#//oh man I have so many of these asks that my replies have gotta be short
femonologue · 2 months
Many years ago, I was wandering around downtown Ottawa with my best friend. We ran into a friend of his who offered us some hash (it sucked), then said there was a really good house party nearby if we wanted to go. We were like, yeah, sure. So that's how we ended up at some completely fucking random person's house.
I look around to ask if my friend knows anyone here and he's simply gone, as is his friend. And this isn't some red solo cup hangout; this is a party. There's people counting out pills on the kitchen counter. I am clearly neither as cool nor as drug-savvy as the kitchen people, so I back away and instead wander aimlessly into the living room, which seems to give off more of a chill vibe.
A bunch of people are seated in a circle on the floor. One of them is fiddling with a big wad of newspaper or something. A really cute grunge girl with piercings and tattoos scoots aside to make room for me, so I sit down.
"What's that," I ask her, gesturing at the newspaper wad.
She gets a really big smile on her face. You know the smile. It's the I'm About To Watch This Innocent Soul Get High As Fuck smile. "You've never smoked a tulip?"
"What's a tulip?" I ask.
"It's like if a joint was also a bong," she replies. "You gotta try it."
"Alright," I reply, a little uncertainly. This will not be my first encounter with weed. I am more comfortable with the janky newspaper bong than I am with whatever the fuck is going on in the kitchen. Besides, this girl is really cute and I would like to have a friend here now that my existing friend has turned into vapor or been transported to the Upside-Down or whatever the hell happened to him.
I watch as one person holds the newspaper joint-bong upright and holds a lighter over the top while another gets beneath it, tilting their head back to take a puff. Apparently smoking this Cheech & Chong monstrosity is a two-person job.
"Oh," I say, looking at the fist-sized knob at the top of the wonky newspaper joint. "Yeah, it does kinda look like a tulip." Grunge girl smiles at me.
I watch as the tulip is passed around the circle, along with the lighter, and hits are cooperatively taken. It reaches grunge girl, who takes a huge puff and holds it for an extended moment before exhaling an impressive blast of smoke. She smiles expectantly and holds the tulip up for me, preparing to spark the gigantic meteor of dank that makes up its tip. By this point I have completely forgotten about my missing friend. I only care about making a good impression on grunge girl. I tilt my head back and hit the tulip like a smokestack.
It is the following morning. I am sleeping between a couch and a wall. I'm not positive that this is the same house I was just in. My memories are gone. Someone is yelling at me: "dude! Dude! Wake up, dude!"
I sit up. My mouth tastes like cigarettes. I do not smoke cigarettes. "Wha," I ask the yelling man, who I am quite confident I have never met before in my life.
"We're going on a quest," he tells me, gravely. "You have to come with us."
I look around. Neither my friend nor his friend are anywhere in sight. I also do not see grunge girl anywhere. I shrug helplessly. "Okay."
We embark from this house. I learn that the destination of this quest is Tim Horton's. This is a relief to me, as coffee and a donut sounds really fucking good right now. Somehow, the route to Tim Horton's takes us past the Governor-General's residence, which everyone else in the group loudly heckles on the way past. I do not know what the Governor-General has done to raise their ire, nor do I particularly care. I trudge along with my hands in my pockets, pleased to note that I still have my wallet, phone, and keys. I fervently wish that I could remember anything about last night. Maybe I talked to grunge girl. Maybe she's why my mouth tastes like cigarettes. The tulip tasted nothing like cigarettes.
I am asked about my politics. I voice my frustrations with corporate corruption, the pay-to-win electoral system, the lack of transparency and accountability. This is met with great approval. The guy who was yelling at me claps me on the back. I get the impression that we became friends last night. I don't recognize his face. I do not know his name and he definitely does not know mine. I behave as though we're friends anyway. We are comrades on a quest.
By the time we make it to Tim Hortons, the gaggle of stoners I'm walking with have all run out of energy and/or attention span. People order snacks and break away in pairs or solo, to call for rides or plan the day's events or just vegetate and wait for the drugs to leave their systems. I look around and find that my nameless friend has also gone to the Upside-Down. As I wash the cigarette taste out of my mouth with coffee, I unsuccessfully try to remember whether I saw grunge girl smoking tobacco at any point. I remember nothing. That tulip was so fucking powerful that it instantly sent me a whole day forward in time.
Alone in the city, I try to call my best friend and get no answer. I walk to the nearest bus stop, catch a bus most of the way home, and call up my parents to ask for a ride back. They ask where my friend is. I tell them that I have no idea; we went to a house party and I don't remember anything else.
When they pick me up from the bus station, they ask me some very safe, nonspecific questions, and seem to relax when I describe what little I can remember. It isn't until years later that I realize they were probably terrified I'd gotten rufied or something, and were so relieved to learn otherwise that they didn't even bother chiding me for smoking myself unconscious in an effort to impress a strange woman. In any case, they were probably happy to find out that I did, in fact, like girls; I suspect they had been privately wondering whether I was gay.
After getting home, I finally manage to get my best friend to answer his phone. I discover that he tried the kitchen pills, spent most of the night crossing the entire city on foot, and crashed at his cousin's house. He sounds like shit. I tell him that he should have tried the tulip, instead. He fervently agrees with me.
I never see grunge girl again.
That's okay, though. She got to see a clueless stranger get fucked the entire way up on some ungodly strain of giga-weed, and I got smiled at by a cute girl, and then I got to go on a quest. Wherever grunge girl is, I hope she's happy. I hope she's smoking the fattest fucking blunt and smiling as some kid passes out behind a couch.
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chunghasweetie · 6 days
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— part 1
— pairing | fem!oc x dealer!jjk
— summary | after a petty argument jungkook spots you showing out at a party with the hosts arm around your waist
— warning | bad writing (i’m doing my best)
unprotected sex, toxic fwb, lots cursing, jealousy, angst, ratchet behavior, dirty talk, angry sex, belittling, drinking, smoking🍃, womanizer behavior, breeding kink, both 🚩🚩 , daddy kink, degrading, slapping (face), false accusations, double standards
— word count | 6.2k words
— song suggestion | love you like me — william singe
He was blocked once again.
He didn’t even know for what this time.
Well, he had a good idea.
Running his mouth again. They always argued and he was always blocked and unblocked.
This time he think he actually irritated you.
“Goddamnit Y/n.” He cursed. He pissed you off once again but now his number and his Instagram was both blocked by you.
For some reason this time irked him more than the others.
“You’re still stressing over that girl?” Jimin plopped on the couch next to him.
“I can’t believe you still fuckin on her.” Taehyung walked in, taking a seat on the couch too.
“That’s my girl ya’ll know that.” Jungkook bit his lip, staring at his blank phone screen.
“You need to get like how you used to. 3 or more at a time. Always.” Jimin spoke, “You used to be like that. You used to make fun of guys like you. Now you’re giving out free shit to some girl.”
“I mean he does get pussy from it but like, only her bro?” Taehyung looked at Jungkook. “You used to have all these girls on you. Stephanie, Nari, Seunghee, Belle, Maya… What happened to you man?”
Jungkook thought about what they said. “Shits just different now.”
“Oh my gosh she’s ruined you.” Jimin groaned. “Nah man. We’re going to a Jackson party.”
“He’s having a party?” Jungkook looked up from his phone. “Why haven’t I heard anything about it?”
“Because you’re too busy stressin’ about some bitch.” Jimin shook his head.
Before Jungkook could correct him, Jimin corrected himself. “Some girl. Before you start.”
“Anyway, it’s tonight.” Taehyung spoke.
“So bring whatever cash you got and we’re definitely gonna send you home with a girl or two.” Jimin swung his arm around his shoulder.
“Oh shit I think she’s posting about you Jeon!” Taehyung was on her phone, immediately making Jungkook’s head snap over.
“No man.” He laughed. “We really gotta get you more girls. You need more pussy than just her.”
“Yeah, no more Y/n.” Jimin shook his head.
“I’m so jealous.” Seungyeon swooned over the text messages on your phone.
“I don’t see why. This looks annoying as hell.” Elkie rolled her eyes.
Lemme come over
I got shit for you and your friends
Omg fucking answer
You’re mad annoying
I ain’t even mean what I said fr just reply 😭
“I think it’s cute. And hilarious.” Seungyeon chuckled. “What made you block him this time?”
“He was bragging about how many girls he sells to. How they’re all pretty and thick as hell. So I just said ‘cool’ and blocked him.” You shrugged.
You and your friends had been getting ready for hours for a Jackson Wang party they had personally been invited to.
“You better not hope he doesn’t pull up tonight.” Elkie spoke.
“Yeah Y/n. Taehyung’s going and I’m sure they’ll try to convince him.” Seungyeon told her.
“He’s probably too busy getting high in his room.” Elkie replied. “Or selling in the east side.”
“Wouldn’t doubt it.” You shook your head. “I kinda do wish he would be there though.”
“Is his dick really that good?” Elkie asked you as she was baking her makeup.
“Unfortunately it is. Like, real good.” You started to get flashbacks.
“Here she goes.” Seungyeon rolled her eyes.
“He fucks me sooo good yall don’t get it.” You began. “Even though he’s annoying and shit I’ve never had dick like his. Once we started recording our shit I can’t stop rewatching.”
“You aren’t worried he’ll show people?” Elkie asked.
“They’re all on my phone. He only has a few. Even if he does show his homeboys it’s whatever. He’s damn near louder than me anyway.” You told her.
Your phone went off, making you look over at it to see the notification.
kplug🍃 has added you on Snapchat
“Oh my gosh.” You said out loud, immediately making the girls look over.
“He fucking added you on Snapchat!” Elkie laughed out loud, “He’s crazy”
“And on his plug account?” Seungyeon’s eyes widened. “He’s obsessed.•
“What can I say? This pussy makes him insane.” You jokingly boasted.
“Did you add him back?” Seungyeon asked.
“Nah not yet. I’ll wait until I’m almost done getting ready.” You tossed your phone on your bed.
“Yeah that’ll be better.” Elkie nodded.
“Ugh I need to hurry anyway. I’m tryna look good tonight.” You groaned, looking at your barely half done makeup.
No matter what it was, you loved to look good. You were a confident woman who took pride in her appearance.
Tonight mattered. You hadn’t took good pictures in quite some time and Jackson’s party was the best place to take them at.
You had just changed up your hair last night. You had a brown base with blonde highlights. And for tonight you decided to add gold and bronze tinsel to elevate your look.
Your friends always had the same energy, wanting to look as good as they could even if it was a simple occasion.
Seungyeon and Elkie definitely showed out with you tonight.
You all had skimpier outfits on tonight. You were a low cut brown latex top with a matching black mini skirt.
Your heels were black and the strings wrapped up around your mid calf. You sprayed your expensive perfume all over, making sure you smelt as good as you looked.
Your makeup was finally done for the night and it couldn’t have looked better. You looked incredible.
The girls had taken some pre party pics in your room, posting on all social media.
“Oh Y/n! Add him back.” Seungyeon told you.
You nodded, adding Jungkook back on Snapchat.
“He’s gonna see all our videos at the party. He’s gonna regret saying all that shit to you.” Elkie laughed. “Gonna see so many dudes all up on you and start punching walls and shit.”
“He probably already is and we haven’t even left the house yet.” Seungyeon laughed with her. “The pictures we posted right now are enough to make him tear his hair out.”
“Damn right.” You giggled. “Yall got everything? I’m about to order the Uber.”
Both girls nodded, making sure they had everything they needed.
kplug🍃 just sent you a snap
You looked at the notification, “Hm.” You hummed to yourself, not opening his snap quite yet.
Once the uber pulled up all of the girls climbed in, taking more pictures in the backseat on the drive there.
You lived in a nice area, but nothing compared to Jackson’s place.
The location was one of his many homes,
“Jackson lives so far from us.” Elkie looked at the map on her phone.
“Yeah but his area is so nice. It’s worth it.” Seungyeon added. “I wonder how many people are gonna be there.”
“Girl you know it’s gonna be so packed we gonna have to get dropped off damn near a mile away.” You laughed.
“You better hope Jungkook doesn’t show up.” Elkie looked over at you, who was just opening his snap.
The snap was him a car, sitting in a car full of tackily dressed women right corner of him. One of the girls was taking the picture for him.
“I should’ve just shut up.” Elkie covered her mouth. “They’re definitely going.”
“He’s petty as hell!” Seungyeon looked over at your screen. “What does he expect you to say to that?”
“Probably nothing.” Y/n turned off the phone. “He wants to be like that he can go right ahead.”
“You’re so cool about it.” Seungyeon looked at her in amazement. “I would’ve went batshit crazy.”
“I’m not trippin because I’m not holding back at this party.” She laughed.
“Why would you guys do me like this?”
“You’re so dramatic.” Jimin rolled his eyes. “We found you a car full of girls to take to the party and you’re complaining.”
“Didn’t ask for it. Y’all make me look like a charity case. I could’ve gotten plenty at Jackson’s.”
“Whatever.” Taehyung rolled his eyes. “You know how much play she’s gonna get there? And you’re gonna have to watch it alllll.”
“Yeah man. You’re gonna have to watch all sorts of dudes kissing up on her and shit. You’re gonna look like a bitch.” Jimin added.
“Exactly. So let us help you bro.” Taehyung smiled. “Come on it’ll be worth it. Plus, you look great man. She’ll be unblocking you in no time.”
Jungkook and the boys got in the car full of women, instantly leeching onto them.
“Hello ladies” Jimin greeted, buckling up.
“Hiii Jiminnn” They replied in union, almost fighting to talk to him.
One of them turned to Jungkook, immediately biting her lip. “Hey Kookie.”
“Hey Oliver.” He exhaled.
“It’s Olivia” She laughed. “You’re like— so funny!” Her annoying voice rang in his ears.
“Oh— my bad.”
The girls had tried talking Jungkook the entire ride there, trying to get him to open up and talk to them.
“Ouuu look at his phone.” One of the girls motioned.
“Omg look!” One was quick to snatch his phone, “He added Y/n on Snapchat, let’s send her something!”
“You guys should!” Taehyung added.
“No one needs to do that!” Jungkook tried to take it back but they already snapped pictures and sent them to Y/n on his phone.
Olivia passed the phone to Taehyung who kept repeating ‘give it to me’
“Taehyung what the hell!”
“It’s for your own good!” Taehyung held onto his phone for the rest of the ride there.
“Yep. I’m definitely gonna get sloppy drunk.” Seungyeon announced as they walked inside Jackson’s party.
“There’s no way you won’t. This shits fucking cool.” Elkie looked around the home.

People everywhere and the music was booming in all corners. Girls dancing damn near naked on tables and guys dancing around with empty shot glasses.
“Oh my gosh they’re here!” One of the guys accidentally said a bit too loud, making some heads turn towards the girls.
“Seungyeon come dance with us!”
“Y/n come on we already have shots for you!”
“Elkie come get on the table with us!”
Multiple people were trying to holler at them in attempt to get their attention.
“Yeah it’ll be hard to stay sober tonight.” Elkie laughed.
“Uh huh. And when Taehyung gets here I’m dipping.” Seungyeon giggled.
“You’re still fucking with him?!” Both girls snapped their heads.
“Y’all don’t get it! He is soooo fine whenever he talks to me I just wanna do whatever the hell he wants.” Seungyeon swooned.
“She can’t be serious.” Elkie looked at you. “So let me get this straight. You’re fucking on Taehyung and you’re fucking on Jungkook. Should I just dance with Jimin tonight? Since we’re the three musketeers all of a sudden.”
“Okay Jungkook was an accident!” You defended. “You wanted weed didn’t you!”
“Cut the crap! It was one time” Elkie shook her head. “I can’t believe you two.”
“Whatever.” Seungyeon rolled her eyes. “You should go with me when I go talk to Taehyung. Omg! We can all hang out tonight!”
“Uh, did you forget we’re not on the best terms?” You interrupted her fantasy.
“You never are. Get over it.” Seungyeon rolled her eyes. “Elkie pleaseeee.”
“I can’t believe you.” Elkie kept shaking her head. “You guys are sick.”
“Who’s sick?” A voice interrupted them. “I don’t need any illness spreading around at my party.”
“Omg Jackson!” Seungyeon gasped.
“Hey ladies. Hey Y/n.” He gave you a side hug. “I knew you guys would come showing out.”
“Always. You know us.” Elkie giggled.
Jackson knew the girls very well. They’ve been around since his early party days, helping him promote and build up his status for the parties.
You always went above and beyond for him, offering to even financially support the parties during the time.
Now Jackson was so rich his party budget skyrocketed. All because of those girls he was able to be where he was now. He was more than grateful.
“I know. I shouldn’t have expected any less.” He chuckled, “I’ll tell the security upstairs about yall so don’t sweat anything okay?”
“You got new security?” You questioned him.
“Fuck yeah I did. Last party the security was too drunk to even do their fucking job. I was pissed.” Jackson shook his head.
“Everything’s all good now though,” He continued. “Gotta nice new set up and it’ll do y’all real good. I promise you won’t be disappointed. You ladies have fun, okay?”
“Thank you Jackson.” The three girls bid their goodbyes. They didn’t expect to speak to him for long, especially since he was running a huge party.
“Let’s hang out down here for a bit and then make our way up yeah?” You suggested, earning a nod from the girls.
“Unless it’s too hard for Seungyeon to keep herself away from Taehyungie” Elkie teased her.
“Oh my gosh I hate you.” Seungyeon groaned.
“Speaking of Taehyungie,” You eyes behind her. “Here comes the man of the hour now.”
“With a shit ton of girls at that.”
Seungyeon snapped her head his way. “Oh my gosh.”
“Don’t look!” Elkie turned her attention. “Act unbothered. You can’t let him know you care. Like Y/n when Jungkook calls!”
“Yeah— Okay whatever.” You rolled your eyes. “But she’s right. He’s with hella girls. He’s not thinking about you right now. You can’t act like you’re waiting for him.”
“Look at you miss love expert.” Elkie teased you. “Let’s get you drinking Seungyeon.”
“Yes! Let’s drink! Finally.” You clapped your hands.
The girls walked off to the bar, plenty of people wanting to take shots with them.
The girls played a few drinking games and partied on tables just like the girls before you.
It would be a lie to say Jungkook’s eyes weren’t locked on you.
It was just him, Taehyung, and Jungkook in their own little section, a few guys coming up to talk to them here and there.
“Oh my gosh I hate you guys.” Jimin groaned. “Taehyung you can’t do this to me too.”
“She’s so bad Jimin. I’m almost as bad as Jeon.” Taehyung stared down Seungyeon.
“I thought you wanted to drown yourself in pussy! You were hyping me and Jungkook up earlier!”
“I’m a big fat liar okay!” Taehyung folded.
Seungyeon and you were both dancing on tables, lost in your own little world with drinks in your hands.
Jungkook hadn’t said anything in a minute. Simply staring.
Damn did you show out.
He watched as many guys threw themselves at you, begging you to come down so they could have a piece.
What could he expect? You were a beautiful woman blessed with a body others would pay millions for. You could actually dance and you had looks that could kill.
You were a heavily desirable woman. Especially at a party like this where everyone knew of you.
He knew you weren’t gonna go home with any of these guys. None of them stood a chance.
