#Billy x you x steve
loveswrites · 1 year
Alive Poly Harringrove x reader
Poly! Billy x Reader x Steve
Time it took me: Probably around 4 hours while watching a movie and cooking dinner.
Word Count: 1614
I wrote this for me but I wanted to post it so here you go my loves! <3
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"I don't want you to go." Billy said firmly.
"Wait what? You need me, you can't win this without me! Eleven can't win without me. She's not strong enough." You said, shaking your head.
"No you're not going!" Billy yelled, making you jump.
"Billy, you know she's right.. We need her, El can't do this without her." Steve said, running his hands through his hair. His eyes were slightly glossy and red. 
There was a new force of evil running through the veins of Hawkins. It was stronger than anything you've ever fought before. El has lost multiple times to it and so have you. The group has started to call it Vecna. You've had dreams about it, you've had visions about it. You've seen each and every outcome of this battle. 
You've seen them fail. 
You've seen you lose Yourself and everyone you love and care about. 
Billy.. Steve.. El.. Max.. everyone. That was your power. The gang Nicknamed you the fortune Teller or fortune cookie. You can see the future of everything and everyone. Every decision they make you can see their life path and purpose switch. Rather the ending is good or bad you can see it all. But you can’t necessarily tell them what happens or you lose sight of that person's path of life.
When you and El escaped from the lab you both were frightened to death. Both were scared of getting caught and taken back to Dr Brenner. You two were his favorites. And from your visions you knew he would stop at nothing to get you both back until he was dead. His ending was always the same. So much that you stopped looking for a different ending.
 He chose his life.
 And he chose his path.
You were a year older than El. You knew a lot more about life than she did. Only things from your vision though. You still knew very little. But that didn't stop you from immediately having a crush on Steve when you first saw him. You liked everything about him. From his big head of hair to his try hard charm. He liked you as well but he felt like the age gap was too much. Though you already knew that you saw the vision. You would always tell him small things about his future that you were sure would happen just to freak him out. 
Anytime Steve would talk about a girl or having another crush you'd always shrug it off and say "I don't know why you're so pressed about it, we're all gonna end up together anyways. You just have to wait for Billy" Each time he and everyone else would ask "Who's Billy?" "What are you talking about??" They all questioned you until Billy came into town a few months later.
When Mike,Lucas and Dustin came fussing about MadMax all you could do was smile. when they asked you why you said "Billy's here." They would tease you about having an imaginary boyfriend until they saw that Billy was MadMax's brother. 
"That's impossible." Lucas said.
"It's like she's a wizard! No guys hear me out-" Dustin yelled in excitement.
"No, that's crazy!" Mike screeched.
That was until you met Billy. He was busy yelling at Steve about something you can't remember about what. You walked into the room and when his eyes landed on you his eyes softened and his voice lower. The rest of the gang was there, staring at the scene unfolding in front of them.
"Hello Billy." You said softly, smiling at him.
"Do I know you pretty girl?" He questioned softly, frowning his eyebrows.
"You feel that flutter in your chest? It's a sign that you already know me Billy. You've felt it for a couple of days haven't you?" You said walking closer to him. As you did Steve backed up a little from Billy's grip.
"How did you know that?" He whispered tilting his head.
"You shouldn't fight with Steve like that. We'll be together, all three of us. I wouldn't want any fighting when I'm around. It's a headache." You finally made your way to Billy. Bringing your hand up to his check you tucked his hair behind his ear. To which he leaned his head into your hold. 
"Who are you?" He questioned.
"You already know."
Approximately 2 months later from that day You, Steve and Billy started dating.  It was very bumpy in the beginning. Steve and Billy fought a lot no matter if it was about you or not. But you always were the only one to be able to break them up and for them to just kiss and make up like big boys. 
Everyone was shocked when you three started dating besides El. She knew your visions were always real. Soon after everyone did too. Whenever you didn't want to do something and you were adamant about not going somewhere. They all knew something bad would happen so they all would just stick with you. The group has grown to trust your judgment. To the point they would ask you pointless questions about their day to day life.
"Can I go to the grocery store?" Joyce asked, holding onto her purse looking at you. 
"Yeah? Why wouldn't you be able to?” You questioned.
“Just checking.” Joyce said, walking away with a soft smile.
“Is this going to be a good brush for my hair or am I just wasting my time?” Steve asked, holding up a brush for you to see.
“Your hair will tangle up easier.” You said as Billy tightened his hold on your waist.
“Damn it.” Steve said, walking to put the brush down.
“Is Mike ever going to pay me back?” Lucas said, running up to you panting out of breath.
“Most likely not.” You said shrugging, flipping the page of the magazine you were holding.
“I told you! I knew it!” Lucas yelled to Mike.
“She doesn’t know what she’s talking about! She doesn’t know what I’m gonna do in the future!” Mike screeched out.
“Like hell she does!” Dustin yelled out.
“You’ll die! I can’t let that happen.” Billy said, shaking his head. 
He started to pace the room. A sign that you’ve learned that he does when he's scared or nervous. You're sure he's feeling all of those things right now. Billy is way more protective over you than Steve is. Steve will be protective over you till a certain extent. Billy will protect you to his death. He refuses to let anyone hurt you. Even himself. 
“Way to throw good vibes in the air.” Steve mumbled under his breath.
“I’m not fucking around right now Harrington!” Billy said pushing Steve a little too hard to your liking.
“Billy, I will be fine. But I can’t sit around and watch you all die knowing I could have tried.” You said without even thinking.
“All of us?” Robin questioned.
“Oh great. Just great! She’s confirmed our death and you guys still want to go?!” Eddie said, jumping up from the sofa. 
“We’re gonna die..” Nancy said, looking down.
“I- It’s a path but it’s not the only one! Billy I have to go or else it will be the only path. As much as you love me I can’t let that happen. I would never be the same. They’re my family.” You said keeping eye contact with Billy. His eyes were facing the ground. His eyes kept moving like they were searching for something but you know it was his attempts to keep his tears in. 
“I- I..” Billy struggled to say. You walked closer to him with your head tilted a little.
“Billy, I have to go.”
“I can’t lose you. You're all I have. I can’t live a life without you.” Billy said lowly. His voice cracked a little but you heard him perfectly fine.
“You won’t lose me. I promise. And I’m not all you have.. You have Steve.” You said promising and in attempts to make him feel better.
Billy let out a bitter laugh.
“We fight like dogs.” He huffed out.
“Because you love each other just as much as you both love me. Just in your own ways.” You said softly grabbing his billy lifting it up slightly so you could see better. Wiping his tears you kissed his lips softly. 
“We're going to be okay. I promise.”
“Pinky promise?” Billy and Steve said at the same time making them look at each other as Steve moved closer.
“Pinky promise.” You answered softly, smiling.
Steve kissed your forehead and brung the three of you into a small group hug. You all felt each other relax in each other's hold. With this you saw their life paths change. They’d stick together no matter what happened tonight and that was all you needed. If there was a sacrifice that had to be made, Your two lover boys would have each other's backs to the end.
“So are we still going?” Eddie asked, making you three break away from the group hug.
“Yeah we are.” You said nodding. 
“And are we all going to live?” Erica questioned.
“If that’s what you call it.” You said starting to walk away.
“Wait what?! What do you mean by that?!” Eddie screamed.
“Oh hell.”
“That’s it! We're doomed!” Dustin said.
This would be one hell of a fight and all you knew was One of you was not walking away from it alive. And you would be damned if it was one of them.
There all you have.
And no one was going to take them from you.
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bookshelf-dust · 1 year
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billy hargrove x gn!reader
word count: 5,445
warnings: swearing, smoking, mentions of past trauma (starcourt), slight sexual innuendos??
a/n: hi! remember when i made you do a poll for my 1k celebration? and one bed with billy won? well this is that fic! i'm sorry it took so long to get here, but school was kicking the ever loving shit out of me. anyways, i really hope you like it. it's a little different than other fics i've written, but i think that's a good thing. just for context, this is post the end of season three, with billy and hopper being okay and jopper being in full swing. i think that's all i wanted to say. thanks again for 1k followers. that's still so wild to me. i love you. and billy loves you too <333
November 1985
“What do you mean no? You just fought an interdimensional being, don’t you want a vacation?” 
Lucas wipes both hands down his face, flopping down on the arm of the couch beside where Max sits with El between her knees, tying off one of the two braids she’s trying to make. 
“Max, can you help me? Please?” Lucas has been arguing about this for fifteen minutes. 
She rolls her eyes, but looks up from her work nonetheless. “Billy.”
The man in question crosses his arms, locking eyes with the redhead. “Maxine.”
Max finishes Eleven’s braid and she hops up to join Will where he’s working on a puzzle. Joyce brought it home from work a few days ago, and it’s been spread out on a card table in the corner of the living room since then. Will couldn’t watch The Golden Girls with Joyce from the kitchen table. 
“Just come with us, Billy. We all know you hate it here. It’ll give you a chance to get away for a little while.”
Except that’s not totally the truth. He doesn’t hate it here. Not with you around. 
“There’s a pool.” Will looks up, a little shyly, from the puzzle, fingers flipping around a single piece. “At the place Robin found.” 
Billy nods, and it’s enough to make Will smile at the acknowledgment. 
It’d been Steve’s idea, after everything that happened in July. He thought everyone going on a trip together might be a good idea. Go a little ways out from home, calm down. 
You and Billy started going to school, though Billy is still working. He found a job at a record store across the street from Melvald’s that opened after the mall went to shit. It definitely wasn’t his first choice, but it works. And he’s slowly fixing up the Camaro. 
Steve had offered to pay for the repairs in full, considering he did most of the damage when he rammed the side of it, but Billy couldn’t handle that. So far Max has only convinced him to let Steve cover the really expensive parts. It hurts Billy more than he’d care to admit—having Steve Harrington give him money. 
But he can’t lie, going somewhere away from Hawkins, even just for a couple days, sounds really nice. It’s the group part that’s bothering him. He’s still not used to everyone wanting him to tag along, but apparently major trauma brings people together.
There’s the slamming of car doors, and footsteps running up the driveway before the door swings open, Robin bursting in with a stack of movies in her arms. She’s followed by Dustin and then Steve, bags and keys being tossed every which way. 
Billy doesn’t see you for a moment and starts to worry maybe you aren’t coming. He’s already supplying excuses for having to go home, but Steve left the door ajar, and after a moment, there you are. 
You look sleepy, footsteps the quietest of everyone else as you carefully push the Byers’ door shut behind you. He watches as you accept a hug from Eleven, overhears her ask, “how did your test go?” 
He’s happy to hear you tell her it went well. It’s only after you’ve looked at her and Will’s puzzle and snapped a few more corner pieces in that you make a beeline for the open spot on the couch beside Billy. 
When you’ve settled, your knee bumps against his. “Hey.”
He looks at you, a little grin playing at the corners of his mouth. His arms are still crossed, thumb playing with the pendant resting on his chest. A chest surprisingly covered by a sweater, though the sleeves are pushed up. 
“Hey. Glad your test is over?”
That sound of his voice makes you smile, and he’s never been so grateful for something, even if it’s just an expression. “Yeah.”
You glance down at the new tattoo on his arm, a dark colored snake wrapping around the skin covering his elbow. You run your thumb across the tail that flicks across his forearm, and Billy relaxes into your touch. 
“You have work today?”
Billy shakes his head. You’re glad he had the day off. And you’d tell him so if it weren’t for the sudden bombardment. 
Lucas is suddenly standing in front of you, having returned from the kitchen where you think he and Dustin may have been cleaning out Joyce’s fridge. 
“Holy shit, thank god you’re here. I need you to convince Billy to go on vacation.” 
You glance at Max, assuming she’s already tried. She looks rather annoyed. “Lucas, would you sit down?”
The boy looks at Max, and she glares at him. Clearly he knows better and sits down next to her. 
“Billy doesn’t have to do anything he doesn’t want to do,” you finally say. 
The man in question turns to face you. You have to lean your head back some because of how close he is. 
“Are you going?” he asks, voice quiet and thick with something you don’t know that you’re supposed to notice. 
“Y-yeah. I was gonna. Robin only went on about it to me for an hour over the phone last night. I just think it might be nice to get away for a little while.” Billy doesn’t break eye contact with you, and while it makes you a little nervous, it tells you he’s listening.
“And I can watch Max for you if you really don’t want to go. Just make sure she doesn’t kill Lucas or anything.” Max snorts at your response, though Lucas looks at her in panic, already calculating how best to prevent that sort of situation. 
Your gaze softens and you fight the urge to reach out and run your thumb across Billy’s cheek. 
Please come with us. I want you to go. I want you there, you think. But it’s not what you say. You don’t know how badly he needs to hear it. 
“You really don’t have to go, Billy. Not if you don’t want to.”
“But there is enough space, man.” Steve stands behind the couch, handing El a scrunchie he retrieved from her bag. His voice is calm, informative. “If you decide to go. There’s plenty of room, and we’d be happy if you did.”
Billy could make some smartass remark. But he won’t. He knows that Steve is being honest, and that he’s not trying to be a dick. It seems that witnessing the guy who beat the shit out of you almost die not even a year after he moved to town really brings you together. 
Billy gives an acknowledging nod. “I’d be very happy if you did,” Eleven says. She loves having Jonathan as an older brother, really she does, but Billy lets her play with his hair. And in her books, that really ups the scale. 
He smiles at her, and El considers that a win. 
You notice him shift next to you, and then he’s leaning forward to whisper in your ear. “Come with me?” He cocks his head in the direction of the door. 
He gets up, assuming you’ll follow him. You always do. 
When you’ve shut the door, you move to the porch swing. It’s your favorite spot out here, and Joyce says it makes her happy to see someone use it. She used to sit there with Will in the mornings after Jonathan left for school and read to him. She did the same with Jonathan, but he was a much more fidgety kid, wanting to find something else to do. 
Billy lights a cigarette, and you watch where he fidgets with the ring on his middle finger. 
He’s standing a little ways away from you so as to not breathe the smoke directly in your vicinity, but you wish so badly that he was closer. You like having him close. The weight of his body next to you, the warmth, how solid his arm feels when it’s pressed to yours or when he slides down on the couch some and it's more so pressed to your side. 
“Which part of it are you worried about?” you ask him. 
He shrugs. “You really think they want me there? You think Max wants me around?” “Billy, I know she does. And I know that voice in your head is telling you that it’s a pity invite, but it’s not. And, besides…” you trail off, but he’s not having that. He needs you to reassure him. 
“Besides what?” 
You look up at him. “I want you to go. And yeah, I’ll be sad if you don’t go, but that shouldn’t sway your decision either.” You push your feet against the concrete porch a little harder, and the swing responds to the movement. You move quicker, now feeling very pleased with yourself. 
Billy almost laughs at the child-like look on your face, but you look so at home on the swing that he holds it in. A grin escapes nonetheless. 
“Say that again.” He stubs out his cigarette in the ashtray either Hopper or Joyce have left outside. He’s watching you again. 
“What?” He’s not gonna let you go all shy on him now. He needed to hear that. He needs to hear it. 
“You know what.”
“I want you to go.”
“Then it’s settled. Need to get out of this shithole anyways.”
The place Steve found is about two hours from Hawkins, with three bedrooms, a shockingly luxurious pull-out couch, and bigger common areas than you’ve ever laid eyes on. Excluding the ones in Steve’s house. In short, the rental is like Hopper’s cabin, if Hopper’s cabin were updated and substantially larger. It feels like the kind of place rich people have to take weekend trips. You’d rather not find out how much Steve is paying for the lot of you to stay there. 
Robin takes you on a grand tour while everyone else explores the backyard. Dustin is already determined to climb a tree. One of the rooms has two sets of bunk beds, dedicated to the four boys. “To ensure no cootie-spreading,” Robin proclaims. 
She and Steve will share the couch, with Max and Eleven in the smaller bedroom. 
Robin stops at the end of the hallway. “Which leaves…” 
You and Billy. 
You and Billy Hargrove.
Sharing a room. 
Sharing a bed. 
Speaking of, the man in question brushes past you, setting his bag on the floor at the foot of the bed. Robin takes that as her queue to leave and gives you a thumbs up on the way out. You hope she can feel your death stare on the back of her head, and she knows it, being quick to run down the hall. 
“So we’re roomies, huh?” Billy says, gathering his hair at the base of his neck. You hadn’t even realized he had a tie on him, and it takes him finishing off a lazy bun to realize it’s a blue scrunchie. You have to bite your lip to keep from saying anything. 
“I can sleep with Max and El, if you want. Or–”
That crease between Billy’s brows forms. “Why would you do that?”
You’ve gone all warm. You’d have to sleep in bed with him. And you sit next to him all the time, but this is different. Isn’t it?
Maybe it’s not so weird. You’re just friends. It’s like a sleepover, right?
“I don’t know, you might not want to sleep together or something.”
He cocks a brow, but you catch the double meaning of your words just in time. “You know what I mean, Billy.”
He sits on the end of the bed, and reaches out for you. You move towards him slowly, but the moment you’re within his grasp, Billy spreads his legs and grabs your waist, slotting your body between them. 
“You can go if you really want to. If you think I’ve got cooties or somethin’ and you don’t wanna share a bed with me.”
You snort, and Billy drinks in the sound, knowing he’s the one that made you laugh. 
“I don’t think you’ve got cooties.”
You realize in that moment that his hands haven’t left their spot on your waist, never straying anywhere else. The weight of them on you is enough to keep you focused on him, and he seems to acknowledge that. 
“Then what is it?” he asks, in that low drawl you fear could get out any answer he wanted from you. 
You hesitate, but say it anyway. “You don’t think it’ll be weird? Sleeping in the same bed?”
Billy fights the urge to rest his forehead against your stomach. He wants to tell you he’s wished you were in his bed on more than one occasion. Sometimes he just wishes you were there so it wouldn’t feel so cold, so he’d have someone to pull him out of his thoughts before they eat him alive altogether. 
“No, I don’t think it’ll be weird.”
You nod your head, and try to move back from him. 
Billy whines. “Uh uh. Nope.”
You go to put your hands on your hips, and they graze Billy’s on the way. He grabs hold of them. “You don’t want to have a sleepover with me?”
Billy’s looking up at you with those watery blue eyes, and you know this is a battle you’ll never win. 
He lets out a breath of a laugh, and your eyes fall to his neck when he tosses his head back. 
“Yeah, baby.”
It feels like every cell in your body has been sent into overdrive, like you can’t compute a single coherent thought. All because Billy called you “baby”. 
And if he’s being honest with himself, he feels the same way. He hadn’t meant to say it. It’s just that he calls you “baby” in his head all the time, and it just…happened.
“I’d love to have a sleepover with you, Hargrove.”
“Mhm. Thought so.” 
This time he lets the laugh out, and it’s a beautiful sound. The kind of sound you’d commit unspeakable acts to hear again. And this time, he does let his forehead drop to rest on your stomach. It surprises you, but you’re not mad about it.
“Oh, fuck off,” you say, and you can feel his chuckle against your skin.
When he quits, you find yourself just standing there, find your hands moving around his back. He’s always so warm. You rub your hands up and down his back, the denim of his jacket rough on your fingertips. 
You feel him shift, feel his change in position, the hard press of his chin against you. Billy is looking up at you, and you know he’s hoping you’ll return his gaze. His eyes bore into yours, and you hate to think of what you must look like from this angle. Clearly he doesn’t mind. 
You push a curl behind his ear, a shockingly perfect ringlet that’s too short to be contained like the rest of them. 
Billy would be taken aback by the gesture if it weren’t for the fact that you always go this easy on him. Like you know he’s healing, in more ways than one. 
“We can’t stay here forever, you know. I wanna go look around.” 
“Yeah,” he laughs. “I’m sure it’s riveting.” He lets you go anyway, following you down the hall to the rest of the cabin.
Your back rests on the base of an oversized chair, one that’s surprisingly comfy, your body in between Robin’s legs. She’s sitting next to Steve, watching you moderate El, Lucas, and Will play Twister. Dustin’s already out. 
“Right hand blue.”
“You’re kidding right?”
“Sinclair, have you never played this game before?”
Lucas scoffs, trying to reach the blue on the other side of the mat without toppling into Will. Max went with Billy to the store, but they should be back soon. You have a sick feeling they’re taking advantage of having been given Steve’s debit card. 
“Yes, I’ve played the game before. If you’re so good, why don’t you get down here and show us how it’s done, Harrington?”
“Yeah, Harrington, why don’t you show us how flexible you are?” Billy’s voice makes you look up from where you’ve been mindlessly twisting the spinner on the board around with the tip of your finger. 
He stands just inside the living room, holding the door open with his leg. He kicks it shut once Max has made it in. She heaves the paper bags she’d been holding up and onto the counter. Steve rises to help unpack them. You follow on instinct, handing the spinner to Robin instead, and Dustin is quick to take Steve’s spot before Mike can. 
Billy won’t let you take anything from him, but he will let you help figure out what the hell to do with all of it. “Do I even want to know how much you both spent?” you ask. 
He gives you that fucking smile, and you know you don’t. “Max said she wanted to have a spa night–whatever that means–with El, so we sort of split up. I’m sure Steve’ll live.” 
“For your information, Lucas,” Steve continues, clearly not ready to let the quips towards his limberness go, “I was the captain of the swim team.”
“What’s that got to do with being flexible, dingus?” Robin directs the two remaining players, the young boy in question having just busted his ass. 
“Swimming is an art form, Rob. You gotta learn to respect it.”
You choke on a laugh, and Billy is quick to rub your back while he chuckles into your shoulder. 
“Something funny over there?” Steve questions. 
You straighten, trying to wipe the smile from your face though it’s to no avail. “Nope, Steven. I’m sure you’re just incredibly stretchy. Like Mr. Fantastic.”
His brow furrows. “Mr. Fantastic?”
Dustin snorts, elbow deep in a bag of chips, and you quickly realize that you probably shouldn’t have given him an opening, but you don’t exactly regret it either. 
The lot of you spend the rest of the night in this fashion, playing games, eating way too much food, taking turns smacking the top of the television so your movie will keep playing. 
It feels like home. It feels safe. You wish it always felt this way. 
You’d just finished brushing your teeth when you hear the bedroom door click shut, hear footsteps you can tell are in search of you. 
You peek your head out of the bathroom and Billy grins at the sight of you in pajamas, a smear of moisturizer on your forehead you’ve yet to rub in. 
He squeezes in the small room, about the same size as his at home, to join you. There’s something about this moment, the domesticity of it, that makes your heart swell. It feels like something you could get used to, getting ready for bed with him. Neither of you have to say anything, you just do your own thing, but having him be there, having his presence–it’s more than enough for you. 
When you climb into bed, you try and read for a while, the sounds of Billy washing his face comforting you. You find it easy to read even when he does get in with you, the mattress sinking underneath his weight, the sheets rustling as he moves around experimentally, trying to get comfortable in a bed that isn’t his own. 
You feel odd though, reading when he’s right there, so it isn’t long before you close the book and slide further into the covers with him. Billy’s quick to turn on his side, wanting to see you like this. 
He watches you yank the blankets up to your chin, looking at him over a blur of fluffy white comforter. “It’s fuckin’ freezin’ in here,” you tell him.
“C’mere then.”
You burrow further into your pillow, fearing you know exactly what he’s going to suggest. “Huh?”
“You’re cold. You always whine about me being warm or somethin’ and I’m telling you to come here.”
“Stop.” He lifts the covers up some, untucking you from them, and he wraps his arm around your back, tugging you into his side. 
Suddenly you’re pressed against him, having slid across the sheets easier than you’d have imagined. 
He’s let go of you, his arm hovering over your back. “You want me to hold you or no?” 
Billy lets his arm drop against your side, his fingers splaying out over your back. He rubs his hand up and down your spine, hoping it’ll warm you up. “This okay?” 
He nods. You’re looking at him like he’s something special.
Billy realizes, in that moment, that that’s how you’ve always looked at him. Even before. 
He also realizes that your hands are tucked under your chin and your legs are curled up and into you like you’re afraid of making any contact with him. 
“You can loosen up, you know. It’s just me.” 
You let out a breath of a laugh, and he can feel it against the skin of his neck. 
“It’s okay, I promise. You can touch me.” Billy has this feeling that you’re afraid of hurting him. He’s sure you’ve noticed that he’s wearing a shirt to bed, something he never did before. And he thinks that you’re worried he’ll break. 
“You’re sure?”
“Wouldn’t have said so otherwise.”
He watches you unfold your hands and stretch your arm over him, hooking it around his hip. You want to rub up and down his side, but you’re nervous. 
It’s just me. 
“Do they hurt at all?”
Your thumb skates up a little further, and you don’t have to tell him what you mean. 
