#...and i feel more comfortable talking about this response specifically because i know a taste of what it's like...
uncanny-tranny · 6 months
At some point, you have to concede that the abuse wasn't your fault - that there was no action you could have taken to have prevented it, and that it wasn't your fault.
I used to try finding the magic things that would stop the abuse - gifts, kind words, tears, smiles, pretending I didn't exist - and that was because I first and foremost saw the abuse as my fault. It was my responsibility to end the abuse, otherwise, I am somehow proving to the skies above that this is what I wanted from life. I've noticed that for some people, this is a common impulse. It's the victim-blaming internalized and molded in such a way that feels true, and it's hard sometimes to notice it.
What I want to do is, at the very least, remind you (if this resonates) that it isn't your fault. But you don't need to blame yourself for this, either, because you never deserved this in the first place. This isn't "atonement," this isn't right, this isn't cosmic justice. I can't tell you how to leave this situation, but I will say that you deserve to know that you don't deserve this, that you aren't an irredeemable monster who is being punished, as I've seen some people (including myself) believing about our abuse.
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kaicubus · 1 year
I saw your requests were open, and if they still are, could I request a fluff alphabet with the Hantengu clones? I really love your work btw, keep it up!
Fluff Alphabet | Hantengu clones
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warnings ✩° : fluff, dating a somewhat nice demon, mentions of killing other people, me cursing, besides that, cute things!
pairing ✩° : hantengu clones x fem!reader some gn!reader
authors note ✩° : YEAH BABYYYYY thank you for your request succubabe!! this was actually lowkey hard to write bc theyre supposed to be meanies but i thought id do it anyways,,
A = Affection (how they show their love for you)
Sekido is silent in the way he loves, so he's all about acts of service! He'll do things for you without you asking him too, mostly because he likes order and hates anything that goes out of line. So if he can help it, he's doing it for you.
Karaku is big on words of affirmation. He loves telling you how much you mean to him, how beautiful you are etc. Your insecurity is his biggest rival, so he's always telling you sweet things to fight it.
Aizetsu really won't admit it, but he loves physical touch. Whether it's holding your hand when you go places or touching your foot with his under the table, if he can touch you, he's happy. With other people he HATES it, but with you, it's ok.
Urogi adores quality time. It doesn't even matter what you two are doing, if he's with you, he wouldn't be anywhere else in the world. He does, however, prefer flights with either you on his back or in his arms.
B = Beauty (what they like most about you)
It's hard to say what Sekido loves most about you because he's never going to openly admit it, but he actually really likes your collarbone. It’s very specific but if you’re wearing a shirt or dress that lays just below your collarbone, he’s going to be looking at it for the entire time it’s exposed.
With Karaku, it'd be difficult to find just one thing he loves about you. To choose one though, he'd pick any beauty mark you have on your face. Whether it’s a birth mark, scar, freckles, moles, anything, he thinks it makes you so unique and special and loves kissing it especially after he kisses your lips first.
Aizetsu really admires the back of your neck. He thinks that it’s so elegant when you brush your hair and move your hair to the side or when you tie your hair up and he can see a little bit of your neck. As soon as he sees it, he’s practically entranced by anything you do after.
Urogi cannot get enough of your stomach. He swears by the fact that the stomach is the softest part of any human, so when he has you within reach, he always has an arm around it or a claw. Your size doesn’t matter to him, if you have a bit of your stomach exposed or lift your shirt up enough for him to see the smallest sliver of ski, he smashes his head into you.
C = Comfort (what they find most comforting about you)
What Sekido likes most about you is how responsible you are. It really takes loads off his shoulders when he knows he can trust you with his entire self, and he doesn't have to drag you by a leash or something.
Karaku finds everything about you comforting: the way you look, the way you feel, the way you taste, what's inside of you, pretty much everything. But for the most part, he loves how you go to him when you're stressed. It makes him feel like he's worth something and doing something right.
Your ability to calm Aizetsu down is something he never takes for granted. When he's crying or really upset, you don't judge him, instead you always lay his head on your lap and pat him lightly, humming a song or talking softly to him. That kindness either prompts more tears or gets him to close his eyes and get some rest.
Urogi really likes how caring you are to tend to his needs. After a good flight, he's always very dirty and has leaves all over him, so you always take it upon yourself to brush his wings out and braid his hair. As soon as you touch either, his head falls forward and he passes out.
D = Domestic (how would they be in a domestic life with you) (i'm doing a non-demon au like in the actual manga for this one!)
Sekido's a wealthy businessman in charge working to support you and your family at home. At work he's very stressed and yells at everybody to get in line a lot, but at home he's your clueless husband struggling on the correct way to hold your newborn child. He's also the chef of the house and does most of the house work because, "you can't do it right," but really he wants to do it so you don't have to.
Karaku loves cooking with you. It's probably his favorite activity when he gets to make stews or curry simply because he loves seeing your face when you're able to try his cooking. He has a notepad for your favorite recipes and makes them for you when you don't have a good day to lift your spirits. Because of his culinary skills, your baby has grown quite picky and even turns their head when their mushed baby carrots don't have proper seasoning.
Aizetsu spends most of his time with you and your baby, and sometimes he puts in way more than he should. You have to remind him that your baby needs a nap and Aizetsu will hold onto them harder and refuse until you pry them away from him. After your baby's down for a nap, Aizetsu won't leave their side until they wake up. Often times you find the two fast asleep and you have to put a blanket over them so they don't catch a code.
Being already well off in terms on money, you and Urogi spend your domestic life traveling overseas, flying everywhere by plane or by cruise. Sight seeings are a musts, but sometimes you can't keep up with his high spirited self, seeing as he's always dragging you along. He also likes posing your baby in silly looking positions (usually with hats or sunglasses way too big for their face) and posting pictures to social media to your family and friends.
E = Early Mornings (bed head? tired? fully awake?)
ROUGH. When Sekido sleeps, he's tossing and turning left and right, so it's only reasonable why his hair is so fucked up in the morning. He gets mad trying to brush it out and breaks the handle before you even have a chance to go at it. But he likes when you brush his hair afterwards.
Karaku is like so angelicwhen he sleeps. Pretty boy privileges. He always has his arm around you since he sleeps with you on his chest, but for some reason you're not tangled up at all. He's also the most calm so he isn't an aggressive sleeper and he wakes up rather restfully and gently.
Aizetsu is the softest when it comes to waking up. He's so depressed in the mornings though because, "It's just another meaningless day to waste time doing nothing," and always offers to sleep in. You protest, but he always wins in the end and you two sleep for an extra 4 hours. After looking at the clock you're always so shocked that you slept in so late and throw a pillow in his face.
Before you can even wake up, Urogi is already wide awake and on top of you. He'd be like a cat sitting on your chest putting their whole weight on you. His eyes are always fully open just waiting for you to wake up. It's honestly kind of creepy.
F = Fights (how often do you guys fight?)
Sekido is the type of guy to fight with often...he gets so mad over the smallest things, doesn't listen, doesn't communicate, just gets really mad. On some occasions, he'll silently apologize and hit his head onto your shoulder as his way of saying 'I'm sorry.'
Rarely ever with Karaku, he's always looking for ways to please you, so if you try and start a fight with him, he shuts it down immediately.
Aizetsu would never fight with you, he'd only ever present himself as insecure if you're with other guys and sort of mask his worry with straight up self defeating thoughts. He'll suggest that you're cheating on him and it takes a while for you to deny it and him to accept it.
Urogi has no thoughts. Fighting isn't a huge deal because within seconds, he'll forget and go back to being blissfully happy. Yay!
G = Gratitude (how grateful are they for you)
On a scale on 1-10 of how much Sekido's grateful for you, he's at about a 5. He has things other than you he needs to focus on, but he likes having you around.
Karaku is extremely grateful you came into his life when you did. He's taken such a liking to you, he can't imagine what it'd be like without you. It was weird having a human by a demon's side but he got used to it really quickly.
Although things don't change much on the surface level for Aizetsu when you two are together, deep down there are wounds that begin to heal once he sees how much you care for him.
You've taught Urogi different, interesting ways of living life, of course he's going to be grateful for you. He's even more happy with you by his side, so he's constantly showing you affection and telling you how much he loves you.
H = Hugs (are they a hugger?)
NO. Sekido is NOT a hugger. If you try and hug him he'll storm off, but he'll do with a peck on the cheek or even a kiss. He much rather prefers giving you a pat on the head or slap on your ass. All in good fun of course.
100% yes. Karaku loves hugs, but not the excited kind or the side hug kind. He likes the type of hug where he's able to scoop you in his arms and stay there for a minimum of at least 5 minutes, gently holding you and bringing you up to his body where his face can rest comfortably in your shoulder.
Aizetsu's not that fond of hugging, but he thinks it's acceptable if you're the one giving them out. He's not a hugger, but he likes the way you smell when you hug him.
Urogi is the type of person to run up to you and wrapping his arms and legs around your body at full speed, having full trust that you'll support his weight. He'd literally kill for hugs with you.
I = Inspiration (does being with you change them?)
Being with you changes Sekido in the best way it can. Obviously, he's a rage demon, constantly consumed with anger and hatred, but in some cases you are better for him than he leads you to believe. There are times where you're able to calm him down, and times where you can't.
I would say when he's with you, Karaku is inspired to be better. He wants to be more than enough for you, so he'll change to work on things that allow him to do that.
Sadly, not really. With Aizetsu, it's hard getting out of his constant depressive state, so he's always going to feel the feelings he has towards life and living in general. You make his days brighter, but he's still morbidly depressed.
Urogi learns to see things in new lights and take on different challenges when he's with you. He's much much more upbeat, if that's even possible, and laughs way more because he has someone he enjoys being around.
J = Jealousy (how jealous they get)
10/10. If Sekido sees you with someone else, he gets engulfed with rage. Not only does he actively harm the person, killing them in multiple instances, but he also ignores you afterwards. How dare you talk to someone else?
3/10. Karaku is eerily calm when it comes to these sorts of things, but it's not because he trusts the other person, but rather he trusts you won't be stupid enough to cheat on him.
9/10. If Aizetsu sees you with another person, he assumes the worst. He'll get so overwhelmed with self hate and doubt that he'll start crying from afar and fall over. It gets you to stop talking to the person to check on him, so I guess a win is a win. But he's very broken after that.
4/10. Urogi doesn't get jealous as much as he gets protective. He's not smart enough to pick up on social cues to tell if the person is flirting, but he knows that anyone is a threat to either your life or love, so he always has a protective wing against you.
K = Kisses (where and how many?)
Sekido doesn't do PDA, but his pent up rage is helped by kissing you in private. He likes giving you kisses on your neck and forehead as a symbol of his power over you, but also because they're sweet spots he likes the most.
Karaku's kisses are plentiful, seemingly never ending, and mostly on your lips. They're the softest part of your face, and the sweetest, so he's always kissing you.
Aizetsu kisses you mostly on your shoulder and back, especially when you don't have a shirt on, he snuggles up behind you and just pecks all over your skin. He's very light with it too.
Urogi full on attacks you with kisses. You don't even know when it's going to happen because even he doesn't know that. He just suddenly stops everything and rushes at you, usually holding your face in one place with his claws and just kissing you all over.
L = Little Things (what are some little things they do?)
Sekido pinches your cheek when he gets mad at you. He's quick to anger, but he tries to avoid yelling at you all he can. So when he gets mad at something you did, instead of yelling, he pulls on your cheek and plays with your face to both calm himself and not lose his sanity with you while you laugh at the tickling feeling.
Karaku loves finding new ways to get you to tell him, "I love you." Whether that's through teasing you or asking you repeatedly, he gets needy when you don't tell him you love him and starts poking around to get you to say it.
Aizetsu's picked up on the habit of humming songs when he's upset. It's a good indicator of when he's stressed out or sad, but he also just does it a lot and he's gotten really good at it. He'll stare off into space or something while holding you and start humming, combing through your hair or rubbing your cheek.
Urogi will bring you things. They're mostly little gifts he's found on his adventures that he picks up because they remind him of you. He'll find colorful stones, metal knickknacks left behind from other humans, and sometimes strings of beads.
