#Fred and Rosemary West
screamingeyepress · 1 month
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It’s Serial Killer Month! So, have some fun and join in our bracket-style voting to see who is that maddest of the mad! https://www.screamingeyepress.com/genre/serial-killers/march-madness/
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lonely-soul-02 · 8 months
Not saying that Noel hates that Liam is successful but I genuinely think that Liam doing knebworth shocked him. I hate that Noel always puts Liam down because Liam is definitely one of the best British frontmen of all time
I don't think even Liam predicted Knebworth to be fair! lol Noel has acknowledged that Liam is the greatest frontman of his generation several times. And Noel hasn't always put Liam down. This is such a widespread misconception. In fact, Liam has consistently put Noel down. 
I think the reason people forget that part is because Liam often declares his love for his brother, or he will intertwine his put-downs with declarations of love. How many times have we seen Liam rant about Noel only to end it with something like ‘he can call me any time I love him dearly’. Noel doesn’t do this, so what tends to stick in the mind is Liam’s love and (what looks like) Noel’s absence of love even though Liam has spent about 10 years slagging off Noel.
To trace it back, in Oasis, it was six of one, half a dozen of the other i.e they both did their fair share of being difficult and antagonising one another. The way Noel left Oasis was indeed awful, which he regrets. 
Since the split, Liam has badmouthed Noel every year up to the present, except for 2013ish-2015 when he was sorting out his personal life and wasn’t doing press. In contrast, between 2011-2016 Noel was either neutral or pragmatic about Liam (in 2015 he even offered to write him songs). Any Noel negativity during this time would be the exception rather than the rule. I mean, yes there was Noel’s comment in 2012 that he wouldn’t reunite Oasis even if all the starving children depended on it, but this was a reaction to Liam’s negative comments about a reunion when Noel had been positive about one. See Oasis Reunion Speculation 2011. 
Post Oasis, Noel first starts putting Liam down in 2017 having absorbed Liam’s insults for years and Liam's 2016 'fuck Oasis' and 'potato' tweets. Noel finally pushes back. Cue steadily escalating Gallagher shit show.
People wonder why Noel was so bitter between 2017-2020. You would be bitter if you’d stayed relatively quiet while your brother slagged you off and then as soon as you began to stand up for yourself, people start to say why's he putting Liam down when you’re just not taking your little brother’s shit any more (the whole Liam-Sara spat adds another layer of complication).
And shouldn't the question be why does Liam insult Noel but then say that he loves him? We saw this exact scenario play out with Liam just a few months ago. Well, this is what bothers Noel.
"Everyone is an amateur fucking psychologist. People are always telling me it’s because he loves me. Well I love my wife very deeply but it never manifests itself by me telling her she’s a cunt. It’s not from a place of love, it’s from a place of hate is what it is." The Big Issue Nov 2019.
"When it was muted that Liam was quick to speak "kindly" of him, Noel interjected: 'Can I stop you there? That doesn't mean shit to me. Because he's on fucking Twitter right now, saying the exact opposite.'" Radio X Nov 2019
Since 2018 both have said incredibly cruel things about one another.
The underlying cause of all this is a whole other topic. But Noel has not always put Liam down and has praised him many times.
And to be clear, this isn’t me being unfair to Liam, or setting out to portray him worse than he is. It's just that Noel carries a grudge, Liam carries anger, well past its use by date considering the split happened 14 years ago and especially given that he has long since proven himself as a solo artist.
Article sums up 2018 spat
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outinthewastes · 1 year
Tried to find if this had been asked before, because I thought it had, but couldnt find it so! Were there any real life serial killer inspirations behind phineas? (Also Ive been reading string theory for, 14-ish years now and it has remained my number 1 favorite webcomic the whole time and I just wanted to say I love your work c: )
oh, thank you. I've been working on it again lately! should be more pages coming soonish. And they have Phineas in them, so what timing.
Real life inspirations? Well there's stuff I made up whole sale like his obsession with gnosticism. But for real life killers obviously Ted Bundy, The Toy Box Killers, Ed Gein, the green river killer, the casanova killer, the eyeball killer, the torso killer and the trashbag killer to name a few (too many killers), fred west and his horrible wife rosemary, the ken and barbie killers. Just bits and pieces here and there. lots of creepy couple killers.
These people were all awful creeps so I'll say one thing about Phin: at least all of his victims were adults :\ although I'm not sure that really makes it any better.
Phineas is nasty
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foultalequeen · 1 year
The Real House of Horrors (The case of Rose and Fred West)
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Before November 4, 1965 - June, 1987, Frederick Walter West (Fred West) and Rosemary Pauline West (Rose west) were a married duo of serial killers and serial rapists who killed at least a dozen young British girls, including several of their own daughters, in Gloucestershire, U.K. Victims of the Wests were Caucasian females in their mid-teens to early twenties, who were sometimes related to them. Those who weren't were usually enticed to the house with the promise of employment as nannies or in some other capacity. When the victim was in Fred and Rosemary's custody, they would rape and torture her for days in elaborate and sadistic bondage acts before strangling or suffocating her and burying her on the property. Fred's signature was post-mortem amputation of the victims' fingers and toes, as well as their knee caps, before burying them.
What variables, in your opinion, contributed to so many murders in a way that would likely make most people queasy? What transpires when two psychopaths start dating one another? Do you believe that Rose was a submissive partner simply because she was a woman, and that what unfolded in that case was entirely Fred West's fault?
Let’s dive into the psychological profile of the 2 serial offenders.
Due to the fact that both Fred and Rose West relished sexual violence and promiscuity, they made the ideal couple. In addition, both of them had a biological component that influenced their aggressiveness; Rose's experience was brought on by her mother's exposure to ECT when she was pregnant due to which infant Rose displayed odd behaviours, such as continuously striking herself against the cot bars until her siblings intervened, etc. suggesting that the electric shock she received during pregnancy affected her functional development. Unlike Fred, whose brain injury was brought on by a motorcycle accident and a subsequent fall from the steps, possibly having damaged his frontal lobe and adversely affecting his personality. While neither appeared to feel any remorse or guilt (as they both most likely had the same diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder), the details of their first arrest for sexual assault show who set the tone for this murderous duo. Fred and Rose experienced parental maltreatment during their early years. They believed it was acceptable to have coitus with family members because Rose's father raped her; while Fred's mother had intercourse with him as soon as he turned 12 and his father had coitus with his siblings. When they were young, they began to idolize their respective fathers and believed they were powerful individuals capable of terrorising others. As they perpetuated the pattern of sexual abuse inside the family using their siblings as "play things," they soon started to view people as objects that could be used for their personal gain. Before she met Fred soon after turning 15, Rose had the mindset of a sexual predator and molester. Her association with Fred set her on a path to sexual immorality that resulted in abduction and murder. There are many instances where Rose was the dominant partner in these tales, such as her support of Fred's sexual abuse of his kids (which did not appear to start until he met Rose), as well as her violent and irrational temper (which also includes a story of Rose chasing Fred with a kitchen knife, attempting to inflict physical pain on him but no stories regarding the reverse happening to Rose). Furthermore, Rose's preferences gave the structure and plan while Fred started their routine of kidnapping women. Last but not least, Fred's readiness to take full responsibility for the killings reveals the extent of Rose's power over him. Because his confessions to Janet Leach support the idea that he was the submissive partner who complied with Rose's demands, even though it's probable that his taking responsibility was motivated by a narcissistic aspect of his disease.
