#(of course to forgive them they'd have to be sorry and they're not so they can get fucked)
beskad · 6 months
not me re-watching the barbie movie and bawling my eyes out at the scene where Margo Robbie is sitting on the bus bench and watching the world around her because it's like. I know it's not exactly what they're going for, but just, that scene breaks me?? because of that sense of being a total stranger to the world, only really seeing it for the first time as a grown-ass adult and feeling so separated, so alienated from it, watching people and their range of human emotions and relationships, the awe and confusion and wonder and this strange new empathy for them and myself?? I just sob
0 notes
justrustandstardust · 3 months
*✧:*one, two, three (it's not only you and me)*:・✧*:
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@ryuqzn on X
"what suguru is trying to avoid saying is the whole cliché of 'we saw you from across the bar and we really like your vibe'," the white-haired man says, gaze flickering down your body. he looks back up, making eye contact.
"but it's true, so we were wondering if you'd like to join us for some fun," he says casually, blue eyes piercing.
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after you get stood up, you're ready to cut your losses and head home. when a couple approaches you at the bar with a proposition, you just might end up changing your mind.
MDNI: i'm not joking, this is utter filth and minors should steer clear of it like they're teenage boys and this is a decent haircut.
pairing: geto/gojo/you
a/n: this is for someone special. you know who you are.
important: afab reader, she/her pronouns
word count: 16k (i know, i fucking know)
because i'm clinically insane, i've created a playlist to enchance your listening ~pleasure. here's the spotify version, and here's the youtube version. this is purely for the girls, gays and theys. i hope you have as much fun reading this as i did writing it. (͡ ͡° ͜ つ ͡͡°)
the clock's just struck nine, and you sigh, glancing down at your phone for the umpteenth time that evening. you suppose it's your fault for having such shit taste in men, anyways, for agreeing to meet a loser that didn't even bother to show.
swirling the straw around your drink, you kick your legs out from your seat on the barstool and ponder whether or not to ask the bartender for another. this is already your third drink; you're no lightweight but even you aren't impervious to the effects of three whiskey neats.
sighing again, you decide to cut your losses and call it a night. fuck men, you think distastefully, reaching into your bag for your wallet. literally and figuratively. you got all dressed up for some asshole that couldn't even bother to take you to bed tonight.
you're rooting around in your purse for your wallet when there’s a sudden tap on your shoulder. you glance up, and are met with the faces of possibly the two most beautiful men you've ever seen before in your life. they tower over you, and though you're sitting, you know that even if you stood up they'd easily have several inches on you. the dark-haired man is sporting a half-up half-down hairstyle, the contours of his chest and broad shoulders barely hidden by a fitted dress shirt and leather jacket.
you glance at the other man, who's light-haired and blue-eyed. his waist is so impossibly small in his dress shirt that you almost reach out to wrap your hands around it, just to see if they could fit. they're looking at you like they're seeing through you, and you blink, heady from both the alcohol and weight of their gaze.
"sorry to interrupt, but are you heading out?" the dark-haired man asks politely, leaning forward slightly. you nod slowly, unsure of what he's going to say next.
he chuckles, ducking his head. "ah, that's too bad. my partner and i were wondering if you'd like to come out with us tonight."
"come out?" you say, raising an eyebrow. the white-haired man rolls his eyes, pushing at the dark-haired man's arm.
"what suguru is trying to avoid saying is the whole cliché of 'we saw you from across the bar and we really like your vibe'," he says, making direct eye contact with you.
"but it's true, so we were wondering if you'd like to join us for some fun," he says casually, gaze unwavering. your eyes nearly bulge out of your head and you glance between them, watching as the dark-haired man —suguru?— pushes back, swatting the white-haired man on the shoulder.
"you'll have to forgive satoru, he's a bit upfront. but yes, we would love to get to know you better, if you're interested," he says purposefully, dark eyes meeting yours.
"no pressure, of course. we'd be just as happy to call you a taxi to make sure you get home safe and leave it at that," he adds, nodding at the door. your tongue feels heavy in your mouth, and you glance between them, at the cocksure expression on the white-haired man's face and the carefully open one on his partner's.
"can i know your names?" you manage, and the dark-haired man smiles, eyes crinkling at the corners.
"you can call me geto. this is gojo," he says, gesturing to the white-haired man, who boisterously sticks out his tongue and flashes a peace sign.
you tell them your name in return and geto smiles again, glancing at gojo.
"that's a beautiful name. we'd be happy to do whatever you'd like to do tonight— it's totally up to you. we'll be happy with any choice you make, even if that means our acquaintanceship ends here," geto says kindly but meaningfully, looking into your eyes so you know he's serious. gojo nods beside him, and then smirks.
"wherever you're headed won't be nearly as exciting as us, though," he intones liltingly, brow raised in challenge. geto smacks him upside the head and he winces, pouting at the abuse.
"satoru is just joking," geto says, glancing sharply at gojo. "we are completely okay with whatever you want to do. we just want to make our interest in you very, very clear."
you haven't moved for the entirety of this interaction. you glance between them again, at these two heaven-sent men on a night you were basically begging to be dicked down only to be disappointed by the universe (read: a random loser whose name you can't even remember). swallowing hard, you think that you made your choice as soon as the words left geto's lips.
"i'll come with you," is what finally comes out of your mouth, throat dry. geto's lips quirk upwards and gojo grins, extending a hand to help you down from the barstool.
"just let me pay for these drinks first," you say, going for your purse. geto shakes his head and steps forward, catching your wrist in one hand and guiding it away from your bag.
"i don't think so," he says simply, releasing your wrist and reaching into his back pocket. he throws way too many bills onto the counter and you're trying not to gape as gojo snickers, urging you to take his hand. his palm is warm to the touch as he helps you down from the barstool, geto bringing up the rear with a featherlight touch to the small of your back.
you were right. even with heels, they tower over you. flanked on either side, they walk you to the door, geto pushing it open and gesturing for you to go through. as you pass him, you catch a whiff of versace's eau fraiche, the distinct notes of rosewood filtering through your nostrils. gojo follows behind you, tapping on his phone.
it's cold, and you didn't bring a jacket. you're trying to appear like you're not shivering but geto notices anyways, shrugging off his own leather jacket to drape around your shoulders. gojo steps away, raising his phone to his ear.
"where are we going?" you ask, geto's cologne enveloping you along with his residual body heat. geto glances at gojo, who's speaking quietly to someone on the phone.
"somewhere private," he says, brushing his bangs away from his forehead. he looks at you, something darkening in his gaze. "somewhere no one will disturb us."
gojo hangs up the phone, stepping off the curb into the street. seconds later, a sleek black SUV pulls up, windows tinted. gojo goes around the other side and geto opens the door for you, holding out a hand to help you inside. it's easily the most expensive car you've ever been in, the seats plush and the interior unbelievably spacious. there are four seats facing each other, the front of the car partitioned so the driver isn't visible. gojo takes the seat opposite you, kicking up his feet and folding his hands behind his head.
geto sits down beside you, reaching into a small compartment that evaded your notice to produce a chilled bottle of water.
"so you can sober up," he explains, unscrewing the cap. "we don't want you intoxicated for what's coming next."
"what's coming next?" you parrot, taking the water. gojo snickers again, pulling a lollipop out from god knows where and popping it between his teeth. he sucks, cheeks hollowing around the candy, eyes never leaving yours.
"we're down to do whatever you want to do," geto says, turning to face you. his features are open, honest. "we just need to know what's on the table."
"everything," you reply too quickly, answer coming out instantly. geto chuckles good-naturedly, gesturing to the water.
"then you'll have to get started on that."
you've never chugged water so hastily in your life. the drive is short, ten minutes at best, and the three of you sit in comfortable silence, tempered by the sounds of smooth rnb filtering through the car's speakers. the car pulls up beside a skyscraper, endlessly tall against the city skies. gojo takes the empty bottle from your hand and carelessly tosses it aside, stepping outside and taking your hand in his to help you out of the car. geto goes around the other way, nodding at the driver as the car rolls away from the curb.
the building is locked, and you watch as gojo pulls out a black card, flashing it in front of a sensor. the doors part to reveal an immaculate marble lobby, scaffolded by floor-to-ceiling windows that are at least three stories high. building staff are positioned discreetly behind tall counters, none of whom pay gojo and geto any mind as the three of you make their way through to the elevators. your heels are clacking on the polished floor, geto's jacket snug around your shoulders.
there are eight elevators, but only one with a sensor. gojo flashes his card again, the elevator doors sliding open. geto holds the door for you as you step inside, taking gojo's proffered arm. he presses the only button on the wall —labelled PH— as geto follows you inside, the doors closing behind him. you're still holding onto gojo's arm as the elevator rises, and rises, and rises. it moves silently, the only sound the clack of the lollipop against gojo's teeth. it's been at least two full minutes and you're starting to wonder if you're genuinely in the stratosphere when there's a quiet ping and the elevator slows to a stop.
geto steps out, motioning at you to go ahead. gojo leads you down the hall to what appears to be the only suite on the entire floor. expecting the black card again, you're surprised when he presses his palm to a large, flat pad, which scans his hand and flashes green. the door clicks open and gojo heads inside, geto once again bringing up the rear.
you're confronted by the most stunning residence you've ever seen. the architecture is open-concept, with two stories connected by a spiral staircase. the same floor-to-ceiling windows from the lobby showcase the glittering city skyline, lights twinkling just below the clouds. everywhere you look, there's sleek leather and white marble, outfitted with tasteful minimal decor and modern art.
"where am i?" is all you're able to say, struggling to pick your jaw up from the floor. gojo laughs, sliding his jacket off and tossing it onto a chaise in the living room.
"don't worry about it," he winks, pulling the lollipop from between his lips and ignoring geto's subsequent eyerolling. "life is better when you get it to live it in 3D."
"he's a nepo baby," geto interjects, going around the kitchen island and opening two massive fridge doors. "and he's insufferable, so being rich makes him easier to deal with."
gojo huffs indignantly, tossing the lollipop in something discreetly disguised as a garbage.
geto rummages around in the fridge, taking out the most expensive-looking sandwich you've ever seen. "hungry?"
you shake your head, and geto looks at you, imploring. "i know you had the water, but you're going to need....energy, for what we have planned."
choice made. placing your purse down on the island, you make your way over to where he's standing, taking the baguette. hopping onto a stool, you take a bite, eyebrows shooting up your forehead at the rich flavours. brie, prosciutto, fig jam.....the list continues.
geto glances at gojo, who's now only wearing his slacks, dress shirt and tie. "satoru, you can start getting the room ready. i'll bring her when she's done."
you’re mildly surprised when gojo makes an affirmative noise and leaves without snark, setting off to one of the many rooms in the suite. after he disappears from sight, geto turns back to you.
"this is the part where i ask how you like it," he says, leaning his elbows onto the kitchen island. you swallow, fig jam tangy on your tongue.
"like i said," you meet his gaze, holding steady. "i like all of it."
geto smiles, eyes crinkling at the corners. "both ends?"
"every single one," you say purposefully, never breaking eye contact.
he chuckles, nodding to himself. "we're clean, by the way."
"as am i," you confirm, popping the last bite of sandwich into your mouth. "on birth control, too," you add, after chewing.
"good to know," geto remarks, pushing himself off his elbows. he helps you down from the stool, taking his jacket from your shoulders and setting it down on the counter. fingertips dancing along the small of your back, he guides you down the same direction gojo went earlier, stopping in front of a large door.
"last chance to change your mind," he says, voice low. he's looking at you openly, honestly. "there won't be any hard feelings either way."
you've never been so sure of anything in your life. "i want this," you breathe, suffocated by the truth of that statement. "i want both of you."
geto exhales, slow smile gracing his features. wordlessly, he opens the door, gesturing for you to go ahead. the room is dimly lit by cool-toned floorlights, but you can make out the shape of a bed in the centre, warmed by a fireplace at its opposite. the same floor-to-ceiling windows showcase the city skyline, creating a glittering effect along the room’s walls. you squint at the far-off section of the room with tiled floor, following the tile into a bathroom that houses a massive, glass doored rainfall shower, alongside an enormous claw-foot tub.
gojo is standing in front of the bed, lanky stature backlit by the cityscape outside. he's still wearing his shirt, slacks and tie, sans his shoes. the door clicks shut behind you, and you sense more than see geto take a step towards you, breath ghosting along the nape of your neck.
deafening silence engulfs the room as every single one of your hairs stand on end, the energy in the space charged. gojo hasn't moved and neither has geto, both standing stock still in the silence like they're waiting for you to make the first move.
you let out a shuddering exhale and that's all geto needs, his hand wrapping around your jaw as his mouth attaches itself to your neck. he sucks harshly, hungrily, as his other hand grips your waist from behind, pressing the entire length of his body against yours. gojo is in front of you in an instant and you don't waste a second, yanking him forward by the tie to crash your lips together.
the artificial flavour of the lollipop is sweet on his tongue as he kisses you with intention, hand slipping down to hike your leg around his waist. geto's tongue is working against your neck at the same time, the sensation of two hot mouths overwhelming. gojo sucks your lower lip into his mouth as geto bites the juncture of your neck, eliciting a whine into gojo's teeth.
heat is pooling between your legs and you can feel that they're both hard already, gojo pressed into your front and geto against your back. geto suddenly releases your jaw, taking a step back as gojo lifts you up, settling your other leg around his waist. he's still making out with you as your arms wrap around his shoulders and he walks you both to the bed, carrying you like it's effortless. he sets you down onto the bed, breaking away once you're laid flat on its smooth surface.
you make to grab his tie again and he snatches your wrist in one hand, smirking.
"eager, are we?"
"a bitch, are you?" you snipe, enjoying the way his eyes flash with amusement. he pins your wrist above your head, dipping his head down so that your noses are brushing.
"if you want something, you'll have to ask it for it," he says lowly, gaze flickering down to your mouth. "nicely."
"make me," you retort breathlessly, capturing his lips in a searing kiss. he kisses you back just as hard, broad shoulders caging you in as your hand twists uselessly in his grip.
he breaks away, releasing your wrist. geto reappears, shirtless and wearing only his black jeans. you barely have time to appreciate the muscled planes of his chest and the toned flesh of his abs as he grabs the back of gojo's head, messily bringing their mouths together.
gojo moans against his lips, palms coming up to press at his chest. without breaking apart, geto rips his shirt, buttons flying everywhere as fabric tears. somehow, the tie remains.
gojo shoves him away, stepping backwards to frown at what used to be his shirt. "that was expensive, you know."
"you can buy a dozen more," geto says mildly, turning back to you. you're transfixed, staring at gojo's bare chest that is just as defined as geto's, at the dip of his collarbones and the defined ridges of his abdomen.
gojo makes a face at his ruined shirt and disappears into the bathroom, leaving you alone with geto.
"you're wearing far too many clothes," says geto, a shadow passing over his features. you swallow, shrinking into the bed as something that's not quite fear passes over you— more like an impending sense that something is coming.
geto climbs onto the bed, getting all up into your space immediately. claiming your mouth with his own, he kisses you like he fucking owns you, subsuming every thought in your mind to the point that you don't even notice him unzipping your dress.
he removes your clothes with a care that he didn't use in taking off gojo's, gently tossing your dress aside when you're down to your bra and panties. you're staring up at him as he leans down into you, warm hand resting on your hip.
gojo reappears with a remote in his hand, and you hear a click followed by the same smooth rnb from the car. there must be speakers threaded into the walls because the sound feels like it's coming from everywhere, weaving together the neurons in your brain that have been fried by sensation.
"is this okay?" geto's voice is soft but his eyes are piercing as he lifts you up towards him, palms supporting your back. you nod haltingly, heat flooding your veins as he inclines his head to kiss you again. without stopping, he deftly unclasps your bra one-handed, throwing it against the wall without looking. all of a sudden, he pulls away, standing up and moving to the foot of the bed.
gojo swaps places with him, coming up to your torso. you raise an eyebrow in question and geto smiles knowingly, climbing onto the bed and settling in front of your legs.
"satoru and i have different areas of speciality, you could say." gojo's smirk is back on his face as he takes in the sight of your naked chest, watching the flush that you're fighting spread down your clavicle.
"don't be shy, now," he teases, ignoring your death glare. you're about to retort but the air suddenly leaves your lungs in a whoosh as gojo bends forward, taking one of your nipples into his mouth. his soft hands cup your breasts, massaging firmly as his tongue flickers against the hardening bud.
you let out a shaky exhale, toes curling as one of your hands comes up to rest in his hair. the sensation is so intense that you almost don't notice geto sliding your panties down your legs until you feel the cool air against your damp lips.
gojo continues his ministrations, sucking your nipple into his mouth and tonguing it hard, nipping when you let out a low groan. geto spreads your legs and settles between them, kneeling on the bed. dark head bent, he drops lingering kisses up your legs, all the way from your calves up to your inner thighs. his lips are warm on your skin and you're absolutely throbbing, aching for it as he gets closer to your burning core.
gojo has switched to your other breast and geto is pressing butterfly kisses to the soft flesh of the inside of your thighs, sucking tender hickeys into the thin skin. the sensations are too much and not enough all at once, overwhelming your senses but not quite satisfying the ache inside you for more.
geto's mouth is everywhere except where you want it most— he's at the crease of your thigh, at the seam of your hip, the bump of your pubic bone. his breath ghosts over your slick lips, a sly smile lifting the corner of his mouth when you buck up, chasing. as gently as a butterfly beats its wings, he circles your clit with the pad of a fingertip, not quite touching it in the way he knows you want him to. you can’t hold back the whine that escapes your mouth, and geto’s lips quirk, his expression amused. his hands are warm on your hips and it feels like coming home when his lips finally meet yours, lapping up the slickness in your folds like a man parched.
gojo has released your nipples and he's positioned himself behind you to prop your upper body up, nibbling on your earlobes with his palms still cupping your breasts. geto's dark head is buried between your legs and he's eating you out like he was fucking born for it, alternating between dipping his tongue inside of you and sealing his lips around your clit. sucking down rasping breaths, you see stars when his mouth forms a vacuum around your clit and he sucks hard , your thighs clamping around his head as your hand fists in his hair.
geto hasn't stopped, arms beneath your thighs to hold your hips down as he pushes his tongue deeper inside your sopping centre. a choked-off moan falls from your lips and gojo snickers into the skin of your neck, his naked chest and the fabric of the tie pressed into your spine.
"you're enjoying dessert, aren't you, suguru?" gojo's voice is lilting and you would retort but you can't, too busy gasping for air as geto just hums in agreement, relentlessly tonguing your clit.
gojo begins leaving lovebites all around your shoulders and you can feel his fingers twisting and pinching your nipples, the sensation heightened by geto feasting between your legs. you're so wet that his chin is glistening with it, a few strands of his dark hair slipping out and falling into his face as he eats you out with vigour, the tendons in his jaw tensing from effort.
“oh god, don’t stop,” you cry out, fists clenched in the sheets. gojo chuckles behind you, tweaking a nipple and laughing when you spasm. 
“did you hear that, suguru? i think you’re gonna have to step it up.” 
without taking his mouth off your clit, his long fingers slide so smoothly inside of you that they may as well have been there all along. pumping shallowly, he continues to suck on your clit, pulsing his lips and flicking his tongue around the most sensitive part of you.
you keen, high and loud, and geto doesn't need words to understand, pressing a final kiss to your clit and leaning back to thrust his hand properly. he crooks his fingers, searching, and you cry out when he hits your spot, toes curling so hard it hurts. 
"right there, huh?" geto murmurs knowingly, fingering you ruthlessly. you ride the high, sparks bursting behind your eyelids. the solid warmth from behind you suddenly disappears as gojo lowers you onto the bed, and you crack an eye open just in time to see him grin devilishly and press his fingers down onto your mound, right above where geto's hand is inside of you.
the combination of inner and outer pressure is too much and you mewl, legs jerking as your walls contract and a sensation you've never felt before washes over you, almost like your body is releasing a gush of liquid.
"we got her to squirt," gojo declares smugly, continuing to press down as geto works you through your orgasm. you're arching off the bed, sheets clenched in your hands as wave after wave of pleasure crashes down upon you, an infinite tsunami upon a helpless shore.
after what feels like forever, you slump back down, chest heaving. geto gently withdraws his hand from between your legs and licks his fingers while gojo lifts his hand to release the pressure from your pelvis. you lift your head up to see gojo standing at the foot of the bed, palming the front of his pants, face scrunched up in want. geto looks to be faring no better as he gets up to stand beside gojo, bulge straining against his jeans.
