#Also still not over her own MOTHER dying her hair like my moms
whimsidollie · 1 year
Nothing will ever feed my ego as much as this one girl i was kinda friends with getting a white cat after i cut her off
(for context i have two white cats who she ADORED)
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robthegoodfellow · 1 month
I'm Glad My Dad Died
mungrove | slightly expanded version of fic written for @strangerthingscharityzine | ao3
Billy had a secret: he was glad his dad was dead. So glad that even when his mom sold their house in Ocean Beach and moved them to Hawkins, Indiana, uprooting him from his friends and the sea and everything Billy loved, he still wouldn’t go back to the way things were. Given the options—California, dad alive; or Indiana, dad dead—he’d pick the second every time.
He would, even though Hawkins was its own hell. Learned the hard way that among prepubescent country bumpkins, embroidered roses on your shirt and hair like Shirley Temple bought you a one-way ticket to Loserville.
It was the fall of 1979. Disco was dying and former flower children were gearing up to vote for Reagan. Kumbaya over, time to make America great again.
So, yeah—sixth grade sucked, but stuff at home was world’s better. They were living with Aunt Doris—because San Diego was too expensive, his mom said, and wouldn’t it be nice to get a fresh start?
Mom was really into the whole fresh start thing—which Billy suspected was fueled by guilt and determination to be the kind of mother she hadn’t been before. And… he appreciated that. He did.
But—he wished she would stop? Put down the pen, step away from the extracurricular sign-up sheets.
Because if the outfit put a target on his back, swim team aimed the bow, and band fired the arrow. 
You’ll miss the water, honey. And you love music! 
She wasn’t wrong. He did love those things—but not enough to willingly wear a Speedo in public or blunder through some Beethoven on the flute. Also in public.
Oh—why the flute? Because she’d fed him a steady diet of hippie tunes from the cradle and knew how much he dug Jethro Tull. Perfectly reasonable explanation—his peers would definitely understand.
Here lies Billy Hargrove, innocent victim of social homicide. 
The bullying was relentless, but Billy figured he could take it. No middle school bully could come close to the one he’d lived with all his life. 
You know, the one he was glad was dead.
Billy hadn’t wanted to attend the talent show, but Mom insisted it was important to support his friends. By which she meant her friends—women she’d been palling around with who had kids in said show.
Kids she’d been aggressively arranging playdates with like Billy was five. 
Patrick’s talent was making twenty free-throw shots in a row. Robin’s was singing “This Land is Your Land” in four different languages. His mom and Mrs. Buckley had laughed about keeping the less than patriotic lyrics, assuming the Spanish rendition would fly over people’s heads.
Billy felt bad even thinking it, but he did wonder if his mom pushing these particular friends at him was part of her fresh start campaign.
Pat was black. Robin was a girl. And his dad had a habit of muttering snide remarks about anyone who wasn’t a WASP packing a sizable stinger—who wasn’t a clone of Neil Hargrove, basically.
And look, Pat and Robin were—fine. But he knew and they knew that they were only hanging out because their moms wanted them to, which was awkward as hell. Made his palms sweat whenever they were together or whenever they said hi at school despite him being a fairy freak according to kids whose opinions mattered. 
They were nice, but it felt like pity. Embarrassing in a way that made him shrivel up inside.
So he wasn’t in the best mood, slumped in the auditorium between his mother and Doris, praying no one pelted him with shit from behind. Mom felt crappy enough about all those years with Neil—Billy didn’t need her kicking herself for scooping him out of the fire and into a frying pan.
Pat set a record—28 in a row—and Billy clapped. Robin sang her song wearing a daisy crown, and Billy clapped. Dully, he watched as stagehands set up the next act, hauling out a drum kit.
Gareth, this shrimpy sixth grader, sat at the drums. Then an eighth grader came out, followed by a couple kids in seventh, the former bearing an electric guitar, one of the latter a bass. The guitarist waved, leaned into the mic—skinny guy with a buzzcut, eyes big and dark as an alien. 
We are Corroded Coffin—paused as a contingent of the audience went nuts—and this song is called Paranoid.
In the next row, a kid whispered, excited: Think they’ll make Coleman pull the plug again?
Gareth banged his drumsticks, counting them off. 
The opening riffs were like nothing Billy had heard before—this grind of chords that rattled teeth, thrummed in the chest. He straightened, compelled forward, a fishing line hooked deep.
Buzzcut was bent over the strings so low that all you could see was the top of his head, a fuzzy cue ball. Then Gareth kicked in, and the front man wailed the first verse, this nasal staccato, sort of speak-singing.
Billy scrambled to decipher the rapidfire—caught bits of the first verses. Then the bridge begged for help, and the rest landed loud and clear.
I need someone to show me The things in life that I can't find I can't see the things that make       true happiness I must be blind
The words were meant for him—just for Billy. It’s me. The guitarist leapt, plunged into a driving solo. The song’s about me.
Make a joke and I will sigh And you will laugh and I will cry Happiness I cannot feel And love to me is so unreal
Helpless, Billy turned to his mom, who grinned, whispering they’re great, aren’t they? He could only nod, swinging back to the guitarist, riveted until the final blaring note.
For Christmas, Billy unwrapped the smallest package under the tree—a cassette. It was all he’d asked for: Black Sabbath’s greatest hits album.
Because that night of the talent show, he sold his soul for rock n’ roll.
More specifically, for heavy metal.
More secretly, for the boy with the big brown eyes.
Eddie, he’d found out at school the next day, gossip overheard at lunch. The boy was Eddie.
Eddie Munson.
And whenever Billy caught a glimpse of him, the rest of that year, he thrummed like an electric guitar.
Unfortunately, his passion for headbanging and powerchords did not meaningfully improve the remainder of middle school, and by the time he walked the stage at eighth grade graduation, Billy resolved to make a change—give himself a fresh start on his terms.
First, he mowed endless lawns and bought a new wardrobe: bootcut jeans with matching boots, which lent him some height and a certain swagger; button downs in dark colors worn open to his sternum and white tees like the crew from Outsiders; a bitchin’ leather jacket.
His hair had progressed from Shirley Temple to Farrah Fawcett, so he trotted to the barber for a Bon Jovi bi-level. Almost chickened out at the mall when he got his ear pierced, but loved the way the earring swung from his left lobe… though the right would’ve been more accurate. 
He quit band and swim. Thought maybe he’d try basketball instead, and enlisted Pat to help him practice.
They were actual buddies by then.
Lastly, he took up smoking. Marlboro Reds, because they were badass. Soldiered through the pack all summer, suppressing a gag on every pull till he was puffing like a chimney.
August before ninth grade, Pat’s brother let them tag along to a party at the quarry; if Billy got in good with upperclassmen, it could pave the way to social acceptance—maybe even… popularity?
Total pipe dream, but then… it worked.
That night was one for the record books: first time smoking dope, shot-gunning a beer… first time a girl went down on him.
First time he’d seen Eddie in two years. Wouldn’t even have recognized him, except the eyes hadn’t changed. Eddie was a junior and looked it: taller, wild dark hair to his shoulders, tattoos peeking from his sleeves. He made a brief appearance and vanished—there to sell some supply, not socialize.
Billy wished he’d stayed. Admitted then what he was most excited about for high school: the chance to see Eddie Munson again.
Ironically, the object of Billy’s obsession had suffered a fall from grace in the transition to the big leagues: swirling rumors swore he was a Satan-worshiping anarchist and a burnout to boot. A weirdo who played geeky games with his loser friends.
Except—unlike Billy, Eddie didn’t give a fuck. While Billy strutted around vaguely unsettled, ill at ease with his costume, this immersive performance for the foreseeable future, Eddie had unveiled his freak flag—reveled in it, let it fly.
Regret gnawed at him, grew in Billy’s gut—knew if he were a little braver, he could trash this cool kid stuff and… 
End of Eddie’s senior year, Billy was sick at heart. Knew he’d missed his shot.
So imagine his confusion, surprise—his hidden euphoric delight—when Billy spotted that dark mop atop a wiry frame loping across the parking lot on the first day of eleventh grade.
Eddie should have graduated, but for whatever reason… hadn’t.
Thus, a new resolution: seize this chance. Be Eddie’s friend.
By second semester, Billy had worked his way up to casual chit chat and also, incidentally, was a raging pothead—so much so that his mother was worried, and she had spent the 60s stoned out of her gourd.
Let him experiment, Doris advised, winking at Billy over dinner. His grades are fine. What’s the harm?
The following evening, Doris showed him her special cookies stashed in the freezer, cautioning him to only ever take one bite and be patient. Billy asked if he could give one to his friend.
Top tier moment, right up there with Dad dying. Eddie’s eyes lit up all starry, demanded Billy come hang so they could make like Keebler—try the old elfin magic—and Billy was blessed to learn that Loaded Eddie = Handsy Eddie.
Blessed and cursed, because Eddie learned that Blazed Billy = Honest Billy. Tell me a secret, Eddie said, tickling. Tell me a secret.
Nothing happened. Eddie was just… affectionate. Bit of a snuggler. Who now knew he was the reason Billy was such a metalhead. 
And that Billy was glad—about his dad.
Eddie was held back again, and suddenly math and history were Billy’s favorite classes because Eddie sat next to him in the back row. Seemed to do decently with Billy there egging him on.
Thus, his final resolution: graduate with Eddie. Drag him across the finish line if necessary. Billy held study sessions he didn’t need at the library after school, invited Eddie to join—and Eddie did.
Eddie invited Billy to come see his band play at a local bar on Tuesdays—and Billy did.
Tell me a secret, Eddie said one weekend, when they were sharing a bowl, and Billy snorted, gazed into bloodshot eyes. Glad you got held back. Otherwise, we wouldn’t be doing this. Eddie smirked, soft. Getting high? Billy laughed. Hanging out.
Billy turned eighteen that March, and the Buckleys and McKinneys came over to celebrate, as usual. Unusual was the doorbell as they were about to eat, Eddie and Wayne trooping in, sorry for being late.
Robin picked up on something that night—cornered him in the bathroom. Are you and Eddie…? Billy went tight, and she rushed to reassure. It’s okay if you are. I am, too. So Billy breathed, calmed. I am. I dunno if he is. Robin arched her brow. From where I’m sitting, odds are good.
Billy spent weeks yanking hope by the roots.
Come May, they walked in green cap and gown—hugged in the milling crowd, Eddie cackling wet in his ear, a clinging koala. Didn’t think I could do it.
Billy brought him along to Robin’s graduation party. In the backyard, her old childhood treehouse beckoned, and they heeded the call.
Tell me a secret, Eddie said, sitting back against mossy boards. They weren’t even high. He flicked Billy’s earring—set his heart swinging. That should be on the other side, Billy said, and stared until Eddie flushed red, understood. I got a secret, he said, and Billy didn’t dare to know but did. 
Eddie said it: I’ve wanted to kiss you all year.
A click as Billy swallowed, bone dry. Then do it.
And Eddie did.
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morgue-friends · 1 year
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Evil Dead Rise | Deadite! Ellie x Female Reader
Summary: Being a babysitter for a single mom and her three kids shouldn't be this scary.
(Plotline follows the plot of the movie except the kandarian demon wins, of course.)
Warnings: Very nsfw, a lot of gore, oral sex, age gap, dub-con, multiple character deaths, and the kandarian demon is his own warning.
"See, doesn't this look so much better?"
You put the pink barbie hair brush on the table and handed Kassie her amalgamation of a plaything. Sitting on your lap were clumps of blonde plastic doll hair. The other two children looked at their younger sister and smiled at her profound weirdness for her self crafted guardian, 'Staffanie'.
"If she hurts someone with that, I'm blaming you." Beth took a look at your handiwork and simply shook her head.
"I'm also blaming you!" Ellie's playful voice chimed in from the kitchen. The two of you locked eyes for what felt like forever. Her piercing blue eyes were so beautifully expressive to you. They made every little expression she made for each of her different emotions look so elegant. You could only dream of having eyes like hers.
The eye contact between you two broke when Beth picked up her backpack and started passing around gifts. She handed you a rusty silver keychain that was in the shape of a guitar.
"Sorry, I got caught in the rain with this one. My bag was drenched." She clenched her stomach in pain and hunched over.
"Hey, you good?" You gave her a questioning look, and she offered you a pitiful smile. "Ate some shitty foreign food." You didn't question her further and the conversation moved on to the topic of Ellie's freshly dyed hair. Everyone at the table complimented her on it, but when it was your turn, her children looked at you with knowing faces.
"Oh, I almost forgot! I got this for your dad." Beth pridefully brandished the cheap tourist mug at the table, and everyone's faces fell flat.
"Uh, I'm going to take the kids to get pizza…" You expected Ellie to give you a look of approval, but she only kept her intense stare with her sister. There was a lot of sorrow and hurt within her eyes.
