#Alone Again
memesandtvshowthings · 2 months
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Ok! Poll time!
Edit: I know I don’t have Courage in me. I can’t fix it though.
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hotchnerobsessed · 1 year
Alone Again
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Fem!Reader x Hotch | When Aaron unintentionally interrupts your alone time, it sparks a new desire in him.
Warnings: 🥵 Smut (Soft!Dom!Hotch, fem!masturbation, cockwarming, praise kink, slight exhibitionist kink) and a few swears!
Word Count: 3583
I wrote this pretty fast and only checked for mistakes once so I apologize in advance for any typos 😅
It had been ten days. Ten days since you’d seen him. Ten days since you’d kissed him, and felt his arms around you. The cases that took him so far away from you never got any easier. But you always made a point of talking to each other every day, even if it was only for a short 30 seconds so he could tell you he was safe.
The day started as they usually did, as you woke up to the sound of your phone buzzing next to your head. You didn’t make a habit of sleeping with your phone so close to you, but when he was away, you couldn’t help it. Sliding your thumb across the screen, you answered through a sleepy voice, “Aaron?”
“Hi sweetheart,” he laughed softly, “I’m sorry did I wake you?”
“No, no it’s okay, I’m up.”
He could tell you were lying, the grogginess in your voice giving you away. “Shit, I’m sorry, it’s Saturday. I should have let you sleep in. I always lose track of what day it is on these long cases.”
Your chest ached at his words, it had been too long, and you desperately wanted him to come home. “I miss you so much.”
There was a pause, and you heard him breathe deep. You were certain it was because he missed you too, which was absolutely true, but you’d come to find out soon enough there was another cause for his hesitation. They had just wrapped up the case, and in a few short hours you would be in his arms again, but he wanted it to be a surprise. “I miss you too, my girl.”
Another pause on the phone, this time it was you who hesitated. “Everyone is good? Everyone is safe?”
His chest swelled at your concern for not only him, but for the rest of the team. Your massive heart was the reason he’d fallen for you in the first place. “Yes, everyone is fine.”
You nodded your head, aware that he couldn’t see it, but in an attempt to comfort yourself. “Good. That’s good.” You knew there was no point in asking him when he’d be coming home, these things were unpredictable, so you simply asked of him what you always did, “come home to me in one piece, you hear me?”
You could hear him smile through the phone, “always.”
“I love you, Aaron.”
“I love you, too, sweetheart.”
“Talk again tomorrow?”
Another pause. “In person,” he thought to himself, but answered, “you know it.”
No more words were needed, as the line was silent for a couple seconds, both of you simply listening to the other’s breathing, before he finally hung up.
Setting your phone on the bedside table, you rubbed your eyes before opening them slowly and staring up at the ceiling. A deep sigh escaped your lips before you finally pulled back the covers and got out of bed.
Time passed slowly, as anything you tried to do to distract your mind from how much you missed him was unsuccessful. You’d watched short bursts of about six different movies, constantly flipping between channels, unable to get your mind to focus on any one alone.
The longer you sat there, faced with the knowledge of spending another night alone, the more you kept replaying the phone conversation over and over in your mind. Something about talking to him this morning made you miss him even more than usual, and you couldn’t shake that lonely feeling.
It didn’t take long for your mind to wander elsewhere, to other means of distraction. The perfect distraction from thinking about Aaron being gone, was thinking about the times Aaron was home; the times when he was close to you, touching you, and inside you.
As you changed the channel on the television one last time, you crossed one knee over the other. The slight relief this provided to the aching between your legs made it impossible for your to ignore any longer.
Finally turning the TV off for good, you closed your eyes and imagined Aaron on his knees in front of you. Sitting right in this very spot in the living room, where many times before he’d devoured you like you were his last meal, made it very easy for memories and sensations to come rushing back.
The slight rocking of your hips, and shaking of your foot just wasn’t going to cut it; you needed more, and you wanted room to get comfortable. Eagerly standing from the couch, you made your way towards your bedroom. Once inside, you tore off your pyjamas that you’d been wearing all day, and tossed them on the floor.
