#BUT. as a general rule if i have a mask + im in public i wear it. and 99.9% of the time i have one
aropride · 10 months
by "in public" i mostly mean like. indoors around other people, if ur taking a walk alone or something that's different. basically i mean general covid masking guidelines- masking in public indoor places or crowded outdoor places, that sort of thing.
also if ur undiagnosed or cant get help or anything like that u absolutely count and i love u ❤️
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soullessduck13 · 7 months
Okay so post apocalyptic au, kinda zombie apocalypse?? the Shadow virus is the main thing here, and it's got canon typical violence, child death, all that. like. it's a qsmp post apocalypse au of course there will be a lot of that kinda stuff, also lots of mind fuckery
so!! how i imagine the virus works is that it like.. has rules, but like any rules they have exceptions (this will be a surprise tool used for later) and i dont have all of them figured out but i know there will be different stages and it takes a WHILE to get to the point the actually dangerous infected in this au are, but being infected means both physically and mentally, and it really depends on who you are as a person how that change affects you, it might make you more angry (wink) or might make you forget things
it can also alter age, and like appareance, obviously, but one of the main things is. well. the thing its named after, shadows. They move through shadows and reach out and grab onto unsuspecting souls
Now for like teams and stuff i have a general idea for all of them? but it requires the knowledge that the virus came into this world almost 400 years ago, the federation was started a decade or so after that, then the Eye (a group) appeared, later the Soulfire, Green (Gay) Ninjas and Bolas Rojas were founded, in that order.
Tubbo is the youngest known leader of the Soulfire to date, at only 19 years old which is surprising to basically everyone in higher ranks because 1, he's not even 20 yet (they still show him respect because he's their leader) and 2, he wasn't originally from the group. He only arrived a year or two ago but hey, he adapts fast Tina and Bad are co-leaders, leading different departments of the group, or better said organization. Tina taking care of their public reputation and farming, while Bad is usually taken as the actual leader but just being the one to help lead attacks on different groups
GGN were founded to rebel against Soulfire, and are now led by Etoiles, who much like Tubbo, wasn't born there, but unlike Tubbo was very much known before that and they knew he'd be a good fit for their leader after killing their previous one (dont worry about that) There's no co-leaders but there are well known people that like to take charge and lead, but they always go back to listening to Etoiles
Now, Bolas Rojas, also known as the Gas Mask cult, as a group are much younger compared to the other two, but they appeared with a set leader and chaos to create out of nowhere, and the leader is called the Crowfather and seems to have stayed the same since they appeared.... Weird!! Nowdays, they have a council and a second in command, but that doesn't change anything, really. They are much more spread out, and have an intricate introduction ritual and nobody really wants to deal with that unless they're desperate enough
if you're wondering about the eggs, don't worry about it! They're safe from all of their parents!
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the2amrevolution · 7 months
[Medical/emotional/social vent/dump/update]
Now that I'm recovered from covid (just a little lingering sinus drainage) and because I know being in public will only get worse until January, I went out in hopes of finding a final few easier to get in person than try to order/cheaper to go to the store rather than pay shipping items. I took a kn95 with me, plus have had surgical masks in my car the whole time. In less than two minutes wearing the kn95 I was overheating, feeling woozy, and sweating profusely. Tried switching to the other mask, but it didn't really help.
Two years ago I could walk around indoors, same type of clothes (shorts and a t-shirt because I literally can't wear anything else if Im moving or indoors or its above 50 degrees) with a surgical mask on and I would get sweaty, but it wasn't like this. My undergarments were completely soaked in sweat. My shorts and shirt were wet to the touch on the outside like someone who has been working out in the sun.
When I sit on the couch, I have to have a fan pointed at me or I will start sweating just sitting there. My hair and shirts are damp most times I wake up, and I can actually feel my body get hotter when I'm falling asleep. I can also feel the reverse when I wake up. Its like having cold water dumped on me on a hot summer day, except as I'm going inside, so I'm freezing for a little bit.
I'm banking a lot on my weird test results and working diagnoses being correct, because if I'm wrong, then, this time next year, I may not be able to leave the house at all. I also may not be able to be awake and able to stay awake long enough. My ability to drive hasn't been directly affected yet, but the act of driving is fatiguing and so I can't do it a lot in the same way that sitting upright on the couch doing a craft or playing a video game is fatiguing.
Because I got sick, plus the holidays making it more difficult to get appointments, I decided to take all of the supplements that either are directly the treatment for my working diagnoses (luckily prescriptions arent needed for these disorders like all my other ones) or have therapeutic value, and then pause them again once I get an appointment. I have a general idea of how fast my body burns through them versus the norm, so I have an idea when I need to stop taking them to have accurate results.
I dont have much idea of when to expect to see positive results. My next few months will be me waiting in limbo.
Tests may confirm the diagnoses or may not, but they can't say the diagnoses are wrong either. Treatment is the only sure way of knowing, I just want measurable data points to track.
I'm not active in the hobbies and communities I had been active in because I can't be anymore. Leaving the house for light shopping is about it beyond watching shows and being on my phone. Any art, crafts, video games, chores, etc. has to be balanced with sleeping. It's been extremely isolating having my disability worsen like this.
I was really enjoying myself in a small corner of a larger fan community. I wasnt expected to create anything or participate in any games or voice chats or watch parties. I could just enjoy SKZ and chat with the group. Then I was suddenly banned this week.
I hadn't been told I was at risk of being banned, and I tried hard to correct any time I was told I crossed a line in some way. I didn't argue. I didn't complain. I took note and moved on. Sadly, all I can figure is the line they had drawn for me was not the same as the line drawn for everyone else, and nothing I could have done would have changed that. So now I've been cut off from people that I was getting along with and have no explanation as to why I was subject to a different standard than the rest of the group at all. I had never been informed that anyone had an issue with me, and, like I said, when I was informed that I had broken a rule, I did my best to not do it again and to use clear rules available and what other posts were allowed as guidance.
I dont think I ever even had any topics/reasons in common across the posts that I had been told crossed the line. I don't even remember ever really disagreeing with anyone about anything even. Literally I can only think of two conversations where someone maybe could have even thought I disagreed with them, but I also remember emphasizing that I agreed with them on the point they had made to begin with. So, my pov was "yes, I agree/that's true/you aren't wrong. This is information that may be /why/ xyz happened or /if/ this other thing had been the case then it could be different but its not or this is a personal experience that has similarity to yours that I am using to demonstrate why I agree about Point."
It felt like I was back in high school all of a sudden except I cannot think of any reason anyone would have to deliberately twist what I've said or if something I said made them doubt my character so much, why I couldnt have been given opportunity to try to sort things out. When I was banned, I had not done anything wrong between that moment and the last thing I'd said that got removed - which, again, was not related to any other post that I had had removed, I realized how it could get misunderstood, and I didn't argue about it. I reworded what I had wanted to say, and that wording was well within allowed content and would require deliberately applying a meaning that I never said to be anywhere in the realm of rule breaking. At that point I wasn't given a final warning, and if I had been, directly according to the person who deleted that post, I didn't do anything wrong when I was banned - the ban was for things prior and "making several people uncomfortable" which is what I can't help but question the veracity of seeing as I was never given a chance change whatever caused that nor had anyone I'd interacted with privately seemed to have any issues with me.
I did express that I felt like I was being judged differently than others and gave specific examples after being banned. I also pointed out that if people had complaints about me, I had never been made aware of them, so I had no opportunity to do anything about it. I literally did everything I could to stay as in the rules and be as respectful as possible to everyone. I had no beef with anyone. But, idk, egg on my face I guess.
Anyway, I really need to be right and for this treatment to work or I'm going to be the most isolated I have ever been in my life, and I dont do well when isolated.
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piplupod · 2 years
to add my take on the conversation, i think that privilege is systemic and inherent. and if its not both of those things i dont think i would consider it a form of privilege.
(preface: this isn't a rant directed at you, anon, this is just me trying to sort out my thoughts)
here's the definition i have bc i feel like its important for ppl to see what I am looking at and going off of fjsdfjkl
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also this one!
i think the last definition i put in is more what i'm referring to, especially with the "under certain conditions". those conditions here would be "you have rights only as long as you mask :))))". there is a privilege imo to have the ABILITY to mask. because that way you can blend in better in the neurotypical society/culture/world we live in, which does (from my understanding and experience) grant you far more opportunities as well as a certain level of immunity from harassment and abuse. if someone is unable to mask their autism, they will face more harassment, abuse, trauma, etc (as well as potentially being seen as someone who should be killed/locked up) than a person who CAN mask their autism and chooses to do so. there is a kind of privilege in having the ability to mask.
i understand how awful masking is, i have a very specific trauma around masking lol. i also understand that masking usually is learned through repeated abuse or harassment or otherwise negative experiences, and masking could potentially be considered a trauma response.
maybe the word "privilege" isn't exactly right? but i think that a person who is able to mask definitely has advantages over a person who is unable to mask. idk what word would fit though.
like i know that since i have the ability to mask when needed, i will have more opportunities in life than some people i know who are unable to mask, and that's because i can appear "normal" to the general public (or as close to "normal" as i can get lmao). people, as a general rule, do not like those who are different or who act in unexpected ways, and oftentimes those who are autistic will act in what seems like an unexpected way. and that's most often scary and off putting to neurotypical people, so they'll respond negatively and learn to not be around the unmasked autistic person, which then affects that person's life opportunities.
btw i'm not saying that i'm like "better" than ppl who can't mask, i'm just pulling from personal experience to try to understand this and explain what i'm thinking fdsjfkl. i also am not saying that any of this is good or anything, i'm just seeing this as what is happening (from my POV) and explaining it, but i absolutely do not agree with how NT ppl treat visibly ND ppl, and how autistic ppl have to mask to be able to obtain a higher quality of life through employment and being able to exist safely in public (without police getting involved is what i'm getting at here lol).
god that was a ramble sorry. i'm not trying to be argumentative or contrary or anything fhdsfjkl, i just feel like maybe ppl are not understanding where im coming from so if i provide my thoughts in full then ppl can better discuss their thoughts/opinions/POVs
anyways this honestly probably isn't super important so it's okay if it gets dropped bc idk how much good it does for me to be spending time and energy thinking about this anyways fjdsfjkl, i just get frustrated when i can't understand smth fully (which is my own issue i have to make peace with) so! those are my thoughts, it's cool to continue the convo and keep debating this w me bc i am very open to it, but also its okay if ppl would rather i just drop the subject and i will do so because i'm not sure if i can really come to any conclusion on this sdfjkl
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kithtaehyung · 3 years
hush, yeah? 1 | kth
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series: hush, yeah?  pairing: taehyung x reader(f) genre: brother’s best friend au, music festival au ; angst(?), smut summary: the innocent accident that started it all warnings: groping, tension, pussy play, public smut, inadvertent edging, language, taehyung’s an asshole lol notes: thank you endlessly to @missgeniality​ @sunshinekims​ and @taegularities​ for being fantastic betas! your general hype, suggestions, and comments mean the world to me. taglist is under the cut and is still open! word count: 5.7k rating: m
m.list | part 1 | part 2
“Why do I have to sit in the back?”
“We set these rules from the beginning! Whoever showed up last gets the last row.”
“But it wasn’t my fault!”
“Just hurry up and get in. We’re already behind schedule.” 
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From your seat in the dreaded third row of the SUV rental, you slumped over the window tray and watched your brother’s friends bicker, as if nothing had changed after years of being apart. Not that their petty spat meant anything to you.
In fact, you were pretty preoccupied with an argument of your own: your best friend that definitely said they were coming on this trip had suddenly bailed. Something to do with her new flame? Whatever it was, it was utter bullshit. 
Regardless, that left you with your stupid brother and his even stupider band of friends as you headed to a music festival a handful of hours over. 
Your brother’s long time friend, Jung Hoseok - known as J-Hope to millions of strangers - was on the come-up. With multiple hit singles that racked up radio plays and Tik Tok streams, he was quickly slated into the tours and festivals sprouting around the country. One of them happened to be quite prestigious, which also happened to be the closest one to your current residence. 
Because of this, Seokjin’s friends flew in from all over the world to tag along for the ride. And even though they were grown and wildly successful, you still saw them as the same doofy bunch - maybe even more so since they were basically children with adult money. 
Turning your head to the other window seat, you snorted as the luggage that greeted you was enough to serve as evidence to your claim. 