"Danny can do it. You can go home for the night. Thank you." The way she said was completely robotic and monotone, she was clearly upset, and you didn't want to press her on it. She hired you to babysit the kids while she worked, and that's all your job was, nothing more and nothing less.
Feeling out of place, you said goodnight to everyone, grabbed your stuff, and left. You weren't going to debate with her as they weren't your kids, and you've only known them for a couple of months. You had just moved in and needed a cheap enough place to stay that you can balance with your college tuition when she offered you the job.
Ellie couldn't afford to pay you after the first month, but you still stayed and helped out. With not having any kids of your own and barely knowing anyone in the city, you felt like you had a genuine family and a home away from home. You'd be a complete liar if you said you didn't have any kind of romantic feelings for the single mother.
You got in the elevator and watched as the kids came running behind you. They all had somber faces, but it was Kassie that leaned her face into your side and let you hold her until the elevator stopped at your floor.
"Don't fuck the pizzeria up please I like eating there too. Call me when you get back in the house." With that their eyes perked up and brightened and they all had smiles once again. The elevator closed behind you and you let your shoulders slump. You put the key in your apartment door and didn't even have to look in the mirror beside your front door to know your eyes were watery and you were moments from crying.
You felt like such an idiot, she hadn't even divorced yet, she was practically your boss, and she was old enough to be your own mother yet here you were catching feelings like they were sicknesses. You threw your guitar keychain against the wall and buried your face into your couch.
You were going to sleep this off. Yeah, that's exactly what you were going to do. Just get up in the morning and do your online classes while babysitting the kids and hope that this would all be swept over in the morning.
You hadn't even realized you dozed off face down on the couch until the room shaking awoke you. With hair strewn wildly across your face, you got down on the ground and braced yourself for the earthquake. When it was over and you were still alive you almost thanked God until you realized the kids had never called you to let you know they were home and the Earth had just decided to fucking shake a few moments ago.
With shaking hands, you snatched your phone off the floor and panicked when you realized there was no service. This was common after earthquakes but not at all good in your predicament. You left your stuff, and more than likely, your front door unlocked and ran upstairs just to see the kids coming out of the elevator.
"You're alright!" You were practically going to hug them until Ellie took all three of them into a tight embrace. Her black flower tattoo displayed beautifully on her arm as she pulled Danny closer.
Before you could back up, she used her left hand to give you a gesture indicating you to come over and join the hug. She didn't have to ask twice because you were over there in an instant. Her arm wrapped around you, and she pulled you tighter into the hug with the kids.
As the kids headed back into the apartment, they were complaining about the dropped pizza and you were going to go in too until Ellie stopped you. She gave her sister a look, telling her to go inside and give the both of you a minute alone.
"Listen I-"
"Wait. Let me speak."
She interrupted you by putting her finger in the air.
"You need to get some sleep. You look tired as hell. Get some sleep, and I'll call you later, or I'll go down to see you, and then we can have this conversation. Sounds good?"
You were too stunned to speak, so she put both of her hands around the sides of your head and made you nod 'yes' to her question.
"Now go get some rest." The way she leaned in was so close that your lips were almost touching. She was quite taller than you, so if you wanted to let your lips meet hers, you'd have to stand on your tippy toes to compete with her god-given model height.
With that, you went back downstairs feeling like you were on cloud nine without even having to get a kiss. Just the implication was enough for you. It was almost pathetic. You could bet you even had a bit of a skip in your walk as you returned back to your apartment. Once you got in, you took a hot shower and changed into some fresh pajamas. You were going to watch a movie, but there was still no service or cable connection.
You grabbed a couple of your textbooks and dropped them on the bed with a sigh. Ellie told you to get some rest, but you were far too excited to sleep. She told you she'd either call you or come see you after the kids were asleep and that had your all nerves on high alert. For her to think you'd go to sleep after hearing something like that was comical.
After a while you had your phone sitting on your desk far away from you so you could get some work done without having to check to see if you had service or see the time to see if there was still a chance of Ellie coming.
You had no indication of how time was passing unless you wanted to measure your growing anxiety and fatigue. It was getting to the point that it was becoming difficult just to keep your eyes open. They felt heavy, and if you didn't focus hard enough, you were sure you were going to fall asleep right there.
A gentle knock at the door startled you momentarily. That wasn't Ellie's usual knock, so you disregarded it to probably a tenant knocking at the wrong door.
The knock came again, albeit much more forceful this time.
"Ellie?" Your question sounded much more excited than you intended to out loud, and you were hoping she wouldn't think youb being too giddy about this whole thing was obnoxious. You got closer to the door and tried to look through the peephole. Someone's hand was clearly in front of it. There was nothing but darkness in what should have been a well lit hallway.
"I'm sorry I left you waiting, I had to do some laundry, and the kids wouldn't go to bed." Her voice sounded relatively normal, but something was clearly off.
"Are the lights out cause I can't see out of the peephole?" You had to pause for a minute and realize what you've just said. There was no reason to feel like you needed to see out of the peephole to let Ellie in. You two have known each other for months, and you trusted her. All that and yet your gut was still telling you that you needed to see who you were unlocking the door for.
"No, the lights are fine. And isn't it too late to start playing peekaboo?"
Her last remark sounded rather sarcastic, and you began to feel bad about making her wait. Carefully, you undid the door lock and the dead bolt and allowed the door to swing open. You felt too embarrassed about the whole situation and what happened earlier to even look at her when she came in.
She closed the door behind herself, and you plopped down on the couch. You moved your textbooks off the other side of the couch and stared at the black TV screen.
"So, uh- about earlier, I'm really trying not to get involved more than I already am, but -"
You were cut off when you started to smell something odd in the room. You sniffed the air more intently for a moment. Something just didn't smell right. The air smelled rotten if that was even how you'd even describe it. There was also something lingering with it, possibly sulfur. You finally turned around to look at her. She was staring dead in your face, as well as being much closer than you expected her to be.
You quickly got off the couch and your jaw practically dropped. You backed up from the sight in front of you and knocked a glass vase off the living room table. Shards of glass sprinkled themselves across the floor at your feet upon impact. You wanted to scream, but no noise would leave your mouth.
What stood in front of you was not Ellie. It was just wearing her as a costume for the time being... She was soaked in water, and her hair was practically still dripping onto the floor as if she had just taken a shower in all her clothes. Dark red splatters coagulated against her skin. It looked clumpy and uneven in some areas, meaning it was possibly a mixture of blood and scattered pieces of flesh.
Her face appeared gaunt and hollow, and those once beautiful eyes of hers were sunken and looked somewhat swollen. Her face stayed in the same expression you saw while you were sitting on the couch. She had the widest smile you've ever seen her with. It looked utterly unnatural, and like her skin was pulled in that direction.
"What were you saying again?" When she held out her hand to gesture for you to continue talking, you could see that it was visibly coated in blood.
She had a set of uneven black long claws on her fingers. Her nails were nothing like that when you saw her earlier. They looked like they belonged to some kind of feral animal, and they looked abhorrently dangerous.
"Ellie what happened to you-"
"-Finissssh what you were saying."
Her voice was abnormally deep and distorted, just hearing it made you feel like you should have dragged your own nails through your face until you felt bone. Tears began to fall from your eyes, and that only made her smile even wider.
"I was saying t-that, I don't want to get too involved in your life and with your kids." Her fingers indicated for you to go on, and you did.
"It's just- I like you, I always have."
Your hands went to your face to wipe off the assault of tears that were hurdling down. Ellie's smile dropped, and her facial expression fell flat. Her eyes were completely unreadable. It was almost like she was dead. She was silent for a moment, staring at you in an unnatural and unnerving way.
"That's so sweet of you to say… I'll pass the message down to Ellie and her fatherless children in hell."
You could feel your back press up against the wall as you wanted to do nothing more to put distance in between you and whatever this thing was. It seemed like the more you moved away from Ellie, the closer she would get to you, as if you two were moving in sync.
"What the fuck are you?!" That felt like a stupid question to ask as you weren't even sure if you wanted the answer. You could see a box cutter sitting on the window sill to your left, and you slowly moved in the direction while making sure to keep eye contact with this intruder.
"Where are the kids?" Your voice cracked up with a whine as it felt like your heart was sinking. Ellie, not answering either of the questions, caused you to sob and clench your chest. It just stood there and stared at you, as if this was funny to it. Once you were finally in front of the window, you gripped the box cutter tightly and held it behind your back.
The closer she moved toward you, the more of her you could see. Just looking at the open wounds and gashes on her made your stomach clench in disgust. There was a severed finger hanging on what appeared to be a tendon attached to her foot. The finger was small…
"Don't come any closer!" You held up the box cutter and ejected the blade. Ellie was unphased by your threat as she stepped slowly onto the shards of glass from the shattered vase. Her smile remained unwavering as the glass crunched under weight, and the soles of her feet began to bleed.
Her clawed bloody hand snatched up yours in what felt like the pins and needles against your skin from how tight of a grip she had. The grip made your hand squeeze painfully around the silver box cutter. The screams you let out were so loud as you hoped you woke up someone, anyone to come help you.
Involuntarily, your hand holding the box cutter began to move toward her face. All you could do was wince and look away as she made you carve into the delicate flesh of her forehead. The sounds of skin ripping under the blade felt like listening to nails on a chalkboard. You looked up at her and saw she had used your hand to carve a giant thick pentagram into her face.
The cackle she let out was so distorted and broken up that it sounded like she was choking. Her clawed hand wrapped around your neck, making you drop the box cutter, and she lifted you up and pinned you against the window. You shut your eyes tightly and tried to force yourself to believe you were sleeping and that this was all one long bad nightmare.
An impossibly long tongue slipped out of her mouth, and it grazed against the side of your face. Her licking you was only the dreaded reaffirmation you needed to know that this was in the real world and not your imagination.
"You think I can't smell that?" The expression of confusion was evident on your face while she held you up even higher.
Ellie took a long, deep inhale of the air before she exhaled. She did it again before her eyes rolled into the back of her head. Droplets of blood from freshly carved pentagram in her face leaked into her corneas and made it appear like she was crying blood. You had no idea what she was smelling in the air other than the putrid, metallic smell of the trail of blood she brought into your home.
"You reek of sin." She used her free hand to drag her claw up your leg and before stopping at your inner thigh. The burning sting of your skin being sliced made your knee jerk into her stomach, and she promptly responded by banging your head against the wall.
She resumed what she was doing prior to assaulting you, and you tried your hardest to stay still.
One of her bloody clawed fingers slipped into your pajama shorts, and you couldn't stop yourself from squeezing your legs shut.
"Uh-uh." She shook her finger at you in response, and her smile only deepened until you could see the internal pink muscles of her cheeks.
"You shut your legs now as if you weren't about to spread them for this whore." It would be fraudulent denial to act like you weren't the slightest bit aroused when you heard Ellie at the door, you thought you'd be getting laid not having to be battered around by this blood soaked pretender.
"You're not Ellie!"
"Does it matter?" The tone of her voice switched to its normal sound and depth as if this thing was trying to manipulate you. You were going to protest further until her hand creeped deeper into your shorts while you had your guard down, making you yelp. Her fingers ghosted over the folds of your cunt as you struggled desperately to get away.
"I slit the groupie's unborn bastard baby from the womb of her corpse, and I'll rip yours open next."
Within an instant you stopped moving and remained entirely limp under her grasp.
"See, now you're being good. Remember, only good girls get rewarded."
Your jaw dropped when she said that, as you would frequently tell the youngest child Kassie to prevent her from getting into physical altercations with her siblings with the promise of her favorite candy.
"I don't have any candy, but I may just let you walk away alive to tell their story." Ellie's sing-songy voice made you feel like that statement was a complete lie.
You responded in silence, and that made her giggle. It was Ellie's giggle, but the person holding you against the wall wasn't Ellie. They may have looked and sounded like her, but there was no indication of life behind those glassy eyes.
Slowly, she loosened her grip around you, and you began to slide down the window. You butt hit the window sill, and your back pressed back against the glass panes only to hear the wooden frame creak. This was an old and cheap apartment building, and you both knew that there was no way the window would support your weight being pressed against it.
"Imagine falling from this height." You didn't have to imagine it because your brain had already pictured the hundred different scenarios that could lead to you falling to your death. Her comment sounded more like she was curious about seeing you splatter and turn into a red stain on the pavement of the alleyway rather than a threat.
You were snapped back to reality when your shorts and underwear were yanked down your legs. Ellie sank down onto her knees, and both of your legs were pulled up around her shoulders. There was literally nothing you could do to get yourself out of this. There was no way you could save yourself because it's not like you even knew what this damned thing really was.
Her unnaturally long tongue creeped out of her mouth, and it slowly started lapping at your wet heat. This thing, it was teasing you. You were dripping wet, and it was going to tease you. It banged your head against the wall, crushed your hand, sliced open your thigh with one of its claws, and it was going to sit here and tease you… All while masquerading around in Ellie's body.
