#you just need to find those workers and compensate their work properly
icryyoumercy · 1 year
... maybe, just maybe, if you cannot get any maintenance or safety staff to work any given shift voluntarily, you either need to seriously reconsider the circumstances they're working under and the wages they're paid or you need to not run whatever you're running during those specific shifts
0 notes
insurgoservices · 3 months
How to Choose Carpet Cleaning Services
Carpet cleaning is a necessary home maintenance task. Regular cleanings prevent dirt and grime buildup, which helps your carpets look better and feel softer for longer. It also improves your indoor air quality by removing allergens and bacteria from the fibers.
Professionals use hot water extraction, also known as steam cleaning, to clean your carpets. This process is recommended by many carpet manufacturers.
Check the License
Carpets are a key part of any home or office. They add a welcoming feel to a space, improve resale and rental value, and trap and filter dust and other particles. However, carpets must be cleaned regularly to stay in top condition. Choosing the right company to clean your carpets is important.
Before you choose a carpet cleaning services, check the licenses they hold. A business license is needed to operate in most states, and a bond may be required as well. These are essential requirements to ensure you can provide the services you advertise.
Check with the Small Business Association to understand what’s required in your state. A local chamber of commerce is another good resource to consult. In addition to licensing, a certificate of occupancy is usually required for businesses operating out of homes. Also, workers’ compensation insurance is often a must-have for companies with employees. This type of coverage covers medical bills and lost wages.
Check the Reviews
The carpet cleaning service reviews are a good way to know about the quality of work provided by a company. These reviews are given by customers who have used the services of a particular company and have rated them. This helps you in deciding whether or not to hire them for your needs.
Another benefit of carpet cleaning services is that they can improve the longevity of your carpets. They will remove the dust particles and dirt that may cause your carpets to lose their original look over time. In addition, carpet cleaning can also reduce the chances of allergic reactions caused by dust mites and other allergens.
You should also check if they provide other types of cleaning services like upholstery cleaning or stain removal. Some companies may charge extra for these services, while others will include them in the overall price of the service. Moreover, you should also find out what cleaning fluids they use – some of them may be harmful to the environment and health, while others are eco-friendly.
Check the IICRC Certification
IICRC certification is a globally recognized credential that sets standards in the inspection, cleaning, and restoration industries. Those who hold the IICRC certification have met rigorous training requirements in the areas of water damage, fire and smoke restoration, mold removal, carpet cleaning, upholstery cleaning, and other specialty cleaning services.
IICRC certifications give consumers confidence in professional technicians and businesses. Just as Certified Accountants and Licensed Plumbers project high levels of knowledge in their fields, IICRC Certifications give consumers peace of mind when choosing a carpet cleaning service.
In fact, many facility managers and owners require that prospective carpet cleaners be IICRC Certified. This is to ensure that the cleaning services will meet or exceed the standards set in their facilities. You can check the IICRC website for a list of certified professionals and companies. The site also includes a search tool to find IICRC Certified professionals in your city.
Check the Equipment
At the heart of commercial and domestic carpet cleaning services is specialist equipment that is used to clean in ways that regular vacuuming and mopping doesn’t manage. It’s important to check whether the company has properly maintained this equipment, keeping it safe and delivering good results.
For example, many professional cleaners use hot water extraction systems that essentially inject a mixture of cleaning products and hot water into the fibres of the carpet. This helps to break down dirt and grime then extracts the mixture along with as much as 90% of the moisture.
It’s also worth asking if the company grooms the carpet after it has been cleaned. This helps the carpet to dry more quickly and prevents moulds from taking root. The company may also offer Scotchgard stain protection or other treatments that help keep the carpet looking new for longer.
0 notes
eliothochberg · 1 year
Where will we get the money?!
This is a question that’s always asked when we want to provide services to people who need it. At the surface, it’s a fair question, because in our society, things cost money.
But money is imaginary.
What’s real are three things: actual things (like physical food, mineral resources, etc.); people, what they know and are willing to do; and the time necessary to do the things we need.
When there is a drought and a country can’t grow food, that’s a real issue because money won’t make the drought not be happening. Money can convince people from other places to help, or convince smart people to find ways to move water or make food with less water. But the actual problem is real.
On the other hand, a country being bankrupt is imaginary. That is, if there is land to grow food on and people to grow it, blaming money for starvation is a false story. It’s like saying “I can’t walk because I have no shoes.” It might be uncomfortable, but shoes are not necessary for walking. They make it easier and arguably better, but if you have no shoes, you can still get somewhere if you are determined.
Thus, when I think about the idea that providing for the sick and old is “too expensive,” I have to ask “Why?” It’s not because of money, at the root. Money was always imaginary, but early on it at least had a physical form that also took effort to make. Today, the idea is far more abstracted. That is to say, if every dollar or yen or dong or ruble was turned into cash today, you couldn’t because there don’t exist enough physical versions of all of those for it all to be in cash. More money is created with the stroke of a pen or click of a key. So the *money* isn’t what’s at issue.
What’s instead at issue is convincing people to first do the work necessary – administer the programs, become care workers, generate the food and housing – and then get the things people need to them.
Human beings create value, that is the basis for all wealth. Whether it’s real goods, actual services, or the perception of value, human beings create it. 
We just need to have the vision to see that, and to value that effort.
There is a concern that if we “print money” that there will be inflation and our money will be worthless. That’s a false trade. As long as someone is doing something that someone else needs, value is created. There is no need to worry about inflation. The only challenge is to properly evaluate the value of that work.
On the other hand, if work needs to be done, but nobody is willing to do it, then the challenge is figuring out what is necessary to change enough people’s minds such that they will do the work required. In our current society, money is the way to do this, but again, as long as there is an actual need, and work is being done, the value is created.
Inflation is imaginary so long as work is actually being done. The only time that inflation is real is when the value being created is imaginary. Thus, bankers, entertainers, speculators, and the like are in far more danger of creating inflation than anyone else. That isn’t to say that the value isn’t there, but these actions are far more likely to result someone receiving value well after the actual value has been compensated for. In fact, anytime someone receives more than an hour’s value from an hour’s labor, that labor should be very highly scrutinized. It’s not to say that in a time of plenty, people shouldn’t praise those they want to with extra value. it’s just to say that if we really care about “inflation,” that’s where we should look, not where actual physical value is created.
0 notes
destinyimage · 1 year
These 13 Toxins are Poisoning You Everyday. Avoid Them at All Cost
We have no idea how many toxins we absorb into our bodies on a day-to-day basis, and we know even less how those chemicals affect our health.
In a 2006 article for National Geographic, reporter David Ewing Duncan asked that very question: Just how many chemicals do normal human beings have in their bodies without even realizing it? The answer shocked him. Using himself as a human guinea pig, he allowed himself to be tested for 320 different chemical substances. His body showed traces of at least 165 of them. Some of his levels were relatively low; however, others were alarmingly high—higher than the normal level for factory workers who spend every day working in the presence of those same chemicals.1 Mr. Duncan isn’t a factory worker, though, he’s a journalist, and not one who spends any of his time in chemical or manufacturing plants. According to the article, his body tested positive for:
…Older chemicals that [he] might have been exposed to decades ago, such as DDT and PCBs; pollutants like lead, mercury, and dioxins; newer pesticides and plastic ingredients; and the near-miraculous compounds that lurk just beneath the surface of modern life, making shampoos fragrant, pans nonstick, and fabrics water-resistant and fire-safe.
While more research will need to be done in order to determine just how such chemicals affect us, it’s not surprising that each of them adds a degree of toxic stress to our bodies. The more toxic chemical load present in any human, the greater the degree of health complications that will be present.
Take lead for example. In 1971 the U.S. Surgeon General announced that any level of lead below 40 micrograms per deciliter of blood was safe. Now we know that even a trace of lead can be detrimental, especially in children where it has been shown to cause neurological damage and reduced IQs. It is very possible that the levels of arsenic in our orange juice and rice, the levels of mercury in our fish, and the levels of fluoride and chloride in our water, that are now deemed safe, may one day be determined by our government to be extremely dangerous. It wouldn’t be the first time they were wrong.
Our bodies are stressed, and we don’t know it. In the beginning our bodies try to keep up, recover, compensate and do what they can to survive. Once these coping strategies get overwhelmed, the problems that have been flying below the radar get expressed as symptoms that arise. Television commercials and marketing campaigns advise us to take something to suppress the symptoms. Birth control for heavy bleeding, Advil for pain, Pepcid for reflux. When we suppress those symptoms, it makes it that much harder to find the real culprit. For instance, we are faced each day with endocrine-disrupting chemicals that our grandparents never had to face. The BPA found in food cans, water bottles, and cell phone protectors disrupts our hormonal balance adding to estrogen overload. BPA is even found in the coating on every store receipt that you handle! This dangerous chemical affects every system in the body. It can lead to prostate or breast cancer, uterine fibroids, weight gain, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, early onset of puberty, and a whole host of other problems.
Synthetic estrogen is found in all oral birth control pills. It has been identified as a major cause of cancers in women. We are all exposed to this toxin as millions of these pills are flushed into the water supply every year. As we drink our tap water, we are being exposed to far too much estrogen. This again disrupts our normal hormonal balance.
Fire retardants that coat our furniture, clothing, and bedding contain a dangerous form of bromine that interferes with normal thyroid function. The thyroid is in charge of metabolism and energy and needs iodine to function properly. Because bromine is in the same family as iodine, it competes for dominance in the thyroid gland. It often wins, creating an underactive thyroid. So doctors prescribe thyroid medication, but never address why the thyroid is struggling in the first place.
The fluoride and chloride in our drinking water are also in the same family as iodine, and as you may have guessed, they also compete for dominance in the thyroid gland. Between bromine (found in fire retardants and in many soft drinks) and the fluoride and perchlorate (chlorine) in our water, the poor iodine molecules lose out—and ultimately, so does our health! Low thyroid function causes weight gain, fatigue, and depression. White flour is bleached that unnatural white color by using chlorine gas, so by all means, avoid white flour!
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Phthalates are found in plastics—plastic bags, plastic cups, plastic storage containers, plastic water bottles, anything plastic. They add flexibility and resilience to plastic, but they are toxic! Chronic exposure to phthalates has been linked to obesity, low sperm count, diabetes, and thyroid conditions. Because of this, we encourage everyone to store as much as they can in glass instead of plastic; and by all means, don’t heat your food in plastic containers in a microwave oven! This is a health disaster waiting to happen.
Arsenic is found beneath the earth’s crust, but it can leach into the water supply whenever that crust is disrupted through construction, excavation, or mining. Exposure to arsenic can result in insulin resistance, immune system suppression, slowed cognitive development, cardiovascular damage, and weight gain/loss. The best way to protect against arsenic is to install a water filter, one that specifically contains the ability to remove arsenic. Trace amounts of arsenic are also present in processed orange juice. Avoid bottled juices whenever possible, and opt for freshly juiced, organic fruits and vegetables.
PFCs (perfluorinated chemicals) are found in non-stick cookware. If you own this type of cookware, replace it as soon as you can. When heated, PFCs leach into your food. This toxin is also used to coat the insides of bags of microwave popcorn. If you eat microwaved popcorn, you should stop immediately. Once PFCs start to accumulate in your body, they can cause infertility, ineffective sperm, heart disease, thyroid disease, high cholesterol, and low birth weight in babies. A recent study confirmed PFCs, especially PFOA and PFHxS, negatively affect thyroid hormone levels. A deep and thorough cleansing may be helpful for removing built-up levels of PFCs in the body.
Mercury is toxic and dangerous to pregnant women and the babies they carry. It’s known to affect women in particular as it will bind with a hormone essential to menstruation and ovulation. Mercury also attacks the pancreas, thereby affecting insulin production. This action may lead to diabetes; however, research is unclear on this topic. Reducing seafood consumption may be one of the best solutions to reducing mercury intake; unfortunately, fish is no longer the only concern. Immunizations often contain mercury as a carrier. Many parents choose not to immunize their children because they believe that exposure to childhood diseases is far less dangerous than exposure to a known neurotoxin. The new CFL lightbulbs contain dangerous levels of mercury. In fact, if one of these lightbulbs break, it’s recommended you evacuate the area to prevent exposure.
Aluminum is a toxin that finds its way quickly to the human brain where it is stored. The use of aluminum cookware has been implicated in human toxicity, as has the use of antiperspirants and over-the-counter heartburn and indigestion remedies. Professor Chris Exley from Keeley University in England is an expert in the field of research relating to Alzheimer’s disease. He is adamant that at some point in time, the accumulation of aluminum in the brain will achieve a toxic threshold and a specific neuron or area of the brain will stop coping with the presence of aluminum and will start reacting to its presence. If the same brain tissue is also suffering other insults or another ongoing degenerative condition, then the additional response to aluminum will make worse these effects. So aluminum may cause other conditions to be more aggressive or to have an earlier onset. These occurrences have already been shown in Alzheimer’s disease related to environmental and occupational exposure to aluminum.
Acrylamides are found in fried foods like French fries and potato chips. They are also present whenever you “char” meat on a grill, or even in a pan on the stove. They are present in cigarettes. Avoid fried foods, cigarettes, and charred meat products whenever possible as acrylamides build up in your body and cause serious damage.
Genetically modified foods are all around us, and big agri-business is pushing for more! The Monsanto Company is leading the way to influence lawmakers and consumers alike to accept genetically modified corn, soybeans, potatoes, and grains, even though GMOs have been shown to cause immune system, brain, and liver damage.
The number-one source of calories taken in by Americans today is from high fructose corn syrup. Starting in the 1970s, processed food manufacturers began using this damaging chemical instead of sucrose or table sweetener. Why did they do this? Because it was cheaper, and it produced a sweeter product. The generations of children who grew up with sweeter food crave that same level of satisfaction now that they are adults. This is one reason for the preponderance of obesity in our country today. Not only does high fructose corn syrup cause weight gain and metabolic problems, it also increases triglyceride levels and raises “bad” (LDL) cholesterol. Around 100 years ago, the average American consumed a mere 15 grams of fructose a day, primarily in the form of fruit. One hundred years later, one-fourth of Americans are consuming more than 135 grams per day, largely in the form of soda. At 15 grams a day, fructose is harmless. However, at nearly ten times that amount it becomes a major cause of obesity and nearly all chronic degenerative disease.
So what did many of these overweight adults turn to? Diet sodas and “diet” foods filled with toxic artificial sweeteners. Now it seemed that we could have all the satisfaction with none of the guilt! The only problem is that artificial sweeteners can cause convulsions and make you crave more sweets. They can also cause weight gain and lead to diabetes. They produce toxins in the stomach when broken down by the body. Aspartame, the most commonly consumed artificial sweetener in America, is used in over 6,000 products worldwide despite its having been linked to a host of health problems, including brain tumors and brain cancer, lymphomas, leukemia, and other blood cancers, as well as breast and prostate cancer. It is an “excitotoxin,” and all excitotoxins increase the growth of cancer cells. This is a relatively easy one to eliminate from your life. Avoid any artificial sweeteners.
Another of the biggest stressors to our bodies in America today is a dangerous chemical that has been banned in many countries across Europe—glycophosphate. You have probably used this powerful defoliant to control the weeds in your yard. Known by the commercial trade name Roundup, glycophosphate is toxic, and it is used in the production and harvest of most of our foods. Many people think they are eating healthfully when they buy apples, grapes, or strawberries from the store. But unless these fruits are organic or verified to be pesticide-free, they could be a major cancer risk. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) found that up to 98 percent of all conventional produce, and particularly the type found on its “dirty” fruits list, is contaminated with cancer-causing pesticides.
Are you beginning to see how much stress is put on our bodies from toxic chemicals every single day? According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), it is estimated that over 80 percent of all illnesses have environmental and lifestyle causes. Not only can what we are exposed to make us ill, but the accumulation of toxins over the years can wreak havoc with our health. The more toxic our bodies are, the more our interior environment is stressed. Numerous diseases like arthritis, allergies, autoimmune diseases, and digestive dysfunction are all caused by an immune system that is so overloaded it begins to attack indiscriminately, striking at healthy cells as well as foreign pathogens.
While we have yet to determine the exact effects of all of these chemicals on our systems, it is safe to say that most of them weren’t around 100 years ago, and that the epidemic levels of cancer and other stress-related diseases we are seeing today were much lower back then as well. Over 69 million Americans live in large cities and areas that regularly exceed smog standards.3 Most tap water contains over 700 chemicals, sometimes including high concentrations of lead.4 Roughly 3,000 chemicals have been added to our food supply, and we are daily exposed to as many as 10,000 chemicals in the form of solvents, emulsifiers, and preservatives, many of which can remain in the body for years. According to Phyllis Saifer, MD, in her book Detox, “It is estimated that the average American ingests one gallon of food additives yearly.”5 Do we really think we can be taking all of this into our bodies without negatively affecting our health?
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local-roofing-news · 2 years
Affordable Roofing Contractors
Affordable Roofing Contractors Roofing is one of the most important aspects of home ownership, protecting you and your family from the elements while keeping the structure of your Buffalo home secure. It also takes the most wear and tear of any part of your home, so you'll want to keep it in top condition. Hiring a reputable roofing company to take care of maintenance is a great idea to avoid further damage to your property. Finding a reputable roofing contractorWhen you need a new roof or gutters, a licensed, insured, and bonded roofing contractor can be an ideal choice. Affordable Roofing & Gutters is one such company that offers excellent service and competitive prices. The company is run by Chris Dawson, who has more than 30 years of experience in the industry. The company also has hundreds of satisfied customers and an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau. Before you hire a roofing contractor, it is important to check their background. Asking about their license and insurance is essential. Licensed roofing contractors have formal training and industry knowledge, so you can be sure they will do a quality job. You should also inquire about the company's guarantee. When you are looking for a quality roofing contractor at an affordable price, it is important to ask around. Ask friends and family for recommendations from those who have used the contractor recently. If they did not, it is likely because they were not happy with the results. However, if they have, they can provide you with a good idea of the contractor's work, customer service, and selection process. Roofing companies can offer more than just roofing services. They can also provide other building services. They can also help give the green light for the construction phase of a building. A roofing contractor can help prevent many problems that arise during the construction process, like poor roofing. Incorrect roofing repairs can damage the structure of a building, and may lead to its demolition. Questions to ask prospective roofing contractorsWhether you are planning to have a new roof installed or renovate your current one, you need to ask prospective roofing contractors certain questions to ensure that they are trustworthy and honest. These questions may include how they will handle the necessary permits and oversee code inspections with the Building Inspector. In addition, you can ask for references from past customers or testimonials about their recent work. It is important to find out how long the company has been in business. Make sure they have a physical address. If the company does not have one, that is a red flag. A legitimate company should have a business address and be able to provide you with their contact information. Do not hire a contractor who cannot provide you with a physical address. Make sure the roofing contractor offers you a warranty. Many reputable roofing companies will offer you a warranty on the work done. A good roofing company will also offer you free repairs if something goes wrong. You can also ask for references and look online for reviews. Finally, make sure the contractor you hire has the materials you need for your new roof. Lastly, ask the roofing contractor if they have worker's compensation insurance. This will protect you if they slip and fall while performing the job. If they do not have this, you will be responsible for the injuries and losses of the workers. It is also important to inquire about the insurance status of their subcontractors. Common types of roofing materialsAs a homeowner, your roof is one of the most important parts of your home. It protects your family from the elements and ensures that the structure of your Buffalo home remains strong. However, unlike other parts of your home, your roof is also the most susceptible to wear and tear. This is why it is important to have it properly maintained and repaired by a roofing contractor. You have several options when it comes to choosing the right roofing material for your Buffalo home.
