#Finn wittrock imagine
marchsfreakshow · 5 months
Oh, The Sleeping Beauty {Dandy Mott}
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To Dandy, you were a sleeping beauty. But he felt lonely in the night and needed you desperately.
Urm holy fuck I started writing this as a silly lil drabble but oops it became a whole fic. I hope you enjoy it anyway!
Warnings!; oral (F recieve), pnv, small bit of body worship, crud smut writing, bare bones plot.
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Fuck you were perfect. You were perfect when you slept. Your chest, your delicate face. Your hands, placed anywhere and everywhere. The soft little groans that escaped you as you adjusted your unconscious self in bed. It was perfect. Always perfect.
Dandy stayed up nearly all night watching you sleep. Gently tracing your face, the shape of your eyes, nose, mouth, where your spots were, where the 'imperfections' were. It was all his in his mind. His girl forever. Nothing would feel better to him than feeling if you were having a wet dream or not. His fingers flowed down to your legs and gently gripped one of your thighs. The light touches to your body made you stir a bit, and he almost jumped back when you shuffled around under the sheets. Your sleepy mumbles went unnoticed, and Dandy just laid there, watching and watching.
"Mine." He whispered, holding onto your waist, and refraining from taking his trousers off and jerking off to your beautiful, sleeping face. Your eyes fluttered open slightly, and your eyelids felt heavy. His face was right in front of yours, smiling. You smiled back, resting your hand on his arm that was on your waist. He never wanted you to waste your words.
But now you were awake, he couldn't touch you. Not without permission. He never wanted to hurt his princess by accident. All Dandy wanted was to reach under your nightgown and feel you. He wanted to know what dreams you had, how many of them were of him, and if he had to kill someone. "Dandy.?" You quietly asked. His attention snapped back to your face, after looking over your ridden up night-wear. Dangerous thoughts had come over him, and he wanted you to say 'Ravish me Dandy. Take all of me.' but he knew he had to wait.
Waiting hurt. Night after night, after you had gotten into bed, he sat himself in an empty room. He said fuck it and jerked off. In the darkness of a room, the thoughts of your moans and screams made him whimper and groan to himself. The grip you could have on his arms, and how you instinctively wrapped around him. Inside and out. He wanted to hear you scream out his name when he left bruises on your neck, legs, and torso. He was an addict. Addicted to your scent, and making your perfect skin damaged only by him.
Dandy's thoughts about you were distracted when you pulled him towards you in the bed and kissed him softly. Your soft kisses could make him cum right then and there. Gentle skin and lips pressed against his. Feeling you lose control of where your hands are moving. Your bodies were pressed together, the only thing stopping your contact was your pyjamas. Dandy ended the kiss quick, immediately moving to take your nightgown off. Your body in the darkness was like heaven. He knew your body so well and could touch every spot perfectly in the pitch black. You felt your thighs get risen up, as they were held in place on Dandy's shoulders.
The silence was shaken when Dandy pressed his tongue to your warm clit. It elicited a long moan from you, and Dandy couldn't help but buck his hips into the mattress, wanting friction on his cock. Every single move he took while eating you out, it drove him insane. Your taste, your warmth, your everything. The way your legs shook when you were close. As skilled as he was with his hands, he was even more skilled with his mouth. Fingers and tongue replaced each other when he moved from your clit to inside you. Your heavy eyelids fell and scrunched up when you screamed his name. Dandy revelled in hearing your name when he tasted your cum. It was like candy to him.
"You're perfect." The man whispered, staring into your soul from where his head lay. The warmth was felt on your face by your fingertips unconsciously. He was a god at making you blush and never stopped. Dandy never let go of your thighs, even after making you come. He gripped them, hard, and left small trails of kisses and bite marks on them. Even if they were on your inner thighs, he needed proof on your body that you were his.
The destruction of his precious doll had begun now.
But no matter what he did to you, Dandy still thought you were a perfect, precious, pretty toy for him. "Dandy..." You whispered, beckoning him in the night. Kisses were quickly exchanged again, you could taste yourself still on his tongue. Making you know how tasty you were to Dandy was important to him. He could have you for breakfast, lunch and dinner if it was possible. But it was your turn. Your prince was still wearing his pyjamas, and you felt exposed being the only naked one under the sheets. The buttons were almost broken when you both pulled and ripped Dandy's clothes off him. Even in the musk of the night, you could see him. You traced his torso whilst straddling him. Feeling him all the way down to his pelvis made you chuckle quietly.
Your pussy was sensitive still after being touched and tasted the way it was, and his dick just moving naturally against you always earned another moan from you. It must've been 3am, and lord you were about to wake up the whole house. Even if it was Gloria and Dora who were asleep. Dandy never failed to make you lose your mind, stretching you out always, filling you up to the brim, nearing tears every time he thrust himself upwards in you. That's exactly what he did. You find your own entrance and sink down, feeling yourself get full. "Fuck." You whispered, laying your hands on Dandy's shoulders. The way he almost always hit your cervix could have killed you every single time.
His rhythm started and was quickened whenever you let out a moan that was a little louder than the others. The man under you grinned when it happened and felt proud. He held your waist like a trophy as you bounced on him. His constant trophy was distracted when a gasp of pleasure bubbled in his throat. Slamming yourself down on him occasionally made him whimper and get closer to coming and warming you up. Soon enough you were screaming out for Dandy, leaving faint claw marks on his arms and shoulders.
Dandy came as fast as he blinked, but kept his hold on you, wanting you to stay sitting in him. Neither you felt like moving, but you did roll yourself off of Dandy slowly, immediately cuddling onto his side and catching your breath. It was still dark out, and you just felt like falling back asleep. And you did so very quickly. Your chest's normal rise and fall came back, while Dandy watched you in awe. When you fell asleep, Dandy attempted to get up out of the bed quietly so, as to not wake you. He rummaged through your pitch-black room, picking up a random piece of cloth, whether it was clothing or not, and turning back to your sleeping self. Your legs were once again opened, and you stirred slightly with every touch of the clothing item onto your inner thighs. Both of your releases stuck to you, and you seemed to forget already.
Silence came back once Dandy cleaned you up, leaving you to sleep peacefully. He went back to staring at you, watching you sleep. It made him happy, knowing you were satisfied, and his forever.
