#Commissions that make u want to play the game again
kellystar321 · 11 months
#periodical life updates#maybe when artfight is done i'll ask for avm art reqs; that seems fun. i wanna draw the colorful sticks#(<- has been mainly drawing the stickmin sticks for twitter)#wait i also mentioned i wanted to work on my selfship blog right? fck. and also my part for that map too.#jegus jace r.i.c.k.e.c. starlight youve got so many projects huh. well its good to write them down. ive got this thing i do where once i-#finish a big project i forget all other projects ive ever had. ''i was so caught up in the euphoria of not being busy with artfight anymore#''i forgot that my other projects existed!'' type beat. future jace check here when youre done artfight. you've also got a fic to write!!#and ecas to draw! you also wanted to do an oc sexyman tourney but you wanted to draw everyone portraits first so <3#stickmin comics (charles; randy; jegus we probably cant think of montana just yet) and also i still got the requests from there :'>#maybe a commission sheet. i might do kofi commissions they sound fun. real commissions stress me out hgkjh </3#infinite art project hell hfkjhf </3 didnt do much artfighting today due to dentist appointment. it was very unpleasant.#i need a lot of dental work done. i have to go back next week (RIGHT BEFORE SAHCON TOO LMAO) and i also gotta have my wisdom teeth removed#not then i think (hopefully i dont wanna be fcked up before sahcon :/) but eventually. ugh. mimserable.#my queue's running low again. im tired of filling it back up ough u-u#my new drawing tablet came in btw!! ive been drawing more comfortably again <3 gotta update my progress reports for artfight#ive been watching secret sleepover society though hjdfjkh they played a cute potion making game!! but i'll work on the spreadsheet now hdjk#okay done and posted! gonna take my dental meds and probably sleep or add more stuff to queue?#see ya! <33
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yandere-daydreams · 5 months
Title: Bared Fangs.
Commissioned by the very lovely @ohsotearful.
Pairing: Yandere!Childe x Reader (Genshin).
Word Count: 3.0k.
TW: Non/Con, Fem!Reader, Modern/Serial Killer AU, Kidnapping, Prolonged Imprisonment, Blood/Gore, Reader Gets Hurt, Obsessive Behavior, Gun Violence, and Unhealthy Relationships. Dead Dove: Do Not Eat.
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You should’ve known something was wrong as soon as Childe asked you if you wanted to go outside.
Honestly, you should’ve known something was wrong as soon as he found you reading in front of his fireplace, as soon as that crooked, schoolboy grin found its way to his lips and he forewent his usual routine of draping himself on top of you like some muscled, zealously homicidal weighted blanket in favor of ruffling your hair and toying with the collar of the flannel you were wearing (his flannel, technically, but you tried not to let yourself acknowledge how accustomed you’d grown to wearing your captor’s clothes or, more troublingly, how long it’d been since the last time you’d felt disgusted by it). “Snow should be done for a couple hours,” he started, nodding towards the frost-coated windows. It might’ve been a more charming sight if not for the scratches carved into the surface of the glass – souvenirs from there the first time you got your hands on one of his axes. “I’m thinking of stepping out, doing a little hunting before the storm kicks up again. Wanna come with me?”
You narrowed your eyes at your book, trying to hide the way your heart beat a little faster at the suggestion of being able to leave his claustrophobic cabin. But, with Childe, you were usually better off staying safely tucked behind the bars of your rustic cage. “Is this going to be a normal hunting trip or a you hunting trip?”
He only hummed. “’fraid I don’t know what you mean by that, princess.”
“Are we going to be hunting animals, or…” You trailed off, swallowing down the bitter taste that came with remembering why you were here. “… or, you know. People, or whatever.”
“This time of year?” He let out an airy laugh, like you’d asked to go skiing in the middle of summer. “There’s nobody on the mountain ’cept me and you.”
Still, you dug your teeth into the inside of your cheek, forcing yourself to try and think beyond your near-overwhelming desire to be anywhere but here. Childe was a murderer, a sadist, a kidnapper, but he wasn’t the type to play mind games. He tended to divide his reality between the world outside – where people could be hunted like quarry, their bodies left to rot in tents and rivers with only the occasional token taken as a keepsake – and the world inside the walls of his cabin – where he sat you down in front of a low-burning fire and told you stories about ice-fishing with his siblings and pouted when you admit his (admittedly, not entirely inedible) cooking could use a little more seasoning. After that first night – the worst night of your fucking life – he seemed to want to keep you resigned to the latter, at least until he came home covered in blood and desperate for something warm and familiar to fuck until he passed out.
Eventually, you sighed, closing your book and sitting up. “Fine. When do we leave?”
His grin widened, head lulling forward as he pressed a kiss into the top of your head. “The front door’s already unlocked. I’ll give you a head start, a full five minutes. Actually, make it ten – just to make it a little more fun for you.”
 There was a beat of silence, then another. “Childe, you’re making it sound like you’re—”
“Like I said, there’s nobody on the mountain but me and you.” He pulled away, turning on his heel. “I’ll be nice, too – won’t use anything with more than a twenty-foot range.”
“But, you— you can’t just—”
“Tick-tock.” He clicked his tongue, winking at you over his shoulder. “Unless you’d rather cut straight to the good part.”
You should’ve known something was wrong, and now, running through the frozen wilderness desperately lost and barely dressed, your ten minutes spent and a killer undoubtedly chasing you down, you were paying the price for it.
You didn’t have time to be tactical. The snow was fresh enough to make every interruption unbearable obvious, meaning that – even if you were willing to stop and spare the seconds it’d take to hide your tracks, it wouldn’t have done you much good. Your only option was to run, but even that was easier said than done. Childe preferred to keep you in a state of hand-crafted domestic bliss, meaning what few clothes you did have were either picked out by or borrowed from him. Currently, all that separated you from the cold was his flannel, an oversized shirt, and a pair of his boots that you’d snagged on your way out. The chill snapped at your cold legs like the teeth of some unseen predator, the frigid air burning holes in your lungs, but the thought of what Childe would do when he caught you was enough to keep your feet moving, to keep you sprinting blindly through the forest. He wouldn’t kill you. You had to believe that he wouldn’t kill you, but—
A high-pitched holler, the sound of branches snapping underfoot and foliage being pushed aside somewhere behind you. You hadn’t stopped running after your first trembling steps away from the cabin, and yet, he couldn’t have been more than a few hundred feet behind you – half a mile, at your most generous guess. You started to curse under your breath, then thought better of it, biting down on your bottom lip with enough force to draw blood and pivoting to the left, where the forest seemed to be just a little thicker. If you couldn’t get away from him, you could at least try to hide before he got to you.
It was a haphazard, half-baked plan that was cruelly and immediately cut short as your foot caught on a root hidden by the snow, tearing away your right boot and leaving you sprawled over the frozen ground. Dampness sunk into your thin clothes, and you shut your eyes, trying to listen for Childe’s footsteps, but there was a reason none of his victims ever seemed to hear him coming. The forest’s minimal white noise was enough to swallow him entirely, the sound of birdsong and distant car engines disguising his presence despite your best attempts to—
Your realization was delayed, but intense.
Cars meant roads. Cars meant civilization. Cars meant people, people who could take you away from here, away from Childe. You clambered to your feet, but failed to take so much as a step before a sudden, stabbing pain bit into your calf, your leg immediately buckling underneath you. You would’ve fallen entirely if it hadn’t been for the adrenaline running through your system, numbing the agony and choking the ragged scream that threatened to rise from the pit of your chest into a cracked whimper. It was one of Childe’s arrows – you would’ve been able to recognize that black steel from a mile away – but you didn’t let yourself linger on the implications. With grit teeth and balled fists, you limped forward, leaving a thin trail of crimson in your wake. You would’ve missed it if you hadn’t been looking, but it was there – a thin, wobbling, unpaved dirt road, only marked by two thin rows of tire tracks that sliced harshly through the otherwise unmarred blanket of snow. God, you never thought you’d be so happy to see dirt.
There wasn’t time to think. You stumbled out of the woods and into the road, the arrow’s head sinking that much deeper with every stuttering movement. The car you’d heard was still there, too; a by-the-numbers sedan, only a few hundred feet down the road. You threw up your arms up, then thought better of it; cupping your shaking hands around your mouth. You moved to call out, but whatever you might’ve said was stolen away from you as something dark flashed across your peripheral and another arrow planted itself in your right shoulder. This time, you crumbled like a dead leaf – broken into pieces by a morning gale.
Out of the corner of your eye, you watched Childe emerge from the tree line, his crossbow still in-hand. As he came to stand in front of you, your gaze shifted back to the car. You watched, your mind buzzing with pain, as it disappeared around a sharp bend, never so much as slowing down.
You didn’t realize you were crying until you heard Childe coo, wiping away the tears flowing down your cheeks before they could freeze against your skin. “Sorry, princess,” he muttered, his voice low with a painful edge. “I guess I cheated, huh? Couldn’t help it – just knew you’d look so cute all bruised up and bleeding.”
Dropping his crossbow carelessly, he fell to your height. He was dressed for one of his usual hunts; a cut-off shotgun slung over his back, a hunting knife sheathed at his hip. The leather casing of the latter pressed into your side as he dipped lower, burying his face in the crook of your neck and pressing a long, open-mouthed kiss into the base of your throat. You felt his knee settle between your thighs, and weakly, your hands found their way to his chest. “Not here,” you mumbled, more afraid of the chill quickly seeping under your skin than being seen. “It hurts, Childe. I—I think you hit something imp—”
“I’ll be fast.” Another kiss, this one to the exposed skin of your collarbone. His calloused hands skirted over your sides, then your waist, hiking the thin fabric of your oversized shirt up to your midriff. You were already past the point of total numbness, and yet, the rough gravel beneath the snow cut harshly into your exposed skin. Rather than distracting you from the pain in your calf, your shoulder, it only seemed to draw more attention to your bleeding wounds, only seemed to make it harder to ignore the dull heat of Childe’s mouth against your chest. “Gotta take you out more often. You’re always beautiful, but I didn’t know you’d look this pretty.”
It hurt, it hurt, it hurt. His arrow burnt into the tattered skin of your calf as his hands fell to your legs, groping at the plush of your thighs playfully before shifting his attention to the fly of his jeans. You knew what he wanted, he’d always been transparent, but the sound of shifting fabric, the sight of his rosy-tipped, stiff cock pressing flush against his stomach – that was enough for the loose coil of dread writhing in the pit of your chest to tighten into a tight, jagged knot of pure terror. You tried to sit up, to make your refusal that much more apparent, but Childe only caught you by your uninjured shoulder, shoving you into the ground with enough force to earn a pained scowl, a fractured whimper. His only response was a wordless, vaguely sympathetic noise, a softened lull to his wide smile. “No skipping out on this, babydoll. I can’t guarantee you’ll end up in one piece if I have to wait ‘till we get home.”
