just-a-writer23 · 3 years
OMG I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS 💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💖 Thank you so much @yourlocalmaraudersbabe 🥺🌟💕
“I’d really let you be my idiot”
Summary: Veritaserum, after a rough couple of days of not talking with James, leads to it all working out in the end
Pairings: James Potter x Hufflepuff!reader and a lil wolfstar
Warnings: I think there's like one swear word and it’s low key angsty
A/N: This was requested by the lovely @just-a-dreamer23! Once again, thank you :)) The request is written below <3
Word Count: 1526
Masterlist + Characters and ships I write for
Requests are always open <3 I’m working through them :)
Fluff Dialogue Prompt List
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Request: Could it be one in which the reader is a Hufflepuff (muggle born also a metamorphmagus which was rare) and her best friend is Lily. She was also close to the marauders and was developing feelings for (either James or Sirius). On one night, she sneaks out with (James or Sirius) and go to the Three broom stick. They order some butter beer or firewhisky and the marauder puts verita serum in her drink without noticing it. Then she opens up to him and says "You know, you mean a lot to me to the point in which I would even make an unbreakable vow if it means that you'll be safe". You can decide the rest of it 🥰
Reminder that I do not support jkr. Do not interact if you do.
“That was a close one.”
You slid down the cold brick wall next to your friends, a small glow erupting from your wand, illuminating the dark corridor. You morphed back to your original hair color, setting your jawline and nose shape back to what felt right.
“Do you think they’ll notice?”
“Do I think they’ll notice— Of course I think they’ll notice the giant pigs painted onto their walls, Sirius.”
Sirius and Remus bantered with each other as you yawned, leaning your head on James’s shoulder, He was the one closest to you. “Are you two done? I’m really tired and I’d like to be back in my bed.”
“Want me to walk you back towards the kitchens?” James asked.
You nodded, the two of you standing up and walking away, leaving Peter and a very sassy couple on the floor. The swaying of your arms left your hands brushing against one anothers, each sending more butterflies to dance through you. “Hey, um, I suppose I have a burst of energy,” you paused, taking a breath in. “Want to get some butterbeers or firewhiskey? Whichever you fancy?”
“How could I say no?”
About fifteen minutes later, you found yourself slipping off to the restroom in the Three Broomsticks. James had picked out a booth in the corner when you came back. “Here,” he slid the glass towards you, your cheeks warming up.
As the drink eased it’s way down your throat, you nearly choked seeing the rest of your friends sitting at the bar. “Oh yeah, I saw them walk in. I don’t think they’ll bother us though,” James spoke right as Mary threw her head back laughing at something Lily said.
A part of your heart wanted you to carry yourself over there, joining your best friends, but your heart swelled more being here next to James.
The both of you talked and complained and laughed and listened to each other well into the night. The conversations you had were meaningful, more truthful in a way you weren’t holding anything back. It was a freeing feeling to be able to just talk for once.
You stepped outside, James at your side. “Merlin,” you breathed out. “C’mon, let’s get back safely. I wouldn’t want you to get in trouble.”
“That never seemed like something of your concern before, y/n,” he teased.
“That’s not true and you know it. I’d do anything to keep you safe.”
You nodded sincerely. “Y’know, you mean a lot to me, James. Hell, I’d even make an unbreakable vow if it meant keeping you safe.”
He was at a loss for words as the two of you approached the grounds, yet you felt compelled to keep talking. His lack of words brought up anger in you.
“Y’know what else? It kills me everytime I drop hints that I like you more than just a friend, just now, and you just ignore it because you’re so oblivious to it all. I was starting to think that you might feel the same way but it’s been what feels like forever and it’s tiring. I don’t want to like you like this but I do and I don’t know what to do with myself at this point.”
“Y/n. I—”
James stumbled over his words, staring at you blankly, lips parted slightly. You gave him a chance and he didn’t take it. You walked away, in utter disbelief at what you blurted out. You could start hitting yourself, that’s how embarrassed you were. Turning down a dark hallway led you back to your common room. Walking into your bedroom was a relief, and laying down in your bed was practically heaven. All you needed was someone to talk to, maybe Lily, maybe Mary, a part of you maybe even wanted James, but the weight of your eyelids said otherwise.
The peace of mind you felt allowed you to put it together. “H-had he put veritaserum in my drink?” you whispered, touching your fingertips to your lips, recalling the compelling feeling of speaking whatever came to mind.
You rolled over, letting the angry tears stain your pillow.
“Lily, I never want to speak to him again.”
You sat comfortably on the library couch, your best friend next to you.
“Y/n, that might be a bit much.”
“Who puts truth serum in someone's drink? He obviously had other intentions. He did it to make a fool of me.”
She sat down next to you, squeezing your hand. “I was talking with Marlene, I wish I could’ve seen what happened.”
“I’m embarrassed, to say the least,” you leaned your head on her shoulder.
“Well what did he say after you spoke?”
“Absolutely nothing. Nothing, Lily. I don’t think I’d be nearly as angry as I am right now if he just would’ve fucking said something back to me.”
“I understand.”
You wanted to scream. “Who puts veritaserum in somebody’s drink?!”
“I’m really sorry, y/n. It was never something I thought James would do, especially to you.”
You groaned, flipping through the pages of the book in your lap mindlessly.
“I know you don’t want to hear it, and you obviously need some time, but I think you should talk to him. It’s crazy to say that you never will again, y/n. And I think you can see that too. You like him too much for that.”
James would catch you in between and during classes but you couldn’t look him in the eyes. How could someone you were so close with slip something in your drink like that? You’d replay the situation in your head, how he didn’t say anything, how he just stared at you.
Meals were hard seeing as all of your friends were also friends with James. They definitely noticed something was going on between the two of you, yet didn’t bother to intrude on something that wasn’t necessarily their business.
You talked with Lily, Mary, Marlene, everyone really, sometimes even Peter. Though Peter wouldn’t look you in the eyes since that night with James, he’d mess with his fingernails, or move around the food on his plate.
Going on three days of not talking to James was your breaking point.
You had reached a point two days ago where once you were lost in a crowd of people, you’d tweak your hair color slightly, something that would go unnoticeable to someone looking for you in the mix of other people.
Now, as you dried your hair from your shower, staring at yourself in the mirror, you didn’t know whether you wanted to cry because of the hurt James caused or missing him.
You stepped outside the Hufflepuff common room and didn’t even have to try.
James was standing in front of you, fumbling with the end of his tie. “Y/n, please just let me talk,” he pushed the words out fast, expecting you to walk away.
“Oh so now you want to talk. Why did you do all of that? Why did you do all of that just for you to stare at me? Do you know how embarrassing that is? It's just as good as nearly ruining things between us.”
“I-I was stupid. Y/n I was so stupid, I should’ve just said something because I feel the same way, it’s painful. There are moments where I can’t even believe you exist. You’re an angel and I’m someone who simply admires you. I never thought for someone like you, to ever be interested in someone like me” he paused, closing his eyes and taking a breath in. “And I now realize veritaserum was put into your drink. I remember Sirius and Peter coming up— Peter brought me the butterbeers, he must’ve slipped something in,” his voice was shaky, he was genuinely sorry.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, the words burning in your ears.
All you wanted to do was punch him. Peter was probably at breakfast right now, ready to avoid your gaze and mess with his food, or play with his fingers.
And all you wanted to do, with James of course, was kiss him. Grab his face, closing any space between your lips, letting his worry pour out, letting him know that everything is alright now.
“I-It could’ve been so much worse. I should’ve paid better mind, I thought I could trust Peter, I don’t even know why he did it,” his voice trailed off. “Why are you laughing?”
“James, I believe you. It’s not your fault. I thought I could trust him as well, don’t be too hard on yourself, please,” you stepped closer. “And to answer your question, I’m laughing because you’re an idiot.”
You grabbed his hands. “But I want you to be my idiot.”
“You’d really let me be your idiot?”
He pressed his lips against yours, deciding not to wait for an answer, the both of you wanted this. You eased into the kiss as his hands found their home in your hair. You rid yourself of the stress and worry of these past few days while your lips moved against each other sweetly.
“I’d really let you be my idiot.”
James Potter Taglist (send me an ask if you’d like to be removed): @wisedreamcatcher @scorpiobaby22 @emmaev @harrypotter0addict
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just-a-writer23 · 3 years
Honesty -Sirius Black imagine
Being a reporter in the Wizarding World could be intense every now and then, considering that when your boss requires you to speak “the truth” is not exactly what they want you to do; they basically they ask you to lie by writing about their wicked version of “the truth”. Well, at the moment, I was asked to write about Sirius Black because “people want to know his actions back in Hogwarts and how he was like” according to them, it would indicate that he was going to turn into a criminal. This was what everyone wanted to know about due to the fact that “he had murder many people” including his best friends; James and Lily Potter. It has been thirteen years since the murders had happened and he was taken to Azkaban. Thirteen years in which I kept asking myself whether or not I  had actually done the right thing. Many would see him as a murderer but I knew the real Padfoot, the Sirius that would never betray those he loved the most; he just had a pure heart beneath that bad boy persona he created for himself at Hogwarts. 
Back in September 1, 1971, I was a first year in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. During the ride at Hogwarts, I had shared a compartment with Lily Evans and Severus Snape who actually had known each other beforehand. They were very kind to me and we actually spoke about our experiences regarding receiving out letters of acceptance for the school. Both Lily and I had come from non-magical families meaning that we were “muggleborns”. On the other hand, Snape was a half blood which means that he is half magical and half muggle; so he somehow would understand the struggles that Lily and I faced in the muggle world for being different.                                                                       
When we go to the school I thought that we would all be sorted into the same house. However, each of us got into different houses Lily was sorted into Gryffindor, Snape in Slytherin and I was sorted into Hufflepuff. Despite our different houses we remained friends but throughout the years Snape grew distant and in fact, hurt both Lily and I. Therefore, we ended up befriending other people and that is what lead us to be closer to the marauders. Well, that happened due to James constantly trying to grab Lily’s attention but that is another story. 
As a muggleborn, I along other muggleborns...seemed to be the target for pureblood wizards that thought that they deserved the whole universe but really deserved a pile of...rubbish. Most of the time I was able to either ignore or defend myself with witty remarks but that was until they began to get physically threatening with me. When that happened, Sirius came into my defend and as he said “gave them a little something to remember him by”. That was either by fits fighting the rubbish out of them or doing very savage pranks with assistance of the other marauders. Ironically the boy that had the reputation of being “bad” or a “ladies man” had more to him than those characteristics that people would only see. 
Perhaps I should not write about this, because many would think that I am biased... but in honor of my best friend Lily who would be annoyed with me if I didn’t do so, I will. Sirius and I got closer as time went by and eventually developed a romantic relationship. Therefore, he opened up to me about his family and how he basically got kicked out of their house for not being an awful human like they were. It would be a lie to say that he was just like them when in reality out of all of the members of his family along with his cousin Andromeda Tonks, he was an incredibly humble, caring and loyal human who saw everyone as equals; did not judge people by their blood status just like Dromeda.   
Although he did prank a thousands of people at school, got more detentions than Peeves would if he was able to get them and did things that he might not be proud of, he would never betray his friends. Yes, he made mistakes like any other human being but I know for certain that he did not betray his friends. As I am also certain that he did not killed Peter nor the other twelve people that he was wrongly accused for. Oh, and he was sent to Azkaban without a trial, what in the bloody hell is wrong with the Ministry of Magic. I honestly still not understand how they could do this to this day and I know that I will get in trouble for this but is time to reveal the truth. 
After the awful day in which Lily and James were murdered by Lord Voldemort, yes, I said his bloody name and I am still breathing. Anyway, on November 1, 1981, I was grieving the death of two of my dearest friends with Sirius. Both of us had a profound ocean of emotions in which sadness, frustration, guiltiness, confusion and anger prolonged the most. We both wanted to find answers and clarity...we needed to find Peter and question him about his tremendous betrayal. We could not understand how the person that we trusted to be the secret keeper would do something so irrational. 
Part of that frustration is that Remus, Sirius and myself offered to be the secret keeper knowing the risks that it would imply. However, it was decided to choose Peter since nobody would suspect him and that decision came to rip our souls off. No one would imagine that this bloody rat would be such an effing coward... he could have freaking refused to be the keeper if he was that afraid. Heck, even I was afraid but I would have done it in a heart beat due to the loyalty and love that I felt for my friends. Guess nobody would’ve expected the outcome on trusting a rat. 
Anyway, Sirius and I were heading to my parents house which was 15 minutes from that muggle street. The muggle street in which Peter was trying to hide and eventually stab our backs as if his prior actions were not enough. When we met with him, that rat seemed scared out of his few brain cells and tried to escape. However, he was not able to do so and we began questioning him about what had happened. At that point, he began trying to justify all of his actions and the three of us started arguing. 
Once I realized that Sirius was ready to throw hands, I stood in front of him and began getting him to focus on me in order to get him to calm down. At that point, Peter snapped and started murdering those twelve muggles. Once he had murdered them all, he was pointing his wand at us while threatening to kill us and then himself; he was actually shaking at this point. Sirius grabbed my hand and got me behind him, then said “So, you are willing to betray two out of the three people that are left alive that actually considered you a friend?”. It was then that Peter lowered his hand and started repeating “you just won’t understand”. 
As we tried to keep this conversation, mind you... I was trying to keep Sirius calm as it happened. Peter began getting scared knowing that he had gotten himself in a position that would get him straight to Azkaban. He cut his right index finger off and transformed into what he actually is...a rat. At that point, Sirius and I lost our sanity I started yelling while crying meanwhile Sirius was laughing while also crying. Once the realization of what happened came to us, he asked me to leave but he just yelled “GO”. 
What I remember from after that was arriving at my parents house and locking myself in a room. Knowing that I had not only lost my best friends but also my significant other. Also, questioning myself and my actions...wondering what I could’ve done differently that could have had another outcome. However, as time went by I realized that no matter how much I thought about it, nothing was going to change. Therefore, I did all that I could to live the best life I possibly could even if I felt empty inside; I could not even take care of my godson Harry... didn’t get to meet him until he was a first year at Hogwarts. 
I had written and publish this article on September 1993, knowing that it would get me in a lot of trouble and eventually fired; considering that I was defending a fugitive. In fact, I was not supposed to be hired anywhere because the ministry of magic would not allow it. However, Dumbledore being the badass that he is, fought for my right to work in the wizarding world and that is how I became a research assistant for the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. I do not have answers as to how he manage to do such thing and as of how I ended up with that job. But, we are talking about Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore so that should be enough to explain such unexplainable thing. 
The most frustrating thing about this whole thing is that it had been a long time since Sirius escaped. In fact, Harry had already met him and understood the whole thing that had happened; meaning that our Godchild knew that Sirius was innocent. Heck, Remus had seen and helped him; I know this because Moony sent me a letter to inform me about it. Anyway, they had seen and spent a bit of time with Sirius and yet, I had not seen him at all. I guess that my job position had to do something about that or perhaps I was the only one that still had feelings for the other. Then again, he had gone through a lot and was still a fugitive so he needed to be careful. 
Every day after work, I would go home and write letters to help me cope with the feeling of loneliness. I wrote to Lily, James, Remus and of course, Sirius...I could send the letters to Remus and perhaps Sirius but couldn’t bring myself to do so. I always felt guilty about what happened and about the fact of not preventing what could’ve been prevented. Yes, I know it was not my fault but somehow it felt like it was. I had to forgive myself and move on. The question was, how was I supposed to do that...would it be okay for me to do so?
Anyway, today was a normal day at work and I was ready to get home to relax while writing; maybe even write a letter to Lily. When I got home, I threw my things on my sofa and took my shoes off. I headed to the kitchen to start making myself some tea and that was when someone said...
