#Detox & Weight Loss
jodie--louise · 2 years
These Detox Tools Will Change Your Life!
My lovelies, I’m going to share with you some of the best detox tools that you can use to maximize your detox process. I have personally used these tools whenever I do my detox & they work like a charm every time in making me feel like a unicorn all the time again. 
I’ve put together a list of some of the best detox tools out there to make detoxing as safe, beneficial, & enjoyable as possible for you. Enemas 
If you want to explore water, dry, juice or fruit fasting, I would recommend purchasing an enema bag, as this can clean out your colon. Not only does this make things more comfortable, it gives you better results too.Let me share with you a little about why enemas are so effective during a fast. Your intestines are basically a dumping ground of the body & when you are doing the fasting, it starts its cleansing process by dumping all the waste & toxins into the large intestine, some are the waste & toxins that have been in your body for years. So, while you are fasting, your intestines are heavily filled with toxins. Ew!
Therefore, it is important to use an enema to make sure your intestines dumps all the toxic waste out of your body. If you suffer from wondering how to manage constipation, enemas are a must-have detox tool for your home too!
Get your enema bag HERE & start dumping toxic waste out of your body & life. Bye, toxins!
If you are wondering how on earth I do an enema don’t worry. It’s not as scary or weird as you might think. It’s actually something most people love so much they want to make it part of their daily practice. However, it’s good to not rely on enemas to ensure your body knows what to do naturally.
Tongue Scraping
When you detox, your body tries to get rid of unnecessary substances in your body in different ways – like a thick, white coating on your tongue, for example. To get rid of this, you can do the tongue scraping method. What is tongue scraping & why is it beneficial?
Tongue scraping is a fast & effective way to remove extra unnecessary particles – yes, including the ones that cause bad breath – from your tongue’s surface. Scraping means that you don’t need to swallow back all those toxins & it’s a satisfying way to see real results of your detox quickly.
Tongue scraping benefits are endless. It is beneficial for you because it improves your sense of taste, the appearance of your tongue, removes bacteria, reduces bad breath & improves overall health. Add scraping after your teeth brushing ritual to receive the maximum effect.
My loves, get your tongue scrape HERE & if you want to discover more about tongue scraping & how kissing impacts your digestion check out this blog I wrote HERE
Oil Pulling
Oil pulling for detoxification is associated with Ayurveda, the traditional medicine system from India. It is a practice that involves swishing coconut oil or sesame oil around your mouth to clean out bacteria & to help promote oral hygiene. 
Wondering how to oil pull? Take a spoonful of oil & swish it around your mouth in the morning & evening for one minute. Each day add a minute as you become more comfortable with the practice of oil pulling. Ayurvedic tradition recommends ten minutes daily oil pulling to receive the full benefits of detoxification, teeth whitening, & reduced inflammation.
I recommend you start in small steps to make the practice easy & enjoyable for you. Read more!
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fitlifeessentials · 5 months
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muttfangs · 2 months
friendly reminder to my homies to always, always research and find credible sources to your information... was looking up food PH values today (this legit helps manage my intense GERD by eating more appropriate alkaline/basic PH foods) and one of the fuckin articles had lemons and limes listed as alkaline............. bro.........................
lemons and limes are so low on the PH scale they are incredibly acidic and I just. know this. its called CITRIC ACID for a reason... my god
thankfully I found a really helpful medical journal that did a surface level PH test of common foods & ingredients and it's really dope. will absolutely help me plan my nutrition better while keeping my acid vomit at bay
^ pdf for anyone wondering and also looking into alkaline foods to balance chronic GERD ^ (also the higher a foods PH is, the more alkaline it is aka it will assist with neutralizing GERD / acid reflux. generally, aim for foods with a base PH of 5.0 or higher)
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malayamona · 2 days
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Malaya Mona 🌸💕
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healthlifeandbeyond · 1 month
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I gained so much weight in the past few months, and my armpit fat has become way more prevalent. Is there a way to get rid of it fast?
