#would u listen 2 their collab yes/no
weezeranitsweezy · 2 months
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contender for most image ive ever made
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joongbin · 9 months
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you're seungmin’s childhood friend who had been supporting him through thick and thin, seungmin hadn't thought of you as anything besides his bestest, most lovable friend he had, until one day he had felt an unfamiliar attraction toward you.
pairings ; kim seungmin x male reader
warnings ; reader is oblivious, seungmin is head over heels, one sided pining (sm).
genre ; fluff 2 angst.
inspired by im serious by day6 .. u could also listen to you were beautiful by day6 ,, set the mood up!! also idk attempted angst
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You and Seungmin were friends for as long as you could remember, right up until now. You supported him through his idol life, and even attending a few concerts just to see him.
He appreciated all of them, seeing you in the crowds just made him wanna perform better to impress you, yes, of course his members notice it, but they don't mind.
You two hung out whenever his schedule wasn't packed to the brim. You had asked him to meet up at a local coffee shop near his agency, just to catch up with the recent events in your life.
Seungmin immediately grabbed his phone, a smile on his face appearing as he looked at the notification; it was you. Changbin chuckled and nudged his shoulder.
“ (name) again? ” Changbin smirked at him, earning a slap on the shoulder from the younger male. Seungmin replied to your text swiftly with an okay and a cute emoji before leaving the agency.
He hadn't seen you in weeks since the new comeback, he was busy with music shows, collabs, interviews, and more. He was unexpectedly excited to meet you again.
Seungmin walked through the doors and saw you sitting at a table. He walked over to you, smiling brightly as he sat opposite to you.
“ Min, it's so good to see you again! How are you? ” you say, a cheerful smile appearing on your face. He'd always see this smile whenever meeting you, but for some reason, today he felt different, like butterflies were flying around in his stomach.
“ It's been good, and busy. What about you? ” Seungmin couldn't hide his feelings at all, but he didn't know what the feeling was, looking at you just made him .. feel weird.
“ I've been good. I watched .. well, most of your recent comeback videos. You were great on stage, Min. ” you complimented him, you always did, but today was different. He chuckled, looking away from your gaze.
“ Thanks. Well, um — did you order anything? ” Seungmin changed the subject, not wanting to feel such feelings anymore. You nodded.
“ Yeah, I did. Order at the counter if you want something. ” you pointed at the counter before he immediately got up to order. His face was burning up and he didn't want you to see him like that.
He ordered a simple black coffee before walking back to your table.
As you both talked for what seemed like hours, sipping drinks here and there, Seungmin's heart was aching. Aching for you.
But you didn't know that, and he didn't want you to know. He doesn't even know if you like him or not, maybe you do, or don't. He didn't wanna risk it.
As the days went by, he was left staring at the ceiling of his dorm. Asking himself, why? Why does he like you so suddenly? His heart ached as he picked up his phone and started scrolling through past messages he had with you.
“ Damn it. ” he muttered. Seungmin closed his phone and tried his best to go back to sleep.
It was the next day, and he got an unexpected message from you, one that would destroy him completely. You told him to meet you at the local coffee shop from the last time you met.
Walking toward the coffee shop, there you were, with your boyfriend of 2 years. He opened the door, waving at you.
“ Hi guys. ” Seungmin put on a smile, while you greeted him back. He wasn't listening, his heart aching as you introduced him to your boyfriend and back.
God, he was foolish. To think that he had a chance with you. As you talked, his feelings for you grew even more.
“ Min, I'm so sorry. We have to go now. ” You briefly checked your watch before smiling sweetly at your friend, patting his shoulder as he waved at you while you and your boyfriend left the shop.
Seungmin sat quietly in the shop, before abruptly leaving and going back to his dorm. He threw himself on the bed, pouring his heart out as tears stained the bedsheets.
The members were out on their own today, so he was left all alone, crying as he longed for you, but couldn't. You were someone else's.
He was happy if you were happy, but his happiness wouldn't last long. His sniffles and hiccups filled the empty room, his eyes puffy.
He loved you, but you didn't.
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vampdes · 1 year
— “FRANTIC CONFESSIONS.” [love is a trivial thing, is it not? it’s especially hard when one is to propose to their beloved. and, on that note, just how would cod men react to their beloved proposing?]
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GENRE. js pure fluff 🫶🏾
PAIRINGS. [separate & in order] ghost, könig, leon kennedy & carlos oliveria.
CW. lowercase intended, surprise proposals + ghost’s is kinda,, I WAS FEELIN SILLY 😼
NOTES. [kinda a] collab w rel [@asukases]! this for the 1k special? maybe, maybe not. ALSO YES, I DID INDEED ONLY DO MY FAVORITES. I JS WANT MY BOYS 2 BE APPRECIATED FRFR 💕 okay, ENJOYYY ⭐
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GHOST ; “are you sure?”
now, now listen, I KNOW WHAT THE FANS 4 GONNA SAY “he’s expressionless” GET OFF MY LINE W THAT!!
this man will fold 4 u, NO MATTER WHAT. he’s learned to cherish what the loves and hold it to his heart, even if his heart is a stone.
BUT NEVERTHELESS, if you ever proposed to him, he’s literally “😧” frfr. he’d sit down for a second before standing right back up like, “huh?”
he js doesn’t want u 2 regret asking him years from now! he’s in the army, he puts his life on the line everyday! he doesn’t want u to spend the rest of ur life grieving if, one day, he does indeed die in the line of duty.
“are you sure?”
HE’S HOPPIN UP N DOWN TO SAY YES BRO, but he js wants to make sure that ure okay w it b4 anything. n even if u did propose n set up this fancy dinner n stuff, WHAT IF U REGRET IT??
he does love u a whole lot though <3 married life isn’t that different, though. he was still gone most of the year, but you didn’t mind, the ring on your finger signified the love he had for you without a need of words. n same goes for him!! whenever he’s nervous, he absentmindedly twists the ring. he has it on a chain, not on his finger. its closer to his heart that way!! plus, it js feels safer.
while he’s preparing for a mission, he pecks the ring as though he was kissing u <3
KÖNIG ; “mein engel [my angel], i’ve loved you for so long.”
he’s—woah. you love him enough to propose!! you do, u told him so!! n it js made his heart swell with joy!!
it was at the break of night. the moon was high in the sky n the stars were nothing short of bright. he was resting on your arm as though it was a pillow n ur hands were tangled in his brown, fluffy hair.
“i love you..” he mumbled, the comfy feeling of home that u provided him with making his cheeks a soft pink hue. u made him feel like him, like he was at home, finally. he felt too comfortable, he let his guard down, but u didn’t shame him for doing so! u encouraged him to feel safe, to feel protected. u allowed him to rest, to be his quiet, mumbling self with u.
he didn’t know what he did to have such a heavenly love be given to him, but he’d do it over time n time js 4 u to keep on loving him for the rest of his life.
“i love you too, könig.” you whispered, pulling apart from him with your arms now wrapped around his waist, “so much so that—”, you pecked him on his lips before letting him loose from your hold and reaching in your back pocket—the ring box wasn’t there. “huh..?” you mumbled, concern crossing your face. könig swung his hands off the bed, holding his hands out towards you: “what? did–did you lose..something, süßer?” [‹—sweetheart] you mumbled a quiet “hold on” before turning the room upside down. finally, after a few confused head tilts from könig and curses slipping past your lips, you found it in the top draw of the dresser.
“okay, okay, redo.” you mumbled, getting down on one knee before looking him in his greyish-brownish eyes, “i love you so much that i want to marry you. i want you to know that my love is never-ending and for you and you only forever and ever. so, will you marry me?”
you watched the shock on his face turn into somewhat a mixture of love and confusion before it officially changed into joy. he pounced on you, wrapping his muscular arms around your torso once more. “yes! oh– dear god yes! mein engel [my angel], i’ve loved you for so long. i—i want to ma–rry you, obviously!” his stutter showed itself rather evidently as he got more and more excited.
the thought of being with the one he loves forever and ever just made his heart swell with joy! his cheeks flushed a bright pink as you pressed multiple kisses against his soft lips.
just like ghost, he kisses it whenever he can just so he can be reminded of you throughout his day!! he never takes it off just so he can be reminded of u anywhere n everywhere!! overall, he’s head over heels for his ein und alles [one and only].
LEON K ; “this isn’t the time for this.”
to be exact, it was during the time when leon was dodging the attackers whilst doing blackflips and effortlessly looked amazing do so <3 plus, u couldn’t even move without limping!! so obviously, ur boyfriend had to protect u!! n he looked so, so pretty! [‘specially cause that bakery in the back.]
and, in the midst of all that heat, you popped the question.
you asked: “leon, if we make it out of this, will you marry me?” u even had the audacity to pull out a bloody ring from ur back pocket n hold it out to him. he turned around to look at u, cocking back his gun at the same time before tsking, “this isn’t the time, [name].”
LIKE THE TWO OF YOU WERE POSSIBLY ABT TO BE ON DEATHS DOOR!! ‘specially since the poor stitches n gauze that held the gun wound together were coning apart rather quickly.
“is that a no, leon?” u questioned, the dizziness u felt makin ur eyes flutter before they fully closed. u heard leon cusring b4 a round of shots went off, the sound of zombie bodies dropping to the ground flooded ur eares b4 u completely blacked out.
“[name], what—”, the shock hadn’t settled in his mind, the adrenaline rush he had was still pumping through his veins. he picked u up and threw u over his shoulder. once the two of u were safe, he attended to ur wounds n gave u his jacket to wear in order to replace ur bloodied shirt. he replaced ur stitches n tried to reuse the bloodied gauze, mainly bc he didn’t have anymore n u didn’t have anymore either :(( but he did fix u up pretty good [u can’t stitch ur own wounds 4 shit btw].