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Taglist: @babygorewhore @slvt4jamesmarch @taintandviolent @tatelangdonsweater
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DANDELIONS - dandy mott x fem!reader (fluff/smut)
CW: slight smut mentions, killing & blood references
SUMMARY: you and dandy barely get time to go places together. most likely because he’s either distracted by something or the temptation of taking another life right there and then is pestering him. so, you thoroughly enjoy certain days where you both just have a little picnic somewhere peaceful and spend time with one another.
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“Ah,” You breathed. “Now isn’t this wonderful.”
You were sat on top of a blanket placed on the fresh green grass within the grounds of the park you and your beloved boyfriend were having a time of relaxation on.
It was another beautiful summer’s day. The sky was that breathtaking blue colour, and the heat from the sun radiating onto your skin, oh.. it was tremendous.
All the birds were singing with glee as you took the time to admire this wonderful sight. Dandy however, was resting his eyes whilst laying down with his head in your lap. He practically purred each time you stroked or played with his hair. He too was enjoying this warm weather. Jupiter could go from sunny to having rain pooling down from the sky within seconds, so everyone knew better than to take advantage of the weather forecast.
“What time is it?” Dandy asked, smirking smugly to himself as you continued to stroke his hair.
You looked at your watch. “Only quarter past twelve. We’ve still got plenty of time until we should return home.”
“Good. I like it out here.” Your lover beamed.
You giggled and took a bite out of one of the juicy strawberries the maid decided to pack for you when you’d asked she prepare a picnic.
“Do we have any of those fudge bites left?” Dandy said.
“No,” You replied. “You ate them all already.”
Dandy groaned. “Aww..”
You tutted jokingly. “Don’t spoil the fun just yet.”
Without hesitation, you plopped one of the strawberries into his mouth. He hummed in satisfaction and sat himself up.
“Don’t you think we should do this more often?” Dandy wondered, gulping down another apple juice carton.
“Well..” You began. “We can. Perhaps if you stop causing your Mother to hire a new maid each time you run the other one out. Or should I say, make them disappear, Mr Magician.”
Dandy scoffed. “They don’t even do anything properly. I spotted multiple bits of missed dust the last time I saw Marie before she finished up for the day. Maybe I should have let Dora last a bit longer..”
You looked away for a second. The aftermath of Dora’s murder was a horrible morning for you all. Even though you knew it was coming sooner or later, seeing her like that was still devastating in a way.
You’d only awoken to the sound of Gloria screaming bloody murder. And after both yourself and Dandy rushed downstairs, that’s when you immediately knew of the latest actions your lover had decided to take part in.
Dora’s bloodied corpse was only the first of many victims Dandy would tragically kill. It was frightening that so many people roamed the streets, taking the lives of the innocent, yet it could go unnoticed for god knows how long.
Finally, you snapped out of your unsatisfying memory.
“I’ll make sure to inform your Mother about Marie’s lack of effort whilst working. Hey! You ate all the strawberries!” You laughed, tackling him. He chuckled along, playfully making his way on top of you.
The laughter came to an end and you looked at each other. You felt your heart flutter as you stared into his sparkling, blue eyes.
His lips met yours and you kissed him with that fiery passion you’d always had since the very first moment you met him.
Dandy’s hand cheekily snuck into you’re panties, and you rolled over giggling again.
“Now, now, this is no place for such immature behaviour.” You said sarcastically, removing his hand from the spot it was just about to touch.
He lay down next to you, yet again lovingly staring into your eyes. It was moments like this where you felt safe with Dandy. You were his. And you were well aware that he’d make sure everyone else knew that.
Dandy loved every bit of you. Every, last bit.
He made you feel pleasure no other man was able to give you the chance to experience. You both relied on each other to satisfy your deepest desires, and that was something that connected the two of you even more than you were already destined to be together.
You suddenly looked to the side and gasped. “Ooo, a dandelion!”
Dandy chuckled sweetly at how adorable you always were when you got excited. He watched as you ripped out the fluffy flower from beneath the grass, holding it out in front of him.
“Come on, make a wish.”
He laughed again as you eagerly egged him on.
Dandy blew on the dandelion, making his wish. Little parts of the flower flew into your hair. Both you and Dandy exchanged a soft smile before laying back down.
“So, what did you wish for?”
“Something I already have. But I want to make sure I keep it forever.” He smirked, booping you on the nose as he kissed your now rosy cheeks.
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lcnelyghost · 1 year
Hi! I love your writing, can you please do how your first fight with the boys from AHS please? Like the reason why you fight and whatever else you think would be good? Thanks xx
troubled lovers//the ahs boys
pairings; fem reader with tate langdon, kit walker, kyle spencer, jimmy darling, james patrick march, tristan duffy, dandy mott, rudolph valentino, and michael langdon.