"i think it's time we got these off," geto says, unzipping his pants. gojo shucks off his slacks in one go, ripping off the tie that somehow remained around his neck throughout all of this. suddenly they're both down to their underwear, black boxers tented.
they glance at you and then back at each other before gojo drops to his knees on the floor, pulling geto's boxers down with him. you watch, spent, as gojo takes geto into his mouth, swallowing around him and fondling his sack. geto tips his head back and rakes a hand through gojo’s hair, peering down at his head bobbing on his length. you're enjoying the show as geto thrusts shallowly into his mouth, his abs flexing with the motion.
gojo’s adam’s apple is bobbing as his throat works, and he keeps going until geto's breathing grows laboured, only stopping when geto gestures with his chin toward you on the bed. gojo releases him with a lewd pop and barely has a second to collect himself before geto's pushing him onto his back, stripping off his underwear and taking him down into his throat in one go. you watch, amazed, at what appears to be geto's total lack of a gag reflex.
"throat goat," gojo remarks fondly, reaching down to thread his hand through geto's dark hair. geto slaps his thigh and gojo chuckles, breaking off to groan when geto urges him on, pushing his ass forward to get him to fuck his throat.
you're still recovering from your climax when geto releases gojo from his mouth, wiping at the saliva around his lips. gojo glances at you, grinning as he pushes himself up onto his palms.
"want a turn?" he asks impishly, gesturing at geto, who stands up. you raise yourself into a sitting position up by the elbows and regard the two men in front of you and their well-endowed assets. gojo is longer but slightly thinner, like a water bottle. geto is girthier and thicker, like a beercan. you'll happily take both.
"i think she's got another orgasm in her, don't you?" geto climbs onto the bed and tugs you onto your hands and knees, gojo going behind you. "why don't you see what you can do about that, satoru."
you're gazing hungrily at the girthy length of geto, veiny and uncut up close. he's still glistening with gojo's saliva as you lick the tip, geto's palm coming to rest on your head. you're taking him down inch by inch as you feel gojo settle behind you, shivering as he trails a finger through the wetness gathered at your lips.
one hand gripping your hip, he lines himself up and pushes inside your wet heat until he's flush against your ass, forcing all the air out of your lungs. in the same instant, you reach the base of geto's length, full at both ends. you moan around him as gojo begins to thrust in earnest, the sound of skin slapping skin reverberating around the room as he fucks you relentlessly.
"shit," gojo says lowly, fingers digging into your hips hard enough to bruise. "you're taking me like a champ."
geto's eyes are closed, his palm resting on your hair. you pull back, flattening your tongue beneath the head while your hand jacks off whatever your mouth can't reach. gojo changes angles and you can suddenly feel him in your chest, his tip so deeply inside of you that it's kissing your cervix.
you pick up the pace, tonguing the slit, and geto is openly groaning, gripping your hair hard enough that it hurts. you don't mind it— you encourage it, in fact, while gojo's fucking you hard enough that your walls will surely remember his shape. every time he brings you back onto his length, heady pleasure shoots through your veins, your toes tingling hotly. you can already feel another orgasm coming as gojo reaches a hand between your legs, searching for your clit. he twists his fingers evilly, not letting up when you let out a muffled moan around geto's girth.
"i think she likes it," gojo says, smirk audible in his voice. he rubs in tight, deliberate circles, his hand quickening as you stop sucking and just breathe, eyes rolling back in your head when he snaps his hips and simultaneously hits your spot.
you hear him laugh breathlessly, thrusts hindered somewhat as your walls spasm around him, his pace slowing as you come for the second time. he fucks you through it, pulling out when it becomes too much. gojo smacks your ass, laughing at the surprised yelp that exits your mouth.
"couldn't resist, princess," he winks at you, coming around to the front of the bed. again, they swap positions and geto moves to the back, warm hands settling around your waist. he brings you backwards onto him, your shoulder blades against his chest. he's warm, so warm, and you melt into his arms. he presses soft kisses into your neck, humming when you sigh contentedly and tip your head onto his shoulder.
"aren't you glad you had that sandwich?" he murmurs into your skin, hands roving all over your pliant body. the sound of a cap opening interrupts your reply, which was just going to be an mmhm-hmm anyways. you blink, watching gojo squeeze lube onto his fingers and stroke geto between your legs, whose eyelids flutter closed at the sensation.
after a few moments, gojo releases geto, who then lifts you up like you weigh nothing, settling you above him on your knees, one braced on either side of his hips. your back is still to his chest, and you turn your head to meet his gaze, cocking your head in question.
"lube?" you say, watching geto chuckle. he smooths a hand down your side, soothing.
"i know you don't have any problems getting wet," he smiles, gaze flickering down your body between your legs. he looks up, eyes dark. "but we can't have you feeling raw just yet."
your heart jumps in your chest when a hand grabs your chin, turning your head to face the front. you're met with the full mast of gojo, who's up on his knees in front of you, his shins pressing into the bed. it happens all at once and geto is lowering you down as you swallow around gojo, the taste of precome heady on your tongue. you sink down onto geto for what feels like forever, his tip reaching towards your ribs.  
if gojo fucked you relentlessly, geto fucks you like god himself commanded him, a divine task ordained straight from the heavens above. he bounces you up and down, pushing his hips up to meet yours on every thrust. your palms are braced on gojo's thighs and you can barely breathe around him, glancing up to see his eyes screwed shut in pleasure as he wantonly pumps his hips into your mouth, sliding his length along your tongue.
geto's hands are vicelike around your waist, his hot, hard length stretching your walls every time he brings you down onto his hips. they're working in tandem, each fucking a pair of your lips, and it’s so fucking good that you could cry. you’re absolutely stuffed at both ends, hot pleasure emanating from your core to spread throughout your body every time geto pushes back into you. another orgasm is cresting on the horizon as he picks up the pace, jackrabbiting his hips as he lifts you up impossibly higher, the bed creaking from the combined force of their movements.
"god, you're tight," geto grunts, punctuated by the sound of his balls slapping your ass. "so tight, just for me."
you're so close, you're so fucking close, and you've stopped sucking entirely as geto fucks you harder, your breasts bouncing in time with the motion. gojo suddenly pulls out from your mouth and you don't have time to react before he drops into a kneeling position and grasps your jaw in his hand, bringing your lips to meet his own. gojo slides his tongue inside your mouth, his hand moving up from your jaw to hold your head as his tongue caresses yours.
you moan into his mouth, arms coming up to wrap around his neck as you pull him flush to your chest while geto continues to fuck you, bliss radiating outward from where you’re joined. your nipples are pebbled against the smooth planes of gojo's clavicle and he deepens the kiss, fingers weaving into your hair as his other hand slips down to dance along your overly sensitive clit.
geto tilts his hips and floods every sense in your body with white-hot ecstasy as he rails your spot, the curve of gojo’s smirk sharp against your mouth while his fingertips stroke your clit. you drench the bed for the second time that night as you come, back arching in geto's grip as gojo's fingertips tease the lips stretched around geto's girth, still pistoning in and out of you.
"nice, we got a second squirt," gojo crows, eyes crinkling in mirth as he draws back. he raises his hand for a high-five and you don't have to look to know geto is rolling his eyes as he slaps gojo's hand. geto slowly brings you down to lean onto him, his chest rising and falling from exertion. he's still buried inside of you and you can barely think through the haze in your mind, sagging limply into his arms. geto supports your weight, whispering quietly into your hair as you come down.
"that's it, just like that." his voice is gentle, unlike the way he was moving inside of you moments ago. he twines his arms around your waist as you both catch your breath, the broad muscle of his chest firm against your back. your eyes are closed and your entire body is relaxed, held up by geto's sturdy frame.
"you guys didn't come," you manage to say, voice thick. you feel geto's chest rumble as he laughs, low and deep in your ear.
"that's very kind of you to be concerned," he says, soft smile audible in his voice. "but it's all good. we like to draw things out."
you feel the bed dip as gojo climbs back on, the click of a bottle cap echoing in the quiet of the room.
"we're going to give you a bit of a break," gojo tells you, voice teasing. "you can relax and enjoy the show."
you blink blearily, limbs liquified as geto lifts you off and carefully sets you to his side, wrapping an arm around you as you curl up beside him. you watch while gojo lubes him up again, twisting his wrist knowingly when he meets the head. gojo glances up and they share a private moment, conversing without words. you're content to watch as an intimate smile graces geto's features and gojo leans forward to peck him on the lips, still stroking all the while.
geto withdraws his arm from around you, sitting up to settle gojo on top of his thighs. he spreads gojo's legs over his own, their faces close enough to share the same breath. the lube reappears and gojo leans his weight onto his palm, watching as geto squeezes some over his fingers. they're in an incredibly intimate position, almost lotus-like, legs folded together and gojo's other hand braced on geto's shoulder.
geto slides the first finger inside of gojo with so much confidence that it's obvious they've done this a thousand times before. gojo's spine arches and he exhales hard, eyelids fluttering shut as geto starts stretching him out. geto's dark eyes are trained on his disappearing finger, and you can see gojo's hand tensing around his shoulders. gojo's shaky breaths echo around the room when geto adds another finger, thrusting with more urgency. there's a squelching sound every time his hand meets gojo's ass, and you watch in awe as gojo takes it like he was fucking born for nothing else.
they're both hard as hell, and you're starting to wonder if it's getting painful. you don't have time to contemplate this thought for long before geto's up to three fingers and he changes the angle of his hand, gojo's body jerking violently as geto deliberately hits his spot. geto cranes his neck to suckle at gojo’s nipple, smirking into his chest when he mewls. he squeezes gojo's ass with his free hand and continues pressing his spot as gojo spasms, his lips parted in a soundless moan.
geto carefully withdraws his hand, kissing gojo softly on the lips before taking his wrists and pulling him up onto his knees. geto climbs off the bed, going to stand behind gojo. his eyes flicker over to you and you meet his gaze, cloudy with want. geto doesn't look away as he pushes himself inside of gojo, his arms wrapping around gojo's torso to tug him up against his chest. he starts thrusting carefully, letting gojo adjust to the feeling of his full length inside of him.
you can feel yourself getting wet again as geto finally closes his eyes, pressing his mouth to gojo's neck as he pulls out slowly, bringing his hips forward again. you're brimming with hunger as you watch their bodies move together, geto's one hand wrapped around gojo's throat and the other pressed flat to his chest, holding him upright. gojo is making low noises, quiet ungh-ungh-unghs as geto fills him up, again and again.
"who do you belong to?" geto grunts into his neck, hand tightening around his throat, gojo’s adam’s apple protruding between his fingers.
gojo breathes out a shuddering exhale, his knees and shins pressed into the mattress. his entire weight is leaned onto geto, who's somehow supporting him and fucking him simultaneously.
gojo bites his lip, furrowing his brow. you can see the muscles of geto's ass flexing as he plunges into gojo, not letting up for even a second.
"well," gojo rasps, sounding like he's going for contemplative but ending up wanton instead. "you'll just have to ask george clooney."
geto’s balls slap gojo's ass when he delivers a particularly punishing thrust, pushing all the air out of gojo in a loud huff.
"are you sure about that?" geto sounds remarkably composed for a man who's inside another man's ass.
gojo is only able to make a noise of affirmation in response, a strained uh-huh through his teeth. his giggle is breathless when geto releases his throat to slap his cheek, the thwack loud in the quiet.
"why don't you try again," geto's voice is rough and he changes angles, finding exactly what he's searching for when gojo's body jackknifes into his chest.
"fine, you got me,” gojo moans, throwing his head back onto geto's shoulder. "tell george that i'm —ah!— cheating on him with matt damon.”
this was clearly not the answer geto was looking for. he quickens his pace, slamming his hips hard enough into gojo’s ass to bruise. reaching a hand around to wrap around gojo’s length, his fist is a blur as he strokes in time with his thrusts.
“who do you belong to?” geto says again, strained but still pointed, leaving no room for argument. gojo’s body is strung taut, every muscle tensed with his mouth open and face pinched tight as the bed shakes.
you can only stare as the veins pop out of gojo's neck, abs contracting with his back arched against geto's chest. "i h— i heard idris elba is free— agh!"
geto releases him and pulls out in the same second, taking a full step backwards. gojo lets out a sound that sounds like a sob, body folding in half at the sudden, overwhelming emptiness.
geto continues to stand there, unmoving and unflinching. he's hard as a rock but he looks like he could wait forever as gojo curls in on himself, distraught by the lack of sensation.
gojo whimpers brokenly and brings a hand to his mouth to stifle the sound, his body visibly aching with need. "you," he sobs, on the verge of tears when it finally comes out. "only you. always you."
geto nods, just once, and the relief on gojo's face is palpable when geto yanks him upright and pushes back inside of him in one snap of his hips. geto's rhythm is harsh as he takes gojo again in his other hand, squeezing from root to tip. geto swipes his thumb over the head and gojo makes a choked-off noise, turning his head over his shoulder to tangle their tongues together.
"brat," geto says into his mouth, to which gojo can only whine in agreement.
they're both breathing heavily and it's the hottest thing you've ever fucking seen, the pleasure visible on both of their faces. gojo is biting his lip, eyes scrunched shut, and sweat is beading at geto's temple as he moves, his brows creased. gojo's mouth falls open and he keens, high and loud, body rocking into geto's as they have sex in front of you.
you just met him a few hours ago but you can tell gojo is close, his breaths growing ragged and moans increasing in pitch as he nears climax. right before the event horizon, geto lets go of gojo, stilling his movements but remaining inside of him. gojo lets out an aggravated groan and cracks an eye open, turning his head to look at you.
"this is where you come in, princess," he manages, speech almost slurred. "come here."
he doesn't have to tell you twice. scampering over, you comply when gojo motions for you to turn around. his grip is tight on your ass when he brings your hips back, the hard length of him pressing into the wetness pooled between your legs. he slips inside of your tight heat effortlessly, filling you to the hilt as geto starts fucking him again. gojo is stretching you out and you love the feeling of being so damn full, head hanging low and breasts swaying with the motion as geto fucks gojo and gojo fucks you.
the sound of skin on skin fills the room and you're seeing stars as gojo makes high-pitched sounds, geto's panting filling up the spaces in between his whimpers. it's quite possibly the most erotic thing you've ever experienced, having one man inside of you while another man is inside of him. you can't help but wonder how it feels for gojo, filling up one person with someone else filling him up simultaneously.
they're moving in time with each other, and you hear gojo's breathing become frantic as he gasps. the force of geto's thrusts are pushing him forwards into you, nudging his head repeatedly into your cervix. gojo's palms are hot on your hips, and you feel more than see his body tense up as he approaches orgasm. a loud gasp is pushed out of his chest when geto reaches around to pinch his nipples. 
gojo chokes on air, rutting forward into you and pushing himself back onto geto in the same moment. he sounds wrecked with sensation as geto doesn't stop for a second, pounding into him while you clench and milk him for all he's worth.
"fuck, suguru, i'm gonna— fuck, i'm coming," gojo cries, spilling deep inside of you. geto fucks him through it, pushing gojo's load deeper inside of you as he keeps coming. gojo has stopped moving and just rides out his climax, grip loosening around your hips. geto's forcing him forwards into you over and over again, the motion bracketed by gojo's unfettered groans and his own harsh panting. after a long minute, you feel geto pull out of gojo and gojo pull out of you, the lewd noises juxtaposed against the soft music still playing.
gojo flops down onto the bed beside you, chest heaving. geto disappears into the bathroom only to reappear moments later with a damp towel, which gojo catches in one hand. he goes again into the bathroom and you hear the sound of the shower starting up.
"what's he doing?" you ask, watching gojo's chest rise and fall. he holds up a finger, slowing his breathing before he answers you.
"cleaning himself up," he says between lungfuls of air. he turns his head to look at you and winks. "he needs to wash up for what we have planned next with you."
you don't have time to ponder exactly what that could entail before gojo suddenly sits up and manhandles you onto your back, his hands pushing your collarbones. you can feel his release leaking out of you, slippery in between your thighs.
"remember what i said about asking nicely?" his blue eyes are piercing as they bore into yours. gojo is close enough that you can count his eyelashes, and you catch the lingering scent of ysl’s black opium cologne. you swallow, toes tingling at the sheer proximity.
he leans into you and you're dumbstruck by the broadness of him as he cages you in, dipping his head down to brush his nose against yours. barely breathing, you have to bite back a whimper as gojo’s mouth moves to your throat.
"manners are important, you know." sucking hungrily, he spreads your legs with a knee, reaching down to clean up the mess he made inside of you.
"shocked that you would know, seeing as you don't have any," you choke out, nails scrabbling at his shoulder blades while he wipes you clean, the light touch of gojo's hand stark in contrast to the teeth at your throat. you feel him grin into your skin.
"i'm demonstrating them right now, aren’t i?" you can't tell if you're wet from him coming inside of you or from the way he's touching you, once again too much and not enough all at once.
"don't gentlemen always clean up the messes they make?" gojo asks rhetorically, lips moving on your skin. "i'm nothing if not a gentleman."
"and i'm the goddamn president," your voice wobbles but it comes out sufficiently derisory for you in this moment. "since we're telling jokes now."
gojo bites, sucking hard enough to leave a purpled bruise. you can't stop your hand from twisting in his hair, your body arching up into him.
"i know what you want," gojo’s voice is low as he tilts your jaw up for better access, his mouth hot on your neck. he throws the soiled towel aside without looking. "and i'm not going to give it to you until you ask. nicely. "
he moves down your body, leaving bruising kisses along your sternum, your ribs, your hipbones. his palms are cool when they press into your knees, pushing your legs apart so he can kneel between them. gojo looks up at you from beneath his lashes, daring you to retort.
"i know you can do it," he drawls, voice lilting in condescension. he grazes a finger through your slick folds, darting away when your eyelids flutter. "all you need to do is ask."
sheets clenched in your hands, you bite your lip. looking down, you appraise the cocky grin on gojo's face, his eyebrow raised in challenge. he's a bitch, for sure, but it takes one to know one.
"no," is all you say, watching his gaze darken. "i don't think i will."
gojo's mouth is above your clit in a flash, breath hot on your slick lips. your hips buck up involuntarily and he leans back, laughing. you kick at his chest with a foot, resisting the urge to pout.
"come on, it won't kill you," he says mockingly. "it might even do you good to learn some manners." 
his hands are firm on your hipbones and he dips his head back down, breathing along your lips. every fibre of your being is on fire and you want it so bad it hurts, throbbing hotly at your core but you will not give him the goddamn satisfaction.
he presses open-mouthed kisses to the inside of your thighs, snickering at the sharp inhale through your nose when he scrapes the thin skin with his teeth. an accidental moan slips from your mouth when he sucks a hickey into your hip, the hand that flies up to stifle it coming too late.
heart racing, a devious smile suddenly quirks your lips. "i don't need to ask," you say, tone just as mocking as gojo's. "to know geto is better at eating me out."
gojo stills against you, his mouth hot on your skin. he draws back slowly, eyes flicking up to meet yours. his grip tightens around your hips and you meet his gaze unwaveringly, watching as a shadow passes over his features.
he cocks his head, looking all the world like a predator about to snatch his prey.
"you know," he begins, and there's nothing joking or lighthearted in his tone this time. "suguru got to have his dessert, but i never got to have mine."
there's no time to ready yourself before gojo's mouth is on you, his tongue sliding inside to your centre without hesitation. your hips jerk up and he's holding you down as he licks into you, tongue caressing your walls. you cry out, one hand gripping the sheets and the other twisted in his hair. you're struck by the thought that he can probably taste himself but judging from the way he's eating you out, he clearly doesn't care.
gojo's head is moving beneath your hand as he continues ravaging you, pulling back only for a second to release one of your hips. when his hand enters you, his fingers somehow feel even deeper than his entire length did ten minutes ago. gojo is unrelenting, pushing his index and middle fingers in and out so quickly you're choking on air. every nerve in your body has been set alight, silvery ecstasy coursing through your veins like drugs as he doesn’t stop. 
he's suctioned his lips around your clit, not coming up for air as his hand pumps inside of you. gojo's mouth is warm and wet as he licks and he doesn't let up even when you spasm, his forearm firm across your pelvis to hold you down while his fingers hit your spot, again and again.
you can't even moan because you can't breathe. your eyes are scrunched shut and your back is arched off the bed. you don't have to look to feel his nose pressed into the top of your mound as gojo eats you out like he's fallen ill and your folds are hiding the antidote.
you're just about to come and he stops all at once, removing his hand with a squelch and releasing your clit from between his lips. you blink blearily, eyebrows furrowing in confusion as you peer down at him. gojo's got a challenging look on his face, staring up at you resolutely.
"say please," he says, and you're about to shake your head when he leans closer to you, lips gleaming and chin slick. he trails a finger through your folds, dripping from how close you are and his own saliva. gojo's fingertip circles your clit without touching it, his touch featherlight.
"if you want to come," his voice is low, without mirth. "say it."
every cell in your body has been besieged by want and it seems like he can tell, the little shit. the corner of his mouth curls upwards when he pulls back and your body involuntarily lurches up, like it's following him. you're stubborn and you hate losing but you also really, really fucking need to finish under his tongue.
you bite your lip, the haze in your mind leaving you thoughtless save for one aching need. gojo's blue eyes flash and you're suddenly reminded of the snake, right before it entices eve into eating the apple.
his mouth is set in a firm line, expression resolute. there’s fire simmering beneath your skin and you’re absolutely burning with it, tossing your pride aside as the word finally leaves your mouth. 
