#which would be fine if not for the fact that i'm drinking it faster than it takes to brew it
lunarlegend · 1 year
.... 🙃
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thatbuddie · 4 days
tidbit tuesday/wip wednesday
it's technically still tuesday in new york but wednesday in many other parts of the world and the lovelies @doeeyeseddie and @sibylsleaves tagged me, so i am doing a tidbit tuesday & wip wednesday mash-up!!! here goes the beginning of my next prompt fill <333 (which is actually one that pia herself sent me!!!)
“What do you mean you don’t like kissing?”  The girl handing them their order at the coffee shop gives Buck an amused glance before moving her eyes over to Eddie and raising her eyebrows. With his cheeks bright red as a firetruck, Eddie grabs his coffee, mumbles his gratitude to her, and then spins on his heels, moving faster than Buck has ever seen him do as he heads towards the exit. Buck accepts his own drink from the barista, sends a half-sheepish half-apologetic smile her way, and follows Eddie as quickly as he can, taking advantage of the fact that, despite their height difference not being that pronounced, Buck’s legs are a lot longer than Eddie’s, allowing him to catch up with him in only a couple of seconds despite Eddie’s headstart. “Hey, Eddie, hey,” Buck says once they’re shoulder to shoulder on the sidewalk, going towards an unspecified location at a very rapid speed, like Eddie is trying to leave his embarrassment as far behind as possible. “What do you mean you don’t like kissing?”  Eddie’s cheeks redden impossibly further, the color spreading down his neck and up his ears. Buck wonders whether his skin would feel warm to the touch, whether he’d get burnt if he rested his fingertips right on Eddie’s pulse point under his jawline. Buck has to clench the fingers of his empty hand to resist the temptation find out for himself. “I didn’t say I don’t like kissing,” Eddie clarifies, his eyes shifting around like he’s making sure no one gets too close to them and hears their conversation. “I like kissing just fine, it’s… Kissing. All I said is that I’ve just never gotten the fuss about it.” 
i'm tagging @hattalove @clusterbuck @capseycartwright @bibuddie @usereddie @wh0re-behavi0r & @transboybuckley in wip wednesday if they so like to share.
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julianalvarez9 · 1 year
whipped / christian pulisic
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request: Are you still taking requests? If so can you do soft Christian wanting your attention and he’s just cuddling up to you sleeping on your boobs and then you post about it only for his teammates from club and country call him whipped 🥹
summary: christian only wants cuddles and attention when he returns home after an away game.
word count: 0.9k
going away always was the worst for christian.
he didn't like not having you around to tell you all his thoughts, console him after a loss or cheer for him after scoring a goal. but what was worse about not having you around was sleeping. christian didn't consider he had trouble sleeping, but he sure was restless during his night hours when your body wasn't pressed alongside his.
it had been a fun fact to discover, when you two first slept together, that his disturbed sleep pattern was fixed when you cuddled up to him.
"are you sure you'll be okay? i tend to move quite a lot when I sleep" christian, joining you under the covers just as you were doing grabby hands to pull him into your warm embrace. he gladly complied, letting out a warm breath fan into your skin. you softly whispered, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. "christian, i don't care" pressing a kiss alongside his temple, you continued explaining "also, you've been yawning for the past 30 minutes. I'm sure you'll be asleep before you know it".
and it was true. he didn't know how, attributing the achievement to the double training session he had at cobham earlier on the day. but after sleeping with you following a free day the team had thanks to their latest win, he started to think that only you could make him sleep as deeply as he did when he was at your side.
and now that he wasn't, well, he could only hope his racing thoughts lulled him quickly into a deep slumber, so he could get home faster. but after the clock struck midnight, he knew that the sleep he would get tonight would be minimal. christian didn't want to follow your around everywhere, scared that you may find it slightly overwhelming, so during these days that you spent apart, christian tried not to bother you too much, even if you already said it was fine. so, he took your suggestion at heart, and knowing that you were probably still awake due to being a few hours behind his timezone, he messaged you.
christian sent: i can't sleep:(
baby<3 sent: just one more night, yeah?
baby<3 sent: free day at work!
baby<3 sent: we can sleep in tomorrow
you had picked both mason and christian from the airport, and due to your british friend being too tired to drive back home, your boyfriend assured him it was fine if he stayed at his place. after dropping to the store to buy a few snacks and drinks, the three of you were driving back to christian’s place, where you decided to watch a random movie before calling it a day.
but your poor boyfriend, who hadn’t been having the best sleep for the past few days, had other plans.
"i swear i never see him sleeping," said mason in a hushed tone, pointing with his head at your boyfriend, that was peacefully sleeping in your chest. you smiled when you lowered your gaze to appreciate his facial features, peace clearly visible on them. "just my magic powers i guess" you joked, which was answered with a quiet giggle coming from mason’s lips. unknown to you, he had taken a picture of you two and was ready to send to the group chat a few of the guys shared, more than eager to make fun of his friend.
hours later, when his fellow british friend had gone home, christian awakened from his peaceful nap. following the delicious smell that was coming from the kitchen, your boyfriend found you making dinner. he planted a kiss on your cheek and you smiled, gratefully, before asking him to get the table ready so you two could eat.
after dinner, christian went up to take a shower while you put the used items in the dishwasher and started getting ready to go to bed. you realized that you hadn’t checked your phone for the past few hours, and smiled when you saw mason’s message with the picture he had taken of you and christian before, snuggled up on the couch. ready to tease christian a bit, you posted it on instagram, just before he made his way towards the bed, dressed only in loosely joggers and with a towel drying his wet hair.
"baby" christian groaned, a few moments later, when he had picked up his phone to get it charged at his bedside table. "why did you post that?".
you smiled, know what he was talking about. "you looked cute in it, love. my big baby boy" pinching his cheeks like a little kid, which only elicited a whimper from him. "but they are making fun of me" christian replied, a big pout in his lips while he got comfortable against your chest again, ready to watch a movie and get his beloved cuddles until sleep caught onto him, and you dragged his body back to bed.
"the boys?" you said, questioningly. he just nodded, and the vibrations that arose in your chest after starting to giggle made him lift his head up so he could look into your eyes. "what's so funny, baby?".
"tell them to stop bothering you, or i can call the girls, and they will send me a hundred pics of them being the biggest babies on earth".
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birgittesilverbae · 1 year
Lilith slams her tray down on the table before sinking down on the bench across from Shannon. She makes a loud display of organising her cutlery until Shannon's headache has ratcheted up to near jackhammer levels.
Shannon tips her head just enough for her sunglasses to slip down her nose and levels a glare at Lilith that would have tended towards murderous if it didn't hurt to contort her face like that. "The fuck do you want?" she snaps, before shoving her sunglasses up on top of her head.
"What happened to you?" Lilith asks, the sound of her cutlery shuffling more muted now.
"Doesn't matter. What do you want?"
"Am I not allowed to sit here?"
Shannon leans forward and presses her face to the gloriously cool tabletop. Anything to stem the tides of pain that threaten to pull her under. "Yeah, but since it's you, you've definitely got an ulterior motive that I'm in no mood to try and tease out of you."
"Are you okay?"
"It's just, you don't look all that well."
"I took a slapper off the dome. Sue me if–"
"You took a what off of your what?"
"I stopped a really hard shot with my head. So I'm not feeling the most generous right now. Spit it out or shove off."
"Do you need pain meds?"
"What I need is for you to fuck off. Which would happen so much faster if you'd just tell me what it is you want from me."
"Oh." Lilith pokes at her pasta. "Well…" She peers at Shannon again, brows furrowed. "Are you sure you should be out of bed?"
"Sorry." She reaches out and pats Shannon on the shoulder, the movement clearly unpracticed. Shannon has to fight so hard not to roll her eyes. "I just didn't feel like sitting with Beatrice today."
Shannon stifles a groan against the table, slaps about blindly for her milkshake cup so she can take an obnoxious slurp. Of fucking course. "Anything to do with her new lab partner?"
"I'm not sure what you mean."
Shannon presses the cup to the back of her neck, relaxes under the chill of the plastic. "Her, sitting there with Beatrice. You, over here looking like a kicked puppy. Beatrice, the saddest little bean. I'm not great at math, but I can still add two and two."
"Lucia's not just her lab partner."
"Mhmm." Shannon takes another sip of her drink. "Why d'you think that?"
"Beatrice is always hanging out with her and hugging her, and Beatrice hates public displays of affection."
Shannon briefly considers whether slamming her head against the table hard enough to concuss herself again will free her from this conversation, then discards the idea. Lilith would probably continue expounding on her so-called facts even as she dragged her to the nurse's office. Shannon had gotten herself into this by even allowing Lilith to engage with her. She was just gonna have to talk her way right back out of it. "How's that any different than what you and Beatrice do?"
Lilith stares at her, dumbfounded. 
"Do you two not always hang out and hug each other?"
"It's different."
"Mhmm." Shannon rolls her head around, breathes shallowly through a bout of nausea, then fixes her gaze on the table across the room. Beatrice's body language is guarded, her mouth downturned as she glances over towards Lilith every couple of seconds. Lucia has a hand on her shoulder, far more animated, but Shannon's never known the girl to be anything but animated and engaged with every person she speaks to. She's certain that if Lilith had sat there instead, Lucia would have been just as draped over her as well. "Why do you care so much?"
"I don't," Lilith replies, too quickly to be anything but an automatic response. 
"Yeah, okay." She lifts her hand, meaning to pull her sunglasses back down over her eyes – since when has the cafeteria been this fucking bright – but Lilith continues, and Shannon goes still.
"Fine. I worry about her, okay? You know she can latch onto people far too quickly. I mean, case in point." She gestures at Shannon.
"Everyone loves me," Shannon deadpans. "I'm a delight."
"I just don't want her to get hurt."
"Do you think avoiding her like this isn't gonna hurt her?" Lilith's mouth forms an 'o', and Shannon nods, puts her sunglasses back on, and stands. "Yeah. Go kiss and make up, Villaumbrosia," she says, and walks out of the cafeteria, leaving Lilith spluttering in her wake.
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1-khxna-1 · 1 year
¡! ❞The Shadow of Mars¡! ❞
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Pearl x gem reader ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚ words: 888 google docs pages: 2
part: 3/4
After your walk, you went back inside the temple. Steven was in his bed, sound asleep as usual. Dreaming to his heart’s content. Pearl was watching him sleep until you walked in then her cheeks turned a light blue,” do you know how to knock!?” but then she calmed down after she saw it was you. In fact, she calmed down so much to shoot you with a dirty look before turning away and walking downstairs.” welcome back pearl! I thought you lost yourself outside there.” you said sarcastically. She rolled her eyes, trying to mask her annoyance at your comment. She knew you were just trying to be annoying, but her dry tone was a clear indication that she was not amused. She crossed her arms,” Ha ha very funny.” you grabbed a cup and filled it up with water, even though you didn't need to eat or drink or sleep or really do anything, Steven got you used to it. you signed and looked at Pearl,” Look. I can forgive you. I suppose… But I can never forget something like that” Her face was full of shock, “what… What about what happened on the beach?”
You cocked your head to the side and raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Yeah, what about it?" you asked, wanting to know what she was so shocked about. She continued to stare at you like you had grown five more heads, which you hadn't. You squinted your eyes and furrowed your brow, trying to figure out why she was so taken aback. After a few moments of silence, she finally spoke up. "It's just… I didn't expect you to forgive me..”
“I'm mainly forgiving you for Steven.”Her expression changed in an instant, faster than Steven could pull out his shield to protect himself. "So then I didn't earn it," she said, her voice firm and determined. "I can't just be forgiven just because of Steven. I need to show that I earned it." now it was your turn to look at her in shock as if she had grown five heads. It was a strange thing for her to say, but you could tell that she meant it. She was determined to prove her worth, for who knows at this point these crystal gems are strange people.
“Alright just don't overdo it I guess,” you said not really wanting her to but you knew she was going to overdo it.
And that she did, whenever they had a battle you would be the first person to protect. Even though you could protect yourself just fine. Each day she protected you, you felt like a diamond at this point. It was difficult to witness a pearl making a considerable effort to seek forgiveness from you. Whenever you left to fetch some water, she would persistently hold her spear in a defensive stance as if anticipating an attack.