“Not all the time,” he says, voice low and thick with drowsiness. “At first, yeah, like hell. Now it’s just sometimes. They can feel a little tight, or just bug me. Depends, I guess.”
You nod, feeling brave enough now to slide your hand up a little further. Your touch is light, barely there. You close your eyes, trying not to think about when it happened. How he’d screamed. 
He can tell when you’ve calmed down some, because your arm relaxes and you hug him a little more firmly. You scoot in a little closer, close enough that your noses would touch if you tried to make them. 
“Goodnight, Billy.”
He makes the move, dragging the tip of his nose across your forehead. He kisses the top of your head, and you grin so wide you feel like a kid in a candy shop. 
“Goodnight, baby.”
When you wake up, you almost don’t want to disturb him, but you know you should get out of bed.
Billy is sprawled out on his stomach, having separated from you at some point during the night. His tank top is rucked up from the tossing and turning of sleep, and you look away when you catch a glimpse of pink skin. It doesn’t feel like your place to look. 
You wander out of the room, carefully shutting the door behind you. You make it down the hall, and find that Robin seems to be the only other one awake. You should’ve guessed. She told you once before that her body doesn’t seem to let her sleep in. 
Steve is still passed out on the pull-out couch, completely covered by the blankets. The only sign of him is a tuft of messy hair against the light colored pillow case his head rests on. 
Robin waves at you from her perch at the kitchen counter, a bowl of cereal in front of her. “Want some?” she whispers, pushing the box in your direction. 
You fill up your own bowl, having a feeling that Robin is about to ramble. 
“Sleep okay?” she asks. 
“Mhm. You?”
“Fine. Though, y’know, Steve is a horrific bed hog. Seriously, he was half on top of me the whole night. I might have to bunk with Max and El.” 
You laugh, and Robin takes that as her queue to ask what she’s been pondering since she woke up. 
“Was it okay? Sleeping with Billy? Well, not like that. Well, I’m assuming not like that, not that there’s anything wrong with that, but I just meant like actually sleeping? Please stop me.”
You grin at her. “Please breathe, Rob.” She does, over exaggerating her inhales. “And it was fine.”
“Okay, good. I was kind of worried you’d be frustrated with my matchmaking tendencies. I just really want you two to be happy. And he seems so calm when he’s with you, and I realize I’ve just told you that I’ve been pushing you two together and I–”
You wipe milk from your chin, having almost spit out your cereal. “Robin, sweetheart, it’s okay, I promise. I know about your matchmaking tendencies. But I think we’re just friends, right?”
“Just friends, my ass.” You hadn’t even seen Steve get up, but he’s reaching for the fridge and pulling out a carton of chocolate milk. He really can’t say anything about Dustin’s eating habits when he has the exact same diet. 
“Oh my god.”
“Listen, I’m just saying, there’s been something going on between you two since before the world went to shit. I don’t know why you two tiptoe around each other like it’s not obvious that you’re in love.”
“Steve!” you exclaim. “Seriously, what the hell? I’ve been up for like twenty minutes and you two are schooling me on my love life?”
“Or lack thereof,” Robin says. 
“Okay, damn. You know what, I’m going back to bed.” 
Steve pushes your bowl back towards you when you attempt to get up. “No, you’re not. I’m just saying, there’s no sense in avoiding this. You both clearly feel a lot for each other, and I don’t see any reason to avoid it when you could be together.” 
He’s being vulnerable with you, his big brown eyes boring into yours and trying to convey how serious he’s being. 
“Just think about it, okay? There’s no harm in talking about how you feel with him. And don’t say that you don’t feel anything, because that’s a goddamn lie.”
Billy’s had his swim trunks on all day, but he hasn’t done more than sit in the shade by the pool while everyone else makes a mess and plays ridiculous games in the water. 
It’s killing him to watch you in there from time to time, swimming around or sitting in the shallow end. You told him once that swimming calms you down. 
It’s not until after dinner, when everyone has moved inside for the most part, though there seems to be the plotting of a water balloon fight out front, that he’s brave enough to head for the pool. 
You follow him out there, see him contemplating the water. 
“Whatcha doin’?” 
Billy drops the cigarette he’d been smoking, snubbing it out. “Thought about going for a swim,” he tells you. 
“That sounds nice.”
“I can go back inside, if you want.”
Billy turns to face you. “No. No, I want you to stay.” He wants you to see. He can’t explain why, but he does. 
He takes a shaky breath, hoping you don’t catch it. You do. You always do. 
“I just…wasn’t ready for everyone to see.”
“I understand, Billy.” 
You know what he’s really saying. He wasn’t ready for everyone to see. But he’s ready for you to see. 
“I can get in first, if that helps. And I won’t look if you don’t want me to,” you say. 
“That helps, yeah. And you can look. It’s okay.”
He watches you wade in, watches the way your swimsuit changes color as you tread water. 
Billy takes another deep breath, and he’s pulling his shirt off. He’s quick though, diving straight into the deep end, knowing he needs to get it over with. 
When he comes up, his hair is sticking to his forehead, and he flips it out of the way, giving you a glimpse of the broad pink scar on his chest. 
He meets you halfway, and you think he’s in a serious mood until he’s splashing you like a child. 
“You motherfucker!” 
You get him back, and he’s laughing. 
Billy is laughing and he looks so pretty in the last of the day’s sunlight, beads of water sliding over his collarbones and down his arms, and you feel like you could die. Like seeing him this way is enough. You don’t need anything else.
You try to return a particularly aggressive splash, but he catches your waist, pulling you up and over his shoulder. 
“What?” His voice is teasing. He tosses the rest of the way over, your laughter fading out into the water. 
You come up, a brilliant smile on his face. Billy’s sure if you stood close enough you’d be able to hear his heart beating. 
When you’ve both gone quiet, your eyes drop to the scars on his sides, the way they stretch across his skin, mean and twisting. Some spots are darker than others, and while it hurts you to look at them, you know it must hurt him even more. But he looks just as beautiful as before, if not increasingly so. 
“See something you like?” Billy says it on instinct. To hide the fact that he’s worried you don’t really like it. That maybe you think he’s gross looking. But he knows that’s all in his head. He fucking knows it. 
“You’re fucking gorgeous, Billy Hargrove.”
You say it with such surety, such admiration, that he can’t even begin to doubt that you mean it. 
He smiles at you. It’s boyish. You’d do anything to see a million more of them. 
He moves towards you, the sky having darkened enough that the outside lights have come on, the lights in the pool too. All that remains of the sun is a slash of deep orange, though the night quickly pushes it away.
Billy’s got you backed up against the wall of the pool now. His hands find your sides.
It’s overwhelming, having him this close. You can feel his breath on your face, see the rise and fall of his chest, the freckles on his cheeks. 
When he kisses you, you think your heart stops. His mouth is warm against yours, and he tastes a little like chlorine, but you don’t care. Your hands find his face, and you’re smiling so hard that he pulls away because he wants to see. You don’t let him for long though, pulling him back, wanting more. He laughs into your mouth, and your chest aches with this feeling.
Eventually you do let go, and when you hold his eye contact, he knows what you’re going to say. He needs to tell you first, though.
“I’m in love with you, you know.”
“I know,” you respond.
He tosses his head back in a laugh, and you press a sweet kiss to his throat. 
“I’m in love with you too, Billy.”
“Damn right you are.”
You snort against his chest, lowering slightly to kiss his scar. His breath catches. He doesn’t know what he did to deserve you. 
“About fucking time!” Steve’s shouting and Robin is yelling, and Max would be making barf sounds if she wasn’t so pleased with seeing her brother so happy. 
“So much for that,” Billy says.
But you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
“I’m regretting this, Billy.”
“Stop whining.”
Billy wraps his arms tighter around your back, pressing a kiss to your jaw in hopes that you’ll let him keep doing this. 
“Get off.”
“Get off, please.”
“Make me.” 
There’s the sound of a slap, your hand having met his ass.
He raises his head from where he’d buried it in your chest, looking at you drowsily. “You just spanked me.”
And you’d do it again. 
“Didn’t work, did it?”
“No. Shut up and take it.”
By that he means continue letting him lay on top of you, his entire body pressed to yours. It doesn’t matter to him that there’s an entire bed, one that’s made for two people.
You settle for playing with his hair, something he seems to enjoy, and you’d mess with him about the fact that he’s essentially purring if it weren’t for him looking so content. 
He might be heavy, but having Billy Hargrove sleep on top of you isn’t exactly something you just give up. 
He’s never had this before.
Hell, you’ve never had this before. 
And he thinks it’s healing him. More than the salve he puts on his scars, or the physical therapy, or fixing up the Camaro. 
You’re healing him. You. 
please let me know if you liked this! feedback is always appreciated!! comments and reblogs mean more than you know. <33
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hellfirexclub · 2 years
Steve, Billy and Eddie’s reactions to you calling them daddy in bed.
a/n: Steve and Billy join the party! Been thinking hard about this so I had to put it into words and share a quick blurb for each boy. I'll happily do more for other characters if anyone wants that!
“Oh fuck baby, just like that” Steve moans loudly, his slick brown hair stuck to his sweaty forehead like a gorgeous halo. “God you feel so good” he groans, head thrown back and eyebrows knitted in pleasure. You were presently on Steve laps, riding him in slow, deliberate bounces. Steve’s hands are on your hips, guiding your movements and worshipping your curves before gliding his hands up your waist and then to your breasts. 
“Perfect tits” Steve moans as his lidded eyes run over your body, marvelling at the masterpiece that was you riding him. You begin to bounce faster on his lap and he throws his head back with a loud groan, snapping his own hips up to meet yours. You stop your movements as Steve picks up his pace and fucks you from below, hands back on your hips and digging in gently as he pounds you. You squeeze your eyes shut and moan loudly, wrapping your arms around his neck to hold yourself up. “You like that baby?” Steve coos, licking his lips as he looks into your blissed out eyes. 
“Yes I love it daddy” you moan out, hips stuttering as you try and grind against him. Steve would lose it at this, choking out a groan at how abrupt and hot it was. You try to hide your eyes with your hands shyly but Steve pulls them away and pins them tightly behind your back with one of his hands. 
“Say that again” he says desperately, chest heaving from his heavy breaths. His eyes burned into yours, glowing with desire and begging you to say it again. You swallow and look up at him with doe eyes, prompting him to take your chin in his hand and ghost his lips against yours as he repeats his words. 
“I-I said that I love it, daddy” you say quietly, biting your lip as you eye the gorgeous man in front of you. 
“Good girl” Steve coos, stroking your cheek and planting a soft kiss on your lips as he starts bucking his hips back up into you. He moans breathily as he feels you clench around him as you get close, his thumb finding your clit and rubbing gentle circles to push you over the edge. 
“Cum around daddy’s dick baby.”
Billy loves fucking you in missionary, getting to see the cockdrunk look on your face as he pounds you senseless and watches you shake under him. But more so he loves to get to see your legs splayed for him, and watch his cock slide in and out of your glistening little cunt. He loves to watch you try to take him as he completely destroys you. Billy had your legs up on his shoulders, folded against your chest as he fucked you relentlessly. His pace impossibly hard, spurred on by your loud mewls and the tears slipping past your eyes.
“Aw can you not take my cock baby?” Billy teases into your ear, licking the shell of it as he keeps up his fast pace. “Is it too big for your pretty pussy?” he asks in a strained voice, grunting as you clench around him. You moan loudly, blissed out and cock dumb, legs shaking as you feel yourself getting close again. 
“No daddy!” you manage to whine out, looking up at him with wide eyes. Billy lets out a loud growl as the words spill past your lips, stopping his movements with a hard thrust and keeping his cock buried in your cunt, his hand wrapping around your throat to make you look at him. 
“What was that, princess?” Billy asks darkly, voice laced with venom. “You shouldn’t have said that” he whispers into your face, grinding his hips into yours and pushing his cock deeper inside you. Your eyes flutter shut at the sensation, whimpering as his hand squeezes your neck just a little harder. Suddenly you’re being picked up and flipped around, gasping as he puts you on your hands and knees, roughly forcing your face down into the mattress as he slides back into you. 
“Now daddy’s going to have to ruin this little pussy” he spits, muscles flexing as your cunt clenches around him. 
His hands quickly find your ass, grabbing the flesh roughly as he slams back into you, watching your ass bounce against him. He slaps your ass hard, leaving a red handprint in its wake as he drives into you. You can only grip the bedsheets and babble nonsense as Billy fucks you through another orgasm, the cruel glint in his eyes letting you know this wouldn’t be your last. 
Eddie would get a lot more kinky the more he gets comfortable with his partner, especially if you’re kinky too. Once he’s used to fucking you, which he never quite feels like he is because boy does he get pussy drunk the second he sees your pussy let alone sinks into the tight warmth of it, you’ll get to see just how dominant he can be depending on his mood. This was one of those nights and Eddie had you in his handcuffs, chained between the bed frame so you can’t squirm away from him. He’d have eaten you out until your legs were shaking and you were begging him to  fuck you, shamelessly grinding his hard cock against the mattress at your noises and the sweet taste of you. Eddie then begins to tease your slit and slowly pushes a finger into your tight heat, so slowly that you moan in frustration and shake your hands to try and free yourself. 
“Not so fast princess” Eddie teases with a tut, wagging his finger at you. You let out a groan and arch your back, lifting your hips off the bed in need of more friction. Eddie pushes your hips down harshly and latches his lips back onto your clit as he works a second finger into you, making your toes curl as you mewl. 
“Please just fuck me daddy” you whine desperately, mouth opening before you could think. Eddie moans into your cunt, devilish eyes glinting at your from between your legs as he hears what you’d said. He leans up on his elbows and wipes his chin with the back of his hand, smirking dangerously at you, as thought he’d just found out something incredibly amusing.
“Daddy, huh?” Eddie hums, eyes not wavering from your pink cheeks and fucked out expression, “Now that I wasn’t expecting.” He sits up on his knees, slowly pulling his pants down his legs and letting his cock spring free, revelling in the mewls you let out once he’s exposed to you. He loves it when you get all flustered for him, pumping his cock in his fist while you whine and desperately buck your hips in the hopes of getting some friction. He oh so teasingly presses the tip of his cock to your pussy, biting his lip hard enough to draw blood as he watches you writhe and moan beneath him, still uselessly trying to free your hands from their constraints. 
“You want daddy to stretch you out with his cock?” He asks in mock sympathy, tucking your hair behind your hand ear as you nod frantically, tears practically forming in your eyes from how badly you need him. Eddie smirks at your submission, licking his lips and throwing his head back in pleasure as he begins to sink into you.
“You’re such a good girl for daddy baby, so tight.”
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whorrorfix · 2 months
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rafescurtainbangz · 5 months
+18 minor DNI
Loving girlfriend 🤝 boyfriend who can’t help but slip his hands under her t-shirt whenever they're alone. Sometimes he doesn't even realize he's doing it. It's second nature at this point. The man just loves your emotional support titties.
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chr0llossexygf · 2 years
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PAIRING: eddie munson x henderson!fem reader
SUMMARY: prom is coming up. you wanted to go with eddie, eddie didn’t wanna go with you. at least that’s what you thought. insecurities kick in and you refuse to talk or look at eddie. but he can’t stand a day without talking to you. how is he supposed to apologise when it’s a total misunderstanding?
part 1 / part 2
WARNING: eddie being a rlly stupid teen boy 😡. angst! reader is rlly insecure. cuss words. jason 🙄 cuz he needs a warning. THIS IS PART 1 and it’s rlly sad. eddie and reader are both 17
“ we’re goin-”
“ we aren’t going.”
you both say at the same time, you groan rolling your eyes. “ eddie come on we have to go it’s prom!” you whine covering your face annoyed. “ absolutely not. it’s prom it’s for weirdos.” he says while wiping his guitar with a tissue. “ but eddie. we literally are weirdos. stacy mckay is handing out party invitations and we’re here talking about a fantasy game.” you say laying back down. “ yeah but henderson prom is for jocks and cheerleaders with daddy’s money.” he says cracking his knuckles. “ eds come on it’s our last-maybe your last year in highschool with me, just go to prom with me.” you whine standing up, you look around and see people in the parking lot. forgetting you were chilling on the school roof. you quickly sit back down making eddie chuckle, “ just go with your brother henderson.” eddie says laying down. you snap your head towards him, “ excuse me? i’m not going to the prom with my brother that’s so lame!” you grown. “ but we are lame for the love of god henderson.” eddie yells.
“ your going.” you stand up again, eddie covers his face with his hand. “ yeah no i’m not.” he says. you raise an eyebrow, “ yes you are.” you say holding your hand out for him. he takes it and stands up, “ nope!” he says running then jumping off the roof to the parking lot floor. you roll your eyes following him. “ this is why you have no female friends.” you say flipping him off. “ sure henderson.” he says taking your finger trying to put it in his mouth. “ ew go away.” you say shoving your hand in your pocket. eddie smiles, “ still not going.” he says crossing his hands. “ i hate you.” you say giggling. eddie puts his hands over his chest, “ oh god i’m so hurt!” he says pouting. you flip him off moving closer to him as you two walk into school.
“ freak.” someone says behind eddie, he turns around closing his locker. jason- oh god jason? what does he want with eddie. “ what do you want dipshit?” eddie says crossing his hands. jason takes a deep breath in smiling, eddie smirks. “ is your uh really hot friend going to prom?” jason says smirking tilting his head. eddie stops smirking. “ can’t ask her yourself?” eddie says pushing jason out of the way. “ come on freak, just wanna know if she’s going.” jason says catching up, putting his hand on eddie’s shoulder stopping him. eddie takes a deep breath in looking back at jason. “ yes she’s going. now go shoot your balls into laundry baskets.” eddie says shoving jason’s hand off of him. “ will do. thanks freak.” jason says patting eddie’s shoulder.
“ your not going to the prom with him” eddie says crossing his hands leaning back on your bed, “ what?” you say turning around throwing the dress you had over your body on the floor. “ why not?” you say tilting your head to the side. “ because it’s jason. ” eddie says reaching over your nightstand picking up a cassette . “ hey hands to yourself.” you say snatching the cassettes. he throws his hands up in defeat, “ come on are you seriously thinking of going with jason?” eddie says. “ yes munson.” you grown jumping on your bed covering your face. “ you seriously pick prom with jason over playing dnd? with me and dustin?” he says standing up walking to your perfume stand, spraying some of your perfume on himself. “ yes.” you blatantly say.
eddie turns around flipping you off. “ come on it’ll be fun munson! just for like 10 minutes.” you say standing up grabbing his hand. eddie turns the other way because he knows, if he looks into your eyes he’ll give in. your beautiful eyes jesus. “ we can go wearing hellfire shirts.” you suggest, eddie turns around. “ really?” he says in shock. “ no.” you say pushing past him to your closet. “ how about this one?” you say turning around holding up a baby blue dress. it’s a v-neck dress that reaches the floor, it’s usually worn with silky white gloves and a pearl necklace. “ do you like it?” you ask looking at eddie.
eddie stares, and stares hard. the image of you in the dress made him blush. blush. like blush a lot. “ hellooo! earth to eddie!” you say shaking the dress. your laugh, “ dustin!” you yell out loud. “ dustin henderson!” you yell again. “ what?” dustin says walking into your room with a bar of nougat in his hand. “ is this pretty?” you ask looking back at the dress. “ no way eddie is going to prom?” dustin says gasping. eddie shakes his head snapping out of his day dream, “ no your sister is going with jason.” eddie says standing up walking up to dustin. “ what?!” dustin yells. “ quiet!” you yell at your brother. “ why aren’t you going with eddie? he’s perfect!” dustin says looking at eddie. “ i wanted to! he doesn’t wanna go to prom with me!” you say throwing the dress on your bed crossing your hands.
“ eddie?!” dustin says crossing his hands too. “ oh my god does it run in the family?” eddie says chuckling. “ i don’t wanna go to prom because cheesy and lame.” he says throwing his hands up in defeat. “ that’s the point of the prom!” you whine sitting on the bed. “ ask steve.” dustin says. “ what? steve?” eddie says in offense.” yeah maybe i will.” you say laying down on your bed. “ you can’t ask out steve harrington.” he says crossing his hands annoyed. “ why not? its either him or jason.” you sit up crossing your hands too. “ unless..” you sing raising your eyebrows jokingly. he throws a pillow hitting you. “ absolutely not.” he says. you groan. “ is it cuz it’s me?” you say turning to look at him. “ what?! no!” he yells. “ then why not.” you say.
“ if it was chrissy asking you. you’d 100% say yes.” you mumble laying back down. he remains silent. why is he silent? you sit back up crossing your hands. “ wait seriously?” you scoff. you and dustin make eye contact. “ wow fine okay.” you stand up walking out of your room. you slam your bedroom door. you walk to the front door. putting on your converse. you open the door. grabbing your bike you immediately start riding it. are you over reacting? are you just insecure? fuck its so stupid. why couldn’t he just tell you he wanted to go with chrissy instead of having you ask him over and over again. it was humiliating. and stupid.
you start tearing up. it was dark. the only light coming from your bike. why are you starting to tear up. fuck this is so stupid. was it because you felt humiliated? or was it the fact that eddie wanted to go with chrissy and not you? who wouldn’t though. chrissy is so pretty. so so pretty. she was extremely nice. you feel so dumb and pathetic. you continue riding your bike as tears roll down your face. you take a turn to the richer side of town. you look around. you spot the house your looking for. you start paddling faster. you get off your bike. standing infront of the house you wipe your tears roughly. you take a deep breath in. you walk up to the door and knock. you gulp as the door opens revealing
“ are you crazy?! chrissy over my sister?” dustin yells throwing a cassette at eddie. eddie dodges it. “ no! no no never!” eddie yells back standing up. “ then what!” dustin yells again spit coming out of his mouth. “ i don’t want her to ask me out!” eddie yells back. dustin steps back. “ no not like that! it’s because i wanted to! i had this whole thing planned and i don’t want her to ask me out!” eddie yells grabbing the cassette. “ what?!” dustin yells again. oh for fuck sake.
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bellaramseysgf · 2 years
Knees Buckle (The Boys)
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Warning(s); sloppy kissing, sensitive mouth,lowkey mean boys,cumming without being touched,crying/crying kink.
Pairing(s); The Boys X (Afab) Fem! Reader.
Summary; you regret telling your friends that your mouth is sensitive.
A/n; …..this is for @toomanybandstocare 🫡
“It was embarrassing! Stop laughing!” You pouted crossing your arms as you leaned against Eddie’s trailer wall. Eddie chuckled sipping his beer bottle “I’m sorry sweetheart!” Billy nodded “Cmon it’s a little funny” he added. “You guys are just fucking assholes” you sat your bottle down on his coffee table.
“Did your knees really give out? Just from a kiss?” Steve asked and you nodded “it’s normal!! I have a overly sensitive mouth anyway!” You defended and the three men looked at each other. “How sensitive?” Billy asked and you shrugged “I don’t know how to answer that Billy” you leaned back against the wall. “I’m sorry you had a bad date” you rolled your eyes “sure you are billy” “I am!” He defended hiding his smirk with his bottle of beer.
“You’ve always been sensitive” you furrowed your brows at Steve “what’s that supposed to mean!” “Even in school! If a guy just brushed your arm you’d be unable to speak” you rolled your eyes “not true…” “so true! When you first met billy you could barely form the word hi” “I’m anti social! Shut up Harrington!” He rolled his eyes.
“You aren’t sensitive when I touch you” Eddie pointed out “well yeah because I’m used to it. You’ve known me since we were 4” you sighed “I’m never gonna find a boyfriend” “sure you will!” Billy said and you continued to pout. “Dolly, stop pouting” Billy stood up sitting his bottle down and stalking over to you. “Cmon smile for me” he cupped your cheeks and your face flushed from his close proximity.
“What’s gonna make you smile hmm?” He tucked hair behind your ear and you felt like your brain was mushed. Billy chuckled “will a kiss make it better?” He offers and you nod “mhm” you mumble expecting him to kiss your cheek like normal. He smiled and dipped his head down pressing his lips to yours, you let out a gasp and he pressed his tongue into your mouth. His hand cupped the back of your neck keeping you pressed to him.
Your hands fisted his red button up your knees feeling week and like they were about to give out until he pulled away. You gasped leaning down into his chest as he smirked “did your knees wanna give out pretty girl? Hmm?” You didn’t say anything just focused on trying to fix your breathing and Steady your jelly legs.
You didn’t even get a chance because Steve was pushing Billy out of the way and capturing your lips in his and you whined your thighs trembling. Steve gripped your chin keeping you held to his mouth as he kissed you pleasure shooting though you from your mouth. Steve pulls away leaving your lips wet and sloppy and you’re clinging to him.
