taiyouhimerich · 2 months
wow yeah im stealing my own cai bot is this what they call creativity????
“Smells like sweet home”
Husband! Leon Kennedy x fem! Reader
tags and warns: aaaw cmon just a bit of soft thing, it colds even be safe for work! but with just a little bit of mention of sexual interaction, so still 18+ mdni!!!
psss gonna make part 2 w/ aomething morrrrre
Words count: 1,4k (and yes thats alot for me)
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Leon never needed much from life: he dreamed about what all American men probably dream about. You know, a white picket fence, a housewife always waiting for him at home and ready to welcome him after a hard day's work, and a couple or triple adorable children who would run up to him, hugging him, missing their daddy. And for a long time it seemed to him that all these dreams were shattered the moment he ran over the barricades on the road leading to Raccoon City.
But that belief was shattered the moment he saw you. Beautiful, graceful, soft, just perfect for him, how could he not notice you among all the crowds of these gloomy, rude, cruel people? He felt like an insecure teenager again, noticing the most beautiful girl in school, a feeling he hadn't had in a couple dozen years. Courting you was ordinary, romantic, but nothing fancy, but it still won your heart. Or maybe it was the way a grown-up man blushed and sweated like a puberty boy when he saw you, you don't know for sure, but it was definitely something that made you start dating him.
If you ask him now, he would say that he does not even remember what happened until the moment when he knelt in front of you, taking out a modest but beautiful ring in a velvet box from his pocket. Standing in front of you at that moment, he was thinking that he didn't know what he would do if you said no, and you could swear that you saw tears in his eyes when you agreed. Your fiance looked like a tiny puppy, wagging his tail and running around his owner with joyful barking while you put on your wedding dress, asking him to stay close and help with the corset at the same time. You were amazing: the beautiful white fabric flowed over your body as if you were doused with milk, and several layers of tulle under your skirt made your figure even more magnificent. He hugged you tightly after he was done with the lacing, while you tried to chase him away, laughing kindly, saying something about you needing your personal time, when she leaned into your ear, tucking a strand of your hair before whispering.
“Then let it be as you say, I'll give you your so-called personal time, because from the first second of our honeymoon, I won't let you go for even a moment....”
And he didn't lie, he never lied to you, because no matter how much you both wanted to go to an Indonesian beach or watch flamingos, you couldn't get out of bed. Oh, how you fucked, all the food you ate was from room service, you were on the bed, on the floor, in the luxurious bathroom, even on the balcony at night, you did everything you could think of while Leon pressed against you, kissing under your ear, pleading, but deep voice purring.
“Just one more time, Mrs. Kennedy.”
Mrs. Kennedy did something incredible to you, and you succumbed over and over and over again, allowing him to enjoy you, his beloved woman, his wife... and considering how furiously he thrusted into you, the mother of his children at the same time. So neither of you were surprised when, a month after your honeymoon, your period didn't come, and the next day you saw two stripes on the test. Even twice, so that the results are for sure. You heard the joke that two positive tests mean two children, it was from Leon when he joked about it, and you slapped him on the back of the head, making him laugh, but when doctor told you at the first ultrasound that you were going to have twins, you were both shocked. In a pleasant shock, to be precise.
And this was the moment that he loved to remember every time he returned home to his dear wife, unlocking the front door with keys so quietly that his newborns would not wake up. Most of all, he wanted to throw his bag on the floor right in the hallway, along with his unbuttoned uniform, and fall on the bed, without a shower and dinner, although dinner at three in the morning is a terrible idea. When he lets out a tired sigh, hearing his vest release his chest, falling to the floor with a soft booming thud, he hears the rustling and creaking of your bedroom door, immediately tensing up and turning his head in that direction. A smile paints his face with happiness when you come out to him, in a pink fur robe and slippers in the form of pugs, coming closer, and slightly timidly spreading your arms in an invitation to a hug.
“My pretty one....” He mumbles, taking a step towards you and wrapping you in a tight hug, letting you bury your forehead in his shoulder.
“I missed you, Lee....”You gently stroke his back, running your palms over his shoulder blades when you feel his kiss in your hair. You can't help but giggle softly, kissing him somewhere on the jaw, feeling his unshaven stubble with your lips. It makes you laugh again and pull away, putting your hands on his chest with a smile. “Unscathed?”
“Kinda. A little injuries here and there, but nothing I couldn't handle, you know me.”He laughs hollowly, placing his palms on your forearms to pull you closer and kiss your cheek. “I missed you too... and our little ones.... How are they?”
“Scott is just perfect, and Melissa has become more moody in recent days.” You respond by sighing softly while his kisses make you giggle. “She is not so willing to being fed with breast, I have to use a pumper.... God, there's too much of you in this girl, you know.”
Leon laughs, quietly, so that God forbid not to wake up your children. “I don't think I've ever been able to give up on your breasts.”His lips continue to shower kisses on your face as he gradually descends to your neck, pushing back the collar of your robe. Huh. He even remembers the times when you met him in a red silk nightgown and black lace underwear… Well, after the wedding and pregnancy, your wardrobe has changed significantly. But that doesn't mean it's bad for him. Come on, he likes how homely you are!
His lips find your collarbone when he runs his tongue over your skin, sucking greedily, under your quiet but ringing giggle, and it makes you let out a soft moan. Your hands find his head with a familiar movement, intertwining with his hair as you mumble. “I don't think I've ever offered you...”
“Do you want to do it now?”His cheeky grin is audible even when you can't see his face, while he buries his head in the neckline of your robe, nuzzling into the cleavage between your breasts. He knows for sure that you will slap him on the back of the head, confusedly mumbling something about how it's something perverted, but he can't help but inhale, closing his eyes and soaking up the smell of your boobs. Those round soft tits, all big and swollen because of the milk, smelling of sweet, warm this very milk.... His children, his precious daughter and son, smell the same scent because your milk is what is always around them, so this smell is so cozy, homely, relaxing him and making him forget about all those horrors he looked at during his missions....
That's where he ends up, but not because you push him away, no. He stays between your boobs, continuing to take this bath of your milky scent until he feels... ashamed. When this process heals his mental wounds enough for him to think more sensibly, he realizes how embarrassing this thing really is. That he's literally obsessed with your boobs and sniffing them like some kind of pervert. He feels the warmth of your chest against his face for a little longer, and then pulls away, straightening up and straightening your robe. He can't help but squeeze them lightly in his palms, and before you can say anything, he looks away, clears his throat, and pats you on the shoulder, walking around you and muttering.
“Gonna check on ours.”
Later, you will find this tough, exhausted man sitting on the floor between the cradles of your children, sticking only his fingers between the partitions to hold each of the babies by the palms. A soft smile spreads across your tired face. What a cutie. All of them.
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definitely p2 guys i just feel ashamed to make it as a one pretty big post, so I splitted that…..
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shaesinflames · 4 months
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🌥️ Rainbow Factory Infection AU🌥️
Hello everypony!! Ive been loving the infection stuff and wanted to jump onto the trend myself with an AU that came to me very suddenly. I'm gonna try and get all my thoughts out here:
☁️ Scootaloo fails her flying assessment by getting disqualified for checking on her injured friend who had crashed during their turn. The two of them get taken to the Rainbow Factory as a punishment for their failure, and quickly realize the deadly situation they're in.
🌈 There are few dozen pegasi there already. All of their wings have been torn off of them, their cutiemarks are branded over, and chains are fastened around either their legs or neck. They all seem so... dull. As if the color has been stolen from them.
☁️ Rainbow Dash enters to examine the new sacrifices, and is mortified when she sees Scootaloo. She had trained her every day to prevent this from happening; she never wanted the pony she thought of as a little sister to end up here. Dash had to quickly decide if she was more loyal to her career, or to her friends.
🌈 She chooses Scootaloo. This does not go over well. Whether you enter the Rainbow Factory as a prisoner or an employee, you were not allowed to leave until you died. Rainbow Dash grabs Scootaloo and attempts to flee with her.
☁️ A chase ensues. She realizes that even if they do escape, they wouldn't be free. They would be hunted for as long as the factory existed. The answer suddenly seems obvious. Dash veers away from the exit and heads deeper into the building, straight for the core.
🌈 Because of her high status in the company (and a lot of kicking), Rainbow Dash gets into the restricted access room and corrupts the core, sparking a reactor meltdown. Her and Scootaloo manage to escape seconds before the core collapses, and the Rainbow Factory is lost to the rainbows it created.
☁️ Not long after, ponies begin to emerge from the ruins. Well, they seem to still be ponies. Mostly ponies. The Inital Victims. The pegasi who had been deemed useless and dispensable in one way or another, and had been put through torture for weeks or months in order to drain them of their very magic and soul.
🌈 The Victims seem to have a symbiotic relationship with the Rainbow Infection in their body. They live just out of reach of death; gaunt and hollow, yet somehow surviving. Blind, weak, and terrified, they seem to believe they're still trapped in the factory, and will viciously maul any living being they sense with a newfound strength. So far, they don't seem to be curable, or killable.
☁️ The Infected pegasi have a much more unpleasant experience. Every waking moment is nothing but agony as the infection consumes their magic and feast on their vessel, reducing them to nothing more than another fluffy white cloud looming in the sky.
🌈 The Infected aren't hostile, and seem to still be lucid up until their death. However, they are incredibly contagious, and the final stage of the infection seems to be designed specifically to further the disease.
☁️ Unicorns and Earth ponies are completely immune to the Rainbow Infection. Alicorns are not. The princess's have been barricaded in Celestia's castle to protect them all.
🌈 Without any pegasi to moderate the weather, it has become increasingly unpredictable and harsh, making typical farm work almost impossible. The Survivors are getting low on rations, and they're getting desperate and hungry.
I think thats about it. Idk at the time of writing this its 3am lol.
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spyder-junkie · 1 year
warning: cursing, drugs, angst
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“Where are you???”
“Are you serious Miles….?”
You shut your phone off with a huff just after pressing send on your 6th text of the hour. You were waiting at the restaurant Miles agreed to meet you at, only he was an hour and a half late, and his phone was on dnd.
Its not like this was the first time either, Miles was habitually late to important things and you were starting to become fed up with it.
Suddenly you huffed in frustration, getting up from the booth and striding out of the restaurant. Miles promised he’d treat you to dinner to celebrate an internship you received, AND to make up for the last date he was three hours late to.
“Im not sitting in that damn booth for three hours.” You mumbled, beginning the walk back to your house. You thought back to a couple days before when the two of you were planning the event.
“Im gonna do it right this time, Mami. I wont let you down, I promise.” You mocked, rolling your eyes as your pace increased.
You flinched as your phone buzzed.
‘im otw.’
That simple text somehow angered you even more.
‘dont bother. I left.” You replied just before fumbling for the keys to your flat.
You stomp into the empty apartment, throwing down your bag and taking off the new outfit you bought just for the date.
Your grip was rough as you pulled a box from your bedside table. You grated, rolled, and sealed your first blunt so aggressively that you almost dropped it.
Then you took a deep breath. You were laying in bed in your bra and some pajama shorts, hair and makeup done, about to smoke your frustrations away when you should have been celebrating with your boyfriend. It was almost laughable.
So thats what you did, placing the blunt to your lips and lighting it while letting out a deep chuckle.
Miles stared down at his phone before letting out a low sigh. He had just gotten back to the garage, he was pulling his suit off while simultaneously texting you that he was on the way. He wasn’t surprised that your response was quick, but he was surprised at what it said.
He knew you were upset, he would be if he was you, but he just couldnt tell you what was going on.
He was too afraid to lose you, but he was starting to think he’d lose you anyway.
He took another deep sigh, saying bye to Aaron and beginning to walk to your apartment. And when he got there, he climbed the fire escape, peering into your bedroom.
The air in the room was foggy, you were smoking, something he knew you only did when you were stressed or anxious.
He lifted the window slowly, stepping in and closing it behind himself.
He watched as your eyes flew open, looking at him for a moment before closing again. You were laying on your back, one hand behind your head and the hand holding the blunt resting on her forehead.
“I missed you, mi corazon.” Miles mumbled, trying to ease the tension. The smell of weed was heavy in the air as you took a slow drag from the blunt, eyes still closed.
“Cool.” You replied, smoke falling out of your mouth as you spoke.
“The date thing was my fault, something came up, you know how that shit is.” He said. He was waiting for the yelling and the angry frustrated tears, but they didnt come, and he couldn’t tell if that was good or not.
“Maybe I should make marijuana my new boyfriend.” You said, taking another hit and letting it trail out your nose.
“Its always there when I need it to be.” Your eyes were still closed, chest rising and falling calmly.
“Mi vida, You know Im sorry-“
“mhm.” You hummed.
“Its not gonna happen again I swear-“
“Imma make it up to you I swear.”
He watched as you took a hit from the blunt once again. Eyes opening this time, watching the far wall.
“Miles…” She blew the smoke.
“Get out.”
Miles’ eyes widened a bit.
“Hermosa, I-“
“If I have this conversation with you right now, Im going to break up with you. I suggest you leave my room.” You say calmly.
Miles felt an immediate pain in his chest, his hands beginning to shake. He was silent as he walked back to the window, opening it and pushing his leg through.
“I love you, y/n.” He said, pausing for a moment.
“I know you do.” You reply, tapping the ash off your blunt.
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Halloween prompts no 28
Danny dropped his pencil when the door slammed open and a very angry vigilante pointed a finger at him, "YOU!"
The class around him started to chatter, wondering what was happening.
Voice raising an octave he answered dumbly, "Me?!"
"You didn't show up for the wedding!"
If the room full of teenagers were curious before they were nearly howling now. Fenton of all people is dating a potential superhero?! Marrying even?!
Standing up from his seat he grabbed his backpack, "I never agreed to the wedding!"
"Yes you did! I asked for your hand and you agreed!"
Danny thought back to when he and Robin first fought and he barely managed to hold his own, "I thought you were helping me up!"
"You will wed me as you agreed! Even if I have to challenge you for it!" Uh oh. Quick Fenton come up with something or you're gonna be a Wayne soon.
"Forced marriage is illegal in America!" Really brain? That's what you came up with???
"Then we will have the wedding in 'Eth Alth'eban!" Danny didn't even know what that was.
"Thats not the point!" Danny was acutely aware of all the eyes in the room, even Mr. Lancer seemed thoroughly enthralled by the scene that was unfolding. Which is just another reason why he needed to escape. He opened the window he had been edging toward since the start of this argument and flung himself out of it, ignoring the horrified screams of his classmates. He landed two stories down in the flowerbed and ran towards the football fields. Damian knew about Dannys powers, but that didn't mean he couldn't be deceived.
Damian followed after soon enough, leaving the class to explode with theories as to whats happening. Mr. Lancer took this moment to get back to what he was teaching by connecting it to what just happened and making them write a "short" story of a minimum 5 pages of what they thought happened here.
In reality Mr Lancer was an English literature major. Loving a good story came with the territory and oh boy did he need to know this story. Even if it was essentially just fanfiction from his students.
Theories run rampant throughout the school about what the truth was. Paulina even goes on a mushy gushy speel about The hero perhaps being a prince (technically true) that fell in love with Fenton (true), got Fenton to accidentally agree to a marriage proposal (true) and followed him here from his homeland to pursue his hand in marriage (also true)
The fact that Danny was constantly forced to use his powers in human form while being chased by his "fiance" was setting off every upgraded ghost alarm they came near, leading everyone to think Robin was a ghost. (Not true)
The Fenton parents go nuts when they find out a "ghost prince/ghost superhero no 2" was chasing thier son around and went to rescue him. Danny threatens to never forgive Robin if he kills his parents so birdy has to hold back.
Danny gets trapped in a ghost cage for a while as Fenton for his own good, gets told off by his parents as Phantom telling him they don't have time for him right now. Danny is both touched and offended. Even as thier top priority he's thrown onto the backburner. The chase ends with Robin carrying an unconscious Danny in a bridal carry into the Fenton portal while the camera in the lab livestreams it for all to see courtesy of a few tech nerds hacking
Tucker and Sam had been running interference all day and were exhausted. They were lucky Dannys secret was still safe.
Aka: Dannys Unfortunate Supernatural Romance from the Perspective of his Classmates
Do they follow them through the portal? Yes, but they have to corner Jazz, Sam and Tucker into letting them into the spector speeder under threat of snitching.
No one is allowed to ask why they're following a boomerang through the undead dimension.
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sinfulpanda16 · 4 months
Tokyo Rev Boys on Valentines Day
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Mikey, Takemitchi, Draken, Mitsuya, Baji x fem reader
Takemitchi 💛
Usually you'd be the one spoiling him with hugs, kisses, and gifts. You both love each other so much but Takemitchi feels like he loves you more than you love him so he decided today he was gonna show you how much he loves you.
So that morning he showed up to your door holding your favorite flowers, some snacks, a huge teddy bear, and lots of candy.
"Hey love. Happy Valentines Day." he says with a gummy smile. His cheeks were red, he's never done anything like this before, so he was a little nervous about your reaction.
For you though was the other way around. No one has ever done this for you, so you were really shocked but nevertheless you loved it.
"Taki, you got this all for me?" you ask. You're blushing quite a bit. This really does mean a lot to you and because no one has ever shown you this amount of love, you worried it might not actually be for you.
