#woke up and was VERY confused why i had a ton of notifications
runwayblues · 2 years
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good morning
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httpsfelicity · 4 years
“In a black dress, she's such an actress” - Harry Styles × Model Reader AU
Summary - Harry meets a model downtown and falls for her quickly, leading the public to think that it’s a pr stunt. Unsure of what to think, the reader plays along, not knowing that Harry is unaware of the rumours. 
For @cruizmanadu! Xx
A/N - Okay, this is my first official request type thing so please tell me if it’s good or not! Ignore any mistakes, thought I think I looked over it pretty well. Also, if you’d like a part 2 / have suggestions / ect, just send a DM or ask! Here you go babes, hope you like it x
“If I don’t get coffee right now, I’m going to pass out on this sidewalk, I swear,” moaned Ella. 
“We’re almost there, calm down,” you responded as you adjusted the shopping bags in your hands quickly. You and your best friend Ella had decided to go out in NYC for the day, which of course meant loads of shopping. Hell, half of the bags you were carrying weren’t even yours - Ella had a shoot the next day, and insisted that she couldn’t carry her bags out of fear that she’d mark up her hands. So you were carrying enough bags to “Mark up your hands”, according to Ella. Which, to be fair, was quite unfair, because that girl shops a lot.
“Hey, can you take some of these, just until we get there? I’m getting kinda-”
“Oh. My. Gosh.” She lowered her voice and leaned in towards you. “Don’t look yet, keep walking, but some guy is totally checking you out.”
You sighed. “How could the paps have found us? I thought we covered our tracks nicel-”
She cut you off once again. “No, no, not a pap. This guy, he’s, well - okay, look to your left riiiight... now.”
You quickly glanced over to see a guy in his 20′s wearing a multicoloured knit sweater with messy brown hair, looking in your general direction. He quickly looked away when he saw you. You looked away, which was unfortunate, because you would’ve seen him gathering up the courage to walk over to you two.
"He's pretty fit," you whispered back quickly. "Do you think he recognizes me?" It sounds very stuck up, but often times people tried to hit on you solely because you model for the big brands, so you had to be careful. Being in the industry had a lot of pros, but a lot of cons as well. Not knowing who your real friends are were one of the cons.
"I'm not sure," Ella replied.
Just then, you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned around and saw that you were face to face with the boy.
"Hello," he started nervously. He had a charming British accent, you noticed right away.
"Hi!" You replied, waiting for him to say something totally obnoxious or fan-like.
"This probably sounds weird, but I couldn't help but notice you."
"Oh, why thank you!" You laughed. "He doesn't seem too creepy or weird or stalker-ish," you thought to yourself.
"Yeah, so, um... This is weird as well, I'm sorry, but could I get your number?" He smiled weakly.
"No, absolutely not," said Ella, grabbing you by the arm and starting to drag you away. "C'mon."
She only walked a few feet until you broke away and went back over to him. "I'm sorry about that - of course you can."
His nervous expression eased away the tiniest bit. "Oh, that's great."
He handed you his phone, and you typed in you number."
"I'm Harry, by the way. Harry Styles."
"Oh! I'm y/n."
"Why does that sound familiar?"
"I work in the modeling industry. You might have heard of me from that?"
"I should've known you were a model - you've definitely got the looks. And I'm sure the personality as well."
You grinned.
"I'm a singer," he continued. "I used to be in a band - now I'm solo. So that's one thing we have in common, I guess. Well, not really. You know what I mean."
"You're right!" You laughed. "He's pretty easy to talk to," you thought. Even though you didn't want to, you could feel Ella staring at the back of your neck impatiently, so you decided to wrap up the conversation. "Well, I've got to go, but you'll message me later, yeah?"
"Of course," he nodded. "Well, goodbye for now, y/n."
"Goodbye, Harry Styles."
"What was that?!" Ella asked once he was out of earshot.
"What? He's polite and cute. Of course I have him my number!"
"He could be a creepy obsessive fan! Or a perv! Or a crackhead! He's just some random guy on the streets, for all we know!"
"Would you calm down? He's so nice - I just know he wouldn't do that. Plus, that sweater is awfully expensive. Almost 2k."
Ella rolled her eyes. "Okay, sure."
"Oh, and he's a singer."
Ella snapped her head to look at you, clearly very shocked by this statement. "He's what?"
"A singer, apparently."
"What's his name?"
"Harry Styles."
"Oh. My. God. My friend had a shoot with him once! He's popular, y/n. Really popular."
"God, you sound like a middle-schooler."
"I'm just sayin'! But now that I know this information, I've changed my opinion on him. GO FOR IT."
"I was already planning on it," you laugh, walking past a group of starstruck thirteen year olds quickly. "Although I'm not so sure. I didn't get his number - it's up to him to message me."
"He'd better," Ella replied as the two of you walked into a local café. You nodded in agreement, and you both walked up the the register to order.
The rest of the day was a blur - you went to a few more stores, and then eventually hailed a cab and went back to your apartment. You were so exhausted that you kicked off your shoes and flopped into your couch, too tired to even eat. As you lie there, you felt your phone vibrate in you pocket. Reluctantly, you pulled it out slowly, and clicked it on.
***-****-**** - Hello.
Your first though was, "It's Harry!" Your second thought was, "That's a very ominous introduction." Nonetheless, you typed up a response.
Y/n <3 - Who's this?
***-****-**** - Harry, from earlier hahah x
You let out a sigh of relief - he had messaged you back, and it hadn't been some rando. Things were working out nicely.
Y/n <3 - Well, hello!
While you were waiting for a response, you set his contact name up. You hadn't gotten a photo of him yet, so you decided one from Google would do. You typed up "Harry Styles", and the search results shocked you. Ella was right - he was popular. And cute (But you already knew that.) You got a notification from him, so you screenshotted the first photo to come up (Him in a very nice pink top), set it as his photo, and then went back onto messages.
Harry Styles - Hi! I'm sorry if the whole encounter earlier was creepy. Your friend seemed quite worked up over it.
Y/n <3 - She's had bad experiences like this in the past.
Harry Styles - I've had quite a few myself, honestly. Don't blame her. Anyways, how are you?
Y/n <3 - Exhausted. All that walking must've worn me out, hahaha
Harry Styles - Hahah, that's New York for ya.
Harry Styles - Would you happen to be free tomorrow?
Harry Styles - I'd love to get to know you.
You grinned at your phone screen. This could not be happening.
Y/n <3 - Nope! Free all day. I'd love to get to know you too!
Harry Styles - Does 1pm at the Beachwood Café work? :)
He sent a location along with it. It was the same café you and Ella had gone to earlier.
Y/n <3 - Sure!
Harry Styles - Alright, talk then?
Y/n <3 - Yes!
Harry Styles - Goodnight.
Y/n <3 - Goodnight!
Seen - 11:34pm.
The next day you woke up at 10 so you would have time to get ready. You got a quick shower, did you hair, makeup... By 12:30 you were dressed and ready to go. Casual, but not too casual was what you were going for. You were pretty sure you had the look down pat. You grabbed your stuff and made your way downtown, sunglasses on.
You arrived early, 12:48pm, but luckily Harry was already there, waiting at a table near the back with two menus. He waved once he saw you, and jumped up to pull out your chair.
"Hello," you smiled.
"I adore your outfit," you said as you sat down. He was now wearing a white and blue striped shirt and tan jeans. Somehow he made it work.
"I love yours as well! The skirt brings out your eyes."
You tried hard not to blush. "Thank you!"
"So, I guess we should start getting to know eachother, then?" He grinned.
You nodded. "20 questions?"
"Sure. Full name?"
"Harry Edward Styles."
"I like that middle name. Very sophisticated." He laughed at this. "Age?"
"Favourite movie?"
"Back To The Future."
You continued asking questions until the waiter came over to your table.
"I'll have the chicken sub," he said politely.
"I'll have a medium lemonade."
"Is that it?" Harry asked.
You sighed. "And a blueberry muffin, I guess."
The waiter wrote it down and walked off.
"I'm on a diet," you explained.
"Still," Harry shrugged. "So, tell me about yourself."
"Well, I started modeling at about age 8, for this clothing bran-"
"No no no, I meant about you."
You gave him a confused look.
"Not about your job, you!"
"Okay, well, let's see... Uh..."
"I'm 26, but you already knew that. I live in New York, obviously. I used to work in a bakery, even though I just told you not to talk about your job. I like playing football, I write, and I enjoy baking bread. See? Easy."
You laughed. Why did he have to be so... Charming?
"I'm 23, but you already knew that. I've lived in New York my whole life. I read a lot, and I mean a lot. I have a ton of plants in my apartment, since I can't really have a garden here. I like Taylor Swift's music."
Harry nodded. "See? That wasn't so bad."
You laughed. "Yeah, I guess you're right."
Just then the waiter placed the food on the table, and you took a sip of your lemonade while Harry dug into his sub.
"I dated Taylor for a pr stunt once."
"Yeah. She got a few songs, I got a new story to tell during interviews."
"Oh. Did you like her?"
You laughed again. "Oh, my."
"Yeah. I haven't had many actual relationships. 3."
"I haven't had any."
"Yeah. Not many guys are interested. Or, well, interested in me, you know?"
"I find that hard to believe."
You tried not to blush once again as you took a sip of your lemonade.
"Well, it's true."
"Personally, I think you're great."
"You are too!"
The two of you continue eating. After two minutes, Harry speaks up.
"Want to go back to my apartment and watch a movie? In a non weird way, of course."
"Okay, that sounds good. Which movie?"
"Clueless?" He winked.
You grinned. "Of course."
You get up and walk out into the streets of New York, leaving your blueberry muffin on the table.
The walk to Harry's is very short. You two talk the whole way there, mainly small talk, but it isn’t awkward at all. You feel like you can be yourself around him - whatever that means. To put it into words, you feel comfortable around him. Which is weird, because you just met him a day ago, but it feels right for some reason.
Eventually you arrived at the door to his apartment. While he was busy digging his key out of his pocket, you took a glance up and down the hallway. This place was much fancier than you had expected. It made your apartment complex look cheap. Everything seemed so... posh. Harry pushed open the door, and you stepped inside. His apartment was decorated with art; albums of artists you’ve never even heard of were hung on the walls, and potted plants were everywhere. It was messy, but in an organized way.
“I just need to run to the washroom, make yourself at home,” he said as he kicked off his shoes. 
“Alright,” you replied. You put your coat on a coat rack (Obviously) and walked over to the couch. Unsure of what to do, you decided to check twitter. After a few seconds of contemplating if checking your phone right now was rude or not, you decided to turn on your data and do it, since he was in the bathroom and you were bored. You looked over you shoulder, then hit the trending page. Politics, Ariana Grande - she must be releasing a new album - #TGIF, and... Harry Styles? Without thinking twice, you click on it. Immediately, photos of you and him pop up from when you were walking back to his place. That was only a few minutes ago... how did these photos get out so soon?
“You ready?” Harry asked as he entered the room, holding up a DVD case with an excited look on his face.
“Yep,” you said, putting down your phone. A second later, you picked it back up. “Did you see twitter?”
“No, I don’t go on social media much,” he replied as he popped the disc into his bluray player.
“You’re trending.”
“No, I mean... we got papped on the way back here. Look.” You turned the phone so he could see it. 
He took a glance at the screen, then grabbed a remote and flopped onto the couch next to you. “It doesn’t really bother me. Happens far too often. I mean, unless you have a problem with it. I can get them taken down, if you’d like.” Suddenly, his usual relaxed self has replaced with a worried one.
You shook your head. “No, no, I... just letting you know. I don’t care. Besides, I didn’t see many people talking about it, just sharing the photos.”
“Oh, well, if you change your mind, just let me know,” he concluded as he turned on the TV.
You nodded, and then focused on Cher Horowitz on the screen. You didn’t watch much of the movie, because you and Harry kept on cracking jokes and telling stories, but you wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.
Eventually, it was time for you to leave, since it was nearly 5pm. 
“Do you want me to walk you back? Or, I could call you a cab,” Harry asked as you slipped on your shoes.
“Oh, don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine.”
“No, no, I’ll walk you back,” he insisted as he grabbed his coat.
You weren’t about to argue with him, because, let’s face it, you secretly wanted him to walk you home. So you followed him out the door and to the elevator.
You talked the whole way there, but you were distracted just a tiny bit - you wanted to keep an eye out for paps. Eventually you decided that it was difficult and pointless, so you fully engaged yourself in Harry’s conversation on how to make a mean loaf of bread.
A few minutes later, you arrived at your place.
“Well, this is it,” you grinned sadly.
Harry nodded. “I’ll message you later?”
“Of course. We have to do this again, you know.”
Harry smiled wide. “Sure. I’d love that.”
“Well... goodbye, Harry.”
He leaned in and gave you a quick kiss on the cheek. “Goodbye, y/n.” 
You stared back at him, starstruck, but he turned and started walking down the hall before you could say anything. “Love ya!” You called out quickly before you shut the door behind you, unsure if he even heard you. Oh, well. He’d message you later, anyways.
You were quite hungry by this point, so you decided to order Chinese food off of Postmates. Once that call was made, you sat down and opened Twitter again. You noticed that you had way more notifications than usual, but you decided that could wait until after you checked the trending topics once more. “Harry Styles” was still trending, but even more surprisingly, “Y/n” was right underneath it. You decided to hit Harry’s topic first - MORE pap photos came up, this time from when you were walking home. Wow. 
“We do look like a proper couple.” You thought, though you quickly shook it. You’d just met - although you know what they say, “Love at first sight” and all that crap.But no. 
You decided to scroll down even further, past all of the photos and to the actual tweets.
@Harryscherry77: Is @ yn Harry’s new girlfriend? If so, she’s soooooo lucky.
@Y/nsclouds: Why is y/n being papped with Harry Styles? She can do much better. His music isn’t even that good.
@Lightsuplouisx: I ship it, tbh {Insert photo here}
@TaylorxxxTea: Oh cute, another pr stunt :/ #HarryStyles IsOverParty
@GalacticY/N26: Ugh, Harry? Really? I’m seriously gonna unstan Y/n, I’ve been considering it but this is just the last straw for me.
@HarryIsUpAllNight: Did you guys know the girl Harry was papped with is a model? She’s absolutely gorgeous, I wouldn’t doubt it.
@Stylesfangirl49: Y/n is honestly so ugly. #RunHarryRun 
@SummertimeNewsOfficial: Has Harry Styles been spotted with yet another woman, months after his breakup with Camille? {Insert Link Here}
@Larry2020xxx: Another beard LMAOOO c’mon. PR STUNTTTT.
@Lola33smith: They haven’t even been confirmed dating yet, calm downnnnn.
“Wow,” you thought as you continued scrolling. “This is not what I was expecting.”
It seemed like the whole internet had something to say about a few lousy pictures of you and H. There was good and bad, though it felt like the bad outweighed the good. An alarming amount of people seemed to think it was a pr stunt. Wow. Your notifications weren’t much better - loads of people had followed you, dm’ed you, called you worthless, called you amazing. It was a lot to handle. Just then the doorbell rang - your Postmates. How long had you been looking through all of that? It didn’t matter now. You went to get your food, then sat back down and began to text Harry. Suddenly, you stopped. If he got so worried about the first set of photos, not to mention you walking home by yourself, how would he react to this? He had said he doesn’t go on social media much, so you figured that as long as you didn’t tell him, it would all blow over quick enough and he wouldn’t have to worry about it. You didn’t want to stress him out. Instead, to take your mind off of this chaotic day you turned on The Office and tried to regain a sense of normalcy. 
Although the more you thought about it, the less and less you wanted Harry to message you. 
“PR stunt.”
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vanzhuo · 4 years
do you have any tips on how to start a writeblr, specifically how to meet more people and make some cool mutuals? :D i wanna start a writeblr but i don’t know anyone from the community and i feel like it’s not as fun without friends :(
ok so hey, first of all, i’m not good at articulating my thoughts well but here it goes -- there isn’t any one way to start a writeblr. when i’d started mine, i lounged around idly for a couple of months reblogging things from other writeblrs. when i finally mustered up wits to post an intro, some writeblrs reblogged and boosted it so that’s how many people found my blog. but like, at the beginning, i was clueless enough (don’t you dare laugh) to ask @semblanche what a taglist was because i was confused about why everyone was asking to be on it. so yeah. i’m gonna jot down a couple of things you should do if you want to like join the community under the cut since this is getting too long and you should all be saved from making the same mistakes i made at the start. and of course, some tips on networking around the community and finding new mutuals!
1. make an intro post. so the one thing i’ve learnt after changing blogs twice is, make an intro post you are satisfied with. it can be simple one, a text post where you use the header option to announce your writeblr (ex. if i were to make an intro, i’d say kalki’s writeblr) and then i’d put in my name, the kind of stuff i like to read, the kind of stuff i like to write and the wips i am writing. point is, it should be something you like, something that tells something about you. like the first time i did this, my intro said: this girl doesn’t know what she’s doing. the second time: she’s being too pretentious, move on people. so on and so forth. some people prefer using fancy images (i am some people) to introduce their blogs with an image post instead, but you’re fine with or without. one thing you should keep in mind is to like tag a few of your favorite blogs. i didn’t do this the first time round because i wasn’t sure what exactly i was doing but you should all know that if you tag your favorite blogs, then those blogs will (mostly, sometimes mentions mess up like it does with me and tumblr doesn’t notify you about being tagged) definitely reblog and boost it. that way, a lot of people will, if not engage with you, then at least know of your existence. here’s my intro post for this blog, if you want. it’s not very, um, formal because i was sleepy and thought it was funny. 
2. don’t be discouraged by the amount of notes on your intro. listen, i know we’d all feel bad if we had like 7 likes and 2 reblogs alright but don’t be discouraged. i mean now that i go back, my intro post has only about 36 notes. it really just depends on the timing. however, when you start posting content, those 10 people who’ve interacted with your post will like it and will reblog it for everyone to see and when people start seeing your content, they get interested and slowly, you’ll have more people to interact with and more people will discover your content and i think what i’m trying to say is that, the note count does matter but don’t be discouraged if it isn’t enough. it’ll take time but you’ll find a solid footing really soon, writeblr’s a really warm engaging place minus the anon hate people get sometimes. (see: @inheriting. all queen elle did was breathe, guys.) 
