#<- im gonna try and actually finish all my other ones DAMMIT
lavellander · 1 year
got tagged by @houseaeducan for a character song tag game :o) thx !! 🖤
Game Rules: Choose one of your characters and list songs that fit them.
I’ll do pleione bc she’s miraculously my only oc who has a fully developed individual playlist. also sorry I tried to just do a SMALL handful songs but. I’m deranged so this is as short as it gets lol
which witch
birdcage religion
lonely road
what can I do if the fire goes out?
I am not a woman, I’m a god
joan of arc
leave my body
idk who’s done it yet & most ppl I’d tag got tagged in the same post I did sksjsk so if u see this n wanna do it pls consider this a tag from me!! xoxo
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iicheeze · 1 year
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SUMMARY || you've always had feelings for your gray haired senior. To the point that you'd confess to the man in front of the whole Akademiya. Pitying you, he gives you 3 months, 3 days and 33 minutes to make him fall for you. Let the roller coaster of chaos begin!
PAIRINGS || Alhaitham x Gender Neutral Reader, slight Kaveh x reader
TAGLIST || @star-star-fall-inlove @nachotrash @baelloraa @itonashi @tanspostsblog @kalpie @makimakimi @nishayuro @hugs4dottore @sassy-cat-in-town @aloveablechaos @ceylestia @severedvigility @i9tto @6-022-10-23 @duhsies @suwnshine @xiaos-wife1 @kysrion @kunikuzushisbeloved (BOLD MEANS I CAN'T TAG YOU, TAGLIST OPEN!!)
TW || gendered terms like girl or buddy, READER IS GENDER NEUTRAL!!!!!! other than that idk unfunny-ness ig idk 😭 just read to find out
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CHAPTER II — [Name], The Reckoning
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The haunting laughter echoed throughout the hallway of Teyvat Akademiya Dorms. Obviously, coming from none other than you, yourself.
“ SHUT THE HELL UP, DAMMIT!! I'M TRYING TO FINISH MY FUCKING ASSIGNMENT, YOU DAMN LUMMOX. ” Tighnari screamed, his head peeking out of his dorm room. “ Sorry, man. ” And with that, the door slammed shut.
“ Give me my five dollars, Mona. ” You demanded, with Mona slowly reaching out to her almost empty wallet.
Long ago, you and Mona made a bet. If Alhaitham accepts your confession, Mona will give you ten dollars. But if he rejects you, you give her ten dollars.
But since this one is a special case, Mona will only give you five dollars.
“ Congratulations for getting accepted! Now.. What next? ” Bennett gave you a pat on the shoulder, while also giving you a question. Silence filled the air with awkward tension.
“ To be honest, I didn't plan this far. ” “ GIRL, HOW DID YOU EVEN GRADUATE HIGH SCHOOL???!?! ” “ I don't know too. ” “ Lord, save us. ”
“ OKAY, OKAY!!! I'll search up on how to woo a stubborn guy. After that, I'll list it off. Then, I'll physically do it to him and bada bing bada boom, we're a couple. ” You winked, as your friends dead pan.
“ I'll wish you the best, [Name]. You'll need it. ” Kokomi smiled innocently at you, as the rest nods along with her statement. “ THANKS??? BUT WHY ARE YOU SAYING IT WITH THAT TONE?? ”
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It was the weekend, so you decided to use your time lazing around searching up on how to woo a man with a personality like Alhaitham's. Sadly, they all sound very hard.
Like... What do you mean ‘ Make sure they have all the facts. ’ ?????
The only stuff you wrote down are;
Let him come to you. Obviously not gonna work 💔
Open up to him.
Be his friend.
Stay flirty.
Focus on your common interests. What interests 😭
Make him laugh.
Be silly in front of him.
Go on adventures together. Wtf we aint dora and boots hell no
You wrote the sentence in bold with massive letters at the end of the list. Who knows, maybe this chance is just pure luck or he just wants to toy around with you.
You still have a chance, albeit small, it's still a chance!
And you're obviously taking it.
I mean, what the hell. He has a hot body.
“ I wonder if he's a virgin. ”
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Kaveh was just taking his break at the local Sunbucks near Teyvat Akademiya, trying to get away from the annoying roommate of his.
But his moment of peace was disrupted by a single ding from his phone.
Message Notification from [Name]
What the hell are they up to now
He clicked the notification bar, and it quickly showed up to his chat history with the person.
wtf wdym stuck
[Name] is typing. . .
so i confessed to ur roommate ye
and he actually gave me a chance
except theres a time limit for it and if i dont make him fall for me within 3 months 3 days and 33 minutes i cant talk to him or even acknowledge he existed in this timeline 😭
Kaveh couldn't help but think.
How the hell did you even got him to give you a chance what kind of fuckery did you use [Name]
and wat do you want me to do abt it im not him tf 🤨
[Name] is typing. . .
do u know anything abt him
if u do
can u
pls tell me 🥺
WTF stop talking like that you sound like an e-kitten 🤢🤮
idk abt that gray haired bitch hes friendless and a virgin wtf u want me to do
boutta peg him fr fr 😈
plus all i know is that he aint prioritize no one but himself
he doesn't deserve u 😒
but I deserve him 😍
does he like uhhh
my jokes
dont u dare
we all know ur humor is as bad as cyno's
i have rizz 🔥
the only thing ur gonna get is a rizzstraining order from him wtf
no one likes ur jokes [name]
just accept the truth
this is why u get no bitches
“ Jesus Christ, [Name]. . . ” The blonde man mumbled to himself, face palming. He was about to leave the cafe, before he saw another text.
i seriously want him to like me tho
It was just a simple text, and he knows of your crush for his roommate for quite a while.
So why did it strung his heartstrings?
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AUTHOR'S NOTE || SORRY ITS SHORT AGAIN THE NEXT ONE WILL PROBABLY BE LONGER 😭😭 if there's any mistakes be it readers gender or more please tell me 🙏🙇
also taglist is still open feel free to ask to be in it 😍
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octopiys · 6 months
II. two turtle doves
Pairing(s): eventual Soap/Ghost, Price/Nikolai, implied Alejandro/Rodolfo
Warnings: blood/violence, traumatic injury, chronic pain (written by someone with chronic pain), ptsd, hallmark Christmas, description of an animal attack
(A/N: hello here's the second part! I hit 400 followers, and then lost a few so I was gonna celebrate but take this as it is! Thank yall so much for the support <3, my requests are still open!!)
Find the masterlist here.
His shoulder bag dropped to the floor as he shuffled his way into the small cabin, the snow picking up outside. Luckily enough, the majority of the place was furnished as Laswell told him it would be, outside of other decorations.
He was sure it was more than he needed, but it didn't quite matter. He limped into the bedroom, flicking on the light. A thin layer of dust had covered the place, another project he'd have to start, and dumped his bag's contents into the drawers. A few photos were set out on the dresser, the counter, and....
That was easier than he expected.
Maybe he should've gone into the store when he was in town.
It was late anyways. He forgot that the night comes sooner in the winter. It's been a while since he's been in a place where the nights were actually cold, where the darkness was one that enveloped you.
He locked the doors, double checked the windows, and then checked them again. All secured.
So he got in the shower.
He couldn't listen to music, not now at least. He had to make sure that he categorized everything, made sure that he had all the sounds processed, all the normalicies compartmentalized.
The warm water made him gasp, then breathe a sigh of relief as it worked out the knots in his shoulders.
He needed to cut his hair.
It was by no means within military regulations anymore, not that he needed it to be. But the normalcy was almost required of him, and his mohawk was growing long beneath his fingers. He hadn't had the chance to cut it since.... however long it had been before he started PT. He ran shampoo through it, almost touching the tip of his shoulders, then allowed himself a few more sparing minutes in the warmth before getting out.
The night was long. His mind was restless as he tossed and turned in his too clean sheets. His bed was too soft, too comfortable, or maybe not enough. By the time he got used to the sounds of the water heater, it turned off, and he was left with the whir of the fan and the space heater.
Helicopter blades.
Laswell was worried, and Roach was scared-
He pushed his covers off and turned off the fan, sighing.
His clock blinked at him, the numbers reading 04:32.
No better way to start the day than early.
He stretched, sitting at the edge of his bed. He didn't bother with his knee brace, he'd put it on before he left. Just had to be a little careful around here.
The linoleum was cold underneath his feet as he padded into the kitchen. There wasn't a coffee pot.
He wondered what the chances were that the bakery was open. If not, he was sure there was a Starbucks somewhere within this town, he'll just finish some reports, then....
He popped a few pills into his mouth, swallowing them dry. Pain meds, pain meds that didn't work. But it doesn't matter too much to him right now, as he straps his knee brace on and sighs. He shrugs on his windbreaker, since it's the only thing he has outside of the one long sleeved shirt he owned, and headed out.
The streets were cold, no suprise there, but in no way were they dark. The telephone poles were alight with decoration, Christmas lights winding up and down the wood. Every corner didn't go amiss either, bright as almost day.
His breath fogged up the cold air, and he hunched closer into himself to try and conserve heat. No one was out on the streets, not that he had expected there to be, but that meant that nothing was open, either.
Soon enough, the bakery came into view, the LED lights of the SpecBru sign reflecting on parts of the icy pavement. Lights on, Soap could see in the windows from here, the man from yesterday, Kyle, sweeping and looking like he was in the process of opening.
Soap entered quicker than he would've liked to, startling the crap out of the poor baker.
"Hey-! You're- oh. Hey, Johnny boy, early start to the day?" Kyle asked, recovering his broom from the floor where he had thrown it.
Soap groaned and slid into a booth, rubbing his hands together to try and get them warm again. "Too early. Can the day start if it never ended?" He grumbled to no one but himself, and he heard Kyle chuckle.
"I'll take it you need a coffee, then?"
"Bless ye, Kyle."
The rumble of the coffee machines were heard as Kyle powered them on. The dishwasher was currently going, and most of the display case was empty, not having been filled yet in the early hours of the morning.
Kyle was once again wearing his faded blur cap, but this time, he wore a dark blue apron that covered a red and green sweater.
"A fan of the holidays?" Soap asked, leaning forward as he watched the man work.
"You kinda have to be to live here, Johnny. It's like a month long ordeal." Kyle said with a shrug of his shoulders, watching as the machine poured the steaming liquid into a mug. "It's the theme surrounding here. Y'know, we've even got a petting zoo. Except the guy there isn't too much of the 'Santa' type."
Soap grimaced. "He's nae like-"
"Oh God no!" Kyle laughed as the machine spizzled to a stop, and he pulled out the mug, sliding it across the counter to Soap. "Just a hermit, is all. Not much to worry about, but the kids seem to love him."
Soap hummed, taking a large sip of his coffee, practically moaning as the warmth coursed through him. "That's some good shite, Kyle."
The man laughed. "Thanks, mate. I should probably open a store."
Soap chuckled. "Och, speakin' o' stores, ye ken where I can find a warmer jacket?"
Kyle blinked at him.
"Do *you know* where I can find a war-mer jacket?" He tried his best British impression to try and get the words through the man's head.
Kyle stopped whatever he was doing, giggling like a child. "Please- please don't ever do that again, lord jesus- yes, I know where the general store is, I can take you once Alex gets here, he's supposed to help me open-"
As if on cue, the little bell above the door dinged as it opened, a new guy backing in through the door. Somehow, he was balancing a stack of boxes in his arms, unable to see past them, but still muttered a, "coming through!" as he walked by.
Soap saw imminent death as the man, Alex, was heading straight for a stray chair, diving forward to stop him before-
"Oh, shit!" The American said, tipping forward, but Soap grabbed the top two boxes before they fell, unable to save Alex who fell directly into the chair. The ceramics within the box clicked together, but remained largely unbroken as Kyle slid across a table to help him up.
"Ah- are ye alright?" Soap asked, hesitantly, setting the boxes down quickly before turning towards Alex to check him over.
"Yeah yeah, thank you, Gaz-" He batted Kyle away, doing a once over of Soap, then the boxes, before double taking Soap. "Wait a minute. I... don't know you."
Gaz, who was checking inside the boxes to make sure the mugs were still intact, glanced over between the both of them. "Oh, sorry. Alex, this is Johnny, Johnny, this is Alex. Alex is our head barista, and Johnny... just... moved here." Kyle settled on, smoothing his hands over his apron. To Soap, it seemed like suddenly he looked rather nervous.
The head barista, Alex, seemed also relatively put together, even if he almost tripped and died on the way in. His hair was brushed into an almost curled sort of way, his beard neat and trimmed, and a bit of an unruly mustache. Okay, a bit is an understatement, but you get the picture. Less noticeably, the man also had a prosthetic leg, and an impressive sleeve of tattoos, wearing a scarf he swore he'd seen before....
There was an awkward pause that had settled over the room, before Soap cleared his throat and turned away, feeling like he was intruding on something.
"Johnny boy!" Gaz almost shouted, startling the shit out of him. The baker was sin the process of taking off his apron, throwing it behind the counter, grabbing Soap by the arm. "Time to go to the store. Let's- let's go."
The door closed behind them, and through the frosted windows, Soap saw Alex blinking in confusion.
"So... Alex, huh?" Soap mused, zipping up his jacket.
"You shut your goddamned mouth, Johnny." Kyle groaned, hiding his face in his scarf. His face was burning as his cheeks glowed in embarrassment.
"What? Ah'm just sayin', he's easy on the eyes, laddie-"
"He's dating Farah, and they're both my best friends! Besides it's not like- like- oh, forget it." Snow was coming down lightly, melting as it came into contact with the salted pavement. Soap brushed some out of his hair before it froze in his mohawk.
The sun was barely rising despite it being a bit of a decent time into the morning now, a downside of the long winter nights. But the town was slowly waking up, Soap had started seeing more people come outside, other cars join the streets, lights and displays turning on.
Kyle made an abrupt turn into an alleyway, muttering something about a shortcut, and Soap followed without a trace of doubt in his mind, only burning with one question.
"Why do they call ye Gaz?"
He'd heard it before from the woman behind the counter yesterday, and hadn't thought much of it, and Alex's remark had caused him to remember.
"Ah well-" Gaz pulled the brim of his hat down onto his head, muttering something that he couldn't hear.
"I blew up an oven and a kid called me Gas! But he- he had a bit of a speech impediment so it came out as 'Gaz' and-" Soap started laughing at the man's defensiveness, and the story. "- And- shut up, Johnny- and everyone just started using it, that's-"
Soap had doubled over in laughter, clutching his aching sides in the cold air. Kyle rolled his eyes, but couldn't fight off a smile.
Soon enough, after both men recovered, they walked into the store. And it's The Store(trademarked!), according to Gaz, because it had anything they ever needed, which was real convenient! .....until he ran out of baking supplies one time and had to close SpecBru until the store got in their next monthly shipment.
It was much warmer in here than outside, despite the buzzing fluorescents above them. Most of the shelves were stocked, a few people with carts pulling around until they found what they needed.
Gaz dragged him to the clothes section first. "You're gonna want more winter clothes than summer clothes for sure, so we'll find you a jacket first. Then we'll move on to pants, and shirts, and then I'll leave you to roam before Alex burns the place down before I get back."
"Comin' from ye, Gaz." Soap teased, and Gaz grumbled a few curses under his breath.
"Still a valid concern."
He was lucky that the military paid him well before his leave. He never had much to spend it on either way, and rarely was it ever for himself. Between clothes, and the groceries that he hasn't even started looking for yet, it was good that he never did. At least ten outfits, and Gaz making fun of him for an hour, later, Soap finally was able to escape and get groceries. Gaz left him on his own, headed out to load his truck with supplies for the week.
Okay, he could do this.
He started worming his way through the aisles, picking off various things like cereals, some canned goods, and a case of water– all imperishables.
Then he stopped.
He'd be living here for a while, as Laswell tried to tell him, as much as he didn't want to believe it. He was sure he'd need other things, like a toothbrush and- oh, and a coffee pot. With coffee. Oh, that sounds so good.
So he made his way to the coffee aisle, which was also the tea, soup, pasta, and spice aisle, planning on beelining right towards the coffee machinery. Quickly glancing over each box, he picked out a little blue machine, turning it around to read about it as he walked back to his cart.
No more than two steps gone had he run into someone, stumbling backwards, a flurry of apologies leaving his mouth as he lowered the box.
"Watch it," growls a gruff voice in a skull patterned sweater.
You know how when you're imprisoned, and you're supposed to find the biggest, meanest looking guy and either beat him up, or befriend him?
This guy would definitely be the pick in the yard.
Soap did a quick once over. Tall and muscled, wearing at least a few layers of clothes, and an odd looking ski mask that barely hid honey colored eyes, the man was downright intimidating, even for him. Hell, he'd been through war, seen the gulags, dealt with experiments, and torture, and corruption, and yet....
Soap wouldn't stand a chance against him.
"Shite, yer just built like a brick chimney are ya? Not surprised ya didn't see me. I'm John MacTavish, but you can call me Johnny if ya want- or if ya want to call me anything else that'd be fine too." His voice wavered with his crumbling suave confidence. He was blowing it as he spoke, but he maintained to hold the fort down as he set the coffee machine in his cart and hurriedly stuck out a hand, just slow enough to hide his eagerness.
The skull patterned man instead glared and reached to grab something off the shelf behind him, brushing over Soap's shoulder to do so.
Yeah, Soap was absolutely dwarfed in comparison.
He smelled like lumber and pine, mixed with something slightly animal, sinewy, like a barn. Not that Soap was, like, paying attention to that at all- or anything-
And then the tension was broken as the man ended his glare to roll his eyes and mutter something akin to "bloody tourists", as he pulled away with a box of tea, honey eyes darting to the sign in the next aisle before walking off.
Soap's face flushed alight with humiliation as he stood, flabbergasted with himself, glancing around the aisle and making eye contact with a lady who also seemed to be hiding her second-hand embarrassment by reaching for too many boxes of pasta.
He needed to find Gaz. Fuck the coffee, he was done shopping, he could come back later, he needed to get out of there before he made anything worse-
"An' then ah just decided ta talk to 'im like a dumb lad who's never seen a real person! After ah hit 'im wit' a coffee pot!" Soap exclaimed frustratedly, as he forcibly hung clothes up in his closet. He had already donned his new boots and coat, feeling much warmer than he has within the previous hours. "Ah mean, sure, ah woulda liked ta get ta know 'im, an'-"
"John, mate, I can't understand a thing you're sayin' when you're all hot and bothered-"
"Ah'm NAE-"
"IF I HAVE TO hear about a fuckin' coffee pot again, I'm gonna throw it against the wall and send you off to get a new one. Take a breather, aight?" Gaz continued as if he hadn't heard about him. "Besides, I've got a pretty good idea of who you're talkin' about. Right miracle he didn't rip your head off after you touched him the first time."
Soap blinked at him, gaping like a fish. "What d'ya mean?"
"I mean, the man's a social recluse. Rarely see him, and half the time I do, it's never longer than ten minutes. I barely get a hello out of him when he comes into SpecBru-"
"He goes into SpecGru?" John eagerly swayed like a teenager learning new gossip on their favorite celebrity.
"-Shush, let me finish. I barely get a hello out of him when he comes into the bakery, but the man's kind. Doesn't quite get on with most people, either, but we see 'im more around the holidays than any other time." Gaz tossed him another shirt, and he caught it, before sticking a hanger through the sleeves, and wiping a hand over his face. "That's the last one, by the way."
Soap thanked him, before an alarm went off on his phone. It jarred him out of his senses for a moment, the newness deciding to-
He hated that goddamn alarm. Up and at em, always. Whether it was paperwork, or deployment, it was always there. Always constant. The coldness of the tile beneath his feet grounded him, soothed the horrid ache in his leg from the ground up. It always got his heart racing when it went off. He'd have to change it when he got back to wherever Laswell was deciding to send him for recovery.
"John, you alright?"
It was the default on his phone. Had to take his goddamn medicine. Always a part of the schedule, so he didn't have to worry about it until suddenly he had no work to do. He lost his schedule. Some things were best left behind.
"Uh- aye, sorry. Can you-" Gaz had his phone in his hands, and Soap was sitting on his bed. He blinked, momentarily disoriented. The alarm was no longer going off. "-hand me the medicine container on the dresser please?"
