#But then again I hate jealousy tropes in general so it's really not an issue with me pfftt
kyouka-supremacy · 11 months
It's actually quite curious that I've never found a sskk fic where Atsushi was jealous of the attentions Akutagwa gives Dazai
IMHO, I think it’s bc jealousy like that would mean Atsushi wanted Akutagawa to feel about him the way Akutagawa feels about Dazai, and I don’t think that’s the kind of connection Atsushi would envy anyone having with anyone
That's... A very good point
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singingcicadas · 4 months
Want to do a post-LL25 pseudo megarod/megop relationship where Optimus doesn’t die in the battle with Unicron but somehow gets spat out of the black hole with a reinstated body and matrix. Rodimus tries to save Megatron during the victory lap by persuading him into a sparkbond, b/c of that really common fanon trope of sparkbonds tying lives together so the death of one partner would mean automatic death for the other (it’s a myth but he’s grasping at straws here). Megatron refuses at first, saying that it’s Not A Good Idea and Rodimus would regret it. Eventually Rodimus wears him down but Megatron has no idea what he’s planning and thought it was just going to be a regular sparksharing for goodbye. 
So Rodimus seizes his chance as soon as Megatron’s spark's open, plunging the bond really really deep (way deeper than is safe). It doesn’t work, obviously, he almost drowns in Megatron’s memories of anger and hate and loss, if not for Megatron breaking them out before it got too far. But not before he got to experience some real fucked up shit of Megatron being a sadistic genocidal psyco from a first person front seat pov. And seeing the way Optimus stands out as a constant among all those years of rage-clouded carnage, first as an anchoring point for hatred, then as a source of close companionship and comfort in the Functionalist universe. Megatron is quiet and gentle when he says see, I told you you’d regret it. Now you know why I deserve my fate.
And Rodimus can’t even reply b/c he’s so shaken by the slapping reminder of the true extent of Megatron’s guilt and crimes and the inconsequentiality of his own feelings in comparison. 
Megatron leaves with Prowl but Rodimus can’t let go of him in his head. He keeps thinking obsessively over the sparksharing incident. Then he sees Optimus and has an immediate flashback to Megatron’s Functionalist universe memories. That’s when he realizes oh it’s not entirely the moral issues about Megatron’s past that’s got him all hung up. It’s jealousy. 
Here’s where the megop part is pseudo b/c it’s all in Rodimus’ head lol. They don’t actually have romantic feelings about each other, at all, in any universe. Functionalist Orion was important to Megatron but they were never A Thing. But Rodimus doesn’t know that and he’s torn between jealousy and his own loyalty towards Optimus, his anger at Optimus for not doing anything to save Megatron who clearly loves him, his logically knowing the unfairness of that anger, his recognition of the well-deservedness of whatever Megatron’s fate and his own bias and just the absurdity of his own feelings in general. He tries to visit Megatron in prison to sort things out but megatron won't see him. He wants to leave Cybertron on Thunderclash’s ship but can’t bring himself to go without knowing what’s going to happen to Megatron.
Meanwhile Optimus is just disappointed that he survived yet again and is too tired to care about anything other than his job. Everyone else is super joyous and in awe at both his survival and the restoration of the matrix, he’s the only one who’s Not Happy with the way things turned out. But he can’t say anything, not when the miracle has everyone so hopeful and united. Bumblebee is the only one who notices that something’s wrong when he starts showing physical symptoms, but there’s no way Optimus is able to tell him the truth; by that point his accumulated mental barriers of guilt and denial and subconscious self-preservation are so thick that it’s next to impossible for him to ever open up to another.
Optimus busies himself with governance stuff. he doesn’t visit Megatron. He appoints new council members and new Senators, most of whom knew Megatron as the AVL leader. Rodimus is automatically granted a seat at the council but he never shows up. Nobody’s seen him in office since the Lost Light landed, except for an endless flow of charges for illegal engex consumption, drunken misconducts and truancies. Optimus tries to contact him, tries to get Ratchet and Magnus to keep an eye on him and set him up with therapists and the like, but Rodimus ignores every attempt at contact. 
Deep down Optimus knows that those aren’t actual helpful solutions, Ratchet and Magnus haven’t been able to get Rodimus to listen forever and there isn’t a therapist left alive who can even begin to understand the stuff they’d been through, but most days he can barely bring himself to summon enough energy to do his duty as is. He can’t deal with Rodimus’ problems on top of his own. Bumblebee and Roller do the best they can but there are times when their care becomes a burden in and of itself. So he pays the fines and files away the charges, and with that also files Rodimus away to the back of his mind (as well as Megatron, he knows it has something to do with Megatron, Megatron’s always at the bottom of his grief one way or another, but that’s another thing he can’t deal with, not right now)
Eventually the Galactic Council demands for Megatron to be handed over as part of reparations. Everyone knows what’s going to happen to him if they do. Unlike the last time Optimus doesn’t have the will to make that arbitrary decision himself. He tosses it up to a senate vote.
That’s when Rodimus bursts into the room screaming
Stuff Happens and they get Megatron out on parole, Somewhere along the middle of that Rodimus’ megop misconception gets cleared. But Megatron’s time’s still ticking down cuz idk the Galactic Council really really hates his guts. Rodimus insists that it doesn’t matter, he’s determined to make the most of whatever time he can get. Megatron thinks this is just going to make it more painful for Rodimus for both of them when the time comes but after ten thousand words of angst finally decides to go along to make him happy.
Optimus would sometimes unconsciously pause to watch them with each other, the playing, the banter, the easy affection. The sometimes-exasperation and good-natured tolerence. He'd feel happy for them but also envious, not because he wants to break their ship to do megop or rodiop (is that even a ship name) but because he's wistful for the affection between them knowing it's something he'd never have for himself. Worse, he knows that he could have it in an instant if he wants to, with someone who cares for him deeply and he cares back, it's just one step away from his fingertips—but it's a step that he knows in his heart that he's too weary to take, at least in this lifetime
He swears to himself that he would find a way to ensure that their happiness lasts.
weirdest fake love triangle i have come up with ever
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noxiatoxia · 9 months
i cant NOT ask about a ship chart for hikakao regardless of what everyone knows about your feelings on hikakao
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still failing to get a bingo duhhh.......regardless. we all know that im feral about those twins. twincest numero uno and all that.
The one space I put a * on is one I didn't feel like I could fulllyyy mark because it's a tricky subject. Because tbh i have not really seen many serious character studies for hikakao. most people who write for hikakao do it for yaoiz or for a dramatic (usually unrequited) love story, WHICH IS FINE BTW, I love twincest yaoi as much as the next guy and im also a sucker for angst, but the fact is I've not come into very many cases where people try to dissect their relationship and so it's hard for me to concretely say "Hey, I don't really agree how they're portrayed in the fan base"
That being said, there areee hikakao tropes I'm not a fan of & don't agree with, such as Kaoru hating haruhi out of jealousy (not saying he would be incapable of being jealous, just that i don't think he'd ever hate haruhi, he likes her a lot guys), Kaoru being very emo depressed (yes he is depressed/anxious and tbh I think the main issue here is less people write him with depression but more that people who write it tend to write it in a very uh. .. wattpad style if you know what i mean. which again is fine, fanfic is an outlet, but i just dont agree at all with that portrayal), hikaru being generally ooc (iykyk) and prob some other stuff i failed to mention. however a lot of this seems to be more of an old school ff.net issue, as i see it less and less on ao3, which is nice, but still.
It doesn't really help that I have a very specific outlook on their relationship that doesn't neatly fall into society's per-defined labels for a "romantic relationship" or "platonic friendship" or even what it means to be siblings. And a lot of that - how i view their relationship - is shaped by the way they themselves grew up. they have a very complicated history and even in their present, it is showing an era in their adolescence that includes a lot of change both to their lives and their outlook on it. such things will lead to an equally complicated relationship that can't really be described simply as "they are in love <3" like yes i think they are soulmates. no i dont think they are romantically involved. yes i think they fuck. no i dont think they consider themselves in a relationship or even "friends with benefits" (ironic considering i marked that spot but i did it out of simplicity bc that's how it comes off a lot of the time ...) liiike they are each other's most important person in the world. they love each other so much. but idk if they're in love y'know. of course, i love reading and even writing stories where there ARE romantic feelings involved, because different interpretations and AUs are fun, but speaking from a strictly canon pov, i think whatever they feel for each other can't really be described as romantic or platonic or familial, it's just love, plain and simple.
sometimes i like to think despite fucking his brother on the reg hikaru considers himself straight. kaoru is the exception, he doesn't count, family discount or whatever .
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ssickprimus · 2 years
what emotions you find hard to write?
oh dang, this is such a broad question! i really had to think hard over this one. partly, bc it’s kinda idk personal in a way, and also bc it’s pretty subjective in the very nature of how you depict certain things/aspects. but ahh *cough into the fist* so………!
i have a hard time mostly with the emotions, that i’m not familiar with. like envy, for example. i know what jealousy is, or like an inferiority complex, an arrogance/a dismissive attitude bc you feel threatened of someone/something to a level, that makes you ultra petty in a way. so i know those to a degree, but envy? not so much tbh. even tho, it’s a fairly popular emotion in the media and generally in stories. and some of the portrayals of it, do intrigue me, but on an individual level, i’m not brotherly with that emotion. i’m not sure how to show it as separate thing. jealousy is so much more comfy spot writing wise, haha. esp if you're like write someone, who's afraid of being replaced, hates that x person takes 'their special place'. this one is fairly more novel to me.
if i had to make a list per say, make it all like 'so this is smth that i cannot write', actually idk how long it would have been. i guess, there are still ways to figure it out lol. but ah, as much as emotions can be similar, if the character, who is experiencing them is boring/distasteful for me, it’s hard to commit to those turmoils or even depict it ‘correctly’. such as beth. writing from her perspective was a painful and hard experience. it was fun, bc it was challenging. and bc i wanted to challenge myself in a few ways, but overall experience with it still registers with me as - hard, grinding. trying to be inside her head made me wanna take 50 showers in one day lol. it’s just so….y’know *drags a hand across a face* i think, that it’s like this for most people, when they deal with a part of the story, that they like least, but i did my best to bid a drop of respect to that creature’s misery, even if it’s mediocre to me.
i mean...this cannot be helped! like me being low-key bored with some character's emotions, even if the defination of the emotion itself can be interesting. beth is just dry. there are specific types of negligence, neediness, and lack of parental control, that i can be interested in. some chick with daddy’s issues is not of them. in fact, i hate that trope and it’s a meme to me. and as much as this can be considered a sidetracking to a degree, i literally can’t take some character’s emotional display seriously. or write it without tongue stuck in my cheek and like nodding, being only half-serious about it, since it won’t be serious to me. but usually, it stays behind the stage, bc i do try to write from character’s perspective, so if smth is important to them, severe - it should read that way in ideal. i myself can think whatever i want about it, but it’s like more of technical issue. it leaves me less space for improvisation or some sudden turn, bc i would mostly write their/this specific part as script vs trying to breath life into it, haha. idk, if it would make sense to anyone else. but it kinda does to me. either way, this makes some characters hard to write, unless they're a background or a plot device. like one person asked me if i could write a fic, where beth shits all over jer's trauma and like i'd love to, but i also found that i cannot write her in long-term, after that fic. it was the limit. i had reached the end of my tolerance for her prolonged perspectives, haha. maybe, one day, i will tap into it again. *shrug*
also. it’s funny how typing down the ‘natural’ (to you) emotional collapse/loaded impulses is…easy. but it’s hard to read afterwards. usually, i’m trying not to let any over-personal view of x/memory bleed into things, like not to an extent, where it would read as the author's avatar. but when, smth is cringing in and it’s just there….the experience is interesting, haha. i love things, that make me uncomfy in a very specific, very limited way. it’s sort of a hot/cold freak out, but it’s smothering, the opposite of just being freaked out and hating every second of that moment. still, it’s challenging as well. you have to keep the balance and attempt to drive the nail as to why this is uncomfy or how it can be so. i have a couple of like 'serious' projects, that i sorta leeaway from bc i know, that it would be hard to write them and not like be a tad freaked, when i will have to edit it, haha. i mean, it worth it in the end, but you know, haha....
lastly, there are different approaches to lust, but i can't get behind hetero/pussy lust, haha. i just can't and don't want to dab into it most of the times. i had an idea with like reversed het between female rick and jerry, bc it would be hilirious to have a grandma fucking him with a dick, but i still picture like anal there as well? i'm kinda an anti piv guy. i just don't find it sexy, unless it's very specific and like bland, 'canon' het usually mindnumbing to me. i don't get the rush.
but really, a lot of this can be put into perspective too. if there is right angle, a lot of things can work out or be understood/depicted better. so this is like my current ‘hardships’, i suppose, even if some of them have most to do with pref tbh, vs just being iffy about the particular emotion. 
either way, hopes, that this reads fine lol. this one made me think for a while, haha. 
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chokemeanakin · 4 years
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Hi my name’s Maeve! 😇 I write for Anakin and a tiny bit of Obi. 
My inbox is closed! 
Feel free to send me any thoughts you have, but if you send a fic request I can’t promise that I’ll get to it anytime soon. I still love to see your ideas though! 
(ps check out my ongoing fic Give Me Love) 
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First Kiss - Anakin treats reader to their first kiss
Drunk - Reader comes home from a party wasted, and Anakin is there to witness it… and maybe make out with…
Anakin Cuddling Hc’s - What it’s like to cuddle with the Best Boy
Anakin with giggly reader Hc’s and Anakin x Jealous/Insecure reader - first half is hc for a giggly reader and second half is a fic where reader gets jealous and insecure and Anakin comforts them
Anakin x Short/Shy/Insecure Reader Hc’s - Just some headcanons of a soft boy
Loving On You - Slight Anakin angst, basically you hold him after a crappy mission
Be My Forever - Anakin proposes with as little words as possible
Anakin Teaches You How To Drive Hc’s- nice car go zoom 🚗💨
Anakin With a Pregnant Reader Hc’s- use protection kids
Anakin x Touch Starved Reader Hc’s - definitely not self indulgent
Touch Starved Anakin x Reader Hc’s - this was actually rlly cute
Playing with his hair imagine - i know i write about this a lot but cmon
Anakin Comforting Reader Hc’s - cue the uwu’s
Distraction - Anakin distracts reader as they study
Walking with Anakin as he does General stuff- small blurb
Domestic Anakin Hc’s - random thoughts I had of him
Giving Anakin a massage - w a tiny hint of smut
Complimenting Anakin - is never talked about enough
Anakin x curvy Reader Hc’s
Anakin x skinny Reader Hc’s
Fluff blurbs! - one, two
Stargazing with Anakin
Wearing Anakin’s Jedi Robes Hc’s
Sleepy moments with Ani Hc’s
Jealous Anakin x Reader Hc’s - mentions of smut
Anakin x Jealous Reader Hc’s - mentions of smut
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Patched Up - Reader comes back from a mission all cut up, Anakin helps patch her up
Sick People Should Stay Away from Balconies - Reader is sick and asking for trouble, Anakin deals with her shit
Jelly toast - a request for a reader coming back from a mission all bruised and cut up, Anakin takes care of her
Anakin x Asthmatic Reader Hc’s - how he would act to you having asthma
Bad Dream- Reader has a nightmare during a thunderstorm and goes to Anakin for help
He Kicks Your Ass And Then Lets You Braid His Hair - see title
A Helping Hand (part 1) - Reader hurts her arm during a mission, and Anakin comes to help her (in more ways than one). Whump is in part 1, smut is in part 2 listed under Smut.
Anakin x Reader on her Period heacanons - shark week oofs
Anakin x Sick reader headcanons
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Don’t Forget About Me - Reader begs Anakin not to go break up the fight between Mace Windu and Palpatine
I Gave You All - Our war-torn baby just needs a hug
Anakin x Reader w/ Mommy Issues - bro i just 
Night Bus - The Council forces you to leave Anakin
A Reason to Stay - read this at your own risk, deals with severe mental health issues. basically Anakin helps reader through a dark time.
Misunderstandings - angst ending in fluff, Anakin and reader go on a bodyguard mission together and both get jealous.
Anakin crying blurb - give sad boy a hug damnit
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Anakin and Reader Take a Shower -basically what the title says. The shower gets heated in more ways than one.
What That Mouth Do Though 👄💦- he eats you out like a champ 💪🏻
Needy Anakin - (you give him a blowie)
Say My Name- jealous Anakin, choking, fucking, you know 🤷🏼‍♀️
First time - Readers first time HAVING SEX with Anakin 🥰
His First Time - The first time Anakin HAS SEX, & it’s with you :)
Welcome Home - Anakin comes home from war and reader welcomes him back with open arms... and open legs 
Save a Spaceship, Ride a Starpilot- Anakin has reader sit on his face and then she fucks him slowly ;)
Giving him a lapdance short - just a lil imagine
Jealousy (part 1) - classic under-the-table action at a high end event
Jealousy (part 2) - he gets his revenge
Master Kink Hc’s - exactly what it sounds like
A Helping Hand (part 2) - Anakin helps Reader out bc she has a broken arm :) very sweet and soft and fluffy to mend y’alls broken hearts. (part 1 is under Whump)
This is what he sounds like when he cums - grab ur headphones
This is what he sounds like in bed - grab ur headphones again lol
Anakin Eating Pussy Hc’s (part 1) - from the top make it drop thats a wap
Anakin Eating Pussy Hc’s (part 2) -  wap wap wap
General Kink blurb - credit goes to @kenobikittens​
Cruel Intentions - holiday smut, this hurt ppl’s feelings for some reason woops. anakin is mad and he’s got a dirty mouth, and also it’s Life Day.
Anakin x fem reader Pregnancy Sex Hc’s - i hate kids but this was cute
NSFW blurbs! - one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty
Sub Anakin Hc’s - good boy ;)
Deepthroating Anakin Hc’s 
Dry Humping Hc’s
A Dream Come True - Anakin helps reader masturbate and cum for the first time
Anakin & size kink hc’s
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Anakin is smart - just a post talking about how intelligent our favorite Jedi is
More proof that he’s smart
Anidala Fluff - A request where Anakin and Padme do it in the fields of Naboo for the first time (no smut it’s romantic get ur head out of the gutter John B)
Love at First Sight - Anakin falls in love with you as soon as he sees you
All These Little Things - Padme x Reader / Anakin x Reader Hc’s where reader is romantically interested in Padme until she notices all of Anakin’s little things
Anakin’s hands appreciation post
Anakin’s Cheekbones Appreciation Post - he’s just got em okay
Anakin’s arms appreciation post
Aggressive Negotiations (part one) - Anakin and Reader go to a ball and it doesn’t turn out the way they expect
Aggressive Negotiations (part two) - combines the ‘he sees her dressed up for the first time’, ‘handcuffed together’, and ‘stuck in a closet’ tropes all in one mission gone wrong ;)
When he does the hand-on-cheek thing - *cries*
For people who have freckles
For people who have freckles p2 - not my work but thanks to @haydens-moles​ you guys have to suffer through this post with me
Anakin can sing
Anakin + drinking - some musings about the jedi and booze
Anakin loves rain
Anakin’s Eyelashes Appreciation Post
Random facts about his childhood
Sad Anakin fact
Anakin Reaction Pics
Random Anakin Thoughts - im so disorganized my b
What does his dick look like?