3. interact with other people and their content. so yes. it’s not a one side deal. if you want people to find your blog, you’ll have to start looking for more content too. when you see something good, reblog it or comment on it or even send an ask telling them it’s god tier content. that stuff makes up half the amount of serotonin in our brains. seriously. there’s nothing writers like more than people reblogging their posts with incoherent screaming or coming into their asks to tell them something they think is funny. you could even post something like: hey, i’m a new writeblr and i’m looking for content like (enter the genres or tropes you prefer) and if you have wips similar to this, then pls reblog this with their tags. i wanna start engaging more. something like that. yeah.
4. message other writeblrs? ok so this is a thing that i would not recommend doing ONLY because sometimes everything gets lost in my notifs and i don’t see messages for days and i know other writeblrs probably face this too. tumblr automatically reads them and doesn’t lmk and stuff like that. and secondly, most of us don’t really, like, answer dms all the time. sometimes i got something important to say so i’ll go to minnie @medusaswrites or to chel @starshots and scream about it and then when the topic of conversation closes, and it gets awkward (i do this so many times you don’t even know) we go back to ghosting private messages and instead blasting each other’s ask boxes with love. that’s just how this stuff works. but there are plenty of writeblrs who aren’t awkward with private messaging and they will LOVE to talk to you so there’s also that. honestly, i don’t know where i’m going with this so i’ll stop now. 
5. graphics and other things. ok so the main part, and the most important part, about a writeblr blog is the writing. so you’re a good writer, you’re a great writer. that’s not all though. sometimes you need to organize your blog. you use coded tags like tags for a particular character (say, my character tag for katya is oc: katya) and tags for a particular wip and inspo tags, resources tags, aesthetic tags, etc. this helps you organize your blog better. and finally, look, i know most people can’t do photoshop, either because it’s too expensive or too complicated and i get it. photoshop isn’t required honestly, there are tons of other things you can use. what mostly attracts attention is how attractive a blog can be. the layout for your blog for one. the picspam for your wip intro. that sort of thing. they are a couple of apps on phone that are free to use like picsart and canva (it’s on web too and honestly, the one thing you should use. it’s not like photoshop but it does the job and it does the job really well. if you want to ask someone about canva, you should go to raye @vigilantscar. she isn’t a writeblr but she’s good in that department.) also, if you’ve got something to ask about layouts or simple intro post demos and arrangement or the kind of pictures you should choose for them then slide into my dms, i’ll be happy to help.
i think that’s all? like true, writeblr isn’t fun without friends but this community is so nice and open that anyone can join anytime and you’d feel welcome. i also feel like i’ve not been able to get a few points across without sounding ignorant/awkward? or like i might have forgotten a few things? but honestly, i just woke up. also, i’m gonna tag a few blogs here that you should check out for good content in no particular order: @starshots @medusaswrites @carumens @vandorens @liarede @aelenko @inesnenci @kiesinger @medeaes @noloumna @emdrabbles and @inheriting. there are tons of other writeblrs with good content that i’m pretty sure i, with the memory of a goldfish, forgot to mention but. yeah. if you ever get round to posting an intro, tag me! i’ll be happy to interact! 
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The Difference Between Talking and Doing - Sprace
Race was at a student government conference when his hotel room phone rang. He wasn’t expecting Spot on the other line. 
Sprace modern high school AU
Fluff, getting together
4.1k words
Race has always prided himself on being a leader, being the one that a lost underclassman could ask for directions to class, the one that teachers trust to watch their classroom as they leave the room. He went to all the school events, joined all the committees, and was an active member of student government. And a passionate one at that.
Student government made him feel like he had an impact on the school, like he could listen to his peers and bring new ideas to the table. He felt like he meant something, made a difference. So, he attended all the meetings, volunteered at all the fundraisers. He was at every school event, and everyone knew him because of it.
Race liked being known, it made him feel like he had a real high school experience. He wasn’t just sitting in class, taking notes, and going home.
So, when the annual statewide student government conference rolled around in March, he was the first to apply.
And, unsurprisingly, the first to be accepted.
And, two weeks later, the first on the bus.
Race was an outgoing person, always eager to meet new people and make new friends, yet his favorite part of these events always remained the same. Bonding with his own council. He loved dinners with his friends and underclassmen who he doesn’t know and his advisors. Making jokes and making memories. He loved the SnapChat group Romeo made, sending videos they sneak of their unsuspecting peers as they eat. He loves the teasing, the strengthening of relationships, the level of comfort and acceptance that isn't regularly found in school.
But the very best part wasn’t even a part of the conference itself, it was at night in the hotel. They all piled into Medda’s room, ignoring the teasing they get from other schools’ councils when they find out that they all hang out with their advisor. They play games, truth or dare or never have I ever and other lame party games, they tell embarrassing stories and eat way too many M&Ms. Race loves for it.
Nobody gets enough, or any, sleep and coffee is hard to come by in the morning, with the hundreds of overtired teenagers all with the same need, but nobody gets grumpy, nobody cares that they have to be up at 7. They’re all just happy to be with each other and, honestly, it’s magical.
Race was looking forward to their first night of council bonding all day. He ate dinner, watched the annual conference lip sync battle and then went straight upstairs. He stopped in his room to brush his teeth (he hates the feeling of unbrushed teeth) and went to secure a spot on the extra bed in Medda’s room. Soon, everyone began piling in, squeezing on the bed or sitting on the floor. Talking about who was auditioning for the upcoming play (Race was) and who was surprised that Jack and Davey started dating (Race wasn’t), he felt the familiar comfort and contentedness fill him up and he sunk back into the pillows, grateful to be experiencing this once more.
It was hardly past midnight when there was a knock at the door.
“Who could that be?” Medda asked as she stood from the desk chair, walking to the door.
“I dunno,” said Finch, “I think everyone’s here.”
The man at the door was tall and intimidating, stern eyes and a gray beard.
“I assume you didn’t hear about the curfew.” He looked unamused.
“Oh, I’m sorry. These are all my kids, we’re just doing some bonding and debriefing. I know where everyone is.” Medda explained.
“I’m glad you’ve done the bare minimum but I’m afraid that there is a 12:15 curfew that your students are breaking.” The man smiled but it was obviously fake, condescending.
“Oh, I’m sure it’s alright, everybody is accounted for. We do this every year.”
“Not this year you don’t. Everyone must be back in their assigned rooms immediately. I will be back in five minutes. I am not afraid to bring security.” The man turned on his heel and continued down the hall.
“Well,” Medda shut the door and entered the room, looking shocked, “you heard the man, I guess. Everyone off to bed.”
Everyone began gathering their things and filing out of the room. “I can’t believe that guy would talk to Medda like that, she’s an adult show some respect,” Race said.
“I know, it’s such a bummer. Hanging in here is always my favorite part,” agreed Spot.
Spot Conlon. Senior class president. Intimidating guy. Race has known him for as long as he can remember but he still finds it difficult to talk to him. Spot oozes a sense of too cool for you that Race couldn’t overcome. And it didn’t help that he was literally gorgeous. Race thinks that everyone probably has a crush on Spot but everyone’s too intimidated to say anything.
“Yeah, the whole point of this conference is to strengthen the council. That dude’s bullshit.” Race pulled his key card out of his lanyard and opened the door to his room. “Good night, I guess.” Race stepped into his room and flopped straight to his bed, Crutchie and Jack following.
Race and his roommates were talking and mindlessly scrolling through Instagram, nobody tired because they weren’t expecting to be in bed so soon when the room’s phone rang. Race, his bed being next to the phone on the nightstand, answered.
“Hello?” Race asked, confused.
“Hey, this Racer?” the voice on the other end asked.
“Yeah, Spot?”
“Yeah, it’s me.”
“Why are you calling my room? Nobody uses these phones.” Race sat up against the headboard, answering Jack and Crutchie’s confused faces with a shrug.  
“That dude can’t stop me from talking to people,” Spot said. “So you’re using the shitty hotel phones as your way of sticking it to the man?” Race asked, smiling.
“Honestly, it was the first thing I thought of. What are you guys up to? You with Crutch and Cowboy?”
“Yeah, we were just hanging around. Weren’t expecting to be in bed this early.” Race got comfortable, falling into the conversation.
“Yeah, this totally blows. No offense to my roommates but I wasn’t exactly looking forward to spending the entire night with them.” Race heard a muffled “Dude we’re right here,” from the other line.
And so, they kept talking. About the day, the plans they had for tomorrow, the crazy English teacher they shared. It was hard to believe that they’d hardly talked before tonight.
Race hadn’t noticed the time passing until Jack and Crutchie were both ready to sleep.
“Racer, I don’t wanna put an end to your endless flirting but Crutch and I are gonna go to bed. Wanna do us a favor and shut the fuck up? Ain't this what texting was invented for?” Jack plugged his phone in and set it on the nightstand before taking his socks off and getting into bed. Race checked the clock on the dresser. 3:42.
“Shit, Spot. We should probably get some sleep.” Race said, giving an apologetic smile to Jack. Jack rolled his eyes in response.
“Yeah, I guess. Talk to ya soon Racer.”
Race set down the phone and got up to take his contacts out.
“You two talked for a while,” Crutchie called from his bed to Race in the bathroom.
“He’s just easy to talk to I guess. I don’t know, it’s weird. I’ve never really talked to him much before.” Race washed his hands and stared at his tired eyes in the mirror.
“Yeah and so are we,” Jack called. “You just ignored us for like four hours. I didn’t realize you were trying to get a man this weekend.”
“Shut up, I’m not,” Race walked out of the bathroom wearing his glasses. “He called here, I just had a conversation. Besides, he could have been calling for any of us.”
“Whatever you say but neither of us would have talked to Spot Conlon for more than a minute before hanging up. Right, Crutch?” Jack turned the light off as Race got into bed.
“Honestly I’m surprised you answered the phone,” answered Crutchie.
“So what? I’m personable and you’re jealous. Good night fellas.” Race set his glasses on the nightstand and resisted the urge to text Spot. His number sat unused in Race’s phone. It would be weird if Race texted him, he’s sure Spot only talked to Race to have something to do. No big deal.
The next morning was business as usual. Jack, Race, and Crutchie woke up and groaned about being tired for only a minute before getting ready for the day. The days at the conference were long and busy with little downtime outside of meals so they packed their bags with snacks and their notebooks and phone chargers before meeting up with some of the others to go to breakfast. The three boys along with Davey, Katherine and Finch all met in the hallway and we’re about to leave when another door opened and out stepped Spot.
“Hey, guys. You heading to breakfast?” Spot asked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
“Yeah, you wanna join us?” Asked Davey.
“Thanks. I didn’t get a ton of sleep and my roommates were out early.” The group started walking toward the elevators.
“I wonder why.” Jack elbowed Race in the side as soon as Spot was out of earshot.
Race wasn’t sure how to act. It’s not like he and Spot are best friends. They’ve hardly spent any time together. Sure, now Race knows that Spot wants to be a lawyer and he loves meatball subs and his guilty pleasure is The Bachelorette but still, he hardly actually knows him.
“Shut up, Jack. I don’t wanna hear it.” Race replied quietly yet seriously.
Spot, Katherine, and Finch walked ahead, having some conversation the others couldn’t hear. “What’s going on with Spot and Race?” Davey asked.
“Nothing,” Race insisted but at the same time Crutchie replied, “They spent all night flirting on the hotel phone.”
“Really? Race and Spot Conlon? Not exactly a pair I would put together.”
“Dave, I’m literally standing right here.” Race rolled his eyes.
“Sorry, buddy. Maybe next time if you wanna flirt discreetly do it over text.”
“That’s what I said!” Jack said excitedly, bouncing as he walked.
Race took his phone from his pocket and checked his notifications, ignoring the conversation between the others.
The days at the conference are long and busy. After breakfast they broke into leadership workshops with students from other schools and Race didn’t see his friends for any longer than a passing by in the hallway. He didn’t mind, though. He loves reconnecting with old friends who he hasn’t seen in months or even since the last conference the year before. He plays games and light-hearted get-to-know-you’s while having serious discussions about inclusion and fundraising and school politics. It’s all of Race’s favorite things wrapped into one.
He didn’t think about Spot or Jack or Crutchie, he just had fun, took notes and made friends. After the workshops, they met in the main hall for a keynote speaker. There’s no losing with these. Either they’re very motivational and moving or they're terrible and the council can make jokes about them in the group chat. Race ignored the sadness he felt when Spot sat at a different table. They’re not even really friends, why should he care that he didn’t sit with Race and his friends? He shook off his emotions and took a SnapChat video of Jack under Davey’s arm to caption with a disgusted emoji. There’s no reason he should be bothered by Spot so he’ll just carry on.
That night was the fancy night. There was a banquet where everyone had to dress up and they gave out awards and recognized the best advisors and people gave speeches. But most importantly, it’s boring. The speeches were long and Race never knew who any of the people are anyway. The only benefits are the good food and being able to mess around with his friends with the added thrill of needing to be quiet. Everything’s funnier when you’re not supposed to laugh.
Because the banquet was formal, there was extra time for everyone to get ready than there would usually be for an evening program. Race isn’t finicky about his look. He doesn’t usually try to manage his curls more than wetting and brushing them and that’s the extent of his cosmetic routine. Jack, on the other hand, is surprisingly precise about getting his hair just right and looking his best. Maybe it’s an artist thing, like his hair is a canvas and his too-strong smelling pomade is the paint. Race is sure it also doesn’t help his time management that Davey is sitting on the counter in the bathroom while Jack gets ready in the mirror, but that’s none of his business.
So, Race was lying in bed, already in his dress shirt and bowtie waiting for the rest of his peers to be ready to leave. Eventually, as he waited, people joined him and his room became the hangout for the boys who were already ready to go.
There were probably about eight guys in the room already when Spot walked in. He was wearing a dark navy shirt with a grey tie and he looked incredible. Race fell from second place to seventh on the game of Mario Kart they were playing on Elmer’s Switch when Spot walked in.
“Hey, fellas. I heard some fun in here so I thought I’d stop by.” Spot took a seat on Race’s bed and began watching the game.
“Yeah, man, no problem. We got time to kill and snacks and Mario Kart, I dunno why you’d be anywhere else.” Jack said without taking his eyes off the screen. He was in tenth place but still determined to win. From his spot on the bed, Jack elbowed Race, looking over at him with a small grin. Race glared back.
Spot took a seat on the office chair in the room. “Who’s who?” Spot said, leaning over to see the screen.
“I’m top right,” said Race.
“Damn, Higgins. Seventh place? You gotta step up.” Spot began spinning in the chair.
“Yeah, I was almost in the lead but I got distracted.” Race concentrated on the screen.
“Oh yeah? By what?” Spot stopped the chair’s movement to look at Race.
Race froze. “Uh, nothing. Never mind.”
“Real smooth, Racer.” Jack grinned.
“Shut up, Jack. I don’t wanna hear it.”
Race looked up from the screen to steal a glance at Spot. Race swears he could see Spot look away before they could make eye contact; as if Spot was looking at Race and didn’t want to get caught.  Race grinned and focused his attention back to the game, shooting into third place.
Race ended in third and gave up his spot for the next game, allowing someone else to play. He moved onto Jack’s bed, closer to the desk Spot was sitting in.
“You’re not gonna play?” Race asked Spot.
“Nah, you guys seem to be having fun.” Spot shook his head.
“Doesn’t mean you can’t have fun with us.”
“I don’t wanna intrude.”
“It’s not intruding.” Race said, “we’re all here for the same reason. We’re all hanging out.”
“Thanks, Race. Maybe later.” Spot took his phone out of his pocket and looked away from Race. It might be his imagination but Race thinks he can see Spot smile. It feels good to know that he is the one who caused it.
“Is anyone naked in here?” A voice came from outside the door.
“Yeah, Kat. We all are, come on in.” Jack called back.
The door opened. “Shut up, I wanted to make sure it was safe to enter. You guys ready?”
Katherine looked beautiful with her makeup done and her dress complimenting her body.
“We good fellas?” asked Jack. The guys began gathering their things and heading toward the door.
“You look beautiful, Katherine.” Race said, “That dress is bangin’”
“Aw, thanks, Racetrack. You’re not too bad yourself.”
Everyone met in the hallway and Medda led them down to the banquet hall. They took some group pictures and Race became a designated photographer for some of the girls having photoshoots for Instagram before he got dragged into some photos himself.
He loved this environment, where everyone was friends even if they don’t talk much at school. Maybe that’s why Spot’s been talking to him. Not because he wants to talk to Race, in particular, he just has been in the mood to be social, to meet people, to bond. That was probably it. There was no reason for Spot to call Race’s room, he probably didn’t even know who was in each room. And he could have wanted to talk to Jack or Crutchie. There was nothing there.
Race was determined to not let this realization ruin his mood. The dinner on banquet night is always the best and the way the council sneaks videos of each other failing to stay awake during the speeches is one of his favorite parts of the night. He still has that and he has his friends with him and that’s all he needs.
In the banquet hall Race sat next to Davey and Katherine, which means Jack, Crutchie, and Sarah were coming in tow.  The rest of the council filled into the tables nearby, and the chatter and excitement for dinner and the dance later that night filled the room.
Race’s mood didn’t fall for the rest of the night. The dinner ended and people were clearing the hall to prepare for the dance. They were serving ice cream in the hotel lobby to keep the students busy while they put the tables away. The excitement of the dance that night echoed through the lobby as people lined up to get back into the hall.
The dance was crowded and hot and sweaty and shouldn’t be enjoyable but Race was in his element. His throat hurt from screaming the lyrics to random pop songs as well as student government favorites but he wouldn’t have it any other way. A slow song came on and Race left the dance floor. He could see his coupled friends move toward each other and some of his other friends dance together as a half-joke half-platonic loving gesture. Race headed to the refreshments to get some water.
He was filling his cup when someone came up behind him.
“Hey, Racer.”
Race turned around to see Spot Conlon behind him holding an empty cup.
“Spot, hey. Slow songs not your thing?” Race took a sip.
“Not when I have nobody to dance with.” Spot filled his own cup.
“Yeah, I feel that.”
“Is there something weird between us?” Spot asked suddenly. “We talked so much last night but today it’s like we don’t even know each other.”
“Oh, thank God.” Race let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding in. The lights changed and Race’s favorite song started playing. “I gotta go, but let’s just say if you called again tonight, I’d answer.” Race threw away his cup and ran toward the dancefloor. He couldn’t wipe the smile off his face.
The dance ended and Race and his friends were walking back to their rooms. When they turned the corner down the hall they saw the same man from the night before waiting by their rooms.
“There someone you’re looking for?” Asked Jack.
“No, I’m just here to make sure this council stays in their assigned rooms tonight, it seems you can’t be trusted.” The man stood with his arms crossed, looking down the hallway.