It was a fair warning, but anything he could have said would’ve been lost on you. Your heart was beating in your ears, blocking out any other sound. Pools of red blood and piles of limp bodies flashed across your vision and desperately, futilely, you clawed at the hand on your shoulder, kicked at his chest, thrashed underneath him like an animal unaware that resistance would only make the predator want to drive its teeth that much deeper. It was more Childe’s divided attention than your strength, but your heel found his side and, just for a moment, he slipped, letting out a soft grunt as the hand pinning you down fell away. You were scrambling onto your knees in a second, attempting to get your feet underneath you in another, but your little stunt was cut short as Childe lashed out, wrapping his arm around your neck and forcing your stomach against the ground. There was no whimpering, anymore – just a ragged, ear-piercing scream as his free hand found the arrow in your shoulder, tearing it out of you in one clean, unfaltering motion. His only response came in the form of a throaty moan; deep and terrible and followed immediately by the feeling of his cock against your dry cunt. You would’ve begged him to stop, offered to let him do anything he wanted to you if he just didn’t do this, but he didn’t give you time to bargain. Without hesitation, he thrust into you, bottoming out in the same motion.
Trembling sobs tore at your throat and past your lips, tears now flowing unabashedly down your cheeks. Childe kept his full weight against your back as he fucked into you with short, sharp thrusts – never happy unless he was burying himself in the deepest pocket of your poor, freezing pussy. Rather than desensitizing you, letting you fall back into some distant state of nonexistence, the snow seemed to burn where it was pressed into your cheek, your chest. You wished he would’ve taken off the rest of your clothes. You wished he would’ve just shot his stupid arrows into your skull and put you out of your misery.
It shouldn’t have felt good, you didn’t want it to feel good, but your body didn’t know that. Your cunt clenched and drooled around him, trying in vain to turn his assault into something you could enjoy, but the way he grunted into your ear snuffed out any pleasure you might’ve been able to feel. “Tryin’ to pull me back in,” he muttered, his voice already airy, already strung out. You couldn’t help but wonder if, had you only been able to run from him for another minute, he would’ve found something else to shove his dick into and left you out here to freeze to death. “Is that your goal? Wanna – Fuck, wanna help me warm you up?”
His hands fell to your hips, pulling your ass flush against his hips and letting him fuck into you that much deeper, that much more brutally. Your injured leg grated against the dirt of the road and you cried out, your voice ragged and barely coherent. “St— Hurts, stop, stop, please, stop—”
“That’s it, always making such pretty sounds for me.” He buried his face in the dip of your shoulder. “Sometimes, it feels like all I wanna do it cut you open and crawl—”
He was interrupted by the dull roar of an approaching engine and something brightened inside of you, your eyes shifting towards the road, towards the well-beaten pick-up truck speeding in your direction. The breaks screeched as you and Childe came into the driver’s view, and for a second, you let yourself go slack underneath him, relief overwhelming your better judgement.
Childe wasn’t so sentimental.
His shotgun was in his hand before you could so much as process that he’d moved. Wordlessly, he fired off two shots; the first to the windshield on the driver’s side and the second to one of the front tires. You watched on helplessly as your last hope for salvation bucked, swerved, then veered off of the road entirely, catching on a snowbank and turning over once before crashing into the trunk of an oak that failed to so much as shake under the force of the collision. It was quieter than you’d expected it to be, the only sounds that of shattering glass and crunching metal. If there were survivors, no one screamed, or called for help, or came stumbling out of the wreckage. Childe’s breath hitched in his throat, his pace growing that much more erratic as he buckled into you – his pointed canines finding the tender junction at the base of your throat and burying themselves in your skin. It was less a love-bite and more an effort to eat you alive. What little blood he didn’t lap up washed over your chest, melting the frost and mixing into the snow beneath you. “Look—” He groaned, tried and failed to pull away from you. His voice reverberated against the curve of your neck as he went on. “Look what you turn me into, princess. Got me making all kinds of messes for you.”
Blood. Bodies. The taste of his cum on your tongue as your friends bled out under the same roof. You would’ve choked the air in your lungs if you’d been able to breathe, but there was no point lingering on pleasant hypotheticals. There were no distractions from the feeling of Childe’s hips grating against yours, the way his cock twitched as settled against you. A guttural moan tore past his lips as something thick and searing flooded into you, and you refused to let yourself acknowledge that this was the warmest you’d felt in days.
You stayed there, limp and frozen and miserable, as Childe pulled away from you, pulled out of you. Your eyes fell shut as he stumbled to his feet, your skin too numb to feel anything aside from the pressure of his arms around your motionless body. He pulled you against his chest, then let out a low whistle. “Might’ve gone a little overboard there. Sorry ‘bout that, princess.” A low chuckle, a gentle squeeze. “I just can’t help it, not when it comes to you. You’ll forgive me after a warm bath, right?”
You didn’t answer. The arrow in your calf must’ve fallen out, or maybe not – you couldn’t feel anything below your knees. Your hands felt like dead weight too, utterly disconnected from anything you might’ve used to control them, but every drop of panic, every ounce of horror – that all paled in comparison to the never-ending pit of pitch-black loathing that formed in your chest as you stared up at Childe. You hated him, wanted to see him torn apart with his own stockpile of weapons, but you really couldn’t blame him. Not for this, at least.
You should’ve known something was wrong as soon as the monster bared its fangs.
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marksbear · 1 year
So I don’t know if you still take commissions (even though it literally says it’s open by the time I’m typing this lmao) but I was thinking of Ghost from COD modern warfare 2 with male reader who is mute? Also male reader is like a total sweetheart, pretty shy.
Maybe it’s winter and Ghost invites his friends to his house for dinner for some reason (maybe male reader wanted to meet them but ghost said no cause he wanted privacy) , and on the car ride there Ghost accidentally mentions his househusband which suprised the team since he never talked about him. (Let alone he was into guys)
Ghost says that he wanted their marriage to be private and makes a quick recap of what male reader is like, who is a photographer and has 3 Barbie dolls (I like Barbie dolls don’t judge me 😂) and gave them their own personalities and stuff on social media to look like they’re traveling the world.
They reached home, male reader welcomes them and quickly heads to the kitchen cause he’s making the food. The crew all sit at the table eating (the food is delicious) and Soap asks how they met and Ghost just says that it’s pretty boring.
Idk what happens next, (maybe they play a board game? Or they continue chatting with Ghost and male reader, ur pick) but after that the crew stays for the night and Ghost and male reader sleep together.
(Also, small detail, male reader is wearing a sweater and sweatpants)
thank u for your time
This has to be one of the cutest requests I've had in a while! Ngl. The barbie doll part honestly took me out.
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Finally winter break in task force 141 arrived. It's one of the few times they get off for holidays and to be with family.
So the team made a tradition. The first day of the break everyone takes turns to take the team to their home for dinner, since it maybe the last time they'll see each other in a while.
This time around it's Simon's turn.
At first Ghost didn't want to be the host. He didn't want the team all up in his personal business. Simon already had an excuse in mind as to why he couldn't host, but sadly his husband found out about the tradition and begged Ghost to meet them.
But the cold hearted man said no at first, but his husband had convinced him to host.
So this leads into now.
Ghost was driving to his house with Price in the passenger seat while the others were in the backseats. The car was blasted with loud music because of Gaz. and conversation.
"Hey Simon!--" Soap shouts trying to catch the male attention. But sadly the music went over his words. "Ghooost!~" Gaz drags out as well. The pair try over and over again trying to catch Ghost.
Soap taps Price on his shoulder. Price turns his head to the side looking at Soap. Soap signals with his hands to turn down the radio even using his hand as an example. The captain immediately understands and turns his head back around facing the radio and turning it down.
"Fuckin hell finally. Ghost!" Soap says finally being able to hear himself. Simon hums in response.
"You got anything or anyone at home? Like dogs, cats..." Soap trails off with Gaz finishing the question. "Secret girlfriends?" Ghost lets out a groan and an eye roll.
"No Johnny. I have no one there." Ghost says clearing lying shooting down the question.
The car grows silent with only soft music playing in the background.
"Any kids? Since theres a little barbie back here with brand new packaging." Gaz points out picking up the box. "Don't tell me you play with dolls L.t?" Soap teases with a smirk.
"No. I don't have any kids. And the box is a gift for my husband..." Simon trails off as realization slowly sets in.
Price eyebrow raises looking away from the window and to the soldier next to him. "You liar!" Soap shouts point his finger at Simon. "Husband?" Price repeats looking at Simon. "You like guys!?!" Gaz says looking around wide eyed.
"Fucks sake." Simon says slapping himself mentally.
"Well who is he!?!"
"What is he like??
"What's his job?"
"Does he treat you right?"
"Why didn't you tell us about him!!"
Question after question comes from the group.
"I wanted our marriage to be private. It's none of y'all's business about me and my husband's love life. But i'll only give you a small recap about him, but that's it..." Simon breathes out with his tone full with annoyance.
"His name is Y/n L/n. He's a mute photographer with three barbie dolls he gave their own personalities and background stories with verified social media accountants about what's going on with their lives. Like them traveling the world, their boyfriends, mental health updates and so on. The girls names are (___) (____) and my favorite (___)"
Simon says getting his phone and goes to one of the dolls social media accounts clicking on the newest photo of the girl and shows his team.
The picture is (____) looking outside the window looking for someone while the other girls are trying to confused in the background.
The caption read:
"(____) waiting for her husband to come home from the military."
After everyone sees it Simon takes his phone back and likes the post.
After a few more miles Simon sees his house in a couple more feet away. "Were here." Simon says waking up Gaz. Simon parks the car in the driveway and turns the car off.
Ghost looks in the backseat snatching the brand new toy from Gaz's hands before leaving the car with the team following close behind him.
"Don't make me regret taking y'all here." Ghost breathes out mostly talking about Soap and Gaz.
Before Ghost could unlock the door, the door swings open.
A pair of arms wrap around Ghost's body hugging him tight. Almost causing Simon to fall.
Insistingly Simon wraps his arms around his husband back hugging him tight bringing him closer. "I miss you too..." Simon says into the crook of Y/n's neck.
Y/n is first to pull away before giving Simon a quick kiss on Simon's covered lips. Y/n's head looks over Simon's shoulder looking at the men behind him.
Y/n gives them a bright wave before walking back inside the house.
Soap and Gaz lets out a few giggles thats quickly shushed by Price glaring at them.
