"I didn't know we had a Goetia for that!" He hooted, impressed. "Thats a rather good one, isn't it? I'm just Celestial Prophecy. Stars and Planets. I suppose the higher ups find it useful so that makes me a higher Prince but.....it certainly doesn't make for good dinner conversation. I'm surprised anyone grew up hearing about me.....except my younger siblings. I imagine my father told them all about Stolas the incredible disappointment." He sighed. "Ah well. It's a very nice library. And nice of Aamon to let you use it. My in laws prefer to try and get me blackout drunk and take embarrassing photos of my if I get too shy at their functions. So ...I don't go over any more."
Stolas eagerly flipped through books as they talked, making a small stack of non-fiction and plopping down on the floor beside the fireplace, right next to the kitten. "Stella won't let me have a pet." He said sadly, scritching the little creature between his soft ears. "But I've always liked cats. I like the purring. I think owls and cats have very similar temperaments. But Stella is a Dove. Not an owl."
He turned back to the other woman, putting a smile back on over then sort of hazy, wistful look he usually wore. "I'm not usually one for poetry, actually." He said. "But when my daughter Octavia was an egg, I read this parenting book that said you're supposed to read poems to eggs, and she was born with a taste for it. It was the only thing that would get her to sleep as a wee owlet! So I'm well versed now. I'm more of a non fiction man, myself. I just want to know....things. Everything! Everything in our realm, the human realm, the celestial realm, it's all fascinating. And Biography..... Biographies are rather like having a friend in your pocket to talk to!"
A closed rp with @princestolasofthearsgoetia
If Phenix was given the chance she'd never go to these sorts of things. Parties weren't exactly her thing, as she was quite the homebody. She preferred the calm and familiar setting. She liked being able to go to her own space without being told she couldn't.
Not that it stopped Andras from trying but still...
Phenix hated gossip. She couldn't stand how...fake everything was. Oh sure, the other goetia ladies were mostly nice to hers and others faces, but the minute they were gone or weren't around, they didn't hesitate to spread anyone's business. Not that they were usually nice to her face either, as they seemed to delight in reminding Phenix of her slightly lower station than them. So much so that if she were to ever hear the words "Bastard", "legitimate", or "legitimacy" again it would be far too soon.
The quetzal would've thought it'd stop hurting even a little by now. Even so it stung, in an all too familiar way. And of course Andras was too occupied with his own conversations to do anything. A proud and strong warrior was he, but it did not make him a good husband.
His father, Aamon, on the other hand was a gem. The dog like goetia more often than not stood for his daughter in law. Whenever she needed a break when he was around, Aamon had her back. It made Phenix wonder how someone like her husband could've possibly come from him.
She took her father in law's arm, signaling that she needed something. He turned his head to look at her.
"I take it you aren't enjoying yourself, dear?" He asked pleasant and kindly.
Phenix shook her head. "I'm sorry. It's not you-".
"I understand. If you're feeling overwhelmed, the library is yours. No one will stop you. I'll come get you once Andras is ready to leave. If he gives you grief about it, you come straight to me" Aamon took her hand and politely kissed her knuckles.
Phenix bowed her head. "Thank you...thank you so much. You're always such a kind host".
There were days where she felt bad for Aamon. His wife, Larissa, was the most wretched, unhappy woman phenix had the displeasure of knowing, who only seemed even remotely happy when talking about herself or her sons. Aamon deserved better...
The quetzal quietly made her way from the banquet hall, thanking lucifer no one noticed her slip away. Her in-laws' library was thankfully unlocked and she was free to roam the shelves as she saw fit. Of course, the poetry section was her go to. It was her specialty after all.
Taking one of the carefully organized treasures from the shelf, Phenix hugged it to her chest like an old friend. She sighed softly, a sense of relief washing over her.
"Ah Mister Cummings...we meet again" she smiled sweetly and turned to her favorite poem, reading aloud:
"Somewhere I have never traveled, gladly beyond any experience, your eyes have their silence. In your most frail gesture of things which enclose me, or which I cannot touch, because they are too near..."
So consumed was she in her reading that she hadn't noticed the door opening behind her...
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It had started with a cat.
Well not precisely. It had actually started with an absolutely horrible party that Stella had dragged him to, against his will. He'd offered to stay home with their daughter, but no.... Stella requires his presence.
He wasn't sure why. It wasn't like she enjoyed his company, or wanted him there. She seemed to want him as far away as possible, but she needed to arrive and leave with him, to look important, he supposed. As the Celestial Prophet, he was high placed, even among the other Goetia, and Stella liked that status, but while they were at these functions, she ignored him completely, dancing and talking and drinking with literally anyone else, and frequently complaining, right in front of him, about what a terrible bore he was. So he frequently tried to sneak away from the actual functions themselves.
And today he had seen a cat on the edge of the large grand ballroom of whatever relative's home they were at today. It was a small black cat, who, looking as skittish as Stolas felt, ran from a potted plant out an open door. Stolas followed the beast. He loved cats, and this one looked to be almost a kitten, so he followed it down the hall, calling to it softly, till it disappeared between cracked doors, into a dim room off the main hall. Stolas slipped in after the beast, but was caught off guard by what he found.
A library. A giant, dim library, filled floor to ceiling with all sorts of books.
He let out a soft hoot of excitement.
He loves libraries. Stella wouldn't let him have one. She thought it silly to dedicate an entire room just to reading books when he already had a bedroom and an office, but he'd always wanted one, just like this one, with soft lights, stained glass, and a giant roaring fireplace. That little cat was curled in front of the fire. What a good creature, indeed! He'd love to have a cat to curl up in his office, but Stella didn't want pets about.
He walked along the stacks, fingers trailing the spines lovingly as he perused titles. He could definitely hide in here till Stella was done at the horrible party and came to find him. It would be a pleasant way to spend a few hours.
Then he noticed he wasn't alone. A flame colored Goetia woman sat in a chair, lost in a book. That was unique. He'd not seen many of his relatives....reading. He craned his neck to the side to see the author....
"E.E. Cummings?" He remarked aloud, not meaning to startle the woman but caught up in his enthusiasm of seeing a fellow Goetia actually reading. "I Love him! There's one of his that I used to read to my little girl Octavia every night;
"I carry your heart with me(I carry it in
my heart)
"I am never without it(anywhere
I go you go,my dear;and whatever is done
by only me is your doing,my darling)
"I fear no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)
"I want no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)
"And it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant
"And whatever a sun will always sing is you
"Here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
"And this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart:
"I carry your heart(I carry it in my heart)"
His recitation of the poem had a certain song like quality, and he rocked back and forth from one foot to the other nervously, like he was waiting for her approval.
"Sorry, didn't introduce myself. My name is Stolas. I don't attend as many of these things as I should, but you probably know my wife Stella."
A closed rp with @princestolasofthearsgoetia
If Phenix was given the chance she'd never go to these sorts of things. Parties weren't exactly her thing, as she was quite the homebody. She preferred the calm and familiar setting. She liked being able to go to her own space without being told she couldn't.
Not that it stopped Andras from trying but still...