M = Marriage proposal (how it would go about) (in a more modern au maybe)
Sekido would not be formal at all. What would happen would be him springing the question upon you one day, maybe at a restaurant or walking back home from one, and in the middle of his conversation will ask you, "Do you want to get married?" With a completely straight, serious face. Inside, he's fighting demons, looking at your confused and flustered face.
Karaku would definitely pull some elaborate event, maybe reliving the first time you two met or went on your first date and talking to everyone around to make sure they stay and bear witness to what's about to go down. He doesn't want to make it too flashy, but there's a calmly lit place, with flowers and all.
Poor Aizetsu would overthink everything about it. He'll have doubts he's not worthy enough to propose to you, or that the ring is too small, or how weird it's going to be having people stare at him. In the end, he pulls through and is very soft spoken, so he has to repeat himself a little louder the second time.
Urogi would practically say it with his face. You already have a feeling he's going to propose but it's even more obvious when he can't stop looking at you or smiling, giving cheesy hints at the possibility of him pulling out a ring from his pocket. When he's about to ask, you're pretty worked up from all the waiting and answer before he can get the whole question out.
N = No (something they don't like about you)
He's a strict guy, Sekido, but surprisingly, there's nothing he truly hates about you. He says you have a few annoying habits that really piss him off, but when he tells you, he makes it sound like he likes them? ex. "You have this stupid way of talking where you don't shut up, where you get really happy to see me and it seriously makes me mad. So stop looking so cute when you do that."
The only thing Karaku would not like about you is if you ever yell at him or criticize him for not taking things seriously. Since it's you, he'll cut you some slack, but he does take full offense.
Aizetsu really doesn't like how much you spend away from him. Every minute away from him plants a new doubtful thought in his head that says to him, "They don't want to be around you," and cries about it every time it happens.
Urogi is really big on smells. When you switch your perfume or come back to see him smelling like a different person or not like yourself just in general, he can't be around you. He'll cover his nose and bump into walls just to avoid you if you smell like any sort of fancy scent.
O = Open (how open are they to you?)
Sekido's a really hard case to crack. He won't tell you if anything's bothering him, emotionally wise, because he hates being vulnerable. He'll do anything to avoid those feelings and therefore avoid telling you about them. When he sees you upset about how he's not open with you, he silently gives you reassurance that he's fine and tells you not to worry.
Karaku doesn't particularly have anything to share most of the time. He deals with that stuff by himself by either ignoring it or accepting it and seeing things on the bright side, so if there were a chance for him to be open, he would've already figured it out on his own already.
Aizetsu is almost too open. Not in the sense that he trauma dumps on you all the time, but he just cries a lot over anything so he's forced to be open with you about how he's feeling. He thinks you're a great listener though and trusts you enough to tell you when he's suffering in silence. (be like aizetsu and don't suffer in silence!!)
It's almost scary how Urogi opens his mouth and says his unhinged thoughts. It doesn't matter if they're sad (they're usually not) or honest, he just says what comes to his mind. You usually have to do a double take to see if you heard him right.
P = Patience (how patient do you have to be with them?)
The highest level of patience. Unless you can deal with someone bossing you around, bullying you relentlessly, and yelling at every minor issue. Seriously, Sekido is the hardest person to deal with because of his anger issues, and literally being the rage demon, so don't expect him to go soft without a fight.
With Karaku, you really don't have to be patient at all. One small word from you and he's on his knees doing all the work or anything you ask. He's so whipped for you.
Aizetsu is kind of stubborn, but not in a stubborn way. He's not easily persuaded to do things since his outlook on life is very...in the negatives. With his depressive episodes as well, he requires a lot of check ups and reassuring.
Usually, whatever you say to Urogi goes. There's no fights or stubbornness, he's almost 'trainable.' On off days where he doesn't want to listen, he'll fly away and you have to wait for him to come back, but that's about it.
Q = Quitting (are they susceptible to calling it quits?)
No. Sekido may be a hot head with a short fuse, but he's not going to get rid of you that easily. Maybe here and there, he'll get so mad you two break up for a bit, but it's very on and off with those little baby break ups. If you slip away from him, he'll secretly put in a lot of effort to get you back.
Karaku is always calm and looking to make you happy or content with being with him. He definitely does not want you leaving him, so his possibilities are super low.
Fat chance. Once Aizetsu trusts you, he's LATCHED onto you. He'll say that he doesn't care what might happen in the future, but in reality he cries every time he thinks you might leave him.
Urogi didn't even know what the term 'dating' or 'relationship' meant before you, so he's not going to know what 'breaking up' or an 'ex' means. The thought of losing you does put him on edge though.
R = Romance (how they act around you)
Not at all. Sekido actually hates anything romantic, hearts, flowers, candles, all of it. He thinks it's cheesy and a waste of time. But...if you like it...then he guesses that maybe he'd give it a try...maybe.
Karaku knows his way around romance, he practically is romance, he loves love. Loving you is his favorite hobby, so of course he's going to be romantic and sweet!
Aizetsu treats you like a stranger sometimes, moving around you so you don't see him (you always do) because he's too scared to show affection. His idea of romance is sitting next to you and holding your hand.
Urogi really doesn't know what romance is. When he found you, he just decided in his mind that he liked you and that was that. He's really happy though!
S = Smitten (how in love they are with you?)
There's no telling what's on Sekido's mind. He'll never tell you how he truly truly feels because he gets mad at himself for feeling any ounce of compassion. He thinks being in love makes him weak, so he tries not to show how much he actually loves you.
It's written on Karaku's face pretty much. Every time Karaku looks at you, he either has a serene looking face or just heart eyes, no in between.
Aizetsu is so attached and in love with you, he thinks he deserves pity because of how much he feels. In his heart, it's very grey in terms of in black and white, one moment he'll be completely smitten and another he'll doubt himself and your relationship.
SUPER SMITTEN. Urogi can't get enough of you. He's so in love with you and you make his heart feel the warmest it's ever been.
T = Thrill (how is it being with them)
Understandably so, being with any of these demons is a thrill on it's own.
Sekido is thrilling because of how angry he gets and in the sense that he's full of power and dominance. He'll protect you any chance he gets but he's also partially shy when it comes to stuff like that.
Karaku isn't much to take in and being with him is actually pretty calm except when he's in battle, which is when you can see a side to him that you haven't seen before.
Aizetsu there's really no domestic thrill and he's actually fairly tame for the most part.
Urogi is the most thrilling. Not only does he have the most exciting personality but he also has a set of wings that can fly you to places you've never seen before. He can quite literally lift you up when you're sad and take you to new heights.
U = Understanding (are they understanding or stubborn?)
Sekido is stubborn as hell. Even if you explain it to him over and over again he's going to deny it or tell you he's right, which for the most part he's not. It just angers him more that you don't take his side and try to understand him.
Karaku understands things without you even telling him. He's so good at reading social cues so if you get mad he apologizes right away, and even if he's the one who's mad at you, he'll still make an effort.
Aizetsu is painfully clueless at times. If it's something important, he'll get it right away, but if it's not he's dumbfounded.
Zero thoughts. Urogi doesn't understand shit. That doesn't mean he means anything by it, he just literally doesn't understand.
V = Valentine (how they'd act on the holiday)
Sekido will say something like, "Oh, is that holiday still around? Don't care." and then present you with the biggest present ever. He's been around so he has collections of gems and crystals that he'll give and just leave next to you when you wake up that day too.
Karaku is doing everything in his power to honor this day. He'll break out the flowers, the food, the romantic candle light. Everything. He's honestly very sweet just in general, but on this day he's calmer than usual and just takes it slow.
Aizetsu waits till the very end of the day to hand you a card, nervous that you'll hate it or laugh at him, but watches you throughout the whole day wondering what you'll do.
Urogi forgets. Of course. But! If you remind him he laughs about it and quickly grabs whatever he can find and presents it to you, holding it out as if he didn't just grab a vase from the table saying, "Happy Valentine's Day!"
W = Water (do they like swimming?)
Sekido can't go out and have a fun beach day with you, so it's always at night. But he never goes in because it's such a hassle going in and then going out and getting dry, he just hates it. But he'll watch you.
Ooh Karaku is jumping IN if he sees water. He finds it so refreshing and relaxing to swim, especially after the fun he'll let you lay on his chest against his arm and enjoy the sounds of the river.
Aizetsu covers his body up, (adidas track suit wearing ahh), so he's a bit shy when he has to undress. However if you beg him enough and pull him in, he'll wade in the water with you. He doesn't hate it.
Urogi plus water is like watching a bird in a bird bath. He LOVES water. Not only is it a free bath, but it's also fun splashing around with you or pushing you under, which for some reason he finds hilarious.
X = Xtra (extra headcanon)
If you beg him hard enough, Sekido will do this thing called 'light show' where he uses his staff to manipulate lightning to shoot up in different directions. When he's not using it to kill people, it's really pretty, but it's also loud as hell so he makes you wear earplugs or sit far away from him when he does it.
Karaku loves nature. His weapon is a maple leaf, after all. So he loves going out on night walks with you, even if they’re super short or long, there’s something about the cold air and nice scenery is so calm to him. And you’re there too so it makes it like, 99% better.
Aizetsu has really nice handwriting. He writes poems and haikus (either about you or about death) all the time, but he never fails to amaze you with his ink work and the way his brush strokes are so effortlessly perfect.
Urogi will listen to all the stories you have to tell. Especially if they’re from your life around humans, his eyes practically morph into stars and he crosses his legs like a kid getting ready for story time waiting for you to tell your story. He cares so much about you and your life and hearing all those experiences just fills his head with happiness.
Y = Yearning (what they're like when you're not around)
Sekido wouldn't be caught dead missing you...unless? He's not keen on showing any ounce of vulnerability, but when he does miss you he keeps himself busy so he doesn't have to think about it. He'll yell at inanimate objects to express his anger of how much he wants you back and actually breaks a few things though.
Karaku doesn't leave your side. He's honestly just with you everywhere you go. If somehow you get him off you and leave him alone, he gets really bored and kind of upset. Once you get back though, he complains about missing you as he's peppering your face with kisses.
When Aizetsu misses you, he'll sulk around more than usual...if that's even possible. He'll drag his feet and attempt to brush himself off, but he doesn't go far and just ends up crying his eyes out.
Urogi without you around is similar to that of a puppy waiting of his owner to return. He's waiting, sitting down, impatiently if you go out to get food for yourself or leave to go on a walk in the sun, but he's honestly just thinking about what he's going to do with you once you get back.
Z = Zeal (will they go to the ends of the earth for you?)
Yes. Sekido would clear out villages for you. If anything bad were to happen to the one person he truly loves, he's going to give them all hell.
Karaku would kill for you. That goes without saying. For you, he'd do anything. If he can't be with you, what's the point of his life?
Aizetsu would be scared and try to back out, but in the end he'll fight for you. It doesn't matter if he wants to cry or disappear, he loves you too much to lose you.
Urogi would rip apart the world to find you if you get lost. He's not leaving without the person he loves.
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weirdkpopgirl · 5 months
Hugs | Dream Headcanon #12
Headcanon: Types of Hugs
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: none :)
Word Count: ~1.2k
Author's Note: Just felt like writing something mushy-gushy today. I've actually been working on my next Jaemin fic, but it's taking longer than anticipated to finish it. I know I've written something similar to this topic for the Dreamies before. But I think hugs with NCT Dream deserved it's own post. Hope you guys like it ^ ^
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Hugs with Mark weren’t particularly special, but they always felt like home. It was the feeling you got when you’d come over after a long day of work or classes, and he'd greet you at the front door. The way his arms would open up for you always brought a smile to your face. In his embrace, he’d kiss your forehead before asking how your day went.
It was the feeling you got whenever he returned from performing overseas, and the sight of him made you want to burst into tears. Running into each other’s arms in an almost bone-crushing embrace, he would softly murmur into your shoulder about how much he missed you during his time away. In response, you’d say you missed him too and hug him back tightly.