“You still are the most beautiful, hardworking, crazy and loyal woman that I love...” 
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I turned around to see none other than the man I love...my Sirius Orion Black.
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just-a-writer23 · 4 years
What happens after a pool day the muggle way. (Sequence of “Pool day the muggle way”)- Charlie Weasley imagine
It has being a couple of months after we were able to experience a pool day in the way that muggles have them. Everyone was able to enjoy it and were fascinated by the way muggle do things without magic. Unfortunately, all of us got busy with our respective responsibilities;  Dora went back to work as an auror, the older Weasleys went back to their respective jobs, the Grangers and younger Weasleys went back to Hogwarts. As for Romina Tonks, she had gone back to her magizoologist training and had begun to interact with Hippogriffs. At this point of her training she was still not in Romania for it would take a year for her to be able to move there; she was going to move there when she was trained enough to work with dragons.  
Working with the Hippogriffs was quite amusing and lovely in Romina’s point of view; she had to gain its trust in other to work with it. To the point in which the Hippogriff had become quite protective of her and it made things more interesting for the training process. In fact, it was a positive aspect not just for the training process but for Romina’s current condition. A condition that Charlie and herself made possible a few months ago while they were at the muggle pool with friends and family. Said condition was... pregnancy, guess that Charlie was pretty serious when he told her that he wanted to practice baby making.  
Ironically, Romina had kept her secret from everybody since she knew they would probably become over protective and perhaps, Molly would forbid her to keep her training until the baby was born. Deep down she knew that the news would have to be told because at some point it would be difficult to hide. However, she had made the decision to tell everybody, including Charlie on Christmas eve. At least that was what she was planning to do until Andromeda told her that Dora was going to be going to a dangerous mission and would most likely not be home for Christmas. Therefore, she decided to write a letter to her sister informing her about her condition and making funny remarks about she was right; also telling her that she wanted her to be the baby’s godmother and crazy auntie. 
Knowing her sister, Romina decided to not tell anybody about this since she wanted to tell everyone at Christmas. Dora felt quite frustrated about not being able to tell this secret to anybody since she was very excited about this news. She also wanted to tease Charles and her sister because she knew what they were up to that certain day. Even though she was not good at keeping secrets or waiting, she made the decision to wait until her sister was ready to tell the news. However, this did not stopped Dora from teasing her sister whenever she was able to write to her. 
As Christmas was getting closer, Romina’s baby bump had started to show and she had to start to hide it since it was a secret. It had started to get harder for her to keep this secret from Charlie since they always said everything to one another. However, she was determined to keep up her plans and keep it to herself...and Dora. All in all, she was planning how to tell everybody during Christmas dinner. Everyone was going to be there which meant that she would not have to write letters to those that were not present. 
Christmas day had finally arrived and Romina couldn’t be more excited about the reveal of her little secret. Even though she was already on vacations, Romi had not gone to the burrow because she knew that Molly would actually figure that out. For this particular day, Romina decided to wear a printed blouse with a contracting printed cardigan to hide the belly bump. After getting ready, she gather the gifts that she had made for everybody and left to the burrow. 
When she finally got there, the twins and Ron came out of the burrow running along with Molly who was following them. Molly was scolding the twins for pranking Ronald which was not strange since the twins caused a lot of mischief. Subsequently, Bill walked up to the door and said “Are you going to stand there while holding that many things in your hands?”. Romina looked at him and chuckled “I wasn’t planning on doing that but I was rather shook when I witness the chaos”. He raised an eyebrow and then said  as he was walking towards her to help her with the things she was carrying “Thought you would be used to it by now”. 
Afterwards, they walked into the house and Romina was embraced into a warm hug by Ginny. Then she was greeted by every single Weasley, well mostly all of them and their friends; Hermione, Harry and Violet. Before anyone could say anything, Molly walked into the house with the twins and Ron and they all greeted her. Subsequently, she said to Romina that Charlie was in his room debating about which Christmas sweater to wear. Romina chuckled as Molly guided her to his room to “help” him decide. 
When she got into his room he was not deciding what to wear, in fact, he was shaving without magic; he was using the muggle method to shave. Therefore, instead of saying anything, Romina decided to just stare at him in admiration as she liked to say. Not only she was admiring his determination to understand the way that muggles do somethings but she was surely checking her baby daddy out. As she saw him put the razor down, Romina made her presence known by saying “I am liking what I’m seeing but if your mom sees the mess that you are doing...I’m afraid you will be scolded until the end of times”. At that moment, Charlie jumped as if his life depended on it which cause Romina to laugh.
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Once he turned around he gave her a surprised look and then jokingly glared at her as he said “Are you trying to scare your boyfriend to dead? because if that is your plan then you might as well keep on doing that”. Romina crossed her arms and gave him a teasing look then said “You work with dragons and yet you get scared when your girlfriend talks to you?”. Before he could say anything in his defense Bill came into the room and said “That is why Charles is always the twins target when Ron is not around. By the way, mom wants you both to come down so that we can eat but I see that my little brother is taking longer than usual to get ready”. At that moment, Charlie turned to his brother and threw a towel to him “Tell mom that we’ll be down soon and stop unless you want me to embarrass you in front of everyone including Fleur”. 
Bill rolled his eyes and chuckled as he left the room and the couple began to talk about their last encounter among other things. As they were talking, he finished getting ready and both made it to the dinning room. Molly had made everyone’s favorite dishes and said that they would all start eating after the last guest arrived which caused everyone to grunt. A few minutes later, Dora, Ted and Andromeda Tonks ended up apparating in the burrow saying “We made it”. Romina stood up and hugged her family members while trying not to get emotional; when she hugged Dora she whispered in her ear “Wouldn’t miss the announcement for anything in the world”. 
After dinner, everybody began to exchange gifts to one another which was very exciting for all. Once it was Romina’s turn to exchange gifts, she gave all of them little boxes. Inside of those boxes there were onesies that said “Little Weasley on the way”. After all of them had their boxes, she asked them to opened them at the count of three. Subsequently, everything that could be heard in the burrow were gasps and giggling that came from Dora. Everybody looked at Romina and she was smiling as she was making eye contact with Charlie who was very shocked. 
“Are y-you?...Are we?...really?” was all that Charlie could say 
Everyone began to ask questions to her and somehow managed to remained seated. Therefore, Romina took her cardigan off and raised her blouse to show everyone her baby bump. Subsequently, everyone began to cheer and eventually started congratulating the couple. Once they let go of Charlie he made it to where Romina was and he hugged her while asking why she kept it a secret for so long; to what she said that she wanted to continue her training with no interference. He gave her a stern look and said “You know that you won’t be going back at training until our child is born AND you are coming to Romania with me”. 
All of a sudden, every single person went to where they were at and hugged them. Andromeda, Ted, Molly and Arthur were very emotional and felt very happy at that moment. Bill and the twins were making jokes about how Charlie will probably name the baby after a dragon. Dora had a smirk look on her face as she looked at Victoria, Ginny and Hermione as she said “Romina made me the baby’s Godmother. At that moment, everyone snapped and looked at her as she revealed how I told her before anybody else; making Charlie look a bit upset but he was rather too happy about the announcement to make it too noticeable. 
At the end of the night, Charlie took Romina to his favorite spot of the burrow as everyone had already left or fallen asleep. He expressed that he was a little hurt that she didn’t tell him as soon as she found out which she apologized for. Then he kissed her forehead and her baby bump; it was the most adorable moment from the night. Well, that was until Charlie told her that he had something that belonged to her but that he needed to ask a question first. Therefore, Romina told him to ask her anything and that was when he kneeled down as he took a box out.
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He looked straight in her eyes and asked her to marry him to which she obviously said yes! This was a Christmas that they will always remember for the rest of their lives. 
Tag: @bl597​
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just-a-writer23 · 4 years
Entering the world of the unknown - A Nam Sun Ho x reader and Kim Seok-jin imagine
Authors note: This imagine is based on a crazy dream that I had after watching the first episode of :My country new age”. My friend @bl597 suggested that I made a fanfic about it and I think that is a great idea to do so. Thank you for reading. Nam Sun Ho is Korean, I will be using google translate to get him to say some stuff his native language. Since I am making the female character based on myself she will be speaking both Spanish (My first language) and English (My second language). I will have a list of the stuff that I write in Korean and Spanish. Don’t worry, the characters will talk to each other in English, I just want to make this as close as possible to what I dreamt. 
Life can be ironic, wonderful, hectic, fun and unpredictable, not many would believe the story that I am about to tell but no one can say that it was not real. It was currently September 15, 2020 and after a long day I surely wanted to rest. However, once I lay down on my bed I heard mysterious noises that grabbed my attention because it was rather intriguing. At first I wanted to verify whether it was my neighbor that arrived from work but once I did so, I realized that he had not done so; taking my pepper spray for precaution. Therefore, I stepped to the balcony carefully in order to verify if there was an intruder in my house which of course was terrifying and the only thing I could defend myself with was pepper spray. 
Subsequently, I looked around and realized that there was a strange light coming from the backyard area of my house. I walked towards it and the noise was turning stronger which made me feel curious yet scared to find out what it was. Therefore, I decided to open the door slowly and carefully, placing the pepper spray in front of me as if it was a sword or something similar; making me feel safe in someway or another. As I looked around, I realized that the avocado three from my backyard extended and the source of light was coming from a hole that looked like some sort of door. In fact, the noises were coming from it which made me feel curious which is why I decided to get closer to it. 
As I got closer to it, I made the decision to look inside of what seemed to be a door and once I did so, I ended up falling inside of it. It seemed as if I was going to be falling inside of the hole endlessly which caused me to panic. However, after I started panicking I ended up landing on a rough surface; a surface that was covered in grass. I looked around and realized that I was next to a river, I stood up and got closer to it in order to refresh myself. As I sat down next to the river, I rolled the bottom of my pajamas pants up to my knees in to place my feet in them without getting them wet.
In that moment, I close my eyes to enjoy the sound of the water and the tree leaves when the air hit them. Part of me wanted to enjoy the moment while the other was panicking about my whereabouts or how I would get back to my house. As I was fully relaxed my mind, I felt something grabbed my leg which caused me to scream my lungs out. Subsequently, I looked down realizing that there was a man holding my leg and looking at me in shock. I rapidly got away from him as he let go, realizing that I was sitting on top of what seemed to be his clothes and slowly moved the other way but was still looking at him; he grabbed his clothes and started getting dressed as soon as he could. 
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“Ibwa, neoneun nugugo yeogiseo mwohaneungeoya?” he said to me in an unfamiliar language and clearly annoyed. 
I looked at him wide eyed without knowing what do but look at him with confusion and fear. Then I said “No se que me acabas de decir pero podrias decirme quien eres y en donde estoy?”. At that moment, he looked at me as if I was an alien or something of that sort but I guess that it was because I spoke another language. Subsequently, he kneeled down to look at me and said “Dangsin- eon yeogi chulsin-i anijyo nungunga dangsin-eul bonaessseubnikka?”. “No tengo la minima idea de lo que me estas diciendo, no se donde estoy ni quien eres... okay, so maybe you understand English...um, I don’t know where I am or who you are...can you tell me?” 
At that moment, he look down and chuckled as he was shaking his head. Then he proceeded to stand up and grabbed my upper arm, I tried to get away from him but I couldn’t. Therefore, I had no other choice than to follow him wherever he was taking me to. As I was looking around, I realize that things around us looked ancient, even the clothing of people was rather traditional...it seemed as if I travelled to one of Asia’s countries from the past. I was deep in my thoughts that I hadn’t payed much attention to where he and I were heading to. 
Subsequently, we arrived to a place that seemed to be a house but I wasn’t certain about it. People seemed to follow the orders from the man that was with me. Well, I thought that they were orders because he would talk to them and then they would start doing stuff. I couldn’t understand anything that they were saying so I was just guessing what was happening. As people had gone to do other things or so I assume, the stranger and I entered what seemed to be a room. He remained quiet but told me to sit down with his body language and so I did even though I wasn’t sure if that’s what I was supposed to do. 
He sat down in front of me and served a drink in two cups, then he passed one of them to me. I grabbed it but didn’t drink it because I didn’t feel comfortable enough plus I didn’t even know what was the liquid within the cup or if he put something in it. Therefore, I smiled politely and place the cup that he had given me in the table that was near me. Then he said, “Who are you? You are a foreigner, aren’t you? Did anyone sent you?”. At that moment, I let out the breath that I didn’t know that I was holding and said “You speak English? Why...why didn’t you say anything before?”. 
I looked at him expecting for an answer but when I did get one it wasn’t what I was hoping for. “I ask the questions and you answer them if you want to remain alive. Now answer them” he said sternly. Taking a deep breath, I said “My name is Margarita De Jesus, I am from Latin America and nobody sent me here. I got here because my avocado tree extended somehow, a light and noises were coming from it and I went to look at what it was then fell inside, ending up where you found me”. He looked at me with a look of disbelief and I sigh then said “You don’t believe me and I understand that... but I am not a liar”. 
The man in front of me remained silent and then said “Your story does not convince me but I guess that I can give you time to prove your sincerity. I am keeping you in custody for now, if you do anything that makes me doubt you or do something suspicious, I will kill you”. I looked at him in fear and said “I won’t do anything of the sort...I will prove my sincerity to you sir”. 
“What are you wearing?” he asked as he looked at my pajamas and I explained to him what I was wearing. Subsequently, he left the room and came back in about half hour with “proper clothes” as he refer to it. 
Time had gone by and I was almost sure that I was never going to be able to get back to my country or actual timeline. I was currently in South Korea in the year 1388 living with a man that was planning to join the military which sounds rather insane. Somehow, I had gotten use to live in the past and in another country and got closer to the man that found me, his name is Nam Sun Ho. Both of us got closer when he had come back to the house and was wounded. Although I normally get sick and sometimes even faint at the sight of blood, I managed to help him. 
As I was attending his wound we began talking and opened up to each other, revealing personal things to one another. During that conversation, I found out that he was an illegitimate son and that his father hates him. His brother and mother had died and the only family member he had was his dad. Therefore, he needed to succeed in the military test and prove himself to his father in order to live for his own. In order to do that he had to sacrifice important things to him even his long time friendship. 
Needless is to say that I was more empathetic with Sun Ho and he was nicer to me. Even though I was not allowed to step out of the room that I was in, he was trying to teach me his native language as I was teaching him mine. In all honesty I was trying to not get attached with him because at some point the door could open and I would have to get back to my normal life. Plus, he was going to join the military meaning that he would be in the war and his survival was not guaranteed. However, my mind wanted one thing while my heart wanted another which made it complicated for me; we began to have secret romantic encounters. 
There was a particular day in which Sun Ho asked me to join him as he practiced so that I could get some fresh air. During the practice he was working his bow and arrow skills but he seemed rather frustrated as he did so. Therefore, I got closer to him and whispered “You’re the great Nam Sun Ho, there is nothing that you can’t do” as I hugged him. He turned around quickly and looked at me in shock then said “You are not supposed to distract me, are you?” to which I responded saying “I apologize, my intentions were to demonstrate my support”. As soon as I said that, he nodded and gave me a half smile before turning around and shooting an arrow that was directed to the main target.
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After practicing for another hour, he grabbed my hand and led me inside the house. Sun Ho, was clearly exhausted and his wound needed to be attended immediately. He lead me to his bedroom in which the objects that I needed to use to help him with the wound were at. Subsequently, he took the upper part of his outfit off, revealing his fit body and the wound that he had on his arm. I gathered the things and I began to attend his wound that was finally looking better since it started scarring. 