He didn’t understand how he had one if he was honest.
The way you two started— having intercourse was wild and random. Just a random string of flirty led to you giving it up for him.
Goddamnit he missed you. It was a petty argument like usual. Him getting blocked just to get unblocked in the morning.
This time bothered him more than the others. Especially seeing you like this.
“Shoutout to these lovely ladies right here!” Jackson suddenly announced, all three girls surrounding him.
“My day ones right here” He said proudly.
Jackson wrapped his arm around your waist, pecking your cheek.
Jungkook hadn’t realized you two had become so close.
Was he the reason Jungkook wasn’t unblocked yet?
“Especially Ms. Y/n here. Shit would not be possible without her.” He spoke, making everyone cheer. “Everyone treat them well tonight alright?”
Elkie and Seungyeon cheered before Jackson walked off, finishing his announcement.
Why would it not be possible without you?
None of it made sense to Jungkook.
He downed a shot, hissing at the aftermath. It made Jimin look over.
“Someone’s mad.”
“Shut up.” Jungkook huffed. “I have no reason to be.”
The girls were laughing together and drinking a bit more.
Seungyeon kept stealing glances at Taehyung.
“Oh my gosh. She’s going insane.” Elkie pointed out Seungyeon’s constant tabs on Taehyung.
“Alright we’re going upstairs.” You motioned both girls to follow you to the next story.
“Jimin we have to follow them.” Taehyung watched as they left to go upstairs.
The man rolled his eyes.
Jungkook looked over, seeing Jackson look over that way too.
“Yeah.” Jungkook opened up his mouth. “Let’s go.”
The boys shortly followed them, heading upstairs.
This level was just as intense as the first floor. The only difference was that these people smoked a bit more than they drank.
“So many bad bitches in here.” Jimin looked around. “Nice move Tae.”
“Man who cares? Where the hell is she?” Taehyung looked over.
“Goddamnit.” Jimin cursed, forced to walk over to your friend group with Taehyung.
Jungkook wasn’t too thrilled either. Especially because he didn’t know how you were going to be like.
“Hey Seungyeon.” Taehyung approached her, making her instantly turn her head.
Poor girl had been waiting for that man to talk to her all night.
“Oh. Hey.” She kept it short, just like you and Elkie told her to.
“Let me get you and your girl friends some more drinks yeah?” He offered, making it harder to fight and say no.
“Please.” She caved in, making everyone follow them to the bar.
“Fucking great.” Jimin mumbled.

It was awkward as hell. Two odd couples and two random friends all forced to hang out together.
All because of Seungyeon and Taehyung.
Taehyung got all of them drinks like he said, everyone drinking together to ease up a bit.
Taehyung and Seungyeon were lost in their own conversation.
They were so corny it was making everyone extremely nauseous.
“Are you proud of her?” Jimin shook his head, speaking to Elkie. “Your friend single-handedly ruined my friend group.”
“My friend? Your boy here started it all.” She argued.
“Like hell he did. She took advantage of him.” He told her.
She laughed. “Who’s the one who’s supposed to just drop the shit off and go?”
“You can’t blame a man for just tryna get some.” Jimin shrugged. “Not his fault.”
“You’re delusional.” Elkie rolled her eyes.
“I like how you speak to me. You wanna go make out?”
“Sure.” Elkie shrugged, walking off with Jimin.
You’ve got to be kidding me.
You were alone with Jungkook.
“So,” You began to speak. “Which girl in the car was your favorite?”
“Is that seriously how you’re gonna start this?” Jungkook stared you down.
“Hell yeah.” You chuckled. “You’re a fucking prick. You’re childish and you’re just down right stupid. Sending me some photo of some bitches. Made you feel so good being with other girls huh?”
Started off strong already.
“You know what, it did. They didn’t have a fucking loud mouth like you do. Didn’t have to hear a bunch of bullshit every two seconds.”
“See this is exactly why you’re blocked.” You scoffed. “You’re a dick.”
“You block me all the time mama.” He shrugged nonchalantly. “Doesn’t mean shit.”
“Probably doesn’t mean anything because you’re too busy with all those other bitches.”
“Me? I’m not the one fucking the party host.” He argued back.
Your eyes widened at the accusation. “Oh wow.”
You weren’t going to deny it.
It wasn’t true. You never slept with Jackson.
But Jungkook thinking that you did was enough to satisfy you.
“We’ll come back to that.” Jungkook poked the inside of his mouth with his tongue.
He was obviously very irritated.
“You’re always so angry.” You groaned.
“Because you just manage to strike that one nerve.” He shook his head.
“You’re so aggressive all the time baby.” You eased him. “Let’s drink some more. Please?”
He shook his head. “Trying to sober up. Someone needs to take you home.”
“I can Uber back.”
“By yourself?” He scoffed. “Fuck no. Your friends are long gone and most likely gonna end up going home with Jimin and Tae. Who can’t drive.”
He wasn’t wrong.
Elkie and Seungyeon were going to town on them. The couples were drunken messes.
You agreed, continuing to drink. You two talked for a bit, somewhat civilly.
The both of you couldn’t help but check each other out.
For you, that alcohol came in through your mouth and went straight to your pussy.
Jungkook’s going straight to his dick. Probably why you two always had sex whenever you hung out.
“Let’s go to Jimin’s car.” Jungkook mumbled lowly to you, making you nod.
Jungkook lets out a low whistle as you walk next to him. He couldn't help but stare at your body.
You were so fucking beautiful, he thought to himself.
The car was a bit far from the entrance. The lot was big so the parking was a bit inconvenient.
However, it was hidden well enough.
He opened the backseat car door for you, waiting for you to get in.
You could sense he was still irritated with you. It was written all over his face and you could sense it in his body language.
His anger and irritation had the opposite effect on you, making your pussy wetter than it already was.
Jungkook started the car, letting out a heavy sigh as he pulled out of the parking lot.
He glanced over at you, his eyes scanning over your body. "You know, you make me so fucking angry sometimes..." He growled, his hand reaching over to grab your thigh.
“It’s not my fault. You started it this time.” You shook your head.
"I didn't start shit," Jungkook retorted, his eyes narrowing at you. "You did. You always fucking do."
He couldn't help but get more and more irritated with you.
The idea of you and Jackson weighed heavy on him.
You were fucking Jungkook for weed. Were you fucking Jackson for drinks and party invites?
“You did last night. That’s exactly why I blocked your ass. Always running your mouth.”
Jungkook's fingers tightened around the steering wheel. He couldn't believe you just said that. "You didn't have to block me. You’re so fucking dramatic."
He snapped at you, his anger getting the best of him. "I fucking hate you sometimes."
“Fine. Just drop me off right here then.” You replied, just as irritated with him now. “I’ll fucking walk home.”
“You're not fucking walking anywhere. I'll take you home." He gritted his teeth.
“Whatever. Just drive me home and you can just get rid of me after. Since that’s what you want so bad.” You folded your arms.
He couldn't believe how much of a stubborn girl you were, but he still couldn't help feeling attracted to you. Even when you were like this. "Why are you so fucking difficult?"
He glared at you for a moment before turning his attention back to the road.
“I’m not even doing anything.” You grabbed your purse once he pulled up to your place.
It was natural for Jungkook to let himself in. He did so again, despite their arguing.
“I thought you would approach me at the party to apologize. But no, you’re just arguing with me because you’re jealous of some guy!” You huffed.
Jungkook scoffed at your words. "Jealous? Fuck no. I just don't like seeing you with other guys, that's it."
“Yeah whatever.” You rolled your eyes, “You’re annoying. Your stupid pride won’t let you just admit it.”
You lifted up the couch cushion, a small bag of pre rolls packed away.
“You know what? Fine. I was jealous when I saw you with Jackson. Are you happy now? I fucking admitted it.
“Gonna fucking smoke with me or what?” She looked at him, ignoring him. “Got your two favorite things right here. Weed and arguing.”
He ignored her, grabbing his own preroll and lighting it up with her lighter.
“That’s all you’re gonna say?” He scoffed.
“Do you want a fucking cookie? Congrats, you actually told me the truth for once.” She took a few hits. “So you were jealous”
“Yeah, I fucking was. I don't like seeing you with other guys Y/n. It makes me want to rip their fucking heads off." He chuckled and shook his head. "Especially him.”
“Isn’t Jackson your homeboy?”
“Exactly. Why the fuck would I want to be fucking on the same girl as my bro? That makes me look like a fucking loser.” He glared at you.
“We were just catching up. We’ve known each other for mad long.” You defended.
Jungkook couldn't help but stare at you as you took a hit from the roll. He felt a surge of jealousy, but he tried to push it down.
"Just fucking catchin' up huh? With his bitch ass?" He chuckled and shook his head. "I know what kinda guy he is.”
“I know you’re not talking. Tell me, Jungkook. How many girls do you sell to that don’t pay cash? Too busy selling with their bodies.” She looked at him.
“Yeah? You’re gonna fucking start this shit again?” He chuckled, anger written all over his face. “I’ve told you the same shit over and over Y/n. I’m not fucking anyone else but you.”
“Car full of sleezy bitches all climbing on you? Yeah okay. Find that fucking hard to believe.
Jungkook understands your skepticism. Especially with the type of guys he hung around.
“Tell me this Jungkook.” You began, “How come it’s an issue when I’m with Jackson but when you’re with all these other girls I’m just supposed to believe you.”
Jungkook leaned in, his expression more serious now. He muttered. “I don’t want to do you like that.”
"I just get fucking pissed when I see other guys trying to fuck what's mine." He cocked his eyebrow.
“You’re annoying.”
Jungkook's gaze never left yours face as you rolled your eyes. He could tell you were irritated with him, but he didn't back down.
"I'm annoying cause I don't like seeing other guys around my girl?" He raised an eyebrow.
“Don’t like all these fucking guys tryna hop on you.” His eyes darkened as he stared down at you.
“I get it.” She sighed.
“Mm I don’t think you do.” He shook his head.
Jungkook turned you around, pushing you against the couch. "Fuck you piss me off. You’re just so fucking sexy" He growled, pinning your hands above your head.
"You're gonna let me fuck you like this?” He looked at you. “Because I’m fucking angry. And I’m not sure I’ll be able to give you that slow and lovey shit right now.”
You simply nodded. You swallowed hard, knowing exactly what was going to happen.
Weed made you horny.
Alcohol made you horny.
And you were definitely cross faded.
“Fucking open your mouth.” He moved his hand, now slapping you across your cheek.
It wasn’t enough to really hurt, but enough to leave a sting.
He seen your facial expression change. “No way. You actually like that shit?”
You two always had rough and angry sex. With the amount of times you two pissed each other off, it was like second nature.
This time was different. Jungkook was livid.
“I do.” You swallowed. “N-No condom tonight please.”
This was the first time ever. You never thought those words would ever leave your lips.
You needed it bad tonight. Real bad.
“Oh wow.” He laughed sarcastically. “You’re that sick? You get onto me every fucking day for asking to hit it raw. Now you want to?”
He almost couldn’t believe it. “Letting me toss you around like a fucking ragdoll. He fucking teach you about that shit?”
“N-No Jungkook.”
He slapped you once again. “Don’t fucking lie to me.”
“I promise. He didn’t.” You pleaded.
Jungkook let out a deep breath, knowing you submitted to him.
He moved his hand to your neck, squeezing enough for you to feel.
“Fucking embarrassing me.” He slid his pants down. “Got all my fucking friends talking about you. That what you wanted?”
“N-No.” You swallowed.
He slipped your skirt up, sliding your panties to the side.
He forcefully pushed himself inside, giving you not a single warning. “You let him fuck you raw did you?”
Staying still for a moment, knowing he would soon start fucking you with all the frustration he had in him.
“N-No I didn’t Jungkook.” You honestly replied.
“Not my fucking name.” He warned.
“You clearly wanted his attention Y/n. You think I ain’t notice that shit today?” His grip on your neck got slightly tighter.
“Changed your hair. Spend money to look good for him. Didn’t look in my fucking direction once. Get some new dick and you forget what you already have? Forgot about daddy’s dick?” He scoffed.
Jungkook's thrusts became more powerful, as he let out all the anger and jealousy he felt towards Jackson.
“T-That’s not what I—“
Jungkook's grip tightened on your hips, as he started thrusting. "Shut the fuck up Y/n." He grumbled, as he started pounding harder.
He smacked your ass, leaving a red mark. "Didn’t think you’d be this fuckin’ tight. Figured he stretched this pussy out.”
“H-He didn’t”
“You really have the fucking guys to speak to me right now?” He slapped her.
“Mmph— sorry daddy”
Jungkook grinned, hearing the slight tremble in your voice.
You couldn’t help but be turned on by how angry he was. How degrading he spoke to you.
Him expressing how jealous he was of Jackson definitely did a number on you.
Jungkook's thrusts became more powerful, as he let out all the anger and jealousy he felt towards Jackson.
"This.. is all yours, Y/n. It always has been." He slapped your face. "Don't.. you dare fuckin' look at him again. Don’t you fuckin’
dare question if I’m with other bitches or not.”
“Won’t— promise Daddy” She apologized.
Jungkook's expression changed to an angered confusion, as you apologized. "Sorry? You think.. You fuckin' deserve my mercy?"
He hissed as he stopped thrusting, grabbed you and forced you on all four. "I'll show you fuckin' sorry."
“You're mine to fuck. Mine to spoil. Mine to hug. Mine to love.” He grabbed your hair and pulled it back, as he started thrusting hard again. "And you just fucking gave that away?”
“No I— Daddy no I didn’t.” You whimpered.
Jungkook's thrusts became more violent as his anger continued to fuckin boil. "You.. You fuckin' slut," He growled and smacked your ass hard once again.
“D-Didn’t fuck him.” You confessed, swallowing. “N-Never fucked him.”
Jungkook stopped thrusting, his expression was furious, he looked at you with pure shock.
"You didn't fuck him?" He repeated between gritted teeth, not entirely sure if he should believe you or not. “Are you serious?”
“N-Never fucked him.” She hit her lip.
“So you lied?” His voice was low.
“I just never denied anything you said.” She confessed, a bit ashamed now that she was confessing out loud.
"Wow Y/n." He murmured lowly, making a pause in his thrusts, as he looked at you with confusion and shock. "And you made me do all this.”
“I-“ She felt her stomach drop.
Jungkook scoffed and shook his head in disbelief. He was still holding you by the throat, a little tighter now as his cock started to thrust intensely again. "Yeah, you did.”
Jungkook grunted, his thrusts became louder and more intense, holding you tighter. "You're a fucking slut.."
He whispered in a low voice, his hand starting to squeeze around your throat. He pulled himself out a bit to slap your face.
“Pulled all that just for some dick? Seriously Y/n?” He grunted into your ear.
“So sorry Daddy” She apologized softly, the sensual nickname slipping from her lips.
Upon hearing you call him "Daddy" his thrusts became more intense. Hearing it made him weak everytime.
A low growl sounded out from his throat again as your body was pushed back onto the bed with each thrust deeper into you.
He snickered, his hand reaching down to slap your ass cheek, hard. "You're a fucking whore.." He moans, his thrusts are so hard that he's smacking against your body. He leaned in to bite your neck.
“Finally got the dick you wanted? I can’t fucking believe you pulled that shit.” He grunted, utterly shocked. “Can’t fucking believe you did that.”
His thrusts became even more forceful, each hard smack against your ass echoing around you.
He moans as he bites into your shoulder, teeth grinding into your skin angrily. "Why'd you fucking lie to me?" He growls into your ear.
“Wanted you— Wanted your attention.” She whimpered. “Wanted to see how you felt.”
“Yeah? That’s how you fuckin’ wanted me to confess?” He roars out angrily, his grip tightening almost painfully.
“I-It worked…” She boldly whispered.
His glare is fire as he grabs your throat, pulling you back to look into your eyes.
"You like it when I get tell you how I feel? You fuckin’ like it?” He growls out, squeezing your throat tighter for a moment before letting go.
“I liked it Daddy” She bit her lip.
His jaw almost cracks from the intensity of his teeth grinding as he hears your response.
He begins to fuck you harder, losing his anger and going into a frenzy. "You’re so fucking lucky I love to abuse this pussy.”
“Shit feels so fuckin’ good Daddy— Fuck” She cursed repeatedly.
A low groan rips from his throat, feeling your walls squeezing around him at your curse. He liked when you talked dirty. “So fucking pretty like this.”
“Lying about other dudes is different for you baby..” He huffed. “You love this dick huh baby? Tell me.”
“Yes Daddy— I fuckin’ do.” You nodded quickly.
He leans back down, biting at your bottom lip and nodding.
"That's right, you love this dick, mama. Fucking take it then." He spoke lowly, encouraging you to get more vocal and naughty while he pounds into you.
“Feels so much fucking better raw.” She rolled her eyes back. “Should’ve fucking let you months ago.”
He lets out a growl, feeling how tight your walls are on him with no condom. He nods, agreeing and liking the feeling of you raw.
"That's right mama. You ain’t believe me when I said you were the only one. Should’ve been let me hit it raw.” He chuckled. “Gonna fuck you so good now though."
He's on the brink of losing it, he knows he's about to cum soon.
He looks down at you who’s absolutely fucked dumb on his cock.
He curses, slowing down just a tad. "You fucking loving that we're doing it raw now?”
“Feels so much fucking better now. W-Want you to cum inside too.” You begged, making his eyes widened.
“Are you serious?”
“W-Want it so bad I— Please.”
He groans, loving the idea at your request. “Pretty girl gonna let me cum inside, I couldn’t ask for more.”
He speeds up a little bit, slamming into you roughly and grunting. "That's right, fucking want my cum? Wanna turn mama into more than just a nickname huh?”
He dirty talked her so good.
“Mm yes Daddy yes.” She swallowed.
His eyes grow wide at the idea but he smirks while he continues to thrust into you hard, making a dirty scene in his head.
"That's right, I wanna fill your womb up with my kids, make them from your tight fucking pussy, don't fight it mama. So close” He mumbled in her ear.
“Shit I’m close too.”
He knows he's close too, groaning almost in pain from not cumming yet. He continues to fuck you relentlessly as you near the edge.
"Shit! Cum on my cock mama, you need to cum, you want to cum so bad don't you?"
“Cumming fuck” She immediately let go of the feeling building up in her stomach.
He's right on the edge with you, his cock swells up before he pulls out and shoots his hot load to the side of your stomach, he's not ready for kids, at least not yet.
He slumps backwards and curses. "Fucking shit.”
The two were panting on the couch, struggling to catch their breaths.
She panted. “I’m sorry for lying Jungkook. It was wrong of me to lie to you.”
He smirks and shakes his head but still looks at you with an amused expression.
"No need to apologize momma, we're fucking both dirty. Besides we both liked it didn't we?" He winks and wraps an arm around you.
“You’re really not mad?”
“I mean it irritated me a lot when I thought you fucked him.” He sighed. “I’m just relieved now.”
“When I told you I haven’t been with anyone else I meant it.” You told him. “That’s not
something I would lie about. Especially after I pressed you for so long.”
“I know. When I seen him touch you like that I just— I thought I lost you.” He looked at you. “I just kinda thought you were using me.”
