#'Lucy stop rambling about languages' they say
itsmylosssherly · 1 year
Things in YuuMori that could be the authors not quite knowing or it could be part of the story - Part 1
So, we can all agree that YuuMori takes quite a few ... artistic liberties, when it comes to western historical accuracy, christian themes etc. (Which I, as a christian-raised european, actually quite enjoy, it takes the forced "perfection" out of the equation and makes for a much more pleasant reading of the actual story)
Now I was thinking of some things, that stood out to me, when reading the manga, that I wanted to talk about
(This will mostly focus on the english translation of the manga, because my japanese is not yet good enough to reliably understand the whole context, so if you see something, that doesn't come across in the english translation very well, but is in the japanese, please do not hesitate to tell me)
This will also be a multi-part-series, because it goes on longer than I thought it would
Sherlock's Cockney Dialect
As people have previously pointed out, Sherlock and Mycroft were born in "North Riding" (presumably "The North Riding Of Yorkshire", which is a historical region near York in, you guessed it, Yorkshire), as per the official character sheets in Volume 18
In Volume 2 Chapter 5 "The Noahtic, Act 1" William says Sherlock "[CHOOSES] to speak with a Cockney Accent"
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And while Sherlock doesn't actually speak in a Cockney Accent in the manga (because american translators can't write british dialects apparently) it does get implied every now and then
Now, Cockney is a VERY regional dialect and sociolect of english, that is basically only spoken by the working class and lower middle class in London (which is about 300 km away from Yorkshire (which doesn't sound like a lot, but for a dialect it is))
Side Note - Cockney can also historically more or less refer to people, things, culture etc. from London's East End (The place where William and Louis grew up, before they were adopted into the Moriarty house hold, and I think it's quite funny to imagine William and Louis being able to switch between Cockney and The Queen's English quite easily, and maybe even other dialects)
So Sherlock was born in Yorkshire, has a brother who speaks The Queen's English and chooses to speak in Cockney ... How does that make sense?
And some people have proposed that Sherlock might have commuted between Yorkshire and London when he was younger and therefore he might have picked up Cockney on some or other escapades to The East End Of London, but that doesn't seem completely right
And honestly I did think at first that it was just Miyoshi-Sensei and / or Takeuchi-Sensei not being quite aware of english dialects (and granted, that could be the case)
BUT it could also be, that Sherlock and Mycroft's The Queen's English speaking father, married their Cockney speaking mother
(At this point it should be stated that "proper" The Queen's English is more or less an "artificial dialect" (as artificial as english dialects can get, (which is not very)) and learned and used a lot by for example the BBC (that's why it's also sometimes called BBC english) and government officials (at least until a few decades ago) and about as close as you can get to a british "high english" as some other languages have "high languages" (high german, high arabic etc.))
So father Holmes, presumably a government official, might actually come from The North Riding Of Yorkshire, learned The Queen's English, met mother Holmes, had children with her
And while Mycroft, probably already early on, was involved with the Holmes' legacy and almost always has to hold himself in a "proper manner"
Sherlock, as the second son, probably didn't feel as much pressure to conform (or he just didn't really care) and if he has a better relationship with his mother than he has with his father, then maybe he just decided he did not want and / or need to "[FIX] his accent" (as he says to Billy in Chapter 67), the dialect of his mother, Cockney
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He might consciously choose to speak in Cockney and not force himself to speak The Queen's English, because he is proud of his and his mother's roots, like William says
I will for now try to ignore the fact that it doesn't really make sense for someone like Sherlock and Mycroft's father (who is presumably a relatively high-ranking government official like Mycroft) to marry someone from a class in London that speaks Cockney (like Sherlock and Mycroft's mother and / or her family apparently does)
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misc-obeyme · 8 months
hello hello, its sibling angst anon again ^^ i loved your response so pls dont apologize for the long ramble, bc i get like that about it too!! also, im glad you liked my song recs <3
speaking of those sibling slideshows i mentioned, for some reason tiktok has filtered them out so when u look them up, they dont show up??? you just kinda get them on ur fyp one day. or atleast thats what happens to me. but if u look up sibling webweaving here on tumblr, ohhh boy. its basically an amalgamation of different types of media be it poetry, song lyrics, shows and movies, and book excrepts all packaged as one that pertain to a theme. my fav is those about mothers and siblings, so unequivocally human. its like walking down a museum tbh.
and agh, i loved your thoughts on the demon bros sibling dynamics. plus yeahhh, its kinda hard to take anything seriously since it is an otome game, BUT who says u cant come up with your interpretations and thoughts? whos gonna stop you? anyway, each brother has a level of depth that is screaming to be fleshed out, but its all very surface level on game. belphegors burdening shame and regret from watching lilith die in front of him, and by extension beelzebub having the same feelings and/or his own guilt. (i remember belph talking about his trauma and the immersion immediately breaks off when an option pops up on the scream, "ask him to kiss you." LIKE. place and time!) asmodeus and lucifer, their entire relationship T_T speaking of which, satan and lucifer?! they're brothers, or say they are and the rest just kinda go with it. but does no one else wanna bring up how satan was even brought to existence? he was literally birthed from luci's wrath during the celestial war. thats like, a gateway for someone to write a long philosophical analysis about him and what it symbolizes. aghhudhwdhwhd i wish i could say more, but i'm literally out of words rn. if i was mc, i'd have to fight everyday to keep it together without breaking down and crying about this. espeically having to live under the same roof as them...ooofff
speaking of complex siblings dynamics, have you see succession? its a show on hbo. its about an ultra rich and powerful family that is ultimately, dysfunctional. theres four siblings and their relationship mean sooo much to me. i wont drop any spoilers just in case you dont know anything, but when i say dysfunctional i meant it!! one of the things i like about this show is that it doesnt have any flashbacks or show the backstories for most of the characters, rather they kinda drop pieces of information randomly and you just go ??? that happened ??? youd think it wouldnt be a good storytelling strategy bc how are you going to emotionally connect the story to your audience? but somehow, the show does it really well. for example, one of the brothers, roman, was heavily abused. and sometimes one of his siblings would go, "yeah i remember when dad used to heavily beat the fuck out of you" offhandedly, like its a cute little fun fact. and youre sitting there like....when did THAT happen??? ofc they wouldnt show it, but if you watch how roman and his father interact on show (roman is so submissive and scared next to his father) it starts to make sense. its like the "show dont tell" but they switch around to "tell and show." subtle interactions like that fully exposes a characters psychology. subtle body language goes a long way. theres also the eldest brother connor, whos seen as the father figure bc their real dad is so neglectful. but tbh connot gets shit on a lot and uuyfuefehfe theres more. i would talk about this all day. sibling angst got me on a chokehold.
anyway, sorry if i made 0 coherent sense but heres the end of the ramble T-T have a good day :3
(if i come back, can i be  🧬 anon?)
Welcome back! And of course you can be 🧬 anon, I will add it to the list!
Oh man, so I did a search for sibling webweaving and I was like woah what is all this lol. I had no idea there was a term for stuff like this, but I'm fascinated! I must not be getting the TikTok videos... admittedly my use of that platform is limited lol.
The thing about the otome game not delving into things means that we all get to speculate and come up with whatever we want. It's a blessing and a curse lol. On the one hand, I like being able to come up with my own interpretations. But on the other hand, it'd be nice to have just a little more depth that what we have.
I have thoughts about Belphie and specifically what happened in the OG with him. That was definitely a situation of, there is so much more going on here than they're bothering to get into. I also get that they can't really do a ton of that, partly due to the medium and partly due to the amount of characters they have to deal with. Like I think they can only choose to flesh out certain characters and the rest kind of end up on the back burner. Which is annoying because there's so much potential for so many amazing stories!
I also have a lot of thoughts about Satan and his relationship to Lucifer and everybody. It's like they give us just enough to make the story dramatic, but in the end everybody loves each other and so on and so forth. I'm not saying both Satan and Belphie shouldn't be able to reconcile what happened to them and move on, but it just happens so fast. It seems too easy. So I kind of headcanon it as, they hide everything. Not just those two, but all the brothers have a certain level of trauma that they just bury deep or at the very least don't display in front of MC. I know they make MC out to be the demon therapist, but nobody resolves their issues in one session and that's all they're normally limited to. But of course they don't have time to get into things that deeply in a mobile otome game lol.
I have not seen Succession! It sounds pretty intense. I think it's always interesting when media use different techniques to tell their story. Of course I have very little knowledge of how TV scripts are written, but for story writing, the way a character reacts can imply all kinds of past history, even if you don't know exactly what happened. Flashbacks are helpful, but I think it's interesting to have a bit of a mix. A character is always going to tell the story of their past a little differently than how it actually happened. And I find that it can reveal a lot about character just to see what they change or leave out when telling it. Of course, who they're speaking to can affect that as well. But it's definitely an interesting concept!
No worries, you made plenty of sense lol! You are always free to come back to my ask box if you so desire! <3
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weebswrites · 3 years
Heyy! I recently came across your blog and a absolutely love your writing! 🥰
Would it be possible to request an angst hc with the Obey me brothers? So maybe the bros were having a bad day and they lash out at the MC. The MC leaves them alone and the brothers don’t hear from them for hours and think MC just doesn’t want to talk to them but in reality MC got attacked and is barely alive. And maybe MC summons the brother with what little strength they have left so the brother is met with an MC laying in front of them almost dead.
Ah I’m sorry I know this is a lot so feel free to ignore this if it’s too much! Have a good day :D
The Demon Bros Saving Your Life (this will have swear words and light descriptions of violence so if that makes you uncomfortable read at your own discretion pls I love u guys)
“MC, please just leave me alone” he spat, trying to stay calm but losing his patience quickly
“Lucifer, I’m not letting you shove me away. You can do that to your brothers, but not to me” you insist, remembering your conversation where he said to ignore him when he tried to push you away
“I’ll do what I want to you, human, don’t forget your place” he boomed, so loud your eyes reactively filled with tears
“Fine, do what you want” you mutter at him before storming out, slamming the door behind you
He knew he fucked up, but wasn’t in the headspace to chase after you, so he stayed in his office and worked. He’d apologize later
You ran out of the HoL, just wanting to be out of Lucifer’s reach for a bit. You decide to go to Purgatory Hall to visit Simeon, your best friend outside of the HoL, but take the scenic route there to clear your head a bit and calm down. Before you know it the sun is setting, and figure you should get to Simeon’s sooner rather than later.
“Hey, aren’t you Lucifer’s bitch” you hear from an alleyway, and suddenly you’re just as annoyed as before. But you know better than to engage with any demons that are egging you on like that, so you keep walking
Then you’re grabbed from behind and slammed against a brick wall, hitting your head roughly against the surface
“Fuck” you exhale, vision already blurring
“Think you can ignore me, human? You’re weak here, nothing” the demon drove a fist into your stomach, causing you to cough
“I’ll show you not to come back to the Devildom ever again, filthy human”
By the time he was done you were a bloody mess crumpled on the ground, in the fetal position to protect your vital organs as much as you could, but you felt yourself losing consciousness
The demon spat on you before leaving, laughing as he walked away. Your body was in so much pain, and you felt yourself losing your grip on reality
You could felt your lips moving as your vision turned to black, and your last coherent thought before blacking out was realizing you were summoning Lucifer
“I...summon the Avatar of Pride...” you inhaled as much as you could, but his name came out a whisper, “Lucifer”
You saw his legs appear before you lost consciousness, thankful you were actually able to summon him
“What the fuck” was his first comment, as he didn’t see you at his feet, but as soon as he did he felt his heart shatter
“MC! Fuck, MC. MC?” he shook you very lightly, and when you didn’t respond he went into overdrive. He picked you up gently in his arms after examining where you were most badly injured, as to not make anything worse
He was in demon form from the moment he saw you, wanting as much of his strength at his disposal as he could have. He flew you to the nearest hospital (idk if there’s a hospital in the devildom but there is now) and demanded you be placed in the best care possible, and also made it very clear that he wasn’t going to leave your side
He watched as doctors sewed your wounds closed and put an IV in your arm, unable to take his eyes off their every move. After a few hours, the doctor turned to Lucifer
“They should wake up within a few hours,” the doctor said before leaving
“Thank you. Please mail the bill to Lord Diavolo and I’ll take care of it” he said, figuring that was easier than having to fill out the HoL on paperwork
He was then alone with you, and he scooted his chair next to your bed and took your hand in his, holding it gently
“I’m so sorry, MC” he whispered and pressed his lips to the top of your hand as he tried not to cry
He sat there for what felt like hours, but just twenty minutes passed before he felt you move slightly
Your eyes fluttered open, and you took a moment to adjust to the lights
You felt warmth around your hand, and recognized it instantly, looking to your side and locking eyes with Lucifer
“Luci” you whisper, voice hoarse from not having used it for hours
“MC, I’m so sorry” his voice was soft and you could tell how distraught he was, “I never should have snapped at you, it was out of place and rude and I’m sorry” he rambled on like this for a minute, and you just appreciated his genuine care for you as you listened to him speak
“Lucifer” you cut him off, “Thank you for taking care of me. I forgive you”
“Just get a job! Then your brothers won’t shit on you all the time” you suggested. Mammon had come to you venting about how some of his brothers had ganged up on him again and demanded that they pay him back. You were more understanding than you probably should have been with him, but wanted him to be proactive and get himself out of this on his own
“It isn’t that easy! Damnit MC, I thought you understood me!” he snapped, and you decided you should just let him cool down
“Look, Mammon. I’m always here for you with this, but you can’t keep complaining about this and not doing anything about it when there’s an easy solution. I have to go study with Satan for a test we have, so I’m going to go meet him. Text me when you’ve calmed down”
You meant it to be caring, but his mind was clouded, and he took it as you pitying him and running away - his greatest fear
“Fine!” he huffed, turning his back to you
You were saddened by this, but genuinely had to go, so you turned and left, thankful for the bit of time that you knew Mammon needed alone to clear his head
You were walking to the library, in the middle of a text to Satan when you accidentally bumped into another demon
“Shit, my bad” you apologize, but the demon had no intention of letting you get away with that
“A human, eh?” he grabbed your shirt collar and instantly drove a fist to your jaw
“What the fuck” you tried to say, but couldn’t really speak
The demon punched you a few more times, and you thought that they had the strength of Beel with how much it hurt
Your body was tossed to the ground and kicked before being abandoned, and you wished you didn’t take the back way to the library
“I summon the Avatar of Greed, Mammon” you whispered, hoping your words were enunciated enough for the summoning to work
“MC!” he noticed you instantly, crouching down and putting a hand on your arm, “MC what happened. Wait don’t talk, can you stand?”
You began to sit up, which he took as a yes, and he wrapped his arm around you to help you stand
He studied your injured face as you stood, and wished he had the power to heal you instantly
“Come on MC, the hospital is close”
“T-Text Satan I’m not coming” you handed him your phone, not wanting Satan to think that you ditched him
Mammon exhaled a laugh through his nose, “You’re always thinking of others, MC” he commented, “We really don’t deserve you”
You just shook your head, feeling like you didn’t deserve the joy the demons brought you
Mammon stayed by your side until you were completely healed, which took a few weeks. He even signed up for a job with Akuzon DC. It was the most selfless you’d ever seen him, and you thanked him for his kindness once you were healed with a gift card to his favorite store
“Just stop! I get it, you have other friends, I don’t care. Go have fun with them” he snapped. Levi hadn’t slept in about 48 hours and you could tell
“Levi, please sleep. I’ll be back in a few hours” you try to comfort him, but he isn’t hearing it
“Whatever, MC”
You’re hurt by his attitude, but know he’s just exhausted. You turn to leave and plan to head back to him a bit sooner to spend extra time with him (quality time love language lookin demon) (also the avatar of envy but that’s not as funny of a joke so)
You were planning to meet with some classmates to study, but you ran into a demon on your way that had been bullying you for being human for the whole semester
You hadn’t told any of the brothers because you didn’t want to make a big deal about it, but you were worried suddenly what the demon would do to you outside of the school grounds
“Hey, it’s the human” she snarled, stepping in front of you to stop your path
“Sorry, I’m busy” you tried to walk around her, but she had no intention of letting you go unscathed
“Not so fast” she stomped her foot over yours to stop you and shoved you back against a light pole nearby
You felt the cold metal slam against your spine and grunted in discomfort
“Can’t take a little pain? That’s too bad” she said, taking you by your shirt and  throwing your body on the road
She kicked your body for what felt like minutes while spitting insults at you, before leaving your weakened body on the ground
You tried to get up once she was gone but screamed in pain, not able to move a muscle
“I summon the Avatar of Envy, Leviathan,” you said, tears starting to run down your face at his name
“Levi, Levi please, help me” you whispered as he appeared
“MC, I’m here” he kneeled down beside you and inspected your body, “I’m here, don’t worry”
“Levi” your hand tightened around his jacket, “Help”
He picked you up, maintaining your position in his arms, and took you to the hospital as fast as he could while keeping you comfortable
He stayed by your side as much as he was legally allowed to while the doctors cared for your torso and x-rayed your foot. After a day or so you were allowed home, and he insisted that he stayed by your side until you were completely healed
“MC, I’ve asked you eight times to leave me alone, I’m clearly trying to read, can’t you take the hint?” he sighed exasperatedly and waited for you to leave, not intending his words to be so harsh but he figured you’d be fine
You were not fine! What the fuck Satan.
“Fine, screw you then” you retorted and left, slamming the door behind you
He realized that you weren’t fine, but wanted to finish his book. Then he’d apologize. But when we went to your room later that night to talk, you didn’t answer.
“MC, come on, open up. I’m sorry for earlier, can we just talk?”
Beelzebub was walking by, “I haven’t seen them since this morning, they left the house crying” he said awfully casually, “I never saw them come back”
Satan felt the blood drain from his face and he ran out of the HoL, ignoring Beel’s “I’m sure they’re fine now!” from behind him
He barely made it out of the doors before he was summoned, and he was confused before he realized the only way he could be summoned was by you
As soon as he was there he saw you, thrown against a dumpster, barely able to hold yourself up
“Satan” you called, voice weak, and he was at your side in less than a second
He stood in front of you and you got on his back, wrapping your arms over his neck
“Tell me what happened. Who did this” his voice was firm and you could almost feel the anger radiating off him
You muttered a name under your breath before resting your head on his shoulder, trying everything you could to not pass out
“Satan, talk to me. I can’t stay awake”
That scared him, so he walked to the hospital a bit faster, but gently still as to not cause you any extra pain
He started telling you about his book since that was all he did that day, but it ended up turning into a long apology for pushing you away and raising his voice earlier. You would have cut him off but you didn’t have the strength to, so you just listened to his words, noticing the thought he had clearly put into them throughout the day
“Satan-” you started, and he instantly stopped to listen, “I forgive you”
He was silent, a sense of relief and appreciation for you washing over him and he thanked you for your understanding of his anger as you arrived at the hospital
Similar to Lucifer, he demanded you to be seen by the best doctor there was on staff, price be damned. He watched intensely as the doctor checked you out, eyeing them up and down to make sure they were good enough and treating you with the same care he would
Once you were released he had Diavolo send a car to drive the two of you back to the HoL, where Satan had had your room prepared with new pillows (the kind you mentioned liking from his room, as well as new ones of the ones you had), freshly washed sheets and duvet, and a cup of your favorite drink waiting for you (he definitely didn’t bribe his brothers to get your room ready, not that it took much bribing)
In addition, each of the brothers had pitched in to get you flowers and a stuffed animal that you’d mentioned wanting, a few weeks ago. The sight of it all made you tear up, and you wrapped Satan in the tightest hug he’d ever gotten
“I appreciate you trying to cheer me up, MC, but I just need some time by myself,” he said, and you could tell he was losing his patience
“Are you sure?” you offer one last time before leaving, wanting to make sure he really wanted to be alone
“Yes! I am!” he snapped, and you felt bad for pushing
“Sorry, Asmo. Feel better” you leave and take care to close the door as quietly as you can on your way out
You were having a bit of a bad day yourself, so you decide to go walk around the devildom and let the fresh air clear your head
Which ended up being a bad idea, as you ran into one of the demons that always hit on you in one of your classes.
“Hey, MC, you finally aren’t with any of those idiot brothers” he approached you and tried to touch your arm, but you pushed it away
“Oh, they’re fiesty. I’ll have to teach you a lesson” he spat on the ground next to you and before you knew it he pushed you against a wall and was punching you senseless
It felt like he’d never stop, but eventually it did, and he left you to bleed on the road. You tried to stand up, not thinking your injuries would be that servere, but you couldn’t move. You sighed and closed your eyes, exhaustion suddenly washing over you
You knew you probably had a concussion and some broken ribs, and that you shouldn’t lose consciousness, so you did the only thing you could think to do. You summoned Asmo.
