#(two that aren't are you and me on the rock and try jesus)
redgoldblue · 8 months
Music Tag
Shuffle your ‘on repeat’ playlist and post the first ten tracks, then tag ten people! (sorry. i am sleeby) (if you would like to do it off the back of this and tag me as having tagged you please do)
Tagged by @goldenaltar
Try Jesus - Elle King (we're going to see The Chicks in November and she's opening for them so I was like 'got to get my pre-concert studying done' and then promptly started listening to Come Get Your Wife on repeat with very little else in between. almost the entire album is on here)
Rainmaker - Bruce Springsteen (every month or two I get gut-punch obsessed with one particular Springsteen song. This month's is Rainmaker)
Ohio - Elle King (see above)
Bummin' Cigarettes - Maren Morris (good song. it's a good song guys)
You and Me On the Rock - Brandi Carlile (okay this one's from the state of disrepair playlist)
Any Other Way - Bruce Springsteen (this cover just slaps)
Sugar - Maren Morris (I retroactively added this to the Lips Like Sugarcane playlist when I started listening to the album. That is not why it's on here just a fun fact)
Small Town Saturday Night - Hal Ketchum ("Bobby told Lucy the world ain't round / drops off sharp at the edge of town / 'Lucy you know this world must be flat / 'cause when people leave town they never come back'". lyrics i sing with intense relish)
Timeless - Taylor Swift (is it my favourite Speak Now vault song? no. is it somehow the one i've played most anyway? yes.)
The Bones - Maren Morris (yeah. this is also state of disrepair)
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banquetwriter · 1 month
Could you write a Fem!reader x Johnnie Guilbert where fem!reader forgets to take her ADHD meds so she is bouncing off of the walls.
୨୧ a million miles a minute ୨୧
pairing: Johnnie Guilbert ♡︎ Reader
warnings: ୭̥⋆*。 reader gets overwhelmed but it's not intense or anything dw
summary: ʚ Johnnie has to deal with you off your adhd meds ɞ
Words: 1591
An: watch the valentines day baking video on Johnnie channel bc this is based off that video and the deaf blind mute baking challenge lol
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“Ahhhhh are you ready?” you squealed, scooting your socked feet over to the camera set on the tripod. “Yeah, we should be good to go,” Johnnie says, setting his phone down as you adjust the camera's settings.
“Can you please scoot into frame my good sir.” you request trying to make sure it's focused. “Oh of course your highness,” he replies, scooting over a bit more into the camera view. “Ok ok a little moreeee.” you plead. “Jeez you asked too much of me.” he jokes, moving even closer into the frame.
You let out a small giggle at his words. The world around you slowly starts to fade away as you hyper-fixate on the camera. YouTube and video making are some of your biggest fixations and you need to make sure it is absolutely perfect.
You supposed you were taking too long because after about a minute you hear Johnie complaining behind the camera. “Baby hurry up.” he moans tapping the counter mindlessly. You squeal, feeling like your limbs are turning into concrete from standing too long.
“Sorry sorry! The camera is being mean to me,” you reply, finally deciding that the video was good enough. You slide around to the kitchen and crash into Johnnie slightly. “Woah watch it there,” he mumbles with a smile watching you fix your hair into place.
“Sorryyyy,” you mumble, making sure all the shit you two were going to use in the video was all set up. You look up at the camera and realize you never even pressed record. “Oh shit hold on.” you scoot yourself back over the camera much to Johnnie’s chagrin.
“Oh, Jesus come on,” he mumbles, watching you. “I'm sorry!!” you squeal again. “You took so long setting up that I thought you were programming a drone strike back there.” he jokes, starting to laugh at his own words as you press the record button.
You poke your head out from the camera with a shocked face. “I'm just kidding,” he says, holding his arms out as you use the tile to slide against him again. You bump into him but don't pull away at first. He smiles down at you and presses a kiss on your forehead.
You pull away with a big dopey grin unable to hide the glee he gives you. “I'm sorry I took so long to set up,” you say, holding your arms up and moving to the counter. “It's fine, don't worry about it,” he says with a grin.
“And I was just setting up to film a YouTube video. I can't imagine how hard it must be to shoot porn.” you joke with him laughing at your own words. He looks at you with a slight grin. “Jesus you're on one today,” he mutters looking at the camera that was (thankfully) now recording. “Hi everyone and welcome to this video that's already going great,” Johnnie says waving to his camera.
You giggle at his attitude and crouch down from how hard you were laughing. Johnnie rolled his eyes and looked down at you. “Can you please pull yourself together and film this with me? It's Valentine's Day, it's supposed to be romantic.” he mutters.
His words seem harsh but they aren't, he has a huge grin on his face as he holds his hand out to you to hell you off the floor. “Ahhh I'm sorry.” you apologize, then taking his hand you jump to your feet ready to start the video.
“Today your favorite chefs Gordan Ramsey and…” Johnnie says pointing to you. You try to think of another famous chef but nothing comes to mind. It felt like it had been filled with fizzy rocks and it was useless to come to terms with anything you were thinking.
“Ummm.” you start, furrowing your brow and wondering why it was so hard to concentrate today. You look at Johnnie with a small frown as you couldn't come up with any names. “Who is another chef?” you whisper at him biting your nails.
It wasn't a habit you were proud of by any means but it usually calmed you down. “Uh Chef Boyardee,” Johnnie says with a smile. You start laughing at his answer. “Duh,” he mutters again as you pretend to wipe your fake tears away.
“Dude I'm already pissed off in this video because you took so long to set it up,” he says using his hands to speak. You roll your eyes at his words, “Oh I’m sorry princess I didn't hurry up.” you mock him. “Oh Jesus am I gonna get called baby girl and princess now?” he said, rubbing his face as you laughed at him.
He picks up a few of the hideously colored boxes for you to hold and hands them to you. He picked up the rest and refocused the video. “So today we are gonna be making a bunch of Valentine's Day items,” he says looking at the boxes.
“I don't think we are gonna be making all of them, y/n hasn't taken her ADHD meds today, as you can tell. And is bouncing off the walls today… well, it's night but whatever.” he says, setting the boxes down and looking out the window.
“Well I think we should start with this one, the sugar cookie hearts,” you suggested showing the camera the box. “It looks yummyyyyy.” you comment looking at the box. The two continue making the video. There were many instructions and different moving parts and Johnnie, god bless him, was not good at being able to keep anything organized.
The lack of meds was catching up to your brain. You felt like crying. It seemed the world wasn't on your side right now, you forgot to take them one time and you're about to cry while making stupid treats.
Johnnie dumped a flavor packet into the borderline soup the two of you had made. It unfortunately missed the batter and landed mostly on the floor. “Johnnie,” you whined, all of your funny banter gone.
You took a deep breath and rubbed your face. You crouched down to your knees and sat on the floor. “Y/n? Are you ok?” Johnnie asked, looking at the camera. Then back at you.
You lifted your head a little, nodding. “Yeah, I'm ok. Just without my meds, I'm getting really overwhelmed right now.” you confess clutching your legs to your chest. Johnnie sets everything down wiping his hands on his shirt before rushing to the camera to turn it off.
He presses the button on the device before crouching down to the floor next to you. The oven went off indicating it was preheated and ready to cook your monstrosity of a creation. “I'm sorry Johnnie. I hate when people think ADHD is getting hyper.” you mumble hiding your face in between your knees.
“You're good baby, don't worry, ok? Do you need anything?” he asked scooting next to you, careful not to touch you to make anything worse. “No no I'm good it's just stressing me out how much stuff is going on,” you said moving your hands all over the place to demonstrate.
He smiles at you, not because he thinks it's funny you're overstimulated but because of your hand motions. “I know it can be stressful. Do you want me to finish the video by myself?” he asked. You lifted your head to look at him.
He doesn't say anything except look into your eyes. You just smiled at his offer. “No! I wanna finish it with you. I just needed a break. That's all.” you said, a wide grin plastered on his face.
He really loved you, didn't he? “Ok let me know if you need me to,” he whispered. Inching closer to your face. You completed the space between the two of you, pressing your lips against his. He moved his right hand to cup your face.
You pull away after a second with a smirk feeling much better overall. “Of course, I wanted to finish filming with you, it's Valentine's Day andI love you!” you said sitting up and offering him your hand to stand back up. He smiled at you.
“Of course, that's gonna end soon because we are actually just contract dating.” you joked, starting to giggle again. Johnnie started laughing as well at your joke as he turned the camera back on. “You need to say that joke again for the camera,” he murmurs walking around the counter.
You smile and tell him ok. Johnnie catches the video up and shows them the batter (soup) the two of you managed to make and how the oven was preheated and ready to cook said monstrosity.
Johnnie puts it in the oven and sets the timer. The two of you sit there for a second not saying or doing anything. “Well. What should we do now? Start another box?” he asks, leaning against the counter.
You roll your eyes. And slide into the center of the kitchen. “We should dannnnceeee,” you ask, shaking your shoulders slightly. He rolls his eyes but walks up to you. He takes your hands and follows the little shiny you were doing.
“We have to cut this. I bet I look like such a dork,” he says with a grin. “No! You look super kickass with your leopard print jacket! Or maybe that's a cheetah I don't know.” you say looking at his outfit. He rolls his eyes but can't help the way his face heats up from your compliment
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toxicanonymity · 1 year
Can you please write speakeasy!Joel full on fucking reader in front of people (and people are watching and commenting)
1k / joel miller x f!reader / joel master list
WARNINGS: Unsafe P in V, horny, desperate joel begging, established relationship, creampie, exhibitionism, forced voyeurism. 
You feel him harden against you and reflexively scoot your ass back without thinking about your surroundings.  He puts his mouth to your ear.   “Don’t start somethin’ ya can’t finish, baby.” 
That could be a problem.  You’re locked down in a one-room warehouse with about twenty other people while infected swarm the area.  Joel’s first instinct, as always, was to grab his gun off his back.  But a decision was made to hunker down.  Gunfire would only attract more of them.
He’s slumped against the wall and you’re between his legs.Ten minutes ago, he took off his belt because he thought it was hurting you and you should’ve known what would happen.  You turn your head and whisper, “Sorry.”  He only hardens more obscenely.  The familiar outline stretches up against his hip near his pocket. 
"Now look what ya did, baby." 
You take a deep breath as he subtly moves his pelvis, rubbing it against you.  Visually, it would be imperceptible to those in the room at this point.  But he has your whole body aching with need. 
“You gonna take care of this?” he asks as he continues.
“You know I can’t.”  Oh, how you wish you could.
"God damn, sugar." He pulls you back into him with a soft grunt. "Tryin' to kill me with this ass," he murmurs into your hair. It feels like he's trying to kill you with his voice all low and gravely, trying to be quiet. 
He isn't used to being turned down, as horny as you are for each other, but there's nowhere to do it.  It’s one big room with people all around it.  Boxes scattered here and there, but nothing that could conceal you.  No restroom. There's a nook that leads to a restroom and a closet but both are locked and no one there has the key. And all these people - they’re stuck in here with you.  No one can leave.
You feel his desperation as he pulls you into him. “We can’t, Joel,” you whisper. Fucking in public would be nothing new. But in a closed room where people can't leave?
He growls in a whisper. “We gotta, sweetheart.” 
People are having scattered conversations but mostly sitting around and it’s pretty quiet.  Two men are having a spirited discussion and a third tells them, "Shhhhh."
“Gimme some cover,” Joel says.  His hand comes between the two of you and unbuttons his jeans. Oh, God.  If he jacks off it's gonna be obvious to everyone, plus you'll be turned all the way on. He gathers your dress, pulling the back of it out from under you so your naked ass cheeks are against his jeans.  While he's at it, he slips a finger under your thong and snaps it playfully then slides his finger under it again and slides it down, un-wedging it from between your ass cheeks.  He takes a deep, horny breath. 
“Jesus,” the closest person whispers. Joel sighs and gives them an intimidating stare as he jostles between your bodies and takes out his rock-hard cock.  He lays it against your lower back, covers it with your dress, and a chill of arousal races down your body. He pulls you back into him and cups your breast as he rocks into you a little less discreetly. You squeeze his thigh. 