"please," you choke out, and his mouth splits into a smug grin, teeth shining as brightly as his hair. you only have a moment to feel intense annoyance before gojo's lips are back on yours and the feeling is instantly replaced with mind-numbing pleasure, every endorphin in your brain releasing all at once.
he's thrown your legs over his shoulders, jaw working furiously while his tongue licks into you. gojo's long fingers slip back inside of you seamlessly, aided by how wet you are and his saliva. his other hand leaves your hip and he spreads your folds with his fingers, pushing your clit out and creating the perfect conditions for him to latch his lips around it and suck.
"oh, god," you wail, both hands fisting in his air and toes curling over gojo’s shoulders. you’re heaving shallow breaths but he doesn't stop, his fingers plunging in and out of you as he sucks hard, cheeks hollowing and teeth nipping gently at the bud. you’re absolutely drowning in it, choking on air and limbs jerking when you cry out and come. your thighs squeeze his head and he probably can't breathe but you don't care and neither does he as gojo basically lets you fuck his face, taking all of you and then some.
it just keeps going, and going, and going. gojo doesn't come up for air, suckling at your clit even as you sag back onto the bed, spent. he slowly withdraws his head from between your legs, wiping at his mouth with the back of his hand. geto reappears, his body damp, and you crack an eye open to appraise his lithe form.
"she said i'm better at eating her out," gojo winks conspiratorially, waggling his eyebrows at you and hopping off the bed to stand up.
you don't have the strength to rebut but you don’t have to because geto rolls his eyes, climbing onto the bed to help you sit up. "i'm fairly certain she didn't."
geto reaches into a bedside drawer, pulling out a bottle of water. he unscrews the cap and raises it to your lips, his other hand supporting your back as he helps you drink.
"we're giving you another break," geto's voice is soft but his eyes are dark as you nod weakly, water trickling down your chin. geto’s touch is tender on your jaw as he thumbs at the droplets, taking the bottle from you when you're done and propping you up with a pillow. he leans in close, his loose hair falling into his face, to stroke your cheek, gaze never leaving yours.
"watch closely, okay?" he says, and you have the feeling that it isn't a question, despite being phrased as one. you're sitting on one side of the bed, which is massive enough that all three of you and probably a few more could lay comfortably side-by-side with enough room to spare. gojo turns on the fireplace, the embers crackling to life as he draws the curtains closed, casting the room in a warm glow.
gojo walks back to the bed with palpable intent guiding his footsteps, blue eyes fixed on geto. with eyes only for each other, you watch as gojo climbs onto the bed and on top of geto, whose palm has come to rest around gojo's waist, their gazes locked.
a soft sigh falls from geto's lips when gojo begins pressing tender kisses down his neck. touching him in an achingly affectionate way that seems almost uncharacteristic, gojo's hands are reverent as they hold geto’s body close. they're both achingly hard again but there's nothing rushed about the way gojo's lips are moving against his skin, every hitched breath and shuddering exhale deafeningly loud in the silence of the room.
gojo takes his time, making sure there’s not an inch of geto’s body left unmarked by his lips. he’s everywhere— at geto’s ribs, his navel, his thighs, his hipbone. the sound of geto sighing wafts into your ears like smoke, and gojo parts his legs slowly, palms on the inside of his knees. you watch gojo kneel between his legs like he’s praying, taking a long moment to stare up at geto, who meets his gaze unblinkingly. there’s a long moment where they just breathe together, having another silent conversation meant for the two of them alone. 
you have the inescapable sense that you’re being let in on something precious, confirmed by the careful way gojo dips his head down in between geto’s thighs. he brings geto’s legs over his shoulders and geto reaches down to stroke his hair, carding his fingers through the soft strands. from where you’re sitting beside them, gojo’s lowered head is obscured by geto’s thighs, but the way geto inhales sharply through his nose lets you ascertain the moment gojo’s tongue enters him. 
the way gojo licks into him is almost alien to the feral manner in which he was eating you out earlier, all tender kisses and measured swipes of his tongue. it’s like he’s a different person, his touch delicate on geto’s skin as he keeps his legs spread, head moving unhurriedly between his thighs. geto’s eyelids have fluttered closed, his dark hair pooled around his head as gojo continues lapping at him like gentle waves against a serene shore. 
the only noises in the room are geto’s slow breaths and the wet sounds of gojo’s mouth, geto’s hardness untouched between them. he hasn’t made any move to touch himself and neither has gojo, and you watch as his body ripples with bliss, toes flexing over gojo’s shoulders. 
after several long minutes, gojo lifts his head, dropping soft kisses up geto’s thigh as he lays his legs back down onto the bed. geto is breathing heavily, forearm slung over his eyes, as gojo leans over to open the bedside drawer, pulling out another bottle of water. he tips his head back, pouring water into his mouth and swishing it around before swallowing, capping the bottle and closing the drawer. he angles his body back over geto, touch featherlight across his clavicle. 
geto shivers when gojo ghosts a finger down his sternum, closing his eyes when gojo takes his lips in his own. he has one hand on gojo's shoulder, the other sliding up into his hair as their mouths move languidly together. gojo has tugged one of geto's legs around his waist, slow and deliberate, not at all similar to the way he did the same to you earlier. geto arches into him, and their bodies are so intertwined that it's hard to tell where one ends and the other begins, like they've merged into one.
they're so close, in fact, that it takes you a full minute to realize gojo has been inside of geto for quite some time, his hips moving fluidly as geto wraps his arms around his shoulders and crosses his ankles behind gojo's back. his thrusts are measured, unhurried, and geto's eyes close when gojo dips his head down to nuzzle at his neck.
judging from the way he takes all of gojo effortlessly, you think that geto must have prepped in the shower. from your vantage point, you can see the muscles of gojo's back shifting as he moves, geto exhaling loudly as gojo gently picks up the pace, thrusting slowly like they could do this for the next ten, hundred, or even thousand years. the only thing you can hear are their measured breaths, the bed silent as gojo carefully brings his hips forward again and again.
geto makes a low noise and gojo understands, leaning back to lift geto's ankles onto his shoulders. it's only after he fills up geto for the dozenth time that gojo dips down, his hips never faltering, to capture geto's lips in his own. their mouths move against one another as their bodies are joined, geto's palms pressed flat to gojo's chest and gojo's hands wrapped around geto's thighs.
you watch them make love and it's breathtakingly intimate, breath hitching in your throat when they break apart and geto tucks a strand of gojo’s hair behind his ear. a slow smile spreads over gojo's face, nothing at all like the feral grin that split his lips earlier. he presses a tender kiss to the inside of geto’s calf, tilting his hips up and and letting out a soft chuckle when geto inhales sharply and his eyes snap shut, toes curling and fingers flexing against gojo's chest.
he still hasn't reached between geto's legs and you're starting to think geto must have the stamina of a fucking horse after being sucked and fucked both ways. geto opens his eyes and he meets gojo's gaze, who once again doesn't need words to understand. he pulls out of geto as smoothly as he entered him, climbing off the bed and heading for the bathroom.
geto sighs deeply, still on his back. for a long minute it's just the two of you in the quiet, and you twitch, heat pooling between your legs. he's on top of you in the next moment, pushing away the pillow supporting your body to lay you flat on the bed. "you were watching, right?"
you nod, thinking that it must be evident from how wet you are. geto's hands are braced on either side of your head and he's pulled your legs over his hips, his hair tickling your neck as his head bows down. he's radiating warmth and you catch a whiff of the same versace cologne, musky as he licks an unhurried stripe up your neck.
the energy in the room is charged and you watch his biceps tense, your gaze dropping to the firm muscle of his chest as the firelight lends his body an otherworldly halo. tilting your chin up, geto doesn't look away when he slides into you, his hips meeting yours in one deliberate thrust. your world has been reduced to one point of contact and you're melting into oblivion as geto stays unmoving deep inside of your wet heat, anchored by your arms wrapped tightly around his neck.
you're staring so deeply into his eyes that you could drown as he just stays there, completely still as your walls clench around him. your mouth is an inch from his own, breaths mingling in the quiet. the room is completely silent save for the distant hum of the shower and the crackle of the fireplace, tempered by your shallow breathing. geto looks at you through hooded eyelids, tingles shooting down to your toes as he visibly holds himself back, trembling with the effort. you’re acutely aware of your heartbeat, thundering in your ears. 
when geto finally draws back and brings himself into you again, it's so good you could cry. the sex is made even more intense by the way he continues to stare through you, dark eyes glittering. never breaking eye contact, he purposefully snaps his hips again, and again, and again, each measured thrust metered by the sighs that escape your lips. your hands slide down from his neck and you can feel the muscle and sinew of his back shifting while he moves, your every sense overtaken by him as he continues to roll his hips. every time his head brushes your cervix your body undulates with pleasure, reducing you to a puddle in his arms. 
geto lowers his head, breath hot against your neck, and you think about the fact that he’s the only one who hasn’t come yet. your bodies are pressed together and you can feel every inch of him as he moves inside of you, deliberate and restrained. you can tell he’s yearning for more but he doesn’t let himself have it, tensely grasping your jaw when you arch up into his chest. he doesn’t pick up the pace even when you rest your hands on his ass, the muscle flexing beneath your fingers as he just keeps going, each thrust calculated and purposeful when he slides in and out of you. chest to chest, you breathe with him, his body firm beneath your palms. he's staring endlessly into your eyes, his own so dark that they could hold the universe. 
you think you could come, just like this, and it's almost like geto can read your thoughts because he stops all at once, pulling out and leaving you devastatingly empty. you’re aching at the loss but distracted by gojo as he suddenly reappears, water dripping in rivulets down his chest. geto holds a hand out behind him, accepting the lube without looking.
"you said you were good with everything, right?" geto turns to glance at you, who can once again only nod in response. geto takes your hand to bring you into an upright position, gojo going to sit behind you and it's reminiscent of before, with his damp skin pressed to your shoulder blades and geto between your legs.
geto squeezes lube onto his fingers, rubbing his palms together to warm them up. he looks up at you through his lashes, dark and daring.
you nod, just once, and geto’s first finger enters your ass with so much confidence that it feels like this is his fucking profession. gojo's palms are again around your breasts, mouth hot on your nape. your breath hitches in your throat when geto adds another finger, scissoring them inside of your ass, his other hand tight on your thigh. groaning low and long, your palms come up to rest on top of gojo's hands as his tongue laps wetly at your skin. he suddenly bites at your shoulder and you don't have the energy to swat at him, making a harrumph sound when he chuckles into your neck.
"you're up to three fingers now, did you know that?" geto says quietly, and you glance down at his wrist as it moves between your legs. damn, he's right.
geto's other hand smooths down your thigh, palm warm on your skin. "you're doing so good."
you can feel geto moving his hand inside of you as gojo presses a lingering kiss to your nape, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling your back flush against his chest, his legs encasing both of yours. his warmth envelops you as you just breathe, geto's fingers stretching you out.
you feel gojo smile into your skin. "the little lady must be tired, huh?"
your eyes are closed but you make a hmph noise, still lucid enough to retort. "i'm not a little lady, you dickhead."
gojo laughs, a hot puff of air against your neck, his arms snug around your waist. "i was talking about your clit."
chuckling breathlessly, you tip your head onto gojo's shoulder as geto continues scissoring his fingers inside of you. "okay, you're not wrong with that one."
one of gojo's arms slips out from their embrace and he leans to the side, opening the bedside drawer. his other arm suddenly retracts from around you too and your eyes snap open as your hands are yanked behind you, the click of handcuffs thunderously loud when they lock around your wrists.
you swallow hard, tugging on the restraints behind your back. nope, they're tightly secured. your heart is racing as geto removes his hand from your ass, gifting you with a view of his muscled back as he stands up and walks into the bathroom.
"first time being cuffed?" gojo asks knowingly from behind you, tracing a finger down your arm. you shiver, nodding stutteringly to the empty space in front of you. gojo rotates you in his lap to face him, your thighs on top of his own. the scent of his cologne is distinct, the notes of vanilla intensified by your proximity. 
gojo lowers his head to brush his nose against yours, and you absolutely thrill at the danger in his eyes when he leans back. "it takes a lot of trust," he says lowly, glancing down at your body. gojo looks up at you, gaze dark and rife with intent. "and we don't take that lightly."
he moves you both further down the bed, laying flat once he has enough room. you're sitting on his thighs and you feel him beneath your leg, hard and wanting.
geto's palms are cold and wet around your waist when they startle you from behind and you jolt, shuddering when he presses a lingering kiss to your nape. you're sopping again already and you want nothing more than to reach forward and snatch gojo by the shoulders to drag his lips onto yours but you can't.
wrists cuffed, your body is trapped between them with gojo at your front and geto at your back. icy anticipation shoots through your veins and lights a fire in your core. you're completely at their mercy now.
gojo sees it on your face and he doesn't make you ask this time as he lifts your thighs up to guide himself inside, not stopping until the flat plane of his hipbones are pressed against the swell of your ass. mouth wet on your neck, geto bites at your shoulder, reaching around to pinch a nipple before withdrawing his hand, the bed dipping as he climbs off.
gojo's grip is firm on your hips and your knees rest outside each of his thighs, wrists still bound behind your back. the next breath you release stutters as it leaves your lips, yet gojo doesn't move. you grind down onto him, lips puffy from overuse, and take the opportunity to luxuriate in being filled up. it's too fucking good, gojo nestled so deeply inside of you that you can feel him in your sternum.
he slowly raises your thighs up from below, bringing you back down just as carefully. you bite back a whimper, every sense heightened by the way gojo and geto can do absolutely whatever they want to you right now. he brings your hips together again, gradually picking up the pace when you openly groan, breasts bobbing as you ride him.
"she takes it so well, doesn't she?" geto says from behind you, the bed shifting as he climbs on again. gojo makes a noise of agreement, hands moving to your waist to steady you. geto cups your ass, urging you on to help you ride gojo more thoroughly.
"like she was born for it," gojo agrees, squeezing your waist in his hands. one of his fingertips wanders up to your breast, dancing around a nipple. you gasp, wrists straining against the cuffs as gojo retracts, his hand rejoining the other at your waist.
you're moving together and gojo is right there every time you sink back down, thrusting up to meet you. he was right, your clit is tired, and you think that maybe you could come from this alone if he just keeps going. there's a click of a cap, the sound of lube being pushed out of a bottle, but you barely hear it, your nerves strung tight with sensation. 
all of a sudden, there are palms on your spine, pressing you down onto gojo’s chest as he continues pumping his hips, his balls making a lewd sound when they slap your ass. you have no choice but to comply and you choke on air as gojo doesn't stop, the angle changing when you slant forward and allowing him to hit your spot. with your wrists behind your back, you would have fallen onto him but gojo is holding you up, one palm warm around your waist and the other supporting your shoulder.
he's fucking you earnestly now, your face an inch above his own. gojo's breathing hard, sweat collecting in the hollow of his throat as your bodies undulate against each other. once again, you ache to take his lips in yours but he doesn't let you, keeping you in place as he keeps pounding himself into you. you’re drunk with it, throwing your head back as pleasure radiates out from your core. 
there's movement behind you as geto rises up on his knees, one of his hands resting on your ass as it moves up and down. he pushes your spine down even more, raising your ass in the air and gojo is ready, meeting you with his tongue and licking into your mouth. ass up and face down, your veins are flooded with icy hot anticipation and you moan into his teeth, arms twisting futilely behind your back as the cuffs hold you in place. 
time grates to a halt when geto's tip breaches your ass, splitting you open from behind. you choke against gojo's lips, who stops moving, breaking away to let geto enter you properly. he's still holding you up as your head falls forward, dropping towards your chest.
"you okay?" gojo's voice is soft but laden with concern, one of his hands coming up to grasp at your jaw. he lifts your chin to meet his eyes and you're in a daze, the pressure overwhelming as geto continues pushing into you for what feels like an eternity. you nod jerkily, chin moving in his hand, and gojo brings you down to his chest, holding you close as geto keeps going until he's fully inside you at the other end.
there's a long moment where you just breathe, face pressed into gojo's shoulder, his arms wrapped tight around you. if you thought you felt full before that was nothing compared to how you feel right now. you're absolutely stuffed to the brim and there's no room left in your lungs for oxygen, every cavern and crevice of your body filled to the brim with nothing but them. 
it's not quite painful but it definitely is a lot, both men shoved in to the hilt. there's only a singular velvety wall separating them and you can feel gojo and geto pressed against each other inside of you. they're still not moving, gojo's palms smoothing up and down your back as he and geto let you adjust to their simultaneous penetration.
you shift your weight and your senses are instantly overwhelmed in a way you've never felt before, every fibre of your being set alight with sensation as hot ecstasy erupts throughout your body. drooping further into gojo's shoulder, you let out a primal groan, unable to produce speech. he makes a knowing noise deep in his throat, a low mhmm-hmm, and gently props you up, holding your torso above his own. the motion moves both of them inside of you and you have to bite back a genuine wail as you feel their thicknesses rub together, hot and hard between your walls.
"just tell us when," gojo says, supporting your entire body like you weigh nothing. geto's palms are warm on your hips from behind and he strokes, soothing. "there's no rush."
geto makes an affirmative sound, the noise loud in the pin-drop silence. you would say something but you're devastated by proximity, gojo inside of you one way and geto in another. your entire being has been subsumed and you're lost in the ocean of their bodies, drifting in the warmth of their hands, the slowness of their breaths, the distinct smell of expensive cologne and sex.
carefully patting your hip, you blink your eyes open as geto gently brings you to the surface. gojo is looking at you, unhurried and steady, and you can feel the same surety radiating from geto behind you.
you heave a shuddering breath, feeling them beneath your skin, in your bones, as they reach into the deepest caverns and crevices of your body. you've never been more certain of anything else in your life when you look at gojo’s face, exhaling loudly to say one word. 
they don't have to be told twice. gojo pulls out of you in the same instant as geto, both snapping their hips forward to meet at the centre of you. the cry that escapes your mouth is deafening, and the sound is punched out of you again, and again, and again as they thrust together, filling you up beyond measure. you feel like you're going to overflow, brain short-circuiting and body sagging in gojo's hands as he keeps holding you up while he moves alongside geto.
geto quickens his pace and their timing changes, gojo plunging into you in the moment that geto draws himself back. you're not empty for a single second and you fucking love it, choking on air when gojo cranes his neck down to lick your areola. the sounds the three of you are making are absolutely filthy, heavy panting and skin slapping skin as your bodies move together. it's almost like gojo and geto are connected through you and you’re punch-drunk, body moving forwards and backwards on their lengths as they fuck you simultaneously.
you have hands all over you, geto's fingers digging into your hips tight enough that you'll have bruises tomorrow, gojo's arms wrapped around your torso with his palms flat on the skin of your back. you're delirious with it, eyes rolling back as gojo pushes you into a more upright position and in doing so shoves you onto geto, who thrusts forward at the same moment that gojo hits your spot. one of them inside of you was overwhelming but both feels world-ending, pleasure erupting from everywhere and flowing all the way into your fingers and toes. 
you're utterly incapable of speech at this point and you're spewing nonsense; things that sound like words but aren't, guttural moans pouring out of you like rain. your breasts are bouncing furiously and you've never felt like this in your life, each man fucking one of your holes like it's his last day on earth.
arms spasming in the restraints, you keen, high and loud. something visceral has taken over you and the pace they've set inside of you is so much yet somehow still not enough. you need to touch yourself but you can't and you want more, you fucking need more.
"h—harder," you choke, straining against the cuffs. you're aching with desire and burning for release as your entire body is pulled taut by a string that threads through all three of you. "fuck me harder."
the atmosphere in the room changes immediately. gojo's eyes flash and his fingers flex around your waist, the bed shifting as he presses his heels into the mattress to pound into you from below. geto speeds up behind you, thrusting into your ass uninhibited. you can feel them sliding together inside of you and you're fucking choking on air, spluttering as they piston in out of you at light speed.
you're suddenly yanked backwards when a hand grabs you by the cuffs, geto's grip a vice around your wrists. he doesn't stop pushing himself inside of your ass, using your weight as leverage as he leans away to thrust deeper. his free hand seizes a fistful of your hair, pulling your head backwards and shooting tingles of prickly pleasure down to your toes. with your back bowed, you're basically suspended above gojo, geto's position and his hold on your wrists creating an equilibrium between the two of you that lets him support your weight.
the position has consequently raised your face above gojo’s mouth, who hungrily claims your lips with his own while he continues pulling your hips down onto himself from below. you're teary-eyed from sensory overload, gasping against gojo's lips as geto keeps snapping his hips forwards into you, your folds squelching lewdly as gojo does the same. the scent of their cologne and the smell of sex hangs heavy in the air, stifling your lungs as you struggle to suck down air. 