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Once I finished, I planned to leave to my room in order to leave him some space so that he could relax. However, he grabbed my hand and asked me to stay with him for a little longer. In that moment, I sat next to him and we began cuddling which lead us to make out. Making out lead us to devotedly give each other, one another; in other words, we decided to become one in the act of intimacy. Out of all of the secret romantic encounters that we had in the past, this was the one in which just making out wasn’t enough for either of us. 
Time went by and things had gotten quite intense since he had passed the test, his friend Hwi was sent to the war because of Sun Ho’s father and Yeon (Hwi’s sister) was staying in the same residence as I was. Of course, I was pretty much hidden from Sun Ho’s father since he would probably harm or even try to kill me. However, since they had gone into war I was able to at least stay there without any worries, other than the worry that my pregnancy was going to be noticeable by the time that Sun Ho would come back...if he came back. That night of intimacy had lead to me expecting a child from the man that I had started to love. At this point, I didn’t know if I was going back into my world or not which terrified me; a part of me wanted to stay in this world because of Sun Ho but another part of me knew that I needed to go back to my world. 
When Sun Ho came back, he realized that I was expecting and his feelings about it were unreadable. He told me everything that had happened in the war and what was to come. Also, he told me that I would have to find a way back to my world in other for me and the baby to be safe. Sun Ho didn’t trust his father and was terrified of what he would do to me if he found me. According to him, he would protect us no matter what but that his father was an evil and ambitious man. 
Sun Ho told me that his father was just using him and that didn’t care much about the fact that he was his son. In fact, if he wasn’t useful for him, his father would have already killed him. Therefore, he feared that I would be in grave danger in times in which he wasn’t around. After having this conversation, he put a hand in my growing stomach and apologized for not being able to be the father that the baby deserved. Then he looked at me and said “You should leave at midnight tonight, go to Ihwaru tell them that I sent you, stay there for the night then carefully look for a way back to get back to your world”. 
After he said that, he left the room without letting me say anything regarding the subject. Even though I understood where he was coming from, it hurt knowing that he wanted me to leave him as soon as possible. I didn’t know how I was supposed to go back to my own world or if that was even a possibility. Although I was unsure about how I was supposed to do that, I gathered my things and waited until midnight to leave the residence. Once it was midnight, I heard a knock on my door and I carefully opened it to find Sun Ho waiting for me to walk me to the entrance. 
Once we reached the entrance, he opened the door and I gave him a reassuring smile as he returned it with a sad one. Then he proceeded to kiss my cheek and rub my belly while saying “This is the only thing I can do to protect you both”. I nodded then thanked him for everything and saying that I understood, subsequently, I started walking away. Although I wanted to look back to see him for the last time, I decided to keep on going in order to find Ihwaru. However, I didn’t really know my way to it and therefore, I ended up going to the river in which everything had started at, realizing that there was an area of the sand near the river that was glowing. 
I walked towards the light scared whether or not it was safe to do so and if it was actually the opportunity back to my world. Once I did so, I started to fall endlessly which scared me but it felt familiar. Therefore, I began to feel a bit relaxed since it might mean that I was going back to my world or at least that is what I hope. At some point, I felt myself falling asleep and not being aware of what was happening at my surroundings. When I woke up I looked around me and realized that I was in a modern room. 
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All of a sudden, I heard a man’s voice saying “Where have you being nae salang?”. I turned around to see my actual husband from my own world standing there. Then I said nervously “Seok-Jin, I had the most unsual experience. I am afraid you would not even believe me”. He walked towards me and hugged me as he whispered in my ear “I don’t remember you wearing traditional Korean clothes or being pregnant the last time I saw you! I guess that trying to get pregnant finally paid off”. As soon as he said that I pulled away and looked at my self in the mirror saying “Ay Dios santo, it wasn’t a lucid dream. It actually happened...but how?” 
I began to feel anxiety and started breathing heavily, therefore, Seokjin guided me to our shared bed as he cuddled me while whispering the key words that would calm me down. It took some time to be able to calm down but thankfully I was able to do so and I looked at him. He smiled at me to reassure me that everything was okay yet he looked quite confused. However, he told me that I could explain everything to him whenever I was ready. I nodded and stare at him for a few seconds then said “I need to tell you something, amor”. 
In that moment, he nodded and I grabbed his hand as I explained everything that happened in the other world. At first, he chuckled saying “Did you drank the drink that Hoseok left us? love, I told you to only drink it when I was home”. I laughed at his comment and then said in almost a whisper “Amor, I am being serious about this. I travelled to the Goryeo era and now I am pregnant by Nam Sun Ho. I really didn’t meant to get involved with him, in fact, I didn’t even know if it was a real thing or not. I even thought that if it was real then I might not be able to come back. I am so sorry”. The smile that was on my husband’s face suddenly disappear as he realized that I was being honest with him. 
He remained quiet for quite some time and then said “I need a moment to process all of this” he stood up, leaving our bedroom. After a couple of hours, he returned to our shared bedroom and said “I am deeply hurt to know that you were involved with another man as I never imagine that you would do something like that”. I took a deep breath and said “I don’t know what to do or say to express how sorry and ashamed I am of my actions. If I could turn back time and undo what I had done then I would do so”. He sighed and then said “I don’t know what to say. However, we can’t be sure whether or not the child you are expecting is his or mine. We have been trying for so long that perhaps...it could be mine...ours”
A few weeks had gone by when we finally made the decision to do a dna paternity test in order to verify who the father of the child I was expecting was. Even though I was still pregnant it could be done, I just needed to get blood sample and a cheek swap from my husband. We were afraid that we would not be able to do until the baby was born but thankfully this method could be done after being seven weeks pregnant. Certainly I was not seven weeks pregnant since I already had a baby bump... I actually didn’t know how far along I was. Therefore, we were going to be verifying that as well.
When the results came, we realized that the baby’s father was actually Kim Seokjin which made both of us feel extremely happy. When I was checked, it turned out that I was 14 weeks pregnant with twins. It made the two of us shocked and I even asked how it was possible since I was getting my monthly cycle. However, I was told that it was common to bleed a little during the first trimester which is why I got confused and thought that it was my monthly cycle. Also, being this far long they could tell us the gender of the babies but we opted to only let Hoseok’s sister to know about it; both her and Hoseok wanted to throw us a gender reveal party... this was decided since Jin literally called the boys to tell them the news as soon as we left the hospital. 
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Although this all started as some weird Alice in Wonderland type of experience, I must say that reality was much better than so. If there was a thing I was able to learn is that love and forgiveness are the key to a healthy life. Be thankful for all of the moments that you experience in life, they surely grant you life lessons. That is how everything should always be like...an unending learning experience even those experiences that are unexpected. Live your life to the fullest!
Yes this imagine was based on a dream I had!
ibwa, neoneun nugugo yeogiseo mwohaneungeoya? =Hey who are you and what are you doing here. 
dangsin-eun yeogi chulsin-i anijyo? nugunga dangsin-eul bonaessseubnikka? = You are not from here, are you? Did someone sent you? 
Nae Salang= My love
No se que me acabas de decir pero podrias decirme quien eres y en donde estoy? = I don’t know what you just said but could you tell me who are you and where am I?
No tengo la minima idea de lo que me estas diciendo, no se donde estoy ni quien eres... = I don’t have the slightest idea of what you are saying, I don’t know where I am or who you are. 
Ay Dios santo= Oh Holy God
Amor= Love
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just-a-writer23 · 4 years
Special day and special friends - Justin Fletchley imagine
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It was currently September 6th which meant that Beatrice birthday was on the following day. Although the classes had began just a couple of days ago, students at Hogwarts were rather occupied with homework; professors didn’t like to waste time. Given this reason, she thought that her birthday was going to be spent taking classes and then having some quiet time reading her favorite books in her common room. However, she didn’t know that her friends Dianne, Justin, Hanna, Luna, Susan, Hermione, Cedric, Neville and the Weasley twins were preparing a surprise for her. In fact, they had been planning it since mid August before they got to Hogwarts by sending letters; the poor owls were getting tired of their beloved owners. 
Since her friends were from different houses, they decided to celebrate it in the quidditch field instead of doing it in one of the common rooms. All of them decided that they were going to meet in the quidditch field. However, Justin was the person that had to take her to the field since everyone thought that it was time for him to reveal his feelings to the birthday girl. Therefore, once their last class was over, Justin told Beatrice that he wanted her to accompany him to the Astronomy tower. He convinced her of doing so by saying that it was to verify if he had answer his homework correctly. 
Once they got to the astronomy tower, Beatrice realized that there was a table set with food and her favorite snacks along with pumpkin juice. He smiled at her with a mix of excitement and nervousness as he pulled a chair for her to sit on. After she sat down, she questioned him about what he was going to verify for his homework and also, why was the table set up. Therefore, Justin said to her that this was just a little surprise that he wanted to give her in order to celebrate her birthday. She looked at him in shock and asked him “How did you remembered?” to which he answered “Because you are special to me and always remember my birthday, making sure I have a special day even if it is on the same day that classes begin”. 
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At that moment, Beatrice thanked him and said that she was grateful for having someone like him at Hogwarts. He understood better than anyone what being a muggleborn was like in the Wizarding World. Both of them entered Hogwarts in the same year and eventually got sorted into Hufflepuff. This meant that their friendship kept growing as time went by and eventually they started developing feelings for one another. However, neither of them had admitted it to one another which was rather odd, considering that they would tell everything to one another.                                                                                                            
Besides, they were very outgoing and honest which made their friends wonder when or if they were going to express their feelings. Anyway, Justin wanted to reveal his feelings during this birthday celebration while the two of them were by themselves. Therefore, once they finished their food, he stood up and held her hands as they both walked to one of the areas of the tower in which they could enjoy the view. They were focusing on the view but suddenly he began to look at her and that was when he began expressing his feelings for her. After he poured his heart out, he looked back at the view and remained silent; that was when Beatrice looked at him and grabbed his face as she told him that the feeling was mutual. 
Justin looked at her in shock but also excited which made Beatrice laugh as she gave him a small peck of his lip. Subsequently, he asked her if she wanted to be his girlfriend and she jokingly rolled her eyes then said “Didn’t my kiss confirmed that I am your girlfriend already”. When she saw that he was confused, Beatrice chuckled and said “I would not kiss someone that is just my friend Justin”. In that moment, he gave her a tender hug that lasted for almost a minute and then they both pulled away. Then he said that their was another surprise for her but he couldn’t tell her what it was. 
He grabbed her hand and lead the way to the quidditch field where her friends were waiting for her. When they arrived the lights from the quidditch field were turned off and some fireworks began to be thrown. Once she looked at the fireworks, Beatrice realized that it said “Happy birthday lady B”  and it was signed by “Fred and George”. Subsequently, the lights turned on and a birthday cake was in the middle of the field waiting for her. Then all of her friends began walking towards the birthday cake and sang “Happy Birthday” to her. 
As she finished blowing the candles, they all took and ate a little piece of the cake. When they had finished eating, her friends and now boyfriend shouted “Its PRESENTS time”. All of them made a line in front of her in order to hand her the gift that they had gotten her. Luna gave her a copy from the quibbler, Hermione got her a muggle book that Beatrice really wanted, Fred and George gave her candy made by them, Cedric got her a figurine of her favorite quidditch player, Susan and Hannah gave her bracelets made by them, Neville got her a magical plant and Dianne gave her a cd from a magical band. Finally, it was Justin’s turn to give her a gift, he told her as he got a necklace that had a small silver heart  “It may not be much but I hope you like it”.
She hugged and thanked them all as she was given the gifts that meant a lot to her. They all smiled at her and said that it was the least that they could do for her after everything she had done for them. After that conversation was over, Fred and George proceeded to put some music on which of course had to be at a decent volume for them to not be caught. They all danced, talked and spent a lovely time together as they celebrated their friend. That was until Luna who was tracking the hour said that they should be getting back to the castle; some of them complained which made Beatrice laugh but she knew that it was best for them to leave.
*As a matter of fact, it was one of the most lovely birthday that she has had at Hogwarts*
Author’s note: I want to wish my friend @bl597​ a very happy and blessed birthday. May God bless and guide you forever! Thank you for reading the stories I create and for creating amazing stories as well.
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just-a-writer23 · 4 years
Unexpected -Kim Seokjin imagine
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It was a beautiful sunny day in which I had decided to have a walk with my friend Arya. Both of us were going to be buying frappuccinos and go to the park to sit in order to catch up since we hadn’t seen each other in months. We were going to be meet in the coffee shop but unfortunately she couldn’t make it because her boss needed her to cover a shift. Therefore, I was going to buy myself my frappuccino and then head back home since I didn’t want to be by myself. It would be a lie to say that I was not disappointed about the fact that I wasn’t going to meet with her but I completely understood the situation.
After buying my drink I looked around in order to find a place in which I could sit and enjoy it. I spotted a chair with two empty seats and made my way to one of them. Once I sat down, I took a book from my purse and started reading while drinking my coffee. All of a sudden, I heard someone say “Excuse me, is this seat taken?”, I looked up to see a man wearing a face mask and a bandana. I smile at him and told him that it was not taken. For a moment I thought that he was going to take it to another table but it turned out that he ended up asking if he could sit next to me which I kindly nodded. 
That being said, he sat down in front of me and placed his coffee in the table in order to add sugar in it. Once he did so, he looked over to me and stare at my shirt which caused me to look at it, thinking that it was stained or something; it had a BT21 design in it. Then he asked “Do you like bts?”, I looked at him chuckling and nodded saying that I enjoyed their music; stating that they were talented and then asking if he liked them too. He chuckled and nodded, then proceeded to take his mask off carefully revealing that he was actually one of the band members. As I stare at him in shock he proceeded to laugh which made me blush and then drink some of my frapuccino to stop myself from saying something ridiculous. 
“Did I startled you?” he asked with concern and amusement in his voice at the same time. I laughed and then said “What do you think?” which caused him to laugh along with me; he apologize for giving me a shock and I said that it was fine. Subsequently, both of us started talking about out music interests and what artist we like to listen to. That lead to a conversation about the meaning behind song lyrics and what they can mean to people. Subsequently, he asked me what of the song from his band meant a lot to me which I responded with “DNA”. 
I smile while looking down at my book which was a manga called “Kare first love” and said “I am a hopeless romantic and I believe that someday I will meet the person who is destined to be with me which is why I connect with the lyrics from DNA”. He looked at me with a sweet smile and said in an amused tone “You’ll find that person”. I smiled at him and said “Sooner or later I will, just like Karin from this manga”. Subsequently, the conversation turned to me fangirling about one of my favorite mangas as I explained the story to him. Then when I realized that people were giving me weird looks I hid my face in the book causing Jin to laugh. 
All of a sudden, I felt someone bringing the book down and I heard “You’re so adorable”. I looked at Jin and said “I am flattered that World Wide handsome thinks that about me”. He laughed and jokingly wiggled his eyebrows causing me to laugh as well. Then I said “May I take a picture with you? I’d like to have something that reminds me of this day”. He nodded and took out his phone, saying “Guess what? I was about to ask you if I could take a picture with you”. I raised an eyebrow at him questioning his statement but then went along with it. 
He proceeded to tell me that he was going to take the picture with his phone because after taking it he was going to send it to me. I looked at him confused and asked “How will you send it to me if you don’t have my phone number or email?”. At that moment, he gave me a flirtatious look and said “Then I guess you’d have to give it to me if that is okay?”. I chuckled while nodding and proceeded to give him my phone number; then we took the picture and as he had promised, it was sent to me. Once it was sent to me, I saved it on my phone and thanked him for doing so; after saying that it was no problem, he asked me to safe his phone number which of course, I did. 