"Too much," you whisper. 
"Not enough, baby."
"Try to be still." He's still for about a minute then pushes himself against you with a soft, muffled groan that calls more attention.
"Hurts too much," he whispers. 
Someone whisper-yells, "Do you have to do that here?" Meanwhile some other pervert is palming his own cargo pants. You try to block it all out.
"Fuck, I gotta come, sugar. This is torture." He sounds genuinely in pain. 
"Then hurry up and be quiet." 
He quietly spits in his hand and wedges his hand in between you. His breaths are heavy as his hand moves and people pretend they aren't watching.   
"Sit on it, baby. It'll be faster." He breathes heavier and thrusts against you again. 
"No." You turn your head to tell him, "Everyone's staring already."
"You better look me in the eye when you're sayin' no."  
Your breath hitches. You look at him and see the utter agony on his face. It turns you on.  
"Fuck. cover yourself for a second." 
"Fuck yeah. Only take a minute"  
"But get a hold of yourself. We don't know these people." It's not the same as when you're in your own territory like the bar.  You glance around and a few people pretend they weren't watching. You try to pretend they're not there as you carefully get up and turn around facing Joel. He brings his legs together and you straddle him, spreading your skirt over both of you.  His face is so desperate you can almost, almost forget about the room full of people. He raises his knees behind you.
He holds his cock at attention under your skirt. "Sit on it, baby," he begs. He's panting. “Don’t gotta do nothin’ else.”  You slowly lower yourself, and as soon as you begin to take in his swollen tip, he takes hold of your hips and slides you down his length with a sigh. You try not to gasp too loud as his girth makes room for itself inside you. He looks up at the ceiling then back at you.
"God I love you," he whispers, then takes your face in his hands and kisses you passionately. 
Someone whispers, "what the hell?"  And someone else says "they're actually fucking."
You break the kiss self-consciously and you just look in each other's eyes as he gently rocks his pelvis and slightly bounces you on his cock. His arms wrap around you and you put your head in the crook of his neck.  Being full of him is your comfort zone. He’s right, it doesn’t take long until you get the tell tale signs that he’s going to come. His breath is ragged, his grunts are more frequent, though mercifully not as loud as usual.  He twitches inside you.  
“Not too loud,” you whisper.  He kisses you through his orgasm, moaning “Mmmmm,” slightly softer than usual.  You sit there on his cock for a long time, not wanting to move and draw attention.  You fall asleep there as he caresses your arms and your head stays buried in the crook of his neck. 
more of these antics on the joel master list - "for survival --> speakeasy" section.
Thank you so much for reading and engaging!!! you can follow @toxicfics for fic notifications and @toxicrecs for fic recs.
All Joel:@ethanhoewke @silkiers @eiviea @evyiione @xdaddysprincessxx @queerly-anxious @chernayawidow @ambassadortotrilliusprime @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @jasminespringtime @romanarose  @fandomsfallnomore  @djarinxore @blackvelveteen1339   @manazo @wolvesandvampires  @taeslarityy  @str84pedro @lokanda  @kyloispunk  @filthfairy  @fieryglutenfreechickennoodles  @harriedandharassed  @moonlightdivine @worhols @fan-fiction-floozy  @cutesyscreenname  @weddingfairy  @pedropascal-whore  @spideysimpossiblegirl  @feministfanboi @gracieispunk @prettypartyfavor @am-3-thyst @babeincolor @milla-frenchy
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raapija · 1 year
Käärijä's Veikkaus interview, 5.5.2023
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Ten Questions For Käärijä
In this interview Vantaa's most famous bowl-cut Jere Pöyhönen tells, how he thinks about his Käärijä-named alter ego and why he would sometime want to "whack" Käärijä. Furthermore, he reveals his embarrassing vice - and reminds you that in every one of us there lives a tiny Jesus.
Q1: Why do you have such a funny haircut?
"When I was in junior high, I got a bowl-cut during a break. It was on a whim. There were us two boys, who did it, and we rocked with the bowl-cuts. I've always been whimsical, a guy, who is easy to provoke. I like to try things, and I've never really been embarrassed by anything. We had a few friend groups in Vantaa, with who I hung out with, and I was always the clown in the group. I like to make others laugh and I also like to laugh at myself. The others laughed with me, not at me - or that's atleast what I like to believe!"
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Q2: So, Vantaa - you're a born and bred Vantaa-citizen. What does Vantaa mean to you?
"Quite a lot actually. I think that Vantaa is an under-dog kinda place. It reflected, for example, in hockey, which I used to play a lot. When we played against Espoo, it had emotion! The deal is, in fact, that Vantaa-people hate people from Espoo! [laughter] People from Vantaa are somehow more real than Espoo-citizens or people from Helsinki, more honest. If a Vantaa-person doesn't have money, then for fuck's sake they don't have money, they won't try to hide it, like Espoo-people do. Indeed, Vantaa is the place to be. Or at least the Tikkurila hoods, Myyrmäki on the other hand... We totally aren't any kind of a big and happy family in Vantaa. [laughter] East- and West-Vantaa are completely different things, kinda like the Bronx and Brooklyn. Actually I'm from Ruskeasanta, and for example Ruskeasanta's or 'Rusa' 's Shell (a gas station) has been a significant place in my life. We used to go there with friends on our mopeds and drink coffee and tea, fool around, bully vocational school students."
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Q3: Wait a minute, you've gone to vocational school, too, but you aren't a student who drives around Tikkurila, around the local blocks?
"I haven't really driven there, maybe a couple times. But I haven't been serious about it in that way. I've never been a car-person, more of a moped-person, and that moped I liked more to tune and decorate, than to drive. I painted, tuned and tinkered with it. I, for example, melted Legos on the covering so I could get more plastic on them - no-one could ever guess, what color moped I'd come to school with."
"In my opinion, vocational school was more of a lifestyle than one going to vocational school. Students drove from gas station to gas station and went to Jumbo (a mall) with driving gloves on. I would rather stay at home to sleep and play Habbo Hotel. Sometimes I'd go to meets (meeting organized by youth to come show off their mopeds), and those were fun, but to those, too, we went with a few friends to laugh at the other dudes. [laughter] If I would now go to Rusa's Shell, I hope people would react to me positively. I'm still nevertheless on their side.
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Q4: What kind of memories do you have from Vantaa's Tulisuudelma (a pub, restaurant and music venue)?
"There I didn't go a lot. I was more often at Porkku (Pormestari, a nightclub that has since closed). The few times I was at Tulisuudelma, I sang karaoke. Vesku's 'Hyvää Puuta', that was my favorite. But Porkku was, at least in my mind, Tikkurila's most popular bar. It was a bit like Pinkku (a restaurant called Pingviini), but the cooler guys went to Porkku. [laughter] Yeah, vocational school students went to Pinkku. It might be, that 'Cha Cha Cha' is about a night in Porkku. There I have my first bar-memories. It became my own little home, where all the friends in town came to."
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"'Cha Cha Cha' represents dancing, and dancing represents freedom for me. That, that you have to be able to not be afraid to dance without thinking what the others think, even without drugs. You can see it as a drinking song also, I don't care about interpretations, but to me, it represents a lot more also. I want to encourage people to break free, because it's not about how well you can dance, it's about how you carry yourself. I'm not the most skilled singer, rapper or artist. But I believe in this thing, this madness, and I put 150 points on it. It creates the aesthetic, that he is just crazy and a star, even though really I'm just a regular dude from Vantaa."
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Q5: The song lasts 2 minutes and 55 seconds. Because of those shy of a three minutes you'll soon go on a long trip abroad to perform. What does that feel like?
"As a thought it's damn crazy. How much work - hours, days, weeks, months - and then it's over. Those are probably my life's most important 2 minutes and 55 seconds. I think, that Käärijä is going on a little trip, does what he does best and it goes just the way it is meant to go. Everything doesn't even need to be so fucking thought out and perfect. It needs a bit of improv, my own style. Because I don't like to be bound."
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Q6: You're a pop-star and many people have put a lot of money into your career. Isn't it inevitable, that in some way, you are bound?
"Yeah, that's exactly true. I've had had to work on that. I avoid it, when people tell me things and try to get me to do stuff, that I don't stand behind. It's been hard learning to say no, but it has been a necessary skill. Those people do see Käärijä as a product. It feels like a crazy thought - I'm like a walking billboard. But I'm a human and I have to do my own stuff, my own values, and not be with a note on my forehead saying 'buy this' or 'I'm selling this'."
"I've gone along with a couple things, but those have been the kind that benefit me. I want to rip out everything from those guys - the record label, ad-collabs and everything, and secure it that I'm not being fucked over. This is a rough business. People want a piece of Käärijä, which they can benefit from, so I have to be really alert. And not everything can be measured in wealth. For example, I've done stuff for charity."
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Q7: Many of the stories about you are headlined "Jere from Vantaa", and that's the way you seem like: a nice basic dude. How does that nice basic dude handle all that hassle?
"At the beginning, not so well. I'm humble, and I still have a lot to learn about a certain type of roughness. You have to know your value and value yourself. Who am I, where do I belong, what do I want from life - I think about these and develop all the time. But it's not easy when the big bosses come to say how things are. Then you just have to stay tough and argue against them."
"The piss hasn't got up to my head, because I'm not 20 anymore. If all this had happened at that age, I would most definitely be an asshole. I can differentiate Jere from Käärijä. If on the streets someone films me, or someone sends me suggestive messages on instagram, I know that those are meant for Käärijä, not Jere. They don't really even know Jere, in a way."
"Jere sometimes wonders on red carpets abroad 'why am I here?'. It sometimes feels like a ridiculous circus show - even though I obviously enjoy it and value it. Byt my morals lie elsewhere. I don't appreciate people if they have some great job and money, that doesn't interest me at all. People shouldn't be seen as products, but people should be seen as people and appreciated the way they are. That's why it feels so weird when people go nuts sometimes about this Käärijä-thing, start to cry when they see me. In Madrid one guy fainted because they saw me! It was at the same time like wow, we had created something that had caused this kind of a reaction. But at the same time I think 'what the fuck just happened to you?'."
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Q8: What sort of a relationship does Jere have with Käärijä?
"A really good one, mainly. We have a lot in common. In a way I'm a Käärijä-fan because I have to like the thing I'm doing, and in my mind we're making the best shit in Finland ever. But sometimes, when there's so much of this Käärijä-stuff, I'd like to whack that Käärijä: every time I come home and look in the mirror, there that bowl-cut is. Then I miss it, when I could go as Jere to the shop and be Jere to the people and not everyone would circle around Käärijä: how are you, how are you managing, how's the gigs, how's the music - fuck it. Let's talk about the weather!"
"Käärijä is also an armor. If someone asks to put on the bolero and go lay around for those photos, Käärijä will do it. Jere might not. With Käärijä I'm able and not afraid to do things. But the way that everyone right now wants to benefit from Käärijä, is of course sometimes heavy - and that's Käärijä's fault! He fucking did it! [laughter]"
Q9: If you could choose anyone to go in a sauna with, living or dead, who would you choose?
"That's a tough one. I'm a fan of Rammstein like crazy and I can relate to (the singer) Till Lindeman. But they say he's a really stiff guy. We probably wouldn't have a lot of conversation in the sauna..."
"If Jesus is really a real person in history, I'd maybe choose Jesus. I'd like to discuss with him: what all did he do, what kind of a guy he was. I'm really interested in that. Was he a regular fellow like all the rest of us?"
"I believe, that in all of us, there lives a tiny Jesus. I mean that I don't believe we're just a brain and a lump of meat. We're so much more. I don't necessarily mean supernatural things, but that there's something else, something that we can't reach with our level of consciousness. I don't believe in coincidences. There's always a reason why things go this or that way."
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Q10: Do you have some secret or habit that you're embarrassed about so much that you wouldn't want to tell of it to anyone?