Climbing into the middle of the bed, you allowed yourself to lay back and spread yours legs. Just as you’d thought about the times you’d spent together in the living room, your mind now focused on the times he’d had you pinned to the mattress, endless pleasure washing over you.
Trailing your hands down your body, your hand soon made contact with your swollen bud, and the moan that escaped your lips filling the room. Not to your surprise, you were already soaking wet, as you trailed your fingers through your folds. The ease with which your fingers now moved across your core was euphoric, and it didn’t take long until you were imagining his lips all over you.
As the circles you were rubbing became tighter and faster, your climax approaching, you were completely unaware of the outside world. All your mind was able to focus on was the building pressure between your legs. That fact, coupled with how intentionally quiet he was trying to be when opening the door, made Aaron’s presence unknown to you.
Gently setting his bags on the couch, being careful not to let his keys make a sound, he smiled to himself knowing his surprise might actually work. It was at that moment that another moan escaped your lips, one so clear it made it’s way down the hallway. As Aaron’s ears perked up, he stood still, wondering if he’d just heard what he thought he had.
Sure enough, another deep moan made its way from your lips to his ears, followed by a breathless, “ohh.. Aaron..”
The smile on his face grew even wider; he couldn’t deny how it felt, knowing that even when you were all by yourself, he was still able to make you feel this good.
Taking extra care in his gentle footsteps across the floor, in no time he was standing just outside the bedroom door. He’d had you right there before, teetering on the edge of eagerness and pure bliss, so when another soft moan filled the air, he knew by the desperation in your voice that you were close.
Although he’d already heard too much, he didn’t want to cross too many boundaries; hearing you like this was different than seeing you like this. He wasn’t naive, he knew you still had a relationship with your own body, outside of your relationship with him. You were still more than entitled to your alone time, especially when he’d been gone for so long.
So he waited, not so patiently now with his hard length straining against his pants, for you to finish.
That would come sooner rather than later, with one final whimper of his name, you crested the wave and felt the bliss you’d been chasing rush through your veins.
Giving you a few seconds to regain composure, he took one final step forward and gently leaned against the wooden doorframe. As he gazed at you from the doorway, seeing you so exposed like this, sparked something new in his mind. He’d been inside you countless times before, and could get himself off simply by thinking about how it felt as one of your orgasm squeezed the life out of him. But he wanted to try something different, and he was hoping you would be eager to as well.
Just as you pulled your hand away from your core, your breathing still laboured, you were brought out of your trance by the sound of a familiar voice. He spoke gently in an attempt to not startle you, “you missed me that much, huh sweetheart?”
Your eyes flew open, and you sat up with a jolt, the fog in your brain gone in an instant. Glancing across the room, you gasped as your eyes took in the sight in front of you. He stood there, full suit in tact, hair slightly tousled, no doubt from a quick nap on the long flight home. He looked absolutely divine. You would have thought so regardless, but especially now, after having just made yourself cum while thinking about him.
Before you could form any words, you were slipping your legs off the side of the bed and playfully bounding towards him. With his arms outstretched to you, you wrapped your arms around his waist and he pulled you into his chest. Neither of you cared that he was fully clothed and you were not, simply being able to hold one another again was all you cared about.
You clenched your fists, gripping the fabric of his suit jacket and pulling him impossibly close. Breathing in the familiar scent of his cologne, you felt him place a tender kiss to the top of your head. One of his hands was combing through your hair gently, and the other was resting on the small of your back, pulling your body against his.
Finally answering his question, you whispered against his chest, “yes. Yes I did miss you that much.”
A comforting laugh rumbled in his chest as you squeezed him even tighter. It didn’t take long for you to clue into the fact that he must have heard you calling out his name, but you didn’t care, because it clearly had a desirable affect on him. You could tell he was ready for you, his length pressing into your hip, so you teased right back, “looks like you missed me a little bit, too.” Bringing one of your hands to the front of his body, you gently caressed him through his pants, revelling in the hiss that escaped his lips.
