yeesiine · 8 months
You are allowed to choose peace without explaining anything to anyone.
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ageremoji · 6 months
What's agere? /gq
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Age regression is mentally and (mostly) involuntarily regressing to an age younger than oneself in order to cope with mass amounts of childhood trauma, anxiety, and etc. Though you do not need to experience trauma in order to regress. Age regressions is a coping mechanism so it is completely sfw and you can regress at any age. Agere should not be confused with any of the following:
DDLG, ABDL, TBDL, ageplay, or p*dophilia.
Agere is its own community and most People often mix up kink/Fet communities.
Agere is not a kink, fetish, Nor sexual in anyway.
A caregiver is person who cares For the little when they are regressed. Some Littles need caregivers in order to help when they’re too small to care for themselves! Caregivers help encourage age regression and are there to comfort and nurture in times of need.
Like how a parent would care for their child.
And though it may be often that you may see an age regressor���s significant other be a caregiver, a caregiver can be anyone you feel comfy with, and trust!
Pet Regression is when a regressor gets into the headspace of an animal to cope with trauma.
(Sorry for the spelling errors and mistakes on the cards, I made them years ago and some of the info on them might be a little wrong 😭)
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dynamicsimp · 4 months
So if I may ask what gave you the idea to make the shot AUs a love based zombie movie?
And incase that wasn’t your intention, there are a lot of parallels to a zombie infection within the affects of the Cupid gun:
- In all four versions the shot wound is left open and bleeding, especially when the victim is laser focused on their target.
- The victim chases relentlessly after their target never letting anything stand in their way.
- In eyeshot and headshot where the infection is limited to one part of the body (the brain) the effects are easily dealt with and subdued (even if only temporary).
- In backshot and frontshot where the infection enters the bloodstream (via the spine and heart respectively) it causes the effects to spread through the entire body quickly, violently, and much more instantly, causing the additional side effect of the victim’s body “decaying” the longer they’re deprived of their targets love.
- The victim becomes extremely violent when disturbed (especially in backshot and frontshot), but if left to their own devices they become very docile.
- The effects of the infection are permanent until the victim is given a very specific cure.
- Not to mention the Cupid gun’s creation can be paralleled to the viruses that scientists in zombie movies create with the intent of creating something extremely helpful that ultimately backfires very badly.
- The celestials being divided on the Cupid gun being either completely harmless or extremely dangerous could be compared to the scientists in zombie movies debating whether the initial outbreak was a small mishap that can be quickly dealt with or an apocalyptic level disaster.
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CW: The explanation may trigger some people so read at risk.
I grew up watching way too many love based zombie movies or just Horror Romance in general.
Given that Macaque is literally dead but came back to life just represent him as a zombie in a way except he's not rotting and he wouldn't stop at nothing to get revenge on Wukong. He makes a very perfect candidate to test out the Horror Romance genre for Shadowpeach or any other ships that include him.
Kinda like Cupid's arrow, a gun has much more lethal side effects to the victim. For example, causing the wound to burn up as the bullet is hot when fired while also crushing the bones upon impact. Arrows could be just as lethal if you manage to hit a vital organ.
I actually planned to make EyeShot and HeadShot AUs to be much darker than intended but decided to make BackShot and FrontShot AUs the more violent and love deprived one so there's a SFW (although not so SFW but there's no AHEM AHEM-) and a NSFW so people could choose whichever AU they're more comfortable with.
It was actually my intention to make Shot AU's to be love based zombie movie, I'm actually surprised you got it through just looking at the book and the art I drew!
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What was that light thing that YN did to snap Moon out of it? It seemed like it gave him a headache or something after
So, in part 1 of the comic Y/N uses magic to transport the minds of themselves, the old one and accidentally Moon into another plane of existance that is used by old ones and witches as a ground for negotiation and conversation. A level playing field in which no one can be truely harmed by the other. Entering this plane is the standart procedure if meeting an old one who's alighnment to humans is not obvious close to a human settlement. Then usually there would be a conversation between witch and old one to figue out how to proceed. Moon freaked out though and "killed" the old one in that plane, making negotiations impossible and violating the truce . So in this part Y/N can't do anything but release the spell and face the, now angered, old one instead of reaching a peacefull agreement.
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bilesproblems · 6 months
Never heard of bi lesbians before? Well you came to the right place! Here are some explanation posts!!