Is he brunette or blonde discourse - spoil alert: it’s neither. see next link
What color is his hair really?
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It’s you- Obi Wan x Reader fic where he comes back from a mission planning to break it off with you, but then realizes he can’t let you go
You Can Rest Now - Obiwan x Reader where you take care of him after a mission that’s left him tired and sick
Obi-Wan Hc’s - random thoughts I had about him being in a relationship
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What I Imagine The Star Wars Boys Wear For Underwear
What I Imagine The Star War’s Boys Dicks Are Like
Rating the Star Wars Boys Cum Faces on a Scale from 1-10
Kinky R2
The fanart that ended thousands of careers
R2D2 x C3P0 Smut 
You get Acid in your Vagina Hc’s 
Carrot Fun w Anakin - two parter, includes videos
Yoda smut snippet
He gave you a specific order
If Anakin can pull off a butt chin then so can I
How many shots it would take for me to sleep with the stars wars men (part one) (part two)
Anakin w a weave
Which Star Wars Characters Have a Foot Fetish
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fiore-rosewood9 · 3 years
♫FrUk :D
Thank you for the ask, I will send a few songs that remind me of fruk, a whole playlist if you may, not only one song. I also touch a few of triggering topics as I explain the nations's personalities and relationships with one another so I apologize in advance if I upset/trigger someone and will put my trigger here - Warning - mentions of abuse, alcoholism, s*exual trauma. Under the explanation there is a playlist of songs that make me think of Ukfr/Fruk, so if anyone gets upset you can feel free to skip my general headcanons about fruk/ukfr relationship dynamics. There are too many songs that make me think of different characters or ships but I collected the ones that make me think the most of them.
I know the original song is by Lady gaga but this version is too sweet and cheesy for me so I chose the rock cover by the group Halestorm since I prefer it, it sounds more genuine and rough and kinda makes me think of the dynamic that ukfr/fruk has, that some people present is as just the enemies to lovers trope or them just fighting which is.....simply unhealthy????? Fruk is much more than that and I wish people would stop seeing it as a two dimensional thing, yeah they do argue on a lot of things and it is not the healthiest dynamic however it does work in my mind because they stick through thin and thick and that requires effort and true love since a lot of people nowdays do not take time to know the other person, they just jump into marriage and have a few divorces and just argue over everything and then separate, fruk is an off and on thing where they break and make. This kind of dedication is hard to find in today's couples. I know they're fictional characters and no one really cares but I practice my psychology skills and my knowledge of people around me, and I sometimes see people with similar or almost the same characters as fictional characters, they may not have all of their hobbies but they do act the same way. And certain pairs, no offence, just make me want to gag my self due to history with bad and toxic fans but if I look at it subjectivly and never encountered mean fans from a certain ship, I would say that they ship simply doesn't work. No ship bashing but as far as I know, people with this kind of personality from this ship that I dislike, and get upset when seeing fan art of, simply just do not get along and had a hard time divorcing, it is not only unhealthy and unbalanced, it is downright abusive because both partners seek control and to have the upper hand and this is not...what romance is about???? It is about two people taking care of each other, understanding personal space and boundaries, lifting each other up and yeah, they will argue a lot, sometimes for small things, sometimes for bigger things, but generally the point of romantic relationships is not someone using you, or abusing you financially and generally being better or bigger than you. This breeds insecurity and jealousy in the other partner and makes them feel inadequate. Usually such problems are not talked over and one of the partners acts passive agressive which is what ultimaltly leads to said divorce. So yeah, people can go away with their (BUT IT IS CUTE, IT IS SO FUCKING CUTE) pairing because real life pairings and how humans communicate and develop friendships and relationships isn't based on what your mind conciders and doesn't concider cute and there are lots of factors on whether relationship will ever happen like common interests, type personality, etc and just block me so I will never hear from them and their childish mindset ever again, which is why I blocked certain tumbrl fan art hetalia accounts who produce art of a pairing I (dislike) lowkey hate, for historical reasons, for manga reasons, for toxic fans who bullied me and made me go on 3 hiatuses reason and ultimatly in real life experience and psychology and how humans and the human mind works and what is healthy and unhealthy reason. Why should I support something where certain people have been hateful towards me and these same people that act like these characters and I know in my life are on bad terms in real life? Why shouldn't I just move on to something more realistic and more healthy, that I have seen that works with humans I know first hand? I am not a clinical psychologist and I have no power or saying in this but I had to write thesis and read books by psycholgists and analyze them in high school and my first year of Uni, in order to pass the year and I have also read reccomended books by a psychologist I went to because I wanted an advice on how to deal with my anxiety and talking to people, because my condition is extremely severe but I honestly feel stuck and try to improve but also feel confused, I sometimes feel like I am not doing enough to
self improve as a human. I sometimes come off as too cold or overly bitter and angry without intending to, and it sucks.
Francis is a really manipulative person and Matthew picked up that from him while part of Alfred's agression doesn't only come from confidence in his own abilities but the fact that England him self is an overly agressive person and is very dominant or at least used to be for a very long time, now he is more mild to keep his gentleman persona but he does suffer from severe anger issues which he hides while Alfred is prone to breaking things and screaming, Arthur is more prone to being rude, sarcastic and generally mean before he loses it. Matthew and Francis do not engage in fight if they can avoid it which is why sometimes people call them cowardly I think? And Matthew is a bit prone to being a codependent people pleaser as far as I see and he seems to have severe anxiety issues. Francis albeit charismatic and beautiful, is deep down in his core lonely.
I think that part of his pervertedness, shocking people with his s*xual humour and all of this sex obsession comes from trauma in his childhood and dressing like a girl. I wouldn't explain what the trauma in question was since it is not canon but I do headcanon that he had s*xual trauma and it is partly why Hungary dressed like a guy. I don't know if this is legit, it is bias from reading too much japanese fan comics relating to hetalia or just general history of humans and how they treated consent and what is moral today, wasn't amoral or against the law a few centuries ago, but I have seen artists touch on it. I think both Arthur and Francis suffer from neglect and they weren't particularly good fathers, in fact no country is, the whole FACE family is dysfunctional and while I love all of them, I kinda pity them. I think Rome was a bit discriminatory mostly towards France and never towards his other children while Arthur had to constantly prove him self and was bullied by his brothers. While other nations have suffered from trauma too (I headcanon that Prussia was burnt on stake and people threw rocks at him due to his albinism and being left handed) something similar happened to Arthur, who I headcanon that he was burnt for being a witch and Francis went a few times through the guillotine, or Arthur still having a bullet scar on his arm from the American revolution or Francis having nightmares from that day where Jeanne was burnt and waking up in his own sweat. Arthur also must suffer from workholism and alcoholism, judging by how much he works and goes to pubs to drink. Everyone chooses their own poison and how to cope with life and many use unhealthy coping mechanisms, hell, even I used unhealthy coping mechanisms a lot in the past and I am not proud of them, in fact, I try to improve.
I can talk about their history and how it relates to their mental health and what scars they have for hours but I would bore you. You came for a song and I am probably boring you so I apologize for writting a lot of words, in advance. I basically think that fruk/ukfr is the ultimate ship for many reasons because they click, I do ship spuk/engita/asakiku and many other things but fruk/ukfr is kinda like butter and bread, it is a great combination. I never said it is 100 percent healthy, however their relationship makes psychological sense and their personalities click. I know people like to present arthur as this dumb tsundere man that blushes and says baka, or he is this garbage rat dad that no one likes or francis is presented or at least used to be this perverted sex machine that touched other countries inappropriatly or at least the 2012-2015 fans saw him this way and while he still has the reputation of a pervert, what many young people in the fandom see as disgusting, I just see as an overly lonely man that just happens to have high libido and copes with it by having casual sex and just has a sex humour, the same way some people have fart jokes humour or darker, more cursed humour, I am really glad that fans mostly left off this whole - Francis is a r**ist and will grope you, in the past, because honestly r**e is not joke and as a character he clearly understands consent and boundaries and I don't think someone like him would do such a thing. Also Greece and Turkey have even higher libido than him and sleep around more, yet he is the ''pervert'', I don't get it??????????? but fruk is just so much more than opposites attract, they have a lot in common so I can't say they're full opposites, no one is truly. I have heard people ask why does anyone ship fruk when it is just opposites attract/enemies to lovers trope and I am honestly confused, because that is extremely rough generalization to say the least, it is like saying - All men/women are the same, it is simply wrong/uncorrect. I think they ''married'' five times - The Treaty of Paris (1657) formed an alliance against Spain. The Anglo-French Alliance (1716–31) formed another alliance against Spain. The Anglo-French blockade of the Río de la Plata (1845-1850). The Anglo-French joint invasion of Qing Dynasty (1856–1860). And the last one which is their official marriage The Entente Cordiale (1904) fought together in both World Wars. As far as I remember Francis tried to marry Arthur but he refused and why he refused is up for subjective opinion but I must write a whole thesis on why Fruk/ukfr works so well and people are not here for that, they're here for the music and I will provide. I also always saw Francis as the more gentle and more submissive partner, I just love to see him drawn in frilly beautiful dresses with bows and stuff and Arthur as the more dominant, I mean as a country he was a powerhouse during the 1600s-1800s and used to be a punkrocker, usually rockers are mentally tough and that man is extremely cunning and witty so...people drawing him as this useless baka uwu overly feminine anorexic boy that looks more like a tween rather than a 23 year old guy just assasinated his character in my opinion and it disturbs me but I am just some awkward human on the internet and no one values my opinion anyway because this is the internet and many people nowdays love to have hot takes and try to gain followers through clickbait stuff which sometimes goes out of control and everything just seems more fake and shallow to me, the more old I get.Okay that was my silly rant no one asked about but I feel really passionate about hetalia and Fruk/Ukfr. Anyway, I apologize again for my long rant and going all over the place, please enjoy this playlist
1 - Halestorm - Bad romance - rock cover https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ll4NJs3NBIU
2 - Queen - Somebody to love - lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zj69iA_goIk
3 - ABBA - Voulez vous - (I know everyone chooses Waterloo and while waterloo is a fruk theme, I think Voulez vous works too) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwcgMVXuBJc
4 - London beat - I've been thinking about you - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixBryyQSrD8
5 - Santana - Smooth - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Whgn_iE5uc
6 - George Michael - Careless whisper - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izGwDsrQ1eQ
7 - Robbie Williams - Feel - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iy4mXZN1Zzk
8 - Michael Buble - Feeling good - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Edwsf-8F3sI
9 - Edith Piaf - La vie en rose - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFzViYkZAz4
10 - Chopin - Marriage d'amour (Spring waltz) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFJ7kDva7JE
11 - Vanessa Carlton - A thousand miles - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERw2LuU6Jj8
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On the rating of 10, how do you rate the writing of each legacies characters, why and who deserves better? What aspects should be improved?
I updated some of the opinion for clarity and also added Finch because I forgot her originally
I'll just make a list and go down it and I'm sorry in advance I love responding but I'm horrible at grammar/punctuation and also I might tend to ramble but I'll try to be as concise as possible. It should also be noted anything I state that might possibly relate to ships is a personal opinion and I have nothing against any ships/characters gay or straight/Good or Evil. However would it be said that I definitely mean more towards the gay/Badass with a Golden heart side of shipping with any fandom.
Hope Mikaelson- As of now I would rate her writing at about a 6. And I only say that because as we know a majority of her characters personality slightly has always but this season especially related to her relationship with Landon. And I wish we would see the Badass Tribrid Hope we've been promised since season 1 I mean sure there are no lack of examples of her bravery and martyrdom. But I am tired of her always feeling down on herself and like she's a cosmic mistake when it has literally been proven by Lizzie's wish in season 1 that their life would be infinitely shittier without her. What they can do to improve it is have her focus on friendship and herself instead of trying to always focus on Landon. She deserves more than just to be a boy obsessed character I mean she's the daughter of Klaus F****** Mikaelson for Pete sakes she literally descends from the most powerful supernatural family ever to exist and is rightfully the most powerful being on the f****** planet.
Note: I found Handon's relationship cutesy in season 1 but now not so much especially since they use him dying as a plot line way too often it just doesn't have the same effect that used to***
Josie Saltzman-As of now I would rate her writing at about an 8. I like how her character at least for a while had her own storyline going off the mystic falls High School plotline and how she lived with delena because it was a good call back for us TVD fans but I think it could have definitely lasted longer than a few episodes. We all know it was just used as a lot device to introduce Ethan as a series regular and as an introduction for her to Finch's character. But overall I feel throughout the seasons she has experienced at least some personal growth as exhibited even in 3x15 where she admitted she has to stop saying sorry especially to Lizzie for not always jumping to do what she needs / she wants all the time. Whereas before Android AU version aside because she literally had to do what she was programmed to do. She has an exhibited that she's starting to do what she needs to do for Josie before others most of the time or she's trying to. And as far as her relationship to Finch well I don't see them being endgame I have no problem with them and I do see Finch being one of her major loves of the series that teaches her whatever lesson she needs that leads her to whoever her endgame love is. With her relationships I will always miss Posie and I wish they could get Lulu back at least just for one episode. Also I feel these last two episodes of the girls being a trio they have a really Been serving Hosie with the looks but also I feel like in general Josie and Hope have been really in f****** tune. In conclusion I just don't know because Kaylee's acting skills and just turning general I would rate a billion she could choke me and I would literally thank her.
Lizzie Saltzman-as of now I would rate her at about a 7. I feel as if she has had great personal growth over the series and hell even this season. I also like hell despite everything in her life especially her eternal struggle with her mental illness she is always trying to do better and not just for herself but mainly for others and some people would say that's not good but I like it because it truly shows what she stated in 1x03 during the gargoyle incident that she never wants to be the bad or evil one. She has all this s*** thrown at her being called broken, being seen as the lesser than sister, and not to mention the absentee parents. Yet through all this she manages to only get stronger especially once she builds a genuine friendship with hope. However what I will say is that I don't like the regression of her friendship with Hope in correlation to her progress of especially her mental illness. And what I mean by that is it's almost been shown that once she had even the seeds of a true friendship with Hope that Hope would never give up on her hell not but like even an episode or two into their newly formed friendship in S1 Hope went to Josie when she Lizzie was on the verge of a bad episode and "sweet" Josie was basically like fuck her she needs to fall on her ass for once and Hope ass was appalled y'all she was like Lizzie can't control her brain chemistry and was so defensive/protective it's like once they got over that hurdle that mainly Josie gave them everything clicked into place and they were almost instant bff's. So for them to do so good in season 2 and then it seems like it showed especially in these last several episodes black magic incident to bring Landon back aside that Lizzie's old issues of resentment and jealousy towards hope are starting to come back and I don't like that because the more Lizzie had A Friend in Hope it seems like the better she got at coping and doing better mentally.(sorry if this has been a confusing several sentences). And no by that I do not mean that Lizzie is mental progress has solely relied on Hope but I do think it has helped significantly for her to have a true friend. Also let it be noted now out of every ship though I should Hosie too HIZZIE is my #1 ship on Legacies two phenomenally beautiful woman also the enemies to friends to lovers trope *chef's kiss*which might be plausible as I always wondered what they meant in the Hosie crush confession scene of season 1 when Josie said that she always went after everybody josie liked hinting that Lizzie might be at least bisexual or maybe that was just what Josie perceived at like 12/13 years old. Also on the note of relationships Mizzie was a cute concept at the beginning but I do love the fact that MG is finally finding himself and standing up for himself but he did also do it and I kind of a******-ish way towards Lizzie. And that's all I can say for her. Actually I could probably write a novel on this women and also Hizzie but I won't lol.
Alaric Saltzman- As of now I would give him a rating of like a 4 . In the last several episodes I think he's been trying to make progress at being a better person but that's about all I can say I'm not an anti. But he definitely will not be winning the father of the year award anytime soon and like many people have pointed out he was a great guardian to Elena and Jeremy so he has the potential in parenting he obviously just ain't using it or lost it over the decades. I don't hate him but I do believe they're doing a discredit towards the better man he was in The vampire Diaries especially at the beginning.
Landon Kirby-His writing is like a 3. He is just there to be arm candy for hope. Until the last couple episodes where he became this for once realistic not optimistic hardened badass he literally brought nothing to The season other than someone for Hope to obsess over. And to be someone that they repeatedly kill for shock value even though it literally shocks no one anymore. I don't hate his character but he doesn't tickle My Fancy as much anymore. His character has a lot of potentialy especially if they ever bring back in his Phoenix side and truly explore it beyond his almost endless ability to revive and being a "Bird Boy" lol. I mean truthfully they're doing him a disservice Aria is a phenomenal actor who could take his character places if they just let him be more than a basic ass plot device. Also can we talk about how gorgeous of a man Aria is especially in these last few episodes looking love it and fine as f***.
As it has become apparent to me I ramble too much and I just don't have the capacity as it is now almost 1:00 in the morning my time to do anymore characters in depth so I will be doing a simple excerpt for the rest now that I have done the main 5 people.
Kaleb Hawkins- His writing is a 8. I do like how he's coming to himself over the years and is a a right hand man to Alaric now instead of being just a uncontrollable vampire(the only hate on this part not towards Kaleb but Alaric is that it shows he will virtually mentor/uplift almost any teen that ain't his own daughters). Though in my opinion he always kind of had a point on some things especially about the hypocrisy of Alaric in season 1 especially on the bmood drinking thing. Him and Mg's relationship is awesome I'm glad they made up in the last episode and our brothers again. Also I was rooting for him and Cleo I think they would be a cute little couple. Also I need his backstory immediately especially after saying to Cleo the last time he was vulnerable he died I need to know how he turned.
Milton Greasley(MG)- His writing is a 9 the season. I say that because he is really came into his own and stopped being the punching bag. Though I think the idea or used to think at least that him and Lizzie would be cute together I am proud of him for standing up to Lizzie finally even though I liked him always being there for her I was tired of him being a fallback for her when it didn't work with whoever however I do think he could have went about the rejection a little bit gentler especially with how he knows of Lizzie's emotional problems. And don't even get me started on Alyssa that was just a disaster that should have never even been brought to fruition her cheating with Jed was probably the best thing that could have happened. I liked his little side adventure with Ethan though I do think they could have wrote it a little better I was sad when he had to compel the memories away like they still could have been friends he just couldn't have known about the supernatural stuff also I'm still not convinced Ethan won't become supernatural later in the series if he stays on. And that's all I have to say on that one love my baby.