Takemitchi grunts, "Yes babe but can we go inside? It's all so heavy." You chuckle and let him in. You take him to your room where he puts all your gifts on your bed and before anything else can happen, you pounce into him attacking him with kisses.
You guys land on the bed and he's laughing from feeling ticklish. A playful moment between the two of you and then he goes to kiss your head, "I love you (Y/n). More than words can express." he says with a soft smile.
You return him a soft smile, "I love you too." and for the rest of the day you guys hung out in your room eating all the snacks and candy.
Mikey 💓
He would buy you a ring. He was never much about showing affection but today is an exception. You make him incredibly happy, it's a feeling he hasn't experienced since he was a young boy and meeting you made him realize that life isn't all trash.
You two come home from a date night at a restaurant. You really liked it but that wasn't Mikeys gift for you. As soon as he closed the front door behind him he picks you bridal style. Surprised you squeal and your lips meet his. He takes you upstairs were he sits you on the bed.
"Baby what's up with you?" you giggle.
He smiles softly "I got you something. It's really important."
You watch him pull out a ring, you admire it. It's beautiful and you can see an engraving in it that reads 'Yours Always'. He begins talking, "My love, this entire time you've been with me you've shown me that there can be light in my world. Before you my life has been full of darkness and negativity and I genuinely thought that there was no such thing as good." he smirks, "At least until I've met you. You're the only one that makes me truly happy and I'm so glad I fell in love with you."
You watch him get on his knee and grab your hand, "So know that I belong to you because if it were anyone else, I would still be living in full violence." He puts the ring on you and then kisses it "I love you sweetheart. Thank you."
A few tears escaped but they were happy tears. Thats all you wanted, to make your boyfriend happy. You wrap your arms around him and pull him onto you on the bed.
Draken ❤️‍🔥
He's been teaching how to ride on a motorcycle and now that you've gotten good he bought your very own bike. He couldn't have been prouder of his baby.
After spending a whole day together and gifting you chocolates and a teddy you say your gonna turn in for bed but he holds your hand to keep you from leaving.
"I have one more gift for you." he says smiling softly.
He takes you outside where you find a (f/c) motorcycle with a red ribbon on it. You gasp and ask him, "Baby is that mine?" and when he tells you yes you jump into his arms, peppering him with kisses everywhere.
You tease him, "You didn't steal it did you?"
"No I didn't steal it. I'm not that kind of guy." he says a bit irked.
You laugh and kiss his cheek, "Alright I believe you for now."
He chuckles, "So, wanna take it for a ride?" he asks with a smirk.
You nod your head eagerly and that's how you spent the last minutes of Valentines Day. Speeding down the empty highway with your lover under the starry sky.
Mitsuya 💜
He's always liked Valentine's day. Even when he was single he liked the love in the air, but now he has you to spoil on this day.
Ofc the first thing you wake up to is breakfast in bed where you'll both eat together. He will occasionally feed you and he will ask you want to do today. If you say you want to walk at the park, go to the beach, get a puppy, or go to the moon he will do it. He doesn't care he's at your service today. Even if you don't want to do anything he will still let you know how much you mean to him. If you don't to do any of the chores he will do them himself.
You decided you want to go to a cat cafe so you both get ready and head to the cat cafe.
He opens the door for you to go inside and tells you to sit at a table while he orders his and your drink for you. When he came back with your drink he got you some heart shaped cookies. You swear he can be so cute sometimes. You chat and laugh with him while playing with the cute cats.
This date has been so cute and fluffy you wanted to never forget it so you two asked a kind barista to take a picture of you guys and since then you both had that picture as your wallpaper.
Baji ❤️‍🩹
He never gave a fuck about this holiday, for the longest time he thought it was stupid. However now he has you and there something he wants to get you.
It was 3 am and he dragged you along with him to commit a back alleyway. "Baji what the hell are we doing here?" you ask clearly displeased with him.
He puts a finger on your lips and tells, "Hush baby we don't want to get caught now." Had this been during the day you would've just left, but this alleyway in the dark looks so dangerous.
He manages to unlock the door to the store he's trying to break and heads inside pulling you close to him. You both go deeper and thats when you realize you broke into a pet store.
A few days back you saw this really cute kitten with Baji and you really wanted to adopt her. However you learned just how expensive she is and had to leave her. Those past few days you've been sulking over her and Baji was getting tired of it so he decided he would help you steal it lol.
With his ski mask he grabs the kitten and hands her to you. "Alright baby lets go." he says heading straight towards the back door to his bike, you following behind him and then speed off.
When you two make it back home you lecture him saying he shouldn't steal and what not but you also love him for going that far for you. You kiss him on his cheek and he smirks, "Yeah yeah I love you too."
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nogenderbee · 3 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝕊𝕙𝕪 𝕘𝕒𝕞𝕖𝕣 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ hi there, blade, jing yuan, welt and dan heng with a teen reader thats like nene kusanagi? :)
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Hey hey! And omg yes of course! I love the crossover I get from pjsk and hsr honestly ^^ So hopefully you'll like at least a bit what I wrote!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ platonic
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✧ Dan Heng honestly liked your shyness, you were like the only person on the Express who didn't chat that much so he found your presence quite relaxing
✧ but if you fine silences uncomfortable, he won't force moments when you two just sit next to each other silently and relax after long day
✧ bur silence is quickly broke by you playing your games and he realizes he was wrong... you're still not this bad but when your cheering gets louder within every day, it really makes him reconsider his thoughts
✧ it certainly takes him some time but believe me, he can get used and learn how to ignore your cheering, so he's back at finding your presence relaxing
✧ he doesn't mind your sharp tongue at all, in fact he's happy you can stand up for yourself- what do you mean it's only towards people you're comfortable with?!
"Eh... they want vanilla cupcake. What? And with sprinkles... Can't you really say it yourself? You were confident enough to insult someone's whole life in there shooting game of yours."
✧ that certainly surprises him but he realizes that when someone insults you irl, he'll have to be the one to step in...
✧ he doesn't mind your passions but be he's not necessarily interested in trying them out either... he just sort of accepts it like a hobby of any other
@miya-akane @toyaswif3y - come get your quiet but scary trabilazer!
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✧ Welt is definitely trying to be supportive and he doesn't mind your shyness a bit, he finds it adorable and it makes him somehow hopeful you won't cause troubles despite being a teen on express
✧ but once you get comfortable and he hears how emotional you can get during your games? He's on...
✧ you know how parents always say "it's because of your phone"? Yeah it's him... but he just applies that to your mood swings and sharp tongue, and nothing irrelevant like stomach pain!
"Watch tour language. I understand they made you mad but you stiill shouldn't say things like that. How about you take a break? Himeko just made tea."
✧ at some point, he probably tried giving you screen time limit but he can't be too strict... so unless you're troublemaker, you'll get past few additional hours
✧ he finds it curious how your personality switches depending on how comfortable you are, but he figures out why it happens pretty quickly
✧ he'll gladly take you with express on any exploration so you can slowly get more courageful, but if you'll prefer to stay in with PomPom and probably Dan Heng too, he's not gonna force you
@vodka-glrl - come get your father of the express!
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✧ Jing Yuan is pretty interested in your personality and passions if being honest
✧ he didn't mind your shyness and when you started being playfully salty? He saw it as a little gift of seeing your real self after hard work of gaining your trust
✧ he doesn't mind speaking for you, he'll even lens you his ear what you want to say and he'll repeat it
"You know I don't mind you hiding behind me. But I'll have to ask you to not pull my hair, please?"
✧ also, he never takes your remarks too personally, he appreciates the friendly critique and knows that you're just being playful teen
✧ he loves listening about your games, movies and so on! In fact, he even asked you if he could watch or play a bit
✧ he's not great at gaming but with you carrying him, you still rarely loose and both of you have fun because somehow, Jing Yuan finds weirdest buts and easter eggs while wandering around
✧ he knows someone in Xianzhou who may share your passion for games... so he uses that to get you some new friends and hopefully to open up to more people
✧ that's really the only thing he might push you forward to, if you have trouble making friends, he has no problem with helping you find the right people
@miya-akane - come get your soft general~
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✧ at first you were nothing like Silver Wolf to Blade, but after he saw how competitive and honest you can be... he finds so many similiar traits between you two
✧ you mean games made you so salty? What's going on with kids these days...
✧ but in the end, he couldn't care less as long as you worn annoy him
✧ and luckily for him, you're still rather shy so his intense gaze seems enough to make you go away and he'll use that fact
✧ but when you start getting more comfortable around him and Stallaron Hunters... he realizes it's not so easy anymore...
✧ you're not necessarily bothering him but he can hear your insults and remarks on his persona when you talk with Silver
✧ instead of 1 game fanatic who screams, yells and cheers after every victory or death, now he has to deal with 2... great.
"Keep it down you two. Don't forget where you are and what's our mission. Just because we're having a break doesn't mean you should give away our hideout. Because I can promise, I won't save you when enemies come."
✧ he really feels more on neutral end to you tho... you may talk behind his back and cheer and so... but you never tried forcing him into games he didn't like
@vodka-glrl - come get your cold man!
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brights-place · 5 months
Can we have more king trollex headcanons?,
With a s/o who tells him he's gonna be a dad ?, how he acts during his s/O's pregnancy and what kind of dad would he be ?
Take your time, if you don't want to do it then it's fine, (hope this doesn't make you uncomfortable)🩷
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Trollex with an pregnant S/O
Pairing: Trollex X S/O
Warnings: Lots of Fluff, Mild cursing
A/N: I love Trollex so much he's such an cutieeee anyways I'm doing lots of requests rn so my inbox is closed for now and this is my first work of the first day of the year lets gooooo <33 - You and Trollex have been married for 2 years and dated for 3 years - You and him have planned your future together which INCLUDED having kids after having an large talk - You had to sit down and hold each others hands while talking about it since Trollex is always an hyper person it was so different the mood was different - Started trying to have kids after an few months of being married - I mean you two already did those stuff together before you got married but hey he gets to have more fun for himself - Every time your done doing the deed he'll pepper your face with kisses for fun - You two sigh and wait every time hoping - You tried so many times and it was always negative but he says that there is multiple options if it doesn't work out - When you two had done it once without meaning to make kids once after an rave surprise supriseeee it finally happened - He'd tear up when you told him he would be an dad after he came back from his duties - You had seen Trollex overly excited before, hell even bouncing off the wallsbut his over joyous attituded right now was something that beat all those times easily. - You would watch as he was literally throwing fist bumps in the air zipping around like a child high on sugar while gushing all about how he wanted to be a dad and how happy he was... he may or may not have knocked over some furniture happily - Turns out you were having triplets same designs but different colours first egg would be an blue full egg was an rainbow stripe in thee middle with an F/C pixelated heart, Second egg would be an F/C egg with an pink pixelated heart rainbow stripes an the final egg was an F/C and Blue hued with rainbow polkadots instead of an stripe and had an Green Pixelated heart - Would stare at the eggs hoping it would hatch sooner. He also would cuddle and talk to the eggs telling it how amazing you were - Would cry when seeing the eggs hatch - He'd be an patient yet hyper type of dad - He'd be the type of dad who would dump everything for his kids special events First DJ session There and he's their biggest fan shouting 'Thats my kid' loudly. He's there for your kids birthdays, hobbies, sports whatever that day is free on his schedule on it for yearas - He'd let your kids off with somethings but when needed he will set down rules if ever needed which is rarely - Every chance he gets he'd kiss you when your kids weren't looking - Since He's the king and an father its difficult sometimes for him to spend time so he'd do his best and most of the time its something childish with his kids - he knows it's difficult to raise kids without him there all the time - Him and your kids would run around being childish and you always found it cute taking photos of your husbands idiotic behavior and your kids being dumb - He'd make the kids lunches and would always peck their cheek or forehead. - Wears an 'my favorite people call me dad' shirt and would have an mug that says '#1 father' - He would spoil your kids with affection and so much love those are his babies and he will not let anyone harm them and he will make sure they're raised properly and with his whole pixelated heart - Somehow has balanced his personal and work life. - Though its hard to be together alone to have some intimate moments due to your kids appearing out of nowhere you still share small sneaky kisses and have some fun when your kids are out.
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sxtvrns · 1 year
purity and its presence in growth
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🎶 now playing: my heart it beats for you - grentperez
P: Soul (Haku Shota) x Fem!Reader
S: Moving to Korea in the peak of your adolesence isn't easy. You just happened to be there to help. How can he miss you so much even though you only knew each other for an hour? Maybe exchanging numbers was a better idea than he thought.
C: fluff, cute moments, inaccuracy, brainrot, baby p1ece don't slander me, needed to get this into my drafts immediately, kinda sloppy, drabble, puppy love, longer than it should be
N: Y/N is your first name, L/N is your last name. i saw somewhere online that said soul moved to korea when he was 13 for fnc and somehow this idea began to brew in the deep depths of my strange brain. im a little new to piwon so if i get something wrong im sorry :P any ages mentioned are korean age, not international. his name means like 'child with a pure soul' so thats why the title sounds so poetic but okay enjoy the potato child content
view the rest of the conversations ☆彡
please interact if you enjoy!
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After the almost 3 hour flight to Incheon, Shota stands in the airport mindlessly, staring at his phone and trying to resist the urge to call his mom. Though he knew that she'd pick up in a heartbeat if he did, he suddenly had a rush of independence surge through his veins when he stepped off the plane, telling himself every day was gonna be lonesome and that he'd have to learn how to get around. It wasn't until he got near the exit that he realized he had no idea what to do.
He should ask someone. There was a high chance quite a few people on that flight could also speak Japanese, but even so, he couldn't muster up the courage to talk to anybody. So he stood awkwardly, out of the way, watching all the people walk by and glance at him periodically.
He'd been studying Korean during his break time at school while at home in Japan, but he was afraid he'd say something wrong and embarass himself.
His eyes wandered amongst the people, and past the crowd of tall adults, there was you. A girl, who looked around his age, spacing out by some suitcases while some other adults, probably your parents, were talking to the clerks at the service deck. He took a deep breath, dragging his suitcases along with him as he shuffled past the bustling crowd and up to you.
"Excuse me." He mutters, catching your attention. "I need... to go... to this place. I.... don't know how." Your head tilts a little, confused while the cogs begin to turn in your head while he shows you the address. "You need a ride?" He nods. "Well, there's the railroad, but maybe a taxi can get you there faster..."
Now he's the confused one. "Could you... speak... slower?"
"Do you understand Korean?" You ask. He gestures with his fingers almost pinched together, meaning a little. "What other languages do you speak?"
You smile. "If I'd known that, I would've answered in it then." You say, switching tongues so smoothly Shota's brain nearly fails to comprehend what just happened. "Where are your parents? Mine are taking too long at the desk."
"I came alone. My mom might come in the next few days to help me with moving. And send me off.”
"You and your mom are moving here? What about your dad?"
"No, I'm moving here. Alone. Just me. For work." You eye him and the two suitcases at both of his sides. "You look my age. How do you already have a job?"
"Um... I'm a trainee." Your eyes widen as you begin to nod, shocked. "Really? Already?" He nods as your eyes observe him again. "Cool. That's- wow, okay..." You struggle to finish your sentence, cutting yourself off. "Right, you need to get around- okay. Um, you could follow me. I know how to get the one way passes. Do you have money?" He nods. You begin to walk away as he trails behind you, following you to some sort of kiosk.
Guiding him through purchasing a pass, your parents meet with you by the railway, scolding you for walking off without informing them first before stepping on and finding seats on the train. The boy sits down next to you in the window seat, staring out at the scenery for the first time. "You could have taken a taxi, but I felt like I should've stayed with you. Y'know, so I can tell you more about how to get around and stuff."
"Thank you, by the way. I appreciate this. I think I would've gotten run over without you." He jokes lightheartedly. "No problem. I suddenly felt nice for once, so you're lucky you caught me at a good time." You send him the same energy, both of you laughing as the train begins to move. "When you get off with us, you can ask for a taxi, they'll drive you to the exact address. I’m sure you already know that, though." You add, him nodding before leaning fully back against the chair.
"What's your name?"
The question catches him off guard, staring at your awaiting face, almost forgetting to answer.
The way he introduces himself to you makes you smile. "L/N. Nice to meet you. It's nice having someone to talk to at my age that speaks my mother tongue. Even if all we do is just sit here and pass out while waiting to arrive." Your matching humour is something that sticks out to Shota, one that he likes laughing along to. "It must be scary, flying here alone and having to figure things out on your own. Especially with how young you are. I hope you'll do okay when we part ways."
"I'm still here for now. What are you and your family doing here?" He changes the topic, not wanting to think about you having to leave him so soon. "My dad's side of the family is Korean, so we come here often to visit them. We're considering moving here, since their side is trying to convince me to sign up for a career in modelling. They always say I 'have the visuals', which I don't see, but it wouldn't hurt to try."
"Don't forget me when you're famous." Shota says.
"I could say the same for you, Mr. Trainee. You'll make it far, I bet. I'm looking forward to your debut already."
"And I'm looking forward to seeing you on the billboards." You both smile at each other, a brief moment of silence settling between you two. Shota feels a tap on the side of his arm, head turning to look at you. You hold your phone towards him, the keypad open and empty. "Is it okay if we exchange numbers? This may be the only time we ever see each other, and I like talking to you. And you can text me if you ever need anything. I respond very quickly." Your attempt at convincing him was not needed, as he took your phone out of your hands swiftly and punched his number in. You did the same for his phone when he handed it to you, creating your contact for him.