Some of the most popular types of roofing material are asphalt shingles, clay tiles, slate shingles, wood shakes, and metal. Each type has different advantages and disadvantages, so it's important to weigh your options carefully before choosing the type of roofing that will best fit your home. When choosing between different types of roofing materials, you must consider the type of roof that will provide the best protection for your home. Depending on the size of your property, you can choose between asphalt or metal roofing. The latter has higher cost than asphalt, but is more durable than the former. When choosing a type of roof, it is important to consider the pitch of the roof. For example, terracotta or concrete tiles should be used only on steep roofs of 4:12 or more. On the other hand, TPO and membrane roofing are ideal for flat or low-pitch homes. Asphalt tiles are also suitable for most roof pitches, though they have a lower durability rating. Additionally, you should consider the frequency of maintenance and repair. Choose a roof material that is durable and low-maintenance, but be aware that durable materials may require higher startup costs.
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Important Questions to Ask a Chicago Plumber Before Hiring
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Finding the right plumber when you have plumbing issues in your home is more than half the effort of solving the problem. A good plumber looks holistically at your plumbing systems, instead of simply focusing on the single issue you reported, as amateurs do. That plumber not only solves the plumbing problem but also helps you prevent future problems.
How do you find that kind of plumber?
Most homeowners wait until there is a pressing problem with their plumbing before they look for a plumber, says Envy Property Management. When you do this, chances are you won’t care much about the qualifications of the person you hire. You just want them to make the problem go away. This is one reason why plumbing problems in your home are never completely solved.
To find a qualified Chicago plumber, you should start the process long before there are issues with your home’s plumbing. This will help you avoid the anxieties that lead to hiring the wrong person. 
So, what criteria should you use when trying to find a plumber for your home? If you live in the Chicago area, the list below will answer that question for you.
Are they local or national?
A national chain may have all the right people but the two things they lack are flexibility and a personal touch. These are important when looking for a plumber. You want a local company that you can build a long-term relationship with. That plumber should come to know your home’s plumbing intimately so that they can diagnose and solve problems quickly and economically.
What kind of plumbing services do they provide?
When looking for a local plumber for your home, you do not want to hire a commercial plumber in Chicago. Commercial and residential plumbing systems are very different, and a commercial plumber may not give you the kind of service you need in your home. Only hire a commercial plumber if they also provide residential plumbing services.
Ask about licensing, qualifications, and memberships
Plumbers in Chicago are required to have up-to-date licenses to practice in the city. Check that the plumber is properly licensed by the city. You will also want to know if they are members of the local chapter of their professional organization. The training of the employees who will be doing the work matters, so make sure to ask about that.
How long have they been in business?
Experience counts: not everything is learned in training. The longer a plumber has been in business, the more time they have had to gain the needed expertise to solve the most difficult plumbing issues. The other reason to hire an experienced plumber is you can use them as your sounding board; they become a trusted adviser on all plumbing issues.
Are they bonded and insured?
What kind of insurance do they have? How much insurance do they carry? The plumber’s insurance policy should include worker compensation for any worker who is injured while on your property, liability insurance to protect you from lawsuits, and property insurance if your property is damaged by their workers.
What do others say about them?
The company should have an online footprint that you can follow. Check online review sources to see what people are saying about them. Look out for negative reviews and pay particular attention to how the company responds to those. Some online sources where you can look for reviews are BBB (Better Business Bureau) and Yelp.
Can they provide references?
Ask the plumber for a verifiable list of people who have used their services in the last year. These should be people who live in Chicago. Ask the plumber’s permission to contact these references. Make sure to call some of the people on the list to find out what their experience of working with the plumber was like.
Do they offer a warranty on their work?
What happens if there are issues with a job the company did for you? Will they fix the problems at no cost to you? Will there be a warranty on the parts they supply? If there are warranties, you will want to know the terms and conditions attached to them. Warranties should be gotten in writing.
How will they estimate the cost of the job?
Will they provide a free estimate? How do they arrive at that estimate? Will you get a quote over the phone, or should you expect them to do a home inspection? You want your plumber to have the right information about a problem before quoting on the job. Do not work with plumbers who attempt to give you a quote over the phone.
How do they charge?
Do they use hourly rates or flat rates? With flat rates, you know what you are paying for a job, but hourly rates can be unpredictable. You also want to see the contract and payment terms. Do they expect you to pay upfront, halfway through the job, or after the work is completed?
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carstensfttlangston · 2 years
Items to Know Before A person Hire a Tree Trimming Service
If an individual have a woods next to the house, you need to lean it regularly in order to prevent the braches from breaking and even falling on your current roof. Aside coming from this, the woods may cause mildew growth on the particular sides of your current house if not trimmed properly. During a storm, dead or damaged trees can pose significant risk to your house. Consequently , selecting a tree cutting service is some sort of good idea. Continue reading to know the particular things it is advisable to look at before choosing some sort of provider. License plus credentials First associated with all, you must make sure that the service is familiar with the laws. If the particular employees are not trained, they may turn out causing damage in order to your property or trees. Therefore , this is definitely important to preserve in mind. Insurance coverage Don't allow a company to be effective around your house except if it has the insurance policy. This means that the company ought to have worker's settlement insurance and liability insurance. With responsibility insurance, you can easily cover the expenses in the event that the employees turn out causing damage to be able to your house or house throughout the tree cutting service. Similarly, worker's compensation insurance offers protection for the employees and you also within case the personnel get injured during the job. In addition, it can offer protection for you against some sort of lawsuit. Referrals Before you choose a company, don't forget to ask with regard to referrals. You will be able contact those customers to find out if they have been happy with the carrier's services. It is necessary of which you ask with regard to referrals first. Always keep in mind of which inexperienced employees may possibly not be able to work properly. They may be more likely in order to make mistakes which could cause you a loss in thousands of dollars. Get an estimation Before you sign the contract, create sure you get an estimate. If typically the service agency shows hesitation while answering your own questions about the overall cost, look for an additional provider. Hiring the particular services of this type of organization is not a new good idea. They may rip you away from. Company charges Next, you should discover out how a lot you are heading to get billed for the companies. For example, find out if they are usually going to charge you for stump mincing. It's better in case you get a set quote for the particular entire job. Tools type Find out about the type of products they are planning to use regarding the job. The business should have just about all the required tools to do typically the trimming or eliminating of trees. Let them know what you ought to get done. Without the right equipment, they can't do a good job. Compare and contrast the skills Since stump grinding is an extra service, your current company may not offer this assistance if you pay added because of it. For https://www.digitaljournal.com/pr/elk-grove-tree-service-experts-advise-against-using-inexperienced-tree-care-companies , if they don't have a crane, although they are not able to perform the effort beyond the specific height. Worker training Learn about typically the background of the particular company employees. If possible, you may want to seek the services of employees which have in least 5 years of experience doing typically the tree trimming plus other jobs.
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Extended story short, an individual may want in order to consider these points before hiring a tree trimming support.
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pctree · 2 years
5 Prominent Benefits of Hiring a Tree Removal Service
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Trees are a beautiful thing. They bring shade and beauty, but they can also be dangerous if they've grown too tall, or have been damaged by storms or other factors. If you're considering removing a tree on your property, there are several benefits to hiring a Tree Removal Glen Waverley service rather than doing it yourself. Here are 5 prominent benefits of hiring a tree removal service:
Tree removal is a dangerous job, and the potential dangers are too numerous to list here. It's important to hire a professional company that has the expertise and equipment to do it safely. Tree removal companies have the experience and training needed to safely remove trees from homes and businesses, but tree removal done by untrained or unskilled people can result in serious injury or death for them and their families.
There are many stories about people who were hurt severely while trying to remove trees themselves without proper training and equipment. An example is an incident where an individual became trapped under a branch when removing a tree from their yard; they sustained significant injuries requiring hospitalization due to complications related to those injuries.
Hiring a tree removal service will save you time and money.
You don't have to rent or buy equipment. This means that you don't need to hire a contractor, rent machinery, or purchase heavy-duty tools.
You won't need to hire a crew either. When you hire a tree removal service, all of the work is done by experts who know how to do the job safely and efficiently without wasting time on unnecessary tasks such as clearing brush from around your property or chipping branches into smaller pieces so they'll fit in your bin at the curb.
Finally, there's no need for insurance coverage because it's all covered by the company that hired them!
Hiring a tree removal service is the best way to ensure that your property remains safe and free of damage. Tree removal isn’t something you can just do on your own, as it requires specialized equipment and training. The risks associated with removing large trees are high, so it’s important to have experts take care of this task for you.
Tree companies have all of the tools they need in order to safely remove trees from homes and businesses without damaging anything else on the property. They also employ workers who have been trained in tree trimming, which means they know how to work safely near power lines or other structures.
If you try doing this kind of work yourself, there is a greater chance that something could be damaged or fall down on someone else—or even kill them! Even if nothing does happen during the process itself, there are still potential hazards like falling branches later on down the road when people start using their yards again after having some branches removed by professionals without incident (and without being harmed).
You might not know it, but the equipment used to remove trees is specialized and expensive. Tree removal equipment is heavy, loud and dangerous to operate. It can also be hard to find or rent in some parts of the country.
This is another great reason to hire a professional tree removal service. Insurance can cover you if something goes wrong, which means that you can feel safe while they work on your property.
If someone is injured in the process of removing the tree, insurance will pay for their medical bills. If anything happens to the property during or after the removal, insurance will compensate you for whatever damage was incurred. In addition to those two benefits of hiring a professional service, there's one more: if the tree falls on the neighbour next door and damages their home or car—and it does fall on them—insurance will cover any expenses related to fixing it up again!
Getting tree removal services helps to keep you safe and ensures the job is done properly.
Tree removal is dangerous. The work of removing a tree from your property is complex and requires the right equipment, expertise, and insurance. It's important to hire only a professional who can do the job safely so you don't put yourself or others at risk.
Hiring an expert means you won’t have to worry about doing it yourself. If you're not sure what to do with a tree that needs removal, hiring an expert can help ensure that the job is done properly so there will be no lasting damage done to your property.
A professional knows how to dispose of trees properly after they're cut down—and they'll make sure they get rid of them responsibly so they don't end up causing problems for other people (like creating hazards by falling into neighbors' yards).
Getting Tree Removal Glen Waverley services is one of the best decisions you can make. It’s a quick and easy way to keep yourself safe while still getting the job done properly. The best part is that it doesn’t require any equipment or expertise on your end, so all you have to do is give a call to an expert and get professional help.
Source: 5 Prominent Benefits of Hiring a Tree Removal Service
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industryus · 2 years
How HR support is important at workplaces?
A successful business depends heavily on the efficient human resources department, which holds for small and large companies alike. Managing human resources involves more than just dealing with open enrollment season once a year or processing payroll every two weeks. Instead, the Human Resources Department assists in developing a company's strategy and manages employee-centred initiatives within the organization.
Listed below are some important factors that shows the importance of HR support at workplaces
Budget Control
The Human Resources department works on developing ways to trim the costs associated with human resources management, which will eliminate unnecessary expenditures and help the company save money in the long run. In addition, you may be able to negotiate better rates for employee benefits such as healthcare insurance in this manner. Additionally, the HR Support team conducts research and analyses on employment trends, labour markets, and salaries according to job functions to ensure that the company's wages are competitive and realistic. Some small businesses must adhere to strict budgets to stay in business; this function falls under the HR department's purview.
Employee Satisfaction
In all fairness, the HR Support department is responsible for determining employees' level of satisfaction in the workplace, not only with their supervisors but also with the job and the associated duties. As it is difficult to measure employee satisfaction since it is an ambiguous measurement at best, HR Support specialists must carefully design oversee focus groups, employee surveys, and implement exit interviews to find out how the company can improve.
Learning and Development
HR Support specialists conduct assessments for the company's staff to determine the training and skills the staff must have to perform their duties properly and efficiently. There is no doubt that all employees should possess the qualifications and skills necessary to meet the job's responsibilities; however, new companies or businesses in the expansion phase may greatly benefit from identifying the training needs of current employees. As a result, companies often delegate this responsibility to the human resources department since it is less expensive to have these specialists handle training and development than hiring more qualified candidates or hiring additional staff. Furthermore, this strategy may also improve employee retention and therefore decrease turnover.
Resolution of Conflicts
Whether or not employees are satisfied with their jobs, managers, or co-workers, conflicts will arise in the workplace. Due to the diversity of personalities, work styles, experience level, and backgrounds of employees, it is obvious that there will be disagreements and arguments. The HR Support specialists from Industryus are specifically trained in the handling of employee relations and resolve the conflict between employees to restore positive work relationships in the organization. The ability to resolve conflicts may also increase satisfaction among employees and improve the productivity and morale of the workplace.
 Improvement of performance
In addition to developing performance management systems, HR Support specialist from Industryus is also responsible for implementing employee compensation and benefits programs. In the absence of human resources specialists who can build a plan that measures employees' performance, employees may do jobs that aren't suitable for their expertise and experience. In addition to contributing to employee dissatisfaction, those who consistently perform below the employer's expectations of performance are likely to sneak onto the payroll so that the company will not have to pay for low-performing employees that are not contributing to the company's success.
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Festive Fuelstop
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Pairing: Mando x Reader
Warnings: None.
Summary: You, Mando and the Child end up in a small town and get pulled into their traditions.
A/n: Happy Holidays, my loves!
You walked out of the Crest and took a breath of fresh air after a week of being trapped inside the flying metal. Despite having to make an emergency landing, you were thankful that the fuel line had started leaking just to stretch your legs. You and Mando had landed on the outskirts of a charming village where the mechanic actually refused the credits that the Mandalorian offered to repair his ship.
“Oh, golly. I can’t take payment now - I haven’t made any repairs.” The man chuckled heartily and whistled for his best workers to get on the job. The repairman then focused back on the new arrivals. “Why don’t you hold on to those credits and take your family down to the markets in the meantime?”
Mando appeared to have frozen so you leaned forward and pulled his hand back, flashing a smile to the kind man.
“The markets sound wonderful - could you point us in the right direction?”
You were given instruction to follow the wooden path down the hill until you reached a clearing into the central part of town which you, Mando and the Child followed.
When you reached the bottom, the townsfolk were in a buzz carrying boxes of shiny strings and coloured balls from one part of town to the next. Homes were decorated with lights strewn across the fences and roofs, some even had a green wreaths on the front door. Adults met up with one another with a grin as they walked in the same direction while children chased each other in tow.
You and Mando exchanged curious glances. This wasn’t something either of you had come across and your confused expression caught the attention of a passerby. The man stopped before the two of you and pointed.
“Visitors?” He guessed with a smile on his face that highlighted a hidden dimple.
You returned the smile and Mando nodded, “Our ship is being repaired uphill.”
“Well then it’s in safe hands. Please, feel free to join us in the Square while you wait.” The man invited and then walked away in the same direction as everyone else. It seemed like the whole town was headed that way.
Folding your arms, you turned to the bounty hunter, “Is it bad that I want to know what’s happening in the Square?”
“We have to keep moving.” Mando reminded as he looked around the buildings. “Maybe find a diner of some sort.”
You watched as more of the townsfolk left their homes and bit your lower lip as you thought - then you heard the child croon and idea came to mind.
“If everyone’s in the same place then none of their lodgings, food or otherwise, will be open. We’ll have a better chance to blend in alongside everyone else while seeing what has everyone so excited.” You said. “And the kid might never experience this again.”
The Mandalorian cocked his head to the side when he heard you.
“Are those reasons for the kid or for you?”
You shot him a side-eye and shook your head. Without hearing his argument against the plan, you followed the crowd and - in a few minutes - his beskar arm braces were bumping beside you.
It was a short walk to the heart of the town where a large green tree gleaming with lights and decoration sat in the middle. Your jaw dropped, eyes mesmerised with the sight that you almost knocked into the woman in front of you had it not been for Mando pulling you back. As the last few people joined, you realised that it was getting too close-for-comfort for the child so you moved to a more open space a little further from the festivities.
You returned to staring in awe at the magnificence of the tree and couldn’t help but smile, “What are they celebrating?” You wondered just as a little boy zoomed past with his friends, hearing your question. He stopped before you and Mando and placed his hands on his hips.
“You must be travellers! Tonight begins the First Ice of Holly Day. We gather around the tree just before the snow begins to fall - which should be starting soon!” The young boy explained and then ran off leaving the baby to lean over his cradle and coo.
Soon? You looked up to the skies and noticed that they had now been filled with frosty grey clouds. The sun began to fade away which illuminated the lights around the entire town making everything glow. As it darkened just a touch more excitable voices began talking quickly, most of it inaudible. You were so caught up in the moment that you hadn’t realised Mando tensing up beside you until you turned to him. He looked like he was ready to be jumped. You opened you mouth to chide him when there was a joyful cry from the far side of the tree.
“Look - look! It’s snowing! Holly Day has begun!”
You , Mando and the Child looked up once more and, sure enough, small snowflakes descended upon the happy town. A chilled breeze set in and you remembered that you weren’t properly clothed from when you exited the ship a while ago. You were about to suggest finding some coats when Mando turned his head toward the clearing.
“We should head back. I don’t want to be caught in a snow storm at the base of a hill.” He told you. You glanced at the baby trying to catch the snow in his mouth and sighed. Mando was right.
You shivered slightly, dusting the snow from your shoulders. “Point made. But before we head back, I need to stop at a vegetable stall.”
You pursed your lips and squinted at the green womp rat in the cradle, “Because somebody keeps ‘force-flinging’ the celonslay into the refresher.” you leaned down to the baby and used the tip of your index finger to lightly press on his button nose. “Vegetables are what’s going to make you big and strong.”
You straightened back up and noticed the crowd the beginning to disperse as you looked around them to find some place that sold healthy greens.
Mando pointed over your shoulder quietly and you followed his hand to where a row of merchants stood with their goods just past the tree. You thanked him and requested that he and child stay put until you returned. The bounty hunter didn’t argue and so you ventured off to the markets. As you passed the tree you smiled once more at its beauty. A part of you wondered if Mando would oppose to having a small one in the ship. But then you thought better of it because if Mando didn’t oppose then the kid might tear it apart or worse, jam it into the refresher.
You passed the first stall which happened to be filled with florals and ‘Holly Berry Seed Pots’ and over to the second one where rows and rows of fruits and vegetables sat. Scanning the items, you spotted the celonslay and decided against purchasing it again. The Child clearly didn’t like it. As you browsed, a head popped up from behind the stall - it belonged to the man you first met upon reaching the town.
“It’s you.” You realised.
He chuckled and quirked a brow. “Twice in one day? I’m beginning to think that you’re following me.” He teased lightly and tapped his hands on the wooden counter top. “I’m glad you decided to come to the Square.”
The man inquired about how you felt about experiencing the First Ice and you told him the truth of how you adored the way it was celebrated. You both then returned to the task at hand and you asked for his suggestion on a vegetable that a baby would enjoy.
“Children are tricky to pick for.” The Merchant hummed as he looked over the available selection. “But I do have some gimer canes. If the kid is teething, he can chew on this to get important nutrients with a sweet taste. He might even do a happy dance.”
Your eyes lit up along with your smile, “That’s perfect, I’ll take four.”
“Gimer canes are fairly rare so...”
“I’ll pay you double.” You offered instantly, not bothering to discuss it with the Mandalorian.
You expected the Merchant to take the credits right away but he laughed admirably at you. “I was actually hoping that you’d come with me to the Holly Seed Planting tomorrow instead.”
As much as you wanted to stay, you and Mando were due to leave the planet in under an hour. Your shoulders visibly slackened and the Merchant seemed to have understood. He reached beneath the counter and lifted up a paper bag, handing it over to you.
“Here, consider it an early Holly Day gift.”
Slightly confused, you looked inside and saw four pieces of the rare cane. You didn’t know how to express thanks besides repeating the word in the hopes that it would be enough.
“It’s okay, really.” The Merchant said softly. “Times are strange, we may meet again.”
You flashed a smile and thanked him once more before turning to leave.
You returned to the Child and the Mandalorian shortly after and noticed the mechanic of your ship walking away from the beskar-plated man with a spring in his step and humming a tune.
“Was that...?”