It was the feeling you got when you’d be in bed together, lying in each other’s arms as you talked about your dreams. His eyes would reflect so much endearment as he whispered that he loved you. Overwhelmed, you’d nestle against his chest with watery eyes. Mark Lee will forever be your home.
Hugs with Renjun are shy at first, where one of you is anxiously waiting for the other to make the initial move. But once the awkwardness faded, hugs with Renjun were incredibly warm. They’re the type to make you feel all fuzzy on the inside.
Oftentimes you guys would hug after being separated for a while, and finally being able to be in each other’s arms is both refreshing and comforting at the same time. Then the two of you’d pull away slightly to look at each other with lovesick grins on your face, before hugging again.
Sometimes hugs served as a reconciliation after you guys fought. Once his arms wrapped around your waist, the anger would slowly dissipate. He’d hold you tightly as if you might disappear any second. Regardless of the frustrations that might have sparked the conflict, those comforting hugs were a reminder of how much you loved one another.
Hugs with Jeno tended to catch you off guard. You would be in the kitchen cooking dinner, or putting on makeup before your date. And he’d come up from behind and back hug you. The first few times he did this, your head would turn in surprise. You’d meet his loving gaze, making you laugh because he was utterly adorable. Even after years of being together, his back hugs never failed to make your heart skip a beat.
If you were cooking, you’d occasionally hold a spoon up to let him taste and he’d let you know if the dish needed more of a specific ingredient. When you were putting on makeup, he’d peacefully watch through the mirror and compliment you once you finished. If you tried to pull away too soon, he’d get all pouty. Then with a sigh, you’d lean back in his embrace and Jeno was happy.
If he was feeling extra clingy, he’d plant a few kisses on your cheek. Sometimes he’d come back from working out or a long day of schedules, and he’d seek solace in you. Even though he tried to hide it, you could tell by the way he sank into you that he was exhausted. In those moments, you’d spin around to hug him properly, squeezing in as much comfort as you could. Regardless of the circumstances, hugs with Jeno radiated a sense of security and contentment.
Hugs with Haechan were something else, because every time he hugged you, it felt as though he’d been touch-starved for months. It doesn’t matter if you’re doing homework or scrolling through Netflix to find a movie. If Haechan wanted a hug, he was getting a hug.
He’ll be sitting beside you making grabby hands as if he were a two-year-old. While this action made you roll your eyes, it didn’t stop you from settling down into his lap. He’d smile victoriously and he’d quickly pull you even closer.
Haechan would nuzzle his face into your neck, causing you to giggle because the sensation tickled. You almost felt like a pet with how much he smothered you with affection. Then you’d hear him sniff before asking if you had used the perfume he bought you not too long ago. When you replied yes, his smile would grow and he’d snuggle into you even more. You honestly couldn’t get enough of clingy Haechan.
Hugs with Jaemin made you feel like the most loved person in the world. They were the definition of true comfort. Whether you were excited about something or feeling depressed, Jaemin seized every opportunity to draw you into his arms. His overflowing affection spoke volumes, something you could never get tired of.
The gentle squeeze around your waist and the comforting rest of his chin on your shoulder warmed your heart in so many ways. Sometimes it was hard for you to grasp how one person could have such an abundance of love. He never failed to express that he loved you, both physically and verbally.
Jaemin loved it even more if you hugged him first. As someone who liked skinskip, he’d be over the moon when you’d open up your arms for him, inviting him into a warm embrace. He’d speak in a baby voice as he rambled about how cute you were to him. Honestly, you could never get enough of Jaemin’s hugs and you cherished every single one of them.
Hugs with Chenle were playful, but they expressed his genuine fondness for you. Those light-hearted embraces often occur when you find yourself embarrassed, or annoyed at his teasing. He took delight in the adorable sight of your cheeks turning rosy, responding with a laugh as he hugged you tightly. 
In public settings, Chenle was the type to casually have one arm draped over your waist or around your shoulders. These gestures were remarkably subtle, seamlessly blending into the natural dynamics of being a couple. Occasionally the two of you’d exchange loving glances, and he’d smile when your head rested on his shoulder.
But hugs with Chenle could also take a more serious tone. Whenever you were going through a hard time, he stood right by your side with open arms. He could discern whether you needed reassuring words or simply a shoulder to cry on. This was one of the things about Chenle that made you love him so much. He was the perfect balance of having fun and providing a comforting presence in times of distress.
Hugs with Jisung were like an unspoken language between the two of you. On a normal basis, neither of you was super affectionate. Of course, you guys kissed and liked to cuddle in the evening. But not nearly as much as other couples might. However, when you and Jisung did share a hug, there was this sentiment attached to them, carrying a depth of meaning that was indescribable.
Perhaps you had a bad day at school or work, and maybe he did too. Upon meeting, a single glance was all it took before you gravitated toward each other. No words needed to be said as the two of you held one another, allowing the oxytocin to release freely. Those hugs always lasted a little longer than they should.
Jisung was laughably taller than you, which was perfect because you could bury your face in his chest. His chin naturally found its place atop your head, while his thumb traced soothing circles on your back. Sometimes the two of you cried during those moments, and your bodies trembled in each other’s arms. Yet, those instances where you could openly express your emotions were exactly what both of you needed.
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issa-pheonyx · 6 months
Can you write a scenario where Smoke comforts their s/o who goes through insecurities?
𝗦𝗼 𝘀𝗼𝗿𝗿𝘆 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘁𝗮𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘀𝗼 𝗹𝗼𝗻𝗴. 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝗲𝗺𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗶𝘀 𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿. 𝗜 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗿𝗲𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗻 𝗼𝗻 𝗝𝗮𝗻𝘂𝗮𝗿𝘆 𝟴 (𝗙𝗨𝗖𝗞𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗛𝗘𝗟𝗟-), 𝗯𝘂𝘁 𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗻𝗼𝘄 𝗜 𝗷𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝗻𝘁 𝘁𝗼 𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗶𝘀𝗵 𝘂𝗽 𝗺𝘆 𝗶𝗻𝗯𝗼𝘅 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗿𝗲𝗹𝗮𝘅. 𝗜 𝗺𝗶𝘀𝘀 𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗼𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗺. 𝗛𝗼𝗽𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗲𝗻𝗷𝗼𝘆 𝗶𝘁 𝗯𝗯~
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▌│█║▌║▌║ L̳͈͉̅̊ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚v̸̵̝͙͆̈ͤę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ M̶̷̲̊ͥ͋͟ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ L̳͈͉̅̊ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚v̸̵̝͙͆̈ͤę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ M̶̷̲̊ͥ͋͟ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ L̳͈͉̅̊ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚v̸̵̝͙͆̈ͤę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ M̶̷̲̊ͥ͋͟ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ L̳͈͉̅̊ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚v̸̵̝͙͆̈ͤę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ M̶̷̲̊ͥ͋͟ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ ║▌║▌║█│▌
-That is literally his reaction when you mention something you are insecure about like: "I'm sorry? Be fucking for real right now🤨"
-On a serious not tho, he would be disappointed. Specifically, more of a dumbfounded response, because first of all he was down right bad for you. No matter the beauty and flaws that you may not see from his perspective he still looks at you with such admiration
-He would give you a sad puppy eye look like :( because like why? Why would you say those things? Please, don't do that. His eyes show his expression of concern, confusion, and heartbreak. All he could do was hold your hand tightly and stare at you. "Please...please, don't. It hurts me to hear you say those things about yourself. Let alone an enemy for me to protect you by ending them. I don't want to be the one to do that to you."
-His words of affirmations and affections were comforting, loving, and warm. He would stare at you lovingly without you noticing, gentle touches, and his sweet words make you melt into a puddle. He adds bit more passion more energy after the insecurities from catching you despising something about yourself from the way you look in the mirror. If not he would overhear talking about yourself on whatever feature(s) makes you disgusted that you wish it would have looked better. He knows you will not reject his love, because never in any person in his life made him so happy
-He was honestly excited and relieved when you accepted him (much to your surprise he chose you...as you should), plus he would lowkey envy his brother, Scorpion, who is married and witnessing the tender love they share, he wishes one day it will happen to him next. Which it did and he never felt so much joy and love in his life. He wants to be the man and future husband to you. Yes, he looks up to Scorpion a lot, but in the end he wants to be his own person too and to be someone's protector
-He encourages you to be accepting of your flaws/insecurities that can not be easily removed. But, if it can he wants to help you. He wants to be your number one fan and don't take it the wrong way. Smoke just wants to make sure you don't feel alone on this journey. Not every little thing in life you're suppose to do alone and he wants to be the guy to be there for you, because you did that for him
-There are times he times he notices how you bottle up your emotions and frustrations. Even if you snap at him that you're okay or to leave you alone he is not going to. He will literally stand there like "I'm not going anywhere, (Y/N)🧍🏻" and you would just have to give in and talk. Smoke would hold you in a bear hug and tells you everything is going to be okay as you sob it out. "You have helped me with my troubles of my loss of family...so, I'm going to help you reconnect with yourself until I see you smile everyday like when I first saw you~"
-Honestly, girl this is the man. He is the ideal (relax I know Smoke is not everyone's taste...I can have him ya'll can take everyone else LMAO-) man of boyfriend material, husband material, gentleman material-you know name it. Like ugh he is so sweet and so fucking cute. Okay, I am off topic, but in the end he is just a sweetheart and be giving you those doe eyes when he sees you (UGGH IMAGINE THO LIKENSOJBDFJBA)
▌│█║▌║▌║ L̳͈͉̅̊ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚v̸̵̝͙͆̈ͤę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ M̶̷̲̊ͥ͋͟ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ L̳͈͉̅̊ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚v̸̵̝͙͆̈ͤę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ M̶̷̲̊ͥ͋͟ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ L̳͈͉̅̊ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚v̸̵̝͙͆̈ͤę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ M̶̷̲̊ͥ͋͟ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ L̳͈͉̅̊ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚v̸̵̝͙͆̈ͤę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ M̶̷̲̊ͥ͋͟ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ ║▌║▌║█│▌
𝗧𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗸𝘀 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴! 𝗜 𝗵𝗼𝗽𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗲𝗻𝗷𝗼𝘆𝗲𝗱 𝗶𝘁. 𝗠𝘆 𝘂𝗽𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗲𝘀 𝗱𝗼 𝘁𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝗷𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝗮 𝗳𝗮𝗶𝗿 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴. 𝗦𝗹𝗲𝗲𝗽 𝘄𝗲𝗹𝗹~🖤🫣
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0oolookitsme · 1 year
A Messy Day
Type- One-Shot
Verse- Singer!Harry xCeo!Y/n
Word Count- 2.5k
Warnings- I literally never write angst and I guess it might be showing in this fic lmao.
A/N- I just hope you don't absolutely hate this, I just don't have any idea what couples would fight about, what would be a big or small deal for them! I already beg your pardon hahah <3
She doesn't know what she did that made him feel like that. She just cares for him and is in love with him- is that where she went wrong? Because if yes, then this might be the only mistake which will have wounded her so badly that she won't even speak to another human ever again.
She was just helping him calm down before the show, telling him all the positive things that could happen while he was on the stage as he was brushing his teeth. She was just coming onto the point of making memories when he just spat out the toothpaste, rinsed his mouth and went away humming back at her in a dismissive response.
She was left dumbfounded sitting on the bathroom counter, but she brushed it off thinking maybe he was just feeling better now. It hit her in the heart when she saw him rambling to Mitch instead and as much as she tried to cover up her disappointment by thinking that he maybe wanted some relatability, she couldn't help but leave the space immediately to just forget this ever happened.
And she had. Sitting on a wooden chair, she chatted away with the cooking crew to selfishly keep her mind away from the way Harry had stirred-up shit in the over-thinking part of her brain. But she was also curious to know about how it felt to cook at somewhere which isn't the most usual space for cooking and chef-ing around.
She had even befriended the female chef; Charlotte was her name. Charlotte had told her about her nickname often being 'chocolate' to sweeten y/n's mood. Maybe she had just sensed that something was off ...women things? Y/n has no idea.
"Is my soup ready?" Harry's head peeked inside the kitchen area and every head turned towards him except for y/n's as she truly cannot afford tearing up in front of so many people.
