#And she has this cute little eyebrows ToT
pinemartenstudios · 9 months
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Buttercream fanart because she's such a good girl ToT
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ladykailitha · 1 year
Telling It Like It Is Part 3
Part 1 Part 2 Masterlist Part 4 Epilogue
“Hey, Steve,” Robin said from over by the horror section.
“Yeah?” he called. He was manning the register while she stocked shelves.
“You doing anything tonight?” she asked coming out from behind the stacks of VHS tapes. “Nancy and Eddie wanted a movie night after we get off work.”
Steve sighed. “Can’t tonight. Can we do it tomorrow?”
Robin blinked. “You okay? Your parents aren’t home, are they?”
He shook his head. “No, nothing like that. I’m going over to the Byers tonight.”
“You’ve been spending a lot of time over there,” Robin said.
Steve cocked his head in confusion. “I only go over there once a week.”
“To Jonathan’s house,” Robin said slowly. “You know, the guy dating your ex?”
Steve huffed out a laugh. “You mean the ex you keep inviting over to movie nights?”
Robin rolled her eyes. “Okay you’ve got me. So I’m trying to hook the two of you back up. But you two are just so cute together.”
“Robin, I love you in the most platonic way possible,” Steve began, “but I am not going back to the girl who couldn’t even say she loved me and called my feelings for her bullshit. Plus Jonathan is a way better fit. Journalist Nancy Wheeler with photographer Jonathan Byers? Traveling the world, exposing evil and solving all the world’s ills?”
Robin’s mouth was stuck in a permanent ‘oh’.
“So can we drop it, please?” Steve asked.
She opened her mouth to ask more questions but the bell sounded announcing they had a customer.
“Eddie!” Steve cried at the very welcome distraction.
“Harrington and Buckley!” he called throwing out his arms. “Two of my favorite people.”
Robin frowned. “Who’s your favorite?”
“Dustin,” Steve and Eddie said together. They looked at each other and laughed.
“So, fair Robin,” Eddie said, turning to her. “Have you convinced Sir Stevie to come over to the new place for pizza and movies?”
“You didn’t mention it was going to be at Eddie’s,” Steve said.
“Where did you think we were going to have it?” Robin asked.
Steve raised his eyebrows. “My place? Like it always is?”
Eddie and Robin winced.
“Point to Sir Stevie,” Eddie agreed. “Does that tip the scales in favor of movie night?”
Steve sighed. “Can we do it tomorrow?”
Eddie furrowed his brow. “I mean I guess. You’ve got plans, big boy?”
Robin rolled her eyes. “He’s going over to the Byers again.”
Eddie really frowned. “What has the Byers house got that my place doesn’t?”
“Home cooked tatter tot casserole for a start,” Steve teased. “Joyce knows I’m up in that house all alone and so she invited me to her place once a week for dinner.”
Robin and Eddie looked at each other, feeling a little guilty.
“Sorry, man,” Eddie muttered, looking at the ground.
“Yeah, Steve,” Robin said. “I’m sorry, too. Sometimes I forget you actually don’t like living in that warehouse.”
Steve just shrugged. “It’s not a big deal. So we can have movie night tomorrow?”
Eddie and Robin nodded.
“Tell you what,” Steve said. “I’ll ask Jonathan if he wants to come, too. And Robin can ask Vickie. We can still have it at your place and I’ll front for the extra pizzas?”
“Sounds like a plan,” Eddie said with a grin.
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dgknightblue · 2 years
Turtle tots in one places as they crossover with other turtles.
Suddenly a giant Spider jumps down out of nowhere.
“Mama!”, only one isn’t groaning this when they say it.
“That’s your mama!?”
She picks them all up and raps them in cocoon blankets.
She sets them down in a box with a heat lamp for a nap.
She turns to the other turtles with a scary look in her eyes.
“You. They aren’t hurt, correct? Don’t lie to big mama now.”
“Of course not! Ma-“
“Big Mama.”
“Big mama! We protected them very well…”
“Hmph, I’d better mossie about before that step sheep comes.”
The step sheep burst through the window after she left.
“Where are the small ones? I am… their step father.”
“No Lou is home with a broken back. He tried to *shutter* beat Raph’s score on the dance machine.”
“Uh… their spider mom has them.”
“Ah Fxck! She just had her turn with them! She’s breaking her side of the deal again!”
April casual teleports into the building with a lollipop. Mayhem on her shoulder.
“Where’s my baby brothers?”
“The Big pest has them.”
April rose an eyebrow.
“Didn’t she already have her turn?”
“Sigh yes, now I have to go to her hotel and get them back.”
“Good luck.”
“I’ll need it!”
She turns to the turtles and calls one cute.
“You can be my big brother.”
“Are… you April?”
“Yep! Now carry me, I’m sad.”, she looks like she going to cry.
The turtle scrambles to hold her. She sniffles.
“I was so worried. Were they okay? How’s Leo’s panic attacks? Did he take his medicine? Donnie, did he look tired? Raph? Mikey?”
“They’re okay…little sister?”
She smiled, before teleporting a way with Mayhem. Suddenly some Girl Scouts burst into the building in jeeps.
“Where are the turtles!? Uh…. My turtles!”
“You are?”
“Cassandra Jones! Former member of the honorable Foot Clan and current head of the Grandma Jones brownies!”
Someone gets out of the jeep to salute.
“I’m Casey Jones! Future son of Casandra Jones and disciple of Master Leonardo Hamato!”
“Foot clan!? Honorable!?”
“Future son? Disciple?”
“They aren’t tots???”
“Shredder was a demon???”
“Shredder is their grandfather????”
“Karai created the Hamato clan?????”
“The Kraang did what and are what??????”
The turtles are back to normal and immediately go hug the turtles they liked the most.
“Big brother!!!”
“Organ donor!!!”
They all turn to Donnie, who rose an (drawn on) eyebrow.
“What? Leo needs a lung. His rib pierced the other one and the one he has is badly bruised. He can’t breath very well right now.”
They decided to let it go, because fair. They’ll discuss that later.
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These are some early designs for an oc! His name is Kisosen, and he’s a halo dragon!
I gave him fluffy, feathery eyebrows bc I think they’re SOO cute and fit his vibes, but my partner in crime says it makes him look like an old man ToT. I don’t see it, but we have to agree on a design so if I can’t make a version she likes we gotta change it. Sad.
The juvenile dragons look super funky in the game (just the adult but with bigger head and smaller body), so for a more accurate kinda teenage dragon vibe, we’ve been blending the adult with the baby designs instead!
the original game designs for reference:
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I made the halo part only half formed, changed the weird second set of wings on the neck to that neck fruffle thing, and changed the body structure to fit his vibes a bit more!
Kiso is a trans guy who is moody kinda all the time, but extra irritable on his period! He’s intelligent and kind, usually the voice of reason. He definitely has a temper though! He also likes to carve little stone sculptures! He’s terrified of birds, so when the group goes flying, they end up making wide circles around each bird they see! These are known as bird detours. I love him ❤️!!!
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julessworldd · 2 years
Uncle Izdee
Duff and Y/n have date night since rekindling after Duffs sobriety journey. Just adventures of Frankie and her godfather/fave uncle(don’t tell slash)
Warnings: Izzy with a baby(I’m not responsible for your ovaries/feels, little angst, cussing, just cutness overdose.
Y/n’s pov
Life has been amazing lately, Frankie is healthy and happy, growing like a weed. Duff and I are back together learning more about each other now. The 2 year tour is over, Duff is around more.
Frankie was laying on her stomach watching Looney Toons with her stuffed dragon in her side. “You’re so cute, Frankie Franks”, I giggled. Frankie grunted, like she was saying Duh! Of course I am. The door opened and Frankie squealed seeing Duff. She was trying her hardest to get to him on her stomach. “Hi love”, I smiled. “Hello hello, missed you”, Duff leaned over the couch to plant a kiss on my cheek.
“Hi my pretty baby! Did ya miss me? What’s Bugs up to today Huh?”, Duff picked Frankie up, kissing her chubby pale cheek. She giggled when Duff’s stubble rubbed her cheek. “Bug bunny” “Yes, bugs bunny. There you go, love bug”, Duff ruffled her hair as he sat her down in front of the tv. Duff and I watched tv with Frankie for a bit. “Duck season!” “Wabbit season!” Bug and Laffy were at again. “Wab”, Frankie giggled. Duff looked at me and grin, “Can’t believe she is talking now. We just brought her home from the hospital” “I know. Time is a thief for sure”
Frankie walked over to Duff, looking at up him, rubbing her belly. Izzy and Duff were talking, not seeing the blonde little tot. “Daddy!”, Frankie yelled suddenly. “Yes ma’am?”, Duff bent down to her leave. “Hungry”, Frankie pointed her finger at her little beer belly. “Okay what ya want kid?”, Duff picked her up, opening the fridge. Frankie’s eyebrows furrowed, inspecting the fridge. “This new?”, Izzy asked. “Just with Duff. Think she likes to be bossy”, I giggled. Izzy sighed, “I’m in for a long night” “She’s bathed and in her Jammies. She should be sleepy before long”, I smirked at dark headed man.
“Okay Frankie, be easy on uncle Izzy. I love you, sleep good baby”, Duff kissed her cheek, Frankie held a single hand on his nose. “Duff. She’s in a good hands , go out with Y/n and have fun.” Izzy rolled his eyes taking Frankie away into his arms. Frankie turned her attention to Izzy and smiled.
Izzy’s Pov
Frankie giggled, holding my hair. Completely forgetting her parents. “You have our numbers, call us if you need us”, Duff yelled as he shut the door. “Jezz. It’s like he forgot I’ve watched you already” “Bugs unny”, Frankie said. “What happened to Scooby-Doo? You love him”, I tickled her back.
Porky and Bugs were up to something, I’m not sure I’ve been in and out on this episode. Frankie was in glee, watching the animals be stupid. “Please let the next phase be fun”, I whispered. I was half asleep when Frankie crawled on my lap, “What is it?” “Cuddled me, peas”, Frankie snuggled into my side with her green dragon. “As you wish, pumpkin. Here let me get the blanket” “Yay”
It was dark and quiet, you could hear Frankie’s light snores similar to her mothers. I smiled and laid back down for a bit. I felt Frankie move and roll away, “Frankie lay down babe” then suddenly my head got wet and the smell of pee hit my nose. “I know that didn’t happen”, I sighed. Yup Jeff it did! I got up and picked Frankie up, poor thing had no idea what happened. I sat her in the tub, she started waking up some. “Hey kid, I’ll get ya out in a few” Frankie nodded. Frankie was washed again, changed and I put her in the crib. Now it was my shower.
1:15 am
“God damn it Duff”, i sighed grabbing some sweats from his draw. They were practically hanging on my hips for dear life. I went back to the couch to clean Frankie’s mess up, “Y/n don’t kill me for this” I didn’t hear the door open
“What I’m not suppose to kill you for, Iz”, Y/n hiccuped leaning on Duff. “I said have fun not become Rockefeller’s Christmas tree”, i deadpanned. “You’re telling me”, Duff sighed, picking Y/n up over his shoulder. “Stay. I wanna know why you’re in my pants” Duff said walking up the stairs. “Bye Izzykins”, Y/n slurred.
“Hey Dickhead!”, Duff kicked my chair, I jumped awake. “Fuck” “Feeding accident?” Duff cocked his eyebrows. “Mhm oh no. We fell asleep on the couch and she peed on my head in her sleep. Poor thing had no idea what was going on. She kept nodding in the tub”, I sighed. “Yeah, she’s potty training. Nighttime is the worse, I thought Y/n mentioned it to you”, Duff smiled. I nodded, “I didn’t think any of us would be parents” “Me either. That girl is my whole fucking world and her mama too”, Duff smiled.
“I’m glad you guys are working things out. How did she get alcohol?”, I asked. “Her friend is the bartender and wanted to caught up” “Alright. You know were the guest room is.” Duff said, groaning when he got up. “You’re 29” “Don’t make me have Frankie piss on you again”
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bbgem329 · 3 years
Just One Night—Chapter Nine
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Pairings—Sebastian Stan x F!Reader
You spend an unforgettable night with Sebastian Stan. One that would completely change your life. Three years later, Sebastian shows up at your doorstep to find that you both made more than just good memories that night.
MINORS DNI!! 18+++ Flulff!! Pining!Seb, Dad!Seb, mentions of sex but not actual smut.
December 20, 2020
Sebastian glanced at Theo in the rear view mirror. The tot was still sound asleep, all cute and snug in his car seat with his blankie tossed over his lap and his giraffe tucked under his arm.
It was impressive honestly, he’d passed out after they stopped for dinner around half past five—about five hours ago.
Beside his sleeping baby sat his mother, reading one of her cheesy romance novels with her glasses resting on the tip of her nose and a pair of bulky headphones over her ears. No doubt listening to some old Romanian tune or Ed Sheehan, she’d been hooked on him since (Y/N) introduced her to his music a few weeks ago.
Gerogeta’s presence always offered him a steady comfort, even more so now as he grew nervous at the prospects of meeting the rest of (Y/N)’s family. He was really happy to have her with him—to experience their first Christmas with Theo, (Y/N), and her family, together.
His eyes flicked back to the road. The sun had long ago set and a snow storm had rolled in, hindering his visibility of the snow covered road. Of course, he was used to the snow, but nothing could’ve prepared him for the winters in Michigan. His previous experience of driving in it has been slim to none and it only seemed to get worse the further they traveled north.
“I can take over if you want.” (Y/N) spoke up, drawing him from his thoughts. His nose scrunched at the idea. He was stubborn and a little too proud to admit that he couldn’t handle it.
He could.
He was perfectly capable of driving his family through the fricken tundra to a city he’d never been to before. He could transport them safely. And he would.
“It’s only gonna get worse from here. Just wait until we no longer have those nice city lights to guide us.” He could practically hear the smirk in her voice and he loathed it.
“I’m fine.” He grumbled, hands tightening around the wheel. He was sweating a little bit, anxiety rising steadily in his chest with every winding curve and downhill slope.
He spared a glance at her, eyes lingering a little longer than they should because good God, she was the prettiest thing he’d ever seen. Sitting in the seat next to him, wearing his old college hoodie, that was a good two sizes too big, a pair of thick gray leggings, and fleece socks.
Those (Y/H/C) locks were loose and still a little flat around the top from the winter hat she’d had on earlier. She had only whined a little bit this morning when she’d realized she couldn’t pull it back in braids. Not with those dark purple marks he’d spent all night possessively sucking and biting into her delicate skin.
She looked so little and soft with her knees pulled up to her chest, back against the door so she was angled to face him. All fresh faced and wearing a sly smirk .Her coat and boots had been long discarded on the floor beneath her feet after claiming the heated seats warmed her to the bone.
“Are you?” She chuckled, an eyebrow cocked playfully. She was giving him that look. He really couldn’t get anything past her. Not when it came to reading him anyways. “Cause the way your white knuckling the steering wheel says otherwise.”
The man huffed, giving her a bit of a side eye as he bit his lip to suppress a smile. “What? You doubting my driving abilities now?”
“Woah. Now,” She tossed her hand up defensively, “I never said that. I’m just saying Michigan winters aren’t friendly. Even I—a born and raised michiganer—get anxious driving through this shit.”
Sebastian chuckled at her admission, “I’m fine, baby.” One hand dropped from the wheel, blindly reaching to grasp her thigh and give it a firm squeeze. “Just keep guiding and directing me and I’ll make sure to get us there in one piece.”
She lifted his hand from her thigh, intertwining her smaller hand with his before lifting it to her lips to kiss his fingers. “I believe in you.” She whispered, dropping their hands back on her lap.
“How long do we have anyways?” He wondered, flicking his brights on. He really couldn’t see a damn thing but the road was empty, save for them, so he wasn’t too worried about staying in the lane.
When she told him they were going somewhere near a place called Traverse City, this was definitely not what he was picturing. But he should’ve figured it would be in the middle of nowhere, surrounded only by trees when she said they’d be staying at her family's cabin. The city boy in him heard the word ‘city’ and automatically pictured something akin to a much smaller version of Chicago.
“Twenty minutes.” She responded after a quick glance at her phone. “Not too much longer.” Her thumb brushed soothingly along the back of his head. It consoled him, eased the budding anxiety within his chest.
“So tell me again who’s all going to be there?” He sat up further in his seat, eyes squinting to read a sign further up along the side of the road. He thinks it said something about watching for deer.
“Just us and my parents.” She responded, reaching out to retrieve a chocolate kiss from where she had them stored in the center console. “And my grandparents, my aunts, uncles, and cousins will come for dinner on Christmas Eve.”
“Okay.” He nodded, more so to himself. She didn’t know why he was so nervous. That man was quite the charmer she had no doubt she’d win them over with one of his dazzling smiles. There was no doubt, knowing her parents, that they already raved about him. They were so fond of him. The rest of the family would be too.
“And your sister and her husband, they still can’t make it?”
(Y/N) sighed, shoulders sagging slightly as she shook her head. “No. Carson couldn’t get the time off.” This was the first Christmas she’d spend without her big sister, Katie. Of course she understood but to say she was bummed would be an understatement. She hadn’t seen the couple since they moved to Seattle last year. Carson was a fireman and that type of work didn’t stop for no one or nothing. They just hadn’t found the time to visit and with her work schedule and Theo, she couldn’t pull off a visit either.
“What does Katie do again?” Sebastian asked, drawing her from her thoughts. He knew how upset she was when her sister called last week to break the news. She’d spent the rest of the evening sulking over it.
“She’s an elementary school art teacher and Carson is a fireman.”
“Ah. That’s right.” With a little yank on the hand he held, he guided her across her seat until she was crammed against the center counsel. Slipping his hand from hers to instead wrap it over her shoulder. She leaned into him, head resting on his shoulder as he pecked the top of her head and ran his fingers soothingly down her arm. “I’m sorry they can’t make it. I know how bummed you are.”
“It’s okay.” She sighed, eyes fluttering closed as she relaxed further into his side. “I was just really excited for you to meet them. They’re amazing.”
“Maybe we can take a trip to Seattle, go visit them or something soon after my next project.” He offered, giving her shoulder a little squeeze.
“Mmm.” She hummed, “I’d love that.” She shifted, lifting her head to peck his lips before sliding back to her previous position in her seat.
Less than twenty minutes later, they were pulling down the long drive leading up to the well lit cottage. Sebastian was astonished by the size. It was a lot bigger than he’d expected it to be with big windows and a wrap-around porch.
“Wow.” Georgeta cooed, “It's just darling. Your parents own this?” Her accent always grew thicker when she was tired. (Y/N) thought it was the cutest thing.
“Yep.” She replied, popping the ‘p’. She was practically bouncing in her seat as Sebastian parked next to (Y/F/N)’s truck. “It’s been in the family for a few generations now. It’s had a bit of remodeling in the past few years though.”
“That’s amazing.” Sebastian piped up, leaning forward so he could get a better look. “It’s so… homey. I like it.”
“Wait until you see inside.” (Y/N) beamed, slipping her boots and coat back on. “The fireplace is so cool. The entire place is.”
Before he could respond she was hopping out of the car and barreling up the steps to meet her parents as they stepped outside to greet them. Sebastian took a moment to watch the way they embraced each other, heart warming at the joyful exchange. He knew how much she missed them when they were away and he was reminded once again of the sacrifices she made just so he could build a relationship with their son. Not only had he done that but he’d now built one with her too. He couldn’t imagine his life without either of them at this point.
“Ea este ea?” (Is she the one?)
Georgeta’s words startled him. He’d been so lost in his thoughts, he’d honestly forgotten she was even there. But the answer to her question was all too easy. He’d never been more sure of anything in his life. She was it for him.
“Da, mama. Ea rate.” (Yes, Mama. She is.)
“Good.” Was all she said before she too was exiting the car, scurrying to pull (Y/N)’s mother into a bone crushing hug.
Sebastian stepped out of the car after slipping on his jacket. He wanted to get Theo inside and to bed right away. The storm was beginning to pick up and the wind was nipping harshly at his exposed skin. Carefully, he unbuckled the sleeping toddler and scooped him from his seat. He didn’t stir as he wrapped the blanket tighter around his little body and tucked him tightly to his chest inside his jacket in attempts to shield him from the cold and blowing snow.
“You got him?” (Y/N) appeared behind him just as he had grabbed the end of Bucky’s leash and was coaxing him from the warm car. “You go ahead and get him inside, my dad and I will grab the bags.”
With a nod, he rushed up the steps, offering a quick ‘hello’ to (Y/F/N) before following (Y/M/N) and Georgeta inside.
Unfortunately he didn’t get too far into the house before Theo woke with a little cry, wriggling against his fathers chest in an attempt to steal some of Sebastian’s body heat.
“Hey.” He whispered, pressing kisses to his forehead and chubby cheeks, a hand running soothingly along his back. “It’s okay, bubs. Shhh.” Theo seemed to relax at his father’s voice, cries turning to tiny whimpers and sniffles. Much to Sebastian’s dismay, however, the two year old was now wide awake, blue eyes wide and alert as they took in the familiar setting.
(Y/N) and her father shuffled through the front door behind him, dragging in the three suitcases, a big tote filled with Bucky’s things and a few of Theo’s favorite toys, and two boxes packed with all the wrapped gifts.
“It’s freaking cold out there.” (Y/N) huffed, hastily rubbing her hands together to warm them. Her cheeks were rosy and numerous snowflakes had settled in her hair. Upon laying eyes on her, Theo perked up, making grabby hands for her, “Momma. Momma.” But before she could make her way to him, an unfamiliar face appeared in the threshold of the kitchen causing her to pause in her tracks.
“Surprise!!” The woman beamed, arms out wide and a large smile worn upon her face. By the pictures he’d seen and the distinct similarities, he knew this woman was none other than her sister.
“No freaking way!” (Y/N) cried out, tears welling up in her eyes as she barreled full force into Katie’s awaiting arms. “You little shit.” Although she had the biggest smile he’d ever seen, her voice cracked and the tears started steadily rolling down her cheeks.
When they pulled back from their heartfelt embrace, a tall man with sandy hair appeared behind them, a mischievous smirk across his lips. “Hey, kiddo. Long time, no-” (Y/N) slammed into him, sending him stumbling back into the wall. Fortunately he’d seen it coming, catching her before both of them ended up on their asses.
And this must be Carson.
“Screw you both! I was so upset you couldn’t come. You-” She spun around shooting a playful glare at Katie, “I expected this from, but you-” She jabbed her finger into Carson’s chest, trying hard to remain stoic and angry, “I expected better!”
They laughed feebly, shaking their heads at her dramatics. “We got ya good, didn’t we?” Katie grinned, wiggling her eyebrows at her little sister which only earned her a huff in response.
“Oh!!” Katie chimed up, now walking in his direction. “You must be Sebastian! I’ve heard so much about you. It’s so nice to finally meet you.” Now that she was closer, he could easily pick out features both sisters shared. The similarities were uncanny. She surprised him by pulling him into a side hug to which he returned without a second thought. “We’re so happy to have you join us for the holidays this year. It’s going to be such a great week. You better buckle up because you’re about to experience your first (Y/L/N) Christmas and it’s going to be a wild ride.”
He swore he would never get over how welcoming and kind this family was.
“It’s nice to meet you! Really happy to be here.” He breathed out, a nervous smile tugging at the corner of his lips. She gave his shoulder a pat and another big smile before turning her attention to Theo. He went eagerly into his aunt's arms, giggling as she showered his face with kisses and cooed over how big he’d grown.
(Y/N) slid up beside him, wrapping her arm around his waist and in turn he threw his own over her shoulder, leaning down to peck her lips. The smile she wore when she pulled away made his heart clench. He’d do just about anything to see her smile at him like that all the time. Her happiness was now his.
“Hello, I’m Carson.” The man greeted, offering him his hand, “I’m a big fan of your work. It’s really great to meet the man (Y/N) can’t seem to shut up about.”
“Carson.” She hissed, “Don’t embarrass me.”
“Hey, thanks! Sebastian.” He took his hand, giving it a firm shake after sparring a glance to the woman beside him, taking great pleasure in the blush that now coated the apples of her cheeks. “It’s really good to finally meet you too. Glad you could make it.”
Georgeta and (Y/M/N) joined the group still standing in the entryway, sharing a few more introductions, greetings, and hugs before (Y/N) was leading him through the house with their belongings in tow, and the promise to be back after giving him a tour.
Once they returned, Sebastian in complete awe of the place, they joined the rest in the living room. Sharing a glass of wine as they caught up by the fire. It wasn’t long before they called it a night, tuckered out from the day's travels. Theo ended up in their bed not even halfway through the night. The tot fussy and over tired.
But Sebastian didn’t mind. Not in the slightest.
He was more than content to hold both of them. The two people that just three months ago, had become the center of his entire life. They were what mattered now.
They were the only thing that mattered.
“Oh my gosh.” (Y/N) gasped, eyes alight with innocence and excitement as she dragged Sebastian to a booth filled entirely with custom sewn stockings and Santa hats. He swore he’d never seen so many different options.
Who would want a tiger print Santa hat?
“These are so sweet.” She ran her fingers over a few laid out on the table. He watched closely as her eyes zeroed in on a few red plaid stockings. She grabbed them, turning to present them to him with a radiant smile on her face. “Look at these, babe. Aren’t they so cute?”
He cocked his head, studying the fabric closely. Truthfully, he didn’t think they were anything special. It looked similar to ones he’d seen sold just about anywhere he went these days. Plaid was very in style. “Yeah, prinţesă.” He smiled, eyes trained solely on her, “it’s very cute.”
“Be serious.” She playfully rolled her eyes, biting down on her lip to suppress a smile. She was very much aware that he didn’t mean the stockings.
She turned back to the table as he wrapped his arms around her waist, plastering his front to her back. It made her head spin and distracted her from the matter at hand but she really couldn’t complain. Not when his larger body was warming her much smaller one so nicely.
He tucked his face into the crook of her neck, lips running lightly against the cool skin there. He breathed out a chuckle when she shivered at his ministrations. He wouldn’t ever get over how reactive and responsive she was to his touch.
“What if I got names embroidered on them?” He hummed in response, too distracted by the scent and feel of her. “Or maybe like ‘Ho Ho Ho.” She shook her head, “No. That sounds kinda weird. Someone might take it wrong.” That caused him to smile against her skin, fingers trailing up and down her sides in attempts to make her giggle and get her attention.
He was incorrigible. They hadn’t had much time alone since arriving at the cottage three days ago. Not that he didn’t enjoy spending time with everyone. (Y/N)’s family was amazing and he’d grown to see them as part of his own. He’d thoroughly enjoyed watching the goofy banter between (Y/N) and Katie and had found a friend in Carson.
But God, was he desperate to get her alone. He wanted to take his sweet, torturous time with her until the only word that fell from those sinful lips was his name.
He really couldn’t help himself when last weekend's events were replaying repeatedly in his mind. The way she looked beneath him, how she tasted on his tongue, or the way she sounded as he pushed into her for the very first time. It was engraved in his brain. Scorched into his memory like pyrography.
“Sebastian.” She whined, head lolling against his shoulder. Although she was protesting, the movement allowed his lips more space to explore.
“Names, baby.” He mumbled, hands coming to rest on the soft curve of her waist. “Our names would look great on them.”
Much to his reluctance, she wiggled out of his grip. “Knock it off. We’re in public.” She couldn’t help but giggle at his whine and childish pout. “Your team said we needed to go under the radar, if you continue you might draw some unwanted attention and blow our cover.”
He huffed, blue eyes rolling though he still wore a small smile and it spread as he watched her approach the elderly woman who ran the stocking booth. He joined her at the table, listening in as she discussed various prints and explained her vision. It was simply a stocking that would be hung up once a year for less than a month but she still expected and strived for perfection. It was one of her quirks. Something that made her so… her.
Just another thing to love about her.
Yeah… love. Because he did. Sebastian loved her. Call him crazy or claim it be too soon but when you know, you know.
He wasn’t unfamiliar with the feeling. The intense feeling of deep affection or a great interest and pleasure in something. He loved lots of people and lots of things. Whether it be his mother, a past lover, a food, or an object. But it was nothing like this.
To be constantly tipping between the feeling of excitement and hope to fear of the unknown and vulnerability. In the past, he’d have booked it for the hills the moment her smile started making his heart beat quicken from where it rests in his chest. But he wouldn’t, couldn’t dare walk away. His mind hadn’t even considered it an option like it would’ve in the past.
He never planned for her. Never planned for either of them. But the best things always come unexpected it seems. He was experiencing that first hand now. And he wouldn’t change a thing. She was stuck with him now. He was hers—mind, body, and soul. Even if she didn’t know it yet.
He belonged to her. The sentiment would’ve scared him—had scared him for all of his life and in past relationships. But not with her. He was okay being vulnerable with her. He yearned for it. Needed it. Because unlike anyone, he could count on her not to let him down.
How could he when she let herself be just as, if not more, vulnerable with him?
Sebastian spent the rest of the evening watching her. All throughout dinner with Carson and Katie at the excessively decorated diner with great cheeseburgers and even better fries, he’d had to bite his tongue numerous times to keep those three words from slipping out when Carson got her laughing so hard that coke cola had come out her nose. She’d been so red in the face, out of embarrassment or from the struggle to breath, he wasn’t sure. But the light in those (Y/C/E) eyes and the smile she’d flashed him once she’d recovered had nearly caused him to blurt it out right then and there.
Or when she’d tried so, so hard to lace up her own ice skates. Claiming adamantly that as a strong, independent woman, she could and would lace them herself. How her face scrunched in concentration—pretty pink lip trapped between her teeth, eyebrows furrowed, and eyes squinted in failed attempts to focus. Then she’d let out a frustrated huff, arms flailing in defeat before silently lifting her foot in his direction. He’d happily sunk to his knees for her, a smug smirk on his lips as he tied each skate. He didn’t dare comment on it or tease her while doubling the knot, not wanting to wound her pride. She was so damn stubborn but it was at the top of that list. Just another reason he loved her.
But he didn’t manage to hold back for much longer. It finally came—spilling from his lips Iike literal word vomit. The catalyst for it all was while on the ice. She’d talked a big game before they’d even stepped out on the rink.
“I’ve watched a lot of ice hockey back in my day. Dads always been a big fan of the red wings so I’ve got this.” She’d said. “It can’t be that hard. If Katie can do it, I can. She’s clumsy as hell.”
One step on the ice and she fell flat on her ass. Like the trooper she was, she’d laughed it off. He was quick to help her up and she’d allowed him to fuss over her for a second by brushing the snow from her bum and double checking the tightness of her skates. They were fine, they both knew it too, he was just trying to make her feel better.
She wasn’t one easily deterred but much to his delight, she’d accepted his arm when offered, declaring it was just until she had the time to get used to it.
That wasn’t the case at all. She was terrible. The worst he’d ever seen, he’s almost certain.