rating; potentially pg13
warnings; mentions of murder, alcohol abuse, drug use, and slight harsh language
tate langdon;
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• It was you suddenly remembering what he did. And those horrible memories made you terribly uncomfortable whenever the thought of them happening again crept in. You forced yourself to interrogate him and ask why he did what he did
• Hates screaming, hates shouting, hates the whole lot
• He’ll get so frustrated to the point he’s tempted to rip his own hair own
• Passes out in you’re arms from the exhaustion of crying
• He makes himself psychically ill seeing as he cries way too hard and simply won’t stop
kit walker;
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• I hope you’re expecting him apologising to you every other second of the day, because that’s just what the poor love does
• His Mom and Dad never got along when he was a kid, so he always feared raising his voice to anyone growing up
• You began to rant about something that was completely out of Kit’s control. His work hours. You felt like you never got to see him anymore and it finally pushed you over the edge
• He can’t help but defend himself in this situation. It’s something he can only try to fix but there’s no promising that he can convince his boss to stop the night shifts completely
• Even if it’s a screaming match, Kit REFUSES to say anything rude about you’re image, how you are, and you in general
kyle spencer;
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• Kyle is terrified of fighting with anyone. He hates the atmosphere after all those horrible harsh words are said
• You grew tired of Kyle refusing to do anything he isn’t fond of doing. Not anything major, but more like things that a person simply just needs to get through in life. If it was something extreme he didn’t like, obviously you know there’s boundaries
• He can’t go to sleep until he knows you’re not mad at him anymore
• You feel like slapping yourself the minute you see tears trickling down his cheeks
• Lots of hugs and kisses after everything’s okay again
jimmy darling;
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• You can’t put up with his non stop drinking. You practically stay up all night worried sick when he hasn’t arrived back home safe
• You’re so pissed if he’s that drunk he can’t leave his trailer because he’s unable to step away from the toilet without vomiting five minutes afterwards
• Even if it’s one little snide comment, if Jimmy feels anything is directed at him, he’s the one to turn it into a full blown argument
• He’d never put his hands on you. Hell no. But Jimmy tends to say a lot of things he ends up regretting
• You kick him out the trailer for about a day or two and that’s enough to make him grovel on his knees for you
james patrick march;
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• He finally snapped after you admitted that you would still like to be alive as of now, and didn’t like the fact that James wanted you to take you’re life so you could be with him in the Cortez. You just weren’t ready yet
• If you flinch in any sort of way during the argument, the temptation of bursting into tears hits James hard
• He could never allow himself to put his hands on you in the wrong sort of way. Let alone leave any marks. He may have been a man who had good skills when it came to narcissism and manipulation, but he simply would never bring himself to hit a woman
• You storm off to bed, leaving James just sat there, slowly sipping on whatever beverage he currently had. And when he finally thought about what had just happened, he’d begin to sob with his head in his hands
• He’d come running back to you, apologising a million times. He knows you’ll always be loyal to him. So all you do is tell James that when the right time comes around, you’ll take you’re last breath in the Cortez, and spend the rest of eternity with you’re beloved
tristan duffy;
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• He got real pissed at you when he finally noticed how close you were being with the rest of the male ghosts at the hotel. You yourself knew that it would annoy him, but you didn’t care. You felt so greedy when it came to the other men that roamed the halls of the Cortez. And unfortunately, Tristan was the one to suffer from it
• Whatever you do, don’t make ANY insensitive comments about him and his past drug use. It deeply hurts him inside and makes him feel like a total waste of space
• He sees the influence these other guys have on you, to the point it begins to terrify him
• Tristan loves you and everything you do. He truly admires you, and the thought of losing you to some sad fucker like Donovan makes him go crazy
• You realise that in the end, you were just being a total bitch. And you hated the fact that it took Tristan to eventually hit breaking point for you to see that
dandy mott;
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• He isn’t satisfied when you tell him that you’re going out with you’re friends for the night. In fact, he knows how bored he’ll be, and he simply won’t allow it
• Literally begs you not to leave and swears he’ll take you out somewhere fancy, just don’t leave him by himself at all..
• He kicks up a stink and rants, and rants, AND RANTS..
• You grow tired of this so instead of leaving to stop him hurting you’re ears, you just take him out for ice cream lol
rudolph valentino;
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• You guys NEVER fight. Like never fr. Never have, never will!
michael langdon;
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• You try not to start a fight with Michael seeing as his past was a bit fucked up, but you’re the kind of girl who takes no one’s shit 💀
• You were really close with some of the witches, and after finding out Michael killed half of them? UH UH..
• You don’t wanna be like Constance here but you feel he NEEDS to know the kind of shit he’s done. Like you won’t stand for it at all. You couldn’t care less if you’re boyfriend was the Antichrist..
• You’re even more upset at him that this has rocked the boat with the rest of the witches and you’re the one they all keep throwing these comments at. Michael knew better than to put this on you..
• He tries to keep you out of the situation and knows he can’t hurt you. Even if one bit of anger is tempting enough for him to put you in any sort of danger, he can’t. Not you. You could be angry at him for all eternity and he’d still be madly in love with you. His people were annoyed by the fact that even the Antichrist could fall in love, he wasn’t supposed to, but this was the one thing Michael couldn’t control
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I'm settling a debate.
Photos under the cut.
1st option, Jared Padalecki.
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2nd option, Finn Wittrock.
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Please help me..
+ two other photos of them.
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discotitsposts · 2 months
true genius-
my actual favorite episode ever ever ever I’m SO INSANE FOR THIS EPIDODE
this is like the first one o watched on my own ITS SO GOOD
reid centered so yayy
this is how i fell in love w him
spoilers ahead
lol typical making out in a car
the zodiac killer case is so interesting like wym dude never got caught
“yes a fetish for trees” HES SO AWKWARD I LOVE YOU REID
lol this guy runs a company
The way if reid was at a conference i’d run and be listening to every word
awww reid’s sad :(
rossi lol “no way” yes way
this is so interesting like how did bro get the original artifacts from the real case (i know how he did it)
reid reid reid!!!!
imagine if spencer knew how many people love him and write fanfic about him LMAO
he’d be a little terrified let’s be honest
but just a little
“three can keep a secret if two are dead” i thought this was criminal minds not pretty little liars
i can’t even tell you how many times i’ve seen this episode
like this is MY episode i claim this one lol
bros playing chess on break
lol enlightening
he wants the printed out version of the paper 💞💞
the way spencer just knew this wasn’t the real zodiac killer is why i was like this guys great 💞💞💞 my heart
it’s so funny because i’ll be watching this show and this is my view
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the barbie’s r like wtf
lol reid ended this guy
LOL his presentation
“your soulmate is standing before you now” is he talking about the lady or himself
i remember originally watching this because finn wittrock but fell for spencer/matthew instead lol
i like this detective from the local pd
“where do people find the time” lol reid
dr spencer reid i love your mind
“youre not as smart as you think you are” 😫😫😫💞💞💞SIR IM STUPID FOR YOU 💞💞💞
y’all have to see this
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dude has a detective board
lol he thinks she wants to call off the wedding
bro she doesn’t want you
“How old are you 29,”
nikola tesla my beloved
emily lol
doesn’t he accidentally see a pattern lol dudes so smart
emily’s little smile lol
for he
god he’s so smart
the problem is i think i could understand the code and idk my iq but it’s prob not 160 or above
how do u even calculate that shit
reid’s face is perfect
the taxi driver, didn’t he kidnap the best friends wife from the back of the cab
i don’t think i made this very clear but this is my favorite episode EVER
i’m gonna fucking bite spencer if he keeps being so adorable
finn ain’t no angel in this
vegas!! matthew’s hometown
mY leg itcjes
i also would like to catch the zodiac
staring at nothing
best friend activities
i need him now
aDmiT iT yOure HaVing FuUuN
i literally can’t get cozy
listening to him💞 💋
no matches
doesn’t he plant a piece of evidence
they found him
o love when reid comes up behind him
bro kidnapped his future wife
it’s spencer reid’s world we’re just living in it
bro said “sanctimonious” wtf does that mean
“not really” 💞💞💞💞💞
the vest 😫😫💞💞
i don’t think harvey here is going to shanghai anymore he going to jail
SULPHURIC ACID dude that’s insane
LOL REID “i’m sure he’ll send you a postcard”
spencer reid you’ve made the biggest difference in my life 💘💘💘
lol morgan the way he’s in his 40s now😭
awww him blowing out the candles he looks so happy
the end
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tea-with-evan-and-me · 9 months
In my humble opinion, Jessica Lange, Evan Peters, Sarah Paulson, Lily Rabe, Frances Conroy and Denis O’Hare MAKE American Horror Story, with honorable mentions to Angela Bassett, Kathy Bates, Finn Wittrock and Jamie Brewer. Outside of them, the show doesn’t feel special or unique and I completely agree with the comments about the writers and production aesthetics changing as well. It definitely shifted downhill after season 7. Season 10 fell apart because they wanted Evan on Dahmer. His role was originally completely different in season 10 and it was much bigger. I wonder if they always intended to split it or if the split was part of a rush rewrite due to Evan leaving. Never saw season 11, but never had an interest and never saw the spin-off stories either. I hope they lay ahs to rest. Season 12 doesn’t have a chance…..
