uchihaxitachi · 5 hours
Itachi’s June -> Day 2: Comfort after a breakdown
Itachi is the type of man who would be very observant over the little-est of quirks and changes in your behaviour. Hey, he’s fallen in love with you for a reason after all. He’s lost his heart to you fair & square and would make sure you know it.
Whether it be him bringing your favorite food, cooking something for you, or just observing the minor tweaks in your behavior. Itachi is the man who wants to claim it all as his. Takes the term soulmate seriously. Nothing should unrest your beautiful mind.
If we’re talking about the Og Naruto era, if there is a person responsible for your declining mental health & has caused you a breakdown. Itachi might just kill them. :3 he’s intense & insane especially when there’s someone he wants to protect.
Would hug you close against his chest, let his calmer heartbeat calm your frantic one. Coo soft nothings and tell you it’s all going to be okay, would pepper your face with a gazillion kisses, kiss your forehead deeply & hum a tune so you get distracted. I hc him as someone who can sing if he wants to.
Itachi would run you a bath, littering the area with calming, soothing scented candles, also joining you & letting you nestle against his warm chest as he coos about how brave you are for handling this; and that it’s okay to break apart from time to time. If you just let him piece you back together. <3
If this is something recurring, Itachi would suggest therapy. He believes even if his mind doesn’t really cooperate at times, yours should. He can’t bear the fact that you’d ever be in turmoil.
-> In short, he’s so baby 💅🏻‼️😩
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uchihaxitachi · 10 hours
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uchihaxitachi · 10 hours
Uchiha Itachi `
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uchihaxitachi · 1 day
also, just a heads up 🫶🏻 this is a side-blog so i can’t follow back anyone from here ☹️ if you want to be mooties please dm me 🙇🏻‍♀️ because then i’d follow you from my main blog.
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uchihaxitachi · 4 days
There’s something in common between Itachi and Suguru that has me in a chokehold - the tragedy, the discontent, heartbreak, having good intentions but bad execution, twisted philosophies. And unbelievably beautiful long dark hair.
I’m in love.
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uchihaxitachi · 4 days
The wonderful thing about being in the Naruto fandom is that everyone returns to their Naruto phase over and over and over again. It is the rock we must constantly roll up the hill. We will always be back on our bullshit at some point.
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uchihaxitachi · 4 days
itachi’s june -> day 1: holding hands 🤝🏻
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-> genre: fluff 🧚🏻‍♀️🫧
this was nerve-wrecking, you were asked out on a date with your classmate, uchiha itachi. you both were stem students & itachi was a heartthrob. honestly? you have no idea why itachi came to you and asked you out on a date in the first place. you had been friends, not best friends — just friends who talk to each other without making things awkward.
perhaps this was the reason that the uchiha felt comfortable in your company, being able to look past the fact that he was someone everyone wanted, you weren’t biased, not that you didn’t think he was horrendously beautiful & breathtaking, it was just that you didn’t have any expectations about it anyway. itachi sometimes looks frustrated about the certain lack of confidence that he somehow brings in people when he’s just being himself & trying to make a conversation. it is sickening if you think about it.
“hey, y/n.” your dusted cheeks remember how audacious he was when he did ask you out, maybe he does have an eerie chill of confidence around him especially towards the things he wants. it makes you giddy and bubbly inside.
“yes, itachi?” you smiled, looking at him closing out the distance between you two. a soft smile plastered over his features, up-close, he looked even more surreal. but, the way… itachi uchiha was gazing at you, drinking in your features, marvelling at you merely existing — it’s hard to decipher who considers whom; the most beautiful & a boon on the eyes.
“sorry to come out as upfront, don’t mean to… but do you have any plans this evening?” itachi raises a brow, his cologne hitting you just right at the close proximity. he wears multiple rings on his slender, pale fingers. all part of his charm. boots, loose fitted cargo pants today and a white tee shirt that’s doing no justice to his collarbone. he is unmarked, you wish you could forever imprint a hickey over there & make him yours. you wouldn’t show it however, because it would make things awkward.
you hummed, smiling back at him, “no, i don’t, why?”