“I think I’m getting it.” She beamed, skates shuffling against the ice. She’d barely move an inch with each glide (if he couldn’t even call it that). He was the reason they were even moving at all but he couldn’t complain. Not when her back was snug against his chest, his arms wrapped securely around her waist, and she was giggling and smiling like that. “Babe, am I doing good?”
“Yeah, baby.” He chuckled, dipping down to kiss her cheek. “You’re doing great.”
Sebastian’s lips on her cheek served as a distraction and her skate caught on an uneven patch of ice. She tipped forcefully back into his chest causing him to lose his balance. He landed hard flat on his back, (Y/N)'s full weight on top of him.
He let out a guttural groan when the air finally returned to his lungs. He would definitely be feeling that for the next few days.
“Oh, no.” She scrambled to lift herself up on her knees, hovering above him as delicate hands went to the back of his head, “I’m so sorry, baby.” Her eyes scanned his face, tilting it side to side. For what reason? he wasn’t sure. “Are you alright? Oh my god.” She shook her head, “Maybe I’m not cut out for this skating thing. You aren’t hurt, right?”
“I love you.”
She froze, eyes wide and lips parted in surprise—like a deer caught in headlights.
He chuckled, a lopsided grin tugging at the corner of his lips as he brought his hand up to tuck a curl behind her ear. She looked like a literal angel above him under the sparkling lights hung in the trees around the rink. All bundled in her coat and hat, her cheeks and the tip of her nose the color of cherries.
“I’m fine.” He whispered, eyes flickering between her eyes and lips. “And I love you.”
“You do?” She breathed out, eyes searching his bright blue ones.
“I do.” He stoned his features, not wanting her to doubt his sentiments for even a second. “I know we haven’t been together for that long but I’ve never been more sure about anything in my entire life.” He brushed his thumb along her cheek. “I am in love with you, (Y/N). You’re it for me.”
“I love you.” She whispered, wide eyes a little glossy and full of adoration. He didn’t get a chance to respond before her lips were on his. “I love you.” She repeated, louder this time, followed by a delighted giggle before she kissed him again, slower and softer this time. “I’m in love with you, Sebastian Stan. You’re it for me too.”
“Hey!” A familiar voice called from across the ice. “Are you gonna get up or continue to make out like a pair of horny teenagers because you’re blocking our path. We’re trying to race over here.”
“Fuck off, Carson.” (Y/N) hissed, not sparing her brother-in-law a glance as she flipped him the bird. There was a chorus of laughter on the other side of the rink but they didn’t mind.
They were together and in love.
Tag list: @shellbilee @white-wolf-buckaroo @runawayolives @missusbarnes-rogers-laufeyson
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mshomestyle · 3 years
Dad deku bakugo or Aizawa with a kid that’s very shy and hides behind their legs a lot? And they’re very quiet as well?
-It is often that this famous pro hero will get stopped in the street while he’s out running errands, and most times his son is with him.
-Knowing how the little tot can get, Izuku usually insists that he stay home, but the baby boy wants to go with his daddy.
-”Isn’t it lovely to see the number one hero out and about,” one woman might say as she spots Izuku in a grocery store. “Oh, and who’s this?”
-Like clockwork, Izuku’s son rushes to hide behind his daddy’s legs, his huge green eyes that he inherited from his father peeking out to look at the stranger.
-Izuku expected this, so he automatically goes to reach down and rub his baby boy’s head in comfort, “He’s a little shy,” he explains.
-Once the woman gets an autograph, she’s on her way. And when she’s gone, Izuku’s son slowly comes out.
-Deku lets out a sigh, though can’t help but to think how cute his son is. “How about I get you a toy?”
-The little boy looks up at his father and gives an enthusiastic nod, accompanied by a smile.
-Bakugo has a daddy’s girl in his hands, though she didn’t exactly inherit his fiery attitude just yet.
-”Hey, Bakugo!”
-The two are waiting in line at a frozen yogurt shop, when Kirishima barges in. Like instinct, Bakugo’s daughter is clinging to her daddy’s leg.
-”Hey keep it down! My daughter doesn’t like that,” Bakugo scolds the other male.
-”Oops, sorry,” Kirishima profusely apologizes before stooping down to meet the child’s height. “I’m sorry, cutie. I hope I didn’t scare you.”
-The little daddy’s girl says nothing, but instead looks towards her father with arms reaching up.
-Bakugo instantly picks the little girl up and kisses her cheek before glaring at Kirishima.
-”Hey, I said I was sorry,” Kirishima pouts. Noticing that look, Bakugo’s daughter leans over to whisper in her father’s ear, which causes the pro hero to raise an eyebrow and shrug.
-”She forgives you,” he rolls his eyes. This just completely makes the red-head’s day.
-Aizawa kind of welcomes a quiet and shy child, because that means less noise he has to deal with.
-Mic, however, as well as Midnight will try to encourage his child to break free from that bashfulness.
-”How about some karaoke?!” Present Mic asks. Aizawa’s daughter looks at her daddy and shakes her head.
-”Leave us alone,” Aizawa says. He was starting to regret taking his little girl with him to work, but the babysitter canceled last minute.
-”Maybe she’ll want to sit in on one of my lesso-”
-”Nope,” Aizawa won’t even let Midnight finish her thought.
-Deciding that it was too noisy, the little girl tugs at one of Aizawa’s pant legs.
-He knows that she wants to go to a more quiet and secluded place, so he gently picks her up and takes her away from the other two.
-”Hey, where you going?” Mic asks. He’s easily ignored.
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geminidentitycrisis · 3 years
Fatgum x F!reader "What a Hero SHOULD do"
You guys.
I've been gone a long while, life has been a rollercoaster, but I don't really wanna get into all that noise. Just happy to be in a good place right now.
That said, this was painful to write because I had planned the ending very differently...
I'm not officially in the bnha/mha fandom but, I just got into it recently and wanted to show some love to my favorite Pro!
Hope you guys like it!
I haven't written anything in a while, so please go easy on me...
(WARNING! Mild angst)
"Hey, Fat...can I ask you something kinda personal...?"
Fatgum glanced down at his young intern with an eyebrow raised, tilting his head in curiosity. "Huh? Oh, sure. What's on yer mind?" he gave an encouraging grin to put Kirishima at ease. The red head craned his neck to look up at his boss, his own mouth twisted into a small frown.
"Have you asked _______ on a date yet...?"
He stumbled a bit but keeps walking, caught off guard by the question, a slight blush rising to his cheeks. "Woah, where did that come from?!" he asked in return with a nervous chuckle. "Well..." Kirishima continued "You guys seem really close. The way you look at her when you see her-"
"Hahaha!" the burst of anxious laughter interrupted and Red Riot looked up at Fatgum again in confusion. "You're reading too deep into it, man! We're just friends! Heh..." Toyomitsu tried to act casually, but it wasn't working at all.
Kirishima pouted a bit, deciding to push a little harder.
"...but, I think she has feelings for you, too-" the blonde stopped walking and stared down at him, his blush growing darker and spreading across the bridge of his nose, cutting him off again. "Okay, let's change the topic, huh? Maybe we should go somewhere else for lunch..."
Eyes widening a bit, Red Riot raised both hands defensively and shook his head. "No, no! I'm sorry...I won't mention it again..." his expression became one of defeat and disappointment, shoulders slumping as he continued to walk, staring down at the sidewalk.
With an inward wince, Toyomitsu followed close behind, his own gaze dropping to the ground as well. Silence passed between the Pro and his sidekick for several minutes before Fatgum spoke up again.
"Honestly, she deserves better..." he mumbled.
This was a surprise to Kiri, his mentor was always inspirationally self-confident, it was disheartening to hear such a comment from the man he so deeply admired. He opened his mouth to argue, but stopped himself when he remembered that he had already promised to drop the subject.
He felt bad for bringing it up now.
_______ was a sweet lady, she was funny and friendly, vivacious and beautiful, generous, tough and a fantastic cook. All Kirishima wanted was to see them both happy together. When they spotted each other through the window of the diner, their eyes lit up, a smile instantly formed on their lips, they would practically start glowing.
She always ran to jump into his arms, hugging around his neck, never failing to say how she missed him. He caught her every time, hiding his face in her hair as he hugged her back and would say he had missed her too, but especially her cooking!
If that isn't true love, Kiri thought, then what is...?
They finally made it to the diner and stopped outside. Fatgum looked through the window, and when he didn't see ______ anywhere, glanced at Red Riot again with a frown. "Listen, can I count on you to keep that little conversation between us? I don't want ______ to know how I feel..."
"You're not sick, are you??" a soft voice piped up from beside Toyomitsu.
It made both of them jump, startled. Fatgum whipped his head around to see ______ standing there, instead of her pretty smile, her face was flooded with worry at the thought of her Hero being ill or injured.
The Pro forced a crooked grin as the blush returned to his cheeks. "N-no, no, I'm fine! How's it goin'...?" he stuttered weakly.
She was clearly not convinced, the concern in her bright (e/c) eyes only deepened. "C'mon...all this time we've known each other, you think I can't tell when something's bothering you...?" he started to panic a bit but Red Riot swooped in to save the day like the rising star he was.
"Aw, he just had a big breakfast, that's all...he doesn't wanna hurt your feelings if he can't finish lunch." Kirishima answered casually with a lightly teasing undertone, arms crossing over his chest. She looked from him up at Fatgum who responded to her questioning expression with a sheepish grin and shrug.
At this, her smile bloomed in place, eyes twinkling mischievously as she playfully elbowed his broad, squishy belly. "Oh, c'mon! When have you ever left here without takeout, even after filling up?! As if it matters..." she giggled, hopping up into his arms as always, chin resting on his shoulder as she nuzzled against him sweetly.
"I'm just happy you're okay...I missed you!"
Bending at the waist with his arms extended, the blonde caught her effortlessly when she hopped up for the hug, sighing and closing his eyes as he rises to his full height, squeezing the small girl gently.
"Ahh, I'm fine, I'm fine...I missed you too..."
Kirishima gave a soft smile as he watched the exchange, dropping himself into the patio chair where he always sat when they came to the diner.
When he set her down, ________ smiled from him to his sidekick. "Your food should be done soon. It's a new recipe! I hope you guys like it!" then she waved over her shoulder as she walked back inside. Exhaling softly, Fatgum turned to sit as well. He glanced over at Red Riot, blushing a bit, only for it to get worse when he notices the toothy grin he's being flashed.
"...Oh, knock it off..." the pro grumbles, arms crossing and lowering his eyes to the tabletop.
"I didn't SAY anything...~!" Kirishima taunted childishly, arms folding behind his head as he leans back and closes his own eyes. "You didn't have to, punk." Tai shot back in typical big-bro style, reaching out across the table to muss the teens perfectly sculpted hair. "Aw, quit! It takes 40 minutes to set every morning!"
Fatgum chuckled, eyes rolling.
After some minutes passed, _______ returned with another server, both carrying trays of food which they placed on the table in front of the two heroes. "Wow! It looks so good!" they said simultaneously, earning a laugh from her.
"Well, I hope you like the taste even more. It's a cheeseburger-tater-tot-casserole. Dig in!" wasting no time, Kirishima and Toyomitsu start chowing down, both groaning happily around mouthfuls of the meal and nodding in approval. "Mmm...!" _______ laughed again, giving a thumbs up.
"Glad to hear it! I'll be right back with your drinks."
She left again but came back quickly with two pitchers and a cup, putting them between their plates. "Yer an angel, _____." Fatgum said with a grin, taking one of the pitchers and starting to drink from it. Red Riot snickered quietly before sipping his own drink.
"Oh, I just remembered! Check this out!" she said cheerfully, reaching behind her neck and starting to untie her apron. Upon glancing at her and noticing this, Fatgums eyes grew wide and a dark blush pooled in his cheeks, choking slightly on the ice water. "...?!"
Kiri froze, his eyes getting big as well and blushing slightly.
She dropped the top, revealing...
A tank top. With a picture of a sombrero. It said "If you don't like TACOS, I'm NACHO type"
Red Riot started laughing, covering his eyes with a hand as he tipped back his head. "Cute, right?!" she asked enthusiastically, looking from one to the other. Smiling weakly, Fatgum gave a slow nod. "It's great...really clever..." he wondered if steam would rise off him if he poured the rest of the water down his neck.
"Yeah, I knew I had to have it when I saw it. Anyway," she started to fix her apron again. "I'll let you guys finish eating. Let me know if you need boxes and your takeout oughtta be done before you get done with those. Enjoy!" with that, she walked off.
The blonde watched over his shoulder as she left before sliding his plate out of the way, folding his arms on the table and burying his face in them.
Grinning, Kiri nudged his foot under the table. "DON'T. SAY. A WORD." this reply only got him to laugh again, head shaking as he resumed eating. "Whatever you say, boss..." the red head hummed.
Between them, they were able to clear their dishes, waiting by the front door for the takeout, both content and full of tasty food. "Alright, guys. Here ya go! I'm glad you liked lunch, lemme know when you wanna try it again." Tai smiled down at her when she came out, taking the bags gratefully. "Yeah, definitely. Will do!"
______ hugged Kirishima tightly, pulling him down to place a kiss on his forehead, surprising him and making him blush faintly since she hadn't done it before. "Be safe, young man, you hear me?" she demanded. He answered with a broad smile and a nod. "Gotcha!"
"Ooh, do I get one of those?" Fatgum asked half jokingly, blushing too. Some color rose up on her cheeks as well, giving him a warm smile as she reached up for the BMI hero.
He put down the food to pick her up again for another hug, chuckling softly when she pressed a tender kiss against his cheek. "Aw, that was sweet!" Kirishima called up to them, earning a swift kick to the ass. "Ow! Hey!" the red head complained, rubbing the spot.
He set her down carefully with a deep sigh. She didn't let go of his arms and he looked at her in confusion. "Please be careful out there, Taishiro...I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to you..." he grinned, placing a hand on her head. "I will. I'll be back before ya know it!"
She pressed herself into his tummy, coming nowhere close to being able to wrap her arms around him but she gives him her best hug anyway. The pro didn't have to look at his intern to know he was smirking smugly. He hugged her back before stepping away to grab his bags again. "Well...see ya, _____."
He waved, smiling, then turned so they could head back out. They only took a few steps before Fatgum stopped and glanced back at her over his shoulder.
She was still there, offering another small smile and wave of goodbye.
"C'mon, man! Just go for it! You TOTALLY got this!" Kiri urged desperately. But he was still hesitant. It wasn't an issue of his own self-confidence, but his career. He was so busy that he would hardly have time for you, and the way Toyomitsu saw it, you deserved to be waited on hand-and-foot.
He dreamed about being with you, which meant his worst nightmare would be a villain or criminal using you as leverage against him. It was best to leave things the way they are. It's what he SHOULD do.
A real Hero isn't so selfish as to put their own desires ahead of the safety of those they cherish, he reminded himself. With a heavy heart, he forced a smile to hide the pain and waved back before looking down at the ground and sighing, eyes closing slowly.
"...I just...can't...
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jenonctcity · 4 years
My Ending - Part 2
Differences – Na Jaemin
Part of the Bad Boy Series.
Badboy!Au, Streetracer!Au
Disclaimer: This is going to be a very dark themed story, please do not read if you are triggered easily by the mentioned subjects in the warnings.
Warnings: Minor Character Death, Mentions of Suicide Attempts, Mentions of Suicidal Thoughts, Mental Health Issues (Depression and Anxiety), Mentions of Drug Use/Overdose, Mentions of Drug Addiction Effecting Baby After Birth, Explicit Content.
Word Count: 8.3K
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It was only a small lie. A teensy, tiny, white lie that couldn’t hurt anyone. And it boosted Jaemin’s confidence enough for him to flirt like he wasn’t unexperienced. He had no idea how Renjun had managed to lie so much throughout his life. Every time Jaemin made up stories of fucking random girls, he felt a burning fire in the pit of his stomach from the guilt of lying about it. Still, he didn’t see the harm in lying about being a virgin. He knew the only time it would matter would be when he got a girlfriend, which is why he decided to be transparent and tell you the truth instead of lying. You gave him a raised eyebrow and wide-eyed look. He tilted his head at your reaction and gave you a knowing smirk.
“You’re a virgin?” Your voice came out higher pitched than you had expected it to, causing Jaemin to laugh softly, nodding his head in confirmation.
“I am.” He leaned in and kissed your lips hard, overcome with want for you that he couldn’t stop himself from stealing your lips in his. “Does it bother you?” He mumbled into your mouth, his hot tongue pushing against yours as his hands stroked up your thighs to your hips, his fingers digging into you from how tight his grip was.
“No, it’s kinda hot actually.” You mumbled, not drawing away from his lips. He made a deep noise that rumbled from his throat, his kisses moving from your mouth, down your jaw, and to your neck. Your eyelids became heavy as he sucked at your sensitive spot, his tongue swirling around sinfully and his hot breath coming out in puffs against you, sending shivers down your spine. “Why though? You’re so confident and flirty surely you can get any girl in bed?” He chuckled against your neck and pulled away, his lips red and glistening with spit.
“I’ve never had a girlfriend before, and I didn’t want to have sex with some random girl who would forget my name the next day.” He shrugged, a small smile playing on his lips as his fingers worked in slow circles on your waist. You felt your heart bloom like a flower in the spring at his confession, your bottom lip coming out in a pout.
“Jaemin that’s so cute, you’re adorable.” You took his face in both of your hands, squishing his cheeks together and making his own lips form into a pout. He whined and tried to draw his head back, his cheeks flaring up bright red from being called adorable. The only person who had ever called him adorable was his grandmother, and that hadn’t been for many years. “Have you ever done…like other stuff with girls though?” You tilted your head in wonder, your thoughts drifting as Jaemin’s tongue poked out between his pouted lips. You let go of his face and instead placed your hands gently on his shoulders.
“Yeah I’ve been sucked off before and eaten some pussy.” He shrugs like it’s no big deal when in fact your heart started racing at the thought of his tongue in your intimate areas. “Have you had sex?” The question was nagging at his mind until he finally couldn’t take it anymore and had to ask you.
“I have, only like three times though with my ex-boyfriend.” You smiled and shrugged. “It was…mediocre, he cared more about his own orgasms.”
“Men aint shit baby girl.” Jaemin whispered, stealing a kiss from your lips again as a loud laugh erupted from you at the irony of his choice of words.
“But you’re a man?” You narrowed your eyes in amusement, his teeth on full display as he gave you a big cheeky grin.
“I’m not like other men though.” He winked, leading you to fake gag from the cheesiness, his fingers digging into your sides and tickling you as a punishment. “Just you wait and see!” He pushed you onto your back, your head hitting his pillows and his body slotting between your legs. You felt a firework of butterflies go off in your stomach from how having his body there made you feel. He reached over you, placing his hands on the bed either side of your neck, your body now completely caged in by his.
“I’m excited to see what you can do.” You smirked up at him, raising your eyebrows suggestively. His cheeks glowed pink and he bit his bottom lip, his eyes boring into yours without breaking contact even for a second. “Virgin.” You sniggered, his mouth dropping open as he sat back, faking offence and letting out a gasp. His hands finding your sides again to tickle you mercilessly. As he tickled you, he couldn’t help but realise that he’d met his dream girl. You weren’t afraid to tease him, you were kind, and you and him just instantly clicked. He didn’t want to voice his thoughts just in case you weren’t both on the same page, but he was almost 100% sure that you were going to be the girl to take his virginity.
Having a newborn baby in your arms was strange. Also a blessing, as not everyone would get to experience the wonder of holding a new life in their arms until they had their own children. Her smooth skin, fluffy black hair which she had a surprising amount of, her tiny fingers, and the little noises that would emit from her when she moved around in her sleep to get comfortable had you feeling soft. In the past two months of dating Jaemin you honestly could say that you’d beenhappier than you had in a long time. Jaemin was a whirlwind of everything perfect. He was the best boyfriend you could possibly ask for. His pores seeped with romance and affection, he was funny, and he did everything he possibly could to make you smile. It didn’t even bother you that you hadn’t had sex with him yet, you were happy to wait until he initiated things with you whenever he was ready. You had found out that he was an absolute master of using his tongue though, so you couldn’t complain.
This was your first time babysitting with Jaemin, and so far, everything was going great. Renjun’s newborn baby Jihyo was an absolute dream to watch over, mostly because the only bad thing she could do was cry, which she had only done briefly when she’d pooped, luckily Uncle Jaemin took care of that. Renjun and his girlfriend had decided to take Jiyeon to the zoo for the day without Jihyo, wanting to make sure that Jiyeon was still receiving as much love and attention as she needed. So when Renjun had mentioned in their group chat that he needed a babysitter, Jaemin had volunteered you both for the position.
“She’s so cute, how can anyone make something this precious?” You looked up from her peaceful face to Jaemin’s delicate face. He was sitting with you on the sofa, your back pressed into his chest as he cuddled the two of you. He looked into your eyes and smiled a wide smile, pressing a light kiss to the tip of your nose. You didn’t notice how he had literal hearts in his eyes from watching you hold a baby. Jaemin had always had a craving for the perfect family, and he knew he wouldn’t ever have that until he met the love of his life, got married, and had a baby. So he couldn’t help the way his heart kept speeding up as thoughts of wifing you up and making babies with you flashed through his head as if he was looking into the future. He didn’t want to rush things and end up scaring you away though, so those thoughts stayed locked inside of his own head for his eyes only.
“Well someone made you.” His reply had your eyes rolling, but you leaned your head back against his shoulder anyway, a gentle laugh tumbling from your lips at how corny he was.
“I bet you were a precious baby.” You commented offhandedly, not realising the emotional turmoil it would throw Jaemin into. He didn’t know how to tell you that he was anything but precious when he was born. He sighed and leaned the side of his head against yours, his arms tightening around you.
“I was born addicted to heroin.” He whispered, his stomach curdling at the words leaving his mouth. You whipped your head around and pulled it back slightly so that you could look at him properly. He gave you a small smile that didn’t reach his cheeks and it broke your heart slightly.
“Jaemin…you never told me that…” You furrowed your eyebrows in question. Now that you think about it, Jaemin hadn’t ever really spoken about his mother or father, only making a comment about his mother being dead. You didn’t want to pry, and you knew eventually he would open up to you about it, you just hadn’t expected it to be in this moment.
“My mother was an addict, and my father ran away as soon as he found out about my impending existence. My grandmother is my fathers’ mother and she was the one who took me in. She has nothing to do with my father either, I don’t even know where he is.” He shrugged like it didn’t matter, but by the look in his eyes, you could tell it tore him apart and had had an effect on him in the past. “I recovered but it stunted my growth growing up and I was bullied, a lot.” You wanted to grab him and give him a big squeeze, but with Jihyo in your arms it wasn’t possible. Instead you gave him a sad look, one that he could tell you were sympathising with him. “I’m okay now.” And all of a sudden, that Jaemin was gone, like he had never even existed. A big smile took over his face and it was if he had just told you that he’d won the lottery. His eyes moved from you to focus on Jihyo. “Come here my pretty girl, it’s uncle nana’s turn for a cuddle.” He shuffled out from behind of you, now sitting beside you as he scooped the sleeping tot from your hold. You opted not to ask any questions or say anything, just faking a smile and stroking Jihyo’s hair down after it fluffed up from the transfer. You couldn’t even think of what kind of questions you could ask him about his past, and you didn’t know what would be triggering for him.
“You love kids don’t you.” You decided to comment, keeping it positive and a good conversation changer. He nodded his head quickly in agreement; thankful you didn’t insist on talking about his past.
“Oh! I almost forgot,” His eyes flicked up to look into yours and you felt almost stunned by how beautiful he was. Sometimes you’d forget that he was your boyfriend and when you remembered you felt giddy inside. “I have a race on Friday, would you like to come?”
“You’re okay with me being there?” You raised your eyebrows in surprise at his offer. You’d asked him if you could see him race before, and he’d told you that he wasn’t sure if he wanted you there or not.
“Yeah, I want to see your beautiful face after I win.” He looked down at the baby in his arms and pressed the softest kiss to her forehead, bouncing her very gently to soothe her after she started to make a fuss, quiet whines emitting from her and her little body attempting to twist around. His words left a feeling of warmth inside of you, and you knew that you wouldn’t miss his race for the world.
“Then I’ll be there.”
“So are you going to be in the car with him or watching with me?” Haechan’s voice dragged your attention from a girl wearing the tiniest pair of shorts you’d ever seen, back to him. He smiled at you in amusement of your shocked expression. He was clearly used to this type of environment, seeing the scantily dressed women, and men who looked like they could break all of the bones in your body with a flick of their wrist. But you felt safe with Haechan, since you considered him to be someone who was able to protect you. The starting point of the race was also the finishing point, and it was behind the old railway tracks that weren’t in the populated areas of the city, less likely for the police to find it. There was a lot of people attending the race, and you had lost sight of Jaemin after you’d arrived with him. He’d passed you over to Haechan, pressed a kiss to the side of your head, and told you he had to ‘take care of something’.
“Watching with you,” You smiled up at him, then furrowed your eyebrows as you thought about it. “would I even be allowed in the car with him?” He shrugged, biting the inside of his cheek as he also thought about it.
“Probably, it’s not like you would affect his racing at all.” You didn’t want to ask Jaemin though, because you didn’t actually want to be in the car whilst he was racing. It was a scary thought to you, but you were just curious as to if you could or not.
“When does it start?”
“In about 10 minutes.” You gave him a small smile and let out a sigh, your eyes scanning the crowd to see if you could spot Jaemin. You couldn’t, so you just turned your attention back to Haechan.
“Where’s your girlfriend? Did she not want to come?” His shoulders sank and he gave you an awkward smile, scratching the back of his head before clearing his throat.
“We’re kind of on a break right now, things got a bit too much with the whole Jeno situation and I’m not sure what’s going to happen.” He shrugged, but you could tell he was bothered by it, his eyes drifting to the floor as he kicked at a stone on the floor.
“Oh I’m sorry, Jaemin didn’t tell me!” You felt bad, but you didn’t know so there wasn’t much you could have done to avoid the awkwardness now floating in the air between you both. He shrugged again and gave you a genuine smile, shuffling over from foot to foot.
“Don’t worry about it, come on let’s go wait by the starting line.” He grabbed you by the shoulders from behind and steered you towards where a white line of paint had been marked on the floor. You stood behind the metal barriers, Haechan standing close to you to stop any of the sleezy men from approaching you. He bumped his shoulder against yours and nodded towards the cars approaching the line. “It’s about to start.” You felt your heart sink slightly that you didn’t get to give Jaemin a good luck kiss. You knew what he did was dangerous, and if anything happened to him during the race without you kissing him before hand, you’d be absolutely heartbroken.
“I’m nervous.” You mumbled, glancing at Haechan quickly before giving Jaemin’s car all of your attention. The car visibly rumbling from the strength of the engine and how Jaemin was revving it, the sound loud but muffled with the rest of the other noisy cars.
“Don’t be. Jaemin is probably the best racer here and he knows what he’s doing.” Haechan’s words reassured you but there was still a slight nagging feeling in your stomach that something bad was going to happen.
Everything flashed by quicker than you could have ever imagined. A girl wearing nothing but a bikini top and jean shorts stood in the middle of the dirt road, the white flag in her hand falling to the floor to signify the start of the race. The cars took off with a cloud of dirt left in their wake, the loud engines fading as the cars went down the dirt road. Haechan had told you that after the dirt road finished, they’d race through the city, then they’d loop back around and finish exactly where they’d started. Everyone went back to chatting and mingling with each other as they waited for the tell-tale sound of cars approaching. Haechan got you a can of beer from the cooler in his car and he kept you close to his side. He tried to convince you to dance to the music coming from someone’s car, and as you tried to brush him off, he grabbed you and twirled you around, forcing you to dance with him which had you both wheezing of laughter from how chaotic it was. You didn’t realise how fun Haechan could be, and you felt bad for having assumed he was dangerous and having tried to avoid him as much as you could. You still knew he was dangerous, but you knew he wasn’t a danger to you.
The sound of the car’s engines getting louder brought everyone out of their mingling, and you rushed with Haechan back over to the metal barrier. Jaemin’s car skidded around the corner with perfect control on the dirt road, the rest of the cars close behind him, but he was in the lead. You watched with bated breath, unable to even cheer like the rest of the crowd as Jaemin crossed the finish line first. You felt Haechan’s arms around you, lifting you up and spinning you around.
“He won!” Haechan’s confirmation of what you already knew had you laughing, and you couldn’t control the grin on your face. You felt an overwhelming sense of pride in your boyfriend, knowing that racing means a lot to him and winning is such an accomplishment. He’d told you before that when he doesn’t win, he gets into a funk for a few days, feeling like a failure because the only thing he was really good at was driving. You wanted to disagree with him, but in typical Jaemin fashion, he changed the subject before you could address it. Haechan took your hand in his own and almost dragged you with him to where Jaemin had parked his car. Jaemin was sat on the hood of his car, his arms folded over his chest with a big smirk painted on his face when he noticed you approaching him. He pushed himself off of the car and picked you up as you ran into his arms, holding you by your thighs and pressing his lips to yours.
“You won baby!” You giggled, wrapping your arms around his neck and holding onto him like your life depended on it. Haechan came up beside you and patted Jaemin on the shoulder, mumbling something in his ear before disappearing off. “Where’s he going?” You tilted your head, your eyes following Haechan until he disappeared out of sight.
“He’s a drug dealer babe, I think you know where he’s going.” He chuckled, still holding you in his arms. He laid a soft kiss onto your lips, humming against them in satisfaction with his hands rubbing against your thighs in a massaging motion. “We need to celebrate my win, don’t you think?” He whispered against your lips, nipping at your bottom lip with his teeth.
“Mmm we do, how are we going to celebrate?” Your lips brushed against his as you spoke, your fingers playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. Jaemin’s smirk grew and he glanced down at your lips, pecking them with his quickly and trailing kisses down to your ear.
“I want to fuck you.” He whispered in a seductive tone, his grip tightening on you as you gasped in surprise. You felt a fire ignite in your stomach at his suggestive words, the thing you’d been waiting for finally about to happen. He dragged his lips back to yours, his tongue licking into your mouth and making it feel like fireworks sparked between you.
“Please do.” He set you down on your feet, pulling his phone from his pocket and quickly texting Haechan to tell him that you were both leaving. You let yourself into the passenger side of Jaemin’s car, almost bouncing in your seat at how excited you were to finally have sex with Jaemin. Jaemin disappeared for a few minutes before climbing in beside you, revving the engine and placing a big bag of money underneath his seat.