But then the real challenge came when dealing with Jasper and Peridot. They had come down in a green hand ship..? When they came down each crystal gem was there, even Steven which you thought was stupid, of course, Pearl was in front of you holding her spear out ready to attack. your weapon, gotten from your gem was a blade. the battle was short-lived with the crystal gems and you sadly losing. all of you had gotten poofed and placed in holding cells, yours being right next to Pearl.
“We could have won if you weren't busy protecting me,” you said, you were perfectly fine with protecting yourself.
“I just wanna earn your forgiveness. I can't live knowing that you just forgave me because of Steven, it isn't right,” she said.
“Well you will live and you have earned it”, your eyes were glued to the ground as you spoke to Pearl through the wall, “You do not need to defend me when I'm perfectly fine to do it myself pearl, its stupid and now we're going to homeworld to probably be shattered.” as if on queue steven ran up to the cells and helped you both out. You, Steven, Pearl, and Amethyst ran to the control room .peridot was there but that ended with her getting on an escape pod and fleeing, the ship was turned around and gotten back to earth in pieces. Once everyone was grouped Jasper and Lapis had fused but was pulled into the ocean…
“Yeah that's enough for me.” you picked up Steven and walked back into the house.
“Wa-wait we can't just leave Lapis in the ocean with Jasper!” Steven said as he wiggled out of your hold.
“She’ll be fine we’ll go looking for them in the morning.” Steven signed and climbed into his bed.
“Goodnight Steven.”
“Night tanzanite!”
He said as he fell fast asleep. you walked outside and saw Pearl just staring into the ocean.” Don't overthink it we’ll look in the morning Pearl.” you placed your hand on her shoulder. Her hands had balled up” It's not that simple. I put all of us in danger just.. Just cause..” she had stopped talking..? You looked at your arms tangled around her in a hug.” it's not your fault pearl.” a glow had emerged from both of your gems..? Before you knew it, the two of you had fused.
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gaintsnowflake · 10 months
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PAIRING - George Karim x Ex!gn!Reader
ONESHOT - in which george has a breakdown in the bathroom
SONG - michael in the bathroom by george salazar
TRIGGERS - drinking, mental breakdown, being left
A/N - please mind any typos or grammar mistakes, it is proof-read only by me so I won’t be able to catch everything
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THE WORLD is spinning. 
I knew it was a bad idea to come here, a even worse one to drink when I had seen them, hoping to just make the pain go away. I should have never listened to Lockwood. I should have stayed home. I could be home, curled up reading a book. I could be doing research about another case. I could be fighting a fucking ghost, that sounds better than being here right now.
I am crying in the bathroom at the biggest party of the fall. I could just sit right here and disappear, nobody'd even notice at all. Not Lockwood, not Lucy. Hell if I didn't know any better I would say they are snogging in a random corridor. I am a nobody to anybody here. 
Outside the door, people of high status fill the large rooms. Those who are not high status are the drunken agents who are partying like there is no tomorrow, probably because they may not have a tomorrow. But here is I am. I'm the creeper in the bathroom, because my buddies left me alone.
But I would rather fake pee than stand awkwardly staring at them from across the way. But it can't help but bring back the memories of the last party I had gone too. When everything felt fine, cause I was half of a pair. Though no fault of mine, there is no other half there. Because they left us. They left me. Not the other way around.
They left me, so now I am just, George in the bathroom. I am George in the bathroom at a party. God I forget how long it's been. And no one can come in. 
I will just sit here and cry, waiting for Lucy and Lockwood to come in get me or I'll wait it out 'til it's time to leave. This would leave me with hours of time to do nothing but sit, pout, and possibly pick at grout as I softly grieve. 
All because I'm just George, who you don't know. George whose flying solo. I am just George in the bathroom by himself. All by myself. I am hiding because their out their. I'm ignoring all our history. Trying to forget all the pain they brought me. I hope my memories get erased, maybe get replaced, with a newer cooler version of me. Because they deserve that. They deserve their second half, even if it isn't me. 
But now I hear a drunk girl, singing along to Whitney through  the door. "I wanna dance with somebody!" Her words are slurred, but it only bring backs memories of the good old days. But my feelings sink, cause it making me think, now there is no one to make fun of drunk girls with anymore. 
I am left alone, nobody to call my home. No one to bring me tea, when I am up late at night. No one to watch over me. I am just me.
Now it's just George in the bathroom, George in the bathroom at a party. Could I get any less pathetic, as I sit and choke on the sobs. The alcohol in my system only making my emotions worse. I half regret the beers, cause its making the tears flow harder and faster. All because I am just George in the bathroom, George in the bathroom at a party.
I can try and hide, choke back the tears, wait as long as I need, 'till my face is dry. My eyes are red from, how do I even try to cover that?I could wait until they become less flush, or maybe I'll just blame it on weed. Or something in my eye.
How would anyone know? I'm just George who no who they don't know. George flying solo. George in the bathroom by himself. The last person they think of when they think of cool. I am just an oddball who no one likes. 
As I continue to clean off my face, trying to hide the fact I am crying, hiding in the bathroom by myself. Just waiting it out, till I hear a knock. Maybe I'll be free. Then I hear a few more, knock, knock, knock. It is getting more aggressive as I prepare to leave. They are gonna start to shout soon, hell yeah, I'll be out soon. I won't be on my own, it sucks they left me here, all alone, here in this battle zone. 
The noises get louder as they pound harder. I can feel their anger, the pressure blowing up. I knew it was a mistake showing up. If I just splash, some water on my face, everything will be just okay. 
So I throw some water on my face, and now I am in a better place. But as I go to open up the door, I can't hear knocking anymore.
I missed my chance, I missed my escape. I can't help but yearn, for a different time. One where I can get out of here, make my presents clear, have the courage to stand for what's right. But then I look in the mirror, and it becomes much clearer. There is no denying, I'm just George in the bathroom at a party, is there a sadder sight than... George in the bathroom at a party. 
This is a heinous night, I wish I just stayed home instead. Maybe just lay in bed. Or I wished I offed myself in bed, wish I was never born. Then I wouldn't have to do this all again. No one would care, no one would notice. 
I am just George who's a loner, so he must be a stoner. I ride a PT cruiser, god I am such a loser. 
But what's worse is when I hear the creek of the door. The lock is gone. I look over my shoulder, to see their face. The memories coming back to me. This isn't worth the pain, as they look at me, heartbreak in their eyes. I am now who they think that they know. 
I am not the same old boy, so much has changed. They don't know me anymore, and that is their fault.
"Georgie?" Their voice is still the same, sending my heart fluttering at the name. 
But all they know about me is my name.
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lady-wallace · 8 months
Whumptober Day 12 - Hunter's Moon (JJBA Vampire Hunter AU)
More Vampire Hunter AU for today's @whumptober fic! This one can be read by itself, but if you are following the series, there will be spoilers for anyone who has not read through "Humanity and Eternity"
Bucciarati and Abbacchio decide to go on an easy hunt to ease into Bucciarati's new vampiric condition, however, their quarry proves more dangerous than they thought, leaving Bucciarati gravely injured, and Abbacchio with a choice to make.
Prompts Used: Red, (alt. prompt 8. Hunting) Fandom: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5 Character: Bucciarati
Bruno was shivering violently by the time Abbacchio finished cleaning up, washing blood off his hands. He moved Bruno away from the wet hay and tried to make him comfortable, helping him put his shirt back on to offer a little extra warmth.
"Are you cold?" he asked lamely.
"Mm," Bruno murmured. "Seem to be."
Abbacchio pressed his lips together firmly, and took his own coat off, wrapping it around the other Hunter who glanced up at him gratefully, huddling under the warmed garment.
"I doubt I'm really…going anywhere," Bruno murmured. "So…if you want to chance it alone…you can go. I'll be fine."
Leone glanced down at him skeptically, pressing the back of his hand against Bruno's forehead and finding it extremely clammy. "You really are cold," he said in surprise and sat down next to Bruno, pulling him in against his side in an attempt to share his own body heat. Bruno grunted in protest at the jostling, but huddled closer appreciatively.
"There's no point in running into the woods for it," Abbacchio muttered. "It knows better where it's going in there. "We'll wait to see if it comes out again tonight and then shoot it."
Bruno sighed, opening his eyes to look up at him. "I'm sorry, I should have been more careful."
"It surprised you, we should have stuck together."
Bruno tensed briefly as a wave of pain went through him before he said tiredly, "I'm still…I'm trying to find the happy medium between knowing I'm physically stronger now, and actually utilizing that in a way that I am not continuously throwing myself into harm's way."
"Oh, so it took you until you become a damn vampire to figure that one out?" Abbacchio asked, not without a little exasperation.
"I suppose that is what got me into this situation in the first place," he replied, then let out a soft moan, curling further into himself. "God."
Leone watched helplessly as the injured Hunter shuddered in pain, breathing through his nose as cold sweat beaded on his brow.
"How bad?" Abbacchio asked quietly.
Bruno let out a shuddering exhale. "Feels like…'m still being ripped…apart." He swallowed hard, eyes squeezed shut as he curled further into himself, heavy against Abbacchio's side.
Leone hesitated slightly before he reached out to rub Bruno's back, trying to soothe, but he knew the other man had to be in a hell of a lot of pain right now.
And he wasn't going to get better this way either. He wouldn't be able to heal himself when he was already so weak. Which…left a question Abbacchio really didn't want to think about, but it needed to be addressed all the same.
"You need blood, don't you?" he finally asked.
Bruno let out a wry, helpless laugh. "It would help. It's hard…to think of that still." He cringed, swallowing down another whimper as he pressed his face into Abbacchio's side. "Blood should help me heal faster though."
"You know you shouldn't feel bad to ask for it," Leone said, though he couldn't keep the discomfort out of his voice. The thought that Bucciarati literally needed to drink blood to survive was still a lot for him to grasp. But he was sure that it was even worse for Bruno so he tried not to let it show.
Bruno looked up at him, red eyes clouded with pain. That was still the hardest thing for Abbacchio to get used to. The fact that he would never see his friend's blue eyes again, evoking so much emotion, either compassion or steely anger. But maybe all of that was still there. He just…didn't like to spend a long time searching.
"I think the farmer might owe us a sheep for our trouble." Bruno replied with a light chuckle that turned into a cringe. "We could say…the dog got it."
"You're going to try to wrangle a sheep in your condition?" Abbacchio asked. "Buggers kick, you know."
Bruno was silent, seeming to consider it. "I don't see another option," he said quietly.
Abbacchio felt a twist in his stomach, because the obvious answer was right in front of them. This was literally the last thing he wanted to suggest, but wasn't it kind of part of the job?
Bruno shifted to try and find a more comfortable position, a choked gasp escaping him. He pressed a shaky hand to his stomach, before pulling it away with fresh blood coating his palm. Leone's heart sank. He was still bleeding, and the more blood he lost…
He took a deep breath weighing his own discomfort against the discomfort the other man was obviously feeling. And coming to the conclusion that he was being a damned idiot. If he could offer any aid to his friend right now, then it was Leone's job to do so.
"If…" he hesitated, biting his lip briefly before he forced himself to continue. "I don't mind," he finally spat, then forced himself to clarify. "If you need to drink my blood."
Read on the whole story on:
Ao3 FF.net
Check out my Whumptober Masterpost HERE for more stories!
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This Dark Thing That Sleeps In Me - a Magnus Archives AU, Chapter Four
This is a DARK AU; it is not a kid-fic, though Jon is young. Bittersweet ending ahead.
Spoilers for the whole show, though this is very much an alternate universe.
Martin shuddered. The heat from Mike’s body (always vaguely electric, always fluctuating as if crackling) wafted over him, through his clothes, and he took a moment to just… calm himself down. To be calm, rather than gnawing on him and drinking that electric blood. Gently, he pushed Mike away. “That’s not smart.”
Mike shrugged. “I don’t care if you bite me.”
“I'm hungry. It isn't safe.”
“Maybe I don't want to be safe."
Art by @iiiumihottie
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What a relief! Martin had never been so glad to see that sexy asshole.
Sure, Martin would have to go on two dates—all right, not a hardship. Dates with Mike were insane, and trippy, and absolutely fucking great. As long as they didn’t have to go anywhere nauseating like the Circus, or—
Focus, he told himself, and faced the oncoming enemy.
