit the power button, sending masses of blue energy through the cables, circuits, and bulbs he'd soldered before it hit the child. 
In a bright flash of light, the robot was trapped, surrounded by an azure haze and stuck in a split-second loop for the rest of eternity. Under other circumstances, it might've been sad to see something relive the exact moment over and over, especially when they could see how the kid tried to shield itself at the last minute, but they couldn't feel anything but relief. 
It was over. Finally, everything was over. Piper and (y/n) were safe. 
"it worked!" Henry breathed out as they slowly got up, some sorer than others but no less thankful that they'd done it. The girls didn't know whether to laugh or cry as the pent-up stress from the last two hours welled up inside them, but as they gazed at the trapped kid, they decided on the feeling of victory, and dear god, it was sweet. 
"Yeah, I caught him in a time loop," Schwoz explained, watching as the kid raised his arms and put them down repeatedly in a continuous cycle, never to be freed if they could help it. 
"That's amazing."
"Yeah, nice one, Schwoz," Piper and (y/n) complimented as they draped their arms across one another's shoulders, feeling much more relaxed now they weren't being hunted. Free to be casual again, they melted into their friendship, secretly and silently, that, as terrible as the day had been, it ultimately brought them closer together.
"Now, he's stuck reliving the same three seconds over and over and over and over and over and ov--"
"We get it," (y/n) butted in dryly when he turned into a stuck record. Still, Schwoz wasn't offended; no, he was still blushing from their compliments and burning with pride since, once more, it was his intellect that saved the day. 
"Looks like he's dancing," Henry giggled as he observed the robot, who, now that he relaxed and looked properly, moved as if he was eternally dabbing - a move the sidekick wished on no one. 
"Oh, yeah!"
"He's doing a little dance thing. Look at this," they laughed together, mocking their enemy by mimicking his moves by dabbing themselves. It was hilarious, even though the robot couldn't hear or see them, and it was nice to enjoy themselves after stressing so much - until Piper's phone pinged. 
"What's wrong?" (y/n) asked when the girl gasped, causing her to stop doing that newfangled move she saw all the kids doing on social media. She was a grown-up, too mature for that stuff, and tried to look a tad more severe as the teen stared at her phone. 
"Dad's coming home!" She announced, her eyes clouding with worry as Henry choked and stopped dancing. The only reason Mr Hart hadn't seen the robot killer was that he'd gone to some fancy festival to get a tan and dance with his homies - a very responsible move when he didn't know where his wife was, but then again, he thought an irresponsible teen party would do Henry well. 
"What?! I thought he was at the Fayke Fest?" The boy spat, his eyebrows knitting together in confusion.
"You're not gonna believe this, but the Fayke Fest was fake!" Piper exclaimed, reading her dad's text wide-eyed as (y/n) giggled a little.
"Go figure," she remarked as the boys gasped as if it wasn't apparent from the beginning. Why could he have gone to Swellchella? Or, more importantly, why, as a forty-something-year-old married man with children, feel the need to go where college kids went to get drunk and make out?
"Yes! The whole thing was just a scam to separate idiots from their money. Now, dad's on his way home, and he says, I hope your brother is having a party and not being the two-friended nerd he usually is."
"Wow. That kind of hurts," Henry winced as his sister read the text. He didn't understand his dad's obsession with his social life, but at the same time, he knew he'd never be able to explain why he didn't have one. Charlotte and Jasper worked with him, the school was impossible when Ray called him at all hours of the day to go on missions, and honestly, he had enough friends--no, family--in the Man Cave. He just didn't know that. 
"He's on his way right now! How are we going to make it look like you're having a party?!?" Piper asked as she looked at her brother with concern because their father would come home to a cluttered house that they couldn't explain. 
It was a real problem, but as Henry glanced to her left, he couldn't help but wonder. They didn't have to trick him for long enough, and he knew one hell of a dancer.
~Henry's house~
The bass beat rattled the light fittings as the party of the year hit the Harts' residence. The place already had that trashed, chaotic, high school party-like vibe, so it was just a matter of filling up the space with people, lights and music.
The music was easy; the kid shuffled his playlist and connected it to the living room's speakers, turning it up so high that they'd have complaints from neighbours...or a trophy since he'd never thrown one before. Next, they found a light machine mirrorball and hung it from the ceiling, reflecting bright puddles of colour around the house, so it was like they were in a club. 
Finally, there was the bit he was most proud of, and Henry couldn't help but smirk as he grooved next to the couch. He wouldn't say he was a popular kid, not like he used to be, so no one from Swellview High was willing to come, which was why he had to be crafty. 
Near the kitchen, Charlotte and Jasper tore up the wooden floor, dancing non-stop since the robot had hit them with some weird gas that made them boogie like they were in some video game, but they didn't mind since it was pretty fun and would wear off eventually. Then, against (y/n)'s better judgement, he'd invited Schwoz over to act as a raver, dressed in a shockingly bright outfit as he danced with Piper by the fire. 
Then, as he and (y/n) took the spotlight in the middle of the room, Old Piper and (y/n) swept around the kitchen, dodging the robot as it dabbed near the counter. The house looked pretty full, and with Ray dangling from the ceiling - a sight that shocked (y/n) when she first saw it, but Henry said to leave him be for the time being - the place looked wild. 
So wild that when Mr Hart stepped through the door, he couldn't believe his eyes.
"Hey, dad!"
"Hey, Mr Hart!"
"Welcome back!"
"Hi, Henry's dad!" The party people shouted over the music as he stood in the doorway with his jaw practically on the floor. He never thought in all his born days that his pathetic son, who had no girlfriend, only two friends, and devoted all his time to some crappy junk store, would host such a lively and thriving party. It was unbelievable, and he thought he was dreaming for a second. 
"I have never been proud of you until right now," he said, tears welling up in his eyes as he stepped into the room and showed off his severe sunburn, curly hair and dirty Fayke Fest tank top. He was a wreck after being left out to bake and starve by those conmen, but it didn't matter because his son wasn't a loser. 
"Awwww!" Henry smiled as his dad moved in for a hug, but just as they began to wrap their arms around each other, Old Piper pushed through them without a care in the world, dragging her sheepish companion behind her. 
"Later, Pops. We got a war to fight," she said dramatically as she headed toward the door with a few looted snacks for the journey. Nothing much, just some bananas, cake, bread--all the stuff they didn't have in their dimension but would be sorely loved by her and the rebels.
"In the future. Against robots. That look like children." And with that, she walked out the door, leaving Mr Hart speechless at the weirdo who'd been in his house. 
"It was great meeting you all! Take care of yourself, and that doofus of ours," Old (y/n) smiled warmly before her eyes settled on her younger self, who understood her cryptic message perfectly. It went over everyone else's head, but she knew what she meant, and her eyes drifted to her dangling lover as the warriors left the house and never looked back. They had more universes and other versions of themselves to save; what was the end for this group was the beginning for them. 
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you," Henry told his dad with a bright smile, and it was enough to make Mr Hart hold back on any questions. He put it down to party-time antics, which made him even prouder of his son since he never did stuff like this when young, including getting a guy to fall through the ceiling, which Ray did as he finally loosened the plaster enough to get free. 
Watching as he yelped and hit the floor, Mr Hart laughed and gasped at the hilarious sight, not even caring that he had numerous holes to fix in his roof nor a potentially "injured" man on his dust-covered floor. 