“It was.” Mando sighed. “Apparently, the repairs won’t be ready until tomorrow afternoon because the mechanic doesn’t want to miss out on the ‘festivities’.”
You couldn’t really blame the creature for halting work and you looked over at the hill pathway that led to the ship. “Old fashioned camp out in the broken cargo hold?” You suggested.
“It’s getting dark and you’re exhausted. We’ll stay in town until the repairs are complete.”
This meant that you could repay the Merchant in full.
“Why are you smiling?”
You wiped the escaped emotion from your face and cleared your throat. Balancing the bag against your hip, you looked around the well-lit town, deflecting the question, “I’m sure that there’s a good lodging around here.”
And you were right, a short walk down the road landed the three of you at a comfortable inn for travellers. But as luck would have it, finding a decent sized room in the towns busiest time proved to be difficult and so, you, Mando and cradled baby were placed in a smaller, single bed compartment with extra blankets to compensate. While it was quaint, a part of you wished that you were back on the Razor Crest.
As Mando settled into the temporary sleeping quarters by checking the perimeters, you helped the kid out of his cot and onto the soft mattress. This hadn’t been the first time that there was only one bed between three individuals so you and Mando decided to take one side each to make sure that you were both well rested. And, to be involved, the Child would walk across the surface before sitting on the side that he wanted Mando to be. 
The kid cooed and then smacked his lips which reminded you that he had not been fed the since lunch. You walked over to the table by the door and dug into the paper bag retrieving a stick of the gimer cane before carefully handing it to the baby to taste.
Mando joined your side as the pair of watched the child chew on the cane with a happy squeal.
“He likes it.” Mando noted, relatively surprised. Your mouth hung open as you watched the green womp rat do a little seated ‘happy dance’.
The Merchant was right.
Speaking of the man, you remembered to tell the bounty hunter of your plans the next day, explaining - once again - that it would be a good way for the kid to learn and enjoy other customs. His sigh told you that he wasn’t thrilled but, ultimately, he resigned. “Fine but we’re leaving the moment the Crest is fixed.”
You tried to contain your smile but it slipped out which led to the Mandalorian shaking his head and heading for the bed to get some decent rest. He picked up the child and moved him to the centre before laying down on the sheets. As you watched the baby find a comfortable sleeping position against his chosen-father, you realised that you were fairly exhausted from the day. You took up the blankets that the lodging provided and laid along the empty bed space, covering yourself and the kid just before falling asleep to the burning candlelight.
When you woke to birdsong, you found that the child had switched sleeping allegiances and was now snuggled in your arms. Mando stepped out of the refresher and helped you to get ready for the day by removing the womp rat from your hold which led the child waking up with a small wail until Mando pacified him with a gimer cane.
Once all affairs were in order, you paid the lodging owner in full and left for the Merchant’s stall where the man had just farewelled a customer.
“Can I have four more gimer canes?” You wondered and the moment the Merchant saw you, he abandoned his job, rushing to the front with a smile.
“You- you’re still here.”
Nodding, you gestured to where Mando stood with the child, “Our repairs will be done this afternoon which means we can go to the Holly Seed Planting.”
The Merchant nodded and boldly took your hands when he spoke. “The Planting is in a few hours but there are things we can do before that!” He looked over your shoulder to Mando, “Tell me, friend. Have you ever gone sledding through fields of freshly lain snow under trees of light?”
Mando stared back through his visor, “Only to capture my bounty.”
The Merchant didn’t know what to make of the statement and you chuckled to lighten the air, “Sledding sounds wonderful!”
And that’s what you did. The Merchant took the three of you to a sledding field and you almost forgot about your mission to find the child’s people. Mando took the green womp rat for a ride after caving to his pleading coos while you rode with the Merchant. 
Once the snow-filled fun had run its course, you all ventured back into town for a hot meal at the local cantina and a short rest before learning that enough time had passed for the Holly Seed Planting. You and Mando followed the Merchant over to the large tree where, at its base, several plots were dug in long rows along the white frost.
“What’s so special about this event?” You asked as curiosity enveloped when you noticed people gathering in pairs.
The Merchant took your hand and pointed across, “Holly Seeds are special, they bloom fast with emotion and identical where love is pure. It’s a rare sight to see but it doesn’t make it any less fun to plant.”
“What happens to these seeds after?”
“We nurture them through the year, their roots and leaves merge until they form the Town’s next tree for Holly Day.”
If you had left the day before, you never would have learnt about something so amazing.
“Oh - I think it’s starting. Let’s go get a seed.” The Merchant told you excitably.
Mando made no effort to move quickly, instead he held onto the child and stepped back. “I think the kid and I will wait this one out.”
A part of you wished he wouldn’t remove himself but once the Mandalorian made up his mind, he often stuck to it. You focused on the Merchant once more, painting the snow with your footprints until you both collected a Holly Seed Pot each and kneeled by two empty plots.
“Okay,” The Merchant said, nestling a little closer, “so all we need to do is hold these next to each other and if everything is right, they’ll bloom.”
You held out your pot until it clinked against the Merchant’s. Almost instantly, a bud peered through the Merchant’s soil and it quickly grew into a stem ... then leaves sprang forth ... and finally, a white-petaled flower emerged, tilting forward like a bell.
You looked down at the pot in your hands and there was nothing - not even a hint of green.
You gave a dry chuckle to hide the way your heart sank, “I can’t imagine it’s good news if nothing happens, right?”
The Merchant shook his head to not worry you but you could see in his eyes that this came as a surprise to him too. Clearing your throat, you flashed him a smile and looked around the place where bursts of colourful flowers came to life. “So, what happens next?”
“Usually, we walk around and see if there are identical flowers before we plant them into the ground but...”
You noticed his eyes flicker to the various pots, clearly trying to spot his match, and placed an gentle hand over his shoulder.
“Go ahead, it’s okay.” You told him as he once told you. The Merchant hesitated briefly until you repeated yourself.
You got to your feet as he thanked you and then you watched him walk through the crowd. Glancing at your sad-looking pot, you remembered something and looked up to find your travel associates.
No green or beskar could be seen. You did, however, see the mechanic once again. He had just arrived and was talking to a friend about how he had just finished a job.
The Razor Crest must have been ready. You intended to give a farewell to the Merchant but when you saw him standing by a young woman with an identical white flower, you decided against it.
Let him have this moment. Taking the plant, you decided to blend out of the crowd and back to somewhere familiar.
The Merchant was kind but Mando felt his dislike for the local grow every time you were present. He blamed the whimsical nature of the town but Mando felt something envious surge in him whenever you talked about the Merchant with a smile. Then he had to spend the day watching the pair of you laugh and joke and... hold hands - Mando seriously feared that you may have been falling in love. When the Seed Planting came around, he tried to ignore the way you and the Merchant had grown fond of one other so he stood to the back of the crowd. He was blending in quite well until a sweet old lady spotted him and the child and handed him a Holly Seed Pot of his own. He tried to give it back but the woman ignored him and moved on. The Child cooed and Mando turned to see you kneeling by the snow and holding your pot against that of the Merchants.
He heard the baby croon and attempt to speak.
“I know buddy...”
The child started tapping his hands over Mando’s gloves and pulled his attention from the Jedi over to the pot in his hands.
A red flower had sprouted almost instantly while was distracted. The edges of the petals ran gold like ink.
His mind flew to what the Merchant had said about quick blooming flowers and the Mandalorian felt his heart race.
‘Fast with emotion.’ He had said.
Turning around, Mando made a quick getaway just as the townsfolk gathered to ‘ooh’ and ‘ahh’ around the flowers. Thinking fast, he decided to head back to the ship, almost bursting into a sprint. The child had fallen asleep during the trip so when Mando finally got to the Crest, he laid the infant down before getting to work. He took the pot plant over to the carbonite chamber and shut it inside with a hiss.
The walk uphill was long and exhausting. There were multiple times when you considered throwing the pot behind you but something always made you rethink and forget the option. When you finally reached the Crest, you spotted Mando fiddling by the carbonite chamber and the kid asleep in his cradle. You dumped the pot on the side bench and headed past the Mandalorian for the cockpit.
“I’m ready to get out of here.” You said, climbing up the ladder. Without missing a beat, you sat in the pilots seat and prepared for take off, closing the doors of the cargo bay. You were a fast flyer so you had the ship up in lightspeed in no time only dropping out when you were several systems away. As you prepped the ship for autopilot, you heard the familiar armour behind you.
“I’m sorry it didn’t work out.” He said gently. “The Jedi Order and the Mandalorian Way don’t give much room for romance.”
You leaned forward and flicked on two switches. A disappointed sigh escaping over the console. “I know. Sometimes, I hope for a sign that will lead me down a different path - one where I don’t walk alone. But it’s always a fools hope.”
The Crest’s engine sputtered, shaking loose a pipe above your head which made you frown when it bumped your head. “Dank farrik.” You muttered. “Can you get me something to fix this?”
The beskar helmet nodded and Mando turned down the narrow corridor. He went down the stairs to grab a wrench from his tools cabinet when a flicker of gold caught his attention.
Sitting on the bench was your Holly Seed Pot, a green stem had rose from the mud, blooming a red Holly Flower with gold trimming - just like his.
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atlafan · 4 years
Costumes Galore - One Shot
a/n: this one was based off a few asked for my Halloween themed one shot requests. A lot of you wanted to something around a costume rental store, so I just made Harry the owner of that store! Feedback and reblogs are helpful, hope you enjoy! (not proofread) 
Warnings: pining, smut, friends to lovers
Words: 8.7K
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Don’t ask him how, but Harry is the owner of a costume rental shop. He was a business major in university, and with some luck and patience, he was able to take over the very shop he worked in as a teenager. Halloween was his busiest season, of course, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t doing well year round. He would give deals to the local schools and community theaters, and people who dressed as characters for parties would come see him. So, needless to say, business was steady. He often had big sales right after Halloween, and people would come in and clean him out.
Preparing for Halloween was his favorite thing to do. As soon as it was September 1st, he would transform his shop, pulling out tons of decorations, and putting out different bowls of candy. He liked making his customers happy, and everyone usually left satisfied. His changing rooms were comfortable and spotless, and he even set up backdrops in the lounge area for people to take Halloween pictures of their kids. People would come in to do that all year to save time and money. He was a smart business man. Harry did most of the work himself, he had a couple of teenagers that worked for him after school, but other than that it was all him. He didn’t mind, it gave him the control he needed over his shop, and he just didn’t have the money to pay someone for full-time help. He was only entering the fourth year of owning the place, after all.
Harry enjoyed the small traditions the downtown area had. Every year on October 30th, all of the shops would open their doors so kids could come trick or treat. It was a great way to give out pamphlets and coupons, while also getting to know the people that lived in the area. He loved kids, so when Harry was told about the tradition by his shop neighbor he got right on it, splurging for the king sized candy bars.
It was getting to be that time of year again, just about the end of September, his shop was looking good, and the Halloween crowds had slowly been trickling in and out. He was at the register when he heard the chime of the bell he keeps above the door to signal someone was coming in. It was a beautiful young woman, and she made Harry’s mouth run dry.
“Hello.” She says shyly as she walks up to the counter.
“Hi.” He swallows, and then smiles. “May I help you find something? Picking a costume up?” He moves to walk into the back door to see what reservations he had left for the day, but she stops him.
“No, um, I was wondering, actually, if you were hiring seasonally? I’m a grad student at the local university, and I could really use the extra cash before the holidays approach.”
“Oh.” He wasn’t expecting such a blunt and honest answer. “Well, I usually only hire high school students…it’s a bit easier to pay them under the table.”
“I don’t mind! I have another job at the university I get a pay stub for and all that, I really just need the extra money for the season. If you’re not hiring it’s okay, I can check with the other shops, I just figured since this is a costume shop you’d be getting really busy soon.”
“You figured correctly.” He sighs. “Do you have much experience in retail?”
“Oh, sure, tons! I worked in a grocery store when I was a teenager, so I know how to work a register, and then in undergrad I worked at an Old Navy, so I know how to fold clothes properly and check inventory.” She pulls a folded piece of paper out of her back pocket. “Here’s my resume, not the most professional way of showing it, but I brought it nonetheless.” She unfolds it and slides it on the counter towards him.
Harry takes it and furrows his brows as he reads it over. Seems like she was in her first year of grad school, but had graduated from her undergrad a couple of years ago. Her undergraduate degree was in social work, and it looks like she had been working in an office for a couple of years. Now she was going for a graduate degree in school counseling. She had plenty of experience, that wasn’t his worry, he just wasn’t sure he would be able to properly compensate her.
“My busiest hours during the season tend to be between 3 and 7PM, and then I’m swamped on Saturdays. How many hours a week do you think you could work?”
Her features soften as she perks up from his question.
“I’m honestly free by four most days, and Saturdays are no problem. Well, as long as I don’t have to be up at the crack of dawn.” She chuckles. “I’m no good early in the morning. I could do Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday if that works for you?”
“I wouldn’t be able to pay you more than ten dollars an hour, and you’d need to keep track of things on your own. I expect the honor system too, no trying to stiff me.”
“That’s perfect!” She was doing the math in her head. “Do you close right at seven? Would I stay after to close up?”
“Probably would need you here until eight. Saturday I’m open eleven to five, would need you here ten to six for that.”
She furrows her brows as she thinks about it. That would roughly come to about twenty hours a week, which was exactly what she was looking for. Then that would be $200 extra in her pocket a week, or $400 if he decides to pay her bi-weekly, and she wouldn’t have to worry about a dime of it coming out for taxes.
“Well, uh…”, she squints at his nametag, “Harry, I think we have a deal.” She smiles and extends her hand for him to shake. He takes it gently and smiles at her. “When can I start?”
“Why don’t you come in this Saturday around 9:30? I can go over everything with you without have to rush. There’s a little kitchen in the back and all that so feel free to leave food here if you feel like packing a lunch or snacks. I also keep a lot of snacks around.”
“Works for me.” She shrugs. “If you’re here until eight most days, what time do you usually open?”
“Around ten, I get here for nine.”
“Those are long days.”
“I don’t mind it, there’s always a lot to do.” It’s quiet between them for a moment.
“Well, I’ll let you get back to it. See you Saturday!” She beams.
“Wait, uh, the door will be locked when you get here, and I can’t just give you a key, barely know you.” He chuckles. “But here.” He grabs a business card and writes his cell phone number on it. “Just text me when you get here, and I’ll let you in.”
“Perfect.” She looks at the card. “Thanks, Mr. Styles.”
“Stick with Harry, we don’t need to be so formal.”
“Alright, thanks, Harry.”
Out the door she goes feeling way better than when she walked in. He wondered how close in age they might be, she had to be around the same age as him, if not only a year or so younger. It would be nice working with someone he could actually talk to. He likes the teenagers, but sometimes he just had no idea what they were talking about.
Saturday morning Y/N isn’t sure what to wear. Harry hadn’t said anything about a uniform, so she decides on a pair of khakis and a black polo to at least look the part of a retail worker. She tucks the shirt in to look professional, and to make sure she looked cute. She puts her hair up in a ponytail, and out the door she goes. She grabs a coffee from the shop across from Harry’s, and takes out her phone to text him.
Y/N: Good morning, Harry! It’s Y/N, I’m outside the shop 😊
She sips her warm drink as she waits for him to appear in the windows. She smiles as she sees him walking up, and he opens the door for her.
“Morning, Y/N.” He smiles, voice still a little gravelly from sleep. It makes her blush.
“Morning.” She nods as she walks in. “Oh…I should have asked you if you wanted a coffee.” She frowns at herself. “I’m sorry.”
“No worries, had mine a little while ago. I should’ve asked you if you wanted anything.” He runs a hand through his hair. “Anyways…”, he looks her up and down, “don’t feel like you need to dress so…well, I should have texted you about attire. Um, you can wear pretty much whatever you want. I just ask if you wear jeans that they’re not ripped, and if you wear leggings make sure you’re bum is covered. You never know what kind of old creeps might be coming in here to steal glances.” She nods at him and follows him behind the register and into the back room. “So this is where I keep reserved costumes. People will call ahead sometimes with their measurements and what they need.” He opens another door that leads into a breakroom. It was small kitchen with a slop sink, decent sized fridge, microwave, blender, toaster, and hot plate on the counters.
“I think you have every appliance known to man.” She laughs.
“Well, I can’t exactly have an oven in here, so I stalked up on other things. There’s some small pots if you feel like having pasta, that’s why I have the hot plate, you just need to remember to unplug it when you’re done. Turns out a lot of clothes are flammable, go figure.” His jokes makes her giggle, and he likes the sound of it. “And then through this door is the office. I have some lockers in here so you can hang your coat up, or put a bag away. Bring a lock if you feel like it, but I promise not to steal your things if you promise not to steal mine.”
“Promise.” She nods. “Where are the bathrooms?”
“In the back of the store along with the dressing rooms. We’ll get there in a moment. Every night I have a cleaning crew come in to make sure everything is spick and span, but accidents happen during the day sometimes so it’s on us to clean that up when it occurs.”
“No problem there. I used to clean the bathrooms at the grocery store all the time. Not my favorite thing to do, but I’m no stranger to it.”
He nods and then leads her back out to the register. He explains how he bookkeeps, and how important it is to save every receipt. Then he takes out what looks like a magazine that explains all of the types of costumes and accessories he keeps. He essentially had the shop on a grid system so everything was easy to find. She would need to learn this so she could properly help the customers. Then he leads her to the back of the store, shows her the dressings rooms and bathrooms, and then to the very back room where all of the storage was.
“Holy shit.” She says to herself. “You could get lost in here.” She swallows.
“You shouldn’t need to come back here too much. I usually have what people need out front, but sometimes you may need to snag some things from here. Mostly shoes.” He takes her back into the main area and into the office so they can sit. “I have cameras just about everywhere. Kids can sometimes pocket the costume jewelry. I have security codes for the doors as well, but I’ll always be here before you, so you won’t ever have to open, or close for that matter.”
“What’s your class schedule like?”
“I have classes on Mondays and Wednesdays, and then on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays I go to a middle school for my practicum hours. I’m hoping to become an adjustment counselor, you know, helping students with more serious issues.”
“At the middle school level no less, wow.” He runs a hand through his hair. “Good for you.”
“Thanks.” She smiles.
“You said you had a job at the university too, how do you have the time for that?”
“Oh, I get a stipend as a TA.” She shrugs. “The classes I actually take are online, so I have plenty of time. This is just for the season anyways, so it’s fine.”
“Right.” He opens his desk drawer and slides a nametag towards her. “There you are, no you’re a proper employee.”
“Thank you.” She takes it and puts it on, her tongue slightly peeking out as she does so. “So, how do I get paid? Are you gonna sneak me an envelope every week?” She chuckles.
“That’s the plan, yeah. The pay period will be like Saturday to Saturday, so I’ll pay you on Fridays, sound good?”
“Sounds great! Thank you again. I’ve been budgeting just fine and making things work, but things add up during the holidays: dinners, gifts, parties, all that stuff, and I just wanted to have some extra cushion.”
“I think that’s really smart. It’s nice to see you don’t mind working hard.”
“How did you come to own a costume shop?”
“Worked here as a teenager, so after uni the old man was selling it and he took a chance on me. Been running it for four years now.”
“Shit, you’re really young to be doing all of this.” She looks at him wide eyed. “I still have to call my mom to ask her if I should separate my delicates from the rest of my wash, and here you are…owning and running a business.”  
Harry swallows, and nods at her.
“Um, let me show you how the register works, and then we can open up.”
They get up and go back out front. He shows her the prices for everything that he keeps on a laminated sheet of paper. She listens to him intently, nodding along and taking mental notes.
It was a little slow in the beginning, so Harry has Y/N put away some costumes that people left in the dressing rooms. A small rush comes in right at noon, and they work together to get everyone settled.
“No, I wanna be Batman!” Y/N hears a small girl whale out at her father.