One of them chimed in to tell him that it isn't yet but should be in around five more minutes. "Can you bring it to my room, love?" He asked and there's no doubt he's talking to his girlfriend.
"Sure," she mumbles quietly, her back still turned to him. Hearing him pad away without much care about her strange behaviour towards him, she looked up again while inhaling deeply, trying to keep her emotions in control when all she wanted to do was lock herself up in a bathroom and cry.
Only Harry had this much control over her feelings, only him. No one could make her want to just cry this much but Harry, she realized today. No one could pull as many emotions out of her as he could- she knew that since before though. But all she can think of right now is them separating- him leaving her all alone to be specific, and regrets of opening up to him and letting her walls down for him start to fill in.
"You wanna try this and tell me how it tastes? I'm sure you have a pretty good taste," Charlotte pats her shoulders, causing her to blink out of the void.
"Of course," she perks up at the sound of food, getting off the chair. Somewhere inside, she's a lot grateful for Char, so she brushes her hand on her back, trying to let her know without having to say it out loud.
Turning to face y/n, Char hands her a small tea plate while mumbling 'here'. The loose liquid is moving around with ease in the circular utensil, so y/n can tell that it's the soup and not the curry to a dinner they'll be packing for the crew.
She carefully slurps on it and the hot feeling of it against the back of her throat makes her rolls her eyes at the back of head. It brings her comfort. "Fuck, this shit is so very good," she opens her eyes to look at a grinning Charlotte. "You were on the Vogue Magazine labeled as the best chef for a reason, eh?" She compliments the blushing chef.
Just as Char mutters a small 'thank you' Y/n realizes that she might be giving out wrong indications, especially with how close she's standing to her. "Sorry," she clears her throat while backing away a few steps while waiting for Char to pour the soup in a bowl so that she can take it to- oh hell no.
She'll do anything to avoid him right now but seeing everyone busy in something, she has to somehow work up the courage to face him.
Charlotte hums for y/n to take ahold of the bowl and she takes it graciously to feel the heat of the utensil in her palms for a mere while. With the spoon already dipped inside, she moves towards the exit with caution as to not move with too much movement or some soup might end up on floor- and she really doesn't want to increase someone's work in this already hectic schedule.
Taking a turn towards the room of the one and only, she knocks lightly before opening the door and placing her first step inside through the small gap between the door and its frame. Instantly the door is hardly pushed back to close it and she feels the muscles of her foot squish so hard that a hissed-yell escapes her mouth.
Just as she curses though, the person inside opens the door with a frown on their face. "Couldn't you have waited for me to open the door or at least told me that it's you? I'm literally in my briefs!" He whisper yells at her and a sheen layer of salty water spreads across her sight, making everything look blurry.
Usually, they both would've laughed at their silliness but not right now- not when some shit has already been churned up. They can't even make themselves fake smile at each other.
"Fuckin' shit Harry, no! You tell me to bring you your damn soup and expect a ghost to bring it to you?" She lightly yells at him, letting him take ahold of the bowl now. Just as he turns around to place his bowl on the vanity with a strange face, she runs away. She runs to save herself the dignity she's got and slams the bathroom door once she's in there.
Maybe they could've talked through their fight as he'd slurp on his soup and y/n would chew on some cashews, but there's no way she's going back so instantly now.
He's only been making her feel ashamed of herself since the fucking morning today and she can't bring herself to be vulnerable in front of him anymore for the day- hopefully. Why is she getting so fucking sensitive ever since he has entered her life, she has no idea and it's driving her insane. Maybe it's just her periods approaching but she can't help but accept that it's her Harry, her boyfriend, love of her life and fucking best friend who's made her feel like shit all day.
She looks up, facing the ceiling so that her tears don't slip out.
It all started this morning when she was just feeling generous with affections and maybe he was feeling like an adult, not liking her 'child-like' behaviour. Yep, he had asked her "You're acting so childish today, everything Okay?" when all she wanted to do was make a fountain on the top of his head.
She had laughed it off in the moment, but she just gets it now.
Breathing in and out while her tears get soaked back in, she thinks about every fun memory she can and passes herself a sweet smile in the mirror, waiting till her nose returns back to its normal and she suddenly starts looking pretty.
She opens the door and moves towards his room again, the pain in her foot having been thought away as she knocks and waits for him to open the door.
When Harry does open the door wide enough for her to enter, she slides in quickly, skidding on her socks quickly towards the sofa and picks up her backpack.
"Where are you going?" He asks her in a not-so-sweet-tone when he notices her slipping out of the room quietly and exhales in annoyance when she doesn't reply. All he wants is a quiet-cuddle session with his girlfriend, but she just can't stop talking and acting like a child. He's been waiting all day for her to realize that he's feeling down and needy and wants her warmth. Key word: realize; for her to realize without him having told her anything, not even a damn hint.
He's an adult, he should just spit it out and set things straight in front of her, tell her what he wants but no- he feels like a child who just wants to feel understood, so when she tries to provide him some good company by simply providing him with her love, he decides that she's the one acting childish.
He has no idea why he wants to feel understood; he clearly is by the people who he loves. And that's when he realizes, he is just playing around by not telling what he wants and is getting grumpier when the person he wants doesn't read his mind.
He guesses he's the one on the bad side right now, but that doesn't make him go and run for y/n because he's in his egotistic maniac mindset right now.
So, because his girlfriend ignoring him stroke his ego really bad, he sits down on the couch and finishes the rest of the soup which seems to have gotten absolutely cold by now. But that doesn't mean it isn't affecting the weird sensation on his tongue, which had gotten burnt during the early slurps of the soup.
He starts mumbling incoherent things randomly, shit-talking about everyone else to make himself better.
When y/n's head bobs in through the door again, he's ready to not react to her dismissing him but when she silently picks up her laptop's charger and moves to exit the room again, he bursts.
"Can you not give me the silent-treatment? Maybe just act like the grownup you are and tell me what's wrong?" He picks on her, setting out the words clearly pointing towards him to refer to her. And boy does he shrink on the inside when she scoffs.
But his words continuously fall deaf on Y/n's ears, as they are flooded by the sound of her own heartbeat racing and blood pumping through her arteries while she vigorously scratches that part of her brain internally which is playing the words that spilled from his mouth accidently on repeat; to get them erased from where they seem to have also imprinted themselves.
"Just shut up, y/n!" He had shouted at her when she was in the midst of telling him about a joke on their way here- and it honestly didn't affect her as much as the words he muttered under his breath while turning away from her to face the window instead did. "Don't even know why I brought y' with me. All you've been doing is treat me like a damn child and act childish yourself."
Trust her, she was trying to keep her mind off these moments but this one just won't leave her alone.
"Harry, do you realize who the fuck is being a child right now? It's you! Cause if you really were acting like an adult, you wouldn't need me to tell you what the fuck's wrong."
But it's all a game of better comebacks now, and y/n is not going to back down.
"All you have done today is make my day shit when all I did was try to make yours better. You made me feel fucking ashamed of myself, H." She gritted out the last part, tears brimming up to her waterline again as she tries to blink them away but fails. And she can see the alarm on his face, in his eyes but she cannot give two fucks right now. Perhaps, he realized that he was being a bitch?
"Love- I... I'm so sorry." He gets up, hurrying towards y/n to enclose his arms around her and when she doesn't push him away but continues to tell him about everything he told her that hurt her, he feels a knife twisting in through his stomach. He's just disgusted by himself that he made her cry. The woman he swore to keep happy- he made her cry.
When he hugs her, y/n can't help but feel like this fight is slipping out of her fist and being pushed under the carpet because she just started crying. But maybe this actually isn't as much of a big deal she's making it out to be.
"I know I disrespected you, and I'm sorry. It's my fault. I'm the one who didn't communicate properly and expected you to read my mind," he shushes her, rubbing her back as she wipes her tears away.
At least he set the things out for her to learn what's wrong after seeing her cry, so that's a win. But she shouldn't have to cry to get him to fucking set things out.
She chuckles dryly at this. "You seriously made me think that you were gonna leave me simply because you didn't feel comfortable enough to communicate with me... Also, is that supposed to make me feel better? Because it is clearly not." She says, pressing her forearms on his chest to push him away.
"Lovie- don't be so hard on me, I'm sorry! I didn't realize what I was doing and-and why would you think I'm gonna leave you? Baby that's never happening, you're seriously stuck with me now 'cause my clingy ass ain't gonna leave you, nah." He chuckles, trying to lighten the mood a bit.
Her eyes light up slightly at the affirmation but her face is still looking like a carved stone right now. A smile tugs at the corner of her lips but she settles it down by rolling her lips in. "I'm not going to forgive you so easily, H. I won't make a big deal out of this. You were feeling needy and felt that it'd be childish of you to just ask for what you wanted," she stopped to catch her breath. "I may have over-thought it all a little, but it still doesn't dismiss the feeling of me hurt. So, let's get it straight," she stops again to create some suspense as she makes a mischievous eye contact with him.
"First: I'm not scratching your scalp for a week. Second: No kisses till the next show is over. Third, dare you ask me to tell you jokes and lastly, I am not humming songs to you till you sleep because I'm a kid and well, it's adults who sing kids to sleep."
"You did not just make that third rule and say that!"
She giggles as she parts to move out of the room. "Could say the same for every time you opened your mouth in front of me today, Styles."
Going over all the rules in his head, Harry just knows that he indeed truly messed up today.
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bots-and-cons · 11 months
Hello,can you do a tfp optimus prime x fem(adult) reader that knows how optimus is starving himself due to the shortage on the energon supply in order for the rest of the team to refuel properly and whenever he is in holoform she always stuffs him with food (mostly home cooked meals and desserts ).She is studying physics and works a lot like optimus so in order to spend more time together she invites him over her house to do work together(she studies while sitting on her bed and in the winter she turns on her electric blanket to make her work space warm and cozy).Just the two of them sitting under a warm blanket and doing work together,but once they are over discussing a bit or sitting at her balcony.The reader provides a safe space for optimus to express his worries and gives comforting hugs,treats and a massage if a mission was too rough on him.
(I know I already just sent a question about pairings but whether you can do something like that or not I would like my oficial request for a fic to be this)
Since this has so much stuff, I did HCs. I’m not exactly sure how the whole holoform thing works, I know the bots can eat and drink when using it, but I’m pretty sure it doesn’t transfer the energy, so they need energon just as much as they would normally, but they do feel better while in their holoform, even if they still need the energon. Also I know literally nothing about physics, so I didn’t go into any specifics 
•You always try to take care of Optimus to the best of your ability
•You make sure he eats enough and that he rests too, because he’s perpetually tired and stressed
•He also doesn’t get enough energon normally, so you at least want him to get enough energy when he’s in his holoform
•He loves your cooking and he loves it when you cook or bake new things for him, because he loves tasting new things
•He’s at your place pretty often, every chance that allows really, because he feels at home there
•It feels like a safe and cozy place, and the person he loves is there so what could be a better place to spend his time
•You can relate to Optimus on a personal level, and you two are very close
•You’re both very busy, because you both have a lot of responsibilities, and people rely on you
•Optimus likes to help you, but he mostly does it when you ask because he doesn’t want to intrude or make you feel like he thinks you can’t do something
•So you sometimes just ask him for help with simple things, because you know he likes helping you
•When you study in the winter, Optimus loves being basically glued to your side while you talk and sit under your warmed blanket
•Or you sit on his lap or between his legs and the blanket is wrapped around the two of you
•He doesn’t want to distract you but sometimes he just can’t resist kissing your neck or grabbing your hand to hold it, while you should be writing something
•It doesn’t bother you in the least, it’s nice to have him there and you can talk with him about your problems
•You also provide a safe space for Optimus to tell you basically anything
•He can express his worries or just tell you about whatever, you’re always there to listen
•Optimus loves you so much, and he doesn’t know how to express how much you mean to him, he just hopes you know it
•You’re always there for him and you make sure he knows that, but he still feels like a burden sometimes
•You have to remind him about the fact that you love him, and that he could never burden you with anything
•You’ll help him work through his problems and he does the same for you
•He loves holding you when he feels upset, your presence just soothes his nerves and makes him feel so much better
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
Ohhh, Vorticia's heats! I imagine them to be dangerous. As in trying to over feed us incredible amounts, or attempting to eat us. Maybe even going as far as to eat anyone she considers competition?