Phenix hated gossip. She couldn't stand how...fake everything was. Oh sure, the other goetia ladies were mostly nice to hers and others faces, but the minute they were gone or weren't around, they didn't hesitate to spread anyone's business. Not that they were usually nice to her face either, as they seemed to delight in reminding Phenix of her slightly lower station than them. So much so that if she were to ever hear the words "Bastard", "legitimate", or "legitimacy" again it would be far too soon.
The quetzal would've thought it'd stop hurting even a little by now. Even so it stung, in an all too familiar way. And of course Andras was too occupied with his own conversations to do anything. A proud and strong warrior was he, but it did not make him a good husband.
His father, Aamon, on the other hand was a gem. The dog like goetia more often than not stood for his daughter in law. Whenever she needed a break when he was around, Aamon had her back. It made Phenix wonder how someone like her husband could've possibly come from him.
She took her father in law's arm, signaling that she needed something. He turned his head to look at her.
"I take it you aren't enjoying yourself, dear?" He asked pleasant and kindly.
Phenix shook her head. "I'm sorry. It's not you-".
"I understand. If you're feeling overwhelmed, the library is yours. No one will stop you. I'll come get you once Andras is ready to leave. If he gives you grief about it, you come straight to me" Aamon took her hand and politely kissed her knuckles.
Phenix bowed her head. "Thank you...thank you so much. You're always such a kind host".
There were days where she felt bad for Aamon. His wife, Larissa, was the most wretched, unhappy woman phenix had the displeasure of knowing, who only seemed even remotely happy when talking about herself or her sons. Aamon deserved better...
The quetzal quietly made her way from the banquet hall, thanking lucifer no one noticed her slip away. Her in-laws' library was thankfully unlocked and she was free to roam the shelves as she saw fit. Of course, the poetry section was her go to. It was her specialty after all.
Taking one of the carefully organized treasures from the shelf, Phenix hugged it to her chest like an old friend. She sighed softly, a sense of relief washing over her.
"Ah Mister Cummings...we meet again" she smiled sweetly and turned to her favorite poem, reading aloud:
"Somewhere I have never traveled, gladly beyond any experience, your eyes have their silence. In your most frail gesture of things which enclose me, or which I cannot touch, because they are too near..."
So consumed was she in her reading that she hadn't noticed the door opening behind her...
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The shower very nearly did get the better of Stolas for an embarrassingly long time, though eventually he figured out the appropriate combination of percussive maintenance to get the sticky handle to grind past ten fucking degrees and spit out decently warm water. Honestly, it was probably the shittiest shower Stolas has ever had. There was no water pressure whatsoever, and the water occasionally went frigid for three long seconds, but to Stolas it felt like bliss. He methodically soaped off every inch of himself, watching the grime of the last three days swirl down the drain. When he was done, he did his very best to preen himself in Blitz's low mirror, in the subpar light of his bathroom, and to the best of his ability, rinsed out his disgusting clothes, hanging them on the back of the door to dry.
He, with a bit of creativity, a few of Loona's hair ties that had been abandoned by the sink, and one rusty safety pin he found in the cupboard, took the towels blitz had given him and fashioned them into a simple little toga-like thing so he didn't have to emerge from the bathroom with nothing on, which wouldn't be polite at all, and took stock of himself in the mirror.
He looked like shit. He looked peaky and sickly and exhausted. But he was clean.
He opened the door as quietly as he could and made his way timidly out into the living room in his stupid little towel toga, hoping Blitz would be out there and his daughter would NOT.
Stolas turned around immediately when Blitz called to him, not even as a result of the desperate state he found himself in. Blitz had just always had that effect on him. With little more than a word, he could draw Stolas's focus completely. That hadn't changed. It probably never would.
But his comments on why Stolas would need a job gave the owl pause, and he frowned a little at the look of confusion on Blitz's face. Did he not know? How could he not know? It had been on the front page of every paper in the rings.....adding insult to injury when Stolas had been forced to huddle under the discarded scraps of said papers, facing down his greatest moment of shame for a bit of warmth the past three nights. How could Blitz not know?
But before Stolas could summon up the words to ask, Blitz offered him an invitation inside.
Inside. A warm dry place Stolas hadn't been in three days. He was in no position to turn that down....or even hesitate long enough for the imp to change his mind about allowing a disgraced, disheveled, frankly a bit disgusting bird into his home.
"Thank you." Stolas replied. There was nothing else he could say, and besides, there was a tickle in his throat that threatened a fit of coughing if he spoke any more. He simply followed his once-friend indoors and let him close the door behind them.
It was warm in the apartment. Wonderfully, blissfully warm. A low, rough moan of relief slipped past Stolas's chattering beak before he could rein it in, but he was past caring about his dignity in that moment. He was finally warm and he wanted to cry with relief, and for a few long moments he just stood inside the door, eyes closed, luxuriating in the feeling of air that wasn't bitterly chilly on his skin.
When he did finally open his eyes and look around, he was a bit surprised. Blitz's apartment was....small. Very small. He could see a few doors, which he surmised led to bathrooms, bedrooms, and the like, but most of the apartment seemed to be a small living room and a semi detached kitchen that would have fit in Stolas's personal bathroom back at the palace. It was also far shabbier than he'd always pictured. The wallpaper was peeling. The floors were worn. There tile backsplash was chipping. Still, a significant effort had been put in to make it feel homey. There was the doormat he was currently standing on, throw blankets on the back of the sofa, and personal photographs covering the walls.
Stolas hovered awkwardly on the doormat. He was dripping filthy water, and he was loathe to make a mess of his friends home. But the imp was ...staring at him in a rather perplexed way. He had to say something.
"Thank you, Blitz." He repeated again. It was all he could think of to say.
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Stolas allowed himself to be bodily dragged into the horse, more out of surprise than anything. He had not expected to be manhandled onto the back of a hell-steed today. So that was...... interesting. He was starting to suspect this Striker fellow liked manhandling people onto horses, as they were two for two in their encounters.
He desperately wanted to ask where they were going, but he'd been told to shut up....and the utter failure of his last attempt at disobedience had him in a rather compliant state. So he sat quietly, wondering what the hell the man meant by real suffering. Torture perhaps? He knew Striker was not adverse to torture....his own shoulder was still not up to snuff from their last meeting. Perhaps he just meant Stella. He worked for Stella. He knew how wretched she was. But he suspected the man meant some part of Hell he'd never been privy to. There were quite a few of those. Places his father had forbidden travel. And he wondered what those had to do with suffering. But he wouldn't ask.
He rose behind Striker, silently obedient, watching the stars pass as they galloped further and further away from the city where Stolas had spent most of his life.
Eventually, after a solid flurry minutes of watching stars go by, he mustered the spirit to ask:
"Where are we going?"
🏜️🌌Unlikely Alliance🌌🏜️
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A starter for @helluvaoutlaw
The crimson light of sunset blazed across the edge of the wrath ring illuminating the endless empty plains that marked the border of pride and wrath, casting everything in a dramatic bloody hue. It was beautiful, in a horrific way, and evoked a sense of lonely hopelessness. The lone figure, walking through the fields in that blood red light found it very fitting, that blood red loneliness. It suited his mood.