“do—don’t,” you rasp into gojo’s mouth, drunk with the sensation of two hot, hard lengths moving together inside of you. “don’t —ungh— stop.” 
the friction is delicious and it seems like geto thinks so too, his breaths growing laboured behind you. a gasp is punched out of your lungs when he releases your hair to slap your ass hard , the crack audible even amongst all the noises the three of you are making. geto lets go of your wrists to dig his fingers into your hips once more, forcing your spine into a slope as he brings you back onto himself at a punishing speed. gojo’s length keeps rubbing into his inside of you and geto is absolutely losing himself in it, fucking you carnally as you feel more than see him finally approach climax.
gojo breaks away and he isn't looking at you anymore, staring past your face at geto, whose eyes are scrunched shut as he jackrabbits his hips. the way he's moving and the sounds he's making are borderline animalistic, all grunts and heavy breathing. geto is unraveling, his movements turning frantic and you can't do anything but take it as he pushes into you over and over again, single-mindedly chasing his own release.
gojo is still thrusting up into you and from the way he's tensed up you can tell that he's close too, but he's not focused on your pleasure or his own right now. his eyes never leave geto, whose lips have parted as he lets himself pump his hips freely into your ass. your entire body jolts from the movement, anchored by gojo's firm arm around your waist and his length still moving inside of you.
"suguru," comes gojo's voice, pointed and direct. geto opens his eyes and looks at gojo, who's wearing the most serious expression you've ever seen on his face. gojo's tone leaves no room for argument when he speaks.
geto makes a strangled noise and then it's happening all at once, his rhythm stuttering as his balls tighten and he finally, finally orgasms. he's spurting hotly into your ass and it's neverending— geto just continues coming, filling you up with his seed as his body jerks violently, wracked with pleasure.
inside of you, gojo's length has continued to press against geto’s throughout his climax, and he doesn't stop thrusting even as geto comes down. he actually speeds up when geto begins to soften inside of your ass, sitting up and dragging you onto his lap after geto pulls out.  
the desire to rub your clit is so overpowering that you feel like you might actually die. your head twists despairingly over your shoulder, trying to implore geto to take your cuffs off, when a firm hand grabs your chin and turns your head back around.
gojo's gaze is unwavering as he releases your chin to grab the flesh of your ass, thrusting up and ignoring your eyes blown wide in need.
"don't look at him," his voice is even as it cuts through the frenzied wail that escapes your clenched teeth. "look at me."
you're struggling to comply because you've hit your limit— it's all too fucking much, geto’s come is slippery between your cheeks and you’re aching so hard it hurts because you need to come now. you’re gasping so deeply that it sounds like you’re choking but he doesn't care, bouncing you in his lap even as you whine from oversensitivity.
"didn't you hear me?" it sounds like a question but gojo isn't asking. you can't form words, rendered incoherent by the hurricane of sensation. you can feel him getting close too but he supersedes his own desire to finish, focusing entirely on the task at hand.
gojo's fingers tighten around your jaw, his tone just as unforgiving.
"look. at. me. "
it's akin to weathering a torrential downpour when you muster up every ounce of strength left in your feeble body to open your eyes, meeting gojo's unblinking gaze. you're struggling to suck down air while he stares into your soul, slamming you down onto himself for the last time as he spills deep inside of you, coming so hard his eyes roll back in his head. you're still moving in his lap and you're babbling incoherently as he fills you to the brim, his load and geto's separated only by a thin wall inside of you.
gojo exhales harshly, pumping his hips through the aftershocks as you milk him dry. you're trying not to let the despair show outwardly on your face and you're tugging despondently at the cuffs, thrashing so hard in the restraints that your wrists are bruising. it's only because your eyes are open that you see the wicked grin suddenly quirk gojo's lips, and you're powerless to do anything as he abruptly shoves you backwards into geto's waiting arms.
"you didn't think we forgot, did you?" gojo asks devilishly. geto's hands are warm around your chest and his fingers are pinching your nipples as gojo thrusts up, hard, and directly rails your spot at the same moment his hand darts down to thumb at your swollen clit.
the tension inside your core snaps like a rubber band and the sensory processing centre in your brain implodes instantly, every cell in your body igniting all at once. the raw ecstasy that courses through your veins is so visceral that you feel high, floating somewhere outside of your body as it just doesn’t stop. you barely register that you’re releasing wave after wave of liquid around gojo as your limbs convulse helplessly against geto's chest, every fibre of your being utterly consumed by sensation. the last thing you hear before passing out is gojo's breathless laughter, blackness engulfing the edges of your vision as you fall endlessly into geto's arms. 
you don’t know how much time has passed when strong arms scoop you up, wrapping around your shoulders and under the backs of your knees, carrying your limp body like you weigh nothing. your hand falls toward the floor and you absently wonder when the cuffs were taken off, your other arm folded into a warm chest. head lolling towards a collarbone, the scent of jasmine permeates the corners of your subconscious. you’re distantly aware of being carried into the bathroom, cradled with painstaking care. 
there’s movement around you, the sound of footsteps and taps being turned on, the slow rush of water as it fills up the tub. your eyes are still closed when you’re carefully passed from one pair of arms to another, enveloped by warm water as you’re settled against the smooth skin of a chest, arms wrapping securely around your middle. 
you’re resting on top of firm thighs, enveloped by warmth. you would open your eyes but you can’t because your body isn’t listening, limbs unresponsive and head thick with cottonwool. low sounds are falling from your lips, incoherent murmurs punctuated by the air you forcibly drag into your lungs, made nearly impossible because every fibre of your being is utterly spent. you’re suspended in the water and in this moment in time, succumbing to the black hole created by the vortex of sensation. you’re anchored by the body holding you close, palms around your middle and skin against your spine. a soft kiss is dropped on your nape before your head is gently tilted onto the smooth plane of a shoulder, your throat exposed. 
behind your head, there are hands lathering up your hair, working shampoo into your roots and massaging your scalp. you make a satisfied noise, deep in your throat as the scent of citrus fills the room. shampoo is smoothed all the way to the ends of your hair before the hands retract and you hear footsteps walk around to the other side of the tub, the water rising as another body steps in. once again, you’re passed to waiting arms, a hand settling around your midsection while the other supports your spine. another pair of hands begins to wash the product out of your hair from behind as you’re held chest to chest, rinsing your hair with the bathwater until all you can smell is citrusy shampoo. 
eyelids fluttering, you suddenly come face to face with geto, who’s blinking down at you. he smiles softly as gojo finishes washing your hair, pressing his lips to your forehead when you let out a gratified sigh. limbs still immobile, the water moves around you as he carefully hands you back to gojo, who’s ready at the other end of the tub. your body is completely pliant as gojo positions you slightly in front of him, leaving enough room between the two of you for his hands to rest comfortably on your shoulders, his thighs beneath yours. 
you sigh again, closing your eyes when gojo kneads the flesh of your shoulders, applying enough pressure to release the tension but not so much that it’s painful. bringing your feet onto his lap, geto presses his knuckles into the sole of your foot, dragging them down when you exhale. they massage you like you’re precious, every touch considerate. you melt, relaxed both by the water and their slow hands. 
geto releases your feet and then there’s the sound of a pump, gojo still holding you up by the shoulders while geto begins to gently work soap into the curves and angles of your body, hands delicate on your skin. in the same moment, you hear gojo squeeze something onto his hands, fingers moving to your hair as he threads conditioner through the strands. 
blinking blearily, you raise a weary hand to your forehead, rubbing at a tender spot in the centre. geto gently catches your wrist in one hand, guiding it away from your face. 
“let us take care of you,” he says softly, submerging your hand beneath the surface of the water. “all you need to do is rest.”
gojo is rinsing your hair again and geto’s thumbs are rubbing tender circles into your temples, easing the hazy feeling in your mind. you’re trying your damnedest to keep your eyes open but you’re surrendering to exhaustion by the second, eyelids drooping as gojo finishes washing your hair. geto takes you in his arms once more when gojo stands up, climbing out of the tub to dry off. 
“you did so well,” geto murmurs into your neck. you would reply but your tongue is leaden, limbs loose as gojo lifts you out of the water, his chest warm against your cheek as he walks you both out of the bathroom and toward a waiting towel on the bed. he lays you flat before carefully unfolding your body to start the process of drying. the towel is fluffy and plush against your flesh and gojo takes great care in touching you, his breathing steady while he caresses your skin through the towel. 
being cleaned up has tired you out and you’re losing your grip on consciousness, head heavy as your eyes close. there are hands supporting your back, raising a bottle to your mouth and gently parting your lips to help you drink. the water isn’t as much gulped as it is poured down your throat, cold seeping into your core. the chill is quickly replaced by a warm blanket, tugged up to your shoulders, and the sensation of two bodies, one bracketing either side of you. 
you’re warm with sleep, listening to the measured draw of their breaths as they inhale, exhale, inhale and exhale again. there’s a palm on your spine and another on your side as you fall into the abyss, content to let the yawning mouth of exhaustion swallow you whole. 
when you wake up several hours later, you have no idea how much time has passed. the bed is empty save for you in the middle, cushioned by a border of pillows. you’re still naked but warmed by the cocoon of the blanket, which has trapped heat beneath its surface. collecting yourself, last night comes back to you all at once, flashes of hot mouths and firm hands and quick tongues. it was by far the best sex you’ve ever had in your life, and probably also the best sex you will have until the end of it. 
you sit up, realizing that you’re so hungry you could definitely consume an elephant. your stomach rumbles in agreement and you’re starving but you almost don’t want to leave the bed to bear the cold world outside, the high thread count and goosefeather pillows enticing you to come back even as you stand up. there are clothes laid over a chaise in the corner; upon closer inspection, you see a comfortable bra and underwear, along with a sweater and leggings. your dress from last night is folded neatly, your lacy bra and fancy panties tucked discreetly into a bag beside it. 
glancing down at your body properly, you notice for the first time the bruises around your wrists, which are rubbed raw. you peer down at your chest, which is similarly bruised. still naked, you make your way to the bathroom, gasping at the sight of your body in the mirror. 
there’s no unmarred skin left on your neck; it’s absolutely littered with hickeys and bruises. your thighs are in a similar state, and you twist around to inspect your back, lovebites and marks scattered across your shoulder blades. your ass is bruised red and purple in the shape of fingerprints, the fading handprint impossible to miss across one of your cheeks. dimly, you register a dull throb between your legs. departing from the bathroom, you can’t help but be impressed because damn, they went to town on you. 
you tug the sweater over your head and pull the leggings on, both from designer brands. picking up your dress and the bag, you take a second to marvel at the stunning view before you leave. the residence is situated so high into the sky that you’re struck by the ridiculous thought that they both literally and figuratively took you to cloud nine. 
the suite is even more opulent in the daylight, white marble gleaming and tall arches cavernous as you walk down the hall towards the kitchen. gojo is perched on a barstool when you round the corner, tapping on his phone. geto is at the stove, flipping something in a pan. 
gojo perks up at the sound of your footsteps, spinning around in the stool. “the beast awakens!” 
you make a face at him, setting down your bag and dress onto the counter. “one of us is a beast, and it’s definitely not me.” 
gojo titters, spinning in his chair. “i knew my gut was right when i spotted you.”
there’s a plate piled high with pancakes waiting for you, still warm. syrup and butter are off to the side and you wince when you sit down, pain radiating from your ass even though the barstool’s leather is soft. 
geto turns around, holding a spatula and wearing an apron that says kiss the cook, but don’t touch the buns! the concerned expression on his face makes you bite back your smile. 
“you okay?” he asks, unconvinced when you nod. his brow furrows as he looks at you, scanning your body. “we went really hard last night, i’m sorry. you’re going to be sore for a while.” 
“you have nothing to be sorry about,” you say, picking up a knife and fork to dig into the pancakes. “i’ve never enjoyed anything more in my life.” 
geto chuckles, turning back to the pan. “i’m glad. we had a really good time, too.” 
you’re eating the pancakes with so much fervour that gojo glances up from his phone, an impressed look on his face. 
“we also have eggs and croissants, if pancakes aren’t the vibe,” geto says from the stove, his back still to you. your mouth is too stuffed with pancake to reply. 
“i think she’s fine with the pancakes,” gojo snickers, puffing his cheeks in imitation and ignoring the glare you cast in his direction. 
geto somehow senses that gojo is being a brat and turns around, brandishing his spatula. “the only reason we’re even having the breakfast of a kindergartner is because cavity-man over here needed his sugar fix.” he turns back around to flip a pancake presumably destined for said cavity-man’s stomach. 
“dentists love me,” gojo sniffs, hopping down from the barstool. he breaks the rule emblazoned on geto’s apron and squeezes his ass from behind, letting out a squawk when geto whirls around and smacks him with the spatula. 
cleaning your plate at a remarkable speed, you’re just starting to wonder where your phone and purse have gone when gojo appears with both in his hands. he makes no move to bring them to you and you sigh aggravatedly, climbing down from the barstool to take them from him yourself. 
he smirks evilly, holding them high in the air and far beyond your reach. “didn’t we have a conversation about manners?” 
you resist the urge to jump, mainly because your ass hurts too much to do so, and settle for scowling at gojo, who’s still holding your things tauntingly above your head. he’s so unbearably tall that any hope you have of swatting at his hands is laughable. 
geto walks over and reaches up, fingers plucking your phone and purse from gojo’s hands. he ignores gojo’s indignant huff as he hands them to you. 
“we’d love to give you our numbers,” he says, eyes kind. “if you’re up for it, we’d really like to do this again sometime.”
like a vampire, all you need is an invitation and you’ll just keep showing up forever. “i would love nothing more.” 
standing in front of both of them, you’re once again struck by how tall they are. gojo is leaning an arm onto geto’s shoulder, who’s still holding the spatula. they gaze at you and for a moment you’re reminded of last night. not usually one to be bashful, you duck your head, biting your lip. the events of last night will be staying with you for a while. 
“there’s a car waiting for you downstairs whenever you’re ready to go,” geto says, and you look up. “though we wouldn’t mind if you stayed a little longer.” 
gojo pushes away from geto, striding forward to grab your wrist and drag you into the living space. he plops you down onto the couch in front of a massive tv, taking your things from your hands and tossing them beside you.  
“you’re right, i’m a fucking beast at mario kart,” gojo drawls, opening something you didn’t realize was a drawer and pulling out two controllers. “i’m princess peach, of course.” 
you accept the controller, rolling your eyes. “why does that make so much sense?” 
gojo doesn’t dignify that with a response, turning on the switch before yelling into the kitchen where geto is still cooking. “suguru, i want extra sprinkles on my pancakes!” 
“kill yourself,” geto calls back. gojo takes this reply as an affirmative and jostles your shoulder, pointing at the nintendo logo when the screen flickers to life. “you can be bowser, since he looks just like you.” 
you can’t help but laugh, the smell of pancakes wafting into the room as gojo glances sideways, his eyes dancing. smiling to yourself, you think that being stood up is the best thing that ever could have happened to you.
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seelestia · 2 months
in lieu of the boop fest: genshin men as boopers.
⎯ something made on a whim to commemorate the lovely booping chaos going on. may not be accurate but i tried!!! 🙏 which one are you?? tag yourself /j this is the silliest thing ever, forgive me. fluff & crack (and made with love).
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the harbinger of dedication (???): boop them once and oh, it's on. boops you back and will not stop booping you back — it's an all-out war! or at least, to them. they take this whole matter as an opportunity and certainly don't mind tiring their fingers out just tapping the button on repeat. does it for the fun and to get a reaction out of you. also, probably eats (sends) super boops for breakfast, lunch and dinner. it's their bread and butter.
childe (of course), arataki itto, cyno (has a desire to max out his boop-o-meter till the end - a completionist's habit).
the menace (as simple as that): they have no need to be booped because they're the one booping you first and a lot at that too. oh, you got 99+ notifs? yeah, that's an act of love and it's from them. they hoped you liked the gift because they had fun giving it. grab a handkerchief because you're gonna have to scrub that smirk off their face, literally.
wriothesley, kaeya, shikanoin heizou, lyney (he apologizes by treating you to a meal afterwards).
confusion (awkward ver.): ...what. what is this? what does 'boop' even mean? why does it sound so oddly menacing when uttered out loud? and why are you smiling at like that? it's a trend, you explain and they — reluctantly and nervously — send a boop back. they have no idea what they're doing but at least, seeing that proud look on your face amounts to something. maybe, they did well? they then proceed to send you another one just for good measure. how cute.
xiao, gorou.
confusion (boomer ver.): their first thought was that they're getting hacked by a... feline virus? how interesting (please explain). with some explanation from you, they'll eventually understand the concept! a passive booper at best, but has a proclivity to treat boops as a “i'm thinking about you” button. so just know one boop equals to one time you crossed their mind.
zhongli, neuvillette, dainsleif (still confused at the end of it), diluc (secretly because he has pride).
the 'humble' reciprocator (dark horse?): all is in perfect tandem. you give one boop, they give one back. you give two boops, they give two back. you squint your eyes at them from across the room suspiciously, they chuckle into their hand in response. is that an act of mischief or demureness? you wonder what will happen if you boop them one hundred times? well, let's find out. (they will give back the exact amount, no matter what.)
kaedehara kazuha, baizhu, kamisato ayato (a true hybrid between being humble and a menace, he is. starts off nice until he spams boops when you least expect it... with a smile, of course!).
the bystander with the popcorn: thanks for the boop, you get one back. yes, only one, sorry. they'd rather not participate in the chaos and prefer to keep their inbox clean. no offense meant, you're free to have your fun so go ahead. they're just here to observe because in their humblest opinion, it serves them well enough as participating does. oh, don't look at them like that. you did get one back, didn't you? rejoice in the fact that you're one of the few — if not, the only one — they gave a boop to. treat it as an approval badge. it means you're special (to them).
alhaitham, tighnari, albedo, wanderer (he thinks he's above this childish and pointless act of booping... or is he?).
the victim™: is getting booped left and right without rest. suffocating and drowning in them even. lady luck is not on their side; they swore they booped everyone back to infinity and beyond — surely, it's all repaid and they can take a break now, right? wrong. they rest for 5 minutes and come back to 99+ notifs every single time. (if you relate, you might be a victim of affectionate bullying. feel free to riot about it.)
kaveh, thoma.
the loser at the start line: sneezes whenever the paw comes up on screen, yikes. A+ for effort, though!
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— thanks for reading!
© seelestia on tumblr, apr 2024. please do not repost, plagiarize, translate, use for AI-related purposes or claim as your own.
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harmonysanreads · 2 months
I'm not sure if requests are still open since it's early in the morning where I'm from and idk how our timezones work, please delete this if it isn't orz. If it isn't too much trouble, a dainsleif fic mayhaps 🙏😔? I miss him so much and he didn't come home this patch, can be a short drabble ^^.
Not sure if it's leaning on your "things in consideration" list, but the prompt can be:
You've been under his radar for years but now that he's tracked you down, an unknown child who mirrors his blue Khaenriahn eyes guards you with his small and very fragile life. Those eyes... They're eerily familiar.
(side note: Dain isn't the type who thinks children automatically have a heart of gold lolol. He's kinda a hater when it comes to children cept for Yaoyao /jjjj, maybe that's some extra spice to add for the reason why reader is so terrified and left as soon as she had the opportunity?)
yandere!dainsleif x reader
cw(s) : yandere, implied female reader (the narrative is not gender specific but the word 'mother' has been used once)
wc : 1.7 k
this was an interesting challenge for me because this is one theme i've not done before, with a character i've also never written for! i'm extremely sorry for the wait as i got distracted by hsr :') and thank you so much for requesting<3
a delightful illustration by the loveliest person <3 (spoiler alert!)
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Stories are truly spectacular.
They're capable of preserving bygone memories ; changing, adapting and sometimes, becoming far too distant from reality. Like saplings of the tree which extends its roots throughout Teyvat and, their seeds are welcomed by the flighty wind, soon to be cultivated by the torrents of time. The present will one day become history and that history will be archived for posterity to learn and criticize. One such story inspires much intrigue, dressed in charming rhetoric and is thus cataloged among fairy tales : a bittersweet tale of a Knight and an Angel.
And in classic format it goes — once upon a time, a defiled Knight cried out to the heavens, for he could not win against the temptation of seeing the forbidden pearl. This blatant defiance earned him but a curse of eternal agony and soon, he begged the skies for salvation. The clouds softened and sent him a little Angel, who quelled the fires of his pain bit by bit, until it became an infinitesimal dot in the Knight's soul. Brimming with gratitude, the Knight offered his very being to the Angel's service and of course, they lived happily ever after.
Now suppose, fundamentally speaking, if fairy tales are but stories and the retelling of history follows the same pattern — who are the storytellers?
The victors, of course.
The dull thud of pages colliding shut assuages Dainsleif, for the story which now finds itself beside children's bedside tables serves no other purpose than to instigate dulcet fantasies, losing credence before the trials of history. It brews a litany of feelings in his numbed heart until they intertwine and transform into a yarn of befuddling human emotions ; echoing in his ears that this is what his past has become.