The deep ache in his knee was beginning to return the longer that he thought about it. He blinked again slowly, taking a deep breath like he was grounding himself. Gaz wordlessly passed him the container, not even sparing a glance to read whatever it said. Tramadol, paracetamol, and another thing he usually forgot. One pill would do for now, while the pain wasn't bad enough to incapacitate him for a second pill.
"As I was saying before," Gaz continued as if he had never stopped, and Soap was thankful. "His name's Simon. Simon Riley. His go to order is usually two eccles cakes and an English breakfast, or an earl grey-"
"Why are ye telling me this?"
"Because I think you're practically in love with this guy, and I'd rather tell you instead of watching you struggle to figure it out. Anyways," He fixed his cap, standing up and leaving to the kitchen to unload the rest of the stuff. Soap followed him out, looking like a lost puppy, begging and sniffling for a crumb of anything Gaz wished to give him.
"Ah'm nae in love wit' 'im! Ah just hit him with a coffee machine!" He exclaimed, storming into the kitchen.
"Right, right, of course. Y'know, he runs the Riley Farm just outside of town. They call themselves a tree farm, but there's a shit ton of other things to do there too. Shame it's just him runnin' it, though." Gaz plugged in the coffee machine. "Got a whole petting zoo and everything."
"Petting zoo? For what, reindeer?" John joked, half disbelief written onto his face that much of anything could live up here, much less be considered 'petting zoo.'
The look of brief confusion on Gaz's face told him that he had hit the nail right on the head. "Nae, you dinnae- reindeer? Really?"
"Well... I mean, it's kind of on brand for us up here." Gaz gestured around, and Soap somehow knew what he meant. A Christmas themed town who's whole shebang is.... yeah, reindeer seemed the least weird out of it all, actually.
It turned out, reindeer was not, in fact, the least weird out of everything he learned.
Gaz had left a few hours ago after everything had been loaded into his little cabin, a place that was slowly coming together as home. Bacon was sizzling in a cast iron on the stove, Soap tired enough to only throw something together.
"What the...?" Soap whipped around at the sound behind him. Like scratching on glass, like someone was trying to open a door. He clicked off the burners, reaching for a kitchen knife. "Who's there? Yer at the wrong fuckin' house!"
He flipped the knife in his hand, angling the blade away from him. A slight breeze blew through the room, the curtains drifting in front of the glass door. It was dark outside, the early kind of dark that you get in the dead winter. Hair raised on the back of his neck as he heard it again, the slow scratch of something being drawn across glass. He took a couple steps towards the swaying curtains, hand out and-
"Creepin' jesus, fuck-!" Soap shouted after tearing the curtains away to reveal a.. deer? An elk? Whatever it was, it was stuck in the screening of his window, tired pants leaving it limp with exhaustion, it's antlers all tangled in the screen. He breathed an aggravated sigh, pushing the curtains against the wall.
He grabbed his nearest sweater, resting on the dining table and shrugged it on, before clicking in the flashlight on his phone and trudging outside. Pity nipped his heart with the biting cold outside as he stuck his phone in his pocket, the flashlight just peeking out to illuminate the creature.
Its breaths fogged up in the freezing air, small, short puffs of cloud fogging against his window.
"Poor bastard." Grumbled Soap, gently reaching over and patting the deer reassuringly, smoothing over its soft fur. It appeared to be so well kept that Soap could've considered it someone's pet, having escaped its fencing to enjoy the luxury of a screened window. He reached his knife just above the antlers, cutting into the screen and sawing away at the thin metal. The deer huffed, struggling again at the sudden release of pressure and Soap jerked the knife away before the animal could hurt itself any further.
There was a sharp tear in the screen as the deer bucked her head, and Soap muttered out a low curse, taking a step back from the animal. There would be no way to fix it now, not without getting it replaced.
Another tear, and Soap jumped into action, smoothing over its face with soft whispers of reassurance, slowly bringing his knife to cut around what he could.
A beam of light flashed over one of the hills further off his property, followed by some yelling in another language, and Soap's hands started working faster. The deer seemed to have realized that hebwas trying to help, because she lessened the tension in her body like she was trying to help him set her free.
"That's a good lassie, almost done, almost done..." He murmured, cutting through the last bit and snapping to get her attention. She shook her head, grunting and huffing with what he assumed to be appreciation, taking a few wobbly steps.
"We got her over here!" Shouts a deeper voice, thick with an accent and he looked up, startled, to see a man cresting his hill, holding a flashlight. Suddenly blinded by the beam, he doubled back with a wince, shielding his eyes from the bright light.
Another figure joined the one on the hill, and they began making their way down towards him.
"Er- can ah help ye lads?" Soap asked, now on the defensive. The deer huffed against him, pushing her nose into his jacket.
"You found Dasher!" The other man exclaimed, like that explained everything.
"Sorry, what's a-?"
"Dasher!" The man in the hat gestured to the deer, who happily trotted up and pushed her nose into the man's hand.
"Well, seems like the lass found me... More than tha', my window." He gestured to the torn up screen with a grimace. "But ah was able to cut 'er out without too much trouble to 'er."
The first man with the flashlight was currently looking over the deer, quietly scolding it in Spanish. He had shorter black hair, and the beginnings of stubble on his tanned face, a carhart jacket zipped up to his throat.
The other man was older, wore a kind of a fishing hat, along with what Soap would consider an impressive amount of facial hair. It looked slightly similar to Alex, from the bakery, but that was where the similarities ended. Soap noticed he appeared to be doing the same thing as he was, searching for a threat. He recognized the look, after all, he saw the same thing in the mirror every day. A military man.
But the man in the hat spoke first.
"You Laswell's guy?" He barked out the words like they were an order, one that he fought against to comply.
"Aye, I am. Ah take it you're hers as well?" He countered, biting back any attitude that may have leaked the 'I'm not good with authority figures' that he couldbe held in his tone.
"You could say I'm an old friend." The man said, with the same amount of force. Soap had an inkling of a feeling that he would be good friends with this man. "John Price," he said, clicking off the flashlight and sticking out a hand.
"John MacTavish, but you can call me Soap, sir." Soap said with a tip of his head, shaking his hand. It was warm, rough and calloused, the hands of a working man.
"This is my right hand, Alejandro Vargas. He usually monitors the park during the night, but Dasher here seemed to have slipped through." Price continued as the other man, Alejandro, nodded at him.
"You name all the creatures out in yer park?" Soap asked.
"Dasher is more of a, eh... Mascot." Alejandro reasoned, trying to fit a harness over her head, but she was not having it, instead backing up and huffing at him, before retreating back over to Soap.
"Right, a deer for a Christmas town named Dasher. What happened to Rudolph?"
Alejandro bit a laugh. "Too similar to the vet. Besides, I see no red nose."
While Soap was trying to figure out why the vet was a deer named Rudolph, Dasher pressed her nose into the small of his back, nudging him forward.
"She seems to 'ave taken a liking to you." Price grumbled, the thick rasp of his voice giving Soap the idea that the man might smoke a few. "Mind helping us get 'er back to the park? Not a long way from here, promise."
Soap shrugged. He had nothing better to do. If Laswell trusted this guy, then he did too.
He found himself saying that a lot recently.
So, haphazardly, they began steering Dasher up through the hills, the warm lights of his cabin fading off into the distance as Dasher believed this was all again. She pranced around the lot of them, wiggling up to each of them, like she was trying to push them into the snow.
Soon, a barn came into view, and she stopped, her head jolting up, ears pricking as she looked around... like she was looking for a threat.
"Price, eyes up." Alejandro barked quietly, eyes careful and guarded. He pulled something from the belt of his jeans, which Soap immediately realized as a gun. A flash of relief flooded through him, quickly masked by worry.
"What's out here that she could see as a threat?" Soap asked, his voice hushed as he stepped closer to Dasher, figuring he was safer close to her, considering the only weapon he had was a kitchen knife he left on his windowsill.
"Lobos," Alejandro says. "Wolves. Or bears. Or other people."
Soap shivered. "What can-"
"Quiet now," Price hissed, taking a few steps back towards them, carefully surveying the trees around them. "We move together. On me."
You can remove the man from the military, but you can never remove the military from the man.
They hadn't moved ten feet, ushering Dasher along like she was precious cargo on a recon mission, before a scream of agony tore through the air, echoing over from the open windows of the barn.
Yeah. Just like the field.
Alejandro's face went deathly pale as his head whipped around to look. "Rudy!" He shouted, tearing off in the same direction as the scream had come from.
All at once, they snapped into action. Soap dodged for the reindeer, grabbing it by the scruff and tugging her along as Price's heavy footfalls led him through the darkness.
They left the reindeer in the yard, bolting for the large barn doors.
Alejandro was a decent few paces ahead of them, pushing through the doors, turning the corner and disappearing behind it.
It smelled like animals, but well kept ones. Not like a zoo, where the poor creatures are kept in their own filth, ones that weren't cared for. It was clear to him, in this moment, that these animals were very well loved, not just by the owners, but by the town. As he was running, his eyes picked up small drawings, or little cards written in a child's hand on the sides of the stalls where other reindeer were pacing.
At the end of the barn, in one of the very last stalls, was a bit of a gory sight. One of the reindeer had another man pinned to the wall with her antlers, and he was squirming, looking like he was trying his best not to scream. Her antlers went through one of his shoulders, and upon spotting them, his eyes went wide.
"D- Don't hurt her! Dios mio! She's calving, she can't help it!" He shouted at them, his green apron covered in blood. He had a soft nose and kind eyes, his hair was bedraggled, and his face looked to be a few shades paler than it should've been.
"What d'we do then!?" Soap shouted, grabbing Alejandro by the shoulders to pull him back from startling the creature even further.
"Just- ah- don't- we gotta wait for her t-"
A sharp snap filled the air, and everyone froze, hearts hammering in their chests. It sounded like the sickening crunch of a bone breaking, and no one moved for fear of something breaking inside of the poor man.
And then the antlers fell.
The man dropped to his knees as the reindeer backed up, and Price rushed to calm her as Alejandro went to the man's side, muttering in soft Spanish.
Soap joined Price in calming the creature, who seemed agonized. "He said she was calving?" He asked the older man frantically.
"Yeah, that means she's-"
"Having a bairn, ah ken! Let her rest, she's gotta ground herself, we can help 'er from there!" Soap commanded, and Price stepped into act. "Alejandro! How's he doing?"
"I'll be fine, señor! Just- just help Vixen!" The man on the ground said as Alejandro pressed against the wounds in his shoulder.
Vixen. Huh.
Less than a minute past, and Vixen, the reindeer, had lay on the ground, bleating. Her breaths were falling heavy, and Soap slowly crouched down in front of her, palms up to show he wasn't a threat. Gently, he brushed through the fur on top of her head. "That's a good girl, yeah? Just breathe, mama, ye got this, yer doon fine, that's a good lass...." He murmured, and her bleating grew softer.
A gentle silence enveloped the barn. "I need someone ta check ta see if the bairn's comin' out." He said quietly, still stroking Vixen's head.
The man from before pushed Alejandro away, after his shoulder was thoroughly covered enough to staunch the bleeding. "She's almost here." The man spoke quickly, with little shake to his voice. He still had a bit of a Mexican accent, but not as heavy as Alejandro's.
"Aye. Can you gently tug her legs? Very slow, ah dinnae want her ta get stuck." Soap said, before going back to comfort the poor reindeer.
Moments later, tiny bleating filled the air, and the man next to him cheered, holding the small thing before gently balancing it next to its mother and tugging Soap back.
The mother took to her young quickly, licking the rest of the gunk out of its fur, leaving it looking bedraggled and fluffy.
"Got any names, boys?" Price asked, stepping next to them slowly, and crossing his arms as he watched.
The other three men stood there, covered in hay, and blood, and afterbirth, glancing around at one another before Soap spoke up.
"Olive? I mean, ye got that reindeer song going, then it goes like "Olive, the other reindeer," y'know?" He asked, and Alejandro nodded, not having the heart to correct his lyrics.
"Olive-" Price snrked, before covering his mouth, and scratching through his beard. "Yeah, Olive is good."
Soap rubbed his knee.
Price eyed him before clapping his hands together. "Let's head into the house, we can get you lot cleaned up. C'mon, we'll check on em later."
Wordlessly, they followed after him.
Price had a... large house, to say the least. The ranch house was build up near the base of the mountains, shrouded in tall pines that grazed the skies. The lower windows were lit up, and Soap could see people moving about inside.
"Were you a vet, Soap?" Price asked as they walked up the pathways to the house.
"O un medico?" The man, who he now presumed to be 'Rudy' asked, sounding like he was biting back his words. Alejandro stood directly at his side, helping him up the paths, with a firm hand on his shoulder.
"Nae, just my basics. My ma had a farm in the highlands where she kept sheep. Figured it couldn't be too different." Soap said with a shrug, wincing as he took another step. His brace was a bit stiff beneath his pants, and the cold nipped his ears, and boy, was he excited to get inside.
"Jack of all trades, then." Alejandro grumbled, pushing open the front door.
The interior of the house was very... campy. But it had a cozy kind of warmth to it, and Soap felt all the tension immediately slip from his bones as he was hit with a wave of exhaustion.
Price took off his bucket hat and hung it by the door, calling out, "We're back! And remember, we have guests, so I hope you're on your best behavior!"
The older man disappeared into the kitchen (that smelled heavenly, by the way) and returned with a tactical bag, unzipping it as he walked. "Let's get you into the dining room, we'll use the light in there to stitch you up." He said firmly, and the three kicked into gear.
Some of the voices they heard towards the livelier parts of the home died down as they left the foyer. Soap didn't want to pry. He really didn't. But some questions were just bubbling up, begging to be asked.
"Ye have kids, Price?" He asked, feeling a strange familiarity between the group he was with. Oh man, did he have things to tell Gaz tomorrow.
Price shot him a cautious look, but relaxed slightly. "I foster." He says simply, and turned to Rudy. "You wanna do this, or should I?"
"Ay coño-" Rudy breathed sharply through his nose, beginning to pull his shirt off, before slapping a hand to his mouth to muffle a cry of pain. Alejandro's hands seized forward in a second, murmuring something softly into the man's ear, before pulling off his shirt.
Soap suddenly felt very out of place, like he was intruding on something much, much more private.
"You better not be getting blood on my dining table, John Price." Said a very distinct, yet very familiar Russian tone.
Soap whirled around, eyes wide as he exclaimed, "Nik?"
And there was Nikolai in a very comfy looking sweater, and a 'Kiss the Cook' apron, suddenly startled at the amount of activity going on in his dining room. From an outsiders perspective, it could've been a horrifying sight: three men covered in blood, hay, and snow, crowding around another guy sitting on the table, with his shirt off, and also covered in blood.
But Nikolai was no regular stranger. Instead, he barked a laugh at their predicament, and turned to Soap. "Did they rope you in too?"
"Wha-? How are ye- do y'know th-?" Soap spluttered before Price sighed loudly, looking between Nikolai, Soap, then to Rudy, and back.
"Can we focus on one thing at a time, please?" Price asked, gesturing to Rudy, who was now trying to fight off a smirk despite being slightly in pain. Alejandro seemed to be making the same face along with him.
"Seemed to have found your way back alright, eh, MacTavish?" Nik asked, stepping into the room and clapping him on the back. Soap seemed to feel slightly relieved at knowing someone else here, but was still extremely confused as to how he fit in. "I hope my meddling husband did not cause trouble for you?"
And it clicked. There we go.
"Nik..." Price mumbled. "Men are bleeding out on your table."
"Okay, okay. Boys, there's a bathroom down the hall, and one right up the stairs to your left. They both have showers. Go clean yourself up, we will take care from here."
Soap didn't even question it, only wanted to get out of his nasty, sticky clothes. He looked to Price, who rolled his eyes and mouthed 'Go', before going back to work on Rodolfo, who gave him a weary smile.
Next thing he knew, he was in a stranger's shower.
Now, this was not the first time he's ended up in a stranger's shower. He had experience. And also, he was tired, and hungry. He wanted to go home and sleep. He wanted... He wasn't really sure what he wanted. The bathroom smelled nice, and the shower felt even nicer, as he washed the grime, blood, and cold away from his skin.
By the time he got out, the mirror was completely fogged up, even the tiles of the floor were warmed from the steam. The liveliness of the house had picked up outside, he heard, and he wrapped himself in a towel. His clothes were missing from the floor, which caused a slight panic, so he grabbed the nearest robe and shrugged it on as he dried out his mohawk.
The laughing and giggling got louder when he stuck his head out from the bathroom. "Oi! Price!" He hissed down the hall, and the laughter disappeared.
Three little heads poked out from behind the corner. They appeared to be young boys, the oldest no more than 8.
The taller one, also presumably the oldest, had short cropped dark hair and bright eyes full of mischief. The one in the middle had fluffy light brown hair, and kinder green eyes. And the youngest one, still enough of a baby face, he appeared to be around five, unable to conceal a wide smile on his face. He was blond with brown eyes that were very hidden in his smile.
"Ye lot! Gimme mah stuff, ye little gremlins!" He hissed, and one by one, the disappeared, running down the hall.
Now usually, it's frowned upon to chase after children in a robe, and really, this felt like a movie locker room situation, where the bullies took his clothes while he was in the showers- lord. He was being bullied by children.
The children were bolting towards the kitchen, a separate garment in each of their hands.
"Git back here-!" He growled at them, slipping on the carpet, before grabbing the corner of the hall and launching himself to try and catch them, and they turned, and-
The kitchen was dead silent, all four adults, and three children staring at him, dressed in only a robe.
"Boys!" Price said firmly, and the children froze, turning to stare at him. "We've talked about this!"
Meanwhile, Alejandro was trying to hide a laugh behind his hand, and failing, horribly. Soap's face was burning as he crossed his arms over himself.
Price stood and the kids bolted, scattering throughout the house. "Nik-! They'll listen to you!"
"You know they will not, мое солнышко." Nik laughed. "Soap, come with me, brother, I'll give you some of John's things."
This was mortifying. Now back in the kitchen, and much more appropriately dressed, he was now avoiding eye contact with the three boys that were still taunting him, just to a much lesser degree.
"Alejandro, where did Rodolfo and Price go?" He asked, over the sizzling of something good on the stove. In their absence, Nik had invited them to stay for dinner, the least he could do when one of his ranch hands got speared by a reindeer.
He learned that the ranch hands called themselves Vaqueros, or Cowboys, which he thought was fitting. They were around for the winters, but went back to a town called Los Almas in the warmer months where they were dearly missed, but they had duty to that town, and everyone understood the call. They were very nice, and the whole place was very homey, something he'd missed in the military.
The boys, he'd learned, were three of the fosters. Their names went from oldest to youngest, Keegan, the tall one who had orchestrated the plan to steal his clothes, then David, who was more shy, but very headstrong (and the one who Kickstart the plan), and finally Logan, the youngest, who was David's biological brother, who gave them away.
They'd had Keegan longest, around three years, and the other two they'd fostered after their father went missing in action. But they were practically inseparable since they had met, which warmed his heart some. He missed his sisters.
"They went out to the barn to check on the little one." Alejandro supplied. "Rudy is.... well, he's usually the vet, but he may be, er, out of commission for a little bit."
"Mandated leave?" Soap wiggled his eyebrows at him and Alejandro rolled his eyes.
"Permiso obligatorio, tu pendejo!" He laughed, waving him off.
There was some commotion towards the front door, and Nik straightened, pulling something out of the oven. "Must be them. Back just in time!" He said happily, and Soap slid out of his seat.
"'M gonnae go see if the bairn's doin' okay!" He said excitedly, before darting out towards the front door.
Fidgeting with the cuff of Price's sweater that he now wore (it was so comfy), he started speaking even before he turned the corner. "Hope the wee one's doin' okay, Price! Ah was gonna ask if ah could come ta check on 'er, but-"
Suddenly he ran into something very firm, and very unmoving, and for half a second he feared he walked into a wall. He took a step back, apologizing, before looking up.
And stared directly into the wide, honey-colored eyes of the stranger he met at the store.
The stranger he now knew as Simon Riley.
Taglist(open): @neonanarchystudios @rai-to209
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mysteryshoptls · 11 months
SSR Epel Felmier Dorm Uniform Personal Story: Part 2
"Let me goooo!!"