Vorticia's heats are... Well, hectic.
She's only recently been having them naturally again, after her kids all moved out, but she's responsible about it, and she'll tell you when she feels them coming.
Pre-heat signs are somewhat noticeable, even though the Queen goes to great lengths to maintain her composure. Her appetite doesn't just become more carnivorous, she starts hungering for squirming meals. The servants counteract this by spraying themselves with foul-tasting liquids. (You know the type of thing you'd put on your couch to make sure the cat doesn't scratch it? Yeah.) What ends up happening is she snatches them up, and promptly spits them back out. Death avoided. Other people are not safe from simply being gobbled up however. You need to develop a tolerance to seeing her eat living beings in your vicinity.
In her stupor, she'll frequently throw maimed people at you and expect you to eat them. Sometimes, you can trick her by pretending to bite said person, and wait until she turns away, then hurriedly push that person outside. This usually doesn't work however, and the unlucky demon she captured will probably get their neck snapped before being torn to pieces. Pieces which, unfortunately, Vorticia will also try to feed you.
She has an unusual behavior females of her kind don't often exhibit. She nests on her own regardless of being alone or not. Initially, Vorticia expected her partners to nest for her, but they often failed to meet the standards for her size, so she simply started doing it herself. And truth be told, she has an eye for it, the Queen can make a very comfortable, massive nest. With one specific feature, it's loaded with food.
Servants keep it coming aaall day long, and you'll understand why when you realize that when Vorticia isn't fucking you or sleeping, she's shoveling it all down her trap. It's never enough to sate her, she's never full, and that irritates her to no end. The imps that serve her pay no heed to whatever she could be doing when they come in, so really, don't be ashamed if someone rolls a cart in while Vorticia's fingerblasting you to cloud nine. They've seen much worse.
Speaking of, the sex is definitely more exhaustive for you than it is for her, purely because she has a ravenous desire to eat you out, and you might dehydrate from how many orgasms she rips out of you in an effort to eat your cum. Vorticia's got plenty of toys too, so it's not like you'll be growing numb to stimulus anytime soon. Given how large the demoness is, you can easily get creative when going down on her, and, unless she shrinks herself, you might as well suck her clit like it's a cock. Ride it, with enough effort.
In temperamental moods, the best thing you could do is hand-feed Vorticia while she lies down. Usually, she'll always lick after your fingers and arm, but don't be fooled into letting her take your hand into her mouth, she'll eat it. Just keep it up until she calms down, or gets emotional/flattered enough to want to rail you.
Although Vort has always struggled with the desire to consume her partners, and will oftentimes look at you like you're a particularly appetizing crouton- You need to trust her on this. Talk to the Queen so she can focus on your voice, don't move too fast, never stop eye contact and possibly toss a snack at her if it's taking longer for her to snap out of it.
By the way, good luck slipping past her tail's titanium grip when she's asleep.
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longeyelashedtragedy · 4 months
tbh did not send the Lamps chara ask (shy) however I was seriously considering and someone beat me to it. if you feel like it and have time/energy after the others pending then I would massively enjoy expanded Redders thoughts. and/or JT if you like vintage Chels beyond Frank. ik that the skipper (derogatory) corrupted Grealo but he no doubt sunk claws into Frank first
i can definitely do redders for ya! JT i don't know too much about. i know he has some controversies, but that ain't my business lol. i appreciate how he made franko feel and i'm intersted in how the 2 of them have taken different paths both about how they act toward each other and how they talk about roman abramovich post-ukraine war 😂 (would love to hear more about how he corrupted grealo.) BUT. jamie i've got a lot more to say about.
i feel like if you read jamie's odd autobiography and then think of him through that lens, he's a real diamond in the rough of a fascinating footballer. he seems kinda brainless and vapid but i think some of that is because he has too much going on in his brain to use it for that sort of thought. i don't even mean that as a diss. that's a real thing!!! but let's see...
favorite thing about them: well, he certainly seems unpretentious and easy to talk to, which i like. has some good taste in music, is still close to his parents, always takes franko's side and defends him 😂
so, this next part seems like a weird thing to list as a "favorite," as i'm sad he suffers or has suffered in this way, but out of all the things i've read about mental health, both fiction and non-fiction, jamie's book described some of my specific childhood/teenage Horrors so well it was like i wrote it and i was so surprised that he went through all that and admitted it so unselfconsciously. that combination of talented kid with an idyllic life (this was me, albeit in other ways than jamie lol) who lives in this private world of pure fear. some of the things he mentions, like having to paint his room cheerful yellow to ward off Bad Thoughts and Scary things, and being so afraid when he saw the exorcist as a teenager that he slept with the lights on and couldn't get the movie out of his head for weeks--the isolating strength of these kinds of fears is sooooo fuckin real man. he also describes needing to watch the same movie every day for comfort when he got home from school where he got bullied and teased for being a little different, and his attachments to his toys that he'd have to do little rituals with every day to help him feel Calm, and how he took them to school to try to make friends and kids stole them :( he also describes his older self as having something Dark inside him, like when his close friends would become occupied with a girlfriend, he'd kind of freak out and try to get in the way, because he was afraid of losing their support.
his book also describes very sinister perceptions of the external world too, a lot of kind of scary or just ominous scenarios drift through the book (a creep that tried to grab him in the park, the scary, dark corridors under dean court stadium when his Daddy was in charge of bournemouth--i related to that too--, rumors of some weird creep working at tottenham when they wanted to sign young him?)
i apologize if this is repetitive to anyone reading but i had some very particular Problems as a kid and i've just never seen some of them articulated the way jamie articulates them. and i just found all this so...fascinating. i think it explains a lot about his adult self and provides such a contrast between him and brainy franko (see headcanons section!)
least favorite thing about them: he cut his hair and has a beard! i'm predictable--if a footballer had long hair and now doesn't, this will be my response. otherwise, what's there really to dislike? he's kind of inoffensive imho
favorite line: uh a few
"Frank Lampard has a vision for seeing things." (i-hope he actually said that for real)
from his book:
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and, for the "franko was too old when he was young" headcanons:
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oookay then, anyway:
brotp: idk, who does he hang out with? i like his interactions with the guys on ALOTO even though his main feature is clearly to be the punching bag. maybe with stevie g? with Daddy-Uncle Harry? lmao
notp: his new wife. at first they didn't look as miserable together as he and poor Louise always did, but he just posted a video from their maldives vacation today, and woof--she looks miserable. well, i'm not here for blonde scandinavian models and i think jamie is too childish to do well in a Grownup Married Relationship. again, kind of like with franko, i don't mean childish like... "spoiled entitled manbrat" or "hasn't lost joie de vivre"--more like. is trapped as kid because of his own mind. i think if a therapist saw only jamie and franko as clients, and no one else, they'd be set for life
otp: well...there can be only one. i'd love for jamie & franko to give romeo + juliet their happy ending 😭 they are weirdly...made for each other. and hey--according to the internet it's legal! 🫡👮🏼
random headcanon: so many! lampardverse is sort of all about Jamie in a sense, and i think as a child Jamie so very much appreciated the solid steady presence of his younger cousin. franko's psychological issues are of a very different nature lol, plus we know he's a master of repression (can relate) and we imagine that he'd help jamie with his homework and read him chapters of the narnia book, and eat the food jamie refused to eat.
another one is that jamie is super dependent on his Well-Known Dad. they do a lot of stuff together and idk on ALOTO one of the main purposes seems to get jamie overwhelmed and stressed--because he gets like that very easily--so it feels like Uncle Harry's presence is just. very necessary for him.
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fascin8ing! YMMV.
unpopular opinion: i don't think i have one? are there popular or unpopular opinions on jamie redknapp? hahaha
a song i associate with them: hmmm, not really any? i do have him singing shimmy shimmy ya by ODB at franko in "red red red" lol. but i don't really count that 😂
favorite picture of them: let's do a few!
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gay af behaviors (affectionate)
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whump tendencies
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bougie gay cou-- (cousins? couple? choose your own adventure)
THANKS for coming along on this wild ride!
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skinks · 1 year
how do you keep finding these incredibly niche and incredibly awesome aesthetics
omg WELL, I will try to be concise here!!
basically it started because I got really into vaporwave relatively early in its existence, I think I discovered it in around 2013. Now, something about there being an entire online named Artistic Movement with clear design principles was extremely cool to me, and 2013 is also the earliest I can find a use of the term “junglepunk” on my blog, because this is the term I was using as a personal placeholder for the type of stuff that I have since discovered is being called utopian scholastic. I figured, if there wasn’t a “vaporwave” equivalent for the art/media niche I remembered so vividly, I would just call it something of my own.
So, I came to this newer discovery because in the decade since getting into vaporwave I’ve followed just… so many aesthetic blogs. One of my absolute favourites is @newwavearch90 but I love going on an adventure down various tumblr rabbit holes of related blogs and posts. I also watch a lot of design history videos on youtube, as well as having an interest in lost media, old web stuff, analog horror ARGs, stuff like that. For example, this guy’s video about clip art is very interesting:
And so, a few months ago youtube recommended me THIS video and as soon as I saw the thumbnail I was like oh holy shit, I know exactly what style of design this is talking about. Anyone who used Windows XP would recognise this:
And once again, like the vaporwave discovery, the realisation that there are ongoing efforts being made to classify design movements of which I have vivid living memory was like… mindblowing to me. For some reason, lol. My appreciation for vaporwave has always been through a reflective filter of the media produced during that time, my response to it is really my response to the media, as opposed to having any real emotional connection to the actual time period and places the media is portraying.
And so after discovering Frutiger Aero I googled it, and came across the CARI (Consumer Aesthetics Research Institute) site. They work to catalogue and index this exact stuff, the aesthetics and reasoning behind all these different movements. It’s also co-founded by the same guy who runs @newwavearch90. Finding the actual names of the aesthetics I have the most emotional connection/nostalgia for has been less of a stroke of luck, but more because I’ve been snooping around the types of blogs and websites where I just happened to see certain posts tagged either Global Village Coffeehouse or Utopian Scholastic, then the giant lightbulb goes off. The relief of putting a name to a sound, an image, a feeling that was so important and exciting and comforting to you in the past, that has shaped so much of your taste and interests in the years since.
I think the base concept of “aesthetics” in general has gotten a bad rap in recent years. I know it can be grating to see teenagers try to categorise their whole identities into the easily consumed “aesthetic”, but we can’t ignore how much ageism and specifically misogyny is wrapped up in that assessment. Like, yes, where once there were just preps and goths it can be depressing to see teenagers (especially teen girls) ask themselves whether they are “old money east coast quiet luxury aesthetic girlies” or “mallpunk y2k whimsigoth aesthetic girlies” - but the problem isn’t in teens trying to find their identity, it’s that social media pushes the search for identity specifically through consumerism.
Teens liking aesthetics on tiktok just isn’t my concern. I’m far more interested in how art and design aesthetics relate to consumerism, to technological advances, to socio-political cultural context, to societal values. Why did these aesthetics arise at the time they did, and why were they popular, why did they fall out of the zeitgeist etc.
So yeah, to be not at all concise in any way; it’s because this stuff fascinates me and I love researching it 🥳
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beekeepercain · 2 years
I'm making the weirdest comeback to this blog today, solely because I have no other blog I actually can post in the tags on but am NOT followed by people who know my partner.
Hi! How's it going? I've been absent from here for years, and by years I mean it's been at least 5. Lots have happened! But I'm not here to talk about that. I'm here because I am haunted by some ace discourse I had here when I was like... 22.
Back then, I wrote something about how asexuals can still participate in sex for reasons that are unrelated to sexual attraction, such as baby-making or a desire to bond with a partner even if they themselves have no desire or drive for sex. It got a mixed response, for a controversial subject. Mostly positive - but some VERY angry individuals also told me that either all sex that an asexual goes through is rape, or they're a fake asexual.
