#<- watch me become a menace with that tag now
playablekairi · 4 months
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only this, only this is gonna be the death of me
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janaispunk · 5 months
nights are so starry, blood moonlit
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pairing: Javier Peña x f!reader
word count: ~1.4k
summary: Javi and you are neighbors. And friends with benefits, in a way. Things become… heated.
warnings/tags: explicit smut (-> 18+ only!), smoking, mention of alcohol consumption, able-bodied reader, Javi pulls reader’s hair, dom!Javi, sub!reader, unprotected p in v (it’s never stated in the fic but i headcanon that reader is on birth control), rough sex, dirty talk, Javi is a menace, a hint of angst and feelings because it’s me and if they’re not fucking while denying their feelings it’s not my fic okay
a/n: written for @iamasaddie’s moodboard writing challenge that was SO fun, thank you aly <3 this literally poured out of me, i wish writing would always feel like this 🫠
beautiful moodboards by @hellishjoel 🫶🏻
dividers as always by @saradika-graphics 🫶🏻
find my full masterlist here and follow @janaispunknotifs for fic updates!
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It’s the hottest day since you moved to Colombia, and probably the hottest that you’ve ever felt in your life. Sweat is all over your skin, pooling on your spine at the small of your back and making your dress stick to your damp body.
You groan as you open the door to your flat, the still air inside the small space somehow even more suffocating than you felt outside. You kick off your shoes and walk over to the fridge, letting the coolness wash over you for a few seconds while you just stand in front of the open door, your eyes almost slipping closed at the sudden reprieve from the sweltering heat. With a sigh you eventually grab a water and reluctantly shut the door again, pressing the cold bottle against your neck as you step out onto your tiny excuse of a balcony, hoping to catch at least the smallest bit of a breeze.
It’s just as hot outside and you flop down on the single plastic chair that you have and fumble for a cigarette, when you notice your neighbor on the balcony next to you. Javi looks as gorgeous as always, as you begrudgingly have to admit to yourself. While you’re sure that you look like you’re on the verge of a heat stroke, his shirt clings to his body in a way that makes your mouth run dry. As always he has one too many buttons undone and the perspiration on his chest has you dreaming of licking the sweat off his skin. He catches your stare and quirks an eyebrow at you, an amused smirk playing around his lip.
“You’re home early,” he drawls, leaning back against the railing.
“So are you,” you note, raising an eyebrow in return. “Slow day at the office?”
He closes his eyes for a moment. “Quite the opposite.” His scowl makes it clear that he doesn’t want any follow up questions and you shrug, busying yourself with unscrewing your water bottle instead.
A moment of silence passes between you before he raises his voice again.
“You free tonight?”
It’s a question that you’ve heard many times before, or some variation of it. You’re not a thing, Javi and you, not really. It’s just nice, to have a little company sometimes, in a city where, after months of staying here, you still feel like you barely know anyone. It’s fun. Stress relief. No strings attached.
You want to protest at first, thinking about how it’s about a thousand degrees, how you already feel the sweat on your skin again and you’re not even moving. But then you picture another lonely evening in your apartment, another bottle of wine drank in solitude while watching some crap on your small TV.
You look up at him through your eyelashes, mirroring his smirk from earlier.
“Yeah. Sure.”
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Now you’re bent over the back of his couch, his cock roughly pounding into you as your skin feels sticky against the leather, moans falling from your lips with every thrust.
His fingers are digging into your hips and he’s pulling you against his body relentlessly, the intensity of his thrusts never faltering. His lips had been on yours as soon as he pulled his door open, pressing you against the wall and hands grabbing at your ass beneath your dress. You had basically thrown yourself at him, the rough way he handled your body only adding to the fire that was already burning through your veins and had wetness pooling between your legs.
He had skimmed over your underwear with his fingers and pulled back when your hips bucked against his touch, a chuckle rumbling in his throat.
“Missed me that much?” he had grinned in that smug way of his that made you want to roll your eyes.
“No,” you had grumbled, somewhat unconvincingly, threading your fingers through the dark hair at his neck and slotting your lips over his again, the coarse hair of his mustache scratching against your face and his tongue in your mouth until all that mattered to you was feeling him closer, feeling all of him.
He had taken you right there, with your panties pushed to the side and the neckline of your dress pulled down to reveal your tits to him. He had mouthed at the sensitive flesh while his cock plunged into your pussy, stretching your walls, making you whimper at all the sensations that washed over your body.
You were close to the edge when his movements slowed down, his breathless pants hitting your damp and heated skin. Your eyes had widened in mild surprise, taking in his flushed features, his hair turned into a sweaty mess by your hands.
“Need a break?” you had teased. “You’re losing your touch, Peña.”
You could almost see the way his eyes turned darker and his features hardened before he slid out of you and yanked you away from the wall, walking you into his living room.
That’s how you ended up where you are now, his cock hitting you from behind, reaching so deep inside of you that every thrust makes you see stars behind your eyelids.
“Fuck! Javi, please,” you manage to whine as your breath is repeatedly punched out of your lungs. You can already feel your orgasm, it’s so close, you can almost taste it on your tongue, a band waiting to snap.
“Losing my touch, huh?” he growls from behind you, reaching up to grab a fist of your hair, pulling you upwards while his other hand finds your tit again and pinches your nipple. His grunts in your ear drive you insane with want for him.
“N-no, I’m sorry, fuck-”
The different angle and the quick shot of pain from your breast set your body on fire and you clamp down hard around him as your orgasm breaks free and waves of pleasure crash over you. You think that you’re shaking in his hold, babbling an incoherent string of thank yous and his name while he fucks you through your high, never relenting in his thrusts, even when your orgasm subsides and you’re twitching away from the overstimulation.
“You’re gonna give me another one,” he demands, losing the grip on your hair and pushing your body forward again.
“Javi, I can’t, please,” you try to protest, but he sneaks a hand between your legs, slides through the slippery wetness and finds a home on your clit, rubbing slow circles over the sensitive spot. A shudder runs through you at the sensation.
“You want me to stop?” he asks, his tone making it abundantly clear that he already knows the answer.
“N-no,” you admit, your hips pushing back against his again, your body desperate for more.
“Then quit your whining and do as I said.” His voice is raspy; you know him well enough, have fucked him often enough to know that he’s close. His fingers on your clit speed up. “Give me another one.”
Before Javi, you wouldn’t have thought it possible to come that quickly twice in a row, but you’ve accepted some time ago that he has a power over your body that you’ll never understand.
It feels like only seconds until the sensation of his cock dragging through your pussy and his fingers on your clit build up again and bring you to your peak once more. You pulse around him, hoarse moans leaving your mouth while his hips still and he spills himself deep inside of you, his moans mixing with yours.
He pulls out gently and helps you into a standing position, leading you to sit on his couch and cleaning you up quickly.
You never linger after your visits to his place, always quick to slip back over to yours. It’s too much intimacy, too raw, just- too much.
It’s what you do now, heaving a sigh as you lean back against your closed door. You splash water on your face, trying to cool your body down. You’re gonna need another shower, feeling like you’re drenched in sweat, but first, another cigarette.
When you step out onto your balcony for the second time that day, Javi is already there on his side, still shirtless, blowing smoke into the dark night. You sit down on your chair and prop your feet up on the railing, the one that he’s leaning his back against, eyeing you.
Neither of you talk, but it’s nice, you think, not being so alone.
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thank you so much for reading! if you liked this, please consider reblogging or leaving a comment, it always makes my day <3
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cryinginmyroomsposts · 4 months
New Year's Day - Kim Mingyu
tags: fluff, friends to lovers, slight angst, lil' bit jealous, college boyfriend Mingyu, non-idol!au
Not proofread!
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"Tell me why we thought hosting a New Year's party at our apartment would be a good idea!" Your roommate's voice comes booming from the kitchen as you struggle to organise the lights on the wall above the sofa in your shared apartment living room.
"It definitely was not my idea." You bite back, regretting the idea the more by the minute as you clean and plan for the party.
"Haw! The audacity... you invited 15 people." Sam glares at you from the doorway, one hand on her hip and the other holding a ladle in a menacing way.
"I didn't know we would end up having to invite all of them." You admit. Sam sighs and walks towards you. "It's okay babe, I know you only wanted to invite Mingyu. It's not your fault he wanted to bring all 12 of his friends. And that two of them would want to bring their significant others."
"I really am sorry for all the trouble you go through for me Sam. I really appreciate it. Thanks." You both know you mean it. Sam had agreed immediately to the idea of the party seeing as how excited she was to see you and Mingyu get together.
Mingyu had been one of your closest friends in the last two years of university and you have been in love with him since the first semester you had met him. After two very lonely and self-destructive semesters of breaking your own heart, watching him date other girls and staying away from the one person you wanted to be close to, this last fall semester Mingyu had finally shown signs of reciprocating your feelings. Or so Sam felt.
At this point, you were so in your head about the whole thing that you could not differentiate reality from the illusions in your head. Breaking your heart had become a child's play for you and now it took constant encouragement and reiteration from Sam to even try to make moves on Mingyu.
He had been single for a whole semester and his behaviour toward you recently had been way different than before. The whole idea of a New Year's Eve party had been Sam and your idea to get Mingyu to finally realise his emotions (if he had any other than that of friendship for you). While the details had not exactly been worked out, you figured you would at least get to spend time with him in a closed setting.
The initial plan was to invite three of each of your friends and keep it as intimate as possible so that you and Mingyu could spend most of the time together. But when Mingyu had excitedly asked if he could bring along some friends, you had given in thinking it would be two or three but it ended up being thirteen instead. Not your fault that he looked like an absolute puppy when he wanted something.
The party was in an hour and now the two of you were running around trying to set right the drinks, decorations and food. Mingyu had promised to show up earlier and help with the food and setup but he was yet to arrive.
The sound of the doorbell breaks your train of thought and you go to open the door.
Speak of the devil.
"Ya! Why are you so late?" You question before he could greet you. As always Mingyu towers your entire doorway while looking gorgeous. He's wearing a simple black tee and joggers but manages to look like a million bucks.
He giggles and pulls you into one of his famous bear hugs and before he can reply another voice echoes from the stairs leading to your doorway.
"Mingyu ya, help me here please." The voice is soft and high-pitched. Before you can question it, Mingyu turns around and runs downstairs. When he returns, there is a girl in front of him, she is dressed in a modest pink dress, with bouncy curls lining her shoulders and a smile that lightens up her whole face. She is very pretty.
"Oh hi. You must be Y/N, Mingyu talks about you a lot. I'm Maya." She says extending her hand out to you. Her voice is soft and she looks very friendly and you shake her hand with a smile on your face.
"Hi, Maya. Welcome! I hope he has only told good things." You joke lightly and she laughs nodding.
"Yes, yes! I hope it is not a problem for me to join." She says as you lead her in, Mingyu towers over both of you as he walks behind her holding a box full of you're not sure what.
"Absolutely not an issue Maya! Please go have fun."
Once they are in, you close the door and walk straight to the closest restroom. When the locks are secured you open the tap and let out a breath that you didn't know you were holding in. It is not logical for you to jump to conclusions, but the fear still creeps in.
"Y/N, stop being stupid! She's a friend, seems sweet and is probably an amazing friend." You tell yourself through the mirror. But the problem is not her, you wouldn't hate or behave differently with her for a second. the problem is you and your fear that Mingyu has again chosen someone else over you. The problem is he doesn't see you, again, and you get left behind to be the best friend only, again.
The feelings are all too familiar to you after all this time. You are very close to breaking your own heart, hurting yet another piece of you to show up as Mingyu's good friend and support him. You are almost entirely convinced and right as you are about to break down the knock on the bathroom door interrupts you.
"Ya Y/N, you okay?" Mingyu's soft "Y/N-voice" (as Sam calls it) booms through the bathroom doors and stabs your heart like a glass shard. This is why it is so much harder to break your own heart. Because this man is so good and caring and everything you could ever want and yet he would never be yours.
"Y/n?" He calls out again. You wash your face and clear your throat as fast as possible. "Yeah, I'll be out in 5. Go mingle with people." He doesn't reply and you are too preoccupied trying to look party-presentable. This is why you jump when you find him staring right at you when you open the bathroom door.
"Jesus! Why did you scare me like that?" You ask trying to calm your heart rate. Instead of replying to you, he locks the closed room door and faces you while holding your shoulders. "What happened? Who should I hurt?" You chuckle and the worry on his face eases a little bit. His care for you only makes it so much harder to distance yourself and try to move on. This man makes it so hard not to love him.
"I'm fine Mingyu. I just had to use the restroom." You try your best to sound convincing but judging from the look of judgment on his face you can say he didn't buy it. Before he can begin his usual "Let people care about you" rant, Sam calls your name from the other end of the house and you excuse yourself to return to the chaos of the party. The rest of the three hours go by in absolute chaos of 13 grown men and 6 girls trying their best to socialize, vibe, and party in your apartment. You keep your distance from Mingyu and Maya, and find yourself clinging to Seokmin- Mingyu's friend. Seokmin is a very hot guy who is determined to be the party clown and you can't help but laugh every other minute at his antics. Everyone seems to be enjoying it, and several games are played.
"Everyone gather round and settle down. Ten minutes to midnight guys!" The sudden excitement in the air is infectious. You see that Seungcheol and Jihoon have settled on the couch with their girlfriends, Vernon is trying to be subtle about sitting next to Sam's classmate who he has been talking to since the evening began.
Right as you can figure out what to do about your Midnight seat, Sam pulls you into the kitchen.
"Where do u think you are going ?" She has the usual no-bs Sam stance, arms crossed across her chest and sharp eyes that can pierce through you.
"I- I am going to sit before Midnight strikes." You know where this conversation is headed.
"Y/N, why were you going to sit on the stool, alone. At midnight." If Sam's eyes were daggers, you would have bled to death in those few seconds of eye contact. The living room is buzzing with energy and you realize there are only 5 minutes left.
"Sam..." you exhale. She shakes her head in disappointment and walks away. You face the kitchen wall away from the living room and breathe.
Inhale... Exhale... Inhale... Exhale... In- "Hey..."
Mingyu's soft voice breaks your flow and you whip your head to see him standing right next to you. His palm is placed on the kitchen counter next to you and he is practically shielding you from the outside world.
"All okay?" He says, his voice is soft and slow. His eyebrows are furrowed in concern and he is leaning down to your height, face inches apart. His face is dripping with concern and it breaks yet another piece of your heart.
It would've been much simpler if you had only considered him a good friend like he does with you.
Mingyu lifts his eyebrows emphasising his question when you don't reply. You clear your throat and nod in affirmation.
"I'm good Gyu." "You sure?" You let a small smile at his concern, god he was so sweet. "Yes, Gyu. Don't worry. Just needed a small break from all the crowd before the new year."
He nods because he understands that sometimes crowds can overwhelm you.
"Why are you here?" You ask him, turning slightly to face him better. This immediately turns out to be a mistake as you are now trapped in between the kitchen counter and Mingyu's big frame. As the noise outside gets louder he leans further down toward your face and you repeat your question closer to his ear.
Can he hear how fast your heart is beating? Will he ever know how much you like him?
"I came to check on you because you were missing." He states matter-of-factly and you roll your eyes.
"There are only two more minutes for midnight Gyu. You should be out there, having fun."
"Yeah, you too." He sounds serious and you sigh.
"I will come out but you should go there. Maya will be waiting for you." Your voice croaks the last sentence and the knife in your heart sinks in further.
Mingyu looks confused at your words. "Why would she be waiting for me?"
"30 seconds to the New Year guys!" Someone shouts from the living room and you take another deep breath. Mingyu's eyes haven't left you and you are too nervous to see him for more than a second at a time.
"See less than a minute. Go out there before you miss your midnight kiss." You say in the brightest tone you can muster, hoping he understands you are referring to Maya and his midnight kiss.
"I don't need to be out there for that." He says the words slowly as his face is inches away from yours.
Judging by the smirk on Mingyu's face you probably look like a deer caught in headlights at the moment. You're not sure how long you stay frozen like that until someone yells 15 seconds from the living room.
"Wha- what do you mean?" You gulp.
Mingyu moves his face closer, and he lifts one hand from the counter next to you to hold your chin. He angles your face and analyses it.
"Y/N?" Mingyu's voice comes out in a question, one you seem to be understanding.
Your heart is screaming in joy - "HE WANTS YOU TO BE HIS NEW YEAR'S KISS".
Your head is screaming in fear - "HE IS TOYING WITH YOU. RUN."
You gulp again. Mingyu has the softest smile on his face.
"Mingyu, don't play with my heart." Your voice is barely audible but you know Mingyu heard you. The smile on his face illuminates his eyes.
"Would never dream of it." He says in a deep and soft tone.
"5 SECONDS", a voice travels from the living room.
"Is this real, Gyu?" Your heart is beating in your eyes and you are staring deep into his.
He is now holding your face in both of his palms and your back is pressed on the kitchen counter.
"As real our beating hearts, Y/N."
You believe him. Your heart believes him. Your brain has shut the fuck up for once.
"So... can I kiss you ?" Mingyu's expression is now clouded with worry and you smile from your heart.
You nod quickly and right as everyone from the living room is yelling Mingyu's lips come crashing on yours.
It is everything you imagined, and so much more. His lips move against yours slowly. Both of you are smiling into the kiss. Neither of you is in a hurry at that moment, He is savouring you and you are melting into him.
After what feels like an eternity, both of you break apart for the practical purposes of breathing( who invented that huh?!).
Mingyu's face is still close to yours, lips lightly brushing against each other's.
The living room is bursting with energy and all your friends are there but you couldn't care less about anything at this moment.
"Happy New Year." Mingyu sounds content, his eyes are shining with happiness and his smile is incandescent.
"Happy New Year Gyu."
"I'm never starting a new year any other way after this," Mingyu says and you laugh. "Or any day for that matter." He states as he wraps his arms around your waist now.
God, you could get used to this!
"Oh wow, loverboy! Slow down... we still need to talk about things." You remind him because you have always been the one to bring all the anxiety and sense into this relationship.
"Hmm yeah, but a kiss first?" He asks in his signature puppy-Mingyu face. As you're about to lean in you see Sam enter the kitchen from the corner of your vision. She is startled at first and then breaks into the biggest smile as she leaves the two of you alone.
Your smile widens as Mingyu captures your lips once again.
It's been 5 minutes but this is already turning out to be your favourite year ever!
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heexseung · 11 months
꒰ 💋 ꒱ ┄ ❛ dark academia ;sanguine ❜
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* pairing: vampire!heeseung x afab!reader
* tags: smut, mentions of blood, dom/sub dynamics, mild degradation (m. receiving), cunnilingus, handjob (mutual), edging (m. receiving), praise (m. receiving), piv sex, exhibitionism, heeseung's a brat
* summary: heeseung, your lab partner for alchemy, is acting strange over a blood-red potion you both accidentally brew in the evening.
* word count: 6k
* a/n: here you go darlings, hope you enjoy ❤️‍🔥 please have a lovely day !! and if there are any mistakes, please don't hesitate to let me know and i'll fix it <33
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The blood-red liquid in the flask stares at you in an almost menacing way and you squint at it in return, wondering what the hell did you do wrong this time. Did you boil it too long? Or maybe you used the wrong ingredients?
No, that’s not possible, you triple checked all the ingredients and the amount before using it. Perhaps you missed a step? Giving out a frustrated sigh, you push your hair back with your hand.
You turn to look at your lab partner, maybe he knows what’s going on but as soon as you do, your breath briefly catches in your throat. Heeseung’s staring at the flask that’s in your hand in a really weird manner.
As the seconds roll by, you watch as his brown doe eyes widen slightly, his pupils dilating, his stare becoming more and more intense. He even licks his lips and takes an audible gulp. It’s as if the potion has him entranced just by existing.
Your voice doesn’t catch his attention so you opt to snap your fingers right in front of his face. In response, he blinks once, then twice, then shakes his head and turns towards you. Giving you a sheepish smile, he apologises for zoning out.
Despite saying so, his eyes go back to staring at the flask in the same weird manner again after you put it down on the flask rack. It makes you feel confused, what is this potion?
Wanting to find some answers, you start searching through your alchemy textbook. Too occupied to pay attention to your surroundings, you don’t notice what Heeseung’s doing until it’s too late. When you do notice, he’s already got his hand on the flask and is now drinking the potion.
“Heeseung, wait, no!”
Quickly grabbing the flask away from him, you start nagging at him, “Are you crazy? What’s wrong with you? You can’t just be drinking any potion that you see, we don’t even know what this is!”
But his eyes are spaced out and you’re pretty sure that he’s a goner, not even here anymore. A drop of red liquid trails down from the corner of his mouth to his chin and he doesn’t even bother to wipe it away. He just keeps on staring at the damn flask in your hand.
Because of the way he’s acting, you’re prompted to throw the whole potion inside the sink in front of you. You hear him whine as the last drop of potion disappears into the drain.
“Goddamn, I know you’re a vampire and all but come on, don’t you have any self-control? When was the last time you feed?”
As soon as you’re done dumping the contents of the flask, you give it a shake, making sure there’s nothing left of the potion. Immediately after, you feel his body slump against you, his head buried in your neck.