That single forlorn figure was none other than Prince Stolas of the Ars Goetia, Hell's own celestial prophet. He was far from his traditional domicile, his great celestial palace, filled with luxury and learning, and looked terribly out of place in the dusty plain in his billowing shirt, brocades clothes, and massive deep velvet cape studded with stars. But he was exactly where he wanted to be, as far away from any other soul in hell as he could be. He simply couldn't bear to be around anyone. Not tonight. Not on the first full moon since....he couldn't even think about it.
He sat on the edge of a sloping hill, staring into the setting sun, unblinkingly, letting it's light sear all four of his bright red eyes till he cried. How odd....he thought he didn't have a single tear left to shed...but here he was, crying again.
It felt good.
So there he sat, completely alone on the edge of the desert, relishing in his own tears as he cried over the loss of the one bright spot in his life.
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Stolas Practically collapsed against the closed door in a swoon, giggling.
"Blitzy!" He cooed, twirling across the room on a starstruck cloud nine to drop the paperwork on Blitz's table and his whole self in Blitz's lap. "Oh my Darling! Did you see who that is??" He straight up squeed like a little girl at her favorite band. Kicking both his legs straight up in the air. "Blitzy It's ANGEL DUST!! I've seen everything he's ever made! You know that thing I do with my thighs that you Love? I learned that from one of his movies! I got this whole outfit idea from Naughty Secretary part 5! He won awards for that, Blitz!! Awards!! And he called me cute!? This is the most exciting day ever!!!"
Stolas was absolutely beaming, sitting in Blitz's lap, arms flung around his shoulders. He nuzzled happily into Blitz's neck, nipping along his jawline eagerly.
"Blitzy your company is so COOL!"
📌🌆Helluva Office Job🌆📌
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A Starter for @arrapante-angelo and @ultio-angelus
Stolas was shocked to hear that Loona was the one who'd been using his grimoire all that time.
It came up late one evening after he and Blitz had been out to a very nice dinner, and came home, tipsy and happy. They were still working on the parameters of this whole "dating" thing after their rocky start and plenty of misunderstandings but that was what mattered. They were both trying, and lately, it seemed, they were succeeding.
When they stumbled in the door, they found their daughters, standing in the center of the foyer, surrounded by candles, around half of which were lit. Octavia was standing with Loona in the middle of it all, seemingly correcting the way Loona pointing at one of the candles. They were rapt in concentration on one of the nearest candles....an unlit one.
"Good evening, Ladies." He intoned. Both girls nearly jumped three feet in the air in surprise. "Anyone care to tell me why there's half a bonfire in the entry hall?"
"Shit sorry..." Loona began, but Octavia barreled right past her, throwing her arms around her dad in excitement.
"Dad Dad dad!" She hooted with glee. "Loona's got magic! Loona's got MAGIC, dad!!! Like us!! Look! Show them, Loon!!"
The owlet was practically vibrating with excitement and she ran back to Loona's side and pointed at the unlit candle. Loona looked back and forth between the two men nervously, then to Via, who nodded her encouragement. Then she focused on the candle. She squinted, seemingly struggling, then, a few moments later a sort of black shimmer appeared around it....and it lit itself! Via cheered. Stolas clapped his hands with glee. Loona looked shyly pleased with the praise.
The girls explained how Loona had been talking about how she was always the one to open portals for IMP cause she was just good at it...and Octavia decided to test her for magic power and...lol and behold....they'd been having little magic lessons for hours.
"Dad.... we've got to get her enrolled in a magic academy." Via insisted. "She's really really talented."
Stolas turned to the hellhound. Loona looked nervous. "I don't know..." She said. "I'd be the oldest one there I bet. And probably the only hellhound and people wouldn't take kindly to it. Besides I have work and....and those kinds of schools are really expensive...." Her eyes flicked to Blitz briefly. "I don't know if we could even afford that. And...."
Stolas lifted a claw and cut her off.
"But do you want to go?" He asked. After a second, she nodded. And that was that. There was nothing either of the fathers wouldn't do to make their girls happy.
She was enrolled at Via's school, so she'd have the protection of being with a princess. No one would harass her there. Stolas, without a second thought but with much hemming and hawing from Blitz, put up the money for her tuition. That only left her job.
"I can't just leave them with no one manning the phones and schedules!" She insisted a few weeks later, just before the semester began when Via and Stolas had swung by to drop off lunch at the IMP offices.
"So I'll do it."
Everyone looked at Stolas, bug eyed. "He only had eyes for Blitz. "I once said you'd make a great boss. I said I'd be honored to work for you. So....if you'll have me, I can cover the hours Loona is away at school during the semester. I'm sure it will be fun!"
And that's how Stolas came to be the temporary secretary.
The first day of his employment he showed up early, ever eager, and got the whole place looking nice. He made everyone coffee and had it sitting on their table waiting, and when the imps finally arrived they found him sitting at the front desk waiting for them cross legged in a very tight blouse and very small shorts, a tiny little cropped sweater vest and glasses that served no purpose whatsoever. It seemed his only reference for office wear had been pornography. He winked at Blitz over his useless glasses. Moxxie's jaw nearly hit the floor.
"Welcome to IMP, how can I serve you today, Boss?"
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Stolas took all the information down, helping Angel fill out all the forms, dot the i's and cross the t's, all the while alternating between nervously blushing and staring and giggling like a schoolgirl.
He could not believe Angel Dust was actually right in front of him in the flesh, with his perfectly puffed chest plumage and million dollar thighs. Stolas was starstruck to say the least. And Angel was having his fun with him. Winking and flirting and sucking on the end of the pen he was writing with lewdly. Each action triggered a new wave of blushes and giggles.
The paper took three times as long as it should have taken, with Angel sprawled sexily across the desk instead of sitting in a chair like a normal person. And when it was finally done and Stolas stood up to take the case in to Blitz, Angel gave him a cheeky little swat on the butt as he walked away.
Stolas jumped so high he bumped his head on the ceiling. Angel laughed.
"God he's a cutie." He said as Stolas ducked into Blitz's office. Moxie started at him, one eyebrow cocked. "What?" Angel fired back. "Am I not allowed to flirt with your slutty secretary? What is he the boss's personal private sex kitten?"
Millie replied "He's the boss's boyfriend."
"Oh shit"
📌🌆Helluva Office Job🌆📌
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A Starter for @arrapante-angelo and @ultio-angelus
Stolas was shocked to hear that Loona was the one who'd been using his grimoire all that time.
It came up late one evening after he and Blitz had been out to a very nice dinner, and came home, tipsy and happy. They were still working on the parameters of this whole "dating" thing after their rocky start and plenty of misunderstandings but that was what mattered. They were both trying, and lately, it seemed, they were succeeding.
When they stumbled in the door, they found their daughters, standing in the center of the foyer, surrounded by candles, around half of which were lit. Octavia was standing with Loona in the middle of it all, seemingly correcting the way Loona pointing at one of the candles. They were rapt in concentration on one of the nearest candles....an unlit one.