Off subject, Zegna and Elder Statesman should star Evan in their next campaign. He’s a perfect image of their brands and they always hire actors to do their short film ads. Not sure how those fit into the strikes but I would love to see him do something in the fashion world, bro has style
well said. and i totally agree about the campaign.. seems he’d be a perfect fit for these brands. can you imagine evan modeling some of these? 😫 there’s so many cool pieces.
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~Imagines coming soon.
Note: Please bare with me while I work on getting all these written and posted.
P.S: These aren’t in order of request which is how I try and post them.
1. Jimmy Keene Ten tiny toes and Ten tiny fingers part 2. This is something I wanted to write.
2. #4 smut prompt requested on Wattpad.
3. Evan Peters and Finn Wittrock smut imagine requested on A03.
4. "Baby, we are the law." Jimmy Keene prompt imagine requested on Tumblr by Anonymous.
5. "I need you to stay close to me." Taron Egerton prompt imagine requested on Tumblr by Anonymous.
6. 74: "Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?" Jimmy Keene prompt imagine requested on Tumblr by Anonymous.
7. 134: "You'll be the death of me." Taron Egerton prompt imagine requested on Tumblr by Anonymous.
8. 76: "Get the fuck over it." Jimmy Keene angst prompt imagine requested on Tumblr by Anonymous.
9. Richard Madden imagine requested on Tumblr by Anonymous.
10. Evan Peters x reader x John Krasinski imagine requested on A03.
11. Taron Egerton x Tom Holland imagine requested on A03.
12. Eggsy x Merlin medical exam imagine requested on A03.
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thatspookyagent · 2 years
Can't stop imagining Finn Wittrock having to sift through a box of prosthetic dicks all cause Ryan Murphy wanted something that he could personally get his rocks off to in Ratched.
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zombieslvt · 3 years
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You pick me apart
dandy mott x reader
warnings : smut, mommy kink, bdsm, knife kink and blood kinks i think thats it-
You were in your tent at the time and you were a freak I might add. You were called Frankenstein. You could put apart your body limb from limb like no other. Elsa made you the opening act for some rich man who had bought the whole show out for the night. You hadn't met Jimmy yet because Elsa was keeping you as a surprise for everyone. You were most pampered and taken care of by Elsa because you were like the daughter she never had. She saw something in you more than the other freaks. You were magnificent beyond any other and you could help others with her singing numbers by conducting with just your hand being there. You asked Elsa when you could come out and meet everybody. Elsa whispered softly “soon dear, they just aren't ready for you yet!” soon after she starts to style your hair and you sigh “i just want to be normal and not ashamed! After all these years I've never felt normal!” you claimed, Elsa gasped “Darling you are more than normal you are Stunning,ravishing, Gorgeous! Everyone will love you here!” Elsa claimed. 
Soon after that Elsa called everyone to the tent. Everyone looked at you with a gape. All of the freaks, even Jimmy, were flabbergasted by your beauty. You looked like no one there because you were different. The good kind of difference, the difference they wanted and have been looking for since they had been suffering in debt. Jimmy of course winked at you and you blushed and smiled and waved back. Dot looked very jealous at this moment because you could already tell that she already liked him and you couldn't get in between that because this was meant to be your family like no other. You decided to smile and introduce yourself and show what you could do. You ripped your hand off your forearm and made her hand walk to the crowd of freaks and they gasped. They already loved you as soon as they laid eyes on you. Soon enough you were getting ready and you were tightening your black corset to compliment your hourglass figure. Elsa was starting the show and you were about to go backstage and you looked through the curtains and saw a very well dressed man with an older woman probably his mother and the rest of the whole tent was empty except for them. 
She was exasperated by his looks; she was like no one she had seen before. You could imagine the many things he could do to you at any moment in time. He made your knees weak, your stomach turn, he made you head over heels without even lifting a finger! You were already nervous about performing for him and both of your hands are shaking. Dandy was annoyed as usual because they were taking so long he claimed “ Mother why are they taking so long!?” he whined to his mother beside him, where she claimed “ Oh don’t worry dear I'm sure they are gonna start soon!” Dandy pouted in his seat waiting for the show to start and noticed you peacing and grabbed his binoculars. You quickly hid behind the curtain but he was fascinated by you already. He already wanted to see what kind of freak you are, With such a beautiful face that takes his breath away. In a few minutes Elsa opens the curtains and she announces everyone singing them in, Following with the Pinheads, Ma petite, Ethel, and everyone else. 
It was getting to the iching point of your main act to show that you were the best act there. You were shaking but you knew what you were supposed to do. Dandy was already amazed by all the freaks he had seen. But he was looking for YOU. As the curtains opened to reveal you and your glory. Dandys eyes gleamed like they never had before. He looked at you in awe, watched as your torso disconnected from your legs. He wanted you. All of you, not just one part of you. As soon as your show ended Dandy demanded to see you after the show by Elsa's request and you wanted to get ready of course. I mean he looks like he has money and he was able to rent out the whole house for 1 night and he's dressed the part. Dandy starts complaining that Elsa is keeping you from him. You were slowly getting ready and you stepped out and he looked like he was in love as soon as he saw you. He offered Elsa 40 grand for you and Elsa kept saying no until you finally spoke up. “ I will go with you for 60 grand for them. They need it and if it means starting with you for them to be happy so be it.” Dandy sparked that devious smirk of his and his mother agreed. Dandy walked you to his car and all of your luggage. As soon as you guys pull up, you realize how rich dandy actually is he has a huge mansion and probably many rooms that they probably don't even know about.