(Part 1) Part 2 (Part 3)
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[Ignihyde Dorm – Lounge]
Epel: It took me all night, but… I did it! Idia-san, I'm done with the color scheme for the magical wheel.
Idia: Good job~ You promised to show it to Vil-shi when it'd done, right? Why don'tcha go call him, then?
Idia: And do it fast so I can go back to being alone…
Epel: Yessir, I'll go get him now!
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Epel: This is the magical wheel that got the exterior painted to look like a time machine.
Epel: The design motif was inspired by the beloved peacock chair of the "Fairest Queen of All."
Vil: …
Epel: Uh… Vil-san?
Vil: Epel. And you're satisfied with this design?
Epel: What do you mean by satisfied…?
Vil: I requested it to be "something appropriately beautiful for the setting."
Vil: However, I cannot feel the passion of whoever designed this.
Vil: You personally don't see this as "beautiful," now do you?
Epel: …! That's…
Vil: I cannot see this design as anything other than just trying to suit that world.
Vil: Begin again, Epel. There's no need for you to return to the dormitory until you've finished.
Epel: Eh! Vil-san, wait a mo― …He's gone.
Epel: …Urgh, dammit. It pisses me off even more because he was right…!
Epel: But, I'm getting to work with one of my favorite things. I can't give up after just one failure.
Epel: So I just gotta make something that I find "beautiful," something that suits the setting,
Epel: And something that'll make Vil-san happy, right?
Epel: I'll show 'im!!
Epel: …......... But does something like that actually exist…?
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[Ignihyde Dorm – Idia's Room]
Idia: Yoooo! I got the kitty's accessory I was rolling for! That rare item'll increase my speed by 100 points!
Idia: Heeheehee, those high-level bosses better watch out… Tremble before my high evasion rate!
[loud running noises]
Epel: Idia-san!!
Idia: Eek!!!!! E-E-E-Epel-shi! Don't you know it's rude to barge into someone's room without knocking!?
Epel: Ah… S-Sorry.
Epel: The thing is, we gotta redo the time machine…
Idia: Hah…? You mean he rejected that tawdry design?
Epel: Yes… So please, help me construct another one!
Idia: (Grr, that Vil. If there's some kind of ideal design he's looking for, he should do it himself, instead of sending someone else.)
Idia: (I can't handle missing out on any more of my game time. I need to get this done fast and get Epel-shi out of here ASAP…)
Idia: H-Hey, Epel-shi. Isn't there something you're good at?
Epel: Eh… What're you talking about all of a sudden?
Idia: I mean, it'd be faster if Vil-san had come here to do it himself, instead of rejecting your choices.
Idia: But he left it to you to do, so… Doesn't that probably mean you have some kind of hidden ability?
Idia: Happens in my online games all the time, sometimes you have to throw all your effort into your best stats for a quick win.
Epel: But, the only thing I'm really even good at is cutting apples, and I don't think that's really useful for designing―
Epel: (…Hm? Apples…?)
Epel: ―I GOT IT!!!
Idia: Eeek! Y-Y-You're gonna make me jump outta my skin shouting so suddenly like that!! D-Did you figure something out…?
Epel: I figured it out! I know the best thing that I can make that's also "something appropriately beautiful for the setting."
Idia: W-Well, if you thought up a good idea, then great. Then, let's get to work right away.
Epel: Eh… But, Idia-san, didn't you stay up all last night? Are you going to be alright without even a little break…?
Idia: Heh, what's one all-nighter? My favorite idols may look old, but inside shines the eternal spirit of a 17-year-old…
Idia: Even Precipice Moirai has done live performances for 72 hours straight.
Idia: I'll easily overcome this high-leveled quest!
Epel: P-Preci… Moi-what? I-I don't really understand, but… Thank you!
Epel: (I'll definitely make a design that Vil-san… No, that anyone would love and accept!)
(Part 1) Part 2 (Part 3)
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ideks-on-mars · 2 years
ReonSemiShira valentines day except all of them gets letters from many people since theyre all pretty and handsome (im one of those who gave letters and chocolates)
Nah cuz I sent them all one too 🤭
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- Valentine's day...EW
- The dreaded day. On one hand, you're either single and lonely, and on the other hand, you have to buy a gift for your special someone.
- Or you're like me and just buy all the discounted chocolate the next day, yk it is what it is
- At Shiratorizawa? These volleyball boys get BOMBARDED
- They all react a lot differently tho
- Yamagata is usually very flattered. He thanks people when they give him confessions and/or gifts
- Then there's people like Ushijima who's very socially awkward and finds it difficult to turn someone down but does it anyway
- And I don't even want to know wtf Tendō does
- But we're not focusing on them we're focusing on ReonSemiShira, so fuck them
- ANYWAY ✋️😭
- These boys get a LOT of confessions themselves
- Reon's very nice about it. Sometimes he finds it hard to find the right words and by the time he's found them the people already know what his answer is by his stumbling. But he always thanks the person.
- If someone slips a note into his locker, or asks someone else to give it to him he always makes sure to read them.
- He's overall very comforting. He doesn't even make it awkward afterwards. What a man
- Shirabu's kinda ruthless 😭 he cares but he really doesn't
- HATES when notes flood his locker. And then they all on the ground and he's got to pick them up but its hard to pick up flat paper off of a slippery school ground and dammit if they really liked him they wouldn't be torturing him like this.
- Whatever, he's not gonna respond anyway 🙄 probably won't have time to read any foolish little lovey dovey letter anyone sends him anyway. He's got things to do.
- Semi is like Oikawa but emo and he ACTUALLY went to Shiratorizawa
- He knows it too. He's an attention whore so he soaks it up. Only to let the crowd down by showing the absolute most pda with his pretty boyfriends
- However his mood drops when he sees that there are people who are hitting on his boyfriends too
- Wtf? 🤨 only HE can do that, thank you.
- He's quick to step in
- He WILL smother his boyfriends in kisses right in front of your face
- Reon might shut down and Shirabu might smack him upside the head but HE DOESN'T CARE JUST GO AWAY THEY'RE HIS BOYFRIENDS NOT YOURS
- Not saying that the other two don't get jealous cuz they definitely do...👀
- Shirabu death glares at everybody. He walks up to one of his boyfriends all innocent
- "Hey babe! Oh, who's...this?"
- The ONLY time Shirabu calls them pet names in public is when he's jealous 💀
- Probably pulls the "Babe, I'm so tired." If the first one doesn't work 😭
- His boyfriends know IMMEDIATELY but they encourage it anyway 🤭
- Reon's more shy about it, he gets a little needy 😪
- He sort of stands behind his boyfriends, tugging at their clothing from time to time to whisper something to them
- He worries his bottom lip a lot, his boyfriends try to help him get rid of the bad habit but it's hard to break when it's something he's done since childhood
- His boyfriends catch on quick and finish their conversation with the other person/people and bring him back to the dorms to spend time together
- They're possessive 💀
- Valentine's Day just makes it all that much worse
- Shirabu and Reon don't like the fact that everyone wants Semi
- Semi barely handles anyone looking at his boyfriends a certain way 😭
- Reon gets a confession letter right in front of Shirabu.
- "Hey um, my friend was too scared to give you this so they wanted me to give you this...happy Valentine's day...I guess." "Oh! Make sure to tell them I said thank you!"
- Shirabu butts in
- "Make sure to also tell them that's he's got a boyfriend. Two actually."
- He's casually checking out his nails while he says this 💀
- The person awkwardly leaves and Reon just shakes his head and sighs at Shirabu. Shirabu just latches onto his arm and gives him the most unaware look he could give him.
- Reon just kisses his head and reads the letter before throwing it away.
- When Semi gets letters he opens them and reads them over. He knows what the words are but he doesn't process them but he just throws them away before he can stop his body 💀 he tries to remember what they said for the rest of the day (out of curiosity)
- Shirabu get more confessions when he becomes captain
- Get Taichi to look after him of course
- Taichi texts them just to bother them LMFAO
Kawanishi: Kenjirō's getting hit on lmao
There's someone outside the gym doors bowing to him 🤭
Reon: Eita, please turn your autocorrect on so we can actually understand you. 😮‍💨
I'll rip them limb from limb if they don't get away from my boyfriend.
Kawanishi: 😃😄😃
- Taichi never views Reon the same 💀
- They call Shirabu after the school day is over to ask about it 🤡
- Shirabu just rolls his eyes and continues to listen
- Just know when they run away from their fans, they run while holding hands 😙🤭
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lunar-wandering · 3 years
alright. the time has finally come for me to explain the Wisp AU. here we go.
when i say “two of them...” i mean it very literally
basically, when Wukong landed the finishing blow in his fight against Macaque during JTTW, one part of Macaque forgave him, and the other did not.
so. they split.
there is no “good” or “bad” side in this split, just the one that immediately forgave and the one that didn’t
the one that didn’t forgive and still hates Wukong is canon Macaque. the one that forgave is called “Whisper”, he uses “Wisp” for short
Wisp can’t actually speak, he can only make whistling/wind like sounds
Macaque can understand him just fine though
(we’re going with my personal headcanon that Macaque was created via tornado here, so of course he can understand the wind)
Wisp doesn’t use a glamour over his scar, he lets it be visible.
for the most part, Wisp actively follows what Macaque does, goes through with his plans and all that.
(the ‘Macaque’ that punched MK wouldn’t be a clone in this scenario, it’d be Wisp.)
Wisp usually stays hidden within Macaque’s shadow, just so there aren’t any “two Macaque’s at the same time” complications
without glamours, Wisp’s face marking is magenta instead of red, and his overall appearance is a bit more...smokey??? for lack of a better word: wispy.
Wisp secretly wants Macaque to also forgive Wukong and move on from all the hate. despite this he doesn’t actively cause trouble for Macaque, only giving him disapproving looks
once Macaque steps onto the ship and a chance for actual redemption is there though??? oh, Wisp goes absolutely off the rails feral
Macaque tries to say something stupid that he wouldn’t be able to take back, and Wisp leaps out of his shadow to slam his hands over Macaque’s mouth to shut him up. literal self restraint.
MK finds out about Wisp first, (Wisp messed up while pretending to be Macaque’s shadow) they make him swear to not tell anyone but then Wisp outs himself the next day via keeping Macaque from doing stupid shit
Wisp and Macaque don’t even have any kind of telepathic connection that lets Wisp know what Macaque is about to say, he’s just got a sixth sense for his other half’s stupidity
Mei: so which one of you is the evil twin? Macaque: oh its definitely me- Wisp: *(takes out a weapon and casually spins it around)* MK: yeah im placing my bet on Wisp Macaque: wha- why- MK, staring at the expression Wisp is making: ....no reason
MK gives Wisp some kind of kazoo/harmonica/slide whistle and Wisp uses it to audibly voice his displeasure and annoy Macaque Macaque, visibly injured: im fine- Wisp: *(unhappy kazoo noises)*
Macaque: ..Wisp why is MK talking to me about a therapy appointment i supposedly agreed to? Wisp: *(innocent shrug)* Macaque: W h i s p e r. Wisp: *(immediately peaces out and leaves)*
Wukong: .....important question. are you also gonna try and kill me? Wisp: *(whistling/wind noises)* Wukong, who didn’t understand any of that: thats....not very reassuring
dont worry they get Wisp a note pad so that he can communicate without having to use Macaque as a translator eventually
this doesn’t happen until far later in the AU but. Macaque: ....I forgive you, Wukong Wisp: oh fucking finally, i thought it’d never happen Everyone: Wisp, realizing he just spoke for the first time ever: .....wait-
basically, Macaque’s hatred of Wukong had been literally silencing his forgiveness.
Wisp: dammit now i can’t talk about people behind their back anymore
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technowoah · 3 years
thinking about angst prompt 'you're right. you're useless' with c!jschlatt where all reader does is try to help him and they eventually get to a breaking point because all they do it give and give and give and get nothing in return so schlatt just turns around and scares the fuck out of them :D
Have a Heart
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You end up helping Schlatt after hating his guts. And even though you give every thing to your new president he dosent seem to fucking care
- c!schlatt x reader
- gender neutral reader!
- prompt: 25) "You're right. You are useless" (angst list)
⚠︎: swearing, drinking, smoking, angst, mentions of vomit, c!dream makes an appearance 🤭 not proofread
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"Where's my fucking decree at?!"
"It's in my room Schlatt, please stop yelling." You tried to calm the ram-man down by talking calmer than him, but it only seemed to rile him up more.
"In your room?! Sounds like another fucking excuse that you didn't even finish them." Schlatt waved around his hands which one of them contained a lit cigarette in them. "Look at Tubbo he re-wrote one of my decrees before the festival, which is tomorrow may I add, and gave it to me. You havent even done anything I asked you." He scoffed.
You closed your eyes and held back a huge eye roll. You had done everything that Schlatt asked you to do, the decree was actually sitting on your desk in your room. This has been happening ever since Schlatt became president. He was more nicer, well as nice as Schlatt can get, but now he's been drinking like a moster and it never fails that he shows up to an important meeting drunk and makes you and Tubbo do all the work while Quackity and George are running free doing God knows what.
You had been loyal to Schlatt even when you didn't want to be, you had swallowed your pride along time ago. Every. Single. Task you do. And Every. Single. Time you get more put down that you already do.
Your head was hung low while he still spoke. "Hey! Were you listening to me shithead?! I need those papers by tonight!" Schlatt dug his finger into your chest pushing you back a little.
"Also get me my beer and bring it to the meeting room because apparently that's all you're good for." He finally left the long hallway, stumbling a bit as he walked.
You let out a sigh you didn't know you were holding until you saw him walk away. You walked away to find Schlatg that beer and try to put on a smile for the meeting you are currently dreading. Quickly you stopped by your room to grab the stack of paper Schlatt was yelling about earlier and grabbed a beer from a random room. Schlatt always has alcohol and cigarettes in every room just in case he needs one.
Dragging your feet along the marble floored hallways you mad your way to the meeting room. You didn't want to get there first or even last so your mind switched up from speed walking to continuing your slow pace. You started to walk faster when you heard footsteps behind you.
You turned around to see Tubbo waving behind you. You stopped in your pursuit to greet your friend.
"Hey Tubbo!"
"Going to the meeting I see." He smiled.
"Sadly yes." You sighed. "I already got yelled at twice today so-"
"Hey! It's better than three!"
"Im sorry! But am I wrong?" Tubbo laughed a little.
"Well I wish it was zero. I give everything to that bastard and I get nothing." You breathed out.
"Really?! I get a lot of-" Tubbo stopped talking after the shock on your face was prominent. "You know what nevermind!" He waved off.
"Of course he would favor you." You walked off keeping a brisk pace with Tubbo apologizing for Schlatt's favoritism right behind you.
Once you reached the door to the meeting room you slowly opened the door to be greeted with, once again, a drunken president and his right hand man looking smug as ever when he had no right to be.
Schlatt's cabinet was a mess. Quackity was only the vice president because he partnered with Schlatt and George became, well, the vice president to the vice president. George was barely around anyways. Then Tubbo and you came from L'Manburg, hating Schlatt's guts at firsy you two learned to be okay with the treatment. And while apparently, Tubbo had better treatment than you, you still gave that president everything you had.
Everything you worked for was for that drunken man sitting at the head of the table. You basically devoted your life to him, writing decrees that represents Schlatts policies because "you dare not write something Wilbur would". You had pulled him from sleeping at his desk at nights, cleaned up his spilled wine and beer, picked up cigarettes from the clean marble floors. He pushed you around and you let it happen too, some people woukd say you've become weak and they were sadly right.
"Aye! Look who it is!" Schlatt slurred his words together. "There's my beer!"
"And your decrees!" You plopped the papers down on the desk as he snatched the beer bottle out of your hand.
"You have an attitude with me?" Schlatt asked quickly.
"No! No why?"
"'Cause you just threw my decrees on the table like they are some sort of scrap." Schlatt tried to find the right words. "Some sort of shit like its not important! Fuckin' have some nerve huh?"
You didn't respond and went to go sit by Tubbo across from Quackity. Schlatt apparently noticed and took it upon himself to say something.
"Asshole! You gonna respond to me?! I am your president!"
You fought the urge to snap back at him so you bit your lip as he continues to yell and make everyone in the room uncomfortable, even Quackity.
"Dammit!" Schlatt slammed the table. "Fuck you! I could kill you! I have so much power over you! I can control everyone in this damned kingdom that I'm second best to! This kingdom was owned by a tyrant! I saved all of you! And all you have to do is respond!"
He stood up during half of his breakdown, but you didn't know when. You could hear every single word he said, but your eyes were threatening to spill tears and you could feel Tubbo's hand grab yours underneath the table.
Schlatt huffed smoothed put his suit and sat back down in his chair.
"So! We're here for the festival."
You softly closed your bedroom door not wanting to make more drama by slamming it. This whole week you held in your emotions and tears, but today was the breaking point for you. Your back slid down the door and you started crying, and crying. There was no need to try and deafen your sobs, because you couldn't even if you tried.
Your mind kept reminding you of every single event if today.
First. Tubbo didnt tell you he was still in contact with the former citizens of L'Manburg, and the only way you found out was that today at the festival you saw them and you asked Tubbo. He finally told you with his head hung low as you two stood on the podium. You felt betrayed.
Second. Schlatt gave you an extremely hard time making sure everything was intact for today's festivities. You were stressed out of your mind.
Third. The festival went down hill hard and fast. So fast everything seemed like a blur. Tubbo gave his speech, really fidgety may you add, and then Schlatt and Quackity began trapping him in cement, you tried stopping him, but you were pushed away multiple times. You knew who Technoblade was, so when you heard Schlatt call him up to the podium you started to freak out. Your heart started to pound out of your chest when he brought out an explosive crossbow and pointed it right at Tubbo's chest.
The next thing you know a huge, bright, colorful explosion went off and with you on the podium with Tubbo's murderer sparks flew and hit you, Schlatt and Quackity making all of you have some sort of burn marks. Tubbo was gone, soon to be revived again for his last life on this earth, but seeing him die like that was the breaking point for you.
You stayed on the ground with your knees to your chest sobbing loudly. It was too much for you. Your lungs felt like they had no air inside of them, and your heart felt like a million weights were hung on it. You kept crying until you heard a harsh knock on the door, that felt like they were trying to break down the door than get someone's attention.
"Stop sobbing so damn loud!" Of course it was Schlatt you rolled your eyes and stayed on the floor.
"Leave me alone!" You cried out.
"Damn you sound like you're in pain huh?" You heard him from the other side of the door.
It was silent until the door was forced open and you were pushed with the door on your side. You sat up again to see Schlatt, who was out of breath, above you and had another beer bottle in hand.
"Why did you open ny door?" You asked softly.
"Why didn't you let me in?"
"Cause you didnt ask."
"Excuse me!?" Schlatt grew angry.
"You heard me." You stood up facing the taller man with horns. He was scary, but somehow you got the confidence today.
"I dont think you know who you're talking to shithead!" Schlatt got closer, but this time you stood your ground.
"Im talking to a drunken, egotistical, ram-man who let someone kill the only person I had left!" You yelled in his face while tears fell on your cheeks.
"You do got some nerve! I saved you!" He turned around, his back facing you.
"You made my life hell!" You yelled at him. "You- you made my life worse! You made me feel like I have no purpose, but to serve you and your ragtag cabinet! You made me feel like a useless sack of shit, you-!"
"YOU'RE RIGHT! YOU ARE USELESS!" Schlatt quickly turned around his faced filled with pure anger and his eyes bloodshot. He was breathing heavily and all the confidence left your body as soon as he stumbled towards you.
"You're fucking useless! You're even worse than Tubbo and he was working against me!" Schlatt then let out a strained stream and smashed his bottle on the floor letting the left over alcohol spill onto the floor.
"Do me a favor and leave, go. I dont need you! I dont need this damned place given to me by chance! By a fucking vice president that dosent even do his damn job! I dont need you! You! You and those bastards ruined everything!" Schlatt yelled and then rushed out of the room while holding his mouth.
You followed him quickly into the hallway and watched as he stumbled into the nearest bathroom to throw up the alcohol consumption of today. The tears kept coming as you ran down the hallway hoping that you can get as far away from these ivory buildings as your feet can take you.
Your feet hung off the edge of the prime path and underneath there was a small river. You had stared at the water running for about ten minutes since you got there. You noticed immediately when you set foot on the prime path that you had no where else to go except for pogtopia you learned about.