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tipsprohealthy · 1 year
Here are some tips for losing weight naturally and healthily:
Eat a balanced diet that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Avoid processed foods and sugary drinks.
Exercise regularly. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise per week.
Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep can lead to weight gain and other health problems. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night.
Drink plenty of water. Water can help you feel full and may also help with weight loss.
Eat slowly and mindfully. Pay attention to your food and try to eat without distractions. This can help you enjoy your meals more and may also help with weight loss.
Limit your intake of alcohol. Alcohol can contribute to weight gain and may also interfere with weight loss efforts.
Seek support from friends, family, or a healthcare professional. Having support can help you stay motivated and on track with your weight loss goals.
Remember, losing weight is not always easy and it may take time. It's important to be patient and consistent in following a healthy lifestyle.
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c-1-nnamon · 5 months
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wellnesshero · 8 months
Check Yourself What positives will Happen in 72 Hours 🍓🫐🍉🍎🍇🍉❤️
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nutribolism · 8 months
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Looking for a natural and refreshing way to shed those extra pounds?
Here are the incredible benefits of drinking lemon water! 🤩🥤
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littlbee · 2 years
metabolism boost/weight loss crystal list :)
green aventurine - detox, metabolism boosting, general luck
citrine - energy boosting (which we all need lmao), improves digestion
black onyx - self control & motivation, general healing properties
red tigers eye - energy booster (libido boost as well👀)
amethyst - improves digestion, detox, helps reduce cravings, soothes hunger/general stomach & intestinal pain
hematite - stunt overeating/overindulgence
iolite - loosens fatty pockets, boosts energy
blue apatite - hunger suppressant
carnelian - detox, reduce hunger & cravings
epodite - helps let go of emotional & physical weight
peridot - improve liver function (?), general detox, motivation
sodalite - enhance metabolism, reduces cravings
diaspore - said to reduce water retention, general weight loss (also helps u lucid dream, which is pretty cool)
sunstone - boosts metabolism, motivation
augelite - helps with digestion
gold sheen obsidian - helps with digestion
Reminder: Crystals are what you make of them! Set your intentions for each crystal (writing/speaking/thinking of exactly what you want this crystal to assist with) and charge them by meditating, cleansing with incense/sage, keeping them in your pocket/wearing them on a necklace, or placing them in moonlight/sunlight (though not all crystals can go in sunlight!) These are just a few options, and some crystals prefer different methods than others, so feel free to look up/trust your instinct when charging a crystal! If you feel like it needs to be placed on moss, place it on some moss! Crystals can be very vocal if you know how to listen. :)
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fitnook · 9 months
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How to Detox the Whole Body Naturally?
Here are some natural and safe ways to support your body's detoxification:
Drink a lot of water over the course of the day. Water helps flush out poisons and side-effects from your framework, keeping your organs working ideally.
Balanced Diet: 
Spotlight on a tight eating routine wealthy in natural products, vegetables, entire grains, and lean proteins. These food varieties give fundamental supplements and cancer prevention agents that help Detox the Whole Body Naturally.
Fiber Intake:
Incorporate high-fiber food varieties like organic products, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and entire grains in your eating regimen. Fiber helps absorption and takes out waste and poisons from the colon.
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wonderfulherbs · 1 year
Alpilean Weight Loss Support
Here is an all natural way to support your weight loss in a healthy way. The “Alpine Secret ” is a proprietary blend of 6 powerful herbs to help support your weight loss efforts. Take a look: https://bit.ly/3Xeptq3
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healthlifeandbeyond · 1 month
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easyweightlossmethods · 10 months
Resurge Review Special Offer Free Bounses Available Order Now ✔️
Resurge Weight Loss Supplement Review Resurge Huge discount Resurge Lose Weight Naturally Without Giving Up Your Favourite Food
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msmasims · 1 year
Discover a revolutionary new way to effortlessly get the body you've always wanted. Maintaining a healthy diet is essential when it comes to weight loss. While it's important to watch your calorie intake, it's equally important to choose foods that are nutritious and will keep you satisfied.
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