Jed Tien-His writing I can't really give a writing I don't think it's horrible but I do think overall they could give him a better plot line as a series regular other than just being used for the comical relief eye candy/mentioning how he's the alpha. Though it was funny the whole pool tournament to decide who was alpha will Finch was just exactly that so bad it was laughable. However I do respect the fact that he even admitted to her that he knew she threw the game and that he is a genuine man of his word and has become better over the series from like this dumb jock stereotype to this genuine dude the Alyssa incident aside. He is a cinnamon roll and I will protect him at all cost.
Ethan- Again as he just became a series regular this season and barely showed up in his premiere season. I will not be rating him in any traditional sense. His writing is not totally horrible I liked his adventures with mg they could have been written better and they still could have let him be MG's friend without supernatural knowledge instead of compelling the friendship completely away. And I am still not convinced he will not become supernatural in some way depending on how long he stays in the series truthfully it's actually almost inevitable unless they go the whole route of making him the Matt/Token Human of the show which I really hope they don't I mean he can stay human but don't make him a supernatural hater.
Cleo-her writing is 10. I say that because she has been a phenomenal character and I've never seen the actress before but she is obviously phenomenal as well. I like her whole connection to Malivore and how it's a legitimate one that seems to be interwoven with the story that's already been presented and add something new. I also like how she tried and really wanted to genuinely be friends with all the characters especially hope but at the same time she was also very realistic and new probably and truthfully the only way for Malivore to be defeated was for Hope to Go full Tribrid and she wasn't above actually trying to murder hope to save herself and just get rid of Malivore which I can't blame her.
Malivore-after the end of season 3 / the first couple episodes of season 4 which were supposed to be the original ending to season 3 I better never hear the name again I am so tired of it this should have ended like at least a season ago at this point it's dragging on. This was supposed to be a monster of the week type of series which is okay me personally I have always appreciated having one big bad of the season and then a couple of minor baddies that get their characters arcs and take a few episodes to defeat or something as like a B or C plot. Point being is that this character and plot line has gotten stiff as can be. To be honest I think half of us aren't even here for plot line anymore we just want to see which of our ships get together.
Finch-I am loving her character and I do think she's cute with Josie. Also I stan anyone who is a sarcastic b**** Queen. I think it's nice how her will backstory was different than the traditional one but also I hated how sad it was like she literally didn't even know what she was doing. Though I will say calling Lizzie the "evil" twin that she can fight me because you don't talk about my blonde cinnamon roll like that is based on one impression from something that was only meant and done out of a good place and Lizzie's heart trying to find out her backstory. But other than that I have no real qualms with this character and it is too early to have a real in-depth analysis/opinion of her.
Thank you for reading this long rant hope I answered your question well enough if not PM me on anything specific.
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A trope is a trope is a trope.
And that’s why we all love them! Every single writer’s interpretation is slightly different even based off the same exact trope and we want to celebrate that. This event is themed around the tropes we all know and love, whether that be OMG they were roommates! Or there was only one bed or something as tried and true as College AU and Coffee Shop AU. The possibilities are endless and the tropes are your oysters.
An event hosted on the Hunter's Moon Discord Server
The official collection can be found HERE
My Heart Burns by @miss-shiva-adler
Luke/Valentine | Explicit | Tumblr Post Summary: Some people celebrated the day they were turned, owned the day where their lives were turned up side down. He didn’t. He never would. Tags:  Emotional manipulation, extremism, cheating, jealousy, parabatai feels, mutated parabatai bond, Eros AU, drunk confessions, in vino veritas, Drunk sex, Dark fic, sex magic, come swallowing, Unrequited feelings, Angst, dubcon, anti-family, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, blow jobs, oral sex, unprotected sex, Dom/sub undertones, Domination & Submission, mention of blood
Next Stop: Love by @christophers-lightwood
Simon/Jace | General | Tumblr Post Summary: Jace is late for work, and meets a cute guy on the subway. Turns out, subways are magical places for music, lip syncing, and romance. Tags: Subways, Subway AU, There's so many caller tunes, Yes I like cheesy songs, Listen I'm the kind of person to mouths along the lyrics, And so does Simon and you can't convince me otherwise, Jace is in love, Alec is a good brother, Jimon are cheesy af, Idiots in Love, Shadowhunters Bingo, Free Square
Drowning by @jesseywoodhunter 
Magnus/Alec | Teen Summary: Alec has been keeping a secret from his family, from himself even. He's sick, disgusting. An embarrassment to the family. He's supposed to be the perfect big brother, a role model. A pillar of strength. One day, Alec makes a choice. The repercussions are set to change his life forever. One moment you're downing, the next, you're learning to swim. Tags: Hurt Alec Lightwood, Suicide Attempt, Hurt/Comfort, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Angst, Supportive Magnus Bane, Mental Health Issues, Rescue
Amor primo conspectu by @sivan325
Magnus/Alec | Explicit | Tumblr Post Summary:  Translation from Latin – Love at first sight Omegas are meant to be thrown into the thick of battle to defend Alphas, but when the battle is over, they are treated like cast offs. Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega, Alternative Universe, Soulmate, Wingsfic, Love at First Sight, discrimination against omegas, Hurt Alec Lightwood, Omega Alec Lightwood, Alpha Magnus Bane, MPREG, Self-Sacrificing Alec Lightwood, Time Skips, Violence, Sharing Body Heat, Hurt/Comfort, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Knotting
Disce ut semper victurus, vive ut cras moriturus by @sivan325
Magnus/Alec | Teen | Tumblr Post Summary: Translation from Latin – Learn as if always going to live; live as if tomorrow going to die. This was supposed to be a happy day of union for Alec and Magnus, instead they are apart, Alec is missing and there’s a serial killer on the loose. Tags: Human AU, Cop!Alec, Coroner!Magnus, undercover missions, break up, angst, serial killers, fear, doubt, Ambiguous/Open Ending, swear word for Camille, Team as Family, Blue-eyed Alec Lightwood
Hidden Desires by @sivan325
Magnus/Alec | Teen | Tumblr Post Summary: Alec is just watching what he cannot have, but he didn’t know that he is also being watched. Tags: Mermen AU, Merman Alec Lightwood, Warlock Magnus Bane, Fluff
The Place in Between by @polarnacht1
Alec/Jace | Teen Summary:  "Whenever Alec had thought about dying, he had thought it would be painful. He had thought that maybe he would die in a battle, slit open by a blade or by the claws of a demon, fighting alongside Jace against the evil. Frankly, he had always thought that there would be something heroic about the way he died. He had never thought he would die in his sleep, never really considered that one day he just would close his eyes, fall asleep to never wake up again. Yet, here he was."  A story about death and life, love and letting go. Tags: Afterlife,  Alec Lightwood-centric,  Protecitve Alex Lightwood, Parabatai,  Parabatai feels,  Love,  Hurt/Comfort,  Grief/Mourning,  Coping,  Cancer, Moving on
Not the Way I Dreamt of by @sivan325
Magnus/Alec | Explicit | Tumblr Post Summary:  That is not the way Alec dreamt his first time would be. Tags:  Alternative Universe, Fuck or Die, dubcon, Evil Seelie Queen, Post-Episode: s02e10 By The Light Of Dawn, Time Skips, Humiliation, Virgin Alec Lightwood, First Time, Protective Magnus Bane, Magic
Don't flirt with me (I'm working, dammit) by @thelightofthebane
Magnus/Alec & Jace/Simon | Explicit | Tumblr Post Summary:  Alec and Magnus take a moment to just breathe. Magnus is above him, straddling his waist, and that… shouldn’t be bothering him that much. Well, could someone blame him? His chaotic job and his even more chaotic ass don’t exactly help him to go on dates, and now the most beautiful man he has ever seen in his entire life is sitting on his crotch.  -- Alec goes undercover into a maximum security prison to get information about a serial killer. It doesn't help that one of his inmates, a mob boss, keeps distracting him. Tags:  Alternate Universe - Prison, Mention of crimes, nothing graphic, Undercover Missions, FBI agent!Alec, Inmates, Even Simon was arrested, How to catch a serial killer, Having Magnus as a partner is not helpful at all, All the flirt, Canon-Typical Violence, Blood, Major Character Injury, Light Angst, Gratuitous Blowjob, thirsty boys, Happy Ending, Trope Celebration Event, Gay Disaster Alec Lightwood, Flirty little shit Magnus Bane
A Kickstart To the Morning by @phoenixStar73
Magnus/Alec | General Summary: Barista Alec Lightwood hates waking up so early for work. But hates it a bit less this particular morning when a certain someone just happens to walk in... Tags:  Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, Alternate Universe - Human, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood Fluff, Mundane Alec Lightwood, Mundane Magnus Bane, Flirting, Fluff, College Student Alec Lightwood, Barista Alec Lightwood
From the ashes of shattered dreams by @brightasstars
Magnus/Alec | Explicit Summary:  “Yes, Magnus. I do. Whatever it takes, whatever you need.” Magnus’ golden eyes blazed in the dark, then he chuckled softly. “Angsty proposal, isn’t it?” Alec giggled. “It’s a proposal, anyway. It implies forever.” “If there ever will be a chance, I will make you the proper one,” Magnus added. Tags:  Shapeshifting; Alternate Universe; Emotional Hurt/Comfort; Angst and Hurt/Comfort; Rebirth
This Body of Mine by @tobythewise
Magnus/Alec | Explicit Summary: When Alec and Magnus get body swapped, Magnus suggests a fun way to pass the time. What starts as an admittedly weird exploration of each other’s bodies quickly turns heated. In the end, Alec realizes that though his body wasn’t what he wanted when he was born, this same body has slowly become HIS, and that makes it perfect. Tags: Bodyswap, Omegaverse, Trans Alpha Alec, Alpha Magnus, PWP, Mentions of past dysphoria, Happy Ending, Fluff and Smut
Art by @foxymoley​ 
Maia and Clary Witch AU
Pony Up Alexander! by @dmcanonymous
Magnus/Alec | Teen | Tumblr Post Summary:  Mix Jace being an idiot, Alec saving him again, and some magic mischief and poor Alec is all hooves. Hopefully Magnus can jump to the occasion to help out his boyfriend. Tags:  Centaur!Alec, trope transformation, Centaurification, centuar!Magnus, Magnus stop horsing around, why the long face Alexander?
travel the universes with me (let's find out we're meant to be) by @jimonsprettyface
Jace/Simon | Explicit  Summary: When Jace and Simon touch a mirror that Magnus Bane instructed them not to, they're yanked from their world and scattered through many others. Along the way, they find familiar faces, different times, and new feelings. The journey to get home is unknown, and they're not even sure they will, but what they learn along the way threatens to change them forever. Tags: Canon, But also AU, Multiple AU’s, Traveling through different universes, This World Inverted, Genderswap, Arranged Marriage, Huddling for Warmth, Canon Setting, Porn with(out?) Plot, Pining, Tropes, Crack Treated Seriously, Humor, Fluff, Slight Angst 
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shadowsong26fic · 3 years
Padawan Reshti?
(Full disclosure; Reshti mostly exists as a self-indulgent RP character but I do kind of want to write Something shareable with her at some point.)
Full Name: Reshti Var Gender and Sexuality: Female; I haven’t done a whole lot with her and romantic or sexual relationships, but I lean towards grey-ace and biromantic. Pronouns: She/her Ethnicity/Species: ...okay, so, I keep changing my mind on this XD. She’s definitely not Human; she’s probably either Twi’lek or Zabrak, though I have also considered Togruta and Nautolan. Birthplace and Birthdate: She’s like...two or three years older than Kanan? They were in creche together. Guilty Pleasures: She has a weakness for trashy romance novels/soaps. The more melodramatic, the better. Phobias: When she was little, she had some claustrophobia issues that she mostly grew out of, but she definitely feels better if there’s a clear path out. What They Would Be Famous For: I mean, semi-famous in that she was already a Padawan at the start of the Clone Wars. She and her Master (Llwych) and the battalion they commanded went through a disastrous defeat when Reshti was around thirteen/fourteen. Llwych was killed, Reshti and the surviving clones (there were Not Many left) managed to get to a blind canyon; she used the Force to cause a rockslide so they would be able to hole up under siege until the reinforcements Llwych had called for could get there. Everyone who made it into the canyon made it out again. (...like I said. Self-indulgent XD) What They Would Get Arrested For: ...well, uh, when I play with her in a Rebels context, the obvious. But prior to that, might get arrested for tresspassing if she was sneaking in someplace she wasn’t supposed to be, but...that’s about it. She’s pretty Lawful Good. OC You Ship Them With: Like I said, I haven’t done a whole lot with her and romantic or sexual relationships, so...yeah. OC Most Likely To Murder Them: ...well, I mean. Probably Infernalis or Specter because that’s. Their job... Favorite Movie/Book Genre: See above re: trashy romance novels/soaps. Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: That being said, she really doesn’t like love triangle/Jealousy subplots. “If they love each other they should trust each other and talk to each other!!!” Talents and/or Powers: She’s a fairly standard Jedi Padawan; no particularly notable side talents/subgifts. Beyond that...well, entering Wild Headcanon Territory, I have this general Concept about how a particular Force-adept’s abilities skew, with things generally grouped into three categories: manipulation/perception of space and/or the physical world; perception and/or manipulation of the minds and/or emotions of other beings; and perception and/or manipulation of time. Every Force-adept has at least some ability in all three categories, but most skew towards one or the other. (Ezra and Palpatine are I think the closest to an even split, I think?) Anyway, Reshti is fairly even on minds and space, but not super attuned to the future/time, so she probably splits...like...40/40/20? Maybe 45/40/15, or something like that. Why Someone Might Love Them: Because she’s brave and kind and Trying Her Best. Why Someone Might Hate Them: Because she is very self-indulgent for me and sometimes that gets Vexing to people outside my brain. How They Change: After Master Llwych’s death, she gets super focused on the men who were in the canyon with her--she wants to be Sure they get reassigned together; and she’s hoping she’ll be able to stay with them when she gets another Master to finish her training. She’s particularly close to Jumpshot and Redeye, who are the most senior surviving officer and the medic. She also ends up being a little more...mmm...not exactly aggressive, but much quicker to act, more Decisive/proactive; wanting to jump the gun and sort of take control of circumstances before they get out of control, whereas before that she was definitely more--follow my Master’s lead, defer to older and wiser judgement. Being the Final Authority for a few days there under pretty desperate circumstances had an Impact. And then after Order 66, while she survives, she’s left with some permanent disability and between that and the need to hide from the Empire, it makes her re-evaluate the best way to do what she’s always wanted to do--protect people who need it. (Which, when she hypothetically runs into Ezra or Sabine, results in her accidentally getting taken along for a ride because they can’t leave her there after she helped them dodge pursuit like that and then there is a Reunion and Emotions.) Why You Love Them: ...like I said. Self-indulgent RP character. I get to play with a lot of friendship and H/C/angst tropes that I enjoy but don’t necessarily work well in a Fic Project To Share context, lol.
Ask me about my OCs!
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simptasia · 4 years
lost characters based solely on how i portray them in my text post memes
jack: constantly crying and/or screaming. no emotional stability. no social skills. terrible bedside manner. endearingly bland. into powerful women. loves the red sox... a lot. daddy issues. doesn’t believe in himself. has shitty tattoos. being crushed under the weight of everybody’s expectations. more or less hot. he is not cool at all. repressed attraction to guys. chronic hero syndrome. adorably embarrassing as a dad. passionately and violently overreacts to the mere concept of people believing in things. mansplains but in a non malicious way because he is literally that oblivious. gets into fights a lot. dissociates in mirrors. gets injured a lot but doesn’t wanna make a fuss. thinking about caves
kate: desperate need to protect women. bi. is frustrated by jack and sawyer’s personalities but wants to fuck them oh so much. rowdy. feminist. biceps. will call you out. is love with claire and jack and sun and- she has a lot of love to give. she can be ur angel or ur devil. exasperated. doesn’t understand astrology but she’s trying. she’s the slytherin friend every hufflepuff needs. uses guns. doesn’t know how to cook. go to relationship advice is “dump him” or “suck his dick”.  just because you put things in her vagina doesn’t mean you know her. gemini
hurley: sad clown. haha laughter! hiding real pain! has debilitating mental illness. he’s doing his best to stay positive. virgin. genuinely kind soul. overwhelmed by food. awkward around girls he likes. much smarter and wiser than anybody thinks, including himself. a special boy who we all love. says dude a lot. the only valid rich person ever. doesn’t like himself. sees dead people. kinda silly. also he’s fat (but i don’t joke about it in a cruel way)
sawyer: compulsive need to nickname people. from the south. bewildered by charlie’s english slang. covering up vulnerability with jokes and being mean. loves juliet. is an asshole but a loveable asshole (this varies, mostly he’s an asshole). conventionally attractive to the point of boring. got a Thing going on with miles. can’t stand daniel being smart around him. babies freak him out. treats animals poorly
locke: very supportive and new agey type. i’ve made two jokes about him encouraging people to jack off, that wasn’t on purpose but Okay. he doesn’t know what its like to have friends. he says Deep Sounding but odd things. he’s super duper into nature. he suffers. he’s very forgiving of ben to the point of absurdity and he desperately wants ben to love and fuck him. or maybe they are fucking. Who Knows. he loves knifes
sayid: sexy, suffering shannon fucker. he doesn’t respect boone. his life is an endless parade of misery culminating in going on autopilot. respects women
jin: he has no idea what’s going on and his life revolves around sun
sun: beautiful. perfect. very passionate about gardening
claire: bi. frequently ignored. cutesy and sweet. super into astrology and new age stuff. her cheery demeanour can only hold on so long before she loses it. kinda dumb. has baby. vanilla, at least for now. loves charlie but is kinda frustrated by him. goes feral and “kitten thinks of murder all day” sums it up
charlie: that he needs attention and validation to survive would be a gross understatement. bi. trans. punk. stupid. english. really horny and slutty. adores music more than anything. drug addict (again, i refuse to be cruel). severe jealousy issues. inferiority superiority complex. hates himself but will get offended if you hate him. can’t take any form of criticism. is bewildered by sawyer’s american-isms. bit of a madonna whore complex. smol but will go the fuck off like a terrier nipping at ya heels. catholic and riddled with catholic guilt. goofy and obnoxious and he knows it. passive aggressive. terrified of bees. nice ass. mood swings. did i mention he’s short? anyway here’s wonderwall
ben: ugly. just plain terrible. beaten and bruised. seething with rage and pain on the inside. virgin. liar. just causes problems on purpose. resembles a lemur or rat, rodents in general. loves bunnies. doesn’t think sex is real. just a really bad idea for him to be around juliet. has no friends. doesn’t care about other people. says creepy shit just because. he knows he’s a terrible person. killed people. the friend nobody likes and a general nuisance to the other characters
(also my literal first text post meme about ben was a joke about him eating his parents??? 2014 sapphire, i wanna talk...)
juliet: mom friend. seems very calm but she’s screaming on the inside. basically she’s the This Is Fine meme. depressed. has big tits. low-key kinky. feminist in a very gentle way. has no ill will towards kate and will only fight her for fun. concerned for daniel’s well being. has no chemistry with jack. loves sawyer. flat measured calm way of speaking. she’s breaking apart at the seams but will offer you a nice glass of water :)))
michael: has a son..... uh...... enjoys minecraft?