You sighed tilting your head up towards the night sky.
"Lonely?" A voice asked next to you.
You turned your head and saw the well known man dressed in green. Dream had his mask on, as usual, but hood was down letting his blonde hair show.
"Yeah actually." You responded not looking at him.
"I know what happened at the festival."
"Everyone does." You scoffed.
"What happened with Schlatt?" He asked and you turned your head with a confused look on your face. "Dont think I don't know anything that goes on around here."
"I don't know how you found out, but long story short I'm not allowed back there. I dont wanna go back there." You said while standing up facing the man.
"I have someone that can give you a place to stay. If you want to take the offer. Also I wanted to check up on you. You were so close to Tubbo and its hard to lose a friend." Dream spoke softly, but you could still hear him loud and clear even through the mask.
"Thank you. I would want to take the offer for a place to stay." You airly laughed. "I dont want to see Schlatt or Quackity again."
Dream chuckled while giving you a paper with an adress on it before getting ready to leave.
"Don't worry. He'll be dead soon." Dream said before turning around and walking down the prime path.
You should've stayed.
MCYT Imagines: @annshit @bobaducky @malfoysslutt @egorldevi
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housamo-side-blog-2 · 3 years
Red Eyes
A celebrity is someone famous, not only for their blessings of beauty and knowledge, but for the hard path they have chosen to waik upon, However it can also be a double edged sword,for as one mishap of a wrong doing can end up being attacked by their followers, 
Thus the role of being a celebrity is somewhat both an incredible achievement and a poise you have to maintained.Thus you have to bottle your emotions,for as you have the role of being a major role model for everyone. Anger, Sadness, Jelousy, and even kindness, people will always interpret it,,,, as another..
{Shinjuku Academy}   
It is nightime Shinjuku, Thus, every student is safely inside their assigned dorm rooms, patroling the area out incase someone violates curfew, two teachers are assigned to patrol around the school, 
However two unsuspecting figures managed to escape their rooms and quietly make their way towards Shinjuku  Academy, What could they be doing at night that will cause them punishment?, And why at night specificly? 
Student 1: Did you bring it? 
A tall figure in a black jacket and pants quietly asked their accomplice, as they brought out a can of spray paint. 
Student 2:Yeah,here. 
Student 1: Awesome!, now then,,,Take this Harumo! 
Student 2: Hahaha! 
Furiosly spraying the wall,as if it was a canvas, the duo sprayed all around the wall as they write down letters that will cause a certain someone trouble 
As they humbly sleep peacefully in their dorm room, dreaming peacefully and softly smiling as if they are having a wonderful time in their mind space. 
Student 2: Dude,We better hurry before the teachers hear us! 
Student 1: Hold on, I have to put that bastard’s name on it! 
The second figure peaks to the side to check if they are nearby,
Student 1: Alright done!, Lets go!,...
Student 2: I can’t wait to see the look on that idiot’s dumb face when they get framed!
Student 1: Haha!, Yeah! 
{Narrator}:What awaits your tomorrow Dear Harumo? 
{Next Day}
{Shinjuku Academy} 
You and your guildmates have just passed the entrance of the school, When Shiro noticed something strange.
Shiro: I wonder whats going on over there? 
Looking upon the crowd of shocked students as they look upon wall, as the teachers are trying to get things around. 
Kengo: Hey!, what the heck is going on here!?
Kengo asked a neaby student and said: Harumo spray painted the wall.
Shiro and Kengo: WHAT! 
Harumo: Me!?,,
Ryota: Guys!, hah...hah...someone spray painted the wall, and...Harumo’s name is on it! 
Harumo: What!, but i ! 
Kengo: What the hell are they taiking about! 
Shiro: Its ludicrious for them think that! 
Ryota: I don’t believe its Harumo either,but they are making sound as if you did it! 
Harumo: Who?
Student 1: Hey look guys its the culprit who spraypainted on it! 
Student 2: Why did you vandalised our school like that!? 
All turn to gase you as they await your explanation. 
Harumo: It wasn’t me! 
Student 1: Yeah, tell that when your name is on it! 
Kengo: Time to beat the shit outta him!   
Shiro: Kengo stop, you’ll only make it worse! 
Kengo: This assholes need a beating if they whats coming for them! 
Harumo: For the last time!, I DID NOT DO IT! 
Student 1: Yeah,yeah, criminals always lie whenever they did something wrong! 
Student 2: Criminal! .Criminal!.
Ryota: Hey! Stop calling Harumo a criminal!, They will never do something like that! 
Student 1: Then explain the grafiti then! 
Ryota: Grrr..
Student 1: Yeah just like i thought!, Nothing!,Hey criminal! hu...
Harumo: FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
Like a thunderbolt you violently rushed towards the cocky bastard pushing them against the grafitied wall and gripped they’re neck tightly  as you look at them furiosly in the eye,staring as if you’re gase is like someone had been bottling up they’re pent up aggresion, and only now you are able to release it like nuclear bomb. as the color of eyes changed into a crimson,glare, almost as if a predator is about to bare his fangs on their prey. As you growled, fist clenched and hand on them tight as a rope, 
Student 2: Hey! what the heck let him go...!
Student 2: Graagghh,,Le...meee....gooo!
Harumo: GRAAAAAGGHHHHH!!!!!,, 
Ryota: Harumo, stop! 
Kengo: Partner!, you’re gonna kill them! 
Shiro: Kengo! help me, loosen his grip! 
Ryota embraced you from behind as the two try to loosen your grip on them, slowly the two about to drown students are about to run of oxygen,as you blocked they’re airways with your tight grip. 
Ryota: Harumo...Please stop!...Please...
Kengo: Harumo...thats enough or you’ll end up killin them! 
Toji: Forgive me later Harumo...
Ryota: Toji?
{Toji knocked the anger filled student cold} 
Toji: Get Harumo to the clinic, I’ll deal with this two..
Kengo: Shiro,Ryota, take care of Harumo for now,{ Clicks his neck} 
Toji: Takabushi, I trust you’ll only knock them out..
Shiro: Kengo, don’t be an idiot!, you’ll only get in trouble, worse you might even get expelled! 
Kengo: I couldn’t care less!, IM MAD! 
Shiro: Kengo think about this! if you do this, you’ll never see Harumo again! 
Eyes widening in realisation, as his gritted expression turn to an expression as if he’s gotta comeback to finish you two off. 
Kengo: Dammit...Fine..Toji im leaving them to you! 
Toji: All of you get out now!, Now. i have some questions needed to be filled! 
Kengo: I gotcha Harumo..
Ryota: ....Harumo.....
{Shennong’s Clinic} 
Cold air from the ac,fills the room,you’re cooped up in, as you make out what appears to be clinic, 
Harumo: What ...happened?
You rub your head as you feel your head spinning almost as the blood on your head going everywhere, 
Harumo: Wait.....
{Remembers the incident} 
Harumo: I...i almost...
Hands shaking from fear, you took a moment to get your bearings in order.        
{Door opens} 
Shennong: You’re awake..
Harumo: Shennong what happened? 
Shennong: You passed out, probably from the stress, your friends brought you here, Fortunately, the students you strangled are fine.   
Harumo: I...almost killed them......
Shennong: .....
Mr Mononobe: Harumo..Thank goodness you’re awake..
Harumo: {Hugs Mr Mononobe} 
The moment you come into contact, you let it all out..as tears flow and drip on Mr Mononobe’s polo. buried in his abs, as you can feel the rockyness of it as you hurt yourself a little from the impact.. 
Mr Mononobe: There..there..Harumo..
Shennong:I’ll let the other teachers know.. 
Mr Mononobe: Thank you Mr Shennong keep up the good work!
Mr Mononobe: Shhhh...Don’t taik now..I’ll take you to your room,
Harumo: But i..
Mr Mononobe: The other students have already spread rumors about your recent outburst lately, and...it could affect you..
Harumo: Oh..okay...Thank you Mr Mononobe.
Mr Mononobe: Its only natural i care for my students.
.Harumo: Im sure everyone thinks im a monster now..
Mr Mononobe:...I don’t think you are..
Harumo: I nearly killed them!,
Mr Mononobe: But you didn’t.. 
Harumo: Thats because i blacked out! .
Mr Mononobe: And? 
Harumo: And??..
Mr Mononobe: If you truly call yourself a monster,then those wouldn’t be in the office right now.
Mr Mononobe: “A monster is being whom only exist to bring destruction”.
Mr Mononobe: You need time to cool off and think rationally. I’ll inform Shiro that i brought you to your dorm. So don’t worry about them.. 
Harumo:..Okay...Thanks again Mr Mononobe,
Mr Mononobe: Just doing my job..
{Dorm room} 
“A monster is a being whom only exist to brin destruction”
Laying on your bed,facing the sceiling. while recalling your outburst on the two students.. the very thought of it,makes you jump out in shocked as you stare at both of your rugged hands,probably from the tightness you were gripping caused it. 
{Knock Knock} 
???: Harumo,are you there? can i come in? 
Harumo: That voice...
{Door opens} 
Ryota: Harumo!..You’re okay.. 
Harumo: Ryota, why are you here?
Ryota: Hehe. i sneaked out, preteding i was going to the bathroom, 
Harumo: Ryota{ Hugs Ryota} 
Ryota: sHHH..its  Okay..im here for you Harumo...
Harumo:*sobbing on Ryota’s shoulders* 
Ryota: Lets sit down Harumo..
Ryota: Are you feeling okay now? 
Harumo: A ...little...
Both of you sat to next to each other on the bed, as Ryota gave his bottle of juice to the crying young man.. 
Ryota: ...Good news!,Toji caught the culprits who tried to framed you, 
Harumo: Really?!, who was it? 
Ryota: It was those two.
Harumo: ..Okay..
Registering the goodnews. you can’t help but remember the way you strangle them without mercy as you are lost in your own train of thought, from it, Silence fills the room as you sip from the straw. Ryota breaks the silence.  
Ryota: I’ve never seen you act like that Harumo...
Harumo: .....Yeah....me too...
Ryota: Do you....want to taik about it? 
Ryota: Harumo..you know im always here for you, so does Shiro, Kengo, Moritaka,and Toji, We’re all here for you..If you want to taik I’ll listen to every word.so please don’t ..hold it in .
Harumo: Am i a monster?..
Ryota: Off course not! why would you think of that!
Harumo:” A monster only exists to bring destruction” thats what Mr Mononobe said, But the more i think about it, the more its ...its actually true..
Ryota: You are not a monster Harumo.. You’ve never been one, ever since we’ve met on the park, 
Ryota: Do you remember,what i said about you could have saved yourself if you just abandoned me..
Ryota: You didn’t abandoned me,and you saved me, even though we were strangers that time, if you really are a monster then i wouldn’t be here taiking to you, i would have been in Oni’s stomach by now..
Harumo: But i....
Ryota: You didn’t killed them,, and thats whats important right now... 
Harumo: {Stares at his shaking hands} 
Ryota: Harumo...
The orange chubby places a gentle hand, to ease your quivering palms, you can feel the warmness in them as you feel the soft touch of his skin coming into contact with your rugged hands. and places it on his cheek. 
Your quivering expression turns to shocked as you stare upon Ryota directly into his peach colored eyes. But you look as if you’re staring directly to his warm soul, that it almost made you tear up..And as you do, 
 Harumo: Ryota....!  
You embraced the chubby cinnamon roll slightly tight, as you cry on his shoulders on the other one, While Ryota gently strokes your fluffy greyish hair, and closes his eyes as you let it all out, 
Embraced in a warming matter, the hallway echoes your emotions,for as the sun rays down on an warming atmosphere, making it much more ....peaceful... 
.         .     .  
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queenofwerewolves · 3 years
I know I should be writing chapter 3 of Future Hope instead but I am currently having a bit of a cold and I wanna enjoy this sick-ish mood to write a little Sick Arc OK dont judge me pls Im gonna finish it soon I swear dont hate me-
Morning has barely rised and dread has filled upon this house, not because of a villian or some potential danger, but because flu season has struck a member of this house and she does not go down easily, even when she's told to do so.
Queen, the leader of Future Hope and the most agressive one in the team, is also the barer of a very weak body, always congested, sensitive skin, bad eyes, and has alot of allergies you'd think she's the female version of Carl Wheezer, and let's not get started on her medicine cabinet to combat her weak-ass immune system. But sadly due to fighting crime, the cold night got the best of her and she got a bad cold, a flu even, but as a people-pleaser, Queen doesnt like to be still in one spot, even sick, she knows she has a duty to fulfill, and currently she's in her office, drawing and animating the newest chapter of her story to her youtube channel, fighting her sickness and her friends's warnings who are desperately trying to get her to rest.
"Queen." Started Togekiss in a stern voice. "I thought I told you to rest your eyes and go outide for a bit." He said.
Sniffling her nose, in a stuffy voice she replied "I said I cant, I gonna work." She said as she pulled another tissue from the box and blew her nose, tossing it to the paper basket next to her bed, her back still turned from Togekiss, who decided not to dwell on it any longer, he signed and left her room, shutting her door behind him and meeting the rest of the Future Hope crew, who were awaiting him to come back.
"Well?" Asked Muffin, with concern in her voice. Togekiss shook his head and everyone groaned in frustration, another one failed to convinced their leader to take a damn break, everyone had a turn, except their final resort: Griff.
They all looked at him with worry, whom he had his arms crossed and didnt want to come to this, but clearly he didnt have a choice, so he sighed and said to himself:
With a quick and painless transformation he once more turned himself into Usagijira, the massive Were-Rabbit form he wished himself to become on that magic fountain months ago, and quietly enter Queen's room, who luckily had hear headsets on and listening to music so she didnt hear him come inside, this was his chance. With a gentle swoop, he picked him Queen into his arms and tightened his grips around her.
Maria squeaked in surprise and was ready to hit him, but quickly realized it was just her bunny boy taking her away from her work.. wait, taking her away? This was a trap! She struggled against his arms, trying to break free with little effort. "God dammit Griff let me go!! Im busy!!" She yelled and squirmed into his arms, Griff simply ignored her and brought her to the livingroom where everyone was waiting for him. Maria snarled at their sights, she clearly was pissed.
"E-EEK! S-She's gone feral!! We shouldnt have messed with her! What if she actually turns into one of her beloved Werewolves and kill us all?!!" I dont believe that's possible my dear, and besides, Griff has a firm grip around her! Well done good chap!" Said Rooko and Rooki respectivly.
"I said let me go! Im busy dammit it's just a little cold!!" Maria shouted angrily as she's still struggling in the bunny's grip. "Your Majesty you're sick! We're gonna take care of you but we cant do that if you're exausting your body even more!" Said Muffin with concern.
"She's right." Added Kip, licking her paw. "So we had to force you out of there, it's for your own good." She finished. Griff sat down on the couch, still keep a firm grip on Maria behind his arms, who has still not given up on attempting escape and is now shouting profanities, Togekiss had to cover Muffin's ears to protect her from such foul language.
Blink came from the kitchen with a bowl in her hands, smiling. "Alright Queen, I made you a nice soup, chicken noodle. Im sure you'll like it"
"Im not hungry!!" She spouted in anger. "Dont be like that, it's good to eat" Responded Blink, holding a forkful of food. "Say ah-" Before she could finish that sentence, Queen actually GROWLED at her in pure rage, freaking Blink and making her hand the bowl to Spike in fear.
"Jesus fuck." She said with wide eyes and a small shocked voice, gently pushing Spike forward. "You do it she's crazy" Said Blink. Spike rolled his eyes and groaned, he simply walked forward and kicked her in the shin, making her shout in pain and taking his chance to shove the fork into her mouth.
"MFFHFMHG!!!" Queen muffled with the fork forced in her mouth. "Yeah I dont care just chew" Said Spike, taking the fork out and letting her eat. Whether it was the good warm food or her sickness finally getting to her, her body became limp and she gave up squirming, swallowing the portion of food she had in her mouth, she finally relaxed.
"Attagirl" Said Spike, giving the bowl to Griff. "You make her finish this, I'll get her a drink" Griff nodded and proceeded to feed Queen the rest of the bowl, she seemed calmer and more relaxed with every bite. Bit by bit, every member pitched in somehow. Spooks dimmed the living room lights to ease her eyes but didnt make it too dark, Muffin brought her a blanket, Togekiss brought her a pillow, Rooko and Rooki brought her Werehog plush from her bedroom and Griff put on a movie they could all watch together, soon after everyone was chilling in the living room.
Halfway into the movie, Queen, who was quiet all this time..
"you're all so caring for me..." She said quietly, as if she didnt want anyone to hear. "Of course!" Said Spooks. "We're your friends, we care for your well-being"
"Just like how you do for us" Said Togekiss.
"We love you Queen." Said Griff. "We hate to see you suffer.. Of course we'd-"
His sentence was cut off by a small snore, they all looked and realized Queen fell asleep on Griff's lap, her head against his chest and snuggled with the blanket and holding her Werehog plush.. She looked illegally adorable.
They all looked at eitch other and smiled. "Well now you cant move, it's the law." Said Spike.
Griff looked at Maria, gently tucking a strand of her hair away from her face. "I didnt intend to anyways.." He answered, watching the tiny punk sleep peacefully against his chest.
They all remained in the living room, listening the soft snores of their leader, who once recovered, will once again guide them to victory, to fight against the oppression they swore they fight off together.
To lead them.. To Future Hope..
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humankoalaa · 3 years
- timeout. y’all mean to tell me.. even in dreams my grandfather is STILL getting his ass whooped?! childish.
- no he didn’t just bite into his twin. tell me tobias don’t resemble that turkey leg. his beard the skin, his head the meat, and his neck the leg.
- “you the one with the Phd... you tell me” 🤣🤣 respect your elders granddaddy.
- i think the dream mean he aggravating. put the fuckin suit on and go pawpaw.
- lawd everytime jeff says “my best friend” i be in tears like my grandmother once that green light hit the floor. RIP UNC.
- not the self loathing again 😒 shondra... play nina simone.. isn’t it a pity 🙂
- grandma... WHY?! WHHHHYYYY?!
- “hypocrisy looks good on you” 😩 grandpa... please.
- this mans called the lady a weekend warrior but he’s a whole metahuman in the therapist office crying bout a dream 🤣 she got to be a weekend warrior hell. all you do is cry and bullshit. and yalll daughters reckless, petty, and messy okay? don’t even get me started. my mother and my auntie a whole different type of liability 😭
- karen.... shut up. don’t come for my auntie unless she send for you. .your hair don’t make sense and that lipstick can’t be lighter than the red that is the color of your dress. bitch.
- “there’s no such damn thing as superHERO insurance” 🗣 BIIIIIIITCH 🤣🤣🤣🤣💀
- *lethal lightning* KAREN... P L E A S E ! 🤣🤣
- “becky from the block” 😭 auntie jenniferr... settle down.
- anissa and jenn banter 10/10 HIGHLY RECOMMEND 🤣🤣🤦🏾‍♀️
- it’s the “says the woman who leaves giant cracks in the streets just by landing dramatically .. you can just walk anissa” for me 🤣 see?! i told y’all my auntie was messy.
- lynn in the background just completely done with both her children and their shit 🤣🤣
- this show is so unapologetically black i love it. please tell me y’all saw anissa actually im gonna say nafessa scratching that scalp with a whole attitude 🤣🤣
- “bye lethal lightning” 💀 see i told y’all my mother was petty.
- “now put my show back on” 🤣🤣🤦🏾‍♀️ mawmaw... where are your manners?!
*that whole scene was actually really cute tho*
- ion know about this lady that uncle gambi sweet on. somebody using somebody... most likely gambi 🤣 but ion truss her and unc have his reasons to do the things he does. periodt. i can’t ship this. issa whole canoe in 7 foot seas.
- “mr. pierce .. who do you think i am... black lightning?” ... Jeff looking at him liike... “first of all... you would’ve had to lose that fight to be black lightning... so no”
- NOT MY MOTHER GIVING MY COMATOSED MOTHER SLASH PET SLASH ... whatever the old man is A SPONGE BATH 😭 IMMA DROWN IN MY TEARS 😭 nah fuck all at. just give me a suitcase for my tears.
- no woman ive ever dated has had conversations with me like the one anissa is having with a comatosed grace. embarrassing.