You bit your lip to keep a whimper from escaping your mouth and let your head hit back against the window panel. The window frame gave you another warning creak, and you just about sobbed. Ellie paid your crisis no mind as she used her tongue to rub wet circles around your clitoris.
Her tongue appeared incredibly darkened in color to the point it looked black, and the saliva dangling around it was abnormally thick. It was almost like a slime. It had been a while since you'd touched yourself, so your body felt far too sensitive for its own good. This senseless pleasure, unfortunately, did not distract your mind from how you would meet your impending death.
This thing in Ellie's body was just aching to kill you, and you doubted that letting it touch you like this would change its mind. For something so dangerous, she was using her tongue against you rather softly. The lewd noises that your body made in response to her generous licking held a veil of shame over your face. You've just never felt so conflicted like this.
When the tips of her black claws pierced your thighs, it was almost like she was reminding you not to get too comfortable. Your head practically slammed itself against the window when she thrusted her unusual tongue into your pleading hole. Several gasps left your lips as her tongue explored you internally and teased the insides of your walls, making your nails dig into the wooden window sill.
The window gave you another warning creak, and this one was far louder than the others. One of her hands left from around your thighs and relocated to between your legs and resumed the same movements her tongue did around your clitoris just this time, it felt much more aggressive. Her thumb applied pressure around your sensitive bundle of nerves while her tongue danced along the flesh of the insides of your walls.
That dead expression in her eyes never changed throughout any of this, those soulless blue orbs stared at you so intensely that you were worried at any moment she'd change her mind about sparing your life. The pace of her thumb quickened, and that familiar knot began to form in your lower stomach, indicating that you were getting close to climaxing.
Slowly but steadily, you were tetering at the brim of being on the edge of orgasming. Just when you could feel your cunt start to clench up, her tongue poked and prodded at your g-spot and as a response the muscles of your pelvis tightened up and you came brutally with a rocking of your hips. You could feel the gush of your release start to drip down over your puckered hole.
Without a warning, she completely stopped everything she was doing and removed her tongue from your slick heat.
"What did I do -"
A clawed hand tangled itself into your hair, and you weren't allowed to resist when she forced both of your mouths to connect. The pressure of the added weight against the window caused the glass panes to crack. That darkened black tongue slipped into your mouth and forced itself down your throat. It felt like she was trying to suffocate you to death with it. The taste of blood and the juices of your release overwhelmed the senses of your tastebuds.
The taste was intoxicating, and the lack of oxygen was making you feel lightheaded. After that, even your jaw was beginning to hurt. She yanked her tongue out of your mouth abruptly, and you watched the long appendage slowly slide back into her mouth. Those empty eyes stared at you for a moment without saying anything. You feared for the worse and tightly shut your eyes, praying that maybe the window would collapse before this thing could do whatever it had planned for you.
"I think I'll keep you."
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zaynmirrors · 16 days
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A/N: Back again with another chapter, I have a playlist if you guys are interested! If you wanna be tagged in the next chapter let me know! Also unsure if if this will have the upside down cause I feel like it's hard with Jovie. Taglist is open!
Eddie Munson x Mom! Reader.
TW: Children
Chapter 2
When Eddie awoke, he noted the missing weight on his chest but wasn’t concerned figuring her mother had taken her from him sometime in the night, or at this point: morning.
He didn’t hear the quiet padding on the carpet as Jovie made her way back to him. Eddie had easily become her next favorite person. He was something new, she liked new.
She stared at him as Eddie lay with his eyes still closed. “Leave him be Jovie,” y/n said softly, careful to not wake Eddie who unbeknownst to her was already awake.
“Mama, make breakfast?” The tiny being asked, not at all quiet. Eddie heard y/n snort and found it to be the most adorable sound. She answered the child too quietly for Eddie’s ears to pick up but heard them or at least y/n retreat into the kitchen.
“Dude get up,” Mike said nudging Eddie’s feet. Eddie quickly flipped off the wheeler boy and opened his eyes, wincing when the light hit them. Mike was flipping Eddie off as he sat up. “Very nice Wheeler,” Eddie says rolling eyes.
Jovie gasped as she heard his voice, and padded her way over to him leaving her mother in the kitchen. “Like breakfast?” She asked him, grabbing his attention with her broken speech.
He smiled at her. Taking in her pigtails and almost too-long tee. “Oh man I love breakfast” Eddie wasn’t sure where this came from: The sudden knowledge of how to say things to the tiny being.
Jovie held out her hand, and Eddie offered his much larger one. Her small hand wrapped around just two of his fingers and pulled on him. This action only barely jerked his arm instead of pulling him up like she had planned.
Eddie stood, letting her lead the way. Y/n stood at the counter whisking what looked to be eggs with a fork in a large porcelain blue bowl. "Help yourselves" she spoke not looking up from her task of whisking.
Eddie grabbed a plate and made one for Jovie seeing as the other teens were piling food on their own plates, not bothering to leave enough for the child. Once he piled food onto her plate he then stared at the plastic baby blue highchair. "How the f-" he stopped himself short, "How does she get in this thing" he asked, terrified to break the foreign technology.
y/n came and slipped the child in as if it were nothing then just resumed making breakfast for the ravenous teen boys. "Thank you for feeding her" She offered Eddie a smile that sent a fuzzy feeling into his stomach.
"She probably wouldn't get to eat otherwise" Eddie joked, y/n laughed. He prayed to any god that she wouldn’t see the blush that spread across his face.
“You’re probably right” she smiled. Her smile quickly faltered as she concentrated, mind mulling over her next words. Her lips pursed as she spoke, “I have an extra ticket to go see this band, would you consider going?” He blinks, taken aback but she just continues before he can speak “My friend flaked and you look like you would enjoy Crusader”
“Wait, you have tickets to see Crusader?” He asks, more in awe that she even knew who Crusader was, she definitely wasn’t that type of girl, at least he thought she wasn’t.
“Yes, I just asked you to go with me” she shot back. Even her sarcasm was attractive to him, “can you hear under all that hair?” This was a tease, one that got him to smile.
“When is it?” He asked. He then learned it was Saturday at seven. He felt like this was an easy decision. Eddie had been dying to see this band. "Works for me"
They talked details, deciding y/n was going to drive. She’d also pick him up being as she would already be out dropping Jovie off with the babysitter. Eddie was very excited for this Saturday.
“Hey, are you ready to have some fun?” Steve asked the tiny girl who stood in front of him unamused at his overly excited tone. He glances up at y/n and says, “tough crowd”
The joke caused a snort to sound from y/n. “I don't know how fun she’ll be, she didn’t sleep well.” Steve offers a sympathetic smile and holds out hands to pick up the tiny human.
Jovie waddles her way into his arms, he squeezes her to him and lifts her into the air. Steve’s careful to sling her on his hip. Once she was settled he held his free arm out for the diaper bag. Which y/n placed on his shoulder.
“Have fun, y/n, you deserve it” he says, offering her a small smile while bouncing the child on his hip.
“I’ll see you tomorrow” she said to both Steve and her child but going to give her child a kiss on the cheek. “Bye Steve!” She called as she walked out the door and to her car.
She sat a moment in the car contemplating this excursion. Y/n did not want to be away from her baby, in fact this was the first time she’d be leaving her. It was not sitting well.
Y/n turned the key, igniting the ignition and back out of the parking spot. If only she hadn’t promised Eddie a ticket. She’d turn right back around.
The drive to pick up Eddie was short, he had waited on her at the edge of the road. Not wanting the embarrassment of her seeing where he lived, though he guessed everyone knew.
“Hey!” She beamed as he got into the passenger side of the car. “You excited?”
“Hell yeah!” He was beyond excited. This band was a local legend. He aspired to follow in their footsteps. “Let’s go” Pulling off the side of the road, they began their journey.
Chapter 3
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aubyrei · 1 year
okay so. drdt ep 8 spoilers under the cut, also please check the tags for tws - a lot of the motives are quite sensitive so please beware!!
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last night after the ep, my friend (hi @sentinel-kinjo) and i tried to see if we could connect the motives to the characters. ill explain the reasoning for down below. those that don't have a character next to them means i don't have enough info to be able to pinpoint on who that motive belongs to, even using process of elimination
ace - your body is falling apart but you still refuse to eat
there is a lot of evidence to support this. ace has a low bmi, didn't eat the cake in chapter 1 and has been said to like low-calorie foods in QnAs. ive seen some people throw around arturo due to his body image standards, but he doesn't seem to care much about himself specifically appealing to beauty standards, and was also one of the people who ate the cake in chapter 1.
??? - ever since you kissed her, you were afraid your sexuality would ruin your friendships
im not sure about this one at all- but using process of elimination, and the context, it is definitely one of the girls. the ones i didn't put anywhere are min, hu and eden, so it's probably one of them? i honestly don't really have any basis for pin pointing any of them as this one. maybe we should all collectively comb over ch1 to see who the biggest girl kisser is
j and arei's motives are canon, so i won't go over those
xander - you're constantly blaming yourself for the death of your parents and siblings, it doesn't matter that it's not your fault, just that you didn't go with them
pretty self explanatory, honestly.. we have many examples in the story of xander suffering from survivors guilt. his secret quote also speaks of survivors guilt. i feel like this is the only one that could fit him.
whit - your mother is dead, you always omit that truth
whit speaks highly of his mother, even having dyed his hair because of her. he does omit the truth also when trying to guess what his secret is during ch2, he doesn't speak about his mother being dead at all. his secret quote is also "we tend to idolize the dead" which goes hand in hand with both his motive and the very strong admiration he has for his mom.
charles' is canon, so skip
veronika - you only took on your talent to distract yourself for the incessant need to harm yourself for fun
i won't speak very much on this one, but she fits. the thing she dislikes the most is boredom. she seeks thrill in horror and dark media. it's possible that her talent has helped her heal from these tendencies.
david - you were quite the hopeless child. dying once wasn't enough, so you attempted suicide three times.
ive seen many different guesses on this one, but david is honestly the only one that i feel works completely. his secret is "i hate you, i hate you, i hate you, i wish you'd just die." i hate you is notably repeated three times. this might seem like a reach but i think its also worth noting that when David mentioned that his secret was a family history about depression, nobody corrected him. i feel like if he had lied, or if his secret was something completely disconnected from said depression, the person who had his motive would've stood up and called out his bullshit. but three suicide attempts and depression are not unrelated. i think he was vague about the details of his depression due to his own discomfort talking about these subjects.
rose and nico are canon, so skip
teruko - how could i even select what secret to be your motive? just about everything you've done in your life is worth killing for. the killing game is your fault.
pretty self explanatory. teruko herself says she has too many secrets and doesn't know what they could possibly use against her. don't think anything but this fits
so the remaining ones are levi, arturo, hu, eden, and min. i can't seem to pinpoint these three anywhere due to lack of info... if you guys have any guesses pls let me know :> i love theorizing!!
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royalchewy · 16 days
Brozone Parents
my personal take on the Brozone parents. Got the idea while matching Brozone to AJR songs and thought “how can I make JD even more sad” and then ‘God is Really Real’ came on and I thought “perfect”. Please let me know any thoughts you have if you read the rest below
Brozone is in its early years, Floyd is getting ready for his debut into the band. Everything is going well, their parents are so happy with how the band is already taking off and their boys are so happy to be performing together. Everything is perfect. 
Then, their mom is taken during trollstice, and their dad is taking it badly. He doesn’t know how to continue without her, they had built a family and home together, she was his true love. He turned grey, he won’t eat or speak, he won’t even leave his bed. He is essentially dying of a broken heart.
Rosiepuff and JD are doing everything to give the other bros a sense of normalcy, they’re still working on new music for Floyd’s debut. Rosiepuff is old though, so JD is stuck with a lot of the responsibilities. This includes keeping the egg that had been in his dad’s hair safe, since being grey means he’s less warm and the trolling in the egg would die if JD doesn’t step in.
JD is doing his best to take over raising his brothers. Grandma handles more of the cleaning and providing a home, while JD does a lot of the parents. It’s a lot of work and always chaotic, but he always takes time at the end of each day to give his dad an update on everything happening and also tries to get him to leave his bed.
Eventually, his dad is put in a medical pod, to give him around the clock care to see if any forms of therapy help, but nothing is working. JD is gradually begging more and more desperately for him to get out of bed and to get better, because he isn’t ready to lose both of his parents. He’s hyping up his newest song, but says he’ll only play it for his dad once he gets out of bed.
One day, he walk into the medical pod and his dad isn’t there. A couple of options from here:
1)Their dad just up and left, and they have no idea what happened 
2)He died from his broken heart and the medical staff moved his body to hopefully prevent JD from turning grey 
3)It’s Trollstice and he is willingly sacrificing himself to be with his love again 
4)He leaves a note to say he’s going to the Neverglade trail, where the two met, and when he feels her spirit is roaming and he’ll feel the greatest connection to her.