Albeit, this hardly astonishes the Bough Keeper. When a war ends and the winners hoist their flags, they'd obviously be privy to recounting their glories — none of them would ever write that the Knight in the story had never begged the heavens for forgiveness and no such Angel was sent. Instead, he'd seen fit to snatch the Messenger that'd implored him to return to his right mind and one would think that Celestia had taken great offense in this act, but no one batted an eye.
That is because the Messenger, too, was forsaken by their home, a fallen angel with no wings and no divinity left. Whose existence became synonymous to that of a firefly and the Knight, became the darkness that allowed it to glow. When two broken individuals unite, they either complete their flaws or destroy one another and sadly, in his case, it was the latter.
But is it such a sin to wish for a normal life? Dainsleif muses as he passes by giggling groups of unassuming humans, desperate vendors trying to sell their wares and many more individuals who might carve their places in the next epics of Teyvat. Often is it said, you only learn to value things after they leave your grasp and while his memory does erode day by day, he'll forever remember that Angel's — your countenance, how the corners of your lips used to curve before they did no longer, how every word of yours bewitched his decaying mind and built it anew.
He was an ant chasing after the fragrance of sugar, a mindless bug blinded by a speck of light, an apophyte clinging desperately to the bough, a sinner. And sinners do not deserve luxuries called normalcy, love or a home. The aftereffects of the Cataclysm that befell his homeland drove uncountable masses to nihility, some embraced their hatred while others rotted in corners of this world. It is testament to Dainsleif's willpower that he'd not been conquered by insanity yet. Indeed, he's always practiced rationale and patience ; which have also aided him in his prolonged search for you.
He investigated till every rock of this wretched world became his acquaintance and he kept on hanging to the last traces of your existence. But, as every expedition led to a dead end, he was forced to accept a lamentable realization, that he missed you. He missed you so much. He'd vowed to never kneel before those who took everything from him, at this point in his life though, he found himself one breath away from begging that floating island — if only it'd bring you back to his side.
Rain. It'd rained before that catastrophic day and on the eve you trespassed in his life as well. Would you laugh if you saw him in this state? Or, would you coax him up from his knees and shield him from the rain? A hoarse chuckle leaves his lips, how shameless does one need to be to still expect comfort from the being they hurt repeatedly? He'd rather not hear the answer.
The sky growled at his misery but he could not differentiate it from a mocking sneer. He blinked upon feeling the absence of raindrops falling on his person and raised his head to stare.
It is as though the stars gazed at him back, “Why are you kneeling on the ground on a rainy day, mister?”
Dainsleif stared owlishly, his mind momentarily ceased to comprehend the present. The boy that'd reach his knees at most if Dainsleif had been standing returned his gaze in equal interest. Though the man failed to decipher those familiar eyes, it seemed that the boy had reached a conclusion.
“Oh, you must be in pain! Here, take one of my apples.”
The Bough Keeper jolted at the fruit that was shoved to his hand, in the blur of his confusion he'd not taken note of the bag full of apples clutched by the boy's other hand.
“My mother said that an apple a day would keep the pain away—ah, or was it the doctor? Anyway, please take it and don't look so sad. I should really be returning now…!”
Dainsleif opened his mouth (To protest, to question or to thank? He didn't know.) as the boy dashed away, the pitter-patters of the rain lulled his footsteps and left the man a great deal dumbfounded. He looked at the apple, now glistening with rainwater and recalled the boy's words. On normal occasions, he'd be tempted to immediately evacuate the vicinity after that mildly embarrassing encounter but, the memory of the starry gaze that rendered him speechless implored him to follow the boy's tracks.
At this point, his mind was operating on instinct, tracing the footprints of an unknown child without purpose would be the farthest thing he'd put on his agenda in his current state. The dense forest swallowed his form until it finally gifted him with a clearing, a small source of light peeked past a half open window and enticed him closer.
The man only came to his senses after hearing muffled voices, standing before what he assumed was the door to the thatched cottage. For a second, he debated whether to continue this rendezvous but resigning that he'd come too far, he decided to take a peek through the window.
The rain lulled just enough to not be an outright nuisance, succinct yet unforgettable — there you were, separated by but a weak wooden structure and Dainsleif's stupefied mind. You are there. Are you really there? Right before his eyes, emerging out of nowhere after he turned Teyvat upside down just to find some reassurance that you're still alive? Your eyes narrowed in that familiar frown and rubbing a towel through a boy's hair—
Wait, what?
Fine strands of blonde clung to Dainsleif's forehead, a few drops of water dripping down to join the small puddle under his feet. He gaped like a fish at the scene and at the boy who led him to this epiphany, completely forgetting vigilance.
“Did you talk to anyone, son?”
Flowers bloomed in his heart at the sound of that familiar lilt and his breath hitched as he processed the contents you uttered. Son. You called that boy son. In the light of your humble abode, he noticed the boy's golden locks of hair that he'd previously foregone and a conclusion crawled its way to his mind. He has a child. He has a child? Dainsleif knew you have a knack for unpredictability but this level of surprise was not what he was expecting upon your first appearance after all these years. He dwelled on the question of how it was even possible for a while, he recalled the boy's eyes ; those characteristic star-shaped pupils would never lie. Voices reached his ear again and he decided to cast aside these questions for a later time.
“I did, but the man looked so sad all alone in the rain! So, I gave him one of the apples because I didn't know what else to do. I promise I didn't talk too much!”
You paused for a while, a cautious query followed, “What did he look like?”
The boy copied your silence this time, finding great interest in your nails before exclaiming, “Pretty ordinary!”
Dainsleif didn't know why but that gave a sting to his heart, he looked back to you to see the unreadable expression on your face slowly shift to a soft smile. You affectionately ruffled the boy—his boy's hair, the action somehow softened the ache in his soul. Until he remembered that he was ignorant of his own son's name. He was one who preferred to form his opinion of everyone from a neutral point of view and while he's not one to excuse children's behavior just because of their age, seeing his own son speak half-truths at this stage raised many more concerns to be dropped in the pile.
You're not someone who'd preach dishonesty to a child but considering the situation you are currently in and the things this child must've seen, he found himself understanding. The skies rumbled and Dainsleif barely pushed back the urge to kick down the door and take his family to where they belonged. But seeing the smile that he'd yearned for so many years, he hesitated. You'd fought hard to earn this little happiness and acting on his impulses now, however justified they might be, would be dishonoring your efforts. And judging by your reactions, he can already sense that you won't just sit idly by for him to pounce on.
So, he'll be patient for bit longer and when the time is right, it'll seem as though his family returned to his arms out of their own volition.
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t0rturedangel · 4 months
╭ . . . 𝚆𝚎𝚎𝚙𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚕 ੭
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𝐀𝐂𝐓 𝐎𝐍𝐄, 𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐄 𝐓𝐖𝐎 ; ♰ ৎ﹕𝘦𝘹𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘢 𝘮𝘦 𝘪𝘯𝘧𝘦𝘳𝘯𝘶𝘮
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but here is scene two as promised my lovlies, I'm sorry that it's short
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With her fall,
the cherubim went mad,
with sorrow and hate
she now sat on jagged rocks
     You glared at the sky, or whatever it was above you- the bottom side of heaven? whatever it was, this place was not the earth the angels created nor was it the hell your Lucifer was dammed to but there is one thing for sure- you fucking hated this shithole. There was no life here (no life that was thriving, all the nature that could have been here is now reduced to rotten carcasses of what they used to be), just barren land with not a single soul in sight- besides yours of course though your soul was practically torn to shreds. 
     For endless days of your damned punishment you'd scream at the top of your lungs, begging heaven for it's forgiveness, to be let back in- making empty promises of never betraying them again. You'd sob into your hands when your voice finally gave up, your tears felt unusually acidic and whenever you did cry a weird feeling over came your senses, almost as if you had to get your hands on whatever moved- just as long as it didn't watch you. Eventually, when your crying sessions would end, you'd make an attempt to fly to heaven though their skies, those clouds you'd always rest on, the clouds you and Lucifer would fly through in utter glee were now so far to reach, no matter how fast and strong you flew. For hours, you'd manage to make your wings fly and then- they'd give up, your feathers simply gave up just as much as you did then once again you'd plunge down into the mossy yet rocky ground.
     ˓˓ HEAVEN! ʾʾ you screamed out as you fell ˓˓ HEAVEN FORGIVE ME! I BEG YOU! ʾʾ though as always your words were never heard, you were sure they could hear you- at least even some of them, perhaps St. Peter?... yeah you heard of him, you heard of his arrival- from who or where you cannot remember but you knew he was now by the gates of heaven allowing good moral souls to enter- GOD FUCKING DAMN IT YOU ARE MEANT TO BE WITH THEM! those shitbags dont care about anyone but them, they're selfish little fucks who only want to see the good- never the bad! Cant they open their fucking eyes to see that they aren't perfect?! 
     Sharp rocks dug into your back as you landed on them for the umpteenth time for that day, or week, or month- you didn't know any more, time was a concept you lost the knowledge to a while go, as much as other things. Your old social behavior was sure to have faltered, gone wrong, your mind had probably twisted into something horrific. That Cherub that once thrived is now dead, in her wake a new angel- a weeper angel now takes her place.
Now with heaven's ignorance and silence
the weeper lost hope for salvation,
and then she turned to the ground beneath her feet
     Out of sheer anger of the lack of reply from the heavenly skies, you kicked yet another rock out of your way- while flying from where it once stood the rock broke into several pieces. It's been so long. So long of you begging and pleading with heaven for one more chance and they have done nothing but ignore you, you'd tried so many times to reach out to them you flew for hours- screamed for days- wept so loud you were sure all three worlds could hear you crystal clear. ˓˓ GOD DAMNIT ʾʾ kicking more things you looked above you ˓˓ CAELO TE DAMNO! TE ANGELOS PATHETICUS OMNES ʾʾ 〔 DAMN YOU HEAVEN! DAMN ALL YOU PATHETIC ANGELS 〕 if heaven will not answer your calls, then you'll turn to hell. While yes, you saw Heaven as a choice first it was mainly because you could not bare to see Lucifer again, after you failed to keep his place in heaven he would surely hate you, he's want you to suffer but seeing as even heaven will not take you- Hell was your only chance of escapism, but how would you get there? Would you be able to stomp onto the ground with such power that the ground would crack and open up?
     Perhaps not, after all what if you end up on the earth's land- with humans, eugh, the thought of them makes your stomach twist, full of virtue or full of vice they were disgusting mortals- your presence would send them into insanity, they'd all go mad and kill one another and plus they were dirty, vile creatures- you felt that if you even saw one, they'd end up dead by your hands. Something was wrong with you, you never thought that way before. It was this isolation that was breaking your mind, you needed to get out and fast.
     again, but how? There was no way you were willing to break the ground, and the only other way to even get there was through the extermination- yes this was another thing you were aware of, after all Angels needed to pass through your current home to get to hell, so maybe just maybe while they're flying through the portal you'd be able to sneak in too. There was only one problem, you dont know where the portal appears, it never appears in the same place and whenever it does appear you're too far away.
     But, it was your only chance and you had to take it, or else you'd go truly mad, turn into a beast and kill anyone and anything you set your glossed over eyes on. Now the waiting game begins, though it wont take long at all- the last extermination was 350 days ago, you counted. Only 15 days left until you could be free from this torture.
     Forget heaven, forget it all- now hell is your new destination.
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𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘺 𝘳𝘦𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 ⠆(want to be reminded when I post a new chapter? Lmk!) ⸺ @reverse-soe @jellibean2018 @aliazy @sugarrush-blush @littledolly2345 @immahuman @marsilis @c0sm1cstqrsx @redqueeen99 @persephosposts
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noisycroissant · 8 months
"It's you..."
Astarion x Reader
She was one of those marks that broke his chipped heart. The trusting ones, the doe-eyed ones who looked at him like he hung the stars in the sky. It hurt every minute he spent with her knowing that he was simply leading her to a fate worse than death.
He remembered the look in her eyes when they took her away with the others at the party where they lured all their marks to once a month. He dreamed of that look for years only to wake up to find himself shaking, face wet with tears. He didn't want to keep doing this, but another year of being confined and tortured and starved with no hopes of escape, freedom or otherwise...no, he couldn't survive that. Not again.
But then, he saw her again. He was sure it was his fragile mind playing tricks on him. Constant torture can do that you, y'know. But then he saw her again. The same hair. Skin paler though. And then he heard her voice.
When he heard his name in that voice again, his heart dropped to the pits of his stomach. He'd do anything, beg at her feet, grovel for forgiveness, anything to not hear that tone in her voice.
"I am angry for what you did to me. To my life. But I also understand why... I've had to do it myself."
I've had to do it myself.
If he ever had thoughts of murdering Cazador in the darkest ways possible, those thoughts just became a million times darker.
"Where you here all these years? I never saw you. I thought I knew every turned spawn in the palace."
"I was locked up for "lack of respect" and "till I learnt what was good for me "."
He knew what that meant. Lashes, pliers, blood, pain, hunger, tears.
Desperate prayers falling on deaf ears.
"I'm.. I don't deserve to say sorry. You'd have been... anywhere but here..if it weren't for me."
"I know. But you did what you did to survive. I don't begrudge you for that. I had enough time in that cell to know that choice does not live in these walls."
And that's how it began. That was how hope came back into two people's lives. How it grew and bloomed with each passing look, each time fingers brushed while walking across hallways, each time a secret letter was found under a pillow.
After 150 years, Astarion dared to dream.
He would always curse himself when he remembered that night. It had taken them almost a year to plan, another year to talk courage into themselves to go through with it.
He remembered how soft her hands were when he held them as they ran through shadows.
Freedom. It was so close. Just a breath away.
And in the blink of an eye, it was gone.
Of course. What had he been thinking? They'd never be free. Not as long as that monster had a leash on them.
"Don't let them see each other, Godey. But make sure they hear."
Astarion remembers the day his heart finally crumbled to ash.
Decades later, when he was finally let out again, the very first night he goes to the highest roof he could find in Baldur's Gate. And he sat there. Waiting for the sun. The only way he could be free of this hellish life. The only way he could forget the sins.
His skin prickled and he cried as the sky turned pink.
The next thing he remembers is waking up on a beach with a unholy squirming in his eye. A crashed ship, fire and smoke bellowing. Intellect devourers running amok. But he was out in the sun and it didn't burn. It didn't hurt.
The confusion was enough to drive him mad. 200 years of rage and pain, and he finally had a chance to end it. But even that was taken from him.
He heard footsteps and chatter. Hand goes to his dagger naturally. But then he hears a voice.
Her voice.
This must be the tenth circle of hell, he tells himself. This is where depraved sinners like him go to. Where they're tortured for eternity with the things they'll never see again.
Like the sun.
Or her.
But hope survives in the darkest of hells.
And it had found him again.
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clairenatural · 7 months
hey sorry to ask you but what is the destiel lamppost thing? if u know what it is
Hi anon!!! I wasn't ignoring you I just wanted to be able to sit down and type out the lore.
So "why lamp"/the destiel lamp thing starts with 15x10, The Heroes' Journey, in which Dean and Sam are stripped of the luck/protections that being written as protagonists gives them by Chuck (very meta) and Dean ends up needing cavities filled.
Garth gives him laughing gas for the procedure, during which Dean has a dream of a black and white 50s style dance sequence. It takes place in the bunker and while initially it's Dean dancing with Garth, eventually Garth leaves and Dean runs over to pick up a lamp from the corner of the room to dance with. Here's the whole thing:
But once it's Dean and the lamp, the dance becomes markedly more romantic - he's dancing with the lamp as a partner, not like the tap dancing he and Garth do side-by-side.
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Also important to note that they're dancing to "Let's Misbehave," which is about sex and also was written by Cole Porter, who was gay. This is a really good breakdown of the dance itself, the significance of the song and Cole Porter and its connections to old queer Hollywood.
At the end of the episode, Dean sees Bess and Garth dancing in their living room through the window and says "You know, I always thought I could be a good dancer if I wanted to be."
This is pretty clearly associating the dream sequence, and Dean dancing with a lamp, as about Dean longing for a partner and therefore the lamp as a stand-in for that partner.
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NOW. Meta was written as soon as this episode aired with people linking the lamp to Cas, and there has continued to be much better meta than I can write here - this one is in-depth and connects it to themes across the seasons and Dean's years-long character arc. "Cas is Lamp" even has its own superwiki page.
But besides all the normal meta deancas reasons and the fact that this comes at a time when Dean's character arc had been building both to him wanting to settle down with someone AND that someone being Cas (this is the episode right after The Trap and Dean's "I should have stopped you/of course I forgive you" prayer), Cas (and angels broadly) is associated with light and lamps throughout the series, perhaps most iconically in 4x16.
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So, after 15x18, "the lamp thing" was something frequently cited and that we held onto as another thing they'd dropped alluding to (nay, ensuring - because they'd surely somehow have to wrap up Dean's own arc of wanting a partner to settle down with) a happy deancas endgame where Cas is rescued and they live happily ever after.
And then. 15x20 happened. And "why lamp" took off as part of a long list of "if they were just never going to mention Cas again, let alone resolve the confession or this very key part of Dean's story arc of wanting to settle down, why did they include [long list of things that make no sense with the ending we got]." Why lamp has become shorthand for a long list of missing links and loose ends and things that just don't add up. If deancas wasn't going to be the happy endgame, then why lamp. Why did they drop so many clues and work up to a very clear resolution for Dean's character arc if they were just going to drop it. Why lamp. It's one of those things that will haunt us because we will never get an answer. Okay grandma, let's get you to bed. But why lamp.
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whiskey-bumblebee · 1 year
something we can share
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner/Reader
Word Count: ~860
A/N: This one is specifically written for a plus size reader!!! It me :) Also please forgive any typos, I had acrylics put on yesterday and they are inhibiting my typing like you would not believe! Mentions of Hotch being physically smaller than reader, also extensive discussion of clothing related to size (but no specific numbers mentioned!!)
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There's nothing like the sound of your sigh to put your partner on edge. The various intonations all mean different things: I'm hungry, I want to go home, I'm feeling down, please fuck me, I love you, and of course, frustration. This one, however, isn't one that Hotch has heard before.
He's paging through a book, brushing up on his understanding of sociopaths (a new study just came out), and he glances up at you for further cues. You set down the book that you've been reading and change your position slightly, swinging your legs into Hotch's lap as you sit together in your reading nook slash sunroom, beside the kitchen. He runs his hands over your legs, giving your feet a gentle rub.
"You know how teenagers wear each others' clothes when they're dating?"
"Is that awful? Possessive?"
"Well," He says, setting down his own book, realizing this conversation will be more than a few words. "Not really. It's common practice, as far as I know. Why?"
"I'd love to wear your clothes," You explain. "And you know why I don't, right?"
"No," He says, thoughtfully. "I just figured it wasn't your thing."
"I don't think they'd fit me," You say lightly. "I love your body, and I love my body, but they're not at all the same," You smile.
He's cautious here, knowing that a misstep, any misstep, might be more harmful than he knows, so he nods slowly and allows you to continue.
"What if we bought a quarter zip that we can both wear? Something we can share? And then when I miss you, I can wear it, and when you miss me, you can wear it."
"I think that's a great idea," He says, still running his hands over your calves. "I'm sorry I didn't think of it before. Has it made you feel... Left out?"
You shrug. "I feel like we see it in movies a lot, that the girl just slips into his button up and it's oversized, and sexy, and that's not... It doesn't feel real to me. Like, what about the boobs? They're just magically going to fit in a men's work shirt? The two of them are just perfectly almost the same size?"
Hotch nods, and motions for you to come closer and sit on his lap. You do so, sitting on his lap and running your hands through his short hair.
"I love your body. I'm glad it doesn't look like mine," He laughs. "I find your body... soft. And sexy. Every time I look at you, I feel lucky. And every other time I look at you," He drops his voice lower, "I'm thinking about touching every inch of you."
A shiver runs down your spine, and Hotch takes a short inhale as the sensation makes you squirm on top of him.
"I feel like it's one way that people can see me as yours," You murmur as he kisses your neck. "And wouldn't it turn you on to see me wearing something of yours?"
He hums against your skin. "I think if you had anything else going for you in that department, I'd never let you leave the bedroom."
"So that's a yes," You laugh lightly, gently urging his head away from your neck.
"There are other ways I can make sure people know you're mine," He grins, slipping his cold hands under your shirt.
You sigh happily under his touch. "So we can go buy one tomorrow?"
He nods. "And if you want, I can wear it while I-"
Your laugh cuts him off. "Okay, cowboy. Hold your horses."
Within days, you think it's the greatest purchase you've ever made as a couple. It's a size or two too big for you, so you can have that oversized comfy feeling, and it's even bigger on Hotch. He's started wearing it around the house with only briefs underneath, since it covers him to his upper thigh, and you're more than happy to take in the sight of your man's legs more often than you normally could.