“I summon the Avatar of Lust, Asmodeus” you spoke, and there he was
“MC! Babes, what happened? Where are you hurt” he knelt in front of you and looked over your body
“Ribs...and my head...” you whined, leaning forward for him to take you in his arm
Asmodeus was stronger than you realized, and he picked you up easily and started walking you back to the HoL. “Let’s get you laying down and I’ll call a doctor” he said gently, “Then Satan and I will take care of the idiot who did this”
Until you were healed he was by your side, bringing you anything you even thought of wanting and getting the classwork you missed from your classes
“Hey Beel, what’s up!” you walked into the kitchen and greeted your favorite demon cheerily
He grunted, usually a sign that he should be left alone, but you wanted some Beel time and figured you’d just be cautious and give him his space
“How was your day” you asked innocently
“Not now, MC. I’m not in the mood” his voice was firm, and you took the message
“Got it, I’ll leave” you said apologetically, and left the kitchen. You were a bit upset by him pushing you away, but knew he just needed space. You decided to walk to get takeout for dinner, and made your way to the restaurant on your own.
That was a mistake. You weren’t even halfway there when you figured later you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time
“Is that a human? Here?” you heard from across the road, and sighed, hoping to get off easy
“Hey, human!” the demons walked over to you and you stopped, deciding to at least acknowledge them so they’d think they could insult you and move along
“Wow, I’ve never met a human in real life before” one of them smirked, “I wonder just how weak they really are”
“I wouldn’t test it, just because I’m a human doesn’t mean I don’t know some demons who would make your lives miserable if you hurt me”
The other demon scoffed, “You’re lying. What demon would befriend a human”
You were getting irritated at the attitude being thrown at you, so you decided to fight back with a little sass of your own, “Lucifer, Satan, Beelzebub, and Lord Diavolo, to name a few” you smirked and crossed your arms
“Bullshit” one of the two demons got in your face, “there’s no way a demon like that would look twice at you”, and before you could begin to think of a comeback you felt a sharp pain in your side
You looked down to see a gash in your side, thankfully seeming to not have hit an organ, but it was still bleeding pretty badly. You didn’t know what to do, but didn’t really have the chance to do much because a few strong punches were delivered to your core immediately after
“Fuck” you mumbled as you crumpled to the ground, and heard the demons laughing as they walked away. You felt yourself bleeding pretty heavily, and knew you wouldn’t be able to make it back to the HoL
“I summon the Avatar of Gluttony. Beelzebub” you said, hoping you remembered how to use your pact correctly
He appeared before you and you let out a sigh of relief, then wincing in pain at your own action
“MC!” he instantly took off his grey hoodie and pressed it to your wound, “There’s an underground hospital close, is it safe for me to lift you or can you walk”
“I think I can walk, but can you keep an arm around me” you ask, and he obviously does
You get to the hospital and are instantly checked in and brought to a care room. Beel holds your hand and lets you squeeze it as tightly as you need as your wound is sewn up, and then the nurses give you pain medication for the next few weeks
You didn’t know the names of the demons who hurt you, but Lucifer found out easily with his many connections, and he and the rest of his siblings, along with Lord Diavolo, made sure that the two demons never so much as thought about you ever again
“Belphie, please let me in” you knocked on his door again, not knowing what had caused him to storm off in the first place
The door opened, but before you could say anything Belphie was talking
“MC, I’m fucking pissed right now, and the last person I want to be around is you” his voice was sharp, and you almost teared up at how genuine his words seemed
“Fine, okay, I’m sorry for trying to help” you responded before turning and running down the stairs from his room in the attic, wanting to give him space but also run away from him
You were going to try not to cry, but as soon as you stepped outside the HoL you couldn’t hold back anymore. Sniffling, you walked to the park nearby to sit at a bench and think. You pulled out your D.D.D. to text Beelzebub and ask him to check up on Belphie, but didn’t even unlock it before someone sat down next to you
You didn’t recognize who it was, and you wiped under your eyes as the demon began to speak
But they didn’t say anything near what you expected. Well, you didn’t know what you were expecting, but it wasn’t to be called a filthy human by a stranger
The demon proceeded to call you names, but you were too mentally exhausted to fight back, so you just sat and listened as they tried to get a reaction from you
“What, aren’t you listening to me? Stupid human” and the demon started punching you. Hard.
You tried to fight back at first, but compared to the strength of a demon you couldn’t really do much. Once you started losing consciousness the other demon left you to sit, laughing at your wounds
You didn’t know what to do, you didn’t want to bother Belphie if he was still in a bad mood, but you needed help. You pulled out your D.D.D. and saw a text from him, reading: ‘MC, I’m sorry. Please come back, give me a chance to explain’
As you couldn’t move, you realized your only option was to summon him, so that’s exactly what you did
“I summon the Avatar of Sloth, Belphegor” you suddenly got nervous, unsure why since you and Belphie were so close, but you knew he’d help you no matter what
“MC? MC holy shit” he sat next to you on the bench and you instantly leaned into him and started sobbing
“MC I’m so sorry, this never should have happen” he had an arm around you
You sniffled, “It isn’t your fault, I was just clearing my head” you reassured him, still hurt by his previous words but not at all blaming him for the other demon’s attack
He brought you back to the HoL and gave you ice packs for the bruises that were starting to surface, making sure you had everything you needed for the next many days until you were healed
A/N: This took me longer than I thought it would to write but I also kept taking breaks and had three classes today lol. But here it is !!! I love writing angst hehe so this was really fun
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minshookie · 3 years
All Play, No Work.
Pairing | CEO!Yoongi x reader
Genre | yandere,angst
Summary | “your secret relationship with Yoongi is all smooth sailing,until Mrs Kim gets in the way.”
!warnings! | mature language, workplace bullying, gossip, and infidelity. Also some pretty steamy scenes, for readers 18+.
| this is not in anyway shape or form a true depiction or representation of BTS, this is a work of fiction and is not to be taken seriously. For entertainment purposes only.|(this is my work, please don’t repost or steal)
Requested [open for request] words: 2k.
A/N | “I’m so happy you enjoyed “meetings at midnight.” I never really expected over 100 notes that’s crazy! I may have gotten a little carried away with this one but I hope you don’t mind & enjoy it as well. I’ll probably be making a part 2, please take any mistakes as love ❤️”
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The disturbing rattle of the air conditioner served as white noise while you toyed with the drooping noodles swimming in the savory sauce placed before you. A few of your coworkers droned on about their plans, their kids and undeserving husbands leaving you alone in the corner of the depressing break room to think about what to expect when getting back to your cubicle. Which was a little less depressing than the powder white painted room you resided in now.
“Y/L/N, Min is asking for you.” The conversations stopped and all three of us looked up into the door frame. Jimin,Yoongi's assistant stood with his hands buried in his stiffly pressed pants pockets. “I-I’m on lunch.” You slowly went back to your lukewarm meal, taking a few noodles into your mouth. Chewing, You waited for the heavy pitter patter of his polished leather loafers to exit, but You never get what you wish for.
“Y/N, please don’t make me have to run back up there just to run back down here and tell you the same thing….c’mon.” He came closing your tupperware, sighing as you pushed it into your lunch bag, embarrassment growing on your features as he stood over you. The stare of nosey coworkers followed as you stepped out of the bland break room. The clacking of Jimin’s shoes found your nerves rather quickly, closely he walked behind you like a school principal making sure you went where instructed.
Taking you past your cubicle to leave your lunch you could almost taste the jealousy being thrown at you like missiles. Disapproving and confused whispers and glares followed you out the area. Reaching the stairs, out of sight of your colleagues you out ran Jimin, the looks, noises and scoffs getting the best of you. You practically threw yourself through yoongi's door, your heart pounding in your ears.
“Hey! hey! Bunny, got here quickly didn’t you?” He walked over locking his loyal assistant out. Falling back on the couch struggling for your breath, closing your eyes, you heard him walk around you. “I told you I’d see you after work, we’d have all night together.” Sighing, he pulls you up by your arms. With a grunt he sat down and replaced your head on his lap. “I know what you said, but did you really think I was going to wait...why should i?” Opening your eyes you met his soft gaze. “Tell me you love me.” He whispers, almost ashamed in himself. Needy, needy,needy,always needy. “This can’t be why you called me in.”
“Why should I?” You laughed, obviously he didn’t share your sense of humor as he tugged harshly on a strand of your hair. “Well if I didn’t love you I’d quit Yoongi.” Rolling over you cuddled into his soft tummy inhaling his masculin scent, this here under him locked in his dim office was your safe place. “No you wouldn’t, I pay you too much.” He murmured petting your back with his large hands. “As if!” You giggled into his tummy, pulling back to look up at your lover. His signature smile displayed on his features, moving his hands from your back he places his limber fingers at the back of your knee. Locking eyes he slid skillfully under your skirt to massage your ass over your panties. “Who were you hiding from today hm?” Groaning you rolled your eyes, you hate how he knows you so well.
“Kim?” “Mrs Kim is the least of my worries now.” You grimaced playing with his buttons. “Mm good, can't be the new girl, maybe her boyfriend?” Your eyes shot open, “boyfriend?! Who?” He planted this topic in the conversation, knowing your interest in the drama of your workplace. “Yeah, she’s running around with the coffee boy.” Laughing, he cut himself off “Jungkook.” He laughed almost uncontrollably. “That’s so cute since when?!” He hums calming down, “uh since about last month, I’ve been watching them get all close and flirty jeon puts extra cream in her coffee, she blushes blah blah. And you know Jimin is the nosiest person in the population of this place.”
You chuckled Nodding in agreeance “learned that way before you did, he was my cubicle neighbor before he was your assistant.” Sitting up you go to his drink cart to grab a bottle of water. “Yeah they’re cute as long as they stay on task, Answer the question though, who’s bothering my baby hm? I hate seeing you that way.” He comes from behind gliding his hands around your front pulling you into his embrace “you have a whole cafeteria in the next wing, I made sure they served your favorite today, and yet you chose the shitty break closet.” His rambling turns into background noise as you look through the one way window. Watching as your coworkers attended their duties, Jungkook balanced coffees in his arms with skill the new girl watched in admiration...I wonder what he’s actually here for.
Yoongi’s breath fans your neck causing you to shiver against him. “I’m sorry what’d you say?” “You’re ok.” He turns you around swiftly kissing you passionately against the glass obviously you’ve missed something. Though unseen the act feels extremely dirty. Dropping your water you cling to his shoulders, legs around his Slender waist. “You're not paying me to make out with you I hope.” He pecks your nose, gnawing his bottom lip. “Huh looks like I am.” “Ah, as tempting as that sounds Yoongs-” “don’t ever call me that.” He nips at your neck in retaliation. “I have a stack of papers on my desk that Mr Jimin has been beating me over the head about.” Groaning he loosens his grip around you. Letting you gather yourself before going to his door.
“I’ll see you tonight yeah?” Pouting,he came kissing your lips once more. “I’ll be waiting.” He opened the door and watched you strut down the stairs.
Getting back to your respectful area, you notice something was off...where’d your lunch go? You could’ve sworn you threw it on your desk. Pulling out the rolling chair to take a seat, “I’ll find it later.” You whispered to yourself,taking a seat, directly in the cold remains of your lunch. “What the fuck!” A wave of laughter was given with your ill response. Noodles dangled from your backside as you turned to look at the mess on your office chair.
“Okay! What are we a bunch of middle school virgins?” Jimin shouted, his face turning a dark shade of peach. “I’m sorry y/n.” Rolling your eyes you tried to keep back tears of utter embarrassment turning away from you colleagues. “Uhm...it’s pretty bad, do you have anything to change into?” He takes off his styled coat and hands it to you. You can’t process over the harsh giggles and whispers, “yeah like I have a closet in my car, Jimin I don’t have shit to put on!” You hiss making him pull an offended expression.
“I could give you something.” Your head snapped in the direction of the quiet new girl in the far corner. “I have a few dresses in car I-I I’m in the process of…” she scans the room unsure of her words “moving.” You offer a smile to cover how distraught you are, unable to respond correctly. “Thank you luci, we appreciate it.” Nodding she smiles softly grabbing her bag going to retrieve the clothes. “Go to the restroom, please.”
Tying the coat around your waist you rushed with your head down to the bathroom, shutting the door behind yourself roughly. Taking off the grey coat Turing to examine your soup covered ass. You brushed the cold noodles letting them splat onto the tiled floor. Pulling coat off the conjoined sinks you found the spacious stall at the end of the row, stripping off your soiled skirt. Nothing better to do, but to sit on the cold stool and wait.
The creaking door of the bathroom cut your silent thoughts short, isn’t Luci a quick one? You chuckled to yourself getting up, about to tell her of your whereabouts…“maybe if the bitch didn’t have her head so far up Min’s ass she woulda saw it coming.” The unknown voice stopped you in your tracks. Her friend snickers. “Shh she could be in here.” “As if I give a fuck, she needs to know!” Peeking through the side of the stall you could see them in the mirror touching up their makeup. “Min’s probably got his head up hers too!” The quieter of the two spoke up.
“Ha that would explain my recent hours, I heard they fuck in the office, I wonder if the sluts any good.” She cleaned the edges of her lipstick, “I’ve fucked him, I know he’s good, really into all the rough shit, he’s crazy.” She tossed her makeup into her bag fixing her hair, “why’d you guys stop?” You felt your chest ache, yoongi never told you about him and Mrs Kim, what kind of fucked story is this? “Little miss pasta booty got the job, and Joon finally proposed...guess he didn’t want me any-” “y/n are you in here?!” Luci’s softened voice searched for you.
“I’m in here.” Responding slightly above a whisper, the soft steps of her pumps were trampled by the clicking steps of the two mud slingers who quickly bursted from the restroom. “I didn’t know what you would like, I have this blue one, it’s a cute summer dress.” She hung it on the door of the stall for me to see. “Or this white one, it’s a bit tighter but I think it’ll look great on you.” Randomly choosing you stripped of your top pulling the dress over yourself. “Thanks Luci, I owe you one.” Collecting your clothes and Jimin’s coat, you left the stall. “No no, I’m sorry Kim did that to you...I should’ve stopped her.” She coyly hangs her head, “not your fault...thanks Luci.” She smiles politely, leaving me alone in the bathroom.
Eunji That jealous bitch, yoongi has much explaining to do. You smooth out your dress bracing yourself for the environment behind the door. only to be pushed back. A deep blush pink shade covering his face, yoongi brings you back in, “you can’t be in here, this is the ladies.” He scans your body before looking at the dirty laundry in your arms. “This is my building. I can be anywhere in any room I want.” Scoffing you attempt to leave, grabbing your forearm he pulls you back. “What’s going on with you I’m here to check and see if you’re alright and here you are acting like an ass y/n” his face held a concerned stare.
“Yoongi the last thing we should be doing is huddling in the bathroom, we’ve drawn enough attention to ‘us’ already.” Unable to look him in the eyes you examine his posture, he propped your chin on his pointer finger bringing your face up. “And since when did you care?” “Ever since your ex painted my ass with my lunch.” He giggled darkly, “what?” Again you attempted escape, only to be overpowered and lifted with ease. “Okay sit the fuck down.” Placing you down in the sink like a child he took your skirt looking at the back. “And this just had to be the one I bought?.” He shook his head like a disappointed father. “What are you acting so mad towards me for, who’s supposedly my ex huh?” He took the skirt under the faucet scrubbing it harshly together with soap.
Why can’t he ever just leave you alone, drawing attention to your relationship was the last thing you needed today. It’s not like nobody knew, it was hard not to. But you hated the unwanted attention the favoritism brought you. “Who lied to you?” “You did.” He stopped the water, “y/n now you know I’d never.” He folded the cleaned wet skirt along with your shirt. “Yoongi, I heard Kim Eunji talking about it. She told her little follower about it while I hid in the stall.” You answered blandly, ready to be freed from the bathroom. His face shifted shades, “what? I’ve never fucked that bitch, all she does is lie and get into shit she has no concern for.” He gripped the sink roughly.
Like a switch, when the right buttons were pushed Yoongi’s temper was quick to strike….though never thrown at you. It can have harsh outcomes and you've seen it first hand. “She runs her mouth about you too much, I’ll have to help her out.” Aggressively released the marble counter, “Yoongi w-what, calm down.” He walked to the door, unsure of what to do. Naive of his wrath you followed behind. “She wants to get fucked? I’ll give her something that’ll fuck her up, something that’ll make her piss off for good this time.”
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Not my image
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lovingrosewho · 3 years
Devil Devil
Again, lost my past account @loverosetyler blah blah blah, so I made a new one (this one), where I’ll be publishing what I had written previously, I’ll just copy paste it :)
I know someone already did this ‘cause I remember I saw it somewhere (did not read it though, if anyone knows which fic//one shot shot I’m referring too, I’ll appreciate it if you told me <3), but I felt like writing my version. The last one shot I did kinda got me in the mood to keep writing so, yeah. English is not my first language so pardon me if there are any mistakes but please, do tell me about them, or about any feedback you’ve got <3
Summary: Lucifer needs to confess and show his true self before dating you.
• Pairing: Lucifer x Reader • Words: 1644 • Warnings: sexual suggestions, cursing?, atheist reader
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You wake up in Lucifer’s bed with your whole body sore from spending the night with him, although last time you checked, you were riding him on the living room sofa, not on his own bed.
“Damn it” you say hissing as you stretch your muscles and incorporate on the pillows, before even thinking about getting up.
“Oh?” Lucifer inquires with a sexy smirk plastered on his face, wearing a deep blue satin robe, entering the room in the blink of an eye. Quite literally. But you have gotten used to it “I’m sorry, are you… I don’t know… still aching from everything we did last night?”
“Shut up” you say falling back again on the mattress “My freaking muscles feel swollen.”
“Well, I did warn you about my horse stamina since we started hanging out naked, sweetheart” he tells you, handing over a painkiller and a glass of water with a sarcastic grin.
“It not a complaint, sweetheart” you say mimicking his voice tone as you accept the glass of water and swallow the pill, rolling your eyes in irony “It’s a ‘I’m stunned that’s all you’ve got’ statement.”
He opens his eyes in pleasant surprise and all of a sudden, throws himself at you, you both roll over the bed making out until you’re out of breath and have to stop him.
“Lucifer…” you say trying (not really) to get him off your neck.
“I’m gonna eat you all, love” he says ignoring your not so clear attempts to stop what he’s doing.
“Luci, Luce… come on” you say in between moans, you clear your throat to try and speak in a more serious tone “Lucifer, stop”.
He does, immediately.
“What’s wrong? I was just warming up” he watches in confusion as you get up to dress up, bearing with the kill ass pain you’ve got in silence so he doesn’t win.
“I need to get to work, Luci” you remind him with a soft smile “I too, have a life to attend to, Mr. Morningstar.”
“Yes… I suppose you do… it’s just… well…” you turn around to face him, half-dressed already, but when you do he pulls you towards him and you end up making out on top of him again.
“Damn it, Lucifer” you say “Didn’t you have enough having to carry me asleep from the couch to your bed?”
He raises a funny eyebrow at you.
“I didn’t carry you from the couch to my bed, dear.”
“You didn’t?” you say in disbelief.
“No… last place we did it was on the piano.” A moment of realization hits you.
“Ohhhh of course. That’s why I feel so sore, thanks for the info” you tell him, winking, then trying to get up and off to work.
“No, no, no” he pouts grabbing you by both arms, not letting you get off of him “Where do you think you’re going?”
“To work, Luci, I’ll be back, what’s got you all clingy today?” you ask, a little annoyed by now. He stays quiet for a few seconds before trying to explain (if you can call that explain) how he feels.
“Last night… before we went for the fourth round” you scoff and smile “You said something I cannot seem to get out of my mind now and that was… you mocked me about being the Devil and how if I truly was, well, the actual thing, you wouldn’t even… think about… nor… sleep with me, much less date me.”
You raise a curious brow at him.
“So…? Luci we’ve had this conversation before.”
“No, you don’t understand, this time… I need you, to understand” he confesses, incorporating slightly and hugging you by your waist. You’re kind of in shock by all of this sudden cheesy behavior, and to be honest kind of uncomfortable by it, it’s not something you’ve dealt before with, not with Lucifer, you’ve been trying so hard not to mix your feelings on this, but he makes it so hard every time, that you know, you just know, you’re already falling for him.
You let him hug you for a few seconds before you have the courage to do the same. You put your arms around his neck, legs entangled between his back as you’re both still on the bed. You begin giving him soft, sweet kisses on his temples and forehead, before passing to his cheeks, chin and lips.
“Lucifer…” you say, raising his chin, making him look at you “Can we discuss this some other time? Perhaps tomorrow when I come back to Lux? Please? I’m already really late.”