"That's my fiancé! He was in the ceiling," (y/n) explained drunkenly as she bopped to the beat, acting as though she'd been partying for hours and drinking spiked punch when really, she wanted to go home and have a cup of tea since the music gave her a headache after so much excitement. 
But things were looking up as Ray staggered towards them, slightly disorientated after spending so long up there and then unexpectedly hitting the floor, and he immediately looked for his sweet girl. It felt like an age since he'd seen her, touched her, kissed her sweet lips, and he had never felt more relieved than when he saw her dancing like nothing was holding her back. So very beautiful...
"Hey...where's my sweet girl?" he asked groggily, his hand perched on a shelf, so he didn't fall over, and when she looked in his direction, a grin broke out on (y/n)'s face. He was musty, crusty and dusty, messy and filthy after going up and down more times than a yo-yo, but he was a sight for her sore eyes, and she couldn't help but rush to him.
"Doofus! I missed you!" She squealed, dashing across the room and leaping into his arms, uncaring when the plaster dust smudged across her clothes too. The force of her hitting him nearly knocked Ray over, but he quickly steadied himself and squeezed her in his embrace, feeling the day's problems wash away now that she was his to hold, love and kiss. 
"Are they always like that?"
"Unfortunately, yes, but trust me, it's a lot worse when they're not together." The father and son exchanged whispers as they watched the happy couple become oblivious to the party around them, kissing like no other in the room. Leaving them be, they returned to the music, dancing with everyone else since there always had to be one handsy couple making out in the corner. 
"Are you okay? You're not hurt?" Ray muttered to his precious girl as their lips brushed together, his hands gliding up and down her back and feeling up her waist like he was looking for injuries. He knew in the back of his mind that if she had been hurt, then any evidence would be long gone, healed over and forgotten about, but he had to make sure. He had to know she was all right if he wanted to sleep that night. 
"No, I'm fine. Piper's good, too," she replied with a smile, tilting her head up when he nudged his nose under her jaw, aiming to kiss down her throat since he was in that sort of mood.
A grunt left his mouth as a reply, less concerned with Henry's bratty sister and more with her safety since the world would continue to turn if Piper grazed her knee, but his would crash and burn if he lost her. He didn't know who to thank or what had happened but tucked away in what they thought was a quiet corner of a loud party, he happily reacquainted himself with her sweetness, memorising the slope of her neck into her shoulder every spot that made her squeak. 
"We did it, Ray. We stopped the robot. We won..."
"And those two loonies...have they gone?" He asked instantly, ceasing his ministrations in favour of looking down at her with smouldering yet inquisitive eyes. The eagerness in his gaze made her roll her eyes since he couldn't be more evident with his dislike and distrust, even though those "loonies" were the only reason she and Piper weren't...y'know. 
"Yeah, they left. Things to do, (y/n)s and Pipers to save, places to go. You don't have to be so grumpy now," she giggled, cupping his stubble-covered cheeks and stroking her thumbs over his cheekbones as he pouted. Was he grumpy? He didn't think so; after all, it was his job to keep her safe, and those women were so strange - it made him feel gross. 
"I'm not grumpy."
"Yes, you are! You got grumpy every time Future Me or Piper opened their mouths, and when I flirted with you--god. You looked like you wanted to vomit," the heroine giggled, although her smile wobbled slightly as she trailed to the end of her sentence, looking almost sad as her words sank in. And Ray noticed as he always did, causing him to hold her waist and sigh.
"Vomit's a strong word, sweet girl."
"Fine, scratch your own eyes out, then. And all because I got old...was it really so bad?" she asked in a quiet voice barely audible above the music, feeling small and pathetic since this was supposed to be a happy reunion, but she was overthinking as usual. But she couldn't help it because, unlike the plastic Barbie girls he used to date, she'd fade and wilt, grow grey and tired one day. Would he still see her as beautiful when she was nothing new?
Ray couldn't believe what he was hearing, and in an instant, he pushed her toward the kitchen, body pressed flush to his as he used the shelves in the middle of the room to shield them from prying eyes. Her mouth opened and closed like a goldfish, and her head lowered, wondering if she'd said the wrong thing and offended him by being so shallow, but then, he grabbed her chin and forced her to look him in the eye—his tear-filled, questioning, crystal blue eyes. 
"I don't care that you got old, (y/n)," he said sternly, keeping his hold on her face gentle but firm when instinct told her to look away, but he wanted her to see. He didn't care, honestly and truly, and a part of him was ashamed that he'd made it seem that way. 
"I just care that I didn't grow old with you," he confessed, dropping his forehead against hers as he worked out why that woman unsettled him so much. It wasn't because she flirted, had wrinkles on her face or knew things she shouldn't; it was because she'd lived a life he didn't know about, making him uneasy. He wanted her every moment, every experience, every memory - wanted to share in it all, but he couldn't see the future. 
He didn't know anything, and it made him wary of the passing face that would live in his dreams now until many years passed, but the confession made her visibly relax. That wasn't so bad; sweet, actually, and it made her heart flutter, knowing he envisioned a future together. 
"Oh..." She murmured, looking as though she was deep in thought, despite the pounding music breaking through her skull, and it made him antsy. Why did she always answer his most profound confessions with such a simple yet empty word? 
"You know I hate it when you say that..."
"I want to grow old with you too, doofus. I want to be with you forever and ever," (y/n) told him cutely, ending his anxiety when she realised how pathetic her response was. "Oh" always seemed to fit what she wanted to say perfectly, but others wanted a little more from her, and she didn't mind gushing to her fiancé when it made him blush like that. 
"I want that too, especially if you stay this beautiful," he remarked, face flushed from her sweet and sentimental words that lifted his heart and made him grin, laughing breathily as he returned the soppiness. He was a big enough man to admit he was wrong, and now that it was just them, lost amongst the festivities, he recalled how she aged gracefully and was still so pretty - his precious girl. 
"I'm going to get old, Ray. You saw...what I will look like," she told him quietly, growing a little timid at the thought of wrinkles, grey hairs and creaking knees. She didn't mind, knowing that it happened to everyone, but she knew she would change, which warranted a little insecurity. 
"You are and always will be the most beautiful thing I ever saw. I knew that the moment I saw you," he swore as he pecked her on the forehead, feeling her skin grow warm under his lips as she blushed and buried her face in his chest. Love swelled within her chest to the point where her heart would explode because he'd seen models, beauty queens and princesses, yet she surpassed them in his eyes. 
"You flatterer..."
"What? It's true!" Ray grinned as she pushed her palm against his pec, acting as though she wanted him to go away when really, she wanted him to have and take her in every way possible. He was perfect and lovely, above every other man and the Earth, and he was all hers. Where was the nearest surface?
"Take me home, then, doofus. I think I promised you a shower," she smirked, sliding her hands down his chest as his eyes darkened. She did say that, and he hadn't forgotten, aching to wash away the day as his hands scrubbed her back...amongst other things. 
"God, I love you, sweet girl."
And he did, then, now, and forever.
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livredebelle · 1 year
THE LIGHT BEAMING ONTO MY FACE was uncomfortable. 
It woke me up. 
Where was I? Right... I think I fell asleep at Quinn's. This is definitely not my crappy bed. It's actually comfy, and my back doesn't hurt. Groaning, I rubbed my eyes and looked at the time on my phone. 2:45 AM... Shit. 