All of these leave JD feeling like he failed his mother and brothers, by not being able to get their father back. It’s also why he puts so much pressure on the band, because maybe if they’re successful and can hit the perfect harmony, he’ll make their mom proud from where ever she is, and maybe, just maybe, their dad will come back (in scenarios where he didn’t die).
4 though, is why Clay holds so much resentment for JD. Because he left them for the same thing their dad did, which means he lost all his parental figures (in a way) to the Neverglades. Bruce had the same resentment for that reason too, but it fizzled out a bit over the years and after finding his own true love and becoming a dad.
I wrote a majority of this at 3am one night, so I’m sure some of this needs adjusting, but let me know any thoughts/questions
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llliiinnnaaa · 6 months
Reprisal | Chapter Three
coriolanus snow x gaul oc
Summary: Ten years after the Tenth Hunger Games, Coriolanus Snow is under Dr. Volumnia Gaul’s wing as a Gamemaker alongside her niece. Unbeknownst to either of them, they’re both being prepared for a much greater task.
Warning: This story will contain explicit violence against adults and children alike (I mean, it’s Dr. Gaul AND Snow) as well as explicit language, and sexual situations.
***This fic is in no way, shape, or form, me endorsing or co-signing the horrific shit Snow does, nor am I trying to romanticize it. Also, apathy and will be the main driving force of any remnants of a relationship between my OC and Snow’s character. So if you’re interested in something very romantic and fluffy…it’s not gonna be this.
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     She’s home by nine o’clock, quietly tip-toeing in after realizing her husband had already gone to bed. 
Approaching the dinner table, she lifts the silver lid of the plate cover, seeing steak, some asparagus and a baked potato before quietly replacing it…
It’s when the lamp in the formal living room snaps on, capturing her attention as it illuminates the face of her father that she nearly jumps out of her own skin — her mind already riddled with enough guilt tonight. 
“Ah!” A sharp but short scream leaves her throat. 
Her hand rests over her pounding heart, taking in deep breaths as he offers a warm smile. “I forgot that you and mom were coming to stay for a little while.” She admits before it hits her fully. 
Oh, shit. 
The house isn’t ready, the groceries, her mental capacity to handle her parents…
“We just got in about an hour ago — Dyess fed us, don’t you worry.” He keeps the smile on his face despite his daughter’s appearance.
Exhausted and clearly scatter-brained. 
The same as she was when he and her mother visited for the night a little over a month ago. 
She had crept in well into the middle of the night, heels in hand, skirt on backwards, makeup smeared, hair a mess…exhausted. 
He had kept his mouth shut, then, and he does so, now. 
“I’m gonna go to bed. I’ve got a big day tomorrow.” She informs him quietly, kissing his cheek. 
“Goodnight, dear.” He replies sweetly, watching her disappear behind her bedroom door, the both of them huffing out heavy breaths once they're out of sight of each other.
"Everything alright?" Dyess asks, still awake, book in hand as Tawny steps to him, crawling onto the bed and on top of him to lay on his chest. “Did Snow go easy on you?” He adds, not taking his eyes off his book. 
She wants to scoff at the question. 
Snow never goes easy on her — or anybody for that matter. In any aspect of anything. 
“I still have a job. He told me we’d go over it tomorrow.” She mumbles, closing her eyes, deciding to leave off the part where he had her backed against the door, leaving her with no option but to dig  her nails into her palms and bite her teeth into her tongue to keep from getting on her knees, falling at his feet. 
“What about your aunt?” He asks it cautiously, eyeing her reaction.
“She just sat there and let me ramble on. She didn’t say a word to me until I went to go and she told me we’d discuss it in depth tomorrow.” 
“So…meet with Snow tomorrow, and your Aunt?” Dyess asks, terrified at the agenda himself. 
But he knows Tawny will face it with a stiff lip. 
She’d always been the better of the two of them to pull up her bootstraps and just push through. 
“They’re going to rake me over coals, Dy.” She whispers, dreading the lectures. 
“They’re like cats that bat around a mouse until it dies but never actually eat it. They’re bored and need someone to pick on. This time it’s you.” He mumbles, sighing out as he turns a page. “It’ll pass once they get bored again and move on to a new victim.” 
“I don’t know what to do. It’s easy to fix things when you know what needs to be fixed. All the problems start from nothing, it seems.” She thinks it aloud. “I started doing this because I believe in the Games. I believe they’re good, and justified. Everything I’ve done has been for our girl, but this last year…especially these last months…”
Trailing off, she swallows the lump in her throat. 
“You have two of our best Gamemakers on your side. If they weren’t, you’d be gone already. Just take a breath, think of tomorrow as a new day, and let it be for tonight so you can get some rest. Alright?” 
She nods, accepting his lips pressing to hers but she recoils when his hand finds the small of her back and tries to drift lower. 
“Not tonight, Dy, I’m really stressed.” She sighs out, earning a chuckled out, “That’s what I’m trying to help relieve.” 
“I don’t need anything relieved right now with my mother in the next room.” She grasps his face in her hands. “Okay?” 
He nods, smiling gently at her. 
“Okay.” He nods, to which she kisses him one quick time before heading to the bathroom to shower, and go to bed. 
     The next morning, Dr. Gaul and Coriolanus stare at the empty syringe that’s perched in a labeled, air tight bag, staring right back at them. 
“I want to keep this between us for now, Mr. Snow. I’ve ordered a discreet investigation into her other failed cases.” She says, her voice shaky with anger and irritation. 
“…It was in his office?” Snow asks, lowly, studying the evidence before him. 
“In the trash. The DNA on the needle matches that of the mutt Tawny was working on just yesterday.” 
“Liver failure due to too much iron.” He echoes what Dr. Crane’s students had told him the day before. 
“Implemented by her own husband, apparently.” Dr. Gaul mutters. “More than likely not the first of many of her cases he has sabotaged.” She adds. 
“Have you devised his punishment?” Snow hisses, anger cradling his words as blue eyes nearly puncture the evidence itself from how hard he’s glaring at it. 
Volumnia doesn’t speak a word. 
He slowly looks at her, letting out a breath. 
“Dr. Gaul.” He says in a grit, his mind running wild with his own vivid reprisal.
At first it’s the basic instinct to punch him until his face caves in, yelling, screaming, cursing…
Then it turns to more appropriate manors of revenge. 
Crane didn’t outright slaughter mutts or burn down any plants that his wife had tried her hardest to create and maintain, no. 
He was more discreet, more contrived, patient, planned…sneaky. 
His mind immediately drifts to Casca Highbottom, what feels like eons ago, knowing he carefully took his last breath by Snow’s will. 
A bloody and obvious murder wouldn’t be in the cards for Dyess Crane. 
Coriolanus has to play this just as Dyess is. 
It wasn’t that he was offended for Tawny, had it occurred to anyone else he’d still be infuriated if it possibly affected the Games in any way. 
They had deadlines, statistics, test runs, meetings, a certain amount of hours in the lab that needed to be met weekly, grievous schedules and agendas to make sure all went perfectly and keep everyone on their toes and try to maintain impeccable results. 
Scientists and Gamemakers alike were both on the same team. Their goal is to achieve and deliver a more entertaining and interesting Hunger Games than the year before.
And someone on the team is fucking it up for everyone — to what end, exactly?
He envies his wife? 
He scorns her for being the same intelligent woman he married?
It almost makes him scoff. 
Of course. He’d known this. The evidence had practically been there to anyone to see if they looked a smidgen closer at the Crane’s relationship. 
Tawny had confessed it in the aftermath of one of their times together.
Dyess Crane didn’t marry her because he was in love with her or her intelligence.
Coriolanus furrows his brows, rolling his jaw.
“ We got married because I got pregnant ,” She had whispered it to him, her delicate fingers fumbling with the gold wedding band on his left hand.  
Snow – in the lusty haze that followed his satisfaction that couldn’t quite be quenched when it came to her – had nearly admitted that his own marriage to Livia was out of convenience. 
He enjoyed her compliance, and beauty, and her ability to ask as little questions as possible. She was smart enough to have good conversations with, they shared the same opinions of Panem and how it should be. 
They were compatible, so he proposed. They married a year later, and were still happy enough eight years later. 
The way Tawny had spoken of her marriage, she’d been trapped for fourteen years. 
Fourteen years married to Dyess Crane.
He wrinkles his nose at the thought. 
He would’ve already taken a deep dive off of a short roof if he were her.
He never felt trapped with Livia, nor did he ever feel the need to do any extra-marital activities until the last few months of working directly with Tawny. 
He feels tempted to inform her that not only did her husband marry her solely because she got pregnant, but he married her with the hopes of her staying at home and raising their child while he got to run with the big dogs. 
“I want him dead.” He speaks it clearly, casually. 
It’s not him asking permission.
It’s him informing Dr. Gaul that Dyess Crane will die. 
“Wait for the investigation to conclude, and then we begin our game.” She says to him dreadfully, the promise of demise in her tone pulls his eyes to hers. “Until then, this debacle stays between us. Not a word of this will be mentioned during your time with her this morning.” 
“You want me to lie to her?” 
He’d never had to before, and he liked to think she hadn’t lied to him, either.
But omitting the truth…that line was thin, but not too thin for him to walk on. 
“She is going to want to retrace her steps, as she always does with her failed cases. She’ll order an autopsy and will receive the results and then eventually will put together that someone sabotaged her. She’ll be so consumed with fury that she’ll act irrationally — unbecoming — of someone in our profession.” Dr. Gaul says it as if knowing full-well how her niece will react.
“I want you to keep her dumb to the idea that the man she loves is trying to make ruin of her career…of her future as a part of my Games.” 
I want you to keep her dumb…
Keep her distracted . 
His mind roams at the thought.
It sounds like an order, one he silently wonders has creative liberties as he gets a brief picture of a few ways to keep Dyess out of Tawny’s mind completely. 
Go about things as usual .
He merely nods, taking in a breath as he steps from her lab. 
     An hour later, Snow waits impatiently for Dr. Crane, seated at his desk glancing over the past five of her failed cases — excluding the most recent. 
He checks his watch, huffing out an irritated breath. 
She’s nearly fifteen minutes late.
Down the hall, Tawny and Dyess slowly step toward Coriolanus’ office. 
“…I don’t want those people in my apartment, Dy.” She mutters. 
“Tawny, be nice, now.” 
“They’re district.” 
“They’ve wisened up and chose correctly.” He replies, optimistically. 
Strabo Plinth — an inherited friend of Dyess whose dead rebel son was in the same class as Dyess’ dead sister who might as well have been killed by a rebel — and his wife had been invited to dinner by Dyess and Tawny’s parents…who also adored the Plinths and the ground they walked on. 
“And that’s why their son was hanged for conspiring with rebels out in 12?” She remarks. “Because they’d wisened up?” 
He sighs out, looking around to make sure no one was paying attention to them before he stops and pulls her aside. 
“I know you’re still angry. I know you’re still resentful, and you have every right to be. But the Plinths have been nothing but good to all of us. They can’t help that they weren’t born Capitol.” He says quietly. “Your parents enjoy their company, I enjoy their company, and they haven’t gotten the opportunity to come to our house in the fourteen years we’ve been married. It’s long overdue.” He adds, raising his brows. “I thought you’d be happy to have more people to celebrate fourteen years together with.”
She exhales, rubbing her full lips together and he awaits her answer. 
Ah, yes, ringing in their fourteenth anniversary with the Plinths and her parents. 
There’s no other way she’d rather celebrate. 
“Okay.” She relents, mumbling it to his amusement. 
Nodding, she offers a little smile as he kisses her chastely, glancing over her shoulder when they pull from one another. 
She’s about to turn to go when he stops her, bringing his lips back down to hers. 
“Dy, I’m already late.” She giggles but doesn’t push him away or deny him, allowing him one last kiss before they’re both breaking it. 
“Good luck.” He says to her with a wide grin that he wears as the blue-eyed blonde approaches them.“Good morning, Mr. Snow.” Dyess states, not looking away from his wife until she turns to see Coriolanus standing a few feet away, platinum curls styled perfectly, reflecting the light above their heads. 
“ Dyess .” Snow says cordially, digging his hands into his pockets to keep from balling them up into fists as his gaze shifts to Tawny. “Dr. Crane, you’re late.” 
“We’ve had an eventful morning.” Dyess interrupts, Tawny’s face blushing slightly at his hint of utilizing the fact her parents had gotten up early and gone out for breakfast, leaving the two of them at home alone. 
“Well, no sense in wasting more of my time.” Snow blatantly blurts, stepping aside and motioning to the door of his office as he glares at Tawny despite maintaining his polite expression. 
“I’ll see you later, Sweetie.” Dyess tells her and she nods, walking toward Snow’s office. 
They don’t bother further entertaining the silent dick measuring contest that’s happening between them, the two men turning their opposite ways and going on. 
“I’m sorry.” She says to Snow when he gets in his office, shutting the door behind him. 