Your release is once again short lived as Eddie grabs you and tugs you to him kissing you just as roughly as the other two. He wrapped a arm around your waist helping you to stand as he kissed you roughly. Pleasured pangs shot through your body and when Eddie pulled away your legs gave out and you fell down to his carpet you body shivering. Tears pricked your eyes and your face was flushed as your thighs twitched.
“Dolly, did you just cum?” Billy asked and you shook your head “n-no” you stuttered and Steve chuckled “oh you so did. What a naughty little girl” Steve chides and you were limply clinging to Eddie’s jeans, hand fisted into his jeans. “You guys are so….so mean” you sniffled and Eddie bent down lifting you up “Awh, don’t cry sweetheart we are sorry. Just wanted a little fun didn’t mean for that to happen” you hiccuped tears streaming down your face from embarrassment.
“Liar!” You whined and the three men chuckled Eddie sat down with you in his lap, Billy coming over and tilting your head back against his chest “maybe we just wanted to see those pretty little tears of yours Dolly” you sniffled “such a pretty little thing” he pecked your lips again and you squirmed. “sorry baby we’ll fix it, make it right Cmon” Steve pulled your face over to him and pecked your lips. “Yeah, we are gonna make it feel so much better good girl.” Eddie promised and pecked your lips.
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theghostinyourwalls · 2 months
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Me and my slasher boyfriends
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hellfire--cult · 11 months
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Edit of Eddie: Sofiiel
Stripper!Eddie x Shy!Fem!Reader
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 (end)
WC: 12.9k
⚠️ +18 MDNI, Stripper!Eddie, shyness towards men, nervousness, self-esteem issues, fluff of some sort, self doubt, flirting, soft touches, skin on skin contact, kissing, kissing with tongue, pining, Stripper!Billy and Stripper!Steve at the end.
Plot: You thought you were cursed with your shyness, but after one embarrassing night, you decide it's time to change, and you believe someone might be able to help with that.
Summary: You get to know Eddie in a more intimate way, and he helps you with something you didn't think he would agree to. But friends always help eachother.
Listen to the kissing scene here, with AI Eddie.
A/N: Can't even begin to describe how happy you guys made me with all of your reblogs and boosting this story in ways I didn't think could be done! Welcome to all new followers, to all new readers and thank you for your support!
You can always support me by hitting the reblog button with tags, and I always enjoy reading your comments!
Taglist is closed - Follow me for updates and put notifications on!
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You ran out of coffee. That’s the first thing you noticed this morning as you got up and wanted your shot of caffeine. The fact you would have to go out to go get a cup of coffee before starting your day at work, was already making you whine with exasperation. 
You had a coffee machine at home because you always liked some nice, steamy, cup of coffee as soon as you woke up, but, you forgot to get it last time you went grocery shopping, swearing you had some, knowing you had some, so your best guess was that Robin snuck in and took it, forgetting to tell you.
You both have copies of your keys, because that’s the one lucky thing of having a friend in the same complex. If something seems out of the ordinary, or something happens at all, you could always go and check on eachother. It was safe, and you both liked feeling safe by one another.
But there were times where Robin would sneak in while you were out or something, or even sleeping, and she would get stuff she doesn’t have. You could go do that to her as well, but she probably used it all by now, so it was no use. You know Robin’s got a sweet stash at her home, so you always invade her property to steal some Reeses or some Musketeers. 
You looked at yourself in the mirror, wearing your Pikachu PJs and groaned, knowing you had to change out of the comfy clothes to get into restraining ones. You looked at the clock, 8:10. You had fifty minutes before you got into work, so you moved quickly to get dressed, with the new clothes you got during last week. 
After that meeting with Eddie and his friends, you’ve been shopping during the week, sometimes with Robin, sometimes by yourself, and you actually quite liked picking up clothes that no one could judge in the changing room but you and you only. You’ve gotten blouses, tank tops, a lot of colors, skirts, even shorts you felt comfortable in.
But you also bought something you never thought you would buy. A black piece of lingerie. Seeing it against your body, made you feel powerful, there was the obvious insecurity at the back of your throat and your mind, trying to tell you that you would not use it, that you don’t need it, that you don’t even look like the mannequin where it was displayed.
But you still felt that power. And you wanted it. So you got it. As well as a black stiletto dress, some heels, some accessories. Yes, your credit card bill will be something next month, but it was the first time you shopped, pushing so many negative thoughts away, listening to your gut only. 
So, right now, you put on some pair of jeans and a pink blouse over you, throwing on your white sneakers as well, since it was just a trip to the coffee shop that was two blocks away from your apartment complex. You grabbed your purse, threw your cell phone in there and off you went, walking into the morning sun and the soft summer breeze hitting your skin as you walked.
The days were getting hotter, and you were happy to have A/C in your apartment and mostly in your room, because that would have been agonizing. You could see people in suits walking to get the bus, or going straight to their workplace, and of course the old ladies that took their morning walks with their little dogs.
You reached the coffee shop, small, but it served coffee. You never came here, always opting to go to starbucks or another shop, because here, in this particular shop, there was always–
“Hello! What can I get for you?” Your eyes finally focused on the pair of green ones in front of you. A small knot appeared in your belly, as the nerves vacated in your throat, looking at the guy in front of you. He had black hair, and a bright smile on his face, the apron of the shop sitting on his waist. 
You licked your lips as you felt your fingertips warming up, as well as your ears, looking up at the menu as your brain started working once more. You scanned your options and took a deep breath in, pushing yourself to look down towards the guy’s eyes once again. 
“I would like a medium coffee, with half creamer in it please.” You respond to him, no shakiness in your voice, no stuttering, you didn’t even think of the words, or process anything, you just talked. And he was a handsome young man, probably beginning his 20’s, but his eyes were sharp green, yet, you didn’t feel like running away.
“Sure thing! To go?” Was his next question and you wanted to nod, because it didn’t require for you to speak really, but you still did, just to prove yourself, just to feel prouder and feel your chest gleam with victory.
“Yes, please.” You grabbed your purse and found your hands steady, a little bit of coldness at the tip of your fingers, but nothing like before. Nothing like you would have acted before. You grabbed your wallet and took out the money, and you looked at the bill in your hand and the counter. You raised your head up again, and put the money in front of you for him to take from your hand.
He smiled and grabbed the bill from the other end, and you felt yourself blush slightly as you saw he was about to give you change.
“Keep it.” It wasn’t much, but this had made your day insanely better, by a mile, and it didn’t even start yet. The sun was up, yes, but it was too early in the morning. The guy smiled at you again, giving you a nod.
“Thank you lovely.” Oh, a pet name. Your heart picked up a pace as you smiled back at him, and his back finally turned, letting you exhale a shaky breath out of your lips. Your stomach was knotting, but you kept your gaze up, hand on the counter as you waited for him to finish your coffee. There was a part of you that wanted to run away, but because you didn’t know what to take of that pet name. Eddie says them all the time, so it’s nothing special, right? It’s just a way of calling someone.
He turned around with your coffee in hand, and slid it over to you with a smile to his face, which you returned, despite feeling your neck burning from nervousness, and you grabbed your cup, putting the strap of your purse over your shoulder. You cleared your throat slightly and pushed your limits once again.
“Have a good day.” You say to him and he gives you a small chuckle and a nod.
“You too Miss!” And that was that. You turned around and walked out of the door, with a small ding as you opened it. You were wide eyed, a huge grin on your face as you walked, trying to keep your excitement inside. A month ago, you wouldn’t have done that, there was no way you would have done something like that! You looked at him, straight in the eye and even held a conversation! Tipped him! 
You were panting heavily as you finally reached your complex, looking at the time on your phone as you headed to Robin’s apartment. You had 20 minutes before logging into work, and you couldn’t wait. You couldn’t contain it inside yourself. You fumbled with the keys on her lock, and rushed inside, pushing the door closed with your foot and dropping everything, the cup of coffee and your purse on Robin’s table.
You rushed towards her room, already hearing the intense snoring your friend has, and you opened her door to see her hugging her pillow, while drooling all over it, one leg over the comforter as she slept on her side. You bit your lip as you tiptoed to her right side, and then lightly shook her shoulder.
“Robin… Robs…” You tried waking her up and all you got was a soft snore and a grunt.
“5 more minutes and I’ll get ready mom…” You giggled under your breath and shook her harder.
“Robin, wake up, I have to tell you something!” You exclaimed a little louder this time, and that made her head prop up from her pillow, doing a slurping sound as she put her spit back in her mouth, her hair almost looking like a nest.
“What the fuck are you doing? Its–” She double tapped the phone on her nightstand and looked at the time through half lidded eyes. “Almost 9 AM! I work at 10 and I wake up ten minutes before logging in.” She grunted out to you and you were still smiling widely and shaking her shoulder.
“But I need to tell you something! Look what I got!” You rushed outside the room to go grab the forgotten cup of coffee and then rushed back towards Robin’s room to see her sitting up, rubbing her eyes while yawning. You showed her your cup and she just looked at you as if you were completely insane.
“You got… Coffee?” And her eyes slightly widened as she rubbed her eyes with her fingers, pinching them as frustration hit her. “I took the last of your coffee, shit, forgot to tell you.”
“Robin, no! I got it from the coffee shop two blocks down!” You tried again and she just looked at you with a confused look on her face.
“I don’t know why you woke me up for, but I do not appreciate it–”
“The barista was a guy!” 
And Robin sat there, looking at you, blinking slowly as your news sank in. She knew about the guy at that coffee shop, she buys her coffee there, while you drive around to look for Female baristas, but now you bought coffee from the same place she does. It was a family business and the guy is the son of the owner. 
“You bought coffee…”
“From the barista, who is a man.”
“Yes, and I said thank you, tipped him, gave the money in his hand and even wished him a good day without driving my eyes away.” You puffed out your chest as you took a sip of your coffee which was now cold, making you wince in disgust. 
Robin slowly started smiling widely at you and she plopped herself onto the bed again with a cheer, excitement blooming in her chest for you, because this now offered you possibilities, chances, and it opened so many doors for you, the possibility of thousands of paths you could take.
“Holy shit! GOD BLESS STRIPPERS!” She yelled out loud which made you choke on the coffee you were sipping, and then trying to shush her through your coughs.
“Robin, shut up!” You laughed as you placed your cup on her night table, sitting next to her as she just stared at the ceiling with a wild look on her face.
“This is huge! Like, now you can talk to strangers! Like, complete strangers without knowing their name! This is a big step!” She giggled as she looked up at you and you were smiling, feeling your cheeks heat up slightly because of how proud you felt of yourself. 
“He even called me Lovely, and I didn’t flinch! I blushed of course, but I stood my ground.” You tell her, and she sat up, pinching your cheek tightly.
“I am so proud of you…” And you knew she meant it as you pushed her away from the assault on your cheek, rubbing it afterwards as you laughed at her, but Robin’s smile faded slightly as she looked down at her hands. “What about the other girls? When will you tell them that you’re doing this?” She asked and yes, you have been keeping this a secret therapy from the other girls in the group, but because you wanted to surprise them, and you also felt too much pressure on yourself if many people knew about this. 
“When I get a date… I will tell them. I just feel like I have to make them proud if I do tell them, like I will force myself to move rapidly and not at my own pace.” You try to explain and gladly Robin understood, giving you a nod. Her smile returned but in the shape of a smirk as she scooted closer to you.
“You gonna tell Eddie?” You looked at her and you felt a burning happening on your ears, and you felt a cold sweat going from the bottom of your neck and running towards your chest. “You still going to his house after work?” Your eyes widened as you jumped up from the bed.
“WORK!” You rushed out of the bedroom, leaving a laughing Robin trying to catch her breath on her bed. Of course, she couldn’t go back to sleep from the excitement now, and the fact that you would be going to Eddie’s later on was making even more excited.
Because she wasn’t invited this time.
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You fixed your half ponytail again as you stood in front of Eddie’s apartment door. You chose a different outfit now, jeans, wide leg this time, and a tight crop top white T-shirt, that covers your belly button of course. You had some bunky white sneakers on your feet, and you had done some eyeliner, mascara, and covered a few marks on your face that were here and there. 
The butterflies in your stomach were going wild as you waited for him, hearing the thumping coming closer to the door. Fridays were Eddie’s day off, so it would be just the two of you in his apartment. You doubted on saying yes to this when he invited you over, but you two were friends, it was something normal to do. So why are you still nervous?
The door opened and you looked up to see Eddie smiling down at you and his eyes widened slightly as he looked at you.
“All this for me?” He motioned towards your outfit and you couldn’t help the small smile that came up to your lips as well as a blush spreading on your cheeks, not expecting his praise. He opened his arms for you, raising his eyebrow up, hiding behind his fringe, his hair in a high bun, with some strands falling on his face.
You saw the black shirt, tightening on his chest and biceps as he opened his arms. The guitar pick hanging from his neck, and the black ripped pants on his legs, followed by some combat black boots. You rocked a bit on your heels as you got closer to him, feeling your stomach slowly rising to your throat. He was smirking as he wrapped his arms around you, not too tight, but it was enough to invade you with warmth, and his cologne penetrated your nostrils, making you feel slightly dizzy.
You gulped heavily as you slowly placed your cheek on his chest, feeling the warmth on your skin growing hotter, stiffening all over as his arms pressed onto your shoulders to pull you closer.
“Your arms around me, return my amazing warm hug.” He joked, but he was actually quite nervous about this. He had told you in the last video call that he would like to greet you properly with a hug, and you agreed, after catching your breath a few times, but you did. He felt his heart beat slightly faster as your perfume invaded his sense of smell, noting the sweetness of it, but also the powerful punch to it. 
You raised your arms, feeling them tremble slightly, slowly putting your hands against his waist, almost a brush, not putting pressure on your grip and Eddie shook his head, you could feel over yours, which was making your blush deepen even more as the butterflies in your belly were creating hurricanes and tornadoes from how wild they were flying.
“Your arms, not just your hands. Wrap your arms around me Sweetheart.” You closed your eyes at the vibration on his chest as he talked, taking another deep breath in, guiding your hands towards his back to finally wrap your arms around his waist. He chuckled and finally squished you into him, making you choke up at the sudden gesture, your chest pressing against his harshly, knocking the air out of your lungs.
“Eddie, what the fuck–” You choked out with a weak voice and he finally pulled away, laughing at your reaction as you took many deep breaths to get your lungs to decompress again.
“That’s a guy friend hug for you. Come on, I’ll prepare us some nice drinks, and guess what!” He said excitedly as you walked into his apartment, the blush still spread on your cheeks as you held your chest. 
“What?” He pointed towards the coffee table in front of the couch, and there you saw the bowl of Nachos and different smaller bowls that contained salsas and dip sauces. Your face lit up as you rushed towards to sit on the couch, grabbing onto one chip and dipping it into the Guacamole he prepared, taking it with one big bite. If there was something you really loved, it was Guacamole, because it was fresh, yet rich in flavor. It was perfect.
Eddie was biting his bottom lip as he saw your eyes close in delight and he almost choked on his saliva as a soft moan vibrated on your throat. He wasn’t ready for that. He really was not prepared for that sound. It caught him completely by surprise and now it was something he won’t be able to erase from his head anytime soon. 
“Good?” He asked and you opened your eyes to smile at him, still chewing on the chip, nodding your head excitedly. He chuckles at your response, happy with it, and heads over to grab some beers from the fridge, taking off the caps with a bottle opener that is magnetized to the fridge itself. He returned to you, sitting right beside you as he handed the bottle to you.
“Oh!” You hurriedly swallowed your chip as you raised the bottle to cheer. “I will cheer because today I was able to buy coffee from a shop that has a working… male barista.” You say proudly with a smile on your face and Eddie’s turns into shock, mouth falling agape at you.
“Seriously?” He asked and you smiled at him, nodding excitedly, repeating the same steps you did as when you told Robin about it. He was amazed by you, really, slowly becoming confident, in the way you talk, dress, and most importantly, you are confident in being yourself. You don’t change your way of speaking, or your topics, or what you like just to fit in. This is what mattered the most. “Well, fuck sweetheart, congratulations to that!” 
You both cheered with a clink of your bottles and instantly started to dig away onto the chips. Eddie was mesmerized at how you could work from home, because it would allow you to do many things whenever you have a few minutes to spare, and he was right. You often cleaned the house, or played on your Switch.
“Please tell me you play Mario Kart.” He said and you smirked at his words, finding out that he too owns a switch. So that was quickly plugged in, and the matches began, one after the other, Eddie choosing Mario, while you chose Peach. 
You won every game.
“This is rigged. It’s absolutely rigged.” He exclaims, putting his controller on the table with a loud thud as he sipped on his beer with an angry frown on his face, while you wore a wide smile on yours, putting the controller on the coffee table too. 
“I am just better than you in this.” You say cockily, catching him by surprise but it was indeed something you are confident in, so he will accept you being a brat for now. He sighed, shaking his head.
“I beat my brother every time, and he is like a major video game nerd. Always gets mad that this is something he can’t beat me at.” He laughs as he slumps back against the couch and you stare at him, deciding to take off your shoes, to be able to sit and turn to look at him, propping your feet up on the couch, right under you, almost in a kneeling position.
“You mentioned your brother before, also a Lord of the Rings fan.” You say to him and he chuckles, looking at you with a smile to his face. He made an ‘oh’ sound and moved slightly towards you to be able to pull the phone out of his back pocket. 
“A little shit I tell you.” He opened the gallery on his phone and went to look for the photos of last christmas. He found one and smiled as he looked at it, handing the phone to you.
You almost snorted your beer out of your nose as you held Eddie’s phone. Eddie was wearing the ugliest christmas sweater you had ever seen, in the color of greens and reds, reindeers all over it, while the guy next to him, with curly hair as well, but did not share any of Eddie’s facial features, wore a Rudolph sweater, and the nose was lit up. 
“Well, these are… some nice sweaters!” You choke out, and he took the phone back, laughing from your reaction as he put his phone onto the table again.
“Yeah, his mom bought them for us.” He replied and that caught your attention. His mom. Not their mom. He noticed how you tilted your head at the word and he straightened up, looking at you. “My parents have been gone since I was 10. My uncle Wayne took me in, and it was just the two of us, living in a small trailer in Hawkins. Poor man had to sleep on a pull out bed in the living room so I could have my own room.” He said with a soft chuckle as he looked at his rings, playing with them as a bit of nerves filled his voice.
Talking about his past was not something he ever liked doing, but in order to strengthen his relationship with you, he knew that this conversation was coming at some point. He was glad he had alcohol to do it, even if the story of his life didn’t end as tragically as he thought it would. 
“Bet he took good care of you.” You comment and Eddie simply nodded at that, a small smile appearing in his lips.
“Yeah, I was a son of a bitch though. In order for some bills to be paid, I sold drugs at school, you know just your friendly metal head weed dealer.” You looked down at that, not because of disappointment of him, but to know that he had it that rough in his teenage years was making your chest feel some kind of pressure that you were not enjoying. 
“Sometimes people have to do things in order to survive.” You said this time and he smiled, taking your soft gesture at not making a big deal out of his past. He looked up at you with a smile to his face now, almost excitedly.
“But, when I was at a gig, playing with my band, I invited my Uncle and he showed up with a lady friend called Claudia. After that, they started dating, and I met my step brother, Dustin.” He positioned himself to begin talking with his hands from the excitement he was feeling and you were mesmerized by how entranced you were with him. “I mean, he is a nerd! Like me! Star Wars, Lord of the rings, Star Trek, Lost, The Walking Dead… We became inseparable just like that.” 
You were smiling as you listened to him, he just seemed so happy about his family, about the person he is now, how despite it all he is still himself, not letting his circumstances change him or what he likes. 
“You were in a band?” You asked him and he nodded at you, a small glint of sadness shining in his eyes for a second.
“Yeah, as you can see, I play guitar.” He said to you and motioned to one corner, where one electric guitar stood, a red one, and then next to it was an acoustic one. You nodded with an ‘oh’. “Apart from your job, what do you do?” You turned to him and frowned slightly as you thought about that. 
You didn’t really have any hobbies, you just like to read, watch movies, play on your Switch every now and then, maybe baking sometimes when you feel inspired to do so, and now you feel a certain sense of embarrassment washing you over because of how boring you actually are. Think you are. You gazed down at your beer and fumbled with it with your fingers, clearing your throat.
“I– Uh… Don’t really do anything. I was as interesting as a slug, you know. Trying to just lay low, never really took an interest in anything.” Well that was depressing. Letting those words come out of your mouth, realizing that the person in front of you had a very exciting life, was slowly making you feel like curling into a ball and just staying there. Your brain was starting to work, and it began whispering things you didn’t want to hear, not with him.
‘You’re so boring, you should go.’
‘Why is he even friends with someone like you?’
“It’s okay to not have any interests. Better than having forced ones put on you.” You hear Eddie say as you look up to see him shooting a caring smile at you, your mind simply shutting off as you stared at him. “Steve for example, he was pushed to be captain of the Basketball team, Swimming Team, Soccer team… All because his parents wanted him to be the little star.” Eddie scoffed at that, shaking his head as he looked towards the living room.
“Really? And he didn’t want to do that?” You ask and Eddie simply laughs and shakes his head.
“Fuck no. Steve, believe it or not, fucking loves cooking. That guy can cook us a five star meal, out of thin air. He can make chicken nuggets taste like they were done by Gordon Ramsey himself.” You giggle at that, feeling your nerves slowly leaving your body as he talks to you.
“I have to try that, see if what you’re saying is true.” He laughs at that, and nods, taking a chip, dipping it into the Sour Cream and crunching on it. 
“Yeah, ‘nd Billy? Billy was an asshole to Steve and I in high school. Also pushed over by his father to be the best of the school. Worse than Steve.” His expression turned sour at that, his smile falling as he looked at his beer. “When Steve and I found him on the street, with a concussion in his head… I think that’s when we decided we would take Billy with us, out of Hawkins.” 
You were stunned to hear the story of these three men you met no more than a month ago, in the weirdest circumstance of all. You saw them almost naked, thinking that those three men would just be the snarkiest, or most flirtatious people you would ever meet, but there is always more under the skin, under the flesh, under any layer they had created to prevent from being hurt again.
“And… How did you… get the jobs you have now?” You asked him and he turned to you with a playful smile on his face. 
“The first time we stepped on Indianapolis we got drunk, and went straight to a strip club, a female strip club. We were amazed by the amount of money they were getting on their thongs, like, I’m talking about thousands! We just looked at eachother and wondered if we had the power to do something like that… Turns out, we did.” He took a sip of his beer and got up to go fetch two new bottles as you put your empty one on the coffee table, taking hold of a chip.
“So, it’s not like a job you regret having.” You say to him and you hear him chuckle as two caps clinked onto the counter. He walked back towards you, handing you your third bottle of the night as he sat back next to you.
“Nah. It’s still work, and it pays really well, and you can also meet the strangest, yet greatest of people there too.” He says clinking his bottle on yours and you feel a blush coming up to your cheeks at that, smiling softly at him. His eyes were fixed on you, as you smiled and took a sip out of your bottle.
You are peeling your layers, one by one, slowly but surely becoming the person you probably always wanted to be, letting yourself be happy, and this goes beyond the talking to men thing. This was you finally having some confidence in yourself. Believing that you dressed nice, that you did your make up right, that you did your hair with confidence and you felt pretty in all of it. 
Eddie was sure he was watching a butterfly coming out of their cocoon. 
He cleared his throat and your eyes focused on him again as he shook his head to drive his attention away from you, just for a second. You tilted your head as you waited for him to talk, and after an ‘ah’ from his part, which made you giggle, he continued.
“So, let’s tackle the next scenario… What do you do on a date?” He asks you and you immediately straighten up, noticing the slight happy dizziness the alcohol was doing in your brain but you were still very much conscious, but your blood flow was betraying you, making you blush all over.
“W-What do you mean?” You ask, actually wanting him to be more specific, and he maneuvered his body to sit while facing you, just like you were doing with him.
“Well, what do you talk about? Do you know how to make a move?” You were supposed to make moves yourself? You slowly shook your head at him and he sighed at you. “Well, for example, on a date, you talk about very superficial stuff. Work, movies, food, music. That’s really the basic stuff.” You were mentally taking notes of that with a nod to your head.
“So, no talks about… politics, family, religion?” You ask him and he laughs at you, his dimples dipping into his cheeks and you felt the burning on your ears again as you saw his smile while he shook his head.
“No. And nothing deep either… A little bit of what we just did now, but less intimate. I ask about your workplace, you ask about mine. You ask about my hobbies, I ask about yours. Keep it simple and short, maybe throw a little funny story here and there about stuff.” You raised your eyebrow at that, confused by what he might mean.
“A funny story?” You ask him and he nods at you.