Strategy was one of his things, which was why this situation galled him so; there was no time for a regular plan, no time for a backup plan, and no time to gather resources.
Fact: Fingers could not be killed. They could be dismembered, knocked some distance away, set on fire, dragged behind a horse… He’d done a lot of things to them over the years with absolutely zero regret. Normally, hitting them hard enough required time for the End to repair them. 
Martin had a weird, nagging feeling that wouldn’t be enough this time. They were focused, gazes lifting to the sky where Mike went. And they would follow; on foot, through the sea, beneath Mike until some opportunity presented itself, or Oliver called them back.
Oliver rarely called them back. Martin must make the cost so high that Oliver had to.
He barrelled into them from the side, moving in a horizontal attack with arms out, snapping all their necks. The ones he hit went down, twitching, making sounds that were not quite groans or cracks or far-off incantation, and then they got back up again.
He knew they would. This was still fine. 
They tried for the sea again, following Mike’s trajectory. Martin was faster. A lot faster. He made use of that now and ripped off their heads. Farewell, coat, he thought sadly, because whatever Fingers had instead of blood would never come out of these clothes. 
There were just too many of them. A Finger slammed into him from behind, and raw inertia carried them over the small, stone lip of the road and into the sea. Deep immediately, no bottom to be found, the ocean called, vast and terrifying, and sucked them both down with power.
Breath held, he ripped the arms off that one and kicked for the surface.
They were already reforming heads, inelegantly flailing, still squirming by inches in Mike’s direction. He picked up the nearest and threw it, hard, down one of the dark alleyways, spun around and kicked several more, waded into a cluster of them with fists flying to knock them down. He had to keep this up until Oliver changed his mind or Mike did the smart thing and took the kid to the tower.
Chances were, Mike would not take the kid to the tower. Mike hated the tower. And Mike’s mind didn’t work like an ordinary person’s. So: Martin had to keep it up until—
They sped up?
They sped up. The Fingers sped up. Well. They’ve never done that before.
The headless ones suddenly came at him like weird, dragging spiders, hands digging divots into the road. Several more tackled him from behind, staggering him with weight and inertia.
“Will you stay down ?” He grabbed one, whipped it overhead, hurled it as far down the street as he could. “What’s so special about—” The crawling ones climbed him, fast, fast as he himself could move, headless and reaching for his face—“one stupid kid?” He pulled them off, throwing them.
One tackled him around the knees, and they both went over.
“What is your deal ?” Martin shouted at them, though he was really shouting at Oliver. At least he had their focus now, and they were no longer trying to get around him. Heads half-grown, they were terribly healing at terrible speed, and he suddenly worried—what if they were armed? What if these ones were smart enough to actually do him harm? What if—
And then they were grabbed.
Grabbed by nothing, grabbed by air, grabbed by something that made them all seem so small and far away. From the climbing ones to the rushing ones, all the Fingers—fully without expression—were suddenly hurled out to sea, thrust so far that they became dots at impossible, eye-bleed height, then dropped into bottomless and churning ocean.
Well. It would be a while before Oliver saw those Fingers again.
Martin sighed. “Oh, thank the gods,” he said, and spread out on his back like a dead man.
Mike landed with a laugh. He landed with power. He landed with a flourish and a little crack of lightning. He landed with a smirk Martin could either kiss or punch in equal measure. “Miss me?” Mike said, breathlessly. Whatever he’d just done had taken a lot of power. “So there’s this island I want to take you to.”
“Great,” said Martin. “Where’s the kid?”
“You’ll love the place,” says Mike. “Got all these crazy trees like you’ve never seen, and these enormous weird fruits that are hairy on the outside but white and crunchy in.”
“Where is the kid, Mike?” Martin said, struggling to his feet.
Mike shrugged. 
Mike pointed up.
Martin frowned and looked.
Mike was waiting for that and stepped right up against him, not minding the seawater, not minding the Finger-ooze, and pulled him in to kiss under his chin. 
Martin shuddered. The heat from Mike’s body (always vaguely electric, always fluctuating as if crackling) wafted over him, through his clothes, and he took a moment to just… calm himself down. To be calm, rather than gnawing on him and drinking that electric blood. Gently, he pushed Mike away. “That’s not smart.”
Mike shrugged. “I don’t care if you bite me.”
“I'm hungry. It isn't safe.”
“Maybe I don't want to be safe.”
Martin shuddered and tried to focus. It was so odd; the boy didn’t stick in his head when out of sight. It took effort to think about him. “The kid is in the sky?”
“What kid? Oh, yeah. Where better to keep him safe?”
Martin sighed. He couldn’t argue, exactly, but… “Great. So now that he’s thoroughly traumatized, would you please bring him back down? Carefully, and with no harm done?”
“That’ll be three dates.”
“That’ll be my fist in your stomach if you push this further.”
“Promises, promises.” Mike didn’t move back, but nodded, and Jon came down.
The boy landed beside them gently, like a feather. He looked thrilled. He was soaking wet, which just emphasized how unhealthily thin he was under his mismatched clothes. He stared at Martin as if he’d never seen another person. “Hi!” he said. “Why is it so cold up there? Doesn’t heat rise?”
“Have you been eating at all?” said Martin.
Jon blinked. “I traded for plenty of food.”
“Clearly, you have not. Mike, why the hell is he wet?”
“No reason.”
“Did you fucking mark him? ”
“You said he’s Uncertain. What harm could it do?”
“That was amazing!” Jon blurted. “I’ll never forget it. Such bliss—being nothing, not mattering at all, it was so freeing! I thought I’d fall forever. How does it feel like you're falling forever? How does that work?”
“You…” Martin shook his head. “We may have to cut your hair off after that. It’s practically matted.”
“Sure,” said Jon. “But who are you, and why did this happen?”
“I…. can’t answer that yet,” said Martin, truthfully.
“So,” said Mike. “Here’s a weird thing. He’s still unmarked. And I tried.”
“Well, if he isn’t Aligned,” Martin began.
“He is,” said Mike. “The Vast wants him.”
“It… it does?” Martin stared and squinted. “Why is it so hard to see you?”
“No idea,” said Jon. “You can’t tell me, either, can you?”
“Not yet.”
“Right? Weird,” added Mike.
“Why didn’t it claim him?” Martin murmured to himself.
“Are you Martin?” said Jon.
Martin’s mouth hung open for a second. “I… yes. How did you know that?”
Jon shrugged. His clothing dripped. “My name’s Jon.”
“Okay,” said Martin slowly. “We need to go see someone now, right? You’ve been chosen by the End. Claimed,” said Martin.
“No, I don’t think I have,” said Jon. 
Martin sighed. “You’re old. I mean…”
“I’m fourteen,” Jon said, and his voice cracked.
“Small for fourteen,” said Mike.
“You... okay, no more nonsense. We’ll get a carriage. We’ll have to approach properly and do all the nonsense for visitors. I think if we don’t, Jonah might snipe him on sight, and the whole point of this adventure will be lost.” said Martin.
“He might,” agreed Mike.
“A carriage?” Jon considered. “I’ll get it wet.”
“I”m wet, too, in case you didn’t notice. They’ll manage. And as for you,” Martin said to Mike, “coming or going?”
“Oh, I’m not going to miss this,” said Mike.
“Where are we going?” said Jon.
“The tower.”
“What’s that?”
“Where the Heart of the End reigns.”
Jon looked awed. “Do you work for the Heart of the End?”
“I do.”
“Did he send you?”
“Then why are you here?”
That was a damned good question. “I…  you know, I’m not entirely sure,” said Martin.
“Geez, he won’t stop asking questions,” said Mike.
“Sorry,” said Jon, and looked down, visibly unhappy for the first time in this whole event.
“Don’t be,” said Martin, who felt so odd about this kid’s sorrow. “Listen, this is Mike.”
“I know.”
“How do you—damn it, we are wasting time,” said Martin. “If Oliver really wants you, he’s going to send more Fingers.”
“Who’s Oliver? What exactly are the Fingers? Did you know they’re empty? Why would he send more? How do the Fingers work without a soul inside them?”
Mike laughed. Martin looked at him in exasperation. “He’s got to be Eye,” said Mike. “All those questions.”
“It doesn’t explain any of the rest of this, if he is,” said Martin, and he hailed a passing carriage. “Fingers are still coming, so we’ve got to go.” He hopped lightly in, then, bracing himself, offered his hand.
Jon looked at it. At the manicure, at the fine, embroidered jacket and the peek of silk sleeve beneath, at the rings he wore, shiny and clean. He looked at his own hand—brown, nails jagged, covered in mysterious lines. “All right,” he said, and climbed into the carriage on his own. “I’m sorry I got you dirty, Martin.”
“It’s fine.”
“Ooh,” said Jon, running his fingers over the fabric of the seat while Mike climbed in behind them. “What’s this material?”
“I have no idea.” Martin rapped the roof of the cab. The horse (dead of course, wearing blinders only because of current fashion trends) immediately trotted off, having acquired its destination from Martin’s mind.
“How do they attach all this golden ornamentation to the roof?” 
“I’m… not sure.”
“This is going to be a fun ride,” said Mike with a grin, and ignored Martin’s sidelong glare.
chapter five
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midwinterhunt · 2 months
tell me more about Sol 👀 I've been laughing about "thinks he's average but everyone else thinks he's hot af" since I read it
Lol, for sure. When he was a teen his best friend used to tease him about how he'd have a girlfriend/boyfriend faster than anyone else on the crew. He hated it.
He *has* used his looks to manipulate people on jobs before. He REALLY hates doing that. He 100% CAN seduce the BBEG, but he would rather do literally anything else.
Also here are some angsty facts to balance the silly ones you've been getting (and also because apparently this is the mood i'm in)
He struggles with addiction. He's scared to deal with his problems a lot. So when something big comes up, he drinks his problems.
For example, when he was having severe nightmares and being haunted by literal ghosts he spent months drinking caffeine to get through the exhaustion and just pretending everything was fine until he literally began to collapse and Liithal had to pull an intervention before he killed himself.
When Liithal was missing and they couldn't find her, he started drinking to try to dull his anxiety and grief. He couldn't fix the situation, but he couldn't live with it either. So he drank until he literally blacked out. Again, his friends needed to pull an intervention.
When he isn't having a crisis, he's fairly reasonable with it all, but caffeine and alcohol are not things he is going to be able to entirely cut out of his habits.
On a lighter note, he didn't have horns until his time on Dathomir! Those came in when he tried to heal an injury after being thrown into the pools and he needed to revert his body back to "how it should be" which accidentally included him having horns, wider shoulders, and a slightly deeper voice. Yay for space fantasy transition goals!
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sunnyie-eve · 1 year
That's a lot(Pt.8)
Series: Never Leave You | OBX
Paring: (JJ Maybank x OFC! Rafe Cameron x OFC!)
Word Count: 2790
Warnings: mention of abuse, JJ being jealous, unlikely conversation, angst, hinted death
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"Morning, Callie, you're busy today so you can't leave with JJ." Joey stops them as they walk downstairs.
"We're actually kind of busy today." JJ tells him.
"Too bad. Callie, you're ride is waiting outside to take you." Joey tells her.
"Fine." She and JJ walks out to see Rafe smiling. "He's my ride?" She looks back at Joey standing the doorway and he nods his head. "Tell Kie and Pope." She look at JJ and he heads off.
"Ready?" Rafe smiles.
"Not really." She goes with him and they head out to this random house because it wasn't the Cameron's. "Rafe, why am I with you?" Callie asks as he takes a seat.
"My dad asked for help from Joey about me. My dad said if I spend a few hours with you and you tell Joey we had fun, he'll let me back into the house." He picks up a beer.
"You expect me to lie? Because I'm not having fun and don't plan on having fun with you." She takes a seat far away from him. "Why are you such a dick?" She asks him after a few minutes of silence.
"I'm not. I'm completely a normal person."
"You're not? Okay. So you're not violent, unstable, and troubled. Physically aggressive towards others. You're not a cocaine addict that appears to suffer from some severe form of psychosis. You don't obsessively seek for your father's attention and favor. Yeah, you're a completely normal person, Rafe." Callie gives him a smile.
"So I may have a drug problem." He groans.
"May have? No, you a 100% have one. When did you're drug abuse start?" She asks him starting to annoy him.
"That's none of your business."