Dandy quickly grabbed your hand as soon as you guys reached the house. 
“Mother Tell Dora to bring her luggage in!” Dandy claimed as he grabbed your wrist with a huge amount of grip and entered a room with a stage, toys and many other assortments. Which you believed to be the “playroom” and thinking he took you in the wrong direction. “ Dandy, is this the right room? I believe this is a childrens playroom.” Dandy looked at you with one cold stare and claimed. “Yes, it's MY playroom. And we are gonna play a game!” You gulped in surprise at realising dandy wasn't really mature mentally in the head. But it didn't hold back any dirty or suspenseful thoughts you had about him since the beginning. “Now the game we are gonna play is called firetruck! You touch the other player and once the player says red light the other player stops okay?” You agreed with Dandys statement and sat in a chair across from him. You took a deep breath and Dandy started. You said green light he started to graze your neck, and started getting close to your chest. You blushed deeply at this action but he was looking at you with those piercing blue eyes of his. Dandy slowly went down your stomach, you said yellow light and he went slower. But then when he got to your v line and you yelled red light he looked at you directly in the eyes and said. “ Firetrucks don't stop for red lights my dear.” As dandy said, he slowly grazed your heat making you shiver. He noticed your admiration and smirked with that devious smirk of his. “ You’re such a slut for me aren't you Y/n?” You gulped and did not respond. This caused him to get angry and he said it again while rubbing your heat as he said it.“ AREN'T YOU? You whimpered out “ Y-Yes Dandy.” you looked at him and he yanked your hair so your face was less than 2 inches apart from his “ Im your god you understand? I get to do whatever I want to do with you. And nobodys gonna stop me, Because you’re MINE.” You gulped and agreed and his devious smile showed again. “Now I want you to follow my orders.” Dandy grabs your wrist and brings you to his room and grabs ropes and handcuffs and a knife. Your eyes widen looking at the items he had. Dandy continues to throw you on the bed and ties you to the bed. “And if you think of escaping or making a noise without my permission you will lose our new game! And you will get a punishment.” He laughed sinisterly and looked at the knife in his hand. You looked at him but you acted like you totally were not into it which you totally were and your arousal grew as you saw him in that sinister light. You blush as he starts to hover over you. Dandy starts by kissing your neck which makes your breath hitch. You were so close to moaning and knew there was a punishment. You bite your lip trying to hold in your moans making you feel like your skin was on fire. Dandy starts to leave hickeys on your neck making sure people knew that you were his. “I want you to know that, You are mine. No exceptions. You better remember you are my slut and my slut only.” Dandy sneers at you and starts to suck down your body and gets to your glorious heat and starts to suck your clit. You moan in euphoria as he takes your clit between his lips. “ uh uh what did i say?” Dandy whispers in his husky voice.”not to make a sound unless permitted or i get a punishment..” swiftly you felt a shock of pain against your thigh from the knife as he carved the letter D in your thigh. You had to admit his actions made you want him even more than before, his possessiveness, his physic, his manor, all intrigued you and made you want more. You bit your lip as you watched dandy start to lick the blood from the wound he created. Making you bite your lip in the process. All of the thoughts going through your mind of what dandy could do to you is endless. While you were dreaming, Dandy connects lips with you and slowly rubs your throbbing clit while you feel an obvious hard member against your thigh. You whine in his mouth and he pulls back and smirks with that devious smile of his and carves the letter M right next to the letter 
D he already carved making you wince in pain. Soon after dandy licks the blood off after the next wound which made you desire him more and more you could tell he was throbbing by the outline of his pants. You smirk at his action and bite your lip. “So Dandy it looks like you're all hard for mommy~.” Dandy groans under his breath and starts to have a temper tantrum and chokes you hard causing you to be more turned on. “I want you to know that getting smart with your mouth isnt gonna help you.” he groaned huskily. You whimpered at that and you watched him slowly strip which made your aching core drown itself. As soon as he was stripped down Dandy lunged himself at you putting the knife behind your back and cutting the bra causing it to fall off of you. Dandy continues to grab one of your breasts and take the other into his mouth causing you to moan as he suckled on to your hard nipple. You moan softly as he sucks hard on your breast. Dandy slowly kisses down your body and looks at you and slowly rubs the tip of his member against your glistening heat. You whimper at that because you have such a deep desire of him. “It makes me so happy how you make me feel so good when you look pathetic under me.” Dandy slowly glides the knife against your thigh as he eased himself into you making you tear up from the size. He groans as your walls wrap around his member making you feel like heaven, a personal heaven made just for him. He sucks your neck lovely as he pounds the deep crevasse of your pussy. He moans in your ear as he starts to bottom out. “Mommy…” he whined. “yes love? Is there something wrong?” you asked sneeringly even thought u felt like you were being ripped to pieces in paradise. “Y-you feel so good mommy.” Dandy whines. “Make me feel good baby.” you whimpered.  He slowly pounds into with ease and you moan out a symphony of screams and moans of pleasure. As he pounded into you he let tiny little whimpers. Which pushed you slowly to the edge. He started to fasten his pace which made him grunt under his breathe. “Fuck…” You almost lost it right then and there due to his little noises made you crumble into him. He starts to pound into you faster and faster pushing your realise closer and closer. Moan indicating you were going to let go. Dandy continues to go fast as possible making you explode your juices all over his cock. Soon after he realises shortly after you. Dandy gets up and unties you and cock warms you until you both fall asleep. “We should play this game again sometime.” Dandy whispered as he kissed your neck. “Yes yes we should.” you replied as you drifted off to sleep.
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komotionlessqueenmm · 3 years
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Imagine # 824
Words - 453
Gif NOT mine.
If this gif is yours (or you know who's it is) please let me know, so I can give you/them credit.
Gif credit goes to - @violetharmond (Unless told otherwise.)
Year posted - 2021
With the project finally finished (Y/n) drove to her new house, a giddy sensation bubbling within her. As she drove down the long gravel driveway, her excitement intensified as she finally seen the house, after passing the thicket of trees. "It's perfect." (Y/n) murmured to herself as she parked her vehicle, hoping out as soon as she cut the engine. It truly was her perfect dream house, practically straight outta her dreams. With an excited giggle she rushed for the front door, unlocking it and quickly toured the interior. "I love it!" (Y/n) cried out with a laugh, her voice echoing through the house.