“But you’d look so pretty as Cinderella, honey.” He pleads with his daughter.
“Pardon me.” Y/N says. “We have tons of Batman costumes in girls sizes.” She smiles.
“You do?” He asks her.
“Sure! Lots of girls like dressing up like super heroes, and their costumes cover up a lot more, so it’s much more practical. She’ll stay warm and won’t trip over a long dress.” She leads them over to the area. “And she’ll still look plenty cute.”
“Alright.” He sighs with defeat. “Batman it is.”
“Yay!” The little girl exclaims as she snatches a costume off the rack.
Y/N looks over and sees that Harry was watching the interaction. He gives her a thumbs up, and goes back to the register. They take their lunch breaks at different times, and when the end of the day comes she lingers while he checks everything over at his desk.
“You can go, Y/N. Good first day.”
“I…well, this is sort of embarrassing, but I walked here because I live close by, but it’s raining…”
“Oh…you need a ride?”
“If you wouldn’t mind.” Her face flushes. “I can order an uber if you-“
“I don’t mind.” He gives her a soft smile. “Sit on the couch if you like, I’ve got a few things I need to finish up.”
She nods and does as he says. She scrolls through her apps on her phone while she waits for him. She hears him sigh, and he knuckles at his eyes before standing up.
“Alright, let’s go. Where do you live?”
“Just over at The Ledges.”
“No shit? I live there too.”
“Seriously?!” She stands. “Okay, now I don’t feel bad.” She chuckles.
“No need to feel bad regardless.” He puts his coat on, grabs his keys, and they head out. He double checks that the doors are locked, and they make their way to his car. He even opens the door for her. “What building are you in?”
“Five, you?”
“Three. Got a roommate or anything?”
“Yeah, I live with a girl in the same program as me. She’s nice enough, we’re still getting to know each other, but we like a lot of the same movies and music, so it’s been easy to hang out when we have time. What about you?” She tucks some loose strands of hair behind her ear. “Got a roommate?”
“Nope.” He says proudly. “Can finally afford to live on my own, which has been nice.”
“Doesn’t that get lonely, though?”
“Not really.” He shrugs. “Most of my time is spent at the shop talking to people all day, so I don’t really mind the quiet once I’m home.”
“Not even a pet to keep you company?”
“I’ve just learned to take care of myself properly, I don’t think I’m quite ready to keep another thing alive.” She laughs at that and it makes him smile.
“You’re really funny, you know that?” He pulls up to her building once he’s turned into the complex. “Thank you so much for the ride, I really appreciate it. I definitely would have caught a cold if I walked in that rain.”
“Anytime, seriously, don’t be afraid to ask.”
She nods and gets out. He makes sure she’s inside before making the turn to his own building.
Harry drove Y/N home most evenings. Her help was the best he’s had in a long time, maybe he could afford to hire her on like a regular employee…only if she wanted. She was personable with the customers, and he noticed she’d pick an accessory to wear during all of her shifts to get into the Halloween spirit. One day it was a tiara and a sash, another day it was cat ears, and another it was devil’s horns. Harry would mostly wear graphic tees with old movie posters on them. She thought it was cute. Y/N noticed how well Harry was with the customers too. The kids adored him, so it seemed.
It really didn’t take much for Y/N to develop a crush on Harry. From the moment she walked into his shop she thought he was handsome, but as she got to know him she realized his personality was just her type. She tried to be sneaky decipher whether he was seeing someone or not. There were no pictures of girls on his desk, other than a family photo of him, his mother, and sister. Harry wore a lot of rings, but nothing that screamed he was in a relationship or married. Surely he would mentioned it by now if he was, right? She even got a glimpse at his lock screen on his phone, and all it was, was a picture of a sunflower.
“Just ask him out, Y/N.” Her roommate, Ronnie, says to her one evening over wine and popcorn as they watch The Addams Family. “What do you have to lose?”
“My job.”
“You’re a seasonal employee. As soon as Halloween hits, you’re done there.”
“Not true, he asked me to stay through November. He has sales throughout November so people can buy costumes at a discount. Also, a ton of people come to get fitted for Santa costumes, so I’ll be there a bit longer than anticipated.” She takes a sip from her glass. “I think that if he liked me he would have made a move.”
“He could be thinking the exact same thing about you! And from what you’ve told me, he seems either too shy or too respectful to do something like that. I mean, you work for him, he wouldn’t want you to think he was harassing you.”
“Hm, I never thought of it like that.” She chews on her bottom lip. “Maybe…maybe I could ask him to dinner one night after work. That wouldn’t be totally weird, would it? He drives me home anyways…”
“I think that’s a great idea. Totally casual, off the cuff.”
“Exactly, like, smooth…cool.” She takes a bite of some popcorn. “I don’t know if I can do that.”
“Y/N, you wrangle middle school kids for half the week, asking a guy out should be a cakewalk.”
Saturday Y/N decides to wear a sweater dress over some leggings, and goes with a small witch’s hat that’s on a headband to add some flare to her look. Harry had given her a key since he trusted her, so she lets herself in. She goes right to the back to go say hello. Harry was in the kitchen finishing up his coffee.
“Morning.” He says to her.
“Morning.” She takes a deep breath. “Um, do you have plans tonight, like, after work?”
He furrows his brows as he thinks about it, taking one final sip of his coffee before rinsing his mug in the sink.
“Don’t think so, why?” He almost wished he had made something up. It was sort of lame to not have plans on a Saturday night, wasn’t it?
“Well, I was wondering if I could take you to dinner…” His eyes grow wide at her, so she back-peddles. “You know, as a thank you for being so great to me, and driving me home and stuff.”
“You…you don’t have to thank me for anything, Y/N. You’ve been the best temp I’ve ever hired.” He watches as she looks down at her feet. “But, um, dinner sounds good either way.”
“Really?” She perks up as she makes eye contact once again.
“Yeah, where were you thinking?”
“Nowhere special…do you like Mexican? We could go to Chipotle…” It sounded awful leaving her lips, but it was all she could really afford at the moment.
“I love it there, that sounds good.”
“Great.” She smiles and walks over to the coffee maker to pour herself some. She slips around him to get the creamer out of the fridge. “I’m looking forward to it.”
Harry was distracted all day. Y/N rarely wore dresses to work. Had she dressed up in hopes they’d be going out together later that evening. He looks down at himself, and he’s thankful he decided on a black jumper. Was this a date, or was this to be a casual dinner between two people who work together? He really couldn’t be sure. He thought Y/N was insanely attractive, she was lovely inside and out, but he was her boss so that made things a little…sticky for him. She was around the same age as him, so it wouldn’t be weird if they went out, and she was the one to initiate dinner. So it’s not like he was using any sort of position of power over her.
Around lunch time a boy that works at the coffee shop from across the street comes in. Harry greets him, and he says he’s looking for Y/N.
“She’s in the back on her break.” Harry says. “Do you want me to get her?”
“That’d be great.” The boy smiles.
“Hey, Y/N? There’s someone here to see you.”
“Oh?” She swallows the bite of veggie wrap and stands up to see who it is. “Hey, Charlie.” She smiles.
“Hi.” He smiles back at her. “I…I snagged you some of those chocolate chip cookie squares you like so much.”
“You didn’t have to do that.” She comes from around the counter to hug him. “That is so sweet, thank you.”
Harry’s jaw tenses as he tries not to pay attention. He was looking over receipts at the register, but he couldn’t help but be a little nosey.
“No problem.” He hands her the small bag. “Um, I know it’s last minute, but would you wanna catch a movie tonight?”
“Oh, that’s so nice of you to ask, but I actually already have dinner plans tonight, so I can’t.” She gives him a soft smile.
“Alright, another time, maybe?”
“Sure.” She nods, and then he makes his way out. She goes back behind the counter. “Harry, you have to try one of these, they’re so good, nice and chewy. I get them all the time.”
“Clearly.” He reaches into the bag to take one out. “You know, if you wanted to go out with him…you could have…”
“Why would I break our date that I literally just asked you to this morning to go out with someone else?” Ah, so it was a date, he thinks to himself as he bites off a piece of the cookie. “Good, right?”
“Charlie’s nice enough, but I don’t like him like that.”
Harry leaves the conversation as that when she goes back to finish her lunch. Did she like him like that? Was that it? Dinner couldn’t come soon enough.
The ride to Chipotle is comfortably quiet, the radio could be heard just over the rumble of the streets. Y/N bumps Harry with her hip when he tries to pay for their food, shoving her card into the chip insert. She told him to go grab a table in a snappy way that made him smirk, but he listened to her regardless. He finds a quieter table for two and sets their things down. She comes over with some napkins and sits down.
“You really didn’t have to pay for me.” He says.
“Try again.”
“Thank you.” He sighs.
“Much better.” She smirks and dives into her burrito bowl. “I see you went with the tacos, those are my second favorite.”
“I love tacos, obsessed with them really. I must make them for dinner twice a week.”
“Really?” She asks with a giggle.
“Only because I usually have leftovers. I try to meal prep and stuff like that.”
“Same here! Every Sunday I go to the market, and cook up a storm when I get back. Then it’s all done, and you don’t have to worry.”
“Exactly.” He smiles and takes a bite of his food. It was a little messy, but she didn’t seem to mind. “So, what made you wanna grab a bite tonight?”
She nearly chokes on her food, and she takes a sip of her water.
“Um…I…well…” She stops talking and just looks at him. “I just thought it might be nice to do something outside of work for a change. It’s nice sharing a meal with someone, you know?”
He nods at her and takes another bite of his food. He asks her questions about school, and how things were going balancing working at a middle school and being a TA. She explains that she’s very organized, so she hasn’t been terribly stressed. She was looking forward to her school’s winter break so she could just work at the middle school and not teach at the same time. They had lost track of time, sitting there for over an hour talking. He drives her to her building, and she lingers in his car for a moment.
“That was fun.” She says to him.
“Yeah…thanks again for paying.”
“Don’t mention it.”
“Do…do you have plans on Halloween?”
“Aren’t we doing that trick or treat thing at the shop?”
“That’s the evening before.”
“Oh, right! Here I am telling you I’m organized and I can’t get my days straight.” She takes her phone out to look at her calendar. “I think Ronnie and I were planning to put a bowl of candy out in the hallway and watch movies…why?”
“Well, I have a party to go to…my mate Niall throws a Halloween party every year…would you like to come with me?”
Her eyes widen, and he feels like he’s made a mistake. Had he misinterpreted everything?
“That’s only a week away, where on earth am I going to get a costume on such short notice?” She looks at him seriously, and then she laughs.
“Good fucking thing I own a costume shop, or you’d be shit out of luck.” He laughs. “Is that a yes, then?”
“Yeah.” She smiles and leans over the console to give him a peck on the cheek. “See you Monday.” She gets out of the car, tummy full of butterflies, and goes inside her building.
Ronnie was thrilled for Y/N’s upcoming date, and didn’t mind her breaking her roommate date at all. When Monday rolls around, Y/N can’t wait to see Harry. He was running around when she got in, and he basically yelled at her to get busy. He texted her Sunday night to warn her that the week of Halloween was usually wild with last minute costume buyers. The two of them run around, and don’t close up until nearly nine.
“I can come in tomorrow and Thursday if you need me to.” She tells him as they walk to his car.
“I don’t want you to be stressed out.”
“I won’t be! I’ll be stressed knowing you’re doing all of that alone. Please, you don’t even need to pay me.”
“Y/N.” He chuckles as he drives her home. “Don’t be silly, I’ll pay you. You can come in if you need the extra hours.”
“Alright.” She nods. “Have you already decided on your costume?”
“I think while we’re at the store it would be fun to dress up as a witches?”
“Definitely, and for the party?”
“You…you wanna dress as a pair for that?”
“Well, we’re going as a pair, so I thought that would be fun…but we don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
“Okay.” He pulls up to her building and he turns to face her. “Niall’s dressing like Barney from the Flintstone’s and his girlfriend is gonna dress up like Betty, so I was wondering how you’d feel if we dressed like Fred and Wilma…”
“Do you have those costumes at the shop?”
“Yeah, in the back.”
“That sounds like a great idea.”
“Really? Not too cliché?”
“Not at all, I think it could be fun.”
“Great, I can pull everything out for you tomorrow, and you can tell me how it all fits.”
It was a busy week, but worth it to see all of the little kids come by the shop. Y/N and Harry made quite the pair of witches. He had invited her back to his place for a movie after everything was all said and done. Tomorrow would be another busy day with the really last minute people, but he wasn’t worried about it.
“Right, so, make yourself at home. I’m just gonna get us some snacks. Can I get you anything to drink?” He says to her as he leads her inside his flat. “I’ve got water, soda, seltzer water…”
“Anything with alcohol in it?” She chuckles. “Long week, you know?”
“Oh, sure! I’ve got these pumpkin ciders you might like, they’re really good.”
“Sounds perfect. Do you need help with anything?”
“No, go sit.” He smiles, and she goes to make herself comfortable on his couch.
Her eyes scan over his living area, it was nicely decorated. He had some decals in the windows for Halloween, little black cats and pumpkins, it was cute. He comes in shortly with some cheese and crackers, and a couple of ciders.
“I threw some pizza rolls into the oven, thought this could hold us over for now.” He says as he sits.
“Good thinking, thank you. This is a nice place, just a one bedroom?”
“Mhm.” He smiles. “I like living here a lot, it’s the perfect location if I need to get to the shop quick.” They each take a sip of the cider as he grabs the TV remote. “You like it?”
“Yeah! It’s delicious. So, what are we watching?”
“How do you feel about Beetlejoice?”
“It’s one of my all-time favorites.”
“Thank god.” He says with relief. “It’s one of my favorites too. I don’t love super scary movies, but ones like these are fun.”
“I’m the same way. I don’t get that thrill other people do from being scared.”
He queues up the movie and presses play. She takes her sneakers off so she can sit with her feet under her, and he likes that she’s able to get so comfortable. He hears the ding from his oven timer and goes to retrieve the pizza rolls.
“They’re really hot, gotta let them sit. I don’t want you to bun yourself.” He grabs the blanket from the back of the couch. “Here, you look cold.” She smiles and takes the blanket from him, draping it over her legs. “Let me know when you want a refill too.”
“I will, thank you, Harry.”
He sits back on the couch and pops a cracker into his mouth. This was normal behavior him. He often doted on her in the shop. If she fell asleep at the table during her lunch break she’d miraculously wake up on the couch in the office, or with a blanket draped over her shoulders and the lights dimmed. He knew how tired she had to be, working so much. She didn’t mind it one bit. She was used to taking care of herself, it was sort of nice to let someone else take a turn.
“We can share if you want.” She speaks up as she sees him cross his arms over his body. “If you’re cold too.”
“Are you sure?”
“It’s your blanket.” She chuckles, and places some of it over his legs. “There, all cozy.”
They devour the pizza rolls, and drink three cider’s each during the movie. They laugh at the funny parts, and are quiet during the more serious parts. She looks away a couple of times, and even squeezes his hand during one of the scarier scenes. They didn’t touch other than that, though. He didn’t want to make things awkward before the party.
“Oh, I love this part at the end with the football team.” She giggles and finishes her last drink. “I’m really glad we did this tonight.” She turns her body to look at him.
“Me too.” He stands up, and starts cleaning everything up. She follows him into the kitchen with the empty cans. “You don’t have to do that.”
“I don’t mind.” She tosses them in the recycling bin he has next to the trash.
“I can walk you home if you want.”
“That’s okay, I think I can make it.”
“I really don’t mind.”
“Don’t be silly, Harry.”
“Will you…at least text me when you get back?”
“Sure.” She nods and gets her shoes and jacket on. He walks her to his door with his hands in his pockets.
“I can pick you up before work tomorrow if you like.”
“That I’ll definitely take you up on. It’s gonna be cold tomorrow, I think.” She throws her arms around him and kisses his cheek quickly. “Thanks for a nice night.”
He sighs as she leaves, and sighs heavier as she makes her way out of the building. She gets inside her own flat and tells Ronnie everything.
“Shit! I forgot to text him!”
Y/N: so sorry, I got in like 10 min ago
Harry: no worries, glad you got in safe
Y/N: thanks again for a really nice night…you’re fun to watch movies with
Harry: you’re welcome, and so are you
“God, why does he have to be so sweet?”
“So, he really didn’t make any moves?”
“No.” She sighs. “We shared a blanket, but that was about it, and I was too nervous to do more than to touch his hand a couple of times.” She groans and sits down on the couch with a huff. “Like…are we dating? Just friends? I’d love to know.”
“You should ask him.”
“You can’t just ask that sort of thing!”
“Why not?!”
“Because it’s awkward. Ugh, I just had to go work for someone like him. Why couldn’t it have been some old lady?”
The work day goes by like normal. Y/N uses ladies room to get into her Wilma costume. Harry had given her an orange wig for the hair, and she got it up into a decent enough bun. The dress was really cute on her figure, and she felt good about it. She’d be cold, but only for the couple of minutes she’d be outside. Harry was waiting for her in the main area with his Fred costume. He was not wearing a wig.
“I’m pretty sure Fred Flinstone has black hair.” She runs a hand through his curls and his face flushes. “But I suppose this will do.”
“You look great, Y/N.”
“You think so?” She does an innocent twirl. “Not too skimpy?”
“Not at all.” He smiles.
They drive to Niall’s, and Y/N is welcome with open arms from the second they walk in. Everyone at the party had great costumes, and she was happy her and Harry went all out. There was music playing, plenty of snacks and drinks, and even a few games. People were playing beer-pong in the kitchen, others were playing some card games. There were some people dancing in the living area. Y/N wondered if some other grad students were mixed into the bunch.
“Want something to drink?” Harry asks her and she nods yes. He takes her by the hand and leads her to the drink cart in the kitchen. He looks at her with raised eyebrows.
“Vodka tonic, please.”
“Coming right up.” He makes two drinks, and hands her one. “Let me know if It’s too strong.”
“Mm.” She takes a sip. “It’s perfect.”
Much to her surprise, Harry keeps an arm around her shoulders for most of the night as they mingled with his friends. It was loose around her, but he was making it pretty clear to anyone else looking at them that she was spoken for. They didn’t drink too much, enough to have a healthy buzz, but not so much that Harry wouldn’t be able to drive later.
“Are you having fun?” He says into her ear. She looks up at him and nods yes. He smiles and goes back to the conversation he was having with Niall.
Y/N liked Harry’s friends. They were all really nice, and did their best to include her in the chit chat. It was a fun night. A little after midnight they decide to call it quits, and head out. Y/N takes the wig off and shakes her hair out the second they’re in the car.
“Man, that thing was itchy.” She runs a hand through her hair and looks at him. “What?” He was already looking at her.
“You’re…you’re just so…” He reaches for her and cups her cheeks in his large hands. They were barely an inch apart, and she could feel his breath fanning over her face. “I really want to kiss you.”
“Please.” She nods slightly, and then he does it.
His lips slot between hers, and her eyes flutter closed. His lips were soft, and he tasted like the mint from the gum he was chewing. Her hands move to the collar of his costume and she tugs him closer to her. He pulls away just as she was opening her mouth a little more, her lips moving towards him. His forehead presses to her.
“Fuck, I…I’ve wanted to do that since the day you walked into the shop, but-“
“Do you wanna go back to my place?”
He nods yes, and throws the car in drive, speeding to their complex. His hand rests on her thigh, squeezing it occasionally, reminding her that he was there and this was happening. He parks in one of the free spaces in front of her building, and gets out of the car. He jogs around the other side and opens her door for her. The air was cold, but the heat radiating between the two of them was scorching. He helps her out of the car, and his lips are on hers again. They shuffle to the main entrance, and she keys in. He’s about to push her up against the wall, but she pushes on his chest.
“Cameras.” She says against his lips, and she tugs him down the hall, and to the elevator.
He keeps his hands to himself while in the elevator, unsure of more cameras, but when she gets them to her door he puts his hands on her shoulders as he stands behind her.