“Like, for example, when I asked you about your friends and you told me about Robin and the Raccoon, which it’s still very funny to imagine it till this day.” He says with a chuckle and you follow him with a giggle, catching onto what he was saying. 
“Got it, funny works.” He nods at that, and you feel him getting closer to you.
“Alright, now… Normally, on dates, the men do not make any physical moves to show interest. That’s the lady’s job. If we are already engaging in a conversation with you, we are already interested, we are as simple as that… But a woman, you have to let us know you are interested, and that is all done with body language.” He finished and you were just blinking, almost wide eyed as he stared right back at you.
“B-Body language?” You ask him and he immediately laughs at your reaction, shaking his head.
“I’m not talking about pouncing on the guy. Look, I’m gonna touch you, okay?” He says this time and that for some reason sent a shiver down your spine, and you felt uncomfortable so you moved your legs a bit as he scooted closer. “Okay, so, one common move is laughing and placing your hand on the bicep.” 
“Oh, I’ve seen that in a movie! Wait, that actually works?” You ask tilting your head slightly and he smiles at you, nodding his head.
“Like a charm. You just–” He made a funny laugh, sort of a Santa Claus one, making you laugh as well as he moved back and then forward again, putting his hand on your left bicep, running his fingers down for just one second and pulling back again. You felt the area where he touched grow hot, and you bit your bottom lip at how easy he was making this look. “You touch for a second, do not linger more than that, because that would be too obvious, or too desperate.” 
“Oh? I mean, isn’t the whole idea of it for guys to know that I am interested though?” You asked and he nodded slightly to then shake his head afterwards.
“Yes and no. It’s confusing, but we do like a little bit of a chase. If we get it too easily, our interest kind of… fades away.” You grimaced at his words, showing him a look of slight disgust. 
“And you guys say we are the complicated ones.” You say, taking a sip of your beer and he widens his eyes, looking at you, putting his arm along the backrest of the couch, towards you. 
“Hey, we are very simple! In many, many aspects, sweetheart.” You were still facing him, biting onto the inside of your left cheek, trying to hide the smirk as you squinted at him.
“Like what? Throwing big rocks into a lake and rate the splash?” You ask as your left hand starts to slowly creep up on the back rest, without him noticing, a laugh vibrating in his throat at your words.
“Exactly, we just like a little bit of a struggle, that’s all. It makes the tension grow between you and your date.” He explained and your fingers found their way onto his right forearm which were still resting onto the backrest towards you. You hummed at that, taking a sip of your beer.
“But, wouldn’t you risk losing the date? What if you take too long and don’t give in in time?” You ask him as your fingers start to trace onto his bat tattoo, still looking at him. Your heart was beating with excitement as you saw him shiver slightly but was still not realizing you were touching him at all.
“We always give in, it’s at the third move that–'' He shivered again and his eyebrows knitted together as he felt the tingling sensation on his forearm. He looked at it and saw you passing your nails on his tattoos, and his belly twisted, simply and aggressively twisted. His intestines were knotting with each other and he was sure his brain short circuited. You were touching him. You were deliberately touching him, flirting with confidence, and you made sure he didn’t notice.
How long have you been touching him like that? And why does it feel so good when it’s just your nails brushing against his skin, tracing the drawings that were inked on him, and you weren’t even batting an eye at that. He slowly turned to look at you, and that’s when he saw your amused face, biting on your tongue as you smiled at him. A laugh started coming up on his throat, as his nerves flew away from his fingers.
“Shit, that was smooth Princess.” And to his dismay, you put your hand away, taking a sip of your beer. He was still staring at your movements, completely entranced. He was feeling his heart about to burst and he looked down at his beer, deciding this would be the last one for the night. Yep. It would be the last one.
“Thank you, I saw it on Friends.” You say with a wiggle of your eyebrows and he finally let out a cackle, amazed that you tried on a move from a tv show on him, and that it actually worked. He was slightly flustered and maybe that had to do with the alcohol in his system as well.
Your laughing slowly faded away as you looked down at your beer. The dread of the possibilities of what would happen after a move being made could trigger. Possibilities you weren’t sure if you’ve done right. Things you don’t know if you ever did, and what if it were done to you? 
“Okay, what’s going on in that head of yours now?” Eddie asks, slightly worried at the change of expressions you just had. Were you regretting something? Maybe touching him? 
“What if it goes well?” Was your simple question. Eddie blinked at that, not fully understanding what you were asking.
“What if… what goes well?”
“I-I mean, what if– What if the date goes well? What if–” You were a blushing mess, almost sweating as you tried to word your thoughts out without sounding like a child, without sounding pathetic, looking everywhere but his face. But Eddie’s eyes softened, looking at you, seeing you stammer in your words, trying to let them out of your mouth with no luck, but he knew exactly what you wanted to ask.
“You mean if he kisses you?” Your breath caught in your throat at that and you hid your face into your hands in shame. You’ve kissed before, but was it ever good? Was it enjoyable? Did you do it right? Did they do it right? You knew you didn’t put much effort into them because you just weren’t attracted to the people you’ve kissed, you just wanted the experience to be over with, just like your virginity.
But kissing someone attractive, you’ve never done that.
“Yeah… I mean– I can do it but… I don’t know if I did it right…” You said almost in a whisper, ashamed of your words, of being 25 years old and still worry about your kissing skills. Voicing your worries to a man that’s done more kissing than you did in your whole life, much more, way more. Eddie frowned at your words, and shifted on his seat, raising his hand up to put it under your chin for you to look at him. You slowly locked eyes with his and the feel of his hand on your skin, just made your butterflies flutter all inside of your belly, your head getting lighter at the touch. He smiled gently at you, pulling his hand away.
“Sweets, one thing you have to understand is… Attractive people don’t have superpowers.” He says to you and you frowned at that in confusion, tilting your head to the side while looking at him.
“What do you mean?” 
“I mean, just because a person is hot, doesn’t mean they are experts at everything. You can find hot people that are lousy kissers, bad at flirting, horrible at sex, like, finish in two seconds and that’s that. Hot people that are assholes, like certified with a capital A… Just because you find someone attractive, doesn’t mean they have more experience than you, in any way.”
You drank in his words, processing them in your head. You never thought of it like that, not ever. You just thought that people that are attractive have more chances of experiences, and that leads them to have some practice. Eddie was looking at how you were absorbing that information, and he noticed how your shoulders lost their tension, slumping down a bit on your body.
He was feeling the buzz of the beer as he took a sip from it and put it on the coffee table, a warmth expanding on his body as he scooted just one jump closer to you, which made you look at him again.
“I’ll tell you a secret, and you won’t tell them I told you okay?” He starts and you nod slowly at that, straightening up once again to listen to him. He smiled at you and continued. “So, you saw Steve. Fucking handsome right? With that hair, the freckles, fucking lady killer.”
“Y-Yeah.” You nodded slightly at that, feeling the anxiety of admitting Steve was hot not as painful as it once would have been. 
“Yeah, he couldn’t kiss for shit.” Eddie says with a smile and your eyes widened at that, not believing what he was saying. A man like Steve? Not knowing how to kiss?! “You’re looking at me like I’m lying, but I swear I’m not. When we first started working at the club, and Steve kissed clients, they would complain to Joyce that he was too sloppy, too much saliva.”
“Oh god…” You giggle as you take a sip from your beer, wincing in disgust at the thought of a kiss with overloading saliva. Eddie laughed at that, nodding.
“Yep… He was so bummed out because he wanted to be one of the favorites and he knew that if he didn’t kiss he wasn’t going to get it. So… Billy helped.” You spat your drink away from Eddie at that and he started laughing hysterically at your reaction. Your eyes were almost bulging out of your sockets as you listened to that.
“Are you joking!?” He shakes his head at you, still laughing, his shoulders shaking up and down at the motion.
“Fuck no. Imagine my fucking shock when I came in here and I found them making out on the kitchen. It was traumatizing.” He says and your eyes were still like plates as you stared at him. “They aren’t dating if that’s what you are going yo ask, Steve is bisexual but Billy is straight. He just wanted to help Steve.” You blinked rapidly at that, and gave one nod, frowning at that. Friends helped eachother like that?
“So, that makes Billy a good kisser then.” You say and Eddie nods with a shrug.
“That must be, BUT, Billy was very forceful when handling the clients. Pulling their chairs, or turning them, or grabbing their shoulders. He really didn't know how to treat them.” He says and you tilted your head with a surprised ‘oh’ on your lips. Now what Eddie was saying about everyone, despite how they looked, had flaws was making more sense to you.
“So, Steve taught him to be gentle?” You asked and Eddie smirked, shaking his head and pointing at himself.
“Nope. That would be me. I taught him how to pull a chair with force but not a violent one, or how to grab a chin or a shoulder without digging his digits into the skin.” He explains and you were just staring at him, nodding at every word he was saying. You licked your lips as the nerves started forming a lump in your throat, looking down at your bottle of beer which was half empty by now.
“So, that would make you… Flawless?” You try to giggle and Eddie couldn’t help but feel his chest warm at your slight praise, but he was far from what you just said. He shook his head and smiled at you.
“Hell no… I couldn’t dance for shit.” He says to you and you raise your head up in complete surprise. “I didn’t know how to move my hips like Channing Tatum does, and Steve was the one to help with that. You might have noticed that night that out of the three of us, Steve is the one that moves the most.” You shook your head nervously at that, looking at the empty bowl of chips on the coffee table.
“That night is still kinda hazy, but I remember one thing or two.” You were sure you were a deep red now, remembering Steve on his knees as he prayed to Nancy, Billy’s hip grinding against Barb, and Eddie’s kiss and fingers down someone’s throat. 
“So, yeah, we all have flaws, and we all have experience and inexperience.” He finishes saying, looking up at the ceiling, not noticing how you put the beer on the table, sitting up straight now, not facing him, your feet back on the floor as you fumbled with your hands on your knees.
The knots in your belly now turned into painful vines, full of thorns as your body burned in anticipation. You knew this would cross a line, you knew this was a big step, and you knew this was not right, and for some reason, you knew this would be a mistake. 
But, there is also a part of you that knows you want this. And that part is winning over all of the other things that were stopping you.
“S-So… You guys helped each other.” You began talking and he shrugged, still looking up at the ceiling as he rested against the backrest of the couch.
“Yeah, cause we’re friends. It’s what friends do, have each other's back.” You nodded at that, slowly as you gulped down the lump that was forming in your throat and your feet turned cold.
“Friends…” You were almost breathing heavily, your nails digging onto your knees as your heart started beating into your ears, hearing every thump of it as it rapidly made your blood flow to every inch of your body. “A-And… We’re friends… right?”
Eddie’s eyes almost came out of his skull because of how wide he just stared at the ceiling. Were you actually asking him what he thought you were asking? Nah, it couldn’t be possible. It wasn’t real, right? He slowly looked down and you were already looking at him, jumping slightly as he locked eyes with you, making you flinch your gaze away in embarrassment.
He was still trying to understand that what you were asking was real. You wanted his help, but he was fighting with himself because he didn’t want you to think he was taking advantage of you for trusting him. He really didn’t want you to think that. But if you were the one asking… 
“Sweets, are you asking me what I think you are asking me?” He asks, and he wants verbal confirmation, even if it takes you an eternity to say it, he will wait. His chest was hurting from how fast his heart was beating into it, and he wanted to punch it to make it calm down. You were a friend asking for help, he has to get a hold of himself.
“I-It’s stupid, don’t worry, f-forget what I just said!” Your mind was telling you to run away. You crossed the line, you fucked it up. Why would he want to kiss you anyways? You weren’t anything special, just a friend, and he kissed beautiful women almost every night. You were inexperienced, and you would probably fuck it up, completely and he would laugh at you, or what if he winces in disgust at you? What if–
“Darling, darling, darling… Calm down.” You felt his hand on your knee and your eyes looked down to your lap, not realizing that your legs had been jumping up and down uncontrollably. Your breathing was slightly heavy as you shook your head still looking down.
“I-I shouldn’t have– I mean– We’re-We’re friends–” And Eddie wasn’t going to let you belittle yourself. He knew what was coming next, so he stopped your rambling with just his voice.
“Honey, I would be honored to help you with this.”
Your body froze all of its movements. Your legs, your quivering lips, the digging of your nails on your jeans, and even your heart steadied itself, almost non beating. His hand was still on your knee and you saw him pulling it back to himself as he waited for you to reincorporate yourself. 
Did he say honored? Why would he be honored? You have to stop thinking, you have to stop. You need to push the thoughts away, he said he will help you, it’s just that. Help. It doesn’t mean anything else, but a friend helping another friend. Nothing more. It’s nothing more.
You slowly turned your head to face him and he was wearing a soft encouraging smile as he looked at you. He wasn’t going to show his nervousness, and he didn’t even know what he was nervous about. He has kissed plenty of women in his lifetime, but you, for some reason, were making his knees tremble slightly, as well as feeling like bending over from the constant knot in his stomach.
“You okay?” He asked you and you were still looking at him, face red as you tried to mumble out words.
“Y-You’re sure you want to… kiss me?” You asked him and his eyebrows turned into a frown at your question. He knew there was more to it than simply asking him if he wanted to kiss a friend to help her. He knew there was something deeper behind those words, something darker.
“Darling, you’re fucking beautiful, I’d be more than honored to kiss you.” He said with a fist pump in the air to try to ease up the tense situation and it seems it worked, because you let out a soft huff, almost a giggle, and he saw your fingers no longer digging on your jeans. He took a deep breath in and positioned himself, sitting next to you, but facing you, crossed legs under him. “Okay, I need you to, first, let yourself go.”
He put his arms out and started shimming all over, just moving all his arms and body erratically as if trying to get a bug away from him. You laughed at his movements and sat in the same position, facing him and shaking yourself to lose the tension on your body, making him laugh at you, scanning you all over for a second as you joined him in the laughter.
This moment right here between you two, was too easy, too natural, and it felt as if it were right, and it had always been destiny that you two should meet. He was enjoying this moment with you, finally something different in his daily life. His calls with you, whenever you show him a new piece of clothing you got for yourself, and it wasn’t only with him.
Steve and Robin talked privately too, but it was as if they were soulmates, long lost souls that should have been together a long time ago. Platonically. He wondered if that was the same with you. If your relationship was platonic of some sort, only focused on it being friendship… And there’s another part of him that wished it wasn’t that.
“Right so… I’m going to start slow, okay? So first things first.” He grabbed your hand gently, pulling it up towards his lips to finally press them against your knuckles. You took a sharp intake of breath at that, feeling him against your skin in this way was something you were not really prepared for. You shivered at his touch, and you felt your belly just yearning for more, your mind no longer wanting to run away. He lingered his lips there, looking at your reaction until you met his eyes again and you took a deep breath in with a nod.
Eddie now knew you were okay with his touch, putting your hand down once again. He licked his lips in anticipation as he looked into your eyes who were looking at him with expectation, waiting for his next move. He raised his hand up towards your right cheek and leaned forward. Your breath completely stopped as you felt your stomach just contract on itself, shutting your eyes tightly and bracing for what he was going to do, until you felt his lips press gently onto your left cheek. 
It was burning your skin almost.
“No need to act so pained about it.” He let out a nervous chuckle out of his lips as he saw your scrunched up face. You opened your eyes to see him looking at you again, and dropping his hand down from your face. “Okay, now, I want you to reciprocate that. Kiss my cheek, I’ll close my eyes so you can be comfortable.” 
When Eddie closed his eyes, you couldn’t help but stare at him. He just looked way too beautiful, untouchable almost, tingles going from the bottom of your neck to the tip of your fingers. Your heart was painfully beating into your chest cavity as you slowly leaned in, keeping your eyes open just to not miss the spot on his left cheek. You had to press your hands on his knees to keep yourself stable as your lips inched closer to his skin.
You held your breath in as you finally pressed your flesh with his, yours soft, plump against a warm cheek that was tinting itself in a pink hue. You let the air leave your lung as you rapidly sat back in place, taking your hands away from his knees. He gulped heavily as he composed himself, opening his eyes to look at you. 
Your eyes were on your lap as you fumbled with your fingers, and he wanted to laugh, almost giggling he could say at how red you were looking. But he wasn’t going to do that, because you were doing good, great even, but now comes the difficult part, one of the few. 
“That was soft sweetheart, thank you.” You almost whined at the praise but because you just felt getting redder and redder from embarrassment and adrenaline. You slowly looked up at him, and you suddenly saw the hint of nervousness cross his features, making your eyebrows twitch in confusion. “Um… Now, I will give you a peck on the lips. You can close your eyes this time, and then I want you to give one back to me, that okay?” 
Oh, your breathing quickened at that. You clenched your fists tightly, closing your eyes as you nodded at him, barely, but he could figure it out. He raised a hand up, and he noticed the particular shakiness at the tip of his fingers, frowning at them because he never twitched. He never trembled. He never got nervous. He held onto your left cheek and you jumped slightly at the touch, not expecting it and you tightened your lips together. He chuckled with a shake of his head.
“Don’t tighten your lips. Relax angel, it’s just me.” He softly says and the way his voice sounds on your ears, make you actually slump a little bit, relax your muscles as well as your lips. He looked down at them, feeling his breathing quicken its pace, but he held those breaths in, trying to not show how he was feeling to you, which he didn’t even know what feelings he was feeling himself. 
He leaned down, pulling your face towards him, slowly and agonizingly. You wanted to open your eyes to see how far he was from you, as your belly just screamed at you to lean closer, but you stayed put. Waiting, and after what felt like ages, in the darkness behind your eyelids, you finally felt his lips connect with yours. A sharp intake of breath was taken on your part due to the shock, and also because of how surprisingly soft he was being. A soft subtle moan vibrated in your throat at the touch and he had to contain the urge to move his lips on yours, wanting to devour you. Your hands itched with the need of grabbing onto him, and it was shocking you because you never felt this. You never felt the need for more. 
Because that’s all you could think about now. More. You wanted more.
He pulled away from you, the peck being only for one or two seconds but to the two of you seemed like minutes. He opened his eyes at the same time you opened yours and he swears that he felt an electric shock run down his body as his pupils connected with yours. Your breaths were mixing with one another, because Eddie was still in your space, noses almost touching.
He pulled away from you, causing you to exhale a deep sigh you didn’t know you were holding in, and he dropped his hand from your cheek. He ignored the lingering burning sensation that was left on his palm as he gazed at you once again, a soft smile spreading on his lips.
“You okay?” He asked you and you could only nod. He chuckled at your reaction and scooted closer, now knees touching. “Alright, your turn.”
Fuck, that made all of your consciousness return to you in one big slap. It was your turn to kiss him. But you could do it right? It was just a peck, just a quick peck. You could do that, it was something fast, just like he did to you. You couldn’t feel your fingers as you raised your hand up to cup his left cheek. You scrunched your eyes closed and leaned in, quick, pulling him as well, but you felt him fight against your grip and you opened your eyes to see him squinting at you.
“Slower. If you come at me that fast you are gonna knock our teeth out Angel. Just go slow, no need to be quick.” And there was a part of him that just said that to be able to be in this moment for a little longer. You felt embarrassed at his scolding and you wanted to pull away, feeling completely pathetic and childish for your actions. You took a deep breath in again as you continued to lean in, but this time slower, pulling him towards you in the same manner, gentler and he was content with that.
You closed your eyes when your lips brushed his, and he kept them open just before you pressed your lips to his to look at your face. You weren’t scrunching your eyebrows, or grimacing in pain or discomfort, so he knew you were okay right now. He closed his eyes after a second and you just wanted to stay there. Your lips on his, as your palm rested on his cheek, your nails wanting to dig in his flesh to pull him even closer.
You didn’t know if this would feel like this with every man you would kiss later on, you hoped it did. You hoped this wasn’t just happening with Eddie, because he is just a friend. That’s all he was. A friend helping another friend.
You pulled away after another second, dropping your hand from his face and this time you didn’t gaze towards your lap again. You kept staring at his face, waiting for his eyes to open, your chest now burning for the next move. 
His brown eyes connected with yours again, and he smiled reassuringly at you, as if telling you that you were doing good, that everything was fine, and that you were safe with him at this very moment. You took a deep breath in, giving him a small smile in return, feeling your cheeks aching thanks to the amount of blood that is pooled there.
“Alright… Next is the tricky part. I’m going to move my lips against yours this time. When I kiss your top lip, you kiss my bottom lip, and then the other way around.” You know how kissing works, you’re not an idiot. You have done it before just the way he describes it, but the question always lingered if you were any good at it. If you were too pushy, or too soft, or too slow, or too quick. 
You took a deep breath in to brace yourself, and exhaled, giving him a nod for him to continue. Now, Eddie was almost sweating. He didn’t want to feel that way towards you, but he was still a man, and you were beautiful. A very beautiful woman. So of course his body will react, he just has to remind himself that you are just a friend and that you need help. 
And he is just helping. 
He raised both of his hands up this time and your eyes almost went wide when he cupped your face in between them, getting a sense of feeling trapped but in a good way. The coldness of his rings and the warmth of his palms filled you with a sense of peace. You felt safe. You started hearing a buzz in your ears, knowing it was the intense flow of blood that was going all over your body, as the anxiety in your stomach was almost ripping its way out, wanting to break your skin, or wanting to crawl up into your throat. 
“Lean in with me sweetheart.” He commanded and your eyes were burning, your hands moving towards his knees again, trembling fingers finding the skin in the rips of them, your breathing hitching as you both moved towards one another, his fingers softly getting in between your hair, palms on your cheeks still and you closed your eyes.
He took a gulp, closing his eyes right after you, feeling your nails digging into the skin of his knees, softly scratching at him, almost desperately and he didn’t know if you were eager or nervous, but you were leaning in, and that was a good enough sign for him to press his lips against yours again, this time, with more pressure than before.
Your heart soared, beating wildly but not because of complete nervousness or because you wanted to run away from it, but because you were content. Content because you weren’t sweating out of a panic, content because you didn’t feel like fainting, content because the dizziness you were feeling was because of the rush, the adrenaline, the excitement of it all. 
His lips finally moved on yours, and you let your instincts kiss him back, following his lead. He was being gentle, slow, lips between lips and the smacking of them being heard all over the apartment. Your fingers were gripping on his knees as if your life depended on it, to keep you grounded to earth. There was a part of your brain that was telling you that friends shouldn’t do this, that friends do not kiss each other, not even for practice. 
But maybe those thoughts were wrong, because here you were, and Eddie’s self control was slipping. He wanted to move to the next step, but he wanted to properly warn you, he really wanted to, but with the way you were touching him, and the way you were tenderly moving your lips with his, was slowly but surely making him lose his composure of being a good friend. 
He had to be quick then, because you seemed into it, and if you stopped you might become nervous again and it will take more time for you to prepare yourself. He kept moving his lips on yours, your heads moving from side to side and you felt like you were being kissed like they do in the movies. Romantical and gentle. But something was slowly snapping inside of you, something that was clawing its way back in your throat.
More. You wanted more.
He pulled away but his hands were kept in place, his lips remained over yours as the heavy breathing of each other mixed in between you both. You opened your eyes to meet his, and he saw the hazy look in your eyes, the same look he must be having right now, and you might not even know how you are looking at him, but he knows how he is looking at you. And it was different, different than before. Way different.
“I’m gonna go further now, stop me if you’re uncomfortable.” Before you could even formulate any sentence, think of anything at all, his lips crashed against yours, this time, more forcefully than before, and it shot another feeling inside of you. It was something you didn’t experience before, something that made you magnetized to him, and you cannot pinpoint what name to give it.
You moved your lips against his, following his movements, and your eyebrows shot up in surprise when you felt his tongue brush against your lower lip, gently, asking for entrance. This was the part where your inexperience might show, and you didn’t want to disappoint him, not when he was making you feel like this, not when he was the first person to kiss you like this.
You felt him rub your right cheek gently with his thumb, trying to soothe you down, telling you that you can still stop him. But you wanted anything but that. So despite your guts trying to make you bend over in pain, despite your brain throwing red signs all over to make you run away, and despite your heart beating so fast you were sure he would be able to hear it, you slowly opened your mouth, letting him in.
And he was so grateful for it.
His tongue slowly sneaked in between your lips, meeting with your nervous tongue. He moved, gentle and slow, small swirls which you danced with him harmoniously. He let out a huff of breath through his nose, trying to swallow a grunt because your hands had gone up to grip onto his thighs now, pulling yourself closer to him, and deeper into the kiss.