That night her sleep was restless, tossing and turning the entire night. Nightmares plaguing her mind, of a man begging and pleading for his life, later drowning in a trick tank. When she finally woke up that morning, she sluggishly wondered into the kitchen, making herself a simple breakfast. As she sat eating she jumped in fright, having thought she seen someone out of the corner of her eye. However when she didn't find anyone, she chalked it up to her tired brain playing tricks on her. But while she was doing up the dishes she used, she noticed a man wondering around outside of her house. So with minor annoyance she dried off her hands and exited her house, approaching the man with the intent to tare him a new one for being on her property.
"Excuse me." (Y/n) called out, freezing in her tracks when he turned to face her. It was the man from her dream, the man she watched beg for his life then drown. "Y-you." She stammered taking in his appearance. "Yes?" He tilted his head, checking her out as she had him. "Who are you?" (Y/n) asked with a frown. "Dandy Mott." He held his head high, clearly proud of who he is. His name struck a bell, remembering that was one of the names of the people murdered on her property some time ago. "Are you a ghost?" (Y/n) asked without much thought. "Unfortunately." He pouted in a huff, crossing his arms.
Weeks have gone by and day in, and day out she spent her free time with Dandy. Talking about what happened to him, what kind of life he lived, and why he did what he did. She felt for him despite the horrid thing he'd done, and she understood him better than anyone ever had in his life. Due to this Dandy found himself rather attached to her, practically obsessing over her to a dangerous degree. But (Y/n) didn't care much about this, finding his company to endearing and comforting.
*I was super distracted while writing this, so it might not be very good, sorry.
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tawneybel · 5 years
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Imagine Dandy making repeat visits to Fraülein Elsa’s Cabinet of Curiosities in order to woo you. Noting that he likes to play pretend, wanting to be an actor, you convince him you might be interested in carrying on a secret affair.
You don’t need your co-workers knowing this dumbass has been sniffing around your tent. Besides, he’s cute. But you have no interest in the fling evolving into anything else.
As much as Dandy likes your coyness, he wants you to be his live-in girlfriend. Before you can begin your gentle rejection, he changes his mind. You should be his wife. So you issue a firm yet gentle rejection.
A couple days later, he has you whisked away to the courthouse. A bribe to the justice and Dandy is your “lawfully wedded” husband.
Now you’ll have to help him plan an elaborate wedding. Which none of your friends will be invited to, as per Dandy’s command.
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marchsfreakshow · 2 months
Loving The Fool [Dandy Mott]
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Small bit of angst :) fluff ending because I'm a softie
Despite not being 'a freak', Elsa likes to let you stay at the Freakshow as long as you clean up after shows and help cook. Dandy always comes after hours to come see you even though you protest.
Guys I can't lie I've been thinking about this idea for a while.. Dandy trying to convince you to move in </3
I use y/n like once or twice lol.
No one's perspective
⊹˚.⋆ ₊꒷ᘏᘏ︶ଓ︶꒷꒦⊹˚ᗢ₊꒷︶ଓ︶꒷
Dandy was a fool.
Such a fool.
Loving someone in the Freakshow?
Not particularly unheard of for the spoilt brat, but still a shock.
Bette and Dot were your best friends. You'd always go to them with an issue or just to spend your free time with them. Recently they told you about their experience with Dandy Mott. Wait Dandy? That name sounded so familiar. "He is a rich man, his family is one of the most powerful. I wouldn't be surprised that you've heard of him before." Dot added, shaking her head slightly.
"no, I think they know the name from something else." Bette sighed, looking slightly concerned at you. It was true, your mind was thinking about where else you could've known that name before. Oh to hell with it. You were thinking exactly of Dandy. You were thinking of every single day on the outskirts of the land, holding you close, kissing every exposed part of your skin in the dead of night. At this point, you were addicted to his touches. "Hey Y/N, you're just zoning out."
"Oh. Oh, sorry. Um, yeah I think I've heard of Dandy." You muttered, brushing off your lewd thoughts of him. Bette gave you a lingering look.
Both the girls sighed at you, almost being able to tell what you were thinking. But the three of you didn't say anything for a while. "...Be careful there okay?" Bette mumbled as they got up, and left you alone. What on earth had you gotten into?
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Hours passed, and you were sweeping the stage of confetti, lost in your own thoughts again. Was Dandy going to come to see you tonight? Should you tell him to leave you alone tonight? Fuck it was so confusing. Did he want the same for you as he did for Bette and Dot? The sound of sweeping stopped as you were frozen in place. "Lost again daydreamer?" Jimmy's voice rang out from the side, bringing you out of your wonders. "You doing okay?"
A shrug left as an answer, finishing off the sweeping quickly. Mentioning your conversation with the girls probably would've brought more bad than good so it was shrugged off. "Fine.."
Letting out a small sigh, Jimmy took the broom off you and stood in front of you. "Not good enough. Something's on your mind. You feelin' left out again? You've been here long enough to practically be family." He chuckled. It was an attempt to reassure you, and it worked slightly. You definitely were family to everyone, you'd been at the Freakshow long enough. Just, maybe not enough for your wandering mind.
"it's.. something outside the freakshow Jim."
"oh?" He questioned, sitting on one of the seats by the stage, almost intrigued by your words.
"I uh...I dunno." You scratched at the nape of your neck and sat on the edge of the stage. "It's a difficult talk Jimmy, and I might be hated for it. Shun...shunned from here."
Jimmy shook his head and rubbed your knee as a comfort. "Talk to me, daydreamer."
"...it's uh..." You started, giving another sigh. "It's Dandy.." the name came out as a whisper and as you bit your nails, you gave a little look to Jimmy.
"D-dandy? Him? Has he done something to you?" His voice raised, full of concern and worry. It felt wrong to be talking to someone about the ideas you had in your head. So many worries that you'd be cast aside from your found family, just for liking and giving a kiss to the enemy. Sweetly kissing the anger he felt away, and making sure to park his car far from the Freakshow so he couldn't get caught whilst everyone was asleep.
"No, no it's not a situation like with Bette and Dot." You shook your head and Jimmy just nodded, silently thanking god that Dandy didn't want to keep you. "It's just...I like him, Jimmy. And, it feels really fucking wrong."
A few minutes of silence passed before he moved to sit next to you and gave you a side hug. Did he not know how else to respond or was he about to soften the blow? Every second of silence that passed made the air thicker, and the thoughts rushed this way and that way past you. You were about to get kicked weren't you? "Nothing wrong with a crush, daydreamer. But, you know you gotta be careful there."