Surprised at his sudden action, you take a step back in response, trying to balance yourself and him. Then, gently placing the flask down on the table, you rest your hand on his head while your other hand rests on his shoulder.
You both stay like that for a while, him not doing anything except breathing heavily in your neck and you just wondering why what the hell is going on.
Then, all of a sudden, you feel lightheaded; your heart starts beating faster and there are suddenly butterflies in your stomach. Your knees start getting weak and you have to rest your hand on the table to steady yourself. It’s also getting harder to get your eyes and brain to focus on the situation in front of you.
And then he does something; he licks the side of your neck. That’s when it hits you and you kind of realise what he’s trying to do.
“Are you trying to feed on me?”
Although he doesn’t answer you verbally, his actions tell you his answer loud and clear. As soon as you feel his fangs graze against your neck, you tightly grip his hair and roughly pull his head backwards. That earns you a sharp hiss.
In his dizzied state, he somehow manages to choke out, “Please?”
Feeling sorry for him, you wonder how long he hasn’t been feeding for him to be this desperate. As he looks at you with lustful eyes, you ask him, “Do you want me to call Jay?”
You slowly let go of your grip and continue in a soft tone, “I don’t know what to do in situations like this…”
Heeseung just stares at you intensely and licks his lips in response, most likely focusing all his energy on keeping his seductive trance on you. Closing your eyes, you do your best to control yourself since it’s obvious that it’s up to you to control the situation right now and although it’s hard to resist him, you try.
That doesn’t mean you succeed though. Because the moment he starts whining in your ear, you move him so that he’s the one leaning on the table now. Your lips quickly attach themselves to his and despite his initial shock, he melts into you rather quickly.
Moaning into your mouth, he pulls you in closer to him — so close that your bodies are pressed up against each other. As he lets your tongue ravage his, your heart begins to beats faster and your head begins to get dizzy.
Practically feeling your self-control slipping, Heeseung can’t help but smirk to himself as you start trailing kisses on his neck. He lets out a soft moan when he feels you biting his neck — he can’t help it, vampires are more sensitive than everybody else.
His body rocks into yours and although he really likes what he’s feeling right now, he’s so terribly desperate for some blood and he can’t really keep up his seductive trance on you anymore since it’s draining too much of his energy. So he lets go of his grip on you, not physically though.
Slowly, your senses start coming back to you and you blink as your eyes adjust. Taking advantage of your still dizzy state, he whispers to you in a low tone, “Want to trade?”
Despite still being a bit dizzy, his words pique your curiosity. You hum at him, encouraging him to explain what he means.
“My body for your blood.”
Okay, now you’re really interested. Since you’re back to your normal state, you’re fully aware of what’s going on and fully in control of your actions now. Still, you can’t help but blink at him, a little dazedly, not sure if you heard him correctly or not — not sure if this is just a fragment of your imagination or not.
Does he really mean that he’ll have sex with you just for a bit of your blood? This situation seems absurd to you, especially when taken into consideration how you know that Heeseung doesn’t have sex with just anybody.
It’s obvious because you’ve never once heard anybody talking about how it was like having sex with Heeseung and you’re sure that if someone did have sex with him, they would brag about it to hell. And you can’t blame them because you’d do the same. What can you say? Heeseung’s a really hot vampire.
But maybe your mind is in the gutter and he doesn’t really mean sex — which is a more logical situation. Maybe he just means doing service related stuff like carrying your bag to class or buying you lunch?
Just as you are about to ask him to clarify what he means, he whispers in your ear with the same low tone he used before, “Whatever you want from me.”
“Whatever”… that means…
Yeah, it totally means sex. And just to be sure you got the right message, he looks at you in the eye and continues, “I know you want me. You wouldn’t have been all over me if you didn’t.”
“Now, hold up. I think I should remind you that you used your seductive trance on me.”
He smirks at that. “I mean, yeah but you still wouldn’t have kissed me if you didn’t want me. The trance doesn’t make you do stuff you don’t want to do, you know. It just makes you honest and impulsive… like a truth serum.”
You narrow your eyes on him, contemplating your choices. Truthfully, you’re not much of a fan of getting blood sucked right out of you.
Looking at you with a pleading look, he tries to coax you into agreeing with the trade, “Please? You can have my body. Hell, do whatever you want to me. Just give me a bit of your blood. I’m so thirsty right now, please?”
There are so many questions you’d like to ask him; why you? Why not just get Jay to get him a packet of animal blood? Will it hurt? How much is he going to take? What about the side effects?
As if he can sense your thoughts, he rests his hand on your waist and pulls you in closer, “Come on, please? I’ll be a really good boy for you.”
Sighing, you tell him seriously, “Hee baby, I don’t think you know what you’re getting yourself into.”
But he’s already shutting you and your thoughts up with a kiss — one that turns heated really quickly. Since he obviously doesn’t know how intense you can be, you’re going to show it to him.
As your tongue goes to explore every inch of his mouth, he lets out a soft moan, not even bothering to fight for dominance. By the time you pull away from him and rest your forehead on his, one of your hands is already palming him through his pants while the other covers his mouth, forcing him to stay quiet.
He can’t help but whine as he slightly grinds into your hand, his breathing heavy and his eyes full of lust. His hands leave your waist — one goes to your wrist (the one that’s palming him), gripping it tightly while the other goes on the table behind him for support. You push your palm against him more and he whines again, throwing his head back.
Bringing your lips close to his ear, you whisper to him, “Are you really that desperate so much that you’re willing to whore yourself out just for some blood?”
Unable to deny, he can only nod and gasp in response, his grip on your wrist tightens.
“So desperate that you’re willing to be my slut, huh?”
You feel him shiver for a bit before he nods again. He stares at you with half-lidded eyes for a while until you finally get the memo that he wants to say something. Letting him speak, you move your hand that was on his mouth to play with the neckline of his t-shirt.
“But like, can we not do it here?”
You laugh at that. “Where then?”
“My room?”
How could you ever say no to this man? You give him a nod in agreement but something crosses your mind — you’re curious about one thing.
“What are you gonna do about this though?” He bites his lip as you say that, his ears turning a soft shade of red as you continue to press your hand against the bulge in his pants.
Quickly taking off his black jacket, you take a step back from him as he ties the arms around his waist. It doesn’t hide much but it’ll do. Besides, you don’t really care much about it. That’s more of a him problem.
“There, let’s go.” Grabbing your hand in his, he starts pulling you to the door but you, being a responsible university student, remind him, “Hee baby, I know you’re impatient but we gotta clean up first.”
He groans at that. Nevertheless, he doesn’t complain and quickly cleans everything up with you.
The walk to his room is quick since it’s quite close to the lab. When you both get there, he asks you to wait outside for a moment. It’s not a big deal for you so you wait outside in the hallway while he does whatever he’s doing, maybe doing some last-minute cleaning.
By the time the door opens again — which isn’t long, a confused Jay steps out. He notices you standing there and you see a spark of realisation in his eyes, the confusion on his face disappears instantly.
“Hey, Jay.”
He smiles at you and just laughs in response, saying he’ll be back at 10 and to have fun. You watch as his silhouette disappears out of your view and by that time, Heeseung’s already pulling you into his room.
Once you’re inside, he traps you against the door, body pressing against yours, his hands on your hips and his thigh in between your legs. His lips immediately meet yours in a fierce and passionate kiss.
It doesn’t take him long before he pulls away from you and starts kissing down your neck. It feels good and you love neck kisses but you know what he’s trying to do.
Keeping your guard up, you run your hand through his hair and grind into his thigh. He starts licking the side of your neck and you don’t know how he’s so good at this, he almost makes you forget, almost makes you drop your guard down with every move of his tongue against your neck.
Fortunately for you, you feel it immediately; the feeling of his fangs against your skin. It prompts you to grip his hair and roughly pull it back. He whines in response. “Be patient. You don’t get a taste of me until you’ve earned it, understand?”
You let go of your grip on his hair as he hums, signalling his understanding of the situation.
“Now get on the bed.”
“What are you going to do if I say no?” He says as he gives you a teasing smile.
Oh? So he wants to be a bit of a brat now, huh?
Well, that’s perfectly fine with you, you’ll put him in his place. Grabbing his hips, you forcefully push and move him back. He stumbles a bit as you guide him to his bed — at least, you hope it’s his bed, it seems like it’s his bed.
Eventually, you push him and he falls into it. Wasting no time, you climb on top of him. Pinning his hands down on both sides of his head, you bring your lips near his ear and say to him, “If you’re gonna be a brat, Heeseung, just know that I make brats cry.”
He doesn’t get a chance to reply to you because you’re already kissing him again, all hot and rough. It makes him hard to keep up with you and eventually he just lets you kiss him like that, your tongue once again exploring his mouth. Your hands push down on his and he laces them together, moaning a bit when he feels you push his hands harder against the sheets.
Pulling away from him, you press your leg against the budge in his pants and start trailing kisses down his neck. When he feels your tongue on his neck, he can’t help but throw his head back as he grinds into your leg. It makes you lose control, he makes you lose control. You just want to ruin him, hear his sweet voice beg for you.
“Fuck, we need a safe word because I want to ruin you so bad you don’t even know.”
It’s when you start biting he starts getting noisy. All his gasps and moans start coming out but he manages to choke out the first word that comes into his head, “Apple.”
“Our safe word is apple?”
Heeseung feels his heart beat faster at that, your words repeat in his head; our safe word is apple? God, he wants to do this again with you and he’s not even talking about sex since you two haven’t even gotten there yet. He just wants to be with you, spend time with you, make you happy, make you feel good. And although it’s obvious that Heeseung’s not the type to have sex just for fun but for you, he doesn’t care. He’d let you use his body any time… because it’s yours anyway, he thinks.
He doesn’t want to scare you off or ruin the moment though, so he keeps his question for another time and tells you, “Yeah.”
“Say it again,” you say as your hand lets go of his and starts palming him.
“A-apple,” he stutters, his head starting to get hazy.
“Good boy.”
He practically melts at your praise. It looks like you just found out one of his kinks. Your mind is already starting to think of ways to use that to your advantage because one thing’s for sure; you’re gonna make him beg. You’re not sure if that’s gonna be easy or hard but that’s what makes it fun.
Sitting up, you straddle him. Your hands move to unbutton his pants but just as you’re about to free his dick, you hear a phone ring. A bit annoyed, you look in the direction where the sound is coming from.
“Undress. By the time I come back, I want you naked,” you say to him as you make your way towards the phone.
He doesn’t even tell you that it’s his phone and not yours, he doesn’t really care either way. Besides, he’s curious about what you’re going to say.
You find the phone on his desk, amongst other stuff including books, pencils and even empty blood bags that you pay no attention to. You put the phone at your ear as soon as you accept the call, not even looking at the caller ID.
The sound of a feminine voice whining captures your attention, “Heeseung baby, finally you picked up my calls! Where are you?”
Feeling a bit weirded out, you look at the phone. You give a quiet chuckle when you realise that Heeseung didn’t even save this person’s number. You’re about to look back at Heeseung until you feel his arms wrap around you, pulling you flush against his naked body.
He feels so good like this — his built chest pressing against your back, his head in your neck, you feel his hard-on against your back too. He’s being a brat again because one of his hands is starting to grope your breasts underneath your shirt while the other starts making its way to your cunt.
“Who is it?” He whispers to you as he plays with your boob, kneading it in his hand. His other hand is already underneath your underwear and he’s rubbing circles against your wet cunt. He’s so good at this too and you let him continue while you return your attention to the person on the other side of the call.
“I’m sorry, who is this?” You ask, not even hiding your heavy breathing.
The person seems outraged, given by their tone of voice when they reply, “Who the fuck are you and why are you answering Heeseung’s phone?”
It makes you want to laugh but before you’re able to do that, Heeseung inserts a finger inside you and starts kissing your neck. His grip on your breast tightens as he pinches your nipple, all the while thrusting his finger as deep as it can go inside you.
You don’t even bother to hide your moan, telling him to keep going, “Yeah, just like that Hee baby. God, you’re doing so good, you feel so good.”
Feeling his dick twitch against your back from the praise that you gave him, he continues his actions with more intensity. You’re sure that he can hear the other person on the line and you’re not sure what their relationship is but you don’t care because right now, Heeseung is yours and you’re gonna make this person know that.
Meanwhile, this person is more than outraged, even more so when you tell her, “Sorry babe, Heeseung’s mine,” and hang up the call. When you finally put down the phone, Heeseung starts speaking.
“Sorry about that, I don’t know her, she’s been stalking me like crazy. I’ll make it up to you, I promise,” he says in his usual soft tone, worried that you might get the wrong idea.
But you really couldn’t care less. You grab his hands and reluctantly pull them off you. Then, you spin around so that you’re now facing him. He quickly breaks eye contact with you, knowing that he’s gonna get it now for being a brat… and yet he can’t contain the thrill and excitement in him. It makes him smile teasingly at you despite not being able to look you in the eye.
Grabbing his face in your hand, you make him look at you. His breath catches in his throat when he sees the intensity in your eyes. You wrap your hands around the back of his neck and pull him in closer to you. He thought you were going to kiss him but instead you only pull his head closer because you wanted to whisper something in his ear, “Is there any way that I could mark you?”
He bites his lip at that. The thought of you marking him turns him on more than he’d like to admit. He’d love for you to be able to leave marks on his skin and he’d definitely show it off, he doesn’t care who sees, he wants everyone to know that only you can mark him, that he belongs to somebody and that somebody just happens to be you. But alas, there’s not really any way to mark a vampire if you’re human.
“I… I don’t think so,” he tells you softly after thinking about it, “My skin would heal way too quickly.”
Just to be sure, you try it out. Your lips attach themselves to his neck and as you bite hard on it, a loud gasp falls out of his mouth. He doesn’t complain though and albeit you know that you probably shouldn’t take advantage of that, you still do.
So you bite him again, this time, sucking hard on his skin right after. He holds onto you as you do that to keep himself steady, trembling a bit. When you’re done, you pull away to look at it.
Unfortunately, he’s telling the truth. You watch as the bruise you left quickly heals itself, turning a shade of red back to the colour of his skin. In your opinion, it healed itself way too quickly for a vampire who hasn’t fed in like a week… but then again, you’re not a vampire so what do you know?
He notices you pouting and suddenly remembers something, “Um… but there is… scent?”
“Yeah, scent. Um, a human probably won’t notice it but others would.
That’s true though. Despite being full human, you already know that everyone else’s sense of smell is very sensitive, so sensitive that they can probably smell you on him from miles away. Okay, that’s obviously an exaggeration but yeah, that works… you guess.
“How long does it last?”
“A couple of days, I guess.”
“Is there really no other way?”
“Not unless you’re a vampire too,” he bares his fangs at you with a smile right after he says that.
Hm, fair enough. Deciding to let it go, you tell him to get on the bed as you start taking your clothes off. Surprisingly, he obeys and does so rather quickly with no teasing comments whatsoever. So he can be obedient, you think to yourself. That means he’ll beg.
He sits down at the edge of the bed and watches you strip down. You don’t have to look at him to know that his eyes are hungry, just taking in every single inch of your bare skin. Pulling down your soaked underwear, you finally make your way towards him.
You know he wants you on top of him. That’s obvious, he’s ready to pull you down onto the bed with him but you have other plans. As soon as you’re standing in front of him, his hands go out to touch your waist but you swat them away.
As he looks up at you in desperation, you grip his hair, throw one leg over his shoulder and pull him into your cunt. Like an obedient puppy, he immediately parts his lips and starts eating you out — licking into you, sucking on your clit, lapping at your juices. You can’t help but moan at the sensation of his tongue on your cunt.
It takes him a while to figure out what you like but he eventually gets there. Your grip on his hair tightens and you start panting when he starts tongue-fucking you.
The feel of his hot tongue inside you just drives you insane. It makes you grind against his face. When he pulls his tongue out to swirl it in circles around your cunt, you’re unable to stop yourself from inserting two of your fingers inside you.
The thrusting of your fingers combined with the sensation of his tongue on you drives you to the edge. There’s a knot in your stomach and you can feel your climax approaching.
Heeseung feels it too and he intensifies his actions to help you get there. You pull his face into your cunt and he moans, the vibrations sending you to a frenzy so much that you start rambling, “Damn, you’re so good at this. Keep going, baby. I’m so close. You’re doing so good, you feel so fucking good, my god.”
With three fingers inside you and a final thrust, along with Heeseung sucking your clit, you let out a loud moan when you finally reach your climax.
Your legs start to weaken and for a moment, you’re worried that you might fall but he has you, keeping you steady with his hands on your waist and thigh. He keeps on eating you out as you ride the waves of your orgasm, lapping up all the juices coming out of you.
When you finally get back to your senses, you notice the whole room smells like sex now and you know you have to apologise to Jay later. It seems the smell has intoxicated both you and Heeseung. You see his eyes start getting hazy, no doubt his mind is a bit dizzy too.
You push him down on the bed and press your body against his. Gripping his cock with one hand, you say in his ear, “I was going to punish you for being a brat.”
He moans and bucks into your hand as you start stroking it quickly, “But you’ve been good and you did well. So I guess I’m letting you off this time.”
He whines your name in your ear as you speed up the pace and you continue, “Do you think you’ve been a good boy?”
Throwing his head back and letting out a loud moan, he nods and says, “ Yes.”
You chuckle at that, you know he hasn’t been very good. Recalling that phone call scene earlier, you continue to pump him while your other hand starts playing with his nipples. “Really? I don’t think so though? Remember that phone call scene earlier?”
He drags out a moan, he can’t focus when you’re being like this to him. Deciding to tease him for a bit just like how he teased you earlier, you start leaving bruises on his neck with your mouth — at least, you attempt to.
And albeit your attempt will forever be just an attempt, it’s still fun to see him squirm under you. His every reaction is delicious, every moan, every hiss, the look on his face when your fingers play with his tip, the look on his face when you pinch his nipples, ugh, you just love it.
Eventually, he tells you he’s close and you increase your intensity and pace. Right at the last moment right before he’s about to cum, you stop touching him completely, pulling your hands away from him.
He whines your name loudly at the loss of your touch and his orgasm. Staring at you with half-lidded eyes, his hands beside each side of his head, he breathes heavily as he contemplates what to do.
But before he could do anything, you’re already sitting up. “You got a condom?”
He nods and replies, “Yeah, at the desk.”
“Good, because if you don’t, I would’ve edge you 5 times before I let you cum,” you say as you get off of him and make your way towards his desk.
Hiding the upper part of his face with his arm, he bites his swollen lip and tries to calm himself down because if he doesn’t calm down, he’s going to cum real fast. Being a vampire doesn’t help, nor you edging him because now he’s the most sensitive he’s ever been.
Breathe in, breathe out, he tells himself.
“Here you go.” You toss him the condom.
You watch him put it on as you tell him, “By the way, I threw away the empty blood bags, I don’t know why you didn’t throw them in the trash.”
“Ah, yeah, I forgot about them,” he sheepishly replies.
“Clean up after yourself, that’s been there for at least a couple of days, no?”
He looks at you in confusion, but before he can comment on it further, you’re back on top of him. You ask him if he’s ready and he grabs your hips and replies, “Wait, no, I’m so sensitive, give me a minute, please.”
Of course, you don’t listen to him. Instead, you continuously grind your cunt into his dick and relish in the reactions and sounds that he makes. He grinds into you too, his body rocking into yours as he arches his back from the pleasure.
Fuck, he’s not even inside you yet but he can already feel his orgasm coming. He’s so close and his jerky movements and constant moaning are proof of that.
Meanwhile, you, you’re soaking wet again. You want his dick inside you yet you vowed to yourself that you won’t put his dick inside you unless he begs for it. So you keep grinding against him.
Suddenly, you feel his hands grab your hips, you hear him say your name in an exasperated tone. “Please, I’m so close, please.”
It’s so fun watching him like this, all wrecked and desperate, desperate to be inside you, desperate to cum. You can’t help but tease him again, he’s just so cute like this. He brings out the sadist in you.
You don’t stop until his orgasm comes close again. For the second time this evening, you stop him from cumming, lifting yourself off of him right before he was about to cum.
It’s the first time you hear him swear. Despite swearing, the tone of his voice is still soft like usual. He even manages to make swear words sound soft. It makes you want to hear him swear again but you’ve already been cruel to him enough for the day. You stare at him in slight awe as you let him compose himself for a minute.
When he gets back to his senses, he starts groaning. His hand covers the front of his face again. Just by looking at him, you know that you’ve already broken him so much that he’s just begging non-stop now.
He’s a mess under you as he begs you desperately, “Please don’t do this to me, please, please don’t do this to me, please-”
“Shh… okay, okay, I got you.”
You hum at him as you insert his dick inside you. Moaning at the feeling of him filling you up, you start moving. Your movements are rushed since you don’t want to torture him any longer. Heeseung doesn’t stop begging you, he just gets louder as time goes on, moaning in between pleas every time you thrust into him.
He doesn’t even have the energy to thrust into you anymore so you adjust yourself a bit so that he could hit your g-spot. A couple of thrusts later and the familiar feeling comes to you again, the knot in your stomach — you’re close.
