#Alex is a pusher!
innytoes · 1 year
“Good morning, sleepy head.” for Ray/Rose!
Work had been chaotic, between three shoots that had all been rebooked on the same day, an editing emergency that had kept him up two nights in a row, and a potential client who could not make up their mind between A Professional and Cousin Kyle Who Will Do It For Free and wanted to 'compromise' by Ray doing thousands of dollars worth of work for a hundred bucks and would not take no for an answer.
So he was incredibly glad it was Sunday, and he got to sleep in. Rose had spoiled him a little last night, letting him take a long bath, even bringing him a glass of wine. She hadn't even made fun of him that he was in bed at nine, barely able to keep his eyes open long enough to kiss her goodnight before she went back downstairs.
He slept like a log. He hadn't woken up when Rose had come to bed, but he had in the early morning light of dawn, wrapped around her, nose buried in her curls. He'd sighed happily, reveling in the warmth, in how lucky he was that she was still there after all they'd been through. And then he'd dozed right back off to sleep.
The next time he woke, the clock read ten fifteen, which felt obscenely late even for a Sunday. He stretched out, reveling in how well-rested he felt, before getting up and using the bathroom, getting in a quick shave, and putting on some comfortable jeans and a Henley.
He was just about to head downstairs when Rose intercepted him at the top of the stairs, her arm catching his waist as she pressed a kiss to his lips. "Good morning, sleepy head," she said, teasing and warm and bright.
"Good morning," he said, all thoughts of coffee temporarily forgotten as she peppered kisses along his jaw. Well, there was a reason he'd shaved. He inhaled happily, wrapping his arms around his wife. "Thanks for letting me sleep in."
Then, he inhaled again. Deeply.
"Why do I smell pancakes?" he asked. "Who broke something?"
"Nothing broke!" Rose said, but she said it so quickly that it just confirmed his suspicions that these were Bribery Pancakes. Or at the very least Buttering Up pancakes.
"So you know how we always talked about how we wanted a big family?" Rose started, which was not where Ray thought this was going. He thought they were softening him up for another crazy DIY project he was going to regret halfway through.
"I do," he said. Though they'd also had a long conversation when Carlos was one, about how two small children were kind of enough for both of them, but maybe they could foster or adopt when the kids were older.
There was commotion downstairs, and some very familiar voices hushing each other, and suddenly, everything clicked. "Which one?" he asked.
"Which one what?" Rose asked, trying to go for innocence and landing solidly in 'shifty' instead.
"Which one of Julie's friends did you adopt while I was sleeping?"
It wasn't like they hadn't talked about it before. How they wanted to be a safe place for Julie's band members to go to if things got bad at home. They'd both been worried about Reggie and the way he flinched at loud noises. Ray had sat him down once and told him he was always welcome to stay with them if he didn't feel safe at home.
Luke constantly fought with his mother about music, and had run away to the Molina's garage to spend the night and cool down more than once. And Alex... well, after he came out, they made sure to let him know that there were adults in his life that loved him for who he was, and would keep loving him no matter what.
Rose didn't say anything, just entwined their fingers together and pulled him down the stairs. The amount of bags in the hall were a bit concerning. Then, when they turned and came into the kitchen, he became even more concerned.
Reggie's black eye was the first thing that stood out. But Alex looked like he'd been crying for hours, his eyes red and puffy, his face blotchy. Luke sprang away from where he and Julie had been wrapped around each other. Which was usually funny, but now was a little heartbreaking, considering how upset he looked. He was even wearing sleeves, the big cozy flannel he wore when things got really bad.
"Hi Ray," Reggie whispered awkwardly, giving a little wave.
He strode into the kitchen, pulling all three boys into a hug. Reggie went willingly, plastering himself against Ray's side. Luke quickly followed, and Alex tensed up before sinking into the hug with a sniffle.
"Pancakes first," he said, after a long while, looking over their heads at his wife. "And then I want to know how you managed to pull all this off."
Rose shrugged. "I had help," she said, and oh, that was either a very good thing (Victoria) or a very illegal thing (the Petal Pushers), and maybe Ray didn't want to know after all. Oh well, he had spousal immunity, he wouldn't have to testify against his wife.