For one, Jungkook had packed an entire duffle with what you believed to be production equipment and weed. When Seokjin half-asked, half-scolded him about it, the boy explained that he always got way too hyped after concerts or festivals to not work on his own shit afterwards. 
Jimin packed light since he was flying to another country right after the festival, and Yoongi and Taehyung flew in together but each had substantial luggage. Apparently, they both planned to stay longer after the festival was over since they hadn’t seen Seokjin in forever. 
You understood. Namjoon - the one waddling back from the house to bring the charger that he almost forgot - was the one that frequently saw Seokjin, but the rest of them were way too busy with their normal routines.
You loved them all, admittedly. Growing up, they would constantly be around, whether it was during family trips or just coming over to hang out. They seemed to always wind up at your house, though, and even if they claimed it was because Seokjin was the oldest, you were pretty sure it was solely because he had the best computer. 
Though you loved them all dearly, there was one in particular that you always found your eyes wandering to, your gaze lingering on for too long. 
Kim Taehyung. 
The same Kim Taehyung that was draped in a simple white tee and khaki pants, dark hair flopping around his head. He had arrived at the last minute - which would explain the game that he supposedly lost - and still had a mask on, so you couldn’t quite see his face. However, just from his broad shoulders alone, you knew he was not the same teenager he was when you had last seen him. 
Your phone rattled in the window tray. Instinctively, you grabbed it just as the bickering outside came to a close, rolling your eyes heavenward at the incoming text. 
Bestie: im sorry !! i wanted to go but there was just a change of plans 
Fingers alight with contempt, you dove into a scathing reply, paying zero attention to the man ducking inside the car to pause in front of you. 
“Scoot over.” 
That voice was much deeper than you remembered. 
Lifting your head, you locked eyes with the one you had an enormous - now very humongous - crush on. The shoulders engulfing your vision were the last things on your mind when his perfectly matured, maskless face was merely a foot away from yours. 
Almost losing yourself in his aura, you blinked twice before clarifying, “What did you say?” 
“Move. I get window.” 
“Umm. I’m already here?” It seemed that his face was the only mature thing about him. With furrowed brows, you realized that no matter how much he grew - and how gorgeous he became - he would still be the same. Taehyung had always been the one to whine or claim what he wanted, only a step above the boy that had a duffle bag full of midi keyboards.
He huffed out a laugh before leaning forward, and his breath fanned across your scowl when he simply ordered, “Stop stalling. Move or I’ll make you.” 
“Insufferable as always, I see,” you scoffed, shifting to the smaller and windowless middle seat while he huffed a sound of triumph and agreement. You shot another glare at the luggage taking up the collapsed chair next to your other side, hating your predicament.
It made sense to have his broader shoulders take the wider spot, but you absolutely hated the middle. “You could’ve just asked nicely.” 
As the man settled into his seat, you watched the way his biceps filled the white sleeves of his shirt, and the way his veins bulged in the forearm reaching for his seatbelt to pull it down. “I could’ve,” he replied, voice light with teasing, “But that’s no fun.” 
You sighed at his attitude; it couldn’t be helped. This ride was going to be a long one.
The rest of the boys had piled in during your petty fight in the back, and the lurch of the SUV kicking into drive made you realize that you weren’t buckled in at all. 
Damn Taehyung and his physique. You were so busy ogling that you ignored basic survival instincts. 
You had to reach over him to grab the seatbelt strap far behind your head, but when you pulled it down, you didn’t see a buckle. You weren’t exactly sure where it was beneath the mountain of bags, so you had to lift yourself off your seat to check. Tilting your body sideways, your eyes connected with the elusive latch, but that wasn’t what gave you pause. 
Because in your haphazard search, your ass had brushed right over a very soft, very prominent forearm. To make the situation worse, the skirt you wore was so short that it did nothing to shield your cheeks from his skin. 
Oh, shit. 
Immediately, you planted yourself back onto your seat, face flushed red with mortification. You didn’t even think to completely buckle yourself in before swiveling to Taehyung, meeting his stunned expression with agony. “I am so sorry,” you whispered, on the verge of shaking. 
It was imperative you turned away, fidgeting and taking much more time than necessary to strap in. From the front of the car, bits of conversation and fighting over the aux was happening, but your ears impressively blocked everything out. Your fingers trembled, enemies of your own safety as they refused to cooperate in such an easy task. 
And that entire time, despite your frantic apology, Taehyung hadn’t said a word in reply. 
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Damn it, damn it, damn it. 
The next hour trudged by like your legs in a dream sequence, your mind screaming at itself to process everything faster. 
No matter what you tried, there wasn’t any escaping the thought of what Taehyung was thinking. He was already pissy about having to sit in the back; of course he wouldn’t be keen on having more shit happen to him. 
After the accident, you received nothing but radio silence. Too afraid to even look his way, you instead buried your eyes into your phone, scrolling and refreshing your feeds an unnecessary amount of times even when nothing new appeared. 
Nothing seemed to stop the guilt that washed over your skin, leaving you clammy and buzzing with horrible pent-up tension. 
You weren’t wearing much under the skirt you had, which was already too short, in hindsight. Taehyung most definitely felt the firm press of your cheeks, skin on skin. Even if it just lasted a second, you knew the memory - or nightmare - would burn in his brain for a long time. 
So much for that crush you had. It couldn’t exist anymore. Whatever relationship you had with him was pretty much in tatters.
Damn it, why did he have to be so stubborn about the window? It wouldn’t have happened if you stayed in that spot! 
A thousand scenarios streamed behind your eyes: him getting out and demanding switching seats at the next rest-stop, him ignoring you for all eternity, the awkwardness between you two skyrocketing until you broke completely and ran all the way back home. Shame slipped over your guilt-riddled skin in another layer of deprecation. 
Until something happened that shut your brain off entirely. 
The softest of fingers grazed your bare thigh. 
Your eyes flickered to where it happened, the skin torched with a mere touch, pure shock fizzling across the rest of your leg. 
What just happened? 
Looking at him got you no answers; Taehyung was devoutly attentive to the passing scenery. You could only make out the defined curve of his jawline as he lazily watched trees and fields go by. 
Slipping your gaze down his arm again - only to bite your lip at the inseparable band of bracelets and coursing veins - you wondered if it was just a mistake. 
He did seem a bit lost in thought. Maybe it was a stray movement? With a slight pang in your chest, you assumed he was thinking about someone he left back home. 
You decided to ignore it entirely, lest you drag yourself into a hole you couldn’t get out of. But then again, you couldn’t get away from the fact that just a single touch, stray or not, lit your soul on fire. 
It shouldn’t have, but that was probably why it did. He had been friends with your brother for the longest time, and someone you only knew as off-limits. As he existed with your brother and the rest of them, you could only watch and yearn from a distance. 
When you were old enough for university, you went off to a faraway college and came back to news of his move, just when you started validating your feelings for him and wanted to scrape up enough courage to tell him. You had since buried them, knowing that he was both out of your league and now flying out of your time zone. At least, you definitely tried.
But now, those same emotions proved fatal, erupting from the depths of your heart from just a single touch. 
Proceeding to grow tenfold as Taehyung did it again. 
The second time seemed more deliberate, which excited you and frightened you all the same. Even though you didn’t want to get your hopes up, it seemed pretty clear that the finger skimming along your thigh was an invitation. To what, you weren’t sure, but you were accepting it no matter where it was headed. 
There had been many relationships, but none of them managed to light a spark as much as he had in three total touches. Was it the fact that other people were there? That your brother was there? 
You looked toward Taehyung, expecting to see him yet again looking out the window, to discover that he was staring right at you. Like someone feigning innocence of the exact crime they were committing, he just cocked an eyebrow before grabbing his phone in the window tray and checking it. 
What the hell was he playing at? 
Your face scrunched in outright confusion as his hand kept traveling upwards. Was he just messing with you? You wouldn’t ever put that past him. Even though his mere finger felt stupidly arousing on your skin, if he was just doing this to tease you, you weren’t having it. 
Abruptly, right before reaching the lining of your skirt, Taehyung stopped. 
He knew exactly how you were feeling and, of course, he was being an ass about it. 
That’s what you assumed before flinching at your own phone vibrating. 
Damn, he had your entire body thrumming and your bones waiting to jump out of your skin, didn’t he? At the slightest disturbance, you had almost rocketed into the ceiling of the moving vehicle. 
Checking your lock screen, you realized that the very person that was torturing you was the one that sent you a text. 
Taehyung: Do you want me to stop?
Excitement bubbled in your brain. You weren’t reading too much into things; he was acting with intent.
The whole situation felt like a fever dream. Were you really about to walk this tightrope with Taehyung? With everyone else - including the man that would beat his ass if he caught you two - within earshot? 
With slightly trembling fingers, you typed out an answer and stared at it for what felt like eons. But you sent it because, in the end, this opportunity was never going to come again.
You: No
As soon as you sent it, you locked your phone and turned away, instead focusing on Jungkook’s freshly blonde hair in the middle left seat. Of course the youngest would dye his feisty locks for the upcoming festival. It was so obnoxious that you forgot your predicament and thought that the color suited his attitude and vibe very well.
Nothing happened for the next minute, despite your body teetering over a precipice waiting for anything to start. Nothing except for another text coming through. 
Feeling a bit strange, you spared a quick glance at the man beside you before checking your phone.
Taehyung: Are you sure? 
He was giving you another out? This guy of all people? You didn’t expect this type of approach to these things at all from him. You figured he would just go for the things he wanted, just like he did with your beloved window seat. 
Was he trying to use this as an out for himself? You wouldn’t be surprised in the least. After all, it didn’t take you long to determine his train of thought: you were his friend’s little sister. There wasn’t much to it. 
But this was something you’ve been wanting for years. Even though you were in close quarters with the others, you were pretty secluded in the back row. No one could see much past your necks - well, your neck and his chest - unless they physically stretched themselves. And this could be your only chance to enter whatever grey area you were encroaching. It practically fell into your lap, simply because you fell into his. 
Instead of texting back a reply, you decided to show him how serious you were. Screw his texts. 
From the front of the car, your reflection in the mirror would have just shown a bored face looking away from Taehyung and out the other window. 
But what was actually happening was a skirt being hiked up, slowly and deliberately, so that your entire side was exposed to your brother’s very hot and very sneaky friend. 
You wondered what he thought of the curve of your ass sloping into your thigh, the skin you had lotioned the night before and right before leaving the house. The thong you slipped on didn’t cover much, so every inch of skin on your side was exposed save for a sliver of silk fabric. 
The air conditioning hit your uncovered skin, but that wasn’t what caused the buzzing sensation you felt.
It was the pure taboo. 
You know you shouldn’t have done it; things should not have gotten this far. Just this one action had changed your dynamic with Taehyung forever, no matter what happened down the line. Sure, you did press your ass into his arm earlier, but that was an innocent accident. 
But this? This was purposeful. 
Even if Taehyung didn’t react - which, to your dismay, he really wasn’t - you knew he wouldn’t look at you the same anymore. 
Speaking of which: why wasn’t he doing anything? Side-eyeing him from your spot, you almost made a noise of protest after you saw his sharp jawline turned towards the window again. 
He wasn’t even looking! You had been trembling  with all of your guilt and thoughts and he wasn’t even sparing your exposed cheek and thigh a glance. 
You felt stupid. So, so stupid. 
He was giving you an out because he already knew he wasn’t going to continue whatever he was doing. 
Now you just felt a cold sweat pool behind your neck. So much for the relationship changing because of something forbidden; now it would just be strained because you did something he didn’t want. 
Scrolling mindlessly through your phone with one hand, you started shamefully pushing your skirt back down, hot tears of embarrassment pricking the corners of your eyes. 
But then a strong hand swiftly closed over your wrist, the sudden grip lighting your nerves ablaze and rendering your mind completely blank. 
You broke your quivering eyes from your phone screen to see Taehyung’s bony hand pushing yours up your hip, slowly letting it go once your leg was back to being completely exposed. 
There was absolutely no going back now.
You used every ounce of your being to calm your breaths. Acting like nothing was happening, you kept your focus solely on your phone, reading words on the screen but not registering a single one. Even when a finger slid along the length of your thigh, turning into a pair of wanderers, until an entire palm felt along the curve of your bare ass, you didn’t dare break. 