He nods softly.
“Can you promise me something then?” he asks as you get up and start to get dressed again.
“What is it?” you say, looking for your missing stuff, throwing it in your purse and rushing towards the elevator.
“That you’ll accept me no matter what” he says following you. You give him a confused look but decide to wave it off.
“Yeah, sure” you say, not that sure. He doesn’t believe you but for once, says nothing and lets you go with a kiss goodbye.
The hours pass quickly, and when you realize, it’s already time to head back home. Thank Lord.
When you arrive, you throw your stuff on the couch, ready to go to your room and just sleep everything off, you notice Lucifer sitting on it, catching your purse.
“Now, now, what are those manners Ms. (Y/L/N)?” he says smirking.
“Lucifer what are you doing here? I told you I would drop by tomorrow” you say rolling your eyes but walking towards him, sitting on his legs and throwing your purse far away from you “Unless you couldn’t wait any longer…”
“No, (Y/N), actually…” he says, making you stand up and sit in front of him “This time I need you to listen to me.”
“Okay…” you say, not quite getting this mood he’s been getting in recently “What’s going on?”
“Earlier… I was telling you about… how I want you to accept me for who I am” he starts.
“Yeah…?” you encourage him to continue, because frankly, knowing him, he’ll storm out any second with a ‘Never mind, I have to go’.
“That is because…” he breathes deeply “I want to, you know, spend more time with you, maybe go to the museum, or a concert, you like concerts right? Oooh or perhaps the zoo! It’s quite similar to hell actually…”
He rambles. You don’t believe this.
“Lucifer!” you stop him “You want to date me?”
He looks at you in shock.
“Yeah well, I suppose that’s one way to put it.” You look at him and burst out of laughter.
“You’re kidding me! You’re crazy! That’s it? That’s the big deal? You thought I was gonna say no or something? Of course I want to date you… properly” you tell him smiling and preparing to throw yourself at him and let him make you his again and again.
“No, (Y/N), wait, not so fast” he says guessing your intentions “When I told you you needed to accept me… fully, I meant it. I mean it now.”
“Lucifer what are you talking about? I accept you fully, what makes you think I don’t?” you say, kinda hurt to be honest.
“You don’t know I’m the Devil.” You roll your eyes.
“Of course I know, you repeat it all the time. I get it.”
“Yes but you don’t believe it.”
“How am I supposed to believe it? Lucifer I’ve explained this to you before, I’m an atheist, I thought we agreed on not letting our beliefs get involved in sex.”
“Yes! But this is not just sex anymore, is it?!” he raises his voice tone.  He sighs and gets up, gives a few rounds around the living room before sitting down again. “What if I told you I can prove you, that I’m… truly… the Devil?”
You raise an eyebrow annoyed and sit back on the couch.
“Go ahead.” He nods silently, debating himself if it’s a good idea.
When you blink, it’s not Lucifer who’s sitting in front of you anymore, instead, there’s a… bald-headed red… demon… thing in a suit, in Lucifer’s suit.
You freeze for quite a few seconds before you blink again, and there it is again, your beloved Lucifer Morningstar.
“(Y/N)…?” he inquires worried as he watches you starting to tremble, but guesses it’s best not to touch you.
You look at him for a fraction of a seconds before you have to look away again. You just can’t do this.
Lucifer nods slightly, gets up, and leaves your apartment.
You don’t know how much time passes before you realize what you’ve done. Could’ve been seconds, minutes, maybe even hours, but from then, it takes you less than a second to run down the hall, take a cab and head over to Lux.
The minute you arrive you rush towards the elevator and get in, you begin to impatiently pressure the button a thousand times, as if that was going to make the damn thing go faster.
When the door opens, you discover the bar and the living room empty, so you hurry your steps to the bedroom and there he is, a lost looking Lucifer, staring at the middle of nowhere, sitting on his bed until he sees you coming in.
“(Y/N) what…?” but he can’t even finish the question because you have already jumped to him and began kissing him uncontrollably.
“I fucking love you” you say between kisses and tears “I don’t care about anything else, I need you, I accept you, completely, and I love you.”
Lucifer distances himself a bit to look at you in the eyes, he smiles widely.
“I’m glad to hear that, love, I had begun to think we were already breaking up before we even started dating. Now” he says, starting to unbutton his shirt with one hand and raising your skirt with the other one “Where were we?”
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what about....... 💻 for thomastair, with the plot "there's only one bed"? thank u 🥺
i know we're all going off about ariadne & alastair right now but I wanted to get this posted!! thomastair fluff with a little angst. i hope you like this, it was a lot of fun to write! pls check the end for disclaimers, i also cross-posted to AO3. only content warnings are discussion of grief and brief mention of racism.
prompt: “there’s only one bed”
“You’re in luck!” the innkeeper declared. “There are four rooms left.” 
“Thank you, sir,” James responded without question. Four rooms, eight people. “We’ll take them.” James paid the gentlemen and turned to his friends. 
Lucie pouted. “I suppose that means Daisy and I can’t share a room.” 
It was a trying journey, dragging a group of eight along into rural England, but they needed to find the portal that continued to allow Belial a connection to this realm, and their only leads were here. It was the sole way to stop Belial for good. It began as just the Merry Thieves, of course, but then Lucie and Cordelia caught wind of it, and they couldn’t refuse. From there, it was Alastair, who refused to allow his sister to go without him, despite the animosity that still sat between him and the other boys, and Jesse, who insisted that this was the only way to save Grace and free her from Belial’s - and their mother’s - control. As such, the eight of them departed. It might not be ideal to travel with so many people, but it did allow them to split into smaller groups relatively easily - unless, of course, those groups were sharing a room with each other. 
Without Alastair and Jesse, it would be simple: Lucie with Cordelia, James with Matthew, and Thomas with Christopher. However, no one really knew Jesse all that well apart from Lucie, and they certainly didn’t trust Alastair enough to leave Jesse with him for a night. Most logically, the girls would stay with their brothers, but Lucie had been excited about the idea of a ‘sleepover’ with Cordelia all day. The weather was beginning to become treacherous, as it sometimes did during English winters, and they knew they would need to retreat to an inn that evening. 
“Nonsense, Lucie,” Thomas said a little more quickly than seemed logical. “I can stay with Alastair, and I’m sure one of you doesn't mind staying with Jesse.” He eyed his friends. “You two should enjoy yourselves; it’s been a difficult couple of days.” 
Lucie’s eyes lit up eagerly. “Oh, Thomas, are you sure?” 
Matthew’s eyes had darkened and he repeated, “Yeah, Tom, are you sure?” 
Alastair rolled his eyes and ignored the fact that they were solely debating who would have the displeasure of spending the night in the same room as him. 
“I said so, didn’t I?” was Thomas’ reply. 
“I’ll stay with Jesse,” James offered before the discussion could continue into more hurtful territory. 
The innkeeper led them to their rooms, and they settled for the night. 
Alastair gritted his teeth when he saw that instead of two single beds, there was one double. He sighed. “I can go ask for extra blankets; I’ve slept in worse places.”
Thomas paused for a second in confusion. “Don’t be daft, Carstairs, the bed is plenty big enough for the both of us.” He turned his head sideways. “Though it might be a bit short…” 
“You don’t have to-” 
“I said, don’t be silly. We’re here to rest, that’s all.” 
Alastair grunted but didn’t push it further. They continued in relative silence as they took turns changing behind the folding screen and freshening up at the wash bin. Finally comfortable, Alastair settled into the armchair beside the bed with the book he’d brought along and tried to consume himself enough in the reading that he could ignore that just a few feet away from him was the very tall, very muscular, very attractive man who hated him.
It wasn’t working. 
“What are you reading?” 
Alastair bit his lip. He hated when people interrupted him while he was reading, but he supposed he wasn’t really reading at all, just pretending to. The cover of the book was plain, a deep red leather with no writing. Whenever he was around folks who were not his family, he was careful to position himself in a way that no one would be able to see the writing inside - writing that did not use the Roman alphabet. He always felt more comfortable with Thomas, though, for some odd reason. He sighed. “Divan-e Shams.” He tilted the book towards Thomas so he could see a bit of the Farsi poetry written inside. 
“Would you read some to me? I’ve forgotten my reading material.” 
Alastair flashed him an incredulous look. “What an important thing to forget.” 
“Yes,” Thomas sighed. “I have realized. So…?” 
Alastair rolled his eyes and did his best to translate. “My desert is without end, my soul, my heart must tear. The world here-” 
“No, no,” Thomas interrupted. “In Persian.” 
Alastair pushed away some of his shock. After all, Cordelia had said that Thomas had been studying the language with Lucie. “Right,” he amended before beginning again. Around the same spot, though, he cut himself off. 
“What’s the matter?” 
“It’s just… it’s meant to be sung. It feels strange saying it.” 
“Sing it, then.” 
Alastair stared at him for a moment. Was this some sort of trick? Was he going to run off to his schoolboy friends the moment he was finished to laugh about what he had done? Was he doing it to get revenge? He pondered all of the possibilities, but his mind rested on just one thought: that perhaps it would be worth it, to play into some cruel trick, if it meant he could say that he’d sung to Thomas Lightwood, even just once. 
“I mean… You don’t have to, but you can. If you wanted,” Thomas said quickly, realizing that he might have made Alastair uncomfortable. 
Alastair cleared his throat and began to sing. He made sure to keep his voice soft and low as he made his way through the ghazal, careful to not allow anyone to hear through the walls. Cordelia would never let him live it down if she heard. He finally looked up at Thomas, who was staring at him intensely. 
“That was beautiful.” 
He raised an eyebrow. “Did you understand any of it?” 
Thomas grinned. “Not a word.” 
Alastair chuckled. “That’s alright. Mevlevi - I believe you folks call him Rumi - was a genius. He crafted phrases in a way… Well, I’m not sure I’ve ever seen anything else quite like it. He gives new meanings to old words and uses quite a bit of wordplay, speaking of love and loss and longing… I used to think it was a tragedy, truly, that English speakers could not understand, but now… it’s nice. Like a secret only I, and, well, Persia, have access too.” He bit back a smile as he rambled. While the books he had were from his mother, she never had much of an interest in it all, nor Cordelia, so he’d never had anyone to muse about the poet with before.
“I can see why you enjoy it so much. I’m not sure I’ve ever heard something so beautiful before. I didn’t even know you could sing.” 
Alastair felt his brain sputter a bit. He’d become so entranced with the language before him that he’d forgotten that he had just sung it to Thomas. He felt his face flush, and he was grateful that it is difficult to see against his dark complexion. “Oh… It was nothing. I mean, I don’t, really. It’s just something my mum taught me.” 
“It’s incredible,” Thomas said in awe, his face glowing a faint pink. “I, uh, I write songs, you know. I mean, I’ve never told anyone, least of all you, so, you wouldn’t know, but now you do. Just in my head, I mean. Well, sometimes I write them down. I’m not very musically inclined.” His face was growing redder by the second. 
Alastair was careful not to grin too widely. “Sing one, then.” 
“What?” Thomas squeaked. 
“Well, you don’t have to, but you can, if you want to.” 
Thomas threw him a quick glare for repeating his words and then took a deep breath. He was silent for a bit, but then he began to sing, careful not to look towards Alastair. “I woke up thinking you were still here, my hands shaking with regret. I've held this dream for such a long, long time, and now I want to wake up to the rhythm of a wild heart that beats, that beats like a drum. 
“Your light, it follows me in darkness. I'm trying hard, but I can't win, and I've played the victim for a long, long time, and I wanna grow up from the rhythm of a younger heart, it leads, just like a river runs.” 
Alastair stood from the armchair and moved to where Thomas was sitting on the edge of the bed, placing a gentle hand on his knee. “That’s beautiful, Thomas,” he said softly. “I didn’t… I know I didn’t know her, but I’m sure she’d love it.” 
Thomas turned away from him sharply, his lip trembling and tears beginning to fall down his cheeks. 
Alastair took the other boy’s hand, cupping it firmly between his own, as if just to say, I’m here with you. “It’s alright.” 
“No, it’s not,” Thomas said, trying futilely to wipe away his tears. “We were having a moment, and then I ruined it.” 
“You didn’t ruin anything,” he replied gently. “You’re allowed to have feelings, Thomas. You shouldn’t just push them away.”
Thomas scoffed. “What do you suggest I do then? Mask my pain with cruel, horrible lies about those who have done nothing to deserve them like you do?” 
Alastair dropped his hand and stood up, backing away from Thomas. He was silent for a moment. “You’re right. You are. But I’m trying, Thomas, I really am. I don’t want to…” I don’t want to be my father, he wanted to say, but he couldn’t. “I don’t want to be the kind of person who takes my hurt out on others anymore, and I’m trying. I swear it.” 
“I know,” Thomas said softly. He was silent for a moment. “I understand why you did it.” 
Alastair’s jaw tightened reflexively. 
“Matthew said some awful things about… about the way you look, and your father, and… the incident. You were in a bad way already.” 
Alastair was speechless. He’d forgotten that Thomas was present for that. He hadn’t shared any of it with Thomas, not his insecurities about his heritage, nor his father, and certainly not the horrible, world-altering guilt over Clive’s death that still sat in the depths of his soul years later. 
“That doesn’t make what you said okay.” 
“It wasn’t.” 
“You weren’t trying to hurt me.” 
“I was not.” 
“You were trying to hurt Matthew.” 
He sighed. “I was.” 
“And you did.” 
“I did.” 
“And perhaps he deserved some of it.” 
“Not what I did, though.” 
“No, not what you did.” 
“I took it too far.” 
“You did.” 
“I know. I’ve known since the moment I said it. I’ve regretted it since the moment I said it.” 
“I know.”
“I don’t think that it’s something that can be fixed, though.” 
“With Matthew? Maybe not.” 
“What about with you?” 
“There’s nothing to fix, Alastair.”
“I thought you hated me.” 
“I wanted to hate you because you hurt Matthew. But… I think the world is just a little more complicated than I’d like it to be.” 
Alastair sat back down on the bed, though farther from Thomas this time.
“Is that… Is that why you dyed your hair? Because of the things he said?”
Alastair attempted to hide the way he physically flinched. 
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t’ve-” 
“Do you think he’s the only one?” he interrupted. “Do you think I haven’t been laughed at or ridiculed or worse, suspected to be dangerous or a thief, my entire life just because of how dark my hair and eyes and skin are?”  
“I’m sorry,” was all Thomas could find to say. “Matthew still shouldn’t’ve said those things. I’m sorry I never stopped him.” 
He’d left Alastair speechless yet again. The thought had never crossed his mind before, or perhaps it had, that Thomas could have ever spoken to Matthew about the kinds of comments he made on Alastair’s appearance. Though, the longer he pondered the idea, the more he wondered if he had held some sort of small resentment because of it, and never realized. “That wasn’t your responsibility.” 
“Perhaps not, but I could have tried.” 
He stared at him for a moment. Never in his life had felt so seen, so understood. In fact, he had many carefully built walls to protect against just that. “How do you do that?” 
“Do what?” 
“How do you… just know everything?” 
Thomas half-rolled his eyes. “I don’t know everything. I just watch, and I observe, and I try, somehow, to understand. You’re not as complicated as you wish you were, you know.” 
He had a startling thought as he wondered whether anyone had ever watched him as closely as Thomas had. “Cordelia would disagree with you.” 
“Hm, I just might have to share with her the secret to you, then.” 
Alastair glared at him, but he was grinning now. “Don’t you dare.” 
“For the record, you know… I prefer dark features. Personally, I mean.” 
He rolled his eyes. “Oh, yes, I’m sure there were many striking dark-haired women back in Madrid.” 
“Hm,” Thomas pondered in an exaggerated way. “I don’t know… Though, there was certainly an attractive dark-haired someone that I met when I visited Paris.” 
“Well, I would hope so,” Alastair deadpanned. “Because according to you, we just shared a moment.”
Thomas cringed. “I had hoped you’d forgotten I’d said that.” 
“Me? Never.” 
“Does this… Does this mean we’re okay now?” Thomas was slow and cautious as he spoke. 
“Yes, I think it does.” 
He breathed a sigh of relief. 
“I could help you, you know, with your songs, if you wanted, once we return to London. With that one, or others. I can play the piano.” 
Thomas narrowed his eyes. “You can play the piano?” 
Alastair shrugged. “Well, I used to, but I haven’t in a while.” 
“Why did you stop?” 
He bit his cheek as he thought. This was where he should say he grew bored of it, that it simply no longer interested him, or perhaps suggest that they should go to sleep, as they were both dreadfully tired, or even whip out a line cutting and cruel. He had meant what he’d said to Thomas, though, that he no longer wanted to be so heartless and closed off. “I don’t know… I used to play a lot with my mother when I was young. Then, life got too busy… I’d still play, but usually when my parents were fighting or when something was happening that I didn’t want Cordelia to overhear. I could just… start playing and everything else would just melt away. After a while, though, it was just hard to play without thinking about all of the bad memories.” 
There was more he wished to say, about how when he returned from the Academy he believed himself to be too corrupted and too broken to deserve to create anything beautiful, but this was a start. 
“I wouldn’t wish to remind you of any bad memories.” 
“Perhaps we could create some good memories, then.” 
“I… I’d like that.” 
“We should… we should probably sleep. It’s gotten late, and we’re sure to be running around all day tomorrow.” 
Thomas nodded, and they both climbed into opposite sides of a bed that once seemed far too small, but now, too wide. 
The exhaustion of the day finally creeping up on him, Alastair fell asleep almost instantly. 
When he woke, he found himself face first into Thomas’ night shirt. 
His head rested against Thomas’ chest, Thomas’ arm around his torso, their legs intertwined. He stared for a moment into the white of Thomas’ shirt, not daring to move. Should he? They’d flirted a bit the night before, but they were hardly even friends at this point. Was this too much, too far? The other boy seemed to be sleeping soundly, though, and from the sound of Thomas’ song and the circles he’d noticed under his eyes the past few months, he suspected that sound sleep might not be coming so easily to him nowadays. Therefore, the best thing would be not to move and risk startling Thomas from his rest. Besides, the room was quite chilly, and they could use each other’s warmth. 
Content with his decision to not move away from Thomas’ embrace, he allowed himself to fall back into a light, peaceful slumber, however long it would last. 
It lasted, he would learn, until his little sister began banging on their door. 
“Booooys,” she called. “Are you decent?” 
Alastair shot out of Thomas’ arms and fell onto the floor. He quickly straightened himself and hurried over to open it. “What do you want, Cordelia?” 
She grinned. “I just came to tell you that Lucie and I are eating breakfast downstairs. You should get ready.” 
“You could have said that through the door.” 
“I know,” she smirked. 
She started down the hall, and he closed the door, silently groaning. 
“What’s wrong?” Thomas asked. 
“She’s up to something,” he answered. “We never should have left her and Lucie alone together. They probably spent all night scheming.” 
“Perhaps so,” he laughed. “Only one way to find out, though.” 
Alastair sighed. “You’re right. Okay, I’ll get ready quickly and go down, and then in five, maybe ten minutes, you can follow.” 
Thomas gave him an odd look, but didn’t fight it. “Alright.” 
A few minutes later, he joined Lucie and Cordelia downstairs. Unsurprisingly, Lucie had her notebook and was scribbling away while Cordelia nursed a cup of tea. A cup of black coffee sat in front of the seat he was meant to sit in. He loathed English tea, compared to Persian tea it was nothing more than hot water. None of the other boys had come down yet. 
“Alastair!” Lucie exclaimed when she noticed him. “Did you enjoy your night with Thomas?” 
Cordelia giggled. 
“I… We slept, if that’s what you are asking. That is what we were meant to do here, at an inn, wasn’t it?” 
Cordelia raised an eyebrow. “Well, it was most peculiar, when I went to request an extra blanket last night, well, it certainly was not sleeping I heard from the hallway…” 
“Cordelia, you didn’t-” 
“I did.” 
“You heard Alastair singing-” 
“He was. In Persian.” 
“In Persian,” Lucie said the words succinctly with no expression on her face, as if she was laying out a fact during a murder trial. 
Once again, Alastair was grateful that no one could see him blush. “Did you two actually get any rest last night or did you just spend it gossiping about me?” 
“Not just you,” Lucie replied. “You and Thomas.” 
“Why do you keep saying his name like that?” 
“You’re welcome, you know,” Cordelia declared smugly. 
Alastair let out an exasperated sigh. “What?” 
“It was all part of the plan, Alastair,” Lucie answered. 
“It was quite brilliant, actually,” Cordelia supplied. “It was all Lucie’s idea. She knew that if we were to stay at an inn, Thomas would jump at the chance to spend a night with you.” 