It smells like the perfect combination of both of you: fresh and sweet, heady and unique. Hotch has a twinge of pride every time he sees you in it, that warm possessive feeling, and you love burrowing your nose into the collar when he's away on long cases. He even wears it into the office once or twice on really cold mornings, slipping it on over his suit to stay warm while he walks from the car park to the elevator.
Emily is about to question him about the odd fit when Penelope lights up with glee. "It's her sweater! He's wearing her sweater!"
And while Aaron may blush a little, having forgotten that he was even wearing it, he's not at all embarrassed to correct her. "It's our sweater."
He tugs it off, over his head, and he looks as crisp and professional in his suit as ever. Back to being the stern, stoic boss. At least until he walks into his office and presses the fleece to his nose, unable to hold back a smile at the soft smell of you in the fabric.
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fixfoxnox · 10 months
Attention - SoapRoach
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Description: Roach knows that his boyfriend is a busy man. He's a Captain in the military with so many responsibilities. Still, with another day of plans missed in favor of paperwork, he's craving attention and he intends to have it.
Note: Based on the wonderful art done by the wonderful @miilkybnn (sorry for how much I've been tagging you in stuff lately 😅). Here are the two pieces, please go give them some love, they're incredible. 🧼 🪳
Warnings: Smut, Angst, Hurt and Comfort, tiny bit of fluff, Ghost is there for a second BTW, he's hyping Roach up, Dom/Sub tones
Word Count: 4.4k
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Roach tapped his foot impatiently on the ground, nerves tugging at his chest. The longer he stood and the more nervous that he got, he already felt like he was on the verge of tears. The sound of his foot tapping impatiently rang around him, echoing in the dark to mix in with the sounds of crickets and frogs serenading the night. It only drove home the silence that surrounded him.
He crossed his arms over his chest, feeling the need for some sort of comfort as he glanced once again at the front door of the building. He was trying his hardest to give Soap the benefit of the doubt. He was hoping beyond hope that the man had simply gotten caught up in his paperwork and was rushing out to meet him now. They had reservations. They had plans. Roach had cleared his entire schedule to make a cute night out with his boyfriend. He'd even gone so far as to stash some...things in their shared room for when Soap would inevitably turn grabby, and they'd return to their room together.
Roach should have known better. At this point, he should have expected it because, well, Soap was Roach's boyfriend, but Captain MacTavish always won out over Soap and, by extension, Roach. Usually, it wasn't a problem. Usually, he loved how hard working and dedicated Soap was to his work and to the team. Usually.
Now, though, with the last four of their dates either canceled or rescheduled or changed because Soap had gotten himself too caught up in work to remember, Roach was frustrated. He'd had his fill of Captain MacTavish. Now he wanted his Soap. Roach wanted to finally have the man's attention to himself. No phone on just in case someone needed to call. No late dates. None of that. He wanted Soap to focus on him, to put him in front of his work at least once.
The door beside him opened, and Roach turned quickly, hope filling him as he did. It was dashed to pieces as he met the eyes of Ghost. Not Soap. He deflated a bit, tucking into himself further as he turned away from his Liutenant.
"Well," Ghost chuckled while taking several steps forward, "don't look too happy to see me." He nudged Roach's side playfully before digging into his pocket to pull out a pack of cigarettes. Roach watched him pop one into his mouth before flicking open a lighter he'd pulled from who knows where to light the end of it.
"Sorry," he apologized quietly, his voice betraying how upset he was. "I was just expecting -"
"Captain?" Ghost guessed. He glanced at Roach from the corner of his eyes, and Roach avoided his gaze. He turned his attention to the ground, kicking at a rock with his foot as something heavy laid over his chest. "He's in his office. Buried in paperwork like usual."
"Of course he is," Roach grumbled under his breath. He didn't want to be mad. Roach wasn't someone who typically held things against others. In fact, oftentimes, he'd been told by members of the team that he was far too forgiving. He just couldn't shake it, though. He didn't like being angry. Now, though, there was a bubbling of white hot anger that seemed to move through his veins and simmer in his chest. He didn't like being angry, but God, he was so mad.
"I'm guessing," Ghost leaned against the wall next to him, crossing his arms over his chest before reaching up to pull the cigarette from his mouth, "You two had plans?"
"Yeah," Roach brought a hand up to rub over his face, trying not to let too much of his anger show. "Yeah, we did." He pulled his phone from his pocket, dialing the number of the restaurant and hovering his finger over the button to call. He needed to cancel their reservation and let the restaurant know that they could give the table to someone else. He didn't call. Instead, he just stared at it until his screen went dark. "I guess I should go back inside. If he forgot, then there's no point in waiting out here for him."
He tucked his phone back into his pocket and tilted his head up, looking at the dark sky above them for several moments. "You know," Ghost started carefully, "I hope you don't plan to let him off the hook easy for this one."
Roach turned toward him quickly, dread pooling in his chest. "What?"
Ghost took his time in responding, puffing out the smoke from his cigarette for several long moments. "This is, what?" He tilted his head at Roach, "Date number three that he's done this to you?"
"Four," Roach corrected quietly. "It's the fourth time."
"Four times is too many," Ghost shook his head and gave a small tut. A moment of silence hung in the air between them. Roach knew Ghost was right, of course, he knew Ghost was right. He'd been thinking the exact same thing. The only difference is that he knew he'd never have the guts to voice it.
"I know," he agreed. "I don't know what to do."
"Talk to him," Ghost suggested. Roach watched him toss his cigarette but to the ground and stomp his foot over it. "Get mad, Roach. I can see you're upset. Make him realize that you're upset." He pushed himself off of the wall and started back to the door of the building. Suddenly, he paused.
There was a moment that passed before he turned around and marched back over to Roach. "I'm serious, you know?" His voice was careful, and he reached up to pull the sunglasses from his face and lift his mask up enough that Roach could talk to Simon. Not Ghost. Simon.
"I know," Roach answered him quietly.
"You're worth more than what he's giving right now." Simon shook his head at him and made sure to meet his eyes, "You gotta make him realize that. Get mad. Yell. Punish him. Do something and -" he cut himself off with a click of his tongue and a shake of his head, "and don't stop until you've made him grovel. Until he's begging you to forgive him."
The two locked eyes and, for a long moment, they stayed like that. Understanding passed between them. "Thanks, Simon."
Simon hesitated for a long moment before giving Roach a nod. He tugged his mask back down and threw the glasses on top, leaving Roach staring at Ghost once again. Ghost leaned forward to give his shoulder a slight squeeze. "Give him hell, Bug."
With those words, he turned and quickly disappeared inside, once again leaving Roach alone in the dark of the night.
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Roach stood outside of Soap's office, his eyes trailing over the neat name plate on the door. Captain John MacTavish. He could hardly stand the sight of the name at the moment. He was mad at Captain MacTavish. He was mad at Soap.
Still, he kept his composure. He didn't like being mad, so he tried not to be as he reached up to give several quick knocks to the door. He knew Ghost wanted him to be mean, wanted him to be mad, but Roach couldn't. He just wasn't like that.
He waited patiently, listening for any call from the other side of the door. Nothing. He knocked again. Another few minutes went by, and there was still no response. He didn't knock again. He knew that if Soap hadn't answered, that meant that the man was too far into his work to pay attention to him. Too far in to actually hear when someone knocked.
He pushed the door open without any further alert of his presence. The door opened silently, but Roach wasn't quiet as he stepped into the room and shut it a little louder than he normally would behind him. His eyes were locked on to Soap the entire time, but he only received a brief glance from Soap before the man focused himself back on the papers on his desk. A flash of anger burst through his chest at the move, but he ignored it.
He stood at the door for several moments. The only sounds in the room were the ticking of the clock on the wall and the scratch of Soap's pen on paper. Roach waited patiently, giving Soap the chance to acknowledge him. To maybe realize what he'd done and apologize before Roach had to spell it out to him. He could never be so lucky.
He took slow steps toward Soap's desk, the sound of his boots hitting the floor echoed around him. He crossed his arms over his chest as he stopped in front of Soap's desk. He waited another moment, but Soap still never looked up at him. Finally, in a voice that was much calmer than he felt, he asked, "Did you forget something?"
Soap glanced up at him from his papers again, but it was clear to see that he still wasn't paying attention. His mind was focused on work and work alone. Something about that made Roach angrier. "I don't think so." He answered back quickly.
"Soap." Roach called his name, his voice betraying how annoyed he felt. Soap didn't look up at him again. "Soap." Roach spoke a little louder. His voice was a little harsher. "Soap!"
Roach gave in to the anger he felt just briefly, just long enough that he didn't even think before rounding the desk and grabbing the paper that Soap was working on to yank it out from under his pen. The move left a streak of ink across the paper, and Soap was quick to stand up, his own face ticked with annoyance. Still, he didn't look at Roach. Instead, he just tried to fix the papers that Roach had displaced.
"Roach, I really don't have time for -"
"Soap," Roach reached out to grab Soap's face, tired of trying to get his attention. He used his grip to turn Soap so that he was forced to look at him. "Look at me!"
There was a pause. Soap blinked at Roach in shock, his entire face betraying his surprise. Roach could see the beginnings of a blush raising across the other man's face, and a part of him felt more then smug about that fact. "Roach," Soap breathed out. Slowly, Roach released his hand on Soap's face.
He took in a deep breath, trying to remember himself. He didn't want to be angry. He didn't like being angry. "Soap," he met his boyfriend's eyes, "did you forget something?"
Soap stared at him, searching his face for a long moment. Roach could see the moment that realization dawned on his boyfriend's face, the moment that he realized that he had indeed forgotten something. "Roach," he breathed out again, "I am so sorry." Roach turned away from him, leaning against his desk for support. "I am so so sorry, I just got caught up and-"
"It's alright," Roach assured him, shaking his head at himself as he did. "I already canceled the reservation."
"Let me make this up to you?" Soap turned back to his desk, "I swear I will make this up to you, okay? Just let me finish this paperwork, and I'll take you out."
Roach's head shot to the side, his eyes wide as he watched Soap sit back down in his desk chair, his attention returning to the papers in front of him. "Are you-"
"I promise I will fix this," Soap pulled some of the papers back in front of him, "I will make this up to you tenfold and we'll go get something to eat and we can reschedule our date night. I'll take the next one off-"
"That's what you said this time," Roach reminded him, still watching with wide eyes and growing anger as Soap returned his attention to the papers, his pen already scratching at the paper again.
"Yes, but I'm serious this time." Soap muttered the words, his attention already gone from Roach. With it went Roach's patience.
"You-" Roach's clenched his jaw, a burning heat of anger flooding through him. He could hear Ghost's words echoing around in his head.
"You gotta make him realize that. Get mad. Yell. Punish him. Do something, and don't stop until you've made him grovel. Until he's begging you to forgive him."
Before Roach could really think over what he was doing, he'd moved his hands to Soap's shoulders and shoved, pushing the man back until his chair was far enough from the desk that he could clamber onto his lap.
"Roach?" Soap's hands flew to Roach's waist, but Roach didn't let them stay there for long. He grabbed at Soap's wrists and with a surprising amount of strength and a lot of help from Soap being caught off guard, he was able to yank Soap's hands away and pin them to the arms of the chair he was in. "Roach?"
"Keep them there," Roach hissed, his face serious, "don't touch."
Soap's eyes widened, and Roach could see that blush from before return. This time, though, it stayed to linger over Soap's cheeks and trail down his neck. "Roach," he breathed out, "what's going on?"
"Do you know how many of our dates you've blown off in a row?" Roach asked him, his voice deceptively calm. His face was still stormy, though, and even as he moved closer to Soap, pressing their hips together temptingly, it didn't fade.
"I," Soap stopped for a moment, his mind fully registering what Roach was asking him. He felt his heart sink into his chest as he realized exactly what this was about. "I don't know."
Roach scoffed and ground his hips down, pulling a gasp from Soap's lips and a small sigh of satisfaction from his own. "Four dates," he glared at the man beneath him, "Four dates that you've blown me off on." He paused for a moment before adding, "I'm beginning to think you're trying to tell me something."
"No!" Soap rushed to speak, but he cut himself off as Roach rolled his hips against him again. "No, ah, uh, no Roach, that's not what's been happening."
"Why then?" Roach asked the words carefully. He carded a hand through Soap's hair, tugging until the other was forced to meet his eyes and hold his gaze as Roach asked, "Is your work more important than me?"
"No," Soap was quick to assure, "of course not Roach thats not- oh fuck!"
Roach cut him off with a hand pressed against his crotch, palming him through his pants. He could feel as the other was growing harder against him. "Really? Then why won't you pay attention to me, hmm?"
"I do pay attention to you," Soap moved his hands from the arms of his chair, once again wrapping the around Roach's waist to tug him closer, "I've just been -"
"Ignoring me," Roach finished, glaring him down, "and blowing me off for paperwork. Is paperwork more interesting than me?" He tilted his head before moving closer, not stopping until his lips were just hovering over Soap's.
"No," Soap shook his head rapidly, "of course not."
"Apparently, it is." Roach reached back to once again grab Soap's hands and press them against the arms of the chair. He gave the man a glare before releasing his grip on Soap's wrists, reminding the man with only a look that he shouldn't move. A hand returned to Soap's hair, giving a slight tug at the strands between his fingers. Soap groaned at the slight pain.
"Since you can't pay attention to me," Roach rolled his hips against Soap's again, a satisfied groan leaving his lips as he felt Soap's hard cock against his own arousal, "You're going to keep your hands off and watch. Understand?"
He tugged at Soap's hair again and, in return, he recieved several rapid nods from the man.
"Good boy," Roach leaned forward to press a short kiss to Soap's lips, only letting the touch linger for a moment before pulling back.
He leaned away from Soap, just enough that he could get a hand between them. He let his fingers brush down Soap's chest, a sick amusement filling him as Soap tried to subtly lean into the touch. He trailed his hand down further and further until he could press his hand against the prominent bulge in his boyfriend's pants.
He took his time, offering a teasing massage of his hand over the other man. Soap's head tilted back, little gasps of pleasure leaving his mouth as Roach touched him. "God," Roach watched as his eyes closed and his mouth fell open. "You're so perfect. It feels so good."
Roach removed his hand at those words, causing Soap to lean back up and look down between them. Roach didn't touch him again, and he hardly paid him any mind. Instead, he let his hands lower to his own pants.
He wasted no time, swiftly undoing his belt, followed by the button and zipper of his trousers. He tucked his hand into his pants, stroking himself over his underwear for a long moment, letting Soap watch the movement of his hand and hear his little pants and moans.
"If only it was you touching me," Roach whispered the words, letting them sit heavily between them as he finally pulled his underwear down, pulling his hard cock out to let it rest between their bodies. The tip of his cock was resting against Soap's stomach and Roach could hear his boyfriend's stuttered breath.
"It could be me touching you," Soap managed to choke out. He and Roach gave a simultaneous groan as Roach wrapped a hand around himself, starting a slow rhythm with his hand. Roach noted the harsh grip that Soap had on the chair, clearly wanting to move and take over control of the situation.
Roach let himself fuck his fist, moving with slow but tight strokes over his cock. He felt unbelievably hot and he had to admit that having Soap underneath him, listening to whatever he said, it was so hot. It was meant to be a punishment and make the other realize what hecwas missing, but Roach found himself enjoying the desperate attention and pleas of the man underneath him.
"No, no," Roach sped his hand up, the feel of his hand on his heated skin was almost too much, "you clearly don't want to touch me." He leaned back, using Soap's desk to keep himself up and push himself that much further from Soap's touch. He tilted his head back as he sped his movements up, fucking his fist quicker with little jerks of his hips. "Fuck," he whined out.
"Roach," Soap gave a groan, "I'm sorry, really I-"
"You're not sorry," Roach cut him off, his voice a mix of harsh desperation. "You just want to touch." He brought his free hand up, slipping it under his shirt to toy with his nipples beneath the fabric. He could hear Soap's breath hitch at the move. "Is this what I have to do to get your attention?"
He flicked a finger over one of his nipples, trying to mimic the way that Soap would always tease him when they were together. It wasn't the exact same, but it was good enough for Roach, who happily groaned at the feeling. Every touch sent a spark down his spine that went straight to his aching cock. Every groan and desperate plea for him that left Soap's mouth followed a similar path, though they burned Roach with both pleasure and anger.
Several moments of silence lingered between the two, filled only with the sounds of Roach's pleasured moans and Soap's answering groans. Roach could feel how hard the man was underneath him, the length of him pressing against his ass. Roach gave himself a moment longer of just stroking over his cock before he finally started to rock his hips, grinding purposefully against the man beneath him.
Soap's own hips jolted up a bit, trying hard to seek some sort of relief to his own arousal. Roach allowed him the movement, knowing that it was next to nothing for the man beneath him. He knew that it would take Soap much more than the rocking pressure that he was offering. The man would only drive himself crazier. The thought made him feel a bit satisfied. Let Soap be the one craving his attention.
Their moans joined together, both of them panting and groaning as the temperature around them grew hotter and hotter. Roach sped up his hand, his legs beginning to shake just a bit as pleasure zipped up his spine and coiled tighter and tighter in his gut.
His skin felt hotter and hotter, and soon, he was jerking forward, burying his face into Soap's neck as it grew to be almost too much for him. He whined into Soap's neck, pressing desperate kisses there as he continued to fuck into his fist, the tip of his cock rutting up against Soap's shirt adding just an extra bit of pleasure.
"I miss you," he managed to choke out between his moans, "I miss you so much. Fuck I want- oh," he gave several open mouthed pants against Soap's shoulder. He could feel as one of Soap's hands moved away from the seat to grab at his hips, helping him continue to rock forward into his fist. He couldn't find it in himself to chide Soap at the moment, not when he felt an odd mix of anger, sadness, and overwhelming pleasure swarming together to create a cocktail of desire.
"I wish you would choose me over work," he managed to choke out after a moment, "I wish you'd pay attention to me."
There was no moment for Soap to respond. Roach was already too far gone, his mind fizzing out around the pleasure of his hand as his words devolved into nothing but chants of Soap's name. It only took him a few move moments before his body went completely tense, his cock jerking in his hand as pleasure washed over him and he came across Soap's stomach.
He collapsed fully against Soap's shoulder, a small whimper escaping his throat as his oversensative cock brushed against the other's now dirtied shirt. Soap helped him settle down fully into his lap. Neither of them said a word, even as Soap remained hard against Roach's thigh. They just sat there for several moments, wrapped up in the other.
Eventually, Roach pulled back and started to climb off of Soap and fix himself up. He tucked himself back into his pants and started to redo his belt
"Um," his voice cracked a bit, and he reached up to wipe at his face, already feeling as though tears were slipping down his face, "I'm gonna go back to the room. I'll see you when you get done?"
"Roach," Soap tugged him closer, reaching out to wrap around his waist and pull him closer. Roach placed his hands on Soap's shoulder and looked down at him, trying hard not to let too much show on his face. Soap met his eyes and held his gaze for a moment. "I am sorry."
"Soap," Roach started trying to tug himself away, but he was quickly pulled back by Soap.
"No," Soap tugged him back, "I really am sorry, okay? I didn't realize what I was doing. I didn't realize I was hurting you." He tucked Roach tight against him, holding him as close as he could. "It's not an excuse. I shouldn't have done it."
"It's fine," Roach muttered quietly. He brought a hand up to Soap's hair, petting through it for several moments as Soap laid a head on his chest. "I know work is important."
"Not as important as you," Soap whispered back. Roach felt himself go warm at the words, a fluttery feeling blossoming in his chest. Hearing those words made him feel good. It made him feel wanted. "I'll make this up to you."
Roach shook his head, a small smile tugging at the side of his mouth, "Soap you don't have to-"
"I'm serious," Soap stood from his seat and pressed Roach back against the desk. "I'll take the entire day off, and I'll make the plans." He leaned forward to press a short kiss to the corner of Roach's mouth, "I won't even bring my phone. It'll be a day about just me and you. I'll give you all the attention that you deserve."
He pressed forward again, capturing Roach's mouth against his own in a slow kiss. Roach couldn't help but relax into the feeling, letting Soap work his magic with his mouth. It was calming to just let Soap press into him like this. "I would like that," Roach muttered against his lips. "I would really like that."
Soap pulls back and grabs Roach's hand in his own. "C'mon, let's go get something to eat. I can finish this stuff up tomorrow."
He starts tugging Roach toward the door, but Roach yanks back on his hand, stopping him. When he turns back to Roach with an eyebrow raised, he's met with a slight grin from the other. "Maybe we should both go change first? And take care of some other things."
Roach motioned down at Soap's body, toward the cum still staining his shirt and the very clear hard on that he still had. There was a moment of silence as Soap looked down at himself before he gave a quiet, "Ah," and looked back up to meet Roach's eyes. He watched for a moment as Roach tried to hide his laughter behind his hands. He could feel amusement pull at him as he took stock of the situation. "This is your fault you know."