But you had to expel that tension somewhere. If it couldn’t come out of your mouth, you had to release it in the form of a tight squeeze of your palm over your lap. 
The conversation happening in the front two rows of the car kept its liveliness, but you hadn’t clearly heard any real words pass into the back row. All that existed was your shuddering breaths and Taehyung subtly cupping your plush cheek, his little ministrations already causing slick to build up in your center. 
You had to look. With a quick turn his way, you saw that he was once again looking out the window, his elbow propped on the side tray and his chin in his palm. 
You were starting to wonder if he had done something like this many times before, or least enough to feign an innocent expression while doing something so dirty. 
A cheeky grope of your ass caused you to cough, and when Seokjin cut his sentence off to ask if you were okay, you stared back at his inquisitive eyes in the rearview mirror and nodded. You saw his eyes drift to Taehyung beside you, but you knew he only saw a man bored out of his mind. 
Bits of the conversation popped up again, and you discreetly shot a glare at your partner in crime, suppressing a sound when he gripped the flesh of your ass again. Of course, he had diverted his attention from the window to his phone, which explained the quick buzzing of yours at your side.
Taehyung: Be a good girl, yeah?
Fuck. The nerve of this dude was off the charts. He was the one touching you. It didn’t matter that he had a firm grip on your ass at that moment - you were ready to give him a piece of your mind. 
You didn’t get very far in your inner tirade, though, since his hand trailed from your cheek to the dip of your inner thigh. On instinct, your legs clenched together. 
The action seemed to pull a sound from him. Turning, you locked your jaw when you observed the new curve of Taehyung’s cheekbone peeking underneath his hair. 
He was smiling. 
That bastard!
You knew without seeing his entire face that he was trying so hard to cover up his evil mirth. 
Directing your eyes to his slowly spreading legs, you spotted evidence that you weren’t the only one being affected by your dirty situation. Deep within his khakis, you could see a growing bulge between his thighs, and your chest swelled at the same time your eyebrow cocked. 
It was your chance for a speck of revenge. 
Pretending that you were listening to Namjoon prattle off to Jimin about one of his houseplants, your forearm crossed over Taehyung’s, your palm settling on his inner thigh dangerously close to his tent. 
Only for a brief moment. After a second, you pulled away after giving it the slightest squeeze. 
From the way his muscles flexed under your fingers, you sure as hell didn’t want to take your hand off of him. But you wanted him to know that you weren’t going to let him have all the fun, nor be the only one to tease. 
You weren’t going to be the only one suffering in that goddamned SUV. 
And your brief stint seemed to work. His hand had stilled on the juncture of your thigh and pelvis for what seemed like forever and a day. With your eyes solely focused back on your phone, your lips slowly spread in a smug grin as you felt the weight of Taehyung’s stare. 
Two could play this game. 
But taunting Kim Taehyung was akin to taunting the devil himself: ever so slowly, his fingers burst into life again, their impish nature present in the way they twirled the material of your panties around before gliding along the thin fabric to your clothed center. 
Oh, god. You didn’t think he would go further than groping. 
If you thought you were already jumping the brink of no return, this was your one-way ticket to Hell and you weren’t sure if your gritted teeth were from lust or from wanting to deck him in the face for being so downright naughty. You were in the car with everyone, for crying out loud!
With bated breath, you tried to focus on anything - anything else - in order to keep a straight face. If only you had a moment of peace between that action and his fingers dipping down your clothed mound, much wetter than it needed to be in a public space. 
Biting back a moan, you praised the heavenly gates - ones that you would never see for yourself - that he hadn’t dove into your underwear just yet. But the pads of fingers making their forbidden journey down your folds had your sex clenching all the same. 
Holy shit, he knew what he was doing. Taehyung knew exactly where to skim his fingers without even looking: two of them sliding along the slicked edges of your clothed cunt in a teasing manner, and his damned thumb swirling over your covered clit in short passes, causing you to flinch when you had to stay still. 
Flexing your hips up to find delicious friction, you took in a sharp breath, hoping to every higher power that no one heard your intake. With a quick survey of the rest of the car, you determined that you were saved. 
But your torture was far from over because Taehyung decided that was the right moment to completely cup your folds with the entirety of his hand. 
Instinctively, you lurched forward and brought a fist to your mouth, bending over to cover your ignited face from the rearview mirror. 
His warm palm pressed into your core was almost enough to make you come. How the hell was that even possible? 
Coming was not an option; you couldn’t do that. You were already way too wet and if you didn’t stop soon, it was going to become blatantly obvious what was happening back there. As much as you wanted Taehyung to fuck you senseless with his perfect digits, you knew it would be too much. 
You grabbed his strong wrist, gripping it just a tad before wondering what to do next. 
For a span of two seconds, Taehyung didn’t react. With his face still undeterred by anything occurring, he waited for your next move, seemingly fine with anything you were comfortable with. 
When you didn’t release your hold on him, a finger pressed into your underwear and rubbed your bundle of nerves, and every limb in your body screamed. 
You were on the brink. You had to run in the opposite direction. Fighting with yourself, you pulled your flushed form from the edge, shoving them into safe territory as your hand pried his from your sopping center. 
Everything had to stop. Completely grind to a halt. But damn it, Taehyung made you feel good as hell. 
One more glance at his legs had your moral compass spinning out of control. The bulge had since grown from earlier, the sheer size of it poking from his khakis alarming and throwing you into a cold sweat.
He was huge. 
And you weren’t going to get this close to him ever again. 
That harsh truth alone was what caused your arm to stretch into his seat, your sure fingers boldly grazing over his confined cock. When Taehyung flinched and jerked his hips, you could tell he was taken completely by surprise, smirking slightly at his sudden head turn. 
You looked away right as he regarded you, and while you typed something into your phone, you swore your body temperature spiked under his gaze.
Your message was sent and immediately, Taehyung checked it. If you were alone, you would’ve teased him endlessly, but you could only keep quiet as you waited for him to read what you sent. 
You: Do you want me to stop? 
It was bold, but you wanted him to know you weren’t just his friend’s younger sister. You weren’t just some girl he could tease in the back of a car. There had been way too many things that happened between the past and now and, since he started this, you were going to make sure he saw it to the end. 
His reply was immediate. 
Taehyung: Fuck no
Mm. Time to tease. 
Locking your phone, you fixed your hair and pretended to once again listen to the conversation filling the front end of the vehicle. It seemed that some of it died out, with Jungkook reaching the point of the road trip where his hood was shrouding his whole head and Jimin quietly singing to himself while semi-invested in talking. All the more reason that it was better to stop what could’ve been the hardest orgasm of your life. 
You were most certainly regretting how hard your pussy was throbbing, but better to be safe and hurting than sorry. Maybe this is what spurned your pettiness to get back at him, too.
Leaning forward so that your head was close to Jimin’s, you feigned a listening posture for a bit, resting your head on one arm while the other stayed limp next to Taehyung’s leg. 
Namjoon was deep in conversation with Yoongi on how EDM was still great music, in a way. The elder boy wasn’t quite convinced, and some of his points had you laughing along even though you just started listening in. 
You were almost sucked into the debate when you felt your dangling hand grabbed and tugged slightly. You didn’t turn away from the front, but your eyes and smile widened a bit when your fingers were fully shoved onto Taehyung’s pants. 
He probably saw the situation the same way you did: when the hell would you ever do this again? At least you knew he was just as affected as you were. 
Now that you had a whole hand over him, there was no room for doubt: he was definitely big. Large. Not that you would ever get to feel him inside you, but holy shit, you didn’t even know if he would fit. 
You had to grit your teeth to not react to his sheer size, your fingers wrapping around as much as you could over his pants. When Taehyung shifted his hips, you felt his hardness press deliciously into your hand, and your smile strained as you tried to keep your attention on Namjoon’s animated argument in the seats in front of you. 
Your hand moved as slowly as it could to not make any sounds. But the mere feel of his cock, despite being confined in layers of clothing, birthed new life into the scenarios you had imagined for years. 
Now that you had an idea of his size, there was a high possibility you wouldn’t get any sleep. For days. You were already apologizing to the next guy you fucked because you knew, in your heart of hearts, that you would already imagine Taehyung’s dick slamming into you instead. 
He had thoroughly wrecked you in the span of an hour, and you both had all of your clothes on.
You unwittingly started to rub your thighs together, the slick culminating between them getting worse by the second. Damn, you wanted to rip through his stupid khakis and suck the life out of him, or at least feel his velvety smooth length in your palm for real. 
None of these thoughts helped. 
Unknowingly, you had squeezed him a bit harder than he expected, and he jerked forward and coughed into his palm to cover the low groan he almost whooshed out instead. At the same time, a hand reached out and gripped your ass - hard. 
You immediately let out a sudden cough of your own, alarming Namjoon and Jimin to turn back toward you. 
“Everything okay back there?” 
Shit! That was Seokjin’s voice. Exaggerating your cough longer, you nodded at all of them without saying a word, knowing your voice would come out suspiciously cracked. Meanwhile, the hand on your ass started following its curve into your core. 
“Yeah,” was all the man had to offer, innocent in his tone while his fingers were devilishly sliding over your clothed cunt from behind, “Just thirsty.” 
You had to sit all the way back to free yourself from his touch. This was absolutely wrong and the jerk knew it! His fingers, lightly damp from the wetness coating your underwear, were squished between your lower back and the seat. To your horror, he gripped your shirt and let out the faintest of chuckles. 
Yoongi tossed a look over his shoulder from the passenger’s seat, cocking a brow when he saw the mirth in Taehyung’s face. “There’s a pack of water behind you guys.” 
“No need to use those right now,” Seokjin cut in, “We’re about to reach a gas station. We can save the pack for when we get to the hotel.” 
To your utter dismay, you were indeed in range of a rest stop, realizing that you had been driving through a cityscape for some time now. Did Taehyung snatch that much of your attention? 
Two things had to happen. One, you had to take your hand off of his dick. As you thought this, your fingers were already being squeezed by a strong hand and pulled off of his heat. The immediate separation was awful, but you also had to make sure your clothes weren’t suspiciously rumpled. Gathering your wits, you dusted and smoothed down your skirt and your top. There was a good amount of time still before you had to assumedly get out with everyone else. 
Already, Taehyung was back to normal, throwing his two cents into the conversation with Jimin and Namjoon. You expected maybe one last squeeze on your thigh or at least one look towards you, but you got absolutely nothing from him. 
Was he really just doing all of that to… what? Pass the time? Nothing in his body language other than his softening cock showed that he was just aroused moments before. How was he able to keep his cool so easily? 
Another moment passed, and as Seokjin rolled the car up to an empty row, Jimin hugged Jungkook awake while the rest of them unbuckled. Beside you, Taehyung had already unlatched his seatbelt, perusing through his phone and looking as bored as ever. 
He had to have been putting up a front so as to avoid suspicion. Maybe once you were both back in the car, you could continue what was happening. 
But a sudden separation in the gas station and an awkward switch in drivers later, you currently sat next to Yoongi in the back seat, looking at Taehyung clutching the wheel and wondering what the hell you did wrong. 
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The rest of the car ride saw you struggling to not think about tearing Taehyung’s limbs apart. What the fuck was he doing? Why did he suddenly offer to drive the rest of the way to the hotel? Wouldn’t that make things suspicious?  
Tapping away on your phone to send a long message, you suddenly read over it and deleted the whole thing. It was pointless to send him something that you might regret later once he actually read it. 
Beside you, a low voice questioned, “What’s up with you?” 
Swerving your eyes to Yoongi, you quickly tried to come up with an excuse, knowing he was both keen and willing to tell your brother anything. “My friend.” 
“They make you mad?” 
Technically, your friend did make you upset. But that wasn’t who you were thinking of. “Something like that. Just flaky.” 
“Ah.” Yoongi joined his fingers resting between his thighs, and you watched as the multiple rings he donned glinted in the setting sun hovering over the passing horizon. “Those people aren’t always the best to hang with. They could end up hurting you.” 
Strangely, it sounded like he knew the real person you were referring to and that this was somewhat of a warning. But you were definitely inside your own head. “They were just supposed to come with us, and they bailed at the last second. Now I’m gonna feel like a seventh wheel.” 
“Fuck that. Enjoy yourself.” 
Your brows lifted just like your spirits, if just for a moment. “I mean, I’ll figure something out. It’s just…” You turned your head to the front seats, and Yoongi lifted a hand as if to whisper a secret in your ear. 