"Bette already told me that...I know."
"you're lucky he doesn't come around that often anymore." Jimmy sighs again, rubbing the side of his head a bit. Absolute lie, and you knew it. Dandy was making you sit on his lap evening after evening. Looking out over the lake, resisting the urge to take you right then and there. You felt like a jester. An absolute fool in love with the wrong person.
"I'm sorry Jimmy. I'm sorry..." A sniffle left you as you rested on Jimmy's shoulder. Apology after apology, and nothing but shushes and rubs on your back.
"It's alright, it's alright.." Repetition of comforts and reassurance, and it worked slightly. Sure Bette, Dot and Jimmy were okay with your 'crush' but it was Elsa you were worried about. A chance at a better life? Take it. Take it now. That's what she would think anyway. "... you're worried about Elsa aren't you?"
A nod. "It's just a crush daydreamer. Elsa can't do anything about a crush, besides, not everyone needs to know about it." Jimmy stood up and held your hands so you were also standing. But you looked down at the ground, an overheard of thoughts clouding everything. "Go sit by the river for a little yeah? Maybe that'll calm you."
"yeah. Maybe." Reluctantly, you agreed. Jimmy lead you out of the tent, an evening sun immediately blinding you. Both of you were walking slowly, the sun's warmth making you feel a bit better. The lake was shimmering with every small wave that happened. In the back of your head, a wish you made was that you'd love to be with Dandy in front of this lake, instead of Jimmy. It was too romantic looking for you to be here with someone who felt like your brother.
"alright. You gonna be okay here for a bit?"
"yeah I'll be okay don't worry." The reeds almost hid you as you sat cross-legged by the water. A hum as a response, and then Jimmy headed back towards his own caravan.
Only a few minutes passed before you felt a hand on your head. Looking up, you cringed as the sun hid the face. "Why are you out here on your own?" Ah, Dandy.
"just needed a moment."
"you can stop having a moment now. I'm here." Dandy mentioned dryly, sitting by you. As soon as he sat next to you, the brat placed you on his lap. "that's better isn't it?"
"Dandy. It's not nighttime."
"I don't care."
"People will see! Elsa will see!" You argued, getting off his lap and standing up. Dusting off your clothes, you nervously looked around, worried someone might see you two from a while away. It was still light out, and you had plenty of worries.
"I'm tired of coming to see you at night time!! I want to see you during the day!" Dandy stood up too, stomping his foot and raising your voice. Now you really were worried about people seeing you. While you were used to his antics at this point, it only worried you now since any of the freaks could hear the two of you. "I need you to move in."
"Dandy...What are you doing here?" Dot asked. Ah, just the people you needed right now...
"It's fine Dot. It's fine." You weren't very convincing. Your voice was shaky and laced with worry. Your eyes were darting around, looking for maybe another onlooker. In the background of your panic, Dot started arguing with Dandy. But it was muffled. Everything was muffled. So muffled you didn't hear Bette calling for you as you ran. Flight or fight? Flight. Running like a cheetah.
Stopping in Elsa's tent. I'm sure she wouldn't mind, you were her favourite at the moment. Catching your breath, you sat on one of the small couches. You were now a nervous wreck, convinced everyone knew you were secretly dating Dandy. Realistically only Bette, Dot and Jimmy know. They intended to keep it that way. Sure they all hated Dandy, but they were closest to you and only had your best interests at heart.
Your name was called after about half an hour of quiet worry and calming down. Your head shot up. Dandy stood there like the man-child he was. Arm resting on the other nervously, feet posed inwards a bit. And, a black eye appearing? Oh god. "Oh, Dandy..." Despite how upset you were at him, you could never turn anyone with an injury away. The black eye just overtook everything in your head. "You're such a fool.." The whisper escaped you as you examined the damage. You were lost in it as Dandy admired your own eyes and face. Eyes puffy from tears flowing. Face red from the...well crying.
"Why do you always think you need to stay here.? I can give you a much better life." He quietly mentioned, now avoiding your heartbroken gaze. You thought about it for a while. No matter what, the response was sure to upset him.
With a sigh you replied, "I've been here for as long as I can remember darling. living anywhere but here? It's not something I can ever imagine. I'm..I'm sorry Dandy." Sheepishly, you looked up to him as he wrapped his hands around your torso. He wanted to argue again. He has everything! Why shouldn't you be able to drop everything and go to his place with him? You're good at cooking, you'd be able to help Dora.
"...how about $500? Every month." His face scrunched up a little as he replied, obviously this was the best solution he could find. "And you take that money to buy food for the other freaks."
500 dollars? Every month? That counted up to more than you could imagine in a year. "500? Oh my... Dandy.."
"$750 then."
You shushed him. And placed your finger to his lips to shut him up for a second. "Darling that sounds like so much, I could never imagine what we would do with that much. We don't even make that much in 2 months!" It overwhelmed you again, and when you retracted your hand from Dandy's mouth he picked you up and hugged you close.
"I will give you as much as you need." Well he wasn't gonna shut up until you accepted so he tried the best thing you could. Still being held by the man child, you kissed him. A long kiss that kept him shut up for a while even after you pulled away from him.
"...i'll think about it darling."
"You should. It'll help you."
⊹˚.⋆ ₊꒷ᘏᘏ︶ଓ︶꒷꒦⊹˚ᗢ₊꒷︶ଓ︶꒷
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Tag: @slvt4jamesmarch @coentinim @briaroftheroses @fear-is-truth @doll3tt33 @babygorewhore @newwavesylviaplath
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~requests are open
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lcnelyghost · 1 year
Hey if u don't mind, can u pls do an imagine with jpm where the reader is gen z and sometimes James has trouble relating to her/ him/them but he still tries? And also pls pls pls a part two of introducing James to modern music
Ps, ur writing is fucking incredible, and ur one of my fav tumblr blogs, take care sweets :) <3
yk, that last little comment really made me smile. i’m glad to know my writing actually interests people! thank you sm lovely <3
the fascination of our modern world//jpm
pairings; james patrick march, female reader
rating; pg!
warnings; none <3
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Oh, where could you even begin here. Let’s just say, having a boyfriend from the 1920’s was occasionally difficult at times. Even though he had a thirst for taking the lives of the innocent, James was a total gem. A gentleman who would spoil you and give you everything he had. Everything you wanted!
