#Bruce isn’t allowed to go down on Selina but he is allowed to do whatever the fuck that was
swugflower · 2 years
So I just have to ask… what the FUCK is going on in Harley Quinn Season 3?
We are 4 episodes in and it’s a mess.
It’s not that I don’t enjoy the ride. Hell, I nearly had an asthma attack in episode 4 when Bruce “the Batman” Wayne started dressing cats up as his parents and SINGING.
But where are we heading?
It just feels a tad directionless right now and idfk what they are on with the Wayne family.
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marauderundercover · 3 years
Taking Chances Ch. 19: Lack of Communication (Wayne Gala)
The shrill ringing of her phone tugs Marinette from her sewing machine. Glancing at the caller ID, she grins widely.
“Hey Uncle Jagged.” She says, pushing her chair away from her desk. It’d been a couple weeks since she last heard from the man as his tour had really picked up at the end. It was practically back to back concerts, so that didn’t leave a lot of time for phone calls or face times.
“Little Rocker! Glad I caught you. I have an event next week and I was hoping I could drop by the bakery so you could fix a tear in one of my suits.” He says. Marinette winces. That’s what she was supposed to do. Tell Uncle Jagged about...well, everything.
“Yeah, about that…” She trails off, wishing she’d thought to tell him about the whole ‘adopted’ thing the last time she’d seen him in person. “I’m actually not in Paris right now. I’m in Gotham spending the summer with my birth father.” She says, deciding to just rip the bandaid off. There’s silence for a minute. Then two. She looks down at the phone, frowning. Did he hang up?
“You’re in Gotham?” He finally says.
“Yup.” She says, sighing. “I’m really sorry I won’t be able to fix your suit.”
“What, no, this is great! See the event is in Gotham! It’s just a bunch of rich people and- hold on. Penny!” He yells. She catches bits and pieces of their conversation, Penny agreeing wholeheartedly with whatever it is Jagged has suddenly decided. “I have a rocking idea.” He adds.
“Okay? I’m listening.” She says, glancing at the new dress she’d started that was pinned on her dress form. She was having trouble with the shape and was quickly getting frustrated with her struggles.
“You could come with! As MDC, of course. You could wear one of your designs and get known in Gotham. The event is supposed to be highly publicized. Penny thinks it’d be a good way to get known in the US. So, whatdya say?” Jagged asks, and Marinette can just tell that he’s grinning widely, can hear it in his voice. She thinks for a minute, glancing at the dress form with a new sense of determination.
“I’ll have to double check with my dad.” She says, trying to think if they had any plans for next week.
“Of course! Let me know soon, okay? Penny says she wants to start publicizing MDC’s appearance if you’re gonna come.” Jagged says. Marinette agrees before hanging up, thinking. Would her dad let her go alone? Or would he insist on coming with? She knew Gotham was dangerous, it’s why she hadn’t gone anywhere by herself despite being a hero herself. She didn’t want to risk her Miraculous falling into the wrong hands, even if the person didn’t realize what they had. Making up her mind, she sets off to find her dad and ask about the event. She still wasn’t quite sure what it was, just that there would be plenty of big names and plenty of journalists- the perfect opportunity to build up a clientele outside of France. Checking his study first, she’s unsurprised to see he’s not there. Knowing chances were good that he was in the cave, she pulls a domino mask out of her purse. Her dad had asked her a couple days ago to wear one in the cave just in case they had unexpected visitors. Kinda like how her and Chat Noir had shown up unexpectedly that one time. Complete accident. Changing the time on the clock, she presses the button that opens the entrance, sliding in and walking through the passage. Glancing into the cave, she grins when she sees her dad, in costume, sitting at the computer.
“Hey B!” She says, knowing not to call him Dad while he was in the cowl. Something about it making him seem less intimidating, or something.
“Ladybird.” He nods. She frowns, glancing at the computer screen and wincing when she sees Superman on screen.
“Sorry, I didn’t know you were busy.” She apologizes, waving awkwardly at the man on the screen. He quirks an eyebrow.
“Hello. Ladybird, was it?” He asks and she nods.
“Er, yeah. Ladybird. Nice to meet you.” She says, rocking back and forth on her heels, eyes darting around the cave. Maybe she should just leave and ask later.
“Is everything alright?” Her dad asks, obviously confused at her presence in the cave. Not that she wasn’t allowed, she just didn’t spend a lot of time there.
“I was just wondering if I could go to an event next week with my Uncle.” She says, trying to stay vague. He’s silent for a moment before nodding.
“We can discuss details later, but that should be fine.” He says. Marinette grins, bouncing up and down in excitement.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” She cheers, resisting the urge to hug him. “Bye Mr. Superman!” She adds, waving before running back through the passage to work on her dress some more. This was going to be amazing!
Penny had picked Marinette up early the morning of the Gala. She still wasn’t sure what it was for, but that didn’t bother her. She was just excited that she had finally finished her newest dress in time for the Gala. Penny had insisted on her coming over early so that she could help Marinette do her hair and makeup, which she was thankful for. Selina apparently had something to do tonight and couldn’t help her, and she would’ve definitely been her first choice. Smiling down at her dress, Marinette looks at Penny with a grin.
“Could you take a picture for me without my face covering so I can show my parents later?” She asks. Penny nods, smiling back.
“That dress is amazing, Marinette. Truly one of your best designs.” She says. Marinette blushes at the compliment before smiling at the camera. She thanks Penny and takes her phone back, sending the picture to her Maman and Papa as well as her dad and Selina. She was extremely proud of the dress and wanted them to see her in it before she added her ‘disguise’ to protect her identity.
“Hey, Aunt Penny?” Marinette says, looking up at the woman. Penny hums, putting on lipstick. “What is the event for? All Jagged said was that it’s a Gala.” She says, Penny huffs.
“Of course that man didn’t give you any other information. Honestly, sometimes- you agreed without knowing what the event was?” She says, eyebrows raised. Marinette shrugs.
“Uncle Jagged said that it’d be fun. I trust him.” She says. Penny sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose.
“Remind me to read any contracts before you sign them, okay sweetie?” She says. Marinette nods and Penny smiles. “Good. Anyway, it’s a Wayne Gala. The family hosts several every year to help raise money for the Wayne foundation.” Penny says and Marinette freezes. Wayne Gala? As in, her father? Her family? Were they really having a Gala tonight without telling her? Or inviting her? Were they….were they embarrassed by her?
“Like, Bruce Wayne?” Marinette manages to ask, trying hard to ignore the way her heart breaks when Penny nods. That was why Selina couldn’t help her. She had to get ready for the Gala. And if she had to guess, the rest of her family was also going. What would they have done with her if she hadn’t had plans? Would they have told her then? Or would they have acted like nothing was happening. Where even was the Gala? Oh my god. It was at the Manor, wasn’t it. The thought strikes her and she winces, giving Penny a small, tense smile.
“Are you okay?” She asks, obviously concerned. Marinette nods sharply.
“Yes, one last question. Where is it?” She asks. Penny frowns, obviously not believing that Marinette was okay, but luckily not pushing it.
“Wayne Manor. The Galas are the only time the manor is opened to other celebrities. The family is usually very private.” Penny says. Marinette huffs out a puff of air, working hard to ignore the hurt in her chest. The feeling that she wasn’t enough. That they didn’t need her. Suddenly, she wasn’t excited anymore. She really wished she would have asked Jagged for more details last week, because now she was stuck going. And it was going to suck.
Feeling confident in her design and disguise, Marinette walks through the wall of journalists with Penny and Jagged at her sides. She was working hard to push down the intrusive thoughts that were threatening to take over. Instead, she tried to focus on the questions being called out by the journalists.
“Jagged! Jagged Stone, is this really MDC?” One of them asks. Jagged immediately stopping and shooting the reporter a wide smile.
“Of course it is! She designed all three of these outfits.” He says, gesturing between the trio. “Isn’t she rocking!”
“MDC, why did you pick the Wayne gala to make your first public appearance?” Another journalist asks. Marinette turns to Penny, trusting her to answer the question. They’d agreed before leaving the car that it was best if Marinette didn’t speak directly to any journalists. It would make it easier for them to place her age and where she’s from, given her accent.
“She was in the area and Mr. Stone insisted his favorite designer needed a chance to flaunt her skills in America.” Penny says, flashing the journalist a wide smile before gently pushing Marinette along down the line of journalists. Marinette nods to the man who’d asked the question before following Jagged and Penny closely, her stomach churning as they walk up the front steps of the manor. Of the place she’d been living since summer started. Where apparently they didn’t care to tell her about one of the biggest family events of the year. No big deal. She thought they were accepting her, that they were all getting closer. But maybe not. Her dad not telling her didn’t hurt nearly as much as her brothers not telling her. That felt like a knife in her chest. Trying hard to move gracefully instead of tensely, she follows Jagged into the manor and into the ballroom. Her jaw clenches as she spots her family across the room.
“Mr. Stone, I’m Clark Kent. Nice to meet you.” A man with a notebook and camera says, walking over and extending a hand. Marinette narrows her eyes. She thought the journalists were supposed to stay outside. And this man looked oddly familiar….
“Rocking meeting you man! You a journalist?” He asks, his calculating look hidden by a wide grin. Mr. Kent chuckles.
“Yes, sorry for being so forward. Mr. Wayne and I are friends, so he lets my wife and I have an exclusive pass to come inside the Galas.” He says, glancing at Marinette over his glasses. She watches as his eyes widen slightly before he schools his features back into a neutral expression.
“That’s pretty rock n roll of him!” Jagged says, clapping Mr. Kent on the shoulder.
“It is. Pardon me, but are you MDC?” He asks, turning to look at Marinette once again. She glances at Penny, shaking her head to let her know that she’ll speak for herself for this one. As upset as she was with her dad, he obviously trusted this man. So she would as well.
“I am. Pleasure to meet you, Monsieur Kent.” She says, extending her hand. He smiles, shaking her hand.
“And you, ma’am. I must say, I was not expecting to see you here. I was under the impression that in person events weren’t your forte.” He says, clearly fishing for something. She knew how journalists worked, she’d seen Alya at work enough times to understand that the man in front of her was looking for a story. One she wouldn’t be giving, no matter how much her father trusted the man.
“I like to occasionally surprise people.” She says, waving her hand in a noncommittal way. “Keep them on their toes.”
“I can respect that. Well, I’ll let you all get back to your evening. Nice to meet you all.” He says. She nods back at him, not missing the way he immediately darts off to her dad. She watches as the two start talking, a surprised look on her dad’s face before he turns and sees her. She knows he recognizes the dress. Knows that he knows as well who is underneath the veil. She turns, deciding to ignore him. He didn’t want her here, fine. She’d make sure she stayed out of his way.
Clark Kent was confused. He’d known that Bruce must have another kid, adopted in some way. He didn’t just work with random vigilantes, especially not in his city. So knowing that Gotham had a new vigilante named Ladybird, he put two and two together. Didn’t take the world’s greatest detective. But what was confusing was the fact that no new faces showed up with the Waynes as they walked into the ballroom for the Gala. Making a note to ask him about it later, Clark makes his way around the room, talking to familiar faces and names, writing things down that would help the story he was being forced to write on the Gala. These events were not his favorite to cover, hardly anything ever happened. Until he heard the commotion outside, other journalists calling out to MDC. He blinks in surprise. MDC had never made a public appearance before. This was an odd one to choose. Preparing himself to confront the designer, he’s surprised as she walks in behind Jagged Stone. He’s even more surprised when he realizes she had to be a teenager. He chats with the girl and Jagged, glancing down at her over the top of his glasses, shock immediately flooding him. The girl had injuries. Hundreds of them. Bones fused back together haphazardly. Quickly excusing himself, he rushes over to Bruce.
“Do you know who MDC is? Because that girl is definitely younger than Tim. And she has hundreds of injuries, Bruce. Hundreds.” He says quietly, watching as Bruce turns and glances at the girl, his eyes widening slightly.
“Shit.” He mutters.
“What?” Clark asks, trying to figure out if he should also be concerned. Bruce smiles, but it's tense.
“That is my daughter.” He says. Clark blinks.
“That’s the new one? Why didn’t she show up with the rest of the family?” He asks.
“I knew she had plans for tonight, so I didn’t tell her about the Gala. I was going to warn her about it, if she didn’t have plans. So she knew to stay in her room.” Bruce explains. Clark frowns.
“You were going to keep her locked up?” He asks incredulously. Not even the least social Wayne was kept locked away for the Galas.
“Of course not. It’s just- she hasn’t said she wants to be announced yet. She hasn’t even said anything about being MDC because she hates the spotlight. I couldn’t just throw her to the sharks. I’m just trying to do what’s best for her.” Bruce says, standing up straighter. Clark sighs.
“Did you actually talk to her about it? Or did you just assume?” He asks, Bruce huffs.
“I think I know my daughter a little more than you do, Kent.” He says.
“Really? Because from here it sounds like she’s about two breaths away from a panic attack. And Penny Rolling keeps reassuring her that they don’t have to stay long. Oh- and now she’s apologizing for not telling her it was a Wayne Gala until today, but she’s also clearly confused as to why it’s upsetting her. And now-”
“Okay, I get it.” Bruce snaps, cutting him off. Clark raises an eyebrow.
“I’m not sure what happened, but you should fix this.” He says with a pointed look before walking away. God knows the Bats all need a push in the right direction every now and again.
Jason frowns as he looks around the room for Marinette. He knew that she hadn’t come with the family, B hadn’t explained that one. But he had heard that MDC was there. And he wanted to talk to her, make sure she was doing okay. These things were annoying as hell and he knew he wouldn’t get through it if he didn’t have his brothers (even if they were little shits). He finally spots her near a wall, clearly trying to disappear. He grins widely, walking over and grinning at her.
“Well, MDC, fancy seeing you here.” He teases with a wink. He watches her for some kind of reaction, frowning when he doesn’t get one. “Pix?” He says, softer this time as he looks at his baby sister.
“Oh, that’s right, I wasn’t supposed to be here, was I? Well, sorry to disappoint.” She snaps bitterly. Jason flinches back, surprised at her tone.
“What’re you talking about?” He asks, eyebrows furrowed. Why did she sound so hurt? Why did she think they didn’t want her there?
“Clearly I’m not as much of the family as I thought I was.” She hisses under her breath. He starts to deny that, but she cuts him off with a humorless laugh. “Bruce didn’t even tell me that there was a Gala. None of you did either. A Wayne family Gala and I wasn’t told. I should’ve known better.” She says, turning to walk away. He grabs her wrist gently, stopping her.
“I promise you, we want you here. Dick, Damian, Tim, me- we all want you here. I can’t speak for B, I’ll definitely be having words with the son of a bitch later, but we want you here.” He says, frowning as he listens to her sniffle under her veil. “Pixie, we thought you knew. He told us you weren’t ready to come to this. I swear to you, we would have told you if we knew. I swear.” He adds. His heart breaks as he hears a hiccupped sob break free from her. He wants nothing more than to wrap his baby sister in a hug, but he knows he can’t. Media’d have a field day.
“Really?” She asks in a small voice. Jason nods.
“Hell yeah Pix. Tell ya what, I’m gonna go get the others and then we’re all gonna sneak out. Take one of the old man’s cars and get some garbage fast food. Who needs this lameass party anyway.” He says, hoping she’ll agree. He’ll let himself be mad at Bruce later. And boy was he gonna be mad. The old man had really fucked up this time. It was one thing to ask Mari to not go to the Gala, or to think she wasn’t ready for it. It was a completely other thing to not even give her the chance to decide, or tell her at all. Cause now she was hurt and thinking everyone hated her. Well, he wasn’t gonna let that happen. Not on his watch.
“Lemme just go tell Jagged and Penny real quick.” She agrees, scurrying off. The second she walks away Jason lets his smile drop into a scowl. That son of a bitch. Storming over to his brothers, he tugs them over to the wall. Better not to let B get word of where they’re going.
“What is the meaning of this?” Damian asks with a scowl.
“Pixie’s gonna tell her Aunt and Uncle that she’s leaving and then we’re stealing one of B’s cars to go to McDonalds.” He says simply. Tim frowns.
“And we’re doing this because?” He prompts.
“Because B apparently didn’t tell the kid about the Gala. And she assumed we knew, and that we all hate her.” Jason explains with a frown.
“Father said she didn’t want to attend.” Damian says, and Jason huffs.
“Yeah, well apparently he lied. She had no clue that the event she was going to as MDC was a Wayne Gala.” He says.
“I’ll go get the car and pull it up front.” Dick says, a determined look on his face. Sometimes his ‘we’re a family and we stick together’ shit annoyed the hell outta Jason, but he was thankful for it today.
“I’m gonna go grab Selina’s coat for her to put on. I saw her dress, and if any MDC fan sees her leaving with us it’s gonna start a media circus.” Tim says, walking away to the coat room. Jason sighs, watching Marinette from across the room. A cleared throat beside him tugs his attention back to his youngest brother.
“What?” He asks, pushing his frustration down. He’d go shoot something later, but right now he was determined to not take his frustration at Bruce out on his siblings.
“Why would Father intentionally keep her from the Gala? She is far more adept at social interaction than I am.” Damian says with a frown. Jason sighs, shrugging.
“No clue. But I’m not about to let her push herself away from the rest of us just because B fucked up.” He says, watching as she walks over to the wall, almost disappearing in the shadows. He nods towards her, making sure Damian follows. The second Tim has Selina’s coat, their small group is off, sneaking out one of the side doors and walking past the journalists, sprinting to Dick and the waiting car. They all jump in and she tears the veil off her face, making Jason wince slightly at her red, puffy eyes. Dick slams on the gas, eliciting a curse from Jason and a squeal of surprise from Marinette.
“So! We broke out of that stuffy party. Where are we headed?” Dick asks, glancing in the rearview mirror to make eye contact with Jason. Jason grins.
“We go get a shit ton of junk food from McDonalds and eat it in the car. Give it the old, fast food smell that B loves oh so much.” He says. Marinette snorts, and Jason grins at her. He’d give B hell later, but for now, he was going to enjoy spending time with his siblings.
Bruce frowns as he glances around the Gala, not seeing his daughter. Or any of his other children. He made a mental note to talk to them later. Perhaps keeping the Gala from Marinette wasn’t his best decision.
Tag list: @maribat-bdbwm @vixen-uchiha @stainedglassm @liquid-luck-00 @jayjayspixiepop @jjmjjktth @mizzy-pop @trippingovermyfeet @queenz-z @thepaceperson @iloontjeboontje @waiting247 @laurcad123 @toodaloo-kangaroo @ritacrow-blog @deathssilentapproach-blog @kittenmywaythrulife @nerd-nowandforever @tazanna-blythe @jaybird-and-co @jumpingjoy82
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mochegato · 4 years
Pixie Spy
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
Jason waited on the dancefloor anxiously watching the crowd of people who had just left, ready to pounce on the Sunshine Girl once she exposed herself by exiting the safety of the crowd.  But he hadn’t seen her exit yet.  The crowd had now thinned out enough that he could make out everyone that was still in the group.  She wasn’t one of them. The tablecloths that decorated all the tables did not go all the way to the floor, allowing him to see under the tables.  She wasn’t hiding there either.  There was no sign of her.  She was impossibly gone.
He was so focused on his search, he didn’t notice the wary looks of the people around him watching him as though he might lash out at them at any moment and he wouldn’t have been able to care less even if he had noticed.  He didn’t have a single fuck to spare about their opinions.  He needed to find Sunshine and figure out what the fuck was going on and how he could help.  
He felt a weight on his shoulder and spun quickly grabbing the hand, ready to defend himself against whatever it was.  He relaxed slightly when he saw Dick’s surprised and concerned eyes on him, hands held up in a placating gesture, “Hey, it’s just me Jaybird.  What’s going on?  A rogue?” he asked discretely, stepping closer and lowering his voice so nobody else could hear.
Jason’s eyes returned to the crowd, desperately seeking any sign of her, “No… at least I don’t think so.  Do you see a beautiful, short woman with black hair and a short black dress?” She couldn’t have just disappeared.  She had to have gone somewhere, but he had been watching not just the dancefloor but the exits as well.  There was no way he could have missed her.  She wasn’t someone you could miss.  She wasn’t there and she hadn’t left.  Where the fuck was she?  
Dick watched Jason cautiously before glancing around the room again.  He was getting concerned about Jason.  He wanted to write it off as a drunken fascination with a girl who walked away or an attempt to disrupt the night, but that wasn’t it.  Drunk Jason was belligerent, well more belligerent than usual, not paranoid and possessive.  Disruptive Jason never bothered to hide his glee at the disruption.  This was something else.  
Dick cast a wary eye back into the crowd looking for the girl Jason described.  “I don’t see anyone like that,” he said shaking his head and returning his gaze back to Jason.  He didn’t know what was going on, but clearly that girl was important to whatever it was. They should have known better than to think the night would go smoothly.  He had na��vely thought the worst he would have to worry about was Jason causing a scene for the hell of it, but this was something more.
“Shit!” Jason exclaimed loudly running his hand through his hair and looking down.  He needed to focus on the immediate issues and let the others know their identities had been compromised.  They needed to figure out who she was, what she knew, what she was going to do with the information, and just who the fuck got her involved in all of this, track that mother fucker down and kick the shit out of him for getting her involved in the first place.  Then figure out what was going on in Paris that had caused so much pain she felt responsible for and kick the shit out of that asshole too.
“Sorry about that everyone.  Guess we should have cut the bar off a few drinks ago. Please, continue dancing… and drinking, if you think you can handle it a bit better than him.” Bruce announced loudly with a charming, easy smile for the crowd eliciting a few chuckles from the audience.
“Is this related to what you were asking before?” Tim asked quietly, coming up next to them and scanning the crowd as well, not really sure what he was looking for but searching for anything out of place.
“Yes!  We need to go to the safe room,” Jason growled quietly.  “ALL of us.  Now”
“Did something happen with that girl you can’t find? Did she get taken?  Did she take someone else?”  Dick asked grimly still watching Jason with concern, gauging the breadth of the developing situation.
“Somebody got taken?” Bruce asked joining the conversation.
“Yeah, we did.  Let’s go.  Tim, bring up the cameras for back home,” Jason ordered stalking toward the family safe room without bothering to look at anyone.  
“Jason, we were just about to make the announcement. Is it something that can wait?” Bruce asked stepping between Jason and the door to the safe room.
“Gee, I don’t know, B.  Do you think someone figuring us out and breaking into our… home base is something important?” Jason asked snidely without breaking stride.
Selina sauntered over slowly just in time to see Bruce’s stoic expression pale slightly, not enough for the other party goers to notice but enough that the family could see the change and change their attitude accordingly.  “I’ll do some damage control out here,” she said patting Bruce’s shoulder before pushing him slightly toward the family safe room, a room the family had designated as a safe space in case of emergencies.  It was soundproofed, swept for bugs, and was locked to anyone but the family.  It was meant to be a place they could change into their suits in case something happened requiring vigilante activity.  It also had the added benefit of a place they could send Damian before he actually acted on any of the violent thoughts they knew he was having.  
“And make sure you take Damian with you.  He looks ready to cut someone’s hand off,” she said with an amused smile.  Damian glared at her as he followed his father to the room.  She heard a faint “trollop” as he passed by, making her smile. At this point, she was taking it as a term of endearment from the little terror.  If he really wanted to hurt her he would go after her with one of his katanas, like he did with his brothers.
By the time the family made it to the room, Tim had already pulled up the live feed to the Batcave on his phone.  He got it connected just in time to see… nothing, absolutely nothing out of place.  The cave was empty, the vehicles were parked, the suits and weapons hung up properly, and the computer was resting.  Nothing remotely concerning, Tim grumbled to himself.  It was bad enough dealing with Jason on patrols but now he had to put up with his bullshit here too.  He didn’t want to be here either, none of them did, but at least he wasn’t actively trying to make the situation worse.
Of course it would amount to nothing.  If anyone had broken into the Batcave his phone, along with everyone else’s, would have alerted them to the trespasser.  He and Barbara had set it up.  There was no way around it.  Nobody could be in the Batcave without them knowing about it.  There was no alarm going off, thus there was no trespasser. This was another of Jason’s paranoid delusions or another way to mess with the family, sabotaging the important night.
As soon as the door to the safe room clicked closed, Bruce turned to Jason with a concerned look, “What is going on, Jason?  What do you think got broken into and who figured us out?”
“There was a woman at the party,” he started unsure how much of the encounter he wanted to relate to them.  Before he could continue there were groans around the room.  He glared at them before continuing louder this time. “She seemed uncomfortable at the gala so I started talking with her.”
“How thoughtful of you.  Completely for her own benefit, I’m sure,” Dick rolled his eyes and shook his head. This damn well better not be about Jason trying to get laid.  There were far less public ways to accomplish that than this.  In fact, Dick had been working on one of those ways when Jason decided to take out an entire table in front of everyone.