You were a good kisser, even in your nervousness, even if you told him you didn’t know if you were even doing it right, you smashed all of that in one second. One of his hands went deeper into your scalp, running his fingers through your hair as he felt the temperature of the room start to rise up. Your tongue was magical on him, so tender and delicate, yet he could hear the soft little moans that vibrated in your throat at every harsh movement he did on you. He could feel his pants starting to strain, and he cursed himself for being so easy to rile up, or maybe cursing at himself for wanting to–
The door opening caught both of your attention, your eyes widening as you both pulled away as quickly as you could. Panting heavily as you looked at one another, not even knowing for how long you have been making out with each other. It felt like seconds, but probably minutes had passed. 
“Well, shit, did we interrupt something?” Billy asks with Steve standing next to him with a bag over his shoulder. Your whole body turned red and you squealed as you hid your face in your hands, wishing for the earth to swallow you whole. They saw you. They saw you kissing Eddie. Your friend. Oh god, what will they think? You thought you were an idiot, a very big idiot.
“I uh–” Eddie was at a loss of words and he looked at his friends. He knew you were feeling utterly embarrassed at this moment, so he knew he had to ease the situation up a bit. “We were practicing kissing.” 
And that made you even more embarrassed, your head shooting up to smack Eddie on the arm. Why would he tell them that?! Now they know you have no experience in that department and that Eddie was helping you gain confidence in it. Great. You shook your head, becoming more overwhelmed each second that passed.
“No need to hit me! You are a good kisser, despite what you thought.” Eddie brushed his arm as Billy and Steve walked over to the two of you. You groaned into your hands as you felt the heat of your face transfer onto your palms, and your guts were turning, the feeling of nausea slowly filling your stomach.
“Well, I bet it went better than with Harrington over here.” Billy glared at his friend as Steve blushed all over and pointed at you.
“Dude, she doesn’t need to know about that–”
“Actually…” Eddie begins with an innocent dimpled smile on his face and Steve became red in anger, ready to start going at his best friends but a giggle was heard in the room and they all turned to you.
You were laughing into your hands, and the situation that had mortified you now was making you laugh because of their bantering. They weren’t judging you, not you, nor Eddie because they had been through it. They helped each other out with things that were either weird or too bizarre, yet they did it because they’re friends. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to laugh.” You say, as you raise your head up again, locking eyes with Eddie who had a playful glint in them and both of you laughed with each other, or at each other, you didn’t know, but just having this moment with him felt nice, it felt as if nothing had changed. No awkwardness, no weirdness, nothing that makes you feel uncomfortable, or him for that matter. 
He was still Eddie, and you were still you.
“Alright, hang on, I have a question.” Steve suddenly says, putting the bag with clothes down. He was still sweaty from work, his hair back with a small half ponytail. Eddie and you stopped laughing and looked at Steve to keep talking. “My question is, are you fine with kissing someone you trust, or are you fine with kissing men in general?” Your smile dropped at that, the thought being processed in your head.
You didn’t even think about that. What if kissing Eddie was easy, or kind of easy, because you trusted him? What if you were able to just because you can confide that part of yourself to him, because he is your friend? Will that happen with the men you meet?
“What Steve is trying to say is that when you go on a date, you don’t trust each other on the first one, but you might kiss, maybe something else.” He said with a wiggle of his eyebrows, earning a glare from Eddie’s part, and you gazed away from that dirty joke. 
Steve stood there for a second, thinking and then he took out his phone to open his music player and choose a song from there. ‘Stereo Love’ started sounding from the speakers and you winced at the nostalgia of the song, Eddie chuckling at it and Billy simply rolling his eyes. Steve puts the phone on the coffee table and urges you to get up from the couch. 
“Come on, let’s try something.” And you gave Eddie a confused look before doing as Steve says, following him to the middle of the living room as Billy took your place on the couch, dropping himself on it and grunting in relief. Eddie’s eyes were focused on you as you stood in front of Steve.
“Harrington, what are you–” Eddie tried to talk but he was stopped by one look from Steve. His chest was not liking where this was going but he remained quiet as Steve started swaying side to side.
“Okay, so, I imagine that you go to clubs, and guys approach you, right?” He asks and you look down, playing with your fingers as you talk back to him.
“The girls always pushed them away before they could talk to me.” You reply and Steve only scoffs at that and shakes his head. He dances all around you, on your side, behind you, on the other side, as he talks.
“Well, now you will let them talk to you. He is a complete stranger, just coming right up, dancing, and introducing himself.” He stops right in front of you, with a smirk to his face and your eyes slightly widened as his friendly expressions were exchanged by sultry ones. “Do you like this song?”
“Um, a little old but yes, I do.” You responded to him and he just kept the grin to his face as his movements started making him come closer, and closer to you.
“Hi, I’m Steve.” You were already blushing at the roleplaying but he was right, what will happen when you start trying to date someone? You won’t kiss them on the first date? You won’t show your attraction to them? You won’t make a move? 
“Hi, I’m Angel.” You reply with a small smile on your lips and Eddie’s eyes widened. You were flirting, and you were flirting with Steve with a pet name he gave you, and you only. He gulped heavily as you swayed closer to him.
“That’s a very pretty name, just as gorgeous as the bearer of it.” He winks at you and you almost lose your willpower at that. With Eddie was different, way different. It was a different type of nervousness, a different type of adrenaline, a different type of excitement. This was just nervousness.
So maybe, Steve was right. 
Before you could respond, Steve’s lips crashed onto yours, and Billy was studying your body language. You went rigid, frozen, eyes completely wide at the action. He could see the slight bit of paleness starting to drain your cheeks and he was about to call out Steve to pull away, but then your eyes closed, and your lips moved against his.
You noticed the difference with Eddie’s kiss. With Eddie’s, your mind shut off, didn’t even think about anything else and just let yourself feel, feel him, feel his lips on yours, his skin on yours. And now, Steve’s, you were conscious of how your lips were moving, and wondering if you were causing an impression or not.
Steve pulled away after a few seconds to study your face and do a whole check over, before cheering with delight and clapping for you with pride.
“You kissed me back, you didn’t faint, you flirted with me… Yep, you’re cured honey!” Steve says excitedly and you couldn’t help but feel excited with him. It was a big step, a huge change in your life. Even if the nerves were still there, the anxiety was still deep in your belly, and the thoughts sometimes appeared in your head to speak horrible things to you, you finally didn’t let them control your body.
You were finally cracking your shell open.
And as you cheered, you didn’t notice the pair of brown eyes that were looking at you.
“Munson… You’re going to break the cushion.” Billy says, without even looking at Eddie and the metal head looked down at the cushion of the couch, seeing his fist gripping tightly onto it, almost ripping through the fabric, his knuckles a bright shade of white from how hard he was clenching them, rings digging into his fingers. He also noticed the tense movements on his jaw and he realized that he had been clenching it tightly shut since Steve pressed his lips on yours.
Your lips that had his minutes before. Your tongue that danced with him, your body that touched him, his hands that were on you, your body heat invading his, and his jagged breaths invading your mouth. He had you first. 
You were his, first.
You turned to look at Eddie, with a smile on your face and he tried to return the smile to you, fighting the uncomfortable feeling that was happening in his belly, trying to push away all the negative thoughts, but then he remembered the look in your eyes just before he leaned in to kiss you again. He was looking at you in the exact same way, and hope rose in his chest, because the eyes you were looking at him with, were full of lust.
And you might not even know or realize you were looking at him like that. You probably never once felt lustful towards someone. You probably never had that need of wanting someone so badly that you might explode.
But Eddie, Eddie was feeling it right now. He was feeling it alright, and had been feeling it ever since he saw you in that tight purple dress. He felt it when you smiled at him for the first time on video camera. He felt it when you introduced him to your favorite pizza. He felt it when you beat him up in Mario Kart. He felt it when you had called him beautiful. And now, he felt it when he finally had a taste of you.
Oh how he wanted you. 
Eddie really, absolutely, desperately wanted you.
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End of part 4
A/N: I really do hope you all enjoyed this chapter, your comments always make me happy... we can all feel the tension building, can't we? Just a peek, next chapter will be spicy.
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yovrnewromantic · 4 months
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pairings: steve harrington x henderson!reader
1 — part 2 coming soon…
words: 3.6k
Summary: You realize the line between love and hate is very thin as you babysit and monster hunt alongside Steve Harrington.
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Leaning pathetically against your locker, you banged your head against the metal, tugging on the end of your cheerleading skirt that got caught in the door when you slammed it shut. It’s your fault really, you were so happy to get it open for once. Of course, it had to be too good to be true.
“Need some help with that?”
Your lips swerved into a smile at the familiar voice, leaning away from your locker to look at one of your favorite girls.
“Yes, Nancy. Please!” you pleaded, laughing as the girl stepped forward, easily opening your locker door, not even needing to ask the combination from the amount of times she’s had to open it.
Nancy Wheeler smiled smugly when your locker opened, releasing you and your skirt.
Nancy had been one of your best friends since you moved to Hawkins along with Chrissy Cunningham and Heather Holloway. At twelve years old, you were anxious, but to your surprise, extremely charismatic. You found friends like wildflowers, something you loved, but Nancy was one of the best. She was like a rose, beautiful and smart, something that drew you to her in the first place.
“My savior! How could I ever repay you?” you joked, mocking a princess before laughing at your own joke, tugging your books tighter to your hip.
Nancy grimaced. “Well,” she started, and your brows furrowed, making you feel uneasy, “Firstly, by not being too mad…”
Nancy shoved a note in your face. You squinted reading the words that alert you that King fucking Steve was waiting for your best friend in the bathroom, wanting to make out. Gross.
“Ew,” you stated, playful smile turning into a pout. Your shoulders slumped, concern kicking in rather than disgust. “Harrington? Really, Nance? You could do so, so much better.”
To you, Steve Harrington was the worst person at Hawkins high. A real player who had absolutely no consideration for anyone’s feeling but his own and his stupid little posse. Generally a piece of shit.
“You owe me,” she mutters, shrugging her shoulder to try to rid her mind of what you were implying, what she had already been anxious about.
“I just think it’s a bad idea,” you say softly, trying not to hurt the poor girls feelings, but really you were just trying to help.
“And why’s that?” she asks, on the defensive.
You shake your head, holding yourself back from rolling your eyes. “He’s a bad idea,” you state simply. “He treats girls like shit and you know better to accept that.”
“You don’t know him.”
“I know that he dumped Charlotte after he had sex with her,” you offered, looking at her with a raised brow. Nancy rolls her eyes.
“Well, that’s Charlotte. And I’m going to see him,” she announces, a little like she’s singing.
Sighing disappointedly, the bell rings in your ears. Great, you’re late.
You give Nancy a look already walking backwards towards your first period. “Make good decisions. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!”
“You wouldn’t go out with him the first place!” she calls back, looking at you with a playful expression.
“Exactly.” You smile, finally turning around and heading to your class. When you fully turn, your smile disappears.
Something about Steve makes you anxious, fills your body with unease whenever you two make eye contact when your both at your lockers. You hate the way he smiles smugly at you. And you hate that he’s going after another one of your friends, the fear of her getting hurt makes your stomach ache.
This time, if he hurts her, you hurt him.
And that’s exactly what happened.
You were on your evening walk, frowning at the missing poster you see of Will Byers, your little brother’s best friend and Johnathan Byers, one of your best friends, brother. It’s a saddening sight, especially since the young boy’s funeral. Absolutely heartbreaking.
Frustration is throbbing through your body. You feel helpless, unable to find the boy despite having helped put up posters and searched through the woods countlessly.
You were also angry with yourself for allowing your brother out of the house when you heard the news, letting him and his friends set out in search for him themselves because your heart ached looking into your brother’s teary eyes as he begged you not to tell mom that you caught him sneaking out.
It was stupid, that you told him to keep his walking on him, stay with his friends, and to stay safe or you’d fucking kill him. You’re a shitty sister.
You were an idiot. An idiot people pleaser who never knew when to say no to her friends and family. It was stupid that when your empathetic heart feels their pain you resort to the worse stress reliever, and contradictory to your guilty conscience, violence.
“Harrington, you better get your ass down from that ladder right now!”
You saw him from a mile away, the words spray painted on the movie theatre that you would always take your brother and his friends. The only thing you could make out of it was that Steve fucking Harrington was caught defaminating one of your best friend’s names while vandalizing the cinema.
Steve’s eyes went wide at the sight of you, the beautiful girl who ignored and criticized his every move. His ex-girlfriends best friend. His heart raced at your angry expression. His cheeks probably got a little red too.
“Henderson, what the hell are you doing here?” he asked, sponge pausing its movement to look down at you. Steve had completely forgotten what it looked like had happened, oblivious to everything else around him, his entire focus on you. His fake innocence only made you angrier.
Ignoring his question, you fumed, “Get your ass down or I’m pushing you off this damn ladder!”
Steve’s eyes widened as he muttered curses under his breath, quickly climbing down from the ladder. You pretended that seeing his face bloody and bruised didn’t make your stomach ache.
“Jesus, what your pro—,” You shoved him, and he stumbled back, arms stretched out as his back hits the ladder, “blem!”
“You wrote this? You called Nancy a slut?!”
You pushed him again, and he stumbled again, still looking at you like you’re crazy. He caught your wrists when you went to push him again.
Your hands were held at his chest, pulling you into his chest despite how you try to plant your feet, to stay away from him. Steve still has an bizzare look on his face as he looks down at you, cheeks pink and he’s slightly out of breathe from how he scrambled to grab your wrists.  Steve rapidly shakes his head, blurting, “What? No! No, I didn’t!”
You let out a scoff, nodding sarcastically as if you believed him. “So… you just cleaning it up? Bullshit,” you spit, and Steve looks almost hurt by your insinuation.
“Yes! “ He announced, running a hand through his hair when you tugged your wrists free. “I didn’t write this!”
Crossing your arms over your chest, you looked at him accusingly, like he was stupid. “Then who did, Harrington?”
“Oh, you’re best friend!” you exclaimed, “That totally makes so much of a difference.”
“No, Henderson, — I.” He groaned. He glanced around, breathing out of his mouth before he pinched his nose. “I should’ve stopped him, I know, but I’m cleaning this up now. I’m trying to fix it.”
“Because you got caught?”
“No! I just—,” he shook his head. “I’m not… friends with those assholes anymore. I just wanna help.”
Really? you thought to yourself. Your nose scrunched as you scanned him up and down for a second with repulsion. He’s not friends with Tommy and Carol anymore? That’s hard to believe.
Your interrogation seemed never ended, and you still had the urge to punch him in the face despite the cuts and bruises that stand prominent on his handsome face. You wet your lips, ignoring your natural concern and continuing. “Help? Help what?”
“I wanna apologize,” he said. “To Nance.”
“Really?” you deadpanned.  Steve arms waved wildly before he poked to fingers into his forehead, closing his eyes.
“Yes, I’m sorry. Is it that hard to believe?”
“Yeah, it is, King Steve,” you scoffed, before you let your thoughts slip into your words. You switch your footing, voice quieting ever so slightly when you ask, “What happened to your face?”
He paused.
“Byers,” Steve replied embarrassed, not even looking at you as your eyes widen.
“Really?” You sound surprised, and you are. The boy who’s been the nicest to you, one of your best friends ever since you’d gotten to town. Your babysitting buddy. The boy who’s brother was missing.
“Johnathan did that?” You ask. When he nods, you hum. “You deserved it.”
“I know.”
Humming, you look at Steve for a second, checking out his bloodied face and red knuckles. Next to his foot is the sponge he was using, it’s turning red and it looks like it’s decomposing from overuse. It makes you clear your throat when you catch his eyes again.
Quietly, almost whispering, you ask, “Do you love her?” You gulp, specifying, “Nancy?”
He sighed, and he looked at you for a good minute, clearly contemplating. Truth be told, he didn’t know. She was… different from his other girlfriend.
Steve would be lying to himself if he said that he didn’t like you. He knew he did, since last year and you walked in wearing a pretty little sundress and gave him attitude when he offered to be your prince charming and open your locker. Maybe he liked Nancy a lot, but he didn’t know if you could love someone and stare at their best friend when their back was turned.
He swallowed, shrugging. “I don’t know.”
You don’t like him. You don’t like him. You don’t like him.
Steve’s word make you nod to yourself, ignoring the relief you feel that he’s not in love with her for Nancy’s sake. Clearly, Steve was a shitty teenage boy, and even worse boyfriend, but you believed in change.
“You really want to make things right?” you question, still trying to keep your guard up despite how you feel them crashing down around you. Goddammit, you hate Steve Harrington.
“Yes,” he groaned, meaningfully.
In your head, you were screaming. Blood curdling, a homicide victim type of screaming, and it’s so loud, so so freaking loud that you couldn’t hear your own thoughts. Maybe, that’s why you make a dumb decision.
You shrug, already turning around to start walking. “Okay, then. Let’s go.”
“Wait, what? Where?”
“To go see Nancy,” you scoffed, as if it was common knowledge. Impatiently, you said, “Come on, I don’t want to be seen with you.”
You trudged forward, once white sneakers thumping against the sidewalk. Behind you, you can hear Steve jog forward, eager to catch up with you.
It doesn’t take long, but the moment he’s beside you, words spill from his lips, quickly. “I— I have my car.”
Pausing in your step, you begrudgingly looked at Steve, quite relieved that you don’t have to walk all the way to Jonathan’s house. “Okay. Where?”
“Over here,” Steve says, almost out of breath as he points to his car. You head towards it without a second thought, harshly pulling on his passenger car door and glaring at him when it doesn’t open.
Steve looks at you strangely, kinda of afraid of you, and he puts his key in before opening the door for you. You don’t look at him, not even when he gets inside the driver seat and starts the car, too busy staring out the window.
“Do you, um, want any music?” Steve stutters, looking at you hesitantly. You roll your eyes.
“You not talking is enough for me,” you smile, sarcastically.
“Oh,” Steve deadpans, biting his lips at he turns away from you, ready to drive.
Great, now you feel bad. You offer, “What do you have?”
“Yeah— yeah, I have Beat It, some AC/DC, Uptown Girl—
“Uptown Girl, please,” you cut him off.  Your casual manners make Steve blush. You don’t even notice that you said it, and it reminds Steve how good you are. You were solid good.
A good girl.
A nice girl.
And one who wants nothing to do with him.
Go figure.
Steve realizes how fucked up his mind is as his knuckles turn white on the stirring wheel. He starts to drive, listening to you hum while starring out the window, sometimes cutting yourself off to tell him directions to Jonathan’s house.
When he asked why there, you said that he had to apologize to Jonathan first. He listens to you for reasons he could not comprehend, because he found himself trusting you despite how much you must hate because he knows you.
In the hallways, he’d watched you tell freshmen directions, laugh on your way to class, help kids who would drop things. You’d barely notice the boys that trailed after you that you thought were only friends, and he’d watch you scold them whenever they were mean to some freak, or nerd, or geek, in the halls.
You were nice. The nicest girl at that damn school, and unbeknownst to you, The Queen Of Hawkins High.
He can’t keep his eyes off you, and he’s never felt guiltier. He let his friend call his girlfriend a slut while he was yearning to kiss her best friend on the way to apologize to her. There was something wrong with him. Steve shook his head, letting his eyes part from you and focus on the road.
The drive was slow, but the moment the car parked in the Byers’ driveway, you were quick to usher Steve out.
“Go,” you wave.
“What?” Steve’s heart races. “Right— right now?”
“When else?” you blink.
“Shouldn’t we rehearse something?”
You sigh, holding back a much needed eye roll. A fake smile props on your lips. “‘Jonathan, I’m sorry for fighting you in the middle of the street. That one’s on me,’” you say. “‘Oh, and I feel bad for smashing your camera to little bits. How about I buy you a new one with my daddy’s money?’” You drop your smile. “That good?”
“The camera wasn’t my fault,” he justified.
 “I know, I was there. Still, that doesn’t make what you did right, so get out of the car and apologize,” you punctuated.
Steve mouth gaped. Then, he begrudgingly unbuckles his seat belt and grumbles under his breath, stepping out the vehicle. He slams the car door shut.
You snorted a laugh, sinking into Steve’s comfy car seats.
From where your sat, you have a clear viewing of the show. You’re not sure whether or not Jonathan will forgive him. Apart of you hopes he doesn’t. You wouldn’t be surprised if he did.
What did surprise you was watching Steve, under the warm yellow glow from the Byers house lights, pound on the door and then eventually force his way in.
Hastily, you trailed after him, leaves crunching under your quick feet.
“Steve!” you called once in the door way. “This wasn’t what we talked about…”
The words died in your throat as your eyes scattered across the room, the sight of Jonathan, a shit ton of weapons his living room table and Nancy with a gun pointed at Steve’s face had you had you bewildered.
“You two need to leave now!” Jonathan said, but you were more focused on Nancy’s count down, gun still pointed at Steve.
Before you could think, you were shoving yourself in between Steve, Jonathan, and the gun, hand raised in defense. The mass of Christmas lights around you flickered briskly with your final shout, “What is going on?”
Few words between Nancy and Jonathan end with Steve Harrington, grabbing your wrist and dragging you down the hall into a bedroom as a venus-flytrap looking bear rips apart the ceiling.
“What the hell was that,” Steve yelled along with a variety of curses.
“Shut up!” Nancy and Jonathan shouted, synchronized.
You and Steve shared a feared look.
Pounds and gurgles erupt from the other side of the door until they suddenly stopped. In the silence, Nancy and Jonathan exit the room, Steve and you right behind them.
“Are you going to tell us what that was?” you rasped desperately.
Nancy’s reply was short. “A demogorgon.”
You recognized that name. “Like—,” you brows pinched together. “From DnD?”
“That’s what the boys said.”
“The boys,” you repeated. “Like Dustin, Lucas, and Mike? They know about this?”
“Look, Y/N, I’m sorry but we don’t have time for the questions. It’s going to come back, and you two,” she gestures to you and Steve, “need to leave. Right now.”
Breathing heavy, and with the shake of your head, you said, “No.”
“Yes, go,” Nancy said, stepping closer. You were the same height, she couldn’t intimidate you, not even with a gun in her hand. You weren’t going to leave, especially because of the newfound fear of that thing going after your brother.
“Y/N,” Steve tried, eager for the door.
“No, you go,” you said to Steve then turned to Nancy, “I’m staying so either let me help kill it or I’ll stand here and be bait.”
“Fine,” Nancy said.
Jonathan threw you a lighter. “Throw this into the carpet when it’s here.”
Steve felt pathetic watching the three of you. He didn’t want to leave and be a coward, but he didn’t want to die either. One thought over powered the other and he sprinted to his car, but seeing rapid flickering lights, he forced himself back inside.
After swinging a crowbar at the demogorgon and watching it swallow it whole, you were sure you were going to die. You fell back, squeaking in despair as you did so. The demogorgon’s mouth widen, and you may have gotten a little teary eyed at the sight of Jonathan and Nancy on the floor, looking helpless as well.
But to your shock, Steve Harrington jumped in front of you, swinging a bat like he hadn’t quit baseball in seventh grade.
What happened next was blur, but you remember Steve Harrington forcing you to your feet and the sight of a demogorgon enveloped in flames.
With shallow breaths, you sat on the wooden porch in front of the Byers’ house, illuminated by a singular warm lantern, recollecting the previous events. Mind racing, you hardly notice the body next to yours.
Well, until, and hand landed on your shoulder. It’s large, much bigger than your own. Your eyes traced the arm up to its owner, seeing a bloody, concerned face staring back at you.
“You okay?” Steve asked, and your heart swelled the slightest bit at his worry. He had just almost killed himself and he was worried about you.
Your eyebrows twitched, the undying desire to hate him still present. “Yeah,” you choked, “I’m fine.”
Steve nodded. He retracted the hand off your shoulder slowly, which you were grateful for. Nancy and Johnathan’s dull chatter filled the void, the four of you too nerved to fully close the front door.
Clearing your throat, you said, not looking at him. “Thank you for — um — saving my life.”
When Steve spoke, you turned to him. “Anybody would’ve done the same.”
“No they wouldn’t have,” you said, entire body angling towards him. You kept your hands in your lap, tediously explaining, “They would’ve ran for the hills, like you should’ve, but you didn’t. So thanks. I owe you one.”
“Don’t mention it,” he griped, but you shook your head with a scoff, readjusting yourself to look straight forward. You went silent again. Not far from you, you can hear the engine of a car, smell the toxic carbon monoxide polluting the air.
Steve Harrington saved your life. King Steve Harrington saved your life.
Laughing to yourself, you eyed Steve carefully. “I never would’ve taken you for a hero, Harrington.”
“Guess you were wrong,” Steve chuckled. His eyes shone particularly bright in the moonlight.
“Mhm,” you hummed, looking to your lap, “maybe about a lot of things too.”
You hadn’t known why you said that. Steve’s lips parted at your words, a dumbfounded look forming on his face.