CARLOS O ; “you love me that much, sugar?”
after only a few hours, u awoke. u were hungry n ur side hurt drastically, n u wanted to sleep until u couldn’t anymore!! but, leon was by ur side, his leg bouncing in anticipation of u waking up. “u should’ve told me u were hurt, [name]! i would’ve taken care of you, i could’ve made you better! luckily, it’s not infected but—”
“are we going to get engaged though? we both made it out alive and healthy, sooo..”
he squinted at you for a second b4 a small smile graced his lips, he clicked his tongue b4 inching closer to u n moving your hair from ur face, “absolutely, my love, but you still need to get your timing right. now, once we’re out of here, we’ll continue this—but we need to leave immediately.”
just like leon, the two of u r RUNNING FROM THIS WEIRD LOOKIN ALIEN GUY!! n other things, BUT MAINLY ALIEN GUY!!
and mr. oliveira is a rather flirty yet protective guy! he’s your boyfriend [soon-to-be fiancé] so he just has to protect his lover :(( ‘specially since you’re a good ‘medic’ for others but not 4 urself!! so, he has to make sure u don’t die n stuff obvi!!
however, today was a supposed ‘gather food’ day. and, fortunately, this meant that you and carlos could finally have some sort of small-talk privacy between the two of you. ever since you had met alice, she’d been overly fond of carlos so that meant that the two of you hadn’t had the chance to talk to one another or even have contact. despite the small hand touches and lower back rubs, the two of u were deprived of physical contact that the both of u [mainly carlos] needed asap <3
ANYWAYYSS, the two of u were currently ‘shopping’ in an abandoned mall, grabbing mainly everything that looked at least edible. obvi, some cute accessories n clothes were added into the shopping cart of items upon items.
“somethin’s on your mind, sugar, what’s wrong?” carlos asked you, wrapping his arms around your torso n he pressed his chest against your back. “i just—” you clicked ur tongue against the roof of ur mouth in distraughtness as you turned around to face your lover.
“we haven’t had alone time in a while and, i just, i wanted to ask you something important but we aren’t even in a romantic setting! and it’s something important that both of us that we are going to remember and i just don’t know.” carlos’ eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he watched you try to explain yourself.
“well, i also had somethin’ planned if it’d make u feel better to know that.” / “you did?” “..yeah, well not did, i do, still, but like you said, not a romantic setting.” / “..can i go first? since we both have surprises, i mean.” “mhm, go for it, baby.”
you pressed a peck to his lips b4 getting down on one knee with a jet black velvet box in your hands. “will you marry me? or, at least think abt it, yk? i just love you a lot and i don’t ever want to lose you—” . carlos immediately pulled you up and smothered your lips with his. “oh, my love,” he whispered, caressing your left cheek with his thumb, “i’d never say no to marrying the love of my life.”
his heart is overflown w. love n joy!!! he js can’t express it w. words, ‘cause there’s not enough words in the world to explain nor show his love to u. he wished he could show it in a more romantic way other than kissing in an abandoned mall, but he had no other choice. the two of u r meant to be!! forever n ever n ever <3 mainly ‘cause carlos loves u 2 much to let you go!!
oh n after a lot of questions, u asked carlos what he was planning as well: “candlelight dinner and a proposal. although, the candlelight dinner isn’t possible anymore, baby :(( but, if i’m allowed to, i can put my ring on ur finger n kiss you until the sun goes down <3”
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Honestly, at this point, I am so sick of defending Jikook's bond. JM has been purposely alluding when it comes to JK and I understand. I respect it, but by now he knows haters are hanging on his every word to discredit Jikook and he keeps handing them ammo & seems to be purposely doing it. Just like he has purposely excluded JK working on Letter and has just made it about Army, which has resulted in people also dismissing JK's involvement. That probably doesn't feel too good for JK, but I'm sure he respects JM's decision. If JK has another collab coming up with a member, you best believe they will talk about it and Letter will be forgotten, esp JK on it, cause its the way JM wants it. I actually feel a little bit bad for JK. He has really been putting himself out there & in a really eyebrow raising gay way toward JM and showing how much he loves him and JM comes in and knocks down everything JK has been putting out. I guess his way of damage control to tone the gay down. If he wasn't worried, he would have already mentioned JK's involvement with Letter normally. I just hope it doesn't make JK retreat, cause he did for a while. Now he's just been so open and free and I can see him pulling back, if JM keeps downplaying, cause all it does is make it look one sided from JK's end. I actually feel sorry for them, but JM really said you people aren't getting anything from me. I will giggle and blush about JK, but that's it.
I was ready with a different answer for you until I saw that you do understand what's going on and are just frustrated by it. Which is perfectly okay.
I guess it's his way of damage control to tone the gay down.
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We have talked endlessly about how Jimin follows the rules, listens and does what is expected of him. Meanwhile JK don't give a shit and will do what he wants to do when he wants to do it.
I wouldn't be surprised if they're not even supposed to comment under each other's lives or mention each other. So what does JK do? Mention Jimin from start to end.
Yeah sure, it can be frustrating, but let it be frustrating because you want them to be them. To do them. To stop holding back. Don't be frustrated because you're tired of defending the relationship. You really don't have to. Just let the antis continue to anti. You know what you know, you've seen what you've seen.
What do you think would happen if Jimin does what JK does? I'm sure you've seen the JK hate from Jimin solos. But imagine how much worse that would be if it was Jimin doing what JK does. Yes, you as a Jikooker would be fed but guess what? Now, you'd be defending Jimin! AND you would still be defending their relationship.
We have a mountain of evidence that proves these 2 motherfuckers are in a relationship and still like you said, people have to defend their relationship. Do you honestly think if Jimin was as honest and open and forward as JK that everything would be solved? That antis would believe and tkkrs and jjks would stop attacking us and Jikook?
If your answer to this question is "no" then this ask is moot my dear.
As long as you know Jikook is real. As long as you know Jikook are couple. As long you continue to support and be happy for them. That is all that matters. No what haters think.
Haters will hate no matter what Jimin does or doesn't do. You need to make peace with that so that it can affect you less. And please remember u don't have to defend their relationship. Let whoever wants to talk, talk.
Jimin is incredibly smart and he says what he says when he needs to say it and is very strategic about it. He didn't have to answer the ramen question. He could have ignored it, easy. Yet he didn't, why? Any questions members reply to are a choice. Idk how good you are at reading body language or human behaviour but I'll just quietly leave this here and go have my lunch.
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dreamofdawn · 1 year
If ur still taking reqs can u do Ike bf hcs
✧✧You ask and you shall receive ✧✧
Main pairing: Ike Eveland x Reader/You
Au: none
Genre: Fluff
Characters: Ike Eveland, Reader
Type: [HEADCANON], One shot, or Series
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Now for our sweet novelist from the past, His is a very sweet boyfriend! (That may or may not can rival shu Yamino)
Anyways, he is very sweet like candy like .
He is very caring and thoughtful especially for you. You are his very first priority above anything else. No questions.
Nicknames: Älskling, my love, Love, beloved. Ofc it includes some swedish nicknames even if you can't understand swedish. Älskling would be the most nickname he would call for you.
Cuddling with him is super comfy and soft. He would be the big spoon and would be so warm for you to cuddle. Hfjdjsjjs his so freaking sweet he would rub your back while you two continue to doze around.
Moving on, spending time together: You two would be mostly in a Library reading books while enjoying each others company (that's so fucking cute) if not in the library then a cafe to eat and talk about random things. (Honestly anything is fine for him as long as you both get to spend time together)
Jealously: Not really jealous he trusts you so there is zero room for jealousy (or so he says) but if I would rate it 2/10. As I said not really jealous but ofc he can get bothered and annoyed if the person can clearly see him but continues to flirt with you (what an ass) he would greet you with a hug everytime you guys see each not only to show his affection but to also show you are already taken (sucks to suck) if they won't get the hint then he would give you a kiss on the lips but as while your eyes are closed you couldn't see the way he was glaring at the (poor) person.
If YOUR the one who is jealous: ofc jealousy is quite common in almost everyone, He ofc knows this. He is very observing with you, so expect that he would already know that your getting jealous. He would reassure you and would lets you complain to him. If your the type to not open up then he would wait until YOU are comfortable to talk about. (So sweet and caring mapapasanaol ka nalng)
Now cooking: I'd say his a great cook, he would cook for both you and him if you can't cook. If you can then expect some sweet and fun cooking sessions. HE WOULD MAKE BREAKFAST FOR YOU IN BED, okay he would I'm taking this Headcanon with me in my own grave if I can.
Anyways, his HAIR, his hair would be very soft and (you smell) smell very nice. He will late you play with it maybe even style it but he would just sigh and look ok at you with a 'are you serious?' but he means no harm.
Streaming: if your a streamer too them expect some Collab here and there. The Quilldren would swoon at they way you both Interact with each other. If you don't though then he would let you sit next to him (or his lap) so you two can still spends some quality time together, and if you things to do, sit next to him while he streams don't be shy. He would help you with things you can't do.
Now dates: yes. As I said library dates would be very common for both of you. But also aquarium dates are also there, looking at different fishes while holding hands and overall being sweet. (Hdjdshhs I want this kind of relationship)
If you having a bad day: he would notice very quickly even if you try to hide it, his very attentive to you especially the way you feel. He lead you on the couch to sit down and rub your back while waiting for you to open up, if you do then he would LISTEN to every word you say as you continue to rant about it. He would then cook you your favorite food (because food is everything) Now if you don't the he would hug you and whisper sweet nothings in your ears to try to relax you and take you mind out of those things.
Love language: Word of affiliation and Act of service.
He would write poems/novels about you because you are his muse and he probably may or may not have a lot of poems about you. HE WOULD FREAKING FLIRT WITH YOU IN SWEDISH, why? Because he like the way you looked confused.
If you have any hobbies that you are very passionate about, he would support you 1000% he would maybe try them out if he can.
If your sick: HE WILL MAKE YOU BREAKFAST IN BED FOR YOU OKAY?! He just would. And he wouldn't let you lift a single finger, he will take care of you until you get better. If you have somewhat trouble sleeping then he would read (either a novel, story or a poem) out loud for you with his super soothing and calm voice. (You mostly likely fell asleep before it could end.)
IKE EVELAND is a need not a want for a lover. End of presentation. Thank you.
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A/n: another one done wow. Hope y'all enjoyed this. Sorry if it's short 😔.
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sammie217 · 3 months
Call me baby like you used to.
he forgot to kiss you 3 times this week
at first you brushed it off thinking he is stressed because of the schedules.
“im leaving bye” hyunjin said and quickly left
“hyunjin your lunch-“ You said before he closed the door and left
“whatever ill stop by the company and drop it off later”you said to yourself in your head
you cleaned the house before packing his lunch in a cute lunchbox with cute tooth picks and made the fruit into hearts
you went to the cafe near the company building to get hyunjin and the boys coffee they were probably exhausted practicing
you went inside the building
“Hey Y/N!!! i havent seen you in so long” jian one of the staff member said
“yeahh ive been busy lately i missed you where is hyunjins practice room?” you asked
“let me check the systemi think they are at 3rd floor room 325, yeah it says they are” jian responded
“thank you see you around” you waved
“bye” jian waved back
you got in the elevator and pressed 3rd floor
“excuse me do you know where room 325 is?” you asked the lady in the hallway
“its to the right” the lady said
“Thank you have a nice day”
you knocked on the door and chan opened it
“oh hey Y/N come in” chan greeted you
“thank you where is hyunjin?”