“If you assholes are done interrupting,” Jason snapped at them, glowering in frustration.  “Out of nowhere, she suddenly stared hard at you guys for a minute then freaked the fuck out.  I finally got her to say she was there acting as a scout for your,” he pointed at Bruce with a scowl, “lover, so he could break into our place.”
“My what!” Bruce asked confused, “Selina?”
“What the hell, Jason!” Dick exclaimed.  Of course it would be Jason.  Of course Jason would end up with someone who was spying on them.  Jason seemed to attract it.  Even if he wasn’t trying to cause problems, he usually was but even when he wasn’t, they seemed to find him.
“Attempting to bed the enemy, why is that not a surprise, Todd.” Damian scoffed from his seat on the other side of the room.
“Fuck you.  I tried to bring her over when she said that, but she got away.  She kept ranting about a lover’s quarrel and a joke.  Whoever she is working with, she thinks you two know each other and are ‘friendly’, Bruce.  And she definitely did NOT know who we were until that point.”
Tim groaned in frustration.  They took their eyes off of Jason for just a few minutes and now he had to clean up the mess Jason had created.  They were wasting time looking at the batcave instead of looking for this girl.  The batcave was a dead end.  Jason just didn’t want to admit that he let himself get played by some girl.  A girl who he let get away, he might add. “Accident” his ass.  Jason didn’t let anyone get away accidentally.  And now they all had to play along with this delusion.  
He looked back at the live feed.  There was still nothing amiss.  He huffed, “She lied to you.  There's nothing going on in the cave.  Not a creature is stirring, not even a mouse,” he gritted out, brandishing his phone around so everyone could see it.  “I told you before, nobody could be there without getting noticed and us knowing immediately.  You got played.  And now someone who KNOWS OUR IDENTITIES is out there and we have no idea how much of a threat she is because you got distracted by a pretty face.”  
“It was I goddamn gorgeous face and she got away when I got distracted by you arguing with me instead of just helping,” he growled at Tim.  “And she isn’t a threat.  I’m pretty sure she’s a hero of some kind.” Jason defended.  He wasn’t sure about much of what was happening but the one thing he did know for certain was Pixie Pop was a hero or vigilante. She was trying to protect people and only got angry when she thought they were interfering with that.  She wasn’t a villain and hadn’t been trying to take them down.
“You’ll forgive me if I don’t trust your judgement here,” Damian drawled.
Jason spun to face him red faced in anger.  They weren’t listening.  People were suffering and they were still acting like it was a joke, just like Pixie thought they were.  He opened his mouth to respond but snapped it shut when he heard the door open.  Selina slid through closing the door securely behind her.
“How is it out there?” Bruce asked grimly.
Selina shrugged.  “Everyone bought the cover story easily.  Those looking for a reason were judging, but the rest thought it was cute. They think he's taking after his dear old Dad.  After witnessing you do something similar at almost every gala, ball, dance, opening, party, fundraiser, celebration, and just regular dinners for, what?  A decade?  Two?  They see nothing strange in your son doing the same,” she said with an amused smile, taking a seat next to Tim on a table he was leaning against to get a better angle on the video.  
“Disappears for a few years then comes back and gets drunk whenever possible.  It's nostalgic for them.  Jason got your drinking, Dick got your philandering, Tim got your arguing, I believe you prefer to call it ‘negotiating’, and Damian got your looks.” Damian nodded satisfied his description was the only genetic trait and the only one that would not be considered a weakness.  “Not that you aren't all very handsome,” she cooed mockingly, squeezing Tim’s cheeks to accentuate her point.
“Just to check, Selina you didn’t send anyone to spy on us tonight did you?”  Bruce asked annoyed.
“Me?  I haven’t sent anyone to watch you guys for ages.”  Selina said innocently.  “Someone was spying on you guys?”  
“That’s still up for debate, but regardless Jason said this girl knew our identities so we should try to track her down, assess the danger we and she are in… after the announcement.”  Bruce was tired before this all started, this did not help.  Dick, Tim, and Damian started to protest but Bruce held up a hand stopping them, “if she was intending to do something she would have made the threat to Jason or come up to us to extort us.  She didn’t so either she’s waiting for us to make a move she can jump on or…” he took a deep breath, “or, she had no idea and doesn’t intend to do anything with it.  I’m more concerned with whoever sent her.  That is who we need to find and we find that person through her.  As soon as the announcement is over, Tim, I want you checking security cameras to track her.”
Tim rolled his eyes and pushed off of the table he was leaning against, taking one last look at the live feed.  “Okay, this break has been fun.  I’m going back to the party.  Jason, just go home and sleep it..." his sentence tapered off as he watched a silvery, rippling portal open near the bat computer.  His eyes widened and his jaw dropped open in shock.  Holy shit, Jason had been right.  "What the fuck!  Bruce!  Look at this.  Dick turn on the television there.”  He pushed a few buttons on his phone and sent the image to display on the TV.
The family watched in shocked silence as a figure emerged from the shimmering pool with an enraged look on their face and hands clenched at their sides.  They stared at the figure trying to decide if they remembered ever having seen them before. The figure was wearing a full body suit in varying shades of brown that seemed heavily padded for protection. Their hair was pulled back into a series of long ponytails forming something reminiscent of a horse’s mane that flowed down their back.  The most unsettling thing about the figure, other than that they were in the cave without permission, was their expression. Even with half of their face obscured by a pair of pince-nez sunglasses, the angry expression was clear.  They glared at the computer but made no move to get closer.
“I fucking told you she was telling the truth!” Jason yelled pointing at the screen for emphasis.
Dick growled and turned to leave but Bruce stopped him holding up a finger to indicate he should wait.  “Can’t do anything without a car anyway.  Call for the car and watch until it gets close.”  Dick nodded and pulled out his phone to call Alfred.
Dick nearly dropped the phone when the figure suddenly yelled “Come out and face me you coward!” in the general direction of the computer as the portal behind them disappeared.
“What the fuck?” Tim whispered confused.  “Do they think there we’re there and camouflaged?”
“Or can they see something we can’t?”  Dick contemplated staring hard at the scene in front of him. The figure wasn’t moving to do anything to the equipment in the cave, wasn’t trying to damage it or investigate it. They were focused on something else, something none of them in the room could see.
They all froze when out of the ether they heard a man’s voice respond. “You ready for them to know we’re here, Spots?”
“Oh, they already know,” the figure growled out.
“Ah, that didn’t take as long as I thought it would,” the voice responded.  “Okay Trixx. Might as well drop it then.”
As soon as he said the words, it was like a curtain dropped and suddenly a man in a trench coat was standing in front of a very active bat computer.  Alarms sounded throughout the safe room, as all of their phones rang out with trespassing alerts.  
“What the hell?” Tim exclaimed.  “The computer was on sleep mode just a second ago.”  He brought his phone closer to his face trying to examine the scene better. He and Barbara had designed the system to detect changes in visual, audio, thermal, and electronic signals as well as vibrations caused by any movement.  Whatever they were using had somehow interrupted detection for all of those. “How the hell did they do that?”
Jason ignored the room devolving into chaos behind him, deciding to study the figure in front of the computer instead.  The hair and trench coat were very familiar.  “Is that Constantine?” Jason asked.
“You absolute bastard!  What was that?” the figure yelled gesturing vaguely behind them and stalking closer to the man.
“Yeah, that sounds like Constantine,” Bruce shook his head, resigned to the situation. “Tell Alfred there isn’t a rush.  Constantine won’t try to do anything he hasn’t already done.”
“You going to hit me while you're like that, Spots? Bit unfair don't you think?” Constantine said barely glancing over to her from the computer.
The figure stared at him shaking in rage for a few seconds before forcing out, something that sounded like “dismount” through gritted teeth. A blinding wave of sea green light engulfed the figure.  When the light faded, a woman in a long red dress and the same glasses as the other figure was standing where the figure had been.  She removed the glasses and shoved them in her purse before returning her glare to the man at the computer.
“That’s her!” Jason yelled, pointing at the screen.  “That’s the woman I was dancing with.  Different dress but same woman.”
“Well at least now we know why she thought it was a prank when she figured us out, assuming she knows who he is, which I assume is why she is working with him in the first place, so she does.” Bruce said rubbing his forehead to ease the quickly oncoming headache.  Whenever Constantine got involved things went to Hell, sometimes literally, very quickly and Bruce had not had enough sleep or bourbon to deal with this.  Contrary to his reputation, he rarely drank but this situation, this situation, whatever the hell it was, justified a drink.
“Fuck!  No wonder I couldn’t find her.  She somehow pulled a fucking Houdini and changed her entire appearance.” Jason yelled exasperated.
Constantine typed a few more things on the computer before finally facing her nonchalantly “Not to change the subject but that is a really good glare. Scarier than Batman, honestly.  I could feel it through the back of my head.  I’m this close to being intimidated,” he said holding his thumb and index finger close together.  “I swear, if you keep glaring at me that…” before he could finish his sentence the woman had delivered a strong right hook directly to his jaw.
Constantine fell backwards, knocking into the chair positioned next to the computer, sending it spinning away on his way down, landing on his hands and knees.  He gently rubbed his jaw with a wince and looked back up at her with a raised eyebrow. “Yeah, fair enough.” He slowly stood back up using the chair and computer to help support him on his way up. “Have fun, kid? Meet any cute boys? Girls? Thems? Guess never asked which way you swing.”
The woman responded by kicking him hard in the chest with a suddenly bare foot.  He fell back against the computer from the impact with a surprised grunt.  Before he could get up she moved her foot on his throat to hold him there, braced against the computer.  She had been careful to place her foot flush on his throat but he wasn’t making any noises so she wasn’t pushing hard on it.  The family were all familiar with the move.  It didn’t allow him to move but did allow him to speak. A good questioning position.
“You left some valuable details out of the multiple briefings we had.  Weeks where you could have mentioned them.  Details like you could have just ASKED for this if you weren’t such a fucking self-absorbed coward.” She seethed at him.
Jason made a gurgling sound as he watched her stand over Constantine, suddenly feeling flushed.  He had not expected her to be able to take down a grown man like that, like it was second nature, effortless.  Two quick moves and he was at her mercy.  He couldn’t stop picturing himself in Constantine’s place, at her mercy, and that thought alone made his heart race and breathing more difficult.  The things she could do to him… He shook his head of the highly enjoyable thought.  Now was not the time for that.
“You know, I’m pressing a lot of buttons here,” Constantine croaked out.  “I might have to restart the whole process if you’re not careful.  Would take time.  Maybe enough for the whole family to return.”
“Fuck you.” She growled at him retracting her leg so he could stand up properly.
“Oh I swing all ways except that way. You may be legal, technically, but you're still a kid and I'm not a pedo.” He rubbed his throat as he straightened back up.  To the surprise of those in the room who knew him, he didn’t react at all. He seemed to accept the attack as justified and turned back around and got back to work on the computer.  Not that they were expecting him to attack back physically but Constantine was never had nothing to say, except now.
“You're an asshole.” She glared at him again crouching down to put her shoe back on.
“Well, yeah, but even assholes have standards.  By the way, really impressed you didn’t fall over there. Standing on one stilettoed leg without falling or losing your modesty?  Impressive. So you never did say, how did it go? Assuming you are done now.”
The family tensed for another attack when they saw her jump into a battle stance.  They watched confused as she switched to a crouching position and started cooing at nothing.  After a few moments, they saw what had drawn her attention.  Alfred the cat had jumped onto the computer like he was chasing after something.
“How the hell did your cat get into the cave?” Tim demanded from Damian.  “He better not mess with anything on the computer.”
“If that second rate concubine touches a hair on Alfred, I will cut her fingers off one at a time.” Damian growled at the screen.
Bruce squeezed the bridge of his nose, “Not quite the Alfred I would have hoped would intervene…”
Constantine looked over at the cat and grunted, “Not looking for a trip to Hell today, but thanks for the offer.  Scat.”  He shooed the cat away and turned to go back to his work on the computer.
The woman looked back at Constantine and frowned at him, “I don’t know if I’m done yet.  I’m still deciding,” she said snidely.  “And don’t you dare go anywhere near this poor cat.”  Alfred trotted over to the woman, keeping his eyes on Constantine the whole way.  When he got to the woman he rubbed up against her legs and looked up at her with a meow.
She reached down to pet the cat gently and start talking to him quietly.
“Holy shit, Demon Spawn.  I think the cat likes her better than you.” Jason laughed.  Bruce put his hand on Damian’s shoulder when he jumped up to charge at Jason.
“No bloodshed tonight, please.  And Jason, stop antagonizing him,” he admonished both of them.  This was shaping up to be the worst gala they’ve had.  And they’ve had galas attacked by rogues before.  That was still more pleasurable than whatever was going on here. Yep, that was definitely the beginning of a migraine he was feeling.
Constantine grunted out a single laugh.  “Yeah, right.  Because you can hold a grudge.”
She stared hard at Constantine for a few moments before something seemed to click in her head.  “Oh my God, he was right.  I was only there because you wanted me to get out and have fun, figuring I’d forgive you for the convoluted plans and the wait.”
“Is that so bad?  You’re still a kid, you should have fun at some point in your life.  Also, who is ‘he’?”
“So you gave me homework?  Are you so old you forget homework is not fun?  Or did they not have things like homework or school when you were my age?” She snarked annoyed, ignoring the last part of the question.
“No they didn’t have homework WAY back then, or paper, we just grunted to each other and absorbed information through osmosis,” he shot her a sour look.  “And fun wasn’t my only goal, but it was an important one.  Why, didn’t have fun?”
“Oh no, I did.  Until I remembered it isn’t something I get to keep, remembered that nothing about tonight sticks except that device,” she said pointing to something on the computer. “Everything about tonight is just an illusion because I haven’t been good enough, because I failed.  Thanks for that reminder.”  A guilty look flashed across her face before returning back to a glare.  “The remaining part of the night was focused on keeping tabs on the Waynes and fending off entitled pricks’ wandering hands,” she said slowly as if explaining something that should have been obvious.
A dark shadow passed over Constantine’s face.  He turned his focus from the computer for a moment to address her directly, “That is not on you.  None of that is on you.  Whatever the fuck your overactive conscious tells you.  That fucking conscious of yours is going to get you killed then I’m going to have to go to Hell to get you out.  I don’t enjoy Hell.  DO NOT make me go back.” He scolded her.  “For the hands, get any names?  I know a few demons looking for someone to… play with.  It wasn’t any of the Wayne kids, right?”
“You wanted me to meet the Waynes, didn’t you?” she narrowed her eyes in accusation.  “Why would you tell me to NOT get noticed by them if you wanted me to meet them?  How was that supposed to happen if I was avoiding them?  Did you really think I was so completely incompetent? ”
“No, I thought you were that gorgeous and innocent looking.  A combination that is impossible for any Wayne to ignore.” He sighed and glanced away seeming to brace himself for the conversation they were about to have.  “I needed you to think you shouldn’t get noticed because otherwise there was no reason for you to go instead of Chat.  And I needed you to go because not only do you need the break but precisely because you were going to get noticed by at least one of the Waynes and noticed in a very particular way that Chat wouldn’t.” he said waggling his eyebrows at her.  
“I thought it would take longer than it did, but at some point, one of the boys was going to take an interest in you and talk to you.  And you being you would figure out their identities and tell him everything.  You’re brilliant and noble like that,” he said sneering at the word noble, making it sound like the most disgusting word he had ever had to utter.  
“The youngest was the least likely to act but he is a bit young for you anyway.  The next one is as smart and focused-on-the-mission-at-the-expense-of-all-other-things as you, so I thought you might get along. The next one is as much of a smartass and has the same fuck-you-to-authority, sarcastic attitude as you, so I thought you two might click.  The oldest is as annoyingly sunshiney as you, so that seemed like it might work. Honestly, I thought he was the safest bet since he hits on everything with tits… Unless he was the one you were speaking with in which case, what I meant to say was… uh… keep an eye on him if cheating bothers you.”
Dick gave an offended gasp at the accusation.
“Yeah, totally unfair description.  You don’t require tits to hit on someone.” Jason said clapping him on the back
“I don't know that I like the idea of you dating any of them. But it would have gotten them involved without me breaking my promise because, I have said nothing,” Constantine said glancing back towards her for a moment. “But it sounds like you did,” he said with a cocky grin.
“Asshole,” she sneered at him sitting on the floor to get into a better position to pet Alfred.
“Yeah, but an asshole that keeps his word.”  He focused back on the computer and clicked around for a few more minutes before discretely glancing over at her, “Sooooo, did being here make you change your mind?”
“Nothing about tonight made me change my mind about bringing in outside help but it did make me reconsider the wisdom of allowing your interference.” She said shaking her head and glaring at him.
“Oh for fuck’s sake!” he growled out hitting the computer in frustration.  He rounded on her and stalked over to her, looming over her.  “Fuck the goddamned, mother fucking mission for ONCE.  Your life is supposed to be more than the fucking suit. Did being in Gotham make you rethink turning down that acceptance letter?”
“What?” She looked at him wide eyed in surprise but didn’t seem scared of his sudden outburst unlike Alfred who jumped up and hissed at him as he approached.
Constantine sighed sitting down near her and looked away seeming to examine thin air over her shoulder, “I know you got accepted to go here but turned it down because of Paris,” he said quietly.
Her lips pressed together in a thin line and turned her head to glare at the same point in the air, “How did you know that?”
“Your partners are worried about you. You turned it down because of the situation in Paris.  You can’t let that be the only thing in your life.  You got accepted everywhere.  You could go anywhere and you should.  Come on, if Gotham didn’t do it for you I can talk to people in Metropolis, Jump City, Central City, Starling City… Just somewhere out of Paris.”
Her eyes flared but she gave out a resigned sigh.  “I liked you better when you didn’t care about us.” She said with a wry smile, suddenly finding the cat at her feet batting at the air to be the most interesting thing in the room.  
“I still don’t,” he said unconvincingly as he backing up and returning to the computer.
She let out a doubtful scoff but continued to pet Alfred. After a few moments of silence she cocked her head to the side and looked up at Constantine with an impish smirk. “Awfully coincidental that all those cities have heroes that are roughly my age.  You trying to set me up with more superheroes?  First a bat now a titan?  Or were you leaning more towards an arrow?”
“With Roy!  God no. Jason is as depraved as I am willing to let you go.” Constantine sounded offended.
“Jason is NOT depraved!” she exclaimed affronted.
“Ahh, so it was Jason…” he said looking over his shoulder to throw her a cocky smile.
“Fuck you.” She grumbled with no heat behind it, returning her focus to Alfred, much to his apparent pleasure.
“Already said no to that.  But, if it was Jason, I sincerely hope they were watching that move you pulled when you first came in because he is going to be panting after you after seeing that.”
Her cheeks flushed brightly and Jason preened at causing her to blush even without being there.  She let out annoyed growl.  “This is not the place for this conversation.  Actually, there is no place where I would want to have this conversation with you but especially not where we probably have an audience.  Did you get the information?”
“Almost done.  Someone interrupted me,” Constantine subconsciously rubbed his jaw, “or I would be done already,” he said pointedly.  “And here,” he said throwing a small, white cube into the air but the woman made no move to catch it keeping her eyes on Constantine instead.
“It was important.  Believe me when I say I cut that way shorter than I wanted.  You should really thank this kitty for your lack of bruises,” she said cooing at the cat and petting him more.
“Hell of a thanks for getting this for you,” he said holding up a small device.  “Luckily for us, one of them, I’m guessing Tim, already did the hard work getting the information from the League for us.  Believe me when I say getting it from the League of Assassins would have been far, far more difficult than from the bats.”
“Awesome.  Let’s get out of here before any of the bats come home to roost.  I’m not looking forward to the wrath leaving a wake of bloody and bruised bats would create.”  She stepped away and whispered something they couldn’t hear.  As soon as she said the words, she was bathed in a blinding aqua light again and was replaced with the figure they first saw step out of the portal.
“She has a magical girl sequence…” Dick whispered in awe.
The woman said something sounding like “Voyage” and made a motion to her side.  A shimmering portal opened where she had previously indicated.  “Come on, we’ve been here too long as it is.” She said stepping through the portal.
Constantine looked up at the surveillance camera and gave a wicked smile with a salute before following her through the portal.
The portal closed, leaving the batcave quiet and empty again.
The bat boys stared at the screen for a few more seconds unsure what to say next.  Bruce moved forward to speak when there was movement on the screen.  They watched as a much smaller portal opened back up and Alfred was pushed through, the portal closed quickly behind him.  Alfred turned around and looked around meowing a few times, batting his paw where the portal was.
The quiet of the room was disrupted by a loud phone ringer waking everyone out of their stupor.  Suddenly everyone started talking at once except for Damian who just glared at the screen.  Dick yelled over everyone to silence them pulling out his phone.  “Hey Alfred, we’ll be right out.”  He started to make his way to the exit followed by everyone else when Bruce stopped them.
“They're gone and it's Constantine, it won't be against us.  We don't need to prepare for an attack.  The priority right now is the announcement.  We make the announcement then call Constantine and investigate her.”
“You would choose the one person in the room that was spying on us, Todd.” Damian growled redirecting his glare toward Jason instead of the screen.
“And yet, not the most deceitful one in the room or the most dangerous. Definitely the hottest though. No offense Dick.” Jason said shrugging off the accusation.
“Not the most dangerous to us?  She just threatened to leave a, and I quote, ‘wake of bloody and bruised bats’ behind her.  And she found a way to bypass all of our security to break into the cave and hack the computer.  How is that not a threat?” Tim yelled at him.  This girl was an immediate threat they knew nothing about.  She was skilled and had magic on her side and they knew nothing, absolutely fucking nothing, about her to know what kind of threat she was and Jason was just going with it because she had a pretty face.  He was going to let this girl saunter on into their sanctum sanctorum with no questions at all.  “I know it is hard for you, but you need to start looking beyond your next conquest or you are going to get us all killed.”
“Let me get this straight,” Jason glared at the family, “Dick spent the night talking up a chick that would sell us all out for a dime just so he could get lucky.  Tim spent the night talking up a business man I saw sexually assault someone AT THIS GALA just so he had the chance at a few extra bucks.” Tim opened his mouth to defend himself but Jason continued, speaking over him.  “Bruce spent the night talking up a known thief who was probably casing the guests for a future job, again just so he could get lucky. No offense Selina.”  She bowed her head and held up her champagne glass to show she took it in stride.  And he wasn’t wrong.  That was exactly what she was doing and why she asked for the information on that woman’s designer.  
“And Damian... well Damian doesn't talk to people but I guarantee he spent the night plotting multiple people's murder, mine included.  There’s no way he wasn’t.” Damian crossed his arms and looked away, even more annoyed by the accurate description.  “And I'm getting in trouble because I spent the night talking up someone working with an ally?” he asked incredulously.  
They had all just witnessed the same scene.  They had evidence she wasn’t a villain, she wasn’t a threat.  She was someone they needed to help and they weren’t seeing it.  This is exactly why he hated working with them.  Oh, they wanted to help, but only on their terms. Only if they controlled it and they didn’t control this.  This was an unknown that had been dropped on them instead of them finding and investigating on their own.  They were licking their wounded egos instead of trying to figure out how to help.  They were wasting time with this stupid argument.  “Fuck all of you and your fucked up so called ‘morals’.  She might have been the only really good person in this room, definitely the only trustworthy, honest person and you’re ignoring the situation Constantine mentioned.”
“She was spying on us, imbecile.” Damian growled at him.
“FOR CONSTANTINE!” he yelled back.  How were they still missing that point?  It was like they were intentionally missing it.  “Did nobody else watch what just happened?  Did all of you assholes miss Constantine say he devised this whole thing to get us to help her?  Did you shitheads miss how Constantine is treating her? He ain't treating her like he does us. He’s being protective.  That means he thinks she’s a good guy and a good person unlike the rest of us mother fuckers.  More than that, he’s treating her with kid gloves.  He doesn’t treat anyone with kid gloves, not even kids.  He’s trying to help her in and out of the mask.  He’s motherhenning the fuck out of her.  When have any of you ever seen Constantine act that way about anyone or anything?  She needs our help.”
“ENOUGH!” Bruce yelled silencing everyone in the room.  “Like he told her, this entire night was more about her than us.  He wanted us to know something was going on and for us to get involved.  And he was desperate enough to keep her trust that he concocted this whole plot to make sure we knew without breaking his word. He probably left us a clue by not covering what he got from the computer if not a message.”
“That’s a lot of words for ‘Jason is right’” Jason said smugly. “Come on B, you can just say it. ‘Jason is right.  We should listen to him.’  It’ll make you feel lighter to just finally say it.”
“You can’t be serious father,” Damian groused.
“Stop being such a jealous ass bitch, Demon Spawn.  Just because Alfred tried to run away with her…” Jason smirked at him.