"And then," he said, looking down at the boys as he let go. Alex fidgeted, and Luke drifted back to Julie, but Reggie stayed close, so he kept an arm wrapped around his shoulder. "I think we need to go to Ikea and gets some bunk beds, or something."
Alex let out a great big sigh of relief. Luke sagged against Julie, while she grinned and hugged him. Carlos gave a little cheer, high-fiving Reggie.
And Rose? Rose just smiled at him, like she'd known all along that he didn't really need pancakes to butter him up. Because Rose knew him, knew how much he loved these boys. And knew that even if he did have misgivings, he'd follow her no matter what anyway.
Together, they'd get through anything.
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fitheghosty · 2 years
rose and the petal pushers is such a good idea for a potential plot that could've happened in jatp S2 bcs it would be such a great opportunity to talk about the fact that during the 70's—90's rock bands that had girls in them, let alone all girls, were treated like absolute dog shit
so like the boys could try to sympathize with them/calm them down (given the fact they would most likely be semi-villains for S2) and be like "we get how it is!! it took us so long to get any attention as well!!" and the girls are a little ( a lot) pissed cause.. it's not the same. at all
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legolasghosty · 1 year
bestie, beloved, how about 5 headcanons (or more) about jatp + extended characters going to a summer camp? 👀
Hello my love!!!!!!
Oh gosh, a summer camp au for summer camp au royalty... No pressure! /lh
Okay I'm basing this roughly off a day camp I went to for a few summers when I was younger, so hopefully it makes sense?
Ray and Rose own and run a kids day camp. Ray mostly handles the admin stuff and Rose does the people and kids stuff. They mightttt have met in college and both wanted to do the same thing and decided to team up, decided they should get legally married cause it would make it way easier to buy the property together, and then fallen for each other as they built the camp.
They had a little wedding ceremony about a year after the camp opened. Everyone was kinda confused cause they either thought they were already married or were confused by the lack of paperwork and an actual person who could legally marry them(Their friend Trevor did the ceremony. The guy is many things but he didn't really have the license for that and it didn't matter).
So the Molinas live at the camp year-round, they have a house on one side of the huge property. Julie and Carlos would mostly be campers in the summer, and Julie started working as a counselor in training (a CIT) once she aged out. Carlos still has a year or two until that happens.
They also rent out various spaces around the camp for events and retreats and stuff during the off-season as well.
Alex came to this camp for a few weeks every summer with a group from his church and always loved it. He stopped going to church after coming out cause... stuff. But the camp still held a special place in his heart, so when he was looking for a summer job and noticed stuff on the camp website about them being LGBTQ+ friendly, he applied to be a counselor.
Reggie really needed a summer job, Luke's mom was demanding he get out of the house or Bobby's garage sometime, and Bobby just wanted to spend the summer with his friends, so they all applied too.
Willie came a few times in middle school when they started doing horse camp, cause it was fun and way easier to ride out in the woods than in LA. They wanted a good summer, so they applied to work with the horses as a riding instructor.
The groups of kids are put with a counselor and a CIT for the week, mostly grouped by age. Julie ends up being Reggie's CIT and they basically switch roles cause she knows the camp better and he's better one on one with the kids that are having a hard time.
Bobby is startled to discover that the Molinas who run the camp are also his dad's friends the Molinas. He and Julie haven't talked much in years, but they reconnect over the summer and have a great friendship!
His CIT, Flynn, is Julie's best friend and an absolute legend with the kids. They all think she's awesome. Every group has a color and Ray makes sure Flynn has the same color for large chunks of the summer cause that way she can braid colored strands into her box braids for her group and doesn't have to change them every single week.
Luke ends up helping Rose with music activities instead of counseling, which is fine by him! Rose got pretty sick a couple of years ago, so while she's mostly recovered now, her family has convinced her to stop doing literally everything herself. So Luke is her assistant for a lot of the music activities.
Alex, after a long conversation with Ray and a couple of lessons, takes one of the groups of horse camp kids. Fortunately he isn't in charge of teaching anyone to ride, just keeping them together and making sure everyone gets lunch and stuff. And the riding instructor his group usually gets paired with is really pretty...