The two of you drove away, and you were surprised to find out you weren’t going in the direction of either of yours homes, your eyebrows furrowing in question but you didn’t bother asking Jaemin about his intended destination, instead just going with the flow, all of your trust in Jaemin. The trees on either side of the rural road were only lit up by the moonlight and the headlights of the car. No other cars were anywhere to be seen as you looked at the clock and noticed is was nearing 2am, so you felt as if it was just you and Jaemin in the world, no other people mattering to you as Jaemin pulled the car into a grassy car park next to a nature trail, obviously no one around to disturb you. You glanced over at Jaemin as he turned off the ignition, the moonlight shining against his beautiful features. You could see that he took a deep breath, clenching his fists and then rubbing his sweaty palms against his thighs.
“I should have known you would want to lose your virginity in your car.” You giggled, reaching over and taking one of his hands into your own. He let out a soft laugh, his gaze switching from his steering wheel over to you. “Are you nervous?” You lowered the sound of your voice, it coming out soft and as your words hit Jaemin’s ears they almost melted from how delicate they sounded.
“A little, I just want to make you feel good.” He found his courage and swooped in, catching your lips between his own and moving his hands from his thighs to rest one on your thigh, and the other on your waist.
“I want you so bad.” You mumbled into his mouth as your tongue fought for dominance, his tongue winning and turning the kiss heated and sensual immediately. You grabbed his hand, popping open the button on your jeans and guiding his hand inside of your panties. He let out a soft gasp, his lips pulling away from yours.
“Fuck you’re so wet for me already.” He almost growled, his fingers moving up and down your folds, spreading your essence up to your clit before circling it with two of his fingers. “Does that feel good?” He laid a kiss to your neck, prompting you to tilt your head away from him to give him easier access.
“Yeah, oh Jaemin.” You let out a breathy moan, sinking slightly in the seat as he started sucking on your neck, his fingers working magic against your over sensitive bundle of nerves. You’d started getting wet from the second Jaemin mentioned fucking you, all of the thoughts that had ran through your head turning filthy and making your thighs clench together on the way there, needing friction in the place you couldn’t wait for Jaemin to touch. You even thought about all of the times Jaemin had eaten you out, licking you to completion like an expert with your thighs thrown over his shoulders, your toes curling as he sucked on your clit like it was his lifeline. What he lacked in experience, he sure made up for in natural talent and enthusiasm. You also thought about how well his cock would fit inside of you, the few times you’d seen it when you’d sucked him off or given him a handjob giving you a lot of hope for how good it could make you feel inside of your tight pussy. So by the time Jaemin slid two fingers inside of you, you were already ready and gagging for his cock to be inside of you.
“Will you ride me?” He muttered against your neck, licking a stripe up your soft skin and blowing cool air against it, a shiver running through you that shot straight to your core. You nodded your head eagerly, grabbing his wrist to stop his fingers. He pulled his hand out of your pants, waiting for you to make the next move as he held his breath in anticipation. You lifted your hips from the seat, tucking your fingers into the waistband of your jeans and tugging them down your legs with your panties in tow. You kicked off your shoes and rid yourself of your jeans and panties, leaving them pooled in the footwell of the car. It was all very hurried, but you didn’t want to waste any more time, and Jaemin was so nervous that he just wanted to get things in motion. Jaemin unzipped his jeans, pushing them down slightly and pulling his half hard cock out of his boxers. He gripped his shaft in his shaky hand, giving it a few pumps.
“Let me.” You pushed your hair behind your shoulders and leaned down, kissing the tip of his cock with a teasing peck, before swirling your tongue around the head. Letting out a sultry moan, Jaemin tipped his head back to rest against his seat, his eyes staring up at the ceiling as he got lost in your mouth. You sunk down on his cock, hollowing your cheeks and bobbing your head on him, forcing him to squeeze his eyes shut in pleasure, placing his hand on the top of your head and threading his fingers through your hair. He tugged on your hair gently in encouragement, guiding your head up and down his length with his breathing picking up.
“Baby stop,” He gulped, pulling your head up with his hands cupping your cheeks, his thumb rubbing against your hot skin as he leaned in and pecked your lips with his own. “I wanna cum inside of you.”
“Have you got a condom?” You were on the pill, but you didn’t want to risk getting pregnant, it was something the both of you had discussed before and you’d both came to an agreement that if you have a baby together then it would be planned. Jaemin had seen how badly unplanned pregnancies had been on Jeno and Renjun’s relationships, and even though he knew not every relationship went through tough times because of an unexpected baby, he didn’t want to take the risk.
“Yeah.” He reached over and opened the glove box, pulling out a foil packet and giving you a smile. You watched as he rolled the rubber down his fully hard cock, your stomach fluttering from how hot the sight looked. “Okay, I’m ready.” He pushed his seat back slightly, making room between him and the steering wheel for you. You awkwardly clambered over the centre console and settled down into his lap with your legs either side of his. “Hi.” He chuckled weakly, his cheeks already red from how nervous and shy he suddenly felt.
“Hi.” You nuzzled your nose against his, laying a gentle kiss on his lips as you placed one hand on his shoulder, the other one gripping his cock to line it up with your almost dripping centre. Jaemin’s hands found purchase on your hips, his breath hitching as you slowly lowered yourself onto him.
“Oh my-” You cut him off by smashing your lips into his, his moan melting into your mouth as you circled your hips, sitting comfortably and ignoring the slight sting from the stretch you hadn’t felt in so long. “Shit.” He mumbled; the words muffled against your lips. You couldn’t help the big smile that stretched across your lips, overjoyed at giving Jaemin something he’d been waiting for long for and getting such a positive reaction from him. You felt a rush of heat go through you as you realised how hot it was getting in the car, your eyes drifting from Jaemin over to the windows that were all fogged up from the heated situation between you both. He followed your gaze and mirrored your smile, lifting his finger and drawing a heart in the condensation. You laughed and laid your head against his, almost forgetting that his cock was buried balls deep inside of you as you placed a tender kiss on his cheek.
“Can you take your shirt off?” You whispered, your hands coming down to sit at the hem of his long-sleeved, black shirt. “I… wanna see your tattoos.” You felt shy admitting it, but Jaemin’s tattoos were a huge turn on for you. They had an array of colours from wrist to shoulder, mostly black but the colour fitted perfectly with the designs. When he was wearing his long-sleeved t-shirt you couldn’t even tell that he had both arms completely covered in tattoos, and you loved how it was a complete contrast to his butter wouldn’t melt face and baby pink hair. His smirk grew and he nodded his head fast, lifting his arms as you shimmied his shirt over his head, quickly discarding of it in the back seat. “You’re so hot, I’m so lucky.” You dived your face into the crook of his neck, licking a stripe up his slightly salty skin before latching your teeth onto him. You lifted yourself up as you sucked on his neck, his hands settling on your hips as you dropped back down, a dull pang of pleasure mixed slightly with pain blooming to life inside of you.
“Baby! oh…oh!” Jaemin’s moans were like music to your ears when you started to circle your hips, getting a perfect rhythm until you were bouncing in his lap, the car moving up and down in time with you both. Jaemin started to buck his hips up, chasing after the euphoric feeling he’d never experienced in this way before. The heat in the car was rising, and Jaemin’s chest was starting to shine from sweat underneath the moonlight streaming in from the little heart Jaemin made on the window.
“You feel so good.” You praised him, grabbing his face in your hands and licking into his mouth. Jaemin keened at your praise, his hips quicken up as his tongue flicked with yours. You slipped your hands down to the side of his neck and could feel his muscles tense up in, his fingers pressing into your hips tight enough that you were sure they would leave little bruises. You kept your lips on his, trailing your hands down to his biceps and gripping onto them to keep yourself stable. “Right there!” You squealed as you dropped down onto him and he bucked up at the perfect time, the tip of his cock hitting your sensitive spot to your surprise. You knew it was a place that not many men could find, and you hadn’t expected Jaemin to hit it dead on with his first time, but he did, and it left a fire burning inside of you. He smiled, proud of himself for making you feel so good, but it was short lived as his orgasm creeped up on him.
“I’m close,” He whispered, his head falling back and eyes shutting, stars starting to fizzle against the black of eyelids from how hard he was squeezing his eyes shut. “Fuck I’m cumming!” He stopped thrusting, his hips stilling as his cock spurted cum into the condom, a long drawn out whine leaving his parted lips that had also stilled against your mouth. You were close, and you knew if he could deal with some oversensitivity for a few moments then you’d be able to chase your own high. You gripped onto his shoulders and started to bounce on his lap faster than before, short pants leaving your parted lips and your head falling to rest on your left hand on his shoulder. It was when he lifted his hips one final time, his half hard cock slamming once more into your g-spot that you felt your thighs start to quiver, your fingers digging into his skin as your orgasm crashed into you. You’d never came so fast before in your entire life, and it was even more shocking to you that someone who’d never fucked before in their life was the one to bring that onslaught of a feeling to you. It made sense that Jaemin came so quickly, but you had no excuse apart from Jaemin being naturally gifted in the bedroom and from how wound up you were waiting for him to fuck you.
“Fuck.” You huffed out, Jaemin’s arms wrapping around you like a blanket to secure you against his body as he came down from your high. He laid butterfly kisses to your neck as you nuzzled into his shoulder, feeling secure and loved in his hold.
“(Y/N)…” You lifted your head lazily to look him in the eyes, the moon reflecting in his dark irises and causing a pool of something unfamiliar to form in your gut. He took a few deep breaths as you stared into your eyes, his gaze flicking down to scan over your face before lifting back to your enchanting eyes. “I love you.” You then realised what the unfamiliar feeling you were feeling was. It’s what lead you to utter the words back to him.
“I love you too.” In perfect synchronisation you both leaned in, your lips meeting in the middle and sealing the love you’d just confession to each other for the first time.
You hadn’t heard from Jaemin yet. It was 5:30pm and really strange that you hadn’t heard from him since the day prior, when usually on the days you had work, you’d pick your phone up to multiple messages from him. But today, none. It caused a tiny spark of worry in your stomach, mainly because you knew he was very reckless with his car, even though you trusted his driving 100%, you couldn’t trust every other driver on the road. So instead of heading home, you jumped into your car and headed over to his apartment. His car was out the front, in perfect condition as usual, so you crossed that off of reasons why Jaemin hadn’t messaged you. You let out a sigh in relief, stopping your car behind his own, also noting that Haechan’s car was parked on the road, so at least you’d have someone to answer the door even if Jaemin wasn’t home.
As you approached the door you took a deep breath, knocking timidly and knotting your fingers together in anticipation as you waited for someone to answer the door. It wasn’t long before the door opened, Haechan appearing behind the door with a lopsided smile on his face.
“Oh hey (Y/N), Jaemin didn’t say he was expecting you.” He stepped aside, wordlessly telling you to come in. You walked in, taking off your shoes and smiling up at him nervously.
“He isn’t expecting me, but he hasn’t messaged me today and I was just stopping by to see if he was okay. I’m just happy he hasn’t wrapped his car around a tree.” You laughed softly with no amusement in your voice at all.
“Oh…he’s in his room.” He nodded in the direction of Jaemin’s room and watched as you started to walk towards it. “(Y/N),” He called out quietly causing you to turn around before you reached the door, tilting your head in question. “He hasn’t had a good day…just a heads up.”
“Okay.” You nodded and gently knocked on Jaemin’s door before letting yourself in. The first thing you noticed was the curtains were drawn shut, only a few rays of light peeking in through the gaps where the curtains meet. Then you noticed the big lump on the bed. You had a feeling Jaemin was the lump, his back to you and the duvet pulled up over his head. “Jaem…?” You called out, waking around the bed and catching the eyes of Jaemin. His eyes were completely bloodshot, and only his head was poking out from the duvet, his hair messier than you’d ever seen before.
“Hey.” He mumbled with no enthusiasm evident in his voice. He sniffed, poking a hand up from his duvet to wipe at his eyes, giving you proof that he’d cried at least once today. He made no effort to get up, simply staring at you with a horribly emotionless look behind his eyes.
“What’s wrong?” You sat down on the bed beside his body, your hand settling on the top of the lump where you assumed his hip was. He let out a long sigh and momentarily shut his eyes, as if he was bracing himself for something. You’d never seen Jaemin in this state before. He’d always presented himself as a positive, happy person, so to see him looking as broken as he did when he opened his eyes to look at you again shook you to the core. But even the happiest person on the world has their moments of sadness too.
“I don’t want to burden you.” He settled on, the lump moving as he shrugged his shoulders, his lips naturally pouting like a stubborn child.
“Are you sick?” You quizzed on, your stomach starting to curdle from the worry you felt at seeing your normally bubbly boyfriend looking so glum.
“Did something happen?”
“Did I do something wrong?”
“No, it’s not you.”
“Did something happen with the boys?”
“Did something happy with your grandma?”
“No.” You were starting to feel defeated and slightly frustrated that he wasn’t cooperating with you.
“Okay.” You shrugged, completely giving up and letting out an irritated sigh. You stayed silent, turning away from him slightly to look around his room. You noticed his phone on charge across the room, his normally put away clothes just strewn across the floor as if he’d completely just thrown them there. You pulled your hand away from him and instead knotted it up with your other hand, twiddling your fingers together as you got lost in your thoughts. You felt sick with worry, not knowing how when he would recover from whatever was floating around in his own head. His voice pulled your out of your thoughts, your stomach dropping at what he said.
“I have severe depression, and today I woke up and wanted to kill myself to stop the feeling, the only reason I didn’t was because I saw the text you sent me this morning telling me to have a good day and that you love me. Then I felt awful because I know how it feels to lose someone, and it isn’t ever a feeling I want you to feel.” He let out a soft sob, his eyes squeezing shut and taking in a deep breath as he looked up at the back of your head. He could tell from how your body was shaking that you were crying silently. Your face was creased up as you cried for your boyfriend, feeling your heart crack at this confession.
“Jaemin…” You stood up and turned to face him, tugging the duvet out of his grip. You stripped off your uniform, mainly for hygiene reasons, so you were just in your underwear before you climbed into his bed with him, pressing your forehead against his own. “Thank you.” You whispered, your hand finding on of his underneath the duvet and threading your fingers with his.
“What for?” He gulped, his pillow now wet and uncomfortable but he couldn’t find it in him to care as he felt you there with him.
“For not doing it.” You couldn’t even think of the words to describe the horrible feeling you had swirling around inside of your tense stomach. Your boyfriend had just admitted something so incredibly crushing to you, and the only thing you could think of was how he had kept this to himself for the past five months of your relationship. You weren’t mad. You didn’t think you could ever be mad at him for this. No, you were heartbroken. Heartbroken for him because he had been fighting an internal battle all on his own when you could have been there as a support beam for him. “Talk to me in future, I’m so in love with you and I never want you to fight anything on your own.” Your voice was shaky, small sobs still falling from your lips as you gripped onto his hand tightly.
“I’ll be okay.” He whispered, moving his head up and placing a lingering kiss on your forehead.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He pulled his hand out of your grip, instead wrapping his arms around your torso and holding you tightly against his chest. He didn’t want to see you cry because of him, so if he hugged you it would block your face from his vision, and he could bring you comfort. He also didn’t want you to see the tears falling from his red eyes.
“I wanted to pretend everything was perfect. You’re perfect for me, and I wanted a life to match that. I’m sorry baby.” He breathed through his mouth to try and steady out his breathing, his arms tightening around you like a vice.
“You haven’t got to apologise…can I ask why you have depression?” He took a deep breath at your question. You could feel and hear his heart beating against your ear, the steady thumps bringing you more comfort that you thought it ever could. Jaemin poured his heart out to you completely, not missing out any details about his past, answering all the unasked questions you had in your head that you had waited patiently for him to open up to you about. He told you more about his birth, going into detail about his parents and his grandmother. You’d heard this before when you had babysat with him, but this time he told you everything in finer detail. Then he told you about his stunted growth and how he was bullied severely at school, which is what caused him to be the person he is today. It made sense that he wanted people to see him as a positive person, but you found it hard to wrap your head around how someone who went through all of that could be as positive as he had always appeared to be without having an episode like he was currently going through. It made perfect sense to you, and you felt like you understood Jaemin a lot more now. The final piece of the puzzle that was Jaemin fitting into place.
“I promise that I don’t go through phases like this often, and I don’t really have a trigger…it just randomly hits me, and I guess today was one of those days.” His hands rubbed up and down your back, his fingertips tracing circles in on your bare skin sending shivers through you.
“It wouldn’t matter to me if you went had phases like this all the time, I love you for you, depression included.” You laughed very softly, closing your eyes from how his heartbeat and your eyes, tired from cry, was making you feel sleepy. He let out a gentle laugh, his lips placing a firm kiss to your head. “Tell me in future, I’ll call in sick and we can spend the day as bed burritos together okay?”
“Bed burritos?” He raised an eyebrow in confusion, already feeling a flicker of positivity burning like a tiny flame inside the pit of negativity inside of him.
“Yeah, you were wrapped up in your duvet like a burrito. Bed burrito.” You yawned, totally relaxed with him now, a complete contrast to how you felt when you’d entered the room. Jaemin laughed again, the flicker inside of him growing again.
“Okay beautiful.” He moved a hand down to pat your butt affectionately and with no intention behind it. It was when you fell asleep on his chest, and he looked down at your peacefully sleeping face that he realised you were the woman he’d dreamt of every time he’d fantasied about his perfect future. The mysterious woman in all of his visions, the one walking down the aisle, the one holding his faceless children’s hands, the one growing old beside him, now having a face and a name.
Jaemin had never felt so nervous before in his entire life. And that was saying something, considering the rollercoaster of a life he’d lived. But even the nervousness of going to school, the nervousness of his first race, and his nervousness to lose his virginity couldn’t compared to this. But he’d made his mind up, and he was determined not to chicken out. ‘Chill out man, it’s not like you’re going to ask her to marry you, you’re only asking her if she wants to move in with you. You know she’ll say yes, so be chill.’ Jeno’s words rang through his head as he held you in his arms, swaying with you in the darkness of the night, the moon and the stars the only witnesses to his nerves since you hadn’t seemed to have caught on to his slightly tense body and shaky hands.
“Are you cold?” You spoke to softly Jaemin almost didn’t catch your words as you spoke them into his neck, your head tucked under his chin in your favourite spot. You felt so secure and loved when you snuggled into him like that, and he always pulled you to that position if he held you. “Your hands are shaking.” You could feel how his fingers were tapping against you from the way they shook, and even though you were enjoying your little slow dance under the moonlight, you’d prefer Jaemin didn’t catch a cold. The breeze was slow, and the air was warm, but you knew everyone reacted to temperature differently. Something you’d been made aware of working as a carer, most of your elderly clients feeling the cold a lot more than you and complaining about it despite the sweat you had on your forehead from being so hot.
“No, I’m okay…are you cold?” He glanced up at the sky, the moon being bright and easily visible through the clearing in the trees. This was the spot where he’d lost his virginity, and he loved to come here not only to relive that moment in his thoughts, but because it was peaceful and serene, nobody around to disturb the calm.
“I’m toasty.” You giggled, your arms wrapped around his neck as you snuggled into his warmth further, if it was even possible. He let out a quick laugh and then gently tugged you away from him, his eyes darting over your face quickly. You furrowed your eyebrows at how he was looking at you, about to ask him if he was feeling okay when he leaned in, catching your lips with his own. You closed your eyes, moving your lips slowly with his as his hand came up to stroke your cheek with so much delicacy you could hardly feel his feather light touch. He broke the kiss and whispered against your lips.
“Keep your eyes closed.” He took a step back from you and took a deep breath. You kept your eyes closed, slightly scared he was going to run away and make you play a sadistic game of hide and seek in a dark forest. But then you felt stupid because you knew Jaemin would never make you do that. You almost giggled to yourself from the thought when Jaemin spoke up again. “Okay so, I’ve waited for you for what feels like forever. And now that you’re in my life I know I never want to you leave again, and I want to wake up beside you every morning. You’ve brought so much joy and love I never knew I could feel from anyone other than my grandma,” He let out an awkward laugh after he said that, then carried on, swallowing the lump in his throat. “You’ve shown that you’ll support me through thick and thin these past six months and I’ve never been so sure of something before in my life as that I’m sure you’re the love of my life…Okay open your eyes.” When you opened them you were confused for a second, wondering when Jaemin became a magician and could disappear so fast when his voice was clearly in front of you. You had been told by Jeno a few days prior that Jaemin was going to ask you to move in with him, his excuse for telling you was ‘he’s going to be super nervous so if you’re going to say no then at least you can plan your way of letting him down gently.’ And you assumed this was his way of asking you to move in with him, expecting him to be holding a key when you opened your eyes, and you were definitely going to say yes. However, when your line of sight drifted down and your jaw almost hit the floor when you saw him down on one knee, a ring in a box in his hand and a nervous look on his face, not so expertly covered by a smile.
“Will you marry me?”
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shyrose57 · 3 years
Shadow over snowchester au!
I’d like to imagine that Tommy and Purple tell the girl’s fairytales and other story’s right before going to sleep for the night, Clementine alway’s fall a sleep first while Clara stay’s awake till the end to ask questions about the stories like, ‘why did the queen poison Snow White?’ Or ‘why did Snow White eat something a stranger gave her! Didn’t any one tell her how dangerous that is!’.
Tommy alway’s checks on his daughters while at night because A: neither of them can hear or see him coming, so he always catches them awake past bed time, and B: he’s a bit paranoid something might come and take his little girl’s ;-;
Because no one know’s Clara’s birth day they just asume she’s a year younger then Clementine, which she’s okay with!
Clementine get’s jealous easily, even with Michael if he spends enough time with either of her dad’s, so she was pretty upset and moody when Clara showed up and suddenly Clara got everyone’s attention, including daddy and papa! Thus she end’s up running away only to be found by techno and Phil, who both end up bonding with her especially techno because he’s like ‘been there done that’ and return her to her father’s who were worried sick.
Thing’s turn out better in the end with Clara and Clementine bickering constantly, just like Tommy and Wilbur.
Clara enjoy’s the garden/greenhouse and even convinced her Papa (Tommy) to put some sort of play area for the kid’s considering how much of their time is spent in the garden, the area has a marble path and is completely filled with the friendliest of all the flower’s on the garden, any harmful ones are completely forbidden, the area has a huge marble gazebo with no-throned rose’s and vines, it has tables, book’s, Paper, pencil’s, even a chalkboard, fridge, and maps! It becomes more of a kindergarten/ school for the kid’s but overall a hangout place for tea and date’s. ( who work’s / teaches is up to you!)
Tubbo take’s Michael around snowchester as a way to get him to exercise yet they almost alway’s find themselves at the garden hanging out with Tommy, Clementine, and Clara. Clementine and Michael are running around playing l’manburg, and other game’s, while Clara is all cozy and snuggly on Tommy's lap as he tends to a bunch of blue flower’ (courtesy of ghost ur) and Tubbo complains about Michael growing too fast and how it’s not fair Tommy has two children, not to mention fawning over Clara’s adorable way’s.
Clementine and Michael call themselves the together duo, though other’s joke about them being clingy duo the second, especially after they started three repetitive fire’s, pranked almost everyone, and overall created absolute chaos, no one thinks Clementine or Michael had a part in them, instead, this feeds into Tubbo being some sort of god theory.
Ponk, Punz, Quackity, Techno, and Wilbur all have competition on who can spoil their nieces the most. (it never ends well ;-;)
Fairy tales are a very important part of growth! 
Clem and Clara are like day and night, so while Clementine’s always very energetic and bright in the day, Clara’s a night owl-they thought she might be nocturnal for awhile there. So the former’s usually out like a light pretty quick, but Clara takes longer to ease to sleep. 
Tommy’s fear is valid. Seriously, his past history with caring for things hasn’t ended well, with so many fights and grudges. He completely abuses his phantom powers to do this-both because he enjoys sneaking up on them, and because if they’re actually asleep, he doesn’t want to wake them-Clem’s a light sleeper. 
Clara is very mature for her age, and quiet, but the baby fat on her cheeks betrays her true youth, and Puffy’s adopted enough kids to be able to tell their ages easily enough, so they reckon she’s got to be at least a year younger. Maybe more, but who knows? 
Clementine’s an independent child, so I imagine originally, she doesn’t mind Clara that much. Everyone tends to hover over the kids, because it’s dangerous, and they worry, which is perfectly valid, but she’s a free spirit, and she’s never liked being stifled.
Then Clara starts taking more of their time, and they stop being with her so much, and it’s not as great as Clem thought it would be. So she decides to go on an adventure, all by herself, because she doesn’t need her dads to worry over her anymore-in fact, she’ll bring back something cool, just to prove it. 
Of course, Clem gets a bit in over her head. Luckily, Techno and Phil are nearby, realize ‘isn’t that Tommy’s kid?’ and help her out. Techno, much to his dismay, is left alone with the small child while Phil goes to get one of her parents.
It’s not so bad though, once past the initial awkwardness. The kid reminds him of Phil and Tommy, with that adventurous spirit. And she’s got a surprising enjoyment of fighting(cause Purpled and Tommy teach it to her as a bonding activity, and Purpled and Ranboo spar to impress Tommy and Tubbo, and Tommy and Tubbo train together. Just, positive associations with it), which he can get behind.
So Phil comes back with Clem’s worried parents, and Clem has a new sword. Techno insist she took it. But, he has too many anyway, and they’re cluttering up the area, so she can keep it, he guesses.
Tommy, who’s gotten many of his own childhood weapons from that very sentence, just raises an eyebrow. 
After that whole thing, and thinking back to some of Uncle Techno’s stories about his own sibling, Clementine decides she’ll be a good older sibling, and protect Clara like Uncle Tech did Uncle Wilby, and everyone in Snowchester protects each other.
Clara takes it it stride, and Clem makes her act a bit more her age, which is nice for everyone to see. 
The garden is a good place for the kids to hang out, because even the most dangerous of plants know better than to touch any of the kids. But them having their own little area in there away from it all definitely makes the parents feel better. 
Tommy tends to be the go-to house-parent a lot, with Purpled out doing jobs, Ranboo being the voice of reason in the Syndicate, and mining, and Tubbo doing his job as leader of Snowchester. When he wants to go and help Purpled out or otherwise, Tubbo and Ranboo will watch the kids. If not them, then Puffy, or somebody else. The kids usually end up outside drinking cocoa with whoever’s watching them while waiting for their parents to finish up. It’s nice.
Tubbo and Ghostbur coo over Clara a lot. She’s adorable, they can’t help it. But they’re also very helpful. Clara seems pretty happy to hang out with Tubbo when one of her dads can’t watch her, and Ghostbur has experience with taking care of young kids, so that’s really useful. 
Tubbo constantly complains that Michael’s gonna be the one carrying him around eventually, and he dreads the day(he doesn’t, he’s very proud of his son, but he misses being able to tot him around and having to help him reach the counter). 
The Together Duo! Very cute. The first time they proclaim themselves as such, everyone’s hearts just completely melt. Ranboo snapped a picture of Tommy and Tubbo holding their respective kids, and titled it ‘Second generation’s duo’, and it hangs on the wall in both their homes. 
Michael and Clem are a very chaotic duo. How did this end up getting blamed on Tubbo? Who knows, honestly. At this point, somebody could probably say Tubbo invented sheep, and nobody would blink. 
All the kids are very, very spoiled. To the point where their parents have limited the amount of spoiling that can be done-and no, they won’t change it, the last time they let you guys go wild, you nearly crushed poor Tubbo under a gift avalanche! 
An avalanche!
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kurts-still-here · 3 years
What’s Love? Glee TOT Challenge FanFiction
@celery-elliry @useless-fanfictions @gleethisorthatchallenge
Hi everyone, this is my fourth fic for the Glee TOT Challenge and the prompt I choose was Platonic Love because I have way to many Kurt ships that I love but even if Kurt can't love all of them as a partner, he can love them as a friend :) Hope everyone enjoys and tells me what they thought of it etheir on here, A03 OR FanFiction.Net. Happy reading 🤗🤗😁😁
Archive Of Our Own
 “I’m gay,” Kurt admitted to Mercedes, tears in his eyes. She was the first person he had ever told and this was the first time he had ever admitted it out loud.
 “Why didn’t you just tell me?” Mercedes asked sympathetically.
 “Because I’ve... never told anyone actually,” Kurt shrugged.
 “You shouldn't be ashamed of who you are, Kurt,” She told him, shaking her head. “You should just tell people. Especially the kids in glee. The whole point of the club is about expressing what’s really inside you. Remember?”
 “I can’t,” Kurt said, ashamed of himself. “I’m just not that confident, I guess,”
 He started to walk away from her with his head held high but then he turned around to look at her again.
 “But I still love you Mercedes,” He told her, the tears streaming down his face. “You’re the first friend I’ve ever made as pathetic as that sounds. I just want you to know that,”
 “Of course boo,” Mercedes smiled. “I love you too, I guess just a little bit more than you love me. But I’ll get over it,”
 “I’m sorry,” Kurt apologized. “I shouldn't have lied to you. I’ve just had a lot of trouble… ya know… accepting it,”
 “You don’t have to explain yourself or apologize Kurt,” Mercedes assured him. “You are who you are and you like who you like and I’m not mad at you at all for that. I’m glad you felt like you could tell me. Thank you,”
 “Okay,” Kurt said quietly before turning around and walking away from her. 
 He had known he was different for a long time now and he had discovered he was gay not long after but he knew how the LGBT+ community was viewed in his community. It wasn’t approved of and he got enough harassment for his voice and choices of clothing, he couldn’t imagine what he would have to endure if he came out to the public. He just couldn’t do it yet. He was hoping that maybe one day people would be more accepting of gay people or that he would gather enough courage to not think of what they thought but he wasn’t there yet. He wasn’t necessarily ashamed of himself but he wasn’t proud either. He felt like a coward for hiding who he really was, especially from his dad. He was just scared of how his dad would react. He loved him so much and he didn’t want to ruin their relationship in the case that he wouldn’t accept him. He would do it eventually though because he didn’t want to hide the real him from the person he loved most in the world
Both boys were sitting in the basement on the couch watching a movie together. Finn had his arm wrapped around Kurt’s shoulder and they were snuggled close together. Finn’s behavior seemed a little weird to Kurt seeing that Finn usually avoided physical contact with him but he just brushed it off thinking that Finn was just trying to make up for the “faggy lamp incident”. Besides Kurt didn’t exactly hate the hug, it felt nice.
 The credits started rolling on the movie and Finn turned to face Kurt.
 “That was nice,” Finn said with a goofy smile on his face.
 “Yeah it was,” Kurt smiled back. “Do you want to watch another one?”
 “Sure,” Finn said, his expression changing to a pained look. “Wait though. Before we do I want to talk to you,”
 “Okay. What is it?” Kurt asked. “I hope it’s nothing bad,”
 “No no, nothing bad,” Finn said, getting nervous. At least I hope you don’t think it’s bad,”
 “Well just tell me Finn,” Kurt encouraged him. “Chances are I won’t judge you,”
 “Okay, here goes nothing,” Finn said. “I’m just going to come out and say this but… I think I’m gay,”
 “Oh,” Kurt said, his eyes widening. “That’s great Finn. I’m glad you told me. So who’s the lucky guy?”