"Oh, sorry, did I wake you?" Quinn's voice was soft, as if he thought I might still be asleep. 
I shook my head. "Shoot, I'm so sorry. I never meant to fall asleep at your place like this."
"No worries, I offered. Anyway... it's already so late, so just go back to sleep. I'm sleeping out on the couch tonight, but I don't mind. Henry, Sam and I still have stuff to smooth out before we hit the hay. You have school tomorrow?"
I nodded. "It's my graduation ceremony, actually. I really can't be late this time."
"What, really? Is anyone you know attending?"
"No... I didn't think it was appropriate enough to invite anyone. Besides, I don't have anyone that's an option." I bit my lip subconsciously, then quickly undid the action. I hoped he didn't notice that I was a little anxious. Obviously, I had thought about whether it was wise to send the invitation to anyone in my estranged family. But there was no point. No one would want to come. It would be as good as throwing them away, I thought, so I hadn't sent the invitations to anyone. Nor did I have any friends to whom I felt close enough to give these to. After all, I would feel conflicted if someone I sort of knew but wasn't close to suddenly invited me to such an intimate event. It didn't make sense...
"Not appropriate enough? Jesus... Listen, how about this. Why don't you give me an invitation, and I'll go. I have nothing to do anyway, and I might as well pop by to take a quick picture for you."
"That's not necessary. Besides, I threw away all my invitations already. There's no need to be so hospitable; don't be disgusting."
"That's it, I'm wide awake now. I should get going." I tried to shove past him, but he shoved me back against the mint-colored wall in his room. I felt my adrenaline kick in, sensing a hint of danger instinctively. Crud. 
"Stop. I know you're stubborn, but couldn't you just give in once in a while? You're seriously not cute." I could feel his minty cool breath touch my face as he spoke softly. I felt a shiver run up my spine. What was this feeling? I didn't like it one bit. I tried to worm out of it, but he pushed up even closer against me. 
"Okay, okay, I won't move. Stop coming closer. You're being weird." My heart felt like it was stuck in my throat.
He assessed my face, and then pulled away from me slightly and broke out into a huge, goofy grin. "I knew it. You're not unaffected."
"Nothing... Let's just say, I won a long-standing bet. About time." 
"You know, I smelled a bit of whiskey on your breath just now, mixed with mint gum. Have you been drinking? That explains why you're acting so off. Let me out, stupid, I have to go home and rest properly before my graduation."
"Hmm? How am I acting off?" Contrary to my wishes, he pushed back even closer. "I have no idea what you're talking about. But yes, I did drink a little bit of whiskey. As ever, you have a sharp sense of smell. You're like a puppy; it's adorable." His amber eyes glistened. "Do you want some too? Or maybe another stoge?"
I hesitated. "It's really getting late. I..."
He tilted his head to the side. "Hey, have you ever considered what it might be like... to change things up a little?" 
"Change? I'm not sure I'm following."
"It's like this--what if I seriously thought you were cute, but as a friend... and I wanted to keep things the way they were between us, but not at the same time. Does that make sense?"
"Again, not sure I'm following... How can you keep things the way they are, but not at the same time?"
Exasperated, he ran his hand through his hair. "I mean that I want to become friends with benefits with you. If you were interested, that is."
"WHAT?" I nearly shouted. To shush me, he covered my mouth in a hurry. Good thing, too--I was sure Henry or Sam might have heard for sure if he hadn't. 
"It's not that shocking. What is there to get shocked about? We're both adults, both single and attractive, and both dealing with some serious issues. The best way to let off some steam..." he trailed off. 
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Besides, it was hard to think when he was this close. It felt like a lump was stuck in my throat. Christ--this was my first time having to think about something like this. I couldn't wrap my head around what he was suggesting... Did all college boys do this? Were they all this horny and needy?
I licked and bit the palm of his hand to get it off of my mouth. To my shock, instead of becoming angry, he sucked in a deep breath. "That's kinda hot." Then he leaned forward with no warning and gave me a quick, rough kiss. I had no time to react but to accept his minty breath; his tongue danced with mine, and I felt the blood rush from my head. This--this was an intoxicating feeling. I felt lost in the universe. Don't get me wrong--I had been kissed before, but it was never this intense. The few guys I'd bothered to date throughout high school were as inexperienced as I was, so all the kisses I'd had up until this point had felt rushed, awkward and weird. I didn't really feel anything when I kissed them. But this kiss with my friend and neighbor Quinn was different... I felt like I couldn't breathe, and my palms, resting in my lap, became sweaty. I felt dizzy from having all the air sucked out of my lungs, and a tingly feeling that spread from my chest to my legs. 
So this is what all the rage with kissing was about.
He pulled away abruptly and smiled. "Think about it." Then, he suddenly got up and turned to leave. "You should stay for the night. Or not... either way, good night." And then he was gone. 
0 notes
angellesword · 3 years
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Description: You and Jungkook were best friends who were in love with each other. What would happen when Soojin, your half sister who you’re trying to impress, told you she’s in love with Jungkook too?
Where did you stand after this? What choices did you have?
“Would you believe me if I said that I was scared of everything too?”
Pairing: Architect!Jungkook x Architect!Reader (side pairing: Taehyung x Yoongi)
Genre: childhood best friends to lovers, family drama, angst, fluff, idiots to lovers, pining, slice of life au.
Warnings: Building collapse, resulting to death and injuries. Homophobia, cursing, and drinking alcohol on a plane, physical abuse (Sin-ae slapped OC)
Note: Texts like this = lyrics from this chapter’s OST which is It’s You by Henry
Word Count: 3.6k
Series: CHAPTER 8 | CHAPTER 10
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When Jungkook claimed that 'the whole family needs you,' what he really meant was that the Kims needed you to convince Taehyung to go back to Seoul.
"No. I'd rather die than go back there." Your brother's face was scarlet, obviously fuming.
You sighed. Defeat was already knocking on your door, telling you to give it up. Taehyung was stubborn, no one could make him do something he proclaimed he hated.
"B-But..." You couldn't give up, so desperately, you looked at him and said "our family needs us—"
"Our family needs us?" He cut you off, voice laced with so much fury it made you flinch.
You hadn't seen him this enraged. Regret washed over you. Perhaps you should've waited for the sun to come up first before dropping the bad news to him. Taehyung woke up with a sour mood since you banged on your bedroom door, forcing him to come out and talk to you.
He had a frown on his face when he opened the door, eyes squinting, he asked you what you could possibly want in the middle of the night.
You told him your concern at once, not minding that Jimin was awake now, calling your name softly like he wasn't sure what was happening or why you're suddenly disturbing everyone's sleep.
Yoongi was awake too. He stood behind Taehyung as he scratched the back of his head, frowning at you.
You ruined their sleep while Jungkook ruined your peace.
He told you that your father and Soojin got into an accident. Apparently, the building which was being constructed by Castle Architectural Firm collapsed. Some construction workers, your father, and Soojin were injured.
Admittedly, you didn't know all the details because your mind had gone haywire the second you heard Jungkook associated your family's names with the word accident.
You could say though that between you and Taehyung, the latter was calmer. When you told him the same thing Jungkook had said to you, all your brother asked was this: "they're...still alive, right?"
You nodded your head, lips pressing into a grim line when he shrugged.
