hooplovestudio · 8 months
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Dear Sweet Self,
Today, I celebrate 37 years and 10 months of life, and as I gazed into the mirror, I felt your yearning for a mother's love. I want you to know, I hear you. You've longed to be heard, unapologetically loud, and just be YOU. My sweet, innocent girl, I see how life's harshness has stolen your innocence. But guess what? I'm here to give it back by standing up for you. You don't deserve abuse, neglect, or silence. You deserve unique and genuine love, which I'm here to provide. You've fought fiercely to embrace your true self; never forget the wisdom Grandma embedded in you. Stay vigilant, and keep that beautiful smile, no matter the challenges. Feeling the anger is okay; I'm here to shield you. I'm here, always.
CyEra B.
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hooplovestudio · 8 months
Embracing the Healing Journey of Motherhood❤️‍🩹
In the quiet moments of life, I find solace in reflecting upon the precious lessons imparted to me by my dear Grammy and Auntie. When overwhelming emotions would engulf me, leaving me uncertain and adrift, I sought refuge in their wisdom. Without coddling or patronizing me, they provided me with advice that resonated deeply, shaping my perspective in profound ways.
In those moments of vulnerability, I discovered the power of emotional support. They never failed to ask if I had eaten or if there was anything I needed, ensuring that my well-being was their utmost concern. Their unwavering support became my sanctuary.
Years later, I find myself reciprocating this invaluable gift of a safe space with my own daughter. In her, I see a reflection of the strength and resilience that generations before her have passed down. Each conversation with her becomes a lesson, a reminder of the importance of truly listening and understanding. She teaches me, molds me into a better version of myself with every word spoken and unspoken.
As a mother of two, I have come to appreciate the unique personalities of my children. Each with their distinct likes and dislikes, they have taught me the beauty of diversity within a family. Creating a safe haven for them, a space where they can express themselves without fear, is not just a privilege but a responsibility rooted in respect.
Reflecting on the wisdom of ancient scriptures, I am reminded of the profound significance of honoring our children’s individuality. The injunction to “honor thy mother and father” is not just a one-way street; it's about mutual respect and understanding. In striving to create a nurturing environment for my children, I found healing for myself. I realized that I had the power to break the cycle, to offer them a life rich in emotional abundance rather than material excess.
As a Capricorn, I’ve always known that true wealth transcends the boundaries of material possessions. Abundance is not scarce; it's found in the love we share, the understanding we offer, and the safe spaces we create. This revelation has become the guiding principle of my parenting journey.
Being a parent is a profound and beautiful journey of self-discovery. Through the eyes of our children, we learn not only about them but also about ourselves. It’s a cycle of healing, growth, and transformation—a journey that I am immensely grateful for.
#Motherhood #ParentingJourney #SafeSpace #UnconditionalLove #Healing #FamilyConnections #EmotionalAbundance #Gratitude #SelfDiscovery #LifeLessons #InnerStrength #NurturingLove
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hooplovestudio · 8 months
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hooplovestudio · 10 months
Embracing the Vibes: Riding the waves of Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria in Autism and ADHD- A Soulful Journey
Hey beautiful souls,
In a world that's all about the hustle and bustle, I wanna drop some knowledge on y'all about something real and deep – Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria, or as we call it, RSD. Now, RSD ain't just some fancy words; it's about feeling rejection in your soul, especially if you're vibin' on the autism spectrum or have ADHD. So, let's dive into this river of emotions, break down how it's different from just bein' anxious, and why spreading the love about it matters.
Groovin' with Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria
Imagine this: you mess up, things don't go your way, and boom – you're hit with a tidal wave of negative vibes. That's RSD, fam. It's like feeling those emotions that come after rejection and failure cranked up to eleven. We're talkin' 'bout feeling worthless, ashamed, and even getting physical symptoms like your heart racing or your stomach doin' flips.