Why it isn't useless or exclusionary to call yourself a bi lesbian if you don't like men:
Anon wanted some info about bi lesbians and transmascs with lesbians:
Ranting about fitting both bi and lesbian and being forced out of the mspec label for no reason other than making sure no lesbian is ever bi:
Why people who DO like men might still identify as lesbians
Exclusively a lesbian... But still attracted to men?
A response to "enby people are already inherently included so using bi is useless":
Not my explanation:
Another explanation, for an asker:
another expo abt nb people being inherently included:
There are more than 2 genders:
Bilesbophobia is queerphobia:
"non-man" has racist origins:
Easiest bi lesbians to learn about FIRST:
Anon's experience with potentially being a bi lesbian:
You aren't losing your label or its meaning don't worry:
My main account explains why "nonmen loving nonmen" isn't monosexual:
Silly posting with some explanations sprinkled within:
Not my post, but has a lot of evidence for the historical existence of bisexual lesbians
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sillyscenekinblog · 3 months
HIHI!!! I really don't wanna be rude but I'm an idiot so please ignore this if I come off as rude but how does someone identify as fictionkin? How does someone identify as a fictional character? /gen
I think it's interesting and I'd like to learn more about it!
Oh! It's typically the belief that you were that character in a previous life! Or that you have similar souls! Or something similar! Typically there are a lot of memories, and a similar feeling of *that's me* that matches up! There are also psychological 'kins, like for instance, we're psychological and spiritual kin! We personally believe most of our fictionkins were caused by autism/trauma, but it also feels quite spiritual! We're bad at explaining things, so we highly encourage you to explore and research on your own! :D
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crookedliz · 1 month
(Thank you for the amount of likes from my last post and for that I’ll explain the powers of the SC)
Bubba Bubbaphant
Can do Telepathy, Telekineses, Object Manipulation and more, he can also peer into memories but we will get to that sooner or later.
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Bobby Bearhug
Her winking can form little pink hearts that can make anyone have a fuzzy feeling, will also shoot a beam of hearts from her pendant that can fill one with a lot of happiness and joy, her hugs will not only release a ton of euphoria but will also give you a boost of strength (being Power and emotional.)
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Hoppy Hopscotch
Has the ability to run up to an absurd amount of speed and jump to large amounts of heights and leave sparks of lightning behind, and which she can shoot out of her hands
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Can materialize anything she can think of with her unicorn magic, that can range from Tools, Toys, Plants, Weapons, etc. She also has wings made from said unicorn magic, Eyecolor, color of her magic, and wings change color from time to time or to correspond with her mood
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Picky Piggy
Has a massive amount of strength and can pick up anything that’s considered heavy (If someone were to challenge her to an arm wrestle match, they would end up with a broken arm and table.)
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Can turn into a fire bird, has the ability to fly and breath fire and summon it by will.
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Can glow and give an energy boost to anyone in a five mile radius, being hugged by him will give a warm feeling and a sense of peace and comfort, he can also double as torch and fireplace, (He has a form he can go into when pushed to his limit.)
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Still has his gas, only this time it won’t cause hysterical laughter, can enter people’s dreams and sometimes they won’t remember he was there. (Also has a form he can go into when pushed passed his limit.)
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ireallylikeracecars · 1 month
Max fans (me) trying to explain they didn’t become a fan of him because he won a lot the last few seasons and have actually been a fan since his rookie days
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downfalldestiny · 1 year
You gotta see things for what they're 🖤 !.
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ayiemojis · 2 months
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/exp (explain) — /rambling
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/rp (role play) — /bpd (borderline personality disorder)
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/tq (typing quirk) — /nbr (not being rude)
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/gc (genuinely curious)
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noiselessbuck · 1 year
how to wash your dishes with autism/sensory issues
i live in an apartment and have to wash all of my own dishes by hand. this is what i have found helpful
getting started: i also have depression which often means dishes get left for a while. i have an agreement with my housemates about how long is ok for dishes to be left not done. everything about living with other people starts with communication but ultimately they are my dishes i have to do them no one else can.
starting: notice how you are doing sensory wise every day. if it's a day where i had to wear my weirdly texture rain jacket my socks got wet and the bus was loud then that means just as i come home is Not a good time to do dishes. i Will start flinching at every sound, hate everything i am touching, and feel gross for an hour afterwards if i do the dishes right now. so i'm going to wait.