“You’re close?” you ask him.
He nods his head in response, begging you to let him cum and to not edge him again. You kiss him and that shuts him up — well not really because he doesn’t stop moaning, but he does stop speaking.
As your tongue swirls with his, you pinch his nipples one last time and that’s enough to send him on the edge. He arches his back into you and gasps as he finally gets his release. You keep going, helping him ride the waves of his orgasm and soon, you’re cumming too.
Slowing down your movements, you eventually lay on top of him, panting in his ear. Heeseung’s arms wrap around you, he’s panting too and still has a dazed just-been-fucked look on his face.
Closing his eyes and throwing his head back, he says to you in a soft voice, “Thank you.”
It’s obvious that he’s spent and you’re glad you both had a good time. You run your hand through his hair and give him tons of praises, “No, no, thank you for being so good to me. You did so well, such a good boy for me, thank you so much. I’m sorry if I went too far.”
He laughs at that, the laugh you usually hear coming from him — rich and cheerful, like it could light up the whole world. You’ve heard it before, it’s hard to miss it since his laugh is melodic and catches your attention all the time… but you’ve never made him laugh, this is the first time.
Feeling a bit of warmth inside you, you smile at him as he whispers, “It was fun… I enjoyed it.”
Can we do it again later? It doesn’t have to be just this one time. He wants to say that to you but he’s scared that you’ll reject him, scared that he’ll blow his chances. So instead, he bites his lip and keeps his mouth shut.
Suddenly, you remember the deal you two had. “Oh yeah, you can have some of my blood now I guess.”
His laidback teasing personality begins to make its comeback as he smirks at you and says in a teasing tone, “Oh? But I’m full though.”
Looking at him in confusion, you reply, “But weren’t you desperate for some blood earlier? When was the last time you feed?”
“just a few minutes ago, when I got in my room.”
You look at him confusedly, as if looking at him would answer all the questions in your head and would explain everything that you’re not understanding. Sensing your confusion, he continues, “Jay got me some blood packets and I drank them before I let you in.”
Oh. “But the deal?”
Perking up at you, he can’t help his genuine smile when he tells you, “Next time then. I’ll call you when I’m hungry.”
Chuckling at that, you agree with him. After all, he did give you a good time. Plus, you’re not the kind of person to break off a deal when you’ve already had your fill.
You move to get off him but he won’t let you, wrapping his arms around you tighter and whining in your neck. “Stay with me… unless you got somewhere to be?”
“It’s getting dark.”
“I’ll walk you home.” A moment of silence passes by and he continues, “Please?”
How can you say no to this man? Especially when he’s giving you such a pleading look with his cute doe eyes. You nod at him and let him pull you back into him. Despite his built body, he feels really soft — just like his personality, and you relax into him as time goes by, enjoying the moment you have left with him before Jay comes back.
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fillinforlater · 1 year
Dr. Minji
Male Reader x Kim Minji
Length: 1127 words
Tags: prostate exam, fingers up your bum, semen sample, also called cock sucking, p-gasm, anal, butt stuff, riding a dildo, loud sex, proffesional_doctor!Minji
TW: butt stuff with the reader, also Quickie
Inspiration: @worldsover who wrote the prompt and inspired me to go for it, @kaedespicelatte who just says random shit and IT WORKS lmao
Credit: @worldsover for editing. Thank you!
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“Bend over.”
Swallow the enormous lump in your throat. You were mentally prepared for the worst, a weird, ugly male doctor shoving his fingers up your ass and rubbing your prostate. For the sake of your health, yes, you would do it. But as it turns out, Dr. Minji is definitely not ugly and most certainly not a man. She is a cold killer, her gaze unimpressed as she watches your face fill with blood. A sigh comes from her lips as she grabs her gloves.
“Sir, I have a lot of patients waiting. I’m sure your prostate is fine, but if you want to get it checked, we should not waste time.”
“I, uhm, uh…”
You stutter, you sweat. Dr. Minji is enveloped in this imposing aura. The way she stretches the white gloves on her fingers looks menacing, as if she is about to murder you without leaving traces. From a drawer, she grabs a tube with lube and places it on her desk. Another sigh.
“Sir, I—”
“I-I’ll do it, sorry.”
You interrupt her and scramble to open your belt. Fiddle at it for a second that feels endless. Your pants fall to the floor and soon your boxers follow. Although you try to hide your cock throughout the process, the doctor certainly caught a glimpse of it. Life is cruel. 
“Okay then,” Dr. Minji says, her voice disinterested, yet softer than before, “I need you to relax now. I know this is hard, but it is necessary, okay?”
“Yes,” you say in between labored breaths and bend further down. You expected her to move behind you, but Dr. Minji decides to kneel in front of you. Her fingers, cold and covered with glove and lube, dart through the opening of your legs and search for your puckered hole. 
Your entire forehead is a sea of sweat. You wish you could wipe all these beads away, but both of your hands are occupied: the left gives you stability on Minji’s desk; the other hides your manhood. You have to suffer through this ticklish feeling on your temple as Minji tickles your butthole. It’s still too tight for her to insert a finger, and the coldness of her glove doesn’t help. 
Suddenly, one of the many salty beads loses its grip and falls down on the doctor’s face. It leaves a wet trail on her cheek and she looks upwards, straight at you. Her disinterested, unimpressed expression has not changed, even though you're looking at her with the most pitiful, disgusting contortion of a face imaginable. With yet another sigh, she gets up from her knees and grabs something from the drawer.
“Sir, let me show you how it’s done,” she says bluntly and plants a massive, suction dildo onto the tiled floor. You gawk at the absolute insane length, and for a second, fear that it is meant for you. That is before Minji pulls down her pants and steps out of them. No panties to speak of. No hair as well, her legs, crotch and pussy are smooth masterpieces. 
“Come closer,” Minji commands, while putting a healthy amount of lube on the silicone phallus. As you carefully shuffle forward, Minji strokes the fake dick a couple of times and then squats down. Like the professional that she is, she takes it up her ass with no effort.
“Fuck,” the two of you groan. Before you know it, Minji has slapped away your hand. Your cock has already become erect at the sight of seeing this young, attractive doctor half naked, so there is no use hiding it anymore. Quite frankly, you do not care anymore as Minji starts to slowly go up and down on the silicone monster.
She once again reaches for your butthole, but this time, she won’t be denied. 
Her finger pierces you open. No time for it to adjust to Minji; it’s time for you to learn what the doctor is showing you. Relax, relax, and take it up there without whining. Whine you do, however, at her first touch of your prostate. From that moment, you feel things spiral out of control.
"Also, I'll need a sperm sample,” Dr. Minji says, her breath quicker than before.
"What for?" you respond with less confusion than you would hope for. Minji reaches for your hard shaft.
That's how a good doctor multitasks: she's sitting on that silicone dick, taking it in her guts while being more thorough with her prostate exam. Her finger not only grazes your prostate, it begins to poke it. The friction of her in and out movements makes your knees quiver, and every touch on your sensitive organ fills your mind with fog.
"I'll have to make sure the taste is normal too,” Minji bluntly adds and goes from just staring at your length to putting her lips onto it. But when did they learn about kissing the tip in medical school? Of course she is an expert in anatomy, but this knowledge is not part of the curriculum, right?
Even though her gloves are cold, her tongue's certainly warm enough to make it feel all better. It makes you relax. The pleasure is a comfortable couch and you just lay down on it—perfect for Minji to carefully ease another finger up your rectum. The double attack on your prostate leaves you with gritted teeth and an unhealthy amount of precum on Minji’s taste buds. 
"It's okay, this amount of precum is normal with all the stimulation," the doctor gives her medical expertise, interrupted by moans.
So this is where the distrust of doctors comes from: you're absolutely leaking from the slit of your dick. How normal can this be? It's a test of all your senses, the fingers in your asshole, the lips around your frenulum, the sight of Minji slowly bouncing up and down—what happened to sterility? Oh, it's gone now that she's drooling; you might as well be too.
Let's call it doctor-patient confidentiality, how she swallows your semen sample, even as the orgasm keeps going, doesn't let any of the seed go to waste as the orgasm keeps going and going, because your ass is clenching hard around her cold gloved fingers—can't let there be any evidence, can't let it show up on a black light. The orgasm is so intense, you have to bite down on something: Minji offers a finger—oh, is that—you almost cared, until you start watching Minji's ass ripple too in her own orgasm, so your lips wrap around her digit as you throw your head back and give Minji much more than a sample of semen in her mouth. The whole clinic must have heard that one. Better hope the walls are soundproofed well.
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kairiscorner · 9 months
i just had this funny idea where reader purposely does a baby voice around miguel whenever he’s grumpy to comfort him like how an owner would talk to their cat (we all know shes just being a menace tbh) 💀😭
AWWWWWW i would do that tbh ... i love this so much EEEEEEE
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
psp, psp, psssssp... — grumpy!miguel o'hara x reader
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"what now, miggy?" you asked him as you filmed on your watch's camera miguel's hunched over posture; his bulging arms folded over his chest as his eyebrows are furrowed together, his pouty frown becoming more and more obvious and stretched out on both corners. his lower lip stuck out involuntarily, making his lips seem more pouty and moody than usual. you smiled, thinking that miguel looked like an extremely grumpy kitty right now; you could picture the droopy ears and curved tail on a kitten version of miguel that just made you giggle aloud thinking about it. "you dare laugh at me?" he asks you with a scoff as he narrows his eyes at you. you chuckled and soon tried to stifle it. "no, no, mig—i mean, you're just so..." you trailed off, smiling as you gently pat his head, making him perk up immediately in surprise like a cat. "so... what?" he asked, prompting you to continue speaking.
you stroked his hair gently, like stroking the in-between of a cat's ears to calm it down, and cooed to miguel that he was just the cutest, grumpiest little thing. "...'little'?" "well then, you're just the cutest, grumpiest big guy i know." you teased him again as miguel grumbled and tried looking away from your face that neared his cheek. you pressed a gentle kiss on his cheek and lightly scratched and gently caressed his jawline; like tending to a kitten you loved dearly. "here, miggy, miggy, miggy..." you teased, making miguel remind you with a huff that he was not a cat. "you sure act like one, though. it's super cute, actually." "for the last time, i am not—" he was going to say how he was not at all cute, but you cut him off with a gentle kiss on his supple lips and pulled away, smiling. "you're not what, miggy?" you asked him as his face got all flustered, his grumpiness melting away, but his pride taking over; not wanting you to know how bashful and shy you made him.
he sighed and wrapped his strong arms around your waist, carrying you and placing you on his lap. he hugged you closely and mumbled, "quiet teasing me." "how can i not, mig? you're just so cute..." "i'm not cute... i'm so much more than just 'cute', querida." he breathed in a low whisper as he brought his lips to yours, bringing you in for a loving kiss; wanting to be the tease this time, but knowing full well that you would be the one teasing him all night long—talking to him like he's some grumpy little kitten you have to take care of, which in a way, he is; just not so little or furry, and more of... your big boy that needs your attention and care more than anything and anyone in the multiverse.
tags !! @miguelswifey04 @hearts4gabri @hisachuu @wreakingmarveloushavok @fictarian @yuridopted0 @simsrandomstuff @luvstarrstruck @popeheywardssecretgf @meeom @arachnoia @melovetitties @fable-library @ophanimgold @smokeywhalee @capnshtfce
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bucknastysbabe · 5 months
Pleaseee I beg for more modern big dick jace!! Love your writing :)
Yessss it’s his speciality, thank you for the compliment Xoxo!
Jace Velaryon x Karstark!Reader | College!AU
Rating: Explicit
Tags: Tinder works in this universe, sweetie pie hockey player Jace, with a huge ass horse cock, Cousin Cregan for the win, filthy nasty wet sloppy, pnv!sex, Jace is terrified of his own dick, cutie gf/bf softness, poor Karstark is on the ride of the lifetime, sex playlists and general first time awkwardness, Virgin!Jace, LUBE💯
A/N: me no beta still but I’ll go back over and check stuff
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You rolled over onto your belly, you’d been texting this cutie from your college about two weeks now. All plump lips and pretty smiles— shamefully had a sorta hockey mullet going on but you could look past it. Did you mention his was rich as fuck? Really sweet too.
You were surprised he’d even matched with you on the dating app. You too went to Barrowton, a large university in the vast North of Westeros. So you didn’t fuck off to Dorne as planned but got a good education and a track scholarship at the least. Jace, the boy you’d been messaging, was here on academics and hockey. You’d seen him around with your cousin Cregan.
Stark. Karstark. Weird, you knew.
You’d went out with Jacaerys once so far, the brunette so sweet and humble for his upbringing. He liked to listen, citing that ‘northern accents were kinda hot’. Jace blushed to his ears afterwards, you pinching his cheek with a grin. He’d walked you back to your apartment, almost squeaking when you dragged him in.
The roomies merely raised a brow or continued their bickering over the Bachelor. Jace stuttered, “Uhhh what’cha got planned Karstark?” Were you being the idiot this time? Didn’t he want to fuck? Like all guys? You fumbled over your words and shrugged, eyes looking away, “I don’t know— uh, whatever the rest of guys want.”
Jace frowned, crossing his arms, “Sex, yeah?”
The brunette came a little closer, grabbing your hand, brown eyes sparkling as he gently suggested, “Why don’t we just watch a movie? No pressure.”
You’d be screaming crying sliding down the wall gagging if you could but instead smiled and nodded, “That sounds perfect. I’ll go make some popcorn and you can pick out a drink.” He grinned and followed your way, casually picking at your roommates and their gossiping.
Jacaerys had become more of a staple in your life now— when time allowed for it. Still reluctant about anything that involved getting his pants off. By the new gods and old you were fucking horny too. For cock, specifically, Jace was a menace about eating you out. Came in his pants over it, moaning into your pussy about ‘how sweet you were’.
Maybe he was a virgin. Your Bolton roomie, a bit of an odd one, suggested he may have micropenis or something on her strange listing of diseases. You just wanted to bounce on his cock! He was either good sir micropenis or real good at hiding his dick, you had made out in his lap quite often. You figured calling Cregan might help, even if he was Jace’s bestie.
“What do you want?”
You rolled your eyes, “You have such a way with words dear Cregan. Why won’t Jace fuck me?”
There was a pause and a loud guffaw accompanied by the sounds of a phone falling. He picked up again, “Ha, sorry, took me off guard there cousin.” Narrowing your eyes and cursing got him to speaking, “Oh he’s just got a uh— how would you say— huge godsdamn prick. He made two chicks cry his freshman year and is scarred or something. Good luck.” Click.
Well, Cregan Stark was always to the point. You understood the assignment. Lube, lube, more fucking lube. Maybe start with a handy. You had a jaw injury from eating shit during hurtles so head wasn’t happening. So you texted Jace to come over later and picked out a slutty little lingerie set you hadn’t worn in awhile. Frankly it made your tits look great.
You wore a big shirt down to your knees to cover it up. In your room it was immaculately clean, scented with a rosy candle, and maybe a frantically drawn up ‘$$$$$3333xxxxxx’ playlist. Jace wouldn’t notice the shirt, you often dressed like that, he’d just be baffled why you weren’t cold. You came from a freezing ass little town constantly plagued by storms and wind from the Bay of Seals. Poor southern boy didn’t know cold in Barrowton.
“Your lover boy is here,” Aliss Glover hollered.
You blanched and took a deep breath. You’d had dick before, you were no virgin. Just. It was Jace! He was practically perfect! Shaking your head you walked to then apartment’s door and opened it to a smiling Jace, sporting a mean black eye.
You yelped wile pulling the junior into a hug, “What the hell happened?” Jacaerys laughed it off, kissing your cheeks sweetly. He sighed, “Got a little heated at the practice scrimmage today, don’t worry, we’re all good.” You raised a brow but let it be, Cregan always took care of his kin and friends. You grabbed his hand and led Jace away while he was babbling to Aliss.
You pushed him in first, closing and locking the door behind, discreetly pressing play on your speaker. Jacaerys’ face whitened as he looked around, realizing there was something going on. He stared back at you, eyes dark and cheeks pink. The brunette questioned, “You uh- did I- what’s going on?”
You ripped off the big ass shirt and stood there, holding your composure. By a thin little wire. Jace let out a rush of breath, lust crowding his features. You knew the look quite well. He stalked closer, hands winding around your lacy waist. You looked up at his dark expression.
“Baby,” he growled, “Tell me what’s going on. Now. Trapping me in here looking like that Hm?” His thumbs dug into your soft skin, eliciting a squeak from you. In a quaver you rambled, “I reallyreally- wantedtofuckyoubutifyourenotintoiticanstop-“
His plush lips sealing over your trembling ones shut you up, plastering yourself needily to his body, afraid he’ll run off. Jace moaned softly, lips pressing insistent kisses, getting more open mouthed by the second. His roughened hands grabbed your ass as he murmured in High Valyrian.
Jace laughed, “I thought you were the bold one, here I am keeping you from jumping out the window.” His cute nose nuzzled against your own. You replied sulkily, “Very funny, I thought you were going to run back out!” He kissed you again with a ‘mhm’ and picked your frame up, moving toward your little dorm bed. He groaned as he settled your frame down, stopping to shuck off his shirt.
His abs never failed to disappoint. Jace grew a bit quiet and sheepish, eyes darting up and back down to his shorts. He sat on the end of the bed and sighed, “Alright alright, I already know you called Cregan.” A warm hand gripped your ankle, a thumb rubbing grounding circles. The elder explained, “He’s never told a lie, it’s just a lot bigger than most girls prefer. I want you really fucking bad, like, so bad.”
There was a pause as he ran a hand through shaggy hair.
“I just don’t want to hurt you and ruin everything. This one girl made me pay for her gyno.” You couldn’t help but guffaw, “What a bitch! No! We will make this work. If it doesn’t whatever there’s other ways to cum. Just c’mere again and whip it out. Lemme touch it atleast.”
The brunette’s somber eyes lightened a bit, plush lips splitting into a toothy smile. He eased off the little shorts, the even smaller briefs, leaving your mouth agape. Gods be damned and the children of the forest too. He was hung like a damn horse and not even half-hard. Jace blushed and threw his hands up, “It’s a family blessing and curse apparently! I don’t have a list of size queens up for grabs.”
You growled, “I got lube and patience, c’mere lover boy.”
He turned to you, crawling over your needy body, that heavy cock swaying, utterly mesmerizing. Gods— his balls too. You groaned, “How did you hide that beauty?” He snipped back, “Tuck and go. Stop staring so hard!”
“What? It’s hot? You and your huge cock are hot.”
“Crazed northwoman.”
He settled on his haunches, your legs propped over his knees, waiting for the dummy to notice the panties were crotchless. You leaned to turn over to the mega-lube bottle and squirted a handful. “Oh fuck, you d-didn’t, there’s no damn,” he panted.
“Mhmm,” you hummed happily, slapping your lubed hand on his prick. The poor thing’s eyes rolled up as he moaned your name, you growing more aroused at the feeling of hot, throbbing flesh. How much blood it took to fill that thing— all for you. You pressed, “Feels good baby?” He nodded, head thrown back, mouth wide, “So good.”
You jacked him at a steady pace, not too fast. Because dammit you were getting that thing somewhat stuffed inside of you. He panted, “Lemme, lemme stretch you out, make you cum first.” Jace’s familiar fingers slid at your sopping entrance, glassy eyes watching your cunt suck him in.
You arched a bit, shivering with excitement, Jace’s two fingers pumping and curling. You twisted your hand on the bulbous tip of Jacaerys’ cock and he cried out, jamming a third finger into you. The pair of you grunted and hissed like teens— trying out new territories. Soon you were gasping and mewling helplessly as he had four fingers deep inside, pinching your pussy in the sweetest way.
You came on his fingers, Jace slathering the slick also on his cock. Everything felt wet— your boyfriends cock was dripping with lube, slick, and his own pre. He was red faced and steadying staccato breaths, gently removing your hand, handing his shirt to you. Jace moved further up your body, face to face again.
He asked sweetly, “You okay?”
Pecking his bee-stung lips you murmured, “Mhm, whenever you want baby.”
“Just tell me okay? Please? Want this to be good for you.”
More little smacks of kisses and sappy cooing. Jace breathed out, guiding himself to your entrance. He repeated under his breath, “Okay, okay, here we go, here we go, okay baby, here goes.” You could almost laugh because only the tip had just touched you. Then he moved further in, stretching your pussy open. You locked your legs around his waist for a better angle, breathing slowly.
The intrusion was intense, his cock filling every part of your cunt. Then the tip was fully in, Jace groaning like he’d been murdered. You panted, a bit overwhelmed, nuzzling into his jaw. “Keep going,” you whined. Jace nodded haphazardly, getting the girth of his shaft in. He bottomed out with a wheeze, you squirming.
Holy fuck. This was intense. You felt like you’d been stuffed with cock. It burned so fucking good— so good, you told him, maybe? Jace croaked, “Y-yeah baby? Fuuuck you’re tight.” You whimpered, “Mhm, l-look, stuffed me so good. Gods, oh, S’alot Jace.” He peered down to see the bulge at your lower belly, his cock that fucking big.