I looked at the time in my phone and realized that it was time for me to go back to my house since it was getting late. Therefore, I looked at Jin and said “I have to leave now but it was a pleasure to meet you”. He smiled and said that the pleasure was all his; Jin also said that he hoped that we could meet again in the near future which warmed my heart. I told him that I hoped so too and then joked saying that this situation seemed straight out of a fanfic which made him laugh. Then he joked saying “I hope that I exceeded the expectations from the fanfics” to which I said “I believe you did so”. 
Before I left to my house we said our good byes and gave me a gentle kiss on my hand. I smiled at him and said that I had a great time with him and he said that he had to. Then I headed to my house trying to process everything that had just happened in the coffee shop. I was thankful that I had the picture as proof because otherwise Arya would not believe me. I guess that the best things happen when they are unexpected.
Tag: @bl597​
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just-a-writer23 · 4 years
Dumb jokes and fond hearts- George Weasley imagine
A/N: Hello guys, this imagine was requested by my dear friend @bl597. I sent her some prompts that I had found in here and she chose from those prompt lists. The prompts that she chose were from 50 Wordless ways to say I love you and Sentences starters. The prompts are the following:
11. “Telling them a dumb joke just to see them smile”.
32. “Wrapping a blanket around them when they are sitting on the couch watching a show”.
2. “Quit touching me your feet are cold”
It was winter and the Hogwarts students had finally left the castle to visit their families in order to celebrate Christmas. The Weasley family were expecting their kids and their friends that were going to stay over for their holiday. Therefore, Violet and Hermione Granger were with them on their way to the burrow. Violet was sitting next to her boyfriend George Weasley and his twin brother Fred Weasley. The three of them were talking about things that the twins were planning to create for their future shop Weasley Wizard Whezees.             
When they arrived at the train station, Molly and Arthur were waiting for them with big smiles. On their way to the burrow, they were all talking about what they wanted to do during the holidays. Molly was talking about all of the delicious food that she was going to prepare for Christmas eve and Christmas day. Arthur then said that she had being learning to make muggle dishes without using magic with was rather amusing for him. Hermione and Violet smiled at her and told her that they would gladly help and even provide some recipes which made Molly more excited. 
Once they arrived at the burrow, everyone put their belongings in the rooms that they were going to be sharing with one of the Weasley kids. Violet and Hermione were going to be sharing a room with Ginny but before the older Granger could set her things in it a hand grabbed her. She turned around to see a smirk on George face and she raised an eyebrow at him while asking “If there something that you want to tell me?”. At that moment, he took her things and said “Follow me”, she gave him a confused look but decided to following him anyway. Suddenly, George stopped in his tracks and opened a door saying “You may enter to the actual place in which you will be staying”. 
Violet looked around and realized that the two of them were in his and Fred’s room. She looked at her boyfriend who was actually setting up her things next to his bed and asked him if it was okay with his parents to do so; also, saying that she could stay with Hermione and Ginny. Of course, George crossed his arms and said that it was okay with their parents and that he would like for her to be closer to him. All of a sudden, Fred arrived and asked “Oh, am I interrupting something?” to which his brother replied with a shrug and told him what was happening. Fred looked at his twin brother amused and then said “So am I suppose to sleep here or out of the house with the ghoul?” 
At that point, the brothers started making jokes of the different scenarios in which Fred could find himself sleeping with the bloody ghoul. Therefore, Violet sighed and said “No one will be sleeping with a ghoul and I will be sleeping with the girls”. Before George could say anything she gathered her things and went off to Ginny’s bedroom. Clearly, the decision that his girlfriend took, made him feel gloomy and annoyed. So, he was going to make her realize it by acting childish and pouting every time that she was near him.
As matter of fact, George kept acting quite dramatically and Violet would just roll her eyes teasingly. However, she began to realize that behind all of his "dramatic acts and jokes"... he was actually a bit sad. In his point of view Violet had spent more time with the girls than with him. In fact, the girls were trying to plan what types of muggle gifts they could make or buy them for Christmas. Therefore, she was spending more time with them.
Violet started to feel bad for not spending that much time with him. She looked for him and hugged him from behind. Then he turned around giving her a confused look and saying "Oh... Violet...it's Fred". Right in that moment she feel her spirit leave her body. She quickly pull away and apologized then heard someone say "You don't even recognize your own boyfriend from his twin brother".
Her eyes got widen and she ran toward George and apologized to him. He kept on walking up to his room and she followed him. As they both sat on his bed an awkward silence had followed. Violet couldn't stand the silence and decided to make a joke to enlighten the mood. "Hey George, how would the Giant Squib go to war?".
He looked at her with a raised eyebrow and asked "How?". She smiled and said "Well armed!" after saying that she began to giggle to herself. He chuckled and smile then said "That was a very lame joke babe". Violet looked at him and shrugged saying "At least it made you smile". She got closer to him and hugged him saying "I'm sorry for not spending time with you. The girls and I have been putting too much work into your Christmas gifts".
Once she said that George bombarded her with a bunch of questions. Of course, he was trying to figure out why were they getting for them. Not only he was excited but he wanted to know why it took them so much time that his girlfriend could barely spend time with him. She sigh and told him that she couldn't say anything because it was a surprise. However, George kept insisting until she gave up.
Looking at him, she said "I'm getting you a small tv so that you can watch the muggle comedians show that I talked to you about". His eyes light up and asked her if she had it already. She nodded and tried convincing him to wait until Christmas in order for her to give it to him. Violet almost succeeded...but...George said that giving it to him now so that they could watch the show together; stating that it was the least she could do after not spending time with him.
An hour later, both of them found themselves watching the muggle comedian show in George's room. He would ask her questions about the muggle stuff that he didn't have any knowledge off. She would answer his questions and looked at him while he was watching the show. Violet loved to see the excitement and wonder in his facial expression. All of a sudden he said "You're staring" causing her to chuckle and say "Do you blame me? My boyfriend is too cute".
Then she stood up and looked for a blanket and put it around them since it was getting cold. They started to cuddled up together and everything was going smoothly. However, when George's feet touched Violet's leg she jumped. After asking her what was wrong and she said that his feet were too cold...well, things went south. He kept hugging her and touching her with his feet.
"Quit touching me your feet are cold" Violet said in a scolding tone. He grinned and said "IS PAY BACK FOR HUGGING FRED THINKING THAT IT WAS ME!!!". Then he began to tickle her as she screamed "GEORGIE IT WAS A MISTAKE, YOU BOTH LOOK THE SAME UGH". He looked at her as if he was offended and said "I'M MORE HANDSOME THAN HE WILL EVER BE. THAT MAKES US DIFFERENT". That comment made him tickle her even more.
"Please stop!!!!" She begged her boyfriend.
This kept happening until she admitted that he was more handsome and that she owed him 10 chocolate wands. Eventually when things calmed down, they kept watching tv. Slowly but surely Violet had started getting sleepy and fell asleep. When Fred got to the room he shared with George he winked at his brother. George chuckled and then said "Guess you're sleeping with the ghoul tonight mate".
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just-a-writer23 · 4 years
Animagus part 2
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It has been a month since James Potter realized that his girlfriend Danae Martin had become an animagus behind his back. Although he had done the same as well before they started dating, he didn’t want her to get in trouble. Being an unregistered animagus was illegal and didn’t want her to have the same risk of going to Azkaban if anybody found that out, even if he had the same risk. Therefore, when he found out what she had done he felt anger that was mixed with worry causing them to argue. Danae thought that he was being unreasonable and they fought over the differences that they were having;she was upset since he was being a hypocrite and thought that she did it our of her obsession for animagus.
Throughout this month Danae decided to give James the silent treatment because she was still mad at him. Not being able to talk and spend time with his significant other was not something that he was okay with. In fact, it was driving him crazy because no matter what he tried to do to persuade her to talk to him, she just wouldn’t do it. His fellow marauders were trying to help him...well, except Sirius but aside from that Peter and Remus were doing what they could. Peter was trying to cheer him up while Remus was giving him advice. 
“You got to talk to her mate” said Remus
“Geez, why didn’t I bloody think that? oh wait, I did AND have tried it” said James glaring at his friend.
“You can just keep on trying, you know? She might talk to you next time” said Peter 
“Please, everyone knows that she will end up with me. Both of us turn into dogs in our animagus form. If things don’t work with Prongs is because she knows that I am the one for her’ Said Sirius with a smirk
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“IF YOU EVER BRING THE BLOODY DOG THING I SWEAR THAT I’LL F-” James started shouting at Sirius who didn’t even flinch while Remus stood in between the two of them. 
“Will you stop trying to fight him off for absolute no reason?” Remus asked Sirius
“What? I am not trying to fight anyone, just stating facts” Sirius said while standing up and leaving from the three broomsticks. 
“I sweat that if he tries anything with Danae I will kill him” said James with anger.
Remus rolled his eyes and said “He is just trying to get on your nerves, he would never do that to you. Is Padfoot who we are talking about”. 
Belinda and Danae were on their way to Charms a class that they took with Peter and James. Ever since the couple fought Peter had been trying to persuade Danae to forgive his friend but she would say “I am too busy to do so wormtail”. However, this time he enter the classroom and just smile politely before sitting down on his desk. Before she could even ask herself where James was, he walked quite fast and stood on the professor Flitwick’s desk. Of course, everybody looked at him amused by his actions waiting to see what he was going to do. 
Mary Mcdonald giggle to herself and raised her eyebrow “Planning on getting in trouble Potter?”. James shrugged and stared at Danae before saying “It seems like I can’t do anything right. I know that you are mad at me and you have the right to be. But why are you not talking to me? we could solve this issue if we talk about it. Holding your anger in doesn’t help, you know? Just vent, yell, shout, say something to me! I am a bloody as-” 
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“Mr. Potter, would you care to explain why you are standing on my desks instead of sitting on your rightful desk next to ms.Evans?” asked professor Flitwick with annoyance. After James got down of the desks he apologize to professor who decided to take five point from him. Danae rolled her eyes and blushed as the scene took place causing her to look at her notebook. Belinda bit her lip not to laugh and then asked her friend if she was alright which Danae only nodded. The rest of the classmates giggles but then got serious as the professor began giving his lesson.
Once the class was over, everyone gathered their things and got out of the classroom. Danae was about to get out and on her way to the great hall when she felt someone grab her arm. She looked behind her realizing that it was James which made her cross her arms. He looked at her with a smile and asked “Can we talk? Please, I really need to talk to you”. She sighed and said “Sorry I got to go to the great hall and the rush to the library for a study session with Siri”. 
Danae kept on walking toward the great hall and James had yell “Study session with who?”. Then he rushed to follow her and possibly join her but she had sat at the Hufflepuff table, already engage in a conversation leaving him frustrated. He asked Belinda who was sitting next to Remus “What the bloody hell should I do?”. She looked at him, noticing his desperation and therefore said “She loves you and is enjoying torturing you which trust me I have tried to get her to stop. Danae is hoping that you would understand that there are consequences if you yell and say hurtful words to her if she did something that you have done without letting her explain herself”.
Sirius chuckled and started saying “Basically you need to stop being a di-” but stopped when both Peter and Remus hit him in the head at the same time. “What the bloody hell was that for?” he asked rubbing his head and glaring at them. Belinda “You have to stop the teasing you know. It ain’t helping the situation Siri”. He rolled his eyes while saying that even though he loves his brother James, he was not planning to help since his soulmate was hurt because of him. At that point, James clenched his jaw and glared at Sirius who was smirking at him. 
After they finished eating, Danae came over the Gryffindor table and said “Siri, is time to go to the library”. As she said that, he smile and got up excusing himself from the rest and heading out of the great hall but before exiting the room he looked back at James to wink at him. Thankfully, the guys stopped him from getting up because at that point he was going to go after Sirius and punch the life out of him. Peter said “Don’t listen to him, you know that he is just teasing you”. Belinda looked at Remus and mouthed “This has to stop”. 
Throughout the week, whenever James and Danae were in the same room he would do anything for her to notice him. He would sit in front of her and make silly faces to which she would glare at him but smile whenever he turned away. James would also keep mentioning her name over and over again while they were walking in the corridors to get her attention. In fact, whenever she snapped and asked “WHAT?” he would just shout “GIVE ME ATTENTION”. She would roll her eyes and keep walking making him say “Stop being grumpy and love me woman”. 
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“POTTER” yelled professor Mcgonagall “Have you notice that there are professors that are trying to give their classes?”. He looked at her wide eye and said “Yes professor” to which she responded “Fifty points will be taken from Gryffindor, for all the inappropriate  noise that you have done”. He nodded and then proceeded to go to his common room since Danae had already disappeared. He was growing very frustrated and was starting to feel gloomy since there was nothing he could do in order to get him to talk to her. That was when Remus told him to make a howler for her in which he can say everything he wants her to know.
Once everyone went to sleep he stepped out of his dormitories and went to the common room in order to create the howler. In it he said the following “Dear Danae, I apologize for being a douche bag when I found out your secret. I was a hypocrite to act the way I did when I had done the same thing but I guess that it was my overprotective side. I apologize if I hurt you deeply with my words, know that I didn’t mean any of them... I was just angry at the moment. I would’ve love if you had talked to me about it before you did it, maybe I would not have gotten that mad. But lets leave the past in the past, yeah? We can just improve our communication. Please forgive me, can you? Not talking, kissing, hugging and being with you is hurting me yet I deserve it. I love you...do you still love me?”  
After writing it he sent his owl to give it to Danae hoping that this could help him out. Subsequently, he went to bed since it was very late and he had to be well rested for his quidditch practice. During that same night, Danae received the letter from James owl and once she took the letter her eyes widen. She ran to the common room before the Howler would open itself and sat down at the mustard colored sofa. Once she did so, Danae took a deep breath and opened it.
Hearing James voice through the letters made her heart melt. Even though she could not see him, she knew that he was being sincere. After giving some thoughts to what he said in it, she realized that it was time to put him and herself out of their misery. Deep down avoiding and ignoring Potter was hurting her as well. Frankly, Danae missed her man and had noticed all of the attempts he had done to get her attention; he even got in trouble for her (not that is unusual for him to get in trouble). She felt the desire to see and forgive him, at this point she realized that she had taken things to far and didn’t want to loose him.
The next morning Danae went straight to the quidditch headquarters in order to find James. Remus had noticed her sitting down and observing the practice; he decided to join her in order to have some company. She looked at him while smiling and told him that she was going to forgive Prongs. He looked at her with a huge grin on his face and saying that it was about time causing her to laugh. Subsequently, he said that she should prank James before telling him because of all the chaos that he had caused between them; ironically this wasn’t like Remus but perhaps he was taking Danae’s side at this moment. 
Danae smirked and nodded, thinking of what she could do in order to prank him before talking to him properly. All of a sudden, it came to her...she was going to head to the quidditch changing rooms in which he was probably going to take a shower to cause some mischief. She quickly said her goodbyes to moons and ran towards her destination to find a good hiding place. Once everyone had changed and done their business, she heard a shower turning on and a voice humming a song; James voice. She started making her way towards the showers to look around in order to see if he was the only one taking a shower...and he was.
Subsequently, Danae conjured the water from his shower to get icy cold which caused him to shriek and mutter some curses. In that moment, she took his clothes and put them on top of her own in order for him to not be able to change. After doing so, she slowly opened the shower’s curtain and his back was facing her; his body was trembling from the cold water and he was trying to do everything fast. She crossed her arms and said while raising an eyebrow “HOT DAMN! This is quite a sight to see, Potter”. It was then and there that James turned around then felt flat on the floor while trying to cover himself; looking at Danae (Who was laughing hysterically) in total shock. 