 “Um… you?” Finn said, looking down at his hands.
 “Me?” Kurt breathed.
 “Yeah, I don’t know, it’s just I feel like I love anyone. Like I liked Quinn before the baygate thing because she was pretty and I like Rachel because she’s nice to me and because she’s pretty and then I like you because you’re really nice and you don’t think I’m stupid and you’re pretty cute but then I like Puck because he’s my bro and he has nice muscles and abs and… I don’t know… it’s frustrating,” Finn sighed, turning red.
 “It sounds like you’re bisexual,” Kurt told him. “It means you're attracted to both genders,”
 “Oh, so I’m not crazy,” Finn said to himself, making Kurt laugh. “I also like it when you laugh. I like it when you’re happy and I’m sorry about you’re lamp,”
 “Finn, you don’t have to apologize to me again. I know you’re sorry,” Kurt assured him, still blushing from Finn’s comment.
 “But I do,” Finn groaned, frustrated with himself. “I was a real douche and it wasn’t fair to you and I was just angry because I couldn’t accept myself like you can,”
 “Well you’re accepting yourself now,” Kurt told him. “By telling me,”
 “I guess so,” Finn shrugged. “But what do you think? About… me,”
 “Oh,” Kurt said, his face turning from pink to white. “Finn you know I love you but I think it’s just… as a friend or as a brother,”
 “Oh,” Finn said, tears coming to his eyes. “That’s fine,”
 “Finn it’s not you trust me,” Kurt said, placing his hand on Finn’s arm. “Any guy or girl would be lucky to have you, including me. It’s just that I’m not that lucky guy. You’ll find someone better,”
 “Nah I don’t think I will,” Finn said, quickly wiping his tears. “I mean I ruined things with Quinn and then with Rachel and I’m pretty sure Puck’s straight so you were kind of my last hope, not to make you feel bad. I think I should… I should just go,”
 “Finn please don’t do this,” Kurt begged him as Finn stood up. “Let’s just talk about this, I don’t want you to be mad at me,”
 “No I’m not mad Kurt,” Finn told him. “I just need some time to myself. But I’m sorry that I told you all of this. And I’m sorry you don’t love me back,”
 “Finn you don’t have to apologize, you have nothing to be sorry for,” Kurt said, wiping the tears that were now on his face too. “And I do love you, you’re my friend,”
 “You know what I mean Kurt,” Finn said with a sad smile. “But it’s fine really, don’t worry about it. And thanks for clearing the bi thing up for me, it means a lot to me,”
 “Your welcome,” Kurt whispered as Finn went up the stairs. He had just ruined a friendship that he really cherished but he would’ve ruined it even more if he told Finn that he loved him when he really didn’t. Sure there was the little crush that he had had on him a couple of months ago but it had faded and now he saw Finn as nothing more than a friend. He just didn’t know what love really felt like, what the difference between romantic love and platonic love really was. Yes he loved his dad and Carol and Mercdes and the rest of the glee club but as friends and family, not as partners. Love was complicated, it was messy and Kurt was still trying to come to terms with being gay and accepting himself, he wasn’t ready for a relationship yet.
The New Directions were over at the Hudmel house for a get together and Kurt was in the kitchen, gathering snacks for everyone when Puck walked with that smirk that he always wore on his face.
 “Hey babe,” He said, looking down at Kurt's ass. “You need any help?”
 “I’m good Noah,” Kurt said, annoyed. Was Puck so desperate now that he was flirting with boys? “And since when am I babe?”
 “Since this,” Puck said before walking up to Kurt, taking him by surprise and kissing him hard on the lips. Kurt didn’t know what to do since Puck had a strong grip on him so he just stayed leaned back with Puck’s lips on his until Noah came back up for some air.
 “So what did you think?” Puck asked, raising an eyebrow. “Did I blow you’re gay little mind?”
 “Um… no?” Kurt said in a questioning tone. “I just… are you gay?”
 “Yeah something like that,” Puck said, waving his hand in the air. “I think I like anything but I forget what it’s called,”
 “You mean your pan, pansexual?” Kurt asked. “You don’t care about gender or gender identity. It actually makes a lot of sense,”
 “Well anyway,” Puck interrupted, frowning. “Do you love me?”
 “Noah, I'm not doing this right now,” Kurt said, shaking his head. It was Finn and Mercedes all over again. “We’re friends and that’s probably all we’ll ever be. I guess I could say I love you but as a friend, not as a lover. I’m not ready for a relationship yet,”
 “But you had a crush on Finn?” Puck pointed out. “What gives?”
 “Like you said, it was a crush that went away. And unlike you Finn was nice to me but I doubt I ever had romantic feelings for him in any way. I’ve already had this conversation with him,” Kurt explained.
 “Wait so Finn’s gay too?” Puck asked. “I might have to tap that,”
 “Actually you should, he likes you.” Kurt said. “Something about your muscles and abs,”
 “But what do you think about my muscles and abs babe?” Puck asked with a mischievous smile. “Isn’t it hot?”
 “Sure,” Kurt said sarcastically. “But like I said Noah, I’m flattered, I really am but the answer is no,”
 “Fine then,” Puck huffed. “But trust me, I’m not going to give up so easily. One day you’ll be begging for me to take you and I’ll make you suffer and wait,”
 “God do you always have to be so cheesy?” Kurt asked. “It makes me sick,”
 “You know you love it Princess,” Puck yelled back at him as he walked back into the living room with everyone else.
 “Yeah right,” Kurt said under his breath as he gathered up all the trays of food and brought them out to the living room. This was the third time now and if he hadn’t loved Finn in that way then he definitely didn’t love Puck in that. He sighed as he placed everything out on the table before rubbing his face with his hands in exhaustion.
 “Are you okay Kurt?” Quinn asked him.
 “I’m fine,” Kurt said, smiling at the group. Then he saw Puck’s smirk again and decided that he needed some space. “I just… forgot something upstairs in my room. I’ll be back,”
 He left the room and walked upstairs before walking into his room and closing the door behind him, sinking down against the door. It shouldn’t bother him so much but it did. There were three people now that had “loved” and he didn’t love them back. It just made him wonder if he was ever going to find true love at all and if he was ever even going to know what love felt like.
“I love you,” Sam admitted and Kurt internally groaned. Not again.
 “Sam,” Kurt started to say but Sam interrupted him, taking Kurt’s hands in his.
 “Shh, don’t say anything and just let me explain,” Sam said but this time Kurt interpreted him.
 “Sam, you’re my friend, god I say that a lot,” He added sarcastically. “But I’m not ready for a relationship right now. I love you platonically and that’s that. Please don’t make me feel even worse than I already do by trying to persuade me into going out with you. I’ve been through this plenty of times before,”
 Sam looked down, ashamed and disappointed and now Kurt wished that he would say something instead of just looking defeated.
 “Hey don’t be upset Sam please,” Kurt begged him. “It’s not you, you’re perfect and I’m really flattered but I’m still figuring things out for myself and it wouldn’t be fair to you to be with me when I not sure of anything,”
 “No I get it,” Sam said, looking up at Kurt with tears in his eyes. God, why did they always have to cry?” “Really I do it’s just that you’re so nice and cute and I had the stupid idea that maybe you’d like me too but it’s stupid really. And I guess I’m not really sure about anything either. I don’t know what I am, if I’m bi or if I just like boys. It’s hard,”
 “I know it is,” Kurt assured him, rubbing Sam’s back. “Trust me, I knew I was gay since I was six years old and I’m still trying to fully accept myself. But you aren’t alone Sam. I’m here if you ever want to talk and Finn and Puck seem like they have whatever’s going on with them figured out so you can talk to them too. We’re all here for you,”
 “I know,” Sam said, smiling at Kurt and wiping his tears. “Thanks,”
 “You’ll find someone,” Kurt told him, giving Sam a hug. “But just remember you come first,”
 “Yeah, I will,” Sam told him, returning the hug.
 Kurt told himself that what he told Sam also applied to him. He was going to figure out what love really felt like and he was going to find someone that loved him and someone who loved him back. He had to, he wanted to know the feeling. Now just wasn’t the right time and once again, he had to put himself first.
“I love you,” Blaine said dreamily, staring at Kurt with his handsome eyes and making Kurt choke on his coffee a little. Why does this always happen to me?
 Blaine still had his eyes on Kurt and was waiting for Kurt to respond with an “I love you too,” so Kurt was relieved when Mercedes and Sam walked in with one another making Blaine turn around.
 “Oh hey, what are you guys doing here?” Blaine asked, having moved on from the previous discussion.
 “I’m just getting a coffee,” Sam said, swaying back and forth on his feet.
 “Yeah we ran into each other in the parking lot,” Mercedes added. ‘Hmm, sure you did,’ Kurt thought to himself he had noticed how smiley they were acting towards each other lately. They were in love and Kurt was happy for them, especially since they had both had a crush on him and now they had each other. At least Sam now knew that he was bi and they both had their love lives together. It was more than he could say for himself.
 Blaine started talking about his summer plans with them while Kurt tried to figure out what he was going to say about Blaine’s “I love you,” when Mercedes and Sam walked away and Blaine turned his focus back onto Kurt.
 “Hey cutie,” He smiled again.
 “Umm. hi,” Kurt said nervously. “I’m really sorry Blaine but I just remembered that I promised my dad that I would help him… at the garage so we’re going to have to cut this coffee date short,”
 “Oh yeah,” Blaine said, wearing a smile even though Kurt could tell he was disappointed. “That’s okay. A promise is a promise,”
 “Yeah,” Kurt said, standing up and grabbing his cup and bag. “See you later,”
 He then rushed out of the coffee shop and with his luck of course it was raining outside. He started crying. He liked Blaine, that’s why they were dating and he had spent so long pining after him and now he was going to ruin the good thing going on between them because he couldn’t say three simple words. I love you. Of course he could say them but he just didn’t want to lie. He didn’t want to say those words and then have it turn out that he didn’t love Blaine and ruin their friendship. He loved Blaine but… once again, maybe it was just platonic. And maybe he just wasn’t meant to love anyone.
“I love you,” Kurt found himself saying to Elliot once they reached his apartment. They had been really good friends for a while now and Elliot had just taken him out on their first date to a nice restaurant. 
 “Like as a friend or as more?” Elliot asked, obviously joking with a smile on his face. Elliot knew how Kurt had felt about love and partners in the past and had been patient with him even though he loved Kurt romantically.
 “I think… as more,” Kurt confessed. “I’m really nervous and have a weird feeling in my stomach, not like I’m sick or anything but...I think I love you Elliot. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before and for once...I think I honestly know exactly how I feel about someone,”
 They paused for a moment, Kurt with tears of joy in his eyes before Elliot leant in and kissed Kurt. And Kurt had only been kissed twice before, once by Puck and once by Blaine but when he kissed Elliot he felt a spark of energy between them and he knew he loved him, the feeling was confirmed.
 When they pulled away from each other, they held each other’s hands and Kurt had never been happier in his life before. He had spent a huge part of his life worrying that he would never find someone who felt the same way as he did, who he loved and here he was, he had finally found Elliot. It all felt amazing.
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ariesbilly · 3 years
gladice + 5
5. “What the hell did I just walk into?”
Alice takes advantage of her empty house. The all-encompassing quiet inspires her to have some “me time” she’s rarely allowed anymore with two tots running around. She moves the couch in the living room out of the way and sets her laptop up on one of the end tables so she can follow along to a yoga video she found online.
She starts with a few deep breathing exercises, getting her heart rate to an even, calm resting place. Spends the allotted meditation time mentally creating a grocery list for later because organization keeps her zen.
Her phone pings a couple of times in the kitchen where she’s left it, trying to cut down her distractions. She pauses briefly, considering whether or not she should get up to see who’s texting, but decides whoever it is can call if it’s important enough. 
She’s already well into her poses when she hears the door open behind her.  Eyes closed, focusing on her breaths, she assumes it’s Betty or the twins and doesn’t pay it much mind. Until.
“What the hell did I just walk into?” an amused voice says.
Alice’s eyes shoot open. She knows that voice. What she doesn’t know is what the hell its owner is doing in her house.
She sees Gladys from an upside down view from being currently bent over in her living room, face down, ass up. It doesn’t take her long to register the smirk on the other woman’s face.
With a grunt, Alice is quick to fix herself upright, closing her laptop in the process. “What are you doing here?” she asks, skipping any pleasantries. 
Gladys remains unbothered as always, predatory gleam in her eye. “Just wanted to check up on my house. See what you’ve done with the place.”
Alice stands there hands on her hips, rolling her eyes. “It’s not your house anymore.”
“Oh, weird,” Gladys says, looking around in a show of confusion. “You should probably consider changing the locks, then.” She holds up a key beside her face, jangles it just to taunt Alice.
Except Alice isn’t interested in playing this game. “Fine, I will.” She huffs, walking by Gladys towards the kitchen. “What are you even doing here, Gladys? You fuck things up in Toledo?” She opens the fridge, searching for a bottle of water.
Gladys shrugs, strolling her way towards the kitchen. “Why? You worried about me?”
Alice shuts the refrigerator door, finds Gladys casually leaning against the kitchen island watching her, hands stuffed in her jacket pockets. When Alice just keeps staring, obviously not dignifying that question with a response, Gladys continues. 
“I came to visit my kid. Is that okay with you?”
“Jughead doesn’t live here anymore,” Alice responds before taking a sip of water.
“No shit,” Gladys deadpans. “I was next door visiting Fred and FP. Thought I’d stop by... check on my best girl...” 
Gladys’ mouth ticks up in a smirk - that Alice finds... so annoyingly sexy even after all these years - as she reaches a hand forward to grip softly at Alice’s hip.
Alice does her best to keep her features neutral. Doesn’t even so much as lean into Gladys’ touch, no matter how desperately her body may want it. It’s because she hasn’t gotten laid in ... longer than she’d care to admit. That’s all. It has nothing to do with Gladys.
It doesn’t do anything to sway Gladys, though. And Alice knows that. Knows that no reaction is just as good as any reaction because it’s always been they’re thing; Alice fights off her baser instincts while Gladys is playing cat and mouse, doing whatever she can to lure Alice in. And it always works. Because Alice is an idiot who never learns. 
But she’s too old for that shit now. Gladys may be staring at her like she’s water in the desert, tracing her finger along the exposed skin between Alice’s pastel pink sports bra and matching leggings, and it may be leaving goosebumps in its wake, but. It’s just a biological reaction. Nothing she can control. It doesn’t mean anything.
“So, what?” Alice starts, her voice a little lower, a little breathier than she’d care for it to be. “You think you can just stroll back into town after 8 years, break into my house-”
“I have a key.”
Alice ignores her. “And expect me to just let you, what? Ravish me like some harlot in one of those trashy romance novels you left behind?”
Gladys’ eyebrow quirks, amused. “You went through my things?”
“My house. My things.” Alice is being firmer now. A brick wall that won’t be broken down.
Gladys isn’t even mad, is the worst part. She just looks down, laughing as she shakes her head. The same way she did when they were teenagers. When she thought Alice was being cute.
It’s infuriating the way it still makes Alice’s knees go a little weak.
“You’re still unbelievable, you know that?” Gladys’ voice is too fond for Alice to take right now, not with the way she’s looking at her now.
Alice crosses her arms over her chest in some sort of protective stance. “And you’re wasting my me-time. The kids are gonna be home soon.”
Gladys laughs again. “Christ, that’s right. You’re a grandma-”
“Be quiet!” Alice slams her hand into Gladys’ shoulder, the first big reaction she’s had this whole time. 
It’s not that Alice doesn’t take pride in being a grandmother, but she doesn’t appreciate being mocked over it.
“Relax!” Gladys pulls her just an inch closer. Alice allows it. “It’s sexy.” Her hand travels up, dips just underneath the hem of Alice’s sports bra. “Don’t think I’ve ever fucked a grandma before...”
Alice shoves away from her with a groan. Gladys just tilts her heads back and laughs. “And you never will, you demented little bridge troll!”
It does nothing to dissuade Gladys, who just stands there eyeing Alice up and down with a smile. “I don’t know about that, blondie.” She taps her knuckles on the island a couple times before pushing off, finally heading for the door, much to Alice’s delight.
“I’m in town for a couple more days,” Gladys offers as she turns around to face Alice once more, walking backwards. “Plenty of time for us to get up to some trouble.”
“In your dreams, Gladys.”
“Don’t you know it,” Gladys says with a wink, all cocky and self assured before slamming the door behind her.
Alice groans again, shaking off whatever the hell that was. She glances over at the clock, figures she’s got enough time before the kids come home for a cold shower.
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freddieslater · 3 years
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Rowing the Rarepair Rowboat: Liz Forbes x Carol Lockwood (The Vampire Diaries)
Liz is out of breath when she finally reaches the table. She manages to keep most of her composure, blowing out a breath and pulling her hair out of its tie to readjust it as she sinks onto the bench in the empty spot beside Abby.
It's safe to say she recieves a few raised eyebrows around the table. She widens her eyes, still in the process of tying the top of her short hair up tightly.
"What's wrong?" she asks, trying to ignore the breathless note in her voice and how her cheeks feel flushed; thankfully her skin doesn't show much of a blush even at it's worst. "What did I miss?"
"A mirror, apparently," Kelly snarks, an eyebrow arched and her mouth twisted down in disgust.
"You're wearing lipstick," Miranda points out more gently. "You just always say you don't like makeup."
"It looks nice!" Abby chimes in, giving her arm a nudge with her elbow, and Miranda agrees, misinterpreting her alarmed expression as embarrassment. "It's just a little smudged. I can fix it for you, if you want? Do you have it with you?"
Liz laughs it off, shaking her head. "I left it at home. It's fine, I'll just take it off. It feels kinda weird and sticky."
"Oh, I've got wipes!" Miranda offers, and reaches into her bag in search of them, handing her one.
Liz gratefully accepts and reaches across the table for it. When she does, the locket around her neck swings and gets caught for a second by the sun.
"That's so cute! Where did you get it?" Miranda asks as Liz takes the wipe to her mouth.
She glances down at it and her heart flutters in panic. It had completely slipped her mind that she was wearing it.
"Oh! Uh..." She touches it lightly, biting her lip as she continues to scrub at it. "My mom gave me it. She found it in the back of the store."
Miranda hums and nods, and Abby says it's so pretty, she can't believe it was just lying around in the back of a store. But they buy it.
Relief sweeps over Liz as Kelly takes control of the conversation and shifts it away from her. She snickers and points at someone across the field. Liz turns along with Abby to see who is the subject of her ridicule today.
Her relief is short-lived.
"Looks like little miss perfect is having troubles in paradise," Kelly says with absolutely no sympathy.
Liz watches with a tightness in her chest as Carol and Richard argue. Carol looks confused and upset, while Richard just looks... well, how he always looks, like a burning match. One more second away from just exploding.
"I... I didn't know they were even still together," Liz remarks, quietly. Guiltily. But no one notices that part.
"They're always on and off," Abby reminds her with no note of concern, already turning back to her lunch with a shrug. "Guess they're off again. Or... are on again and are about to be off again? Honestly, rich people drama is too exhausting."
"Carol isn't rich," Liz defends, her eyes still darting between the arguing maybe-couple and her friends.
"Yeah, my parents were talking about that," Miranda chimes in. "Since Carol's a senior and graduates soon, they want her to marry into the Lockwoods." She then rolls her eyes, picking up a tater tot with her plastic fork. "Apparently founding families do better in this town, and marrying into them ensures your entire future."
"Is that why you have your eye on Grayson?" Abby teases, leaning across the table.
"They can't just... make her marry him, though," Liz says, trying to ignore the doubt that slips into her voice as her finger traces the engraving on the heart locket.
"Aw," Kelly coos mockingly, an acidic bite to her voice, "do you have a crush on little miss perfect, Lezzie?"
Liz's stomach twists -- both at how close to home she hits and the nickname. She turns back around, letting go of her necklace and setting the wipe aside. She hopes she scrubbed all of the lipstick stains off; her lips feel raw enough.
"Kelly," Miranda says warningly at the same time as Abby coldly says, "Shut up, Kelly."
Kelly scowls. She takes her tray, gets up, and leaves with a few muttered words. She joins a group of people sitting further away on the grass, clouds of smoke surrounding them every so often.
Abby gives Liz another gentle nudge and a far warmer look and a smile than what she was wearing a second ago.
"You still coming with us after school?" she asks, and Liz nods.
And everything's suddenly normal again as the three of them go over their plans. The bubble has popped, bringing her back to reality, and thoughts of Carol have floated far away.
Until the next time she catches sight of the locket in the bathroom mirror.
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onelovewonderwoman · 4 years
tater tots and chocolate shop (a.k.a. chen’s convenience store) || eddie brock x reader
listen listen... i know i’ve been gone for a long time and i legit have no excuse but i hope you guys enjoy this unedited excuse of a fic. thinking of doing a smut for this or something smut like for venom/eddie for my other smut blog tho. but we all know we can’t trust me when i say i’m releasing shit anymore smh
tags : @santa-feigh @i-just-wanna-run-hell @munalisax @spiduhgirl @hell-on-cheese-wheels @geeksareunique @violentlybarnes @imissyoualittlemoreeveryday @the-quackson-claxon @curly-haired-holland @courtneychicken @marvel_themed @heycreehere​ @min-amani​ @simonsbluee​ @delicately-important-trash​
words : 4133
warnings : not anything really, just that venom eats someone per usual if ya know what i’m saying... that came off sexual, as sexual as i am, that wasn’t what i meant, he really does just eat a guy sksksksk, also let’s just pretend that chen is single although i’m not sure
“this is venom in eddie’s head”
“this is eddie in his head”
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Eddie really didn’t expect anything new today - Which is something eerily weird for a man housing a deadly symbiote in his own body. Really, he never actually knew what to expect, but never anything out of ordinary; that is, his ordinary. Then again, he had gotten into the swing of things. Having scored a new job as a journalist, three months prior, spent his days at work, although that meant out and about the city of San Francisco. Then, he’d drop by Chen’s convenience store every couple of days to pick up the symbiote’s, Venom, favourite snacks (and now forcefully his too); tater tots and chocolate. For whatever reason, it made an impression on the creature, so Eddie rolled with it. 
The new thing Eddie didn’t expect, though, was the woman behind the counter. Usually, he would walk in and see Ms. Chen behind these counter, greet her as usual, sometimes even getting an earful from her about how “tense he looked” and how he should start meditating (although, that is why he loved the woman - she felt sort of like a concerning mother figure to him), pick up what he needed then pay and leave. Simple. 
Except this time, there was no Ms. Chen behind the counter. 
No, this was a young woman. Eddie thought she couldn’t be over twenty-two. Sure, the college textbooks in front of her behind the counter made it more likely, but she looked like she was practically still what anyone fairly older would call a girl in place of a woman albeit she was. 
Her head was down when he saw her through the glass doors of the store, holding a pink highlighter in her hand as she read through the open book in front of her, highlighting things ever so often. An earbud dangled from her left ear, the wire of the abandoned earbud bunching up at her front when she brought her arms around her to lean against the counter. 
She looked smart. It didn’t help Eddie that she was beautiful either. Sure, he sees beautiful women everywhere he goes every day in the city, but truth be told, the man became somewhat of a shut in since his break up with his ex-fiancé, Anne followed by the recent presence of Venom. 
Although this time, Eddie figured he wouldn’t be just passing her by like he does other women every day. No, she was new. Obviously, Chen wouldn’t just have her there for the day and leave it at that. Ms. Chen has been there every day since the damn store came to be. She was an employee now - One Eddie was probably going to have to see more often than he’d like to admit. 
Sighing, he opened the door and walked in, bell ringing as he did so. It did a good job at catching the girl’s attention, as her head shot up when it rang. 
He seemed to be the first customer in a while. Although he wouldn’t be surprised; it was fairly late into the night and Ms. Chen did recently expand the hours from 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 a.m. - It was practically only ten minutes until closing. 
The girl gave Eddie a soft smile, welcoming, that he returned briefly, before she turned back to her textbook when she noticed the ease Eddie had walking through the store. It was easy to tell he was a regular. 
When he reached only the first shelf from the counter, he was unable to help himself and spoke indirectly, “So, you’re new?”
“Huh?” The girl looked over before seeing him turn his head to give her a slight smile and nod towards her, as if signalling to her, “Yes, I’m talking to you”.
Yanking her earbud out almost frantically, she stammered, feeling herself flush slightly in his gaze, “Oh yeah. Yeah, I’m… I’m new.” 
Eddie hummed. 
She continued before he had the chance to reply, “I’m assuming you’re a regular here? You know Ms. Chen?”
“Yeah,” Eddie chuckled and shook his head, thinking of the older woman, “Yeah, she’s a…”
The both of them let out small laughs of their own together before Eddie found himself turning back to the shelf and the girl back to her textbook, albeit both reluctantly. 
Once again, in true Eddie Brock fashion, Eddie found himself unable to stop and spoke once more, “So, not that I’m exactly complaining, but why exactly isn’t Chen here. I don’t think the woman’s ever missed a fuckin’ day.” 
She breathed a laugh before turning back to him with something bright in her eyes that Eddie felt he hadn’t seen in a long time, something refreshing, “I’m pretty sure she wanted to set aside a little time for who I think is the future Mr. Chen.”
“Wow,” Eddie feigned disappointment, “There goes my shot.”
A bright smile grew on the girl’s face, making Eddie’s heart start beating just a little bit faster as she went along, “There it goes.”
A small smile - a true, genuine small smile - found its way to Eddie’s face. She was cute, really cute. 
“Who is she and why does she make your heart beat fast?”
“Jesus,” Eddie jumped unnoticeably at Venom’s voice in his head, muttering to himself, “Shut up, you parasite.”
The girl’s eyebrows furrowed in both confusion and offense having heard his muttered words. “Excuse me?”
“Parasite!” Venom spoke in his head with anger. 
Eddie’s eyes widened before he took a few steps closer to the counter. “No! No. Not you.”
“O-” She looked him up and down for a split second with a frown; who was he talking to if not you, the only person in the store with him. “Okay.”
They stayed in silence for a few seconds, feeling the awkward tension get heavier with each passing by. Although, when Eddie saw the girl shift back into her leaning over the counter position from before to get back to her textbook, he pulled her away from it once more. 
“Look, I’m sorry,” Eddie spoke sincerely to the young woman, looking from her to somewhere in the store ever so often, “I guess I have this… thing where I… talk to myself. Sometimes I don’t even realize I do it. Could I just- I mean, do you think I could get your name?”
Her frown upturned into a soft smile once more. “Y/N.” 
She then proceeded to add, “I work three days a week here.”
Eddie’s gaze on her felt like the heat from one of those lights on a movie set, and it made her feel flush under it, “I mean, that’s just if you wanted to know. I’m gonna be here pretty often, so I don’t know-”
“Hey, Y/N, Y/N.” He cut her off with an endeared look on his face. “Don’t shit yourself, it’s good to know.”
“Okay,” Y/N laughed nervously as she watched Eddie move across the store once again to reach the desired shelf, “Good- Good to know. Tha-Thanks.”
Once he’d found his desired purchases, dollars over dollars of tater tots and chocolate for his “little buddy”, he took them up to the counter that Y/N sat behind. 
She spoke as she grabbed each product and scanned, eyes looking up from her actions to Eddie, “Hey, I never got your name.”
He chuckled nervously and spoke almost regretfully to the floor, “Yeah, it’s, ah, it’s Eddie.” He lifted his head to, although he didn’t intend to and it just ended up happening, gauge Y/N’s reaction - As if it would set off a bomb, especially after everything with the Life Foundation. 
“No way,” 
And there it goes. 
“I thought I’d recognized you from somewhere; you’re Eddie Brock, right?” Here comes the part Eddie was waiting for, the backlash of having dismantled the Life Foundation - people claiming what the foundation was accused of doing, what Carlton Drake was accused of doing, wasn’t actually real despite the photo evidence he’d provided. Although, when Eddie closed his eyes for a brief second to both calm himself and Venom, the symbiote probably feeling the way his nerves spiked and heart pumped faster, he opened then fairly quickly when he heard Y/N’s excited voice with what could even possibly be admiration, “You exposed the Life Foundation, right? That’s- That’s insane. It was crazy what they were doing, I still can’t believe it. I mean, I kinda can ‘cause I never exactly had a good feeling about that guy. Yeah, he was nice on camera and stuff, but it felt like he was a little too nice, if you know what I mean.”
She paused when she noticed Eddie was staring at her like she grew another head and looked to him nervously. “What?”
“Nothing.” Eddie pushes back a disbelieved laugh, staring at the girl with that same disbelief, except with something lighter that felt like a tiny spark of hope for him, which made him feel like he was getting way too far ahead of himself. “It’s just that, since it’s happened, not a lot of people have good things to say about it.”
Y/N shrugged before she grabbed a plastic bag and began placing the items into it, eyes on that now as opposed to on Eddie. “I think what you did was great. People are probably just still in their little bubbles trying to avoid any type of bad thing. It was only the poor being used during the human trials, so it’s none of their concern as far as it goes - Just like everything else. I read your papers now, they’re amazing.”
“Thanks.” Eddie smiled, practically mesmerized with this girl for reasons unfathomable to even him. 
After he handed her cash, she leaned over and handed him his bag. Taking it, he felt his fingers brush against hers, feeling adrenaline rush through his body at the mere contact…
Which alerted the symbiote. 
Knowing, Eddie turned away from Y/N, moving his head down as his eyes flashed an ominous grey, trying his damn hardest to keep Venom at bay. 
Beginning to walk out, he shouted, “Thanks, Y/N. See you.”
Y/N’s smile faltered at his sudden leave, only replying with a sigh after the bell chimed again and Eddie was no longer in the store, “No problem, Eddie.”
Outside, an argument was taking place inside Eddie Brock’s head with his symbiote. 
“She makes you heart beat fast like Annie.”
Shaking his head whilst he walked, Eddie thought to Venom, “No, she doesn’t.”
“Yes, she does.”
“No, she doesn’t.”
“Yes, she does.”
“No, she doesn’t!” Eddie practically shouted in the middle of the street, stopping his movement to see that he’d gained weird looks from others on the street with his outburst. Shaking his head once more, he went onto walking home again. 
“Look, I just met her-”
“We! We just met her, and it doesn’t mean anything. She was pretty, and new, thought I was cool, and I haven’t gotten any for months now. We just got excited. That’s all. We’ll see her every once and a while, and that’s it. She’s a good girl, wouldn’t be surprised if she had a boyfriend.”
“We can eat him.”
“No-” Eddie cut himself off when he realized he spoke aloud again, frustrated with the symbiote’s quote on quote “solution”
Huffing he continued to speak with the symbiote, turning the corner and getting closer to his apartment building. 
“No, we cannot eat him. We don’t eat people, at least not good ones, and you know, there are a lot-”
“A lot of good people. Yes, yes, I know.”