“I think he went to help riko with their new dance collab” felix responded
“yeah he did” changbin said
“ohh okay here is coffee for you guys i know you guys are tired”
“thanks Y/N very much needed haha” jeongin replied
“No problem should i leave hyunjins lunch here or go hand it to him? “
“go give it to him he might take long” lee know said
“the room number is 408 by the way” seungmin said
“okay thanks bye see you guys around”
“BYEE” they all said at the same time
you got at the 4th floor and found room 408 you looked from the glass next to the door you saw hyunjin and who you believed was riko on top of hyunjin holding his hands on top of his head
he looked up at the door and saw you looking he looked shocked pushed the girl off and got up to follow you.
you just ran to the elevator with tears in your eyes
“Y/N angel wait” he yelled
he catched you before you entered the elevator
“Let me explain angel-“
“there is nothing to explain hyunjin. YOU COULD HAVE JUST TOLD ME YOU DIDNT LIKE ME IT WOULD HURT LESS” you said while trying to escape his hug
“let me go!” you said
“wait listen to me” hyunjin said
“what?!!? what is it say it” you yelled while crying
“she was forcefully kissing me i swear!” he said looking into your eyes
“i don’t believe you Hwang Hyunjin” you said angry and sad at the same time
“don’t call me that angel call me baby like you used to”
hyunjin said sadly
“i swear im saying the truth just check the cameras please angel” hyunjin said while also tearing up
“fine. show me the cameras” you said still not believing
“ we need to ask JYPAPI to show” hyunjin said
(i had to include that im sorry)
you went to JYPAPI’s office
hyunjin knocked
“Hello jay papi park can i see the cctv footage of room 408 please” hyunjin asked while bowing
“Hello to you to Hyunjin” jay papi park said
“and hello Y/N” jay papi park waved
you bowed “hello papi park”
“ok hyunjin ill send u the fotage on your phone” papi park said
“okay thank you bye Mr Papi park have fun” hyunjin said
“bye Mr park” you said
“bye kids”
he sent the footage to hyunjins phone and there you saw how she forced him to kiss her
“im still sorry angel it wont happen again” he said while hugging you
“its okay baby i love you”
“how about i take the day off and we hangout for a bit ive been so busy lately sorry for forgetting to give you hugs ahd kisses” hyunjin said
“you noticed too hehe and sure if chan allows you to” you said happily
did i write this at 1 am again?
yes. help it turned out so bad i was planning to make it sad ending but i was like i already made 2 with sad endings anyways so YEAH hope you enjoyed HAVE FUN BYE BYE
send me requests please im running out of ideas 😔😔
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Musical Soulmates
SUMMARY: You always knew about your soulmate... Who could’ve guessed that you two would meet in a very uneventful morning? WORD COUNT: 600+
WARNINGS: Katsuki listening to too much rock music, you listening to more pop music (so sorry if you don’t listen to that), Katsuki with his crazy reflexes, you getting pinned/pushed/thrown to the ground (no not in a sexual way, it was Katsuki’s reflexes), and yeah... That’s it.
A/N: Inspired by this post about soulmates where every time your soulmate listens to music, you can hear it too. So yes- fun. This was for a collab with @sasusaki​​ for their Kavyaverse Collab! This was pretty fun to write (although I’m lowkey disappointed because what exactly is that word count ew- I wish I could’ve wrote more  b u t  I accidentally wrote an ending and I was like “well that sounds good with me I guess so yeah-) A/N PART 2: Originally posted here.
© kazumiwrites - All rights reserved; please do not steal, edit, copy, repost (etc) my work without my express permission.
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You sighed a little as you woke up to... Rock music. Of course it was rock music. You rubbed your eyes a little as you just sat up, stretching back before getting ready for your day.
You never knew why your soulmate always listened to such loud music. It had always given you a headache. Seriously. What kind of person woke themselves up with heavy metal? Maybe a lot of people did that. Not you. You usually woke yourself up to more pleasant things. Such as gentle piano music, or something.
You hummed softly as you got ready for your day, putting on your school uniform before going out to go to class.
People were surprised that a person like you would go to UA. You were smart, yeah, and pretty creative. But UA? It seemed too random. Why would you want to go there, anyway?
Well, you wanted to create support items. Ever since you were little, you thought the different items that heroes had were cool. And you always had an interest in inventors. You had been building things out of random scraps for years.
You shook your head slightly to dispel those thoughts as you walked out of your dorm, skipping slightly as you moved to go to school. You paused slightly on the sidewalk, though. Because you heard a small humming noise that went along with the music in your ears...
You blinked a bit in surprise before running after the blond a bit. "Hey- wait!" You called after him. He didn't stop, however, and you had to almost sprint to catch up to him enough that you could grab his arm. "Aren't you- aren't you my soulmate...?"
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Katsuki had always known about soulmates. Specifically his soulmate. He knew that they always listened to less rock music than he did. More of a variety of different types. Some songs were in a foreign language, which he didn't particularly care about... But he didn't particularly like it, either.
He let out a soft huff, the hard rock music that he was listening to drowning out the other people's voices as he got ready for another tiring day at UA.
He walked quickly out as he was done, head nodding slightly to the beat of the music as he walked. Although it had been pretty loud, he turned down the volume a bit as he got to the road.
He heard a voice, calling out to someone, but he ignored it. Maybe it was another extra, or maybe they were calling someone else.
He flinched ever so slightly as the person grabbed his arm, however, before his instincts kicked in, flipping them over and landing on top of them, their back hitting the ground.
He paused slightly though as the words that the other had said finally caught on. "Wait... Soulmate?" He frowned slightly, blinking.
You nodded slightly, gasping for breath; you were a bit winded.
He let out a soft huff, shaking his head. "...Where's the proof?"
"Let me... Listen to your music," you got out, and with a small sigh, Katsuki took off his headphones, gently putting them in your ears.
He froze slightly as he heard the music, eyes widening. "...So you weren't lying..." He murmured softly. "Well, what's your name?"
"I'm [L/N] [Y/N]. And you're... Bakugo Katsuki, aren't you?" Your head tilted slightly to the side, relieved that you had finally caught your breath.
"...Okay. And, yeah. Well, nice to meet you, [L/N]." He smiled faintly at you before helping you up. "Well, what do you want to do now, soulmate? Walk to school together?"
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snallavanta · 3 months
part 2 of my answers to the seventeen asks!
36. what’s your favourite hairstyle of your bias?
honestly, anything that's vernon's natural hair colour/ dark brown is my favourite
37. which is the best era for hair?
fml era was so good. jeonghan's wavy mid length that's in a half up-half down style. woozi's wavy hair & bangs combo. idk they all looked superb hair-wise in that era
38. what’s your favourite tour era?
be the sun
39. what’s your favourite lyric?
how am i supposed to just pick ONE?
ash - metamorphosis born in fire, then i fly away
god of music - we can't communicate with words but with music, we can be best friends
don quixote - my hands up, i keep 'em high. the thing i fear is me within myself
fml - don't wanna be an embarrassment for the me i knew yesterday
40. what’s your favourite fan chant?
honestly they all have great vibes, but i love it when they make us say all 13 of their full names 😍 what a tongue twister
41. what’s your favourite unreleased song?
how was this 9 years ago...
42. what’s your comfort song?
i can't just pick one so it's super, shadow, sos
43. what’s a song you can’t listen to without having a breakdown?
44. what’s your favourite member symbol/ mascot?
they are such cute symbols & somehow describes these members perfectly?
45. what’s your favourite going seventeen episode?
i feel like i haven't watched enough (or any?) gose episode to give this a proper answer 😵‍💫 so no, i don't have a favourite
46. what’s your favourite dance choreography?
i don’t understand but i luv u. it changed the trajectory of my life. the removing of the tie, the folding of the sleeves, the gracefulness of the movements. i have never been the same since.
cheers is a close second though
47. what’s your favourite solo song?
black eye by vernon or wait by dino (i am simply incapable of choosing)
48. what’s your favourite cover?
a crime that this is not on spotify >:(
49. what’s your favourite song from the performance team?
50. what’s your favourite song from the vocal team?
51. what’s your favourite song from the hiphop team?
52. a member from the performance team you feel is underrated
53. a member from the vocal team you feel is underrated
54. a member from the hiphop team you feel is underrated
55. if you were a part of seventeen, which sub-unit do you want to be a part of & why?
hiphop!!! i know they're also my favourite sub-unit but they look so fun to be with.
also performance unit highkey scares me. wdym i'm stuck with captain hoshi, anti-delulu minghao, jun and dino who takes no shit. you would not catch me in a room with just the four of them; i will wait outside, thank you.
56. a member you want to be best friends with
57. a member you feel should release more solo music
vernon. i am obsessed with the way he enunciates his words
58. a member you would easily get along with
59. what’s your favourite collab?
also want to mention their song with new kids on the block, dk's vocals in that is insane
60. what’s a song you wish to hear live?
61. what’s your favourite seventeen interview?
idk i don't feel like i've watched any that really left an impact on me? no interview is really at the top of my head rn to give you an answer
62. what language do you prefer svt songs in?
korean + english or 100% korean. i love their 100% english songs too but the way the phrases are broken up always feels so awkward to me 😭
63. who do you think would give the best hugs?
64. who do you think would smell the best?
65. who has the most contagious laugh?
vernon. his goose-like laughter is everything
66. who’s the funniest member?
minghao. i think most of them are hilarious when the situation calls for it though
67. have you read any books recommended by any member(s)?
yes! i read me before you (wonwoo rec) and i was reading i want to die but i want to eat tteokbokki (s.coups rec) but stopped because it was kinda boring
68. what’s your favourite thing about seventeen?
how much they care for each other & how gentle they are with one another
69. share the svt photos that bring you comfort
everyday i find a new photo of them so any pics where they're radiating with happiness makes me happy :")
70. share an svt video that brings you comfort
the whole nana tour series. it feels like a warm hug on a rainy day
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baekhvuns · 9 months
It has just been a month and a half since I got into second year........things alr seem tough 😭. NVM about that, my friends's acquaintance apparently came in handy for this job. Yn job?!?!? Nah frr it reminds of those rom coms 😭😭.