"I don't really have skeletons in my closet like that... Well, this is a bit dumb, but the thing that I'm sometimes afraid to do, is: I like to put ketchup on everything. I put ketchup in meat soup, too. Once I was in a fancy steak restaurant, a great steak in front of me, and I thought, damn I'd kill for some ketchup now. But there were people around, certain type of steak enthusiasts, that I couldn't do it, because people would've judged it really hard. Yeah, maybe it's about being from Vantaa! [laughter]"
Käärijä's make-up and hair: Tiia Loikkanen
Photography digitech: Pauli Boström
Photography: Ville Malja
Original writer: Jose Riikonen
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poppy-metal · 7 months
thinkin abt you getting hurt super bad protecting jordan in a battle or smth like that and you're on the ground, just about to succumb to the overwhelming urge to close ur eyes, but then they're there--holding your face and cursing under their breath and pulling you so, so gingerly into their lap, trying to pretend there aren't tears running down their face.
they r trying to stop u from bleeding out n they're panicked beyond belief but they're still talkin to you all sweet, chastising you for getting hurt for them, mumbling "why would you do that, baby? you know i can't live without you." and "you're gonna be okay. shh, it's gonna be okay." through shaky breaths and when you look up at them n force out an "i love you" they can't bring themself to say it back--just feels too much like a goodbye.
lmao that's so much heavier than i thought it would be 😭 n the injury probably s no biggie they're just freakin out over a big cut or smth
i wanna cry not the "why would you do that, baby?" they're rocking you back and forth lips pressed to your forehead, trembling, feeling like the world is ending <//3
when you get healed up because thankfully it was nothing serious the switch is instantaneous. from big worried cow eyes, to dark as flint because they are angry as fuck. "what the fuck were you thinking." they snap, hands clenching and unclenching at their sides, "jumping in front of me like that. are you stupid? you could have fucking died."
the contrast from how tenderly they were holding you in their arms to the venom in their voice makes you lower lip tremble. "you were - you hadn't shifted and they. they were coming after you-"
they were only indestructible in their masc!form and you'd acted on instinct. jordan shakes their head like this fact is minimal. "it wouldn't have hit me as bad as it hit you."
"so i was supposed to just let you get hurt for me?"
"fucking yeah!" they yell, and you flinch. "jesus. baby, you're not - you're not as strong as me. you know that. i need to know you're fucking safe and behind me or I'll-" they run a hand through their hair in stress, making the hair stand up. "you can't fucking do that shit to me."
tears fill your eyes. you feel chastised n scorned. you look down at your hands in your lap.
"you think I'd be any better off if you were the one in my place..." you sniffle. you know they're just scared, when jordan gets scared they get mean. still, it hurts.
you feel the bed shift as they sit down on it - a hand comes up to cup your cheek, thumb wiping under your eye, swipe away the tears. "hey," they sound much gentler now. they turn your chin till you're looking at them, "I'm sorry for yelling I just-" they sigh, looking down at your lips. you see their eyes melt, "i thought i lost you for a second. and I can't fucking - i can't fucking deal, if you're gone."
the hand moves till its cupping the back of your neck.
"i need to be the one protecting you," jordans thumb is doing that thing where it rubs into your skin like you're a cat. has the same effect, makes you want to start purring. already you feel more relaxed. "I know its not healthy and toxic or whatever, i dont give a shit. i need you to be okay."
you want to argue, you want the same thing. but you know they wont hear it. know this means alot to them, being able to protect you, taking care of you. putting you first. so you just nod, looking up at them with big apologetic eyes and you see the moment you have them.
eyes softening they lean down to brush their lips to yours. two hands cup your face like you're made of glass as they coax your lips apart.
"c'mere," they murmur against your mouth, hands reaching down to your waist, gently maneuvering you until you're on their lap. wrapped in their arms. "my fucking hero." they allow, kissing down your cheek, your jaw, feathering kisses all over, "dont ever do that shit again or I'll beat your ass."
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chelemlem · 5 months
For the prompts: 5 times Oscar takes care of Lando and 1 time Lando takes care of him Back!
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ty anon! hope u don't mind that i combined 2 prompts + made it LOVE ISLAND AU ↓ (why is this 1k)
"Watch your step," their driver says sharply, half a second before Lando's loafers slip on a particularly wet patch of earth climbing out the car.
"Cheers, mate," Lando says, heart thundering. Jesus. Fine way to start off his reality T.V career. Week one and out of the running 'cause he split his head open on some fucking rocks. 
Lando extracts his fingers from around the guy's bicep. Huh, not bad. He wasn’t trying to cop a feel, but.
And he’s back to squinting at something on his digital notebook. Pale and rumpled, he looks out of place in the Majorca sunshine. There's a subtle furrow between his brows, like he’s got a long list of tasks to get through, and Lando’s just the first.
"That was close," George fusses, strategically sliding an arm around Lando's shoulder in a way that both highlights their height difference and show off his delts. One of those posh Cotswold types; harmless enough. Lando'd picked him for his first date because at the end of the day, they wanted the same thing—to win.
"Yeah, scary," Lando blinks up at him. Giggles for the cameras.
Lando's going to quit. 
Or like. Sue someone. He stares down at his pre-packaged meal, stomach turning. This was the one thing, the one thing he listed as part of his dietary restrictions, and still—
A shadow falls across his lap.
"Here," the PA from before says. Brown hair, thighs. Oscar?
Lando eyes the unmarked takeaway box hovering in front of him with suspicion. It smells okay. And anything's better than fish.
"Chicken rice," Oscar clarifies, handing him a spoon to match. "Thai okay?"
Oh. Lando gives him a smile, small but genuine. So someone did read the profile they made him write. Who would've thought?
Oscar clears his throat. "If you need anything else, just—I'll be over there."
He hightails it to where Luisa and the other girls are holding court around the firepit, sliding his headset back on as he goes. Nice arse too. 
Crew aren't allowed to speak to the islanders, if Max’s rudimentary Reddit trawl is to be believed, but whatever. Lando's not one for rules anyway.
He tucks into his chicken rice and tries to think of other things he needs. 
"There's a new bombshell arriving today," Oscar casually lets slip at mic-up. Quietly, under his breath.
The fuck? It's only been forty-eight hours since Nyck got here. Or maybe longer—who the fuck knows with the way time passes in the villa. There's nothing to do but tan and flirt, the sun setting on the same listless, lazy day forever. Forever. 
But more importantly—
"They hotter than me?"
Oscar's face does this put-upon little thing before sliding back to neutral. Instead of responding, he winds the mic pack around Lando's waist, bending down to secure it at his hips. 
Lando knows how to do it himself by now. Oscar knows Lando knows.
"By a fair bit, I reckon," he says finally, and escapes before Lando can call him a liar. 
"Also, you've got a terrible poker face. At least pretend to be touched when he surprises you with breakfast." 
"He made me eggs and toast, mate. Not exactly Michelin-star, is it?" Or chicken rice, for that matter.
Oscar sighs. "Next week's vote's going to the public. Just so you know."
Lando's not worried. He's survived this long—longer than Daniel, even, who won fan favourite, week two—so clearly there's something he's doing right.
He sort of wants out, anyway. He misses his phone. God, he misses sex. Everyone talks a big game, but when it actually comes down to it they're fucking, like, shy about doing it in front of the cameras. And the cameras are bleeding everywhere. Lando would know.
The only reprieve, or something like it, is—Oscar. 
He's not exactly forthcoming with chatter, but through the power of being cute and annoying, Lando learns a lot about him anyway. 
Like how he's a fan of the cricket. And he's got three sisters, none of whom give a fuck about the show. And how apparently being a former cub scout makes him some kind of authority on tying people up. 
"Just saying those knots seemed loose, is all." 
Lando feels a smirk coming on. "Watching, were you?" 
Oscar rolls his eyes. "I review the Hideaway footage to make sure it's fit for broadcast, yes."
"Good job. Really defended my honour there." 
"Fuck off," Oscar says, surprisingly calm for someone with bruises trawling the side of their face.
"Dunno why you thought you could take him. He's got like two stone and six centimetres on you. And Charles heard he's done amateur boxing—"
"Got one decent one in there, at least?"
"Element of surprise, s'all it was."
Lando gives up with the bandages. He has no idea what he's doing—and his hands are shaking too much to be of any real use. Best leave it to medical.
"Oscar," he says, rubbing his eyes. His thumb comes away damp. Christ, this better not end up on telly. "The fuck were you thinking, mate." 
Oscar exhales long and hard. His voice is softer when he says: "Sorry. Wasn't really… thinking."
Lando punches his arm lightly—the good one.
"Next time, just. Ask me out normally, alright?"
"They're not firing me," Oscar's voice sounds stunned through the phone, coloured with relief. It's the most emotion Lando's ever heard out of him. Well, second most. "Did you—?"
"My agent said me and Carlos can call it quits two months after the finale," Lando interrupts. It's important, after all.
There's quiet over the line. He can hear Oscar breathing. In out, in out. 
"And what did you say?"
Lando leans forward, against the dash of his borrowed McLaren. The one he's being paid to drive around in, posting selfies with wine and roses in the passenger's. 
Runner's up is first loser and all that, but. It's still a pretty good deal.
"Told her I'll do two weeks." 
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pynkgothicka · 8 months
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Tear You Apart JHS & MYG
Synopsis - While out clubbing you meet two very friendly strangers. (Part 5 of the Monster Series)
Pairing - Yandere! Dark! Vampire! Min Yoongi & Jung Hoseok x AFAB! Reader
Featuring - Issa Rae and Hunter Schafer
Tags and Warnings - Death, Hypnosis, Vampire stuff, abduction
Authors Note - One more fic in the series!!!
“This club fucking sucks!!” Issa yelled over the sound the loud club music. So far the night was filled with bad shots, creepy men, and all around bad music. And you agreed, this club was literally the last place you wanted to be.
Hunter stood next to you on her phone looking for literally anywhere else to go. She let out a loud gasp and stuffed her phone between both you and Issa. “Guys! There's that new club downtown! It looks like it's gothic themed! Certainly they know how to party.” Issa raised a brow at the suggestion.
“Girl, we aren't goths.” Issa says simply.
“Yeah she's right, literally we'll stick out like a sore thumb.” You added.
“Attention! Duh. Listen we can stay here and get harassed by jocks or we meet some new people at the new vampire goth club. Which will it be?” Hunter said raising both hands. You rolled your eyes and smiled.
“So your saying that instead of bringing home douche bags we bring home goths?” Issac said her eyes seemingly thinking. “Checks out with me, how about you girl?”
You looked at Issa and rolled your eyes jokingly. “Fine, let's go!”
“Shit this place rocks!” Hunter said. You all went back to your shared apartment to at change into more darker clothes and makeup. Yet you all still stuck out like sore thumbs.
Yet this worked as Issa had already found some guy who interested her and you and Hunter danced with a group of girls. Bauhaus echoed in the background as you moved across the floor practically drifting aimlessly. However you would make eye contact with two men who stood on the wall watching you. Their gazes were sharp, but you brushed it off and kept dancing.
Hunter tapped your shoulder and you turned around. “Hey can you go get us some drinks?” She said dancing with you. Giving her a small smile, you nodded and headed to the red lit bar. You order two Bloody Marys, which you found somewhat hilarious to be served. You stood at the bar waiting patiently but were startled by a hand on your shoulder.
“You've never been to a goth club I bet.” One of them said smirking.
“Jesus! You both scared the shit out of me.” You said trying to catch your breath. The one with darker hair laughed and smiled.
“Sorry! We just got curious, your fashion is just not what you'd see here usually.” He continued. His friend kept looking at you, blinking rarely. You looked back at him but then returned to speaking with the main friend.
“And how do you know that huh? I could frequent these clubs a lot.”
“You don't trust me. You have that lost look in your eyes. Shit I forgot to introduce myself I'm Hoseok. And he's Yoongi.” You took Hoseoks hand, but shuddered at how cold his skin was. You pulled away laughing awkwardly. It almost drained you, touching him.
Then the drinks you were supposed to give Hunter slid in front of you. Taking them you almost nodded them both off but were stopped by Yoongi stepping in front of you.