"Good evening, Ladies." He intoned. Both girls nearly jumped three feet in the air in surprise. "Anyone care to tell me why there's half a bonfire in the entry hall?"
"Shit sorry..." Loona began, but Octavia barreled right past her, throwing her arms around her dad in excitement.
"Dad Dad dad!" She hooted with glee. "Loona's got magic! Loona's got MAGIC, dad!!! Like us!! Look! Show them, Loon!!"
The owlet was practically vibrating with excitement and she ran back to Loona's side and pointed at the unlit candle. Loona looked back and forth between the two men nervously, then to Via, who nodded her encouragement. Then she focused on the candle. She squinted, seemingly struggling, then, a few moments later a sort of black shimmer appeared around it....and it lit itself! Via cheered. Stolas clapped his hands with glee. Loona looked shyly pleased with the praise.
The girls explained how Loona had been talking about how she was always the one to open portals for IMP cause she was just good at it...and Octavia decided to test her for magic power and...lol and behold....they'd been having little magic lessons for hours.
"Dad.... we've got to get her enrolled in a magic academy." Via insisted. "She's really really talented."
Stolas turned to the hellhound. Loona looked nervous. "I don't know..." She said. "I'd be the oldest one there I bet. And probably the only hellhound and people wouldn't take kindly to it. Besides I have work and....and those kinds of schools are really expensive...." Her eyes flicked to Blitz briefly. "I don't know if we could even afford that. And...."
Stolas lifted a claw and cut her off.
"But do you want to go?" He asked. After a second, she nodded. And that was that. There was nothing either of the fathers wouldn't do to make their girls happy.
She was enrolled at Via's school, so she'd have the protection of being with a princess. No one would harass her there. Stolas, without a second thought but with much hemming and hawing from Blitz, put up the money for her tuition. That only left her job.
"I can't just leave them with no one manning the phones and schedules!" She insisted a few weeks later, just before the semester began when Via and Stolas had swung by to drop off lunch at the IMP offices.
"So I'll do it."
Everyone looked at Stolas, bug eyed. "He only had eyes for Blitz. "I once said you'd make a great boss. I said I'd be honored to work for you. So....if you'll have me, I can cover the hours Loona is away at school during the semester. I'm sure it will be fun!"
And that's how Stolas came to be the temporary secretary.
The first day of his employment he showed up early, ever eager, and got the whole place looking nice. He made everyone coffee and had it sitting on their table waiting, and when the imps finally arrived they found him sitting at the front desk waiting for them cross legged in a very tight blouse and very small shorts, a tiny little cropped sweater vest and glasses that served no purpose whatsoever. It seemed his only reference for office wear had been pornography. He winked at Blitz over his useless glasses. Moxxie's jaw nearly hit the floor.
"Welcome to IMP, how can I serve you today, Boss?"
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Stolas answered each of Strikers insults with a frank resignation.
Pathetic? "Yes, I know."
Pathetic excuse for a demon? "Yes, I always have been."
Hero and a Martyr? "No...no. I could never be a hero. Heroes are important. They mean something to people. I'm....nothing."
He was vaguely aware of the other demon circling him, making a rattling noise, but...it didn't really seem important. Nothing felt important anymore. He just kept his gaze trained upwards as more and more stars appeared. Constellations began to emerge, and it didn't take long for him to start picking out his favorites...and a few he'd made up. One didn't spend a lifetime studying something without developing some sort of relationship with the subject. It was nice to say goodbye to them all as they all emerged for the evening. He watched a galactic cluster come into view....a personal favorite that had formed a beautiful dust cloud around his coming of age, and then he realized that the gun was no longer pointed at him.
"There isn't any point in drawing it out." He said gently, as though he was reassuring his killer. "I told you, it's ok...no one is coming for me. So you may as well just kill me and take whatever proof you need, I'll be no more trouble."
🏜️🌌Unlikely Alliance🌌🏜️
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A starter for @helluvaoutlaw
The crimson light of sunset blazed across the edge of the wrath ring illuminating the endless empty plains that marked the border of pride and wrath, casting everything in a dramatic bloody hue. It was beautiful, in a horrific way, and evoked a sense of lonely hopelessness. The lone figure, walking through the fields in that blood red light found it very fitting, that blood red loneliness. It suited his mood.
That single forlorn figure was none other than Prince Stolas of the Ars Goetia, Hell's own celestial prophet. He was far from his traditional domicile, his great celestial palace, filled with luxury and learning, and looked terribly out of place in the dusty plain in his billowing shirt, brocades clothes, and massive deep velvet cape studded with stars. But he was exactly where he wanted to be, as far away from any other soul in hell as he could be. He simply couldn't bear to be around anyone. Not tonight. Not on the first full moon since....he couldn't even think about it.
He sat on the edge of a sloping hill, staring into the setting sun, unblinkingly, letting it's light sear all four of his bright red eyes till he cried. How odd....he thought he didn't have a single tear left to shed...but here he was, crying again.
It felt good.
So there he sat, completely alone on the edge of the desert, relishing in his own tears as he cried over the loss of the one bright spot in his life.
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Stolas's eyes bugged out of his head when he saw who it was. He was struck dumb for a moment. Eventually he managed to stammer out....
"You...you're Angel Dust!"
The taller demon stalked over and bent over his desk with a wink. Stolas turned pink.
"In the flesh." The spider said, running his hand through his chest fluff.
Stolas looked like he was going to faint as he squeaked out. "I love you work....I really identify with a lot of your roles...."
The spider laughed.
"Yeah ok. You the guy to talk to about the killings?"
📌🌆Helluva Office Job🌆📌
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A Starter for @arrapante-angelo and @ultio-angelus
Stolas was shocked to hear that Loona was the one who'd been using his grimoire all that time.
It came up late one evening after he and Blitz had been out to a very nice dinner, and came home, tipsy and happy. They were still working on the parameters of this whole "dating" thing after their rocky start and plenty of misunderstandings but that was what mattered. They were both trying, and lately, it seemed, they were succeeding.
When they stumbled in the door, they found their daughters, standing in the center of the foyer, surrounded by candles, around half of which were lit. Octavia was standing with Loona in the middle of it all, seemingly correcting the way Loona pointing at one of the candles. They were rapt in concentration on one of the nearest candles....an unlit one.
"Good evening, Ladies." He intoned. Both girls nearly jumped three feet in the air in surprise. "Anyone care to tell me why there's half a bonfire in the entry hall?"
"Shit sorry..." Loona began, but Octavia barreled right past her, throwing her arms around her dad in excitement.
"Dad Dad dad!" She hooted with glee. "Loona's got magic! Loona's got MAGIC, dad!!! Like us!! Look! Show them, Loon!!"
The owlet was practically vibrating with excitement and she ran back to Loona's side and pointed at the unlit candle. Loona looked back and forth between the two men nervously, then to Via, who nodded her encouragement. Then she focused on the candle. She squinted, seemingly struggling, then, a few moments later a sort of black shimmer appeared around it....and it lit itself! Via cheered. Stolas clapped his hands with glee. Loona looked shyly pleased with the praise.