“Is Ronnie home?” He whispers in her ear and goosebumps raise on her skin.
“N-no, she decided to visit some friends for the weekend.”
She keys into the apartment, and she just barely gets the door closed when she’s being pushed up against the wall. If she had the strength to pick him up and carry him to her room she would, but she can’t, so she just tugs on him to move further into the flat. His lips felt so good on hers, and she sucks his bottom lip into her mouth, causing him to groan against her. She finally gets him in her room, and she pushes him back onto her bed. She straddles him immediately, and his hands squeeze at her hips.
“Are you sure you wanna do this?” He asks as he looks up at her. “It’s not too fast?”
“Consider it third date sex, I’m good with it if you are.” She reaches for the hem of her dress and lifts it off herself, revealing a white lace set of underwear. His hands slide up and down her sides.
“Third date, huh?” He smirks.
She leans down to kiss him.
“Chipotle.” Her teeth tug at his bottom lip and she lets it snap back. “The movie last night.” She sucks a mark into his neck, just under his earlobe. “And tonight.” She sits back up. “So, no, I don’t think this is too fast, do you?”
He flips her over onto her back, and she giggles as he works to get his costume off. He hovers over her, and kisses down her neck. He mouths over her covered nipples and sucks on her through the fabric. Her hips buck up towards him as he continues working his way down her body. Her heart was about ready to beat out of her chest.
“Wh-what are you doing?” She asks just as his lips go right below her belly button.
“Uh…I was going to take your underwear off, if that’s alright.”
“And then what?”
“I’d love to have a taste of you, if you let me.”
“You really wanna do that? It…it doesn’t gross you out?”
“What’s gross about it?” He smirks. “This right here?” He cups her mound and she whimpers. “One of the greatest wonders of the world. So, can I?”
He hooks his fingers into her panties, and he tugs them down her legs. He kisses on her hips as he opens her legs. He sucks on each of her lips before licking up her slit. He swirls his tongue around her clit, which was positively throbbing for him. He wraps her lips around the small bud and sucks. Her mouth falls open and her hands fly to his hair.
“Oh, fuck.” She moans.
He moans against her, and it just makes her pool between her legs even more him. He was really enjoying this, which was making her enjoy it even more than usual. It was usually a force with guys her age, but Harry had no problem with it. If she didn’t want to suck his dick before, she definitely did now.
Harry removes his mouth from, only for a moment, to suck his middle and ring fingers into his mouth. He slides them through her folds, and then carefully slips them inside her center. She gasps from the stretch at first, and then she feels like she’s melting into the bed. His mouth goes back to her clit while his fingers curl up inside her to pet against her front wall. Her hips start moving along with the rhythm of his fingers, chasing her release.
“Shit, Harry, ngh.” She was panting now.
Her legs move over his shoulders and her heels dig into his back. He groans against her as she falls apart underneath him. He works her through it, giving her clit slow licks as he pulls his fingers from her. He sucks his fingers into his mouth. They make eye contact, briefly, before she’s pinning him down, and she’s yanking his boxers off. Her eyes widen when she sees his length slap back against his lower tummy. She pecks his lips before getting situated between his legs.
Y/N licks up the underside of his hard length, and his head falls back. Her mouth wraps around his tip and she suckles on it before popping off. She spits into her hand and wraps it around him to pump him slowly. She cradles his balls and moves to suck and lick gently on them.
“Oh, dear god.” He moans. “Y/N, I’ll come if you keep doing that.”
“Do you wanna just fuck now? Wanna fuck me, Harry?” She pouts at him.
He was surprised by her. He nods at her, and she smirks at him. She gets up and takes her bra off while she walks into her bathroom to grab a condom. She tosses it to him as she knees back onto the bed. He rips it open and rolls it on, and he gets back on top of her. He rolls the head of his cock between her folds and around her clit before pushing inside her.
“Still sure? I can stop.”
“No, please, I want it, Harry.”
He smiles and continues to push inside her. She grits her teeth at the feeling. Once he’s all the way in he gives her a moment before slowly pulling back out. He sinks back inside her, and that’s when it starts to feel good. She was nice and tight around him, not that he really cared. He knew it would feel good because he liked her so much. He did wonder, though, when the last time someone had the privilege to stretch her out like this.
“You feel so fucking good.” He says and leans down to suck on her bottom lip. His hands move to knead her breasts, and she moans.
She wraps her legs around his waist to pull him even closer. She just want him to smother her. She moves her hips up to rock along with his, and she gasps when she feels him hit her g-spot.
“Fuck, just like that, don’t stop.”
“Yeah? Like that?”
“Fuck, Harry, yeah, keep going.”
He had per panting again, and her nails were scratching down his back. It felt good, though, to feel her just about breaking his skin because he’s making her feel so good. Her back arches off the bed as she comes undone again, and he presses hard inside her so she can really feel it. She thought maybe he had come too since he was pulling out, but he grips her hips and flips her onto her stomach. He pulls her back, spreads her apart, and pushes back inside her.
“Oh!” She gasps.
“This okay?” He grunts.
“More than okay, fuck.” She pushes back against him and he nearly chuckles.
Quick, deep strokes were entering her. Her bed was shaking, and her cheeks were straight up getting clapped. It was such a breath of fresh air to be with man who knew what to do with it. He grips the back of her neck to steady himself as his thrusts get sloppy.
“I’m gonna come.” He groans. “Shit, I’m gonna-“ He moans out as he spills into the condom.
He was so vocal, and she really liked that. He pulls out of her slowly, and takes the condom off.
“Trash is over there.” She breathes and points towards her desk. He nods and gets up to dispose of it. She gets up and waddles into her bathroom to use her toilet. When she comes back out he’s getting his boxers back on. “You, um, don’t need to leave if you don’t want to.”
“Normally I’d stay, but…” He runs a hand through his hair. “Sort of embarrassing to walk back tomorrow morning as Fred Flinstone.” He smirks.
“Right.” She nods as she throws on a bed shirt, suddenly feeling exposed and vulnerable.
“But I could stay a little longer, lay with you a bit.”
“I don’t want you to be upset if you fall asleep.”
“I won’t be…suppose it would be funny.” He comes over to her and gives her a kiss on the forehead before going into her bathroom.
He gets into bed with once he’s done, and she snuggles up to his side, laying her head on his chest. Her fingers trace around his various tattoos. He rubs her back, and it lulls her to sleep.
The next morning she wakes up to an empty bed. Where he was laying wasn’t even warm so he must have left soon after she fell asleep. She sighs and takes a shower, washing her night away. She checks her phone, and smiles, all worry leaving her body.
Harry: slipped out after you fell asleep, hope you don’t think I’m one of those guys…I had a lot of fun, talk at work Monday?
Y/N: definitely don’t think you’re one of those guys…now lol yeah, let’s talk Monday
She sighs and sits at her desk to get some grading done. Or she was hopeful to get work done. The ache between her legs was proving to be pretty distracting.
Y/N takes a deep breath before walking into the shop Monday afternoon. There were plenty of customers buying discounted costumes, so Harry’s only able to smile at her as she slips into the backroom to hang her coat up.
“I guess…do you think he’ll still like this in a year?” The woman asks Harry.
“I’m not gonna like to you, he easily couldn’t, but if I know kids, they like to have options. If he ends up having a couple of parties to go to, he won’t want to wear the same costume to each event.”
“That’s true…alright, you’ve sold me, Harry.”
“Excellent! I’ll you ring you up.”
Y/N brushes behind Harry as he works the register. The whole evening was busy, so when he’s finally able to put the closed sign up, he’s relieved to see her sitting standing in the office.
“Hey.” He says to her.
“Hi.” She blushes.
His hands grip her hips and he effortlessly lifts her up onto the desk. He presses his forehead to hers.
“Y/N, I know we’ve become close, but I’ve been feeling conflicted because I’m also your boss, and the last thing I wanna do is take advantage of the situation.”
“Hey.” She says, cupping his cheeks so he’ll look at her. “We weren’t even at work…everything we’ve done has been outside of this place. You didn’t do anything wrong. Do you regret the other night?”
“No, not at all.” His hands rest on her thighs as he stands between her legs. He tucks some hair behind her ear. “I just don’t really know what to do here.”
“Well, it’s not like I’ll be working here much longer, just until the end of November, right?”
“So…do you wanna, like, keep dating? Going out and stuff?”
“I’d really like that. I want us to keep getting to know each other. I wish I had stayed the whole night the other night. I felt like such a dick for leaving.”
“Don’t, it’s fine. I would have done the same thing.” She smiles and then bites her bottom lip. “Besides, you’ll have plenty of other opportunities to sleepover.”
“I will?” He smiles.
She nods and he leans in to kiss her. Harry was a simple guy who owned a costume shop, and thanks to the girl in grad school he hired for the season, he made it through Halloween yet again. This time, instead of celebrating his profits with Niall down at the pub, he was kissing the very same girl that took his breath away when she walked in.
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thessalian · 2 years
Thess vs Economy Logic
So before I go back to fun liveblogs of video game stuff, a few thoughts on how short-sighted these not-really-capitalist plutocrats that hoard the money instead of paying their workers, and the oligarchs who protect all their money by putting all the financial burdens on those who can’t bear them, are actually being. Basically, this in the context of those stupid “Millennials are killing the [Whatever] industry” articles we keep seeing. Millennials are killing the diamond industry. Millennials are killing the golf industry. Millennials are killing the Hooters franchise. Etc etc etc.
Because ... yes, that is what happens when you deprive the general population of money. They will stop buying useless things because they can no longer afford useless things, and the industry will die. There’s something about poverty that really narrows the focus in terms of what we need and want in life. And the first things to go are going to be things like ... overpriced blood rocks mined in miserable conditions and kept scarce and thus supposedly valuable by hoarding the really good ones, or knocking tiny balls into holes on ecologically unsound land that would make a way better nature preserve than it does an overpriced lawn with holes in, or a misogynistic chain restaurant that uses breasts instead of decent food as its selling point. Because not only are they not necessary, they’re not even all that good. We honestly feel better not supporting that shit. And the whole point of capitalism is that if people no longer want to buy your product, you adapt or you die.
Except, no. No, now we have the plutocrats and oligarchs trying to make damn sure that the capitalism model only changes in ways that give them the most money for the least effort, so it’s all bitching about how we’re “killing industries” instead of just fucking adapting.
That’s going to cost them, in the end. Because what goes after the dross? We’re having to tighten our belts more and more every year. Here in the UK, people are going to go hungry and cold, for the next few weeks (since they guesstimate that the last frost here will be mid-late April) and in the autumn, when apparently fuel prices will go up even more. And since wages won’t rise to properly compensate, those who are just managing now will have to choose between heating and eating, and those who are already in that position won’t have either.
Also add to that the physical and mental toll all this takes. People are working and still starving and cold. People have to take multiple jobs. The disabled have to try to find jobs. Their health will suffer, and they will end up being unable to work, which means no more money, or very little with the paucity of social safety nets, and they’ll have to tighten their belts even more. And that’ll just lower the number of people able to work, making the ones that remain work harder for even less, until such time as companies no longer have enough staff to even partially make it work.
Know what that means? I mean, if you’re a heartless selfish jackass of a plutocrat, know what that means?
More dying industries, that’s what that means.
People will have to whittle things to the bone. And the next things to go will be a combination of “things that spark joy” and “essential but I can make do and mend a little longer”. The clothes industry is going to suffer as people struggle to learn to mend things and make the cheap clothes that were all they could afford last a little longer, and more and more people turn to charity shops. Same for housewares. Hell, there are bedding banks in this country, and baby banks, because people can’t afford those things. People are going to cancel their streaming services because they have no choice, and turn to either piracy or, again, charity shops. A fair few people are going to get more choosy about their video games because they’ll only be able to afford a few, so that industry can kiss their NFTs and loot boxes and pre-order bullshit goodbye as a lot of people say “It looks good but I’ll wait for the Steam sale”. The convenience food industry is going to suffer. Hell, most of the food industry in general is going to suffer because at least in this country, people are refusing things like root vegetables like potatoes at food banks because they can’t afford the cost of the energy it takes to cook them. People will more and more often go for the cheapest of things, specifically because they can’t afford anything else, and so any industry that focuses on luxury items is going to suffer - except for the really massively overpriced luxuries that only the truly rich can afford anyway.
At which point, their bubble economies will burst, because they’ve all been predicated on an illusion of infinite growth. News flash: that only works when people still have money to give them. Once we don’t? Well, they can’t perpetuate growth when profits fall simply because no one can afford to buy things anymore. So there are a few options for the future, and I honestly don’t know which is most likely.
Option one: frankly, riots. The above are bread and circuses - the things used to pacify the masses since ancient Rome. When we stop having that? Well, there’s not going to be a lot else to do but riot, is there?
Option two: enough companies will collapse that it’ll cause an economic downturn that actually touches the well-off enough that they’ll have to see some level of sense, in the form of actually paying their workers a little better.
Option three: government will see the writing on the wal as regards options one and two, decide that’s no way to keep power, and take just enough steps to keep the status quo at a level of “miserable for the plebs, just fine for the rich”.
None of these are ideal. Frankly, a lot of people are going to die in all three scenarios. But this is the only place logic takes us. Unfortunately, most of the wealthy don’t believe in logic. They believe in insane troll logic where somehow growth can be infinite and they can effectively print money with share buy-backs, but we all saw how creating infinite money on that scale worked for the Confederacy. That’s all share buy-backs are. That’s all laying off staff to make profits look bigger to match the Oracle of the Stock Exchange’s predictions means. It’s the Confederacy making money that’s not backed by anything and expecting it’ll work out because “Hey, more money”. But you only get more actual backing for that money in a service economy if you treat your workers well and pay them properly. They feed that money back into the economy and the cycle continues. “Trickle-down economy” was never a good concept anyway, but when the ‘trickle’ becomes an occasional drip, like that one faucet in the house that doesn’t leak quite enough to merit fixing but still drips once a week, death ensues. Death of people (which is my main concern), and death of industries (which is the nightmare of the sociopath money-hoarders).
Y’know, there are TV series dedicated to helping hoarders through their addiction to it. Maybe we should sic them on various captains of industry. It’s not my favoured method of dragon-slaying, but anything to get the hoard into the hands of the people who made it possible by working for it.
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dalamjisung · 4 years
happy ❀ kim seokjin
genre: angst, fluffy ending
word count: 10k~
pairing: reader x kim seokjin
description: being happy is the goal; but what to do when you don’t really know what that means? Maybe Jin can help...
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Living in your neighborhood means quiet nights in, with nothing but the sound of light traffic and whispered conversations. It’s unique, and safe, and exactly what you were looking for three years ago, when you first moved-in; but now… now you miss some of that youthful excitement that usually came with late night hangouts and loud bustling streets. With work, and, well, living, you admit it’s been hard– no time for anything else but sleep and work some more. Being a worker on the rise with one of the most prominent Advertisement companies around surely compensates the constant tiredness, but you no longer seem to have a social life. You stopped running in the mornings, and taking late night walks at the park. You no longer have time to enjoy the street market on the weekends or watch a few episodes of Criminal Minds on Sunday. It’s been so long you did something just for you that you barely remember the rewarding feeling of self-care.
It is on a Monday morning– or maybe it’s actually Tuesday,– that you notice a suspicious line of people on the sidewalk, blocking your car’s door. You weave through them to get in and it hits you as you close the door, the waft of gingerbread and sugar smell coming from the newly open store where all the people seem to be going into. You roll your eyes in annoyance, huffing irritably as you start you car and hurry to work, where you have an early meeting with potential clients and this is your chance to show your boss you deserve the promotion more than anyone. You work long hours– possibly all hours, and yet you are still to be recognized for all you put into the company.
“Y/N!” Seojun shouts as soon as he sees you walking to the elevator. “Hey!” Laughing, you hold the doors open for him as he runs to catch it. The pile of paperwork in his hands almost covers his line of vision and you actually feel bad for your friend– the times that you had to run with thousands of files, and contracts, and scripts had been probably the worst times of your life. You never felt as powerless and unimportant as you did back then, when people used to ignore your name for the sake of getting their menial tasks done.
“Hey,” You smile, grabbing some files from him as the doors close. “How are you?”
“Stressed out,” He sighs, frowning. “Too much to do, very little time.”
The doors open just in time for you to help Seojun to his desk and then run to the meeting room. This is it;  you are finally going to be able to pitch your idea you’ve been working on for almost a year. You are sure this project will take the agency to a whole other level, putting the newest talents under a spotlight for future investors, but when you tried to tell anyone about this before your promotion, they would just ignore you and wave you away so that you could do another daily, stupid chore. Maybe now, that you are finally growing in the company, you can finally bring the change that these young actors and entertainers need to really succeed in their career.
Everyone is there when you arrive and, smiling your best smile, you sit down next to the Head of Marketing. The director starts the meeting and people start presenting– profits, pitches, scouting,– and it takes time, but you patiently wait; you control yourself and wait for you turn… that never comes.
“Alright everyone!” The Director smiles and starts getting up. “That’s it for today. Great work, people!”
No one even smiles at you as they all leave, one by one, and it’s only when the room is fully empty, with the exception of you and your superior, that you speak up.
“Excuse me, sir,” You smile politely, frowning in confusion. “What just happened?”
“What do you mean, Y/N?”
“The project I’ve been working on for months, Sir,” You say, slowly trying to gather yourself. “I was supposed to present it today… you told me you’d talk to the Director.”
“Oh, that,” He chuckles and sits down again, facing you with arms crossed. You sigh, closing your eyes for just a second; it’s always been hard working under Mr. Nam– he’s always been known to treat his hoobaes unfairly, ignoring and mistreating them. “Don’t worry, I already told the Director about the idea. He already told us to go ahead with it and start getting a team ready.”
Well, that’s a surprise. You smile, trying to disguise your excitement.
“That’s amazing, Sir!” You gush. “When should I start getting things ready?”
“Ah, you see…” Mr. Nam sighs and gets up, getting a bit too close for comfort. His head levels down to yours and you whimper, a but scared with how this situation is quickly progressing. “You are not going to be a part of it. The Director put me in charge.”
“W-what?” Puffing out your chest, you try to put up a brave front, not ready to give up yet. “That’s not fair! I’ve been working on that for almost a year!”
“Yeah, but let’s be honest here, you’d never be able to deliver the result that is expected of this company, Ms. Y/N Y/L/N,” He murmurs, voice harsh and cold. “This project will take us to a whole new level, and you are barely a player here. Learn your place.”
“No, you can’t ju-“
“I can and I will,” He growls pointing a finger in your face. “We need this project, and we need someone who can properly lead it. Admit it, Y/N, you’re just a naive, scared little girl. I can’t have that ruining what is about to be our main source of profit for the next semester.”
“I’m just a… naive, scared little girl?” You whisper, frowning. “Why would you think you can do a better job with this project than I would? It’s my idea after all.”
“I have the experience,” He walks forward, forcing you against the wall. “I have the balls. What do you have? No one here knows you, Y/N. Now stop with this nonsense and go back to work.”
He smiles as he backs away eyeing you up and down.
“Marketing is all about criticism,” Mr. Nam says before leaving. “Better get used to it.”
Your knees give out just as Seojun walks in to prep the room for the next meeting. 
“Y/N?” He runs to you, eyes wild and nervous. “Are you okay?”
You can barely catch enough breath to speak, lungs tightening and heart speeding just enough to make you feel dizzy. 
“I’m perfect,” You respond robotically, looking up at your friend with a forced smile. Getting up, you smooth your clothes. “I have to run, but I’ll see you around, yeah?”
“What?” Seojun frowns. “I guess…”
Looking back, you can’t help and kindly look at the man that’s always worked hard and diligently.
“Oh, and Seojun?”
“Don’t let these people undermine you,” You chuckle sadly. “You are an incredible person. And you are worth more than these assholes.”