“Just a little bit..” he confessed.
Finally tilting your head back to look into his eyes, he smiled down at you, until he was unable to hold back any longer. Learning forward, his hand that was on the back of your head tugged on your hair gently, and he connected his lips to yours passionately.
You quickly began removing articles of his clothing as he trailed kisses along your jaw, and down your neck. Mumbling against your warm skin, he asked, “think you have a few more in you?”
You stopped where you were, his chest now bare to you as you tugged on his belt. Placing tender kisses across his chest from one shoulder to the other, you stated, “for you? Always..” before picking up right where you left off.
The urgency in your movements was evident, with both of you now completely undressed, the feeling of skin on skin soothing both of your lonely and aching minds.
As he laid you back on the bed, you admitted, “I’m already so wet..” implying you didn’t need him to go down on you like he always did. You missed him, and you just wanted him inside you again. “Please Aaron, I just want you to fuck me.”
He let out a deep moan at your admission, his bare length making contact with your core. Pulling back slightly, his eyes darkened, and you felt heat rush to your face. You knew that look. You’d seen it many times before. He was going to fuck you. But not until he got what he wanted. And whatever it was, you were eager to give it to him.
He stood from the bed, and you watched intently as he pulled open the top drawer of the bedside table and grabbed a condom. In no time at all, he had it rolled down his length and was back between your legs. His voice was deep and commanding, “Don’t worry my sweet girl, I’m going to fuck you until you can’t walk anymore, but I want you to do something for me first.”
Nodding your head, you anxiously listened for what it was he wanted you to do.
“I want to hear you say it.”
Your voice was shaky as you spoke, “I’ll do whatever you want, Sir. I’ll be a good girl.”
The look on his face at your words made your walls clench around nothing. Before you knew what hit you, he was running his length through your folds and pushing himself inside you. The feeling knocked the breath right out of your chest, and you let out a short gasp. Giving his hips one final thrust forward, he collapsed on top of you and moaned against your neck.
He kept his hips still as he trailed kisses along your neck, before capturing your lips with his passionately once more. Pulling back, he gazed into your eyes and you could see the contemplation on his face; he knew what he wanted, and he hoped you would be comfortable giving it to him.
You both trusted each other completely, it’s why you worked so well together. You both knew there was no judgement between you no matter what, but you were still gentle, and honest, and respectful when it came to trying something new.
Lifting his body weight off of yours, he leaned back on his heels, all while his hands kept a firm grasp on your hips, holding you in place. With his length still buried deep inside you, your legs draped over his thighs, you were completely exposed to him as he glanced down at where your bodies met.
You couldn’t help the heat that rose in your cheeks as you watched him take in the sight. You were unable to pull your eyes away from him, trying desperately to read every micro-expression on his face and figure out what he was thinking. You would soon find out, and you would not be disappointed.
You felt his hand spread out against the inside of your thigh, his thumb rubbing gentle circles against the soft skin. His eyes trailed along your body, across your breasts, before your eyes met.
“I didn’t watch.. earlier, when I got home.. I could hear you, but I didn’t watch.”
Mild disappointment clouded your mind; though you adored the gentleman he was, not wanting to intrude on your personal time, you almost wished he had peeked. You had nothing to hide when it came to him.
“But I wanted to.”
His admission made the knots in your stomach tighten. “Me too,” you thought to yourself, but you stayed silent, knowing you were finally going to find out what he wanted from you.
“And I still do.”
Blinking slowly a couple times, you tried to interpret what he meant, and as it finally clicked in your mind, he spoke once more.
“I want you to touch yourself.”
Your mouth dropped open at his words, as you started breathing heavier.
“I want you to make yourself cum while I’m inside you.”
You exhaled deep, your mouth already dry with anticipation. “Oh fuck,” you swallowed the lump in your throat, “okay.. yes..” you stumbled over your words, “yes, Sir.”
His lips curled upwards into a smile that set your entire body on fire. If you weren’t already soaking for him, the desire in his eyes would have made you wet in an instant.