“Are you planning to kill me Martin?” said James with a hint of amusement and nervousness. She somehow managed to breath in between her laughter and said “I would never Potter”. Then he started standing up and in the process she had a proper view of every inch of his body causing her to smirk “You better not give yourself to anybody else but me Potter”. He smirked and said “I knew you were not going to be able to ignore nor resist the love of your life forever”. She raised an eyebrow saying “Well, aren’t we too cocky and full of ourselves Potter?”, he rolled her eyes and then eyed her realizing that she had his clothes on.
“Although it looks hot on you, I think I need my clothes back or else I would have to walk out of here naked and others would want you to share with them” he gave her a cocky smile. She sigh jokingly and took his clothes of to hand it to him but he didn’t take back saying that he had hurt his arms when he felt in the shower so he needed help. Danae gave him a look that said “You’re totally fine but I’ll do it” and she started to dress him up while he made comments that had double sense. After doing so, she looked at him and told him that they needed to talk privately. Therefore, she took his hand and guided him to the black lake, that was when Danae began telling him that she forgives him for what happened that night but also asked him to forgive her for not telling him about her plan; both agreeing to communicate better.
At that moment, James walked towards Danae and kissed her while hugging her tightly. A few moments went by and she said “James, you are knocking the breath out of me”. He kept hugging her but not as tightly and pulled away from the kiss then said “Never leave me alone for a long time or I’ll going insane. Also, do not let Sirius flirt with you”. After he said that, Danae said while giggling “I wont abandon you and trust me, he was just doing it to piss you off”.He rolled his eyes and said that Siri was going to pay for it and Danae said “Lets stop talking about Sirius and focus on each other, yeah?”.
That was what James needed to hear to get closer to her if that was even possible. He began to kiss her lips passionately and then his lips starting leaving kisses in her jaw. Subsequently, he began kissing and biting her neck gently in order to leave a mark for Sirius and every other guy to see. James wanted everyone at Hogwarts to know that she was only his and his alone. They couple were enjoying themselves forgetting about everything that happened around them. 
Subsequently, they heard someone clearing their throat and that made them separate from one another while looking at professor Sprout. She was grinning at her students and said “Ms. Martin, I see that you and Mr. Potter finally sorted things out”. Danae blushed and look down feeling a little embarrassed which made both James and Sprout chuckle. Subsequently the professor congratulated them and then said to not miss classes to be with each other; that they could make time for that later since she did not want Hufflepuff to lose house points. They both nodded and then she left, both of them laughed and hugged each other once more before going to their next classes; when they left, James started doing what he refers to as his “happy dance”.
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Tag: @bl597​   
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just-a-writer23 · 4 years
Married a speedster
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Being Clint’s and Laura’s niece was an “experience” if I had to describe it in one word. On one hand, things were normal and I would baby sit my three little cousins whenever I could so that they could have date nights. On the other hand, my uncle was an avenger and always had fun stories to tell yet only those trust worthy enough from the family knew that. I was one of the few family members that had the knowledge since I practically live with them. Therefore, I had met and knew some of the avengers that would visit him every now and then. 
In fact, I met the recent addition to the team which were Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. It seemed that I had things in common with both of them and that’s why the three of us clicked. As I got to know them I started getting rather close them but there was some type of connection with Piet. However, I made the decision to ignore and forget about it knowing that he was a player. Well, in my point of view he flirted with everything that had a pulse and was human. 
After a couple of months, I was hired by Tony to be some sort of assistant and secretary for the avengers in the facility. Therefore, I had more communication and interactions with all of the avengers. By having more interaction with them it meant that Pietro would always find a way to flirt with me and I tried to act all cool. The fact that I am a bashful person didn’t quite help me...not...at... all which is why he and the other avengers would tease me; specially my uncle and Wanda. You would think that your family would be on your side but it turns out that my uncle was having a blast witnessing this as he said “When you accepted your job, you didn’t see that coming?” ...using Piet’s phrase against me. 
As usual, Piet would come by and flirt with me but also insist that I should go on a date with him. If I were to be honest I would not hesitate to go on a date with said avenger. However, after witnessing him flirting with a concerning amount of women in Stark’s parties I didn’t know whether it was a good idea or not. Dating was something very important to me and in my point of you he saw it as a game. Therefore, I would kindly reject his offer by saying “you have to work harder than that to make me say yes Maximoff but at the moment I would I to decline it”.
If there was someone that knew Pietro better than anyone it would be his twin sister, Wanda. She would often smirk at me whenever Piet would flirt with me and sometimes even asked “Are you my sister in law yet?” to which I would joking roll my eyes at her. Both Natasha and Wanda knew that I had feelings for Piet and according to Nat, I was being stubborn about the whole situation. Wanda would not only agree with her but somehow understood where my mind and heart were at when it came to his flirty ways. It wasn’t until one day she said while smiling “He is serious about you and hasn’t flirt with anyone but you since he started developing feelings for you”. 
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Of course, I knew that she probably read his mind and notice the changes in her brother. I tried not to let it bring my guard down but I would be lying if I said that I didn’t. Hearing this from her made me have certain hope that perhaps the speedster would be granted a date with me. Even though Wanda’s words kept being repeated in my mind, I wanted to see if he would not flirt with anyone in a place in which temptation would be present. For example, the party that Stark was hosting during the weekend for I was planning all of the details and inviting the guest. 
The party went as planned and it was turning out to be one of the parties from Stark that I actually enjoyed. Wanda and Nat hanged and drank with me as we were dancing. There were some games that the boys decided to play and they ended up making a fool of themselves which was amusing. On the other hand,I noticed that some women were trying to get it on with Pietro which was not surprising as it ALWAYS happened. However, this time around he was rejecting them and at some point he came all the way to where I was at to kiss me. 
Three days after the party the avengers had a meeting in which Tony insisted for me to be a part of. I though that this might be to write everything that they spoke about and then type it on the computer to send it to them. However, something happened that was very unexpected, they wanted me and Pietro to be part of a secret mission. Apparently in this mission we had to pretend to be a couple that was getting married and that worked in a certain office. According to their plan as I was “working” Pietro was going to be verifying some classified information. 
Before the mission was going to take place, Steve came to where Piet and I were at with some papers that we needed to sign. The two of us signed it knowing that it was related to the mission and didn’t read it. Afterwards, he told us what our fake identities were going to be and a last details of our mission. When all of that was over, we were asked to rest before the following day which was when the mission was going to start. Of course, Nat and Wanda were waiting for me in my room in order to ask if I had any plans with Piet now that we were to pretend to be a couple that were to get married;that was quite a conversation.
The mission was carried out and we worked the best of our abilities, there were moments in which I thought we were going to be discovered but thankfully it did not happened. Also, Pietro and I had to share a room after our “wedding” in order for “our marriage” to look real. All that I am going to say is that Pietro played his husband roll that night to a whole new level and I couldn’t argue about it. I mean, lets face it there was a certain tension that we had going on that had to be taken care of and well, we did. It was definitely an experience to remember and he just kept of mentioning it to me whenever he could. 
Once our mission was completed we headed back to the avengers facilities and were met by everyone. Bruce greeted us saying “Good job Mr. and Mrs. Maximoff, you both deserve a real and romantic honeymoon after your excellent work”. Piet and I looked at each other a little bit confused but the shrugged it up by laughing at his comment. In my case, I thought that he was just making a reference to our fake marriage but then it hit me the fact that he didn’t use our fake last names. Therefore, I had to ask Bruce why he use Piet’s last name, he gave me a nervous smile and said “I am not the one that should explain this to both of you”. 
Things just kept getting weirder throughout the day since all of the team were making odd comments about us being married. It seemed that they all love the confuse stares that we were giving to one another whenever they said something. Although Pietro teased me for blushing at the commentary and that he might refer to me as his wife from now on. It wasn’t until Nat told us “We have prepared your room in which you guys will be sleeping together whenever you are in our facility. Fury is working on creating a safe home for both of you when you decide to start a family”. 
At that point, Pietro said that their jokes were actually getting out of control and I requested for them to explain why they were behaving so weird. At that moment, Vision appeared and looked at us apologetically then he started explaining what had happened. It turned out that the papers that Steve gave us to sign were actual official (REAL) marriage certificate and that Tony took them to the place in which they made those papers valid. Actually, Clint (My uncle) searched for a lawyer that could help them make the process faster. I know that this doesn’t make any sense but Wanda used her powers to make it all make sense to the people that made our marriage official. 
It was a lot for the two of us to take in and honestly I didn’t know what to think or say. However, Pietro smirked and took me to our now shared room in order for s to have privacy to talk about it. After a very long conversation we decided that we were to continue our unexpected marriage. Both of us knew that we made a good team and that have feelings for one another. Therefore, we were going to make it work by starting to date each other within our marriage; this is all crazy and might not even make sense to many but that is the least one can expect when your team is tired of two people loving each other but doing nothing about it. 
Tag: @bl597​ 
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just-a-writer23 · 4 years
 School for Squibs!
A/N: I was talking to one of my dearest friends Lyan and told her that I would love to write something for her. When it comes to a storyline she said “You know me well enough to know what I’m like and what I like”. The one thing she wants me to make official in it is that her character’s name is Lena. Lena’s love interest will be a mix of Harry Potter, Liam Payne and Piero Barone. This is a little bit of a challenge but I will do my best because I want to make her smile.
Lena Du Pont had being in Hogwarts for five years at this point and was determined to work create a school of her own for squibs. Squibs are the kids of two magical parents that have no magical powers. Sadly, they are overlooked at by the wizarding community and judge; they said that they should live in the muggle world instead. In Du pont’s point of view everyone has a little bit of magic in them, even squibs, they just need a little bit of encouragement and special magical accommodations to bring it out. Therefore, she wanted to create those accommodations and bring out the potential that all of them have.
Even though she knew that many would judge her and not support her decisions; her bravery and determination were enough for her to keep on going. Her sister, Lainey Du Pont always said that even though Lena had the ambition of a Slytherin her bravery and determination were the main traits that she had. In fact, Lena always value bravery and determination the most which is why she was the embodiment of a true Gryffindor. Those personality traits were the factors that were going to allow her to achieve her goals in the future. Lai, was going to encourage and support her in every step of the way despite what others think; although Lena never cared about what others think. 
Throughout Lena’s last years at Hogwarts she created the plans and began to safe money to start creating the schools. This money was taken to her Gringotts vault in order to be safe which is why Lainey would take it there for her with Lena’s permission. In order to gather this money, Lena had started working at the three brooms sticks, honeydukes and zonkos during the weekends which is why she was hardly seen. As for her studies, she was doing an excellent job at getting O (Outstanding) and E (Exceeds Expectations). How? Well she became a night and book worm during the weeks in order to make a balance between work and her studies. 
At some point, McGonagall  got concerned about her due to the fact that she was barely resting. Lena trusted her professor and had told her about her plans which made Mcgonagall proud of her student. However, she had noticed that her precious student was not resting well and was worried that she was not taking good care of herself. Therefore, she gave her a time turner in order for her to be in time for her classes and jobs. This allowed Lena to accomplish her plans but took good care of herself which pleased her professor. 
After graduating from Hogwarts, Lena had began to search for the lands in which her school was going to be built. However, this was quite difficult for the fact that nobody wanted to help her find it. Not many agreed to the idea of having a school for squibs and told her that she was a disgrace for the wizarding community. In fact, the Ministry of Magic allowed her to continue her plans because they didn’t believe that she was going to be successful. Although things were not looking great for her plans, her determination kept her going. 
Time went by and she kept looking for a piece of land in which her school could be built on. She began working at Ollivanders and had gotten quite good at selling wands to young wizards. One day at her lunch break, she decided to have a stroll in the alley after having something to eat. She entered the store “Madam Malkin’s Ropes for All Occasions” and a stranger bumped into her. She looked at him and raised an eyebrow and the man started apologizing while asking if she was okay. Subsequently, she said that she was fine and advice him to pay attention to where he’s going. He nodded nervously and said “Is it okay if I invited you for an ice cream at “Florean Fortescue’s ice cream parlour” for a proper apology. 
Lena rolled her eyes and smiled saying “It was just an accidental bump there is no need to be extremely apologetic”. Then she was going to walk towards the exit of the store and he said “Perhaps, its not a big deal but it would be lovely to get to know you”. At that moment, she looked at him with seriousness while crossing her arms and said “Although that’s very kind of you, I don’t believe that I can’t accept your offer because I have a job to get to. As I said before, it ain’t a big deal, it was nice to meet you...bye”. After saying that she left the store feeling rather annoyed by the stranger and head back to the store she worked at. 
When she entered the store she worked at, Lena was met by Henry Carter who was a guy that graduated a year before she did. He was a Slytherin that was known for being the best chaser in his quidditch team; he was rather a quite good looking man... he had brown hair short hair, hazel eyes that were behind his glasses, had facial hair, had fair skin and was tall enough. Although people expected him to brag about it, he was rather a very humble person and never did so. On their school days they were not close but acquaintances that were cordial to each other. Anyway, he greeted her and they started having a normal conversation; he was there to buy his younger brother’s wand with him. 
As she was helping looking for wands for his little brother to try out, he asked her about how the plans of building the school were coming along. Lena, looked at him and sigh as she gave the little boy a wand, then looked at him as she told him the current situation. Henry gave her  a sympathetic look and proceeded to to get in a deep thought process. Then he said “I believe that I can help you  with the land situation if you allow me to”. She raised an eyebrow at him and stare at him trying to figure out whether he was being sincere or not then said “How do you plan to do so?”; then gave his little brother another wand.
He looked at her smiling gently and said “There is a land that my family owns that has not being used for about ten years. My parents told me that I could use it to do with it as I pleased, in all honesty I have no plans to use it. So, I would be glad to give it to someone that needs it and that will do something significant with it”. Before Lena could say anything about it the place lighted up letting everyone know that the wand had chosen his little brother. She looked at the little boy with a bright smile and said “Congratulations, you officially are a wand owner young man, this wand has chosen you”, the little boy looked at her and thanked her. 
After congratulating the kid, she looked at Henry while raising an eyebrow saying “You are telling me that there is a land that your family used to own and gave to you but you don’t plan to use it yet are willing to give it to me? Just like that?”. She chuckled “If I were to say yes, would there be any prize that I have to pay? If so, then tell me what it will be and perhaps I will think about it”. He looked at her quite surprised and said “It seems that you hardly trust people and I do understand why. In order to get you to trust me I would personally take you to see the land and show you the property papers to see my honesty. There is no monetary prize that I am possibly desiring for this, however, I do have two prizes that I would like you to give me for it”. 
“Is that so? well, mind telling me what those prizes are in order to see whether or not I can meet them?” she asked rather intrigued to see what his answer would be. He smiled at her and said “The first thing would be to allow me to be a teacher in your school. Although my humble knowledge doesn’t have that much variety, there is a reasonable amount of it that I can teach the future students. Number two is for you to go on a date with me after the school opens, that way we can get to know each other little by little and then go on that date that could mean that it could go somewhere or could lead to a friendship”. 
Lena smirked at him and said “The first prize can be easily met, there are certain classes that I believe you will do a brilliant job. As for your second request, well, you’ll have to work hard to get me to agree with it. I will see if you can convince me to go on a date with you or not”. He smiled and said “Fair enough, then is a deal. I will come by tomorrow to pick you up and show you the land and the papers” She nodded at him and said “I get out a five tomorrow, I expect you to be here by that time”. He smiled and said that he was going to be there ten minutes before five. 
As time went by, Lena was finally able to build and promote her school with the help of Lainey and Henry; after taking Henry’s offer. There were plenty of squibs who were rather unsure whether or not to be a part of it. However, Lena, Lainey and Henry along with the rest of the faculty were able to reassure them that they were accepted as they were in this school. To say the least, the school was very successful and the Daily Prophet was only able to say wonderful things about it. This made Lena feel proud of herself and the work that she had put into fulfilling her dreams.