So - fun fact - I've been on a journey here. For a good few years, I actually agreed with the latter points; I am asexual, and stopped being able to imagine situations in which I'd be comfortable having sex. I couldn't imagine it anymore and came to the logical conclusion that I'd been confused before and the rhetoric about inherent asexual nonconsent might actually be true.
The very concept of sex has been a very frightening, horrible burden on me since it became something that was within the realm of possibilities for me. I did not want any and I was despairing because that made me feel unlovable, like I'd be trapping a potential partner in an unsatisfying situation.
Then I grew up a bit more again, and began to realise it was less the concept of sex overall that was the problem - the problem is specifically that I don't want any. Period. However, the concept of giving my partner pleasure has always been an open question for me. On one hand, I am curious. On the other, the taste and consistency and smell of human fluids and crotch... frankly makes me want to puke. But what if said crotch was well-washed, with mild odor? Not something you've kept in your pants since last Saturday. What then?
I became familiar with the concept of stone butches. I felt... awed. That's a thing you can do with a partner? Give, and not want to be touched, and have both parties be okay with that? What if getting off is not the point of it, but being close and having fun instead? And I don't have to do anything I don't want to? A wild concept.
Another couple years - I met a person who was unbothered by my difficult relationship to sex. A person who was open to exploring and experimenting but had no huge ambitions for sex as a part of our relationship, and didn't care either way if it was going to be or not.
So, at the ripe old age of 31, after getting vaccinated for HPV for my own sake and going through a pointless set of STD tests to meet my partner in the middle with trust and safety, I felt comfortable enough to do science in the field.
And you know what I found out?
First - I am so incredibly, boringly, utterly asexual. Arousal? I do not know her. In fact, I barely know her name. This is now an undeniable, inescapable fact of me that I have proved in every single way a person can. And it's fine. Do I still kind of wish I wasn't? Sure. I do feel like I'm missing something, but on the other hand, I have a thousand other things I derive my basic animal pleasures from (like head rubs, or ice cream.)
Second - sex as a giving, not receiving, party is the exact same feeling as giving someone I love (in this case, a life partner) a massage. I don't get shit from giving a massage to them, and my arms will hurt after, but it's fun and it's intimate and it's nice because my partner likes it and it makes them feel good. Sex is the same. It was not groundbreaking, it was not degrading, it was not painful (other than for my muscles, my poor fucking muscles dear GOD), and it was fun and it brought us closer. It was fun enough to keep at it for four hours one day, but I'd again rather eat rocks than do that every day. The same way I'm not just available to rub your shoulders all day long, I have other things I want to be doing, but as an occasional thing - yeah, sure. Why not.
Third, it is a REALITY that I can exchange sex for massages. I can get a massage. I can leverage this whole getting my partner off into receiving nice physical pleasures for myself that I like and actively desire. And it's particularly nice after I've destroyed both of my wrists on the altar of their enjoyment.
So like.
Yes, sex repulsed asexuals are real and there are no circumstances under which one should be forced or pressured into any sexual act, or made to debate or defend their desires, wants, wishes, and lacks thereof. This is all sexual coercion, and at worst, it is assault. If you push ANYBODY who is not interested, you are a disgrace and I hope you eat yourself in your sleep.
However, sex neutral and positive asexuals also, apparently, do exist. I was right about at least one whole thing when I was 20. Look at that.
As a final word on this update nobody expected - I'm sex neutral. Sometimes the whole subject makes me feel like throwing up, most of the time I'm whatever about it, sometimes I'm curious about it the same way you're curious about trying a new dish or touching a fabric you don't know beforehand what it'll feel like. Unfortunately my own body is permanently disinterested and I'd throw up out of discomfort and spite if anybody tried to push me into receiving "pleasure", however, as long as my partner accepts this about me, I'm free to enjoy the science of it all, and the togetherness of spending time with my partner in a manner that is... deliciously heavy on trust and good intentions. It's nice. Having my boundaries respected is like. Extra nice.
That's it. Hopefully this puts my mind at ease about the angry reblogs from a decade ago. Probably not. You will haunt me to my grave, strangers on Tumblr.
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novorehere · 2 years
I gotta say, you mentioning El/liot in a post a while ago made me foam at the mouth a little
Any s/dv specific hcs you might have ^^?
(Putting my response under the cut because it got a little long! I just couldn’t bring myself to exclude any of the bachelors/bachelorettes even though I have a bit less on some of them. Also fair warning for slight talk of food being with you while you’re inside)
I am assuming with all these that the farmer can shrink down and stay safe using junimo magic or something… In a world with witches and goblins, weirder things have happened in game, so why not?
I have already gushed about this man at extreme length, so I’ll try to keep it short. Enjoys swallowing you very much. Possibly the most out of anyone. Is a true romantic, constantly doting over you the whole time you’re inside. His canonical vice is good food, so we know for a fact the fastest way to this beach poet’s heart is through his stomach. He always had a nagging anxiety about being alone for the rest of his days, and keeping you close like this makes him forget ALL about that. Tries very hard to be a gentleman, but sometimes goes a little overboard on the alcohol and his more unashamed, gluttonous side comes out. Thinks you are THE most delicious thing he’s ever tasted, and will tell you that until you’re red in the face.
Would be a bit of an awkward and goofy pred. He really doesn’t want to hurt you! Especially when you’re so small and fragile… It’s so weird feeling you poke and prod around in his mouth, he has to psyche himself up mentally before he can swallow you. Is a bit ticklish on the inside, and his belly is sticky and smells vaguely of soda. Eventually learns to really love the feeling of having you in there, but the awkwardness never really goes away. Can and will crack jokes about swallowing you. He thinks it’s super funny. Likes to play guitar for you while you’re inside, or just place his phone on his belly and let you listen to one of his new favorite songs. Will buy you ice cream afterwards.
A huge tease. Like, annoyingly so. Knows exactly what to say to leave you blushing. He’ll take his sweet time tossing you around in his mouth to taste you before swallowing you down, enjoying all your adorable little squirms. Like Sam, Seb will also sneak in jokes about swallowing you, but moreso to see your cute annoyed reactions than anything. Loves keeping you in his belly while he pulls an all-nighter on his computer, absentmindedly rubbing his tummy while he focuses on his task. You also quickly learn being inside someone riding a motorcycle is… not fun. You try to avoid that scenario as much as possible, but Sebastian really loves it.
Is extremely fascinated about how the shrinking process works, and will ask you a million questions about it. Will initially be very surprised by your request. “You know what happens to food when you eat it, right?” But after a thorough explanation, will eventually be willing to try if it’d make you happy. Will probably need a bit of reassuring before he can actually make himself swallow. Breath probably smells like pickles, but not in a bad way??? Very concerned with your well-being the whole time, asking you practically endless questions about what it’s like in there and if you’re still doing ok. Finds it strangely comforting to have you so close to him, despite the weirdness of it all. Waking up to a cup of coffee with you sitting in it is a sure way to get this nerd to smile. Might potentially be ok with being prey if he can put aside his claustrophobia. Observing the human body up close would be quite interesting. He trusts you completely, so if that’s something you’d enjoy, let him know. He will definitely wait for you to bring it up, though.
Stardew’s resident sports himbo would probably not fully understand your request at first. You wanted him to eat you? You can’t fit in his mouth, silly. But when you show him your magic, he immediately gets it. He’s a bit afraid to accidentally injure or drop you while you’re small like that (he can be a bit careless sometimes!) but quickly gets over his reservations about holding you in his hands. Thinks you’d make a wonderful pre-workout snack. Since you have a lot of energy, that should give him energy, right?? Since he’s such a heavy eater throughout the day, there’s a good chance you’ll find yourself accompanied by one of his other meals, be it a protein shake or a full, complete breakfast. Occasionally will start snacking absentmindedly without thinking about the implications of it ending up with you and then feels really bad after.
Ah, Shane. When you first told him about your powers, he had scoffed. Just how was that useful? And you wanted him to… swallow you? Why him of all people? Surely you could find somebody else… But in the end, he just couldn’t ignore your puppy dog eyes. Plus, he feels like he still owes you a favor for helping him turn his life around. He swallows you once, then oops he’s addicted. The feeling of having you close like that is just the serotonin boost he needed, plus the free meal ain’t bad either. A bit shameless about it all, drooling all over you and rubbing his gut once the deed is done. Might even just continue eating afterwards if he feels like it. Probably has a bit of a sensitive stomach due to his not-so-great diet, so be gentle in there. Thinks it’s funny the way you squirm when he belches. This is what you signed up for, right?? The chickens love snuggling up to his tummy while you’re in there, it’s so cute and he secretly took a picture of it on his phone that he looks at when he’s feeling down.
Super chill. When you first brought it up, she just laughed and said “That’s sick, I’ve gotta see that!” She’s no stranger to weird magic, so it’s not too far-fetched to think she wouldn’t be too phased by it all. Very much enjoys swallowing you, and thinks it’s cute that you love it so much. Sometimes teases you, but in a very sweet way. Will make wagers to see who can get the highest score in a game, with a free meal as the ante. Especially adores swallowing you down after a long day fighting in the dungeons to give you a bit of rest. She feels like a human save point! Overall, a really great and fun pred. Also as an aside she apparently eats the amethysts you give her which is hilarious. She’s got that “I like this so I’m going to put it in my mouth” mentality I guess xD
Emily is a weirdo. Weird enough that she’d probably be 100% down for it right from the get go. I feel like she’d be all about the whole thing, incorporating it into her whole “spiritual wellness” routine. I can’t decide if she’d be more likely to want to meditate inside, or swallow you up as a sort of “charm” to connect your energies. Either way, she definitely enjoys the intimate oneness of it all. Just PLEASE don’t drink the tea if she puts you in her teacup. Trust me on this one. Will also bring weird rocks inside you if you’ll let her. She won’t hesitate to talk about it openly with the other residents of the valley, and it gets a little awkward for the others at times.
Definitely unintentionally babies you when you’re small. “Oh, do you need help with that? Here, let me cut up your food for you.” She’s just too sweet for her own good. I honestly can’t see her getting into vore. You’d have to really convince her to do something like that. If you somehow do, she’d be extremely nervous. Will probably chicken out halfway, and then get upset at herself for not being able to help you with your request. She really wants to make you happy though, and if she can finally put aside her reservations, she’ll find that it’s a lot less scary than she thought. Please don’t make her do it again though 😭
Thinks your shrinking powers are just the coolest. You look so cute, you’re like her tiny poseable human model come to life! She’s getting so many art ideas now, and you get to be her muse! But then… you want her to what?? Umm, ok? As long as you’re sure you’ll be safe, she’ll indulge you in whatever strange game you’re playing. It’s kind of a nice feeling, having a friend inside while she works on her woodcarving project. It makes her feel confident! Plus you seem to really like it in there, so it’s a win-win. Can and will paint a portrait of you posing on a fruit bowl or a salad and hang it in her bedroom. Now whenever she sees a salad at the saloon she thinks of you, drizzled with balsamic dressing. Maybe she’ll work up the confidence to ask you to do that again sometime…
I don’t know as much about Maru, as I don’t have very much in-game friendship with her. Definitely will want to research your new power once she hears about it. Maybe she can reverse engineer it somehow to make crops huge and end world hunger! It’s for the betterment of science, farmer. You literally can’t say no. She strikes me as someone who could be cool with both roles, depending on what she needs to experiment on that day. Can and will drag random inventions down your throat to test them out, or perhaps swallow you down and make you be her little test subject.
Like Maru, I also don’t know much about Haley. From what I’ve gathered, would probably not be into it. Like at all. You’re literally covered in dirt all day, and you want her to stick you in her mouth? Are you crazy? Would think you being small was THE most adorable thing though. So many adorable photo ops!! Will show you off to everyone.
Including this little guy just for fun. Vore is a considerably normal thing to his kind, and is super honored you’d want to do something like that with him. Vastly prefers being prey though. As someone who’s lived most of his life in a dark and dank cave, being in a warm stomach is probably preferable to him. That way he can stay with you and out of the sunlight while you run errands. Poor little guy’s got separation anxiety. Also canonically tastes like black licorice candy, so he’s got that going for him I guess.