In between grabbing your purse and running out of the building, you barely remember getting home. Or more precisely, your building’s door. Something within you didn’t allow you to walk in just yet, and knowing yourself, it wouldn’t allow you to do so until your dilemma was resolved.
Quit and possibly find a worse job but be overall happier and have to erase all those years of work and start all over again,
Stay, put up with it, and maybe get somewhere, someday.
“For fuck’s sake,” You mumble, turning around and starting to walk. It takes a couple of minutes but it hits you even stronger than before– the smell of butter and sugar. Although there is no more mile-long line, you take a peek inside; barely lit, empty, and… well, messy.
But the smell. Something about the smell of warm butter and sugar guides you in, first knocking on the glass, and then smiling kindly at the young man running back and forth, with barely no time to properly look at you, choosing to scream from the kitchen a ‘we’re closed!’
“Oh, it’s okay,” Your eyes follow his tall form as he moves around. “Sorry to bother yo– are you the only one working here?!”
That makes him stop. And look.
His dark eyes meet yours and goddammit you haven’t seen a man this attractive in a long time. His broad shoulder slump forward and he smiles tightly, nodding.
“Yeah,” He sighs, dropping the cleaning supplies. “I barely had time to organize a team before opening, so it’s just me for now…”
“Ah, I see,” You mumble, blushing at your shoes. “Sorry to intrude, anyw–“
“Wait,” He squints at you before smiling a bit wider. “Are you looking for a job? Is that why you’re asking?”
You blink at him. One time. Two times. Three, four–
“Really?!” He is clearly excited, dropping all cleaning supplies on a table and removing his apron to show a grey hoodie and blue jeans, and now you think he is much younger than he looked before. “That would be amazing, I’m not gonna lie, you would be saving me so much time!”
“Uh, what if I don’t have any experience working in a bakery?” You look at him, a bit curious about this… process.
“It doesn’t really matter,” He shrugs. “Do you wanna sit? I can make us some tea and get some cookies out while we talk.”
“Oh, sure,” With your mind still reeling from the previous happenings of the day, you would love some comforting food right now. And nothing else, Y/N. You don’t even know if you’ll quit, don’t get ahead of yourself.
“Okay,” He says and he puts down two mugs and a plate of warm cookies. “Just to make you feel more at ease, you’d never be in a position in which you’d need to make food. That is all me, and I don’t really intend of hiring kitchen staff. I just need someone to be the at the frontline– taking orders, waitressing, keeping track of storage and so on…”
“I understand if you don’t want to,” His head falls on his hands. “The pay is bare minimum, the work is exhausting and overwhelming, and honestly I never expected the bakery to do this well during opening weeks, but here we are, two days in, and I already think I can’t do this.”
Taking a second to allow him to catch his breath, you just stare with wide eyes. Are you willing? Are you really willing to go back to all of those insignificant tasks; fetching things for others, serving others, everything for others? But wouldn’t it be the same if you quit your job? Wouldn’t you have to start over anyways?
Start over… that sounds just what I need.
“Well, I was just going to ask for your name,” You gulp, trying to calm him down. “Boss.”
Kim Seokjin. Jin for short, or else he’ll think you’re angry at him. A peculiar man, you’d say, but it’s too late now– this man is your boss. As you lay down exhaustion washes over you, and you almost forget to set an alarm for five in the fucking morning. You can’t believe you did this but you are too tired to actually worry about the consequences of your impulsiveness.
You have somewhere to be tomorrow morning and you’ll be damned if you don’t give it your all.
“Good morning,” You smile as Jin opens the door for you, flour in his cheek and messy hair all over the place. “How long have you been here fore?”
“Spent the night here,” He yawns. “Needed to get the dough ready for today.”
“Uh, couldn’t you have done that like… now?” You shiver a bit from the cold but as soon as you step inside the bakery it’s almost as if nothing could bother you ever again. The warmth coming from the kitchen and the smell that overpowers everything else embraces you like it will never let you go. You feel safe and relaxed and maybe, just maybe, you’ll like it over here.
“I could,” He shrugs. “But then I wouldn’t have time to enjoy it. And the best part of this job is that I enjoy it, right?”
To say you are impressed is an understatement– the concept of enjoying your job is as foreign to you are the concept of liking your boss. All your life, you’ve strived for perfection, competence– working from the bottom up, making sure to give your all and a bit more, even to those small tasks you hate so much; and never have you heard a ‘thank you, Y/N,’ or a ‘great job!’ Blow after blow made you more apathetic, caring less about the quality, and more about the quantity. Observing your superiors taught you that the more you produced, the better, and you followed that by heart… until you came up with the project that was so swiftly stolen away from you. You had finally found something you are passionate about again! But, once again, it blew up on your face.
Naive, scared little girl. No one here knows you.
“I just want to be noticed,” You mumble to yourself, low enough that Jin makes out a noise, but doesn’t process the words.
He looks at you expectantly, and you smile, ignoring the situation. As he runs to the kitchen to look over his current batch of cookies, Jin multitasks and uses the time to show you around the place. There isn’t much, but even single corner of it is perfect. The kitchen– where you’ll never be unless supervised by him,– is simple and clean; the stock room is next to the back door, and you’ll need to check it every end of your shift; the front area, however, if your main stage– you have to be behind the counter at all times. The five tables pressed against the pink wall get full quite fast in the morning, and if the customers need anything, you need to be ready to serve.
“Sounds good?” Jin asks nervously, eyes looking straight into yours in case of any sing of regret.
“Sounds… just like my old job,” You smile tightly, shoulders sagging in defeat. I guess this is a beginning, although not quite a new one…
“You never told me what you did before,” Jin frowns. “Where did you use to work?”
You open your mind to tell him– you really do,– but suddenly it just doesn’t matter anymore. It never mattered to begin with, to be honest, and you don’t want to carry around that image of you anymore. No more office, no more thinking the bigger picture, no more a naive, scared, little girl. This is not you. It never was. And for some reason, you don’t want Jin, a man who gave you a chance on kindness alone, to see you like that.
“Just a very small place,” You lie. “Nothing important, really.”
“Well, I mean, you are working in a bakery, now,” He chuckles, completely forgetting his previous question. “It really must’ve been a crappy job.”
“The worst,” You nod, and putting on your apron, you get ready for the day.
It starts with a couple of customers; just a couple and their kids, and two high school girls on their way to class. Those are easy and simple and the smiles and ‘thank you’s catch you off guard, but you smile back and wish them a good day.
Then it gets a bit busier– large groups, old people, hipster teenagers,– and just like Jin warned you, the table get filled quickly, and whenever you could, you’d watch the people sitting down with their computers, doing work for school, or maybe applying for jobs. You look at two people sitting together, clearly getting to know each other, and you wonder if this is a first date or if they just met each other because of the lack of chairs in the place. You like this; a peaceful sensation running through you as you watch people smile because of their hot drinks, or humming in delight because of their pastries.
“Hi, excuse me?” Your eyes focus on the client in front of you, and you smile automatically. “Are you new?”
“I’m sorry?”
“Are you new here?” She laughs. “I’ve been coming here since day one…”
“Ah,” A bit embarrassed, you look down to the counter. “Yeah. Jin needed some help, and I needed a job, so…”
“Ah, I see,” She clicks her tongue and squints her eyes, and suddenly you are not that comfortable anymore. “Is he here? Jin?”
“Uh, yeah, he’s… he’s in the back, so…” You are not sure how to proceed.
“Call him for me.”
“Excuse me?” You mumble.
“I need to talk to him, so please, call him for me.”
Nodding, you slowly walk to the kitchen, where you see your boss humming happily to a song. You make sure to memorize this scene before delivering what you are sure is bad news.
“Uhm, excuse me, Jin,” You call softly, and he turns around in a second, eyes wide in surprise. “There is someone here for you.”
“What?” He frowns. “Who–“
“Very beautiful woman,” You sigh, tiredly rubbing your temples once you see the line growing on the other side of the counter. “I need to go back to the cashier, but she… demands to see you.”
“Ah, I know who it is,” His smile falters. “Be there in a sec.”
You go back to your rightful place behind the counter and you start the routine once again; order, payment, deliver. Order, payment, deliver. Order, payment–
“Hey again!”
You look up and surely, it is one of the elderly women you served this morning.
“Oh, hello again,” You chuckle, trying to remember he previous order. “Another latte?”
“Ah, you know it, dear,” She laughs, fishing her purse for change. “How have you been?”
“Busy,” You laugh. “It’s been a hell of a first day.”
“Oh, it’s your first day?” The woman asks. “I could barely tell! You are doing great, sweetie!”
“Thank you so much, ma’am,” You smile, giving her the drink. “It means a lot.”
“Oh, call me Minji, please,” She waves her hand in the air. “It’s nice to see that the people here are as amazing as the food. I’ll see you tomorrow, darling!”
Before you can answer, you hear a loud yelp coming from the back.
“Fuck you, Seokjin!”
“Sana!” Jin shouts, but it’s too late– she’s already out the door. “Damnit…”
“Hey, are you alright?” You whisper, trying understand what the fuck just happened.
“You should go back to the front,” His voice comes out cold and detached, and you shudder. “It’s full.”
“It’s fine, Y/N,” He says. “Just go to the front, please.”
The rest of the day goes by in a second. You see people again, same ones you’ve seen hours before, and they recognize you. They call your name as if you’ve been friends for a long time, and they introduce themselves. Jinyoung, Seojun, Mina, Chan. You see them laugh, and chat, and joke around. You give them more coffee and food and they thank you, for doing nothing but your job.
It’s when Jin decides to take a break that you finally recognize the feeling blooming in your chest.
“Why are you smiling like that?” He asks, chuckling in confusion.
“I’m just happy.”
For weeks this goes on. You get a few messages and emails from people in your old office but you don’t even bother check them– you are happy. Waking up early is not a chore, and although it is still a bit hard leaving the bed with the morning dew nipping your skin, everything is okay once you get to the bakery. Apparently, you’ve been doing such a great job that Jin gave you the keys to the place, letting you open up the shop after you nagging him so much about his lack of sleep.
The first thing you do is cleaning. The place opens at 8AM sharp, meaning you have two hours to get everything done, so you start with the most important task. After everything is properly cleaned, you set Seokjin’s space in the kitchen. Because you’ve observed him working so much (and admired his beauty, you admit,) you’ve also learned where he likes his utensils placed, and how he likes to function when it’s just him working with so many orders and batches of food coming in and out of the kitchen. And finally, you make sure to organize the front space, putting in every table enough sugar and napkins to last the morning shift, at least.
“Good morning,” Jin mumbles, walking in without even throwing you a glance. His usual smile is gone and he goes straight to the kitchen. “What the– Y/N?”
You look up to see your boss frowning, leaning on the kitchen door.
“Did you mess with the stuff in the kitchen?”
At this point, you thought he knew– how else would his things be ready for him in the morning? However, you are not that confident this morning.
“Uh, yeah…?”
“Why?” His voice could cut through glass.
“Because I wanted to help?” Your voice dies down as the phrase reaches its end, suddenly feeling embarrassed and… inadequate. And you hate it; you haven’t felt like this since your days at the company.
“I told you to stay in the front,” He says in all seriousness, brows furrowed and angry. “I told you I don’t need anyone in the kitchen! Don’t mess with my things again, everything is out of place now!”
“No!” He shouts, and it all comes back. Mr. Nam and his verbal attacks, the constant humiliation, all the holding in and breaking down, all the wasted energy, the wasted ideas, the wasted time. “Stay where you are supposed to.”
“Sure thing,” You seethe, understanding that there will always be frustrations in the workplace, but this… this feels oddly misplaced. “Just a question… is it any different than it usually is?”
“Of course,” He scoffs. “Or else I wouldn’t be complaining.”
“I see,” You nod. “Okay. Understood, boss. Never going in the kitchen again.”
You see the moment he falters, looking quizzically at you, as if he knows he missed something, but didn’t quite know what. Just like that, the day goes by in an agonizingly slow pace; clients coming in and out with not breaks, and you start to feel yourself getting more and more tired, having to handle the front of the bakery by yourself. For days you’ve been wondering how to bring this up, but you need help; at least one other person handling the cashier as you handle the orders and the tables.
Too late, you think, mindlessly steaming milk. He won’t listen to a word I say, now.
“Holy fucking shit!” You shout, feeling the boiling milk overflow right onto your hand. “Oh my god, mother–“
“Y/N!” Jin shouts from the kitchen door. “What do you think you’re doing?”
“Sorry, Jin,” You gasp. “I just–“
“I don’t care! Get back to work without cussing in front of the customers.” And he is gone.
“Don’t worry, dear,” You turn around to see Minji at the counter. “He’s probably just stressed out.”
“I don’t see how’s that’s my fault,” You frown, trying to ignore the pain in your hand. “He’s been like that since yesterday…”
“Do you know why?”
“I can guess,” You mumble, thinking back to the woman that asked for him… Sana, you think is what he called her.
“Maybe you should talk to him,” Minji suggests while fishing for change. “You two are a team. He can’t function without you, and vice-versa.”
A team… I’ve never been part of a team, you think, waving her goodbye. Does he really need me?
Your confirmation is the sound of, what you assume to be, many baking trays falling to the ground, and a loud, loud “god-fucking-damnit” echoing in the suddenly very quiet bakery.
So you wait. You wait for the last costumer to leave to exhale, shoulders moving with each deep breath as you walk to the kitchen, stoping at the door. You see Jin, head low and defeated as he half-heartedly cleaned some utensils.
“Can we talk?”
You realize you sound slightly obnoxious, but you don’t care. This is something that has to be done.
“What’s up?” He sighs, hands massaging the side of his head. He looks exhausted and irritated, and for a second you pause– has he slept? Is he okay? He looks way more tired than before…
On one of the tables has tea and cookies and for a second it looks like the night you were hired, when you were feeling the lowest you’ve ever felt. And now here you are; chin high, heart beating bit too fast, and sweat dripping down your back. So stressed. You are stressed– and yet, happy.
“Seriously, Y/N, what’s up?” He sits down, taking a bite of a cookie. “I am not having a good day as it is and–“
“What is up with you?” You speak so fast that all Jin does is stare at you and blink. “Sorry. I don’t mean to be nosy, but I do worry about you. And the bakery. You’re being an asshole and it’s bothering the clients… and me. Mainly me. But the clients, too.”
“Did you just call me an asshole?” He mumbles, processing your words. “Y/N–“
“No, seriously, what is up with you?” You repeat. “Ever since that woman, Sana, came by, you–“
“That’s none of your business,” Jin spits out, getting up and marching to the kitchen. “Now get ready to close up.”
“That!” You shout, pointing at him. “You’re being that! Sana comes by, and suddenly I am your punching bag! Jin, we’re a team, for crying out loud! I am here for you– I am the one that spends the whole day with you, that eats with you, that organizes the fucking kitchen for you! And all you do I shout at me!”
“I’m your boss!” He shouts, and then he realizes he’s just proving your point. Clearing his throat, he continues. “What do you want from me?”
“I want my partner!” You scream, holding tears back. I’m your boss. Not partner; boss. “Whenever you needed me to stay late to clean, and help with the bills, and the accounting– I was here! Whenever you got cooped up in the kitchen ‘trying something new’ or ‘getting ready for tomorrow,’ I was by myself managing this whole place; clients, orders, mails, flowers, decorations–“
“She was there for me, too!” Jin screams, turning to face you and is he crying?! “Sana was there for me too…”
“What does that–“
“She was there and then she wasn’t,” He frowns, angrily marching closer to you. “Sana left me when things got tough. I was getting ready to open the bakery, money wasn’t coming in, no investors, no loans, and then, no Sana. So I’m sorry if I’m a bit skeptical about–“
Jin stops himself before he can finish, but it’s in his eyes.
“Me?” You whisper, hurt and disappointed. “Skeptical about me?”
“What do you want from me?” He begs, coming closer and closer, and you can’t help but back away.
“I was happy,” You whisper, hand covering your mouth in a failed attempt to hold everything in. Hold it in, hold it in, Y/N. For the last time, hold it in. “I was finally happy, Jin. I quit my job for this– for a chance to maybe, just maybe, make a difference. But I guess I never will.”
You take off your apron, and carefully leave it on the table, next to the now-cold-tea.
“At least before I got paid better…” You mumble as you walk to the door, and you honestly don’t think he’ll hear you; but Jin does, and before anything else hits, he’s already on attack mode.
“Then go back,” His hand slams down on the table and you freeze. “Go back to whatever job you were before and never told me about. That’s funny, Y/N– you want me to tell you everything, and yet you won’t tell even tell me what you used to do!”
“I used to work at JYPE,” You say, voice suddenly calm. You are so tired that you don’t even see the point of this anymore. “I was part of the Marketing team, and I used to make nine times more then what I make here. I used to think I was doing something important, Jin. But that was stupid.”
“What?” He gasps. “Why are you here?”
“Because after I quit JYPE, I though I’d never be the kind of person who’d let other walk all over her again,” Your voice is wavy and soft and small, and you just want to leave. Your eyes are fixed on his hands, balled into fists, and you are shaking. “I thought I’d never be screamed at or pointed at or scared again. So I stayed.”
“And now?” He asks, sitting down in defeat. “Why are you still here?”
“I don’t know,” You shrug. “I guess I should go. See you tomorrow.”
“You’re coming back?” There is hope in Jin’s voice and selfishly enough, it give you a bit of hope too.
“I still need a job,” You sniff, looking for your jacket.
“You can get a job anywhere,” He points out, but you choose to ignore it and walk out the door.
You were wrong, Minji, you think, sobbing your way home. I’m alone again.
“Good morning,” Jin greets you at the bakery door with two coffee cups in hand. Squinting, you manage to catch the Starbucks sign on the edge of the cup.
“That’s not–“
“Nope,” He pops his lips.
“What are you doing out here, Jin?” You sigh, shivering a bit. “It’s freezing.” “I wanted to get here before you,” He smiles a closed smile, trying to hide his uncomfortableness. “But I forgot I gave you my key before making a copy so you could get here to prep the place…”
“Ah, yes,” You fish the keys off, opening the place up for him. “Go in…”
Without even realizing your start your routine, completely ignoring your boss’s curious stare from where he is sitting on the counter. Apron is on, and you are ready; cleaning the place is the quickest chore, you mop the floor, and clean the tables, and make sure that Jin’s butt is not forever engraved in the counter where many people eat from.
“Jin, go sit on the tables,” You mumble, putting the chairs down and around the small sitting area.
And just as he gets up, coffees now lukewarm in his hands, you move on to the last and most important task– the kitchen. Still irritated from the last night, you march into the ‘forbidden area’ and do your best to silently move the utensils around without him noticing. Like it or not, Jin was still your boss, and angry or not, you still worried about him, so making sure that everything he needs is in order and in place for him to go through the day smoothly.
“What are you doing?” He asks, and you almost drop a mixing bowl on your feet.
“Oh, sorry,” Shaking your head as if to get out of a daze, you mumble to yourself something about never going back there again. “Force of habit…”
“Wait,” He runs into the kitchen, and then back to you, stoping your fidgeting hands from checking the cashier for the third time. On the outside you might’ve seem distracted and a bit too calm, but Jin had spent enough time with you to know when you are a complete mess of emotions. “You do this every morning?”
“Uh, yeah…” You clear your throat, trying to avoid the inevitable confrontation that is about to happen. “I know you asked me to stop, and-and I will! I promise!”
“No, you don’t have to, it’s… it’s perfect,” He breathes out. “Since when do you do this? And why?”
“Since you gave me the keys,” You mumble, nervously bitting your lips. “You weren’t getting any sleep and the kitchen was always a mess after you left and I thought that maybe leaving everything ready for the next morning would help… you know, be more efficient and stuff.”
“I’ll stop!” You sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose. “I don’t want to fight, Jin. I’m still exhausted from yesterday and I just really want to get to work. Please.”