 When it comes to the date that Henry had mentioned to her nearly a year ago, Lena had studied him and his actions. After realizing that he was a sincere person she decided to finally accept it. Of course, he asked her to go on that date monthly and she would kindly say “Maybe...”, leaving him in suspense. When she finally said yes, the poor man thought that his hearing had gotten bad, asking her to repeat herself. Therefore, she walked closer to him and whispered in his ear “Yes, I will go on a date with you” leaving him speechless. 
Tag list: @bl597
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just-a-writer23 · 4 years
This is why I love them 😍💖
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just-a-writer23 · 4 years
Girls night? ... I don’t think so!
A/N: This is something that I wanted to write for my girl @chiizuokamisama and I really enjoyed writing it :3 enjoy! 
ps: My friend calls me “Frijol” and I call her “Cacaguate”. Also I am going to write some things in Spanish because that’s how our conversations happen in real life. Also, I feel that this is not my best work but I guess it turned out okay!
    I was reading my Harry Potter book “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban” and was laughing at how I came to realize that Ron and Hermione always fought like a couple even before getting together.All of a sudden I received a phone call from my dearest friend Nikki and of course, I answered.
“HEY GIRL!!!! What are you up to?” we said at the same time and then started laughing. 
“I am reading Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, you know, I have to relax one way or another! Also, Ron and Hermione are killing me cause they are acting like a freaking married couple and after all of these years I have come to realize that. I feel stupid cause it took me so long to realize that! But I guess that’s the good thing about re-reading your books hahahaha” I said 
“Oh sweet!!  hahahahahaha that tends to happen mija, if you didn’t find out then you’ll find out now but don’t feel stupid frijoooool! Also, at the moment I am watching a youtuber getting haunted while doing a live stream. You have got to watch it!!!” she said with excitement 
“OH MY GOD!! Cacaguate send it to me cause now I am genuinely curious and scared but that’s life!! AND YES, I AM SO GLAD THAT I DID REALIZE IT!!” I said with excitement as well.
“Awesome! But I can’t send it to you right now because we are going to watch it together tonight!!’ she said 
“ARE YOU COMING?” I said …well, yelled pretending I had forgotten about or “Onesies (pijama) party” 
“YOU HAVE FORGOTTEN!!! … what a disgrace….” she said and I immediately started laughing. “Don’t you remember that we were going to watch movies and eat lots of junk food tonight? You are the one that is coming and staying over mujer” she said in a funny tone
“Ohhhh that’s right! You see I did remember and I have everything ready but I felt like trolling you for no given reason!” I said laughing as I heard her say “Que hija de su madre” 
 “y de mi padre tambien!!’ I said chuckling 
“Hahahaha, Ay Di, I can’t with you” she said
“You love me, I know that you do” I said
“I do love you! Have you spoken to Tyler?” she asked
“Yeah, just a little bit, he is going to be busy today so, we might not talk that much” I said 
“Aww, same goes with Dylan! But hey, at least we are going to spend time together tonight!!” she said 
“Yes!! Can’t wait girl, I freaking miss you” I said 
“I freaking miss you too” she said 
     It was around six thirty in the afternoon and I had had decided to go to my Nikki’s house. I was wearing my Ariel onesie ,had brought some snacks and movies for us. When I got there, my friend greeted me with a bear hug and it was then that I realize that she was wearing her “Pikachu” onesie.
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“ARIGATO!!” I said in a childish tone and giggled 
“Kyaaaaaaa!! you are welcome and thank you as well!!!” she said   
   Afterwards we found ourselves dancing around while preparing the snacks and setting everything down. We had planned to watch movies, sing karaoke, do each others make up so that we could make a photo shot and many other girl-ish stuff. As we had put the first movie, the bell rang and I went to take it not expecting to see the people that were behind it. It turned out that it was Tyler and Dylan wearing onesies and holding some snacks as well.
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   Dylan was wearing a Squirtle onesie and Tyler was wearing an Mario onesie. 
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    I looked at them and tried not to laugh, “NIKKI, COME HERE!” I said and my friend came in a matter of seconds. She said that they looked cute and I agreed with her. Then we let them in and started telling them what we had planned to and of course, Dylan joked about him wanting to get his nails done and Tyler said that said that even though he didn’t want his nails or make up done that he would like to be the photographer. We started watching a comedy movie but then started talking before the movie even reached it’s good part. 
“Why don’t we watch old videos? I have some of when Di and I were in high school!” said Nikki 
“That would be cool!” said Dylan 
“Do you really have videos from it?” I asked 
“Yes, and I have got one that is has been kept as a secret but today I will reveal it” Nikki said with an mischievous grin. 
“What is it about?” asked Tyler 
“Oh you’ll see! Is about Di at her finest moment!” she said while laughing 
“Oh no…Nikki you are scaring me!!” I said and after that she put the video …
   The video was about that one time that we were at her house watching the trailer of the Grudge to see if I was going to be brave enough to watch it with her. However, while we were watching the part of the trailer in which the ghost was in the hallway of the hospital. The electric power of her house went down and I jumped holding on to Nikki while shaking badly. Then I remained silent while Nikki was trying to get off of her to see if we could solve the situation. The funny thing is that after I had calmed down, her sister started imitating the ghost and I almost die. 
   When the video was over all of us were laughing at my reaction and then I proceeded to explain the reason as to why I had reacted that way. Everyone started making jokes about it and even tried to convince me to see the movie with the lights off. However, I tried to distract them by asking Nikki how she had gotten that in video. It turns out that somehow her sister had recorded it and saved it but had forgotten about it until a year after it happened. She found it when she was deleting stuff from her computer and then passed it to Nikki. After that explanation, the subject came back again and we ended up watching that movie. Let’s say that Tyler’s arm was almost ripped out of his body because of me.  
“What should we do next?” asked Dylan 
“We should have some drinks and then do the karaoke” said Tyler grinning “Don’t worry Di, you don’t have to drink if you don’t want to but if you do I can make you a Margarita” 
“Sounds good, I’ll have one!” I said smiling 
“I am up for it to!” said Nikki 
…Well, let say that after we had our drinks we didn’t have a karaoke…no, we gave a concert; might not have been fun to the neighbors to hear though. Our “girls night” was crashed by the guys but we had fun and I guess that’s all that matters. Ha! I believe we had more fun than we were expecting to… 
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just-a-writer23 · 4 years
Carried away. Fred Weasley imagine.
Journey Elizabeth Avery,  was part of one of the Sacred twenty eight families that had the awful traditional thinking about blood purity. Most of her family members were Slytherins and some even became Death Eaters; following you know who. However,  Journey never believed in the blood purity or hated muggles, muggleborn and halfblood. In fact, she believed in moving on from the past and make amends with them to make a brighter future. Therefore, her family members disliked, dishonored and kicked her out of their house when she was twelve years old. 
At Hogwarts she got sorted into Ravenclaw and made friends with the same ideals that she had. Although she was a Ravenclaw, Journey befriended people from the other houses; including Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger from Gryffindor. During the first two years of studies at Hogwarts she constantly got pranked and annoyed by the Weasley twins.However, at the end of her second year, he asked her out  and they began dating. They clicked when she learned that his family was pureblood but that didn’t controlled or blinded their hearts and actions. 
Throughout their relationship, she would help the twins come up with clever ideas for pranks and even artifacts that they could create in order to execute them. Fred and Journey would have dates every Saturday and sometimes they would use the secret passages to go on dates during days in which they were not allowed to go out. Surprisingly, they never got caught and Journey like the feeling of being rushed and do things out of impulse; living in the moment. Sometimes Journey would analyze what could happen if they were caught and Fred would somehow convince her to do it anyway.
There was a moment in which they broke up do to the fact that Journey risked her life in her third year without Fred knowing. That took place during the time that Buckbeak was going to be murdered because of the coward Draco Malfoy and his father. Journey had decided to be with the trio during that night; after the murder took place, Ron was taken by a giant dog. All in all, it was discovered that it was Sirius Black and that he was innocent; they one that betrayed his parents was Peter Pettigrew. Lets just say that there was some craziness going that night that really put the golden trio, Journey and Sirius’ lives in danger.
Actually, Journey got hurt badly at some point and then woke up in the hospital wing realizing that Fred was next to her. She told him what had happened and they started arguing about the fact that she didn’t tell him; saying that it was reckless of her to do. During that argument they said hurtful things to one another and eventually both took the decision to break up. That was really hard on both of them since they practically lived under the same roof in both Hogwarts and the burrow. Yes, Molly Weasley heard about what happened to the young girl and took her in deciding to be the family that Journey deserved.
When it came for the reconciliation, well, it took quite a long time for they were both very stubborn. Fred had started “dating” Angelina Johnson, a Gryffindor girl that was in the quidditch team. He would give a show with Angelina when Journey was around which made her hurt but was good at hiding it. This carried on until the yule ball came around, Fred had asked his current girlfriend to it and Journey was asked by one of the Durmstrang student. Oh, things took a turn when she played the same game that he had been playing for months. 
At some point, the Durmstrang student that was dancing with Journey started making certain approaches that she wasn’t comfortable with. During a slow dance he began touching her in areas of her body that she would only allow Fred to touch. Although she kept taking his hands off of those areas, he would not stop making the advances. Journey began getting angry at him but before she could slap him, someone pulled her away and punched the man that was dancing with her. Subsequently, Fred started making out with Journey in front of all the people that were in there; kissing and biting her neck to leave a mark that said “She’s mine”.
Afterwards, they had to run off from Professor Snape who was set on catching them and probably take points from their houses. Thankfully, Fred knew many secret passages which helped in this particular situation. Later that night, well...Journey’s favorite Weasley twin made sure to show her that she only belongs to him. That is how she found out that the whole thing with Angelina was an act that they decided to do in order to get her jealous. Journey teased him saying “That didn’t turn out well for you, did it?” and he rolled his eyes knowing that ignoring him was an act of hers.
Things had gotten better with the couple as they were communicating better as time passed. When it came to studying and living at Hogwarts, well, it became a bloody hell with Umbridge around. Everything changed so drastically and everyone was bloody unhappy with all the rules she had given. Journey had become quite angry at the fact that they didn’t have a proper defense against the dark arts when Voldemort was back. Thankfully, Harry created Dumbledore’s army in order to practice and learn defensive spells that were going to be needed in the near future. 
In order to celebrate the beginning of Dumbledore’s army, the group went to the three broomsticks in Hogsmeade. Hermione decided that it would be a fun idea to play certain muggle games and that was when it was decided to play seven minutes in heaven. Its this muggle game in which two people go to a closet or private area to do whatever they wanted in seven minutes. Fred started whispering in Journey’s ear things that he wanted to do to her during those seven minutes while he was touching some sensitive areas of her body; knowing it would turn her on. On the other hand, while Journey was trying to act normal so nobody would suspect anything, she was also teasing Fred by touching him as well. 
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Once it was their turn Fred picked Journey up and took her to a secret room that not many knew of. Needless is to say that they made love and seven minutes were not enough for the young couple. Both of them got carried away as they were just focused on one another as they showed how much they love every single aspect of each other; forgetting to use protection as Molly always told them to do (always use protection). When both of them fell of the cliff at the same time making them scream each other’s names, Fred’s body fell on top of hers. He said as he chuckled “I think that seven minutes will never be enough for us love” after saying that he looked at her with love as she laughed at his comment. 
Everything was going well for Dumbledore’s army and everybody was thankful to Harry as they were learning so many things from him. Three weeks after they had that celebration for the beginning of the group, they were all learning about the spell to fight dementors “Expecto Patronum”. When Journey was finally able to cast it, it turned out that her Patronus was an Abraxan Winged Horse; a rare patronus which she was amazed by. Ginny’s patronus was a horse and she joked saying “Seems like you and I have more in common than you and Freddie”  and then she asked what memory she used to conjure it. 
Journey laughed at her comment and then said that the memory she chose was when Molly and Arthur took her in by giving her a family and a house that loved her. After the practice had finished they all went to eat in the Great Hall, the twins were talking about their patronus and the memories they used. Fred’s had being the moment in which he reconciled with Journey and he made sure she knew about it. She smiled at him and then he gave her a plate with her favorite foods. As she looked at it, she began to get nauseous by their smells little by little the nausea got worse then she stormed off and ran to the nearest bathroom; Fred was ran after her and helped her with her hair. 
When Journey had finished “puking”, Fred asked her if she was okay and she she nodded saying that the smell was too intense for her to handle. Subsequently, Luna got out of one of the stalls and washed her hands then look at her housemate and friend with concern. “Are you sick again Jo?” she asked to which Journey just nodded and Luna said “Make sure you drink the tea I gave you. It will make you feel better but you should go to madam Pomfrey because you have been sick throughout the whole week”. After saying that she looked at Fred and said “You better get out of the girls bathroom before you get caught” and with that she left. 
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Fred and Journey left the bathroom and went to a private area to talk about Jo’s sickness. As they were having this conversation Journey revealed that she had indeed being sick for a whole week. Then proceeded to tell him that she had not gotten her period and that it was late for two weeks. At that point, Fred’s face became pale as a ghost and she said “I think I am pregnant Freddie”. He looked at her while being frozen as he didn’t know what to do or say, however, when her eyes got watery he hugged her saying that everything was going to be okay. 
During the next day, both of them went to the hospital week and explained the situation to Madam Pomfrey who gave them a judgemental look. Then she proceeding in verifying whether or not the fifteen year old was pregnant or not. As they were waiting for the results she said “Both of you should have been more careful. Do you know how hard it is to raise a child as an adult? imagine as teenagers. Also, now that Umbridge is around things will be hard for the two of you but...I will help you the best I can if you are indeed pregnant”.
The results were ready... 
Journey Elizabeth Avery was indeed...pregnant. 
Oh the journey they were about to encounter (Pun intended). 
Tag: @bl597​
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just-a-writer23 · 4 years
What happens at the convention doesn’t always stays at the conventions...Part 2
A/N: Here is the second part!!! I had so much fun talking about it with @need-for-dean. We came up with lovely ideas for it and it got me so excited to write it which is why I must thank her!!! @need-for-dean Thank you so much Jay <3 
Dixie’s POV: 
After the first day of the convention finished and Jane told me that she was going to see Jensen. So, I took the decision of going to my room to rest since tomorrow was going to be a long yet fun day. As I was walking towards mine and Jayne’s room, I felt my phone buzzed. I looked at it and I realized that Rob had texted me; telling me to meet him up in his room. This is why I am finding myself cuddle up with my boyfriend while watching the movie “Fool rush in”. 
“Babe!” He said 
“Yes?” I asked while looking at him.
“Don’t you think it would be better if we told everyone about us?” He asked 
I smiled at him and chuckle “I think that at some point in this weekend, we are going to say it. So, yes but let’s not decide when and let it happen whenever it is that it happens! Sounds good?” I asked
“Yeah, I’m okay with that!” he said while smiling, “Hey, are you hungry?.. Rich got Glutino pretzels and I thought that maybe you would like to try them!” 
“You know how much I love pretzels and how hard is being for not being able to eat them because of my diet. However, If those are gluten free then I definitely want to try them!” I said grinning as he got off the bed and rush to get the bag of the pretzels. 
When he got back, he had the back of glutino and two bottles of water. As he sat down he gave me my bottle of water and opened the bag. I was going to grab a pretzel but he stopped me, for he had one in his hand and feed it to me. While I was eating it he kissed my nose causing me to giggle  and caress his face. 
“Umm, I like them and I am allowed to eat them so I hope that Rich has another bag of these” I said while taking a handful of pretzels.
“Don’t know if he does but he’s got other stuff in there so don’t worry about it!” He said sweetly while playing with my hair and kissing my shoulder. Then he grab a glutino and asked me what my favorite part of the movie we were watching was.