(i’m sorry)
desmond: scottish. drinks. easily and constantly confused. magic psychic time powers, like visions and electromagnetic dimensional stuff. easily angered. fucked off by the concept of time and destiny in general. hhhhhhhot
smokey: Hello Fellow Humans I Promise This Is My Own Skin Haha
miles: bi. aro. loves money (trying to fill the hole in his heart with money and things). emo/punk. pretends not to care but he really does care. thinks emotions and romance are dumb but of course is emotional... and kinda wants love. but not that he LIKES you or anything. exasperated. thinks everybody else is weird. kinda slutty or at least trying to be. masochist and into BDSM. mean to daniel for no reason. daddy issues. resting bitch face. jaded, bitter and salty. responds to romantic things dan or char say with vulgar or mocking comments. grew up poor. can hear dead people. trying too hard to be edgy. deadpan snarker. Fuck Off I’m Not Sad Don’t Look At Me [cries only around the audience and his mom]
walt: becoming older than 10 was when things went downhill for him
shannon: seems vapid but is more than that. deeply insecure. feels she can’t do anything right. constantly put down as worthless by other people. yeah she’s sad but she Looks Great. wants sayid to pound her (mood)
(gee, that was dark)
richard: very old and ageless. sees ben as a son figure. really not holding it together. seems smart but he has no fucking idea whats going on. cult mindset. quips curtly back at miles’ vulgar jokes. in love with miles based on very little interaction. misses his dead wife. has a cute giggle. is also hot. overwhelmed and just wants to go into the jungle and scream
frank: doesn’t understand what anybody is talking about. the only normal person here. doesn’t understand these kids today with their weird kinks. just wants to sleep. pilot. bit of a conspiracy theorist
boone: bi. stupid. soaked in blood a lot.  (L I T E R A L L Y all of my boone jokes are about him being dumb and bi and horribly injured and combos of those. i haven’t even made any incest jokes! what the actual fuck)
ana lucia: “[with tears in her eyes] DO U WANNA FIGHT??”. highly volatile. lesbian. bros with jack but will roast him. angery, sad and underloved
daniel: bi, agender, neurodivergent, just, just especially brain weird. The Scientist trope but kind of a shitty scientist. smart. in love with charlotte. in love with desmond. likes rats a lot. talks weird and soft spoken. withdrawn and polite but with bursts of bitterness. his mom won’t let him live the live he wants to live. time travel weirdness. loves music. gifted kid burn out. has a mental and emotional collapse. thinks a hydrogen bomb will solve all his problems. skinny. touches people a lot. he’s not okay. romantic. overwhelmed. memory problems. his lack of life experience and softness is used to contrast miles. takes some statements literally. pretty vanilla (for now) and doesn’t know what certain kinks are. likes that charlotte is Tough & Rowdy. doesn’t swear much. bad hair. was unhinged in college. has radiation poisoning
libby: neurodivergent and in love with hurley
eko: yeah... i’ve legit only used him for jokes where charlie says something EXTREMELY vulgar and eko says “go to church”
charlotte: bi, loud, passionate, beautiful, angery, knows All The Languages, huge nerd, loves daniel and thinks he’s a Snack, outspoken feminist, archaeologist/anthropologist and wants to explore some fucking ruins, The Lost Lenore trope, loves chocolate, exasperated, great smile, subtly insecure, doesn’t get that she could just tell daniel how she feels, has had many indiana jones like adventures (off screen, of course), for example: crashing her dirtbike into all 7 wonders of the world
danielle: french and unhinged, has seen some shit
alex: just a young lady with no chill
jacob: suffers from terminal apathy. has little understand of human behaviour. doesn’t care about people. he just plain sucks. has no endearing qualities. causes many problems. beats the shit outta richard. doesn’t like technology. so removed from humanity that he’s a touch uncanny valley
christian, eloise, charles and anthony jokes each have their own kind of flavours but fuck it, i’ll sum them all up as: contemptuous cunts who deserve to die
aaron: just a baby boy. does baby things. has like 5 parents
vincent: a dog. a good boy. does he know more than he lets on? is he mysterious? no, he is just a dog
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 Hello everybody, my name is JoyofCrimeArt, and legacy can be an fascinating thing in regard to animation. Since cartoons are made with the intent of being seen years or even decades after they're created, it can be interesting to see how the general consensus people have about a series can change over time. One day you can be on top of the world, and your series is loved by critics and audiences alike. But then, something happens. Sometimes it's a specific episode. Other times a season. Maybe it's a controversy within the fandom. But whatever it is, something happens that causes peoples opinions to turn. And suddenly your show has gone from being universally praised to becoming much more divisive. And when something like that happens, it can be hard to recover. It happened to Steven Universe.  It happened to Rick and Morty. And it happened to Star vs. the Forces of Evil.
 Created by Daron Nefcy,  Star vs. The Forces of Evil  premiered on the Disney Channel and Disney XD in 2015,  and quickly became one of the hot cartoons that everybody was talking about. It makes sense, as it came outright around the time where more continuity based fantasy series were really starting to take off, so it's natural that it became a hit. While the series was generally well regarded upon its debut, as time went on the series became much more of a "love it or hate it" type of show. And while that's not too uncommon for any show that amounts a large flowing, what makes Star vs. so interesting is that it seems like nobody can seemingly agree when the show got bad, if it did at all. Some people say the quality dipped after the first season. Others say the third. Some say the fourth. Others say that the show was good until the finale. And some say that the show was solid throughout. This divide among fans is why I feel confident calling Star vs. The Forces of Evil one of the most divisive shows of the 2010's, even if the debate around it isn't nearly volatile as other series. But now that the series has ran its course I have to ask, does it hold up? Did the show really go down hill, or is the hate undeserved? That's what I'm here to find out.
 I feel like I'm in an interesting place to talk about this series because, while I tend to try to keep up with all the big name animated show coming out, I actually didn't watch most of Star as it was running. I watched the first season until my family cut cable right before the finale of season one (You know, around the time people started to care about the show.) And only caught up with the show in the last year or so while doing research for my "Top 30 Cartoons of the Decade" list. So I went into the series mostly blind with the exception of a few spoilers. I just felt like this was important to point out as I feel it may have an effect on my view of the show.
 Also, while I usually try to go spoiler free when I do a general overview of a series, for this review I may have to go into some spoiler territory. Since this series features an ever changing status quo, as well as a lot of major characters who aren't introduced until late in the series' run, doing this review completely spoiler free would be difficult. So I'm going to be doing this review under the assumption that anybody reading this has already seen the show, and are just curious to hear my take on it, or don't care about being spoiled.  So if you wanna go in blind I suggest you sign out now.
 But to everyone else, let's dive in and talk about Star vs. the Forces of Evil.
 Star vs. The Forces of Evil stars (He, get it. I'm funny.) Star Butterfly. A princess from the dimension of Mewni who, upon her fourteenth birthday is given a wand of unbelievable magical power. However, after causing nothing but trouble with her new found powers in her world her parents decide to ship her off to Earth, where she can be somebody else's problem. There she befriends a human boy named Marco Diaz and the series mainly follow these two as they go on all sorts of magical adventures as they battle all sorts of evil monsters and ne'er-do-well who want to take the wand and use its power for themselves. Or at least that's how the series goes at first. As the series goes on it begins to focus more on the world building, as Star and Marco discover that the kingdom of Mewni isn't as great as they first believed, and are forced to battle political corruption, conspiracy within the royal family, and the generation spanning systemic racism against monster kind.  
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 The best place to start when talking about the show are the characters. Lets start with the main leads.
 We got Star, your typical fun-loving, ditzy, hyperactive action girl. Which seems to be a common trend in Disney Channel cartoons now that I think about it. But she does enough to stand on her own. She's a fun character, and an overall good lead for the series. I admit that her bratty nature and general stupidity could turn some people off, and there are times  where it can get a little annoying, but I never minded it all that much. I think that's kinda suppose to be the point of her character. She's a royal, and spent her whole life with a silver spoon in her mouth. So it makes sense she would be a bit selfish and be unaware of the world around her. And she does improve over the course of the series, as she begins to take her job as a princess more seriously and spends much of the series actively fighting against monster prejudice. Though I'd be lying if some of these less desirable elements of her character don't continue to pop up every now and again, even later in the series and especially in the last couple of episodes. Also she's kinda a sociopath. Like especially early on in the show there are like...a lot of casualties to Star's antics. I'm kinda surprised Disney let them get away with that.
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 Also, can I just say that I am sick and tired of people asking "When is Disney going to include their first LGBTQ+ princess, completely ignoring the fact that Star is bisexual as fu*k. Like, come on now!
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 Marco is also a good lead. He's a neurotic, responsible, karate student who often acts as the straight man to Star's antics. However, I like the fact that he's not a total stick in the mud. Sure he's more cautious than Star is but he's still capable of getting in on the adventures as well. He comes across as a realistic teen with his own set of flaws. Namely his insecure nature and general social awkwardness. I also like that due to his expertise with karate he's able to hold his own in a fight even without magic. He always feels like Star's equal and never like a sidekick. He and Star have a great dynamic in general, and the two play off each other well. They contrast with each other and It feels like the two really cover each other's flaws. And it's kinda refreshing seeing two characters who are so different manage to genuinely get along with each other.  
 But of course, we also have the forces of evil that the shows title so clearly mentioned. Each season focuses on a different villain, and something that I really like is how all four major villains are introduced relatively early on. So the show doesn't suffer from that "Dragon Ball Z" type thing where it's like "Haha! I know you just defeated the villain, but now's there's an even BIGGER villain who we just haven't happened to mention until now!" They've always around in the world, and many of them even start out as joke villains only to become more serious later down the line. And they manage to do that in a way that feels very believable.
 The best example of this is the shows first villain, Ludo. Who upon introduction is portrayed as a completely comedic villain who Star could easily take in a fight. But things change when a new more serious villain, Toffee, usurps him as the season one antagonist. Stealing his castle and army in the process. Come season two and Ludo is left alone, having lost everything, and is forced to toughen up in order to get back what he once had. He builds a new army, stronger than his first. He finds a new castle to form his base in, and becomes a genuine threat to our cast. Scrappy underdogs villains who lost everything might be one of my favorite tropes in fiction. Other examples of this trope used effectively would be Peridot in Steven Universe and Jamack in Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeast. However, while those shows use this trope as an opportunity to have these villains go through a redemption arc, Star goes the other way and uses it as an opportunity to make a character become more of a threat. That said, he never loses the comedic charm that made his fun to watch in the first place. Part of me honestly kinda wish that Ludo stayed the main villain of season two, instead of being usurped Toffee yet again. That said, the episode "Princess Quasar Caterpillar and the Magic Bell" does a good job giving his arc a satisfying conclusion.
 Speaking of antagonist, let's talk about Tom Lucitor. Star's demon ex-boyfriend. While not a season spanning villain like Ludo or Toffee, he has several appearances early on as a recurring antagonist only to go down the more traditional "redemption arc" route later on. And I just want to say upfront, Tom is one of my favorite characters. Not in the show, but in fiction in general. It would of been so easy to make Tom your generic "toxic boyfriend" arch-type but even early on it's made clear that even though he's an antagonist, he isn't pure evil. His love for Star is genuine, but the problem is that he hasn't earned it. He tries to improve himself and become a better person but his own anger issues and jealousy keeps getting in the way. Specifically jealousy of Marco because he seems him as a romantic threat. But as time goes on, he does become better. He learns that he and Marco have a lot in common and eventually accepts that he can't make Star love him, and lets her have her space. And that, ironically, causes Star to becoming willing to open up to him again. They become friends and eventually get back together. But what I like is that while he has gone through efforts to improve and work through his problems, they still persist throughout the series. He's still very insecure and is looking for constant approval from Star. He still is jealous of how close Star and Marco are even though he has become friends with both of them. And it's shown several time that Tom tends to put his own problems above the problems of others. It shows that even though he wants to change and is willing to change, that doesn't mean that change come easy. It takes time and can be a long process. These are realistic character flaws that make Tom such a more complex and relatable character in my eyes. I relate a lot to Tom with his desire and constant struggle to improve as a person, and I feel like it's a struggle that's easy for a lot of people to relate to. Also...he's just such an edgy dork. He's...he is good boi.
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 Another fantastic character is Eclipsa. Introduced about halfway into the series, Eclipsa was a former Queen of Mewni who was imprisoned in crystal due to dabbling in dark magic and for running away from her arranged marriage and marring the King of the Monster, Globgor. The show builds up mentions of Eclipsa early on, with characters talking about how evil and dangerous she was. Eventually she becomes free from her prison (cause lets be real, whenever there's a villain sealed away somewhere you KNOW they're going to get out.) But surprisingly, when we see her she actually doesn't seem that evil. She's polite, kind, and is even willing to go through the proper legal channels to prove that she isn't as bad as people say she is. She is an excellent example of a morally ambiguous character cause for the first several episodes we the audience don't really know if she is actually a good person who's just been judged too harshly by society or if she is actually evil and this is all an act. As even as the show goes on and it becomes clear that Eclipsa is a good person at heart they still manage to keep the audience guessing. Much like Star, Eclipsa can be kinda selfish and impulsive, making her a bit of a loose cannon.  Despite the shows title "Star vs. The Forces of Evil" Eclipsa goes to emulate one of the shows major themes. That life isn't that black and white.
 The show deals a lot with shades of gray when it comes to its characters, as all characters have there own motives and backstories and relations with each other that can make them either allies or enemies depending on the circumstances. An example of this is the Magical High Commission, a group that monitors magic across all the dimensions. throughout the series it is shown that they stand on the side of Mewni. So in season two when Mewni is being conquered by  Ludo and Toffee they're good guys. But just like most most people in Mewni they hate monsters and believe that Eclipsa is evil. Making them antagonist in seasons three and four. Their motives stay the same, but their role in the series changes.
 However despite my praise not all the characters are  great. In fact the show can be kinda hit or miss with their cast. The characters that are great are really great, but then you get characters like...
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(Art by JelloApocolypse)
 You know what, I have to be honest. I kinda like Pony Head. I know a lot of people say she's annoying and selfish and contributes next to nothing to the plot...and they're right. But I also just kinda like her. I think what makes her more bearable to me is that she's kinda disliked in-universe. Even Star, who is Pony Head's best friend, often times get sick of her crap. Real talk though, can we all agree that Pony Head is basically just a discount Lumpy Space Princess from Adventure Time?  Like, they're nearly the exact same character.  
 A character who I don't like as much though is Glossaryck, the magical spirit guide that lives in Star's spell book. I never really got his deal. Sometimes it seems like he likes Star and genuinely wants to help her become a better magic user, while other times it doesn't seem like he really cares. He dies in the beginning of season three only to come back a few episodes later acting like a wild animal and yelling "Globgor" over and over again without any explanation as to how or why. Than at the end of season three it's revealed that it was all an act and he was fine the whole time. Like...why? We later learn that is a highly recognized historical figure in Mewni. Why is he yelling his name? And why does nobody question why he's doing this? I can buy that Star and Marco might not know who Globgor is but most everybody else seems to. I keep expecting that moment for his motivations to click. Where it's revealed how everything he's done was all an elaborate ploy to help Star or something, but it never really happens. Though my opinion of him does slightly increase in season four, but that's just because Keith David took over the role of voice actor. And adding Keith David can make anything better.
 Some characters can even change in quality between seasons. Janna is this edgy punk girl who joins the main cast in season two as a new friend to Star and Marco. I liked her well enough in season two even if some of her more abrasive elements could be somewhat obnoxious. She's more or less absent for most of season three. Then come season four she returns and I found her more annoying. I don't know if her character got worse or if it was just the fact that her character didn't work as well in later episodes after the show had become more dramatic. But near the end of the season, they give her some long overdue character growth. Not a lot, but some. And I found myself liking her more.  
 There are other characters in the series as well, and they tend to vary. Star's mom, Moon is a BAMF and I like Buff Frog a lot. Jacki and Kelly are fine characters, though I admit there's not that much to them outside of being love interests for Marco, though they still have there own personalities. King River's kinda annoying but I've seen worse examples of the "dumb dad" trope and Alan Tudyk gives a great performance.
 And since I don't have time to go over my thoughts on EVER character in this series, I'll do what ever online review does when they don't have time for nuance. Create a tier list!
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 If It's not apparent by now, the characters in this show run the gambit. With the best ones being some of my favorite characters of all time, and the worse one's just being generally annoying. However, if there's one thing that this show excels at is not painting things as black and white. No character is evil without a reason and all the heroic characters have un-heroic flaws to their characters with unique motivations that make sense for their characters. (For the most part anyway.)
 The shows animation is also really good. Featuring thick outlines and a lot of nice coloring on the characters. (Even if some of the background colors can be a bit drab at times.) Most of the first season is done in flash, but it's good flash, which does well to accentuate the character expressions and the fluid action scenes. Part way through season one though the show's animation changes to more traditional animation. I think there is a bit of a divide on which style people consider to be better, but I personally prefer the look of the later seasons. The bouncy look of the early season one episodes look good, but I don't know how well that would of worked in the more dramatic and somber moments that happen later on.
 I also appreciate the world building. The first two seasons are set mostly on Earth in the town of Echo Creek, but the last two seasons changes things up and focus much more on Mewni, allowing us to explore both settings. I know some people don't like the change as it resulted in several of the characters introduced earlier being written out of the show but I never really minded that. I think Mewni and the cast of characters who inhabit it are on the whole more interesting than the people of Echo Creek. (I mean does anybody really miss Sensei Brantley?) Plus the change in setting allows us to get a bit of a role reversal with Marco being the fish out of water, and Star having to show him how her world operates. And even if you do prefer the Earth setting we still cut back to it on occasion. And when you add it all up the total series runtime between the two setting is fairly evenly.
 I like how characters can kinda come and go in this series, as it shows that the world doesn't revolve around Star and Marco. And it allows the writers to see which characters people gravitate to and focus on them while keeping less interesting characters out of the way. It also allows for character arcs to actually have conclusions, without the need for them to be drawn out just for the sake of keeping characters around longer.
 Let's talk about themes for a moment. Specifically the main theme of prejudice and  systemic racism in the show. It's handled...okay. It's kinda standard stuff and it doesn't go super complex on the issue, but for what it is it works though. That being said the show can be a bit confusing in terms of what counts as "monsters" and what are just regular races in this world. Which can make the metaphor a little muddled. I get that the idea is that there is no difference, and that monsters are only deemed as bad as an excuse for mewmans to justify their mistreatment of them, but it can still be confusing as to who's oppressed and who isn't and to what extent. I feel it would be even more confusing for a younger children watching who might not understand all the nuances of this stuff. However, the way the show tackles this isn't bad either. And the fact that the show tackles this element at all is admirable.