“Alright then, good night I guess.” Jack took his keycard out and opened their room and Race and Crutchie followed him in.
“That seems unnecessary,” said Crutchie.
“Yeah, totally,” Race said but he was too focused on the phone. He hadn’t talked to Spot since he saw him at the dance.
Race took a shower, hoping the whole time that the phone wouldn’t ring while he was bathing. Because it seemed that this year there would be no council bonding this year Race brushed his teeth and took his contacts out before changing into pajamas. He was sitting on his bed texting his mom when the phone rang.
“Hey.” Race tried to not sound too excited.
“What’s up, Racer?”
“Not much, apparently. I can’t believe that guy won’t let us hang out in Medda’s room”
“Don’t worry. I figured out a way. Come through the sliding door.”
Race looked across the room to the door leading to a courtyard. The hotel was shaped like a rectangle with a garden in the center. Race can’t believe he hadn’t thought of this. If the people on this side of the hall go through the courtyard they could get into each other’s rooms.
“Spot, you’re a genius.” Race hung up the phone and headed toward the door, ignoring Crutchie asking where he’s going.
When Race got outside he saw Spot waiting with a smug grin on his face.
“Nice glasses, Racetrack.”
Spot was still wearing his formalwear from the dance and Spot was suddenly very aware of his flannel pajama pants and glasses.
“Yeah, I guess I wasn’t expecting to see anyone but Jack and Crutch tonight.”
Spot’s grin grew. “So if you knew you were gonna see me you would’ve gotten all dolled up?”
Race could feel his cheeks grow red. “I can neither confirm nor deny that.”
“Race?” Spot asked quietly.
“Do you wanna kiss me as badly as I wanna kiss you?”
“Yeah,” Race repeated with a smile.
“Get over here, then.”
Race stepped forward, closing the space between them. Spot’s arms wrapped around Race’s waist and he pulled him closer. Race didn’t know how badly he wanted this until it started happening but now he can’t imagine a world without Spot. Two days ago Race and Spot hardly spoke. They had different friends, different classes, different lives and Race had no clue what he was missing out on.
They separated when they heard the door to Race’s room open.
“Racetrack Higgins, you mean to tell me that you found a way to hang out with other rooms and you didn’t tell us so that you could stand out in the cold and make out with Spot?” Jack looked offended as he walked outside, Crutchie following.
“It was Spot’s idea.” Race said, defensively.
“Hey, don’t bring me into this.” Spot whacked Race on the chest.
“It doesn’t matter.” Crutchie shut the door behind him. “We’re gonna be in Finch and Dave’s room. We’ll text when we’re heading back.” Crutchie’s smile implied that he knew exactly what they were doing as they left the room empty.
It was well past midnight when Jack and Crutchie were crossing back through the courtyard back to their room. Race hadn’t answered their texts and they feared they were going to see more than they ever wanted to see when they opened the door.
Crutchie walked inside and was surprised to see Spot and Race cuddled under the blankets on Race’s bed, Race’s glasses smashed against his face.
“Aw, they’re sweet.” Crutchie looked to Jack, smiling. Jack still had a hand over his eyes. “Jack, you’re ridiculous you can open your eyes.”
“You can never be too safe, Crutch. I didn’t need any new mental scars tonight.”
They decided to let the boys sleep, nobody got enough sleep at these conferences anyway. They were leaving the next morning and it’s always difficult to get up and pack when they haven’t slept all weekend. So, they were quiet as they got themselves ready for bed before they shut the light off and went to sleep.
The next morning Spot woke up confused as to where he was. It wasn’t until he saw Race standing across the room that his confusion melted away into a smile.
“Mornin’, sleepyhead,” Race said, his words muffled into his toothbrush. “You should probably head back to your room to pack and get ready for breakfast.”
Spot pried himself from the bed, groaning at the discomfort as he stood. “I can’t believe you guys let me sleep in my dress clothes.”
“Sorry, man, but I think there would have been bloodshed if we woke you up,” Crutchie responded as he packed his suitcase.
“Yeah, you’re probably right.” Spot walked to Race and pressed a kiss to his temple before leaving the room. Race was giddy as he went back into the bathroom to spit his toothpaste.
“So, things seem pretty good with you guys, what happened last night?” Jack asked.
“We did what we’re best at. We talked.”
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tbzhours · 5 years
little big problems
kevin x you, you-centric, fluff 
[summary] after going home from a lame party, you had 3 problems: you took someone’s jacket identical to yours, you don’t know who it belongs to, and there are really some weird shit in their pockets  [warning] small mention of alcohol  [words] 2k  [a/n] thanks amanda, now i can’t stop smiling :( 
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You texted your friend, who invited you to this party, your thumbs tapping on the screen in hopes that they’ll reply soon. It’s been a hot second when you took your black jacket off, watching your text get sent with the first complaint having been sent 30 minutes ago. Your eyes rolled in annoyance, leaving your jacket there on the couch before you shut the screen off and slid your phone in the pocket of your pants. You stood up, making your way through the dancing bodies under the loud music and electrifying lights as you headed toward the kitchen where all of the drinks you needed were. 
You took a cup where all of them were set up beside a big bowl, probably alcoholic. You chugged it down, getting some boosts and hollars from a few people in the kitchen. You ignored them, hitting your cup down onto the counter. The sizzle running down your throat made you suffer a sharp relieving pain as you sighed it out. 
You turned around, watching the crowd just a few feet in front of you dancing to the beat of the song. The lights flashed throughout the room and the noise level was way over your ears that you had to rub your temples with your eyes closed. 
You thought it would be a party with just a few people mingling without any loud music like this, something more chilled but instead, your head was going to explode because your friend wasn’t here too. You checked your phone again, getting nothing back from them that you stomped back to the couch to grab your jacket. You didn’t wear it and instead, you set it over your shoulder before walking out of the party with your head spinning from the bass of the music. 
Setting the jacket on your couch once you got home, you quickly got into the shower, washing everything off. You literally fell onto your bed right after, closing your eyes until you fell asleep. 
It didn’t take long until your friend replied back, waking you up at the notification sound in the middle of the night. You were half-asleep, trying to open your eyes to read the text after reaching your hand over to the table next to your bed. You vividly understood that they couldn’t make it because their ‘sweetheart’ surprised them with a visit since they haven’t seen each other in a while from studying in different universities. You set your phone face-down before your head dropped onto your pillow. You sighed deeply, opening your eyes again. Your mind was all over the place, considering that you just woke up to a ton of information as you thought of the party. 
You pulled yourself up from the bed, making your way into the kitchen for a cup of water with your slipping feet. You hoped that this break could help you fall asleep as you gulped, releasing a refreshing sigh. Your eyes turned to the side, seeing your jacket on the couch in the living room as if it was shining at you. You thought you had hooked it in your closet but you made your way over, slowing your steps when you realized it wasn’t yours. 
The design was slightly different but the colors and the patches were alike. Your eyes had widened when you touched the red rose on the left side of the chest with a nice calligraphy of ‘moon’ written below it, knowing yours had only the rose but shaped a little different. You picked it up and brought it close to your nose, taking its scent as it didn’t match yours. You had to admit, whoever this jacket belonged to, they have a very good smell. You couldn’t pick up what kind it was but it felt very paint-like. 
Your hands couldn’t help to run into the pockets, curiosity filling your mind because you know you didn’t leave anything in yours if the other person had it. As your scrambled into them, your eyebrow heightened at the touch of them. 
In your palms landed a few pebbles, a paper of different shades of a color, a string similar to that color, a small bag of silica gel meant to keep food fresh, and a piece of chocolate still wrapped inside the wrapper. 
You set everything back into the pockets, not caring whether they were in the right places right now. You quickly shook your head as you set the jacket down and headed back into your room. If there was anything you wanted to sleep for, it’d be to forget everything that happened tonight. 
Sadly, the first thing that came to your mind when you woke up the next morning with the sun shining through your window was the jacket. The fact that it wouldn’t leave your mind since you went to sleep last night, you thought you should probably return it even though you had no idea who they may be or where they are right now. The best place would be where the party was, so after getting up, you headed out with the jacket in your hand in hopes that you’d find yours too. 
Knocking on the door, Younghoon, the party host from yesterday, opened it with a wide smile. Confused, your lips slowly curved like his. 
“Hey, you must be looking for your jacket.” He exclaimed then his hand waved for you to follow him. “Come on in. I know where it is.” 
“Thanks.” You awkwardly replied, stepping into his house as he led you into the living room where the owner was waiting patiently for your arrival. 
Kevin was sitting on the couch, eyes looking down at the opened magazine on the table out of boredom. No really, his mind was full of who stole his jacket. He’s been waiting for a while, being the early bird he was until he heard your steps heading your way. His lips beamed at your sight while you didn’t meet his eyes until Younghoon’s voice caught your attention. 
“What did I tell you? I knew they’ll be coming over too.” Younghoon smiled cockily at Kevin. Younghoon glanced at you then back at him as he crossed his arms like he just won a bet. 
“I didn’t expect them to come this early.” Kevin stood up, taking a few steps closer to you and Younghoon. You didn’t know what to say, considering that you weren’t part of this weird conversation they were having. You watched though, seeing Kevin holding onto your jacket in one hand. You glanced up, not knowing why you blushed. It must be the hair or the way his lips moved when he talked. You couldn’t pick it out but you could smell his scent again in the air. 
Younghoon shrugged, leaning onto one side with his elbow pointing at him to make another point. “Well, that’s fine. You could just take a nap instead of getting coffee.” 
Kevin scoffed lightly, a flattering smile painted on his face. “Oh please. Coffee keeps me alive.” 
“Sure. Sleep is more important.” Younghoon attacked again before Kevin glared at him. In the few seconds in the silence, they realized you were still there. Kevin finally made eye contact with you but you stayed still at the suddenly interaction. Your heart was racing so fast that you didn’t hear Younghoon continue as he brought his attention back to you. “Anyway, here’s the owner of your jacket and your jacket. I’m gonna go make breakfast for me so leave when you are done.” 
Younghoon nodded with his eyes playing to the side before he left you two there. Kevin’s eyes left yours for a second to shake his head at his friend. When he looked back at you, you wondered if he caught your red cheeks. His smile melted your heart as he handed over your jacket. 
“This must be yours. Here you go.” 
You took it then you slowly gave him his with the other hand. “This is probably yours too.” 
“It is. It has my name on it.” 
You looked at him in confusion, tilting your head. “Moon?” 
“My surname.” There went his laugh again. His grin looked contagious. He closed his lips into a smooth smile when he continued, “I’m Kevin.” 
You told him your name as he repeated with a giggle after, making your heart stop this time. You didn’t understand this feeling but you might be thanking your friend in your mind right now. 
Kevin slightly turned his head, eyes squinted as his finger pointed at you at the waist. “You didn’t steal anything, did you?” 
You quickly shook your head, a laugh about to burst from your lips. Your hand held close to his finger in defense as you explained. “No, you have a ton of weird stuff in it.” 
“Oh really?” He nudged his head back with his eyebrows playing with his goofy face. “Guess I should keep this then.” 
Your eyes widened at your accessory ring on his finger. It was one of your favorites that you didn’t remember wearing it out the night before. You opened your palm and demanded, “Give it back.” 
Kevin closed his hand and held it up in the air, testing you with his cheeky smile. “Unless you wanna go get some coffee with me.” 
“Fine.” You gave up as your arms fell at your side with a sigh. 
Kevin quietly giggled, wiggling his eyebrows again before he got closer to you to whisper in your ear. “Wait, actually since I’m stealer, should we just stay and be freeloaders?” 
“What?” You gave him a weird look, not realizing how close your faces were. Despite that, you could see his eyes glittering like the sun had reflected from the ocean into them. 
Kevin pointed over to Younghoon with his thumb between you both, who was in the middle of getting his coffee brewer started in the kitchen. 
You shook your head at him after seeing the scene behind you. “That’s not a nice thing to do.” 
Kevin frowned, moving back while glaring at you. “It’s not a nice thing to go through my stuff too.” 
“Fine.” You huffed instead of apologizing. He did the same thing too so you didn’t know why you should say it anyway.  
“Let’s go.” Kevin grinned happily as he tapped your shoulder. As you headed toward the door and got your jacket on while Kevin did too, he looked over to his friend and waved a hand at him. “See you later, Younghoon.” 
“You’re not invited today.” Younghoon yelled across the room with a declarative voice. He almost threw a punch in front of him when he saw Kevin’s smiley nod. 
When you both left the place, Kevin shut the door. He was shaking his head with such a cute smile that you almost fell off your feet. “Younghoon is such a loser.” 
“So are you.” You added light-heartedly, getting his attention. One of his eyebrows heightened up as you grinned. “You really have a nice smell though.” 
“Oh.” Kevin was taken by surprise but he shrugged afterwards with an honestly smirk dotting close to your flushed face. “Guess I should tell you where I got that smell from.” 
Whatever that smirk meant, you hoped to know about this jacket stealer more since he stole your ring. That’s only until you both get the coffee he asked for. Maybe he should explain all of the things you found in his pockets too. As you peeked at him while you both made your way to get some coffee, you didn’t want to admit it but he might have stolen something else from you too. 
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allhaildaddykeanu · 5 years
Valentine’s Day is Best Spent with You (oneshot)
 IT’S FINALLY HERE MY LOVELIES! I managed to pull my lazy ass together and finish this mess. Happy late V-day y’all. I love you. 
Tags: Fluff, Smut, a -slight- daddy kink but ya know oh well
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 The date was February 14, a day that I somehow found myself to despise and not really care about at the same time. The truth was that the holiday of Valentine’s Day never showed me much mercy for constantly being single on the day. Sure I’ve had a few or so guys come along, but for some reason they never managed to stick around long enough to celebrate the holiday with me. I was forced to watch an endless amount of ads and commercials targeted at the many loving couples of the world throughout the beginning and middle of February, and the sight of decorations put up in the stores and some restaurants. Everywhere I went I was constantly reminded of my loneliness. All in all, Valentine’s Day seemed to have a thing against me, and there was nothing I could do about it. The only plus side for the mere existence of this so-called holiday was all the discounted chocolates and candies in the stores the very next day. It was the perfect excuse to allow myself to indulge in my love for sweets without wasting too much of my money.
 While all of those things have been a part of my life for the past few years, this year was the total opposite. This time around I had a boyfriend to celebrate with, one I knew would do so much just to impress me. Dating Keanu Reeves was a privilege that I only ever dreamed of having, and I still wasn’t too sure if this was real life.  Yes, Keanu Reeves, that beautiful angel of a man, was all mine. I expected this day to be the best so far, and I had every reason to. Somehow, I woke up to find myself alone in our shared bed. I went to bed alone but Keanu told me that he would be home by the time I was up in the morning. All of the sudden my mind started drifting into negative thoughts, most of them fueled by my self-doubt.  I mentally rolled my eyes at myself, knowing how Keanu would react if he knew I had these thoughts. After rolling onto my other side, I checked my phone and saw that there were no notifications, other than those from my social media apps. ‘Why hasn’t Keanu texted or called me?’ With a sigh, I got out of bed and grabbed my phone, heading down the hall to the kitchen. Once I noticed that nothing was different, that there was no bouquet of my favorite flowers or any small present, that small amount of hope left in me had faded. The best thing for me to do was to just go about my day like it was any other boring one.
 Within an hour, I had made some coffee and breakfast for myself and sat down on the couch to watch some of the news. I checked my phone again, this time reading my notifications from my twitter, instagram, and facebook. My most recent post on instagram was a photo I took of Keanu and I when we were out having lunch the other afternoon. Keanu had a slight smirk on his face as he looked at me longingly. I remember getting my phone out to capture his demeanor, knowing that I could always have it to view whenever I was missing him. Now, while Keanu looked like a cute little puppy – as he usually did – I was a grinning idiot. I noticed my hair was a little messy from the light breeze and there was a stain on my shirt from the piece of pasta that I had just dropped myself. There were a ton of likes and comments, with more being added even though the post was already a little over a week old. I smiled to myself at the sweet comments made by family, friends, and strangers.  I turned my phone off and returned my attention to the television before turning it off as well. At that point, I didn’t have any motivation to do anything. After scrambling around the thoughts of what I could or should do, I decided to go into the study room and practice playing on my upright piano. I then spent nearly half an hour messing around with scales and random bits of songs that I remembered well enough to play, I heard someone softly clap, causing me to jump with a shriek and somehow fall off of the piano bench.
“Good one, hon.” Keanu laughed, moving towards me to help me up. I felt every inch of my body tingle and spark with both excitement and pleasure once Keanu’s hand touched my arm. I let out an involuntary moan of joy, causing Keanu to let out another small laugh.  
“You really missed me that much, huh?” He asked with a smile, knowing good and well that I had. I felt a warm blush spread across my cheeks as I smiled sheepishly and pulled Keanu down to the floor. He obliged and sat down besides me, suddenly grabbing me to face him, his arms wrapped around me.
“Someone’s an eager boy,” I replied as I wrapped my legs around his waist, giving him a soft peck on his lips.
“You’re damned right I am.” He growled, crashing his lips against mine. I managed to let out a quick snicker before he shoved his tongue into my mouth. I was more than welcoming of his taste, which mainly consisted of cigarettes and spearmint gum. This time I could taste a slight hint of coffee and maple syrup, causing me to hum in delight. I pulled away and looked up at him, his face showing confusion.
“You had me worried for the last few hours,” I admitted, causing Keanu to give me an apologetic look with his big brown puppy eyes. “I thought I would spend today all alone.” Keanu frowned and placed a kiss on my forehead. He lifted my chin so I was looking at him.
“Did you really think I would do that to you, (y/n)?” He gave me another saddened look before holding me against his chest.
“I would never do that to you, baby.” He muttered, giving me another kiss, this time on the top of my head. “Not a fucking thing could drag me away from you. If I can help it, I will spend as much time with you, especially on a special day like this one. You are my entire world, (y/n). Never forget that.”
There was a slight pause, one filled with only the sound of our breathing.
“Ke-keanu,” I stumbled as I pulled away to look at the older man, making him grin. “I love you so much.” He cupped my face with his hands, “I love you, too.” I was suddenly pulled into another kiss, his tongue sliding across my lips before entering my mouth. I decided to play along and fight for dominance. After a quick hum from Keanu, I managed to overtake him and slide my tongue into his mouth. I slowly made my way around his teeth, once again cherishing the unique taste of tobacco and mint. Keanu then pushed me away, grinning like a child who had just tasted candy for the first time.