“You do realize I have every right to dismiss you and report you for tardiness, right?” He threatens in a sharp hiss. 
“I didn’t realize what time it was.” She honestly states. 
“You can’t get fucked and read a clock at the same time?” He doesn’t even try to disguise the root of his anger as he walks to his desk. 
“Are you angry because I’m late, or because I was getting fucked?” She gives it right back to him, using the same degrading tone, her irritation matching his perfectly. 
“I’m angry that I’m trying to help you, and instead of showing up on time, you screw around — quite literally — and take advantage of my grace.” He speaks as if she’s a clueless child. 
“If you want to dismiss me and write me up, you can.” She assures him. “I didn’t mean to waste your time. Everyone in Panem knows that your time — above everyone else’s — is so precious after all.” 
He grinds his teeth. 
“It is, actually. Quite precious.” He raises his brows. “But you know that, of course.” Referring to something else entirely, and she takes in a deep breath, peeling her eyes from his. 
She has to. 
“Are we going to go over my cases?” She changes the subject, shifting in her seat, trying to keep her breaths under control as he opens his desk drawer and pulls the few files from it, tossing them to the desk without a word. 
Sitting with a sigh and opening the first file, he thumbs through it and taps his fingertips on the heavy wood under the folder. 
His blue eyes narrow as he reads over her notes, his mouth pulling downward when he realizes it’s one Dr. Gaul even assisted her on. 
As far as he can tell, it should have worked out…
Assuming this is one of the ones Dr. Gaul referred to being a part of the investigation they've opened, he keeps his mouth shut on it and closes it, picking up the next one. 
“…Is something wrong?” Tawny asks. 
He doesn’t answer, scanning this one briefly before huffing out in frustration. 
Fuck, Crane. You slick bastard , he thinks to himself, closing this one and opening yet another. 
He wonders how far back this sabotage has been occurring. 
By the time he has to close this one without offering a word to her about it, she’s marching toward him and reaches for the small pile he’s working through, only for him to grab her wrist, stopping her. 
“None of it’s even good enough for you to want to discuss it with me?” She questions. 
“None of it's worth discussing when there’s nothing to discuss.” He replies. “It looks fine so far.”
“If any of it was fine they wouldn’t have failed.” She retorts. 
His eyes go back to the page before him, ignoring her words and releasing her wrist. 
After another moment, he stands, tapping his finger on one line of writing in particular. 
“Come here.” He says to her. 
She eagerly goes, wanting to see his finding, hoping it will help to answer the root of some of her confusion and frustration. 
He steps aside for her to read over the line, leaning over his desk as she does so, her hand taking his to move it from her way. 
Her dark brows furrow as she reads the sentence, then re-reads it again. 
He sees the struggle on her face to make sense of what exactly he’s talking about, until he lowers his lips closer to her ear and quietly, flatly states, “You used the wrong tense of ‘too’.” 
Brown eyes meet blue, noses almost brushing together when she looks at him, over her shoulder, infuriated with his behavior. 
Petty and dismissive. 
She knows he doesn’t care for her, nor love her, nor does he truly care about what her husband does with her or to her, but he seems curious enough when he nearly whispers out, “Does he know?” 
Does he know?
Does he know I’ve had you in the car he bought you? In his house? In his bed?  
No. Dyess didn’t know. 
Her head shakes slightly, plush lips parting to breathe somewhat easier but all that does is grasp ahold of his gaze. 
“No.” She has to speak to break his attention from her lips. “Does Livia know?” 
He thinks of his sweet wife, always gentle and easy with him, so he tried to be just that  with her as well. 
It would be too obvious if he snapped and treated her as roughly and ravenously he treated Tawny in their time together. 
“Would you like to come eat dinner with my family and the Plinths this Saturday night?”
“That sounds like torture.” He doesn’t hold back, needing a drink even imagining them all around a table. 
His make-shift parental figures, his mistress, his wife, his enemy, and his mistress’ parents. 
Then he thinks of Dyess’ face when he answers the door, seeing Livia and Coriolanus. 
He’d pay good money to see Crane try to mask that rage. 
“I’m sure it will be for everyone involved…but I’m going to need a buffer between the Plinths and my parents and Dyess is only so good for so long. You can invite your cousin since she helped her old boss with my wedding gown. Having a few  other people there to hold their attention will help me not want to bang my head on the table.” 
He thinks about it, looking back down to the paper they’re standing over. 
“Philo will drop off a new case for you to work on this afternoon. Your last one before the Games.” Snow moves from her, black eyelashes resting against her cheek from her briefly closed eyes. “Make sure it’s somewhat successful. Meeting dismissed.” He adds and she gives an acknowledging nod of her head before she moves from him, too, back to the other side of his desk to head to the door. “What time is dinner?” He asks as she reaches for the door knob, stopping in her tracks, a little hint of a smile tugging at her lips.
“Eight o’clock.” She replies softly.
“I might be there. It depends on how generous I’m feeling.” He admits, seeing her eyes roll before she opens the door. “Oh, Dr. Crane?” 
“Yes, Mr. Snow?” She asks, raising her brows. 
“Don’t say a word of your new assignment to anyone. Not your students. Not even your husband. It’s imperative it stays between you, myself, and Dr. Gaul.” 
He sees the way her brows twitch in slight confusion, her mouth pulling somewhat downward, the many questions swirling in her eyes, but all she says is, “I understand, Mr. Snow. I won’t tell a soul. I promise,” before she leaves his office, shutting the door behind her. 
I won’t tell a soul. I promise. 
The same words she’d whispered when they swore their affair to secrecy before agreeing to stop. 
He looks down at the folders, each one perfectly planned out, notes dated exactly, steps drawn out…and not a success in the bunch. 
His mind drifts back to that syringe Gaul showed him.  
Dyess could be charged with destroying Capitol property, malpractice, misconduct…Gaul would ensure he suffers more than anything and if by some abnormal chance she didn’t, Snow would. 
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jes12321 · 1 year
Scooby Doo Redesign
Because I cannot stop thinking about it.
[art credits at bottom]
Fred Jones
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💙 Frederick Steven Jones
💙 19 years old
💙 he/him
💙 Currently identifies as bisexual, but he’s still figuring it out.
💙 Autism
💙 Caucasian (like, the whitest boy to ever white)
💙 Adopted by a middle class family as a baby. Considers his birth parents the biggest mystery yet.
💙 Mom friend of The Gang. He has a satchel that’s really just a mom purse that he takes on all the mysteries. It has baby wipes in it.
💙 Is the one who got the whole Gang to really start hanging out. He dragged them along on their first mystery. Apparently almost dying is a big bonding experience.
💙 Owns the Mystery Machine. He bought it at a junk yard and fixed it up himself. It was a labor of love and he cares about it more than anything in the world (except maybe his friends)
💙 Hyperfixates on mystery and/or traps.
Shaggy Rogers
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💚 Norville Dennis Rogers
💚 20 years old
💚 he/him or they/them
💚 Pansexual demiboy
💚 Anxiety, ADHD
💚 Black/African-American
💚 Born into a new-money, rich family. They were very supportive of Shaggy when he told them he didn’t want to take over the family business.
💚 He is usually either stress eating for has the munchies.
💚 Scooby Doo is his support animal. He doesn’t do the best job (considering) but it’s the thought that counts and Scoob would never leave Shaggy hanging.
💚 Got the name “Shaggy” In kindergarten because he refused to let the barber cut his hair all year.
💚 Has a prescription for medical marijuana. Uses it liberally.
Velma Dinkley
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🧡 Velma Ruth Dinkley
🧡 18 years old (baby of The Gang)
🧡 she/her or they/them
🧡 Lesbian
🧡 Autism
🧡 Jewish-Mexican
🧡 Both of her parents are Jewish-Mexican as well. They own a small tourist shop in their town and live comfortably enough to be considered middle-class.
🧡 Has literally the worst vision ever. Lenses so thick she has to get a special coating on them so they aren’t so heavy.
🧡 Doesn’t necessarily believe in God or religion, but still practices because it was mostly how she bonded with her parents as a kid.
🧡 Skipped a grade in elementary school. She could have skipped another, but her parents didn’t want her to be with kids that much older than her.
🧡 Hyperfixates on different science fields and history. Comes in handy a lot during mysteries.
Daphne Blake
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💜 Daphne Ann Chun Blake
💜 19 years old
💜 she/her
💜 Bisexual transgender
💜 Korean-Scottish
💜 Born into an old-money, rich family. Her parents have very high expectations of her and often compare her to her older sisters.
💜 Her mother is Scottish and her father is Korean. He took her last name when they married, but Daphne and all her sisters have the second middle name “Chun” because that was his family name. Somehow Daphne and all her sisters got their mom’s red hair.
💜 When she came out as trans to her parents, they were actually really supportive because they had always wanted all daughters.
💜 Jack of all trades. Her parents made her do everything they could think of to make her “well-rounded” which just ended with her having a lot of random skills.
💜 Has difficulty sticking to one thing for too long before getting bored of it. The mysteries keep her on her toes.
Other info
❤️ The Gang met in a history class they all had together. Shaggy was a senior and needed to retake the class to graduate. The rest of the gang were juniors.
❤️ They are all in a polyamorous relationship with each other. I might make a chart later. Who knows?
❤️ Scooby talks. There is no explanation. No one questions it.
❤️ They are a family. This is very important. They all care about each other.
Art Credits
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i want to hear those kokichi headcanons :0 my interest is piqued
Omg 😭😭😭 perfect time to rant...
Fanart and headcanons under the cut 💜
So, I like to think he grew up being MADE into pretending. His mother being a prime example, lying to her husband. They both sucked, and I like to believe Kokichi was malnourished and ignored AF. His father was frequently absent, and his mother frequently went out.
But to keep a fine image, his father made sure his emotions never came out and his mother's fake stories influenced it.
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Hes still a cute lil boy, though.
In high school, he kind of hits an awkward phase because his parents become more controlling now that he's older.
That's kind of where he becomes rebellious, finding foliage in a circus.
He doesn't know who he is, and lies about his past. Eventually he runs away and joins them, helping out the dying circus. Once he finds out the cruelty they faced, he becomes the leader and it turns into a prank organization. To get money, and to have the fun he wasn't allowed.
Eventually they took in members who were orphans, homeless, etc.
There's also some small things. Like how middle school kokichi would brush his curly hair out, not wanting to be like his mom. But ofc, ingame Kokichi was kind of the last thing he wanted.
He actually dyed his highlights for Danganronpa after a few of his members suggested it, and he got an earful out of his father. That's when he decided to let his hair be its own thing, not all tidy and neat like his mother. And he started to change more about his experience and found himself.
Getting piercings, painting his nails, coloring his stripes black into checkered, like a chess peice. (Influenced by his father's games to make money)
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And then IF, he ever does survive, I like to think he becomes more laid back with his lies and schemes. Of course still childlike but toned down, kind of tired of all the bullshit he dealt with.
He actually learned a lot of tricks from seeing his father drag him to casinos when he had custody, and caught onto his slight of the hand tricks.
In actuality, Kokichi doesn't know much about his past. He knows his goal to take over the world that screwed him over. But due to his own parents lying and mistreat, he never really knew if they were his real family or not. He also grew up covering his neck, so a lot of the time it's kind of his armor.
That's also why he doesn't want to be forgotten. To make a scene, never forget like he forgot himself.
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Also, small Kokichi does not look good during photos. The one I drew was the only exception
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musicalchaos07 · 6 months
Hi Faith, tysm for the ask bc I get to talk about my baby.
OK so I LOVE everything about we'll be a fine line, we'll be alright like it's one of my favorite fics I've ever written but ANYWAYS SPECIFICALLY this part:
"No uh I'm going to the Wheelers for dinner" he rattles off. "Oh" "Yea" he smiles hesitantly. "You're not going to the Wheelers too?" She asks Will. "Can I???" Will exclaims, lighting up like he's getting away with something. "No" Jonathan answers gravely. "Jonathan!" She scolds. "Mom, seriously?" He begs. "What I'm sure Karen-" "Can't I just" he starts before stopping himself to rethink his words "I can bring Will next time I promise but tonight I'd like to go alone if that's ok" His eyes are flitting around the room but can't seem to meet hers and she wonders if he's lying about his dinner plans. For a minute, she's about to tell him that she knows about the vodka. And then ask what else he's lying about. She’s pretty sure she’s smelled weed on him a couple times. She’s dying to ask how stupid he thinks she is. To pick a fight, just to feel something. But his expression is so soft and concerned. And she recoils, remembering that she swore she'd never be as cruel as her mother. "Ok honey" she concedes. Jonathan nods, ruffles Will's hair, and kisses her on the cheeks before leaving the kitchen. "Jonathan" she calls after him. "Yea" he responds, stopping dead in his tracks in the living room. "Why don't you put your black sweater over your shirt. It matches better" she advises.