Damian jumped up, face bright red and furious indicating he had every intention of following through with the plans he had been making during the gala.  Bruce stepped between him and Jason, not prepared to deal with the fight right now. They had an announcement to make and it would not look good if the boys showed up with fresh cuts and bruises. It’s hard to sell the story of a happy, functional family when the evidence to the contrary is on full display. “Now that we all agree,” he glared at them all until they quieted down.  “We’ve been in here long enough.  Let’s get back out there and make the announcement and show everyone what a supportive family that is ecstatic to have their brother back we are.  After that, Tim and Jason can go home to start the investigation.”
“Father, I would certainly be more help than him,” Damian objected indicating Jason, “also, there is no reason for me to still be here with these vapid, insolent morons.”
Bruce grunted.  Damian had a point about no reason for him to be there.  And the longer he was here the more likely it would be for him to finally snap and break someone’s hand and maybe more.  “Fine.  Take Damian, too.”  He waved his hand dismissively.  “Now move, we’re making this announcement right now.”
Damian gave a curt nod and turned to follow his father out of the door.  Selina coughed discretely drawing Bruce’s attention back to the room.  He looked at her questioningly.  She eyed Damian and Jason then nodded toward Dick.
Ahh.  She had a point, those three together would result in blood at the very least and the high probability for broken bones, cracked ribs, and dislocated joints, making patrol schedules very difficult until they healed.  “And Dick.  Nobody kills anyone.  I don’t care what you find or what is said, I don’t want any blood to clean when I get back.”
He started walking again but noticed nobody following him. He turned back to them exasperated and raised an eyebrow.  He noted everyone’s eyes on him giving him a deadpan expression and questioning expressions of their own.  “Fine, I don’t want Alfred to have to clean any blood when he gets back,” he sighed.  There was a round of begrudging agreement noises and the family started moving toward the gala again.  
The boys followed him out the door but Dick held onto Tim’s shoulder prompting him to hang back from the rest of the group.  He watched the rest of the family walk ahead of them.  When there was sufficient space between them, he started hitting Tim’s shoulder repeatedly still not looking at him.  Tim brushed off his hands and glared at him annoyed, “What?  You know Bruce is going to be mad we’re not out there.”
“Yeah, yeah.  This will be quick.”  He glanced round to make sure nobody was close enough to hear them.  “Bring up the video of the woman in the cave again.”
Tim gave him a suspicious look but pulled it up. “Okay, now what?”
Dick grinned excitedly, “Rewind the recording to the beginning.  Can you get a better angle of her glare?  I need to see the glare that is better than Batman’s.”  Bruce’s glare was legendary.  If this girl’s glare is that good, he had to see it.  Tim grinned back and scrolled through the different feeds looking for the one that would give them the best angle.
Chapter 3
@loveswifi @mystery-5-5 @dreamykitty25 @ira-sairain @wannajointhecrabcult @susiej1118 @our-presciousss @casual-darkness @ertyzeta @mandy984 @darkthunder1589 @chez-pezeater @emilytopaz @elements1999 @nik-nak-3 @mermaidreject @dramatic-squirrel @thenillabean @alysrose-starchild @phoenixperegrinebitch @nickristus-dreamer @goblinwhoships @g-arya  @no-username2544
 I think I included everyone who asked to be tagged.  I’m sorry if I missed anyone.
I realize there is no actual Jasonette interaction in this and for that, I am truly sorry.  I’m disappointed too.
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anjuschiffer · 4 years
Amira Wayne - Chapter 12
An update?! Hell yeah! here’s Day 13 of @biodad-bruce-month event!
Chapter 12: Gifts and Flowers
P.Tag: @theatreandcomicfreak @damianette-is-life @toodaloo-kangaroo @elijahcrevan
Tag: @vixen-uchiha @we-want-mini-mini @ramos123 @bluesimani @redscarlet95 @greatcatblaze @promiswords @fantasiame @corabeth11 @anonymously-odd @alexandriamw @officiallydarkgeek
November was finally here and Amira hated it. 
“Is it really that cold?” Selina asked, watching Amira put on a jacket before boarding off the jet, wondering how she was able to change so quickly out of her costume from last night. 
Her father insisted for the two of them to use the jet, much to Amira’s annoyance. She didn’t want to be seen using Wayne tech and even less be seen with his...lady. Throughout the entire flight, Amira had to sit in uncomfortable silence. 
She felt as Selina judged her every movement.
“Sadly, something causes me to become weak towards the cold.” Amira muttered, pulling her suitcase behind her. “So where will you be staying?” 
“With you.” Selina jokes, earning a glare. “Unless you have a better idea.” 
Amira looked out into the distance as they awaited their cab, thinking of a decent place for Selina to stay but also a place where she can keep an eye on the Gotham thief. 
“I might just know a place.”
“Dupain-Cheng. What are you doing here?” Chloé remarked, one hand on her hip while the other just hung by her side. 
Out of all the people to entire her father’s hotel, Marinette was the last person she’d thought would ever step foot into it. After all, she was just a commoner. “And who's this?”
Chloe watched as the woman standing next to Marinette simply looked at her, her head tilting a bit to the side.
“Why hello to you as well Chloé.” Marinette spoke, Selina watching the two girls converse. “As for why I’m here, my father’s…friend needs a place to stay while in Paris.”
Chloé checked Selina from head to toe, scoffing at the slightly sheer black top with white leather jacket and white pants combo. 
“Sure she can afford this hotel? After all, this is the best hotel-“
“I know Chloé. Don’t doubt it and hence why I referred Selina to this hotel.” Marinette said, wanting to roll her eyes. “Otherwise, I wouldn’t have brought her here.” Chloé huffed as she watched Marinette lead the woman to the front desk. 
She watched as Marinette helped the lady fill out a few papers when the lady pulled out a black card from her wallet. 
A black card…
Rushing to the desk, Chloé slammed her hands next to Marinette. 
“Dupain-Cheng. Who is she?” Chloe asked, watching as the woman signed a paper.
“Oh? You don’t recognize her?” Marinette let a grin grace her face as she watched Chloe turn pink. “She’s Bruce Wayne’s fiancé, Miss Selina Kyle.”
“Amira, what did you do downstairs?” Selina asked, wondering what exactly happened between Amira and the other girl downstairs. She didn’t understand a word, but she knew something juicy happened. After all, the blonde girl quickly tried to converse with her, even when her English was heavily accented with French.
“That girl is in my class; she’s also the mayor's daughter. She just asked me how I know Gotham’s wealthiest man’s fiancé. I simply told her you were a family friend. Nothing more, nothing less.”
“How did you know I was engaged to your father?”
“Happened two nights ago while I was gathering a few more intel around a case of mine.” Amira confessed. “Amazed me to see how much trivial info my father had on you.”
“You’re a detective here then?”
“No comment.” Amira said, taking out a phone and handing it to Selina. “Take this.” 
“What’s it for?” Selina asked, turning up the phone and seeing an odd app on it. The app icon was a ladybug, Selina not recognising it. Perhaps a Parisian thing?
“Your other phone doesn’t work here and this phone is especially programmed to help you go to safety whenever-“
Screams in the streets interrupted the two, Selina watching Amira drag her hands down her face. 
Amira quickly went to the television and turned on the news, sighing when she saw Jagged Stone on the news. Selina watched as she huffed and cursed under her breath.
“How the hell did he, of all people, get akumatized?”
“Akumatized? Amira-“
“Selina. Whatever you do, don’t leave this room. And before you ask, yes my father knows about this and no, I don’t need help. Tikki, Spots On!” 
Selina watched as Amira was engulfed in red and was now in the same outfit she had when they first met, the only difference being that her jumpsuit was covered in black polka dots. 
Selina watched as Amira sprinted for the window, noticing how Amira’s hair was longer. 
“Stay safe out there.” She decided to say, not missing the way Amira stiffened when she was on top of the railing, ready to jump off. 
Amira turned around to look at Selina before fleeing, using her yo-yo to get away.
“LB! Welcome back!” Chat grinned, Ladybird giving him a nod in acknowledgement once she arrived at the scene of the attack.
The two parted from each other when Guitar Villain sent a sound wave towards them, Ladybird thanking Tikki for allowing her to see the magic. If it weren’t for the miraculous, who knows if she was going to be able to dodge the attacks. 
“What caused him to get akumatized?” Ladybird rolled away from the next attack, cursing as another one followed shortly after the first. 
“Dunno! Something relating to his guitar I’m guessing!” Chat shouted from across the street, using his staff to propel himself away from another wave. 
Ladybird sighed as she pulled herself up a building, gasping when she saw- “A dragon! You’ve got to be kidding me!” Chat pouted. 
“Chat! We don’t have- fire straight ahead!” Ladybird shouted, quickly hiding behind a car, feeling the heat fly past her.
“LB! Please tell me you have a plan here! I don’t exactly want to become that dragon’s dinner! I’m too young to die!” Chat shouted, dramatically placing his hand over his forehead. 
Ladybird groaned, looking at the akumatized Fang and rock star on the Eiffel Tower. She watched as Guitar Villain landed, Ladybird noticing a set up there.
“I might just have one.”
Throwing her lucky charm into the air, Ladybird watched as the ladybugs returned everything to before the akuma attack, Chat trying to catch one of them. Despite knowing he could never grab one, he just adored challenging the idea.
“Missed you LB! Glad to have you back!” Chat said with a grin, Ladybird huffing when she saw his fist directed towards her. She fist bumped it back, knowing that if she didn’t, he’d complain about it.
“Not glad to be back, but I’ll be lying if I said I didn’t miss being here.” Ladybird looked at the darken skyline, not believing that it took hours to take down Guitar Villain. One of their longest fights yet.
“Think you’re up for some training? And how was your trip?” Chat asked shyly, wondering if she would ignore his question and would want to train. To his surprise, he found LB yawning. 
“Let’s call it a night. I started to feel the jetlag and then had to fight a Victim as soon as I arrived? Not exactly the best state to spar. However, we will spar tomorrow if there isn’t an akuma.” 
Ladybird looked over at Chat. “However, I hope that just because I wasn’t here to see you, you still kept up with our regular training sessions.” She noticed the way he jumped at that. “We’re going to be doing double the work if it turns out you skipped.”
“But LB!”
“No buts!” Ladybird stifled another yawn, a growl from her stomach following up. “Seems like that's my cue. See you tomorrow at the usual.”
“Fine.” Chat huffed. “Rest well!” Chat yelled out as he watched Ladybird disappear into the skyline, hoping she got home safe. 
Little did he know that he wasn’t going to see her until a few days later. 
Adrien couldn’t help but notice something was off with Marinette that morning, catching her dozing off during class various times. 
He watched as Alya tried to wake her up but then stopped when her efforts were in vain. She had tried to wake up the girl all throughout the morning, but only successfully got her to open her eyes during chemistry. But shortly after that class was done, Marinette went straight back to sleep.
Soon, lunch came, Alya quickly leaving the room to go somewhere with some of the other girls in the classroom. Seeing an opportunity, Adrien quickly went to her, wondering how he should wake her up.
“Marinette. Psst! Marinette.”
When she didn't budge, Adrien decided to sit next to her, feeling eyes on him.
Despite it already being three months into the school year, Adrien and Marinette have yet to make any other friends besides themselves. Everyone in the class was too cautious about them; Adrien was friends with Chloe while Marinette shut herself from everyone else.
“Adrikins, what are you doing?” Chloe asked, then noticing Marinette dozing off next to him. “Is she alright?” Chloe asked, whipping-
“Did you...did you cut your hair?” Adrien pointed out, surprised to see Chloe’s hair not only out of the ponytail she usually wore it in, but also a few inches shorter. Not only that, she wasn’t in her usual outfit, now wearing a yellow wool sweater and black trousers. 
“What? Don’t like it? Pay for my next hair appointment!” Chloe pouted a bit, looking over at Marinette. “She never sleeps during class. Is she sick?” Seeing Chloe concerned was new to Adrien, but he didn’t let that bother him. Something was wrong with Marinette and they needed to know what it was.
The girl was always punctual and seemed immune to getting sick, even when everyone was getting sick due to the change in temperatures.
“Dunno. Just saw her dozing off during class, so I came to check her.”
“Let me see.” Chloe said, going over to Marinette and feeling her head, quickly retracting her hand and looking at Adrien with worried eyes.
“We have to take her to the nurse. She’s burning up.”
Her chest...it hurt. But the coldness enveloping her body felt even worse.
Amira woke up to find herself in her room, feeling colder than usual. She curled into herself, pulling the covers closer to her.
Why was it so damn cold?
“Amira. Amira, can you hear me?” She heard Selina call out to her.
“It’s... cold.” Amira barely managed to say. “It’s...too cold.”
“Amira, it’s 21 Celsius today.”
“So why does it feel so damn cold?” Amira let out a whine as she turned over to face Selina, noticing the red corners of Selina’s eyes. 
“Amira, we already took you to a doctor, but they couldn’t find anything wrong with you. I called your father-” Amira sat up.
“Why did you-” Amira felt off-balanced, quickly tumbling back to her side, feeling her chest compress before letting out a raspy cough. That cough then launched her into a coughing fit.
“Amira! Amira!” Selina began to panic, wondering what to do. What can she even do? She continued to watch Amira cough, desperately gasping at her chest.
Just last night, Selina saw Amira just fine, healthy. The next thing she knew, she was getting a phone call that afternoon from a panicking Sabine, rambling how she was about to take Amira to the ER.
Two of her classmates found it odd that she had fallen asleep during her morning classes and didn’t suspect much until they had to wake her up. That’s when they felt the fever, her body hot to the touch, causing the two teens to take her to the nurse’s office. The nurse found nothing off, not even feeling the warmness on Amira’s skin, although she did say it felt a bit cold to the touch.
Everything was alright, they told Sabine. 
But Sabine knew better than that and took Amira straight to another doctor, who also found nothing wrong.
Sabine then reached out to Selina if she knew anything about Amira’s health, in which Selina said no. That ended up in Selina calling Bruce as the two women took Amira to a private doctor, where they too found nothing wrong with Amira.
Lucky for Amira, Bruce wouldn’t pick up, Selina suspecting he was either at WE or doing something else.
But she wished he did because as soon as she hung up, Amira started to burn up. Selina panicked, not knowing what to do. 
She’s taken care of a few sick children before, but that’s because the doctor knew what to do, so it was a matter of following directions. But this? No one knew what was going on with her…no one knew what was causing her to burn and violently cough...
Or at least she didn’t think anyone knew.
A knock came from the bedroom door, Selina quickly going over to open up the hatch.
There, emerging from the hatch was an elder man.
“Hello there Miss. My name is Fu, Wang Fu. A friend of mine told me about your daughter’s illness and asked me to see what I can do about it.”
While Selina didn’t exactly like the idea of this man barging into the situation, something told her to trust him.
“Please. Please, help her.
Tikki circled around Master Fu’s room, wondering if she did the right thing. Of course she did. After all, no one else would have been able to cure Amira’s sickness. After all, it’s all Tikki’s fault.
She should’ve known better to have kept letting Amira use the miraculous aside from akuma fights. 
She knew the dangers of using a miraculous and yet…
Tikki let out a sob, wondering why she didn’t warn Amira, why she couldn’t muster the courage to tell Amira how a Miraculous corrupts a person who wasn’t a true wielder. Especially if the user was the complete opposite of the miraculous given to them.
Just as Tikki had enough of waiting and wanting to go and apologize to her, she felt the room shake, Tikki quickly flying towards the nearest window, only to hear screams coming from the streets. She watched as people were blasted with pixelated beams, disappearing before her eyes.
An akuma?!
“No, no, no!” Why now? Why now when Amira wasn’t here! When she was suffering and on the brim of the worst.
Tikki began to fly around, circling the room, each lap getting quicker when she came to halt and eyed the gramophone across from her.
The gramophone was right there...in her reach...
Master Fu would forgive her, wouldn’t he?
After all, someone needed to defend Paris alongside Chat.
“I just had to get blasted after pushing Chloe away, didn’t I?” Adrien huffed. “Come on LB. Where are you?” Adrien muttered, walking in the white abyss he was casted off to. 
“About that.” Plagg decides to speak, seeing Adrien look at him worriedly. “Spots might not be coming to the fight.” Plagg gulped when Adrien grabbed him. 
“What do you mean by that? What do you mean she won’t be coming? There’s-”
“Before the akuma, Tikki -that’s LB’s Kwami- came to warn me about LB.” Plagg started. “How she might have to sit out for a few akumas.”
“Sit out?” Adrien whispered. “What happened to her? What’s wrong with Ladybird?!”
“That’s the thing kid. We don’t know what’s wrong with her. Only Master Fu would know, which is probably what he’s doing now.”
“Master Fu?”
“Right, you don’t know him. Didn’t think you’d have to know about him/” Plagg confessed. “He’s the one who guards the Miraculous, the one who chose you for the Cat Miraculous. He’s the one who’s trying to figure out what’s wrong with LB.”
“But if LB is out, who-“
“Don’t know kid. I honestly don’t know.” Plagg provided, knowing it wasn’t the thing to tell Adrien.
They needed to get away from here to help take down the Victim, but to do that, they needed someone from the outside.
But just as the two wondered what was to become of them, they were released from their photo prison, seeing another Miraculous Holder.
They watched as a yellow and black uniformed holder stood proudly against the latest Victim.
“My name is Queen Bee and I’m going to make sure you’re going down, Pixelator!”
“I told you, I was fine. I didn’t need you to save me.” Queen Bee told Chat as she looked at the akuma she held delicately in her hands. The thing was paralyzed and as long as she didn’t let it land in her, she should be fine. Or at least, that’s what Pollen told her.
As soon as she was pushed away from harm’s way, Chloe dashed back to the hotel and ran to her room, sliding against the door, wondering what she could. She had to help Adrien, to keep the akuma distracted until Ladybird or Chat to arrive. She needs help in some way.
As Chloe wandered around her room, her eyes landed on her bed, where a tiny hexagon chapped box laid alone. Taking it and cautiously opening it, Chloe dropped it when a yellow orb came out of it.
The orb turned into a creature that resembled a large bee, something Chloe wanted to squish but didn’t when it introduced itself and told her about having to help Ladybird and Chat.
Pollen explained to Chloe how to transform and how to use her weapon, giving her the run down before Chloe yelled “Pollen! Buzz on!” Chloe watched as she was soon in a skintight suit, a yellow jacket with black fur on it. Can she say that she fell in love with the high heel boots Pollen blessed her with?
Once transformed, she headed towards Pixelator, attempting to take him down, only resulting in her losing the sensation in her leg and her left arm.
She eventually had to make a deal with Pixelator, telling him that she’ll give him her miraculous if he freed half of the people then and there, which he did.
Seems like Chat was among those people, seeing as he gave Queen Bee a chance to scoot away when he started to attack him. 
The fight lasted a few minutes before Chat destroyed the visor around Pixelator’s head, the akuma flying out before Queen Bee immobilized it. Despite having it frozen, Queen Been couldn’t exactly purify it, having to keep it with her until Ladybird made an appearance. 
Only she can purify an akuma.
“A ‘thank you’ would’ve been nice.” Chat mumbled, watching as Queen Bee placed the akuma into a special container that was alongside the box that held the miraculous given to her.
“By the way, where’s Ladybird? I can’t exactly-”
“She’s sick.” Chat admitted. 
“Sick? Is that even-“
“Something happened to her and her miraculous that caused her to become sick.” Chat filled in, watching Queen Bee gape.  
“Her miraculous?” Queen Bee looked at the akuma in her hand.
“I don’t know what’s going on nor how to search for her. All we can do now is keep fighting these akumas until she returns. Until she gets better, we can’t allow Paris to keep getting destroyed as it did today.”
“Bee. I wish I knew what was going on. Really, I do. But all we can do is wait. Now, come on. I’ll drop you off somewhere close to where you live. After all, I can’t know your identity as you can’t learn mine.”
“She should stay in bed for the next two days. Don’t you dare let her get out of it.” Selina listened as Fu warned her. 
After two hours, Fu was able to diagnose Amira’s illness, creating a concoction of some sorts to help reduce her fever and raging cough. “If she exerts herself too much, she will get worse. Continue to give her the medicine every six hours. It will help with her fever and coughing. With that said, I wish for a speedy recovery.”
“Thank you very much.” Selina said, giving Amira’s hand a squeeze. The entire time Fu analyzed Amira’s condition, Selina couldn’t let go of her hand. Something made her believe that if she did, something bad might happen to the girl.
“No need to thank me. I’m only doing my duty.”
Selina watched as Fu left, looking over to Amira, watching as sweat slid down her face. Her breaths were a bit longer than earlier, but definitely an improvement. 
Just who was he? How did he know what was wrong with her despite no one else knowing? Not like it mattered.
“You’re going to be okay.” Selina said, pressing her head against Amira’s. “You’re going to be fine.”
Marinette didn’t come to school the next day, Adrien worried. 
“You’re ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous!” Chloé exclaimed, Adrien snapping away from his thoughts as he turned to look at his friend. He frowned upon seeing her arm wrapped in bandages. 
During yesterday’s attack, it seems like Chloe still ended up injured, her arm and leg bruised. While Chloe said it didn’t hurt, Adrien knew better than to ignore the redness in Chloe’s eyes. 
She was in pain.
“Chloé, what exactly are you talking about?”
“She’s talking about how you can’t stop worrying over Marinette.” Sabrina elaborated, glad to see Chloé was pleased with her timing. All day yesterday, Sabrina hated the screams that came from Chloe’s room when she was getting her injuries checked over. Sabrina hated that her friend was in pain and she couldn’t do anything about it. “You kept staring at her seat throughout the entire morning.”
At that, Adrien found himself trying to come up with an answer, but none came out. Was he really staring?
“If you’re that worried about her, just come with me to her home later.” Chloe stated, looking at her nails, hating that her hand was shaking. Yesterday’s attack really did a number on her.
“I thought you weren’t her friend?” Adriend asked, Chloé letting out a scoff. 
“As class president, I have to go over and drop off any assignments she missed. Of course, I usually like to-“
“I’ll go with you then!” Adrien chirped, giving Chloé his signature smile. “You will let me go with you, right?”
Chloé tried to avert her gaze, but she knew better than to ignore Adrien’s puppy eyes. 
“Ugh, fine! But you better find a way for-“
“Thank you Chloé!”
“How are you doing Amira?” Selina asked her, Amira looking at her with clouded eyes. Following her line of sight, Selina watched as Amira looked at her monitors from her makeshift bed. 
Yes, Amira has an actual bed, but Selina wasn’t on board with having Amira climb stairs every time she needed to go back to bed. So after doing a bit of hunting, Selina got Amira a new bed to have on the main level of her bedroom.
“Not as cold as yesterday if you’re wondering.” Amira started. “But I can feel my body tremble and I hate it. I also hate that you’re acting as if I can’t look after myself.”
“Well, you are sick.” Selina pointed out, turning off the news about yesterday’s incident.
“I used to get sick before too. At first, Grandpere and Bruce used to look after me. Then just Grandpere because Bruce would be too busy to check on me...and then myself. I didn’t want to continue to be a burden to Grandpere. He already did so much for us and I didn’t want him to get sick, so I told him to stop looking after me.”
Selina watched as Amira stared at the ceiling. “To be honest with you, I don’t like you Selina. Or maybe that’s just my uneasiness speaking. Or perhaps...jealousy. ”
“Uneasiness? Jealousy? Amira, there’s nothing-“
“There is.” Amira looked at Selina, her finger pointing at her. “You know more of my father than I will ever know. You know him both in and out of that damned cowl. I only know of Father, not Bruce Wayne nor Batman. 
The media and cameras could only inform me so much.” Amira looked back at her ceiling, feeling her chest tighten. “You’re always there with him while I’m just kept behind locked do-“
“Dupain-Cheng! You should know better than to not inform the school- Mlle Kyle!” Chloé squeaked when she noticed Selina, quickly changing from French to English. Chloe quickly entered the room, Adrien following her shortly after. “I didn’t know you were here.”
“It’s alright. I was going to leave aways“ Selina said, seeing Amira scowl upon seeing the other teens in her room. “I’ll be right downstairs if anything happens.” She told Amira.
Selina fought against the tug that demanded her to stay. But Selina knew better than that. She knew better than to stay and listen to whatever it was the teens had to say to themselves. But then again, she had no right to stay in the room.
She wasn’t her mother after all, nor a parental figure for that matter.
So, she left.
Marinette watched as Selina left her side, now looking at the two rich kids in front of her. 
Who was she kidding? She was one herself too. 
“What are two doing here?” Marinette asked, sitting up, feeling her body protest to lay back down. She noticed the tiny bruises covering Adrien’s arms and the bandages around Chloe’s arm.
Guilt began to gnaw at her mind.
“As class president, I came to drop by school work you missed. It’s ridiculous how you managed to-“
“Chloé.” Adrien growled.
“We came by to see how you’re doing.” Chloe admitted.
“You came to see me?” Marinette asked, surprised to see Chloe starting to change after their conversation from days ago...or has it been a few weeks?
