joelletwo · 6 months
sorry. sorry. cursed with crying about the kihetai now. wow sugi loves them and they love sugi. HORRIBLE
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squids-comics · 7 days
Leon Nightshade: Monster Hunter
Chapter One: Who You Gonna Call?
When he died, Leon Nighshade was a great number of things; a demon slayer, a hero, a monster. But when he first started his foray into the realm of the supernatural he was a mere two things; a wizard, and a con artist. Leon graduated middle of his class from Oakheart Academy for the Magical Arts, specializing in lumancy, the study of light magic. Learning magic was not cheap. Leon sank far into debt. Desperate for a way to earn money while also giving back to the community, Leon became a monster hunter, vowing to protect the world from the sinister creatures lurking in the shadows. 
In the weeks that followed, Leon designed posters for his business, hanging them all around his neighbourhood. The posters had Leon front and center, a scrawny man with pale skin and jet-black hair. He held his hand up, positioned like a finger gun, a beam of light shinning from his pointer figure. He smiled and winked. The poster promised protection from goblins, ghouls, ghosts, and all sorts of other creatures one might find lurking in the dark. A phone number at the bottom gave readers a way to contact him.
While Leon had set out with noble intentions, he quickly lost his way. While monsters were rather destructive to those attacked, they were rare enough to become more of an urban legend than anything else. They were the kind of thing brought up and spectacularized, like shark attacks and unsolved crimes, fact getting mixed into rumor. The average civilian knew no more about monsters than what was shown in the latest horror movie. The average monster "expert" wouldn't be able to tell a Husk from a Revenant, even if they had a conversation with it. 
Leon quickly became aware of this fact. He would get many calls about ghouls rummaging through trash, only to arrive to the house and find a raccoon nest. Eventually, he gave up and leaned into the supernatural panic around him, making a quick buck in the process. If a client needed pest control, he'd shoo the creatures away (after the client watched him say a holy prayer of course). If an exorcism was requested, he'd use his light magic to perform a lightshow, wowing any onlookers. After about a year of this, he had paid off nearly a tenth of his student debt. The gig paid well, but he was left unfulfilled. He was little more than a fortune teller at a cheap carnival. He was no monster hunter. His life was merely smoke and mirrors. He swore he would give up his cons one day, once his debt was paid off.
But fate had different plans for poor Leon. He gave up his cons one sunny day sitting in his apartment when he answered a phone call.
The sun shone brightly in the sky outside Leon's apartment, casting a bright glare on his curtained windows. He sat at his deck in the dark. It was a shaky, shoddy, splintering wooden desk he had bought second hand. It was adorned with all sorts of trinkets: a jar of holy water (water lit by a light underneath), vampire fangs (an altered pair of dentures), a monster embryo (chicken fetus soaking in a jar of formaldehyde), a wooden talisman (a couple twigs bound by twine), and a ritual dagger (a replica from an anime he liked). An antique rotary phone sat amongst the clutter, tall and proud in the swirling sea of worthless baubles. Leon had spent a good bit of money on the phone, but clients that came to his "office" for a "consultation" appreciated the sense of ambiance and legitimacy it brought to his mysterious character.
Leon sat at the desk on an equally shaky wooden chair. His straight black hair fell in curtains around his head. He wore a tan trench coat over a stainless white dress shirt and a fresh pair of jeans. He had an orange Jack-o'-lantern tie proudly displayed on his chest. Most clients appreciated the tie, as it brought levity to what would otherwise be a grim scenario (in their minds at least). Leon was a showman. All he was was a calculated effort to relax clients, and their wallets. He browsed a website on a small laptop, buying digital ad space for his posters. 
The phone rang sharply, causing Leon to jump in his seat. Three months he'd had that thing, and he still wasn't used to the noises it made. He carefully lifted the phone off the desk, moving the receiver to his ear.
"Leon Nighshade: Monster Hunter! Guaranteed to guard against ghosts, ghouls, goblins, and anything else that goes bump in the night! You're speaking to Leon! How can I help you?"
Leon had practiced this introduction a million and one times. He had to get it perfect. It had to be quick, concise, and cheerful enough to put the client at ease. Anyone desperate enough to call a monster hunter was a very nervous individual, something Leon had learned from experience. He paused a minute, waiting for the client to stammer out their request for help. They usually needed a minute to compose themselves before they could speak.
"Um... Ok, hi."
They were much too calm to be asking for Leon's help. They were either a skeptic calling with questions, or a prank caller. Leon hated those kinds of clients. They never paid. 
"How can I help you today sir?" Leon spoke brightly into the phone, moving the conversation forward through a smile of gritted teeth.
"My name's Steve," The man on the phone spoke. He didn't sound amused by Leon's demeanor. "I'm part of the management team, up at Tulip Row Cemetery. We could use someone with your, err... Expertise?" 
"What seems to be the trouble sir?"
"Our nightguard Greg- We had to hire a nightguard, after we found vandalized graves. Uh anyways, Greg came to us freaked out this morning. Said something about a monster stealing the bodies. As I said, we have had reports of disturbed graves, but it's probably just some punk kids playing some sick prank. He refused to come into work today unless we got a "monster hunter" out with him, and you were the first result on the web."
"$500. That's my fee."
"Alright fine. But you better catch those good for nothing teens!!"
It was late when Leon arrived at the graveyard. The air was quite thick with the scent of early September summer as the sun slowly drifted below the horizon. The graveyard was quite serene, a quaint little place surrounded by a large stone wall, next to an old looking forest. A metal gate stood at the front of the property with an ornate metal sign proudly displaying the words "Tulip Row Cemetery" over a row of engraved tulips. A man in a blue tracksuit stood under the sign, nervously surveying the area. 
Leon approached the man. He stepped slowly, as not to spook him, yet strode with the calm confidence he brought to all his cases. The man looked quite alarmed, and more than a little pale. The poor man had obviously had a brush with some particularly nasty teens. Or, maybe, just maybe, he had seen a real monster. 
The prospect of finding a real monster, doing some actual good in his community, excited Leon more than he would ever willingly admit. He was sick of conning people. He wanted to make at least some of his money offering a legitimate service. Every job he hoped to encounter a real monster, even if it was only a small one. Each job he left feeling hollow.
"You must be Greg," Leon smirked approaching the guard. "My name's Leon. I'm a monster hunter."
"H-Hi!" Greg spluttered out, jumping slightly at the sound of Leon's voice. He shook slightly with each word he uttered. "Good to see you, Mr. Leon Sir."
"Relax," Leon spoke softly. He placed a hand on Greg to stabilize him. "You're in good hands now."
Greg stopped shaking immediately and seemed to gain a little colour back in his face. Leon was a con man. He knew how to work a clients emotions, how to rig a show. He knew exactly which strings to pull to reassure a client and set their mind at ease. He felt happy the first few times he did this, like he was making a genuine impact, but the feeling quickly faded over time. It felt flat now, devoid of humanity, like a Shakespeare play performed by puppets. However, in some cases of extreme anxiety, Leon still felt a twinge of joy deep in his chest. Leon smiled softly at Greg.
"Now... How about you show me where this monster is?"
"O-of course Leon! follow me."
Greg led Leon through the gate and into the cemetery. Rows of headstones sat, each made of different materials, molded into different shapes and sizes. Some were large slabs of granite layered in beautiful engraved details, while others had meager markers of rotting wood. All the graves were evened out by one unifying marker, a lone tulip planted in front of the headstone, a sign of respect to the dead. While each tulip was seemingly a different colour from the rest, they were practically uniform in every other way. They were all the same size, the same shape. The tulips had all received the same level of care and maintenance. No matter the conditions the person came from, this lone tulip labelled them all equals. The tulips formed a line down each row of graves. Each row of graves was a row of tulips.
The stone wall surrounding the cemetery completely blocked the horizon. Nothing was visible over it, except the towering trees of the forest on the opposite side of the gate. The trees swayed and flowed, their branches blowing on an invisible breeze, blocked from the graveyard by the walls. The movement of the trees was perfectly normal, but the absence of the tactile feeling of wind made it seem abnormal. The way the trees swelled and fell back with seemingly no cause present almost made it look as if they were breathing.
Greg brought Leon to a small grave. It had a small, stone headstone. No tulip was present at this grave, as there was no dirt for it to grow in. The grave had been unearthed, a gaping hole taking it's place. The hole was rough and uneven, rather than uniform and clean. It had been an improvised job, likely done by hand rather than by shovel. The pit stunk with the stench of funeral home preservatives, a pungent odour reminiscent of despair. It reminded one of the grief and loss they faced, like looking through a scrapbook and finding a picture of a relative who passed. It was a foul smell that burned the nose, as if the decay it prevented was being inflicted onto the nose of whoever breathed it in. Leon carefully peered over the edge of the hole. The bottom was covered in shattered, splintered fragments of wood; the coffin that used to contain the body, not opened, but smashed to pieces. Not even the bottom was in tact, it was fully destroyed. A small creature would have smashed the lid to get at the body. Whatever they were dealing with was either large enough to lift the coffin, or not interested in the body contained within. The second option was quickly ruled out by the arrangement of the body on top of the splintered wood. It was arranged in a way such that it would be difficult to even classify it as a body. Ripped flaps of shredded skin lay strewn over the scene. guts and pieces of organs lay discarded on top. All the pieces looked as if they'd been ran through a cheese grater. Whatever retrieved the body had left all the meat behind. It clearly wasn't looking for food. Not a single bone seemed present in the carnage. Perched on top of this mass of entrails was a single tulip. It sat at the bottom of the pit, a bright orange beacon in the darkness, the colour of the sunset. It was crushed, as if it had been stepped on. It's petals flaked off, into the mess beneath.
Small creatures sat in the pit, feasting on the discarded scraps of the corpse that used to be a body. They were human shaped, though no larger than eleven inches tall. They had pale skin, like a corpse with all the blood drained from it. It was stretched thin over their body, showing faint, frail bones underneath, like those of a bird. They had long thin arms, ending in four clawed fingers which they used to pick the flesh apart. They gorged themselves on it, stuffing their faces full. Each bite filled their mouth and was swallowed in less than a second. They feasted on bite after bite, pausing only to swallow. Two little slits in their face resided over their preoccupied mouths, twitching with anticipation as each new morsel of food was scooped off the ground. They had big, bulbous black eyes, like the kind you'd see on a seal. The eyes reflected what little light was present in the pit, like a cat's eyes in the dark. The eyes were sunken into their head, making them look almost like the eyeholes on a skull. 
Leon's eyes lit up at the sight of these creatures. Real monsters! He would actually be able to provide a legitimate service for once! 
Greg very much did not like them. The sight of them brought back his intense panic.
"W-w-what are those things?" Greg whispered. He only moved his mouth, scared anything else would draw their attention. 
"Ghouls," Leon whispered back, matching Greg's energy. 
"They're small nocturnal scavengers that eat dead flesh. Some say they're the souls of the damned, reincarnated in physical form. It's not out of the ordinary to find them in a place like this. And don't worry, they're not dangerous unless they're in a large pack. Watch this!"
Leon stepped closer to the edge and lifted his hand up, pointing his finger down at one of the ghouls. A light seemed to emanate from his finger, starting from the base and slowly crawling towards the tip. His finger nail began to glow. The light externalized, manifesting itself in a small ball on the tip of his finger. The ball cast a faint ray of light down into the pit, like the beam of a weak flashlight with dying batteries. The light continued growing brighter and brighter as it charged. The ghouls noticed the faint rays shining down on them and quickly looked up, hissing at Leon like cats. The ball exploded forward, flying like an arrow of light, a fast bright laser blast. It hit one of the three ghouls in the head, burning a hole right through it. The ghoul hit the floor of the pit, dead. The other two ran, abandoning their meals, using their claws to burrow into the loose dirt of the walls of the pit.
"See?" Leon spoke, a grin spread on his face. "They're no problem at all! I'll just blast a few more and things should be good to go around here!"
"That's not what I saw yesterday," Greg muttered, still spooked. 
"Well what did you see?"
"I- I don't know. It was white... White like they are. But bigger. Much, much bigger. The ground shook when it walked. I thought I was a goner. I ran and hid in the mausoleum over there. But it seemed to have come from the forest. I felt it stomp off that way as the sun came up."
Leon looked towards the forest in the distance. The trees stood tall, towering into the night. Their thick leaves blocked out the sky, hiding the night's star and moonlight. They continued dancing in the invisible breeze as if taunting Leon, daring him to come closer. 
Something stirred in the pit of Leon's stomach as he looked out. For the first time in his career as a monster hunter, Leon felt fear. Something spooked Greg, something big. It wasn't troubled teens or ghouls, it couldn't have been. It had to be something bigger, something deadlier. Something waiting for him. Something waiting out there. He couldn't shake the feeling that he was walking into the den of some great beast. It felt like the kind of thing you could enter but never leave, not as the same person at least. Leon did his best to swallow his fears and turned to face Greg with a shallow, forced grin.
"Alright then, lets go check it out." 
The two marched forwards towards the forest, like moths drawn to a flame.
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thewatcher727 · 1 year
Return Of The Dark Brotherhood: Coming On March 26th, 2023
One last snippet…
The ramp descended, and they stepped out onto the planet's surface. The air was thick and humid, and Tails and Shadow took a moment to adjust to the new environment. As they made their way through the clearing, Tails couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. They were far from home, on an unfamiliar planet, and their friends were missing.
Shadow and Tails stood side by side on the alien planet, taking in the sights around them. The sky was a dark purple, and the clouds looked like swirling smoke. Strange, alien plants grew all around them, and in the distance, Shadow could see tall, twisted towers that seemed to be made of crystal.
Shadow was calm and reserved, taking everything in with a cool detachment. He had seen many strange worlds in his time, and this was just another to add to the list. He didn't feel any fear or nervousness, just a quiet curiosity about what mysteries this planet held.
Tails, on the other hand, was visibly nervous. His fur was standing on end, and he kept looking around with narrowed eyes. He had never been to a planet like this before, and the alien flora and fauna made him feel like he was in some sort of nightmare.