Jacaerys needed to get to work or he’d blow every godsdamn where. Agonizingly he pulled his cock backward until the tip remained, then jerked forward. You saw the absolute ecstasy flit across his features, Jace choking on his moans. You goaded him on in little cries, too cock drunk to function, getting the wreck to build a rhythm.
Jace was sloppily mouthing at the lace over your tits, trim hips smacking your ass over and over. All you were capable of was mewling, crying, and holding him for dear life. You’d always thought it was dumb that girls would go cross eyed but— there was two Jacaerys fucking you silly. He stared up at you, dark eyes full of affection, lips agape.
His voice was a shivering wreck, “You’re so perfect.”
You grabbed his head to kiss him again, the blunt tip of his cock nudging your innermost walls. It was causing a strange friction, nothing like you’d felt, making your bladder and insides feel a little too warm. You whined in overstimulation, clit throbbing in time with your fluttering pulse. A hook drew downwards fast— you were gonna come.
Scratching at your boyfriend’s shoulders you wailed into his mouth, legs spasming around. Jace began to knit his brows in concern before you yowled his name, gushing on his cock, sobbing with every stabbing pulse of the intense orgasm. He choked on his spit, eyes going wide, swearing, “S-sweet s-seven!” His fat prick was trapped by your cunt, milking him for all he was worth.
Thank god for birth control. He wasn’t going anywhere.
You continued to mewl and hold onto Jacaerys, the male grinding his teeth down on a yelp, emptying deep into your abused hole. You writhed again, his cum having no room, slipping out with every stunted pump of his hips, whining under his breath. The brunette spewed nonsense in your ear, falling flat atop you with an ‘oof’.
You were too out of it to complain, trying to put two and two together. The rational little part of your brain complained about the mess— how you totally squirted all over your boyfriend and the bed. He hummed dopily, “God, I made you squirt, gonna dream about this forever.” You nodded blearily, “Uh-huh babe.”
His cock eventually softened enough to slide out of your poor pussy with a slick squelch. Absolutely disgusting— yet desire twitched at the sound of how used you had been by the guy. Jace rolled onto his side, hiking one of your legs atop his own. You hissed in discomfort, Jace apologizing.
He peered at you intensely, asking in a saccharine tone, “You okay Babygirl? Thought I sent you off the planet there for a second.” You smirked at him, brushing back his messy locks, rasping, “I may have seen the light. Sorry ‘bout the mess. That thing has talent— you have talent.”
“I think if it wasn’t messy then I didn’t do a good job,” he drew closer to nip at your lip, “Didn’t even have to touch your clit babes.” Another bolt of arousal hit you. So you slapped his side and harrumphed, “Shush Jace. You’ve worn me out enough.” He grinned, kissing your hairline and cheek between laughs.
“I’m sure in two months I’ll be a pro.”
“That’s a bet.”
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tmntxthings · 6 months
Ok so, hi! I hope you're doing well! I really really like your blog and was wondering if you're still taking requests? If your not thats completely fine.
but If you are could you please please do a the rise boys with a reader who's like their little sister? i cannot for the lofe of me find very many of these, and I adore them.
Your writting is AMAZING btw! Make sure to eat food, drink water, and get some sleep! <3
Big Brothers
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author’s notes: :D am i doing requests still? …yes?! it may not seem like it but I look over them all… just lacking in the motivation department rn, esp with this semester, but booyakasha we ball xD thanks for requesting <3 author's note 2.0: I wrote Raph's part in JANUARY and i finally finally finally had the will power to finish Mikey's tonight, the semester is over yayyyyyyy!! Hopefully my motivation will rejuvenate and I'll be writing way more consistently... hopefully lollll hope you enjoy~~
warnings: none to note, unedited, mayhaps a curse word ?
Where do I begin? He’s always the type to protect those around him. It doesn’t matter whether you’re just a regular citizen or someone he knows and loves, this turtle will protect all! He’s got a big heart.
Much like April you stumbled into the boys life at an early age. Yet unlike her, you were younger than the entire group. As a tot, Raph made sure you were never left behind, hiking you up on his shoulders along with Mikey.
Both of you giggling about the height and saying “look look I’m flyingggg!!” making superhero poses, just the works. Standard oldest brother material. He was still a kid too so there were some accidents, of course you fell off once or twice.
But he was quick to distract you from any boo-boo’s, swooping you back into his arms and snuggling his head close profusely apologizing for getting a little too rowdy. “Don’t cry!! Look Raph’s gotcha! All safe and sound!”
“Does it hurt bad? Let’s go get patched up by Lee hmmm? Raph bet’s he has the prettiest bandaids for you!”
If the group is playing a competitive game, like tag or hide & seek, Raph’s making sure you’re having a fun time. Not feeling left out or being picked on too much. In tag he may run a little slower so you are able to catch him, he would happily be ‘it’ a thousand times if it meant you beamed that mischievous smile. “Tag Raphie!!! Hehehe”
In hide & seek he’ll hide with you or better yet find you the best spots to hide. “Okay Raph’s going hide now too, goodluck and don’t make any noise!!”
As the group grows from tots to teens and the world isn’t as sparkly, and dangers lurk every corner Raph becomes more concerned with your safety. Though there’s not much he can do while your at school, any time you hang out with the bros other than the lab he’s always got a watchful eye.
“Ohhhhh guys look at this!!” Window shopping being one of your favorite past times as they walk the streets of NYC. Raph can’t help but call out for you to “Wait!” or “Watch out!” Something about those sidewalks cracks that always trip you up. And don’t even get Raph started on how many times you’ve bounded ahead of the group only to get lost.
“C’mere you!” Raph’s pulling you close and giving you a noogie. Definitely not caring as you screech about your hair. “What’d I tell ya about running off??” He continues messing with you until you either slip out of his grip or call out mercy. “You had me worried!” He breathed out with a stern look. “Awww Raphie I’m not little anymore!” You teased, but to him you’d always be his little sister. Just like Mikey would never escape being the little brother.
Oh my lord the trouble you two get into. Pranks? Yeah. Lots of them. The two of you are menaces together, and unlike Leo, you get off the hook with batting your sweet innocent eyelashes. “Whaaaaa Leo told me to!!” And he’d scoff, yelling out traitor as you stuck your tongue when Raph’s back was turned.
Despite always slipping away from punishment, Leo didn’t mind you throwing him under the bus. In fact he was quite impressed with your tactics. One of these days he’d catch you on video being a brat behind Raph’s back! So count your days because they were numbered.
While Leo is down for throwing caution and safety in the wind, if things get serious.. let’s say someone threatening you? Whoever’s spouting such nonsense better run for the hills. He doesn’t deal kindly with those who hurt his family. Especially his little prankster of a sister. “Run that by me again? You said what about my sister??” Fun, silly, charismatic Leo is gone! He’d have a glint in his eyes that scream ‘you’ll pay for that.’
What else?! Though he claims he’s nothing like Raph in regards to being wrapped around your pinky finger, he totally is. “Hey Lee can you portal me to school?? I don’t feel like walking!” He’d complain saying how you’re using his rad powers for such a lazy reason (even though he’s guilty of such a thing) but after he gives you an earful of complaints he’s opening up a portal.
Don’t think he won’t waltz in right after you. Much like those older siblings who love to embarrass their little siblings. Calling after you to “Have a greaaaaaaat day!! Big brother wuvs youuuuuuu!!” And it’s similar if he’s picking you up from school. He’ll portal in with a speaker and blare music, mostly Nicki Minaj.
Those little puppy dog eyes you can pull off with Raph have no influence when it comes to Donnie, he has footage of your two-faced nature, having big crocodile tears at one moment and an evil grin at the next, unlike Leo who has never been able to successfully capture you in the act, Donnie has and he lords it over you as blackmail for most things, like a big brother usually does
He only brings it out when absolutely necessary, mainly whenever the two of you are in a back and forth banter that has gone too far, "Oh yeah? I seem to recall a certain purple turtle reading some very interesting fanfiction with Atomic Lass last night!" You puff up satisfied when Donnie gasps at such a true accusation, the utter betrayal! "C'mon guys don't start fighting" Raph will speak up as Donnie whips out his phone going for his passcoded camera roll.
"Oh Raphala I have something to show you!" Donnie will sing as he turns the phone over to reveal the beginning of a video of you and its one that has you immediately screeching. Jumping up from your spot to run and try and tackle Donnie to the floor, but he expects this as his battleshell takes off into the air, putting himself and his phone out of reach. "Turn it off!!! Stop it Dee!!! I never said what exactly you were reading!!" You plead as he swoops and dodges the pillows and really anything you can get your hands on to throw.
So yes, he has the dirt that you would hate Leo to get his hands on so Donnie and you have a bit of an understanding of one another. Other than that though you can find solace in his lab anytime. He doesn't mind your entry because unlike his brothers you don't start touching or breaking things. You treat his inventions carefully and he has fun explaining to you their potentials.
As tots Donnie was definitely quizzing and spitting out random facts to your malleable brain, a lot of it ended up sticking so you understood him to some degree on an academic level, but most of all he had prepared you for school to which you were forever grateful
Now you may not say so in words but with each passing grade you would go down to the lair and find Donnie specifically to show off your assignments, beaming proudly as he would smile and singing his praises about how well he had taught you. He realized that maybe he had taught you too well since you were a master manipulator when it came to tear ducts but he couldn't help but smile at that, proud to have another evil genius in their midst
He knew what it was like to be treated like a baby despite being only a few years younger, so it came as no surprise that he would agree with you whenever you wanted to do something adventurous, something on your own, "Guys, she's old enough to go out to the movies with her friends!" Even if he sort of knew your crush would be going as well, Mikey was not going to be the brother to hold you back from falling in love!
Now heaven forbid that little heart of yours gets stomped on. The person who did so will obviously be on some sort of shit-list by all the turtles, but I think Mikey would be the one who has to be watched out for the most, he destroys people who hurts what he loves, that pizza place episode with the rock band is a prime example! He'll turn savage, lunging for violence, striking to enact karma on those who deserve it the most
Of course he will be the best brother to go to if you want to have some deep emotional talks, Dr. Feelings to the rescue, and though it hurts him to know you've been stabbed in the heart, he will be there through the whole break-up process! Cry session with tubs of ice cream or whatever sweets you desire, Mikey's a great cook so baking isn't that hard for him. He will listen to all the rants and raging that you need to get off your chest, adding in quips when necessary. Then when its time to detox fully, delete pictures, unfollow on all social medias, block their number, get rid of the gifts and physical reminders, he's there with a box, repeating how strong you are and that you don't need them nor these things!
Unlike Leo, if you and Mikey wanted something, a pair of puppy-dog eyes was better than one, even Donnie could not hold out for long if the begging was done by both of you at once, "Donnie c'mon pleaseeee set up the switch! We wanna play Mario Party!" "I thought we were gonna be playing Minecraft-" "You guys its easy you don't need me to set it up." "PLEASEEEEE"
And no doubt Mikey is whipping up your favorites in the kitchen. He loves to hear your heartfelt "thank yous!!!" and "Angieeee it's so tasty! 10 out of 10!!" You know exactly how to curry his favor when you go topside and grab him new ingredients to use. That and shooting compliment after compliment his way. Sometimes he will trust you to stir or cut up veggies when he has too many things going on at once in the kitchen. The vibes are immaculate when you get the aux cord to the speaker in the kitchen, the both of you singing out all kinds of music and going into little dance breaks when a song is just too good to not groove to!
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inchidentally · 2 months
ok so I haven't done an insane and pointless landoscar post in a while so !!
I blurted most of this to @mecachrome and needed to like ground myself abt it but like.
Lando allowing himself to oscillate between extremes of Taking Your Affection For Granted/Being an Absolute Menace and Please Look at Me/Please Tell Me I'm Important to You is smth we only see him do w very very specific people. he's got to feel very secure that their attention and patience w him go hand in hand. namely we know of Max F, Jon, some of Lando's karting friends, and now Oscar. with literally everyone else he makes an effort to soften or balance himself and fit their energy (which tbh is how most of us are w friends and colleagues). but Lando is not Just Anyone and Not Just Some Guy so there's a special extra sector of friendship and affection there to be achieved if someone has the desire to.
and somehow to me it's like, Lando realizing so early on that Oscar really really really knew him and then gradually realizing that Oscar was continuing to study and learn him, it basically jumped his feeling of safety around Oscar to a degree he normally only feels around ppl he's known for a very long time.
and that a peruse through these two tags it becomes clear that Lando feels secure in putting Oscar through the paces of Lando's least happy and amenable moods possible. bc !! Oscar just smiles through it and doesn't get offended and almost sort of pushes through it as if to say you're not going to annoy me away mate, I've decided we're friends and that's it.
bc it's a test he knows Lando does when he's decided you're a Safe Person. like in Bahrain and Lando jokingly goes ugh! hi Oscar! and IMMEDIATELY switches to Osc bc he's in a Mood about having to discuss Bahrain as if they possibly could've learned much about the car yet and there's nothing rly to discuss but he doesn't want to take it out on Oscar … and then ! Oscar sees the pout on Lando's face, ignores everyone else and does this lean in and starts teasing Lando abt the repetitive questions they're being asked ! and Lando ! breaks out into this big smile and his mood just lifts !! bc Oscar knows exactly what to do !
and somehow that's all tied into how insanely clingy they both were at the start of the season and Lando esp was going a bit crazy with posting and reposting and commenting on content with Oscar or him and Oscar and how he felt this need to explain to Oscar why he went to see Daniel and not him bc wowwww he rly missed Oscar and the way Oscar just watches him and laughs at all his jokes and doesn't ask Lando to Be Anything Other than Himself bc Oscar takes the good and the bad bc it's Lando! Oscar had folded Lando into his life long before they even knew they'd be teammates!
which parallels the end of season video in Abu Dhabi or the Saudi post race video 'Straya Mate' and Lando is about to jump out of his skin to get Oscar to look at him !! and in those moments Oscar is a combination of tired and rly not enjoying media but Lando canNOT HANDLE when Oscar isn't watching him and Oscar seems sort of fed up with cameras so he STARES at Oscar's face and wriggles around and builds up to jokes bc he just needs to see himself having that effect on Oscar! and Oscar never lets him squirm for long and caves in to any joke Lando makes no matter how bad. and all of that fits so much w the sort of "soft dom" moments where ultimately, Lando views Oscar as one of the few people in his life who will Take Care of Him and who Knows What Lando Needs. but also !! it's a return of what Oscar does for Lando!
bc we've all seen him be like this w Max F and Jon and how no matter what flavor of Lando gets thrown at them - sweet or sour - they know just how he works and would never ever betray that level of trust by getting bored or disinterested or fed up with him. Max definitely has the most ability to scold Lando to order but tbh that happens v rarely and mostly he just mutters to himself or the camera and totally folds to Lando anyway.
but the difference is that Lando has years of proof on his side w Max and Jon and the other ppl he feels like this with. Oscar however is still a New Friend and he's got this whole settled, grown up life outside racing and Lando's relying a whole lot on the degree of commitment to McLaren that Oscar has shown again and again. they have friends in common and a drift compatible bond as teammates but they don't broadcast their interactions like most drivers do w other drivers so who knows how much Oscar has integrated in Lando's life outside of that? and I can only imagine Lando does NOT cope well with losing people he's brought into that degree of trust even tho from what we know he's never had that happen. but Oscar is so self-contained and reserved about the deeper parts of his personality so all of us sure can't say exactly how he'd react to him or Lando going to another team and you wonder how much Lando does ??
and godddd then we got this little glimpse into their natural dynamic and I end up finding myself hoping especially for Lando's sake that their friendship keeps getting stronger over the years they both know they have for sure together bc it's feels v safe to say that Oscar being someone else's teammate and not being Right There throughout the season would not be good for Lando !! </3
*obligatory reminder that I write these posts purely for fun and no I do not hinge any of my happiness in life on two men in racey cars - bc some ppl cannot tell what fandom is for and think everyone's deadly serious
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captainkirkk · 9 months
All the fics I’ve read and really enjoyed in the past week-ish. Reminder: This list features any and all ratings and themes. Please look at tags and warnings on ao3 before reading.
fill in the blanks by mindshelter
"You?” Tim blurts. Holy shit. “You’re Kon?”
A nod. “Are you in any pain?” he asks again.
Kon’s skin is sun-kissed, cheekbones dusted with a fine smattering of freckles; he is, without exaggeration, the prettiest person Tim has ever seen. “No, I’m—great,” he says, fidgeting. “Do you, uh, come here often?”
Kon raises a brow. “To the medbay?” he intones. “Definitely more often than I’d prefer."
Fault Line by sElkieNight60 (+ podfic)
Part 1 of Tectonics
"You’re invulnerable…” he whispers, but it’s clear that fact falters in his mind.
Confusion writes its way into the lines on Conner’s face and Clark takes a step back as though physically pushed.
“You’re not invulnerable.”
It is a statement, dull like stone.
“N-no, sir.”
— 🦸 —
OR: Conner's not as invincible as Clark thought. Suddenly, he's a lot more human.
Danny Phantom x DC
The Business of Family by Spaced_Ace
Jazz remembered the way their parents loomed in the living room as they’d laid out that verdict. Ever-present weapons gleaming, standing in such a way that they blocked access to both the front and back entrances. Their eyes had been what struck her the most of that horrible tableau. What made her stomach fill with jagged stones and drenched her back in a frigid sweat. The way they looked at her little brother, their gazes cold and hollow and -
(Things are not well in Amity Park.
With the GIW getting more and more aggressive and their parents becoming ever more suspicious of Danny each day that passes, Jazz knows that they're running out of time. It's not safe, and their options are painfully limited. Out of sheer dumb luck or a little intervention from Clockwork, she manages to discover a distant relative that just might be their salvation.
If asked Oswald Cobblepot would say that it's just good business. Adopting a few kids had done wonders for Bruce Wayne's reputation, why not his? It's not like he can't afford to put them somewhere out of the way if they get to be a problem. It's just business. Nothing more.
(His soft heart says otherwise))
The Witcher
Words of Love by ForestWren
"I should warn you,” Jaskier said between kisses in the soft darkness of the shed, “That I know some… very interesting people. You may want to avoid meeting them.”
“I’ve dealt with the Redenian court for decades. Your friends can’t be worse than that.”
Five times Radovid meets Jaskier's friends and family, plus one time they are alone.
Star Wars x The Mandalorian
Master Skywalker: The Absolute Worst by PrinceJakeFireCake
"Din got to his feet. He patted Boba on the shoulder affectionately.
“You should watch the recording of Skywalker fighting the death troopers,” he said, then pressed a kiss to Boba’s cheek and told Grogu to stop eating his blocks.
Boba watched the recording. He was pretty sure he would never be the same again. He was positive that he never wanted to meet Skywalker ever again.”
Boba Fett falls for Luke Skywalker. It isn’t the funnest thing he’s ever done.
Original Works
Call Me Menace by wingedcat13
You, Synovus, are a respectably terrifying supervillain. Your main rivals, a pair of superheroes named Legionnaire and Athena, are actually respectable as heroes. You hate having to stoop to kidnapping their child - but you hate more what the kid's behavior implies.
if it don't hurt now (just wait a while) by quandaries_and_contradictions
Part 27 of mage in a wolf pack
When the hunters first take him, Jaime knows everything will be okay.
He’s scared, of course. He wants his mom and dad and little sister. But he knows it’s going to be okay — because the wolves who protect his town will come for him. Lada’s mother and father and papa won’t let the hunters get away with this. All he has to do is hold on until they get here.
Months later, he's not so sure.
Stranger Things
No One Rides For Free by weird_witchcraft
"Are you okay Harrington?” Eddie asks gently, “Need me to get anyone?”
“No one to get,” replies Steve, so soft Eddie barely catches it. “You think I want anyone seeing me like this?”
Eddie Munson stumbles across Steve Harrington crying next to a bush at Tina's party and makes it his mission to cheer him up.
Clone Wars
mirci't be uja by ihathbenobiwankenobied for whitchry9
Obi-Wan is usually good at keeping track of his blood sugar levels–because he has to be–but this time, it’s out of his control.
(Or, a diabetic Obi-Wan is thrown for a loop after crashing on an unknown planet. Stim does his best to keep his General alive)
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themochiverse · 1 year
The Monster in the Dark | JJK
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Banner credits go to the talented @gfxstdio
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➳Pairing: yandere!sleep paralysisdemon!jjk X fem!Reader
➳Genre: Yandere, Angst, Horror
➳Warnings: Yandere themes, horror cuz its scary, sorta supernatural stuff happening? Sleep paralysis [like a ton of episodes], scary shit- Jungkook is a horrific menace, swearing, lots of whispering, unknown deep voices, creepy shadows, mental manipulation, NON-CON kissing, NON-CON touching (Nothing sexual happens), choking, suffocation, assumption of death, mentions of death, attempted murder, threats, medication (Sleeping pills), bruises, emotional breakdown, hallucinations & just monster stuff that monsters do during sleep paralysis 😶‍🌫️
**Note: Sleep Paralysis does not cause death, it's only temporary for a while and not permanent. I have researched beforehand so do not come at me if you think I have stated something wrong also bcz this shit has happened to me, so yeah.