NO HES GOTTA MAKE THE MOVE! But I bet he doesn't even know i fancy him cuz of my tremendous behaviour towards the person I like- PRETEND THEY DON'T EXIST! you will never catch me, and i mean NEVER catch me giving them soft eyes or trying to make a good covo, Bcz my brain says if you find someone attractive act cold towards them and then secretly cry in your room for them to notice when you basically give no clues whatsoever 😃
OHMYGOD NELLY FURTADO?!?! Honestly, I could've given out much better songs! I just forget the artists 😩 WEEKEND IN JUST FRIENDS DANG IT I FORGOT ABT HIM! I'm telling you since the whole the idol show launched, I can never listen to the weekend the same.
I scrolled down a lot on your blog, reading the asks and i saw someone made like vision boards for your fics. And i specifically loved the khronus one 🤌 and I kept tht in mind while thinking of the songs but i forgot it was based on moon lovers 🤦‍♀️
Besides that I've been meaning to ask you about your views on anime. I mean do you watch anime if so what'd be your top picks? Bcz...I'm obsessed with it so ....
Nooo I need a new part of just friends 😭 I'm STARVING FOR IT! The idea of hwayoung automatically popped in my brain when I saw this blog praising Shiloh pitt's visuals and people were going crazy over that oh wow she looks so much like her mother, or like mother like daughter. But ong Shiloh is majestic! Like those genes she acquired from Angelina 🤚🙌✨
I've been meaning to watch red, white and royal blue...(I hope that's the right title!) But I won't get the timeee 😭 like today, I'm doing nothing but I wanna dedicate this day to just my silly little videos on YouTube and not a series or a movie. But I'll try to stay strong!!
Ok but like I really wanna make hwa read the ffs 😭 LIKE PLS SIR!! I'm gonna dm KQ ent a pdf of Duke and general and ask them to MALE THIS A DRAMA! I will in this lifetime, SOMEONE HAS TO DO THT FIC JUSTICE!
reminds you? best friend it IS A YN JOB just wait till the holidays and the movie will start 👀
NELLY FURTADO’S EVERY SONG W TIMBALAND IS FOR JUST FRIENDS (waiting for their new collab omg) AND THE WEEKND YEAH FHWJDHKS no ur right ever since the idol’s clips i saw on twt i just 🫠 what the fuck <3 but if we forget that then the songs def work for runways
omg yes i do!!! i grew up watching it but i mostly only watched shoujo and they stopped making shoujo’s for some reason like 5 years back and i only go to watch those but there’s a few new ones out w the same drawing so im watching them atm! my top picks since i only watched shoujo/slice of life’s would be 1. kamichu, 2. k-on, 3. tamako market, 4. ouran high school, 5. maid sama, 6. orange, 7. kamisama kiss, 8. alice academy, 9. yunerio patisserie!!!!!!! 10. pretty rhythm aurora dream (this was my fav as a kid)
a few others i can think from the top of my head is nana, cardcaptor sakura, SPECIAL A, itazura na kiss, my next life as a villainess, natsume’s book of friends, swan lake (2002), kodocha! if u want recs lemme know ive got a whole collection list 😭😭
ILL DEF LOOK INTO SOMETHING LIKE JUST FRIENDS! NO SHILOH IS LIKE THE PERFECT MIXTURE OF HER PARENTS i get it, id want hwa and yn from just friends to have pretty kids, u know they’d be mad tall 😭😭
that movie is so good!!! i wish it was longer bc i wanted to see more of their progression but it’s a good movie nonetheless!!
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echoesofadream · 1 year
no literallyyyyy I loved when he was rawr emo boy grr !! but now he is wealth wealth rich Justin Bieber going insane. I guess we should have seen it coming, considering his young debut age and big success ofc hed land in that weird space eventually... aw this Made me kinda sad actually like it was funny being like yucky greasy long haired sweaty gamerboy but actually hes just child labor ptsd crashdown era :(( maybe he can collab with vernon and make a cringey emo song and get motivated to become a rockstar instead of twitch streamer? *have u seen Vernons solo its. its uh im really embarrassed I will forever remember the review a mutual or something posted "the song/mv is like something I made up to make fun of him" lol...) oh my god im getting more and more stressed thinking about jungkook now... even tho im not following him super closely cause yeah I dont have time to watch all those lives cheesus I dont rlly like lives anyway unless theyre special like tea time w hao or jungkook drinking wine or the hilarious bts live the legendary one anyway.... many worries.... also I agree maybe drugs would be good for him? its best to suffer in swagfull ways if u should suffer but I fear he doesnt have enough swag like, technically its swag to be an alcoholic but Liam Payne of one direction is swagless so his alcoholism is cringe so I think maybe jungkook couldn't pull of drug addiction unless he like killed someone maybe or became a girlblogger ? hmm much 2 think about and im sooo tired im gonna sleep now zz goodnight echo -misa ofc
Hi hi good morning misa hope you slept well 💞
wait you’re right. This must be a really confusing time for him because he has everything he could ask for but all his members are doing different stuff and like what should he do? When hes been working for one goal since literally t h i r t e e n y/o literally a CHILD. Like he has strived to be an idol and the best and given everything he has, literally sacrificed his youth. Like i would be so lost. But it seems like maybe he is just chilling. Maybe he should keep the dog…
That said yesssss can he PLEASE make emo music I KNOW hes got it in him, he can make IU-esque ballads also, punk rock indie pop.. but he should become a rockstar.. well whatever he wants i mean i think he just needs direction.. baby boy… AKDJFK thats so funny i think i saw something similar that vernons* lyrics seemed AI generated but yours is even funnier. Yeah good idea. Also no I cant watch his like three hours lives no matter how much i love his voice id rather just listen to decalcomania 1 hour version than all those endless kareoke covers. Hmmm yes all the fics ive read where hes done drugs hes been in like a downward spiral and im afraid theres truth to that, i think he could possibly go overboard also especially if he needs the drugs to do music. And hmm he does seem to be drinking in those lives and idk how to feel about i mean its his life i just mean theres a difference between decadence and suffering artist. Not to self insert on my favorite kpop boy but i think he also has the addiction gene. Maybe he should stick to the dog walks and gym routines for the sake of his wellbeing and maybe just go be a twitch streamer if thats what he needs💔 i feel like hes got so much inside of him to let out but its stifled by the fact that hes a 20 smth (idfk) millionare whos been cut off from the outside world due to being an idol since literal childhood. ok wow this is depressing. :/ i agree he should kill someone, he needs new demons
*playing Sad girl by lana*
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starglitterz · 3 years
xreader Modern AU/Streamer AU HCs!!
(what the rooms that they stream in look like ehehe gonna post on my blog later)
(was also feeling extra so i animated all of it)
his room is very dark. It's lit up by colored LEDs, stuff like that. He also probably has a light-up green glowy lightning bolt taped to his wall. also has like his yaksha mask with glowy accents from like fanmail and stuff. also related to the event request i sent, his door is probably somewhere behind him, otherwise, how would they see the reader entering his room? also only his viewers know this, but behind him, he has a shelf with various items on it. most of the shelf. has plants. it clashes with his personality, but matches with his color scheme. he used to just not sleep (poor baby drank too much monster hehe) but his S/O helps him with it <3 also has all his g-fuel on the shelf. (secretly has one of those froggo hats) tired and cranky 24/7 but still has amazing aim even if he's tired???? trying to fix his bad posture. childe called zhongli a boomer once. xiao just- snapped. who dares to insult his dear brother like that? let's just say... childe didnt last long in the next few rounds... (totally not long because im biased)
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has a very aesthetic cozy room. When Xiao, Ganyu, and Zhongli moved in, (she was 12 and xiao was 10 , zhongli was 20 at the time, Ganyu is currently 21 , Xiao is currently 19, Zhongli is currently 29) she took her time, hanging her fairy lights, carefully placing all her comfort plushies on the shelf. She recently placed polaroids of her and her S/O in a heart shape, of course with her S/O's assistance. Helped Zhongli and Xiao decorate their rooms. (Xiao used to have those giant wall stickers yk? yeah he used to have one of spiderman, dont tell anybody) Has a neatly stacked pile of work papers. Just very aesthetic in general. def makes you hot cocoa on bad days. did a stream where her viewers spent her earnings on valentines gifts for you (awwwwww) zhongli was slightly confused when there were like 12 packages at their apartment door.
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Very beige and vintage. He just has a lot of shelves. Like a lot lot. He collects teapots, and just interacts with chat while sipping tea. If he's lucky enough to get a donation, he spends it on new tea sets or tea that his chat chooses. But the tea set choosing has rules!! Rule 1 is no NSFW (if nsfw teacups even exist), Rule 2 is no Gore(if that even exists), and rule 3 is has to fit the budget. He also has a wishlist of tea sets he wants to get, and his viewers can donate to help him get the tea sets on his wishlist. Is very grateful for every donation he gets. Has fairy lights and a lot of different types of tea on the shelves. Also has a lot of books on the shelves. idk what else to write other than he collects tea sets and also tea.
(lost motivation and didnt draw it)
under the cut as usual !!
xiao: KJDKAJSDKJASD DONT MIND ME SCREAMING OVER GAMER XIAO AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ok now that i have collected my two braincells,,, YES I AGREE ENTIRELY W EVERYTHING YOU SENT ! especially the neon lights??? mf switches the colour depending on the game hes playing and it ended up becoming a trend (also he got hired by the company he bought it from to promote them bc hes that famous - he fanboyed abt it for a day bc he was so happy AHAHA) pls i just know he does endurance stream and drinks so MUCH energy drinks that his chat is so concerned for him but the only person he listens to is his s/o <3 (side note his record is 18 hours, hes planning a 24 hour collab one that will most probably be featuring a bunch of other streamers like ganyu/hu tao/zhongli too !!) HELPPP anybody who says anything bad abt ganyu/zhongli have to prepare to lose, he literally targets them at the beginning of every val round and then claims he just happened to see them 😭
ganyu; NOOOOOOO THIS IS SO ADORABLE T_T lowk feel like ganyu is one of those streamers who mainly does like asmr & chatting/doing work w her typa streams,,, and yes her room is cute asf !!! (much like her) THE COMFORT PLUSHIES 😭 she has a special memory attached to each of them and she treasures them sm omg,,, polaroid wall !?!??! she looks gorgeous in all of them but shes only got eyes for her s/o 👀 pls imagine how surprised the s/o would be after seeing all those gifts,,, like it was zhongli's shock but multiplied by 10 LMAO and ganyu's kinda rich after her streaming success so these were some high quality asf presents HAHAHA
zhongli: LMAOO that is very much zhongli omg all his shelves are full of them !! and he def has streams where he tries different types of tea the viewers suggested to him and he judges all of them LSJDKSK but bc hes such a tea fanatic he has smth nice to say abt each one :] he's super sweet to all his viewers, and his deep voice is rlly calming omg,,, plus he gets flustered when they type out pick-up lines in the chat HAHA - but he freaks out and tells them to stop bc he ald has an s/o
PLS THE WAY THESE WERE SO CUTE <333 ty luca for sharing this omg its the best thing ever
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My top 15 kpop albums of 2021
This year I´ve been so bad at keeping up with this blog but I want to wrap up the year on a good note so I'll be counting down my favorite korean music and dramas of 2021. I'll begin with my must listen albums of the year!