when is a good time to do dishes? if today isn't a bad depression day i often say "im going to do the dish" as in: if i just ate cereal im only going to wash my bowl and spoon. it's not a lot of work, it hasn't been sitting in the sink, and the longer i can keep up doing exactly the dishes i just used the less dishes i have to do at once.
if there are dishes piled up i take note of that and find a time when say, ive been inside for a while, ive been just on my computer, or phone, or writing for a while, this means im not sensory overwhelmed.
what to do while doing the dishes:
no one said you have to only be doing the dishes. put on some music, an audiobook, call your friend, put on your favorite podcast or podfic. you distract yourself
how to leave the dishes:
the thing to me that makes or breaks how icky i feel while doing the dishes is how they are left. i personally hate touching cold wet things to i try to have as little water as possible in the sink while my dishes are sitting there. but i know that w something like peanut butter, melted cheese, oatmeal, yogurt, or dough from baking those things will cement to the dishes if you don't deal with them. you can either do a bit of cleaning right when you put them in the sink or let them soak. i try to leave enough dry edge so i can tip the water out later with a dry hand
sensory issues with dishes:
the main problem with dishes is that there are a lot of sensory things happening at once and they're all quite irregular.
music or even earplugs can help with the sounds of the sink the dishes clinking each other ect. but also running the water a little less and setting the dishes down slowly can do wonders for having less loud sounds. also if you have a garbage disposal doing that only at the very end.
dish gloves help some people with the textures but me personally i don't like the gloves because it adds another texture of the inside of the gloves and augments the texture of anything that i am touching. but someone else may love gloves for exactly the same reasons.
the other thing to note about textures is the tools you are using. i like to use a sponge for most things but for things i don't want to touch as much i use a scrub brush w a stick so i'm far away from whatever soup is still at the bottom of my pot or whatever.
temperature is one of the more overlooked senses but with dishes its very prevalent. you never want the water too hot because you really can burn yourself but having the water at a good temperature and then letting it run over all the dishes will make it so each dish you are touching is a relatively uniform temperature instead of your tea cup being hot the dishes from this morning being cold.
you can try to find soap that has a scent that bothers you the least, you can find soap that comes in a container that makes sense to you and easiest for you. if the soap bottle is getting to be a weird texture you can wash said soap bottle to get it back to its original texture.
other sensory notes:
you can do any activity you want in less light, so long as you have enough to work safely.
you can do any activity sitting down. maybe for the sink you'll want a stool instead or a chair near by to take breaks in
if you have people who can help you, you can ask for help. you can ask for a buddy to do a task with, or someone to body double, or you can ask reasonably if someone else can do the dishes on a bad day. these are all tips for making it a not as bad of a time and for figuring out when are times it won't be really bad. but if it is going to be bad, or if say there's complicated dishes from baking or cooking, you can ask for help and it Makes Sense to ask for help.
where to put away the dishes:
if you notice that something sensory sucks about retrieving clean dishes you have the power to prevent that from happening. example: pulling a glass cup that is stacked inside another glass cup is squeaky and bad texture to me.
if drying dishes is hard for you maybe get a drying rack or lay down a dish towle and put them on there or put them away semi wet but keep the cupboards open so there won't be anything gross
really bad days:
you can keep some disposable plates and cups and silverware for bad days, there's nothing wrong with that. if you're worried about the environment get recycle-able or compostable ones. you can also see what kinds of food come with their own container or dont necessary need a second container. example: if you have your own personal container of take out or ice cream you can eat that from its container. or mixed together stuff box salads or premade stuff can be eaten from their containers
i hope this is helpful to somebody, these are all only from my personal experience, leave more tips in rbs if you have them
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ribreadthedisaster · 7 months
Me when I bring my roommate over to the dark side and now she’s watching Markiplier playthroughs of FNAF
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ace-reaction-images · 8 months
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shesalewa · 3 months
How to write romance! ACTION setting
(I'm not good at this. So this is a 30%/70% chance of working 30% chance of working 70% chance of failing. Unless it's lesbianism, anything can work if it's lesbianism.)
When it comes to action. Enemies to lovers is the best trope. (Usually because, "I've been there at your worst. And here I stand loving you, even if what you do to me kills me" or bc of "they stand on the opposite sides of the war, yet all they can remember is the lingering memories of whence they used to hold each other dear in their arms" etc etc. oh. It's a bonus if it's gay. Lesbianism works perfectly for both.) though sometimes, enemies to lovers should end mostly in angst. Cause they get to die knowing it was right beside each other. That. Or they die knowing that they should've gone to their lover, talked to them more. Cause if it ends up in a happy ending only a professional can do that. And I'm not a professional.