L/N (ㆁωㆁ)
You write your name in Kanji for him, hearing him huff after you hand back his phone. You couldn't see the soft smile that adorned his face after seeing the contact name you set for yourself, as your eyes were already beginning to shut and send you into a deep sleep. For the rest of the ride, Shota looks out the window and all the buildings they pass by. Feeling a light weight against his arm, his gaze moves to check.
Your head rests against his arm, Shota listening carefully and hearing soft, deep breaths come from you. At first, he nearly freezes, but forgets about it and relaxes, letting you doze against his arm, checking on you periodically until the train reaches your stop.
Your parents are the first to see you two in that position, and while Shota's first instict is to panic and apologize, the idea quickly goes away, a smile on your mom's face as she shakes you gently to wake you up. When you first open your eyes, you see your mom, then turn to see Shota staring at you, nearly leaning against the window. You slowly begin to put the pieces together, embarrassed when coming to the correct conclusion.
When you wave as his taxi departs from the train station, reality dawns upon him. He’s alone, and he’ll have to figure out more than just how to get around since you’re gone now. He didn’t want to have to depend on you and annoy you all the time, so he vowed to himself that he’d learn and teach himself, along with the help of his fellow group members.
After Shota settled into the dorm and was toured around headquarters, the feeling of lying in bed suddenly felt more desirable than he thought it’d ever be. It’s been a few days since he parted ways with you, and he was hesitant to text you for some unknown reason.
He stared at your open empty message box for a while, spacing out until his phone starts buzzing in his hand. He reads your name on the screen, realizing you were calling him. He sits up, still in shock at the timing that he almost forgets to answer.
“Hello?” He greets, almost unsure. “Shota! How are you? Sorry I haven’t texted or anything, I’ve been having a lot of meetings with my family and stuff.” He’s frozen in place at the sound of your voice, so gleeful than how you first met. “No, it’s okay. I spent the last few days settling in so it’s fine.”
“Are you busy right now? Am I calling at a bad time?”
“Are you okay? You sound nervous.”
He sits there for a moment, taking a deep breath before responding.
“I kinda miss you.” It’s embarrassing for him to admit, but he really does. “Oh.” He hears you mutter over the phone, probably unaware that he heard. “I miss you too, Shota. It sounds strange, but I do get worried about you sometimes. But the fact you picked up the phone is assurance that you’re okay, so…”
“It’s a bit hard when you aren’t around, y’know? Like, I don’t know, maybe it’s because you can speak Japanese and I’m not afraid of messing up in front of you because I can speak my home language, but it’s hard to talk to other people. Even my groupmates. I can understand what they’re saying, but I’m too nervous to mess up to even say anything to them.”
“Well, you can’t get better at speaking if you don’t speak at all. It’s okay to make mistakes, Shota. I made a lot when I was learning too. At least you try.”
“Kee– I mean, one of my group members is teaching me. He had to learn it too.”
“So you’re both learning together! That’s good, you both share learning experiences. I’d love to teach you, but it’s kinda hard over call.”
“But it’s possible?”
He ponders for a moment before coming up with an idea. “I have a laptop. We can video call when I’m not busy.”
“Really? Are you okay with it?”
“I’m the one that asked.”
“Do you think we can call… for non-lesson purposes? Y’know, just to talk?”
He huffs, and thought you don’t see it, you hear a smile in his tone. “Of course. I’d really like that.”
The door to their room opens, Jongseob entering. “Hi Soul.” Apparently his voice picks up on the microphone, because you ask, “Who’s that?”
“My roommate. One of them.”
“Who are you talking to?” Jongseob asks, looking over at Soul. “My friend.”
“Who’s your friend?”
“We met at the...” Soul knows the word, but is worried he’ll say it wrong.
“Airport.” You find the word for him, saying it into his ear.
“…Airport. She helped me.” He finishes his sentence with your help.
“She? Aren’t we not allowed to talk to girls as trainees?”
“We aren’t?”
“I think so? Maybe I’m thinking of something else; I keep in touch with my friends so I think it’s fine.”
“Are they all boys?”
“Mostly. Some girls.”
“I can’t talk to you anymore?” You ask, Shota almost forgetting he was on call with you. “We can. I think. We’ll do it in secret.” He hears you laugh on the other end. “Soul?” You say, overhearing the name his friend called him.
“My Korean name. I came up with it. With my roommates.”
“It’s cute! It suits you.” For some reason, he feels too flattered at your compliment. He overhears someone yelling in the background. “I need to go and help with dinner. I’ll talk to you soon! Bye!”
“Bye–“ He gets cut off by the sound of the call ending, letting himself fall back onto the bed, arms sprawled out. Jongseob looks over again at his roommate, who’s staring at the ceiling. “Are you okay?” He asks. Soul lazily responds with a thumbs up. “What happened?”
“Cute.” He mutters loud enough for his roommate to hear. “Cute?” Jongseob questions, puzzled. Soul points at himself, the cogs turning in his roommate’s head briefly before his eyes widen in realization. “She called you cute?!”
“My name.”
“Your name? She called your name cute? Soul?” He nods, Jongseob more shocked than he should’ve been. “Don’t fall in love yet, Soul, we haven’t debuted yet.” He jokes lightheartedly before he goes back to scrolling on his phone.
For a while, you’re the one to initiate calls. You always hesitate, knowing how busy he is, but you eventually learn that he’s off on Sundays and is usually off training well past 10 in the evening. If otherwise, he calls you first.
He enjoys talking to you a lot. He’s more comfortable speaking his home language in general, and the fact he has someone to talk to in it makes coming home from practice even more exciting.
His roommates would wonder why he rushes to his room so quickly the minute they step foot back in their dorm, but don’t question it. As long as he was able to talk to you, through call or text, he was able to stay sane.
While on FaceTime with him, the door to his room opens, as it usually does when you two call, this time a different man you haven’t seen before by the door. You eventually met Jongseob, the first guy who walked in on the two of you calling, and saw what he looked like, but this guy was definitely not him. He looked a little intimidating.
“Soul, do you want anything? We’re ordering delivery.” The man asks, Soul looking back at him. “Fries.”
“Just fries? Like usual?”
“I want… the same thing as you. Except large fries.”
“Okay, sure. Who’s that?” He seems to have noticed your face on Soul’s phone screen. “My friend. This is Keeho.” He introduces the man at the door to you, the name familiar. “He’s teaching you Korean?” The man gives a thumbs up, switching to a wave. “Hello, Soul’s friend!” He greets, his smile ridding all your previous opinions of him being intimidating.
“Hello! I’m just talking to Soul for a bit. How are you?” You reply, Keeho equally befuddled as Soul when he first met you, and how you switched tongues so effortlessly. “I’m doing well, thank you. How did you two meet?”
“Airport. I helped him get around for a bit.”
“Oh, really? That’s cool. I’ll be heading out now, sorry to interrupt.” Keeho waves at the camera again before shutting the door. Soul turns back to face you. “He looked scary.” You admit. Soul seems to agree with you, given the expression on his face. “That’s what I thought too! But he’s really nice and funny.”
“How many of your roommates know about me?”
“He’s the second one.”
“And how many roommates do you have?”
“Five. Plus me, so six.”
“Six?! And you share a room with how many people?”
“3 per bedroom. The whole place is actually quite roomy.”
“I don’t think I’d survive…”
“If you’re rooming with just girls, you’ll be fine. Boys, however…”
“Yeah, I get what you mean.”
“You got a haircut!”
“You noticed.”
“Of course I noticed. It looks really good!”
“I got something else too.”
“What is it?”
Soul grabs something out of frame, eyes focusing on his fingers. “Keeho and I went out today. I found these rings and bought them.” He curls his hand into a fist, showing them off to the camera. It’s a variety of different skull rings, a few on his right hand and a few on his left. “Cool! Where’d you get them? I want some for myself.”
“I can just give you one.”
“Really? But you just bought them.”
“When we meet up sometime, you can pick one.”
“Are you sure?”
“If it helps remind you of me.”
Your face goes warm. “You’re so sweet, Shota.”
“Did you cut your hair?” He asks. You’re surprised he noticed, given how subtle the difference was. “It was just a trim. And they made it flowier or something.” His head moves closer to the camera. “Are you keeping it this short?” You shake your head. “Getting rid of split ends and stuff. It’ll grow back eventually.”
“It’s very pretty. It looks good on you.”
“Thank you…” You mutter, flustered for a reason you can’t make out. How noticeable could a subtle change be that it could evoke such words not meant to be anything more than meaningful?“I really want to see you.”
“You’re seeing me right now.” He jokes. “I know, but… in person. I feel kinda limited only being able to see you on my laptop or phone screen.”
“Me too. I haven’t debuted, so it’s kind of risky for me to be hanging out with a girl. Outside.”
“They don’t know we’ve been calling?”
“They know. But it’s more discreet this way because no one can see us.”
“When are you debuting?”
“I don’t know yet. And if I did, I don’t know if I’d be allowed to tell you.”
“I’m good at keeping secrets! I still remember some from 5th grade.”
“If you say so.”
“Oh, I just remembered I needed to tell you something.”
“What is it?”
A smile slowly grows on your face. “I’m moving here.” Shota’s face is equally as shocked. “Really?”
“I got signed with an agent and got a few bookings! They’re small, but they’re something.”
“L/N, that’s amazing! You’re– you’re gonna be famous! I’m gonna see your face in all the stores!” You laugh at his enthusiasm. “Hey, maybe when we’re both famous, we can hang out in public! Maybe we can collaborate.”
It was always moments like this, purity radiated off your interactions. You’d get excited over the thought of seeing each other in person, what you’d do when you finally meet up, and how long you’d hang out together (you two always insisted on a night at your place). What you’d talk about, the kinds of pictures you’d take, what kind of food you could eat.
After all, you two were still kids.
You celebrated his 16th birthday late into the night, on voice call after his in person celebration with his roommates. He wished you were there as he blew out the candles on his cake.
“Happy birthday, Shota.” You softly greet, knowing he’s on the verge of falling asleep as he laid in bed. “Thank you.” He mutters, voice muffled, his face buried in his blankets. “I wish I could be with you in person. I got you a gift.”
“Really? You didn’t have to…”
“I wanted to. I’ll give it to you when we finally meet up.”
“We always say we’re gonna meet up, but when? I don’t know if I can wait much longer.”
“It’s only a matter of your schedule. I’m free most of the time.”
“Maybe after I finally debut this year…” Shota’s eyes widen, realizing what he just said. “What? You’re debuting?”
“I didn’t mean to say that–“ You squeal softly over the phone in an attempt to not wreck his ears. “When were you going to tell me?!”
“Honestly, I forgot. I forget a lot of things.”
You stifle a laugh. “I’m so proud of you! All your hard work is finally paying off– maybe we really can see each other! When are you debuting?”
“Sometime later this year. It’s why I haven’t been picking up your calls, I’ve been really busy recording and stuff. Sorry.”
“Don’t be. You do what you gotta do, okay? Just call me whenever you aren’t busy. Or text. Or whatever, I’m okay with anything.”
Shota softly chuckles. “So what did you get me?”
“It’s a surprise. You’ll find out eventually.”
“I’ll be 17 by the time I get that gift…”
“Keep your head up, Shota, we’ll see each other soon enough. You sound tired. Get some rest. Goodnight.” He breathes slow and deep before replying. “Goodnight, L/N.” He ends the call, taking out his earbuds and putting them and his phone on the small, crowded bedside table.
“Was that L/N?” Jongseob asked groggily. Soul replied with a monotone ‘mmm’, meaning he was right. “Who’s L/N?” Theo asks from the far side of the room. “Soul’s friend. They call all the time.”
“You talk to her like she’s your girlfriend. How you want to see her all the time and stuff. It’s cute.” Theo mutters, Soul barely making out what he said. His face goes warm at the assumption. “We haven’t seen each other… in 2 years. We’ve only met once in person.”
“And training is holding you back from seeing her? That’s why you video call?” Jongseob puts two and two together, receiving the same monotone response from Soul. “We’re off tomorrow. You can see her then.”
“But we haven’t debuted yet.”
“So? Intak meets with his friends all the time.”
“They’re all guys.”
“Soul, you can’t exactly be deprived of meeting up with your friends. And what if she’s a girl? If you want to hang out with her, hang out with her.” Theo speaks up, voice clearer now that his head isn’t buried in his blankets. “This goes for you too, Jongseob. You guys are still kids. If you’re being forced to be an adult in the industry, at least try to have fun while you’re still young outside of work.”
Soul lays there for a moment. “What if she’s sleeping?” He asks aloud. “The fact she called you this late means she’s probably still awake at this time.” Jongseob says, convincing Soul to pick up his phone one last time for the night. He opens your contact in his messages, typing swiftly.
I’m off tomorrow. Can we meet up?
By the time he falls asleep, he receives a message from you.
Yes please (⌒▽⌒)
“L/N? You’re seeing her today?” Keeho asks, making himself a bowl of cereal as Soul eats his own. Soul responds monotone with his mouth full, his leader sitting down with him. “Do you want me to go with you? I won’t stay the whole time, I’ll just drop you off with her then walk around myself, might just get some new clothes.”
‘You bought new clothes a week ago…’ Soul thinks.
“Are you gonna get her something? How long are you gonna be out for?” Soul shrugs his shoulders at Keeho’s question. The other bedroom door opens, Jiung emerging from the dark room with a loud yawn before closing the door. “Morning.” He greets, going for the same breakfast choice as the two boys sitting at the table.
“Does he know?” Keeho points at Jiung with his thumb. “Jiung and Intak don’t know.” The boy at the kitchen counter looks at them weirdly. “Me and Intak don’t know what?” He questions, suspicious of his two group-mates. “L/N.” Keeho answers.
“Who’s L/N?”
“He doesn’t know…!” Keeho whispers.
“Oh…” Jiung says after a brief moment of staring into space. “Isn’t that Soul’s girlfriend?”
Keeho nearly chokes on his cereal. “Girlfriend?!”
“No, she’s my friend!”
“Oh, my bad. You’re always smiling at your phone and you talk so lovey dovey in your room. The walls are quite thin.” Soul couldn’t figure out what was more embarrassing; the fact that the people in the other room could hear him talking to you or the fact two people thought he had a girlfriend. “We’re still trainees, Jiung, we can’t date. Besides, he’s only 16.”
“Just saying. Maybe after we debut, you can date–“
“Jiung, if you don’t stop talking, I’m going to cut your hair off in your sleep.” Keeho threatens. It seems to work, given that Jiung begins to eat his breakfast in silence. “I guess he does know.” Soul mutters, mostly to himself.
“So are you getting her anything?” Keeho asks, going back to his answered question. “Ring.” Soul shows off the accessories that decorated his fingers. “Really? I thought you said you’d never give those away. And that you’d end the world if you ever lost them…”
“I promised. And we can match.”
“Aww.” Jiung coos, the two boys at the table glaring at him. “What?”
Keeho turns back to Soul, taking their empty cereal bowls and stacking them on top of each other. “Go get changed, we’ll leave soon.” He says, going to put the dishes in the sick.
By the time Soul gets back to his room, Jongseob and Theo are awake, their lamps on. “Morning, Soul. How are you up so early?” Theo greets, Soul shrugging in response. They watch as their early bird roommate picks an outfit, throwing his clothes onto the bed. “Are you going somewhere?” Jongseob asks.
“I’m seeing L/N today.”
They both look at him, wide eyed and now fully awake. “Really?!”
“It was your idea.” He says, referring to both of them. “When are you leaving?” Theo asks, eyes still on Soul. “Soon. Keeho is walking with me. Then we’ll be on our own.”
“So it’s like a date?” Jongseob nudges Theo hard in the side. “Does everyone think that?” Soul groans, his roommates heading for the door.“Everyone that knows.” Jongseob smirks before he shuts the door, leaving Soul alone with his thoughts in the bedroom.
On the walk there, Soul plays with his fingers, fiddles with his rings, almost too nervous to even function. Keeho seems to notice, giving him a pat on the back. “There’s nothing to worry about, Soul. You’ve seen each other, you know each other. You’ve been looking forward to this for so long, what’s wrong?”
“It’s… different in person. I’m excited, but I’m scared I’ll…” Soul looks for the word, Keeho noticing him struggling to finish his sentence. “Embarrass yourself?” Soul nods. “You’ve seen all sides of each other, Soul. I hear you laugh at like… 11 in the evening. I think I heard you fall off your bed once.”
“She’s seen that side of you. I’m sure you’ve seen that side of her, too. You’ll be okay.” Keeho’s words make up the rest of the walk, as Soul stops in his path as his eyes land on you, sitting on a park bench perfectly shaded by a tree. He stands there, simply admiring you, and how he’s so happy he’s seeing you not on his phone screen.
He pulls out his phone, opening your contact and sending you a text.
Look to your right 👀
You do exactly that, and though you’re far away, he sees such a bright glow in your eyes as you get up and run over to him, jumping onto him for a hug. Soul is surprised at your sudden gesture, but happily accepts, holding you tight and even spinning you around.
“Shota! I’m so glad you–“ You notice Keeho out of the corner of your eye, simply smiling at the two of you. “Oh, hi Keeho...” You greet awkwardly, embarrassed that he saw the whole thing. “Nice to meet you, L/N. How long are you gonna be out for?”