"If I'm stuck here for a few hours with you... I think I would like to get to know you." She gets up taking the beer out of his hand to drink.
"Few years ago, I think. I don't exactly remember when. And I hate how you know all those things about me you listed off. But you missed one good thing. I may argue with Wheezie at times but I get along better with her. We bond over the fact that Sarah is our dad's favorite. I have some empathy when it comes to her." He looks at Callie as she sits down. "I wish I could be better and just make my dad proud of me but it's impossible to be the man he wants me to be when I have a drug problem."
Callie actually started to feel bad for Rafe which she hated because he has beat the shit out of JJ and Pope. "You know getting help isn't that bad of an idea. You have your whole life ahead of you still and you're just flushing it down the toilet way earlier. I know living in a shitty family setting is hard." Rafe gives her a look, "And I mean behind close doors. Not lifestyle wise."
"How was your life shitty?"
"My father verbally abused me and he did the same to my mother. He never laid a hand on us... until one night he snapped trying to murder my mother. He went to prison, she ran away leaving me behind, and my aunt got custody over me. I had to move away from here to go live wit her and Joey. I thought I'd finally be free if the abuse but I didn't. Joey is worse than my father. Verbally and physically abusing me and my aunt. He's harassed me in all kinds of ways. I've gone through all of that and still going through it and never once turned to anything or turned violent."
Callie tells him looking down at her hands and Rafe stands up to sit next to her, "You got it worse than me, Cal." He chuckles so she looks at him.
"Thanks for laughing." She downs a beer.
To pass the time the two just drink and get high hoping it would make the time go by faster. Callie just wanted to go home or back to her friends. "Why are you looking at me?" Callie sees Rafe staring at her out of the corner of her eye. "Hello." She turns snapping her fingers in front of his face before he smashes his lips on hers.
She tries to push him away but he was over powering her as he leans her back. He forced his tongue into her mouth without hesitation as she was still trying to get him off her. She hated to admit but he was a good kisser but not as good as JJ. It didn't feel right either but slowly she gave in since fighting back wasn't working. Rafe pulled his mouth away from hers suddenly, a smug grin on his lips.
Callie finally shoves him back standing up leaving him, "Callie!" Rafe rushes after her.
"Leave me alone. I'll tell Joey we had fun but I started to feel bad." She says walking away with him following still.
"Callie!" Rafe yells so she stops walking to face him.
"What do you want?" She shouts at him.
"Me?!" Callie laughs at him as he walks up to her, "Well you can't have me, Rafe. Just because we had one sorta decent conversation doesn't mean shit. I still don't like you because you're a shitty person." She laughs as he crashes their lips. "God, damn it!" She backs away and walks away ignoring his yelling this time.
Callie goes home telling Joey they hung out having a good time getting to know each other but she started to feel back so she came home.
In her room her aunt walks in shutting the door behind her, "How was it with Rafe?" She takes a seat in her bed.
"We had one kinda decent conversation then he forced himself on me kissing me." Callie gives her a smile.
"I'm sorry." Tess apologizes to her.
"It's fine. He's not a bad kisser." Callie laughs to make it not feel as bad."
"I know you love being with your friends but don't leave the house today so Joey can calm down some. Please." Tess gives her a look so Callie nods her head.
For the rest of the day. Like stayed home like she was told too. It wasn't until last at night JJ came through the door groaning, "You missed a shit ton of stuff by the way. Ward killed John B's dad. He's slightly missing. Pope and Kiara argued over John B since Pope has his interview tomorrow. For once I had to step in and take responsibility. How was your day?" JJ plops down onto her bed.
"We just drank and got high to pass the time. We had one sorta decent conversation. Oh, and he kissed me again when I tried to push him off of me." She gives him a smile as she was going through her closet.
"Rafe kissed you! And you said again?" JJ sits up quickly.
"He tried the night of Midsummer. He kissed me last night and today twice." Callie rolls her eyes.
"That's fucking asshole. You're my girl no one else's." JJ makes Callie laugh walking over to him.
"I'm your girl?" She stands in front of him.
"Yeah." He wraps his arms around her waist looking up at her. Callie gives him a head nod making him happy.
In the morning, Callie, JJ, and Kiara head to John B's for him to tell them he went to Tannyhill but finds the gold completely gone. Cameron Construction units were outside the house letting him know Ward was definitely the one who took the treasure.
"Guys!" Pope runs to the others at the dock, "Oh, God. I ran all the way here." He bends over out of breath before mentioning Ward and the airstrip and the plane
Back on the plan to steal the gold they watch from afar. The group watches Sarah and her dad butting heads before Ward forces her onto the plane. John B immediately drives through the fence making the group yell what the hell was he doing. John B drives and blocks the runway, forcing Ward to stop the plane.
"Guys, I can't get arrested." Pope says as police sirens are heard.
"I'm on probation." JJ adds.
"Look, we're no good if we're all in jail." Kiara tells the group so they run off leaving John B.
While they wait out they see the plane fly over causing Pope to break and brake every thing. Kiara kept yelling his name but Callie told her he needed to let it out.
"I was wondering when this was going to happen. Here you go, chef." JJ holds out the vale of weed to Pope, "A little weed never hurt no one." Pope takes it since he lost his scholarship.
John B shows up so they rush over to him to see his hands bloody. Later in the day John B after telling the group really happed he decides to go to the sheriff's office to report what happened.
"Start the car, Kie! Go! Go!" John B jumps back in making the other panic and drive off. All night they hide out in the car to avoid the police looking for John B.
"So, um... okay, bad news. The ferry's closed, and there is this." Pope shows them the wanted flyer, "Okay, so the whole island's lookin for John B right now."
"That's a lot of money. Literally anyone will turn you in for that. Any Pogue would too. Wait, JJ, does your dad still have the cigarette boat? The Phantom. The one he used to race." Callie asks him.
"Great, let's give it. You can get right I'm the coast, no problem." Pope starts the car.
"It's not going to be easy, Pope. I don't know where the keys are." JJ tells him while Pope makes a scene sing he's so high.
"Your car's on the poster." John B speaks up and Pope honks the horn getting people's attention pointing out John B so Pope takes off.
"I should be the last to say this, but you are not okay to drive. Stop!" JJ shouts at Pope so he slams on the breaks.
"John B, get out." Pope looks back at him.
"He's right. We'll draw the cops, you run. I'll get the rig, and I'll meet you in the dump tomorrow, okay. Three o'clock." JJ says as John B gets out taking off.
Pope and JJ get high while they keep driving around pissing Kiara and Callie off.
"Pull over!" Kiara yells so Pope does as he said making JJ laugh so Callie glares at him.
"JJ, it's not funny, he shouldn't be driving." Callie says as Kiara gets out of the car.
"Mama's mad." He smiles holing out the blunt to her.
"No. Stop it." She pushes his hand away as Pope climbs over to the passenger seat for Kiara to drive to the Cameron's for Sarah.
Pope goes with her while the other two wait at the car, "Come on, relax some." JJ massages Callie's shoulders as they stand outside the car.
"Relax? Our best friend is wanted for murder while the real killer is in that house but no one will believe the truth." She moves her shoulders so he turns her to face him, "Don't look at me with those eyes."
"What am I doing?" He smiles resting his forehead to hers, "Callie, I love you. I've loved you since the day I saw you in kindergarten but was too scared to talk to you until the fourth grade when John B started talking to you."
"JJ, it's not exactly the right time to be doing this. We need to focus on helping our best friend then our feelings for each other. Trust me, I want this but we need to wait and you're incredibly high right now." Callie holds his face in her hands.
"I just wanted to tell you." He holds her before the other two come back and head to The Wreak to spend the night.
- While Pope goes to get gas for the boat, the other three pack up food for John B's trip off the island. As they head out Kiara's parents show up asking where was she.
"Where you even going to tell us? Callie, and your aunt Tess is worried about you and JJ." Anna tells the girls before trying to stop them from leaving.
Callie and JJ felt bad as Kiara kept apologizing to her mother as she gets in the car to drive off to JJ's place. Kiara asks if he wants them to go with him and he said no as they pulled up to his place.
As he gets out of the backseat the girls watch him go inside the house, "So you two?" Kiara speaks up so Callie looks at her, "You two are a good match." She smiles.
"He told me last night he's loved me since kindergarten before I even knew he existed. But I agree with you, just right now isn't the best time to get together. John B needs us to focus on helping him." Callie looks back towards the house.
"I agree." Kie says as JJ gets back in with the key so they head off.
When they get to the boat Kie didn't think it was a junker after JJ takes so well about it. "Really? She's right there, Kie. She can hear you. Let's just put it this way. You would not be smokin weed right now is she never existed, okay?"
"You talk like you love this boat more than Cal. And yeah, I know. It's obvious." Kie smiles at the two and they think Pope showed up.
"Hey, there. What's goin on? JJ. How you guys doin?" Rafe walks in, "Nice to see you again, Cal."
"You look like shit, Rafe. Can't get your hands on your cocaine?" Callie says as Barry walks before pointing a gun at JJ.
"See, don't think I forgot about me and you in the side of the road. I'm here because I want my motherfuckin money." Barry hits him.
"JJ! JJ!" Callie goes to help him so Rafe moves her and Kie away asking for John B.
"I don't know!" Kie slaps him across the face then says she knows he killed Peterkin making him grab her by the throat.
"Rafe! Let her go." She shouts so he shoves her far with his other hand and she sees Pope show up. The boys overpower Barry and Rafe so they rush to get away with the boat.
When they have the Phantom ready for John B, he shows up but Sarah wasn't there at the dock so John B had to leave for the sake of time.
"Hey, hey. I'm sorry for basically... throwing us off a cliff with this whole treasure hunt thing." He tells his friends and they say they love him.
"You okay?" JJ asks as they walk away a few feet as John B left.
"Not really but he has to go." Callie takes his hand into hers and they see Kie and Pope kissing, "Thought no Pogue on Pogue macking?" She giggles looking at JJ.
"The rule has already been broken a few times." He smiles as cops show up pissed that John B is out on the water.
The four are taken having to go wait at the base being watched. JJ held Callie's hand as they just sat around when their friends were being search for. Once the power on the island came back on, they spotted the boat so boats went fret the two. The only option John B had was to drive out into the storm, so when it settled down they had a search team go out to find them.
"Did you find them?" The four walk over to Shoupe and other deputies.
"So they got away?" Kie asks.
"We, uh... we lost them. I'm sorry."
"You lost them? What do you mean you lost them? Like, they're gone? What are you talking about?" Pope asks worried.
"They took an open boat into a tropical depression, Pope."
"So they're dead? Callie asks.
"We don't know."
"You drove them straight through the storm, man! Are you kidding me? Come here, man! I'm gonna kill you, you bastard!" JJ grabs Shoupe so a deputy pulls him away and Callie tries to calm him down.
"Please stop, JJ. Please." Callie starts to cry so he calms down pulling her into a hug as Kiara's and Pope's parents come in to go comfort them.
"Thank, god!" Tess rushes into the tent going over to the two wrapping her arms around JJ and Callie, "I'm so sorry. I know, it's hard." Tess rubs their backs as they cry.
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mikewheeleranti · 2 years
really basic but taking care of drunk robin and shes like super cuddly and confesses to loving the reader and readers like talk to me about this when youre sober
you know i love you, right?
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basic for a reason ;) its the best!
Robin Buckley x Reader
Warnings: Drunk confessions, Fluff
When you heard somebody knocking at your door in the dead of the night, you thanked any god there might be that your parents weren't home tonight. Although, when you opened your door any annoyance that may have been in your body immediately dissipated.
With her body supporting Robin's limp one, the girl you recognized from Robin's circle of friends spoke up. "Hey, I'm so sorry to bother you this late, I really am. It's just that when we tried to take her home she insisted we go to your place, and-"
"It's fine," you adjusted Robin's weight onto yourself before uttering a thanks and finishing your sentence to Robin, "Hey Rob, whachya' doing?" You closed the front door to your house once sitting her down on your staircase. When you turned back to look at her, it seemed she was already dozing off.
"Hey.. Robin?" You shook her lightly, trying to remind her of the fact that you need to help her into her night routine.