“And he did, as expected, without hesitation,” Lucie confirmed. 
“The only issue, of course, being me, because we’d be far too obvious a pair for him to try to argue against.” Lucie nodded along to Cordelia’s explanation. “So, Lucie spent all day musing about how much she’d love to spend the night with me, just in case the opportunity arose.” 
“And it did!” Lucie squealed. 
“She’s been planning this since the engagement party,” Cordelia finished. 
“The engagement party?” he responded incredulously. “That was ages ago!” 
“And it has finally come to fruition, has it not?” Lucie babbled excitedly. 
He didn’t give her the dignity of replying. “I only have one question, though - how did you know there would only be one bed?” 
Lucie’s eyes widened. “There was only one bed!” she squealed as she began furiously scribbling into her notebook once again.
DISCLAIMERS: I don’t speak Farsi and the translation that Alastair makes is actually from this document. It’s the poem on page 9 and 10 if you want to check it out! Also, the song that Thomas sings isn’t mine, it’s adapted from “Like A River Runs” by the Bleachers. I tried to write something, but I’ve never experienced what Thomas has, and it’s a very beautiful song written about the loss of Jack Antonoff’s sister. You should listen to it! Though, I imagine Thomas’ version to be a bit less upbeat.
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moonylvi · 3 years
Hey lucy~ can i request reaction nct 127 how their met their s/o?
A/N: Of course you can ^^ Thank you for requesting this.💕 Also please tell me if I made a mistake, English isn't my native language. Disclaimer: This is purely fictional, means it's an AU and in no way meant to harm anyone. Pairings: ¹/9 Nct 127 x gn!reader [Taeilxnormal!reader; Johnnyxbarista!childhoodfriend!reader; Taeyongxfamily-friend!reader; Yutaxtourist!reader; ...]
Warnings: I don't think there's anything that needs a warning except for my cringey writing XD Genre: Fluff, maybe bits of crack?, slice of life Taeil: You and him would probably meet in a situation where he was struggling with something little and you decide to help him. Maybe it was in a supermarket out of Korea and he couldn't find any salt. Nowhere! He checked the whole store, but didn't find anything. So he just stood there, looking utterly lost and confused. But don't worry, you're here to save him. Not only do you know the store like your own room, if not even better, you also showed him which salt is the best and helped him counting the money. He couldn't help but to invite you to have dinner with him one day.
Johnny: I needed to think a lot about this. He loves his parents so much and he would want a relationship which is similar in the closeness, based on trust. I could see him falling in love with a childhood friend. Or maybe a person he used to know, that he met again after not having any contact for years. Yeah, I think that's it. I'll just write the reunion :) Johnny and Mark just finished filming a new episode of JCC, when the staff suggested to stop by a small café they knew. Not expecting anything special, they entered and looked at the big chart which presented the different drinks and the small cakes coming along with it. Your café was something you were really proud of. Ever since you were little, you dreamed of owning a little space where people could step by to have a break from the rest of the world. Hearing the little bell ring, you quickly smiled at your reflection in the fridge door and hurried over to the counter. "Welcome to the small Refugium! How may I help you?" Upon hearing your voice Johnny's gaze switched from the chart to your direction, eyes widening in the process. "Y/N?" Your name fell from his lips before he could think more about it. Luckily you recognized him too, preventing an embarrassing situation to arise. "Johnny! Long time no see. How are you?" The small grin that adorned your lips, turned into a bright smile. Happily chatting, you nearly forgot that you had actual customers. Ignoring a confused Mark and an annoyed staff. That was, until the staff cleared their throat and brought you back to reality. "Oh, I'm sorry. What can I bring you?" You quickly switched back into your professional mode, taking the orders and preparing three cups, slipping a small note with your phone number between Johnny's cup and the paper sleeve. "Thank you for visiting, step by anytime soon again." Adding a little wink in Johnny's direction, you turned back around and started cleaning the surface of the counter, while they walked out of the door. Taeyong: He is the type to want his s/o to get along with his family. So maybe he finds himself having a particular interest in one of his sisters/her husband's friends or maybe a relative of his nephews friends, who already is close to his family, or at least to a few of them. Happily chatting with your little sister, you walked to her friends house for a birthday party. You knew his family, the Lee's, pretty well. Especially since not only your sister and their son were the same age, but you were just a few years younger than his mother, getting along with both parents easily. Which was one of the reasons you were invited along with your sister. The other reason was to have someone with experience helping of keeping a bunch of children happy. However what you didn't expect, knocking on the door, was the extremely handsome man opening it. "Oh, welcome. You must be Y/N and Y/S/N? I'm Taeyong,  I'm..." "Oh, hi Y/N. I'm so glad you could make it. My brother just ruined the cake frosting and I need your help to fix it." Sparing him a glance, she pulled you and your sister to the kitchen, not giving you any chance to properly introduce yourself to Taeyong. Nearing the end of the party, the children happily ate their dinner, while you plopped down on the couch, groaning in relief of finally sitting down and closing your eyes. "Kids can be exhausting, huh?" Your eyes snapped back open, meeting his curious ones from the opposite side of the couch. "Yeah, they can. I never got to introduce myself properly though. I'm Y/F/N. Nice to meet you." Chuckling he responded with the same phrase. Yuta: Someone who loves his home. And by that I do not only mean Japan, his hometown or house, but also the people who mean a lot to him. He's the type to connect the feeling of being home with his s/o. Someone who stays by his side no matter what, someone who will always support him and care for him. Ethereal. There were no other words inside his head. Just Ethereal. Cherry blossoms decorated the floor, the trees and... you. It could've been a scene straight out of those
romantic movies which were full of cliches. Yet it was pure reality. YOU were real. As soon as that realization came, he walked into your direction, unsure what he was going to say. Reaching you, Yuta simply let the word that spooked around his mind since he saw you fall from his lips. Startled by his voice you spun around. "Wha...What?" "You look so ethereal! I couldn't stop myself from telling you, sorry if I scared you." A burning heat made it's way to your cheeks. "Oh, no, don't worry, I just got lost in though. It's my first time i Japan and all the impressions are so overwhelming and..." While you rambled on and on about how much you liked his country, he felt a warm feeling bloom in his chest, deciding to ask you out, once you needed to take a breath. Doyoung: He's the type to have a very passionate relationship Someone who worships his work. A person that admires him on a whole different level, not in an obsessed way though. Maybe in a way where they tell him about all the things barely acknowledged by everyone else. Someone who gives him their all, so he can give them his.
Jaehyun: I don't know what to say except for Love at first sight. He could fall in love with someone in the most random situations. Many say that love at first sight doesn't exist and that you first need to get to know them better, but I see Jaehyun as a person who notices the small things and habits far before everyone else.
Jungwoo: Decisions, Decisions... After having a pretty long thought about him, I decided that he is most likely to want to get to know the person better before truly thinking of them as a possible s/o. He would initiate the romantical part once, he's completely sure about his feelings and knows that his interest is likely to be returned. But before that he rather stays back, gathering as many facts about them as possible without obviously showing it. Mark: Our confused boy would find himself falling for a person who leaves a big impact in his life without him being prepared. Haechan: I'm quite unsure if he's genuinely a romantic person, dreaming of meeting his s/o for ages, or more of a flirt, having no fixed picture of the situation in mind. I think it mainly depends on whether he wants the relationship to last since the beginning or slowly falls harder for the person, he initially wanted to just flirt with, not expecting much from it. If he has the fixed image he would be rather shy and far less annoying with them. However if it's 'just' a flirt, he does exactly that. Flirty small talk, clinging to them, bad pick-up lines and winking.
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secret-engima · 4 years
Nox verse. Nox's perspective of Nyx leading him away from the Hall of Arts during a Quiet Day and/or when she tries (and sometimes manages) to tug him away from the edge of a Quiet Day?
Hmmmm sure! Ficlet ramble time! Let’s say this takes place after they’re Galahdian Married but pre-Lucian fancy official wedding (and pre-Regis knowing about the whole oops-a-galahdian-just-married-your-son-without-telling-you).
“Oh, Nox.”
It’s the first thing to break through the haze, a soft voice he knows (has seen die has lived through the eyes of has known for years and loves-loves-loves), and he tilts his head toward it even though he can’t quiet get his eyes to focus (can’t look away from the tapestry before him and the lies-lies-lies-heartbreak-lies woven into the threads. A calloused hand gently takes his own, fingers twining with his own unresponsive ones, and he distantly thinks that he wants to grip her hand back, but he doesn’t have the energy and its already taking enough effort to remember which “her” this is (it’s not Somnus’s little Spitfire, it’s not Wanderer’s Twilight with her violet eyes and black and green tattoos winding up her cheek, it’s not Conquerer’s Flower or Wise’s patient Dawn or Mors light-love-heart Vita, it’s his, his love, his heart, and if he clings to that maybe he can finally wade out from the memories weighing down his bones).
She tugs on his hand, a practiced step and pull that finally forces him to turn away from the tapestry (not force, guide, because he wanted to stop, but stopping was too hard on his own, without someone to anchor him outside his head).
She’s beautiful, he thinks distantly. Not in the same ways Odessa-Vesper-Flora-Aurora-Vita-Aulea-so-many-others-names-faces were. She was beautiful in a rougher, wilder way. None of the past kings had ever wed a soldier, and it showed in her bearing. In the set of her shoulders and the callouses of the hand holding his.
It made her feel real. Somewhere past the fog.
“Come on,” she says, though he more reads her lips than makes out the individual sounds of her voice, “it’s late.”
Is it?
Oh. There’s moonlight on the floor. It is late.
Someone must have woken her up to come get him.
Sorry, he tries to say, but doesn’t manage more than an apologetic grunt. There are too many languages-phrases-pronunciations cluttered on his tongue to do more. If he says it, he isn’t sure which language it will come out in, or what era his accent will be from or-.
Better to just not try.
Her smile turns sad and he regrets. Today is ... bad. Very bad. But he can’t fix it.
It would be better if she just left him and went back to bed, but he isn’t sure how to tell her that, so she stays and moves to lean against his side, her arm looped between his and his side, her fingers still twined with his. The magic under her skin that is hers-but-not brushing against his without fear of drowning as she leads him slowly down the Hall. She talks as they go, little things. Meaningless things. Things that matter to Noctis-Nox-Noctis-Nox and not the unfeeling tide of ancient-kings-queens-lives trying to pull him down. He clings to the sound of her voice. To the little meaningless things she’s telling him (Libertus made banana bread today, Crowe almost set Captain’s eyebrows on fire with her new spell and had to scrub down his office as punishment, someone glued all of council room furniture to the ceiling and while no one has proof, Ardyn is looking awfully smug, tomorrow Sonitus is going to try talking to that girl he’s had his eye on for so long and we’re all going to come cheer him on- or tease him, depends on who it is).
A statue catches his gaze and he stops and stares. It’s Fierce, posing with that mace of his-mine-his that my-his-his Shield always teased him for because it was so big and fancy and silly, and Nox can feel it in his hands, feel the way it hummed and sang for the Tonitrus-him-Tonitrus like no other weapon in his training had-.
Fingers squeeze his hand, “Nox,” says the voice in his ear, soft and coaxing and familiar-loved-adored, “come on, babe. We’re almost out.”
Who is Nox? He’s Tonitrus.
No wait that isn’t right he’s Somnus-
No he’s-
Noctis. He’s Noctis isn’t he? Or-
He used to be.
“Nox,” the voice (Nyx, his Nyx, his Night his Glaive his Love his Heart) says again, more firmly this time, and the combined tug-shove of her arm around his drags him past the statue of the man he isn’t-but-remembers-being. He manages to turn his head and drop his gaze to the floor, and some part of him is infinitely grateful that they never carried through on those renovations Mors wanted to make the floor one big mural of the history of Lucis because if they had done that he might actually drown-.
They clear the doors to the Hall of Arts, and it’s a bit like coming up for air after being underwater too long. He breathes and the air in his lungs trembles from relief. He’s still in water (still in a fog of memories that aren’t his and don’t belong) but he’s out, his head is above water. The world firms, reality becomes easier to touch, and he becomes aware of how late it is, aware that Nyx is wearing her Kingsglaive coat but underneath that her feet are in slip ons and her pajama pants have little malboros on them. He blinks a few times at her feet, then looks up slowly and meets her eyes.
She smiles at him, thin and sympathetic (she knows what it’s like to get lost in bad memories, even if hers aren’t nearly as deep as his, she knows what its like to drag other glaives out of the fog that weighs down their bones), “Hey,” she murmurs softly, “you back?”
He tests the words on his tongue before speaking them, and they taste like modern language, so he risks a hoarse, “Think ... think so.”
She tugs him closer and they start walking down the corridors back toward his suite together (genuinely together, not with her pulling and him shuffling along without conscious will of his own), “Good. Wanna talk about it?”
She asks that every time, just like she does for the other glaives, and every time he gives the same answer. “No.”
She lets it go, and the two glaives on duty outside his suite (there were two Crownsguard out there earlier he thinks, but they’ve been shooed away by a worried Libertus and a tired-eyed Tredd) let them through without comment. Nox blinks and isn’t sure when he went from the doorway of the suite to standing next to his bed, but he’s here now and Nyx has shrugged off her Kingsglaive coat and is gently tugging him down onto the mattress.
He lies down on his side and a moment later Nyx curls around his back, the big spoon to his little spoon, her arms anchored around his waist, ensuring he won’t get up and accidentally wander into the Hall of Arts again tonight.
She kisses the back of his neck as she whispers for him to sleep, and he carefully wraps his hands around hers, squeezing them in thanks. Tomorrow he’ll be better, more responsive. Tomorrow he’ll make up for the fact that she had to walk up from Little Galahd to the Citadel in her pajamas and coat to anchor him in place for the night. Tomorrow he’ll be ... Nox. Just Nox. And he’ll do something nice for her, like cook breakfast, or just take her out to the gardens and sing for her as they slow dance together. But for now... for now he’s tired, and the fog is dragging down his bones, and he’s not quite Nox enough to do any of those things.
So he relaxes into her hold and lets himself drift.
Nyx won’t let him drown in old memories tonight.
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musedblues · 4 years
Born To Love You [Part: 5]
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summary: When Gwilym ropes you into a lie, the truth becomes painfully obvious. When Joe makes things harder, there’s no telling if he even has a clue.
w/c: 5k
a/n: I hear a lot of you wishing and hoping for a happy ending but it's just not coming... yet. I AM sorry in advance. And I'm also in love with everyone who's stuck around so far and said such lovely things. Thanks as always, dears! Can't wait to hear what you lot think of this one 💖
Part 6
"Wait, just one second!" Gwilym jogged across the car park, slinging the bag he carried off of his shoulder in a hurry to find it's contents. Simultaneously, he stopped Joe in his meander off the set. Gwilym hoped his friend's slow pace meant he didn't have anything better to do.
"I need you to do me a favor." Gwilym addressed the auburn-haired fellow, close enough by now to bypass standard greetings. Joe nodded, wordlessly accepting whatever it was while Gwilym dug around in his bag until he found what he was looking for.
"Y/n knows I'm off with Ben, but we've got to go a bit earlier than planned. Can you please take these things back to her?" Gwil started, unveiling a much smaller bag full of toddler essentials, some of which you'd be missing if Gwil left town with them.
"Sure thing," Joe agreed, albeit pensively. Gwilym let out a breath and a thank you as he clasped his bag back together, in a rush to see a game with Ben a few towns away.
Ben had invited you on the surprise sports venture, too. But Olive hadn't been easy to handle the past few days. And you knew you'd be spending most of the game toting the kid around the parked cars to keep her whines from upsetting spectators.
Cold rain had come to stay, and your best attempts at keeping the babe from going stir crazy were wearing thin. When there was a knock at the door, you figured Gwilym was there to trade goodbyes with Ben in tow. But no one came hurling in after the polite warning, and you opened the door to find a slightly more pleasant surprise.
"Hi." Joe shrugged, not quite smiling. Seemingly not quite sure why he was there. "Gwil and Ben just left. He wanted me to bring you this." Joe extended the small tote of emergency toys and distractions.
"Oh, thank God." You sighed. The majority of your time spent with Gwilym had usually included trading such things back and forth. You thanked the heavens that Joe was the middle man, taking the bag from his grasp. Inside were two teething toys you'd been missing all day long. You'd give them to Olive as a last-ditch attempt to soothe this evenings lackluster.
But when you glanced down to the babe at your feet, she was using your legs to steady herself as she stood, waving to Joe with a smile on her face. Hardly a trace of her moodiness remained as Joe let his brooding smile bloom into a real genuine one as he waved back to your daughter.
"I just picked up dinner. Let me fix you some?" You suggested, offering without thinking. It was your nature to extend such invitations at times like this one. But everything was always different with Joe. You couldn't tell up from down when he stood just near. And he didn't even try and put up a fight, even though it looked like he wanted to for a nanosecond. He agreed. When Joe stepped past the entrance and into your rented living room, whether he knew it or not, he crossed a very real line.
As you led him toward the kitchen, you rambled only about the things nearly finished cooking in the oven. A mix of veggies you'd never whipped up before. A dish, according to Joe, he'd always wanted to try. You joked for a while about fate, and how everything seemed to always happen for a reason, from dinner plans to trips to London.
When the time came to eat, you noshed between conversation, leafing through topics with ease. You'd done this before, together. And you realized your heart hadn't tried to beat out of your chest the whole time he was near, that afternoon. Because ever since Joe's birthday, you'd never shaken the steady ache for him. You'd settled into the feeling now, and having Joe around was strangely a comfort, his presence aided your pain, now, even though he caused it all the same.
Olive was finally content, for the first time in a week, with the toys you'd finally got your hands on. It wasn't always that you felt fine enough to leave her be in front of the telly, but she was perfectly gratified watching an old film, curled against the pillows and blankets you set up for her. And because you could see her perfectly well from the balcony, and the air was surprisingly warm for an autumn evening, you invited Joe to step out for a drink.
He followed your lead with caution, watching where you moved before he moved too. Joe thanked you for the drinks and settled across the tiny table in the only other chair you weren't occupying.
And yet, past the anxious glares, held breaths, and hidden blushes, your conversation never faltered. He asked about your life, you asked about his. You complained about silly things, he joked along with you. Olive fell asleep against her throne of blankets as you sipped your drinks, afraid for the bottles to empty, surely signaling the end of the evening.
The time on your phone read one in the morning, but you pretend you don't notice. And if Joe did, he pretended he hadn't, either.
The fun (if that's what you could call it) ended only when the front door creaked open and Gwil crept inside. He turned his gaze toward the patio as if he'd been expecting to see you and Joe there all along.
"I should go. It's late." Joe hummed, resting his drink on the table between the two of you.
But Gwil popped his head out into the warm night with a sweeping wave of his hand.
"No, no it's fine, finish your beer. I'm knackered. G'night." Gwilym spoke as if he'd rehearsed the line one too many times, his voice flat and dull. He hadn't even looked right at you the entire couple minutes he'd been home. As he shut the sliding door and turned to head to bed, the man gave a little expression of assurance that was too obviously forced. Your fake husband's hurry off to bed without you, and his strange insistence for Joe to stick around was barely coy.
As you and the man with fossil toned eyes settled back against the patio seats, an awkward silence nearly suffocated you. It was not suddenly strange. It had always been strange. Only unavoidable, now.
"Is everything... okay?" Joe dared to ask in a low, wavering tone.
"Everything... is simply not as it seems. Much worse, really." You laughed a little, barely, but it wasn't funny. And Joe clearly realized just how serious you were.
But instead of asking or pushing you to go on, Joe just gave a micro nod, as if he already knew. And when you changed the subject, giggling over something Lucy said, Joe let himself laugh too, as you both took the last sips of your drinks.
When Joe left, he lingered in the doorway as you said goodbye, and he exchanged the exact same parting phrase. And when he walked away, you let yourself wish for a nanosecond that he wasn't leaving.
"I'm going out with Ben again! Don't know when I'll be back, okay bye!" Gwilym spun out of the door, dressed to the nines, offering no explanation.
And all morning long, between a lazy breakfast and a lethargic movie marathon with your daughter clamoring from one lap to another, you and Gwilym never spoke much about anything to each other. While you realized there wasn't much more to discuss or argue over than hadn't already been hashed out, you hadn't expected Gwilym to just up and leave without a good reason or proper goodbye.
You cursed his name under your breath as you turned off the telly. As you ate lunch alone, you noticed the sun was peeking through the clouds for the first time in forever, and Olive was waking up from her nap with a bored cry.
You could go out too, ya know?
"Here, some leftovers." You extended a neatly wrapped plate of food to Joe, who stood wide-eyed in his maroon doorway. You'd never been to his Airbnb before now. You'd had rules you wouldn't let yourself break, before now.