“It’s not about weed for me anymore Jungkook.” You swallowed. “It hasn’t been for a while.”
“It was never about the weed for me.” He confessed. “I just wanted to see you since the beginning.”
“You thought that was a secret?” You couldn’t help but snort.
“Okay I’m never being vulnerable with you again.” He shook his head.
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navybrat817 · 4 months
Pairing: Motocross!Steve Rogers x Motocross!Female Reader Summary: You have a crush on Steve Rogers, but you don't think you're his type. Word Count: Over 1k Warnings: Crush, longing, slight insecurities, swearing, nicknames, Curtis is a good friend, Motocross!Steve Rogers (he's a warning, okay?) A/N: Finally an intro for Champ and Daisy in our Dialed In AU! Took me how long, @yenzys-lucky-charm ? Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Divider by the talented @saradika . Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated! ❤️
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A 450 rider like Bucky with a lot of wins under his belt, Natasha was serious when she said Steve was one of the best riders in his class.
It was one of the reasons people called him “Champ”, a nickname he wasn’t overly fond of since some of the guys liked to tease him after races where he didn’t place first. It also gave him flashbacks of when he was younger and smaller, virtually ignored or told he wouldn’t excel in anything physically.
With a lot of heart and a late growth spurt, he proved them wrong.
Bucky said once that his nickname should be “Adonis” because of his now statuesque looks and the pit lizards fawning over him or “Golden Boy” because of his success and admiration.
Steve never let any of that get to his head and refused to let the pit lizards distract him. He worked hard to get where he was and continued to give it his all on and off the track every single time.
His determination was one of the many reasons you found yourself drawn to him. He was the kind of rider and person many aspired to be.
Your crush only grew the day you two actually met.
A rider yourself, you earned the nickname “Daisy” thanks to the flowers on your helmet and general sweet demeanor.
The helmet was the very thing Steve complimented you on when he walked by you at your first pro race.
You hadn’t meant to stare when he walked by, but his reputation preceeds him. Clad in red, white, and blue like a patriotic God, his blonde hair sparkled in the sunlight and his eyes looked like the sky on a cloudless day.
The sheer size of him almost made you whimper when he got closer. How a man was able to walk with such confidence and dominance yet still had an air about that said he was humble was a gift.
He even stopped to speak to a few kids who were eager to meet him and you couldn’t stop smiling when one little boy wrapped his arms around his legs in a tight hug.
Who wouldn’t fall for him?
You were certain you still had a dopey smile on your face when he looked your way.
“Beautiful.” The deep timbre of his voice sent a shiver down your spine when you realized he was speaking to you, which you tried to blame on pre-race jitters. “Your helmet. It’s beautiful,” he said when you didn’t reply.
You deflated slightly because of course he didn’t think you were beautiful. You were just a rider and not like the girls who flocked to him.
“Oh, thanks,” you croaked, clearing your throat immediately to try and save face. “I like daisies,” you added, mentally kicking yourself for stating the obvious. Why else would they be on your helmet?
The lopsided grin he gave you brought your smile back to your face. “You’re Daisy. Heard good things about you.”
Biting your lip and glancing away briefly, you didn’t catch his gaze following the movement. “You have?” You asked, slightly surprised that your name made the rounds.
“Yeah.” He nodded toward the track. “And I’m eager to see what you do out there.”
Your stomach did a somersault, but you held your head high. “I’ll try not to disappoint.”
“I doubt you could disappoint anyone,” he quietly spoke, looking over his shoulder when Bucky called out to him. “Gotta go. Good luck out there, Daisy.”
“Thanks, Champ,” you said, shifting back and forth on your feet when he stood up straight and flexed his gloved fingers. Maybe you shouldn’t have used his nickname. “I mean, Steve.”
You couldn’t read his expression, but you felt better when he gave you one more lopsided smile. “Champ sounds nice coming from you,” he said before he walked away.
You tried not to swoon or check out his ass when he went on his way, but Curtis clocked you immediately.
“You might wanna wipe that drool off your chin before your race,” he said, nudging you with his shoulder when you glanced at the ground. “Nervous? Don't be. You’re gonna kick ass out there.”
“Not nervous,” you said, biting your lip again. “He said he heard about me.”
“Yeah. Riders talk, you know that. And the guys saw you practice, so they know you have skills,” he said, sighing when you lifted your head and longingly stared after Steve. “Look, don’t let him distract you.”
“I’m not letting him distract me,” you argued, moving your helmet between your hands. “It’s just nice to get a compliment from such a skilled rider,” you said, especially since a lot of guys had a tendency to ignore you once they knew you loved to race.
Curtis narrowed his eyes. “I’m a skilled rider and I compliment you. I don’t see you walking around with hearts in your eyes and having a little crush on me.”
Your cheeks flamed before you hit his arm. “More like you bust my nonexistent balls. That’s not the same thing,” you said.
He didn’t move an inch when you hit him, the wall of muscle that he was. “Perk of being my friend,” he deadpanned, looking in the direction that Steve went, too. “I’m not one for gossip, but Champ is single.”
You put your helmet on so your friend couldn’t see your face. “Good to know, but I doubt I’m his type,” you said.
Because why would he like you?
“Rogers is a fucking idiot if he doesn’t want a girl like you,” he said sincerely before he hit your helmet with the palm of his hand, the familiar grumpy stare back on his face. “But enough of that shit. Get out there and win your fucking race.”
Which you did.
Steve's heart skipped a beat when you removed your helmet and smiled.
Because the truth was, you were exactly his type.
And he’d sweep you off your feet if you let him.
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They're sweet, okay? Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Steve Rogers Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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would you consider writing headcanons for percy and a mortal reader? like maybe someone he can’t help but fall for even though he’s afraid of putting them in danger given the differences in their worlds? i love your writing by the way!
⋆⭒˚.⋆ percy jackson x mortal! reader hcs
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content: percy jackson x mortal! reader hcs warning: language, mentions of death and blood and all that gross stuff author's note: i thought this one was gonna be a pain in my but to write but it was actually so cutesy???? also the last line is brutal i know but i couldn't help myself. so good, love love love. hope you guys like it too!!
you guys met in school, obvi
percy was struggling to read the board and you could tell, silently sliding your notes over to him and pretending not to, just to save him the embarrassment
"thank you for...ya know," percy muttered once the teacher turned her back.
"of course. my eyes bug out sometimes too. we gotta look out for each other," the girl mused back, a soft smile on her face as she playfully winked at him.
his stomach instantly became an olympic athlete, doing flips and twists like nobody’s business
he knew it wouldn't work out though
she was, probably, just another mortal and he wasn't willing to put her life in danger
even if she was super cute
and sweet
and caring
did i mention cute? okay, just checking.
but, he indulged a little bit, allowing side conversations during class and sharing of lunches
but no more, he promised himself
and then he kissed her
yeah, that promise didn't last long
it was fine and he lied...a lot.
"oh, cute necklace! is that from like a summer camp or something?"
"something like that, yeah."
"you've got so many scars, percy. you must be like super clumsy."
"sooooo clumsy. ha..."
"you mind if i borrow this pen real quick? i just need to-"
"NO NOT THAT PEN- sorry, sorry, here’s another one. that ones, er, special."
he didn't want to lie, really, but he also didn't want to hurt her.
to know is to put her in danger
and he couldn't have that
she’d met his mom, obviously she was the most important thing in his life
not just anybody meets mrs. sally jackson
and then, while riding the subway on the way to the aquarium for a date, it happened.
becuase of course it did.
percy was holding onto the pole, his free hand firmly resting on her waist and holding her close and away from the creeps of the new york undergrounds
"percy...why's that guy staring at you like that?" the girl whispered up to him.
percy's eyes instantly darting in the direction she nodded to, ready to scare off anyone who dared to look at his girlfriend in the wrong way
but then he faltered, his shoulder's sinking and his brain working double time to figure out how to get her out of here safety and deal with the monster.
"peresus jackson. i think this is your stop," the man hissed, standing up from his seat and shoving aside new yorkers as he approached.
percy pushed y/n behind him, taking a protective stand as he dug riptide out of his pocket
"nope. we're going all the way madison today. nice try," percy replied, uncapping riptide.
"percy?! is that a sword?" y/n asked in her panic, causing percy to turn to her with a furrowed brow.
"you can see this?" he holds riptide up for emphasis
"yes! obviously!"
"hold that thought," he said before swinging at the monster.
all the other new yorkers quickly scrambled to one side of the train, whipping their phones out and recording.
y/n slapped these phones down with a glare, shaking her head at them. 
she wasn’t entirely sure what was going on but she wasn’t just gonna let them record percy with a sword. That would surely land him in juvie.
percy, once done with the monster, quickly grabbed hold of y/n wrist and pulled her out of the subway just as the doors slammed shut behind them.
he dragged her with him, running all the way until he found a secluded ally to duck into, his eyes rapidly looking around for more danger.
"percy, what's going on?! where did you get a sword?! why do you even carry that on you and why did that man want to kill you and-"
"are you okay?" percy whispered through her worried rant and she stopped, nodding up at him.
"y-yeah, i'm okay. are you?"
"i've fought worse."
"percy...what do you mean? be honest with me...please," she all but begged and percy hung his head, hoping to avoid this moment for his whole life.
"it's gonna sound crazy."
"tell me anyway."
so he did.
he told her everything, correcting every lie he told her, every half-truth.
she listened, nodding along and asking the occasional question, but mainly listening
"so, yeah, that's everything."
"what i'm hearing is my boyfriend is a total badass."
"that's what you got out of that?!?! not the whole 'half-god' thing?!?!?"
"i kinda already figured that. i mean, look at you-"
"shut up."
a few weeks later, while they were hanging out in percy's room and sally was making cookies for them, is when the reality of it all hit y/n.
"percy?" she whispered, causing the boy to pull his eyes from the movie that was on and look down at her.
"am i...am i gonna be in, like, danger? with you?"
"honestly? yes. every second you spend with me is probably another year you lose from your life."
there was pause, percy swallowing thickly before opening his mouth to give her permission to leave, he'd understand. hades, he'd do the same.
"okay," she replied with a shrug, cuddling closer.
"you sure?" he pushed, thought he really didn't want her to change her mind.
"thirty seconds spent with you is worth thirty years without you to me. easily."
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bandgie · 6 months
Hey I saw your requests were open so I figured I’d shoot my shot. Can I request a fic Where Hyunjin really needs to pee and reader is joking around with him while straddling his lap and he keeps warning her that he needs to go but she thinks he’s kidding and he ends up peeing a bit and he feels kinda shy about it so reader tells him it’s okay to just let go while she’s on his lap. Then she starts grinding on him and he gets turned on and they fuck raw for the first time 😁
a/n: oh you're siicckk I love it
warnings: just read the ask man, MDNI 18+, established relationship, under the influence, fem!reader, dom-ish reader, soft dick hyunjin (lets fucken go), fluff mostly, PIV, no protection, come on you should know me by now!
1.4k words
Maybe drinking wasn't the best idea. You could only imagine the pounding headache that would come in the morning. However, you couldn't manage to care enough as you sat on Hyunjin's warm lap. His hands were lazily placed on your hips, softly rocking them against his crotch.
Another bad idea in getting wasted was that neither you nor Hyunjin had explored each other much. The relationship was still new, but that didn't stop either of you from grinding up against each other late into the night. 
Hyunjin could feel the excitement bubbling in his stomach. The feeling of your plush thighs on his, how your chest was pressed in his face. It sent a thrill down his spine to be this close to you, but there was a familiar pressure in his bladder that ruined the mood.
"Babe," his voice was velvety soft as he spoke. "I gotta piss."
You looked down at your lover. A confused look on your face as you replied, "Now?" He nods, looking at you like a dog who got his bone taken away. "Yes, now."
Rather than getting up, you grab the back of his head and force him between your breasts. He makes a mmf! sound then giggles at your behavior. "Babbeee," he drawls. "I really need to go." His hands tap your ass as an encouragement to get up, but you aren't having it.
"You just don't want to touch me," you pout. The alcohol must be getting to your head. You're not one to deny someone of relieving their bladder. Hyunjin, however, is too drunk to catch onto the playfulness of your tone. "Of course I want to touch you! I'll just go to the bathroom real quick and-"
Hyujin's cut off with a moan as you grind your hips down on him. You rock back and forth, trying to create some friction between the layers of clothes. "You can hold it." It's not a request, but a demand from you. 
He shakes his head, "I really can't. We drank a lot. I'mma piss myself."
This makes you giggle, "Big boys don't pee their pants." You ignore Hyunjin's whines as you lift your hips just enough to remove your skirt. With your white underwear exposed, he can see the small patch of wetness that's accumulated. 
"If you do wanna piss that bad, you can go here," you look down to your bare thighs. Your hands move from the back of his head to the front of his pants. He doesn't protest when you unbuckle his belt, zip down his zipper to pull out his soft cock.
You coo at the sight, grabbing ahold of his dick and running your thumb along the slight. "You really are drunk," you mumble. "Can't even get hard." Hyunjin looks both horrified and aroused. It's your first time seeing his cock, and he's flaccid. You, on the other hand, are beyond ecstatic to see it. 
The warmth of your hand makes his hips jerk upwards. He groans. "Fuck, I'm gonna pee on you."
No matter how many times Hyunjin's warned you, you're still shocked to see a yellow stream emit from his tip. He tried to cover his cock, but you quickly slap his hands away. His piss lands on his jeans, leaking into the material. The warmth seeps onto your thighs, all the way down until your white underwear is stained with a yellow hue.
He moans. Moans when he sees you covered in his pee, his fifth. Hyunjin expects you to jump off his lap and run to the bathroom. He's waiting for your disgusted expression, but he's surprised to see a wide smile on your face. 
You pump his wet cock, drooling. "Fuck it's everywhere. Peed on me like a dog, you're so hot." Some piss leaks from his cock as you stroke him faster. Your underwear sticks to your cunt, but you're certain it's more of his own fluid than yours.
Hyunjin whimpers, "I...You think it's hot?"
The uncertainty in his voice pulls at your heartstrings. Your boyfriend could do anything, and you'd find it endearing. He has you wrapped around his finger, and he doesn't even know it. "I think you're hot," you emphasize. "I need you in me now. I really wanna fuck you."
If Hyunjin was more sober, he would be horrified at the thought of having sex with you like this. He wanted your first time to be romantic. He wanted to take things slow and feel your body on his, completely nude. Still, he can't ignore the delight in how you pull your soaked underwear to the side.
His cock twitches in your hand. After his tinkle, Hyunjin feels himself getting hard in your soft palms. He helps you over his dick with his hands on your waist, slowly lowering you to his length. 
Everything is so easy, so perfect when his tip breaches your walls. There's not an ounce of pain as he fills you up. You shiver and place your hands on his shoulders to steady yourself. "Mmm so good," you moan. "Deeper."
Hyunjin complies eagerly, shoving the remaining inches of his cock. It nestles snugly in your cunt, the head kissing your cervix. As much as you would like to bounce on him, you stay sitting fully on his dick. You want to feel how the curve of him hits every spot within you. How your walls tighten and squeeze around his unfamiliar girth.
It's only when you've begun dripping that you move upwards. A few inches of Hyunjin's length slip out before you slide back down. He slides effortlessly in you, stretching you wonderfully. 
Hyunjin can't decide whether he wants to look at your face or where your bodies connect. He loves watching his cock disappear in you as you ride him, but he also loves your fucked out expression. How your mouth hangs open to moan uncontrollably, the way your nose scrunches when he thrusts his hips upwards, how your eyes look into his so dreamily. 
"Fuck," Hyunjin groans. This might not have been the ideal way he wanted to make love, but he'll forever save the image in his mind. Imprint the feeling of your body on his. He'll immortalize this moment in a painting.
Both of you are too tipsy to properly fuck into each other. Your thrusts are sloppy and they don't match. Sometimes you have to stay hovering while he grinds upwards to you. The sounds of his thighs clapping against the back of yours echo in the house.
You throw back your head when he decides to use you to his liking. He bounces you on his cock like a fleshlight, eyes crazed. With your throat exposed to him, he can't help but lean forward to bury his face into your neck. 
Without warning, he bites down. You cry out from the sensation, feeling his teeth pierce your flesh. The saltiness of your skin settles on his tongue and the primal taste makes his hips move rougher.
A warm sensation builds quickly in your stomach, and you find yourself flooding before you can comprehend it. The familiar pale yellow liquid spurt from your cunt, and sprays all over his lower stomach. 
Hyunjin laughs tiredly upon feeling the liquid stream out of you. He pulls his head back and looks down, seeing the mess. "Looks like I wasn't the only one who needed to go."
You babble incoherently, jumble 'sorrys' and 'don't stop.'
He chuckles again and focuses his attention back on your dripping cunt. The extra warmth and wetness only push Hyunjin closer to the edge. His grip tightens on your hips and he drives into you. His balls tense and his cock twitches, and for a moment he thinks about pulling out. 
But the way you're helplessly letting him use you and looking at him so endearing makes it seem as though you might get upset if he pulls out. So he doesn't, and he buries his cock to the base as he cums inside. 
You thought it was impossible for you to feel wetter, but you're proven wrong. Hyunjin's cum shoots itself deep inside to claim you. You feel gravity pull his arousal down and out of your pussy, dripping onto his thighs and the couch. 
Tiredly, you collapse on his chest. His arms wrap around you and pull you close, peppering your neck and cheek with kisses. Both of you find solace in each other's embrace, giggling and giving open mouth kisses carelessly. It doesn't take long for the cum and piss to get uncomfortable.
Both of you decide a thorough shower is much needed... and maybe another round.
a/n: this was pretty fun to write! little secret for ya'll, men can't piss during sex (unless they have a medical condition) so that's why I had him soft to pee. but tbh we need more skz soft penis appreciation. if you're with me say 'i'
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kedsandtubesocks · 1 month
your favorite kryptonite
Comic Bookstore Owner!Dieter Bravo x F!Reader
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summary: you think it should be illegal for someone this hot to work at your favorite comics & fandom shop
warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, MDNI. non canon AU. Dieter as a big fandom nerd (affectionate), brief one sided annoyance to lovers, mentions and discussions of various medias including marvel, video games & anime/manga, light use of gendered language, moment of harassment from a creep, Dieter cosplaying surprise, spicy themes, reader wears Dieter’s robe but no physical description is mentioned, light drug use (marijuana), silly chaotic but sweet!Dieter
word count: 4.3k
a/n: So I’m back with another wacky AU LOL this is my love letter to all things wonderfully nerdy & to nerd Dieter who in my heart i believe is totally a Kakashi and Goku fanboy lol the biggest thanks go out to @perotovar & @burntheedges who helped championed this and gave me the power up strength to continue, so grateful for y’all babes! And to you reading this thank you so much ♡
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The new mecha anime figurines immediately draw your attention. Their sharp beautiful sleek designs stand impressively and although you might not be a huge fan you admire the striking style.
You’ve been coming to Atomic Planet Shop since your best friend dragged you here in high school years ago. Containing a wide range of things like a whole area to flip through comics, to a wall of Japanese manga - it’s a nerd’s paradise.
Currently you search for a birthday gift to get your best friend and maybe snag a treat for youdelf.