“Until Soul wants to go home. A few hours, maybe.”
“Make sure you two stick together, okay? Otherwise all of us are gonna get in trouble in one way or another.” Keeho says lightheartedly before walking off. You look back at Soul, who’s staring at you with the brightest sparkle in his eyes. “You look even better in person.” You say, brushing his hair out of the way.
“Are you saying I don’t look good when we call?”
“I’m saying you look good no matter what.”
“Can I say the same for you?” He asks, as if you’re going to say no. “I actually want to show you something. And I have lots to tell you.” You take his hand without a second thought, pulling him with you. He’s caught off guard with your sudden gesture, but doesn’t protest in any way. Really, he enjoys it.
“Is this okay with you? Sorry, I forgot to ask.” Shota nods with a smile, and that’s all the assurance you need to keep your hold on his hand to guide him. “I hope we can meet like this again sometime. All the time.”
“Hey, I’m here now. Worry about that later.”
“You’re right. Come on!” You tug on his hand as you begin to lightly jog across the street, slowing down when you get nearby. “Okay, close your eyes.” He’s confused at first, but obliges. You guide him to an outside display of a clothing store. “You can open them now.”
Shota uncovers his eyes, seeing your face on display as a model for said store. “It’s you!” He exclaims as you nod off to the side. His gaze switches from you to the photo and back, and he finds himself staring at it for almost too long.
“I want a picture with it.” You laugh, taking his phone from him and snapping a few photos, switching to silly faces for the camera. “Do you like it?”
“I love it. You look so pretty. Beautiful.” Your face goes warm as you stare at him, and he stares at the photo. “You look really good.” He smiles, and your heart starts racing like never before. “Shota…” You mutter into his sleeve, holding onto his hand again. “What?”
“Let’s go. You can see my face some place else.”
“Can I get a photo with them too?”
You roll your eyes, unable to hold in your laugh. “Sure. You can take as many photos as you want.”
The day is full of you running around, taking photos, sharing food and drinks. And for almost all of it, Shota’s hand is in yours, and his grip never loosens. He never wants to let go.
Sitting at an outdoor table of a small café, you hand Shota a gift bag. “What’s this?” He asks. “Happy belated birthday, Shota.” At the sound of that, he looks through the bag, taking out a small potato plush. “Cute…!” He mutters, squeezing it in his hands. “I have one of my own. It came in a set, so I gave this one to you.”
“I love it.” He smiles, going through the bag again. There’s something at the bottom, which he grabs and pulls out. It’s a bracelet, similar to the one you were wearing at the moment. “I wanted to give you something that reminded you of me. If you ever get lonely. Sounds cheesy, but–“
“I’m never taking this off.” His dramatic reply cuts off your sentence as you help him tighten it on his wrist. “I want to give you something too.” You tilt your head. “But it was just your birthday. Shouldn’t you be the one receiving gifts right now?”
“Well, as someone once said, I want to give you something that reminds you of me.” Shota holds out his hands, showing off his rings. “Pick one.”
At first, you’re shocked. “Really?” He nods, watching as your eyes scan over his fingers. “This one.” You point. He takes it off and puts it on for you, and it somehow fits just fine. “I feel so cool now! Thank you.”
On the way back to your place, Shota holds onto your hand again, to the point where if he were to let go, you’d feel like you forgot a piece of yourself. “Are you walking back alone?” You ask, looking up at the sky, which painted a pinkish sunset above. “Keeho is gonna meet me here after you go inside.”
“I just don’t want you walking by yourself. It’s a bit scary.”
“I know. But everything is under control, so I’ll be okay.”
When you reach your home, you turn to look at your friend. “Today was fun. I wanna hang out with you like this again.”
“So do I. But I’m… y’know, I’m busy. With a lot.”
“I know you are. I’ll be waiting for you, Shota. I’m always ready.”
“My name. My name is Haku.”
“Haku Shota?” You clarify. He nods. “You have such a pretty name.”
“You’re pretty.”
He didn’t mean to say that out loud. While he was embarrassed, your heart was racing. Your face was warm, and it matched the sky.
“You’re pretty, Haku. You are… very handsome.”
You understand how he feels now, attempting to return the compliment. “Am I weird for saying that? Because… I really do mean it. I’m just awkward.” You explain. “Not at all. Have I been weird? Calling you pretty…?”
“No! No– you’re, you’re okay. I liked it– I mean, um…” You stutter over your words, cursing at yourself for revealing too much. Haku laughs. “I’ll call you that more if you like it so much.”
“If you want to kill me, go ahead.”
“I thought you said you liked it.”
“I’ll die of a heart attack. I’ll die happy.”
“Soul!” Someone calls. It’s Keeho, waving at him from afar. “Thanks for today. I’m… I really liked spending time with you.” Soul responds with a long, tight hug, the feeling of being in his arms comforting. “I don’t wanna let go.” Soul mutters into your shoulder. “You’re gonna have to at some point.”
“What if I don’t?”
“I’ll just stay with you so then we can hang out all the time.”
“You know you can’t do that.” You hear him sigh and reluctantly pull away. “Bye, L/N.”
“It’s Y/N.”
He huffs with a smile. “Bye, Y/N.” He waves as you walk off, walking towards and with Keeho once he sees you let inside your house. “How was it?”
“Really fun. I’m already excited for another one.” Keeho looks at Soul’s hands, noticing one of his fingers bare, a bag in his hand, and his wrist adorned with a new bracelet. He really gave you one of his rings. And you gave him something too.
Though this was your first hang out in a few years, Keeho sensed something unbeknownst to Soul that was bound to bloom at some point. He just didn’t know when.
When they got back to the dorm, Soul went straight to his room and changed, lying down on the bed with your contact open. He changed your name.
L/N Y/N (ㆁωㆁ)
And sent you one last text for the night.
You have a very pretty name (*´꒳`*)
Make that two.
Goodnight (_ _).。o○
You find it odd that it took you two years to find out each other’s first names, but life goes on the way it always does.
You also found it odd that you enjoyed talking to Shota so much. You’ve always enjoyed talking to him, you just enjoy it a lot more now. Maybe too much.
You were the first person he texted when he debuted. You were also the first person to see any of his performance videos. One thing stayed consistent throughout:
He was wearing your bracelet.
Sometimes it would be hidden under his sleeve, the strings to tighten it peeking out just a little bit. He really meant it when he said he would never take it off, even if that meant getting into trouble with the stylists.
You were peaking in your career as well. You’d gotten a lot more busy with bookings and shows despite being so young. But despite your schedules, you always found time to talk to each other, like always.
And you even found time to hang out in person a lot more than before.
You started wearing masks in public. Sometimes you got recognized, and so did Shota. Nothing too drastic to the point where paparazzi started following you and taking pictures from the bushes. Shota was still careful, though. A scandal too soon into their debut could wreck him and his group’s career.
As careful as he was, Shota still held onto your hand in public. He was much more nervous now that more people knew who he was, and he always found himself latching onto you. The language barrier slowly began to shrink for him, his Korean improving, but he had a hard time talking to strangers. To his group, he was fine.
He couldn’t stop the uneasy feeling in his stomach the closer they got to the counter. Why was he so nervous? He felt like he couldn’t talk to anyone at all. “Could I get a 2 with onion rings?” You ask, the cashier at the till looking at Shota next. He was frozen in place, staring at her, suddenly squeezing your hand with a tight grip. “And a 5. Large fries.” You order for him, paying and taking the receipt and cups.
Shota sits down at a table by the window, ashamed and embarrassed, guilt overwhelming him. It wasn’t such a big deal, yet he felt like a failure for not being able to do something so simple. “Do you want to share?” He doesn’t respond, staring and spacing out at the table mindlessly.
You sit in the chair across from him, looking around to see if anyone is watching. You place your hand on top of his, rings colliding with each other, which brings him back to reality. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?” You ask with such genuineness that he feels guilty for even worrying over such a trivial thing.
“Nothing, it’s… it’s stupid. So stupid.”
“I can’t know how stupid it is if you don’t tell me what’s bothering you.”
Shota looks up at you with puppy eyes, breaking eye contact once he begins to speak. “I… um, I froze when we were ordering. You do it for me all the time and I wanted to do it for myself this time but I just couldn’t… talk. I couldn’t speak, I’ve been getting better at talking but I’m still scared to even order my own food– this is so dumb.” He rests his head on the table, messy black hair hiding his face.
Your hand moves from his hand to his head, fingers running through his hair as you caress him. “Don’t beat yourself up about it, Shota. I’m glad you’re trying, you’re having confidence in yourself. It’s good to take it slow sometimes. I’m always here for you, Keeho is always there for you, your group is there for you! There’s always next time, okay? It may seem like a small step to others, but all that matters is how much it means to you. We’re always here for you. No matter if it’s me or anyone from your group.”
When he lifts his head up, your hand naturally moves from his hair down to his face, your thumb resting on his cheek. “Thank you.” The sparkle in his eyes comes back, as he stares at you for a long time, yet you don’t seem to mind and reciprocate it. Noticing how you two probably look to bystanders, you pull your hand away, face warmer than it should be.
“Um, do you just wanna share? I forgot to ask for medium instead of large.” You refer to the cups in your hand, and he nods, watching as you stumble while getting up from the chair and over to the drink fountain. The cup presses against the trigger, watching as the soda fills the cup to the brim.
As you walk back and grab your order, you can’t help but overthink. Why did you do that? It looked so intimate, and if people knew who you were, if people knew who he was… you’d both get in trouble. Shota would get in trouble because of you. You knew him too well to know that he’d take the blame and risk getting kicked out not even a year into their debut.
When you bring the tray to the table, you feel his eyes on you, and your heart had no reason to be beating so fast in the moment. “Are you okay? You look worried.” This time, Shota asks you. Your head perks up at his voice, snapping you out of it. “I’m okay. Let’s just eat.”
Everything goes back to normal in your silly, lighthearted fashion. You’d steal fries off his side, he’d drink from your straw, and you two would just mess around as you always would. No one came up to either of you with your masks off, so you two continued to be yourselves in the moment, with no one staring.
You find beauty in his personality. How you get to see him like this since you two are so comfortable with each other. Is he like this at his dorm? Probably. But is he ever this excited? Maybe not. You get to see him at full energy, unhinged and expressive, a side that the public might not see in him. And you felt so incredibly lucky.
Shota liked the way you stared at him, and the way a smile would creep up on your face. The way you’d hit a table over and over again or clap your hands when you found something funny. The way you’d pick up on his subtle hints and gestures and how you’d always found a way to make him feel better, the way you’d instantly recognize what’s wrong. You were patient with him, and that’s all he’s ever wanted.
He saw Keeho like an older brother; he acted the same way you did, but there was something different about the way you approached things. The way you weren’t afraid to be so physical with him, and how he wouldn’t recoil from your touch. He loved your hugs, and the way you’d bury yourself in him whenever you did.
Soul finds himself thinking of you at the dorms. He always thinks of you, but this was thinking of you at an extreme. You were on his mind 24/7. He’d think of how much fun certain practices would be if you were there. How you’d criticize him for putting the seasoning packets after putting the ramen in the bowl. Sometimes he’d imagine getting surprised by you. What would happen if you walked through the door right now?
You two saw each other’s quirks and you loved them. You saw sides of each other that the public couldn’t, and it made you both feel special. When you felt your heart racing when you thought of him, you couldn’t help but feel full of dread.
When he saw your photos or clips of your shows, he hated that his face went warm when you came on screen. That he was so hyper focused on you and nothing else.
You were smart. Emotionally and academically. You knew what was happening, but didn’t want to accept it. Really, it was process of elimination.
You started to have feelings for your best friend.
And you hated it. You hated it because him being in the industry pretty much means that he can’t date at all. You’d have to live with feelings that would never be reciprocated, and sometimes it hurt whenever you saw his face, especially when he was looking so damn good.
So you always stayed in denial of your feelings. You gaslighted, convinced, manipulated yourself to get over it, but nothing worked. You couldn’t help that your best friend was just that talented and attractive that when he texts you, you feel butterflies in your stomach and a smile grows onto your face.
Soul, however, was much more unaware of it. He never liked anyone. He was left alone with his thoughts for majority of his childhood, and had female friends but no romantic attraction to anyone.
When he finds himself pondering at the kitchen table, spacing out as he tries to figure out his feelings, his older brother figure, Keeho, sits down with him, after noticing Soul leaving the last bit of food in his bowl and just staring blankly. “You okay?” His voice snaps Soul out of it as he nods.
Intak sits down in the other seat with his own bowl, unintentionally now being a part of the conversation. “Something’s on your mind. You can tell me, I won’t judge.” Soul knows Keeho won’t judge. Intak, however…
Soul’s gaze moves from Keeho to Intak. “Intak won’t care. What’s bothering you?”
“What are we talking about?” Intak asks, clueless.
“What’s up with L/N? Didn’t you just see her last weekend?”
“Is L/N that girl Soul’s friends with? I saw her advertising a brand at a department store the other day.” Intak overhears, pitching into the conversation. “Yeah, that’s her.”
“What’s wrong? Did she insult you or something?”
The more Soul tries to think about it with the words in his head, his heart beats faster and faster that he brings his hand to his chest, feeling the rapid, strong pulse against his palm. How did you manage to make him feel like this? Like he was speechless?
Keeho seemed to notice something, because he moved Soul’s hand and put his own on his chest, feeling how fast it was beating and how powerful it was. “Your face is all red. Are you having a fever?” Intak asks, totally opposite to what Keeho is thinking.
“Oh my god.” He starts, acting overdramatic. “You like her.” When Keeho says it, it makes Soul cringe, and he hates that he came to the same conclusion. “Soul likes who?” Intak is still clueless about the whole situation, probably tired out from practice that day.
“L/N, you idiot, get your head out of the clouds.”
“I like her. A lot.”
“You like her as more than a friend?” Keeho clarifies, Soul nodding. He can see the conflict in his leader’s eyes, a sense of understanding yet a tinge of guilt. “I know we can’t… date. I really want to. She’s the first person who’s ever understood me… ever since I got here.”
His leader sighs. “I think you should tell her. But… be careful. You’re putting a lot of things at risk here.”
“I know I am.”
“Soul’s a pretty quiet person. He should be okay. I mean, as long as none of us ramble about it, we should be fine.” Keeho nods along, his face content. On the inside however, he knows damn well all of them ramble way too much.
And they could ramble about you and Soul.
“Should I text her?”
“Tell her in person. If you really like her, and you really do mean it, you need to tell her the next time you two meet up.”
“But what if I can’t say it?” Keeho is well aware of Soul’s problem with freezing up when talking to others, yet this was something bound to happen, even with you. “She’s patient. She’ll wait as long as she needs to for you to say it. You’ll be okay, Soul. I’m pretty sure she likes you back.”
“She does?”
Keeho scoffs. “Have you seen the way she is around you? Sometimes she stutters over her words when you’re around, she’s always waiting for you, she lets you take her food… there’s a whole list that goes on for a while.”
Soul’s gut feeling was right. He did have a crush on you. A really big one that would only grow if he didn’t do something about it quick.
He arranged to hang out with you the following week. His heart would not stop beating as if it was about to soar right out of his chest. He swore that if you put your thumb on the right spot on his wrist, you’d feel how nervous he was getting as time passed, and he did not want that happening soon enough.
You noticed something else. He seemed a lot more tense, spaced out, and hesitant. To be honest, you were almost the same. You hesitated to hold his hand like you usually did when you walked with him, worried someone would recognize either of you and see what was happening.
Anything simple you’d over-romanticize. He’d block you from the wind. He’d freak out and any display of you and take a picture of it, smiling as he checked them one last time for any retakes. How he’d play with your hand when you two sat together. When you’d share your food.
Everything you did normally was now something you saw as something beyond your friendship. You wanted it to be that way, you really did, but knowing Soul, as clueless as he is, he probably didn’t mean anything at all behind his actions. Everything has just been so normalized between the two of you.
Your heart raced as fast as his. One could say that if you compared both of your pulses, they would sync up, or be extremely close in heart rate. His face had the slightest tinge of pink that you noticed under certain lighting— you didn’t get to look at it long since he didn’t want to call you out for staring.
“I really like your hair colors. They’ve all looked really good on you.” You say, Soul surprised at the sudden compliment. “I’ve only dyed it once or twice…”
“And it looks good. Even your hairstyles! The braids are so cute! If it gets long enough, I should give you pigtails.”
“Long enough that hopefully I don’t get scheduled for a haircut.”
“I’d cry, honestly.”
Shota stops in his tracks in front of your place, the sudden tug on your hand holding you back. “I need to tell you something. It’s been… stuck in my head for a while.” He admits, kicking away a stone at his feet. “What is it?” The look you give him almost makes him back out, but he knew keeping it in for longer would only eat at him. And it wouldn’t be a while until he’d see you again.
“Um, I–“
Shota turns around at the sound of the voice, Keeho standing at a distance and waving at him. He turns back to face you, taking a deep breath.
“I like you.”
He notices the shock in your expression, your eyes widening slightly and jaw slightly hanging open.
“I like you a lot.” He continues.