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nightmare-dreamt · 10 months
hello! I would like to request a matchup with a character from demon slayer. please and thank you! 🫶
Orientation: asexual + greyromantic (male preference).
Pronouns: she/her
Appearance: I'm 5'1. My hair is a darkish-brown with light brown streaks, and I have a long, whispy layered pixie cut. I have an inverted-triangle head shape, and I have a triangle + mesomorphic body type. I have dimples. I have beauty marks mostly on my shoulders and arms, and I specifically have one on one of my ear lobes (low-key my favorite feature, huehuegjb 🤭). I have olive-toned skin. I have almond shaped eyes, and my eye color is brown.
- Some people say I'm intimidating, but then others are like, "she's just a little guy! :D".
- I wear glasses.
- My overall style is grunge, comfy, and artsy.
General personality traits + extra: Nice, independent, caring, calm, clever, intelligent, empathetic, friendly, gentle, humble, genuine, forgiving, hard-working, humorous, kind-hearted, reliable, logical, mature, observant, patient, selfless, sweet, responsible, wise, emotionally strong, accepting, supportive, quiet, awkward, reserved, straightforward, shy, tired, blunt, brutally-honest, gullible, procrastinator, lonely.
- I'm a good listener! I always try to reassure people that I'm there for them and they can talk to me about anything. I never judge.
- I genuinely care about others.
- I'm slow to warm up to others, but once I do, I'm much more outgoing.
- People say I have a comforting aura.
Likes: Going for walks, hanging out with friends, deep conversations, blankets, the night sky, sunrises and sunsets, astronomy, psychology, literature, ancient history, nature, browsing, window shopping, sweets, pasta dishes, traveling, art, exploring, cats and dogs, music, fruit (specifically watermelon, raspberries, and strawberries 😩), coffee and tea, laughing, joking around, stormy weather, learning more about the things that interest me, to clean (willingly).
Dislikes: Waffles. , alcohol (for personal reasons), centipedes, anything that makes someone not redeemable (or whatever I think deems someone as a terrible person), humiliation, hot weather, people not listening to what I'm saying, silent treatment, being watched.
Hobbies: Painting, ceramics, playing video games, reading, listening to music (I'm pretty diverse with my taste in music but I mostly listen to k-pop, j-pop, pop, rock, punk-rock, pop-rock, calm, '80s, early 2000's) and occasionally podcasts (comedy, stories).
- I'm a barista at a coffee shop 💪.
- I'm told that I laugh like a witch PLS.
- My big three are libra (sun), pisces (moon), and capricorn (rising).
- My MBTI type is INFJ, and my enneagram type is 5w4.
I hope that wasn't too much for you 😭
Matchup for Anon 🌻!
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Sanemi Shinaguzawa:
When you first saw him, it was clear that he had a scary personality and unknown to you he felt the same way for you. But, when the two of you actually got to know each other, you both seemd to be wrong. Deep down, he was a total softie and so were you. He tends to be soft only to those he cares for, so don't mention him being soft in public or he'll be upset.
He would want a partner who is independent and intellegent because he doesn't want someone who totally relies on him and someone who can't take care of themselves. Yes, he would want to protect you but he would love to see his partner defend themselves and tell someone off for doing something to them.
When he's upset and angry, he needs someone to be there to comfort him and thankfully he has you. He'll come to you when he's not feeling great and will just let everything out, needing someone to listen to him as he explains his problems.
I don't know why, but I could see you begging and begging him to go on cute little dates and when he finally agrees the two of you go on a cermanic date. He's rough with his hands so it can be challenging, but when the two of you are together and you're sculpting one of those pot things on the spinner wheel, his tough demanor is gone and Into a soft one.
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catnherthoughts · 2 years
retelling of the night of 11/12-11/13
after mentioning i write and how this story would be an interesting topic to indulge upon, i was told to write about it, so this is for him.
11/12 in itself start to finish was chaotic, from my friend telling me mutual friend of ours coerced her into doing things that she wasn't comfortable with, my romantic endeavor at the time telling me he wasn't ready to fully commit to anything, said mutual friend being rude and odd, many things were to lead up to this moment.
I was getting ready with pure rage in my heart, who was he to even imply that i could even want to possess him in that way, and why wasn't i seen as such a prize that he wouldn't lay down his life to have me be his. after verbally expressing my anger by myself in my room and drafting a message full of pure rage, I decided that I would use this anger to be the hottest woman on earth, and not just hot headed. I was determined to make something of this anguish that i threw anger over. the mentality was, "if he doesn't see my worth, im done with him, im on to the next.". im genuinely so sick of not being worshipped by men and instead being treated like an annoying pet.
regardless, i left my dorm looking hotter than hell and being drunker than necessary. me and my friend screaming about how terrible men are and how each of our respective horrible men were... well horrible. walking to this frat party, i had the objective of finding someone new, or even multiple new people. anything to get the taste of him out fo my mouth. we walk in belligerently drunk, conversing about littering and get more drinks.
the 10 minutes or so that i did spend pre... him were just spent dancing, feeling too drunk for my own good, talking nonsense to my sober friends, bonding with my equally as drunk companion over men being horrible, getting another drink, and trying my best to have a great night.
then, i saw him. he was dancing with a friend of his, i forgot what sound it was to specifically but i do remember seeing him, looking away, taking a double take at how pretty he was ( important word choice ), looking away, and then thinking. thinking and stealing glances at him. simply just thinking about the possibilities with this man i knew nothing about. in that moment i decided to let him know that he was in fact, pretty. tapped him on the shoulder and let him know. I could tell he was pretty gone by his response and a visible lack of understanding of what i had just said but after that i decided to simply let the situation go. let the universe do what it needed to do. it certainly wasn't the first time i've complimented a frat guy so i was not expecting much to come after that. after a few minutes of him dancing with a group, holding onto the ceiling which i did admittedly think was pretty stupid, and simple being a frat dude, he tapped me. this is not what i was expecting. he seemed like he wanted to tell me something and that he was on his way to another area of the house. he pulls me in to tell me that i was also very pretty. in that moment, a spark went off in my inebriated mind. i thought, in this moment, nothing is real and i can do whatever i would like in this life, even this man next to me. so in the very next moment, i asked if we could kiss.
earlier in this night, i had promised myself to kiss someone. this was my shot, he said sure and we kissed. i was shocked that my boldness got me to kiss such a beautiful man. and in no way was i going to let anything pull me out of this moment. i will admit his kissing style is very admirable and very compatible with mine. we kissed through many songs, sometimes we pulled away from each other to admire a certain song or simply admire each others presence. I did end up having to ask his name, out of curiosity and just a general feeling that i should know. he told me his name ( one i will not be sharing with tumblr dot com i apologize ) and i was in a bit of shock because i was not expecting that name to be attached to him. i couldn't explain why but it just was surprising. i told him my name and we continued to kiss. i remembered periodically looking over to my friends like :0. due to the fact that i was very much surprised that this was real. i will say that i have a habit when in lustful situations like this to feel as if nothing is real and im simply in my head. there is nothing actually happening in the outside world and it is simply my imagination running wild at an odd point in time. i indulged in this dream for as long as possible, dancing with him, continually having our mouths conjoined in a very pleasing way, touching, being touched. was very poetic in a girly way.
eventually though, i had to acknowledge the reality of my existence and go back to my friends. i ended up asking him for his number. this was very intentional. do i remember the intention? no. but there was a purpose. i texted him that very moment so that he could also have my number and then chatted with my friends about what i had missed and the situation i was just in. i assumed that i was there with him for about 40 minutes, not too long but long enough for me to acknowledge it was a long kiss. i was wrong, very wrong. my judgement was lapsed. i was informed by a sober pal that we had been kissing for two hours straight. wow. that news hit me a bit too hard. two hours. how could his man and our enchange of lips be so captivating that two hours of my life felt like 15 minutes. love was felt in that moment. i had moved on from whoever the fuck held my soul just a few hours before. no way could i kiss him for two hours straight. i ended up going upstairs to breathe air that had some aspect of freshness, drunkenly talked about him, worried about my hair and makeup that was all over the place, saw him a bit, and then went back down to party a bit more. at this point, i started missing him, you'd think that after being in his arms for two hours straight, i'd be okay for 20 minutes or even 20 hours without him but no, i am my mothers daughter.
I saw him at the bar and convinced my other drunk companion that if she went back to the man she was kissing earlier i would go back to mine as well. he was talking about drinks and i did not care. there was a pint where i drank straight form the nozzle of the jungle juice pitcher and the after, admitted i just wanted to kiss him again, he said that was fair and then we went back at it, and it was equally as captivating. i fear there are few moments in life where i can escape the world like i can during a kiss. eventually me and my friends had to leave, due to the party ending and i felt as if i left half of my soul at the pi kapp house. humorous statement i know.
I drunkenly walked back. actually, a better term for what i did was stumbled as i was being held by a semi sober friend. i was just conversing with my drunk friend about how we both made out with frat guys and reflecting on our coping skills. when i finally made it back to my building, i spent some time on a friends floor, looking like a complete mess. thinking about him and a text that was sent to me from him asking me if we could hang out. there was no doubt in my mind about letting him stay over, since my roommate was gone and i was infatuated with this man. there was some resistance to the idea from my sober counterparts but i simply was not letting my independence as a drunk teen-adult be compromised.
we talked about going back to his but in no way was i leaving my dorm, i had already gotten back so it was either he came over to me or i passed out somewhere within the building. he was fond of the idea of coming over so i ran over to the communal showers at 1:30 am and took a very impressive shower for someone who was out of it.i got dressed and cleaned to the best of my ability before he told me he was on his way and then, waiting to be let in. complete shock arose to me and i just ran out of my room to the wrong entrance, i ended up going back to my room just to get my key and spray some perfume so i smelled nice for whatever was going to happen.
i saw him outside, led him into the building and simultaneously saw him in proper lighting for the first time. somehow he was cuter than before. at that moment, for no reason whatsoever i became into conversational cat. i asked him about himself, due to the fact that we didn't do much talking. he told me that he is a poly sci major and that he's a sophomore. the amount of relief that came when i knew for sure he wasn't older than 19.
then began our conversation. i went into this just thinking that we'd be talking for maybe 20 minutes and then we'd continue what we were doing at the frat. just to get to know each other and everything. oh boy was i wrong. what started as self introductions turned into me getting to know all about him. his relations within the frat, frat dynamics, his hometown, what he like and disliked, his family, his hobbies, priorities, so much about this man, i also indulged some information about myself but nothing too revealing. at one point, he checked the time and we had been talking for two hours. we were both in complete shock. it felt like it had only been about 30 minutes, i guess thats a common theme with us. time flying by. we both admitted multiple times that this was very unlike what we were expecting. at that point, i thought we would go into something more physically involved, but we just kept talking, the conversation was captivating and i felt like i was just learning more and more about this man who i just saw as pretty. we ended up reflecting on out time at the party and how it did not seem as long as it was and the minor details that were not us kissing each other, such as a whole drink being spilled on us and someone yelling " get a room ". was very nice to be able to talk about our experiences with each other in a very honest way. through the conversation i found myself sobering up and really wanting to get to know this man. eventually my back started to hurt so we laid down and i put on midnight gospel. very good show on netflix btw. we talked about the show and some other things that i cannot seem to remember. he started to talk about how he dislikes ketchup and that became a very big conversation. at this point it had been like 4 hours of conversation and delusion was starting to kick in. i started talking about how he needed to face his fears of ketchup and even threatening him with it at some points. we talked about my infamous hate of burgers. we talked about ice cream flavor and how utterly ridiculous it was that his favorite was just vanilla. we did all this as the sun came up and we then talked about the sleeping people, those who would be insane to get up at the hour we were at, at this point it was reaching 7 am and looking at those passing by through my window. we also got indulged in the show and talked a bit about the philosophical principles that it showed.
there was a certain point in our conversation where i sat up, i do not remember what for but i simply did. then, a few minutes later i yawned. i think he took this as me subliminally telling him to leave. while this wasn't what i meant, i was not going to tell this man to stay, just because i don't want to have to ask a man to stay with me ever again. so he announced he was going to take his leave and walk back to where he lived and we said our goodbyes as i walked him out.
i fell asleep at 8 am, went to eat a waffle, went back to sleep, and woke up around 6pm to a text from him telling me how he had a good time and how he wants to see me again, i told him i'd like that and another meetup is in the works as we speak. im surprised he is still interested in me not going to lie. from a mans perspective, going to a girls place after kissing for two hours just to talk for 6 hours, would not be a funnest time. or at least thats how i think men think.
of course i cant get him off of my mind now and with not even a 6 hour break, i have a new man to obsess over. because thats what me as cat does. i just thought i'd write about this experience not only because it gave me inspiration to log back into tumblr, but because i think it would be nice to be able to recall this night, regardless with how things with me and him go. im sure ill update as this goes on, for now, goodnight <3
xoxo cat
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ofhouseadama · 2 years
Hello! New follower here, delighted to find that someone I followed on a mild whim a) marriage ficc'd irl b) has apparently got a bdsm ask repertoire??? where can I find the posts, are they tagged with something in particular, etc etc.