 But who cares about systemic racism! That's not the real reason people are watching this show! We all know that everybody is really here for the shipping!
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 Yeah, as the series went on the shipping seems to become a much more major element within the series. So much so that to many the increased focus on the shipping is often cited as one of the main elements that caused the show to go down hill. However I never really minded it. I mean Star vs. has always been a bit of a love letter to the shojo/magical girl genre and romance is a very important element to those types of shows. So it makes sense that it would be used here. And I think it's used pretty well here overall. These are just kids struggling through these types of feelings for the first time, So it makes a lot of the stupid decisions that they make feel a lot more believable. But if this kind of thing isn't your cup of tea, it might end up bothering you. Because they do devote a good amount of time on it.
 But you're probably wondering, who do I ship? Am I team Starco or team TomStar? And honestly, while shipping has never been something I've ever gotten too invested in, if I had to pick I would probably have to say team Starco. Which may be surprising as I previously went on and on about how Tom was one of my favorite characters of all time. But this is the way I see it. Tom's whole arc is about learning how to get over his jealousy and controlling nature regarding his relationship with Star. And it's shown that even after he's dating Star, and has everything he thought he wanted, he still couldn't fully get over his hangups. Even though he loves Star and Star loves him, it's clear that the relationship still isn't exactly the most healthy. And it's clear that they are going in different directions in their lives. Tom knows what he wants. To be with Star. But Star doesn't know what she wants. Not all relationships have to end because one person does something wrong or because one of the parties involved is a bad person. Sometimes two people just aren't compatible in that kind of way. And seeing Tom be the one to break up with Star shows just how far he's come as a character. Plus, like I said earlier, Star and Marco have great chemistry. And I do genuinely see them working as a romantic couple, beyond the fact that there the two main leads.
 Besides, StarTom is technically incest so....
 *record scratch!*
 Oh wait, you didn't know about that.? Yeah, according to the official "Star vs. the Forces of Evil Magic Book of Spells" Star's Great Great Great Grandmother Rhina Butterfly was in a relationship with John Roachley, a second cousin to the Lucitor's. Now granted that would mean that Star and Tom aren't THAT related. But still. Incest none the less. Not that it even matters anyway since all of the Mewmans are descended from like five random people!  
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Seriously, this is some Ishigami Village levels of incest we got going on here.
 But despite how heated the flames wars can be, I think we can all agree that Tomco is the best ship anyway. Like come on now.
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 So yeah, even the shipping elements didn't bother me. To be completely honest, while the show did have some problems here or there, I found myself enjoying the show well into the fourth season. But I knew it was coming. Since I was watching the show months after the series had concluded, I had heard things about the finale. A finale that figuratively "cleaved" the fan base. But in order to talk about the finale we have to go a few episodes back and talk about the episodes leading up to it. Obviously spoilers ahead.
 To briefly recap, at this point in the series Eclipsa had become Queen of Mewni along with her husband Globgor after Star relinquished the crown to her. And many of the Mewmans are upset by Eclipsa's new "pro-monster" policies had left to live with the former Queen Moon. Meanwhile Mina Loveberry, a legendary monster fighter from generations far gone, had begun building up an army to invade Eclipsa's castle and take Mewni back from the monsters. A lot of people I hear don't like Mina as a final villain, but honestly I was surprised by how threatening they were able to make her despite how goofy she is. And her backstory about basically being a magically altered super solider driven to the point of insanity really helped to make her sympathetic. (Like I said, in this show everyone is painted with shades of gray. Even genocidal lunatics.) She invades with a Solarian Knight, a giant magic powered mech and it takes all of our heroes working together to barely defeat it. Until it is revealed that it was only one of many. It's an amazing twist that really leaves you wondering "How are or heroes going to get out of this one." Up to this point I was digging this final arc. But that's when I finally got to it.
 To me, the moment where Star vs. the Forces of Evil got bad was the moment it was revealed that Moon was working with Mina to reclaim the thrown from Eclipsa.
 It just doesn't fit Moons's character to do this. While it is shown throughout the season that Moon does not agree with Eclipsa more extreme policies, It was still shown that while Moon may be against Star's decision to give the crown to Eclipsa, she acknowledges that since Star was queen at the time and was within her right as queen to decide what was best for the kingdom. And in previous episodes she seemed generally happy not having the responsibility that comes with being queen anymore. But now she suddenly wants her kingdom back? If she wanted it back, all she had to do was say so from the start. At the start of the season most Mewmans still hate Eclipsa. It would not be that hard to stage a coup if she really wanted, especially since the magic high commission and all of Mewni would be on her side. Why would she work with Mina, who Moon knows is insane and racist even by Moons standard? Sure Moon and Eclipsa definitely don't see eye to eye on a lot of things but Moon still wouldn't want her dead, and Moon knows that Mina wants to kill her. I know she thought she could control Mina's army but that's still a big risk. It seems uncharacteristically reckless for a character as intelligent as Moon to make these choices.
 So then, after it turns out that Moon can't control Mina's army, our heroes are basically screwed and are forced to hide out in a special tavern located at the edge of the universe to wait things out while Mina begins rounding up all the monsters in Mewni. They are all trying to figure out a plan on how to possibly defeat Mina's army when Star suddenly goes on a rant about how magic is bad. And this idea had been brought up a few times in the series, but overall had never really been portrayed as a major aspect. But suddenly the show treats this as if it's all the magics fault, and that everything would be better if it was gone. And that's when Star comes up with the genius plan to use go to the magic dimension to destroy all the magic. Thus making Mina's forces useless. And while I admit that yes, they are very much been pushed to a wall here, this has to be one of the most overkill ideas they could of possibly think of!
 Now, I've seen a lot of people online saying that by doing this, Star would be committing mass murder on a multiverse scale, potentially destroying many universes. And I think that is a bit of a reach. From what we see in the series, it seems to me at least that magic is kinda a rare thing in the universe. That's why so many villains are trying to steal the magic wand away from Star. And I see very little implying that there are whole universes that are reliant on magic outside of Mewni. THAT SAID THOUGH, this would result in the deaths of a lot of innocent people. But Star really only seems concerned with the fact that once magic is destroyed, all people who come from parallel universes will return to their home universe, meaning she won't be able to stay with Marco. Which makes Star seem beyond selfish and generally pretty horrible.
 Hekapoo, one of the high commission members, despite being made of magic and knowing that she will die from this, is totally on board for this plan because plot. And our heroes travel to the magic dimension to destroy all the magic. Which they do. Defeating Mina's forces and leaving her powerless. She still manages to escape however because nobody decides to actually, you know, try to arrest the person who just committed a political coup and nearly whipped out an entire race. They just let her walk off, because she's powerless now. I mean what's the worse she could possibly do, right?
 So yeah, Mina is defeated, but everybody is sent back to their home dimensions. But somehow, through the power of love I guess, the universes of Earth and Mewni begin to merge. Thus allowing Star and Marco to be together. Happy ending, I guess? I don't know.  Like Star and Marco being together is treated as a good thing. But we also see humans screaming as there world have now been overrun by monsters. Is this suppose to be a joke? A bittersweet ending? I'm not really sure.
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 In concept the idea of a universe merge is actually a pretty interesting idea. As it feels like a natural progression of the shows themes of racial tolerance and mutual understanding. Now that we've gotten semi-tolerance between monsters and mewmans we could now have an arc about trying to bridge the cultural gaps between the humans and the mewmans. Plus it would be a good way to appease both the people who enjoyed the earlier seasons focus on Echo Creek, and fans of the later seasons who preferred the stories set on Mewni. It's not a bad idea, but it needed to A.) be set up better and B.) needed more time to be fleshed out. I get that it's designed to be a sequel hook, but it's not like this is something that the series had been building up to to the point where we the audience can put together what happens next. As is, it's just weird.
 So yeah, the last couple of episodes of Star vs. where a total mess. It's fitting that the finale to Star happened to come out the same day as the finale of Game of Thrones. While I'm not going to act like there weren't some parts I liked or some good ideas sprinkled throughout, this finale was pretty bad. How do you have a show that preaches acceptance and equality and end it with a genocide?! But hey, genocidal problems call for genocidal solutions am I right?
My God, It's Dragon Ball Super all over again.
 And the worse part is that the series didn't have to end this way. Cause the show actually had a pretty good episode about half way through the season, "Cornonation" which would of acted as a great series finale! With the series ending with Eclipsa as Queen and ruling with Globgor by her side, with the mewmans finally accepting monster kind. You'd have to change a few things, like rap up Mina's plot and put Star and Marco together, but other than that it could of really worked. Admirably it may end up feeling more like a finale for Mewne as oppose to a finale for Star but it would thematically fit with the message of the series. Or if you really wanna keep this finale more in tack just don't have Star destroy the magic. Just have Star, Moon, and Eclipsa go off and do the one thing the three of them had never tried doing. Working together. And have them defeat Mina the old fashion way. They even allude to this idea in the tavern episode before Star goes on her whole "We gotta destroy the magic" kick.
 It is a bit ironic to think that a show that's whole message is about unity could end up being so divisive with it audience. I genuinely believe that had the show ended on a better note, people would look back on the show more fondly. Despite the flaws. To the people who don't like Star vs. The Forces of Evil, I can understand where you are coming from. Even if you ignore the finale there are things to not like. A lot of things aren't very well explained and the show has its fair bit of plot holes. The series can be repetitive with its frequent shipping and "racism is bad" episodes. And some of the characters can be a bit annoying, including our main lead at times.
 That being said though, I have to say, I can't bring myself to hate this show.
 I don't know what it is, but I just found myself getting really invested into this series. Maybe it was due to me hearing so much bad things about the later seasons that I had low expectations, and while that may be part of it I don't think that's the whole reason. When you watch as many cartoons as I have, and for as long as I have, it becomes harder for things to impress you. Sometimes it can feel like your just checking shows off of a box, which is something that I've been trying to improve upon. But watching this show, it brought me back to the way I felt back in the early 2010's when I first started getting into these types of series.  For all of Star's flaws, and trust me there are many flaws, it felt like it was doing something unique. Like it was in it's own little world that wasn't quiet Adventure Time and not quiet Steven Universe. And the series stuck with me after I finished watching it, which is surprisingly kinda rare. It's why I became interested in doing this review in the first place.
 Star vs. the Forces of Evil is a flawed show. Very flawed. But I'd rather have a flawed show that's unique than a perfect show that's something I've seen a million times. And while I may not be a fan of how it ended, I don't think that should completely take away from all the good that this show has to offer. This show isn't going to be for everybody, and If you somehow made it this far into the review without seeing the show than I hope I've said enough to help you figure out if this show is right for you. But for me, despite everything, the series still has it's magic.
 What did you think of Star vs. the Forces of Evil? I really genuinely want to know on this one.  Did it go downhill and if so than when? Leave those thoughts in the comments down bellow. Please fav, follow, and comment if you liked the review. And have a great day.
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ice-cream-nekogirl · 4 years
Amy Martinez (Character Sheet TV Tropes Style) P-T
Pals With Jesus: She contacted the demoness Lilith and practically worships her as a deity, and Lilith acts as a guardian spirit to Amy at times during times of need.
On a sadder note, Amy’s also quite chummy with Shachath, The Dark Angel who acts as a kindly grim reaper as Shachath offers Amy comforting words and reassurance even as she’s contemplating suicide since Shachath comes to her whenever she senses it.
Inverted with her friendship with Michael, the Anti-Christ. As Amy and Mallory prevent the original Apocalypse timeline, instead of killing him, Amy and Mallory decide to spare him a cruel upbringing and instead take him to the coven and teach him how to use his powers for good and embrace his human side. Michael still has his dark impulses but with Amy and Mallory’s influence, he becomes an ally to the witches and grew to love Amy and Mallory. 
Pay Evil Unto Evil: Due to her upbringing with the witches, Amy staunchly believes in getting revenge on people who have wronged her or her friends as she helped Zoe murder Spalding, stabbed the Axeman to death with her sisters, and attempted to kill Muscular for getting Midoriya horribly injured and intending to kill Kota.
She also tortured pedophiles, rapists and domestic abusers when she was 13 years old.
Amy threatens to stab Endeavor (a man who abused his wife and children) in the eye should he ever do anything to hurt Todoroki or his family ever again.
Perky Goth: While she doesn’t seem gothic, she is still a witch with many gothic interests and has a generally peppy and upbeat attitude.
Person of Mass Destruction: When angered, Amy’s magic spirals out of control, but she does this freely and almost always leaves mayhem and bedlam in her wake as she can tear down fake buildings in a rage and destroyed most of the interior of UA, including the cafeteria, gymnasium and training grounds. 
Pet The Dog: See above her Kick The Dog moments in where she apologizes for every instance and also has several other of these moments to show that she’s capable of kindness:
Every moment she has with Shinsou as she looks after him, comforts him when he’s sad and constantly reassures him during his lowest points.
When Iida is upset for going after Stain himself, Amy actually comforts him and says that she doesn’t blame him for letting his feelings get the better of him and says that she actually respects him for it more. 
Even when she was in a bloodthirsty rage, Amy does nothing to harm any of her classmates or the other students and instead gets them out of the way of her rampage and makes them fall asleep to spare them any trauma or physical pain. 
She fixes the All-Might figure Midoriya got for her and apologized to him with a baked cake as the two of them made up and Amy hugged him as the two of them broke down crying.
Upon returning to UA after her giant meltdown, she gives everyone a very formal apology, especially the ones whose feelings she hurt and then takes them on a vacation to New Orleans so they could have a good time and visit America while letting them have money to use for souvenirs. 
She buys Eri several different dolls and a dollhouse for Christmas and said that she changed her mind and told Santa to give her all her gifts because she’s on the ‘Nice’ list. And later just about every other instance where she does something nice for Eri whether it’s introducing her to Mallory (due to them sharing a similar power), letting her take Dakota out for rides, teaching her how to sing or teaching her how to bake along with Satou.
She asked Mallory to fix the ashes of the cat plush Aizawa gave her and kept it after it was fixed, then apologized to her teacher by buying him a cat-styled mug.
She tells Aoyama that she thinks he has the best fashion sense in the class and says he’s a good guy and going to be a really cool hero when they graduate.
She apologizes to Fuyumi, gives her a fancy gift basket and tells her that she thinks she’s done a good job taking care of the Todoroki family.
Despite continuously calling him boring, Amy throws Ojiro a birthday party and refrains from insulting him for the entire day and even buys him several presents.
She also takes care of the entirety of Class 1-A during Quirk Flu season due to her, Madison, Cordelia and the other witches being naturally immune and nurses them all back to health, including Midoriya and Aizawa, whom she was still kind of angry with.
Like with Shinsou, every moment she has with Ashlen as she is genuinely nice to her, genuinely likes her, looks out for her and goes out of her way to make sure that her new friend is happy. And when she thinks Ashlen won’t like something she does, she quickly stops herself because she doesn’t want to upset her friend.
She comforts Tokoyami when he expresses his regret for rejecting Ashlen’s feelings for him and laments that she moved on with Shinsou, and Amy reassures him that Ashlen will still always love him even if she’s not together with him.
The Pigpen: Downplayed, while Amy seems clean on the outside, hygiene isn’t her biggest priority as she says that she doesn’t use deodorant despite complaining that she has BO, doesn’t shave her pits unless she feels like it, nor does she shave her legs either.
Shinsou: You smell like way too much perfume and body cream.
Amy: Yeah! It was the only way to block out my pits.
Shinsou: There is natural deodorant you know?
Amy: Oh yeah I know, so why don’t you use it? I can smell you from here.
Shinsou: Hey. We’re talking about your BO here.
Ping Pong Naivete: At times, Amy acts like a child, other times, she acts like an adult. She clearly knows how anatomy and sex works and knows more about adult subjects than a normal 17 year old probably should know, but at the same time she has moments where it shows that she’s still a 17 year old girl who DOESN’T know all about sex. As she brought her entire class vibrators for Christmas under the belief that they were ‘body massagers’ even when Shinsou kept telling her that they were vibrators. She also initially thought lube was body cream, and had no idea that their purpose is for sex and masturbation.
Pink Means Feminine: While she’s not stereotypically feminine, Amy often wears pink in her apparel unless it’s her Hero Costume.
Pint-Sized Powerhouse: Despite only standing at 5’0 as one of the shortest in the Hero Course, her magic and variety of powers make her one of the strongest and most feared students in the class.
Platonic Life Partners: With Shinsou, whose been her best friend since childhood. They trust each other and rely on each other like a brother and sister and always support one another, although some of their classmates pressured them into going on a date when they thought they liked each other more than friends do. However, Amy and Shinsou realized that while they love each other, the thought of being together disgusts each other and acknowledge each other as nothing more than dear friends.
Shinsou: Amy... I wanted to tell you something I should have told you a long time ago. You and I have known each other forever, we’re best friends right? Well... I’ve realized something ever since you’ve been gone. Every person has someone in their life, someone that they know they can’t live without. And that person is someone who steals a bounce-house for you on your birthday because you desperately wanted one. That person is someone who sneaks you out of class when you get food poisoning and washes the vomit out of your face and your hair. That person is someone who picks you up and feeds you soda and ice cream when you’re just so miserable you need to drown it in everything that can’t possibly be healthy. Amy... that person is you, and I love you. But... I’m not in love with you.
Amy: (touched) Hitoshi... (warmly smiles) I love you too, but I’m not in love with you either.
Shinsou: (smiles) Want to go watch Game of Thrones?
Amy: Every damn day dude. 
She and Kaminari also have a friendship built on platonic affection as they are very close, playfully flirt with each other, get along very well akin to a brother and sister, can rely on each other and call each other their ‘favorite people’.
Plucky Girl: Amy is very spirited, brave-hearted and despite the trials and tribulations she’s gone through, nothing stops her from fighting and defending what she believes in. 
Positive Friend Influence: When she’s not being a Toxic Friend Influence, she’s this for Shinsou, Madison, Ashlen and Todoroki.  
She can get Shinsou out of his shell and get him to act sillier around her and loosen him up.
She brings out Madison’s Hidden Heart of Gold as she starts becoming kinder to her classmates.
As Ashlen enters UA, Amy helps the somewhat shy and modest girl with her confidence issues and teaches her how to embrace and awaken a newfound wild side.
And she also gets Todoroki out of his shell by making him smile and laugh at her free-spirited humor. 