“now you do.” itachi leans in, holds your hand softly, at first his fingers brush against yours, eyes transfixed over you to scan you of any uncomfortableness. there was none. that makes his smile grow wider, eyes closing as he intertwines them against you, the pad of his thumb brushing against your skin as he coos, “i’d like to ask you out on a proper, formal date, my dear.”
you feel like you could choke. you had been too blinded with the possibility of nothing happening between the both of you that you didn’t allow yourself to notice how itachi behaved around you. it comes rushing to you suddenly.
bringing your coffee most days, headpatting you when you seemed tired during practical classes, making your notes for you when you were sick, always smiling around you, letting you walk on the non-vulnerable side of pavements like the gentleman he is… oh
-> now you’re here, having food with the sculpted greek god like a man. <3
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uchihaxitachi · 5 days
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I love that in the middle of that whole thing it occurred to Sasuke to wonder about that, he learned another thing about Itachi by experiencing it himself. And to think that Itachi was so ill at the same time, too.
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uchihaxitachi · 6 days
Me me! I wanna be a mutual with you sweetheart🙂‍↕️
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uchihaxitachi · 6 days
also, just a heads up 🫶🏻 this is a side-blog so i can’t follow back anyone from here ☹️ if you want to be mooties please dm me 🙇🏻‍♀️ because then i’d follow you from my main blog.
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uchihaxitachi · 6 days
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commission redrawing, don’t repost!
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uchihaxitachi · 6 days
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uchihaxitachi · 6 days
so true 😭😭 they always be showin’ sasuke like he’s modelling for calvin klein or sth 🤦🏻‍♀️
why do the naruto intros/outros have sasuke thirst traps 😭
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uchihaxitachi · 6 days
Okay, okay, Hear me out.
Itachi is a lady's man, what i mean by that is, he makes his female colleagues feel comfortable enough around him, he doesn't hit on them, flirt or make unwanted advances, keeps his hands to himself and they love him for it, i can imagine how most women feel at ease whenever they are put on a mission with Itachi. Same thing with Shisui, it just warms my heart whenever i think about it.
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hello~ you’re so right, itachi is just such a big sweetheart it’s easy to see how much he loves & cherishes being the 𝓼𝓪𝓯𝓮 𝓹𝓮𝓻𝓼𝓸𝓷. he adores it, for him nothing makes him happy than being the anchor. it’s just how he was raised. 🙇🏻‍♀️🫶🏻 to be kind, dependable & ever so soft. i see itachi in a newer setting to be this refined (not snobby) dude who will ensure he does right by others always.
-> would probably be the first person his lady colleagues ask to help them escort to the cab after an office gathering. 🧚🏻‍♀️
-> they’d also ask him for opinions whenever they bag a date because according to them; itachi is the best partner they could ever ask for & his opinion matters to them a lot 🫧
-> if itachi does for for one of his colleagues, they wouldn’t be jealous of that girl — just out of respect ✊🏻 for him ‼️
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uchihaxitachi · 6 days
My my you're in for a busy month..
Hopefully if I can actually post once a day is what’s concerning me :3
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uchihaxitachi · 7 days
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uchihaxitachi · 7 days
— itachi’s birthday month —
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a/n: it’s my pretty weasel’s birthday 🎁 and i want to dedicate the whole month of june to him ♥️
day 1: holding hands together for the first time
day 2: itachi comforting you after a mental break down
day 3: itachi cooking your favorite food
day 4: itachi brings you a pet
day 5: highschool bully itachi hcs
day 6: itachi moodboard (aes to be decided)
day 7: itachi moodboard
day 8: itachi moodboard
day 9: self indulgent birthday fic
day 10: itachi opening up to you
day 11: he gets you a matching necklace
day 12: ceo itachi x employee reader hcs
day 13: getting married to itachi
day 14: having your first born with itachi
day 15: how he treats your friends and family
day 16: yandere itachi -> how he kidnaps you
day 17: yandere itachi -> punishments
day 18: yandere itachi -> gifts
day 19: yandere itachi -> how he shows his love
day 20: going on a trip with itachi
nsfw prompts:
day 21: edging
day 22: breeding kink
day 23: wax-play
day 24: mirror sex
day 25: rough-play
day 26: cnc
day 27: overstimulation
day 28: impact play
day 29: bondage
day 30: tsukuyomi play
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