Taehyung shrugged nonchalantly.
"Good. I'll just send them a text message later." He attempted to shut the door.
"Wait!" You stopped him, saying that you two needed to plan your trip back home.
It's his turn to smack his lips together, as if he found your statement ridiculous.
Taehyung told you he would never go back to Seoul. You still insisted on going though, prompting him to say things both of you knew he's gonna regret.
"Why are you forcing me to go back to that shithole?" He snapped at you. "Did you forget what I've been through because of him?"
You could see it in his eyes. He wanted to scream everything—he lost everything because of Taemin.
"B-But..." You were too frightened to think of a proper explanation so you just repeated what you said a few breaths ago, "they need us..." Your voice was actually low, like you weren't sure if what you said was valid.
Taehyung proved that it was bull by cackling. His tongue was prodding at the insides of his mouth.
"Bull fucking shit." You took a step back upon hearing his snarl. Taehyung was glaring daggers at you.
"Taehyung-ah..." Yoongi interrupted before his boyfriend could hurt you with his words. It was to no avail. Your brother didn't stop sputtering things. He was directing his frustration to you.
"What? I'm right, Yoongi." He also glared at his hyung before casting his gaze back at you. "We chose to leave but they pushed us to do it. Our father can't accept me. My mother barely tolerated me. Seokjin and Namjoon-hyung are the only ones who defended me, but where are they now? They stopped talking to me too—" He sounded bitter.
You couldn't blame him. None of them reached out to talk to you and your brother. It had been almost two years since you contacted them. They didn't spare you even a simple greeting no matter how many holidays had passed, no matter how long your messages were.
The Kims never replied.
"Consider leaving Seoul as a sign of you turning your back on us." This was what Taemin said to Taehyung.
And to you?
They never cared about you. As a matter of fact, you felt like you had done them a favor when you left. Even Soojin didn't bother to stop you. She only said you're old enough to decide for yourself, that she got a lot on her plate right now and that she didn't have time for your drama or whatever you're going through.
Taehyung said you were stupid. Why did you keep insisting yourself to them? Wasn't it obvious to you that they didn't want you in their circle? You were an outsider they would never let in.
"—and now you're saying they need us? For what?" He answered his own question after swallowing his spit. "For support? That's rich coming from them, don't you think? How dare they ask something they never gave us when we needed it the most?"
"I don't want to end up like them, oppa." Your voice was barely audible as you trained your eyes on the floor. "You and I both know how painful it is not to have the support we craved. Do you really want to pass that pain to someone else?"
Taehyung cackled, forcing you to cast your eyes back to him.
"That's where we're different, little sister." He licked his lower lip, thunder and lightning were brewing in his eyes. "I don't care about the pain of the people who hurt me. I don't want to be the bigger person here. What? Am I supposed to just forget everything I went through just because my father is in pain? He's hurt for a reason. He deserves it."
Taehyung knew he was being mean. He couldn't help it. Why must he allow toxic people back in his life again? He managed to pull himself from a very dark place. It was difficult. It was shitty. It was heartbreaking. But he did it.
He did it and just because he could didn't mean he'd allow himself to go back to that dark place. Taehyung wouldn't. He would never be sorry for how he protected his peace.
Not going back to Seoul was how he did it.
"But Soojin..." If Taehyung couldn't forgive his father, then he should go back home for the sake of his other sister.
"Ah," your brother smirked. "Kim Soojin. The person who stole the love of your life. Am I right?" He crossed his arms, not waiting for you to reply.
"Sometimes I don't understand you. Are you a martyr or an idiot? Why would you want to help Soojin? You suffered greatly because of her, did you not?"
You were once again lost for words.
Taehyung continued speaking.
"She's mean to you. She's the reason why you're far away from home." He stroked his chin, squinting his eyes at you. "I know now. You're not a martyr. You're stupid. You enjoy loving the people who hurt you, and then you hurt people who love you."
Yoongi grabbed his boyfriend's wrist vigorously. Taehyung ignored his first warning so Yoongi wouldn't allow him to talk to you any further. He was upset and he was starting to hurt you. It's not right.
Taehyung was unstoppable though.
"You love everyone except Jungkook. Is that the reason why you wanna go back home, huh? Guilt finally caught up with you? Do you really want to be there for our family, or is this the only excuse you can think of because you want to see Jungkook again? You haven't moved on from him, have you?"
The storm in his eyes reached you. The thunder was like a booming pain in your head. The lightning electrified your heart that couldn't be revived.
You felt sick, like you were going to faint. Jimin was suddenly beside you. He dug his fingers into your hips, keeping you from falling.
"Kim Taehyung." Jimin growled at his best friend.
"It's okay," you clamped your eyes shut and after a few seconds, you opened them again, staring into your brother's remorseful eyes.
Funny how people instantly pulled themselves together right after lashing out.
"I'll fly back home tomorrow, even without you."
You were true to your words. You booked a flight going back to Seoul while Yoongi pulled Taehyung back to bed, urging him to rest for a while before deciding what he wanted to do with the information you told him.
Morning came and he still didn't change his mind. You had to go home alone.
"I'm going to miss you," but Jimin dropped you off to the airport. Yoongi wanted to go with you, sadly you told him to just stay with his boyfriend.
"Me too." You unbuckled your seat belt and then you turned to your roommate, giving him your sincerest smile. "Thank you, Jimin. For everything."
He was the sweetest and kindest boy you knew. Jimin paid for your plane ticket since you didn't have enough money for it. You told him you would pay him back soon, but he simply brushed you off, saying that it didn't matter to him if you couldn't pay.
"Just be safe, okay?" He ruffled your hair while you studied his face. You could see it in his eyes, he wanted to say more. You could almost feel these words leaving his mouth: and please come back to me.
He didn't say it though. He couldn't ask for that knowing that Taehyung was probably right. You were not over Jungkook.
You dreaded seeing him. What were you supposed to do after pretending like he didn't exist for almost two years?
Taehyung hated you for sending long holiday messages to the Kims despite not getting a response.
You, on the other hand, hated yourself for ignoring Jungkook's handwritten holiday messages for you—well, actually, it wasn't just holiday letters. Your best friend sent you letters from time to time.
He sent two letters a week. This went on for a year but then one day, Jungkook just...stopped.
You thought he got tired of you and it broke your heart and made you hate yourself even more. You were the one who left. He was the one who begged you to stay.
You didn't deserve anything from him, not even his anger. The question was, could you take it? Could you bear seeing indifference in his eyes after getting used to the love always dancing in his eyes?
Probably not. This was why you were trying to calm your nerves by taking advantage of the free wine on the plane. Jimin was the one who booked your flight, choosing business class.
You didn't deserve it. You didn't deserve these good men in your life. Taehyung was right. You always ended up hurting the people who loved you.
You drank the pain and bitterness away. You lost count on how many glasses of wine you had, all you knew was that your head was spinning and you felt like shit when you got off the plane.
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"I didn't know you drink."
You groaned upon hearing Seokjin's remark. You didn't feel like shit anymore.
You felt shittier.
Abashed, you smiled apologetically at your older brother, suddenly regretting his offer to pick you up from the airport.
"Long time no see, oppa..." Two years and he still looked the same: like a deity. Seokjin aged like a fine wine.