The Power Of Hate: Sentio Compassios is fueled by Amy’s emotions, her stronger ones at that matter, especially hatred. In fact, Amy’s Sentio Compassios reaches one of it’s strongest states based on the more anger, hatred and resentment she feels, which is what allows her to fight against even stronger heroes and bring them down to their knees. In fact, thinking about her feelings of abandonment, jealousy towards Eri and heartbreak from Midoriya rejecting her confession is what brings Sentio Compassios to a giant, scarlet-red form that she uses to overpower the pro-heroes and defeat Midoriya. 
The Power Of Love: On the other hand, Sentio Compassios is also fueled by her love, an equally powerful emotion that Amy feels strongly. Because Amy wants to get better and no longer be hateful, she resolves to do what she wanted to do in the beginning, fight for love. And Amy’s more tender emotions such as happiness, bittersweetness and protectiveness are what fuel Sentio Compassios to a giant, pink form that is built entirely of her feelings of love for her friends and family. Thinking about her coven, her best friends Ashlen and Shinsou, as well as Bakugo and other dear friends like Midoriya, Todoroki and Kaminari bring Sentio Compassios to it’s zenith. 
Amy: Yes... humans are hateful creatures, but they can love too. I know that because the people I love are humans, and they remind me that I’m human too. I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life, but they still love me, that’s why I’m fighting. Because I believe in love. 
Powers Do The Fighting: Amy is a long-range fighter who mainly relies on her telekinesis to punch, smash and shred everything and anybody around her all the while she just stands by and watches. And when she learns how to use Sentio Compassios, she also starts using it to create attacks and beams out of emotional energy/aura, and is learning how to create clones of her opponents. 
Power Trio: She becomes one with Shinsou and Ashlen, her best and closest friends. Although before Ashlen, she was also something like this with Shinsou and Madison. And between her witch sisters, she’s either this with Madison and Mallory, or Mallory and Coco.
Pride: Amy has a LOT of pride and it shows in how she shows off her powers and goes on and on about how cool her heritage is. However, her pride is also showcased when she conceals all of her problems from her friends because she’s too embarrassed to admit that she has a lot of issues and refuses to be judged or criticized as she takes both VERY harshly due to her pride.
Prone To Tears: Downplayed. Despite her attitude, Amy’s very emotional and sensitive as she gets easily upset when she’s yelled at or if someone is mad at her, and is also easily touched by tender moments or hearing someone’s sad or happy memories, although she can hold it together when she has to even if she’s on the verge of tears.
Protagonist-Centered Morality: Amy has a bad habit of having this mind-set as she doesn’t think even the worst things, she does are wrong just so long as she does them for reasons she believes are right even when she chides others for doing the same if they’re for reasons she doesn’t like.  Might be justified given the environment she grew up in where several of her sisters including one of her caretakers have murdered and betrayed each other but had no choice but to tolerate one another for the sake of surviving due to having a common enemy in the witch hunters. However, she IS trying to break out of this now that she’s attending UA to be a hero, albeit Amy does still prioritize only people she knows above others which makes it a bit difficult, especially during the Shie Hassakai arc as she chews out Midoriya for being deadest on and reckless enough to rescue someone he just met and doesn’t even know well since it cost someone’s life and someone’s power.
Psychic Nosebleed: When Amy utilizes way too much of her telekinesis or the rest of her powers all at the same time for far too long she gets nosebleeds along with horrific headaches that force her to recharge.
Psychotic Smirk/Slasher Smile: VERY fond of pulling off some wicked grins, especially when she gets the drop on someone or whenever she tricks them.  
Pungeon Master: Amy LOVES puns and cracks one almost every day in class, much to Bakugo’s immense aggravation.
Reality Ensues: She’s one of the many troubled individuals Midoriya comes across, and when he experiences just how emotionally disturbed she is due to her Dark and Troubled Past, he attempts to console and reason with her but ultimately fails and only succeeds in angering her even further and widening the distance between them as an incensed Amy chides him by saying that he’s being more patronizing than helpful and that he can’t save everyone from their traumas and that’s she’s not like the others that he saved. While their relationship does get better, Midoriya is crestfallen to know that he couldn’t get through to Amy and that he ultimately won’t be able to do the same for everyone.
Amy: I’m not like the other troubled souls you rescued Deku. I’m not some sad, broken thing waiting for you to rescue me. You can’t save everyone just by being nice and saying nice things that they were waiting so long to hear… stupid.
Red Oni, Blue Oni: The wild, impulsive and hyperactive Red Oni to the calm, rational Ashlen and Shinsou’s Blue Oni as well as to Midoriya’s Blue Oni during their trip to New Orleans.
Relationship Revolving Door: Played for Laughs (often) when it comes to her and Bakugo. Since they’re very love-hate, they’ve broken up and gotten back together a LOT, with Bakugo outright listing how many times Amy has dumped him (7) and how many times he’s broken up with her (6). 
The Resenter: Amy’s capable of being spiteful and can hold a grudge, as she becomes resentful of Midoriya momentarily when he accidentally spurns her feelings for him. She also grows to strongly resent Eri because she received the care and affection from the pro-heroes of her society while Amy was neglected of that and given to a completely different society and forced to abandon her former life and friends. As a result, Amy also grew resentful towards Aizawa because while he offered Amy comfort, he wasn’t willing to take care of her the way he currently does for Eri. Needless to say, Amy was VERY hostile towards the three of them for a while and refused to be among them as she left the dorms two months because she “couldn’t stand looking at their faces”.
Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Angry at the pro-heroes for abandoning her and hurt by Midoriya’s impatience with her, once the Culture Festival is over, Amy can’t hold back her fury and attacks everything and everybody she felt wronged and abandoned by. 
The Runaway: She leaves UA after her rampage and goes on a bender with Madison, forcing Shinsou, Midoriya, Bakugo, Todoroki and Iida to go and find her. After 2 days, they find her, but while she returns home, she quits UA and leaves the dorms to lock herself away in her mansion for two months. 
Sad Clown: Amy’s one of the funniest girls in the Hero Course, but she acts that way to hide the fact that she’s still very depressed, immensely insecure and miserable underneath the razzing, pranking and jokes are just to mask it all.
Sadist: Amy is a bit TOO eager to murder and torture and laughs when she does so. On a lighter side, she’s also a bit too into messing with her classmates as she frequently laughs when they’re embarrassed or agitated as she once took a twisted delight in disorganizing Iida’s entire room in front of him while she had him tied up. However, Amy does NOT enjoy it when her classmates are genuinely hurt or distressed by rumors or by things that were supposed to be private.
Sanity Slippage: It began when her parents were killed and she fell into a heavy depression, which only worsened upon being forced to move to New Orleans, as the events that forced her to experience personal betrayals, bloodshed and cruel torture inflicted on innocent people, bad relationships, watching new family and friends die broke her remaining sanity as she becomes the giggling, gleefully manic lunatic we know today.
Her sanity takes a toll for the worst after she gets herself kidnapped by the League of Villains as Shigaraki further feeds upon her insecurities and fears of being abandoned by society, and when realizing that the heroes COULD have taken care of her and NOT shipped her off to America, she becomes MUCH more unhinged and harder to reason with as she starts lashing out at everything and everybody around her, including her teacher, who she personally attacks without warning. However, she’s partially aware of it and leaves the dorms for 2 months as a means to spare her classmates from her wrath should she snap and get angry.
Sanity Strengthening: Even when she supposedly was already insane in the beginning, she seems relatively stable among her friends and closest sisters, and upon returning to Japan and reuniting with Shinsou, while making new friends and even finding love in Bakugo slowly stabilized her into becoming somewhat more level-headed and thoughtful enough to cool down from her previous meltdowns and reflect from them..  
Her sanity also greatly improves upon meeting Ashlen, while she’s still wild and free-spirited, she’s much less unstable and even acts more like a normal person due to her friendship with her and also becomes kinder to others with Ashlen making sure she doesn’t go completely out of control and allowing Amy to reflect on her actions and think before acting.
Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl: Her friends with Shinsou. Full stop. And then of course this can be said for her friendships with both Midoriya and Todoroki.
Serial Killer: She’s killed fifteen people to date, all of them were evil of course, but still. 
Seven Deadly Sins: She seems to have and commit every single one as being with the witches has encouraged her to do as she pleases and embraces the fact that she’s a sinner.
Envy: Amy has shown intense and often irrational resentful and jealous behavior towards people she feels attached to such as Shinsou, Ashlen, Bakugo, Aizawa and Midoriya, and isn’t above deliberately taking their attention away from others by shifting negative attention to herself if for the sake of having their attention.
Gluttony: Among her voracious appetite and tendency to binge-eat, Amy excessively uses her powers and over indulges in hedonism whenever she feels like it.
Greed: Amy displays a selfish attitude by keeping things to herself and isn’t above using her powers against others or her own friends if it means getting something she wants.
Lust: Amy has no shame in showing off her perverted side by making lewd and vulgar comments to her friends or about her friends, frequently gets into heated make-outs with Bakugo and was the first to initiate taking their relationship to the next level.
Pride: Tends to see herself and her fellow witch sisters as superior to humans with quirks because she and the witches can use more than one power.
Sloth: Amy doesn’t enjoy working or putting a lot of effort into her academics or chores as she has her classmates do the work, and even when she does help out she relies primarily on her telekinesis rather than actually doing work by herself.
Wrath: She is partially defined by her unpredictable, vicious temper built from pent-up rage towards the world that she gladly lashes out towards regardless of who’s in the vicinity.
Shameless Fanservice Girl: Subverted as none of her moments are for fanservice even though she has the lack of shame for it. Her lack of shame stems from the fact that she only thinks her chubby body is comical than sexual. 
Shipper on Deck: She loves to pair her friends off with each other, as she cheerfully encourages Kaminari to just try and make moves on Jirou already, much to his great embarrassment. She also thinks Ojiro is perfect with Hagakure since she’s ‘fun’ and he’s ‘no fun at all’. Also, while she started to like Uraraka, she still would rather her not be with Midoriya, and instead thinks she would be cuter with Iida as she states it’s like Cinderellla where the poor girl goes off with the ‘tight-ass rich boy’. And she tells Shinsou that she thinks Tsuyu and Midoriya would be a cute couple.
She also believes that there’s ‘something’ going on between Cordelia and Aizawa, or at least there’s a torch being held for one another.
And when her new best friend Ashlen enters UA, she’s ecstatic when she hears of her crush on Tokoyami and vigorously tells her to go for it. And she’s saddened when he rejects her, but then gladly starts to ship her with Shinsou the moment she senses that he has a crush on her. As they get together, Amy remains their biggest shipper and calls them ‘The Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner’ of 2-A.
Single Woman Seeks Good Man: Damien was one of her first crushes because she was under the impression that he was a kind-hearted individual until he showed his true colors later on and she eventually dumped him when he didn’t get any better. And upon returning to Japan, Midoriya was the one she truly first crushed on, but after an argument her feelings for him quickly dissipated, although they do remain good friends as Amy still has love for him that’s more platonic rather than romantic.
Finally, she started going out with Bakugo when she realized that despite his attitude, she ultimately fell for him because of his devotion to being a hero and turning down the League of Villains offer to join them. Additionally, her feelings for him grew when she started seeing a gentler side to him when he actually listened to her.
Skilled, but Naive: Subverted to Aizawa’s horror when he realizes that unlike Yaoyorozu, while Amy does get overwhelmed during some situations that she’s able to quickly come to a faster solution: murder and fighting dirty. Which ultimately has to do with the fact that while Amy’s still a young girl of only 16-17 and still isn’t really mature, she’s seen enough horrors in her life to know when and how to fight back, even if it means hurting others. 
Amy: (to Aizawa) Heh... you’re the stupid one if you think that I’m stupid like that. 
The Slacker: At times, as stated up above in Sloth, Amy would rather use her telekinesis to do all the work for her rather than actually getting up to use her own two hands. Her laziness is further exemplified in where she shirks chores by either using Concilium to get someone else to do it for her or acting like she can’t do it. And during days when she could be training Amy would rather just watch Netflix and TV, listen to music, eat sweets and drink soda and lie down on the couch.
Slap Slap Kiss: Her and Bakugo are this completely when they get together, Amy even slaps him after their first kiss, only to pull him in to kiss him even more.
Smarter Than You Look: Amy only seems like an oblivious goofball, but she’s actually extremely sly and clever as she knows how to manipulate her opponents, take them by surprise and make them fall into traps. Not to mention, she’s brilliant when it comes to covering up her tracks to go undetected.
Soap-Box Sadie: Amy’s the most politically active student of the Hero Course, frequently does and participates in protests, preaches feminism and body positivity, as well as for the environment, animal-poaching and nature preservation. 
Spoiled Brat: Because of how childish and petulant she is, Amy tends to come across as this which shows as Cordelia and her witch sisters, especially Madison, dote on her and let her have whatever she wants as a means of making up for exposing her to terrible things. Doesn’t help that even her best friend Shinsou tends to enable her and merely tells everyone to simply do what SHE wants as a means to avoid her getting mad. And when Amy doesn’t get what she wants she’s throws fits and tantrums and frequently mouths off to more responsible figures such as Iida or Aizawa when they assert their authority. In fact, she’s so spoiled by her coven that all she has to do is threaten to tell Cordelia on Aizawa to get him to buckle to her demands. However, Amy can and WILL stow this attitude when she realizes that she’s going to cross a line and CAN behave and take an order from Aizawa and Cordelia when it becomes clear to her that they think she’s acting like a brat.
Spoiled Sweet: On the other hand, Amy has no problem sharing the wealth she has from Fiona with her friends and happily spends a lot of money for parties to throw for her friends and buys them expensive gifts including concert tickets and trips around the world. Also, she has no problems with donating to good causes such as for Breast Cancer Awareness, Battered Women’s Shelters, LGBT Youth and for Environmental Conservation. 
Stepford Smiler: She’s both the Depressed type and the Unstable type. Amy smiles to hide her sadness, especially following her parent’s death, but after her experiences with New Orleans, her grins and simpers are to mask her extremely fragile sanity. However, lately her smiles have been used more to hide her depression from her friends.  
The Stool Pigeon: Of the Petty variant. After Aizawa angers her, Amy starts threatening to tell Cordelia on him for whatever he does that she dislikes and because Cordelia is very protective of Amy, and is the strongest witch in the world who can effortlessly destroy him literally and figuratively, he almost always buckles in fear of her.
She’s also the main pot-stirrer in her class as she and Madison have a penchant for gossip as she tattled on Ojiro by telling Hagakure that he has a bit of a crush on her. Then told Iida what Kaminari and Mineta were planning on doing during the girl’s slumber party, which resulted in them getting suspension for a week.
She also provided dirt on Tokoyami for her and Shinsou to gossip about when she sensed jealousy from the latter.
Amy also says that she likes to eavesdrop on her other classmates such as Iida, Jirou and Kirishima so she can gossip about them with Madison.  
Straw Feminist: Amy is a feminist at the core, although sometimes she can go a little too far with her feminism if she’s properly provoked as she has her moments where she thinks boys are the problem in school, and rather harshly tells Midoriya that Eri “needs a woman in her life” when he’s acting too much like a dad. She also once held a protest at UA when Mineta was getting way too out of control and resorted to kicking him and Kaminari in the groins for being ‘disgusting’ rather than correct what they were doing wrong. She does try to correct this however by being less judgmental and hypocritical.
Strong Girl, Smart Guy: Downplayed between her and Shinsou, as Shinsou’s more physically powerful, but Amy’s numerous powers and magic easily make her stronger than he is while Shinsou tends to be more strategic and tactful. Same thing whenever she’s paired with Midoriya. 
Supernatural Gold Eyes: Her light-brown eyes sometimes take on an amber hue which go in tune with her mystical abilities.
Superpower Lottery: She gained her powers quite early for a witch as most witches usually gain their powers at the age of 16-17, but Amy gained her powers when she was only 9 years old and has grown increasingly proficient with them as she manifested 6 of the 7 wonders and her own unique power that manifested from her father’s quirk.
Mind Over Matter: Telekinesis and Psychic Powers. Her most utilized power as she shows nearly advanced mastery in this as she can use it as an aura to physically attack her opponents, as well as to toss them around like ragdolls and also uses this to toss objects at others during battle as she used Todoroki’s own ice against him by taking sharpened icicles to make it rain on him.
Mind Manipulation: Concilium. Much like Shinsou’s Brainwashing, Amy can manipulate and control people into doing things for her or by making them forget everything they witnessed or heard. But unlike Brainwashing, Amy can make her victims remain conscious and doesn’t need to speak to have them fall under her control. Stronger individuals can resist her commands, but usually suffer pain as Amy fries up their brains when they try.
Playing With Fire: Pyrokinesis. Uses fire as an offense attack, and also to taunt Todoroki into using his own fire abilities during their fight at the Sports Festival.
Teleportation. Amy uses this to great effect in combat to dodge attacks from opponents quickly or to surprise attack them.
To Hell And Back: Decensum. She can cross into the afterlife and other planes, and while she doesn’t use this power often, she’s capable of it.
Seers: Divination. Amy couldn’t show off her capability in the test of the 7 wonders due to being unable to perform Vitalum Vitalis but Amy is capable of deriving knowledge about something or someone outside of the use of the physical senses as she can also sense ‘bad juju’ in the vicinity as she felt off before the USJ incident and at the Training Camp.  Amy also can use this ability in scrying to spy on others through the use of water, mirrors and crystal balls.
The Empath. A stronger form of Divination and Amy’s unique power she gained from her father. It allows her to feel the emotions of others around her, while also being able to see their previous or past memories. Amy uses this to great effect as she can sense her friends’ presence and also can use her emotions to strengthen herself or create attacks from her emotions.
Spell Construction. Like many witches, Amy can practice spells and has shown to be able to come up with her own spells, curses, jinxes and all as she used a spell to induce explosions or put someone to sleep.
Potion-Brewing Mechanic. Amy loves to make potions and has made several of them that are used to either heal, improve moods and libido, or to seriously harm and mess up someone’s body.
Super Strength: Sort of. Her physical strength is not innate as Amy is learning how to use her telekinesis to make her punches and kicks stronger without having to actually gain muscle. Also, she can give others super strength too with her telekinesis by adding telekinetic energy to their punches and kicks.
Sweet Tooth: She’s very much into sweets as she just loves chocolate, cookies, ice cream and soda. This often gets exploited by her friends and classmates, as Shinsou and Ashlen have discovered that all they have to do to get her to do something is offer to buy her something sweet and Amy happily does it.
Teens Are Short: She’s only 5′0 and quite small compared to the adult characters, including Cordelia who stands at 5′7 in heels.
Temporarily A Villain: After the culture festival, she goes through a complete meltdown and loses any sense of being reasoned with. Afterwards, she manipulates Aizawa and attacks him, lashes out at other teachers, and knocks them out and puts her classmates under a sleeping spell so she can go around the school and destroy some property out of anger, and finally, beats Midoriya when he tries to subdue her. It’s all in the span of a single day, but she’s slowly brought back down to earth by Shinsou,  Cordelia and All-Might. 