Joe took the plate with a meek thanks, then asked if everything was alright.
"Yeah, yeah. I simply couldn't finish those by myself," You explained. Gwilym was missing dinner, again. "And it's finally nice out. Is there a park around here?" You wondered, shifting Olive in your arms.
"Uh... uh yeah. Just a block away actually. That way." Joe pointed, stuttering in place. You looked in the direction he pointed and hummed. As you turned slightly, planning to go enjoy yourself for once, you looked back to Joe.
"You comin'?"
"Oh, uh, ye-yeah. Sure. Hang on." Joe looked to the plate of food in his hand and nodded before spinning inside, leaving the front door wide open.
You totted Olive back to the rented car Gwilym had left behind, biting back a smirk.  
Joe came out moments after you'd situated Olive in her seat, sporting an old sweatshirt and a curious expression. He gave you directions to the park he knew was around the corner while your knuckles went white around the steering wheel.
How was something so easy, so hard? Being around Joe was like choking on a breath of fresh air.
And while you subconsciously relished the sound of his voice telling you where to go, you were both disappointed when you arrived. The park was small and flooded with rainwater from the week long downpour. Joe started to apologize on behalf of mother nature. You just backed out onto the road and said something about knowing a better place, offering to bring him along if he still so desired.
Joe didn't say no. He slumped deeper into the passenger seat, glancing to the buildings and people rushing by with umbrellas. His lips curled into a smile every time Olive babbled from the back. You noticed her in the mirror, and encouraged the girl to go on pointing things out in her own watered-down language.
By the time you made it to the park you'd become most acquainted with on your trip, you'd let yourself stop questioning the peace that had washed over the day, and tried your damnedest to embrace it.
Olive was content, truly happy as you pushed her in a swing just her size. Joe took photos of the slowly setting sun, painting the sky in streaks of gold and purple. And when he settled by your side once more, you picked up on one of those conversations the two of you had so easily. There was almost nothing you couldn't talk about. Almost. But your chatter wasn't enough to keep you warm when the wind picked up and turned Olives nose red.
Joe stayed with her while you went to search the car for an extra layer to keep your daughter warm, but you came up short. He was holding her close when you stepped onto the mulch, and it was Joe who insisted you go back to your rented flat to fetch another jacket or two.
You apologized on the ride, saying something about how you just wanted to have a good day. How you felt badly for dragging Joe into poorly made plans just because you didn't have anything better to do. Leaving out the bit about how you were secretly scared this would be one of the last times you'd get to be around the guy before you went home.
Joe just chuckled, assuring that you had nothing to apologize for, saying something about the spontaneous trip being a pleasant surprise, how he was still having a nice time. You couldn't understand why.
When you made it back to your rented flat, you wrestled Olive into a sweater, and asked Joe if he fancied a cup of tea before you ventured back out. He happily accepted the offer, sitting on your sofa like he was actually comfortable in the place that belonged to neither of you.
"Where is Gwilym tonight?" Joe asked through a humorless laugh. You rolled your eyes, looking back to see your daughter had roped Joe into helping her set up a team of blocks. He worked deliberately to balance a few, not looking your way.
"Your guess is as good as mine." You sighed, moving the kettle full of water and turning the burner on. Olive handed Joe more blocks, and he asked for her help arranging them. You pulled your phone from your pocket to distract yourself from the feelings sprouting in your chest; and to confirm your suspicion.
"He left forever ago and hasn't answered my texts." You sighed, glancing at the couple messages you'd sent Gwilym before you'd left on your own, simply wondering when he'd be back, hardly caring where he'd run off too. He'd seen your messages, leaving hours to pass without a response.  
When you rested your phone on the counter with a huff, Joe stood.
"Are you okay, y/n?" He asked, stepping over toys to meet you in the kitchen. You ran your hands through your hair, resisting the urge to pull it all out in a frustrated fit.
"I don't know. I really don't know." You admitted. How had you ended up here? "I don't know where Gwilym is. And I don't know why I'm so upset about it. I should be used to it! We've never spent this much time together. But he just had to tell-"
You stopped rambling just in time, casting your furrowed brow to your feet as you let out a laugh to disguise your desire to scream. After your vexation hung in the air for a beat too long Joe spoke up again.
"You don't have to tell me anything. It's not my place... I shouldn't have asked-" Joe started to take back his concern. You hated the way he subtracted the value of his words when he assumed they didn't sit well with you.
"I wish you knew how badly I want to tell you the truth." You stupidly confessed, looking up to Joe, exhausted by the effort it took to keep your eyes from locking with his.
Joe didn't ask what you meant or urge you to say anything further. He just clenched his jaw and seemed to make a decision. You watched him blink, just before he pulled you into a hug. A real one. Nothing like the sorry embrace he dealt you before you all left the woods, last weekend.
And you let yourself hug him back now, as you'd always wanted too. Because somewhere deep down you knew this was it. Maybe not the last hug, but certainly the best by far. Maybe not the embrace you wished you could convey your feelings through, but the closest you'd allowed yourself to come, yet. The closest you might ever be allowed.
"I'm sorry... for whatever it is," Joe spoke, in a low soothing rumble.
"I'm more sorry, trust me." You replied, voice muffled against his warm sweatshirt. You hated lying to Joe. Even though you hadn't known another reality since the day you met, it felt worse every day.
He was the first to break, moving away slowly like maybe he didn't want to. And you couldn't even fool yourself into believing you'd been imagining things. Not with the way Joe lingered so close, still. Not with the way his hand delayed on your arm, fingers nearly curling into a clutch. Joe was barely an inch from you. You could feel when he held his breath. You watched his focus zero in on your lips and you felt your jaw slack ever slightly. You watched him start to drift closer. And then the tea kettle whistled to life.
The hiss of steam became louder as your senses adjusted back to reality. Joe had yet to break his stare on you, but the spell had been broken, for good. Joe's breath felt colder, and your future seemed less bright than moments ago.
"I should go. I'm going."
He stepped back, yanking your heart out.
"Let me give you a ride." You breathed, turning off the stove and glancing to where you tossed the keys as Joe kept moving toward the door.
"No, that's okay. I'll get a ride." Joe nodded your way reaching for the handle.
"Joe," You spoke his name in a plea to stop him, though you didn't know why. Your stomach twisted in knots the longer you looked at him.
"Goodnight, y/n." Joe offered, before opening the door and closing it behind himself before you could follow and stop him in time. His absence was sudden and hung heavy in the air. Olive stood from her place on the floor and fixated her stare on the door, much like yours. When she realized Joe wasn't coming back, the babe broke into cries like she did when one of her parents abandoned her with the other.
Now everything was fucked. You'd truly and utterly fucked everything all the way up.
After putting Olive to bed, the quiet home made your thoughts much too loud. Instead of going on tossing and turning, you shuffled into the living room and flipped through telly channels. Hardly paying attention, just looking for the right noise to drown out the racket running through your mind.
The only sound that broke through your self-pity was the door creaking open. You didn't need to look at a clock to know it was the witching hour. Gwilym tried to keep quiet as he shut the door, but jumped in surprise to see you curled on the sofa, still mindlessly pressing the remote buttons.
"Christ, you're still up?" He asked, shedding his jacket and leaving it to hang by the door. You didn't respond.
"I'm sorry I never texted. I know I should have." Gwilym sighed. He was right, but your anger with him had long fizzled away.
"It's okay." You said simply, keeping your eyes on the screen in front of you.
"What's wrong?" Gwilym asked in a worried manner, moving to sit on the opposite end of the sofa, turning to face you. You glanced his way, considering his genuine expression, and then turned back to the telly, because you couldn't look at Gwil as you started to tell him about your night.
You left out most of the details, but you told Gwilym what happened. How you and Joe nearly kissed. How he left in a flash. How none of it mattered because you and Olive were leaving in a couple of days. You'd be out of the way and Gwilym could go on making his film without worrying about you muffing up the act he kept up off the set.
Gwilym chanted apologies as you retracted back inside your head. You stayed quiet, curled against a throw pillow while your fake husband offered to do something to make this all better. And while Gwilym decided your silence was submission, you both knew there was no use. Not anymore.
The next day you stayed in until the very last minute you were meant to be on your way to fetch Gwilym from the set. When you got there, you hurried in with your head down, taking the quickest route to his trailer.
Luckily, Gwilym was already on his way out, greeting you with an oddly excitable smile.
"What?" You asked anxiously, watching Gwilym reach out to your daughter in your grasp, tucking back a bit of her growing hair
"This was always meant to be our last big night out and I think we should still go to have a nice, big dinner. But I was thinking maybe you could stay another week or so. I've been thinking we could-"
"Gwilym. Please don't make this harder than it has to be." You grinned with a sorry shake of your head, moving to walk out with him.
"It doesn't have to be hard." Gwilym insisted, keeping his pace in time with yours.
"We have to go home!" You made yourself clear, stopping to look up at the guy with pleading eyes. He couldn't possibly want to keep this up, either.
"I can't do this anymore."  You implored. You'd met your wits' end. Your heart was no longer on the line. It was crushed.
You turned away from Gwil with tears in your eyes, in a hurry to make it back to the car. But it was too late. Ben came floating around the corner, his bright smile faltering when he noticed you, asking what the matter was. You shook your head out of fear if you opened your mouth, you'd only burst into sobs.
And as Ben moved away, he called out in concern to the guy who was meant to be following you.
"Gwilym, mate, why is your wife crying? Is everything-"
Gwilym's immediate and booming response stopped you in your tracks.
"We're not married!"
The battered up remains of your heart slammed to the ground as you froze in place. Oh shit.
"I lied. I'm at fault here, so don't go thinking less of her." Gwilym spoke to Ben, who went silent. As you stalled, stunned, Olive burst into tears, and a hand fell feather-light against your shoulder.
Lucy came into your view, and with one silent look, she escorted you further from the boys and out of the heavy stage doors.
Just as you turned to exit, you spotted a familiar face a few feet away. Joe was standing near the empty stage holding a canvas bag over his shoulder and looking at you with a slack jaw. You hadn't seen him since he fled your kitchen. And now, you knew he'd finally understood what you were trying to say to him that night. He'd clearly heard what just happened.
You were quick to snap your gaze away from his, and follow Lucy out of the place. Olive was crying in one ear, and you could hear Gwilym begin some sort of impassioned speech in the distance. The sun was bright, but not on your side, today.
Lucy slipped into your passenger seat as you buckled a fussy Olive into her car seat. She immediately settled when you handed her one of your old tshirts that was always a Godsend during times like these. Your daughter was subdued to tired whines as you shut the back door and hurried to the driver's side.
"What the fucking hell is going on, darling?" Lucy gave you a bewildered smile as you rested your head against the seat with a sigh. You pressed the heels of your hands to your eyes, pushing tears away. Lucy should be fumming. She should be in the middle of shouting horrid things at you. But she was reaching out to you. She was still a better friend than you, or most anybody deserved.
"Are you ready for a really long and stupid story?" You raised your brows toward Lucy who was literally on the edge of her seat.
You started with how you met Gwilym at one of your flatmate's wild parties. How you both got to know each other over summer bashes and started hooking up when you were both drunk enough. How you and Gwil gave each other a sober shot. You explained your decision to keep the baby you'd accidentally brought along, and how good Gwilym was to you. How you'd settled into a strange little family who slept in different places but spent every other minute together.
Lucy stopped you every now and again to ask questions and laugh out loud. Because the story was ridiculous. And you laughed too. Somehow Olive fell asleep to the tune of your storytelling, but Lucy was hanging on your every word.
"So you're not even really together then, are you?" Lucy realized, giving you a look.
"Never have been, no." You groaned. "He shouldn't have lied. But it's always been easier to leave all explanations aside. The lines were already blurred. We always sat too close together and held hands in crowded spaces. But we shouldn't have gone on lying." You began, turning further to face Lucy.
"I stooped to his level to save his ass. That's all that really happened. And I'm so sorry for it." You explained. Lucy offered you a sip of the iced coffee she'd brought along and placed in the cupholder between the two of you. You gratefully take a swig.
"So that's why everything exploded then. Because you're not meant to truly be together." Lucy spoke like she'd seen the light. But that wasn't exactly it. You and Gwil already knew there was no chance for the two of you. But you'd been friends and co-parents long enough to function as a pair.
"Gwil and I probably would have kept up lying without a hitch if... well, if it wasn't for Joe." You swallowed your nerves as you shot Lucy a timid smile.
"Oh my God." Lucy gave a hint of a nod as she gaped your way. The realization hit her like a ton of bricks. The awkward air between you and Joe must have been noticeable. But to a girl who had become your friend, it was clear as day, now.
Slowly, and with a great deal of caution, you began to explain your scattered feelings. And describing your situation to someone who wasn't involved lifted a weight off your shoulders. It wasn't a heavy secret to carry anymore. But a broken puzzle full of pieces that weren't made to fit together.
"Well, shit." Lucy sighed, once you'd laid everything on the table. Your friend raised a brow and looked to you for one more answer.
"What now?" Just as she asked, you spotted Gwilym walking up to the car, sporting a long face.
"I go home." You glanced toward Lucy. She made a frustrated grumble as she opened the door and hopped onto the solid ground.
"Well keep me updated, please," Lucy asked. "And if you don't come to tell me goodbye tomorrow, I'll be pissed!" The blonde hissed, grabbing her iced coffee, and kissing the air in your direction.
"I love you." You giggled with relief.
Lucy left the passenger door open as Gwilym dragged his feet towards where she left. She stopped Gwil in his tracks with a hand in his shoulder. He seemed to brace himself, and you wondered what the others had said to Gwilym that left him in such a disposition.
Lucy simply brought each of her index fingers to Gwil's cheeks and turned the corners of his mouth up in a foe smile. She gave an approving nod before skipping back inside the studio where no one else had yet to come out.
Gwilym clamored into the passenger seat without a word. The smile Lucy gave him had slowly deflated and he looked to you with a thousand words on his lips that he couldn't yet form.
"Let's have that nice dinner, huh?" You offered softly, starting the engine to the car.
"How's things?" You greeted Gwilym in his trailer for the last time, asking one thousand questions in one. He was wearing that silly wig and eyes you might have mistaken for sleepy, if you hadn't known how vapid he'd been feeling the past twenty-four hours.
"Lucy is waiting for you outback. There's a bonfire." Gwilym flashed you a tired smile, taking Olive from your grasp. You realized he was staying put, and that you were only on set to fulfill your promise to Lucy. You nodded toward Gwil in thanks, and hurried out of the trailer, around the back lot to find the blonde girl dancing around a burning fire with a few of the stagehands. They each greeted you warmly, just like always.
And when she saw you, Lucy spun to throw herself in your arms.
"As the lovers collided so did the ocean waves." Lucy pretended to swoon hanging off of you. "Oh, did she heave-ho."
"My dearest darling, what will my heart beat for in your absence?" You smiled, holding Lucy up as she lost her balance in your arms. With a shared giggle, she was on her feet once more, looking you dead in the eye. The time for cheesy romance lines had long gone.
"I know I asked for a goodbye, but I've changed my mind. I want you to promise I'll see you again soon. Honestly." Lucy arched her brows and nodded your way. It wasn't a sweet sentiment. It was a genuine demand to keep your friendship afloat. You'd already RSVPed for her sister's gallery opening, anyhow.
"I promise." You agreed, clinging to her slim shoulders.
"Good. Because you have an event to attend in January." She pulled you into a tight hug, as the other's voices dissipated, leaving the fireside.
When you pulled away from your hug, everyone had slowly tricked away. But someone was approaching the abandoned party, stalling to stand alone. It was Joe.
Lucy noticed your perturbed gaze and gave you a final nod, before skipping away from the bonfire. How silly to let something burn with no one around to enjoy it, you thought, scanning the now-empty space. Joe was in his normal clothes, a tshirt, and jeans. He kept an unreadable gaze on you as he came to a standstill a couple of steps away.
"Where's Olive?" He asked like he was genuinely concerned by her absence.
"With Gwil." You sheepishly noted, daring to look Joe in the eye. You knew he knew everything. You even figured he might have known some things you didn't realize. This was your first exchange since he nearly kissed you. Since you nearly let him. The space between you now was just as cool as it wound up being that night.
"Well, I've got a train to catch." You decided because withering under Joe's frighteningly undecipherable gaze was about to make your chest cave in.
"I guess this is goodbye then, huh Mrs. Lee?" Joe's tone was mixed up, sad, and angry and confused all at once. Your heart plummeted at the sound of the name you asked him never to call you.
"I'm really fucking sorry for lying to you." You spoke up a little louder in an effort to keep your voice from cracking. "You don't deserve to ever be lied to. I wish we met differently, Joe. I'm so fucking sorry." You slowly backed away from the bonfire light and Joe took one step toward you, as if to ask you to wait up.
That's when Ben suddenly appeared, fuming. "Gwil deserved the family you lied about having, you know?"
You jumped a little, surprised by his appearance as he cursed at you. You hadn't heard or seen him coming. He was just there with balled up fists and a windblown wig. And Ben was right. Gwilym deserved the perfect life. The same one you'd always envisioned for yourself. He was a trophy father. And a damn good friend. You weren't.
"Whoa, Ben-" Joe spoke up, stepping a little closer to you, with actual fire reflecting in his glossy gaze. Your hurt feelings were ever so slightly numbed by his protective stance. But Ben was right.
"I know, Ben." You nodded. "I'm so sorry. Don't let my stupid actions affect your relationship with Gwil. He loves you, for real."
Your throat grew tight as you spun in a hurry to leave. The gravel crunched under your feet while you stormed back around the trailers to find Gwilym.
But you'd seen Rami first. He was still dressed as Freddie, and chattering to his assistant in a thick accent, past a fake mustache. You knew that somewhere past all the method acting, that Rami knew about everything that happened in the past 24 hours. Because Lucy knew. She knew everything.
You cast your eyes toward your feet, praying you wouldn't catch Ramis glare if he chose to look at you. Even though you knew he'd never broken his character from Freddie on set, you could feel Rami notice you.
"You're leaving?" The dark-headed man stopped you in your tracks, gently grabbing your shoulders and dropping his accent. The shift in character chilled you to the bone.
"Yeah, I gotta go home." You whisper looking into Rami's starry eyes. You could see he wanted to talk, but you could only pull him into a very tight, very brief hug. And it was then that you realized you were leaving this place. And these people. You tried to hide the tears building up in your eyes as you gave Rami a very weak goodbye and scampered off to the trailer you left Gwilym in.
He was changed back into glasses and a ball cap, packing Olives toys back in her bag. You didn't even realize that you'd let a couple of tears fall until Gwilym glanced up and gave you a look you recognized from days gone by...
"I'm so sorry Y/N." He opened his arms toward you. How was he to know that his castmates were going to become his very best friends? How was he to know you'd fall in love with them all as well? He was only thinking of himself. He was selfish. He hated to see you cry.
"Me too." You rang. Gwil had only panicked. He wasn't perfect. And you did love him. You tried your best to make that work. But it wasn't enough. You'd let him down and he uttered the truth from rock bottom, last minute. All you could do now was fall against Gwil's chest and reign your sniffles in. His heart broke as his hands carded through your hair. He didn't want you to leave like this.
But you did. You had too. Neither of you said very much as Gwilym helped you load up your luggage. Fuller, with gemstone decorated handbag Lucy gifted you the first night you met, and Olives new oversized plush penguin from the aquarium.
Gwilym held your hand on the rainy ride toward the train station. He hugged his daughter goodbye and promised you both he'd be home for Christmas. You clung to Gwilym before your train rolled in. You would miss his comfort in the months to come. Even when he was the one who caused you such trouble, he was the first to try and make it better. And his attempts were usually successful.
You watched him watch you leave, feeling all too much like something bigger than what the two of you shared had broken and shattered with your parting.
Olive usually cried on long rides away from Gwilym. Now, she slept soundly at your side while the roles reversed, tears staining your cheeks before the train was too far from the city.
taglist: @sonic-volcano @imtheinvisiblequeen @redspecialty @itscale @stardust-killer-queen @joemazzelo @dancetohotspace @kiwi-hardy @joeneslee @borhapqueen92@im-an-adult-ish @johndeaconshands @seven-seas-of-ham-on-rhye@beepbeephardy @slutforbritdick @joemazzmatazz @almightygwil  @sadhwstudent @freakibanana @lelifesaver​ @drummah-in-a-rocknroll-band​
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dirt-cup-draco · 4 years
“It’s our mutual friend’s wedding and they keep shoving us into each other because we’re the only ones at the ceremony who are single” AU. from the au post with edmund pevensie please !
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YESSSS :D Love my boi. 
“Princess!” You huffed, chasing after Rose as she bolted down the hall, the guards meant to escort her far behind as they struggled to keep up.