"I'm sorry I can't convince Taehyung-oppa to come home with me." Your face was hot and you weren't sure if it was because of wine or embarrassment.
Seokjin noticed your sheepishness as he took your suitcase and handbag, carrying them for you.
"I didn't expect him to come. But at least you're here. Father is expecting you." He started walking so you followed.
"H-How's he and Soojin?" You were stammering since you weren't used to conversing with him. This was probably the longest conversation you had with your eldest brother.
Seokjin had always acted indifferent towards you.
"Jungkook didn't tell you?" He enquired while loading the boot of his car with your luggage.
"He...just told me they're injured."
Your brother sucked in a breath. He closed the trunk of his car loudly before turning to you. Too many emotions were painted on his face, but the most apparent was...exhaustion? Or was it sympathy for your naivety?
"I envy you..." The corner of his mouth turned up as he eyed you from head to toe. You fought the urge to step back. He was making you feel intimidated ."You got to drink. I didn't." He walked towards the driver's seat of his car, opening its door. "The situation is getting worse, sister. You should've drunk more when you still had the chance."
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You didn't understand what Seokjin said to you at first, but the moment he turned on the radio in his car, your world crumpled and you wished you had drunk more wine.
"SPD has confirmed that at least four people died in a commercial building collapse Wednesday afternoon in—"
Your stomach flipped, your brain no longer able to listen to the sickening news.
Baffled, your head snapped to look at your brother who was clenching his jaw, his grip on the steering wheel was tight.
"I thought no one died!" You whimpered, chest recoiling.
"That's fifteen hours ago."
"B-But...you said Soojin and father are okay, right? They're not..." You trailed off, it was physically painful for you to continue your statement.
Seokjin sucked in a deep breath as he realized it was better to tell you the truth now. He said that your father was still unconscious, something big and hard fell on his head.
Soojin was in a wheelchair but at least she's conscious. There were cuts and bruises all over her body because of the fallen debris.
"Can we go straight to the hospital now, oppa? I..." You licked your lower lip. "I want to see Soojin and father."
Seokjin didn't answer but he nodded his head. The rest of the ride was filled with silence. The older man turned off the radio when he realized you were breathing heavily.
You tried to calm down. You really did, howbeit everything was too much for you. The alcohol in your system was making you feel hot even though you're literally covered in cold sweat.
What about those people who had died? Do their family know? How could Castle help them? Who was taking charge?
You whimpered again. When you left two years ago, the situation was already bad. The construction workers were protesting every Friday, demanding to be treated right—to be treated fairly. They didn't have the same benefits as regular employees. They didn't have social insurance. Their daily wage wasn't even enough to get them by.
"Hey..." Seokjin slowed down, glancing at you when he heard you whine for the umpteenth time. "Your head hurts? We can buy coffee if you want..."
Was he worried thinking that you had too much wine?
"I'm okay, oppa. Just thinking about those who..." You swallowed thickly. "d-died."
Seokjin's eyes softened.
"Namjoonie is taking care of it," he exhaled slowly. "Don't worry about it."
It was easier said than done. You thought about this as you headed to the VIP floor of the hospital. Taemin was confined in one of the rooms on that floor.
You were going to see your father in a few and admittedly, you were nervous. Seokjin's words were echoing inside your head: don't worry about it. How could you stop worrying about those workers who had died when there's a possibility that your father might end up just like them?
"Where's Taehyung?" You heard Sin-ae before you saw her. She was guarding the door of Taemin's room, like she had no intention to let you in.
Of course. You expected this day to be difficult. Nothing much had changed in the past two years. Sin-ae still treated with strong contempt.
You noticed the change in her eyes though. Back then, she threw daggers at you, but right now, she looked like she didn't have the energy to do that. Her eyes were...hollow.
"I...couldn't convince him to go home—"
It was sudden.
Not your answer. You had thought so many times while you were on plane the things you would tell Sin-ae and your entire family as to why Taehyung couldn't come home.
He's busy with work, but he's sad he can't come.
He's flying back home in days. Let's just wait for him.
He said he's sorry. He'll call later. Don't worry.
Your excuses were thought thoroughly. You practiced saying it. Hell, you even imagine what they'd say or how they'd react.
You expected them to scowl, to cry...Sin-ae cried.
She cried after slapping you right across the face. She's angry. She's sad. She's frustrated. She's directing these ugly feelings twisting in her gut to you.
"He couldn't come?" She hissed, her eyes were red and tears kept on rolling down her cheeks. She was shaking.
"Jungkook told you to convince my son to go home! You had one job! One fucking job! Why can't you do it, huh?"
"I'm sorry," you were guilty. You avoided her gaze. "I just..." And then you bit your tongue before you said "want to see my father..."
You tried to get past her, but she blocked the way.
"No!" She spread her arms to cover the door. "You are not allowed to see my husband, bastard!"
You shook your head, ignoring her and still insisting to go inside the room. Seokjin said Taemin wanted to see you.
He requested your presence.
"Please." You pleaded. Your voice was shaky too, your blood running cold. Something was wrong. Something was telling you you had to see your father.
The beat of your heart wasn't normal.
"He wants me here..."
"No!" Sin-ae pushed your chest. "We want Taehyung here. Not you! So get lost!"
You pushed her too, making her more aggressive. Sin-ae scratched your skin, screaming. She wanted you to go away.
"What is happening here?" Seokjin arrived. He was so startled to see his mom in this feral state.
"I want her out, Seokjin! Make her go away!" Sin-ae wailed in her son's arm.
Your older brother embraced her tight. He was looking at you using those puppy eyes.
"I'm so sorry," he shook his head at you and then he mumbled "please leave..."
Off you go.
You were defeated anyway. Two versus one. How could you fight your family?
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You were exhausted. Both from your long flight and dealing with Sin-ae. Your head hurt too.
You needed coffee to help you sober up. Fuck wine. Fuck Sin-ae. Fuck this stupid vending machine.
Why couldn't you have your coffee?
It was fucking stuck.
You breathed heavily while massaging your temple.
You hadn't recovered from your throbbing head when a new wave of pain engulfed you.
Someone called your name.
Not just someone.
You knew that voice well.
You turned your head to the side slowly.
You saw the person who called you.
"Soojin..." It was Jungkook who called your name, but what you uttered was your sister's name.
He was with her. Jungkook was standing behind Soojin's wheelchair.
Baby I'm falling head over heels
Your breathing hitched while looking at the both of them.
It was just like in movies. You know, when your eyes sparkled when you saw someone you loved after a very long time.
Looking for ways to let you know just how I feel
You called Soojin yet your eyes were focused on your best friend. The friend you hadn't seen in years.
I wish I was holding you by my side
His voice was soft when he uttered your name. But just like Sin-ae, his eyes changed too.
He was no longer looking at you with fire in his eyes.
I wouldn't change a thing 'cause finally it's real
It was like he's a completely different person. It hurt looking at him like this, like he didn't recognize you, like he was debating if you were real or not.
Were you really here? Or were you just a fragment of his imagination?
You walked towards them, causing Jungkook to flinch.
His chest felt heavy. He gripped the push handle of Soojin's wheelchair with force.
You were standing near them now.
Jungkook blinked.
He wasn't hesitating anymore.
You were definitely here.
I'm tryin' to hold back, you ought to know that
"Hi..." You said to Soojin, voice wavering. It hurt seeing her like this. She had a cervical collar on. It was difficult for her to speak.