“You know,” he started, running his hand through my hair. “We haven’t had the chance to do anything in this room.” I felt the heat rise to my face before I managed to give him a smirk.
“Then wait are you waiting for, Keanu?” I whispered, knowing how much it turns him on. And right on cue, his deep brown eyes seemed to grow dark with lust.
“You’ve really done it this time, (y/n).” He maneuvered himself to where he was on top of me. “I have to fuck you. I need to fuck you.” He let out with a groan, grabbing the sides of my torso and running his large hands up and down my body. Without a second thought, I felt my core begin to ache as my panties became damp. ‘And all it took was his voice,’ I thought to myself, wondering how I ever became so submissive to a man.
“Please,” I whimpered. “Daddy.” With that, Keanu groaned loudly and began to strip me, starting with his Arch shirt I was wearing. I hadn’t changed after getting out of bed, so I wasn’t wearing a bra or any pants. Left only in my panties, he ran his nose from my navel up to the valley between my breasts. I felt his hot mouth as he planted soft kisses all over me before he went for my collarbone. I let out a sigh of relief when his tongue touched my skin and he began to leave bite marks on me, making sure to suck on them so there would definitely be dark marks for later.
“I’m sorry my angel, but we’ve gotta skip the foreplay if we’re gonna make it to lunch on time.” Keanu stated, standing up to pull off his t-shirt and jeans, as well as his underwear. I stared at the sight of a fucking god in front of me. My eyes traced over his well-toned body and his semi-hard cock. I took notice of his infamous scar that marked his abdomen, conjuring thoughts of my tongue in the slight valley of the scar. I licked my lips and felt myself burn and ache for him even more. He was down on his knees and hovering over me, grabbing a fistful of my thin panties before swiftly ripping them off of me.
“Oh hush, woman.”
I let out a huff of annoyance but it was instantly replaced with a guttural moan once Keanu thrust two fingers inside of me with no warning.
“Mhm, that’s what Daddy needs to hear from his baby girl.” He praised, pumping in and out of me at a gentle pace. I could hear the sound of my soaked sex being penetrated by his fingers, further edging me on. As soon as I began trying to grind my hips against his touch, Keanu clicked his tongue and shook his head.
I let out another whimper for him, begging him to fuck me. He leaned down to kiss me, his swollen lips molding perfectly with mine.
He pulled away, grabbing his cock and beginning to pump himself. I gave him a pleading look to let me touch him, and so he slid up to my reach. I replaced his hand with my smaller one, starting at his head and rubbing his precum down on him to lubricate him. Just to tease him, I pulled my hand away, gave it a lick, and sat up to spit on it. The face of my lover had become contorted with a mix of anticipation and desire once my slick hand touched his shaft.
“(Y/n),” Keanu moaned. “Fuck..” I smiled at my achievement and continued to jerk him, feeling his cock grow harder. He let out a deep growl of annoyance before jerking away from my touch. I was going to ask what he was doing but I was cut off with my own shriek once Keanu shoved his entire length inside of me. He filled me entirely to the point where his tip was jammed against the back of me, the feeling that practically pulled moans from my mouth.
“Mmm, Keanu.” I breathed, moving my hand to my clit and rubbing tiny circles onto it. Keanu shut his eyes as he moved slightly in and out of me, making sure I could adjust to him. He shuddered with pleasure, my walls quickly loosening their grip on his cock. Within a matter of a few seconds, Keanu was able to slide in and out of me with little resistance. I hummed to myself, letting out another string of soft moans as the combined effort of Keanu’s cock and my fingers on my clit pushing me closer to climax. Once his hands tightened their grip on my hips, his fingernails going deeper into my skin, I quickened the movements of my busy hand. I looked back up at Keanu and he moved down to kiss me, quite sloppily, and began to thrust faster and harder.
“I’m so close,” I whimpered, and he responded with a nod and a harsh groan.
“Me fucking too.” Keanu growled as he flipped us. I gasped at the change, giving him a slightly bothered look.
“Just ride me, baby girl.” He purred as he bounced me up and down. I gave in and started bouncing myself, starting at a quick pace. Keanu smiled before he leaned up to kiss and suck on my right breast, swirling his tongue around my nipple. He bit down rather roughly, earning a yelp from me. After leaving possible marks, he made his way to my left breast and nipple, giving it the same treatment. I groaned as I managed to flip us back to our original position, which I preferred to be in when I’m coming. Keanu’s thrusts became quicker and sloppier, now only moving an inch or so within me instead of pulling himself in and out completely. I let out a low growl as my fingers were rubbing against my clit at an inhuman speed, feeling the much-anticipated fire in my abdomen burn even hotter.
“Come for me, (y/n).” Keanu moaned, his voice low and harsh. “Come for Daddy.” As soon as the sentence left his mouth, I felt the bundle inside of me snap and release the agonizing pressure built up within it. I felt hot liquid push against and soak my hand, Keanu noticing and replacing that hand with his. He always enjoyed it whenever I squirted, especially when giving me head because he could lap it all up with his tongue. My body had been overcome with all kinds of slight convulsions, such as my toes curling, my head being thrust back, my eyes rolling into the back of my head, and my entire body quaking in pleasure and complete bliss. Before I could even begin to come down from my high, the sound of Keanu letting out a loud mixture of a moan and a yelp interrupted me. He cried my name as my walls had squeezed around him, and I felt his cock grow softer once he emptied himself inside me.
Keanu pulled out of me and flopped himself onto the dark wood floor. I giggled softly, grabbing his attention. He pulled me into his grasp and kissed me tenderly.
“You’re absolutely perfect, (y/n).” He breathed as he looked into my eyes with his dark brown ones, which now had a pure and blissful look in them.
“You’re welcome.” I replied with a grin, causing him to roll his eyes.
“Well, beautiful,” he looked down at us and then to the clock on the wall. “I’ve got a romantic lunch set up for you, and I’d hate to miss it.”
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Sugar Daddy Hanzo part 13
Hey guys! Hope you all are well. I’m not doing so great today, so forgive me if that shows in my writing. My brain is exhausted and I struggled with writer’s block. 
If you guys ever want to throw ideas at me, I’m super cool with that and I will totally credit you!
Anywho, here’s 2,200-ish words for you. Love ya!
The next few days were spent lazing about with Hanzo and eating the plethora of comfort food your grandparents had left for you, but it was Monday again, and Hanzo had to be off to work. The man was definitely a bachelor, not doing the best of jobs staying quiet as he got ready to leave at a ridiculously early time. You were trying desperately to stay asleep but then heard an onslaught of angry Japanese. A laugh bubbled from your throat – his rare little outbursts always made you smile.
“Hanzo,” you called groggily, “everything okay in there?”
He poked his head out of the door with an apologetic look. “Forgive me, I did not mean to wake you.”
“It’s okay,” you said sitting up and rubbing your eyes, “I can always nap later. What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” he huffed, glaring at the bathroom behind him.
You stood and ambled over to him sleepily. “So you just felt like curing out my bathroom? I know it’s small, but at least it works.”
“That is not the problem,” Hanzo explained, “I just managed to drop my cufflink down your drain, it all. Just a minor inconvenience. I need to go by my apartment to change anyway.”
“Something special about this cufflink,” you asked, pulling back your hair.
He looked a little sheepish. “No. It is only a trinket.”
“Come on you pressed,” opening up your linen closet and grabbing the mop bucket, “fess up.”
With a bit of confusion on his face, he watched as you began to push all the junk under your sink to the sides to make way for the bucket. “I admit, it has some sentimental value, but what on Earth are you doing?”
“Emptying out the P-trap,” you yawned, “to get you your cufflink.”
“The what?”
His frown deepened. “A trap for pee? In the sink?”
You burst out laughing. “No, my cute little rich boy, not that kind of ‘pee.’ Just plumbing. Come here, I’ll show you,” you said gesturing for him to kneel beside you.
He did as instructed and you handed him a flashlight to hold. After losing power while taking a shower, you kept one in every room. As soon as you put on rubber gloves, Hanzo got apprehensive. “My beauty, it is just a cufflink, no need to do anything drastic.”
“It’s basic plumbing,” you grinned, adjust the beam of the flashlight by moving his outstretched hand. “What, will I no longer be a beauty if I get my hands a little dirty?”
“Not at all,” he said, handing you the towel you pointed at, “but I am more than happy to call a plumber to deal with this for you.”
You scoffed, reaching into the back of the cabinet under your sink to shut off the water supply. “No way in hell am I letting you pay for a plumber for this! And the plumbers ‘round here are usually booked for weeks. Just give me a sec, this won’t take longer than a couple of minutes.”
In curious silence, Hanzo watched as you unscrewed the slip nuts on either side of the curvy piece of PVC pipe and let the water trickle out. Once it was all dripped away, you pulled out the bucket and felt around for the little piece of metal. You smiled triumphantly as you pulled out the little silver pin.
Hanzo chuckled at you and shook his head. “Who knew I had fallen for such a handywoman?”
“What can I say,” you shrugged, holding his cufflink out for him to take, “some of us were broke ass college students who couldn’t afford to hire a professional. Thank god for YouTube tutorials.”
His whole body recoiled as you held the slightly soiled piece of metal out, “I don’t suppose you have some rubbing alcohol?”
You giggled, taking off one of your gloves and handing grabbing a nearby bottle. “How did you get by before you met me?”
“A lot of hired help,” he smirked, helping you up. “Thank you for doing this for me, especially after I woke you up so rudely.”
“No worries,” you said, swishing the disinfectant around, “I’ve done it plenty of times with earrings before work.”
With a quick tug, Hanzo pulled you close and kissed the well of your neck. “You are remarkable,” he said wistfully.
“Hanzo,” you laughed, “it’s the most basic plumbing you can do – the opposite of remarkable.”
“One man’s common is another man’s unbelievable,” gazing at you dreamily. His look hade your heart race. “I wish I could stay here with you another day.”
“I get the feeling a workaholic like you has plenty of vacation days built up,” you grinned wrapping your arms around him.
“That I do, but unfortunately I also have a meeting with an international client as well. You know, it has been a very long time since I wanted to take a day off. I have always felt I needed the distraction.”
You gave his cheek a quick peck and toyed with his silken hair. “Lucky for you, I’ve got a ton of vacation days, too. We’ll have to make good use of them soon.”
“Indeed we will,” Hanzo hummed, “but for now, I must go. May I call you later? See if you are up to lunch?”
“Please do,” you nodded, reluctantly letting him go. “I’ll tell you all about the other household repairs I can do.”
“Sounds delightful,” he smiled, kissing you as long as he could before rushing out the door.
You spent the next hours or so pretending you would be productive, but instead fell asleep on the couch.  It was your cell phone blaring away that woke you up in a panic.
“Hello,” you said rubbing your tired eyes. Then came a three hour long, entirely infuriating conversation with your company. They had found out you were released from the hospital and wondered why you were not clocked in. Less than a week after you had been shot point-blank. You were still sore and taking a myriad of drugs to help your body patch itself up. You doctor had told you to stay off your feet as much as possible for a week, and even after that, you were supposed to avoid anything that put too much stress on your body until your next appointment. If anything happened to your injured lung, it could be utterly deadly.
And yet the boss was yelling at you for ‘bungling the Lucio event.’
After your call had been dropped the third time while you were being transferred, you gave up and turned your phone off in a fury. “Fuck that,” you snarled, breathing heavily through your anger. Your pain flared up in response, and you held your chest. “I am not at all ready to go in yet,” you whispered dejectedly. You steadied your breathing and eyed the pain pills on your coffee table. Sure they would help, but opioids scare the hell out of you after watching one of your classmates dissolve into addiction. You snatched your phone and turned it back on.
“This is exactly why ‘do not disturb mode’ is a miracle,” you sighed, scrolling through Facebook and smirking as the office’s calls went right to voicemail. Being petty could feel damn good.
But then a notification reading ‘one missed call from Hanzo’ popped up.
“Oh fucking fuck,” you hissed, rushing to call him back.
“I hope I did not wake you for the second time today,” he said as he answered.
“No, no,” you sighed, “just avoiding someone else’s call.”
“Who is that,” he said gravely.
“Work,” you grumped, “they wanted to know why I wasn’t at my desk and it became a whole thing from there.”
“You were shot in the chest mere days ago,” Hanzo reeled, sounding just as angry as you.
“It’s a load of bullshit,” you griped, “but I don’t really want to talk about it right now.”
“Why don’t you let me take you out to a late lunch then,” Hanzo offered. “I can meet you at that burger place you told me you were telling me about. ‘Drown your woes in a plate of bacon and cheese covered fries,’ as you said in the hospital.”
“Dear god that sounds amazing you groaned,” getting up to get dressed, “but it doesn’t really seem like your kind of joint. It’s a greasy, hole in the wall kind of place.”
“I trust your judgment,” he said matter of factly, “and I will take off my tie before entering.”
You grinned, knowing he would still stick out like a sore thumb. “Sounds good. I’ll call a cab.”
Sure enough, Hanzo’s suit and sleek appearance had the other patrons raising eyebrows – the place was right next to campus, so most people were in sweats and sneakers. As you slid into the seat across from him, Hanzo gave an unnerving look to the group of guys who were staring at him from across the room. They instantly looked away, and you grinned.
“I probably shouldn’t love it so much when you do that, but I do,” you giggled.
“Do what,” Hanzo asked, sliding a menu over to you. He had left his gloves, probably a sign that he thought this place was grimy – which it was, but that was all part of the charm.
“You know, scaring the shit out of people with a look.”
His brow furrowed a bit until you nodded toward the table of young men. “Ah,” he said casually, “I suppose it is an automatic reaction for me now.”
“You make it sound like you’ve been stared at a lot,” you hinted.
“I have,” he explained, “ever since I was a child.”
“Care you elaborate?” He hesitated, as he always did when his childhood came up. “Come on,” you pleaded, “you don’t have to tell me much, but if this thing between us isn’t going to implode there’s got to be a little more give and take. You know I won’t judge you.”
Hanzo sighed deeply and leaned back in his chair, “I suppose you are right.” He looked out the window and spoke quietly. “My family was very prominent where I am from, and as children, Genji and I were recognized and notable – and therefore scrutinized – from a young age. We were taught we were superior and in turn taught that we were feared. I especially took to this idea, cultivating an image and persona that kept others beneath me.”
You leaned across the table and ran a few fingers up his arm. Hanzo looked to you for a brief moment before looking down, as if ashamed. “Sounds to me like you were pressured into acting that way.”
“Even if I was,” he huffed, “I still had a choice to act otherwise, and I did not. My brother was able to be his own man, even though he was raised much the same way.”
“No one said being a kid and learn the ways of the world was easy,” you assured him, “we all did stuff we’re not proud of. But you’re moving forward, that means a lot.”
He gave you a thin smile. “I think you give me too much credit.”
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes. “Did you, or you not just say something revealing about yourself?”
“I did, but I hardly think one small change constitutes ‘moving forward.’”
“It’s all about baby steps, handsome baby steps.”
The two of you ordered and ate a delicious bounty of unhealthy, happy-inducing food, Hanzo slowly loosening up. He even admitted the greasy fare ‘did, in fact, have decent flavor.’ Eventually, he set down his fork and gave you a knowing look.
“What is it,” you asked warily.
“Are we going to talk about your job making you upset now, or not?”
You groaned loudly. “Do we have to? I don’t want to ruin such a nice lunch with you, and I get the feeling I’ll be battling the bosses for the rest of the day.”
“Very well,” he said, sipping his drink, “but let me know if I can help, will you? I am more than happy to rain hell upon anyone for you.”
“Aw shucks,” you laughed, “you’re so sweet and intimidating.”
He scoffed. “I believe I can count on one hand the people who think I am sweet.”
“Just me?”
Hanzo thought a moment, “Very probably, yes.”
You smiled warmly at him, and he did the same, making you flush and toy with your necklace. Something in the back of your mind was suddenly clawing for attention. “Hanzo?”
“Yes,” he asked, still gazing at you.
“When are we going to talk about what we’re doing here? How we label this? Where we want it to go?”
He sighed and stroked his chin. “I know we need to, but I admit that I have been holding the conversation at bay.”
“You care about me, don’t you,” you asked softly.
“This morning you said you’d, well, ‘fallen for me.’ I not going to make you say any weighty words or anything, but you’re invested in us, right? You’re going to meet me halfway and talk to me and – ”
Hanzo reached across the table and took your hand, “I am completely dedicated to you. If you need anything from me or our relationship, you need only ask. I am here for you, as you have always been there for me.”
“Good,” you smiled, “I guess I just needed to hear it.”
He smiled and pressed a kiss to your knuckles, “I will be sure to tell you often. I adore you, and everything about you.”
@collinssie @watch-your-grammer @zarcake-writes @yesthisisbae @eebbapanda1@deercapitate @missbumblina@skyrina@justjaaaay@thewetbones@skyelentnight @ilovebva@punk-dork @cbrokeherboobs@sobanoodledragon@sydniesamm@honeyburger@knightofsexyness @queenoflabyrinths@speakingishard@iknowimcutethanks @ninevast@ivymarquis @sydniesamm@barbie-the-centrist@tumblertrash@angle0fthegourd@shaybae1997 @lillypet95 @rusty-potato@tt-nikithakppr @honeydew-do-you @kitties-and-unicorns @spookymf@seachelle-the-tideborn
** please let me know if you would like to be tagged or removed from the tags in future updates and sorry if I missed anyone, I feel like tumblr is deleting my shit**
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RDMA’s Date ~ Blake Imagine
Prompt: Please do the imagine on blakes date to the RDMA’s!!!!! 💗💗💗💗
You were very nervous to be Blake’s date to the RDMA’s. You’ve never been to an award show, let alone a big one like this. And you’ve never had to walk on a red carpet, dealing with photographers and interviews. You were very nervous to go. 
The day of the award show, you were up very early. You couldn’t sleep anymore, feeling too wound up. Blake continued to sleep next to you, his arm loosely wrapped around your waist. You spent a while on your phone, scrolling through twitter and instagram lazily. 
Almost an hour later you feel Blake nuzzle his face into your shoulder. He presses a kiss to the warm skin, before moving his head so that you can see his face. You smile at him fondly, watching his sleepy eyes blink slowly open. 
“Morning, love,” you whisper, brushing his hair back off of his face. 
“How long have you been up?” Blake asks, his morning voice giving you goosebumps. You continue to thread your fingers through his hair, watching him lean into your hand. 