“Soon to be queen, my dear Y/N!” She sang as she glided down the hall, every bit the royal she was born to  be. Her marriage to the king Peter would be one of the most highly celebrated unions since the four rulers had arrived. Peace had already been won, years passing as Peter and his siblings ruled strongly. 
Rose skidded to the left and you struggled under the weight of all the dresses you were carrying for her, blocking your line of sight as you tried to follow the sound of her excitement. Unfortunately, you hit something sturdy and fell to the ground, all of her finely pressed dresses falling down around you. 
In horror, you realized that you had run straight into the King Edmund the Just. He was scowling, having fallen himself. You gaped and scrambled to your knees, bowing with your head hung low. “I’m so sorry!” You stuttered. You’d been severely punished for less before Rose took you as her “right hand”, even if that just meant you were her glorified maid. She called you friend, however, and you would go to the ends of the earth for her because of it. 
“What’s going on?” Rose said, head popping back around the corner she had disappeared from after she had realized she had left her entire entourage behind. 
“I-It was my fault I didn’t see where I was going-” You said, as Rose went to your side instead of the King’s. Her future brother in law, for god’s sake. She helped you up and you immediately went to picking up her things just so you wouldn’t have to look at the King on the ground. 
Edmund helped himself up, brushing off his trousers, momentarily chatting with Rose before he grabbed the last dress off the floor. “Maybe if I take half, you won’t run down anyone else,” 
Your ears burned but you nodded as he took half of the heavy dresses from you. He didn’t really smile but you saw the corners of his lips turn up. You kept your head down as you followed Rose to her room, happy when Edmund laid the dresses on her luxurious bed, welcomed her one more time with a reminder of the celebratory ball that night, and then left. 
“Dear god Y/N!” Rose giggled as the rest of her belongings were shipped into her bedroom. “Your as red as well, a rose!” She burst out into more giggles at her silly joke and you rolled your eyes. “Might you fancy the king?” 
You nearly choked, “No!” You hadn’t even noticed the adorable way he had scrunched up his nose when he had stood you how his eyes had a gleam to them that you couldn’t put your finger on or how his hair fell in beautiful, wild curls around his ears, brushing the sharp angle of his jaw. 
“I’m just embarrassed I ran into him,” You explained, hanging up her things as she sat in front of her new vanity, brushing through her hair while she prepared for the ball. It was in a couple of hours and she always needed at least half a day to decide what outfit she deemed appropriate for the occasion, along with makeup and hair. She hit a particularly stubborn knot and you heard her huff in frustration. 
“Here,” You said, grabbing her comb from her as you brushed through her hair more gently, starting at the bottom and working your way up the the top. 
“You take such good care of me Y/N,” She said with a smile on her lips. You hummed and couldn’t fight your own smile. “You know I always want you to be happy, right?” She continued and you were suspicious to where this conversation was going. 
“Of course,” You finally answered, continuing to brush through her sun kissed locks. 
“I wouldn’t be mad if now that we were in a different land, one full of magic and possibilities, if you were to- if you wanted to leave me,” Rose said, gaze now unable to meet yours as you paused completely. “I’d let you go with no repercussions,” 
“What are you talking about, princess?” 
“You’re my friend, I don’t want you to waste your good years bowing to my every whim, you are a person and I cannot be the one who keeps you from living as you wish,” She said and your heart warmed at the sentiment. 
“I am happy by your side, I think I’d be quite lonely without you. You’re my best friend, princess,” You admitted. “Besides, how would you survive without me?” You teased and she playfully swatted you in retaliation. 
“You’re my best friend too, Y/N,” 
As you finished brushing her hair, a comfortable silence having fallen down around you two, Rose practically jumped from her seat, eyes wide with an idea. “Attend the ball with me!” 
“I will be there,” 
“No, I mean, not just standing to the side until I need something, I mean borrow a dress of mine, be my equal,” Rose had always been so kind, so welcoming and you loved it but sometimes the future she hoped for seemed impossible. 
“Princess, you know that isn’t realistic,” You said, trying to mask the sadness you felt at the truth of your words. Rose pouted and fiddled with her skirts. 
“Well why not?! I’m going to be a queen, shouldn’t I have a say in how I treat my servants and the servants who are soon going to be my citizens as well?” 
“You do, and you can do what you wish, but sometimes leaving things as they are is the best. There is a reason for this hierarchy. Serving you and your family has been my entire life, what do I have outside of my duties and the shelter I am provided, the clothes, the food? I don’t speak for everyone yet I don’t know who I’d be or what I would do if I weren’t your simple maid,” 
“Oh Y/N, you are far too happy to let others dictate your life…” Rose sighed but she squeezed your hand. “As long as I know you will be there watching out for me, that is all I can ask for,” 
When you two got to the ball, Peter was immediately at her side, escorting her to a table that stood above the floor. Queen Susan had a straight back with watchful eyes, mirth painting her features in a warm light. Queen Lucy was giggling with a mouse that had found it’s place on their table, a tiny sword strapped to his side. For an adult, albeit a young one, she had a childishness about her- yet you had heard the tales of her strength and heart. King Edmund looked bored frankly, not displeased, just bored. He rolled his neck and stretched in his seat. 
His eyes skimmed the crowd similarly to his sister yet they stopped on you. Or you thought they had before he was averting his gaze anywhere else. Maybe you were mistaken. Rose’s words were getting to you. You looked for your princess and found Peter pulling out her seat for her, by his side at the grand table that overlooked the narnians. 
You stood and let your mind wander as you knew it would be a very long night of doing very little but standing off to the side. Everyone had their fill of food before an impressive orchestra played lively music, encouraging everyone to join the floor. Lucy dragged Susan and Rose did the same thing to Peter. Edmund was left looking unimpressed yet he swayed gently to the music in appreciation of it. Your friend and princess looked lively and overjoyed. The king on her arm looked smitten and it made you smile. They would have a happy marriage if he always looked at her with such unabashed adoration. You hadn’t realized Edmund had moved from his spot until you caught his eye as he awkwardly maneuvered around a woman who was trying to dance with him. 
He finally broke free of the wave of people but Rose was there, grabbing his arm and dragging him towards you, you realized with alarm. You couldn’t just disappear but you nearly almost hid underneath one of the buffet tables. 
“My friend here has no dance partner! Why don’t you dance with her Edmund?” Rose grinned, Peter now behind her, watching with some confusion. “You two are already acquainted so we’ll leave you to it!” Just as quickly as she had come, she was now gone. 
“Friend huh?” Edmund spoke. 
“Come again?” You asked, confused by what he meant. 
“She calls you friend, even if you are just her maid,” He said simply. “It’s strange.” 
You bristled at his words and he seemed to notice because he quickly scrambled to save himself. “It’s not a bad thing! I just rarely meet a royal who has respect for others that are less than them, well not less, no person should be held above someone else, yet we are- I um. Sorry, I ramble at gatherings like this.” 
A king was standing before you, apologizing for saying that no person should be put on a pedestal like he had been. That there was nothing wrong with being a maid. That it was strange, but he quite liked the fact, that Rose considered you a friend. It was endearing, it showed you that he had a good heart. It made sense why he was considered the Just King. 
“It is strange, but she has always insisted that i was a friend, not just her servant,” You felt him staring at you and you suddenly felt like you had been too relaxed. “Your highness,” You added, just in case yet you weren’t prepared for him to wince. 
“She has the right idea, please, Edmund is fine. I hate the title.” He grumbled and you nodded. 
“I know it isn’t exactly normal, but why don’t we dance?” He finally added as an uncomfortable silence was pushed upon you.
“No disrespect, your high- Edmund. But why not one of the girls that have been vying for your attention this entire event? They have a much better standing than I do, I don’t wish to bring any shame on your good name,” You spoke honestly. 
“That’s all bullshit,” Edmund said, shocking you with his language. “And besides,” He grinned a wicked grin. “They may have better standing but I’m positive that not one of them have half the personality you do,” The last bit was whispered into your ear and you couldn’t help but become intoxicated with his closeness. He smelled of cinnamon and some gentle musk that must be a cologne he had. You were positive you were as red as a tomato when he gave you your personal space back. 
“Lady Y/N,” Edmund smiled, extending his hand. “Care to give me this dance,” 
Lady. He called you Lady! Your mind screamed as you took his hand. It was oddly comforting to have your hand encased in his. 
“It’d be foolish of me to say no, your highness,” You added, and he nearly scolded you yet stopped when he saw the teasing smile on your lips. His heart pounded uncomfortably at the sight. You were quite pretty, weren’t you? 
You could leave your statuses behind for at least one dance. 
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theaspers · 3 years
Zara! I just got back from a short trip. In a perpetual state of i want to do fuck all 😑 but I really should focus n do things. How are u? Anything random u want to share? My face n upper body r quite sunburnt lol so I've been a hermit trying to recover 😂 thanks for the well wishes on the job hunting. My mood on that journey is like ⬆️↗️➡️↘️⬇️↙️⬅️↖️🤣
I revisited hades after u replied! N spoilers: I got past elysium n then died to the Chambers (items got so expensive n it's multiple pathways to find cerb's treat lol n the poison...) butttttt I came back like next run n got hades to like 1/3 of his health and then died!!!! I'm pretty chuffed tho. I know now heueueue. And I MET THAN! GORGEOUS SOFT DEATH BOI. His voice man 🥰 BTW r zag n than half brothers that share hades as their father? But he cute that ain't no lie. I um am assuming u finished at least one complete run so I hope I ain't spoiling anything? I'm really sorry if I did. Third fury sister met too heueu.
Lololol I'm not really shitting on luci's yukata haha. Tbh I've been into kpop n Korean shows for yearsssss so I feel like nothing really fazes me too much? It's funny seeing ppl shit on Satan so much but I'm like honestly it doesn't hurt my eyes that badly. N his Pepsi yukata looks pre good. Not the worst by a looooooongggg shot. I hope the devs fix up the wonkiness of obey me cuz otherwise they will keep losing players n awesome content creators. V understandable tho. That's also why I probably won't play om and genshin cuz gacha, too stressful n it's kinda nice just evolving the charas by headcanons n imagination alone. The lore is v noice tho. Have u read the genshin manga?
Hahaha it's a good thing I thought of u. The fic does have some grammatical errors (I went back to read it again hehe) but it's just so soft n realistic to me that I thought u might like it. Probably ooc for Thea tho sorry. It's alright if u never get to it or don't like it!
Aww my ask got ate up huh. I sent it in the morning after u recommended achilles to me. It just said that the song is so fucking good. So cathartic n would've been such a help several yrs ago when I was going thru some shit. I love the lyrics, the sound...it's very soothing n I love it a lot. I hope to find more English songs that have such beautiful n haunting lyrics. I'm trying not to make the ask too long so I've dumbed the original ask down a lot. It's going to be long anyways 🙃
I asked about any personal hcs u wanted to share? Mine were that I would call Lucifer: Luce Luce or Luci haha. N I would greet him by saying Luci....fer after making eye contact with his brothers above his shoulder but he would be glaring at me anyways. Ever perceptive Luci. I would like to mess around Belphie by calling him Moo Moo 🤭 I hc that once close, I would go around the dining table every morning n give each bro some individual loving. Some nuzzles, cheek kiss ya know n get to Belphie like wut up moo moo? Lplolol thanks for letting me ramble haha this is sort of embarrassing. Can u tell my love language is physical touch 💖
Haha no worries about ur messy blog tho. I love the stuff u reblog. Some legit quality content n it's so amusing seeing the juxtaposition between the sfw n the NSFW. Ur duality zara never fails to make me laugh. If u want u can guess my height. What vibes do I give off? I have a feeling my answer will make u v happy ☺️ ALSO DUDE UR FIRST LANG AIN'T ENGLISH? WAT IS THIS BLASPHEMY? THAT'S SO FUCKIN IMPRESSIVE. KUDOS TO U SON. Wow. damn. U. R. So. Cool. 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️ Ahem finally much love to Luci anon. Better reinstate their rightful emojis hehe. Thanks for letting me visit again 💙 - (not a) worker lurker
long answer so under a cut hehe.
hey there!! sorry i took so long to reply shsjs but anw hope you’ve been doing well. i have been doing alright too? i guess? lol i have no idea. i’m simply just vibing. i hope the sunburn’s not bothering u as much anymore though! and still wishing you lots of luck on the job hunting front!
oooh, glad to hear that you’ve made some progress on hades! you’re not spoiling anything at all so don’t worry hehe. i wish you luck on your future runs, you can do it!! (side note: those stupid rats. i swear. i hate them so much 😭) AHH THAN!! isn’t he just so precious? 🥺 like i realise he is death but he’s so. soft 🥺 and no!! afaik they’re not related lol i think nyx might have just. made him and hypnos? they grew up together tho, i think. oooh, love the fury sisters. they’re very interesting hehe. definitely missed playing the game but i’m still not in the mood to play it unfortunately. i miss zag tho. and hypnos. ugh one day i’ll pick it back up again 🥺😭
shdjd same tho. and ur right. after seeing all the kpop idol outfits, nothing fazes me anymore. plus i don’t think their outfits are the worst thing ever tbh :’) ugh, i agree. the main route itself is getting harder to play and the non-stop events are tiring. i want to hope that they slow down a lil bit but idk. kinda doubt they will. and the obm gacha rate is terrible but at the end of the day, it is gacha, right? :’) genshin is horrible gacha wise but there’s always a lot to do, and places to explore. plus they’re still updating the game so i’m sure it’ll remain relevant for a little while longer. i haven’t read the manga fully but i have seen bits and pieces, and some screenshots. diluc and kaeya look amazing in them 😭
oof yeah, i still love listening to achilles come down. it’s so good!! definitely very cathartic. i’m glad you enjoy it too. 🥰
ahaha, ngl i just always call him luci tbh. i know he probably doesn’t like it. but like lucifer is just a mouthful to say sometimes hehe i just know he’ll get his revenge on u for calling him that tho. belphie moo moo shdjd that’s kinda cute?? hmm. i don’t think i have nicknames for them tbh? :0 just kinda. shorten their names lol. and there’s nothing wrong with having physical touch as ur love language!! hehe i think that’s cute. i’m sure they enjoy the show of affection anw. i think i would just be way too shy to do anything like that tho :’)
ik people tell me they enjoy the messiness but sometimes i scroll through and get so embarrassed 😭 like i would like to not be perceived, please and thank u. but i’m glad that u enjoy my blog, regardless 😭 your height? :0 oof that’s a bit tough. you don’t radiate short ppl energy. wanna say ur probably average height shdkd and no, that’s definitely not me projecting my own height onto other people :’)
yeah, english isn’t my first language shdjd 😭 but i have been speaking/learning it for a while now. doesn’t matter tho, i still makes mistakes occasionally ahdjd but i’ve stopped caring lolol luci anon has yet to pop up again but it’s okay hehe they’ll get back their rights eventually hehe oh, and thank you for dropping by!! much love 💖💖💖
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bvrgins · 4 years
oh but she burns; jade.
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( trans woman | she/her | hunter schafer ) —— isn’t that JADE BORGIN? yeah that is them, sitting there at the SLYTHERIN table with those other FIFTH years. when sybill looks into that crystal ball of hers, she sees doodling the dark mark on your arm just to see what it would look like; blonde pigtails, scraped knees & dark alleys: an innocent face and dark thoughts; a face pressed against a window, always looking in; honey & salt; a sharp copper taste. anyway i’ve heard they’re pretty PARANOID, MACABRE, and CHARISMATIC. apparently they’re a MEMBER of VENIT TEMPESTAS and PUREBLOOD but i’m sure that’s not related… —— [ mhairi : gmt : 20 : they/she ]
→ NAME: jade corrine borgin → NICKNAMES: corie, borgin brat → AGE / D.O.B.: 16 / 11th november 1960 → SPECIES: purebood witch → GENDER / PRONOUNS: trans woman / she&her → SEXUALITY: unashamedly sapphic 
FAMILY → PARENTS: alyona yakovlevna turgeneva née kuznetsova, 34, mother. balthazar borgin, father. → SIBLINGS: barnabus, alistair, & cain, older half brothers. marilla & jasmine borgin, older half sisters. quinn borgin, younger half sibling. juniper borgin, younger half sister. → PETS: lucie, pet rat, was called lucifer till she realised it was a girl
LIFESTYLE → BORN: london, england → RAISED: borgin and burkes, knockturn alley → CURRENT RESIDENCE: borgin and burkes / hogwarts castle → NATIONALITY: english & russian → SPOKEN LANGUAGES: fluent english, near fluent russian, conversational bulgarian, german & gobbledegook, bits of italian, spanish, french and mermish. → OCCUPATION: student, helps at the shop during the holidays → DRINK | SMOKE | DRUGS: yes / socially / occasionally → RELIGION: atheist
PHYSICAL ATTRIBUTES → FACE CLAIM: hunter schafer → ETHNICITY: white → HEIGHT: 5ft. 10in. → WEIGHT: 110lbs → HAIR: white blonde → EYE COLOR: blue → DOMINANT HAND: left → ACCENT: english, quite unrefined but she can take on a posh affect → NERVOUS HABITS: laughs when nervous, tends to ramble and not realise how unsettling she can be
CHARACTER → MORAL ALIGNMENT: neutral evil → MBTI: ENTJ → WESTERN ZODIAC: scorpio sun, leo moon, pisces rising → CHINESE ZODIAC: rat → TAROT CARD: the tower → ARCHETYPE: the ruler → SONG: cherry wine by hozier
MAGIC → WAND: yew, basilisk skin, 13 & ¾ inches, sturdy. a wand her father had bough from an estate sale that matched with jade around her ninth birthday → PATRONUS: black cat → BOGGART: horses → OWLS:  jade will sit the following owls this year: ancient runes, care of magical creatures, charms, defence against the dark arts, history of magic, herbology, transfiguration, potions
alyona kuznetsova came to england to have fun, a girl just out of dumstrang she wasn’t ready to take a child with her back to russia. but the child’s father was only too happy to add her to the every growing brood that cluttered up the shop he owned
to the child, nothing about her very peculiar upbringing seemed strange to her. surely everyone had dark artefacts that could kill you if you touched them just lying about the place? surely everyone had a mother that would only visit a handful of times a year? and surely every parent would nod and go along with it when their child starts growing out their hair and being asked to be called jade
a favourite of the dark street she and her siblings called home, her precocious and talkative nature made her a perfect courier between shopfronts and closes, especially for matters slightly less than legal
at some point alyona stops visiting, there’s a husband back home in russia, it’s best to leave her wild past behind. but jade keeps speaking her mother’s tongue; a tiny child sat on a counter translating transactions when others would be reading tales of beedle the bard, and teaching it to the sister she idolised. what she once shared with her mother she would now share with jasmine
off to school and she doesn’t feel like the strange one, no it’s the other children who are strange. those who’s parents are almost like enemies to them. those who hadn’t been raised with magic. those who heard herd talk of the dark lord and looked at her funny. and those that told her that she really shouldn’t talk about that over breakfast. so she stuck close to her housemates, to her siblings, to those who didn’t see her as some oddity. the lanky blonde girl who spoke too much of death
her relationship with her father isn’t exactly warm but to say it’s cold would be entirely incorrect. it’s a lot more transactional, he housed and clothed and fed her, and she had siblings to entertain her, but most of the actual affection she gets from her father comes when she’s in someway useful to him. when she runs a message, helps translate a transaction. and jade genuinely doesn’t mind it; he’s a busy man and she’s happy to help. and besides, he never abandoned her like her mother did
young, eager, and entirely unproven jade is desperate to join the death eaters, just like her older sister. she wants power, but more than that she wants to be accepted by the society that has treated her family as a service nothing more. but she’s been kept at arms length, told anything to get her to go away, and she’s getting tired. she needs to prove herself, has too. maybe she could play the innocent? maybe she could be a spy? then they’d want her.
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fanfictionized · 5 years
The Hating Game - Wildflowers (5)
Characters: Lance Tucker x Latina!OFC
Chapter Summary: Lance will try everything to make it up to the reader. He is a persistent son of a bitch after all.
Warnings: swearing but what the fuck else is new?, fluff if you squint 
Words: 1.8k
The Hating Game - Masterlist // Previous Chapter
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Neither Ana nor Lance were talking the next time they saw each other.
She came in, like him, with her head lowered in shame, embarrassed by her sister’s actions towards the best trainer she’s ever had.
Even though she had seen the aftermath, not just the meltdown in the gym during their training.
Whatever he’d said to her, she hadn’t wanted to even tell her own sister.
Ana knew she already protected her from more than enough shit so that she wouldn’t have to worry at such a young age and just have a normal goddamn childhood she’d always wished for herself.