➳Synopsis: Sleep paralysis is a common concern for everyone, but once your episodes start to become more frequent, you meet a horrid monster. A horrid monster who has only come for you to join him in his world. You can't run, you can't hide, but you can only watch whatever the hell is going to happen to you right now.
➳Word Count: 9.6k+
➳Disclaimer: This fanfic is purely from my imagination, I do not intend to harm any Idol or person in any way. Nor sexualising them. Please do not steal any ideas from here, this is all of my work and original work. I DO NOT CONDONE THIS BEHAVIOUR IRL.
The Monster in The Dark ©Copyright -2023- themochiverse
-All Rights Reserved
No part of the story can be copied, reproduced, redistributed or transformed into any other form. Meaning no photocopying, recording whether written or electrically. No methods are allowed that uses anything from this fic. This follows in the permitted Copyright Law. All images and videos go to their rightful owners.
A/N: This was sitting in my drafts for a while so here it is, finally. Also I met my demon 😬
A/N 2: Holy shit, this was so hard to write.
Permanent Tag-list: @minshookie29 @6tslovr @proflyndo @pinkcherrybombs @xanslii @papijiminfeed @justanotherstarlightmonger @kittykatfey @princess-sunshyn @jinniesjoon94
If you would like to be added, ask/join here!
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“Shh, you know you can’t scream…”
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You breathe laboriously, your muscles start to ache and the nippy air enveloping you makes you want to writhe in your bed. But you can't. Your limbs are frozen, and you are unable to move as if you're stuck in place. You can see your whole room, but you're skeptical about whether or not your eyes were open. Oh god, this was another episode. What was it now? The third time this week? 
You try to move a finger or two, but it felt like you were trapped. Your breathing is mute, even if you opened your mouth to utter a single word, it wouldn't come out. You needed to move, it felt so unnatural and dangerously ominous to feel this way. A true feeling of helplessness. 
Wake up
Wake up
You close your eyes, endlessly telling your mind to wake up. Lord no, you needed your body to be attentive, yet your mind was already aware of everything occurring. You had to try harder. You do everything in your ability to move one muscle, just to move one inch so you can be awake properly. 
Come on...
You're urging yourself to move any part of your body, whether it be your head, legs, or arms. You just needed to move something to get out of this horrid episode. 
Just before you’re able to move the tip of your fingers, you catch the sound of your bedroom door, it deliberately creaks open and a lanky, jet-black shadow stands there. It whispers things you can’t discern, and a ring fills your ear like a bomb that has been blasted, the silence crawls in your skin tenaciously, and your breathing gets abrupt. You can see the silhouette appearing closer, you can feel it. Then, with one last impulse, you’re able to move your fingers that soon form into a fist as you wake up.
You come around alive, and not paralysed. You unhurriedly, start to shift your hands and legs, and you feel relieved. You sit up, body angling to the bedroom door as your perpetual breath could be heeded. This was your first encounter of witnessing a shadow, not any ordinary shadow, a sleep paralysis shadow.
Though luckily it hadn’t come excessively close to you, it intimidated you. Its imminent figure just gawking you suffer in cessation was so unforgiving and memorable about how these merciless things were just here to give their victims a slight push to the edge. To let them know, that in the real world no one could stop them. No one.
You could hear the faded chirps of birds, your room was slightly dingy but some light eluded through the curtains, suggesting it was early morning.
As much as you would love to sleep more on a weekend, you decide to get ready for the day since you also had to attend a breakfast party, personally invited by your ex-best friend Seulgi. She had been nagging you all week to stay free just so you both could have some breakfast together. It wasn’t at her house though, it was at some café. It also wasn’t just so you guys ‘could have breakfast together’ it was to catch up after not seeing each other for a while.
When you go to the bathroom to get fresh and wear your clothes, Seulgi starts texting you to come over soon.
Seulgi 👑 8:37am
Hey Y/N, come soon, I’m already here.
You 8:38am
Yeah, I’m just getting ready, send me the address again? [seen]
Seulgi 👑 8:38 am
12 Burrow Street (Café Triton)
You 8:39 am
Thx, coming soon bae [seen]
You drop your phone onto your bed, your hands finding their way into your brushed hair. You can’t stop thinking about it, you can’t stop thinking about the shadow that was just there, gawking at you. It’s not real though, it’s just part of human imagination. Well, that’s what the experts say. Ignoring your repetitive thoughts, you grab your things and leave to meet Seulgi at the café.
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The warm breeze unravels on your shoulders, the day nice and bright for any event. You drove by peaceful streets as the sun gushed its tenderness everywhere. You soon stop by the café Seulgi was at, eyes prowling for a parking spot. Damn, it was hella busy today, you reckoned.
As you were glimpsing for a spot, your thoughts lingered on Seulgi. You were best friends since freshmen year, having the heaviest bond any best friend would have. You both used to take it easy all the time, conversing past midnight, and sneaking out to parties. Gosh, those times were gorgeous, but as time flew your friendship promises were long gone, and the division of moving away to another whole country shattered your bond.
The impression of meeting her after so long carves you doubt the relationship you two have now. Your hands squeeze the steering wheel, knuckles turning white when you hesitate to turn around and go back home. Yet, it would be so insensitive and overwhelming to just leave like this.
“Fuck it,” you mumble as you turn the key to turn off the engine. Clutching your purse you slam the car door, making your way over to the café. When you strut towards the quiet shop, you instantly recognise the long, silky black hair.
Resting on top of her hair was a red beret, at first it looked like a cherry but a squashed one with its stem just sprouting out again. The accessory matched with her red coat, all buttons unbuttoned revealing her black checkered top. A black skirt hugged her legs, flimsy edges falling onto her knees.
There she was, reclining outside, absorbing the breeze that was dancing away. You stood there as still as a statue, interesting thoughts consumed that no non-living thing would have. You breathe in and out like you've run a marathon and just came last place. Honestly, you weren't much the athletic type.
Your heels clack against the wonky road when you cross, and once Seulgi obtains your attention, you wave at her like you waving at a small child who came running to you.
This was so stupid.
You come up to her foreseeing a hug, after all, it's been more than 4 years. But, the girl just sits there, expecting you to not be that friendly. You sit on your seat, hands clasped on your lap. Seulgi gapes at you, and you stare back. It's been 4 years since you've met face-to-face, and talking to her now? It felt awkwardly problematic.
She analyzed you up and down, and the insides of your stomach churned in a growling matter. You squint a bit out of irritation, but you weren't sure if it was for the pang or if you were ravenous.
The breeze whirled past your ear, whispers humming away in the wind. You sit upright, ready to strike it all to start the conversation.
"I've missed you!" Seulgi exclaims, scooting closer to the coffee table. "You have no idea how right you were Y/N, I was such an idiot for leaving you!" The words slowly start to cure the hole in your heart, her words were medicine to you as they filled you up with infinite happiness.
She suddenly clasps your hands, squeezing them when she mutters the next words.
"Please forgive me, I should have never left a friend like you." Your eyes glistened with tears, the way she said it, with passion and honesty, you finally felt that your best friend was here. Even after all the unpromising events, Seulgi finally realised her mistakes, and she accepted her wrongdoing.
You went in to pull in a hug but that all shattered when a hand waved at your face.
"Y/N? Hello, are you even here?" The tone was what made you snap out of everything. Fuck, what the fuck were you doing?
The hand continues to wave at you when you stop it from moving any further. Seulgi snatches her hand away, exasperating a loud purposeful sigh.
“I was asking how you were?” Seulgi raises an eyebrow as she fixes her beret.
“Good, I’ve been good, you?”
“Better, actually,” she suppresses a smile before nodding her head gently.
“So how are things going at-”
“Shall we order first? I’ve been waiting for a while and I’m hungry.” Her cutting you off startled you a bit, but you complied.
“O-oh, yeah sure.” Her manicured nails grip the menu on the wooden table, her eyes skimming past numerous types of breakfast options. You do the same, looking for something light and enjoyable. Aha, two buttered croissants, a side of fresh strawberries and a cappuccino coffee sounded nice.
“Have you picked?” Seulgi questions, neatly putting the menu away.
“Yeah I have, how about you?”
“I decided the minute I touched the menu,” she sighs again, almost sounding annoyed. You nearly frown, but you hide it when she glances at you and calls for the waiter.
“I’ll pay by the way, I don’t want to hear it from you.”
“What do you mean? It’s been years Seulgi, at least let me do something.” Seulgi rolls her eyes in response, before turning to you again.
“Y/N, please don’t pay, let me do it.” She emphasised the ‘me’, her tone was like a volcano erupting. You scoff, moving closer to the table.
“Why? Is it because you think I can’t pay for the both of us?”
“Y/N, I thought we talked about this.”
“Seulgi, what is up with you? You decide to invite me for some breakfast after not seeing each other for more than four fucking years and you’re not willing to let me pay?”
“It’s not that, I just thought it would be better if I did it, and stop overreacting for god sake.”
“I’m not overreacting, you left me Seulgi, you practically left me to save your huge ass ego.” You nearly jump at her, people walking by side eye you both.
"Y/N, not here." She growls, avoiding the looks people were passing by.
“Y/N, you need to understand that I had to do it-“
“Here you go with the same excuse again, why did we even meet up in the first place?” And there goes the deafening silence, and you knew you hit the bell this time.
“Yes, you're right, why did we even meet when we both knew there wasn't going to be a happy ending?” The words rattle your heart and it felt like a mini earthquake was going on in there.
How could she just say that? How could she just expect everything to go normal after she left you during your most difficult time? When she knew everything beforehand, she just decided to leave you and move on with her own life. You didn’t even know back then that she had gone until her parents told you where she had went. It nearly broke your heart, like a nail being hammered repeatedly.
“You’re still taking those pills, aren’t you? That’s why you’re acting like this.” You momentarily freeze, eyes widening in shock and disbelief.
“What the fuck Seulgi? I stopped taking them fucking months ago.”
“Then why are you acting like this? Why-“
“Why are YOU acting as if everything was going to be normal when we met up?” Seulgi opens her mouth again but you don’t let her talk.
“You’re doing this to show your other friends, isn’t it? To show that you miss your dearest best friend and that you’re such a kind soul to be with.”
“Fuck, Seulgi I've seen your posts, you’re just doing this to show them, I'm not that stupid.” Your voice cracks when your own words hit you like a truck. This was really stupid. You get up to leave, not wanting Seulgi to see your warm tears trickle down your cheeks. The chair screeches when you prepare to walk away, a hand grasps your arm.
"Y/N, listen I am so so so sorry, but you have to believe me please. I swear it's not for them, I am sorry for leaving you, I am sorry for being so rude to you, I am so sorry that I was not being the best friend I was meant to be." The words shake your heart even further, it was too late, you can't accept the apology when she might just do the same thing again.
Should you? Or, should you not?
It was a risky decision, but was it going to be worth it? Was she just apologising because people were staring at the commotion? Or was it truly coming from her? The real Seulgi?
"I'm sorry." And with that said, you leave, her hand slipping away. You've taken so many decisions in life, but you never had thought of making this one.
You reach the parking lot, hands fumbling to find the keys. The door snaps and silence hits the air again, the replay of her apologising was giving you a headache. You were not prepared for god's sake, why did you come? The emotions start to pour out of nowhere, and your eyes start to become red, brimmed with water. Out of nowhere, you bite your fist, teeth digging into your skin leaving prints of faint, red marks.
You should have just gone back to bed.
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"Shit, why did she even want to meet up if she was gonna behave like some stuck-up bitch?" The disgusted tone rolled off your sister's tongue, venom spitting out as she scrunched her eyebrows in anger. You were sitting on a stool, legs crossed in comfort as you murmured, "I don't know."
The abrupt argument with Seulgi lingered in your mind, and you had decided to drive to your sister's place. To knock it off and forget it ever even happened.
"What else did she say?" Your sister takes a seat across from you, sitting down to hear you out, to listen. Your brain processes the devastating event, finally ticking at the comment that made you fire up.
"The pills- she was talking about the pills." The gasp was almost silent but audible enough to hear it come from your sister's mouth. The shocked expression could relate though.
Months ago, after sleepless nights of doing work, late shifts, and too many 'outgoings' you were fed up with the tiredness your body was composing every day. No matter how hard you tried to shut your eyes, listening to music that did not help you sleep made you confused and frustrated. That was when you started taking sleeping pills. You heard a lot about them, how great they were when you were having restless nights.
When you bought it one night, it kicked in within thirty minutes and you were snoozing into a deep slumber you hadn't had for ages. You took a couple more for the following days and you've never felt better before.
Wrong. You were just simply wrong.
You've had sleep paralysis before, it was on rare occasions, however. It would happen to you at least once a month before you experienced another after more months passed by. But then, one night you did not take the pills, worrying it would affect your health if you over-dosed yourself.
You were concerned about this since a week ago, you were extremely tired at work all of a sudden, accidentally falling asleep during your working hours. Your boss had made an unnecessary commotion in front of everyone, and you were humiliated, and embarrassed. During that day, before the drama had risen, you were acting irrational and grumpy. Your mood jumped from side to side, like a character not being aware of themselves. That was why you had stopped taking them.
Though, during the starry night as grey clouds consumed the moon, the paralysis itself decided to try you out. In other words, to make you a paralysed human, to see during the frightening experience and see the after-effects.
You were prepared to sleep, shuffling on your bed to get a perfectly comfortable position. Surprisingly, after forty minutes or so, you fell asleep. You actually fell asleep. Two hours later, you suddenly wake up, eyes groggily getting used to your surroundings in the dark, only to be lit up by a night lamp. You had this sudden sick feeling, and then you really felt it.
At first, you thought it was a nightmare, and that you would simply wake up, but the twisted feeling in your gut proved it real. It was as if the shock had run through you and you were frozen out of fear. Out of exhaustion. Out of lack of sleep.
Of course, your friend sleep paralysis had come over to visit.
Normally, you would try anything to get you to possibly move, yet sometimes you would just close your eyes and wait for it to go away, knowing it would last for a couple of minutes. But for some reason, you were scared, it felt different to you somehow.
It was not numbness as people who hadn't experienced it before thought, it was like being stuck to cement and no one could help you. No one would hear your screams or cries, only your heavy breathing was the source of your being alive.
The feeling had disappeared within three minutes or so, and you were able to move in pleasure. But, that one episode, definitely felt much different than before.
"You should get some rest." Your sister said, grabbing the car keys that were on the kitchen counter.
"Gonna get some food, and I'll talk to you about it later." She accidentally gives a look of concern, waving the keys around in her hands before heading out. Once she left, you sat on the couch, propping yourself comfortably. You grabbed the tv-remote, flicking through the channels.
Nothing really interesting.
You let out an exasperated sigh, staying on a cartoon channel, displayed for younger kids. You lie down primarily, just watching and thinking, watching and.. thinking. Was there even anything better to do?
"I am so sorry that I was not being the best friend I was meant to be."
You squeeze yourself momentarily when you recall the words. It was a rollercoaster just meeting her. The girl who broke your heart, and now you did not know how to seal the crack and let it heal. Was it the right choice you made? Not accepting the apology, and waiting for the foreseeable future? There was a growing ache that travelled everywhere in your body, and it hurt so much that you closed your eyes and breathed.
Gosh, you weren't able to breathe freely today.
Your loud breaths were soon tranquil snores, and the atmosphere around you vanished.
You were at a café, sipping on some hot cocoa with pink and white marshmallows on top, whipped cream melting into the hot beverage. There were muffled sounds but it was quiet. Peaceful enough for you to fall asleep on the spot.
Cars were roving around but there was no sound except for the light breeze that sang melodiously your way. It was relaxing and soothing, and it was getting the best of you. A music note flew your way and a tune was playing not too far from you. A white glowing figure stood there, dancing slowly to the music as well.
You think of joining them, leaving the hot cocoa on the table, the soft marshmallows fading away in the drink. As you sauntered towards them, the tune was more rackety now, more audibly visible. You take small steps, registering them carefully as you approach the person. The glow on them, however, dwindles away. When they pivot, the words screech into your ears.
"I am so sorry that I was not being the best friend I was meant to be."
Your eyes shot open from the terrible dream you had. You realised the tv was still on, but there was no audio. Only the clock ticking every second was heard.
Oh fuck, it’s happening again.
Your mouth shapes an ‘o’ form as you try to speak out something. Anything. But frivolity comes out, your voice had been held up like from the Disney Movie, Little Mermaid. You were entirely attached in one position, head facing the awning as one of your arms droops off the settee. The curtains were drawn, no light escaping this time.
You hear footsteps shuffling, and what was that? A hum?
The footsteps approach closer, and closer, and closer...
Then it halts, and your breathing quickens. God knows what the hell was there, you couldn't even move to see what it was. Something tugs your hair and your heart skips a beat.
And when they show themselves above you try to let out a cry.
A deep giggle fills up the room, its fingers still weaved into your hair.
You’re shushed up quickly when the figure floats around you, analysing you up and down in awe. You gaze at the shadowy, blurry figure, making out its appearance. Black hair and deep black eyes, and its black silhouette. Your eyes widen in realization, the shadow. The figure crouches down to your eye level, its cold fingers tilting your head to the side to face him. Those doe black eyes just peering into your soul like black jewels glistening in the dark and charcoal hair sleek in one position. Smooth skin, and sharp eyebrows. It looked almost, entirely human.
“I'm not an object dear, I can hear your thoughts.” He whispers, head resting on one of his hands. “But I like how you're admiring my physical appearance in a way.” He grimaces, eyes gazing into yours. Holy fuck, this thing can listen to your thoughts?
He traces your face delicately, fingers grazing against your soft skin, your wish to flinch doesn't occur but it makes your heart beat faster within seconds.
The figure notices it, simply drifting away as he hums, “Don’t worry, I won't hurt you.” He won't hurt you, just yet.
"You know, it's a shame that you humans can't speak once we get a hold of you, but you can speak with your mind you know? It saddens me that I can't hear your pretty voice coming from your pretty mouth, but I'll at least be able to listen to your personal thoughts." He laughs again, almost sounding innocent but buried in deep evil.
You don't speak with your mind at all, instead, you close your eyes and tell yourself to wake up. It's just another episode, and now you've probably met your sleep demon. The demon realises what you were doing, his hand hovering above your head as he whispers words you can't comprehend.
You muster up all your strength to move but your eyes snap open when those same words echo in the room.
"I am so sorry that I was not being the best friend I was meant to be."
It repeats again.
"I am so sorry that I was not being the best friend I was meant to be."
But this time, it approaches even more piercingly.
"I am so sorry that I was not being the best friend I was meant to be."
It rings in your ear as a high pitch shrill vibrates, making you lose your mind. As much as you would love to squirm, shutting your eyes and telling yourself to wake up was almost impossible.
Please, stop! Stop it, please! You beg entirely through your mind, eyes looking at the hand that was on your head. He takes his hand away, the sharp shrill disappears and it was all silent again.
"Well, that wasn't so hard was it?" He walks towards the end of the couch, right where your feet were touching. His hands rest by your feet as he admires your feared figure.
Jungkook was loving this so much. He loved how your heart would quiver at his touch, the shaky breaths you took as he circled around you. He would love it even more once you were his.
Poor thing, you still didn't know his name, well, he'll tell you soon. Jungkook watches you trying to close your eyes again, doing those stupid things that were apparently supposed to help you out of an episode.
Honestly, humans were so funny to him.
But you were more of a delight.
"You know, nothing will get you out of this episode, as long as nothing interrupts us." His giggle comes out soft, as if it were bouncing on clouds in the sky, except it was light rainfall just pattering down.
This was entirely fucked up.
"You know, I'm kinda getting bored just staring at you like this." Jungkook drifts away, merely vanishing within a second, "I wanna hear your thoughts, so let's have some fun shall we?"
Wake up or panic?
You chose panic.
The room magically turns foggy, thick and misty. Your eyes scatter around the room, literally just to find the weird almost human looking demon. You hear the clock ticking again, dead silent.
"Boo." You don't know whether if your heart exploded into a million pieces or it jumped out of your chest because the next movements created a real frightening mood.
Your head is turned to face the pillows resting in front of you, and warm fingers graze against the skin of your forehead, your nose, your cheeks, and then soon to your neck. They rest there for a couple of seconds before giving a light squeeze, and Jungkook hums out of satisfaction.
A hot whisper thrums in your ear, "I want you to listen what I'm going to say to you Y/N, focus carefully."
You could hear his next words, this time your heart thumping out of your chest, "Feel my hands touching your collarbone, just gliding my fingers across your gorgeous skin."
"Feel how they move down to your chest, to your arms, to your stomach."
"I want you to feel how my hands smooth across your legs, up and down in motion, slowly."
"And watch how my hands grab at your neck, tightly." Jungook's hands practically fly towards your neck, as he uses this opportunity to turn you to him, his eyes trail your pale face, happy that you were on the verge of tears.
"Do they feel nice around your neck? Tight enough to get no breath out of you?" His fingers dig into your neck, red imprints arising from the pain. Blood rushes, and your head starts to pound. You can feel your heart beating faster and faster, your lungs trying to give out as much as oxygen it can. You can't move, you can't fight him at all.