The girls explained how Loona had been talking about how she was always the one to open portals for IMP cause she was just good at it...and Octavia decided to test her for magic power and...lol and behold....they'd been having little magic lessons for hours.
"Dad.... we've got to get her enrolled in a magic academy." Via insisted. "She's really really talented."
Stolas turned to the hellhound. Loona looked nervous. "I don't know..." She said. "I'd be the oldest one there I bet. And probably the only hellhound and people wouldn't take kindly to it. Besides I have work and....and those kinds of schools are really expensive...." Her eyes flicked to Blitz briefly. "I don't know if we could even afford that. And...."
Stolas lifted a claw and cut her off.
"But do you want to go?" He asked. After a second, she nodded. And that was that. There was nothing either of the fathers wouldn't do to make their girls happy.
She was enrolled at Via's school, so she'd have the protection of being with a princess. No one would harass her there. Stolas, without a second thought but with much hemming and hawing from Blitz, put up the money for her tuition. That only left her job.
"I can't just leave them with no one manning the phones and schedules!" She insisted a few weeks later, just before the semester began when Via and Stolas had swung by to drop off lunch at the IMP offices.
"So I'll do it."
Everyone looked at Stolas, bug eyed. "He only had eyes for Blitz. "I once said you'd make a great boss. I said I'd be honored to work for you. So....if you'll have me, I can cover the hours Loona is away at school during the semester. I'm sure it will be fun!"
And that's how Stolas came to be the temporary secretary.
The first day of his employment he showed up early, ever eager, and got the whole place looking nice. He made everyone coffee and had it sitting on their table waiting, and when the imps finally arrived they found him sitting at the front desk waiting for them cross legged in a very tight blouse and very small shorts, a tiny little cropped sweater vest and glasses that served no purpose whatsoever. It seemed his only reference for office wear had been pornography. He winked at Blitz over his useless glasses. Moxxie's jaw nearly hit the floor.
"Welcome to IMP, how can I serve you today, Boss?"
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Stolas heard the click of the gun, but he didn't move. He didn't even flinch. He just stayed where he was, staring at the blazing setting sun as it slowly crept below the horizon. And when the Demon spoke, he knew immediately who it was.
"Oh hello." He greeted mildly. A death sentence and a bout of depression was no reason not to be polite after all.
So Stella still wanted him dead. No surprises there. But ....maybe she was right. She always had been the better Goetia. Maybe everything was just better off without him. He'd already sired the heir he was born to sire. Octavia was brilliant. She had the best of magic schooling, and was shaping up to be brighter than he ever was. And her life would be much more stable without two fighting parents. With him gone, Stella would be able to remarry. And his father wouldn't have to make excuses for his soft-hearted, soft-headded idiot of a son. He could install a leader he'd be proud of. Blitz had his crystal now. He would be fine. He might even find the whole thing amusing. There was no one around to miss him except his plants....and Via had been doing most of the caring for them lately anyway. He was a failure as a prince of hell. He'd tried for happiness, tried to do things differently and it had backfired.
Yes this probably was for the best.
"Well, I suppose you'd best get it over with." He said sadly. "You don't need to worry about anyone coming for me. No one is."
He kept his gaze on the sun as the last of its light slipped down beneath the horizon and the stars began to appear. At least he got to see his beloved stars one more time, his constant companions and only friends since childhood. They were the only ones with him in the end. It was fitting in a way. He fixed his eyes on the night sky and waited for the end.
🏜️🌌Unlikely Alliance🌌🏜️
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A starter for @helluvaoutlaw
The crimson light of sunset blazed across the edge of the wrath ring illuminating the endless empty plains that marked the border of pride and wrath, casting everything in a dramatic bloody hue. It was beautiful, in a horrific way, and evoked a sense of lonely hopelessness. The lone figure, walking through the fields in that blood red light found it very fitting, that blood red loneliness. It suited his mood.
That single forlorn figure was none other than Prince Stolas of the Ars Goetia, Hell's own celestial prophet. He was far from his traditional domicile, his great celestial palace, filled with luxury and learning, and looked terribly out of place in the dusty plain in his billowing shirt, brocades clothes, and massive deep velvet cape studded with stars. But he was exactly where he wanted to be, as far away from any other soul in hell as he could be. He simply couldn't bear to be around anyone. Not tonight. Not on the first full moon since....he couldn't even think about it.
He sat on the edge of a sloping hill, staring into the setting sun, unblinkingly, letting it's light sear all four of his bright red eyes till he cried. How odd....he thought he didn't have a single tear left to shed...but here he was, crying again.
It felt good.
So there he sat, completely alone on the edge of the desert, relishing in his own tears as he cried over the loss of the one bright spot in his life.
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Stolas turned his head a whole 180 degrees to smile at Blitz behind him, then bent to drop a kiss to his forehead, still rummaging through his wardrobe all the while.
"I...I know. I believe that. But it still doesn't solve the problem of what to say. It seems silly to say "Boyfriend." I got married a week after my 18th birthday. Even as a child I never had a boyfriend. But lover....isn't that sort of all about sex? And no matter how good you are in bed, and you are amazing in bed, I think we're trying to be more than that. Now friend doesn't even begin to cover it....and partner sounds like we're opening a business...."
Stolas chattered on about various titles, but it wasn't important. He was more interested in nuzzling back against the demon behind him, enjoying the warmth of his skin, till finally he exclaimed as he pulled something out of the wardrobe. He spun around in Blitz's hold and held out a cropped black halter top that would fit blitz like a normal shirt but leave his spikes free, and a pair of itsy bitsy teeny tiny ultra short fean shorts....that would likely fit blitz more like basketball shorts.
"Will these do? Your clothes are quite muddy, and as much as I'd like to see you in absolutely nothing till they're clean...I feel our daughters might object."
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✨🌌Full Moon🌌✨
A starter for @ultio-angelus's Blitzo
Stolas knew everything there was to know about the moon. Its size, its weight, its movements in the sky. He knew exactly the wattage of light it reflected off the sun on any given night. So Stolas knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that the moon wasn't shining any brighter this evening than it had on the night of every full moon since he'd began this accursed arrangement.
So why did it feel so bright? He felt the glow of moonlight following his every step as he paced his own bedroom, talons making a soft agitated clacking on the floor. It felt like a spotlight, beaming in through the colored panels of stained glass, illuminating a different insecurity with every brilliantly lit hue its light projected onto the floor.
He heard the great clock chime in the hall. The sound made him jump. Nine pm. It was time. Any moment now, Blitz would come scampering up over the railing of his balcony, despite being told time and time again that he was free to use the front door. The back door. The side door. Any door he chose really. But Blitz was stubborn like that. It was one of the things Stolas found so endearing about him, really. He never let anyone or their lousy opinons bully him into changing....well anything. Everything Blitz did he did his way, and wholeheartedly. He was brave and so oddly compassionate and stalwart and so handsome and oh SATAN he was down bad wasn't he? And if this was it....if Blitz never spoke to him again.....he began to wring his primary feathers in anxiety as he felt himself spiraling into a deep dark pit of anxiety that had him curled up in the freezer earlier that day.