But.. the poor dear had a hard time understanding how the modern world worked. He found it incredibly uncomfortable. Certainly quite confusing in many ways, though Mr March found a way to avoid being included in anything that involved this generation. That was until he met you.
Now, James was left to face the supposed joys of finding out about even more sources and objects that now existed in this world. If it meant trying to understand more about you, he’d clearly have to go right in and start learning.
“Darling?” James called. He could faintly hear someone singing softly in the sitting room of his suite.
Inspecting this odd noise, James proceeded to enter the sitting room, just in time to see you with you’re back turned whilst singing within the dead silence.
Mr March was quite confused that you were just randomly singing to no tune in particular. No music was playing, so he chuckled quite a bit at this current sight.
“Last Christmas, I gave you my heart. But the very next day.. you gave it away. This year, to save me from tears! I’ll give it to someone special!” You sang with glee, you’re back still turned to you’re ghostly lover.
James smiled in awe but slowly made his way over to you and tapped you’re shoulder. He immediately flew back when you jumped in surprised, going on to giggle at his reaction.
“James! You gave me quite the fright. Is something wrong?” You asked.
James slowly shook his head. “No, no. Not at all my love. Just.. erm.. remember the record player I own?”
You furrowed you’re brows and looked at him funny, pausing the song on you’re phone as it was still blaring through the AirPods a tad bit too loud in you’re ears.
“Well, i’m sure you are quite aware that you’re more than welcome to use it for some of the albums that belong to you. Don’t feel that you have to sing to yourself rather than the actual piece of music, dear. I know we all like a bit of singing to ourselves sometimes. But it’s better to join whoever may be singing in the song we like.”
You laughed at his slight confusion. “Oh James, you’re such a sweetheart. But I wasn’t singing to myself in pure silence..”
“You weren’t?”
“No. I was listening to my music through these,” You took the AirPods out of you’re ears and went on to present them to him.
He stared at them curiously, taking one of the small white speakers into his own hand. He inspected it before giving the AirPod back to you.
“Ah yes.. these are uh, something that connects to one of you’re electrical devices?”
You nodded and placed both of them in his ears, going back onto you’re phone and playing the song you were last listening to.
A grin began to spread across his face as he slowly tapped his right foot to the beat of the song.
“My my! This is quite the invention!” James beamed, his body now swaying slowly to the smooth sound of music.
You both laughed and you’re heart practically melted at his joy. Now usually, things like these utterly disgusted Mr March. He’d most likely say it was too loud for his ears or it hurt him. But perhaps now, you’re partner wouldn’t be so quick to judge.
“So, what do you fancy watching?” You asked James, searching on Netflix and Disney+ as you cuddled into you’re boyfriend further.
The two of you were comfortably sat in bed in you’re pyjamas. You’d taken James to bed a little earlier tonight, explaining to him that you wanted a ‘movie night’ or so you called it.
“Hmm, i’ll let you decide dear. Just maybe something that fits both of our tastes.” He said, twirling you’re hair around with his finger.
“Oo! How about Twilight?”
You giggled slightly. “Twilight. It’s a romantic movie. It’s about a vampire who falls in love with a human in high-school. And it becomes his job to protect her. He sort of stalks her a bit though. There’s also wolves in it! Maybe we could watch the full franchise!!”
James blinked at you, not knowing what to say. He eventually sighed and told you to put it on if that’s what you wanted.
Half way through you guys watching the full saga, James became bored and was just cringing at how there was too much going on. Far, far too much for his liking.
“Dearest, I think it’s time for me to settle down for the night.” He stated, faking a yawn and excusing himself.
“Aw, ok! We can finish it tomorrow.” You smiled sweetly, James only just smiled back before kissing you goodnight and rolling over. His smile fell shortly after he’d realised he actually had to finish these lot of movies tomorrow night.
“Mm, i’m feeling a bit peckish. Maybe we should have lunch now?” You said to you’re lover, rubbing you’re stomach as it growled loudly with hunger.
“Yes, I was getting ready to ask you that actually. Wait- where is Miss Evers?” James searched around the place but didn’t manage to find his loyal laundress, (and chef for that matter)
“I told her to go to the bar and enjoy herself for the afternoon. Don’t worry though. I’ll order us something in.” You pulled out you’re phone and went into Just Eat.
“Darling, I thought you said you gave her the afternoon off. How are we meant to request to her what we would like if she’s gone?” He frowned.
“I know, that’s why I said I would order it in.”
James frowned ever more. “I don’t understand.”
You sat down beside him, showing him what app you were currently in.
“Look, this app allows me to order food to the Cortez. I can text Liz to bring it up to us and that’ll be our lunch for the day.” You told him. He looked shocked and wildly fascinated at the same time.
“So.. you are able to get someone to professionally make us something to eat and they are willing to deliver it right here to the Cortez?”
“Oh Darling.. when I said I had a huge dislike for the modern world.. I don’t think I meant it quite literally at all..”
hope y’all enjoyed this little imagine! it was quite fun to make actually :)
taglist: @v-love @cabin10hufflepuff
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holylangdon · 6 years
Sex w/ Dandy Mott (HCs)
Request: “Having sex with dandy mott for the first time would include?”
Count: 19
A/N: I wrote these six months ago and dig them out of my drafts. please forgive me
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Dandy would be incredibly possessive if you in your relationship, no doubt to an unhealthy point, and that would definitely transfer over to sex
He would (probably) respect your virginity and your decision to remain a virgin
Part of him would want you to remain “pure” until he marries you, but the other part of him would just want you then and there
And he would often have trouble controlling himself and his urges
He would often try to initiate sexual things, and sometimes he’d get his way, but oftentimes he wouldn’t, which would upset him
His mother would likely recommend just giving it to him honestly
Speaking of, she would really like you and would take you under her wing, and even embarrassingly give you tips and stories about her first time
When you finally give him permission to take your virginity, he’d be excited and unsure
Confident, nonetheless 
It would probably be his first time too, so he’d just fumble his way through until he figured it out
Likely read some men’s magazines about the subject beforehand and took a lot of notes
Dandy would be very gentle, much to your surprise
Until he found his rythm, that is
Then he would attempt some roughness
But if you were uncomfortable, he would take your feelings into account and find something that worked for both of you 
It would really come natural for him though, and overall a good fuck
It would probably end with you on top and him a melted mess
And you would definitely get everything you asked for for the next month
Afterwards, he’d be really clingy and soft
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snaggysquash683 · 3 years
I love him so much.
I would kill for him.
I would die for him.
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