" 'M fine, really." Her words were slurred and messy, leading you to just drag her limp body upstairs into your bathroom. She didn't fight this, only using it as an excuse to hold onto your frame. Once you got there, you trusted her enough to lean on the counter, though her arm was still around you and filled a glass of water up for her to drink. She complied and drank the whole glass, which got you thinking about how much of an easy drunk she was. You dampened a cotton pad with makeup remover and swiped it over her face a couple times, just making sure to take off any possible mascara or other makeup. Noticing that the jeans she was wearing would probably be uncomfortable to sleep in, you pulled away from her and told her you'd be right back. You came into the bathroom again with a change of clothes, simple sweatpants and a T-Shirt.
"Alright birdie, I'm going to leave the bathroom so you can change, okay?"
" M'kay." You walked out of the bathroom and shut the door behind you. Once you were alone for a minute letting her change, you pondered on how she was acting. Going off of how she is sober, you'd think she would be a lot chattier. It seemed she replaced her words with clinginess. You're interrupted by the door you were leaning against opening, leaving you with nothing but air. You fell slightly backwards, grabbing onto the nearest thing for support which happened to be Robin. This situation ended up in you two being very close and against a wall. You felt your cheeks get hot and muttered an apology before separating yourself from her. You quickly missed the warmth her body provided along with her scent, though being laced with a hint of alcohol.
"You're really pretty, ya know that?" She brought her hand to the side of your face, the pad of her thumb stroking against your cheek. When you thought the heat in your face would stop, she just continued with more heart-stuttering words. "You know I love you so much... Right?" Her voice was still raspy as it always was, but now with it being drowsy as well-you couldn't function. Your heart was now beating much faster than it ever had, when she decided to lean against you once again.
"Cmon Rob... Let's talk about this in the morning, yeah?" You led her to your bedroom before she could answer you. She only answered your question after you had laid her down and tucked her in, looking up at you affectionately. "Alright, g'night."
9:38 A.M.----------------
You were woken up that Sunday morning by Robin shaking you trying to question you about last night and how bad it could've been that she ended up in your bed with you on the couch.
"Ugh, Robin... What?" You were tired and didn't want to talk to anybody, but you could always make an exception for her.
"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know you couldn't be bothered by me-" the sarcasm that wasn't there last night was back, you could see. Your eyes widened and you shot up off the couch. Last night. The night that Robin said she loved you.
"Hello? Excuse me? What happened? Did you hear anything I just said?" You had heard her. She asked what happened last night. It was a question that you both couldn't wait and dreaded answering. You didn't know if she was just drunk or something else of the sorts.
"Yeah- Yeah, sorry Robin um... about last night." She gave you an expectant look before you finished, "You said you loved me?" You looked down at her form sitting on the couch from you jumping up with hopeful eyes. She looked shocked and a hint of something else- was she ashamed? Embarrassed?
"Yeah... What I said was true. I'm sorry [name], I know you're not into girls and I shouldn't have said that-" You cut her off by pulling her up off the couch and kissing her. It wasn't a great kiss, your happiness and eager state getting the best of you, mostly just teeth clashing which is why you pulled away and smiled against her, your foreheads touching.
"I love you too, Robs. I have since we became friends." Your arms were now loosely hanging across each other behind her neck.
"Damn, since 7th grade? Yeah, I heard those crushes never go away."
"My little middle school crush on you will never go away." Those were the last words said before you pulled her in for a softer, sweeter kiss that expressed your love for her much better.
oh god im in love with this woman
double post today because i cant post tomorrow!
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capsensislagamoprh · 2 months
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Otabek sat in the room he shared with Yuri, headphones on, tracks running over his laptop in multiple successions as he bent the beats to flow with each other. Lead ins, drops, overlays, tone shifts - so many changes needed to be done without ruining the integrity of the pieces. His focus was laser sharp, his world reduced to a single fourteen inch screen for hours at a time. He remembered to eat because Yuri brought him things. He remembered biological needs because his body wouldn't let him forget. Aside from running with Yuuri in the early morning (for him, end of the night for Yuuri) he gave himself thirty minutes for grooming, and two one hour breaks to keep his sanity. At precicely ten every night for the last week Yuri would walk in, take his laptop away, and plop down with a litany of complaints from people he'd gleefully told off for 'piss poor taste' and knowing 'fuck all' about track mixing. The exception was Leo, who he seemed to give some credit to after the older man had agreed with his take on the importance of shifting dissonance within the contemporary field. Or, as Yuri had originally said, "Your old people music is going to kill the fucking vibe. Do better."
Christophe promptly drafted Leo into the 'complaint department', which was fine with Yuri.  He wanted someone else to take the heat after he'd been particularly volatile about the Titanic theme song not being right for the wedding or the dance floor. Fortunately Leo had far more tact, pointing out themes and timing, suggesting other options that would fit the same orchestrated grandeur without bringing to mind the death of several hundred in an unforgiving, icy ocean. Yuri almost broke his phone as the entirety of three Celine Dion CDs was dropped into the chat.
At the appointed hour Yuri tugged the laptop away from Otabek, who took a moment to reorient, finally focusing when he saw a cup of tea steaming next to him on the floor. Otabek removed the headphones and set them aside as Yuri dropped between his legs, pressing his back to the brunette’s chest. "Look at this shit," he said without preamble. Holding his phone out where Otabek could see it too as he scrolled through the text chat.
It was pinging wildly, different time zones throwing different songs into the list. "Yuuri is starting to pull his hair again. Victor is thrilled by the attention," he said while puffing blond locks off his eyes. "I'm straight up telling people ‘No’ when they make stupid choices, and Leo makes smart arguments when someone gets really pissy about it."
"He's not so bad, hum?"
Yuri glared up at his friend. "I never said he was. It's JJ who's an ass."
"Hmm," Otabek took a sip of tea. "You never quite told me why you're so mad at him."
"You mean aside from making fun of me and my fans, calling me princess, and being a whole bag of dicks?"
" A whole bag? Really? Seems like a lot."
Yuri rolled his eyes. "It's not like he ever goes out of his way to be nice to me. He just waltzes in, has everything handed to him when he doesn't deserve it, and then just fucks off to the ass end of nowhere to live his perfect little life like he didn't just fuck up everyone else’s."
"He worked hard to learn his skills, Yura."
"Fine. He can skate, kinda," Yuri grumbled reluctantly, "but he's not better than you. You should have metalled."
"Still not over it?"
Otabek chuckled, his breath feathering the blond's hair. "I can't win everything, Yura."
"Obviously not. I'm going to win everything. You should win everything I am not competing in, and when we're competing against each other, you should come in second."
"Is that how it is?"
"Yes. That is how it is."
"So matter of fact."
"I know when I'm right." Yuri made a grabby hand motion in the direction of the cup, not taking his attention away from the messages. Otabek held the cup so Yuri could take a drink of the calming brew, the blur of scrolling suggestions faster than he could keep up with.
"Chris wants to know if you can squeeze out an after party mix. I told him I'd ask, but no promises. You're overworked as it is."
"Umm," Otabek agreed. "Maybe. Depends on how many more changes Yuuri and Victor make. They seem to adjust their song selection often. I did not know they were so indecisive."
"Nah. I think it's because Katsudon doesn't want to piss off anyone and baldy is distracted by shiny things."
"Thank you for dealing with the-" a dark hand waved in the general direction of the phone.
"No problem. I don't get a chance to really let loose on someone with sanction that often."
"You've had sanctions to tell someone they,” Otabek peered at the screen, "have the musical taste of a desiccated mastodon's ... pile?"
"Barely digested shit pile. Yes. It's good, yeah?"
"It paints a picture," Otabek admitted. "When did you get sanctions for language like that?"
Yuri stepsided the question with a very neatly placed, "Anyway." Otabek chuckled, thunking the blond head with his chin. The laptop made a pre-programed grinding nose signaling the current file had finished saving. "That is so disturbing."
"It lets me know what's going on."
"Sounds like it's trying to sand its own model numbers off."
Yuri sat up, tossing his phone to the second futon mat, reaching for the laptop. "Movie time!"
Otabeck gathered up the pillows and spare blanket, propping himself against the wall. As Yuri slid back, pulling himself into his preferred lounging position, he looked through the options, the familiar sensation of Otabek tucking a blanket around them letting him relax. "Something scary?"
"If you like."
"Okay. How about Viy?"
"Think you can make it through this time?"
"Fuck you. I can make it through anything."
"Of course you can, Yura. Your will power is very strong and you are very brave."
"And don't you forget it!"
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7
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creamcitywriter · 3 months
I see the sunrise everyday. If it’s shining I feel the rays beat down on my skin for the 8 hours I’m at work, developing a dark tan in the summer. In the winter, still out there, feeling the wind bite my face, I spit more, cold saliva pooling up on my tongue. And though I never will, I often threaten to relocate to Arizona. It’s better working in the cold; throw on some more layers, move faster, and you’re fine. During those cold and dark months, I also see the sunset everyday- sunrise to sunset I'm out there, putting in my time.
When we’re working in the floor trusses- running stay or skirt and rim board, or working on the roof, when we’re the tallest thing around save for the elevator shaft that we’re building up to, you can see for miles. When I get a free second I look out and just breathe, smile. Because I’m on top.
I was at a job in Walkers Point. Every morning the sun would rise over Lake Michigan and we’d see it come up over the horizon, breaking around the buildings downtown. We’d watch as the city wakes up, hear it come to life. You roll out your tools, and before we’d get rolling just take a second and appreciate it. “Not every job gives you views like this”, you think, and you’re off flying. You work and work, focused on the task at hand, and when you finally get another second to yourself, the city has caught up with you. Cars stop and go, honking, people walking and shouting. That has been my favorite job so far, in the two years I’ve been doing this. It takes that title just for the views.
If you would have asked me at 15, 16, or 17 years old, I’d never say that I want to be a carpenter. Maybe, just maybe, I could’ve put up with finish work for a season. See, I was a creative, too good for physical labor, too good to hump lumber around. The fruits of my labor were to come from my mighty mighty intellect, from the worlds created in the stories I’d write. I had no fantasies about being rich, I knew the life of a writer was one of poverty and hunger, especially if they refused to have any other sort of income, which I imagined I would- partly out of Respect For My Craft, but mostly due to the fact that I couldn’t imagine myself doing anything else. I resided in a world of pure fantasy, enthralled with the lives of the Great Beat Writers and The Great Travellers- Christopher McCandless specifically, though it was more than simple hero worship of a guy who starved to death. It was love with a lifestyle I had never lived. With The Great Push West and the hobo walking down the line, always on the lookout for that big rock candy mountain, a bundle of all he has tied together in a bag on a stick.
But life comes and I had to have some plan for mine after high school besides “write”. Just as big as my desire to write was my fear of living and dying in this little corner of the world. Terrified of ending up having stayed at the same fast food job, smoking and drinking, writing barely enough to justify my lack of life progression. So I said fuck it, applied for community college (primarily out of financial concerns, but also because I did not try at all in high school), and decided on becoming a teacher. English or history, my two favorite subjects. I tried a little more there, but it felt like more of the same. Still living at home, still smoking and drinking copiously, and writing. Not much more than I had before, but the quality was far better. Still, I hated it. I was inside all day, I was sitting down all day. I needed to be outside more, and I needed to be doing something, physically.
This led me to land a job at a landscaping and tree nursery company. I recalled seeing, in summers past, acres upon acres of trees and workers out in those fields, digging up or planting trees. I told the boss I wanted to primarily be a nursery worker, and so I was. What I hadn’t known was that last fall they sold 95% of the land the trees were on, so now the nursery was mostly shrubs and flowers. Maybe only 100 trees, if I’m forced to guess.
I was the waterboy. With my hose I’d drag out from the farm house, sat at the front of the property, I gave life to all those plants. Every morning, pulling that hose up and down the rows and rows of hydrangeas, roses, lillies, and hostas. Listening to music, I was discovering the plain and simple joy that can come from work. The pride at looking out at what you’ve accomplished, seeing the physical result of your labor, feeling the sun beat down on your skin. I loved it. I wanted more. I started going out on jobs with the rest of the crews. Humping mulch, soil, stone, or gravel with the wheelbarrow across the yard and dumping it. Digging a hole and putting a tree in, padding the soil down. I loved it. I wanted more, my ego would not be satisfied with making lawns look nice. I decided on some construction trade, only landing on carpentry specifically when I realized they were the ones building the structure.