"Well don't just keep standin there cmon." Simon groans out walking inside the house leading them into the dinning room.
After Simon gets the team all settled down in the dinning room he walks to the kitchen holding his husband's gift behind his back. "Y/n love, come here." Simon says looking at him.
Y/n turns his head to his husband and stops from what he was doing and walks over to Simon looking at him confused.
"Here. For you and the girls." Simon says showing the brand new barbie to him. Simon watches his husband's eyes become filled with joy and ideas.
Y/n takes the box out of Simon's hands before using his free hand to pull down Simon's mask to kiss him deeply on the lips. Y/n kiss him over and over again as thank yous.
"Your welcome." Simon says against Y/n's lips.
"How about you go show the girls while I take over cooking." Simon suggests.
Y/n doesn't need to get told twice as he goes upstairs to the dolls "personal" room.
After the food was done cooking Y/n and Simon began to serve the team with food and drinks even Deseret. The whole team loved the food. (Even got Gaz asking for seconds)
As everyone is eating and talking about whatever Soap finds something to talk about.
"Where did you two meet." Soap asks looking at Ghost and his husband.
"It's pretty boring..." Simon answers trying to shoot down the question. "I bet it's not." Price voice rings out. "Trust me it is." "I don't believe you." Gaz says already planning to ask Y/n if Simon doesn't tell them.
"It's just pretty boring how we met. Nothing fancy or cute just boring." Simon says once again.
As the team begins to argue about wanting to know they don't notice Y/n with one of his dolls and his photography camera posing her at the dinner table taking pictures.
Y/n even got to sneak some pictures of her staring at Price with love in her eyes.
It isn't until a while Simon notices he wasn't paying his husband any attention. Simon looks to the left of him to only get met with a doll in his husband's seat looking at price.
"Y/n." Simon calls out looking at his husband taking her pictures. Y/n looks away from his camera looking at Simon with a smile.
Finally hours past everyone is ready for bed. Y/n takes each team member to a guest room signing them "goodnight" before finally going to his own room with his husband.
Y/n strips out of his clothes and into one of Simon's shirts and sweats before crawling into the bed.
After a while Simon comes inside the room after washing the dishes. Simon takes off his shirt pants putting on sweats as well before climbing into bed.
Simon wraps his arms around Y/n bringing him close.
"I love you." Simon whispers against Y/n. Y/n kiss Simon on the cheek responding with the same love.
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
I have so many ideas but none of them can be put into words, all I can do is just wheeze as they come along🤣
Also remember how wordy and flowery Teyvat speech/dialogue is? ADD THAT TO THE FACT THAT TEYVAT HAS ITS OWN LANGUAGE---
Reader can understand the basic speech which is why they are so blunt (I love this idea so much 🤣) and can piece together an idea what the person is talking about.
*insert random person talking about a commission with a long ass backstory*
Traveller & Co.: *understands completely and making plans to retrieve said commission*
C!Reader: (They said they had a cart.... a bunch of hilichurls appeared... dancing?.... they want us to dance fight the hilichurls???? Dance off???)
Actual story->The person's cart got ambushed by a group of hilichurls and taunted them by dancing around it.
....... it doesnt always translate well
Also imagine Reader heaeing random names and overthinks it as a word instead of a name.
Example: Pantalone means pants in Philippine English (sorry not sorry Pantalone)
Tsaritsa??? Oh do they speak russian there??? - reader
Capitano -> captain in some countries
(I once mistake Sandrone as Sandalone and I just went "... ehh??? Standalone? Sandalone as in Sand Alone???? Sandal (Flip flops)????
Oh wait its Sandrone" ".... as in Sand and Drone??--)
-Vine Boom
Gif is me writing u anything ever:
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Man theyre written language looks so scary to learn, kinda like when I looked into trying to learn Mandarin/Japanese (and even Korean), the letters r just inherently so different i was so intimidated
And u dont even read it like left -> right like English
Omg i tried to reply to a arabic comment on my art post once, and i felt so acommplished when i finally was able to type "اشكرك (thanks)" but like, i had to put it on the OTHER SIDE OF THE TEXT BOX, LIKE ALIGN IT TO THE RIGHT INSTEAD OF HOW U KNOW ENGLISH IS INHERENTLY ALIGNED LEFT, IT WAS SO TRIPPY-
Going thru genshin life only understanding minimal words of anything anyone says is honestly how i feel like ive been playing Genshin LMAO
Those analysis videos/lore are saving a bitch's life out here
That would literally be you in genshin tho, like i could easily see it being like, back to back misunderstandings 😭😭
Like u think u got it right (Oh so his name is Rex Lapis, wait what? Morax? Ok his name is Morax...?? What??? Zhongli??? WHO IS THIS MAN-)
JFC first they gotta have a whole different language (like u saw in game)
No... just, no.
U quickly decide u like what little bits of language u could pick up so far, which just results in,
U guessed it, simple speech and short fragmented sentences (or broken Teyvatian)
U cant even bring urself to care when u give half the characters a heart attack and send the rest into laughing fits
No fucks given, they wanna make this extra hard on u by being wordy on top of a new language,
Yeah u dont care what comes out of ur mouth anymore
Also, since everybody is raised in Teyvat very few ppl dont know the language, which once again brings us back to ancient/older deities/creatures who have a more simplistic version/outdated version of modern language
Omg getting stuff mistranslated bc u cant understand it all/only keywords sounds like hell but also rlly funny
Traveler/Paimon: "Alright, yes, all is well. We will accept this comission, and depart soon."
You: "...they want us to?? Dance fight?? Hilichurls...???"
Traveler just stares at u half in pity, half trying to hide their amused smile, Paimon is giggling
The commissioner is shook bc a supposed ancient creature?? Just accepted?? Their simple commission?? And u think they want u to dance battle???
Signora: "You shall rue the day you crossed the Fatui mortals!"
You: "Lady we don't care, just fight us."
(Signora just means 'Lady')
Signora: *offended gasp*
Traveler/Paimon trying to stifle laughter
Raiden Shogun jaw dropped a little
Pantalone: "What a pleasure to finally meet you traveler, and thine wonderful companions!" *little bastard smile*
You: "And it was awful to meet you, Pants."
Oh its so funny, everytime you talk about Childe you always phrase it like he's an actual child bc u thought everyone was just calling him a little kid for some reason (u dont know how Teyvat ages work, he could be for all you know!)
Not very long, but Vine Boom anon your brain >>>>
Ur ideas r so on point, i love them sm
That makes perfect sense why u could be talking blunt too, like an in world explanation really
For you, all the desserts🥰 🤲🍪🍨🍰🍮🧋🍦🍡
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dirtywrestling · 2 months
Road Trips Can Be Boring... Sometimes - Brock Lesnar (18+)
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Commission: @ladydawningfox
Pairing: Brock Lesnar x  Anberlin
Summary: Anberlin is a bit board during this long car ride to the next Raw. She spices things up by giving Brock roadhead.
Warnings: 18+, Blowjob/Roadhead, Sex in a car, Semi Public Sex/Parking Garage, Unprotected Sex, Minors DNI
Word Count: 1,522
Follow My Backup Blog!: @dirtywresling102
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I looked out the window as my husband and I drove down the highway to the next city for Raw. Music was lightly playing out of the speakers in the background as I rested my elbow on the arm rest humming softly along to Thank U, Next by Ariana Grande. Car rides like this were fun but sometimes it was also tiring. The traffic, road rage, detours because of construction was just all too much. Luckily this trip wasn’t that much of a disaster. Just a few stops for bathroom breaks, a quick snack or filling up the gas tank. Sadly, this trip was so boring.
Hours and hours of just driving, my ass was numb and my phone grew boring and dull everytime I went on it. “I’m bored.” I whined, looking over at my husband who was behind the wheel, paying attention to the road. Dark circles around his eyes as he stared off into the distance of the highway.
“Play a game on your phone.” He grunted out, exhaustion hitting him.
“But my phone is almost dead.” I pouted. Brock reached towards the cup holders, grabbing a black Iphone charger and holding it up. Huffing, I snatched the cord away from him and plugged it to the bottom of my phone. The green battery popped up on my screen, despite it only being at 80% I just wanted to do something.
Looking back over at Brock, he was tense and uncomfortable in the seat, leaning over the steering wheel as he drove and also looked for danger ahead. Just in case animals of the night decided to dart out in front of us, he was on high alert. Then again, driving for hours straight would make anyone uncomfortable and cranky. Reaching over I placed my hand on Brock’s inner thigh, massaging it. The car slightly swerved. “What the hell are you doing?” Brock sucked in a breath, looking over at me in the corner of his eye while still trying to watch the road.
“What? I’m trying to make you relax.” I smiled sweetly, slowly going up his thigh and cupping his growing bulge. “Have you been this hard this whole time?” I giggled. “No wonder why you’re cranky, being hard with no release.” I purred.
“Anberlin.” Brock warned, the car slightly swerving side to side in the lane. A few cars that passed us honked, some people even flipped him off. “Sorry, sorry.” He waved to them, smiling shyly with red cheeks, like it even mattered. It was way too dark for those other drivers to notice Brock’s apologies. 
Unbuckling myself from the seat belt I leaned over, my lips attached to his neck, giving light peppered kisses. My hand massages his growing cock. “I’m just trying to have fun.” I whispered in his ear, nibbling his earlobe.
“By teasing me?” Brock gripped onto the 
“Yes.” I giggled, darting my tongue out, I slowly trailed it up his neck.
“Are you trying to kill us?” Brock held onto the steering wheel tightly, trying to focus on being in the middle of his lane.
Laughing softly, I grabbed the zipper to his pants, pulling it down. Pushing his jeans down his mid thigh I pulled back his boxers, watching his hard cock spring upwards. “Hmm, somebody is hard.” I gripped the base of his cock, giving it a light squeeze.
“Anberlin, please, stop.” Brock begged.
“Do you really want me to stop?” My movements didn’t stop as I moved my hand upwards, pre-come oozing out of his tip, collecting it I dragged my hand down his cock using his pre-come as a lube. I repeated my actions, slowly moving my hand upwards and bringing it back down.
“N- No.” Brock shuttered out, his voice barely a whisper. He tossed his head back, biting his bottom lip. 
“I didn’t think so.” Leaning over a bit more, I leaned over the center console, placing the tip of his cock in between my lip, lightly sucking. I started to slowly bob my head up and down, taking inch by inch. Brock gritted his teeth, gripping the steering wheel until his knuckles turned white, giving his hips a few bucks, trying to get his cock to go deeper down my throat.
“Fuck, Anberlin. You feel so good.” Brock moaned, his eyes trying to stay open and not flutter shut from the pleasure. Humming around his cock every time I took him down my throat, I could feel his length twitch. “Fuck, I’m not going to last.”