While Rose only killed two people (Charmaine and Shirley Robinson), she initiated the deaths of all of their victims, confirming her antisocial personality disorder and serial sexual offender psychopathology.
Based on research arguments, it is evident that the cause of Rose and Fred's complex twisted personalities and subsequent violent behaviour is much more multifaceted than initially assumed.
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andronetalks · 1 month
Real-life 'Serpent' is an 'immediate danger' to women and must not be allowed in the UK
Express UK By DAVID STEPHENSON15:03, Sat, Mar 16, 2024 | UPDATED: 15:13, Sat, Mar 16, 2024 A notorious French killer known as The Serpent is still a “grave and immediate danger” to young women, a criminologist claims. Professor Paul Britton, who is noted for his work on the Fred and Rosemary West case, spent hours interviewing Charles Sobhraj for documentary The Real Serpent: Investigating a…
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andrew90bd · 2 years
12.-Fred West
Fred West nació en 1941 en la pequeña población de Much Marcle, en una familia de granjeros. Fred no fue al colegio, o al menos no regularmente. Lo justo para aprender a leer y a garabatear unas cuantas líneas cuajadas de faltas de ortografía. Decían que era bueno en las tareas del campo, pero Fred detestaba la vida rural. Much Marcle se le quedaba pequeño. 
Un día, al cumplir 15 años, se marchó sin decir nada y pasó un mes en Heretford, durmiendo al raso y sin lavarse. Luego volvió a casa. Allí le esperaba un padre alcohólico y una madre que le había mostrado los caminos del sexo desde los 12 años. Así, no es raro que Fred abusase de su hermana pequeña. Tenía 20 años cuando fue procesado por violarla. Él no lo negó: ¿qué tenía de malo acostarse con una chica de 13 años? A pesar de que el caso llegó a juicio, fue sobreseído. West había ganado al sistema su primera batalla.
West era sólo un aldeano semianalfabeto, tosco y grosero, de facciones vulgares y rudas. En 1962, Fred se casó con Rena Costello. Rena tenía una niña de un año llamada Charmaine, a la que West adoptó, y pronto el matrimonio tuvo su primera hija, Anne Marie. Fue por esa época cuando un tipo alertó a la policía de que Fred West llevaba encima una colección de polaroids de órganos sexuales, pero los agentes contestaron que "eso era asunto del señor West". Nadie se acordó de la denuncia cuando, semanas más tarde, un adolescente fue hallado colgado de una viga con un montón de fotos pornográficas bajo sus pies. Lo curioso es que aquel chico había sido visto varias veces por la ciudad en compañía de Fred West…. 
El primer crimen oficial cometido por West tuvo lugar en 1967. Entonces tenía una aventura con una jovencita llamada Mary Ann, que esperaba un hijo suyo. Fred la mató y enterró sus restos en un prado cerca de Much Marcle. Para entonces, las cosas con Rena ya no iban bien, y la pareja pasaba separada casi todo el tiempo. En cuanto a las niñas, zascandileaban de casa de papá a casa de mamá, y de allí a algún hogar de acogida. Y entonces, en 1969, Fred conoció a Rosemary Letts y empezó para él una nueva historia. Se casaron enseguida. Su primera hija, Heather, nació en 1971, y Fred decidió que Rena y Charmaine se habían convertido en un estorbo. Así que las mató a las dos y las enterró en Much Marcle. Cuando llamaron del colegio de Charmaine diciendo que la niña llevaba una semana sin ir a clase, Fred dijo que su madre y ella se habían mudado. Nadie quiso saber más.
En 1972, los West se dijeron que ya estaba bien de vivir en una caravana y se trasladaron al número 25 de Cromwell Street. Para ayudarse a pagar la hipoteca, los West comenzaron a alquilar habitaciones, y la casa se convirtió en refugio de colgados y delincuentes de poca monta que entraban y salían del 25 de Cromwell Street. Rose se acostaba con casi todos los inquilinos, cosa que Fred aplaudía. La casa adquirió fama de puerto franco: cualquiera que estuviese en un lío podía quedarse allí. Venían muchas chicas que se habían escapado de la casa paterna o del hogar de acogida, jóvenes abandonadas por un novio o que acababan de salir de la cárcel. Aquello facilitaba la tarea de Fred y Rose, que tenían donde escoger. Aquellas chicas de vida desestructurada eran las mejores presas. ¿Quién iba a creer a una ladronzuela, a una prostituta, a una traficante si llegaba a la policía contando que los West la habían violado? Muchas de aquellas muchachas salieron llorando del número 25 de Cromwell Street. Otras no tuvieron tanta suerte y se quedaron en la casa para siempre. Ni Rosemary ni Fred explicaron cuál fue el sistema de selección, dónde acababan los abusos sexuales y empezaban las torturas que terminaban en asesinato. Nueve asesinatos. Nueve chicas, todas jóvenes.
En 1987, Fred asesinó a su hija Heather y enterró sus restos en el sótano con los de sus otras víctimas. Rosemary le ayudó a esconder el cadáver. A los chicos les dijeron que Heather "se había marchado con una lesbiana", pero los mayores, Stephen y Mae, intuyeron que había algo raro en la súbita desaparición de su hermana. No obstante, en agosto de 1992, una de las hijas pequeñas de West confesó a una amiga que su padre la había violado. Y aquella niña tuvo la sensatez que nunca demostraron los adultos que rodeaban a la familia: acudió a la policía, que inició una investigación en regla. Sin embargo, pese a que en junio de 1993, Fred volvió a la vida normal, ya que fue readmitido en su trabajo y se le devolvió la custodia de sus hijos menores, una oficial de policía, la detective Hazel Savage, movió todos los hilos, tocó todas las puertas y consiguió una orden para hacer un registro a fondo de la casa de los West. El 24 de febrero de 1994, unos policías armados de picos y palas llegaban a Cromwell Street. Cuatro días más tarde aparecieron unos restos humanos. 
Lo que revolvió los estómagos y las conciencias de los británicos fue la absoluta inoperancia de las autoridades. Durante 20 años, West había estado dejando pistas por el camino, como un rastro de migas de pan en forma de abusos, de agresiones, de comportamientos sospechosos. En enero de 1995, Fred West se suicidó en la celda de una cárcel de Birmingham donde aguardaba su juicio por 12 asesinatos. Muchos consideraron aquella muerte como la última burla al sistema por parte de West. En cuanto a su esposa, Rosemary, fue condenada a cadena perpetua por nueve asesinatos.
Marta Rivera De La Cruz (2018). La casa de los horrores que fue invisible durante dos décadas para la policía británica [Documento en línea]. Disponible: https://elpais.com/politica/2018/09/06/cronica_negra/1536228017_320596.html
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bigiftruecast · 5 years
Fred and Rosemary West are two of England's most notorious serial killers, responsible for kidnapping, raping, and murdering at least twelve young women between the 1960's and 80's. Fred and Rose's unspeakable crimes led them to becoming known as the "House of Horrors" murderers, unleashing their twisted sexual proclivities on everybody around them - even their young children. In the final episode of their "Deadly Love" series, Matt and Kayla discuss the many sadistic crimes of England's Fred and Rosemary West.