“Oh, a fan of Gundam I see.” An eager and new voice calls from behind.
Turning back you discover someone slinking out from behind the register. Normally Raymond, the sweet older man who runs the store, would be here. But now someone new stands in his place and you’re stunned.
The guy emerging from behind the counter is gorgeous.
Scruffy beard, fluffy hair, wearing earrings and rings on his hand, he’s hot. The shirt he wears says “Wolverine Call Me” in a heart shape. His deep chocolate even eyes seem to dance curiously.
“Uh, just looking.” You politely reply.
“Whatcha looking for?”
You explain how you’re here looking for a birthday gift for your friend.
“Oh nice.” He nods appreciatively.
While you’re turned, giving this new worker your attrition, you finally notice the glass shelf behind the register.
Your eyes go wide fast at what you spot.
“Is that a new Stardew Valley cookbook?” You can’t even process the words, you’re still in awe at the sight. Precious little drawings fill the space to show familiar dishes, like pink cake and lucky lunch, from the game. It’s gorgeous and so unique.
“Oh hell yeah, you a fan?” The mystery man exclaims. “You know we have a whole little-”
“Video game section off to the side. Yeah.” You warmly cut him off.
Originally the store had been very comics and graphic novel focused. However over the years it’s evolved to add more fandom-like elements and now there’s even a small but impressive video game focused area.
A sweetly surprised look falls over the guy’s face and it paints him utterly charming.
“So who’s your go-to spouse in SDV?” He asks, wiggling his eyebrows.
You tell him and he nods sagely.
“I always go for Krobus. Gotta respect our cute sewer dweller.” He says.
While you laugh a flutter scurries across your heart.
A ring at the door chimes in breaking your sweet conversation and a cluster of guys walk into the store.
“Guess I’ll get back to birthday gift hunting.” You smile at the cute worker then return to the comic stacks.
Flipping through the different series and passing through many fun options, you catch the conversation off to the side.
The pack of young guys that walked in seem to know the cute worker and snicker with him about something.
“Oh yeah man, so I was rewatching Endgame the other day and the part where Scarlet Witch goes one on one with Thanos? Unrealistic!” One of them cackles and you pause.
Did they not even see or know about how powerful she’s confirmed to be in the other MCU projects? Even then, in the comics Scarlet Witch flat out changes the trajectory of reality. If anything Thanos is only strong because he got lucky.
But you hold your tongue and continue scanning through the comics.
These guys are probably just punk ass kids. You don’t want to waste your energy on these guys who probably also hate on other characters like Shuri and Carol Danvers.
Now the cute store worker scoffs amused but doesn’t correct them. Your face scrunches up.
You thought he was charming, maybe a bit eccentric, like a 90’s vibrant Lisa Frank vibe. Yet now your skin crawls just a little bit thinking he might be one of those unfortunately toxic gatekeeping jackass guys.
You decide to leave now. You still had time to look for a birthday gift for your best friend. So you’ll just come back later. Without a second glance to the cute worker, you slip out and wonder about maybe checking out another store.
Of course, you’re too tired to actively look for another store. The next time you return to Atomic Planet, you pray Raymond is there.
You’re excited and almost relieved to see the familiar eccentric older man smiling toothy at you from behind the counter.
“Well, you’re a wonderful sight for sore eyes!” He greets you and happily you catch up and chat with him.
Suddenly a chaotic bang clamors in. The handsome worker from last time tumbles out from the back room into the front as if he tried to rush over.
“Dieter man, what’s the rush?” Raymond laughs.
Dieter. So that’s his name.
The guy, Dieter, this time wears a Naruto shirt under a sleepy and cozy green robe. His hair is still fluffy and you don’t miss how wide eyes stare at you.
“Hey.” You politely but curtly reply.
“Hi.” Dieter waves and you hate how cute he looks.
“By the annoyed look on your face, I take it you’ve met this new headache.” Raymond chuckles and embarrassment rams into you knowing your annoyance is that obvious.
“Don’t worry, he’s harmless.” Raymond waves. “He cries when he watches My Neighbor Totoro.”
“Hey what the fuck!” Dieter cries and you press your lips together trying not to laugh.
“Just ignore him, honey.” Raymond winks and you grin wide.
After thanking him, you head back to the birthday gift search. Searching now through the manga selection you notice something moves by the corner of your eye.
Turning to the side, a large Totoro plushie floats beside you obviously being held up.
“Please don’t be mad at me.” A high pitch tone acting as the adorable creature's voice speaks out and your lips twitch.
From the side Dieter pops his head out.
His hair, rivaling a bird's nest, creates a cloud around him and his wide doe-like eyes peeking out are so hard to be fully annoyed at.
“You know,” he now fully speaks in his voice, moving to hold the large adorable plushie in his arms. “Never got your name.”
“You have my full permission to beat his ass if you need to, dear.” Raymond yells dully from the cash register and Dieter squawks horrified.
You laugh bright. Turning to the side you see Dieter already holds his hand out. The half crooked grin on his face paints him so boyish.
“Name’s Dieter.”
You shake his hand, finally giving him your name.
“So, do you really think Scarlet Witch can’t take on Thanos?” You offer light.
Dieter sighs loud. “I knew those guys and what we were talking about might’ve pissed you off.”
So he was watching you. That brings in a curious warmth that courses through you.
“Well I do apologize.” He bows his head a bit. You at least appreciate that.
“I bet those guys are the same ones that don’t like Carol Danvers either or even know that Squirrel Girl defeated Thanos.” You add a bit snippy.
“You know your shit, I like that.” Dieter replies proud and the way his voice drips out smooth does something dangerous to your heart.
You shrug but fight off the smug grin threatening to mirror his.
“Maybe you need to go Gandalf on my ass and teach me a thing or two, like maybe over coffee?” Dieter offers and you’re knocked out.
So he feels this spark, chemistry or whatever it is, between you too.
“Maybe,” you reply back with a grin. “For now I gotta get back to gift shopping.”
“You still haven’t found your friend a gift?! Geeze, what kind of bestie are you?!” He cries out teasing and you roll your eyes.
It’s getting harder staying annoyed with him and not taking up his offer to get coffee.
You eventually decide on a comic art book for your friend and then spot the assorted mystery box trinkets to maybe snag a few for her and even for yourself.
“I know everyone says Goku would beat the fuck out of Thanos, but you know who else would too without breaking a sweat?” Dieter’s voice again arrives at your side. He’s rather persistent, your cute, slightly not so annoying gnat.
“Sailor Moon.” He answers himself sagely.
“Yeah, you’re right.” You snicker amused.
He practically beams besides you when you agree.
You ask if he’s a fan.
“Oh hell yeah! Sailor Venus is my fav.” Dieter cries. “I can sing the entire song theme opening for you if you’d like. Not to brag, but that and the second Naruto theme opening are my go to karaoke songs.”
You laugh, feeling it deep into your bones. He’s chaotic, but unbearably endearing.
In a blink, a rush comes in all at once. The fun sweet bubble you had been cultivating deflates and you hate how disappointed you get seeing Dieter scramble to try and work.
When you go check out, you’re surprised he’s the one at your register.
Even though he’s focused on working you don’t miss the way his eyes flicker up to you shyly but with a confident smirk. He turns to fully gift wrap the items knowing they’re going to be a present and you thank him for that.
When you grab your bag he gives you a smooth wink and you playfully glare at him.
Later at home, when you unpack everything, you find an extra surprise in the bag.
It’s a small box of strawberry pocky snacks you know you didn’t buy.
There’s a sticky note attached to it.
A sweet treat for a sweet customer! ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈ ♡)
Call me if you ever wanna get coffee or just talk nerd shit and make me absolutely fall even harder for you
Underneath the message, he left you his number and you can’t believe it. After squealing about it with a few of your friends, you text him.
Dieter replies back quick with the funniest excited cat reaction meme and you realize you might be in the best kind of trouble with this guy.
— . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁ ⟡ ݁ . ⊹ ₊ ݁.—
You didn’t expect the convention to be this crowded. Chatter fills the air as cosplayers move all around.
The booths stretch endless with countless tempting merch.
Your best friend tried to get you to plan a fun cosplay with her. However neither you or her could decide on what to pick in time. Now you're gladly comfortable in an everyday outfit and simply allow yourself to be in awe at the intricate lovely costumes.
While scanning the convention and taking in the beautifully controlled chaos in, you also hope to catch sight of someone in particular.
“Dude, stop trying to look for your hot nerd boyfriend.” Your best friend snorts and your heart trips over itself.
Embarrassed, you chide her and remind her that Dieter isn’t your boyfriend.
“Oh yeah because texting a guy everyday for the past month and going to cute cat cafes with him isn't dating.” She deadpans with a smirk.
You playfully glare at her.
It’s not official and you don’t want to rush whatever this is with Dieter. You haven’t even been to his place yet. You don’t mind though. You’ve just been enjoying getting to know him more.
You learn Dieter’s favorite video game is Hollow Knight and his favorite anime is Neon Genesis Evangelion.
His favorite comic book villain of all time is the Condiment King.
Matcha flavored Kit Kats have become his newest obsession session.
He saw all the Lord of the Rings movies in theater and can practically quote The Two Towers. Still has the comic book his best friend in middle school gave to him. Also refuses to let any of his Animal Crossing villagers leave because he’s so attached to them.
Dieter had made you laugh more than you can count, but he can be a bit ridiculous.
Like when he called you after he got off a late closing night shift to ask if Pacific Rim was real did you think the Kaiju monsters would maybe stop attacking if they found out how much he loves them.
Dieter does have his headache moments, but he’s an endearing kaleidoscope of a soul.
Earlier this week when you visited him at the shop, he said he was going to be here at the conversation. But with how bad the convention center’s wifi is, you haven’t been able to contact him.
“He even said he was coming in cosplay just for today right? Any ideas what he’s showing up as?” Your best friend wiggles her eyes while you and her stroll down an artist alley.
“No!” You huff still upset. “He said he wanted it to be a surprise.”
While you appreciate him wanting to wait for a dramatic reveal, you wanted to know what his outfit was from the minute he told you.
You wanted to maybe try dedicatedly searching for him, but you get completely enthralled by the mass amounts of merchandise delightfully distracting you.
You spot incredible fan art pieces, adorable handmade keychains, and very expensive but beautiful figurines.
It’s like a mini wonderland.
Checking out the cute earrings at the stall you’re at, you lose sight of your best friend. When you turn to excitedly talk with her, that’s when you spot it.
She’s a few steps away, very politely trying to inch away from a guy, dressed in a Deadpool suit without the mask on. He’s talking way too aggressively and getting way too close to your friend.
Immediately you rush over and happily jump in.
“I gotta show you this!” You thankfully have the best excuse to pull her away.
But the guy only takes it as an opening to instead follow you both now.
“Just ignore him.” Your best friend whispers to you.
You and her continue to stare at the jewelry. Yet the guy remains. He continues his discussion and seems to get upset that you or your friend aren’t replying. It’s creepy and persistent especially with how he refuses to budge or take the hint.
You try lightly deflating the situation by apologizing and saying you and your friend just want to enjoy shopping.
“Oh, is shopping all you two came here for? You know, you fucking losers aren’t even in cosplay. Fake ass fans.”
Now he gets really aggressive.
The air and tension shift. The poor cute shop owner in her adorable R2D2 dress even reacts getting upset.
“Look, we just wanna enjoy the con.” Your best friend replies sharp with a hard scowl.
“What in the fantastic fuck do we have here?”
Suddenly Dieter’s voice rings out excited and bright and you almost sob.
You whip your face around to spot him.
Except it is and isn’t him.
His hair is slicked back, gelled and curled. Thick gray colored hairs line his temples. It even looks like he shaved a bit.
He’s dressed as Reed Richards, Mr. Fantastic himself.
The outfit looks based on the classic 1960’s first comic book released aesthetic and it compliments Dieter’s frame gorgeously. His shoulders look unbelievably broad and his even arms seemed bigger in the tight soft baby blue material. You’ve never seen him in something so form fitting and it has your throat drying up.
You’ve even momentarily forgotten about the guy bothering you and your best friend.
“You bothering these two, ya fucking creep?” Dieter says with a nudge of his chin.
It’s hot as fuck.
The guy stunned gapes like a fish and stammers, but no words come out.
“Beat it before I shove a lightsaber up your ass.” Dieter replies bored, but it adds a sense of deadliness to his words.
The Deadpool cosplayer turns on his heels and immediately scrambles away. Your knees almost buckle overwhelmed.
Your best friend and even the stall owner cry out wildly excited in a bright neon awe of Dieter. You swallow back a sob as you turn to embrace him. His warm large hands pat you comfortingly.
“You saved us.” You teasingly sob, but truthfully you know he did.
“I’d been looking for you for a hot minute and was about to make some sort of raptor call noise to get your attention until I saw that shit going down.” Dieter explains.
“What a hero.” Your friend jokingly adds, but you hear it in her voice how grateful she is.
Dieter snickers.
“Guess you could almost say I was fantastic… mister fantast-”
You cut Dieter off with a quick kiss to his cheek before he can make the pun and your friend along with the stall owner laugh.
Gingerly, almost tentatively you move to intertwine your hand with his. He reacts immediately pulling you to his side.
For the rest of the convention Dieter stays besides you, walking hand in hand with you.
Even when you arrive at the booth for Atomic Planet, the real reason why Dieter was here to help work, Raymond waves him away saying to enjoy the convention with you.
Your heart flutters and Dieter squeezes your hand excitedly.
The rest of the time is a blissful geeked out dream. Dieter buys you a few keychains, even treats you and your best friend to a bite to eat.
You came to the convention with your best friend…
But you leave with Dieter.
Especially when your best friend urges you to go home with him and enjoy his hot cosplay.
You give her a look when she cheekily tells you that, but she isn’t wrong. Even when you grabbed the quick bite before the night ended, it was hard trying to ignore the amount of people turning to stare at Dieter with wide curious eyes.
And a little twinge of something faintly possessive bubbles in you.
That’s why when you slide into the passenger seat of his car, your heart drums loudly in your ears trying to fight against the urge to just suck his cock right here in the car.
“So uh…” Dieter begins cautiously and even a bit bashfully. “I don’t wanna sound too aggressive and you can tell me no, but can I kiss you-”
You don’t even let him finish before you’re sliding over the seat to him.
He scrambles and immediately pulls you close as his lips become a magnet to yours.
This is the first time you’re really truly kissing Dieter. You’ve kissed him gently good night before. He’s been cute with leaving kisses to your cheek or even against the back of your head like a Victorian gentleman. But now it’s a raw unraveling getting to tasting him from the source so greedy.
You won’t dare admit it outloud, but the soft feel of his lips, the scrape of his jaw, the smell of his delicious cologne, and how warm he consumes you -
It’s pretty fantastic.
— . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁ ⟡ ݁ . ⊹ ₊ ݁.—
Dieter’s room is a treasure trove.
Framed posters of Pacific Rim, AKIRA, The Iron Giant, and the original Pokemon Kanto generation line the walls. His bookshelf is filled not just with comic books and manga, but various impressive graphic novels.
A mock infinity gauntlet sits beside his television. So many anime figurines, including a really nice Goku one, stand protecting his reading collection.
What surprises you is his expansive and sleek gaming corner which includes a striking computer set up.
“You look hot as fuck standing in my robe and knowing I just came in you a few hours ago is even hotter.” Dieter says from his bed in the most sinful but half groggily asleep voice.
You smirk and continue to soak in his room.
“So do you get good discounts from the store?” You ask.
“Yeah, but it also helps that I co-own it.” Dieter casually tells you. You hear him shifting among the seats then catch the flicker of the lighter igniting.
However your eyes go wide realizing what he said and you whip back around to him.
“Wait?! You co-own the shop?”
“Well yeah, Raymond, that old fuck, is my uncle.” Dieter coughs out as he exhales from the hit he took off his weed pipe.
Dieter even explains how, because his uncle is starting to get a bit older, he decided to step in to help run the place.
“Besides, how else could I show off my extensive knowledge of elvish language other than at the shop?” He says proudly.
How did you just now learn this?
Dieter reminds you of a rubik cube you think you’ve finally figured out, think you found a groove for - until one out of the corners a jack in the box pops out.
Before you can even ask him about the shop or about his uncle, Dieter’s phone goes off.
The loud ringtone sings into the room and your eyes go wide hearing it. Dieter checks who’s calling then denies the call muttering out about how spam scam callers need to be fed to a sarlacc pit.
“Wait…is Cascada’s ‘Everytime We Touch’ actually your ringtone?” You ask, still not believing it.
“Fuck yeah it is, baby! That song is untouchable!” He cries and you can’t help but laugh.
Dieter smirks then pats the open spot on the bed where you had been resting before. Sliding back into the warmth with him, he gently pulls your face to him and kisses you softly.
The taste of the smoke lingers on his lips, but it’s still him beneath it all. You eventually wind up in his arms, cozy and warm in his embrace.
“I noticed the nice audio and mic setup.” You comment while his fingers draw aimlessly against your skin. “You trying to maybe go the YouTuber route?”
“Nah. Maybe. Who knows.” He shrugs. “It’s mainly for something else.”
Now his voice grows a bit distant.
You gently ask him what that something else is and Dieter fidgets
“Don’t… don’t laugh okay.” He mumbles adorably.
You reassure him earnestly you won’t.
He sighs.
“So I’ve been wanting to get into voice acting work.” Dieter reveals with a mutter, even sounding a bit embarrassed
However, you perk up so bright. Turning in his arms you eagerly smile at him.
“Di, that sounds amazing!” You mean those words.
You can’t help but ramble about how great he would be for that. He has the personality for it and he’s told you how he’s done some stage acting work. Plus, it just fits him. You think of all the silly voices he does and you hope now he can make this path a reality.
Dieter’s handsome face falls a bit and you stop. You wonder if you’ve scared him off, or maybe he thinks you’re possibly making fun of him.
You’re about to apologize when Dieter swiftly moves to kiss you feral and fierce. His tongue slides into your mouth with a moan you greedily swallow.
The conversation is put on pause when his hands slide up your thighs, straight to your core, and you fall apart with him once again.
Basking in the afterglow you rest against his chest now feeling sleepy, not even knowing what time it is. You realize being with Dieter is like existing in a realm a bit separated from reality sometimes and it’s beautiful.
“I don’t wanna be that lame guy,” Dieter begins. “But shit, I already really really kind of like you a fucking lot.”
Your lips fight back a smile you can’t beat. You turn to bury your face against his warm bared chest.
“I really kinda like you a lot too.” You admit.
“That’s unfortunate.” He replies and you snort.
“It’s okay. I only want the good discount on merch at the shop.” You reply cheekily.
“Aw! You don’t even want me for my body? Just my discount?!” He cries hurt and even jokingly moves to shove you off.
“Well.” Then he pauses. “Guess I could call my dick a discount, but then again… there isn’t anything short about that-”
You cut him off with an eye roll and he snickers wildly amused.
His fingers move to tickle you, to corrupt you into his same fit of giggles and you wheezing trying to squirm away from him.
Dieter’s hands eventually snake around you and draw you back into his chest. You melt against him willingly and even sigh comforted.