He cut off those trains of thought.
He couldn't do that. Not today. Today he had to do what was right. He had to make sure Blitz was safe...even if that meant losing the one man who'd even allowed Stolas to feel like himself.
He turned to the mirror, straightened himself up, fixed his hair, and adjusted the twisted ruffle at the bottom of one of his poet sleeved blouse. Paired with one of his simpler red waistcoats, it was a modest outfit, by his recent standards, but it fitted the way he wanted to present himself tonight; sincere.
Feeling slightly more put together and with the panic attack held at bay for the moment, Stolas made his way to the French doors that led out to his balcony, and with quiet resolve, he flung them open, stepping out of the mottled colors of the stained glass and into the cool, white, natural moonlight that bathed the whole balcony in a glow as bright as day. Any moment, the absolute love of his life would be coming over that white marble railing, likely for the last time. But he could do this. Whatever happened, he was ready. He would make this whole thing right by the light of this too bright full moon.
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Stolas gave a delighted little wiggle in his chair at the effect he seemed to have on Blitz. And it was clear from the look on his face that he'd had quite the effect.
"I've never worked for such a delightful Boss before." He replied in faux innocence, batting his lashes at the imp. Then he cocked his head and his attempts at flirting all dropped at once, sexy faux innocence giving way to his natural slightly awkward naivete. "Actually I've never had ANY kind of job before!"
Millie had her coffee and was staring in amazement at the plug in air freshener that was making the whole room smell delicious. Moxxie had taken his and was looking in awe at a fully reorganized, color coded file cabinet of billing information.
"It's not a pit in here....." Millie mused.
"And it's so organized!" Moxxie added, sounding practically orgasmic. "Boss, can we please keep him forever?"
"Cause if I wasn't married and he wasn't gay I'd be in love!" Mille added.
They both looked at Blitz pleadingly. Stolas giggled happily and went back to putting billing notices in envelopes and sealing them with a custom IMP stamp he'd made.
Stolas was actually great at customer service. He handled the phones with grace. He was polite and charming, but firm. And he was meticulously organized. But he did take every passing opportunity to shoot Blitz flirty looks and bend over his desk enticingly with every paper he dropped off. Still Mox and Millie were more than willing to put up with it as long as he kept pouring fresh hazelnut coffee.
📌🌆Helluva Office Job🌆📌
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A Starter for @arrapante-angelo and @ultio-angelus
Stolas was shocked to hear that Loona was the one who'd been using his grimoire all that time.
It came up late one evening after he and Blitz had been out to a very nice dinner, and came home, tipsy and happy. They were still working on the parameters of this whole "dating" thing after their rocky start and plenty of misunderstandings but that was what mattered. They were both trying, and lately, it seemed, they were succeeding.
When they stumbled in the door, they found their daughters, standing in the center of the foyer, surrounded by candles, around half of which were lit. Octavia was standing with Loona in the middle of it all, seemingly correcting the way Loona pointing at one of the candles. They were rapt in concentration on one of the nearest candles....an unlit one.
"Good evening, Ladies." He intoned. Both girls nearly jumped three feet in the air in surprise. "Anyone care to tell me why there's half a bonfire in the entry hall?"
"Shit sorry..." Loona began, but Octavia barreled right past her, throwing her arms around her dad in excitement.
"Dad Dad dad!" She hooted with glee. "Loona's got magic! Loona's got MAGIC, dad!!! Like us!! Look! Show them, Loon!!"
The owlet was practically vibrating with excitement and she ran back to Loona's side and pointed at the unlit candle. Loona looked back and forth between the two men nervously, then to Via, who nodded her encouragement. Then she focused on the candle. She squinted, seemingly struggling, then, a few moments later a sort of black shimmer appeared around it....and it lit itself! Via cheered. Stolas clapped his hands with glee. Loona looked shyly pleased with the praise.
The girls explained how Loona had been talking about how she was always the one to open portals for IMP cause she was just good at it...and Octavia decided to test her for magic power and...lol and behold....they'd been having little magic lessons for hours.
"Dad.... we've got to get her enrolled in a magic academy." Via insisted. "She's really really talented."
Stolas turned to the hellhound. Loona looked nervous. "I don't know..." She said. "I'd be the oldest one there I bet. And probably the only hellhound and people wouldn't take kindly to it. Besides I have work and....and those kinds of schools are really expensive...." Her eyes flicked to Blitz briefly. "I don't know if we could even afford that. And...."
Stolas lifted a claw and cut her off.
"But do you want to go?" He asked. After a second, she nodded. And that was that. There was nothing either of the fathers wouldn't do to make their girls happy.
She was enrolled at Via's school, so she'd have the protection of being with a princess. No one would harass her there. Stolas, without a second thought but with much hemming and hawing from Blitz, put up the money for her tuition. That only left her job.
"I can't just leave them with no one manning the phones and schedules!" She insisted a few weeks later, just before the semester began when Via and Stolas had swung by to drop off lunch at the IMP offices.
"So I'll do it."
Everyone looked at Stolas, bug eyed. "He only had eyes for Blitz. "I once said you'd make a great boss. I said I'd be honored to work for you. So....if you'll have me, I can cover the hours Loona is away at school during the semester. I'm sure it will be fun!"
And that's how Stolas came to be the temporary secretary.
The first day of his employment he showed up early, ever eager, and got the whole place looking nice. He made everyone coffee and had it sitting on their table waiting, and when the imps finally arrived they found him sitting at the front desk waiting for them cross legged in a very tight blouse and very small shorts, a tiny little cropped sweater vest and glasses that served no purpose whatsoever. It seemed his only reference for office wear had been pornography. He winked at Blitz over his useless glasses. Moxxie's jaw nearly hit the floor.
"Welcome to IMP, how can I serve you today, Boss?"
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Stolas was seated at his dressing table, swiftly working his series of oils and pomades through his feathers to prevent them from drying out after soaking in hot water like that. Their satiny texture did NOT come naturally, and the last thing he wanted was to come off all frizzy and fluffy all over from not taking care of himself. Besides, looking in the mirror gave him a chance to just kind of idly watch Blitz dry himself off and poke around the bathroom while the imp wasn't quite so conscious of being watched.
Blitz was smiling. It was a small, private, contented smile that Stolas had never seen before, and he was transfixed by the little expression. Blitz looked...happy. Not tense, not performative, but actually inwardly happy, and Stolas felt quite the sense of satisfaction, thinking he was capable of helping bring Blitz some of that much needed peace. He wanted to give him everything, make him so happy, but Blitz was guarded and it was often hard to get behind the wall and see what was going on but now here he was, smiling gently in Stolas's bathroom in nothing but a towel looking relaxed at last.
It certainly felt like a victory.
But Stolas was starting to get a bit chilly. So he stood from the mirror, sadly shattering the quiet contentment as he grabbed his robe and shrugged it on. He began rummaging in his closet for something for Blitz to put on...but was being foiled by their size difference.