“Aw you're leaving? Before you got one of our numbers?” Yoongi said snickering, surprising you that he would even speak to you. He took a sharpie from a nearby jar and wrote his number on your arm. “You should invite us over when you're not the ‘sober companion’” He added snickering. You didn't tell him that at all so you just nodded and stepped away.
You were going to clean that sharpie off your arm immediately.
Turns out that soon would arrive quicker than expected, as not even a week later you walked into your apartment to see Yoongi, Hoseok, Issa, and Hunter hanging out in the living room. The girls seemed intoxicated or in a daze as they were glad naked and dancing in front of them.
You stepped back and turned around walking out of the door and trying to close it quietly. You'd just return tomorrow, it wasn't your place to question the beginning of what was happening. Letting out a sigh you began to almost walk away.
That was until you were yanked into the house the door locking behind you.
“Hey!!” Hunter drunkenly yelled hiccuping as she grabbed both of your arms harshly. Shed never been this strong, in fact she was quiet weak compared to you. “Come on now the party was missing you!” She slurred practically dragging you to the living room. Her eyes had a weird cloudy look to them. You couldn't get a good look as she pushed you onto the couch in between the men.
Almost immediately Yoongis hand went to your thigh. You shivered but didn't move as Hunter and Issa drunkenly collapsed on the love seat. With a snap of Hoseoks fingers, they became sleepier and drowsier. Until they were both asleep. “Let us go!” You yelled struggling against Yoongis harsh grip on your thigh.
“You don't want that do you? You never texted us you know… broke poor Yoongis heart.” Hoseok spoke to you in a babyish voice. Yoongis head fell on your shoulder, him almost purring at your warm skin on his own cold one. “It's almost a rightful punishment, eye for a eye.”
“What even are you guys…?” You questioned but got your answer as you felt two sharp spikes poke at your neck. You tried to push away but Hoseok grabbed your chin forcing you to look at him. Your body fell in a trance as the pain of Yoongis fangs entering your body was dull and almost non existent.
Hoseok connected your lips, passionately kissing you. His fangs grazed your bottom lip, giving quiet moans into your mouth. “We thought you were so beautiful… and the fact that you're also a virgin… that made you even sexier.” Yoongi mumbled against your neck. He sucked at your skin peppering kisses on the bite. He licked it and pulled away. “She's so fucking good. Virgin blood, it's always so good… Come get a taste.”
Hoseok pulled away from your mouth as he went to your chest, taking a bite at your collarbone. Hoseok began to suck, this time the pain hurting. You hissed feeling your life almost drain away. Your eyes stared at your friends, seeing as they've already been drained. Bite marks littered their bodies and yet you couldn't even do anything about it as you're now their victims. Yoongi took Hoseoks arm and pulled at it making Hoseok pull away. “Don't kill her, I want to keep her…” Yoongi mumbled his body now falling on your thighs, kissing at them. The horror of your blood, turning into kiss marks on your body terrified you.
“I wasn't going to I swear. I just got lost in it all… sorry.” Hoseok said quietly. “So we're bringing her back right?” Yoongi nodded eagerly. And Hoseok kissed your lips again, as he snapped your body going limp. Your vision clouded as you laid against Hoseoks body. His hand went to your hair, stroking fondly.
���What about them?” Yoongi says pointing at Hunter and Issa. Hoseok shrugged and kept his focus on comforting you, yet you couldn't even see what was happening. But you began to cry, silently your lips trembling. Hands went to wipe your tears by what you could assume was Hoseok. You didn't even hear nor see your friends fate by you did feel Yoongi come near you again. “It's okay, we got you… we'll take care of you baby… we just have to tear you apart and rebuild you.”
Let me know through a dm or ask to be included in my official Taglist- @darkuni63 @fangirl-death-rose @captainengineer-trixie @chimmisbae @iloverubberduckiez-blog @mageprincess7 @looneybleus @whipwhoops
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shadowlilom · 3 months
Purple and White, Black and Blue
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Content: Izana Kurokawa x fem! Oc (it can be a reader too btw)
Warnings: Age gap, probably manipulation (in the future will have for sure), Use of alcohol, confusing friends (teenage girls, just that could be an warning fr), Deceiving parents and if i lost something, please forgive me! Separator is from: @v6que ♡
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"Are you sure? My parents will be mad at me if we go to that party tonight!" Ilabel says, clearly worried, to her friends, but Nadia response "Nahhhh, don't be a loser! It's justa little party!! We'll meet boys, drink something, dance and that's all!!!" She says moving from her chair, the schools classrooms without no one were really good to 'secret meetings' (It wasn't actually secret, the janitor knew they were there, but he never cared) "Ila, its our chance to be known by the pretty boys! Ugh, you're so into your stupid studies that you can’t have some fun? Why you're always so boring?" This time, Ghako spoke, and Nadia just nod in agree.
Afraid by the possibility of being alone again, Ilabel says quickly "Alright!! Let's go the party and rock it all! Haha!" The other two girls cheers up, but Ilabel just sighed. Nadia smiles, and says looking to both of them "Sooo, bicthes, the plan is that you two will say to your parents that we'll have a slumber party at my house. Buutt, we know what will actually happen. You two can get dressed properly at my house, so your parents will not doubt about the 'slumber party', got it?" Ghako chuckled loudly "It's a good plan, when did you got so clever huh? To math you aren't like that, you whore"
>Time skipe bc yes :}<
Girls dressing up is a funny thing to see, always trying to make each other beautiful, but not prettier than themselves.
"Bestie, that dress is horrible, try this one, it will look amazing!" Nadia says, as she finish her make up, and Ghako holds Ilabel's arm "Wait wait wait, let me do your make up first, im thinking about blue, because of the dress ya' know?" Ilabel just nod with a smile. After a few minutes, all of the girls are ready to the party, "Gurl, we are amazing, i have sure that all boys in that stupid party will be looking at us" Ghako says smiling and fixing her hair, and Ilabel appears in the room, using a blue dress not too tight to the body, more fluffy, like a cake "Oooh, that looks good on you, are you ready?" Nadia says looking to Ilabel, who just nodded in agreement.
The uber arrived quickly, and the drive was normal, Ilabel noticed that they were going not too really far from the city, so she got more comfortable abour being in that party. Ilabel didn't knew much things about parties, she never cared about going to many parties, till she met Ghako and Nadia. Sometimes she thinks that Nadia and Ghako are in a world totally different from her, they always stayed with someone, both of them couldn't stay too much time alone. But Ilabel not even had one boyfriend, Jesus, she never even kissed anyone! But, even though they are from different words, they are her friends, and shes grateful for that, being alone is terrifying. "Ooooh!! We are here!!!! Let's goooo!!!!" Ilabel thoughts were interrupted by Nadia screams, and the three of them left the uber and went to the door of the club. They gave their names and they entered, the normal process, Ghako said. And Ilabel was shocked, it was crowded, many different drunk people in the same place. "Im gonna get some drinks for us, kay'?" Ghako said, but Nadia and Ilabel knew it was a lie, she just wanted to go to see the boys (and probably the bartender too) and flett with them. "Fine, fine, im going to the dace floor, see you guys later" Nadia said turning around, but before she could've even walk, Ilabel holds her arm "W-wait! Where im going to stay? I-i don't want to be alone in that place.." Nadia sighed, annoyed, but she saw some sofas in the corner of the club, and she said to Ilabel, faking a smile "Go wait for us in there, there are people there, don't worry. Now, bye, Ilabel" The last prhase was rudely said, and Ilabel just accepted and went to sit in the sofas, waiting for the time they would leave that place, in silence.
"What a pretty thing like you are doing here all alone, huh doll?" A voice could be heard, from another sofa, Ilabel didn't noticed that he was there. A man of white hair, kinda curled, a beautiful tan skin and..oh..what beautiful purple eyes that he has.. It was a shame that his hair covered a good part of his face, but you could noticed that he had earings, it was a hanafuda or something? "Doll? Can you hear me?" And, once again, you're bring to the reality by his hypnotic voice "Y-yeah..im sorry" He just smiles in return "I asked you something, didn't i?" Ilabel rubs the back of her head, embarrassed "Oh..yes im sorry. Im not alone, actually..i came with my friends" "I don't see those 'friends' of yours" Ilabel look to her hands, flustered "Y-yeah..um, they're having fun..im just not into it.." He looks directly to her face, she could feel his eyes burning her forehead "If you don't like it, why are you here?" "To please them..thats what friends do" She looks to his face too, and he just chuckled after a few minutes "If you say so. Anyway, where are my manners at? Im Izana, Kurokawa Izana, and you doll?" "Oh-! Im Ilabel, Kaiser Ilabel" Ilabel offers her hand to Izana, who doesn't return the handshake, so she quickly takes her hand away.
"How old are you, Ilabel?" She glups, if she tell him the truth, he will say to the managers? If she and her friends get expel, they would blame her forever.. "If i tell you the truth...you'll not expose me?" Izana just smiles, and said "Of course not, i want to talk to you, doll" Ilabel breath deeply, "I'm 16..." Izana laughed "Phew...you're just a baby!" "Thank you?..." Izana laughed once again, and said calming "Like, im 28, its literally 12 years apart" Ilabel looks away, embarrassed as always.
"Want something to drink, doll?" Izana asked, calling a waitress "No, thank you, im a minnor, i can't drink" Izana chuckled "Oooh, how polite, even being so young" Izana delivered his drink, tasted a little and placed the cup in the table infront of him
"But, you seem to be really interesting, mature..Do you know who i am?" Ilabel deny with her head "Hm..good, now, what about i give to you my number huh? Would you text me, doll?" He looks at her eyes, deeply "I-i suppose so.." Izana smiles widely "Good girl, give me a moment please, so i can write my number to you" So she waits, like nothing was happening in the background, like only existed them two, like he was the only man in the world, like- "I really liked to see you in blue, blue is your color, doll" Ilabel blushed with his suddent coment "Thank you...you also look really good in that black jacked" and then Izana gave to her the paper "Now, to please you a little, I'll pay an Uber for you, so you can go back to your house, how does that sound?" Ilabel was shocked "Really?..Thank you, but my friends-" Izana interrupted her once more "Don't worry, I'll take care of it, now, tell me, where do you live?" Ilabel thinks that she doesn't have another choice, and shes going to her friends house anyway, and Izana seemed trustworthy. Just seemed trustworthy.
"Once again, thank you so much, Sir Kurokawa!" Ilabel said, before entering in the uber. Her friends, Ghako and Nadia, were in the backseat, completely drunk "It's nothing at all, when you arrive at your friend's home, text me, okay?" Ilabel nodded "Thank you once again! Goodbye, Sir Kurokawa!" Ilabel said entering in the uber, "Good night doll, I'll always watch over you, always"
୧ ‧₊˚ 🍓 ⋅ ☆⋅˚⋆。‧˚ʚ🍓ɞ˚‧。⋆୧ ‧₊˚ 🍓 ⋅ ☆⋅୧🍓ᡣ𐭩ᥫ᭡° ᡣ𐭩
Final notes: Hiii guys!!! Its me again! Im posting another thing, and i really hope you guys like it! And once again, if there's any mistake, please forgive me, my first language isn't English. Anywayyy, have a great day and bye bye!! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝
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sleeplesssmoll · 6 months
So I've been reading the traces recently and came across a line that seems like it should be important to well at least something but I haven't seen anyone talk about it? Here's the line btw:
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It's specifically the "you're imitating the Messiah" Part that's like making me think. So uhh yeah I just wanted to share it.
Sorry if it's a strange thing to send I wanted to see someone else's opinion on it.
Reverse1999 loves to put Vertin in the position of Jesus. We saw this at the end of Chapter 2 where she was sitting in Judas's position and Schneider was in Judas's spot. Arcana calls her "the savior" and describes Vertin in an almost biblical manner whenever she's interacting with her. Even her little Suitcase is called an "ark". However, this instance is a bit different.
Disclaimer, Idk much about religion but I did try to look this bit up because it reminded me of something too. If anyone has more experience in the matter pls feel free to correct me or add on. I will do my best but I might get stuff wrong.
Note: Vertin was placed in a coma because the Foundation wanted her out of the way. This is relevant to the theory.