The Three Faces of Eve: She’s the “Child” to Ashlen’s “Mother” and Madison’s “Seductress”.
She was also the “Child” to Cordelia’s “Mother” and Fiona’s “Seductress”.
Then Let Me Be Evil: Hero Society doesn’t have the best view of witches, which is why Amy’s mother had to suppress her powers because she was devoted to protecting her daughter and the innocent people of Japan. However, Amy only realizes this when the pro-heroes, despite being capable of caring and protecting her, refuse and instead send her to America to be with her own kind. This newfound knowledge is what ultimately makes her snap when she realizes that Hero Society will only see her as wicked and unstable, and so she ensures to live up to that when she attacks UA. 
This is For Emphasis, Bitch!: Very fond of adding ‘bitch’ to the end of her sentences whenever taunting someone.
Amy: Don’t underestimate me bitch, I’m a fucking witch!
Tiny Tyrannical Girl: She’s a 5’0 witch, but also one of the more intimidating students of the Hero Course with even her own classmates being too afraid to provoke her.
Toilet Humor: Befitting her immature sense of humor, Amy is very amused by jokes that have to do with bodily functions, fart jokes in particular as she often makes these jokes at Iida simply to embarrass him in class.
Token Evil Teammate: Of the Hero Course students, Amy’s the most self-serving and arguably the least heroic one, and is often made to play the villain in some of the training scenarios, a role she’s all too happy to play. But unlike most other examples, she’s really not that bad, just selfish and prone to being aggressive.
Token Witch: Of UA overall as well as one of the few known witches in Japan attending a school for heroes. 
Tomboy and Girly Girl: While neither she or Ashlen are the conventional Girly Girls and Tomboys, Amy serves more as the Girly Girl to Ashlen’s Tomboy as Amy wears traditionally more feminine apparel such as dresses, skirts, colorful stockings and Mary Jane shoes as well as other chic and glamorous clothing and many of which are black and pink, takes more pride in her appearance, fawns and fangirls over cute boys, enjoys chick flicks, dressing like a princess, going shopping and taking selfies. However, ironically Amy is the one who is much more vulgar, violent and Ax Crazy. 
Took a Level in Jerkass: Amy wasn’t the nicest girl in the beginning but just when she was becoming kinder to her classmates, then the Kamino Ward arc and it made Amy feel patronized by her classmates when they express their concern for her. And then she gets even more incensed after the Shie Hassaikai arc when Eri comes into the picture and earns care and adoption from the pro-heroes, something Amy never received after she lost her parents as she was merely shipped off to America and forced to be cut off from her former friends and family friends. This new information makes her go berserk to the point of lashing out at her classmates and her teachers as she flies into an ultra-tantrum and becomes hostile to others and even fights with and harms Midoriya and Aizawa when they attempt to talk her down and she even leaves the dorms and UA for a while because she couldn’t deal with talking to anyone other than Shinsou. Thankfully, she does slowly get better.
Took a Level in Kindness: After her fight with Midoriya, Amy reflects more on her actions and instead opts to behave for the sake of Shinsou and her witch sisters. Although she does soften up by being around Bakugo, Kirishima, Kaminari, Ashido and Sero, as well as Todoroki and Yaoyorozu, and Amy does eventually apologize to the people she’s hurt. She takes a bigger level in her second year when her new best friend Ashlen transfers to UA and Amy decides to be less of an angry person and acts like an even kinder, compassionate person to her classmates and teachers.  
Town Girls: She’s the Femme, Madison’s the Butch and Ashlen’s Neither.
Toxic Friend Influence: Although a good friend to Shinsou, she enables his worse habits and brings out his bitchier side which includes them both relentlessly insulting and pranking Ojiro simply because they both find him boring. And vice-versa, Shinsou’s a good friend to her too, but never tells her the honest truth, enables her bad behavior and would rather just comfort her and make sure she’s happy. 
Trademark Favorite Food: Amy has many favorite foods but she LOVES Spaghetti and often cooks it at home because it’s really the only thing she’s good at cooking. 
Amy’s favorite pizza place is Pizza Hut, as she even takes Shinsou and Ashlen to the place on their first outing as friends as she ate a majority of the buffet while Ashlen and Shinsou watched with slight horror and amusement.
She also LOVES Dr. Pepper, Oreos and cookies. She loves these things so much, all Shinsou has to do is present her one of these treats to get her to do something she doesn’t want to do or to make her feel better when she’s sad. 
Amy: (whining) But I don’t wanna clean... that requires moving... look at my arms... look at my arms Hitoshi, they’re not moving, they’re just not...
Shinsou: (exasperated) I’ll buy you cookies.
Amy: (gets up with more energy) I can move again! 
Tragic Hero: Ultimately, Amy’s own worst enemy is herself. For all that she’s been hurt, betrayed and abandoned by others, her anger issues, instability, self-hatred, selfishness and insecurities are what always lead to self-sabotage and relapsing which risk her any chances of getting better. As shown when she attacks UA, believing she was doing it to prove a point about the hypocrisy of the pro-heroes, when in actuality she did it because she thought it would make her feel better. She leaves the school shortly out of both guilt and lingering resentment towards the heroes and Midoriya. While she does return, it’s only because she couldn’t abandon Shinsou or her new friends, not because she felt obligated to return to the ‘good side’ nor did she end up resolving any of her issues. 
Trauma Conga Line: She goes through a lot in so little time. First, she’s bullied by her peers for supposedly being quirkless, and when she finds out it’s because she’s a witch with multiple powers, she’s ecstatic but that all dissipates fast when witch hunters infiltrate Japan and kill her entire family in front of her. While the pro-heroes rescue her, they then give her over to a coven of witches in New Orleans because they didn’t want to try raising a girl with unstable powers under the excuse that they didn’t want her allies (The Shinsou family) to be put at risk. And then at New Orleans, she has to watch some of her new friends get killed, assaulted, betrayed all within the span of two months. She gets hunted by witch hunters again, participates in a fight with another tribe of witches, getting surrounded by reanimated corpses, murdering the butler, freeing a serial killer’s ghost and lastly, she finds out that one of her new guardians wanted to kill her and everybody else in the coven. Then she loses two sisters she was closest too. It’s no wonder that she went insane afterwards. 
Tres Amigos!: With Shinsou and Ashlen of course. 
Troll: She’s this incarnate. Everything she does is just to get a reaction out of people, but especially Bakugo, Iida and Aizawa. She’s ESPECIALLY this to Shigaraki when she and Bakugo are captured by the League of Villains and despite being threatened with death, Amy continues to taunt him.
Troubling Unchildlike Behavior: Even before she moved to New Orleans she wanted her parent’s murderers to be punished by death and this only worsened upon going to Robichaux with the other witches as she helped Zoe, Queenie and Nan torture Spalding, killed zombies with a shovel a bit too eagerly, partook in the plan to convince Fiona to kill herself for the coven and stabbed the Axe-Man to death with her sisters. All at the age of 11. And she implies that when she was around 12-13 that she also murdered several other people, granted they were mostly rapists, pedophiles and abusers but she also states that she lured them in with her childish looks and tortured them before killing them.
True Companions: She’s a true, blue friend to Shinsou and vice-versa, and they become this with Ashlen as they’re a very close-knit trio of friends who are ride or die. And hilariously enough Amy tends to act as the “child” while Shinsou is the “dad” and Ashlen is the “mom”. 
Amy is also very close and affectionate with her coven, especially Zoe, Madison, Queenie and Misty, as well as her classmates such as Midoriya, Todoroki, Bakugo, Kirishima and Kaminari.
Tsundere: Even after she and Bakugo get on better terms and start a relationship Amy is still snippy towards him as he’s the one who pushes her buttons the most even if she’s a tad bit silly about it. However, for all that they argue and fight, Amy is still in love with him as she is well aware that he’s an asshole, yet she still loves him and gives him plenty of affection, hugs and kisses even as she says how much she’s annoyed by him. 
She’s also one towards Eri as she claims to not care for the girl but after she (mostly) loses her dislike of her she proves her so-called lack of care by giving her toys, candy and singing lessons.  
Similarly, she’s also this to her classmates that she’s not always kindest to such as Iida, Midoriya and Ojiro as she insults them frequently but still does express her care for them nonetheless.
Twitchy Eye: When greatly angered and about to lose what’s left of her remaining sanity, Amy’s eye starts to twitch, which is a sign for others around her to take cover, 
Two Girls and A Guy: In the first year, Amy was often with Madison and Shinsou, also dubbed ‘The Bitch Friends’. But in second year, she and Shinsou become a trio with Ashlen and become ‘The Zombie Trio’.
Two Guys and A Girl: She tends to take this dynamic whenever she’s with Shinsou and Kaminari.
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otome-reviews · 5 years
SLBP “Transcendent Pleasure” Event Review
For all the sultriness of this latest SLBP event, it was a little shocking to me how new to the relationship MC and her warlords were supposed to be! :) Anyway, here are my quick thoughts, from least to most favorite story:
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I really wanted to 100% love Hideyoshi’s route considering how much of a babe he is in Inuchiyo’s MS, but alas, it features one of my least favorite tropes in a story: jealousy. MC’s been tasked with secretly finding a gift for H, and while wandering about town she follows Hideyoshi into a shady establishment in the “pleasure district” after seeing him enter with a pretty lady (spoiler: it’s innocent). But according to Kyoichiro the ultimate reverse weaboo, the place is actually a respectable business that specializes in luxury European goods. ...Let’s just ignore the super flirtatious barkers and the private rooms that clients are led to, lol. Anyways, when Hideyoshi catches MC and Kyo in an accidentally compromising position, he 1) gets pissed/hurt, 2) drags MC into a storage room, and 3) aggressively kisses the secret out of MC while she’s up against the wall (!!). Truth is, I thought this scene was pretty hot (and MC thought so too). But... it also doesn’t really seem like a sensible reaction if you suspect your gf is cheating, yanno? That said, Hideyoshi does apologize later for overreacting very eloquently, and the route ends on a high note: “Anything else you’re hiding from me?” “Hm, who can say? Perhaps you’d better investigate.”
Anyway, boys and girls, the moral of the story seems to be: don’t keep secrets. As far as jealousy stories go, this was a pretty entertaining one, and MC and Hideyoshi both had valid reasons to be suspicious. And aggressive H is quite sexy imho. But I definitely think there are better Hideyoshi ES’s out there! ​
Personal enjoyment: 6.5/10
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Kenshin’s story is fun. In this ES, a very pretty, very flirty dancer lady named Okuni is in town, and she wants the chance to perform for the locals. Girl doesn’t hesitate to secretly befriend MC, taking her out for tea, calling her out on her lack of physical contact with Kenshin...even teaching MC how to sexy dance so that MC can perform for Kenshin on the day of the performance! Despite constantly flirting with Kenshin, it definitely seems like Okuni’s just interested in spurring MC on to greater heights: “Did you want me to be the one tempting him again, then?” But after watching MC dance, turns out Okuni’s interest in MC isn’t purely platonic. And then the great reveal: Okuni is biologically a man, who is happy being considered as either a man or a woman! Because, of course. I saw it coming from a mile away, but still! Okuni’s conversation with Kenshin post-reveal does produce some great dialogue (O: “So gender isn’t an issue for you?” K: “Not at all”). Never change, Kenshin. 💕
So, I absolutely adored Okuni. Every aspect of the character was fantastic, from the cross dressing (!!) to the feminine sexiness. But considering the fact that SLBP’s pulled the same cross dressing trick on us at least thrice so far by my count, I can’t help but wish that Okuni was simply a super sexy woman with a genuine interest for MC! That’s never happened before, and it’d be so amazing (especially given how mesmerized MC was with Okuni, haha). ^_^ In any case, wishful thinking aside, I did enjoy this fun story as it is!
Personal enjoyment: 7.5/10
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I don’t know what kind of bizarro universe we’re living in because Ieyasu’s story is incredible, and not because of some tanuki gimmick either. This ES is all about relationship development: MC starts hurt that Ieyasu’s skittish about being touched. But he makes up for it by being uncharacteristically tender, tucking MC’s hair behind her ear, etc. And when Hanzo, who knows what’s up, sends an oblivious MC to help out at the kitchens of a brothel like the snake he is, Ieyasu tracks MC down with impressive focus (fleeing from determined hookers! lol). Our couple finds themselves trapped in a hot room overnight, and Ieyasu bares his vulnerabilities to MC in the absolute best way (“I hate being touched by other people. It makes me feel awful. ...Or so I thought”)! 
My friends, this is the first time I have ever found Ieyasu’s actions attractive! His insults in this story were hilarious instead of offensive. He was prickly and snarky, but also obviously caring and protective. Heck, he was even kind of sexy with all the times he kissed MC! If only we could bottle up this version of Ieyasu forever and get rid of the other one ^_^ Anyways, Ieyasu aside, I thought the plot was exciting and the dialogue was fantastic. Overall, I loved this ES!
Some of my favorite lines/scenes:
Ieyasu’s hilariously over-the-top reaction to the hookers: “Cease that...if you touch me, I’ll kill you.”
“Why are you smiling so goofily? Are you like that other deviant? The one who gets off on pain?” 
Hanzo, gaining the trust of a cat through suspicious means, and petting said cat when greeting Ieyasu and MC after their night out like a villain
Ieyasu’s reaction to Hanzo in general (“I’ll kill him. ...That no-good, pox-ridden snake”) 😂
Personal enjoyment: 10/10
Overall, I really enjoyed this event! It was fun, and a welcome break from all the wedding stuff! What did the rest of you think? :) 
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johnlockficclub · 5 years
Author Discussion
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Welcome @silentauroriamthereal!!! We were so happy to read The Bells of King’s College, and even happier to have the lovely SilentAuror answer our questions about her fantastic story. It’s been a great journey, and now it’s time to get the inside scoop on the boys in this story. We’ve had a lot of fun with this one, and thank you all for joining us! We look forward to seeing you all again for the next round!!!
The most important question is, who did YOU envision when writing Greg? @sherlock-nanowrimo
Greg? No one, actually!
How do you get inspiration too a new fic? @tildathings
I don't know, honestly. I never sit down and go, "hmm, I'd like to write a new fic, what should I write?" I just have ideas in my head all the time and generally order them so that I know what I'm going to work on next. I don't typically go hunting for story ideas
I want to know how you write in general. This story to me feels like one of those write as you go stories. Was it? @elwinglyre
I NEVER write as I go. I always have the entire thing planned before I write a single word I always know the beginning, the ending, and at least several major points that come between, at least - overplanning is just as bad as underplanning
What was the purpose of using familiar names for original characters? @wildishmazz
For OCs, it just made sense for the setting? They were going to a conference, so it couldn't possibly be all people that they already knew?
Hiiiii! Here's one for you! What was your purpose for the swans? What did they represent to you when you wrote it? We speculated on it a bit but I’d love to hear what your intentions were. @hpswl-cumbercookie
The swans! I just like swans, haha! Plus, Cambridge is full of them! No specific symbolism there... I'm pretty un-symbolic, generally. Just straight up narrative
So is Cambridge a location that is familiar to you? @bluebellofbakerstreet
Yes, not as familiar as I'd like, but I once spent three weeks in residence at one of the colleges as a guest cantor (I'm a classical singer and conductor)
Was Mycroft really just interested in solving the case, or did he have ulterior motives? @sherlock-nanowrimo
Yes, Mycroft in my writing never has ulterior romantic intentions. He rolls his eyes heartily at the entire notion, though in his heart of hearts he knows that it's probably good for Sherlock. But he would never do anything to help it happen
I loved the tension you built up between John and Sherlock, especially John not realizing that Sherlock had loved him for so long. When you're writing characterization, how exactly do you plan things out? Outline, character sketch? @elwinglyre
It all depends on the specific context. In this case, I was taking them from literally two weeks out from the end of series 4, where things were cautiously okay on the surface, but there was still all this crap lying right beneath it: John still projecting his literal self onto his notion of what and who Mary was and needing to come to see that in a more realistic and healthy (especially in terms of his mental health) way, and having the two of them (him and Sherlock) actually talk for real about their issues over the years and actually fix them. I had also already written one fake-couple-for-a-case trope and wanted this one to specifically be one where it didn't work very well for them My sole purpose in life is to make these two idiots have a full, direct, and honest conversation just ONCE, since Moftiss isn't ever going to let that happen
Is it a deliberate choice for a specifc effect that you write in present tense, or it just sounds better, or.... something else? (I'm more used to long texts being in past tense) @srebrnafh
I used to always write in past tense, but something about this fandom in particular just makes it feel right to use the present! I don't know why, but virtually all of my Sherlock stories are in present, even in my 152K novel!
Do you think Greg could tell there was seething jealousy revolving around him? @sherlock-nanowrimo
No, he's a pretty typically thick straight dude, hahaha
It's difficult to make Sherlock be all sentimental without him going out of character, yet you suceeded very well with that. How do you walk that fine line? Any tips for us common mortals writing fics? @shiplocks-of-love
it definitely has to be approached with caution! Sherlock is FULL of emotion, though - it's all there, right beneath the surface, and the very reason that Mycroft always lectures him about it, because he IS vulnerable. The entire façade of disinterest is a carefully cultivated, yet absolutely untrue one! He cares so much - but he's also absolutely unused to expressing any of it, or whether he should at all, and if so, how. He hates looking bad at anything, which makes it all extra difficult for him and John, being emotionally repressed and all around hung up, doesn't make it any easier!
Do you find it easier to write as John or Sherlock's POV? You do both so brilliantly, so I'm just curious @inevitably-johnlocked
Sherlock, all the way. I love writing John's POV wholeheartedly, but I'm very much Sherlock in my own head/heart!
Jodie, she was a very good character in this fic. She really made us think about how we have become mistrusting against and good people in fic’s. Why are there not so many good people written in fic’s do you think. @tildathings
Jodie WAS also meant to be a red herring! It's not a technique that I've used often - revealing the murderer quite obviously very early on, and then just having the case revolve around them needing to prove it. So Jodie was also just meant to throw in some suspicion, for interest heh
What inspired you to use evensong in this story? I don’t know much about it so I don’t really know its significance. @hpswl-cumbercookie
I'm an Anglican who's worked in Anglican churches for a long time and it's just a really beautiful service! Plus, in the music world, Evensong is a service that non-Christians often attend strictly for the music, so it made sense to me that the Holmes family might have, too? I depicted Sherlock's mother as being the Vegas show-type, but his father being the one who took them to Evensong. Plus the Christmas Eve Lessons & Carols at King's College really is a place for society people to be seen, etc It's a beautiful service that's more music than anything else
Would you ever write Pre S4 or Pre S3 again, in that case? Or do you go with "as each series happens"? @inevitably-johnlocked
No, once a new series has aired, I'm stuck in the phase of post-that series but I don't consider anything written pre-canon to be AU, either - just canon compliant with the then-known canon
I also think of Jodie as a Mary Sue (one that I would like to be like). Is she you? @elwinglyre
No, I would never deliberately write a Mary Sue!