"You see human, you're very weak in this state, so alone and afraid, pathetic."
None of this is real, it can't be.
"Tell me now, is it your desire to wish that the 'little disturbance' you're experiencing right now not real?" His laugh ruptures through the room, his eyes turning dark when his grasp on you gets immense.
"I'll prove to you what's real or not."
A large crash bounces off the corner of your ear, followed by a loud slam. You awake, muscles and fingers, your entire body finally able to move. You roll off the couch, breathing.
That fucker is gone.
"Y/N?" You look to find your sister at the door, a confused expression all over her face. She held up a bag that smelt of fresh food and you get up, pretending that you just fell by accident.
"Aren't we gonna eat?" You question her as you stroll to the dining table.
"Holy fuck, Y/N, what the fuck happened to you?"
Your sister practically drops the food on the table and rushes towards you, her hands carefully touching your neck.
You hiss in pain. Pain?
Your eyes widen in realisation as you run to the bathroom, the mirror reflecting and revealing the bright red marks left on your neck. Those hands that had been wrapped around your neck left light bruises, and tiny, not too deep cuts were everywhere.
Every time, a light feathery touch to your neck was felt, all you could do was wince in agony.
"I'll prove to you what's real or not."
This truly cannot be real, if you cannot comprehend it in your mind then surely, it is not true. You know what? You're probably having those dream loops right now. You're just dreaming, in another dream in which you had faced another terrible dream.
"Y/N, what the hell?!" Your sister yells from afar, and you almost jump at her voice.
"What?" You question, leaving the bathroom, you find her staggered as she pointed at something to the ground.
"Did you do this to yourself, Y/N?"
"Do what?"
"Did you seriously shatter my vase, and fucking cut yourself?"
Your eyes squint, and your eyebrows scrunch in incredulity, how could she blame you like that?
"Listen, I did not do it. I don't fucking know how the vase br-"
The crash. No way...
"Yeah, as if it totally just fell by itself." Your sister shoves past you, snatching a broom to clean up the mess. While the glass clinks against each other, your sister sighs.
"Look...Y/N, I know things haven't been going great for you lately, but you shouldn't use these situations as an excuse to hurt yourself." She says the last words softly, grunting as she stood up.
"I didn't cut myself, I swear, it was just-" You hesitate momentarily, she would not believe you now, would she?
"Just what?"
"You wouldn't believe me."
"Hit me up."
"It's just that, I- you know how I get those sleep paralysis episodes? I had one early today morning, and I saw a shadow standing at my bedroom door, that fucking creeped me out and now, I encountered my demon, Y/S/N, it was choking me."
The sigh that comes from her mouth explains it all.
“Y/N, we know they're not real, it’s just a hallucination.”
“It’s real! The fucking thing broke your vase, and it was strangling me so fucking hard that its fucking nails did this.” You point at your neck frustratingly, but honestly who would believe you?
“We should eat.” That is what your sister replies, disappearing into the kitchen. Your shoulders droop as you slump on the couch, pain inching further and further when you move your neck a little. You had no energy to argue with her, everyone knows that the scenarios you witness in sleep paralysis are not real.
But you knew this one was.
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After a little convincing to stay over the night, you quickly drove back to your home, grabbing some clothes and your toothbrush. There was no message left from Seulgi, after the chaotic public arguing. Looks like you did make the right decision.
You re-counter the horrifying nightmare you had faced, the human-looking creature who was nearly about to kill you triggered your brain of the thought. You felt so weak, so desperate for help that all your focus to somehow manage to get out of the episode fell onto being alive… and not supposedly dead.
The marks that were scathed on your neck were now small bruises, pampered all over. Your sister had treated it, but every time you tried to mention the episode, she would ignore you and change the topic for both of your sakes. It made you feel stupid and delusional. Even if you had gone to see a doctor they would repeat the usual things.
Fix your sleep schedule
Try to regularly get 6 to 8 hours of sleep a day
Get regular exercise
And so on.
Dusk hits, and the night starts to settle in. Grey clouds block the crescent moon which hung at the sky, as you enter your sister's home. You stroll around the kitchen only to find a sticky note stuck to the fridge.
Dinner is in the fridge, gone to get some work stuff.
Time starts to pass as you do things that wouldn't make you bored.
You were scrolling through your phone, reading articles of mysteries and wonder but your eyes fall upon the big, bold, capitalised letters presenting: 'HOW I RECOVERED FROM SLEEP PARALYSIS'
Instantly interested you click on the article and start reading it. You were looking for some tips and ideas, just in case it happened to you again.
'First tip as usual: Don't sleep on your back in a straight position'
'...I had sleep paralysis before but it started to become frequent over the past few weeks.'
'...I knew there was sleep paralysis demons but I never interfered with one.'
'...And then it was there, a creepy lookin' shadow that just peeked through the doors of my wardrobe.'
'...I wasn't havin' sleep paralysis that night but I thought I was dreamin' but my cat was with me, and he started hissin' at the wardrobe.'
'...This thing had red eyes, and long scaly fingers that were at least 10 centimeters.'
'...It used to whisper stuff I couldn't understand, but it always said its name: Cybil.'
'...I didn't do the hippy stuff at the beginning but then I thought of following them, you know? So I started to exercise, fixin' my sleep schedule and basically made it a routine.'
'... And it was a miracle because it stopped comin'. I had no demons snickerin' and scarin' the sh** out of me now. I tell you to follow this hippy stuff because it actually worked.'
You shudder at the feeling knowing such a unreal creature could torture a human so much in their sleep. But it was the same thing over and over again. You start to remember the cold fingers that landed on your neck, the charming devil that was smiling all the way while you were on the verge of death.
You shook yourself vigorously and drew out a heavy breath. Anxiety started to creep in and you were suddenly aware of your surroundings. A vile feeling in your stomach was created and you couldn't help but wonder if that thing was watching you right now.
Would it stare at you if you were sleeping?
Planning to do something to you again?
Or was it just here to make your life a living hell?
Most importantly, could it kill you?
You hugged your knees, the caps hitting your chest as you rocked gently and started humming to yourself. You prayed that the paralysis wouldn't happen tonight, especially after having such a horrific encounter with him.
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Jungkook sat in his own little space, black shadows whispering all around him, ghastly words that could send a shiver down your spine. The invisible force that held the others back made them shriek with each hit they took to break it down.
"What is he doing?!" They hissed, anger fumed in their corrupted souls, evil leaking with each word they spoke. Their misdeeds were the only thing that kept them alive.
"He's hogging the room." One said, their faint long nails stained the invisible force, all of them slowly calming down.
"What else do you think? He's doing it for a mere h-human." The shadow's voice drew out deep, sounding disgusted with the term. The rest gagged at the intention Jungkook displayed.
"Our energy is getting wasted, we're hungry, let us in you fucking dog!"
The force vanished, and all of the dark demons whirled at Jungkook, but something had stopped them. Jungkook stood as his hand glowed a black aura, it sparkled with sin. Their eyes grew wide, hunger devouring their wicked souls.
Oh god, Jungkook loved toying with them. He loved it.
"Look at you miserable demons, hungry hustlers ready to enjoy fear?" The aura grew even bigger in his hands as the demons' eyes turned pure black, their whispers chanting for food.
"Go get it."
The aura flew into the air and, all of the shadows cried for it as they ran. They bit, scram, swore, and yelled (even causing fixable injuries), desperate for the fear they were wishing to taste.
Jungkook chuckled as his eyes followed the drawn circle in front of him. It was as clear as night, (well in his saying), you slept so peacefully. He could hear your tranquil snores and your tired mind. The fear that was stuck to you was strong, incredibly strong for him to not hold back.
He thought he would feel bad after your first meeting with him went wrong. No, actually right. Because Jungkook didn't feel bad at all, but more excited. He chose the perfect person to coquet around with, to suck in some distress here and there. He found you.
When his hands touched your skin, it ignited a fire within him. Something he hadn't felt in a while. It was a sign that you were the one, the one for him. The reminder of his shadow watching you from your bedroom doorway, and your little panicked breaths made him smile.
You looked so adorable while being scared.
Every time your heartbeat raced, his did too. He would inhale your intoxicating scent, which drove him mad as he was anguished to devour some of your fear.
Exhilaration got to the best of him, and he swore he could never get tired of the fear that you released. He was blessed to frighten you, oh what luck he had in his hands. Jungkook never meant to go overboard last night, but how could he control it?
His eyes snapped to him, black irises filled once again.
The demon in front of him licked his black sinned lips clean, some of the aurae still dripping down his chin. He smiled wickedly before proceeding to speak.
"You don't mind sharing do you?" He looks over Jungkook, glee spread across his face.
"Fuck off."
"Yes? The last time I checked, you were the one who made the rule to share amongst our.. friends."
"Cybil, you're getting on my nerves lately, I suggest you to attend your duties."
"Or what? Are you afraid I'm going to scare the shit out of that thing?"
Jungkook growled, his shadow growing with the aura he brought upon.
"I can fucking banish you to the low-level demons, the ones with broken souls and mourning's everyday. Is that what you want Cybil? If it isn't enough for you I can make sure everyone can enjoy their next course meal."
This time Cybil's shadow fattened, as Jungkook's aura started to intimidate him. He spins around, muttering words he would soon regret.
"He should be banished, unwanted, filthy hellhound."
With the snap of his fingers, all of the demons' attention was directed to Cybil. Silence creeps up as all of them peer at him with greedy stares.
"Eat him."
If people who sang high notes could break glass, then the shriek coming from Cybil was a note that would never exist in the real world. The demons sank their teeth into Cybil, biting off his existence. His cries of pain and fear, mixed, drove into the air, while others were shamelessly sucking away.
Jungkook drawled back his attention to you. Tonight, he was going to let you go. But of course, he would come again soon.
Jungkook shook his head as a fear bubble sprouted in front of him. He could hear Cybil's protests, his useless begging. Happily, he quaffs the last bit away. He scoffs at the bitter taste and a deranged smile popped onto his face.
"Filthy hellhound."
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It was as if you had faced a miracle.
A restful night and the alarm clock ringing indicated the long hours you had slept so quiescently. You heard how the occurrence of 'sleep demons' usually only comes once or twice, nothing of them too frequent.
The bruises on your neck were now less visible and looked completely normal whenever you moved your neck at a certain angle. Your prayer had been answered and you smiled so wide that your cheeks hurt. You get up to freshen up and meet your sister along the way.
"Hey, got a good sleep?" She asks.
"Yeah, probably the best one yet." You exaggerate as you go to the bathroom.
Goodness, you really were absurd thinking about how these hallucinations could be so real. Now that you hadn't had any demon coming over it made things better for you.
You were waiting for your sister to arrive while you sat on the dining chair, munching on some cereal. She strolls past you and sits on the opposite seat. A sudden hesitant question pops into her mind as she shuffles in her seat uncomfortably.
"Um, Y/N?"
"Uh, how long are you going to stay here?"
You look at her and grin, "I was just hoping today will be the last, if that’s okay?"
"It’s just that I have a business trip to go on tomorrow morning and I won't be here.”
You drop your spoon and the action spilled some milk on the table.
“Oh, when are you going to leave?”
“Early, like eight am?”
“That shouldn't be a problem then, I'll just leave at the same time then."
Your sister nods her head and starts eating her breakfast as well.
You hold your spoon, thinking that maybe you've actually stayed for quite a while, so you ask her.
"Listen, I-I hope I'm not burdening you or anything, you know? Especially after what happened with Seulgi, you're like the only person I have left to be with."
Your sister smiles and she gently puts her hand on top of yours.
"You're not a burden to me Y/N, you're my sister and.. sisters always stick together."
You smile back and continue the morning with laughter and joy.
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With a groan, you unkink your back whilst plopping down the suitcase you brought next to your bed. The clock ticks and you just unexpectedly sit in silence. Thoughts consume your mind, like how you were going to go back to your normal life now. Doing your 9-5 shifts, coming home tardily, eating microwaved food- it was just the day-to-day routine.
Your eyes snap to the alarm clock posing on the bedside table, red numbers flickering 00:00. With tired hands you put an alarm on to wake you up in the morning. You sigh in response as you lift yourself onto the bed, pulling the blankets up to your neck as you curl into sleep like a small kitten.
It's dark and quiet, and the lights are out. No late movie nights, no pestering animals, and especially no awake humans.
A soulless noise vibrates from Jungkook’s throat as cold, icy breaths sail into the spacious room. He gapes at the room and does a bit of exploring like looking at the drawers, the windows and of course, under your bed.
He stares at your still, peaceful figure. He can't help but gawk at you in awe, his hands anticipating touching you and feeling your warm skin. He couldn't wait any longer. He had to take you home. He hurriedly backs away from you as he slowly crouches at the foot of your bed, his irises turning pitch black as his hands waver a heavy black haze. His feet float a couple of inches from the floor as he hovers above you and speaks in a deep, startling voice.
But you can't hear it.
You're not in his world, yet.
The mist spreads from his hands, leaving a trail over your sleeping body. It clings to your legs and feet, and your arms but Jungkook stops at your neck.
He reminisces about the moment when he first tried to kill you, how his inhumane fingers attached themselves to your pretty neck and he just wanted to feel your blood pulse through all that pressure. How your fear was nurturing him, providing him with a longer chance of living. You are his. And he's thought everything through, just to get to you, to have you and cherish you forever. You’re his favourite human.
However, today he wanted to hear your voice. It was an unforeseen idea, a rule that mustn’t be broken.
But Jungkook didn't care, he wouldn't get banished or eaten alive. Maybe get a warning at first but by then things will already be smooth when you're there. Just as he was about to snap his fingers, you yank your head roughly in your sleep. Jungkook quickly hides in a corner, stunned by the action at first. He then realises what you were doing.
You kept moving your head back and forth because you felt it. You felt the invisible strings that were consuming your body and you wanted to let go of them. You get up without a word and happen to roll to the other side of the bed. And soon again you're in peace.
Jungkook comes out of his spot, ready to snap his fingers again as he watches the dull mist sink into your gorgeous skin. Jungkook then disappears and watches you from afar, just waiting for you to jolt in your sleep and realise the nightmare that was reliving again.
Time went by and Jungkook was starting to become impatient. He had a choice to go rough and just physically shake you but that would be no fun. He has to take his time with you. He wants it to be a night that will be glued to your memories, something that he would also be fond of.
And then he senses it.
He sees it.
Your eyes snap wide open and the distressed feeling in your gut turns sour and gives your heart a good punch.
You feel that sick feeling again. Your body felt like it was just glued and stuck in cement, or like a dozen chains that were wrapped around you giving you no space to breathe. A feeling of helplessness. You closed your eyes and mentally pushed your body to move. But for some reason tonight, it was impossibly hard. You hated this sensation, a spectacle of fear and anxiety mixed drove you mad.
Is he here? You abruptly pondered.
“He’s here.”
Your eyes visibly shake when you see his tall figure, alluring doe eyes that aren't callow and his face as a mask of an angel but a devil in disguise.
“There’s no need for you to be scared of me, after all, I do apologise for what happened last time.” Jungkook roams around your room as you watch him through your eyes.
Is he truly sorry?
Never, what he did wasn't wrong. It was just part of his nature, surely you would understand that soon.
“I won't play to scare you this time, I promise.” His face is extremely close to yours, and you could feel his chilly breath on your neck. He caresses your face and gives you a small smile.
“You can talk you know? I just really wanted to hear your vocals, I wondered how it would sound like.”
You pry your mouth open and the first word is so croaked that you almost cough.
You had no idea what to say to this strange thing, all you wanted was to get out of another horrible episode and just go home.
The atmosphere screams awkwardness to you, but to Jungkook it was all fear. Just bits and pieces that go straight to him.
You finally manage to say a couple of words,
“What do you want from me?” You whisper, eyes trailing over the demon.
“To take you with me, to my home where we can be happy together. A place where you won't be alone.”
You're shocked, too shocked to even process whatever the hell you were hearing right now.
“And today I'm going to take you and you won't have to stay in your horrible world anymore with your horrible sister and friends.”
You suddenly snap, anger just surging through you. You're just tired, tired of everything that has been happening to you all you wanted was a good night's sleep, nothing more than that.
“Shut up! You’re not real. You're just a sick fucking nightmare and I'm stuck with a thing like you, you fucking son of a bitch just leave me alone!”
You expected to wake up and slap yourself for having such episodes but you didn't. You were still here with him.
The atmosphere becomes too quiet, so quiet that you bet you could hear a pin drop from the other side of the house.
Jungkook continues to stare at you as his eyes narrow a bit. You just added fuel to fire.
“First of all, I'm not a thing, my name is Jungkook. Maybe letting you speak was a mistake but I must say your voice is exhilarating to listen to.”
His mood shifts in a millisecond and then something just so sinister crawls out of his mouth.
“Do you know how I'm going to take you Y/N? Do you still remember how we did our first unjust encounter?”
Him choking you...
“I'm going to ruin the surprise but I'm going to do the same thing to you today. And then you'll be with me forever.”
“No...” You choke out, “stop, just stop and leave me alone...this isn't real, none of it is and you aren't that's for sure.”
“Oh really, Y/N? Do I have to prove to you again that I'm real?” His voice drops octaves lower and it frightens you.
You needed to get out desperately, this was completely deranged. But how? Your sister is asleep and this time Jungkook probably won't break another vase on purpose. Then what could help you?
You suddenly remember Jungkook’s words: “...nothing will get you out of this episode, as long as nothing interrupts us.”
An interruption.
Something that could possibly wake you up as an advantage for this demon to leave you alone. Maybe something loud and a bit heavy or-
The alarm clock. You had set up the alarm clock to wake you at 6 so you would have a heads-up on the time.
Your eyes shoot to the clock and the screen flickers from 5:58 to 5:59 now. Just one more minute and you would be able to get out of another sick interlude.
You don't notice but Jungkook follows your eyes and realises the way they enlarge as if you had a bit of hope left. Because you did have hope.
It doesn't take long for him to grasp your thoughts and all the planning that was whirring the cogs in your sleep- deprived brain. Jungkook titters at you when he calls out to you.
"Oh Y/N, my love, I hope you know whatever you're planning in that little head of yours is not going to work." Your eyes keep scanning between the clock and him.
"Because I know that your final minute is precious to you, but it is precious to me as well."
Jungkook emits a long, audible breath when all your focus is buried on the clock.
"I really wanted to take my time with you Y/N, I really did. But I guess with just a minute to spare-" Jungkook's hands creep toward under your head and you could feel the frigid skin against yours, "I need to kill you."
His hands grip the pillow next to you and a hard smack lands on your face. You can't move your head, your neck, your arms or your legs. You can't move. How can one be any more helpless than this?
You softly shriek and begin to bear the softness of the pillow suffocating you. The breaths you gasp out and swallow become harder to manage, and your body begins to feel hot. The pillow becomes heavier and the demon who's doing this just smiles in glee, black irises and black shadow overpowering your condemned soul.
“Shh…you know you can’t scream.” Your mouth shuts instantly and all you could do was muffle.
You start to detect spots in your vision, your breathing slowing down whilst all the blood that's rushing to you gives Jungkook more of a thrill.
You were soon going to be his.
You were going to belong to him forever.
You're counting on the last seconds of the clock, just hoping it would ring any second now. Every breath you take takes a second away, and you're just praying that something will wake you up right now.
The spots invade your vision, your breathing stops and your eyes lay open with no life left in them.
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You heave out aggressively, immediately scrambling away from the bed. You slowly touch your face, fingertips shaking from the experience you just interfered with.
Oh god, it was over. It wasn't real, it was just another episode. You're alive, and you're not with him. You jump out of excitement and relief ready to go to your sister and tell her you were feeling much better.
But she beats you to it.
You weren't aware when your sister walked into your bedroom. She was already dressed in her black suit and white shirt, with her hair up in a neat bun.
"Hey." You hear her voice and turn around to find her sitting on your bed just staring at your pillows.
Silly her, she probably didn't notice you standing in the corner of the bedroom.
"Listen Y/N, first of all I know you're awake," she smiles "but I wanted to apologise to you."
You frown at the comment, and you frown when she still doesn't pay attention to you standing right next to her.
"Hello, I'm right here. Who are you talking to?" You question her, hands waving right at her face. But your sister doesn't move her head to see you, she just continues looking at your empty bed.
"I'm sorry for not talking about what happened with Seulgi, I know so much has happened to you and I feel so guilty for not reassuring you or anything. I was completely wrapped up in my own work that I forgot about you, your situation and the life you were leading."
You instantly smile when she said that, and your heart is finally filled with contentment. Her hands touch something that you don't see, so you rub your eyes and you suddenly feel sick. Your heartbeat races like a runner that you almost drop to the floor.
There on your bed was you.
You were lying down on your bed with a pillow on your face, the blanket all crumpled white your sister rested her hand on your shoulder.
"Um, Y/N, you okay?" Your sister queries as her hands start to push off the pillow.
"Y/N? Hello? Oh my goodness are you-"
She touches your skin, checks your pulse and she felt the unseen frostbites that were stuck on your skin.