“Don’t worry about Jin. I’ll make sure he doesn’t bother you.” 
As much as you appreciated Yoongi looking out for you, your brother wasn’t the one in the front you were concerned about. 
It was the one that kept sparing glances in the rearview mirror, their shadowy eyes observing you sitting comfortably next to his older friend.
Unwittingly, you sucked in a breath. A deep, dark fizzling in your gut told you that, despite his quick change of heart and seating arrangement, Kim Taehyung was far from done with you. 
And for the rest of the car ride to the hotel, you hoped to everything in the universe that it was right.
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part 2 spoiler: “you don’t wanna do this.” 
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a/n: thank you for reading! taglist is still open and part 2 is in the works! 
taglist: @glmcre @fadedforestnymph @dinamitae @chateautae @ggukkieland @ressjeon @taestannie @bonnyskies @somewhereofftheglobe @yoongiillogical @jungkooksbroski​ @svftbaby​ @yoontaethings​ @vivrant-thang​ @hopeonysus​ @jungkxook​ @artsyjoons​ @marcoazam2​ @tomotae​ @spicybangtanwings​
feedback box (added nov. 25th, 2021!): ⇥ of course, any reblogs/comments/messages are appreciated! ⇥ for the ones that aren’t okay with reblogging with a review, commenting on this, or sending a message, i went ahead and made another anonymous form where you can send in what you think! ⇥ no emails collected, no need to put in a username. it’s literally just a feedback dropbox :D ⇥ here!  
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delta-two-two · 3 years
What are your personal stone hc’s?
hooo boy. well first off, he's definitely a bit of a loose cannon. His updated bio states that he was prone to playing by his own rules, which is what I believe is why he was dishonorably discharged in 1975, though im not entirely sure what he did (i like to think he probably traded information with the enemy to get leverage on the next mission or something.) He must've done some real dumb shit to get kicked out. I see him as being very snarky and that he doesn't take too well to authority; of course, if there's money in the mix however, he might tone it down a bit and cooperate.
Given that he's more of a mercenary and doesn't really have any special ties or well sought knowledge like some of his other colleagues in Warsaw, he's content to aid in training recruits. He also doesn't have many friends inside Warsaw, being too guarded or giving them too much attitude; after all, he's merely a mercenary, so today's friends could be tomorrow's enemies, he prefers to keep most people at arm's length except beck hue to protect himself, even if most of his recent past may be somewhat common public knowledge.
Now some general hcs:
Stone 100% has a mustache under that mask, sorta bushy, but still well kept.
He smokes. A lot. and im not talkin about weed, curse you treyarch for giving him a damn weed skin to meme with the cod boys. Stone picked up smoking during his time in basic, and he never really saw a reason to stop, so he didn't. (if you tell him you don't like smoking, he'll grumble but make sure not to do it in your presence or will go outside.)
He was definitely a bit of a delinquent as a kid and joining the military was his father's way of trying to set him straight, for all the good that did.
He's definitely fluent in at least 4 languages; given that he's meant to be training multiple different pockets of pro-soviet militias across the world.
This man cannot cook for his life. Used to MREs and quick non-cookable meals, the best you're gonna get from him is a sandwich; that said, he's not too fond of spicy food but definitely not a picky eater by any means.
Given that he's been stationed in a few arid climate areas for training, its probably a specialty of his to operate in hot, dry, desert climates, though he could operate anywhere if need be.
And that's about all I have for now! Thanks for asking, this was fun to do :)
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tiggymalvern · 2 years
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I posted 1,163 times in 2021
33 posts created (3%)
1130 posts reblogged (97%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 34.2 posts.
I added 912 tags in 2021
#hannibal - 238 posts
#fanart - 200 posts
#hannigram - 89 posts
#us politics - 79 posts
#photography - 73 posts
#pretty places - 65 posts
#meta - 57 posts
#will graham - 47 posts
#lol - 36 posts
#signal boost - 28 posts
Longest Tag: 109 characters
#it only becomes about politics because republicans would rather suppress voters than let them elect democrats
My Top Posts in 2021
The Pornbots are Evolving
I've been followed by three different pornbots today. In every case, the first one or two posts in their dash were inocuous - landscapes or kittens. You had to scroll down to the second or third post to find the naked women fingering themselves or shoving their arses in your face. A new cunning plan is afoot!
11 notes • Posted 2021-07-28 04:48:24 GMT
Amyiah described her experiences, first telling followers she was forced to “self-quarantine” due to “having the Covid-19 virus”. Hospitalised overnight because she had difficulty breathing, she posted again, this time a selfie in an oxygen mask. After receiving calls from members of the public, county health officials referred the matter to the sheriff’s office. It sent a deputy to the Cohoon household, where Amyiah’s parents were told to have her remove the post or the deputy would issue disorderly person’s citations “if not start taking people to jail”. In his ruling, issued on Friday, Ludwig wrote: “Defendants may have preferred to keep Marquette county residents ignorant to the possibility of Covid-19 in their community for a while longer, so they could avoid having to field calls from concerned citizens, but that preference did not give them authority to hunt down and eradicate inconvenient Instagram posts.” Good going, Wisconsin. So has the judge now ordered the arrest of the sheriff and the deputy for massive abuse of power and threatening innocent people with false arrest? If these people still have their jobs, WHY do they still have their jobs???
11 notes • Posted 2021-09-28 04:46:54 GMT
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New Year, new fic! Or maybe it's more of an old fic. It's both! War and Peace. Fandom: Gundam Wing Pairing: Duo/Heero, or 1x2x1 if we're going old style. That's two teenagers shagging each other, for those who don't care for that sort of thing. Summary: Duo Maxwell looks back on the war. And on Heero Yuy. Turns out he spends a lot of time thinking about Heero… This is the fic I started back in 2003, and then went back to and finished in 2020. It's also by far the most rambling, info-dumpy, monologue-y story I've ever written. Duo likes to talk and I never found a way to stop him. Canon compliant for the series, AU for Endless Waltz. It follows the story and emotional arc of the series, so you know what you're getting! Only the first chapter's up so far, I'll be adding more as I work through the final editing pass. Happy New Year!
14 notes • Posted 2021-01-01 17:16:43 GMT
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Title: Fulcrum Fandom: Tenet Word count: 3000 Rating: General Summary: He goes back. He builds Tenet. He recruits Neil. The ending is nearer than you think, and it is already written. All that we have left to choose is the correct moment to begin. Here on AO3.
16 notes • Posted 2021-06-01 14:37:23 GMT
Hi. Ok do you know why Will imagines himself killing Molly (and even Alana in one scene) while taking the Red Dragon case? This never happened before with other cases, like in other seasons he slipped into killers mindsets but he never looked at people and imagined killing them. Seems like a plot point to make Will give up on his family, I wish his return to Hannibal was more organic and not just because other people were poisoned to him :/
I’m sorry it took me a while to get to answering this, Anon, I had a very busy week.
Season three wasn’t actually the first time we see Will imagining himself killing someone he cares about. Back in just episode three, he dreams of slitting Abigail’s throat, when earlier he’s been to visit her in the hospital trying to reassure her. Then he visits her house with her because she wants to go and needs to have people with her. Alana and Hannibal seem like entirely adequate emotional chaperones for that visit. There’s no need for Will to be there too, but he still goes, because he wants to help Abigail.
At that point, Will is showing the first signs of his encephalitis, waking covered in sweat, and we could perhaps attribute his imagining killing Abigail to a simple nightmare, if it wasn’t a thing that recurs again later, as you say, long after his encephalitis is cured.
So I think the question more realisitcally becomes, ‘Why does Will Graham sometimes imagine himself killing people he cares about?’ There’s never going to be a definitive answer for that, all we can do is speculate, so here I go, speculating away! I’m going to leave Hannibal out of my speculations, because Will does imagine himself killing Hannibal during the honey trap phase of season two, when we know he’s already falling in love with him, but at the same time he still hates Hannibal for framing him and having him dumped in a mental institution. The internal conflict there thoroughly muddies the waters, so I’m going to stick with Will’s visions of killing people like Abigail and Molly, people he only wants to protect.
I would say from the start that stress seems to be a triggering factor for it. Will imagines killing Abigail not long after the first time he kills someone, in the form of her father. We know from what Jack says that Will has been actively trying to avoid killing people, that he left the police because he didn’t want to use his gun. He’s long suspected that killing a person would unleash something within him, and now he’s done it. When Abigail says that she’s worried about nightmares, Will replies, ‘I’m worried about nightmares too.’ The thing that Will had been trying to avoid for at least a decade has finally happened, and he’s scared of where it will lead him. And sure enough, he’s dreaming of murder.
In the Red Dragon arc, the thing that Will has been trying to avoid for three years is Hannibal. He’s put that life behind him - he moved away, stayed out of law enforcement, married a lovely woman, and worked so hard at being ‘normal’. And then the thing he’s been avoiding happens - Hannibal is back in his world. Will tells Molly he’ll be different if he goes; once again he’s scared of where he’s headed. So there’s an obvious parallel there - Will imagines killing Abigail, and later Molly, when he’s having to face up to a reality that he’s been trying to ignore.
On the most basic level, Will imagines killing people because he wants to kill people. He’s known that about himself for a long time, which is why he was so determined never to do it. After he kills Hobbs, it’s not just a theory any more, he knows he likes it, and then the temptation to do it again becomes so much worse.
But in the real world, Will only wants to kill bad people. He wants to kill the murderers, the people who threaten and harm the innocent. He wants to be a protector and an avenger. He would never harm Molly, or Abigail. And I think the fact that he imagines himself doing that is a sign of his internal conflict.
Will Graham is scared of what he wants. He doesn’t want to enjoy killing people, even bad people. He was lecturing in a classroom to avoid any risk of violent situations, because he’s worried about the slippery slope. If he kills one person, he’ll want to kill more (he isn’t wrong about that). And I think that decent, moral part of Will is terrified of how far he might eventually go. If he starts off killing bad people, might he eventually end up killing less bad people? What if his urge to kill keeps increasing and he becomes one of the bad people who hurts innocents? I think it’s all part of his struggle with accepting the reality of who he is.
So any time Will Graham knows himself to be starting down the path of the killer - after he shoots Hobbs, when he goes back to investigating murders and discussing them with Hannibal - his mind shows him the worst case scenario, the thing he fears most in the world. The potential monster inside himself. And in Molly’s case, there’s the added guilt that Will knows he’s placing her in danger, because of Hannibal, a guilt that manifests in her imagined death at Will’s hands.
And so I come to the last part of your ask: I wish his return to Hannibal was more organic and not just because other people were poisoned to him
This takes us back to what is really the over-arching theme of Hannibal. It's clear that Will would never have chosen Hannibal as the love of his life. Will doesn't want to love Hannibal, any more than he wants to love killing people. But the facts don't change because they're inconvenient for Will's moral compass.
The world has effectively been poisoned for Will his whole life. He speaks to Hannibal of his isolated childhood, the boy who never fit in. He lives his adult life alone, surrounded by dogs, with acquaintances, not friends, because everyone around him considers him somewhat odd. His potential 'normal' romantic partner, Alana, has been avoiding being alone with him. With time, he learns to 'pass' as normal better, to the point where he can marry Molly and appear to be a typical family man. But that's what it is - an appearance. Will isn't fulfilled in that life. He wants to be, but he's not.
Hannibal is right for Will because neither of them fit in the 'normal' world, and the way they don't fit is the same. Hannibal isn't a show about Will accepting that he loves Hannibal - it's a show about Will accepting that he is who he is. And when he accepts the things he doesn't like about himself, only then can he accept that he loves someone who shares those traits.
Hannibal isn't the consolation prize for Will, because nobody else will have him any more. Hannibal has always been the only person who can understand him, and Will has known that for years. He just has to stop hating them both for it before he can decide to live with it.
(And it was all written by a gay man, and it's an obvious metaphor for growing up ostracised for being gay, and hating yourself for being gay, and having to accept and embrace gayness before you can accept loving another man, but that can go off on a very long tangent!)
58 notes • Posted 2021-02-15 15:42:20 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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jemej3m · 4 years
losing your wedding ring and other hostage situation things
im having way too much fun, you will have to pry this au from my cold, dead hands 
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two birds, one stone, lets GO
(tw for: violence, hostage situations, mention of recreational drugs, a bit of swearing, neil being a mouthy ass mf, mild stabbings)
Andrew had been having such a good day. 