- “babe” *says some more shit* “babe” *says some more shit* “babe” *says some more shit* gimme a fucking bucket. IMMA MESS 😭😭 shondra.. play brandy... have you ever.
- “i did it without violence” ... anissa.. we not doin that. we aren’t lying to people in comas 😂🤦🏾‍♀️
- “damn babe ...you’re a lil ashy today” ANISSA. PLEASE! 🤣🤣🤣🤣💀 SHE IS 🤏🏾 CLOSE.. to getting fucking mauled by my pet leopard.
*okay but nafessa williams is beautiful*
- first of all you not gon tell that lady she ashy then say send me a sign you still in there cause a future and all that other shit 😂 apologize.
- TIMEOUT. GRACE. no she didn’t.. even in a coma, grace is dramatic. how you gon flatline after my mother said she loves you?! that’s not what she meant when she said give her a sign 😩 oh my goodness. 🤣🤣🤦🏾‍♀️ STOP THE MADNESS! PLEASE!
- it’s anissa going “hmm?” for me, after asking a comatosed grace a question. im going to hell i know.
- WHERE IS NOAH AND THE ARC 😭😭😭😭 *lion king rafiki voice* “SHES ALIIIIIIIIVE” ... shondra... play whitney houston.. one of those days”
-first word and question post coma.. “anissa?” my shirt is soaked. im gonna have a water bed by the end of this scene. JUST don’t even look at me. brb flooding the world with my tears after i finish my ovaltine.
- anissa talking about “how are you” 😂🤦🏾‍♀️ grace looking at her like “... uhhh.. i don’t see a fucking feeding tube.. im starving“
- TC looking handsome! done upgraded from them fits he was wearing from 1800 BC. i love him and jenns friendship so much.
- well when you put it like that mawmaw 🥺 shondra... play bruno mars.. just the way you are.. nah fuck that play uhh... aretha franklin.. respect” 😌
- we literally don’t care about this fighting shit 😒
- WAIT A MINUTE! i know that’s not william from girlfriends looking like whatever he got going on uhh everywhere 😩
- “you’re my electric queen” 🤣 same terry. same.
- no he didn’t 🤣🤣 tawm bout a kiss 😂
- man i just KNEW gambi ass was gon steal one of those guns 🤣🤦🏾‍♀️
- wow ...they actually let jeff win a fight? after he got his ass whooped of course. childish.
- oooooo LYNN!!!! look at my grandmother. michelle obama energy. yes lawdt. beautiful!
- OH ... no.
- shondra.. . play.. uhh... dammit.... kehlani... nights like this”
- no this man didn’t 😩 my grandmother slayed to the gods only to be tricked by a turkey leg lookin mans? complete madness.
“even a broke clock tells the truth twice a day” 🤣🤣🤦🏾‍♀️
- aww lawd.. shondra .. uhh im manifesting my grandmother not falling for mr. whales bullshit so uhm ..play.... christina aguilera .. fighter”
- writers... y’all really want me to believe Jeff thinks lynn just casually bought him flowers and put a note in it to meet her for dinner? ok.
- shondra ... nevermind.
- “you look like trash” 🤣
- hmm... that was weird... the whole thing with jenns arm like disappearing.. last time that happened was when she was struggling in those alternate universe to not become the worst version of herself... hm.
- jenn.... 🤦🏾‍♀️
- grace looking at dr. morgan like... *let me find out you tried to ask my soon to be wife in about 15 seconds out for drinks.. and don’t look at me”
- “i paid him 20 dollaz” 🤣🤣🤦🏾‍♀️ i love my aggravating mother.
- “baby.. you are the love of my life .. will you be my wife too” 😭😭 a poet. william shakespeare could never .
- G R A C E ... lets play a game.. it’s called ...sAy I lOvE yOu BaCk!
- “yes... i do” .. close enough. next week we try again ❤️
- first of all y’all gon’ have to fight me because i am here for the fastest wlw marriage in the history of television. it’s the last season and long overdue for anissa and grace just being happy. dragging stuff out and angst like we’ve had enough and that was barely. so im excited to see where they go from here.
-oooo lawd jeff done seen tobias and lynn dining together 😩 shondra... play... luther vandross.. are you there.. with another guy 👀
goodnight. this episode was everything. so messy 🤣🤦🏾‍♀️
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justsomefluff · 4 years
hello!! i found your blog not so long ago and i already love it so much, i was wondering if (if your request are open) you could do an ateez reaction to their s/o crying/pouting because they(atz) got jealous and they were ignoring their s/o (almost like the hwa reaction to you dancing w/ another member) 🥺 i love your blog so much.. hope your staying safe!!! 🤍
Okay, my sweet anon, this ended up being shorter than I originally wrote it bc it got deleted last time but I think I hit all the important stuff anyway! Also, I appreciate the positivity and I hope you are staying safe as well! <3
Summary: Ateez gets jealous of your conversation with another member. During a group dinner. Since they are feeling neglected, they decide to give you a taste of your own medicine.
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Okay so Hongjoong is totally calm about his bitterness
Like he’s definitely staring daggers at whichever member you’re talking to
But other than throwing a dirty glance in their direction every once in a while
No one will even be able to notice that he’s remotely upset about anything
I think that he’s probably used to covering his emotions well since he’s the leader and he feels like he needs to be the most mature and stuff
That can lead him to being kind of reserved about his emotions though and that might bug some people
And so when you finally start giving him some attention
He’s gonna turn away from you and just flat out pretend he cant hear you
But when you finally get home at the end of the night and you’re sulking because he hasn’t said a word to you since before dinner
He starts to feel hella guilty
Like he never wants to hurt you but his jealousy really just took control of him that night for some reason
And if you’re making big, sad eyes at him and following him like a puppy as he does his nightly routine…
He’s done for
But I feel like once you actually start having a conversation, he’s very good at keeping it from turning into an argument
Good at “I feel” statements you know?
But both of you recover from this rather quickly and just make it up to each other by snuggling for the rest of the night
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So Seonghwa is the type to act normal enough that the guys won’t notice that anything is wrong
But you know him well enough to know that he’s being kind of cold to you for some reason
And if you notice he’s being super low-key rude to another member then you can kind of connect the dots and understand why he’s upset
He will never let any of the guys see his anger though
Mostly because he’s the oldest and he feels that responsibility to them to only show them his good side if he can help it
So he will talk to you, but only like one word at a time
And he’ll brush you off if you touch him
But he will disguise it by reaching for food or something
He’s good at this okay
But if you just keep staring at him and the guys notice enough to ask you what’s wrong, then he’ll tell you to fake it til you get home
And you do because you don’t want to upset him more yk
And when you get home though, you’re almost in tears bc hiding it like that was so exhausting and painful
When he sees you starting to break a little, then he’s hugging you
Like .5 seconds to cross the room to get to you okay
Drama Mama Hwa to Protective Boyfriend Hwa that quick
He’ll explain why he was upset and you’ll explain your side as well
And once you’re finished, you’re both calm and forgiving about it
Even if you don’t fully understand each others point of view, you get it enough to let it go
Then you both just pass out together bc emotions are tiring
But you definitely wake up with smiles on your faces the next morning
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(this is how he sulks at you okay its adorable, i just wanna give him the world)
this jealous baby
Like did you guys see that video of him and Wooyoung eating cheese tteokbokki like San was just tryna help no need to get your boxers in a bunch sweetie
But anyways, I digress
If he’s jealous, he’s gonna let you know straight out the gate
Like he’ll literally tap you on the shoulder and then act like he did nothing
And at first you’re like aw cute he’s being playful
But really he just wants you to know he’s ignoring you on purpose
Like how dare you not notice that Im ignoring you purposefully… He’s not gonna put in all this effort just for you to not notice okay
And when your brain finally connects those dots its like ugh
But Yunho is easy to break okay
Like the second you pay him even a lick of attention he’s so happy
Its just really hard for him to stay upset
But dammit he’s gonna try his best to keep it up until he thinks you have both neglected each other for an equal amount of time
But both of you are kinda clingy
So even if you both know this won’t last for very long, you still get kinda sad about it
And the second your lip juts out and you’re pouting
He’s smooshing your cheeks and just going “aigooooooo” and babying you and stuff
All the other members are disgusted but they’re just jealous okay I said what I said
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(Kang Yeosang character summary: will ignore you for chicken)
Okay I don’t think Yeosang is the type to ignore you on purpose
He just gets really in his head when he’s jealous and gets quiet
And I feel like we see more of Yeosang’s quiet side rather than his expressive side
So maybe he’s shyer about emotions? Idk this is all speculation anyway
So if he’s in his head, he’s definitely not trying to hurt you or anything
He’s just thinking about everything and feeling neglected and insecure
Poor baby
Like he’s only gonna notice that you’re sad about him ignoring you once youre alone
Bc nothing else can distract him from you aw
And if you’re even the slightest bit teary, all of his insecurities fly out the window
Like all his focus will be on making you feel better
And when you say that you’re upset bc he was ignoring you
He’ll literally be like… you were ignoring me tho???
Also he strikes me as the type to laugh in serious situations so he will deadass burst out laughing 
Like full on cackling
You’re half crying and just staring at him like ??? Wtf???
What the hell’s so funny about that you absolute crackhead
But then youre laughing too bc you realize that this entire situation is kind of ridiculous anyway
And both of you get over just like that, and spend the rest of the night giving each other all the love and affection you have to spare
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Okay San’s type of jealousy is more aggressive I think
Like not that he’s aggressive towards anyone about, just it impacts him way more than anyone else
So it can really take a toll on your relationship sometimes
But I do feel like, if he’s gonna ignore you, it’s only gonna be while you’re in front of the members
But as soon as you get home, all the emotions are gonna come out at once
Like as soon as you step through the door, word vomit all over the place
And if you’re eyes are glossy too then both of you are gonna end up crying
And neither of you are really sure why you’re crying, you’re just soft babies okay
But I do think that San is more accusatory in these situations
Like a lot of “you did this” instead of “this is how I feel”
So it can start arguments sometimes
This time though, you’re both just emo and soft
Since you’re both a little bit weepy, you’re both just apologizing profusely 
but neither of you really know why you’re sorry
You just are
And no formal resolution is reached because you both fall asleep all cozied up to each other with tears drying on both of your faces
And you wake up in the morning, kind of giggling at each other
All the negativity got washed out of your systems anyway :)
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this BABY
he’s jealous but if he ignores you omg
its so hard for him to do
god like he's not even good at it
like he’s ignoring you but still holding your hand??
like how does that work
but anyway, even if you're pouting at him and stuff
he will be the one who ends up crying
like “why did you ignore meee”
and you're like... I didn't even realize I was??
so you decide to tell him what you and the members were talking about
and then all of a sudden, he’s distracted
like “ooh that interesting”
tell me more
or if it was a debate he’ll pick a side and have a full discussion with you
or if he agrees with you, he will playfully diss the other members for being wrong lmao
basically, just distract him and everything will be all set
just don't make a habit of ignoring him bc then he will really feel unloved and no one is allowed to hurt my Minnie
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So, Wooyoung is more exaggerated with the way he expresses his emotions
And we all know that I mean we’ve seen it
So when he gets jealous, he feels it in his chest
Then those emotions bubble up and come out in the form of hysterics
So he goes extra crazy for a little bit
Like not showing anger or anything, just being excessively crackheadish
And obviously not giving any of that attention to you
You notice it immediately
Like if he’s super excited, he always gives you most of his attention bc he really wants to share that happiness with you
But if he’s ignoring you, its really obvious
And you really feel the hurt bc its like… he never acts like this normally
So once you get home you’ve pretty much had it
Like your eyes are welling up and he’s just kind of looks at you like “oh nooooooo, I done messed up”
And he’s holding you and apologizing and being sweet and explaining why he did it
Literally swears up and down he will never do it again
Bc when he feels guilty it’s overwhelming for him too
Especially when it comes to you
So you end up snuggling each other the whole night to make up for the time you lost ignoring each other
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Jongho is definitely more reserved about his emotions and we see that a lot
I feel like its probably because he’s the youngest and he doesn’t want his hyungs to think he’s immature or incapable of handling his emotions
So he is gonna try to maintain that tough facade in front of his members at all costs
And they won’t really notice if you guys are having problems bc I feel like he tends to keep things about your relationship more private in front of them anyway
So if he’s ignoring you, the other guys will just assume that he’s trying to keep being tough
No one is allowed to see Jongho soft okay
But you will be seeing him turn soft the second he notices that you’re hurting
If he notices that you’re upset when you’re with the guys, he will take you home early
The second you’re alone, protective and soft Jongho combine to form that side of him the guys arent allowed to see
He hates that he’s the reason you’re feeling hurt
Will try literally anything to make you feel better
He is not gonna stop touching you and holding you and babying you all night
Has to be in contact with you in some way or he’ll cry
But either way he’s gonna be the best boyfriend to make up with
Bc he behaves this way after every conflict you have
Forever a sweetheart
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akirameta84 · 4 years
Warning: This is VERY LONG. i got carried away.
"hey don't you have a wip fic for another au?" yeah shush i have a new idea that's not as fleshed out (after writing that turned out to be a lie) as the chunibyo one but i had to share it.
its in every fandom, but Saiki K Pokemon Au time. it's always cliche but who cares its amazing.
Kaido is the mc. for sure. he chooses a froakie because the professor (its kusuke, he's totally it) said it was a dark and mysterious as him. at first he's disappointed by the frog but once it evolves he starts loving it. him and greninja wear matching outfits. he tied red wrist wraps on its arms and he wears a pink scarf.
nendo is his rival lmao. he met him when kaido left with his first pokemon and challenged him to a battle, immediatly. he said loser has to buy the other persons ramen. "but i dont even know you??" "oh. well lets be friends, runt!" "you just asked to fight me???" nendo uses an eevee because his mom gave it to him when he was young. kaido wins because nendo didnt use a single attacking move. he just used sand attack and growl. the battle lasted 10 minutes because kaido kept missing.
now with his newly self proclaimed rival, after going to eat ramen, kaido sets out on his journey. i like to imagine a region with just every pokemon cause its cool that way. kaido mainly looks for fighting type pokemon, and a few dark types, and it takes him a bit to realize that this is probably a bad strategy and that he isnt finding anything, as cool as they are. he catches a shroomish, not knowing it became a type he wanted, because he was impressed with it's "battle capabilities" because it survived an attack that had fainted others. he names it doomslayer cause he's such an edgelord.
somewhere along the way nendo finds him and says that he's going to challenge a gym, and that kaido should join him. kaido agrees because "oh yeah, thats why im on this journey" and they go to the first gym.
The first gym is ghost type, run by toritsuka. why is he first? cause he's prolly not very good at battling and he knows it. the gym itself would be very foggy, and kaido has to traverse it to get to toritsuka. along the way toritsuka has spirits tell him where kaido is, and he'll release a pokemon near there for him to battle, and this happens 2 times. Torisuka himself uses 2 pokemon, a Litwick and a Galarian Yanmask. both are female, obviously. kaido absolutely demolishes these two pokemon, with his water and grass type, seeing as they're part fire and ground. first badge complete.
surpsingly, nendo also beats this gym, mainly because eevee can use bite. guess he figured out how to use attacking moves lmao. also yes ik bite is learned at 25, and rn they're at like lv 12 but shh. he found a tm or smt. it also helps thst toritsuka could barely hit nendos eevee due to the ghost and normal type thing.
nendo tries to travel with kaido, but kaido usually manages to worm his way away from him. he usually gets away whenever nendo challenges someone else and they have to tell him that he can't catch someone else's pokemon.
second gym is chiyo's gym. she uses grass types, and her gym is covered in flowers, trees, and it looks like a forest. the puzzle itself is rather simple. the floor is covered in large flowers, and you have to step on the correct ones or get sent back to the start. i like to imagine a giant vine yeeting kaido. chiyo also forgot to write clues over which ones are correct and ends up helping kaido, and winds being endeared by his determination. chiyo uses a Fomantis and a Petilil, because she thinks they're cute. kaido actually struggles quite a bit because he brings a water type and a grsss type. he wins in the end though, because chiyo ends up lovestruck and forgets to attack. she daydreams about inviting him to run the gym with her because he's so talented in her eyes, but he leaves before she can ask, grass badge in hand.
after chiyo's gym, kaido's froakie evolves into Frogadier, and he cries. in-between gyms again, kaido catches a rockruff because it was cute and it whined when he tried to walk away after battle. again, kaido catching types he likes without even knowing, provided his rockruff evolves at nightime. he names it Decimator. at this point i place kaido's levels at 19-21 ish, and close to rockruff and shroomish evolving.
next gym is hairo's and surprise surprise, it's a fire type gym. his gym his very, very intense. he has actual jets of fire lining his gym. there's no puzzle because he believes in just battling for victory or whatever, kaido didn't catch it behind the roar of the fire jets. kaido just walks along a pathway and gets challenged to battle by 3 randoms. i like to imagine one of them is nendo, and its never discussed. he has a fire type and everything, and its just not brought up. he's back to his single eevee after this too. kaido also wins with relative ease, considering he has a water type and rock type, although he makes the mistake of sending shroomish out at some point, but makes a clutch switch after it survives a flamethrower. fire badge obtained.
right after this, his shroomish evolves into breloom and he cries again. he gets very happy when his pokemon evolve. and also, after a few random encounters, his rockruff also evolves. its day form because kaido is a clueless baby. he still loves it all the same. at some point nendo challenges kaido with a single pokemon again, but this time it's a leafeon. kaido asks how he knew to evolve it, and he just says he battled next to some funny looking rock and it changed. of course. it actually manages to oko Frogadier because kaido wasnt expecting anything other than an eevee, but his breloom deals with it easily, because nendo kept using not very effective grass moves because it worked once. how does he have 3 badges again? nobody knows. level 25-27 now.
next gym is saiko's, and he uses normal types because all the other types were "too needy for someone like him." he's got 2 Persians and a Toucannon. he tried to use 3 persians but he was told that he needed something else just in case someone brought a fighting type by his dad. so he grabbed the first wild bird he found and evolved it. saiko doesnt have a puzzle, and instead just has an elevator that you can pay 5000 Pokedollars to use, otherwise you have to take the stairs like a pleb. Kaido takes the stairs because he's keeping his money dammit. its only 3 stories until saiko's floor, so it's really not much. Kaido sweeps easily with breloom until toucannon comes out. breloom gets slaughtered by a flying type move, and he sends out lycanroc to finish it. normal badge complete.
when he next sees nendo, he has a meowth with his leafeon. kaido asks where he got it, and nendo says he found it near the rich looking gym. kaido concludes that nendo accidently stole a pokemon and they go to return it. saiko says that the plebs can have it as a reward for defeating him, and dismisses them. levels 30-33.