“No fighting,” He promises. “And I’m sorry. I was an idiot. Probably still am. I didn’t mean to shout at you or make you cry, I just–“
“I get it, Jin,” You walk to him, putting a hand on his shoulder. “Really. Let’s just forget it and go back to work, yeah? We have to open soon.”
“No, Y/N, wait,” Jin grabs your wrists and pulls you closer, holding you in a tight hug. “Let’s not open today.”
“What?!” You pull away and look at him with wide eyes.
“You were right!” He smiles, eyes crinkling in that way that lets you know that a particular fine batch of scones is coming out or that a new recipe is about to be added to the menu. So cute… “We’re a team! I can’t work without you, Y/N, or else I’d go insane. And no one could ever take care of the store the way you do– or make the clients happy, or– or take care of me! So I trust you; when you say you want to stay in the bakery, when you say we are a team, when you say you won’t leave… I trust you, I promise.”
“What is happening?” You whisper to yourself as Jin runs around gabbing his jacket and bag.
“We’re going to have a bonding day!” He announces, pushing you out and into the street. “Let’s go! I have an idea.”
Turns out Jin’s idea was having ramyun by the river, sitting on a cold bench, asking you questions about your life.
“I’m assuming you majored in Marketing?” He asks, chuckling to himself. “I still can’t believe you worked at JYPE… did you meet anyone famous? Oh! Did you meet GOT7?”
You roll your eyes playfully. “Well, you’re wrong, actually,” You smile to yourself. “I majored in Literature. Marketing is just where I ended up. And yes, I’ve met GOT7, and no, I don’t have their phone numbers, before you ask.”
He mumbles something about wanting to become best friends with Jackson and you take the time to look around; the sun was high in the sky, contrasting with the cold weather, illuminating everything around… particularly Jin. The sun hit on half of his face, and the last thing you remember is him talking about how BamBam is such a good rapper– the rest is lost in the air once you start noticing his sharp features. His hair covering his eyes, and his jawline, and just how beautiful his smile is. Objectively speaking, you know how handsome your boss is, and you know he knows it too, with his smirks and winks and air-kisses whenever he comes out of hiding in the kitchen and greets the customers properly. But this was the first time you actively noticed it… and enjoyed it.
“Y/N?” Jin calls, waving his hand in front of your face. “Y/N, are you listening to me?”
“Jin, what are we doing?” You sigh, smiling a bit. “What’s happening right now?”
“We’re bonding,” He answers softly. “I thought that was what you wanted?”
“I–“ You stop yourself, because, honestly, you have no idea what you want. “I– Yeah, I wanted to bond and-and get to know you better, I guess, but so far you told me nothing.”
“What do you mean?” Jin frowns and something in you stirs, making you ball your hands in fists to stop yourself from soothing his forehead. What is happening to me? “I told you a bunch of stuff. My favorite color, my college days, my childhood… I told you all about that.”
“Jin…” You sigh, looking right into his eyes, and disappointment is all you see in him; disappointment at himself for ever letting you down, to begin with. “You know that’s not what I mean.”
“I’m trying,” He pouts, eyes looking down at his hands in shame. “I’m doing my best, but I don’t like talking about that stuff… specially now that she’s back.”
“What does that mean?” You ask, hands covering his. Your thumb goes up and down and up and down on his palms and you feel all of the warmth and love that comes out of those hands. “You know what? I have an idea. Come with me.”
It takes you a while to convince him to let you drive, but with a little emotional speech he throws the keys at you and runs to passenger seat. The ride is quiet and you ask him to close his eyes once you start getting close.
“We’re almost there,” You tell him, a small smile on your face. “I’m going to open the window, just letting you know.”
Turning onto the street, you shimmy with glee upon seeing the bakery. Jin’s hair is flowing with the wind and you want to crack a joke about how he look like a model, but the very faint smell of sugar and cookies fill up the car, and you can see Jin sniffing the familiar smell. Although the bakery had been closed all day, the familiarity of the area is enough to bring back the smell that for weeks now has offered you comfort and happiness, and you sure that even with his eyes closed, Jin could feel the same.
“Are we–“
“Why?” He slowly opens his eyes, looking at you with such intensity that you can’t help but blush.
“Because this is your safe space,” You mumble, parking and turning off the car. “You are yourself in there– in the kitchen, baking, thinking, singing. It’s the happiest I’ve seen you. Ever. And me. It’s the happiest I’ve been, Jin. So if there is anywhere that I think we should have this talk, is here.”
“Y/N… wow, I just,” He chokes on his words as he looks around, following you inside. “Thank you.”
You smile, going straight to the counter and reaching behind the cashier. “And I also keep this stashed in case of emergencies.”
“You’ve been here for just three months!” Jin screeches when he sees the bottle of tequila. “What emergency could happen in just three months?!”
“This one,” You point at him, pulling two latte cups from the shelf. You pour two shots, one for you and one for him, and signal for him to throw it back. Once your done, you do it again. “Okay, I’m ready now.”
“Really?” He coughs, making a disgusted face. “Two shots in and only now you’re ready?”
“… yeah,” you nod, eyes wide. He smiles, a sort of smile that makes you smile, too, and he nods.
“Okay,” He downs his third shot and you follow. “Okay. Now I’m ready too. So… Sana? This is what you want to know about?”
“Yes,” You nod a bit too fast and you can already start feeling your head spin a tiny bit.
He chuckles, more to himself the anything.
“We met when we were teenagers,” Jin starts, smiling with the fond memory. “Our parents were really good friends and I guess it just just made sense when we started dating. They were happy and I think that’s what made us think we were happy, too. We dated through college, on and off, and a year ago, when I started planning for the bakery, Sana starting planning for something else… she wanted to get married.”
“Uh, was she… pregnant?” You mumble, trying to wrap your head around it.
“No,” He frowns. “Thank god, no. We wouldn’t work. We didn’t work, actually. When I told her that she needed to wait a bit, a year or so, she said that she had already waited for too long. She told me that she had wasted her best years on me, hoping that one day I’d ask for her to marry me, and we would start a family and grow old together and… and I realized that that’s not what I wanted. Sure I loved her and I wanted a future with her, but I also wanted to have a future. The family, the apartment by the river, the kids; it would all cost me of my one dream– this bakery. And I wasn’t ready to give that up.”
You nod in understanding; shoving a dream aside for someone else is something that you got quite used to back in your old company, and it hurt to see that same kind of sadness in the eyes of this man that you’ve only seen working with love.
“But you didn’t,” You pour him another shot that he takes instantly. “You persevered, Kim Seokjin. That’s more than I can say for myself.”
He nods. “Yeah, but at what cost?” His voice is dry and small. For the first time ever since you met him, the big and tall man seemed small like a child. You just wanted to embrace him, and embrace him you did. The inhibition that comes with the alcohol is all you needed to push your body off of your chair and hug Jin, hands slowly patting his back in support. “I lost Sana and it took me months to pull myself together and get the loans for the bakery. I remember waiting to hear from the bank and thinking that maybe I shouldn’t be doing this; maybe I was wrong in putting everything aside from this; that maybe Sana was right, you know? This would never work. “
“But it did!” He chuckles, voice wavering. When you feel the tears soaking through your shirt, and just hold him tighter. “It worked and why do I still feel so fucking alone?”
His shoulders shake with the intensity of his sobs and you hold yourself back from crying, too.
“You’re not alone, Jin,” You whisper into his hair, cradling his head with careful hands. “You’re never alone. Literally. I’m always here, and the costumers love you so much–“
“Sure, I’m not alone when I’m in the bakery,” He pulls aways a little bit so that he can look at you, hands on your waist as he makes guides you to sit down on the corner of the table. “But when I go home? To an empty apartment? I’m by myself, Y/N. And I hate it.”
“Is that why you refused to go home for the first weeks of me working here?” He nods at your question and you wonder just how many nights he spent in these same tables, crying, sleeping, thinking. “Jin…”
“I’m better, though,” Jin’s eyes stare right into yours and his hands soften on your waits, moving a bit down to rest on top of your thighs. You eyes flutter with the shivers that run all though your body, but you keep focused on the man before you, scooting his chair a bit closer so that he can position himself in between your open legs. “Ever since you got here, Y/N, I’ve been better.”
Jin gets up, taking a step closer to you; and another, and another, and then his nose nuzzles yours, and his hands move back to your waist, hanging dangerously lower than before. His breath fans your mouth and you gasp with the intense need that takes over your body as you pull him closer by his hoodie, mouth hungrily moving against his. There is not an inch of your bodies that don’t touch and you think that the alcohol has something to do with this impulsive decision. A part of you tells you to pull away– this is your boss, after all; but the other part of you, the stronger and crazier part of you, tells you to pull his hoodie off of him and let him remove your sweater.
“Y/N,” Jin growls in your ear just as you pull his hair. “Jesus christ, you’re going to be the death of me.”
“Shut up and kiss me,” You mumble, moving from his neck back to his mouth. “I need you.”
You are the first one to utter those words– the momentary truth, you think about it, and your heart hurt a little bit. Enjoy this now, you tell yourself, allowing Jin to carry you from the table to the ground behind the counter, the only place safe from the huge windows out front. Because tomorrow it will be gone. His hands move quickly on your pants, just as you fight against his; and before you know it, you are both naked on the floor.
“Last chance,” He mumbles to your mouth. “Are you sure about this?”
“Absolutely,” You say, regret already settling in; but just like everything else, you push it aside.
When you wake up lying on the cold and uncomfortable floor by yourself, you know that what is done and is done, and that as much as you tried to stay with him, you’re the one that woke up alone.
It ends up that sleeping in the cold bakery on the cold floor is not the best idea out there and you stay in your apartment, sick and sleepy, for the next three days. You stay disconnected from everything electronic– computers, phones, television– only using the house phone to call the bakery and tell Jin you’d not be able to make it; again. You admit that hearing his voice takes you back to that intense night, and even sick, you feel a sliver of excitement growing on you, but you have only a few minutes to enjoy it, before going into another coughing fit or sneezing your brains out.
The phone is what wakes you up in the morning, and you mindlessly feel around your bedside table until you find it, buried under used tissues and a half-read book.
“Hello?” You pick it up, groggily trying to pick-up your scattered mind.
Your heart stop.
“Oh thank god you picked up,” He sighs on the other end. “I’ve been trying to get in touch with you for the past four days! I though you were ignoring me!”
“N-No, never, I-I just…” You pull away to cough. “I’m feeling a bit sick, and I’ve–“
“Oh no,” He mumbles something on the other end of the phone and it sounds like he’s talking to someone. “Send me your address, I’m bringing you breakfast and medicine.”
“Wha- No, Seojun, you don’t ha–“
“Forget it, I got it right here,” Another voice mumbles something and you stare at your phone, confused. “See you in twenty.”
Sighing in defeat, you throw the phone on the other side of the bed and move to the bathroom, hoping that a shower would help you feel more alive. It didn’t and now you just feel more tired then ever, dragging your body to the living room where you can at least enjoy a few episodes of Criminal Minds, putting the volume way down low so that your migraine doesn’t get worse. You are not sure how long its been and you might’ve fallen asleep, but the harsh knocks on the door have you jumping up and running to the door in seconds.
“Seoju–“ You stop mid-sentence, smile fading when seeing who’s next to him. “Mr. Nam. What are you doing here?”
“Y/N!” Seojun, gasps. “Don’t be rude.”
You smirk, rolling your eyes. “He’s not my boss, I owe him no respect.”
“I expected that, Seojun, don’t worry,” Mr. Nam pats Seojun back, in a supporting manner that you’ve never seen before. “Ms. Y/L/N, how have you been?”
“Look, maybe we should do this another day, I don’t feel good as it is and this is not helping,” You try to close the door, but when Mr. Nam blocked the entrance with his foot and pushed the door open, there was nothing you could do about it. “Mr. Nam. Please get out of my house.”
“Now, now, Ms. Y/L/N,” He sits on your couch and Seojun follows, barely raising his eyes from the ground in shame. “I think we need to talk.”
You break out in cold sweat and you are sure it is not thanks to the two blankets wrapped around you.
“I don’t think we have anything to talk about,” You say, voice wavering but standing your ground still.
“Don’t be disrespectful, Y/N,” Seojun practically begs. “Just sit down and listen to Mr. Nam. He just wants to talk.”
“Seojun,” You gasp, not believing that your friend is doing this to you. After you formally quit from the company, you told him what happened, and at the time he had shown you full support towards quitting.
“No,” He rises up, voice clearly angry. “Stop being a bitch, and listen to other people for once.”
This is like a punch to your stomach, and holding tears back, you excuse yourself out of your own apartment to knock on the neighbor’s door, a young man you met when you moved in.
“Hey,” You mumble, sniffling a bit, and his eyes go wide. “Hey Namjoon, c-can you help me for a sec?”
“Y-yeah, of course,” He steps out of his apartment, putting his hands on your shoulders. “Are you okay?”
“Not really,” You say, and you proceed to give him a quick overview of what happened in between you and Mr. Nam. “… and that’s why I need your help. He makes me uncomfortable and, honestly, scared, so I don’t want to be alone with them. Could you come back with me and pretend to look for something or whatever?”
“Yeah, of course!” He frowns and straightens his back, making himself even taller. “Let’s go.”
“I’m sure I left it right over there,” You say loudly, making sure that Mr. Nam and Seojun hear you coming back in with someone else. “In the kitchen.”
“Who’s that?” Mr. Nam asks as Namjoon slowly moves to the kitchen, giving him and Seojun a cold nod.
“That’s my neighbor,” You say, taking a step back from the man, keeping yourself close to the kitchen door. “He lent me something a few weeks ago and needed it back…”
“Now?” Seojun rolls his eyes. “This is ridiculous.”
“It’s okay, don’t worry,” Mr. Nam chuckles. “Can we talk now?”
“What about?”
“Sit,” Your ex-boss points at the place next to him in the couch but you prefer to sit on the armchair, separated from the couch by a center table. “Okay. I came here to tell you that we want you back.”
“We want you back, Y/N,” Mr. Nam sighs. You faintly notice Namjoon in the kitchen, but your heartbeat takes over and soon enough you can barely hear anything but the du-dum, du-dum, du-dum du-dum du-dum and you feel as if the room is spinning out of control.
“No” You mumble, starting with no strength at all but soon enough letting all your emotions out. “No way. I have a job! One that doesn’t have me crying in bathrooms; one that doesn’t have my boss abusing his power. I am finally happy and I am never going back to work for you, Jaesung Nam.” When you’re done, Namjoon is right behind you, ready to jump in whenever necessary.
“Y/N Y/L/N, apologize right now,” Seojun demands, taking a step towards you but stoping when Namjoon puts himself in the middle. “Can’t you appreciate what Mr. Nam is trying to do for you? What job could you have that is better than the one you had before?” Taking a deep breath, you ready yourself for the mocking that will surely come. “I work at the bakery a few blocks away. You probably hear of it, it’s gotten really popular.”
“Wait,” Namjoon is the one turning to you, surprised. “You work with Jin? You’re the new girl?”
“You know Jin?” You cough, chocking on your words.
“A bakery?” Mr. Nam laughs. “Y/N, come back to the company. We’ll re-instate you in the marketing team, offer you a better pay, and–“
“I used to be Marketing manager,” You sigh. “You want me back, but not enough to finally give me the recognition I deserve, huh?”
“How do you even expect me to come back when you’re offering me a demotion?” You cry out, sniffing through the stuffed nose that now seemed to be getting worse. “Y-You know what? Get the fuck out. I’m done with you two, get out before I lose my fucking mind.”
And when you least expect it, there’s another knock on the door.
“Oh my– who the fuck could that be, huh?!” You squint your eyes at your ex-coworkers. “Ms. Jung from Accounting? Mr. Lim from Editorial? Oh! No, wait, I got it– GOT7, how about that?”
You swing the door open only to see Jin looking as angry as Namjoon. He marches in, pushing you behind him, and you swear to god you’ve never seen a man wearing a black hoodie and blue jeans look so hot in your entire life. His hand is strong and warm around yours, and all the adrenaline that was previously running through your body starts to run out, and the sickness sinks in, leaving you tired once again. So tired that while all the male energy in the room is preoccupied with staring each other down, you feel faint and allow your head to rest on Jin’s back.
“What is happening over here?” Jin asks, voice low and dangerous. “Joon texted me and I ran over.”
“Nothing,” You grunt, trying to lift an arm to point at Mr. Nam, but you have no energy left in you. “They are just leaving.”
“Ms. Y/L/N, just listen to us,” Mr. Nam hisses, with that sick smile of his plastered on his face. “We have a great offer. Passing down like this is foolish, you’re being–“
“Naive?” You snap, coming out from behind Jin. “Huh? I’m being what, Mr. Nam? A scared, little girl? What you gonna do about it? Scream at me? Point at me? Steal my ideas?”
He gulps and something within you clicks.
“Is that why you’re here?” You ask, looking at both men. “Because you want my ideas?”
“Listen, you were our best marketer,” Mr. Nam says, although you know he doesn’t want to. “You came up with the best ideas for our auditions and publishing offices. We need that back.”
“Oh, that is golden,” You laugh, humorlessly. “You are back here, in my apartment, begging me to come back, because you want to steal my ideas again?!”
“Say the word, Y/N,” Namjoon mutters behind you. “Say the word and Jin-hyung and I will take care of these idiots.”
“Leave them to me,” You smile creepily. “I’ve been dying to do this for years.”
With just three long strides you walk to Mr. Nam, the man that still torments your dreams and haunts your every decision, and slap him across his face.
“Get out.”
Every word is strong and loud.
“Get out of my house, you fucking dumbass,” You hiss in his face. “Before I call the police to escort you out. If you can’t do your job, don’t come begging me to do it for you. I’m done. Leave.”
Seojun tries to grab your hand, to stop you, talk to you, beg you, you wouldn’t know– Jin got in the middle and practically dragged both of them out of your living room and into the elevator.
“We’re going to your precinct first thing in the morning,” Jin tells Namjoon and his friend nods. “We’re going to need to file restraining order for Y/N.”
“What are you talking about?” You scoff, just wanting all of this to be done so you can finally enjoy the feeling of standing up against Mr. Nam. “I just want to sleep, guys. Thanks for everything, the two of you, but I think you should go.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Jin asks you with wide, unbelieving eyes. “I’ve been trying to talk to you for four days and nothing. Then, the first time I see you again, you have two insane men in your apartment. So no; I’m not going to leave.”
You blink, not sure how to proceed. “Jin, I’m feeling really sick right now, okay? I want to explain everything, but I really just need to sleep this cold off first.”
“Then go sleep,” He pushes you to the hallway. “I’ll stay here and make you some soup for dinner. I can also go grab some medicine from Joon’s place, he has a whole pharmacy in there.”
It takes some convincing, but apparently Jin is really good at that. While you sleep, he busies himself with cooking and humming through the morning. When you wake up again, it’s barely noon, and your house is filled with the most amazing smell of kimchi-jjigae.
“Come eat,” Jin smiles a bit when he sees you standing by the kitchen door, Joon nowhere to be seen.
“You really didn’t have to,” You say, taking the pills he gives you. “But thank you. Really. It means a lot.”
“You’re welcome,” He blushes. “I was worried. You weren’t responding to my texts or answering my calls… when Namjoon texted me I was relieved for a second.”
“I’m sorry you got dragged into that,” You say, voice coming out less raspy thanks to the warmth of the soup. “I didn’t know Mr. Nam was coming here and–“
“He’s the asshole that made you quit, isn’t he?” He asks, grabbing your hand. You nod, still eating. “I can’t believe he did that to you, Y/N, I swear to god if I see him again, I’m going to end him.”
The question comes out before you can even think about it.
“Why do you care, Jin?” You smile, although quite sadly. “I mean… I woke up alone, for crying out loud. You left me, and I woke up by myself. So if you didn’t care then, why do you care now?”