15. 10 cm- The 3rd EP. 10 cm is a k-indie duo. I first discovered them when they sang an OST for Goblin, since then I listen to their songs regularly. This year they released a five song album that is sentimental and just a great listen. Kwon Jung Yeol's vocals are exceptional as usual. My favorite song is I will do my best.
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14. KAI- Peaches. After Mmmh I had great expectations for Kai's second album. However I wasn't a fan of the title song although it has grown a little on me since. I did love the rest of the album tho. I love how weird Vanilla is. My favorite is To be honest, a bright r&b song with a fun beat.
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13. Penomeco-Dry Flower. Penomeco is such a joy to listen to and his first full album was no exception. The title JAJA has an interesting beat with Penomeco sing-rapping style. The album features collabs with Verbal Jint, sogumm, Kid Milli and Hoody. Actually Pt. 2 is probably my favorite song but it really is a great no skip album.
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12. TXT- The Chaos Chapter: FIGHT OR ESCAPE. Honestly the first couple TXT albums were not my thing but this one I really enjoyed. Anti-romantic is hands down the best one for me but I also enjoyed the title LO$ER=LO❤ER. 0X1=LOVESONG (I know I love you) featuring Seori and Magic are also highlights. It's just full of great dance pop.
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11. EXO- Don't fight the feeling. It pains me to say it but even if I loved every single song in this album I wasn't obsessed with them which is why, in good conscience I couldn't rank it higher. As usual with EXO, even if I miss Suho and Chen, the vocals are crazy good. I especially enjoyed listening to D.O. and Lay again on an EXO album. Just like the title song, the album is such a feel good vibe that really brightens up your day. Paradise is my favorite but Just as usual is so sweet.
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10. Aespa-Savage. Aespa's first mini album is definitely the stamp of an SM album: great vocals and impressive bsides. Savage is such a strong song and so catchy. It's a journey in itself. However I'll make you cry has an amazing beat and high notes that will impress you. YEPPI YEPPI is just fun and Lucid dream is my favorite.
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9. HEIZE- HAPPEN. If you haven't checked out the MV for Happen you really should because it's filmed like a drama and it stars Song Joon Ki. Ever since Heize appeared in the korean music scene seems like she can do no wrong. This album is another hit for me. Its eight songs are on point and has features by Gary, Changmo, Kim Feel and Ahn Ye Eun. It's almost never the case but the title is my favorite song of the album however Flu and Destiny, it's just a tiny dot are stand outs.
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8. Kang Seung Yoon-Page. Saying this album was a long time coming is an understatement. Ever since I got into WINNER I started to wait -not so patiently- for Seung Yoon's album. He has an extraordinary voice and he's actually a great songwriter so I knew it would be great. I do wish he had picked another title, not because IYAH isn't amazing because it is, but because I think his album would have done better on the charts with another title but I get he needed to show his story through IYAH. Sweet love songs, sad ballads and bright fun songs, there's nothing this album is missing. And obviously it's full of great vocals! WE NEED LOVE and BETTER featuring MINO are my favorite of the album.
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7. Mino- To infinity. Just like with Seungyoon, I wish Mino would have chosen another title for this album because even if I like how playful TANG!♡ is, I would have liked to see other songs as the title. You definitely won't be skipping a song if you listen to it! Mino as always shows us witty lyrics with quirky beats. My favorite is LANGUAGE featuring Bobby. Every time these two collab is definitely fire. LOVE IN DA CAR and LOSING U are also highlights.
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6. D.O.-Empathy. EXO's Kyungsoo finally made his formal debut with his first mini album. Sadly he didn't promote it but it's full of great easy listening songs. It's difficult to pick a favorite vocalist in EXO but Kyungsoo is mine. I love his voice the most in r&b tracks but his voice is so full of character that anything he sings ends up being outstanding. On top of that, he recorded a song in spanish and since I'm Mexican that's a big deal. Si fueras mía is definitely great but I have to say I was obsessed with I'm gonna love you featuring Wonstain and My Love. Rose the title is so bright and cute with an acoustic vibe that'll remind you of Jason Mraz. The MV is really funny.
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5. Taemin-Advice. For me, 2020 was the year I got obsessed with Taemin and a huge part of that was both albums he released. This year, just before enlisting, he released a 5 song mini album. And there's just something about Taemin's songs. Last year he was all about dance pop and this year his album is more eclectic. You have r&b ballad, pop, and even a bit of hip hop vibes with his title song. Advice really was a strong way to go with a crazy beat and a really interesting way of delievering vocals. I think the fact Advice is so powerful is why having the rest of the songs (maybe not Light) being more subdued was the right way to go. His falsetto on Strings and If I could tell you featuring Taeyeon is just outstanding.
4. Bobby-Lucky man. Bobby is such a fun artist. I would say his second album is what I was expecting of his first album. Whimsical at times and strong other times. All 13 songs are on point and he added four skits. We do get a few of the cool beats he did for his first album: my favorites are LiLaC and RaiNingG (featuring JUNE). However is his hiphop heavy songs like the title U MAD, NO TIME and Devil that I was mesmerized with.
3. B.I. -WATERFALL. The moment I heard YG had said goodbye to B.I., I knew it was a major mistake. I was sure they probably wouldn't have if the circumstances were different but his drug scandal came at the worst time for YG. This year B. I. proved how big that mistake was by releasing two albums plus a donation project making over twenty songs in just a few months. He's just crazy talented. If I'm being honest I wasn't sure I wanted a solo from him. Obviously he's a great producer but I didn't know what a full album from him would sound like and now I can see a solo album from him was overdue. Both of the albums he made are amazing but I think his first one WATERFALL is just a revelation. I don't think I even have a favorite song because I love all 12 songs.
2. Baekhyun-Bambi. According to Spotify, I listened to Privacy the most so it's safe to say it was my favorite one of the album. However Bambi is so catchy and filled with great vocals. The whole album is of course, and then there's All I Got or how I like to call it: Baekhyun's Mariah song, really the high notes are crazy on that one. This makes Baekhyun's third mini album and the last one before he enlisted and I have to say it really is one of the albums I listened to the most this year. If you like R&B this is the album for you. It kind of broke my heart he didn't have time to promote it but he really left with a bang and it made me excited for his comeback whenever that is.
1. Epik High-Epik High is here (Part 1). It's no secret Tablo, the leader of hip hop group Epik High, is an off the charts producer. This album has 10 songs even if it's under 30 minutes. Every song is a statement. When I listened to Rosario, the title featuring CL and Zico, I knew it would be on my favorite list of the year even if it was released on January. Based on a true story with Heize is also crazy good. The instrumentals, the musicality of its raps and the grand collabs of the album really makes it a must listen.
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2-cute-4-school · 4 years
𝙉𝘾𝙏 𝘿𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 : 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙖𝙣 𝙞𝙙𝙤𝙡 𝙗𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙛𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙
@cherry-jaemin ~ Hello! Can I request a dreamies reaction to you being an idol and their best friend? Thank you!! ♡ (◕‿◕✿)   ~~~  Thank you so much for your request it was really fun to write, hope you’ll like it!! :)))))
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Mark Lee
he cherishes you A LOT (︶ω︶)
but i honestly see him as someone who keeps his private life private
so your close friendship is kept lowkey
but he finds time to spend time with you despite both your busy schedules even if it’s made through your phone screens :(((((
one thing he’s most grateful for is that you understand
you understand what it’s like spending hours in the practice room frustrated, you understand what it’s like constantly missing home, you understand what it’s like working nonstop with no breaks until your body forcefully gives up my heart breaks for him every damn time
you understand him
your friendship is so pure (•ˇ‿ˇ•)
like you can both be laughing your asses off one minute, mark flopping around like a fish on land
and the next one you can be having a therapy session usually consisting of wordless comfort
mark doesn’t seem an emotional person but if there’s one(1) thing that can shatter him is witnessing you on your breaking point
like you were usually the one to check up on him often and pull him away from work for a while before he drowned himself in it
so seeing you overworked and utterly exhausted made him sick
no one could convince him to leave your side for some time (⌯˃̶᷄ ﹏ ˂̶᷄⌯)゚
you clung onto each other and mark softly scolded you for taking more care of him than yourself despite knowing that he’d do the same you’re like his baby he’s allowed to
other than your emotional moments you’re so playful together
‘bruh’ ‘dude’ ‘man’ - your daily vocabulary involving each other -_-
you sometimes gather in a studio and just write lyrics together or help each other with practice bonding time
basically you just vibe together so well and you’re just so grateful for each other’s presence because it eases your hectic and busy lives
you feel like a breath of fresh air to him and vice versa
Huang Renjun
friendship with him is basically clowns clowning each other 🤡
even more so since you can both joke about your shared career
he makes a tradition of reacting to your every m/v god help u he clowns you from the first second to the last
“looking a bit constipated aren’t we, y/n? i guess that hotpot didn’t sit well with you” <( ̄︶ ̄)>
“that’s just my face when i think about u, garden troll”
*huff* *incoherent mumbles of protest*
but he secretly streams THE SHIT OUT OF YOUR M/V and forces the rest of the dreamies to watch it several times too
you watch his radio every evening and sometimes even send in cringy messages just to get a reaction out of renjun lol
so basically you’re super supportive of each other but in your own ways
imagine sleepovers ma friend that’s a wiiild ride
ghost stories, alien conspiracies, crazy theories - THE MAIN MENU
bet y’all renjun can’t sleep without someone he can hold onto after watching or talking about scary things ੧| ‾́ー ‾́ |੭
and you wouldn’t call that cuddling no, it’s more like....strangling....but with love....kinda....yeah that sure  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
on another note, you made it you personal mission to lift his confidence whenever SM doesn’t treat him right (╬ Ò ‸ Ó) y’all evil cockroaches
and renjun always promotes you subtly during his lives
“ ‘renjun can you give us a song recommendation?’ yeah sure actually there’s this song-” spoiler alert : it’s always one of your songs
one of the biggest secrets in kpop is who drew that *absolutely* gorgeous portrait of you that you proudly showed in your own live
spoiler alert x2 : it’s renjun, it’s always renjun
your friendship is really one of a kind
basically best friends lovingly clowning and supporting each other at the same time precious am i rite
Lee Jeno
jeno seems like a very comforting person to me
like he’s someone you can go and vent to about all the pressure of your career and what not
and he’d just listen to you and hold your hand tightly in his if you’re able to meet face to face, he has his own way of grounding you when everything gets hectic (^v^)
he’s a lowkey hypeman
whenever you happen to perform at the same awards show as dream he makes sure to dance and cheer cutely for you o(≧∇≦o)
you won an award?? this man is so proud he hollers louder than your fans well basically he’s your no.1 fan soo :))))))
he always tries to shield you away from hate so it’s one of the reasons he doesn’t disclose much of your closeness lowkey protective jeno
you had an airport accident once common against idols unfortunately
lemme tell ya, jeno went NUTS  (`⌒´メ)
he’s not a confrontational person but he CAN and WILL be when it comes to you
he babies the heck out of you for the next few days :3
and once he has the occasion to turn on vlive he takes a minute to *calmly* explain that while idols love their fans, it’s not fine for fans to invade their privacy and personal space preach sister
you were also close to flipping the sasaengs’s shit up when they kept bothering keno with calls leave the man alone jeez (┛ಠДಠ)┛彡┻━┻
he always reminds you to to take care of yourself
“don’t push yourself too hard” “don’t drink too much coffee, you’ve seen what it can do to jaemin and we don’t want that now, do we?”