Those were rare to come by: some form of disaster usually appeared, if not by mid-morning, then by lunch. A perp that was too handsy; an elderly woman shouting tireless angst at Andrew over not being able to find her precious, street-rat looking cat; a stack of overdue paperwork from the nightshift fuckers who were the worst people to exist ever. 
No: instead, Neil had woken him up with a tray of hot coffee, chocolate croissants and strawberries for their anniversary celebration (not that either of them had mentioned it), kissed the crumbs away from the corner of his mouth and lead Andrew into the shower with that damned smile of his. 
He’d driven Andrew to work (something about Allison holding down the fort), which meant Andrew didn’t have to commute and deal with the general public, or figure out where to park for half an hour. It was coming dangerously close to their rule of ‘don’t talk about work’, but Andrew couldn’t complain when Kevin had been too busy to scrutinise him upon entry to the bullpen. 
He and Renee had cracked a decent case, a burly dealer with a ‘Nittany Lions’ emblem tattooed across her collarbone had been shut away for being the primary distributor of a lethal strain of methamphetamine, and there hadn’t been a queue in his favourite subway corner store at lunch time. 
Wymack had stuck his head out of his office at about half-past two, with a quirk to his eyebrows. “They’re requesting backup at a shootout situation, up north. Change out.”
Andrew, who had just been getting slightly bored signing neighbourly complain forms, took this in his stride. Renee smiled at him as they left, always knowing more than Andrew ever let on. He hated being known at first, but years with Neil had tempered that discomfort, and having someone who knew what he needed when he couldn’t express it wasn’t half bad. 
He cut over Kevin’s music in the patrol car and let the windows down, siren tolling. There were no deaths on the scene as of yet - and Andrew had a feeling there would be none. 
It seemed as though there was where his good luck had run out for the day. 
Upon exiting the car, protocols had been adhered to, blocks were canvassed, civilians were removed, and Andrew found himself squatting behind a crumbling brick wall, Dan and Matt ahead of him, Kevin and Renee behind him. 
Dan looked around the doorway, signalled clear, and so they skirted into the small courtyard. The house in question had been the location for the shooting: how Andrew and the rest of his team had found themselves in the infiltration force was another issue entirely. 
“Sargeant, everything’s gone quiet, what’s happening?” Wymack demanded. 
“House is looking clear -” a distinct thud and Dan’s disgruntled “Oof!” had Andrew drawing out his gun once more. 
“Guns down,” came a strained voice, stepping out from behind the door with a gun held to Dan’s head. He had a ski-mask on. “Everyone put your guns down, or she dies.”
For fuck’s sake, Andrew thought, slowly crouching down and putting up his hands. Matt’s entire body was shaking, but he followed suit, Kevin and Renee copying him. 
Three men appeared: one grabbed Matt, another grabbed Kevin, whilst a third went for both Renee and Andrew. The glint in Renee’s eyes said it well enough: it wouldn’t do these fuckers well to underestimate either of them. 
But Dan still had a gun to her head, and Andrew was in no business of letting decent people die because he didn’t play along, so he let himself be shuffled into the basement of the house: there, he was shoved against one of the old, wooden pillars and tied up, hands behind his back. The rope burned against his skin. 
“Body in the corner,” Renee whispered, nudging his foot with hers. “Stripped, two bullet holes in the head. Look, you can see the Butcher cross on the back of their hand. It has to be a Bearcat.”
Andrew stared at the Butcher’s mark. His husband’s father had once liked to mark his loyalists with two gashes on the back of their hand, often with his favourite cleaver. Neil said he’d left similar marks across his father’s eyes when he’d finally brought him to his knees. The corpse in the corner had to be an older member of the Wesninski gang: Neil had changed a lot of things since inheriting his father’s syndicate. 
Gang violence was never great, nor simple, but perhaps a man who was loyal to Nathan Wesninski was better off dead. 
“Quiet!” one of the men barked, kicking Renee in the side of her head. Andrew grit his teeth as her head whipped back against the wall. 
“Search ‘em,” the other said, crouching by Dan. Identification, a spare twenty, her gun and taser and baton were all removed. When she tried to head-but him, he decided to gag her and tie said gag to the beam she was shoved against. He checked her hand for an engagement or wedding ring, of which neither Dan nor Matt ever wore during their shifts. Matt, Kevin and Renee went through the same thing, radios and guns and spare cash filched from their pockets. 
Then it was Andrew’s turn. He coiled up as soon as hands were on him, gritting his teeth. He hated sitting like a victim. He hated waiting around to be rescued. He would be able to cut through this rope somehow if he was just given a minute, but instead he was enduring hands across his arms and shoulders and back, down his legs. They didn’t find the knife in his boot - something he’d copied from Neil - but one of their fingers did catch on the silver chain around his throat. 
His eyes closed as they pulled it out. 
“Ha,” the crook sneered, snapping the silver chain and holding up Andrew’s wedding band. “Who’s the lucky girl? Doesn’t matter, I s’pose, if you never see her again.”
“You’re married? Since when!” Kevin remarked, and got a knee in the ribs for good measure. 
Andrew watched the man pocket his wedding ring and sighed. He’d have a hell of a lot of explaining to do to Neil when he got home. Hopefully his husband wouldn’t go out on a spree for vengeance just to get the ring back. Worse would be if he decided to go teaching everyone not to touch his family. 
For a few moments, the men left them alone, stomping around the house and yelling for good measure. They’d taken Dan’s radio to lay down their terms: they were no doubt in the midst of negotiation. 
“I went to the ceremony,” Renee offered in the strained silence. “It was very sweet.”
“Shut up, Renee.” Andrew muttered. 
“It’s their anniversary, today,” she added. 
He glared at her. “I hate you.” 
“What a way to spend it,” Matt murmured, looking to Dan, who was still gagged. He looked back to Andrew. “We’ll make sure you get back home to your...partner?”
“Husband.” Andrew confirmed, then mentally cursed himself for giving away such needless information whilst in a dusty basement, held hostage by some randoms who had already murdered one member of said husband’s gang. Instead, he shuffled his feet around to Renee. 
“I’ve got a knife,” he said, like she didn’t already know. He just didn’t want the others to see Renee trying to take off his shoe with her teeth when he’d just mentioned that he has a husband. She nodded, leaning down to pull at his laces, then tugging off his shoe with her knees. The knife skidded out: she kicked it back to Andrew, who flicked it into his hands. She shuffled around so that her ropes were accessible to him, and he got to work sawing. 
It only lasted thirty seconds before the men thundered back down stairs: Renee sat on the knife after Andrew dropped it to the floor. 
“They need a little more motivation,” the burliest one sneered, stomping over to Dan. “How about you, sarge?”
“You’re making a mistake,” Renee said, calmly. “I’m sure that if everyone walked free right now, we’d be able to figure something out. It doesn’t have to end badly.”
“Shut your fucking mouth,” he snapped. “God, you’re annoying, aren’t you? Not everything’s so simple, pig.”
“No,” a new voice agreed. “It’s not. But you could’ve at least cleaned this place up a bit before you made such a scene.”
“What the fuck,” the ringleader managed, just as two men dropped to their knees, hands to their stomachs. Two new figures stepped into the basement, dressed similarly. Both wore black jeans and sweaters, though one was a hood tugged firmly over their head, a bandana over their nose and mouth, whilst the other wore a ski-mask with a singular window for the eyes, long hair tucked up into a twist under the wool. 
The shorter figure’s blue eyes sought Andrew out immediately: he gave the man a quick nod. I’m alright. 
Those eyes burned like the ninth circle of hell. Instantly, Andrew knew he was safe. 
“The fuck is this?” the man said, just as another knife buried itself into the chest cavity of his third ally. “Hold on, hold on - are you repping Wesninski? How the fuck did you get here -?”
“Learn your place, Gorilla,” the shorter one said, spinning a knife around on his fingers. His counterpart - and if Andrew didn’t know it was Allison, he would’ve still been able to tell she was a woman - busied herself tying up the other three that were moaning on the floor. Gloved hands, double layered but still deft. Andrew grabbed the knife that was under Renee and kept sawing at her closures. 
“You don’t mess with a Wesninski, nor his people.” the knife was slowly raised to ‘Gorilla’s chin, just as gloved fingers reached into the crook’s pocket and drew out a small, silver band. “Too predictable with your trophies, Hawking. Dumped again?” 
The man - who was more than a foot taller than their savior and definitely double the width - roared with fury, raising up his hands. He was too late, his body slumping with a pinch to the back of his neck. 
The woman looked over to the corner, where the body was dumped, and sighed. “You weren’t the worst, Richie.”
“Definitely bad timing, A.” the man said, hopping over the unconscious body of his rival to lean over Andrew: the others looked on with intrigue as the mysterious man slipped Andrew’s wedding ring into his front pocket. 
“Go,” Andrew muttered from out the corner of his mouth. Only Renee would be able to hear. “We’ll be fine.”
“Love you,” Neil whispered back. Not a moment later, he was gone. 
“We’re we just saved by a Wesninski gang member?” Kevin wondered aloud. 
Not just any gang member, Andrew thought. Kevin would shit himself if he knew who was under that mask. 
“Stranger things have happened,” Matt said, though he was unsure. At that point, Andrew had cut Renee’s ropes free, and she set to work unbinding them all. 
Wymack was the first into the basement, fury scrawled across his scraggly brows. “Is everyone - Christ.” He looked to the four men on the floor: three stabbed and bound, still alive and writhing in pain, and one unconscious, jaw at a bad angle from where he’d fallen over. “Do I even want to know what happened?”
“I don’t think you’d believe us if we told you, sir,” Renee said, sweetly, as she cut Dan’s gag free and helped her off the floor. 
Wymack simply rubbed at his temple with one hand, the other reaching for his radio. “Four stretchers. All threats have been disengaged. Stand down: everyone is safe.”
Andrew felt his phone buzz as he was stood behind his desk, packing things into his bag to head home. Hostage situation aside, it’d still been a good day. 
Home now - got more ice cream and borrowed Bridget Jones’ Diary from Ally’s collection
I hate you, Andrew texted back. Heading home now - i can detour and get Joe’s thai
no, Neil said immediately. i’ve already got food being delivered. need to see u home and safe. 
Andrew felt something warm in his chest. I’ll be there soon. 
He tucked his phone into his bag, and brought out the ring that he’d kept tucked into the pocket of his pants all day, seeing as the chain had been broken. Carefully, he slid it onto his finger. It still fit, though he wasn’t sure why he’d thought that it wouldn’t. 
Across the room, Matt smiled, nudging Renee and gesturing to where Andrew had put on his wedding ring and was almost ready to leave. “The Monster has a husband.”
“Stranger things have happened,” Dan agreed, sidling up to the pair.
You barely know the half of it, Renee thought, watching her partner amble out of the bullpen, a fondness in her smile. 
wow. SOFT.
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jeonjcngkook · 3 years
I'm sorry but I hate it when people try to tell others about who jungkook "really is", like? we don't know him? he can be shy, sensitive and a passionate guy but he has flaws too?