It took me a while to get there. I took a little detour down in Guatemala with the intention of coming back home to begin my apprenticeship, but that didn’t work out. I went back to work watering plants and humping soil. I wanted more. I was sick of this little shit. I wanted to run with the big boys, looking at the big union construction sites around town fantasizing about being one of them. I tried my hand again at finding a union apprenticeship but no one was hiring anyone as green as me. So I got a job from an ad on craigslist putting up siding. Even though the boss was a hack, I stuck with it for a couple months, getting enough experience with circle saws and nail guns to be hired on at the company I work for now, building eight stories high. Ever since I’ve been putting in time, putting up walls.
It’s hard work. I will stroke my ego and say that not everyone can do it. It’s physically exhausting, and I thought I was in good shape after those two summers of landscaping where I would often put in up to 14 hour days. But during those first few weeks of framing I thought my back would never stand up straight again. A handful of times I would go right to bed when I got home, skipping dinner, too tired to even put a pizza in the oven. 15 hours of sleep a day, multiple times a week.
But I kept with it, getting the hang of nailing a wall together and my body getting used to the physical labor. Seeing the building all put together- the roof completed, everything tied in together, that sense of pride and accomplishment that was so rewarding from making a lawn look nice was magnified tenfold. You can see a couple buildings I worked on from the highways and whenever I drive past them I look for them, point it out to whoever I’m with. “I built that”, I say. Not “I worked on that”, like other trades have to say. No, I built it, I erected it.
But a job is still a job no matter how rewarding. I sometimes still struggle to find excitement at going in when, at 4:45 am, my alarm goes off. I sometimes still have to deal with people I’d rather not know, my body is sometimes still sore and my knees are beginning to crack, I can’t comfortably kneel on one knee like a normal person, and I still have to tough it out, I still want better compensation and to not be exploited for profit. As far as bosses go, my current ones are the best I’ve had, but they are still bosses and still take the surplus value of my labor.
This is a highly rewarding job, but it’s still a job, it’s still something I have to do in order to stay alive and live in relative comfort. I work eight hours a day, 40 hours a week. Far better than the 11-14 hour days, up to 80 hour weeks I worked while landscaping, yet I still feel that there’s simply not enough time left to do the things that I want outside of work, not enough time, at least, to really enjoy them and not count the hours spent on them and the hours left until I have to get to bed and get ready for the next day.
This September, I drove down to the local Quaker meetinghouse, which includes three acres of land along the river that cuts through the city. I was there to do whatever was needed of me by the land preserve committee. Always punctual, I got there 20 minutes before we were supposed to start and sat in my car, waiting, eventually checking out the land. I made a semi circle around the property, walking slow, and when I emerged from the woods, I was greeted by the head of the committee. The first thing I noticed was her shirt, either a thrift find or one she’s had for years. It was deep green with blue jays on it. We had emailed each other a week or two prior and confirmed that we were the face behind the email. She asked me a couple questions about how I even knew what Quakerism is and what drew me to it. I answered these as honestly as I could without divulging my entire, still evolving spiritual journey. She led me to the woods.
On her feet were dirty old sneakers and at her hip was a clipboard. She relayed to me the history of the land preserve. How the original owner, a teacher, who’d canoe down the river to work, wanted to preserve the land. Scared her children would sell it to developers, she donated it to the Quakers. They built the meetinghouse on the land and have been taking care of it ever since. It’s open to the public, a small section of a larger system of trails which follows the river, nearly extending through the entire northern half of the city.
I was led through the land that she talked about intimately, seeming to know exactly where every plant is, and pointing out things that I could do before she would write said task down on her clipboard. When we emerged on the other side, five more people had arrived. A couple in their late 20’s to mid 30’s, with two kids, and another retiree. Names and pleasantries exchanged, they were given an even briefer summary of what led me to Quakerism than I had given, and there were tangerines and cupcakes available on the deck, which I helped myself to before beginning on the work. Before the head of the committee and I parted ways, she reminded me, “Don’t focus on getting as much done as you can. We’re never really done with this. Focus on the joy.”
It must have been around 9:30 by then and we all split up to go to our designated tasks. Everyone except me, the wife, and the two kids, were either in the garden near the parking lot, or out trimming the trees and weeds that sit between the road and parking lot. I clipped a branch that was protruding in the pathway and tossed it into the ravine, the designated brush pile, and I once again meandered my way around the land, lobbing off the branches I was told to as well as any other I decided needed clipping. After that, I went to a path near the trailhead that was pointed out to me, so covered in weeds you could hardly tell there was a path there. I went down on my knees and began yanking. Pulling and twisting, most of them came up with their roots, though it really didn’t matter if the roots came too. Kneeled in the middle of the path, waddling forward as I progressed, pulling the left side first, setting the weeds there in one long pile, what mattered was what I was getting out of this. It was here that I let my mind wander without guidance, my hands grabbing, twisting, and yanking, as I felt a strange sense of peace approaching, a bliss with no strings attached, a sense of pride and accomplishment just for being alive. But, before I could fully arrive, a runner, a common sight during these mornings, ran by with his dog, sending wakes through my near-tranquility.
The path looked better. That is, it was now clearly a path. By no means would it be featured in a landscaping magazine, but that wasn’t the point. The point in me weeding the path was solely to let people know that, “hey, you can walk here”. As I was told by the head of the committee, they don’t try and make it look as aesthetically pleasing as possible in order to draw more people to it. The primary concern is keeping the paths clear of debris. From there, they try to eliminate invasive species, specifically the harmful ones. If they don’t get to the Parent Plant of a harmless yet invasive species before it spreads, they manage it as it comes up. And finally, try and maintain a polyculture. Upon noticing one species beginning to spread faster than normal, they take out a couple, tossing the young plant into the ravine.
There was still one more thing that I knew needed doing, so I headed to the shack and found a pair of clippers bigger than the ones I had, and walked back down the trail. The previous weeks winds had brought a long, skinny limb down smack in the middle of a main path. I grabbed the thicker end, pulled it off the path, and began trimming it down into pieces small enough to carry to the ravine on the other side of the property. The clippers were rather dull, and in some instances I had to maneuver the blades around or, setting one handle on a rock or something, put all my weight down on the other handle, to finally feel them cut through. It was a bit of a pain but I managed to cut the limb into 15-20 sections, and even worked up a bit of a sweat.
From there I hauled the pieces to the ravine and threw them in. With the calm, take-it-easy advice from the head of the committee at the front of my mind and the strange feeling from pulling weeds a fresh memory, I walked slowly across the land. I looked around the canopy. I saw the light from the sun breaking through the space between the leaves and branches before it hit the ground on which I stood.
7-10 trips from the fallen limb to the ravine, the same path every time. Halfway
through, that same feeling from the weed pulling came back. I acknowledged it and kept on hauling the limbs to the ravine and tossing them in, a little apprehensive, scared that being aware of this feeling meant it wouldn’t last, that it was one of those things that you don’t realize what it is until it’s gone. But it arrived, knowing which stop to get off at, and I fully experienced whatever it was, solely from hauling cut limbs without a really concrete end goal.
I’m learning a trade. I’m only two years into this apprenticeship. I have a lot I could still learn, and I want to learn it. And, like any tradesmen, I think my trade is the most important. I mean, how’re you gonna put any mechanical, electrical, or plumbing into a building with no walls?
Learning a trade, becoming efficient in said trade, is a good end. None of my complaints with the work I have stem from a dislike of this end, of learning my trade. Nor do they come from believing that the mastering of a trade is a less than worthy end. What I do dislike is the connecting of money, my livelihood, to that end. Because you don’t feel the same sense of pride and accomplishment forever. Eventually you only want to learn more about the trade and advance up the ranks for the money rather than obtaining new knowledge and experience in the most important job in the world. That honorable and noble end has been cheapened into a means for a different, less than honorable end.
What end does my volunteering work serve? I say that it serves no end. Yes, I am helping to preserve the land while, ideally, experiencing the shining of the inner light that the Quakers talk about, but those ends can never be finished. With learning a trade, you eventually become a journeyman, maybe even a foreman, until you retire, and that is it. But my hauling of branches from path to ravine is a means to a nonphysical, never ending end, for who decides when the land is sufficiently preserved or that I have experienced my fair share of God’s inner light?
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oloohyeah · 2 years
Let's say that we all are on the titanic, an ocean liner, destination, NYC. Lol, don't worry, I already notified the captain about the ICEBERG. So just relax, everything going to be fine. While many of you gathered on this brilliant autumn night dream weather, a full moon that light a wave less ocean to kiss a flat landscape. There, on the upper deck I saw many of you, as big group Standing together and having a great time, just when I came closer, one of you shouted: Hey friend, what do you have to say about the ten days of this wonderful voyage we will have. And after giggles from many of you I open and said: today we are making history on the best oceanliner of its kind, it’s surly going make our 10 days journey for one great experience. But what if I tell you that in less than 30 years we will be able to do this journey from Europe to New York in less than 7 hours? What happened after I said this, seemed like a surreal spectacle, the woman who stood to my right, almost choked and spewed all the Jack Daniel's she had been drinking out of her mouth. In less than five minutes I found myself walking alone on the upper deck, it kept until the end of the journey. You all avoided to be near me. I'm telling you this story in order to tell you of even better way, much faster then the jet airline that we are custom to for the last 70 years. And what I tell you now (way over due) we can have a vehicle that can take us to any point on the glob in less then a minute. If it's from NY to LA or NY to Nepal it doesn't matter the distance anymore since in both cases it goes out of the atmosphere and then reentered back to the point of your interest. I'm talking about the anti gravity technology that America had achieved nearly 30 years ago, and yes all started from 1947 Roswell NM incident. I won't get in to this, just wish to explain the ability of this exotic technology. The sport model saucer that we got from the EBENS- Extraterrestrial biological entities. After the Grenada treaty. This help to slowly reverse engineer the concept of the anti gravity. Gravity is that invisible force that stick us to the ground. And we learn that in order to achieve distortion of gravity (anti gravity) it have a lot to do with vibration. Lol I have never explain to you while on the titanic how the jet plane works but yet I'm here to explain anti gravity. How nice of me.. OK let's continue. Think about three tubes that assembled in parallel to each other and resemble an amplifier that project an ohmmmm vibration extremely low frequency. That infect all the idea which distorted the invisible force we call gravity, the moment it occurs, the saucer in which the 3 amplifiers stations in the lower part of the vehicle they create a cocoon around the vehicle / saucer a no G land to become a gravity free. It means if you to give the saucer a little push, it will move endlessly since there is no drag and it basically slid endlessly. Many of you that saw on video the crazy maneuver of those saucer accelerate to an enormous speed and then able to turn sharply right or left flawlessly. If f-16 pilot will attempt this maneuver with his f16 jet he will be Crushed on the cockpit, That's coz do to the GeForce. Inside the saucer this maneuvers would feels like a feather move and that do to fact that this distortion wrapped as cocoon around the vehicle which includes the saucer occupants.
So how would it be the ride from Pont to point on the globe?
Lol. I knew you gonna think like 6 flags but unfortunately this feeling belongs to the GeForce. But still there would be some strange feeling if the saucer would come with windows then in no doubt you all going to experience Blurred and smeared for about a minute and as soon as the vision comes back into focus you have reached your destination. So I recommend you to purchase saucer with less windows. OK I want to put all of you in perspective, I’m not telling you a tell from one thousand night and night, this technology really exists a 100% reality, and do not ever forger that NASA YOU BELOVED INSTITUTE WAS CREATED BUY PURE NATZIS, REMEMBER THAT.
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messricet · 2 years
The first threat
The boys are out for a fun day at a muggle amusement park, but things soon take a whole different turn.
" Come on! The line is only getting longer if you slow bros don't hurry up in your lifes just for once!". Sirius yelled at the other three boys. The summer had hit, and the four of them decided to spend their second to last summer together before they would go back for their final year, at an amusement park, a muggle one, of course. It had been the year he himself had ran away from home and fortunately was welcomed by James his parents, who had welcomed him as their own. Treated and accepted him for who and what he was. Which was not so straight. Despite the heartbreak he suffered after running away. The healing he was now experiencing, certainly made up for it.
" Does he ever run out of energy? We've been running around this park for hours now, my feet hurt". Peter complained. Trailing behind Remus and James, like always.
" No, he does not and I told you Pete, you should have put on other shoes than sandals". Remus mused, watching Sirius with a somewhat amused look on his face.