“Of course!” Adrien chirped. “Isn’t that what friends do?”
“See? She doesn’t even-“ Chloe started.
“When did we ever become friends?” Marinette asked. “As far as I know, I simply find the two of you tolerable. Better than those other kids in the class.”
She guessed those were the wrong choice of words since Adrien grinned and Chloé huffed, turning her head to the side while her cheeks were tinted pink. 
“Well, I think the same applies to you, Dupain Cheng. You’re very tolerable and easy to work with. Although I have to ask, where’s my thanks?” 
“Me and Adrien were the ones to take you to the school nurse despite Cesaire first knowing about you not being in your right mind. The idiot didn’t realize you were burning up.” Chloe decided to say, looking at Marinette with worry.
“I guess I do owe you my gratitude.” Marinette said, giving Chloe a small smile. “Thank you.”
“As you should. You’re lucky I helped to grace you with my kindness even though your closet could use a few colors.” Chloe said, internally smiling.
“As if that blue eyeshadow did you any favors.” Chloé gasped at Marinette’s statement.
“I’ll have you know-“
Adrien watched as the two girls bickered, as if they were two old friends catching up. 
He looked out towards the Parisian skyline wondering the whereabouts of Ladybird and if she was alright. 
After an hour or two, Amira bid Chloe and Adrien goodbye, Amira now staring at her phone, Adrien and Chloe’s names looking right back at her. 
Two more names to her small list of names. 
“Amira! You’re alright!” Tikki cried, Amira feeling her crash into her cheek. 
“And where were you?” She felt Tikki tense, watching as the tiny god moved away from her. “I get not wanting to be seen, but not watching me from afar-“
“I’m sorry. This is all my fault.” Tikki sat in front of Amira, looking at her with her watery eyes. “I should have warned you about the Miraculous and it’s dangers-“
“I already knew.” Amira confessed, Tikki looking up at her in horror. “I already knew I wasn’t fit for the Ladybug Miraculous. During my first transformation, it felt like it was rejecting me.” Tikki looked away in shame. “Even when I knew I wasn’t meant for it, I kept pushing myself and trained with the miraculous on. I wanted it to accept me. For you to accept me.”
“But I do accept you Amira. I trust-“
“Yet you’re afraid of me.” Amira cut off. “That’s why you hesitated to tell me. You trusted me enough to talk about the miraculous, of bringing the Guardian to me to heal me, but you were afraid of what I might do if you told me I wasn’t your best option, weren’t you?” 
That’s right. 
Master Fu had told Tikki that Amira wasn’t her true holder. She was just the better one between his last two options. 
“Did you really figure that out on your own?” Tikki asked. “So why? Why do you still-“
“Because I made a promise to you. To everyone in Paris. I vowed to protect them, no matter what. If it costs me my life, so be it.” Amira looked at her hands, watching as her hands morphed to her smaller ones. Small hands that held a blank name tag that laughed at her. “I rather die as the vigilante who protected Paris than the hidden Wayne child.”
Tikki’s frown warbled, quickly throwing herself to Amira, not bothering to tell her about the person who stood right below the hatch that led to the room. 
“I’m sorry Amira. I’m so sorry!”
“It’s alright Tikki. It’s alright.”
Another akuma showed up that night, taking Amira by surprise when she awoke from the trembling outside her room. 
She watched as hundreds of tiny gremlin-looking...gremlins took over the streets of Pari. Sapoti -if Amira remembered correctly- they were called. 
There was never an akuma during the night. So why now, of all-
“He knows I can’t fight right now, Tikki. He knows I’m down and he’s taking advantage of that. I have to go help.” Amira firmly announced, getting out her bed and started to change into something more comfortable than her sweaty pajamas before calling on the transformation.
“Amira, you can’t. Master Fu-“
“He’s trying to make us play all of our cards. If Chat and Bee can’t take this akuma down -although hopefully they do- then we’ll be forced to-wait! Bee’s still injured! I have to-” 
“Amira. Trust them. Just like you trust me.” Tikki softly said, putting her paw on Amira’s cheek. “They can do this. You can’t, even if you wanted to. If you ran to try and defeat this akuma, then you’ll be falling right into his plan. You’re going to give him an opportunity to get the Ladybug in this condition you’re in if you go now. So listen to me and believe in them. They’ll defeat this Victim. Just watch.”
And they did… 
“But why did they have to bring another miraculous out! That’s exactly what Hawkmoth wanted!”
“Amira, they-”
“They gave him the information he wanted about the miraculouses and-”
“Rena Rouge’s siblings were the victims this time around.” Tikki cut off, watching as Amira turned quiet. “She begged Chat Noir and Queen Bee to let her help in any way possible, especially when she saw Bee still heavily injured from the last attack... but she wanted to save her family.”
Tikki watched as Amira dazed out, the girl looking out the window next to the stair that led to her bed and skylight. Tikki noticed Amira staring at the daisies that she had found growing in the cracks of the outwalls of the apartment. 
Daisies that Amira always tended to despite not having any plants of her own, daisies that Amira decided to plant into a pot and care for.
Tikki watched as Amira cradled a flower between her fingers, Amira carefully caressing the petals. 
She watched as Amira grabbed an old looking device, dialing a number.
“Chat, I want you to meet me at the rendezvous. Bring Queen Bee with you.”
Chat watched as Queen Bee twirled one of her hair strands, Bee biting her cheek as she did so.
“Relax Bee. Ladybird-”
“I can’t relax! I’m meeting Ladybird! My idol!” Queen Bee said, grabbing Chat by his bell. “Don’t you understand?! She might-”
“Ladybird! Aren’t I glad you’re doing well!” Chat exclaimed, Ladybird noticing how his ears perked upon seeing her. 
“Thank you for your concern, but I’d prefer if you’d lower your voice. I have yet to completely recover.”
“Right. Sorry.” Chat sheepishly said, before remembering why they were there. “Oh! This is Queen Bee! She’s-”
“I know who she is, Chat. I watched the fight.”
Chat watched as Ladybird eyed Queen Bee, circling around her as she did. Chat noticed how Queen Bee was silent, stiff as Ladybird judged her.
“Chat. What are your opinions on her?”
“She’s a bit on the stubborn side and a bit on the unfocused side, but she’s an excellent partner. Barely have to tell her what to do when we’re apart.”
“So she just needs a bit of guidance?” Ladybird asked, now standing in front of Queen Bee.
“Have you brought her to the training grounds yet?” 
They had a training area?
“No.” Chat quickly responded. 
“Good.” Ladybird stated, watching Queen Bee pale.
Were they going to take her miraculous back? Was this the end of- “Do you have the akuma I told you to bring?”
“Y-Yes!” Queen Bee stuttered, reaching for the bag next to her foot and handing Ladybird the jar with the two akumas. “Here they are.”
Ladybird released the akumas, quickly capturing them. Carefully, she released the purified butterflies, Queen Bee watching them glow brightly against the night sky.
“Miraculous Ladybug!” Ladybird yelled, Queen Bee stunned as she watched millions of ladybugs flying across the starless night, the tiny bugs becoming stars themselves. She watched as the tiny red bugs surrounded her and restored her arm and leg back, Queen Bee feeling tears well up to her eyes.
She held the urge to tackle Ladybird and thank her when she watched her stare at her with soft eyes.
Opening up her yo-yo, Chat and Queen Bee watched as LB took out a box, carefully wrapped in yellow paper with a black bow carefully placed on top. A daisy was tucked carefully under the bow.
Queen Bee watched as Ladybird handed it to her, watching as she found herself accepting it.
Looking up, Queen Bee found Chat smiling at her, Ladybird approaching her. Stretching out a hand, Ladybird smiled.
“Welcome to the team, Queen Bee. I look forward to working with you.”
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peterxwade24 · 3 years
Safety Found in Red Sleeves
Chapter 5
Here is the long awaited Chapter 5. Also, due to my own desire, all of the temporary heroes will have suits fashioned after outfits from “Avatar: the Last Airbender”.
Con trai means “son” while Con gài means “daughter”, or at least that’s what the website I found them on says. (the website is www.vietnamesepod101.com if you’re wondering)
Also, I made a typo in chapter 2/3 with Marc’s pronouns but since then, I’ve changed it. I hope you all will continue to receive this fic with the same enthusiasm you have thus far.
Jason danced around his kitchen with Damian on his hip, his sisters sitting on some of the kitchen counters. Bobby Day’s “Rockin’ Robin” poured into the kitchen from his bluetooth speaker.
Tim wandered into the kitchen, one hand rubbing at his eye and the other on the wall, and ran into Steph’s legs. “‘ephanie?”
“Hey Tim.” Steph gently pushed Tim in the direction of the fridge and laughed as she watched him stumble to the fridge.
Jason ruffled Tim’s hair as he walked passed and smiled. “Good morning Timbers.”
“Good morning Uncle Tim.” Damian murmured from where his head was resting against his dad’s shoulder.
“Wha-?” Tim turned to look at the pair. “When did-?”
“Just went through yesterday.” Jason smiled. “Don’t worry too much.”
Tim nodded and got his glass of water before returning to the girls and settling between them. “Have you told Dick yet?”
Jason shook his head and opened the oven door to peek at the muffins he was baking. “No. But he, Wally and the kids are supposed to come over for lunch today.”
Jason carefully pried the sleeping form of his son off of his hip and passed him to Roy with a smile before looking at his brother. “So, Dickiebird, how are you holding up?”
Dick shrugged, playing with Mar’i’s hair to distract himself, before smiling. “I’m fine.” He glanced over at Wally for a moment. “Wally and I have been helping each other with this single parent thing.”
Wally smiled before turning to watch Jai and Iris chase each other around the dining room table. “Dick’s a great help with those two, they always have so much energy.”
Jason chuckled and shook his head. “Of course they have so much energy, look at who their father is.” Jason was about to say something when someone knocked on the door. “Give me just a moment.”
Wally and Dick sent him a pair of thumbs up as he stood up and walked towards the door.
Jason opened the door and simply raised an eyebrow. “What can I help you with Mr. Wayne?”
“There’s a French class coming to Gotham. They’re staying in one of the company hotels in the heart of the city. You and your brothers had best be on your best behaviour since Dick is the tour guide for their tours through the company buildings and you’re the acting bodyguard for their tours around the city.”
Jason rolled his eyes. “Hey Dickiebird! I didn’t know you signed up to give some tours to some hoity toity French kids.”
“I didn’t know I signed up to give some tours either.” Dick leaned on the wall next to the door. “When did either of us sign up to help you?”
Bruce sighed and looked at his two oldest sons. “Don’t do it for me. Do it for Alfred, he would like it if any of you came around.”
“Mmm, no can do B. My son is the child of a rogue and the grandchild of a rogue, my sister is the child of a rogue, my sisters are children of rogues, my brothers and I associate with rogues. Alfred is more than welcome to come around. You can give him my address and then forget it.”
Dick nodded and slung an arm around Jason’s shoulders. “When is the French class supposed to be here?”
“They’re flying in on Saturday but don’t start their tours until the following Monday to allow for them to get used to the time change.
Jason nervously tapped his foot on the floor, hoping and praying to whatever deity came to mind first a certain god of destruction that everything would turn out alright. He took a deep breath, shook out his hands and knocked on the door to the apartment.
The door opened and Selina appeared, dishevelled hair and shirt falling down her arm. Selina was sleepily rubbing at her eye with the other hand still held the door, just open enough she could see whomever was at her door but not open enough that anyone could see into her apartment.
“Aunt Selina?” Jason whispered while praying again to the deity. “Do you remember me? I’m-”
Selina let go of the door to wrap her arms around Jason, pulling the much taller boy against her chest. “Oh Jason. Why didn’t you come to me immediately after you breached city limits?” She pulled back just enough to hesitantly trace her fingers over the scars that marred his otherwise conventionally handsome face. “My poor bird. My poor, poor, little bird.”
“Aunt Selina. I’m fine now. Dick and Tim have sided with me against Bruce. I know how much you care for him and I understand if you’re taking his side, I just, I needed to see my Aunt Selina one last time.”
“Jason Peter Todd. I’m not the Joker. My one goal in life isn’t to be the Bat’s one and only. The day he brought Dick on the scene I decided then and there that you all weren’t his birds. You were mine. And cats are just as likely to attack bats as they are birds.” Selina’s fingers paused on top of a set of three very faint white-silver scars just under his jawline. “I am sorry that I ever caused you pain my little bird.”
Jason nervously straightened things around his apartment, Damian, Roy and Lian sat on the couch watching his mad dash around the apartment while Stephanie and Cass sat on a pair of counters with Tim standing between them. Dick, Wally, Mar’i, Jay and Iris were nervously looking out the window as Jason continued to clean.
Dick, Wally, Mar’i, Jay and Iris suddenly scrambled away from the window to sit down around Damian, Roy and Lian.
A few minutes after they sat down, a firm knock came at the door. Jason brushed the dust off of his shirt and approached the door. Jason opened the door and smiled. “Hi Aunt Selina. Hi Grandpa Alfred.”
Alfred smiled at Jason and glanced down at the covered dish in his hands. “I made my key lime pie.”
Selina simply chuckled. “Little bird. At this point, I’m your mom. Just call me Mom.”
Thana looked at her friends, Chloé steadfast in her loyalty, Nino firm in his friendship, and Kim unshakable in his protection, and smiled. “I love you guys so much. You are my family.”
Chloé smiled and wrapped her arms around Thana. “We love you too.”
Nino and Kim joined their hug, the four friends uniting in their found family and solidifying their bonds. “You’re our family too Thana.”
Desgracia watched as Marc took a deep breath before looking at Kaalki. “Kaalki, full gallop.”
Marc was encased in a pale brown light. When the light disappeared, they stood in a loose-fitting gray bodysuit with brown knee-high boots with dark orange-red bands around the top of the boots and around the ankles, dark red wrist gauntlets covered in orange horseshoes with dark golden yellow bands around the top and bottom of the gauntlets. Over the gray bodysuit, they had a dark red tunic which crossed over their chest which was hemmed in a red-orange. The bottom half of their face was obscured by the turtleneck of their gray bodysuit while they had a dark orange-red domino mask with light gray eye lenses. The domino mask had a thin golden yellow outline, akin to glasses, while their hair had reddened. While their hair had previously been pitch black, it was now a dark chestnut that had lengthened to resemble Sesshomaru’s.
“What’s your name?” Desgracia’s eye lenses were blue-green and flicked over his suit in vague interest.
Desgracia’s eye lenses darkened to green and hissed. “Hero name. We don’t use names in the field.” A gruff voice repeating the same words to a much younger version of her older brother sounded in her head.
“Oh, uh, um.” Marc frowned and tapped their chin in thought.
“Well, you’re using the Horse Miraculous so it should be something horse related. Poulain, because you’re new at this so you’re like a foal.”
“Poulain rouge.” Marc smiled and shook out their shoulders. “Poulain rouge because my hair is more red now.”
“Welcome to the team Poulain rouge.” Desgracia smiled and leaned over to ruffle their hair.
Thana sat under the stairs which lead to the second floor of the school, sketching an outfit for a client when another person tripped over her legs. She glanced up to see it was Marc before looking back down at her sketch.
“Sorry. I didn’t-” Marc started before Thana cut them off.
“Would you wear this?” Thana pushed her sketchbook towards them and tapped her fingers on her leg.
Marc looked over the sketch and nodded. “Yeah. Looks good. Who’s it for?”
“A client. Hey, you’re good at writing, right?” Thana looked at them and seemed to be imploring them to answer.
“Could you look over my website and figure out what’s wrong with it?” Thana smiled. “You can come over to Chlo’s to look over it. Well, Chlo’s or Kim’s.”
Marc nodded. “Sure.”
Thana and Marc followed after Kim as he walked into his home.
“Mẹ! Mèo con and our friend came over, I hope that’s okay.” Kim called as they entered the house. Kim and Thana toed off their shoes on instinct while Marc just copied their movements.
“Con trai. Con gài.” Kim’s Mẹ wrapped the two up in a hug before pressing kisses to their foreheads. “Ni hao. I’m Kim’s mom, and Marinette,” Kim’s Mẹ noticed how she flinched at the use of the name and corrected herself, “Thana has practically become my daughter.”
“My name is Marc Anciel.” Marc shook Kim’s Mẹ’s hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you ma’am.”
“None of that ma’am stuff. Just call me Mẹ, those two do.” Kim’s Mẹ was, arguably, a very attractive woman. She had short black hair and warm caramel brown eyes and she was just a few centimeters shorter than Kim. “Come on in.”
The three teens smiled at the woman before they went back to Kim’s room. Thana pulled up her website and moved out of the desk chair to allow Marc to look it over.
Marc looked over the website while Kim and Thana did their homework. “Are you sure you want the whole webpage to be gunmetal gray? You could mix it up with the background being light purple so the gray stands out.”
Thana nodded and let out a quiet “huh”. “Hey Marc? Do you care if I hug you?”
Marc’s eyes widened and they smiled shyly. “Sure.”
Thana wrapped her arms around Marc. “Thank you so much.”
Desgracia looked over the field, making sure each of her teammates weren’t being overwhelmed with this Akuma’s minions, when she saw the Akuma gunning for Poulain rouge.
Desgracia lept from the rooftop, landing on her toes in front of Poulain rouge and glared at the Akuma. She twirled her baton in her hand, keeping it low enough to not hit Poulain, before she looked back over her shoulder at Poulain. “Go get Monsieur Punaise. Tell him to hurry.”
Poulain nodded, turned around and ran to get their fearless leader who had one fear and it was Desgracia.
By the time Poulain returned with Monsieur Punaise, the Akuma was barely holding on. Monsieur Punaise called for his Lucky Charm, a plane ticket (specifically one for the flight they were taking soon), before deakumatizing the Akuma and throwing the Lucky Charm in the air with a call of “Miraculous Monsieur Punaise”.
Desgracia wrapped an arm around Poulain’s waist before jumping away, leaving her more even tempered teammates to assist the Akuma victim.
Desgracia landed on a rooftop and put Poulain down on the rooftop. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine. He didn’t get close enough to take a swipe at me.” Poulain rouge chuckled and shook their head. “Don’t worry about me. Are you okay?”
“Poulain. I’m fine. Don’t worry about me. All damage dealt in the battle was rendered useless and disappeared when Monsieur Punaise cast his final charm.” Desgracia cupped Poulain’s face in her hands. “You have to be on guard at all times in battle. I won’t always be here. You need to trust your teammates to protect you in battle.”
Trâu landed on the rooftop and chuckled. “Desi, you can’t just kidnap our Foal.”
Desgracia turned her green eyes on him, however after assessing him as no threat her eye lenses turned back into their normal blue. “Trâu. I didn’t kidnap them. I just needed to ensure that they were fine.”
@southamericangothamite @maribat-is-lifeblood @mystery-5-5 @our-preciousss @mochegato @chocolatecatstheron @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen @2confused-2doanything @wannajointhecrabcult @dreamykitty25 @tomanyfandomsonmymind @moonlightstar64 @justafanwarrior @mialuvscats @pheony1882 @pepelachanel @moongoddesskiana @abrx2002 @ladybug-182 @greatcatblaze @thatonecroc @vixen-uchiha @superbwhispersconnoisseur @lilkymilky @susiej1118 @thatonecroc
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rosesgonerogue · 4 years
How to be a Dad 101
Chapter Six - Modeling
Jasonette July Day Eight
When Jason was a kid, his family was too poor to take any sort of trip, which at the moment he was missing. He didn’t have any concept of how normal people travelled, but it turned out that even if you were travelling to Paris in a private jet, doing so with your entire family was a downright nightmare.
“Does everyone have all of their bags?” Bruce was calling above the din. “And passports? We need to act like a normal family, so you need to exchange your money for euros when we get there, we shouldn’t just show up with them.”
“B, you’ve already said that at least fifteen times,” Stephanie complained.
“Why exactly is she coming on a family vacation?” Damian demanded. “She’s not even dating Drake anymore.”
“Face it, Damian. Your family chose me, they were stuck with you.”
“Father, you need to choose between Brown and Drake. I cannot be expected to tolerate both for an extended period of time.”
“Oh calm down, Little D. It’ll be fun!” Dick said, slinging an arm over his youngest brother’s shoulder.
Jason sidled over to Cass and whispered, “How many weapons did Bruce say we could bring?”
She looked at him with her unreadable dark eyes. “None.”
“Okay, that’s what he said, but how many are you bringing?”
Silently she held up seven fingers.
“Damn, I have eight. Do you think I can get away with that?” They looked at each other a moment. “You’re right, B definitely has more than that.”
“If you all don’t get yourselves and your belongings on the plane within the next five minutes you’re finding your own way to Paris!” Selina called over the noise.
“Move it, suckers!” Babs yelled, running at least three people’s feet over with her wheelchair in her haste. Despite the pain she caused, once she got to the plane, she was able to expertly maneuver herself onto it, letting Dick struggle aboard with both of their luggage. Jason kept himself as far away from the eldest Wayne child as possible. Every time Dick looked at Jason, he could see the apology in his brother’s eyes, which only served to piss him off all over again. Maybe he was being irrational, and maybe he was just on edge because they were heading to Paris, but Jason couldn’t really find it in himself to care.
He slept fitfully on the flight, doing his best to ignore his family, be it Dick and Babs being the disgusting newlywed couple, or just Damian being… Damian. His dreams were strange and disjointed, filled with blue eyes and whispered French.
After dealing with customs and getting checked into their hotel (which was almost exclusively inhabited by their party, because of course it was), Jason had no desire to ever go on another family trip ever again. The thought of doing all of that without skipping lines and cutting corners they were able to thanks to Bruce’s money was almost painful. But then again, people with less money also didn’t have to deal with Damian and Tim in the same space for an extended period of time.
Thanks to the nap he’d had on the plane and the fact that he was in Paris, Jason found he couldn’t sleep. He found himself wandering the hotel, taking in the opulent surroundings. He thought he would only see hotel staff if he were to see anyone, but on his way to the hotel’s twenty-four hour gym, he stumbled across a blonde dressed vaguely like a bumblebee who was arguing with someone on the phone.
“Listen, Dupain-Cheng, you are not taking advantage of these clients. No! You’ve been staying up at all hours of the night – don’t you dare argue with me, you’re up right now, aren’t you? And you have to take care of gremlins in the morning. No, she agreed to do it, it’s not exploiting them, it’s allowing them to pay you back for the giant favor you’re doing them! Fine, I will give her a discount, but this is not how you build a brand! Now go to sleep, the photoshoot is tomorrow. Don’t give me that, we both know you’ll finish things up with time to spare. Now go. To. Sleep.”
After a few moments the blonde hung up, and she seemed to be in a foul mood when she saw Jason. “And what do you want?”
“To get to the gym? You’re blocking the door.”
“And you were just eavesdropping. Your French isn’t bad for an American,” she said, flouncing away with a hair flip. “But your accent is horrible.”
“It can’t be as bad as your attitude,” he sneered under his breath before shoving into the exercise room.
Once inside, Jason ran himself to exhaustion, grateful when he collapsed into bed and fell asleep almost immediately. His dreamless sleep was fleeting, though, because it felt like only moments later that he was jolted awake by the sound of his phone ringing.
Glaring at the offending technology, he considered silencing it, but when he saw it was Selina, he thought better of that.
“You have an hour to look awake and presentable. Meet up in the hotel lobby.”
She hung up as abruptly as she had called, leaving Jason blinking at his phone. He considered rolling over and going back to sleep, but he’d probably need the entire hour just to get his hair to Selina’s standards.
Cass was already in the lobby when Jason was finally ready, and thankfully Dick was nowhere to be seen. Sidling up next to his sister, Jason asked, “Do you know what we’re doing?” His level of concern grew exponentially when she shook her head. Everyone knew Bruce was weak for Cass, so if Cass didn’t know, that meant that the scheme was entirely Selina’s.
Unsurprisingly, Grayson the peacock was the last person to make it to the group. Babs was too annoyed with him to even make some sort of innuendo, she just complained about how long it took for him to do his hair.
“So what’s the plan, Selina?” Stephanie asked, bouncing on the balls of her feet.
“You’ll find out when we get there. Follow me, we have a ways to walk,” Selina said, smiling wickedly.
The family obediently trudged after Selina, grouping up as they moved. Jason saw Dick make a beeline for him, but Babs caught his arm. “Babe, will you stick with Damian to make sure that he doesn’t maim any Parisians?”
“Sure, babe,” he said, deflating a bit.
As expected, only moments later Babs rolled up next to him. “Listen here, you giant. If you’re going to make me catch up to you, the least you can do is push my wheelchair.”
“Whatever,” Jason said, doing as she asked.
“I hope you know you’re killing my husband, by the way. He’s goingi crazy because he doesn’t know what to do to apologize to you.”
“I know you don’t mean that, Jason, and I know that because we both know I’m the one you’re actually mad at.”
“Am I?”
“Bringing up the French girl was a low blow. You told me about that in confidence, and I threw it in your face. I’m sorry, Jason.”