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lokiiago · 5 years
Married to a Murderer
Married (before/during) Murders:
Aileen Wuornos - married to 69 year old Lewis Gratz Fell, annulled after nine weeks
Albert DeSalvo - married to Irmgard Beck in Frankfurt, had two children, one disabled
Dennis Rader - married to Paula Dietz (1971-2005), had two kids, later divorced
John Wayne Gacy - a closet homosexual, married to Carole Hoff (1972-1976)
H H Holmes - bigamously married three times; Clara Lovering (1876-96), Myrta Belknap (1887-96) and Georgiana Yoke (1894-96), until his execution on 7th May 1896
Albert Fish - paedophile, child rapist & murderer, married to Estella Wilcox (1898-1917) and together had six children: Albert, Anna, Gertrude, Eugene, John and Henry Fish.
Janie Lou Gibbs - poisoned her husband Charles Gibbs, their three sons and grandson
Judy Buenoano - murdered husband James Goodyear and her son Michael, attempted to murder of her fiancé John Gentry and murdered her boyfriend Bobby Joe Morris
Kristen Gilbert - married to Glenn Gilbert (1988-95) with two sons
Dorothea Puente - married to soldier Fred McFaul (1945-48), Swede Axel Johanson (1952-66), Roberto Puente (1966-68) and Pedro Montalvo (1976)
Velma Barfield - married to Thomas Burke (1949-69) until his death and Jennings Barfield (1970-71) until his death, both committed by Velma Barfield
Gary Ridgway - married three times; Claudia Kraig Barrows (1970-72), Marcia Lorene Brown (1973-81) and Judith Lorraine Lynch (1988-2002), only Lynch was married to Ridgway during his 16 year killing spree
Randall Woodfield - married three times, once whilst in prison to Jennifer Lyn Coria
Donald Henry Gaskins - married five times, one who was 13 years old, has two children
John Allen Muhammad - married and divorced twice, once to Mildred Muhammad
Arthur Shawcross - married four times; to Sarah Chatterton with one son, Linda Neary, Penny Sherbino and had an affair with Clara D. Neal
Glen Edward Rogers - married Deborah Ann Nix aged 14 years old (1978-83)
Charles Manson - married and divorced twice to Rosalie Willis (1955-58) and Leona Stevens (1959-63)
John Reginald Christie - married to Ethel Simpson (1920-52), who he murdered
John George Haigh - married to Beatrice 'Betty' Hamer (1934), annulled, with one child who was given up for adoption
Donald Neilson - married to Irene Tate with one daughter Kathryn, jailed as an accessory
Fred West - married to Catherine “Rena” Costello (1962-71)
Harold Shipman - married to Primrose Shipman (1966-2004, his death)
Peter Sutcliffe - married to Sonia Szurma in 1974, separated in 1982, divorced in 1994
Anthony Hardy - married to Judith Dwight (1972-86) with four kids, all prior to murders
Colin Ireland - married twice to paraplegic athlete Virginia Zammit (1982-87) and Janet Young (1989-91) but claimed he "pretended to be gay" to lure his homosexual victims in
Levi Bellfield - unmarried but fathered five children with three women, the final three children with Emma Mills (1995-2004)
Raymond Morris - married twice, second wife was called Carol Morris
George Joseph Smith - married bigamously seven times between 1908 and 1914; Caroline Beatrice Thornhill, Florence Wilson, Edith Peglar, Sarah Freeman, Bessie Munday, Alice Burnham and Alice Reid, two of whom he murdered... to name but a few
Peter Tobin - married and divorced three times; Margaret Mountney / MacKintosh (1969-71), Sylvia Jefferies (1973-76) and Cathy Wilson (1989-93)
Steve Wright - married Angela O'Donovan (1978-87) and Diane Cassell/Cole (1987-88)
Married (after) Murders/Crimes
Richard Ramirez - married in prison to Doreen Lioy, up to his death (1996-2013)
Ted Bundy - engaged to Diane Edwards known as Stephanie Brooks in 1973, and later married Carole Ann Boone whilst on trial and had a daughter with him
Arthur Shawcross - Clara D. Neal who he later married whilst in prison for murder
Henry Lee Lucas  - married Betty Crawford after his conviction for kidnapping three girls
Charles Manson - engaged in prison to Afton Elaine "Star" Burton, never married
Myra Hindley - engaged to Ronnie Sinclair on her 17th birthday for six months
Killers Couples
Ray & Faye Copeland - the killer couple of Missouri (1940-93)
Paul Bernardo & Karla Homolka - "The Ken & Barbie Killers"
Ray Fernandez & Martha Beck - "The Lonely Hearts Killers"
Carol M. Bundy & Doug Clark - "The Sunset Strip Killers"
Cynthia Coffman & James Gregory Marlow - another killer couple
David Ray Parker "The ToyBox Killer" & his girlfriend / accomplice Cindy Lee Hendy
Ian Brady & Myra Hindley - "The Moors Murderers"
David and Catherine Birnie – “The Moorhouse Murderers”
Fred West & Rose West - "The Gloucester Killers"​
Single / Dated Only: (or unmarried owing to a lack of equal rights for gay couples)
Dennis NIlsen - single, homosexual, lived with David "Twinkle" Gallichan
David Berkowitz - single, no wives or known girlfriends
Edmund Kemper - single, troubled upbringing, unable to maintain a normal relationship, but was briefly engaged to a 16-year-old Turlock High School student
Jeffrey Dahmer - single, a homosexual loner, one brief relationship with a boy at school
Joel Rifkin - single, with learning difficulties, no known girlfriends
Ed Gein - single, no girlfriends, his only true love was his mother
Ted Kaczynski - single, but "dated" Joy Richards whilst in prison (1998-2006)
Rodney Alcala - dated Beth Kelleher for a few months before his arrest in 1979
Robert Pickton - habitual user/murderer of prostitutes, he once dated Connie Anderson
Ronald Dominique - single, homosexual serial killer, no known boyfriends or partners
Larry Eyler - single, homosexual serial killer, no known boyfriends or partners
Dean Arnold Corll - a homosexual "relationship" with 12 year old David Brooks
Lee Boyd Malvo - single, a few girlfriends, once was referred in the press as "Kaitlin"
Orville Lynn Majors - unmarried, single
Herbert Mullin - had a steady girlfriend but expressed worries to her that he was gay
Richard Chase - single, hospitalised, no known girlfriends
Graham Young - single, no known girlfriends, convicted / hospitalised
Michael Lupo - homosexual, claimed to have had over 3000 lovers
Patrick MacKay - single, institutionalised from his early teens
Robert Maudsley - single, rent-boy / drug-addict, sexually-abused and incarcerated
Robert Black - single, occasional girlfriends, nothing long-term
Kenneth Erskine - unknown
Steven Grieveson - unknown
Stephen Griffiths - dated Kathy Hancock for 12 months, stalked her for 10 years
Trevor Hardy - his partner Sheilagh Farrow provided his alibi, which meant he was released from prison, and went on to murder Sharon Mosoph
Stephen Port - homosexual, numerous former boyfriends but names unknown
Robert Napper - Single, sexually-abused, unknown of any long-term relationships​
Beverley Allitt - boyfriend Stephen Biggs, the only real love in her life
Source Michael J Buchanan-Dunne
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crazycoke-addict · 5 years
Sam saying that he doesn’t feel sorry for Nick, but feels sorry for the people he hurt and murdered is what many people would like to say to serial killers or mass murderers. “I don’t feel sorry for you, I feel sorry for the people you hurt, the people you murdered. You can burn!”