“Next time if we go to a convention, if you feel comfortable with it, you should cosplay.” He comments.
You admit that you’ve thought about it and list a few ideas you’ve had. But mainly, your mind thinks about the different outfits Dieter could go as.
The thought of him now as Doctor Doom instead of the heroic Reed Richards is a glorious thought.
But of course there’s so many other incredible options.
Dieter as Harvey or even Marlon from Stardew Valley.
Even a few anime characters that would fit him so well come to mind.
Specifically Kishibe from the series Chainsaw Man, with his striking cut across his mouth and incredibly lazy hot older demeanor, just fits Dieter so well it stirs something in you again.
“Maybe next con,” Dieter offers and pulls you from your thoughts. “I’m thinking about going as Tuxedo Mask. Do you wanna be my Sailor Moon?”
A couples matching outfit.
You didn’t even think of that. That’s what he was nudging towards.
You didn’t even think of that. But just getting to be beside him is something sweetly moving.
Then thinking about him in the sleek tuxedo outfit, in the white mask, is a dangerous thought you already ache to maybe see come true.
“We’ll see.” You hum with a smile, but when you go to kiss him it feels like a gilded warm promise.
“Never mind. I want us to go as Undertale characters and I wanna be Sans.” Dieter says suddenly and you snort against his shoulder.
This time spent with him, and the promise of maybe something more, is sweet starlit bliss.
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tonkatsubowl · 2 months
hey there, pretty boy.
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▼ aventurine x fem!reader
▼ enemies to lovers
▼ nsfw themes. mdni.
you're a sultry dancer at a club, but you're actually a stellaron hunter and an assassin in disguise. you catch a glimpse of a wealthy man... and it goes from there.
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penacony was the reality of where "dreams come true". but that may apply to most visitors—but not all.
most visitors of penacony come with their own wealth, spreading money in addiction cycles of gambling and drinking all night long, and even spending their money relentlessly on beautiful dancers and those who lingered around in the streets for... well, prostitution.
you were a feast for these addictive visitors—a delicious meal with an expensive price to pay.
you were a dancer at a local club in penacony; using your beauty to lure in the weak, frail men and to obtain money out of them. but you weren't just a dancer—you weren't even a dancer. you were a stellaron hunter in disguise, stationed in this dreamscape to find a certain ipc member. for your mission, it was classified, but you enjoyed the rest of the side money you obtained from these thirsty, desperate men.
as a member of the stellaron hunters, your identity was not known to the public. you were an assassin, and not even the nameless knew of your existence except for your allies... and the gods above who keep a watchful eye on these many realities.
"oh, look!" one of your dancers cooed, gathering around with the others as they squealed in harmonious glee, eyeing at a certain individual that entered the club. "it's him, it's him! he is filthy rich, and apparently he's super handsome. c'mon, we gotta get him over here with us."
"oh, he'll definitely dance with me." another dancer remarks.
"c'mon, your boobs aren't even that big." another replies.
"how would you know if he's a tits guy?"
you were on the side of the group, rolling your eyes. but your eyes settled on the blonde man's frame.
sunglasses, his beautiful eyes that were fairly hidden behind his expensive shades... he wore expensive clothing, indeed, but you knew him.
aventurine, the senior manager within the ipc.
your goal was to obtain as much as information as you could, or even better—take him. kidnap him for kafka and the others to toy around with.
well, that was just your sadistic side coming in.
but, even with your main target here.. you decided not to pursue or seem desperate. you decided to be smart about the situation, and ignore the man. maybe there's a coincidence he'll ask for a private dance from you.
"—ah, i've never seen you around these parts. are you a new dancer?"
as though the celestial oppositions were listening to you, your eyes turn, head followed, settled upon the beautiful, wealthy gambler before you.
"i'm not." you say, though your voice was sultry—intoxicating, sublime and absolutely... charismatic. "but i welcome you here regardless. would you like to have a drink? i can certainly-"
"mm, you don't seem like a bottle girl," aventurine hums, his forefinger and thumb pressed against his chin, "just an observation."
"ah, so you like to judge and read the covers before choosing, huh?" you say, glancing to your "coworkers" who had looked at you with pure jealousy in their eyes. "i'm surprised you haven't chosen them immediately for a dance. they're much more skilled and experienced than i am."
aventurine's smile turned coy, almost flirtatious. "self doubtful, are you? would it be appropriate then if i asked for a private dance? a dancer working at a club in bare clothing and speaking down on herself is a rare thing for me to... well, witness."
your lips tug to a thin smile, "it might be my lucky day, then," you whisper with your sultry tone, digits extending towards his expensive-looking attire as you adjusted it. your fingers toyed with his charms, your lips giving themselves a lick—only for show, "to be asked for a dance from yourself."
aventurine chuckled, before pushing up his sunglasses, revealing those pristine jewels of his.
"what pretty eyes you've got, pretty boy." you murmur, before taking his hand and taking him to the private section of the club.
as aventurine settled down onto his seat, you closed the curtain, turning of the lights.
"i'm sure you know the rules of asking for a private dance." you say, looking towards aventurine.
"i cannot touch the dancer." he says, kicking his legs up as he leaned back against his seat. his dazzled jewelry sparkled under the dim light that belonged to a lantern nearby, his smile still evident through this darkness.
"i'll let you touch me."
you suddenly let out, and your brain had nearly lost itself—you spoke out of your own desire, knowing how beautiful he was, but it was a chance to get information from him. yet, it wasn't long til you had forgotten your objective.
the music had begun to play, akin to some rnb-type beats that may fit a setting during intercourse. you began to move—a divine display of a goddess dancing, hips swaying and chest nearly bare. aventurine did not take his eyes off of you, even as your rear came towards his crotch, performing a lap dance.
you grinded against his clothing before fully turning, straddling him on his lap as you continued your dance. you ran your fingers across his cheek, eyes studying his.
"you say my eyes are beautiful," he whispered, "but your veil and eyes alone are more pristine than any other i've seen."
"you sly dog," you retort in a whisper as you continued to dance, "how many women have you said that to?"
aventurine chuckled, "only one. and that is you."
you roll your eyes, before you had begun to realize your goal... you were getting lost in his sight before you remembered you were a dignified member of the stellaron hunters.
that was when you straddled on his lap, again, and continued to dance... before your blade had materialized in your hand, centering at his throat.
"ipc dog." you murmur, so hauntingly beautiful. "a trap you easily went in—as though you knew of the danger."
aventurine did not jump, nor did he react to your action. he had expected it.
he chuckled, looking at you, "a trap, you say? it's more of a gift, really. a gift that i wanted, so i came in here, and..."
"you were looking for me. what a dog." you responded, feeling his breath hitting your cheek.
you two were close... merely an inch away from kissing.
"i came here to make a deal with you." aventurine spoke, "i know of your affiliation, hunter."
it was your turn to smile, "a deal with me? you're truly a gambler. even at death's hands, you'd make such a gamble with your life?"
"oh, i yearn for death, but i prefer to gamble away with you at this moment." aventurine chuckled.
"... what is it?" you murmur. you had no need to kill him, but at this point, with how interested you were in him, you...
"allow me to break the rules for a moment," he whispered, in which you responded with a gentle nod.
his eyes never left your gaze as his hands came to rest themselves on the side of your hips, bringing your frame closer.
"you can take all my money from me. get every bit of information out of me and give it to your supervisors. make me pathetic, and a stray dog, unable to care for its own. or..."
your eyes soften.
"or i get to toy with you tonight. on my bed. and perhaps you'll have my hand."
you pause.
abandon the mission and lie to the others? or...
... follow your instinct and oblige to the feeling of your chest?
you lower your blade as it dematerializes into spectacles of your signature color.
"are you asking me out on a date?"
"would i be rejected if i was?"
"... no."
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part two
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greatstormcat · 3 months
mm… oh great cat of storms..
price would totally plead
“come home and shout at me. come home and fight with me. come home and break my heart, if you must”
“just come home.”
The response to this is almost overwhelming! I do have some more to give you….
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 if you need to catch up.
Price sits at the kitchen table, your engagement ring resting in one of his heavy palms, the simple band and single stone looking small and fragile. He ruminates that he hadn’t accounted for how fragile a relationship could be after all. His phone lights up, vibrating on the tabletop once again and demanding attention, he’s lost count of how many times it’s done that now. Unless the call is from you, he doesn’t want to know.
He stopped trying to call you an hour ago as you won’t answer, and he can’t leave anymore messages. Messages demanding to know where you are, cajoling you to call him back, apologising for being a dick, apologies for calling again, there’s so many now. You even turned the tracking off on your phone app, and the AirTag for your keys is by the backdoor, so he has no idea where you’ve gone. Suddenly he realises that he has let himself drift away from you, stopped paying attention to what matters to you, just as everyone warned him.
His phone stops buzzing and the number of missed calls goes up by one. It rings again almost immediately and anger sparks, making him snatch up the phone and answer it through gritted teeth.
“Yeah,” he grunts tersely, hating the extra gravel in his voice and clearing his throat.
“Everything okay?” Simon’s voice filters through the phone. John clears his throat again, scrubbing his face and getting up, limb stiff from lack of blood flow over the past few hours.
“Solid,” he lies, not even convincing himself.
“Did you two talk….” Simon begins slowly.
“They’re gone,” Price interrupts, trying to get to the point. The silence on the other end does nothing to mask the exhale Simon blows through his nose. “Yeah, I’ve fucked this up. The ring’s here in an envelope,” he continues, voice thickening despite his efforts to control his emotions.
“Do you know where they’d go?” Simon asks, tone neutral but Price knows the other man too well. Knows what he really thinks, and Price would be judgemental too if this were anyone else right now. He paces through the ground floor of the house, past photos framed and displayed with pride. These are the memories he has forgotten, discarded and erased with his callousness. “You’ve gotta know where they’d run at a time like this.”
One photo sticks out, it’s one of the oldest here, you’re both much younger in it. He remembers when it was taken, a date at the coast when it was so windy you’d gotten cold and it gave him the perfect excuse to wrap his arms around you and keep you held to his chest for hours.
“I have an idea where they might be,” John replies and grabs his keys, striding towards the door with as much purpose as when he heads to exfil. If he can find you in time, perhaps he can turn this around. Or, if it’s too late, at least he can say his goodbye and tell you he never once stopped loving you.
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gloryofroses19 · 2 months
Just You, Just Me
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“You look like a war bond poster.” Major John Egan smiled big and bright as he exited Colonel Harding’s office. More like a pin-up, he thoughtfully amended walking closer to the Lieutenant.  
The 0400 hour offered little light but John could recognize the silhouette sitting on the hood of his jeep. He did it with the ease of someone who memorized those smooth curves and soft edges. 
“Now remind me, does the poster say ‘a woman’s place is in the war’ or ‘save some wings, smile at a fly boy’?” The Lieutenant asked playfully as her hands found purchase on his broad shoulders. 
“I believe it’s ‘lonely lips crash B17s’.” Slotting himself between her legs, he was grateful for her fashion choice to wear slacks in the early morning cool air. The war had done a lot for women but he selfishly loved how easily he could get close to her in a way her uniform skirt didn’t allow. Not that he wasn’t adept at that either… 
“Oh, we can’t have that can we?” She airly replied, beginning to play with the baby curls at the back of the pilot’s head. Soft and irresistible were just two of the many positive qualities the curls shared with the man they rested on. 
Warmth blossomed in John’s chest by her gentle movements. He allowed himself the comfort of brushing his nose against hers. The action gave him a vision of another life and time, where he could do it again in the safety of their shared bed, where Krauts and colonels were a faraway nightmare. 
But at the moment, that wasn’t their reality. Their current reality were stolen moments and cherished nights, where they were just a man and a woman who met on a fateful rainy afternoon. 
With a gentle peck to the tip of her nose, he distanced himself just enough for cerulean to meet [eye color]. She matched his soft gaze with one of her own, equal parts affection and longing. “Don’t worry, I’ll be careful.” 
John smiled at [y/n]’s raised eyebrow, as if she was asking if he read her mind. However, [y/n] learned early on she couldn’t run from John Egan. He was far too intelligent, emotionally aware and observant to allow her to be too far once he learned she liked him back.  
“I know that look,” his voice teased, his warm hands squeezing her hips. “It’s your ‘‘John, darling, baby, light of my life, be my good bad boy and be safe’”. 
She wasn’t shocked that John knew the bubbling anxiety inside of her. In the dead of night, they had shared many things. Dances, bottles of beer, kisses, fears and the emotional intimacy born from two souls finding comfort and love in each other.  
“Well, now it’s saying ‘kiss me senseless and never let me go John Egan’”. His honeyed tone matched his sweet smile. 
“Sounds like an order to be me then Major.” She gently replied. Batting her lashes at him, [y/n] considered her options. She could tease him and they’d flirt and banter until the tension was too high to avoid. Or she could strike first and allow them to have some rare moments together before he has to fly away.  
So without further warning, she tightened her arms around his neck and guided his lips towards her awaiting ones. Kissing him softly, but without inhibition. Kissing him to disarm his teasing retort. Kissing him to relieve any doubt for the both of them that this mission was going to be his last. 
When he felt her soft lips on his, John melted further into her, her scent invading his mind. He exhaled against her skin, hot and full of desire, breathing nothing but her, the uncertainty of the mission forgotten for a moment. 
Reluctantly, he pulled back, slow and hesitant, stealing another three kisses from her lips.
“Be careful on this mission, please.” She murmured against his mouth. Placing a lingering kiss on his Cupid’s bow, smiling as his mustache tickled her. 
Cupping her cheek, he didn’t let her get too far. “I’ll come back to you,” he sealed the promise with a lingering kiss. “‘Sides, we gotta bet to settle.”
Giggling, she busied herself with fixing his disheveled sheepskin. Smoothing her hands across the front of his jacket, she suddenly gripped the open lapels and pulled. Successfully, she surprised the pilot who could only brace his palms on jeep’s hood caging [y/n] between his arms. “Good, I want my souvenir and bragging rights that I beat Major Bucky Egan at the navigator exam.” 
“You don’t stand a chance.” The pilot began matching her haughty tone before his deep voice turned accusatory. “And don’t think I don’t know about you asking Bubbles to tutor you.”
Mouth opening in out rage at the implication, she scoffed. Pointing his left pointer finger dangerously close to her mouth,  [y/n] considered biting it. 
“I saw you two talking in cahoots!” John argued with a huff of poorly hidden humor as his baritone voice raised. 
As was expected when it came to Major Egan, it was a half truth. She was good at navigating, her job as Major Bowman's lieutenant required it, but she wasn’t as good as John. She could claim it was because a well rounded pilot, especially a commanding officer, could and should be able to complete any job on his fort. But truthfully he was just smart, he wouldn’t successfully carry out missions and be named Air Exec for nothing. One of her favorite sights was watching him correct and inform new recruits. 
“Cahoots?” Removing her arms from what John deemed ‘their rightful spot’, she instead crossed them. “We were doing this called working, who do you think plans your flight missions, Major?”
He barely bit back a laugh, instead settling on a cheeky smile. “Speaking of flight missions, wanna kiss my lucky deuces?” 
Tilting her head quizzically, [y/n] regarded the pilot. “Is that what the kids are calling their lips now?” 
His callused hands picked up her smaller ones. “I meant my lucky two bucks, baby.” 
Despite her nose scrunching up in what seemed like disgust, [y/n] linked her fingers with John’s.  “You want my lips to touch the money that has touched yours and Gale’s hands and sat in both of your pockets?” 
“Technically, I split it with Gale so it's only one dollar.” With a squeeze to their interlocked hands, he brought one up to his lips. Placing a gentle kiss onto the back of it, he brazenly added. “But my lips are welcome as well.”
With her head thrown back in laughter, John appreciatively watched the unencumbered laughter spill from her saccharine lips. Moments like this were the reason why he was fighting and why he was coming back. John Egan wanted many things out of life. He wouldn’t let any Krauts take the many more laughs and kisses he could share with [y/n] away without a fight. 
Winding her arms around his neck, she placed a kiss on his lips. John accepted her soft kiss at first and then with a swift shift of intensity, as if moving the control of a B17, he found her clinging to him as if he was the only solid thing in a dizzy swaying world. 
Pulling back slowly, John placed a final kiss on her forehead. “Drive me to the airfield?” 
Closing her eyes, her hands bunched in the warm fleece of his coat lapels. “Your chariot awaits.” She whispered softly, taking solace in their last few moments. Gathering herself, she lightly pushed her hands against his chest asking for space.
John took a step back, allowing [y/n] the room to slide off the jeep. However, once her feet were firmly on the ground, he wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her into his warm body. “Take the long way?” 
“Sure thing, fly boy.”
A/N: Appreciate any and all feedback!
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beyondspaceandstars · 9 months
"You deserve all the flowers."
Relationship: TASM!Peter Parker x Reader Drabble Summary: Peter brings you flowers every night and you're just not sure why. Word Count: 740 A/N: what?? what??? a new drabble - a FRESHLY written drabble? i got so excited last night when I finally had the motivation/inspiration to write. this is over on the word count for my usual drabbles but it's under 1k so i think it still counts lmao i hope you enjoy!!
You swore one of these days Peter was going to turn your apartment into a full-blown greenhouse. You didn’t know how it started or why he always showed up with flowers but your kitchen was crowded with vases and it was slowly spilling over into your living room.
And now here Peter, still in his Spider-Man suit, was once again entering your apartment through your fire escape window while gripping another bouquet. He brought you daisies this time. They were very fragrant; their scent filled your bedroom immediately.
"Hi, sweetheart," Peter muttered after he pulled off his mask. "I picked these up for you tonight. I hope they’re okay, I don’t think I’ve gotten you daisies in a while."
You couldn’t help but smile as you took the fresh flowers from him. "Thank you, Peter. They’re lovely," you replied. He had most certainly just gotten you daisies last week but you weren’t going to mention it. That bunch was in your kitchen, blooming and bright.
Peter planted a kiss on your cheek before shuffling aside your open textbooks and flopping on his unofficial official side of your bed. You were just finishing up studying for your college midterms when he came in.
You took in Peter’s exhausted form. He didn’t look too beat up, just a bit tired, which put you at ease. You weren’t a stranger to this situation. Peter would come to your apartment following his patrol, flowers in hand, ready to talk about nothing and everything before you both inevitably drifted off to sleep. But you’d never go to bed before the flowers were taken care of. Even though Peter brought you a plethora of them—so much so you were having to seriously get creative with the vases—each one melted your heart. Each one was special and deserved proper attention.
You cared for them because he cared enough to get them. But you never quite understood why it was so consistent. Did other girls want this many flowers?
"What were you working on?" Peter asked as he flipped through one of your textbooks. You watched his eyes skim the page.
"Philosophy," you answered, but it wasn’t like you had to. "I have a midterm coming up."
"Oh, yeah, we’re at that time of the year," he sighed. "Do you want me to quiz you on anything tonight?"
You shook your head and gently pulled the book from his hands. You closed the cover and shut your notebooks all while still coddling the bouquet of daisies. "Peter, can I ask you something?"
"Sure," he responded, his voice very level. "Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, of course," you assured him, "I just wanted to ask about the flowers."
He frowned. "The flowers?"