You crouched down as you smiled softly at your sister.
Jungkook watched you. He was holding himself back. It wasn't the right time to hold you in his arms.
You're the one that's on my mind
He missed you though. More than so much. Two years and you were still running inside his mind.
I'm falling too fast deeply in love
Everything was dawning to him too fast.
Two years and he still loved you.
Time was irrelevant.
It went slow when you weren't around. He thought those painfully long moments without you by his side were enough to forget his feelings for you.
Finding the magic in the colors of you
Apparently, it wasn't enough. He stared hard at you, like he was looking for something.
Love? Affection? Anger? Longing?
He would take anything you could offer, because after all this time, he was still in love with you.
Little did he know, you felt the same way too.
For Jungkook, you're the right time at the right moment
But as you straighten your back and met his gaze, you realized something:
For you, he was the wrong time at the wrong moment.
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A/N: my mom asked me if i was planning to write fics tonight or workout. i chose the former because MAN my body is so sore i don’t think i’ll be able to move properly. 😩 standing workout IS NOT easier than sitting workouts!!!!! ANYWAY i know there aren’t many jk x oc moments in the past chapters....so ✌️
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marinamar4 · 3 years
Emma Swan Wayne
an idea with all those batman and white collar crossover fics is to do the same but batman and once upon a time version
It would be the same, Emma being the sheriff, and some hero, vigilante or civilian appear, can you imagine?
emma swan wayne:
Jason's age, maybe a little older than Jason
they meet on the street shortly before they steal the tires of the batmobile and they get along like a house on fire (or would it be thick as thieves?)
two for one bat
emma turns swan into her middle name and it's crazy at home, to top it off, she manages to be the apple of her dad's eye
When Jason Starts As Robin Babs Decides To Let Him Batgirl
a little upset with dick ... but she puts it aside once they start with the embarrassing stories of bruce
selina is a woman, little emma needs a mom, and if she gives him jewelry on top of it she gives him better jewelry (tell me that selina didn't teach the batkids to use the catwoman whip, I dare you)
while jason was a bit violent robin, emma was a chaotic and cheating batgirl
personally i picture jay and emmy as platonic brothers and soul mates, not romantic
in an attempt to fit in at school, emma follows fashion trends, it doesn't go well ... and she ends up saying "fuck it" (language of the streets)
not impressed at all by the league. except wonder woman, obviously
she doesn't like magic so coming to storybrooke with henry she's more of a "can't you just leave me alone and call zatanna or constantine? wait, no, he's flirting with regina!" that a "magic does not exist", after all, there are aliens
now the sad part (needed to bring henry into the story)
the first strong fight of both (jay and emma) is when jason wants to look for his biological mother and emma does not understand
she is heartbroken when batman informs her of her brother's death
her to superman: fuck it, let my daddy kill the damn clown!
now the good part ... emma escapes and disappears, but before? she leaves a gift: the joker is dead
and she is afraid of what her dad will say, so she keeps to herself, she meets neal cassidy, jail, henry, adoption, etc
now, things may vary:
bruce in my world is a good dad and actively ignores the signs
(Emma: I left you a letter!
bruce: I have it in the top drawer of the nightstand and I read it every day before going to bed, but I don't remember that part)
Does Batman respect her decision and let her go? At least until Red Hood shows up and they bring her back into the family? Or does he just not want to let her go? Is Jason looking for her, in that case, does she know or not that she killed the joker? Or is she so good at erasing her tracks that she is only caught at 28-29?
I like the first one better, she gives him the time to meet neal and have henry and come back
i guess she's mad at jason for the whole hood thing and she quickly takes timmy, steph and cass under her wings
tim is so cute! is neglected. dick is right, he needs a lot of hugs. And don't you want to sleep a little more?
stephanie is totally chaotic. she's great. she makes the best waffles. she wait, you wanna throw a glitter bomb on batman? done deal!
cassandra is cassandra. She is wonderful. That she was raised as a murderer? It's not important
also i imagine emma and steph will be like sisters, always loud, troubled blondes, but who can be in meditative silence when needed
(one mother's day emma asks tim why steph looks like this. he tells her to ask him. steph says
I got pregnant, I gave her up for adoption, I didn't want her to have this life
mine was a boy, I didn't want this life for him either, says emma, and they have something else in common)
Besides, when she comes Damian, Emma is just ecstatic
I already believed things about your strength, b!
how adorable!
oh, we can practice! dad taught me and your mom too when she was here once! and no, b is my dad, learn to wear it
(yes, talia she too she is good here)
for a halloween, emma dressed up as wednesday, and disguised selina as morticia and bruce de gómez. jason flatly refused to be pugsley or fester and ended up being cousin itt
For a costume gala, they were from the aristocats: Selina in a white dress and diamond necklace as Duchess, Emma in a white dress and pink bows as Marie, Jason in a black suit and a red bow tie as Berlioz, even Dick in an orange suit with blue bow tie from toulouse, and bruce they put him in a black suit but with the white shirt and orange tie from o'malley
at a gala, they copied the famous dance of "dirty dancing"
emma didn't like the classics at all until jason told her about them. it was tradition that every night they read a little before going to bed
emma's batgirl costume is black and white, because the swans are mainly black and white (there was no way to put orange, but you can imagine it however you want, I just know it would be a nod to her middle name)
like i said emma swan wayne is her name
dick made her addicted to froot loops and jason to hotdogs but without chili plise, the grilled sandwiches are either hers or damian's when he goes vegetarian
Alfred always made her chocolate with canellas and the cinnamon sticks became her favorite for when they were at her time of the month
Most relationships like Emma Wayne, like her father's, were to show
She just wanted a parrot! Why couldn't she have a parrot or lovebird but damian she can have a zoo!
i imagine emma totally admiring selina and talia both, great women, one with a brassiere and a tight leather suit, and the other a swordswoman princess
Because this girl when she got to Wayne Manor had a princess season, then it was the rude warrior era, she followed the fencing and archery, makeup artist, model, actress, etc.
She never liked Annie, but she was her favorite movie after the adoption
She preferred fantasy and adventure books, but she also started with mystery, she likes Sherlock Holmes a lot (she was introduced to him by her father)
She doesn't believe in Duke's "innocence". The boy jumped off a bridge, led a gang and decided that he could beat the riddle in riddles. it's just as chaotic as the rest, it only hides it better
It was supposed to be short I swear, just the crossover idea, but I got carried away
also my computer decided to restart and I had to look at everything in the translator's history, luckily it is so specific
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sillyrabbit81 · 3 years
Her Heavy Cross
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Summary: Three years after tragedy hits, Lana she decides to start dating again. She meets Will through a dating app and they begin an online romance. After months of constant requests, Lana relents and agrees to meet and go on an irl date with Will. But is Will who he says he is? Lana is quickly pulled into an intense relationship forcing her to confront her tragic past. Will Lana face it or will she close her heart forever?
Pairing: OMC x OFC
Word Count: approx 3.2k
Warnings: smut, swearing,
Authors Note: The story started as a Henry Cavill fanfiction but I changed it to be an original character, but shades of Henry are still there. Hope you enjoy the story and thanks for reading.
Part 5 Part 7
Part 6
"Tell me something I don't know," I joked. I felt my confidence returning, and it felt good.