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02nd · 2 years
photos of Fred and Rosemary West's house, serial killers
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their basement
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truecrimeguru · 7 years
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newmanspaul · 3 years
Aries: Gregory Peck, Spencer Tracy, Bette Davis, Joan Crawford, William Holden, Doris Day, Anthony Perkins, Debbie Reynolds, Ann Miller, Billie Holiday, Karl Malden, Warren Beatty, Marlon Brando, Charlie Chaplin, Mary Pickford, Lon Chaney, Steve McQueen, Ed Begley, Melvyn Douglas, Alec Guinness, Leslie Howard, Jayne Mansfield
Taurus: Jimmy Stewart, Fred Astaire, Bing Crosby, Audrey Hepburn, Katharine Hepburn, Don Rickles, Orson Welles, Tyrone Power, Rudolph Valentino, Gary Cooper, Henry Fonda, Shirley MacLaine, Shirley Temple, Anthony Quinn, James Mason, Ella Fitzgerald, Lionel Barrymore, Phil Silvers, Jack Klugman, Harold Lloyd, Mary Astor, Simone Simon, Margaret Sullavan, Eve Arden
Gemini: Judy Garland, Bob Hope, Dean Martin, Errol Flynn, Laurence Olivier, Marilyn Monroe, John Wayne, Tony Curtis, Rosemary Clooney, Douglas Fairbanks, Burl Ives, Al Jolson, Stan Laurel, Vincent Price, Basil Rathbone, Rosalind Russell, Hattie McDaniel, Priscilla Lane, Josephine Baker, Jeanette MacDonald, Peggy Lee
Cancer: Ginger Rogers, Eva Marie Saint, Natalie Wood, Olivia de Havilland, Barbara Stanwyck, Lena Horne, Jimmy Cagney, Milton Berle, Yul Brynner, Peter Lorre, Red Skelton, Jane Russell, Gina Lollobrigida, Leslie Caron, Farley Granger
Leo: William Powell, Myrna Loy, Mae West, Clara Bow, Norma Shearer, Esther Williams, Walter Brennan, Robert Mitchum, Louis Armstrong, Peter O’Toole, Jack Haley, Bert Lahr, Alfred Hitchcock, Maureen O’Hara, Lucille Ball, Shelley Winters, Dolores del Rio
Virgo: Lauren Bacall, Gene Kelly, Sophia Loren, Claudette Colbert, Greta Garbo, Donald O’Connor, Ingrid Bergman, Peter Lawford, Fredric March, James Coburn, Fred MacMurray, Peter Sellers, Raquel Welch, George Chakiris, Vera Miles
Libra: Jean Arthur, Carole Lombard, Montgomery Clift, Rita Hayworth, Deborah Kerr, Charlton Heston, Mickey Rooney, Lillian Gish, Groucho Marx, Buster Keaton, Bela Lugosi, George C. Scott, Lenny Bruce, Walter Pidgeon, Greer Garson, Joan Fontaine, Brigitte Bardot, June Allyson, Julie London
Scorpio: Richard Burton, Rock Hudson, Vivien Leigh, Burt Lancaster, Gene Tierney, Grace Kelly, Claude Rains, Joel McCrea, Johnny Carson, Burgess Meredith, Hedy Lamarr, Eleanor Powell, Veronica Lake
Sagittarius: Frank Sinatra, Kirk Douglas, Sammy Davis Jr, Edward G. Robinson, Rita Moreno, Lee Remick, Boris Karloff, Lee J. Cobb, Ricardo Montalban, Irene Dunne, Agnes Moorehead, Gloria Grahame, Betty Grable, Julie Harris
Capricorn: Cary Grant, Humphrey Bogart, Ava Gardner, Marlene Dietrich, Loretta Young, Ethel Merman, Eartha Kitt, Janet Leigh, Lew Ayres, Ray Bolger, Sal Mineo, Danny Kaye, Oliver Hardy, Oscar Levant, Ray Milland, Elvis Presley, Jane Wyman, Kay Francis, Barbara Rush
Aquarius: Kathryn Grayson, James Dean, Paul Newman, Clark Gable, Jimmy Durante, Jack Benny, Lana Turner, Kim Novak, Ronald Colman, Ernest Borgnine, Randolph Scott, Vera-Ellen, Donna Reed, Jack Lemmon, John Barrymore, George Burns, Arthur Kennedy, Cesar Romero, Jean Simmons, Zsa Zsa Gabor
Pisces: Jerry Lewis, Elizabeth Taylor, Jean Harlow, Nat King Cole, Sidney Poitier, Cyd Charisse, Lee Marvin, Jackie Gleason, Edward Everett Horton, David Niven
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justforbooks · 2 years
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Top 10 true crime novels
Adding an intense layer of meaning to well-known facts, authors including Truman Capote, Kate Summerscale and Gordon Burn raise this genre far above its grubby reputation.
Fictionalised true crime is an odd sub-genre containing either very bad or absolutely fantastic books. They go beyond the non-fiction recitation of known facts to imagine the subjective experience of the actors, they fill in the unknown or re-order known events so that they make narrative sense. This can add an intense layer of meaning to already well-known stories, alongside the added frisson of being broadly based on fact.
Crime fiction and fictionalised true crime are intimately related: Edgar Allan Poe, often lauded as the godfather of crime fiction, wrote his second crime fiction story, The Mystery of Marie Rogêt (1842) as a retelling of the real case of Mary Cecilia Rogers.
Every generation seems to discover true crime novels anew and is astonished by how moving and profound they can be. True crime is still regarded as a low art form and, somehow, a shameful area of interest. I like low art. I like comics and zines and street art precisely because they’re so poorly curated. Often writers who produce works of this kind move on to more respectable forms and these earlier forays are played down as aberrations or experiments.
This is a very male list but the recent explosion in true crime podcasts and documentaries and the predominantly female communities that have formed around them will, I suspect, lead to more women choosing to write these books.
1. A Universal History of Iniquity by Jorge Luis Borges This is a collection of short stories published in the Critica newspaper between 1933 and 1934. Borges covered stories such as John Murrell, a horse thief and preacher who led a slave insurrection in 1835, as well as Ching Shih, the Pirate Queen, and Billy The Kid, whom Borges renames Bill Harrigan. The stories are all fractured and told in imagined scenes with lumps of exposition. In a later edition, Borges wrote an introduction: “These are the irresponsible game of a shy young man who dared not write stories and so amused himself by falsifying and distorting (without any aesthetic justifications whatever) the tales of others.” Despite what he says the book is captivating.
2. The Collected Works of Billy the Kid by Michael Ondaatje A retelling of Billy’s journey through New Mexico, looking back over his criminal history, at the myth-making and stories forming around him. He uses a strange, scumbled sort of voice in parts of it that feel like the outlaw’s thoughts as he narrates the events that led to his fated, short and violent life. I have bought this book almost five times and keep giving it away.
3. Happy Like Murderers by Gordon Burn Burn’s book about Fred and Rosemary West’s lives and murders affected me in a way that perhaps all true crime should: it left me feeling saddened and soiled. He vividly portrays the actual life of serial killers, the shallow affect, the casual brutality and suburban brutalising around the explosive events we hear about when the bodies are found. He talks a lot about the way Fred West’s language was a signal and uses phrases over and over in reprises that are operatic. I know he found the book harder to write than Somebody’s Husband, Somebody’s Son, his study of Peter Sutcliffe, and the depth of his immersion shows. It is profoundly moving in a way that true crime very rarely is.