Vibes of Autism and ADHD
Now, let's get real about the connection between RSD and our fam on the autism spectrum and rockin' the ADHD groove. Turns out, RSD ain't shy 'bout hangin' out with these conditions. People with ADHD, especially, know this vibe all too well. And it's right there, chillin', with those of us who are rockin' the autism vibes. But here's the thing: not everyone's tuned into this frequency, and that's why awareness is our ticket to ride.
Soulful Truth: RSD vs. Social Anxiety
I know it might sound like RSD and social anxiety are from the same record, but let's flip that vinyl and groove to the real beat. Social anxiety is like feeling that stage fright before you even step on the stage, you dig? But RSD? It's like the encore – the emotions hit hard after you've already done your thing. Big difference, right?
Why Spreadin' the Love Matters
Let's drop some wisdom on why we need to make some noise about RSD:
Spotlight on the Realness: There are folks out there who don't even know that RSD is the real deal. We gotta shine a light on this groove, so people can understand what's up and reach out for support.
Ditch the Judgement: Sometimes, folks get all judgy 'bout emotions. Raising awareness is like givin' them a backstage pass to understand what we're dealing with, and that's how we break down those walls.
Support and Love: From our tribe to our teachers and everyone in between, when they know what RSD is, they can be there for us in a way that's real and supportive.
Sparking Change: When we make some noise, we're sparkin' change. Research, understanding, and better ways to ride these waves – that's what awareness can bring.
So, let's wrap it up like this: Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria is like a storm of emotions, especially for our kin on the autism and ADHD journey. It's not just a case of bein' anxious; it's a whole different groove. Spreadin' the word about it is like droppin' the needle on a vinyl record – it sets the rhythm for a world that's all about acceptance and compassion. Let's groove together and make this world a little brighter for all of us.
Stay vibin', stay groovin', and keep spreadin' the love.
Peace and good vibes,
CyEra B.
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hooplovestudio · 10 months
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Deaf and Autistic Jewelry Designer <3
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hooplovestudio · 10 months
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hooplovestudio · 10 months
Elevate Your Style with Custom Jewelry
🌟 Welcome to Hoop Love Studio! 🌟
Are you tired of settling for mass-produced accessories that lack a personal touch? Dive into the world of custom-made jewelry and express your unique style with Hoop Love Studio!
Why Choose Us?
At Hoop Love Studio, we believe that jewelry is more than adornment – it's an extension of your individuality. Our skilled artisans craft one-of-a-kind pieces that capture your essence. When you choose us, you're not just buying jewelry; you're investing in wearable art that tells your story.
The Art of Customization
Imagine owning jewelry as unique as you are! Our custom pieces let you express your creativity and bring your vision to life. Whether it's a pendant symbolizing your journey or earrings that perfectly match your style, our artisans create masterpieces that exceed your expectations.
Uncompromising Quality
Quality reigns supreme. Each Hoop Love Studio piece is meticulously crafted using the finest materials. From selecting gemstones to ensuring impeccable craftsmanship, we take pride in delivering jewelry that sparkles with elegance and stands the test of time.
A Spectrum of Possibilities
Let your imagination run wild! Our customization options know no limits. Choose metals, gemstones, designs, and styles that resonate with your taste. Whether you adore minimalist chic or bold extravagance, we make your dream jewelry a reality.
Let's Bring Your Vision to Life!
Ordering custom-made jewelry is effortless with Hoop Love Studio. Our friendly team guides you through the process, listens to your ideas, and offers expert advice. We're committed to making your journey delightful and memorable.
The Perfect Gift
Searching for a meaningful gift? Our custom-made jewelry reflects thoughtfulness and care. Whether for a birthday, anniversary, or any occasion, personalized jewelry shows you've gone the extra mile to make someone feel cherished.
Place Your Order Today!
Elevate your style with custom jewelry from Hoop Love Studio. Let us bring your vision to life and create a timeless piece that resonates with you. Contact us now to start your journey to owning a jewelry masterpiece you'll treasure forever.