“Honestly, I think the whole movie is amazing but my favorite part is when he asks her how she is doing and she tells him that she is pregnant. Then he goes and says “That’s great” and she is like “Yeah and ir’s yours!”. I laughed along with Rob.
“That’s a great scene! haha mine’s got to be that scene where they are at her family’s party or something like that” He said smiling. I smiled and kissed his cheek as I snuggled to him. “Glutino’s?” I said offering to him.
“Dixie’s” He said 
“What?” I asked confused 
He laughed and put his finger on my chin making me look at him; kissing me.
Jayne’s POV: 
After I said my goodbyes to Dix as she left to see Rob, I waited for Jen to arrive to my room which thankfully it give me time to get ready. When he arrived he greeted me with a long kiss and then we went to my bed. That’s where my mission started, I wanted to convince him to watch “The notebook” with me. But of course, he was trying to convince me to watch another movie instead of that one. However, I kept on begging him and he finally accepted to watch that movie with me which makes me so happy. 
15 minutes after the movie started: 
“Jay, you’re not even watching it?” He said chuckling while playing with my hair.
“Hmm, Well I’ve already seen it and I am actualy listening to it right now” I said while smiling because of the small white lie I just said. 
Truth is that I was listening and paying attention to his heart beat while having my eyes close. Honestly, there was nothing more that I would be doing at the moment. I was also praying that it would have the same effect that it always has on me which is falling asleep. Normally I wouldn’t mind but since Dix was going to come at any minute I didn’t want her to find us like that. Not that she would mind but knowing her she would come back to sleep.
As I was trying to keep myself awake, Jensen began singing “Simple man” to me while caressing me. That was it, if he kept on doing so I was going to fall asleep and I had to prevent that. 
“Save your singing for tomorrow’s night, would you babe?” I asked while giving him a kiss in his jawline. 
He laughed and said “Are you fighting to stay awake already?” 
“Pfft, no, but I do want you to save your singing”I said smiling
“But I am practicing for tomorrow!” he said and then kept singing.
“Jensen I swear that if you don’t stop I wi-” I was saying but he cuts me off by singing louder.
i went and straddled him and looked at him in the eyes then said “You know, by now you should know that’s better when you listen to me!” 
“Wouldn’t be in this situation if I had listened or would we?” He said while winking at me. 
I felt myself blushing and I narrow my eyes at him, saying “Don’t turns things the other way around, would you?” 
He smirked at me and rolled us over so that he was straddling me. I went to say something but he cut me off by kissing me and that was the start of an interesting…
 Dixie and Jayne’s panel: Third person’s POV
So, far the fans were asking us things related to our friendship, similarities that we have with our characters and  things of those sorts. Both Jayne and Dix were thankful about the fact that the fans weren’t asking other things that were rather “personal”. Then again they weren’t done with the questions when…
“Okay so, I have got a question for Jayne and another for Dixie” She says smiling and both actresses smile at her encouraging her to ask them.
“Alright so my first question is for Jayne, When will yours and Jensen’s wedding be? Do you have a date for it?” She asks 
“I don’t know, See, honestly I don’t even want a wedding, I just want to go to a court house with witness and do it so probably will say nothing is set in stone yet. We are deciding what we want to do!” Jayne says while smiling.
“Awww I am sure you guys will figure it out soon! Okay, Dixie, I have noticed you and Rob have been hanging out more often, is there anything happening with you and him or am I just reading too much into something?” She ask causing Dixie to blush and laugh to herself while looking at Jayne.
Dixie clears her throat and says “Ummm,.. I am not saying that it’s him…I am not saying that is not BUT I do have a person I’ve been seeing recently and I’m really enjoying…heck… I am loving their company!” 
As soon as they both answer those questions the fans began cheering and screaming. Then another asked if they have cried while watching or filming an episode. Both of them denied the fact that they have cried while watching an episode and that’s when Osric appeared at the stage causing the audience to get crazy.
“You know, I don’t think is fair for the two of you to deny the fact that you both have actually cried rivers while watching some of the episodes” He said 
“Well, we might or might have not cried while watching or filming them but is definitely a no. However, you have cried and you cannot deny it!” said Dixie 
“You don’t have any proves that we have cried while watching or filming episodes” said Jayne 
“Oh, don’t I?” He said smirking and grabbing a small remote control that made a big screen come out and then he pressed play to the first recording. In which Dixie and Jayne appear crying desperately and heart broken hugging each other, saying a bunch of words that only they could understand while watching the finale of season two from the series they work in. 
“Care to explain this?” asked Osric with a grin
“I have a fucking excuse! Sam was dying and my baby was crying his soul out! It’s hard to watch Dean like that!” said Jayne causing Dixie to laugh.
“So, Dean is your baby? Then was Jensen?” Dixie asked
“Dean is my baby and Jensen knows it!” Jayne says causing Dixie to laugh again.
“Interesting enough! What about you Dixie?” Osric asked
“I will say that I am way to attach to Sam and his death affected me but Dean murdered my heart when he began crying. Cause back home I got a little brother and I know that If anything happened to him..I wouldn’t know what to do with my existence so…yeah!” Dixie said half smiling.”i also have a little sister who happens to be my best friend and the same thing goes when it comes with her” Dix said while side hugging Jay “That episode was just too much!” 
“Aww, same Dix and I agree, it was just too much!” said Jayne as the crows says “Awwwww” 
“YOU SEE!!! THIS WOULD’NT HAVE HAPPENED IF YOU HAD NOT ADMIT IT!…Anyways, I will see you all later!” said Osric as he tried to leave but Jayne and Dixie stopped him.
“Not …so…fast!” said Dixie with a grin.
“You see! There’s a video that you should watch because just like us you resist to admit something” said Jayne as she grabbed the remote control that Osric had and pressed play on the second recording that there was. In the video Osric appeared sleeping while saying random and funny things.
“Guess I do speak in my sleep….” He said.
“Well, you obviously do” said Dxie  
After Osric left the stage, Dix and Jay began talking about some fun experiences they have had while filming. 
“I have to speak about this one in particular cause its beautiful!” said Dixie laughing “Okay, I have got to confess that I am not much of a drinker, in fact the only thing I drink is Margaritas. Yes, I know is quite ironic how I only drink that one drink that has my second name on it. Anyways, there was this time in which Jared, Jayne and I were done filming for the day. They literally begged me to go to to have drinks with them… next thing I know is that we are at Chilli’s bar. I ordered a Margarita in hopes that Jared and Jayne would help me out with it. However, I didn’t and I drank it all… the rest is history” 
At that moment Jared comes on stage with a mic which makes the crowd scream. Then he says “If I remember this correctly this is the time I had to literally carry Jayne home, she’s little but can put down a lot of alcohol in one sitting. Like I said she is little ….It gets to her quickly” 
“She did told me that she could control herself which is why I didn’t stop her” Dixie said.
“She also sang for me” Jared adds. 
“SING FOR US!’ Shouted a fan along with a lot of cheering.
Dixie burst out laughing and tells Jared “You have no idea how much I love you right now! I hope that Jensen enjoys this as much as we will” As she finishes, she walks up to Jared and hugs him while watching Jay;not letting go of him.
Jayne gets up and walks up to the piano saying “Alright, alright! Since you asked so nicely” she giggles as the fans scream. “This one goes to my ship Destiel and is “Can’t help falling in love with you” enjoy!” she adds as the crowd goes crazy. 
“Wise men say, only fools rush in
but I can’t help falling in love with you”
As Jayne started singing, Jensen walks up the stage making the fans cheer even louder and takes the mic away from her. 
“Save the sing for tonight, would you” he asked and the leans over to kiss her cheek. After doing so Jared and Jensen leave the stage so that Dix and Jay could finish their panel. 
“I swear that my favorite thing to do is to hug Jared! Gosh I could be hours hugging him like a damn koala” Dixie says while chuckling 
“Hey, now you are spoken for” Jayne says causing the crowd to say “Ohhhhh” and the she adds “Well shit”.
Dixie’s eyes widen and she blushes then says “Oh God! I suppose that now he knows that I love and enjoy hugging Jared”
As she finishes saying so, Rob walks up to the stage with his arms crossed and coughs. Then Louden Swain starts playing their exit song and Rich says “Give it up for Dixie and Jayne”. As the fans were cheering they waved goodbye and Dixie walked out while Jayne went to kiss Rob’s cheek whispering “Sorry”. 
Convention’s “concert”: 
Jensen walks up to the stage along with Jayne who’s feeling nervous to sing at the moment. 
“Come on baby! You can do this, we have sang this a lot of times together and I know that you will be doing great as you always do” said Jensen
“I know but …I am freaking out babe!” Jayne said 
“Is going to be alright just look at me the whole time and trust me!” He said while kissing her forehead. The he walks up to the mic with Jayne following him!. “Hey guys, so the song that me and my beautiful fiance will sing is called “Oceans”. This is basically our song and we decided to share it with all of you!”. (crowds cheers)
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“I want you
Yeah I want you
And nothing comes close
To the way that I need you
I wish I can feel your skin
And I want you
From somewhere within” 
As Jensen began singing the first verse Jayne followed through and both continued to sing their song. Jayne began swinging her hips and dancing around Jensen’s which made him dance along.
I want you
And I always will
I wish I was worth
But I know what you deserve
You know I’d rather drown
Than to go on without you
But you’re pulling me down
Jayne closed her eyes and sang a verse without realizing that Jensen had stop singing with her. The fans were cheering for her and he couldn’t help himself than to watch her adoringly as she sang her heart out. 
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 It feels like there’s oceans
Between you and me once again
We hide our emotions
Under the surface and try to pretend
But it feels like there’s oceans
Between you and me
Then he joined her and kept singing with her yet he didn’t stop looking at her in the eyes.
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I want you
I want you
And always will
 It feels like there’s oceans
Between you and me
As they finished singing their song they hugged each other and the crowd cheered. 
After Jayne and Jensen sang their song they left the stage and Rob walked in it., grabbing the mic.
“I’m not just saying this because they are good friends of mine but they were amazing weren’t them?” he asked and the crowd cheered. 
“Alright! So, there is this song that I have being listening to quite often and I thought that it would be a great song to sing with the beautiful Dixie” he said casing the fans to scream. Rob chuckled and said “Yeah, Well that’s why we need Dixie on stage right?…Give it up for Dixie”
As soon as he said that Jared appeared running on stage carrying Dixie.”DON’T DROP ME JAR!…OH MY GOD!!!”. When he reached Rob he bent down and said into the mic, “Dixie was doubting and trying to convince Brianna to come and sing for her. But we refuse to let her ruin this for Rob has so nicely mentioned her”. He said while putting Dixie down and winking at Rob. 
“You’re not my favorite Winchester now!” Dixie told Jared 
“I am sorry to disappoint you!” He laughs and leaves.
“Aw, why didn’t you want to come and sing?” said Rob with a hurt expression.
“I was a bit nervous but I am find now” said Dixie smiling at him.
“There’s nothing you have got to be nervous for” He said smiling and kissing her cheek. Then he said “The song that we will be singing is called “Remind me”. 
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 We didn’t care if people stared
We’d make out in a crowd somewhere
Somebody’d tell us to get a room
It’s hard to believe that was me and you
Rob began singing the first verse and then Dixie tagged along, singing while looking at him lovingly. 
Remember the airport dropping me off
We were kissing goodbye and we couldn’t stop
I felt bad cause you missed your flight
But that meant we had one more night
As they were both singing, they were giving each other cute looks that eventually made the fans more curious. 
I wanna feel that way
Yeah I wanna hold you close
Oh if you still love me
Don’t just assume I know
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All those things that you used to do
That made me fall in love with you
Remind me, oh baby remind me
By this point both of them had stood up from their chairs and got near each other while holding hands. 
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Yeah you’d wake up in my old t-shirt
All those mornings I was late for work
Remind me, oh baby remind me yeah
Oh baby remind me baby remind me
They kept singing the song until its very end, Dixie was looking at Rob while biting her bottom lip while Rob was carefully watching her action.
“Oh fuck this!” He said 
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just-a-writer23 · 4 years
What happens in the conventions doesn’t always stays at the convention... Part 1
A/N: So, this is an idea that I have had in mind for a while and I just had to write it because why not? …There are going to be more parts to this! @need-for-dean 
Here we were checking in the hotel that we will be staying during the weekend. Given that we were going to be “working” in the supernatural convention in Ohio. Jayne and I were going to share a room like we always do because our guys were going to be staying with their friends; Jensen was staying with Jared while Rob was going to be staying with Richard. It’s Thursday and is 3:30pm, Rob had invite Jensen, Jay and I to a restaurant that was near the hotel for dinner. Afterwards we were just going to go back to the hotel to rest since we had to wake up early. So, Jay and I were going to go to our room to start getting ready for it.
As we enter to the elevators we began talking about what experiences we were going to talk about in out panel and other topics that had to do with the convention. Is funny because we have come to the conclusion that we get just as excited for it as the fans or even more. Once we go to our rooms we drop our bags and run to the bed near the balcony of the room; jumping into it. 
“Oh, I got it first” we both said 
“No, I did!” I said laughing
“Okay, let’s solve this the old fashion way!” said Jayne laughing as well.
“Rock, paper and scissors?” I asked and she nodded and so we proceeded with the game. It turned out that she got scissors and I got paper meaning that she won.
“You won and I shall accept my defeat!” I said as I jokingly placed a hand in my hand as if it hurt me and sat on my bed.
“I am the champion, my friend and I’ll keep on fighting till the end, I am the champ-” She started singing but I cut her off by throwing a pillow at her. “HEY!” she said throwing it back at me.
“hahahaha my bad! you know we should get ready for dinner and instead we are being silly” I said 
“I know! Do you know what you’ll be wearing?” Jayne asked 
“Yeah, I am going to be wearing my blue romper, going to let my hair down and just some natural make up” I said smiling at her. 
“Make up?… you should wear that lipstick that Rob likes on you” she said smirking and grabbing her phone and opening snapchat “Hey guys, Dix and I just got to our room…I won the bed near the window cause I am amazing” 
“Hey, you and Jensen play that a lot is not my fault that you’re a professional at it” I said sticking my tongue out and Jay started laughing as she posted the video.
“She just doesn’t like losing, anyways, we are getting ready to have dinner with Jensen and Rob…Oh and DIx is going to wear make up!” she said and posted it.
We arrived at the restaurant and the guys were already there in a table for four. The both got up and we went to greet them; Jay greet her fiance (Jen) with a kiss while I greeted my secret boyfriend with a hug. He gave me a look and chuckled to himself as he pulled a chair for me in which I sat smiling while looking down. 
Jensen was giving us an odd look but shrugged it off and said with a smile “We already order our food and yours as wells” 
“Wait, how did you ordered ours without knowing what we would want? asked Jayne 
“That’s a good question guys!” I said 
“Well, I saw the menu and I already know what you like so that’s why I made the decision” Jensen said while smirking 
Jayne smiled and got up to kiss his cheeks. “Then who ordered Dixie’s?” 
“I did!” said Rob laughing to himself, “She has told me about her diet and by now I know what she can and she can’t eat but also what she likes” he said while winking at me 
I blushed a bit and laughed “We’ll see if you were right!” I said smiling at him.
Jayne took her phone out and took a selfie for snapchat in which she wrote the caption “Dinner with the sweetest guys <3, we are so lucky” and posted it.
The waitress came and delivered our food and we thanked her before she leave. Jayne and I looked at each other and giggled at the realization that they order our favorite foods. 