“A little while,” you answer quietly, pressing a kiss to his lips before climbing out of bed. You listen to Blake whine as you walk into the bathroom, “I’m taking a shower. You can join me if you want!” You shout to him, turning the water on and getting in. You hear thumping before Blake is suddenly in the shower with you, making you giggle. 
You and Blake head out with the boys to get breakfast and when you get back to the room you find a garment bag with your name on it. You walk towards it, hesitantly opening it. Inside is a beautiful black dress and heels. 
“Ben talked to Sabrina and got you a dress, since you didn’t have one,” Blake explained, noticing your confused expression. You smile at him, taking the dress out to look at it fully. It is a fitted black dress, nothing too fancy but you will look nice in it. It stops at your mid thigh and will accentuate your curves. 
“It’s beautiful! Tell them thank you!” You say happily, starting to look forward to the event that night. 
A few hours later, you start getting ready to go. You decide to straighten your hair and do some neutral makeup, not really sure if people get done up a lot for this show or not. Better play it safe and not be too made up, you think. Blake and the boys take about half the time as you do to get ready, so they decide to have a livestream while you finish up. 
“Say hi Y/N!” George calls to you, making you turn around. The camera is pointed at you, so you smile and wave. 
“Y/N is coming with us to the RDMA’s tonight as our date,” Reece tells the livestream, laughing. You giggle, trying not to mess up your eyeliner. 
“No, she’s coming as my date. Greece is going together as each other’s dates,” Blake sassed back, everyone laughing now. 
“Blakey why won’t you just let me date Reece and George?” You whine jokingly, hearing Blake huff a little. Without turning around you know he’s pouting as the boys tease him more and more. 
They end the livestream and you finish getting ready. You grab a purse, put on the heels and are ready to go. 
“You look amazing!” Blake exclaims where you are done, pulling you into his arms. He squeezes you tightly, pressing a light kiss on your lips to not mess up your makeup. Then Blake grabs your hand, lacing your fingers together and you head out. 
When you arrive at the red carpet, you feel your nerves come back. You look around at the chaos, seeing people everywhere and lots of cameras. 
“Just relax, babe. All you need to do is smile for a few photos and that’s it. The boys and I will handle the rest,” Blake whispers in your ear as you wait to enter the chaos. You nod, squeezing his hand tightly. 
When the boys are told to go out on the carpet for pictures, you stay behind, letting go of Blake’s hand and not following him. He shoots you a look over his shoulder but you wave him off. You stand off to the side, out of the way. The boys pose for a few pictures, looking amazing. But then they all turn to you and wave you over. You shake your head at them, not wanting to go but they continue to call you so you finally give in. 
You walk up, trying not to trip or look awkward. Blake wraps his arm around your waist, his hand resting on the small of your back. The cameras start flashing, photographers calling out which direction to look in. You smile brightly, feeling overwhelmed but hoping you don’t look too freaked out. 
Luckily a staff member instructs you to move down the carpet, out of the main entrance. You breath out a sigh of relief, Blake rubbing your back and telling you that you did fine. 
They continue to walk towards interviewers, being instructed which ones to go to. You attempt to separate from the boys again, but Blake holds your hand and Reece slings his arm around your shoulders to keep you from escaping. 
You stand slightly off to the side of the interview next to Blake. You don’t want to take the spotlight off of the boys. 
“So I see you brought a friend with you tonight,” The interviewer asks, holding the microphone out to you and Blake. 
“Yes, she’s my girlfriend and our best friend so we brought her as our date,” Blake says, everyone laughing a little. You smile shyly. 
“What’s your name, love?” The woman asks, smiling at you gently, making you aware of how obvious your nervousness is. 
“Y/N,” you say into the microphone, and Blake smiles at you happily that you didn’t freak out. 
“Okay, so Y/N which one of the boys is the most fun to hang out with? Be honest, and you don’t have to answer Blake just because he is your boyfriend,” the woman asks you and you laugh before turning to face the boys and think about an answer. 
“Well I mean they are all super fun in different ways! So it’s hard to pick, but Reece is generally up for a good time whenever,” you answer, making Reece cheer and high five you. 
“I knew you were the perfect person to bring!” Reece jokes and you laugh. Blake and George pretend to sulk but it’s obvious they aren’t offended. The interview continues, occasionally asking you a question. 
You leave that, finally making your way inside to your seats. Blake hugs you, spinning you around quickly. 
“I’m so proud of you!” He exclaims, pressing a kiss to your cheek. You blush and smile at him. 
“Couldn’t have done it without you!” You admit, letting his wrap his arm around your shoulders and lead you to your seat. 
The next morning you woke up to a bunch of notifications on your phone. Your twitter and instagram had tons of more followers, people tagging you in posts and sending links. 
You go to twitter and see a bunch of links to the interview of the boys. Many of the video titles contain something about introducing New Hope Club’s date and things like that. And there are tons of pictures of you on the carpet with the boys. 
The best picture was tweeted by the Radio Disney twitter account, showing you and Blake smiling at each other. The caption was “Award for cutest couple goes to @ yourtwittername and newhopeblake!” 
Overall, it was an amazing first award show and something told you that you would be attending many more as Blake’s, and New Hope Club’s, date. 
I know I said I would have this up last night but i fell asleep! Sorry!
thanks for requesting! much love!
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writing-yj · 7 years
Robin x Reader: The Bird Tattoo~Part Six (Soulmate AU)
A/n: Alrighty, let’s see how this goes. Prepare for a ton of angst, some gore/blood, and bad writing to be honest.
The various dishes in the kitchen sink clanked and clattered together as you washed a plate. It was your turn to do the mountain dishes, but you had no problem with it. You had time to think and the soapy bubbles brought you some form of entertainment. They looked so... interesting.
     You mimicked a wide variety of interesting noises to pass the time, just for fun. Such as a doorbell, a sprinkler, a standing ovation of applause, an excited guinea pig, the cry of an eagle, and a very loud air horn. 
     The air horn brought Robin skidding into the kitchen soon after. He looked alert and inquisitive; where did that noise come from? When he saw you standing there with a lopsided grin, he crossed his arms and huffed. “I should have known it was you.” Your mocking ability was truly remarkable. “Why are you just making random noises?”
     “I like using my powers. I can trick people, scare them, or make them laugh.” You shrugged and scrubbed at another plate. “Looks like I just tricked you.”
     Robin didn’t try to deny it. He couldn’t. “I haven’t been the first one and I won’t be the last.” He leaned on the counter and observed you cleaning the dirty dishes. No one had to worry about leftovers, since Wally leaves no food behind.
     You continued your chore in silence, even though Robin’s eyes were burning a hole in your back. You didn’t know what he wanted, or why he was staring at you, but you let it be. You assumed that he was just lost in thought, like you often did. Well, not quite like you did. You’d be very concerned if he became unresponsive and blank-faced.
     As Robin stared at you, the image of your (e/c) eyes was still fresh in his mind a day later. They were unlike any pair of eyes he’d ever seen. Your complexion was unique and beautiful. At school, he saw you as the gorgeous girl who defended him. Now that he discovered you to be Mockingbird, he wanted to take it back but he couldn’t. You were still (Y/n) (L/n), an attractive high school girl by day, a skilled and strong heroine by night.
     You liked Dick Grayson’s eyes from the start. His mask and sun glasses hid them from view. You were glad, too. Every time you saw those blue irises of his, your heart fluttered. And frankly, you hated that. You didn’t avoid him during school hours, but you only talked to him if he spoke to you first. Which was very rare anyway.
     “Am I allowed to talk to you at school or do you want me to avoid you like you’re a virus?” Robin questioned. In a way, you were a virus to him. He was drawn to you, and his stomach felt weird and different when you were around. It made him cautious.
     “The Robin wants to talk to me at school?” You asked shockingly. “I’m honored.” You giggled to yourself. You could sense his reluctance to ask. “I don’t care if you talk to me, just don’t act like you do here. It’ll make Artemis suspicious.”
     “I never said I wanted to talk to you there, only if I need to.”
     “You didn’t say that, either.”
     Robin didn’t answer. So there was another comfortable silence, and the huge pile of dishes was getting smaller at a tedious pace. Talking to Robin made it less boring, but you wished it would go by faster.
     You figured asking for help wouldn’t be a bad idea. “If you’re going to keep standing there, you might as well help with the dishes.” It didn’t really come out as a question like you intended.
     You heard Robin grumble, but he trudged on over to stand next to you. You handed him a spare wash cloth, and got to work. The cluster of dishes was now diminishing much faster, and an argument had yet to break out. Maybe this could turn into a mild and eventually calm friendship. You never did dislike him as much as he disliked you. His resentment cause you to feel the same about him; who would like someone who hated them? But the hostility had definitely dialed down.
     “I appreciate your help. It takes a lot off my,” You smirked. “Plate.”
     He turned a whacked your shoulder. “Really, Mockingbird? That was the worst pun I’ve ever heard.”
     “And your puns are better?”
     “Yes, significantly.”
     You elbowed him in the ribs, earning a grunt. “Yeah, and I’m not taller than you.” The mere two-inch difference didn’t stop you from teasing him,
     “I didn’t have to help you, you know.” Robin glared at you from behind his sunglasses. You still had your mask on from when you went out and about as Mockingbird for a bit, sweeping up a few low-lives. 
     You tilted your head and looked at him with a small smile. “But you did anyway.” You giggled when Robin abruptly looked away.
     He changed the subject as soon as possible. “What does your soulmate tattoo look like?” Robin had a strong feeling that you wouldn’t answer, at least not honestly.
     The sudden question made you drop the almost-clean spoon. “I remember saying that I wasn’t going to show you guys.” You grumbled. The last thing you wanted in your life was a soulmate, but that’s what your brain said. However, your heart wanted a soulmate so very badly. It was a natural instinct that no one could completely control. 
     “Yeah, you wouldn’t show us. Telling is different than showing.” Robin found a quick but feeble loophole, but it’s worth a try. “You don’t even have to be specific.”
     You contemplated telling him as you thought of the different outcomes it could cause. So far, he hadn’t breathed a word to anyone else of what you told him about you. Meaning that you trusted him enough to not tell anyone. But if he saw the tattoo on someone he knew, or even on himself, he could easily slip up and tell them. It was normal to want to assist a friend in finding their soulmate. You weren’t normal, though.
     “Well,” You picked up the spoon and scrubbed it vigorously. “It’s a lot more colorful than I expected. Too colorful for my liking.” You put the spoon with the other silverware a little rougher than necessary. “The last thing I need right now is a soulmate.”
     Robin knew that you didn’t like the whole soulmate deal, but he was curious as to why. “Why don’t you want one?”
     The question caused you to laugh outright. “Why would I want a soulmate when I lead the life I’m living right now? I fight bad guys and a mock noises when I’m not at school. I have more important things to focus on than a soulmate.” Plenty of people would find your words offensive and/or rude. You hoped Robin wasn’t one of them. “It’s a very unpopular opinion, but my priorities and expectations are different; someone at school said I should see a psychologist when she heard my thoughts on soulmates.”
     “But, uh,” Robin didn’t really know how to ask the question without giving you the wrong but right idea. “What would you do if you did find your soulmate?”
     “Honestly, I don’t really know.” You never came up with a backup plan. “I don’t want to bring someone I’m supposed to and going to care about into this life.”
     He simply nodded as you both finished the dishes. Robin, too, didn’t know what he’d do if he found his soulmate at his current age. There were only three days left until his tattoo would finally appear.
     Suddenly, just as you put away the last cup, the notification you all had been waiting for appeared after almost a week. “Finally, a mission!” Wally was already in his ‘uniform’ as he sped into the room. You and Robin jumped away from the sink just in time, without making Kid Flash suspicious.
You were as quiet as a mouse as you observed the shipment yard. The team was finally being sent to investigate the recent thefts of hazardous chemicals, the thefts you connected to The Doctor. You went over the mission briefing again in your head.
“This is the last shipment of chemicals for several months,” Batman went through the files on the large computer screen. The location was pinpointed in the top right corner. “If the pattern is correct, the culprit should show up in one of the main shipment yards of Gotham.” He pointed to said map that had a set of coordinates. 
“How are these chemicals so important?” Wally borderline whined. “This seems so... so simple and minor. Like a chore.”
Batman all but glared at him. “This mission is not a chore. The chemicals in question are extremely toxic and very dangerous if they fall into the wrong hands. “You seven need to stop the operation before they steal them again.”
     Something didn’t feel right to you. You prayed that it never was The Doctor behind this, that you just had a period of paranoia. Deep down, you knew that it was slowly driving you to the point of mental instability. This needed to be solved, so your body and mind could be put to rest. Over the past few days, you only got two hours of very light sleep, but nightmares woke you up constantly.
     “Mockingbird, do you see anything?” Aqualad asked through the mind link.
     “Not at the moment.” You replied as you bounced and leaped over the various structures to reach the main warehouse. “Anyone else?”
     “KF and I are in the warehouse, and there’s nothing here either.” Robin stated as he and Kid Flash crept around in the shadows.
     Miss Martian, Superboy, and Artemis had nothing to report. It frustrated you. You needed to know now. 
     Aqulad advised you and the team to stay alert and they all shifted positions. But not you; you didn’t go to where you were supposed to be. Instead, you looked down into the warehouse from one of the ceiling windows as Artemis and Miss Martian took their turn in the building. 
     Suddenly, several figures appeared from the shadows in the warehouse, but they didn’t look quite right. They were kind of staggering, completely emotionless and blank. Like zombies, almost. “Guys, we have company!” Artemis cried out through the mind link.
     You swung in through one of the lower windows, landing in the middle of them in front of Miss Martian. “What are these things!?” You were confused as hell. They still looked like real people, but alarmingly pale. Their skin was almost gray, and their eyes looked like they were blinded. At least their skin wasn’t torn or gouged out like zombies in movies.
     The rest of the team burst into the storage building, but the amount of undead enemies was increasing steadily. Not a good thing. You all fought them, punching and kicking them away as they grabbed at your bodies. They didn’t even seem phased with each blow, and it was very concerning. Nothing stopped them from going after you and the team; they could be thrown to the ground, but they got right back up.
     Robin rapidly threw down a gadget and yelled, “Step back! Lead them over these!” 
     You were barely out of the way when Robin activated them, which turned out to be small electrocution devices. You received a bit of a shock, and memories of The Doctor electrocuting you flashed before your eyes. You quietly cried out to shove them out of your head, and it worked, thankfully. If you couldn’t stop them from resurfacing, there was a high chance of you not being able to function properly.
     The devices worked, for the most part. A good portion of the ‘zombies’ were left immobile, and looked permanently deceased. You saw a tall shadow out of the corner of your eye, one you knew all to well. Sudden destructive anger and desire overtook you, and you followed it with great determination.
     “Mockingbird, no!” You heard Aqualad shout as he threw another enemy off him. “We need you here!” The team was already struggling, despite their remarkable abilities and strengths and skills. But you ignored Aqualad, and the others. You wanted to get this over with. You needed to fight The Doctor. You needed to end him. You needed to kill him. With all your might, you forcibly disconnected from Miss Martian’s mind link. It was a very difficult task.
     You didn’t feel tired at all as you jumped great lengths and heights to follow the mysterious figure, who you were sure to be The Doctor. You were blinded by rage, but that was a horrible side affect to the experiments. You didn’t come out as a perfect, flawless Mockingbird without complications. PTSD was expected, though.
     In the end, you both landed on the roof, with his back facing you. When his eerie voice floated through the air, your worst fears came true.
     “Well, well, well. It looks like my little bird has improved.” He turned around and you were met with a set of crazed yellow eyes and a creepy smile. The Doctor was alive, and it felt like your heart was being squeezed.
     The wind was knocked out of you, but it didn’t stop you from flying at him with an outraged cry. “You’re supposed to be dead!” Your voice wavered, just a little. The zombified people, you realized, were the people going missing. They couldn’t be fixed, not anymore.
     “They never found remains, darling! You all assumed I was blown to pieces,” The Doctor dodged and blocked most of your hits, and he socked you right in the jaw and the stomach. The pain was sharp, but dulled in mere seconds. 
     The fight went on, and he ended up with a broken nose and you got a busted lip. You were both pretty beaten up, but he was the one who originally trained you to be a mindless weapon, meant to follow every order of his to take revenge on his former colleagues. He wasn’t the only one bent on revenge anymore. It was your turn to thirst for vengeance. 
     You hand the upper hand for a few short moments, but that was all you needed. You flipped The Doctor over and threw him right throw a ceiling window. As he fell, you jumped down after him with the intention to take his life. 
     He landed and stumbled on his feet, but regained his footing when you landed in front of him. Broken glass and the bodies of the mindless creatures surrounded you, and the team was laying off to the side, exhausted and nursing their injuries. You paid no mind to them, only concentrating on The Doctor.
     The team was startled to see such an insane-looking man in front of them, and they put two and two together. This was The Doctor, your mortal enemy who took away everything you cared about. They wanted to help you, they really did, but they were all injured in some way. You were definitely going to get in trouble for leaving them, but in that moment, you didn’t care.
     It was concerning when The Doctor whipped out a rather large and sharp scalpel. Luckily, you had experience with dealing with armed criminals. “Your friends look confused,” He snickered, but grunted when you landed a blow. “Did you not tell them about your father? I did make you what you are today, after all.”
     “You’re not my father, you son of a bitch!” You roared after he nicked your shoulder. It barely bled; not deep enough for stitches.
     “I thought your mother taught you manners, my dear!” His scalpel came dangerously close to cutting your neck. 
     You wanted to feel brave, but you were terrified. This was the man who haunted your nightmares and lurked in the dark corners of your head. This man caused you so much pain, so much suffering, and changed your life in ways you didn’t think were possible. Adrenaline was kicking in swiftly, and it soon came down to fighting to maim but also fighting to survive. You had to choose fight or flight, and you violently forced yourself to fight; there was no time for flight. You were pushing yourself past your limits without realizing it.
     “She didn’t get to teach me much, thanks to you.” You snarled and kicked him in the stomach. 
     The Doctor shouted in pain and doubled over. But you went to kick his head, which could very well end up to be a killing blow, and he caught your foot just in time. He twisted your leg painfully, but you rolled to prevent him from breaking it. You needed your leg very much; you’d rather not be impaired for a few weeks.
     The mentally exhausted Miss Martian screamed when The Doctor’s scalpel swung at your head, and it would easily cause you to bleed out. You moved back as fast as you could, but it caught your mask and ripped it off. Superboy, Aqualad, Miss Martian, and Kid Flash saw your face for the first time. But they didn’t get to see it for long. Everything was all happening so fast. 