Here is what I found:
The Jewish high priests were apparently looking for a reason to get rid of Jesus. As the revolutionary leader of a new movement that challenged the religious status quo, he posed a threat to their power. But they couldn’t just take action themselves. Ultimately, sentencing was up to Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor at the time. And they needed to provide him with a legal justification for Jesus to be crucified. The trial of Jesus A number of witnesses testified against Jesus before the Sanhedrin, a Jewish court. Although the Gospel of Mark says many of them gave false testimony, Jesus didn’t confirm or deny their accusations. In fact, Jesus remained quiet through most of his trial, refusing to respond to the charges leveled against him. But he did respond to one question. Asked, “Are you the Messiah?” he seemed to admit that he was. Caiaphas, the chief priest, called this blasphemy. And then the others agreed that Jesus should be put to death. 
This trial parallels Vertin's story.
Moving on, this trail is in the chapter where Madam Z is playing ping-pong while trying to convince her friend to vote for her decision. The whole thing is an analogy to referring to how Vertin started off as the simple Timekeeper who kept records of the end of eras and now she plays this pivotal role that is rocking Foundation's core. She is the real ping-ping ball being batted between two factions of the Foundation. She has no say in the matter because she is now an object in a bigger game. Her fate relies on the people around her. Poor little Vertin is always a pawn in someone else's game. I highlighted some bits in red from the trail posted below that helped me put it together in my head. You can see it if you click "Keep reading." I hope this helps!
Also, thanks for giving me a chance to really look at this. I glossed over it the first time but the scene is even more intense now and I have a deeper appreciation for it. Any corrections or additions are welcome cause I'm out of my depth here.
Source: Chapter 4-16 Ball Game
Ping, pong. Ping, pong. Ping pong ping pong ping, pong. Ping. Pong.
An imitation show?
Yes, an imitation show. A ball imitation show, little thing.
You're imitating the Messiah, while I'm imitating an orange ball made of plastic.
Being pushed back and forth by two rackets, I have nowhere else to go. Once they apply a force on me, I can't help bouncing to the sky. 
You can see how the air flows across my dry, wrinkled skin ...
Oh, what a coincidence! Aren't you in the same situation as mine now!
Ha! Look at your frowning face-
Your face wrinkles from the eyebrows to the nose tip, but people can barely see those light furrows. We know what that means. You have a poker face, and it's never your fault.
But for now, your face is not the thing that matters. Well, maybe for someone it is, but still, it's not. You know what really matters?
The game! Yes, it's the game, of course the game matters!
Everyone loves the game. They gather at the stadium, yelling or roaring vehemently. They choose one team to become its fan and spend good money on a team uniform or an autographed ball.
Yet, it's just a ball. You see where I'm coming from?
Just a ball. Its outline, a circle, could be found in any geometry textbook and anywhere in this world. When the first hominid picked up a coconut and threw it to the sky-and caught it—and threw it—and caught it-and threw it again, when she felt joy and yelped, had she ever thought of the future?
The future where a simple ball has become so complicated and enchanting, now we call it the present.
Complicated and enchanting?
Hahahahahaha! Yes, sure! Complicated and enchanting!
Use your silly and smart head to think about this ball game carefully.
The complex scoring rules, the harsh requirements for reactive agility, the countless possible foul points ... Your fingers, your wrists, and arms, a correct way of using them will lead to victory!
What matters more is, like every ball game, it focuses on how you serve the ball and hitting it back.
It's not an easy job as it sounds. When you are in the game, you need to concentrate. Where will the ball come from, and how will you return it to your opponent-you need to figure that out within half a second.
Use your power in a proper way, move your feet in a stable pace, inhale and exhale at the right timings.
Ping. Pong. Ping. Pong. Ping. Pong. Ping. Pong...
The sound will last forever and ever until that bouncing little thing falls to either side of the court.
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madaboutmunson · 1 year
Again - Part 5
Part 1 | Part  4 | Part 6 | Full list of Again series links inc AO3 Link
Steddie fic where Steve and Eddie are in their mid 30's and everyone has sort of drifted apart
Taglist: @adaed5 @grtwdsmwhr @swimmingbirdrunningrock @mightbeasleep
Thank you to @callme-keys for all their help with this 💚💚💚
Eddie talks him through the painting process, and soon enough, they have their own little silent two-person production line going. Eddie breaks the silence first without tearing his eyes from the little figure he is painting in front of him. "So how did super jock Steve Harrington manage to raise two little nerds? Is their mom one? I mean, it's obvious they're biologically yours. Unmistakably!" His last exclamation makes Steve smile happily at the dwarven hero in his fingers.
"No, their mom isn't a nerd either. Very business minded, though. I get why you'd think that, but Corey would give you a run for your money on a basketball court, and Zee, well, the only sport she hasn't excelled at, that she's tried so far, is Tennis, and that's mainly because she hates it" Steve gushes. He wasn't more proud of their sporting prowess than anything else they were into. It was just an area he was proficient in. He understood sports. He could be useful in helping them with that.
"Shit, you and your wife made the ultimate hybrids?"
"Ex-wife", Steve corrects almost a little too quickly.
Steve sees Eddie's shoulder sink in his peripheral vision, and another apology starts. "Sorry, man. I didn't mean to-" 
"It's not like that. Just sometimes, things don't work out. I'm real lucky it was amicable, we're still good friends, and that's good for the kids, you know? Me too, of course. It's nice to have someone to talk to about parent stuff, isn't it?" Steve prods the subject ever so gently, so maybe Eddie will talk about Morgan, and Steve can apologise.
"Yeah, of course," Eddie replies, cleaning his brush, but says nothing more. Damn it, Eddie! Steve would have to drag it out of Eddie now, especially because Steve had glared daggers at Morgan last time.
"Has…um…has Morgan been running games for a long time?" Steve asks
"Oh yeah." Eddie says like it was common knowledge, "We started him eaaaarly" Eddie laughs, "He's one of my best GMs, to be honest, which you wouldn't think if you talked him when he wasn't in the hot seat."
"Makes sense," Steve says, smiling at the pride on Eddie's face as he looks around the shelf at Morgan, and the guilt comes crashing down on him. "Listen, Eddie. I'm sorry about last time. I didn't know Morgan was with you-"
"And he's a teenage boy talking to your teenage daughter, looking like he just jumped out of a Sum 41 video. Dude, I would be the same if I was in your shoes. We've both been fourteen-year-old boys," he says, shaking his head.
"He's only fourteen??!!" Steve exclaims, his apologetic look swiftly turning into one of absolute shock, "What is he eating for breakfast? What is Sum 41??" 
Eddie snorts out a laugh, making a delicate paint stroke across part of the new model he's picked up. "Yeah, those genes belong to his Mama's side of the family. Loooong line of lumberjacks. Count yourself lucky on the Sum 41 front. I've tried getting him into actual Metal, but he says it's Classic Rock. Cheeky little shit." Eddie adds with a fond smile
Steve looks around the shelf again at Morgan, "Jesus Christ. Are you sure they aren't Goliaths?" Instantly a loud cackle emerges from Eddie, almost tipping his seat too far back and falling backwards. Making Steve erupt with laughter too.
"Hey!! Some of us are trying to immerse ourselves in a game here! Can you two keep it down back there?!" Zee's voice rings out, stopping the chuckling painters immediately. They raise their eyebrows at one another and bite their lips, trying to hold back any more loud laughter and setting for repressed silent giggles that make their shoulders shake.
A few deep breaths later, Eddie is calm enough to talk again, "I tell you what, Harrington. I don't think you've got anything to worry about on the Zee front. She's got it covered." Eddie picks up his model again, "and honestly, I know you'll think I'm biased, but Morgan is a good kid. He might look and sound like a poster child for trouble, but he couldn't be anything further from it." Eddie's tongue presses against his top lip as he concentrates on painting the tiny boots of the elf, then stops and tuts."Ok, so maybe he is a little bit of trouble, but nothing like we did when we were kids. He doesn't smoke, drink, do drugs or get handsy, but being bigger than others, he often gets singled out as the guy to beat, you know? So he's had a few scrapes these last couple of years, and looking the way he does, he gets the sharp end of the stick, whilst the little shit that started it gets off scott fucking free. Assholes."
Steve narrows his eyes at Eddie, who is either avoiding looking at him or is deeply engrossed in the model. He couldn't help but feel that this sounded an awful lot like he was putting in a good word on Morgan's behalf, but on the flip side, Steve had made an incorrect judgement about Morgan, so maybe Eddie just thought he needed to clear his name, and it was clear why that would be something Eddie would want to do for his son.
"Yeah, it's not all rainbows, being the big guy at school. Lots of different expectations. They asked him to try out for any teams yet?"
"Not just yet, but when the summer's over, he'll hit high school, so just a matter of time. I remember them trying to recruit me into the towel-flicking club too. That was very short-lived," Eddie laughs, but the smile lingers on his face.
Steve sees an opportunity not just to extend an olive branch but also to get to know Morgan a bit more. Eddie had done as much for Zee. "Not saying you guys don't have it covered, but if Morgan was interested in getting some practice in, I'd be happy to help where I can, though honestly, Zee is probably more up to date on things than me these days, but I could do with the exercise."
Eddie completely stops what he's doing, "You'd do that?"
Steve gestures his hand between Eddie and Zee, "Didn't you? I will not be outshone by you, Munson" Steve points a finger at him and covers his genuine kindness with a thin veil of competitiveness, making Eddie break into a toothy grin.
"I'll ask him. He doesn't talk to me about sports much, so I don't know the lay of the land in that department. I mean, who would, right? But I'll ask to see what he says" Eddie goes back to painting, "Thanks, Steve."
Wow, he liked how his name sounded just then, all wrapped in fondness and softly spoken like that. He hadn't heard his name like that in a very long time. A buzz pulls Steve out of his enchantment, and he rushes to pick up his phone, but it's just a message from his cell provider. A voice murmurs softly next to his ear, "How many languages do you speak, Harrington?" 
Steve's soul nearly leaves his corporeal form, "Jesus Christ, Eddie! Don't do that, and…Hey! Why were you snooping anyway? That could have been private!!" Steve frowns at him, pulling his phone to his chest to hide it.
"What, I'm supposed to sit here and not be alarmed when you almost give yourself whiplash to check your phone? Is it some sort of top-secret coaching project? Is that why you have it in Chinese?"
"How do you know it's in Chinese?" Steve asks in total confusion.
Eddie raises and looks at Steve from under his eyebrows expectantly, and Steve slowly moves the phone away from his chest so Eddie can see the screen again. "Because that says Options in Chinese" Eddie points his finger at the tiny phone screen, resting his arm on Steve's shoulder as he does so, forcing Steve's functions into primary survival mode. All Steve can do is hold the phone up, breathe and look at Eddie like a being from another planet. What can't he do? Or is this a case of just being impressed by tech basics?
"Do you like it in Chinese, or would you like me to switch it to English for you?" Eddie asks, and Steve only manages a Corey-like grunt of a Huh and moves the phone slightly in a concerned Eddie's direction, "Well, alrighty then. English coming right up…are you…are you ok, Steve?" Oh, there it is again, the special Steve. He manages a nod at Eddie.
"Okaaaay then," Eddie says with still a lot of concern etched on his face, but that's fine because Steve's brain has already put a soft lens filter back on the scene. Eddie taps many buttons and hands the phone back with a smile, "There you go, good as new". As Steve looks through his phone in a language he can understand again, Eddie lifts one of the many painted figures that are lined up in a queue in front of Steve and holds it up to his eyes and the light, "Wow, these are really neat. Have you painted before?" Eddie asks gently placing the figure back in line.
"Do paint by numbers and ceramics count?" Steve says with a laugh like Eddie would find those things stupid.