"I have always said you should keep some clothes here for after sex...." He muttered, picking up a shirt that was going to be more like a dress on Blitz, but probably also too tight on him, and quickly rejecting it. "Maybe you'll be more amenable to that idea now? Since....well.....since we are......."
He paused, cocking his head, concerned. He didn't know what they were. What Blitz would want to call this, and he began to panic a bit.
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✨🌌Full Moon🌌✨
A starter for @ultio-angelus's Blitzo
Stolas knew everything there was to know about the moon. Its size, its weight, its movements in the sky. He knew exactly the wattage of light it reflected off the sun on any given night. So Stolas knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that the moon wasn't shining any brighter this evening than it had on the night of every full moon since he'd began this accursed arrangement.
So why did it feel so bright? He felt the glow of moonlight following his every step as he paced his own bedroom, talons making a soft agitated clacking on the floor. It felt like a spotlight, beaming in through the colored panels of stained glass, illuminating a different insecurity with every brilliantly lit hue its light projected onto the floor.
He heard the great clock chime in the hall. The sound made him jump. Nine pm. It was time. Any moment now, Blitz would come scampering up over the railing of his balcony, despite being told time and time again that he was free to use the front door. The back door. The side door. Any door he chose really. But Blitz was stubborn like that. It was one of the things Stolas found so endearing about him, really. He never let anyone or their lousy opinons bully him into changing....well anything. Everything Blitz did he did his way, and wholeheartedly. He was brave and so oddly compassionate and stalwart and so handsome and oh SATAN he was down bad wasn't he? And if this was it....if Blitz never spoke to him again.....he began to wring his primary feathers in anxiety as he felt himself spiraling into a deep dark pit of anxiety that had him curled up in the freezer earlier that day.
He cut off those trains of thought.
He couldn't do that. Not today. Today he had to do what was right. He had to make sure Blitz was safe...even if that meant losing the one man who'd even allowed Stolas to feel like himself.
He turned to the mirror, straightened himself up, fixed his hair, and adjusted the twisted ruffle at the bottom of one of his poet sleeved blouse. Paired with one of his simpler red waistcoats, it was a modest outfit, by his recent standards, but it fitted the way he wanted to present himself tonight; sincere.
Feeling slightly more put together and with the panic attack held at bay for the moment, Stolas made his way to the French doors that led out to his balcony, and with quiet resolve, he flung them open, stepping out of the mottled colors of the stained glass and into the cool, white, natural moonlight that bathed the whole balcony in a glow as bright as day. Any moment, the absolute love of his life would be coming over that white marble railing, likely for the last time. But he could do this. Whatever happened, he was ready. He would make this whole thing right by the light of this too bright full moon.
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🏜️🌌Unlikely Alliance🌌🏜️
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A starter for @helluvaoutlaw
The crimson light of sunset blazed across the edge of the wrath ring illuminating the endless empty plains that marked the border of pride and wrath, casting everything in a dramatic bloody hue. It was beautiful, in a horrific way, and evoked a sense of lonely hopelessness. The lone figure, walking through the fields in that blood red light found it very fitting, that blood red loneliness. It suited his mood.
That single forlorn figure was none other than Prince Stolas of the Ars Goetia, Hell's own celestial prophet. He was far from his traditional domicile, his great celestial palace, filled with luxury and learning, and looked terribly out of place in the dusty plain in his billowing shirt, brocades clothes, and massive deep velvet cape studded with stars. But he was exactly where he wanted to be, as far away from any other soul in hell as he could be. He simply couldn't bear to be around anyone. Not tonight. Not on the first full moon since....he couldn't even think about it.
He sat on the edge of a sloping hill, staring into the setting sun, unblinkingly, letting it's light sear all four of his bright red eyes till he cried. How odd....he thought he didn't have a single tear left to shed...but here he was, crying again.
It felt good.
So there he sat, completely alone on the edge of the desert, relishing in his own tears as he cried over the loss of the one bright spot in his life.
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📌🌆Helluva Office Job🌆📌
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A Starter for @arrapante-angelo and @ultio-angelus
Stolas was shocked to hear that Loona was the one who'd been using his grimoire all that time.
It came up late one evening after he and Blitz had been out to a very nice dinner, and came home, tipsy and happy. They were still working on the parameters of this whole "dating" thing after their rocky start and plenty of misunderstandings but that was what mattered. They were both trying, and lately, it seemed, they were succeeding.
When they stumbled in the door, they found their daughters, standing in the center of the foyer, surrounded by candles, around half of which were lit. Octavia was standing with Loona in the middle of it all, seemingly correcting the way Loona pointing at one of the candles. They were rapt in concentration on one of the nearest candles....an unlit one.
"Good evening, Ladies." He intoned. Both girls nearly jumped three feet in the air in surprise. "Anyone care to tell me why there's half a bonfire in the entry hall?"
"Shit sorry..." Loona began, but Octavia barreled right past her, throwing her arms around her dad in excitement.
"Dad Dad dad!" She hooted with glee. "Loona's got magic! Loona's got MAGIC, dad!!! Like us!! Look! Show them, Loon!!"
The owlet was practically vibrating with excitement and she ran back to Loona's side and pointed at the unlit candle. Loona looked back and forth between the two men nervously, then to Via, who nodded her encouragement. Then she focused on the candle. She squinted, seemingly struggling, then, a few moments later a sort of black shimmer appeared around it....and it lit itself! Via cheered. Stolas clapped his hands with glee. Loona looked shyly pleased with the praise.
The girls explained how Loona had been talking about how she was always the one to open portals for IMP cause she was just good at it...and Octavia decided to test her for magic power and...lol and behold....they'd been having little magic lessons for hours.
"Dad.... we've got to get her enrolled in a magic academy." Via insisted. "She's really really talented."
Stolas turned to the hellhound. Loona looked nervous. "I don't know..." She said. "I'd be the oldest one there I bet. And probably the only hellhound and people wouldn't take kindly to it. Besides I have work and....and those kinds of schools are really expensive...." Her eyes flicked to Blitz briefly. "I don't know if we could even afford that. And...."
Stolas lifted a claw and cut her off.
"But do you want to go?" He asked. After a second, she nodded. And that was that. There was nothing either of the fathers wouldn't do to make their girls happy.
She was enrolled at Via's school, so she'd have the protection of being with a princess. No one would harass her there. Stolas, without a second thought but with much hemming and hawing from Blitz, put up the money for her tuition. That only left her job.
"I can't just leave them with no one manning the phones and schedules!" She insisted a few weeks later, just before the semester began when Via and Stolas had swung by to drop off lunch at the IMP offices.
"So I'll do it."
Everyone looked at Stolas, bug eyed. "He only had eyes for Blitz. "I once said you'd make a great boss. I said I'd be honored to work for you. So....if you'll have me, I can cover the hours Loona is away at school during the semester. I'm sure it will be fun!"
And that's how Stolas came to be the temporary secretary.
The first day of his employment he showed up early, ever eager, and got the whole place looking nice. He made everyone coffee and had it sitting on their table waiting, and when the imps finally arrived they found him sitting at the front desk waiting for them cross legged in a very tight blouse and very small shorts, a tiny little cropped sweater vest and glasses that served no purpose whatsoever. It seemed his only reference for office wear had been pornography. He winked at Blitz over his useless glasses. Moxxie's jaw nearly hit the floor.