“That did piss me off, I just… Babs, why did you marry Dick?”
“Is that a trick question? Because I love him, stupid.”
“But how did you know that you loved him that much? Because ever since I met my ‘French girl,’ I can’t even think about looking at someone else. It’s insane because I knew her for like a day, but I’ve never… I’ve never felt like that with anyone before, but I didn’t feel right trying to make anything more out of what we had because of how royally screwed up our lives are. How could I subject someone who is possibly a literal angel to our lives? I’ve never questioned my decision on that before, but lately I can’t stop thinking about her, and now we’re here, in Paris where she lives.”
“Wow.” Babs said. “I didn’t know… That’s a lot, Jay.”
“Give a girl some time to process, okay? Geez. I don’t know if I believe in fate and that kind of crap, but this feels eerily like destiny. Maybe you’re meant to meet her here in Paris. If you do, then don’t run away. Stick it out for at least as long as we’re here. You wouldn’t be the first of us to have a relationship with a civilian.”
“But what if—”
“Jason, bothering yourself about all of the ‘what ifs’ is only going to drive you crazy. We don’t even know if you’re going to meet her here. Let things run their course.”
He sighed. “You’re right, thanks Babs. And I’ll tell your husband that I forgive him, the sap.”
“That’s all I ask.”
After a few blocks more, Selina abruptly stopped in front of a building. It was clearly some sort of business, but the doors only said, “MDC” across them. “This is it, kids. Come on in.”
Tim could be heard freaking out about something or other, but Jason found himself hoping that whatever was happening would be quick and painless. Inside, curiously enough, the same blonde from last night was waiting for them.
“You must be the Wayne family, here for the photoshoot,” she said in flawless English. “MDC had some personal affairs to tend to, so she will be here shortly.”
“Photoshoot?” Bruce asked, looking at Selina.
“This is the shop of the designer who is making my dress,” Selina purred with a winning smile. “Ordinarily she wouldn’t have been able to fit me, you and all the kids in with how little time we gave her, but she’s releasing her first line of clothes to the general public, and her normal models are away. It’s a fairly sizeable line, and she wanted diversity, so I volunteered our beautiful family.”
“We’re going to be modeling?” Damian asked, disgusted.
“We’re going to be modeling for MDC?!” Tim asked, nearly bouncing with excitement.
“Dude, you’re a CEO. Have some shame,” Babs said, elbowing him.
“You’re already booked and committed. Once MDC gets here she’ll decide who will be wearing what, and then we’ll get started,” the blonde said. As if on cue, there was a crash in the back room, and the blonde sighed. “That will be MDC now.”
Jason was only mildly curious what this designer might be like, but it seemed that things would be at least a bit entertaining. Even before she burst from the backroom, she was spewing frantic French to the blonde.
“Chloe, I’m so sorry I’m late, Jules kept spilling things on himself on purpose, and then the babysitter was sick, so I had to find someone else, and then I missed the train and –”
Emerging from the backroom was a beautiful pixie-like girl, a girl who had starred in almost every dream Jason had had since they’d met. Jason was completely frozen at the sight of her.
Marinette. Marinette was MDC, the only designer Selina would think of wearing on her wedding day.
She stopped at seeing the mass of people in her store, but she immediately smiled sincerely, eyes flitting from person to person. In English she said, “You must be the Wayne family, thank you so much for agreeing to model for me. It really—” she cut off mid-sentence, eyes wide. “Jason? Is that really you?”
@jasonette-july-2k20 @ira-sairain @myazael @pawsitivelymiraculous @nik-nak-3 @dast218 @queen-of-the-trash-planet-tm  @vixen-uchiha @momothefemur @toodaloo-kangaroo @marinettepotterandplagg @goddessofthewestwind
In case you haven’t noticed, I haven’t done yesterday’s prompt yet. It’s in the works, but my life is complete chaos, and it will just have to be late. Even though it was such a fun prompt, I have been having some severe writer’s block. Anyway, I’m super excited for the next few chapters, it’s happening! 
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redhoodssweetheart · 4 years
Hello Damian
Genre: Angst with happy ending
Relationship: Older!Damian x Gender Neutral!Reader
Requested: A follow up to a request I had (REQUESTS ARE CLOSED)
Word Count: 2.5K
Warnings: Angst with a happy ending
Description:  It’s been seven months since your supposed death Damian’s mother is captured and he learns that you are still alive and living not far from Gotham.
A/N:  Read the story that comes before this: Goodbye Damian
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Damian sat in his room staring out the window as a robin flew by.  He snorted at the irony and slowly turned his gaze away from the cloud covered sky.  It seemed like more often than not his days without you seemed cloudy and deprived of sunshine.  It had been seven months since they had buried you, seven months since he thought he saw you standing on the hill in the cemetery.  
He had chased after you, hoping to see you again.  Hoping and praying that it was you watching him from the trees.  But when he reached the spot there was no sign of you.  Only tracks where two people had been standing.  He had frowned when he saw them, one set reminded him of his brother Jason’s favorite pair of combat boots while the others reminded Damian of shoes that you liked to wear.
He had gone back to the manor and back to Bruce saying that he thought it was you, that he was so sure it had been you watching him.  Bruce had merely pulled Damian in for a hug, not sure what to say.  He couldn’t tell Damian that it hadn’t been you because it very well could have been.  Jason said he was going to take you to the cemetery so you could see Damian one more time before starting over a few towns away.
There was a knock on Damian’s door alerting him to another presence.  Alfred poked his head in, “Master Damian, your father wishes to have a word with you.”
Damian nodded and rose to his feet and followed Alfred down the hall toward his father’s study.  He passed Selina on the way and they nodded tersely at each other.  Damian and Selina didn’t hate one another, but they weren’t exactly eager to be in the other’s presence.  They respected each other and understood that both of them cared for Bruce and they weren’t going to debase themselves to petty arguments and the like for Bruce’s sake.  
Alfred gently pushed the door open to Bruce’s study and allowed Damian to enter before closing the door behind him to give father and son some privacy.  “Alfred said you wished to speak with me,” Damian said, his hands folded behind his back.
Bruce was eyeing his son from behind his desk wondering how best to break the news.  “Your mother was captured by the Justice League earlier after trying to steal some information from a government office in Italy.”
Damian nodded his head, unsurprised to hear this, “I take it she’s currently in one of the League’s holding cells.”
“She is, but the Italian government is calling for us to release her into their custody so that they can deal with her accordingly.”
Damian scoffed, “An Italian prison won’t be able to hold my mother.”  Not like one of the League cells could at least.
“The League is aware of this and are currently negotiating terms with the Italian authorities.  I called you here to inform you of this and ask if you wanted to speak with her before anything has been decided any further?”
Damian considered his father’s offer, “I would.  It’s been sometime since I spoke to her.  I should probably see how she’s doing.”
“I’ll call Oliver and tell him, we can be on a plane there tonight if you wish.”  Damian gave a stiff nod and headed back to his room to back a few things before their trip.
The katana went swinging over your head so fast you almost didn’t dodge it in time.  You rolled to the side and quickly hopped back up and went after your assailant.  Jason blocked your attack and grinned at you, “You’re getting better.”
You smirked and shoved him away quickly trying to kick his feet out from under him, but he merely jumped up to avoid the attack.  “I think you’re just becoming too complacent,” you teased.
For the past seven months you had lived in a little cabin on the outskirts of some unknown town that Jason had found.  It wasn’t too far from Gotham, but far enough that you wouldn’t be noticed by anyone.  You worked in a little diner earning meager tips and getting hit on by some of the people there.  Jason stayed with you most of the time, but he would spend the nights at Wayne Manor so he wouldn’t raise suspicions on where he was going all the time.
Most of the time he lied and said that he had a date with some girl just to avoid Damian’s probing.  Jason always thought that Damian was too perceptive for his own good.  When he was with you though his sole focus was on training you to make sure that you could defend yourself whenever he wasn’t around.  The two of you had grown closer and were now more like siblings than the acquaintances that you had once been.
It was nice to have some attachment to your former life in Gotham around.  Jason often brought you news of Damian, though it wasn’t always good.  You knew he sugar coated most of it so you wouldn’t be tempted to go running back to Gotham.  There wasn’t a chance of you doing that though.  This was for your safety as well as Damian.  You couldn’t have him hating his mother if she managed to kill you.  They had a tentative relationship, but she was still his mother.
You managed to knock Jason’s katana away from him, a triumphant smile on your face and he chuckled.  “Okay, enough for today I gotta get ready for work.”
Jason understood and watched you hurry off to get ready for the evening shift at the diner.
Damian stood before his mother's cell.  She was alone on this block and sitting on the cot at the farthest wall staring at her son.  It had been five minutes since his arrival and neither of them had spoken a word to the other.  Finally Talia sighed, “Why so sad Damian?  Afraid of what may happen to your dear mother?”
Damian kept his stoic look, “No, I’m sure whatever punishment they can come up with will be adequate enough.”
Talia cocked her head to the side and studied her son, “You seem different.  Does this have to do with that person you were dating?”
Damian narrowed his eyes at his mother, the first time he had shown any emotion since arriving, “Do not speak their name.”
She grinned, “I had plans to kill them.  They were such a distraction, but then they died and I guess I didn’t have to worry about them anymore.”  Damian clenched his fists.  “Although I did hear something interesting.  A little birdie told me that they saw someone who looked suspiciously like Y/N and Jason in a little town not far from Gotham.  I wonder what they could be doing there.”
Damian stepped closer to his mother’s cell, “Talk.”
The bell on the door to the diner where you worked dinged and you called over your shoulder, “Take a seat wherever you’d like, I’ll be with you in a moment.”  You hear retreating footsteps and continued working on the table that had been recently vacated.  When you stood and turned you dropped the tray.  Damian was sitting a few tables behind you just staring, his face unreadable.
One of your coworkers rushed over and started saying your name, but you were hearing her through a filter.  It was almost like you had been submerged in water and everything was muffled.  Damian was here.  Damian was here and he was staring at you.
He knew you were alive.
You wanted to bolt for the door and try to escape, tell Jason to play it off as if Damian had been seeing things, but you knew that would never work.  He was too smart to believe something as simple as that.
“Y/N,” your coworker shook you, her eyes going to the man at the table you were staring at.  The two of you were looking at each other so intensely, but you were shaking.  “Are you okay?  Should I call someone?”
“No Celia,” you finally found your voice.  “I need to clock out early.  Can you cover the last part of my shift?”
“Yeah, yeah go ahead, it’s dead in here anyway,” you winced at her word choice and quickly ducked into the back.
Celia walked over to the man whose eyes had followed your every move.  “Listen, I don’t know who you think you are,” her voice drew his attention away from the door that you disappeared through.  “But you better not hurt Y/N.”
Damian merely smiled at the woman, “Y/N is an old friend, they didn’t know I was coming, I just shocked them is all.”
Celia eyed him skeptically, but nodded and headed to the opposite side of the diner to take care of some more customers that had come in.  Meanwhile you were in the back on the phone with Jason.
“Damian’s here,” your voice shook and you glanced over your shoulder to make sure he hadn’t followed you here.  “How is he here?”
Jason was cursing, “I was just about to call you.  Bruce took him to see his mother, the League captured her and she’s in their custody for the moment.  She told him that you were still alive, how she knew I have no clue.  I was gonna move you, I’ve been getting our things together here, I thought we would have more time.  Y/N, I’m sorry.”
You let out a breath and squared your shoulders, “Well if she’s in custody then there’s no reason for me to be in hiding anymore, and especially if she knew I wasn’t dead.”
“Right, but still this was a big surprise for you.  Are you going to be okay?”  His concern made you smile, he really was like an older brother to you.
“I’ll be fine, I owe him an explanation,” you said.  “I just hope he isn’t too angry.”
“I’ll let you and Damian have some time alone so you can talk.  Just let me know if you need anything and I’ll come running,” he offered.
The two of you said your goodbyes and hung up.  You gathered your things from your locker in the back and waved goodbye to the cook and entered the main portion of the diner again.  Damian was still at the table with a cup of coffee before him.  He was watching the steam rising from the surface before lifting the cup to his lips and taking a drink.
You couldn’t quite believe that he was here and that he knew you were alive.  Sighing, you walked back over to him, “Hello Damian.”
He looked up, his expression unreadable, “Y/N.”
You flinched at the flatness to his voice, “Let’s go somewhere more private.  If we don’t our business will be all over town.”  He stood and followed you out to your car, he watched as you fiddled with your keys wondering what was going through your mind at that moment.
The two of you slipped into your car and took off toward the place you called home.  The first five minutes were quiet as the two of you just sat there not sure who should speak first.  Finally you couldn’t take it anymore and asked, “Are you mad?”
It took him a moment to answer and that had your heart beating wildly in your chest, “At you?  No.  At the others?  A little.”
“We didn’t want to have to do this, Damian,” you glanced at him, but in the darkness you couldn’t see his face well.  “Your dad wanted to protect the both of us.  He wanted to try and protect me and salvage what was left from your relationship with your mom.”
“He should have told me the truth,” Damian’s voice was low as he spoke as if he were trying to hold in his anger as best he could.  “I could have protected you.  You were my partner, and I should have known.  Instead, all of you let me believe that you were dead for seven months.”
“Your mother had to believe I was actually dead,” you argued.  “Would you have been able to do that?”  He was silent.  “Don’t just blame your dad, it was a joint decision, and not an easy one to make at that.”
You had pulled into your driveway now and the two of you just sat there in silence.  Damian was thinking things over, thinking over what he wanted to say to you next.  “Are you going to disappear again?”
“No, not again,” you told him.  “With your mother in custody I think I’m okay for now.”
“Then come home with me,” he said, his gaze turning to you at last.  He reached over and took your hand.  “Be with me again.”
You looked down at your entwined hands and then glanced back up at him wondering if this was a good idea.  “Damian--”
“Please,” his voice broke and he held onto you a little bit tighter.  “I can’t lose you again, not now when I know you’re alive.”
You pulled Damian into your arms and held him tightly, he squeezed you back, both of you relieved to be in each other’s arms again.  “Give me a few more months here.  Let me finish doing things here, I’m training with Jason and I want to complete that and to be honest I’m not ready to dive back into Gotham life again.”
He pulled back and cupped your face in his hands, “I understand, and take all the time you need.  But can I make a request?”
You tilted your head and said, “Depends on what the request is?”
He chuckled, “It’s nothing serious or bad.  I was just going to ask if I can come visit you and maybe help you train?”
You smiled, your heart feeling full, “Yes!  Did you really think I was going to turn you down?”
He shrugged, “I wasn’t sure if you would still want space to kinda come to terms with the fact that I know and that I want you to come back to Gotham with me.”
“I want to come back,” you assured him.  “And I’d love to train with you.  I’m kinda excited to show you my katana skills.  Jason says I’m pretty good.”
He grinned at you, “Yeah?”
“Mmhm,” you hummed and snuggled closer to him.  “Stay tonight?”  You asked, you weren’t ready to let him go just yet, not when you hadn’t held him for so long.
“Of course, don’t think for a second I’m going to leave you for the next couple of days.  I want to hear everything,” he said.  “I want to hear what the last seven months have been going.”
The two of you curled up in your bed together and you just talked.  You told him about the friends you had made and what your job was like.  You told him about your training with Jason and how frustrated you had been at first.  Damian listened while tracing patterns on your back.  And slowly you grew more tired and your words slurred, soon you were asleep and Damian smiled.
Kissing your forehead he whispered, “Goodnight, Y/N,” before closing his eyes and falling asleep himself.
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hintofcolor · 4 years
Things I’ve managed to convince myself are canon:
Dick was born in Romania and spent his entire childhood traveling with the circus not once settling down therefore when his parents died in America (supposedly just another country they stopped in) he was forced to stay there. Meaning dick was an illegal immigrant for a long time while Bruce constantly was trying to use his money and power to get Dick legal without him leaving the country OR anyone finding out
This also means Dick couldn’t really speak English when he moved in with Bruce (this is backed up by him constantly dismantling the English language in the YJ cartoon)
All of the bat kids were bullied brutally in school
Bruce encouraged them to fight back just like Alfred did with him (“never throw the first punch but if get hit make sure they’re the ones that stay down”)
Dick spent a couple weeks in juvie after his parents died and it was the worst couple weeks of his life
Dick had a childhood crush on Wally (who is straight) when dick was 16 he sat Wally down and told him. He told him he expected nothing out of this confession he just hated feeling like he was lying to Wally, Wally understood and was really nonchalant about it nothing changed in their relationship
Jason grew up loving wonder woman and considered her his greatest inspiration in being a hero when he was robin
In return Diana absolutely adored Jason
When Jason got older his respect for Diana only grew and Diana constantly stood up for him, even going as far as (subtly) threatening Bruce a couple times
Jason can’t handle the smell of drugs at all, he always has to wear a filtered mask during drug busts just in case
Jason used to smoke but ever since coming back the smoke just reminds him of the explosion (I saw this somewhere I can’t remember where shout out to you tho)
Jason hates the color green
Tim was severely neglected as a child
Tim learned multiple different languages from all the nanny’s he’s had
Tim is an amazing photographer
All of Bruce’s kids are really close with Selina and go to her to talk or just if they need a break from Bruce and she absolutely adores it
This is one of the main reasons Bruce wanted to marry her
Bruce might be a little awkward and socially inept but he is a good father and loves all of his kids and even tho he might slip up sometimes he would NEVER (I’m looking at you Tim king) NEVER EVER intentionally hurt one of his kids physically or mentally BECAUSE THAT IS EXTEREMELY OUT OF CHARACTER @ ANY WRITER WHO HAS MADE BRUCE A JERK GOD LEARN YOUR CHARACTER JEEZ
Damian is a phenomenal artist and is considered a prodigy
It is something he keeps to himself however
Both Dick and Tim have gone and worked under Selina during thier robin days for a few weeks
The only person who is close to Dicks level when it comes to acrobatics is Selina
There are days where you are only allowed to speak in your native tongue to help Everyone keep up their language skills (Tim speaks Filipino dick speaks Romani Jason speaks Italian Stephanie speaks Portuguese Damian speaks Arabic bruce switches Cassie speaks Chinese) these are the days duke feels like slamming his head through a wall
All of the bat kids have green lantern shirts
Tim has a habit of stealing clothes from literally anyone
Tim prefers tea over coffee
Ace and Titus are both trained service dog however Titus is Damians specifically while Ace is trained to alert Alfred of Bruce and to alert Bruce of Dick Tim and Jason
Bruce is think about getting another dog for Cassie steph and duke because he doesn’t want to overwhelm Ace with 3 more people
Nobody in that spoiled family except for Jason and Alfred can make ANYTHING other that ramen cereal and toast
Dick is insanely healthy because that’s how he grew up in the circus AND the manor
Bruce once lit the refrigerator on fire trying to cook. No one knows how. He denies he ever did such to this day
Dick was considered a heartthrob as a teen and actually was featured on vogue in native dress and took the opportunity to talk about his culture
Vickie was fuming but so was Lois
Dick dresses like Harry styles. Convince me otherwise. I dare you.
However his go to look is a Hawaiian short tucked into black skinny jeans and black converse
Just like Selina everyone in the batfamily has a tendency to confide in Dinah
No homophobia sexism or racism is allowed in the Wayne house hold if you display any of the following you will promptly be kicked out. It has happened before
Cassie has punched lex Luther in the face at a gala
Bruce laughed
Cass has also only worn sweats and a sports bra to a gala
Cass is a ballet dancer and likes teaching her brothers the moves she has learned
When Bruce came back from the dead and found out the justice league thought Tim was going insane with grief and didn’t do anything about it he yelled and screamed for a solid hour. Then he went silent. for weeks he didn’t say a word. It was the most terrifying he had ever been
Duke hangs on to the fact that he is the only meta allowed in Gotham with absolute pride
All the robins check in on the kids from the ‘we are robin’ movement every now and again just to make sure they are okay
Adults are terrified of the bats however children love them
Every member of the batfamily has been called over by child screaming out their window only to spend the next hour helping said child with their homework
Batman makes sure he is approachable to children he wants them to feel safe enough around him to ask for his help no matter what
That has led to him: 1. Patching up stuff animals 2. Calming down imaginary friends 3. Giving opinions on important matters such as which color is the best 4. Helping with homework 5. Trying to be persuaded into convincing the parents not to make broccoli anymore. It’s his favorite part about putting on a mask
Teenagers tho a little more hesitant also approach him with a little more serious matters and more for advice. (How can I help my friend with depression? How can I help my anxiety? I think friend is doing drugs how can I help. I don’t think these are good people I’m hanging out with but now I’m too scared to stop)
However if teens catch any bat sitting on a rooftop close to their windows they ask more stupid type of questions
“Hey nightwing how do you ask out a girl?” “Red hood I’m trying to write this book so hypothetically how long does it take some one to bleed out?” “If I payed you would you take my physical for PE for me?” “How good do you think you would do on the pacer test?” “Can you tell my little sister to shut up, she’ll listen to you?” “How much do I have to pay you to scare my friend?”
Talks between people and the vigilantes from rooftop to window happen a lot and it is always the highlight of the patrol. They like that the people of Gotham trust them.
Jason was brought back via whatever that superboy reset was (I’m still a little fuzzy, sue me) clawed his way out of his grave and then found by Talia. He was then but in the pit for his head injuries. Making it easier for the shadows to manipulate and brainwash him into hating Bruce. However that’s the only thing they manipulated him into. Jason didn’t go ‘insane by the pit’ and his thoughts and stances on killing are his own. And the way Bruce handles Jason being back is what made Jason continue hating Bruce even aged the brainwashing ‘wore off’
The day his dad died was what Jason considered the best day of his life
Dick is extremely intelligent and was considered a child prodigy (this isn’t a headcanon this is actually canon some of y’all just forget and need to be reminded)
Dick loves math (also canon)
Jason can sing. Like really really well.
Theater Nerd™️ Jason Todd
Jason is scared of thunderstorms
Damian is afraid of heights
Lady shiva absolutely adores Tim
They have all been arrested a few times each for varying reasons when they were teenagers
If Alfred or Bruce yell one thier full names the other kids will cover for them but ONLY if they use the full name other wise it’s every man for himself
I know this one isn’t batfam but I think kon playes the electric guitar and has a really unique punk-ish vibe type singing voice (think hobo Johnson)
Dick has naturally curly hair
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starkatana · 4 years
The Meet Cute
Jason Todd x Female Reader
Summary: Jason meets you for the first time and is smitten by you. It’s your first day of school at Gotham Academy and when Jason sees you at school for the first time everything that can go wrong in front of your crush does.
Author’s note: So, here begins my various one-shots of Jason Todd/Red Hood x Reader//y/n AKA my current obsession. I may compile all of them into chronological order once everything is done. I just really wanted to write and post something. I just have too many WIP’s right now that I need to focus on.
Before Reading: You and Jason meet as seniors in high school.
They aren’t exact ages. This is just a world that I made using these characters because I can. Meaning Jason hasn’t died yet, in this AU (not that it matters for this story – he won’t die and become Red Hood until age 22/23)
Selina is your godmother. You are the child of Selina’s childhood friends. There is no family relationship between you and Jason even though you will be living in Wayne Manor and occasionally call Selina, Auntie.
Sorry if its a little out of character, this is just based on my knowledge that tumblr has given me.
“Are we allowed to be here?” Dick asked as he pulled up the car to the music venue.
“Yeah!” Jason said giddily with excitement. “The venue said, shows are open to those 18+ and I just turned 18!”
“I guess. I feel like we fought crime here before.” Dick looked around the area.
“Where haven’t we fought crime in Gotham.” Jason shrugged, “Let’s go!”
Jason and Dick wait in line for the rock show. The venue marks Jason’s hands with a big stamp that showed he was underage to drink and without Dick, he ran into the venue. Letting the sound of the music envelope him, he moved his way through the crowd when he got caught in a mosh pit and someone much bigger than him grabbed him in and threw him down.
“C‘mon dude!” You effortlessly help Jason up off the floor.
Jason, even though he was 18 and still in high school, he was not a small dude he was Robin at night, and during the day between homework and theatre, he was fighting with the Titans. He was not small. Compared to you, he was a giant, even though, when he stood up he was only a head taller than you. The way you swooped in from the mosh pit to help him up, took his breath away.
“You okay?” you yell over the sound of the music.
Your y/h/c was in a high ponytail and you had the perfect cat-eye eyeliner wing. You looked breathtaking. Sweaty and beautiful you were wearing a black t-shirt that was tied in the front, with ripped black skinny jeans, a red flannel, and black converse high tops. He never loved the color red so much than this moment.
“Hey!” you snap him back to reality as he nods still speechless looking into your y/e/c eyes with the lights and moving in the background.
“Good!” you give him a half-smile, followed by a wink, before going back into the mosh pit.
“There you are!” Dick grabbed Jason’s arm and pulled himself towards Jason “I thought I lost you back there.”