Like we've got Jonathan (You're on your own kid coded) nervous as HELL for his first dinner at the Wheeler's as Nancy's boyfriend. We have Will (precious angel bby) being a complete SHITHEAD about it. And lastly, we have Joyce (Mother) who is completely overwhelmed/feeling like she's failing as a parent wanting to fight with him just because she can but pulls back.
And what I especially love about this whole sequence of first dinner events. Is that Joyce is SO close to understanding what's happening. Like she knows he's off, but she thinks it's because he's drinking. And then there's this part of her that wants to be mean but the thing that holds her back is her own generational trauma. (and I imagine also a little unconscious fear that if she pushes him too far she'll lose one of the few supports she has, bc themes of her unintentional parentification of him u know?) Like???
AND THEN because the inquisitive, smart, "always right" Joyce that we know is still there just below the surface she tells him to put something else on that makes him look better. (It's the sweater he wears at Murray's btw) Like she knows that this dinner is important, that he wants to go alone, and she tells him what will make a better impression to the point that there's also this line after he leaves:
She hears him pop into his room and then he's out the door. His car turns over just as she sits down. It's only then that it registers how weird a dinner invitation without Will is. Maybe he and Nancy are more friends than study buddies, he is teaching her how to drive after all. Then again maybe they finally… but no. No, no, that’s just her old fantasy talking.
Like subconsciously she KNOWS they're together but she's so filled with grief, depression, etc. that she deep in denial.
This is also one of the scenes that I wish I wrote from Jonathan's POV in a separate fic. Because I imagine that he hasn't been able to go to 'Meet The Parents' dinner this whole time and he feels so guilty. But a couple days before he promises Nancy he can finally do it. (and she's so happy and he's so in love with her) Because Mom's doing better, surely they can get on without him for a couple hours. And it's important to him, like he wants to be a Good™️ boyfriend. (that boy is desperate for parental approval I know it in my heart) But then he comes home and Joyce is hiding in her room, and he's like fuck. So he makes an easy dinner for her and Will, while he's getting ready but he can't figure out his tie and he can't ask Joyce because she has her own problems. (Jonathan feeling like a burden for needing to parented is so important to me) BUT HE STILL GOES TO DINNER. Like it's such a beautiful moment of Jonathan struggling with what he feels like he has to do and what he wants to do and picking what he wants. (a little independence as a treat). There's also a very cute moment of Nancy (who's been watching from her window) cutting him off before he rings the doorbell so she can frantically put a tie on him before Ted can start shit.
ANYWAYS, clearly I could talk about this fic for a while
Send me a fanfic director's cut ask
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dean-samw67 · 2 years
The Girl Next Door
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After sneaking past her parents, JJ was headed down to meet with Larry. The boy had become her best friend over the years, even a brother figure. He was always looking out for her, especially after she returned from the mental hospital this summer. 
Larry had recently just met Sally Face. The new kid in the building. The two were talking, getting to know one another, while listening to music. Larry had shown Sally Sanity Falls, one of his favorite bands, as shown by his countless amount of merch shirts and posters. A knock at the door pulls both boys from their conversation. 
“I know you are in there, Larry! I can hear your music a mile away!” 
“It’s just JJ.” Larry waves his hand toward Sal, signaling there is no need to worry. “Come on in!” The door is opened to reveal a girl who was just a slight bit taller than Sal. She had a pale complexion and dark brown eyes, with hair that was black, no doubt that it was dyed. “Whoa girlie, how did you get out wearing that?” Larry chuckles as he turns the music down a bit, while they could hear each other he knew that if it was too loud it causes JJ migraines. 
“My parents were arguing. They pay little attention to me when they do that so I can wear what I want.” The dark haired girl shrugs. She wore a red plaid skirt with a band shirt that had both sleeves slipping down her shoulders. The skirt was paired with a pair of fishnet tights and some red converse. To top it all off she accessorized with rings scattered on her fingers, a black, simple choker, and a chain attached to her skirt. 
Sally eyed what she wore in confusion, “Why would you not be able to wear that?” 
“My parents are super religious, they swear I will summon demons with this type of clothing. I try to tell them that's not how you summon demons but they don’t listen.” JJ chuckles. “Oh, I’m sorry, I totally forgot to introduce myself. I’m JJ, it's nice to meet you. You must be the new boy who just moved into 402 right? My mom was telling me about you and your dad. I live in 400 so I am just a few doors down.” 
“Yeah. I’m Sally face.” 
“Sally face?” She questions the mysterious blue haired boy. To Sal, he was shocked. She didn’t ask about his mask, didn’t seem scared or concerned or bothered by it. It actually felt nice not having someone question him, like he was a normal person. 
“It’s what my friends call me.” He explains to her. 
“Some shitty friends you must’ve had.” JJ scoffs as she sits on Larry’s bed and leans back on her hands. 
“I guess they weren’t really ‘friends’ persay. But I figured if I own the name they can’t use it against me, right?” 
“I like this guy. Maybe dinner won’t be so bad tonight.” JJ offers him a gentle smile which for some reason causes Sally’s cheeks to get hot. Having a mask wasn’t always bad. 
“Dinner?” He questions. 
“Your dad didn’t tell you? My parents went over there and suggested bringing some of our home made food over so you guys wouldn’t have to eat fast food alone, since you all are still unpacking and all.” She explains. 
“Damn, if your parents didn’t absolutely hate me maybe I could have tagged along.” Larry crosses his arms. 
“They don’t like you?” Sal looks over at his new made friend. 
“Oh they can’t stand me.” 
“There’s a lot of things that come with learning my parents. One is that they are the most judgemental people.” JJ explains. 
“You don’t seem anything like them.” Sally observes. 
“Because I have also fallen victim to their judgment.” 
“Juniper! Juniper, I know you came down here!” 
“Shit! Well there’s my mother.” JJ grumbles. 
“Juniper?” Sal looks back over at JJ. 
“JJ is short for Juniper Jessica. My first and middle name. My parents wanted me to have a ‘unique’ name and my mom wanted me to have her name as my middle name.” She explains. “I don’t exactly like my name.” It’s only a minute more before her mother barges through the door. 
“So much for privacy nowadays.” Larry says sarcastically. JJ’s mom points at him with a glare and then looks over at Sal. 
“Oh, you must be the new boy who lives in 402 with his dad. Why do you have that ridiculous mask on?” 
“Mom!” JJ stands up quickly after the horrible question. 
“What? Any parent who lets their kid wear a mask like that is trying to raise a serial killer.” Jessica places her hands on her hips. 
“Stop! Seriously?” 
“I’m just kidding.” She waves her hand around. “What are you doing down here? And what the hell are you wearing? Are you two trying to corrupt this poor new boy?” 
“Yes, mom, me and Larry were planning to corrupt Sally and have him help us summon all our demons with our satanic music.” JJ rolls her eyes sarcastically. 
“Sally? What kind of name is that for a boy?” 
“Oh my god, mom!” JJ exclaims. 
“What? I’m just saying, clearly his parents were off their rocker when they named the poor kid. And don’t use God’s name in vain, sweetie.” JJ grabs her mothers arm. She gives Sal an apologetic look. 
“I’m sorry. I’ll see you tonight.” She whispers before dragging off her mother. “You have got to be kidding me?” She looks at the brunette woman as she pulls her into the elevator and hits the number 4 before looking her mother dead in the eyes. “Why were you being so rude?” 
“Rude? Honey, I was just curious what his parents have been on while raising him. I mean especially his father. His mother isn’t even anywhere to be found.” Jessica shrugs. 
“Mom! You don’t know anything about Sally, his life or his family. You can’t be judging him or his dad for anything.” JJ shakes her head. She felt so bad for Sal that she could cry for him. She couldn’t imagine how he felt after that encounter. 
“You shouldn’t talk to me like that, young lady. As soon as we get home you need to change and help me make dinner.” Jessica’s voice was now low and angry. JJ is quick to shut her mouth and look down at the converse she was wearing. She could feel her hands shaking and placed them behind her back to hide it. 
A ding signals that they reached their floor. Her mother hooks her hand on JJ’s arm and drags her out and to the apartment. Her grasp was aggressive and showed just how angry she was. The door is pushed open and she throws her daughter into the apartment, causing her to stumble and fall to the ground, hitting her head on the corner of the coffee table. 
JJ grasps her forehead. It wasn’t hard enough to break skin but it caused a quick bump to form on her forehead and was certainly going to bruise. She wasn’t intending to make her mother mad, she just felt bad for Sal with how disrespectful she was being to him. 
“Now go change before your father comes out and sees you dressed like a slut in that skirt.” JJ scrambles to her feet and rushes to her room, shutting and locking her door. She was fighting so hard to hold back tears as she looked through her dresser. 
She changes to a simple pair of black jeans and a striped black and blue shirt. She removes her choker and rings, tossing them into her jewelry drawer and slams it shut. She picks up the cross necklace off her dresser and sighs before putting it on. 
She looks up into the mirror and pushes back her bangs to see a dark purple bruise forming. She sniffles back tears and fixes her bangs to cover the bruise. She opens her undergarment drawer and digs to the back pulling out an orange pill bottle. When she got it, from someone at school, she was told it should help with pain. She wasn’t too sure about it but took them anyway. She hid them in her drawer and forgot about them until she came back from the hospital this summer. She was almost out but she knew who to go to to get more when school started. She presses the cap down and twists it open. She dumps two pills in her hand and closes it, before tossing it back into the drawer and covering it and shutting the drawer. 
She walks to her bedside table and grabs the water bottle off the table. She places both pills on her tongue before opening the plastic bottle and downing the room temperature water. She pulls the bottle from her lips and closes it back up before placing it on the table. 
“Juniper!” JJ lets out a sigh before leaving her room, going to help prepare the food they were going to bring over to Sally and his dad. 
JJ and her parents walked a few doors down to the Fisher’s apartment. Jessica gives a polite knock on the door and we stand, waiting for a response. It is opened by Sally who looks up at the three of them. 
“Oh, it’s nice to see you again. Is your dad in?” She asks in a sickly sweet voice. It made JJ cringe. Sal nods and lets them in. 
“Dad!” A moment after he is called a man with matching blue hair to Sal’s and a full beard walks out. 
“Jessica, Michael. Welcome. Thank you so much, this means a lot to us.” He offers both JJ’s parents a smile. 
“It’s no problem.” Michael, JJ’s father, waves off. 
“This must be Juniper. Hi, I’m Henry, Sally’s dad.” He looks down at JJ. 
“Sal told me that you two met.” 
“Yes.” JJ nods. She was trying to keep it short and sweet, making sure she didn’t say anything that could end her up hurt when they went back home. 
“Well, Sal, why don’t you show her around while we prepare for dinner?” Sally nods at his fathers suggestion. Henry takes some of the dishes and walks with Jessica into the kitchen. JJ’s father leans down to her ear, grabbing her arm before she could run from him. 
“Do not let us catch you slutting around with that boy.” His voice was in a low grumble for only her to hear. It was a threat and she knew it. She gives him a quick nod of fear before running to Sal’s side. Sally eyed Michael as he walked into the kitchen with the other adults. He had a bad feeling with the way he had grabbed JJ. And what did he say that made her seem so frightened?
Sally led her around the apartment. Showing her around was quick considering it was a small apartment and most of them were pretty similar looking. They walk into his room once They finish and both sit on his mattress. 
“Listen, I’m sorry about my mom earlier.” JJ apologizes. 
“It’s not your fault. You weren’t lying when you said she's judgemental.” Sal looked over at her. 
“Nope.” She shakes her head and looks down at her hands. 
“How do you deal with it?” 
“I mean how do you deal with the comments you get about your mask? There’s no choice. They’re my parents.” She looks back up at him as she fiddles with her fingers. 
“What did your dad say to you?” Sal crosses his legs up on the mattress. 
“Oh he just was reminding me that it was my dish night.” She chuckles but Sal couldn’t help but not believe her. Gizmo, Sal’s cat, comes out from behind some boxes, meowing. JJ looks back and smiles. “Aww, you have a cat?” 
“Yeah. He sort of has been an emotional support for me.” Sal nods as Gizmo walks over and rubs up against Sal’s leg. JJ reaches down and pets his head before sitting up straight again. 
“He’s cute.” She giggles. 
“So are you and Larry… you know…?” Sal knew it was a personal question but he couldn’t help but wonder if she was with anyone. JJ lets out a snort and a not so attractive laugh as she shakes her head. 
“Me and Larry? You are a funny one Sally Face.” She covers her mouth as she tries to calm her laughing. “Larry has been a brother figure to me since I met him. He approached a group of kids bullying me in middle school. We have been friends since.” 
“Bullying? You have been bullied?” 
“I mean… yeah.” 
“But… why?” Sal was shocked to even hear she was bullied. She was gorgeous and he would believe that she was someone who had a lot of friends at school and everyone loved her. At least that's how he felt. 