"Welcome to IMP, how can I serve you today, Boss?"
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They lay like that for some time, completely relaxed in each others arms. Stolas's eyes were closed, and he hummed idly, a low, happy sound that vibrated through the chest feathers his Blitz was collapsed against. At some point, his hand found it's way onto the backs of Blitz's head and began stroking the soft bits of skin at the base of his horns. Eventually, they both shifted enough that Blitz's now soft cock slipped free of Stolas's hole, and he did let out a little coo of disappointment at that, but it didn't last long. He was too happy, floating in the warm water with Blitz cuddled up on his chest.
Eventually, though, the water started to cool, and he knew he'd have to get out or risk than chill coming back. He sighed and gently shifted Blitz.
"Darling.....we need to shower off after our bath!" He hooted in amusement, pecking lightly at Blitz's cheek. "Thats certainly a first. I've never had the kind of bath one needs to shower off after!"
With one clawed foot, he grabbed the plug and let the water out of the tub, gently shifting them both to a standing position and drawing a golden showerhead down from high above. He methodically rinsed them both down, cleaning off soap bubbles and cum alike, humming a meandering tune, and still moving rather like a fucked out boneless jellyfish rather than a bird. When he was done, he wrapped himself in a massive towel, and offered Blitz the other.
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✨🌌Full Moon🌌✨
A starter for @ultio-angelus's Blitzo
Stolas knew everything there was to know about the moon. Its size, its weight, its movements in the sky. He knew exactly the wattage of light it reflected off the sun on any given night. So Stolas knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that the moon wasn't shining any brighter this evening than it had on the night of every full moon since he'd began this accursed arrangement.
So why did it feel so bright? He felt the glow of moonlight following his every step as he paced his own bedroom, talons making a soft agitated clacking on the floor. It felt like a spotlight, beaming in through the colored panels of stained glass, illuminating a different insecurity with every brilliantly lit hue its light projected onto the floor.
He heard the great clock chime in the hall. The sound made him jump. Nine pm. It was time. Any moment now, Blitz would come scampering up over the railing of his balcony, despite being told time and time again that he was free to use the front door. The back door. The side door. Any door he chose really. But Blitz was stubborn like that. It was one of the things Stolas found so endearing about him, really. He never let anyone or their lousy opinons bully him into changing....well anything. Everything Blitz did he did his way, and wholeheartedly. He was brave and so oddly compassionate and stalwart and so handsome and oh SATAN he was down bad wasn't he? And if this was it....if Blitz never spoke to him again.....he began to wring his primary feathers in anxiety as he felt himself spiraling into a deep dark pit of anxiety that had him curled up in the freezer earlier that day.
He cut off those trains of thought.
He couldn't do that. Not today. Today he had to do what was right. He had to make sure Blitz was safe...even if that meant losing the one man who'd even allowed Stolas to feel like himself.
He turned to the mirror, straightened himself up, fixed his hair, and adjusted the twisted ruffle at the bottom of one of his poet sleeved blouse. Paired with one of his simpler red waistcoats, it was a modest outfit, by his recent standards, but it fitted the way he wanted to present himself tonight; sincere.
Feeling slightly more put together and with the panic attack held at bay for the moment, Stolas made his way to the French doors that led out to his balcony, and with quiet resolve, he flung them open, stepping out of the mottled colors of the stained glass and into the cool, white, natural moonlight that bathed the whole balcony in a glow as bright as day. Any moment, the absolute love of his life would be coming over that white marble railing, likely for the last time. But he could do this. Whatever happened, he was ready. He would make this whole thing right by the light of this too bright full moon.
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Stolas was clinging to him, kissing any part of him he could reach, rocking his hips up with Blitz's rhythm, trying to drive him deeper. It was absolutely glorious. The water was sloshing around, spilling everywhere, exaggerating their movements and eventually deepening and lengthening their thrusts. When Blitz finally said he was closer, Stolas braced himself against the taps, trembling with need and anticipation and pure pleasure.
"Oh please! Come in me, Blitz!" He begged. And not but moments after he said it, he flung his head back with a desperate cry, thrust his hips up forcefully, and came.
He came hard.
He was gasping, half sobbing, and clinging to blitz with his thighs. His slight cloacal protuberance swelled and throbbed aggressively against Blitz's balls as he pulled him in as deep as he could. The hand that was bracing him against the taps slammed against the tile so hard one tile cracked.
Then the owl collapsed back, panting, sated, and seemingly boneless.
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✨🌌Full Moon🌌✨
A starter for @ultio-angelus's Blitzo
Stolas knew everything there was to know about the moon. Its size, its weight, its movements in the sky. He knew exactly the wattage of light it reflected off the sun on any given night. So Stolas knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that the moon wasn't shining any brighter this evening than it had on the night of every full moon since he'd began this accursed arrangement.
So why did it feel so bright? He felt the glow of moonlight following his every step as he paced his own bedroom, talons making a soft agitated clacking on the floor. It felt like a spotlight, beaming in through the colored panels of stained glass, illuminating a different insecurity with every brilliantly lit hue its light projected onto the floor.
He heard the great clock chime in the hall. The sound made him jump. Nine pm. It was time. Any moment now, Blitz would come scampering up over the railing of his balcony, despite being told time and time again that he was free to use the front door. The back door. The side door. Any door he chose really. But Blitz was stubborn like that. It was one of the things Stolas found so endearing about him, really. He never let anyone or their lousy opinons bully him into changing....well anything. Everything Blitz did he did his way, and wholeheartedly. He was brave and so oddly compassionate and stalwart and so handsome and oh SATAN he was down bad wasn't he? And if this was it....if Blitz never spoke to him again.....he began to wring his primary feathers in anxiety as he felt himself spiraling into a deep dark pit of anxiety that had him curled up in the freezer earlier that day.
He cut off those trains of thought.
He couldn't do that. Not today. Today he had to do what was right. He had to make sure Blitz was safe...even if that meant losing the one man who'd even allowed Stolas to feel like himself.
He turned to the mirror, straightened himself up, fixed his hair, and adjusted the twisted ruffle at the bottom of one of his poet sleeved blouse. Paired with one of his simpler red waistcoats, it was a modest outfit, by his recent standards, but it fitted the way he wanted to present himself tonight; sincere.
Feeling slightly more put together and with the panic attack held at bay for the moment, Stolas made his way to the French doors that led out to his balcony, and with quiet resolve, he flung them open, stepping out of the mottled colors of the stained glass and into the cool, white, natural moonlight that bathed the whole balcony in a glow as bright as day. Any moment, the absolute love of his life would be coming over that white marble railing, likely for the last time. But he could do this. Whatever happened, he was ready. He would make this whole thing right by the light of this too bright full moon.
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I'm down!
Gotta keep it professional (Office AU)
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Part 1 - Part 2
It’ll keep updating as I find more ideas. I don’t think it’ll ever have an end but at least this is the beginning
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