I think it's kind of weird the way he changes his personality constantly.. like when we see them in run! bts he has one temperament and when he's going live alone with armys he's a totally different person..
jungkook said himself in "decalcomania" that we don't know who he really is. he's an introvert and even jin once said that he shuts down and doesn't talk about what he's feeling, so if he shut down to his hyungs, would the fandom be the ones that know him the best? he's a good guy but sometimes he knows how to be self-centered, not caring much for others. he doesn't like to share what's his with other people..
also, it seems like he has this thing about being independent and doesn't care much about the consequences. most of bts' controversies was just jungkook wanting to be independent. tattoos. being caught with a girl. fender-bender. going to a bar/clubbing with friends. and more.. he doesn't like rules and doesn't accept being told what's right or wrong.
it's not that the fandom incorrectly sees him. it's just that he's not only the nice and "perfect" jungkook. he has flaws just like the other 6 members. do I think it's right to portray him as a brat/jerk? of course not. but I don't think it's right to depict him as an outstanding and delicate thing. will we ever get to know the "real" him? probably not.
i dont really know how you want me to answer this??.... nobody knows who any of them are personally, like i thought that was just common knowledge? everybody has flaws. maybe he is shy, grounded, keeps himself to himself, who knows.
as for "changing his personality", i dont understand how he can "change it" when we don't know what he's like.. for run!bts episodes you need to remember that at the end of the day it is a show ran by a business. and every view generates income and revenue into the business. so yes, he probably does get told to act things up - like all the other members. and comparing that to being himself in a vlive i feel just aren't comparable .. everybody when they're alone is more in calm space. yoongi and hoseok are prime examples of just that.
at the mention of decalomania and jin and that he doesnt let his feelings out or express them - maybe? maybe not? we dont know them and/or him personally to know how he lets his feelings out. he's a 23 year old man and not all people at his age express their feelings openly.
i dont understand where the self-centred comment stems from because as this ask is basically saying we don't know them which is correct, so it seems a little unfair to call someone you don't know personally self centred or selfish or uncaring for. others. we dont know him.
there is absolutely nothing wrong with him having his independence ahsjskdks he can't live his life chained. are we really gonna bring up his tattoos, being with girls, going out with his friends im sorry what the fuck?!! *! #(#($? $? hes a TWENTY THREE year old man he can do what he wants ahsjsjsksks these are things that twenty three year olds do. he isnt any different than the rest of the people in their earlier twenties. he's allowed to lead a normal life, in or outside of the public eye and who are anybody to comment on that .... dont even have anything to comment on that, i really dont.
i dont know where you're seeing anybody portray him as some sort of sweetheart idol
this whole ask has come across as a little aggressive and if im honest. it almost feels like you're getting on at somebody personally. i also dont understand the purpose of it when you say yourself we dont know him like i dno???? this has kinda annoyed me but i hope you're having a lovely day! wear ur mask n stay safe x
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btvs · 3 years
could u pls explain what all the houses mean? like there are so many of them and i have no idea what they mean. thank u :)
yes!! so the first house (also known as rising/ascendant) is the sign that was on the eastern horizon when u were born. from there, it divides into 12 pie slices basically. im not an astronomer at all but im p sure the width of the houses are divided based on the earths axis since houses are determined by the earths 24 hour rotation (astronomers pls correct me if im wrong). because of this, the houses can be different sizes, meaning they won’t each line up exactly with a sign (unless youre using whole sign charts which is a completely different thing i wont talk abt rn).
all of the planets in your chart are placed in a house, which helps you figure out a bit more of what is laying beneath. each house has its own sign ruler which is why some of the traits shine through. for example, my sun sign is pisces, a generally quiet sign, but it is in the 5th house, ruled by leo, which is why some people tend to get leo vibes from me.
when i was first learning astrology it helped me a lot to connect the houses to their ruling sign since they share a lot of traits. the main difference i like to point out is that the houses are where you express those traits in your life whereas the planets are what you are expressing and the signs are how you express them. example: cancer is a very home centered sign, its introverted and likes to have their own space. the 4th house is the house of home. whatever placements you have there will be amplified in your home space.
if none of that made sense im just gonna quickly describe each house:
the first house is the house of self- it is ruled by aries and it shows your outer personality that you present to the world, your appearance, presentation, self expression, and the mask we put on (not necessarily a bad thing).
the second house is the house of possessions- it is ruled by taurus and represents material objects we find security in, the senses, our values, and resources.
the third house is the house of communication- ruled by gemini- our mindset, thinking, writing learning and speaking styles, communication and interaction, and siblings.
the fourth house is the house of home- ruled by cancer, it shows our roots, family values, the way we grew up, the way we nurture, our private life, roots and heritage.
the fifth house is the house of pleasure- ruled by leo this house represents creativity, love and romance (not partnerships), environment, play, art, and children.
the sixth house is the house of health- ruled by virgo. also called the house of self-improvement by some. represents illness, service, work, daily routines, nutrition and health, and duty.
the seventh house is the house of partnerships- ruled by libra. marriage, one to one relationships, legal matters, conflicts, and alliances all fit in this house.
the eighth (why did it take me so long to spell eighth) house is the house of sex (or transformation)- ruled by scorpio. death and rebirth, deep experiences, growth and change, what lies underneath, and the occult (i hate that word but im using it anyway) all fit here.
the ninth house is the house of philosophy- ruled by sagittarius. it represents higher education (above high school), the search for meaning, travel, exploration, religion, and expansion of the mind.
the tenth house is the house of social status- ruled by capricorn. it shows achievements, authority, recognition, public life (notice how its the opposite of 4th house which is private life), and career.
the eleventh house is the house of friendship- ruled by aquarius. aside from friendship, this house represents groups, clubs, involvement, activism, global awareness, humanitarianism, and fighting against oppression.
the twelfth house is the house of subconscious- ruled by pisces. this house shows what we hide, our traumas, repressed parts of ourselves, our shadow, self sacrifice, what we don’t acknowledge, surrender, and mystery.
i hope this helped clear some things up but don’t be afraid to ask any other questions!
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memoriashell · 3 years
with age comes wisdom ( or at the very least, entirely unneccessary celebrations )
Characters /  Pairing: Fukawa Touko / Naegi Komaru ( focused ), Syo / Komaru, Warriors of Hope
crossposted on ao3
Notes: happy @tokomaruweek week everyone!! i love these funky wlw so i am going to try and have some stuff up this week, but i probably won’t manage to do the whole week / i'll go back to do the ones i miss afterwards? we’ll see.
for today i decided to combine the birthdays + warriors of hope prompts.
i’m also just ignoring canon’s timeline bc god knows i did not want to figure out that bs sorry dr3 ily but i dont love you that much just know it is somewhere post sdr2 / pre dr3 probably?
i also use they/them for syo ( nonbinary hc ) and while there aren’t any specific trauma mentions, given the group of characters this revolves around, there’s refrences to the fact they have shit lives. and some lighthearted murder jokes and self-deprication?
Summary: nothing says happy birthday quite like babysitting her ( favorite ) group of brats
It’s just her luck that this would happen— a coincidence for sure, but that doesn’t make Touko any happier about the whole thing.
This is the situation: they don’t usually see the ( former ) Warriors of Hope much. The kids stay on their side of Towa, and her and Komaru tend to stick closer to the adults. The adults are the ones that need to be kept under supervision, in her opinion. Not that the kids are blameless, but is there much reasoning with brainwashed kids? No. Of course not. Are the adults also practically brainwashed and hard to reason with. Yes. Would this all be easier if Future Foundation was involved? Yes. Yes it would, but for obvious reasons they are not ( they have all agreed to omit some information from public record for the sake of those involved, and right now Naegi’s stunt with the Remnants have Future Foundation’s attention away from them ).
Sometimes Komaru takes some of the things that they get over to the kids because things are rough enough as it is, and Syo will go with her because they can keep the Monokuma off their tracks better. Or you know, because Syo is generally more helpful to Komaru when it comes to things like that. She’s not jealous.
Allegedly— Touko does not know this for a fact herself since she hadn’t been fronting, and only learns this second hand while she is in the middle of typing up a report to send back to the foundation— Kotoko is the one to bring it up, casually handing off some of her share of the cookies Komaru had made for them, to Jataro. An early birthday present, she had said ( pointedly ignoring Nagisa, who’d pointed out she had given Jataro the ones he hated ), before turning to Komaru to ask if they could throw a party. A small one. With no murder, because that would be ‘totally not adorbs’. And no adults, because they stink ( it goes unsaid that Komaru and Touko themselves are the clear exception to this rule, which is some kind of progress, supposedly ).
That seemed like a fairly reasonable request, according to Komaru, who’s only response was to ask when his birthday was. And then accidentally lets it slip that hey, that’s the week that Touko-chan’s birthday is! And that’s how Touko finds out that apparently, she’s having a joint birthday party with the kids because Masaru managed to turn a party into a competition, somehow? Touko has no clue what that actually entails, because Komaru refuses to elaborate.
( Also, at one point before leaving, Komaru had tried asking Jataro if there was anything she could get him; to which he’d remarked, “A new mask?”
...Yeah, Touko can’t blame her for not knowing what to say to that, even if Komaru had spun it as not the most self-deprecating thing he could have said, which was an improvement? She personally disagrees, but whatever )
Here, she should point out the obvious fact that she does not want to really celebrate her birthday, let alone have a party for it. Because those kind of things lean so far into the zone of things Touko doesn’t really know how to handle, that it makes her close to uncomfortable. And if— if she had humored herself in imagining how she would ideally spend her birthday this year; quite frankly, it would be very quiet and boring and only with Komaru. Not with a group of ten year olds. Ten year olds that she might think of rather fondly, but ten year old brats all the same.
( It’s not like she has any alive friends: if Touko acknowledges the other survivors, justifiably they are too busy with more important matters to fuss over a birthday. They aren’t kids anymore. Some of them hadn’t ever really been like normal kids to begin with, but that’s besides the point )
“Look at the bright side,” She starts, and she bites back a snide what bright side and remark about how that’s all Komaru’s good at ( it’s not. She’s more talented than she gives herself credit for ). “None of you probably have really positive memories when it comes to birthdays or parties, so even if it isn’t the greatest, at least the bar to please should be pretty easy to clear!”
Touko thinks she probably gets the point she is trying to make here, but Komaru’s complete and utter lack of tact doesn’t make for the best delivery. “Are you trying to...to make me feel bad? S-So sorry my life was complete sh-shit growing up.”
“No! That’s not what I meant at all!” Komaru pouts at her. “Does that mean you’re not interested in having a party?”
It’s not like she’s so cold-hearted and selfish that she’s going to say no to that. Well, no, that’s not quite true, Touko might be just that; but it doesn’t really matter either way, because Komaru gives her best kicked dog impression, so she says ( a less than enthusiastic ) no, she doesn’t mind, yes you can have a party; even if she thinks she’ll probably regret that choice.
Okay, if you are to be honest with herself, some part of Touko that never got to be a normal child doesn’t entirely mind the thought of a party, even if it’s...not the most ideal scenario, the impractical fantasy situation that lives in her head. But if she says that aloud, Komaru will either take it too seriously, use it as an excuse to celebrate things more often, or something else that probably has consequences that she doesn’t want to think about. And also admittedly because if she says it aloud, she has to acknowledge it, and maybe she doesn't want to get her hopes up over something as stupid as a party.
( There’s also the fact that, deep in her extremely repressed memories of Hope’s Peak before the tragedy, she does remember parties. Birthdays. Celebrating things with her classmates, if somewhat forcibly so. She has no desire to remember those things, so those feelings remain repressed with most of her trauma )
It’s easy to not acknowledge any of that when she has to deal with the sudden onslaught of a headache that is Syo forcing themselves into their shared headspace, hand rubbing at her temples. Not trying to co-front, she can tell they aren’t trying to snatch control from her ( for now ), just forcing her to pay attention to them. It works, even though Touko has told them to not do this specifically because of how irritating it is for her.
I could scare the kids into cooperating? It’ll save us a headache and a half! Syo offers, maybe too eagerly. Their ideas of scare and cooperate are probably different from her own. Still. She also knows Syo is aware of more than they are letting on, given that they had been present when this conversation had occurred, but she doesn’t think she’ll get much out of them in that regard.
No. Touko tells them firmly. It’ll be counterproductive, Komaru won’t let you do that, and they’re all traumatized enough without you adding to that.
Boo, you sure about that? Consider it a birthday gift from me!
No. She repeats herself sternly, and she feels them withdraw a bit after that. Ugh, Syo hasn’t had a chance to front much recently, now that she thinks about it. Since they usually only take over when she’s in danger, and she hasn’t really been in ( as much ) danger now that things are starting to calm down. Well, relatively speaking. Syo is probably just looking for an excuse to be allowed to front, since it’s probably rough going from being very present to rarely getting the chance to be out: akin to going cold turkey on an addiction. That’s not exactly her fault ( or theirs ), but maybe she’ll ask Komaru if she’d be okay with hanging out with Syo more, if only to placate them a little, before they try something more drastic.
“Everything okay? That was Syo, right?” She hears Komaru ask after a few minutes, and Touko rubs her eyes and blinks. “You looked a little frustrated.”
She considers telling her the truth, but no point in getting her concerned over nothing. She’d like to figure out what she wants to negotiate with Syo firstm so she’ll leave that conversation for another time. “Fine. They just...ugh, just wanted to make sure I was okay with it.”
“And you are okay with it, right? You aren’t agreeing just because I asked?” Touko thinks she begged more than she asked, but she’s pretty sure Komaru will only sulk if she brings that up.