Shadow noticed Tails' nervousness but didn't quite know how to offer comfort. He wasn't used to being in a caretaker role, and he felt a bit awkward trying to reassure the young fox.
"Stay close," he said in a low voice, not wanting to draw too much attention to themselves.
Tails nodded, his eyes still narrowed, and stuck close to Shadow's side as they made their way through the alien landscape. Shadow kept his senses on high alert, ready for any danger that might present itself.
As they walked, Shadow and Tails exchanged only brief, clipped sentences. They didn't know what dangers might be lurking on this planet, and they didn't want to draw attention to themselves with idle chatter.
Shadow took in their surroundings with a calm focus. He'd been in tough situations before and has always found a way to navigate them. But he could sense Tails' fear and vulnerability, and knew that he needed to be strong for the both of them.
But Shadow couldn't shake the doubts that plagued him. He had never been in a situation like this before, and he wasn't sure if he was up for the task of taking care of Tails. He had never been good with kids, and Tails was so young and vulnerable. Shadow wasn't sure if he could protect him and keep him safe in this hostile environment.
As they walked through the thick foliage, Tails nervously cleared his throat and tried to make small talk with Shadow.
"Uh, so… have you ever been to a place like this before, Shadow?" Tails asked, his voice wavering slightly.
Shadow glanced over at Tails. "Nothing quite like this one, but there have been a few places I visited when I was on missions."
Tails nodded slowly, his namesakes wagging behind him. "Oh wow, really? What were they like? Were they as strange as this one?"
Shadow thought for a moment before responding. "Each place has its own unique qualities, but this one is definitely up there in terms of its… interesting characteristics."
Tails nodded again, but his eyes darted nervously around the thick foliage. "Y-yeah, I can see that. It's just a little overwhelming"
Shadow nodded in understanding. "I can imagine. But we're here to do a job, Tails. Let's focus on that."
Tails said nothing, but he still looked easy. Shadow could sense his anxiety, but he's not quite sure how to offer comfort. So they continued on in silence, the sounds of the jungle surrounding them.
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h0rr0rsaxo · 1 year
Okay so I got an idea! Time to break down ocv Anni's pride and make her all vulnerable again lmao-
So Ocv Kellin and Anni are out on a mission. Its freezing cold and they find themselves stuck in an abandoned house, trying to stay away from the crawlers and demons, but its really cold...like really cold. Anni is shivering and Kellin manages to make a little fire but it does very little to help. Kellin notices how pathetic and cold Anni looks, she's just narrowing her eyes at the fire while holding her knees to her chest, her teeth are chattering, and her lips are blue so Kellin holds out his arm and he has a blanket so he offered to help keep Anni warm, but she refuses at first saying that..."I.....I'm f-fine..." but eventually she scoots over closer to Kellin and he wraps an arm around her, covering her in the blanket and she nuzzles her face into his neck, trying to warm herself up. So you have a grinning Kellin, a shivering Anni who is mad but also desperately clinging onto Kellin for warmth and Azrael is trying to help too by turning into a huge wolf and snuggling into Anni's side.
"Damn, you really are a cuddler aren't you?"
Its just cute and by the end of the night, Anni is snuggled into Kellin, asleep in front of the fire and he is just like...wow she doesn't look like a complete bitch for once.
(tysm! take your time and no pressure!)
[ radiating warmth. || simp party. ]
Warnings: None!
Tags: @insane-horror-movie-addict
A/N: The other requests should be done soon!
Word count: 1,883
Kellin and Anni had been out on a mission for several days now, battling through the freezing cold weather, trying to stay alive amidst the dangerous creatures that lurked in the shadows. They had been on the run for hours, trying to find shelter from the unforgiving cold and the relentless demons that chased them. As luck would have it, they stumbled upon an abandoned house, and immediately made their way inside, shutting the door behind them to keep the creatures at bay. The inside of the house was just as cold as the outside, and Kellin knew they had to find a way to keep warm if they were going to make it through the night.
Kellin rummaged through his bag and managed to find some dry wood and a lighter. He quickly set to work, trying to start a fire to warm up their freezing bodies. Anni sat huddled in a corner, her teeth chattering and her body shaking uncontrollably. After several minutes of struggling, Kellin finally managed to get a small fire going. But it was barely enough to make a difference in the freezing temperature of the house. Anni looked pathetic, her eyes narrowed at the fire, her lips blue, and her body shivering uncontrollably.
Kellin knew he had to do something to help her. He reached out his arm and beckoned Anni to come closer to the fire. He scooted over to where Anni was, and he wrapped his arm around her, holding her close to his body to share his warmth.
Anni's body slowly began to relax as she felt the warmth of Kellin's body. She leaned her head against his chest and closed her eyes, feeling safe and protected in his arms. She loudly grumbled at him, rolling her eyes at his antics and his stupid grin, but melted within his embrace.
As they sat there, huddled together by the fire, Kellin couldn't help but feel grateful for Anni's companionship on this mission. He knew that they were stronger together than they were alone, and he was glad to have her by his side— he'd of course never tell her that.
Kellin couldn't help but grin as he held Anni close to him, trying to keep her warm in the freezing cold house. Despite the dire situation they were in, he couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment as Anni clung to him, seeking comfort and safety. Kellin let a smirk carve into his face as he tugged Anni even closer to him, trying to ensure she didn't completely freeze in this house— plus, he'd have to take advantage of this opportunity. "You look like a frozen popsicle, Anni," he teased, enjoying the way she bristled at his snarky comment.
Anni, on the other hand, was shivering uncontrollably, her body still struggling to adapt to the sudden change in temperature. She was mad at herself for not being better prepared for the mission, but at the same time, she couldn't help but feel grateful for Kellin's presence and the warmth he was providing. Anni slowly brought her nearly frozen-iver hand to his face, flipping him off with narrowed eyes, "I'd like to see you do better, Kellin," she snapped back, annoyed at his teasing but also desperately clinging to him for warmth.
As they sat there, huddled together by the fire, Azrael, their loyal companion, transformed into a huge wolf and snuggled into Anni's side. Anni let out a small gasp, surprised by the sudden weight against her, but then relaxed into the warmth of the wolf's fur. Kellin chuckled at the sight, watching as Anni's expression softened as the wolf nuzzled into her side. "Looks like even Azrael knows you need some extra warmth, Anni," he remarked, still grinning.
Kellin chuckled at the sight, watching as Anni's expression softened as the wolf nuzzled into her side. He knew that Azrael's presence would provide an added layer of warmth and protection, and he was grateful for Anni's pet— Azreal was fucking terrifying at times, but surprisingly, very helpful, but only when it came to Anni. Anni rolled her eyes, but couldn't help but feel grateful for the added warmth provided by the wolf's presence. "I don't need your shitty commentary, Kellin," she grumbled, but then leaned her head against his chest, seeking comfort and safety.
— . — . —
She began to shiver once again and yanked the covers over her body to try and generate heat. Her knees drew to her chest desperately and she closed her eyes to induce sleep. A few discontent grumbles came from her stomach and she hissed in pain, her stomach beginning to contract with soreness. Letting out a strained sigh, she turned over in the bed and pressed her face into her hands. Kellin had left for a little bit after she mistakenly told him she had a migraine— and now she was left in the cold once again, thankfully with Azrael's comfort.
Her eyes suddenly flicked open and the room was darker than before. She realized that she had gone back to sleep but didn't know exactly for how long. Anni held her labored breath and tried to listen for voices down the hallway, but there weren't any. The only thing she could hear was the crackle of the dying fire in the living room, hopefully where Azrael was sleeping soundly with warmth and good dreams. He deserved that much.
Anni stared at the wall and picked up the familiar sound of a heavy set of boots making way down the hallway. They slowed down next to her room and she glanced over the blankets at the door, watching it creak open.
"Are you awake?" Anni didn't realize he had made it to the side of the bed in two wide steps, but she turned over when she heard Kellin whisper softly. He took her movement as an indication that she was awake and sat down on the edge of the bed. Annu leaned up with a huff and she gripped her sore stomach, staring at him in the darkness. She could barely make out his scruffy face, but those striking blue eyes managed to pierce through the veil of black.
"Here, I found some ibuprofen and a small bottle of hydros. The pharmacy was pretty much cleaned out so use them wisely." She felt his hand peel open her fingers and drop two pills in the palm of her hand. Uncapping a fresh water bottle, her other fingers wrapped around it and she took no time in tossing the bitter pills in her throat and swallowing them with a refreshing mouthful of water. Kellin lifted his hand and pushed it under her bangs across her clammy forehead, feeling her head boiling under his touch.
"Pretty nasty fever."
"Thanks Dr. Asshole…" She smirked and Kellin snorted with a small laugh, shaking his head. Her hand slipped over his and he could feel her trembling, "You should go get some sleep. Don't worry about me anymore, I'll be fine with those meds."
"You're shakin' again." She heard the discontent frown in his voice and she sighed, half regretting touching him. She knew that he wouldn't sleep soundly until she was completely comfortable and well cared for, not leaving her side like the loyal dog he was.
"Still cold?" He asked curiously and Anni begrudgingly nodded, crossing her arms and beginning to shiver once again.
"Even with the blankets… but I'll fall back asleep eventually. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine."
"Well, I'll stay here to keep you plenty company until then and I'll try to keep you warm." In the darkness, she felt him shift on the bed and heard his weapon clank down on the old wooden floor. His boots thumped heavily onto the floor and she knew that he had taken them off. Her shoulder dipped and the bed sunk in next to her, her heart thumping wildly against her chest and sent surges on anxiety pumping along with her blood. He was in the bed with her.
"I don't want you to get sick, Kellin."
Don't be so willing to get rid of him. Kellin is in the bed with you. Why do you have to be sick? Anni thought.
"Don't you worry about me. Now do you wanna get warm or not?"
Anni didn't know what to do at that moment. It was awkward for her, but something she had hoped for this moment for a while. He was lying next to her, willing to let her feed off his heat, and he wanted to make her feel secure. She was fearful, but those feelings she held for him finally manage to break her confinement. She lied down and wrapped an arm around his chest, lifting her head when he shifted his arm under her neck, allowing her to lay her face just below his chin. She pressed her legs up against his and his unimaginable warmth flooded into her core like a waterfall.
She sighed with relief and her shaking body relaxed. Kellin clasped his hands together behind his head, smirking slightly when he felt her shivers subside and her body suck tightly to his. He didn't care that she was a being a sponge, he liked the fact that he was doing her justice by keeping her cared for properly. She did a lot for him when she didn't realize it, and when she disappeared, he was scared for the first time in a long time. "Damn, you really are a cuddler aren't you?" He joked.
Even though they had ran miles away from demons and crawlers, floated miles and miles down a frozen river, almost shot herself to get away from a crawler, and passed out on the bank, she managed to find herself back to Kellin.
Her labored breathing was calm and he knew that the pain pills were slowly making her go to sleep. Her fingers softly trailed down from his chest to his abdomen; half wishing he had taken his shirt off to enjoy the caress of her fingernails. She dug her face into his chest and tightly gripped him favorably, Kellin glancing down at her through the dark. He didn't know much about nestling like this with a woman, and it made him slightly uncomfortable. "S-Shut...up..."
He felt her hand on his cheek and her torso creep up on his, feeling her face hovering over his. Her deep brown hair tickled his cheeks as her thumb caressed over his sharp jawline. He leaned his head up and pressed his warm lips against hers, sliding his hand up her back and pushing her against him. He rolled her around to her back where he hovered over her,
"I'm sorry… I don't know what got into me." She breathed and Kellin couldn't help but smirk, wanting so, so bad to proceed on. He had to fight himself to keep from overwhelming her condition because of his desires and his sane side almost lost. With a displeased grunt, he lied back down on his side and took a deep breath to calm himself. A bed, with her in it no less, was no place to be. But he was willing to test his boundaries.
"Don't worry bout it… it was worth it."
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Young Justice season 4
Ep 1
HARPER!!! <333
Idk if I like her sister
Probably evil
Shit. That ring again
BAHAHAHA just imagine her going to Luthor for his blessing
Ok, I think she's good
Ok, these guys are really starting to get on my nerves
I actually don't know what to say to all this
This is a mess
Ep 2
Ok, I see his point
Yeah, they definitely aren't parents of the year
I guess he's just one of those sympathetic villians
Like, he has a good point, but that's just not how you do it
But I guess it depends on whether you believe the end justifies the means or not
And plus, he's relatable. It's really easy to see where he's coming from and ig in his mind he thinks he's doing the right thing
In my opinion, terrorism is not the way
But hey, he's a victim of the circumstances, if the whole world turns against you, I can't blame you for hating it
He's the result of intolerance. Society's fault. That wouldn't have happened if they weren't a bunch of scumbags
Tbh, I'm not sure I can blame him for doing what he's doing
I don't trust them
Ok, well, now THAT'S crossing a big ass line my dude
Killing everyone DEFINITELY isn't it
I get you, but you're wrong. Horribly wrong
Ep 3
Is he dreaming?
Oh, a flashback
Look, idk what her sister's deal is but I'm not sure I like it
Oh dear
It's so sad that the siblings are blaming each other when the ones that should've protected them were their parents
Oh god. There's a lot to unpack here
Ok, I think they're good
Ep 4
I was not expecting that
I hate that fucking guy
It's fake
He'll come back
Ep 5
The title sounds promising
Ok, crying again
Ahhh shit
Who's that guy? I def not like him
Oh, it's a girl
I don't trust any of them
DAMIAN <3333333
AND JASON!!!!! <3333333333333
Exactly, I say out with them both
Let him have some property damage, as a treat
This is staged, tho
Look, as much as we all hate to admit it, we NEED the bats. They're a blessing and a curse
This is gonna end bad, I just know it
I hate sportsmaster so damn much
Great episode 10000000/10
Ep 6
Hmmmmm which cassandra? I wonder
At this point, I trust CS more than Onyx
There's just something off about her
But I still don't trust CS
Fucking shit
Shade is so fucking hot
Ep 7
You don't deserve anyone's respect, you sorry excuse for a clown
Dear lord
Ok, well, that's a change
This is so damn good
Ep 8
He's super hot lurking in the shadows like that
Dude... :(((((
Believe me, explaining a loved one passed away to a child is just awful
YOU GO SHADE!!! <333
I don't trust him
Ep 9
I love Klarion <3333
Tawny <3333
Dude.... they should really send Gar to Dinah
Ep 10
I don't like that girlie
He said yikes 😭😭😭
Ep 11
Klarion is just neat
Ep 13
Someone should really help Gar
Look, how bad can he be if he loves cats???