“Good girl,” he cooed, his thumb still rubbing those same circles against the inside of your thigh.
The level of comfort you felt with him had you acting on his request immediately. In a moment where your instincts might normally be to cover up, to shy away, he had you blossoming and eager to show off.
His eyes followed the trail of your fingertips, along both of your breasts, down your stomach, and between your legs. You started by resting one hand on top of his that was still rubbing gentle circles along the inside of your thigh.
You knew how much he loved the feeling of your nails on his skin, so you used your other hand to gently run your nails down his stomach. The muscles in his abdomen tensed and his eyes flickered shut momentarily as a low moan graced his lips. You smirked to yourself, knowing that even when he was the one in charge, you still had that kind of an affect on him.
Once your hand trailed all the way down, you let your fingers caress the base of his cock, as it lead straight into your heat. The countless times you’d been together, you’d never felt this before, the direct connection of your bodies with your fingertips. It was new and exhilarating for both of you, so you took a second to simply enjoy how full you felt, even from the outside.
“You’re teasing,” his voice was strained as he spoke through gritted teeth. Looking up at him, you blinked not-so-innocently, causing him to swallow hard. “Go on, be a good girl, I want to watch you make yourself cum.”
His words made your hips move involuntarily, and that slight taste of movement had you whimpering in no time. Now with both hands on your hips, his grip tightened, fingers digging into your soft flesh. He was trying to hold you still as much as himself; it was taking everything in him not to pound you into the mattress right then and there.
The look he gave you made heat pool between your legs, and your body reacted before your mind had a chance to catch up. With your fingers now directly on your clit, the feeling was euphoric. You didn’t know if you’d ever be able to describe it.
He’d made you lose control around him so many times before, but one of you was always moving. The stillness of your hips now, combined with the familiar stretch of him deep within you, and the furious circles you were rubbing against your body, had you coming undone in no time.
“Mmm.. fuck..” he groaned, “I can feel you, sweetheart. Fuck..” he was nearly breathless himself, “your pretty little pussy is squeezing me so tight.”
The soft whimpers that escaped your lips was music to his ears, “I’m close.. Aaron..” the break in your submissive exterior causing him to shiver at his own name, “Sir.. I’m going to cum..”
The faster your fingers moved, the closer that edge became.
“Such a good girl. Go on. Cum on my cock pretty girl.”
Before you knew it, pure bliss was consuming your mind.
“Yeah.. there you go.. fuuuuck you feel so good.”
With his strong hands holding your hips still, your back arched off the bed, your fingers still connected to your core. You were right on the verge of over-stimulation, but not wanting the pleasure to end. With a couple final swipes of your fingertips across your swollen clit, your body shuddered and you pulled away.
A deep exhale relaxed your entire body, as your sleepy eyes slowly opened. You were greeted with the beautiful sight of Aaron’s eyes raking across your entire body, before settling between your legs once more. “Damn sweetheart, that was so sexy.”
You smiled bashfully, as your eyes slipped closed once more. You’d hardly had a chance to get your breath back, before he was knocking it out of you once again. The sudden movement of his hips against yours, and the long drag of his length out of you, was swiftly followed by his body weight on top of yours and his length slamming back into you.
“OH FUCK!” You couldn’t help the scream that escaped your lips, as his pelvis continually brushed across your still sensitive clit. With every thrust, you felt every nerve ending in your body explode.
He kept true to his promise of fucking you until you couldn’t walk. You’d lost count of just how many times he made you cum. As the 6th? 7th? orgasm of the night washed over you, he abruptly snapped his hips into you one last time, as he spilled his release inside the condom.
Your nails dug into his skin, no doubt leaving marks up and down his back. With both of your breathing heavy against each other’s necks, you let out a faint but content laugh. “That.. holy shit..” you spoke between deep breaths, “that.. was incredible.”
His laugh matched yours, airy and weak, but blissful, “I think..” a couple deep breaths, “we need to do that more often.”
A blush crept onto your face as he lifted his head to look you in the eyes, “you like watching me, hey?”