Immediately, your head whipped to the noise. Your eyes widened with recognition to the voice. “Dustin!” you shouted, voice echoing off the trees in question.
A car pulled up, and in the back windows you could see three smiling faces in the window.
Smiling. They’re okay, you told yourself. And free to yell.
“You boys are so lucky.” The words came out forced, a quiver in your voice at the pure relief you feel, rushing to the boys off the porch and watching the three of them exit the car safely. “You could’ve gotten yourselves killed,” you snapped. “Why didn’t you told me?”
Only after you spoke did you notice their red rimmed eyes.
Your lips twitched into a frown. Swallowing back your own tears, you pulled Dustin, Lucas, and Mike into a hug. “I’m so glad you all are okay.”
Vaguely, blue and red flashing lights pull up onto the driveway of the Byers’ house. Police step out their car with questioning looks. It’s not long before one offers to take you and your brother home.
Glancing behind you, Steve Harrington’s eyes found yours swiftly, as if they had been trained to you this entire time. Hesitantly, you raised your hand, not very high, but just visibly for him to see. You gave Steve a small wave.
He smiled at you, and you were sure that it hurt.
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been meaning to write a steve fic for a while. he’s so boyfriend and i’m a huge hopelessly pining/enemies to lovers girly
not my best, probably will rewrite in the future
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harringroveera · 5 months
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Their friends just want them to shut up sometimes
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withlovemark · 11 months
all of the moments that led me to you.
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warning: steve's black eye (nothing new), violence, mentions of blood, a fight between steve x billy
pairing: steve x reader, light billy x reader (not really, this isn't a love triangle lol)
words: 4.5k+
summary: the title speaks for itself -- a series of moments with steve harrington
an: i was going to post everything as one fic but i kind of hit writer's block in the middle of year 1985 so i'll post this for now instead and hopefully gain some inspiration to continue :)
yr. 1984
i. the first meeting ft. dustin henderson
the words “code red” hitting your ears every five seconds, the stomping of feet running around the house, the back door opening and closing several times - babysitting is weird. not one kid is ever the same, some are easy-going, others can be a real pain in the ass. 
you hoped you got an easy kid today. one that just stays in front of the television, binging on crackers and occasionally asking for your help. obviously, you were wrong. 
if it wasn’t for the fact that it pays well while simultaneously allowing you to do some of your own studies and looking good on your college resume, you wouldn’t even be here.
but you are here. seated inside the henderson household. 
“hey y/n, can you please drive me to my friend mike’s house?,” dustin runs into the living room, an exasperated expression on his face, interrupting your reading. 
“are you okay?” you ask, worried about the kid you just met when his mother called an hour ago trailing on about how she saw your babysitting flyer some time back. and even though she knew that she had to book a date at least two days beforehand, she still asked if you could watch over her son. 
“just for today” she said, as she needed to look for her missing cat. her promise of double pay, convincing you to accept her request. 
“i’m fine, i just really need you to drive me to mike’s,” dustin says hurriedly, eyes hopeful that you wouldn’t ask anymore questions. 
“why?” you ask and the boy’s shoulder slumps, doing his best to not roll his eyes at your persistence. he’s obviously not used to  asking for permission. 
“i uhm forgot my book there and i really, really need it to study for my exam tomorrow,” he sends you a toothy grin, trying to convince you that that was all there is to it. you’re no fool. you notice the slight change in his voice, his fingers anxiously playing with his pockets, right leg slightly bouncing up and down - indications that he’s lying.
“you know your mom’s not paying for my gas, right?” you reason, not wanting to give in to his request and hoping you could just have a calm afternoon.
dustin sighs, his smile disappearing, “fine. i’ll just go behind your back and bike there and if i end up missing or in a ditch somewhere then it’ll be your fault,” he counters, personality quickly switching from the boy who said “please.” 
you sat there, flabbergasted, “are you…blackmailing me right now?” an eyebrow raising, you couldn’t believe how diabolical the curly headed boy is. 
“i’m not blackmailing you. i’m simply telling you what's going to happen if you don’t drive me,” he smiles, an almost devilish smile, tone hardening with every word and you truly do not know whether you’re terrified or impressed. 
letting out a quiet chuckle, you shake your head, “alright, c’mon kid,” you say, grabbing your car keys off the table, “but we’re going back as soon as you get it.”
you should’ve known not to trust him, finding yourself hurriedly getting into the back seat of the car of the last person you ever expected to interact with - steve harrington. 
pushing his forgotten red roses towards the other end of the car, you take your seat in the middle. 
“wh-what are you doing?” dustin turns from the passenger seat, facing you as steve takes in your presence, eyes on his rearview mirror, a confused expression evident on his face. 
“y/n l/n?,” he questions, finally remembering where he has seen you before, “you’re in nancy’s grade?,” he asks, more a question for himself than you. 
you nod, “steve harrington,” acknowledging his presence for the first time. 
 “why are you with dustin?” he wonders. he didn’t know much about you. only that you and nancy were sometimes studying in the library together. she’s told him before that you always get the top grades in class and she wanted to be around more motivated people like you. 
“i’m his babysitter and i’m coming with,” you simply answer his question, keeping the explanation short. it’s weird enough that you were inside the car of hawkin high’s famous “king.”
“since when did you have a babysitter dude,” steve reverts his attention back to dustin. 
“i'll explain later,” dustin reassures him quickly before turning back to you,  “and uhm, you don’t have to come, i have steve now,” he points to the guy in the driver seat like you don’t see him. 
from what you’ve heard about steve, you’re not sure you trust leaving the young boy with him. he’s known for being notorious, having bad company and overall, just a guy with the money, the looks and the popularity that somehow has every girl wanting him and every boy wanting to be him. you’re not sure how that guy can be trusted with kids.
subconsciously, you eye steve suspiciously, causing him to put two hands up in surrender “hey, i have no idea what’s happening either,” he defends, shrugging nonchalantly. 
snapping out of your daze, you focused your attention back on dustin, “look dustin, steve isn’t the one being paid to watch you right now,” you start to explain.
“hold on, you’re getting paid for this?” the older boy interrupted.
you ignore him, attention still on dustin, “if something were to happen to you, your mom would be looking for me. i’m responsible for you kid, i-,”
“fine! there’s no time,” he cuts you off, obviously in a rush. 
“you can come, just,” dustin contemplates, already regretting the words that slipped from his lips, “just don’t blame me for getting you into this thing.”
at that, steve snaps back to reality, “wait, wait, wait, if this ‘thing’ is about ‘that’ then she definitely can NOT come,” steve declared, his voice laced with a seriousness you didn’t think he could have. 
“well, are you going to drag her out of the car so she doesn’t find out about this thing?,” the younger boy replies, a sarcastic tone evident on his lips. 
“guys, i can hear you,” you piped in, eyes going back and forth between the two boys, having absolutely no clue what they’re referring to. 
“dustin, im not joking ok!,” steve ignores you, “we can’t tell people about this,” a serious expression appearing on his face, one you’ve never seen on him before, “we’ll get in trouble, you know that. besides, we shouldn’t involve anyone else into this anyway!,” he protested. 
he didn’t sound like the steve you would hear about at school. he sounded responsible, protective. he sounded like…a babysitter. 
“i know that steve, that’s why i told her to leave!,” dustin shouted. 
“well, she’s clearly still sitting in the backseat of my car!,” steve’s voice raises with every syllable. 
“can someone just explain what’s happening?” you try butting in, rolling your eyes, completely fading into the background as they continue their bickering.
“i don’t see YOU trying to do anything about it!,” dustin throws the argument back to steve, his patience on thin ice.
“she’s YOUR babysitter!,” steve points out yet again, ears turning red, veins popping and finally pushing the young boys’ limit. 
“fuCK!, we don’t have time for this steve, we really have to go NOW!” dustin shouts, losing his temper. 
steve, ready to reprimand him, before you decide you’ve had enough.
the series of “thing” and “this” has your mind spinning and your curiosity getting the best of you.  
“SHUT UP!” gaining the two boys’ attention, their bodies turning towards you, “both of you. shut. up.” you enunciate, loud and clear.  
“i promise i won’t blame you…or you,” glancing at the two boys, “for whatever the hell this thing is…just put your seatbelts on and drive,” ending their argument as you sat behind the passenger seat, clicking your own seatbelt into place. 
steve gives up, letting out a sigh, “fuck it,” before finally stepping on the gas. 
ii. the babysitters and an angry billy hargrove
you should have never picked up mrs. henderson’s call and you definitely shouldn’t have agreed to babysitting. what was the point of having your own terms and conditions when you didn’t even follow them yourself?
you should, however, have listened to steve and dustin when they told you to leave.
the day isn’t even over yet and you’re already questioning everything you knew. in a span of a couple of hours, you have been introduced to a world you couldn’t even imagine. having to pinch yourself a couple of times to make sure you weren’t just dreaming. 
everything was strange. 
you’ve spent the whole afternoon dropping meat, trying to bait something called a demogorgon. met steve’s spiked bat. got questioned regarding your relationship with billy hargrove from his very own red headed step-sister. came face to face with the said demogorgon, who, by the way, had demogorgon friends and were actually a pack of demodogs. almost died in a junkyard. walked in the dark woods just to end up in a creepy laboratory. felt the awkward tension between steve, nancy and jonathan. understood why will byers was called the zombie boy. stood behind steve while holding a random kitchen knife you grabbed from the byers’ kitchen — and to top it all off, encountered a little girl who flung the finally, very dead demogorgon through the window then unlocked the front door, all using only her mind. 
in conclusion, monsters and superpowers aren’t just a thing people read in their comic books.
“how are you holding up?” steve breaks you out of your thoughts, your eyes snapping to his voice. 
everyone else has left, leaving you the only two teenagers to act as the adults once again. 
the strangest thing of all of this was somehow, steve harrington went from being the popular jock to a guy whose simple presence can provide you comfort. everything you knew about him has changed. 
it’s amazing what shared trauma could do. 
you shoot him a small smile, “well, i definitely wasn’t expecting all this,” you look around the mess around you, “to be a part of that thing” you refer back to the boys’ banter, trying to keep the energy light despite everything that happened. 
he gives you a sheepish smile,  almost like he was sorry, regretting that he allowed you to be a part of this. 
“it’s not your fault. i chose to come,” you say, reading his thoughts and putting an end to them. 
“where did you put the demogorgon?” you continue, changing the subject, reassuring him that you were ok. at least, as much as anyone could be ok in this situation. 
“we stuffed it in the fridge,” he shakes his head, arms crossing, like he couldn't believe it himself, “‘for science’ dustin said,” steve quotes the younger boy with a grin.  
“right, of course, all the important things,” you chuckled, matching his grin as the two of you continued to clean the broken fragments that have scattered around the house. 
you thought it was over, that you could all just wait for everything else to unfold in peace but after a few minutes of silence, the kids were back on their feet, ready to "get off the bench.” you’re not sure how steve has the energy to continue arguing with them when you’re completely exhausted. 
the sound of an engine brings a silence to the house, max running towards the blinds recognizing the car that has made an appearance in the driveway, “shit, it’s billy, he can’t see me,” she says frantically, eyes meeting yours, a silent call for help. 
“i got it, just hide,” you hushly ordered, quickly making your way to the front porch. steve tried pulling you back but you were out the door before anyone could protest, resulting in him looking through the peephole. 
billy’s momentarily confused expression at your arrival wasn’t lost on you and if you were in his shoes you’d probably have the same one on, “hey sweetheart, what are you doing here?,” his husky voice taking up space in the cold, night air.
standing a couple steps away from him, his hand immediately finds a spot on your waist, pulling you closer. you placed a hand on his chest to keep some distance between the two of you, aware of the audience you have, “i’m babysitting a kid, his friend lives here,” you explain, smiling sweetly at him, hoping that he won’t suspect anything and leave as soon as he came. 
“have you seen my sister?” he asks breathily, face inching closer and closer to yours, a smirk on his lips. if it was any other day, you would have enjoyed his attention, maybe even be up for some fun. right now though, you just want him as far from max as possible. 
“no, why would she be here?,” feigning innocence, you hope he believes your lie. 
“she’s been hanging out with a couple of kids here, a bunch of bad influences,” he huffed, eyes quickly glancing around you before pulling you even closer.
“i haven’t seen her, she’s probably at the arcade, have you checked?,” you hope he doesn’t hear the shakiness in your voice. 
“you know what i like about you sweetheart?,” he muttered, placing a harsh kiss below your ear, his grip on your waist starting to dig into your skin. you know he has caught you. 
“you can’t lie for shit,” pulling you away from him, gaze darkening, he howled with laughter as you followed his line of vision, seeing four kids peeking through the window — one, with very bright red hair. 
frustrated curses slip from your lips as you shoot them an angry glance before billy grabs your wrist, dragging you right behind him as he pounded on the door, coming face to face with steve. 
“harrington, am i dreaming or is that you?,” he mocks, his hold on your wrist tightening. 
“yeah it’s me, don’t cream your pants,” steve rolls his eyes, hands on his hips like a disappointed mother. 
steve notices you wince under billy’s hold, “let her go man,” he orders, taking a step towards the wider boy. 
billy focuses his attention back on you, for a second you see a feeling of betrayal flash through his eyes but that was quickly replaced with a snarled expression, like he was completely disgusted with the thought of you. 
“is there a reason why you both are here alone?” his dark voice causes goosebumps to rise throughout your body. 
you’ve heard of how violent he can be but until right now, he has never shown that side to you. 
“what are you saying?,” you almost couldn’t recognize him anymore, breath hitching in your throat. 
“are you fucking him behind my back, sweetheart?,” billy’s voice grew menacing, “you know i don’t like to share,” he continued accusing you, his free hand coming in contact with your neck, forcing you to look at him. 
“dude, no. we’re babysitting,” steve answers for you and motioning towards the kids like it’s the most obvious answer in the world.  
“you’re hurting her,” he emphasized, “just let her go,” gently stepping closer, steve has his arms slowly reaching for you, hands up, a signal that he comes in peace. 
steve hopes billy will focus his attention on him instead, just wanting to get you out of there. he feels responsible for your safety and well-being. 
“gladly…” billy shot him an evil smirk, “you can’t trust bitches anyways right, harrington?,” he scowled, violently throwing you against the wall. 
your head makes a direct impact with the concrete, causing you to fall to the ground, a whimper slipping through your lips. you hear the kids' screams and a punch being thrown as you feel your vision slipping between darkness and light.  
you make out dustin running towards you and grabbing your hand, trying to get you to sit up. a couple of unsuccessful tries, he pleads “i’ll come back okay, just stay alive,” as he makes his way back to his friends. 
the proceeding events were all a blur and it felt like you were watching it through static television. one moment you can hear victorious cheers. the next moment, you hear something break and steve is suddenly lying on the floor a couple feet away from you, bloody faced and barely breathing. billy continuously throws his punches and the kids scream in fear. you try to get up but your body betrays you, only allowing you to reach out your arm towards the brown haired boy. 
somehow, the sound of the punches halted and billy fell to the ground. a sigh of relief escapes from your lips while the slow rise and fall of steve harrington’s chest becomes the last thing you see as you completely fade into the darkness.
the next time you open your eyes is to another set of screams, waking you up from your much needed slumber, if you can even call it that. you ignore the pounding in your head as you try to regain your vision. the first thing you feel are the strong arms in front of you, acting as your seatbelt, as you try to piece it all together. 
a couple minutes of confusion later, you finally recognize what’s happening, joining steve in full babysitter mode. the yelling of “no’s!,” and “stop the car’s!,” filling the tiny vehicle. 
“great, now they’re both awake!, i told you we should have just left them!,” mike cursed dustin annoyingly. 
“we were not going to leave them there, mike!,” dustin retorted, “c’mon guys i promised you’ll be cool, okay? just calm. down,” he softly ordered, like he was the babysitter and you two were his children. 
you scoff, “dustin, don’t fucking tell me to calm down!,” somehow fearing for your life now more than ever. 
“everyone just shut up, i’m trying to focus!,” max yells as lucas yells the directions in her ear. 
max makes a harsh turn causing a chorus of screams to rise. your hand immediately clutching around steve’s arm, face burrowing in his neck, seeking for protection, afraid of the crash that luckily never came. 
you’re not even too sure what happened the rest of the night but somehow you all made it out unscathed, besides the fact that you and steve are probably suffering matching concussions. 
iii. the heart-to-heart
in the tiny bathroom of the byer’s house, you find yourself standing in between steve harrington’s legs. his body feels familiar now, especially after you seeked comfort in each other in the dark tunnel, the two of you thinking it would be your last breaths. in some way, the miracle happened and the screeching demogorgons ran straight past the two of you, like you weren’t even there. 
you remember looking up at his golden, brown eyes. being that close to him, you noticed how beautiful they actually are and finally understood how he has charmed every girl at school. 
‘i guess it wouldn’t have been too bad dying in steve harrington’s arms.’ you thought to yourself.  
brushing those thoughts away, you bask in the moment of solitude within the commotion that is taking place behind the bathroom door. everyone reunited here, checking up on each other.
“does it hurt?” you ask him as you gently pat the alcohol covered cotton pad around his eye, cleaning up the bits of red that have stained them.
he slightly winces, hoping you didn’t notice, “i’m fine, this isn’t my first rodeo,” he assures, sending you a wink before completely regretting the tiny action, a frown briskly replacing his smile, causing small chuckles to slip between your lips. 
“you know, you should really stop getting into fights, i could’ve sworn you had a black eye just a year ago,” you remember it like it was yesterday - steve harrington walking the halls of hawkins high without his two minions for the first time, looking like he had fallen off his throne as the hushed whispers grew louder until they finally made its way throughout the school in a matter of minutes. 
you could tell he wasn’t at all the person he was trying to be and for a second, you saw yourself in him. you wanted to get to know that steve. the steve that may understand you. but that second didn’t last long. 
“so you were watchin me?” he teases, a smirk on his lips resulting in a playful shove and an eye roll from you.
gently grabbing his chin, you stare straight into his eyes, “of course i was. you’re steve harrington,” you remind him, “everyone watches you,” stating the facts before letting go and going back to removing all the dried up blood from his pretty face. 
he clears his throat, shrugging his shoulders, playing it cool, “yeah, i guess you’re right,” he says dumbfoundedly, making you laugh. 
“you’re ridiculous,” you quietly comment, a smile still on your lips. steve focuses on your light touches, trying not to wince every time you get near his open wounds. you notice his knuckles going white, gripping the toilet seat he was sitting on and ever so gently, hurried your actions. 
“there, all clean,” you softly declare as you slip from his space, turning around and putting all mrs. byer’s first aid kit back into place. he quietly thanks you, leaning his head back a bit to rest, his eyes shutting for a second. 
“thanks, by the way,” you break the silence “for protecting me earlier… with billy and all the upside down things,” you explain, looking at steve through the mirror. he nods, not entirely sure he’s deserving of your gratitude. you protected him as much as he protected you. 
“is he always that violent with you?” steve asks, an eyebrow going up. 
you immediately shake your head,  “no, he’s never laid a hand on me, i don’t know what came over him,” you say honestly. 
“why billy hargrove?” he asks, causing you to pause your actions, paying attention to him.
“what do you mean?” you reply, turning around to face him once again, your back against the tiny kitchen sink. 
“well, you didn’t leave dustin alone even though you just started babysitting him today, you care about having seatbelts on, you immediately covered up for max and just now, you took care of me when you should be taking care of yourself,” he points out, “you’re responsible and kind and you care and, well, billy is just a huge dick,” he finished, a hand flailing in the air as you stare at him, stunned at his observations.
you compose your thoughts for a while, not at all ready to have a heart to heart with steve harrington in a bathroom. 
instead, you throw the question back at him, “why nancy wheeler?” 
“you cannot possibly be comparing billy to nancy,” he replies quickly, a disapproving tone laced in his voice.
“i’m not,” you say defensively, “i’m just saying, she hurt you too but you’re still with her, you-”
“i-i don’t know if we’re actually still together,” he sadly replies, cutting you off, eyes dropping to the floor and you think back to the woods earlier that night — nancy emerging with jonathan right by her side. 
“but you still love her,” you continue, “even though she’s hurt you, you still love her,” you finish, trying to make a point.
“so, you’re in love with billy?” he concludes.
you scoff, wanting to say yes and finally drop the subject but the mere thought of agreeing with that sentence makes you visibly wince. 
“god no, i’ve been on a couple dates with the guy, it’s far from love,” earning an even more confused steve to face you. 
“i don’t know if it’s because i got my brains punched out or i really am just dumb but i completely lost you there,” he admit, a tiny smile on his lips and all you could do is sigh. 
heart to heart talk it is. 
“you’re not dumb, i just-” taking a deep breath, you prepare yourself.
“we all have our own reasons why were with someone,” you begin, “i’m just so tired of the perfect good girl image that has been imposed on me, it's like people just see me as that and nothing else,” as soon as you start, the dam breaks, flowing. 
you find yourself entrusting your deepest thoughts to him, “i can’t be fun because good girls aren’t supposed to be, i go to parties and people are confused that i'm there. you know, i even joined the cheerleading team so people can see me as something more? but all that does is fuel the assumption that i can do everything and still get shit done...that im not capable of mistakes and bad decisions. that i’ll turn out to be something great when really i’m just so damn scared all the time,” your voice breaks but before he could comment, you cleared your throat and continued. 
“i guess being with him makes people finally see me out of my stereotype” you confess, waiting for him to say something. the silence becomes overbearing and you feel completely vulnerable under his gaze. 
“oh,” steve responds, before bursting into laughter and you feel like a complete idiot, eyebrows shifting downward. god, you’re so ready to dramatically walk out of this bathroom and slam the door against his face but before you could do that, he notices.
“hey wait,” he says, gently grabbing your arm, asking you to stay as he arranges his thoughts.
“i’m sorry, i’m just relieved that you’re not actually in love with him because you deserve a lot better than billy hargrove,” he says charmingly, his cool facade still on display. 
“i know,” you agree, stopping yourself from rolling your eyes, “is that all?” you ask, still annoyed. 
“yeah,” steve starts, “i-no,” you give him time. you know that he’s having a war in his mind right now, the same one you just had. 
he avoids your gaze, thinking to himself, until finally, he puts his defenses down, “i understand you,” he confesses. 
“if it makes you feel better, it’s not at all greener on this side, i wished people looked at me less, i wish i didn’t have to go to all these parties just for people to respect me,” steve rattled on, feeling the weight fall off his shoulders with every word that falls off his lips, his facade disappearing bit by bit.
“i completely gave up on school because everyone has already expected me to fail and i started to believe them…it’s tiring having to pretend i’m this ‘king’ steve,” he quotes, “when really i am spiraling and have no fucking clue what i even want in life...i’ll probably just end up having a stupid job i hate and being as bitter as my father,” he sadly chuckles.  
“i’m just as scared as you,” he ends with a small smile, eyes meeting yours. he feels lighter after having said it all out loud for the first time and he can’t quite comprehend how he feels so safe sharing his saddest truths with you. 
but as you cast him a kind smile, the words “fuck stereotypes,” making its way to his ears, he can’t help but be thankful for the spilled truths and ajar doors. 
steve mirrors your expression and you’re glad you finally got to meet him. not “playboy” steve harrington and definitely not steve “the king” harrington. 
just steve. 
next: yr. 1985 (to be written)
an: a lil bridgerton reference there hehe ... thank you for reading! let me know if you're interested in reading the other moments i had planned :)
feel free to inspire me by dropping your thoughts, comments, suggestions, etc. here <3
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disdaidal · 11 months
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for my beloved ana @lovebillyhargrove ♥♥♥
(harringrove fake scenes)
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hellfirexclub · 2 years
Billy, Eddie and Steve react to you sitting on their lap
a/n: Yes the classic there's only one seat left in the car, I had to do it with our boys! These got way filthier than I envision and I love it?? hope you all enjoy
warnings: fem!reader, slight exhibitionism, daddy kink, clit play, fingering, dry humping, filthy Dom Billy, straight up virgin!Eddie cumming in his pants, its hot
Billy would definitely be the one to suggest you sit in his lap in the first place, deliberately staying back as the others got in the car so it would just be the two of you left. His eyes would be glowing dangerously as he casually says for you to sit on his lap, tongue swiping slowly over his lips as you agree, none the wiser. Billy loves how easy this is, you’re so innocent and unassuming of his behaviour being anything more than friendly. It fuels his desire to ruin you, to take your sweet innocence and corrupt you into his little slut. He smirks at you as he pats his lap, leaning his back into the seat and jutting his hips out further as you crawl in after him. He’s not discreet in looking up your skirt as you sit down on his lap, biting his lips as he catches a glimpse of your thong. Only a slut wears a thong, Billy muses to himself. He adjusts the second you’re on his lap, pretending he’s getting comfy when he’s actually just pressing you further up against his crotch. He keeps his strong hands on your hips, holding you firmly in place so you ‘don’t fall off.’ You have to squeeze your thighs together discreetly at the closeness of him, at his hands that are gripping you so tightly, thumbs rubbing your hips gently. You hope Billy doesn’t notice that you’re getting turned on from being on his lap, each bump of the car making you bounce in his lap and have to bite your lip to keep from letting out a sound. But of course Billy notices, he’s been watching you like a hawk and the second he feels you squirming in his lap he knows he’s got you right where he wants you. Billy adjusts again, holding your hips to grind you against the growing bulge in his jeans, smirking wolfishly as he hears the little whimper you accidentally let out. You’re so easy to get a response out of, Billy knows that if he wanted to slide that little thong to the side and slip inside of you right now in front of all these people, you’d let him. He rocks you against him again, watching as your eyes flutter shut and you mouth an ‘oh’ head resting back against his chest. He keeps slowly grinding you against him as you try and keep in your moans, chest heaving and legs squirming from his movements. Billy chuckles when your hips move of their own accord, grinding back against him desperate for more friction, making him dig his nails hard into your hips.