You nodded as you fiddled with the stems of the daisies. "They’re really beautiful and so thoughtful of you, it’s just…"
"What?" Peter gulped. "Do you not like them?"
"No," you insisted, "no, that’s not it at all. I love them so much. But I’m just curious… Why? Why do you bring me flowers every night?"
Your sweet boyfriend let out a sigh of relief at your question. "That’s what that big build-up was for?" He teased.
Your cheeks grew warm. "My apartment is drowning in flowers, Peter."
"There’s still room," he said with a shrug. "But to answer your question I… I guess it gives me something to focus on, a goal to have at the end of the night. It’s not always crazy out there but there’s been some things that have gotten to me and it’s just part of what keeps me going. I gotta protect the great people of this city and I gotta bring you flowers." Peter sighed. "I love you so much, sweetheart, and you deserve all the flowers."
An ache stabbed its way through your chest. Your grip on the flowers tightened as a tear threatened to spill out. Your reaction felt a little dramatic but your boyfriend’s words were just what you needed to hear.
"Oh, honey…" You nearly cried as you leaned over to place a kiss on his lips. He was also almost crying but still happily reciprocated the affection.
Peter sniffled. "I’m sorry I’ve been drowning you in flowers."
You shook your head and let out a breathy laugh. "I don’t mind anymore. Please drown me in flowers forever, babe."
"Forever," Peter repeated with a smile. "Absolutely. Forever. I can do forever."
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strniohoeee · 4 months
Pick Up
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Pairing: Chris Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Opting to walk home late at night, Y/N occupies her time by calling someone from her past. But will they pick up?
Warnings⚠️: None, this is a filler imagine so it’s SHITTT. Mentions of being drunk and high (weed). Cigarette use and that’s all🤍
Song for imagine: Why’d You Only Call Me When You’re High?- Arctic Monkeys
Now it’s three in the morning
And I’m trying to change your mind
Left you multiple missed calls
And to my message, you reply
Why’d you only call me when you’re high?
Stepping out onto the uneven payment, my heels wobble in the cracks as I balance myself. Sniffling and shivering as I pull my jackets closer to my body. The sound of more bodies shoveling out of the club.
Walking to the curb as I wait to order an Uber home. Kicking gravel off the sidewalk as I try to recollect myself. Too many drinks and too many pulls from a joint I was blinking fast. A stupid attempt to get my eyes to feel not so heavy.
I pull out my phone and open my contacts letting my finger hang over the one person's contact I should’ve gotten rid of a long time ago. Taking a deep breath I slide my hand into my purse and pull out a cigarette. An American Spirit to be exact. The best ones to smoke while you were a bit drunk. At least I thought so…..
“Wanna head home with me” I heard from behind me, turning over I offer a smile to my friend
“Oh no I’ll just Uber home” I said to him, placing a cigarette between his lips and lighting it as he leans over to light mine for me
“Thanks” I mumble as I take a long drag
“You smoke up all my weed and you won’t even come home with me?” He asks laughing
“Your party tricks don’t work on me sir, you gotta be smarter than that” I replied laughing
“At least I can say I tried” he said laughing too
“Hey! Listen, thank you for inviting me out tonight. I really needed that” I said to him as I tap my cigarette and watch the ash fall
“Of course! You know I got you. Whenever you’re feeling down just hit me up” he said smiling at me
“I love you” I say taking one last pull from my cigarette
“I love you too Y/N. To better days and to better men” he said nudging my arm with a smirk
“Amen” I reply hugging him
Tapping the cigarette out with my heel as I watched him get into an Uber with a guy and a girl….. man was he a slut. Waving bye to him as I pull out my phone again.
Stepping back from the curb I lean against the light pole as I pull my phone out again. I mean I could just walk home. It was probably a 20-25 minute walk. A nice phone call and a nice breeze? I opted out of the Uber.
Using the excuse of “it saves me money”….it was only a $8 Uber ride….whatever! I began my journey home. The only issue I thought was the pain my feet would be in, in about 10 minutes.
Dragging my tongue over my teeth I let out a sharp breath of air and looked down at my screen. My finger once again hovering over that one specific contact. I shouldn’t….but who cares…..but we haven’t seen each other in so long…..don’t do it…do it….
I shook my head and hit call mobile…..
Christopher🩶 calling mobile…..
My heels clacked against the pavement rapidly as I waited for him to pick up. The ringing sent shivers down my spine.
“I’m sorry the number you have reached is not available-“
I hung up before it could finish. Groaning to myself out of annoyance but also embarrassment. I opened the iMessage between us…. An honestly embarrassing history.
Why don’t you ever pick up?
Read 2:53am 1/20/23
Chris I miss you😔
Read 9:46pm 1/26/23
Helloooooo you never pick up when I call
Read 11:11 pm 3/10/23
Ik it’s been a while, but at least answer me…
Read: 5:03am 5/26/23
Do you ever miss what we had?😕
Read 4:23am 5/27/23
Chrissssssss answer me🧎🏽‍♀️
Read 12:56am 7/19/23
I’m with Nick and Matt…..
7/19/23 1:02am
I miss you Christopher🖤
Read 1:15am 7/19/23
It’ll pass.
7/19/23 1:16am
Why do you never pick up!
Read 4:47am 9/17/23
Are you drunk rn?
9/17/23 4:47am
Maybe a little tipsy, but 100% high
Read 4:48am 9/17/23
Sorry I never stop calling, I just miss you
Read 2:08am 10/31/23
Merry Christmas🤍
Read 8:15am 12/25/23
Wish I was celebrating the new year with you
Miss you <3
Read 12:10am 1/01/24
January 1st, 2024 12:10am
Pick up.
Read 2:39am 02/12/24
No I’m not proud of this, but once I was under the influence I couldn’t stop my fingers from moving. No, I never texted the next morning to apologize because the following weeks and days I’d do it all over again.
But somehow seeing the ‘read’ logo pop up made my heart hurt just a tiny bit more. Shaking my head I kept walking. I had another 18 minutes till I was home. Suddenly my phone started buzzing. I looked down and I was immediately anxious
Incoming call
I decide to pick up, placing the phone against my ear as I wait for him to speak.
“Hello?” He says in a question
“Hi Chris” I say back more excited than him
“You alright?” He asks me
“Of course I am” I said back
“Where are you right now?” He asks me a bit concerned
“You don’t get to ignore me for a year and then ask me where I am” I said in a slurred way
“You’re right I don’t, so bye” he said instantly which caused me to freak out
“No no! Sorry I’m walking home” I said to him
“Walking home? Now? At this hour? With who? Where were you?” He asks frantically
“I’m alone and I just came from a bar. I’ve had a bit too much to drink and a bit too much weed” I responded giggling
“I can pick you up” he says to me
“No don’t worry I’m almost home plus the streets are quite tonight” I say back to him
“Well stay on the line with me till you get into your apartment, got it?” He says sternly
“Yes sir” I reply back giggling
“Why’d you call?” He asks
“The same reason I’ve called and texted constantly. I miss you” I said to him
“Well why’d you only call me when you’re high?” He asks
“High? Why’d I only ever call you when I’m high?” I asked a bit taken back
“Y/N, you never call me at normal hours other than Christmas. It’s always party hours and it’s always “i miss you” you only call and text when you’re high and drunk” he replies a bit annoyed
“I just happen to be under the influence when I want to share my love with you” I reply sniffling
“You never text me or call me when you’re sober. Are you scared to talk when your mind is completely clear?” He asks me
“What? No….” I say in a whisper
“I think you are….” He says back
“Well how come you never answer me then?” I reply back
“Because I’ve moved on” he says flat out
“Moved on?” I ask as I turn a corner trotting closer to my apartment complex
“What we had was great and of course I miss you, but we’re over. And I can’t be the crutch when you’re drunk and high” he says
“I don’t need you to be my crutch” I respond rolling my eyes
“Then you would call me when you’re sober” he replies
“Whatever” I say back getting angry
“No reason to be mad” he says laughing a bit
“I’m not mad” I say back instantly
“Well then is that all you needed to get off your chest?” He asked me
“Yeah that’s all” I say back sternly
I cross the street and walk towards my apartment complex. Opening the glass door and walking into the lobby. My heels click hard and fast as I stomp over to the elevator. Getting up to my floor and walking into my apartment.
“I’m home” I say bluntly
“I’m glad you’re safe” he responds
There was a moment of silence. Chewing my lip as I kick my heels off and throw myself down on my couch.
“So you don’t miss me?” I ask him looking up at my ceiling
“Of course I do, but we just weren’t meant for each other” he says in a huff
“Weren’t meant for each other…” I repeat back lowly
“Well yeah, we always argue and we just never saw eye to eye” he said back
“I suppose that’s true” I say to him
“What exactly is it that you miss about me?” He asks a bit intrigued
“I miss your smile, and your eyes, your silky hair, I miss your laugh. I miss the stupid shit you’d do…..I just miss it all” I said as I smiled to myself
“Drunk words are sober thoughts” he said laughing a bit
“But you’ve known this” I said to him
“I suppose so” he replied back
“Well anyways I’m home now, it was great hearing your voice. I’ll leave you alone now” I said to him sitting up and running my hands through my hair
“Yeah it was great talking to you, but just do me one favor. Stop calling me.” He says and my heart shatters
“Uh..yeah okay” I say in a whisper as a lump forms in my throat
“…..stop calling me when you’re high. Call me tomorrow morning when you’re sober” he says laughing a bit at me
“You asshole you scared me” I said giggling
“I’m sorry, I was just messing with you” he said laughing
“Whatever, but fine I’ll text you tomorrow morning” I said to him
“Good and maybe we could meet for lunch” he says
“Ouuu a date?” I say wiggling my brows
“No! Just catching up” he says scoffing
“Sure thing” I say, he giggles and we say our goodbyes.
Hanging up the phone as I toss it on the couch. I open my patio doors and step out. Lighting my cigarette as I look out into the quiet night sky.
Taking a drag I let it all sink in. All my embarrassing texts and calls to him eventually led me back into his life. Taking a drag as I exhale through my nose. I was such a hot fucking mess, but at least the pieces were slowly falling into place.
I just couldn’t understand why I’d only ever call him when I’m high…..
The End
This was just a short imagine to fill in for the fact I’ve been MIA for two weeks. This was ass, but I’ll put out better shit in the next coming days. I love yall dearly 😋🖤🖤
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lunamochii · 1 year
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neteyam + lo’ak + aonung x na’vi!fem reader
✑ three of em’ are age up, pure smut. MINORS DNI! Reblogs are okay.
✑ both of you or just you are about to cum when they noticed someone is coming so they tried to play it cool and warn you while on it
✃ ✃ ✃ ✃ ✃ ✃ ✃ ✃ ✃ ✃ ✃ ✃ ✃ ✃ ✃ ✃ ✃ ✃
❈ Neteyam
The both of you stayed back at the hut, Neteyam fake his illness so he can just have a moment with you. This weeks were horrible for him since he can’t even have a one moment with you without his father dragging him to hunting
“Won’t you hug your legs for me, princess?”
He lick his fingers and slid three inside you, you let out whimper as he finger fuck you again. He really live up to his words when he said that he won’t leave you alone not until he makes you cum ten times
“‘Teyem… I want your cock please”
You look at him with daze eyes and he smirk, about to fuck you with his cock again when he heard noises outside the hut
“Hope his feeling better”
It was his mother’s voice, his eyes drop down at you who is begging already. He let out a growl and told you to sat down beside him, grabbing the cover he use it to cover his whole body and the arm he extended to which he buried his fingers inside you
“This is crazy!” You reasoned out, he suddenly move his fingers inside and made you moan
“Make a noise and I will fuck you in broad daylight”
Was his last warning before his mother came in and he faked a cough
“Y/N! So glad you’re here. Is he feeling any better?”
You were about to answer and Neteyam move his fingers inside in scissor motion causing your breath to hitch
“M-More than ever..”
Neteyam bit his lip to prevent himself on laughing as he felt your glare at him. Ah, how he love to tease you.
❈ Lo’ak
Out in the woods, again. That’s how you and Lo’ak spend most of your leisure time and the both of you really take your time in many good ways
Like how he got you pin on a tree and him pumping his load for the third time now in you, you put your arms around his neck. Placing a kiss on his neck before he hoist you up and began to move again
“Any more than this and I will go crazy, love..”
“And that’s how I like it, c’mon let me hear your voice.”
You press your body towards him as he move, you didn’t even bother being alert around you. Fucking with him outside, it makes you want more.
Lo’ak was moaning with you when he noticed some na’vi in patrol are coming towards where you guys were. He couldn’t stop now, not when you feel so good and chanting his name
“Bit on my shoulde, my love. I will go fast”
He didn’t wait for your response and fasten his pace making you shut your mouth and covering it, your eyes watered and your body began to tremble, Lo’ak let out a hiss when you bite into him and his seed spilled inside you
“Lo’ak? What are you doing in here?”
A na’vi ask him and the man just smiled
“Just taking a walk, y’know away from my father’s nagging”
The na’vi only hum as a reply and excuse himself, Lo’ak parted the leaves that is hiding your body. There you laid, naked. Oh Eywa, his cock is hard again.
❈ Aonung
“Shut up or I won’t let you ever cum!”
Aonung threatened as he went rougher and faster. Your eyes watered, tears threatening to fall and his features immediately soften and have you wrap your legs around his waist. He bend down to kiss you and hush you
“Sorry baby, it’s just the more I hear your voice. The more I want to fuck you rough.”
“So you don’t want to hear my voice?”
You ask and Aonung almost cum when he saw your expression. He flip you, your chest press against the wooden floor of their marui pod. You whimpered when he slid his cock and you can hear the sounds when your skins slap to each other
“Aonung? Mother wants you to meet her..”
Aonung curse under his breath as he stuff two fingers inside your mouth, he moved faster and faster until he spilled his cum inside you not even minding the stinging pain when you bit on his finger
“Tell her I’m coming! I just gotta finish something”
He move away from you and plop down on the side but you crawled towards him, your hands wrapping around his shaft, tongue licking his cock clean. He smirk and caress your face
“Yeah… I gotta finish fucking you until you’re just a dumb bitch just for me.”
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ilovemeadema · 4 months
she looks so pretty (chapter one) - Alessia Russo x reader
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warnings: just two awkward girlies hehe, suggestive? kinda?, if you squint lol
hiya guys!, im back (kinda??) im gonna try post more frequently, but no promises lmao
anyways hope you enjoy this first part to a lil seires im gonna be working on, enjoy!
“Come on girls!”
You hear the crowd erupt as you took the first steps at the emirates, as much as many times as you'd step out onto the incredible stadium you'd always get goosebumps at the sound of the thousands of fans cheering you on.You look around taking it all in as you stand in line with the rest of your team, you watch kim little and mary Earps shake hands and follow the line of your teammates to shake hands with the familiar manchester united players.
you watch the heads in the line pass you when you see the spiky ponytail, you look up and meet the eyes of Alessia Russo, piercing blue eyes meeting with yours for a second, you grab each other's hand and just like that, she's gone.
You'd never properly spoken to Alessia, but the 2 times you’d played against man united this season you felt her eyes on you during the game, and when you'd catch her, she would immediately look away and as soon as the whistle blew, you would try avoiding her and go straight for the changing rooms, scared that if you did end up talking to her, you'd say something stupid to embarrass yourself, so avoiding her was the next option.
You jogged over to the team circle, wrapping your arms around Beth and Kaite, Kim gave her speech and you all put your hands in the middle of the circle and lifted your arms up.
Arsenal end up beating united  2-1, you and viv both scoring absolute worldies, you'd all gone around taking pictures and signing shirts when you feel a tap on your shoulder, you turn around and once again meet light blue eyes, you hear your heart in your ears as you snap out of it once you hear her relaxing voice.
“Nice goal before, was an amazing chip” Alessia praised you while wearing one of her pretty toothy smiles.
“Oh thank you, it was nothing really, Leah's assist set me up” you laughed rubbing your neck to hide the slight redness rising from your nervousness.
“Hmm true but that finish took skill, you cut through all our defenders” Alessia giggled playing with the hem of her shirt.
You both stayed talking a while longer when you heard Katies voice calling your name.
“y/n!, come on you slowpoke hurry yer ass over before i make ya” katie says looking between the two of you.
“Sorry, gotta get to the shower, i'd rather not get her to drag me over” you laugh.
“No worries, I'll see you at Lottes party this weekend?” Alessia asked, sounding hopeful.
“Yeah, for sure,i'll be there” you replied 
“Ah nice, see you there then” Alessia smiled and waved starting to walk away
“Y-yeah, you too!” you said while she walked back to hear teammates. You turned around and slapped your forehead.
“Realy y/n?, ‘you too’?, for fucks sake” you shook your head at yourself as you walked into the changing rooms.
an hour later your walking with leah to the car park, since youd signed with arsenal a few months ago youd moved in with leah until you could find a place of your own, but it was nice having her around, you werent a fan of being on your own a lot, so having her to talk to is something your grateful for.
you both got in the car, leah driving and you in shotgun, as she pulled out of the parking she began talking.
"saw you and lessi talking earlier" leah said smirking
"oh shush it was nothing, just some friendly chat thats all" you rolled your eyes at her.
"mhm, for now" she said laughing.
"your so annoying did you know that?" you said jokingly
"its my hobby to pester you" she shrugged smiling, you roled your eyes and laughed with her.
"if you keep rolling your eyes they are gonna end up at the back of your head"
Later that day you are cooking dinner at your shared apartment with leah, some spaghetti, nice and plain for leah and you add some spices to your own since your not as picky as her, you set the two plates at the dinner table when you hear your phone ping on the kitchen counter, you walk up to it and tap on the screen, your eyes widen and your heart starts racing.
‘Alessiarusso99 started following you’
You start jumping up and down in the kitchen giggling when Leah walks in on you.
“What's gotten you so happy?” she asks, smiling with one eyebrow raised.
“Oh it's nothing’ u say pushing your phone away.
“Let me see” she reaches over your shoulder and grabs your phone and taps the screen, she looks down at it and then smirks up at you.
“B’out time one of you guys made the first move foken’ ell” she says laughing
“Oh shush we hadn't spoken until today, and plus she doesn't see me like that” you say snatching your phone off her and rolling your eyes.
“Mhm, whatever you say y/n/n” she teases, walking out of the kitchen.
Saturday comes around and you're getting ready for the party, straightening your hair in your vanity, you'd never taken so long to choose an outfit, usually you're very quick when it comes to it, but tonight you found yourself struggling to find something you liked, or more so, something she would like. Once your done you grab your phone and spray on your expensive ‘going out’ perfume and head to the front door.
“God you look like your about to throw up” leah laughed at you
“Lee, stop it, im stressin’ man” you whined as leah shook her head.
“Come on romeo let's get in the car”
Once you get to the place Lotte rented out you hear the music blasting even from outside. you feel your chest tighten and your hands get sweaty, leah then puts her hand on your shoulder.
“Hey, relax, breathe” you nod at her words and start breathing slowly.
“You're gonna be fine, just be yourself okay?” she smiles at you, you return the gesture and begin walking inside.
You and Leah make your way through the crowd and the mist, disco lights flashing in your eyes and sweaty bodies bumping into you, you then see Katie,Caitlin,Beth and Viv by the bar and walk up to them.