LoL I was legit just about to ask about how you do your case research lol @inevitably-johnlocked
Hmm - that's hard to answer! it depends on the case! sometimes I'll google street view parts of London for hours just until I've found the perfect street to set the murder on  I've also googled "dodgy parts of London" and stuff like that
I was wondering very much over  why Andrea didn’t try to kill the bride or the ex? @tildathings
The bomb could easily been going of somewhere else then at the conference. She wouldn't have killed outside her "territory", though. If they'd ever gone to her hotel, she might well have!
Can I say a thing about the antidote? I researched poisons a LOT for this story, like how quickly they act, what they taste like, how curable they are, etc, and I chose the poisons in this story very specifically, the only antidote that acts this quickly - aka, fast enough to save Jodie here - is literally the one that comes up in this story, and it's literally not in use in the UK yet. It's been approved for use in the US only, since it was developed there, so that's why the random American doctor showed up. It was the only realistic way to get that antidote into this conference it's called hydroxocobalamin and it's only been around for about three months now I genuinely do my homework for my fics, lol @silentauroriamthereal
The scene where John gets upset that the others are congratulating Sherlock on sex, we talked about it a lot and it was my favorite conversation in the chat. There were some slightly different takes on what exactly it was that John was pissed about.  Being a bottom?  Being a conquest? Gay sex in general? What does this say about his views on sex?  What were your thoughts in writing it? @sherlock-nanowrimo
All of the above! Being thought of as gay is something that I truly believe that John has a problem. John suffers from classic Short Man Syndrome, and being naturally perceived as the bottom is something I feel like he would naturally rebel against when he's not in his best place in terms of being emotionally healthy but especially the thought of having been a conquest, or having "caved" to something that Sherlock wanted and he didn't so much but I also think that John is so fascinating because his range of possibility is so huge. While I would say that it's absolutely in character for him to be a COMPLETE douche (because he absolutely has been!), I would say that it's equally in charater for him to be the soft-eyed, gently-smiling guy that we see after Sherlock's "England would fall" scene
LOL As an author, do YOU get frustrated that they're just not talking? I've always wondered. @inevitably-johnlocked
YES, omg, all the time!! like I said, it's my purpose in life to MAKE THEM TAAAALK but it has to get there realistically and there's just this huge backlog of stuff that needs talking about now, which makes it all the harder
John fascinates me, his relationship with family and friends. What do you think happened to his parents? Have you thought about them before writing anyone of your fic’s? @tildathings
I don't have a single theory. I've written multiple versions of what could have happened, just as I have at least 6 different versions of Harry now
I was reading another fic recently, where the author said in the notes that they had already addressed certain S4 things in other fics and didn't feel like it in this one.  Do you ever feel that way? @sherlock-nanowrimo
Oh, for sure for instance, I've written John discovering Sherlock's whip scars so many times now that I don't always include it in every single story now. Ditto for him discovering that he would have died (snipers) if Sherlock hadn't jumped, that it was blackmail, that Sherlock's silence was protecting his life so I don't always have them have the FULL DISCUSSION OF EVERYTHING in every single story
Did you have headcanons for Sherlock's past memories of the place (Cambridge)? @sherlock-nanowrimo
Not specifically, just family trips, usually during the holidays
Last fic club meeting all of us had ideas for a second fic. From bachelor party sorry forgot what that’s called in English, to marriage with very much fluff. Is fluffy story something you could think of  writing? Oh! And competition between Rock Greg and Greg Lestrade who made the best party! @tildathings
I never deliberately write "fluff" and find the term insulting, honestly that said, I am planning on a sequel to Isosceles, my most recent, where they go to LA to visit Corey (the OC in that story) and that will be on the lighter side, haha "fluff", to me, says "without substance" rather than simply "romantic" or "happy ending"
Can I just ask, as the author, writing that first get together after the ball, where was your mind? I'm not quite sure how to word it. like, Sherlock's and John's actions both make a lot of sense and very much feed off one another, but how did you get to that action specifically?. does that make sense? @hpswl-cumbercookie
My intention there was for them to hook up but without having had the major conversations that needed to happen first, plus John's jealousy rearing its ugly head and causing him (and remember, he was drunk and very much sans filters!) to say something hurtful that Sherlock definitely remembered, and for it to be the opposite of fixing their issues, but exacerbate them even further I did want their natural (and seven years built-up!) chemistry to take over, but for it to have happened out of order
Alrighty friends! Thank you all so much for joining us on this adventure, and obviously a million thanks for @silentauroriamthereal for joining us and speaking with us, as well as for writing this beautiful piece of fiction. From the whole JFC crew I want to say thank you and we will see you soon!
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anerbananers · 6 years
Listen, I don’t care
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idc who you stan, who you hate, if you ship them or don’t whatever. You don’t have to ship them to understand this. I only appreciate them as rivals and this is hitting me in the face and making me FEEL things y’all. 
the writing of the scenes in episode 23 and just izuku and katsuki’s relationship in general is INCREDIBLY nuanced, complex, and well done! A lot of rivalries in shonen are shallow in comparison to this.
Remember this is targeted at young boys! It’s SUPER important to show them what an inferiority complex looks like, what imposter syndrome looks like. How someone can be a GOOD PERSON and still do BAD THINGS. How not to let people walk all over you. Both of these boys cry and you SEE their tears, feel their emotions. And the mentors in their lives are also there to guide them too. For young boys to see this, I think, is important. This isn’t JUST about jealousy. IJS, this is some grown shit. ADULTS IRL struggle with this. Like, Bakugou’s entire perception of Izu is warped by his insecurity. This shows how intentions and perceptions can be so WAY off. Why communication is important.
And what I love is that Horikoshi makes sure you KNOW the adults and teachers know they have a part to play in this. And it’s a theme of the story that the adults have created some hefty issues here and even if they didn’t start this, they have to take responsibility and properly guide these kids. Not just between these two boys, but in general, culturally. When you have a hero system that has emphasized might over rescue this whole time, it creates this kind of confusion! At this point in the story the hero franchise (b/c it’s a business really) is changing it’s model due to All Might’s retirement.
Even the teachers were surprised by this change in approach. They hadn’t exactly prepped their students for this kind of thinking.
Honestly it’s a good change, but of COURSE it trips up kids like Bakugou who only emulated what he saw. Katuski, who you KNOW is smart enough to understand how the system works even as a preteen and study it to the letter. Look at it like this:
All Might saves people because he’s STRONG. He’s fast, he’s overwhelming and in PHYSICAL top shape. All Might has the ability to rescue because he wins first, because he knocks the villains out and then even if he has to flee the scene (because he’s on borrowed time), OTHER heroes can come to help civilians.  But the main thing is he can beat anyone, and that fact ALONE has deterred villains from even TRYING shit until now. His charisma is a bonus, but his incredible power kept shit locked tf DOWN this entire time.
A lot of heroes rescue just fine. But only All Might is able to have such a lasting heroic influence. And his strength and power is the key difference. He’s not just GOOD, he’s the BEST. He’s not just the BEST, he outpaces the #2 hero by leaps and bounds. His strength comes from his heart, ofc, and WE know that, but Bakugou has no way of knowing that. He doesn’t understand how OFA even works. 
The way Bakugou does this is brash, ofc, but he’s questioning what he believes. He’s asking WHY? He’s even asking Izuku because he doesn’t know who else, and tbh in all his anger still has to swallow a lot of pride to do so.
The guilt. Wow. The way that scene was done. *chef kiss* Sometimes when you’re a high achiever and do well in most things, nobody wonders if you need help or support or to get out of your own head. Nobody even thought that Bakugou was blaming himself because he gives off such a strong and assured aura. Which is crazy cuz for me I was like UMMM HELLO? CHECK ON HIM?? 
“I’m weak too, you know.”
SO IMPORTANT. Not only that Katsuki said that, but that he said it to two people I think everyone can agree he’d NEVER want to know this ideally. But he’s just at that point where his emotions are spilling over. He needs help. That’s how he’s asking for help. I was dying man. So beautiful seeing All Might embrace him and understand exactly what he needed to do. Fuck the secret. Explain so this child can be at peace on this! Too much to carry alone! For each and any one of them.
If you narrow Bakugou Katsuki and Izuku Midoriya down to “a bully and his victim” you are missing out.
this post is long because I got in my feelings. Just had to write a thesis paper. LOL. More under the cut! 
I was a victim of bullying. Many times in my life. I’m small, I’m intellectual, I was social and made friends easily but I also didn’t like cliques and some other girls didn’t like that I just hung out with EVERYONE. Some boys did the “i tease you because i like you thing”. Either way, I’ve reconciled with 2 of my bullies in the course of my life. I know a thing or two about how and why bullies do what they do. And this was when I was in elementary school, so I’m telling you also that when you’re super young it’s a bit...different in your mind as you get older. This isn’t to excuse Katsuki’s actions, so let me stop you. But there is a very key difference in behavior between a typical bully and what happened with these two boys.
10/10 times, I was steering clear of my bullies. Even the ones within my friend groups that would start to do the mean girl kinda bullshit. I’d keep interaction with them to a minimum. Even when I wanted to be pretty and cool like them, I was meek and fearful in the way I interacted with them. I’d engage the other girls first and keep my head down. My bullies would approach or interact with ME, clearly seeking to gas themselves up by putting me down or bothering me. I mean, I’m sure others have experiences more similar to our boys here so maybe I’m full of shit, but the complexity with Izu and Kat is that Izuku kept approaching Bakugou with a smile and a laugh, no matter what Bakugo did. This does happen in actual abusive relationships, but for kids and not adults, and I think some folks aren’t seeing the difference. This isn’t like, weird gaslighting and manipulation. Bakugou doesn’t act like a bitch and then turn around and be all sweet on Deku to keep him closeby. Bakugou legitimately wanted Deku to go away, and when he doesn’t Bakugou, in his wild paranoia is like “what does this MEAN???” He attached a meaning to it that was completey WRONG of course, because that’s how anxiety and insecurity work. Now Izuku being the natural beautiful bean boy that is perfect for heroism, is right to do this. He somehow, even so young, could understand that sometimes people need to be saved from themselves. I’m so positive of this. And that ability frightened bakugou so much. In his eyes, he’s being tormented by this kid who sees RIGHT through him and won’t go away. Izuku represents his fear in living breathing form. Every time he sees him, it’s like an irrational reaction. In Bakugou’s eyes Izu might as well have been walking around yelling “KACCHAN IS AFRAID!!!” In his desperation not to be exposed for the insecure and fearful child he should’ve been taught is okay to be, Bakugou decides to be the absolute worst in hopes that Deku leaves him alone. As he’s doing this though, he’s getting positive reinforcement from those around him, which just solidifies this personality trait as a good thing. It’s just a mess!
Again, not condoning, I’m always just amazed at the nuances here. Bakugou was and in some ways still IS a bully (at this point in the anime at least. but in the manga currently i wouldn’t call him this anymore. grumpy? rude? yes. but honestly harmless. the class cares for him and he and izu are civil now)  but also it was Deku’s choice to stick with him. He saw that Bakugou could be better and didn’t give up on him. THAT is a hero. And I think everyone is unanimous on that, and that’s why it bother’s me that people are so divided on Bakugou. I trust Izu’s judgement tbh, more than All Might’s. And both of them, Aizawa too, see that Katsuki can be better, and that he’s TRYING. and that he is willing to change because he legit WANTS to be someone All Might would choose. He’s asking Deku so many questions not just because he’s confused, but because he wants to know so he can do what HE needs to do to match up and make his idol proud.
People love a work in progress. I love how the top dog in a lot of ways is the underdog here. I love that Deku GETS it. That to others he may seem crazy. Who chases after their bully? Who admires someone who said disgusting and hurtful things to them? It’s not stockholm lol. There’s a lot to unpack there but I’m telling you, this is some real shit. It’s well written af! Heroism isn’t about being perfect and wonderful and kind all the time. All Might thinks Bakugou is an earnest kid who can be an excellent hero and just needs some work! Who doesn’t? You do! I do! You are not perfect either. A lot of fans of the series see that patience and they support not just our bright and shining Izu, but also the glowering and loud Katsuki who is growing mentally right now. I think it’s fine if his behaviour just makes you so uncomfortable and brings up bad memories. You can absolutely dislike him, it’s not for everybody! But hopefully you can objectively see why they WILL team up and be a team and the story is supporting that growth. I hope you are not disgusted by it or think it’s lazy writing just because it’s not your cup. Let these kids develop and grow and change! Step out of trope and archetype city and just feel this story arc for the realistic mirror of human nature that it is. Either way it’s a fabulous ride!
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mild-lunacy · 6 years
Reverse Harem: a reverse ode
I hate reverse harem, or books/works about multiple men in love and/or lust with one woman. I've talked about it before, of course, but I haven't been as explicit about it as I can be. Though to be fair, I once said I'd rather 'watch everyone die in gruesome ways' in a fic context. That's... probably pretty clear, to be fair. Now, reading romance authors explain their interest, the fact is that it doesn't help. Yes, okay, from the writer's perspective, I suppose it's cool to explore new ways of doing things in a genre as predictable as romance. And yes, okay, 'some people' think of it as being simply more of the good stuff without the pressure of having to 'choose'. I don't care. For me, there's very rarely a real choice. I don't like love triangles because they're generally too melodramatic and basically a waste of my time, but I hate reverse harem with a passion, and it's now common and popular enough that I can't avoid it, so here we are. The rant goes ever on.
The bottom line is that I'm very, very introverted. I suppose you can call me 'aggressively introverted'. What this means is that constant and unending attention from 3+ people sounds hellish to me, particularly when it never shuts off and they're all there when I'm relaxing, sleeping, etc. I can't help putting myself into it 'cause that's the selling point of het romance as a genre: that's the whole appeal. And it's just exhausting and awful to imagine. It's not 'family' to me, as one of the fans described it, because family goes away. They're not generally there at 1am when I just really want to relax. I mean they're there, but the expectation is that they leave you alone unless these are young children (a temporary situation). There's fundamentally no such time limit expectation with a significant other. Here, my point is that in transferring the super close, possibly codependent romance couple concept that I like in my stories onto more people, I run into a serious issue. Unlike the fervent (if eye-rolly) ideal of the codependent, swooning couple-- which allows me to ignore some inconvenient technical details about reality-- the reverse harem scenario fundamentally serves to remind me why I avoid people. People seem tiring and I'd rather be alone. Not the sentiment you'd want romance to instill, surely.
Once again, I realize these books are fiction, specifically idealized and not particularly realistic fiction, and also not about me. Or for me, for that matter. In fact, these stories quite obviously have nothing to do with me. And yet, I can't let it go.
I can't relinquish either my understanding of how I myself work or my understanding of reality. Like, my problem is (if I ignore the largely immature and perhaps just whiny ranting about personal space), I read fantasy, sure, but I generally need the characterization to feel strongly grounded. At least, if a story is rubbing me the wrong way enough to make me aware of inconsistencies. Fundamentally, I tend to think of characterization as a mimetic technique. In other words, people are people no matter what. They're not suddenly 'romantic people' in romances or 'tragic people' in tragedies, though perhaps you can argue comedies do change the flavor of human behavior in such a way that you can call these 'comedic characters' specifically. That is probably neither here nor there, however.
And the thing is, most writers of reverse harem romances *are* aiming for some degree of veracity in their characterization. They want the situation to feel real emotionally, because that's fundamentally what it takes for fiction to work, no matter what you're writing about. This is the presumed intent regardless of how much (or how little) any given reader has to suspend their disbelief. And so... I keep getting frustrated and annoyed, particularly if a writer I like and admire writes a reverse harem, because I feel like these books can't make the cut no matter what, basically.
It's funny because it's probably so annoying simply because this subgenre is making me too conscious of a situation that isn't unusual within romance. I mean popular tropes like love at first sight, soulmates or fated mates, endless mutual, simultaneous orgasms and even huge penises: the fact is, the genre is full of basic human characterization realism fails. And normally, I just... let it go. The most irritating thing of all is being conscious that there's nothing more unrealistic about reverse harem than fated mates, and yet I easily swallow soulmate stories because that's a silly myth I personally enjoy.
To be honest, I also don't like the idea of sharing my idealized heartthrob, even for the sake of more heartthrobs. And I do think the heroine must share her time and energy, even if technically *she* is the one being shared. A situation that goes counter to the alpha male cliche a lot of these stories still try to pursue, regardless. To me, it's fundamentally contrary to the whole over-the-top romance couple scenario, where possessiveness and perhaps a bit of jealous paranoia is part of business as usual. I don't like *too* much jealousy, so I dislike drawn out love triangles, but possessiveness I do like. I feel like an alpha male character is generally made of like, 30% possessiveness. It's a major motivational driver. I don't think you can write classic romance without that aspect. The only 'solution' I can see that preserves this formula is if the men all act as if they're a unit, of one mind.
Theoretically, this only applies romantically. That is, indeed, what frequently appears to be part of the reverse harem trope. But I can't tolerate that at all; even thinking of such loss of individuality gives me the shivers. There's no way it would *only* apply romantically if several men were suddenly of one mind about who they love and how (let alone when). And furthermore, I find that utterly boring. Anyway, there's a reason so many of the anime reverse harem stories this genre is inspired by apparently has many guys admire and like the heroine without feeling actual romantic love. There's also a reason many of the lower-quality books in this subgenre seem content to stick with the sexual part (making it genuinely romantic across the board would be hard).
Mind melds and soulmates aside, the whole appeal of any fictional character is their individuality. People will naturally have different needs, different kinds of relationships with each other. That's why I don't think of reverse harem as being equivalent to real life polyamory: real people have unequal or messy relationships that are often separated both in space and time, not to mention both closeness and relative importance. Polyamory supports this inherent messiness in a way reverse harem doesn't. The other foundational tropes of romance won't let it. The limitations of romance as a genre and the compounding limits of using a single book mean these relationships are almost always simultaneous and would often have to conflate or combine individual motivations and needs. The largely inevitable lack of realism in the romance genre is normally supported by my idealization of the romantic concepts involved. In this case, I just want to pick the hermit cat lady future instead, as I said. Not just 'pick' but 'violently demand', perhaps.
In my opinion, the other tropes of romance as a genre can't be genuinely compatible with the contextual needs and circumstances of a stand-alone reverse harem novel. Thus, they must inevitably somehow be twisted out of shape and forced to fit. The various cliches and genre expectations of Western romance don't naturally expand onto group dynamics. They can't. While for most reverse harem writers and readers, the new and fresh difference in the circumstances is a natural part of the attraction, the issue is that these books still don't bother to reinvent the wheel. They're blatantly promising all the same genre tropes, and just changing this one thing-- the number of love interests-- as if it's nothing major. Just a variable to plug in. Except, hello! No way. This changes everything. It is this (as much or more as the effect on my antisocial nature) that bothers me.
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