"Judging from this. I'd say yeah," his words drawn out in some serene fascination. His big brown eyes gorged on every detail the tiny gnome had to offer. Steve wishes he was into something as deeply as Eddie was. He seemed to be so talented at many things, and not just Ok like Steve was. He was in deep with his loves. Music, guitar, these games, and everything they touched. Steve can't help but wonder what that might feel like, to be something that Eddie is entirely fascinated by, to be scoured over with those deeply intense eyes, to enchant him so completely his words slow down like that, or his face explodes into one of his vast smiles of unabashed joy. Steve lets out a tiny sigh, watching him twirl this piece of plastic in his fingers like it was an ancient lost artefact.
Carl, the silent rolling dice kid from two weeks ago, runs right up to their arts and crafts table, “Mr Munson, I know you said to act like you weren’t here because you aren't supposed to be here, but there is a rules dispute on table two, and it's getting out of hand, someone threw a peanut M&M,, and someone on table three is allergic, and-”
“Ok buddy, slow your roll,” Eddie says kindly, putting the figure exactly back in line and then raising his hand in stop motion, “Look at me, take a deep breath, think carefully, is this something you think you can’t handle or is this because it's not what you planned in your mind,” Eddie speaks calmly and looks over at Carl, waiting for his response. Though those words were meant for the kid, Steve can help but heed them too.
“It’s chaotic, Eddie”, Carl says finally after a short pause, and Eddie nods in response before turning to Steve and giving him an awkward smile and a shrug before following Carl through the shelves to the fantasy realm.
Steve takes the opportunity to check in with Mackenzie, obviously, from afar. He shifts over to the side and can see her eyes following some dice tumbling down the table, her hand going to her head, as the player next to her slumps in his chair. She’s saying something, but Steve can’t quite make it out, she shakes a die in her own hand, and it rolls before her. She speaks again with concern on her face, directed to the head of the table. Steve shifts his viewpoint so he can see Morgan, who smiles and then nods, causing the table to erupt with smiles. As he moves back to look at Zee, he expects the usual acting out of her praying to her deity or a mace swing, but instead, he sees some very vicious stabbing motions with both of her hands as she grins wildly down the table at Morgan. Steve moves again to see Morgan’s response. No. No-no. He did not just tuck his hair behind his ear whilst exchanging grins with his daughter. Steve, without thinking, immediately stands up out of his seat, knocking the cup of water over the table, “Shit!” he whisper shouts to himself. Trying to save all the mini-figures from the encroaching pool of water.
“And that is why I always bring these with me”, Eddie chuckles, pulling out a roll of kitchen towels and a little trash bag.
Steve tries to stay quiet, “I’m so sorry, Eddie, I just…er…well, I-I stood up too fast and got a head rush.”
“Is that what we’re going with, Steve, really?” Eddie looks at him with disappointment, “I’ve been standing back there a while, watching you doing your best meerkat impression. I get the worry. I do, but uh…please don't take this the wrong way, Steve…you’re very…sorta” Eddie puts down some of the paper towels to soak up the spillage and then waves his hand vaguely over Steve, “urgent. You know? Are you alright?”
Steve looks at Eddie, runs his hand through the side of his hair and swallows nervously. He wanted to be honest, but he had apologised for judging Morgan only earlier today. Eddie gives him a saccharine sweet smile, “Steve, let me level with you. We are in the same boat here, so let's be honest. They seem to like one another, but nothing has happened. If either of us goes marching on in there and tells them no, You know what happens?”
“They sneak around behind our backs,” Steve says, folding his arms.
“And?” Eddie prompts
“And we have made the other person even more attractive because they aren't allowed,” Steve mutters in defeat.
Eddie claps his hands and points at Steve in celebration, “Bingo! So if we want this to just fizzle out, we gotta not meddle, ok?”
Steve has an idea, “Ok, yeah, well, what about if we back it like all-in, one hundred per cent,. Shall I write my wedding speech now, kinda thing? Would that do the opposite?” Steve says excitedly at Eddie, who looks at him pitifully and shakes his head.
Eddie walks over and hands Steve the trash bag as he collects up the soaked papers and throws them in, “Number one, Steve-o, I, seconds ago, told you we shouldn’t meddle, and your bright idea is to do exactly that” He throws a wad of wet paper into the bag like he’s taking a hoop shot. “Number two, if that backfires on you, and they’re like, oh, it's fine, my Dad’s on board, he won't mind if you stay over, he likes you.” Steve’s eyebrows raise in alarm, “but then there is Number three, and this really is the worst one. Your plan works, and then I have to ferry his sad-sack ass around, listening to the greatest break-up songs of all time whilst he cries his eyes out.”
“And that would be bad because?” Steve asks hopefully.
“Because the first place I would drive him to is your stupid house, so you can deal with it, ok? Because I will suffer a variety of music genres for that kid, Steve, I will not, and I can’t emphasise this enough, will not listen to All by myself on repeat again. It will become your problem immediately.”
“Again?” Steve asks in alarm.
“Yes! Again Steve! Look at him. Just look.” Eddie points his hand over at where Morgan is, and Steve’s eyes follow. The players are chatting, and Morgan looks up at them occasionally and then scribbles something down.
“I don't get it. He’s taking notes or plotting or something.” Steve says with a frown.
Eddie walks over, puts his hand on his shoulder, and turns him back to the table. “Look closer, Steve. Is that the face of someone plotting their next move and making notes? Or is that the face of someone taking in the details of someone’s face whilst they sketch them on their notepad?”
At first, Steve looks and doesn't understand how he is even supposed to tell the difference when he is half behind a screen, but then he does start to see what Eddie is talking about. Morgan’s eyes don't move around the table. Instead, they go back to the same place, and he’ll tilt his head and disappear behind the screen for a while, then pop back up, shake out his hair a little, nods like he’s listening, and then repeats the same thing all over again.
“Is he gonna be ok?” Steve says with actual worry for Morgan’s well-being. He wasn't trying to take on just any girl. This was Mackenzie Robin Harrington.
“He’s just a romantic. He bounces back well enough, but gods, the mourning period is deeply dramatic. The music, the movies, the ice cream, the eyeliner. I have no idea where he gets it from.”
“How many girlfriends has he had?” Steve asks, with the concern moving back to Zee now.
“Girlfiends…one…unrequited crushes… I’ve lost count. Don’t worry. None of the girls concerned have to deal with that side of things. He’s mostly a bumbling mess around them that he probably gets from his Dad.” Eddie says, straightening up and looking at Steve with a smile, making him burst out laughing.
“So, we just stand by and watch this…happen?” Steve says, still a little nervous, but he feels a lot more reassured. It sounded like Eddie had been through this many times already, and it could be good to have him on his side.
Eddie's eyes go to the ceiling and his hand to the back of his neck, “I mean, we could compare notes if you get worried or wanna talk about it sometime?”
"Oh," Steve says with relief immediately, "That would be so helpful, Eddie. Thank you. Can I get your number?" Steve quickly pats himself for his phone, realising he had left it on the table. Which surprised him. He usually had it within reach of his fingertips. So he reaches for his phone and navigates his way to contacts.
"Er…it's kinda already in there," Eddie says almost a little bashfully, but he plays it off with a much bolder wink.
"Ah, when you…ah..yeah", Steve points between the phone, the table and Eddie several times and struggles to grasp onto the English language as the wink hits him like a shotgun spray of numbing agent. He attempts a laugh to play it off, as, of course, how stupid of me, but it emerges as a giggle. Mortified. Jesus Christ. Steve quickly goes back to cleaning, but the interaction only emboldened Eddie. Or at least that's how it appears to Steve. He's much closer during the clean-up, talking a lot about topics that Steve had little to no opinion on, like the state of heavy metal these days or how he's worried that the new Lord of The Rings movies won't hold up to the books, occasionally reaching for the same things as Steve. Of course, it could all be in his imagination, but it definitely feels like there is a shift back to the Eddie he remembers from being a kid. Not that he's hugely different, but a few times today, there is something just beneath what he's letting Steve see. Something darker.
Then it just falls out of his mouth, as Eddie looks particularly tempting as he leans against the table, with his back to it, on his hands, gesturing and talking at Steve, who is facing the table, packing away someone the dry figures into their little foam beds.
"Why do you do that?" Steve asks suddenly as Eddie is mid-sentence.
Eddie's body visibly tenses, "Er…do what, Steve? Talk too much?" He laughs, and Steve can tell his humour defence is ready to be deployed.
"No, not too much", Steve smiles at the tiny paint pots he's organising, "it's er the topics."
"Oh, well, that's easy. I'm seeing what else I don't know about Steve Harrington 3.0 The Dorky Dad Edition" Eddie chuckles, "We haven't spoken really in fifteen years, and I don't know how much had changed…or how much hasn't" Steve looks up at him, and he's already waiting for him to look his way. However, the connection is short-lived as Eddie folds his arms around himself, looks away and says, "I can only talk about what I know, and I don't wanna put my foot in it by asking the wrong question, you know? It's been nice catching up, teenage drama aside" he punctuates with a laugh.
"Yeah, it has been nice," Steve agrees, and Eddie's arms unfold, "I know sometimes I don't talk enough."
"Well, that's just because you seem to live in your thoughts, Steve", Eddie says fondly, "It wouldn't be awful for you to share them with someone sometime." Eddie's eyes dart between Steve and the rings that he's twisting around his fingers, "I don't mind being that someone if you're comfortable? Maybe it would help with all the…um…being on edge stuff too? A problem shared is a problem halved and all that," Eddie sends him a gentle smile. Suddenly a part of Steve wants to defend himself against this friendly onslaught of observations. Tell the nosey little nerd he's talking complete shit. Snap at him with purposefully sharpened thorny words that, no matter what they said, all translated to Danger! Keep Out! Steve observes Eddie again. Most of his clothing and accessories screamed he could be a threat, the metal chains and jewellery of skulls and tusks. Rugged boots, worn jeans, no doubt under the polo shirt is some kind of horrific band name with a hellscape as an album cover. But the rest of him, the real Eddie, couldn't be any further from that. He remembers an insecurity Eddie shared only moments ago and decides to put the defensive words down.
"Yeah, you're right," Steve says with a half smile, "I guess old habits die hard, huh?" 
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poopyballz28 · 1 year
Collection of poopyballz28 baki idea's and thoughts
While I get back into writing, I thought I'd compile a bunch of stupid thoughts that aren't worth having their own post. This is a pretty long one so please laugh. Also ignore that Kiyosumi rant I don't know what got into me guys i swear
remembering, like, a year and a half ago when I described Kaoru as being built like a garage door. Never forget. I even liked him back then, I DONT EVEN LIKE HIM NO MORE! He's a meanie fo feenie i dunno, the karate boys are better.
me (number one kiyosumi katou fanboy and knower) watching other writers write kiyosumi falling in love with a woman and being super sexually dominate and it freaking me out because I have been blowing his back out in my brain for like 2 years:
Tumblr media
I feel like I don't stress enough how genuinely submissive Kiyosumi is. I don't really write a whole lot of nsfw generally but JESUS CHRIST GUYS LOOK AT HIM. His build is insane where are you guys missing this. Women don't see the visions like I do. They just...cant see it. Perhaps I am too bara obsessed but no...I know the truth about his character...I would know...I'm the number one Kiyosumi Katou fan.....I know....
It's not even JUST his body, ITS HIS WHOLE CHARACTER. uptight, spunky, ego maniacal karate fighter that's super fucked up in the head who puts on this tough, intimidating act but behind closed doors he's a timid, embarrassed, submissive little dick taking asshole with issues that have gone unchecked FOR OH SO LONG. GRAAAHHH nobody sees him as i do ohhhh the LONELINESS how it pains me
yeah sorry guys for...all of that. lets move on to actually funny interesting stuff I thought of.
I was never much of a sporty, working out type of guy so I guess I wouldn't really understand, but whats up with all gym bro Baki fans being obsessed with and idolizing Yujiro and Jack. I just, don't see the appeal. One is a serial rapist and murderer AS WELL as a dead beat father and the other is just a drug abuser. How is that motivating to you people. Why obsess over the virgin Hanma's when you can obsess over the chad karate boys?! But its okay, because I KNOW these people are probably mentally ill, so that's why one day I'm going to open up a HOSPITAL. And a REHABILITATION CENTER for all deranged gym bro Baki fans. Please send funds via my cashapp, $kiyosumiballsucker3000. (thats not a real cashapp guys im trying to be funny)
I'm into REAL characters, that are actually interesting and cool, such as, 56 year old karate veteran and his three autistic and/or mentally ill sons, british, silly highschool girl who causes problems for no one, and not to forget, incredibly (and probably accidentally) gay coded kukendo man who apparently nobody cares about but me. That's right, I'm a REAL Baki fan.