I'm telling you, he gives me gender envy
Well, I told you he'd be back
Ep 14
Ohhhh shit, I think I know where he is
Omg, poly?
Ep 15
Isn't she the girl with the ring????
They're bad, I can tell
Oh, they're those dubious guys
That fight was staged and the guy who "helped" them is actually helping Orm
Fucking shit
I have a bad feeling about this
Ep 16
He better not die :(((((
This is bad
Ep 17
Finally some healing for Kaldur
Ep 18
Lightboy is cute
Dude... what the shit??? That literally goes against your morals???
Ep 19
Omg Razer's hot
Omg, he's hotter when his mad
Holy shit, when I thought he couldn't be hotter
Ep 20
I think he's lying????
Ep 21
I just love oaths
Look, I'm glad the bad guy didn't get out but at what cost?????
Probably one of his kids
Ep 22
Shiiiiiit, they'll find out
You just gotta love the bats
I love Klarion <333
Ep 23
I'm a little confused
Poor Dick 😭
Ep 24
Man, this is going to be a mess
Fucking shit
Ep 25
Ep 26
Nah, she made it, I just know she did
Yoink 😭😭😭
Oh good
Could you all please???? Stop faking your deaths?????
Told ya
OHOHOHO Metron, you sneaky bastard
This time traveling shit is awful
Oh god
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formerchaoslord · 5 days
Attack on Palm Brinks
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A strange mechanical looking monster was attacking Palm Brinks out of nowhere. This looked like no monster Max and Monica has ever seen before.
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"What's a monster even doing in Palm Brinks? Things were so peaceful for almost a year..."
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"Max, stay focused! We need to take it down!"
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Despite their efforts, these two weren't even putting a dent in this thing...
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"This thing's too strong... It's even stronger than that genie we fought..."
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"Then we may have to change tactics... Maybe I can beat this monster by becoming a monster..."
As Monica tried using her Monster Medallion to transform into a monster, the giant enemy struck her while she was open, destroying the medallion in the process.
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"Oh no..."
All hope seemed lost. No matter what they did, this green monster wasn't going down. Suddenly, some cards struck the monster before, exploding on contact. Afterwards, a stranger that looked like some kind of android appeared.
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"Hey, kids. Looks like you two could use some help."
Another attack struck the monster before an anthropomorphic wolf made himself known.
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"Looks like we made it just in time!"
The giant monster was annoyed and tried to attack, but a massive beam of energy struck it, causing heavy damage. Then, descending from the sky was what looked like a metal angel.
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"Max, Monica, are you two alright?"
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"Uh... Sure, but... How did you know our names?"
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"No time to explain at the moment. We need to finish off the Life Virus. Your weapons aren't strong enough to take it down, so I brought you these."
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To Monica, the metal angel gave a sword with a blade made of lightning,
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and to Max, a large gun emanating incredible power.
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"Wow... These weapons... I can actually feel the power coming from them..."
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"Hey! No time to be distracted, kid. Use 'em on the big green guy!"
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"Oh... Right."
After a team effort with their new weapons, Max and Monica, along with the three strangers, attacked what was referred to as the "Life Virus," and actually did some damage.
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"It's working! I think one more powerful strike should take it down!"
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"Then let's not waste anymore time! Let's all strike it together!"
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"Just say when!"
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"Now, everyone! Final Strike!"
The team each made one last powerful strike at the same time. With a massive explosion, the Life Virus was destroyed.
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"Excellent work, everyone."
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"Thanks for your help. Now, if you don't mind, we would like that explanation."
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"Yes, of course. Well, you see..."
RiFT explained how he is a sentient dimensional rift who's Core was placed in the body of a reploid known as Copy X, who lost his previous Core in battle against a hero named Zero. As a dimensional rift, he can view the multiverse, which is how he knew of Max and Monica, as well as their world and deeds. He also explained that the monster they fought was called the Life Virus, and that it was originally a digital being, as well as previously defeated by an ally known as MegaMan.EXE. RiFT then explained how they are in the middle of a Multiverse War, and that the Life Virus was most likely sent by his evil sister, Slur. Worst case scenario, that was sent as a distraction so she and her team could get their hands on something dangerous.
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"So... There's more than just traveling to different timelines? You can travel to completely different dimensions as well?"
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"Pretty crazy, I know. But yeah. There are many different dimensions, and we're doing our best to protect them from Slur and her army."
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"Then... Allow us to return the favor for protecting Palm Brinks. Let us help you."
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"That would be most appreciated, Max and Monica. Your skills in both battle and in inventing will be a great help to us."
(Max and Monica have joined the party!)
Meanwhile, an enemy was lurking in the shadows.
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"Hmhmhmhmhm... Oh, foolish baby brother... You'd get your hands dirty for total strangers... You're too soft... That's why you won't win this war."
To be continued...
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carpe-astra · 2 years
Storm Character Write Ups
Key characters for Storm:
-Konstantin Hauser: 5th generation Methuselah, Tremere Prince, he rules the domain of Kragmont city (in the southern region of the Northern Continent on Hellifyno), recently kidnapped Kara, then spoke with Embraced vampires and gave Kara back if they promised a future favor and also hunted down an individual known as Keven Church
-Lukas Jager: 8th generation, Tremere Scourge, previously hunting Keven. Loyal only to Konstantin. Does not get along with others. Sounds German. Always lurking nearby…watching Embraced from afar.
-Keven Church: 16th generation, mysterious Dhampir, escaped to Hellifyno to get away from Lukas, but now finds himself in the middle of an even bigger mess. Didn’t know the Embraced vampires were given the task to hunt him down (has had a run in with them before, seemed friendly enough towards them) but then Liliana had to open her big fat mouth and he ran off, current whereabouts unknown
-Vanya Berkova: Garou from the Shadow Lord Tribe, also part of a camp within the Tribe known as Lightbringers; see above description, also likes Isaac, but is stuck in an arranged marriage to a mage named Vlad -Count Vladislav Bludov: a powerful fire mage from the Society of Leopold (vampire slayers). is allied with the Berkovas through marriage (with Vanya). Has ventured to Hellifyno to investigate an Antitribu problem
-Berkovas: family of Garou from the Shadow Lord Tribe, also part of a particular camp within the Tribe known as Lightbringers; very gothic, nobility, espionage warrior vibes, whatever that means; kinda sus tbh; they want to train their Kinfolk in magic with the help of the Society of Leopold, and maybe want some rare artifacts. Tentatively allied with the vampires of Embraced through Vanya’s involvement and a promise by Val that they will help protect their Kinfolk
-Kára Eriksdottir: 5th generation Methuselah, Noiad bloodline, Gangrel clan, divine visions from northern lights, turned Knox into a vampire a long time ago, was recently held hostage by the Tremere Prince (Konstantin) who wanted to use her visions to fight his own enemies–they seem to have a history
-Knox T. Wilder: 6th generation, Gangrel clan, Noiad bloodline, Kara’s Childe, cowboy vampire vibes, died at the Alamo lul, turned Tapsa and Harvey into vampires recently, can shift into a bison type monster-beast thing. Likes Spektor
-Harvey Reyes: Noiad bloodline; Gangrel clan; 7th generation; an underground street fighter for money, eventually worked his way to the circuits on Hellifyno. Ended up being beaten to death one night. When left for dead, Knox offered him a second chance and turned him
-Sofiya Berkova: 12th generation, creepy blood mage vampire, seems to work for the Tremere/Konstantin; attacked the Embraced vampires in an ambush set up by Alicia and the Tremere (before the Tremere and Val became allies), turned out to be Vanya's long lost Kinfolk sister, not much else is known at the moment (Vanya thought she was dead all this time. omg wow)
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sadlysoulx · 3 years
–Haikyuu characters playing 7 minutes in heaven with you
(W/ Oikawa & Ushijima)
(w/ drawings :))
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Hiiiiiiiiii<3 Sorry if I haven't post in a while. Something happened in our family, and so. . . Yeah, I can't post the past few days. But here is an apology give for all of you😔❤️
⚠️Warning⚠️: Crappy drawings
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You rolled your eyes. What did you expect, silence throughout the 7 minutes?
It's Matsukawa and Hanamaki in that closet.
Ofcourse, they would bang the closet with their hands and moan out loud purposely.
Annoying really.
Iwaizumi was there fighting with Oikawa to let them out of the closet, saying that his parents might hear them from downstairs and he would be the one to get scolded. However, Oikawa was enjoying all of this.
7 minutes was up and Oikawa opened the closet.
Hanamaki and Matsukawa pretended that their legs were sore, so they stumbled across the room.
They plopped down on the each side of you, giggling to themselves.
"Y'all are bad actors," Your rolled your eyes. "Dramatic,"
Hanamaki and Matsukawa snorted.
Oikawa excitedly picked a paper from the bowl, flapping it open to reveal the name.
"Y/N," He announced, showing the paper to everyone.
You shrugged, acting unbothered.
"I hope it's Oikawa," Hanamaki whispered.
"If it isn't Oikawa, I would literally throw the both of you in that closet," Matsukawa added.
You ignored the boys and waited for Oikawa to announce another name.
"And her partner would be. . ." Oikawa picked another name from the bowl and flipped it open. He gasped, jumping on the spot.
"IT'S ME!"
Matsukawa and Hanamaki bursted into laughter. They high fived each other, on the top of your head since you were sitting at the middle of them.
"C'mon, my lady," Oikawa winked at you, opening the closet, waiting for you to go inside.
Matsukawa and Hanamaki howled like wolves and Oikawa gave them a flying kiss. Iwaizumi
Your world immediately went black.
Oikawa's confidence immediately drained him.
You blushed, his deep voice sending shivers down your spine.
"D-don't worry, I'll protect you from the m-monsters that lurk in this closet,"
Oikawa felt that he stepped in something.
You sucked in air through your teeth. "That was my foot, Oikawa,"
"Shit! I'm sorry!" He immediately apologized.
You sighed. Oikawa can be a play boy but he won't be. He always embarrassed himself when he tries to flirt with a person.
"It's fine, Oikawa-san,"
Two minutes roughly passed by and it was only filled by silence. There was only an occasional grunt from Oikawa whenever he bumped his head against the top of the closet.
Somehow, Oikawa got his confidence back in just a split-second. He switched into a seductive boy as quick as flipping a light switch.i
"Hey Y/N," He place this hand on the wall your leaning on, just above your shoulder. "Do you know what people do when they're in a situation like this?"
He raised your chin with his pointer finger.
"They kiss," Oikawa leaned in. "They make out,"
Your heart pounded against your chest and he softly swipe his thumb across your lips.
Oikawa leaned in closer, his minty breath tickling your senses. Just then, he realized what he was doing and he stepped back and leaned in his own side of wall, stuttering.
"I'm— I– Shit! I'M SO SORRY!" Oikawa looked around but your eyes. You could still see him shaking due to the small amount of light that peeked through the tiny gap in the closet.
You sighed. You were sick and tired of him flirting out of the blue and suddenly stopping thinking you won't like it.
You stepped closer to him. Pressing a hand on his collarbones, you slowly dragged it down his clothed toned chest and then dragging your hand on his pants.
You hooked your finger on those belt slots and then tugged him forward, making him whimper and weaken his knees.
You rolled your eyes. "Such an idiot,"
Your grabbed his collar and tugged him down, you pressed your lips fully against his.
Oikawa stiffened, before whining and pulling you closer. Feeling braver, you sneakily slipped your tongue in.
The brunette opened his mouth, giving more access, tongues swirled lovingly and he melted in your touch. Smugly, you pushed him off and Oikawa gasped.
"HEY!" Oikawa frowned, crossing his arms. "We're not done yet!"
He stepped closer to you, his ego shooting up when you kissed him. "Can you give me another one, love?"
Blushing, you gently pushed him off again. "As much as I want to, we can't. Time is almost over,"
As if on cue, the door swung open, revealing Iwaizumi, squinting at the both of you suspiciously.
Oikawa held on your waist and kissed your temple, making everyone gasp.
"Be mine," He whispered in your ear.
Oikawa walked away and out the door, smiling softly to himself.
You smiled, he already knows what's your answer.
Ofcourse, Oikawa. I'll be yours.
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You giggled to yourself as you watch Semi and Shirabu get out of the closet, frowning but a deep blush flushed on their faces.
"How did it go?!" Tendou immediately interrogated.
Semi and Shirabu huffed, looking away from each other. "Bad," They said together.
Tendou snickered behind his hand, "I'm pretty sure if they get along in the first place, they would fuck,"
Before the two could curse, Tendou dug his hands in the bowl and picked up two pieces of paper.
"OH! How great! It's Y/N and our Miracle boy!"
The crowd cheered as your eyes widened. "Wait what—?"
Tendou grabbed the back of your collar and pulled you up. He happily pushed you in the old closet and you groaned in pain when you bump your head at the wood.
"Tendou-san—" A large built body stumbled into you and you were immediately enveloped in warmth as the person gently gripped your arms.
Ushjima pulled back, a flustered expression on his face.
"I'm really sorry about that, Y/N-chan," he grumbled.
He was once pressed again against you when Tendou pushed him in, closing the door and the small space darkening.
"Sorry again. . ." Ushjima quietly said, pulling his hands off you. Silence filled the musty closet, and the both of you stood at the other side against the wall, not exchanging a single word to each other.
"Are alright there?" Ushijima asked and you saw his shadow reaching up and scratching his nape.
You smiled. "Yes I am, thanks for asking,"
Silence filled again and seconds passed by, a heavy feeling sat at the bottom of your stomach making you nervous. Ushjima sat down on the floor, his legs pressed up against his chest not wanting to take your space.
You hummed in response, looking up once again at his mascular shadowy figure.
"Can I tell you something?"