“Careful sweetheart, or I’m gunna have to fuck you right here in this seat” He whispers low into your ear, making shivers run up your spine and a quiet whimper slip past your lips. You can’t believe you’re doing this, especially with people right next to you, but thankfully everyone was distracted enough not to notice the tension between the two of you. And Billy was so fucking hot, he had you soaked already, you wanted to see what else he could do if you pushed him.
“What if I want you to fuck me here daddy?” You whisper back to him, pouting and brandishing your doe eyes at him while his eyes cloud over in darkness. Billy growls and ruts against you, his big hand discreetly slipping under your skirt to harshly grab your thigh. 
“Be careful what you wish for princess” He growls into your ear, smirking as his hand travels further up your thigh and finds your clothed cunt, humming lowly as he feels you through the fabric. “So fucking wet it’s already dripping down your thighs huh?” He says, low and strained into your ear. You can only nod in response as you do everything in your power not to moan aloud. You’re grinding against him so furiously you don’t know how the others haven’t noticed, gripping on his shirt tight as he slips his fingers under your panties and spreads your slick over your cunt. Without warning one of his fingers is slipping into your tight, warm heat, and you let out an audible whimper that you have to play off as a gasp when the others turn to look at you. You try and stay still in his lap while Steve double checks your okay, but Billy wants to see you break, slipping a second finger in your cunt and fingering you faster while you try and stutter a response. Once Steve was satisfied and had turned back to the loud conversation, Billy chuckles darkly into your ear as he watches you come apart on him. “What, you didn’t want him to know that you’re such a slut you’re letting Billy Hargrove finger you in front of him?” He mocks, laughing lowly as you pout and try to shake your head. “Such a fucking brat” He growls, sliding his fingers slowly out of your pussy as you whine at the lack of contact. That is until you feel him shifting underneath your ass, unbuckling his jeans and sliding down the zip so that he can slip his hard cock out. “I think I’ll have to fuck this attitude out of you.” He says in a quiet groan. You bite your lip so hard you think you may draw blood as he teases your cunt with the tip of his cock, this was so fucking hot but so fucking wrong considering how easily you could get caught. What would the others say to you if they found out what you were doing, how disgusted would they be? The thought of it just thrills you more, makes you feel like a filthy little slut. The perfect little subby brat for him. You have to hide your face in your hands and turn to face the window when Billy sinks your hips down on him, muffling your noises and hiding your fucked out expression. Billy throws his head back with a low groan, eyes rolling into the back of his head as he feels your tight, warm pussy clenching around him. He wants nothing more than to pound you until you’re crying, but he knows that’s better off saved for later, considering how he has an idea of how he could tease you far worse right now. He’d felt the way your cunt had squeezed around his fingers tighter when you were talking to Steve before. “Hey Harrington. Y/n wanted to ask you something” He says nonchalantly, jutting his hips into yours and pushing his cock deeper inside you while you squeak and turn with pink cheeks to look at Steve, who is patiently looking at you with those angel eyes, waiting to hear your question. God Billy is such a fucking dick. 
When Eddie noticed there was only one seat left he’d instantly offer it to you being the gentleman he is, insisting he’d just walk or something and meet you guys there. But you’d just shake your head and laugh it off, stopping his rambling and saying that you’re his best friend so its totally chill if you just sit on his lap. As a hum of approval comes from everyone in the car, Eddie has to pick up his jaw from the ground and pretend he too was chill about it. He desperately did want you to sit on his lap, he’d imagined it many times, but he didn’t want you to feel him pop a boner and realise he thinks of you as much more than just a friend. His cheeks are red up to his ears as he slides himself onto the seat stiffly, swallowing and trying to discreetly steady his breathing as you climb in after him and seat yourself on his lap. The first thing he can’t help but notice is how soft your ass felt pressed up against him, biting his knuckle behind your head as he wills himself to think about anything else to not get turned on. Certainly not how good you smell this close to him, the subtle scent of your shampoo making butterflies fill his stomach. Not how good your bare thighs look on top of him, how your skirt has ridden up in the back and your bare ass is against him. He has to bite back a groan when he realises he can feel the heat of your pussy through his jeans, unable to keep the blood from rushing to his cock as he desperately tries to keep himself from rutting against you. You make casual conversation with him as he dies internally, praying you can’t feel his growing bulge. It doesn’t help that he’s never had a girl sat on his lap before, this was all too much for him. He just wants to flip you around in his lap and worship every inch of you. See you sweating and blissed out riding his cock in this backseat. Eddie swallows hard as he tries to keep his mind from wondering, his chest heaving against your back. You feel this and you can see the strained look on his face out of the corner of your eye, smirking to yourself at his reaction. You had an inkling that Eddie may like you too considering the both of you jokingly flirted a lot, but it had never got so far as the two of you being close like this. Feeling confident in Eddie’s reaction you test the waters with a cheeky shift of your hips, grinding back against him nonchalantly as you hear the boy gasp and breathe in sharply through his nose. You pretend that you’re just adjusting, grinding harder against him as you back up further on his lap. A breathy moan of your name spills out of Eddie’s lips, and you turn to look him while feigning innocence.
“What’s the matter Eds?” You ask him teasingly, fake pouting at him while he tries to cough and act casual.
“N-nothing, just a bit hot in here” He mutters quickly, averting his eyes from you quickly as he feels his cheeks burn up. He holds his breath, half expecting you to out him for being rock hard against you. Surely you can feel it, it’s straining in his pants and you’d ground right against it…
“You sure Eddie?” You say in sweet concern, looking at him with wide eyes as you wiggle once more in his lap. His eye twitches as he tries to keep a straight face and not groan, nodding back at you as he ponders if this was intentional or not. Eddie couldn’t believe a girl as hot as you would be grinding on him on purpose, but you weren’t stupid and neither was he. He bites his lip and his heart races as his hands slowly move from being wrapped around you to gently taking a hold of your hips, noting the breathy sigh you let out when you feel him touching you. His heart thumps heavy in his chest as you do another one of those teasing fucking grinds against him, but this time his strong hands grip your hips and pull you against him harder, spilling a breathy gasp from your lips. This makes a little smirk play on Eddie’s lips, gaining some confidence from your reaction. He rocks you against him again and you let out a quiet whimper that somehow makes his cock even harder, he can feel his cock beading precum into his pants.
“Eddie” You whisper breathily, looking at him through your eyelashes over your shoulder. He looks so gorgeous with his blissed out eyes and his mouth agape, panting heavily as you push your ass back against his cock. 
“You started it” He drawls, chuckling low as you bite your lip and smirk back at him knowing you were caught. He throws his head back when you respond by grinding harder against him, your hips rolling your pussy so deliciously over his aching cock. Eddie bites back his moans, his hand running through his messy hair and eyes squeezing shut as he tries not to fall apart from the sheer pleasure of you grinding on him. 
“I’m so wet for you Eddie” You moan quietly into his ear, making a strangled groan come out of his mouth that he has to disguise as a cough. Eddie whimpers as he holds your hips tighter, mind filled only with your sexy fucking voice and the thought of getting to sink into your soaking pussy. He couldn’t think straight, couldn’t do anything but growl and rut you against him faster as he feels himself getting closer. He couldn’t stop now, it was all too fucking hot having you grinding on his lap and doing this with people right next to you. You notice his movements getting more frantic, a smirk playing on your lips as you realise he’s actually close to cumming from this. 
“Does my pussy feel too good Eds? You gunna cum in your pants just from grinding on me?” You coo into his ear, making him whine as his hips stutter even faster. “Imagine how good it will feel when you’re stretching me out” You tease breathily, making Eddie unable to stop himself from moaning and rocking you against him desperately while he spills his seed into his trousers. Eddie feel white hot pleasure coursing his veins as he cums more than he thinks he ever has, panting as he tries to catch his breath. You clench your thighs tight from how hot the sight of him was, that desperate, frantic look in his eyes, the way he shook while he came all over himself because of you. God you can’t wait to get him out of this car.
Steve is very used to being the designated driver for everyone, so he was thrilled to for once get to just be a passenger on one of your adventures. That is until Dustin shouts out that they are gunna be one seat short, and everyone shotguns and jumps into the car before Steve can even begin move. He was about to sigh angrily and curse his luck, until he turns to see you are still standing beside him cutely, shuffling on your feet.
“I guess its just us then” You say with a soft laugh, “I’d offer you my lap but I think I’m a bit too small for it, so it's gunna have to be yours if that’s okay” You say shyly, a pink haze on your cheeks as you look at Steve expectantly. Steve almost chokes at this but manages to outwardly keep his cool, saying that it’s totally okay and smoothly sliding into the car. And he is totally okay with it, fuck, he can’t pretend it’s not something he’s thought about a million times before. But that’s what makes it risky, and Steve isn’t sure he’ll be able to keep himself from getting excited. You climb in after him and Steve swallows hard, trying to respectfully look away as you sit down but catching a glimpse of your panties before he can pry his eyes away. He already feels his cock twitch in his pants as your clothed cunt meets his lap, trying to push out the image of your panties or the thought of how good you feel right now. But then you have to go and wiggle on his lap, adjust your position and grind ever so gently against him in the process. He clears his throat as he tries not to groan, making you look innocently back at him with an apologetic smile.
“Sorry, just trying to get comfy” You say breathlessly, your flustered features catching Steve’s eyes. What’s got you looking so hot and bothered? 
“No worries, you comfy now?” He asks you in a low voice that makes you squeeze your legs shut, which he notices with interest. He entertains the thought for a second that maybe, just maybe, you were also trying not to get turned on from this? But he puts it down to wishful thinking when you respond that you’re just feeling a bit warm, nodding understandingly at you. Things are silent for a moment, until the road starts to get more bumpy. Each bump had you bouncing in his lap and flooding his mind with filthy thoughts about all the times he’s imagined you riding him. But nothing could compare to this, the little squeaks and gasps you’d let out when there was a particularly hard bump, the way you thighs seemed to be rubbing together, the flush on your cheeks. Steve likes to think he knows what a woman in pleasure looks like, and this was it. He was getting painfully hard now, his mind hazing over as your ass seems to grind against him of your own accord. He watches you carefully, sees how heavily you’re panting, sees you bite your lip as you definitely deliberately grind against him again. He’d caught you now. 
“Are you having fun there, baby?” He whispers deeply into your ear, making you gasp and shiver as you look up at him with wide eyes. Steve chuckles at your reaction, his hands fiddling with the hem of your skirt teasingly. “You think I can’t feel you grinding on me? See you rubbing those perfect little thighs together?” He coos, his hand slipping under your skirt to run up your thigh, gently rubbing circles into the soft skin. You let out a quiet whimper that makes Steve want to bend you over and take you now, this was all too hot for him to care. “You gunna answer me baby? I want to hear your pretty voice” He says, halting his movements and making you squirm and whine at the lack of contact. You look at him hesitantly, nervous and shy to confess to him that you certainly had been enjoying yourself. He urges you on with a cocked eyebrow, his tongue running over his lip as he looks at you be so cute and flustered because of him.
“You just felt so good, I couldn’t help it” You whisper bashfully, looking down into your lap shyly. Steve almost groans aloud, he hadn’t expected such an innocent answer from you, he could hear the desperation in your sweet voice.
“That’s so hot baby” He grunts quietly, grinding his cock up into you as he continues moving his his hand on your thigh. Your cheeks are pink as his fingers find your panties and you bury your face in his shoulder to try and keep your mewls in. He rubs your clit gently through the fabric and you let out a whine into his shoulder that makes blood rush straight to his cock. “You like that baby girl? Look how sweet you look, letting me play with you” He coos at you, loving the way you blush and get overwhelmed by his dirty talking. He can’t get over how gorgeous you look all disheveled and desperate for him, and he certainly can’t wait to get you home after this. He dips his fingers into your panties and lets out a breathy ‘fuck’ when he feels how wet you are. “God you’re so wet baby, is this all because of me?” He says with a teasing chuckle, spreading your slick to rub your clit with the wetness. You nod and whimper against his chest and he just wants to ruin you, you were unequivocally his now, he won’t have it any other way. He wants to fuck you so bad, but that can wait, for now he has to at least make you cum on his lap. Steve rubs his teasing circles on your clit, his own heavy panting and grunting in your ear pushing you closer to the edge. It was so hot, so illicit, letting your best friend rub your clit while everyone was right next to you. The thought pushes you further, makes you squeeze your legs tight as you feel yourself about to cum. Steve’s strong hand comes to cover to mouth to keep in your moans, and that’s when you feel white hot pleasure course through you as you cum on his fingers, legs shaking weakly as he makes you ride it out. “Good girl” Steve coos, rubbing your thigh soothingly as you come down from your high. “You did so good baby” He praises you, his free hand stroking your arm and taking your hand gently in his. “My perfect girl.”
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tastefulstars · 1 year
Get in Line
Your words come back to haunt you and now Billy, Eddie and Steve are making it their personal mission in life to ruin you.
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Billy Hargrove x Eddie Munson x F!Reader x Steve Harrington
word count: 5.6k
a/n: this uhh got away from me a little and ummm, im not sorry :))
taglist: @starkleila
content warnings: 18+ only, mdni, fxmxmxm, piv, pia, pim, degradation (lots of sl*t/wh*re), dirty talk, oral (f&m receiving), fingering (v&a), possessiveness, manhandling, very very unprotected sex, rough handling & choking, over-stimulation, multiple orgasms. lmk if anything is missed. masterlist next
You wake slowly, body heavy and sleepy. You're groaning and regretting being awake when oh no, no no no, your words from last night filter through your brain - why would I choose one when I could have all of them? Three dicks for three holes - and you're mortified. Shame and humiliation has your face burning and you sink into your bed, pulling the covers up and over the top of your head and wishing the ground would just open up and swallow you whole.
You know they heard you, heard you basically admit to fantasizing about the three of them tag-teaming and passing you between them and using you, and if you never had to look them in the eyes again, you would be absolutely fine with that.
You're content to stay in bed and simmer in your shame when there's a slamming on your door and you whimper because there's only one person who has the balls to bang on your door like that. You do your best to ignore it but the banging only gets louder and more insistent and annoying.
Stomping your way to the door, you yank it open, glaring at Billy.
"What?" You snap, he's standing there - one arm up and leaning against the door frame and looking stupid and handsome and does he not know how to button his damn shirts? You watch as his smirk grows more prominent as he rakes his eyes down your body, you're only wearing a pair of undies and an old smurfs shirt that really, really doesn't cover much. Your scowl deepens.
"We're going out" He finally says, jerking his chin over his shoulder and you spot Steve and Eddie, hanging out the windows of Steve's car and they're leering at you just as much as Billy had been.
"Have fun then" You say, moving to slam the door closed on him - he's quick though, shoving his way in just enough you can't close it. He smiles sweetly at you.
"Oh no - don't be like that" His voice is soft and syrupy and it makes you want to melt, "you're coming with us, sweetheart"
The way he says it is absolutely sinful and you feel the heat radiating off your cheeks and you don't know where to look. He's pushing at you, making you stumble backwards, and keeps his hands on your hips as he marches you to your room and pushes you inside.
"Get changed"
He waits outside your door, which you firmly shut because you don't know if you could take his comments, and quickly slide on a pair of fitted red striped pants and pull a fitted black tank depicting a skeleton riding on a motorbike over your head. You weren't trying to get dressed up but, well, if your clothes would make your boys not take their eyes off you, then even better.
You shake your head roughly, your hair is a lost cause and you don't have the energy for makeup. You slide a pair of socks on your feet before you're grabbing your backpack and jacket. You yank the door open and Billy is still there, leaning casually on the wall opposite.
"Very nice" He's commenting, lip curling at the corners and you huff, pushing at him. You slip your feet into your boots, hand holding onto Billy's shoulder and he reaches for your waist to steady you.
You push him out the door and pile into Steve's waiting car. Both Steve and Eddie turn and beam at you, greeting you warmly and you feel your eyes narrow, suspicion creeping up your spine.
"She's grumpy today" Billy says from the front, ignoring your 'am not!', "She might need some extra lovin'"
Eddie reaches across the seat and slips his fingers into your pants at your hip and you suck in a sharp breath as he pulls, sliding you across the backseat until you're flush against him. Your lungs are shuddering and you really don't know what to do, your face is going to combust, you know it.
"Aw, poor baby" He's laughing at you.
"We'll take care of you, don't worry" Steve is throwing a grin over his shoulder at you as he backs out your driveway.
You scowl at them all and fold your arms across your chest, face flushed and heart tapping out a quick beat.
"Why are you three even hanging out? You don't like each other" You're snapping at them and trying to will yourself into not being so damn turned on, you're embarrassed and horny and they know it.
"Ahh" Eddie waves his hand, "Those two ain't so bad"
"It helps we have a comment interest" Steve adds, and the feeling of wanting the ground to swallow you up comes rushing back.
Billy's eyes catch yours in the rear-vision mirror and you want to wipe that smug smirk off his stupid face, and maybe kiss his stupid face and then kiss Eddie's stupid face and then Steve's even stupider face. You turn away from the three of them and stare out the window, willing your face and heart and body to just calm down already!
You know they're doing this on purpose, riling you up and teasing with their words and touches, unfortunately for you - they are very, very good at it and it works very, very well.
They end up taking you to the arcade and they argue who was going to pay for your tokens and your drinks and your snacks, who would be taking care of you. You rub at your eyes, and sigh heavily.
"Enough!" You whine, "just, just cut it out - please? Billy buy my tokens, Steve you get my drinks and Eddie you can buy my snacks, alright? Settled?"
They're smiling at you and you just groan. It was going to be a long day.
By the time they drop you off home, your undies are soaked and they've reduced you to a blushing mess with their innuendos and causal touches that were anything but.
They all walk you to your door, which in itself is strange, normally they'd just sit in their cars and wait until you'd shut your house door behind you. You thank them for the day as you dig your keys out of your bag and when you look up at them from under your lashes, they're leering again. Starting at you with blatant want, and your flush deepens.
"Well, goodnight!" You squeak and fly into the safety of your home. You hear their laughter and muffled voices and you bury your face in your hands and whimper.
You had hoped that that would be the end of it, time would pass and they'd move on to other conquests and your poor heart would be given a break from the constant flirting and touching, but no, no you're not that lucky.
They're almost always together now when you're with them, If you ask one of them to hang, the others show up. Sometimes they just show up unannounced at your home and push their way into your room and make themselves comfortable.
You really don't know how much more of it you can take, it's starting to get too much and you always feel overwhelmed and horny and you're in danger of developing feelings, so you try to put some distance between the four of you. You're conveniently busy when they want to spend time with you, or you've got a headache or you're not feeling well, or your parents really need your help, and you're starting to run out of excuses as to why you're avoiding them.
There's a party this weekend, you know that your boys don't know the host so you're going - desperate for a chance to relax and maybe even pick up a stranger. You take your time, styling your hair and doing your makeup, and you dress up - wearing a pair of fitted, high waisted denim shorts that really don't have any business being called shorts and a little black, top that shows off way too much cleavage.
The music is loud and the heat of everyone pressed into the living room is making you clammy but you're enjoying yourself. Letting loose and sipping your drink. There's a guy in your space and he's asking you if you want to dance and you say yes, taking his hand because why not? He's cute and maybe he'll help you forget your dumb feelings about Billy, Eddie and Steve.
The guy, Kevin? Mark? You don't know but he has his hands low on your hips as you dance, the tips of his fingers almost resting on the curve of your ass. You've lazily draped your arms around his shoulders and tip your head back, closing your eyes and just enjoying the moment.
Well, you're enjoying it right up until you feel him, John? No Kevin - definitely Kevin, tense and still. You crack open your eyes and he's looking over your shoulder and then he blinks and tears himself away from you. You're left reeling and confused but there's a strong hand gripping your bicep and whirling you around and there's fucking Billy and Steve and Eddie.
They look angry and they're pulling at you, tugging you outside and ignoring your protests and attempts to yank your arms out of their grip. They're shoving you into Billy's car and he's tearing out of there, speeding down the road and away from the party.
"What the actual fuck?" You yell, anger bubbling to the surface. Billy is clenching his jaw and gripping the wheel tight and Steve has a stony expression on his face and Eddie, oh Eddie just looks disappointed, your heart is sinking and you feel tears burning in your eyes. You never wanted to hurt them. 
"Could ask you the same question" Steve says, clipped and short.
"We thought you didn't feel well" Eddie is saying, voice hard, "and yet, here you are"
You feel shame and guilt at lying to them well inside you and your face scrunches. You turn away, facing the door so they can't see the way your eyes water and you’re biting your lip and you try your hardest not to cry.
"You three don't own me" You're snapping out, redirecting your feelings into anger and Billy is snorting, "I'm allowed to spend time with who I want!"
"That's where you're wrong" Billy snarls, he's driving too fast and you don't even know where they're taking you. It's not until his pulling in behind Steve's car and you're eyeing the house, dark and silent, that you start to feel - not scared but well, almost scared, worried maybe? Apprehensive. You don't know what to expect and they all look so angry and disappointed and upset with you.
Billy is pulling open your door and leaning in, grabbing hold of your arms and pulling you out of his car. Steve's unlocking the house and Eddie is pushing your back and Billy is pulling your arm. You stumble in, and they're leading you to Steve's room. They only let go of you once you're inside the room, shut in with them and the rest of the world shut out.
You're breathing hard and you're almost enjoying this, being manhandled and the possessiveness. Almost. You just need them to communicate. They're standing, facing you with their arms crossed and blank faces. You shift, restless at their scrutiny and wanting them to just do something, say something.
"So?" It's Steve who breaks the silence, "care to explain why you have been blowing us off for weeks?"
And you know he doesn't mean it the way it sounds, but oh his words make you tremble and flush. You scrunch your nose up, looking anywhere but the three boys staring you down.
"You know why!" You crack, voice breaking. You can't keep ignoring what you've said - pretending you're okay with all the flirting and touching and not acknowledging how you feel about them. It's Eddie who sighs softly, moving to you and cupping your cheek.
"Yeah" He's keeping his voice soft, calm, "we know"
"Why do you think we've been spending so much time teasing you, flirting with you? All all of us, together?" Steve's saying, sighing and sitting on the edge of his bed. Eddie gently pushes you down, sandwiching you between him and Steve, and Billy is moving to kneel in front of you.
"Yeah, hell, after spending so much time with you three - I even kind of like these two loosers now" Billy confesses, resting his hands on your thighs, "And if any of you say anything to anyone, you'll regret it."
You laugh and the utter sweetness in his voice as he threatens you all, then it all becomes too much and you collapse, hunching in on yourself and trying to be as small as possible. Eddie holds your hand and Steve rubs your back and Billy is gently pressing his fingers into your thighs.
"What? You sayin' you don't want us anymore and we've put all this effort into wooing you for nothing?" Steve jokes, a hint of anxiety in his voice - they were worried you had changed your mind and that's why you were at the party, but you're shaking your head.
"No, I just-" Your voice is quiet, meek. "I guess I didn't think you three would be okay with it? Wouldn't be okay with sharing or being in that situation and it's not like this is normal"
You hiss out the word like you're ashamed of your desires, and a small part of you is.
"We wouldn't be here if we weren't" Billy says, Steve hums in agreement.
"We talked about it, almost as soon as you said it at that party. We've been talking about this for months, babe" Eddie assures you.
"Believe us?" Steve murmurs against your shoulder. Eddie's looking at you with his big brown eyes and Billy is watching from under his lashes and Steve's got his lips mouthing the skin of your shoulder and it's all too much for you and you hiccup a gasp and nod.