Ray and Rose immediately notice the sparks between Alex and Willie at breakfast in the mornings and start pushing them together on purpose. They're matchmakers :D
The gang quickly bonds and spends as much time as they can hanging out. Mostly that's at breakfast before the kids arrive for the day, but they find other times to hang out in the evenings and stuff too. It doesn't take that long for them to start having regular sleepovers at the Molina's.
The camp mostly runs during the day, but there's a chance for the kids to sleep over one night per week. Technically all the counselors are supposed to stay with their groups in the big circus tent where everyone sleeps, but Rose and Ray tell the gang to go sometimes once all the kids are asleep. They can take care of the kids, let the teenagers go have some fun.
Lots of other chaos ensues but this is already really long so... I guess let me know if you want more?
Dang sorry this got so long! Love youuuu, hope you like it!!!!
(Send me an AU and I'll give you 5+ headcanons/thoughts about it!)
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Scully: Please explain to me the scientific nature of “the whammy”.
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bakedbananners · 2 years
Do you think either Magnus or Alex would like Alt-J?
Alex knows their entire discography but thinks it’s just alright chill music but he shows Magnus and he thinks they’re like the greatest band in the world
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biancabelairs · 2 years
cornette and meltzer are p much the exact same type of shitty person, they just like different types of wrestling ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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babiebom · 3 months
Stardew Bachelor/ette’s as Mean Girls (2024) characters
A/N: i recently watched the new mean girls musical movie and it wasn’t as bad as people were saying it was. Like the singing and the songs were good, the cast fit their characters(except for Aaron’s actor sorry I feel like they could’ve gotten someone hotter but I do understand where Cady was coming from like he’s cute enough that if you’re in high school and in the same class as him at least one person would have a crush on him.) so like I do with everything I consume let’s stardew-ify it!!
Tw:mentions of bullying, cursing, sex, drugs, lmk if there’s something I missed!!
Bc: at least 4 for each
Stardew Valley Masterlist
Principal Duvall
Is tired of this shit
And teenage girls lowkey frighten him
Would yell and get everyone’s attention in the hallway bc I think he has the lungs
Would leave it to Leah to take over the assembly lmao
“Tell everyone you’re not a drug pusher PLEASE”
While Elliott and Abigail aren’t really friends
He has the flamboyancy I feel to fit this character
Also it’s canon that all characters are bi so it’s okay for him to be in this role
Would probably have all the tea and would be as dramatic as Damian
“She doesn’t even go here?????”
He just seems bestie type
Aaron Samuels(is that his last name?)
I think this is as obvious as who Regina is.
I don’t think he’s as smart as Aaron is, BUT is popular enough to make Haley want to have some claim over him.
And is cute enough that new girls will immediately have a crush on him
Would actually be crushed if he got cheated on
The guy on the mathlete team or whatever it was called
Mostly because he’s smart and I do think he would’ve been in some nerdy ass club as a kid
Also at high school college point I do think he would’ve gone through a slightly edgy phase of being a nerd that talks about getting bitches all the time
Would want Maru on the team
Because I think it’s funny
Like out of all of them Leah would be the one to be called a drug pusher
Like I personally think she smokes weed or eats like weed salads or something
And personally I think she’s above all of the drama of mean girls
Would gather everyone and be like WTF is wrong with y’all we are better than this.
Now don’t get me wrong Emily isn’t as dumb as Karen at all
BUT they both have this daydream-y airheadedness about them
And I don’t mean airhead as in stupid either, just more….in outer space than other people if you know what I mean
Like always in their own head
Don’t care about what others think to an extent
If you think about it she fits kinda
Somehow finds herself in the drama even though she’s just been daydreaming this entire time
Cady Herron
Listen I don’t think Maru would have the balls to do what Cady did
But they both are insanely smart and I can see Maru falling in love with any boy in her class that gives her attention
Would tell someone they aren’t as smart as they thought they were while drunk
She is in calculust yall
Gretchen Wieners
In the movie Gretchen is very insecure and just wants to be the best friend she can be even if it’s by helping Regina bully others
And at some point turns on Regina because she’s had enough
And is quiet enough to be overlooked as the pretty friend of the popular one
Meek and accepting like Gretchen is
Literally just wants to fit in
I went between her and Leah for this but I think Abigail fits this role more
I think it’s more about style Janis always has a punk rock look about her and Abigail is emo/goth/punk
And while she isn’t autistic I think she is more likely to be called a pyro-Les than Leah is.