4. The Suspicions of Mr Whicher by Kate Summerscale This centres on the brutal murder in 1860 of a three-year-old boy in the middle of the night. The case was written about by Dickens, Conan Doyle and Wilkie Collins. Its appeal is obvious: it happened in an elegant and slightly isolated Wiltshire house with a small group of people and forms exactly the sort of perfect, closed-house mystery so beloved of cosy crime novels. Summerscale uses fictional points of view to present all the facts and it’s an amazing experience to read it.
5. The Adversary by Emmanuel Carrère This retelling of Jean-Claude Romand’s family annihilation in 1993 unpicks a lifetime of minor deceptions and builds to a climax that still shocks even though you know from the beginning what has happened. It’s cold, dispassionate and very frightening.
6. Nationality Wog: The Hounding of David Oluwale by Kester Aspen David Oluwale was a black man who died in 1969 after a sustained campaign of harassment by police in Leeds. This book shows what fictionalised true crime can do that nothing else can. I’m afraid I’m quoted on the back. I read it when it came out in 2007 and was so blown away by it I persuaded Kester to meet me to talk about it. This is the sort of story that can only be told in this form because so much of Oluwale’s subjective experience could only be represented by fictionalisation. It’s an insight into the times and the lives of people living in a culture that persecutes them.
7. Occupied City by David Peace This is the second book in the Tokyo Trilogy. It’s fiction but also weaves in the true story of a mass poisoning in 1948 known as the Teigin Incident. A man wearing medical uniform walked into a bank in downtown Toyko saying he was there to warn the workers about an outbreak of dysentery. He ordered the staff to take the medication issued. They did, but it was poison. Twelve of the people who drank it died and the bank was robbed. The book offers a glimpse into a world with a population so passive that they would take the poison, yet where the police and judiciary were so untrustworthy that the perpetrator is still in dispute over half a century later.
8. In Cold Blood by Truman Capote Really, the most famous on this list. Capote is a god and I will fight anyone who says otherwise. He claimed to have invented the genre of the non-fiction novel but, for me, that discounts all autobiography. He immersed himself in the case, extensively interviewing the murderers of a family slaughtered at a small Kansas farm. The conflicting loyalty almost broke him. It’s one of those books that shouldn’t work but, once started, cannot be abandoned.
9. The Executioner’s Song by Norman Mailer A fat book by an important man who hated women. I resented and enjoyed this Pulitzer prize-winning book about Gary Gilmore, published 13 years after In Cold Blood. It is very readable and set the conventions of the genre for a long time. It begins with a history of the geography and culture of the area, Gilmore’s family background, his early life and then moves onto his crimes and the consequences. If you like fat books by important men, you’ll love this.
10. A Brief History of Seven Killings by Marlon James It’s a stretch to include this glorious book because it pushes the parameters beyond a tale of individual criminality to fictionalise the crimes of nation states, governments and the CIA, but it covers the crack wars of the 1980s and the attempted murder of Bob Marley, attempting to make sense of the incomprehensible, which is surely what this form is all about.
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All films
All the films I’ve ever watched? I have too much time.
1902 A Trip to the Moon
1938 Bringing up Baby
1940 Pinocchio
1941 Dumbo
1942 Bambi Casablanca Cat People
1944 Curse of the Cat People
1950 Cinderella
1951 Alice in Wonderland
1953 Peter Pan
1954 Rear Window
1955 Lady and the Tramp The Ladykillers
1959 Sleeping beauty Some Like it Hot
1960 Psycho
1961 101 Dalmations Breakfast at Tiffanys The Parent Trap West Side Story
1962 To Kill a Mockingbird
1963 Lord of the Flies
1964 A Shot in the Dark Mary Poppins
1965 Juliet of the Spirits Sound of Music
1967 The Jungle Book The Producers
1968 2001 A Space Odyssey Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Night of the Living Dead Rosemarys Baby
1969 Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid
1970 The Aristocats The Railway Children
1971 A Clockwork Orange And Now for Something Completely Different Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory
1972 Aguirre, the Wrath of God
1973 Don’t Look Now The Exorcist La Planete Sauvage The Long Goodbye Paper Moon Robin Hood Tom Sawyer The Wicker Man Mean streets
1974 Blazing Saddles Swallows and Amazons Young Frankenstein
1975 Dog Day Afternoon Jaws Monty Python and the Holy Grail One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest Return of Pink Panther The Rocky Horror Picture Show
1976 Bugsy Malone Carrie Freaky Friday King Kong Pink Panther Strikes Again The Omen Taxi Driver
1977 Close Encounters of the Third Kind The Island of Dr Moreau Suspiria Star Wars: A New Hope
1978 The Deer Hunter Grease Halloween Watership Down
1979 Alien Life of Brian Quadrophenia
1980 Airplane! The Blues Brothers Flash Gordon Friday the 13th The Shining Star Wars the Empire Strikes Back
1981 An American Werewolf in London Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark
1982 Annie Blade Runner The Dark Crystal ET Poltergeist The Thing The Snowman
1983 The Dead Zone The Man With Two Brains National Lampoons Vacation Scarface Wargames Christine Monty Python’s the Meaning of Life Star Wars: Return of the Jedi Videodrome
1984 Amadeus Footloose Ghostbusters Gremlins Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom Karate Kid Never-ending Story The Nightmare on Elm Street Sixteen Candles Dune This is Spinal Tap
1985 Back to the Future Brazil Brewsters Millions The Goonies Re-Animator Room with a View The Breakfast Club National Lampoon’s European Vacation
1986 Aliens An American Tail Big Trouble in Little China Blue Velvet Ferris Bueller’s Day Off Labyrinth Little Shop of Horrors Stand By Me Platoon
1987 The BFG The Brave Little Toaster The Evil Dead II The Lost Boys Planes Trains and Automobiles Predator The Princess Bride Raising Arizona Withnail and I
1988 Beetlejuice Big Die Hard Heathers The Land Before Time My Neighbour Totoro Scrooged They Live Twins Who Framed Roger Rabbit Willow
1989 Back to the Future 2 Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure Do the Right Thing Honey I Shrunk the Kids Kiki's Delivery Service The Little Mermaid National Lampoons Christmas Vacation See No Evil Hear No Evil
1990 Edward Scissorhands Home Alone Kindergarten Cop Misery Tremors Wild at Heart The Witches
1991 The Addams Family Beauty and the Beast Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey Drop Dead Fred Naked Lunch Point Break Silence of the Lambs
1992 Aladdin Army of Darkness Candyman Ferngully Home Alone 2 Lost in New York Howards End The Muppet Christmas Carol Of Mice and Men Reservoir Dogs Twin Peaks Fire Walk with Me Waynes World
1993 Addams' Family Values Groundhog Day Hocus Pocus Jurassic Park Mrs Doubtfire Nightmare Before Christmas Secret Garden True Romance
1994 Ace Ventura Pet Detective Clerks Interview with the Vampire Leon: the Professional The Lion King Little Women Miracle on 34th Street Pulp Fiction Reality Bites Richie Rich The Santa Clause The Shawshank Redemption