There was a few momments of silence. You saw him turn away to stare at the door of the closet.
"Thank you for being a manager, Y/N, out team has become much more better with you," He silent said.
You smiled. "That's nothing Ushjima-san, I love being here, it feels like home,"
In the dark you could see Ushijima's shadowy figure look up.
"And I wanted to add that," A pause. "That over the time, I actually developed feelings for you,"
Your eyes widened and you choked on air.
Well that was unexpected.
"I know that you see me as part of the team, so I kept my feelings aside. But then, Tendou told me to confess to you," there was something distant about Ushjima's tone of voice. "I tried being a much more better man. . . Just for you," He said, his voice now merely a whisper.
You blinked in the dark. Your heart clenching when you finally realized he is being insecure.
"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable with my confession," Ushjima mumbled, his voice noticibly shaky. "I'm sorry,"
There was a ruffle as Ushijima slid down the wall and sat down. In the next few moments of silence, you were contemplating on what to do next.
Gaining some confidence, you slid down on your knees, facing Ushjima.
"You don't need to apologise, Ushijima-san," You softly said. "Because I like you too,"
"You do?"
You softly laughed. "Yeah,"
You leaned in, taking his soft cheeks in your hands. "I'm going to kiss you. Is that okay?"
Ushjima nodded frantically. Smiling, you pressed a kiss to his forehead and then to his lips. You gave out a giggle before pressing your lips fully to his.
The man below you gave out a groan, raising his hands up to keep place on your hips, running it up and down. He kept you closer, the pace of the kiss increasing.
Wet noises filled the small closet, it's not that both of you care, just as long as the both of you were close. Ushjima places one hand on the back of your thigh, bringing you closer and making you straddle him.
Soon, tongues were involved. A shaky hand went up to the back of your head pulling you closer, and at this position, your tounge went deeper to explore the mouth of Ushjima.
The both of you pulled back, pressing your foreheads together.
"I love you," you mumbled, running a hand through his dark green hair.
Ushjima shyly kissed the edge of your lips.
"I love you more," he paused. "Can you be mine?"
A giggle escape your lips. "Ofcourse,"
You were about to kiss again when a voice spoke up.
"Wow, congratulations guys,"
You and Ushjima slightly jumped and turned to the door, just to see Tendou peeking in between the door crack.
"I'm proud of you guys," he smiled.
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Follow me in Wattpad.
Guys I'm scared, I think I have covid.
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adenei · 3 years
Day 31: January Word Challenge
a/n: It’s the last one! Wow, I can’t believe I managed a drabble a day! Thanks for reading these. I leave you with a Romione AU during GOF - thanks @darkwizard1207 for the ask that inspired this one!
Oh, and since this is AU, Ron gets nice dress robes, too!
Hermione twirled around in the soft glow of the candlelight in the dormitory. The periwinkle blue dress glittered as the light caught the sparkles that were laid within the fabric. Lavender was a lifesaver in helping her tame her hair and adding just the right amount of makeup to accentuate her features.
She looked nothing like her day to day self, but she didn’t mind. This was a special occasion, and for the first time in her fifteen years, she wanted to prove that she was indeed a girl. Hermione had been head over heels when Ron asked her to the Yule Ball. Of course, she couldn’t tell if it was a pity invitation or the easy way out to go with a friend. 
She’d been nursing the feeling of fancying him for quite some time, but wasn’t sure if he felt the same way. Sure, he’d invited her to stay at his house over the summer. That had to mean something, right? Hermione desperately wanted him to see her as a girl instead of one of his friends, and if tonight didn’t do that, she was resolving to forget any hope that something more could happen between them.
It was almost time to go. Lavender and Parvati left about fifteen minutes ago, but Hermione was stalling. She was more nervous than she’d ever been before, and her feet felt like lead in the delicate heels she was wearing. It’s now or never, she thought as she made her way to the stairwell.
“Harry, you’re a lifesaver,” Ron said as he gave himself another once over in the mirror. “How’d you know I needed these?”
“Ginny may have tipped me off about what the ones your mum sent. No one deserves to wear something that ancient and dreadful.”
“Well, thanks, I owe you one,” Ron said gratefully. 
“No, you don’t. It was a Christmas gift,” Harry insisted, but Ron waved him off.
Ron was wearing dress robes the shade of deep navy blue. It complemented his flaming red hair nicely and brought out his blue eyes, not that he was overly concerned about that. He was excited to have something new that he could call his own. Not to mention they actually fit!
At least Hermione won’t be embarrassed as my date now I’m wearing these, he thought. Date. The word rang in his mind as he extinguished the glow of the candle with his wand. He needed to get to the common room to meet her. 
Ron wasn’t sure what possessed him to ask her that day in the library. It was probably because Viktor Krum had been lurking in the shadows and he wanted to protect her from the Quidditch star’s potential charm. She didn’t need to be involved with a bloke who was three years older. Yeah, that was it. He was being protective, not jealous. 
Besides, they’d have fun together. They were friends, and there wouldn’t be as much pressure when it came to dancing and whatever else you were supposed to do at a ball. But then why was his stomach in knots and his heart fluttering uncontrollably? They were just friends. Best friends. Right?
Ginny was already waiting for Harry in the common room, but Hermione wasn’t there yet. Ron checked his watch. 
“Any sign of her?” he asked his sister.
“Not yet,” Ginny said as she shook her head.
“Maybe you could go up and check on her?” 
He was getting nervous. She was never late. What if she found out about the old robes and decided she didn’t want to go with him, after all?
“She’ll be here, don’t worry,” Ginny reassured him.
Sure enough, they heard movement coming from the girl’s staircase seconds later, and Hermione emerged. At least, he thought it was Hermione. She looked so unlike herself, yet he knew it was unmistakably her. He felt his mouth open against his control. She was stunning. 
“Wow, you look great, Hermione! We’ll, er, meet you both downstairs,” Harry said quickly as he escorted Ginny through the portrait hole.
Hermione walked over to Ron. He knew he needed to say something, but he couldn’t find the words.
“Your robes look nice,” she offered. “They really bring out your eyes,” she added as her cheeks tinged pink.
“You, you look—wow,” was all Ron could manage.
Hermione smiled as she looked up at him shyly. “I’ll take that as a compliment, then? I know it’s probably too much, but—”
“No!” Ron cut her off. “Not at all. I mean, not that you need to look like that all the time. You look great every day! It’s just—” He had no idea what he was trying to say, and he felt like he was only making it worse.
“You do?” she asked.
“Well, yeah. You don’t need to do all this extra stuff to prove a point. Those Slytherin prats don’t know what they’re talking about anyways,” Ron said. 
His ears were on fire, but he was proud of himself for admitting that to her after he saw the smile grow into a wide grin on her face. “Er, shall we go, then?” he asked, holding out his arm awkwardly for her. That’s what he was supposed to do, right?
She nodded as she laced her arm in his and they made their way down to the Great Hall.
The night flew by in an absolute whir. They’d received so many compliments, and Hermione was simply glowing from all the positive attention. Even though other blokes had come and asked her to dance, she’d remained faithful to Ron the entire evening. 
It turned out that Ron wasn’t as bad a dancer as he thought he was. Either that, or Hermione was just being nice. They were one of the last couples on the dance floor when the Weird Sisters played their last song. Ron and Hermione reluctantly left when it was over and headed back up to the Common Room. Most everyone else had already gone to bed, so it was quite empty by the time they’d returned.
“I had a really great time tonight. Thank you for asking me,” Hermione said as they stood awkwardly, neither really knowing how to say goodnight.
“I did, too,” Ron said through his lopsided grin. “So…”
“We should probably get to bed,” Hermione offered, though neither moved.
Suddenly, there was a tinkling sound, and they both looked up to see magical mistletoe hanging above their heads. The candlelight in the room seemed to dim as well. If Ron was being honest with himself, a part of him wanted to kiss her all night, but he wasn’t sure how or when. Now, it looked like fate was trying to tell him he should.
He looked at Hermione, who was watching him carefully and almost...expectantly? Her eyes glanced down at his as she bit her lip softly before looking back up at him. This was the moment, Ron thought, as he steeled himself to make the move.
He leaned in gently, placing his hands tentatively on her waist. Her eyes fluttered shut and his followed as he felt his lips connect with hers. They felt soft against his as he pressed into her more. Ron was pretty sure she was kissing him back as her arms wrapped around his shoulders.
As far as a first kiss went, it was perfect. Nothing like the horror stories the twins told him. He pulled away after what simultaneously seemed like hours and also seconds. Ron was sure the blush on her cheeks matched the scarlet of his ears as they both managed a smile. Neither wanted to move.
Finally, it was Hermione who pulled away first. “Goodnight, Ron,” she said. 
He watched her walk away in frozen silence. She stopped briefly when she got to the staircase and turned back toward him. She looked as if she were steeling herself to say something.
“I—I hope you still feel the same way when I’m back to looking like myself again tomorrow.”
Before he could respond, she’d disappeared up the stairs. He couldn’t stop the goofy grin that spread across his face as he collapsed on a nearby sofa. “Of course I’ll feel the same way! Is she bloody mental?” he said to himself as he punched the air. Sure, things would be different now, but he knew deep down that it was going to be a good thing. A very, very good thing.
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jaskicr · 4 years
reverse au but with a twist! canon universe geralt and jaskier are sent to another world where their roles are reversed
This is where he’d first met Jaskier, in this dark tavern in Posada. As Geralt plays his lute and sings, his heart aches at the memory of Jaskier, a painful reminder of who he’d lost.
His eyes wander through the tavern until they settle on a dark figure in the corner, sitting at the table where Geralt had once sat, a lifetime ago, and Geralt’s voice dies in his throat.
A witcher.
He makes his way over, hope blooming in his heart as he leans against a pillar and blurts out the words etched deep into his memory, words that had been Jaskier’s, once upon a time.
“I love the way you just… sit in the corner and brood.”
“Stay behind me, Jaskier,” Geralt growls as he steps into the seemingly abandoned shack. Everything is covered in a layer of dust, and the air smells musty, but Geralt’s medallion threatens to vibrate off his chest. Despite how innocuous and abandoned this shack appears, there’s strong magic at work, the acrid scent of chaos cutting through the deadened air.
Geralt takes tentative steps further into the shack, sword poised to face whatever threat might come at them, but there’s nothing. Nothing but the beating of his own heart and Jaskier’s, nothing but the sound of their quiet breathing, nothing but Geralt’s near-silent footsteps. Nothing lurks in the shadows, and it’s only his medallion and the hum of chaos in the air that keeps Geralt on his guard.
“Geralt, what -” Jaskier tries, and Geralt sends him a warning look, but Jaskier continues, undeterred. “Everything seems fine, why are you -”
“There’s magic,” Geralt grunts. He can’t figure out why, and it’s annoying him to no end. 
“We can just leave,” Jaskier points out hesitantly as he edges behind Geralt. “We don’t have to investigate.”
“There’s a village nearby.” Geralt would like to take Jaskier and leave this mysterious shack far, far behind them, leave behind what might be the strongest source of magic that Geralt has ever felt. He doesn’t want to risk Jaskier, who’s vulnerable and human, but there’s a village not too far from here, and Geralt refuses to take the chance that this magic may come to harm them. “We can’t risk it.”
Jaskier stays silent as Geralt tries to pinpoint where the chaos is coming from. The shack is small, cluttered with various items, none of which seem out of place, but -
There’s a mirror lying atop a pile of scraps, gleaming and polished, untouched by the dust that surrounds it. Casting a cursory glance around the shack, Geralt steps towards the mirror, Jaskier following behind him.
“Oh, wow,” Jaskier breathes, eyes wide as he stares at the mirror. The mirror is beautiful, without a single fleck of dirt on it, ornately decorated with precious gems, and it’s overflowing with chaos, so strong that Geralt almost chokes on it, so strong that his medallion vibrates like it never has before.
And Jaskier is reaching for it, transfixed by its beauty, and Geralt notices too late.
“Jaskier, no -” Geralt makes to slap Jaskier’s hands away, but Jaskier has already touched the mirror, and they’re touching it at the same time -
There’s an explosion of light, and they’re sucked into darkness.
Geralt is born in Lettenhove as the son of the viscount. He’s raised in the laps of nobility, with lavish luxuries and servants pandering to his every need. His father is desperate to mould him into the perfect noble son, and from a young age, Geralt is swamped with lessons in etiquette and politics and combat.
He’s unnervingly good at combat. Picking up a blade is as natural to him as breathing, and to his instructors’ astonishment, he picks up techniques and maneuvers at a shocking speed, far faster and more skilled than his peers. 
There’s something about fighting that calls to Geralt, and he enjoys the thrill of swinging his sword through the air, the metallic clash against another blade, the way his brain focuses wholly on the opponent before him. He has dreams, dreams that one day, he’ll be able to grow up big and strong and be able to use his skills to protect people, fighting off monsters and creatures that plague them, and it feels right.
His father is proud of him for it, praising him for being good at combat where he struggles to focus on his other lessons, but Geralt wants something more. He wonders what it is. He has everything he could ever want, money and luxury and comfort, but whenever his sword sings through the air, whenever he gets to step outside the stifling walls of a palace, whenever he hears the hum of music, Geralt yearns for something more, something that he can’t reach.
He tries everything, sinking into the indulgences that his father’s riches provide him with, trying to fill the hole within himself with his wealth, but nothing works, and he goes through his days with something hollow, something missing, until the first time his father lets him attend an event at court.
link to ao3 in the reblog!
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uhhhhyandere · 4 years
my internet cut off when i was sending an ask so i don't know if it actually went through,, could you write something for reader and a possessive/protective mello? my birthday is coming up in 4 days - i don't have anyone to celebrate it with, and he happens to be my comfort character 😅 feel free to delete this if you don't want to that's totally ok!!
such lies, such lies!
you can celebrate your birthday with me and the rest of us in death note stan hell. i hope you can find some ways to celebrate getting through another year, and that this lil piece brings you the joy you deserve <3 ily
“Can we... uh... go out, then?” You scratched the back of your head. Mello’s eyes dragged across the room until they met yours. You twiddled your fingers together. 