Sucking on his cock and bobbing my head faster I felt a warm liquid hit the back of my throat, almost choking. I tried to pull myself off of his cock to breathe but Brock had other plans. He grabbed the back of my head, forcing me to swallow every last drop. Once he let go of me, I pulled away, gasping for air. My lips were swollen red with drool and come around my mouth and my cheeks flushed. Brock was breathing heavily as he relaxed more into the leather seat.
Grabbing some napkins from the glove department I started to clean myself up. Color started to come back to my face and my lips went back to their normal shade of pink.
Brock pulled up into the parking garage that was connected to the arena where Brock would be entertaining tonight. He placed the car in park, not saying a word. “Alright, let’s get ready for Raw.” I giggled, pulling on the handle but the door didn’t budge. Looking to see that it was still locked. “Babe, what are you doing?” I asked, frowning. I grew concerned that I went too far with the whole teasing thing and now he was mad.
“Get undressed.”
“What?” I laughed.
“Get undressed. Now.” Brock demanded, my smile gone in an instant. I slowly took off my shirt, kicking off my shoes.
“Somebody could see me.” I said, looking around the parking garage making sure nobody was around.
“You should have thought about that before you gave me head when I was trying to focus on driving, now come here.”
I shimmied out of my jeans and crawled over to his seat, straddling his lap. Brock grabbed my panties and ripped the fabric apart. “Brock!” I gasped.
“I’ll buy you a new pair.” He growled, his nails digging into my waist. “Now, you’re going to take my cock like a good girl or else.” Pushing his hips upward, his cock was already hard once more, the tip of his penis nuding up against my aching pussy.
“Or else what.” I taunted, just to see what he would do.
An animalistic growl left Brock’s lips, he slammed my waist down, his cock entering my pussy with one thrust. “A- Ah!” I cried out, gripping at his shoulders, clawing at his flesh. “Mother fucker!” I sobbed, the stretching yet pleasurable burn expanded between my thighs.
“Now, I told you to be a good girl,” Brock grunted, jerking his hips upwards. “And what do you do? You suck my cock off while I’m driving, testing and teasing me, that’s a very dangerous little girl.” Brock grunted as he helped me bounce on his cock at a steady pace. He wasn’t going to let me slow down anytime soon or get used to the size of his cock.
“I’m- I’m sorry.” I choked out an apology as his cock was entering and exiting me at a butal pace.
“It’s too late for that.” Brock’s left hand gripped my ass, giving it a sharp smack. “You should have behaved during this road trip and I would’ve given you a reward.”
I reached for the grab handle on the ceiling, gripping it tightly as Brock kept slamming me down on his cock, using me like some fuck toy. “I’m going to come.” I panted, tossing my head back when the pad of his thumb touched my sensitive clit.
“Are you going to come for me, little girl?” Brock grunted, pounding his cock up my pussy. His cock throbbed inside of me.
“Yes, yes please sir, please let me come.” I begged, my knuckles turning white, my left hand still gripping at his shoulder, nails digging into his flesh.
“Come, come for me.” Brock moans, tossing his head back on the headrest of the seat. His death grip on my waist was going to leave bruises the next day but I didn’t care.
Reaching my climax, my eyes rolled in the back of my head, come gushing down Brock’s cock and to his balls.. Brock’s hot come exploded into my pussy. Both of us were breathing heavily, trying to catch our breath. “Holy fuck.” I moaned softly, resting my forehead against his strong shoulders.
“Yeah.” He growled lowly. “You better behave in the future.” Brock’s hand came down on my ass once more.
“Or else we’ll have hot car sex?” I asked with a smirk on my lips. “I don’t know, I might misbehave next time.” If this were to happen again from my actions then I totally was going to misbehave to do this again.
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Brock Lesnar's Masterlist
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alexis-royce · 11 months
i hope this isn’t a terribly invasive question but i toottally understand if it is and in that case im really sorry but i don’t know who else to ask so i’ll just go ahead w it: how do u support urself while doing stuff creatively ?? i admire a lot of your work (your fics and ur games — i loved serialized killer i played it like ten times xD both the art and the writing 🤌🏾🤌🏾) and i’d love to be able to do the stuff you do in the future, but i’m honestly terrified of the ‘starving artist’ thing :,D
Hey there! It's an okay question, and truth be told, I used to try to be really encouraging to people, because I want to see a lot of fun and small art. But as I get older, I want to try to be honest about it all, too.
Going to college wasn't especially helpful. Five years post-college, I was lucky to make the switch to full-time art.
Currently, my income comes from a mixture of conventions, Patreon, commissions, and game sales. I also live with my spouse Tsushi, who covers half the bills, and we don't live in a major city or expensive area. We planned a lot of stuff to keep our cost of living on the dirt cheap side.
Right now, I wouldn't say that I'm barely scraping by. Lots of people have it way, way worse than us, and I wouldn't be able to do this without favors and help from friends and family. But I do know that I'm overworked to an unhealthy extent, I haven't taken a real vacation in years, and if I stop overworking, I will lose the momentum that I currently have. Actually, switching to visual novels instead of webcomics WAS me trying to take care of myself.
I would highly advise that you enjoy your art as a hobby. It doesn't have to be a permanent decision! Building up a portfolio or an itch page is something that takes time, and that's how you'll find an audience. Even if you could drop twelve showstopper games in a weekend, it would likely take a while for those games to percolate through the community. I know it's not what you want to hear. But trust me: I've hung out socially with lots of folks who range from middling to INTENSELY popular, and overnight mainstream success is horrible for a person's soul, especially if it happens to you in your 20s.
I'm not starving, but I do eat a lot of bulk rice in my diet. XD I'm not living in squalor, but I miss when I could afford to go to GenCon. If my gamble on the VNs doesn't work, I might just end up picking up a day job of my own and having to spend nights working on stuff again, instead. Nothing's really certain. But for now, I'm doing the best that I can with the games and stories I can tell, and I'm deeply grateful for the patrons who keep my weird little raft afloat.
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amelias-art · 1 year
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my name's amelia (she/they) and i draw and make music sometimes! my main is @chaoscontrolled123, but i do miss having a separate art blog so here i go again lol
my commissions are open [HERE]!
more info under the cut
OC stuff i may post about:
Dreadnought Despair (extremely on hiatus rn) - a multimedia murder mystery fic inspired by danganronpa! it can be read [HERE]
Swear 'Em & Ferrum - an ironsworn campaign i play with my friend roadie! our elaborate campaign wiki can be found [HERE], and you can listen to the songs(!) i've written for it [HERE]!
Dangan Infinity - an upcoming infinity train x danganronpa forum RP i'm doing art for (as well as playing a mod OC!) check it out [HERE], apps are still open for another couple weeks!
JJBA: Sunset Hyperdrive - the "story" in which all my jjba OCs exist, a wacky road trip/battle of the bands set in the 2010s southwestern US! i dont plan to ever write it it's just an excuse for character designs
i have a vast assortment of pathfinder/ttrpg characters too! and one of these days i will do a game jam
a non-exhaustive list of things i make fanart for (tagged as written unless otherwise specified):
friends' OCs (#others ocs)
sailor moon
anime murder mystery games (#ace attorney, #zero escape, #danganronpa, #ghost trick, etc etc)
jjba (i tag by the english name for each part in case you need to block for spoilers)
vocal synths (mostly #synthesizer v)
i also make weird covers and original songs using synthesizer V! i have too many voicebanks but my favorites are asterian, kevin, and anri! my genre is Whatever I Feel Like but tends towards jazz and experimental. in addition to soundcloud i'm working on getting a youtube channel going
commissions are not officially open until i get meds sorted out, but if you have a request or want RP sprites or something feel free to ask! im not super online and im picky with asks i answer publicly but i try to read em all!
i CW using the #___ cw format, and the most common ones that'll crop up in my art are eyestrain, blood, and body horror!
ok thats all i got thank u for reading 💜💜 i'll be queuing up stuff this week!
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kodev · 2 years
I don't mean to be a bother but I was wondering how you got into game development (like coding and stuff). It's something I've always wanted to do, but I have no idea where to start ^_^' (feel free to ignore this ask of course)
AHH Of course I would love to help... err I'm actually very bad at playing video games which is sort of hilarious in context but I love rpgs of all kinds with my whole heart and I grew up around software development so I also got exposed to that side fairly early on. Um.. TBH I also kick my feet a lot about gamedevelopment but for where to start I have a few suggestions in no particular order:
Join a gamejam These will usually have themes (easy inspiration) or challenges, a deadline (gets your ass moving to actaully do something), and discord communities full of people willing to help you with anything pretty much! A lot of them are hosted in itch.
If you already have an idea For me I like to draw up a list of things that I personally like in video games I've played, and then try to see where I can expand on them. From there, I see which game engine would support me the best. It is possible to make an entire game without actually coding anything (RPGMAKER is pretty good for this, and I know some other ones support block coding), but I really recommend picking up some knowledge of coding if youre able! From there, I usually come up with characters, diagram interactions, and try to come up with a timeline of events.. If you're having trouble with this, I usually bounce my ideas off of a friend and get feed back and have a fun little ideajam which helps me to get moving again.
Some helpful links/things I like: Aseprite is good for pixel art/animation Not too experienced on the music side, but I know there are a lot of free music places out there! My rpgmaker masterpost has some included :) And u can always commission music artists! For writing... I've tried out Bibisco, Scrivener, Google Docs, etc... But I think as of the moment I like Fortelling the best :) For learning how to code: I will never stop recommending Codecademy if you're able to pay, but there are a lot of videos on youtube on practically every game engine-y thing you may desire! This is a good masterpost for unity-related stuff, but i recently found out that Unity also like donated a crapton of money to the US Military so I've been trying to adjust to unreal instead lol.. This is a good rpgmaker post! And this is a good general gamedev post if you haven't seen it already
And my final piece of advice is to play a lot of indie games! I spend a lot of time just browsing on itch and then playing different games I come across. Not all of them are amazing, but all of them do inform my direction on indie gamedev in some way or another
There's a lot of free resources on the net I can link you to if you need help with music or coding or game engine advice... but best of luck! And i hope this was helpful :)
feel free to ask me anything else!