“Leah,y/n, you're finally here, god what took you so long” beth said slurring over her words you laughed at her and gave her a hug.
“Lessi asked about you before, she was wondering where you were” Beth giggled, wiggling her eyebrows.
“Did she?” you said, your heartbeat once again starting to increase, beth nodded at your words. You then decided you needed some alcohol in your body so you'd gain the confidence to actually talk to her.
“Leah, you want a couple shots?”
After around 20 minutes of dancing  you started to feel lighter, not drunk since you wanted to remember everything tonight.
You then scanned the crowd, looking for a specific blonde through the hundreds of heads.
“Look who's finally here” you turn around at the familiar voice and smile.
“Hey, i was just looking for you actually” you said matter of factly as she smiles at you
“I've been wanting to dance with you” she said looking up and down at you
“Is that so?” you say smirking at her, liking how confident she's acting. She smiles at you and grabs your hand, pulling you into the crowd of sweaty bodies.
Alessia starts screaming as ‘mr saxobeat’ starts playing,you laugh and start dancing with her, you watch how she dances, she looks good, really good, the way the simple black dress hugs her curves is driving you crazy, the disco lights shine on her skin, making her glow, you look at her in awe.
You then step closer to her, she smiles at you and grabs your wrists, placing your hands on her waist, you pull your bodies together, moving to the beat of the music, her arms go on your shoulders, your eyes not leaving each other, she lifts her drink in the air as you both sing along to the words of ‘she knows’, your fingers start tracing shapes on her waist and you feel her slightly shiver at your touch, you smirk at her and lean into her ear.
“You like that?” you whisper
“Shut up” she giggles, you then dig your fingers deeper into her waist, her laughing stopping as she lets out a shaky breath.
“Fuck” she curses softly, you laugh through your nose and relax your fingers, rubbing your hands up and down her waist trying to calm her down.
“Don't wanna move too fast now hm?” you whisper looking into her hooded eyes.
“Hmm yeah, let's take it slow” she smirks,her eyes locked on yours as she slots her leg between both of yours, putting slight pressure on your core, you let out a low groan.
“Oh fuck you” you laugh as she removes her leg. She giggles and creates some space between both of you.
“Let's go find lotte” Alessia suggests, you nod agreeing and let her hold your wrist, pulling you through the crowd.
It's gonna be a long night.
soso sorry for the lack of fics, ive been quite busy and tbh ive had 0 motivation, please feel free to drop some requests ( i rly need some lol) or just any random questions :)
part 2 coming soon! xx
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aouiaa · 2 months
Who are you, really?
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Outline: Love is many things; beautiful, transformative, but isn’t always like that. It can also be dangerous, deceiving, and in this case, it’s all the above for you. Can you break your morals for love?
Word Count: 3.7k+
Warnings: Modern au + Reader’s pov + No baby JJ + D and R are in their mid 30s + Established relationship + Description of violence + Mentions of death + Multiple mentions of sexual depictions + Flashback + Angst + Mentions of R being a workaholic + Fluff + Raunchy humor + Italics are R’s thoughts + The bold italics are just for narration!
Chapter one -> Next Chapter
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The loud sound of something being slammed on your desk disrupted your “eye rest” break. Startled, your eyes subconsciously snap open to see another pile of files on your desk. Fuck, more?! And standing behind them is your boss.
“Sleeping on the job again, I assume?” the feminine voice penetrates your eardrums.
You groan, rubbing your eye, “No, no—“ you sigh, “just resting my eyes, sorry ma’am.”
“Well resting your eyes—“ she emphasized, “—ain’t gonna solve the cases that are piling on your desk, Y/n.”
You sighed, “I know, I know, you know I wouldn’t slack off on these cases—just…need some coffee.” you responded. You need more than just coffee, you needed some fucking clarity. An explanation to tell everyone around you, but mostly for yourself. Having multiple endless sleepless nights trying to conjure up an explanation. With all these unsolved cases—or should I say horrific cases piling your desk like damn skyscrapers. How could you sleep?
From the last viewing of past crimes, you’ve seen the gruesome length, this killer isn’t afraid to tread. But this wasn't unusual for you, you’re a crime scene investigator—lead crime scene Investigator on this ongoing case—sorry. So this became the norm for you. But with the norm came responsibilities, and with responsibility came stress. This maniac has been roaming around for years now, murdering innocent victims.
Only now, their murders have been getting more brutal. Old reports stated, “victim found with multiple stab wounds to the chest area” to now reporting, finding them with stab wounds and or either their “abdomens gutted” or “limbs missing” that would be later found spread out in public spaces.
What a sick fuck.
But the one thing they were notorious for was leaving evidence. It wasn’t actually evidence to get them caught. No, They were fucking smart, you’d give them that. It was just evidence to get you and your team excited to only realize it leads to a dead end, leaving everyone frustrated. This fucker was toying with you. You were gonna make sure this asshole pays for what he did. Even if it kills you.
Because having the victims’ family belittle you and your team infuriated you. Because who were they to call you and your team quote on quote, ‘just a bunch of useless idiots sitting on their asses eating donuts?!’ My god, that’s just a fucking stereotype!—actually a glazed donut sounds good right now—
“Hey, Y/n?—Y/n!” a voice ripples through your ongoing thoughts.
“Huh?—Ahh shit!” You hiss as the scolding hot coffee lands and burns your skin. Pulling your hand to your chest and holding the irritated skin, you look behind to see your colleague, Sam.
“Shit—you okay?” he asks, his eyebrows furrowed in concern.
“Yeah, yeah—I’m fine.” Fucking coffee, “You staying late tonight?” you ask.
“No, no, gotta get home to the missus tonight and you?” he says with a gruffy chuckle.
You chuckle as well and respond, “Uhh—no, I’m staying late tonight, gotta finish up a few things…” you say while grabbing your steaming coffee carefully and walking over to the coffee counter display. He follows slowly behind and leans against the counter beside you and replies, “Oh…alright—just be careful. These recent killings, man, they have everyone on edge.” he warns.
That warning makes you chuckle, “Trust me, I can deal with some asshole.” you reply while pouring some of the coffee out and ripping open a sugar packet, pouring the contents inside your cup. But you didnt hear him laugh along, instead a unamused sigh leaving his mouth, “Y/n—” Fuck, here we go again, “—Alright, alright, I’ll be safe, god.” you interrupt with a little chuckle to avoid an awkward moment.
He sighs, “You can’t joke around like that—“ This fucking guy “—I said I’ll be safe.” interrupting once more with a serious tone. The immediate seriousness in your voice catches him off guard, making him back off. “Alright, sorry…I’ll…see you tomorrow.” he responds sheepishly and begins to walk away as you finish making your coffee.
You turn your head to see your colleague walking away, feeling the guilt settling in your stomach—Fuck..
You didn’t mean to blow off on him like that. You’ve just been restless and so tense lately and no one can take a fucking joke. Granted, it was a shitty one, but still! Pull the sticks out your asses, guys and laugh! With a sigh, you sip your still bitter coffee—after putting in a bunch of creamers—and enter your office to resume on an unfinished report.
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You were on a roll! Finishing report after report, you loved the adrenaline you got from this. You could run two fucking marathons this rush coursing through your veins. Until the sound of your alarm disturbs the high. That stupid ass Justin Bieber song starts to play; “Baby, baby, baby oh!” With a groan, you grab the noisy phone from your pocket, holding it in your hand causes the phone to light up. It gives you a better look at the alarm’s display and with the name for it above, “Time to cum home!” Upon reading the name, it causes you to laugh while turning off the alarm.
God, I love her..
Standing up from your comfortable office chair, you begin packing your belongings up and pushing aside the empty coffee cups that desperately need to be thrown out. Eh..I’ll do it later. you won’t be doing it “later”. Nonetheless, you shut off the lights and begin trudging to the main office’s elevator, pressing the call button.
Grabbing your phone from your pocket once again, you go to the message app, and texting your girlfriend, Dina. You smile at the past conversation with your lover and text her.
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You wait a couple seconds for the “Delivered” receipt to turn to, “Read”, but it was a possible chance it wouldn’t since you knew tonight she was gonna stay up late working on designs for one of her clients. But the dinging sound of the elevator doors causes you to look up from your phone and walk inside. Turning off your phone and putting it back in your pocket, you press the button for the ground floor and begin your descent when that stupid ass alarm blares off again; “Baby, baby, baby oh!” You groan, immediately take out your phone to turn it off.
“Stupid ass fucking song.” you mumbled annoyedly.
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Few months prior…
You walk into your shared bedroom to find your girlfriend fiddling with your phone. At first, you didn’t mind until you started hearing multiple alarm sounds coming from Dina’s direction causing you to turn around.
“Bae, what are you doing?” you ask while settling yourself down behind her, wrapping your arms around her waist, and placing your chin on her shoulder gently to look down at what she’s doing.
“Setting an alarm for you.” she replies.
Her answer elicits a chuckle and you begin to try taking your phone away from her playfully. “Dina, bae, you know I don’t need my phone to wake me up in the morning. I have the alarm clock for that.”
With every attempt to grabbing your phone results in being unsuccessful as she moves it out of your reach. “It's not for that.” she states, causing you to become even more confused.
“Oh?—what’s it for then?” you say with a cheeky smile and start to hum dramatically as if you’re thinking what it could be used for as you inquire again, “is it a reminder to eat you out—“
“Y/n!” she interrupts you, causing you to burst out laughing while she elbows your arm.
“No, you perv!” she quips with a smile, “it’s so you know when to come back from work.”
Your laughter slowly dies out and immediately giveher a look, “to stop working? babe—“
“—Ah, ah, ah, no, before you start, this is set because I know how you are.”
“anndd” you drag out, “how am I?” you ask playfully with a smirk.
She huffs, “You’re a workaholic” she bluntly says, “and tend to stay in your office for a long period of time even after your shift has ended!” she argues.
Her statement causes your playful demeanor to drop instantly and rest your head on her shoulder again, “Baby, you know I’m trying not to do that anymore.” you say softly.
“I know you are, but this is just to ensure that.” she softens her voice and looks back at you. There’s awkward silence between the two of you. Before a sigh from your girlfriend breaks that silence, “I’m just worried about you, that’s all.” You knew that she meant well and just acted this way out of fear. Terrified, She’d get the heart dropping call that you “collapsed at work and now in the hospital” again. No, she couldn't relive that moment again. No, you wouldn’t let that happen. Not again.
So you didn’t protest any further, just giving a nod and watching your girlfriend set the alarm. And even trying to lighten up the mood by helping her pick the most goofiest alarm sound that you knew you’d come to hate. But you didn’t care since you knew it’d bring the one girl you entrusted with your heart, comfort.
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The pattering of rain hitting your windshield as you drive down the familiar neighborhood feels so relaxing. Soothing even, it’s one of those rare comforts you get from your chaotic life and each time the feeling eventuates, you embrace it. But even though you try desperately to cling onto this feeling tightly, it always leaves. Always leaving a bitter feeling behind. With this same feeling coursing through your body, you pull into the driveway of your one story house. Turning off the engine, you don’t move instead resting your head on the steering wheel, listening and counting carefully to all the soft thumps that cast down on your car.
Pull yourself together..
Reluctantly, you get out of your car and walk to the entrance of your house while stuffing your hand in your pocket, searching for your keys. Fucking keys, where are you? Until the sharp edge of the key prickles your finger as you mouth the word “ow” before grabbing the key and sticking it in the keyhole. Twisting the key, unlocking the door to your cozy house.
Ahh, home at last.
Walking inside, you throw your keys into the bowl with Dina’s. “Dina?” you call out as you shut the door behind you and begin kicking your shoes off. No response. “Dina?” you call out again while losing your tie. No response once again—wait is that the water running? You hum in confusion and walk down the hallway, looking to the right, you see Dina’s ipad on the dining table with papers scattered around it.
Tattoo sketches..but where is the artist?
You avert your gaze ahead and continue walking down the winding hallway. The running water can be heard more prominent now, She must be in the bathroom. Now in front of the bathroom door, you can confirm that the water is running from the other end—but there’s also rustling. “Dina?” you knock on the door, “Baby, I’m home.” you say, waiting for a response.
“Yeah, yeah—I’ll be out in a bit…just using the bathroom!” The familiar voice says, causing you to smile.
“Alright—I’ll be in the kitchen.” you say and begin your way to said location.
“Okay!” you hear faintly as you walk away.
In the kitchen, you pour yourself some water, leaning against the counter, and closing your eyes. Trying not to think of the stresses of work, even though that’s all what’s been clouding your mind for months. Dismembered corpse—public space—some gutted—missing limbs—some having the same fate—oh god…
The sound of a door opening and soft footsteps approaching cause you to open your eyes and clear all those thoughts. You exhale, preparing yourself—For what? Upon seeing the raven haired girl, you set your glass down on the counter and walk over to you. Wrapping your arms around her waist and leaning in to kiss her.
“Hey baby.”
“Hey, you okay?” she says with a hint of worry in her tone.
The feeling of Dina caressing your cheek elicits a sigh, “Y-yeah—no, I'm okay. You took a shower?” you ask, noticing her damp hair.
A frown adorns on her face, but she answers your question. “Yeah, couldn’t really think so i took a shower.”
You nod, “Alright—well I should probably take one.”
She just hums in acknowledgment, seeming to be lost in thought. You knew when she was quiet like this—something was up.
“What’s wrong?”
There’s a pause, before uttering out, “Are you sure, you’re okay?”
You stare at your girlfriend, hesitant to worry or even plagued with her thoughts with those gruesome scenes that certainly keep you up at night. But you know, that it’ll only worry her more if you don’t say anything so—“Just work…I don’t know—“
“You do know, Y/n” She interrupts, not impressed by your response.
That intrusion leaves you speechless, pulling away from her embrace, you lean against the counter, “I know…just need—little rest that’s all.”
She crosses her arms once you pull away and just watches you. Eventually she walks past you, muttering something under her breath.
You feel your heart drop to watch your girlfriend act this way. Can I blame her? You sigh and walk towards her while she looks inside the fridge, wrapping your arms around her waist, “I don’t mean to worry you, Dina—“
“—Well you are.” she sighs, shutting the fridge door. Her focus turns to you, “I just want you to talk to me. To tell me your worries—to just communicate with me.” she says, almost pleading.
You nod, “I know—I just..” you sigh, “I just don’t want to…paint out these gruesome images in your head.” You try to hug her, but with caution—scared she’d pull away.
She doesn't though, immediately embracing you, “Don’t worry about me, Y/n” she sighs, “I just don’t want you to hold it all in, It’s not good.”
“It’s not exactly good for you either.” you say with a slight chuckle. You feel her smile against your skin eliciting a little laugh from her, “Like i said, don’t worry about me.” she repeats, pulling away to look at you with a smile painted on her face.
There it is again, that comfort you seem to look for subconsciously. It’s in front of you right now with the beautifulest smile in the world. Until she pats the side of your shoulder, “Now, we should cook something before heading to bed. ‘Cause I’m fucking starving.”
You groan, “Do we have to?” you emphasize on “have” in a whiny tone as you begin kissing her neck—hoping to distract her, “Can’t I just have you for dinner and call it a day?” you quip—but not really.
Dina chuckles, “That would be no fair, what would I eat?” She plays along.
“Oh? you can have this pus—“ you’re stopped midword when Dina puts her hand over your mouth, gasping, “No, you dirty dog. We're eating actual food and getting rest.” You smile and lick her hand causing her to snatch it away and yelling which makes you burst out laughing.
Dina wipes the palm of her hand on her jeans, “You’re such a freak…” she huffs while opening the fridge to get ingredients for this mini past midnight snack. You cross your arms, watching her with a smile adorning your face. It’s only when she has a handful of things in her arms when you lean off and take some weight off her hands, “woah—babe.” you chuckle, “what’s all this?”
Your question elicits a smile, “Dinner.” she states, settling the ingredients down. You follow her actions and look at her, “Dinner?—what are you exactly making?” you inquire with a nervous laugh. “Stop questioning the chef and help.” She demands playfully. Her demeanor makes you laugh,“Shit, yes ma’am” you say dramatically.
“Chef.” she corrects with a smile.
“Right.” You say as you begin washing the vegetables.
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Although you were always exhausted from your average eighteen hour shifts, you weren’t gonna let that stop you from having these types of moments with your girlfriend. Even if they were small as carpooling with one another to work or sitting down and just talking to each other. You didn’t care, it was small and vulnerable things that mattered the most to you. The ones you cherished. You have always been an observer since a child. That’s how you landed in the work you do now.
Taking the smallest moments and finding tranquility in every single one of them. Because without them, Who are you? Without these memories to keep you afloat, you’d be nothing. You wanted to be wherever Dina went because without her, you’d probably be in some dingy apartment eating pizza with static playing on your tv, losing your mind or worse.
God..don't even wanna think about that right now.
So you don’t, instead you watch your girlfriend ramble on about work, finding yourself entranced by her beauty. The way she stops and drops the spoon to occasionally move her hands around while talking, the way the strands of hair that come loose from her bun cast perfectly down her nape. God you loved her, you’d do anything for her. Anything.
“—I swear if I get one more client asking for fucking roses or skulls, Ima lose it!” she exclaims.
You snap out of your thoughts, “Yeah.” you say with a chuckle.
She stops and looks at you, “Have you been listening to a word I’ve said?”
You smile, “I've been listening.” you respond, crossing your arms.
She rolls her eyes and resumes cooking while you walk behind her, wrapping your arms around her waist, “I have, please continue.” you assure her, placing light kisses on her shoulder.
She hums, “Well, I’ve been working on this piece for a friend of mine.” she continues.
You lay your head on her shoulder, “Really?”
“Yeah, I’m really excited!”
“Who’s the friend?”
“Ellie, you remember her, right? From college.”
You nod and hum, “Oh yeah, I remember her.”
“Yup, I’m gonna be doing her left arm.”
“Ooo, sounds like that’s gonna hurt, especially in the armpit area.” you scrunch your face in displeasure.
“Well, she asked me to recommend an area where it’d look good and I suggested there.”
“Ahh—mm…well what’s the design she has in mind?”
“I don’t know, We haven’t gone in much depth into specifics, but definitely space related?”
You hum, “I’m excited for you, seems fun!” you say to her while watching her hand move the wooden spoon rhythmically around the pot until her voice snaps you out of your trance, “Set the table for me, yeah?”
With a quick nod and “Okay.”, you walk down the hall to the dining area. Upon arriving, you see the true mindset of an artist. Like seen when you arrived home, papers scattered midway of the dining table, some blank and some scribbled over unfinished designs that seem not to meet the artist’s high standards. You carefully grab all the papers and pile them into one neat pile.
Placing them aside, you grab Dina’s ipad that lights up immediately upon grabbing and showcases the unfinished sketch on the screen. Ellie’s tattoo, it’s a rough sketch of the design but some prominent details are visible. Upon closer inspection, you can see what looks to be a lightly sketched astronaut with wings attached behind it.
Scrutinizing the image comes to a short end when you hear footsteps behind you. Turning off the ipad and placing it on the stack of papers, you grab the bunch and turn around to see Dina with two bowls in hand, “Hey, sorry for the mess on the table” she says, placing the two bowls down and grabbing the stack from your hands.