“Exactly. So get over it. I will.”
“So, Mondays and Wednesdays.” Eddie walked into Chen’s convenience store that Wednesday to be greeted with what he thought was possibly the most beautiful smile from Y/N. “You wanna let me in on what the third day of the week you work on?”
Y/N laughed, taking her earbud out and giving her full attention to Eddie, almost looking at his shyly and bit her lip, driving him insane in a way he didn’t expect from you. “I don’t know… Maybe you’ll have to figure that out for yourself, Ed.”
“Oh, it’s Ed now,” Eddie challenged with a smirk, walking past her to the first shelf. 
Her eyes followed, taking in his broad frame. “Mhm.” She nodded confidently. 
“Mhm,” Eddie mimicked her with a chuckle before nodding towards her textbooks. “What are you studying?”
“Uh,” Y/N looked down at her textbook, like she had forgotten what the textbooks were even for, eyes fluttering before she looked back up at the man. “Mostly English stuff.” Y/N shrugged and placed her elbow onto the counter, resting her chin in the palm of her hand. “I’m an English major - It’s my third year.”
Eddie gestured towards her, his front still facing the shelf and his side to her, his head still turned looking at her. “Any idea…”
Y/N snorted, voice straining as she told him, “Nope.”
Eddie turned away with a laugh when he saw her smile lazily at him. 
She sighed, “But,” Eddie’s attention turned back to her, “I am hoping to figure it out by the end. Granted I have this year and the next to figure it out, but here’s to hoping, right?”
“Yeah.” Eddie gave a weak smile. “Here’s to hoping.”
Y/N hummed then deciding to leave Eddie be, turning back to her textbook and putting an earbud into her left ear, as she always does. 
Eddie huffed, speaking underneath his breath, “Alright, you know what?”
Forgetting what he’d come to the store for, Eddie found himself marching up to the counter and planting himself in front of it, right where Y/N was seated behind. 
Obviously hearing his movement, Y/N looked up with her eyebrows furrowed and a confused smile on her lips. “Is everything alright, Eddie?”
“Let me take you to dinner,” Eddie said abruptly as to not chicken out, attempting to smile through all the nerves he was feeling in that moment, “Let me- Let me take you out on a date, sweetheart.”
Panic shot through his chest right through his heart when he saw Y/N’s confused smile falter into a frown and her face grow solemn. 
“I’m really flattered, Eddie.”
“Please, no but. Please, no but.”
“And there it is.”
“I’m already seeing someone. I-” Y/N paused and looked at him almost regretfully, biting her lip with her eyes filled with sadness. “I’m really sorry, Eddie. You’re really cool and stuff, but-”
“No.” Eddie shook his head before giving a weak fake smile as he chuckled, attempting to not make it sound as bitter as he felt so he wouldn’t make the girl feel bad. “Don’t apologize, it’s not your fault. I should’ve asked-”
“No, it’s okay, really.” Y/N shook her head and attempted a smile to show him it was fine, really. 
“Maybe,” Eddie paused, looking around then back to Y/N, “Maybe I should go. I’ll just go. I’ll, uh, I’ll see you, okay?”
“Yeah,” Y/N eyebrows furrowed in concern before she called out as he began to walk away, “Didn’t you need to get some stuff?”
“Uh, no.” Eddie looked back briefly, then tucked his hands into his pockets before he opened the door with his shoulder and heard the bell chime as always. “Not today.”
As Y/N watched him walk away from the store through the glass, she couldn’t help the words that came out of her mouth despite a mother now walking in with her small child, “Fuck,”
Despite saying everything was fine, Eddie found himself not going back to the store for the next week, too, and as stupid as it sounds, scared to face Y/N after what had happened. He felt stupid; after everything, she was too good to be true - Way too good to be true. 
Although, ten days later, he found himself on his way to the convenience store on a Saturday night, half past eleven. 
Taking a deep breath before entered, he pulled the door opened and heard the damn bell again, catching, none other than, Y/N’s attention. Although, this time - This time, she saw him of course, but she didn’t take out the earbud always in her left ear, didn’t take her focus off her textbook and highlighter in hand to shoot Eddie the biggest, most beautiful smile. She didn’t give him any type of greeting. 
At first sight, Eddie would think that obviously she’s pissed. He probably made her feel bad about it, despite how he said it’s okay. Completely contradicted himself and made her feel like an ass.
As he got closer to the girl, though, he heard a sniffle she tried hard to cover. 
It sent a rush of rage through his body, and he had to try his hardest to fight against Venom’s want to make an appearance. 
“Stop it, you’ll scare her.”
“I will scare whoever did this to her. I’ll bite their head off-”
“No. Biting. Heads off. Right now, we’re focusing on her… We might be the ones who did this to her.”
Eddie then felt a flush of shame before Venom spoke to him once more. 
“You? What do you mean you?”
“You did this to her. I had nothing to do with it.”
Eddie rolled his eyes subtly at the symbiote. 
“So now it’s just me, huh?”
The symbiote didn’t reply, and that when Eddie decided to walk closer to the counter and the upset girl behind. 
He spoke up, “Y/N?”
Eddie heard Y/N suck in a breath before shooting her head up to face him, quickly wiping away any tears that may be running down her beautiful face, and shooting him a weak smile in attempts to cover up she’d been crying. “Hey, Eddie,” She gave a forced chuckle, “Guess you figured out what the third day of the week I work is.”
Eddie stared at her, concern littered all over his face with a mix of anger, his eyebrows furrowed. “What’s going on, sweetheart?”
Her nose was running and she looked drained, her eyes faintly red rimmed from crying. 
“Nothing, Ed, I’m-” Y/N let out a shaky sigh. “I’m fine. It’s stupid, anyway.”
“Hey,” Eddie spoke softly to the girl, leaning himself as close as he could with the counter separating them, “I won’t think it’s stupid.”
Y/N shrugged before she let out a sad laugh, “It’s just the guy I was seeing.”
Eddie hummed, already knowing where this was going. Nonetheless, he let her continue. 
She crossed her arms in front of her, placing them onto the counter and leaning forward. Closer to Eddie. 
“I thought we made it clear we weren’t gonna see other people,” Y/N smiled sadly, her voice soft and light, weak, “But I guess it wasn’t clear to him. I, uh, I caught him with some girl, and I know it’s stupid ‘cause we’ve only been together a few months, but it just hurts-”
Eddie shook his head and stopped her, “It’s not stupid, Y/N. I promise you it’s not. That guy’s an asshole - Doesn’t even know what he’s missin’”
“Let’s bite his head off.”
Although Eddie chose to ignore him this time, he couldn’t help but consider the idea. 
Y/N gave a weak laugh, “Thanks, Eddie.”
“Any day.”
Y/N shook her head and looked at him regretfully, “Listen, Eddie, about the other day - I’m sorry. I really like you too, I just felt like an ass about it and wrong ‘cause I was already seeing somebody. I mean, but now I don’t feel so bad about it anymore, I guess. If you’d still want to, I’d like to take you out on a date to make up for, well, all that and the past ten days.”
“Got nothing to make up for, Y/N.” Eddie smiled softly at her as he reached over to grab her hand on the counter. “But yeah, I’d really like that.”
If Eddie Brock was a fourteen year old girl, he’d he felt his insides melt and butterflies in his stomach as you gave him the sweetest smile, but Venom would never let it go. 
The sweet moment was all too quickly interrupted. 
In came a hulking building of a man, angry and red faced. Red faced not cause he was angry, but ‘cause he was pretty fucking ugly if the three of them (mind Venom) do say so themselves.
The gun in his hand made it clear what his intentions were, and sent a jolt of protectiveness through Eddie’s body over Y/N and her safety.
The man’s voice was aggressive as he directed Y/N to put all the money in the bag, gun still at his side. She did what he said, obviously, her hands shaking unlike how Ms. Chen was usually more collected because she was unfortunately too used to it. Although, Eddie hadn’t moved when he told him to. 
“Move,” The man boomed, then expressed almost nonchalantly, “I can shoot her if you want, if that’ll make you fucking move.”
The man then proceeded to direct the gun towards Y/N’s head, making her breath hitch and stop her actions of shovelling the cash into the bag to stare at Eddie with eyes filled with frightened tears to mouth, “Move.”
This time, when all he could see was red, Eddie didn’t stop Venom. 
Surely, Eddie form became Venom’s; black covering Eddie body as they shifted. Venom stood huge and towering over everyone and everything. Tongue slid across sharp, menacing teeth as he smiled ominously at the man who now dropped his gun and looked like he was shitting bricks.
There was no speech this time like with the one guy who would continuously harass and rob Ms. Chen. No, this time, he simply grabbed onto the struggling man’s shirt, lifted him with ease to dangle him in the air before simply using him as his next meal. 
Y/N stood watching frozen, scared to make any type of movement, even breath, as to catch the attention of the terrifying creature in front of her that used to be Eddie. 
It didn’t seem to work for her though, because the creature’s head snapped around to her, making her let out a shriek and duck underneath the counter, not knowing what else to do other than cry and expect potential death coming her way. 
Although, that didn’t seem to happen. She heard the creature… talking; like he was arguing with himself. 
“No!” It said, “I want to meet her!”
She heard a final growl before she heard something else, something… slimy, then footsteps coming around the counter to where she hid underneath. Her whole body tensed as she awaited the huge creature, terrified. 
Before she knew it, she faced with not huge, inky black feet (?), but Eddie’s shoes. He crouched down for face her huddled form, arms wrapped around the legs that were right against her chest. 
“Hey,” Eddie said softly, bringing a hand to her arm and pretending he didn’t feel her flinch, “I’m sorry for scaring you. It’s okay. You can come up now.”
Y/N looked at him in disbelief before she spoke fearfully, “No, fuck you, it’s waiting for me.”
Eddie chuckled, genuinely, as his head fell to his chest for a brief second before he looked back up, into her beautiful, [eye colour] eyes. “Sweetheart, I promise, he’s not waiting for you. At least, not to eat you.”
“Okay.” Y/N nodded before exclaiming, “So then it’s to just kill me! He’s probably just full, that’s why. Ate a whole man.”
“Alright.” Eddie placed a hand on either side of Y/N’s face and directed her focus solely onto him. “I promise I’ll explain everything, okay? Just know you’re safe with me. You’re safe, you don’t have to worry.”
Y/N’s mouth opened and closed as she debated in her head, Eddie frightful of what decision she may come to. 
“Yeah?” Eddie smiled. 
She rolled her eyes weakly in distress. “Yeah. Just- Just help me up now.”
Releasing her face, Eddie grabbed her hands and pulled her up with him, although the movement made lose her footing and bump herself into his chest. His arm wrapped itself her waist and there wasn’t anymore space between them, faces barely centimetres apart.
“Hey,” Y/N smiled cheekily at him, her arms wrapping around his torso. 
“Hey,” Was all Eddie said back impatiently before his hand reached up to cup her face and guide her lips onto his.
Here’s to hoping. Oh, and those damn tater tots and chocolate that gave him a reason to be there in the first place.
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is0gild · 3 years
Ice Cream and Fire Oven Pizza - Bonus Chapter 7
Pairing: Elsa x Lea/Axel || Side Pairing: Riku x OC
Summary: Modern AU. She's an introvert ball of nerves who works at Ice Palace, a mall food court ice cream shop. He's the outgoing, sassy goofball who works at the Pizza Planet across the way. Hilarity, snark, and fluffy romcom hijinks ensue.
Word Count: 20,116
Chapter Rating: PG-13...ish! Me being the very easily flustered writer that I am, I can tell you right now that no OVERLY graphic sexy things happen and there is a fade to black at the end, so it is all still fairly tame. But still, there is a lotta sexy innuendo and talk of sexy, ahem… ITEMS. Just wanted to drop a heads up since the rest of my story up to this point has been fairly PG for the most part, so didn’t want to blind side anyone!
Credit for super friggin’ cute and super friggin’ amazing cover art goes to the super friggin’ talented ky-jane here on tumblr!
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"Baby, all I want for Christmas is you."
Rayne stumbled a bit as she pushed the double stroller along, blowing out an amused little pft through her teeth. "Please, please tell me he did not actually say that!"
I sighed, hanging my head as I kept stride next to her, "He did. When I asked him for gift ideas, those were his exact words."
Anna erupted into laughter beside me, gripping my arm for support. "Dear lord, have I ever mentioned what a friggin' cliché, cheesy cornball your man is?"
"Not to mention no help at all," I grumbled, crossing my arms. "This is like Lea's birthday all over again. I mean, I know the stuff he likes, but honestly... what do you get for the man that buys everything and anything he wants for himself the second he sees it?"
"Don't worry, pumpkin," Rayne reached over to pat a comforting hand to my shoulder. "We wander around here long enough, something's sure to jump out at us eventually!"
"I hope so," I grimaced, not feeling so confident myself as we pressed onward through the crowded mall. I'd just gotten off my morning shift at the Ice Palace not too long ago and was still in my uniform minus the hat. It seemed I wasn't the only one who had to do some last minute holiday shopping, for that was the exact reason my sister and best friend had met up with me here as soon as I'd clocked out. With Christmas only a week away however, Dusk Town Center was understandably packed nearly to bursting. Merchandise was all but flying off the shelves in every store. Even if by some miracle I did manage to find the perfect gift here today, with my luck it'd probably be completely out of stock and backordered for months.
Gah, I shouldn't have kept putting this off for so long! But I had been racking my brain for weeks now for what to get him and had come up with zilch. Still had zilch. Ugh…
Last-minute-panicked-impulse-shopping don't fail me now!
Anna suddenly gasped and stopped walking. I took a few more steps before I slowed as well, glancing back at her with one eyebrow quirked. Her eyes weren't focused on me however as a slow grin spread across her face. "...what if we took Lea's words literally?"
Rayne and I exchanged a quick look. She shrugged, seemingly just as in the dark as I was. As mall traffic kept flowing unperturbed around us, my gaze settled on Anna once more and I snorted with a shake of my head, "What, you mean just put me under the tree gift-wrapped with a bow for Christmas morning?"
"Something like that, Sis," she giggled, suddenly latching on to my arm once more but now with a surprisingly strong grip.
Uh-oh… that impish gleam in her eye was making me nervous...
"Oh-ho, I see where she's going with this," Rayne sniggered before shifting the stroller over to be in front of me instead. "Here, take this." I blinked, my fingers automatically closing around the handlebar. Then she had seized hold of my other arm.
Oh gosh, her devilish little smirk was making me really, really nervous…
The ladies nodded at each other in unison in some unspoken agreement then without warning took off sprinting. I gasped and tripped over my own two feet, but managed to stay up right as I was dragged along with them. The sea of people parted for the stroller bearing two laughing infants like they were a friggin' pair of tiny Moses and we had zero trouble getting through, making a beeline straight for-
My eyes widened, "Oh no."
"Oh yes!" Anna cackled, tightening her hold on my arm.
I futilely dug my heels in, trying to put on the brakes. "No, no, no!"
"Yes, yes, yes!" Rayne answered in glee.
There was no use fighting it. This was happening. Like it or not, I had no choice but to charge headlong into a little shop known as…
...Esmeralda's Secrets.
I had just been forcibly manhandled into literal Underwear Hell. Everywhere as far as the eye could see, things were lacy… things were silky…
...things were fluffy.
Egads, the horror. The fluffy, fluffy, neon pink, leopard-printed utter horror.
I squeaked, squeezing my eyes closed and burying my face into my hands. I was almost surprised my palms didn't burn from how badly my cheeks were roasting.
I heard a chuckle from Rayne as I felt her trying to gently pry my fingers away from my eyes. "Don't play coy, sweetie, we're all grown-ups here! You act like you've never been in an adult happy fun-time store to buy some lingerie before!"
"Maybe because I haven't!" I dropped my hands to fix her with a hard stare. Instead, the recipient of my said stare turned out to be a mannequin in something skimpy, leathery and with far too many buckles. "Oh dear," I muttered, somehow managing to blush even harder as I looked away and held a hand up to block my line of sight to it.
"Really, Sis? You've never been in one of these places? Not ever, not even once?" Anna snerked, shaking her head. The sheer disbelief coloring her voice led me to believe that she had been in this type of store before. This was not a realization I was comfortable with. "But you're so…" she whistled, winking one eye shut as her hands traced an hour-glass figure in the air before me. "...and Lea's so…" now she trilled her tongue against the roof of her mouth, eyebrows bouncing as she mimed pouncing with curled, wriggling fingers. "...ya know what I mean?"
...was it sad that I did in fact know exactly what she meant?
Scrunching my eyes shut as I pressed my fingers between my eyebrows, I puffed out a low sigh. Then, rather awkwardly (scratch that... very, very awkwardly), I explained, "...while it's… true that we're quite, er… active in that, hrm… department… we, uh… r-rather, that is to say, lingerie is a particular… bedroom... adventure we've yet to have as of, um… as of yet."
I couldn't believe this was actually a conversation I was having with my baby sister.
She brightened. "Well then thank your lucky stars cuz I've just handed you the perfect Christmas present on a silver platter! You're welcome!"
I tipped my head to one side with a dubious frown. "...really?" Plucking a hanger bearing an intricate, ruffled bra from a nearby rack, I wrinkled my nose at it before putting it back. "Doesn't seem like it'd be the most meaningful, heartfelt gift…"
"Please!" Rayne batted a hand through the air with a snort. "It's not like it's an anniversary or anything, it's Christmas - a consumer holiday glorified by the big corporations to weasel as much munny as they can outta us! Not every gift has to be thoughtful and profound, you're allowed to just have a lil fun with it sometimes!"
"Still… I don't know…" I said slowly as my gaze wandered against my will towards a nearby case filled with… ah, hm… shall we say, recreational items? I quickly averted my eyes.
"How 'bout we just peruse a bit, 'kay? No harm in that!" Rayne grinned as she steered the stroller further into the store.
"Yeah, Sis, just let us peruse!" Anna beamed as she linked her arm in mine once more and tugged me into a stumbling walk.
I pressed my lips together into a thin line and said nothing as I let her guide me along. I mean, did I even have a choice? Really? Maybe the sooner I stopped arguing, the sooner we could get this whole embarrassing ordeal over with and leave.
As I let my eyes idly drift from one frilly garment to the next, I did have to begrudgingly concede that Anna and Rayne might actually be onto something here with the lingerie idea. Don't get me wrong, Lea had never made me feel pressured to, er… "dress up" for the occasion or anything like that. It was never even really a conversation we'd ever had, so honestly it wasn't something I'd particularly given much thought to before this very moment. That said, I could hardly see him being exactly opposed to the idea either. Far from it, in fact…
Thus why it might just make the perfect Christmas surprise.
Anna abruptly pulled us to an unexpected stop in front of another customer, drooping her eyelids at the individual as she informed him, "You know that'd be more of a Christmas gift for you than for her, right?"
The gentleman in question paled, choking back a startled, "Huh?" and looking rather guilty as he stood there with the sheer, sparkly spaghetti-strapped thong dangling from his fingers that'd he'd been mulling over.
Rayne stepped up beside us, parking her stroller with it aimed directly at the guy as she deadpanned, "For shame! My babies judge you!"
He blinked, glancing down at the infants. Cayde and Aria squealed and burbled back. Turning bright red and dropping the underwear, he made a hasty retreat out of the shop.
"Haha, yes! That was too fun, Ray-Ray!" Anna snickered, giving her a high five. As I pinched the bridge of my nose with a tiny shake of my head, Anna asked, "What?"
I grumbled, "Being in a lingerie store by myself would be mortifying enough, but it's just now dawning on me how utterly ridiculous it is that I'm in here with my sister and a mom who brought her two babies."
"Psh, they're fine with it," Rayne brushed off, redirecting her gaze to someone nearby who seemed to work here. "Excuse me, Miss, you're fine with my tots being here, right?"
The woman turned to face us with a warm smile. She had long, wavy raven hair, eyes as green and sparkly as emeralds, and the kind of figure that would probably be pictured in a dictionary next to the word "voluptuous." In short, exactly the kind person any boss who ran a lingerie store would be positively thrilled to hire as an employee. She hummed a soft laugh as she waved a finger in greeting to the twins, "Of course! I actually have a kid of my own back home… Djali looks to be just about their age, maybe a few months older. Anyway, I completely understand and have no problem at all with you bringing them in here."
"Told ya," Rayne smugly razzed her tongue in victory at me.
And this prime example of maturity was a parent, folks.
Rolling my eyes but fighting a grin, I then glimpsed the worker's name tag and furrowed my brow. "Wait… you're Esmeralda?" I blinked a couple times. "...that's not just a fancy name they put on the store sign?"
"Nope! I own and operate this lil business," the woman smiled proudly now.
"Well then, Esmeralda, I hafta ask…" one corner of Anna's lips turned up as she leaned to whisper conspiratorially, "What's your secret?"
A little snort escaped her nose before she gestured back towards the front of the store, "Not letting creeps like that get to me."
Looking out the shop windows back into the mall proper, we now all spotted a rather sinister-looking old man standing out there who seemed to be… protesting? He was holding up a sign aimed directly at this little boutique bearing in big, bold letters the words (and I kid you not): SINNERS, REPENT. Other mall shoppers were giving the man a wide berth as he just stood there a few feet away from the entrance into here, glaring. Gosh, how had we not seen him on our way in? Maybe he'd arrived after us.
"Ugh," Rayne scrunched up her nose in distaste at the sight of the man. "What's ol' Skeezy McSkeezerson's problem?"
"He's just some religious nutjob who thinks my little," up came her fingers to provide air quotes, "den of iniquity here is ruining the wholesome, family friendliness of the mall. Ignore Frollo, he's harmless."
Anna raised an eyebrow, "You're chummy enough with that gnarly bag of bones to know his name?"
Chuckling, Esmeralda shrugged, "Kind of hard not to know it, what with him harassing me every morning when I come to open shop and every night when I lock up. Luckily, he's not brave enough to follow me inside, probably too afraid he'll fall victim all this sin and debauchery hanging on the racks. This place is my sanctuary," she glanced around with a contented sigh. Then she clapped her hands together once, flashing her best customer service smile now. "But that's enough talk about that! Is there anything I can help you lovely ladies out with today?"
"Perhaps you can assist my beautiful bestie here by helping her pick out some sexy underwear for her to show off to her man," Rayne beamed, slinging an arm around my shoulders. "You'll hafta forgive her, she's a tad clueless cuz she's a bit of a lingerie virgin."
"Hmmmmm," Esmeralda slowly circled me as she tapped a curled finger to chin. I felt a heat rising to my face once again under such scrutiny and I began fidgeting with my braid. "...yes, I can already picture a few of my items that could suit you perfectly. But first, tell me a little about your beau - do you think he could handle being subjected to some of our more…" she paused, a sly little gleam flitting across her eyes now as she smirked, "...risqué outfits?"
Forget him, I don't think I could handle being subjected to some of their more risqué outfits!
Before I could respond however, Anna chimed in with, "Oh don't worry, Lea can handle them! Trust me, he's as red blooded and virile as they come!"
"Anna!" I gasped, horrified as I strangled my braid harder.
She gave my shoulder a light, playful shove, "C'mon, Sis, you think I can't friggin' hear you two going at it whenever I spend the night on your living room couch?"
I nearly tore my braid straight out of my scalp.
Face? What face? No, I no longer had one and in its place now was nothing but a raging inferno.
"I- He- We- Tha-" I spluttered and stammered, unable to complete a coherent thought, much less sentence.
"Aw, I think you broke her," Rayne cooed with a little giggle, patting me on the head.
Esmeralda had already set to work, drifting from one rack to the next, seemingly knowing exactly where to find each thing she was looking for as she quickly and efficiently riffled through the garments, plucking up hangers here and there to toss over her arm before moving to the next one. Before long, she'd returned to stand in front of me with an assortment of delicates neatly stacked in the crook of her elbow. "I've picked out a few options for you for starters, just let me know if you see any you'd like to try on." With that, she held up the first one.
...I did not understand what I was even looking at here. Like, at all. Was she holding it upside down?
Though I made no comment, my expression must have told her everything. "Alright, not your cup of tea. Moving along," she smiled good-humoredly as she set that one aside and lifted up another one for me to look at.
Good lord, was that supposed to be lingerie or a net? The thing was more holes than fabric. Just how many limbs did they think I had?
Tucking that one away as well, she laughed, "Take it that one's a no too. Don't worry, I have a good feeling about this next one." She showed it to me and…
...actually? It wasn't too distressing.
No, it was actually a rather classy and tasteful kind of sexy, with its silk and its hint of lace and its overbust corset in a deep, rich blue.
I hesitated with a thoughtful frown before reaching a hand out to gingerly take it from her. Cheeks still simmering away, I pursed my lips to one side as I considered it for a few seconds longer, then mumbled, "You said something about being able to try them on?"
Esmeralda smiled brightly. "Follow me, I'll take you to a fitting room."
As she started leading me towards the back, I was suddenly halted in my tracks when I heard, "Sis! Sis!" My eyebrows knit together as I turned my head towards Anna's voice. I spotted her over by one of the wall shelves, holding something up high over her head and waving it about with an almost manic glee as Rayne smothered snickers into her hand beside her. "You should get this for Lea too!"
It took me a second to realize what it was she had in her hand, but when I did, every last drop of blood in my body came hurtling up into my face.
"No!" I shouted across the store. "No way! I am not buying that!"
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I bought it.
But only because Anna wouldn't stop pestering me about the stupid thing until I did.
I hadn't been able to bring myself to gift-wrap it with the lingerie that I'd also ended up purchasing. Heck, I'd barely been able to bring myself to wrap the lingerie itself, but what exactly else could I have done? Surprised him with it by just walking into the bedroom wearing it? Please, as if I could ever be so bold - I'd practically burst into flames from all the blushing I'd been doing just wrapping the dang thing. As for the other thing, I'd just panicked and hid it away wedged between the bedframe and underside of our mattress for the time being until I could figure out something else to do with it.
Thankfully, I'd also managed to come up with a second gift to give Lea. In a sudden surge of inspiration out of the blue, I'd gotten the idea to get him a vintage movie reel projector. I could just picture him getting all excited about collecting all of his cheesy classics he loved so much in their original format so we could watch them "the way they were meant to be watched" or something like that. Finding one used online hadn't been all that difficult or expensive, not to mention thank goodness for overnight shipping! The device itself was big but not all that heavy, almost shockingly so - I'd easily been able to lug it around myself for getting it all wrapped and whatnot.
So there my two presents sat in the living room as Christmas Eve dawned, beneath a tiny yet festively decorated tree that we had to constantly keep Marshmallow from trying to eat. It was hard to blame the giant fuzzball though really - now almost fully grown, Marshmallow was bigger than the dinky little pine so was it any real wonder that he seemed to consider it his new favorite chew toy?
In any case, me getting Lea more than one gift seemed to have worked out for the best as it hadn't slipped my notice that he'd also gotten me a couple things that were currently nestled there at the base of that tree. Our small cluster of presents were really only there for the sake of appearances at the moment. We weren't going to be here on Christmas day itself. We were in fact just a few minutes away from hitting the road to spend the holidays in my family's sizable cabin tucked away up in the snowy mountains surrounding Arendelle. Luckily, the only actual relatives that would be there were Anna and Saïx, with the rest of the guest rooms being filled out by a handful of our friends we'd invited to join us for the holidays. In any case, all we had left to do before we departed was finish getting dressed, wrap up packing with a few last minute supplies, toss the presents into the car trunk, wrangle Marshmallow into the backseat and then we'd be off.
Thus my mild surprise when just as I'd finish rinsing my dish from breakfast, I felt Lea wrapping his arms around my waist to hug me from behind as he nuzzled my neck and whispered, "Hey, how 'bout we each open up one of our presents a day early? It'll be fun, whaddya say?"
I glanced over my shoulder at him and he flashed me a cheeky little grin. I blinked a couple times, then peeked over towards our teeny tree in the living room. More specifically, at the gifts beneath it. At one gift in particular.
You know… that gift.
I hastily averted my gaze, feeling my cheeks warm.
Drat, had he noticed which one my eyes had zeroed in on?
Clearing my throat as I set the dish in the drying rack, I asked casually, "Do we really have the time? We're already running a bit behind, we should've been on the highway ten minutes ago."
"We're already late, what's a few extra measly minutes?"
I tried again, "But today? Right now? ...it's not even Christmas yet."
"Pfft, what, like the holiday police are gonna bust us for bending the rules a lil?" he chuckled low as he gave my ear a playful nip before pulling away, spinning me around to face him. "Misbehave, live a lil! Being bad never felt so good! 'Sides, I'm just dying to know whatcha got me. C'mon, it's just one present each, we'll still have others to rip open on jolly ol' Saint Nick's Day tomorrow."
I had to resist the urge to look at that gift again.
Damn it, girl, be cool.
Instead, I smiled and relented with a small sigh, "Alright, fine. Only one though, got it?"
"Course!" he beamed, before gesturing a hand towards the living room with a slight bow of his head. "Ladies first."
I walked past him, exiting the kitchen and approaching where our tree stood guard over its little horde of presents. I considered them for a few seconds before picking out a bright red, flat-ish one decorated in nutcracker soldier printed gift wrap. Then I moved to the couch, making room by easing Marshmallow over a bit where he laid conked out in a deep sleep (on his back and with his tongue lolled out) before I took a seat on the middle cushion.
As I watched Lea approach the pile of gifts now to pick one out for himself, I couldn't help a small twitch as I suddenly began to regret every poor life choice I'd made that'd led up to me buying that stupid lingerie. I mean, seriously, what had I been thinking when I'd let Rayne and Anna talk me into getting that silly thing? What would I even possibly say when Lea unwrapped it? How would I- no, shush, relax, Elsa, it'll all be fine. Lea probably wasn't even going to pick that one. He was probably more curious about whatever the bigger, flashier-looking one could be - it was probably the whole reason he'd even suggested opening a couple right now. Yeah, that had to be it! There was no way he could be interested the measly, smaller, less fancy looking pres-
Fudge, he'd picked the lingerie.
Jerk probably had caught me staring at it.
"Are you sure that's the one you want to open now?" I blurted out before my mind could catch up. Noting the slight tremor to my voice, I cleared my throat and gave a tiny nervous laugh, my fingers absently picking at the tape on my own present. "The other one's bigger. Clunkier, you might even say. Could be a lot of work hauling it all the way up to the cabin, then hauling it all the way back. Maybe it'd be better if you just opened that one here instead."
"Nah, I don't mind lugging it back and forth," he laughed as he plopped down onto the sofa on my other side opposite of Marshmallow, settling the abomination that was my gift into his lap. "I could use the workout anyhow! This glorious physique don't just happen on its own, ya know!" he grinned, flexing one arm and kissing his bicep.
I gave a soft snort. "True, I suppose you have to burn off all that ice cream you consume by the gallon somehow," I poked a gentle fingertip to his belly.