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“Seems like we did a good Robbie” said Jensen 
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“Seems like we did man!” said Rob chuckling 
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Next morning, Jay and I had breakfast together and went to the convention in which we did our ops, we signed autographs and had spoke to fans in the process. So far, we had snapped everything through Jay’s snap chat to give the fans an update as to what we were going to be doing at the moment. Right now, we were preparing each other for our panel and were just having a random conversation. As I went to grab a bottle of water, someone grabbed me by my arm and pulled me to a small closet. 
“Don’t freak out, it’s just me” said Rob chuckling 
“Robbie, what the hell?” I said laughing 
“Last night we didn’t have time for each other, so, I wanted to at least have five minutes with you babe” he said smiling 
“You’re quite snea-” I got cut off by his lips touching mine making me forget what I was saying and responded to the kiss. 
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(Ignore the background lol and @need-for-dean I had to make reference to the height difference xD) 
I pulled away smiling and catching my breath while saying “I have to go”.
“I know!” he said smiling “Go on!” 
I smiled at him and said “See you soon” 
When I came out of the closet, Jay was looking at me with a raised eyebrow and I just shake my head then grabbed her arm. The staff gave us our microphones and we head out to the stage to begin our panel.
“So, what I can say is that I am guilty for telling Jared and Rich that Dixie is scared of snakes” said Jay “However, I am glad I did it anyways…” she said with a laugh 
“You’re so evil to me,,, and of course she is!! Both Rich and Jared tortured me on set”. I said pouting causing Jayne to laugh 
“Yes, there was this scene in which we were working in a forest and Rich and Jared had already planned to prank Dix. So, Jared kept telling Dix that there were snakes in that area and that she should keep an eye open” said Jay but she stops to laugh
“So, I kept my freaking eyes opened and I was legit looking everywhere to see if there was any around. Then Richard comes with a cube and gives it to me so that I could take it to I can’t remember who. Anyways, I noticed that it was too heavy and naturally I lo-” I said but Jay cuts me off.
“Wait you forgot to mentioned that Jared had put you something in the shoulder but you were too distracted by Rich” she said
“Right, So, I looked down and I saw the freaking box filled with snakes that were effing moving and I just stood there…completely frozen and looking at the damn snakes while feeling my heart in my throat but then I felt something moving in my right shoulder…”. I said 
As Jayne was going to add something up, Richard, Jensen and Rob came running into the stage with mics on their hands.
“I just happen to love this story and I HAD to be part of it” said Rich 
“Rob and I were just trying to stop him but failed” said Jensen trying to hide his smile.
“Are you sure of that?” said Jayne smirking at him
“Positive my love! Positive” He said while going to where Jay was and planting a kiss on her forehead making the fans scream.
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“You’re lucky that I love you” said Jayne 
“I know babe!” said Jen 
“Awwwwwww…” I cleared my throat and then awkwardly said laughing “I am glad you are here cause I definitely want to hear the rest of the story from your point of view”  
Rich smirked and said “Just remember that you asked for it”; I just rolled my eyes at him.
“Okay, so, I am standing behind a bush and I am looking at her expecting a crazy reaction but instead she stays there. Then after a solid minute she throws the cube to one of the bushes and starts yelling “Take it off, take it off” and some stuff in Spanish that I never understood” he said laughing 
After I calmed down from laughing, I said “Well, I was saying “Quitame esta mierda de encima, QUITAMELA” which mean, take this shit off of me, Take it off of me” 
“Oh, that makes sense now” Rich said while laughing “So, Jared went and took it off of her. He just looked at her with the guiltiest smile and said “They’re fake, they have batteries on and that’s why the move” 
“Needless is to say that, that was the first time that Jared and Rich got insulted by me” I said while laughing
“I am lucky cause I wasn’t a part of it” said Jayne 
“You were the confident but I didn’t say anything because you pulled me into the hug that I needed at that moment. Plus you fixed my make up that got messed up from my tears” I said smiling 
“You just love me too much” said Jayne and I side hugged her while shrugging “You know is the truth” 
“I know!” I said and I looked at Rob who knew about my phobia of snakes and who looked as if he wanted to say something.
“Just sucks that I wasn’t around to save you from that one babe” he said with a puppy face and went to kissed my cheek. 
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just-a-writer23 · 4 years
There is no way in hell that I am letting you work like this! and Do you want to go or what?
A/N: Hello guys!! These are two fics that I wrote for my dear friend @need-for-dean :) I hope you like it <3
There is no way in hell that I am letting you work like this: Jensen and Jayne 
     So, it so happened that today I woke up and I was fine next thing I know is that I began feeling this headache that it was simply awful. I went to check on my purse and trailer to see if I have any pain killers yet I found nothing. Today, I was suppose to work on some scenes for the series that I am working on which is supernatural. My character’s name is Maya Ambrose, she is a hunter from Australia but has lived a couple of years in the states. In one of her hunts, she meet the Winchesters brother and begins to work with them. Of course, at first things were odd between them but later they get closer and eventually she becomes Dean’s girlfriend. Anyways, I am looking forward for the scenes that I have to record today because I am going to be doing a lot of stunts and things might spice up between Dean and Maya which is honestly making me excited. However, I feel as if my headache is going to explode and knowing myself it ain’t going to let me work.Nonetheless, I am going to do my best because there’s no way I am going to let this ruin my day.
      As I walked out of the trailer, I squint my eyes because the light cause my headache to aggravate. I could tell that someone was approaching me because their footsteps were to loud. Or maybe I was very sensitive to noises thanks to my headache. I tried to open my eyes and adjust them to the sunlight but I quickly close them while muttering some curses. I stubbornly began walking towards the person while opening my eyes a little but I stepped on God knows what and began falling yet someone caught me in time. 
“Christ, woman you almost give me a heart attack! You alright there?” said the voice of the person that kept me from falling. 
 “Jensen?” I asked recognizing his voice “I am sorry, I tried to see who it was walking towards me but the sunlight was too intense. Are we late for work?”
I tried my best and opened my eyes to see Jensen sighing with an annoyed expression “Don’t tell me that you have a migraine and you’re worrying about work?”     
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“It’s nothing, it’s just a little headache that will be gone in a few minutes Jen” I said smiling at him and trying to keep my eyes open.
“Have you eat something?” he said while looking at me with a concern expression “If you had then, have you had some pain killers” 
“The answer to both questions is….nope!” I said while smiling awkwardly “But I am fine!! come on we are going to be late” 
I began walking to the set when suddenly he grabbed my arm and push me towards him. He gently pressed his hand in my forehead and his eyes widen. 
“Jay, there’s no way in hell that I am letting you work like this! Babe, you got a fever!” he said while picking me up and heading to his trailer. 
When we got to his trailer he placed me in his couch and put me cold compresses in my head. He stood up and smiled at me in a very sweet way.
“I am going to look for some breakfast for you and some medicines that I know that will help you feel better. I am calling Jared so that he can keep an eye on you while I am out and also, don’t worry about work. I am going to tell the director (not sure if that’s who he should talk to but anyways) that we are not going to be able to work today” he said and with that he was off.
5 mutes later:
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“Hey, how are you feeling?” said Jared as he came in.
“I am feeling like the walking dead at the moment and you?” I asked
“I am alright! Jensen wanted me to come by and check up on you. Is there anything that you need while he’s away?” he asked in a sweet way.
“No, it’s alright and thank you…if you need to be elsewhere then you can go” I said while chuckling. “Jen is overreacting!” 
“haha is alright! I’ll stay here besides I am a great company” he said while laughing to himself.
for the next fifteen minutes, I talk with Jared about random things that just seemed to be interesting at the moment. However, when I finally got him to agree to prank Misha today and were discussing about it, Jensen arrived. Before Jared leave, he looked at me and smirk then said “I shall inform you on what happened” 
After he left Jensen came to where I was and began to feed me the breakfast that he got me. Later on, he gave me my medicines which was a struggle because I honestly didn’t want to take them all; just the painkillers though. So, he had to work hard to convince me to drink them; he manage to do so after a half hour. He put in my favorite movie in the tv that he had on his trailer and then went to look for some comfortable clothes of his for me to wear. It was funny because he knew that I felt awful when I stand up because the pressure I had. So, he ended up changing my clothes which I allowed him to do since he is my boyfriend. When he was completely sure that I had everything I needed and I was doing alright until the moment, he lay down with me and we began cuddling while watching the movies;not before turning the lights off. Eventually both of us felt asleep and all I can say is that I never felt so content in my life.
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Do you want to come or what?: Dean 
Lately, life has been nothing but a living nightmare; you know one of those nightmares that you cannot simply wake up from. All because I wanted to be brave enough and do the hunt of an unknown creature. Well, it turns out that I was looking for a hunt, given that it has been weeks since my last one and I was dying to get back in the game with something epic. However, it was all a mistake and being honest, I have never felt so mad at myself for not planning things out and doing everything by instinct, So, the whole thing started when I noticed that the children had gone missing and found in an unnatural ways. Some were found as puppets and others were just parts on some paintings that were creepy enough if I should say. These puppets were appearing on the dreams other children and it tormented them until they went to an specific house. As for the paintings, it was heard from one of the kid’s parents that they had seen their child running around their house with the same aspect as they had in the painting. Little by little they began convincing them to murdered themselves and so, they ended up doing it. 
I had gone to the house to investigate what was going on and eventually solve the situation. I was doing a find job while doing so, I had learned that the house belonged to a man called Oneil Smith and he had a reputation for kidnapping children. But he also had a thing against the people who he had taken their kids for and was murder by them. So, my guess was that the spirit of this man was looking for revenge. Naturally, I started looking for the spirit but as I was doing so something hit my head and everything went black. I woke up in a dark room and I was tied up in a chair, suddenly I feel a knife cutting my abdomen repeatedly. Wincing, I tried to look at what was attacking me but my vision became a blur. The same thing has happened over and over again, to be honest I was growing use to it and was surprise that I wasn’t dead yet. I have looked for ways in which I could escape but no matter what comes to my mind or what I try to do, i never manage to do it. It has been a month or so and I am loosing my hopes knowing that there was no way that I was getting out of this place or so I thought.
I heard gunshots and a men’s voice in the first floor of the house which was unusual because one never hears anything in this house. Other than the kids laughter when I get attacked. Next thing I know is that something or better yet, someone opens the door and runs to where I was sitting on lifeless and weak.
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“Hey, look at me! please stay awake! I am going to get you out of this pleace!” said the mysterious yet hot looking man that was kneeling in front of me while untying me. 
“I am awake, trust me I rarely sleep here” I said in a low voice
“Wow, um, what’s your name and what happened to you” he asked me
For some reason I didn’t mind telling him the truth about me and the reason of why I was in here. “I know it might sound insane but I am saying the truth”
“I believe you sweetie, I am familiarized with all the supernatural shit, given the fact that I am a hunter and that’s why I am here. Also, you don’t have to be worried about the spirit, me and my brother took care of it” he said while smiling
When he finally untied me, he stood up and looked at me expectantly, “Do you want to come or what?” he asked
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“Well, I do want to come but as you might not know, I am too weak to stand up by myself. I have been tied up to that chair for a month or even more. So, I might need some help” I said while rolling my eyes
“Right!” he said as he picked me up and we left the damn house.
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just-a-writer23 · 4 years
Clicked part 3!
A/N: Here is the third part of the fic that I am writing for my dear friend @lumos-never-nox​. I hope that you like it girl :3 love you!! Ps: It may have some grammatical errors because I didn’t have my glasses on while writing it.
Jayne’s P.O.V:
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I was in Starbucks waiting for Jensen to come and meet me so that he could help me an essay that I had to write. He said that he was going to be here in half hour due to traffic and meanwhile I have been doing a sketch of him. “Yes, I was drawing my boyfriend since he recently found out that I could draw. I know that is nothing much but at least it would be a nice surprise for him right?…” Jayne thought, as she was focused on the drawing, she felt someone sitting next to her and placing one of their arms in her shoulder. Jayne thought that it was Jensen and decided to playfully ignore him. It wasn’t until she heard the person clean their throat and say “Wow, you’re still fawning over guys that don’t know about your existence when you could clearly fawn over me and trust me,,. I am quite aware about your existence”.
Jayne intermediately looked at the person, realizing that it was Eli and removed his arm off of her shoulder. “Who the hell do you think you are?… as a matter of fact I don’t have to give you explanations anymore and if I am still fawning over them..it’s my problem not yours” said Jay with anger.
“Oh come on babe!! I didn’t mean to make you mad” he said while chuckling “Although you look adorable when you’re mad at me”
“You don’t get to babe me okay! At the moment I’m waiting for someone and I will appreciate if you get lost” said Jayne passive aggressively.
He smirked at her and placed his hand on her tight; rubbing it “You know, I know that you’re only saying that for me to leave! But let’s not forget that the last time we were together you were begging me to stay” he said while getting closer to him and nibbling her ear. She was trying really hard to get away from him but his hold on her was too strong. As she was struggling to get him off of her the bell from the store rang but they were both distracted to noticed that.  When suddenly (the gif)…
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something sent Eli flying of the seat finally letting go of me. As I looked up I noticed that it was Jensen who had punched and sent him off of the seat.
Third person P.O.V:
“Guess that you have the balls to harass my girlfriend but not to fight back huh?” said Jensen while shaking his head as Eli tried to punch him yet it was stopped by Jensen himself who had grab his fits and looked at him in disbelief.
“Really? that’s all you got?” Jensen asked while grabbing Eli by his shirt and pulling him out of the store giving Jayne a look that said “don’t get out until I am done.   
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(Let’s assume that in this gif Jensen is the brunette guy and Eli is Dean) 
Jensen had pressed Eli against the wall and began punching him with all the strength and anger. “What gives you the right to touch my woman huh? …The only one that can do that is me and even I, don’t touche her without her consent. So tell me, what gives you the right?”
“It so happens that a few years ago I had her drooling over me and almost dated her. She might be with you dude but in reality I am the one that she wants to make her fantasies come into reality” said Eli with a smirk on his face.
At this point Jensen lost it and began to punch and kick Eli out of control not caring about the consequences. Even though Eli had tried to defend himself, it was useless because Jensen wouldn’t give him a chance. His anger had taken over him and he wasn’t thinking about what he was doing. 
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 It wasn’t until Jayne came out and screamed his name telling him to stop that he decided to let Eli go. His eyes were fulled of anger yet at the sight Jayne who clearly seemed nervous that made his anger slowly wash away. He warned Eli that if he ever came any closer to Jayne again, he was going to regret it. As soon that he let go of him, Eli left the place running without even looking at her. She went over to Jensen and hugged him..he instantly hugged her back and kissed her head.
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“Did her hurt you?” he asked softly and she said no while shaking her head. He kept asking her questions until he was sure that she was okay. 
“I am so sorry, I should have come out of set as soon as we finished filming the episode!” he said and by his tone you could clearly hear the regret in his voice. “I should have picked you up and come to the store or perhaps we could’ve just work on your essay on my trailer…I could’ve asked any of the guys to pick you up and give you a ride to th-” Jensen was cut off by Jayne’s lips.
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“Hey, what happened, happened! it can’t be changed and in all honestly I am amazed about the way that you defended me. Babe, that’s what counts…you did something about it!” she said while smiling at him.
“So this means that we are good?” he asked while smirking
“You know the answer to that! Now, let’s go somewhere else to work on that essay!” she said chuckling as he nodded and went inside of the shop to get her things. That’s when he noticed the sketch of him that she had been working on and he grabbed it. “Damn! what do we have her, it seems lik-” he was cut off by Jayne taking it out of his hands and playfully smacking him with her sketch notebook. “I am not done with it…once I’m done you might or might not be able to see it” she said while smirking as they headed out.
“That’s not fair love!” he said while playfully pouting. “Well, at least the drawing makes me think that I am adorable” he said while laughing to himself.
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“Oh no! I am dating a Narcissist” said Jayne dramatically and they both laughed, forgetting what had happened. 
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