5th gym! mera runs this one, and there isn't a type. she has an Alcremie, Appletun, Cherubi, and a Vannilish. what can i say, girl loves her food. kaido is genuinely concerned that she is gonna eat her pokemon though. the challenge is cooking. kaido has to cook curry, and if its bad, he fights a trainer, up to 3 times. if its good he gives it to mera and moves on the next curry. the actual battle goes okay, but its fairly difficult due to not having a single type, and being unpredictable. obviously he wins in the end, and the badge is a bowl of curry.
frogadier evolves into greninja finally, and they have the matching outfits going on. nendo laughs at it. somewhere nendo also got an applin. kaido is fairly sure he took this one from mera as well, but he decides to let it go, and tell nendo how he can evolve it. he doesn't think nendo understood, but he tried. kaido also realizes he only has 3 pokemon, and decides to find two more. he finds a braixen, which he evolves into delphox. her name is Lucifer's Eternal Flames. Lucy for short. he also catches a noibat. the noibat was caught because he got lost in a cave, and the noibat was leading him out, so he decided he couldn't just leave it there. he names it the Jet Bat Wings. yes im doing that and yes its hilarious. levels 37-39.
gym 6. fighting type, and its kuboyasu. he tried to leave behind his violent days behind him, and become a poison type gym, but eventually gave in and did fighting instead. after he had already dyed his hair purple for the colorscheme. he kept the fighting gym purple because he already commited dammit. 4 pokemon, and hes got Toxicroak (yes ik the irony), Lucario, Grapploct, and Pangoro. greninja faints quickly, and so does lycanroc, but after some paralysis tricks with breloom and delphox sweeping the rest, pangoro comes in and ko's delphox. noibat pulls through in the end, with flying type moves. fighting badge earned.
next battle with nendo, and it turns out he actually evolved applin, and now he's got a flapple. kaido is midly impressed. kaido catches his 6th and final pokemon, an absol. he was overjoyed when he finally got another dark type. he names it Fluffy. yes, the dark type doesnt get an edgy name. levels 44-46, there was a longer gap in between the 6th and 7th gyms. oh also, you may be wondering about an evil team in this au. and my answer is....¯\_(ツ)_/¯
gym 7. Fairy type. Teruhashi. you knew she'd be coming eventually. and yes i saved the characters people prolly wanna know about until last haha. and because i think they fit the more difficult gyms. girl's got 5 pokemon, Mimikyu (i think it fits her fake perfect girl personality), Slyveon, Gardevoir, Florges, and Magearna. how does she have a legendary? prolly cause she's perfect and just asked for it, and someone actually found one. No puzzle here, but having to find his way through the mobs of teruhashi fans is prolly hard enough. Kaido actually has to try this gym several times due to him lacking anything good againist fairies. he gets it eventually though, and teruhashi has to reassure her fans that it's okay that she lost before they murder kaido. fairy badge down.
at this point kaido has no clue how nendo keeps getting gym badges. he has 3 pokemon, and one isn't even evolved. especially considering how easily Kaido himself can beat him. kaido I shrug it off as the plothole it usually is in pokemon games. levels 47-50. Noibat evolves into Noivern, and kaido has himself a pretty strong team. Greninja, Delphox, Absol, Lycanroc, Noivern, Breloom. although he has just been choosing based on personal preference, it turnes out nicely. and yes I'm padding this out cause y'all know what gym is next.
Gym number 8. The psychic type gym, run by Saiki and Aiura. It doesn't get more cliche than this. The challenge in this one is a maze. There's no extra trainers here, instead Kaido fights Aiura everytime he encounters her. She only uses 1 Pokemon in these battles because they happen a lot. Kaido wonders how she keeps finding him, let alone getting through the maze so easily when there's walls everywhere. He brushes it off as her just knowing the layout. battle itself happens, and it's a double battle. they each have 3 pokemon. Saiki has a ditto, espeon, and an alolan raichu (because he thought it was cute) Aiura mainly runs the support side of the team, and she's got a female meowstic, alakazam, and reuniclus, and wishes she had a cuter team, but she makes it work. This is prolly Kaido's second hardest gym. not harder than teruhashi's because he had no advantages, unlike this one where he's got several dark types. the battle is hard because they know exactly what kaido is gonna do. the minute he sends out his breloom to get a cheap paralysis, out comes ditto. the breloom ditto nearly wipes out both dark types, but noivern takes care of it, only to meet a sad demise at the hands of raichu, despite the dragon advantage. he's able to win on his second try, after he refused to send out breloom due to the fact that they just seem to know his next move. it creeped him out. Psychic badge done.
nendo tries to take saiki out for ramen with him and kaido after his gym fight, declaring him his best buddy, and it's not explained why nendo decided this. nendo eventually wins the argument and they get ramen. kaido notices saiki looks disturbed everytime he looks at nendo, but brushes it off as "yeah he disturbs me too." they part ways and onto victory road because im still mourning how there wasn't one in sword and shield. after victory road, kaido is nearing level 60 on everyone.
elite four? eheh i don't know who'd make it up. prolly 4 previous gym leaders with fully evolved teams and more pokemon. not tlo worries about them tho.
Kaido bests the elite four, and marches on to the champion.
Champion Akechi. Full team of 6 Pokemon, and he's a formidable opponent. He's able to easily predict what moves are going to be used next, and always has type advantage. Although, unlike before, while difficult to do, it is possible to do something unpredictable to trip him up, which is the only way Kaido is able to win. His team consists of Serperior, Glaceon, Gyrados, Ninetales, Togekiss (it's just there to be annoying, it can barely attack, and akechi did this to be a nuisance so he can't be clean sweeped), and Mew. Again, I love unexplained lengendaries on teams okay. To Kaido, it seems like with enough switching, he could easily defeat Akechi, but Akechi is very good at predicting. So againist Akechi, it's like the team as been catered specifically to beat Kaido. But, knowing him, it likely was. It takes him ages to beat Akechi. Like literal ages. The only saving grace is Akechi can get tripped up if Kaido is unpredictable enough. It's likely a mixture of that and para hscks that lets him win, and Kaido is champion. Nendo did try to challenge him (somehow beating the elite four) but was beaten. I love how the rivals always beat everything but then get horribly beaten by you.
Holy shit this is longer than i thought it would be. I have been writing this for literal hours. Hope you enjoyed. This is what my brain had inspiration for today apparently, instesd of the fic im working on.
Hadn't seen too much Pokemon stuff for saiki k yet, so tada. and yes, i came up with most of this while writing. the only idea i had before i started writing was the saiki and aiura gym
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hopelikethemoon · 4 years
Anniversary (Javier x Reader) {MTMF} [smut]
Title: Anniversary Rating: Explicit  Length: 3300 Warnings: Smut (male & female receiving oral and sex)  Notes: You can find everything about Maybe Today, Maybe Forever here. Set May 1999. Another two days without MTMF, but here I am. Back and smutty as ever.  Summary: Reader and Javier celebrate their anniversary. 
@grapemama​​​ @seawhisperer​​​ @huliabitch​​​ @beccaplaying​​​ @thewallpapergoesorido​​​ @twomoonstwosuns​​​ @gooddaykate​​​ @livasaurasrex​​​ @ham4arrow​​​ @plexflexico​​ @readsalot73​​​ @hdlynn​​​ @lokiaddicted​​​ @randomness501​​​ @fioccodineveautunnale​​​  @roxypeanut​​​ @snivellusim​​​ @lukesrighthand​​​ @historynerd04 @mrsparknuts​​​@ ​​​​​@awesomefandomsunited​​​​​​​​ @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead​​ @exrebelshocktrooper​​​ @synystersilenceinblacknwhite​​​ @ah-callie​​​ @swhiskeys​​​ @exrebelshocktrooper​​​ @u-wakatoshii @space-floozy​​ @cable-kenobi​​​ @cool-ultra-nerd​ @himbopoes​​​ @findhimfives​​​ @pedrosdoll​​​ @frietiemeloen​​ @arrowswithwifi​​​ @random066​​​ @uncomicalhumour​​​ @heather-lynn​​ @domino-oh-damn​ @cyarikaaa​​​ @ahopelessromanticwritersworld​​​ @im-still-a-pieceofgarbage @ksgeekgirl​​ @yabby-girl​​ @xqueenofthecraziesx​​ @punkass-potato​​ @coredrive​​ @pascalesque​​ @theduchessofkirkcaldy​​ @queenquazar​​​ @sabinemorans​​​ @buckstaposition​​​ @holkaskrosnou​​​ @yespolkadotkitty​​​@seeking-a-great–perhaps @kochamcie​​​ @jaime1110​​​ @katlikeme​
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“I know this is the first year,” You started as you say your suitcase down on the luggage rack, “But I wonder if they’ll ever realize why we go away at the same time every year.”
Javier clicked his tongue against his teeth and shrugged a shoulder. “Maybe.” He remarked as he pulled open the closet door and hung up the hanging suitcase. “Or they’ll think we get away as soon as school’s out.”
“Fair point.” You agreed with a nod, kicking off your shoes and perching on the foot of the bed. “So, a year in… how is this marriage thing treating you?”
“I expected a review halfway through, you know.” Javier shot back, giving you a look before he ducked into the bathroom with his shaving kit. He returned, hands tucked into the back pockets of his jeans. “I haven’t noticed too much of a change, baby.” 
“Me neither.” You admitted with a soft laugh, fiddling with the ring on your left ring finger. Just for your little getaway, you had decided to wear his mother’s ring — the one Chucho had gifted you with. “I feel like nothing has really changed.”
Even at your worst, the two of you had always been solid. 
He hummed in agreement as he leaned down to inspect the mini fridge, “Baby, are we going for a classy anniversary dinner or should we pregame?”
You smirked at him, reclining back on the bed. “Have you ever known me to say ‘no’ to pregaming?” You tucked your arms beneath your head, before turning to look towards the open window looking out over the balcony. 
Instead of venturing across the country, the two of you had opted to stay in Miami — but at the DuPont Plaza, in the honeymoon suite that overlooked the water. A little taste of luxury and just down the road from your house seemed like the perfect way to ring in one year as a married couple. 
“They’ve got peppermint vodka.” He waved the mini in front of you and you popped up to snatch it from him. 
You unscrewed it and took a sip, finishing half of it off in one drink. “We need to get some of this for the liquor cabinet.” You remarked as he sat down beside you. 
“I don’t get the appeal,” Javier retorted as he popped the lid off the shot of tequila and knocked it back. 
“Looking to get drunk quick, babe?” You snorted, downing the last of the mini and tossing it aside on the bed. 
Javier replaced the lid on his empty bottle, “Maybe. We’ve just got to go downstairs to the restaurant.” 
“I think the last time you had tequila was Disney.” You gave him a pointed look. 
“Oh, I’ve had it since.” He scratched at the back of his neck. 
“What do you and Steve get up to when I’m not around?” You cocked your head to the side and smirked at him, “Inquiring minds would like to know.” 
“Karaoke.” He shot back as he picked up the empty minis and tossed them in the garbage can on the way back to the mini fridge. “Want another?”
“I think you should have another,” You stared at him, “Because I want song names.”
“Nope.” He let the word pop out of his mouth as he grabbed the two new minis and passed the vodka to you. “That’s a need-to-know.”
You held up your hand, pointing to the ring with the bottle. “I think I’m at the top of the need-to-know.”
Javier shrugged, “Never forget why we moved to Miami.” He unscrewed the lid and took a small swig of his tequila. 
You rolled your eyes, “Stephen Murphy. I’m aware.” You took a sip of your vodka, rolling the bottle between your fingers. “Come on, how about a hint?”
“Halfway there.” He remarked as he brought the bottle to his lips and finished the tequila off with a hiss. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You questioned, narrowing your eyes as you finished down your own mini. “There are so many potential songs… Was it Whitesnake?”
Javier gave you a scandalized look, “What? Is This Love?” He rubbed his thumb between his brows. “Fuck. No.”
“Better not have been our song.”
“Our song?”
You glared at him, “What did we dance to a year ago in California? At that bar?”
Javier arched a brow at you, “Uh…”
“I don’t remember who the cover was by,” Javier admitted as he leaned back on the bed beside you. “But it was an Elvis song.”
“It was Hall and Oates.” You reached over and squeezed his thigh. “So what did you two sing?”
He hummed, “Nice try.” Javier cocked his head to the side as he looked at you. 
“Just so you know,” You scooted closer to him, draping your arm over his shoulders. “The ‘to the grave’ sentiment only applies for you and me.” You cupped his cheek with your other hand, running your thumb along the curve of his jaw. 
Instead of answering you, Javier leaned in and kissed you, his mouth slanting over yours. You could taste the tequila on his lips and his tongue as you tongue met his. 
Your fingers slid from his shoulder into his hair, tugging at it as you pulled back to meet his eyes. “Nice distraction.” You bumped your nose against his before you stood up, leaving him sitting on the bed. 
“Where are you going?” Javier questioned, pressing his tongue to the inside of his cheek as he watched you with rapt attention. 
“Checking on the options,” You told him as you pulled open the minifridge to see what was inside. “Oh, M&Ms!” You grabbed the bag and another vodka mini. “Was it classic rock?”
You tore the top off the sleeve of candy, popping a couple pieces into your mouth. “Now I know when you come home shitfaced from a night out with Steve, I need to question your drunk ass about karaoke.”
“You say that like it happens all the time.” He huffed, dragging his teeth over his bottom lip as he stared at you. 
“At least once every three months.” You popped another M&M into your mouth. “Usually I’m more concerned with getting you undressed without you thinking I’m coming onto you.” You arched a brow at him. 
Javier held his hand out and you poured a couple candies into his palm. “What can I say? After a night out, all I’m thinking about is getting home to you.”
You scrunched up your nose and stuck out your tongue, “Such a sap.” You laughed, shaking your head as you sat back down on the bed, this time reclining back against the pillows. 
“It’s your fault that I’m a sap, baby.” He retorted as he scooted up the bed to join you, tucking an arm behind his head. “Tequila’s hitting.”
“Time to interrogate you.” You smirked, sitting the M&Ms and the mini on the nightstand. 
“Interrogate?” Javier arched a brow as he turned to look at you. 
“You heard me.” You shot back, rolling onto your side as you settled down beside him. You reached out and rested your hand on his chest, trailing your fingers over the patch of skin exposed where his shirt was unbuttoned. “The fact that you won’t tell me is a little disappointing.”
“Oh, come on baby.” He pursed his lips. “I tell you everything.”
“Was it a love ballad?” You questioned, running your finger down the length of his nose. “I’ll only be a little jealous if it was. But I know you and Steve have a special bond.”
“Oh, fuck off.” Javier snorted, shaking his head as he rolled onto his side so he could curl his arm around your waist. “I already gave you a hint.”
“You did?” You gave him a skeptical look.
He nodded, tapping his thumb against your side. “Told you that you were halfway there.”
Your brows furrowed together. “To guessing its?”
Javier laughed and you swatted his chest, “Ow.”
“Don’t laugh at me!” You said, as you laughed at his feigned injury. “Dammit Javier, just tell me.”
“No.” He pulled you closer to him, until his nose was brushing against yours. “Why do you want to know so badly, baby?”
“So I can taunt you with it for the rest of our lives.” You grinned at him, playing with the hair that fell across his forehead. “Less hints and more you telling me the actual name of the song.”
Javier’s brows drew together and he ran his hand up and down your back, “I can think of better things we could be doing.”
You snorted, “I’m just going to assume it was Never Gonna Give You Up.” 
“In what world would I sing that?”
“The one where you’re drunk on tequila.” You smirked, leaning in to steal a kiss. “Kinda wish I was there to witness it.”
“It was Livin’ On a Prayer,” Javier finally confessed, “Happy?”
You rubbed at his hair, “That’s not even embarrassing.” You shook your head, “I’m just going to pretend it was Time After Time or something like that.”
Javier cupped your jaw, “You asked… or more specifically you pestered.”
“Javier,” You started with a too-sweet voice, “I know everything about your sexual exploits prior to me, but you’re going to draw the line at get drunk and sing karaoke with your best friend?”
“I think best friend is pushing it.”
You snorted, shaking your head. “Don’t worry Javi, I promise I won’t ever tell him that you think he’s your best friend.”
“You are my best friend.”
That sobered your amusement quickly, “Really?” Which seemed like a stupid thing to be shocked by, all things considered. There had been so many times back in Colombia that you questioned whether Javier was really your friend — or if you were just easy to talk to. 
“Mhm.” He brushed his fingers over your cheek. “Steve’s alright, but you know me.”
You nodded, leaning in to press your forehead against his. “I know I’ve already told you this before, but I was depressed as hell when Steve and Connie left. And I remember thinking — if it were Javier leaving, I don’t think I would be able to cope. I had never had someone who just fit.”
His lips drew upwards into a gentle smile and he leaned in to kiss you, “Guess that’s why we’re still here… twelve years later.”
Javier slid his hand down your arm, until he could interlace his fingers with yours. He rubbed his finger over the ring you wore, his eyes never leaving your face. “I love you.”
“You do?” You teased lightly, biting down on your bottom lip as you searched your eyes. 
His brows knit together and he nodded slowly, “A lot, baby.”
“I love you too.” You ran your thumb over his lips, cupping his jaw as you leaned in to kiss him. The moment lingered, his lips brushing against yours as he tilted his head to deepen the kiss. 
You let him roll you back onto the bed, a knee planted between your thighs as he hovered above you, one palm pressed into the mattress beside your head. 
Javier groaned against your mouth as you dragged your fingers through his hair, nails scraping against his scalp. You shifted, pressing the apex of your thighs directly against his leg, grinding against him. 
His grip tightened on your hand, pinning it back against the bed. All thoughts of drinking minis and eating M&Ms were quickly traded in for the heat burning between your thighs and desire in your veins. 
You sank back against the mattress, breaking from the kiss as you turned your attention to the buttons of his shirt which was a struggle with only one hand. 
Javier slid his knee forward, keeping it pressed right against your cunt as you rolled your hip against the pressure. It created the perfect amount of friction to make you moan out his name. 
He released his hold on your hand, keeping his eyes fixed on your face as he moved down the bed. 
“Javi.” You complained at the loss of friction. 
“I’ve got you baby,” He drawled out as he slid your skirt up around your hips. “Just trust me.” He promised as he stroked his fingers over your cunt through the fabric of your underwear.
You reached down and played your fingers through his hair as you watched him, “I trust you.” You told him, biting down on your bottom lip as he circled his thumb over your clit. 
Javier hooked his fingers in the waistband of your underwear, sliding them down your legs. “Look at you.” He whispered as he parted your sensitive folds, leaning in to flick his tongue over that little bundle of nerves that was already throbbing with anticipation. 
He ran his hands along your inner thighs, parting them wider as his tongue swept between your folds, teasing your slick center before returning to your clit. 
“Fuck.” You hissed out, your hips rocking up off the bed, angling yourself towards his mouth. His mustache tickled, making you squirm as he lapped at you. 
Javier grabbed at your hips, holding you steady as he wrapped his lips around your clit and sucked lightly at the little bundle of throbbing nerves — you could feel every pulse of need, heat and pleasure burning in your lower belly. 
You swore your eyes rolled back in your head when he worked two fingers into you with little warning, curling them within you as dragging them over that sweet spot that had you seeing stars. 
It wasn’t fair. He knew your body too well and could play you like an instrument only he knew how to play like this. Even your own fingers failed to be this good at winding you up. 
Your fingers grabbed at the comforter beneath you, heels digging into the mattress as he coaxed you over the edge. He didn’t relent, his tongue replaced his fingers, greedily lapping up the arousal that dripped from you. 
By the time he pulled back, breathing heavily as he caught his breath, his mouth and mustache were glistening with you. And no part of that deterred you from tugging at his hair to guide him back up the bed so you could kiss him. 
As much as you wanted to wrap your legs around him and beg him to fuck you into the mattress — you had other plans. 
You pushed him off of you, sliding out from beneath him and readjusting the skirt of your dress. “Lay back.” You told him firmly, giving him a look that left no rumor for arguments. 
Javier sank back against the mattress in your place, his brows rising upwards as he met your gaze. “Love that look on you.”
“And what look is that?” You countered, reaching down to trace your finger over the outline of his cock in his jeans. 
“You’ve got this glassy-eyed ‘just fucked’ look.” Javier explained, his lips parting with a throaty sound of pleasure as you cupped him through his jeans. “Fuck.”
“That’s what I call — I’m a little buzzed and very horny.” You smirked, dragging the zipper down slowly, before unsnapping the button. You took your sweet time pulling his jeans open as you settled down between his thighs. “Did you enjoy getting me off?” You questioned as you circled your thumb over the wet spot at the head of his cock that had darkened the fabric of his boxers. 
“What do you think?” He quipped, dragging his teeth over his bottom lip as he stifled another groan as he watched you lean down to sweep your tongue over the same spot. 
“That wasn’t an answer.” You pointed out, reaching into his jeans to cup his balls, playing with them as you ran your tongue over his cock through his boxers. 
His hips twitched upwards and you smirked at the way his fingers grabbed at the comforter beneath him. You loved when he let go for you — both of you were shit at relinquishing control most of the time. 
You didn’t even bother pulling his boxers down, opting instead to undo the button and feed his erection through the gap in his underwear. 
“Look at you,” You parroted back what he had said before as you curled your fingers around the base of his cock, squeezing lightly as you leaned down and licked at the weeping head of his cock, tasting him. 
Javier grunted out something that sounded like your name, his hips bucking upwards. 
You pressed your palm against his stomach, “Easy there, Javi.” 
His tongue darted out to wet his lips and he nodded, exhaling shakily. “Don’t tease.” 
“Oh?” You questioned, running your thumb up the underside of his cock as you wrapped your lips around just the head of his cock. 
The sounds he made. 