he often covers your dances ⌒°(❛ᴗ❛)°⌒ and nails them
“jeno you’re dancing better than me on MY OWN SONG”
“idk what you’re talking about” (^ω^)
overall your cheerleader and each other’s poorly read not at all paid bodyguards
Lee Haechan
“your sun is here to enlighten your life!!!!!”
“gtfo hyuck”
this man knows no privacy
he’s ruthless and he visits whenever he wants even if it means that’s on a wednesday AT 3 AM (┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻
he tells you it’s because your ‘just forcefully woken up’ is the best blackmailing material
in reality it’s because he just misses you A LOT ( ⁍᷄⌢̻⁍᷅ )
this rascal is busy a lot and you’re busy a lot and so every single moment spent with you is so so precious to you both
he gets overwhelmed by this feeling of longing sometimes so he acts on instinct and just barges in wherever you are
but you can also count on him at any time
*middle of the night* *donghyuck sleepily answering his phone* *sniff* *sniff* “hyuck”
“yeah what’s wrong??? who am i beating up???? should i take johnny too???? just say the name cutie (*`Ω´*)”
you only ended up crying about missing his cuddles
*sigh* “you only love me for my cuddles”
you once told him fleetingly that you missed breakfast and lunch
you found 2 boxes of takeout outside your apartment already paid by a certain someone i need a hyuck pls
he’s also quite vocal about your friendship and randomly mentions you
“y/n told me that i look cutest with my baby belly so unless you wanna pick a fight with them lay off gremlin” ー( ̄~ ̄)ξ
both your dreams are to get to collab on something anything it would be heavenly for hyuck to colllab with anyone tbh
nothing can keep you 2 apart, your duo is just too strong and the world just isn’t ready for you
Na Jaemin
he’s such a warm person
he babies you but just because he wishes you’d have more time to spend with each other ( *’ω’* )
so the only way to quench his worry is texting you daily to make sure you’re alright and taking care of yourself or he’d personally do it
the way he talks about you tho (╯✧∇✧)╯ like you put the stars in the sky you did for him
“y/n is actually quite good at this game, i ate dirt when we played together”
“y/n looks so pretty in those pictures we took together” Σ(*ノ´>ω<。`)ノ
“y/n is my favorite model end of story”
talking about his love for photography, you’re his model 80% of the time
his camera roll is filled with pictures of you every time you find enough time in both your busy schedules to meet up
he has enough to open a fanpage if he hasn’t done that already ;)
in turn you’d secretly dedicate parts of the lyrics you wrote to him
i’m telling you he would CRY hearing your sweet voice sing such beautiful words meant for him he would feel so appreciated pls ( ˃̣̣̥ω˂̣̣̥ )
he always says that he has no other friends other than his members so having you validating the strong bond he feels with you would elevate him to cloud 9  :,(((((
i can imagine you two meeting on a variety show a mess that would be
you can’t be too close in front of the cameras in order not to give the wrong impressions
but behind the scenes you’re not leaving each other’s side, chatting and clinging onto each other the entire time (≡^∇^≡)
and even on screen as long as you’re allowed to you’re attached to the hip, ALWAYS beside each other
in conclusion you’re the besties everyone is envious of and wishes to share such a precious bond with someone ∩(︶▽︶)∩
Zhong Chenle
y’all are basically the ‘you can’t sit with us’ pair -_-
another one who i think would keep your friendship private
like it is public that you two are friends but neither of you shares more about your meetups and so on
but chenle is lowkey highkey whipped
chenji making keychains for the rest of nct? +1 for y/n (/^▽^)/
surprise party for chenle’s birthday? you’re dressed as staff waiting for him to notice you after cameras are turned off he screeched so loud the entire building heard him and then proceeded to cling onto you forever
you know how chenle took jisung to him home in china? he took you with him as often as you both could afford the time to he even rescheduled a few times to make it convenient for you to come along (。•́︿•̀。)
he buys all versions of your albums cuz he can
going to each other’s concerts!!!!!
i can imagine you accompanying his family to the dream concert (˃̩̩̥ɷ˂̩̩̥) the same one when jeno and jaemin decided to get nakey nakey yes
you’re texting nonstop istg (◔_◔)
chenle can always be seen texting in the waiting rooms and so on
you’re his source of confidence before concert and certain schedules
also you’re probably discussing your hangout plans :))))
which often ends up in playing basketball in a park at night and then getting bored or tired and just wandering aimlessly around
you secretly record duets together unreleased unfortunately ( ب_ب )
and he teaches you how to play piano
basically your friendship is very playful and you find a comfort place in each other to remind yourselves that you’re allowed to have fun and live your lives o(*>ω<*)o
Park Jisung
i think it took quite a while to befriend him
his shyness can get the best of him sometimes it’s okay bby
but once you got hi to break out of his shell you’ve got yourself a lifelong best friend congrats (ര̀ᴗര́)و ̑̑
he shows his caring nature through small acts
texts you good luck and encourages you before award shows
becomes your dramatic weatherman
literally glitches if you ever have even a *slightly* sexy concept
“how did you like the dance, jisungie?”
“i-uh...um...it was...yeah...it was really uh *coughs* *clears throat* it was NICE, yeah...nice” (๑ּగ⌄ּగ๑)
ofc he *absolutely* loved it, he just respects you and looks up to you too much to make any further commentary
you coach each other through dance routines :3
you never fail to calm down and give confidence to jisung whenever his nerves get in the way
jaemin actually specifically asked you to look after jisung during his hiatus
jisung’s TMI’s sometimes involve you  (´ㅂ`๑)
“today’s tmi? i started working on a surprise for you czennies...and i got help from a very talented performer”
the surprise was a dance cover choreographed and performed with you that was the death of your fandoms ੧| ⊗ ▾ ⊗ |୨
you can be considered childhood friends so you understand each other with little to no words spoken
that’s why everyone loves your ‘partners in pure crime’ friendship
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choerrypuffs · 3 years
no but what fr annoys me is when ppl go like “ur pressed over 3 songs ??” like uhm, if this was anyone other than bts you would be screaming as well. i stan nct and svt so much but if they released horrible english songs 3 times in a row, i’d be very annoyed. (tho ngl nct 127 regular in english >>> korean idk y)
when ppl say let them sing in whatever language, it’s annoying cus most people aren’t annoyed at the fact that they’re specifically speaking english but it’s the fact that the quality of the music has degraded along with it. aswell as the fact the english lyrics are sometimes cringey (but this may just be an issue just because we can understand english and not korean so we don’t really realise how cringey it may be normally but idk ).
i guess they’re trying to emulate the american pop sound ?? but find me a song that sounded like this and wasn’t released in 2015 🧍‍♀️ . it’s just like, what group are u marketing towards? cus this just sounds like the type of music you hear in the ads in the 2 seconds before you skip and it’s annoying. take me back before they had collab with halsey cus boy with luv was so bad imo (i love halsey but the song was trash lolol) but ON was good ? i just wish they kept to their roots instead of just trying to push themselves into the american market. because nobody listens to these types of songs.
but sometimes i just feel bad, like do they actually want to make music like this or are they forced to or ?? cus it seems like they just wanna make as much money before they leave to the military ngl but it’s their job so ngl i don’t care about that. but it’s the way they think this is going to grab the western public’s interest like NO ?? baby no it’s not. i just miss the older bts eras like not today, idol, bst, like i kind of?? stanned them because of those eras but i stopped around 2019 with boy with luv and ngl i don’t blame myself cus clearly it wasn’t getting better (except ON that was good). so neways to end this off , i keep reading ptd as ptsd so i think that’s all you need to know 🕳🤸‍♀️
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EXACTLY ????? like if i’m a fan of somebody and they keep releasing trash songs, i have the right to be upset ?? kpop stans act like you can’t be a fan while also disliking some of their songs. i started getting into bts when they released run/hyyh2 and i still stand by the fact that’s the best album they’ve ever released. skool luv affair and dark & wild are some of my favorites too. their music has changed drastically ever since love yourself, so you can’t blame people for not liking their new music?? and i’m not even trying to be the “back in my day” boomer but it’s true 😩
also remember when they were doing an interview and someone asked if they would do a song/album (i can’t remember which) in english and armys got pressed about the question ??? and then bts came out with dynamite 🗿 and you’re completely right, no one cares that they’re singing in english. it’s bc the lyrics and song itself are shit 🤧 there’s rarely ever a kpop song that translates well in english EXCEPT rv’s bad boy 🥰
I KNOW RIGHT??? if bts hadn’t released it, would their english songs even chart??? the fact that dynamite was nominated for a grammy is MINDBLOWING to me 😭😭😭 honestly boy in luv is one of their more tolerable songs 💀 yes!! ON was so beautiful 😪 i thought we were finally getting back on track but then i was disappointed again
honestly i think it’s bc bts themselves or bighit or both realized they can release anything they want and fans will eat it up so they’re just focusing on making as much money as possible 🤷‍♀️ i respect their hustle but it’s kind of surreal to listen to their old music making fun of and condemning capitalism and then seeing the transition to them becoming the epitome of capitalism
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jesuisgourde · 3 years
from your blog you seem to have impeccable taste! any song recommendations? i’m trying to diversify my listening a bit, i’m in a bit of a libs rut again at the moment!