     You were so distracted by the loss of your mask that he swiped his scalpel at you again. This time, he left a three-inch cut that went across your collar bone. You lurched back, and another down stroke cut your jaw. Barely an inch long.
     Robin found the strength and ignored the pain in his ribs to jump up and help you, and he shoved The Doctor as hard as he could. “Mockingbird, move!” 
     But he was much stronger than Robin. He barely budged. You prevented him from throwing Robin to the wall by punching his cheek hard enough to cut it. “Don’t you dare touch him!” You shouted, suddenly feeling very protective. The blood running down your skin was disturbing, but the cuts weren’t horribly deep.
     “Looks like you deeply care about him, little bird! Ah, young love. How sickening.” The Doctor sneered as you stood defensively in front of the wounded Robin. You felt a surge of endearment and attachment for him and you didn’t bother to push it away this time.
     “Go to hell, you-” You started to snap at him, but his next movements were a blur. 
     You were yanked away from Robin with a cry. The Doctor landed an absolutely brutal kick to your chest, and you soared through the air. “Mockingbird!” Your teammates cried out before you crashed through a window. 
     You hit the ground with a thud. You skidded a few feet and eventually slip to a stop. Your body ached and your mild cuts burned when you moved to look at the now destroyed window. There was a small trail of blood leading to you, but it wasn’t anything too serious. Yet.
     Your head fell back and you closed your eyes for a couple seconds. When you opened them, bright yellow eyes and an insane smile were all you saw. You let out a blood curdling shriek as fear ultimately seized your body. You were so scared that it hurt. You couldn’t move to shield yourself; the terror left you rigid.
     The Doctor’s hand wrapped around your throat, but he stroked it instead of strangling you. “Until next time, my little Mockingbird.” He cackled, and then he was gone. Your skin still tingled where he stroked your blood-smeared skin, and your breathing was jagged and uncontrollable. You couldn’t tell if you were crying or not.
     You thrashed around when you felt someone picking you up, and your eyes shot open, ready to either die or feel more pain. But you saw Black Canary’s face, not The Doctor’s. You were in her safe and motherly arms. Your beloved teammates, your new family, must have contacted them during your failed battle.
     “I told you he was alive,” You wailed out pitifully and you let yourself go limp in her arms. You didn’t want to struggle anymore. “I told you!” Your words were slightly muddled, but your words were still easy to comprehend. “You didn’t listen, none of you did-!...” You weren’t even loud anymore. The volume was weak. You were trying to be angry because you genuinely were, but you weren’t strong enough to feel so intense.
     Tears were brimming in Dinah’s eyes. “I know, Mockingbird, I know.” She brushed your hair away from your face. “And we’re so sorry.” She didn’t want to be too affectionate in front of your team and hers, and it was hard not to. 
     You saw some of the other Justice League members around you. Batman was stone faced, as usual. But there was some guilt you didn’t see. Wonder Woman was clearly sympathetic, Flash was helping your team along with Green Lantern, Green Arrow was standing next to Black Canary with a hand on her shoulder, and Superman was observing from afar. He was the only Justice League member you clashed with; you avoided him as often as you could. Superman also looked a little guilt-stricken, but he went over to Conner soon enough.
Conner supported Kaldur and M’gann as they left the building, and Artemis managed to walk on her own as Wally and Robin supported each other. They watched as you, an ambitious and protective teammate, getting carried by Black Canary to safety. You were never injured like this on a real mission before, and they finally had a good idea on how sinister and destructive The Doctor was. They were torn apart when you were cut open, and even more so when you went out the window.
     But bits and pieces of them were upset with you. Yes, you faced The Doctor to protect them and keep him from stealing, but you also went after him for your own reasons. You fought him for revenge, leaving them behind to battle unknown creatures that were only defeated by electricity and sadly, being crushed. They were once real people with real lives and families, but they were too far gone to be saved.
     Robin was the exact opposite of traught. You were kicked through the window like you weighed nothing, because you were protecting him. He knew it was his fault this Justice League didn’t listen. It was his fault that you had no evidence to show him. If he never did that, none of this would have happened.
     You were in for one hell of a pickle when you woke up
A/n: This is terrible, I’m literally running on like, 20oz of Monster. I’m sorryyyyy.
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redsdesktop · 7 years
Conflict: Chapter 11
Whoa, hey there. Look at that. I managed to write a chapter. Sorry if its not fulfilling enough, long night of messing with tape. Did I mention how much I hate tape now? Its peeled off my very soul.  Also this is a sfw chapter. Sort of mentions what happens but in no detail.
Splendid woke up feeling like he'd been hit by a bus. No, that wasn't right, because he knew what it felt like to be hit by a bus and this was ten times as worse. He could only assumed this was what it felt like to have a hangover as he slowly pushed himself to sit up... on the floor? Why wasn't he in his bed, he glanced over at the bed, the pastel green sheets were definitely not his. His bed was covered in blues, whites, and reds to match him. It hurt too much to think as he felt an arm slide to curl about his waist, looking down, he first noticed it was Flippy laying beside him on the floor. The second was there was an absolute lack of clothing, making him able to see that both their bodies were littered with bites and scratches, amazed that the omega had actually broken his skin, a feat in itself. Guess he'd never underestimated an omega in heat.
That's what happened and he felt himself still as he realized what he'd done. Splendid would be lying if he said he hadn't thought about doing intimate things with Flippy, but he wanted to wait, hell, he hadn't even asked if Flippy would even be his boyfriend yet. He felt terrible that he missed out on the chance to woo Flippy like they did in the romance books he read, he wanted to go out on romantic dates and have their first kiss be something really special. He groaned and dragged his hand over his face, suddenly realizing something was missing. His mask. He never took it off and yet, here he was bare faced for who knows how long. He panicked a little, but then when Flippy's arm tightened around him, he was reminded why it was likely off. It was better that way, to be completely exposed during such intimate moments, a show of complete trust and faith in his omega.
He sighed out and moved to wrap Flippy up in the blanket they had shared, taking a look around to noticed every pillow in the house along with various blankets, towels, and worn clothes were enveloping them, making Splendid go still. He'd never actually been in a nest before and Flippy must have done this while he slept, because all Splendid could remember was things that made his face heat up. He abandoned the plan on moving Flippy to the bed, the nest was a comforting and safe place and he didn't want Flippy waking up out of it. Splendid would like to stay a little longer, but he was starving and the idea of making Flippy breakfast appealed to him. Hopefully it would make up for everything that had happened between them.
While he regretted having done such things with Flippy, it wasn't because he didn't want to, but he had just wanted to wait a little while longer. However, he couldn't take it back and had to move forward and there was no way he'd leave Flippy. Pushing himself up to his feet, he dug around carefully for his jumpsuit, retrieving his phone to check the time. However, it was dead, sighing, he pulled on his boxers and left his jumpsuit in the nest, not wanting to disrupt Flippy's nest too much but he couldn't walk around the house naked either. When he entered the living room, he pulled Flippy's phone charger out of the wall and carried it to the kitchen with him, plugging up his phone to charge while he began breakfast for two.
He pulled on the pink, frilly apron Splendid had bought Flippy as a joke when he had started teaching Flippy how to cook and set to preparing a healthy breakfast. They needed it with how drained Splendid felt, he could only imagine how Flippy was faring. While the cinnamon rolls were in the oven, Splendid picked up his still plugged in phone and turned it on, only to get assaulted by tons of notifications. Most, if not all were from Splendont, a couple were from work. All were about trying to find where he was. He hadn't been gone that long, had he? Glancing up at the date on the phone, he nearly dropped the device. Five days! He'd lost five days of time? It all had blurred together that it had only seemed like one night, possibly a whole day, but five?!
At that moment, his phone chimed his hero theme and he looked down at the screen, seeing it was his brother calling for the millionth time probably. Dreading this conversation, he knew he couldn't postpone it any longer. Answering it, he held it up to his ear. "Hello?" He asked as if he didn't already know who was on the other end, he could almost feel the rage from the other end of the line.
"DON'T YOU HELLO ME. WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" Splendid flinched back away from the phone, his ears ringing from the shouting from the speaker. He rubbed his ear, ignoring the rest of what Splendont was shouting at him, probably all sorts of things he didn't really care for.It really annoyed him that Splendont though he had a right to worry over him after that last stint he pulled. Though Splendid had kicked his ass so hard he had been likely too far out to track him to Flippy's. He sighed out and reached over to pour himself a mug of coffee as he sort of listened to Splendont rant and rav on the other end of the line. He was just glad he didn't have to deal with his alpha brother in person right about then.
"I've been at Flippy's house." Splendid said as if that excused him for going missing without a trace for five days. Flippy was a solitary omega, living near the woods, out of the town, so it wasn't a surprise Splendont hadn't found him. He was glad for it too, Splendid would've fought his twin seriously for once in order to keep the alpha away from Flippy. It was confusing, to love and hate a man at the same time, but he just wrote it off as being brothers.
"FOR FIVE DAYS?! WHAT WERE YOU DO-" Splendont cut himself off as he seemed to figure it out mid-sentence, there was only one real reason why someone wouldn't leave a house for any extended period of time, especially when an omega was involved.
"You didn't."
"I did." Splendid said, maybe a bit too smug with his words but he couldn't help but to rub it in his twin's face, it was just in his nature. He could almost hear Splendont's teeth grate through the phone, making Splendid smirk a little as he took a sip of his coffee, testing to make sure it wasn't too hot.
"We have a serial killer on the lose and you're off consorting with the number one prime suspect?!" Splendont growled over the phone, a little too much for Splendid's liking and he bared his teeth. Though it was pointless since Splendont couldn't see unless Splendid decided to face time. He didn't exactly look like his model form at the moment, though the idea of flaunting all his bonding marks to his twin did sound appealing. Maybe later.
"Well, what were you doing this entire time, huh, Mr. Anti-Hero?"
"I was looking for you!" He snapped, Splendid knew he'd likely try to throttle Splendid if he could.
"I'm perfectly capable of handling myself, thank you very much."
"Bullshit." The seething tone made Splendid snort in laughter, it was just too good to get under his twin's skin, especially when he could do nothing about it. "I also called your work and let them know you were missing and not just skipping out on work, so your welcome."
"I'll take that concern as an apology for trying to mark me." There was silence over the line, he seemed to have effectively put out the fury that Splendont had by reminding him of the mistake he almost committed. Splendid still didn't want to think about it, he didn't know how it made him feel, not knowing what Splendont's intention had been when he thought to mark Splendid in such a way.At the moment, he had other things to attend to, like taking care of Flippy, knowing it might be a day or two more before he made sure Flippy was recharged and ready to go out again. Luckily Flippy had an emergency stock of protein bars and water bottles, he guessed that was just leftover from his military days or just good planning for an omega.
"Whatever. Hurry up and get back into fighting shape, lucky for you no murders happened while you were gone. But I don't know how long this Silence will last."
"Do you think they got scared and booked it when they saw we were on the case?" Splendid frowned a little, trying to have high hopes that whoever had killed those people had left, he didn't want to think about the danger Flippy could be in. It made Splendid tempted to lock Flippy away inside and they both just hide out here. Maybe in a bunker. with several hundred loc-
"I don't think so, that scent wasn't from someone who would be easily intimidated. It was almost as if they were flaunting their power." Splendont seemed to have cooled off now that they were talking about another topic that required a more level head. "I'll look more into what I can now that I don't have to look for your sorry ass. I'll call you later. And you better pick up." He growled out the threat before handing up, making Splendid frown at his phone.
"So much for a goodbye."
"Who were you talking to?" A voice came from behind him, smooth and warming every inch of Splendid, even though he hadn't heard Flippy's arrival, the sound of his voice eased any surprise. He turned to look over at Flippy, who was wearing only his black boxers. He looked adorable with his sleepy face and yet good enough to eat at the same time. Splendid didn't want to get carried away with his thoughts, so he poured another cup of coffee and pressed it into Flippy's hands. He watched Flippy take small sips, making a 'mm' sound from the warmth.
"Splendont, He was just checking up on me. You know, the over protective brother thing. Now go sit on the couch and I'll bring you breakfast. My treat." His tone was more of a request than a demand and further eased it by leaning over and placing a kiss on Flippy's forehead before taking Flippy's shoulders and turning him around. Though before Flippy could move, Splendid gave him a playful smack on the backside to get a squeak and a glare from Flippy before the veteran retreated to the living room.
It didn't take long for Splendid to prepare a tray of cinnamon rolls slathered in his home made orange icing, along with a glass of orange juice and a few pieces of breakfast sausage, the smell made his stomach rumble in eagerness, but this tray wasn't for him, first he had to make sure Flippy was taken care of before he fixed his own plate. He presented the tray with a dramatic little flourish, pleased with himself with another successful meal made and he couldn't help showing off his amazing culinary skills a little. Or maybe a lot. Flippy's eyes brightened from their tired state, the scent of food waking him up a bit more as he was waiting for the coffee to hit his system. "I'm starving. Are you going to eat?" Flippy looked up with concern, not touching his food yet as he noticed Splendid didn't have a tray.
"Yeah, couldn't carry it all in one go, so dig in while I fix my plate." He leaned over to press a kiss on Flippy's cheek, unable to help himself, he just felt so... happy. Like every stress and worry he'd ever felt had melted away, finally things were going his way. He prepared his own tray of food a bit more quickly, wanting to get back and sit beside Flippy. He felt odd being apart from the omega, which was going to be a problem since he was a super hero and had a job. He'd worry about those details later. Either way, Flippy wasn't optional, everything else was. He finally made his way back to the living room to sit beside Flippy, who seemed to relax as well with him close, so it wasn't completely one-sided it seemed. Flippy paused in his eating, glancing over at Splendid before speaking.
"Are we going to talk about what happened?"
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I want to share something personal, if that's alright, to anyone who thinks their life doesn't matter/no one would miss them/has suicidal thoughts or ideation
I know it's long but if you are one of the people mentioned above please read to the end. (I'm choosing to use letters instead of full names to represent people for privacy reasons.) 
 At the beginning of my sophomore year I transferred to a film and entertainment school so I could learn better drawing, animation, character design, etc. to improve my skills for my career. In my first couple weeks of animation class I grew very close to a boy named B. We ended up sitting next to each other most days, and he was really nice. We talked about video games, drawing, My Little Pony (which we were both very into at the time), and a lot of other things. He was one of my first friends in high school. 
 A couple months into school he asked if I wanted to go to Arby's with him at lunch because he had a coupon and Arby's does this thing where you can use a coupon up to like 5 times in one trip for the same deal. So I said yes and at lunch I met him in the lobby of our school to hunt down someone to give us a ride. He had asked most of his friends and been turned down either because they had plans or didn't want to drive, and then he realized he knew someone who would take us. He told me to follow him so I did. We ran up to this area called the weather station (an upstairs area in the north wing of our school, which used to be a news station building) where he ran up to this kid named J and asked if he wanted to go to Arby's. J said yes and grabbed his backpack. On our way out we ran into B's friend H, who he invited to come with us as well. We all loaded up into J's car and left. J and B were in the front seat and H and I were in the back. We went to Arby's, got a ton of food, listened to some weird music, and all and all it was one of the first times I really remember feeling like I belonged somewhere. I had been bullied for most of the time I was in public school, and I felt so isolated when I was home schooled. I had very few friends, and even fewer IRLs. But for once in my life I felt like people legitimately and wholeheartedly wanted me there, just over this simple interaction I had. 
 Fast forward a couple months and I'm hanging out with B and his friends constantly, and I never felt annoying about it like I had in most of my previous friendships. Right before winter break, I was met with a great tragedy. My drawing tablet I had received from my grandpa in eighth grade broke on me. Without it, I had no way to work on my drawings over the break. I was upset and anxious because I didn't know what to do with myself if I couldn't draw. So do you know what happened? The day before break B showed up at school and handed me his drawing tablet. He told me I could use it over the break if it meant I wouldn't have such bad anxiety. I cried. I was so grateful. 
 So the break passes over and I get a lot of drawing done. I was really really grateful and made sure to bring it back with me to school the first day we were back. He offered to let me use it for longer until I could buy a new one, but I told him it wasn't necessary and I was just happy to have it for the break. Some time passes on and our friendship is going as per usual. Over the course of the year there were a few times where B needed a ride home from the train station and my grandpa offered to take him. B was always so grateful for his generosity and thanked him profusely, as he knew he lived a bit out of the way. He was one of my grandpa's favourites because of this. 
 We kept talking and meme-ing and anytime I needed help he was there for me, and the same went from me to him. 
 In the beginning of my junior (his senior) year B came out as transgender, and asked us to call him "K" and "her" from now on. Most of us got it that easy and made the adjustment just fine. Others didn't, and continued to dead name her. K had a hard time sticking up for herself, especially when it came to her friends doing things that hurt her. One day she told me that this friend in our math class refused to call her K, and had really started being an ass about it. He made her feel really uncomfortable but she didn't know what to do, so the next time it happened I interrupted his sentence briefly by just saying K's name. He was confused and stopped for a sec before continuing his sentence. It happened again a couple more times, and he got really mad. He got aggressive and tried to call me out in front of everyone asking why I always interrupted him. To which I asked why it's so fucking hard for him to call his "friend" by the right name. He was dumbfounded and tried to say it was because he knew she was okay with it or something, but that's when K piped in saying "no, I'm really not. It makes me uncomfortable and I wish you'd just call me by my actual name." After that, the kid apologized and started calling her K whenever he referred to her. I think their friendship grew a little distant after, but K thanked me profusely afterwards for standing up for her. I told her it really was no big deal, because she should be called by her name. 
 The year went by smoothly and we both graduated that year (I graduated a year ahead of my class), but we stayed really close. I got married a few months later (I was proposed to in April of my Junior year by my boyfriend I'd been with solidly since September and on-off-openish-relationship-type-deal???? Since February of my sophomore year) and moved out, but we still hung out occasionally. She was invited to (and came to) my birthday parties, and helped my mom with my birthday present for last year. We stayed really close, talked almost every single day, and were in multiple group chats with our friends both URL and IRL. 