Shota doesn’t know what to make of your blank stare at him, since you do so for longer than you should’ve. “I-I know it’s hard for us to do any relationship related stuff because of our careers. Um, I get if you’re worried about all of this and dating in general but…”
“Shota.” You cut him off, his eyes landing on you. You take both of his hands, thumbs brushing over the metal of his rings. “I want to go out with you.” You say so forwardly that he almost becomes the shocked one. “I really like you. I really do. I… I don’t want your career to be ruined because of me. You worked your ass off for this and God knows how much we’ve been separated because of it.”
You squeeze his hands, looking at how they intertwine. Shota speaks up. “Is it crazy that I like you so much?”
“How much?”
“That I feel like you’re the only one who’ll ever understand me? That you’re the only one I’ve ever had actual genuine feelings for? Am I too young to be thinking about these kinds of things?”
“I ask myself the same questions. Every. Single. Day.”
He giggles, feeling your head lean against him. You look up, chin resting against him with a light in your eyes he hadn’t seen before. “I don’t think you’re crazy. I think we’re two teenagers stupidly in love.”
“Soul, hurry up!” Keeho calls.
You can practically hear him roll his eyes the way he scoffs, making you giggle. “Go out with me.” He asks, more of a statement than a request. His chin rested atop your head, his hand rubbing your back with reassurance. “M’kay.” You agree with a smile, voice muffled.
“We’ll keep it a secret.”
“Even from the guys?”
“I’ll do my best.”
“Your dad is calling you.” He laughs at your joke, noticing you lost in thought. You pull away a bit, looking at the ground for a moment. In one swift movement, you tiptoe and peck his cheek. “Bye!” You briefly bid, briskly walking away. Shota raises his hand to where you kissed him, almost forgetting in his moment of bliss that Keeho had already called him twice.
The walk back is mostly in silence, Soul doing his best to stop his giddy little smile on his face from growing any more. Keeho didn’t look back at him once.
The sun is fully set by the time they arrive back at the dorms, Keeho entering with an extravagant greeting. “We’re baaack!” He gleefully exclaims. Shuffling can be heard from a distance as the boys begin to take off their shoes. “Soul, how was the–“ Theo starts, being cut off after seeing something on Soul’s face.
When he gets up from kneeling down, Theo notices a light pink mark on Soul’s face, and it for sure was not his blush. “You– She–“
“What’s happening–“ Jiung is equally as shocked as Soul walks into the main space. “Oh my god.” He mutters, hand going to cover his dropped jaw. “She kissed you!” Theo exclaims. Keeho immediately comes running over, grasping Soul’s face and turning it to find the mark. He gasped louder than he should’ve when he found it.
“Just on the cheek.” Soul felt like he had to specify, but the three boys continued to jump around and freak out over the mark. “Cute! Ugh– we need to meet her sometime!” Jiung gushes.
“She just kissed me today and you guys already want to meet her in person?”
They all nod.
“I think you guys would scare her. It’s a bit cramped in here… and we aren’t even allowed to have girls here.”
“Maybe we’ll run into her during a photoshoot! She’s getting pretty famous nowadays.” Jiung adds. “I’ve already met her so many times, just saying. She’s cool.” Keeho bragged before walking into his room.
Intak enters the living space, wondering why Theo and Jiung are crowded around Soul. Keeho goes back out to join them with his empty bottle of water, originally with the task of refilling it. Soul feels a buzz in his pocket, taking it out to see your name on his phone screen.
“She’s calling you!” Jiung gasps, Theo shushing him right after. Soul swipes right to accept the call. “Put her on speaker!” Intak whisper yells, Soul holding out his phone for his group members to huddle around it.
Jongseob comes out of his room, joining the boys even though he had no idea what exactly was going on. “Hello?” Soul greets. “Hi Shota!”
“I thought we just saw each other 20 minutes ago. Do you miss me already?” He jokes, attempting not to stutter over his words. “Oh, we’re speaking in Korean now! I see how it is.” He can hear your sarcasm over the phone, a smile growing on his lips. “What’s up? Did you forget something?”
“My parents kinda caught us outside. When I…”
“Oh. Right.”
“They want you to come over.”
“So soon?” Intak says a little too loud.
“Who was that?”
“No one– just a show in the background.”
“Oh. Well, you’ve met them before. On calls and stuff, they know who you are. You know them, right?”
“Because they saw… us… they want to meet you. I told them about how busy you were and your schedule and that it wouldn’t be for a while until you were free again–“
“Y/N.” He cuts you off for a second. “I’ll let you know when I’m free.”
“I want them to know I’m a good person. That I am doing my best for you.” His groupmates gush audibly, and it definitely picks up on the microphone. “You’re going to make me miss you a whole lot more if you keep talking like that.” Soul chuckles. “They’re listening, aren’t they?”
“Your group. That did not sound like a TV show in the background.”
They all look at each other, surprised. “Um… maybe?”
“Agh– they heard all of that?! So embarrassing…”
“They wanna meet you too. My group.”
“I thought girls weren’t allowed in your dorms.”
“Outside of the dorms. Possibly in a work environment?”
“That could work! I’m already looking forward to it.”
“They’re all weird.” Soul feels everyone’s eyes on him. “A bit. Just saying.” He hears you giggle on the other end.
“I love you.”
It goes dead silent for a moment, before all the boys erupt into loud cheering and hollering, Soul having to cover his ear to hear you. “Is it too soon for me to say that?” You ask.
“Did you mean it?” He answers with another question, silence on your end for a second.
“I did.”
“Then no. If anything, I think you’re 3 years too late.”
“Have you been waiting that long for me to say it?”
“Mmm, maybe just half a year.”
“Y/N?” He switches back to Japanese.
“I love you too.”
Though in another language, the boys can understand the small phrase, their montage of cheers going on for longer than it should have.
As both of you had begun to become more globally renowned, so did your relationship with each other. At first, it was viewed as the two of you being very close friends. After certain interactions and nitpickings, people began to question the nature and status of your relationship.
People noticed the ring on your finger and how it looked exactly like the ones on Soul’s. When the string to tighten his bracelet was visible from under his sleeves, some made connections to learn that it looked like yours. Neither of you took it off, even during work events.
If it couldn’t be on your wrist, you managed to use your bracelet as an anklet. It was more subtle, but you ended up having to send pictures to Shota to show proof you kept it on.
Strings were pulled. Your company met with his, and despite their strict dating laws and restrictions, they managed to work around them. You just hoped they weren’t bribed in any way.
You did end up visiting their dorm a few times after the workarounds, and Shota was always there at the door to be the first person to greet you. His physical touch became more than just holding your hand. He clung onto you; he loved hugs, he loved hugging you.
You loved his hair, playing with it and tying it up into different hairstyles. Pigtails, braids, the occasional half up ponytail. You were always fascinated at the fact every single colour looked so good on him.
The rest of the boys had to get used to your presence. Given you didn’t visit often since Soul would rather visit you, sometimes the sight of you seated with Soul on their couch was a shocker to them. Keeho got used to it the quickest.
From your perspective, you were overall cautious but at the same time didn’t care if any news of the two of you happened to get out. It would be shocking from one end, but it would follow with claims saying that it was bound to happen sometime. Considering how young you were, sometimes you had your doubts. Most of the time you forgot about those doubts.
As for someone like Shota, with his growing popularity and presence in the K-pop industry, he was worried one little leak would cause him to get kicked out of his company. Until paparazzi footage of the two of you, his hands wrapped around your waist to meet in the front as you waited at a bus stop, was posted on a website.
You both panicked. You apologized, he apologized; it was a lot of back and forth. All that came from netizens was the mutual discussion of the chance that you two might be in a relationship. The girl on billboards across Korea going out with a rising star in K-pop? Both of them soon to be international? It was unexpected.
The public was pleasantly surprised. It was a match they hadn’t expected, so much so they decided to try and guess how you two met and how your relationship started. Though you never went deeper than cute photos and interactions that just had to happen in the public eye.
Soul was asked the question a few times.
“Is Y/N a close friend of yours?”
“What’s your relationship with the model?”
The members would either glare at the interviewer or look at Soul worried. He’d always respond with:
“She’s my girlfriend.”
Which pretty much revealed the terms you two were on to every person on the internet.
The boys always took pictures and videos of the two of you as well, if you were ever to end up working together somehow. If you came to the dorm, or if they ran into you two in public. You’re certain Intak and Theo have way too many photos of him falling asleep on you or vice versa.
Soul scrolls on his phone, noticing a few posts of the two of you as he goes deeper down the rabbit hole. As he goes to rewatch his dance practice of the day, he gets a text from you.
Haku Shota
Hi (╹◡╹)
I know this is gonna sound like really stupid and crazy and weird
What is it?
Is it okay if I stay at your dorm tonight
Soul looks up from his phone and the condition his shared room is in. It’s decently clean, at least his area is. Theo and Jongseob’s area is debatable.
It’s okay if not! I was just wondering
You can
Just let me ask the guys first
It’s really messy in here
He puts in his phone in his pocket before he’s able to check your next text, reluctantly getting out of bed to go and ask. He opens the door, at first sticking his head out, but then fully shuffling through the door.
“Hey Soul. I thought you were sleeping?” Keeho says, going to sit on the couch. “I need to ask you guys something.”
“What is it?” Intak adds.
“Y/N wants to come over.”
“This late?” Sometimes it surprises him how dense Intak could be sometimes. “She wants to stay over. Sleep.”
The boys all look up and around at the area, noticing the slight mess. Despite you seeing the area in such conditions most of the time when you came over, they suddenly felt obligated to do something rather than have you sleep in an environment with said mess.
“We’ll clean up. Tell her we said yes. Is everything okay?” Keeho said, getting up from the couch.
“Get up, Jiung, and let the girl feel welcome.”
“Should I help?”
“Maybe clean our room.” Theo pats Soul on the shoulder, letting him walk back into said room.
Are you there?
Pls respond
I asked they said yes
I’m already on my way
We’ll talk more when I get there
I’ll text you
He can hear shuffling and commanding outside his room as he tosses the dirty laundry into their basket in the corner of the room, fixing his nightstand and somewhat making his bed since he was gonna lie down in it immediately afterwards.
By the time he gets a text, the room is mostly clean and tidy, prompting him to go and open the door for you. Your eyes meet with his, though they look dull and tired, more than they would be after a day of shoots.
“Hey.” You hide your gaze with the top of your hood. “Hi. Are you okay?”
“Let’s talk about it in your room. Is this a bad time?”
“Not at all. Come in.”
You nearly stumble over your own feet going to take your shoes off, Soul noticing there’s something more going on and it’s not just that you’re exhausted.
Not wanting to be rude, you briefly greet the rest of the boys before swiftly going into Soul’s shared room, Jongseob lying on his bed on his phone and simply acknowledging you when you enter the room, dropping your bag on the floor and plopping yourself on Soul’s bed. He sits next to you, your face covered by your hood.
He gently takes it off in case you’d stop him at the motion, seeing those dull eyes of yours, a bit pink and swollen. “What’s wrong? Is everything alright?” He softly asks, holding your hands in the same manner as his voice. “I’m having a few problems at home. Nothing with my parents. Extended family.”
“What happened?”
“My parents are having some maintenance and small renovations done on our house, so we’re staying in an extra room at my grandma’s for a little bit. My aunt lives in the other room.”
You inhale, trying to grasp onto your words.
“Um, my aunt is being,” you start, “being a real bitch. I know I can’t say that and it’s rude to even think so but God knows everyone in that room was pissed at her. She insulted my mom and her decision to move here and put me through modelling at such a young age.”
“She called me a wannabe, and that I wasn’t gonna get anywhere in life just posing for the camera. Called me a slut for allowing to be in shoots where I show a lot of skin when really it’s usually just a tank top and a skirt.”
“She said she felt bad for whoever I was dating that they had to be with a girl who loves showing herself off to the general public. Said I was practically naked if I showed too much skin.”
“So I don’t feel safe or comfortable in that house right now, and my parents were nice enough to let me stay someplace else. They agreed when I told them about you.”
Soul sat there, a silent rage burning through his veins. You had a completely valid reason to address her with such vulgarity. He couldn’t offer any advice in the moment, all that he could do was hug you.
“No wonder she still lives with your grandma.” He mutters into your shoulder, your hand hitting his back hard as you chuckle. “You can’t say that, Shota!”
“Who’s stopping me? I know you want to say it too.”
“Fine. Only because you don’t want me to. Still, I’m sorry you had to go through all that. Stay as long as you need to.” Soul’s eyes meet with Jongseob’s, their stares translating into sentences.
‘As long as she needs to?’
‘Just let her. Please.’
‘Don’t ask me, ask Keeho.’
Shota rolls his eyes at his roommate, attention back on you. “I’m gonna go change now.” You say, pulling away. “Where are you gonna sleep?”
“Um, I was thinking we could share your bed. But I can always take the couch if you don’t want to–“
“Share. Yeah– yeah, we can share.”
You smile, kissing his forehead before you leave the room. Jongseob’s eyes are on Soul the minute the door shuts. “What did she say?” He meant to ask: ‘What did she say to make her kiss you in front of me?’
“She wants to share my bed.”
“You look really nervous.”
“I’m not nervous, just surprised. And I’ve… obviously never shared it before.”
“Just sleep normally, Soul. What’s so hard about that?”
“Do I snore?”
“You don’t. Theo does. Maybe get her some earplugs.”
“I don’t have any.” His roommate shrugs his shoulders.
“Fine.” He tosses Soul a clean, unopened pair of foam earplugs. “Are you actually that nervous?”
Soul’s ashamed to admit it. “We’re close, but we haven’t been this close before. Not at all. I have no idea if I kick in my sleep– what if I kick her?”
“You kick like once or twice but not every other second. Besides, if L/N says she’s in love with you, she’s gotta be in love with everything about you. Including your sleeping habits. She’d love you regardless of what you do in your sleep.”
You come back in sweats and a loose shirt, going to lay on the bed while Shota sat on the edge. You place your hand on top of his, prompting him to turn around and look at you. “Are you that tired?”
“Korean all of a sudden?”
“I’m getting better, aren’t I?”
“By the day, Shota.”
“To answer your question, since I was crying for 10 minutes at home, yes, I’m tired. Are you gonna just gonna sit there or are you gonna get some rest?” Soul simply responds moving you over on the bed so he can sleep on the side closest to the wall. You turn to face him, all flushed and doe eyed. “Am I too close?” Your head rests against his chest and atop his arm, probably the definition of close.
“I can always move if–“
“Just stay here. You’ve had a rough day.”
His other arm wraps around you, his hand on your back and pushing you closer to him. “Do you think we’re too young to be this in love?” You feel his head move. “What do you mean?”
“That we aren’t old enough to make bigger decisions for ourselves? This… this is a big thing. People say that we’re really young to already be dating, and I always shrug it off, but it’s bothering me. What if they’re right?”
“Are you doubting us?”
“I’m not, I’m really not! People are just overlooking what’s going on between us and they’re making assumptions and–“
“This relationship is only between us and no one else. We don’t need to worry about what others think. We only need to worry about each other.”
“You’re getting good at switching languages smoothly.” You say, trying to sneak a bit of humor in there. “I learn from the best.” His hand once on your back now moved to your head, stroking it smoothly. “I’m really grateful for you, actually. I hope you know that.” His words melt your heart as they always do, but somehow you find them more meaningful.
“When you first helped me here. When you offered to keep in touch and look where that brought us. When you don’t get bothered every time I ask you how to say something in Korean. And you still like being with me even though sometimes I can be a bit…”
“I was thinking annoying, but what you said sounds nicer.”
“Shota, I never thought of you as annoying. You’re teaching yourself with the help of your group getting around and the culture and its differences.”
“How did you get used to it so quickly?”
“I didn’t. I’ve been here so many times to visit but living here? Oh, it was a culture shock to me.”
“So I’m really not alone in this?”
“You were never alone, Haku.”
You called him by his first name.
Your eyes meet at your mention of it, Shota looking at you with such a pure, joy filled gaze that was silent behind his irises. It was moments like this where you got to admire his beauty, how pretty he was, his features and how they worked so well together.
You’re drawn to him. So much so that you end up giving him a soft, gentle kiss on the lips.
As much as it was a moment of euphoria, the moment you pulled away, you immediately got flustered and embarrassed, turning around since you weren’t able to face him. “I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have–“ And seeing Jongseob on the other bed? He heard a lot and probably saw a lot which made the whole thing more embarrassing for you.
You kick your feet slightly, hiding your face in your hands and just then feeling how hot your it was in the moment. Suddenly, you feel his arms wrap around your waist like they did in the photos of you two at that bus stop, bringing you closer into him. “I liked it. It was my first.” He mutters, voice slightly muffled.
“It was my first too.” You reply, hands off your face and turning around to bury it in his shoulder, still embarrassed to face him. You wrap an arm around him as to hug him loosely. “I love you, Haku.” You raise your head to bump your nose against his. He giggles, hugging you tighter.
“I love you more, Y/N.”
“Even more than your games?”
“More than my games and my rings. Get some rest now.”
You want to kiss him again in that moment, but he does it for you. Short and chaste, your lips meet long enough to feel each other’s connection, but short enough that it doesn’t escalate.
“At this point, can you two just sleep already? I’d rather you hug and spoon than hear you kiss all evening.” Jongseob sneers, almost forgetting he was even in the room. Soul feels you giggle into his shoulder, having you so close being the least of his worries. In fact, it was something he cherished.
Soul never let you out of his hold, and you never let him out of his.