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katestardew · 1 year
hi there!! really sorry to bother you, but I was just wondering if you had any knowledge on playing Stardew on a steamdeck?? I bought a steamdeck solely bc I’ve always preferred handheld gaming and I wanted to be able to play modded Stardew but Im having a lot of trouble getting the mods into the game and am not sure what Im doing wrong :(
I’ve tried youtube tutorials, tried asking reddit, and the general consensus is I’d need a “basic knowledge of modding” to do this but this is quite literally the only game I have any intention of modding bc of the amount it can enhance a game I already adore
I really am not smart enough to understand what’s gone wrong or what to do, do you know if there’s any way for someone to mod the game and send it to me somehow??
just completely at a loss and utterly desperate so if there is any advice you could give it would really mean the world
again, Im terribly sorry to be a bother and really hope you’re having a lovely day. if you’d rather not reply to this then I completely understand, thanks so much for reading ♡
hello! you're not a bother dw, although i am quite busy nowadays due to school + art commissions, i can answer whenever someone needs help 💗
unfortunately, i havent really tried steamdeck or any of those handheld consoles for pc games now, i've always liked playing on pc / laptop because of the variety of options. i'm not entirely sure how that works, the storage and stuff would differ. is smapi really compatible with that? ive noticed how smapi can only work on either windows, mac etc. so maybe the software thingy on steamdeck is different.
i can assume you tried to place appropriate mods in the "mods folder" of the device and if it still hasnt worked, maybe it could be incompatible as of right now?? im not really sure. maybe it has similar functionality as how stardew valley works for mobile players??? maybe they could help (i dont rlly play sdv on mobile i'm sorry :c)
i still want to try it out bc that device seems interesting to have and maybe i could figure out a way. you can dm if youd like so i could see how steamdeck works. and maybe i could have a few ideas u can try. 💓 i'll do what i can. hopefully u can make it work !! and maybe we can get exclusive sdv mods and stuff just for steamdeck if ever. thank you!
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havethetouch · 1 year
Art Boundaries / FAQ
Figured I write something up quickly as reminder & for anyone previously unaware:
Fanart: ask me first please
Might seem odd, but I have some reservations on surprises out of the blue so I generally like to be asked first, I also have some characters that are more private. Mutuals as in, we follow each other, talk and therefore are familiar with one another do not need to ask cause you folks won't stress me out with that. (or you know, if you have access to the site were I keep all my characters and info stored that's a real good indicator too were you fall on that scale) Characters I submit during Artfight are obviously fair game for all during the duration of Artfight.
Nsfw art: only friends, conversation needed
I have specific boundaries and reservations here so I rather keep nsfw related stuff to people I know well and only after talking about it. And i really mean nsfw art; artistic nudity without bits does not count here, or pinups or something equally tame like nah I'm talking about really sexual stuff. (see and this is why convos are needed to clarify this more)
My sona Tangeris is off limits in general I might draw them like that but I do not want others to do so. Ever. My sona Phoenix has currenty one person that can draw her nsfw, that's it.
Art Trades: yes
If I'm open feel free to hit me up, I don't care about were you are in your artistic journey as long as I see you put effort in your part, that's all I'm asking.
Art Fight: yeah
Feel free to hit me up I always try to revenge and so far made it (almost) always on time. If I don't I will hit you up next year or do runner ups. As with the art trades I don't care which level just about visible effort put in.
Commissions: yes
I do them and buy them. I make announcements when I'm open (though I can always be asked about them) and hunt you down if you are and I have the cash.
Collabs: mutuals
Hit me up if you wanna do one xd
Gifts: u don't ask about those
I just throw them.
Raffles: when announced
Might do those once or twice a year if I have the time and space for it. Free for all to play along who can read rules and adhere to them. Base minimum is that these are for supporters not quick follow unfollow type of people or raffle accounts and yes, I do check these things.
Requests: when announced
I frequently offer opportunities for some free art - mostly if I need to warm up for bigger pieces or if i feel like drawing someone else or I am really into a new type/way of drawing (like my dual tones, or mono metallics) - don't be shy about asking, but only ask me when I offer, not out of the blue I am rather allergic about that.
If I made art for you:
I only upload fully watermarked files and if you wish to repost I expect you to use this web version.
You can have one with only my handprint logo on it though (without the additional wm's like the second name/date watermark & others) for private use, just ask.
I have two upload sizes, twitter and artfol get a smaller res, Tumblr and Furaffinity get the bigger versions - keep that in mind if you wanna save them from there.
Oh and if you loose the files due to hardware problems or whatever you can always ask me again for them I keep my files triple saved so bar higher intervention I should always have a copy at hand and if I still have the original I could always rescan the piece.
I am totally down for sending over orignals, as my art really comes across better irl and many details don't scann well, especially if I use metallics. If you want insured mail (which costs more than regular) I just kindly ask you to take over the costs.
That is all on the top of my head for now I pin this and might add revisions as needed if specific questions or whatever comes up.
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welcometomy20s · 2 years
July 17, 2022
#473 - Umitagari (MARETU) [Hatsune Miku]
Achievement Date: 19-04-01, Upload Date: 15-05-02
Originally translated as disillusioned, because that’s what the song is about. Being disillusioned… and wanting to bear something, like a baby, which is what the title actually means. In terms of MARETU songs, this is par for the course. 
#474 - Positive Dance Time (Kinoshita) [Otomachi Una, Kagamine Rin]
Achievement Date: 19-04-04, Upload Date: 17-10-12
Probably the song that most people think of for Kinoshita? Astoundingly positive and poppy, the song is heavily inspiring and romantic with that ‘shall we dance’ leitmotif. There is something about Kinoshita that makes it want to sing but hard to cover. 
#U-5 - Migi ni Ma Girl (harufuri) [Kasane Teto]
Achievement Date: 19-04-04, Upload Date: 15-01-04
Also known as Girlving to the Right… but that’s so awkward of a name. Harufuri makes nice rock ditties, although the intro to this is odd and long. Teto sounds quite artificial here, which is interesting considering its versatility that is Teto’s strength.
#475 - Violence Trigger (HachiojiP) [Hatsune Miku]
Achievement Date: 19-04-06, Upload Date: 18-12-23
Another COMPASS song. Tuning is more squeaky than his usual tuning, and he goes hard into his commission songs like his latest commission for ProSeca, and honestly I think he goes a bit too hard. Even the lyrics goes too hard, but not in a disturbing way.
#476 - Clockwork Girl (Drop) [Hatsune Miku]
Achievement Date: 19-04-08, Upload Date: 18-12-09
Again, another COMPASS song. Drop has some good songs, but I believe they are mostly rhythm games or Touhou songs, because the duo (Drop did the music, Hatsuki Yura did the lyrics) has only one song here. Well, it does its job.
#477 - If you don't play this song a million times, I'll die! (Tamao) [Hatsune Miku]
Achievement Date: 19-04-09, Upload Date: 17-12-31
One of two songs brought on this list after the death of wowaka, and you can see why this song got on the list. The song itself is perfectly decent, lyrics are what it says on the tin, so there’s nothing to write about. I’m surprised this has a YouTube version.
#478 - Strobe Last (Shiina Mota) [Hatsune Miku]
Achievement Date: 19-04-09, Upload Date: 11-01-20
Another ‘tribute’ to someone who left before wowaka, and second from the deceased producer. Part of the Strobe series, which are four versions of the same song which evolved with him (the last version will hit the list soon). This is the stripped, tricked-out version. The refined and varied instrumentation is what sells this song. 
#479 - Like-Love Climaxitis (Denpol-P) [GUMI]
Achievement Date: 19-04-10, Upload Date: 14-02-13
Koyori’s rock-based love song once again shows up here. The song combines the rock swing beat with a hint of melancholy which Denpol-P is known for. Song is basically about jealousy, kind of a one-sided love thing? It’s what it is.
#480 - Imagination Forest (Jin) [IA]
Achievement Date: 19-04-12, Upload Date: 12-05-19
I believe this is the… I don’t even know what it is. There’s like three versions, okay?!
#481 - Toki Wasure Bito (Shigotoshite-P) [KAITO]
Achievement Date: 19-04-13, Upload Date: 09-04-27
KAITO at its most melodramatic as he is about to die. He dies a lot in his songs, doesn’t he? Almost as much as Len… KAITO’s emotion comes in full here, and he needs it. Why do all KAITO songs sound the same? There’s no variation for him. 
#482 - I Don't Care Who, Somebody Go Out with Me (Takkyu Shounen) [Kagamine Len]
Achievement Date: 19-04-14, Upload Date: 12-12-01
Len at its most pathetic. I love it. It’s one of the shorter songs on this list, although it packs quite a punch. I just love all the VOCALOID characters on the PV and well, all the variations are cool to see as well, and easy since this is very short.
#483 - Theater Love Song (n-buna) [SF-A2 miki]
Achievement Date: 19-04-15, Upload Date: 15-02-23
Miki finally makes it onto this list, with one of the more prolific miki producers, n-buna. Miki has a light voice which really fits n-buna and you can see where MikitoP comes from, yes that’s what the name is for. I’m just kind of sad that miki is not popular because honestly miku n-buna can get grating at times. And miki actually seems to sing about something instead of the abstraction of Miku n-buna songs. Maybe it’s just me.
#484 - I-ya, I-ya, I-ya (Neru, z’5) [Kagamine Rin, Len]
Achievement Date: 19-04-15, Upload Date: 17-11-10
Neru continues his funk phase with this groovy song with lyrics about wanting off oneself… well, more about not getting anywhere in life. The infectious melody and glorious use of trumpet amply mask this very depressing and relatable song.
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sennamybeloved · 2 years
for the acrostic ask game, how about sour belt! - @dragonfruitcore
thanks so much!!!!
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S - Story - if you and them were in a fairytale, which story would you be and who would play which character?
i’m unsure whether or not this question is asking me to cast us as characters in a pre-existing fairytale (ex: romeo and juliet) or to make one of my own, but i’m gonna go with the latter because it’s easier for me.
i have been very attached to the idea of dragon!sour belt for a LONG time, so the first thing this prompt makes me think of is a spin on the “damsel in distress locked in a tower guarded by a dragon and a knight in shining armor comes to save her” trope, except sour belt is cast as both the dragon AND the knight! i’m kinda blanking on the story, but i’ve always imagined that in stories like these, the dragon isn’t guarding the princess but instead the land surrounding the tower; it’s home. the princess is just snuck past the dragon and placed into the tower at one point or another. so, i suppose, upon noticing that i have been imprisoned in her front yard essentially, sour belt sets me free and takes me under her wing (literally), making her my super cool dragon girlfriend!!!
O - Online - what is your f/o’s social media presence like, or what would it be like if they had internet in their world/era?
sour belt uses social media to promote her brand. he posts pictures of clothes, popular models wearing her clothes, pictures of runway events, etc etc. she doesn’t really have any “personal” accounts, maybe just a burner or two to keep up with me lol. but typically, she follows/interacts with her friends using the official acid account, which… causes a lot of confusion.