“I always cared,” Jin says, rolling his eyes. He sets a plate in front of your and everything smells delicious. “I know I don’t always show it, but I always cared. The only reason I kept the cinnamon buns in the menu is so that Minji comes back every morning and talks to you– you seem happy when she’s around. I make to cook a fresh batch of chocolate chip scones just so that you have your cool down time, as I like to call it; it’s when we have almost no movement and you allow yourself to sit down and eat something, so I always try to have your favorite ready.”
“Is that why we always have an absurd amount of chocolate chip scones left?!” You ask, gasping in shock.
“Of course,” Jin laughs, watching you pout. “No one eats that atrocity. Just you.”
“So you make those just for me?” You whisper, feeling your eyes starting to tear.
“You like them,” He sighs, and when Jin finally looks at you again, you recognize the emotions swirling in his eyes. You saw them before– that night. “Jin–“
“I also talked to Sana,” He clear his throat, telling you everything he feels need to get out of the way. “She is not going to bother us again. I told her I am not going back and that we–“
You don’t care about the rest of that sentence. The us and we is all you need to finally be certain that Jin is as much in this as you are; so you kiss him. You grab him by his shirt, and for a second you have a deja-vu of the two of your drunk, on the floor, on the table; however, nothing matters once his hands find your hair and he tugs your head back, giving him more access to your mouth, your neck, your everything. Jin is as unsure as you are but soon enough you two are on the couch, his hands on your ass, bringing you as close as humanly possible.
“Y/N,” He groans, and you whine, desperate for his attention. “Goddamnit, woman.”
Your mouth moves from his, down to his neck– your teeth sinks in his skin, softly pulling a groan out of him, and you can swear you feel it down to your bones.
“I like you,” You whine, too lost in the sensation of him to actually pay attention to your words. “Fuck, Jin…”
“I like you more,” He chuckles, mouth finding yours once again, pulling and pushing, giving and taking, and taking, and taking all you can give. “I like you so much more.”
You chuckle, rolling your eyes, and when he notices, he bites your lower lip, pulling it a bit. “Careful, there princess.”
“Jin,” At this point, your head is completely empty… so empty that when you sneeze, you are as shocked as the man in from of you. “I forgot!”
“You forgot you are sick?” He laughs, making that high pitched sound you’ve grown to love so much.
“It’s all your fault,” You groan, trying to get up from the couch. He holds you down.
“Make that noise again and a stupid cold won’t be enough to keep me away from you,” He whispers in your ear, giving your neck a last nip before getting up and pulling you with him. “Now go take a nap. I need you better soon, that place is a mess without you.”
“You can just say you’re a mess without me,” You wink, moving to your room. “I won’t judge.”
For the next couple of days, Jin stuck by your side, only leaving to go grab a couple of extra clothes. He nurses you until you are feeling new again, and until you are able to go back to work. Those days had been absolute heaven; you and Jin had time to explore your new-found romance, pampering each other with kisses and compliments and the occasional make-out session. Although it took both of you some time, you had finally found each other, and you can barely sleep the night before having to go to the bakery again. You finally knew what it felt like loving your work; but now you’ve reached a new level. You get to the bakery with a smile, even if you haven’t slept a wink, and opening the place up, so that people that love the food, the drinks, the ambiance, can have a good start to their day, or a good end, if it’s late at night. And when you are finally done cleaning, you wait for Jin while sipping on some tea, watching him hum a random song; and it’s usually then that you know, you’ve never been this happy.
holy shit this was long! hahaha I think this is the longest fic I’ve ever written, but it’s worth it! I absolute love it :) what do you think? Let me know in the comments! Your opinion matters the world to me <3
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Blog Entry 6
10 days ago marked the 2 year anniversary of the death of my best friend of 11 years. She was born 03/11/1996, died 08/20/2019, right before the pandemic started rampaging. Writing that word, “died”…it’s hard. Harder to say. It’s been a rough time since then. I went into the pandemic already severely depressed, anxious and grieving for her loss. Then I got reinjured at work and fell behind on bills because my doctor didn’t properly fill out a document so my 7 months worth of worker’s compensation claims were denied. A lot has happened. I mean A LOT. I know nobody actually reads this blog. I use it more for a place to vent and make order of the emotional soup and rampaging mess that are my thoughts. I’ve spoken to 3 therapists in that time and all of them recommended I should go to a psychiatrist, that I might need to be medicated. Unfortunately all of that is expensive and I fell so far behind on my bills from the 7 months of no income that everything I started earning once I got cleared to return to work, I used to catch up as much as I could. I ended my marriage in 2019 as well. The loss of Lash (my bff) made me realize how short life is and how one day I could die, seemingly out of nowhere and have never cared about my happiness. I had to be selfish for a time, I had to choose me and in that process I realized something about myself. I’m polyamorous. Maybe I’ll get into all that in the next blog entry.
Not everything that has happened has been negative, however. After 7 year of destroying my body and mental health, I quit my federal job and decided to start over somewhere new. I’m moving to the country and am going to start my dream of building a self sufficient homestead. Getting into all those details would entitle an entirely different blog so I’ll move past that to the biggest blessing I have received. Sometime through my time being separated and decide to focus on me I met her. We met at the club, she asked me for my number, and for someone severely introverted that gets you points. Anyway I gave her my info that night and six months later, I asked her to be my girlfriend on a camping trip. Being polyamorous is weird sometimes. To experience the heartbreak of ending a marriage while experiencing he high of falling in love with someone new made me feel like I was going insane. At times guilty as if I was wrong, but after all this time to be home and do research, educate myself and speak to others like me, I learned that it was normal and it would all fall into place with time. Spoiler, it did.
Fast forward to today, I’m writing again, my mental health is still a struggle but I’ve cleared the mind space enough to remember my passions. I have project ideas and new ways to share infinite consciousness with those around me. September 1st we are leaving on our long road trip north to a new adventure, and the best part is I for once feel safe and like I’m not carrying the weight of the world and it’s responsibilities alone. She showed me a new kind of love. I’m beyond grateful to have her in my life.
So that’s what I have been up to…anyway, now that we got that over with I have some of those random thoughts to share. I started reading a revised version of the Gnostic Bible and it pushed me to these random thoughts. See, I’ve always felt this weird fear with religion. I mean apart from the trauma of growing up in a aggressively Pentecostal household, as an adult religion makes a weird dark feeling crawl up my spine. According to the Gnostics, the god of the christian bible is actually the bad son of the actual real life force energy and this planet was created out of envy and jealousy. Making it the reason why this world is so full of darkness, pain and anguish. They say we were imprisoned in this physical form by a him as a way to try and harness the energy our souls carry. The way to salvation being knowledge, not as in book smart but as in true infinite wisdom. The knowledge of ourselves, past present future all connecting us to the real creator.
I’m still working on finishing the book but just the bit I read opened up a whole new can of worms because lately I’ve been feeling off. My existential crisis has been flaring, I find myself disassociating a lot or going about my days in a fog. I hear things when nothing is there and I’ve been absorbing people’s emotions too much for my own good. I get random moments of extreme sadness on days when my morning went great. Idk how my gf deals with it but she’s been keeping me grounded. She has bpd, and adhd so she has her own battles to fight and I always help her as I should, we keep each other above water, yet I feel most days she’s better of without me, not because I’m no good but because I feel like I wont ever feel normal, like I don’t belong in this reality. There’s a darkness about this dimension. IDK wtf is going on but people are walking around empty eyed, I guess a pandemic will do that to us.
I’m not giving up, don’t worry, but I keep feeling like a huge change is coming and if I don’t do something about my noggin I’ll miss out on being a apart of the shift that is nearing. In my opinion we’ll either be the generation that changes this planets course or, we’ll let the dark forces win and cause us to be so busy fighting with one another to try and stop the train of humanity which is barreling down the tracks towards a cliff that will toss us right off the edge of existence. Millennials and GenZ are creating a lot of noise currently, I’m proud. I just wish more of us would stick to it instead of just posting when it’s viral. I’ve decided that being as my social anxiety is so bad, I’ll start working on my grain of salt by using my creative energy. I’ll try to build a platform, a stage where I can express myself and educate through the communication noise of 1s and 0s that is the internet.
I’ve been told that the best thing to do to fight low frequencies and pain is to produce alot of love energy. So I’ll start there. As always remember I am here. If you need an ear or someone to tell happy things to. Maybe that’ll help. Maybe hearing your good will help me appreciate mine more. I’ll be back tomorrow. I have a project to get started. I have dreams of an audiobook series. I decided to stop letting it stay a dream.
Much love. Day
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gallagherwitt · 4 years
Socialism, Capitalism, & Coronavirus.
I've seen at least a dozen people post to the effect of "now that you've had a taste of socialism (restricted movement, curfews, long lines for food) how do you like it?"
Putting aside the part where anyone posting this is fully showing their ass and demonstrating how little they actually know about socialism, let's talk about the role CAPITALISM is playing in our country's present dire straits!
In the middle of a pandemic where (absent any viable alternatives) experts have recommended shutdowns and social distancing to slow the spread, the United States is faced with:
People losing their jobs and, along with them, access to healthcare (a uniquely American problem). In the middle of a pandemic. That our lawmakers even have to discuss if COVID-19 testing and treatment will be covered is a purely capitalist and American scenario.
 Companies that had *billion* dollar profits suddenly demanding (and receiving) multi billion dollar government bailouts while also laying off workers, and those bailouts being justified as "without these companies, no one will have jobs to go back to."
Workers at risk of losing their homes because rent/mortgage freezes aren't happening like they are in other countries.
Lawmakers actually debating how much individuals should receive for the stimulus and for unemployment because if we give them too much money, they won't have an incentive to go back to work. Instead of figuring out how much money people actually need to survive, they chose the absolute bare minimum ($1,200 is the equivalent of 1 month's pay at $7.50/hour for 40 hours). The priority is not making sure people survive, it's making sure they're still broke enough to be willing to go back to work when this is over.... because those companies mentioned in #2 are nothing without their workforce, even if their pay, benefits, and treatment of the same don't even begin to reflect that.  
While we hotly debate "how will we pay for it???" every time there's a discussion of helping small businesses and individual workers, our government injects *over a trillion dollars* into the stock market to keep it afloat.
If workers are in such dire straits after only a few weeks, then clearly they should manage and save their money better! No. Those billion dollar companies who pay workers the absolute bare minimum and suddenly need bailouts despite a) massive profits in previous quarters and b) had enormous tax windfalls last year which they squandered on stock buybacks -- THEY should be managing their money better. And paying more taxes.
The same people who screech about socialism being deadly and oppressive are unironically demanding the right to return to work. They're rejecting a society where (particularly in a crisis) we take care of each other like the social animals we are, and instead are *begging* for the right to return to work because they believe in the system where if you're not working, you deserve nothing. They shout that "even during a pandemic, we can't kill the economy" without realizing that WE DON'T HAVE TO BUT CAPITALISM DEMANDS IT. Under capitalism, you can either have a thriving economy OR you can weather a pandemic like this with minimal casualties.
Only under capitalism are farmers throwing away food and milk while food banks are desperate for food to provide to those in need. We are literally letting crops rot and people starve because profit is paramount. This has been going on for a long time, but the fact that it continues during a crisis like this is about as American and capitalist as you can get.
We are in the middle of a crisis, and we're debating who *deserves* help and *how much* instead of acting like a society and just helping everyone until the crisis is over. But that's socialism, and the same people who reject that are marching in the streets and demanding the right to return to work, and they can't even begin to see the irony.
People don't HAVE to starve, lose their homes, lose their jobs, lose their businesses, and lose their healthcare, even while we get through COVID-19. We as a society can choose to reject profit as the top priority, and instead prioritize people. We as a nation can make changes -- some temporary to get us through the crisis, others permanent to prevent this from happening again -- but Americans are too quick to reject anything that resembles socialism (read: anything that helps someone who hasn't labored to earn it), and instead cling to not only capitalism, but to its cruelest manifestation.
The point here is not to suggest that socialism is the perfect way to go or that it never goes awry for the working class. The point is that in all our kneejerk Red Scare responses to anything that even *smells* like socialism, we've created a society in which people will literally march to demand the right to put themselves at risk in order to work for the wealthy capitalists who feed them scraps and expect them to be grateful for it.
We don't have to live like this. The answer is not 100% socialism, but Americans have got to acknowledge that the answer is not 100% capitalism either. The answer in fact lies somewhere in the middle, where people have their basic needs met, workers are properly compensated, healthcare is not a privilege, and no one suffers at the bottom while a handful hoard wealth at the top.  
We CAN have better wages, better healthcare, better living conditions.
But first we have to let go of our fear of socialism.
We have to let go of our infatuation with capitalism.
We have to let go of the idea that America is somehow unique and that those systems that work in other nations won't work here (American exceptionalism is pure unadulterated nonsense).
We have to find an answer that prioritizes people over profit.
(Okay to share but please don't remove my name.)
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air-in-words · 4 years
The Phantom of the Opera: Sorting Hat Chats System
I have returned! This time, I'm talking about one of my longest running obsessions: The Phantom of the Opera musical. Keep in mind, this will only be in reference to the way the characters are presented in the musical, so the housing may be different in different media.
Also, if you have any questions about the system, I'd direct you to my last post about Scooby-Doo, or to @sortinghatchats (the originators of the system) and @wisteria-lodge (my personal favorite fan sorter.)
First off, as discussed elsewhere, stories themselves can have houses as well! Since this musical is my absolute favorite and I have dissected it on more than one occasion, I feel I can speak on the houses this story comments on. At it's core, Phantom is a story that sets the Gryffindor Primary way of life against the Slytherin way, and forces the heroine to acknowledge what kind of person she is. Is she a fighter or a lover?
In this story, Gryffindor Primary says that your ideals are most important. What is right and what is good should win out in the end. Those who are wrong should be punished and evil and good truly exist in this world. There are angels and there are demons, and only the angels have earned their right to love.
Meanwhile, the Slytherin Primary says love is the final word. It argues that you love who you love, and all is fair in love and war. And that doesn't just mean romantic love. Creative love, familial love, friendly love, love of one's career.... all of these are beyond "good" and "evil," "right" and "wrong." Love is not created by seeing the goodness of a person, and can exist despite the existence of evil there, and that is okay.
The moral of this story, in my opinion, falls in the Slytherin camp. And that is because two of three main characters are Slytherin Primaries, and it is through their love, of art, of creation, and of each other (romantically or not) that the main conflict is resolved.
I'll only be sorting the three main characters, as they're really all I need to illustrate this point. Here we go!
The Phantom: Slytherclaw (Exploded Slytherin Primary, Ravenclaw Secondary)
The Phantom is an ultimate example of the "Jack of All Trades" Ravenclaw Secondary. He is a scholar, musician, composer, singer, architect, inventor... the list goes on. He is a collector of tools, and these tools he uses to compensate for his deformity. He has made himself overly competent to feel better and as though he might deserve a place at humanity's table. He uses careful planning and control over an environment he claims is his to give the impression of being a ghost. That brings us to his Exploded Slytherin Primary, or rather, his initially Petrified Slytherin Primary. Being a ghost is the dream of any Petrified Slytherin. To become a literal non-entity, unable to be hurt, unable to love, unable to care for anyone other than themselves. He was very unfortunate to be born with a Slytherin Primary housing, as the rejection of those he loved lead him to his petrifying. He wanted no one in his circle but himself and sought to other himself purposefully, removing himself from society. Until, he met Christine. Her love of music and creation, a love he had used to replace his need for chosen people, helped him to connect, and he slowly began to un-petrify. This could have been a healthy thing for him, a way for him to return to life, but no. He was so certain he'd never need anyone else, never want anyone else, never find anyone else that he clung desperately to her, became obsessed, and we watch his explosion throughout the musical. In one fell swoop, he went from entirely petrified to an explosion of pent-up love and devotion aimed only at her, all his love for the chosen people before him aimed only at her. And, with his newly ignited love, he tries to convince Christine to be only with him, care only for him, which as an Exploded Slytherin Primary, feels like the only way to properly love someone, the only right way to live, and murder and extortion are perfectly respectable ways to attempt to hang onto that love. So, he asks her to give in to the "music of the night." Her love of music, creation, and her devotion to him as her Angel of Music. But, there is another man in her life, telling her there's a higher calling, a higher judge of character than love.
Raoul de Chagny: True Gryffindor (Gryffindor Primary, Gryffindor Secondary)
I know Raoul has a reputation of being a soft-hearted guy, but this guy is most definitely a Gryffindor Secondary. After not seeing Christine for years, he has no problem coming into her dressing room uninvited and inviting her to dinner, and expects no pushback from her. He is quick to judgement, confronting the managers about sending him a note that he has little proof they sent. He makes himself as a barrier against evil, as he swears with confidence that he will protect Christine from a man who has already killed once. He is filled with fiery passion for doing what is right above all else and will barrel over any evil-doer who stands in his way, an old school Knight in Shining Armor. But, his Gryffindor Primary ultimately leads him into conflict with the woman he loves. After having seen this monster attack innocent people, he is sure that Christine would want to run away with him and condemn the Phantom for all time, but he is utterly confused by her reaction. Not only is she not running away, she's actively refusing to help capture him and pushing against him! Why?? Raoul's extreme Gryffindor-ness leads him down into the lair to save her when she is taken, to be immediately rendered useless by both the punjab lasso and the plot. His righteous nature is not wrong, and in many other stories, he would be the hero of the day. But, this is a Slytherin story, and so love is the only solution.
Christine Daaé: Slytherpuff (Slytherin Primary, Hufflepuff Secondary)
We spend a lot of the musical inside Christine's head, more than we spend watching her physically act in reality, but we can still figure out her secondary. Her Hufflepuff Secondary comes out in her devotion to her craft. She is a hard worker and takes her art very seriously. But, Christine can also be a doormat, allowing people like Carlotta to walk all over her for far too long out of fear of rocking the boat. She is regarded as a quiet and kind woman who works diligently at her craft, so Puff Secondary felt right. Now, for her most defining trait in the musical, her (almost unhealthy) Slytherin Primary. Christine has never quite petrified, but she has come very close. Her father was, and, for a while into the musical, still is, her entire world. He was her only companion in life for a very long time, and all of her creative energy came from her love for him. Then, she met Raoul as a child. The young and charming True Gryffindor was easily able to slip past her shyness with his Gryff Secondary panache, and she had found another chosen person to bring into her life. Even after they were separated, she never forgot him and continued to love and appreciate him. Then, her father died. She nearly petrified, wanted to push most people away, especially with Raoul nowhere to be found, but the Angel of Music her father promised her came to her. The Angel replaced her father in her circle of chosen people and became the most important person in her life. She would sing for him out of devotion and love, just like her father was a muse to her. But, Raoul's sudden return into her life creates the conflict. Things have changed, Raoul. She has someone she feels a loyalty to that she cannot break. Even as her Angel is proven to be a deformed man, even after he has murdered, even then, she cannot bring herself to despise him and shun him. When you're in with a Slytherin, you're in hard. It is only when the Phantom tries to take advantage of her grief at her father's grave, only after she fully confronts that her father is never coming back, that she can bring herself to fully side against him with Raoul. The Phantom should know how much her father means to her. He should understand. A Slytherin using another Slytherin's person against them is the ultimate betrayal. The next betrayal came when he threatened to take away Raoul, her last chosen person beyond the Phatom himself, trying to force her to become like him and live in the darkness alone. Instead, it is through Christine's Slytherin-like act of love towards Phantom, even beyond his horrible acts, that ends his tirade.
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Let me know what you think of my analysis! [And, if anyone in the Phandom sees this: yes, I love Raoul. No, I don't like LND. I'm technically a fan of both E/C and R/C, but I believe R/C is ultimately canon and better aligns with the moral of the original story. Meghan Picerno is my current favorite Christine (love me an operatice Christine,) Jordan Donica is the best Raoul to ever grace the stage and deserves a spin at the Phantom, and Earl Carpenter has my favorite acting interpretation of the Phantom even if his singing was only okay.]
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