Jason doesn’t move and doesn’t pay attention to Dick as he’s watching your petite form in the crowd. How well you handle yourself as you throw down with the other people in the mosh pit.
“Dick, I think I’m in love.”
“What?” Dick yells over the music “I! Can’t! Hear!”
Jason grabs this brother’s shirt collar and points him over to you “Girl. High pony! Headbanging!” Jason couldn’t take his eyes off you as you headbang to the music. “I. Love. Her.”
Dick looks back and forth between her and him. 
He wanted to hang out with you all night, there was one time during the show where you were crowd surfing and you got on stage with the band and jammed out with them. He ran into you often that night and you two shared some laughs and some dance sessions. It was a night he would remember.
Then his alarm went off. It was the next morning and Jason couldn’t get you out of his head. He got up and got ready for the first day of his senior year. In the kitchen he made himself a bowl of cereal but walking to put the milk back he almost trips on the cat, spilling the milk.
“Do be careful Master Todd.”
“It was the cat!”
Alfred gave him a nod and continued cooking breakfast when Jason sat at the island and when he put his hand down the spoon went flying out of the bowl. “Ah! I’ll clean it.”
“Seems like today just isn’t your day.”
“I’m not superstitious and black cats aren’t bad luck.” Jason shrugged.
“You might not be superstitious but it might just be some bad luck.” and Alfred slid him a salt shaker and pointed over his left shoulder, “don’t forget the family dinner tonight. Now, please excuse me, I have to go wake up Master Drake so you two aren’t late to your first day.”
“Yeah.” Jason sighs and takes the salt and throws some over his left shoulder. Not for him, but for Alfred.
At school, you’re walking through the halls with your coffee, class schedule, and other paperwork in your arms. You’re on your phone when Jason is walking towards you and does a double-take unsure if you were the girl from last night. He jogs over to you and doing so he slips on a banana peel like in the cartoons and crashes into you. Causing you to spill coffee all over yourself.
“I’m so sorry! Are you okay?” Jason says quickly getting up and offering a hand to help you up. You take his hand and when he saw your face, he couldn’t believe his eyes. You were the girl from the show last night.
“I’m good it was just iced.” You wipe off your uniform best you can, but your white blouse was now stained. You looked up at Jason who was quietly staring at you. A cat had run away with his tongue.
“Excuse me.” You use your jacket to cover up your chest, begining to walk away.
You stop and furrow your brows at him.
“Fuck, I mean, I’m sorry about your uniform.”
You still have your chest covered. “It’s whatever.” 
“I’ll buy you a replacement coffee later.”
“It’s fine.” Then the warning bell for class rang. “I have to go.” You walk past him and throw away the cup and continue with your day. Jason watched you walk away and slapped himself in the forehead. How did he fuck something up as easy as that?!
Ironically enough, for the rest of the day, you keep running into each other. Literally. After the first incident and before lunch he waves to you. As he walks over to you he trips and falls into you. Knocking all your stuff out of your arms.
“Hi.” Jason sheepishly greets from on top of you.
“Hi.” You shove him off of you and start picking up your things.
“I’m so sorry, I’m usually not this clumsy.” He responds helping you pick things up.
“I’m sure.” You respond with a slightly annoyed tone.
“I’m going to make this all up to you.”
“It’s fine.” You go to reach for your pencil and he does the same and you two bang heads.
You two swore, grabbing your foreheads. You quickly snatch your pencil and get as far away from him as possible.
“I’m sorry!”
At lunch, he sees you at a table outside, and a little bit over behind you he sees a coffee cart. A lightbulb goes off in his head and he buys you a coffee and one for himself. He’s minding his own business and at the same time keeping an eye on you to make sure you haven’t disappeared. Once he gets the coffee, he begins walking over to you. He’s rehearsing what he’s going to say to you once he gets to your table.
Hey, I’m Jason. Sorry about today. No. Hey, were you at the Favorite Places show last night?
But getting caught up in his thoughts he trips over his own feet and spills the iced coffees all over you from behind.
You jump at the sudden burst of cold liquid all over you. “Oh my god!” You get up and turn around you see the same boy from earlier.
“Are you fucking SORRY?!”
Your jaw drops even further than it had already. Jason’s face goes super red. You shake your head and start gathering up your things.
“That’s not,” he gets up from the ground, “What I wanted to say.” He squeaked.
You roll your eyes and continue to ignore him.  With your stuff barely packed away, you grab your jacket uniform, the only dry clothing item you now have on you, and walk away from him. 
“Fuck.” Jason grabbed his head. Today was going great.
On your way to the last period of the day, you two make eye contact across the courtyard. There was something about you that took Jason off guard. When you saw him, you turned around going back inside the building to avoid walking near him. He was devastated.
Later that evening in Wayne Manor:
“Hey Little Wing,“ Dick walked into Jason’s room “ooooo....” he leaned against the door frame. The room is dark and Jason is slumped over his bed, “is this a bad time?”
“Pretty sure the girl from last night was at school today and everything went WRONG.”
“Ouch.” Dick flicked on the light, “What happened?”
“What didn’t happen?!” Jason sat up in bed. “I spilled coffee on her twice, but not just two cups of coffee. Three. She was drenched in ice coffee by lunch.”
“Oh, that sounds like a bad day for her and you.”
“Young masters, please report to the main dining hall, dinner is ready,” Alfred announced over the intercoms.
“You can talk more along the way.”
Jason explained everything that happened at school today to Dick and when they got into the dining room Bruce and Selina were there along with Tim and Damien and the last person that Jason laid his eyes on was you.
Jason’s jaw dropped. 
Your eyes narrowed.
“Jason! Dick! Take a seat this is my goddaughter, y/n.” Selina introduced, “She’ll be staying with us and going to Gotham Academy with you and Tim.”
“Hi, I’m Dick.” he reached out his hand and shook hands with you, “Pleasure meeting you.”
You shakes his hand and gives him a smile in return and Dick takes a seat one away from you, leaving the only space at the table next to you for Jason.
You then turn your attention to Jason. “And you must be Jason.”
Hi.” Jason said sheepishly avoiding eye contact and quickly taking a seat at the table next to you.
“Wow, this is a first.” Selina said, “I have never seen Jason so quiet.”
Jason grows furiously red.
This was the worse karma.
My boyfriend said I need to stop sitting on all my stories and that I need to share them with the world. I’m embarrassed and I don’t like people knowing what I’m into.So, better share with all the strangers on the internet! 
Hope you enjoyed it! I’ll be back soon!
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soulmate-game · 4 years
Crack One shot
Soulmates were real, but there was no universal type of bond. The only agreed upon fact was that everyone only had one soulmate, and that was whatever that person needed most in life. If what they needed most was a romantic partner, their soulmate would be romantic. If they needed family or a lifelong friend more, then that would be the bond they would have. It could show up in any way, some more common than others but many unique to that pair or trio of soul bonded individuals.
Marinette had arrived in Gotham last week. She had won the Wayne Enterprises International Scholastic Competition for her and her class, the reward for which included a month long trip to Gotham. Three of those weeks would be spent in Gotham Academy during the week, with the weekends spent in personalized internships with Wayne Enterprises employees.
Except Marinette, who as the winner of the competition, got her internship with Bruce Wayne and Tim Drake themselves.
And after finding out that Robin was her romantic soulmate on her first night in Gotham? She was really hoping this internship would go smoothly without any life altering discoveries.
Someone needed to flick Tikki for not giving her enough good luck though, because that did not happen.
Marinette thought stumbling through her and Robin’s game-styled Bond would be more than enough confusion and complication for at least the rest of the year for her. But no. No, of course not. Because when she met Bruce Wayne at his manor for their first official day of internship on Saturday, nine days after arriving in Gotham City, she shook the billionaire’s hand for the first time.
And when their hands connected, the only thing in either of their favor is the fact that Alix had turned down the invitation to come with Marinette and therefore the only other people in the mansion were Bruce’s family (including Alfred, of course). Because as soon as their hands touched, bright silver light shone for a moment before what was basically a holographic screen popped up. On it in bold black font were the words:
“B-But I already met my soulmate on Thursday!” Marinette objected, eyes wide as she pulled her hand away like it burned. “This can’t— this is a prank, right? New WayneTech or something?”
Unfortunately, Bruce stares at his own hand in similar shock.
“Miss Dupain-Cheng, I also already met my soulmate,” he informed gravely, poking his palm with the index finger of his opposite hand. “But look. I did not get a physical mark from my romantic soulmate, but…”
Marinette knew. She didn’t want to acknowledge it, but she knew. Everybody with a physical soulmark said that you knew when it was real, when it wasn’t paint or a tattoo or anything else, because it felt real. In some intrinsic, magical, mysterious way, everyone intuitively knew if a physical mark was or wasn’t genuine.
And the little, silver bat signal on the center of Marinette’s palm was definitely genuine. Her eyes went wide at the sight of it, and the information on the holographic soulbond-board changed.
Bruce showed Marinette the small silver ladybug symbol on the exact same spot on his own palm.
And Marinette Dupain-Cheng (AKA: Ladybug)
“What the fuck?” That was Dick, who was the first to get over his shocked silence. But not very well. “What. The. Fuck? If Bruce had a familial soulmate, I would have thought it would be me. You know, first adopted son and everything,” he waved at himself, but his tone wasn’t jealous. It was just confused. “Or any of this other adopted children,” Richard gestured to the line of them next to him. “Why get a familial soulmate now? And why have two soulmates?”
The last line on the hologram began to flash insistently.
“I, uh, think we should click yes, Monsieur Wayne,” Marinette suggested, lifting her hand to do just that before pausing and glancing at her new (what? Father figure? Uncle figure? Oh my god if Bruce was Batman, did that mean Damian was Robin? The builds and estimated measurements matched up. Did that mean Bruce—) “Mon dieu, you’re supposed to be my father in law figure,” Marinette realized aloud, her face suddenly paper white at the realization.
“... I agree, let’s see what this ‘Soulbond guide’ is, exactly,” her familial soulmate decided to say, ignoring her realization entirely. He pressed the ‘Y’ with one finger before Marinette or his other children could protest. The silver screen changed, the text melting away in favor of showcasing a horizontal line. Until that line spoke, and moved to show the wavelengths of its voice as it did so. Like a digital mouth. Occasionally text would pop up to complement or supplement the spoken words.
“Hello. I am your SOULBOND guide, A.I.D.E, or Autonomous Introspective Destiny Escort. I am a pocket personality created by the Universe and Fate Itself as your guide and informant regarding your soul bond, and nothing but your soul bond. My knowledge may extend to some aspects of your personality, memories, background, and motives behind actions, but otherwise does not delve far beyond the specificities of your Bond. Even my knowledge of your timeline and social structure in your reality are limited. That being said, do you have any questions regarding your Bond?”
“Oh my god, it even reflects Bruce’s emotion issues,” Jason breathed, thoroughly intrigued and entertained.
“But what does that say about Marinette?” Tim shot back. “She isn’t emotionally stunted like both of her soulmates.”
Yeah, everyone agreed at that point that trying to hide their identities from the French girl was a moot point.
“No,” Marinette agreed slowly, eyebrows furrowed. “I don’t even want to ask what you mean by emotionally stunted, because if Robin is any indication…” she winced, and several people in the room chuckled. Jason outright cackled. “But after dealing with HawkMoth for so long and not being able to let out any of my negative emotions, I developed a kind of mental system I guess. I just kinda… click and delete my anger or betrayal as often as it takes, if that makes sense.”
“That is not healthy, and we will talk about that later,” Damian said instantly, not looking pleased. Marinette just shrugged and grinned at him sheepishly.
As usual, Bruce was the first to actually begin to interrog— ahem— ask questions.
“Why do we have two soul bonds?” He asked, getting right to the point.
“In your case, it is due to your alter ego BATMAN. BATMAN has been a separate part of yourself, or at the very least you have seen him as separate from yourself as Bruce Wayne, for more than eighteen years. This grants BATMAN his own soulmate, as if he were his own entity. People such as Superman do not have this attribute, as they are fully cognizant of the unity of their two identities. BATMAN’s soulmate is Marinette, a familial soulmate. In her case, Marinette is in possession of the Ladybug Miraculous, which holds the power of Creation. This, along with the fact that Marinette is what is classified as a TRUE LADYBUG and/or a CREATION SOUL, gives rise to the possibility of a second soulmate being created for her as the need arises. This was compounded by the fact that she, like you, also sees LADYBUG as being a separate person from her own identity as Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Since she has held both a true CREATION SOUL and maintained this mindframe of being two separate people for several years, LADYBUG was granted a soulmate of her own, which is you. Does that suitably answer your question?”
“The first of many,” Bruce admitted grimly, turning to Marinette. “Do you want to ask anything else, or get on with the internship?”
“Just one question today,” she answered immediately, her mind buzzing. “What does the soul bond allow us to do, and how do we activate it?”
“You can activate the Soul Screen and myself by tapping your soulmark with that intention in mind. Your abilities are as follows; Mental Communication link— a two-way telepathy activated on command only when the Bond Mark is activated. Surveillance— the ability to see through your Soulmate’s eyes through the Soul Screen in emergency situations only. Bond Text— The ability to send written messages to your Soulmate by holding onto your soul mark, imagining the contents of the text, and sending it. Nobody except your soulmate will be able to see said message, and it will appear on the palm that hosts that individual’s Soul Mark. SOS— If one member of the soul bond is in life threatening danger, the other member’s bond mark will glow and a meter showcasing the endangered member’s life force will appear next to the mark. Upon the life force extinguishing, this Bond will permanently dissolve. Resurrection, time travel, and magical Cures will not revive this Bond.”
“In other words, the Universe is calling both of you out for being reckless and is only giving you once Chance here,” Barbara surmised ruthlessly. “Good luck. Alfred, what’s for lunch?”
As everyone filed out of the room with the dissolution of the Soulbond’s novelty, Damian, Bruce, and Marinette were left standing in awkward silence. Silently, Marinette shut off the Soul Screen and A.I.D.E with it.
“... we won’t be able to keep secrets anymore,” Marinette said, seemingly just thinking out loud. “Once we activate the Soul Screen, AIDE will totally rat out any we try to keep.”
“She was my soulmate first, Father, so I’m stealing her now,” Damian said by way of warning Bruce before he picked Marinette up and carried her away. The billionaire playboy philanthropist just stared after them, wondering what the hell he did to taunt the Universe into making him the butt of all of its jokes.
He tapped his ear twice, a different bond awakening. “Selina? Please tell me you’re in town. I think I’ll crack out some of the good alcohol tonight.”
“Celebrating something?” The familiar voice purred in his ear.
—*—*—*—*—* This is not at all canon to the original story, but takes place in the same universe. Just an idea I had for a second that I wanted to write a stupid one shot for. This is crack and I’m okay with that.
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Kitty Cat & Tweety Bird (Part 14) - Jason Todd
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Gif: Oliverbruce3 on Tenor
Word Count: 2.2K
Paring: Jason Todd (Titans) x (f)Reader
Summary: It’s time for a Gala and with that Y/N Wayne’s first public appearance.
Warnings: N/A
A/N: This is a little series I am doing about Jason Todd in Titans. I don’t know Comic!Jason very well so I’m taking all of this from the show, and at the moment he hasn’t been in very often, so please forgive any mischaracterisations.
Tagging: @bella-0104-123 @ninergirl1d @httpfandxms @rosybrock @attackonnat @reclusive-chicken-nugget   @demoiselle-en-detresse00 @young-psychos @thesleepykaijuu @thescottpack @nightlygiggles @rougestorms @sinon36​ @acvrosstheuniverse @friedchickening​ @chillybabe
Y/N nibbled on her lip as Harley and Ivy ushered Jason out of the house. He was to get ready at Dick’s hotel room. There was no chance that he would be allowed to see Y/N in her dress before the Gala. Lord knows what her mother and Harley and Ivy would be like when Y/N and Jason decided to tie the knot. She could only imagine. Bruce was already in his suit and made to wait in the living room as Selina, Harley and Ivy helped Y/N into her dress, did her makeup and hair, and put her jewellery on. Harley and Ivy had already left the Manor to arrive at the Gala, leaving Y/N with Selina and Bruce.
With shaking fingers, Y/N put the pearl earrings that Jason bought her in and then smoothed the non-existent creases from her dress.
“You look stunning,” Selina said as she squeezed her daughter’s shoulders, “absolutely breath-taking.”
Selina herself wore a sleek fitted dress made of black satin with a gold chain back with simple, elegant gold jewellery. Her hair was loose and framing her face. Selina Kyle had a nearly twenty-year-old daughter and still looked as though she hadn’t aged a day since her daughter was conceived on that rooftop. Y/N and Selina could have been and had been, mistaken for sisters.
“Mum,” Y/N blushed, turning around and hugging her mother.
“Careful,” Selina chuckled, “don’t want to ruin your beautiful gown now, do we?”
“You look… just, wow!” Y/N said to her mother. Selina smiled modestly as she slide her hair behind her ear.
“Thank you, kitten,” Selina pressed a kiss on her daughter’s forehead then wiped the lipstick stain from her skin, “now, come on, let’s go and see your father.”
Selina took Y/N’s hand they led her slowly down the stairs to make sure that neither of them tripped and fell. As they reached the final steps, Bruce stood there waiting. He held his hand out to help Selina and then his daughter.
“Stunning,” Bruce told them, “the pair of you.”
“Bruce, you sweet talker, you!” Selina chuckled, fondly patting his cheek.
As the car which Y/N and her parents were in pulled up, she looked out of the window to see Jason and Dick waiting at the entrance. The press weren’t outside, like one might expect, but were waiting inside patiently, waiting to see what they had been rounded up into the Gotham Ballroom for. Jason smiled as he recognised the car, pulling up. He quickly came down the steps and opened the door the moment the car stopped.
Jason gasped as Y/N took his hand to help her step out. They stepped to the side as Bruce and Selina stepped out. Jason looked at Y/N’s dress; a black dress with red lace patterned elegantly over it and a v neck with long sleeves. The lace was printed heavily on the upper half, very little black fabric showing, including on the sleeves, while scattered elegantly over the lower half. The lower half was netted, showing her legs from the lower thigh down, her upper thigh hidden by the underskirt of a body-con sewn into her dress. The edge of her net skirt was decorated with the red lace as well. The red lace, Y/N’s favourite part of the dress, was floral; leaves, roses, other unidentified flowers with her Aunty Ivy could recite from memory, but Y/N didn’t know. It was a beautiful gown fitted to her body like a glove.
“Whoa, Kitty Cat,” said Jason, “just… wow, you look… wow!”
“Worth the wait?” Y/N chuckled teasingly as she remembered how he scolded after Ivy and Harley shushed him out of the house.
“Definitely,” he nodded.
“Look at you two,” Selina cooed, “all match-y and cute.”
Jason looked as though he should have been walking the red carpet for the MET Gala, stylishly looking to the left and right with one of those relaxed cool celebrities with those expensive real leather shoes, black and polished so well that they reflected the flashes of the cameras back to them as he effortlessly look good in every photograph taken of him. His suit was custom made to match Y/N’s dress. He wore a black satin suit with a floral pattern illustrated on the jacket and trousers. There was a plain black satin waistcoat underneath the jacket with a plain black button-up shirt. His black satin tie was printed with a red wildflower design and the handkerchief in the jacket pocket was also a black satin with a red embroidered edge. His outfit was, like Y/N, was fitted perfectly for him.
“Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy have good taste in fashion,” Jason chuckled as he kissed Y/N’s temple, wrapping an arm around her waist.
“Damn right they do,” Y/N grinned, “they’re style icons!”
“Come on,” Dick chuckled as he stood watching them all, “the press is waiting inside.”
“Are you ready?” Bruce asked Y/N, who took a deep breath, smiled and nodded, holding onto Jason’s hand.
The moment they walked into the ballroom; all eyes were on them. Y/N and Jason, arm in arm, and Bruce Wayne with Selina Kyle. Dick Grayson was going stag and everyone watched the group curiously.
“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen,” Bruce called out with a chuckle, “apologies for our late appearance, but who doesn’t like to make an entrance?”
The stuck-up people all chuckled lowly in a charming fashion with a playful shake of the head before returning to the conversations they were previously having. Y/N exhaled and looked to her father, who gave her a sympathetic smile, a smile which told Y/N ‘sorry but these events never get easier’. Y/N smiled back in understanding with a nod.
“Let’s get a drink,” Dick said to them all.
“Yes, please,” Y/N nodded exasperatedly as she and Jason started following Dick.
“We’ll be doing rounds,” Selina and Bruce said as they walked a separate direction to begin talking with the guests.
“You alright?” Jason asked Y/N, noticing her paled expression.
“God, this is overwhelming!”
“Hey, you’re doing great,” Jason said, wrapping an arm around her and kissing her forehead. “Everything will be fine.”
“Yeah,” Dick nodded, “these things don’t come up often, but you just need to learn how to handle them.”
“How’d you handle them?” Y/N asked as she shakily took a champagne flute off of a passing tray.
“Personally? I hung in the kitchens and ate,” Dick shrugged.
“I don’t think I’m going to have that luxury when people find out who I am,” she said as she faked a smile as the strangers eyed her curiously.
“Well, you’ll have me here to help,” Jason smiled.
“Thank god!” Y/N chuckled as she leaned into him as his arm draped itself around her shoulder. “These will be a lot more bearable with you.”
“Gawd, ya’ll are sickening,” Harley drawled as she suddenly appeared with Ivy. Harley was wearing a golden floor-length gown with a slit in the skirt. It was backless with a halter neckline and a bow on the lower back. Ivy wore a caped chiffon gown of a soft grass green that flowed with every step she took. Harley wrapped an arm around her spouse’s waist, pressing a big red kiss on Ivy’s cheek, causing Ivy to playfully scowl as she pulled a napkin off a table and dab it away so not to ruin her makeup.
“That’s the pot calling the kettle black, isn’t it?” Y/N teased as Harley rolled her eyes.
“How’s the elite of Gotham handling Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy making an appearance at a Wayne Gala?” Dick asked them.
“Well, I’d like to point out that the moment the staff saw me.” Ivy said, “They took out the floral centrepieces your father chose.”
“That’s not fair,” Y/N scowled, “let me talk to dad.”
“No, no,” Ivy shook her head, “if it makes them feel safe, let them have it. I don’t need plants to kill people if I wanted.”
“She’s incredible with a gun,” Harley bragged, “it’s so hot.”
“Kickass girlfriends are hot!” Jason lifted his glass slightly. Harley laughed and nodded, as did Ivy.
“I’ll drink to that,” Harley said as she clinked her glass with Jason’s own glass.
“So, sprout,” Ivy cooed, stroking Y/N’s hair fondly, “how are you finding your first Gala?”
“A bit uncomfortable at the moment,” she confessed in a whisper, “I feel everyone staring at me…”
“Hun, not to call you vain or anything, but I think it’s Ives and me they’re gawking at,” Harley gave her a sympathetic smile.
“Well, I think when the board of Wayne Enterprises realise I’m stealing the CEO position from them, I’ll be the one getting the stares…”
“Hey, you are a hard worker, determined and have a head for business,” Ivy assured her.
“Yeah,” Dick nodded, “you’d end up CEO even if you weren’t a Wayne.”
“Thanks,” Y/N smiled as she let out a shaky breath, “nice to know not everyone in this room is going to try and kill me.”
“You could take all these suits down with one hand tied behind your back,” Jason assured Y/N, rubbing her shoulder and chuckling. “Don’t worry.”
“Can’t help but feel nervous,” Y/N confessed.
“I get it,” Dick said, “trust me, I do. I’ve dealt with all these people had to be introduced – the only difference is I weren’t a threat to the CEO position, so I can’t imagine what you’re going through right now.”
“Emotional hell!” Y/N sighed, “God, I’m practically shaking right now. I kinda wanna run out of here right now.”
“Whatever you need,” Jason placed his hands on her shoulders after brushing her hair from her eyes, “I’ll do. I’ll be there for you through all of this. Promise.” He travelled his hands down her arms to her hands, taking them in his own, rubbing his thumbs on the back of her hands. “Breathe, in and out, in and out.”
Y/N nodded as she followed his voice, breathing in and then out and then in and then out. Repeating it a few times, Y/N felt herself slowly starting to calm out. Looking into his eyes, Y/N smiled.
“Thank you, Jason,” she said, leaning in and kissing his cheek, right next to his lips. “What would I do without you?”
“Gawd, you make the notebook look bleak,” Harley rolled her eyes.
“Kitten,” Selina said as she and Bruce approached their daughter, “are you ready?”
“As I’ll ever be,” she smiled, holding Jason’s hand, silently asking if Jason could come with her. Bruce and Selina smiled and nodded as Y/N turned to Jason, who kissed the back of her hand. “Let’s go.”