☀️: guys look at this
☀️: [Two images attached]
🐿️: OMG
🐺: theo why are you taking pictures of them while they’re sleeping 🤨
🐺: that’s a little bit weird
☀️: ok but they’re cute
☀️: you’d do it too
🐺: tbh i would
🐯: they kissed
🐺: HUHH???
🐶: wait actually
🐿️: where did you come from
🐶: i was disinterested until i saw jongseob’s text
🐺: are we talking like a kiss on the cheek or forehead cuz they do that a lot
🐯: lips
🐶: keeho u probably havent kissed anyone why r u talking
🐺: shut up
☀️: yeah i walked in on them
🐯: they didnt make out or anything tho i think they’re both disgusted by the idea of it
🐺: thank god
🐶: you actually thought they were gonna make out or something just from the word ‘kiss’??
🐺: hey you can never be too careful
🐿️: i understood half of what they were saying until they switched back to japanese ugh i could hear them through the wall
🐯: are the walls actually that thin
🐿️: i hear you scream at your phone every time u watch something scary
🐯: okay anyways they were probably flirting with each other
🐯: i was literally there the whole time
🍟: (*^◯^*)
🐶: oh shit
🐺: morning soul!!
🐿️: why aren’t you just talking to each other instead of texting in the group chat you literally share a room
🍟: y/n is sleeping (( _ _ ))..zzzZZ
☀️: she actually is do u guys want proof
🐺: stop taking pictures of people in their sleep theo ur weird for that
🍟: [One image attached]
☀️: and when soul does it ur not gonna say anything
🐺: soul dont do that but yall r cute okay
☀️: this is so unfair
🐯: i have a picture of him taking that picture
🐺: what
🐶: this is so confusing
🐯: [One image attached]
🐿️: trippy @—@
🐺: soul how is she not waking up while you’re texting us
🍟: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
🍟: she is so pretty (//∇//)
🐶: you are so down bad its crazy
🐺: jiung is literally squealing into his pillow rn
🐯: yeah we can hear
☀️: fr tho u guys r cute
🐶: soul pulls
🍟: (・・?)
🐺: it’s okay soul you’ll figure out what that means eventually
☀️: just tell him what’s stopping you
🐺: he spends a lot of time on the internet he’ll see it one way or another
🍟: jongseob i never gave her the earplugs u can have them back
🐶: is it cuz theo snores cuz honestly thats understandable
☀️: i do not snore that loud okay
🐯: my bed is right next to yours so that makes it 10 times louder
🐯: also just leave them on the nightstand soul ill take them back thanks
🐺: is someone gonna get up or are we just gonna keep texting here
☀️: soul would but he’s too busy holding his gf rn
🐯: do u guys want more photos
🐿️: yes
🐺: jongseob and theo you two need to stop taking pictures of y/n while she’s sleeping she’s gonna think you guys are creepy
☀️: you never said no
🐺: and i never said yes
🐯: soul is shielding her face in some of them tho at least its covered
🐿️: just send them
🍟: you can send them jongseob (^^)
🐯: see even soul says we can
🍟: wanna show how pretty y/n is
🐿️: oh my god you guys are so dsibwsidhsi
🐺: jiung is freaking out
🐶: soul i think u killed him
☀️: breaking up at this point would just end the world
☀️: treat her well soul
🐶: yeah you’ve got a good one
🍟: im too in love to let go (*´∀`*)
and i am but a man, orbiting ‘round your sun. and it’s you that makes my day, after day. 🎧
537 notes · View notes
bluxb3rry · 2 months
❝𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐭!❞↳෴੭˚ ༘♡·˚₊˚ˑ༄ؘ 💜
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Hwang Hyunjin x male reader! Howdy Hehe, im back because its night and im eepy. Soooo, this was gonna be 100% Fluff...um nope, its angst, because my playlist decided that...yeh It's already the second one of falling apart love one shot with Hyunjin? Damn, i need to make more happy things with this man Anyway see ya
── ⋅⋅⋅ ────꒰ ୨ ♡ ୧ ꒱───────
You were perfect in his eyes
The most handsome man in the world, universe even.
Hyunjin loved seeing you smile, laugh, talk and cry because of a random scene in a movie. He loved the way your eyes shine when the sun hits in the perfect moment. He loved the way you always touched his hair in a slow and soft way when you both were cuddling.
His arms hugging your waist and your hands in his hair and back. Looking like lost pieces in a weird puzzle, loving the company in a moment of silence and love.
His kisses would touch your skin, making you feel like little butterflies are resting in your skin, he would make a path to your lips, the feeling of love being obvious in every single kiss of his.
Hyujin loved hearing you talk, the random moments when he could be more than two hours with you, he would spend it listening to you. In a cafe, in the arcade or just in his house, he would listen to you. Hearing the most random story you could remember or maybe that one show that you loved watching. Did it end? Did you just start it? or maybe you just got bored of it?. Maybe you would talk about a new podcast you were listening, or about this book you started to read. He will take note of the name of it and maybe take a look, and maybe the conversation would be more long with his opinion in it.
Hyunjin loved hugging you in the late nights when he came back after practice, he was tired and the only thought in his mind was sleep till it was another year. But, that can wait, he needed to feel your warm, and smell that sweet perfume of yours. Or maybe, you already are sleeping, your phone in hand and the bed having a lonely and cold spot waiting for him. He would hug you, kiss you and sleep knowing that you are in his arms once again.
Hyunjin loved going out with you, maybe scared for all the crazy fans, knowing about his realtionship with a man, but after seeing you talking to him with a big smile in your face, he stopped caring after some time.
Hyunjin loved painting you, he did it intentionally at first, a little sketch in his notebook. He just realised after one of his teamates point it out, laughing at his red face. Then he just liked painting you, taking his time, rembering every single feature about you. That little mole you didn't like, your hair in the morning and you face all puffy. He would get distracted when painting your lips, thinking about kissing you just to feel the details a bit more.
Hyunjin loved you, thats why he hated when you both had a discussion. He was to tired, but it wasn't a excuse for telling you those mean things. He would always try and talk with you more calmly after, it worked most of the time, other times he would sleep on the cold couch, missing the warm your arms would give him.
Then in the morning, he would see you again, in the kitchen making breakfast. He didn't say anything because you didn't, he felt he had to be in silence.
He hated that day, the day you talked...your voice was as beautiful as always, your puffy face was still cute in his eyes, your lips as distracting as always, your eyes shining like always. But something new happened.
"i think...i don't love you anymore"
Your words hurt, for the first time.
He tried to talk about it, saying sorry for the words he had said before. But the truth is, your hugs started to be more short, your kisses had started to feel less long, the conversations shorter, the time was shorter and you stopped feeling love.
But Hyunjin stil loved you like the last person in earth
"...i think, i won't be able to love anyone like i loved you"
He said, remembering the lovely portraits in his studio, your face being his main muse
"i know...maybe i won't be able to do that either"
You looked at him, tears in your eyes, slowly falling in your cheeks.
"but im scared to hurt you...i don't want to hurt you Hyunjin"
But oh you were already killing him in one million different ways.
"if you say that...is because you already love someone else"
"i don't know! im confused...im scared, i really don't want to leave you"
"But...someone showed me love too...and im starting to accept it...."
"...i love you"
"im sorry..."
He bited his lip, trying not to cry, not now. Even if his heart broke, evein if the glass is in the floor hurting him, he wanted to walk and feel to blood just to heart it one more time.
"i love you"
You looked at him, and just hugged him
"I love you too....is just not the same anymore"
Hyunjin loved hearing you laugh, he loved talking to you, he loved you. But, he loved you being happy, and if thats with another man, then so be it. He looked at you one last time, and left.
He won't love someone else like he loved you.
Because you were his universe, but he was just another planet.
── ⋅⋅⋅ ────꒰ ୨ ♡ ୧ ꒱───────
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badchoicesworld · 10 months
i hear you requested requests! ive got one!!
hobie x masc reader that's gwens older brother (ik its not canon, but the canon can fuck itself) (sorry miggy)
i dont really have anything in mind for reader's personality or whatever (so thats up to you!) but id like if reader liked to draw (thus ended up drawing hobie and got caught by him hahaha cliches i love them)
where hobie meets gwens older brother (you !)
hobie x masc!reader
this actually gave me hella ideas, im gonna link it to what happened in the movie (sorry it took a while, life fucked me)
didn’t specify if it was platonic or romantic (WHICH IS FINE ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥) so i’ve just done general shit for both lmao
warnings: none
pairing: hobie brown x masc!reader
requests: open, i cant let the demons catch me
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★⋆ ⋆☆⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆☆⋆⋆★✧
when you first meet hobie you’re so very thankful to him for taking care of your little sister
if gwen managed to hide her being ghost-spider from your guys’ dad, then she likely hid it from you, too
but obviously, your dads gonna have to tell you why gwen didn’t come home one day
you’re crushed, naturally. likely furious at your own dad for literally firing a warning shot at her
might have ran away yourself, maybe hobie comes to your rescue too
or maybe you two meet while hobie’s dropping off his homemade gizmo for gwen, and you’re so unbelievably thankful for him and his generosity when you meet him
of course you will be, he took your sister in while you couldn’t do anything to help
hobie’s probably side-eyeing yours and gwens dad but is happy to get along with you if you’re gwens bother
he cant stay for long at that moment in time, got a multiverse to save and all that
but the brief interaction opens doors to many opportunities in the future
hobie gets to hear about the brief reunion between you and gwen from her, after she went back to her own dimension before it was show time
he becomes very intrigued by you
next time you two meet is likely after they save the multiverse (WHICH THEY WILL WITH ZERO CASUALTIES UNLESS ITS MIGUEL.)
miguel definitely doesn’t approve of hobie using his watch to travel dimensions just to see you or gwen, still does anyway if he doesn’t just build his own
probably came to see gwen, pick her up to bring him to his own dimension, whatever
sees you instead, target acquired
hobie’s heard plenty about you from gwen, likes to think you aren’t strangers so is super friendly, overly even
catches you in your room, drawing in a well loved sketchbook
definitely does that thing where he just fucking appears behind you, he’s that quiet when walking despite the accessories
he’s looking over your shoulder while you draw silently, you might be too distracted to notice or you’re immediately started by him
smug asf when you finally catch on, is especially entertained if he’s caught you drawing him, god forbid
wouldn’t be surprised though, he likes to make people stare so is honestly complimented if you’ve been trying to draw him since first seeing him
doesn’t just snatch ur sketchbook and start looking through it though, unlike someone
as an artist, he gets it
you’re probably super protective over ur sketchbook actually because of gwen, smh
will probably banter a little bit about that, tease something about gwen that you’d both be victim to, like her tendency to borrow things without permission
find common ground yknow
“ain’t it a pain when she [gwen activities]” but you’re not being mean ur bonding it’s fine, we don’t slander gwen (i do however have some strong words)
starts hanging out with you on the odd chances gwen isn’t home, just casually in your room at first
starts off talking about your guys’ interests, seeing if you have things in common
probably listening to music together
the closer you get, he starts to actually travel dimensions just to see you
casually waves to gwen before ducking into your room
is happy to just kick back there, but is also happy to go out and do things at that point
the more you hang out, the more your dad and gwen begin to tease you- which is nothing in comparison to the shit hobie faces
gwen easily told everyone else about you two hanging out, he never hears the end of it now regardless of dimension
hobie starts using the front door instead of just appearing in your room “son, your boyfriend’s here” ur devastated why would ur dad say that
THENN hobie starts to come to your dimension for you more than gwen, has probably already invited you back to his once or twice but now he’s a lot more frequent with invites, wants you to consider his place a second home (in case you ever wanna run from home, cough)
say something does blossom between you two, obviously you don’t label it cause hobie’s not about that
you get promoted from “gwens brother” to “hobie’s boyfriend” at some point even if you don’t use labels- that’s only if ur not like too close to the rest of the friend group, but i imagine you’ve gotta be
hobie probably talks more about being spider-man relatively early on considering the topic, but since you know his secret identity it doesn’t really matter to him
the closer you are, the more into his stories he is
is ready to reenact the whole thing for you now so it’s like you were there
draw each other, i dare u
make playlists for each other, perhaps ?
there’s a lot of gwen snitching to each of you
and then you two do with that information together what you will later
like if you’re just being gay for each other it’s wild how fast gwen goes to the other and is like “guess what he said” she is not slick about it
hobie can be found at ur place more often then not, your dads a little more iffy about you going to a different dimension
still, very grateful to be welcome in your home but hobie definitely prefers to kick back at his
hobie loves to bother gwen about your whereabouts, if you are a thing or not “where’s your brother at?” he’s pretending to be cool about it
does your dad approve ? who cares
but nah he’s way more open minded after the incident, thinks hobie is a peace of work and probably his own son too if you’ve got a similar personality, in that case you’re perfect for each other
if not he’s just happy you’re happy, that’s all he cares about
obviously gwen supports it, likes to claim she introduced you guys and you owe your relationship to her when she tries to win in an argument/conversation
★⋆ ⋆☆⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆☆⋆⋆★✧
316 notes · View notes
potchi-fics · 7 months
One look
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✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ one look is all it takes. one look and you don't know how to function, your brain stops working, your palms start getting sweaty, and all those cliché things you read in a story where a character starts falling in love. but you don't believe those. you don't believe that someone could make you experience such sappy things, i mean--this is real life, no?
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
you look at the clock hanging on the wall, its hands saying that it's thirty minutes before you start closing your cafe.
you saw that right, your cafe--your very own. it always has been your dream to work on one, to manage one, and to own one. your business bloomed the moment you opened it. of course, you're thankful for your customers, but every once in a while, you enjoy the peaceful of the place when it doesn't have many people in it.
on rare days, your cafe would be completely empty, and it's one of those days.
you were so lost in the ambience of the place that you didn't notice the soft creaking made by the entrance door being opened. hearing a gentle voice call out to you makes you snap out of your trance.
"excuse me?" the person called out, "are you still taking orders?"
quickly straightening yourself up, you finally see their face. it was a woman, a beautiful woman, you think inside your mind. your eyes meet hers.
one look.
one look is all it takes just for you to be proven wrong.. so so wrong. you feel the world around you two goes into blur, the time seems to slow down. are you losing your mind?
the woman's oreo themed hair suits her so much, her oversized and baggy clothes make her more appealing, and her height.. makes your palms sweaty, your brain stop working, and your knees weak.
"i'd like a caramel macchiato and a glazed donut, please."
jesus, her voice trances you like some hypnotized human. hastily ringing up her order, you thank her and informed her that you'll just call her name.
"i'm gonna need a name." you're surprised when your voice comes out stable.
she smiles, her eyes seem to disappear when she does, "bada."
and with that, your interaction ends. before you start working on her coffee, you take a moment to calm your beating heart. what's happening to you?
all the while making her coffee, you keep stealing glances at Bada. her aura makes you nervous and excited.
should you ask her her number? or is it too soon..
shaking your head, you finish her order and say out her name.
"for Bada?"
you see her figure stand up and walk towards you, it makes you more nervous.
she reaches for the coffee from your hand and her fingers comes into contact with yours; you feel electricity running throughout your body, your chest feels so tight like your heart is about to burst out of your body.
Bada smiles again, "thank you."
after she walks away, you lean back on the counter, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape.
this is real life. you don't experience those things, and yet.. you're standing there like a high school girl who just got her first crush.
・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
over the course of a few weeks, Bada continued to go to your cafe nightly. your impending crush weighing on your very soul, and you swore that you're gonna talk to her tonight.
as usual, Bada comes in and makes her order.
you look at her, and you just can't bring yourself to talk to her. her stare roots you on your spot, she makes the words you want to say get stuck in your throat. but before you could say anything, she beats you to it.
"do you want to come and sit with me?"
your cheeks flush red, "i.. yeah, i would love to."
Bada smiles triumphantly, like she just won a contest.
and just like that, you're in your own movie.
✮⋆˙♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧🦭✧˖°
thats it for my very first fanfic here on tumlr, i really hope you guys enjoyed reading even though its so short huhu. also, english is not my first language guys so sorry for the mistakes..
૮₍ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ₎ა
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littlespacereader · 10 months
Can I request cg!spiderpunk with spidey! little reader who starts having accidents in littlespace and she's rlly embarrassed cause she's a hero? Thanks! Feel free to ignore!
Heck no I’m not gonna to ignore!! I absolutely LOVE this idea!! This is such a huge issue a Regressor superhero might have! Trying to save the world but what if you need someone to save your world?! What if an accident happens while fighting crime?! I couldn’t love this idea more! So I hope you enjoy this fic! Feel free to send me another idea!!
The Little Spidey
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Caregiver! Hobie Brown (Spider-Punk) & Spidey Fem Little! Reader
Tags: an accident, pull-ups, fighting, stuffies, hiding/reveal of regression, sippy cups, stuffie,hurt&comfort
Nicknames: darling, sweet one, love
Alright let’s do this one last time.
My name is Y/N L/N. I was bitten by a radioactive spider. And for 3 years I’ve been the one and only Spider-Girl.
Thats is, until I realized there’s a whole multiverse full of different Spider people! Recently I became a part of this Spider-verse, which had its ups and downs.
My universe was completely different from everyone else’s, which took some getting used to. In my universe Age Regession was a normal every day thing for people. It wasn’t shamed at or thought of the wrong way.