Wondering when I'll expand on that Kureha and Kosho visual-kei band idea. Just THINK ABOUT IT. Kureha on vocals (and perhaps guitar) and Kosho on bass and bg vocals. IMAGINE. Kosho wears beautiful goth makeup and is rocking that deep shade of purple lipstick, AS THINGS SHOULD BE. I will never forgive Itagaki and the anime for removing it. It's just, never gonna happen. The two are in these, fucking, elaborate and gorgeously made outfits christ I'm a fucking genius. Kosho would 1000% wear an elegant (but still incredibly badass) lacy, vkei dress, looking like that fucking mana-sama guy (ourple edition) Ohhhh dude. I need to write some more for this idea.
To all my hardcore artist followers, if y'all want to draw v-kei Kosho and Kureha, I give you free reign over the idea, do your magic.
Wouldn't it be fucking hilarious if Yujiro died from like, the most random, insignificant thing in the world.
He's the strongest man- no, creature, in this world. He can brutally defeat animals larger than half his size with his bare hands. He can stop (and probably start) earthquakes at will. He died of a urinary track infection at 37.
Talking specifically about the english speaking fandom here, why do you think Katsumi is so overlooked and underrated. LOOK AT HIM. He is genuinely (I'm serious here) one of the most attractive manga characters I have ever seen in my life. Not only that but he's been through several arcs and has been included in a large amount of fights, HE'S PRETTY MUCH A MAIN CHARACTER YET NOBODY REALLY CARES ABOUT HIM!?! HOW!? On both sides of the fandom, Wattpad girls barely write fanfiction with him involved (thank god actually) and the gym bro's barely make their shitty edits of him (DOUBLE thank god) It's just so confusing to me. He's everything I've ever wanted in a character. Ever-growing strength and morals, an adorable and lovable face, a kind but fierce personality, and not to mention that sweet, sweet rack. Gorgeous pair of tits. Absolutely stunning. need to bend him over.
You ever just be reading a Y/N x Baki nsfw fanfiction and they mischaracterize Baki...in like every conceivable way. This guy DOESN'T UNDERSTAND WHAT SEX IS. BARELY. How are you people so clouded by horniness you completely forget his character. He's an awkward little boy, why are they writing him like a flirtatious sex god?! Baki doesn't know what fucking "flirting" is, he's an idiot. He wouldn't freaking "punish" you in the bedroom guys, if he did he'd be so awkward and stumbling over every other word. AND STOP MAKING HIM SAY SUCH VULGAR THINGS YOU FUCKING FREAKS. Baki doesn't know what "eating out" means, he doesn't say curse words often and most of all, he doesn't. understand. sex. He's had sex ONCE with his wonderful girlfriend and they both barely understood what the fuck they were doing ☠️
How about you guys write him like how he actually is. Wouldn't it be adorable if there was an x reader with Baki where you two have like, loving but awkward sex for the first time and you try to guide him and help him understand in a wholesome way!? Wouldn't that be so much more true to character AND unique?? God, I have to do everything around here. Fuck.
Katsumi playing basketball and pointing at you and going "This ones for you, babe." then completely missing the shot.
Have I ever brought up that Kureha childhood headcanon where I think Kureha would find (or even kill) small creatures just to do little experiments on them and dig in their guts. Kosho walks in like "Nii-chan 🙁 what are you doing..."
Another Shinogi brother hc, I think it'd be hilarious if that blackish-brownish color of Kosho's hair isn't actually his natural hair color, and his real hair color is the same as Kureha's. THINK ABOUT IT THOUGH. He want's to be different from Kureha so he dyes it every now and then to differentiate himself. Plus he thinks it looks totally cool. Sometimes you can see his blonde/orange roots when his hair grows out. And yes, Kureha does tease him about this sometimes. Kosho fucking hates it.
Now that I'm thinking about it, Kureha teases Kosho about, like, everything. His v-kei obsession, his dyed hair, his fighting, everything. Not really a cute or funny headcanon either ☠️ Kureha is literally just a manipulative and judgemental asshole. I whole-heartedly believe that to be true. And in a way it is, I mean he is pretty much canonically like that. Kosho doesn't deserve this. Love that little goth guy, he deserves more.
Thanks for reading all this goofy goober shit all the way through. I'll probably be working on something else by the time you're reading this, so be prepared for content. Love you guys 👍
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katierosefun · 2 months
tagged by @b1uetrees! thank you for the tag buddy!
do you make your bed? i try, the operating word being try. i used to be really good at making my bed, but for the last few weeks, i've been lucky to just straighten out my sheets and pile my pillows on the right way before darting around to make myself breakfast and wash my face.
what's your favourite number? i've always really liked 12 for some reason. maybe because i associate it with the year of the dragon, which is the zodiac year i'm born in?
what is your job? i'm a second-year law student. i think the closest i have to a job right now is that i'm a student attorney (which has been very exciting, because it's definitely aligned with what i want to do after graduation), and this coming summer, i'll be working at a law firm (which is also exciting. everyone pray i don't screw up)
If you could go back to school would you? i mean, would i pursue more education after getting my current degree? i'm not sure. i've played with the idea of getting an mfa for a while now, but also? i think mfa's cost so much money, and the rewards aren't always very tangible. so it depends on how financially comfortable i am and if i can figure out a way to get into publishing without an mfa haha!
can you parallel park? i don't know how to drive, so nope
a job you had that would surprise people? i always get questions about what the heck a costume stock keeper does, but for a short while, i was a costume stock keeper. which basically meant that i organized the costume stock room in my college's theater department. it was really cool, because we had a huge stock room, and my bosses were people who actually worked in a lot of really cool movies, so that was neat!
do you think aliens are real? i have to think so! like, the universe is so big--how can there not be other things out there?
can you drive a manual car? i can drive a golf car. does that count?
what's your guilty pleasure? not really certain if i feel guilty about this yet . . . i guess watching kinda bad old kdramas? (like . . . i know there are some tropes that we've left behind in the early 2010s/early 2000s, but what can i say--some classics are classics, even if some of the stories wouldn't fly in 2024.)
tattoos? none right now, although i've been wondering if i want to get a tattoo before i graduate law school. i think i want to get a constellation somewhere on my bicep. but also, i get so scared of something being permanent and how skin changes over the years, so maybe not :/
favourite colour? i'm currently digging really deep greens lately!
favourite type of music? i think i've been really loving a lot of moody ballads and alternative rock . . . and also whatever the hell the music in alien stage is right now!
do you like puzzles? nope--i'm not patient enough for puzzles a;shdfasdf
any phobias? i am terrified of spiders. i don't care if they're smaller than me--they have eight legs, i have two, and also the way they move freaks me out so much oh my god why do they move like that ! !!
favourite childhood sport? i really liked to swim as a kid, and i still do
do you talk to yourself? yeah--mostly when i'm annoyed or stressed. i've been known to quickly mute myself on zoom meetings or make more of an effort to just shut my mouth whenever i'm waiting for someone to come onto zoom, because i once started muttering "jesus christ, what a way to make a first impression--i can't believe you're late" and i didn't realize that there was? a little thing that was? making a transcript of everything i was muttering? if my boss ever read that transcript, they've been kind enough to never mention it--so!!!! anyways!!! i'm working on that lol
what movie(s) do you adore? i really love kogonada's films (columbus and after yang are probably the major ones), and i also love the korean adaptation of little forest. and also beginners. in general, i think i love films with a lot of green coloring and also just enough moments of quiet to make you feel comforted! or at least--better said--i like movies that feel like you've had a conversation with someone.
coffee or tea? coffee for when i want to wake up and tea for when i want to wind down!
first thing you wanted to be growing up? a writer :) or, at the very least, a well-known storyteller.
no pressure tags: @kckenobi @lightasthesun @l-tyrell @reese-haleth
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runonthewater · 1 year
I may have posted this before but it's honestly one of my favorite videos of WLW/MLM solidarity: Sophie B. Hawkins and Clive Barker passionately and entertainingly arguing down Christine O'Donnell on Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher in 1997.
Extremely good gay moments in this:
Clive jumping in to make absolutely over the top jokes about sodomy and "oral" plans at 2:00
Sophie getting worked up around 3:27 and pulling her feet up onto her chair so she can argue more effectively
O'Donnell saying "I don't know what Jesus you've been talking to" and Sophie yelling "You don't know who we've been talking to, that's the problem!" at 4:15
O'Donnell saying "What God? The God of the Bible or your version of God in Hellraiser?" and Clive exclaiming triumphantly "So you saw it!" at 4:44
Sophie's big jacket throughout god she looks good
Sophie also has her shoes off and is sitting in the most barefoot queer woman way possible at 6:26, I love her, I want to be her
she also argues for equal civil rights clearly and convincingly, GOD, can one gay really have it all
Clive and Sophie making identical "god, okay, keep it together" expressions at 8:23 after O'Donnell says the phrase "people who aren't accepting God's best in their lives"
followed by Clive responding to O'Donnell saying she has "homosexuals" in her family by acidly saying "Some of your best friends?"
Sophie letting out a jungle shriek and levitating out of her chair at 10:36 when O'Donnell says there's no such thing as separation of church and state and there shouldn't be
10:58: O'Donnell mentions "ex-homosexual program"s, Sophie starts to jump in, Clive puts a hand on her wrist and she nods and says "Go" like a falconer releasing a falcon
On coming back from another commercial break at 11:47 Clive has joined Sophie in sitting incorrectly and barefoot on his chair
Sophie getting HEATED when O'Donnell says "When you've experienced God's grace in your life--" "We've ALL experienced God's grace in our life. That's an insult. That's an insult!" at 13:52, SPIRITUAL QUEERS LET'S GO
followed immediately by her and Clive sharing a big hug
followed immediately by Bill Maher joking about the two of them leaving together, and the two of them handclasping with the tight grip of rock climbers holding each other to the face of the earth
followed by Sophie asking how O'Donnell might feel about her and Clive getting married, O'Donnell saying "that would be a heterosexual marriage" and Sophie and Clive jumping over each other to say "NO NO NO IT WOULD NOT BE"
Listen, there's parts of this that are hard to watch. Bill Maher is here; he says stupid, provocative shit, including some stuff to O'Donnell that's absolutely gross. Christine O'Donnell is an out-and-out Christian nationalist. Clive and Sophie are defending their basic dignity and humanity and O'Donnell is allowed to have the last word, even though the last word is her laughing awkwardly as she fails to find a clobber text in the epistles.
But goddammit do I love watching Clive and Sophie. I love watching them hold each other's hands and bash back at O'Donnell and cackle while they do it. I mean it when I say this is queer history, to me, that this is what I want to be in the world. I want to take off my shoes and hold my siblings' hands and laugh heaven's laughter when they try to make me quiet.
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Chapter 3: sluts
" I can't believe you two." Bex scolded the two girls and their companions sitting across the table from her. How they thought they would get away with going down to breakfast in the state they were in and get away with it was beyond bexs knowledge. Gemma was wearing one of phils shirts and shorts. The shirt was too short on the girls lanky frame and showed most of her lower stomach as she stretched her arms over her head.
"Do we have to do this over Breakfast" he groaned resting her head on phils shoulder. The tank top he wore showed off the now deep purple lovebite. Gemma couldn't resist herself and made a show of kissing the mark.
Bex ignored her completely. "Well I could believe and expect this behavior out of Gemma but you 'maya?"
"Do not scold her for this!" Gemma argued. "I've never been more proud of anyone in my life they were at it until like 4 am "
"How do you know that?!" Steve ,who was previously quietly picking at his shirt, exclaimed.
"We have ears mate" phil sighed.
"If I hear another word out of you two your band will have to find a new set of terror twins"
"Ah damn, Did we miss the start of the threatening" Joe asked with sav and rebel trailing a few feet behind chatting about God only knows what.