" Thought you would know better than to not listen to Moony by now mate". James laughed, throwing his arm around Peter's shoulder. " Pads, wait up you wanker, what happened to go out together , go home together?".
" You three are so slooooww, no wonder it takes you eons to woo Red". Sirius threw back at James. Nearly avoiding the empty water bottle that was thrown at him.
"Sirius, just slow down a little, we just got our food, studies do say if you go into a ride too fast after too fast you will be more likely to throw up faster". Remus spoke up again. But Sirius just waved him off and shrieked as the line they thought to be waiting for, wasn't as long as they anticipated. "Huh, maybe not such a popular ride after all, or maybe they've closed down?". Remus spoke again.
"I swear to Merlin if this thing is closed because you lot were too slow I'm smacking Peter". Sirius sighed, overly dramatic as usual. But once they reached the ride its gates, the carts were still perfectly lined up and the worker boringly eyed them. " Good day mate what a lovely day to get shit faced ain't it". Sirius grinned, but the guy just reached out his hand for their money." Not very, talkative, must be a muggle thing".
" Shut it Pads". Peter spoke out. All of them buying their tickets and getting into their seats. " I'm just glad this is one that doesn't throw you upside down and into every corner".
" No, in this one you can't see if you piss your pants". James laughed, Sirius joining him in their mock of Peter. Remus just gave Peter a reassuring smile as the boat ride took off. The ride took them through a cave. At times the boats would rock more rougher, faster, go higher , or suddenly dive down lower. Peter got wet the most. Mainly due Sirius and James purposely splashing him throughout the ride. Remus just sat through the whole ride unfazed, bored somewhat even. Which meant, at the end of it, once they got out, he was the first one to notice something off.
" Oi, quiet you lot". The young wizard spoke up. Maybe it were his extra senses that had picked something up that just seemed not right. Or maybe he did because James and Sirius were too busy harassing poor Peter." Guys, I think the park is closed". He said again. But that seemed odd, since the rides were still going. In fact. They were all still going, without people.
" So, I know we had a few drinks before, but we haven't gotten drunk, or high for that matter, speaking of which". Sirius mentioned, but one glance from Remus, was enough for him to raise his hands up in defense. " Fine, later then".
" Remus is right Pads, this is a bit..weird". Even James admitted now, Peter also looking around in confusion. Remus slowly walking ahead, using all his sharpened senses, for the good cause for once, it was after all, a few days til full moon. " Moony, you alright there
¨Mate?". James frowned, eyeing the others with a mild concern for the other. "Hush..". Remus waved at the others, his eyes narrowing, scanning the area." I thought I saw cloaks ". He spoke more quiet now. " Wait, cloaks as in...those cloaks?". Sirius, his tone more serious now, slowly stepped closer to Remus, the others following.
"Yes, I could have just imagined things but..". He still spoke in a quiet tone." Would not surprise me if he would send his followers here, you know, the muggles, or...".
" Or recruit wizards would he know wizards could have been here". James spoke up now, his hand drawing out his wand slowly. " What are you doing, put that away, we are not allowed to use magic outside Hogwarts!". Peter hissed at James, but Sirius too, drew his wand.
" Mate, if those are cloaks, you bet your furry ass, I will use my wand". James hissed back, Sirius agreeing. Remus turned to the other three then, glancing at James and Sirius." Put, those, away, are you both mental? I said I wasn't sure, could just be someone in a raincoat or something ". With it he grabbed both their wands, both of course protesting, and shoving them in his own coat." There is no need for you two to play hero anyway, even if they are!". He whispered at the two
" Why not we can take them?!". Sirius whispered back, James nodding heavily." Agreed, we are just as skilled as them, and we are with the four of us, we can take them, come on Moony give them back". He said
" I think we should just quietly leave". Peter suggested, but got a pair of raised eyebrows from both James and Sirius. " I agree with Peter, let's just leave without commotion ". Remus said again, gesturing them to head to the exit.
" So you don't think it's weird as tits , after we get off the ride, no one, literally, no one is around anymore and suddenly some weird wanker in a possibly cloak walks around? Mate, if they had killed or abducted the muggles, we should do something!". Sirius spoke out again, somewhat irritated. He had been irritated with these followers a lot ever since he ran away from home. But mostly fearful. Fearful his brother would be one of them.
" We are going home and do nothing ". Remus spat back at him." Now is not the time for us to play hero on our own, Sirius. These are highly skilled wizards and witches, they are dangerous. I know your worries, but this is not the right time to find that out". He eyed the three of them, Peter agreeing with him, and James and Sirius, despite still doubtful, knew there was not much of a point arguing with Remus, especially not near the full moon.
" Look, let's just, slowly head to the exit, maybe some rides are just closing down and maybe other people are everywhere else". Peter suggested, reasonably it seemed. " That sounds better than throwing wands around radically". Remus agreed, and James and Sirius , after both groaning and sighing, agreed.
" Bit creepy tho, the rides just keep on going and..". James suddenly stopped dead in his tracks, halting the others too." Did you, hear that too?". The boy frowned. Laughing, laughing from the rides. And screaming, but no one was there." What the fuck man" . Sirius now too gazed around. Wanting to reach for his wand, and eyed Remus in a plea to give it back, which to his own surprise, the young werewolf did, both that of his and James.
¨ No offensive, just stay on guard". Remus said, but felt his hand reach for his own aswel, as they roamed quietly further. The more they got to the exit, the more they saw empty rides. Still going. Even all the workers were gone." What is going on". Peter spoke up, quietly. But his question was answered by a green light, directly towards them, luckily hitting one of the rides. Remus his eyes widened and he grabbed the three of them as much and as fast as he could. " It's him". He hissed, pulling them behind a ride.
" What? Why would He be here himself ". James hissed, all of them having their wands raised in defense." What do you think". Sirius answered quietly. A red light directly at them, hitting Peter only millimetres from his head. The boy letting out an accidental shriek.
"Screw defense!". Sirius yelled, jumping up from behind the ride, James following suit, both of them casting offensive and defensive spells in the direction of an obvious cloaked figure." Get back! Are you both mad!". Remus yelled at them, another red light being cast at the both boys, but it being deflected before they could be hit. Remus standing close next to them.
" Thought you didn't want to interfere ". James said Sirius grinning." Shut up, this is not a game ". Remus shot back. The three of them standing back to back to one another in a triangle now. Covering each others blind spots." Peter get your ass in here". James hissed at the obvious frightened boy. More spells cast in their directions, them with their own skills and pure luck, deflecting them. The spells that are send in their direction, obvious strong. However, one hitting Remus on his wandless hand, leaving a wound.
" Peter, in here now!". Sirius hissed at the boy, his anger flaring through his voice." Peter, now". James urged again. The scared boy behind the ride ,in hiding still, hesitant, but seeing Remus his wounded hand, gathering his courage, jumping up as fast as he can to make their triangle a square of defense and offense. Them seemingly holding their own for a good while. But the attacks stop a while, and the hooded , cloaked figure steps in closer.
" Don't let him tempt you". Remus quietly said to the others. Peter hiding himself more between the others. Sirius and James both trying to stand their guard as tall as they can possible make themselves.
"Such a pair of fine , young, talented wizards". The voice from the cloak, sounding calm, kind even, despite it also sounding eerily cold. "Two pureblood, and two half-blood. What an odd combination. Normally I would rid of such kind instantly, but perhaps you could be of use to me after all".
" We will never join the likes of you". Sirius spat, his wand aimed at the hooded figure." Pads be quiet ". Remus hissed. Their eyes all fixated on the other figure.
" Ah yes, you I have heard of. A Black. Member of the most respected and noble of families. Except, you're no longer so noble anymore, are you boy". A hooded hand reaching out to Sirius, a pale finger, tracing over the boy's cheek. " Don't touch me". Sirius spat back.
" Such fire". The figure then proceeded to circle the group. As if he was observing them one by one. Which he perhaps was. " And you, you are quite special too. Aren't you. It must be tiring, being different. Being treated differently. Being seen as lesser, not feeling you are deserving of many things. Seen as a...monster". The man now stood in front of Remus. Who was in fairness, quite taken aback by the knowledge the figure had about what seemed all of them.
" He's not a monster! You are" James hissed. His wand raised at the wizard in cloak. " You do your blood ancestry proud, James Potter. Such potential, wasted on these muggles is such an unfortunate thing. I could definitely use someone like you, a powerful young wizard such as yourself. Yes". The wizard said, an eery smile almost seen from underneath his cloak. His attention drawing to Peter then, who was literally shaking on the spot. "There is no need to be afraid of me. Not while I can offer so much freedom, freedom to be who you are, to...love who you want". He turned to Sirius for a moment at that. Roaming around the boys a moment again. " You will join me in time, you will see it is the only way. Because if you won't, you will simply die, if not now by my hand, then later and your miserable , unacceptable lifestyles, will be wasted. Wasted because of the love for these muggles. These lesser, unworthy, disgusting beings, breeding with wizards, not to mention populating mudblood, revolting".
" Muggle-born". Peter dared to speak up now." And they are not revolting, they are way smarter than your followers!". His voice quivered, but the other three, sharing in his defensive pride with a shared smirk, knowing it was a certain witch Peter meant. " You dare to talk back in such a tone to me boy? I think I was wrong about the four of you. I think you are deserving of something, death. But not today. No. You shall suffer and I I take, everything, from you. Until you will come crawling to me, begging me to end your lives. To end your suffering pain, when all you came to care for, is destroyed". A gather of laughter, came from other corners surrounding the four of them. His followers, most certainly.
" We will see about that, ready?". Remus eyed the other three, the lot of them nodding, understanding his que.." Now, Fiendfyre!". The four of them cast their wand in the direction of the cloaked figure in unison. Flames bursting from their wands, the figure and his followers, having no choice but to both deflect for as possible and flee themselves from the boys. Giving them the opportunity to flee and hide for cover. But a voice following them, haunting them, green and red lights chasing them. Destroying rides. Aimed at the four of them
"Run now while you still can. Flee while you still dare. But you will either succumb, or you will die by my wrath! Your days are limited!". The voice bellowed, and with the same eering sound as it came, it was gone. The only sound still filling the air, was the sound of the amusement park being destroyed til its near core and laughter vanishing in the night.
" Is everyone alright?". Perhaps it had been thirty minutes, or even an hour, until the boys, still I their hiding spot, managed and dared to come out. James had asked the question. All their faces pale. Surely they had been very brace, but they could not foll one another and deny they had not been frightened. Peter was the most pale of all of them. Remus just seemed buttered and Sirius still had his anger still clear in his face. " Oi, we are not letting that bastard get to us, alright? At the the end of the day, he's just another bigoted wanker, who's high on his ass, thinking he is better than any of us. But he's not, okay? And we will be alright as long as we stick together. Always together, remember?". James spoke up, his hand reaching out with a balled hand. Sirius was the first one to crack a little smile again and nod, bumping his fist against that of James. " of course , always together ".
" Rem?". James looked over at Remus, who's bitterness was still obvious. " Fuck him man, don't think about it for a second, what does he know, knows nothing besides, I got you. We all do, you know that". His fist reaching out to Remus. The other slowly nodding with a smile, bumping his fist against that of James." I'll just ignore you casually called one of the possible most powerful upcoming wizards a wanker, but then again, he is bit of a tosser really".
" Of course he is, have you seen his cloak? Who even wears that". Sirius joked, watching a still shaky Peter." Wormy?". James turned to Peter, reaching out his fist to the other. Peter studied it for a moment. As if it was almost alien. The hooded figure words echoing in his thoughts. "Pete". Remus shook him a moment." James is right, that I have to admit but for only this time. As long as we stay together, we will be alright ". His voice was soft, Peter eyeing him with red eyes." Come on, bring in the bump Petey". Sirius said patting the boy´s shoulder. " We got you". He said reassuring and of course meant it.
" Yeah, of course, always together ". Peter said still shakily, bumping James his fist. " See? We are badasses". James joked. " We are the Marauders, and we are not going to let some paley assed bastard tell us what to do or what not to do, now let's go home. I'm sure the news tomorrow will be sad enough seeing what happened here, so we might aswel grab a drink and pay our respect to the fallen tonight ".