I’m one of the age regressors in my universe. I regress really young so on missions I usually wear a pull-up, just in case I begin to regress or can’t find a bathroom in time. And trust me, with the long hours of crime fighting, this has come in handy on numerous occasions.
My suit is designed by yours truly. It has a special feature that wearing a bulky pull-up or diaper isn’t shown. It just looks like a normal Spidey suit. I carry a backpack with me at all times with supplies for myself and some extra gear for missions.
Because regression it wasn’t mainstream in most of the other universes, I kept it to myself. That way I wouldn’t have to embarrass myself infront of the other Spideys. There were some universes where regression was just a normal every day thing like mine but those were rare to find, and it was hard to ask incase the answer was no.
After joining, I quickly became friends with Hobie and Pav, my two best friends. The three of us would travel to different universes and kick some butt together! We really worked well as a team!
Pav always strikes me as a Regressor. But I never have the courage to ask him in fear of him asking me if I’m one.
I often visited Earth-50101 to see Pav and spent time in Mumbattan. But I spend most of my time with Hobie in Earth-138 London.
Hobie and I are the closest. He made me feel welcomed the moment I joined the group. Miguel and Jess can be a bit intimidating at times, but Hobie always takes me under his wing.
He makes me feel comfortable and he never lets anyone yell or order me around. He’s a very free spirited freedom fighter. In London I watched his concerts with his band and in my universe we got ice cream together. He’s versatile.He also has the coolest Spidey moves with his guitar! It’s sick!!
He introduced me to Pavitr. Now the three of us hang out all the time! And when we’re not hanging out we’re fighting crime together!
Despite our close friendship I’ve kept my regression hidden from them. When they come over I just hide all my little gear and when we’re out I fight my hardest not to regress.
So with my regression under wraps I continue to fight crime now not only in Queens, NY but in the multiverse as well! Nothing can go wrong!…….Or so I thought.
Today was my day off, if that’s even possible for a Spidey. I decided today I’m going to regress and relax the rest of the evening. Hobie is practicing with his band, Pav is on a date with his girlfriend and my watch hasn’t gone off with a new mission. So I’m taking a me day.
I ran to my bed room and grabbed the box from underneath. I ripped the box open and grabbed my favorite stuffie and pacifier immediately. Then I had a choice of sippy cup: am I feeling princess or hearts today? Ummmmmmmm…….hearts!
With my things in hand, I walked into the kitchen. As I washed and filled my sippy cup I started to ramble off everything that’s been going on to my stuffie. Gotta let him know all the juice crime fighting details.
Then I made my way to the couch, plopping infront of the tv to watch hours and hours of cartoons. And hours and hours and hours…..
I woke up some time later to the buzzing of my watch. I quickly jumped up and spit my pacifier out before answering.
“Y/N! Where have you been? We been trying to contact you.” Jess aka Spider-Woman yelled at me.
“Sorry I was asleep after a long day. What’s up?”
“We got another anomaly. Suit up we’ll be there soon to pick you up.” And with that the call hung up.
Be there soon?!?!?!
I immediately started to shove everything under my couch or in the couch cushions. Then I ran into my bedroom to get changed fast! I quickly suited up but not without pausing in my bathroom.
I forgot a pull-up, how stupid of me let me just-
Suddenly I heard a portal open in my living room. “Y/N! Where you at?” Hobie yelled out.
I eyed the pull-up and then the door. It’s okay, it probably won’t be a long mission anyway. Just in and out and I’ll be back before I know it. I’m totally not feeling Little in the slightest so I should be fine without protection. Wait who am I lying to?
With that little pep talk I stormed out of my bathroom, grabbing my back pack on the way, and greeted everyone in my living room. There stood Jess and Hobie ready for the next mission.
“How was practice?”
Hobie rolled his eyes, “Don’t get me started! What practice? I was two second from going on when these guys called.”
“Don’t they know you’re trying to be an artist!” I said all dramatically.
He laughed and smirked, “Oh darling don’t you know? I’m already an artist.”
“Come on you two, we got a mission to complete.” Jess redirected.
The three of us set our watches to Earth-3624 and then we took off into the portal.
The mission is simple, or should I say was simple. There was a Doctor Octopus found in the wrong universe. We were tasked with finding him and sending him to the right Earth. Only problem is he was somewhere in the middle of NYC. So we had all of NYC to find him…just the four of us…looking for one person…in all of NY.
If you’re saying to yourself “Wow that sounds impossible” you’re totally right.
The night began to drag on and on and on. I was exhausted from the constant searching for hours on end. It didn’t help I was also fighting myself from regressing. But as the night dragged on it seemed Doctor Octopus was winning and I was losing.
My regression nagged at me every single moment. All I wanted to do was find a place to curl up, grab my pacifier and take a nap. But I couldn’t! Not now! I had a job to do!
What didn’t help the most was the nagging feeling of needing to go to the bathroom. I know what you’re thinking and you’re right, I should’ve gone before I left. But I was in a rush! I didn’t even know I had to go! Now I’m sitting on the roof squirming every two seconds.
Everything was so frustrating! I’m stuck on some stupid Earth looking for stupid Doctor Octopus in the middle of the stupid night!!…..Okay, maybe my regression was kicking in more than I thought it was.
“Hey,” Hobie swung up onto the roof I was sitting on. “How’s the search going?”
“It’s going.” I said a bit frustrated. “How about you?”
“About the same.” Hobie said, sitting on the edge of the roof next to me.
“I can’t believe they got us working this ridiculous mission. You think Miguel and Jess could just handle this on their own. But noooooo. Instead they pull the two of us in the middle of the night to try and find this wackjob.” I ranted away.
“That’s right Y/N! Stick it to the man! Let that frustration out.” Hobie smirked, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. I started to squirm in place a bit. I crossed my arms infront of my chest in an effort to mask it.
Hobie eyed me curious but didn’t say anything about it. “I know Jess is searching on the upper east side. I just wanted to join you midtown and make sure you’re doing alright.”
“I’m doing okay. Tired but okay.” I tried to reassure him. But I felt as though he could see right through me. Before he said another word I changed the subject.
“I don’t understand how we’re supposed to find Doc Oct in all of New York.” I said dramatically.
Hobie laughed. “Yeah, what do they expect? Him to come to us?”
The moment those words left Hobie’s mouth we both felt it, our Spidey sense. Of course we jinxed ourselves.
We flipped backward and just out of range for a giant sign that was flying towards us. I landed back on the roof and looked over to an adjacent building. There, standing bold as ever was none other than Doctor Octopus.
“Hello Peters.” He smirked.
Hobie swung over first. “Yeah you’re wrong on both fronts mate.” He swung his guitar at him, landing a nice blow sending the Doctor backwards.
“Once you go against one Spider-Man you go against them all.” He swung his arms again, this time hitting Hobie and sending him backwards.
Now I stepped up, running up, casting my webs and swinging full force towards the doctor. I managed to wrap one of his arms up, but while I did he grabbed me with another. With my leg trapped in his claw, he leaned back and threw me to the roof of a building next to him.
The back of my head hit the ground hard and for a moment I was seeing stars. I was drifting, I wanted to get up and help but my body just wouldn’t let me. I started to fade into darkness for a moment. Both in and out of consciousness.
It was at this time my regression decided to give in. Choosing for itself that it needed to regress more than anything else. What tipped it over the most was the warm feeling I started to feel between my legs. Tears started to fall from my eyes as I realized I was having an accident.
Then came the float gates. My regression wrapped around me like a warm blanket, trying to comfort me in a time of pain and embarrassment. I just want to go home. I don’t want to be here with my wet suit and headache! I just want to go to sleep with my stuffie at home, my pacifier and my pull-up.
I shut my eyes, not wanting more tears to escape. I had to get up, I had keep fighting. What kind of hero would o be if I couldn’t.
“Y/N? Hey! Y/N! Are you okay?” Hobie’s voice echoed in the background. I could hear his footsteps as he ran over to me.
Oh no. Nonononono!
Hobie and I caught eyes the moment I opened mine. He saw everything already. How could I explain the puddle beneath me or the tears streaming down my face?! I’m supposed to be a hero, someone who takes care of others. But I can’t even take care of myself.
There Hobie stood, not disgusting or confused, but worried and concerned about me. “Awwww sweet one-.”
“I’m fine.” I said with a cracking voice. Tears still fell from my eyes as embarrassment filled me.
I tried to sit up fast but he stopped. “Wow wow wow there darling you might have a concussion. Easy does it, easy now.” He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and helped me to sit up slowly.
He sat beside me, letting me lean on him for support.
I tried my hardest to talk between crying, “ I-I can explain…it just…just-”
“You’re a Little? I figured as much. No need to worry yourself with worries. You’re okay, it’s all okay love. I’ll take care of everything.” He said plain as day.
Maybe it was the concussion. “What?” Was all I managed to say.
“You know, on my Earth everyone knows about regression. It’s more common than you would think. Plenty of Earths know about regression, even if they aren’t as open about as our Earth’s are.” He went on to explain.
“But all of that doesn’t matter right now. Right now we need to get you changed and padded. Then we need to take care of you and your concussion.” Hobie threw his guitar to his back and lifted me bridal style into his arms.
“Wait.” I tried to say.
“What?” He raised an eye brow.
“Don’t we have to get the bad guy?”
“The bad guy? First off, I don’t listen or do what anyone tells me, especially Jess or Miguel. Second off, I already too care of that for us.” He gestured to the roof across from us. There all webbed up stood Doctor Octopus.
“I already phoned Jess who’s on her way to take care of the boring details. I say we get a move on before she starts ask questions we’re not going to answer.” He explained.
After a moment I nodded my head, wrapping my arms around his neck. With the click of his watch Hobie and I were soaring into another portal.
Before I even realized it we were back in my apartment. Hobie walked us into my bathroom, setting me down on the counter top. Then he began to search around.
“Where are your pull-ups at Y/N?” He asked searching under the sink.
To be honest, I was still in shock from this day. Blame it on the concussion but I couldn’t even fathom that this is even happening.
As I watched him raid my bathroom I spoke up, “What are you doing?”
“I just told you I’m looking for your pull-ups.”
“Why?” He stood up and walked back over to me, “Because we need to get you changed before you get a rash or worse.”
I stared at him, still in disbelief. “Why are you doing this for me? How come you don’t think this is weird and why are you being so-.”
He immediately stopped that train of thought by holding my hand in his. “Hey, hey hey. No more worrying about big thoughts okay? Like I said earlier, regression is something I’m familiar with. I’m happy you have an escape from this life as a Spidey. It’s a safe and healthy coping mechanism. I don’t find you or any of this weird. More than anything I want to take care of you.”
“You don’t see me as a weak Spidey because I’m a Little?” I asked, still a bit insecure.
“A weak Spidey?! Hell no!!” He shook his head. “Do you think Pav is a weak Spider-Man?”
I looked at him confused but shook my head no.
“That makes two of us. Pavirt is a Little too. He regresses around the same age as you. Doesn’t matter if you regress, you’re still a Spidey. Don’t get me wrong, I love Pav and I take care of him from time to time when he regresses. But his girlfriend tends to him most the time, I’m just the babysitter. But there’s something special about you. You bring out a side of me that I didn’t know I had.”
He sighed, “I realized early on you were probably a Little, so I kept a careful eye on you. Before you, I was still the cool artist you see before you today. But I was always missing something…something amazing. And I realized that amazing something was you. Without or without your regression. I think you’re truly amazing.”
He leaned forward and took my hand in his, “If you’ll have me, I’d like to take care of you whenever you’re regressed. That way you have someone watching out for you and taking care your needs. I can see you regress pretty young so you’re gonna need a careful eyes watching your trouble maker self.” He smirked.
“So…what do you say?” He asked.
I honestly couldn’t believe my ears. Hobie wants to be my Caregiver?! Also Pav is a Little?!! But mostly, Hobie the “coolest, mysterious, rule breaker” Brown wants to be my Caregiver?!
In disbelief yet happy beyond belief, I smiled and squeezed his hand. “Yes. I’d love for you to be my Caregiver.”
Hobie smirked and squeezed my hand back. “Trust me darling the honor is all mine.”
“But first and foremost let’s get you changed out of that wet suit and into something more comfortable. Now for the final time where are your pull-ups at?” He said dragging the last part out.
“They’re in my backpack.” I shrugged it off and handed it to him.
Hobie took the backpack from me and started to take all the supplies he needs out.
“So you don’t think I’m gross?” I asked, still anxious about the whole accident.
“Nope. You’re a younger Little. Happens all the time. It’s no big deal at all.” He said as if it was nothing. But he’s right, it really is nothing. It’s just an accident. “Alright let’s get you changed darling.”
Hobie helped me take my suit off. He grabbed me a fresh pair of pjs and a new pull-up then proceeded to change me into both.
“There,” he stood back admiring his work. “All nice and cozy!” He picked me up and carried me into the living room. “See? Nothing to worry about. It’s as if it never happened.”
I hugged him tightly in his arms, “Thank you.”
He smirked, “This is just the beginning.”
He carried me over to the couch and set me down. “Hold on, who’s this?” He pulled my stuffie from the couch cushion. “Y/N you didn’t tell me you had a friend over. Introduce to your mate.”
“Hobie this is (your fav stuffie name).” I said introducing the two.
“Pleasure to meet ya.” He said, shaking the stuffies hand. I started giggling.
“Now, I want you resting on this couch. I’m going to get you some juice and a cold compress for your head, okay?”
The moment Hobie left I immediately started to miss him. He’s only been my Caregiver for not even 5 minutes and I’m already so attached to him. Plus he wasn’t even that far! He’s literally just in the kitchen.
Luckily he returned soon, sippy cup of juice in one hand, and a damp towel in the other. “Alright sweet one sit up for a second,” he sat down on the couch and pulled me into his lap. “There we are.”
He laid the towel on my forehead which felt sooooooo nice! He handed me the sippy cup before he grabbed the tv remote. “Alright let’s see what your earth has on the telly.”
I always thought that as Spider-Girl I had to be the one taking care of everyone else, but Hobie made me realized what I needed more than anything was someone to take care of me too.
I haven’t felt safe like this in a long time. Just leaning against him, watching some mindless show on the television and feeling safe and cared for. I curled into his side and rested my head on his shoulder. He leaned forward and placed a kiss to my head.
We stayed like that the whole night, just Little Spidey and Caregiver Spidey.
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cottagecheese1 · 3 months
Chapter 2
summary: A few years after your father died, your mother marries a new man, to you having a new family meant new begging's, but what happens when your new begging comes spiraling apart just because of the people that made them. paring: dark stepdad Andy Barber x reader x dark dbf Lloyd Hansen x reader x dark stepbrother Johnny storm x reader x dark bbf Colin Shea.
warnings- (DDLG undertones) stepcest, Johnny is NOT Andy's biological father, he is the adopted son. smut, do not engage if you are uncomfortable with any of the following, spanking, blackmail, p in v, edging, thigh riding, oral, fingering.
Series master list right here
The day was new, sadly, after last night you didn’t know if leaving your room was a good option in the first place, well of course you’d live, but the embarrassment you felt at the moment made you feel like the world was ending. You always felt a little sensitive and awkward towards every little situation that came your way. When you say it in your head it always sounds like a bad thing even though there are worse things in the world, and you shouldn’t even come close to feeling unfortunate in any situation–or thats what your mother would tell you, at a point your life your mother used to make you feel vain–blaming you for your fathers death saying it was your fault, of course you knew your mother had loved you, I mean she was also going through the grief of losing her husband, you shouldn’t be selfish–thats what she would also tell you.
After a long two hours of laying in bed, you rolled in bed and looked at your alarm clock that read 9:23am, and you could already hear the shuffling and laughter of the boys in the kitchen, deciding to just suffer through it and just hope nobody brings up the previous night, they all probably forgot about it by now, right? You could only hope because you sure haven’t forgotten.
Making your way down the hall where the chuckling and the sizzling of bacon started to make itself more present as you stepped into the kitchen, your head automatically goes down towards the floor when the chatter abruptly stops–the awkward sizzling of bacon mocking you as you walk towards the bread.
Andy stops and turns toward you with a small smile while leaning on the marble countertop, finally deciding to break the silence, “good morning honey, I made breakfast if you’re interested, bacon and uh maybe some pancakes if Johnny will save some for the rest of us.” he says the last part while turning towards a shirtless johnny stuffing his mouth full, mumbling out a “sorry”.
You tilt your head up toward Andy, and grab the bread, “no thanks Andy, maybe later–thanks though–well not that I don’t want any it's just-” you stutter out, until Andy interrupts you with a soft chuckle.
Andy walks behind you–tucking a piece of hair behind your ear before he leaned down to press a small kiss to your temple, “Oh pumpkin, what am I gonna do with you hm? With your cute self.” your cheeks tinted red, and besides that you could hear Johnny, and Colin snickering–probably making fun of you.
Not really knowing how to respond, but suddenly another thought comes to mind–where's your mother? Now curious, you turned and asked Andy, face still red as a beet, “um- where's my mom?” Andy half listens to you as he plays with your hair softly.
“She’s on a business trip, won’t be back for a few weeks, so you get to spend some alone time with us.” Andy says as he smirks.
You advert your gaze back to the toaster and give him a quick “okay”, before turning back around he huffs dramatically grabbing his keys swiftly, but before he heads out, he stops before the two chuckling boys.