“Ladies and Gentlemen,” Bruce said into the microphone on the stage. Selina, Y/N and Jason stood at the back of the stage watching as Jason held Y/N’s hand, “thank you all for coming out tonight. Now, I know that everyone except a select few know the reason behind this Gala, and so the rest of you are left wondering why you are here. Rightly so of course – Bruce Wayne is not the type of man to throw a party for the sake of it… well, anymore at least, I’m not in my twenties any longer.” The audience began laughing at Bruce’s joke in a low collective fashion to appease the Billionaire. “Now, as I said, I’m not a young man anymore, not like Mr Todd, or even Mr Grayson, who has been kind enough to come from Detroit for this evening, which I cannot thank him enough for this support. As of late, I have found myself wondering what is to happen to Wayne Enterprises when my time is up. Hopefully, I have a long, long life ahead of me, I plan to stick around for a long time at least – no need to take me off your Christmas card list yet, ladies and gentleman. But all joking aside, this past couple of months have been sobering for me, and I have come to learn so much about myself, and of those, I love and care about. The love of my life, Selina Kyle,” Bruce looked at Selina and smiled at her. Selina smiled and waved at Bruce. Certain members of the crowd seemed to be familiar with who she was, remembering her from Bruce’s youth, and aww’d at them, “and… my, well, mine and Selina’s incredible daughter, Y/N Wayne,” the audience started making a low murmuring noise, wondering if they had heard correctly – daughter? Did Bruce Wayne say daughter? Bruce Wayne has a daughter? A daughter with Selina Kyle?
Bruce nodded for Y/N to come to the front with Selina, gesturing to her to speak into the microphone. Jason squeezed Y/N’s hand in support before letting go and stepping back as Y/N walked with her mother to the front of the stage. Y/N smiled at her father before leaning into the microphone.
“Hello, ladies and gentlemen,” Y/N said, “I am Y/N Wayne, daughter of Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle.”
“Now,” Bruce said as he spoke into the microphone again, “I am sure you all have questions, but before you ask those, I want to make an announcement about the future of Wayne Enterprises – when my time to step down as CEO arrives, the role shall be filled, rather well I would say, by Y/N Wayne.”
The crowd up-roared.
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vikingpoteto · 4 years
we don’t have to dance (to the beat of their songs)
Chapter 1 on AO3
Relationships:  (Gen) Tim Drake & Jason Todd
Tags: Battle for the Cowl, Alternate Canon, Adopted Sibling Relationship, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Canon-Typical Violence, Mental Health Issues, Past Child Neglect, Domestic Fluff, Canon is not valid I am, and I want them to be friends goddamnit
Summary: In the middle of their battle, Jason asks Tim to leave the nest and be his Robin. Tim decides it's not a bad idea, after all. ________________________
Jason is already having one hell of a bad night when he notices someone broke into his hideout.
He makes sure he isn’t noticed at the cave entrance even if he can hear two voices clear as day. He recognizes them, but that doesn’t mean his stomach doesn’t do a full somersault when he sees the Bat uniform. For a terrifying moment, he thinks the whole death thing was all a ruse and Bruce is back from a grave he’s never really been in. How fucked up is it that it makes perfect sense? That it’s not out of character for Bruce to just pretend that he’s dead for the sake of whatever ridiculous plan he’s following at the moment?
Jason takes a step back and closes his eyes, inhaling slowly.
“I owe you one, Catwoman,” says the man in the Bat costume somewhere down in the cave.
That’s right. That isn’t his voice. Jason forces himself to glance down again and he finally takes note of the things he should have noticed in the first place: the person in the Bat costume is shorter than Bruce, more slender and even his stance is less rigid. Less like a stoic soldier and more like a trained gymnast. Not the gymnast, though. That one must be tending to Damian’s ouchie back at the manor. As he listens to him exchange a few quips with Selina, Jason knows.
That’s Tim Drake.
His last meeting with Tim was far more pleasant than any interaction he had with the other bats, and that’s saying something considering he was in custody at the time. Still, Jason must do what he has to do. He doesn’t want to, but he doesn’t think he has many options. He didn’t expect to face Tim so soon, but maybe it’s better this way. After his confrontation with Dick and what he did to Damian, he might as well burn all the bridges. Like ripping off a band-aid.
Jason’s replacement is good, but he still has a lot to learn. He doesn’t hear it when Jason dashes towards Selina and knocks her out. He can only react by jumping out of Jason’s reach.
“Well, there goes diplomacy,” Tim grunts. “What do you think you’re doing, Jason?”
Of course he knows. He wouldn’t be here if he didn’t.
“You look stupid in that get up,” Jason tells him.
“Pot, meet kettle.”
And that’s when he attacks.
Those few stupid words they exchanged make big difference and Jason hates it. He hates how confident Tim is that Jason won’t shoot him — confident to the point that he’ll exchange pleasantries with Jason instead of attacking outright, before Jason even has the chance to take a shot at him. If this were anyone else, Jason would call it a stupid mistake and end the fight, but he’s learned enough about his replacement. Tim doesn’t do stupid, not in battle. Everything he does once he’s fighting is calculated and Jason hated him for it for too long. He knows Tim was the Robin that Jason could never be.
The fact that he’s ready for it doesn’t mean he manages to dodge the kick Tim aims at his chin. The kid is simply faster.
Not that it matters.
Tim tries to kick his jaw again. Jason grabs him by the ankle. Expecting that, Tim tries to flip backwards. He isn’t heavy enough. Jason throws him at the wall as if he’s nothing but a ragdoll. Robin reflexes kick in and Tim rolls on the floor, using the cape to avoid bigger damage. He grunts as he gets back to his feet.
“I’m going to end your little masquerade tonight, Jason.”
“Oh, but I’m only getting started, Boy Wonder.”
There is a loud thud. Jason’s knuckles connect with his jaw hard enough to bruise, and a lesser man would have been knocked out. Tim flips away almost gracefully, as if they’re dancing. Jason expects him to back off. Tim lands and runs into his space. Jason crosses his arms, bracing for a punch. Tim ducks down on the last second and hooks his leg behind Jason’s knees. He doesn’t fall, but he loses his balance. Tim lands the next punch. Jason hears something crack and he isn’t sure if it’s his armor or himself. He backflips away from the kid, because he better gather himself.
“Don’t hurt yourself now,” Tim taunts, even if he’s breathless.
Jason rolls his eyes and grabs a handful of dirt from the ground. He almost takes pleasure in Tim’s indignant sputter when he gets dust tossed at his face.
By the time he opens his eyes, Jason is no longer in his field of vision, concealed by one of the many deceiving nooks along the cave walls. That’s the problem with them. They always forget Jason can be just as annoyingly stealthy as they can.
“Come on, Jason! Come out and play! So I can tear that cowl off your gigantic stupid head.”
He sounds annoyed. Jason smirks, despite himself. He presses a button on the side of his cowl and speaks into the comm.
“I don’t see that ruthless side of yours very often, Tim. I like it.”
Tim doesn’t move towards the sound of his voice.
“This place is rigged with speakers to throw me off, huh? I’ll still find you.”
The kid can stand his ground, Jason will give him that. He has brains and skills that make him a terrifying enemy. Too bad Bruce brainwashed him into being a freaking hypocrite. Too bad he’s still trying to figure out where Jason’s hiding, unaware that his enemy is right behind him. Jason gets a batarang from his belt.
Jason remembers a young face, his only visitor in prison. A boy that gave him what he needed to escape.
Instead of throwing the blade, he surges forward and grabs Tim’s arm. The kid gasps, but can’t react before Jason twists his arm into a lock and presses the batarang to his throat. The guard around his neck is resistant, sure, but still malleable enough to allow head movement and it’s certainly not strong enough to stop the sharp edge. Tim knows that. He stays very quiet and Jason can almost hear the gears turning in his head as he comes up with a plan.
“You have one chance to save yourself,” Jason says. He feels the stillness beneath his hands gain a new tension.
“What, you’re going to fight me without any dirty tricks?” he hisses.
“Come on, Tim. You know damn well there’s no such thing when your survival is on the line. I know you do. You’re better than this. Join me. Be my Robin.”
Apparently forgetting there is a sharp object pressed to his throat, Tim tries to look back at Jason. “ Join you? A psychopathic killer? Sure, why not?”
Jason twists his arm a little further, his grip tightening. He doesn’t like to hear him spewing the same meaningless bullshit Bruce preached. He forces himself to remember what he’s doing.
“I’m serious, Tim. You know you… we can do better. Why else would you help me break out of prison?”
“That’s right,” he grunts. “I let you escape. Now the lives you took after that are on me!”
He throws his head back hard enough to knock off Jason’s mouth guard and almost makes him bite his tongue.
It seems like Tim regained his will to fight. He moves fast and hits hard, barely giving Jason enough time to react. Their battle turns vicious, both charging into fast attacks and refusing to defend. Jason’s mouth is dry and it tastes like bitter copper for more than one reason, the clatter of kevlar cracking under fists and heavy boots makes for a nauseating cacophony. It was a mistake to think one of them — any of them  — could see things his way.
Burn those bridges down. If there is no way back, it hurts less that he can’t go home.
They clash in the middle in a battle of strengths. Tim’s first real mistake.
“I shot Damian,” Jason spits. “He got between Dick and I so I shot him.”
A step back. “No, you didn’t.”
“Why do you care? I heard the brat wants you dead. I got rid of him for you.”
“I’m more worried about you wanting me dead now .”
Except Jason doesn’t. He did shoot Damian and the kid was reckless enough that Jason could easily have made it lethal, but he aimed for the shoulder instead. It would’ve been better, it would’ve made his mission easier. If he truly could stoop low enough to be a villain like Bruce treated him, all of this would be so much less painful. He couldn’t. Still can’t. Bruce was right, after all. He’s nothing but a failure.
Burn it down. It’s too late to turn back now.
He roars wordlessly and springs forward. Thud . There he is in front of him, the man that did everything right when Jason did wrong. Crack . It literally doesn’t matter, though. Thud. Crack.   And all  — thud   — because  — thud   — he’s held back  — thud   —  by a risible moral code  — CRACK! Why are they too stubborn to see their way does not work?
Tim finally falls, drawing an arc that is almost graceful when his feet leave the ground and his limp body hits the stony floor with a bleak noise.
Now that he’s not moving, Jason can tell he’s grown enough that the suit fits him, but it’s still a little loose around the waist and the shoulders. He’s shorter than Bruce used to be, so Jason bets he had to roll up the pants before putting on the boots.
End this. They think you’re a villain. Show them what a villain is like. It’s only fair since they keep protecting the real bad guys.
Jason crouches down by his side. Despite everything they might think, he doesn’t enjoy violence. He does what must be done, what he needs to survive and to serve justice, but he doesn’t enjoy it. That’s why he prefers guns. Guns get the job done from afar and you don’t have to dwell on it. You can make those that deserve it feel pain, but it’s better than the alternative.
He came here wearing that suit to fuck with you. He’s smart enough to know how it affects you. He’ll stand in the way and grow more dangerous.
Jason can’t see behind the cowl, but he remembers Tim’s eyes are really blue. Not grey-blue like Bruce’s, but a bright blue like the sky in spring. The last time he saw those eyes they had a determined spark behind them. The eyes of someone that was taking a risk for something they truly believed. Dick had said before that Jason had been Tim’s Robin. That Tim used to admire him.
Burn it down. Jason raises the old batarang.
There is a whack so sudden and brutal that for a second Jason doesn’t know where it came from. Only when he falls painfully on his shoulder does he realize that someone hit his head with a freaking rock.
No. Not someone. Little Timmy, innocent and not that unconscious, managed to grab a heavy rock and knock Jason with it.
“No dirty tricks when your survival is on the line,” the kid says, his voice wobbly. His mouth is probably full of blood.
Jason laughs. That’s right. Tim is not a kid. None of them are, never had been. They’re soldiers first and foremost fighting a war that they can’t win, only death waiting at the end. How does that Fitzgerald quote go? Show me a hero and I’ll write you a tragedy.  
Except real life doesn’t need heroes, it needs realistic solutions.  Jason stands. Tim’s knees buckle under his weight and he coughs out something that looks like a tooth. Or at least a piece of one. The latest Boy Wonder falls on his face, his body finally giving in after the extraneous scuffle. That’s a hero's destiny, after all.
Jason stares at him, but doesn’t try to check his pulse or verify if he’s really out. Tim is not the biggest problem he has to solve now   — and yes, he sees the irony in making that decision, but he pretends he doesn't because he’s beaten in more than one way. Besides, there is still one person to confront. He should be coming soon when he notices he’s missing a sidekick.
He carefully removes the cowl from Tim and the kid doesn’t spring into action again. As Jason walks away from him, he decides he’ll offer Dick the same truce he offered Tim. Unlike with the younger boy, there is not a single part of him that thinks Dick might take him up on that. He just wants to make sure to cover all the bases. Tonight, Tim’s childhood hero let him down one more time. It’s only fitting that later Jason’s hero is the one that will reject him for the last time.
Heroes always die either way. He’s been there, done that. It isn’t fun. Jason doesn’t want to be a hero. Not anymore.
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dagenspear · 4 years
Crisis On Infinite Earths Outline Fix, Part 2
Like some I disliked the crossover, it's the worst out of all of them, and this is my preference for it to be done. This one is the first of the more aggressive changes to the crossover. Here are the ideas God blessed me with:
In the opening of the episode, Oliver wakes up on Lian Yu, then searching it, seeing visual reminders of his losses from the past, then being confronted by the Spectre, a green cloaked, shrouded figure, who quickly defeats Oliver and pins him to the ground, telling him his destiny is finally upon him.
This part has a bit more going on, so I'll explain in lettered plots:
A. This is a Batwoman episode, so like Kara was more or less the focus before, she's the focus here. The main structure and this bleeds into the B plot, is that the Monitor is dead now and the crisis is sill happening and they want to help other earths try and prevent E2's and Supergirl Earth's destruction for themselves. This plot is much more involved here. Using Pariah, someone who can sense the destruction of an Earth, sets their breach devices by a signal that'll send them to an earth by how close it is to being hit by the antimatter, taking them to the place where that might originate. Kate does this, but not before being found by E-1 Bruce, played by David Giuntoli, whose come due to the end of world type situation that's unraveling. We will expand on why this Bruce left. When Jason Todd was murdered, he became bitter and filled with rage and in this fit he hunted down the Joker and nearly killed him. Seeing himself as no longer fit to be Batman, he left, but this situation is dire enough to convince him to step back up. He and Kate travel to a few earths to warn those earths of the crisis, going to Gotham first. The First is Birds Of Prey TV Series Earth 109, where she meets Helena Kyle, played by Ashley Scott, and Dinah Lance, played by Rachel Skarsten, and with a vocal cameo by Oracle, played by Dina Meyer. Bruce is distraught at the idea of an earth where he's had a daughter. Kate is taken aback by Dinah's appearance, and doesn't know how to deal with it, but pushes through to find out where Batman is, thinking he may be able to help. Earth 109's Batman is Kevin Conroy Bruce, a bitter, angry and alone Bruce whose lost almost everything in his life. Alfred, Jason, Damien his son, Selina and Kate. Here we delve into why he left Helena and Gotham, seeing himself and Batman as nothing but an bringer of pain and death of all that he cares about. He's angry at Helena for her staying as a vigilante, thinking it will only bring to her what it's brought to him, that and his fear of bringing his family pain driving him to stay away. KC Bruce relents when he hears about the crisis, but it's too late and the anti-matter sweeps in, taking out Gotham, Helena with it, as Kate uses a breach device to take her, E1 Bruce and KC Bruce out of there. KC Bruce is devastated at this, but regroups out of a desire for revenge against what's done this. Kate realizes the breach device took them to Gotham TV Series Earth 14, met with Bruce Wayne, played by David Mazouz. They explain the situation to him, he's shocked, but grasps the importance of the situation and offers to help, him being dismissed due to his age and lack of experience. He protests this, but is met with the other Bruces viewing him as naive, citing their losses and how he doesn't understand the cost of being Batman, DM Bruce angrily snapping back that they've failed the city their parents wanted to protect, rejecting that future for himself, of giving up like that. But the red skies begin to emerge, the shadow creatures beginning to sweep across the world. KC Bruce almost taking a sadistic pleasure at the idea of destroying these things, as he activates his armored bodysuit. It wouldn't have to be too fancy as far as budget wise.
B. This one is much smaller, showing a few similar aspects, but not leaning so hard into the fan service in the way the show does. Kara, Lois and Clark, using the breach device set to tracing antimatter signatures, go to Smallville TV show's Earth 217. There they meet SV Clark and Lois, who still have kids. Kara's shellshocked to see Lois look so similar to her mom. At an earlier point of this story, Kara begins to feel obsessed with the idea of turning back time and preventing her earth and Argo's destruction, pushing Ray to try and figure out how to get the waverider to time travel, so she can prevent it. Seeing a Lois who looks like her mom doesn't help. They warn him of the crisis, offering up the ways it can be at least held off, as they try and find a way to stop it entirely, suggesting he gather the help needed to make it happen as they seek out other earths to warn. Then leaving, going to Superman The Movie/Series Earth 78. Where they meet Brandon Routh's Superman, who explains to them his losses due to the same thing as what happened in the show, Kara reflecting on the loss of this Superman and how he strives not to lose himself. Him agreeing to help in any way he can. Meanwhile SV Clark goes to Lex Luthor played by Michael Rosenbaum. He convinces Lex to supply what's needed for the tower to try and hold back the antimatter.
C. This one is more simple than the others. Sara, Barry and Mia try to work out what to do with Oliver, whose badly injured, but the waverider isn't able to heal him due to the creature's attacks being based in antimatter energy. They get Jjonn to project them into Oliver's mind to try and figure out what's going on, after Jjonn tells them that he senses that although Oliver's soul is still connected to his body, it's somewhere else. Oliver questions the Spectre's meaning and where he's come from, the Spectre telling him he was once Jim Corrigan, a officer who sought justice once but allowed himself to become corrupt and killed someone to save his own skin, only to be killed himself, in his dying moments finding God and repenting for his sins, God saving his life by giving him the opportunity to become a heroic force in the world, by being like a vessel for God's vengeance on earth. Spectre tells Oliver that it's now his turn to do the same and become a vessel's for God's vengeance of the multiverse against the Anti-Monitor. Oliver repents, giving his life to God and Jesus Christ, accepting this as his destiny. But not before Mia, Barry and Sara arrive, calling to Oliver. Oliver, torn at first, grasps the importance of this, and agrees, the Spectre's white-greenish energy emerging from underneath his shrouded cloaked face and breathing into Oliver. Barry, Mia and Sara are bounced out of Oliver's mind and Oliver's body disappears from the waverider in a flash of light.
At the conclusion of the episode, the heroes gather to fight back the forces collecting on Earth 14. In the midst of this, we'd get some old fashioned fan service, with KC Batman and BR Superman fighting back to back, and E1 Bruce and TH Superman fighting together as well. Meanwhile, we catch a glimpse of something similar happening on Earth 217, with Lex himself in an armored suit and Clark as Superman. The Bats are focused on beating the shadow creatures, while DM Bruce sees a family trapped in an area surrounded by shadow creatures, seeing the Supers and others making sure the hold back the majority of the shadow creatures to ensure the majority of civilians escape (though this is shown to not be possible as the shadow creatures are even more powerful than before), he throws a small explosive to break them free, and takes the heat of the shadow creatures, him taking a hits from them, it severely injuring him. KC Bruce takes DM Bruce's sacrifice in as he helps defend Kate, as she catches this. The shadow creatures begin to overwhelm them. When suddenly, E-38 Lex Luthor emerges through a breach and, surprisingly, uses a sonic machine that's emitting waves that cause the shadow creatures to stop attacking temporarily, E-38 Clark and Kara frozen in shock at seeing him, as he smiles smarmily at them and tells them, "Hurry up, I can't save you for very long with this!" Kate reacts quickly and manages to grab Bruce, just in time to escape as the earth collapses in on itself, every one of the team following suit.
Now, DM Bruce lay dying, the damage from the shadow creatures causing his body to fail. Gideon explains that it'd need a near perfect genetic match of Bruce to transfer non shadow creature damaged DNA, which would cause the one who transferred it to die in cellular degradation. KC Bruce stops E1 Bruce before he volunteers and takes the hit, explaining that he's lost his way and to tell DM Bruce thank you for showing him what it means to be Batman again, that it's not about punishing the guilty, but about preserving the innocence of those who are defenseless. The process starts and it heals DM Bruce, as KC Bruce dies. Kate cries in a mixture of grief and relief as DM Bruce wakes up, and she gives him the thanks, as well as from herself and E1 Bruce does so as well. Gideon does maintain that DM Bruce stay in sick bay, when he tries to get back to the fight. Kate and E1 that they can be enough Bat for now.
Meanwhile E-38 Clark and Kara throw Lex up against the wall, and angrily interrogates him about what he has to do with this. Lex remains cavalier about the situation, snarkily asking them if they can't handle it when he shows them that he's the hero. Kara and Clark's eyes glow with heat vision energy, before they reel themselves in, releasing him. Brandon Routh Superman asks him how he was able to stop those shadow creatures. Lex replying with, "Oh, another one. Delightful. At least this one has manners." Further explaining that it didn't stop them, but held them off temporarily by blocking the signal of whatever was controlling them. They question that, much to Lex's amusement, him outloud stating, "It's a good thing the Monitor brought me into this. Obviously, none of you are equipped with the brainpower to save humanity." Lex looks to E-38 Clark, saying, "It's gonna be fun working together again, don't you think?" Much to Clark's scowling.
The team are then alerted to the waverider jumping to one of the next earths that's to be wiped out. The waverider jumps.
Sara then calls the whole team to the control room, everyone rushing to it. Barry and the rest are met with the horror that Earth 1 is one of the next earths to be engulfed in the antimatter wave. Pariah appears, and begins laughing. Barry reacts furiously to this, grabbing him and asking him what he finds funny. Pariah explains that when he released the Anti-Monitor, he was promised that when this time came, he would get to do the damage. Barry slowly begins to realize what he's saying, as Pariah's eyes glow red and he superspeeds around the waverider cockpit, knocking everyone off their feet. Eobard Thawne stands over a shocked Barry in full Reverse Flash garb and says that their crisis has come.
Please review and tell me what you think!
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pandoraimperatrix · 5 years
Baby Picture
1,5w | Family fic | BatCat + Damian | Read on AO3
‘Kyle, she will fall!’
His panicked tone made Selina want to smile, but she didn’t. She knew Damian took himself far too seriously, and he liked to be treated as such. It had been so hard to convince him to get this close to Helena, he had only done it now that they were alone, only the three of them. He was especially skittish when Bruce was in the room. She had her suspicions of the reasons the young boy looked so uncomfortable those times, but she tried to give father and son time to solve whatever tension they had by themselves.
‘She won’t. You won’t let her fall, see? You just have to support the head with you elbow and the rest of your arm will be in place.’
‘I…’ he started but didn’t finish. Selina arranged the baby in his arms.
‘My arm is too short.’ His tone betrayed how annoyed he was by that fact more than he’d ever admit.
‘And yet so strong, I saw you throw Dick from one building to another once. And you can keep her in place with the other one like that.’
He didn’t like to be touched most of the time, but to her surprise, Damian was compliant to her ministrations, and let her arrange his limbs as necessary to keep Helena safe.
‘He tried to mess up my hair when we were in the field.’ He mumbled.
Now she smiled.
‘How terrible of him. Come on, darling, I’ll let go now, you can do it.’
He stared at her panicked.
‘Kyl-! Oh…’
Selina let go.
He broke eye contact with Selina and looked down to his little sister for a long time, like he was trying to memorize her wrinkled baby face.
‘She’s so light.’ He whispered, amazed.
Selina chuckled.
‘Try to carry her for nine months then.’
His brow furrowed, wrinkling his button nose.
‘She has father’s nose.’
Selina laughed.
‘She does, doesn’t she? The poor thing, we might give her a rhinoplasty as a birthday gift in a few years.’
She saw his lips twitching; Selina’s greatest joy was to break Damian’s mountain gorilla’s serious face. When she told him that, he informed her that there were no gorillas in mountains and that they lived in forests, with his most mountain gorilla’s serious face.
They turned their heads to the sound of approaching steps.
‘Selina, have you seen… Oh, Damian. You are here.’
The air changed, standing still, Selina eyes Damian noticing how stiff his little shoulders became.
‘Yes, father. Were you looking for me?’
‘Hmm…’ Bruce hesitated studying the scene, Selina smiled at him, he didn’t acknowledged the gest, eyes fixating on Damian. ‘Yes.’
‘For what?’
‘Give Helena back to her mother, let’s talk in the cave.’
Damian held the baby a little bit tighter, Helena fussed in her sleep.
‘He’s just holding her for the first time, Bruce, he can go later.’
‘No, it is fine.’
He tried to give her back, but Selina stood up from her nursing chair.
‘You know what? They look so adorable, I want a picture of this moment. Where did I put my cell phone again?’