The other three quietly agreed, locked arms around each others shoulders and walked out of the amusement park. Their summer they would spent together and their promise a bond yet unbroken. But all of them knew their next summer, would never be the same
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Can I request the tall boys (Childe, Zhongli, Diluc, Kaeya + anyone else you think you wanna add or change (except maybe Childe because I love him)) reacting to you having animal-like features (like ears and tail)
What they would do if by some accident they themselves end up getting animal features (like fox ears and tail for Childe, cat ears and tail for Kaeya or Diluc, dragon features for Zhongli, etc) do they become clingy and display cat behavior of rubbing themselves on you? Something like that aaaa I'm so sorry if this doesn't make sense it's my first time requesting
experiments gone wrong
(eehe these men *cough* zhongli *cough* will be the death of me) 
Warning -> sfw, fluff (kissing, character suddenly acquiring animal like features) 
Character X GN Reader | anthology 
Includes: Childe, Kaeya, Zhongli 
As an alchemist, you really should have remembered the most important rule -> don’t leave unmarked bottles out where people can drink them …
So you couldn’t be too surprised by the turn of events that followed
He went to bed earlier than normal, but you didn’t think anything of it. Perhaps he had a terrible day and just wanted to sleep it off, there wasn’t any reason to pester him about it anyway. 
The next morning, you felt him slip out of bed, a yawn falling from his mouth as he made his way toward the bathroom. Turning, you claimed more of the bed and attempted to sleep just a little bit longer. That was until you heard a wild cry and shot up in an instant. You were already partially out of the bed when Childe burst into the room. 
He looked at you, you looked at him, and as your eyes drifted from his ears to his tail, you understood his reaction. 
“WHAT?” He shouted into the bedroom. 
Oh archons, to see him like this … you wished it was easier for you not to think about how adorable he was, but it was impossible. The soft ears that peeked from underneath his hair, the fluffy tail that didn’t know how to stop moving, and the frantic face he gave you were all just perfect 
“What happened??” He asked, running back to the mirror before returning his attention to you. Quickly, you made your way to his aid and did your best to calm him.
“I’m not sure, did you do anything strange yesterday?” You pulled his face toward you, cupping your hands against his cheek and running your fingers through his hair. 
“Not that I know of … uh, oh! I found this …” He reached for a small bottle on the bathroom counter and handed it to you. Shit.
“Did you drink this??”
“ … yes.” 
“CHILDE!” You burst into laughter, knowing it wasn’t the right time but also unable to control yourself. His expression was distressed and worried and, as best as you could, you tried to bring yourself back to calm. “This wasn’t supposed to be consumed …” 
“A-am I going to die?” 
“No, you’re just going to be, well, this it seems.” 
“How long??” 
“I don’t know, a few days maybe.” He dropped his head into his hands, his ears drooped and his active tail dropped toward the ground. Wrapping him in your arms, you offered him reassurance while trying not to laugh. “You’re very cute though.” 
You caught sight of his tail moving slowly back and forth and added more pressure to your hug. 
He found that it wasn’t as bad as he thought, in addition to the extra features, he also was able to gain other advantages - his eyesight was much better in the dark, his sense of smell more keen, his agility top notch 
You were sure he had grown attached to them in the short time he had them - so when the option came for him to revert, you were sure it would be a tough decision 
Still - to keep him trapped like this, with features that weren’t his own - you didn’t want to be cruel 
“Here,” You put the bottle down in front of him. His ears perking up at the item and his fingers reaching to grab it. “All you have to do is drink that and everything should go back to normal.” You said with a slightly wistful tone to your voice. It was somehow sad to think these adorable additions leave would be gone soon. 
“What if it doesn’t work?” 
“I’m not sure. We will just try again if it doesn’t though.” Quickly, he took the cork from the lid and moved the vial to his lips. His ear twitched as he smelled the concoction. “I’ll miss this.” Resting your head in your hands you watched as he downed the liquid in one go. 
“It’s hard for people to take me seriously like this …”
“Did people take you seriously before?” You joked, winking at him. 
The next morning, he stirred in bed next to you, his hair brushing against your face and making you wake up before you wanted to. As your eyes adjusted, you instantly recognized what you thought was hair was actually ears and the giddiness of your heart jump-started you awake. It didn’t work -- oh no, guess you’d have to keep trying. 
Waking up next to Kaeya was your favorite thing. It was an opportunity for you to be close to him, to witness his relaxed expression, and know that in these moments he trusted you over anyone else. 
So, when you woke and found him pressed against you, your hands absentmindedly began to run through his hair, over his shoulders, as you meandered your way into the waking world. There was something soft that flicked against your hand, but you pushed it away. It happened again, confused, mouth turning into a scowl and eyes rudely being pried open, you looked down to see what was making you irritated. 
You were wide awake when you saw the cat ears sticking out from Kaeya’s blue hair. They were richly shaded, deep blues with tips of white and perfectly placed on his head. Shifting, you tried to get a better view and the action made him stir. 
“Mmm, stop moving.” He mumbled, wrapping his arms around you and holding you steady. Tapping his arm, you tried to get his attention. 
“K-Kaeya …” 
“What is it?” 
“Do you feel okay?” You asked, your voice shaking and hands hovering over his ears. 
“I feel perfectly fine, why do you ask?” He kissed your chest before nuzzling back into his place. 
“You … you’ve got cat ears.”
He laughed and pushed your comment away. His legs moved under the sheets and you swore you saw something poke out from the bed. “You’re pulling my leg, I didn’t know you could be this funny so early in the morning.” 
“I’m not, see.” Stealing his hand you placed it on his head and watched as his fingers ran over the ears which were sticking straight up. When his eyes shot open and his hand began to move faster, pulling, tugging, examining the feature, you tried not to laugh as his confused expression turned into a slight panic. He shot up, his legs moving so he could sit on the bed but winced when he did so. That’s when the both of you saw the tail. 
“Hold on, let me get ready, just … don’t freak out.” 
You rushed around the room to gather up your items, your gaze continuously falling on the incredibly still, unmoving frame that was Kaeya. 
After calling on Albedo to come and offer assistance, only to find that the features would be around for a few days … Kaeya started to get more accustomed to them 
He was for sure rattled but bounced back rather quickly - in fact, the features seemed to get him even more attention than he had before and he found that the added bonuses were helpful when he needed them for his knightly tasks 
Not to mention it seemed he was more affectionate than normal, and not in the way he normally was, it was more in a … cuddly, interested, curious manner 
One evening, you found yourself reading over several books that Albedo had recommended and became rudely distracted when Kaeya pushed his way under your arms and nestled into your lap
“Hey there.” You called down to him, hand dropping to his shoulder as he nuzzled against you. 
“Give me attention.” 
You laughed at his pouting expression, his lips turned downward and ears twisting to show he could be trusted. “I’m currently trying to figure out how to fix this, I can’t do that if I’m giving you all my attention.” His eye squinted for just a moment before he moved more into your lap and nearly pushed the book in your hands onto the floor. “Kaeya!” The playful laughter that filled his ears was as tantalizing as the drinks he let touch his lips. 
“You can figure that out later. How can you possibly resist me right now anyway?” He asked, pushing against you until your back pressed into the couch and his hands weaved their way around your body. His hair tickled your face as he nuzzled into your chest and, even though his hips dug into yours, you didn’t seem to mind the closeness he was trying to find. 
“Okay. Fine, I’ll look into it more later.” 
“What excellent news.” He practically purred as he slid his way to your neck and let his body rest against you.
It’s been so long since he saw himself with such features - and, to be honest, he didn’t notice them for some time. It wasn’t until you returned and the items in your hands fell to the floor upon seeing him that his attention was captured
“Zh - Zhongli!?” You babbled, making your way to him and not knowing what to rest your eyes on first. Was it the pair of elegantly shaped horns that sprouted between his brown locks of hair? Was it the golden slits in his eyes that reminded you of the reptiles roaming around the rocky paths of Liyue? Or did you look at the scales that decorated his face in such perfect placement? 
“Has something transpired?” His expression was one of concern, but also one of disillusionment. Did - did he not notice? 
“Are you feeling nostalgic today?” 
“Not particularly, what makes you ask?” 
“Well … you look kinda like … I mean hold on.” You quickly disappeared down the hallway before returning with a small handheld mirror, one that Zhongli had purchased for you some time ago. Handing it to him, you waited until it started to register on his face the changes to his appearance, and that’s when you noticed the long claws which jutted out from his nail beds.  
“Huh, this is peculiar …” 
Sitting down across from him, you placed your hands on the table and watched as he examined the reflection of his face. “So you didn’t do this?”
“I must say that I did not, though It is rather pleasant to see …” His voice trailed off and you watched as he fussed with his hair, touched the horns on his head, and opened his mouth to check and see if - yup, he had canines much like a dragon too. That’s when it hit you. 
“Did you … drink anything strange?” 
The mirror found its place upside down on the table, his glowing eyes shifted to you as he took in your question. You let him think and finally, he gave you his answer. “I do recall there was a strange vial on the counter when I awoke. Ah - my dear, are you unwell?” He asked as your head dropped onto the table. 
The strangest thing about Zhongli holding these features was that he seemed … perfect for them and it was becoming quite the problem to hide
You were much too cautious that someone may discover who he really was with these pretty telling additions to his wardrobe, so you asked him to stay home for a while until you could get some answers
He didn’t seem to mind, and when you were finally able to gather up all the items needed to prepare an antidote for his condition, you were finding it very distracting to make the concoction at home 
The bubbling liquid warned you it was much too hot and so, with adept fingers, you turned the nobs and burners down so as to not overheat or scald the liquid inside. The aroma that filled your nose was … unpleasant to say the least, and so you finally succumbed to the need to wrap your nose in a clean cloth. 
Turning your back to the equipment, you made your way toward the drawer where the rags were kept but when your eyes caught sight of Zhongli standing by the window, you nearly fainted. 
He was wearing a robe, the material had slid down one of his arms and rested in the crook of his elbow. It gave you pause and allowed you to see the toned torso which was normally hidden by the layers of clothing he wore on a regular day. 
Since he found no need to properly get dressed, he had reserved himself to lounge about in clothes that felt ‘more suitable’ to him, as he explained. 
The light from the sun flashed across his chest, laid softly against his face, and illuminated the golden speckles in his hair - you wondered if it was because of the horns, perhaps they were reflecting the light and making him look ethereal in the warmth of the sun. He crossed his arms and shifted his weight as he looked beyond the window, almost as if he was yearning for something far beyond his reach. 
“I think I’m nearly done.” You explain, tying the towel around your face and returning, reluctantly, to the concoction behind you. 
As you began to spoon out the unnecessary ingredients until you were only left with the pure grade potion, you didn’t notice how he had moved to your side until the small vial was filled. 
“Here you -- oh!.” He stood right in front of you. His eyes were dangerous, burning, focused. “I didn’t see … you …” He reached around to the back of your head and skillfully undid the makeshift mask you had created moments ago. When it was off, he took the vial in his hands and placed it onto the counter before returning his attention to you. “Are you … okay?” You asked, tracking the movements of his face as he leaned down toward you. 
His lips hovered barely over yours and the closeness of him made your heart flutter. “You are mine, are you not?” His voice rattled your bones from the intensity, it was oppressive and supportive all at the same time. 
His lips pressed against the corner of your mouth, “You belong to no one else?” 
“No …”
It’s a good thing the instructions never said anything about, ‘consume immediately’ because you were very distracted for some time. 
tag list: @star-gods @mercurysmaiden @dourpeep @clemmywrites @pepperoncinipizza @handswritteeen @lucifucker @beelsdessert @odafashioned @coolcats09 @ninqat @musekala @sufzku @mooshymello  @heavenlyang @plenilunegazes @glazelilyy @justyoureverydayqueer @idunkar @solowmomo @twokissesforamelia @the-mermaid-of-mondstadt @fuwon @goat-mama-breezie @angelmelt @lucacandy @shesleire @mariana @zentoruu @smol-knife @nightlywallows @aoirohi @nitorious-ghost @mguerra11 @maiiikoo @actstfbla @youaskedfurret @nonniechan @evolcahra @tempehlust @zenith-impact @plumpkie @jaggedsi @salty-salty @onlyhereforinteractivestories @gultonluvv @shy-specter @liebestraumss @jaemjenjam @softlybeloved @anatthesavage
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