“You boys be nice, treat her good until I get home, okay? Oh honey, if you need anything just give me a call, okay? Johnny should help you with anything, if not, I’ll be back around 11:00. Be good you two.”, and at that Andy was out the door, now it’s just you and them.
Johnny sighed and got up dramatically, “I’m gonna go take a shower, you kids have fun.” he said as he walked toward his bedroom.
Now it was just Colin and you, but as soon as you heard the toaster pop up, you scurried to your room–not even bothering to grab the butter–once you got to your room, closing the door you sighed and switched your phone on for the next hour.
After another 30 minutes of contemplating if you should leave your room or not, you do. Opening the door slowly, and walking down the hall to the living room, where you thought watching TV would be an option for you, but Colin seemed to be taking up the couch and the entire atmosphere, and God was it intimidating.
Before you could turn away, and advance to the comfort of your own room–Colin stopped you abruptly. He threw his head back over the back of the couch, and called your name out.
“Hey!- don’t leave, come join me, I’m watching 21 jump street, I want you to come watch it with me.”
He sounded so demanding, but maybe that's just his way of expressing himself, so you watch as he scoots over a tad, and pats the spot next to him. This is when you seem to notice he doesn’t have a shirt on under his thin jacket, but you still sit down awkwardly next to him.
Suddenly he scoots closer to you, and wraps an arm around you, pulling you to him slightly as he says “relax baby, just getting comfortable, you wanna lay on me?”
“Oh, well I’m ok right now, I wouldn’t wanna-” he cuts you off by his own words, “cmon baby, I don’t mind, it's just some friendly cuddles, don’t gotta be all shy about it.” he says the last part chuckling.
You stay silent as he speaks again, “Here–I’ll help you.” Coin grunts a bit as he pulls you on top of him, and pushes your head onto his chest, softly stroking your hair. As much as you’d hate to admit it, it did feel kind of nice, maybe because he was nice and warm, and solid–Colin interrupts your train of thought when he speaks again.
“Isn’t this nice baby? All nice and relaxed…You're such a good girl, you know that?” he says with a mischievous glint in his voice while stroking your back, his voice still vibrating off of you he continues, “So, so quiet. Bet you're a virgin huh? All pure and untouched, from the way you're grinding on my dick and acting all innocent about it, you have to be.”
You feel stiff all the sudden, like you can’t move, now you're overly aware of the fact that his dick is poking your thigh. Then to make things worse he leans down toward your ear, “You know me, and Johnny talked about fucking you last night? Or how adorable you would look trying to wrap your lips around our cocks–and the tears that would run down that pretty face as we both fucked you till you couldn’t walk–or talk–bet you're a cock drunk bitch when you have the chance, huh?”
This is when you really started to freak out, trying to shove away from him eagerly, “Stop! Get off me! Andy will come back any time.”, and Colin just laughed at your plea, which made you slightly confused.
“Oh Baby, you poor girl, Andy’s the worst of both of us, if you knew all the dirty shit he’s said about you, you’d be crying–or well you already are–your new daddy just wants to pound you into his mattress until you're crying honey, and so much more.”
Your eyes widened at his statement, that couldn’t be, Andy cared about you..right? The thoughts that ran a million miles in your head suddenly got interrupted by another presence entering the room. Johnny.
Crying out for him as Colin licked and sucked on your neck, making you whimper pathetically in the process, “Johnny, please get him off of me..” you said pleadingly.
Johnny stared at you mockingly as he bent down to your level, where you still laid beneath Colin helplessly. He stroked the side of your face teasingly before he said, “Now why would I do that hm? Not when you’re whimpering so sweetly baby.” Colin then let up off you, leaning back into the couch, pulling you into his lap in the process as you felt your thighs subconsciously rub together.
After Johnny made his way beside you and Colin–sandwiching yourself between them as result, he stroked your thigh up and down, slowly making his way to your clothed core, “Look how fucking red you are, just from some teasing hm? you wanna feel me sweetheart? Don’t even try to hide how wet you are–bet you haven’t even had your first kiss yet.”
You had to be slightly surprised at his forwardness, no you haven’t had your first kiss yet, but you just told yourself that you're waiting for the right person. Colin chuckled at Johnny’s antics, this is also when you noticed that Johnny was not wearing a shirt–or pants for a matter of fact, this realization made you feel hotter all over.
Colin leaned over and looked at Johnny, “You know the old man won’t like it if we take her first kiss without him being here."
Johnny rolled his eyes and scoffed, still stroking your thighs, “Fuck that old geezer, I'm taking what's min-” Johnny got cut off by a loud slam of a door and jingling of car keys jingling. You three looked over toward the door to see Andy in the doorway, his arms crossed intimidatingly.
“what's going on here fellas..trying to break her in without me?” Andy said with a smirk as he reached the end of his sentence. He walked over to you slowly, and took your small face into both of his large hands, “And what about you honey? Having fun without daddy, hm? Good thing I’m here now.” He ends the last of his words with a chuckle.
Pleading for help wouldn’t even save you right now, after what Johnny and Colin just confessed to you–especially Andy–all you can do is hope for the best.
A/n: sorry for the short late chapter ya'll (I edited it at the end because the order was fucked up for those who were as confused as me.)
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prismuffin · 1 year
Hey hey it’s me again lol. Can I request (Comic one where he’s an adult) Peter Parker x M!Reader who is a detective? Maybe he keeps visiting him during work and Reader has to remind him that he’s working. I want to thank you for taking my requests and I love reading your stuff. 🫶
A/n: awww this idea sounded so cute I love it😭 sorta a long one, im sorry?? idk if thats a bad thing
Peter B. Parker x male!detective!reader
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( summary: when your boyfriend Peter comes to drop off your lunch he decides to bother you for the rest of the day instead of leaving )
Warning?: light swearing, talk of guns, slight violence
!-!more under the cut!-!
After the events of spider-verse Peter had tried to fix his old life, make amends with Mary Jane and become the hero that New York needed once again, only it didn't entirely work out that way. He had tried to go back to MJ only to see that she was in a whole new relationship; he still talked to her though, told her the things he should've said years ago and she consoled him, told him to move on in his life and find someone new. So he did, he moved on and started working out a bit more, started showing up and stopping crime again which led him to meeting you.
You were a successful detective working for and with the NYPD, solving cases before and after they happen, so you hung around Spiderman a lot. You two would have playful banter whenever you crossed paths. You'd have silent competitions over who could stop and catch the most criminals (it was always gonna be him but you actually do give him a run for his money). He liked you more than he admitted. He was so scared of fucking up again that he just put this distance between you two, leaving his sly, flirty, playful remarks as the only sign of affection he could show you. He hit this rock bottom state again where the only thing he could think about was failing and you and failing you. He'd have nightmares about him not being able to save you, texting you at the dead of night with the number you gave him for emergencies to make sure you're ok. Sometimes you'd scold him for wasting your time or waking you up but he didn't mind. He was stuck in this spiral and one night he decided to stop feeling so conflicted and tell you about how he felt, and he did, just not in the way he wanted to.
You'd been tracking some criminals for months and finally were one step ahead of them, or so you thought. You caught them once but they weren't found guilty. The police station you worked at didn't classify them as a threat because of that and the chief made you drop the case since it seemed to have gone cold, but you knew they were the culprits. You watched a bar from your car, waiting for the men you've been looking for to come out. You needed to catch them in the act so you had decided to stake it out. The bar door opened and your hand went to your gun as you spotted the men leaving. You quickly made sure your gun was loaded before grabbing your phone, texting Peter, or as you knew him, Spider-man your location and what you were doing just in case. You told him if you didn't respond in fifteen minutes to come and help since you weren't entirely sure if you could take the men on in a fight.
Your hunch was correct when you'd in fact lost the fight you had no chance of winning, hell telling Spider-Man not to come save your ass until fifteen minutes into the fight was being very generous for the criminals. Although, Peters worry for you had made him come and help 8 minutes earlier than you said, I mean he would've come earlier if he'd seen your text sooner but still. It was that night, when he had in fact saved you, when he decided to just come clean about his feelings towards you, even if you rejected him; and so Peter decided to take that leap of faith and asked you out which lead to moments like this, where you’re sat at your desk, looking out your window to see your boyfriend on the building next to yours, waving with a lunchbox in hand. You sigh and shake your head, getting up and closing the blinds not only to mess with him but also for your own sanity before sitting back down and turning back to your paper work. Of course your silence only lasted a few more minutes before a knock was heard on your office door. "Come in." You didn't need to look up from your paperwork to guess who it was, "Guess who brought you lunch~?" You couldn't help but smile at the sound of your boyfriends voice. "Thank you Peter," You looked up at him and smiled as he placed a lunch box on your desk.
He'd turned to leave and was at the doorway when he looked back and saw you move the lunchbox off to the side. "Are you not gonna eat it?" You heard Peter ask and your eyes snapped to his before glancing at the lunch box. "I will Petey, I'm just very busy right now." You gave him a close mouth smile and he crossed his arms, looking you up and down before shrugging. "Alright," you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding when Peter just moved on, usually he'd bother you or someth-
Your thoughts were cut off by your paperwork being snatched from your desk. Peter, who'd used his web shooters to grab your paper, looked at you, almost disapprovingly. "You're not getting this back until you eat that lunch. Do you know how much effort I put into making that." You rolled your eyes, but smiled, and grabbed the lunch that he'd packed. He sat down across from you and wasted no time getting comfortable, kicking his feet up and leaning back. "Peter, this is a gyro from Frank down the street, you didn't make this." He looked at you, down at the gyro, and back at you before shrugging. "Still took a lot of effort." You shook your head at his antics "Unbelievable.." You mumbled before taking a bite out of the gyro. The tapping of your pens got your attention as you watched Peter play with them like they were action figures.
Even after you finished eating he wouldn't stop bugging you, poking your shoulders as you wrote and calling you overworked, which was true, but there wasn't much you could do about it. He was usually like this on slow crime days where he found there was little conflict on the streets of New York which would lead to him thinking about you and missing you and then showing up at your job either as Spider-man coming in to "address official crime business," or as Peter Parker to drop off his boyfriends lunch or to give his boyfriend a file he left at their apartment. Though times when he distracts you like this are annoying you still find them sweet since he does this when he misses you.
"Alright," You placed your pen down after being prodded by Peter for the 127th time. "If we cuddle on the couch for five minutes will you leave me alone to do my work?" Peter looked up and hummed to seem like he was thinking before smiling and nodding. "Yeah alright that's fair, but, lets make it ten minutes." "Fine." You got up and Peter cheered, practically leaping on the couch in your office. He opened his arms for you with a large smile on his face and you respectfully plopped right into them. You both let out identical sighs as you snuggled up into each other, your stress melting away as Peter rubbed your back. "ugh god, you're such a distraction Pete.." you mumbled with your eyes closed, the feeling of sleep creeping up on you. Peter just hummed, looking at you with adoration in his eyes. You both were definitely on that couch for longer than ten minutes but neither of you seemed to mind.
Thanks for reading! Have a great day/night!!
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skribbyposts · 4 months
HELLO AGAIN!!1111!!!! based off of @bidisastersanji's post about Sanji not being able to sit like a normal person (its cause hes a homo). i kind of took the hc and ran w it but thats okay hee hee
Also from Law's pov bc i love him so much and i wanted to try!! hope yall enjoy!!!!!!!!&!%@^#&^(!*#^$W yeah
Law prides himself on being a very observant person.
It seems he wasn't looking hard enough when he made the mistakes that led him here, sulking under an umbrella on the deck of Luffy's ship.
After Dressrosa, Law was never supposed to see his crew again. That plan was thrown out the window by a certain straw-hatted pirate, and now he's hitching a ride to Zou with this absolute circus that is Luffy's crew.
It's been a week since Law came aboard, and the more he looks, things get weirder and weirder. Specifically, their chef.
The first time they met, the man was well-mannered, minus his attitude towards women and cigarette habit. However, Law finds him ever more strange after every interaction they have on the Sunny.
The first time Law notices something off is when he happens on Sanji in the galley. He understands being awake in the wee hours of the night, but not like this.
Law finds the man still fully dressed in his three-piece at three in the morning, sitting - no, crouching - on his chair and poring over a cookbook. His cigarette dangles loosely from his mouth as he mutters something unintelligible to himself and brings his knees together to rest his chin on top of them.
What the fuck, Law thinks, and as if the chef heard his internal monologue, a blonde head whips around to face him standing at the door.
Sanji's wide-eyed, slightly disheveled face stares back at him, and his neck is uncomfortably craned so he can look directly at Law. The pair look at each other awkwardly, and after a moment of silence he just...closes the door.
This is not Law's ship. It is none of his business, and he will go back to the men's quarters to sleep.
This keeps happening the longer Law stays on Luffy's ship, and every day he notices how rarely the Sunny's resident cook takes a break. In addition to that, he also can't help but notice exactly how Sanji chooses to rest.
Whether he's chatting with Robin in the library the lawn or napping with the swordsman on the lawn, it's always with one leg up on the seat, both slung over the back of a chair, or contorted into a position that shouldn't be humanly possible.
Law finds it mildly concerning, but no one else on the crew seems to mind when Sanji stops bustling for half a second and decides to perch himself somewhere (not unlike a gargoyle, Law thinks), so he leaves it alone.
Once, he spots the chef sleeping on deck with Zoro, but... upside down. As in, the swordsman is leaning on the mast and Sanji is resting his feet on Zoro's shoulders while his back is on the ground. It looks extremely uncomfortable. He also spots Zoro crack open his eye to peer down at the man, before closing it with a very resigned expression on his face and a light dusting of pink on his cheeks.
Again, this is not his ship and Law most certainly does not want to open that can of worms right now. He leaves the two in peace and hopes they figure it out by themselves.
ik its not the best but this has been in my drafts for like a week and if i dont post it now im gonna forget about it for like three months so... you guys can have it yeah !! i didn't proofread this either so please lmk if there are mistakes
ANYWAYS Spawned a brand new hc that bc Sanji was locked up for like 5 years he had to teach himself stuff and develops the muscle memory for it wrong and just self-corrects in front of other ppl after learning the right way to do it. i might explore that in a longer fic at a later date, we'll see.
ALSO!!!! by popular demand(read: one person) im gonna start posting on my ao3 soon. you can find it here and all my zosan ficlets will be compiled into a series soon! watch out for that yall
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lizaluvsthis · 6 months
Okay other SMG34 shippers I see what you've been talking about...👀
Presenting the Axoøny and SmgØles THEORY!!!
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I have ALL eyes yknow?
If none of the people understand this context-
I put up a screenshot of how similar these things are that they referenced from Smg3 and Smg4's interactions
The first one that I screenshotted is the episode/Movie called REVELATIONS its where Niles took over in Melony's control and his goal is to rebuild their world thinking those SMG's are some bunch of extras/wannabes
But when Niles is so close to that, SMG0 knew that the world would be in danger if he lets Niles continue. So SMG0 tried to keep telling Niles to stop.
From Niles` anger his poses, his actions, the temper were the same that referenced to SMG4 when he did to SMG3 from the Movie ITS GOTTA BE PERFECT.
SMG0 looking at Niles in shock?
Smg3 looking at SMG4 in shock.
Niles yelling and telling him that the world of theirs is gotta be better?
Smg4 yelling and telling him to leave him alone to make his perfect video. But the perfect video requires sacrifice.
And what similarities from the sacrifice?
Niles doing all that he could to make the world a better place for him and SMG0 his sacrifice had to be done by lending more power and almost took out the world and himself by doing so.
Smg4 doing all that he could from his power to make a perfect video, a perfect meme to show the world, the internet, on youtube that he's not a failure and he wanted to make everyone happy. The sacrifice? Himself too.
The similarities of "having you here is the best thing thats ever happened to me" ?
Smg0 telling Niles that he's already done enough and even tho in the end didnt end up quite as Niles expected, that almost destroying the whole world had happened, and SMG0 says he's still there with Niles in the end. They're already together. And the two left this corrupted soul and went somewhere to rest. Niles ended up changing and went with SMG0.
Smg3 telling Smg4 that he understood whatever he'd felt and that his friends are always by his side and not giving up on anything at all. Telling him that his friends- I mean- They- will always have lots of fun and laugh together. Even tho the three are almost sucked down from the black-ish mud. Smg4 breaks out of the keyboard's spell and saved them just in time, with also the tears. He didnt know smg3 had felt that way from him. SMG4 ended up refusing to let three of his friends die, even tho he needed to complete the perfect video. Smg3 helped him out of there and the two succeeded.
And for the Melony and Axol theory... "doodle"
After watching near the end of the WOTFI 2023 video
I saw what seems to be SMG3 doodling a precious memory, a moment where he and smg4 did in such a day. This spat out my coffee. I recogniced that similar spot.
Its where Melony drew herself and Axol being together even tho Axol passed on, she'll remember that memory.
So what if... smg3 or smg4... one of them... no no- i think thats too much- just- what if... one of them dies...?
We've had this theory here- since axol is possessed by corrupted smg0 and melony KILLS axol in order to make corrupt 0 to perish.
Then what if Smg3 or either Smg4 gets possessed or manipulated by the new antagonist "TV guy" from the end of wotfi 2023? And one of them actually kills... oh my god- this is too MUCH honestly... I actually doubt this is ever gonna happen- It wont happen heheh... right...?
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