#netflix ratched
thatspookyagent · 2 years
Can't stop imagining Finn Wittrock having to sift through a box of prosthetic dicks all cause Ryan Murphy wanted something that he could personally get his rocks off to in Ratched.
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g4l-p4ls · 2 years
killed or cancelled: a lesbian's guide to tv shows
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banancrumbs · 2 years
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hob with different hair styles let me let me TELL YOU!!!! i’m SURE he had like long hair in like 2000, college vibes, and then he gets a buzz cut when he’s out
+ him in 1589 planning vengeance against (???) shakespeare
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xulimbra · 5 months
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Some more sketches, might finish them later
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I will never be over the fact that we didn’t get to see Mildred and Gwen’s first time, and here’s why:
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This entire series, we have been building to this moment, and they didn’t show us??
I know it’s not /about/ her budding lesbianism. I KNOW it’s not. However. It kind of really is?? We’re in the room when she tries to shove it down by having sex with a man. We’re in the room when she is battling with the treatment she’s giving those women. We are in the room when she tells Gwen that she has feelings for her. We are in the room when she confesses that she is a lesbian to Huck. We are in the room when she tells Gwen that she loves her. For their first kiss. And then it just magically hops forward a month and they’re casually making out in bed and that’s great. Don’t get me wrong. That’s /great/ and I will never complain about lesbian content. But this entire show we have been following this journey. And while it isn’t the main plot of the show, it is ONE of the main plots. And it runs under EVERYTHING, constantly. So to time jump right over this huge moment?? Everything was building to /this/ and they cut it right out. See, here’s the thing— If you’re not going to show me the first time she has sex with a woman, don’t show me the two sex scenes she has with a man. I don’t need something explicit (although if I have to watch her lower herself down on a man I feel like it’s only fair) but I just need that MOMENT. The one where she decides that she is ready. Because she tells Gwen, plain and simple, I have feelings for you but I need to take this at my own pace. So SHOW ME her pace. Because now I have too many questions. Did they fuck right after their first kiss?? They had the whole house to themselves. Or did they wait? Did Mildred say she wasn’t ready? Or did Gwen make them stop so that she didn’t push her? To me, that first time is a CRUCIAL point in their relationship. Show me Gwen trying to slow her down. Show me Mildred saying no, pulling Gwen’s fingers to her mouth, sliding them down between her legs. Show me that glorious moment of consent when Gwen’s brow pushes up and she whispers “Millie...” and Mildred NODS and Gwen absolutely devours her. I want to see all of it. I want closure to their story. Something that leads me along the path /the creators/ set out and doesn’t pull giant pieces of the road out from under me on the way. Again, they don’t even have to be explicit. Just them making their way to the bedroom and Gwen pushing Mildred down on the bed and crawling over her while they kiss. Or Mildred slowly unbuttoning her shirt while Gwen sits on the bed. Or ANYTHING. Just show me the INTENT to sleep together that first time. I just need to know when it happened and who cut that final line and said it was okay, and what actually happened in Mildred’s mind. Was it too much too fast? Was it like the puppet show where she pushed herself to make Gwendolyn happy? I want that moment when she realizes that being with a man was just as wrong as she always felt it was, where Gwendolyn spoils her and pampers her and makes her feel safe and warm and loved. I mean— we had some pretty harsh sex scenes with her and a man. Show me her realizing how different it could be. How incredible it is supposed to be. How loved she feels. I WANT TO WEEP, OKAY? Don’t get me wrong, they’ve given us great opportunity to write fanfiction and take it in our own directions, but I finished the show and there was still this... hollow space in me that felt incomplete. I followed this woman’s journey for eight episodes, the back and forth, the on and off, the struggling... and I had better not be missing this crucial moment because someone somewhere thought it would hurt their ratings, because so help me. I am so sick. And tired. Of lesbians being cropped out of media to make straight people comfortable. If this sex scene is on the cutting room floor, I request it kindly at my doorstep by tomorrow morning, Mr. Murphy. And if not... well then shame on the writers for not understanding the importance of THIS moment for THESE characters. Because then that means that they don’t understand or care about the characters like they should, and that absolutely breaks my heart.
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mars-rivers · 2 years
Happy Lesbian day to my favorite lesbian couple! 💗🧡
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sweetandabitspycho · 1 year
Huck Finnigan x Nurse! Reader
Summary: Something it's hard to keep a secret relationship a secret.
It should be a crime! You hear me, a crime that there isn't anything for Ratchet characters!
It's so short!
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"Good morning, love!” I whisper gently in Huck’s ear, he turned around to make sure no one saw us. "It's okay, I made sure no one was here. Plus, it's 1:30, everyone just wants to go home." I said as kissed his cheek.
“I know. It's just you know, we could get fired or worst." He said sadly as we started to walk down the hall. He was right of course, you can't date who you work with. "I know, I know. I just can't help it sometimes, you are just so cute and hansom in blue," I said smiling at him, he let out a chuckle and smiled.
He looked to make sure no one could see us, then pushed me in the closet. Before I could say something I felt his soft but round lips on me. I smiled in to the kiss. We continue until we needed to breath.
"so what was that for?" I asked as he hugged me. "I just wanted to kiss you," he said we stayed like that for a while.
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omjitskailay · 5 months
Thinking about how one of the teachers at my tiny, conservative christian (homophobic, purity culture, pacifist) school admitted to some of us that she loved the show Ratched (a show with lesbians, sex, lesbian sex, and violence)
and we had like a little secret conference about how good the show is except you can't say that out loud at school because that's like summoning the devil
and now I'm wondering if she's really as homophobic as she should be...for working at this school... like is she a teacher I could have come out to???
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livisalibi · 2 years
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(via Introverted Collection by livisalibi)
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cardboardbox-fly · 7 months
Deciding whether or not to go read crow time or to continue watching ratched
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thesprock · 2 years
Sarah Paulson’s new movie 😍
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gillieey · 2 years
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✯ cythia nixon in this outfit can just put me out to pasture ✯
A Ratched redraw that turned out ok! Cythia’s face was surprisingly difficult to get right ;-;
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now-that-i-saw-you · 1 year
I went into Ratched expecting it to be a twisted horror/psychological thriller and turns out it's a wholesome love story about a lesbian overcoming her childhood trauma
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xulimbra · 6 months
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Literally can‘t stop thinking about them
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sapphicaffeine · 1 year
I was thinking about Ratched and I panicked for a second thinking of the possibility that it could be gone forever (? But apparently it's not! (I know the preproduction for S2 was announced months ago but I was still afraid)
S2 is on the way
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mars-rivers · 2 years
Sarah Paulson during the Impeachment: American Crime Story FYC event blue carpet today.♡
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