"Tell us what you want"
And you're so, so embarrassed, your cheeks burning, as you whisper that you want to be passed around from one of them to the other, as they compete to see who can fuck you the best, to hold you down and push their dicks into you and make you squirm and take it, that you want them to not stop using you until they're completely sated and satisfied, that you don't want them to stop even if you're begging them to - only to stop of you say your safe word that you whisper to them.
And oh.
Eddie is pressing his lips against yours in a downright filthy kiss. It's all tongue and teeth and you can feel your combined spit drooling down your chin. When you gasp for air you're being yanked away from Eddie, Billy pressing himself up and licking into your mouth.
"Not gonna be much of a competition" Billy is saying into your mouth, "We all know I'll fuck you the best"
And really, you should have known they would be taking this too seriously - like it was an actual competition and you were the prize.
Steve is snorting and muttering a 'not likely' and Eddie is huffing a 'yeah right'.
You're a mess before they've even gotten your clothes off, slick soaking right through your shorts and your cunt aching, all from the messy, sloppy kisses they've been pressing into your mouth. It's Billy who notices.
"Jesus fuck" He laughs, "She's fucking soaked and we haven't even touched her"
Steve's raising his eyebrows and pushing his fingers between your legs, shoving Billy’s hand away where it'd been cupping you. He groans when he feels your drenched shorts and you squirm, trying to get some pressure from his fingers. Eddie clamps his hands on your hips and stills you.
"God she's such a slut" Eddie laughs, "Absolutely desperate for it"
"I bet she's gotten off, thinking about taking our cocks" Steve says, "and she really thinks that pathetic little guy would have been able to satisfy her? Look at her, one cock is not enough for a whore like her"
Billy is laughing at his comment, you almost hate how much their words arouse you, your veins feel like they're on fire and you're whining, panting and trying to move to get your clothes off.
"What do you think you're doing?" Eddie asks, condescendingly, Steve chuckles.
"I think she wants her clothes off"
"Of course she does, she's a slut" Billy agrees, and he's reaching for your shirt and so is Steve and Eddie and they each have the fabric in their hands and they just, tear it. You moan at the display of strength and go limp, letting them rid you of the rest of your clothes and you're left laying on the bed naked while they're all still fully dressed. It's absolutely thrilling, you're gushing slick and almost desperate enough to start begging already.
"Who's going first?" Steve asks, the boys glance at each other and Billy shrugs.
"We'll all get a turn so it's not like it matters"
"You go then, Steve" Eddie says, sliding jacket off his shoulders and resting against the top of the bed. He shouldn't look so graceful and casual in his movements, especially when you can see how hard he is in his jeans, but he does.
Billy shoves at you until you're laying next to Eddie, head on a pillow and he's sitting beside you - mirroring Eddie. Eddie is resting his forearm on your shoulder, putting just enough of his weight to pin you there and trailing the fingers of his other hand along your nipple while Billy leans over you with his big hand squeezing your other tit and he's sucking on your neck.
Steve's nestling himself between your legs and pressing sloppy kisses on your hips and lower stomach. You can't stop whining and gasping, you couldn't think, couldn't do anything besides moan their names.
Your mind stutters and goes blank when Steve presses his mouth against your cunt, you don't even realize you've let out a high keen. Billy's laughing in your neck and Eddie pinches your nipple.
"God, she's a mess and we haven't even started" Billy chuckles.
"Hmm, just wait 'til we're done" Eddie replies, "she'll be so ruined that she wont be able to have anyone else"
The casual way they speak to each other about you sends little zings through you, your thighs shake around Steve's head where he is lazily eating at your pussy.
"How many times do you think we can make her come tonight?" Eddie asks and the others still, glancing at him then flicking their gazes to your red, flushed face.
"Six sounds good" Steve murmurs into your cunt, "two for each of us"
"I think she can give us more than six" Billy's commenting from where he's sucking hickies onto your breast.
"Lets find out"
Steve goes back to lapping at you and Billy is marking as much of your skin as he can reach and Eddie tweaks a nipple before leaning down and capturing your lips in a kiss.
The combined sensations of hands and lips all over your body has you overwhelmed already and you can't stop the sudden orgasm from washing over you. You shake against them, thighs tight around Steve's head and moaning into Eddie's mouth.
Steve doesn't give you a moment to catch your breath, he doesn't even bother to get undressed. He zips his jeans down and pulls out his cock and just shoves it inside you. You cry out and try to move but Billy and Eddie are just holding you down, pined to the bed, lazily kissing and sucking hickies into your skin.
Steve doesn't let you adjust to him and just starts fucking into you. You're so wet that every thrust is making an obscene squelching noise, you gasp little a little 'ah!" every time he's shoving back into you.
"Oh god, Steve" you whine, you can't move and all you want is to press your fingers against your clit and come all over his cock, "Steve, please - oh, ahh, ohhh - wanna, ah, wanna come"
"Again? Already?" Billy says, biting harshly on your collar bone, "Don't know if you deserve it. You're fucking her Steve - what do you think?"
"Hmm, I -" He's breathing heavily and his head hangs between his shoulders, his hips never faltering in their quick pace, "Fuck this pussy is so fuckin' tight"
"Bet it's drenched" Eddie murmurs, "We don't even need lube"
"You'll come all over my cock" Steve grunts at you, "Then I'll fill you up and make it even wetter for them"
You're keening softly and clench down on Steve's dick and Eddie presses his fingers on your clit and you're coming undone. Steve's grunting and gasping, thrusting a couple more times before he's shuddering his own release.
"Fuck" He pants, "Fuck, you've got to make her come on your cock, it's - fuck, so good"
Eddie shifts, shoving Steve out of the way and he's pulling your hips up and resting your ass on his thighs. Steve tucks himself away and lays on his side beside you, and latches his lips on your skin.
Billy is shoving his tongue in your mouth as Eddie thrusts inside you, you moan loudly around Billy's lips and bury a hand in his hair, using the other to grip Steve's bicep.
Eddie pounds into you, the angle is different this time and he's brushing against your g-spot on each rough thrust. His hands grip your hips and you just know you'll have finger print shaped bruises tomorrow. Your cunt is fluttering and you can't stop trembling, and you feel cock drunk already and you can't form any semblance of coherent thought.
Billy wraps a hand around your throat as he kisses you, his grip is firm but not tight and it goes straight to your cunt. Eddie moans softly and slams into you harder.
"Ah, hold her throat tighter" He gasps, "She just gushed all over me"
"Yeah?" Steve is speaking lowly, "You like being choked huh? You're so fucking dirty"
Billy moves, sitting beside you and holding you down by your throat and he shoves two fingers into your mouth. You gag on them and mindlessly start sucking, stroking the digits with your tongue.
"Bet you like that, huh? Whore" He's spitting at you and your eyes roll back.
Eddie is slamming into you and once he presses his fingers against your clit you climax for a third time, soft whimpers escaping your lips. He doesn't change pace, unrelenting and it only takes a few more hard brushes of his cock on your g-spot and you're squealing around Billy's fingers, your whole body shaking with a fourth orgasm.
Eddie slams into you a final time before he peaks, spilling inside you. He's moaning softly and rocking himself through his climax. Once he stills, he looks down at you.
"The fucking slut squirted all over me" He tells the others as he pulls out, his and Steve's combined fluids dripping out of you and spilling down your ass onto the mattress. He smacks Billy on the shoulder as he moves.
"Your turn, big boy" He quips.
You're mindlessly staring at them, brain fuzzy and whole body tingling. You feel so, so, good. Used and stretched and stuffed full of seed. Billy is grabbing your hips, lifting and spinning you - setting you on your knees and holding your ass in the air. He's behind you, pressing in, gripping your hips tight and you let yourself go limp, chest and shoulders pressed into the bed.
"Still so fucking tight" He's grunting and pounding into you, and it's all you can focus on is breathing between moans and how good your pussy feels and how amazing having cocks stuffed into you one after the other feels.
"God, the noises you make" Eddie groans.
"She's good huh?" Steve asks, casually, holding the back of your neck.
"So fucking good" Eddie agrees.
"This fuckin' tight, pretty pussy was made for this" Billy grunts out in time with his thrusts. You can feel the mess dripping down your thighs and you might be drooling onto the sheets and you're starting to feel overstimulated and sensitive and Billy just keeps going.
You're whining out a litany of please, please, oh god, Billy, please. You don't know exactly what you're begging for - to come, for him to come, for him to stop, for him to never ever stop. There’s a set of hands lifting your shoulders, holding you up, and a cock is being pressed against your lips.
You shudder and let your jaw go slack, sinking down onto it. You don’t even know who’s cock you’re sucking on and you’ve never, ever been so turned on.
“Fuck” Steve is saying above you, “Her fucking mouth”
“As good as her cunt?” Eddie asks, he’s got his hands underneath you and he’s playing with your tits, lips pressed against your back and biting.
“Nothin’ could be as good as this cunt” Billy chuckles, you moan around Steve’s cock at their words, loving how they could just speak the filthiest things about you so easily. Steve winds a hand in your hair and uses it as leverage it push and pull your head, using your mouth as a fuck hole.
“She’s loving this, being a little fucktoy and cumdump” Eddie says against your back, “She’s gonna cum any minute from it, aren’t you?”
You nod as best you can while being fucked in both your cunt and mouth and you can feel it building, a fifth orgasm creeping up on you. You clench around Billy’s cock and he stills, breathing heavily as he fills you.
He pulls out and shoves two fingers inside you, pushing all the fluid back inside your cunt. He’s rough and fast, fingering you and making you shake. The firm smack against your ass has you jerking and squeaking around Steve’s cock, there’s laughter above you and someone’s saying do it again. Billy smacks your ass, leaving red hand prints all over, each stinging smack makes you whine and jerk and you’re gagging on Steve’s dick, drool sliding down his cock, and your eyes roll and you orgasm.
They shove you, pushing you down on the bed and you pant, chest heaving, slick and fluid gushing out of your cunt. You’re so sweaty and hot and you can’t begin to express how good you feel, you can’t even think. You can hear them moving around and it takes all of your concentration and energy to roll your head and open your eyes. They’re stripping, and what a sight, they’re all so fucking hot and you can’t stop the whine leaving your lips.
Eddie’s all long and toned, tattoos littered over his body, and Steve’s tummy looks soft and his arms strong, and Billy is all lean muscle and tanned skin. You’ve already climaxed so many times but that doesn’t stop your cunt clenching and leaking even more slick. You’re wide eyed and slack jawed and flicker your gaze over all three of them, not really sure where to look but not wanting to take your eyes off them.
Eddie’s attaching his lips to your cunt, licking and sucking and cleaning you. Your back arches and you wail, sensitive and overstimulated. Billy grabs at your throat and slides his cock into your mouth and you do your best to take him, to suck and make him feel good. Steve is just stroking your chest and stomach, leaving trails of fire everywhere he trails his fingers.
“You’re such a good little slut” Steve murmurs, you whine and tremble, “Perfect pussy made just to take our cocks”
Billy takes it easy on you and rocks his hips gently, huffing quietly, and Eddie is pressing his thumb against your asshole and the pressure has you panting, tilting your hips down.  He pulls away from your cunt, just far enough to speak.
“Steve, you got some lube? As wet as she is, don’t want to risk hurtin’ her”
Your eyes slip closed and listen to the shuffling, a draw opening, a click of a bottle opening. You keen at the initial press of a finger into your ass and you can’t help yourself, rocking your hips and trying to feel more inside you. You can’t concentrate and your jaw slackens, Billy’s cock slipping out of your mouth.
“Fuck, who would have thought the innocent little princess would love it up her ass”
“I’m really not surprised - she’s a fuckin’ filthy whore”
“How many times you think she’s let some pathetic guy fuck her like this?”
“Oh, she’d beg for it every time”
“She’s never going to be satisfied now, no desperate guy like the one she was dancing with - what was his name?”
There’s a hand wrapping around your chin and jaw and squeezing, you open your eyes and make a sad little noise, eyes watering.
“What was his name, bitch?”
“Ke-Kevin” You gasp out, there’s too much happening all at once and you’re struggling to function, “Please”
“Right. Kevin would never be able to satisfy you”
There’s mean laughter and hands pressing everywhere and they don’t rush, taking you when they want. Eddie’s got his fingers buried in your ass and you need more, need to taste them, need them inside you. They’re dragging this out and you just break, and you start crying. You start begging between deep gasps and making little whining sounds on each exhale.
“Please, please - need more, please oh, I can’t, I can’t” 
They’re pushing you and moving, they’ve got you kneeling with an arm wrapped tight against you holding you against Eddie’s chest. Steve is slipping under you, legs resting either side of yours and Eddies, and Billy kneels just behind Steve’s head fisting his cock.
You’re being pushed down, kneeling over Steve who holds you up with strong hands on your waist, Eddie’s hands gripping your hips, and you’re being pushed down onto Steve’s cock, cunt clenching, and Eddie’s pressing into your ass. Billy reaches and grips your hair, feeding you his cock.
You’re completely full, your arms shaking with the strain of holding yourself up, you’ve never felt anything quite like this. Stretched and full and used, your brain buzzes softly and you just go blank - letting them use you ‘til they’re satisfied. 
There isn’t much talking once they start moving, Eddie and Steve rock in sync, in and out, out and in. Billy is shoving his cock as deep as you can take it, nose brushing on his coarse hair. It’s all too much, you’re too sensitive and you can’t take much more and you never ever ever want them to pull out. Tears flow freely down your cheeks and you let their grunts, groans and gasps wash over you, sending you into a blissfully, mindless state.
Your clit is brushing against Steve on every rock and you shudder as a sixth orgasm washes over you, making Steve and Eddie groan as you clench and flutter around them. You let out soft little gasps around Billy’s cock and on a particularly deep thrust, you gag around him.
Billy lets out a soft fuck and spills down your throat, you swallow as best you can but some dribbles past your lips and down your chin. It doesn’t take long for Eddie and Steve to both climax, pressing their cocks as deep as they can and groaning as they coat your insides.
There’s a moment of stillness, you all just hold yourselves, breathing heavily and basking in the pleasure.
Then Billy is pulling his cock out of your mouth and gently relaxing his hold on your hair, Eddie slips out of your ass and he helps Steve carefully roll you onto your side on the bed. There’s soft murmuring above you but you can’t comprehend anything outside of yourself, your mind blank and empty.
You feel a body pressed against your back and an arm around your waist, and someone’s running their fingers through your hair and stroking your face. After a few moments, your leg is being pushed, moved further up the bed and there’s a warm cloth being pressed against you. You whine quietly and flinch at the feeling of the rough fabric brushing against your swollen cunt and there’s a soft shushing noise.
You’re being rolled gently onto your back and there’s a body pressed against both your sides and someone is laying between your legs, resting their head on your stomach. They stroke your skin and hair and murmur words you don’t understand and the pressure of being surrounded by them grounds and relaxes you.
When you become aware of yourself and your surroundings, you let out a soft groan, alerting the boys to you.
“Hey baby” Steve’s murmuring against your cheek.
“You okay, sweetheart?” Billy asks softly from your other side. You risk a glance down and Eddie’s resting his chin on your tummy, staring up at you with doe eyes, he smiles lovingly when he notices you looking.
“Hey” You sound absolutely wrecked, voice broken and rough. Your body is sore and aching a little, and you were going to cry if they make you leave any time soon, “‘m good, sore, but good”
“Want a shower?” Steve asks, voice soft and sweet. You shake your head, letting your eyes slip closed and sighing.
“Not yet” You whisper.
“Sleep baby girl” Eddie tells you, pressing a kiss on your tummy, “We’ll take care of you, okay?”
You let yourself relax again, slipping back into yourself and welcoming the blissful, restful sleep. Within minutes you’re breathing deeply and the boys soon follow you, lulled to sleep by your quiet, rhythmic breathing.
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ash5monster01 · 2 months
Cold Spring Harbor
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Chapter One - She’s Got A Way 🎶
Pairing: Steve Harrington x FemReader
Warnings: fluff, instant attraction, invisible string theory, mentions of childhood trauma, mentions of death, coping mechanisms
Summary: Just when Steve figures he’s bound to be alone the rest of his life, somehow he finds you, and for some reason just being near you makes him feel much less alone in the world.
word count: 2k
→ Two
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Spring 1985
She's got a way of showin', how I make her feel
Steve hated being sad. Yet for the last six months that was all he had felt. He should be over it by now. He wished he was over it, but everyday he went to school just to see Nancy with Johnathon and know everything that he lost. He had given up his friends for her, and when she gave him up for Johnathon, he had no one left. No happy family to come home to, and no friends to spend time with, especially no girlfriend to love. Maybe that was why it was so hard to get over her, because she was the only person he had left and she left him too.
So he woke up on the first day of spring break, no parents, no plans, no one at all. It didn’t matter that the first warm sun was shining through his window and the birds chirped happily outside. He figured he would always be alone and he was still just as miserable as before. The only person he did have was Dustin but how many times can you ask a middle schooler to hang out before it gets weird? Steve didn’t want to find out.
He wasn’t going to last all of spring break like this so he was going to do the only thing that made him feel better. The only thing that gave him enough motivation to get out of bed and get ready for the day. So it’s not long until he is walking out the front door and towards his car. Yet before he unlocked it he stopped, eyes glancing into the bright blue sky, and deciding against the drive. It was sunny and almost seventy, plus a walk would be good for him. So he stuffed the keys back in his pocket and started down the road.
Town was half empty once he got there, signs showing that the new mall being built was already taking away business. It was sad to see the town that once was so busy become a shell of nothing. Kind of like him he supposed. Yet the sight of the familiar blue door eased his mind as he pushed in the one place he hoped would be here forever.
“Hey man, long time no see” Ron, the owner smiles from behind the register. Steve matches the smile right back even though he doesn’t feel it. He wished he did.
“Hey Ron, how’s business been?” he asks, eyeing the various shelves throughout the room.
“I wish I could say busy, but ever since word got out that Sam Goody was being built in the mall, no one really cares about Ron’s Records anymore” he says and Steve nods, his throat tightening at the thought.
“I’m sorry about that man, you know I’ll be a customer for life” he tells him and Ron nods, smiling at the boys kindness.
“You and your Grandpa both” Ron says kindly and Steve has to look away before tears form in his eyes.
“I’m gonna check some records out” Steve tells him and Ron nods as he moves to the section he knows it will be at.
Finally reaching the B’s his fingers start skimming the records. It feels like he’s passed a hundred Barry Manilow records by the time he reaches exactly what he’s looking for. Smiling to himself he scans which ones are there, determined what would be the best to listen to. Something that for an entire forty minutes could make him feel much less lonely in this world.
“Billy Joel huh?” Steve looks up and nearly freezes. There you are, the prettiest girl he’s ever seen, and something about the world stops. He’s not one to be shy but it’s as if the words somehow can’t leave his mouth. There was just something about you. “Since when do boys your age listen to Billy Joel?”
“Hey, he’s still rock n’ roll to me” Steve defends, and it’s cheesy. He knows that, but it doesn’t stop you from laughing. You’re wearing the most perfect smile he’s ever seen and he wants to make you do it again.
“I’m not saying he isn’t, just most guys these days don’t know good music anymore” you say, pulling the record out of his hands and he almost gasps at the way your fingers feel against his.
“Well good music to me is just Billy, always has been” he says and you give him a small nod, smile still on your face. He briefly wonders what it could be about you that makes him suddenly so content.
“Cold Spring Harbor? I don’t think I’ve ever heard it” you say and Steve’s heart clenches.
“It’s his first album, he was only 22 when he wrote it. It’s one of my favorites” Steve tells you and the mischievous grin you give him makes his heart stutter in his chest.
“Well let’s listen to it” you tell him, hand grabbing his own, and leading him to the front of the building. In the front window there’s two chairs and small record player in between. They had been there for as long as Steve could remember, he had sat in them hundreds of times. He sits in his, the one chair he always sat in, and you sit, well in the other. His throat dries as he sees you sit across from him in the chair that had been empty for many years.
“What’s your favorite track?” you muse, hands delicately working to pull the record from its sleeve and place it on the player.
"The first one, She's Got A Way. It was my Grandpa's favorite, the first Billy song he ever played me" Steve says, looking off onto the rows and rows of records. Remembering a time when he was just short enough to be the same height as them. Rushing around and looking for the most colorful covers while his Grandpa went straight to the B's. Then he'd sit in the very chair he was now, ankles just barely hanging over the edge as his Grandpa played him song after song, in the very seat you were sitting in now.
"So that's where it comes from" you muse, the record spinning as you turn on the machine. Steve watches as you set the needle on the record, sratching till it finds its groove, and fills the silence between you both.
"Why is it his favorite?" you ask after a few moments, watching the boy as he let's the words sink in.
"He claimed it was the only song he ever heard that perfectly described how he felt about my Grandmother. How the right women could completley turn you around and heal you when you least expect it" Steve smiles fondly as he repeats those words he hadn't in a very long time.
"A charmer, I'm sure you are too" you say and the shocked look Steve wears has you laughing lightly. It takes Steve only a second to laugh along with you, realizing just how quickly you had revealed him. It's when your laughter calms he realizes the smile on your face has eased his heart more in the last six months than anything else.
"If you must know" Steve says and you giggle again which has Steve wanting to spend more and more time with you.
"Where is this Grandpa of yours, I have a few questions for him?" you ask and Steve freezes, not expecting the words to leave your mouth. It takes him a moment to respond and you sense the discomfort and place your hand on his own. Steve nearly jumps at the electric touch that comes from it.
"He passed away when I was fifteen, right before high school" he tells you, throat tightening around the admittance.
"I'm so sorry, that's awful" you try to comfort but Steve just smiles.
"You would have loved him though. Everyone did. He was my best friend, the only family I really had that spent time with me. Since my Grandma passed when I was ten, me and him made sure to spend all of middle school together" Steve isn't entirely sure why he is telling you this, he just knows your the first person he has been this comfortable around since his Grandpa and he didn't even know your name yet. He didn’t know what it was about you but he figured there didn't need to be a reason.
"That's so sweet, he sounds so special" you tell him and Steve nods, recalling memories he hadn't allowed himself to think about for years.
"He was, just wish he was still around. He was the only person to ever be there for me, front row at every swim meet and basketball game. Was hard going through highschool knowing he was no longer in the stands, but Billy. Well that's all me and him ever talked about. So sometimes, on days like today when I miss him a little extra, I find him in the lyrics of a song" and your heart soars for the boy in front of you. A boy with a deep sadness buried within him. A boy the world hadn't given a chance yet.
"Is he there right now?" you can't help but ask, the last few lines of the song coming through the speakers on the machine. Steve listens, can practically see his Grandpa yelling at him for not making a move. ‘At least ask her name’ he groans and Steve chuckles lightly to himself.
"Yeah he's here. He always is" Steve says and you give him a smile that somehow heals him. "I'm Steve by the way"
"Nice to meet you Steve" you tell him before offering your own name and Steve finds it rattling through his head, the most beautiful name in all of existence, and somehow it belongs to you. The very girl who showed up while he was feeling down and has inspired him without a sound. The beginning notes of You Can Make Me Free fill the silence between you both and Steve sits up, realizing your hand is still atop his own.
"Sorry for spilling my guts" Steve says and you shake your head, wanting him to know that he had done nothing wrong this entire time.
"Don't be, it actually happens a lot. I seem to make people very comfortable. Guess I just got a way about me" and Steve agrees because somehow in just this short exchange you have inspired him to keep on going, reminded him that this is not the end and it won't be all bad. It is like you have some bright light around you and it gives him the strength to keep going.
"Would you maybe want to go get something to eat?" Steve finds the confidence to ask and you beam a smile brightly back at him.
"I'd love to Steve" you tell him, using his name like it now somehow belongs to you and Steve wishes it does. A million dreams of love surrounding you and for the first time since Nancy he finds himself feeling something for a girl he never thought he'd feel again. He just knows he no longer wants to live without you.
"Have fun you two" Ron calls out as you both exit, the record still playing as you both leave it behind. You talk the whole way to the small diner in town, Steve just smiles and listens, loving how everything sounds the way it comes out your mouth. It's as if every word lifts him up as you are walking.
For the rest of the day Steve does his part getting to know you. Making you laugh and flirting where necessary which never fails to make you blush. The sight of your red cheeks alone make his heart soar for you. It's cute the way you show it, exactly how you feel about him. In return you do find yourself charmed by the very boy you couldn’t resist talking to. You wondered where a sweet boy like him had been your whole life and for the first time you aren't as embarassed by the blush on your cheeks as you normally would be.
"I really like you Rosy" he says matter of fact, the nickname falling easily from his lips. You blush at his words again, shaking your head at the boy you figure you aren't getting rid of anytime soon.
"I like you too Steve"
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