But seeing her sitting under the flickering light of the kitchen table, crying and drinking until she could finally get some rest was not exactly making her little sister feel better.
If anything it was making everything worse. And somehow Lance Tucker had something to do with all of this.
She walked until she stood right in front of him, waiting until he had snapped out of his miserable daydream to look down at her with dull eyes.
Why was everyone around her always so depressed?
She had begun to think that maybe she just had the worst of mojos, keeping her untouched while everyone else was suffering throughout the day.
Reverse Midas touch.
“I’m sorry my sister hit you.” She said determinedly, keeping eye-contact even though she had to crane her neck far up.
He huffed out a little breathless laugh. He didn’t seem amused, although the corner of his mouth twitched at her words and the way she was standing in front of him with her hands on her hips made her get his attention.
“I deserved it.” He muttered. She saw his Adam’s apple bob.
“You’re… still gonna teach me, right?”
“Yes, of cause.” He said so naturally, shaking his head in confusion as if she was the one with the crazy ideas.
“It’s got nothing to do with you, Ana.” He breathed in deeply, so much air filling his lungs it would fit in hers four times as much.
“’S not your fault I’m an asshole… or hers, for that matter.”
She couldn’t stop the roll of her eyes as she listened to his pathetic rambling so she only shook her head before stepping back onto the mat, heart pumping with suppressed frustration.
“What?” It took him a second to respond to her reaction, not exactly knowing what to make of it.
“You’re a real piece of work, you know that?”
His eyebrows raised high on his forehead with both surprise and perhaps a little bit of amusement.
“Excuse me?”
Her head whirled around and suddenly he got where she had that look on her face from.
“She likes you, you know? She does.” She said suddenly, pursing her lips at him as he tried to collect his thoughts, processing the information she was throwing so bluntly at his head.
“But she’s not like you. She doesn’t trust people. Never has.” She sighed while her head leaned back to stare at the ceiling.
“All of her boyfriends have been shitty to her. I’ve seen them treat her like she wasn’t that awesome person she is and it hurts watching her go through that. Every damn time- don’t tell her I said damn…” She whispered, making him smirk before she continued.
“So she’s never had that kind of… stability in her life. Everyone she knew left her. Except for me. So the only chance you got at making her like you again is to make me like you.”
She crossed her arms in front of her chest, the frown on her face deepening.
“And right now you’re not exactly doing a pretty good job at that because last time I checked you made her cry.”
“I tried to tell her-“
“Ba-ba-ba!” She interrupted him with a warning finger raised to point at him.
His mouth fell shut again.
He would’ve never thought he’d get taught by an eleven-year-old. Or that he’d let an eleven-year-old put him in his place for that matter.
“You’ve gotta do better than that. Show her you’re responsible and maybe she’ll talk to you again.”
He swallowed at her words, nodding his head because she was right. God, he hated the fact that she was still just a kid even though he felt like he was trapped in a Dr. Phil episode.
“How old are you again, girl?” He said with a smile, finally reappearing on his face after a long, exhausting day.
“Mentally, I’m way too old for you. Now get on with it, I’ve got to learn how to do that spin.” She shrugged, making him chuckle and step onto the mat with her.
“Hey… can you- can you tell her I’m sorry?” He asked hopefully.
“Lucy hates the telephone game.”
His brows drew together in confusion.
“Girl, what the hell are you talking ab- “
“Just tell her yourself! God. Believe me, if I tell her you’re sorry, she’ll have a damn seizure and let her anger out on me, so… that’s not gonna happen.”
She explained and he nodded, understanding her concern.
“Don’t worry, kid.” He said, gesturing for her to jump up to grab the bar so that they could continue their training after their thoughtful talk.
He crossed his arms in front of his chest.
“I’ll think of something.”
“Go away!” Ana heard her sister’s distant yelling coming from the living room so either she was cursing at the characters on her favorite TV-shows again or there was something else waiting to bother her on this already tension-filled evening.
The two of them had eaten in piece, but knowing a household with a stressful mom to criticize your every move, (Ana knew where Lucia had gotten that from) it was making the very silence unable to bear. Even her proximity was enough to make the hairs on her neck stand on end.
She was throwing off such ferociously strong waves of toxic anger that she had fled into her room the second she had eaten up, just wanting to disappear and let her big sister work that anger out by herself because she knew she was too good to ever let it out on her.
Because it wasn’t her fault.
It was that man’s fault who was currently situated in front of their door, waiting in their yard for someone to open this damn door and take him out of his misery.
In that moment, she was glad for him that Lucy wasn’t responding to his calls of her name because she’d probably explode if she’d actually give in to that.
Maybe take that bat for a test-drive.
Wouldn’t be the first time.
“Persistent son of a bitch…” Ana muttered as she crawled on top of her bed to move her curtains aside, looking through her window to spot Lance standing in front of the door in the dark, illuminated by only the dim light of the street lantern and holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand while his other fist knocked on the door once more.
“Just take the damn flowers and I’ll be gone before you know it.” He said, his voice surprisingly calm and collected. He looked it as well.
Maybe their little talk yesterday had brought him to think a little about his actions.
Perhaps had even made him hopeful to try again as well.
Well, obviously, since he was standing right the fuck there.
He really meant it.
The realization made Ana smile. Not one of her previous boyfriends would have even bothered to care and come back only to hear her cussing him out and stayed for that as well.
Without completely losing it, that is.
Still didn’t mean that he was a particularly good guy, but he was honest at least.
He meant his apology and he was ready to pay the price for it. However long that took.
She respected that and the fact that Lucia was currently using all bad words of the Spanish language she could think of to yell at him and that he was just standing there with an own suppressed grin on his lips made her giggle and hold a hand in front of her mouth to mute her sounds.
She wanted to see where this would go without being noticed.
“If you tell me your favorite kind I can can drop them by tomorrow.” He said and Ana loved the way he wasn’t asking any questions, but telling her instead.
“Leave me alone, Tucker.” Her sister spoke up after a minute or so, her tone less frightening and more composed as if she’s had to think about the offer instead of instinctively declining it.
His head dropped between his shoulders as his hand went up to scratch his scalp, a hand rubbing over his strained neck. Ana watched him, saw his deep sigh and the defeat in his eyes before he crouched down to place the bouquet on their doorstep.
But she couldn’t let him leave like that.
She slid open the window, whispering his name.
“Pssssst!” She hissed before his head finally turned to the side, having spotted her, yet he still looked around in confusion before he cautiously approached her.
“Ana, what-” He muttered, his voice a low whisper as he followed her lead, not trying to make Lucia notice that he’d not actually disappeared.
“Give ‘em to me.” She whispered and she didn’t have to say anything else before he was holding the flowers up and she took them from his grasp, placing them on the window sill in front of her.
Like a scene from Rapunzel or some shit.
“Wildflowers.” She whispered, making a crease appear on his forehead.
“What?” He whispered back and the way he was looking up at her in such a distress made her snort out a laugh and his tense shoulders fell down a little, relaxing as well.
“She loves Wildflowers. Reminds her of growing up outside the city.” She explained and saw his eyes light up as he realized she was actually trying to help him.
“It does?” He asked, seemingly lost in thought, thinking of her, because he was smiling from ear to ear.
“Yeah. Now get off the damn lawn, she’ll kill me if she sees me talking to you. Go!” She swatted her hand, but not before he managed to grab said hand and press a grateful kiss to the back of it.
“Thank you, Milady.” He grinned and she hissed another “Go!” before he finally turned to walk away, but only until he was standing in front of the door again, clapping his hands together in victory before shouting into the night sky;
“You know I won’t give up on you, right?” A big grin plastered on his face before he was sneaking away and into the dark, making her roll her eyes and shake her head in disbelief, muttering the word “Fool” Under her breath before she finally closed the window.
Taglist: @culturespark
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slothgiirl · 5 years
forever isn’t for everyone (is forever for you) part 8
We hit the ground running and there's no time to be awkward around Alex. Not when I'm always rushing about, trying to confirm and pin down people and rushing into the bus after a show. 
The states are huge. With long distances to cover between shows, the scenery passing us by in the dark. Ben’s knowledge of it all comes in handy, leading us to our if the way places with good food and he keeps the drinks coming. 
I barely get a chance to realize I'm in Canada before we're getting back on the tour bus and it's not long before I'm taking a drag from the joints that get liberally passed around out of sheer boredom. 
There's only so much to do on the road, couped up in a bus with a bunch of  techies. Lucy laughs at my sad attempts to play blackjack and I can only laugh along with her. 
It's a good thing that there's two tour buses. I don't think I could stand to be couped up with Alex. If he wanted to avoid me then I'd do him a favor and avoid him as well. My gaze passing over him as all of us sat down late at night as we pulled into New York city, a free day from a concert but a press day all the same. 
Jaime finds out from Lucy that I'm terrible at blackjack and grins as he wins american bills from me, laughing easily, Miles taking the blunt of the attention off of a band that hates all the bells and whistles that come along with being successful. "aren't you supposed to be good with money," he jokes as he wins for the fourth time in a row as we wrap up a shoot, the sun having set while we spent the day with the press. 
I was starving. Fruit platters were not enough. I giggle, "that's not all economics is! and it's a card game. Not my fault i'm still getting the hang of it."
"You didn't play it at uni," Nick asks with a grin, having successfully extracted a number off the shoots stylist. 
"No. At least I didn't. I was too busy getting a degree unlike some people I know," I reply looking at them both meaningfully. We'd settled in with each other easily by now. 
Jamie shrugs shamelessly, "rather be a rockstar than have to go to uni."
" 'fink I would've dropped out," Nick muses. 
"We'll see who has the last laugh when your on some reality show for washes up rock stars in ten years," I retort back with a grin. 
"That soon," Nick snorts. "Give us at least twenty years."
The famous skyline passes by us as we head out to meet the others and we never steal a glimpse at the statue of liberty before were hauling ass to Detroit and a plethora of other cities never mentioned in movies. 
And if I can sometimes feel Alex's stare on me, I force myself to ignore it, losing myself in the drinks and Lucy rambling on about one of her many pet peeves. Tonight's being the fact that men are disgusting and can't keep anything clean and would it kill them to keep their dirty clothes off the floor, "I swear I can't even see the tour bus floor anymore!"
"It'll get better when we do laundry," I offer before she's off again. Laundry won't get done until we leave for the first european leg. There's no breaks in between. 
Mum complains that I'll miss my sisters eighteenth birthday but it can't be helped. Hopefully all the trinkets I've been collecting from tour will make up for it once I send the package before it fills up all my suitcase. 
In the blink of an eye, we're in Salt lake City, having made our way across the country in a way I could've only dreamed of and I know I made the right choice when I took the job. 
"Told you you'd fall into it," Ben utters, wrapping an arm around me with a carefree smile before he's off giving directions and tell some techie to load up on alcohol because their weird about it in Utah. 
I shake my head. 
"He's right though isn't he," Lucy grins, a joint in hand and Miles beside her, bits of glitter from yesterday's show still stuck on his skin.The sunset just makes the panorama look even more gorgeous that it is. The mountains in the distance and the intensity of the green surrounding us. 
"Yeah Ellie," Miles grins, charming as ever, "bet those wankers who took on," he pretends to straighten up a tie, "very proper jobs are about ready to knell over and die."
I snort, taking a drag of the joint. Oh what my parents would say if they knew how much weed and alcohol I'd been having lately. I might have not done much in uni but I was more than making up for it now. "
Hey they get bank holidays," I joke, running a hand through my hair and wondering if this was the kind of panorama all those english romantics had been on about, "meanwhile I have to put up with your ugly mug!"
"Oi," Miles grins back sharply, "NME called me an indie dreamboat."
"Lucy must have bribed them."
Lucy throws her head back, bursting into laughter, "come on I'm starving and Ben said there's a mexican place with bottomless mimosas today since they don't sell alcohol on sundays."
"What the fuck," Miles shouts, before shaking his head, "this is why no one likes americans."
As promised there are bottomless mimosas which Miles plows his way threw with glee. The techies are already at the venue, having an early start the next day. The grueling schedule means no nice hotels and I miss the meandering pace we had down under.  
Jamie doesn't let the lack of dance floor stop him roping Lucy along, our group causing a ruckus between the food and drinks and Miles being Miles, clamping Matt on the back as he shares stories that have to be wildly exaggerated. 
There's just no way he'd had a threesome with Jack and Meg White not matter how loudly he said it was true as Matt kept rolling his eyes. 
I drink and flint in and out of the conversation, the lion share of my work having been finished on the bus. Watching as Matt sneaks off with a pretty girl. 
We were technically supposed to stop any of that monkey business before a concert, but Matt was good about making his way back unlike Miles who'd we'd lost in Montreal, the language barrier not helping. 
It had been Alex who'd found him in the end, playing with some street musicians. 
Alex joins in, playing along with Miles as they both get completely trashed, Miles glomping onto Alex's side like a damsel in distress while Alex laughs. 
Despite what's happened between us, I still find myself stealing glances when I can, when the rooms dark and he's not holed up on the bands bus, waking up late in the day and dominating Miles attention. 
As if he could hear my thoughts, Alex looks over at me catching my gaze, his eyes still holding the same warmth of a hot cuppa in winter. 
I look away, letting Lucy pull me along with her and Jamie who's gone ruddy red as he dances badly. It's all  the push I need to dance with them. 
Tomorrow I'd have a killer hangover, but tonight Lucy and Jamie were both mouthing along to Poker Face and that was too good not to get caught up in.
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mjwiththefangs · 5 years
Beautifully Deadly (NaLu) #5
Chapter 5
Vampire/Supernatural AU
Rating: M
Summary:  "Supposedly an entire kingdom disappeared when their queen went beyond the borders, remember?" When Natsu Dragneel leaves the kingdom to investigate mysterious disappearances, he finds a much bigger adventure than he was bargaining for, including a beautiful vampire hidden away in an ancient castle. She has little to say about her past, or why she's locked away. Who did this to her? What has she been feeding on? One thing Natsu knows for sure that she is dangerous... Could she have something to do with the disappearances? "I'm sorry, Natsu, but I'm just so thirsty."
Chapters: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7
Read it on: AO3 & FF.net
A/N: So Hi! Apparently, I do monthly updates now- shocking, right! First of all, compulsory shoutout to @bmarvels & @mannyegb for agreeing to Beta for me again! You are both Stars!!
Secondly, Many thanks to all of you Lovelies for being patient, i hope this chapter was worth the wait! Im really aiming to keep the word count near 3K if not higher. Let me know what you prefer! I also wanted to add that i am on Tumblr; follow Starstruck-MJ-writings for chapters & progress updates.
Im trying to get the plot rolling now, so things should begin to pick up from here on out. As always, i am deeply humbled by all your lovely reviews ❤
Now, enough of me rambling. Lets get to the main event!
Review shoutouts! to: KatanaNoNeko, YunaYue, Densolator, Aliciacevbra, & NaluGrey 
Thank you!!
The forest surrounding Lucy’s decrepit castle was vast and held many secrets. Deep within the wilderness, nestled in the woods was a path that none dared to tread, and even fewer knew existed.
If one knew what to look for, they would see the intricate runes littered through the trees, and surrounding Lucy’s Castle.
They were carved into the bark, small, seemingly insignificant sigils. They came in all different shapes, all designed to trick the eye, making them incredibly difficult to locate. Even if one managed to find the runes, it would be very unlikely for the individual to stumble upon them to understand what they meant, for they were all written in ancient tongues, in rare and dead languages.
Had a certain wolf come across these mysterious runes, he would have been elatedly familiar and perhaps found exactly who created them.
The rune creator herself, a wise wood elf, had made sure she was difficult, nigh on impossible, to find. Her stave surrounded her sanctum perfectly. It had been after some thought that she had adapted the stave to help cover Lucy’s location also. It had been difficult, meaning the castle remains were not completely hidden, but certainly more elusive of malicious, searching eyes.
The Elf had been quick to deduce that the strange blonde did not wish to be found. She had run away. The Elf was still pondering what the woman had run from. There were, of course, the disappearances. The Elf could not quite rule out Lucy’s potential involvement, despite the woman’s evident fear.
Sighing, she tucked a lock of blue hair behind her ear and reached for her research notes. Whilst she had been absent from her home and recovering her strength, she had been studying.
The Elf's name was Levy McGarden. She was separated from her Beloved Wolf and the people they had been escorting. Levy had been struck across the head before she could even react. It had slowed her reflexes, her vision blurred and saturated with her own blood. She faintly recalled trying to help some escape from the attacker. She didn't know how they'd all lost one another. She didn't even know if the others survived.
‘I wonder if Gajeel…’ her heart squeezed painfully in her chest, unable to finish her thought. Her mind drifted unbidden to the attack. The way Gajeel had transformed into the giant wolf she was so familiar with. The fury in his eyes.
‘Run!’ He had shrieked, desperate to keep her safe. He was already critically injured as she fled, his right forearm torn almost to shreds. She, of course, now had her own scar to bare. It stretched from her right temple, across her forehead, in the form of an ugly slash marring her porcelain skin.
She'd awoken days later, in a dark room, with the strange blonde woman beside her. Levy was still unsure what to think of Lucy, despite owing her life to her. Lucy had bandaged her up. The blonde seemed so uncomfortable with Levy near her. Levy wondered what species the woman was, it had become quickly evident that she was not a mere human.
She flicked through her notes. Scanning over her theories on Lucy. The answer had to be here, among her observations. Levy could almost taste it, it was right there, dancing on the tip of her tongue.
‘Wouldn’t approach when I cleaned my wound’,
‘stayed away from the windows’,
‘appears to be nocturnal’,
‘very intelligent, potentially dangerous, secretive.’
The scrawled notes screamed at her off the paper, telling her she was missing something between the lines. Levy knew her stranger saviour had not been a mortal human.
She tapped her chin in thought, ‘Perhaps she can’t walk in sunlight either…’ Suddenly, something clicked in her head. ‘If I run with this Hypothesis…’
She gasped, everything about the blonde making sense, ‘She’s a Vampire!’
For the first time in his life, Natsu Dragneel felt truly cold. Sure, he’d been on the receiving end of Gray’s ice before, but that had never left him feeling like this. At this moment, he felt as though the fire in his belly was diminished to just embers.
He felt so utterly cold. He groaned painfully, coughing as he rolled. His eyes fluttered open, blinking a few times before squinting to look around him. It was dark in the small room. He found himself to lying on a cot, his wounds delicately wrapped. Natsu grunted, raising his arm to rub the sleep from his eyes.
Only to find that his wrist was cuffed to the wall. Puzzled, he took this moment to examine his environment. The room he was in was small, but not unpleasant. The arched paned window allowed streams of dusklight through the old curtain drapes. The cot he found himself lying on was tucked snugly in the corner, his wrist chained to an old iron ring embedded on the wall, and the plain sheets were folded at his feet. His gaze drifted to the heavy wooden door. A well-aimed fireball would have that taken care of. That is, he suspected, if the metal cuff around his wrist wasn’t magic sealing stone.
The Draconic whined in his throat, dropping his head back onto the cot. The motion sent a shock of pain shooting through his neck, a violent hiss escaping him. His fuzzy mind struggled to catch up to him, foggy memories being dragged to the surface.
He ran away. Gajeel attacked him, separating him from Atlas Flame. He stumbled upon the castle remains. Blood. The woman…
She bit him.
Gingerly, he reached up to his neck, his calloused fingers coming into contact with bandages, ‘what?’ he frowned in confusion. Did she do this? A sudden idea tickled his mind, and turning his gaze towards his torso, he reached down and tugged up his shirt. His wound from Gajeel had been cleaned, though not bandaged, and he noticed the cauterised skin was barely holding him together. If he was too reckless again, he would surely reopen the injury.
His ears twitched at the sound of approaching footsteps. He bolted upright on the cot, wincing at his own sudden movement. He held his breath, preparing himself for whoever was coming to see him. The footsteps stopped in front of the wooden door.
He heard the latch click softly, surprised to learn that it wasn't locked. The hinges creaked in protest as the door opened slowly, soft candlelight trickling in from the hall.
She stepped carefully, and not without trepidation in his small room. He found himself taken aback at her appearance. Before, when he found her on the floor, she had been paler than death, dark shadows gathering around her eyes. Eyes that had flashed crimson, mad with hunger.
But as he looked at her now, undoubtedly the same woman, he found the breath leaving his lungs. Her golden tresses tumbled down to her waist, framing her heart-shaped face perfectly. She looked so alive, he thought, with the warmth in her cheeks, she was glowing. Her eyes were the colour of honey, warm and soft when they met his. She froze, her eyes widening a fraction, more colour flushing her face.
He watched her silently, her eyes darting away from him to the fading sunlight on the floor then back to him. Her mouth opened, tiny sharp points glinting as she did, reminding him to stay cautious.