"Hey now, maybe I wouldn't eat so much o' the crap if the girl working at the Ice Palace weren't such a cutie," he leaned towards me with a wink.
"Oh-ho, no," I waggled a finger in his face. "You were a sugar junkie long before I got a job there, so don't even try to blame your sweet tooth on me."
He smirked. "Who said I was talking 'bout you?"
I smacked him in the face with one of the couch's throw pillows.
"I mean, obviously I was talking 'bout you, babe!" He reached over to tweak my nose, "You're the cutest chick who works there, no contest! ...literally, cuz you're the only chick who works there, so that's not even really saying mu-"
I whacked him with the pillow again.
"I kid, I kid, c'mon, you know I think you're the most gorgeous creature in all of creation! Gimme that thing before you fluffily bludgeon me to death," he snerked, confiscating the cushion from me and tucking it away between the armrest and his hip before nudging my shoulder with his. "Now go on, open up my present to ya already!"
With a tiny shake of my head at him, I redirected my focus to the nicely wrapped gift in my lap and began carefully removing the tape. Once I'd made enough of an opening, I liberated a thin box from within. Raising an eyebrow, I lifted the lid off to discover two long, green slips of sturdy paper inside decorated with a logo on one half and lots of teeny printed text filling the rest of it. I picked them up with a little frown, squinting as I read them, then gasped and shot up to my feet, the box tumbling out of my lap down to the carpet. "How?! How did you manage to get tickets?! This musical has been sold out for months!"
"I have my ways," he sighed smugly, slouching down more comfortably into the sofa cushion. "We should be able to squeeze it in before the end of winter break, so figured we could take in the show, spend a few days in the big apple, make a whole trip outta it, ya know?"
"That… that sounds amazing, that-" I cut myself off, suddenly at a loss for words. Broadway was currently running my favorite musical - the one that song was from that I'd chosen to audition with for our community theater's Wicked tryouts. I'd been dying to go and Lea knew that, but tickets had been impossible to get. Not so for him, it seemed. I hastily sat back down, grabbing a fistful of his shirt and yanking him over to me to kiss him thoroughly. Smiling against his lips, I then drew back just enough to whisper, "Thank you… this means a lot to me."
"Don't mention it," he murmured back, gaze hooded as he nudged the tip of my nose with his. Then he pulled away, eyes lighting up a bit as he eagerly rubbed his hands together over his own present now. "Alright, my turn!"
I paled, heart all but flatlining in my chest. Crud, I'd completely forgotten. Here Lea had picked out something super sweet and thoughtful for me, and what had I gotten him in return?
Nay, not just underwear.
Friggin' frilly underwear.
"No!" I yelped, lunging for it just as he'd ripped some of the wrapping paper off one corner. Managing to snatch it out of his hands, I scrambled to stand and get it away from him. He stared blankly at me, one eyebrow quirked. Eyes darting wildly about, I said, "No, this… you don't want to open this one! This one's, er…" I hid it behind my back, biting my bottom lip, "...it's nothing really, it's- you know what? Let's get you the other one! Yes, that's the one you want, and this one you can open, er… never? Yeah, let's say never! In fact, let's just completely forget this one ever existed and I'll go get you the other-"
Just as I'd turned to make my way back over to the tree, Lea snaked one arm out and snagged the gift back with a chipper little, "Yoink!"
"Hey!" I tried to steal it back from him, but he'd stood up to his full height, holding it high above his head where it was easily out of my reach.
Curse him, his stupid tall self and his stupid, stupid long arms!
He chuckled as he pressed a quick peck to my forehead, "Now I know this is for sure the one I wanna open. With you getting all flustered over it, whatever it is has gotta be good!"
"Ah-ah!" his finger booped me on the nose before he plonked back down into his seat on the couch. "Ya know it only makes me wanna open it more the harder you fight it, right? Just let it go, El, it's happening."
My lips pinched sourly before I huffed and sat down as well. I grabbed another throw pillow and hugged it tightly to my chest, burying my face in it just enough for me to peek out anxiously over the top.
Alright, fine. Let's get this impending trainwreck over with.
But I swear, this is the last time I listen to any advice Anna and Rayne give me ever again.
I tried not to flinch with each little tear he made in the gift wrap, the cartoony frolicking reindeers and elves printed on it seeming so deceptively innocent now when you considered what scandalous secrets lay hidden beneath them. All too soon, he was balling up the tattered remains and tossing them over his shoulder before opening the box, shifting the neatly folded tissue paper within aside and-
His whole body went still. Then he blinked once. Then twice. "Huh," was all he said at first. Then with a bemused little upward curve to one corner of his lips, he was delicately lifting the lingerie up out of the box in all its salacious glory. "...babe, I'm flattered, but blue's not really my color."
...oh god, the big clueless dope thought I'd given it to him as a joke for him to wear. He didn't realize-
Fudge, now I had to spell it out for him.
Having to wonder how my brain was not melting straight out of my ears at this point what with how badly my face was broiling, I set the pillow aside, folded my hands in my lap, sat up a little straighter and opened my mouth. Then swiftly snapped it back shut, cheeks cranking up the heat even further.
How… do I even put this?
Taking a deep breath, I tried again, "But it is… my color..."
He dropped the garment, eyes growing round and expression slack. "Oh." A pause. Then, "Oh, so you'd be the one who'd- oh." Picking it up again, a huge, lopsided grin spread across his suddenly rather flushed face as he eyed it in a whole new light now. "...oh, I see."
Fingers strangling the life out of each other in my lap, I looked away as I went on, "I know it's not as nice or as… sincere as your gift to me was, but I promise my other present is much better and-"
"No, no, none of that now, it's- I- this is-" Apparently struggling to find the right words to do justice to what he wanted to say, he instead settled for schooling his expression to be almost comically stoic as he gave big, emphatic nods with a thumbs up that then shifted into forming an O with his thumb and forefinger, signaling his approval.
I perked up a little uncertainly. "...you mean you like it? Really?"
"Oh yeah, trust me, I like it… really, really like it." Lea then cleared his throat, knee bouncing up and down as his fingers idly traced back and forth over the lace embroidered into the silky fabric. "Sooooo, heh… when do we take this baby out for its first test spin? ...now? Or say, I dunno, uh…" he shrugged, clearly trying (and failing) not to sound too eager as he repeated, "now?"
Down, boy.
I bit back a tiny smile. "No, now we should be on the road and making our way towards the cabin," I said as I rose to my feet to head towards the bedroom, snatching the lingerie from his grasp as I moved past him.
"Hey!" He vaulted himself over the backrest of the couch in the flash, hot on my heels. "That's mine!"
Crossing my arms as I spun around to face him, I said, "Yes, but I'm simply taking it to pack it with my things so we have it for the trip."
"Oh." Lea was grinning so big again now, it crinkled his guyliner. "I'll allow this."
"How very magnanimous of you," I snorted, turning to continue my journey to the bedroom once more. "I'm going to go finish packing and getting dressed, while you-" Just as I'd stepped through the door, I glanced back to discover he'd followed me in here. "...just where do you think you're going?"
He hunched down to my eye level, eyebrows bouncing over his half-lidded gaze. "To help ya get dressed, of course."
"Uh-uh. No," I planted a hand firmly to his chest, forcing him to walk in reverse and back out of the room. "I know that look. We don't have time for that look, we're late enough as it is. You stay out here, clean up the trashed wrapping paper, and get the rest of the gifts and Marshmallow out to the car."
"Aw c'mon, El, ya gotta lemme in there so I can help you," he insisted.
I gave him a flat look. "...do I? Do I really? Enlighten me then, please… why do I 'gotta' let you in here?"
"Er… cuz I'm a charming, lovable scamp with devilish good looks that you just can't say no to?"
I drooped my eyelids at him. Then I shut the door in his face, locking it for good measure.
Charm your way through that, scamp.
My cheeks puffed as I blew out a long breath, taking a second to fan my still very heated face with my hands. I then crossed the room, tossing Lea's gift next to where my almost fully packed suitcase laid open atop the bed. I set to work grabbing whatever else I needed - things like my charger and whatnot - and stuffed them into my travel case.
I then paused in a brief moment of indecision before sighing, rolling my eyes, and sticking my hand under the mattress to retrieve the other thing that Anna had made me buy from Esmeralda's Secrets. I frowned at it, then turned and held it up as I asked, "What do you think? Should I take it along?"
Bruni blinked back at me from inside his terrarium, cocking his head. Then can you guess what the little salamander did next? Go on, take a wild guess.
If your answer involved his tongue, his eyeball, and/or the swiping of said tongue over said eyeball, then you'd be correct.
I snorted. "You know, we really need to get you some new talking points as I feel you've pretty much said all you can say with that one at this point," I told him as I double checked he had enough food in there with him to keep him amply fed while we were gone. Then I gave the thing in my grip one final glance with a tiny shake of my head before tucking it away inside my luggage, burying it deep beneath several layers of clothing. Chances were good it'd never see the light of day, but why not bring it just in case? I mean, the lingerie had been such a hit and we hadn't even gotten to the fun part with it yet. I could imagine this thing would probably be met with equally rave reviews from Lea as well, should I muster up the courage to actually bring it out.
Now all I needed to do was pack the lingerie, get dressed, and go. I picked it up, dangling it before me as I considered it for a moment. My lips pursed to one side.
...an idea was beginning to take form in my mind.
A little wicked one.
A supremely stupid one.
One that was only asking for trouble.
Honestly, I don't know what possessed me to do it.
But I did it anyway.
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"Everyone else is there already. I can't believe we're actually going to be the last ones to arrive," I muttered, narrowing my eyes at the text message from Anna on my phone.
"Bah, don't sweat it," Lea chuckled as he sped his car down the highway. We'd been on it for about twenty minutes now. He glanced over at me, tipping his aviators down just enough to wink over the rim, "Just means they'll have our hot cocoa ready and waiting for us in a couple o' steaming mugs by the time we get there."
My throat gave a small, noncommittal hmph. "Just be glad Anna's insisting on saving the master bedroom for us instead of calling dibs on it for her and Kristoff," I told him, pocketing my phone once more. Then I said, "I still think it was silly of Saïx to drive out ahead of us on his own instead of carpooling with us. He would've been able to sleep on the ride over."
He flicked on his blinker as our lane began to merge with the next one over. "Think he plans to bail on our lil holiday bonanza a day or two earlier than the rest of us. 'Sides, pretty sure he wasn't too keen on the idea of being the overstuffed fleabag's snuggle buddy on the whole drive over," he sniggered as he stretched a hand behind him into the backseat without looking to give Marshmallow a couple of affectionate pats to the head. "Hey!" he quickly snatched the hand back when his love was reciprocated with tooth hugs.
"Well then, his loss." I grinned as I twisted around in my seat to give the dog scritches under the chin, cooing, "Isn't that right, Marshmallow?"
Did that sound like an invitation to come sit in my lap? Because apparently to Marshmallow, it did. In the blink of an eye, he'd excitedly squeezed his way through the space between our two front seats to crush me under the mountain of white fluff that was him, tail thumping away at a mile a minute against the dash. Quite a feat considering there was barely enough space in the car seat to accommodate the colossal canine alone, much less the both of us. To this day, I'm still not quite sure how Marshmallow had managed to wedge himself up here with me.
After much cackling from Lea and wheezed coaxing from me, Marshmallow was finally persuaded a few minutes later to clamber back into the backseat once more, though not without a healthy dose of whining and puppy-dog pouting. Able to breathe again, I inhaled deeply as I began to straighten myself back out - the assault of doggy cuddles had left me in a bit of a disarray. I swept the few stray pale tendrils of my hair that had escaped back into my bun, smoothed the rumples out of my off the shoulder button-up blouse, and-
"Holy shit, is that... Under your clothes, you're already wearing it?!" Lea fumbled with his shades, perching them atop his head as his suddenly wide-eyed stare was now in a tug-of-war between my leg and watching the road.
With a start, I glanced down to discover that Marshmallow's little snuggle ambush had caused my knee-length skirt with a side-slit to ride up a bit, revealing the lacy garter (complete with a little blue bow) wrapped around my thigh that was holding up my black sheer stockings. Blushing furiously, I hastily jerked the hem of my skirt back down to hide it again and awkwardly avoided his gaze as I crossed my legs, mumbling, "...maybe."
I was already wearing it.
"It" being the lingerie.
Which, by the way if you hadn't guessed by now, was the supremely stupid thing I'd decided to do.
Lea said nothing, just continued to gawk at me.
Gosh, if my cheeks burned any brighter, Santa would be asking me to guide his sleigh tonight instead of Rudolph.
Talk. I needed to talk. To fill this silence that was making me fidget restlessly under his gaze. Go on, mouth, just move and make with the words already. Any words. "...it's... actually rather comfortable." ...okay? "The lingerie, that is." Oh good. Thanks for clarifying the obvious. "Wouldn't think it would be. Would've thought it'd be more designed in favor of being, ah… aesthetically pleasing at the expense of comfort." Oh dear, where was I going with this? "I mean, I tried it on before buying it. Of course I did, it'd be silly not to at least make sure it- but, you know, I only had it on for a grand total of a minute in the fitting room, not really long enough to tell if- but now that I've had it on for an, er… extended period, I can say that it's, uh… it's quite comfortable. The silk is real nice, real… smooth against the skin." I take it back. Stop talking. Stop talking this instant. "Fits like a glove, as the saying goes, not… tight or restricting at all like I'd imagined it might be. The whole thing's really quite flexible with a plenty of give, actually…" Your license to speak has been revoked, mouth, you hear me? Zip it! "I shouldn't have any problems bending or twisting into any sort of posi-"
The car beside us suddenly blared its horn - apparently Lea had been a little too preoccupied by my line of discussion and in his distraction had begun to accidentally drift into the next lane over. "Fuck," he hissed, swerving us back into our proper lane. Clearing his throat as he shot the other vehicle a quick, apologetic wave, he told me, "Love, I'm dying to hear the end of that sentence, trust me, I'm highly invested at this point, but we're gonna hafta put a pin in it and circle back round to it later cuz this is a dangerous conversation to be having with a man while he's driving."
You heard the man, mouth. Friggin' cram it.
Pressing my lips firmly together, I tugged at the hem of my skirt again and gave a single curt nod, making no further comment.
We drove in silence for a minute as the trees of the forest around us blurred past our windows. Lea's eyes kept flicking to me out of the corner of his peripheral. He coughed into his fist and vigorously ruffled his fingers through his hair before returning his grip to the wheel. His knee began to jiggle up and down. Then, "Hey, uh… how 'bout we make a pit stop somewhere?"
I glanced towards him, my head tipping to one side. "A pit stop?"
"Yeah, so we can, ya know... stretch our legs… and other things," he wickedly smirked as he reached over the center console for my hand and brought it up to his lips, bouncing his eyebrows at me over my knuckles as he pressed a kiss to them.
A noise that was half laugh, half scoff escaped me. "There's not another rest stop for miles."
He shrugged. "I'm not picky. I'm sure a nice thicket could do in a pinch."
I gave him a flat look. "...a thicket? Really?"
"What? I'll make sure it's a romantic one! A classy one!"
"And how, pray tell, do you make a thicket classy?" I crossed my arms under my chest, arching an eyebrow at him.
"By keeping our pinkies raised the whole time!" Lea beamed, holding one hand up and wiggling his little finger.
Snorting, I shook my head. "No stops until we get there, understood?"
A harsh little huff emitted from his throat, "Fine." Then his foot pressed down harder on the gas and the engine thrummed louder as we started passing the other cars more quickly.
I hummed a soft laugh, "Oh sure, now you're in a hurry to get there."
"Well yeah! Ya said it yourself: we're late. Just trynta make up for lost time!" One corner of his lips quirked up as he added, "'Sides, the sooner we get there, the sooner I can unwrap my present."
"You know you're not allowed to open the other one until tomorrow morning," I tutted.
"That's not what I meant and you know it," he not so subtly eyed me up and down, leaving zero doubt as to exactly what he meant.
Suppressing the urge to squirm, my hands swiped the nonexistent wrinkles out of my skirt as I dropped a casual, "Goodness, all this fuss and you haven't even seen part two of your gift yet."
He shot me a double-take. "Jesus Christ, there's a part two?!"
I'm with him, there's a part two?! Mouth, what are you even-
...oh dear, I was talking about the thing tucked away in my luggage between my dresses and my nightgown, wasn't I?
Damn Anna to the bloody ninth circle of hell for ever making me buy that infernal thing!
Alright, mouth, we can still get out of this. Remember the three B's: backtrack, backtrack, backtrack! Just go on and work your magic.
"Guess you'll just have to wait until later tonight to find out."
...mouth, you're fired.
Lea gave a low whistle and grinned big. "Somebody musta told Santa that I've been a very good boy this year," he murmured, his gaze drifting towards me again. Then traveling downward. Searching. As if he could somehow catch a glimpse of the lingerie hidden beneath through sheer force of will alone.
"Hey now, eyes on the road, mister," I chided.
He pouted, but did as he was told.
I snorted, "What's with the face? It's not like you can see anything anyway, you don't have x-ray vision."
"And I curse my goddamn maker every day for such a heinous oversight," he grumbled under his breath as he slipped his aviators back down onto his face.
We ended up making it to the cabin in record time. It wasn't currently snowing, but a thick glittering blanket of white had coated everything around us, from the ground to the trees to the cabin itself. Lea parked us next to the other cars and as he shut off the engine and the heat with it, I shrugged into my long heavy coat. I probably didn't really need it, the walk to the door would take less than ten seconds and I'd never been one to freeze easily, but it would be one less thing to carry.
Marshmallow was making it abundantly clear he was ready to no longer be trapped inside the car as he pawed at the back door and whimpered. Chuckling and telling him to hang on, I reached back to clip on his leash before exiting the vehicle myself, my knee high boots sinking into the snow as I let him out. He nearly ripped my arm out of my socket when he tried to bolt to investigate his new strange surroundings with all its new strange scents, but I managed to keep him in check if only just barely. Lea, having wrapped a black and red checkered scarf around his neck and donned his own thick jacket, took it upon himself to grab our suitcases seeing as how I pretty much had my hands full maintaining control of Marshmallow.
"We're here!" I called out as I opened the front door and let Marshmallow pull me inside, Lea following us and kicking the door shut behind him before dumping our things on the floor. As I knelt down to remove the leash once more, Marshmallow's nostrils suddenly flared with a big sniff before his ears perked and he went very still, his eyes intently focused on the hallway that led to the main sitting room. Oh-ho, I knew who he smelled. The second the leash was unclipped, the big wall of fur excitedly charged off deeper into the house.
I shook my head with a tiny grin as I slipped out of my coat and folded it over the banister next to the entrance. Before I could follow in my dog's tracks however, I felt Lea's hand closing around mine. He gently tugged me back and spun me around to face him, backing me up against the banister as he planted his hands on top of it to either side of me, trapping me between it and his body. Then he was leaning in real close, eyes hooded as his nose brushed alongside mine, his breath tickling my lips as he purred, "Ya know what I was thinking?"
I gave a low hum, reaching up to straighten his collar before resting my hands against his chest, absently smoothing out any creases in the fabric as I asked softly, "What were you thinking?"
His eyes crinkled slightly as he dipped his head, nosing the sensitive skin just beneath my ear and making me shiver. "Was thinkin' you should help me take the luggage to our room."
Translation: he was eager to "unwrap his gift."
A smile tugged at one corner of my mouth. "I see. Well, here's what I'm thinking…"
"Mm-hm," he prompted distractedly, straightening up just enough to try and go in for a kiss.
He probably thought he could seduce me to our bedroom with the power of his lips alone. And you know, he might have been right. He was a really good kisser.
Which is why I clamped my hand over his mouth at the last second, grinned sweetly up at him and said, "I'm thinking I know how much you love being a gentleman and I would simply hate to rob you of this ideal moment of chivalry by offering any sort of help with our suitcases. You're welcome." I lightly patted him on the cheek before trying to slip free of his arms. I didn't make it far however before he'd snagged me around the waist, pulling me up against him. I sighed, "Come on, Lea, the others are waiting for us."
"And they can wait a lil bit longer while we…" that wicked curve to his lips resurfaced, "settle in. It'll be fine, we'll see them later tonight." A thoughtful pause before he waggled his eyebrows, hooking a finger under my chin as he began to lean in once more, murmuring, "Make that tomorrow."
"There you two are!" Anna suddenly came bursting into the room with her signature bubbly laugh. "Was beginning to think you got friggin' lost!"
Whew! Saved by the baby sister!
Don't get me wrong, Lea was making a tempting offer. More than tempting. It's just that we hadn't made the trip all the way up to this cabin only to just lock ourselves in a room together for god knew how long. No, I'd come here to spend time with my friends and family. It was rather rare that I actually chose to spend time with a large group of people, but something about the holidays brought that out in me I suppose. There would be plenty of time for that other stuff later after everyone had turned in for the night. Lea would just have to wait his turn.
His shoulders slumped and he sulked a bit at being interrupted, but Anna hardly noticed as she snagged my arm, "C'mon, everyone's in the living room!"
"Hold it!" Lea hadn't let go of my hand yet. "El's gotta, uh… help me find our room first!"
"Oh! Up the stairs, first one on the left, you can't miss it!" Anna happily chirped, not wasting another second to drag me off.
He reluctantly let my fingers slip free of his this time as he released a low, grumbling huff. I glanced back at him as I let myself be towed along, crinkling my nose in amusement. He crinkled his back, though his was oozing snark. Could a nose crinkle even be snarky? Because if it could, his was decidedly so. With that, I lost sight of him as I was yanked around the corner and down the hall.
I could hear the rumble of chatter and laughter growing louder as we drew near before we stepped into the large family room. Everyone was seated cozily around the large roaring fireplace. Sora had little Cayde (or at least, I thought it was Cayde… I was still getting the hang of telling them apart) settled in his lap while both he and Kairi laughed and made goofy faces for the baby. Riku was nearby, keeping his watchful dad eye on them while holding a conversation with Kristoff at the same time. Rayne and Aria were nowhere to be seen, but I suspected the latter had probably been in need of a change and so had been taken into another room to have that dealt with.
Marshmallow was exactly where I expected him to be - sprawled across Saïx's lap, whether Saïx liked it or not. It looked like there might have been a bit of a kerfuffle for Saïx seemed slightly ruffled, but in the end he'd apparently just accepted his fate and currently had his laptop settled on Marshmallow's back as he typed away at it, a mildly miffed expression twisting his face behind his glasses. Roxas and Xion were seated in armchairs close to him, snickering and shoving each other's shoulders over something.
"Look who I found!" Anna announced as she brought me further into the room. They all looked up and I was met with a round of boisterous greetings. Giving my arm one final squeeze before releasing it, Anna said, "Have a seat! I'll go bring in the snacks now that we're all here!"
I began, "Oh, I'd be happy to help with-"
"No, that's fine! I really only require the assistance of one big, handsome, strapping gentleman and I have just the perfect one in mind..." As she spoke those words, Kristoff perked up and turned his head towards her with a huge smile. "...Sora!"
"Huh, wha?" Sora froze mid-squishing his cheeks together for Cayde at the sound of his own name, blinking a couple times. Kristoff looked positively crestfallen.
Anna snerked. "Kidding! Of course I was talking about you, you big dummy," she planted a quick peck to Kristoff's chin, which seemed to mollify him. Then she gathered both his hands in hers with a chipper, "Now c'mon!" before tugging him off towards the kitchen.
I grinned after them before glancing around for a place to sit. Saïx and Marshmallow were the only ones on their couch and though my beloved four-legged friend did admittedly take up a lot of space, the two of them were on the far side of it and it was a long couch so there was still plenty of room left. I eased myself down on the opposite end from them beside where the "kiddos" had seemingly picked up their conversation right where it'd left off.
"'Lemme copy your homework, Xion. Do all the work on the group project, Xion,'" she was reciting in a voice that I believe was a mock imitation of Roxas's. Then she gave a scoff, albeit in good-humor, "I swear, Rox, I'm nothing more than just a puppet for you to boss around."
"That's right, dance on my strings, puppet!" Roxas cackled back, waggling his fingers in the air above his head as if to manipulate said imaginary strings and earning himself yet another shove to his shoulder.
I listened with half an ear, momentarily distracted as my eyes scanned the room. Where was it? I knew it just had to be here somew-
Ah-ha! There! Dangling from the archway Anna and I had just come through a moment before.
I silently filed away its location for later. It'd be useful. Trust me.
"Just be grateful winter break arrived in the nick of time to save your punk ass because I was this close to throttling you," Xion sighed, rolling her eyes before flashing me a long-suffering smile. "I tell ya, Elsa, one of these days this doof will no longer have me around to cover for him and he'll be a total wreck without me!"
He looked aghast, clutching his chest. "No! Xion, you could never abandon me!" A beat. "...who else will I have ice cream with?"
"What am I, chopped liver?" Lea's voice suddenly piped up, drawing our attention. Apparently all done toting our luggage up to our room, he now came striding in, mussing up both Xion's and Roxas's hair by way of hello as he passed them, "Look who got here early."
Roxas swatted his hand away, "No, you're just late."
Lea placed a palm on the back of the couch, catapulting himself over it to land heavily in the spot between me and Marshmallow. Slipping an arm around my shoulders, he declared, "The life of the party is never late, nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to."
"I'm sorry, why are you talking about Sora now?" Xion slyly teased.
"Yeah, he actually showed up on time unlike your late ass," Roxas sniggered before releasing a tiny, hissed "ow" when Lea delivered a swift kick to his shin.
Rolling his eyes, Lea sighed, "So what were you squirts talking about before I got here?"
Xion smirked over at her blond friend, "About how lost Rox would be if he didn't have me around to carry his lazy butt all the time. And we're talking completely lost. Bet he wouldn't even know who he was anymore."
He shrugged, "Psh, what are you talking about? I am me, nobody else."
"You're a chimp is what you are," she poked him in the cheek. "You're lucky you even know your own name, much less how to spell it. If it weren't for me, you'd of flunked outta college ages ago."
"Ooo, we're talking about college?" Anna chimed into the conversation as she came bustling back into the room precariously managing four mugs of hot cocoa, two in each hand. Kristoff was right behind her bearing a couple trays of Christmas cookies and pastries. One of the cocoas was sweetly delivered to me before the others were distributed and Anna sent Kristoff back to the kitchen to continue ferrying in more after he'd left the snacks on a coffee table. Happily flopping down into a nearby armchair, she popped one of the sweets into her mouth before continuing, "I can't believe I have less than a year before I graduate! Unlike some people…" Her eyes smugly drifted to Lea.
"Hey now, rude! Shit, why the drive-by? I'm working through my credits as fast as I can," he grumbled as he accepted one of the cocoas Kristoff had returned with and blew on it. Then one side of his mouth quirked up at he told Kristoff, "My my, she's got ya trained good, huh?"
His only response was a hand gesture that was less than PG. Lea just snorted at that.
"What are your plans after college? I don't think you've told me yet," I asked my sister, hazarding a slow careful sip. Mmmm, chocolate! I cradled it close in both hands, enjoying the warmth seeping into my fingers.
Anna grabbed a handful of holiday truffles, tossing one up in the air and catching it in her mouth with a huge grin before answering. "Thinking of going to work with dad at the company!"
I choked on the second sip I'd just been taking, coughing a bit. "R-really?"
I could picture Anna doing a lot of things. Some stuffy corporate politics job? Not so much.
"Don't act so surprised!" she laughed. "You know I've worked there every summer practically all my life! I like it, and I'm actually pretty good at it too! I think maybe I could run that place one day!"
"Ah, so good to see that the archaic practice of nepotism is still alive and well," Saïx dryly drawled, not looking up from his screen nor pausing in his typing.
My sister huffed, narrowing her eyes at him. "Shush, you! It wasn't handed to me, I've worked my sweet friggin' little butt off for this! Am still working my butt off, thank you very much! And I'll have you know one day when I'm handed the keys to the kingdom, there's going to be some changes around there! I think I could do some real good in the world once I'm in charge! So you can kindly shove it," she razzed her tongue at him before slipping three more sugary treats into her mouth with as much lofty dignity as anyone could do such a thing. It was actually rather impressive.
Saïx merely gave a low hmph at that, fingers still tapping away. Lea drooped his eyelids at him before shifting his leg over to nudge his brother's shoe with his Converse. "Oi. You seriously working right now, dude? C'mon, man, it's Christmas! Quit being such a scrooge, have a heart and let loose a lil!" As he spoke, I could feel his thumb idly tracing light circles in the hollow of my bare shoulder, probably missing having my braid to fiddle with.
"If I had a heart, this would be where I die of laughter," Saïx muttered, squinting at his screen with a thoughtful frown before pressing the backspace a couple times.
"Don't be silly, course you have a heart!" Roxas beamed and shrugged. "Small and shriveled, yes, but it's there!"
Xion rose, moving to instead take a seat on the armrest next to Saïx. "Yeah, you're not a scrooge, you're a grinch! We just need to give you some hugs and eggnog and that heart'll grow three sizes, you'll see!" she giggled, throwing her arms around his shoulders and squeezing hard.
"Ugh, will the intrusions never end?" Saïx huffed, trying to pry himself free of her vice-like embrace but to no avail.
"Shh, you know you love it!"
I had a growing suspicion Lea's interest in the current conversation had waned, for I could sense his intent gaze on me now as I bent forward to put my half drunk cocoa down on the coffee table and reach for the nearest snack tray. As I settled back more comfortably into my seat, he brought up a hand to tuck a stray wisp of my hair that had gotten free back behind my ear before ducking his head to trail feather light kisses down the slope of my neck that left little tingles in their wake. I turned my head to look at him through lowered lashes and he grinned, moving to close the distance between our lips and-
-I crammed a christmas cookie in his mouth.
Nice try, bucko, but you're not going to trick me up to the bedroom that easily.
"Ah! You two made it! Finally!" Rayne came into the room just then, toting Aria on her hip. "Yeesh, took ya long enough!" she smiled as I stood up and we hugged each other. Then she was offering me the baby with an abrupt, "Here, hold this."
I tensed, blinking a couple times, my hands twitching but making no other movements to accept the burbling infant from her. "I… er…"
"Here, I'll take her," Lea muffled out around the mouthful of cookie he was still choking down thanks to me, reaching up to pluck Aria from Rayne's hands and sitting her down in his lap.
I released a silent sigh of relief. Could you believe it had been weeks since the twins had been born and I had still yet to actually hold either one of them? Some godmother I was turning out to be. But dammit, babies were just so squishy and fragile! What if I accidentally broke one of them?
Uh-uh. No. Not on my watch.
Just keep the babies away from me and my klutzy hands. Really, it'd be in everyone's best interest.
"So, uh… have you finished getting their nursery all set up at long last?" I asked as I settled into my seat on the couch once more.