1995 A Little Princess Clueless Cold Comfort Farm Jumanji Mallrats Pocahontas Se7en Toy Story The Usual Suspects
1996 101 Dalmations Bottle Rocket The Craft Fargo Independence Day James and the Giant Peach Mars Attacks Matilda Trainspotting
1997 Anaconda A Simple Wish Austin Powers The Borrowers Cube Cure The Fifth Element The Game Hercules Jackie Brown Liar Liar Princess Mononoke
1998 The Big Lebowski Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Mulan The Parent Trap Ring Rushmore The Truman Show
1999 10 Things I Hate About You American Beauty Austin Powers 2 Being John Malkovich The Blair Witch Project Dogma Fight Club The Green Mile The Haunting The Iron Giant Matrix The Mummy Stuart Little The Talented Mr Ripley Toy Story 2 The Virgin Suicides
2000 Almost Famous American Psycho Battle Royale Chicken Run The Emperor’s New Groove The Grinch Help! I’m a Fish Memento Requiem for a Dream The Road to El Dorado The State I Am in Unbreakable
2001 Amelie Donnie Darko Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone Hedwig and the Angry Inch Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back Jeepers Creepers The Lord of the Rings Monsters Inc Moulin Rouge The Mummy Returns The Others Princess Arete The Princess Diaries The Royal Tenenbaums Shrek Spirited Away Wet Hot American Summer Zoolander
2002 28 Days Later About a Boy Austin Powers: Gold Member Catch Me if You Can The Cat Returns City of God Dark Water Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Ice Age Ju On: the Grudge Lilo and Stitch Panic Room The Ring Scooby-doo Signs Spider-man Stuart Little 2
2003 Big Fish Bruce Almighty The Cat in the Hat Cheaper by The Dozen Elf Finding Nemo Girl with a Pearl Earring I Capture the Castle Kangaroo Jack Kill Bill Vol.1 Lost in Translation Oldboy Peter Pan Pirates of the Caribbean: the Curse of the Black Pearl The Room Rugrats Go Wild The Santa Clause 2 School of Rock
2004 A Series of Unfortunate Events The Day After Tomorrow Dodgeball Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Finding Neverland Five Children and It Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Howl’s Moving Castle The Incredibles Kill Bill Vol. 2 Life Aquatic The Machinist Mean Girls Napoleon Dynamite Polar Express Scooby-doo 2: Monsters Unleashed The Secret Window Shaun of the Dead Shrek 2 Spider-man 2 Spongebob Movie Team America The Village
2005 The 40 Yr Old Virgin Batman Begins Capote Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Cheaper by the Dozen 2 The Chronicles of Narnia The Corpse Bride The Descent Grizzly Man Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy House of Wax Kronks New Groove Madagascar Nanny Mcphee Robots Shark Boy and Lava Girl The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants V for Vendetta Wallace and Gromit and the Curse of the Were-rabbit 2006 Accepted Black Sheep Borat Charlotte’s Web Clerks II Deck the Halls The Devil Wears Prada Flushed Away High School Musical The History Boys Little Miss Sunshine Marie Antoinette Miss Potter Nacho Libre The Night at the Museum Over the Hedge Pan’s Labyrinth The Santa Clause 3 Southland Tales Tekkonkinkreet Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny This is England Wicker Man Wind in the Willows
2007 Blades of Glory Bridge to Terabithia Charlie Bartlett The Darjeeling Limited Eagle Vs Shark Evan Almighty The Golden Compass High School Musical 2 Hot Fuzz Hot Rod Hp Order Phoenix Into the Wild Juno The Mist Mr Magoriums Wonder Emporium No Country for Old Men Ratatouille The Simpsons Movie Son of Rambow Spider-man 3 St Trinians Superbad There Will Be Blood Waitress Walk Hard Zodiac
2008 Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging Assassination of a High School President Batman: the Dark Knight The Boy in the Stripe Pyjamas Bronson Cloverfield Forgetting Sarah Marshall Let the Right One in Mamma Mia! Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist Ponyo Role Models The Secret of Moonacre The Spiderwick Chronicles The Strangers Tropic Thunder Wall-e The Wave Yes Man
2009 500 Days of Summer Adventureland The Boat That Rocked Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs Coraline District 9 Fantastic Mr Fox Funny People Hachi: a Dog's Tale Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince Inglorious Basterds Jennifers Body Moon Mr Nobody Orphan The Road Splice Teenage Dirtbag Up Watchmen Where the Wild Things Are Whip It Zombieland
2010 127 Hours Alice in Wonderland Biutiful Blue Valentine Despicable Me Diary of a Wimpy Kid Easy a Gulliver's Travels Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Inception It's Kind of a Funny Story Kick Ass The Last Exorcism Let Me in Macgruber Megamind Remember Me Scott Pilgrim Vs the World Shutter Island Submarine Tangled Toy Story 3 True Grit
2011 Attack the Block Bridesmaids Cabin in the Woods Cowboys & Aliens Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules Drive Fright Night Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 The Help Hick Hugo Kill List Megan is Missing Red State The Skin I Live in Super 8 Tree of Life We Need to Talk Abut Kevin X-men First Class
2012 21 Jump Street American Mary Antiviral Avengers Batman: the Dark Night Rises Frankenweenie The Hunger Games Les Miserables Life of Pi Looper Moonrise Kingdom Paranorman The Perks of Being a Wallflower Pitch Perfect The Place Beyond the Pines Ruby Sparks Seven Psychopaths Sinister Stories We Tell Stuck in Love V/H/S The Watch Would You Rather Wreck It Ralph
2013 12 Years a Slave About Time The Book Thief Dark Skies Enemy Evil Dead How I Live Now The Kings of Summer The Lone Ranger Machete Kills Monsters University Night Moves Oculus Pacific Rim Palo Alto Prisoners The Purge Saving Mr Banks The Secret Life Walter Mitty Short Term 12 Shrek the Musical Snowpiercer Under the Skin V/H/S 2 We're the Millers
2014 22 Jump Street Annabellle As Above So Below The Babadook Bad Neighbours Big Eyes Big Hero 6 Bird Man Boxtrolls Comet Creep Ex Machina The Falling Gone Girl Goodnight Mommy The Grand Budapest Hotel Guardians of the Galaxy Interstellar Into the Woods It Follows John Wick Kingsman The Lego Movie Love & Mercy The Maze Runner Nightcrawler Paddington Pride Spring This is Where I Leave You Tusk Two Night Stand What We Do in the Shadows Whiplash Wish I Was Here X&Y
2015 Ant-man The Big Short Carol Demolition Departure The Final Girls The Good Dinosouar Green Room Hell House Llc Inside out The Invitation Jurassic World The Little Prince Me and Earl and the Dying Girl Mustang Our Little Sister Paper Towns Peanuts Movie The Revenant Room Sinister 2 The Stanford Prison Experiment Star Wars: the Force Awakens Suffragette Tale of Tales Turbo Kid Victoria The Visit The Witch
2016 10 Cloverfield Lane 20th Century Women A Cure for Wellness A Monster Calls Arrival Better Watch out The Bfg Captain Fantastic Deadpool Doctor Strange Don’t Breathe The Edge of Seventeen Everybody Wants Some Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them First Girl I Loved The Founder Free Fire The Fundamentals of Caring The Girl with All the Gifts The Good Neighbour The Handmaiden Hidden Figures The Hunt for the Wilderpeople I Am Not a Serial Killer Jackie Keanu Kubo and the Two Strings La La Land Manchester by the Sea Mascots Midnight Special Mindhorn Miss Stevens Moana Moonlight My Life As a Courgette The Neon Demon The Nice Guys Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping Raw The Secret Life of Pets Silence Sing Sing Street Streetcat Named Bob Suicide Squad Swiss Army Man Tallulah Train to Busan The Void The Wailing War on Everyone Yoga Hosers