“Why?” He rested his chin between his digits. You glanced around, making sure to scan the calendar to double-check a clearly true fact. 
“It’s my birthday, so I thought maybe we can do something.” Mello twisted in his seat and crossed his leg over the other. Elbow angles against the corner of the table, the hand of the same arm rested above his mouth. “Please? It can be something small. Dinner, or something.” He sighed. 
“Alright,” he agreed. “Take your pick, then.” Your smile grew and he rolled his eyes at the joy sparking on your features. “Don’t get too excited. It’s not that big of a deal, but,” he stressed, “don’t get any funny ideas, got it?” 
You were giddy while you finished fixing yourself up in the mirror. It’s been months since you’ve properly gone out anywhere, much less a date. The excitement of checking yourself out in the mirror (a few moments of self-deprecation, but compared to the last few months of work and stress, it was refreshing to look like a human again.) and the pile of failed outfits on top of your bed was so relieving. 
“Are you done?” 
“Are you done?” Mello always looked good, and there wasn’t any mystical reason as to why, so when he walked into the room in lieu of an invitation, you weren’t surprised to find him in all black, tight-fitting clothes. His eyes flickered from your face to your feet, then back to your head. “Looks like you are.” 
“We’re going to be late if you spend two more seconds in front of that mirror. What do you think is going to change? Whatever detail you fix will inevitably fall back down before we get there.” You shot him a glare. “You’re the one that asked to go out, and now you’re lagging behind.”
“Sorry, I haven’t gone out in a while! I wanted to look nice. For...” you cleared your throat, “you.”
“Sorry, I didn’t quite catch that.” You clicked your tongue. 
“Get a better glove next time then.” You twisted towards him. “Okay, done!” Spreading your arms wide, you presented yourself. “How do I look?”
“Presentable. Let’s go, then. The sooner we leave, the sooner we get back. The sooner so many people’s eyes will be off you.” He scowled. “Anyone looks at you for more than five seconds, I’m going to eradicate them.” You hummed and slipped on your shoes, using Mello’s shoulder for balance. Before you can take it off, however, his hand clasped your wrist tightly. He brought it towards his mouth and, without breaking intense eye contact, slotted a kiss between your knuckles. “I hope the place you chose is adequate.”
Adequate. Well, that’s not the exact words you would use for your favorite local restaurant, but that’s the reason why you loved it. After stressful days, you used to always find yourself here. The bar, for some reason, no matter the day, would be stock full of patrons. Most were regulars or friends of the owner until you eventually became friends with the owner too.
“Y/N! Wow, we haven’t seen you in a while! Who’s this?” Mello scowled next to you. Most likely because of the weekend crowd and the heavy smoke permeating the air. This definitely was not the type of place he frequented. 
“This is Mello. We’ve been together a few months now.” The regular smiled and regarded him. Mello’s grimace must have kept him from saying anything else since his focus quickly focused back on you. 
“Ah, I see. Get a boyfriend and you abandon us!” You laughed politely and scanned the floor for an open booth. One nestled in the corner, though still dirty from the previous occupants, was open. You smiled and offered him a few more concise words before leading Mello to the corner. 
“It’s disgusting in here.” 
“Food is nice and greasy. You can just get dessert if you want, though. It doesn’t matter to me. What does though is,” you nodded over to the nearby crowd huddled around a single table, “is that. I haven’t gambled in so long. I wonder if I still got it in me.” You dug your hand into your jacket pocket and pulled out the wrinkled, thinning plastic bag full of poker chips. “Doubt it, though.”
“You play poker?” You set the bag on the table. 
“Yeah. Got into it a few years ago. I’m terrible, though. Luckily, they don’t play for high stakes. Just shots or drinks or buying a round for the group.” He snatched the bag and rolled it around in his hands. “Not that many, I know, but I think I can maybe end the night even. Hopefully.” 
After your old-time favorite comfort meal and Mello’s dessert, you rose from the table with Mello following like a shadow. A few of the spectators you recognized greeted you before growing silent after making eye contact with Mello. A few eyes trained on him. Naturally. You didn’t even need to look back to know he was glaring at them. You grinned while approaching the table. “Deal me in the next round?”
“Y/N,” oh my - How did you not notice him? A devilish smirk on his face, he waved. “I didn’t expect you to be here. You haven’t been here in a long while. I missed you, babe.” You glanced to Mello. His eyebrow shot up and he stared at him. “Still mediocre?” 
“As if... yes...” You scratched the back of your head. “But it’s fun, so,” you shrugged. 
“Of course. I’m sure our pal can deal you in real soon. Just wait your little butt there.” ...Little? Mello hummed next to you but said nothing to acknowledge the aggravation on his face. Once a seat opened up, you sat yourself down. Mello’s hand rested on the back of it. Occasionally, the movement of his fingers would graze across your shoulder. “No cheating from the goth behind you, got it?”
“As if.” 
You tried to ignore the sultry gaze and sugary words from his mouth through the rounds. Not for your sake, but for the sake of the person lurking behind you. Mello didn’t deal with competition so well. You sighed. Maybe I shouldn’t have indulged too much.
Turns out you needed help from the goth behind you. They really managed to swingle you every time. By the number of chips remaining, you would only last two more rounds, and you didn’t want to go back empty-handed. “One more. Then I’m done. I can’t go home without anything. I’m nearly out of cash at this point. My pride would hurt too much.” 
“Alright, alright,” your old acquaintance said. “We just won’t use money or rounds or anything. Winner gets,” he hummed, “your underwear.” Normally, you’d say yes. Who really gave a shit? But that normally was before you and Mello became a thing. You shook your head. 
“Sure,” Mello answered. You paused, turning to him in bewilderment. His face was entirely serious. “One more round.” Did...did he know you’re probably going to fucking lose? Was he that pissed at you that he didn’t care? “It’s no problem, right?” He looked down at you. His eyes widened just a hair for just a second. What was he thinking?
As he flipped his hand at the very end, your stomach dropped. Mello’s face remained the same, however. Even as you stood to... follow through with the demands. Though, as soon as you stepped away from the chair, Mello slid into it, hands folded on the table. 
“One more,” he said. "Stakes are they keep their things, and you don’t look at them ever again. Not even a glance.” He paused. “That goes for every fucker in this shithole,” Mello called. You didn’t get a word in before he urged them to deal. 
He was... he was probably joking, right? 
You replaced Mello’s standing space behind the chair. On it, he leaned back cooly, legs spread with one bend up on the chair’s cushion, the other spread outwards on the ground. The cards in his hand close to himself, you were not able to get a good look at them with the downwards angle. 
“...Royal flush,” he said in the end, the cards sliding into a half circle into the table. Silence. “Did you all not remember the stakes here? Anyone even looks at them, I’ll carve your eyes from your head.” Mello rose, hand clasping yours, and dragged you out of the establishment. You were sure everyone would be glaring in your direction if they were able to look at you. You guessed it didn’t matter if you didn’t pay. It wasn’t like you were going back here ever again.
Once into the brisk air, you ripped your wrist from his hand. 
“What the fuck was that?” You hissed. 
“What the fuck was that? What about you bringing me here to watch all those greasy men leer at you like some piece of candy? What about you letting that fuck do and say anything he wanted? What the fuck was that?” His fingers gripped your chin. “Who do you belong to?” 
“Did I stutter?” At your lack of answer, he tightened his grip. “Who do you belong to?”
“Yes, me.” Mello ripped his hand from your chin and dug it into his pocket. “I’ll make sure you know. I’ll make sure everyone knows you’re mine.” He pulled a switchblade from his pocket. 
“Mello, no -,” 
“Stay here.”
“No. We’ll finish... celebrating your birthday at home, alright?��� 
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doomedship · 3 years
Hello! I lurked on this tag for a couple months when I started watching the rookie and when I finally joined the masses I came across your fan fiction. I am a HUGE fan. I love your varying sentence structure and the way the reader can really feel and sense the scenes you’re creating. I just recently read light on shadows and Wow! It is such a beautiful novella. Another technique you use that I love is also how you imply certain things like conversations and activities without giving too much ( like staying power) . Anyways I have a prompt for you if it’s your style. It’s a first kiss type of scenario. Essentially, Tim ends up in Lucy’s operation and they end up taking cover together but she’s currently undercover. They talk about what it could mean if they both come out together since they know he’s a cop but they think she’s not. He’s trying to convince her to sneak out with him, but Lucy’s convinced that that’ll get them both killed. So she decides that she has to leave with them and leave Tim to protect her cover. Then she kisses Tim and he hesitates but kisses her back and he watches her go he says something like come home or something more subtle than that lol.
Thank you :)
HI @songofsongs214. Thank you so much for your beautiful comment and I'm so happy you enjoyed my previous work. I'm always so happy when I get asks of any kind so I'm blown away by your kind words 😭
However, you gave me this prompt me this weeks ago and I took forever sorry sorry sorry. I've been a bit low on inspiration lately.
I hope I can make up for it a bit with: Firing Line.
I so hope this captures the moment you described, and gives a little more too. I don't usually dabble in the world of kidfic (not usually my thing!) but somehow this came out of your awesome scenario.
Hope to hear from you again ♥️
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the-dc-killjoy · 3 years
4x12 - Old Souls
Wynonna Earp's over. I'll do pretty much anything to get another season, but shows (not that I think that this show could ever get to that point. id still love WE even if it turned into whatever Grey's Anatomy's doing rn) shouldn't overstay their welcome. If this is the end, than it was a damn fine ending!
The cute.
I've been watching Martina sing since I was 11 years old, and it still puts a smile on my face. Rachel was iconic as always, and I'm gonna miss the most recent addition to the Earp family. I can just imagine the chaos of her, her not really but kind of boyfriend, and Randy Nedley on a tiny boat in the middle of nowhere. Poor Nedley. Let's hope Chrissy remains the only one of his many daughter figures to catch mono.
Speaking of mononucleosis- that's such an awful transition that i'm keeping it, I believe that Wayhaught has officially christened the entire homestead. Bedroom, The Stairs, kitchen floor, barn- short of just going to pound town (i'm not getting any better with sex references tonight. am i) in a patch of grass outside, they've got everything covered. Or nothing covered if you know what i mean. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge. Am I getting better now?
The random.
Nedley walking Nicole down the isle, Wynonna walking Waverly down the isle, Doc being Waverly's best man, and Wynonna being Nicole's best friend (no she will not take a secondary title. best friend will go on her tombstone)- sigh, i'm so gay. i can't really explain what that has to do with these circumstances, but i am and this makes me happy. Rachel and Nedley (and Billy was there somewhere right?) being the only people in attendance made this the perfect pandemic wedding even though there wasn't actually a pandemic in Earp land. I was the living embodiment of the pleading face emoji when they panned over the chairs. Doll's chair hurt me. like deeply. like i'm still suffering. there aren't words. fuck, i miss him.
On a lighter note, Waverly said fuck (like eight times)!!! She technically said it already, but chainsmoking-angelic possession doesn't count, right?
I'm glad that Jeremy has this new thing with Damon, but I kinda wish things had worked out with him and Robin. He officiated a wedding, got promoted, and got a handsome date in one afternoon, so I can't be too sad about his adorable self.
Charlotte Sullivan, the jilted dress shop owner/witch, played one of the earliest (in my knowledge at least. this show was my brother's thing not mine) representation of a bi woman in Canadian media. I don't know too much about her Rookie Blue character, but if you can have tolerated the will-they-wont-they, end of the world romance of the main character's kinda mediocre relationships for a couple more seasons, I'm sure you'll find out! By the nature of Canada having 16.87 actors in total, I tend to see a lot of overlap, and I have to infodump about that somewhere. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The Earping callbacks! Wynonna's truck, her motorcycle, the bullet proof vest, Nedley and Nicole's father-daughter thing, Waverly never saying the f-word (and subverting that), i'm all in, even Rachel always being stuck with juice while the adults are drinking- perfect! We had a little bit of the usual supernatural insanity, but this episode was wall to wall fanservice, and it was perfectly in-character fanservice. That's the way to go! It didn't feel forced or awkward and the edited mailbox will make me tear up on rewatch
The relationship. (aka i wanna talk about wyndoc and had no outline when i started this thing)
The Wyndoc goodbye was beautiful. I'm not into the whole you need one person to complete you kinda thing, but the implication that it didn't have to be romantic (implying that Wynonna's person was Waverly) was great. I felt that the scene worked perfectly, and might have been fine leaving it there if there was another season clearly on the horizon. With the fact that this was the series finale (i sighed so hard typing that. my poor lungs), I'm glad that they got their own happy ending.
The analysis.
Nicole's and Wynonna's as individual characters mirror each other in so many ways, but I'm just gonna wax poetic about one: their relationship with the GRT. Wynonna was hurt by the town, badly. She grew up with a steady stream of shitty adults and a few who told her to shake the demons out of her head and embraced the tough love mantra. It made a lot of sense that she left as an adult. Waverly was most likely the only reason she didn't skip town before that.
Nicole had a negative integer of adult role models in her life, with the murdered aunt and uncle and the whatever-the-fuck her parents were trying to be. Sure, a little trip to the Ghost River Triangle left her with trauma that she spent a lifetime repressing, but what's a little surviving a massacre under the six year old girl bridge. Am I right?
In their early lives, these characters had nothing but negative experiences in the aptly named town of Purgatory. Wynonna was drawn back into town by Curtis' letter just in time for her 27th birthday, and Nedley applied for Nicole to start working as a cop. Neither of them directly chose to come back to the Ghost River Triangle, but both of them did have the final say.
Wynonna decided pretty early on that she was going to stay no matter what. She already abandoned her sister once. How could she do it again with all of these monsters lurking in the shadows. As time went on, her circle of people expanded, but Waverly has always been the person that fight through hell and high water for. Even when fighting wasn't necessary, when it hurt her much more than it helped anything, she did it anyways because it was the only thing she could do to protect her sister. Wynonna thought it was the only thing she could do at all. This entire season, she's been fighting a war with herself, and her leaving, Waverly telling her that it was okay to leave, was the first time that took a break, took a breath since she arrived in Purgatory on her 27th birthday. Her child and the man she loves are out in the world, but she will be back with them at her side. Maybe after a quick road trip, maybe after a few years, but she will be back.