Thank you!
Oh man, song recs! I can just throw out some random recommendations and things plus commentary because that's how I roll. These are just random good songs in my library. Have a giant list, because it turns out I was having fun going through my files.
-Eat Yr'self Fitter and Smile, both by The Fall, both from their Perverted By Language album. It's not their most celebrated album, but it's my favorite. -If you want to be sad and also amazed at the narrative skills of a bunch of teenagers, Spiderland by Slint is an amazing album. Don, Aman is my favorite song but it does make me quite sad. -Sensoria by Cabaret Voltaire is just a fun 80s synth song -Can U Dig It by Pop Will Eat Itself (which features audio clips from The Warriors film, which you should see if you haven't, it's great) -Positively Lost Me by The Rave-Ups. I love this song so much, it's so fun to sing and the guitar part is so good. -Shum by Go_A which you have probably heard if you followed Eurovision this year but I still think it's a fucking banger song. Also Zitti E Buoni by Maneskin, the winners of Eurovision (their two new singles are also fantastic). -Synapse and Malarone, both by Linea Aspera, a band from the mid-2000s that sounds like what I imagine that gif of those two 80s goth girls doing a very solemn shimmy in a club sounds like -Tomorrow by Working Mens Club (which also sounds like you could mash it with Begging by The Libertines and it would work) -Slip Inside This House by Screamadelica, which is just a fun song to listen to, especially while traveling somewhere. -Shotgun Mouthwash by High Contrast. This song was in the soundtrack to Trainspotting 2 but it is my favorite song to drive home from work to because I'm just doing 80 on the freeway in the dark with this great beat. -Psoriatic by Scott Walker. A very creepy song and I think perhaps the second Scott Walker song I ever heard. It is extremely weird and I love it, although other people might not. If you like it, all his self-titled albums are very cool, as is his collab with Sunn O))). -C30 C60 C90 Go! by Bow Wow Wow. Malcolm McLaren stole Adam Ant's drummers for this band but the result is this awesome single. -Sockets by Slaves. Watch the music video if you listen to this song, it's amazing. -Speaking of amazing music videos, Tongues by Joywave is a pretty awesome song with the most surprising and fun music video I've ever seen. -Venus by Television (okay, all of Marquee Moon really). This song and Gary Gilmore's Eyes by The Adverts (another banger) are connected in my mind for some reason as "poetic songs about random anatomy that are extremely creative". -Cinnamon Road by Tangerine Dream is just a fun electronic instrumental that makes me really happy -Blank Expression by The Specials. It's the Specials, idk, it's just good. -Andrew In Drag by The Magnetic Fields. It's a really good fun song and Stephin Merritt is a cool dude. -I'm In Love With A German Film Star by The Passions. I've had this song for years, I have no idea where I picked it up, but I like it. -Dumb Waiters by Psychedelic Furs. The entire Talk Talk Talk album is amazing. It's just straight punk and Richard Butler has such a distinctive voice. I listened to this album constantly in high school. -Sea Calls Me Home by Julia Holter. This song is just really pretty. It’s like a mermaid singing. -Death Disco by PiL. Basically the end of John Lydon being cool/not a shitbag, but it's a fantastic song and I love the use of the Swan Lake motif because I am a nerd. -Yes by McAlmont & Butler. There's some quote about David McAlmont along the lines of "one day he'll open his mouth and a cathedral will fall out" and yeah. This song is so great. Fueled by both members falling out with their other bands, so the emotion behind it is intense. (It's also the song that apparently inspired Manic Street Preachers to start writing music again after Richey Edwards died.) -Who Do You Want For Your Love by Budgie. I really wish I could learn this song on guitar, with its funky bassline. -Atlas by Battles. I found this song via the tv show Torchwood a million years ago but it's a good song. -Bad Seeds by Beat Happening. One of the PNW bands that inspired Kurt Cobain, and this song is really good, and also reminds me of Goo Goo Muck by The Cramps. -Back Into The Future by Man. Thanks to Nicky Wire for this one. I think he played it when he was a guest on some radio station. -Starlings by Elbow (warning: this song starts soft and then has a really sudden, loud brass horns sound, so I'd advise not listening to it super loud because it will be very startling.) The entire Seldom Seen Kid album is awesome, I think it's their best, lyrically and musically. -QYURRYUS by The Voidz. I like The Strokes even though Julian is in his slutty middle aged douchebag phase, but I prefer The Voidz and all his weird vocorder experimenting. This song and Cool As A Ghoul are my favorites. -Me by The Wolfhounds. Just a good early punk song. They have a more recent song called The Stupid Poor that's also really good. -Nick The Stripper by The Birthday Party. Great bass, the way Nick Cave says "insect" is so cool, the sickly sliding brass is so great. (Listening to this is reminding me that I need to listen to Birthday Party more often.) -Here Comes Your Man by The Pixies. You’ve probably heard this one because everyone has but it’s just a great song. -Wing Run by the Osees. I only discovered this one last year. My roommate was listening to it in the shower and I literally knocked on the wall to ask him what he was listening to because it sounded cool. Very proggy, but I like prog rock. -No Witness by LP. I have no idea where I found this song but the singer's vocals are really cool. -Goodnight New York by Vienna Teng. It's just a really pretty, nostalgic, sweet song. -Vitamin C by Can. You’ve probably heard this one. It’s just brilliant. The entire Ege Bamyasi album is awesome but this is obviously the best song. Those drums! -Christian Dior by Morrissey. I hate Morrissey the person, I love Morrissey the music. This song has always made me feel very bittersweet for some bizarre reason but it's one of my favorites. -Human by Rag N' Bone Man. This dude has such a great voice and this song is really good bluesy soul. -Do You Love Me by The Contours. A classic r&b song and yes it’s the one from Dirty Dancing but it is actually a really good song. -David Watts by The Kinks. This song is so silly and I just love it. It was one of my alarms on my phone for a while. -Here’s Where The Story Ends by The Sundays. This song is kind of sad, and I have no idea where I found it, but it’s really pretty. -The Passenger by Iggy Pop. Also Perforation Problems by Iggy Pop. And of course I Wanna Be Your Dog. I just think Iggy Pop is awesome. One of my roommates saw him live and I’m extremely jealous. -A Letter From Home by Ulrich Schnauss. Another electronic instrumental. This actually played at my job and I fell in love with it. -Happy Feet (High Heels Mix) by Blam. I admit to liking electroswing. Idk if this really counts because it's more like a club mix of a swing song, but it's fun. (I found it off the soundtrack to the first season of US Queer As Folk.) -Law (Earthlings On Fire) by David Bowie. I know most people like Bowie's 80s stuff but I love his mid-90s industrial phase (even though his hair was ugly). -Sound And Vision by David Bowie. My all-time favorite Bowie song. Low is his best album imo. The song is just so perfect in every way. -Faster by Manic Street Preachers. I'm cliched in that this is my favorite Manics song, but it's just Richey at his absolute best. Other Manics favorites are This Joke Sport Severed, Roses In The Hospital, and NatWest Barclays Midlands Lloyds. -Sinnerman by Nina Simone. She’s just such a force and this song is so cool, just totally driven by her voice and this very simple guitar/piano motif. -The Cutter by Echo & The Bunnymen. You’ve probably heard this one before. It’s just a great song. -We Can Be Together by Jefferson Airplane. My parents were hippies so I grew up on the Volunteers album. Most of the lyrics are taken from a UAW/Black Panthers leaflet which I just think is so cool. -She Sells Sanctuary by The Cult. Just a really good gothy psychedelic 80s song. -Ebeneezer Goode by The Shamen. I really love 90s dance music, it scratches my brain real nice, and this is a great one. -Please Don’t Touch by Polly Scattergood. It’s like if Toni Basil was mentally ill. Idk why I like this song, I think it’s because it’s almost obnoxious but somehow manages to pull back from it at the last second. -Under The Light by Fleece. You know the "How To Make An Alt-J Song" video that went viral like 6 years ago? Those guys have a band and they're great. Really lovely mellow dreamy music. -At Home He's A Tourist by Gang Of Four. The entire Entertainment! album is really good. -Candy Says by The Velvet Underground. It’s really feels like Lou Reed singing about a friend which is nice. Run Run Run and Vicious are also great songs. -Smokestack Lightning by Howlin’ Wolf. A good blues song with a really nice riff. -Beijing Taxi by Viagra Boys. This is the first song I heard by them and it’s just a really weird dream story being talk-sung but it’s great. (Also please watch the music video for Sports by them for some laughs.) -Down In The Tube Station At Midnight by The Jam. Another good classic punk song. I just really like the way old school punk songs tell stories. -Ampun Bang Jago by Tian Storm & Ever Slkr. I found this song from that viral video of that woman obliviously exercising to it while the Mayanmar coup occurred behind her but it’s actually a fucking bop. -Slow Motion by Patrick Wolf. It’s just really pretty. His song The Days was featured in that cute gay movie God’s Own Country. I had another song of his in my library for years before properly looking him up. -Exit Everything by Rowland S Howard. He’s just so cool. I can never decide what song by him I like most. There’s also Breakdown and Autoluminescent that are great. -Johnny B Goode by Chuck Berry. A classic. Also the Sex Pistols cover of this is really funny. -(Feels Like) Heaven by Fiction Factory. Very 80s but I like it a lot. -Sex And Drugs And Rock N’ Roll by Ian Dury And The Blockheads. This song is fun and always makes me laugh. -Heartbreak Hotel by John Cale. It’s a cover of an Elvis song but I hate Elvis and I think John Cale is great. All the instruments are whack out of tune but it sounds so cool. Way better than the original.
Sorry this is a lot. I was having fun! If there’s stuff you really like, let me know and I can make more suggestions in that direction!