2017 A Ghost Story Baby Driver The Babysitter Baywatch Before I Fall The Beguiled The Big Sick Blade Runner 2049 Boss Baby Brawl in Cell Block 99 Brigsby Bear The Bye Bye Man Call Me by Your Name Captain Underpants The Death of Stalin Detroit The Disaster Artist Dunkirk The Endless Fist Fight The Florida Project Geralds Game Get out Good Time Happy Death Day Hot Summer Nights I Don’t Feel at Home in This World Anymore It It Comes at Night I Tonya Jumanji The Killing of a Sacred Deer Kong: Skull Island Lady Bird Lego Batman Life Logan Logan Lucky The Man Who Invented Christmas Mary and the Witches Flower Mollys Game Mother! Murder on the Orient Express My Friend Dahmer Okja Paddington 2 Phantom Thread Please Stand by The Ritual Rough Night The Shape of Water Spiderman Homecoming Split The Square Star Wars: the Last Jedi Thor: Ragnarok Thoroughbreds Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri The Tribes of Palos Verdes Xx You Were Never Really Here
2018 A Futile and Stupid Gesture Alex Strangelove American Animals Annihilation A Quiet Place Avengers: Infinity War Bad Times at the El Royale The Ballad of Buster Scruggs Black Panther Blakklansman Bohemian Rhapsody Bumblebeee Calibre Cam Can You Ever Forgive Me? The Christmas Chronicles Christopher Robin Climax Crazy Rich Asians Deadpool 2 Eighth Grade The Favourite First Man Greta The Grinch Hereditary Hotel Artemis The Incredibles 2 In Fabric Isle of Dogs Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom Leave No Trace The Little Stranger Love, Simon Mamma Mia Here We Go Again Mandy The Man Who Killed Don Quixote Mary Poppins Returns Mid90s The Miseducation of Cameron Post Mute Ophelia Overlord Pacific Rim: Uprising The Package The Polka King Possum Set It Up Shirkers Shoplifters The Slaughterhouse Rules Sorry to Bother You Spiderman: into the Spider Verse Strangers: Prey at Night Suspiria Tag To All the Boys I've Loved Before Tyrel Under the Silver Lake Vice Wildlife
2019 A Beautiful Day in the Neighbourhood Always Be My Maybe Animals Annabelle Comes Home The Art of Self Defence Avengers: Endgame Between 2 Ferns Booksmart Buffaloed Captain Marvel Color out of Space Come to Daddy Daniel Isn’t Real The Dead Don’t Die Doctor Sleep Dolomite is My Name Escape Room Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile The Farewell Fighting with My Family First Cow First Love Glass Godzilla: King of Monsters Good Boys Good Boys Halloween Honey Boy Honey Boy Hustlers In the Tall Grass The Irishman I See You Jay and Silent Bob Reboot John Wick 3: Parabellum Jojo Rabbit Joker Jumanji the Next Level Klaus Knives out The Last Black Man in San Francisco Late Night Lego Movie 2 The Lighthouse Little Monsters Little Women Ma Maleficent 2 Marriage Story Midsommar Missing Link Noelle Once Upon a Time in Hollywood The Other Lamb Parasite The Personal History of David Copperfield The Platform Pokemon Detective Pikachu Portrait of a Lady on Fire Ready or Not Rocket Man Saint Maud Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark The Secret Life of Pets 2 Shazam Someone Great Spider Man Far from Home Star Wars: the Rise of Skywalker Sword of Trust Them That Follow Toy Story 4 Uncut Gems Us The Vast of Night Villains Zombieland Double Tap
2020: An American Pickle The Babysitter: Killer Queen Bad Education Birds of Prey Borat Subsequent Moviefilm Brahms: the Boy Ii Broken Hearts Gallery The Call Chemical Hearts The Devil All the Time Emma. Eurovision Song Contest: the Story of Fire Saga The Grudge Hamilton His House Hubie Halloween The Hunt The Invisible Man Kajillionaire The King of Staten Island Little Women Love and Monsters My Octopus Teacher The New Mutants The Old Guard Palm Springs Possessor Promising Young Woman Run She Dies Tomorrow Shiva Baby Spontaneous Spree Swallow Tenet The Trial of the Chicago 7 The Vast of Night We Can Be Heroes Zappa Zola
2021: Army of the Dead Army of Thieves Bad Trip Candyman Fear Street Part 1: 1994 Fear Street Part 2: 1978 Fear Street Part 3: 1666 Flora and Ulysses Free Guy The French Dispatch Love Hard Luca Moxie Pig Zack Snyder’s Justice League
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
Psychopaths aren't supposed to feel empathy or love but it's been proven that many couple serial killers where one of them was diagnosed with psychotic tendencies could feel a connection to the other. It you get what I mean? Like Rosemary and Fred West. Fred was supposed to a psychopath but he did love Rosemary. So yes, I guess psychopaths can have a certain connection to someone. I don't know if it could be called love but at some point, it is! So ghost maker can develop a special bond with someone and love him/her to the full extent that he can feel love!!
The actual divide between "normalcy" and "psychopathy" is actually a spectrum that we're all on. No one is completely devoid of emotion, and in the case of Ghost-Maker, you see he cares for Bruce. It's not the way that Clark or Diana care for Bruce, but it is a form of concern, which many of those diagnosed as psychopaths do feel. Psychopaths have actually been shown, like you said, to show empathy and love, for certain things in their lives. While they may not feel love and devotion like someone who isn't like them, they do feel.
You can read more here at Psychology Today where they talk about the emotional lives and spectrum of psychopaths.
But back to the final point, yes, I do believe GM and someone can have a bond with someone that is akin to love, or is love.
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Fred and Rose West
Fred was born in the small town of Much Markle in Herefordshire. He was the second of the six children of Walter Stephen West and Daisy Hannah Hill. By Fred's own account, sexual abuse of various kinds was common in the household; he claimed his father had sexual relationships with his daughters and taught him bestiality (sex with animals). It has also been suspected that Fred's mother started sexually abusing him when he was twelve, though he never admitted to it and it has never been confirmed, like the stories about his father. Neither have Fred's claims that he also engaged in incest and even impregnated one of his sisters, Kitty.
Regardless, Fred and his mother were very close. He was physically punished for doing badly in school. Fred left school at the age of fifteen even though he was almost illiterate and got a job as a farm hand. When he was sixteen, his looks improved and he became more attractive to girls. At the age of seventeen, he was in a motorcycle accident that put him in a coma for a week, led to him having a metal plate operated into his head and breaking one of his legs so badly it was permanently shorter than the other. Afterward, he got a bad temper and often had violent bursts of anger. Two years after the accident, Fred hurt his head yet again when he stuck his hand up a girl's skirt and she pushed him down from a fire escape. When he was nineteen, he was convicted of molesting a thirteen-year-old girl, even though he didn't serve any jail time because his doctor said he suffered from epileptic fits. Afterwards, he was sent to live with his sister and was practically disowned by the rest of his family.