U - Uplift - how do they help you when you’re stressed or sad and vice versa?
she is the KING of helping me when i get emo about my physical appearance. i mention feeling unattractive once and she’s like “makeover? you want a makeover? you’re super beautiful babe don’t ever forget that but do you want a makeover???” and usually the answer is yes lol. trying on outfits she tailored specifically for me is a HUGE pick me up. she behaves similarly when the stress is more internal, believing wholeheartedly that how you feel on the outside affects how you feel on the inside (which… true!). either that, or she just sits beside me until i feel better, providing comfort and assistance when i need it.
as for vice versa, i usually have to pull her away from her work to keep her from popping a blood vessel. i sometimes take over for her while she rests, which is such an honor tbh—she barely let me do anything when i first became her intern, and now she straight up lets me do commissions for her lmao. she rarely ever gets upset over things that aren’t related to work, but when she does, my go-to is a movie night with lots of snacks and lots of cuddles. works literally every time!
R - Rainbow - what colors do you associate with them and why?
green, blue and red! it’s her main color scheme (minus black) and whenever i see them combo’d anywhere i’m like “:0!! WIFE!!!! WIFFEEEEE”
B - Before - before you decided to make them your F/O, what did you first think of them/their source?
well, i’ve always adored cookie run. it has such a simple but adorable gimmick, with surprisingly good character design and storytelling. what’s not to love? i used to play ovenbreak a LOT back in 2018, and i was just getting into kingdom when super fashion week dropped. i remember seeing her trailer all over tiktok, tumblr and youtube and being like wow……wow. her shear beauty convinced me to play ovenbreak again. powerful as fuck.
E - Emotion - is your f/o open with their feelings or do they keep them close to their chest?
pretty open, i’d say. she’s a huge flirt with lots of charisma—she just too caught up in her own little world to make the first move. but she made the first move with me. cause i’m special /j
L - Language - what’s their love language? what’s yours?
hhgg…hers is probably asks of service?? and i have no idea what mine could be. probably words of affirmation, maybe physical touch???
T - Teach - what skills of theirs would they teach you? what would you teach them?
well, she taught me how to sew. she also taught me outfit/costume design and bits of color theory. i taught her how to draw a little bit better.
also, this wasn’t really the question, but we learned to dance together! well,,”learned” is a bit of a strong word. we both still suck total ass. but it’s fun!!
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Chapter Twenty One: Quidam Pt. 5
“What did Freddy and I just say moments ago to you?” Lust narrowed her eyes right at Envy who just sat on that chair.
 “I heard, I just simply didn’t agree with it, especially Face Fur.” Envy grumbled a bit from the wooden chair of discomfort.
 “Goddamn it, fine, have it your way, but I’m having Gluttony watch over you if you’re going to play this game.” Lust motioned for Gluttony to enter the room, surprised by suddenly having a responsibility role. “What? I’m the eldest homunculus in this household, I get to make the calls!” Envy protested as Gluttony made himself at home to babysit Envy for a change. “Exactly, you’re too old that Gluttony has to take care of you from doing age old stubborn shit you’ve grown accustomed to. Gluttony, watch Envy, I’m going to be talking to Greed about what the next plan is going to be.” Lust looked as though she was ready to start growing white hairs from the stress of juggling the immature elderly homunculus and the fact a new plan had to be redrawn with Greed of all people.
 “I want to be part of the plan making!” Envy demanded upon hearing that little news flash. “Too fucking bad, you had your chance and compromised everything when you decided to go solo. We’re not risking another set back just because you seem to think you’re invincible.” Lust snapped, she was done playing around with something so delicate as Envy finally broke down.
 “I’m sorry, I’m sorry I went after Dante alone, I’m sorry I put Dolly in danger, and I’m sorry I ruined everything! Lust, I messed up, that is entirely on me and I had time to finally think about this while I wasn’t entirely myself..” Envy’s sight became blurry as something wet dripped onto their webbed hands, Envy’s very first tears in ages.
 “Envy…you actually said sorry…you said sorry..” Lust stood in shock at the doorway, amazed that Envy had actually said sorry for once without being an asshole about it. “I know and I feel like vomiting because of it! I EVEN HAVE THIS WET SHIT COMING OUT OF MY EYES RIGHT NOW!” Envy started having their first open emotional breakdown as the tears came streaming down their face. “No, Envy that’s a good thing! You’ve finally acknowledged things you’ve done wrong and finally feel bad about it! You’re emotionally growing up!” Lust walked over to Envy to comfort them, thrilled that this horrible ancient gremlin with a Peter Pan complex was finally emotionally maturing for a change. “Emotionally growing up sucks ass! I FEEL SO WRONG RIGHT NOW!” Envy wailed as they held onto Lust for emotional support, Gluttony just watching this all unfold in silence before wandering out of the room for a moment. “It’s alright Envy, just cry it all out, let that emotion run its course.” Lust kept her voice calm and soft as Envy continued spilling every pent up emotion they had. “Crying makes my face look disgusting, oh my god!” Envy went to cover their horrific reptile human hybrid face when Gluttony returned with the paper roll for Envy to use. The tears and snot was plenty as Envy sped through the paper rolls, these bothersome new emotional breakthroughs were nauseating for them to say the very least. Gluttony debated a bit about getting more paper rolls for Envy before being stopped by Lust. Envy needed their two found family members plus Ernest and Dorian with them since Dolly was out of commission still. It would’ve been considered a very beautiful moment had Envy been less freaked out about actually expressing emotions and the rapid approach of Greed. It took a bit longer than Greed had liked to wait for planning, thus up the stairs he went to see what was happening. “Holy shit Envy, you’re actually an ugly crier!” Greed announced in shock upon seeing Envy cry for the first time since knowing them. “Oh fuck off Greed! I WANT TO BE CUTE AGAIN!” Envy started to cry harder upon hearing that dreaded ‘U’ word in reference to themself.
 “Hey buddy it’s cool to be an ugly crier! Sexy crying is overrated and is frankly really gross anyways!” Greed attempted at the fine art of reassurance to only get the stare down from Lust.
 “Greed, Envy is finally expressing their emotions in a healthy fashion and you just walked in to say that?!” Lust was back to juggle the circus known as the homunculi.
 “Well it’s true, sexy crying is gross and creepy, like that ain’t normal.” Greed shrugged, missing the point entirely as he pulled up a seat to enjoy this rare event.
 “Oh great, that’s just great, I got an audience! Why don’t you start selling tickets while you’re at it!?” Envy was very much ready to attempt what the Ouroboros symbol is depicted doing and just consume themself to non-existence to avoid such a spectacle. 
 “That wasn’t what I meant Greed and now Envy is getting self conscious from this.” Lust went back to consoling Envy right away, Greed still enjoying the show.  
 As Greed shrugged once more, not really caring that Envy got called out for being an ugly crier, Ernest and Dorian turned their attention back to the unconscious Dolly as they devoured more of the junk food to replenish their masses to continue the task of jumpstarting the eldritch being. The heavy sounds of crying was the musical undertone to Dolly’s slumber as the two lions kneaded their clay into Dolly’s skin as though they were making biscuits. As the clay absorbed Dolly's body, one had to wonder what exactly was dreaming at this point, perhaps a complete anarchist uprising to overthrow the current government or simpler days of her childhood? 
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midmodmar · 2 years
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UPA Commission for @the-laridian ! Such a great concept to get to draw! 💙
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mod-casey · 2 years
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HOW HE'D MEET YOU ! arataki itto x male reader
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notes: reader is a dude bcuz im a gay man that likes itto and theres not enough male readers so fuck u ill do it myself ig 😈 also this isnt proof read, eng isnt my first language, and i did this in like 2 hours pls dont kill me lmao 💀 OH AND THIS ISNT A STORY, ITS A STORY IN HEADCANON FORM 😭 i legitimately suck at writing stories in story form so have this half assed thing instead 😓
warnings: cursing, blood, injuries & violence. (but its all very brief, not detailed, and not severe so dw)
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arataki itto doesnt actually have a label for himself. hes never felt the need to do so, he just likes who he likes without much of a reason. if someone were to ask him which way he swings, he says: "i swing whichever way the wind will blow me to!"
you guys met through pure chance, and it was super cliche. as you were walking through the bustling streets of inazuma city after the disbanding of the vision hunt decree. he was also nearby, competing with the local children again.
after losing for the tenth time to the same child, he makes a loud groaning noise, which caught your attention (and the attention of everyone in a ten mile radius). while everyone else was looking at him with dislike, you were staring in pure interest, which he noticed.
his eyes widen as he looked at you. there was no way someone being so beautiful was legal, was there? he stared, and stared, and stared and st- "MISTER ITTO! HELLOOOO??"
one of the kids yelled, an annoyed look on his face as he just watched him stare at you for a good few seconds. itto finally snapped out of his trance, with a very clear blush on his face that he poorly tried to hide.
"oh uh- my bad, kid! was just a little tired- kind of spaced off for a little bit- but hey! im back on my A game, so lets go at it again!" he held out his closed fist, offering to play another round of rock, paper, scissors. the child bregudgingly accepted, knowing how this was going to end.
itto was hoping that he would win this time, specifically to impress the cute guy that was behind him. "rock, paper, scissors, shoot-!" the kid and itto chanted synanoumously, then revealed which of the three choices they picked at the shout of the last word.
itto held out a rock, and the young boy choose a paper. "DARN IT!" the oni yelled, once again catching the attention of everyone nearby. an adult all of a sudden snapped at him, condescendingly telling hin to stop bothering everyone, including the local kids.
"...did you really have to go and fight him?" you spoke as you patched up his wounds, caused by the tenryou commission trying to calm down the quirrel between the adult and itto. after they confronted the claymore user, he instantly started escalating the fight, straight up insulting them.
"well yeah! if they dare want to challenge arataki "the favorite of the kids" itto, then im gonna give 'em an ass whop- OW!" he winces as you dabble some alcohol solution to his face wound, caused by one of the tenryou guards punching him pretty hard.
"stop being a big baby, i've heard the stories of you and your adventures, you'll be fine." you spoke as you examined his wound, throwing away the cotton ball you used to clean his injuries, placing it on the top of the small bundle of blood red cotton balls next to you.