Nicole spent a majority of season 1 and 2 feeling like an outsider. Season 3 came with the realization that these people were her family and the Ghost River Triangle was her home. Early season 4 kinda shat all over that, oops. The rest of this season has been her finding her footing again. Nicole was a wandering soul, but she voluntarily staked herself to the land, vowing to protect it and the people within its borders for the rest of her life without the ability to leave, and she doesn't regret it. Her wife, her family, her people are all in this one not-so-sleepy Canadian town.
Nicole found her place, after a lifetime of searching, and Wynonna left, temporarily, after a lifetime of feeling trapped. They might seem like opposites, but both women call the same place home.
Originally, I watched this show was to cope with the ending of Agents of SHIELD (which I kind of used to cope with the ending of Killjoys, which featured Emily Andras as a writer in season 1 and has near identical humor, found family, and a healthy serving of gay and wow this is turning into a bit of advertisement isn't it), but it wormed its way into my heart. I've never quite seen a show like this. Never seemed interested in a western, even a sci-fi western. Never saw the gay couple reach OTP status both in fandom and canon. I've never seen so many fan conventions dedicated to just one show. I usually stay for just one character (and Wynonna has become one of my all time favorite characters), but I find myself connecting with so many of the beautiful people being brought to life on my screen. Wynonna, Waverly, Nicole, Rachel, Dolls, Jeremy, Doc, Nedley and so many other hilarious and heartbreaking characters make this show, and every single human who played a part in this self-proclaimed shitshow deserves a round of applause and a swig of whiskey.
The end.
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rowaning · 3 years
The Complete Fiction of HP Lovecraft rated by me, someone who read them all* but has a terrible memory
The Beast in The Cave: uh a guy goes on a cave tour and finds a creature that was like a human that got lost and adapted to its surroundings. 0/10 just because im pretty sure there was another one with this exact premise and neither of them were memorable at all.
The Alchemist: dude achieves immortality and lives in the narrators basement and has pledged to murder his entire lineage or something. 4/10 the alchemy stuff was actually kind of interesting
The Tomb: im pretty sure this is the one where a guy starts hanging out in a tomb and like travels back in time/becomes one of his ancestors? 5/10 if its the one im thinking of i did enjoy reading it
Dagon: guy lands on a mysterious island with signs of a long dead civilization. 1/10 i do not remember what happened in it
A Reminiscence of Dr. Samuel Johnson: 0/10 i have no memory of this
Polaris: also 0/10 i forgot all about it
Beyond the Wall of Sleep: could be any of the dream focused ones. if its the one about the dude sailing into the void or whatever than 4/10 not too bad
Memory: ironically, i dont remember it. 0/10
Old Bugs: 1/10 for the title god i wish i remembered this one
The Transition of Juan Romero: i got nothing. 0/10
The White Ship: this might also be the one about the dude sailing into the void? i liked that one he lived in a lighthouse and boarded a dream ship and just fucking left it was fun. 4/10
The Street: uh i think really steep street that didnt actually exist. 3/10
The Doom that Came to Sarnath: i wanna say another one of the dream centered ones where a town discovers some old relics and blatantly disrespects them and gets exactly whats coming to it. 5/10 they deserved what they got
The Statement of Randolph Carter: ok this dude shows up several times. i think this one is about how he returns to his childhood home then travels back in time and creates a time loop paradox thing. 1/10 meh
The Terrible Old Man: uh some thieves harrass a weird old guy and get got. 5/10
The Cats of Ulthar: someone is mean to a cat in a dream city, all of the rest of the cats get revenge and are revered for the rest of time. 2/10 (-3 because lovecraft has a specific name he gives to apparently every fictional and real cat he encounters and wow i wish he hadn't)
The Tree: i feel like this is something to do with a person becoming a tree but i cant actually remember. 0/10
Celephais: yeah no i got nothing 0/10
The Picture in the House: also nothing 0/10
The Temple: nope 0/10
Facts Concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and his Family: is this the one where the dude's great grandfather married an ape? i dont think so but im not sure. 0/10, -5/10 if it is that one cause that one was especially shitty
From Beyond: nope 0/10
Nyarlathotep: charismatic dude shows up and is like get in bitches we're going to the void. i love nyarlathotep cause hes the one who directly interacts with humanity and like wears a human suit or whatever so hes just some dude whos like hey im gonna feed you to azathoth 5/0
The Quest of Iranon: got nothing 0/10
The Music of Erich Zann: narrator makes friends with an old musician whos being hunted by supernatural forces. 2/10 because i remember it but it was just ok
Ex Oblivione: 1/10 for the title but i have no clue what it was about
Sweet Ermengarde: lovecraft's sole attempt at comedy. not to my taste like at all 0/10
The Nameless city: nope 0/10
The Outsider: also nope 0/10
The Moon-Bog: sounds cool, dont remember it. 0/10
The Other Gods: dude tries to find the gods of humanity where they live on a big mountain, actually finds them, is immediately smited by the Other Gods who protect the gods of humanity. 3/10 he deserved it
Azathoth: dont recall, 0/10
Herbert West- Reanimator: Arkham man Herbert West and his assistant ressurect the dead with little thought to the consequences, then get murdered by a band of said resurrected dead. 5/10
Hypnos: nope 0/10
What the Moon Brings: also nope 0/10
The Hound: still nope 0/10
The Lurking Fear: again, nope 0/10
The Rats in the Walls: dude returns to his ancestral home, hears rats, excavates the basement and finds out that his ancestors ate human flesh, eats his friend. 1/10 it was an interesting read but can lovecraft please stop calling cats that.
The Unnameable: no clue 0/10
The Festival: nope 0/10
*Under the Pyramids: ok im pretty sure this is the one with houdini which is the only one i could not read. i went into this mentally prepared for lovecraft's bigotry but i was not mentally prepared for him dropping harry houdini, avid skeptic who absolutely would have beat the shit out of him for this, into the middle of his super racist paranormal horror. -1000/10
The Shunned House: nope 0/10
The Horror at Red Hook: also nope 0/10
He: cool title, no memory of the story. 0/10
In the Vault: wow im bad at this. 0/10
Cool Air: still no 0/10
The Call of Cthulhu: kind of all over the place, there was a thing about artists and then a thing about a cop investigating a cult. 3/10 meh but ill give it a bonus for being a staple of horror fiction.
Pickman's Model: uh artist sees some wild shit and draws it and then it eats him. 2/10 i forget the details
The Strange High House in the Mist: if this is the one im thinking of, dude does a dangerous climb to find a mysterious house and meet the inhabitant who is kind of interdimensional and also being hunted by interdimensional things. also maybe the house eats people? 2/10
The Silver Key: another Randolph Carter one, and i think this is actually the one about him travelling back in time so idk what the other one was. 3/10
The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath: randolph carter goes on a quest in the dream world to find the gods of humanity and ask why they wont let him check out this cool city he can see from his window. lots of action and very wordy and went a lot of different places. 4/10 good read but extremely xenophobic
The Case of Charles Dexter Ward: guy investigates his ancestor who looks disturbingly like him, ancestor comes back to life and kills him and takes his place and a bunch of other stuff happens. mostly a dramatized genealogical study. 3/10 not bad, very suspenseful
The Colour Out Of Space: meteor lands on a farm, scientists get weirded out by it, everything in the area gets weird then dead, alien thing gets enough power from draining nearby life-forms to escape earth. fun twist ending. 4/10 bonus for being one of the better ones, detraction for writing out a 'rural accent'
The Descendant: nope, 0/10
The Very Old Folk: nope again, 0/10
History of the Necronomicon: very dry. fake history of lovecraft's fake book thats super important to a lot of the stories. 0/10
The Dunwich Horror: isolated witchy family has a kid who no one likes that grows up real fast. graphic descriptions of renovation. a horror gets unleashed on the area and the local folklore scholars have to deal with it. 1/10 nothing good enough to counter the xenophobia
Ibid: i remember this one. no idea what it's deal was. pseudo-bibliography? it was weird. 0/10
The Whisperer in Darkness: guy has a correspondance with another guy about local folk legends based on evil crab things. other guy gets straight up replaced by an evil crab thing and first guy doesnt even notice. imagine if you followed up on a scam email and didnt realize anything was up until you saw that the face of the dude you were talking to in person was a mask. 4/10 for the comedy this guy would not last in the internet age at all
At The Mountains of Madness: guy whines about penguins and how awful it would be if there were civilizations that predated humanity. also commits grave desecration. i get hit by the realization that if lovecraft was less of a racist coward he wouldve made a great speculative sci fi author. 3/10 i would love to watch that old asshole get absolutely torn to shreds by the monster fucker community
The Shadow over Innsmouth: Fish People! Leave Them Alone! Or Else! 5/10 the protagonist gets to live the dream by escaping human society and becoming an immortal fish person
The Dreams in the Witch House: dude rents an objectively haunted room, doesnt listen to people trying to help him, gets murdered by a weird rat. later they find a shit ton of bones in the attic. 2/10 meh
Through The Gates of the Silver Key: Randolph Carter transcends time and space, then de-transcends time and space and immediately gets stuck on another planet in the distant past, makes a long and difficult journey back to earth to find that his estate is being divided amongst his heirs. the comedy potential of a man stuck in an alien body dealing with a legal system that has declared him dead is not examined. 2/10
The Thing on the Doorstep: narrator's good friend marries a fish person witch who steals his body. thats basically it. 3/10. at this point im like wow these narrators really refuse to believe the heavily foreshadowed supernatural explanations that turn out to be correct huh.
The Evil Clergyman: dude is in a room. some ghosts (?) show up. dude has a UV light for some reason. Gets his face stolen i guess and just has to live with it. 5/10 for being absolutely buck wild and refusing to explain anything
The Book: nope 0/10
The Shadow Out Of Time: dude gets his body stolen by ancient scholar species. agonizes about it for a while. finds archaeological evidence of said species. finds a book he wrote while living with said species. almost gets eaten by something. 3/10 more cool speculative sci fi but lame protagonist
The Haunter of the Dark: you'd think id remember it bc this was the last one and i read it last night. oh wait, nvm i do remember it. dude finds an old box in a run down culty church and unleashes a horror that then comes and fucks him up. 1/10 meh.
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imaginarypeteel · 4 years
Dear Blue: Kurt Wagner x F! Reader
Your mutation: You have f/c hair and can control people when singing
A/n: This is my first one, just something that's stayed in my mind for awhile. Also, it's been a while since I saw X-Men's movies and I haven't been able to read the comics, so I'm sorry that it's kinda OOC. Also, the song lyrics are improvised by me. I also don't remember if the X-Men were known by mutants but here they are. I also apologize for any mistakes with any products.
Word count: 5k
Gender: Fluff
Warnings: Cursing
Tumblr media
Jubilee wanted to watch an interview with her favorite artist - Y/n L/n. Appereantly she made songs for mutants. Jubilee had also made them watch it when they had shown little to no care about the said singer.
"So, Y/n, a question that has been lurking in everyone's mind. What do you really think about mutants?" asked the interviewer. Jubilee's breath hitched.
Y/n gave her interviewer a small smile. "Exactly what I've said every other time it's been asked. I think they're misunderstood. Not everyone is the same. When you walk past a human, you don't scream and run, you just walk past them. But for all you know, maybe this human you just walked past is a psychopath who has killed fifteen plus people. But then you walk past a mutant and most of you will scream and run and maybe even call them monsters. But maybe this mutant you just called a monster saved a kitten and risked their life in the process. You don't know who they are as a person when you walk past them."
"Yes, that she is but other people there might not be as open minded," Jean explained her boyfriend's words softly.
After the interviewer had asked some more questions, the show had ended and a break game, Jubilee jumped up. "See? She's awesome! And she protects us!" the girl gushed.
The other mutants exchanged uncertain glances but shrugged and nodded, "I guess?" Jean said uncertainly.
"Yes! I knew you'd like her which is exactly why I got all of us tickets for her concert that is going to be in New York," Jubilee chirped, showing the tickets.
All of their eyes widened and Kurt filled with slight panic. "What the hell? How do you plan on getting us in? No offence but I don't think we can hide Blue boy over here when we go," Scott growled.
Kurt moved a bit uncomfortably.
Jubilee rolled her eyes, "Hello, where you even listening to what Y/n said? She is completely fine with mutants."
In the end, Kurt had went with the coat and hat since he didn't know what the inside of the giant concert house looked like. Surprisingly, the guards let him in.
Jubilee was quiet for a moment but then she smiled brightly. "But what if he teleports inside? Or maybe wears a coat and a hat?"
Jubilee was giddily waiting for the show to start, different colored glow rings wrapped around different parts of her body. They had seen a few other mutants with visible mutations like a teenage girl with cat eyes and tail and even some fur and a man who looked a bit like a fairy.
"Why did we agree to this again?" Scott groaned, earning a smack from Jean.
All of a sudden, all the lights turned off. Kurt looked around, he had never been to a concert and he thought that maybe the lights had died. "Oh my gosh, it's starting!" Jubilee squealed.
"Vhat do you mean, zhe li-" Kurt started but cut off as a popping sound came and most of the lights pointed to a girl in the middle of the huge stage with colorful and sparkly clothes. Other lights were running along the stage and some going through the crowd.
The catchy and loud music started and Kurt swore his heart started beating to every single beat. It was bizzare but he swore that's how it was.
"Hello New York! How are you this fine night?" the girl - Y/n - asked loudly into the microphone. There was chorus of screams of 'good' that made Kurt's ears ring. "Good 'cause I'm doing awesome too now that I'm with you," the star replied with a huge smile in her voice. "Now what do you say we get this party started?" Y/n asked. Once again, a chorus of screams 'yes' and Kurt cringed at it again.
"I fear what you think of me once you realize that I'm not like you."
"Will you think of me as a monster or not, as a monster or not?"
Were the first lyrics. Maybe this won't be as bad as I thought.
Kurt felt these lyricys hit him a bit close to heart.
"But I hope you won't because I'm not. I'm just scared. Just really really scared."