Some context: I'm an inexperienced person interested in exploring kink and bdsm in particular, albeit from a more devotional angle rather than discipline and punishment, which is most of what seen in mainstream representations. I don't have a partner, don't know how to seek a play partner, and I have no idea where to start when looking for the kind of thing I'm interested in!
Like do I just watch Secretary and sign up for FetLife or??? (joking. but also??????)
I have a few bsdm tags, a generic one where I'm talking about my own sex life/BDSM in general which you can find at #tmi tag and #bdsm tag but I also have #lizard bdsm for garashir and #spooky catholic bdsm for lored.
My personal tastes run the submissive gamut from pillow princess to brat to pleaser/service sub. It just depends on my emotional and physical needs (and my wife's emotional and physical needs) any given day. It sounds a little bit like you want someone who is more of a soft dom or a service top. Labels are of course only an imprecise shorthand for communicating things about ourselves, and that communicating directly what you're looking for and what you want to try out and feel safe trying. The BDSM Test is a helpful tool to help you figure out what you might be interested in and how to communicate that.
SSC (Safe, Sane, and Consensual) is the more mainstream guideline for how to safely engage in kink but I also like a newer acronym, RACK, which stands for Risk-Aware Consensual Kink because it reminds us all that we have the responsibility to inform and educate ourselves before we engage in kink. That being said... I would advise against signing up for FetLife or any kind of kink dating site before you have explored yourself, your boundaries, and have practiced communicating and asking for what you want and especially what you don't want. Until you feel secure it saying stop, no, or using a safe word or gesture and figuring out how you will get yourself out of an unsafe situation.
In general, I am very pro having sex with your friends. A friends with benefits with someone you know and trust and who you know trusts you and respects you is a great way to learn about your body and how to have sex. I don't recommend doing BDSM right away, just focus on pleasure and comfort and figuring out how you best reach orgasm and what kind of sensations and scenarios and positions you enjoy.
I am also very pro talking about sex when you're not having sex! You should not be negotiating kink or any sort of play, new positions, new toys, new lube, etc during sex itself. No one's in the right frame of mind for that. Visit a sex shop, read smut, read forums, talk about sex with your friends. Learn how to verbalize what you're interested in and learn the specifics of the type of products, scenarios, etc you want to be engaging in. Feel comfortable verbalizing them and practice how you'd talk about it with a partner. Buy sex toys and use them on yourself. Buy lingerie or a robe or something that makes you feel sexy and wear it. Once you become more comfortable with yourself and more needs, you'll feel more comfortable seeking a partner.
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imthecleric · 1 year
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I do not think we as a fandom talk enough about the adult influences on Will’s likes or dislikes. Some things for Will are steadfast this is what I like I will not change it, like art. However there are two times where I see a person of influence in Will’s life dictate what he likes or dislikes.
The first is when Jonathan tells him he shouldn’t like baseball because their dad likes it. Will’s response is I don’t know, and sometimes we have fun. Meaning Will does find enjoyment out of the sport. He finds enough enjoyment that even after this conversation he has baseballs in his room, and a baseball bat in the place he goes to for safety and comfort, Castle Byers. But it is never brought up again because Jonathan said he shouldn’t like it, so theoretically he doesn’t. We all know that on my blog he does. And honestly if he could make it to Spring he would absolutely play on a team which would be wild and honestly I think really cool in terms of character arc stuff.
The other time that is really notable for me is when he is asked his favorite candy. He does not have an answer. Again he says I don’t know. He then looks to his mom who mouths “Reece's Pieces” and that becomes his answer, and just like with not liking baseball he clings to it regardless of if he likes them or not. We know this because that is what he is eating in the hospital scene in season 3.
The pitch of the show said he liked bright colors yet in all of season 1 and 2 we really don’t see that save for the puffer vest. We only see it in season 3 after he destroys Castle Byers. And we see it in full force in season 4 to where the boy is matching his shirts with his belts, which is honestly so nice for me who matches my no show socks to my shirts.
After he destroys Castle Byers, which we know is very significant for him, it also comes after a very significant fight between him and Mike. We know the destruction has many meanings, and one I believe is that he stops allowing people to choose for him. The destruction happens right after he is told that dungeons and dragons is more or less a kids game and he needs to grow up.  While he may not play in Lenora he literally makes a painting of the Party, because he at the time of the destruction finally decided he gets to decide what is good for him. Now this is both good and bad because put that power in his hands and he sacrifices his feelings so his best friend can have happiness with his sister, but no one told him he had to do that, it was his decision and that’s what’s important.
He is taking his agency back. He wears brights colors, he still likes DnD, and Nintendo and wants to do that all the time, his music tastes have evolved from just what Jonathan recommends to musicals and other bands that Jonathan may not like as much.
While I have never viewed destroying Castle Byers as destroying his own childhood, because he is still a child when he does it, I do view it as him destroying why he needed it which was a place free from the judgement for liking things that don’t quite fit the mold that people view him as, and him going “fuck it” this is for me now. I do view it as other things but in terms of this specific headcanon and portion of what these specific things boil down to that is part of how I view it.
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morganaux · 2 years
13.  death  :  is there anything in your muse’s life that they should be letting go of ?
17.  the star  :  what does your muse take inner comfort in knowing ? what guides your muse ?
for all :3
13.  death  :  is there anything in your muse’s life that they should be letting go of?
Morganaux is an absolute disaster when it comes to clinging to his grief, feeling that it's a disservice to the people he's lost to move on without "sufficiently" honoring their memory. Grief has caused him to make some questionable decisions and to harbor secrets that are far from heroic, and while he's gotten a bit better in that respect, he's still not the best at letting go and moving on.
his taste in men tbh
Honestly, in his main canon, there's nothing he’s really holding onto that he needs to let go of in his life. He’s not really the sort to hold onto things in an unhealthy way and is surprisingly comfortable about letting go of things that do not spark joy, which often confuses those who notice that about him. 
Some may assume he’s cold and unfeeling because of this (and for plenty of other reasons as well), but he just has an unusual way of processing his feelings as a result of his profession and upbringing.
One of the many lessons his mother taught him during his training as a reaper was that in order to survive, he needed to have a healthy relationship with his feelings, which means letting himself experience emotions but never dwelling on them to the point it hurts himself and others around them. Voidsent take advantage of those who are consumed by their emotions, luring them into giving up their bodies and souls in exchange for what their heart desires, and the same applies to a reaper’s voidsent.
But in his WoL canon, he clings to a huge amount of guilt over how blind he was to the Garlean Empire’s cruelty and is entirely convinced he’s handling that guilt in a healthy way. His idea of “healthy” is self-isolating while obsessively doing everything in his power to protect those suffering as a result of the Empire, even at great risk to himself. 
A little fun fact about Phoebus is that I actually had the Death major arcana (representing endings and change) in mind when developing his personality since it fits with him being a reaper!
This gets a bit dark, so I’ll be placing this under a read more. For anyone who wants to read the answers to the second question without reading this particular answer, just keep scrolling until you see the bold text at the end!
Content warning for death, specifically in a medical setting.
While an untimely death was a rarity in the unsundered world, his unusual choice of career resulted in him having to see quite a bit of it. 
The Ancients had invented a cure for nearly every injury and ailment known to them, but there were always a few exceptions that would catch healers by surprise. Alongside his responsibilities as Azem, Apollo was also a healer who specialized in working with patients suffering from unusual conditions that did not respond to any known methods of treatment. Most of the time, these specialized healers succeeded in saving the lives of their patients, but this wasn’t always the case.
Apollo remembers the name and face of every patient that passed away under his care and feels responsible for their fate, even though realistically he and the other healers did everything they could to save them. He sometimes disappears for months at a time following the death of a patient, and even when he returns as cheerful as always, he’s hiding a whole lot of pain beneath the surface.
It certainly doesn’t help that most Ancients never experience what he’s had to experience, so he doesn’t have a whole lot of options for people he can talk to who can understand what he’s feeling. Plenty of Ancients feel grief over their loved ones who willingly return to the star after living a fulfilling life, but it’s not the same as watching someone who had so much potential and unfulfilled wishes fading away before his eyes.
(and this is actually one of his unspoken reasons why he declined the seat of emmerololth, since being the highest authority over matters of healing and medicine would most certainly expose him to even more early deaths.
...also i like to think that this is something he and emet-selch can bond over, since as keeper of the underworld he’s probably familiar with what apollo feels.)
He might seem shallow with the way he prioritizes having fun over everything, but this carefree attitude stems from a desire to live life to its fullest with as few regrets as possible, all while drowning out the grief he carries with him. (there’s other similarly-related reasons too, but apollo is full of secrets that need to be uncovered!)
Aaaand, that concludes Apollo’s secret mess of mostly unaddressed trauma about death!
17.  the star  :  what does your muse take inner comfort in knowing ? what guides your muse ?
Despite his complicated feelings toward his home in Ishgard, Morganaux takes comfort in knowing that there’s plenty of people there who care for him— Uncle Tarresson, his former conjury tutor Clovis, his childhood fashion mentor Brorant, his butler, and so many others. When he feels like he’s not good enough or feels crushed beneath the weight of his responsibilities as the Warrior of Light, it helps remembering that they’re there to support him.
As for what guides him, it’s love. Love for humanity, love for the world around him, love for knowledge, and the unholy amassment of romantic love that’s stored in his gay little heart.
Unfortunately, Phoebus takes comfort in a lie— that the Garlean Empire is a force of good in the world and that they’re making peace with the people they’ve defeated in battle. It brings him peace knowing that his countrymen won’t be pushed around anymore and that the magitek revolution has brought them into an age of prosperity, and that no one in Garlemald will ever go cold or hungry again. It’s fine. :) Everything is fine. :) Emperor Solus is a good and wholesome man who has only the best of intentions. :) :) :) :)
(and then his entire life is shattered when he finds out otherwise)
Like Morganaux, he’s also guided by love, but a lot less blatant about it and also doesn’t actually think of himself as motivated by it. He absolutely is though, but he refuses to associate himself with anything he considers sappy. But his whole reason for doing basically anything is out of love for his countrymen and a desire to see them peacefully coexisting with the rest of the world, even in his WoL canon where he takes up arms against Garlemald.
His sense of justice also guides him as well, and he has no qualms with standing up against comrades and loved ones if he thinks they’ve done something immoral. He doesn’t get much opportunity for that side of him to shine through once he starts living in the Imperial Palace, but it’s much more apparent in his pre-imperial military career and in his WoL AU.
What brings the most comfort to Apollo is simply the knowledge that the world is full of new experiences and surprises. If he’s feeling down, all he needs to do is go out and find something exciting to occupy himself with, and with how vast the star is, he’ll surely never run out of things that’ll make him happy. While for the most part, it’s great for his mental health to go out adventuring, but sometimes, he’s just running away from his problems without really addressing them.
Just like his shards, love guides most of his actions, manifesting in his fixation on healing magic and his eagerness to lend a helping hand to anyone in need. 
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