You had always loved how unabashedly vocal he was during sex. Some men, you had found, had no interest in being loud — but Javier always let you know he was enjoying himself. 
Javier’s fingers sank into your hair, tugging sharply as you flicked your tongue over the slit teasingly. And he really lost his shit when you hollowed out your cheeks and sank down to take the length of him into your mouth until he hit the back of your throat. 
“Fuck.” He hissed out, brushing his fingers tenderly over the back of your neck. “That’s a good girl.”
You moaned around his cock at his praise, sliding your free hand down between your own thighs as you kept working your mouth over the length of his cock. 
“Baby, fuck—“ Javier grunted, “Are you touching yourself, baby?” He managed, tugging lightly at your hair. “That’s it.” 
You lifted your gaze to look up at him as you let his cock slide from your lips with a wet ‘pop’. You smirked, “Maybe I am.” 
His tongue trailed over his bottom lip as he held your gaze, “C’mere.” Javier breathed out, brushing his knuckles against your cheek. 
You rose up on your knees, straddling his thighs as you moved into position above him, hands planted on his chest as you stared down at him. “Is this what you wanted, baby?” You questioned, mimicking his tone. 
Javier slowly ran his hands up your legs, curling his hands around your hips as you lowered yourself onto him, the slick folds of your cunt sliding against his cock. “You know it is.” He countered, reaching between your bodies to guide his cock as you moved atop him. 
There was something about being half-dressed and fucking that would never wear out for you. The toughness of his jeans against the backs of your thighs, your arousal soaking into the fabric of his boxers as you rode him. 
“I’m gonna—“ Javier managed to get out, grabbing at your hips as he moved beneath you. “— gonna come, baby.”
You leaned forward to kiss him, ignoring the slight twinge in your thighs from the stretch. Javier groaned against your lips, kissing you desperately as he came apart beneath you. He tensed, cock throbbing as his released spilled. 
Your own orgasm was just out of reach and you didn’t even care, it was enough to bask in the moment with him — his breathing labored as you let yourself slump forward against him. 
There was absolutely no way either of you would be going out in the clothes you had on now. 
Javier ran his hand down the length of your back, giving your ass a playful swat. “Still got it.” He murmured as he pressed his face into the crook of your neck. 
“I should hope so.” You huffed, tugging at his hair with a soft laugh. 
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samwritesforyou · 4 years
We’re gonna be okay
Diego x reader
Summary: You and Diego worked out a system for a situation if he ever comes to your place while being in the highest form of distress and needs your help. He assured you it won’t happen often. Until one night, it finally did.
A/N: i feel like i’ve read the whole tumblr dot com worth of diego x reader fanfics and yet i still wanted more, so the desperate need to finally write something myself has been fulfilled. i would actually love to take requests, so if you want, dont hesitate to message/ask me! im ready to write fics and headcanons :) (my blog might seem new but ive been on tumblr for years and years and i finally dedicated a new blog to mostly reader inserts, either my own or reblogging others)
Warnings: Mentions of a panic attack, gender neutral reader
Wordcount: 3,350
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There was a knock on the door.
It was pretty late, but not too late for it to be Diego yet.
Or so you thought.
You got up kinda lazily from a comfortable chair you had situated in the corner of a room, at first designed mainly for reading or napping, but ending up doing absolutely whatever you could on the spot. Eating pizza, watching netflix, browsing through the internet after long working hours that you put in into your tiny art selling business.
You slightly opened the door and already plastered a semi-fake smile for a possible neighbor, but in front of you stood Diego.
Your dear friend, who was at the moment soaked from the rain outside, with big eyes, fast breathing and bloody hands.
Bloody hands?!
“Hello to you too, friend!” you said quite worried, quickly patting him down for signs of any physical pain. For the first time in a while he seemed fine, unscarred.
Your eyes finally went up, literally scanning his face but it was completely unreadable.
His eyes were wide and he looked as if he couldn’t comprehend what was going on around him.
You looked down again and took his fists into your hands. His own palms unclenched and you could see that they were heavily bloodied.
“Diego.. whose blood is it?”
No answer.
You rushed him inside and closed the door behind the two of you, facing the damn vigilante again.
“Diego, I need to know who’s blood is on your hands,” your voice grew steadier as you knitted your brows together in worry and confusion.
Only then the guy decided to move his arms and you noticed how shaky he is. He connected his two index fingers in the form of a cross, pressing it to his chest.
Your own eyes went wide now as you stumbled back a few steps and your mind went blank.
You instantly remembered a night that happened a few years back. He has come in crumbling through your window and was obviously in some new form of distress, that you couldn’t quite understand yet.
“Diego?” it seemed like your voice didn’t reach his ears, so you tried calling out his name again, getting up from the couch and patting him lightly on the body, to determine any sign of an injury.
It looked like there was none, so you tried to reach his gaze that was somewhat absentminded, all over the place, scanning everything but not meeting your eyes.
He was a tough guy, and you knew it. You knew that if you want to get answers, you need to either get them yourself or make yourself heard, until he cannot ignore you any longer.
“Diego Hargreeves, what is going on?” your voice was soft yet determined.
His dark orbs finally stopped on your face and he just shook his head, his breathing oddly fast for a man who was just simply standing.
You continued to push. You didn’t have the best day either, and to be interrupted at 1am by his visit was nothing new, but you couldn’t let him have this behaviour. Even though you’re friends, that didn’t automatically mean that he could do whatever he wanted.
Throughout the whole night he didn’t say a thing, but when you started adding volume to your voice, he.. he just broke down.
That night, you’ve witnessed Diego experience a panic attack. Caused by yourself.
You couldn’t fall asleep that night, even after you eventually calmed him down and the only thing that was left to do for you was to watch him sleep and slowly rubbing circles on his exposed arm out of the blanket.
It felt like neons before you noticed a first ray of sunshine drawing from the half-closed curtains, making you spring to your feet and drag your ass to the kitchen, trying to think of what to do for breakfast.
When you figured the recipe out and finished cooking, Diego was already up and joined you near the kitchen counter, next to which you had two stools.
He settled on one of them, looking at you.
“Hey,” you couldn’t muster anything better, so you just put a plate in front of him and then sat next to his side, simply digging into your portion of scrambled eggs.
“About last night, y/n..” he drifted off, probably at first deciding that it’s better to fill his stomach a little bit.
In the meantime you didn’t dare to speak up and just waited for him to say something, anything.
When he finished his meal, he finally turned to you with a sigh.
“You know that one guy I told you ‘bout? That we.. we do some vigilante shit together from time to time?”
You just nodded, not meeting his eyes.
“Well. I guess I could count him as a close friend. You know.. and,” this was followed by a slight pause and clearing of the throat.
“He died yesterday. I couldn’t save him.”
Your eyes immediately shot up to Diego and all that vulnerability and hurt that you’ve clearly seen yesterday just overtaking him were completely gone. Now present only a strong facade that he mastered whenever he needed to hide from showing emotions. You hated it.
“Shit, Diego..” you spoke quietly and softly, all the words seemed to have left you in all the things unsaid in your throat. But you tried to continue.
“I’m sorry. And I’m also sorry for pushing you over the edge. I.. I didn’t know what happened so I just acted how we would normally do,” he smirked at that, merely for a second, but you still caught it.
“Look, I.. I know, “ he simply said and then it felt as if he was weighting pros and cons of telling you something else that was clearly on his chest.
“You always help me out. Every single night I come to you.. Why do you do it, y/n?” Diego’s eyes were steadily turned your way.
At the sudden question you raised an eyebrow, “well, I.. I care about you.”
He lightly bit his lower lip and turned his gaze away, clearly thinking about something really hard.
“Okay,” he finally said, “y/n, do you think I could ask you for a favour then?”
At that your eyes met and you felt nervous, for some reason.
You really liked him. Not just like a friend. But you understood that there probably won’t be a chance for you two to ever become a couple (mostly considering that you didn’t believe that he could feel about you this way), so you settled for friendship anyways, since you two really got along well.
And having this handsome tough guy as a friend? Damn, just that is already some kind of luck swinging your way.
But your feelings of course meant that.. you’d do more for him than what you’d do just for a friend. You would get out of your comfort zone just to help him with injuries or hear him talk about his girlfriend (at the time, now they were broken up) and how they argued so much that he ended up on the streets and didn’t really want to go to his lonely place at the gym.
And you took him in. You always did. And since the day you became friends you always care for him.
And you’d care now once again.
“What is it?” in your tone danced a question, troubled with what he might ask for.
“Well, yesterday-“ he cut himself from finishing and cleared his throat, starting over.
“I imagine we’re gonna be friends for a long time, right?”
You just pushed your brows up with a small nod in affirmation.
“I never had.. anyone, really, to help me with the states I often got into,” you immediately thought of Eudora, wasn’t his ex-girlfriend supposed to be his support pillar? Or is he just making you feel sorry for him-
“Or I didn’t ever trust anyone that much, you know,” oh, okay, that kind of explains that then.
“And I guess.. I trust you enough? To share this?” he talked quietly and mumbled a lot so you realised soon you won’t be able to hear him at all.
You grabbed his hands with yours and caught his attention this way.
You were never really touchy together, but occasional hugs and even holding hands was kind of a standard for you from time to time.
His eyes met yours again and you cursed yourself for your heartbeat getting faster. This is not an appropriate moment to get butterflies in your stomach, dammit.
“I’m listening, Diego,” you confirmed, nodding again.
“Okay. It’s- it’s just really h-hard to talk about this,” he stuttered a bit, but with the next breath continued again, “When there’s some situation that’s just completely fucked up, like losing someone close to me, or- or somethin’ else, I don’t know.. I finish what I need at the scene where it happened but when I come home I just,” he breathed some air in and you felt his hands squeeze yours a bit tighter, “I just break down, you know? Sometimes it’s just all too much for me and I don’t know how to deal with it and I would just wanna.. someone to hold me, I guess? Otherwise when someone’s trying to talk at me or somethin’ I just get even more worked up and it’s even worse.”
It all started to come together in your mind. Even though it sounded really strange to hear Diego talk about things like.. wanting to be held and shit. But you always guessed there’s a far bigger sweetheart and a soft boy underneath all those harness and knives.
You tried to pick your words carefully.
“So when I started to ask you shit.. You just flipped. Basically because I was talking at you a lot and you couldn’t take it anymore, right?”
He sighed and looked somewhere up, nodding bit by bit.
“Yeah, yep. That was it.”
You clapped at his hands lightly, to bring his focus back again and he looked at you and mustered a sad, faint smile.
You did the same. In the world you lived in, unforeseen and unfortunate events were happening left and right and thinking about his childhood and everything.. no wonders he developed such a huge reaction and coping mechanism to something catastrophic happening.
“That’s okay, Diego. I’m here for you, I mean it. Let’s just talk about some things what I should and shouldn’t do when you come here in that state, alright? I just want you to feel comfortable.”
“Alright. Thank you, y/n,” he was looking down now, the whole morning kinda failing to meet your gaze and just rubbed his thumb across your hand, which send you heart into a race again.
You slowly let go of him, making an excuse to go wash the dishes.
After a while you looked behind you where he sat and said, “We also need some sort of a sign that you can easily show me, since you’re not really talkative when you get like this.”
Apparently he already used said “sign” somewhere, because he had it on the ready.
It was his hands clutching in fists, index fingers crossing each other in a form of a cross, pressed to his chest.
“Something like this. But don’t worry, I don’t think it’ll happen often. That would be really sad,” he laughed a little and then looked at you somewhat longingly and you averted your eyes back to the sink, nodding.
You almost forgot about that and now it all come flooding back.
Something terrible must’ve happened. You were panicking, but you had to stay strong, for him.
He was still standing in your hallway, with a crossed index fingers pressed to his chest.
“Okay, okay..” you mumbled more to yourself than to him, taking his hands into yours and looking him up and down.
He really seemed.. disconnected. It was kind of scary and you tried so hard not to think about what happened. Or about who died.
“Here, come with me, Diego,” you led him by the hand towards your couch as he was holding onto you, but his usual grip was gone.
You both ended up on a sofa and you really didn’t know how to act around him now, because.. he didn’t talk, didn’t look at you but when he did, his eyes were wide and big and he just seemed suddenly like a small boy to you.
Hopefully he won’t remember this tomorrow, you thought and tried to smile a little bit at him.
“Okay. Can you get your hands up for me, baby boy?” You’ve decided to approach this situation as if you were just babysitting an overgrown child.
Because nothing bad happens to children normally, right? And if you kept thinking about him as usual grown man Diego, you’d lose your mind in the process, wanting to scream and shake him by the shoulders until he spills you what happened.
Being Diego’s friend pushed you to new limits each day, truly.
He didn’t bat an eyelid at your tone change and word choosing, just obliging and putting his hands up.
You helped him to get his knives down and put his black turtleneck over his head, so now he sat shirtless right next to you, hands still smeared with blood.
Goddamit the blood!
You took him by the elbows and lead Diego to the bathroom, where you helped to get the red out of his hands. At the sight of blood dripping down into the sink you deciphered a whimper from him, even through the sound of running water and looked up.
Diego couldn’t stop looking down at his hands and tears were running down his cheeks.
You quickly took his face into your wet hands from the water and forced him to look away and lock his gaze with yours.
“Hey, don’t look at it, okay? It’ll only make you stressed. Until I’m done you can just close you eyes, okay?”
“Oh-okay,” he said and just closed his eyes here and there.
You sighed and tried to finish washing his hands as fast as possible, cursing under your breath pretty often.
“I’m sorry..” you heard him mumble and when you looked up, his eyes were still shut.
“Nothin’ to be sorry about.. We’ll talk about this tomorrow, right? Don’t worry. You’re safe now,” you smiled as you were already wrapping his hands in a towel and his eyelashes fluttered, eyes opening.
You stayed looking at each other for a second longer than necessary, but then you already lead him away to the bedroom area, where you actually tucked him in, wrapping in a soft blanket and then rushed to the kitchen, grabbing a few cookies and then leaving it on a plate next to him on the night table. 
 You almost made yourself comfortable on the couch, when he suddenly called out your name from the bed.
You sprung to your feet, thinking he’s actually hurt but you didn’t notice or that- “Can you... stay with me? P-please?” he asked, disrupting your train of thought. You did expect this, but still felt really shy about that.
Diego is vulnerable right now and does need your help and presence though.
And there wouldn’t be anything you wouldn’t do for him.
“Sure,” and after this simple answer you carefully climbed in next to him covering you both with a blanket and he curled up closer to you, almost immediately falling asleep.
From one point of view it felt like you wouldn’t sleep at all tonight, but from the other one.. you actually fell asleep just as fast as he did.
To nobody’s surprise you woke up first and actually flinched at the sight of sleeping Diego inches from your own face.
Your mind went running with ideas what happened and what’s going on until you realised the real deal and your brain caught up to yesterday’s shenanigans.
It was a wild ride and you were thankful that now it’s - most probably - over.
Your eyes were subconsciously scanning his face, until you realised what you’re doing, but you didn’t stop even then.
You’ve never been this close to his face yet and now you could admire and explore every part of it.
Having feelings for a friend that’s laying in the same bed with you at the moment is really not the healthiest thing that could’ve happened to you, huh..
You actually froze and your heart started racing billion times faster when you realised that you have a weight of his arm around your waist, pulling you closer from his sleep.
He grunted and his nose was now in your hair, shuffling a little to get more comfortable.
You had no idea how to change positions, especially when being held by such a strong arm as his and you got a feeling like Diego might actually wake up just about now, so the best solution that came into your mind was to forcefully close your eyes shut and pretend that you’re still sleeping.
He did, indeed, wake up. You were suddenly pushed to the other side of the bed, arm disappearing from your waist and a waterfall of curses fell from his lips quietly.
You used up all your acting stamina to make a believable scene of you gaining your conscious from the deep slumber that you were obviously in, stretched your arms for a good effect and finally opened your eyes.
You immediately signed up for a staring contest as soon as you looked at him and smiled a little. His face remained unreadable but perhaps a little bit flustered?.. But you may be reading too much into it.
“Hi,” you said with a higher tone than intended and Diego just nodded at that.
You tried your luck by addressing the elephant in the room right away, you never liked ignoring the problems that were always looming over you, “care to tell me what happened yesterday?”
He drew a big sigh and rested his head back on the pillow, looking up at the ceiling.
You couldn’t stop looking at him. At first because you really wanted to know the mystery, but the longer you looked at him, the more you realised that you’re just admiring the beauty that he holds, until his words fell like a dead weight right onto your shoulders.
“I found Eudora’s body yesterday. I couldn’t get to the place in time and someone killed her.”
It felt like what he said was simply a trick of your imagination. You liked Eudora yourself, she was a very intelligent and an interesting person, you two often hung out and that feeling didn’t cease even after you found out that she and Diego started dating.
And��even when they broke up some months after, you still found your way to spend time with her. So did Diego.
You wanted to cry, but thought that it might be insensitive towards him, because he was much closer to her than you were, so you tried to swallow your forming tears down.
“I’m.. I’m so sorry, Diego..”
“It’s your loss too, I know it, y/n,” he looked at you with much softer look this time.
“Come here,” he said a little bit hesitantly and opened up one arm towards you.
This was unusual, but maybe last night’s events tore down some walls?.. Who knows.
You almost threw yourself into his embrace and once your forehead rested on his chest, you started crying.
From everything, honestly. There’s been problems at work, your seemingly unrequited feelings for Diego didn’t help much either and now you learned that you lost one of your friends.
He started rubbing circles on your back, just letting you get those emotions out, while you two were hugging each other on the bed in your apartment.
And as you slowly started to calm down, he said a gentle, “it’s gonna be okay. We’re gonna be okay”
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beetlelands · 3 years
im just gonna post some of these back to back bc why not. this draft is from october 2019 and is aptly titled “ruh roh ghost lad." but this is the one where beej gets stuck as a ghost in the maitland-deetz house
With a poof, Beetlejuice was on the roof of the Maitland-Deetz house. He groaned, opening his eyes. “Where am I?” He questioned quietly, looking around the area. He was quick to recognize his destination. “Wait what no, how did I get here? God/Satan please send me back,” he muttered to himself. He tried his best to teleport himself away, but he couldn’t go anywhere. He tried to fly away but ended up on Saturn so he was quick to fly back to the roof.
Beetlejuice sunk down to his knees, begging to god/satan- or perhaps the person who sent him there in the first place.
“Dammit!” he shouted in frustration, slamming his hand down on the tiling of the roof.
He heard the window begin to rattle as it was being opened. Muttering a string of curses to himself, Beetlejuice teleported himself to the other side of the roof, hiding. He heard the familiar voice of Barbara Maitland say “I told you there’s nothing out here honey, stop being so paranoid.” With that the window shut once more.
Beetlejuice sighed, slumping down the side of the chimney. He was trapped in the plane of the Maitland/Deetz house. The place he was killed- not that he was still salty about that or anything. He refused to believe he was a simple ghost. He was still a demon- he had to be- maybe he was just trapped.
That’s when an idea struck him- he needed to see Lydia. If she said his name three times, he could return to the living plane like before. Sure, it might be hard to get her to say his name, but the two of them were BFFFFs forever. She had to help him, it was his only choice. He needed to get out of there and Lydia was his ticket home.
Begrudgingly, Beetlejuice floated down to Lydia’s room. The blinds were closed, so he knocked on the window. When she opened the blinds, he was out of sight. He phased through the wall and took a seat at the end of the bed. Beetlejuice watched as the girl narrowed her eyes, peering out the window. “Must’ve been a bird,” she shrugged before turning around to see none other than Lawrence Beetlejuice Shoggoth.
“What the hell are you doing here?”
“Oh c’mon Lyds, I know you missed me.” Beetlejuice teased, but the girl merely rolled her eyes, giving him a stern look. “Fine, I missed you- no okay even I didn’t believe that.”
She couldn’t help but smile a little at that, “You love me, don’t try to deny it.” The demon pretended to throw up, which caused Lydia to laugh but she was quick to stop herself. She regained the same serious tone she had earlier, “You know my family isn’t going to want you here.”
“But do you?” He asked, earning a confused look in return. “Lydia, do you want me to leave?”
“I don’t know, Beej. If I say, yes will you go?” The teen asked playfully.
“Nope! But get this- I won’t leave, because I can’t.”
“Wait what?” Lydia’s smug expression fell.