The concert had gone horribly wrong. Halfway through and mutant hunters had opened fire. Screams had filled the humongous room and people were trampling over each other.
Kurt had found himself liking the concert much much more than he thought he would. Like that much more that he was dancing. Same with the others, Jubilee and Jean already singing the lyrics off key with Y/n and the crowd.
Thankfully Kurt had teleported them out of the place, they were now outside and were about to run towards the X-Jet when hunters jumped in front of them, guns pointed at them. They debated if they should fight or just let Kurt teleport them away when:
"Don't hurt, just leave, just leave, just leave. No one hurt, no one hurt, no one hurt. Just leave."
The hunters froze before lowering their weapons and simply walking away. The X-Men turned their heads towards the source of the voice when a familiar f/c haired popstar jumped out of the shadows, still all colorful and glittery. "Okay! This won't last for long! Let's go!" she rushed them, her e/c eyes quickly snapping between the X-Men and the hunters. Said mutants were a bit... stunned. "Well?!" the popstar cried out desperately.
"Uhm, Kurt, would you teleport us to the X-Jet?" Jean mumbled. They all grabbed onto the blue mutant when Y/n exclaimed, "Waaait! Can I come with you? My driver took off when this started and my place is... not close enough for me to get away from the hunters on foot."
The friends exchanged looks but nodded. Y/n sighed with relief before jumping onto Kurt's arm, making the said boy flush violet.
With a bamf, they were on the X-Jet, Y/n still tightly clinging onto the teleporter's arm. "Woah! That's so cool!" she chirped with excitement, looking around, unknowingly hooking her arm around the German mutant's elbow, making him even more violet.
"O. M. G! Y/n L/n is a mutant! And she's here! On our X-Jet!!!" Jubilee chirped, earning the popstar's attention a shy smile forming on her face.
"I guess I am... Wait... X-Jet? Does that mean..." The f/c haired girl trailed off before letting out a gasp. She finally let go of Kurt to gather her hands around her mouth as she squealed some muffled words into it. "You're the X-Men, aren't you?"
They exchanged looks and nodded.
"Wow! I can't believe this is happening!" Y/n bounced a 360°. She then tucked a stray piece of her dyed hair behind her ear shyly. "Oh my gosh, I have dreamed  for this day. I'm Y/n... You already knew that, 'cause you were at my concert." She stayed quiet for a bit before her e/c colored eyes widened. "The X-Men were at my concert!" she exclaimed. "Holy-"
Two minutes into the flight of Jubilee asking her favorite star all sorts of questions, Y/n opened her mouth to request something. "So, can we stop by my place? I'm not sure if I want to get any more glitter over this thing."
"Not to be rude but we should get going," Ororo interfered.
The popstar blushed like a boiled lobster and nodded while smiling shyly at the floor. She hesitantly sat on a seat that no one took which just so happened to be beside the Nightcrawler.
Ororo, Jean and Scott had a silent conversation between themselves before Jean asked: "Depends, where's your Place?" Y/n grinned before giving her address, it was a bit off route for their path back to the X-Mansion but not too far, so they decided to go there.
Kurt wasn't sure what he was expecting. A rotten cottage in the middle of the woods? Not Really. An apartment in the city? Maybe. A private nice house? Yes. But not a freaking mansion that challenged the place they lived at.
"You live here alone?!" Peter gasped making the star chuckle.
"No, my parents, a few mutants who are taking cover there and my pig, Cookie also lives there."
Jean rose a brow, "You have a pig?"
Jubilee squealed in her seat, "O. M. G! Yes! Cookie is the cutest!!!"
About fifteen minutes later, a familiar figure was hopping towards them through the woods, clutching three bags. She also had different clothes and a small figure was running after her.
They decided to land hundred feet away from her gates. Y/n started to head off the X-Jet but then she stopped. "By the way what are your names? Only Jubilee told me hers," she chuckled. They all told her their names, Kurt earning a warm smile from the e/c orbed mutant before she bounced off towards her own mansion. She had decided to join the school to focus a bit on her abilities.
"So, Y/n," Ororo started, earning the giddy mutant's immediate attention. "Can you explain your mutation a bit better to us?" the white-haired woman asked.
Y/n smiled awkwardly, "Well I uh, I can control people's minds with what I sing. But it's a limited amount of people and after like um, 3 minutes it wears off and usually they remember that i controlled them. So uh yeah, almost every hunter in New York should know by now that I'm a mutant. If not everyone that is," she mumbled sadly. "Oh! And my hair colour, it's not dyed, it actually is that colour."
"Oh my gosh that's Cookie!" Jubilee exclaimed, her eyes shining brighter than ever.
"You are not taking that pig with you," Scott grunted as soon as Y/n stepped inside.
Her and Jubilee let out devastated gasps. "What?!" they exclaimed.
Cookie trotted between the seats, sniffing them like a bloodhound, occasionally letting out oinks. He then stopped beside Kurt as he sniffed his spaded tail, his snout and breath tickled it which made Kurt pull his tail back, up to his lap. Cookie didn't seem to like it, because the next moment, the small pig was on the blue mutant's lap.
"Awww!" Y/n was now leaning against Kurt's chair, making him turn from blue to violet once again. "Look! He already accepted Kurt, why not take him?" the singer argued with Scott.
"He's going to be roasted for dinner if you take him there, pets are not allowed," Cyclops huffed.
"Then they'll have to face me," the f/c haired girl said darkly, dumping her bags in the back, walking over to her previous seat and plopping down there.
"And me! And you know I don't control my powers," Jubilee said. The others made uncomfortable faces but let it go.
"Cookie, did you replace me with Kurt so quickly?" Y/n cried as they were walking towards Professor X's office. It was late... or early. However you would like to take 4am.
The singer waited for a response which was just Cookie running an inch away from the blue boy's strange feet. "I don't blame you, he's cute," Y/n shrugged. Kurt's amber eyes grew to the size of watermelons at the compliment. Cute? No one has ever called me cute. And for the uncountable number of time, she had made him blush once again.
Your pig came to you oinking, begging for food. You grabbed another white bread, turning around and connecting your eyes with your small pink friend. "Sit," you had chirped, two seconds after, the dots connected in his little brain and he sat down. You bent down and gave him the bread. Immediately, he started to chew on it loudly. You were used to the noise of his chewing but obviously, some weren't. Half of the people cringed at the sound while others awwed.
When you had entered the dining room in the morning, quite many of the students had choked on their drinks or foods or had spurted it out. "Is that Y/n really walking around the X-Mansion or am I still dreaming?" someone choked, earning a pat on the back from you.
"Are you okay?" you asked with concern.
"yes," they squeaked, earning a smile from you before you trotted to an empty space, once again beside Kurt.
Cookie soon came running down the stairs. Surprisingly, Professor X had let him stay after you had plead and howled on why you need him here. "Is that Cookie?!" a girl gasped, you hummed as confirmation as you rubbed some jam onto your white bread.
After he had eaten the bread and you had completely ignored him on giving another, he had decided to try and swoon Kurt. "Damn, he really likes you. Can't say he is the only one," you smiled, still eating your breakfast. Kurt didn't know how to take that statement. Did you like him as someone you tolerated or something more? No, the latter was nonsense, you had been in the X-Mansion for less than twenty-four hours, plus he looked strange and you hadn't even had a full conversation with him. You probably just meant it as a joke because of how keen on him Cookie was already. You were probably going to ignore him soon anyway.
A month had passed and anyone saying you were ignoring him would be the biggest liar in Earth's history. After the first week, you were clinging onto him like a koala baby to its mother. It made him shy while you were anything but. You asked him all sorts of strange questions. For example: "If you could be any planet in our solar system, who would you be?" and "Birch or maple tree?"
They had him very confused but he answered them anyway, after sometime, he was comfortable with you though and he thought that maybe that was the point of the strange questions. Something you also did was flirt with him shamelessly from time to time. You just got into that mood sometimes and at those times, you were usually hooked to his elbow with your own and occasionally leaning your head against his arm or shoulder. Now that was what made him shy, awkward and nervous.
"Kurt," you purred at him, throwing your arms around his shoulders as you headed towards the danger room. Professor X had seen potential in you and now you were training to become an X-Man. You had chosen on the first day to use Siren as your alias.
That fact had awakened Kurt's insecurities that had basically disappeared. You were a worldwide known singer who humans actually liked and you had probably dated lots of normal looking guys and maybe even girls. While he looked anything but normal, elf ears, amber eyes, serious lack of fingers and toes, a tail, fangs and most importantly blue skin. Your only visible mutation was your f/c hair and that was easily covered by two words: hair dye.
You were in your flirt mood again, Kurt gulped at that, "Uhm, hi Y/n."
You squealed at his reply and squeezed him tightly, "Aaah, you're so cute!" Your f/c haired self gushed as you leaned your head on his bicep, Still Walking so you made the two of you sway from side to side slightly. Kurt's tail nervously twitched. He knew a small crush for you had bloomed in him. He would've thought that maybe you liked him too but you often would be flirty with the other boys and sometimes with even Ororo and Jubilee.
Eventually you sighed before squeezing him tightly. "I would wish that you would know how amazing you really are," you said, your voice muffled since your face was buried into his side. He smiled at your words. "Zankz, Y/n."
"Hey Kurtie, if you could wish for one thing from a genie, what would it be?" You asked with interest.
Kurt bitterly replied, "That I could look normal."
His response made you jerk away from him, eyes wide. "What?! Don't you know how amazing you look?" The male mutant shrugged at that, you stared at him for ten seconds, trying to figure out if he was lying or not.
When Christmas Month rolled around, Kurt became a bit suspicious. You had suddenly started to offer to give him foot, neck and arm massages. You also asked more basic questions "what's your favorite color?" for example.
"And this one's for Kurt," Jean said, passing the gift to the blue mutant. Kurt took the box. It was wrapped in a pale blue paper, Kurt Wagner and Nightcrawler written endlessly in delecate silver handwriting. It was decorated with an indigo bow. By the way your eyes shined brighter and you bounced a little, he guessed it was from you. If you had put so much work into the outside, then was the gift equally as amazing or were you trying to make up for a horrible gift? There was a snow white box inside and this time written with black 'For Kurt'.
"Awwww! Thanks Kurt!" you squealed, squeezing the book he got you tightly.
The male's amber eyes widened at that. "H-How'd you know zat it'z from me?" he asked nervously.
You giggled, "Well honey, your handwriting." Kurt chuckled while rubbing the back of his neck.
He carefully opened the box and his heart softened as he saw the inside. A heart shaped gingerbread stared back at him, looking fancy with the pink and white icing. 'Kurt' was written in the middle of the heart. He put the gingerbread on his knee - he was sitting with his legs criss-crossed. Cookie came to sniff the gingerbread but Kurt shooed him away with his tail. In the gift box was a handmade knitted scarf, pair of wooly socks, gloves and even a hat. All in his two favorite colors. Kurt Wagner was embroidered into all of them delicately.
Nightcrawler bit his cheek with his fangs to stop himself from crying out of happiness. He rose his head and mouthed 'thank you' with a smile, his blue face full of graditude. You beamed at that, e/c eyes bright.
Kurt bent down, hands stretched out to take Scott's gift and then teleport back to his own room. The mutant was about to come back to a standing position when a force crashed into him, sending him towards the floor. Startled, Kurt teleported to the roof. He immediately heard feminine laughing. And jumped away while flipping also to see who had attacked him.
You were wiping a tear from your eye, quietly mumbling, "Oh my God." You then snorted before letting out another guffaw. Kurt playfully glared at you.
"Okay, I'm done," you said but snorted at the end. This time didn't laugh anymore though. "So, I forgot to put one of your gifts under the tree. It's in my room," you grinned. Kurt's amber eyes widened. You had made him another gift? But the one before was more than enough? With guilt, the blue mutant's shoulders fell. He had only gotten you book. "You zhouldn't have, Vögelchen. I only gotz you a book."
You frowned at his sad face. Your s/c hands flew to the mutant's face and made sure he was looking at you. "Hey, hey! Come on now. I had been searching for that book for ages with no avail. Now, get us to my room so I can give you the other gift," you ordered sternly, still holding onto his scarred cheeks. Kurt flicked his tail but bamfed to your room.
The lights were off but since your roommate was a fortune teller who could tell the future by looking into water, there was an exceptional aquarium in your room that's light brightened up most of the room.
Cookie made happy oinks as he saw Kurt and immediately flew off the bed, right onto the Nightcrawler's feet. "You could say the second gift is from Cookie?" you giggled, making two steps towards the big white box on your bed, pushing the crimson and white Christmas wrapping under your roommate's bed.
Kurt pet Cookie while you headed back to the boys, clutching the gift. Once again 'For Kurt' was written on the box. Kurt took the box and sat on your bed, the present in his lap. Carefully, he took the cover off, his eyes widening at the inside. Four pairs of designer footwear. Brown leather winter boots, white, black and red nikes, red and black flip-flops and finally, black rainboots. When he inspected them, he realized that all of them had 'Kurt Wagner' written on the inside.
While shaking slightly, the blue mutant wrapped his arms around you, "Zank you, Vögelchen," he whispered. You just squeezed him tight as a response. The moment was broken by Cookie scratching Kurt's feet, asking to have a hug too. You both giggled and Nightcrawler picked the pig up, giving him a gentle hug. He earned a snout on his cheek and affectionate licks on his chin.
"If you still want to, I think I know how you can make it up," you said slowly. Kurt gave you an expectant look, still rubbing the pink animal who kept giving him kisses.
"Oh....my....GOD!" you squealed which made Kurt open his eyes. You had asked for him to take you to Finland, so you could see what a real Christmas was like. He hadn't expected it to work. Basically teleporting to the other side of the world sounded impossible but he had done it apparently. It should be an early morning in Finland and it did appear like it was.
You placed the wiggling pig down and immediately, Cookie went to inspect the snow with his snout. A red Christmas sweater was wrapped around his small body.
Since Kurt was absolutely drained of energy - given the fact that he had just teleported the two of you across to world to another continent - you decided to visit a stall and bring the two of you some tea while he rested on a bench, Cookie sniffing circles around him.