She left the room ignoring Damian pleading eyes and Bruce’s stiff posture.
Bruce grunted.
‘Do you want to give her to me now?’
‘Didn’t Kyle just said she was getting her phone to take a picture of me holding her?’
Bruce grunted again.
‘Yes, right. But her name isn’t Kyle anymore.’
‘It would be counterproductive calling her Wayne.’
‘You can call her by her first name.’
‘She never asked me to.’
‘Would you? If she did?’
‘Are you supporting the head?’
‘Yes, father.’
‘Are you sure? Let me-‘ He approached, arms stretched to get the baby, Damian rescinded a step.  
‘Yes, I am sure. She should have fallen if I didn’t wouldn’t she?’
Bruce looked from his daughter to him son, his red young face, the betrayed look, his shoulders fell.
‘Damian, you don’t need to get angry.’
‘You know what? Here, have you daughter that you had on purpose, I’m going on patrol.’
Selina entered the room exactly when Damian finished Helena on Bruce’s arms.
‘I’ve found it! You won’t believe where it was… Wait, what is happening? Bruce, give Helena back to him.’
‘No, I don’t want to be in your stupid picture, I’ll ruin it, like I ruin your stupid family!’ And he ran away.
Selina crossed her arms and stared angrily at Bruce.
‘Bruce, what have you done?’
‘Nothing, Damian just need to calm down, he’s being childish.’ He rocked the baby even thought she still slept soundly, unaware of the drama surrounding.
‘He is a kid. He is allowed to be childish. Give Helena to me. Go talk to your son, now.’
He thought about arguing, after all, he hated being ordered around and it was even more appalling that it was happening in his own house, but if he learnt something in the past months was the when he argued with Selina when she was looking that pissed he was going to lose. Being right or wrong. And he knew he wasn’t right. That conversation with Damian was way past its due.
Bruce gave his sleeping daughter a last longing look, she was such a tranquil baby, she had just been passed around so many times and didn’t seen to care at all; and then he gave her back to her mother’s waiting arms.
‘Be kind to him. It has been hard for him lately.’
‘I know.’
He nodded and left the room.
When he found Damian, only a minute and a half after leaving Selina, the boy had already finished putting his uniform on, minus the mask, despite being fast dressing up himself, Bruce was always amazed about how quickly Damian got ready.
‘Damian, it’s too early for patrol.’
‘Crime doesn’t wait to get dark to happen.’
‘Damian.’ He tried again in a softer note.
‘What do you want?’ He snapped.
‘I want you to talk to me.’
‘I don’t have time to talk right now.’
Bruce sighed and approached the boy, he put one hand on his shoulder, that made Damian stop fumbling with his gloves.
‘You can make time for your dad, can’t you?’
Damian shot him an angry look.
‘Be quick.’
‘Alright, alright.’
But Bruce just stood there looking at him, his youngest boy, always so angry, so easily hurt.
‘You are not talking.’
‘I’m sorry, I know. But heading Wayne Enterprises, being Batman, that stuff is easy than this.’
‘Yes father, you have made clear how hard for you is having me as a son.’ He shoved Bruce’s hand away and focused back on his glove.
‘Damian, I didn’t say that.’
‘You never needed to!’
Silence last long enough to Damian want to die a thousand times, he sucked the air hard, and roughly cleansed the hot tears oh his cheeks with the back of his hands.
‘If… If that’s all I have better things to do.’
And he was right about to leave when he was engulfed in a massive hug.
‘Damian, son, I didn’t know… Hell, that is a lie, I did know you felt somewhat like that, and it is my fault, I am so sorry. When I say it is difficult to me it isn’t because of you, it is me. You know I try to be ready and prepared, but I don’t know how to prepare to be your father.’
‘Yes, I know, mother had me behind your back, you never wanted me.’ He was crying freely now, drenching Bruce’s turtleneck.
‘That is not what I meant. I am not prepared to be your father as I wasn’t to be Dick’s or now Helena’s. I don’t think it’s something you can prepare yourself for. And I don’t want to fail you, you deserve my best, and I don’t think I have been giving you that. I am so sorry.’
He kept rubbing Damian’s caped back and he cried, holding his small frame as he shook with sobs. It was so rare to see Damian break like that, the boy must have been under so much pressure, Bruce felt guilty fester in the pit of his stomach.
‘And I want you to understand that Helena being born changes nothing about how you fit in this family. You are and always will be my son.’
‘Blood son.’
Bruce smirked.
‘Blood son. Yes, but I’d like if you stopped bringing that up to your brothers.’
‘Fine. Let me go now.’
He didn’t.
‘Father, you are crushing me.’
He held him a little tighter.
Bruce let go.
‘Now, go wash your face and take that picture, Selina is making everyone have one.’
‘But I’m going on patrol now.’
‘No, you are not. And that’s an order.’
‘We go later, just you and I.’
Damian just kept staring hard at him.
‘I promise.’
The boy then nodded and left.
 ‘Ohh the picture will be even better now that Helena is awake. Awwwn, look kitten, she is smiling at you. You love your big brother, don’t you, Helena?’
Damian’s eyes was still a bit red, but when he looked down to his baby sister, his frown was miraculously gone.
‘Big brother.’
‘You said I’m a big brother now.’
‘That’s right, honey.’
He haven’t thought about that. Big brother. Him. Damian. That was promising.
The picture rested on the fireplace mantel that Christmas, and so many others to come.
  Wrote this story for my dear friend Lily who is the sweetest person ever and like me (and Damian in this fic) once had to hold a little sibling for the first time.
If you enjoyed please let me know, I’m new and I love to chat.
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thefightingbull · 4 years
Well... That Was Unexpected (Teaser)
Thanksgiving. It didn’t seem like much, but since Jason had made amends with the family, it had become the single most important holiday of the year. Spending time at the manor and eating a home cooked meal that Steph and Alfred would likely spend hours working on the day before and the day after was a requirement. Or maybe they’d just cater it this year… He thought he’d heard something about that.
The only problem Jason foresaw with the upcoming event was that he was without a date. The year prior only Tim had a date in Steph. Bruce, Dick, Alfred, and Barbara were all single. Unfortunately for him, Barbara and Roy were dating, Bruce insisted that Selina show up, Alfred and Dr. Thompkins were an item and Dick was officially official with Kori again. Hell, even Damian was “dating” some girl from school and of course all of them would be at the dinner.
He scrolled through his contact list and sighed. He did not want to be the only solo act in the manor. It was hard enough being the undead Robin. Harder being the only one who’d been an enemy to his family at one point. The one who’d nearly killed some of them… He shook off the thought.
He was over the past. So was his family. He just didn’t want to be reminded of yet another way he didn’t fit in. He had to find someone, anyone to date. But who?
With a sigh he pocketed his phone and walked into the diner. He needed to get his head in the game. Some asshat was running around casting spells and causing all sorts of havoc. He’d gotten an alert from Deathstroke earlier that morning asking that they meet up. Apparently, the magician was one of the assassin’s contracts.
He really, really didn’t want to be bait. Magicians, wizards, witches? They all sucked. He couldn’t count the number of times he’d been royally screwed playing bait for a magician. He’d been turned into animals, de-aged, shrunk, aged, and once he’d even been turned into a freaking action figure. Yeah, magic wasn’t anything he liked messing with.
Still, if Deathstroke asked, he would do it. Mostly because he owed the cyclops a massive favor. Nextly, because he actually liked working with him. If Dick had half the brain he claimed to have, he would have watched, listened and learned. He would have come out of the engagements stronger, smarter, and more capable.
Jason was seated in the back of the restaurant in a corner booth, his back to the wall so that he could see the men and women coming inside. He ordered himself a coffee, black. Ever since he’d watched Dick dump diabetes type 2 inducing amounts of sugar in his, Jason had avoided the sweet substance. He didn’t even let people put fake sweeteners in his caffeine.
His eyes glanced upward as a few people came into the restaurant. A few guys and a girl. He looked back down at his coffee and took a sip as a very attractive man approached him. He was taller than most with blonde hair and the brightest blue eyes he’d seen in a long time. His shaggy blond hair and grimace did look a touch familiar but it was the way the man moved that really caught Jason’s attention. He approached with purpose and took a seat at his booth.
“Uh, beach is that way, dude,” he snarked as he pointed toward the coast.
“Shut up, Jason,” the man hissed.
He blinked in surprise as he scowled at the blond before him. “Who…?” He shook his head as he looked over the stranger. Blond hair, like platinum blond hair. The guy had stood at least six foot four and he was built like a fucking terminator, or rather, built like The Terminator. “Holy shit!”
“Took care of a witch a few days ago,” he snapped. “Seems he had a few allies that took offense.”
Jason couldn’t do anything but stare at the man. Did Slade realize how gorgeous he was? Truth be told he’d always had a crush on the older man, but he’d seemed untouchable before. Now, all Jason wanted to do was touch. He tried to refocus on the conversation, but it was difficult.
“What’s your problem?” Slade snapped at him.
“Nothing,” he answered immediately. “Just a little taken back, that’s all.”
Slade sneered. “Yeah, that’s why I need your help.”
“Gotta kiss a real boy to turn back into an old frog?” He couldn’t help but tease the old man.
Those sky-blue eyes rolled as Jason was grabbed roughly by the collar. The speed and the skill warned that despite being a good two or three decades younger than he should be and forced to see out of two eyes, Slade was still very much a dangerous man who didn’t always appreciate the lip.
“Your fairy tales are crossed,” Slade growled low. “I don’t know what the fuck I need, but I do believe the spell will resolve itself eventually.”
As soon as Jason was released, he nodded. “How soon?”
“Couple weeks at least, couple months at the most.” Slade frowned.
“So… What did you need me for?”
“I need to lie low,” he answered quietly. “You’re one of the few capes that owes me a favor and one that won’t drag me to Arkham or Blackgate.”
Jason nodded, but then paused. Wait, did that mean? “Slade,” he whispered as he leaned forward to make sure no one else could hear. “Are your enhancements… you know?”
“Gone?” Slade huffed. It would have been funny if it wasn’t so terrifying. “It’s not something I’m willing to explain.”
“But it leaves you vulnerable,” he reasoned and when he saw the glare added quickly; “Or well, as vulnerable as someone like you can be.”
Slade nodded. “You gonna help me or not?”
He leaned back and nodded. “I’ve got a few places you can hide out, not all of them are dumps,” he explained softly. He noticed a few women were staring at Slade as they passed by, especially the waitress who looked like she was trying to hype herself up. “Do you see the effect you are having on people?”
To Jason’s further surprise, Slade blushed! Like actually blushed. His cheeks turned red and he didn’t even scowl or growl at Jason. Yeah, he was a master of self-control with his enhancements, but it seemed he didn’t have the molecular level of control over his body at the moment.  He wondered if Slade was even aware of the way his cheeks turned red.
He was about to ask when the waitress finally sidled over. “Anything I can get you, handsome?” She grinned.
Slade jaw ticked as his fists clenched on the table. “He’ll have coffee, black and a Denver omelet. I’ll have the biscuits and gravy.”
The woman pouted a little, but made off to get their order put in. “Thanks,” Slade grumbled.
“This is really throwing you off your game, isn’t it?” Jason didn’t smile. He absolutely bit back the temptation to continue pestering the man about his predicament and be an adult about it.
Slade didn’t answer, obviously working on trying to control himself. Whatever he tried; it didn’t work. If looks could kill, Jason would be a dead man. The narrowed eyes, the unholy sneer on his lips? It was intense and not something Slade had been prone to in the past unless he wanted to strike fear into the hearts of any surrounding him.
“Jason,” Slade started, but was interrupted by the shout of another.
Slade turned and Jason looked toward the front where Dick and his partner Devon Peterson had just entered. His brother was all smiles as he and the other cop approached them. He looked down at Slade and Jason almost wondered if Slade’s non-existent cover had already been blown. To be fair, Dick had the most familiarity with the assassin. They’d been enemies, reluctant allies, and had briefly shared a partnership in which Slade had tried to be something of a mentor.
If anyone had known what Slade looked like as a young man, Dick would make the most sense.
“Who is this?” Dick smiled as he looked down at the younger version of his former antagonist.
Slade looked like he was going to tease Dick as he was so used to doing, so Jason kicked him beneath the table. “Hey Dick, this is,” he glanced at Slade to be sure there would be no retaliation and to try and think. “This is uh… Well, he’s…” Shit. Maybe he should have allowed Slade to speak.
The only problem was that Jason had never trusted Devon. He’d been Dick’s partner for a year and seemed shifty as fuck. He frowned and looked to Slade, trying to impress upon him the knowledge or paranoia he had about the other cop. Not that Slade was a fan of cops anyhow. They usually made his life a touch more difficult than necessary.
“Fuck, you know what,” he stalled as he formed a really half-assed plan. “This is my boyfriend.”
Devon’s eyes widened in surprise. “You’re gay?”
“Wow, Jay, really?” Dick smiled. “How long?”
“C-couple of months. I just… you know how I am with relationships… I didn’t want to say anything until I was sure. You know what vultures the media can be.”
Dick nodded; the poor guy knew better than most, he really did. Jason almost felt bad for the oldest of Bruce’s kids. He’d been under a microscope the moment he turned eighteen. Tabloids ran a story on anyone they thought he might be dating and definitely anytime he’d broken up with them. Hell, there’d even been an article devoted to all of Dick’s one-nightstands a few months back.
“You gonna introduce me to your boyfriend?” Dick smiled, he and his partner still standing beside their table. Devon looked bored and a little irritated, but Dick was practically glowing.
“This is… Lance,” He almost cringed but frowned when he saw the furious expression on Slade’s face.
He couldn’t help it though. Slade looked like some kind of New Kid on the Backstreet or something. He was absolutely gorgeous and the first name that popped into his head was Lance. He was so fucking dead. Slade Wilson, who already had a porn star’s name, was now Lance.
“Hi, Lance, I’m Jason’s brother, Dick,” he offered his hand to Slade.  
Lance hid the rage from his eyes as he looked up at and took the offered hand. “That’s not my name. Your asshole brother just insists on calling me that because he thinks I look like a boyband loser,” Slade sneered. “My name is Liam, Liam Kelly.”
Dick laughed and nodded. “Yeah, Jason’s always been a bit of an ass,” he nudged Jason’s shoulder as he spoke. “Well, we’re just grabbing our breakfast to go, but it was a pleasure meeting you, Liam. I hope we see you at dinner this Sunday.”
“I doubt I’ll be in town,” Slade started.
“He’ll be there,” Jason insisted. “Now get outta here before your partner strangles you or something.”
Devon rolled his eyes before turning from them and walked back to the front of the diner without Dick. Jason really, really hated the guy. He wondered how corrupt the officer was. If he was just an asshole or if he was dirty, or maybe even a mole for someone.
“Sounds great!” Dick grinned to Liam. “Catch you later, Jay!”
As soon as he was out of range, Slade had him by the collar again. “What the Hell do you think you’re doing, Jason?”  
“Protecting you and doing myself a favor at the same time,” Jason explained. “Look, the family is always on me about not taking anything seriously. If they think I have a real boyfriend instead of some throwaway lover, they’ll stay off my ass for a bit. You dump me in front of them, like at Thanksgiving dinner at the end of the month? Dude, they’ll leave me alone for the rest of the season at the very least!”
“So, this will be your payment for allowing me to lie low? Putting my new persona in danger just so that you can have a date to some holiday functions coming up over the next four weeks?” Slade definitely looked against it. Still, Jason could only nod. “Fine, but you embarrass me or fuck me over in any way, and I swear I’ll gut you.”
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bigskydreaming · 5 years
Imagine that Dick and Jason liiiiiive to synchronize their Let’s Be Shits schedules just in time for any posh gala the Wayne children are expected to attend.
Some Douchebag is like “So, Richard. What is it you do, these days?”
And Dick just plasters on the most vacuous smile in existence, like the kind that could only be engineered in a lab by combining Brucie with a Colgate commercial for sparkling teeth, special effects included.
And he’s like, “Oh, I’m an instagram model and social influencer.”
And then Jason appears out of nowhere, swaying on his feet and throwing an arm around Dick’s shoulder as if to support himself, hiccuping a little and splashing some of his wine over the edge of his glass (its apple juice, of course).
“So am I,” he says, punctuating with another hiccup. “But only like. Ironically.”
Dick leans in towards the Douchebag as if to confide a secret, as the latter tries to lean away whilst still figuring out what expression his face wants to produce. 
“He keeps saying that like it means something, but I’m not sure it does. I think he saw it on a youtube video and just started copying it. That’s not copyright infringement right? Bruce’ll probably be pissed if he has to pay out another lawsuit for copyright stuff after I just got in trouble for trying to sell tickets to my band’s show without getting permission to use all the songs we did. Like, how was I supposed to know you needed permission to sing songs? Isn’t this, like. America?”
The Douchebag starts stammering and attempting to edge gracefully away - hell, he’ll settle for not gracefully, he really was never even looking for an answer in the first place, just a soundbite he could reenact for his snobby friends later. This was more than he was actually prepared for.
Jason meanwhile surges forward and grabs a hold of Douchebag’s suited arm, acting like he still needs the support.
“Hey. It does so mean something, and I came up with it on my own, I didn’t steal shit. If I was going to steal stuff, I’d go for the silver, not words, how dumb do you think I am? He’s always doing this,” he complains to the Douchebag. 
“Just because I didn’t start school until the sixth grade and had to bribe our little brother to take all my tests for me, he acts like I don’t even know what words mean. But he’s the one who only passed his senior year of high school by getting Playgirl to do a photoshoot of him when he turned eighteen just before finals, and then most of his teachers just made sure he passed so they wouldn’t feel pervy because they’d gone gaga over his photos and then he got held back a year and they had to see him every day and feel sketchy.” 
Dick spreads his arms wide as if an extremely self-explanatory point has just been made.
“Hello? Is that, or is that not, a display of genius?”
“Really, I do have to be going, I think I see my old business partner waving at me from over there - “ the Douchebag says somewhat desperately. 
“Dammit Jay, look what you did.” Dick wails dramatically. He even stomps a foot for good measure. Jason’s struggling not to laugh. “You’re embarrassing us in front of one of Bruce’s guests. Now he thinks we’re low class and its going to be all over the news and this is gonna be the last straw and Bruce’ll get fed up and say we can never go to these things again and its going to be all your fault and none of this would ever happen if you weren’t always like. Ugh. What’s the word.”
The Douchebag is hastily assuring them he doesn’t think they’re embarrassing or low class and he’s not going to tell anyone otherwise, while still trying to pry his jacket sleeve loose from Jason’s iron grip. Jason meanwhile appears oblivious to anything the Douchebag says or does, as he fixates on his brother and starts waving his own arms around dramatically....which sends Douchebag stumbling in the process, all without either brother seeming to notice.
“Well I’m sure I can’t help you, since I don’t know words so good,” Jason hisses equally dramatically. “I’m just a fucking dumbass from the Narrows, isn’t that right. I’m not some fancy circus boy like you were, all I had to practice reading on as a kid was my rap sheet.”
He moves to fling his arms over his head in exasperation, and tears the Douchebag’s suit sleeve with a resounding ripping noise in the process. Douchebag stares at the remains of the jacket that cost several thousand dollars that he doesn’t have, because he’s a pompous jackass who lives beyond his means in an attempt to fund his social ladder climbing expeditions.
“Now look what you did,” Dick cries, flinging his head back as if in total despair, the black locks of his hair flying from side to side in theatrical disarray. “Do you even know how much that poor man’s suit must have cost him? Probably more than my parents’ trailer, I’ll bet you that much.”
“Really, its quite alright,” the Douchebag tries to insist through clenched teeth. It wasn’t, in his eyes, not by a long shot, but he forced himself to remember that for whatever reasons, these two...peasants were still Bruce Wayne’s chosen wards....or well, worse yet...adopted sons. God, but that man’s abyssmal IQ was an absolute plague on Gotham’s high society. “It could have happened to anyone.”
“No, please, don’t try and cover for him, he’ll never learn that way. You must let us pay for the damage, Bruce will just take it out of his allowance, it’ll be fine,” Dick says, patting at the man’s arm feverishly as if he can smooth out the gaping hole left by the flap now hanging limply down the man’s sleeve.
“Oh, I’ll never learn? How about you, destroying Bruce’s grandmother’s antique china at the birthday party you tried to throw for Damian after Bruce specifically asked you not to try and play host anymore?” Jason gets in his brother’s face, liquid sloshing over the side of his erratically swinging glass and in the process splashing all over the back of the Douchebag’s neck.
“I was trying to actually do something nice for someone else, not that you’d know anything about that,” Dick hisses obnoxiously loudly. “How was I supposed to know you weren’t supposed to use steak knives to cut up food on china? Its not like plates come with instruction manuals!”
“Not like you’d know how to read them if they did!”
“Have you never heard of Youtube tutorials?”
“Have you never heard of shut the fuck up, you absolute dillhole?”
“Would both of you stop it? You’re causing a scene!” The two’s younger brother Timothy arrived on the scene, smoothly sliding between them and the ecstatically grateful Douchebag, who backpeddles out of the way at the first available opportunity. Tim throws him an apologetic glance, but the Douchebag barely notes it as he furiously makes for the side entrance as fast as he can, with the less people seeing his disheveled state the better. 
So much for the networking he had planned on doing the rest of the night. He firmly vowed to steer far clear of the eldest two Wayne buffoons at all future events Brucie insisted on inflicting the oafs on the rest of them.
All of which of course means he completely missed the way the brothers’ dramatics hushed into heated whispers upon Tim’s arrival, or the high five Dick and Jason slipped each other discreetly.
“Let’s see Brucie top that,” Jason says smugly.
“Oh god. You’ve finally done it. You’ve turned a charity event into a war games scenario.”
“Oh please. All of that money goes straight into the board of directors’ pockets,” Dick says dismissively. “The only actual money being raised for charity tonight is from the jewelry Selina’s liberating from the guests. And Damian and Cass already called dibs on helping her with that, and Duke’s already doing the scorekeeping for when that inevitably turns into a competition, so we were bored. And left alone to our own devices. So really if anyone’s to blame its everyone but us.”
“Sides, this is a time honored tradition for us,” Jason adds with a smirk. “We call it guerilla class warfare. We’re sleeper agents for the working class, see.”
“You’re the reason the Valentinos never show up to any Wayne Enterprise hosted events anymore, aren’t you?” Tim realizes.
“Some of our best work,” Dick reminisces fondly. Their little brother sighs.
“Please at least tell me you never actually posed for Playgirl.”
Dick shrugs. “Oh, they offered, but even when Bruce and I were at our worst, its not like I ever actually wanted to give him a stroke.”
“Continuity error,” Jason points out smugly. “Total amateur move.”
Dick merely arches a brow. “Not when I can simply claim Bruce must have paid to cover it up for the sake of the family image, and was absolutely furious at my besmirching of the good Wayne family name. And wait a second, weren’t you the one who introduced that into the scene in the first place? I just yes and-ed according to the rules of improv, like the professional that I am.”
“Yeah, that doesn’t sound right,” Jason says, completely unperturbed. Not an ounce of perturbed in sight. He continues on smoothly. “And if Sir Douchely of Douchington actually digs a little deeper and yet can’t seem to find anyone who recalls ever actually seeing this oh so salacious spread?” 
Dick’s shit remains unphased.
“I’ll simply flip the script and release the hounds aka Steph, Harper, Cullen and all three dozen of their twitter handles, wondering all over the Gotham social media highways just why someone of his standing is so intent on tracking down the homoerotic depravities of the eldest Wayne heir, given that despite his unjust leapfrogging up the social ladder, he is still ultimately a....commoner.”
“Ah yes,” Jason nods sagely. “And as all Gothamites know well, if you prick us, we doth not bleed blue. Just a terribly pedestrian red.”
“Oh the humanity,” Dick sighs. He joins his younger brother in nodding the slow, steady head-bob of the intellectually validated, their seeming rivalry melting into sibling synchronicity.
Tim eyes them and shakes his head side to side instead.
“You two disturb me.”
Jason shrugs. “Well, that does make sense. Don’t get me wrong, you’re our little brother and we’re terribly fond of you now, Timmers. But when the revolution comes, we will have to turn on you as well.”
“Fair is fair,” Dick hums in agreement. “We can’t play favorites. That’s how you get an upper class in the first place.”
“Yeah I don’t know what to do with this,” Tim sighs and heads off in search of Steph.
“Just FYI, your girlfriend’s Team Proletariat too. She’s got the T-shirt and everything,” Jason calls after him.
Tim swerves in mid-step and redirects himself towards Kate. At least their cousin slash-aunt-slash-nobody’s-bothered-to-parse-the-actual-relation-there could be counted on to be somewhat normal. Her idea of making a scene was to simply start a brawl, and Tim had overheard Bruce specifically elicit a promise from her earlier in the evening that she would throw no punches or kicks or headbutts or judo throws, nor any manner of actual or improvised weaponry.
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