 Then last year around late March I received a call from her very late one night. She was heavily drunk, and talking about killing herself. She had mild suicidal ideation, which is different from actual suicidal intentions, so when the conversation first started I was worried but not /overly/ worried. I didn't want to call the police because I couldn't confirm she actually intended to die, but I did message her mom saying I thought she might be having a panic episode and need some comfort. The call dropped and she seemed ok when she messaged me, but she called again saying she was going to do it and she was sorry and how I deserved a better friend and how weak she thought she was and I panicked. She hung up on me and I began frantically looking up her address to contact the police. Just as I had found it, her mother messaged me saying thank you for messaging her and that the police had shown up and K was safe and going to the hospital. She said thank you if I was the one who called the police. I admitted I wasn't the one who did it, but that I was about to when she messaged me. She kept me posted on K's status. She had to stay in the hospital for a week because of her mental health and wanting to make sure she didn't do it again. 
When K got out of the hospital I was amazed. She was doing a lot better and really started making some huge strides on her well-being. I was so proud of her. The year progressed on and outside of a few instances mostly relating to her cheating ex girlfriend, K was doing astoundingly well. She messaged me right around Christmas absolutely ecstatic. She told me for Christmas her mom scheduled her appointment for her to start hormone replacement therapy, or HRT. I cried, she cried, we all cried. K was so excited to begin the process to finally feel comfortable in her own skin. 
 Her appointment was in January and she got clearance from her doctor to start the hormones. My friend, who had been out of the closet for more than a year, was finally becoming the external woman she always was on the inside. 
 About a month in, she had began having mood swings again. Not terrible, but they did take effect on her. She knew it was just the hormones though, which reassured her everything was going just as it should. Around the beginning of March she asked if she could come stay the night with me and my mom (my husband and I rent a section of my parents house currently since he is just below age qualification for his career and has to work lower paying jobs in the mean time) and of course we said yes. There is a futon in my office she was welcome to sleep on, so we picked her up from the train station and brought her to the house. We stayed up and played Minecraft and watched movies until 4 AM, when we both headed up to my office so I could draw and she could sleep. The next afternoon we dropped her off at a friend's house who lived just down the street. 
 That was the last time I ever saw K in person.
 A few weeks later in the beginning of April. I woke up a couple minutes after midnight (my sleep schedule at this point was during the mid-day to late evening because my husband was working midnight to 8 AM). We scrambled realizing my husband was late for work and I helped him put his uniform together and got him out the door. I came back down to my bedroom to finally check all my notifications from when I was sleeping. I had a message from a friend I hadn't talked to in some time. We'll call him P. P had sent me a message around 11 asking me if K was okay. Shortly after he had said "Nevermind. I'm so sorry. Let me know if you need anything." Confused, I asked what he was talking about. "K has passed." 
 I felt my heart stop. 
I sat for moments that seemed like hours staring at my phone. I couldn't believe it. I thought maybe it was just a rumor, as it wouldn't have been the first time something like that had happened to someone from our school. But I went to her profile and in the tags was a post from her mother, talking about how K had finally met the end of her suffering battle with anxiety and depression. I still couldn't believe it. The still and silent shock made my body feel completely hollow. I packed my backpack and walked up the stairs to my office, which still smelled of her oddly nice scent from the night she slept there. I laid on the futon and stared into space, completely lost in the shock and silence. 
 After an hour I heard my mom get up to go smoke. I crept down to the garage. I had a pain in my stomach, the first thing I actually FELT since I had received the news. I didn't want to be the one who told her, but I knew I had to. I went and stood near my mom, unable to make eye contact. Suddenly, from the shock I began to cry the truly, hardest I have ever cried. I couldn't breathe. I fell into my moms arms and confused she asked me what was wrong. I pulled back and tried to wipe my eyes. I tried to be composed. I wanted to be strong. But in the end, I couldn't. "K killed herself." I sobbed. 
And that's when the real pain hit.
 I watched as my mom froze in sheer terror that one of the girls she thought of as her own daughter was no longer alive. Have you ever seen pain, not sadness or anger or fear, but actual pain seep into someone's eyes? Let alone your own mother? The memory still makes me break down sobbing. I watched the pain creep into her eyes before giving birth to large cries and tears. We held each other in the garage sobbing for a long time. When she was finally able to breathe and cool down a little, she told me she wanted to let E, my step dad, know. She walked quietly up to their bedroom as I stayed in the kitchen trying to drink some water. 
She reappeared several minutes later with tears on her cheeks, taking me in her arms and begging me never to do something like that. It was the first time I ever actually heard my mom sound truly scared of losing me. I broke down once more and promised her I wouldn't. 
 A couple weeks later they announced the date for the celebration of her life (she was cremated so there was no actual funeral). It was at a large and beautiful baptist church in our Downtown area. My husband was called into work that day, so I asked my grandpa to take me. Without the body being there, my mom didn't feel like she would get any closure and said she would feel better not going, so I went alone with my grandpa. 
 On our way down to the church, my grandpa asked who it was again. I said it was K, and he didn't recognize her name and asked if he had met that friend (he hadn't interacted with her after she came out, not out of transphobia or anything but just she didn't need anymore rides and I usually went with H up to her house instead of her coming to mine, and I was very keep to myself type in high school so my family didn't hear a lot about my personal life, so he didn't remember her transitioning). I explained that he knew her as B, and that she came out during my Junior year as transgender. He said "Oh! B! He's a girl now? Well- I mean, was I guess but really? I had no idea." He got a sad look in his eyes and said it was sad, because “she (I love how easy my family adjusts to my friends being trans they literally have no issue switching names and pronouns once they know what you prefer) was such a nice girl and was really well mannered.”
 When we entered the chapel I found a pew with my other friends who were there and my grandpa sat next to me on the end. The pastor wore a rainbow silk scarf down the outside of his robe, and he talked for awhile and said a prayer before K's dad said a few words about how much he loved her, and how he was so grateful to see how much she grew as a person and how amazing she was. He told a couple stories and then there was a chance where the microphone got handed to random people who stood up (there were a lot of people it filled up the entire chapel) and they talked about their experiences with her and then we were lead in singing Lean On Me, which K and the rest of the choir sang at graduation.
 At the end the pastor talked for a little bit and he said some stuff that really touched me. "I know with the world we live in today, it's hard to find places that you feel you can be safe and accepted, and I know that even fewer of those places are found in churches. But I want all of you here today to know, that regardless of your race, creed, orientation, sex, gender expression, and even your religion, you are always welcome here, and you are always safe here. We love you, God loves you, and I love you. If you ever find yourself in a place where you are in need, please come. You will always have somewhere to go. We won't push you to join our church or turn you away because you don't believe the same as us. Please always know that." It really hit me good. I was so warmed by his words. 
 It's been a few months now, and my office still smells like her. Some days more than others. I haven't been able to openly talk about what happened without crying. There are days I literally forget to eat and drink. Days and nights I have spent in bed because I have been too depressed to get up. I haven't been able to finish any drawing I start except for one, and it was for a friend who was going through a hard time. I forced myself to get it done in a day and a half because if I didn't get it done then I'd never get it done. I haven't retained any Japanese from my lessons, when I do have the energy to do them. I have days where I see something funny or I think of something and I go to send it to her, only to realize she isn't there anymore. I have been hurting for months. 
Somedays, it's easier. Somedays I can get up and draw for awhile and go to my local anime store to play Weiß Schwarz and everything is okay, but it's still constantly there in the back of my mind and it will always return to me. It comes in waves, and sometimes it comes out of nowhere. I will have walls of depression with no cause. I haven't felt strong emotions with the exception of depression since K committed suicide. I'm not suicidal or in danger in anyway. I'm depressed though. I'm hurting. My husband has been incredibly supportive and sweet through it all, but if you have ever truly thought your death would not hurt someone. If you have ever thought your life didn't matter, please please know that it does. You have people who love you and who would hurt just as bad as I have been if not worse if they lost you. If you're feeling suicidal please reach out. Get help. Do not end your life. You will hurt people, and you will be deeply missed. Find your local suicide hotline or (at least in the US) text "start" to 741741 to text with a trained crisis counselor. 
 There are people who want to help you. 
 Please give them the chance.
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everythng-is-blue · 7 years
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i randomly got inspired to write this, and i’m pretty proud of how it turned out i hope you enjoy x
That's the word everyone used to describe Harry and I's relationship. And, to be honest, I agreed. Ever since we met, Harry and I just clicked, and we were always by each other's side. We were inseparable after being friends for three weeks. And then a few years went by, and we had grown up together. And the feelings we had towards one another started showing, no matter how hard we tried to hold them in. Then, one night, Harry and I were walking around after having dinner with some friends, and rain started pouring down from the sky. Soaked, we got in Harry's car and went back to his place. I showered and he gave me a change of clothes, him showering and changing after I had. We ate our leftovers and watched movies, not realizing how late it was because time had gotten away from us, as it did often when we hung out.
"Is it really almost four in the morning?" Harry looked at his phone screen in surprise.
My eyes got wide. "Holy shit, where did the time go?"
"I know, right?" He chuckled. "I swore it felt like it was maybe one or one thirty."
I sighed, realizing I had my head on Harry's shoulder, his arm around me. Had we been like this the entire time? I looked up at him and he was already looking at me, a smile on his face.
"What'cha smiling at?" I sing-songed.
He laughed. "You."
I laughed lightly. "Why?"
He hesitated, then exhaled. "Would you think I was mad if I told you I was in love with you?"
I looked at him in shock, a smile appearing on my face. "No, because I'm in love with you too."
He grinned, then leaned in and kissed me. Do you know what the only word that could describe that moment was? Perfect.
Two and a half years later, we were a few months away from celebrating our third anniversary, and Harry was acting strange. I didn't know why, and it concerned me. Selena came over and I vented to her, crying and worrying that Harry was going to leave me or something. She consoled me, saying that Harry would never break my heart. That he loved me way too much to ever leave me. And after she left, Harry. came home. I was in our room, so I walked out to the living room, anxious to ask him why he wasn't acting like himself. But when I got to the living room, I saw Harry crouched on the floor, his back to me.
"Hey, babe?" I said nervously.
He turned around, smiling as he held a golden retriever puppy with a bow on its light blue collar.
"Yes, love?" He grinned.
I gasped, walking over to him and petting the dog. "Harry, you did not,"
"Yes, I did," He nodded. "You've always said you wanted a puppy, so I decided to get you one."
I smiled, tearing up. "You're the sweetest, you know that?"
"I like to think so," He chuckled. "What do you want to name him?"
I thought for a moment. "Hm... how about Rain? But like, maybe with an e on the end?"
"Why Raine?" He asked.
"Because, if it didn't rain that one night, I would've just went home instead of coming here. And you probably wouldn't have told me how you felt about me until much later." I explained. “I guess you could say we wouldn’t have gotten together so soon if it wasn’t for the rain.
He beamed. "Ah, I guess you're right. Raine is the perfect name for this little guy."
   After that moment, things continued to be how they always were. Everyone swore that by the time our anniversary came that Harry would propose to me. And though I'd laugh it off, I wanted that more than anything. I wanted our perfect relationship to become a perfect marriage. And I thought Harry did too.
But, when we had but only a month and a half left until we'd celebrate being together for three years, Harry started acting weird again. Instead of acknowledging the uneasy feeling I had, I just chalked it up to everyone's suspicions being true. That he was going to propose. One night, Niall and Harry suggested that Selena and I have a girls' day, and we'd get dinner together that night. Though we were suspicious, we went along with it. Many times throughout the day, Selena swore that when we came home that Niall would have some kind of excuse for her and him to leave, and Harry would propose to me. And, again, I really hoped that was the case. Then, when we still had a couple hours until we'd be on our way back, Niall called Selena. He said that there was a change of plans, that Harry wasn’t feeling well and that he would be at home waiting for Selena. So we left fifteen minutes after the call, Selena going home to Niall and me going home to Harry. At least, that's what I thought. I came home to an empty house, Raine greeting me when I came in. I pet him, then looked around the house to see if Harry was really gone, and if he had left a note. But he was no where to be found, and he didn't leave a note. I called him many times, him ignoring every single one. I texted him, saying that it was so unlike him to be this way and we needed to talk as soon as possible. I checked every five minutes to see if he had read it, but he didn't read it at all.
   Harry didn't come home that night.
   The next morning, I woke up to tons of notifications. Before I could even go through them, Selena called me.
"Hello?" I answered.
"(Y/n), have you seen or heard anything?" Selena asked me.
"No?" I said, confused. "I literally just woke up."
She sighed. "I guess I'll be the bearer of bad news. There are pictures everywhere of Harry leaving The Nice Guy with Nikita."
I felt like my heart had stopped. Harry wasn't home last night because he was with his ex. And he didn't come home, which meant he stayed with her. I almost got sick at the thought of what probably happened. Tears flowed from my eyes as I sobbed, the hardest I'd cried in the longest time.
"How did this happen?" I wept.
"I don't know, babe," Selena said sadly. "But I think the best thing for you to do is to just come stay with Niall and I for a while. You know, so you can get some space and think about things."
I nodded, though I knew she couldn't see me. "You're right, I'll pack some stuff and come over there."
"Alright," She sighed again. "Drive safe, love you."
"Thanks, love you too." I said quietly.
I got up, brushing my teeth and getting ready. I finished packing, and before I could get my things and go, I heard the front door open and close. Raine, who was laying on the bed next to my bags, ran to see who it was. I already knew who it was, and anger boiled within me. I walked out there, seeing a very tired and sad looking Harry. I crossed my arms, glaring at him.
He looked up at me, petting Raine. "What's going on?"
"You know damn well what's going on." I said, growing more furious by the second. "Do you have anything to say for yourself?"
He stood there, realizing I knew what he had done. He didn't speak.
I laughed sarcastically. "Of course you don't. So, you go from promising dinner to our friends and I, to not coming home last night? What the hell is wrong with you?!"
He looked down, still not speaking, so I continued.
"Not only did you not come home, you went out with your ex and then went home with her! When you had your fucking girlfriend at home waiting for you! What kind of twisted fuck does that?!"
After an agonizing silence, he spoke up. "I'm so sorry, love. I--"
"Don't," I spat. "You don't get to call me that anymore."
He looked me in the eye for the first time during our conversation. "What are you saying?"
"Do you expect me to stay with you after what you did?" I scoffed. "Harry, everyone knows about what happened, it's all over social media and it's on tv. Everyone knows you're a cheating prick. Why the hell should I stay with you?!"
He looked away again, shrugging. "I guess I don't expect you to."
It got quiet once again, and I decided to ask something I wasn't sure I wanted to know the answer to.
"Why'd you do it? Why would you do this to me? To us? We were perfect, Harry."
He hesitated. "I-I don't know, (y/n)."
I stared at him in disbelief. "You don't know? You cheated on me, throwing almost three years down the drain, and you don't know why you did it?!"
He didn't say anything.
"Wow," I laughed sadly. "Well, Raine and I are leaving. We'll talk when you figure out what your reason for fucking our relationship up is."
   It had been a week since I left Harry. Niall and Selena were nice enough to allow Raine and I to stay with them until I finalized everything with the real estate agent that was helping me find a new place. Of course, like everything else, the media was talking about it. How 'award winning singer-songwriter (y/f/n) (y/l/n) left her boyfriend of three years and former One Direction member Harry Styles, and is getting her own place after he cheated on her'. The thing was, we didn't even make it to three years. We were two months away, eight weeks from another anniversary. And just like that, it was ruined.
At first, I wondered if it was something I did. But then came to the realization that I had been the best girlfriend I could've possibly been to Harry. I gave him my all, my everything. I didn't do anything to deserve what he did. So, that meant it was him. I wasn't sure what, but he did what he did because of something that was going on with him. And that gave me a small bit of relief. My heart was still in a million different pieces, but it helped knowing I did absolutely nothing wrong.
Selena, Raine, and I sat in the living room, when the door opened and shut. Niall came into the room and he had Louis with him.
Niall sat next to Selena, and Louis next to him. Raine perked up when he saw them, his tail wagging. He was such a lovable dog, and it wasn’t as little as he used to be. When he sat, he came to a little above my knee, and it seemed like he grew more and more everyday. He got down from his spot next to me on the couch and sat between Louis and Niall, both of them petting him and grinning.
Niall sighed, his smiling falling. "I know you probably don't want to hear this, (y/n), but Harry's a wreck. He refuses to do anything, and he just cries and cries..."
"Poor lad needs someone to all but force him to drink some water," Louis snowballed, still petting Raine.
Selena chuckled. "He should be upset. Do you remember how she cried herself to sleep up until the night before last? How I had to make sure she drank and ate something. He should be devastated, he brought this on himself. And honestly, I don't feel bad for him. And you feel the exact same way, right, (y/n)?"
I went to answer her, but I couldn't. I should be glad Harry wasn't happy right now. But I wasn't. I felt guilty, though I knew that I shouldn't. I couldn't bring myself to feel okay with this, and all I could think about is how I needed to go see him.
  The next day, I showed up at the place that Harry and I shared just a week ago. I knocked on the door, then waited. Eventually it opened, a very surprised Harry appearing on the other side of it.
"W-What are you doing here," He stammered, his voice raspy. His hair was a mess and his eyes were red, his cheeks tear stained. He looked like a mess.
"Can we talk?" I exhaled.
He hesitated, then opened the door, allowing me in.
We sat in the living room on separate couches. Silence filled the room, and I swore I'd probably be able to hear a pin drop.
After a while, Harry exhaled. "For a while, I've had this... feeling. And, I couldn't quite place it at first. But eventually, I realized what it was. I realized... I didn't deserve you. As much as I tried to just push it away, I couldn't. And it got really bad, so I did something stupid. I tried to drink it away. I drank so much, and the next thing I knew I woke up next to Nikita. I swear to you, (y/n), it wasn't my intention to hurt you. I never thought I'd ever hurt you."
I exhaled, letting go of the breath I was holding in. "I felt like I didn't deserve you, but I never went as far as drinking it away or cheating on you. Instead, I realized how blessed I was to call you mine, and I appreciated every single second I got with you.”
"And that's exactly why I don't deserve you." Harry stared at his hands.
I scoffed. "Don't you get it? All I've ever wanted was you! When I met you, I knew you'd be the man I would marry and have kids with. And now, even though we're not together and that won’t happen, I still can't see myself with anyone else."
"You shouldn't settle for me, (y/n)." He shook his head. "There's someone much better for you out there."
"That may be the case, but I'll never love someone like I love you. I'll love you forever."
He got quiet. "I don't know what to say..."
I scoffed again. "So you're not going to fight for me?! You're just going to let me go? ...Pfft, you really must not love me as much as you say you do."
"I do love you, (y/n)." He enunciated, seeing almost frustrated. "I love you with my whole damn heart... with every fiber of my being, that's why i can't let you try to get stuck with me. Move on, and find someone better, you deserve at least that. And I deserve the ability to say that I lost you when I swore to myself I'd never let that happen. I deserve to be humiliated, regretful, and remorseful."