Abigail is just the right amount of unhinged to be Janis
Regina George
Come on this was the most obvious thing about this list
Like actually blonde, gives off bully vibes
Would take over a school and is probably rich.
Would be an absolute bitch and be mean to people then throw a fit when it turns around on her.
Tell me who “world burn” and “introducing the plastics” fits more. I’ll wait.
Unfortunately there aren’t enough characters so Seb and Sam don’t get anyone to themselves but I think both have the energy to fit both Aaron and Damian. Like both are total cuties that anyone would have a crush on even though seb is intimidating and introverted. And both I feel like would have the sass and bestie vibes of Damian so both could be both oof
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vampirewalterskinner · 11 months
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Walter Skinner
Fruity hands and fruity walk
Couldn’t confide to his wife how he felt/what he was going through but told Mulder.
Arrested that one guy with his pelvis in “Pusher”
Seems to be on first name basis with a lot of women at work (at least calls them by their first name, except Dana, but she’s too much of a dom for him to pull that and he knows it). When a man has that many female friends it’s a little 💅
I’ve only seen queers rock the long sleeve sweaters (tucked) and khaki pants, especially in warm weather.
That ass would be wasted otherwise 😤 double cheeked up on a workday afternoon
It’s literally in his middle name :D it’s a joke i swear
Dana Scully
That look she gave the tech girl after she asked if she would have to type with her tongue.
Very femme but also HELLA butch. Definitely a dom. Ladies get you a girl who can do it all 🫠💖
When she tucks her hair behind both of her ears it’s an iconic queer woman look and I half expect her to start slicking her hair back for a more masculine approach.
She grew up Catholic I mean we all know how that goes lmao
The bi/pan/lesbian awakening of girlies everywhere.
I need her to be queer so there’s at least a ghost of a chance of her stepping on me 🫠
Fox Mulder
His entire relationship with Alex Krycek. Seriously guys wtf was that.
With all the porn he owns/watches you can’t tell me he hasn’t at least dabbled in gay porn. Watching it. Not making it. I mean 👀 perhaps.
Rewatch the episode “Grotesque” he used to fuck around with his teacher maybe even date and it was a shitty relationship I’m not joking. “I wouldn’t dirty my knees for him.” I’m sorry what
Dressed up as Spock as a kid, an iconic queer character
He flirts with men in canon. Some say it’s Fox being sarcastic. I say it’s queer man sass.
The whole vibe of him and that senator 🥴 boy likes older men, don’t he?
Alex Krycek was not given as an option because then there would be no contest. He would win with 100% of the votes.
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shinechermont · 4 months
Ethan and Skyler's new references! (Under the cut)
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This is Skyler! She is the child of Ursula (my destructivedeath child) and Mirage (ari-cuno's dark cream child)
She has a twin sister, Aura (that also belongs to ari cuno).
To resume her personality, she is kind and polite and prefers more chill adventures. She is also a sore loser, and also her berserk button can be pushed easily, if you know which they are. Loves her twin sister and is very protective of her.
-Skyler has no powers (ironic considering her family), but she has a special attack that consists on using her wings to create a violent wind.
-She is the youngest twin (by 5 minutes)
Her old ref
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This is Ethan! He is the adopted child of Alex! He lives with them on the house over their shop.
He is very extroverted and button pusher. Likes to mock people because he thinks it is funny (his humor is similar to his parent's) - but there in the deep he is a bastard with the heart of gold. Adores beef jerky and ice skating.
- His biological parents are Lust Sans and Lust Grillby (both deceased)
- Even though his flames are yellow/orange/pink (first pic), they can get blue/pink when he is flustered. He also has a fully developed skeleton body under all those flames, and you can see it after throwing water at him (dont do that)
- He is Skyler's 1st button pusher
His old reference
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mymindisacharger · 3 months
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꒰  mymindisacharger — ⋆˙⟡
[ . rivers ]  [ . fleur ]  [ . richie ]
follow @mymindisacage for my personal work , a daisy pusher !