He nodded profusely, your soft Aaron was back once more as a love-sick smile crossed his face, “can you blame me?”
Shaking your head lovingly, you placed your hand on the back of his head and pulled his lips to yours. After sharing a breathless yet passionate kiss, he rested his forehead against yours, and you confessed, “I liked it too..” you laughed again, “I mean, I really liked it..”
A cheeky grin tugged at the corners of his mouth, “yeah?”
All you could do was nod in agreement, as his lips captured yours once more.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Tag List: @ssamorganhotchner ; @ccristata ; @anlin2058 ; @sannunah28 ; @hotchgirlsummer
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koetblr · 4 months
How much to light up my star again, and rewire all my thoughts?
75 notes · View notes
how can you be so unphased by my absence in your life?
was i nothing to you from the start? was losing me like shedding excess hair, painless and freeing?
why are you okay without me? why am i the only one suffering?
211 notes · View notes
loveheartangel · 3 months
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and the angels wouldn’t help you
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bellzsad · 8 months
click on this link to vote for your favorite song that’s not in the movie!!
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tattoorue · 2 years
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In honour of Christmas grieve, for all those who watched Merlin and are now forced to celebrate- a collection of lovers (platonic, romantic and otherwise) who didn't deserve unhappy endings to their stories. For the love of all things let them be happy.
didn't they say that only love will win in the end?
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exeverything · 1 year
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dani-sdiary · 3 months
I want to know that I am loved, that I'll always be loved, no matter how bad I get. No matter how sad or angry I am, I want someone in my life to be able to recognize it's still me. I want someone who can handle me, all of my pain and past and insecurities. I want to be with someone brave. Someone who doesn't tell me I'm crying over frivolous things, or inventing problems, even though of course I am. Someone who doesn't trivialize my feelings, someone who recognizes how overwhelming and scary this world is for someone like me. Someone who doesn't call me childish when I need to hide in the closet or curl up under the desk. Someone who doesn't think I'm vain for caring way too much about how I look. Someone who's okay with my perspective, my fears, my emotions, even if they're different than his own.
I'm not saying he can never get anything wrong or never hurt me, of course he will. I just want him to try his best to understand that I'm hurt even if he didn't mean to hurt me, and I'll understand that he didn't mean to hurt me even though I am. I want to be with someone who can understand both of these things are true.
But he doesn't exist. No one is strong enough to make it through a single day with me, let alone a life, not even myself. No one is going to be okay with me always being late to everything because I procrastinate all day and stay up all night and don't make any progress and then I'm too tired and anxious to get up on time and then I spend way too long getting ready. No one is going to listen to my spirals, take my ruminations, accept my catastrophizing. No one is going to want to know all of my secrets, or be with me all the time, or love every ugly part of me.
I don't want to feel this way forever. I don't want to spend my life alone. Please, please, please.
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iinevitable · 11 months
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real-doozy · 1 year
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lavender--scented · 1 year
I feel unwanted by most and tolerated by few.
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rawrambles · 4 months
you bite onto bitterness
more bitterness than what’s reasonable
because I know you know
what you’ve done
is so much more
than anything I am capable of
you use it as a shield to isolate me
deny responsibility
you don’t have the gall to admit
you have hallowed me out like a tree
I am frying like the sun
I am barely blooming
sinking in your manipulation
desperate for a drop
just one
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tillthelandslide · 8 months
I feel so unimportant to like... everyone
I just want one person, one so called 'friend' to show up for me. To support me the way I support them and to care like I care
To be there for me like genuinely, to actually truly give a shit
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trying414 · 11 months
Since it wasn't in the English version of the movie, I did my best to sync the English version of Alone Again with the movie scene. It's slightly off (you can hear the French in the background from me trying) but it does what it needs to. I would have kept the entire scene but the song itself is like 10-12 seconds longer so the music over the scene with his mom wouldn't match up. For that purpose, I kept the important part: him singing.
Subtitles were on because they helped me mark the spot to turn on the music lol
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