Slow burn ❤️‍🔥 idk where the emoji came from it just popped outta nowhere but it works. When writing an action story, slow burn is very much likely needed. You need to build up tension. You need to build up romance. You need to give them a reason why they love this person. You need to give them a reason to understand each other. You need to give them ANGST.
Grumpy x sunshine. Yeah uh. Uhmmm. This one. Writing this in action is hard asf. Unless it's Jaydan then yeah. Bc those two are the definition of grumpy x sunshine to me. It builds up around angst. Where one is in need of comfort and the other comforts. It goes both ways. Grumpy understands what sunshine hides. And sunshine learns to comfort grumpy.
Stuck together. Ever heard of Akutagawa and Atsushi? Yeah. That's basically it. or by some uncertain circumstances. Two people who hate each other or can't tolerate each other have to work together by unknown circumstances. That or a mentor meets an old friend they're on bad terms with but they have to work together because their apprentice is fond of the old friend That's Kayden and kartein.
Fish outta water. Many have not heard of this. Wooin and Jiwoo. Don't got much to say. It's just well written. Especially if it has those balance angst and fluff. Where "I'm not weak anymore. I want to protect you too. I don't want to hold you back." Typa trope in fish outta water.
Second chance. No. It doesn't work that way. I have never written down anything involving this never have I read so who ever put this in the romance spectrum. Why are you so desperate to crawl back to your ex??? Even if it did the amount of angst this story has is just... Womp womp. (Always thought that going back to your ex is a stupid idea.)
Fake relationship. Who also added this in the romance spectrum??? Unless it's like two undercover spy rivals who have to disguise themselves as a romantic couple like Loid and Yor. Then yeah. Write that sh/t down.
Amnesia, isn't this basically, second chance??? Just. Idk. Worse??? Either way it does not fit the action-romance spectrum, oh. Unless they have a happy relationship and the amnesia accidentally happens and the other lover tries to explain who they are to each other and instead of trying to push it any further they just try to do anything within their lovers comfort zone. Yeah write it down.
Opposites attract. Please. For the love of writing. when people write opposites attract. ADD MORE ANGST. no. Don't bring in a misunderstanding trope. Find a way around that. Especially if you want to be original. Opposites attract fits nicely in action. Because there is no such thing as opposites attract. Because eventually one will adapt to the other's lifestyle. Everyone does. It's human nature. However there's a problem. If one is aggressive and the other is passive. Either aggressive will change their ways and be more passive in the upcoming ending. Or passive becomes aggressive so that aggressive doesn't have to have a hard time protecting passive. That or they switch places.
Ehm. I'm not good at adding romance to action. I do know that if it's lesbianism anything works. And if it's gay. It has a higher chance of working in action.
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Yes I searched up the romance trope just to see which one would work for action.
Bad boy just. Idk. It fits the highschool thingy better but who in the world likes a bad boy these days 😭 (somebody send me a good gay bad boy ao3 angst. Maybe I'll reconsider.)
Soulmates would be nice too. However it tends to ruin other relationships, and ends up coming out as forced. And I do not want that. Unless the writer is godly professional.
Forced proximity is basically stuck together. However it tends to be more... Womp womp.
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Thank you for coming to my writing rant.
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wayti-blog · 2 years
When you don’t cover up the world with words and labels, a sense of the miraculous returns to your life that was lost a long time ago when humanity, instead of using thought, became possessed by thought. A depth returns to your life. Things regain their newness, their freshness.
Eckhart Tolle
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greyaugustuspoetry · 1 year
At a Stand Point
I know you’re upset
Because what I did 
But I wasn’t in control
I was having one of my
Emotional episodes 
It isn’t fair 
For you to stay mad 
Because the person 
Who lashed out 
Isn’t here anymore
Giving me the silent treatment 
Only makes this worse 
It triggers my emotions 
And just makes me hurt
The cycle will just continue 
Until you make a move
I need your patience 
And understanding
Not a cold shoulder  
I told you im sorry
Admitted my wrongs 
And that’s all I can do 
If that isn’t enough 
I don’t know what to tell you
I just hope you know
That I'm trying my best.
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