You stood frozen when a bloodcurdling scream erupted from your sister's throat, her eyes already stung with tears and her yells were becoming more desperate and louder.
Her voice started to become hoarse and dry, she needed water, but she whimpered and wept next to you, her hands shaking and fiddling with her suit pocket to bring out a phone but it drops to the floor and she does too.
You've never seen your sister like this, never.
You start to feel the wet tears glistening on your cheek and your surroundings turn dull and grey. It becomes incredibly dark but you could still make out your poor sister trembling as she stared at your dead body.
"No..." you whispered to yourself, "n-no, this can't be happening."
This had to be another nightmare, something unforgivable to make you see a distraught scene. You spin around and your eyes jump out of your sockets.
There he was. Standing tall and proud with a stupid smirk on his face as he watched you cry so beautifully. You shook and started to back away from this monster who had tormented you so much.
He crept up to you and your back hit the wall, and your sister and your dead body were no longer here. Instead, you saw a dark room with a silver glow on top of you. Hundreds, no, more like thousands of sleep paralysis demons were whispering and growling as they looked down at you.
You weren't home.
You were dead.
You were with him in his world.
Jungkook stood impossibly close to you and you just wanted to shrink into a little ball and get out of this place.
His hands grasped your chin and his eyes turned yet black again, simply purring as he spoke.
"I told you I would bring you home love."
You stared at the clear ceiling again, peeking at the disgusting creatures. You wondered how many people were disturbed because of them, because of the torments they brought upon their toys.
You trembled under Jungkook’s touch and your will to push him or even fight him withered away. And so you shut your eyes when you felt Jungkook's cold lips on yours.
He finally got you just like how he said and wanted. He hears your thoughts and Jungkook wasn’t going to lie but he does agree with you. He's a monster and so are the others above the both of you, after all, in the end, no matter how cruel or kind, they are monsters in the dark.
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beesmygod · 28 days
today is webcomics day. i am bea and i make "A Ghost Story" - part 1: pre-gaming
webcomic day is a yearly celebration of the art form concocted by the screentones podcast team as a way for people to see how the sausage gets made. my webcomic "a ghost story" has been running for over 10 years, and yet i still don't think i can say i am good at making a webcomic. regardless, the comic is getting made because otherwise i become very, very sick in the head. today i would like to share with you the process of making a page of "A Ghost Story" from start to finish. either this demystifies the process or will make you think im so cool and strong for doing this 2x a week. instead of reblogging this one post until it gets very long, i will be posting individual updates that i will then compile and post on my personal website. block the tags now if you HATE comics and want them to EXPLODE.
if you have any questions, even things like "what the fuck are you even talking about" feel free to ask. i want to feel confident in what i make again and i think sometimes interrogation from an outside source is really
that said, let's get started. wait just kidding i want a cup of coffee first, hold on.
ok now im ready. i have a big glass of water. i have coffee. i have a headset for the parts of work that don't involve typing words. i can't type words and listen to some streamer babble in my ear at the same time, so it has to be instrumental music or nothing. i just took my meds so they should kick in after about 30 mins. i woke up late today, which is weird and annoying. but maybe i can work late instead.
first off, i need to know where i'm going beyond this one page. if i dont know where im going with something, then i usually create something that sucks that i have to deal with later. hold on my internet died, i have to reset the router. ok, anyway.
what's rattling around in my brain is that not only do i have to deal with maxine's current predicament, i am also dealing with multiple plot elements i need to wrap back around to from the previous chapter. luckily, im about to put maxine down for a nap, which means i can get back to those other elements:
i need to finish the exposition from the three ankou characters for this story arc establishing their motivations as the oppositional force in the story. the "villain" is not these three specifically, but their boss. they need to have a loose understanding of what's going on in order to communicate this to the audience. god this started turning into a huge ass paragraph so i'll just keep it short there.
we've jumped back to before jack's horrible day from the first chapter of this storyline so we have to make our way back toward that and then lapping it, which means wrapping up his various open threads like:
feeding victoria and learning something new about her
finding out alice is a very exceptional employee who is getting many awards
watching valdo call lily while interrupting her during something personal to ask her for help with maxine's situation.
jack meeting with valdo and lily the day after they first met so jack can just tell them straight up that lily has 4 sisters she doesnt know about.
help that girl with her poltergeist problem. remember that. i've had jokes for this rattling in my head for like 4 years. im going insane.
and also the fucking tilberi!!! that has a point its going somewhere!!! there's a larger menace here!!!
other things to set up the climax of this storyline. sexual tensions, hints at larger emotional problems not immediately evident to the reader
lots of moving parts. and i feel like im moving in slow motion to get to them. i can see them all weaving together in my head, its the process of putting that onto paper that's proving difficult.
ok that took an hour starting and stopping. -_- let me write the next part as i keep brainstorming on how to approach this page. taking a "rubber duck" approach to this might help. heres an image from the last page i worked on (i have a 5 page buffer rn so the site does not match the finished pages) to get us semi-situated.
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also because images will help people understand what skill level we're working with here. i need to be able to communicate an idea to the audience; if the art also looks good on top of that, then that's just an added bonus. but the ability to communicate my ideas is sometimes hampered by my lack of artistic skill or comics language ineptitude. like those speech bubbles kind of fucking suck but at a certain point you have to just hit print on what you're working on in order to keep your already glacial pace.
webcomics is a tightrope act where you're also spinning 4 plates at once. the trick is to keep the audience from realizing how many actually fall or how wobbly they all are. the act sucks but technically its not a failure.
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nuhuhwinniethepooh · 5 months
Summer Day
Synopsis : It was a stupid question really but now you just can't help but wonder, what if...nvm, Satoru just broke the moment again.
Tags : teenBFF!Satoru, GN!reader, Fluff, hand-licking (no it's not a kink), he's a menace (and thats why we love him)
It was a normal, summer day. Lolling out on a bench in a park with ice-creams and rolled up sleeves to keep the heat out as flecks of sweat slide down your cheeks.
It was a normal day...until it wasn't.
Watching pairs of couples walking past you had given you the bright idea to question the grumbling white-haired boy, your bestfriend a question that you would never have asked otherwise.
"Satoru," you start, turning to look at him sprawled out with his head thrown back over the bench and an empty ice-cream stick sticking out of his mouth..."should I even bother-" you think, rolling your eyes at the sight with a sigh.
Satoru lazily turns to look at you, tilting his head a little and you can see his cerulean blue eyes staring at you," hm?"
"Quick hypothetical question. Hypothetically, if we ever become a couple how do you think our chemistry would be like? Like our...y'know what I mean!" You huff from frustration with the lack of words, your melting ice-cream slowly dripping down the cone.
"What's with the sudden idea?" He questions amusedly, leaning his head back on the bench to look at the branches of the tree overhead. "Just the couples around making me wonder what it'd be like," you shrug, taking a bite of your ice-cream.
He hums as he thinks and you're left surprised at the lasting silence, you didn't expect him to actually think about it this hard. So, you say nothing and continue taking small bites of your cone allowing him to think in silence.
"Our chemistry, huh? We'd be the power couple, for sure," He finally answers, stretching a little as he sits up and turns to look at you with a shit-eating grin," We'd be the type of couple that they'd write stories about, the kind of couple that would make the best romance writers have writers block just trying to write one that can top ours."
You gape at him, the melting cream dripping down your hand and onto your shirt," Me with my badassery and you with your sassery," he continues, flicking his empty ice-cream stick at a nearby trashcan.
" Sassery isn't a real word," you giggle, that being the only word you processed. Satoru quirks an eyebrow at you, his usual smug smile back on his face," Sure, it is."
"No, its not,"
"It does exist,"
"Since when?"
"Since now," he retorts, standing up and stretching his arms. You scoff at him and he turns to look back at you," You're getting ice-cream on your uni," he quips, pointing at the soaking cream prints on your shirt.
You cuss a little as you reach for your weapons bag and search for tissues, not noticing the fact that Satoru had come closer to you. You find the tissue and hurriedly turn back to face your ice-cream only to come face-to-face with a smug Satoru, your confused face reflected against his tinted glasses as he bends down and licks the melted cream off your hand, starting from the base of your hand and working his way upto the top, your thumb.
He pulls away and looks at you from beneath his sunglass with a smirk before turning to the side," Would you look at that, Suguru and Shokos here too!" He quips, waving at the two figures as he picks up your half eaten cone off of your hand, gobble it up in a bite and start to walk towards the two...leaving you stunned, sitting and...ice-creamless.
A slew of curses directed at him pours out of your mouth as realization hits you, furiously wiping your hand and shirt with the tissue but all you can hear is Satoru's echoing laughter.
You reach for your weapons bag.
Satoru licks his lips, the lingering sweetness and tingling sensation in his lips was creating flutters in his stomach," Took you guys long enough," Satoru pouts, putting his hands in his pockets.
"Your ears are turning red," Shoko deadpans, not bothering to look up from her phone. "Just the summer heat," Satoru mutters, consciously touching the tip of his ears. He looks at Suguru and narrows his eyes at the smug, knowing smile resting on Suguru's face.
"Suguru" "Yes?" "Shut up"
"I didn't even say anything!" Suguru protests as he leans to the side and looks behind Satoru, his eyes widening.
"Satoru" "Yea?" "What did you do?"
"Nothing, why?" Satoru replies, mockingly offended as he turns around only to see you run towards him...with a katana in hand and your weapons bag slung over your shoulder.
"That's my cue to leave," Satoru mumbles, running away with an angry you in tow, curses spewing out like water from your mouth.
"Should we-" Suguru starts
"We should," Shoko sighs, she could only hope for a living Satoru once you were done with him .
A little brain-rot before I start writing my alphabetical series again 🤡
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ggfj84 · 10 months
The whole world watched as the JLA disappeared from Earth. Abducted, incinerated, teleported to a Bat Burger at the edge of the solar system, who knew?
Jason turned the channel and got ready for his night job. It wasn’t like he could do anything, and Dick would play dress-up to deal with the Rogue Gallery until Bruce came back again. The best Jason could hope for was that Dick didn’t want to tag along on his exploits in Crime Alley.
What he didn’t expect was a text message just before two.
Can you come to the cave? Need your help with something.
Great. If Dick wanted him to now check in every night, Jason would not be responsible for his actions.
And Jason wasn’t going to adhere to Dick’s whim like some obedient pup.
Working. I’ll drop by later.
Three hours, two coffees, and one burger later, Jason zoomed into the Batcave.
“All right, Dickface, I’m here,” he called as he lifted his helmet. “What was so important that I needed to – ”
“Sorry to pull you away,” Dick said rushed, not a hint of sarcasm in his voice. He was surprisingly dressed in jeans, a T-shirt, and a leather jacket. A stuffed duffle hung off his shoulder. “I just got off with Tim. He’ll take care of Wayne Enterprises, so you won’t need to worry about that. If he needs back up, he’ll let you know.”
Why would he give shit about Bruce’s day job? Jason told Dick just that, but his older brother just let out a little chuckle and motioned for Jason to follow him into the main areas of the cave.
“I called Stephanie, too,” Dick continued to ramble. “She excited to fly with you, and yes, I made that executive decision. I think she’ll be a better partner for you than Damian, and Tim said he’ll look out for the kid. They’ve been getting along better for a while, so I think it’ll be good for them to work together.”
Jason followed Dick almost on autopilot, listening intently but suddenly feeling so detached from reality.
“What are you talking about?” He refused to acknowledge his own high-pitched tone or shortness of breath. Dick was taking him to the closet - Batman’s closet. “Stephanie is with the Batgirls, and Damian – that kid needs to be Robin. It’s good for him.” Like it had been good for Jason, once, a lifetime ago. “What are you – “
Dick stopped on the very last step before the platform, putting him at Jason’s eye level, and clasped Jason firmly on the shoulders.
“You are going to be great, Jay.” His voice was pitched low and heavy with the weight of truth. “You have prepared for this. You know what needs to be done and you know how to do it.”
Dick could not be saying what Jason thought he was saying. There was absolutely no way. “You can’t be seriously, Dick. Me? After the last time –“
“You learned. You grew. You finally came home,” Dick said with an easy shrug, but nothing about this was easy. “That was the hard part.”
Jason begged to differ. “Just because I don’t shoot people as frequently as I used to doesn’t mean…” Jason gulped, his trembled hands becoming fists, and he was grateful Dick waited for him to compose himself. “I can’t do this. You can’t be asking me to do this.”
He never wanted to do this, not like this, not when Bruce could be –
“I know,” Dick said, pulling Jason up onto the last level and into a tight, reaffirming embrace. He repeated, lower, “I know.”
They stayed like that for longer than Jason would ever admit, and when he pulled away, he ignored Dick’s glassy and red-rimmed eyes. Dick did the same for him.
Instead, Dick nodded toward the wardrobe. “Why don’t you try it on? Just for size, of course.”
Jason thought he should be offended that Dick was treating him like some child who needed to be coaxed, but Jason was about to throw up. So he guessed he’d let it slide this time.
Inside the wardrobe, a suit awaited him – dark and menacing with a full facial mask similar to the one he wore with his current uniform. Jason went through the motions, undressing and pulling on the dark suit.
As it became a second skin, he called, “Why aren’t you doing this?”
“John Stewart, Zatanna, Lois, and Wally have an idea of where the Justice League might be. They asked me to tagalong.”
“You mean lead them.”
In the silence that greeted him, Jason could imagine Dick’s shrug.
When he emerged from the wardrobe in the cape, cowl still off, Dick smiled. “Looking good, Little Wing.”
He’s supposed to be the freaking Batman and Dick was making him feel twelve again.
Jason snorted and motioned to his uniform. “Bruce is going to kill you.”
“Yeah, yeah.” He pulled out his phone and cringed. “Well, I’m late, so one last quick pep talk.”
Jason rolled his eyes, only for Dick to flick his head. “There are times where you are going to second guess yourself. Don’t. You’re overqualified. Trust your gut, and if you don’t, then trust Stephanie’s. Trust Barbara’s and Cass’s and Tim’s. Lean on them. Despite what Bruce says, he isn’t a loner. He doesn’t do this himself, and neither should you.” He pressed his lips to Jason’s forehead, warm and reassuring and soothing. When he pulled away, a wicked smile was on his lips. “And hey, if you manage to keep all the kids alive, then you’re better than Bruce.”
Dick was walking away by the time Jason recovered. “T-That wasn’t funny!”
Dick waved without turning. “It wasn’t a joke.”
Jason caught up to him just before the Boom Tube. “Dick!”
Dick turned.
Jason nodded, a soft smile forming on his lips. “Thanks.”
For trusting him. For believing in him. For welcoming him home.
Dick’s smile said, “You’re welcome,” but his voice said, “I’d say, ‘Try to keep the place in one piece,’ but it’s not my place. So I don’t care.”
Jason snorted. “I think I like this side of you, Grayson.”
Dick hummed. “I could say the same.” He headed into the Boom Tube. “Kick ass, Jason.”
And then he was gone.
Jason glanced down at the symbol on his chest before glancing up at empty cave. The light from the Batcomputer cast the levels in a soft, blue glow. A bat shrieked. Stephanie’s motorcycle roared in a distance, signaling the arrival of his Robin.
A tiny, hesitant smile teased the edge of his lips.
Time to follow Grayson’s advice for once and kick some ass.
The End
A/N: Just wanted to write some Bat!Jason because of this.
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romanoffsbish · 1 year
Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
A Torn up Masterpiece
Semi-CW/IW Canon — Not EG Canon
Warnings: Break-Ups, Heartbreak, Blood, Violence, Death (Steve/Vision). Happy Ending though.
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Put you in jail for something you didn't do. I pinned your hands behind your back, oh.
Natasha warned you this would happen, but you were incredibly naive, and just as selfish.
"Nat, I—.," she turned to you from the window with a glare so harsh you stumbled backwards., "You what Y/N? Thought following me after I expressly told you not to was a good idea?"
You watched the woman you loved with all of your heart become an enemy in a matter of mere minutes. Only an hour ago was she sleeping soundly atop of your chest after an exhausting reunion, and now she's ripping your heart out of it instead with no remorse.
She was terrified, that much was clear, but she also looked to you like she'd been betrayed. Natasha didn't trust easily, that was her nature, but in the last five years you'd broken down every last wall until you reached her tattered heart; just to be another person to slash it...
"Natalia Romanov, we have you surrounded.," the familiar voice of one General Ross boomed against the shifty trailer, and the redheads jaw clenched., "Put my hands behind my back, and escort me out to them Y/N.," her eyes held no room for an argument, but you didn't care.
"No, I-I won't turn you in Natasha! I can't.," she softened for the briefest second., "There's no other way Y/N, you've sealed our fate.," she handed you the handcuffs then turned away from you and her heart broke when you sniffed aggressively as you latched the metal around her wrists but her stoic resolve never faltered.
"Good going kiddo.," Tony clapped your back, and you spluttered at the insinuation., "Nat, No I-I swear.," Tony gripped your shoulder so hard that you faltered, then your eyes met a sea of green, the storm brewing within them was harsh, yet gentle with its pleading. The both of them silently saying to you: "shut up and play pretend.," to which you responded by dropping your gaze from the redheads and by stepping into line with Tony who sighed in clear relief. "We'll fix this Y/N, I promise you that much."
Fighting with a true love is boxing with no gloves ; Chemistry 'til it blows up, 'til there's no us. Why'd I have to break what I love so much. It's on your face, and I'm to blame.
I need to say: Hey, it's all me in my head.
I'm the one who burned us down, but it's not what I meant. Sorry that I hurt you.
I don't wanna do this to you.
I don't wanna lose this with you.
Tony was no help to you, but in your time of need you found solace in the Captain, even though you were just at odds a month prior., "Y/N, I could do this alone you know.," the man was nervous as can be, he knew he was risking facing Natasha's wrath by allowing you to tag along, but he also couldn't deter you but he still had to try., "As if Rogers, now let's go!"
The raft was deemed impenetrable, but it was like nothing to get in for a Super Soldier and a determined girlfriend with a stolen Stark blaster. Taking out the men was just as easy, you we're starting to wonder if this was privy to what the national defense team looked like, because if so the Avengers really did need to make up or the states were surely doomed.
Steve and you entered the room stealthily, your eyes landed on Wanda first, your heart broke at the sight of the young girl in heavy restraints. Without even a second thought you blasted the lock of her cell, setting her free, then you used your powers to fry the latch off her cuffs.
When you were certain she was okay you turned around to see Steve free'd everyone else, but Clint and the ant guy you briefly fought as they chose to stay behind. That's when you noticed Natasha with a menacing expression on her as she spoke to them in harsh whispers.
By the time you were going to approach she was done, looking to you her harsh exterior faltered briefly, but you watched as she put it back on, turning away from you without even speaking to you. It'd been a month since the arrest, and you were just hoping for peace, but it was clear the redhead was still furious.
Everything Natasha does is to protect you, she'd have remained in that cell for all of eternity if it meant you were safe and sound. So she's going to continue protecting you even now, even if that means breaking your heart, and shattering her very own just the same., "We're over.," Natasha managed to get the words she never imagined using out, her heart twinged as they poured from her lips, but she kept a straight face to live up to the facade.
"What?! Nat, no, please...," you cried out as you instinctively launched forward, latching onto her from behind and holding on for dear life., "We can work this out—please, I love you so much. We can live on the run together. I don't care just so long as I have you—please Natty."
Natasha was grateful you couldn't see her, the way her eyes were brimming with tears against her will wouldn't help her to sell the breakup., "I'm tired of your inability to listen Y/N, don't come looking for me again—I'm done here.," she shrugged you off, then continued to walk away from you, leaving you to fall into your sister who was quick to catch your body.
"Shh, sweetheart it'll be okay.," Wanda coo'd, she looked to Sam for help, and the man was at a loss for words, but he scooped you up, and carried you out of the building anyways. Nat watched him leave with you from the shadows, then she snatched Wanda just before she could leave too., "Erase the footage Wanda, she can't go down for this.," the Sokovian nodded, red irises flashed before Natasha to show her the job was complete., "She's safe now Nat."
"Thank you.," the redhead finally let her tears fall without restriction so the witch pulled her in for a hug., "It'll be okay Nat, we'll figure it out, and you'll be able to get her back.," the reactive flutter in her chest felt empty, the words she needed to hear didn't feel promising, but she wouldn't give up on you—never, so she decided to believe the words that there was something to hold onto here; there had to be.
I lived like an island, punished you with silence
Went off like sirens, just crying.
Why'd I have to break what I love so much?
It's on your face, don't walk away.
I need to say: Hey, it's all me in my head.
I'm the one who burned us down, but it's not what I meant. I'm sorry that I hurt you
It's all me, just don't go.
Natasha was nervous as she entered the main room of the compound with the rest of her fugitive-esque comrades besides her. Rhodey greeted them., "Well. You guys, really look like crap. Must've been a rough couple of years.," he wore a bittersweet smile, and pulled her in for a brief hug, and though she returned it with a smile her eyes were scoping the room for you.