"Yes, finally!" Rayne grinned as she squeezed into Anna's armchair with her and my sister rested her head on her shoulder. "Since Cayde was an unexpected surprise, hadta do a lot of scrambling getting a second crib and other such things for him. Plus it took goddamn ages scrubbing and bleaching every last inch of your old room."
"Bleaching?" Lea echoed curiously, bouncing a laughing Aria on his knee. I couldn't help but notice however that his gaze had drifted to where the mistletoe hung, seemingly just now having noticed it. I could all but see the wheels turning behind those crafty green eyes of his.
My ex-roommate gave him a flat look. "Red, please. You used to spend the night over. A lot. No tykes of mine are gonna be playing somewhere you two used to do the frick-frack constantly without it being properly and thoroughly disinfected and sanitized first."
"Ah," was the only response he made to that. As Rayne then got momentarily distracted by her husband coming over to give her surprise smooches, Lea leaned closer to me, muttering low out of the corner of his mouth so only I could hear, "Take it we're not gonna tell her 'bout their living room couch then?"
Feeling heat creeping up the back of my neck, I cleared my throat and shook my head, answering a quick but just as quiet, "No."
"Or the kitchen countertops? Or that one time on the dining table? Or-"
"No. No, none of it," I hissed, face full on roasting now.
What can I say? Lea could be very, ahem… persuasive when it came to having his way.
"Oh!" Anna suddenly straightened up in her seat excitedly as it seemed she'd just remember something. "You auditioned for the Spring musical, right? Have they announced who got what parts yet?"
Grateful for the subject change, I eagerly nodded, "Yes, actually, they just posted the cast sheet yesterday afternoon." A surge of giddiness filled my chest as I bit back a grin. "...I got the lead."
"Wha- Seriously?! Oh my friggin' god! Sis! Congratulations! And you're only now telling me? You should have said something sooner, this is a big deal!"
Lea glanced up from blowing air raspberries for a happily squealing Aria to say, "That's what I kept trynta tell her."
"I'd hardly call community theater a big deal," I self-consciously brushed off, the pleased smile I was fighting growing wider despite myself. "...I am really excited about it though."
"And you should be, sweetpea!" Rayne reached for my hands in my lap, covering them with her own. "Community theater it may be, but the people there still know their shit! They've recognized your talent and are trusting you with more responsibility! Your first official lead! That's huge!"
"Today, community theater… tomorrow, Broadway… the day after that, the world," Lea intoned in a dramatic whisper.
I rolled my eyes with a small grin, "That's not exactly how it w-"
"Too late. Already said it. It's happening."
As I shook my head at him, Anna hopped up to her feet, struck a finger up in the air and declared, "This calls for celebration! Be right back with something to spike the cocoa with!" With that, she blurred out of the room back towards the kitchen.
I shyly accepted a few more congrats from everyone else before conversation gradually turned to other topics and I just contentedly listened for a bit. The chit chat began to fade into the background however as I glanced towards Lea.
Gosh, he was so good with Aria. How did he make it look so easy? Not to mention there was something so pure and comically endearing about seeing this absolute behemoth of a man with his mess of untamed red hair, guyliner, and black nail polish being so gentle as he played peek-a-boo with the tiny baby. I know I'd already thought he'd make an amazing father one day, but thinking it and actually seeing him in action were two completely different things. Watching the two of them right now-
Oh dear, it was doing things to me.
You know. Stomach butterflies, knees going weak, insides turning into mush kind of things.
Things that must have been as plain as day to read on my face for Lea happened to look over at me, blink a couple times, then quirk an eyebrow as his gaze flicked back and forth between me and Aria while he put two and two together. Then he smirked. Turning the infant to face me now, he took on a high-pitch, munchkin-like voice as he began guiding Aria's arms into flourishing gestures as if she were the one talking instead of him, "Come, m'dear, and let awesome, suave, studly Unkie Lea whisk you away to the bedroom to ravage you and introduce you to whole new worlds of pleasure."
I gave him a blank stare. "...are you seriously trying to seduce me with a baby right now?"
His grin turned toothy. "Depends. Is it working?"
Kind of.
Sort of.
Pretty sure he knew it too, what with the way he was squinting at me with that crooked little half-grin of his. His lips parted, but before he could utter another word, Anna practically bounced back into the room.
"We got Crème De Menthe," she held up a long, skinny green bottle in one hand, "we got Kahlúa," her other hand waggled a smaller brown bottle, "we got it all, take your pick! But first, I took a look out the window while I was in the kitchen and now I have a very important question for you." She set the booze down on the table, stood in front of me with both hands firmly planted on her hips and gave me her most serious expression as she stared down her nose at me. Abruptly, she broke out into an ear-to-ear smile, "Do you wanna build a snowman?"
"Hell yeah I do!" Sora finally tore his attention away from Cayde to enthusiastically shout across the room, causing Kairi to smother a snicker behind her hand.
"I'm in," Roxas was already on his feet and making his way towards where his warmer outerwear had been carelessly tossed onto some of the other furniture.
Xion was not too far behind him with a, "Me too! Bet my snowman will totally kick your snowman's frozen powdered ass!"
"Oh, it's on!"
Humming a small laugh, I nodded at Anna, "I'd love to."
Before I could rise from my seat however, I felt Lea's hand grabbing mine. "You sure about that, babe? You're not really, ya know…" his eyes briefly flicked down to indicate my clothes. More specifically, what was concealed beneath my clothes. "...dressed for cold weather and ya might catch a chill. So whaddya say we get you upstairs and-"
"Ah-ah," I pressed a fingertip to his lips, silencing him. "I'll be fine. You know the cold never bothered me anyway. I just need to snag a pair of gloves and go grab my coat from the foyer." I pressed a quick kiss to his cheek before standing.
I'd barely managed to take a step however before Lea'd hastily dumped Aria into Saïx's unsuspecting hands and charged past me to stand in my path, right smack dab beneath the-
"Hold it!" he held his palm up in my face, then smirked, propped one shoulder against the inside of the archway he occupied now and pointed up with a smug, "Mistletoe."
I narrowed my eyes at the little sprig above his head, then crossed my arms as my eyelids drooped. "And I suppose you're expecting a kiss now?"
"Tradition demands it and who are we to scoff in the face of tradition? 'Sides, you wanna get your coat, you'll have to get through me first. So pucker up, schmoopsie-poo, cuz these lips aren't gonna kiss themselves!" He stretched a hand towards me, adding a low, "C'mere."
I considered his awaiting hand for a moment. Then I met his gaze, one corner of my mouth quirking up before I snagged the nearest thing - or rather, nearest person, which just so happened to be Roxas as he was running by. "You heard the man: those lips aren't going to kiss themselves!" I winked at the blond before giving him a little push towards Lea.
"You ready, big guy, because here comes some sweet, sweet sugar!" Roxas cackled as he latched onto him and made kissy noises.
"Get off, ya twerp!" Lea growled, planting a hand on Roxas's face and trying to wriggle free of his stranglehold.
"But, dude!" he muffled back against his palm. "Tradition demands it and who are we to scoff in the face of tradition?"
"I believe it's now someone else's turn to hold the infant," I suddenly heard Saïx dryly announce and I glanced back towards him to see him looking quite unamused as he held Aria upside down by one ankle at arms length. She giggled in delight as she reached for Marshmallow, who obliged her with a curious snuffle of her fingers. As Rayne gasped and rushed to take her from him, I shook my head with a grin and quickly slipped past Lea while he was still busy trying to extract himself from Roxas's grapple and thus was unable to stop me.
And to think… the holiday shenanigans had only just begun.
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"Welp, that's game!" Lea declared with a clap. Rising from the couch, he pulled me up with him and tried to drag me off as he hastily added, "Was fun guys, but we're gonna call it an early night. C'mon, El."
"What?" I laughed softly, digging my heels in and bringing us both to a lurching stop. "That was just the first round. We haven't even scored yet," I chided as I started leading him back towards the sofa.
He let me, huffing out a low sigh as he grumpily plopped back down into his seat and muttered under his breath, "Whaddya think I've been trying to do this whole time…"
I narrowed my eyes at him, pinching his arm for the comment.
"Oo, the foreplay's starting early, huh?" he waggled his eyebrows at me.
I pinched him harder.
"Babe, ya know you're only encouraging me at this point, right?"
I snorted, shifting tactics and shoving the notepad and pencil into his hands, "Just figure out the points please?"
"Fiiiiiine," he made an exaggerated show of rolling his eyes before scratching the pencil across the paper, tongue licking one corner of his lips as he worked. I shot the rest of the group a tiny apologetic smile.
It seemed Lea was getting a bit antsy for his gift.
I suppose he had been being rather patient for a while now. We had all spent several hours out in the snow - for the record, Xion's snowman had indeed kicked Roxas's snowman's frozen powdered butt. Lea had tried to corner me once or twice out there for some, hrm… snogging, but a well-timed handful of snow to his face did wonders for cooling that fiery passion of his down if only for a moment. Several snow angels and snowball fights later and we'd all finally had our fill and come back inside to warm ourselves by the fireplace once more. We were well past lunchtime now, but we still had plenty of snacks to tide us over until dinner. In the meantime, we'd decided to get a game of charades going at Anna's request.
At least, that's what we were attempting to do…
Of course, it'd help if the scorekeeper was actually doing his job correctly.
Or, you know… at all.
"Alright, lessee here…" Lea mumbled, pencil still furiously scribbling away. "You, my love, have four points, I have negative seventeen, and looks like Riku's won with… hm, carry the one… one million points. Now that's game! Shucks, too bad, so sad, let's go, El." Dropping the pad and pencil to the couch cushions, he snagged my hand and hopped up to his feet once more.
"Sit," came my simple yet firm command as I yanked him back down next to me. Pushing the pencil and notepad squarely into his chest, I told him, "Do it right."
As Lea released a sigh through his nose, Riku snorted from where he sat in another couch snuggled up close with his wife. "Do you even know the score? Have you been paying attention at all?"
"Course I know it! Got it memorized up here in the ol' noggin," he poked the pencil's eraser to his temple with a grin. However it quickly faded into a frown as he squinted down at the paper, tapping his writing utensil against it a couple times. "...but, I mean… if anyone else'd wanna compare notes and tell me what they think the point totals are, I'd only be too happy to let 'em know if they're right or wrong."
"But I thought you already knew the score, Mr Got-It-Memorized," Kairi sniggered, mockingly tapping a fingertip to the side of her forehead.
"I do. That was a test, and one ya just failed, princess. Minus fifty points for Kairi," Lea razzed his tongue at her as he wrote that down.
Sora groaned, "I want a new scorekeeper!"
"And that's minus one hundred points for you, bucko!"
Oh dear. We'd given the doofus way too much power.
"I'll take over keeping track of points," Rayne volunteered as she smiled and shook her head at my boyfriend's antics.
"Treason! Minus one thousand points for Raindrop for the villainy, attempted mutiny, and-"
I snatched the notepad from his fingers and smacked his shoulder with it before tossing it to Rayne who chirped a little "thank you!" at me as she caught it. I tried to confiscate the pencil as well, but he held it up high and away from me. As I stretched across him to reach for it, he took advantage of my new close proximity to plant a small peck to the tip of my nose.
I drooped my eyelids up at him.
Fine then. Keep the pencil, you big dork.
Anna piped up now, "Alright, we'll just call that first round a warm-up! Points start now!" She glanced over her shoulder and called out, "You're missing out on all the fun, Saïx, you sure you don't wanna join us?"
He'd moved some time ago to a table on the other side of the room far away from the rest of us, still hard at work on his laptop with Marshmallow curled up at his feet. "There's nothing I'd hate more," came his flat reply.
"So sayeth Mr Holly-Jolly himself," Lea muttered, staring up at the ceiling now as he balanced the pencil on his nose. I tried to swipe it, but he was faster in grabbing it off himself and once again keeping it out of my reach.
"Since we're starting off fresh, how about some new teams? Gals versus guys?" Xion suggested. She then bumped her shoulder into Roxas's with a goading smirk, "Unless, ya know, you're too scared of getting your asses handed to you by a buncha girls."
He snerked, bumping her back harder. "Bring it!"
As the others began weighing in as well on the new arrangement for the teams, I felt it. This tiny tickle against my thigh. I glanced down to discover Lea trying to use the eraser end of the pencil to covertly lift the side slit of my skirt for another discreet peek at the garter.
I lightly slapped his hand away and stood up, quickly saying, "You know, girls against boys sounds like an excellent idea. I think I'll go sit with my new teammates over here." I squeezed into the other couch between Anna and the armrest, edging Riku out from the opposite end and forcing him to find another seat. Across from Lea now, I shot him a pointed look with one eyebrow arched and a small smirk.
He just sulkily slumped further down into his own seat, knee jiggling up and down as he began gnawing on the pencil.
Oh yeah. Definitely antsy.
But no need to pout there, buddy, you and I both know you secretly love the torture of being forced to wait.
...was it wrong of me to actually be kind of enjoying this newfound power over him so much?
"Alright! Now that that's all settled, let the games begin!" Anna beamed before her blue gaze settled on me. "Sis, why don't you start us off?"
I stiffened. "Wha- me?" I bit down on my lower lip, eyes darting to the left as my hands began to fidget with each other in my lap. "...are you sure? Maybe it'd be better if someone else-"
"Elsa," she interrupted me, placing both hands on my shoulders. "Sis. I love you. You know I do. But you royally suck at charades."
"Hey!" I narrowed my eyes at her.
She shrugged, "Don't you 'hey' me, it's true!"
My face pinched sourly. "...okay, fair. But still… cheap shot."
An unapologetic grin pulled at her lips. "So now that we've got that established, don't you think getting the absolute travesty that will be your turn out of the way first so the rest of the team can help us finish strong might be the best call?"
I fixed her with a dull stare. "Gee, thanks for sugar coating it."
"No prob!" she giggled before her eyes turned expectant. "Sooo…?"
"Fine, just give me my word and let's get this over with," I relented with a sigh and held my hand out. Anna's face lit up and she offered me the basket full of tiny folded bits of paper. I plucked one up without much consideration and rose, stomping a few steps away.
We all remember what a "fan" of charades I am, right?
Ugh, the things I do for my sister.
Was it too late to be dragged off by Lea so he could have his manly way with me instead?
Releasing another sigh as I took my spot, I turned to face the others with a steely look of determination now. I'd show Anna. Time to put all those acting classes I'd been taking to good use! My team was going to guess my word so fast, they wouldn't even know what hit them. I was going to own this word. I was going to charade the hell out of this word! But first… alright, you stupid word, let's find out what you are. I opened the little slip of paper and squinted down at it.
What the frick was I supposed to do with ice?!
"All set?" came the sound of Kristoff's voice and my head shot up, eyes wide and skin drained of color. Does this look like the face of someone who's 'all set'?! "Good! Timer starts in three…"
He flipped over the small plastic hourglass and I…
...just stood there like a deer caught in the headlights.
"You got this, Elsa!" Anna called out to me. Oh sure, thanks for the vote of confidence now. Too little, too late, Sis. "...any time." No really? And here I was just standing around doing nothing on purpose because I figured that's how you win. "Just… just do it with your body!" Gah, I'm trying!
Okay, think, Elsa, think! Ice… how do I get them to say ice… Ice, ice, ice… ice...berg? ...Icicle? ...ice, ice, baby? Oh come on, Elsa, stop being silly and focus! Ice…
Ice cube! Yes, I think I could work with that!
I suddenly snapped into action, my hands blocking out a large shape in the air.
"Oh, oh, square!" Anna said excitedly.
Rayne tipped her head to one side, asking, "A rectangle?"
Kairi chimed in with, "A box!"
I twirled my index finger sideways, indicating for them to keep going before I began outlining the same shape again.
"Television box!"
"Lunch box!"
"Juke box!"
Gah, move on from the infernal word box already, people!
Xion squinted and gave a doubtful, "...microwave?"
"Croaster!" Anna shouted, bouncing up and down in her seat before freezing with a frown. "Wait… that's not a word…"
Despairing and not knowing what else to do, I kept miming the same shape in the air, just more frantically now.
As if doing it faster would somehow help the situation.
Oh wow, it actually had!
I clapped and nodded vigorously, hopping on the balls of my feet. Alright, onto phase two, which…
...there was no phase two.
I had zero idea how to get them from cube to ice cube.
I did not think this through.
Alright. Forget cube. Cube was stupid. Cube is out the window. New plan!
...got it! Okay, no, this was good. They were going to get it for sure this time. It was so obvious, I should've thought of it sooner. When you think of ice, you think of…
...ice skating.
Smiling and sure of myself now, I spread my arms out wide to either side of me and balanced on one foot, like a skater gliding on one blade across a frozen pond.
"Oh, ah… ballerina!"
"Tightrope walker!"
"Er… a tree? Maybe?"
A tree? I looked down at myself. How was this a friggin' tree?!
I locked gazes with Anna and stretched my pose out further for emphasis. Her face was scrunched up in deep thought. Come on, Sis, help me out here. You've seen me ice skate before, you know what it looks like. You got this. Two sisters, one mind. Suddenly her face brightened and she jumped up to her feet. Ha, there it is! I knew she'd get i-
"Michael Jordan!" she yelled, stabbing a finger in my direction.
Kairi abruptly rocketed up beside her, "Gandalf!"
Anna shook her head, "Pffft, like Gandalf Cube is a thing!"
"And what, like Michael Jordan Cube is?"
Oof, I really shot myself in the foot with that whole cube thing earlier, huh?
As the girls began to bicker amongst themselves while I continued to wobble and sway on one foot, I glanced over towards the boys who were all quietly snickering at our expense. Well, almost all of them. Lea instead seemed rather fascinated by the way I'd stretched and arched my body into its current pose, his eyes half-lidded as they travelled down my curves, his head slightly tilted and teeth still idly gnawing that pencil.
I smirked, a new idea forming inside my head. The girls needed more clues, after all. Planting both feet back on the ground, I bowed at the waist as if reaching down to tie the laces on my imaginary ice skates. As I bent forward, I made sure Lea got just enough of a glimpse down the front of my blouse to give him a hint of something lacy.
He bit the pencil in half with a loud crack!
Okay, I really was enjoying teasing him way too much now.
I think all this power was going straight to my head!
The all-corrupting power of the lingerie...
A gasp suddenly tore out of Anna and she started pointing back and forth between Lea and me, "I saw that! You two secretly communicated! You're working together! Double agent! Cheater!"
My head rocked back and I stammered, "Wha-?! I- How would that even- I am most certainly not-"
"Ahhnnnt!" Kristoff loudly and obnoxiously made a buzzer sound.
"Oh come on, I can't be out of time already!" I told him, crossing my arms.
"You talked, and there's no talking in charades, so consider yourself disqualified," he chuckled, then added, "PS: you actually ran out of time ages ago, we just let you keep going because watching you epically fail so hard was too funny."
Blowing out a tiny huff through my nostrils, I returned to my seat where the rest of the ladies gave me pats on the back and shoulder squeezes to console me. As Anna side-hugged me with one arm, she said, "There, there, Sis, I'm sure the word you got just sucked. Lemme see it," she took the little scrap of paper from me and unfurled it, read it, then blinked. "Ice?!" she snapped incredulously. "You couldn't get ice?!"
I sunk further down into my seat with a groan, pinching the bridge of my nose and making no further comment.
Surprisingly, the game ended in a draw. What I lacked in being able to communicate a concept without the use of words, I more than made up for in my ability to guess what my teammates were acting out. And while I may have been my team's handicap, turns out Lea was theirs. Normally he'd have been one of their stronger players, but it seemed his head just wasn't in the game. Not if the way his eyes kept distractedly drifting over to me while the rest of the boys had to constantly yell at him to focus was any sort of clue.
A couple hours and several rounds later brought us to a point where more than a few stomachs were suddenly loudly grumbling. We decided it was high time to break for dinner, seeing as how cookies and candy canes just weren't cutting it anymore. As everyone else started making their way towards the dining room, I excused myself so I could go freshen up real quick.
As I finished up in the bathroom, I turned the faucet off and flicked my hands a few times to shake away the water before reaching for the towel. Fingers now dried, I took a moment to eye myself in the mirror before straightening my bun and smoothing out my skirt. With a little satisfied nod, I turned, opened the door and-
-came to a screeching stop, looking up and blinking a couple times. "...can I help you?"
Lea smirked back down at me from where he stood in the threshold blocking my exit. Without uttering a word, he just smugly pointed up. My gaze followed his finger and-
Guess what we were both now under?
That's right. He'd moved the mistletoe.
My eyelids drooped at him. "Well now, that's just cheati- mmph!"
His warm lips were suddenly on mine as he grabbed my face in both hands. Unconsciously, my body leaned into his, my hands grasping at his shirt and wrinkling the material as he kissed me long and slow and we just stayed in the doorway there for a few heartbeats, his thumbs tenderly grazing along my cheekbones. Then there was a shift. His breathing turned ragged, his lips more urgent and demanding as a low growl emitted from his throat and Lea started backing me into the bathroom once more, kicking the door shut after him. Without breaking the kiss, he fumbled a hand behind him to lock it then was pushing me up against the sink counter. Lea wasted no time lifting me to sit on top of it, situating his hips between my knees as he hooked his hands beneath them and pulled me up against him roughly. He then wrapped my legs around his waist, fingertips caressing along the stockings, up my thighs and hiking my skirt a bit.
At last he broke the kiss, redirecting his attention to nibble down the side of my throat. Breathless and face hot, I whispered, "Lea, maybe we shouldn't-"
My neck suddenly seared in intense pleasure as his teeth bit down hard at just the right spot and I gasped.
...okay, maybe we should.
He huskily chuckled against my skin, lightly kissing it now as he murmured, "You were saying, Love?"
Desperately trying and failing to unscramble my brain, I began, "I… I was…"
"Mm-hm," he prompted absently as his lips and tongue continued to trail a path down my neck while his fingers pushed the hem of my skirt up a tad further.
"...was saying that… that we, uh…"
"Mm-hm," Lea hummed again, pulling back slightly now with a sly gleam in his crinkled eyes as he reached a hand back over his shoulder, grabbed the back of his tee, and-
Oh wow, there goes the shirt. On the floor. Just like that.
Lea had just made an extremely compelling argument for should.
I'd mentioned how persuasive he could be, right?
I dazedly watched as he took my hands in his, pressing my palms to his bare chest now as he leaned in to hungrily kiss me again. My fingers took on minds of their own as they began to drift and roam, slowly tracing down the lines and contours of his leanly muscled torso. I shivered as I felt his fingertips skim over the hollow of my shoulder and along my collarbone before settling on the top button of my blouse, tugging to undo it and moving down to the next-
"Elsa!" Several loud, frantic bangs against the door abruptly startled us apart. It took me a second to recognize Sora's voice coming from the other side as he whined, "Hurry up in there, I really, really gotta go!"
"Occupied!" Lea shouted over his shoulder before grinning as he hooked a finger under my chin and bent forward, his lips brushing mine once more.
"...Elsa? Why does your voice sound funny?" Sora asked uncertainly, causing me to snort against Lea's lips. His shoulders slumped and he hung his head, cursing under his breath. The spell had been broken. We both knew it.
I gently pushed him away, scooting myself down off the countertop and snatching his shirt up off the ground to hand to him. Then I took a second to fan myself in a futile effort to cool my face before opening the door and immediately saying, "This isn't what it looks like."
Sora blinked at me. Then his gaze darted to where Lea stood behind me, eyeing Sora sourly as he pulled his tee back on.
...okay, it was exactly what it looked like.
But Sora didn't need to know that!
He blinked again, "Um…"
Deciding to save him from having to come up with a more sophisticated response than that, I simply took Lea's hand in mine and left the bathroom towing him along after me, his dark scowl never leaving Sora as we pushed passed him and headed towards the dining room.
On the way there, we bumped into Rayne in the hallway who was bouncing Cayde in her arms in what seemed to be an attempt to get him to settle down. She arched an eyebrow at me as we drew near. "I thought you were freshening up."
My brow furrowed at her. "...I did."
She eyed me up and down, then snerked. "Sure ya did," was her only remark as she wiggled her eyebrows, shifted the baby to rest against her shoulder and disappeared through the door to join the others for dinner.
I tipped my head to one side, then glanced in a decorative mirror that was hanging on the wall to my left. To say I'd been disheveled would have been the understatement of the century. My skirt was rumpled, my blouse skewed, and I was still bright red from practically head to toe. To top it all off, my hair was free of its bun and positively wild.
"When did you do that?" I narrowed my eyes accusingly at Lea as I did my best to gather and throw it back up into a haphazard bun.
Alright fine, I knew exactly when he did it. I just hadn't even realized he'd done it.
He pursed his lips to one side, shoved his hands into his pockets and gave a tiny shrug as I finished righting my clothes. I then noticed his eyes flick down, suddenly seeming highly fascinated by something. I followed his gaze to spot my top button of my blouse still undone and flashing a scandalous little sneak preview of the lingerie. Blushing harder (the exact opposite of what I wanted to be doing right now, dammit, cheeks!), I hastily re-fastened the button while Lea grinned wolfishly. I pinched his arm, wiping the smirk off his face before taking his hand in mine once more and leading him into the room.
Everyone was seated at the long wooden dining table already and were all too busy laughing and talking over each other to pay much mind to our entrance. As I quietly took a seat, I noticed most of the dishes of piping hot food had already been brought out to the table. Kristoff was bringing out the last of them with my sister's help.
"I'm so happy my man knows how to cook," Anna delightedly chirped as she set down a bowl of yams before giggling and pressing a smooch to Kristoff's cheek. "That way, I don't have to!"
I smiled at the two of them while Lea plonked down into the chair beside me. He laced our fingers together, his thumb idly rubbing along my knuckles as he settled his other elbow onto the table, heavily propped his chin in his palm and heaved a long, drawn out sigh through his nose. His eyes narrowed on Sora as he returned from the restroom and happily crossed the room to take a seat between Riku and Kairi, totally oblivious to the daggers my boyfriend was glaring at him the whole way. Lea then looked away, petulantly huffing out a second grumbly sigh.
It seemed somebody was still a bit pouty over our little interlude in the bathroom being interrupted.
We couldn't have that now, could we? Not on Christmas! Let's see what we can do to perk his spirits a bit.
I shifted ever so slightly in my seat, casually bumping my knee into his as if it were by accident. Lea glanced over at me, quirking an eyebrow. One corner of my lips turned up as I took our still intertwined hands and moved them under the table, releasing his so it could settle on my knee instead. He sat up a little straighter in his chair, his other eyebrow rising to join the first. I grinned coyly, averted my gaze and said nothing, merely waiting for him to take the hint as I reached for the cup of hot cider already waiting for me next to my plate.
Slowly, tentatively, his hand started to slide up my leg, brushing my skirt up with it as he went until he reached the garter. There he paused, his fingertips exploring, grazing over its soft delicate embroidery and toying with it. I could see Lea's face heating as he brought his other hand up to bite down on the knuckle of his curled finger. I just sipped my drink and smiled politely at the conversation the others were carrying on around us. The perfect picture of prim and properness. As if nothing even remotely untoward were happening under the table in the slightest.
Eventually, his hand began tracing the garter down to my inner thigh, discovering where one of the straps connected to it. His fingertips trailed circles over the clasp a couple times before then attempting to follow the strap further up between my legs.
That's when I snagged his wrist, stopping it dead in its tracks and shooting him a flat look.
Sorry, bucko, but that's as far as this little adventure at the dinner table goes.
His muscles were tense. His left eye twitched. But then Lea closed his eyes, released a low, shaky breath and his posture relaxed somewhat as with what appeared to be a considerable amount of visible effort, he willed himself to take his hand back.
"So hey!" Kairi suddenly piped up over everyone else, causing the chatter to die down a bit as all eyes turned towards her. "I brought a buncha Christmas movies with me! You know, all the classics. I was thinking maybe it could be fun for all of us to watch a couple after we finish eating. How does that sound?"
Lea cleared his throat, raking his fingers through his hair as he began, "Actually, El and I had other-"
"What a wonderful idea!" I chimed in brightly before turning to plant a swift peck to the corner of Lea's jawline. "We'd love to, isn't that right, Lea? Since we all know what a fan of the classics you are."
He pressed his lips together into a thin line and simply fixed me with a dull stare.
Oh yes.
No doubt about it.
I was definitely having way, way too much fun teasing him.
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It was late. Little Ralphie Parker's father had just thrown aside fistfuls upon fistfuls of packing to liberate the infamous leg lamp from its crate in the movie. A quick glance around the dim room, lit only by the soft glow from the TV screen, revealed everyone to be cozied up together in one way or another as they enjoyed the film.
Rayne was curled up with Riku under a blanket, him turning his head to press an affectionate kiss to the top of her head. Sora was using Kairi's lap as a makeshift pillow, their hands joined and resting atop his chest as they watched. Anna was occupying an armchair with Kristoff seated on the floor before her, using her knees as a backrest while her nimble fingers plaited hundreds of thin, tiny braids into his short blonde hair. Roxas and Xion were taking their turn for some snuggle time with the twins who, even though it was now well past their bedtimes, were being quite obstinate about going to sleep.
Even Saïx had a cuddle buddy, although he was too busy snoring to realize it. It seemed being up during the daylight hours to power through getting all his work done had finally caught up to and taken its toll on him. Back on the couch once more, his laptop lay forgotten on his lap with the screensaver running while he'd conked out nestled into Marshmallow's plush fur beside him. Marshmallow's tail thumped quietly against the couch cushions as he too began to drift off into dreams.
Grinning, I returned my gaze to the movie and settled more comfortably into Lea's side as I laid my head against his chest once again and my arms hugged more tightly around his waist. I could feel him fiddling with a stray lock of my bangs that'd gotten loose, looping and twiddling it between his fingers. Then his hand diverted its attention to instead trail lightly along my bare shoulder, his fingertips drawing invisible patterns there against my skin. It tickled and I involuntarily squirmed against him a bit.
I heard him suck in a soft hiss of breath, shifting in his seat as he hastily removed his hand, fingers splaying and flexing before closing into a fist that he planted firmly on the sofa backrest behind my head now. His knee started furiously jerking up and down. I turned my head to look up at him. His whole body was rigid and his jaw set tight, the very fires of determination seemingly burning in his eyes currently as he focused hard on the movie (perhaps a little too hard), though his gaze kept flicking to the clock hanging on the wall every few seconds.
Frowning, I brought a hand up, brushing my knuckles tenderly over his cheek. Lea stiffened, his whole body suddenly going very still. I altered course to stroke his hair, gently running my fingers through it. His breath hitched as his eyes slowly closed and I could feel him quivering slightly. Then he abruptly snatched my hand, disentangling it from his mess of untamed hair.
I blinked at him.
He pressed a lingering kiss to the back of my hand before settling it on his knee as he ducked his head, bringing his lips right next to my ear as he half whispered, half growled, "Love, it's taking every last ounce of restraint I have not to just throw you on the coffee table and take you in a primal cavemanly fashion, so unless you want to give our friends a bit of a show, I suggest you stop."