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he / she / rad , no they / them aphroflux turian pangenderflux + xenos 5teen , entj , libra , taken [ 17 , 09 , 2023 ]
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! !   —   serial experiments lain , neon genesis evangelion , cowboy bebop , steven universe , scott pilgrim , the walten files ! !   —   needy streamer overload , the stanley parable , genshin impact , project sekai + project diva , fortnite , geometry dash ! !   —   boa , salvia palth , alex g , tv girl , american football , modern baseball , fall out boy , my chemical romance , eminem , the cure , weezer , babymetal , ghost and pals , karikibear ++
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i dont have a strict dni , but anyone i find weird / hateful will be blocked . just stfu and enjoy my content , and youll be fine !
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# 🌊⋆⸜ important ! # 🌊⋆⸜ shitpost ! # 🌊⋆⸜ rant ! # 🌊⋆⸜ reblog ! # 🌊⋆⸜ hoard !
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mythaura-blog · 1 year
Development Update - March 2023
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Hi there folks, Miyazaki here with Mythaura’s development update for the month of March!
Topics covered include:
New Special: Panda
Beast Creator Contest Winners
Ko-fi Q4 2023 Concepts
Ko-fi Sponsored Items
More info available under the cut!
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New Special: Panda
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We’ve added our newest Special marking to the Beast Creator demo: Panda!
Panda has coverage on a beast’s limbs and eyes. This Special has a lot of fun layering opportunities with other Specials–be sure to play around with it to see for yourself all the potential it can bring!
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Beast Creator Contest Winners
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Thank you for all the great submissions to the Beast Design Contest! You all never cease to impress us with your creativity. For the March 2023 Beast Creator Contest we’ve got our three winners: iddq_tea, Zelie, and LMNas!
Our three winners will each have the rewards automatically applied to their accounts, and these three beasts will be featured on the homepage for Quarter 4 (April through June).
Keep an eye out for our next Beast Creator Contest–we’ll be gathering entries in June to display on our site for Quarter 1 (July through September).
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Ko-fi Quarter 4 (2023) Concepts
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It’s the first day of Quarter 4 (2023), which means we’ve got new Quarterly Rewards for Sponsors to vote on on our Ko-fi page!
Which concepts would you like to see made into official site items? Sponsors of Bronze level or higher have a vote in deciding. Please check out the Companion post and the Glamour post on Ko-fi to cast your vote for the winning concepts!
Votes must be posted by April 30, 2023 at 11:59pm PDT in order to be considered.
All Quarter 3 (2023) Rewards are now listed in our Ko-fi Shop for individual purchase for all Sponsor levels at $5 USD flat rate per unit. As a reminder, please remember that no more than 3 units of any given item can be purchased. If you purchase more than 3 units of any given item, your entire purchase will be refunded and you will need to place your order again, this time with no more than 3 units of any given item.
Hopefully in the future Ko-fi will offer the functionality to limit purchases per user, but for the time being we will be reviewing orders manually and reaching out to those who disregard these instructions.
Quarter 3 (2023) Companion: Shimmer Kelp-Dancer
Quarter 3 (2023) Glamour: Tainted Claws
Quarter 3 (2023) Solid Gold Glamour: Kirin
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Ko-fi Sponsored Items
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Daybright Peafox, Sunrise Peafox, Midnight Peafox
Sponsored by: Alex
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White Inkmink, Onyx Inkmink, Coral Inkmink
Sponsored by: Zebrask
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Sneering Snerret
Sponsored by: Rainy
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Boreal Vigilhound, Umbral Vigilhound, Gilded Vigilhound, Argent Vigilhound
Sponsored by: Alanna
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Ornamental Curved Dagger
Sponsored by: Percy
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Mythaura v0.13
Upgraded to Laravel 10.
Adjusted how sessions are handled to create better cross-domain performance.
Prevents actions from resolving in battle when the target is already defeated.
Admin CMS cleanups and adjustments.