"Hmm, what about how I want to bury my head between your very shapely thighs and not leave until you scream my name?" Liam opened his eyes. Oh fuck, he meant it. My short-lived confidence had left me.
He sat up and continued, "or how I want to pin your hands above your head, throw your legs over my shoulder and fuck you until you can't walk." I moved away a bit. The intensity in his eyes made me afraid. "Or how I want to watch you ride my cock while I smack that generous bottom of yours.".
I started to get off the bed. "Yeah, I knew all that too." My bravado was transparent because my voice came out almost like a squeak.
He grabbed me and pinned me beneath his body. He moved faster than any one of his size had the right to. His eyes raked over my body while he forced my legs apart and pushed his still hard erection against me. I swear I could feel it's warmth through the fabric of my clothes.
"Well then, how about the fact I thought about all of those things while I showered this morning." My eyes went wide. He didn't mean he... Did he? "I'm glad I did, or I would have made a mess five minutes ago." He did! He didn't seem embarrassed at all about his admission.
I had no words for that. But I had thoughts, a lot of them. I wondered what he looked like when he touched himself. I imagined him standing in the shower, slightly hunched, hot water streaming down his naked body, one arm out straight against the wall, the other gripping his sex, short quick movements making his arm muscles contract.
I imagined the way his body would tighten as his release neared, the growl that would escape his lips. Then, because I couldn't stop the thought, I imagined being on my knees in front of him, his hand in my hair and, as his orgasm came, watching as it streaked all over my open mouth.
I couldn't help but squirm against him. I felt the pressure rising in me. I needed a release as well.
As if he sensed my need, Liam got off me and laid next to me. He cupped me in his hand, his palm pressing against my most sensitive spot. "I want to take these off." He indicated my leggings.
I hesitated a moment before nodding slowly. Liam leaned down and kissed me, still holding me. I pressed against his palm, feeling the friction build the pressure. Liam kissed my neck and my breasts and my tummy, his hand holding me as I started to grind against it. But he didn't take off my pants.
Eventually, I stopped and said, "I thought you were going to take my leggings off."
"You hesitated. I want you to be sure."
"I wouldn't have agreed if I wasn't sure."
"I didn't want you to feel pressured. It's only enjoyable if I know you want it."
I pushed him off me, frustration pouring out. "You fucking idiot. Do I need to beg?" I sat up, turned to face him, reached behind my back and undid my bra and threw it away.
Liam's mouth fell open, and he made a move to grab me, but for once, I was quicker. I laid back and put a foot to his chest, and used all my strength to hold him back. "Is this clear enough for you?" I ask as I hooked my thumbs in my pants and pulled off both my leggings and underwear. He grabbed the pants at my knees and helped me pull them off the rest of the way.
Then he just sat there staring. I waited. I felt stupid and moved my arms to cover myself.
"Don't you fucking dare." Liam finally spoke, and I felt a twinge between my legs. "I want to look at you. You're so beautiful." Well, ok, then.
Liam tentatively reached out and caressed the curve of one of my breasts. I felt goosebumps rise on my skin as he did, and my nipples hardened. Liam chuckled, seemingly pleased that his touch made me respond like that. He placed his whole hand on my breast cupping it and feeling it's weight. His thumb ran over my nipple, and I clamped my legs shut, trying to ease the pressure. I moaned as he leaned down and took my nipple in his mouth. He sucked on it then gently took me between his teeth while his tongue danced.
"Oh fuck," I moaned, and I plunged my fingers into his hair, making little fists. It felt so fucking good, but I needed more.
Liam sat up and put a knee between mine. "Open your legs for me," he said. I flushed, feeling sheepish. I had thrown myself at him, practically begged him to do this, and now I'm too shy. "You're very pretty when you blush. Now, open your legs for me."
Slowly I bent my knees and opened for him. I looked away, worried about what he would think.
"Lana, Sweetheart, look at me." I took a moment and slowly looked at him. "You look fucking spectacular." He looked me in the eyes as he got down low. "You're so fucking wet for me." I watched wide-eyed as his tongue parted my folds, and he licked me, his tongue gently flicking my clit as he did. He closed his eyes. "You taste fucking spectacular," he said. He put his head down and took me into his mouth, and sucked gently.
"Oh, bloody hell!" I yelled and threw my head back on the bed. Liam seemed to hum against me. I tried to wriggle away, the feeling too intense. "Come back here," Liam growled, and he snaked his arms around my thighs, trapping me as he continued to lick and suck at me.
I punched at the bed, my hips moving up and down. Liam stayed latched onto me, not stopping or missing a beat. I'm sure I said every swear word in the English language as my release came closer. Soon the pressure was too much, and I was reduced to begging.
"Please," I said over and over. I felt one of Liam's fingers inside me, followed quickly by another, and I felt them press against the spot behind where his mouth was. I felt myself go over the edge, and I shouted wordlessly as I exploded against Liam's mouth. Waves of ecstasy rolled over me before subsiding, leaving me a shattered mess. I laid there panting, catching my breath as little aftershocks ran through my body until I shuddered as I felt my orgasm finish.
I felt Liam's hands run up my hips and over my waist. I shivered and giggled, my body still too sensitive. I felt Liam's weight on my body, and I pulled him into an embrace. He kissed me, and I could taste myself on his lips. Despite having one of the best orgasms of my life and my first with a partner in three years, I wanted more. I wanted to feel him inside me. I think I'm greedy.
Liam had a huge grin on his face. I felt embarrassed again and looked away.
"Don't be shy. That was fucking amazing." Liam kissed me again. "Watching you is so hot." He paused and said, teasingly, "even better than I had imagined." He leaned in and kissed my neck. He took my earlobe in his mouth, teeth grazing it lightly.
Liam pulled away then as if bitten by a snake. He threw some pillows together and laid down on his back. He put his arm around me. I laid my head on his chest before putting my leg over his, and I snuggled into him.
"I think I'd be happy to stay this way all day. Your tits feel lovely." Liam was stroking the curve of one of my breasts.
I gave him a light slap on the chest. "Oh, come off it." I laughed.
"No, I'm serious. I want to stay here and watch a movie."
"The remotes are just over there." I pointed to the bedside table. They were next to the Ben and Jerry's tub. He pointed at it and raised an eyebrow. "I wasn't expecting company," I said in my defence.
He turned on the tv, and it went to the PlayStation menu. "Hmm, let's see what disc you have in here." He scrolled over.
"We could find something on Netflix," I suggested, cringing inside at what movie was in there.
"The Princess Bride?" His bloody lip twitched. "I thought you didn't like romance."
"It's not just a romance." I said and then quoted, "Are you kidding? Fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, true love, miracles..."
In a move that astounded me, he kept the scene going. "Doesn't sound too bad. I'll try and stay awake."
I kissed him and snuggled into him as the movie started.
We spent the rest of the morning in bed. It was nice. Liam would stroke my hair or back while we watched The Princess Bride and then Superbad. Sometimes I would have my head cradled in his arm, and I played with his chest hair. Other times I put my head to his chest and listened to his heartbeat or relaxed as he breathed. The gentle rocking of his breathing almost put me to sleep a couple of times, but I'd wake up as a chuckle vibrated through his chest, interrupting the rhythm.
My tummy started to rumble, and I suggested we had better get some lunch. I pulled a robe on, but Liam made no move to get clothes on. He still only had his undies on. His confidence in his body continued to surprise me.