“It’s no problem, seen your work. Fucking sick, babe.” You remark.
Your compliment elicits a smile from Dina, “Thank you, It’s not the final cut, but it’s something.”
You hum in response, “Well I like it already, finale or not.” you say with a smile.
The corner of the raven haired girl’s lips curve upward, “Heh, thanks babe.”
You shoot a wink at her and sit down while she sets the supplies aside and sits with you. Looking down at the contents in the bowl, it looks fucking amazing and you tell your girlfriend that. Finally, a real fucking meal. Not some fast food place down the street from your job.
A real meal.
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“4:26” is what is displayed on the clock sitting on your nightstand. How stupid of you to think, this’ll be the night you would actually get some sleep. Fuuuchhhkk.. Lying flat on the bed once more, you stared up at the ceiling. The soft breathing of your girlfriend fans lightly on your cheek, only annoys you more. Fuck it, I’ll just take one of Dina’s sleeping pills. Sitting up, you look beside you to see your girlfriend’s figure and looking over her form. You don’t see the pills that usually sit on her nightstand.
Fuck, Where the fuck did she put them?!
Throwing the sheet off your body, you slowly get out of bed and walk over to the other side of the bed. Carefully opening the drawer, you don’t find what you’re looking for. Fuck, she must’ve left them on the counter. Shutting the drawer lightly, you sneak away to the entrance of your bedroom, twisting the knob to exit.
Upon opening the door, you peek your head out to the abyss clouding your vision. You begin your descent into the dark hallway like a bat, gliding your arm along the wall for a light switch. When you’re almost down at the end of the hall, you kick something that goes flying down the end of the hallway.
You quickly find the switch and look down to see what you kicked, Dina’s backpack—Shit—You walk towards it and bend down to pick it up, but stop when something catches your eye. On the backpack can be found a dried substance.
is that blood?—
“Babe, what are you doing with my bag?”
The sound you come to love is now sending a chill down your back; Your girlfriend's voice,
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AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE; Please look at these links for palestine!! — How you can help Palestine, Why you shouldn’t support tlou/ buy the remastered, Educate yourself, #FREEPALESTINE. Please view these links to better educate yourself. If you could read this entire fic then you can take a few moments to learn and support palestine!
a/n; I know you’re sitting at the edge of your seat (hopefullly) to know what happens next 😭. And trust me I will be posting chapter two soon…maybe? I don’t wanna make promises because a lot of shit has happened in tumblr and my personal life which will hinder my progress of writing. But i honestly love fucking writing, it’s one of the few things that bring joy to my heart. I and I absolutely found joy in writing this chapter and I can’t fucking wait to start writing on chapter two!!! AHHHHH there’s so many fears and discomfort that do come to mind when i think of this fic and i’ll discuss one of them; the little recognition that Dina fic get :(((( i won’t go into detail but i do have to remind myself that this is for my pure enjoyment. GIVE DINA SO JUSTICE WTFFF?!!! And i truly can’t wait to write chapter two!!! Just the anticipation I’m having for it AHHHH okay okay ima stop yapping 😭😭 But i just before i fully stop yapping in my papping, I’d like to thank my two favs, @dyk3ang3l and @elliesprettygirl for listening to my thoughts on this! Especially syd, because whole fuck you really encouraged to me to write this and i love you so much 🤍😭😭. But with that, thank you for reading this, you seriously don’t know how happy I get seeing people enjoy what I enjoy making so Just thank you. And with all that cheesy shit out the way, MAKE SURE TO LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE TO NEVER MISS A BANGER LIKE THIS!!! 💯💯🔥🔥🔥
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꒰✰꒱ taglist: @dyk3ang3l, @elliesprettygirl, @whorefordina, @a-little-bit-of-everybody, @les4elliewilliams
꒰ᖭི༏ᖫྀ꒱ Perm taglist: @ellies2fingers, @r3starttt, @slut4mascss, @k1ssesworld, @bready101
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bones4thecats · 5 months
I'm not sure if you accepting RoR request but can I request Shiva, Buddha, Qin Shi Huang and Nikola Tesla with a fem reader that's Nyarlathotep? (crawling chaos from HP Lovecraft) she looks normal and even cute most of the time but she can be very much terrifying when turning into her cosmic horror form or if she wants to just mess around with the gods (mostly Zeus and Odin) by messing with their heads most of the time and they can't do much because she's an outer god but around them she's very sweet and helpful and ties her best to push away her violent tendencies for their sake
Type of Writing: Request Characters: Shiva, Buddha, Qin Shi Huang, and Nikola Tesla Name: {Character} with a Nyarlathotep! Reader Requester: Anonymous
A/N: At this point, I may as well make a page dedicated to my H.P. Lovecraft-themed Reader pieces, since I've written like three pieces now! It's ironic because of how much I love reading about these characters, lmao
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🪩 This man thrives on destruction, he's the God of it for crying out loud!
🪩 When he first met you, you and your father, Azathoth, were attending the Gods' Council meeting, and you were one of the Gods who decided to spare Humanity, and when asked by him, you just replied with a sly
" Oh, I do not wish for them to live because of pity or love, silly! Quite the opposite, actually! Humans have caused so much chaos and madness, it's wonderful! And, I plan on keeping them for as long as I find them enjoyable. Now, ta-ta~ "
🪩 He'd be lying if he said he didn't find you a hint alluring, you looked far cuter than what was written down, you were always described as a being that looked more 'monstrous' and 'hideous' than anything Humanity could've created
🪩 Shiva and you would normally speak whenever necessary, but, after a while, your more distant bond grew into a blooming friendship and eventual marriage!
🪩 This God definitely doesn't care about how mad you sound with your words, he just fears that maybe one day you'll either say something to the wrong person or you'll end up going unstoppable with madness and get annihilated by a stronger being
🪩 Whenever Loki messes around with Shiva, you end up messing with his mind a lot, prompting Odin to knock you away, which makes you target him, much to his birds' annoyance
🪩 Shiva tried pushing his own violent tendencies away for you and his fellow wives' sake, and because of this, he ends up having a special day every month for him to go out and let out those thoughts and actions, and, when he notices just how much pressure was building on you, he'd take you with him
" Go ahead and blow that massive boulder up! Good job, my Being of Chaos! "
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🍭 This guy was concerned when he first met you, you were seemingly more insane than the other Gods he met, and that included those such as Loki, and we all know how crazy that guy is
🍭 The only reason this guy even spoke to you was because of how strongly your father stood with the destruction of Humanity, every. single. time. that the Gods voted
🍭 Buddha was getting annoyed with how ignorant and oblivious your father was, and he could tell you were as well, and when he asked you about how you truly felt about your father, you acknowledged him, unlike many different Gods, and spoke to him calmly with hidden insanity
" My father is quite ignorant and, to be honest, sometimes even I wonder how in the name of the universe he has so much power. But, let me be honest with you, Buddha. Because of this, he's fun to manipulate. But, don't tell anyone about that, yeah? Yeah! Alright, gotta go, bye! "
🍭 He was quite off-put when he asked Brunhilde about you, and when she said how dangerous and hideous of a being you were, he was confused, you were adorable and seemingly sweet
🍭 Your God-friend and you were some of the only Gods who voted for Humanity's safety, though, you both kept it to yourselves, not wishing to have a certain someone's rage on your asses
🍭 When Ragnarok commenced, you teleported to speak to Brunhilde, telling her your plan of siding with Humanity during the Gods' strongest point to break them down mentally, you did love to watch them struggle, after all!
🍭 After finding out that Buddha was siding with Humanity, you jumped down, causing many to believe you were fighting against him, but, when you announced your defect to their side, your father's rage knew no bounds
" Oh, father, just how much of an ignorant prick can you be? Humanity does have some, decent, qualities to them. And while I may never fully understand them, I will try my best to do so. Anyways, have fun fighting, my dear! "
🍭 Much like Shiva, he appreciates how much you try staying sane around him and the Human Fighters, it lets him know just how much you do care about him
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👑 When Qin first met you, it was because one of your father's minions accidentally caused mass destruction to his home, leaving many lives in ruin and an emperor very, very, upset
👑 You attending the small meeting with your father, though you spent your time screwing around with the nearby humans, causing the ruler to ignore your father's rambles of incoherentness
👑 While he initially disliked how unsettlingly cute yet sadistic you were, once he got to know you a bit better, thanks to some well-spent time on Earth by yourself, he began to see you for what you really were
👑 Being raised by such a cruel yet idiotic being, you really didn't have the best examples when it came to interactions with other brings, heck, you had some of the most horrendous relationships with your two siblings, Nameless Mist and Darkness
👑 During one of your first meetings while on decent terms, he asked you exactly what you were going to do, since he had heard about Ragnarok forming from one of the guards of his
" Ragnarok? It sounds pretty pathetic to me, honestly. Though, I suppose watching the smug smirks of those so called Gods fade would make me smile myself. I kid, I kid! Oh, you see right through me, emperor! Honestly, really it's a funny thing, but, I may side with Humanity in the downfall, you know how I am! "
👑 Qin disliked how cruel and hostile you were with pretty much anyone, but, when he noticed how much softer and seemingly polite you were with his fellow fighters, he would smile to himself
👑 You must really care about him if it meant you were trying to push back the only thing you ever knew behind just so he could be happier and not driven to the brink of insanity himself from stress
" Why am I so kind with the mortals? I figured I was being sneaky with my behavior, oh well! They're far weaker appearing then they really are, I suppose. And I respect that, to a degree. I'm not going soft, damn you! "
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🧪 Nikola Tesla, the man known on Earth as the 'Ultimate Mad Scientist of His Time', and his title alone was enough to interest you
🧪 Once you learned of where he resided in Valhalla, you took a small trip there, leaving a simply written note on the table your father sat at daily, and setting a straight-lined course there
🧪 He was just working on his newest invention when his doors slammed open, making him jump and snap his head back to see a fairly tall humanoid-being standing there
🧪 While he stared at you, you smiled and ran up to him, allowing your form to float above him and ask if he was indeed the human known as 'Nikola Tesla'
🧪 Once reassuring his identity, you began asking about his work, from how he made something so complicated look so seemingly simple, despite the multitude of horrendously long equation written on his chalkboard
🧪 Due to his own curiosity, Nikola had to push himself to ask who and what you were, in which you just laughed and answered him with a honey-coated voice
" Who am I? That's quite surprising, dearest mortal! I am Y/N, the offspring of the Outer God, Azathoth, and the God of Madness, at least in many's eyes I am. Humans are different creatures... ANYWAYS! How about you explain about that, uh, what did you call it again? Ah, yes! The electric engineering, how does that work again? "
🧪 Nikola was very off-put by how devoted you were to being by his side to learn everything he was working on, and, in all honesty, he kinda enjoyed having you around to speak to, it made him feel a little less lonely
🧪 While he was being scolded by Brunhilde for speaking to a God who was said to have only sided with Humanity to make them suffer at their own hands, he couldn't help but argue back with how you were far more gentle with his fellow scientists when working on his armory
" Brunhilde. While I agree with the fact that their father isn't ideal in the slightest, Y/N is going behind his and the multitude of Gods' backs just to help me and my fellow geniuses win Ragnarok. You may not trust them, but I do. Now, I recommend you leave before they arrive, it may get ugly, and I do not wish for their aura to destroy our hard work. "
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Unexpected 50
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Warnings: non/dubcon, pregnancy, pegging, Lloyd being the worst, post partum, csection, suicidial ideation, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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Your promise to Lloyd is empty. You have no great urge to see Andy again. You’re embarrassed at the thought. Even a bit guilty as you accept that any sliver of excitement he brought to you has flown away. The return of your husband drags you back down to earth in the most desolating way.
You swipe away another notification. You don’t know how to reply to Andy. It doesn’t seem right to tell him over a text. Still, you can’t bring yourself to face him. Your last two conversations haven’t been exactly productive. How many times can you tell him this was never meant to be anything more than sex?
That’s when you feel rotten. You used him the same way you’ve been used. Just a release, a thing to make you feel better about yourself. Worse, he’s a widower. He’s lost so much already and now you’re toying with him. That’s hardly fair.
You sit with Luna on the floor. Getting down there was hard enough and you don’t want to ponder how you’ll get back up. She lays on her mat, raising her head to look around. She’s still needy but you see her changing. Maybe she sees the same in you with how she stares at you.
There’s a knock at the door. You brace yourself. You already know it isn’t Lloyd, he would just barge in. You know he hasn’t changed at all. Luna’s head bobbles as she tries to look around and you call for whoever it is to enter.
“Hey, we goin’ on that walk?” Harlen asks as he enters, already half-dressed for the dipping temperature. You notice the metallic red thermos in his hand, “I was hopin’ to get out.” He present the capped container, “got us some hot chocolate even.”
“Oh, that’s so sweet,” you make yourself smile, “yeah, that might be a good idea.”
“Here, let me help,” he sets the thermos down and crosses the room, offering his hand to haul you up.
“Go on, get ready,” he bids as he grunts, bending to pick up Luna from the floor, “oh, she gettin’ heavy.” He stands straight, “I need the workout anyhow.”
“I have a suit for her. Thermal,” you explain as you search the dresser against the nursery wall. The last few nights you’ve spent sleeping in the glider chair, your own fortress in a castle not your own.
“You let me worry about that,” he nears, rocking Luna in one arm as he takes the insulated outfit from you, “go get something warm on. You gotta take care of you too.”
You look at him. You nod. He’s the only man you can’t bring yourself to argue with, maybe because he’s the only one who’s ever really cared. You love that about him but it makes you think of your own dad and how he would rather his flask than to spend a single birthday with you.
“Right,” you surrender, “I won’t be long.”
You leave the nursery and head down to the guest room. The door is already unclasped but you don’t think much of it until you enter. You find Lloyd sat on the foot of the bed with the little crescent moon toy Luna likes so much. His eyes flick up as you sigh.
You ignore him and go to the closet. You take out an old sweatshirt and dig out some jeans from a drawer. You feel him watching you. You hear him get up and come closer as you take out a pair of wool socks.
“Gonna be Christmas soon enough…” he says.
“Oh shut up,” you snarl.
It’s his turn to sigh. He angles around to stand beside you, facing you, and puts the toy on the dresser. You walk away from him and he follows you towards the bathroom door. The very idea of him seeing how he ravaged your body, the stretchmarks and the loose skin, repulses you. You won’t give him that victory.
As you try to close the door in his face, he forces his foot between it and the frame, “you have to talk to me eventually. She’s my daughter. I have a legal right–”
“Why did you come back? I know it’s not because of her,” you lean on the door. He’s just as strong as ever. If he really wanted to, he could overpower you.
“You,” he says. “I was always going to come back–”
“No, no, no. Lloyd, enough lies. It’s over. You know that. Whatever made you want me, I’m not it anymore. So whoever you were out fucking, go back to them. You won’t get anything from me.”
“I didn’t–”
“Fuck. Off.”
You stomp his toe and he recoils. You take the opportunity to slam the door and flip the lock into place. You keep your hand on the door and catch your breath. You hear him on the other side, lingering, the friction of his touch dragging down the other side.
“Peaches…” he says.
You scoff and push away. You go to the counter and put down the armful of clothes. You look at yourself in the mirror. You don’t even feel bad for yourself, you feel worse that Luna has to call someone like him a father.
You meet Harlan downstairs. He has Luna bundled up and helps you get her strapped into the baby carrier that hooks over your shoulders. It’s much easier than the stroller, if not a bit of a strain on your back.
He tucks the thermos into the large pocket of his coat and opens the door for you. He trails you outside into the brisk air of late autumn. The chill nips at your cheeks and nose as you adjust Luna’s hood to make sure she’s cozy.
“Thanksgiving soon. Dot was talkin’ bout it,” he says as you walk down the long driveway, “she talkin’ a lot lately. Driving me a bit crazy.”
“Oh,” you raise your brows dully. You haven’t said much to her. You resent her for all those weeks of sticking up for her son and her tune hasn’t changed, “yeah, maybe… get a turkey.”
“Ha, come on, what are we gon’ do? Sit down for a family dinner? She just wants peace but she won’t acknowledge the battle,” he puffs as he takes out the thermos and untwists the cap. “Here?”
He offers you a drink first. You stop awkwardly to sip from the brim and thank him. He takes a gulp of his own and hums.
“Not too bad,” he comments, “was of a mind to add some whiskey but we’ll save that for later.”
You chuckle and shake your head. You set off down the sidewalk, keeping a hand on the bottom of the carrier as you make slow progress. It’s the sort of cold that wakes you up. It reminds you of the day you met Lloyd and you scowl. A year. More than.
As you come to the end of the street, someone turns the corner. You don’t pretend to be surprised as Andy approaches. He wears a navy cap, his hair poking out from the hem, and his cheeks are rosy above his thick beard. He smiles as he nears, even as his eye twitches.
“Morning,” he greets brightly, “how’s little Luna?”
You slow as he glances at the baby in her harness. You sway with her as she babbles.
“She’s good,” you answer as Harlan clears his throat. You sniff as you try to roll the tension out of your shoulders, “oh, Andy, this is my… dad, Harlan. Harlan, Andy. The neighbour.”
“Sir,” Andy smiles and offers his hand, “nice to meet you. You must be so proud of your daughter. And granddaughter. A beautiful pair, huh?”
“Beaming,” Harlan shakes his hand gruffly, “couldn’t ask for anything better.”
“Well, uh, I was actually gonna pop in. I found some more baby stuff and thought maybe you could use it,” Andy rescinds his hand, tucking it in his jacket pocket. “I could watch Luna if you want. Give you some time off.”
“Oh, Andy, that’s sweet but… I got all the help I need,” you peek over at Harlan. “I appreciate everything but I hate to take advantage of your kindness.”
“It’s no problem. Really. I don’t mind,” Andy insists, only girding himself as his eyes flit to Harlan and he squares his shoulder, “just putting it out there.”
“I’ll… I’ll keep you in mind,” you utter awkwardly.
Harlan’s silent. You don’t have the courage to look at him. You can feel the tension radiating off of him. He’s shielded in that cool stoicism that once made you feel so small.
“Well, you know my number,” Andy shrugs, “I’m sure you can figure out how to reply to my texts,” he steps forward, gazing at Luna as he coos, surprising you as he bends to kiss the top of her head, “buh bye, Luna.” He grins, his eyes meeting yours as he stands at his full height, “pretty, just like mommy.” He nods and looks past you to Harlan, “try to stay warm out here.”
Andy struts past as you step aside. You hesitate before you continue on, quiet as Harlan lets a hum roll up his throat. He clucks and cranes to peer over his shoulder.
“That’s him?” He asks. You can only nod, staring down in shame. “Ah, well… you keep space from him… for yourself. Man’s got something ‘bout him…. Something off.”
“I… I’ve been ignoring him so…”
“No, no,” Harlan intones, “no, ain’t nothing ‘bout you.”
You stroll on, the uneasiness in his timbre crawling over you in goosebumps. You look down at Luna and run your hand up the back of the carrier, embracing her a little closer. Andy could be a little overbearing but he’s harmless, right?
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