“I don’t know. They just call me names. Ugly, unlovable, fat. Kids are mean.” JJ shrugs. 
“Yeah, tell me about it. But, I don’t see why they would call you ugly. You are far from it.” Sally fiddles with his hands in his lap. JJ looks at him with a soft smile. 
“You’re really sweet, Sally.” She reaches over and takes his hand into hers to settle his anxious movement. “We’re going to be good friends, I can already tell.” Seeing the little squint in Sal’s eyes, which she could only assume was from him smiling, made her return him a bright smile, which only caused him to blush.
Chapter 1
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localartnerd · 9 months
Kota was shoving his uniform in his bag, covered in sweat and in pain from wearing the binder during practice– God he really needed to stop doing that, it only put him in more pain. As he shoved the last of his things in his bag, he heard Kuroo’s voice pipe up from beside him.
“Kota! I’m going to Kenma’s after this, you coming?” the ravenet asked the younger teen. Kota shook his head.
“Can’t.. My dad came back from his business trip and he knows absolutely nothing of what I’ve done.” Kota responded, heaving a sigh from his nose. Kuroo gained a confused look on his face
“What did you do?” He asked, looking at the other, his head slightly tilted. Kota laughed slightly.
“Cut and dyed my hair, joined the boys volleyball team, started using the name Kota at school, the list goes on.” he said, recalling the events on his fingers before dropping his hand to his side, zipping up his bag and slinging it over his shoulder.
“And he has no clue?” Kuroo asked, looking at the shorter teen with this distant look in his eyes, like he was trying to grasp onto what Kota was preparing to deal with.
“Not one inkling.” Kota affirmed. Kuroo instantly looked worried.
“.. Will you be alright?” He asked, looking at his teammate with genuine worry– he didn’t want anything bad happening to anyone on the team, and that included Kota. Kota was silent for a moment.
“Worst case scenario, I’m kicked out, and I’ve already preemptively packed for that.” He said, gesturing to his bag over his shoulder.
“And best case scenario?” Kuroo asked, adjusting his own back over his shoulder.
“I’m grounded for a couple weeks, my phone gets taken, and I’m forced to do bible study.” Kota explained with a shrug.
“Religious nut?” Kuroo jokes
“Oh yeah. Big time.” Kota laughed, looking at his phone and seeing a message from his mother telling him to call her. “I should get going, my mom is already pestering me, I’ll see you guys later!” Kota said, waving to both Kuroo and the rest of the team who was still there, Kenma included. Kenma looked up from his game, gave a small wave back, before returning his attention to his game. Kuroo nodded, waving Kota off, before going to do the rest of the cleaning up in the gym. Kota pulled out his phone as he walked out of the gym, dialing his mother’s number and putting the phone to his ear, the nauseous feeling growing even more the longer it rang.
“Hey honey, are you on your way?” His mother’s voice rang out through the receiver. Kota hummed in the affirmative.
“Yeah, it’ll be like, five minutes.” Kota responded, looking around the evening scenery.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to pick you up?” She asked him, Kota hummed again.
“I’ll be fine mom, I’ll see you soon.” He answered.
“Alright. I love you, Akari.” Ouch. That hurt a lot.
“...Love you too, Mom.” and with that, Kota hung up the phone, dropping his arm back down to his side. A heavy sigh escaped from his lips as he trudged his way back to what was supposed to be his home– a safe place, but it hasn’t been that for a long time– just a place he goes back to. Kota knew his father was already waiting for him at the house, there was no telling what kind of lecture he was about to endure either. How lovely… which also meant his older sisters were there too… great, a fucking audience.
Soon, Kota got to the driveway of his home.
Then the walk-way.
Then to the front door. Anxiety coursed through his veins, he wasn’t ready for either outcome. He was finally happy for once, why did it have to be ripped away from him?! Why did he have to come back and ruin it all? Kota was finally happy with his life– and now it’s all going to shit.
Kota walked through the front door, calling out his presence. “I’m home!” He called out, shutting the door behind him. He spotted his sister, Sika, in the living room.
“Oh, Akari! Dad’s home!” Sika announced, Kota nodded,
“Mom told me earlier,” he spoke. “Where is he?” Kota’s mother appeared from the kitchen, dusting her hands on an already flour-covered apron.
“He’s unpacking right now, he wants to speak with you when he’s finished though.” She spoke gently, Kota froze. He.. wanted to speak with him? Oh no, oh no, oh no! That wasn’t ever a good sign!
“He.. he does?” He questioned, to which his mother nodded. “Okay…” He mumbled, before excusing himself to the bathroom, promptly freaking out in a group chat that held Kuroo, Kenma, and Kasumi.
What do i do? My dad wants to talk with me! He has no idea what i look like right now! I’m panicking..
Take deep breaths, Kota. If you need to stay somewhere else tonight after you deal with that, text me, I’ll pick you up.
We have your back, Kota. Keep us updated and let us know if you need anything.
Kenma is typing…
Kota looked in the mirror, setting his phone on the bathroom counter. Kota looked so much different compared to 4 months ago, like a switch was flipped. Kota’s phone buzzed, the screen lighting up.
Message from Kenma
Kota picked up his phone and unlocked it, clicking on the notification.
Are you alright?
I haven’t seen my dad yet, but I can't hide in the bathroom all night.
Keep me updated, okay? I wanna make sure you’re safe.
I will.
Kota knew he shouldn’t be hiding from his father, but what other choice did he have? Be kicked out? Oh well, it’s now, or he sleeps in the bathroom tonight..
Kota walked out of the bathroom, and back into the living room, immediately catching his father’s eye, who was now present with the rest of his family.
“Akari..” His voice seemed so loud compared to how it used to be– or maybe it was just Kota’s imagination. Either way.
“Hi, dad..” Kota greeted, changing the tone of his voice to match how he used to be– a girl. Kota avoided eye-contact with the man, not wanting to show just how much of him had changed– however he was also panicking, he was still wearing the binder! Fuck! Kota sat down on the couch next to his mother.
“Your hair..” His father trailed off, Saki piped up.
“I like the short hair on her, it’s cute, and she rocks the black, don’t you think, dad?” Saki chirped, Kota glanced at his sister, was she trying to make this better, or worse for him?! He wasn’t sure. Kota could swear the shaking of his hands was noticeable to everyone in the room.
“I think she’s just going through a phase, Hachiro.” Kota’s mom said, gesturing to his hair. “I’m sure she’ll grow it back out anyways.” she mentioned, side eyeing him.
She was going to make him grow it out. He knew she was. Kota gripped the phone in his hand and stared at his family. His father hummed.
“I’m sure it is. Because if it’s that whole ‘transgender’ thing again, something will be done about it.” his father stated sternly, crossing his arms. Kota bit the inside of his cheek, he knew he shouldn’t say anything, but he was just so.. So angry and tired of it! Why couldn’t his family just let him be him?!
Was he simply not human because he was a transgender male? Why couldn’t they just let him live?!
“And if it is the transgender thing? What exactly will you do? Force me to be a girl, as if you haven’t been doing that for the last two years?!” Kota spat, glaring up at his father and finally making eye-contact with him.
“Akari Sasaki, watch your tone with me, young lady.” He barked, glaring back at his child.
“Why should I? You’ve never shown me a shred of respect. I’m done being the doormat of this family!” Kota yelled, standing up
“Mom, don’t.” Saki interrupted, placing a hand on her mother’s shoulder.
“If you don’t like it, then leave. If you want to be disrespectful, why should you even live here?” He stated. Kota stared at him.
“Fine. I will.” Kota stated, grabbing his bag and making his way to the front door. His actions caused his mother to panic and try to follow him.
“Akari? What are you doing?” she asked quickly, concern written across her face– or was it fear? Hell if Kota knew.
“Since you guys shove my thoughts and feelings aside, and dad told me to leave if I didn’t like it, that’s exactly what I’m doing. Don’t act so surprised. I’m doing what I was told.” Kota said bluntly, walking out of the house. He was done. It was over. He could be happy, right? He paused and turned around to face his family, who had followed him to the front door, but stopped before actually waking outside.
“If you think in the future I’m going to come back to see you without any genuine apology from you guys, you’re wrong. I’d rather be dead than be forced to be someone I’m not. I hope you guys have a great life.” Kota snarked, turning and walking away, pulling out his phone and dialing Kasumi’s number.
Ring… ring… rin–
“Kota, you alright?” the blonde asked, Kota hummed in the affirmative, the adrenaline finally wearing off and the panic truly setting in.
“It happened.. I got kicked out. Er.. well more like I walked out.” he stuttered out. Hoping his voice didn’t crack.
“How far away are you? I can pick you up– it’s dark outside..” Kasumi spoke, Kota heard background voices on Kasumi’s end of the line.
“It’s fine, I’m not far, I can walk.” He told her “who’s that in the background?”
“Kenma and Kuroo were worried, so they came over. They both knew you’d call me if something happened. I’m serious though, I can come pick you up, you’re not exactly in the best shape mentally right now– for god's sake you just got kicked out, Kota. Let me help.” Kasumi pleaded, genuine sympathy in her tone. Kota was silent for a few moments before he sighed shakily in defeat.
“Fine, I’ll send you my location and stay put.” he said, pulling the phone away from his ear to send the location before putting it back.
“Stay on the phone with me though, just in case. You know some people are weird.” Kasumi said, Kota let out a small laugh, though still panicking.
It was maybe five minutes when a navy blue car swung around the corner and came to a stop beside him, Kota recognized the car instantly as Kasumi’s. He hopped in the backseat and buckled up before promptly bursting into a fit of tears.
“I-I’m sorry! You shou-shouldn’t have to be dragged into this!” He cried, burying his face into his hands. He felt so guilty– he did this himself and here he was– dragging three people into this with him. He shouldn’t have done that! They didn’t deserve this! Why was this hitting him so hard? He had been waiting years for the moment to be out of that house for good– so why was he so upset? He didn’t understand, which only made him more upset.
“Kota, don’t apologize. If we didn’t want to help, we wouldn’t be here right now. This is all on us, we're wanting to help you, dude. Take a deep breath, smell the flowers, blow out the candles, remember?” Kasumi soothed, driving off, “remember, breathe in for four, hold for four, out for 4, repeat.” Kota followed Kasumi’s instructions before calming down.
This was going to be rough on him, wasn’t it?
“Legally, you don’t have to go back, you’re allowed to move out. You can stay with me, or I’m sure Kenma’s parents would love to have you around more.” Kasumi said. Kota sighed.
“I know, I’m just.. I don’t want to force my way in anywhere–”
“You won’t be. I promise you. I’m so fucking proud of you, Kota. you’ve grown so much since we first met, and you’re finally putting yourself first. I’m so proud.” Kasumi praised
“Stop it, I’ll start crying again…” Kota huffed, rubbing his eyes.
“How about this, we get inside, and the four of us just relax?” Kasumi suggested, pulling into her driveway. Kota nodded.
This was going to be a peaceful rest of the night for him, or so he hoped.
Finally a new beginning for Kota Sasaki, as Kota, not as Akari, but as Kota.
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aekomorebis · 10 months
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#REAL_WORLD OGAWA CHIYORI ✦ twenty five ✦ social media coordinator
given name chiyori family name ogawa d.o.b. 1998/03/03 (25) pronouns she/her ethnicity japanese sexuality closeted bisexual ?? occupation social media coordinator at an entertainment company; primarily works with two idol groups
height 164 cm hair brown eyes brown face miyawaki sakura distinguishing features both ears pierced, said to have large ears, signature scent is cherry blossoms
positive | empathetic, observant, discreet
neutral | escapist, competitive 
negative |  fickle, headstrong, vindictive
born in hakodate and lived their with her family (mom, dad, older brother) until she was thirteen. her parents divorced at that time, and she chose to move to south korea with her mother and older brother.
struggled in school because of the language barrier; her korean was not as strong as she would have liked it to be, and she still struggles to consider herself fluent. her accent is nowhere near as pronounced as it once was, though she's fairly self-conscious over it.
had trouble making friends; spent a lot of her free time finding creative ways to get out of having to study. mostly, that involved hiding out at a pc bang and playing games. at one point, she started skipping classes to spend time protecting her rank in-game. had to be dragged home by her brother. mortifying.
her mother considered sending her to japan to live with her father, something she emphatically did not want, so pulled herself together long enough to graduate from high school and get into university (communications major). muddled through classes for the most part, vacillating between interest and complete disassociation.
discovered synk in her final year and quickly became obsessed. the game was—is—like catnip to her, and it took an intervention by her brother for her to set it aside long enough to finish her degree (but also, you know, she didn't, just was better at hiding it).
graduated, got a job somehow, got a cat, rented a tiny box apartment a lengthy commute away from her office building—the standard early twenties experience.
she's better at juggling a game/life balance than she was as a teenager—she has a job, is financially stable, embraces mild chaos in her everyday life but it's chill. still synk-ing, plays almost daily as a way to unwind after work.
games have always been easier, more comfortable than real life for her. now is no different.
has a persian cat named yuzu. he tolerates her at best. my cat is a rockstar & i'm a manager except, like, it's so real.
survives almost entirely on a diet of coffee, ramen, and energy drinks (when she can’t get her hands on coffee). she does know how to cook, but hates doing it if she's the only person eating.
her brother often stops by her apartment to make sure she's alive doing okay. finds his concern smothering, to be honest, but they're close! it's just how he is!
has been trying to live an active and healthy lifestyle, but she can never keep to a workout routine for more than a week because she’s weak and lazy. best she can manage is the occasional bicycle ride along the han river.
aside from gaming, she enjoys watching anime and photography. in addition to digital photography, she has an old film camera she likes to pull out sometimes for the art + develops her own film.
wanted connections
01 / was practically a cryptid in university in that you almost never saw her outside of classes because she was always at the pc bang... or in her room... but you somehow managed to befriend her anyway. maybe it's a chore to get her to attend any friend gatherings nowadays but she does it for you
02 / neighbors who keeps hearing strange sounds coming from her apartment and feels the need to check in on her to make sure she's not dying. she's really not. maybe just trying to work out or it's her cat being a demon. meet uglies but you become friends out of it
03 / never met each other irl but you've been besties in synk for years!! always enter verses together!! chiyori would die for you!! and after years of begging she's finally agreed to meet up face-to-face offline. surely this is will not go badly??