I asked Liam what he'd like for lunch.
"I brought my food with me." Liam said, "with filming starting soon, I've got to be strict."
"What about last night?"
"We won't talk about that." He winked conspiratorially.
I smiled, "fair enough."
Liam got his pre-prepared lunch, and I made a Vegemite sandwich. We sat at my kitchen bench and ate.
"So did you bring food for tea too?"
"No. I usually have a steak or chicken with salad or veg for dinner. I like a warm meal for dinner."
I thought about what food I had. Not much, I'd probably have to go to the shop.
"What about a roast? I could cook a beef roast and some veggies? Obviously no potatoes or anything but some beans, broccoli, carrot maybe?"
Liam looked surprised, "you'll cook for me?"
"Yeah," I blushed. "I mean, I'm not the best cook." I shrugged. "I don't have to. We can go out if you want."
"No, I'd love for you to cook for me."
I smiled, "great, come to the shop with me? We've got to go soon. My local butcher still only opens half days on Saturdays."
"Will you have to get dressed?"
I rolled my eyes at him. "You can undress me when we get back home if you like," I said in my cheesiest seductive voice.
"I like. Come here," Liam said. I ran. He caught me and ticked me while giving me some sloppy kisses. I giggled and pretended to fight him off. He eventually let me go, and we got dressed.
We went to the garage to get in my car, but before I opened the door, I decided against it. "Want to walk instead? It's only about 15 minutes away, and we could take Perrin with us."
"Yeah, absolutely."
"Wait here, and I'll grab a hat. Do you want one?" Liam nodded, and I came back with two baseball caps, Perrin on a leash and a couple of reusable bags. We headed off.
Liam looked at his cap before putting it on. "Valentino Rossi?"
"Well, you're not having my Jack Miller hat."
"You like Motogp?"
"Do you ride?"
"I do. Not a sports bike, though. I have a Dyna Wide Glide."
"You ride a Harley? Holy shit." A look of genuine surprise was on his face.
"Well, it's Andy's," I explained. "I didn't want to sell it when he died. He loved it and rode every day." I looked at Liam. His expression was unreadable. "Sorry, I suppose you don't want to hear about this."
Liam took my hand. "No, it's ok. We all have a past. Yours is a little... different." He sighed, "it's a bit strange because you didn't break up. You loved him. It's a bit hard for me to process. If a girl I were dating talked about an ex the way you talk about your husband, I'd think she wasn't over him."
I didn't say anything to this. We continued walking.
Eventually, Liam continued, "I understand it's not the same as an ex. I believe you when you say you're ready to move on. He seems to be still so much in your life. I'm not used to the dynamic."
"He kinda is still in my life and will always be," I said. I knew I probably shouldn't have been so blunt, but I owed it to him, to be honest. "It's because I want to honour his memory, not because I haven't grieved or haven't accepted it." I stopped and got Liam to look at me. His lips were in a hard line, and his brow was creased. "I've thought about it for a long time, and it took me two years to date again. Three years before I brought a man to my bed." His eyebrows shot up. "That's you, by the way." He grinned at that. "Yes, well, you're very handsome. I couldn't resist." I said dramatically.
"And charming, don't forget that." I elbowed him in the ribs and smiled. He pulled me into a hug. I gave him a big squeeze. I breathed in deeply, enjoying his scent, more potent today than yesterday without his cologne. I already felt like I'll miss his smell when he is gone.
I felt Perrin pulling on the leash, impatient with the delay. "C'mon. Somebody says we need to get going."
When we got to the shops, we stopped at the butcher first and got a rib eye roast. Then we went to the small local supermarket to get veggies.
I tied Perrin up outside, near the water bowl the shop leaves for dogs, and he lapped at it. We went inside and looked around the produce.
After a while, I noticed people kept looking at me. I touched my face trying to see if I had food on it, and checked my fly. I was getting freaked out big time. I saw one of the employees pointing her phone at us.
"Liam, do I have something on my face or something?" I sounded as panicked as I felt.
"No, Sweetheart, you look lovely." He smiled at me and ran his finger down my cheek.
"I just feel like people are looking at me."
Liam looked around. "I don't notice it anymore. You get used to it." My jaw dropped. I'd forgotten about being seen in public with Liam. He must have seen the horror on my face because he said, "I'll wait with Perrin if you like." Liam gave me a quick smile which I supposed he meant to be reassuring, and left.
I pulled my cap down further and hurried to finish my shopping. I avoided the employee with the phone and paid at the other open register. I was so flustered I asked for ciggies. By the time I remembered I didn't smoke anymore, I was too worked up to ask the lady to put them back. I left as quickly as I could.
Liam was squatting down next to Perrin, giving him pats. "You alright?" He asked.
"I guess so. Let's go."
"I'll carry those." Liam took my shopping and the meat and handed me Perrin's leash.
We walked in silence for a while. I was still a bit shaken.
"Does that happen all the time?" I asked after a while.
Liam shrugged. "Sometimes."
"Like it's not just paparazzi that take photos of you without you knowing?"
"Yeah. I tried to tell you."
"I had forgotten you were famous." He raised an eyebrow at me. "I knew you as Will before I knew you as Liam. I got to know you as just a regular guy."
"I know. That's what I wanted."
"Yeah, I get that." I chewed my lip. "I don't know if I would have gone on a date with you if I had known." I swear Miley Cyrus was thinking of me when she wrote the line 'Can't bite the devil on my tongue.'
"I'm sorry," Liam said. He sounded sorry. I didn't want to be mad at him, but I couldn't help it. It tore me up because I understood why he did it. But it didn't make it any easier on me.
"I'm sorry too," I said. I was thinking about the way people were looking at us. I didn't know how he could stand it. I felt stupid thinking he could just walk to my local shops and not stick out like a shag on a rock.
"Why are you sorry?"
"I put you in a position where somebody could take photos of you."
"Hang on. You're worried about photos of me?" I nodded. "I thought you were worried about the photos they took of you."
I felt the blood leave my face. I stopped walking. "They took photos of me? I thought it would be just you."
"Sweetheart, I don't know. Probably." He sounded angry. "I shouldn't have come with you. I should have thought it through. I knew..." He put his arm around me and lifted my chin so I would look at him. "I told you last night; I'm not worried about being seen with you. It's you I worry about."
"Your life isn't normal," I said petulantly. "It's weird and kinda strange." I removed his arm and started walking again. We were reaching my house now. We went around the back, and I let Perrin off the lead and went inside into the kitchen.
"Hey. You know what else is strange?" Liam put the shopping on the bench. His brows were drawn together.
"It's been an hour since I've kissed you." He put his arms around my waist, and I put my arms around his shoulders. He bent his head, and I kissed him.
"More." He demanded, smiling. I couldn't say no. I kissed him again, parting my mouth and softly sucked his bottom lip. He groaned, and I smiled.
"I better put the food in the fridge." I tried to detangle myself from Liam, but he wouldn't let me.
"It can wait. I can't." He lifted me onto my kitchen bench. I wrapped my legs around him and kept kissing him.
For a while, we stayed like that, just kissing and touching. These kisses felt different, like Liam was content just to kiss me for a while. There was no demand for more. He did keep his hips away from me.
When we slowed, Liam put his head against my chest, and I held him close to me, playing with his curls.
Part 7
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