...oh dear.
It seemed I'd made him wait a little too long and he was dangerously close to his breaking point.
Thus I decided to finally and at long last take pity on him.
It was time.
Time to let him unwrap his gift.
I stood up, spinning on my heel to face Lea. He stared up at my quizzically, probably leery of getting his hopes up at this point. Smiling sweetly, I reached down, taking his hands in mine and pulling him up to his feet as well as I announced to the rest of the room, "If you'll excuse us, Lea's not feeling too hot, so we're going to head to bed now." His hand still in mine, I led him out of the room and towards the stairs as the others called out a chorus of feel-betters and goodnights after us.
Reaching the second floor, I stepped through our door ahead of him and cast a brief glance about as I stood in the center of the bedroom, taking it in. The traditional rustic wooden walls decorated with a couple small pieces of hanging art here and there. The pair of plump armchairs in one corner next to a homey little fireplace, currently unlit and cold but with plenty of logs just waiting for a spark. The antique wardrobe and dresser off to one side, the door off to another leading into the adjoining private bathroom. The king-sized bed stacked high with blankets and quilts for fighting off the chill later on in the dead of night.
The muted click of Lea shutting the door behind us caught my attention, but I didn't turn to look at him, merely waited. There was a pause. One that was so long and quiet, I almost began to wonder if he'd left for some reason. But then I could all but feel him standing behind me, feel the warmth practically radiating off his body just a few short inches away from mine, sending a tiny chill up my spine and a small flutter through my chest.
His hands found their way to my hair, a simple tug pulling the bun free once more and sending my platinum locks cascading down my back. I shook it out a little more, resisting the urge to shiver at the pleasant tingling sensation brought on by him slowly, almost reverently combing his fingers through the strands. Then his fingertips were trailing along my shoulders and ghosting lightly down my arms where they came to settle comfortably on my hips. I could feel him nestling his face into my hair, pressing a kiss into it as he inhaled deeply, humming low in pleasure as his grip on my hips tightened and his body pressed more firmly up against my back.
At the gentle insistence of his hands, I turned and faced him now. Gosh, he was so tall. You'd think I'd be used to it by now, but I wasn't. It was moments like these - moments where no words were spoken and there was so little space between us - that reminded me just how tall he truly was. Not to mention how handsome he was or painfully gorgeous those startlingly green eyes of his were, especially while they were hooded and swirling as darkly as they were now. My pulse couldn't help but pick up the tempo beneath his heated gaze.
The air felt charged between us, nearly unbearably so. I was almost surprised Lea hadn't simply pounced the second we were alone. The slight tremble to his hand as he brought it up to stroke my cheek suggested that might be exactly what he wanted to do but was holding himself back. Perhaps he was going slow because he was wary of this moment being snatched away from him yet again like they all had been so far today. Perhaps he simply wanted to take his time and savor this. Whatever the case may be, as his fingers tangled themselves in my hair and he leaned in now, there was no doubt in my mind all that was about to change. I knew the second his lips met mine, all bets would be off. That last shred of restraint he was barely clinging on to would snap and all that pent up frustration he'd been keeping in check all day would be unleashed and given free rein. My face burned and my heart hammered as he closed the distance, so near now that I could feel his breath warming my lips as he murmured my name and-
"TOOTHPASTE!" I suddenly blurted out loudly.
He jerked back, eyes wide and both eyebrows skyrocketing as if to ask, Um… sorry, who what now?
Which honestly? Couldn't blame him.
So, mouth? Care to explain yourself?
I stammered nonsensically for a bit, wringing my hands together before finally pointing a thumb over my shoulder towards the restroom and managing to get out, "For brush teeth… make m-mint fresh in mouth."
Ah yes, clear as mud now. Thanks, mouth. Your gift for gab never ceases to amaze and astound.
My oh so eloquent words hung in the air between us as we just stared at each other for a few seconds. Then I bolted into the bathroom, slamming the door shut and locking it behind me. Pressing my back to it, I buried my face in my hands and slid down to sit on the floor.
Smooth going there, little Miss Casanova. Just really know how to set the mood, huh?
I groaned and banged the back of my head against the door.
Oh god, Lea was going to think I freaked out because of him. That I didn't want to, hrm… be intimate with him. But I did! I loved being intimate with him! It was something he was very good at! Very, very good! Amazing, in fact! But what did I go and do the second I had a chance to do exactly that with him?
I'd panicked and choked, that's what!
Because this time was different.
This time, lingerie was involved.
Putting it on and teasing him with it was one thing. But lingerie had implications. It set expectations. You were supposed to, I don't know… act sexy… be sexy… you know, that whole feminine wiles things! And my feminine wiles? Still a work in progress. Sure, it was something I'd gotten better at since Lea and I had started dating, but trust me, I still had a long way to go. And yet here I'd gone, riling him up all day and now that the moment had finally arrived where I had to deliver the goods, I'd…
I'd gotten a bit of stage fright, okay?! So sue me!
...maybe I was just being silly. Overthinking all of this. Putting too much pressure on myself for no reason. This was Lea we were talking about here, after all. I could go out there and do the least attractive impression of a sloth in a negligee doing the chicken dance while yodeling and he'd still probably find it sexy. (...dear lord, the fool honestly might. Not even joking anymore.) The point was that he loved me and I loved him, so this shouldn't be such a big deal. One teeny bit of silky, lacy fabric shouldn't be a big deal. Yeah, this was supposed to be fun.
So, missy, you march your little hiney back out there and have fun, dammit!
Nostrils flaring, I pressed a hand to the door behind me and pushed myself up onto my feet once more, turning to look at myself in the mirror. My reflection had fists balled at her hips, her shoulders squared, her head held high, and a look of ironclad resolve flashing in her blue eyes. I leaned forward, planting one hand on the sink countertop and using the other to jab a finger up against the mirror surface as I hissed, "Now listen up and listen good, me! You're going to go out there and… and… knock his friggin' socks off!"
She blinked back at me, visibly gulping with a tiny frown.
My shoulders sagged. "...I think."
Atta girl, that's the fire and can-do attitude we like to hear!
Face hardening once more, I gave myself a firm nod, straightened up and gingerly began unbuttoning my blouse. Once I'd shed it and tossed it to the floor, I slipped out of my skirt as well. Then I stood in front of the mirror inspecting myself, cheeks surely roasting hotter than the fires of Mount Doom. My lips pursed to one side. I awkwardly settled a hand against my right hip. Then I swept my hair forward over one shoulder. Only to brush it back again a second later.
Couldn't decide which way had a more 'come hither' look to it.
Narrowing my eyes, I whisked it forward again.
Then back.
Ugh, forget it and move on already!
Just then, I remembered something. Hesitantly, I turned my head, my eyes drifting almost unbidden towards our suitcases cluttered together in one corner of the spacious bathroom. Not really sure why Lea had put them in here when he'd dropped them off earlier. Maybe I'd asked him to and it'd simply slipped my mind. Maybe he'd just been looking for a place to stow them where they'd be out of our way in anticipation of tonight's activities.
Whatever the case may be, they were in here with me now. And that meant…
Inhaling and exhaling slowly, I approached them, locating mine and unzipping it. Flipping the lid open, I stared inside and paused in a moment of indecision. Then I grit my teeth and plunged my hand in, digging down deep past my clothes in search of the thing.
You know.
That thing.
The one Anna had made me buy.
I felt my fingers bump into it and I closed them around it, holding my breath before pulling it out. Then I stared down at what I now held in my hand.
A riding crop.
You read that right.
A friggin' riding crop.
Did I have the first clue what to do with it?
Not really, no.
Was I going to bring it out with me anyway?
...sure, why not?
I mean, I was already a bit of a nervous wreck over this whole ordeal, so it was hard to imagine this could make it any worse.
Go big or go home, as they say.
Heart pounding in my ears and insides twisting into a billion, quadrillion knots, I turned to face the door, chin hitched and back straight.
Slinky lingerie? Check. Riding crop? Check… apparently.
Operation Sexy Time was a go.
Let's do this.
I bravely charged forth.
And by that, I mean I opened the door just enough to cautiously poke my head out for a peek.
But I bravely poked my head out cautiously, dammit!
I spotted Lea dejectedly lying on the bed now, sprawled out on his back and smothering his face with a pillow. Heh… off to a good start here. Opening the door wider, I quietly crept a few steps into the room. With how high my blush had cranked up to at this point, it was a wonder I hadn't burnt to a crisp already. My empty hand stiffly found its way to my hip once more. I swept my hair forward again. Then grimaced, pushing it back. Then forw-
Gah, quit fussing, you stupid hands, and just get on with it already!
As Lea still seemed unaware of my presence and with me at a loss for how else to get his attention, I anxiously cleared my throat.
He didn't budge, just groaned into the pillow and muffled out, "What new way have you come to torment me with now, devil woman?"
Such a drama queen. Shaking my head, I began, "Lea-"
"Is there even really lingerie under there or is that just more of your cruel, twisted mind games to string me along and torture me?"
I rolled my eyes with a tiny huff of a snort and tried again, "Lea."
Face still under the pillow, he struck a defiant finger up high into the air, "Well not this guy! Nu-uh, no siree bob! I am done dancing to your sadistic whims! Begone, devious succubus, and tempt me no more with your-"
"Lea!" I snapped exasperatedly, unconsciously smacking my crop against my leg.
Oof, that'd stung a bit.
But it seemed to be what finally caught his attention. He hooked a thumb beneath his pillow now, lazily hoisting it up just enough for him to lift his head and look at me. Then he bolted up into a sitting position, back ramrod straight and eyes all but popping out of his head as the pillow tumbled to the mattress behind him. His wide-eyed gaze met mine. Then darted down to the lingerie. Over to the riding crop in my hand. Then he was madly scrambling to the foot of the bed, sitting on his knees there with his hands gripping the edge of the bedframe hard enough to turn his knuckles white as he heavily and rapidly breathed through his nose.
I just stood there, flushing more furiously and resisting the urge to self-consciously shift my weight from one foot to the other.
In a state of mild panic, I abruptly thrust the crop towards him and blurted out, "Shirt. Off."
...sure, that works.
Not missing a beat and faster than should have been humanly possible, Lea yanked his top up over his head and chucked it across the room. Then his eyes fastened on me once more, seemingly eagerly awaiting my next instruction.
"Knees," I pointed at a spot on the floor in front of me, "Now."
In his haste to comply, he stumbled and fell out of the bed, crashing into the floor but was quick to recover and prop himself up on his knees before me.
Swat your thigh with the thingie again!
...I'm sorry, brain, do what now?
Well, I mean… it seemed to be highly well received just a second ago, so…
Pulse racing, I hesitated for a split second before piercing the air with another sharp thwack of the riding crop hitting my skin. His muscles visibly grew taut and tense, but he stayed put, his throat emitting an impatient whimper.
...was it really this easy?
...this actually was kind of fun…
Feeling some of the nervous tension start to ebb from my body, I slowly began to circle him now, lightly tapping the lash of the crop into the palm of my other hand as I murmured, "Now… what, oh what am I going to do with you?"
Lea released a deep, throaty chuckle. "...I might be able to think of a thing or two…"
Coming to a stop in front of him once again, I bowed down to his eye level, using the riding crop to lift his chin as I grinned at him. "I'm listening."
For the record, zero sleep was had that Christmas night.
The lingerie did not survive Lea's ravenous onslaught.
We may have also slightly broken that antique dresser.
Oops. Guess they just don't make those things as sturdy as they used to.
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Author's Note: HAPPY NEW YEAR! And based on this chapter, have another (belated) merry Christmas xD Figures that my longest chapter to date had to be the friggin' lingerie chapter xD I am almost ashamed of myself… BUT NOT REALLY! No regrets, yolo! Lol, I hope you all had as much fun reading this as I had fun writing it :D
Fun Fact: This was actually the first bonus chapter idea I came up with for this story. It came to me about a year ago while I was still working on chapter… 17 I think? I wanted to immediately start writing it, but I restrained myself, wanting to finish the main story first. But having a whole year with this one-shot in the back of my mind is probably why it ended up being so long, cuz I kept coming up with more little ideas to squeeze into it xD Then of course, I started coming up with the ideas for the other bonus chapters that came before it, forcing myself to wait even longer to write it but aaahhhhhh, yay, I finally got to this one! And did I include Esmeralda's Secrets all the way back in chapter 19 specifically with this bonus chapter in mind? Yes, yes I did x'D Of course, I knew this whole time Esmeralda herself was gonna be making an appearance, but Frollo turned out to be a last minute addition that came to me as I was writing the chapter. But including him made me realize I had a missed opportunity: on one of Lea's and Elsa's many visits to the mall's clock tower which has BELLS, they should've bumped into a certain hunchback who's in charge of maintaining said bells xD Ah well, even tho they never saw him in the story, I've made it canon now: that is officially Quasimodo's job in this AU xD And he's always embarrassed about his adoptive father protesting with his picket signs outside the store of the cute girl he has a crush on xD Poor guy!
So many lines I snagged from the video games and the movies as references this chapter, I wonder if you guys were able to catch every single little one I slipped in? xD And obviously Elsa's fave musical that's playing at Broadway is Frozen 2 (since that's where Show Yourself that she sang back in auditions was from) but I didn't want to CALL it that in the story, but had zero ideas for a clever replacement title, so it didn't get a name xD And while I gave a few details here and there, for the most part I left the lingerie Elsa purchased vague on purpose - I figure some things are just best left to the imagination ;P Lea doesn't usually have such a one track mind as he did this chapter… or maybe he does and he's just usually more tactful about concealing it xD Either way, Lea ALSO isn't usually presented with the possibility of his very hot girlfriend dressing up in sexy lingerie for him, so can ya really blame the guy for being a bit of a horndog this chapter? I think not xP Worry not however, he'll be back to his normal, (slightly) more classy self next chapter xD You can bet tho that now that he knows Elsa has been to the dirty store in the mall, that he has since dragged her back there on more than one occasion now so they could make a few purchases as a couple, hehehe :3 But like I said all the way back at the very beginning, despite the main subject of the chapter, it was still all fairly tame, right? I haven't yet crossed THAT particular line… I may come right up to the line, dance wildly and with reckless abandon on top of the line, but not cross it xD I dunno if I'll ever be brave enough to write a full-on lemon, but maybe one day…. Hehehehe…
Anyhoo, tis with a sad and heavy heart that I must announce that this will probably be my last update for a while. Don't worry, there's more to come! I still have at least 3 more bonus chapters for this story planned! However, I've been working on almost nothing but this story for over a year now and I've finally hit a point where I need a break xD I think I'm gonna take a few weeks and have a breather from writing in general, but trust me, that won't last for long before the itch takes hold of me once again and I'll NEED to scratch it! When that happens, I'm not sure what I'm gonna work on next - it'll be Axelsa, without question, that's just my brand yo, it has bewitched my very SOUL xD But WHICH Axelsa story is the question! Will I update one of my older incomplete stories over on FFN/AO3 or will I get back to work on that new story I have the first 3 chapters written of that I've yet to share with you all? Guess we'll seeeeeeeeeeee xD I might eventually start posting some of my older stories here on tumblr too - they’re all incomplete currently tho and I was hoping to finish them before I started sharing them here, but I might not be able to resist in the end. I have commissioned a couple artists recently, so hopefully you’ll be seeing those soon! I’ll have more of my own personal fanart to share too in the hopefully near future, I just need to wait for my hand to recover as I sprained it being the irresponsible dope that I am and have had to put my doodling on hold while it recuperates xD All of that is to say, you’ll be hearing from me and my Axelsa obsession again in some form or another in the near future, you can count on it!
Thanks for reading, I super duper appreciate it! And an extra BIG thank you to those of you who’ve liked, reblogged, and followed so far, seeing those lil notifications always brings the biggest, goofiest smile to my face!
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evengayerpanic · 4 years
Trains and Passengers [2 of 4]
Trigger Warning: Mentions of Emotional Abuse, Physical Abuse and Reference to Sexual Assault.
Inspired by an ask I received, wanting an AU of Aster/Ellie plus an adorable little boy, I’ve decided to take that idea, and run with it! There just seemed to be so much plot, that a one-shot wouldn’t have sufficed. So I bring you the second chapter, out of four, in Trains and Passengers, an Ellie/Aster AU.
“Mama, can we have dinosaur nuggets for dinner?” Aster blinked her eyes open, letting out a small laugh as she met her son’s eyes face to face, the little boy’s face bare inches away from her as he tried to whisper (or at least as much as a toddler could whisper) about how happy his dinosaur nuggets would make him.
For a second, Aster had to glance around the room, she was curled up on the sofa in the cabin, blanket curled around her. Tommy was squished in next to her, not quite stealing the blanket, but trying too.
“Baby, how long have I been asleep?” Aster asked softly, bringing a hand up to brush the hair out of her little boy’s eyes, a smile on her face as she did so.
“Four shows of Paw Patrol.” Tommy shrugged, his hand grabbing another chip from the bag in front of him, popping it into his mouth quickly before smiling at her. “You was really tired, Mama.” Tommy giggled.
Aster sighed as she shifted under the blanket, arms stretching out to grab her little boy and drag him into her, the child squealing and giggling as she pulled him towards her. “Mama! Mama, that’s silly!” The sound of his laughter was music to Aster’s ears as she peppered the little boy’s face with kisses, tickling underneath his arms and along his sides. “Hehe, Mama! That tickles!”
“Did you eat that whole bag of chips?” Aster teased him, the boy squealing out his answer in a yelp.
“I ate them, I ate them!” Tommy squealed, before his Mama swiped him up into the air, tucking him over her shoulder and carrying him to the kitchen.
Aster laughed for a second, before settling the little boy on the kitchen counter. “I guess you aren’t hungry for lunch then.” She smiled, leaning over to kiss him on the head, before pulling the freezer next to them open. “Let’s see if we have any dinosaur nuggets.”
Aster dug through the freezer slowly. “How about regular chicken nuggets?” She asked, a smile on her face as she shook the box. “You love chicken nuggets.”
“No.” Tommy said, frowning. “I want dino nuggets.”
“Baby, we don’t have dinosaur nuggets.” Aster tried to reason, her heart breaking as the little boy in front of her’s lip began quivering and he started to tremble.
“Okay... Okay, let’s go out and get some.” She said with a smile, lifting her son off of the counter and hugging him tightly. “We can go check out the town of Squahamish, and go find a grocery store to get your dinosaur nuggets, how does that sound?”
“Yay!” Tommy cried as he jumped down from his mother’s arms and sprinted off in the direction of the room he was staying in. “I’ll get dressed, Mama!”
Less than ten minutes later, Aster and Tommy were ready to go, hand in hand as they exited the cabin, only to run into someone standing at the front door.
“Oh!” Aster cried out as an arm reached out to steady her, stopping her and Tommy from toppling over.
“Aster?” Came the panicked voice that was just starting to become a familiar one. “I am so sorry!”
Blinking her eyes, Aster moved her arm to shield Tommy for a moment before she realized who it was they had run into. “Ellie! What are you doing here?”
The girl in question blushed for a moment, smiling as the little boy at her feet immediately began to grin at her. “I wanted to check in on you guys.” Ellie tried to explain, the smile growing as Tommy moved to cling at her arm with a shy cuddle against her. “Make sure you were okay, and that you didn’t need anything.” 
“Funny you should ask.” Aster smiles, her voice laden with laughter underneath. “We were just about to go on a mission for dinosaur nuggets.” She smiles.
Ellie sputters in confusion. “Dinosaur nuggets?”
“My favourite!” Tommy exclaims excitedly.
At his excited yell, both Aster and Ellie burst into laughter. Ellie smiling down at the little boy before nodding. “Well I guess we better go get you some!”
Aster glanced up at Ellie’s remark, her eyes widening slightly. “You want to come with us?” She was beyond confused. A trip to a grocery store with a three year old didn’t sound like fun to even Aster, and she was his mother, she couldn’t imagine why someone would want to join them if they didn’t have to.
“If that’s okay with you.” Ellie said with a soft look at Aster, there was a sparkle in them that Aster had never seen in anyone before. To top it all off, Ellie kneeled to her son’s height with her next words, which made Aster swoon. “And if it’s okay with you.”
“Yeah!” Tommy shouted his glee, something that made Aster blush and nod her own agreement.
“We would love the company, Ellie Chu.”
It wasn’t until two hours later that Aster Flores realized just how much fun she was having grocery shopping in Squahamish with her son and Ellie Chu.
“What do you mean you’ve never seen Harry Potter?” Ellie Chu gasped in surprise, nearly dropping the ice cream in her hands as the three of them walked down the street of Squahamish. “It’s a classic, Aster!”
“Religious parents.” Aster explained, biting a piece of her popsicle off, looking down at her son who had chocolate all over his face. “I wasn’t allowed to watch anything that might condemn my soul.” She shrugs.
“Wow, I’m sorry.” Ellie turned to look at Aster, nothing but sincerity in her eyes as they exchanged a look. “Do you mind if I ask a personal question?”
Aster laughed for a second. “Ellie, you’ve bought me groceries twice now. You also cleaned up the cabin I’m staying in, and now you’ve bought me and my son ice cream. I would say you’re allowed to ask anything.”
“How did they feel when you got married so young?” 
Aster froze, mid-smile as her face falls. Instantly, Ellie felt a flush of embarrassment flood over her and she shook her head wildly, apologies immediately escape her lips. She didn’t mean to ask, didn’t mean to be so intrusive. Ellie knows she shouldn’t have pried, she shouldn’t have asked, really it was none of her busi-
“It’s okay.” Aster finally speaks, voice smaller than Ellie Chu is used too, the loud and boisterous Mom that she met last night, and got to spend time with today has instead been replaced with hard whispers and softness. “They loved the idea, they’re the ones who actually suggested that he propose, to be honest.”
At Ellie’s confused look, Aster sighs. She stops in her tracks but nods Tommy forward, the little boy bouncing along the street happily, following the way they took to get to Squahamish. His Mama and her new friend watch him carefully, Aster speaking as they start walking again, a little more confidently now that Tommy is no longer within earshot.
“T.J., Tommy’s father, well... his family has a lot of money.” She starts, her eyes keeping a close tab on her three year old who’s barely ten feet in front of them. “When we started dating, T.J. began giving money to my Father’s church.” Her eyes go downcast again, clear shame passes over as she murmurs. “My Dad thought if we got married, that the donation his family would give... well, that it would change lives.”
Ellie reaches out, her free hand going to caress Aster’s arm gently. “I’m really sorry your family used you.”
It’s soft, and small, but Ellie sees the slightest upturn of a smile come over Aster’s face. “It’s okay, I got Tommy out of it, and that’s all that matters, right?”
“We should catch up to him before he makes it all the way home without us.” Aster says, grabbing a hold of Ellie’s free hand, and holding tight to one of the grocery bags they purchased. “Come on!” She smirks, pulling Ellie behind her as the two women chase after the boy with a smile and laugh that rings across town.
Ellie spends the rest of the day with the mother and son duo; Aster makes them all the much anticipated dinner of dinosaur nuggets and tater tots, Tommy helps Ellie with the trains in the evening, and Ellie ends up the middle of a too cute for words sandwich when they all curl up to watch The Polar Express.
It may not be Christmas, but at least it has trains.
Halfway through the movie, an exhausted Tommy Singh falls asleep, spooned up against Ellie Chu’s leg, effectively freezing her from moving for fear of waking the angel up from his peaceful slumber.
Instead Ellie and Aster continue their conversation from earlier, over top the little boys dark brown curls.
“Did you always want to be a Mom?” Ellie asks, watching the way that Aster slips her fingers through her son’s hair, brushing it softly as he sleeps.
“No, actually.” Aster surprises Ellie. “I wanted to be an artist, paintings in every museum. I wanted to have my own collection and run my own gallery. I didn’t want kids until I was at least thirty, maybe older.”
Ellie raises an eyebrow, looking down at the little boy sleeping. “What changed? I mean, you can’t have been very old when Tommy was born. You’re my age.”
“I was nineteen when I got married, three weeks shy of my twentieth birthday when Tommy was born.”
Ellie can only smile, not picking up on the hidden sadness in Aster Flores’ eyes. “A decade early, hm?”
Aster frowns this time. Ellie reaches a hand out to grab Aster’s arm gently. “I’m sorry, was I rude?”
Aster shakes her head, strands of her own dark curls falling into her eyes. “No.” She mumbles, a shiver going through her as she pulls away, moving just enough to get to her feet. “I need to get him in bed.”
Ellie nods, watching as Aster ducks in to lift Tommy under the arms. The boy instantly curls against his Mama, tucking in close to her, even while asleep. She hoists him into her arms and carries him off down the hall, leaving Ellie alone in the living room in silence.
She waits a moment, then another one. 
About a minute has gone by before Ellie realizes that she probably offended Aster, and that the girl was trying to get away from her. She gets to her feet, gathering what little things she brought, and sneaks over to the door... shame and embarrassment are written across her face. She feels mortified. 
She’s about to leave, mentally cursing herself for chasing away one of the only people that’s seem to enjoy her company since Paul Munsky moved out of town, when Aster comes back into the room, stopping her in her tracks with a single word.
“Stay.” She pauses, then adds. “Please?”
And just like Aster Flores could control the entire world with a single word, Ellie Chu finds her way back to the sofa and sits down, facing the girl silently.
“We were only married a week before T.J. began asking me when we were going to have kids.” Aster takes the chair across from Ellie with a sigh.
“I told him I wanted to wait a few years.” She continues, fixing Ellie with a look, a look that somehow Ellie knows how to read even though they’ve only known each other for a couple of days. “I found out I was pregnant barely a month later.”
Ellie exhales the breath that she didn’t know she was holding, there’s so many questions in her mind, but she knows better than to interrupt Aster. Not now.
“A happy accident, or so I thought.” Aster smiles softly, glancing over at the room where her son is sleeping. “When Tommy was born, I fell in love.”
At this point she stops, her voice gets a little choked up and Ellie has to keep herself from rushing across the room to comfort Aster, to hold her, hug her, do something to help fix what the other woman feels.
“Barely a month afterwards, he was asking me again when we could get pregnant... I wasn’t even healed from Tommy’s birth yet.” Aster grimaces in pain.
“I found out the condoms we were using... all had holes poked in them, every last one of them.” 
At this, Ellie feels the shock hit her.
Aster isn’t finished though, far from it. She tells her story from that moment on; informing Ellie of how she had to secretly go on birth control without T.J. noticing, sharing that after three years of nothing that he was starting to get suspicious and culminating in a very awkward doctor appointment where T.J. was finally informed of the measures Aster took against an accidental pregnancy with a second child.
And lastly, his immediate fury.
“He screamed the entire way home...” Aster whispers, voice broken and Ellie’s heart thudding into her stomach. “When we got home, he tossed out the birth control, and told me we were going to try every day until I gave him another child.” Ellie feels sick.
“I didn’t want too, but that didn’t matter to him... He just...” At this point, Aster lets out a sob and Ellie bounds across the room to her in a second, wrapping her arms around the crying woman and holding her in a tight embrace. “He took what he wanted from me.”
Aster trembles in Ellie’s arms. Ellie holds her, not sure how to comfort her, other than listening to her story.
“Every day for a week, he’d come home and... One night, Tommy heard my screaming and came running.” Ellie lets out a small gasp, her heart breaking at the very idea of Tommy walking in on the horrors his Mama went through. “I begged T.J. to stop, but he slammed the door in Tommy’s face, and kept on...”
Aster wipes the tears from her eyes, and Ellie offers her part of her sleeve, not sure what else to do. The hollow small laugh Aster gives at that, only seems to break Ellie more, her heart racing at the things these precious two people had to go through.
“Tommy sat outside the door the entire night crying, the next day he asked me why Daddy was hurting me...” Aster barks out another hollow laugh, this one full of remorse and anger, instead of the sadness from before. “You know, you always wonder what will happen if your child walks in on you... How you’re going to explain that Mommy and Daddy weren’t hurting each other. You never think you have to explain that he’s right, that Daddy was hurting Mommy and you don’t know why he’s doing it.”
At this Ellie whispers, “Aster, I am so sorry that you went through th-” But Aster isn’t finished yet.
“The next day, I tried to stop him... I fought back, and he gave me this black eye.” Aster points to her face, and Ellie, though she already knew just who was the culprit of Aster’s bruises, can hardly hold herself back from wanting to stand up and go after the sick son of a bitch. “That’s when I knew I had to leave.”
Ellie waits another moment, feeling as all of the tensity Aster was holding onto, slowly starts to dissipate, a bi-product of finally being able to tell her story, at least, the main focus and point of it. 
They end up in silence for a few minutes, sharing the chair that Aster was sitting in, pressed together tightly, hands still woven in with each other. Ellie isn’t sure what to say; she’s angry, she’s bitter, but mostly, she feels the need to protect Aster and Tommy swell in her... more than it already had meeting them.
Paul had told her bits and pieces of what they went through, but nothing of what was shared tonight.
“You’re safe here, Aster...” Ellie finally whispers, brushing the hair from the other girl’s eyes and staring at her with a sense of something more bubbling inside of her. “I know I’m not much to look at, but I’ll keep you safe from him, I swear.”
Aster blushes softly, before she meets Ellie’s eyes. “Can you stay here tonight, please? Something about you Ellie, it just makes me feel... well, safe.”
She whispers the next part. “And not safe.”
Ellie chooses to ignore the comment, nodding her head that she’ll stay for the night, as long as Aster wants her. Ellie won’t leave as long as she’s needed.
The two end up settling in Aster’s bed, Aster’s choice so that neither of them wind up sore in the morning from the couch. They’re both fully dressed and too emotionally exhausted to even think about changing.
They lie on top of the blankets, face to face, both of them fighting against their eyelids to keep from closing. They try to talk about happier things, things that don’t make Aster relieve bad memories, things that don’t make Ellie seriously consider what it would feel like to break a man’s arm, or worse.
Aster asks Ellie about what she wanted to be. A writer, is the answer. She settled for train engineering so that her Dad would be able to retire happily without worrying about his station, his trains and passengers.
Ellie asks Aster about her favourites. Colour? Green. Smell? The shampoo her son uses. Book? Fried Green Tomatoes. Memory? Taking Tommy to the beach, just her and him for the day. The waves crashing, building a sandcastle, trying to teach him how to swim.
Ellie smiles at the thought.
Aster asks Ellie if she’s ever thought about having kids. Her answer is an immediate no, she’s terrible with children, she’s never met a kid that’s actually liked her and not wanted to burst into tears after seeing her. 
Aster reminds her that Tommy hangs onto her every word, and teases Ellie that for someone who isn’t good with kids, she’s just great with him.
They talk for hours, until the words are barely a mumble, and they’re curled up against eachother. Aster tucked in a ball, Ellie wrapped around protectively.
Aster Flores falls asleep with Ellie Chu’s arm wrapped around her waist, and a feeling of true security.
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