‘I… I apologise for attacking you before.’ She briefly glanced away, guilt flashing in her eyes. ‘I was not myself. I came to check on you, you have slept for a long time.’ She resisted the nervous urge to chew her lip.
Natsu cocked his head as he regarded her. For how vicious she had appeared before, she seemed genuinely apologetic now and concerned for him. Despite himself, a grin broke out across his face. He couldn’t help it. Attacking someone then taking care of them? She was such a…
Her mouth opened in protest, and he cackled at the indignant pout on her face. He had a feeling he was going to enjoy teasing her, should he be staying for longer. He held up his hands in a surrender motion, feeling more at ease with with the unusual woman. He met her eyes again with an easy smile, ‘Thanks for patching me up! But’ he hesitantly reached for bandage around his neck, ‘What exactly did you do to me?’
He held no malice towards her. Who was he to judge someone for losing control of themselves, after all? He still held some suspicion, but it was waning the longer she stood by the door. At his question, she flushed deeply, in embarrassment or shame, neither could tell.
‘I… I am not entirely sure myself, to be honest.’ The admission came softly, sadly, ‘I deeply regret that I bit you. I didn’t mean to drink so much.’ she sighed, ‘well, drink at all, really.’
He quirked an eyebrow at her, gears ticking in his head. ‘You’re a Vampire?’
She visibly flinched at the word and a muscle in her jaw twitched. She nodded stiffly.
Natsu bit into his tongue to stop himself blurting more questions. Whilst it wasn’t typically characteristic of him to think before speaking, every cell of his new companion screamed that she was uncomfortable, and being still chained made it very much against his favour to upset her.
He did need a few more answers, however. ‘Can you unchain me? The sealing stone is restricting my magic.’ He explained, raising his wrist.
Her gaze snapped back to him. She was frowning, confusion drawn across her features.
‘Sealing stone? I don't have any of that here.’ She glanced at the light on the floor again, taking a hesitant step forward around it.
Natsu was frowning in return, if it wasn’t sealing stone, then why couldn’t he use his fire? Why did it feel like he only had ash in his mouth? He stared at her as she sat perched on the foot of the cot.
She cleared her throat, ‘What’s your magic?’ she wanted to be direct with him.
He gestured to the horns protruding through his hair, ‘Fire. I’m Draconic.’ as if to prove a point, he attempted to create a flame in the palm of his hand, producing nothing but a brief spark. He grunted in frustration.
A chill ran through him again, reminding him of his diminishing embers. The woman was watching him thoughtfully. Something was niggling at her, from the corner of her mind. When she drank from him… the first thing she became aware of…
‘... I was warm.’ she breathed.
Sharp draconic ears twitched. He sensed a deeper meaning to her words. He was anxious to learn more. But before he could ask, she had scrambled to her feet, reaching for the door and fleeing without a word.
The words died in his throat, a long sigh escaping him instead. He allowed himself, more carefully this time, to fall back onto the cot again.
It would be quite a while later that he realised he hadn't even got her name.
Lucy all but fled the room, leaving the Draconic man behind. Her heart was pounding in her chest, adrenaline spiking and causing her hands to quake. She moved briskly through the stone halls, not knowing where her feet were taking her, but just needing to be moving somewhere.
She gnawed her lip, her mind whirling as she marched. In her distraction, she failed to notice the soft glittering sparks pulsing to life beneath her feet with every step. Nor did she notice how the candle flames leaned towards her presence as she passed.
The vampire only grew aware that she had been wandering a while when she passed an open window, and belatedly startled, only to realise that the daylight had gone. She paused, gazing into the darkening hues across the sky. Her heart throbbed painfully.
She shook her head, golden strands dancing glitter around her. She felt overwhelmed. She needed fresh air. Lucy gathered her skirts, setting off in a run. She knew where she was heading this time. Her feet pounded against the stone steps, before she burst through the old hatchet, into the former rooftop garden.
Her train of thoughts began to run away from her once she was in her safe space. She was trying so hard. So hard to accept that she had drank from the strange man. She had never drank from someone before. She didn’t know what affects it had on someone, or what she was capable of in this form.
Lucy wrapped her arms around herself. More glittering dust fell from her movements. She was trembling, honey gold eyes staring into nothing.
‘Did I… drink away his magic?’
Her head shook violently at the thought. Surely that wasn’t possible? But then, she was unable to recall that last time she felt any warmth, prior to biting the man.
Lucy fought to think rationally. Before the… Incident, as she’d decided to dub it, she had collapsed from bloodlust. She always hated how much the hunger affected her. In the fuzzy recesses of her mind, she remembered that she could smell blood right as she came to. The warm, spicy taste of his blood on her tongue danced in her mind, and she blushed vehemently. It had felt like being in a trance.
He couldn’t make a fire now though. She’d watched him involuntarily shivering in that room. He was cold. What had she done to him? Had she drained his life energy too?
She certainly felt more alive. And, now that she took notice, she felt a strange tingle brimming just underneath her skin. Frowning she outstretched her hand in front of her, scrutinising the soft flesh. Nothing seemed unusual.
Lucy released a sigh, some tension leaving her shoulders. More than ever, she wished to be able to consult with her most dear and loyal companions. As old as time, and just as wise, the constellation spirits were contractually linked to her bloodline and she missed them terribly.
Even Leo, the playboy Lion spirit, who loved to flirt but ultimately was always willing to lend a listening ear and rare sage advice. She longed for that kind of advice right now.
In sudden swirl of glitter, she subsequently recognised to be stardust, a bright light flashed before her, forcing her to shield her eyes as she heard a faint bell chime. She blinked a few times, her arm slowly lowering as the dust settled.
She gasped in astonishment, gawking at the figure before her. Cat ears stood proudly in a mane of wild orange hair. The owner of that hair stood up straight from a bow, an easy, confident smile on his face.
The smile broadened into a grin, bursting with delight as Lucy pointed, ungracefully spluttering.
‘Loke?!’ She had to be hallucinating. He couldn’t be here. It wasn’t possible. She had tried so hard to summon him, summon any of them, when she had escaped her captor. She had never succeeded. She had not even been able to feel her bond to them. She understood a long time ago that she had no magic in this accursed form.
Now though, her mind reeling, she realised with utmost certainty that she had drained the pink-haired Draconic of his own magical energy.
The lion spirit regarded her with fond amusement. He found himself unable to stop grinning, his pointed ears twitching happily. ‘Hello, Beautiful.’
It had always been his favourite way to greet her and it filled him with a strong wave of nostalgia to be using it again.
‘It’s really you.’ She breathed, recovering herself, her eyes wide and locked onto the spirit. She leapt forward, throwing her arms around him before she knew what she was doing.
He laughed, happily wrapping his arms around her, pulling her into his embrace. ‘I missed you too.’ He smiled down at her, ‘Now, do you mind telling me exactly where you have summoned me to?’ He asked, moving his head to assess their surroundings.
She met his hazel eyes, ‘I tried to reach you for so long. All of you. How did you finally find me?’
‘You called me here. None of us could feel your bond for so long. But we could still feel you in this realm, we knew you were out here.’ Loke’s expression sobered, ‘What did he do to you, Lucy?’
She hesitated, pointed teeth chewing on her lower lip. Loke’s sharp eyes caught the movement. ‘I’m… not the same as before.’ She answered quietly. He accepted that as answer enough.
He nodded, turning to look at something in the distance. ‘We can talk more next time. Whatever you did, it flared your magic. If you can do it again, we are only a call away.’ He folded an arm across his chest, bowing his head towards her. ‘Your magical energy is waning, I can’t stay much longer. But, I am curious about that blue creature.’
Thoughts of protesting quickly abandoned her, a curious, confused frown on her face as she turned her attention behind her.
A winged blue creature flew towards them. She squinted, and as it neared them, she saw that it was in fact a flying blue cat.
A soggy, flying blue cat.
Loke chuckled to himself, musing, ‘Why do cats always see my ears and think I’ll understand them.’
Felines had always flocked to the lion spirit after all. This blue one mewled loudly as he approached, soaring to land perfectly atop Loke’s orange hair. Lucy suppressed a giggle at the sight.
The spirit grimaced, ‘Ok, this kitty hates water just as much as any other,’ he gestured to himself, ‘As much as I’d love to stay, my time’s up.’
Lucy held his solemn gaze as he began to fade, light filtering around him in shimmers. With one last, ‘Call me when you need me’ He vanished into a burst of stardust.
The blue cat yowled unhappily as it landed on the ground. Lucy crouched down before the sodden feline, offering a hand to him. Large eyes studied her for a moment, then his fluffy white wings sparkled and they too vanished, and he trotted towards her, purring gleefully.
Lucy smiled, petting his head.
‘Let’s get you dried off.’
Back in her hideaway, Levy bound her research notes together, and unceremoniously shoved them into her satchel. She had been away from the kingdom for long enough.
It was time to return home.
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gendercraft · 5 years
Sequel to this fic
Trigger warnings: Mary mentioned in passing, cussing, Lucien does a punch, lmk if I missed anything
    Word count: 2129
    Ship: Smallmarch [RobertxDamien]
    A/N: Damien’s dialogue… hard…
    Also can someone please lmk if Damien being vegetarian is canon or just a common headcannon? I can’t remember eao;ih;oigh
    Reblogs > Likes
    Damien finished plating his food just as Lucien’s door opened and shut. Lucien dropped his backpack on the ground and fumbled with the coffee machine.
    Damien gently shooed him away, handing him the plate. “I’ll get that. Go eat.”
    He turned off the stove and cleaned up while Lucien woke up. “Do you have a class today with that girl you were talking about?” He set the mug of coffee in front of him.
    Lucien spent way too long taking gulps of his coffee, and when he finally set it down again, his face was pink. “Yeah.”
    Damien smiled. “You’ll be fine.”
    He groaned. “I know. I gotta go.” He put his empty plate in the dishwasher, and grabbed his backpack.
    Damien chuckled as Lucien practically sprinted out of the house. He was about to go back upstairs, when the door opened again and Lucien called, his voice hard, “Did Robert make you cry?”
    He hesitated, his stomach churning. “No?”
    Lucien appeared in the doorway, a bouquet of red roses in one hand, a small card in the other. He read from it deadpan, “Damien, sorry for making you cry, Robert.”
    Damien blushed.
    “It was a misunderstanding,” he assured. “Come on, you’re going to be late for school.”
    Lucien glared, shoving the card back in the bouquet. “What did he do? Did he-”
    “He didn’t do anything,” he said softly. “I promise. We’re okay.”
    Lucien gave him a suspicious look, but grabbed a vase from under the sink and began to arrange the flowers. He paused, and then sighed. “You took him to the cemetery, didn’t you? He scared you with some stupid urban legend, didn’t he?”
    Damien looked away, his body hot with embarrassment. “Yes. Please, Lucien, go to school.”
    “Dumbass,” he muttered, and it was unclear who he meant. He set the vase on the table and left again.
    When Lucien was really gone, Damien shut himself in his library, and began his letter. He had trouble deciding what exactly was too much to say, and what was too little. Robert was an intensely private man, and Damien had only ever seen him close with Mary. Whatever the reason he was so reserved, he knew the possibility of scaring him off was just as great as brushing him away. He finally settled on being straightforward.
    Dearest Robert,
    I was overjoyed this morning to find the bouquet you sent me on my doorstep. The flowers are beautiful, now resting in an antique vase in my kitchen, and the sentiment warmed my heart.
    I’m writing to invite you to a picnic lunch. I enjoy your company so much, and I’d love to spend more time with you. We could eat in my garden or, if you’d rather, in the cemetery. Does this Saturday, at noon, fit your convenience?
    D. Bloodmarch
    He got a response the next day.
    Lucien came in from school, stomping into the kitchen and waving the crumpled piece of lined paper in Damien’s face.
    “Does Robert know what a mailbox is?”
    Damien blushed, snatching the note. “Did you read it?!”
    “Dear God, no. I wouldn’t want to risk seeing your guys’ sexts in Victorian grammar.”
    “We don’t- Never mind.” Damien peeked at the note as Lucien grabbed a soda.
    Sure. Saturday’s good. Glad you liked the flowers. I’ll bring the food.
    The food bit, truthfully, terrified Damien, but he didn’t want to show just how manic he could be just yet. He folded it back in the exact same crumpled way Robert had it, putting it in his pocket it stash in his desk later.
    When he looked up, he frowned in confusion as Lucien stared off into space, a ghost of a smile on his face.
    “Lucy, did you smoke?”
    Lucien’s gaze snapped to his, now equally confused. “What? No.”
    “You’re acting…” Damien struggled for a moment, before just saying, “high.”
    “I didn’t smoke,” he insisted.
    “I know, I know, I believed you the first time. What’s going on? Did you have a good day?” Lucien, as much as Damien hated to admit, didn’t have many good days. When they came he liked to hear all about them.
    Lucien shrugged, and almost smiled again, but stopped himself. “I guess so.”
    “What happened?”
    “It’s stupid.”
    “My love, nothing that makes you happy is stupid,” Damien said firmly. “Now, what happened?”
    “That girl I was telling you about,” he mumbled, so low Damien could barely understand him, his face practically on fire, “she sat with me and Ernest at lunch today.”
    All Lucien had really said was she was a goth girl named Carly who moved here recently.
    He smiled. “That’s wonderful, Lucien! What does Ernest think?”
    “He likes her, too.” His eyes widened. “Wait, not like- Like I like her, or anything. Just that he thinks she’s cool.” He bit his lip. “I gotta go.”
    Damien chuckled and squeezed his shoulder as he passed. “I expect to hear more about this girl over dinner!”
    Lucien just groaned.
    Damien took way too long getting ready.
    He worked right up until the doorbell rang. He set down his makeup brush, and closed the vanity, his heart pounding. He pulled open the front door to find Robert standing there, not with a basket but with a black backpack in hand.
    “Good afternoon, Robert,” Damien said. “Here, I can take that. Are- Are you alright?”
    Robert blinked, meeting his eyes again as he handed over his backpack. “Yeah. You, uh, you look good.”
    Damien blushed. Thank God.
    “Oh, and here.” Robert pulled a bottle of Mountain Dew: Code Red from inside his jacket and handed it to him. “I thought about bringing wine, but I remembered you don’t drink, so…”
    Oh, goodness. It was completely, one hundred percent not fair how sweet he was being.
    “Thank you,” he managed, and quickly stepped aside. “Here, come in. You’ve seen my garden before, yes?”
    A few years ago, Damien hosted a tea party in his garden for the adults in the cul-de-sac. It was sort of a bust; Mary showed up first, dragging Robert behind her, and the three of them watched as everyone else came and went. Nobody stayed for more than twenty minutes, claiming they needed to get back to their kids.
    Robert and Mary had helped him clean up afterwards- Robert wasn’t happy about that -while Damien pretended to not be bothered, and he insisted they take the quite plentiful leftovers off his hands. He left the parties to Joseph now.
    “Yeah.” Robert’s face twisted at the memory.
    Damien hesitated. He always prided himself on his garden, but he knew it was eccentric, and if Robert already had a bad impression…
    He tried sounding casual as he asked, “Well, perhaps you’d rather be at the cemetery, then?”
    Robert chuckled. “I’ve definitely seen the graveyard before. I haven’t been to your garden in a while, I wanna see it.” He waggled his eyebrows, his voice dropping to a teasing tone, “Unless you’ve let it go?”
    He pressed his hand to his heart. “I’d never!”
    “Let’s see it, then.”
    Damien beamed as he held the door open, watching the look of awe push through Robert’s usually apathetic expression.
    Robert turned to look at him. “How many hours a day do you spend gardening?”
    “I plead the fifth.”
    Robert snickered as Damien blushed.
    Damien laid out a blanket for them to sit on while Robert pulled out food in tupperwares.
    “Mary wasn’t fucking with me when you said you were vegetarian, right?”
    Damien blinked. “No, that’s correct.” Did Robert actually make vegetarian food?
    “Mary helped with this,” he sat out a big container of spaghetti and very obviously vegetarian meatballs, “so if it’s bad, put the letter of complaint in her mailbox.”
    Damien laughed lightly and lowered himself down across from him. “Will do. But they look great.”
    “Do they?” Robert narrowed his eyes, inspecting the meal closely.
    “Something you should know about meat substitutes is to never expect it to taste like actual meat. A lot of it is really good, but that’s it.”
    “Really?” He raised an eyebrow. “So you just haven’t had, like, steak or anything close to it for how long?”
    “About four years. And, well, sometimes it tastes accurate, but I’ve never had vegetarian meat that tastes exactly right.” He smiled as Robert plated their food. “What are they made out of?”
    “Uh, tofu? A bunch of grinded up vegetables. Some other stuff, shit I didn’t understand.”
    “Well, it sounds lovely.”
    Robert watched him suspiciously. “Does it?”
    Damien took the plate and made a show of tasting it. The flavours didn’t all blend together in the way they should, but it was still good. “Wonderful.”
    Robert grumbled under his breath and looked away. He pulled out some small side dishes, and Damien laughed as he set down two wine glasses. Damien filled them up with the Mountain Dew.
    “Just like the Victorians did it.”
    “So,” Robert started as they ate, “where’s your little brat?”
    “Out with Ernest and some girl. There’s a music festival in town they drove out to see, I believe.”
    “A girl, huh?” Robert grinned. Of course that was all he heard. “You gonna have to talk to someone’s father soon?”
    “Oh, that’s ridiculous.” Damien waved him away. “Lucien’s a mature kid, and I assume this girl is, too.”
    “Mature? Really? We’re talking about the kid who tried to Cask of Amontillado another kid?”
    “He was messing around with a friend,” he countered. “I have no doubt in my mind that he would have stopped on his own.”
    “Kids are dumb. Especially in relationships.” He paused, and then asked, somewhat hesitantly, “Is the food okay?”
    “It’s perfect,” Damien promised.
    “Good. I wasn’t sure…” He didn’t continue.
    Damien reached over and rested his pale hand atop Robert’s. “I’m enjoying myself. As I always do around you.”
    Robert’s face flushed. “Right. Um. Me too.”
    After they finished eating, Damien showed him around the garden, along the short cobblestone walking path. At one point, while Damien was rambling on and on about Victorian floral language, Robert took his hand and laced their fingers. Damien found it hard to focus after that, not that he was complaining.
    “Did I make up for what happened at the cemetery?” Robert asked as they walked inside, his backpack slung over his shoulder.
    Damien looked at their hands. “Definitely. Maybe we can-”
    Robert ducked away easily from Lucien’s fist, his eyes wide. Lucien lunged away, and Damien grabbed him around the waist, dragging him away from Robert.
    “What the hell, kid?”
    “Lucien!” Damien gasped.
    Ernest was laughing so hard he could barely breathe, at the foot of the staircase, and a girl with long blue hair and a skirt with suspenders giggled into her hand.
    “You made my dad cry!”
    “Lucien, stop!” Damien put himself between Robert and his son, grabbing his shoulders.
    He finally stopped struggling, huffing. With Damien’s grip loosened, he shrugged himself free and crossed his arms over his chest.
    “Goodness, Lucien, we’ve talked about this!”
    He just glared at Robert. “Don’t know what you see in this dude.”
    Damien blushed. Robert set his backpack down and came to stand in front of Lucien, Carly and Ernest’s laughter dying down.
    “Listen, kid,” he said quietly, and Damien was so stressed out he could faint, “you wanna protect your dad, that’s great. But it was an accident, and I apologized, so you don’t get the face.” He smacked his own arm, twice. “Right here.”
    Lucien looked at him in surprise, and Robert nodded. He winced as Lucien hit him as hard as he could in the arm.
    Robert patted his shoulder. “Good man. Go back to your friends.”
    “We’re talking about this later!” Damien called as Lucien, Ernest, and Carly headed back to Lucien’s room. He turned to Robert, and asked, exasperated, “What was that?”
    Robert grinned. “Gotta teach him the rules.”
    He sighed, and pinched the bridge of his nose. “I apologize. He shouldn’t have hit you.”
    Robert shrugged. “Nah, he’s good. He was just tryna watch out for you. He’s definitely not mature, but you’ve got a good kid.”
    Damien smiled. “I suppose so.”
    “Well, I’ll leave you to deal with that.” He pulled his backpack back on, and winced. “You’ve got a strong kid, damn. I’m lucky he didn’t hit my face. Fucker woulda broken my nose.”
    “Um, Robert, before you go…” Damien took in a deep breath. “It’d really be an honour to spend more time with you.”
    Robert looked away, poorly hiding his smile. “Yeah. Maybe you can come over tomorrow. We can watch a movie or something.”
    After he left, Damien relaxed for a moment, letting his heart calm down. Then he started planning what he would say to Lucien.
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