Soap took a step toward Roach, a grin on his face. Roach gave another laugh into his hands and took another step back, "It absolutely is not."
"It is," Soap chimed. He started toward Roach with a grin, and Roach gave a nervous squeak before rushing back around the desk with a laugh, "You've got to help me with this, you know?"
"No, no," Roach tried to dodge around Soap, but he was quickly hauled back toward Soap and pressed closer to him again. He gave a laugh, completely uncaring as the cum on Soap's shirt transferred to his own. It already had once before, so he wasn't too worried. Instead, his attention was focused on the hard cock he could feel pressed against him.
"C'mon," Soap nipped at his neck, a grin clear to hear in his voice, "didn't you want my attention? You've got all of it now, Bug."
Roach did always enjoy Soap's attention.
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cconfusedkat · 15 days
"Oh wow that's great you got your art motivation back! I'm sure you'll make something incredible." No. Lambmura 🐏🕷
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Autism infodump about Lambmura in my eyes below the cut ^.^
As far as I'm concerned... there are no vehicles in COTL. So. Hypothetically, if there were, then they'd still both suck at driving. Lamb is that one leader everyone is very afraid of, but around their loved ones? A total fucking idiot— Shamura is neutral on PDA, along with being an ambivert, so they prefer to be alone more often unless it's something they like to do usually. Lamb is dating a whole ass spider while squashing + running away from each bug on the ground. They try their best to fight their fear over bugs, but it's just not working! Shamura is still upset over that but it's fineeee one of their favorite meals is lamb chops anyway- //silly After a few decades of infighting and forgiveness, they became qps since 1. they're both aro and 2. they figured they were pretty important to eachother but not to be close enough in a romantic relationship,,
Shamura's relationship experience has started to make Lamb a little jealous, but the years they've been together they communicated a lot better. Lamb was too nervous to admit their liking for Shamura for probably three years? So, Shamura confessed to them after a few months after realizing they liked the Lamb. It really just depends on whoever Shamura likes, and with an idiot like Lamb it was reallll easy on winning them over somehow lmao jsjfaknfamf
They're both equally shy with a few things- Shamura gets easily embarrassed at PDA while Lamb feels as it's easier to express their affectiom with,, PDA! If they're in private together, Shamura is more blunt, Lamb is a nervous wreck and will most likely melt into a puddle if Shamura places the tip of their finger on them 😭😭 they're extremely goofy and silly,,
I like to think their relationship arc went from strangers -> enemies -> lovers ,, to then it reverting lovers -> strangers -> enemies
Why though? Well because Shamura and Lamb have their own disabilities impacting them both so with Shamura's bad memory and Lamb's worry of ,, well,, Everything- they both eventually distance and Shamura dissenting against Lamb's faith hundreds of years later again. They keep Shamura locked up in prison for about a month again, but nothing was working to get them to not dissent, so they had to let them leave. Shamura wouldve been in more pain being locked up for longer physically but mentally their mind was overtaken by dissenting,, of course theyre both immortal so they cant die... unless if by murder. Without further ado may i introduce to the table doomed lovers - 🤲💥 but yeah those are just my thoughts So Far on Lambmura. Theyre basically just toxic yuri in later arcs but i like to think theyve been domestic qps for milennia :> one of the bishop/lamb relationships ive thought about most,,,lambket is a close second so maybe one day i can infodump about my thoughts on lambket Giggles
BUT YEP YEAH THATS BASICALLY ABOUT IT.... i love gay spider and gay lamb enemies to lovers ☝️
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6/4/24 edit : I change my mind i like to think they are simply straight up yuri with no problems whatsoever 🙌🙌 might have to re edit image or re make post but my favorite aroace lesbians actually (so sorry) (aroace nonbinary lesbianism projection beam here)
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moonflowerfourever · 5 months
BakuDeku SFW Alphabets✨(Part 1)
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Before I start, here's a warning. I'm not up to date with the manga or the anime, I left off after the apology episode because I didn't have the time to watch the series. So this may not be accurate. Please forgive me if I make some mistakes. Now, without further ado, let's gooo!
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
They show affection in a way that's sweet and at the same time confusing. The people who know the duo realise how affectionate they are, but those who don't know them may not even realise that they show affection through their own weird ways. For example, Katsuki says, "If you get hurt, I'll rip your insides out." Many people view this as an outlet for Katsuki's violent personality, but Izuku and Katsuki's close friends know what it really means, "Don't get hurt, I'll be worried and mad if you do." Izuku is a bit more straightforward though. His way of showing affection is through praises for the blonde, who claims to dislike it, but deep down, Katsuki feels comforted hearing Izuku's compliments. Katsuki shows affection mostly through his actions, but there are times when Izuku needs verbal confirmation. During those times, Katsuki can unknowingly say the most beautiful words anyone can say to their lover. It makes Izuku weak in his knees.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
We already know how they were as kids. So close, definitely best friends, until the quirks started to appear. Now, they'll still be best friends, but with a deeper understanding of each other. As best friends, they'd be the type who understand each other without any words. Just a few looks, and boom! They know how the other is feeling, what they're gonna do next, and how to comfort them if they are feeling down. They'd be the uncanny best friends trope like no one expected them to be best friends, but when they are, people would wonder why they didn't realise that these two would be besties. They can be devilishly cooperative too, and could probably prank the entire class, teachers included, if they wanted to.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Yes, of course, they like to cuddle, why would you think otherwise? Izuku and Katsuki stay in the same apartment, so mostly, Izuku sleeps in Katsuki's room, and he wakes up along with Katsuki for their morning run. Izuku also visits Katsuki when he has nightmares, a habit that stuck from his childhood. Normally, Katsuki is the big spoon, and Izuku typically falls asleep contently in the warmth Katsuki radiates like a furnace. Katsuki buries his head into Izuku's hair or just rests his head on Izuku's and falls asleep like that. Sleepy morning cuddles are probably the favourite part of their day.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
They do have hero work, and that means less time to do literally anything else. But if they do like the idea of settling down, which was the reason they bought the same apartment. No matter how much Katsuki snarls and hisses his denial, he likes waking up to Izuku. Izuku likes living with Katsuki as well because they can have all the privacy in the world, something that the UA dorms didn't offer. Katsuki is amazing at cooking, and mostly, he cooks dinner for both of them. Izuku can't cook for the life of him, so he does the cleaning and laundry.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Izuku would be soft and understanding about it. He'll state why their relationship wouldn't work out and he'll be sad and sorry for it. Katsuki would be a bit rougher, not because he wants to, but because he doesn't know how to say it in a way that wouldn't hurt his partner. But, Izuku and Katsuki have reached the level in their relationship that they would never break up, because their love is just too strong. They always find a way, with creativity and determination.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Katsuki used to think commitment was a waste of time. Why dote on a lover when he could be training instead? But after he got together with Izuku, he slowly let go of that way of thinking. They both want to get married only after they become well-known Pro Heroes. It poses its own problems, with media and press and all, but Katsuki would gladly kiss Izuku in front of the entire country if it meant he could show that he was the boyfriend of the most adorable badass mf in the world. And the thing is, Izuku would let him do it. But they're already kind of married anyway, what with living together and taking care of each other.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Very gentle. Super harsh if they get into an actual fight with each other, but they mostly resolve things with discussions, something they learnt painfully, after their estranged childhood. Izuku is understanding, and Katsuki strives to learn how to be caring from him. They're gentle, but in a way only they understand. Soft smiles from Katsuki and kind words from Izuku are their iconic thing. Both of them are gentle in their own way, both physically and emotionally.
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merakiui · 1 year
I hope you are well today!
Do you happen to have some spare change? And when I say change I mean headcannons? My simple simp mind is wondering how some of the Yan boys would treat a chubby darling?
Sorry if you've done this, I'm still digging through your blog.
-Rolly Polly
OOOO yes yes!!! I absolutely have plenty of spare change!!! Forgive me for not writing all characters, but I had the most thoughts for the ones listed below!!! :D
I must mention my beloved tako first. He adores every inch of you, even your chub! Especially your chub!!!!!! He refuses to hear any negative talk regarding your body; he absolutely loves it. In Azul's eyes, every part of you is all he could ever ask for! He's obsessed with you, so naturally he'd be obsessed with your body as well. He's always hyping you up in private, lavishing you with so much genuine praise and adoration. Though he has a tendency to be deceptive with others, he will never lie when it comes to his love for you. So when he says you're perfect, he sincerely means it. (Also, he is a big lover of thick thighs. <3)
The tweels also lavish you in so much praise and love (so much it's actually very overwhelming at times). Your body is such a pleasant contrast to theirs, where they're all rough edges and bones and lanky limbs you're so soft and curvy and absolutely wonderful! Floyd loves hugging you because you're so fun to squeeze; he could stay attached to you forever; it's so comfortable to just cuddle against you. <3 often you'll find yourself sandwiched between both of them hehe. Eel sandwich... orz I think they'd like to be crushed between your thighs, but Jade likes it the most! I also think he would want you to wear lots of lingerie. Of course he won't force you if it makes you uncomfortable (he politely insists), but if you're locked in the twins' room and they're your only source of communication both he and Floyd are going to pull all the stops when it comes to convincing you. Jade likes how you fit into lacy frills and so does Floyd; you're just so adorable. They love you, love you, love you!!!! If you're self-conscious or can't see yourself in a positive light, they'll fuck you in front of a mirror every single night to prove to you that they only see their beautiful darling.
Vil is also similar. I think mirror sex is a guarantee with him because it baffles him if you can't see your beauty (naturally he has to show you, and what better way than to sit in front of the mirror and have you pinned on his cock while he presses kisses into every inch of your skin, whispering the sweetest praises). Vil always speaks the truth when it comes to beauty, so you know he will never, ever lie to you. He knows for a fact that you are beautiful and perfect in every way. And he gives such good advice when it comes to fashion! If you want to try a new style, he's the first one to help you pick statement pieces and pair various accessories for an outfit that accentuates all of the features he loves so very much.
AND ROOK!!!! OOOOHHH MR. ROOK HUNT!!! He puts Azul to shame. If you think Azul is the best hype man, you're so wrong. Rook is so infatuated with you. Like Vil, he's also so shocked if you can't see just how perfect your body is. He loves to hug you from behind, to feel all of your plush curves beneath your clothes, to bestow the softest, sweetest touches to you, as well as giving you lots and lots of compliments. Rook also never lies when it comes to beauty, and he thinks all bodies are beautiful. Naturally, your body is also beautiful. Omg he's just so in love with you... T_T <3 he may be holding you captive in one of the many villas his family owns, but ooohhh does he adore you to the moon and back. He waxes so much poetry about you. He's also another one who helps improve your relationship with your body if you're self-conscious (and also another lover of mirror sex hehe)!!! He's just so loving and sweet and supportive and 100% obsessed. After all, you are the most beautiful in his world.
OMG AND TREY!!!!!! AAAAAAA OTL he loves you so much. He thinks you're so precious aaaaa omg!!!!! >0< he's always so sweet and supportive. Also another one who will help you overcome your self-consciousness. I think Trey likes to fuck you in missionary so he gets a view of your pretty body (and also so you're unable to hide yourself if you're nervous or self-conscious during intimacy). Aaaa he's just so genuine. How can you not love him when he's a big sweetheart who also knows how to bake delicious sweets (all in your favorite flavors)? Sure, he may be unhealthily obsessed with you. But details, details!!!!
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noaltbruh · 1 year
hey! I saw requests were open, if it's not a problem. what would bucci gang think of a fem reader with short hair or a buzzcut?
Not me googling what a buzzcut is-
But sure! 😄 I'm...Very sorry this turned out so short, I must admit I had some troubles coming up with what to write. If you ever want to request something else, you're more than welcomed to ^^
Bucci gang with a S/O with a buzzcut.
Giorno 🐞
Can I just say Giorno admires you in a certain way?
He knows that it's not a very conventional "feminine" haircut, and that you may get bad looks from some... People, from time to time.
But he really approves the way you don't seem to worry about what others think in the slightest, it's something he finds really fascinating in a person.
He supports your look 100% and tells you how beautiful you are in his eyes any time he can.
I can see him buying you a lot of outfits to go with the rest of your appearance. He loves to spoil you and thinks it's a better way to prove he truly believes you look stunning.
His long hair and braid create a nice contrast to your own. He thinks it's nice how the two of you break the usual norms for female and male beauty.
Bruno 🤐
Bruno loves how much your haircut makes you stick out for the norm.
He encourages you to express yourself in any way it makes you feel comfortable, and if it's with a buzzcut, why not?
He'll be ready to send away just with a single look anyone who may have something to say about your appearance.
He'd invite you to ignore those who don't approve of your image and he'd constantly remind you that "long hair for women" is purely a convention. You don't have to conform to anything nor anyone.
I can see him wanting you to try on his little hairpins just because he thinks they'd look nice on you. If you don't want to though, it's alright and he wouldn't care to insist :)
Buddy I wouldn't be surprised if he had a buzzcut too if he ain't straight up bald lol
He thinks your short hair makes you look pretty badass, he likes to show off to the others how cool his girlfriend is.
He loves the way it makes you stand out from the ordinary and how you don't care about how people may judge you for your appearance.
The pistols probably like to sit on your head when they're tired, I'm sorry.
He gives you his hat to protect you from them, although he's kinda sad about covering your haircut.
Narancia 🍊
Narancia doesn't mind your look at all! He thinks it's so cool that you look pretty different from most girls he's met growing up.
Please let him put his headband on you, he thinks you'd look adorable with it.
He's probably considered getting a buzzcut too just to match with you. With enough convincing, you might actually get him to do it.
Forgive me for this, but he'd totally use your head as a drum whenever he's getting bored.
He'll stop as soon as you ask him though.
He can, and will stab anyone who says anything negative about your look. No one criticises his girlfriend and gets away with it.
Fugo 🍓
To be honest, Fugo never really thought much about your appearance until you pointed it out to him.
Not because you're ugly, of course. He simply thinks it's your body and you choose how to show yourself to others, it's a style choice like anything else.
But if you were to directly ask him what he thinks about it, he won't hesitate to show that he genuinely does love your look.
Probably kisses your head very often to make up for the time he appeared a bit disinterested at first. He doesn't mean to make you think he doesn't care about it, he just thinks you're beautiful in any case.
After some time though, even when you're sure he held no ill intentions, he just keeps on doing it because he loves kissing you in general.
Abbacchio ⏮️
Okay, Abbacchio probably thought from the very beginning that your look was quite astounding. He loved the slightly masculine vibe you gave off, in contrast with his long hair.
But is he going to say that out loud? No, or course not. He can't admit something, at least in his mind, so "cheesy", even if it's not really so bad.
When you directly ask him what he thinks about your appearance, he tries to avoid and change the subject as soon as possible, which most likely leads you to believe you look bad in his eyes.
Normally, you don't really care about what people have to say about it, but it hurts coming from your partner.
Nonetheless the man is not stupid, and he can see that his response hurt you.
So, albeit still reluctantly, he will try to show more appreciation for your haircut, just enough for you to realize he really means it.
Trish 🎙
Okay, I'll be honest with you: Trish probably didn't like your haircut a lot at first. It's just not really her style.
If you're part of the gang and met her while escorting her, she might even say it to your face at some point. If you met her later, she'll just keep it to herself.
Either way, once she starts to warm up to you, she'll apologize and ask you to forgive her for her rude comments, or even for just thinking that.
Being with you made her appreciate this new type of look more, she kind of likes the way it seems to to balance out her own quite feminine appearance.
She's a bit sad she can't try many haircuts on you, so she loves to do your make up to make it match with your overall vibe.
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axailslink · 1 year
I Felt Filthy
Riri Williams x poc FEM reader
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Summary: you're a church going woman you were raised this way and sex is looked down on until marriage. One thing leads to another with your girlfriend Riri and now you can't help but feel disgusted with yourself.
A/n: You can thank religious practices for this one being raised in a Christian household I had these thoughts after masterbation and I still do. Kind of sucks to be honest I immediately felt immense disgust within myself so this has to do with that... Hopefully I'm not the only one who has experienced this problem.
The soap just wasn't working enough for you it couldn't wash away your thoughts of tonight she kissed every inch of your body and you let her while God was watching. What would your mother say? She knew you had a different taste but there was no way she was going to let sex with that "different taste" fly. When you get out of the shower with your towel loosely wrapped around you you're shaky which causes Riri to jump at your attention "hey baby is it cold?" You look at Riri and shake your head but she can see there is something underlying "what's wrong?" "Why do I feel so disgusted? Why do I feel like what we did wasn't... Right? It didn't feel...not right." Riri is taken all the way off guard by such a question you watch as she hesitates on her answer "I think I should keep my opinions to myself I'm not exactly sure why but I'll do whatever I can to calm that feeling down." She gently grabs you in a hug but you push her away "stop touching me" she nods as she pulls away slowly "uhm do you know why you feel disgusted? Did I do something to disgust you?" You shake your head "no of course not it just felt amazing but I've always been told that I shouldn't feel good doing such things. I was told that by my parents by my church..."
Riri nods as it slowly starts to come together "you were raised in the church? Look we don't have to do anything anymore we didn't have to do that. You should not in any way feel disgusted because of what was done. I love you and you love me and it's completely fine to do what we did. Do not punish yourself because what you did felt good it's supposed to." You nod slowly and she gently moves the towel seeing your irritated skin she pulls you to the bed and grabs some lotion. "Has it always been this bad?" You shake your head "no I could kiss a girl maybe even get handsy. Sure I felt like I shouldn't have afterwards but I've never felt disgusted of myself I've never enjoyed something so much that I felt guilty... Riri you made me feel wonderful and cared for. Your fingers gently ran over my skin caressing every part of me. I just... I'm not used to being touched like that I opened up so willingly and everything we did felt filthy afterwards. I felt filthy because I experienced so much pleasure tonight." Riri gently hugs your back "I'm sorry." You nod slowly "I promise I don't feel disgusted because of you it's just how I was raised I was raised in the belief that looking at you the way I do is beyond forgivable kissing you the way I do is disgusting touching you the way I do it's not right not in my parents eyes." Riri always has to be the comedian she smiles and says "remind me to never meet your parents" you straight face and her smile slowly fades. "I'm sorry that was rude of me" you gently smile "no it was funny trust me let's not meet them ever."
Riri shakes her head "that's sadly not possible because when you marry me oh I'm meeting the parents and it doesn't matter if they don't like me or us together they're going to absolutely despise us why? Because I'm not shy of what I want I'll hold your hand, kiss you just to spite them, and may get a little frisky just to give them a bit of a heart attack." You laugh and slap her shoulder "don't say that they'd go crazy if they saw you stare at me too long." Riri smiles "you know you can talk to me about this? We can stop being intimate if it helps." You nod "I don't want to I like kissing you and...doing other things" Riri smiles at your little pause in words "yeah other things lik-" you cover her mouth with your hands and she laughs "you talk too much shh." Riri licks your hand causing you to pull your hand away and gently slap her chest with it "why are you licking me!?" She only laughs in return "I've told you about putting your hands near my mouth." You laugh and plant a soft kiss on her lips as you try to pull away she chases after your lips trying to draw you back in but you tap her chest and she smiles.
The thoughts of course bothered you all throughout the night you couldn't sleep right wondering if it was really okay to love someone so much that you'd be willing to give them your all in the nude. It doesn't matter though because Riri never leaves her face stays planted in your neck as she tucks her arm underneath yours keeping you pulled close.
A/n: once again I wrote this because of specific beliefs I was brought up in. So this does not apply to everyone but it does apply to me and maybe some other people.
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t0rturedangel · 1 year
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Kyle Broflovski x fem ! reader
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A/N - You didn't specify exactly what you wanted so i just came up with an idea, i hope you like it if not just lemme know and i'll gladly re write it !
WARNINGS - swearing, also clyde is a little bit of a noncy weirdo in this
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When your relationship started, KYLE asked to keep it a secret to which you agreed since you knew what his friends were like and if they found out Kyle got himself a girlfriend they'd belittle the shit out of him- especially Cartman who you've learned to be the most bitchiest and evil one out of all of them.
Everything went smoothly between the two of you in your relationship, you both would keep your affectionate interactions for private times and said interactions consisted of hugs, cuddles and kisses- and you teasing your boyfriend for his red face. Overall just lovey dovey interactions.
Now jealousy was nothing new to Kyle, or you for the matter, but he managed to control himself from punching the fucker who had the utter balls to flirt with you. He was grateful that you'd always shoot the person down almost immediately after understanding what they were doing. So, during lunch, when one of your other friends CLYDE came up to you, Kyle didnt really pay attention to the small nagging voice of jealousy in his head, Clyde was one of your mates so he wouldnt flirt with you- but of course there were rumors about him having a massive crush on you and the fact that he was what the world would consider a 'play-boy' who'd flirt with every girl within a 10 mile radius of him.