Adds webhook to handle battle disconnects.
Adjusts validation method in pusher webhooks.
Created tool to collect debugging info on battles.
Added ability for admins to force a cache override when needed.
Adjusted UI to better handle when a beast is defeated.
Began initial balancing on battle.
Properly implemented surge abilities.
Refactored battle element icons.
Many various bug fixes and tweaks to battle UI.
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Thank You!
We appreciate you sticking through to the end of this month’s updates!
May will mark one year from the time that the current dev team started work on Mythaura, and our May 1, 2023 update will feature a video detailing an integral part of the Mythaura gameplay loop: the battle system.
Mythaura’s player versus player (PVP) battle demo will go live with the June 1, 2023 update. We’re so excited to see everyone partake in this system, and look forward to your feedback!
See you around the Discord!
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thedeathdeelers · 10 months
Juke au request:
where sunset curve is famous, julie carrie and flynn are backup dancers for this big epic gig and Luke sees julie right there on the spot onstage
I got that vivid idea last night I can't write if my life so I asked someone else to write it but they don't write fir that ship it would mean a lot to me to see this fleshed out
hello! sorry i don’t really do requests anymore cause i’m nowhere near as motivated to write jatp fics, but here’s how i think this could pan out:
ok so julie being a backup dancer feels a little ooc for me in the way that i think she should always be the star of whatever she’s doing — and that although luke would be intrigued to see her cause she’s very Pretty, it wouldn’t be enough to fully captivate him. they both bonded over music and it’s how he fell for her so deeply
my idea is that julie finds herself being a backup dancer with flynn and carrie because it was her only way to keep her promise: she still can’t bring herself to sing again after her mom’s death but rose made her promise to always be involved with music, to always have it in her life. so julie does the next best thing: she chooses to dance - she’s still surrounded by music all the time, it’s just slightly different to what she’s used to: she doesn’t sing
and maybe. maybe at this event/gig/festival that both luke and julie find themselves in, that’s where they first meet. i’m thinking that perhaps luke coincidentally walks past her backstage at some point before their performance and hears her hum a song (maybe one of theirs? maybe one by rose and the petal pushers?) and it peaks his interest cause 1. it’s his song (or a song by a legend called rose molina and he doesn’t often hear people listening to rose and the petal pushers) and 2. cause even with just the soft humming he can hear the quality of this girl’s voice
but before he can backtrack and approach her, maybe talk to her about music, he gets called over for sound check and then it’s just a busy day and he kind of forgets/lets it go
that is until later on when he sees the same girl dancing on stage and is a little surprised she isn’t the one singing — and shit, he also notices that she’s kinda cute too.
he’s Intrigued even more at this point. because he thinks he saw her look a little happier humming to a song backstage than she does dancing her heart out onstage
and now he wants to know more
cue him looking her up on instagram, and reggie and alex rolling their eyes at him. cue him going way back down her old posts until he stumbles on the earliest ones on her insta and it’s a short clip of her…singing
like singing singing. and now he’s sat there on their tour bus, mouth hanging open and heart beating in his throat because holy shit this is the most beautiful voice he’s ever hear
so he shoots his shot….and DMs her 👀
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Poll list part 2
Rouge the Bat(Sonic) vs Raphael Santiago(Shadowhunters)🎉
Death The Kid(Soul Eater) vs Tsubomi Takane(Mob Psycho 100)🎉
Berdly(Deltarune) vs Nausicaa(Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind)🎉
Din Djarin(The Mandalorian) vs Anzu Hoshino(Romantic Killer)🎉
Amethyst(Steven Universe) vs Steven Stone(Pokemon)🎉
Talfryn(The Penumbra Podcast) vs Stanley(The Stanley Parable)🎉
Clay Terran (Ace Attorney) vs Buttercup(The Powerpuff Girls)🎉
Sei Handa(Barakamon) vs Xu Xialing(Shangchi and the legend of the ten rings)🎉
Sunny(Wings of Fire) vs Beta(Horizon Forbidden West)
Dr. Sylvester Ashling(Epithet Erased) vs Marcy Wu(Amphibia)
Perry the Platypus(Phineas and Ferb) vs Lancer(Deltarune)
Serana Volkihar(The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim) vs Charlie(It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia)
Zhongli(Genshin Impact) vs Tatsumaki(One Punch Man).