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freyjafm · 3 years
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 hi  everybody  !  i'm  𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐫𝐢𝐝  ,  but  you  can  call  me  later  😉  i'm  your  resident  virgo  ,  an  avid  tea  latte  stan  and  enjoy  watching  too  many  true  crime  docus  .  i'm  currently  a  full  time  student  &  part  time  worker  ,  so  i'm  not  always  accessible  ,  but  i  promise  i'll  get  back  to  u  in  3-5  business  days  !  i'll  be  playing  new  york's  rising  it  girl  ,  miss  𝒇𝒓𝒆𝒚𝒋𝒂  𝒔𝒂𝒚𝒊𝒅  herself  !  under  the  read  more  below  ,  you  will  find  her  statistics  ,  her  background  ,  and  her  wanted  connections  !  tap  that  heart  button  4  me  to  slither  into  your  dms  like  an  alaskan  bull  worm  !  ps  ,  i  don't  fck  with  discord  so  i  don't  have  that  .  :(
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freyja  sayid was  spotted  in  the  fashion  district  adorning  jimmy choo , with  some  airpod pros on . they’re  most  likely  listening to  wonder  what  she  thinks  of  me  by  chloe  x  halle . you  may  know  them  as  @FREYJA or as  that  aisha  potter  lookalike . their  twenty  second  birthday  just passed . while  living  in  the  upper  east  side , they’ve  gained  a  bit of  a  reputation .  they’re  known  to  be cunning  but  on  the  other hand  captivating . wonder  if  they’ll be  the  next  person  to  hit  the headlines .  +   (  freyja arm in arm with newest oil heir beau, weeks after messy break up with a prime minister’s nephew /  what seems to be freyja sayid poorly sneaking out the back of a club at 4 am /  what’s next for new york’s rising it girl, freyja sayid? )
first.  freyja  (  named  after  the  goddess )
middle.  blaire  (  named  after  her  maternal  great-grandmother  )
last.  sayid
dob.  19/02/99  (  22  yo  )
pob.   bern,  switzerland
height.  5′5 1/2 
orientation.  bisexual  &  biromantic
ethnicity.  half  white  on  her  mother’s  side  and  half  malaysian  on  her  father’s  side.
parents.  atalie  sayid  (  mother,  senator  for  the  state  of  new  york  )  and  amirul  sayid  (  father,  current  deputy  prime  minister  of  malaysia  )
siblings.  2  elder  sisters,  2  elder  brothers  (  5  in  total  )  all  in  politics  in  some  fashion  (  eg,  the  current  mayor  of  a  city,  chief  of  staff  to  a  diplomat,  working  under  senior  cabinet  members,  etc  !  )
career  claim.  jennie  kim  (  minus  ALL  musical  claims  )
youngest  daughter  born  to  the  sayid  family,  a  powerhouse  of  politicians.  her  mother  is  a  current  sitting  senator  for  new  york  and  her  father  is  the  current  deputy  prime  minister  of  malaysia.  they  met  years  prior,  during  her  mother’s  first  term  meanwhile  her  father  was  the  former  attorney  general  for  malaysia,  at  a  un  gala.  as  much  as  they  both  were  passionate  and  concerned  about  their  work,  love  never  had  a  timing  and  they  were  married  the  following  year.  all  the  siblings  have  relatively  normal  age  gaps  (  the  most  being  4  )  but  freyja  was  a  bit  of  a  surprise,  and  the  only  sibling  in  her  early  twenties.  the  rest  are  in  their  thirties,  with  her  eldest  sister  nearing  forty  soon.  that,  paired  with  the  fact  freyja  showed  zero  interest  in  politics,  allowed  them  to  have  a  rather  hollow  and  strained  relationship.  she  has  a  somewhat  stable  and  semi-consistent  relationship  with  her  older  sister,  the  second  youngest,  but  they  don’t  meet  very  often  due  to  work.  they  often  treated  her  like  the  ultimate  downfall  of  the  sayid  family.
growing  up,  money  and  the  likes  clearly  weren’t  a  problem.  as   a  child,  she’d  tag  along  often  with  her  mom  or  dad  (  rarely  ever  both  )  and  occasionally  with  a  sibling,  and  hated  anything  that  wasn’t  sweet,  glittery,  or  one  of  a  kind.  helping  with  campaigns were  boring  in  freyja’s  eyes  and  she’d  often  sneak  away  to  go  doodle  in  the  bathroom  walls  or  play  on  her  blinged  out,  pink  nintendo  ds.  needless  to  say,  this  was  never  going  to  be  her  jam.  her  parents  role  in  her  life  was  rather  inconsistent,  but  not  on  purpose.  it  was  mainly  work-related,  so  she  was  taken  care  by  a  few  trusted  nannies  and  butlers.  her  siblings  all  moved  out  by  the  time  freyja  was  finishing  up  elementary  school,  she  was  used  to  being  alone.
not  much  else  is  known  of  freyja  (  everything  was  p  chill  )  until  she  enters  high  school.  she  enrolls  into  a private  and  elite  boarding  school  in  europe  and  instantly  becomes  a  hybrid  ;  both  the  social  butterfly  and  the  queen  bee.  the  sudden  attention  she  receives  and  the  feeling  of  having  people  under  her  thumb sets  her  heart  on  fire.  she  adores  this,  loves  it  even.  she  gets  what  she  wants  with  a  bat  of  her  bambi  eyes  or  a  little  whine,  but  no  one  really  can  say  no  to  her.  beauty  and  power  go  hand  in  hand,  and  freyja  sayid  masters  it  by  age  fifteen.  while  it  was  a  boarding  school,  her  parents  purchased  an  estate  for  freyja  to  stay  at  instead  nearby  with  her  nannies  and  butlers  and  security.  what  that  meant  to  freyja  ?  throw  the  sickest  summer  parties  before  school  started  and  the  best  holiday  get  togethers  the  first  week  of  winter  break  (  before  she  inevitably  flies  off  in  a  private  jet  with  her  friends  to  a  sayid  family  owned  villa  near  the  alps )  and  she  began  drinking  /  smoking  early  on.  the  world  was  this  giant  oyster  and  freyja  the  pearl.  graduated  with  honors  as  valedictorian  and  prom  queen,  voted  ‘  most  likely  to  rule  the  world  ‘  and oh,  how  she  is  coming  so  close.
after  graduating,  she  spent  a  few  years  travelling  and  partying  with  friends.  she  spent  less  and  less  time  with  family,  only  for  formal  events  or  re-elections  or  other  boring  shit  she  didn’t  give  two  cents  about.  most  of  the  time  she  showed  up  stoned  to  pass  the  time  away.  most  of  her  antics  were  able  to  be  paid  off  by  her  family  to  save  themselves  some  embarrassment,  but  sometimes  (  notably  about  a  rumored  new  beau  or  leaving  the  club  at  ungodly  hours  )  would  slip  onto  tabloids.  and  yes,  her  pr  manager  is  100%  always  stressing  out  over  freyja. 
her  influence  over  value  was  noticed  by  brands  by  age  19,  when  something  she  wore  was  sold  out  as  soon  as  the  pictures  of  her  in  it  went  viral.  by  20,  she  was  soon  modelling  for  major  brands  and  received  early  invitations  to  attend  fashion  week  for  brands  like  gucci,  saint  laurent,  and  chanel.  dubbed  ‘  human  gucci  ‘  and  ‘  human  chanel  ‘  due  to  her  fashion  sense.   hairpins  that  she  sported  one  spring  went  viral  and  were  soon  known  as  ‘  freyja’s  hairpins  ‘  ,  a  huge  tell  tale  sign  of  her  powerful  influence  over  value  and  selling  power.  had  modelled  for  magazines  such  as  vogue  (  internationally,  too )  /  harper’s bazaar /  marie  claire  /  elle  /  high  cut  /  w  /  cosmopolitan  /  and  billboard.  currently,  the  face  of  ‘  hera  ‘,  a  south  korean  luxury  brand,  the  house  ambassador  for  chanel,  collabed  with  samsung  to  release  a  limited  edition  version  of  a  phone  with  her  signature  color  ;  red,  known  as  ‘  freyja’s  red  ‘.  recently,  she  has  worked  as  an  editor  for  her  latest  magazine  release  (  feb’  21  for  vogue  )  and  last  year,  released  a  collaboration  with  ‘  gentle  monster  ‘  ,  a  south  korean  luxury  eyewear  brand,  and  was  just  named  as  the  face  for  a  popular  liquor  brand  in  sweden.  she  is  taking  a  small  break  until  summer  to  give  her  some  time  to  breath  with  a  hectic  life  before  she  goes  back  into  working.  basically,  her  face  is  like  everywhere.  
a  jealous,  vindictive  sort  of  bitch.  wants  what  other  people  has  because  she  wants  to  see  how  far  the  world  will  bend  for  her  and  because  she  knows   she  can  have  it.  has  cheated  with  partners  before,  though  it  has  toned  down  a  bit  now.  will  flirt  and  mess  with  someone,  not  caring  if  they  are  in  a  relationship  or  talking  to  someone.  often  goes  viral  for  ‘  sitting  pretty  ‘  and  really  loves  being  at  the  dead  center  of  the  spotlight.  at  the  same  time,  the  void  of  being  ‘  abandoned  ‘  by  family  makes  her  extremely  loyal  to  friends  (  yes,  she  picks  sides  after  friendship  and  romantic  breakups  )  and  her  chosen  family.  will  go  to  the  end  of  the  world  for  them,  often  spoils  them  with  matching  jewelry  or  shirts  to  go  on  cute  dates  together.  bad  day  ?  she’ll  get  a  lift  over,  make  you  pack,  and  head  to  the  sayid  family  jet  to  go  wherever  you  want  to  go.  a  good  ally  to  have,  a  terrifying  enemy  to  have.
something  based  on  ‘  drivers  license  ‘  lyrically  by  olivia  rodrigo  .
something  based  on  ‘  gone  ‘  lyrically  by  roseanne  park  .
something  based  on  ‘  love  somebody  ‘  lyrically  by  lauv  .
something  based  on  this  gifset  .  (  🎐  )  [  other  :  i  just  . .  love  this  and  want  it  .  HDHDH  the  bond  can  be  figured  out  beforehand  !  ]
something  based  on  this  post .  (  🍶  )  [  other  :  most  likely  something  toxic  or  angsty  !  ]
something  based  on  this  post .  ( 🍈 )  [  other  :  childhood  or  friends  attempting  to  test  the  waters  with  something  new  ??  PHEW  !  ]
down  for  anything  not  on  here  !  let  me  know  if  freyja  fits  anything  of  yours,  a  brand  new  idea  that  could  just  work,  and  any  of  the  more  ‘  basic  ‘  plots  !
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