After he was up and well again, the two of you had a snowball fight and visited different stalls. Interacting with the sellers was awkward since your Finnish was very very bad and they knew maximum of three words in English. But besides that, you two had fun.
You even saw other... SOME mutant couples hanging about in the very early hours of the morning. There was a girl with the same toned skin as Kurt and crazily long lighter shade of blue hair, she was holding hands with a man who's snake like tongue popped out from time to time. There was also a normal looking woman who's elbow was locked with the elbow of a man who was glowing. Literally. There were three more couples who did not seem normal but you had focused more on your tailed companion.
When you returned, you nearly gave your roommate a heart attack. She had been making out with her boyfriend Caleb but when she noticed you two awkwardly shuffling, "Oh my fucking God! What the hell Y/n?!" Jemila screamed, ignoring the distasteful twist on Kurt's face at her choice of words. Your Nigerian roommate glowered at you before apologizing to her ginger boyfriend who just nodded awkwardly. He was a shy boy unlike Jemila and at the moment, the color of his face would've matched his hair if it were a little pinker.
"Sooo..." you trailed but were cut off by clap, the lights went out. When they turned back on, Caleb was nowhere to be found. "Oh come on! It took me ages to convince him to come here," Jemila whined, her dark kinky hair pushing to the front of her face as she rolled her head against the walls.
"I better get going too," Kurt yawned. Yes, he was tired but also very uncomfortable with the situation.
When he bamfed away, you laughed nervously as your dark-skinned roommate glared at you.
Valentine's Day rolled around and you were walking to History class with Jemila. "I swear you better ask him out today because I am tired of seeing you two being all cutesy and cuddly everytime I feed my babies," the girl hissed at you. Oh man, everytime she started to feed her neon tetras and rainbow fish, she started moaning about seeing Kurt and you being a disgustingly cute couple, cuddling on a couch, both looking a bit older.
Even though the visions your roommate got were comforting, you still hesitated on asking the blue boy out. What if he didn't like you right now? Yes, he had taken you to the other side of the world on Christmas but that was because he felt bad for simply getting you a book. Which you loved and had read through three times by now.
"Yeah, yeah, you know very well what I have planned for today," you grumbled.
"I do and you better go through with it."
Kurt sat down beside his friends. He greeted them, all of them returned the gesture except for Jean and Scott who were being extra affectionate since it was... Well... Valentine's Day. Kurt's amber eyes ran over the cafeteria to see if you were hanging out with anyone. He was both relived and distressed about you not being there. Relieved since he didn't see you with anyone and distressed because maybe you were on a date or something with someone.
The blue-skinned boy shook his head and started eating his salad. He was almost done when there were claps heard and the cafeteria turned dark. There were confused and scared mumbles of other students. But given his multi mutations, Kurt was able to see you scrambling up on the table Jemila and her boyfriend were occupying. You had a guitar in your hands and a mini skirt wrapped around your lower body perfectly which was rare since you usually settled for pants.
Jemila and Caleb ran off before claps were heard again, letting the lights return into the cafeteria. The students mumbled among each other with confusion before noticing you standing there in a royal blue mini skirt and a white dress shirt with blue butterfly print.
"Thank you for your attention and I hope you'll keep quiet now. Hi, yes! I am going to serenade to my hopefully Valentine once I'll finish the song," you said and Kurt's brain started working fast, wondering who you were going to sing to.
"Dear blue, this song I've made for you.
When you found me I was lost, dark and scared and filled with dust.
The real me had gone to hiding,
feared what people might think of me once they will know who I am.
I put on a brave face, tried to save the ones I could without showing who I am.
But when my concert was crashed by the ones I feared the most,
I saw them try to hurt you and I couldn't just stand by.
So I revealed my biggest secret to the humankind.
It closed my door as a star but opened the door of joy and happiness.
The door which you showed me.
Dear blue, this song I've made for you.
You were one of the first ones, who knew who I was behind the mask I put on.
With you I've gotten better.
I don't fear as much as I once.
I feel free and I feel beautiful.
I feel accepted and I feel wonderful.
And so should you.
I know you sometimes feel bad because of who you are and so do I but we shouldn't.
I don't care what people think anymore because...
Dear blue, this song I've made for you.
I've kept these feelings hidden for as long as I've known you.
No it wasn't love at first sight.
But I did feel fascinated by you.
So I got to know you better and I fell in love within a month.
I fear it, yes but I will never regret it because it made me who I am.
The girl standing on a cafeteria table singing a serenade with a guitar.
All eyes are on me but I can only see you here.
Dear blue, this song I've made for you.
On Christmas I made you gifts, was so nervous how'd they fit.
They were perfect, I admit.
Fit you better than I thought.
But you took me to the other side of the world that night.
I know you were drained of that endless energy you always have but you still did it.
It was the best gift I've ever gotten and I thank you for that.
Dear blue, please be my Valentine because...
I love you,
Kurt Wagner"
Kurt felt a tear slip down his cheek. He knew you were singing about him the second you said the word 'blue' but hearing those last words really warmed his heart.
You shyly averted your e/c eyes from his amber ones as you climbed down from the table. You leaned the guitar against the long bench and started to make your way over to the blue boy.
All eyes were on you two.
Kurt stood up and bamfed in front of you, few tears still roaming down his scarred cheeks.
You bit the inside of your cheek while still smiling shyly. "So," you rocked on your heels, "what's your answer?" you asked. Kurt smiled warmly.
"Yes and I love you too, Y/n L/n."
The tailed boy quickly wrapped his arms around you and the cafeteria cheered, happy tears steamed from both of your eyes and he pressed a kiss to your temple.
Cookie ran over and started nudging the teleporter's foot with his snout and the two of you laughed as you detached yourselves and the Nightcrawler bent down to pick the pig up. The pig rubbed his snout against the boy's cheek while giving him kisses.
"And I love you too, Cookie."
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dreamlover31 · 3 years
Love Will Find a Way: Chapter 7
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For the next few days, Rafael visited Alexa while she recuperated from her gunshot wound, he sat at her bedside as she tried to stomach the terrible hospital food and then simultaneously channel surfed on the flat screen in her room. Ultimately she grunted in annoyance and threw the remote at the edge of the bed, she hated having to be stuck in a white four walled prison with a hole in her stomach, she desperately wanted to get back to the shelter and continue to help women who needed protection from psychopaths like the man who put her in this situation. As she laid back down, she let out a sigh then covered her face with both hands.
“Ugh…I hate being in this bed”
“It’s only for a few more days Lex”
“I will go stir crazy if I have to spend another night in this hospital”
Rafael scoffed as he rubbed Alexa’s left shoulder, while he wanted to make sure that she healed properly, at the same time, he admired her passion. Even a bullet to the gut wouldn’t stop her from doing what she had to do to protect the women of New York, while Alexa continued to pout like a four-year-old child, Rafael tried to lighten her spirits by making a joke about how his stubbornness was rubbing off on her, at one point he made a remark of how wonder woman should retire seeing as how Alexa displayed some heroics of her own. As the two of them shared a laugh, there was a knock on the door; they looked forward to find that Olivia had graced them with her presence.
“Hey you two”
“Olivia…how are you?”
“I’m fine but I should be asking you that question”
“I got shot that’s how I am”
Olivia smirked as she joined Rafael at her side.
“Well I just spoke with the doctor and he told me that after a few more days, they’re going to discharge you… then after that it’s going to take another six weeks for you to be fully healed-Olivia jokingly continued- Of course you’ll probably die of cabin fever being that you’ll be cooped up in your apartment the whole time”
“Actually, she’s going to stay with me”
Alexa and Olivia looked at him with puzzled expressions.
“Excuse me”
“I think it makes sense, you have to walk up four flights of stairs to get to your apartment plus you already have most of your things at my place anyway…and yes it’ll be easier for me to not have to go back and forth”
Olivia chuckled as she looked over toward Alexa, it didn’t take long for her to make a decision, she agreed to move in with Rafael until she was well enough to return to the daily grind that was her life, Alexa smiled inwardly at the thought of him waiting on her hand and foot. Unfortunately, the moment would be interrupted by the all too familiar sounds of Olivia’s and Rafael’s phones vibrating, as they looked down at their screens; they received news that a verdict had come in for the current case that he was trying. Olivia was the first to head out but she told Rafael that she’d be waiting in the car.
“Alright I’ll meet you there. I’ll be back later ok.”
“Go on I’ll be fine, good luck”
As he leaned up from the chair, Rafael planted a kiss on top of her forehead before catching up with Olivia. A few more days passed, while Rafael was struck with a devastating defeat in the trial of a high school football player raping a fellow classmate at a party, there was a silver lining for him as this was the day that Alexa would be discharged from the hospital. After filling out the necessary forms, Rafael carefully put her into a wheelchair and rolled her out the front doors to an awaiting cab. Upon entering his side, he relayed to the cabbie to take them back to his place, when they arrived; the doorman helped Alexa out of the cab as Rafael popped open the trunk to retrieve a bag containing some things he picked up from her apartment. During the elevator ride up and the subsequent entering of his apartment, there was a certain tension between them. Alexa could feel that something was off with Rafael, he had seemed a bit distracted as they left the hospital and even now as he led her to his bedroom and gently laid her down, she looked at his face and saw the smile that welcomed her every time they woke up in each other’s arms, every time she visited him at his office and during her time in the hospital; but when she gazed into his eyes; it was as if the light in them had all but disappeared.
As she internally struggled with whether or not to ask him what was troubling him, Rafael fluffed up her pillows and carefully placed her lower extremities under the covers. He’s been through so much these last few days…I know that something’s bothering him but maybe now isn’t the best time to ask. After a moment, Alexa decided to put her worries aside and enjoy being pampered by her Cuban love toy.
“Wow I get the five-star treatment here; I should get shot more often”
“Don’t joke about things like that”
“Hmmm…but seriously though, thank you for putting up with me”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way”
They both smiled as they kissed each other sweetly, once Rafael made room for a few more of Alexa’s things in his closet and bathroom, he informed her that he was going to the store to pick up a few things as well as Alexa’s prescription for pain medication. Alexa nodded as she placed one more kiss on his lips and lowered her head down, as soon as he left, she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep. After what seemed like a few minutes went by, Alexa heard the sound of a key turning the lock, as she heard the door open; Rafael called out to her.
Rafael re-entered the bedroom and smiled softly as he found her in the same place she was before he left, as he stood by her bedside, he placed a large paper bag on his nightstand and started emptying out its contents. He pulled out a small plastic container that held a yellow liquid of some kind with small bits of carrot and chicken swirling around, then he took out a small, grey box with a logo of a smoking cup on it and an issue of her favorite magazine that had Jennifer Lawrence on the front cover.
“What’s this?”
“I picked up some chicken noodle soup, honeysuckle tea and the latest issue of Vanity Fair while I was picking up your prescription”
“What’s next, you’re going to rub my feet and sing me a lullaby”
Alexa giggled as she said, “Man I must have done something right in a previous life”
Rafael was glad that the shooting didn’t take away her sense of humor, he picked up the box containing the tea bags and went into the kitchen to prepare it, as Alexa laid in bed she listened to the sounds of Rafael clattering away as he filled the teapot with water and placed it on the stove. A few minutes passed when she heard the whistling sounds coming from the kitchen and smelled the scent of honeysuckle as Rafael came back into the bedroom holding a wooden tray that housed an empty bowl, a spoon and a small cup containing the freshly brewed tea. After he settled the tray on the opposite sides of her legs, he opened the container of soup and poured it into the bowl, he stirred it for a few seconds before testing it to see if it wasn’t too hot, as he handed the spoon off to Alexa; he made his way towards the bathroom where he changed out of his suit and into a pair of gray sweats and a black t-shirt.
Alexa chowed down on the soup while she looked at him in amusement, other than that day at her apartment, it was a rarity to see him in casual wear, when he walked over to the nightstand again; he reached back into the paper bag and pulled out a pill bottle that was inscribed with Alexa’s name and the dosage she had to take, there were also some fresh bandages as well as antiseptic in case of infection. Once he gave Alexa her pills, he asked her to lift up her shirt so he could redress her wound, Alexa obliged. While he tended to her healing wound, that same uneasiness she felt before was creeping back up again, she noticed that ever since he got home he was eerily quiet and as of right now he barely even looked at her; her lips parted as if she was going to say something but was interrupted by the sound of Rafael’s phone which sat on the nightstand next to the paper bag. He only looked at the screen for a split second before hanging up, Alexa expressed puzzlement at his behavior, that’s odd…he never ignores a call, usually he’s joined at the hip to his phone.
“Why didn’t you answer it?”
“It was a wrong number”
“Come on finish your soup and drink your tea before it gets cold”
“Yes sir”
Rafael chuckled as he placed himself under the covers next to Alexa, she finished the last remnants of the soup and sipped the last drop of tea and proceeded to tuck herself in. She laid on the left hand side of her body to face Rafael and then shuffled closer to him until she rested her head on his shoulder, he wrapped an arm around her and held her close as he smelled the scent of her lavender shampoo and felt the warm touch of her skin upon his. They laid there in silence for a few moments before Alexa spoke up.
“Is everything alright?”
“What do you mean?”
“You just seem different…ever since you got home you’ve been really quiet”
“I just have a lot on my mind”
“Like what…it’s ok you can tell me anything”
“…I just keep thinking about what would have happened if you didn’t pull through…how I would never see your smiling face, hear your laugh, or feel your touch. I was afraid I’d lost you”
Alexa lifted herself up, looked straight into his eyes and took his face into her hands, she stared at him lovingly as she told him that she would be there for him just as he was for her and promised that she wasn’t going anywhere, then she peppered his lips with her soft and tender kisses as she lowered her body on top of his. Rafael gently brushed her hair while she fell back asleep, but in the back of his mind he knew there was an ever present danger lurking in the shadows and he already felt like he failed to protect her the first time, so he was going to ensure that there wouldn’t be a next time.
Tagging: @madpanda75 @laceybellerain @madamsnape921 @thatesqcrush @tropes-and-tales @karens-imagined-world @itsjustmyfantasyroom @beccabarba @southern-magnolia @glimmerglittergirl @teamsladsandgents
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