“I wouldn’t let you if, if I was really opposed to it.” Probably. She...trusted Komaru, or something like that, so she figures she’d probably be more honest with herself and not mentally torture herself by putting herself through something she has no interest in. “But...what are you even planning on doing to celebrate? I can’t im-imagine we’ve really got much around here that we can use for a party.”
“Ah. Uhm.” Komaru looks a little embarrassed at that. “About that. I was kind of hoping you and Syo might help pitch in. You don’t mind, right?”
You’re hopeless, she wants to mutter, but—
Yeah!!!! Syo wakes right back up upon being mentioned, no sense of self awareness at all, much to your annoyance, but it’s not like you completely disagree with the feeling that is shared between you two.
“You— You really bit off more than you could chew, hm...? Good thing this wasn’t supposed t-t-to be a surprise.” She quips, leaning over to peer at the paper she’d been making her notes on. “We’ll help, just tell us what we...what we need to do.”
“Thank you, Touko-chan! And Syo too!” Komaru sounds somewhere mixed between grateful and relieved, and casually plants a kiss on her cheek as if it’s no big deal—
She said my name last, so the kiss was for me! She knows Syo is intentionally trying to provoke her and get a rise out of her ( yeah, a rising sense of jealousy ), but puts that aside for the time being because Komaru’s blabbering on like nothing happened.
“I know we probably won’t have the whole day to ourselves to do whatever—” Correctomundo, Dekomaru! “— but I’ll make it up to you on your birthday, okay? We’ll do something that you want.”
“You don't...there’s no need for that.” She forces out between gritted teeth, trying to ignore the flustered feeling in the pit of her stomach, chewing around a fingernail ( what an unattractive sight to follow that ). “Because— ugh, don’t repeat th-this, okay? What I want to do is spend time with...with you. That’s all. So don’t go...you don’t need to go out of your way trying to do s-s-something over the top. Stick to being normal.”
“Really? You’re sure?” Komaru sounds a little uncertain, but happy enough to pull her into a hug, despite her grumbled complaint. “Oh, but Syo has their own birthday, don’t they? So I should probably ask them what they want as well, right?”
“Don’t make me repeat m-myself. It’s embarrassing...” Touko huffs, but lets herself be held against her side, just for a moment. It’s nice, though she won’t admit it ( it is better than any real gift that she could receive ). Syo is kind enough to back off long enough to let her have this moment. “You can ask them later— focus on, on what you need to plan.”
By something short of a miracle, they are able to pull together a party that is not a complete disaster, even if Komaru probably has a point when she says the bar to clear is a pretty low standard for all parties involved. The closest she has to an actual concern is the very narrowly avoided fight that almost breaks out when Masaru and Kotoko fight over which one of them should give their present first— which is apparently the competitive aspect of the party? It’s probably meant to be heartwarming, if it were not such a foreign thing to Touko. Which Nagisa is quick to put an end to: because this is how they would treat Monaca, which is not inherently healthy, and she’s glad that at least one of them can recognize that fact now. Jataro spends the entirety of the fight trying to hide behind her long skirt and, relatable kid, and rubs the top of his head while Komaru tries to both scold them for fighting and appease them because they’re, well. Kids. Who still need to learn some things and have time to unlearn things.
So yeah, it’s a good party— for not being on her actual birthday, she’ll consider it one of the better memories Touko has associated with the day. The start of many, she’d like to hope.
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kkoumiii · 3 years
Hii hru? Oooh i like that...thanks to the anon that requested this! Can i get a 'thoughts on your birth chart' please?
You can say anything u want to i dont mind! I dont get offended easily so just tell it how it is!
A few questions i have:
1) Does my chart make me unromantic?😐
2) Everytime i go out in public (with a mask on),people always stare at my eyes..does my chart have anything to do with it? 😂
3) Everytime im out with friends and family i feel like im always in my own little world but im not bored or anything...does my chart have anything do with that? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
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Thank youuu❤
Hi you, I’m feeling good! What about you? I finally get to your question! Don’t worry, I will write everything that comes to my mind 🤠
1) What makes you think that? Actually, I think your chart shows quite the opposite 😆 You have a stellium in Libra which is a sign related to the planet of love, Venus! Of course, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re romantic but the fact that 3 planets of this stellium are in the 12H tells me that you’re more the type of fantasizing and idealizing love, you would rather imagine what the perfect love feels like than actually chasing after it. Also, you have Venus in Virgo which, to me, is romantic but doesn’t openly show it. People with Venus in Virgo will most of the time fantasize about the attentions they could receive from a lover or plan in their head what they could do together… so they’re romantic in this way. The only thing that can make think of an anti-romantic is the only aspect that your Venus is making: Venus Trine Lilith. Even though the Trine is said to be a beneficial aspect, Lilith is the planet of the rebellion, the feminine power, the dark feminine energy, our shadow-side, our primal desires and forces… The combination of these two planets makes me think that you’re more of the independent type when it comes to love. You don’t want to depend on someone and you want to do things in your own way without restrictions. You strive for freedom and tranquility, so love should be a bonus, not a burden.
2) Well, I don’t want to sound sarcastic but isn’t it because your eyes are the only thing we can see with your mask on? 😂 On a more serious note, in medical astrology, the Sun rules the left eye for “females” and right eye for “males” while the Moon rules the right eye for the “females” and the left eye for the “males” (don’t care about the gender, choose what you identify as). In your chart, both of these planets are in Libra. You may have really charming and beautiful eyes. You also have Pluto Trine Ascendant and natives with this aspect generally have a very penetrative and captivating gaze, you can’t take off your eyes of theirs, you will feel like they’re looking deeply inside of you and their eyes reflect their desires (sounds a bit out-of-the-world said like that but it’s the way I see it).
3) Can I be surprised when it comes to a 12H stellium? 🙃 12H stellium people are often caught in their mind, they’re in their own world because they like to escape in their safe place which is their imagination. They’re not necessarily bored, they just need to retreat. And since this stellium is in Libra, an Air sign related to the mind, communication and thoughts, your interactions are much more directed inward. It doesn’t mean you don’t socialize, you just put more attention in your inner world. Bonus point, you have Neptune (planets related to the 12H, representing illusions, dreams, imagination) in 4H (family) and your 5H (friends) is in Pisces (a very creative and imaginative sign that is known to live in its own world).
What do you think about these thoughts? I’d love to know your opinion! Lots of love ❣
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route22ny · 4 years
On Tuesday, I received an absentee ballot. It was the second absentee ballot I had received from the New York City Board of Elections in two weeks. I had filled out, completed, and mailed back the first ballot. Now I was holding another one that also had my name on it. After speaking to a Board of Elections representative on the phone, I was told to fill out this second ballot, too, because the first one no longer counted.
If you live in New York City, you might already know why this happened. The contractor screwed up printing the first ones, sending secrecy envelopes with the wrong names on them. As it happened, my first ballot was not one of the screwed up ones—I was aware of the problem and had checked to make sure before filling it out—but the BOE decided to send everyone in Brooklyn a new ballot regardless.
This is hardly the first time the New York City Board of Elections messed up and I highly doubt it will be the last. But in this case, the latest screw-up was the final nudge I needed to push me over the edge. I am not going to vote by mail. I'm voting in person on Election Day. And I really think most of you should, too.
When we started this project, a lot of us thought the USPS would be a potential weak link in the voting-by-mail chain. This made sense at the time given the slowdowns implemented by Louis DeJoy and the agency's financial situation. But thanks to extensive public outcry and five separate federal judges issuing injunctions against the USPS from messing with election mail, I feel really good about the postal service delivering the overwhelmingly vast majority of ballots in a timely fashion to local election officials. There will, of course, be screw ups and small issues affecting a few dozen voters here and a few hundred voters there, but they will be nothing in comparison to the much larger systemic issues with mail-in voting in this country that have nothing to do with the ballot getting from place to place.
I am hardly the only one coming to this realization in recent weeks. Derek Thompson at The Atlantic had a great article about how voting in-person is much safer than we thought months ago while voting by mail has a number of issues in terms of having people's votes actually count. Democratic strategists around the country have been getting wise about the problem as well, shifting tactics to urge more people to vote in person.
Unfortunately, voting by mail seems like a process designed more to weed out ballots rather than count them. The rules vary by state, but generally speaking, the more fields voters have to fill out and the more rules they must comply with, the higher the rejection rate.
Some states like New York simply require a signature which needs to match the one the local election officials have on file. Young voters in particular are vulnerable to having their ballots rejected due to a signature not matching, a study by a voting non-profit in California found, because young people don't put much thought into creating a distinctive signature and refine it over time, exactly the kind of process that would get their ballot thrown out. Most young people's signatures are scribbles they make up to sign credit card receipts quickly. I, for one, can verify that I did not think about creating a unique identifier that would ensure my vote was counted when I came up with my John Hancock. As a helpful New York Times interactive demonstrated, it can be really challenging to match signatures if you don't know what you're doing. This is great for rejecting fraudulent ballots, but it means throwing out a lot of legitimate ones, too.
Back in June during the primaries, 80,000 ballots from New York City out of 400,000 were thrown out, about one out of every five ballots, a staggering toll of voter disenfranchisement. And voters were not notified of what they did wrong so they could correct it in future elections. It is a pretty shitty feeling sitting here with no idea whether my vote in the primary—which in NYC is the most important election for determining local candidates—was counted!
According to the Times, 28 states and DC will give aspiring voters a chance to "cure" ballots with problems (and the courts are generally friendly to these requirements on due process grounds). For the first time, New York will be one of those states this November. But, for my own voting purposes, I don't have a ton of faith in the Board of Elections to execute that process well, given that with the surge of mail-in voting we could be talking about millions of mail-in ballots in the city alone requiring hundreds of thousands of cures if not more.
And that is just regarding signatures. Three states, including the battlegrounds Wisconsin and North Carolina, require witnesses as well as signatures. In Wisconsin, witnesses are required to put in their address. According to an investigation by the non-profit news organization Reveal, 13,834 ballots were thrown out in the Wisconsin primaries because some fields on the witness form were not filled out properly, a number that is sure to increase in the general election with its higher turnout. The voters weren't notified or given a chance to correct them, nor will they be allowed to in November.
All of this would be a regrettable reality if the health risk of voting in-person was quite high. But for most people, it simply isn't. As Thompson noted, other countries have held nationwide elections with in-person voting without tracing any outbreaks to the voting booths, nor have any outbreaks been traced back to primary voting. As long as people generally behave themselves and wear masks, the voting booth ought to be no more dangerous from a pandemic standpoint than the grocery store check-out line.
That being said, I am still a huge proponent of universal vote-by-mail as a concept every state should strive towards. People in states that have had that in place for years such as Washington, Utah, and Colorado should absolutely continue to vote by mail if they prefer. Those states have experience with high volumes of vote-by-mail, signature verification, and robust methods for allowing voters to cure ballots. It is the states like New York, Ohio, and Texas that have suddenly implemented expanded and complicated vote-by-mail procedures I'm worried about. And, of course, if you have pre-existing health issues that make even going to the grocery store or the voting booth an uncomfortable prospect—or if you simply can never be bothered to vote in person but find vote-by-mail an acceptable middle ground—roll the dice with vote-by-mail. It's better than putting yourself at unnecessary risk or not voting at all.
But if you aren't sure what your signature looks like, aren't familiar with your state's vote-by-mail laws, or generally feel fine about voting in person as usual, it's something we should do. This is an extremely important election and I want to do everything in my power to ensure my vote counts. It turns out the USPS isn't a weak link in the vote-by-mail chain at all. In fact, it may be the strongest.
This Week In Mail
Americans generally agree on the post office. They overwhelmingly like the post office. And a new poll finds they support it being run like a public service and not a business by a two-to-one margin.
The courts are already playing an important role in this year's election. So far, that role has been to reject GOP claims of voter fraud in mail-in voting and generally uphold whatever election rules the state law requires, regardless of whether that law makes voting easier or harder.
Steve Hutkins at Save the Post Office reviewed documents from eleven lawsuits against the Postal Service to cobble together evidence that new management has a super aggressive plan to slash the number of work-hours after the election, which would likely hobble the post office and make current service levels impossible.
Despite the court injunctions and DeJoy's promises, service has not returned to its pre-DeJoy levels in some areas. Senator Bob Casey from New Jersey published evidence of first class mail backlogged by weeks.