The room was silent once more. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't say anything.
"Now, go." He said gently. "Go, be happy and take care of Raine. I want to be able to go on social media or turn on the television and see you smiling and being happy like you used to be. Before I fucked everything up."
I sighed. "I'll always love you, Harry."
He smiled. "And I, you, (y/n). Always."
   if you have ideas for imagines feel free to request them, requests are always open x
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topicprinter · 7 years
Here’s an honest view of a short lived online business. In the end, after all fees, ads, costs etc, I lost a total of $7.42 or $0.12 per bottle sold.Initial IdeaBack around the end of March, McDonalds Canada announced that they would be selling packaged sauces in grocery store, including Big Mac Sauce, Filet-o-Fish Sauce and McChicken Sauce. The relevant social media posts were filled with mostly excitement, but also anger that it was only going to be Canadians that had access to this product. The sauces were immediately available, and no information about availability dates were provided, as well, no costs was provided during the announcement.I’ve read many stories online where people capitalize on situations like this and make a bit of money, so I thought ‘Why not me?’ I had some time to think about the idea since the sauces weren’t yet available in stores. The idea would be to buy sauces in grocery stores, then package them and ship them around the world. Pretty simple right.I talked with a friend that was going to help out as I was dreaming of this being a huge success and having tons of orders to ship out. He works shift work so I figured he’d be good to help. In the end he didn’t do anything so that’s the end of that.While as time went on I kept thinking about my plan and finally put together a website. Initially it had a form gathering contacts with the basic message ‘We’ll notify you when they become available’’. I paid for some Facebook ads, targeted people with an interest in Big Macs and/or McDonalds (yes those exist). I managed to get 6 people sign up. This was underwhelming but I persisted. As this Facebook ad was running, the sauces became available in stores and I rushed to put together a store front.For the store front, I used Shopify. Shopify is a great product that helps with everything needed to run a store front. I used the $9/month plan that allows for just the use of the ‘Buy Button’ that I placed on my site. At this point I loaded up some more Facebook ads and started taking orders.The first and second day I maybe had $100 in orders each day. This was good and I was thinking this might work. On the third day, I woke up and had $800 dollars in order notifications on my phone (Shopify has an iPhone app that alerts you when someone places an order). I was very excited. Wondering why they all came over night, I noticed many orders came from Australia. So I then targeted some Facebook ads to Australians only and orders kept coming in.Day 4 comes around and orders drop considerably back down to $100 or so. And continue to drop day by day. I realized that people were getting turned off by the shipping costs and/or times. Shopify is great because it does all the shipping costs and calculations for you. When checking out, it shows the customer the cost of various shipping methods (using CanadaPost) and an estimated shipping time. For one bottle of McDonald’s sauces (cost $10 to the customer), the cheapest shipping method was $12 and estimated to take between 28 and 84 days!!!! Realizing that not many people would want to wait this long (or pay more for shipping than the product) I started to target North American users (remembering that the sauces were only available in Canada). This didn’t lead to any appreciable increase in sales. After a week or so, orders had basically stopped and I decided to shut down the ads and try to sell the remaining bottles I had in stock. Here are a few notes on the whole operation and final costs and incomes.Facebook AdsFacebook Ad manager has improved greatly over the past while and it’s a super strong tool for advertising. It takes a bit of getting used to, but once you know what you are doing, you can get some good traffic. My totals, for the various ads I placed were 2,987 clicks and 113,670 people reached. My cost per click was $0.08 and I spent a total of $236.48 on ads. My click through rate was 2.39%.One takeaway from Facebook Ads is that it will take up a lot of time if you plan to be present on the ad boards. You’ll get a ton of people commenting on the ads (sometimes good stuff, sometimes bad stuff). If you want to respond to people, it takes time but Facebook has made a specific iPhone app for handling this, so you can do it on the go. As well, many people will talk about buying products, but then never buy.Google AdwordsWith a Shopify account, you get a ‘Spend $35, Get $135 Credit’ with AdWords. I set up some adwords, spent $75 (some my money, some credit). For this I got 68 clicks, 1,553 impressions and a good click through rate of 4.38%, an average CPC $1.11. The dashboard tells me the ads converted once, but I’m not sure I had it set up correctly the entire time. Unless you have done this before, I wouldn’t suggest using two ad platforms at one time. Managing both became a distraction so I turned off the Google Adwords, even though it was using free credit.eBayWhile doing research, I noticed many people had the same idea as I and started to list the bottles on eBay to sell them. I noticed that many were selling for more than I was selling for which was $10/bottle. I decided I could list on eBay for $13 (to cover eBay listing fees etc) and undercut the others and sell a bunch. Shopify is great because you can manually enter orders and keep track of them in the same place. One thing to note here though, don’t enter the email address when creating the contact in Shopify. If you do, Shopify assumes you want them to email them which can confuse customers when they get multiple emails from different stores.Although I did get a bunch of orders from eBay, it did create more work since I was managing both platforms. As well, eBay’s UX is absolutely terrible. It’s very outdated and hard to use. I imagine there are add on tools that people use, but the vanilla eBay platform is terrible. Like ad platforms, I don’t recommend selling on multiple sites. Find one you like and stick to it.Inventory and The EndGetting and keeping product is what lead me to close down the store so to speak. I didn’t want to get stuck with a ton of left over inventory, so I sort of bought in small batches (10 bottles). At first bottles were easy to come by, but after awhile other people started to realize the product was available and buy it from grocery stores. I would go to a store to grab a bunch and it would be out of stock. So I would drive around the city trying to find more only to find one or two bottles left. I was spending more and more of my time driving around finding bottles.When I started this, I promised my wife it wouldn’t take up too much time. This was just a side project, and we have a toddler and a newborn at home. I was spending too much time in the basement working on the site, preparing orders and driving around. I wasn’t seeing the profit I wanted, it just wasn’t justifiable to continue on. If someone is reading this, lives and Canada and wants to take over, let me know.I'm not walking away empty handed. I learned A TON during this whole process and has opened my eyes to the possibilities online. I'm going to try some dropshipping as I won't be stuck with the same problem of finding product to buy, although there will be other issues.CostsHere is a final breakdown of all my costs and sales for true transparency.CostsSauces $287.28Facebook Ads $321.89 (above amounts were in USD, this is CAD)Shipping $748.40Adwords $35.00eBay Fees $44.09Shipping Supplies $15.00Domain $9.84Shopify Fee $12.24Total Costs $1,473.74IncomeSales $1,466.32Profit -$7.42
0 notes
topicprinter · 7 years
Here’s an honest view of a short lived online business. In the end, after all fees, ads, costs etc, I lost a total of $7.42 or $0.12 per bottle sold.Initial IdeaBack around the end of March, McDonalds Canada announced that they would be selling packaged sauces in grocery store, including Big Mac Sauce, Filet-o-Fish Sauce and McChicken Sauce. The relevant social media posts were filled with mostly excitement, but also anger that it was only going to be Canadians that had access to this product. The sauces were immediately available, and no information about availability dates were provided, as well, no costs was provided during the announcement.I’ve read many stories online where people capitalize on situations like this and make a bit of money, so I thought ‘Why not me?’ I had some time to think about the idea since the sauces weren’t yet available in stores. The idea would be to buy sauces in grocery stores, then package them and ship them around the world. Pretty simple right.I talked with a friend that was going to help out as I was dreaming of this being a huge success and having tons of orders to ship out. He works shift work so I figured he’d be good to help. In the end he didn’t do anything so that’s the end of that.While as time went on I kept thinking about my plan and finally put together a website. Initially it had a form gathering contacts with the basic message ‘We’ll notify you when they become available’’. I paid for some Facebook ads, targeted people with an interest in Big Macs and/or McDonalds (yes those exist). I managed to get 6 people sign up. This was underwhelming but I persisted. As this Facebook ad was running, the sauces became available in stores and I rushed to put together a store front.For the store front, I used Shopify. Shopify is a great product that helps with everything needed to run a store front. I used the $9/month plan that allows for just the use of the ‘Buy Button’ that I placed on my site. At this point I loaded up some more Facebook ads and started taking orders.The first and second day I maybe had $100 in orders each day. This was good and I was thinking this might work. On the third day, I woke up and had $800 dollars in order notifications on my phone (Shopify has an iPhone app that alerts you when someone places an order). I was very excited. Wondering why they all came over night, I noticed many orders came from Australia. So I then targeted some Facebook ads to Australians only and orders kept coming in.Day 4 comes around and orders drop considerably back down to $100 or so. And continue to drop day by day. I realized that people were getting turned off by the shipping costs and/or times. Shopify is great because it does all the shipping costs and calculations for you. When checking out, it shows the customer the cost of various shipping methods (using CanadaPost) and an estimated shipping time. For one bottle of McDonald’s sauces (cost $10 to the customer), the cheapest shipping method was $12 and estimated to take between 28 and 84 days!!!! Realizing that not many people would want to wait this long (or pay more for shipping than the product) I started to target North American users (remembering that the sauces were only available in Canada). This didn’t lead to any appreciable increase in sales. After a week or so, orders had basically stopped and I decided to shut down the ads and try to sell the remaining bottles I had in stock. Here are a few notes on the whole operation and final costs and incomes.Facebook AdsFacebook Ad manager has improved greatly over the past while and it’s a super strong tool for advertising. It takes a bit of getting used to, but once you know what you are doing, you can get some good traffic. My totals, for the various ads I placed were 2,987 clicks and 113,670 people reached. My cost per click was $0.08 and I spent a total of $236.48 on ads. My click through rate was 2.39%.One takeaway from Facebook Ads is that it will take up a lot of time if you plan to be present on the ad boards. You’ll get a ton of people commenting on the ads (sometimes good stuff, sometimes bad stuff). If you want to respond to people, it takes time but Facebook has made a specific iPhone app for handling this, so you can do it on the go. As well, many people will talk about buying products, but then never buy.Google AdwordsWith a Shopify account, you get a ‘Spend $35, Get $135 Credit’ with AdWords. I set up some adwords, spent $75 (some my money, some credit). For this I got 68 clicks, 1,553 impressions and a good click through rate of 4.38%, an average CPC $1.11. The dashboard tells me the ads converted once, but I’m not sure I had it set up correctly the entire time. Unless you have done this before, I wouldn’t suggest using two ad platforms at one time. Managing both became a distraction so I turned off the Google Adwords, even though it was using free credit.eBayWhile doing research, I noticed many people had the same idea as I and started to list the bottles on eBay to sell them. I noticed that many were selling for more than I was selling for which was $10/bottle. I decided I could list on eBay for $13 (to cover eBay listing fees etc) and undercut the others and sell a bunch. Shopify is great because you can manually enter orders and keep track of them in the same place. One thing to note here though, don’t enter the email address when creating the contact in Shopify. If you do, Shopify assumes you want them to email them which can confuse customers when they get multiple emails from different stores.Although I did get a bunch of orders from eBay, it did create more work since I was managing both platforms. As well, eBay’s UX is absolutely terrible. It’s very outdated and hard to use. I imagine there are add on tools that people use, but the vanilla eBay platform is terrible. Like ad platforms, I don’t recommend selling on multiple sites. Find one you like and stick to it.Inventory and The EndGetting and keeping product is what lead me to close down the store so to speak. I didn’t want to get stuck with a ton of left over inventory, so I sort of bought in small batches (10 bottles). At first bottles were easy to come by, but after awhile other people started to realize the product was available and buy it from grocery stores. I would go to a store to grab a bunch and it would be out of stock. So I would drive around the city trying to find more only to find one or two bottles left. I was spending more and more of my time driving around finding bottles.When I started this, I promised my wife it wouldn’t take up too much time. This was just a side project, and we have a toddler and a newborn at home. I was spending too much time in the basement working on the site, preparing orders and driving around. I wasn’t seeing the profit I wanted, it just wasn’t justifiable to continue on. If someone is reading this, lives and Canada and wants to take over, let me know.I'm not walking away empty handed. I learned A TON during this whole process and has opened my eyes to the possibilities online. I'm going to try some dropshipping as I won't be stuck with the same problem of finding product to buy, although there will be other issues.CostsHere is a final breakdown of all my costs and sales for true transparency.CostsSauces $287.28Facebook Ads $321.89 (above amounts were in USD, this is CAD)Shipping $748.40Adwords $35.00eBay Fees $44.09Shipping Supplies $15.00Domain $9.84Shopify Fee $12.24Total Costs $1,473.74IncomeSales $1,466.32Profit -$7.42
0 notes
topicprinter · 7 years
Here’s an honest view of a short lived online business. In the end, after all fees, ads, costs etc, I lost a total of $7.42 or $0.12 per bottle sold.Initial IdeaBack around the end of March, McDonalds Canada announced that they would be selling packaged sauces in grocery store, including Big Mac Sauce, Filet-o-Fish Sauce and McChicken Sauce. The relevant social media posts were filled with mostly excitement, but also anger that it was only going to be Canadians that had access to this product. The sauces were immediately available, and no information about availability dates were provided, as well, no costs was provided during the announcement.I’ve read many stories online where people capitalize on situations like this and make a bit of money, so I thought ‘Why not me?’ I had some time to think about the idea since the sauces weren’t yet available in stores. The idea would be to buy sauces in grocery stores, then package them and ship them around the world. Pretty simple right.I talked with a friend that was going to help out as I was dreaming of this being a huge success and having tons of orders to ship out. He works shift work so I figured he’d be good to help. In the end he didn’t do anything so that’s the end of that.While as time went on I kept thinking about my plan and finally put together a website. Initially it had a form gathering contacts with the basic message ‘We’ll notify you when they become available’’. I paid for some Facebook ads, targeted people with an interest in Big Macs and/or McDonalds (yes those exist). I managed to get 6 people sign up. This was underwhelming but I persisted. As this Facebook ad was running, the sauces became available in stores and I rushed to put together a store front.For the store front, I used Shopify. Shopify is a great product that helps with everything needed to run a store front. I used the $9/month plan that allows for just the use of the ‘Buy Button’ that I placed on my site. At this point I loaded up some more Facebook ads and started taking orders.The first and second day I maybe had $100 in orders each day. This was good and I was thinking this might work. On the third day, I woke up and had $800 dollars in order notifications on my phone (Shopify has an iPhone app that alerts you when someone places an order). I was very excited. Wondering why they all came over night, I noticed many orders came from Australia. So I then targeted some Facebook ads to Australians only and orders kept coming in.Day 4 comes around and orders drop considerably back down to $100 or so. And continue to drop day by day. I realized that people were getting turned off by the shipping costs and/or times. Shopify is great because it does all the shipping costs and calculations for you. When checking out, it shows the customer the cost of various shipping methods (using CanadaPost) and an estimated shipping time. For one bottle of McDonald’s sauces (cost $10 to the customer), the cheapest shipping method was $12 and estimated to take between 28 and 84 days!!!! Realizing that not many people would want to wait this long (or pay more for shipping than the product) I started to target North American users (remembering that the sauces were only available in Canada). This didn’t lead to any appreciable increase in sales. After a week or so, orders had basically stopped and I decided to shut down the ads and try to sell the remaining bottles I had in stock. Here are a few notes on the whole operation and final costs and incomes.Facebook AdsFacebook Ad manager has improved greatly over the past while and it’s a super strong tool for advertising. It takes a bit of getting used to, but once you know what you are doing, you can get some good traffic. My totals, for the various ads I placed were 2,987 clicks and 113,670 people reached. My cost per click was $0.08 and I spent a total of $236.48 on ads. My click through rate was 2.39%.One takeaway from Facebook Ads is that it will take up a lot of time if you plan to be present on the ad boards. You’ll get a ton of people commenting on the ads (sometimes good stuff, sometimes bad stuff). If you want to respond to people, it takes time but Facebook has made a specific iPhone app for handling this, so you can do it on the go. As well, many people will talk about buying products, but then never buy.Google AdwordsWith a Shopify account, you get a ‘Spend $35, Get $135 Credit’ with AdWords. I set up some adwords, spent $75 (some my money, some credit). For this I got 68 clicks, 1,553 impressions and a good click through rate of 4.38%, an average CPC $1.11. The dashboard tells me the ads converted once, but I’m not sure I had it set up correctly the entire time. Unless you have done this before, I wouldn’t suggest using two ad platforms at one time. Managing both became a distraction so I turned off the Google Adwords, even though it was using free credit.eBayWhile doing research, I noticed many people had the same idea as I and started to list the bottles on eBay to sell them. I noticed that many were selling for more than I was selling for which was $10/bottle. I decided I could list on eBay for $13 (to cover eBay listing fees etc) and undercut the others and sell a bunch. Shopify is great because you can manually enter orders and keep track of them in the same place. One thing to note here though, don’t enter the email address when creating the contact in Shopify. If you do, Shopify assumes you want them to email them which can confuse customers when they get multiple emails from different stores.Although I did get a bunch of orders from eBay, it did create more work since I was managing both platforms. As well, eBay’s UX is absolutely terrible. It’s very outdated and hard to use. I imagine there are add on tools that people use, but the vanilla eBay platform is terrible. Like ad platforms, I don’t recommend selling on multiple sites. Find one you like and stick to it.Inventory and The EndGetting and keeping product is what lead me to close down the store so to speak. I didn’t want to get stuck with a ton of left over inventory, so I sort of bought in small batches (10 bottles). At first bottles were easy to come by, but after awhile other people started to realize the product was available and buy it from grocery stores. I would go to a store to grab a bunch and it would be out of stock. So I would drive around the city trying to find more only to find one or two bottles left. I was spending more and more of my time driving around finding bottles.When I started this, I promised my wife it wouldn’t take up too much time. This was just a side project, and we have a toddler and a newborn at home. I was spending too much time in the basement working on the site, preparing orders and driving around. I wasn’t seeing the profit I wanted, it just wasn’t justifiable to continue on. If someone is reading this, lives and Canada and wants to take over, let me know.I'm not walking away empty handed. I learned A TON during this whole process and has opened my eyes to the possibilities online. I'm going to try some dropshipping as I won't be stuck with the same problem of finding product to buy, although there will be other issues.CostsHere is a final breakdown of all my costs and sales for true transparency.CostsSauces $287.28Facebook Ads $321.89 (above amounts were in USD, this is CAD)Shipping $748.40Adwords $35.00eBay Fees $44.09Shipping Supplies $15.00Domain $9.84Shopify Fee $12.24Total Costs $1,473.74IncomeSales $1,466.32Profit -$7.42
0 notes