Gemma shrugged gesturing at Bex with a peice of fruit she stole from phils plate in hand. " shes threatening. Were trying to enjoy breakfast" she popped the peice of cantaloupe into her mouth. Phil and steve remained quiet suddenly becoming very interested in their feet.
"We are the supporting act not the headliners bedwarmers" Bex insisted her hands flying around her as she spoke. Sav and rebel grabbed a cup of tea each and sat down.
"Technically speaking he was my bedwarmer last night" Amaya muttered at the same time as Gemma mumbled "diffrent type of support."
"You two are ridiculous" Bex sighed. "I forbid you from sleeping with them again"
"I'm 21 you can't tell me what to do" Gemma stated outraged with the order. "We aren't your children"
"Do you want it to look like the only reason we got on this tour was because we whored ourselves out? It'll be on the cover of every magazine. Watch itll be something like 'up and coming all girl rock band on tour with def leppard but did their music really land them the spot on the bill?' "
"Jesus christ" Gemma sighed. She was starting to get a headache.
"It's a big deal gem-"
"No it's not!" She snapped loudly causing phil to jump. "Your just pissed that we can trust men and you can't. I like phil and I think Amaya likes Steve and i know for a fact Harper likes Joe. Why not let us have this "
"Harper likes me?" Joe asked more to himself then anyone else as he stole the toast off of Steve's plate.
"Yes! You idiot" Gemma and Bex shouted at the same time.
" we aren't bad guys" phil stated.
"You guys are known for using women"
"To be fair we are known for using men" Rebel said sipping her tea. When bex shot her a glare she raised her hands in surrender. She felt alittle bad for the men but not bad enough to put herself in the crossfires.
What if you get hurt?"
"Then we'll cut their balls off and feed them to piranhas." Gemma grinned as phil crossed his legs.
"No we will be adults about it and move on" Amaya corrected her freind making all the men at the table alittle more comfortable. Not comfortable enough to uncross their legs.
"What if you fall in love with them and decide being a rockstars wife is better then being a Rockstar"
"Oh please" Amaya stated. "We aren't going to give up on music because we found some decent dick. No offense" she added quickly kissing Steve cheek.
"None taken"
"What if-"
"Bex enough. If they hurt us then you can kill them" Gemma bargained. "Let us have our fun okay? Just see what happens fair enough"
Silence spread around the corner and all eyes fell on Bex. "Alright fine do as you'd like" she sighed in defeat. "Thank God i can atleast trust one of you " she said looking at rebel who glanced at sav then smirked.
"In my defence it was really easy. You were too busy worrying about everyone else you didn't even realize I wasn't in our room last night"
"sluts absolutely all of you are sluts"
"What did we miss" Harper stated as her and Rick joined their bandmates.
"Please for the love of god tell me you didn't shag"
"What? No of course not" Harper exclaimed her brow furrowing.
"Sav seemed alittle occupied last night so Harper offered me to stay in her room considering she had a double room to herself. Why?"
"Your bandmates are whores"
"Joe or phil?" Rick asked.
"I'm. Innocent" Joe insisted.
"Only because your more dense then concrete." Gemma added.
"Why does everytime the word slut come about I'm to blame What did phil do? Who did phil do? How many did phil do? Why aren't we talking about Steve? I lost good hours of sleep because of him last night. Proud of you mate " he clapped his terror twin on the back. "Now I need to go take a shower before we get on the bus. Care to join me?" He grinned down offering his hand to Gemma. She took it letting him pull her up next to him leaning down to press a soft kiss against his lips.
"This is why!" Steve exclaimed, but his words landed on deaf ears as they were already headed towards the elevator hand in hand. "I don't think phils ever invited the same girl back into his room. It must have been a good night"
"I was thinking the same thing when I saw he was letting her cuddle up to him and eat his food" sav added.
"I think phil might have just found his soul mate" Rick grinned as the elevator closed blocking their veiw from the couple not before they all got a show of them kissing.
"Funny.. I was gonna say the same thing about Gem" Amaya stated.
"So, does anyone want to fill us in on the events of last night?" Harper asked, taking the half eaten peice of toast from Joe.
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"Jesus fuck that was a loud one," Dean mumbled, hearing yet another firework go off right outside the motel room. He looked over at Sam, sitting on the bed, bouncing his leg up and down, completely zoned out. "You doin alright?"
Sam snapped back into it. He laughed at the many things his brother could be referencing. "I'm fine."
"You sure? Fireworks aren't bothering you, are they?"
Sam scoffed. "Why would I be bothered by fireworks?"
Dean shrugs. Another firework is launched. Dean looks out the window, catching a glimpse of the colors in the sky. Must be setting them off from the parking lot behind the McDonalds across the street.
"What aren't you asking me?" Sam asked, sounding more on edge than he probably should be. Truth is, the fireworks were starting to get to him. Once or twice earlier was one thing, but now Sam was sick of flinching every two minutes.
Dean sighed. "Look, man, it's nothing. I've just noticed that ever since Madison..."
"What?" Sam snapped, not wanting to reopen that wound right now.
"...you've been a little jumpy at loud noises. First the car backfired, now the fireworks. Last week, you got thrown by that poltergeist because you couldn't shoot it with the rock salt."
Another firework. Sam practically jumped off the bed. "I said I'm fine," he snapped again, but this time it sounded more defeated, like he failed at trying to fool Dean and he had figured him out. "I'm taking a shower."
Dean just let him go. And never asked again.
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finelinevogue · 3 years
hiii ! could you write something about harry stalking y/n's Instagram but her account is private, so he sends a request and she accepts and she follows him back, and harry likes her pics (which aren't many) and tries to find out if she do you have a boyfriend or something?
this might be quite short but i hope this is alright for you;
“What’s the correct reaction I should use when Harry Styles requests to follow me?”
You asked your best friend, Heather, as you were both lounging on your bed. She was sat up against the headboard and you lay the opposite way around, holding you phone to the ceiling.
It was just another simple day for the two of you. You’d worked a long shift at the local supermarket and Heather had worker her long shift at the cat shelter, both of you now just having some down time to relax and regroup your thoughts before you even thought to start on dinner. Heather, your best friend and roommate, was an absolute tyrant in the kitchen which meant you were often the one to cook dinner. Tonight was shrimp risotto, if you could be bothered to get out of bed to actually make it. However you were no grounded to your bed more than ever, shocked with the current notification staring you square in the eyes.
“Why?” Heather laughed at you, not noticing your heavily serious face to your question, “you having your daily dreams over the man again?”
Okay, you didn’t have daily dreams… Nightly dreams, maybe. You had liked Harry for a while actually, perhaps since he had cut his hair for a movie he had done. You weren’t a huge fan of his and listened to his music occasionally - like when you were folding laundry or on a long train ride - but you weren’t dedicated to him. He was cute and his voice sounded really lovely. He was definitely the face you used in your nighttime scenarios, but you would never admit that out loud.
“No,” you briefly paused to find the right words to say, “because Harry Styles just requested to follow me.”
“You— What!” Heather sprung up from her position on the bed, but you stayed still and eyes fixed to your phone.
“Appropriate reaction?” You asked again, handing her your phone so she could see for herself.
“Um, ascending into heaven, I don’t know do I? The really question is why the fuck haven’t you accepted it?” She was quick to answer your question and even quicker to ask hers, looking at you as if you’d just told her you were born with only one tit.
“Maybe because it’s Harry Styles!” You exclaimed, sitting up and looking at her now the same way she had just done you.
“Babe, honey, that’s exactly why you need to accept him.” Tossing you back your phone you caught it as you looked to her. God, what was happening? You’d been stacking shelves at a supermarket 3 hours ago and now you were about to accept a follow request from Harry Styles - like the same man who you think about every night before bed and yet know barely anything about.
“Oh fuck it.” You clicked accept and then followed him back, switching your phone off and throwing it down onto the bed.
“Did you..”
Then you started to freak.
It hit you that Harry Styles could see all of your instagram photos - even the ones you were tagged in. Then you questioned whether he would even bother to stalk you? Was he that kind of person? How did he even find you in the first place? You had 489 followers to his near 50 million, so it’s not exactly like he just saw you appear in his notifications - you didn’t even follow him until 30 seconds ago. Let’s say he did see your photos, what would he see? For starters there’s the photos of you and your parents dogs and then just your parents. There’s you on the beach and you in the snow. There’s you with friends and still some posted of people you didn’t like anymore. It was okay.
“Do you think he’s wanking off to that picture of you in your lingerie?” Heather broke the silence.
“What?” You looked at her baffled by such a question.
“You know? The one you just posted like two days ago because it was body positivity week at the gym?”
You’d completely forgotten about that photo and you scrambled quick for your phone. God, you couldn’t let Harry see you like that. You’d felt really, really, good when you’d posted it, dressed in your black lingerie from Victorias Secret, but now you were insecure that Harry could’ve looked at the photo and… well, vomited maybe?
“Oh no, no, no.” You repeated as you went back onto Instagram, only to freeze. “Holy fuck balls.”
If your mother heard the tone of your tongue from the past 5 minutes, she would have you strung up on her washing line by your toes. Okay not literally, but something similar.
“What? What’s happened?” Heather pressed, nosy to the current situation.
“He liked the photo.”
“He what?” Heather shouted, a shit eating grin on her face.
“Oh my fuck he liked the photo.” You put the phone on the bed and got up off to stand up, pacing whilst your rubbed your hands over your stressed temples. “He liked the look.” You repeated to yourself, trying to convince yourself that this was actually happening.
Harry Styles had seen a photo of you in your lingerie. That is not something you’d ever thought you’d ever say, but there’s the fact. Like he’d seen you - your body. You paced the length of your bedroom, completely in your own head wondering where you’d go in your life past this moment. Crawling under a heavy rock to live forever sounded pretty good right now though.
“Have you done freaking out yet?” Heather asked sarcastically, watching you pace with your phone in her hands.
“No. Yes. Maybe. Is this an acceptable reaction?” You stressed your hands through your hair and cupped your hand over your mouth in shock that this was genuinely happening.
“So I shouldn’t tell you that he’s also sent a direct message?” She asked rhetorically, making you stop wearing a track into your carpet.
“Do you want to sit down first or…” Heather asked, clearly concerned you weren’t handling this all very well.
“No. I’d rather just collapse afterwards.” You nodded your head, egging her to continue.
“Okay…” She rolled her eyes and returned her eyes to the screen to start reading out the message. “Y/N—”
“Oh jesus.” You interrupted, clutching onto your desk chair as your legs went weak and you had to sit down. Heather laughed at you before continuing, her eyes lighting up as she skim read the message.
“I hope you’re having a lovely day. I hope you don’t find my follow request or liking of your photos too creepy or forward, it’s just I think you’re really beautiful and ever since I heard about you I just had to know who you were. If you don’t want to reply, that’s alright I understand, but if you would like to know me a bit more as I would like to get to know you then feel free to call me or just message back. If, however, you are already seeing someone I apologise for this message to both you and your partner. Wishing you all the best, H. x”
Breathe check. Yes, still breathing.
“Y/N?” Heather asked, noticing you were struck still.
“Okay…” You let out a shaky breathe, doing some internal meditation to try and calm the buzzing of nerves that were rushing throughout your entire body.
“Y/N?” Heather snapped you out of your attempt of peace. “What do you want to do now?”
“He called me beautiful.” You smiled at her she smiled back, happy that you were happy.
“He also said he had heard about you from somewhere?” Heather asked, having picked up on that important bit of information.
“And he wants to get to know me.”
“Yes, okay lover-woman, let’s focus here.”
“Right, yes. Focus.” You nodded your head, still in a dreamy daze.
“Should we call him?” Heather asked.
“Are you out of your goddamn mind?” You threw your hands up in the air, which shocked you both. “Woah, sorry. Do you seriously think he’s going to want to listen to me paralysed at the lips? No.”
“So, text?”
“Text, yes.” You sighed, coming to sit on the bed next to her and draft a message back to the man who was about to change your life.
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