👉 email: [email protected]
Experience the joy of wearing jewelry as unique as you at Hoop Love Studio! ✨🌟
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hooplovestudio · 10 months
Navigating the design world with Autism & ADHD: Embracing Challenges and finding Growth.
Being a designer is a journey filled with creativity, passion, and dedication. But for someone like me, living with Autism and ADHD, this journey comes with its unique set of challenges and triumphs that shape the way I approach my craft.
Embracing the Whirlwind of Ideas
One of the hallmarks of my condition is hyperfocus – that intense state of concentration where the outside world fades away, and I'm fully immersed in my thoughts. While this may seem like a superpower, it can also be a double-edged sword. The whirlwind of ideas can be overwhelming at times, making it difficult to focus on a single task. But with determination and practice, I've learned to harness this energy. I've discovered that by giving each idea its moment to shine, I can turn that whirlwind into a well-organized canvas of creativity.
Restlessness and the Need for Movement
Sitting still has never been my forte. The restlessness that comes with ADHD can make it feel like I'm in a constant dance with my surroundings. As a designer, it's easy to see this as a hindrance, but I've come to realize that movement can be a powerful catalyst for innovation. I've turned my need for motion into an opportunity to step away from my work, gain fresh perspectives, and return with renewed vigor. It's a reminder that sometimes, the best designs are crafted in motion.
The Endless Pursuit of Perfection
Designing isn't just about putting elements together; it's a symphony of creativity, technique, and emotion. For someone like me, however, it's easy to fall into the trap of perfectionism. I find myself taking apart my designs, starting over countless times, and struggling to accept my work. But through this struggle, I've found growth. I've learned that the pursuit of perfection is a journey, not a destination. Each iteration, each "failure," is a stepping stone towards refining my skills and creating designs that resonate.
Taming the Chaos Through Structure
Structure doesn't come naturally to me, but I've come to understand its importance. To combat the whirlwind of thoughts and hyperfocus, I've embraced the power of schedules. Planning my day, allocating time for different tasks, and setting boundaries has allowed me to navigate the design world with a clear focus. It's a reminder that I can tame the chaos within and channel it into a productive flow.
Finding Growth in Diversity
Living with Autism and ADHD has shaped me as a designer in ways I couldn't have imagined. It's taught me resilience, adaptability, and the beauty of diversity in thought. While the journey isn't without its challenges, I wouldn't trade it for anything. Each hurdle I overcome, each design I refine, is a testament to the strength that resides within.
So, here's to all the designers who, like me, navigate the intricate world of creativity with their unique perspectives. Embrace the challenges, find strength in your differences, and let your designs be a reflection of your journey. 🌟🎨 #AutismAndDesign #ADHDInnovation #CreativeJourney #DesigningDifferences
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hooplovestudio · 10 months
Each piece of my creations carries a story close to my heart, and today, I'm proudly wearing these earrings that symbolize a profound journey. These earrings stand for the tether to a past where I felt confined within the family's expectations, until the transformative leap to Alabama. In that space, I finally found the freedom to grow, to learn, and to express myself.
This pair of earrings encapsulates the struggles I faced, the barriers of communication and understanding that I broke through as a deaf black autistic woman. I navigated judgment, lectures, and a lack of respect for my intelligence and motherhood. The early years of parenthood were overshadowed by traumas, even encountering CPS at my door. I heard hurtful words claiming that giving birth didn't make me a mother, and I felt the weight of someone's power to shape me.
Amidst the darkness, my grandmother and aunt emerged as beacons of wisdom and strength. From my grandmother, I imbibed invaluable teachings, and my aunt showed me the path to living authentically from the heart. I confess that there was a time when I loathed my identity as a black deaf autistic woman due to the mistreatment I endured.
But let me tell you the truth—my love for being a mother, a spiritual being, and simply being myself has blossomed. I owe this transformation to my grandmother, my aunt, and most of all, my incredible children. They rescued me from self-hate and nurtured the love and strength within me.