V1(Ultrakill) vs Aziraphale and Crowley(Good Omens)
Shaggy(Scooby Doo) vs Itachi Uchiha (Naruto)
Reigen Arataka(Mob Psycho 100) vs Pyuko(Dannganronpa: Hope’s Chains)
Marie(Splatoon) vs Rose Cookie(Cookie Run Kingdom)
Joan D’arc(History) vs Morgana(Merlin)
Murderbot(The Murderbot Diaries) vs Royce Bracket(Transistor (game))
Ryland Grace(Project Hail Mary) vs Hollyleaf(Warrior Cats)
Wolf(Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts) vs Savathûn(Destiny video game)
Damian Wayne(DC Comics) vs Dr. Miranda Jones (Star Trek The Original Series, season 3 episode 5 Is There In Truth No Beauty?)
Keagan Máistirúin(Na Daoine Maithe (The Good People)) vs Sweetheart(Omori)
Kaitou Joker(Kaitou Joker) vs Piccolo (Dragon Ball)
Roach(Our Flag Means Death) vs Alex Fierro(Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard)
Aradia Megido(Homestuck) vs Hestia(Greek Mythology)
Zane Julien(Ninjago) vs Agatha Wellbelove(Simon Snow series by Rainbow Rowell)
Yelena Belova (Marvel) vs The Bear/Brent/The Pusher/The Fool/Shah Zaman(Ghost Quartet)
The Witch Queen(Old Gods of Appalachia) vs P03(Inscryption)
Lord Havelock Vetinari(Discworld Novels by Terry Pratchett) vs The Knight(Hollow Knight)
Power(Chainsaw Man) vs Jetstorm(Transformers Animated (2007 cartoon))
Athena Cykes(Ace Attorney) vs Grumbot(Hermitcraft)
Yuki Rurikawa(A3!) vs Anonymous/Someone(Our Dreams At Dusk)
James(Pokemon) vs Dipper Pines 1 Mabel Pines1(Gravity Falls)
Charles Emerson Winchester III (M*A*S*H) vs Chaerin Eun(Surviving Romance)
Yamori Kou (Yofukashi no uta) vs Zenyatta(Overwatch)
Mirabel Madrigal (Encanto) vs Entrapta(She-Ra Princess of Power)
Simon Snow(Simon Snow series by Rainbow Rowell) vs Sabo(One Piece)
Silver(Sonic) vs Gin Akutagawa(Bungou Stray Dogs)
Kankri Vantas(Homestuck) vs Madhouse Mike(Cryptid Crush)
Darius(Owl House) vs Jason Todd(DC)
Emerald Trio:Willow, Hunter,Gus (Owl House) vs Artemis(Overly Sarcastic Productions' Miscellaneous Myths)
Jo March (Little Women 2019) vs Daryl Dixon(The Walking Dead)
Bakura Ryou(YuGiOh!) vs Professor Balaam(Welcome to Demon School Iruma-kun)
Granny Smith(MLP) vs Cyborg(Teen Titans)
Maki Katsuragi(Hoshiai no Sora) vs Kaladin Stormblessed(The Stormlight Archive)
Jess(Loveless) vs Asui Tsuyu(BNHA)
GIR(Invader Zim) vs Xiao(Genshin Impact)
Alexa(Xenoblade Chronicles X) vs Selah Summers(Selah and the Spades)
Felix Hugo Fradarius(Fire Emblem 3 Houses) vs Sunil Jha(Loveless)
Madeline Hatter (Ever After High) vs Maya Fey(Ace Attorney)
Kim Dokja(Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint) vs Noé Archiviste(Vanitas no Carte)
Eleven(Stranger Things) vs Jinx(Arcane League of Legends)
Fitzroy Maplecourt(The Adventure Zone) vs Pidge(Voltron)
Volo(Pokemon) vs Cole Brookstone(Ninjago)
Traveler(Genshin Impact) vs Madotsuki(Yume Nikki)
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one-sadistic-bitch · 1 year
Losing my mind because both Pusher and Doctor Easterman sound SO much like Rick and hearing them talk brings tears to my eyes 😭
Redbarrels hasn't stated who the voice actors are and I'm 99.9% sure it's Alex Ivanovici, it has to be...