"yikes, thats probably gonna leave a bruise in the morning." you took a sharp breath in from sympathy for him, knowing its gonna hurt for awhile. "man, that sucks. i sleep on that side!" a small pout was put on his face as he complained. "don't worry, its not that bad, just some bruising and a bit of blood. it won't take that long to heal."
after a bit more checking, cleaning and bandaging, you finally stood up to stretch, while itto went to check out what he looked like with all the gauzes around most his wounds. "hm! i kinda like it." itto adjusted his hair a little while looking into his reflection, noticing a few hairs out of place. "kinda gives me the "badass, fighter boy" vibe."
after a long yawn, you looked at him to see what he was talking about. "woah- yeah you're kinda right." you nodded at the sight of your hard work. "right? anyways- sorry that you had to be the one to patch me up. my gang usually does it, but i gave the boys the day to rest since we didn't have anything to do today. my bad!" he gives a little nervous chuckle, shrugging his shoulders.
you smiled at him. "its fine, i don't really mind. i have some experience from needing to heal the other people in my adventure team, so its best i did it." a look of shock was suddenly on the other mans face. "woah- you have an adventure team?" "yup, we do alot of stuff all around teyvat. commissions, important bounties, peoples requests, all that stuff." "cool! if you ever need any help with missions, call my gang up! consider it compensation for the healing." he gave you a cheesy wink, which did make you laugh a bit.
"ill consider it, itto." was all you said, before you realize that your team was probably waiting for you, which made you quickly gather up your (somewhat) used first aid kit. you bid adieu to the oni very quickly, not even waiting for a response before heading back off to inazuma city to find your teammates.
"see you around, pretty boy!" he shouted while he watched you run away from his prephiral vision. it made him a little upset to know he couldn't banter with you anymore, but he knew that he would see you soon.
itto also starts to pack up his things, and head home to the camp his gang was staying at. he was excited to tell them about you, but after a bit of thinking, the oni decided to hold off on it for a little. when he sees you again, he'll definitely be sure to get you as a new recruit for the gang, and introduce you to them by then.
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lavenderwhore444 · 3 years
*cracks knuckles* alright let’s get this started so imagine this toga begs shigaraki to go to the beach but we all know shigaraki will say no but little shiggy here has a HUGE crush on u plus he might get to see u in a swimsuit so he says yes ( not toga trying to hug shigaraki, RIP toga 😔) anyways let’s say you usually wear sweat pants and sweaters like baggy stuff, so shigaraki is excited to see what’s under ur clothes ( pervert shigaraki again 😀) when y’all arrive there shigaraki was basically shaking from excitement he was always interested in u but he was too insecure and was afraid you’ll reject him and find him ugly, and plus u were intimidating as hell your always saying what’s on ur mind even if it destroys someone’s self-esteem anyways shigaraki was wearing some shorts and his sweater ( our baby here is insecure don’t worry we’re gonna fix that😏) as shigaraki was sitting he was disappointed since he didn’t see u yet, *turns on the moto moto song* ur coming out of the water like a sea goddess ur hair is wet u were wearing a Bikini( it can be any swimsuit u do u boo) let’s say shigaraki’s jaw dropped he was drooling as u were coming out u noticed ur boss and ran to him ( do u know those moments were the hot chick runs in slow motion that’s how shigaraki saw u) long story short shigaraki was a stuttering mess and was red as a tomato my dude was starring on ur tits the whole time u were talking ( you had a little crush on ur boss ngl u knew shigaraki liked u back so u were the one who told toga about the beach thing u were planning something 👀) shigaraki accidentally pops a boner home boy wanted to cry from embarrassment of course u noticed it and dragged him a a private place where let’s just fuck his brains out until he’s crying from how good it feels as u were dragging shigaraki was thinking ur going to beat him up or something he was terrified until u pushed him against a wall whispered to him what ur gonna do shigaraki almost fainted, as u trying to take off his sweater he started ti cry he thought u might think he’s ugly and make fun of him ( u were lowkey shocked like 😃what now??) So u decided to kiss every part of his body and tell him how beautiful he and eventually he lets u take it off. I’ll let u take the led now loll
( for kinks now I’ll say a lot of body worship kink and a lot of praise kink, I would say the reader is a super soft dom, shigaraki is a super shy and cute sub maybe the reader gives shigaraki a boob job idk do whatever ur comfortable with babe, btw it’s super fluffy)
My Pleasure
My masterlist got a little longer since I updated everything so you can go check it out if you want ig...
If you want to use interactive fics, it's easy and makes reading fics SO much better. First, you download the Google Chrome extension. You'll see it in the top right corner of your screen. Next, you enter your name in the first box. If you want to change something other than y/n, please click on the text that says “want to change something other than y/n?” here, you can change any word you want to a different word. When I talk about your quirk I will use y/q
Master List
Warnings: Boob job, cunnilingus (oooh fancy word), Shiggy is insecure but dw we fix that, praise kink, use of the nickname “puppy, ” Shigarakis a pervert (not news to us), nipple play ig, body worship, soft dom y/n, sub Shigaraki, he cries :(, I hc that Shigaraki has sh scars on his thighs and they are mentioned
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“Beach!” Toga yelled, “we’re going to the beach!”
She ran up to you and hugged you.
“Y/n we’re going to the beach!” she said, grinning up at you.
“We are, ” you nodded, ruffling her hair.
She ran over to Shigaraki, “come to the beach with us, Shiggy, ”
“No, ” he said, looking back at his game.
“Please, everyone is going, ” she pouted, “even y/n is coming, ”
A vision of you in a bathing suit flashed in front of his eyes. He imagined you putting on sunscreen and laying on your stomach on the beach, accidentally spilling water on your chest and your nipples perking up because of how cold you were out of the water.
“Fine, ” he said.
Toga squealed and hugged him.
“Oh- hey, what the hell?” he said, pushing her off, “don’t do that toga,”
She moved on to her next victim, “Dabi, go to the beach with us!”
“Who’s coming?” he asked, lighting a cigarette.
“I got everyone to go, ” she bragged.
“Wow, kid, everyone? Even y/n?” he asked.
Toga nodded frantically, proud of her achievement.
“God job, I’ll go, ” he smirked, “plus i’ll get to see y/n in a bathing suit, ”
You walked by and flicked his forehead, “eyes to yourself, bacon bits, ”
“God, babe, I love your little pet names for me, ” he teased.
Shigaraki glared at him, but you were already halfway up the stairs.
“Don’t look at me like that, ” he said, looking at Shigaraki, “we’re both going for the same reason, ”
“No, ” he denied, “I’m going because it's summer, and when it’s summer, you go to the beach, ”
Dabi rolled his eyes, “whatever you say, boss, ”
“Shiggy!” Toga yelled, “go get ready. We’re leaving, ”
He stood in his room staring at his swim shorts. He knew he’d have to wear them, and he could just put a shirt on too. He didn’t have to swim. He could just leave the shirt on. It would be fine. He really didn’t have a chance with you, but if you saw him without a shirt, you’d be disgusted. He felt disgusting.
You pulled out a bikini Toga forced you to buy and flopped down on the bed. Shigaraki was coming, which meant you were gonna get to see him without a shirt. You blushed and giggled, already daydreaming about him. Even though it was wrong, even though he was your boss, you just couldn't help it. You were one-hundred percent certain you were going to melt when you saw him. Toga had always said he had a crush on you. Maybe he would finally make a move. That was the plan anyways. The whole reason Toga had bugged everyone to go was by your request.
With your bag packed and swimsuit on under your clothes, you were ready to go. Shigaraki wanted to cry when he looked in the mirror. Maybe this was a bad idea, maybe he shouldn't go. He heard a knock on his door.
“Hey, we’re about to leave. Are you ready?” You asked, “if not, I'll wait with you, so you dont have to go down by yourself. I hate being the last person ready. I don't want you to go through that pain, ” you laughed.
“No, I'm ready, ” he said, opening the door. No turning back now.
“Alright, let's go, ” you said, already walking downstairs.
He tried to calm himself as he walked down, trying to stop the grin that wanted to spread across his face. Finally, he thought, what was y/n hiding all this time? He was last to go through the warp gate, upset that you had already runoff. He waited around, nearly sweating to death until he heard Dabi yell.
“C’mon y/n, give us a little spin, ” he yelled.
He saw you blast him with sand using your quirk. He chuckled at Dabi’s predicament. You screamed as Dabi jumped in, splashing you with water. He picked you up in his arms only to throw you back in the water. You came up for air and splashed him again. Your splash war continued for some time, providing Tomura with entertainment until, ultimately, you called it a draw. He watched you and Toga play mermaids for a while before he grew bored and continued with his game, that was until Dabi wolf-whistled and he saw you begin to walk out of the water. You used your quirk again, sending a small tidal wave towards him.
“Youre so mean to me y/n, ” he complained.
“Shut it, patchwork, ” you said.
“Stop you're giving me butterflies, ” he smirked, getting splashed again.
You started walking again, the water slowly getting shallower and revealing more of your body. You were glistening, the sun reflecting off the water on your skin. Your cheeks were red from the sun, and he realized you had put sunscreen on in your room. Damn it. You brushed some wet hair out of your face, and your chest was now entirely on display.
“Fuck, ” he whispered.
He tried to be discrete, and the sun shining directly in your eyes certainly helped him. He stared at your stomach, the next part of your body to reveal itself. All he could think about is tracing little designs on it, laying his head on it, and putting a baby in it. Your thighs were an absolute show stopper. He wanted to suffocate between them. He averted his eyes when he realized you were walking over to him.
“Hey, can I sit here?” you asked, wringing out your hair.
“S-sure, ” he said, trying to focus on your face, which was definitely beautiful but...boobs lol.
“Thanks, ” you said, “I’d rather sit with you than all of them. I love Toga, but she’s a handful, and everyone else is staring at me. Bunch of creeps, ”
“Sorry about them, ” he said, unable to stop his wandering eyes.
“It’s ok. Nothing you can do, Shiggy, ” you said, “oh my god, you’re bright red. Did you forget sunscreen? It’s ok. I've got some, but you’re on the paler side, so you've gotta be careful, Shig, or you’ll burn up, ”
The redness on his face was because you were sitting next to him, nearly naked, but he wasn't going to admit that, especially when he saw you bend over to get sunscreen. He was trying desperately to control himself, but part of him had a mind of its own. He nearly died when you leaned in and put sunscreen on his face, laughing as you put a glob on his nose. He let out a genuine laugh that warmed your heart. You started talking, but honestly, he couldn't listen. You were very expressive when you spoke, and all the movement caused your tits to bounce, mesmerizing him.
He could only half listen, nodding and ‘mhm’ing when appropriate. You noticed quickly and gave him a few minutes to redeem himself but he failed. You grabbed his chin and made his eyes meet yours.
“Tomura Shigaraki, we're you staring at my boobs?” you said, feigning disappointment.
“N-no, I wasn't, ” he said.
You sighed, “lying about it only makes it worse, ”
“I'm sorry, ” he whispered, “I know I shouldn't have. I just...”
You let go of his chin and looked down at his lap.
“Really?” you asked, pointing out his obvious boner.
“Shit, I'm sorry y/n I'm so sorry. I know I'm gross and awful, and I'm just so sorry, ” he said, trying to cover it.