Today, I wear these earrings not just as an accessory, but as a testament to my unbreakable spirit and the beautiful journey that has shaped me into who I am today.
CyEra Bibbs
Hoop Love Studio
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hooplovestudio · 11 months
Embrace The Magic of Hoop Love Studio where Hippie Culture meets Handcrafted Jewelry
Are you a free spirit with a deep love for all things free-spirited and a passion for self-expression through art? Step into the enchanting world of Hoop Love Studio, where the essence of Hippie Culture merges seamlessly with the craftsmanship of handcrafted jewelry.
Where Creativity and Spirituality Unite
At Hoop Love Studio, jewelry is not just an accessory; it's a way to celebrate individuality, spirituality, and creativity. Founded by CyEra Bibbs, a true bohemian soul, and a gifted artisan. My brand embodies the magical blend of artistic expression and the freedom to be who you truly are.
Unveiling Bohemian Treasures
My collections at Hoop Love Studio are a treasure trove of bohemian delights that speak to your soul. Each piece is lovingly handcrafted to capture the essence of the hippie culture. From intricately designed hoops that dance with every movement to hippie-inspired necklaces that weave stories of positivity and protection, the jewelry reflects the beauty of nature and the spirit of adventure.
A Journey of Self-Discovery
Embrace your inner wanderer and let your spirit soar with our handcrafted jewelry. Each piece is a canvas of expression, a reflection of your unique journey through life. When you wear Hoop Love Studio jewelry, you carry a piece of art that represents the essence of who you are and the dreams you hold close to your heart.
Embody the Hippie Vibe
Whether you're dancing barefoot at a music festival, exploring the wonders of nature, or simply living life with an open heart, Hoop Love Studio has the perfect piece to embody the hippie vibe. Our jewelry is more than adornment; it's a symbol of freedom, peace, and the celebration of life.
Embrace the Magic of the Virtual Popup Shop
Step into the Virtual Popup Shop, a whimsical wonderland where bohemian dreams come true. Explore the extraordinary collection of handcrafted jewelry at unbeatable prices. From mystical gemstone earrings that spark the imagination to hand-stamped leather bracelets that tell your story, our treasures await discovery.
Join Our Hippie Tribe
By choosing Hoop Love Studio, you become a part of my vibrant hippie tribe, a community that embraces love, peace, and harmony. Connect with like-minded souls, share your love for the bohemian lifestyle, and bask in the energy of creativity and positivity.
Shop Now, Embrace the Magic
Don't miss the chance to adorn yourself with pieces that radiate the magic of hippie culture. To make a purchase, simply comment below the items you wish to order, and we'll send you a personalized invoice. Let the magic of our handcrafted jewelry inspire your journey of self-discovery and expression.
Follow the Hippie Vibes on Social Media
Stay connected with our bohemian universe on social media, where we share the latest designs, boho-inspired adventures, and tales of the road less traveled.
Instagram: hooplovellc
Facebook: Hoop Love Studio
TikTok: Hoop Love Studio
Embrace the Hippie Spirit
Indulge in the beauty of handcrafted jewelry that captures the spirit of the hippie culture. Let Hoop Love Studio be your destination for jewelry that whispers stories of freedom and celebrates the artistry of life.
🛍️ Shop Now: www.facebook.com/hooplove23
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hooplovestudio · 1 year
Through my love for jewelry-making, I have found a powerful tool for healing and self-expression. As a member of the deaf and autistic community, I have faced unique challenges, but the love and support of my grandmother has always been a constant in my life. She taught me the art of jewelry-making, and it became a vital outlet for me to channel my anxiety and overcome trauma. When I lost my grandmother in 2019, I was devastated, but I found solace in creating jewelry once again. Each piece I make is infused with the love and guidance she showed me, and it has become a way for me to honor her legacy and cope with my grief. At Hoop Love Studio, I pour my heart into each unique piece, and I am grateful for the opportunity to share my story and passion with the world.
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