"Hey guys, don't listen to the old man, I think you all look great.," you softly greeted from the side as you entered the room with supplies, but just like Nat's eyes were only on you, yours were fixed on her just the same., "Hey Y/N.," she smiled warmly at you, the same way she used to when you would wake up besides her, it was her way of saying 'I'm so fucking sorry—we'll talk later, please...,' and you smiled back at her in confirmation before refocusing.
Natasha couldn't take her eyes off of you the whole time that Steve droned on about the stones removal, and where it would take place. Two years had come and gone without you and she had never been so miserable before, it was like once she had you her heart would never be able to beat properly again without you there.
"Her thoughts are so loud.," you chuckled as your sister buried her face in your shoulder., "Stop listening.," you suggested and she glared at you., "What part of loud don't you get Y/N?"
Natasha felt her unsteady heart settle when she heard your far away giggling, she remembered all those times where it was her to cause it. Unwarranted jealousy filled her at the idea that someone else might be that for you now, that her misconception of protection cost her you.
"Go talk to her.," the witch grumbled, and now it was your turn to glare., "Not now Wands, it is the time for a serious battle, not a world war.," your sister snorted, then she looked to you with soft eyes., "Love is worth the fight Y/N/N.," her eyes then drifted to the 'man' asleep at her side, and you comfortingly laid your head atop hers.
After a couple hours the jet landed, and you were the one helping to get Vision safely into the building. Everyone briefly debated what was the best course of action until the King's high tech security system alerted you to company., "Wands, you stay here to guard Vis, we'll be a-okay.," you gently kissed her cheek., "Don't you think you should stay too?," Nat suggested, you deadpanned., "No, not at all."
*She's a big girl Natasha*, Natasha shrugged, *I'm just trying to ensure she remains alive.*
The battle was heinous, ugly creatures broke through the barriers in droves, and no amount of energy you could surmise was ever enough to dwindle their numbers down. It was as if they were simply respawning, and if the sheer size of the army you were facing wasn't enough you now had giant murderous wheels coming at you, and the woman who still owned you.
With everything you had left you focused your mind on short circuiting the machines, which worked out swimmingly, but then you faced their sudden need to tumble forward, so you did all you could do as you tackled Natasha.
She huffed at the sudden impact, and you stared down at the breathtaking blonde, and for a moment you decided this wouldn't be the worst way to go if she's the last thing you'd see. The impact you were expecting never came, you looked up in time to see your sister tossing the machines into a pile of the monsters.
"Y/N.," Natasha calmly said your name, and you were painfully aware that you were still on top of her., "Uh, sorry.," you scrambled off of her, then in a stroke of luck your poor sister was tossed into a ditch so you didn't have to face the awkward situation for very long.
"You'll die alone, as will he.," Wanda winced when the alien kicked her down, and Nat cooly spoke for the both of you., "She's not alone."
Between the three of you she was handled in no time, and without a moment to breathe you were all traveling across the field to face the proclaimed madman himself. He basically obliterated your friends, tossing the strongest people you knew around like they were rag dolls, and you were truly shocked., "Nat!"
Thanos threw her across the field on his way to your sister and the stone. You knew you should be focused on the mission, but your mind was racing with thoughts of protecting Natasha. Nothing mattered to you more than that.
You began to rip the branches away from the blonde, no matter how painful it was, or near impossible it felt you were determined to free her from Thanos's odd magical confinements., "Y/N, stop—I'm okay, and you're bleeding.," you shook your head., "No, you're not okay Natasha, you're trapped, and I won't have it."
It was a pointless fight, the more you tore away the more they grew right back, but you weren't thinking that rationally. Seeing Natasha in this vulnerable state worried you to no end, and she could see just how stressed you were, it was a bittersweet warmth, but it indeed blossomed in her chest to see just how much you still cared.
Natasha shimmied out of the trap just to hear Wanda's pained scream, both of you watched in horror as she was tossed away from a dead Vision, then your eyes tracked to where Thor was stood with a grimace, then in the next instant your entire body was tingling., "Nat?"
Your shaky, battered hands gripped hers, she looked at you fearfully when she saw all of your friends fading into nothingness behind you., "Y/N? I—.," her lip trembled when she felt your hand dematerialize in her own., "No, please..."
"It's okay.," you did your best to calm her down, because sure you were fading away, but seeing her so broken truly hurt you more., "I love you Natasha, we'll meet again, I promise."
Your blood was on her hands, her already gushing ledger was now tainted with you too.
Meet me in the afterglow.
Natasha couldn't believe what she was seeing as she looked at the compounds live footage, the shrinking man was stood there shouting, and her hand was swift to buzz him inside.
"So you're saying that you spent the last five years in a time vacuum?," she looked at him for clarification, her hope now slowly fizzling., "Yes, well no—it's not a vacuum, it's a portal.," he clarified., "Also Miss. Romanoff, it wasn't five years for me, it was only five hours."
Natasha watched the man scarf down her peanut butter sandwich while processing his proposed solution. It was far fetched, but it was the most promising thing to show up at her door yet so she wasn't going to squander it. There was absolutely nothing she wouldn't do to get you back, she didn't think she could hold out much longer without you and her sister.
Both victims of a heartbreak induced by her, and both snapped away before she could make the amends she'd been desperately trying to. Shaking her mind of the tragic honesty she focuses on calling the only man she knows who can pull something of this magnitude off.
Tony, after being reminded of him letting Y/N down on more than one occasion decided he will indeed do his part to fix this horrible mess.
The teams were set in stone: Natasha and Steve were to collect the soul stone from Vormir, and the trek up the mountain side made enjoying the view of a purple and orange sky impossible.
"I bet the raccoon didn't have to climb a mountain.," the redhead grumbled, and the super soldier chuckled., "It isn't that bad."
"Speak for yourself.," she huffed, but before the playful banter could continue she was raising her gun at the ominous floating entity., "Natalia Romanov, daughter of Ivan.," he shifted slightly., "Steve Rogers, son of Sarah."
"Who are you?," she growled., "Red Skull.," Steve answered through gritted teeth, his first ever Avenger level foe somehow slithered his way into what he hope would be his final one.
"Where's the stone?," he readied his shield and his fists, but the entity before him held no fight, he simply guided them to the cliffs edge., "What you seek lies in front of you... as does what you fear.," the friends shivered at his grim tone., "The stone is down there?," Nat asked.
"For one of you. For the other, in order to take the stone, you must lose that which you love. An everlasting exchange. A soul for a soul."
Natasha took a seat on a log, the gravity of the situation weighing her down, but she knew that no matter what took place on this mountain that she'd ensure that you got to return, that you would get to live—no matter the cost.
"Whatever it takes.," Steve repeats his earlier sentiments, and Natasha jumps to her feet., "No, it can't be you Steve, it has to be me."
"Natasha, now you're being ridiculous. I've lived a long, and full life. It is my time far more than it is yours.," the burly man pulls his friend in for a hug., "Don't squander this second chance at love Natasha.," her heart skips as he mentions you—someone to come home to., "Missing out on my chance with Peggy is my heaviest regret; fix the mistakes of the past."
"Steve, it has to be me—my ledger is dripping."
"So is mine Natasha."
"What?! No it—.," he chuckled sadly as he moved to cut her off., "I defended, rallied and stood for a corrupt military time and time again Natasha. Costing thousands if not millions of young people their lives. All that potential for life squandered away fighting the senseless battles of selfish government heads all because I wore the stripes and sold the war."
Steve sighed as he saw the look in her eyes, so he placed his hands on her shoulders., "Let's get this over with Romanoff.," he stepped away and raised his fists, prepared for the fight of his life, and that's exactly what she gave him as she struck the man with a large volt of electricity., "Tell her I loved her Steve, with all my heart."
The man writhed on the ground in pain, but fortunately for him the serum coursing through his veins coupled with pure adrenaline lent to him returning to his feet swiftly., "Tell her yourself Natasha!," he grunted, throwing his shield with just enough force to knock her down, and it effectively knocked the wind from her lungs, and therefore the fight in her body.
"Give this to Sam when you guys win.," he rushes out, he's not got long before she's back on her feet., "Tell him that there's no one more deserving of the mantel than him.," he left the shield atop of her to slow her down even more., "Please, also tell Bucky that I love him, that he's allowed to move passed his ledger, and that I'm sorry, but this is the end of the line."
Natasha's not sure how it got this bad so fast, but as she clutches her ribs, and wipes blood from her lip she wonders if it was all for not.
Did Steve jump for nothing?
Will you really be gone forever?
Does she die today knowing that she failed you in every manageable way possible?
"On your left.," the coms crackle but she hears the man loud and clear., "On your wing.," you add, and Natasha's heart beats wildly when she looks up to see you actually on his wings., "Woman! Get down.," your giggle warms her entirely, and she herself smiles fondly when thinking of how only you could enter the end of the world battle in the happiest of spirits.
"Lady Natasha.," the redhead turns to face the beaten down man who'd shared in her fight against the purple titan of the past., "Catch!"
Natasha's eyes widen when Mjolnir is headed straight for her, she instinctively reaches out to catch it, and when her fingers crackle with a bit of blue she gasps—she's worthy.
"I knew it!," she smiles back at the Asgardian, then she readies herself for battle., "Avengers," she presses down on her coms., "Assemble."
The entirety of your side charges forward, you find yourself smiling as you follow Natasha's lead, she was always the real voice of reason so you are rather proud of her for filling the role. All you wanted to do was talk to her, as that was what you were so close to doing after two years before you were snapped into the void.
It was grueling not being able to, but you knew you needed to focus as the aliens surrounded you, jolts of electricity continued to leave you, knocking them down in droves, but your body was still exhausted from the previous battle back on Wakanda, because for you that was only a few hours ago, so your work got sloppy. Now you found yourself on the ground, sharp talons hovering above your face, you pushed against its arms until red tendrils lifted the creature, and Mjolnir flew it across the field.
Wanda yanked you up from the ground, and as you steadied you locked eyes with Natasha just as soon as the hammer returned to her. She smirked at your look of shock, and you shyly dropped your head before following your sister who had intended to face the purple man.
While she held him in the air, tearing his suit from his body you used jolts of electricity to keep the aliens away from her, and to your absolute luck a blonde reminiscent of a comet comes barreling down from the sky, and takes the gauntlet from the evil creature with ease.
Carol had the gauntlet, Wanda held her hand, and you slipped yours into hers for the safest bet that none of you will leave in a body bag.
"No.," Natasha's heart drops—not again, she will not lose you for the fourth time, but as she went to run at you Clint caught her., "Trust the process Natasha.," she thrashed in his hold., "Fuck the process.," she had met your gaze and her fight stopped, your features were so calm, so like Clint said—she would have to trust you.
"Are you guys ready?," your sister nodded, and you did the same before facing the furious titan. He was kneeling on the ground, panting heavily in a moment of obvious weakness.
Carol lifted the gauntlet, and as she prepared to snap Natasha sobbed at the sight of you, your smile of anticipated victory faltered, and the anguish you were experiencing as the powers surged between the three of you was obvious., "Not so inevitable, huh?," you still managed to taunt the man through gritted teeth, and just as you finished the blonde snapped her fingers, and the army of aliens slowly disintegrated.
Natasha watched you slump into Wanda who was struggling to keep the both of you upright, but the witch managed to lean the both of you into a pile of rubble for the short time being. Natasha ran at full speed, dust settling around her as she raced to be at your side, no amount of aching in her body could stop her either. Once she reached you she pulled you into her instead, holding you upright and leaning in to press her forehead against yours as her tears continued to race down her red cheeks.
"We did it Natty.," you coughed with a dopey smile, and the redhead shushed you for the sake of your strength., "You did so good detka, I'm so proud of you, so incredibly proud."
"Detka?," your eyes were now softly glistening, her heart ached at your unsureness, she gently moved to cup your dirtied face in her hand., "Tell me that you're still mine.," she sobbed., "Please Y/N/N, tell me that we'll be just fine.," You met her pleas with a tired smile, and nod., "Even when I lose my mind?," she giggled at your question., "Especially then, an unhinged Y/N is incredibly hot.," her heart fluttered wildly when you giggled too, she missed this.
The happiness quickly faded though as you softly voiced your unfiltered thoughts to her., "Tell me that it's not my fault.," she quickly shook her head., "Oh detka, you were innocent, forced to watch your family falling apart. I'm so sorry for adding to it, but I had to protect you."
"You know, we could've faced it all together Natty, I was ready to risk my freedom for you.," she frowned at the idea of all the lost time, and part of her even agrees now, had she known then what she knew now she would've let you., "I-I know detka—leaving you behind was the hardest thing I've ever done, and it will live within my heart forever as my biggest regret."
"Please, tell me that I'm all you want Nat.," there was an insecurity in your eyes she never thought she'd be faced with. How you could still be questioning her want—no, her need for you was a bit perplexing., "Of course you're all I want Y/N, a life without you is unbearable."
"I want this Natty, we can leave this all behind us, and move forward having learned better, how not to burn down it all to the ground."
"Even when I break your heart?," this time it was her with the insecurities swimming in her gorgeous green orbs., "No.," you sighed sadly., "But if you promise to never do it again then we can do this, we can be us again; be happy."
"I promise.," her hands fell to grab yours, she brought them to her lips for a smattering of soft kisses., "No more running, or breaking. This love is too precious to squander.," she softly moved your hands atop her shoulders, and you finished the move by connecting them behind her neck as hers settled on your hips.
Natasha desperately wanted to devour you after all this time, the way you were staring at her didn't exactly help either, but she settled for a few slow kisses as to not overwhelm you., "I love you Natty.," she smiled so wide that the kiss was broken apart., "Ya lyublyu tebya Y/N."
The grim battlefield was full of similar reunions, but the two of you were none the wiser as you stayed in your own bubble for as long as you could. Once the two of you parted Natasha went off to find the frantic soldiers, and you went to collect the devastated witch. Wanda clung to you as you escorted her to the undamaged car Natasha pointed out to you earlier, and by the time the redhead made it back to you she found the both of you asleep and cuddled up together in the backseat.
As quietly as she could she got the car started and set the GPS for her Ohio childhood home. It was completely furnished as she'd been in the process of readying it for you over the blip. No amount of naysaying ever stopped her from believing your sisters words all those years back. That hope for a future with you was all that kept her breathing the last seven years, and now that you're here she's breathing fine.
Natasha admired the sunset as she coasted down the Highway, once she settled in the middle lane she readjusted the rear view mirror to catch a glimpse of you. The rays of orange and pinks softly casted over your sleeping face, and oh did you look beautiful.
You were positively glowing, and Natasha was simply basking in the warmth of your love.
4,546 Words
This is my Endgame.
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shadowbriar · 10 months
Regulus Black, Remus Lupin - The Star to Your Moon
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Pairing : Regulus Black x (she/her) Reader x Remus Lupin Word Count : 1.3k Warning : An epilogue of a series I'm trying to craft. Synopsis : As their ship begins to sink, she wonders if she could love the moon as much as she loves the star. Notes : Post no 7 for my Year Anniversary Celebration. If you'd like to be tagged for the next chapters, please fill the form here! If you like this story and would like to support me, please visit my kofi page and perhaps get me a coffee?☕ Taglist: @jsjcue @coffeehurricanes @ell0ra-br3kk3r @kaz-mf-brekker @sofiacblair @when-you-cant-think-of-anything @ineedmentalhelp123
The wind was blowing gently, making the grass and flowers around them dance softly to nature’s ballad. The sun was kind today. Its warmth showering them without burning their irises when they look up to the sky. Birds sing along as they fly, becoming the background singers for their beautiful setting. This picnic was perfect.
Regulus has his head resting on her lap. His eyes were closed, darkness getting lighter whenever the sunlight hits his closed eyelids but it was nothing of displeasure. He listens to the quietness and bustling sound of his surroundings attentively. He missed such serenity.
“You’ve been more quiet lately,” She notes, her fingers playing with the curls of his hair “A sickle for your thought?”
Regulus let out a soft sigh. His eyes were still closed, trying to hold on to the moment as long as he could. He loves the serene atmosphere that she always brought him. How he could hear all the noise dampen whenever he sees her or how the world seems to be at pause whenever their skin touches. Regulus prays that he could find a spell or incantation to stop time altogether. Especially since a certain threat is looming around, menacing to rob him of such luxury.
“You know you can talk to me about anything.” She continues gently.
“I know,” He replies, eyes fluttering to see her “But sometimes I only want to listen to you. Not just your words, but your laughter, your breathing, everything. I want to record it all in my head.”
She smiles, leaning to kiss his forehead, “What a sappy little man you are, Regulus Black.”
“Only for you.”
Indeed, only for her.
Nothing could have prepared him when the universe let his eyes catch her years ago at Kings Cross Station. He had always thought himself undeserving of love, too distant and fractured to ever be touched by such kindness, yet he was proven wrong the moment she greets him. He knew that he was bound for life with her. That he’s willingly given up his heart to her palms, not caring if she would take it and hold it gently or stomp it to the ground. All he knew was that he was hers from day one.
“I learned something over the break.” Regulus says excitedly as he sits up, picking the little daisies around them and meddling with it.
“What are you doing?” She asks with an amused laughter, resting her chin to his shoulder.
She watches him with a grin. His fingers were busy folding and twisting the stem of the small flowers, still in complete silence. His brows were furrowed, complete determination to finish the task he’s trying to do at the moment. After a few minutes a small ring of flowers was made. His proud smile decorated his face as he brought it up for her to see.
“May I?” He asks.
She nods, giving him her right hand.
Regulus slipped the ring on her ring finger. It was slightly too big but the happy smile on her face overthrew every insecurity he had about the crooked ring. He looks back to her finger, kissing the back of her hand as if he's trying to seal something.
“I now pronounce you, Husband and Wife,” She jokes “You may kiss the Bride.”
He chuckles, placing his right hand to cup her cheeks, his left still holding her hand, “You’re silly.”
“Only for you.” She returned his words “Now are you going to kiss the Bride, or—,”
Her words we cut as he leans in. They both were smiling in between each peck. Silent ‘I love you’s’ exchanged from the tender gesture. Their heart was filled with love, head blissful in ecstasy, completely unaware of the darkness brewing around them.
The first day back to Hogwarts has been brilliant so far. Ending the day with her prefect duty, she recalls the delightful moment spent with her lover earlier. The pieces of flowers she tucked on his hair, the flower ring he gave that now sits on her bedside table, the memory of his loving gaze, everything was so perfect.
It would be an understatement to say that she loves him. There’s nothing she wouldn’t do, nothing she wouldn’t sacrifice whenever Regulus is in the equation. He is her anchor, her star, her everything. There would be no her if there was no Regulus.
Her walk was coming to a halt as she noticed the commotion happening a few metres in front of her. It was dark, the limited light her wand gave did not do much to help her assess the matter happening but she recognises the man standing closest to her. His back was facing her, acting as if he was on guard to watch whatever mischief his friends were doing.
“Lupin,” She calls, amused.
She could hear the faint ruckus happening behind the pillar a few metres behind him. She could recognise whose voice one of them belongs to. It’s not practically hard to decipher who’s responsible behind such tumult when it comes to Lupin.
“Hello, there.” Remus greets as he turns to face her, suppressing his stunned expression with a smile “Nice patrol so far?”
“You could say that,” She replies. Her hands are now folded to her chest, still smiling. She turns to the suspicious pillar, calling them out “I know you’re there, Sirius. Supposed Potter and Pettigrew are with you too, hm?”
“Come on, you can come out.” She says again “Don’t make me go there and hex you three.”
Sirius walks out the pillar sheepishly. He opens his arm wide, looking as if he was delighted to see her, “Darling, hello! What a pleasant surprise!”
James and Peter follow behind him. The two of them waved and smiled at her awkwardly.
She averts her gaze back to Remus, her brows raised, “You’re not really condoning them for their mischief now, are you Lupin? That wouldn’t be a good look for a prefect, would it?”
“Oh no, I wasn’t.” Remus denies, shoving his arms into his pockets “I don’t even know these kids. Never seen them my entire life.”
She bites down a smile. The gentle gaze Remus has was hypnotising. That kind smile and soft tone he offered were making her feel safe. They haven’t truly been friends. The most interaction they’ve done would be passing by each other during their night watches, just like the situation unravelling at the moment, minus the three rascals behind him, of course.
“Give us some lenient, would you, Love?” Sirius begs “This would be the first and last encounter of us, I promise.”
She squints her eyes, pretending to take her time to make a decision. She knew for certain that this wouldn’t be the last time she would catch them red handed. Giving them a pass now would only make her one of their future accomplice but she was in a good mood today. One pass shouldn’t hurt.
“One time,” She says firmly, her finger pointing at Sirius before turning back to Remus “And you’ll continue my patrol for the rest of the castle, Lupin.”
“Deal,” Remus grins, offering his hand “And please, call me Remus.”
She takes his hand, smiling at his kind gesture.
With one last warning look at Sirius, she turns her heel and walks away. The light of her wand was getting fainter with each step she took and Remus knew he shouldn’t have had his eyes glued on her for too long, but there was just something about her he couldn’t shake off. The way her eyes sparkle and how she seems to be collected at all times. Calm and firm but still kind and understanding at the same time. Something Remus always admires in someone.
At least, that’s the excuse he’s giving to himself.
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