04 / get along really well in synk but unbeknownst to each other, you are enemies/nemeses irl and have been for years—or maybe one of you is very aware that your in-game bestie is the spawn of satan but you keep it on the dl because you like being friends in game. too bad your in game friend group is meeting up soon haha!! can't hide forever!
05 / you've dated in a bunch of verses mostly because your aes are always drawn together and you might want to take it a step further and date irl but she keeps dodging your attempts to ask in game and irl and it's not because she doesn't like you but dating is like... so much work, you know? why ruin a good thing?
GENERAL / looking for anything—friends, enemies, awkward acquaintances, exes, etc. in general she's like the person who'll drop out of contact for weeks because she's so absorbed in work/gaming. frequent refrain in her group chats is 'wow ur still here? thought u died'. friendships + relationships are hard to maintain... but if she likes you enough she'll try!!! maybe the great tragedy of her life is that she tries but it's never enough. idk hmu w/ anything (๑꧆◡꧆๑)
PERMANENT PLOT CALL / pls like this post if you'd like to plot for the real world verse and i'll pop into your dms to chat!
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Boom, Soapies!AU Afton family
Now if you’re sitting here thinking hey, that’s one too many Afton kids, good job, you’re good at math. That fourth one, the brown girl with black hair, is Cassidy Santiago-Afton, twin sister of the crying child, Juney.
Ok, Juney isn’t actually his name. It’s William Afton Jr., but he prefers Juney (short for Junior) or CC.
If you’re also thinking hey, none of these kids look alike, again, good job, you’re very observant. None of the kids are from the same mother, save for the twins, who just look unalike because genetics are just a massive web of middle fingers. Each of the kids’ moms are latina- Michael’s is Chilean, Liz’s is Mexican, and the twins’ is Puerto Rican. This isn’t really plot relevant, but due to not sharing mothers, the kids don’t really feel connected.
Liz is pretty close with Mike and Juney, but Cassidy resents her attitude about William (thinking she can earn his love and attention), thinks she’s spoiled, and they don’t get along at all. Cassidy does, however, get along very well with Juney- she’s literally the single sweetest kid in the entire world. She doesn’t like Michael much, and often defends Juney from his bullying. Cassidy never had time to hate Michael for the bite, having been murdered shortly after on the same day in a similar way by William.
See, the only kid who died directly at William’s hands was Charlie, and he hadn’t even intended to kill Charlie. He just shoved her against the brick wall of the diner too hard in his drunken anger and broke something that left her writhing and dying on the ground. The rest of the kids, however, were only wounded by his attacking, and he killed them when he stuffed them into the animatronic bodies. And especially since Juney was already inside the one he used for Cassidy, she was crushed.
(I want to make it clear when I or Sophie write the kids who died that way like my Lizzie or her missing kids what we intend is that they died from the heavy internal damage caused by a major crush injury, and weren’t like horribly mangled)
Elizabeth, however, did have the time to resent Michael for what he did, and while he tried to make it up to her, she became unresponsive to him and even began running away for pity because it was the only way she knew she’d get sympathy for her trauma. While she’d heard William talk about putting missing or dead kids back together, she didn’t really know what it meant, but promised Juney she’d put him back together, and even Cassidy too. William would leave Michael to babysit her as punishment when she would do bad things like run away for attention, and Michael would try to make it less of a punishment- he wouldn’t speak to her most of the time, he would get her her favorite foods for dinner and let her watch TV and go to bed late- the fact that Michael was still there and Juney was dead broke her.
In 1985, Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria temporarily rebranded, featuring a cast of new characters- Funtime Foxy, Ballora, and Funtime Freddy. Unlike the original Freddy, Funtime Freddy was female, modeled after a little girl, had red fur instead of Freddy’s brown, and even wore pigtails. This group of characters was modeled after a circus, and inspired by Elizabeth’s ideas. While it was relatively well-received, it was quite short-lived as William shut down the idea not too long after Lizzie suddenly disappeared. It ended up becoming its own diner reserved for parties eventually, and when the real Freddy Fazbear’s opened back up, there were minimal issues. No more missing children, at least.
The four missing children, who died in 1983, were named Robin, Susie, Madelyn, and Wilson. They were a group of friends who were basically picked off one by one over the span of a few weeks. Susie, of course, haunts Chica, Madelyn is Freddy, Robin is Bonnie, and Wilson is Foxy.
The rest of the timeline is difficult at best because we’re trying to balance the actual fnaf timeline with the fact that Sophie wants Security Breach to take place in 2012.
On the note of Security Breach, Soapies!Michael does actually possess Glamrock Freddy. We’re currently thinking the rest of the animatronics are haunted by little kids picked off by Vanny, but Sophie’s not totally sure.
What she is sure about is the lack of a giant Pizzaplex. What the Soapies!AU has instead is a Fazbear’s pizzeria in a pretty large area inside of a mall, with a main stage for the main four animatronics, a diner, an activities room for laser tag, go karts or mini golf depending on the occasion, and Sun and Moon for the play area. The rest of the mall is just a normal mall, with a serial killer inside.
As for Vanny and Vanessa, she’s not sure what to do with them yet. Or Gregory. She’s debating making Vanny and Vanessa the same person, sisters, or making Vanny some supernatural entity.
Gregory, though, no matter what backstory he’s given, is probably just going to be a random homeless kid looking for somewhere safe who ends up wrapped into Vanny’s plan, and then with an 8 foot tall robot bear that is way more sentient than any robot bear should or would ever be as his dad figure.
First off, love the designs, very unique style for the faces
And I love Cassidy and Juney, they are so precious my children now-
I need to see this Funtime Freddy's design it sounds so cool-
Vanny being a supernatural entity would be a very interesting idea that I haven't really considered before
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gatespage · 2 years
‘Star Trek’ is just the tip of the galaxy for actress 
10 Feb 1991 - Palladium-Item (Richmond, Indiana)
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Transcript below
Gates McFadden is feeling a little burned out these days.
The “Star Trek: The Next Generation” actress says she has no one to blame but herself — and maybe her mom.
McFadden, who plays Dr. Beverly Crusher on the syndicated series, hasn't had a vacation in two years because she’s juggled a play and a movie with a 26-episode series work load.
She says her almost compulsive need to work is “‘my mother’s fault. She had me doing everything as a kid. I had 31 merit badges, I was on the dean’s list, I did modeling, dancing...”
McFadden spent her last hiatus doing the legit production of ‘Viva Detroit" in Los Angeles. “I was the female lead, who would go into all these disguises. So it was like I was playing three characters. It was fun, but very tiring. I was still doing the play while we were filming a new season of the series and I exhausted myself. I'm still getting over the burnout.”
“But I needed to do it,” she says. “I really make a huge effort to do other projects besides ‘Star Trek.”
In spring of '89, she managed to squeeze in the feature film ‘‘Taking Care of Business" with Jim Belushi and Charles Grodin. ‘‘Which I actually had a ball doing,” she says. “It was a lot of fun to play a bitch after playing such a nice, serious doctor on the show.”
And she also got to work with David Rappaport again. The diminutive actor’s death by suicide earlier this year affected her deeply, she says.
The actress had also worked closely with the late Jim Henson (who died of a virulent strain of pneumonia in May) on such projects as ‘The Muppets Take Manhattan” and “Labyrinth,” on which she worked as director of choreography and movement.
“That was a big shock. In one month both David and Jim were dead. I hadn’t had that much experience with people I'm close to dying,"” McFadden says. “‘It really makes you look more deeply at your own life.”
For now life for the single actress still revolves around work. Although she has to have made plans for her next series hiatus. “I'll see what my energies are like,” she says.
McFadden's primary residence is still in New York, but she headquarters in Los Angeles while the series is shooting. ‘I love it out here in California, I’ve acclimated well and I really love having the garden.”
That's not to say, she doesn’t still have a strong allegiance to the Big Apple.
What she misses most about the Manhattan is “the real sense of community. Everytime I go back I run into four or five people I know just walking to buy groceries”
“Here in L.A, where you have to drive everywhere, I kind of just want to go home after I take off the wig and the space suit.””
Yes, McFadden’s Dr. Crusher character wears a wig.
“I have hair that’s down to my waist and I've been trying to get the producers to let me get rid of the wig, but I guess they feel the long hair isn't doctorly enough,” she explains.
On the other hand, “It might be a good thing to keep the wig so I’m not recognizable when I’m on the street." The actress, who used to teach at New York University and Brandeis University, recalls the time “a student became obsessed with me. Since then I've become very careful.”
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blu3st4rzsysbl0g · 10 days
5/10/24 (5/11 at the time of writing this) Friday
school went as it usually does, which is basically not anything noteworthy, Marcie started this account after getting Ashton to approve of it so that's fun and cool I (AL) was fronting for most of the idea, Marcie kinda popped in last night after we had a bit of a meltdown so i've been getting to know her a little...she's fun, gives me cool older sister vibes (might just be because she's older than me)
most notable bit was it was Friday so we got pizza for lunch, ate alone per usual while watching a kurtis conner video on yt lol, did some drawing for Marcie's intro as well as my own that i'll probably get to tomorrow...idk we'll see ig, we also had a huge assemble today so we had to deal with that, got really blurry in the crowd while listening to the teachers scold the middle schoolers (i dont see why we had to be there since we're in highschool) lucky its the last assembly of the year, since our school has all school (k-12) meetings every month
Sock's sibling is home from college for the summer! they came to pick us up from school, so it was a fun drive catching up with them, let Sock front for that mostly, it's been around three weeks since I've seen him pop up, life's been too miserable for him ig, still front stuck (around 140 days atp) so that's great...maybe Marcie figured i was going insane being here for so long, who knows!
got home to our mother's house and got to talk to her for a while, ride there was fun too getting to talk to both our siblings, Sock fronted for most of that but walked off once dinner started (i barely even noticed him leave tbh..)
after dinner i drew some more art, Normal came into front because he heard about the blog..said he wanted to make an intro so I drew him a faceclaim, usually we could use fanart since he has a source (Normal Oak from Dndads) but since we're doing the intros I think it's more fun to actually draw him, especially since i like drawing his source anyway
Ashton was in the front room hanging around for a while eating mental-mcdonalds, idk why, but Normal started talking to him, said he reminds him of his uncle i guess? Normal is a pretty nice but kinda sad kid...it was something to witness. Norm's also got some daddy issues and Ash is a pretty prominent father figure...kinda like Joel from the Last of Us tbh...Sock and him have had a kinda father-son relationship since he formed back in 2021 (Sock wants me to add that they think its funny that there's a weird phenomenon in the system where all the teen alters tend to annoy the hell out of him lol...notably i dyed our hair three times w/o consulting him or anyone so i wouldnt say im exempt from this observation)
anyway, Sock called some of our friends for a bit (after practically ghosting them for like a month lol) played on my Stardew Valley file, thirsted over Harvey (Sock's aroace...idk what's wrong with him /aff) he had told our friends abt my little front stucky situation, (they're convinced i lost my mind because of how many times i changed our appearance drastically in the time ive been here...i dont deny this accusation) Sock also got Ash to try a Baja Blast for the first time, "It tastes like a heart attack, jesus christ..." is what he had to say...it was the zero sugar kind? idk im kinda addicted to them so
we've got a doctor's appointment fairly early tmrw...we've been having a lot of joint pain lately, our Mom thinks it's arthritis? we're not sure, she's not a doctor so...getting checked out finally! we'll see how that goes, also checking up on some meds stuff...
- AL 🍁 (She/They/He)
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