“I am trapped here just like dear old Adam and Barbara. You may wonder ‘how?’ and to that I say- I don't know! But I have an idea on how I might be able to leave, and that involves you, scarecrow. I need you to say my name three times and maybe, just maybe, I can get out of here.”
“What if it doesn’t work?”
“Well then, we just have to test it to find out.”
“Beetlejuice,” the demon clenched his fists in anticipation. “Beetlejuice,” he closed his eyes, preparing himself. “Beetlejuice,” Lydia finished off, watching intently to see what would happen.
The bio-exorcist stayed quiet for a little bit before opening one eye to examine if anything had happened. Groaning, he opened his other eye. “I don’t feel any different.” He tried using his demonic powers but nothing happened, well there were a bit of sparks (which caused Lydia to giggle a little at his failure). He tried teleporting but that was to no avail. “I don’t have my demon powers. I’m… not a demon.” Lydia was understandably shocked. For as long as she knew Beetlejuice he was a demon, she couldn’t even picture him as anything else. “I’m a ghost, Lydia! A fucking ghost!” He shouted angrily, slamming his fist down on her bed post. She shushed him, causing him to take a few deep breaths, “Okay, sorry, sorry. Gotta keep quiet so the fam doesn’t find me, I know.”
Lydia scrunched her nose in disgust at the word ‘fam’ but knew that wasn’t nearly as important as what Beetlejuice just revealed about himself. “How can you no longer be a demon? Is that even possible? And you said you’re trapped here? In that case, it doesn’t matter if you’re quiet or not. It’s not like you can hide forever. Plus, maybe Adam and Barbara can help get you back to normal. Is there a way to get you back to normal? What if-”
The ex-demon placed a hand on the girl’s shoulder, causing her to look up at him. “I’ll be honest with you, I zoned out until you said Adam.”
The girl pushed his hand off her shoulder, “This is serious Beej. What if you’re trapped here forever like the Maitlands?”
“Then I’m trapped here forever with the Maitlands” he smirked.
Lydia scoffed, rolling her eyes. “There’s gotta be some reason you’re like this, and there has to be some way to get you back to the way you were.” Beetlejuice nodded in agreement. “First step to figuring this all out is to let everyone know what’s happening.”
She motioned for him to follow her. “Are you sure this is a good idea?”
“Nope but it’s all we got.” She shrugged and he copied the action.
Beetlejuice put his hand on the door before she could open it. “Okay but what if we prank them?”
“You know I’m always down to spook my family, but they’re not gonna be happy that you’re here to begin with. So we should take things easy, don’t overwhelm them, y’know?” He groaned and muttered complaints under his breath as he moved his hand from the door.
Lydia led Beetlejuice downstairs. No one was in the living room, so she loudly screamed for a family meeting.
Charles bolted into the room, Delia excitedly following him. The Maitlands sank down from the ceiling, clearly stressed by the teen’s yelling.
“I can’t believe you called a family meeting, Lydia!” Delia said cheerfully, not noticing the ex-demon standing behind Lydia.
“Get away from her” Charles commanded, glaring angrily at Beetlejuice. Sure, they didn’t leave off on a bad foot, but he was not going to let history repeat itself. Delia flinched at his shouting before seeing who he was talking to.
“Oh c’mon, Chuck. Aren’t you happy to see your son-in-law?” Beej teased, earning death glares from all of the adults in the room. “Too soon?” He asked, feigning innocence. Lydia laughed at the inappropriate joke. “See this guy gets it” Beetlejuice smiled, nudging the teen.
Delia placed a hand on Charles’ arm, a silent plea for him to remain calm. Adam placed his arm out in front of Barbara. She looked to him and he shook his head. With a sigh, she backed down, holding onto her husband’s hand for her emotional stability.
“Beetlejuice is trapped here as a ghost like Barbara and Adam.” Lydia states, breaking the tension in the room. Confusion was plastered on the adults’ features.
“How?” Adam asked slowly, hesitantly.
“Good question, really good question. However, we don’t have a really good answer.” Beetlejuice verbally danced around the answer.
“What does that mean?” Charles furrowed his eyebrows.
“He doesn’t know how this all happened.” The teen clarified with a shrug. “I thought that maybe my resident ghost parents could help us figure out what happened to him.”
Barbara narrowed her eyes at the ex-demon, not buying his act. Adam, however, smiled softly and said, “Of course we’ll help, Lydia.”
“If you’re staying here, we’re gonna need to lay down some ground rules.” Charles stated, eyes locked on Beetlejuice.
He met his eyes with an almost wicked smile, “Of course, Chuck.”
Lydia groaned dramatically, “it’s not like he can do much. He’s a ghost now, not a demon.”
“Ghosts need boundaries too” Barbara retorted.
“I think the most obvious rule is that you cannot marry Lydia again.” Delia said, earning nods from the adults in the room.
Beetlejuice groaned, “how many times do I have to say that it was a green card thing!?! Even I’m not creepy enough to actually try to marry Lydia. She’s like 3!”
“I’m almost 16, Beej.” She rolled her eyes.
“Exactly you’re 3. Now quiet down tot, the grown ups are talking.” He teased. She stuck her tongue out at him and he stuck his out at her.
“You’re not one to talk about age Beetlejuice. You may be extremely old, but you’re less mature than Lydia.” Charles spoke snidely. Both the ex-demon and his daughter seemed offended by the statement.
“Rule number two: no pranks.” Adam spoke up, trying to change the subject.
“What? That’s not fair!” Beej protested at the same time Lydia asked “Have you met us?”
“The last time you two pulled pranks, you scared people to the point that the passed out!” Barbara explained.
“Just because a couple of cowards couldn’t take a scare, doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t be able to prank. Plus, That Beautiful Sound was a whole bop and our dance sequence was phenomenal.” Beetlejuice said defensively. Everyone except for Lydia gave him a confused look.
“Please don’t take away our pranks! We’ll tone them down, I promise.” Lydia bartered, giving both sets of parents puppy dog eyes.
Adam cracked first, then Delia, then Barbara. Charles didn’t crack until, with a frown, she muttered a quiet “please dad.”
“Okay fine. Rule number two is no big pranks. Just try not to do anything that will put yourself or others into harm’s way.” Charles amended.
“Rule three: don’t physically harass us, Beetlejuice.” Barbara said, crossing her arms sternly.
“Define physically harass…” BJ said furrowing his brows.
“Don’t grope or touch either of us inappropriately, don’t kiss us, and don’t make inappropriate jokes at our expense. I’m not just gonna take it this time.” Barbara said. Maitlands 2.0!
“Fair enough, Babs. But don’t pretend you didn’t like it.” He joked, earning the most terrifying look from Barbara. “Okay okay sorry, I was just kidding.”
Adam lightly rubbed his thumb in circles on Barbara’s hand, causing her to relax and saving Beetlejuice from her wrath.
“Rule four: no lashing out. In this house we try to maintain a calming aura, all matters can be solved through (calm) communication.” Delia smiled. Beetlejuice resisted to roll his eyes.
“I’d say the final rule is to not go into anyone’s bedroom unless you’re invited in. Snooping or just disturbing the peace is highly frowned upon, so just watch yourself. If any more rules are to be added in the future, you are expected to follow them as well.” Charles concluded.
“As you wish, Chuckles.” Beej said with a posh accent, bowing dramatically. Lydia giggled at his antics, but as usual, she was the only one to appreciate his jokes.
“We will leave you to figure out how all of this happened.” Delia stated with a soft smile, she lead Charles out of the room, and motioning for Lydia to follow. Hesitantly, she did. She mouthed to BJ that she’d be back in a bit.
“I don’t believe you.” Barbara said as soon as she heard the door down the hall close.
“What? What’s there to not believe? Wouldn’t you think I’d prefer to leave than stay somewhere where I’m clearly not wanted?”
“Well you weren’t exactly wanted the first time-“ Adam started, but was cut off by the ex-demon.
“I was selfish then. Goal oriented, if you will. I just wanted to be alive! But I’ve been down that track and seems like life just wasn’t meant for me. But here we are now, and I’m trapped with my killers.”
“Lydia is the one who stabbed you with bad art.” Adam stayed matter-of-factly.
“But you convinced me I was wanted. You kissed me.” He accused Adam. “And you flirted with me.” He pointed at Barbara. “You played to my senses to emotionally manipulate me! And you think I’m here by choice?”
Barbara frowned. He had left so confidently. There didn’t seem to be any hard feelings. But here they were. “Beetlejuice, I believe that you’re stuck here. I just meant that I didn’t believe you were telling the whole truth. But I’m sorry for what we did, we just wanted what was best for Lydia and that seemed like the only option.”
Beej took a breath, remembering Delia’s dumb rule. “What do you mean by you don’t believe I’m telling the whole truth?”
“You have to know how you got here.” Barbara said.
“Okay yeah fair enough. I’m pretty sure I know how and why I’m here but not how I can leave.”
“Wh- it was just that easy?” Adam asked. “All Barbara had to do was call you out?”
“The netherworld is full of paperwork
and again, an abrupt ending! because past me sucked <3
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kyber-kisses · 4 years
Southern Nights (2/4)
Dean Winchester x Reader
Warnings: all of the feels, and fluff. Dean being the softest boi
Summary: After a situation with the BMoL, Dean finds himself running towards the person he fears for the most besides his brother. But even when he finds her safe and alive, he can see that something isnt right.
a/n: Ahhh so you know how i said it would be two parts? I lied. Its gonna be four. Anyways I hope you enjoy and feedback is greatly appreciated.
Part 1
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You had been uncommonly quiet.
Throughout the day Dean had continued to watch you closely, like he could somehow piece together what was going on with you just by watching. Even after they had packed it all in for the night, you remained much more quiet than normal as you moved around the kitchen to make dinner. Every once and awhile you would hum along to a tune on the radio but that was about it.
“You okay, Dean?”
The hunter sat up straight at the sound of his name on your lips, his arms folded over the kitchen island. “Me?”
“. . .Yeah?” You paused cutting up an onion to look at him. “Who else would I be talking to named Dean?”
He swallowed before quickly nodding. “Yeah, yeah im fine. Why do you ask?”
Shrugging you went back to work, the sound of the knife hitting the cutting block muffling radio momentarily. “You've just seemed quiet that's all.”
“Me? You're the one that's been quiet all of today!”
You looked up from your work once more, eyebrows raised at Dean as you slid the contents off the block and into a pan. “I haven't been quiet. Ive talked to you and Sam today-”
“No that's not-” letting a hand slide down his face he stood up, walking around the island towards you. “I'm just saying, you haven't been as talkative as you usually are. You haven't cracked a single joke today. Not one.”
“I'm sorry?” you tired, not really seeing where Dean was going with this.
“You're always cracking jokes and making lighthearted comments. You haven't done that at all. Whats going on?”
“Why do you think somethings going on if im not telling jokes?” You laughed lightly, reaching around him for a pepper.
“Um- because that's who you are? energetic, lively, funny Y/N.”
“Well I’m sorry, I was a little busy helping you and Sam find your missing mother.” You began, your knife going through the pepper with much more force than needed as you began dicing.
“I just want to know if your okay, that nothings bothering you-“
“Dean, I am Fi--” Your words were stopped short as you yelped, knife dropping to the block as you drew your hand back. “Fuck-” sure enough you had managed to cut yourself, the blood leaving the slice in your finger to run down your wrist.
“Jeez, Y/N-” Dean was in action before you could stop him, moving forward to gently guide you towards the sink. “This might sting for a sec.” Flipping on the faucet he let your put your hand under the flow of water.
“Ive been through much worse, Dee. I think ill live.”
“Im sorry, this was my fault.” Dean sighed, inspecting the slice in your finger.
“Last time I checked I was the one wielding the kitchen knife.”
“I know- but I-” You pressed a finger to his lips, shaking your head. “Don’t. If you wanna really help me you can grab the first aid kit that's in the cupboard.” You nodded your head in the direction you were talking about. “Got it?”
Lowering your hand you gave him a soft smile. Why was he always doing that? Blaming himself for no apparent reason. Putting your hand back under the faucet you focused back on the cut until Dean was back at your side.
“Will you at least let me patch you up? To make up for pestering you?” He tried, clicking open the lid and rummaging through it for bandages.
You let out a dramatic sigh before sitting yourself down on the kitchen island. “I guess . . .i mean, it is very hard to say no to that face.”
that got a chuckle out of the hunter before he slotted himself between your legs and carefully taking your cut hand in his to inspect. “I know, I'm a goddamn gift aren't I?”
“Oh, I wouldn't go that far.” You smiled, using your free hand to prop you up as you watched him disinfect and wrap the cut. Every once and awhile Dean would look up from his work, eyes finding yours before giving you an almost timid smile.
Bastard. He really had to stop doing that if the two of you were going to try to continue only being friends. You could hear the little voice in your head screaming arms length away! Arms length away!
At that same moment one Sam Winchester came walking back into the room, hair still wet from his recent shower. At the sight of the first aid kit and the scattered materials he paused on the other side of the island.
“What the hell happened?”
“You're brother stabbed me.” You stated bluntly, sliding back off the granite counter and bumping your chest against Deans as you did. Weasling past him you gave him a pat on the shoulder.
“hey, no I didn't!”
“That’s exactly what a person who just stabbed someone would say.”
“Why you little--” You cut him off yet again, this time handing over the kitchen knife to him with an amused grin. For a moment Dean could see the normal you again, and he couldn't help but smile back.
But something was still there. He could see it under your smile and the glint in your eyes.
“You goin somewhere?”
“Uh, yeah. I called dibs on the shower next. You two can finish up dinner.” Backtracking away you gave them both a wink before disappearing around the corner. Once you had vanished Dean let the facade drop before whirling around to look at his brother.
Dean waited another second, making sure you were out of earshot before planting his palms firmly on the island. “Alright, tell me if I’m crazy— but Y/Ns acting a little off isn't she?”
“Off in what way?”
“Off in like- she’s not her usually energetic let’s go kill some monsters attitude.”
“I mean. . .maybe?” The younger Winchester shrugged, not quite understanding what his brother was getting at. “She did say she was spending the week resting up after that rugaru Hunt. She’s probably a little drained from that.”
Dean ran his palms down his face, “yeah, but think about it. Jody said she had been here for almost five weeks. Five, Sam! Five! When have we ever known Y/N to stay in one place for that long? Hell, even during thanksgiving last year she only stayed a few days before running off towards another case.”
“I don’t know what to tell you, Dean. Maybe if you’re so worried about her just try talking to her?”
Dean sent his brother another glare. “Have you not seen me trying to do that all day? She just keeps acting like she’s fine- and I know for a fact that she is not.”
Shaking his head in defeat, Sam moved past his brother to continue making dinner. “She loves you Dean. Anyone can see it, and I know you can too. She’ll open up as long as you actually try. And if you love her, you will.”
*        *         *          *
Thankfully Dinner had been more lively than the rest of the day. And for awhile you actually had managed to almost convince Dean you were fine. The three of you spending a good few hours seated at the kitchen table and reminiscing about days gone past. You were cracking jokes again, and laughing at his. From across the table Dean would watch as the corners of your eyes would crinkle and you would double over in laughter. If he could he would stay in this moment forever. One where you all were happy and full of energy.
and then that perfect little image had to fade.
It was almost like you ran out of steam or something because your laughter slowly pattered out and it was like watching you cave in on yourself. You became quiet again, losing yourself in thought as you washed the dishes. Dean couldn't stop himself from glancing over at you each time you passed him a plate or dish to dry. That dullness behind your eyes. Leaning backwards, he made eye contact with his brother. The younger Winchester slowly beginning to see what he was talking about.
“You know what, I can finish up here Y/N. You've already done so much for us.” Sam pipped up, putting a reassuring hand on your back.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, of course.”
Raising your hands in surrender you backed away from the sink. “Well then go for it I guess.” You sighed. “Ill be on the porch if you need me.” retreating from the kitchen once more, you paused at the threshold. “Dean, you comin?”
“Oh, uh- yeah. Yeah ill be out in a sec. Im gonna help Sam finish up.” Dean quickly stuttered. He watched as you gave him a puzzled look before walking away. Not a second later a soapy hand smacked the back of his head.
“Why'd you do that? That was probably the perfect time to talk to her.”
“I. . .Panicked?”
“You-” Sam paused, pinching the bridge of his nose. “You panicked? Since when do you panic around Y/N?”
“I don't know! Sue me!” Dean whisper snapped, rubbing the suds off the back of his head from where his brother had smacked him.
There was another round of silence before a grin slowly spread across Sam's face as he watched his brother. “God, you are so in love with her aren't you?”
“Shut up.”
“Its cute.”
“Dammit Sammy, I said shut up.” Dean growled, wiping his hands off with a towel before throwing it on the counter and walking out of the kitchen and in the direction you had gone.
Dean was expecting to have to search for you, but it only took two steps out the front door to find you. Between the string of yellowish porch lights and the yard lights in the planter boxes you were easy to find. The sun had set hours ago, but the night air was still warm, and the stars were brighter than usual. You were stretched out in the grass, drowning in the sea of life around you as blades of grass tickled the soles of your feet. You were fiddling with the dials of your old radio when you heard the bang of the screen door, looking up.
“You okay?”
“Sam again?”
“. . .Yeah.” Dean sighed, making his way down the steps before stopping and sitting on the last one. “But its nothing. You dont need to worry.”
“I always worry.”
“I know.’ He paused, watching as you sat up and swung your body around to face him. “You must really like it here.”
You shrugged, setting the radio down in the grass as some oldies playlist softly fell through the speakers. “Yeah. Its quiet here. Unlike every sketchy motel in America.”
“Yeah. You’re right about that.” He lightly chuckled, pausing only for a moment when you got up and moved to sit down next to him, hands wrapped around your knees.
The two of you sat like that for awhile, letting a comfortable silcen fall between you. No words spoken. Just easy silence. During that time it felt like the world had stopped. The only sound being the soft hum of the radio next to you and the even softer drone of katydids and crickets that seemed to come from everywhere. At some point a yellow tabby cat slunk across the grass just beyond reach of the porch lights, jumping up to swat at a lightning bug.
After a few minutes you spoke up again, your voice soft. “Thats another thing I like about you.”
“Your a good person to sit with. You always offer silent comfort when needed. Sometimes before I realize I even need it.”
A small smile fell across his lips as he turned his head to look at you, surprised to find you already looking back. You were much closer than he originally realized, and he felt his breath hitch in his throat. You could feel his breath fan across your lips when he exhaled.
God, you were so close- so fucking close. The temptation to close the remainder of the gap between you had Deans heart doing barrel rolls. It was like some silence dance between the two of you, both set of eyes meeting before focusing on lips- and then back up to eyes.
And then the moment was severed when you pulled back, shaking it off.
Dean sucked in a breath after watching you for another moment. “You gonna really tell me what’s going on with you?” He finally spoke, making sure to keep his voice soft as yours, afraid to disturb the serenity laid out in front of you.Somewhere in the distance a dog barked.
“Does it really matter?”
“Yes. Because I’m worried and can see that you aren’t your usual self.”
You didn’t make eye contact, instead you kept your gaze on the tabby stalking through the grass. Why were you so afraid to say it out loud? It had been gnawing at you for days now but actually saying it? And to Dean no less?
“Dean, I think I’m gonna quit hunting.”
SPN Taglist (Still open!)
@familybusinesswritingbro@a–1–1–3 @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce @music-is-all-i-need @agusdoti @callmekda @jordangdelacruz @orphiceseum @andthatsmyworld @marvelfangirllll @fandomnerdespressourself @gladiosamicitias @castielsangelsx @lxstgxrl-ck @tis-i-the-wayward-idgit @amendoise @phoenixuprisingsstuff @ericalynne007 @kaitlaitlaitl  @totallyluciferr @supernaturalenchanted @dolanfivsosxox@supernatural-ocs @emptycanvasposts @akshi8278 @defenderrosetyler @heyyy-hey-babyyy @supernaturalenchanted@emptycanvasposts @vicmc624 @all-will-be-well-love@busy-bee-angel-misska @starsandmidnightblue @lilulo-12fanfiction @beanie-beebo @xoxoaudreymarie @greenarrowhead @mrsjenniferwinchester  @mysticalfuncollectorus @brebolin @biahblue @noahandthegiraffe @hhiggs​
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