Fred got a job in construction but was fired for stealing from his workplace. When Fred was twenty-one, his family let him back into their lives and he moved back to Much Markle, where he resumed a romantic relationship with an ex-girlfriend, Catherine "Rena" Costello, who had been a petty thief when they first dated and moved on to prostitution. Though Rena was already pregnant with the child of a Pakistani man, they married and kept the child; to explain why the baby was half-Asian, Fred had Rena write to her parents and say that the baby had died in childbirth and that her child, a girl she named Charmaine Carol, was adopted. They married in November, only two months after getting back together, and moved to Scotland together. The couple had a child of their own in July of 1964, a daughter named Anne Marie. During their rocky marriage, Fred worked as an ice-cream truck driver, a job that gave him plenty of access to available young women. Their life in Scotland came to an end when Fred accidentally ran over a four-year-old boy with his truck. Though the accident wasn't his fault, Fred moved with his family as well as Isa McNeill, who took care of their children, and Anna McFall, a friend of Costello, to Gloucestershire, where he got a job at a slaughterhouse. When her marriage finally collapsed, Costello went back to Scotland alone but came back in July of 1966 because she missed her daughter, only to discover that Fred had started a relationship with McFall. In 1967, McFall became pregnant with Fred's child and tried to get him to divorce Costello. In response, he killed, dismembered and buried her. Costello finally left Fred a few months later, leaving their children with him. Fred is suspected to have killed again in January of 1968 when fifteen-year-old Mary Bastholm disappeared from a bus stop. After the death of his mother in February, Fred started committing a lot of petty thefts and changed jobs a lot. It was during a stint as a bakery truck driver that he met his future wife and accomplice, Rosemary Letts.
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(some of the victims)
Rosemary was born as Rosemary Letts was born in Devon, England in 1953. Her household was troubled and abusive; her father, Bill Letts, was a schizophrenic who constantly disciplined her, her siblings and her mother, Daisy. While Daisy had been pregnant with Rosemary, she had received electroconvulsive therapy as a treatment for her severe depression. Growing up, Rosemary was sexually abused by her father. Because she wasn't very bright and a bit overweight, she was often teased and responded by attacking her bullies aggressively. When she was a teenager, she became more sexually active and was even caught getting into bed with one of her younger brothers and sexually fondling him. Because her figure and her father's rules prevented her from dating boys her own age, she pursued relationships with older men where she lived; one of them took advantage of her and raped her. When Rosemary was fifteen, her mother finally had enough of her husband's abuse, took Rosemary and moved in with one of her adult daughters and her husband. Rosemary started spending even more time with male companions. Later the same year, Rosemary, surprisingly, moved back in with her father. Not long afterwards, she met Fred West, who was twelve years her senior.
Rosemary became pregnant with his child, a girl named Heather, and took care of his children on her own. Because of her temper problems and her resentment about caring for children who weren't hers, she often treated her de facto stepdaughters badly. In the summer of 1971, Rosemary apparently snapped completely and killed Charmaine. After severing the body's fingers and toes, Fred buried it under their kitchen floor. In August of 1971, Costello disappeared when she came looking for Charmaine. Because her body was found to have had its fingers and toes cut off when it was discovered, Fred is suspected to have been the killer. Though they married on January 29, 1972, Fred encouraged Rosemary to have sex with other men, both for money and for fun and often watched her through a peephole. He also took erotic photos of her and posted them in swinger magazines as ads for prostitution. In June of 1972, they had another daughter together, Mae West. In order to make room for their expanding family and Rosemary's business, they moved to 25 Cromwell Street, where they carried out their rapes and murders. Rosemary continued working as a prostitute from their home in a room fitted with peepholes for Fred to use and a red light outside that would be lit to tell the children not to enter. Over the following years, she gave birth to seven more children, of which three were fathered by Fred. Another may have been conceived by Rosemary and her own father, who kept engaging in incest with her even after she gave birth to her fourth child. The other three, who were of mixed race, were all fathered by her clients.
In October 1972, Fred and Rosemary hired a young woman named Caroline Owens to work for them as a nanny for their children. They kept making sexual advances on her, but she declined every time. One night in December, after they both unsuccessfully tried to seduce her, she tried to leave only to be held captive overnight. When Fred threatened to let some of his friends "have" her and that he would then kill her, she complied. The next day, she was released. Though she pressed charges, Fred was able to convince the court that the acts she was forced into had been consensual, so he and Rosemary were instead only fined for indecent assault. Over the next six years, they killed at least eight young women who made their way to 25 Cromwell Street as lodgers or employees together. The first was Lynda Gough, a seamstress the Wests knew personally. Next was Carol Ann Cooper, who disappeared while walking home from a movie theater. In December, Lucy Katherine Partington disappeared from a bus stop while on her way home after Christmas. She was murdered by Fred and Rosemary, who abducted her, held her captive for a week over New Year, raped and tortured her and then killed her. On January 3, Fred was treated for a laceration, which is believed to have been inflicted when he dismembered Partington. From 1974 to 1979, five more women, Therese Siegenthaler, Shirley Hubbard, Juanita Marion Mott, Shirley Anne Robinson, and Alison Chambers, met the same fate. It's unknown if the Wests killed more over the following years. If they did, which is not improbable, the bodies weren't buried on their property. Some of the girls are known to have been abducted, raped, and then released.
While committing murders, Fred also sexually abused Anne Marie West, his daughter from his relationship with Rena Costello. She eventually became pregnant, but the pregnancy had to be terminated because it occurred in her fallopian tube. When she left home, he started abusing Heather West, who was conceived by Rosemary and possibly her own father, and one of his own daughters, Mae West. Fred disposed of the victims by burying them under the garage of the house or in the garden. To cover up the frequent burials, he pretended to be doing regular home improvement. In order to afford the supplies needed, he frequently stole and fenced the loot. Even though he was often brought to the police's attention, for this reason, his killings went unnoticed. The couple came close to being exposed in 1986 when Heather told her friends about the abuse she suffered. In June of the next year, Fred and Rosemary strangled her to death to silence her. She was then dismembered and buried in the garden. The Wests were finally exposed in May 1992, when Fred videotaped himself raping one of his daughters. When she told her friends, one of them reported the Wests to the police. The investigating officer, Hazel Savage, had heard of Fred while he was in a relationship with Rena Costello. When another girl raped by Fred came forward, the police obtained a search warrant. In August, they searched the house for evidence of child abuse. Fred was arrested for rape and sodomy of a minor and Rose was arrested as an accomplice. While they were being processed, their younger children were placed in the care of the government.
While Fred was in custody, Rosemary became depressed and even attempted suicide once, but was saved by one of her sons. Unfortunately, the rape case fell apart when the victims backed out. Meanwhile, Savage became increasingly suspicious of the Wests' past, the disappearance of Heather and the results of the interviews of the West children, especially that they had been threatened by Fred that they would be buried under the patio like Heather. She was able to obtain another search warrant to have the property dug up. The task was simplified when Fred confessed to Heather's murder in custody. When human bones started cropping up, Fred confessed to having committed the murders alone in order to protect Rosemary. However, he would not admit to raping any of his victims, saying they had wanted to have sex with him. Soon enough, the bodies of Anne McFall and Charmaine West turned up as well. Seeking to protect herself, Rose cut off all contact with her husband. On December 13, 1994, he was charged with a dozen counts of murders. On New Year's Day, he hanged himself in his cell at Winson Green Prison with a knotted bedsheet. His body was cremated and his funeral unattended except for five of his children. Rose was also put on trial in the end, first for rape but then for murder as well. She never confessed to any murders and the evidence against her was largely circumstantial. An important witness was Janet Leach, Fred's appropriate adult, who revealed that Fred had told her that Rose had been involved in the murders and even killed Charmaine West and Shirley Robinson on her own. On November 22, 1995, Rose was found guilty of ten murders and sentenced to life in prison. She will be never released. Though she maintains her innocence, she announced in 2001 that she will not try to appeal her conviction. In 1996, 25 Cromwell Street was completely demolished and the site turned into a pathway.
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