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writerownstory · 1 year
Ghost Whisperer x JATP AU
my first time posting on Juke Jeudi and it’s a lil snippet of the Ghost Whisperer AU I’ve been working on 😌 I started out with a completely different idea…. but then half way through a new idea popped into my head and alas, I started over. I wasn’t gonna post this part because it’s lowkey a spoiler, but also Juke becoming Juke isn’t a spoiler so. here we are. as per usual I haven’t totally reread it because if I did, it would never get posted!
Julie shakes her head at the thought. Best not to get carried away. She heads to the backroom, determined to sort through their latest shipment and get the new items out into the shop. She’s so involved in her task that she doesn’t think twice when Flynn appears in the backroom. “Jules, there’s a customer up front you need to take care of.”
“Okay, I’ll be right there.” Julie picks up the neatly folded stack of t-shirts under her arm and makes her way to the counter. The semi-familiar mop of brown hair and sleeveless shirt should’ve clued her in, but instead her mind is miles away until she drops the t-shirts on a box and steps up to the counter, only to come face to face with the hazel eyes that have haunted her dreams. Her own eyes widen. “Luke!”
“Hey Julie.” His smile is effortless, lighting up the rest of his face. “You work here?”
“Actually, I own the place. You know, when I’m not shredding on the piano.”
Luke’s smile brightens, if that’s even possible. “This shop is literally the coolest. I always used to come in here all the time growing up.” He places the vinyls he’d been holding under his arm on the counter.
“Yeah, actually my—“ Everything in Julie freezes as her eyes land on the vinyl on top of Luke’s pile. Her eyes trace the familiar magenta font above four women staring down the camera, as if daring the viewer to give their music a try. Her mom’s face, young and worry free, without the worn lines of cancer aging her features, glaring up at her. She wonders, not for the first time, if Rose knew about her Gift back then and how she balanced it with the rest of her normal life.
As if on cue, a voice breaks through her reverie, “Come on man, be careful with that! It’s one of my prized possessions!”
Julie eyes track to the opposite side of the store where Flynn is setting up a display with an old record player they’d thrifted to help display different vinyl records each week. A young boy probably around 18 or 19, with shaggy blonde hair was hovering over Flynn’s shoulder, watching her fiddle with it. “You better not be selling this to just anybody,” the boy tells the back of Flynn’s head. Her instinct is to address the boy, but she momentarily forgets no one else can see him despite Flynn’s lack of a reaction.
She looks back up at Luke who’s watching her closely, concern etched in his features.
“You okay?”
“Yeah,” she breathes out. “I, uh...” She hesitates, but the look on his face warms something inside her chest and she feels like it’s okay. “This is my mom’s debut album with her band.” Her finger traces her mom’s face on the cover and realization hits Luke immediately.
“Your mom is Rose Sanchez? Of Rose and the Petal Pushers?”
“She usually goes by Rose Molina but yeah.” His recognition makes her smile. “That’s her.”
His gaze softens into something akin to awe and it threatens to turn Julie’s insides to mush. “Just when I thought you couldn’t be any more amazing.”
Julie scoffs, but the smile framed by the color on her face is unmistakable. She’s so flustered, she doesn’t even have time to react as Flynn appears beside her, leaning against the counter.
“You must be Luke.”
Without missing a beat he responds, “You must be Flynn.”
Flynn looks back at Julie. “I think I like him.”
Luke’s whole face lights up in delight and Julie knows how much he wants to get along with her friends and family. Reggie and Alex had taken to her all too well, and Luke wanted the same for him and Flynn.
“But if you hurt her, I won’t be held responsible for my actions.” She levels him with a hard glare before moving away from the counter and disappearing among the racks.
Luke traps his bottom lip between his teeth in an attempt to tamper his grin but it only works until Flynn is out of sight. It sets off butterflies in Julie’s stomach. “I think that was a Flynn approval.”
“Not quite,” she teases. “But she does like you.”
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