Perhaps on a related note, the USPS is blocking elected officials from inspecting facilities claiming it's too close to the election, which as far as I can tell is a completely made-up reason. Previously, some facilities had scrambled to hide backlogged mail before elected officials showed up.
Subscribe to Aaron Gordon’s reporting on the USPS here
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gothamdad · 3 years
This is going to be a bullet point list of incidents that occur in the movie, and will either have my general commentary or an analysis of what makes the scene terrible (or in some rare cases, good). TRIGGERS FOR SUICIDE, MENTAL HEALTH, AND DYSMORPHIA 
-bruce trying to kill himself in the beginning of the movie. 
Hes reckless, and willing to risk his life, but not suicidal. But he just purposefully gets into a wreck at 2 minutes into the movie?? for no reason??? theres literally no reason for it other than it being angsty bc they COULDVE started the movie with the mutants doing crime, as the next scene cuts right into it and the following news reports 
-"This reporter hopes that wherever he is, hes enjoying a toast with good friends" said when its the anniversary of batman’s disappearance 
this is stupid I hate this movie. You're telling me Gotham forgives Batman for just disappearing on them? DID THAT NOT HAPPEN IN NML AND EVERYONE GOT PISSED??? Like everyone in this movie seems to have forgot he abandoned the city. Not to mention, and I'm gonna go off on a tangent here, bruce will be batman for as long as he lives. He calls himself batman in his mind even when hes retired. He believes that Bruce wayne is the mask. His whole identity is batman. Saying that hed quit because of jason is not only stupid because it implies Jason's death isnt just as important as his parents, but shows that any tragedy is enough to permanently knock him down. And as if the league, or the family, would have let him give up. Anyway the whole reason the retirement in batman beyond works is because it shows bruce was going to fight until he literally died on the spot, but instead he pointed a gun, didn't even use it, just pointed it, and he realized he wasnt fit to HONOR batman anymore. He broke the rule. And he doesnt deserve to wear the mantle. This is so good because 1) bruce still wants to be batman and 2) it doesnt imply that he gave up at all, and at this point with his decreasing wellness his family WOULD be telling him to stop
-Gordon toasts with Bruce on the anniversary
FBKSBSOANSISSB OH MY GOD IT JUST SHOWED HIM SHARING A TOAST WITH GORDON. this is the anniversary of the last time batman is sighted and gordon. JIM FUCKING GORDON. Is celebrating. When they were literally partners and hed shine the batsignal each night TELL ME WHERE THE LOGIC IS!!! I CANT FIND THE LOGIC!!!!! I'm literally 3 minutes into this movie..... and already this is how its going...
-Gordon and Bruce talk
"You're not worried about me, are you?" Asked when hes in clear danger of being attacked by mutants "noT MorE tHAn i aM tHe ReST oF tHis CItY" ah yes. I forgot that Bruce hated gotham and jim Gordon. My mistake. Common misconception.
-the mutants are introduced
Ugh and it's the worst kind of villains too, jim just described the mutants as "the worst kind of criminals. They are only after violence, with no humanity at all" GIVE! VILLAINS! REASONING! I hate these joker wannabes Joker was already enough we dont need a million more "lol I'm just evil deal with it" villains
"Talk to Dick lately?"asks Gordon "You know I havent" Bruce responds
-tangent on how it’s overlooked that Dick Grayson was the one to make Robin, not Batman
This is a sin that not just the movie, but the batman franchise in general seems to always make. Robin was made as a tribute to the flying graysons, and is meant to be colorful and aerodynamic for acrobatic tricks. it should always be dick’s to pass down, or the next robin after. 
-Bruce begins having trouble with holding back his urge to be Batman
-Carrie Kelly
her first ??? Appearance??? Is her going into KNOWN MUTANT GANG TERRITORY instead of going through the rain. And scolding her friend for not having backbone WHEN THEY COULD LITERALLY DIE and saying, and I quote, "its better than out there." then when interviewed about the incident her friend says  "It was a flying monster! With wings and fangs!" and she replies with "Reality check, Michelle, it was definitely a man, but he had to be like 12 feet tall" OH YEAH THATS VERY REALISTIC CARRIE. Shes an asshole to her friend and we're supposed to like her.  Oh and Carrie's reason for wanting to be robin? She saw the bat signal while her parents were talking about public marches. That's it. That's her reason. Not because she was attacked by mutants and almost died.
-Giving the movie credit
Okay but if theres another thing I'll give credit for, and I'm sure its unintentional, is that Harvey is the first criminal he wants to take down. Because Harvey is always going to be Bruce's priority. He didnt go after the mutants, but Two-Face. And the way that confrontation goes when it’s revealed harvey thinks both sides of his face are scarred. the Arkham staff fixed his scars before he was ready for treatment, and his mental health wasn’t priority. he was going to have dysmorphia either way, but not treating mental illness worsened it.  kinda? good writing? But I think it was unintentional to have the idea that Arkham didnt know what they were doing and the belief that scars are important before trauma, and how trauma has to be helped first. I dont believe for an instant that's what's meant. 
-Carrie Kelly part two
She gets a Robin costume and goes out onto the roof and is like.... almost dies. THEN THE NEXT SCENE WE SEE HER SHES LIKE COMPLETELY ACROBATIC? WHY IS SHE SO ACROBATIC NOW!!! THIS TAKES PRACTICE!!!
-Batman confronting the man who supplied the mutant gang with guns
Oh, this scene...He hands a guy a gun, knowing full well that he was depressed because his wife was dying and he had to make more money to save her by supplying the mutants with weapons, and just walks away as he kills himself. (input from a friend which i like:  think about everything bruce did to help mr freeze and his wife now think about this scene )
Batman vs Mutants 
oh, and the "batmobile". Aka his tank. Rubber bullets. Ok fine, whatever, but RUNNING THEM OVER AND SHOOTING MISSCLES ISNT LETHAL? AND HOW IS CARRIE KELLY GOOD AT FIGHTING ALL OF THEM WHEN SHE COULDNT HANDLE HERSELF WITH ONE LIKE A WEEK AGO.  hate that the mutant leader is just a ripoff of bane with long pointed nipples I hate this. I hate that batman cant take him down, but carrie kelly can. AND THE MUTANT LEADRER TOTALLY DIED WHEN BRUCE THREW ADHESIVE ON HIS FACE AND HE WAS SUFFOCATED BUT LATER ON IT SHOWS HE LIVES ??
Bruce talks to Carrie 
"What is this thing?" -carrie "Dick called it the batmobile" -bruce "SIR!!" -alfred over the radio There are no words. Then she pops his arm into place and creates a makeshift cast And he says "where'd you learn to do that?” and because she’s a mary sue she says nothing, because miller doesnt know why she should, so he cuts to "what's your name?" and she says "Carrie. Carrie Kelly. robin" and HE FUCKING GOES "MINES BRUCE." and then immediately tells Alfred hes bringing "robin" to the cave. I hate it here I hate that he forgets what happened to Jason aFTER ITS HIS LITERAL REASON FOR QUITTING. WHAT IS THE POINT IF HE’S GOING TO ACCEPT THIS GIRL HE DOESNT EVEN KNOW AS ROBIN?
-Bruce talks about Jason
OH BRUCE'S FUCKING LINE. HIS LINE. IM FURIOUS Alfred asks "have you forgotten what happened to Jason?" And he says "I'll never forget. he was a good soldier. He honored me" I AM !!!! SHAKING!!!! WITH HOW MAD !!!! I AM!!! Bruce would NOT say that shit. Implying that jason wasnt his son, or that jason was only a casualty in a war, or that HE FUCKING HONORED HIM AND NOT THE CITY, OR THE TITLE OF ROBIN "He honored me" shut the fuck up I hate this and dont even get me started on the misconceptions of Robin in the first place. i dont want to go into the debate on whether or not they’re soldiers, which I personally don’t believe. but its just stupid because Jason considered being Robin the best thing that’s ever happened to him, and he was THE BEST. it wasnt his fault he was killed, either. 
-The ending
So the mutant escapes his cell by going through a VENT. A . V E N T. AND ENDS UP IN THE SEWER. I hate that these mutants are just an army of evil people and have no motivation and the leader is just a brute I fucking hate Bruce calling him "son" And the mutants become the sons of batman who fight crime......??? because their leader is gone?? werent they supposed to be evil criminals with no humanity in them?
Okay but Joker being absent the entire first part , only to show up in the end hearing news reports about batman, and then smiling as he stands up and just fucking creepily says "darling" holy shit that gave me goosebumps. another credit i have to give. 
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I saw a post on twitter today about leather and kinks at pride and now im here to stir shit again.
The number one rule about BDSM is consent from ALL parties. When youre in your bedroom, typically and hopefully all parties have consented.
When youre out in public practicing your kink, it is not only you and your partner who has to consent its the people nearby aswell, which they more than likely have not consented to.
If there are kids at pride, they cannot consent because they are children. It doesn’t even matter if they were adults, they still havent consented to what is taking place.
The sheer amount of whataboutism in the LGBTQ+ community is insane. “But straights do it too” is not an arguement. Straights are fucked up we’ve established this, they should not be the norm. Not only are you ignoring the consent of your fellow pride goer, you are also activly making ANOTHER unsafe space for LGBTQ+ youth.
Historically and still, alot of LGBTQ+ safe spaces have been centered around alcohol or kinks or both. Those are not safe spaces for kids to explore who they are as a person and who they like or dont like.
A child needs a safe experience at pride more than adult needs a kink experience at pride, because unlike a child, an adult has alot more options to go somewhere else.
Should there be more child friendly pride options? Yes! Does that mean THE pride parade should be unsafe for children and the general public? NOPE.
Not only that but it inforces a harmful notion that being bi or gay or whatever is about lust and sex only, it also inforces the idea that gays are morally corrupt because they cant stop showing up in dog masks at pride or that we’re somehow predatory by nature.
Pride should be kink/leather free. Kids cannot consent to the interaction, and neither can adults. This should be a safespace for all ages to be prideful of who they are.
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transrightsjimin · 3 years
let me just scream
just bypassed like 80 students on campus, all obviously umasked, huddled together nd talking loudly in each others' faces nd i looked in disgust but then colleagues saw me nd waved nd i had to muster the ability to eye smile at them quickly nd not make the same angry look at them. even though i dont like them either bc theyre rather rude nd have expressed before they want the mask policy in hallways to be dropped. well here u go! it's gone now! fcking assholes
my colleague i work most w told me cautiously yesterday tht he understands i still wear facemasks when it's not required anywhere except public transport nd he wears them too in shops etc nd is concerned for his child too, nd that was a bit of a relief to get tht compassion for once. he said tht i need to acknowledge more that many ppl do not think the same nd i cant get into discussions abt this at my new job. nd i know hes right nd that i get caught up in heated discussions too easily w/o even liking it nd it just results in me ending up sad and/or angry. like i rly do need to learn to not say smth abt this even if it's because the Nth person reacts dramatically to me abt my facemask or complains abt them in general to me. like i rly need to just shut up more bc it never ends well for either person nd i get too frustrated w how fucking stupid the dutch are but i honestly shouldnt even be that angry at some ppl who e.g. dont know the virus spreads through aerosoles or that u can still v much get infected while sitting down unmasked or that kids can get infected or tht masks r not just to protect urself, like all of this should be obvious to me but when local politicians nd media nd everything is so corrupted nd corporate nd communicates nothing but the same anti-scientific bs for over a year i cant exactly blame everyone for not knowing better unless they specifically look for it or were already following less bootlicking news outlets or just. anyone whos not one of the many capitalists tht have the most influence over these shit (non-)policies nd framing "enterpreneurs" as the greatest victim etc
rant aside. i dont know how im supposed to stay sane when i feel like breaking down in tears every fcking day over this nd seeing how my new workplace (a UN1V3S1TY?? but one very oriented at business in a very rightwing city) sends emails in celebration of even more measures being let go and i got invited for an event w no rules etc and im just. aaaaaaa. ALMOST NO STUDENTS HERE EVEN GOT 2 VACCINE SHOTS, MANY NOT EVEN THEIR FIRST?? BUT YES LETS TALK ABT HOW GREAT IT IS THT EVERYTHING IS GOING BACK TO ""NORMAL""!
ok rant is over for real now
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