You grabbed his arm and dragged him away to the deserted changing rooms. Originally this beach was supposed to be a hot spot for tourists, but the water park a few miles closer to the city shut it down, leaving the beach in good condition. He braced himself for a slap, a punch, a kick, but he never could've prepared himself for a kiss on the cheek.
“I've been thinking about this for a while, Shigaraki, ” you whispered, “thinking about all the things I'd do to you, all the ways I'd make you feel good. Did you know I can block skin-to-skin quirks? You can touch me, baby, ”
“Y-you're not mad?” he whispered.
“No, I'm not mad, ” you shook your head, “I've always had a little crush on you Shiggy, ”
“Tomura, ” he corrected, “call me Tomura, ”
“Tomura, ” you whispered, “I can't wait to touch you. Fuck, I'm gonna kiss you all over. I can't wait to get between your thighs, baby. We've got all day, ”
He kissed you softly, enjoying your lips. They were sweet and soft in contrast to his dry, chapped ones. He felt so lacking, but the way you were kissing him made him feel like he was floating. You pushed him further against the wall, running your hands through his hair. Your arms hung around his neck, and he wrapped his arms tight around your waist. You kissed each other for a while, no teeth or tongue, just your lips pressed together. Eventually, things began to heat up. You let your tongue try and find its way between his lips and into his mouth. He groaned into your mouth. You tugged his hair, trying to get even closer. Your hands traveled up and down his chest, reaching for the bottom of his shirt.
He grabbed your hands and pulled away.
“No, ” he whispered.
You nodded, “that's ok, you don't have to, Tomura. Did I do something wrong?”
He shook his head, “you’ll make fun of me, ”
“Why would I make fun of you?” you asked, stroking his cheek.
“Because I'm not, ” his voice broke, “I don't- I'm ugly y/n. My body is disgusting you-you won't like me anymore, ”
Your eyes widened, “what?”
“You heard me, ” Tomura said, wiping away tears, “I hate myself, and you would too, ”
“That's bullshit, ” you said, “I think you're beautiful, ”
He scoffed, “you've never even seen me in shorts before now. How would you even know?”
“Because I’ll think you're beautiful no matter what, Tomura Shigaraki, ” you said, “and nothing could ever change that, ”
He shook his head and turned to walk away, but you took his hips and pushed him against the wall. You grabbed his face and kissed him harshly. You kissed his forehead next, the scar on his eye, both of his eyelids, his cheeks, the scar on his lips, and the mole under them.
“You have such a pretty face. You have gorgeous eyes, Tomura. I love kissing you, ” you whispered between kisses.
You kissed away a few stray tears that fell and pressed your forehead to his as he cried.
“Please don't look at me, ” he whispered, pressing his face into your neck.
Seeing him like this broke your heart. You held him as tight as you could, kissing the side of his head. You were going to kill whoever did this to him. You lifted his head and kissed him softly this time. You rubbed your hands up and down his sides. You sunk to your knees and kissed his thighs. Every scar was kissed and stroked lovingly even though your heart broke for him. You moved up his body to his stomach, lifting his shirt even though he tried to pull it down again. You kissed his stomach, soft, light kisses.
He started to relax a bit more, petting your hair instead of trying to pull down his shirt. You moved to his hands next, standing once again. You took his right hand and kissed his knuckles, then the top of his hand, and lastly, his palm. You repeated this on his other hand. You started kissing the scars on his neck, sucking softly. He moaned.
“That feels good y/n, ” he said, moving his hands to your hair.
“I'm gonna make you feel good, baby, don’t worry, ” you mumbled against his skin.
You bit the skin at the juncture of his neck, he groaned and whispered, “yes.” You kissed down to his collar bones, hearing his breathing get faster. This time you practically yanked off his shirt before he had time to stop you.
“So fucking beautiful, ” you said, standing back to admire him.
This time he didn't turn away from you but blushed and shut his eyes. You ran your hands up and down his chest and stomach. Shigaraki whimpered when you tweaked his nipple.
“Good boy, ” you whispered.
He nodded, “I wanna be your good boy. Please, ”
You smiled and brought his lips to yours again. You kissed his cheek and bit his ear softly.
“You're doing all the work, ” he said, “that's not fair. Besides shouldn't I be in charge? That's what it's like in...” he trailed off, embarrassed.
“No, ” you said, “I want to do this for you. I want to be in charge. I want to take care of you, baby. You deserve to relax, ”
He kissed you again, holding you tight to his chest.
“Tomura, ” you said, taking his hands in yours, “I have a question for you, ”
He nodded.
You leaned in and whispered, “how would you like to fuck my tits. You were staring at them all day so why don't you have a little fun with them, ”
He nodded frantically.
“Use your words, puppy, ” you said, scratching his head.
He groaned softly, “yes, please y/n, ”
You guided his hands to your still-clothed chest. He squeezed gently, cheeks growing bright red. You giggled and undid the back of your bikini, letting him see your tits without the thin material over them. He was practically drooling over you, wrapping his lips around your nipple. He sucked and licked them, causing you to moan. Every sound you made was a symphony to his ears, the most beautiful thing he’d ever heard, and he was desperate for more. He moved upwards to litter your neck with hickeys and coax more moans from your beautiful lips.
His long fingers found their way to the strings on the sides of your bikini bottoms. With one tug at the strings, they were around your ankles. It was your turn to blush at the exposure of your body while Tomura’s eyes gleamed. He was on his knees in mere seconds, admiring your sex. You felt self-conscious as he stared at your most intimate area.
“Please, ” he said, looking up at you, “can I taste?”
“Let me do something for you first, ok?” you said, “sit on the bench, ”
He nodded and did as he was told. You kneeled in front of Tomura and took off his pants before pushing your tits together around his cock. His eyes were as wide as saucers as he watched you. You looked up at him as you bounced, moving him between your breasts. He let out a strangled groan and threw his head back.
“That's my good boy, ” you praised, “that's my baby, feels good, yeah?”
He nodded.
“Use your words, puppy, ” you reminded him.
He bit his lip and blushed, still silent, except for his little noises.
“Aww, is someone feeling shy?” you asked.
He nodded and hid his face in his hands though it did little to hide the shy smile on his lips.
“If you want me to keep going, you're going to have to be a good pet for me, Tomura. Be a good boy and speak up, ” you said, pulling his hands away from his face.
“Feels good, ” he whispered.
You decided that was good enough and continued moving him between your boobs. You watched the head of his dick throb and pulse. He began whimpering as his thighs shook. He got louder, whining and moaning desperately.
“I know, baby, I know, ” you said in response to his beautiful noises.
He cried out whimpering.
“Y/n, ” he cried, “I need to cum, ”
“Hold just a little bit longer for me baby, ” you said.
“Can't, ” he cried out, “can't hold it y/n please lemme cum, ”
“Just a little longer, ” you promised, “be my good boy, ”
He whimpered and tensed up in concentration, trying his hardest. He struggled for a while longer begging and crying to cum.
“Go ahead, cum for me, Tomura, ” you said.
He came hard, splattering your chest with his cum. Tomura was left panting and shaking while drool dripped down his chin. His dick twitched a few times more as you let it free from between your boobs. He whined pathetically. You cleaned the sticky mess up as best you could.
“Shh sweetie, I know, I know, ” you said, sitting next to him and pushing hair out of his face.
You pulled him to your chest, watching and listening to him breathe.
“Now, can I taste?” Tomura whispered.
You kissed his forehead, “of course, puppy. Go ahead, ”
He sunk to his knees, spreading your thighs. He groaned when he saw your sloppy cunt drooling for his mouth. He licked a long stripe up your entire cunt, licking over and over. Focused on taste rather than pleasure, finally indulging himself in the delicious juices of your cunt. He grew needier for your moans, trying to find the right places to lick and suck. He found a little bud at the top of your cunt to suckle on and flick his tongue over. Tomura smiled from ear to ear at the sounds coming out of you. Every moan and whimper, every grunt and groan made his heart swell. His fingers once again found their way down, this time finally entering you.
Unpracticed thrusts turned into brushing your g-spot until he realized that curling his fingers was the way to go. Hearing your moans and lewd squelches was a fantastic prize to collect.
“I'm close, Tomura, keep going sweetie, ” you choked out.
You were close, oh god, yes, you were going to cum in his mouth. He ate you out with a passion, desperate for your gorgeous pussy to drip down his chin. Harder, faster thrusts. Stronger licks and desperate slurping. When you finally tensed, he moaned in premature ecstasy, ready for your delicious cum. The vibrations coaxed a gorgeous moan from you. Cum gushed from your pussy and into his waiting mouth, lapping it up like a starved puppy. You tried to shove him away, overstimulation stabbing your cunt. When he finally pulled away, his face was red and coated in your slimy juices, as well as his tongue lolling out of his mouth. He was panting and absolutely blissed out.
He crawled back to you, clinging to your legs.
“Good puppy, ” you praised him, “you did great, Tomura, ”
He grinned, hiding his face in your thigh and giggling. You pulled him up and onto your lap, kissing him on the nose.
“Do you want me to fuck you properly baby?” you asked.
His face fell, “I can't. I'm...I'm not hard. I'm sorry, ” he whispered, tears of embarrassment welling in his eyes.
“Oh, baby, ” you said, stroking his hair, “it's ok, Tomura. It’s ok. Don't worry baby, ”
He sniffled, “ Please don't be mad at me. ‘m sorry. I'm sorry y/n I-I’m a bad boy, ”
“No baby, no, ” you said, wiping away his tears, “you're not a bad boy. You're my good boy, my special boy, ”
He whimpered, bottom lip quivering. You rubbed his back, praising him.
“My good boy, my sweet boy. You did so well for me. Tomura, you're amazing, you're such a perfect boy Tomu, ” you whispered.
He nodded, trying to compose himself.
“Lets go swimming honey, ” you said, stroking his cheek.
He shook his head frantically, “n-no I don't want them to see me, ”
You looked him in his eyes, “you are beautiful. Now come on, we’re both sweaty. Besides, I think they'll be more focused on all the hickeys you gave me, ” you giggled.
He bit his lip.
“C’mon baby, ” you coaxed him, “can you be my good boy?”
He nodded hesitantly, “I'm...a good boy. But-but what if they make fun of me?”
“Then I’ll kill them, ” you smiled, “if they're going to disrespect you, they don't deserve to be in the league anyways, ”
His eyes widened, and a small smile played on his lips. He nodded and stood up, offering a hand to help you up. You accepted, and he pulled you up and to his chest. He held you there, pressing his face into your hair.
“Thank you, ” he whispered.
You kissed him, “my pleasure, ”
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