"Heyyyy N/n! " Clyde called out to you, running over to your side a big shit eating grin on his face, clearly he was about to say something that will tick of Kyle even more than he already has. " Huh- Oh hey Clyde! How's it been man? " you tilted your head your own grin on your face. " Did it hurt?" Clyde walked closer to you, swinging his free arm over your shoulder, his shit eating grin growing at your confusion " Huh?-" "- When you fell from heaven babe!" You pulled you closer, laughing at his shitty pickup line, though clearly it wasnt TOO shitty considering you started laughing unknowingly making Kyles annoyance grow " Pfffff- oh-oh my g-goddddd- Clyde that was so shit! " " Yeah- but it worked! It made you all red in the face! " Clyde teased, poking your reddened cheek .
"Unfortunately, how'd you even come up with them? they're so shit" Clyde faked a sad expression, flashing you a really pathetic sad puppy dog look " Dont pull that face " you deadpanned, Clyde only intensifying the look " Okay okay! Im sorry- they're not shit " Clyde was still pulling that face, clearly wanting something more which Kyle could immediately deduce what. " I'll only forgive you if you gimme a kiss baby girl " you cringed at the nickname and shook your head " Nope, sorry Clyde" " Awhh! Why not? " Clyde moved his face closer to yours, lips practically centimeters apart which was teh last straw for the red head a few tables away.
Within seconds, Kyle was in the middle of you and Clyde, glaring your friend down " Back off, Clyde, she's clearly not interested " "Woah- dude, why'd you care?" Clyde laughed at your boyfriend, raising one of his bows " Does it matter ? " Kyle was clearly struggling at not to scream at Clyde that you were his loving girlfriend " Uh yeah? She's my friend, if she didnt want me to flirt with her she should stop being so cute or just tell me to sto- " Clyde was punched in the face, falling down to the floor with a grunt " KYLE! WHAT THE FUCK!? " he yelled holding his now bleeding nose but before he could say more or even react Kyle threw himself at Clyde, sending multiple punches to the other "DONT FUCKING FLIRT WITH MY GIRLFRIEND! " without realizing he blurted out the fact that you two were dating.
A crowd was formed round the three of you the moment the first punch was thrown, gasps and whispers filled the room at the new piece of knowledge of you and Kyle dating but before much more could happen Mr. Macky rushed in quickly separating the two boys, kyle struggled against the adults hold, managing to get his hands on Clyde again but was just as quickly separated from him as the first time " Dont you ever flirt with my girlfriend ever again! " Kyle groaned letting himself be dragged away from the cafeteria.
Later, you were found sitting by Kyle's side, telling him off for acting so recklessly " Kyle you didnt need to go punching Clyde like that- and now, since you've blurted it out, people know we're together " Kyle huffed, resting his head on your shoulder, his hand holding yours " So what? Now people will leave you alone, it always got on my nerves anyway " " What about your friends babe? " " Oh fuck my friends, i dont really care about it anymore, i want everyone to know that you're mine " He lifted his head to he could look at your face, pressing a kiss to your lips, giving you a smile you returned 10 fold.
" Yeah, 'm yours "
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noirsfantasy · 6 months
On the tenth day of Christmas...
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𝔄 𝔇𝔢𝔠𝔢𝔪𝔟𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔬 ℜ𝔢𝔪𝔢𝔪𝔟𝔢𝔯 𝔭𝔱. 𝟒
𝔭𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤 ➛ Actor!Michael B Jordan x OC!Naomi Samuels
𝔯𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔤 ➛ Fluff
𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔡 𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔱 ➛ 4K
𝔰𝔶𝔫𝔬𝔭𝔰𝔦𝔰 ➛ It's Christmas Eve and you, Michael, and your cousins all decide to reconcile by going out for brunch. You have a great time, but your mind is riddled with what if's about your situation with Michael. Is this just a crush? Or is it something more?
𝔞/𝔫 ➛ So sorry for the delay, y'all. This winter break ain't winter breakin' rn. But I hope you guys enjoy! Be ready for the finale!
12 Days of Christmas Masterlist
Part 3 Here
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Ashanti wipes away her tears. "I appreciate that, Naomi. Honestly, I really think that you're such an amazing person. I'm just really bad at saying it." She says with a faint smile. "I'm really sorry for everything I put you through before and after Michael got here. I really do love you. Please forgive me?"
"Of course, I forgive you, Ashanti." I pull her into a hug, a real one. She hesitates for a second, before hugging me back. I give her a little squeeze as I missed this feeling with my cousin. She doesn't let go for a moment, before finally speaking again.
"Hey... can I ask you a favor?" She asks, her voice soft.
Yeah, what is it?" I reply, prepared for whatever she might ask of me. Ashanti pulls back, looking a bit vulnerable.
"Could I... come live with you?" She looks at me with a nervous smile. "I really want to just start somewhere fresh, but I also want to mend our relationship as well. It wouldn't be for long, just until I get back on my feet, but I just really need to get out of my old place." I return the smile, genuinely touched by her sincerity.
"I'd like that, Ashanti. I'd be happy to help out in any way I can." We both hug once more and stand up from the couch. "And, you know what? I think I have an idea on how you can make up with your other cousins as well." I smirk at her and she looks at me, ready to hear what I have to say.
The two of us start planning the perfect way to reconcile with everyone and get closer as well. Ashanti sends out a bunch of texts to Teresa, James, Dan, and Michael, asking if they'd want to join us. Within a minute, everyone responded and meet us in the living room. Ashanti and I ignore the looks we get from our aunts in the kitchen and focus on the task at hand.
"What's going on?" Teresa asks, taking a seat on the couch. She's followed by the others, a little curious as to why they're here. Ashanti smiles and steps forward, a little nervous. I give her a reassuring nod and she takes a deep breath.
"First off, I'd like to apologize for yesterday." Everyone is a little taken aback. Ashanti continues. "I was mean, bitter, and ungrateful for the love you guys have shown me. I was out of line and none of you deserved to witness that or be spoken to like that. And for that, I'm sorry." She looks down at her feet. "I know I've been a real piece of work these past couple days. But I'm also going through a lot right now and it's no excuse for how I've been treating you. I want to make it up to everyone. So..." She pauses for a second and looks up to smile at everyone. "I want to take all of you out to a Christmas brunch! On me!"
Everyone is shocked at Ashanti's proposal, but they look so happy to hear the news. James and Dan are the first to respond.
"Sounds great," Teresa says, sounding a bit giddy.
"I'm down," Agrees Dan, smiling at Ashanti. One by one, each of them join in.
"I'm always up for free food." Michael adds, jokingly. We all share a bit of a laugh.
"I'd love to go, but I told the boys and Jessie I'd take them to see the Grinch today. But, you guys go have fun." James says, but he doesn't look bummed at all. Ashanti seems disappointed at first, but quickly recovers with a smile.
"That's okay. Maybe some other time." She says, staying positive. James leaves to go get the kids and the energy in the room shifts as they discuss plans for the Christmas brunch. Everyone contributes ideas about the perfect venue, sharing laughter and excitement. The air is light, filled with the promise of a fun time.
An hour later, we all pile into Daniel's car and head to the venue. It's a cute, festive restaurant decorated with twinkling lights and holiday decorations. It has a similar feel to the Christmas market. As we all walk in, we're greeted by an incredibly merry hostess.
"Hello!!! Do you have a reservation?" She asks and Ashanti nods, stepping forward.
"Yes, under the name Ashanti. I called earlier." She explains.
"Perfect! We are ready for you!" We all smile to each other as the hostess guides us to a table with a gorgeous view. The place is filled with people in Christmas attire, eating holiday-themed meals and enjoying the atmosphere. We're seated at a booth where Dan, Ashanti, and Teresa sit on one side and Michael and I sit on the other.
We're each handed a menu and the waiter takes our drink orders while we browse. Teresa strikes up a conversation.
"So, what are you guys planning on ordering? I'm kinda leaning towards these Christmas pancakes." Teresa points to the item on the menu and Daniel rolls his eyes.
"You would go for the pancakes, T." He teases with a smirk. Teresa gives him a playful jab in his side.
"That's supposed to be an insult?" She argues with a laugh.
"To be fair, you've been obsessed with loaded pancakes since we were kids." I add, shrugging my shoulders.
"I don't see what the problem is. It's the holidays and I have exactly a day and a half before I have to go back to my diet. I deserve this." She puts her hands up in defense and we all laugh. "Ugh, it's so crazy that we're all going back in just two days." Teresa sighs and we all nod.
"Aww, I'm gonna miss everyoneeeee." Ashanti pouts and puts her arms around Dan and Teresa, pulling them in. I giggle at them and sigh as well.
"I agree. I really enjoyed being back with you guys. And getting to meet you too, Michael. " I say with a smile as I look over at him. He returns the smile and grabs my hand under the table.
"I've really enjoyed being here as well. It's been nice getting to know you. All of you." He looks around the table. "Y'all didn't have to let me stay, but you did. I'm real grateful for that." He gives my hand a squeeze. The feeling of his skin on mine makes me feel butterflies.
"Ahh, come on, man. You know you part of the family now. You're welcome anytime." Dan assures him. It gets silent for a moment as the realization sets in.
"Okay, that's enough of that. Guys, remember, we still have a day to be together. Let's make the most of it!" Ashanti says before the mood gets any dimmer. Everyone nods in agreement as the drinks arrive and we order our food. The conversation between all of us flows naturally, but I can't help but feel a bit of sadness. It's true, we do only have one day left. So what will that mean for me and Michael. I know we've only met recently, but I feel like what we have is special. At least I hope it is. I'm lost in my thoughts when I'm snapped out of it by Teresa.
"You good, Naomi?" Everyone at the table looks at me as I come back down to earth. I put on a smile and nod.
"Yeah! I'm fine, guys." I reply, hoping they don't realize my true feelings. Michael glances over at me, curious about my thoughts. He's trying to read my reaction but I've always been very good at hiding my emotions. Even though I might've fooled everyone else, he seems to have seen through my act. He tugs on my hand a bit, sliding out of the booth while everyone chats.
"We'll be right back. Gotta step out for a second." Michael announces as he stands up. I follow him through the restaurant and he leads me outside before turning to face me. The air is brisk and the wind is chill, but it's also refreshing.
"What's wrong?" He asks quietly, stepping in closer. I hesitate for a moment, unsure of what to say.
"Nothing, I'm fine." I respond, knowing I'm lying and that he knows it too. He looks down at me, his eyes searching mine.
"You're a terrible liar, yknow that?" He chuckles, brushing a hair out my face. I bite my lip as I search my thoughts for a way out of this situation. We were having such a nice time and I don't want to ruin it. "Come on, I know something's bothering you." He presses me for an answer and I sigh heavily, my breath visible in the cold.
"It's just... I've had so much fun here with you these last couple days, but the reality is..." I hesitate, unsure of if I want to fully admit my feelings.
"You're afraid of going back and not seeing me again, aren't you?" He asks, not bothering to wait for me to finish. I slowly nod, avoiding his gaze. This is embarrassing. It feels like we're two teenagers who just want to keep hanging out, even though we know the end is inevitable.
"It's silly, but I'm worried that this is just a little Christmas crush that will fade away as soon as I get on that plane." I admit. He frowns a bit at those words.
"A crush," He repeats, sounding a little hurt. "Do you really think that's all this is?" He asks, holding my hands in his. "Because this feels like much more than that."
"But we have two completely different lives. How will it even work? What will people think?" I question, worry written on my features. He lets out a scoff and I look up at him with my eyebrows raised.
"I'm sorry, I don't mean to be funny, but who cares?" He takes my face in his hands and runs his thumb gently over my cheek. "Naomi, I'm not sure what this is exactly, but I know one thing for sure. I want you. I want to get to know everything about that beautiful mind of yours and I want to hear every exciting, interesting thing that you have to say. I may have just met you recently, but I feel something special between us and I feel like I'd regret it for the rest of my life if I don't explore it."
I'm taken aback by his words. He looks so honest and so genuine. I've always had trouble with relationships and even though I want nothing more than to believe him, it's hard. I hesitate until he makes me look into his eyes. I can't help but to melt.
"I don't care about the distance or other people's bullshit opinions. You're worth the effort, Naomi. I can't promise you that we'll end up living happily ever after, but I can promise to give it a fair shot."
The idea of life together is tempting and a little bit scary. I've never felt this way before. Not with any of my last boyfriend and not with the guys who've taken interest in me. This feels special, something that only I get to experience.
"What if it fails?" I inquire, worry etched into my voice. He pulls me in close and hugs me.
"Life's too short to worry about what might happen. Even if things don't work out in the long run, I'd much rather know I gave this a real chance than regret never doing anything at all." He releases me and we're just staring at each other, my eyes stuck in his gaze. I feel every one of Michael's words sink into my skin. It feels like his love is seeping into my bones and like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. I feel so safe when he hugs me and I don't want to let go.
Without thinking about it, I lean in and kiss him softly. His face brightens at my unexpected advance. He looks so delighted, like this is exactly what he wanted me to do. His lips are soft and sweet and his grip tightens around me. It's a kiss filled with such passing that it makes my heart flutter. I'm filled with so many different emotions, but this just feels right. I don't pull away, but he breaks the kiss to catch his breath.
Our eyes meet slowly as we come back to our senses. His lips curve into a soft smile and my heart's racing. The kiss was brief, but it sent my emotions into hyperdrive. I feel lightheaded, almost dizzy.
"That definitely wasn't a 'holiday crush' kind of kiss. That was a 'I really like you and want to see where this goes' kind of kiss." He whispers, smiling warmly at me.
"I like that kind of kiss." I reply with a blush, causing Michael to chuckle and pull me into another hug. I can't help but to press myself into his chest, taking in his scent. It's intoxicating and soothing, causing me to calm down a little bit.
"Good. Because I plan on giving you a lot more of those." We hug for a few moments before realizing that we're still standing outside the restaurant in the cold.
"We should probably get inside. The food's probably at the table already." Michael nods, pulling me in tightly for one last moment before we break apart.
"Yeah, we better get back inside before they start to wonder where we went." He says as he takes my hand and we return inside the restaurant. The group is engaged in a lively conversation, and as Michael and I take our seats, there's a subtle shift in the dynamic. Our connection is now more apparent, and it's met with knowing smiles from Teresa, Dan, and Ashanti.
The brunch continues, filled with laughter, shared stories, and newfound closeness. The worries about our impending departure are momentarily pushed aside as we savor the present. We all indulge in a variety of holiday-themed dishes, from the Santa pancakes to the Christmas tree salads to the fruit cakes. Only Dan got the fruit cake and we all clowned him for it.
After a great meal, the group decides to explore some of the shops in town to do some last minute gift searching. It's a short walk from the restaurant to the shops, which are located in a nearby plaza. Ashanti, Teresa, and I get excited once we see a clothing shop and we rush over to it, leaving the boys behind. They shake their heads and follow behind us.
The store is filled with a variety of stylish winter clothing and accessories. As we stop to take a look, Ashanti is already pulling pieces off the rack and handing them to Daniel and Michael to hold. Teresa and I browse around and laugh a little at some of the ridiculous holiday outfits they have stocked.
We all have so much fun trying on clothes and making each other laugh, teasing each other and goofing around. Teresa makes a beeline for some ugly, light-up leggings and Ashanti ends up trying on a cute Santa dress. I end up in an adorable elf outfit with a pointy hat and bell. The boys somehow found their own costumes, Daniel in a Rudolph onesie and Michael in a full Santa costume, fake beard and everything. We find a large mirror and take silly photos in it, just having a good time.
We hit a few other shops, buying a few things here and there and getting them gift-wrapped. I find myself having more fun than I've had in a very long time and I'm grateful to have my family and Michael here with me.
The shopping ends up taking longer than I anticipated, but it's all worthwhile because of how much of a good time we all had together. By the time we're wrapping up, it's almost dark and about time for us to get going. We head back to the car and head home.
When we arrive at the house, we put all of our shopping in our rooms for us to wrap and head back downstairs. We're greeted warmly by Grandmother, who wastes no time putting us to work.
"Let's get this house ready for Christmas, shall we?" She tells us.
"Yes Ma'am." We all respond obediently. She proceeds to direct us to our tasks. We all get straight to work, cleaning the living room and sweeping the kitchen. After I'm done with my job, I set the kids up with a movie of The Grinch to keep them occupied while dinner is completed. I look over and see Michael helping out in the kitchen, chatting with my mom and effortlessly becoming a part of the family chaos. I catch his eye and he shoots me a wink, causing me to smile to back and look down bashfully.
After an hour or so, the house is looking spotless, and the smells of delicious food is wafting through the air. We all gather in the kitchen as the meal bell is run, standing in a large circle. Grandmother leads the proceedings with grace, her presence calming and loving. As she says, "Amen," she looks over at me and I can't help but to smile back at her.
Once we've prayed, dinner is served. We all sit down with plates full of delicious food. The dining table is completely full, with the twins sitting at the kitchen bar to eat and Jessie in her high chair. The room is filled with lively chatter and laughter. Aunt Tina and Pat avoid eye contact and conversation with me aside from a few snide comments, but I don't care. For once, their words don't have an effect on me.
It's a very heartwarming, Christmas filled atmosphere and I love the way that things are turning out. Michael is right next to me the whole time and I keep catching him glancing at me. The food is amazing, each dish a delight to our taste buds. We much away heartily, enjoying the evening together.
After dinner, Michael, James, and Daniel head upstairs for a few minutes, seeming to be planning something. I pay no mind to it, stepping into the kitchen to help clean up the kitchen with Teresa while Ashanti sits with Jessie in her lap in the living room. Jessie keeps trying to climb all over her, but she seems to be able to handle herself.
Daniel and James come back down the stairs and get our attention. We all stop what we're doing and look over at them.
"We have a surprise for everyone!" James announces and they direct our attention to the stairs. Coming down the stairs was Santa Claus with a red velvety bag slung over his shoulder. It's obviously Michael, but the kids go crazy with excitement.
"SANTA!!" Matthew shouts as he jumps off of the couch. Jessie squeals happily, running clumsily over to hug "Santa's" leg. He picks her up and smiles at her. I burst out laughing at the children's joyous reactions. It's pure and innocent and utterly wholesome. Michael plays the part well, holding jessie as she talks to him in her adorable toddler language. He brings her over into the living room and turns to face everyone.
"Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas, everyone! I hope everyone has been nice this year!" Everyone erupts in a cheer, the children giggling and laughing. Teresa watches with a genuine smile as she sees her kids meeting Santa. James is catching it all on his camera as well. Santa goes around giving gifts to the kids. The happily open their gifts and it's cute little trinkets that I assume he got from the Christmas market.
"Oh? What's this down here?" He says as he reaches into the bottom of the bag. "It looks like there's one more present in here. I wonder who it could be fore." We all look around curiously. He hands me a small gift, giving me a flirty wink and causing me to giggle. I tear the wrapping paper out of eager curiosity as I peel the wrapping.
Inside is a set of emerald earrings and a matching necklace from Tiffany and Co. I'm speechless for a moment, it feels like time stops for a second.
"Oh my God, Mi- I mean Santa! These are gorgeous!" I have to fight the urge to kiss him, knowing our families are watching. Instead, I smile widely at him as I try the necklace on, the metallic clasp settling nicely against my skin. The expression on his face is one of pure pride as he watches me admire my gift. His gaze falls to my neck as I place the necklace on. His eyes are stuck on me the whole time. He's not just admiring the jewelry, but the woman wearing them as well.
"Santa has very good taste, don't you think?" He asks, chuckling as he gives me a knowing smile.
"I couldn't agree more," I reply. The kids swarm him for a second, hugging his legs and thanking him for their gifts. After taking a few pics with Santa, the kids start to lose interest and wander away to play with their toys. Michael laughs as they run off.
"It's good to know that even Christmas can't hold the kid's attention for that long." He says, causing us all to laugh along with him. He heads back upstairs to get changed again and Ashanti and Teresa rush over to me to admire my new jewelry. They start asking me about what I'd wear them with and talking about how he must really like me. Eventually Michael comes back down in a grey long sleeve and a pair of plaid pajama pants.
The kids have all passed out due to exhaustion from the excitement and the older folks seemed to have gone into food comas. The rest of us sit in the living room in front of the TV with glasses of wine. Michael has taken a seat next to me, leaning back and putting his arm around me. We all put on some funny Christmas movies and enjoy each other's company. The wine loosens us up and the atmosphere is light-hearted.
The rest of the night feels like a blur. I feel comfortable on the couch and lean into Michael's side, my head resting on his shoulder as the movie goes on. Finding myself being a bit more affectionate than I'm use to, I plant a few kisses on his neck, making sure no one else is watching us. His hand runs up and down my side before resting on my hip as he smiles down at me. He pulls me a little closer and plants a kiss on my head. It just feels right to be here, snuggled up in Michael's arms. I don't have any worries in this moment, I'm just going to bask in this moment for as long as I can.
To Be Continued...
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